Pro-Military Media MattersPro-Military Media Matters FREE FALL 2022 / Volume 3 / Issue LIBERTYLIFEMEDIA.COM1 Supporting the Military, Veterans, and their Families across The Liberty Coast Join the Defenders Network Free Resource We Built This For You The Defenders Network Supports Military, Veterans, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMT and their Families. ‘ROCKET MAN’ HONORING Return in SuperOurHornetsPACTwithVeteransChanning Moss Beats The Odds

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LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 | 3

I encourage Veteran households to complete the 2022 Northeast Florida Veterans and Families Needs Assessment ( before Wednesday, September 21st. The anonymous, 10-minute survey will help identify Veteran’s needs and the plans to address them.
Pro-Military Media Matters. Thank you for reading and advertising. For more promilitary news, anniversaries and event information, visit LibertyLifeMedia.Org.
Joe U.S.SnowbergerNavyMustang Veteran (Ret) Publisher | Liberty Life Media U.S. Navy Photo by Photographer’s Mate 1st Class Darryl S. Herring / Wikimedia Public Domain
4 | LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 FROM THE PUBLISHER’S LAPTOPLiving the Liberty Life FALL 2022/VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1 4 FROM PUBLISHER’STHE LAPTOP 5 PUBLISHER’S CUT: Be A Barnabas 6 ‘ROCKET MAN’ Channing Moss Beats The Odds 8 CLAY COUNTY HAS A CLEAR VISION 10 ONE CITIZEN’S MISSION TO APPRECIATE MILITARY SERVICE 11 LIBERTY LIFE FEATURE: The BLUE ANGELS and The NAS JAX Air Show 14 WHAT’S NEW WITH THE BLUES 18 CHANGING VETERANS’ LIVES THROUGH CARE COORDINATION:MeetKristleHelmuth 20 PRIOR ENLISTED SOLDIER LEADS CAMP BLANDING 20 HONORING OUR PACT ACT 26 NEWS & GOUGE LibertyOnlineLife LIBERTY LIFE STAFF: Art Director Susan Jones US Army Veteran Spouse Contributor Christina Swanson US Army & Navy Civilian Employee Automotive Advertising Staci Manager@AutoSourceWeekly.comEdwards Liberty Life Media welcomes editorial, photographic and calendar contributions. Submit stories, events, people, milestones and military/ Veteran discount offers at Pleasewww.LibertyLifeMedia.Comshareandrecycleissues. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. 31 5th Street, Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233-5307 Copyright © Signals Publishing, Inc 2020-2022 President•Sam Taylor•SamTaylor1342@Gmail.Com Want to be a Liberty Life pick-up location? Email SamTaylor1342@Gmail.Com Advertising Sales Sam Taylor, Pro-Military (904) 860-2465, SamTaylor1342@Gmail.Com Publisher Joe Snowberger, U. S. Navy Mustang (Ret) (904) 476-7861 Publisher@LibertyLifeMedia.Com Email: Navy.League.JaxCouncil@Gmail.Com The NAS JAX Air Show is back with New F-18 Super Hornets and so is the Navy League VIP Chalet on the Flight Line Enjoy the thrilling air show, lunch, soft drinks and beer in the comfort of the Chalet. Outdoor seating in sun and shade. Restrooms are private for our guests. In and out access both days, all day. Jacksonville Naval Air Station • 6801 Roosevelt Blvd, Jacksonville, FL Admission to the NAS JAX Air Show and Parking are free. Gates open at 9:00 am, air show starts at 11:00 am. Blue Angels takeoff directly in front of you at 3pm. Limited Capacity Chalet. FRONT ROW VIEWING PRIVILEGES FOR TOP GUN BLUE ANGELS FANS If You Get Any Closer You’ll Need A Flight Suit Saturday, Oct 22 and/or Sunday Oct 23 VIP ChaletGet your todayticketsat
Thank you for reading this issue of Liberty Life. Fall is approaching The Liberty Coast and is bringing its (slightly) cooler temperatures, or so we hope, to this sea son’s parade of military and Veteran reflections and events.
Speaking of parades, one of the best Veterans Day parades in the nation is in Downtown Jacksonville at 11:01 a.m., on Friday, November 11th. For all the details and to register to be in the parade, visit
BREAKING NEWS: The Honoring our “Promise to Address Comprehensive Tox ics” (PACT) Act was signed into law. Meet its namesake and how the law significantly expands Veterans’ health care and benefits for toxic exposures, allows citizens to sue the government for damages from Camp Lejeune contaminated water exposure and more.
A very special Autumn 2022 event we are excited about is the return of the chest pound ing and ear pummeling thundering thrill of the Navy’s flight demonstration team, known worldwide as the Blue Angels.
Autumn’s days of reflection include the POW-MIA Remembrance Day ceremony at the Chapel of the High-Speed Pass (1030 a.m. Friday, Sept 16) ( and the day of honor no one wants is Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day (Sunday, Sept 25).
Obtaining health care, identifying military benefits and navigating Veteran resources should not be ‘insider baseball.’ Meet Army Veteran Kristle Helmuth who is a peersupport concierge and super navigator of Veteran resources with United Way Northeast Florida’s Mission United initiative. We encourage you to experience the inspiring stories of Army Veterans Channing Moss and Rayland Heck. Both warriors endured astonishing challenges while in uniform and have evolved to change the lives of many in their journeys after the uniform. Speciality License Plates. Florida and Georgia offer a slew of specialty license plates honoring military and Veterans ( and Some are raising funds for the good of Veterans. For example, the ‘Florida Salutes Veterans’ plate supports domiciliary and nursing homes for Veterans and the Florida Veterans Founda tion’s Gadsden Flag license plate (HelpFLVets.Org) funds many programs including direct financial support to Veterans.
For an inspirational and festival-like indoor experience on the day set aside to honor all who have served in the U.S. military, the St Johns County Veterans Day celebration at St. Augustine’s Anastasia Baptist Church should be your target. This year’s event is a tribute to Global War on Terrorism Veterans. Info at RothfeldM@Gmail.Com.
Serving Veterans and honoring military service has emerged as the theme of this issue of Liberty Life. For example, Clay County has an all-hands on deck focus on tak ing care of its Veterans. We introduce you to David King, an Orange Park attorney who shares his decades of pro-military affinity and appreciation through acts of service.

David King, center, is awarded a plaque for his legal counsel by Rayland Heck, Operation Barnabas President (Right) with Kyle Rausch of Perfect Imperfections Woodworks, left, during the opening ceremony for Fort Grace I.
One can only fathom the number of people King has rescued and helped to turn their lives around. Well known and often recognized for his decades of servant service, King is a doer and at age 73, has no plan to stop serving others. “Why not?” “Money can’t buy the warm fuzzies that you get from helping people trying to overcome hardship,” King shared. Both of these incredible men, a present-day Barnabas, are boots-on-the-ground encouragers and action takers helping folks overcome while building positive relationships daily. We encourage you to read the rest of Christina Swanson’s amazing story by scanning the QR Code or visit LibrtyLife Media.Com/srticles/be-a-barnabas.
As anyone knows battling anything, change only takes place when we accept full respon sibility and heart shift. This is what happened on the night of March 14, 2017, when a few simple words became his epiphany and he threw away all his crutches for good.
Being a “Barnabas” and helping turn Veterans’ lives around in Clay County is what they are known for. Although walking different paths, one is a trauma and drug overcomer now pulling other Veterans up from despair, the other is an attorney providing free legal counsel to Veterans and the needy his entire career. They both are transforming lives in many positive ways.
Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay recently welcomed its newest military work ing dogs (MWD). (L to R) Welcome MWD Vilma (Dog-Speak for “Beautiful Eyes”), MWD Nor (Dog-Speak for “Sliding Board Tongue”) and MWD Killar. (Dog-Speak for “wait... what?.... you want me to go down in that submarine!?!...).
LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 | 5 Thank you VETERANS Honoring all who served NOVEMBER 11, 2022 Check local listings in November for Veterans Day programming. Jax PBS is a service of WJCT Public Media. VISIT JAXPBS.TV
Photos and Dog-Speak translations courtesy of Facebook
Welcome Aboard Dog-Mates
Just as Barnabas is known as the encourager in the Bible (Acts 4:36), these men, former Army Ranger and sniper, retired Sergeant First Class Rayland Heck and David A. King, Esquire., exemplify the name by truly helping folks save themselves. For eight years after Heck lost his mom, dad and brother in a homicide, suicide tragedy, he struggled. “All I wanted to do was zone out,” explained Heck as to how he became more and more dependent on meds, alcohol and drugs.
Be A Barnabas Two Very Different Paths To Changing Lives

Now helping Student Veterans at FSCJ, Army Veteran Channing Moss (Courtsey of Channng and Lorena Moss)
It’s been a 16-year process learning how to readjust and overcome, as Moss says, “working on one muscle and one skill, at a time.” Today, Moss is working toward his Associates degree in business at Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ) and intends to continue with his studies in the Supervision and Manage ment Bachelor’s program at FSCJ next year. Also, an administrative assistant in their work study program, Moss helps the academic counselors in FSCJ’s Military and Veterans Student Center (MVSC).
After Moss’s incident, the USAF simulated the event to train medical staff. (USAF)
Moss received intensive rehabilitation at Walter Reed, living at a Fisher House with his wife and two daughters. The Fisher House Foundation is a nonprofit that builds comfort homes where families of the wounded military and Veterans can live together free of charge, while receiving medical care.
A few months ago, the Student Veterans of America (SVA) FSCJ Chapter, part of a national network of on-campus chapters helping student Veterans, was revital ized and Moss was selected by MVSC Director Chris Johnson to lead the initia tive. “The purpose of SVA is to empower students, and provide mentorship and outreach services for Veterans,” said Johnson. “Channing was selected because of his devotion to selfless service; someone that I wouldn’t mind serving with.”
“Iwas determined to receive my purple heart standing up,” said Private First Class Channing Moss, a critically injured U.S. Army Veteran, as he explained an early goal that took more than a year to reach. It’s his journey as a real-life “rocket-man,” or how he miraculously survived a rocket propelled grenade that lodged in his torso during a surveillance mission in Lawra Afghanistan, and what it took to come back, Army Strong. Can you imagine? The grenade went crashing through the Humvee and through Moss’s pelvic bone with the ex plosive and detonator pole still attached, landing in his right thigh and abdomen above the hip. “The only reason I didn’t bleed out was because it struck in the eight-inch gap between two major arteries in my pelvis,” said Moss. Moss had joined the Army in June 2005, graduating from Fort Benning, and was a private first class when the trauma happened in March 2006 during the first phase of Operation Enduring Freedom. He was initially put into an induced coma and operated on at the nearest Afghan hospital, then flown to the main operating base in Afghanistan, then Germany, then Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C., enduring a total of 28 surgeries within a year.
6 | LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1
Then Private Channing Moss and his family. (Courtsey of Channng and Lorena Moss)
Veteran Now Serving Student Veterans at FSCJ
In 2007, Moss and family moved to Eisenhower Medical Center on Fort Gor don in Augusta, Georgia, to be closer to family. Here, his overseeing physician, Dr. Johnson, was another dedicated encourager for Moss. Moss was fixated on continually asking, “When will I ever be normal again?” and the doctor would always reply, “Nobody is normal.” “Those words stuck with me, along with the thought that you got to make life as normal as possible for yourself,” said Moss.
These progressive surgeries restructured his thigh, pelvic bone, intestines and abdomen. The initial surgery to remove the grenade made the textbooks as various plans for removal were explored, and there was a high risk that it could explode and kill those operating on him.
It took five years of tests to realize that with his body missing part of his in testines, he was not absorbing certain nutrients and was put on a strict vitamin regimen. His past dependence on opioids and anxiety medications were also contributing to difficulties in applying his studies. Four years of detoxing, through 2020, now in Jacksonville, FLorida, Moss also learned cognitive behav ior skills that helped him cope without chemicals.
Since this is a voluntary position, it’s also a way for Moss to help active and re tired military, especially aiding other wounded Vets. “To eventually get my head on straight, I had to have the perspective that I climbed out clean from the war,” said Moss. “Giving back to wounded Veterans is what ultimately saved me.”
For three years, Moss relearned daily activities - talking, eating, bathing, walk ing, teeth brushing - trying to build muscle strength in his ravaged body while in debilitating pain. He made a lot of head-way with the help of a team of rehab specialists, with Physical Therapist Cameo Atkins getting him back on his feet for the first time. “Cameo would push me saying, ‘You’ve got to stand up! Leave nothing in the gym.’”
Military Transition
As word got out about his highly unusual ordeal, Fisher House Manager, Mau rice Bourde, asked Moss to tell his story publicly in hopes of raising funds for the foundation. Once the Army Public Relations Office and the Army Times TV got ahold of it, it took off with Moss speaking on all the morning news shows, and for the Pentagon, FBI, Secret Service and other organizations. His popu larity earned Fisher House close to a million dollars while this humanitarian purpose helped heal Moss emotionally and mentally.
BeatsChanning‘Rocket-Man’MosstheOdds by Christina Swanson

LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 | 7 HaganCoastalOutfitters.Com Kayaks are NOW AVAILABLE at all Hagan Coastal Outfitters. TO SUNSET HAGAN HAS YOUR ADVENTURE Sunrise *Military and Veterans get Double Points on their Ace Rewards with valid ID. BIG giveaways, swag, free food and more - totaling $200,000 and $10,000 in GRAND PRIZES!!! Glen Saint Mary store (located at 6567 US Hwy 90, Glen St. Mary, FL 32040). Register online to enter your name in to win BIG prizes like kayaks from Old Town, Crescent and Hobie, gatorshell paddleboard from BOTE, grills and items from our NEW Hagan Ace field and stream department. You MUST be present to win!! SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2022 AT 7 AM – 12 PM The Outdoors Show LIVE at Hagan ‘Christmas’ Outfitters YULEE 85880 Miner Rd. Yulee, FL 904 12501MANDARIN694-2426SanJoseBlvd.,Jacksonville904268-9597 GREEN COVE SPRINGS 1305 N Orange Ave., #110, • Green Cove Springs • 904 284-9931 COMING SOON Hagan Ace of SaintonAugustineUS1. GLEN ST MARY 6567 US-90 Suite 3, Glen St Mary, FL 904 259-3451

Still serving after their military service, Clay County Veterans are on a focused mission with renewed energy. The Veterans Council of Clay County is actively engaged in a purpose-driven strategic process to achieve their vision of Clay County being known for “taking care of its Veterans.”
Leadership By Example. Improving the lives of Veterans in Clay County has evolved into a county-wide, “all
8 | LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1
Clay’s VA Community Clinic is in Middleburg, Fl.
To steer their vision, the council com pleted a Veterans Needs Assessment in 2020 which fueled the development of a recently released strategic plan. The needs assessment, sponsored by the council and led by Polvikoski, was conducted over many months and included a county-wide Veteran sur vey, a SWOT analysis and statistical research. The process identified major goals to vitalize Veteran resources and engage key stakeholders within the community, region and state.
MeetBarnabasKeithBrandon hands on deck” effort. Clay County’s pro-military Board of Commissioners is a strong partner in the county’s focus on “taking care of its Veterans.” Com missioner J.B. Renniger and County Manager, “Howie” Wannamaker, both former naval aviators and retired Navy Captains, are also engaged and influen tial in supporting Clay’s Veterans. Numerous other former military leaders and pro-military citizens are committed to supporting the Veteran population in Clay County. The annual Clay County Chamber of Commerce’s very genuine Veterans Appreciation luncheon, inspired by pro-military attor
Clay County Is All In For Its Vet erans. Clay County recently hired a second Veteran Service Officer (VSO). Army Veteran Cherie Korn has added her well-known Veteran advo cacy to the already energized Veteran champion and Army Veteran Keith Brandon. Together, they assist Veter ans in obtaining their earned benefits.
In addition to their purposeful vision, Clay’s Veterans Council is addressing some of the identified needs, like col laborating with community resources to schedule a mobile dental event for poverty-level Veterans in 2023 for tooth extraction and fillings. They have launched an updated website and are also re-energizing its meetings and membership engagement with Veteran organizations and pro-Veteran resi dents and businesses.
After her military career, Polvikoski immediately began volunteering, and then serving, on the county’s Veteran council, adding, “I met many Veterans and family members who, like me, had no idea how to access resources, or couldn’t identify if, or what, re sources existed in Clay.”
Third Largest Veteran Population.
The regional Veteran Service Offices are reporting a steady and significant uptick in relocated Veterans checking into their offices for services. Veterans Community Center. Clay’s Veterans Council is a council of repre sentatives from the county’s many Vet eran-supporting organizations. Based on the needs assessment and led by council president and retired Marine Ansil Lewis, their revised vision is clear, “The Council is unified in working, with support from Clay County leadership, to provide a centralized location for Veter ans, families, and caregivers to increase knowledge regarding Veterans’ ben efits and connection with community resources and information. A Veterans Community Center for Clay County can be the catalyst to achieve that and promote further camaraderie across our robust Veteran community”
Tramika Chatfield, also an Army Vet eran, serves as the community liaison and connects Clay’s Veterans with community-based resources. To make it even more convenient for Clay’s Veterans, the Veterans Service Office relocated in July to the same complex as the new Middleburg VA Medical Clinic and the Florida Depart ment of Veterans Affairs Claims Office. This hub complex of Veteran resources in Clay is located at 400 College Dr.
“You have to go to Duval for that . seemed to be the answer to every ques tion about Veteran resources in Clay County,” said Jesica Polvikoski, who retired to Clay County in 2019 after 32 years in the Florida National Guard.
While the Department of Veterans Af fairs (VA) anticipates the percentage of the U.S. population with military service experience will continue to de cline over the next couple of decades, Clay, like several counties across The Liberty Coast, are experiencing a surge of Veterans and their families. A 2020 Stacker.Com study found that approximately 18 percent of Clay County’s 205,294 residents previously served in the nation’s military, making Clay the county with the third highest percent of residents that are Veterans of all 67 Florida counties. The Clay County Veteran Services website states that “more than 40,000 Veter ans” call Clay home. Locally, the region’s nine military bases have steadily expanded in mission and personnel. Many Clay County residents serve and work on those installations and then choose to live within the county after their military service. Additionally, the COVID pandemic population surge to the region con tinues. When Florida gained over 210,000 new residents between July 2020 and 2021, included among them are Veterans and their families.
Retired FANG Major Jessica Polvikoski is Clay’s Veterans Council Treasurer. ney David A. King, is always sold out. Retired Admiral Jack Scorby, retired Marine and former Clay commissioner, Gaylord Hendry and many others are always contributing in some way. There are many more pro-Vet eran folks and services con tributing to the Veterans Council of Clay County’s (VCCCF.Org) clear-eyed vision to take care of its Veterans. Scan the QR Codes to meet the county’s VSO, BrandonKeithand read “Be a Barnabas.” Clay County’s Veteran Service Officer, Army Veteran, Keith Brandon. Be A
Clay County’s Clear Focus

LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 | 9

With an elbow-to-elbow packed room of 300 and others hoping for a seat to open, the once again, sold-out Clay County Chamber of Commerce’s Military Apprecia tion Luncheon is about to begin. Business owners, like Carol Berg with Orange Park Florists, are getting to know the military Servicemembers sitting at her table. Local officials, business leaders and county residents meet and greet with the invited Servicemembers and Veteran guests, all squeezing by each other in the very crowded room to find their valued seat, any seat. The color guard is calculating just how much to dip their flags to pass under the thresholds of the conference roomAmongstdoors. the social commotion and people wiggling throughout the crowd ed room is a calm and collected, yet focused gentleman. His walk is choreo graphic-like as he escorts World War II Veterans to their special table, steers military commanders and VIPs to the head tables, queues the caterer with a “time to go” hand signal and then points out a last-minute available seat, rescu ing the volunteer at the registration table.
During his remarks at the 2022 event, King proposed that the services and sacrifices by Servicemembers and the families supporting their Servicemembers were the reason the crowd could attend the event. Reflecting on his father ’s service during WWII and those deployed today, King said, “That deployed war rior knows that back home they are loved, they are missed and their return is anxiously awaited,” King said. Well known and often recognized for his decades of servant service, David A. King is a doer and at age 73, has no plan to stop serving others. This includes providing free legal services to area Veteran-serving organizations, like Opera tion Barnabas, handling bankruptcies pro bono for Veterans and those in need as well as representing charities and others. When asked why he spends the majority of his “free” time volunteering, he only says, “Why not?” “Money can’t buy the warm fuzzies that you get from helping people trying to overcome hardship.”
Since chairing the original events in 1987 and 1988, Orange Park attorney David A. King has been in the center of planning and executing Clay cham ber’s annual salute to military Servicemembers and Veterans. Growing from a meeting room with 75 tickets sold to this year’s event with 300 attendees, 12 - 15 military Servicemembers from bases all across The Liberty Coast will be individually honored. King is an attorney whose business has been a fixture on Kingsley Avenue since 1986, after relocating here from his hometown of Dayton, Ohio. Realizing what a huge military presence there is in Clay County, King brainstormed ways to honor those actively serving and Veterans living in the county, explaining, “They contribute so much to our quality of life in Clay County.”
A GRATEFUL NATION. NSB Kings Bay Security Force also recently bid a heartfelt “Fair Winds and Following Seas” for military working dog Aiko during a memorial ser vice. Born in February of 2013, the all-black German Shepard was assigned to Kings Bay in August of 2015. During his time as a member of the Kings Bay family, he was assigned to seven handlers. Aiko also completed deployments to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates during his military service.
10 | LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 Athenian Owl Restaurant, where traditional Greek food is prepared daily using only the freshest ingredients and authentic imported products. We incorporate traditional family recipes with a modern spin, showcasing our passion for cooking. Join us today for lunch or dinner and learn why it is a local favorite for some of the best Greek food in Jacksonville. 9551 Baymeadows Rd. suite Jacksonville,#21-23 FL 32256 Phone: (904) www.AthenianOwlJaxFl.com503-3008 Liberty Never Tasted So Good Proudly Offering Military Discounts. Now ReserveHolidaybookingPartiesYourNYEPartyWithUs
In Memoriam
Military and Veteran Appreciation Clay County’s Chamber appreciates the military, Veterans and their families. (ClayChamber.Com)
One can only fathom the number of people King has rescued and helped to turn their lives around. Scan the QRC learn a lot more about King’s community service and the incredible journey of a Veteran, who with King’s help, is changing lives in Clay County in “Be A Barnabas.”
Be A Barnabas
One Citizen’s Mission Of Sharing Appreciation For Military Service. by Christina Swanson and Joe Snowberger
Aiko’s favorite thing to do out side of work was to run freely and mark up every bush, tree, or fire hydrant that he could find. Even at eight years old, he had the energy and playful ness of a young puppy. He enjoyed tussling around with his handler or playing fetch in a big open field with lots of room to run around. MWD Aiko was loved and respected by every one he came in contact with and will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Veteran advocate and attorney David King with WWII Veteran and retired Marine Master Sergeant George Smith.

By Joe Snowberger, Retired Navy Mustang
Since 1946, many thousands of residents of The Liberty Coast have shared the very same visceral experience Christopher P. Canvas described in the Military Officer magazine. In fact, the Navy re ports that over 500 million people have witnessed the power and grace of the various Blue Angels aircraft during their 76 year run. THEY’RE BACK. The excitement, precision, and power of naval aviation will thunder over The Liberty Coast in October as the Blue Angels return to their birthplace at the NAS JAX Air Show.In1946, Chief of Naval Operations Chester Nimitz established the Navy’s Blue Angels flight demon stration with a big goal in mind: to put on a good show. The very first team debuted in June 1946 in Jacksonville, Florida. Today, 76 years later, the Blue Angels continue to keep up a busy schedule, performing at air shows across the country throughout the year. It has been a while, a very long while, since The Liberty Coast was treated by the lightning fast fly-bys and break neck tricks of the Navy’s flight demonstration team.
That all ends as the NAS JAX Air Show is Saturday, October 22nd and Sunday, October 23rd. 2022. Then the tradition of spending the day witnessing thrilling military and civilian aviation demonstrations, check ing out the static aircraft displays and meeting active military Servicemembers and Veterans alike returns to The Liberty Coast.
Each day’s climax and the grand finale of the airshow is the Navy’s flight demonstration team: The Blue Angels. As always, this event is free to attend and park. We look forward to seeing you at The NAS Jax Air Show, Birthplace of the Blue Angels.
“They are the stars of every air show. Thousands of heads pivot to follow them high in the sky as they break into a symmetrical split. Eyes squint as the aircraft all but disappear, then widen as the dots plunge directly toward the earth. Ears are pummeled as the planes get louder and closer, and the noise builds to a huge cre scendo as mighty engines come ever nearer. Then the ground shakes and chests pound as gleaming blue jets rush low in full view of the crowd, their afterburning engines glowing hot to muster full military power as they pass and climb again. That visceral experience is the heart of the Navy’s flight demonstration team, known worldwide as the Blue Angels. It’s an excitement that transcends military and civilian, young and old, north, south, and anywhere else.”

12 | LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 464037 State Road 200, Yulee, Florida Show your Military ID for $500 OFF!* 464037 State Road 200, Yulee, Florida *Not all buyers will qualify. Does not include tax, tag, title and dealer fees. W.A.C. See dealer for details. **MUST present coupon before negotiations. Show your Military ID for $500 OFF!* *Must show this coupon and military ID before negotiations. 2016 SUBARU XV CROSSTREK 2.0I A4158A $21,754 2017 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GLI A4173A $22,254 2017 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 SL 22097A $22,754 2020 NISSAN ROGUE SV A4083A GAS SIPPER $23,454 2015 CADILLAC CTS 3.6L PERFORMANCE A4225A $24,954 2018 MAZDA CX-5 GRAND TOURING A4198 $25,254 2017 AUDI Q5 3.0T PREMIUM PLUS 22134B LOADED, LOW MILES $26,454 2017 TOYOTA TACOMA SR 22268B $26,454 2020 MAZDA CX-5 TOURING 22199AA $26,754 2019 BUICK ENVISION ESSENCE 22086B LOW MILES $29,454 2020 FORD EDGE TITANIUM A4042 LOADED $29,754 2019 FORD FLEX LIMITED A4191 $29,954 2014 DODGE AVENGER SE A4103A $11,954 2017 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE 22218BB $13,454 2017 CHEVROLET MALIBU LT 22293A $17,454

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Welcome Home What’s New?
14 | LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1
The first freshly painted F/A-18 Super Hornet with the Blue Angels signa ture paint sits near the sea wall at Naval Air Station Jacksonville in 2020 awaiting transport to the Boeing facility at Cecil Field for final assembly According to Boeing, some of the modifications included the addition of an oil tank for the smoke-generation system, fuel systems that enable the aircraft to fly inverted for extended periods of time, civilian-compatible navigation equipment, cameras and adjustments for the aircraft’s center of Whilegravity.the Super Hornets are “new” to the Blue Angels, the actual aircraft are picked from the stock of the Navy’s operational fleet. A Blue Angel fact sheet states, ”Each Blue Angel aircraft is capable of being returned to combat duty aboard an aircraft carrier within 72 hours.”
We, like many of our readers, are looking forward to the adjustments the demonstration pilots have made to the show routine to take advantage of the new platform’s capabilities.
Lieuten ant Commander Monica L. Borza is the flight surgeon, Lieutenant Katlin Forster, a former F/A-18F Super Hornet weapons system officer, is the events coordinator and Lieu tenant Chelsea Dietlin is the public affairs officer.
First Woman Pilot. Marine Corps Captain Katie Higgins was the very first woman pilot in the Blue Angel squadron’s 69-year history. In 2020, Hig gins, a combat fighter pilot, flew the Lockheed C-130 Hercules for the Blue Angels, a beast of a turboprop military transport aircraft that they call “Fat Albert.”
The new “Fat Albert” C-130J takes off from Cambridge Airport in England. (Photo: Stewart Jack/The Aviationist)
The Blue Angels first female jet pilot, Lt. Amanda Lee, call sign “Stalin.” (Photo: Navy)
The new Super Hornets are not the only “new” aircraft the Blues added since we last saw them. ‘Fat Albert’ is the Blue Angels official chaperone and cargo carrier that flies everywhere the team flies, carrying maintainers, spare parts, luggage, and other items as the Blues travel across America during airshow season.
Fat Albert has been a favorite of the Blue Angels for decades. The large, slow, lumbering transport plane traditionally kicks-off every Blue Angels performance with a flyby and maneuvers of its own.
An ex-Royal Air Force C-130J Super Hercules replaced the older model C-130 last year. With dual British and American citizenship, Fat Albert was originally built in the United States and then served with the Royal Air Force (RAF).
The big news from the Blue Angels is that Naval Aviator Lieutenant Amanda Lee, call sign “Stalin,” will be the first female formation demonstration jet pilot for the Blue Angels. Lee will join the Blue Angels for its 2023 show season. Having enlisted in the Navy in 2007, Lee worked as an aviation electronics technician before participating in the Seaman-To-Admiral commis sioning program. She was com missioned in 2013. There are currently three female naval officers on the 2022 Blue Angel team that will perform in Jacksonville this year.
The Navy’s Blue Angel Flight demonstration team has made a few changes since they last entertained and thrilled us on The Liberty Coast. Here is an update. Did You Know? After 34 years the Blue Angels transitioned from the legacy F/A-18 Hornet to the F/A-18E & F Super Hornets in 2021. The “new” F/A-18 Super Hornet Blue Angels were converted from fleet aircraft into airshow stars at the Boeing Defense facility at the former Cecil Field, now Cecil Airport and Spaceport in Jacksonville. (U.S. Navy Photo by Toiete Jackson/Released)

LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 | 15 904 372-9220 1487-1 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach • JuicyMayport.Com Scan Code ToOnlineOrder Large Bar with 8 TVs. New Hours 11:00Monday:AM-9:00 PM 11:00Tuesday:AM-9:00 PM 11:00Wednesday:AM-9:00 PM 11:00Thursday:AM-9:00 PM Friday: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM 12:00Saturday:PM-10:00 PM 12:00Sunday:PM-9:00 PM SEAFOOD, CHICKEN, WINGS AND STEAK 10%OFFReceivewhenyoushowyourMilitaryID. Can not be combined with any other offer or discount. Happy Hour 3-6 Everyday!

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LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 | 17 EASY FINANCING! FIELDS CADILLAC ST. AUGUSTINE 375 OUTLET MALL BLVD, ST AUGUSTINE, FL 32084 904-694-3050*With approved credit. Not all buyers will qualify. Does not include tax, tag or title. See dealer for full details. PR3383A 2016 NISSAN ROGUE SV LOW MILES, EXCELLENT CONDITION! $18,500 PT3442A 2019 ACURA ILX $23,500 PT3300B 2017 HONDA CR-V EX-L $23,990 NZ147471A 2017 CADILLAC CTS 2.0L TURBO $25,990 PR3406A 2020 NISSAN MAXIMA 3.5 SV $25,990 PT3423 2018 JAGUAR F-PACE 30T PREMIUM LOADED, LOW MILES! $29,500 PT3369A 2021 ACURA ILX LOW MILES! $29,990 PR3426 2018 GMC CANYON SLT $32,900 P3427 2019 LAND ROVER DISCOVERY SPORT HSE LOW, LOW MILES! $36,500 PT3443A 2018 PORSCHE MACAN S LOADED, LOW MILES! $49,500 NF133684A 2020 FORD ESCAPE SEL $26,500 PR3421 2022 GMC SIERRA 1500 AT4 6K MILES! $74,500 *With approved credit. Not all buyers will qualify. Does not include tax, tag or title. See dealer for full details. EASY FINANCING! FIELDS CADILLAC JACKSONVILLE 7999 BLANDING BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32244 904-694-3060 PR3832A 2018 KIA SOUL $14,991 NF164178A 2019 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LT LOW MILES! $22,991 PT3855 2020 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE $27,991 PT3775A 2018 CADILLAC ATS 2.0L TURBO LOADED, LOW MILES! $28,990 N0130195A 2018 CADILLAC ATS 2.0L TURBO LOADED, LOW MILES! $28,991 PT3789A 2020 FORD MUSTANG ECOBOOST LOW MILES! $31,990 PT3792 2017 CADILLAC XT5 PREMIUM LOW MILES! $31,991 PT3793 2019 CADILLAC XT4 SPORT LOADED, LOW MILES! $32,990 PT3823A 2020 HYUNDAI PALISADE LIMITED $42,991 P3819A 2021 CADILLAC CT5 LUXURY 6K MILES, LOADED! $43,991 PT3807A 2018 MAZDA CX-9 GRAND TOURING LOADED, LOW MILES! $29,991 PRT3803A 2022 ACURA MDX TYPE S 306 MILES! $66,991

18 | LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1
I also spend a lot of time volunteering in various capacities, whether it’s in my kids’ schools, acting as a peer mentor for local widows, or other Veteran-related activities.
Through the care coordination approach, and sometimes in a single call, the Veteran may now be connected with a Veteran Service Officer (VSO) to help them file a compensation claim, be in contact with an employment agency’s Veteran issues specialist to help them obtain sustainable employment, have an appointment with a mental health professional, or know where a local backpack/ school supply giveaway is to ease the burden of the costs associated with back to school. Oh, we may even be able to arrange a ride.
LL: Thanks for speaking with us. So who is Kristle Helmuth?
LL: This is much more than a job for you, what drives this passion to assist Veterans? For me, it is personal. Looking back, there were several times in my life where I would have benefitted from having a Mission United-like Veteran Care Coordinator to help me navigate my transitions. Whether it was my own transition from the military, or during my time as a caregiver to my husband, or even navigating the days after his death. If I had one person I could have counted on to help me navigate all the services avail able to me, those times would have been less stressful. I want to lift some of that burden off of those we serve, and be that person for them. Aside from all of that, I am teaching my children to be of service to others, and to live a life worthy of the sacrifice made by those who gave their all for us. Who ya gonna call? Are you or do you know a military Servicemember, Veteran, or their family in need of assistance or identifying assistance? Call the United Way 211 Helpline (dial 2-1-1 or text “Hello” to 211904) to access Mission United or visit UnitedWayNEFL.Org/Our-Work/Mission-United.
Kristle Helmuth is an Army Veteran and surviving Veteran spouse. She is a Veteran Care Coordinator with the United Way of Northeast Florida’s Mission United initiative. Intrigued by the program’s concept and having read some of the life-changing stories, Liberty Life thought we would get to know her and Mission United.
First we take the time to get to know each person and build a Veteran-peer rap port of trust. As each Veteran and their situation is unique, we then assess their individual situation. They may be calling seeking assistance in paying their electric bill or locating a food pantry. By the end of the conversation, I may have uncovered the underlying issues that prompted the original reason to call.
It is our job to learn about and know the various resources and, just as impor tant, know the people at the agencies, the nuances of the services, eligibility requirements and intake process. Then we look to establish a direct and warm hand-off for the Veteran to the matching services. Imagine the frustration of calling, or taking the bus for hours just to find out you don’t qualify for their Weprograms.alsoassist other VSOs and agencies in identifying resources for their Vet eran clients and patients. That’s what I do! I am glad you asked.
Mission United’s Veteran Care Coordinator and Army Veteran Kristle Helmuth
By dialing the United Way 211 information and referral helpline, a Veteran, Ser vice member or family member can be connected to one of the Mission United’s Veteran Care Coordinators, like me.
LL: What does a Mission United - Veteran Care Coordinator do? Through the United Way’s initiative, I get to assist Veterans, Servicemembers, and their families who are facing challenges that are affecting their quality of life and help them to successful outcomes; how cool is that?
LL: What “did you do” in the Army and where did your military service take you? I was a Military Policeman in the Army. I joined to get as far away from home, (Colorado) as humanly possible. As my luck would have it, after my training at Fort Leonard Wood I got stationed all the way over in Kansas.
Veteran Services Spotlight Changing Veterans’ Lives Through Care Cordination
While there are quite literally hundreds of Veteran and community services to support the approximately 175,000 Veterans in Northeast Florida, it can be difficult to navigate needed services under the best of circumstances. Imagine dealing with a stressful challenge or feeling a bit desperate - I’ve been there, done That’sthat.where we come in. As a Mission United Veteran Care Coordinator, I am a peer support concierge that leverages all the connections to Veteran services and community resources United Way has, to specifically assist Veterans and their it to how a hotel concierge can assist guests by making reserva tions, obtaining tickets or by simply pointing them in the right direction. Like a concierge, I assist Veterans in need by matching and directly connecting them to services and resources best able to help them achieve positive outcomes.
Meet Kristle Helmuth Interview by Griffin Maier
I am currently raising two teenagers, a toddler, six turkeys, six chickens, a pig, a dog and a tortoise. If that doesn’t tell you all you need to know about me, I don’t know what does. Kidding, sort of. If that wasn’t enough, I decided last year that I wanted to continue my educa tion and completed my master’s in business administration. When I am not working, I can be found somewhere outside, probably camping, boating, or four-wheeling.

LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 | 19 904-900-7439 * W.A.C. Not all buyers will qualify. See dealer for details. Plus tag, title, tax, and dealer fee. 1616 Cassat Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32210 A Better Car Buying Experience • Our Best Price Up Front • Two Offers for Your Trade • Money Back Guarantee • Non-Commissioned Salespeople All active, veteran or immediate family of military get an EXTRA $500 OFF ANY NEW or PRE-OWNED VEHICHLE.* or 15% OFF ANY SERVICE or PARTS* *Must present coupon at time of purchase and before any negotiations. 2017 CHEVROLET SONIC PREMIER H4130699 $15,495 2016 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 WT GZ402395 $16,749 2018 HYUNDAI SANTA FE 2.4 PJH078923 $17,173 2016 GMC SIERRA 1500 GZ134339 $17,253 2013 HYUNDAI ACCENT GLS PDU473807 $7,988 2011 HONDA ACCORD EX PBA023355 $9,439 2015 FORD FOCUS SE FL281314 $10,909 2014 HONDA ODYSSEY TOURING ELITE EB022165 $14,939 2018 JEEP RENEGADE LATITUDE PJPG84344 $18,777 2019 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA SEL PKM068772 $19,812 2018 HYUNDAI SONATA SEL PJH645272 $20,208 2020 KIA SOUL LX PL7734335 $20,992

The Sergeant First Class (SFC) Heath Robinson “Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics” (PACT) Act was recently signed into law.
The PACT Act (VA.Gov/PACT) will:
• Make generations of Veterans eligible for VA health care, while increasing care for many more;
• Significantly increase VA research on toxic exposure;
After a three year battle with lung cancer, 39 year old SFC Heath died in May, 2020, believing his illness was caused by his exposure to the burn pits. His wid ow’s reflections are a must read, search WarFighter2021.Com/Elementor-601/ More Than Burn Pit Exposure. One of the key factors that made the PACT Act a once-in-a-generation effort was the broad period range from Vietnam through Iraq and Afghanistan.
Act Expands Veterans’ Health Care and Benefits For Toxic Exposures
Complied from Veteran Service Organization reportings
Military pilots and naval aviators are encouraged that the increase in VA sci entific capacity will be brought to bear on what is behind the spike in cancers among military aviators.
The PACT Act is named for Heath Robinson, a former sergeant first class and “NCO of the Year” in the Ohio Army National Guard. During his 13-month deployment to Iraq, SFC Heath’s guard duty placed him within 10-15 yards from the edge of a burn pit every day for 3 months.
The PACT Act also contains important additives for sea-going Veterans exposed to Agent Orange, and Veterans who had low radiation exposures while perform ing site cleanups in several places in the 1970s. There is also added time to submit claims for conditions associated with their service in and over Iraq and surrounding countries.
• Ensure that every enrolled Veteran receives an initial toxic exposure screen ing at VA and follow-up screening at least every five years;
Camp Lejeune. With the Camp Lejeune Justice Act included in the new law, those exposed to contaminated water at the Marine Corps Base are able to file lawsuits for damages and injuries. Scan the QRC for information. Got A VSO Or An Attorney? The hard part now may be in the details of how the law is implemented and how soon the benefits are available to eligible Veterans. Veteran Ser vice Officers (VSO) and attorneys all across The Liberty Coast are huddling to digest the new law to address claim procedures. To locate a VSO near you to file a claim, visit LibertyLifeMedia.Com/articles/Got-A-VSO/.
• Give VA tools to hire and retain employees and modernize over 30 facili ties; and
The PACT Act namesake: SFC Heath Robonson with wife Danielle and daughter Brielle. (Image: Facebook) In the summer of 2002, following 18 months of Officer Candidate School (OCS), Second Lieutenant Jason Hunt accepted his commission as an Army officer in the Florida National Guard (FNG). The ceremony, held in the com mand auditorium at Camp Blanding Joint Training Command, was a significant military-career milestone for this Soldier. Hunt had already experienced the milestone of graduating from Army basic training nearly seven years earlier at Fort Leonar dwood in Missouri. Then he experienced the achievement of graduating from Army Medic school at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, ThroughoutTexas.Hunt’s Army career, the mile stones have piled up as an Infantry Platoon Leader, Cavalry Troop Commander, Cavalry Squadron Commander and Security Forces Assistance Brigade Squadron Commander.
Fast forward to the summer of 2022 Now, Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Hunt, experienced yet another incredible Army career milestone when he became the 22nd commander of Camp Blanding Joint Training Command - in the very same auditorium in which he was commissioned 20 years ago.
“I joined the Army after high school wanting to do something bigger than me,” said Hunt in response to why he joined. He added, “I fell in love with the Army’s culture of so many diverse people coming together and doing what we do. I just love the culture.”
The Hunt’s are an Army family, as the garrison’s new commander’s wife, Jennifer, is also a prior enlisted, now Lieutenant Colonel in the Florida Army National Guard. She was also an Army medic and she, too, received her Army officer’s commission through OCS, graduating in the very next class after TogetherJason.the Hunt’s, and their son Parker, are avid travelers and enjoy hiking across the U.S. and Europe. Jason and Parker are also avid off-shore fisher men. That is when they can get away and drive their 23-foot Sportsman boat the 52 miles off-shore to fish a few favorite spots near the continental shelf.
“The PACT Act is a historic new law that will help VA deliver for millions of Veterans — and their survivors — by empowering us to presumptively provide care and benefits to Vets suffering from more than 20 toxic exposure-related conditions,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. “It will also bring genera tions of Veterans into VA health care, which will improve Veteran health out comes across the board.”
20 | LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1
Florida First – Right, Ready & Relevant!” In his remarks as the presid ing officer during the assumption of command event, Major General Haas, FNG’s Assistant Adjutant General, shared, “I’ve had the great honor of knowing and soldiering with LTC Hunt for almost 20-years and know well his many accomplishments and capabilities. Jason’s combined deployment experience, strategic expertise and keen intellect afford him a uniquely blended perspective combining a tactical Warrior’s mindset with a strategic leader’s vision.”
Hunt enlisted in the Army in 1994 and has had a distinguished career ever since. He served as an Army medic, received a commission and was awarded the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal, three Army Commendation Medals and others. Read more about the significant impact of Camp Blanding on our nation’s overall military readiness, scan the QRC or visit LibertyLifeMedia.Com and search “Whatever It Takes.”
• Empower VA to deliver benefits to Veterans living with more than 20 toxic exposure-related conditions and to their survivors;
LTC Jason M. Hunt, holding the command’s colors, assumed com mand of Camp Blanding Joint Train ing Center. (Photo by Army SSGT Leia Tascarini. Released)
• Solidify VA’s new, expedited process for establishing presumptions of ser vice connection for toxic exposure-related conditions.
“It was surreal to me when I made the connection just days before the as sumption of command ceremony,” said Hunt, adding, “... on the very same floor, 20 years later.”
Prior Enlisted ArmyMedic is New CampBlanding Commander by Joe Snowberger, Prior Enlisted Navy Veteran Living the Liberty Life


The new IDs and the active duty’s Common Access Cards now work at Trans portation Security Administration security checkpoints at all U.S. airports.
Veterans now have convenient access to health and other benefits they have earned through honorable military service. The Clay County Veterans’ Services Of fice hours are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to noon, and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone is 904.529.4734/ 4735. Let your Veteran voice be heard! Are you interested in a chance to improve servic es for Veterans and families in the Northeast Florida Re gion? Volunteer 10 minutes of your time today by taking an anonymous survey about your experience living in this area!
Endeavors, a Veteran-serving organization has partnered with Combined Arms, the City of Jacksonville and the Center for Community Initiatives at UNF, to conduct research on the needs of Veterans and their families across The Liberty Coast. Please take a moment to share your experience and forward to other militaryconnected friends and family. Please complete the survey no later than Septem ber 21st. You can learn more by scanning the QRC or at CombinedArms.US/ NortheastFloridaVets.
Clay County VA Clinic (Photo: VA)
Middleburg has become the center of Veteran healthcare and benefit support in Clay County. Recently, the county’s Veterans’ Services Offices were relocated to be near the new VA Community-Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) and the Florida Department of Veteran Affairs (FDVA) service office. Both Clay County Veteran Services Of ficers, who assist Veterans with obtaining their earned VA benefits and a community liaison who connects Veterans with local community resources, are now working next door to the FDVA office at 420 Col lege Drive, Suite 107 in Middleburg. The CBOC is in the adjacent building, in the same complex, at 400 College Drive.
CLOSES FRIDAY, SEPT 30TH FREE TO PARADE. If your organization wants to participate in the City of Jacksonville’s annual Veterans Day Parade (presented by, and with thanks to, The Law Offices of Ron Sholes P.A.); the no-cost applications are open and must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on Friday, September 21, 2011.
Navy Aviation Electrician’s Mate Third Class Terrale “Green-T” Green is a frequent volunteer on board the USS Orleck Museum Ship. So far, “Green-T”s volun teered over 150 hours completing maintenance, restoration, and repair projects on the historic warship when not working on the Navy P-8A Poseidon with the “War Eagles” of VP-16 at NAS JAX. He is also training to serve as a museum docent while studying for his next advance ment and applying for Navy flight school. Scan the QRC for the full story of this dynamic Sailor.
Annually recognized as one of the best in the USA, this patriotic parade fea tures grand marshals, senior military officials, active-duty and retired military, Veterans groups, local high school marching bands, decorative floats, giant bal loons, JROTC units and more! Apply at SpecialEvents.COJ.Net.
NEXT-GEN MILITARY RETIREE & FAMILY ID CARDS AVAILABLE New Three-Digit Number Is Easier To Remember, Save More Lives. In a mental health or life crisis? Want help? It is now much easier to call for that help. Dial 9-8-8. Military Servicemember or Veterans will be prompted to “press 1” to be immediately connected with Veteran peers at the Veterans Crisis Line. The original, often un-memorizable, number for the Veterans Crisis Line, 1-800-273-8255, followed by pressing 1, will remain ac tive for some time. The text line remains: 838255 New cards now work at TSA Checkpoints. Military retirees and military fam ily members who have DOD identification cards with indefinite expiration dates get the new next generation USID card, when convenient, but within the next four years. That’s because the older cards will be phased out by 2026 for the next-generation IDs, which are more durable and have enhanced security features.
Image Courtesy of GreenT Living the Liberty Life USS ORLECK PARADE

2018 NISSAN ROGUE S I408954A 1-OWNER $18,790 2015 NISSAN PATHFINDER SL C717933 LEATHER $19,590 2016 FORD EXPLORER XLT E474447A $19,990 2021 HYUNDAI ELANTRA N LINE 6191768A 1-OWNER $27,490 2017 FORD FOCUS S SEDAN G036464B 1-OWNER $11,990 2012 TOYOTA PRIUS THREE 5071383A $14,590 2018 KIA SOUL E514671A 1-OWNER $14,990 2016 TOYOTA CAMRY SE 7891702A $16,790 2017 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT G125754A SHOWROOM CONDITION $27,590 2020 KIA TELLURIDE LX G294388A 1-OWNER $31,990 2021 HONDA ACCORD SPORT 1.5T CVT G172206A 1-OWNER $31,990 2019 GENESIS G70 3.3T DYNAMIC G309475B 1-OWNER $35,990
No money down and no payments for 90 days with approved credit through dealer perfered lender. Payments must begin on October 30, 2022. No interest may incur before October 30, 2022. Price is plus tax, tag, title, registration, any dealer-installed accessories and dealer-provided benefits, and a pre-delivery service fee of $999. Private Tag Agency Fee of $189, and Electronic Registration Filing Fee of $199, which charges represent costs and profits to the dealer for items such as inspecting, cleaning, and adjusting vehicles and preparing documents related to the sale. New vehicle pricing excludes the $3695 South Side Kia Protection Package. Pre-owned vehicle pricing excludes any reconditioning expenses, which amount will vary depending on vehicle. All prices, specifications and availability subject to change without notice. Contact dealer for most current information. All advertised pricing is on in-stock units only and includes all applicable dealer discounts, manufacturer discounts, and incentives. Certain offers and incentives presume financing through the Manufacturer Captive Lender, subject to approved credit. Should you purchase the vehicle through the use of other funds or through other lending sources, certain offers and incentives may be excluded. Due to supply chain challenges and limited inventory, vehicles may be subject to an additional market adjustment depending on the inventory production, availability and market conditions. Please see dealer for details.
LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 | 23 904-694-3049 * W.A.C. Not all buyers will qualify. See dealer for details. Plus tag, title, tax, and dealer fee. Not all buyers will qualify. See dealer for full details. 9401 Atlantic Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32225

24 | LibertyLifeMedia.Com | FALL 2022 VOL. 3 / ISSUE 1 SALES EVENT Over 250 Vehicles in Stock Over 200 Under $10,000!* YOU CAN GET THE BEST OF US! 6833 Beach Boulevard • Serving Jax Since 1967 904-724-3511 BUY HEREPAY HERE! 2005 TOYOTA SOLARA SLE LEATHER, SUNROOF $4,988 2012 CHEVROLET CRUZE LS $5,988 2011 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY LIMITED LEATHER! $7,988 2011 HONDA ODYSSEY EX-LLEATHER, SUNROOF! $11,988 2007 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA 2.5 $5,988 2015 FIAT 500 SPORT $6,988 2012 TOYOTA PRIUS TWO $10,988 2013 FORD FUSION SE $10,988 2013 MINI COOPER COUNTRYMAN S LEATHER! $14,988 2005 CADILLAC SRX V6 LOADED, LOW MILES! $2,988 2006 ACURA MDX TOURING AWD LEATHER, SUNROOF $7,988 2011 FORD ESCAPE XLT SUNROOF ! $7,988 2013 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN 1500 LT 1-OWNER! $10,988 2014 KIA SPORTAGE LX $12,988 2015 DODGE DURANGO SXT $16,988 2012 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 4X4 $14,988