4 minute read
4 FROM THE PUBLISHER’S LAPTOP 5 PUBLISHER’S CUT Task Force Gator Most Valuable Boomer Bravo Zulu A Force Multiplier, Then and Now Let Them Hear Your Voice 6 END OF THE ORION ERA 8 THE LIBERTY COAST: Florida Veterans Hall Of Fame Class of 2021 8 SWIM CALL 12 SAVING LIVES ONE WAVE AT A TIME
Joe Snowberger, U. S. Navy Mustang (Ret) (904) 476-7861 Publisher@LibertyLifeMedia.Com
Art Director
Susan Jones US Army Veteran Spouse
Christina Swanson US Army & Navy Civilian Employee
Liberty Life Online
Automotive Advertising
Staci Edwards Manager@AutoSourceWeekly.com 16 LIBERTY LIFE FEATURE: The Women of USS Wyoming Make History 16 RECRUITING ENLISTED WOMEN SUBMARINERS 18 KEEPING THE BOOMERS AT SEA 22 NAVAL AIR STATION CECIL FIELD, A LOOK BACK. 24 ON OUR FRONT PORCH Ukraine Families Find Refuge On The Liberty Coast 26 NEWS & GOUGE
Cover Photo: USS Wyoming (SSBN 742) Photo by Lt. Rebecca Rebarich, U.S. Navy (Released)
Advertising Sales
Sam Taylor, Pro-Military (904) 860-2465, SamTaylor1342@Gmail.Com
Liberty Life Media welcomes editorial, photographic and calendar contributions. Submit stories, events, people, milestones and military/ Veteran discount offers at www.LibertyLifeMedia.Com Please share and recycle issues. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement. 31 5th Street, Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233-5307 Copyright © Signals Publishing, Inc 2020
President•Sam Taylor•SamTaylor1342@Gmail.Com
Want to be a Liberty Life pick-up location? Email SamTaylor1342@Gmail.Com
The movie sequel “Top Gun: Maverick” is finally on the big screen this summer. The original movie was known for fast war planes, island-size aircraft carriers, pilot competition, love stories, volleyball and the music. The original “Top Gun” soundtrack LP and cassette sold more than 9 million copies in the U.S. and spawned three hit singles, including Kenny Loggins’ hit, “Danger Zone.”
The seguel’s love theme, “Hold My Hand,” was written and performed by Lady Gaga. Ahhh, summertime on The Liberty Coast! Thank you for picking up the summer print issue of Liberty LifeSM .

While we publish daily online, on social media and weekly in our newsletter, each print issue is a special collection of on base, in town and always pro-military stories, news and views.
On Base. From Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, we share the story of USS Wyoming’s history-making enlisted women Submariners, revel in USS Alaska winning yet another Omaha trophy and meet the commander charged with keeping our “boomers” at sea. On NAS JAX, we welcome back Space-A travel, bid farewell to the Navy’s P-3C Orion and embrace the Poseidon and Triton.
We offer a look back at NAS Cecil Field and welcome all the new commanding officers arriving on The Liberty Coast during the summer change of command season.
In Town. We present stories about a Veteran-led “wave therapy” program, a Green Beret Veteran, a ground-breaking Air Force Women Veteran and how the impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine have come to The Liberty Coast’s front porch.
Pro-Military. We hope you’ll enjoy the introduction of four of our Veteran neighbors who were recently inducted into the Florida Veterans Hall of Fame - all of whom honored the spirit of their nation’s flag during and after their military service.
Summer is also the season of the American flag with numerous flag-centric events like Clay County’s military appreciation luncheon. Flags will be framed with bagpipers, granite walls, wreaths and tears on the last day of May as communities set aside time to remember, and honor, the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.
Our Star Spangled Banner sure looks good flying from the USS Orleck museum ship in Downtown Jacksonville. Go see for yourself, as she opens for tours sometime this summer. Even better, volunteer at JaxNavalMuseum.Org.
Old Glory will be flying this summer in celebration of liberty and its own birthday, Flag Day. In 1777, the Second Continental Congress adopted the original flag of the United States on June 14th. On the same day, two years earlier and 245 years ago, the U. S. Army was formed. That’s a lot of birthday candles. Liberty is also celebrated on Juneteenth (June 19th).
The summer flag parties peak mid-summer with Independence Day barbecues and fireworks. Or maybe, those are Liberty Life Media birthday parties. American flags will be prominent with the Coast Guard’s birthday (August 4) and on Purple Heart Day (August 7), as we honor those wounded in the service of our country.
While we enjoy the summer, Servicemembers, Veterans and their families, many on fixed incomes, are struggling to find affordable housing and many are now facing homelessness. Inflation is making it hard to afford the prices of almost everything. Dial the United Way’s 211 helpline to reach the Mission United program to connect with resources and services.
Enjoy this print issue of Liberty Life and more news online. Send your stories and events to us, Pro-Military Media Matters.
Here is to Living the Liberty Life! Joe Snowberger