Liberty Newspost Apr-03-10

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- 03/04/10

Chavez’s space plans have Foggy Bottom in stitches Anthony Boadle (Front Row Washington)

Spokesman P.J.Crowley pointed out that Venezuela was so short of electricity that the Submitted at 4/2/2010 6:31:22 PM government had extended the Russian PM Vladimir Putin Easter holiday for a full week as flew all the way to Venezuela part of widespread efforts to for a quick 12-hour visit to save power, and could hardly boost oil and military ties with contemplate “space travel.” President Hugo Chavez, the “Perhaps the focus should be loudest basher of U.S. more terrestrial than “imperialism” in Washington’s extraterrestrial,” Crowley said. backyard. Do you think Chavez should be Besides guns, tanks, jet fighters focusing on solving his and missiles, Chavez wants a country’s economic woes before Russian hand in developing looking towards the stars, or is a nuclear energy to cope with space program the way to go for chronic electricity shortages in former paratrooper who has his developing nation? his oil-producing country, and been in power for 11 years. Who will have the last laugh? technology to start a space Chavez suggested Moscow Reuters photo by Jorge Silva industry. might want to set up a satellite (Putin arrives in Venezuela “We are not going to build the launch site in Venezuela, along April 2, 2010) atomic bomb, but we will with its “factory.” develop nuclear energy for The U.S. State Department peaceful purposes,” said the scoffed at Chavez’s space plans.

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Earnings Highlights: Borders, CarMax, LDK Solar, Mosaic, RIM, Rite Aid ... Trey Thoelcke (BloggingStocks)

report. • CarMax Inc.( KMX) rose to a new 52-week high following Submitted at 4/3/2010 11:40:00 AM better-than-expected Q4 Filed under: Earnings Reports, earnings and sales results. Research in Motion (RIMM), • Charming Shoppes Inc.( Honeywell Intl (HON), Rite Aid CHRS) posted a smaller-thanCorp (RAD) expected Q4 net loss and said Here are some highlights from same-store sales declined. this past week's earnings coverage on BloggingStocks: Continue reading Earnings • Acuity Brands Inc.( AYI) Q2 Highlights: Borders, CarMax, results were essentially flat but LDK Solar, Mosaic, RIM, Rite an analyst's upgraded helped Aid ... boost shares. Earnings Highlights: Borders, • Borders Group Inc.( BGP) CarMax, LDK Solar, Mosaic, reported strong Q4 earnings due RIM, Rite Aid ... originally to cost cutting but revenue appeared on BloggingStocks on continued to decline. Sat, 03 Apr 2010 11:40:00 EST. • Cal-Maine Foods Inc.( Please see our terms for use of CALM) received an analyst's feeds. Permalink| Email this| d o w n g r a d e o n v a l u a t i o n Comments following release of its Q3



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Rise of Hungary's far-Right Jobbik party stirs disturbing echoes of the 1940s (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news) Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:04:30 AM

By Matthew Day in Budapest Published: 6:04PM BST 03 Apr 2010 As the youthful leader of Hungary's far-right Jobbik party arrived for an election rally, his followers gave him a welcome that had disturbing echoes of Europe in the 1940s. Two ranks of Hungarian Guards, in paramilitary-style uniforms, snapped to attention as Gabor Vona marched past them. Party leaders saluted, and a red and white banner was raised - one that looked suspiciously similar to Hungary's old fascist emblem. The rally in a school hall in the normally sleepy town of Dunakeszi was packed with hundreds of supporters. They cheered as Mr Vona promised to rid Hungary of corruption and crack down on foreign interests. He spoke about stopping Roma, the country's biggest ethnic minority, from sponging off the state - forcing anyone claiming benefits to perform public service in return. He promised to "give back Hungary's national pride and identity". The enthusiasm showed that Mr

Vona has come a long way since Jobbik launched seven years ago. Its fierce nationalistic agenda and far-right rhetoric were soundly rejected by the electorate then. In national elections in 2006 it polled a miserable 2.2 per cent, failing to get a single member of parliament elected. But now as Hungary prepares for crucial new elections the tide has turned, and it is flowing strongly Jobbik's way. To the horror of democrats who thought Hungary had shaken itself free of political extremism in 1989 with the fall of communism, Jobbik is on course to become the second biggest party in parliament. With one week to go before the country goes to the polls for the first of two rounds of voting, Jobbik has reaped the benefit of the spectacular demise of Hungary's left-wing MSZP government. Accused of rampant corruption and castigated from all sides for mismanagement of the worst recession since 1989, the government faces a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Right. Most polls suggest that the centre-right Fidesz party, headed by former prime minister Viktor Orban, will wipe out the MSZP, and perhaps even scoop up more than half the

vote. The beleaguered socialists are also in dire danger of being pushed into third place by Jobbik. Polls predict Mr Vona's party could win as many as one vote in five. Yet while the failings of the Left have helped, Jobbik has also gained from disillusionment with the economy. Hungarians expected more growth, and better government, after the fall of communism. Heavy industry has collapsed, the privatisation bonanza that brought both revenue and foreign investors has run its course, and the global recession has hit hard. Unemployment has soared to a 16-year high of 11.2 per cent, and in late 2008 the country was forced to go cap in hand to the IMF for $25 billion in emergency funding. The old political class is blamed for economic failures, and for endemic corruption. Jobbik's messages of opposing corruption and standing up for the little man have struck a chord. "The other parties serve foreign interests and foster corruption. They are anti-Hungarian," said Laszlo Soos, who runs a small home-security business. Last time he voted Fidesz but on April 11 he will back Jobbik. "This is the only party that is

prepared to stand up for Hungarian interests and not for foreign ones." But Jobbik's growing support has revived disturbing memories of the bloody wartime past, when Hungarian fascists grabbed power and enthusiastically shipped off Jews and gypsies - as Roma are commonly known - to Hitler's death camps. The new party is eager to solve what it calls the "Roma problem", though it emphasises that this should be through social measures and it does not espouse violence. Some members have made comments portrayed as antiJewish, despite the party leadership's efforts to look modern and European as well as tough. Its acceptable face is Krisztina Morvai, a blonde working mother of three and former lawyer who was last year elected as an Member of the European Parliament. She has complained bitterly that the rest of Europe sees her as a Nazi. That is in part because of the Hungarian Guard who are allies of the party, and also Jobbik's red and white-striped banner. This bears an unnerving similarity to the emblem of the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross Party, which seized power for a

brutal few months in 1944. For those old enough to remember the suffering of the war, the rise of Jobbik feels like a frightening case of deja vu. "Though I was only six years old in 1944 when the Arrow Cross came to power, I remember the reign of terror that followed," said Maria Juhasz, a Budapest pensioner. "I remember when they took away the Jews, including our village doctor, and the young men they hanged at the side of the road with placards round their necks saying 'This is the fate of deserters'. The Hungarian Guard and Jobbik, the uniforms, the language and rhetoric all remind me of the Arrow Cross and that era." Accusations of racism or antiSemitism are dismissed by Jobbik's leaders, who argue that radical policies are needed to lift Hungary's 500,000 Roma out of poverty. Mr Vona, a surprisingly bland and modest-looking leader for such an extreme party, was a founding member of Jobbik in 2003. His youth appeals to Hungarian voters who are sick of the old political class. His quietly spoken personality seems to reassure voters, although in July last year he was RISE page 7

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David Petraeus for President: Run General, run (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)

In this toxic climate, perhaps the only public institution that has increased in prestige in recent years is the American military. Its officers are looked Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:29:32 AM Toby Harnden's American Way upon, as General George Patton Published: 4:29PM BST 03 Apr once noted, as "the modern 2010 representatives of the demi-gods Comments 2| Comment on this and heroes of antiquity". article Where better to look for Americans have never been so Obama's successor, therefore, disgusted with their politicians. than in the uniformed ranks? More than three-quarters of Not since 1952, when a certain A m e r i c a n s d i s a p p r o v e o f Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Congress. President Barack Commander of Allied Forces in Obama's favourability ratings Europe during the Second have slumped to below 50 per W o r l d W a r , w a s e l e c t e d cent and he is no longer trusted President, have the chances of a or believed by many who voted military man winning the White for him. House been more propitious. Republicans are faring little Within those ranks, no one better and the growth of the Tea stands out like General David Party movement reflects the Petraeus, head of United States w i d e s p r e a d d i s g u s t w i t h Central Command, leader of Washington and the political 230,000 troops and commander class. Incumbents across the of United States forces in two b o a r d a r e v u l n e r a b l e i n wars. Having masterminded the November's mid-term elections. Iraq surge, the stunning military Many voters yearn for an gambit that seized victory from o u t s i d e r , s o m e o n e w i t h the jaws of defeat, he is now authenticity, integrity and directing an equally daunting p r o v e n a c c o m p l i s h m e n t . undertaking in Afghanistan. Someone who has not spent Petraeus, 57, has survived the their life plotting how to ascend collapse of his parachute 60 feet the greasy pole, adjusting every above the ground. After he was utterance for maximum political shot in the chest during a advantage. training exercise and endured

five hours surgery, the then battalion commander refused to lie in hospital recuperating. Demanding that the tubes be removed from his arm, he declared: "I am not the norm." A Princeton PhD, he has revolutionised the way America fights its wars, inculcating the doctrine of counter-insurgency in a new generation of officers who have finally put the ghost of Vietnam to rest. At West Point he qualified for medical school just to prove he could, never bothering to apply. The problem is that Petraeus appears to have no desire to be commander-in-chief. His denials of any political ambition have come close to the famous statement by General William Sherman. The former American Civil War commander, rejecting the possibility of running for president in 1884 by stating: "I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected." Yet speculation about "Petraeus in 2012" persists. The White House is wary of him just as President Bill Clinton was wary of General Colin Powell in 1995. Rumours that he wants to run have even reached Downing Street. At a recent appearance in New

Hampshire - which happens to be the state in which the first presidential primary will be held in January 2012 - Petraeus was emphatic. "I thought I'd said 'no' about as many ways as I could. I really do mean no," he insisted when asked if he was destined for politics. "I've tried quoting a country song 'What part of 'no' don't you understand?' but I really do mean that...I will not ever run for political office, I can assure you." Almost Shermanesque. Some note, however, when the future President Barack Obama was asked in February 2007 if he would serve his full six-year term in the Senate (due to expire in 2010), he responded: "If you get asked enough, sooner or later you get weary and you start looking for new ways of saying things." When asked directly if he would run for the White House in 2008, he said flatly: "I will not." There's little reason to doubt the sincerity of Petraeus's denials. He recently confided that he has remained so steadfastly apolitical since he became a major-general that he has not voted. And he has maintained a much lower profile since the

Divine pictures of Holy Week 2010 (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 4/2/2010 8:54:00 PM

Check out these divine pictures of Holy Week 2010, curated by the incomparable

site called “The Big Picture.�

See the pictures at More on Christianity. Permalink| Leave a comment Âť

Bush administration, when he became closely identified with the former President. This month, in an interview for a lengthy and laudatory profile in Vanity Fair, he evens praises Obama as being "everything that everyone says he is... exceedingly bright, very focused - and very competitive, by the way". Petraeus, wire-thin and an accomplished runner, is known for being one of the most competitive men on the planet and he lacks nothing in the selfassurance department. No one has ever accused him of being deficient in his sense of patriotism. Whether as an independent or as Republican, he could be a powerful presidential candidate and a potentially accomplished President. He may not want to run but if the clamour to draft him grows he might just find the call of duty - not to mention the contest of a lifetime - difficult to resist. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Labour's Ashes to Ashes Gene Hunt poster attack on Tories backfires (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)

It read: "Fire up the Quattro. It's time for Change. Vote for Change. Vote Conservative." A single line in brackets added: "Idea kindly donated by the Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:56:15 AM By Roya Nikkhah Labour Party." Published: 4:30PM BST 03 Apr Conservative activists were also 2010 busy during the day creating The poster, which Labour other responses in response to unveiled today, shows Mr the official Labour poster. C a m e r o n p o s i n g a s t h e One doctored poster, which politically incorrect detective in quickly spread via the internet, the BBC televisions series set in used the same image but the early Thatcher era. carried the slogan: “PM Dave H e i s p i c t u r e d w e a r i n g Cameron. snakeskin boots and sitting on He’s gonna sort Britain out. the bonnet of the red Audi Conservatives, fixing broken Quattro associated with the Britain.” show, next to the words: “Don’t Labour’s Ashes to Ashes poster let him take Britain back to the w a s c r e a t e d b y J a c o b 1980s.” Quagliozzi, 24, a Labour Labour party officials hoped it supporter from St Albans, who would remind young voters of entered a competition organised the Tory record in the 1980s, by the party’s advertising when youth unemployment and agency, Saatchi & Saatchi, social unrest were widespread. which invited supporters to meet B u t t h e C o n s e r v a t i v e s a brief posted online last responded by launching a weekend. rebuttal poster which used the Mr Cameron said he was same image but with a different flattered by the comparison with slogan that quoted from the Hunt, a hard-drinking warrior popular TV series. against political correctness who

describes criminals as “scum” and is not afraid to bend the rules to secure an arrest. The Conservative leader said: “I think there will be thousands of people, millions of people, in the country who wish it was the 1980s and that police were out there feeling collars and nicking people instead of filling in forms.” He offered to “lend Labour the money” for more posters on the same theme. The poster was launched in Basildon, Essex, by David Miliband, the foreign secretary, and his brother, Ed, the energy secretary, who is also writing Labour’s election manifesto. It will be displayed on electronic billboards from London to Manchester, after it was chosen from around 1,000 entries. David Miliband, said: “Ed and I became politically active in the 1980s. Jacob’s poster is a powerful reminder of the damage which the Tories did to Britain in the 80s.”

Labour is increasingly turning to the internet because it cannot match the financial resources of the Conservative party. Paul Bainsfair, a former Saatchi executive behind the Liberal Democrat’s “Labservatives” campaign, which briefly became an internet phenomenon earlier in the week, said: “Social networking is a bit of a leveller. It’s possible to achieve quite a lot with quite a little. “Historically, the battle that went on in advertising was governed by the amount of money you had to spend. The Tories are way out in front of Labour.” The Conservatives will launch a series of pre-election posters portraying a grinning Gordon Brown at 850 sites in England and Wales on Monday, attacking the prime minister’s record. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

7 mad science experiments (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 4/2/2010 8:21:00 PM

I found a list of seven science experiments that you can do at home (but probably shouldn’t). It’s spring break, right? What could be more fun than making stuff like this? • Melting spoons • Silver bullets • Lightbulbs Full story at Neatorama. More on science. Permalink| Leave a comment »

TUAW TV Live -- Unboxing the iPad Steven Sande (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:33:00 PM

Filed under: iPad If you were

watching TUAW this morning, you probably saw blogger Steve Sande doing live video from the Aspen Grove Apple Store in Littleton, CO. He's home now,

and will be doing live streaming video of the unboxing! TUAW TUAW TV Live -Unboxing the iPad originally appeared on The Unofficial

Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, Comments 03 Apr 2010 12:33:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this|

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First buyers snap up Apple's iPad (Top stories from Times Online)

they emerged a few minutes later carrying the first iPads. Toni Di Giorno, 66, from Submitted at 4/3/2010 6:21:22 AM Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, had Apple's iPad hit stores across waited in line since 5am America today, with eager yesterday with her daughter and shoppers queueing for more granddaughter. “They were than 24 hours to snap up the really excited about getting an touchscreen tablet amid positive iPad,” the grandmother said. early reviews. There was a festive, holiday Industry analysts and Wall atmosphere at the Apple store in Street are now waiting to see Richmond, Virginia, where whether the gadget - which about 100 people drank coffee Apple chief executive Steve and mingled while they waited. Jobs hopes will bridge a gap Matt Reidy, a 43-year-old IT between smartphone and laptop director, arrived at 1 am and was - will prove as successful as the first in line. “My wife thinks company’s iPhone mobile and I’m crazy. She said I’d be the iPod music player. oldest person out there,” he said. Apple has already received Crowds built steadily at stores several hundred thousands in around the country beginning pre-orders and its total first- early Friday, with shoppers year sales are expected to reach waiting at locations in New between 4 million to 7 million. York, Washington, Boston and It is due to go on sale in Britain San Francisco. later this month. The queues were noticeably S h o p p e r s c h e e r e d w h e n shorter than when the iPhone Apple’s flagship store, on Fifth was launched in 2007. Unlike Avenue in New York City, the iPhone, the iPad has been opened at 9am (2pm BST) and available to pre-order since

March 12, with the earliest being delivered - or ready for collection - in time for today’s launch. Early reviews have been mostly positive, praising the iPad’s long battery life, fast web browser and 9.7 inch touchscreen. The iPad’s success will also depend on the quality and quantity of applications, or “apps” available. Apple claimed from today buyers will be able to download at least 1,000 iPad apps with more to come. Among them are a Netflix app for streaming movies and one from Walt Disney's ABC network, which features television shows. The device is also compatible with many of the existing 150,000-plus apps designed for the iPhone and iPod touch devices. The iPad is an attempt to fuse the best qualities of laptops and smartphones. It allows owners to access the internet, play video games and view a range of

media from films to magazines. However, some commentators have criticised the device as an "oversized iPhone" lacking the processing power of a laptop and questioned whether it will be able to compete in either market. Pricing ranges from $499 for a short-range Wi-Fi model to more than $800 for a 3Genabled version. Apple’s stock has risen steadily since the iPad was launched to much fanfare in January. Apple is also launching its own digital book business to compete with the Kindle from and other e-readers and e-books. Rival software giants Hewlett and Packard and Dell are also planning to launch tablet devices later this year. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


The dawn of the iPad age (photos) (CNET Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:48:32 AM

I arrived at the Apple Store on Stockton Street in San Francisco around 7 a.m. Saturday, and the line was longer than I expected. Already leading nearly to the end of the block, the line was divided into two--one line for the preorders and one for on-site buyers. Photo by James Martin/CNET Caption by James Martin Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

How to get 800 numbers easily (and get to a human) (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 4/2/2010 11:59:00 PM

This is a long story so stick with me. I just bought an Acura MDX. It enables you to upload your address book for handsfree dialing. However, it can

only accept 1,000 contacts. However, I have 7,000 in my Exchange database. So I had to create a subset of those contacts that I would call from the MDX. One thing led to another, so I decided to really create a good database of numbers including airlines. This

then led me to an iPhone app called Dial O. The central purpose of this iPhone app is to enable you to zip through voicemail trees and get to a human. However, one of the side benefits is that it contains a database of 600 toll-

free numbers too. So if you need to find toll-free numbers or to circumvent voicemail trees, you should check out Dial 0. It will save you lots of time. More iPhone tips and tricks. Permalink| Leave a comment »


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Violent clashes at mosque protest (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)

placards reading ''Muslim bombers off our streets'' and ''Say no to the mosque''. The national anthem was played on a speaker system Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:52:22 AM By Alastair Jamieson while demonstrators waved Published: 4:08PM BST 03 Apr the flag of St George. 2010 The EDL protesters managed to About 2,000 members of the break out of the car park by EDL descended on Dudley town pulling down fences and centre on Saturday afternoon. barging their way past riot Some of the protesters broke police officers. out of a pen in a car park, About half the group then ran breaking down metal fences off through the town. and throwing the metal brackets Lines of riot police officers at officers, who were armed fought running battles with with riot shields and batons. protesters as they tried to Members of the demonstration contain the mob who pulled started fighting their own down barriers blocking off stewards who were trying to roads. calm them down as they Nick Mainwood, 42, from attacked the fences penning Oldbury, West Midlands, said them in. he tried to help an elderly The EDL had put signs up woman who suffered a panic which read ''Labour forcing attack during the protest. mosques on Britain'' and ''No He said: "I came down here for one wants this mosque''. a peaceful protest but it was Some demonstrators held horrible, absolutely horrible."

Patricia Taylor, 61, said she was trying to get home after a day out shopping with her 19month old grandson, Ashley. "We've been trying to get home since dinner time and the police have told us to go one way and then another but it is all blocked. It's terrifying with the little one and we just want to get home." Dudley Council said in a statement on its website: ''We didn't invite the EDL to our town and we don't want them here.'' However, the council said it did not have the power to ban the event. It said: ''The council has worked closely with the police to do all it can to protect and support local people, traders, businesses and the town centre. ''The EDL is proposing a static protest (rather than a march) and there is no legal requirement for an organiser of such a

protest to notify the police or the council of their definite plans. ''West Midlands Police is committed to facilitating lawful and peaceful protests, while supporting and protecting all communities.'' The mosque is planned for Hall Street with details on the design and positioning of the building due for submission by July 2011. In July last year the council lost a high court challenge to prevent the planning application being given the go ahead. Unite Against Fascism (UAF) held a peaceful protest in the town earlier today in an area which could not be seen from the rival demonstration. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Apple's iPad launches in New York City (CNET Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:52:11 AM

CNET's Natali Del Conte covers the New York City launch of the Apple iPad at the flagship cubed Apple Store on 5th Avenue. 1 minute 49 seconds April 3, 2010 8:52 AM PDT Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Buzz Makers: Sandra Bullock, Jesse James, Duggar Baby & More (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 4/3/2010 5:00:00 AM

Plus, Twilight news, Kate Gosselin blogs about her kids, and a TV legend passes away.

Oops, Jobs Didn't Grow Enough Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game) Submitted at 4/3/2010 7:19:10 AM

So 162,000 jobs were created in March, but unemployment didn't budge, holding at 9.7%. Here's why. As visualized by Econompic below, while the economy added 162,000 jobs, the average

monthly U.S. population growth over the last ten years has been 211,000. Thus the U.S. economy has to create jobs at a higher rate than its population growth, or more precisely its workforce growth, in order to see an improvement in the unemployment rate. U.S. should be happy it's not Just don't think that a growing Japan for example. There's population is a bad thing the

always enough problems to be met in an economy (ie. 'jobs'), it's just a matter of connecting the jobless with problems they can solve. Join the conversation about this story » See Also: • And Now What We're Seeing Now Is The Real Revenge Of The Housing Bubble

• Initial Jobless Claims: 439k vs 440k Estimate (But Prior Claims Revised Higher) • Feels Like A Holiday, But Here Come Those Jobs Numbers (8:30 AM ET)

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Ten officers injured in American Apparel sale scrum (Top stories from Times Online)

injuries but none required hospital treatment, while three people were arrested on public Submitted at 4/3/2010 6:46:32 AM order offences. Ten police officers were injured He added : “Police had not been and three people arrested when a notified in advance of the London clothing sale turned numbers expected to attend. into a riot. The organisers were spoken to Scuffles broke out after 2,000 by police.” p e o p l e d e s c e n d e d o n a n American Apparel were forced American Apparel ‘rummage’ to stop the sale, with less than sale in Brick Lane yesterday 30 people actually making a morning. purchase. However they rePolice were called to the sale, opened today after hiring more which was heavily publicised on security and queue-control staff. social n e t w o r k i n g s i t e The company’s brand manager Facebook, because of the Jan Hubner said: “Everyone is unexpectedly large turnout. happy today. The problem Shoppers reportedly went yesterday was that the line "crazy" as they fought over the wasn’t controlled from early in cut-price clothes at the launch the morning. of the four-day event. “At 10am there was a burst of F i l m f o o t a g e p o s t e d o n people coming to the front door. YouTube shows chaotic scenes We couldn’t control that. We as police officers were wrestled knew it was going to be big but to the ground, amid shouting not this big. Today we started and screaming bystanders. from 5am to make sure the line A Scotland Yard spokesman was under control. And we said 10 officers received minor opened the doors at 8.30am

although the official time was 10am. We’ve doubled the security and now have 30 people helping to control the lines.” Emily Cooper, 19, a student from Canterbury, said: “People went crazy yesterday. When the doors opened they were rushing through and started crushing people.” American Apparel hired more than 22,000 sq ft of space in East London’s trendy Brick Lane for the sale. Similar events in cities including Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, San Diego, Miami, Berlin and Austin have also attracted thousands of people. Almost 30,000 people had signed up to a Facebook group to say they were planning to attend the sale. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Top-rated reviews of the week (photos) (CNET Submitted at 4/3/2010 6:00:00 AM

Here's our weekly roundup of the new products CNET reviewers liked best. Alienware M11X Editors' rating: 4 out of 5

The good: Solid gaming performance in a very compact form; switchable graphics for longer battery life; great keyboard. The bad: ULV processor isn't as fast as most gaming laptops; no optical drive.

The bottom line: With its fusion of a low-voltage processor and high-end graphics, the 11.6-inch Alienware M11x is a unique and extremely compact hybrid gaming laptop with a few compromises for its size. Read CNET's full review


RISE continued from page 2

arrested at a demonstration in central Budapest. He trumpeted his Roma policies at the rally in Dunakeszi. "We are accused of racism when we talk about the Roma problem honestly," he said. "We might hurt each other's feelings when we are honest, but we have to be frank." Party officials defend themselves by insisting that even Hungarians who have little time for Jobbik voice frequent frustration about the Roma's apparent failure to become part of Hungarian society, and complain often about "Roma crime". Jobbik defends the controversial Hungarian Guard too, praising them for filling a security void in poorly policed rural areas. None of its members, the party claims, have been in trouble with the law. The surge of support for Jobbik has forced leaders of Fidesz, the centre-right party that is expected to be Hungary's

biggest after the election, to deny that that Jobbik might be asked to join a coalition. "We make it very clear that we have no intention to have any contact with Jobbik: not now nor any time in the future," said Zsolt Nemeth, a Fidesz MP and one of the party's founding fathers. "We think they are a challenge to democracy." Many voters are horrified at what may lie ahead. Gabor Ronai, who helps run his family pawn-broking business, said: "If Jobbik gets anywhere near the government it would be a disaster for Hungary. We would be ostracised from the rest of Europe." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Misspelled Tea Party Signs Are Fun to Look At [Teabonics]

Price: $799 Maureen O'Connor (Gawker) Photo by CBS Interactive Five Filters featured article: Submitted at 4/3/2010 11:26:15 AM Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, This thing looks like that thing. More » Term Extraction.


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Teachers threaten to strike over 'tick box culture' (Top stories from Times Online)

increased, but our professionalism has eroded away by the machinery of Submitted at 4/3/2010 7:41:15 AM Government and by Ofsted. I Teachers today agreed to strike am sick and tired of the amateur unless the government reduce interference from professional their “excessive” workload and politicians. safeguard their pensions. “We may end up having a Both the National Union of b a r n e y w i t h t h e n e x t Teachers (NUT) and the Nasuwt g o v e r n m e n t i f w e a s teaching union have voted in professionals are not treated as favour of industrial action. The professionals.” unions say their demands should Teachers work more unpaid be a warning to whichever hours than any other public party forms the next government sector worker, the conference after the election. heard, clocking up an average of The NUT passed a resolution at 18.7 hours unpaid work each their annual conference in week and the union claims Liverpool demanding a 35-hour t e a c h e r s ' c o n d i t i o n s h a v e week and improvements to their steadily worsened over the last working conditions. 20 years. Speaking to delegates Sue History teacher Rinaldo McMahon, a teacher from Frezzato said industrial action Calderdale, West Yorkshire, would “send a clear message to said the profession “cannot all of those out there with continue to work in a tick box governmental pretensions”. culture that works against us”. At Nasuwt’s Birmingham She said: “Our workload has conference, members voted for

the Government to honour agreements on pensions and ensure they remained an entitlement for all workers. Nasuwt general secretary Chris Keates said: “Claims that public service pension arrangements are ’too generous’ and a ’burden’ on the public purse simply are a travesty of the truth.” "The cost of providing tax relief on private pensions in 2007/08 was £37.6 billion. This is ten times the cost of the unfunded public sector pension schemes. “The problem to be addressed is not the public sector but the problem of those without decent pensions because nearly two thirds of private sector workers get no pension from their employers. " Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Trick Gmail into thinking you're on an iPad for two-pane goodness Josh Lowensohn ( Submitted at 4/2/2010 1:04:29 PM

Want to try out Gmail's two-

pane view but don't have an iPad? A simple user agent switch can get you there. But the new view might not be worth the hassle.

Originally posted at Web Crawler

Facebook Could Be Back in Court for Patent Suit Over Site Design Addy Dugdale (Fast Company)

"inter partes" re-examination at the patent just before the trial was due to start, the following Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:34:59 AM year. The go-ahead for the trial The next high-profile firm to was given last month, after the find itself in court looks to be Patent and Trademark Office Facebook. In the week that a validated XCAP's claim, which pair of strapping rowers named says that Facebook didn't start Winkelvoss intimated that their d e v e l o p i n g i t s s i t e u n t i l battle with Mark Zuckerberg D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 3 . wasn't yet over, the social It's highly unlikely that the suit networking firm is at the center will shut down the rumbling of a patent challenge by Cross juggernaut that is Facebook, but Atlantic Capital Partners. In the should XCAP succeed, then the court papers, XACP claims that firm will have to pay out it lodged a patent for an Internet millions of dollars. The court -based "community for users case will undoubtedly slam the with common interests to brakes on Facebook's IPO interact in," dating back to 2000. which, since it recently started The case between the two turning a profit, cannot be that parties was filed back in 2007, far off. until Facebook asked for a stay of litigation in order to take an

World/ Business/ Tech/

E-reader News Edition


Tories hijack Labour poster of David Comfort Zone Cameron as Gene Hunt Investing: Is Buy and Hold Dead? (Top stories from Times Online)

an an “own goal”, while Cameron claims he is flattered to be compared to the character, Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:25:08 AM who is played on BBC1's Ashes T h e C o n s e r v a t i v e s h a v e to Ashes by Philip Glenister. h i j a c k e d a L a b o u r p o s t e r He said: “I think there will be featuring David Cameron as the thousands of people, millions of 1980s TV detective Gene Hunt people, in the country who wish for their own campaign. it was the 1980s and that police This morning David Miliband were out there feeling collars unveiled a new election poster and nicking people instead of depicting Cameron as the Audi filling in forms. If Labour can’t Q u a t t r o - d r i v i n g c h a r a c t e r , afford that, then maybe we will claiming the Conservative lend them the money.” leader will “take Britain back to However at today’s launch in the 80s”. Essex David Miliband, said the However within hours the poster would remind people of Conservatives had taken the “the damage which the Tories image and posted it on their did to Britain in the 80s and the own website with a new slogan, threat which they pose to the using Hunt’s catchphrase: “Fire country should they win the up the Quattro. It’s time for election”. change.” Labour held a competition for The poster was designed by a the new campaign poster to save member of the public as part of m o n e y o n t h e i r e l e c t i o n a cost-cutting drive by Labour. advertising. The winning design The Conservatives are calling it by activist Jacob Quagliozzi, 24,

from St Albans, Herts, was then refined by Labour’s advertising agency Saatchi and Saatchi. Posters have long been the focus of election campaigns, but the speed at which they can now be doctored and reposted on the internet has made them a particular talking point of this year’s polls battle. The Conservatives have seen their own poster campaigns featuring David Cameron hijacked by humorous websites and last week a newspaper April Fool story mocked up a fake Labour poster featuring a grimacing Gordon Brown beside the slogan "step outside posh boy". Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Ted Allrich (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:30:00 AM

Filed under: Comfort Zone Investing Buy and Hold. It's an investment strategy that Warren Buffett believes in, practices, makes a fortune with. But is that an antiquated methodology given the huge swings in the stock market we've all witnessed over the last several years? And how can it apply to the technology sector when every day a new, disruptive software or chip is introduced, revolutionizing the industry? I would argue that Buy and Hold works just as well as it ever has, only it's not necessarily the right strategy for all sectors. Even with that exception, it can still work for individual companies within a

sector such as technology. It all depends on the CEO, the board, and the ability to re-invent the company. Continue reading Comfort Zone Investing: Is Buy and Hold Dead? Comfort Zone Investing: Is Buy and Hold Dead? originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

iPad teardown photos: Thank you, FCC (CNET

they've been able to do it before the iPad goes on sale on Saturday morning. (See CNET's Usually it takes a few days, or full review.) a t l e a s t a f e w h o u r s , f o r The Federal Communications teardown enthusiasts to rip apart Commission publicly has posted and analyze a new Apple 15 iPad documents that Apple product. This time, courtesy of a submitted, including photos and disclosure by federal regulators, wireless test results--even Submitted at 4/2/2010 7:16:03 PM

though Apple engineer Mike Kriege requested that the materials be kept confidential for 180 days. The good folks over at iFixit, who previously rent asunder the iPod Shuffle, the Nexus One, and the iPhone 3GS, have already posted their analysis.

The high points: the battery is not soldered, so it can be replaced; the display appears to be an expensive LG-Phillips model with LED backlighting; the iPad 3G is model A1337; and there's a lot of epoxy, hinting at high durability. Photo by Apple/Federal

Communications Commission Caption by Declan McCullagh Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Will a McDonald's April Fools Joke Become a Wake-Up Call for Its Sustainability Plans? Alissa Walker (Fast Company) Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:36:40 AM

"McDonald's announced this morning that it would discontinue plans for a worldwide composting initiative after scientists confirmed that no item on the McDonald's menu is compostable," read environmental Web site Grist's top story on April 1, 2010. "McDonald's halted the plan after scientists at the University of California-Berkeley discovered that none of the items on the McDonald's menu would compost in the next 500 years." Out of the over-abundance of April Fools stories posted yesterday, Grist's gag tore through the social media-sphere like a kid eating a drive-thru Happy Meal. But why were so many people fooled? Part of it has to do with a story posted on Grist a few weeks earlier, about this Happy Meal that Joann Bruso had purchased and placed on a shelf for one year. 365 days later, Bruso noted, there was no mold, no odor, none of the decomposition one normally associates with food sitting on a shelf for one year. (McDonald's has disputed Bruso's claim as an urban legend, something Bruso

cheerily refutes). Grist writer Tyler Falk, who wrote the April Fools story, was partially inspired by Bruso's popular experiment. "It gave the notion that McDonald's food doesn't decompose that thin veil of plausibility that any successful April Fools' Day joke needs," says Mary Bruno, Grist's executive editor. Among those fooled was GOOD and The New York Times writer Allison Arieff, who Tweeted the story dutifully. "I think I got so fooled because it seems entirely possible that the food they serve would mess with compost," she says. "I mean is there any remotely organic material left in their food?" A few minutes later,

Arieff was alerted via Twitter reply that it was a joke-by@McDonald's itself! Social media allows such lighthearted real-time interaction between corporations and journos, but there was something disturbing in the reply, which came from McDonald's Twitter contact Molly at McDonald's: "They say April Fools jokes are a form of flattery! This one had us laughing too! ^Mol" Flattery? Laughing? Arieff shot back: "But what r u doing about waste?" McDonald's replied with a link to their environmental responsibility page, which Arieff found dismissive. "Are they trying to be cool? sassy?"

she tells us. "If they took the time to respond to people they should have responded by offering specific examples of what they were doing to reduce waste. On their site, most of their efforts seem marginal at best." (McDonald's does have composting consisting of a few pilot programs in Canada and London, according to their site.) McDonald's has not yet responded to our request for a comment and more details about their initiatives. The hoax was successful because it employed what Bruno says is Grist's favorite approach: Use a joke to make a point. "People know, for the most part, that food from McDonald's is flat out not good for you," she

says. "But it is saying something when you can get so many people to believe that no item on their menu will decompose in 500 years. Further evidence that people understand McDonald's is serving up what Michael Pollan likes to call "food-like substances"--or that people are incredibly gullible." Ideally, says Bruno, their needling would encourage McDonald's to discuss more openly exactly how they're approaching waste and nutrition. "It could serve healthier food and implement a wide-reaching composting plan that would significantly cut down on the amount of food WILL page 13


E-reader News Edition


What Do Obama's New Fuel Economy and Emissions Standards Mean for Automakers? Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company) Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:40:03 AM

After decades of hemming and hawing, the U.S. government has finally hashed out concrete fuel economy and emissions standards for cars and light trucks. The new rules, generated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Environmental Protection Agency, are contentious, to say the least. Here's why. Beginning with 2012 model vehicles, automakers have to improve the fuel economy of their fleets and cut greenhouse gas emissions by about 5% each year through 2016. That means 2016 model year vehicles will need to meet an estimated combined average emissions level of 250 grams of carbon dioxide--a requirement that will bring vehicles up to an average of 35.5 mpg if all carbon reductions come directly from improvements in fuel efficiency. More specifically, cars will average out to a target of 37.8 mpg by 2016, and pickups, minivans, and SUVs will average 28.8 mpg. The EPA will also allow automakers to each credit 200,000 of their EVs as having a 0 gram rating for CO2 (read: zero emissions rating) through 2016. Any EVs over the

200,000 cap will have to take into account the CO2 generated from electricity used in charging. It's a fairly low cap-Nissan will build 150,000 of its all-electric Leaf vehicles in 2012 alone--but lawmakers believe that emissions generated from electricity production have to be taken into account at some point. The most intriguing part of the whole thing? Fuel efficiency isn't king--it's all about greenhouse gas reductions. This is probably the EPA's attempt at

preparing for a future where most vehicles aren't just juiced up by gasoline. Carmakers shouldn't necessarily get off scot-free if their EVs are ultimately powered by coal-fired electricity plants, after all. Most environmentalists are ecstatic about the announcement, which will save 1.8 billion barrels of oil and cut down on 960 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emission. The downside? Obama's rules will tack on $926 to the cost of purchasing a car within five

Association, called the rules "the most expensive fuel economy mandates in history. Tonkin also warned that rising vehicle prices will prohibit many Americans from buying new cars. But in a response to an earlier piece about the fuel efficiency rules, Scott Monty, Ford's head of social media, rationalized, "One of the ways we're addressing this issue at Ford is by making fuel efficiency affordable for all. With every new vehicle that we launch, we've committed to being best in class in fuel economy. Lighter weight and higher strength steel allows customers to save at the pump while our vehicles can still achieve 5-star crash ratings." In the end, we have to side with years, and cost automakers a the U.S. government, which staggering $52 billion to get up assures us that "Although the to speed with regulations. Still, standards can be met with the NHTSA rationalizes that conventional technologies, EPA people who buy a 2016 model and NHTSA also expect that year car will save $3,000 over some manufacturers may choose the life of the vehicle thanks to to pursue more advanced fuelfuel efficiency improvements. saving technologies like hybrid As for automakers, they'll just vehicles clean diesel engines, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, have to suck it up. So far, reactions from the auto and electric vehicles." Any industry (and auto dealers) have ruling that gives automakers the been mixed. The AP reports that much-needed kick in the pants Ed Tonkin, the car dealer in to switch their fleets over to charge of the National WHAT page 13 Automobile Dealers



E-reader News Edition

Why Focusing On Historical Natural Gas-To-Oil Ratios Is A Recipe For Losing Money Joshua Brown (The Money Game) Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:17:43 AM

(This guest post previously appeared at the author's blog, The Reformed Broker) The natural gas sector has been hot this week on the heels of several upgrades and bottoming calls on The Street. I'll take this opportunity to disabuse the investing public of a horrible bit of faux-wisdom about the commodity... One of the biggest moneylosing maxims of the past 5 years is the old "Oil Historically Trades at an 8 to 1 Ratio to Natural Gas" chestnut. I've also heard that it's more like 10 to 1. Whatever. Time to forget this ratio for good. 'Cause the word "Historically" is meaningless in the face of our newfound limitless supply of natural gas. My clients who work in the oil and gas patch in Oklahoma and Texas know this ratio to be false in today's reality. They know that the availability and methods for procurement of natural gas are much improved... We can drill everywhere for nat gas now - from Pennsylvania to the Rocky Mountains, from the

swamps to the shales. Geographically speaking, America is like a hot tub cover sitting atop a steamy jacuzzi of nat gas. We can drill for it sideways, diagonally, upside-down, in our underwear and from half-court. We can pull it from the well heads as a byproduct of oil drilling or we can frak it from the side of a cliff formation. There is so much natural gas in this country that we've run out

of places to store it. A recent estimate from the EIA postulates that we are currently looking at working nat gas storage in excess of 54 days worth of usage. The same study concluded that we may end up testing "the brim", meaning the maximum amount of storage capacity that we can handle in the lower 48 states. This brim is estimated at 4 trillion cubic feet, but no one is really sure because it has never gotten close before.

This is a great thing from an energy-sourcing standpoint and many of the technological breakthroughs that have made this bountiful supply a reality have come along in the last decade or so. With significantly better equipment comes higher supply, regardless of what used to be the norm. What does this mean to those looking for a quantitative answer to an old school relativevalue question? It means that

your historical 8 to 1 ratio has been rendered impotent. Throw your models away. The below chart of Oil-To-Gas from Bespoke demonstrates exactly how volatile this relationship truly is: "Historically" is a dangerous term, it justifies all kinds of cocksure assumptions. When I hear Wall Street guys talking with certainty about the crude to natty ratio, I chuckle to myself. Historically, it was a good idea to have 8 year old boys working in coal mines. Historically, it was acceptable for food packaging companies to add poisonous trans fats to apple sauce in order to extend shelf life by an extra week or so. Historically, the earth was flat, Tiger was a model citizen and guaranteeing pensions to autoworkers for life was a safe bet as most of 'em would barely live past 60 years old. Historically. Enough with the ratio, the earth has turned and things don't work that way anymore. Chart Source: Oil To Natural Gas Ratio (Bespoke) Read more market commentary at The Reformed Broker > Join the conversation about this story Âť

Business/ Tech/

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Nevada Hedged By Massive Amounts Of Gold Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game)

countries who have rapidly growing economies,” Di Stefano said. “And we are exporting products that these countries need and cannot afford to cut back too much on their imports.” Nevada had $5.67 billion in exports in 2009 compared with $6.11 billion in 2008. The state had $5.71 billion in exports in 2007. In 2009, precious stones and

trading partner in 2009 with $2.8 billion in exports, primarily because of the gold shipments. One has to admit it's pretty convenient how a state leveraged to a rise in global-risk taking is at the same time hedged by massive amounts of local gold. It's an interesting example of how even some of the hardest hit places in the U.S. had their bright sides, and that how as investors or entrepreneurs there are always opportunities if you challenge your assumptions. Join the conversation about this story » See Also: metals totaled $3 billion. That • Here's 20 Reasons To Be was followed by ores, $509 Wildly Optimistic About The million; electrical machinery, Economy $479 million; toys and games • Goldman Already Knows (which includes slot machines) That Tomorrow's ISM and sports equipment, $427 Manufacturing Index Will Be million; industrial machinery Awesome and computers, $337 million; • Stop Freaking Out About A optical, photo and medical Yuan Hike And It Might equipment, $262 million; and Actually Happen aircraft and spacecraft parts, $103 million. Switzerland was the No. 1

misinformation," she says. "Show what you're doing that's positive. Reduce waste, don't 'explore ways to reduce waste'! Address the national conversation about obesity head -on and change your product!" Even though she got punked,

Arieff says she did learn one thing by going to the McDonald's Web site: "I thought it was fascinating that in other countries, McDonald's offers much healthier options-like a side order of cherry tomatoes for kids or veggie

Submitted at 4/3/2010 5:22:00 AM

Nevada was hit pretty hard during the economic downturn as its property market and tourism industry was slammed. So the state was toast right? Well, things were rough, with unemployment hitting 13% in January this year, but Nevada's economy isn't as simple as most of us might imagine. The state produces a fair share of agricultural products, manufactured goods, and most notably... gold. Nevada is America's #1 gold producing state, accounting for 82% of national output, and if ranked as a nation is likely still the#4 producer in the world. The result was that exports proved far more defensive during the downturn than most states Las Vegas Sun: “The reasons that Nevada was more resilient than other states in the export decrease was we are shipping to many of the

WILL continued from page 10

waste," she says. "It's such an industry leader that if McDonald's did it, everyone else would follow." Arieff hopes the exchange with her new Twitter friend would help mobilize McDonald's into action--right now. "Clear up any

options in India--they do nothing like that here except over-dressed caloric salads." [ Grist]


WHAT continued from page 11

hybrids and EVs is alright by us. [ NHTSA]

But I Thought Counterfeiting Movies Ran Rampant In The Wild West Of Canada? Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 4/2/2010 4:45:00 PM

If you only listened to the entertainment industry spokeslobbyists, you might think that Canada had no copyright/anti-counterfeiting laws at all. Europe is pushing for massive changes to Canadian copyright law via CETA, and the US entertainment industry insists that ACTA is needed to to drag Canada into the 21st century. Clearly, the laws must not exist. Except... Canada already does have copyright/counterfeiting laws in place, and they seem to work pretty well. Anshar points us to the news that existing laws were used to seize over a quarter of a million counterfeit DVDs. So, what, with CETA or ACTA it would have been half a million? Permalink| Comments| Email This Story


Business/ Tech/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

National Bureau Of Economic Research: Look People, The Recovery Is Pretty Clear

Personal Bankruptcies Skyrocket in March

Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game)

Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:40:00 PM

Submitted at 4/3/2010 5:49:25 AM

Robert Hall, the Stanford economist who heads the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research's Business Cycle Dating Committee explains why it's time for recovery-deniers to throw in the towel. Jobs, one the last data points to react to a rebounding economy, are now clearly growing. That's a huge sign: Bloomberg: “I would say ‘pretty clear’ is a good description” for whether the economic contraction has ended, he said. Among the top indicators the group uses is payrolls, according to its Web site. The government revised the January and February job count up by a combined 62,000, putting the March gain at 224,000 after including the updated data. “It’s great news that employment has finally stopped shrinking,” Hall, a Stanford University professor, said.

Today’s report showed the payroll count from the government’s survey of businesses and the employment numbers from a separate survey of households have both been heading higher, Hall said. “That is looking better now,” he said. “I think the odds favor a continuing expansion in employment, but I don’t have great confidence.” Read more here >

Join the conversation about this story » See Also: • Shiller: 50-50 Chance For A Double Dip In Housing Market • And Now Air Traffic Is Nearing Pre-Recession Levels • Packed Containers Piling Up At Asian Ports Because There's Too Much Demand From West

James Grant: U.S. Treasury Yields `Likely’ to Rise: Video Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture)

Five Filters featured article: Term Extraction. Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS,

Connie Madon (BloggingStocks)

Filed under: Consumer Experience, Economic Data, Personal Finance, Recession This statistic is mind boggling! Federal courts reported 158,000 bankruptcy filings in March. That amounts to 6,900 per day and a rise of 35% from February, as stated by Aacer, a court electronic records data collection agency. The reason for this jump is obvious. Unemployment is rising to nearly 17% for all categories labeled by the U.S. Labor Department. Katherine M. Porter of the University of Iowa said: "Fewer people are trying to save their homes. ... They realize their payments are

not affordable and bankruptcy judges do not have the power to adjust the mortgages to make them more affordable." Continue reading Personal Bankruptcies Skyrocket in March Personal Bankruptcies Skyrocket in March originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 12:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Digg's app comes to Android, minus some features Josh Lowensohn ( Submitted at 4/2/2010 3:34:29 PM

Digg's mobile app comes to Android, bringing with it new

features like a landscape mode. It is, however, missing a few features its iPhone cousin has. Originally posted at Web Crawler

Business/ Popular News/ Finance/

E-reader News Edition


TerraCycle Pop-Up Shop Arrives at NYC's Port Authority Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company)

NYC's Port Authority until May 1. The shop, set up in honor of Submitted at 4/2/2010 6:43:06 PM Earth Month, offers everything We're big fans of TerraCycle, TerraCycle sells, including the upcycling company that cereal box notebooks, worm turns trash into trash cans, Frito- poop-based plant food, and Lay bags into speakers, and pencil cases made out of juice snack bags into totes. The pouches. TerraCycle is showing c o m p a n y ' s w a r e s c a n b e off wares from other vendors, purchased online and in select too--the pop-up shop sells stores (i.e. Walmart) but up until jewelry made out of used now, there hasn't been a one plastics from Garbage of Eden, stop shop for TerraCycle goods. coffee sleeves made out of scrap Enter TerraCycle's pop-up material from Abby Valentine, Green Up Shop, now located in and Earth Spirit Yoga Bags

made from upcycled fabric scraps. 1% of sales from everything sold in the store goes to Riverkeeper, which bills itself as "NY's clean water advocate."

TerraCycle's pop-up shop may not be selling anything new, but its placement in Port Authority is the ideal spot to catch curious commuters who might otherwise

never hear of the company, let alone the concept of upcycling. If you want to introduce your friends to the concept, consider taking them to the Green Up Shop on April 8th at 7 pm, when Garbage of Eden and RePlayGround will offer a DIY scraptacular, complete with free scrap materials. Read more: How TerraCycle Plans to Takeover the Garbage Industry

Putin signs key deals with Chavez (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 4/2/2010 8:54:43 PM

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has signed a series of key energy deals with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during a visit to the capital, Caracas. Mr Chavez said Russia had agreed to help Venezuela with a nuclear power plant and on building a space industry. However, the Venezuelan leader, a long-time adversary of Washington, insisted that "we are not building an alliance against the United States". Bolivian President Evo Morales

was also invited to meet Mr Putin in Caracas. 'Important day' The BBC's Will Grant in Caracas says Mr Putin is perhaps Venezuela's most important visitor since US President Bill Clinton in 1999. Our correspondent says the Venezuelan government is sending a message that it now has other powerful friends who share common bonds in energy, military hardware and international relations. The Russian leader gave Mr Chavez a multi-million-dollar down payment for oil exploration rights in the Orinoco River Belt.

Mr Chavez added: "Russia offers help so that Venezuela can have its own industry for the use of outer space. "We could install a satellite launcher here and a factory. We are already doing so with China, but Russia is offering to support Venezuela build its own [space] industry." In a televised speech ahead of Mr Putin's arrival, Mr Chavez said: "This is a truly important day for the country and for Latin America. It is a visit of great importance. We are forging, like steel, a new multi-polar world." At a joint news conference after their meeting, the Venezuelan leader said: "We are prepared to

begin drawing up the first project for a nuclear power generator, obviously for peaceful purposes. "We aren't going to make an atomic bomb," he added. Venezuela has recently suffered widespread power cuts and is looking to nuclear power as a solution. US state department spokesman P J Crowley said that "to the extent that Venezuela is going to expend resources on behalf of its people, perhaps the focus should be more terrestrial than extraterrestrial". The US has expressed concern at Venezuela's purchase of weapons from Russia. However,

no new deals have yet been announced. Mr Chavez insisted: "We are not building an alliance against the United States. We don't care what Washington thinks." Mr Morales was expected to seek Russian loans to purchase military hardware and to discuss gas and oil exploration in Bolivia. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

increase in employment in March is good news at face

value. It’s even better news when you look more closely at

the numbers.

Unemployment headed to 9.5% (Kiplinger Personal Finance)

[ unable to retrieve full-text content] An


Popular News/

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AP: Vatican waited years to defrock Arizona priest (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

Teta's victims, said Friday. The Rev. Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman, called the The abuse cases of two priests a c c u s a t i o n s " a b s o l u t e l y in Arizona have cast further groundless" and said the facts doubt on the Catholic church's were being misrepresented. insistence that Pope Benedict He said the delay in defrocking XVI played no role in shielding Teta was caused by a hold on pedophiles before he became appeals while the Vatican pope. changed regulations over its Documents reviewed by The handling of sex abuse cases. In Associated Press show that as a t h e m e a n t i m e , h e s a i d , Vatican cardinal, the future pope cautionary measures were in took over the abuse case of the place; Teta had been suspended Rev. Michael Teta of Tucson, since 1990. Ariz., then let it languish at the "The documents show clearly V a t i c a n f o r y e a r s d e s p i t e and positively that those in repeated pleas from the bishop charge at the Congregation of for the man to be removed from the Doctrine of the Faith ... have the priesthood. repeatedly intervened actively In another Tucson case, that of over the course of the 90s so Msgr. Robert Trupia, the bishop that the canonic trial under way w r o t e t o t h e n - C a r d i n a l in the Tucson diocese could Ratzinger, who would become dutifully reach its conclusion," pope in 2005. Bishop Manuel Lombardi said in a statement. Moreno called Trupia "a major In the 1990s, a church tribunal risk factor to the children, found that Teta had molested adolescents and adults that he children as far back as the many have contact with." There 1970s, and the panel determined is no indication in the case files "there is almost a satanic quality that Ratzinger responded. in his mode of acting toward The details of the two cases young men and boys." come as other allegations The tribunal referred Teta's emerge that Benedict — as a case, which included allegations Vatican cardinal — was part of t h a t h e a b u s e d b o y s i n a a culture of cover-up and confessional, to Ratzinger. The confidentiality. church considers cases of abuse "There's no doubt that Ratzinger in confessionals more serious delayed the defrocking process than other molestations because of dangerous priests who were they also defile the sacrament of deemed 'satanic' by their own penance. bishop," Lynne Cadigan, an It took 12 years from the time attorney who represented two of Ratzinger assumed control of Submitted at 4/3/2010 7:21:57 AM

the case in a signed letter until Teta was formally removed from ministry, a step only the Vatican can take. Teta was accused of engaging in abuse not long after his arrival to the Diocese of Tucson in 1978. Among the eventual allegations: that he molested two boys, ages 7 and 9, in the confessional as they prepared for their First Communion. Teta was removed from ministry by the bishop, but because the church's most severe punishment — laicization — can only be handed down from Rome, he remained on the church payroll and was working with young people outside the church. In a signed letter dated June 8, 1992, Ratzinger advised Moreno he was taking control of the case, according to a copy provided to the AP from Cadigan, the victims' attorney. Five years later, no action had been taken. "This case has already gone on for seven years," Moreno wrote Ratzinger on April 28, 1997, adding, "I make this plea to you to assist me in every way you can to expedite this case." It would be another seven years before Teta was laicized. Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, said Teta was ordered defrocked in 1997. But Teta appealed, and the appeal remained on hold until the new regulations took effect in 2001.

"Starting in 2001, all the appeals that were pending were promptly taken up, and Teta's case was one of the first to be discussed," Lombardi said. But this still took time, he said, because the documentation that had been presented was "especially voluminous." The sentence was upheld and in 2004 Teta was laicized. The case of Trupia shows the fragmented nature of how Rome handled such allegations before 2001, when Ratzinger dictated that all abuse cases must go through his Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. Before then, files were sent to varied Vatican departments, as they were in the case of Trupia. Moreno suspended Trupia in 1992, but again faced delays from the Vatican in having him formally removed from the church. Documents show at least two Vatican offices — the Congregation for the Clergy and the Apostolic Signatura, the highest judicial authority of the Catholic Church— were involved in the case at least as early as 1995. Moreno pleaded with the Congregation for the Clergy to do something, writing, "We have proofs of civil crimes against people who were under his priestly care" and warning Trupia could "be the source of greater scandal in the future." Ultimately, the case landed in

Ratzinger's office. On Feb. 10, 2003, a day after the Arizona Daily Star reported that Trupia was living in a condo near Baltimore, driving a leather-seated Mercedes-Benz with a rosary hanging from the rearview mirror, Moreno wrote to Ratzinger again. Sick with prostate cancer and the beginning stages of Parkinson's disease, Moreno was approved for early retirement by Pope John Paul II. Before he was replaced, the bishop wrote Ratzinger yet again. Moreno's replacement, Bishop Gerald Kicanas, sent similar requests to Ratzinger and his subordinates. "My experience — and as I've looked at the records in our serious cases — the Vatican actually was prodding, through the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and Cardinal Ratzinger, to try to get this case going," Kicanas said. Finally, in August 2004, Trupia was laicized. "The tragedy is that the bishops have only two choices: Follow the Vatican's code of secrecy and delay, or leave the church," Cadigan, the victims' lawyer, said Friday. "It's unfortunate that their faith demands that they sacrifice children to follow the Vatican's directions." Trupia's former attorney, Stephen A. Shechtel of AP: page 20

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5 dead, 2 hurt in blast, fire at Wash. refinery (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News) Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:31:37 AM

ANACORTES, Wash. – A Tesoro Corp. oil refinery blast and fire that claimed five lives is now the subject of state and federal investigations. The company has also launched its own probe. The refinery was recently fined for safety violations amid what federal watchdogs call a troubling trend of serious accidents at refineries. Three men died at the scene early Friday and two women died later at a Seattle hospital. Two other men were badly burned. Matt Gumbel, 34, and Lew Janz, 41, remained in critical condition Saturday at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. Janz was in a medically induced coma with burns over 75 percent of his body. "He's very, very ill," his mother, Bonita Janz, said Saturday morning. "It's just a waiting game right now. We have to hope that whatever is best for Lew is what happens." The blast shook houses and woke people miles away at about 12:30 a.m. Friday, shooting flames as high as the refinery's tower before the blaze was extinguished about 90 minutes later. Anacortes is about 70 miles north of Seattle on Puget Sound. "We could tell this was horrific, this was huge," said Jan Taylor

of La Conner, Wash., who felt the blast rock her motorhome at the RV park across the bay. It was the largest fatal refinery accident since a 2005 explosion at a BP American refinery in Texas killed 15 people and injured another 170. Six investigators with the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board were dispatched to the scene, and the Washington Department of Labor and Industries launched an investigation. The company said employees were doing maintenance work on a unit that processes highly flammable liquid derived during the refining process. Killed were Matthew C. Bowen, 31, of Arlington; Darrin J. Hoines, 43, of Ferndale; and Daniel J. Aldridge, 50, of Anacortes, according to the Skagit County coroner. A 29year-old woman died of her burns at the hospital; she was identified as Kathryn Powell of Burlington. Tesoro identified the fifth victim as 36-year-old Donna Van Dreumel, employed at the plant since 2001. The Oak Harbor woman died Friday night at Harborview. The blast occurred in a unit that was in the dangerous process of returning to operation, turning up heat and pressure, said Tesoro spokesman Greg Wright. "It's a volatile process," Wright said. "We are diligent about

being safe." Michael Silverstein, an assistant director at the state labor department, described the explosion and fire as occurring in a bank of boilers. Since the boilers heat fluids to high temperatures under great pressure, they are "inherently vulnerable to events like this unless they are maintained and operated in a safe manner," Silverstein told a Friday afternoon news conference near the state capital of Olympia. "It's going to take us quite a while to really develop the full chronology and to look at the details," Silverstein said. "We want to do everything possible to help prevent this from ever happening again." The agency fined the San Antonio-based company $85,700 last April for 17 serious safety and health violations, defined as those with potential to cause death or serious physical injury. Inspectors found 150 instances of deficiencies and said the company didn't ensure safe work practices and failed to update safety information when changes were made to equipment. In November, the state reached a settlement with Tesoro, requiring in part that the company correct the hazards and hire a third-party consultant to do a safety audit. The settlement reduced the total

penalty to $12,250 and lowered the number of violations to three. "We don't know if any of those hazards were involved in the incident that happened today," said Hector Castro, a spokesman for the state labor department. The company was also fined $6,000 for two serious violations in 2005, and another $6,000 for two serious violations in 2007, Castro said. Jeff Haffner, associate general counsel for Tesoro, said the third-party audit was completed in the past few weeks, but the consulting firm hired had not yet issued its report. Most of the items involved requirements for managing safety, he said. "There's no way for us to know whether the subject matter of any of those items were related, if at all, to this incident, because we don't know what caused the incident," Haffner said. The state inspections were part of a national effort to examine all petroleum refineries in the United States after the 2005 explosion in Texas. Of the 18 major accidents the U.S. chemical safety board is currently examining, at least seven are at refineries, said Daniel Horowitz, spokesman for the board. Yet there are only 150 refineries in the country and tens of thousands of other chemical plants. "Our board is extremely

concerned about safety in this sector," Horowitz told The Associated Press. "There's been a lot of accidents in the refining sector. There's been a lot of safety violations." Parts of the refinery continue to operate, Wright said, and any loss in production can likely be made up by ramping up production at Tesoro's other West Coast refineries or buying from others. Tesoro is an independent refiner and marketer of petroleum products. The Anacortes refinery, which Tesoro has owned since 1998, can refine about 130,000 barrels of crude daily, according to the company. It mainly processes Alaska North Slope crude and makes gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, mostly for Washington and Oregon. There are four large refineries in northwestern Washington. This is the first refinery fire in Anacortes since 2007, when a blaze damaged a storage tank at the Shell Puget Sound Refinery and three people received minor injuries. Tesoro had a previous fire in 2002, with no injuries. Six refinery workers were killed in an explosion and fire at the Equilon Puget Sound Refinery in Anacortes in 1998. ___ Contributing to this report were Associated Press Science Writer DEAD, page 20


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Apple iPad hits shops in America (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 4/3/2010 7:10:17 AM

Apple's latest product, the iPad tablet computer, has gone on sale in America. The first generation model has wi-fi but not 3G connectivity, and unlike other tablet devices, it is not yet available outside the US. The New York Apple store in Manhattan opened its doors to a 500-strong crowd at 0900 EST (1400 BST). Queues for the new iPad were considerably smaller than the crowds which gathered for the launch of the iPhone in 2007, according to reports. However people had travelled to the US from around the world to purchase a device. 'Huge hit for some' Apple took pre-orders online but some early adopters began queuing outside stores the day before its release. The company's co-founder Steve Wozniak joined a queue outside an Apple store in California on Friday evening. He said he had pre-ordered the device, which is retailing in the US at $499 - $829 (ÂŁ328 ÂŁ545). European prices have not yet been announced. "It's going to be a huge hit among a very small section of the public - Mac lovers and early adopters," said the BBC's

technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones. "The bigger question is whether there is that big a market between the smartphone and the laptop for it to fill," he said. "Newspapers and magazines are certainly hoping so but the jury's still out." In Palo Alto, California, tech expert and former Microsoft "technology evangelist" Robert Scoble, who spent the night outside a store with Chatroulette creator Andrey Ternovskiy, said there were only around 30 in the queue. Greg Packer and Cheline Lundin are reported to have been the first in line in New

changing the batteries is something you have to leave to the professionals," he wrote on website Boing Boing. While Apple has pitched the iPad as a "third" device between a phone and a PC, the tablet does not synchronise easily with the two according to Ian Fogg, an expert analyst at Forrester. "Apple has left too much in the hands of consumers to transfer and manage manually," he wrote in a blog post. "Tethered sync is a 20th Century product feature." Have you bought an iPad tablet computer? If not, would you consider buying one? Do you think it will be as popular as the iPhone? Send us your comments York and Chicago respectively. M u l l e n ' s b o s s , a s s t o r e using the form below. Mr Packer began his wait customers were limited to two In most cases a selection of your comments will be o u t s i d e M a n h a t t a n ' s F i f t h devices each. published, displaying your name Avenue Apple store on 30 Mixed reviews March. Please turn on JavaScript. and location unless you state The device appealed to him Media requires JavaScript to otherwise in the box below. The BBC may edit your because it is "like a mini play. laptop," he said in a YouTube iPad or iFad? Apple set for comments and not all emails will be published. Your clip. launch AFP reported 15 people waiting However not everybody shares comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. outside the Apple store in New their enthusiasm. York on Friday afternoon, Journalist and sci-fi author Print Sponsor including a mother, daughter Cory Doctorow has attacked the Five Filters featured article: and grandmother. iPad for being too locked-down. Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Mother Jeanney Mullen said "Buying an iPad for your kids PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, she was planning to buy one for isn't a means of jump-starting Term Extraction. herself and her 11 -year-old the realisation that the world is daughter Giovanna. yours to take apart and Her own mother had come reassemble; it's a way of telling along to buy a third for Ms y o u r o f f s p r i n g t h a t e v e n

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US steps up air security checks (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

Amsterdam. In the wake of that incident new rules were brought in requiring Submitted at 4/2/2010 2:41:05 PM extra screening for passengers The US has announced that it from, or travelling through, will begin profiling US-bound Afghanistan, Algeria, Cuba, passengers to determine who Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, should get extra screening. Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, The measures will replace Somalia, Sudan, Syria and mandatory enhanced screening Yemen. of all travellers from 14 nations, The BBC's Adam Brookes in brought in after the failed attack Washington says those hastilyon a flight in December. imposed rules will now be Travellers will be picked out replaced. according to how closely they The specifics of these new match intelligence on potential measures remain mysterious, terrorist threats. but they may involve elements The new strategy results from a like analysing an individual's review ordered by President travel record and matching it Barack Obama. against current intelligence, all 'Intelligence-led' before that individual boards a Department of Homeland "This is not a system that can be The US government currently countries and partial names, the plane. S e c u r i t y S e c r e t a r y J a n e t called profiling in the traditional has a 6,000-name "no fly" list of newspaper said. Reportedly the US government N a p o l i t a n o s a i d t h e n e w sense. It is intelligence-based," suspected terrorists, who are While the US does not have the will give more information to measures would use "real-time, the newspaper quoted an official banned from flights to or within authority to screen passengers in airlines and foreign security threat-based intelligence along as saying. US territory. foreign airports, it can sanction staff to use at check-in, and with multiple, random layers of Passengers were told to expect This will be supplemented by air carriers if they do not agree officials said passengers flying security, both seen and unseen, increased use of explosives trace cross-referenced information to follow US guidelines for to the US might notice more to more effectively mitigate detection, advanced imaging that may see passengers subject international aviation security. random screening, more checks evolving terrorist threats". technology, sniffer dogs and pat to further screening even if their A 23-year-old Nigerian man - for traces of explosives and The US began notifying air downs. names are not flagged, the Wall Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - more use of advanced imaging carriers on Thursday and the The measures will apply to US Street Journal reported. h a s b e e n c h a r g e d w i t h technology. n e w p r o t o c o l s a r e b e i n g citizens, as well as foreigners Please turn on JavaScript. attempting to destroy a plane Print Sponsor implemented immediately, a travelling to America. Media requires JavaScript to after he allegedly tried to Five Filters featured article: senior administration official Congressman Peter King, the play. detonate a bomb on a passenger Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: told the BBC. top Republican on the homeland BBC's Adam Brookes: "A lot jet arriving in the US on 25 PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, The New York Times says the security oversight committee, of it is about information December 2009. Term Extraction. new strategy will more precisely said making better use of sharing" He was overpowered by target those individuals about i n t e l l i g e n c e w a s " a s t e p The screening will take into passengers and crew shortly whom security officials have f o r w a r d " . account characteristics like before the Northwest Airlines concerns. 'No fly' list nationality, age, recently visited plane landed in Detroit from


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RI flooding brings 2 churches closer for Easter (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

by Trinity College in Connecticut, 46 percent of residents polled identified WEST WARWICK, R.I. – At themselves as Catholic. St. Joseph Church, the Easter So when St. Joseph pastor Rev. Sunday flock will be a little Charles Downing found out bigger than usual this year. about the damage to the church Maybe a little damp, too. 100 yards away, he offered a Spared from damage because of helping hand. its hilltop location, the Roman "We heard about Sacred Heart Catholic church in the heart of church being damaged and flood-ravaged West Warwick is condemned from further use for taking in parishioners from a while, so we called the church nearby Sacred Heart Church, and talked to the pastor and told which wasn't so lucky. Flood them we'll certainly step up and waters from the Pawtuxet River make (St. Joseph) available to heavily damaged the basement their people and to them for of that church and two rectory whatever their needs are over buildings on the property this the next weeks, whatever it's week, rendering it unsafe for going to take," Downing said. worship. His church holds about 450 The timing was particularly people, but he expects 500 or bad. more for each of the three Easter Sunday is a sacred Masses scheduled Sunday. holiday for Catholics, who " Easter is always a full church," celebrate Jesus Christ's death said Downing. "We will be and resurrection with a week's s q u e e z i n g p e o p l e i n t h i s worth of observations leading w e e k e n d e s p e c i a l l y . " up to Sunday. And no state is Among them will be more Catholic than Rhode p a r i s h i o n e r s f r o m b o t h Island: In a 2008 American c h u r c h e s . Religious Identification Survey "There will be a lot of people Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:08:39 AM

DEAD, continued from page 17

Seth Borenstein in Washington, Five Filters featured article: D.C.; and Doug Esser, Phuong Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: L e a n d D o n n a G o r d o n PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, B l a n k i n s h i p i n S e a t t l e . Term Extraction.

here who have lost everything, who will be coming back from hotels and motels or wherever they're staying 'cause they want to come to their own church on Easter Sunday morning," said Downing. The church will also host a funeral Monday that had been scheduled at Sacred Heart, and may add Masses to its schedule to accommodate the overflow until Sacred Heart can reopen, he said. "It's a sign of unity of the faith, that another parish will take us in and our parishioners will be able to celebrate all the same sacraments," said the Rev. Richard Bucci, pastor at Sacred Heart. The floodwaters and mud destroyed the basements and a small chapel, but spared two statues — one of Mary, the other of John the Baptist. Bucci's car was flooded, too. On Friday, an inch-thick coating of mud as smooth and brown as Easter chocolate remained on walkways around and through the property,

though no damage was visible from outside. In addition to water damage, sewage and industrial waste from area auto body shops are concerns, Bucci said Friday. Also heavily damaged was a school gymnasium behind the church, which Sacred Heart sold to the Islamic School of Rhode Island in 2008. "It certainly was not discriminatory. It got the Catholics, the Muslims and it's Passover this week," Bucci said. Downing says he'll steer clear in his sermons of any remarks drawing parallels between Bible scripture and the disastrous floods that have stricken Rhode Island this week. And, he says, he will be sure to share the collection box proceeds with Sacred Heart. "We won't keep all the envelopes," he said, laughing. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

AP: continued from page 16

Rockville, Md., said Friday that he never dealt with the church on his client's behalf and that Trupia was aware he would be defrocked and didn't fight it. Bishop Gerald Kicanas, Moreno's replacement, defended the Vatican's handling of the Arizona cases, citing the prolonged process of internal church trials that he acknowledged could be "frustratingly slow because of the seriousness of the concerns." Kicanas said suggestions that Ratzinger resisted addressing the issues of sexual abuse in the church were "grossly unfair." "Cardinal Ratzinger, as the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was always receptive, ready to listen, to hear people's concerns," Kicanas said. " Pope Benedict is the same man." ___ Associated Press writers Jacques Billeaud in Phoenix and Ben Nuckols in Baltimore contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Ohio high school: Notre Dame recruit died in Fla. (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

social-networking sites such as Facebook. "When one of their own is in CINCINNATI – A star high trouble, they band together," school football player from Motz said. Ohio who was recruited by Whit Majors, a forensic Notre Dame died after falling investigator with the Florida from a hotel balcony while on S t a t e M e d i c a l E x a m i n e r ' s spring break in Florida, a high District 14 office, said the school spokesman said. person who died was on spring Students at St. Xavier High break but did not release his School gathered on the football name. The cause of the fall was field Friday night to remember being investigated, and officials senior Matt James following planned to do toxicology tests, reports of his death in Panama Majors said. City Beach, Fla., spokesman The 6-foot-6, 290-pound Mark Motz said Saturday. offensive lineman was an allJames, 17, apparently died city and all-state football player instantly after he fell from the for St. Xavier and signed a letter third-floor balcony of the Days of intent in February to play for Inn Motel at around 6:30 p.m. Notre Dame. He also was a Friday, police told WJHG-TV in member of the high school's Panama City. varsity basketball team. Police had not confirmed "The Notre Dame football James' identity as of Saturday program is in a state of disbelief morning, but Motz said the and incredible sadness with the school was "devastated" by the news of this tragic event," Notre news. Motz said the impromptu Dame football coach Brian vigil was organized as word of Kelly said in a statement. James' death spread through Kelly and his staff recruited Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:26:41 AM

James to go to Cincinnati, where Kelly coached the past three years. James followed him to Notre Dame when Kelly was hired in December, choosing the Fighting Irish over Ohio State. "Matt was an extremely talented person who was very bright and possessed a great dry sense of humor," Kelly said. "He could not wait to join the Notre Dame family." James' family received the news of his death at a gathering to celebrate the 50th birthday of an uncle, according to Dan Rudolph, who attended the gathering and whose son Kyle Rudolph is a Notre Dame tight end. "His mom and dad were here when they got the call," Dan Rudolph told the Chicago Tribune. "The whole James family was here. I can't believe that happened." Andrew Hendrix, a quarterback from Moeller High School in Cincinnati who is committed to Notre Dame, had met James.

Facebook buys photo service Divvyshot Caroline McCarthy ( Submitted at 4/2/2010 1:10:24 PM

A talent acquisition rather than a product acquisition, Facebook has acquired the Y Combinatorfunded start-up and will be

shutting its service down. Originally posted at The Social

"He was a great guy. Just from knowing him a little while, I knew he was dedicated and definitely was excited about going to Notre Dame. He was a great guy. It's a tragedy that it happened," he said. "He was a quiet guy, but always smiling. He definitely enjoyed life, that's for sure." James isn't the first spring breaker to die from a balcony fall this year. Brandon Kohler, a 19-year-old from Winder, Ga., died March 24 when he fell from a fifth-floor balcony at the Holiday Terrace Motel in Panama City Beach. Funeral arrangements were pending. Motz said the school would take its cues from James' family, noting that St. Xavier is on spring break until April 12. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Question of the Weekend: How Much Can Dems Accomplish? (Chris Good) (Politics :: The Atlantic) Submitted at 4/3/2010 5:25:01 AM

How much will President Obama and Democrats be able to accomplish with their congressional majorities before they disappear? Will this president and this Congress have a lasting impact on the country?

Top 10 DIY Cellphone Mods and Accessories [Lifehacker Top 10] Adam Pash (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:00:00 AM

Cellphones these days are expensive enough without dropping wads of cash on accessories and unnecessary apps. These ten DIY cellphone mods and accessories solve common cellphone problems, add useful features to your phone, and are just plain cool. More Âť


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Badu charged for nude music video (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

Badu's spokeswoman had no immediate comment on Friday. The singer, who was born in Submitted at 4/3/2010 2:35:45 AM Dallas, performed a walking US neo-soul singer Erykah striptease in front of tourists and Badu has been charged with pedestrians during the shoot in disorderly conduct for stripping Dealey Plaza on 13 March for n a k e d o n a s t r e e t a m o n g her video for the song Window pedestrians for her music video Seat. shoot. Sgt Mitchell added that the She ended by re-enacting police department has had receiving a fatal gunshot to the "people calling from all across head at the spot in Dallas where the country to express their President John F Kennedy was concern". assassinated in 1963. "Having a fact witness that was Sergeant Warren Mitchell said there, is what let us file the Badu was charged after a charges," he said. w i t n e s s o f f e r e d a s w o r n "After much discussion, we feel statement to police on Thursday. that these charges best fit her

conduct. She disrobed in a public place without regard to individuals and small children who were close by." He said Badu can either fight the charge or pay the fine. Disorderly conduct is punishable by a fine of up to $500 (£328). Witness Ida Espinosa, 32, declined to comment to The Associated Press on Friday. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Why Volcanic Eruptions Can Spark Lightning Alexandra Witze (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 4/2/2010 2:40:00 PM

A new study of interactions Dye Striped Easter between grains of dust reveals how they electrify each other. Eggs with Electrical The phenomenon could explain why volcanic eruptions and dust Tape [Food Hacks] storms sometimes play host to Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker) lightning. Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:00:00 AM

Only known printed copy of Haiti's Declaration of Independence found by Duke grad student (Holy Kaw!)

being the U.S. Declaration of Independence written by Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:59:00 AM Thomas Jefferson and others. While researching the early Gaffield, who is researching independence of Haiti, Julia early 19th century Haiti for her Gaffield found the document, doctoral dissertation in history, Jan. 1, 1804, in the British says the document had been National Archives in London. o v e r l o o k e d i n t h e B r i t i s h It is only the second declaration archives, even as researchers Haiti. of its kind in the world, the first spent decades searching for it in “I wasn’t specifically looking

Bionic Eye Attempts to Restore Vision Priya Ganapati (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 4/2/2010 2:38:00 PM

A bionic eye prototype developed by Australian researchers promises to restore vision by transforming visual

input into lectrical signals that can stimulate neurons near the retina.

for it, but I had an eye out for it because I knew it was missing,” Gaffield says. “We figured there was an original somewhere, but didn’t know if it still existed.” Full story at Futurity. Get smarter: research news. Photo credit: Duke University Permalink| Leave a comment »

Easter's tomorrow, and don't pretend like you won't be painting eggs tonight in preparation. Instead, spice it up a bit with this technique for putting cool, multicolored stripes on your eggs, using just a bit of electrical tape. More »

iPad Could Boost Interactive Music Eliot Van Buskirk (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 4/2/2010 3:18:18 PM

The iPad is nigh, and a cool music app that lets you remix music from the band Kids on DSP shows a possible future where we'll all be sound engineers, regardless of skills.


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20 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed Matt Silverman (Mashable!) Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:07:52 AM

It’s that time again — time to tap into all the tips, tricks, apps, and expert advice that may have flown under your radar this past week. We’ve corralled these must-reads into one handy list for your browsing convenience. This edition is ripe with valuable info, including the biggest trends to watch on Twitter, some creative advice on keeping your business strategy social, a list of the best new web apps built for Google Buzz, and plenty more. And if you’re in the mood for a bit of web-based entertainment, see below for some fun YouTube compilations and amazing iPad video demos. Social Media • Facebook vs. Google: The Billion Dollar Battle to Be Your Default Social Profile Both of these Internet giants are vying to become your main destination for social, search, and shopping. This posts discusses the seeds they are sowing now in the hopes of future web dominance. • 5 Simple Social Design Tips From the Masters Good design is a critical component of the social web. We asked the experts for some simple advice that can make or break your next social design. • 5 Big Twitter Trends to Follow Right Now Day-to-day Twitter trends are interesting to

follow, but it’s important to step back and take a look at where the social network is headed, and the challenges it will face in the future. This post takes a meta look at the state of the Twitterverse. • 10 Amazing Magic Trick Videos on YouTube YouTube is home to some amazing content, and the prestidigitation department is no exception. Check out these ten close-up and street magic tricks, each of which packs a solid wow-factor, and will leave you wondering, “How’d they do that?” • Top 10 Funny Dog Videos on YouTube If there’s one thing the Internet is good for, it’s funny pet content. This post rounds up some premium canine hilarity from YouTube that you simply cannot miss. • 5 Free Ways to Identify that Song Stuck in Your Head The days of agonizing over those relentless and unidentified melodies are over. The Internet, in all its musical genius, offers up a handful of ways to pinpoint the tune that simply won’t let you go. • Why Chatroulette Is More Than Just Penises The stunning viral runaway success of Chatroulette is often overshadowed by the “naughty bits” that are so prevalent on the service. This post delves deeper into the trend to discuss what the phenomenon of random, anonymous video chat means

Mashable’s social media channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook. Mobile • 10 Essential Money-Saving iPhone Apps Though the iPhone is a pricey piece of hardware, it could pay for itself in the long run if you use it to find deals for the greater web culture. and live more frugally. This • 12 Fresh Web Tools for post examines 10 essential Getting the Most Out of Google iPhone applications for living Buzz Though still in its infancy, the frugal life. Google Buzz is quickly gaining • How 5 Brands Are Mastering traction with the help of eager t h e G a m e o f F o u r s q u a r e developers who have pounced Foursquare could easily be on the network’s open API. If mistaken for a frivolous mobile you’re looking to integrate, application with little to no connect, and spread your Buzz value for businesses, but here around the web, check out these are five businesses that are 12 useful tools. proving the value of location• 5 Ways to Go Green for Earth based social media apps. Day with Social Media The s o c i a l w e b i s t h e p e r f e c t For more mobile news and medium for spreading the word resources, you can follow about an important cause. This Mashable’s mobile channel on post offers up five ways to get Twitter and become a fan on involved with the environmental Facebook. Tech movement, just in time for Earth Day. • 10 Amazing iPad App Video • 15+ Great Ways to Find Web Demonstrations If you haven’t Design and Development Work gotten your iPad yet, but you’re F o r w e b d e s i g n e r s a n d jonesing for your Apple app fix, developers looking to take on check out these truly awesome new projects, the Internet offers video demos that showcase the a g r e a t n u m b e r o f o n l i n e power and versatility of the new resources that can help them tablet device. find work. Here are more than • 10 Insanely Great iPad Apps 15 places for web creatives to We Can’t Wait to Use For those land gigs. of you that have gotten an iPad, has it lived up the hype? Which For more social media news apps are you enjoying the most? and resources, you can follow Here is a list of the 10 iPad

applications were most looking forward to checking out. • 10 Must-See Google Street View Sightings You can’t drive around photographing the entire world without running across at least a few oddities. Check out this list for some strange and hilarious images captured by the Google Street View car on its quest to virtualize the globe. For more tech news and resources, you can follow Mashable’s tech channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook. Business • 5 Essential Apps for Your Business’s Facebook Fan Page If you’re turning your business’s Facebook Fan Page into a real destination for customers, you may want to consider incorporating more content. These five apps are a great way to build more value into your Page. • Growing Your Business: 5 Tips From the Founder of Foursquare The location-based darling Foursquare has seen staggering growth in its one year on the scene. We spoke with the company’s founder Dennis Crowley about some of Foursquare’s unique business strategies. • How One Small Biz Turned Their Company Retreat Into Social Media Success ESSENTIAL page 27


Tech/ Tech News/

E-reader News Edition

iPad Accessories: A Quick Guide to Apple’s Official Add-Ons Amy-Mae Elliott (Mashable!)

version of iWork for the device. So if you do hope to get all productive on your iPad, the The minimum you’ve forked software’s there for you, and out (or are planning to fork out) you may want a physical for the Apple iPad is $499, so keyboard for extended periods paying out for accessories on of typing. As well as a full-size, top of that might sting a little. familiar Apple keyboard, this To try and help you decide offers shortcut keys keys to the what’s actually worth spending home screen, search, display extra money on, we’ve taken a settings, picture frame mode and look at the official accessories screen lock. However, be aware available from Apple. It’s up to that due to where the dock you whether or not you really connector is on the iPad, it can need them. only be used in portrait mode. Whether you’re hoping to If you plan to do any kind of watch iPad movies on your big typing on your iPad that’s screen TV, type with a full-size longer than a tweet or search keyboard, or transfer your pics term, then $70 for this keyboard to your ‘Pad on the go, read on is going to seem like money for the accessories you may well spent in the long run, even want to invest in. The iPad though it may hurt a little as you Keyboard Dock swipe the plastic at the point of Overview purchase. The iPad Dock How Much?$69 Overview When’s It Due? Late April How Much?$29 Apple pitches the Keyboard When’s It Due? April 3 Dock as a “useful home base” With the iPad Dock, you get for your iPad. The aluminum easy access to a dock connector keyboard is attached to a dock port for syncing or charging, for syncing and charging your and an audio line out for new device via USB hook-up connecting to powered speakers. with your computer. Verdict Verdict Although the iPad’s lack of If you like to securely dock-and multi-tasking makes it unlikely -charge rather than balance your to replace the laptop altogether, iPad on your desk and hope no Apple is offering a special one trips over the wire, this Submitted at 4/3/2010 7:01:01 AM

The iPad has no USB ports. If you want to use that lovely 9.7inch display to show off your fantastic photos and home movie footage, this $29 accessory is going to be a musthave. The kit offers two elements — the first is a USB interface for might be a good option for you. cameras and camcorders that The dock doubles as a stand, so you can use the iPad as a digital will allow you to send content to photo frame while charging, for your iPad (note that a USB cable is not included). The example. In addition to a line out for second is an SD card reader. audio (cable not included) the E i t h e r i n t e r f a c e w i l l dock boasts another standard automatically open up the connector that will work with Photos app on the iPad, and the iPad Dock Connector to unless someone comes up with a VGA Adapter and the iPad (hacked) workaround, they can Camera Connection Kit. As the only be used to get photo and iPad works with Bluetooth video files onto your Apple keyboards, this accessory (along device. Support for RAW files with your existing keyboard) might well make this a prooffers a cheaper way of re- snapper’s favorite way to creating the Keyboard Dock quickly view images on a larger a b o v e . T h e i P a d C a m e r a screen while out and about. The iPad Dock Connector to VGA Connection Kit Adapter Overview Overview How Much?$29 How Much?$29 When’s It Due? Late April The iPad Camera Connection When’s It Due? April 3 Kit lets you hook up a camera to This will get your iPad content your iPad via USB or transfer onto any big screen that uses a photo and video content onto it VGA connector, such as a TV, directly from an SD card. monitor or projector. Verdict If you’re planning on wowing Verdict the board with an iPad-based

presentation (iWork for iPad offers a special version of Keynote) then this little gadget is going to be a must. Just be sure your presentation, slideshow, or video is formatted for landscape, as this is the only option for big screen display. Incidentally, initial reports suggest Keynote works really well on the iPad. That’s where the goodness stops though, as you can’t project or display Safari on the big screen, so there’s no way to turn your giant plasma into an Internet display, for example. In addition, the old -fashioned VGA connection won’t stream modern HDCPprotected content (such as iTunes HD movies, for example) which is a bit of a problem if you were hoping to pay good money for films in iTunes, stick them on your iPad, and hook it up to the big screen. For more Apple coverage, follow Mashable Apple on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Bluetooth, Facebook, Safari, Twitter, iWork ‘09 Tags: apple, Apple iPad, gadgets, ipad, ipad accessories, tech

Apple's iPad: One Small Step for Tablets, One Giant Leap for Personal Computers Steven Levy (Wired Top Stories)

The most hyped gadget of 2010 is about to hit shelves. But is it

revolution, evolution or mass confusion? Wired's Steven Levy



E-reader News Edition


The Fool's Gold At The End Of The iPad Rainbow Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 4/2/2010 7:33:00 PM

The media has been making a huge deal about how the iPad is supposed to "save the business," because suddenly everything will return to apps, and people pay for apps, and toss in a big dose of "Steve Jobs!" and there's some sort of magic formula which includes some question marks and inevitably ends in profit! Now, the iPad does look like a nice device, and I have no doubt that it will do quite well for Apple, and many buyers will be quite happy with it. But it's not going to save the media business in any way, shape or form. It's just the media chasing a rainbow in search of gold that doesn't exist. A few months back, I tried to ask a simple question that we still haven't received a good answer to: all of these media companies, thinking that iPad apps are somehow revolutionary, don't explain why they never put that same functionality online. They could. But didn't. There's nothing special about the iPad that enables functionality you couldn't do elsewhere. But, it goes deeper than that. People are being taken down by app madness. Because the iPhone

has sold a bunch of apps, suddenly old school media players are suddenly dreaming of the sorts of control they used to have, and pretending it can be replicated on the iPad. But that's a big myth. Danny O'Brien has a brilliant post on the similarities between the iPad and the CD-ROM. The CD-Rom was supposed to save old media (as the iPad is supposed to now) -- but tried to do so mainly by trying to make the old format move to a digital world, by retaining the control, and by adding a little digital razzle dazzle. But what it failed to do was really enable what the technology allowed -- and that was because what the technology allowed totally undercut the old business model. The media is running to the iPad because they think it's magically going to transport them back to a world where there is scarcity and they can charge ridiculous prices again. The Wall Street Journal, for example, is apparently offering an iPad app that's more expensive per week than getting

a combined subscription to both the paper version and the online version. There's a lot of wishful thinking going on here. Cory Doctorow does a great job further unbundling this myth, by pointing out a key fallacy that many in the media are making: that the average consumer is as dumb as a doorknob and needs a super simplistic device to function: I remember the early days of the web -- and the last days of CD ROM -- when there was this mainstream consensus that the web and PCs were too durned geeky and difficult and unpredictable for "my mom" (it's amazing how many tech people have an incredibly low opinion of their mothers). If I had a share of AOL for every time someone told me that the web would die because AOL was so easy and the web was full of garbage, I'd have a lot of AOL shares. In effect, the iPad, as beautifully designed as it is, is trying to take away many of the benefits and flexibility in digital computing these days. It's trying to limit what you can do, because it thinks people

in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It's covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth... no want to be limited. And, while genitals, and can only express closed platforms often are great its mute extremes of murderous at the beginning to get people to rage and infantile desire by move to something new, in the changing the channels on a long run, they are regularly universal remote." superseded by more open The way you improve your platforms. iPad isn't to figure out how it But, as Cory points out, the works and making it better. The whole interaction model of the way you improve the iPad is to i P a d s e e m s t o h a v e b e e n buy iApps. Buying an iPad for developed with the mindset of your kids isn't a means of jumpthe media companies, not the starting the realization that the real end users: But with the world is yours to take apart and iPad, it seems like Apple's reassemble; it's a way of telling model customer is that same y o u r o f f s p r i n g t h a t e v e n s t u p i d s t e r e o t y p e o f a changing the batteries is t e c h n o p h o b i c , t i m i d , something you have to leave to scatterbrained mother as appears the professionals. Again, the in a billion renditions of "that's beautiful design and the power too complicated for my mom" of Apple/Steve Jobs to market (listen to the pundits extol the the product will undoubtedly virtues of the iPad and time how allow the product to do well long it takes for them to explain initially. For Apple. But it's not that here, finally, is something g o i n g t o s a v e t h e m e d i a that isn't too complicated for industry... and it seems unlikely their poor old mothers). to be any more revolutionary in The model of interaction with the long run than the CD-ROM the iPad is to be a "consumer," was. w h a t W i l l i a m G i b s o n Permalink| Comments| Email m e m o r a b l y d e s c r i b e d a s This Story "something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself,


Tech/ Tech News/ Media/

E-reader News Edition

Prince Discovers That If You Charge People To Connect With You, You Actually Have To Connect Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 4/2/2010 5:29:00 PM

If you've never seen Kevin Smith's long, but quite funny, explanation of his week of making a documentary for Prince, it's quite worth watching -- just to get a sense of "Prince World" and the way Prince will have big ideas that he starts, but never does much to follow through on. With that as background, it's really not surprising to read about the absolute disaster that his recent "fan club" business model experiment became: The result,, resembled a galactic aquarium, featuring doodads like a rotating orb that played videos. The promise: fans who ponied up $77 for a year-long membership would receive the three new albums, plus an ensuing flow of exclusive content, like unreleased tracks and archival videos.

A year later, LotusFlow3r has gone dark, thousands of Prince's fans are very annoyed and Clay has been dismissed from Prince's kingdom almost as abruptly as he was invited in. The mess got a lot more attention lately when a supposed "glitch" (uh, ok...) started automatically charging fans credit cards for membership renewals, despite the fact that the site had gone dormant and people had specifically asked not to have their membership renewed. There was a point, a few years back, where it looked like Prince would be the first rockstar to really embrace these sorts of new business models. He definitely was doing all kinds of experiments that involved getting people to pay for scarcities, often while giving the music away for free. And many of the experiments looked like they were done in a way to better connect with fans. But it

quickly became apparent that Prince was missing a big element in all of this, in that while he wanted to connect with fans and give them a reason to buy, he also wanted to be massively controlling about it. The one thing that artists who are successfully embracing these models are discovering is that, in part, you have to go with the flow, and see where your fans take you. Part of the connecting is listening to the fans, rather than just telling them how they must enjoy your works. Prince has never been particularly good at that aspect of the fan relationship. We've talked about the value of improvisational business modeling, where you do regular experiments -- and Prince certainly does that, but at no point does he seem to pay attention to how the fans react to the improvisations. In the end, he seems entirely focused on his own whims, and

while that may be entertaining for himself, it appears to be pissing off an awful lot of fans. If you're Prince, and you've got fans to spare, perhaps that's fine. But it's hardly a model worth emulating. But there's a bigger point here as well. If you're trying to use a CwF+RtB-style business model, you have to actually connect with fans in some manner. You can't just leave them high and dry. Is that difficult? Sure. Does it take work? Absolutely. But isn't that part of the point? The value that's built up from genuine connections is what makes these business models work. Taking people's money and then leaving them feeling empty handed may be the way the recording industry used to work, but it's not the path forward. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story

From the Tips Box: USB Cables, SD Card Labels, and Shower Cap Uses [From The Tips Box] Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/2/2010 5:00:00 PM

Readers offer their best tips for squeezing USB cables into tight places, labeling SD cards, and

caps. More Âť clever kitchen uses for shower

Repurpose an IKEA Kitchen Table as a Sturdy Standing Desk [Workspaces] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:20:00 AM

Buying a standing desk designated as such can cost big bucks. Really all you need, however, is a surface at standing height. This standing desk is a repurposed IKEA kitchen utility table. More Âť

On Media: iPad Could Be Promised Land For Media, Advertisers (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 4/2/2010 3:48:42 PM

[ unable to retrieve full-text content] Apple's iPad and new applications could be a ticket to digital interactive revenues if content producers and advertisers are creative and smart enough not to get in their own way.

Tech/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition


Mobile Phones Suck... But Isn't It Amazing That They Exist? Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

Vanderbilt University in 1971, my parents had to decide whether to pay for a telephone By now, hopefully, you've seen in my dorm room. They decided that clip of comedian Louis CK to do so, but most of the on Conan O'Brien's show (the thoroughly upper-middle-class old, old one) which went kinda students on my floor did not viral, where Louis talks about have phones. Phones cost real how "everything is amazing and money back then. Then came no one is happy": It's hilarious the breakup of the AT&T and oh-so-true. I'm reminded of monopoly in 1984. Phone it because of David Boaz's post technology and competitive over at the Cato @ Liberty blog, service provision exploded. In where he talks about how 1982, Motorola produced the amazing it is to think how far first portable mobile phone. It phone communication has come weighed about 2 pounds and in the past three decades: When cost $3995. Within a very few I was a kid in the 1960s and we years they were much smaller, came back from a visit to my much cheaper, and selling like grandmother's, my mother used hotcakes. to call my grandmother, let the Today there are some 4.6 phone ring twice, and then hang billion mobile phones in the up. It was important for my world, and counting, or about 67 grandmother to know that we'd per every 100 people in the arrived home safely, but long- world. The newer ones allow distance telephone calls were you to carry in your hand more too expensive to indulge in computing power than the unnecessarily. When I entered computers that put Apollo 11 on Submitted at 4/2/2010 6:31:00 PM

the moon. You can cruise the internet, find your location with GPS, read books, send texts, pay bills, process credit cards, watch video, record video, stream video to the web, take and send photos -- oh, and make phone calls from just about anywhere. Unimaginable just a few years ago. But the point of the post is to question why some are now putting together an event about"Why Your Cell Phone is So Terrible," pointing out that it's a bit silly to complain when you compare it to what we had. It's a really good point -- but I have to admit I can see both sides to this argument. It's the very fact that, even when we do amazing things, we can still see the faults with it and that drives us to keep improving and to keep innovating. It's the very "culture of improvement" that drives growth and innovation. So, while I can agree that it's sometimes a shame how much

we feel a sense of entitlement towards making things better when those amazing things didn't even exist just a few years ago, it's hard not to sympathize with the feeling of wanting things to be even better. And, by the way, I'm not alone in seeing both sides of all this. That Louis CK video at the top? The one where he mocks the guy sitting next to him on an airplane for getting upset that the WiFi in the sky suddenly stopped working? Yeah, he later admitted that it wasn't someone sitting next to him, but himself getting pissed off at the WiFi not working, even though he didn't even know in-flight WiFi existed until he got on the airplane. So yes, everything is amazing, and no one's happy... but maybe that's a good thing. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story

the web can make things easier for burgeoning companies. • HOW TO: Integrate Paid Search and Social Media for Better Marketing Results While the goals of paid search (sales) and social media (brand awareness) are different, the two strategies should work together

for maximum ROI. This post discusses some concrete strategies.

Ask Anything Live: The iPad [Ipad] Jesus Diaz (Gizmodo) Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:43:00 PM

Got any questions about the iPad? You can ask anything about it in this new weekly live section called Ask Anything. Just write your question in the comments and I will answer it. More »

ESSENTIAL continued from page 23

WooThemes, purveyors of premium WordPress themes, recently made the most of their biannual corporate retreat by turning the working ski trip into a social media event for their customers — and the strategy paid off big. This post explains how they did it.

• How Startups are Using Social Media for Real Results Startup money is often the hardest to preserve, but many small business are turning to social media to squeeze the most out of early budgets. We spoke with some socially-savvy startups to get their take on how

For more business news and resources, you can follow Mashable’s business channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook. Reviews: Facebook,

Foursquare, Google Buzz, Mashable, Twitter, WordPress, YouTube Tags: business, Features Week In Review, List, Lists, small business, social media, tech



E-reader News Edition

Coke Zero to Stream Final Four Concert Live on Facebook Walls

iPad launch: Boston's first in line

Christina Warren (Mashable!)

Dave Caolo (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Submitted at 4/3/2010 7:56:49 AM

Hey, the iPad isn’t the only big event on April 3 — the two semifinal games in the NCAA Final Four tournament are also taking place! Before the games begin, Coke Zero will kick off a huge concert at 1:45pm ET that will stream live on Facebook. This is the first time that a live event has been streamed on Facebook from a sporting event. To get the word out about the Coke Zero Countdown — hosted by Ryan Seacrest and featuring Darius Rucker and the band Daughtry — Coke Zero, Papa Johns, Best Buy and several other companies are spreading the word on their Facebook pages using a new promotional tool called Wall Apps. Wall Apps is a new product available from the social media management company Vitrue. Vitrue is the same company that powers Apple’s App Store Facebook Page. Wall Apps is exactly what it sounds like — a range of applications that can be activated and accessed from Facebook wall posts. So instead

of clicking on a link and redirecting from your stream to another page, you can play video, look at a slideshow, get a coupon and create user polls. Vitrue says that brands are able to get 110 times the reach using the Wall compared to other areas of a Facebook Page, like tabs. Users are more likely to interact with an app or a feature if it can exist inside the Wall than if they have to go to another screen. Coke Zero, Best Buy, Papa Johns and the band Daughtry are all using Wall App polls to promote the main Coke Zero Countdown event. Because the polls can be customized by the page owner, each brand can ask their own questions and then fans can respond and add comments directly to the wall posting. We think Wall Apps has some

amazing potential. As an end user, I prefer to interact with brands in my newsfeed. For brands, it keeps fans engaged — a crucial part of using Facebook as a marketing platform. Because Vitrue also has an analytics system built into its suite of tools, brands can trace and see which campaigns work best — so if one type of poll or graphic has a really positive effect on traffic, but another poll doesn’t, marketers can make better decisions in the future. As Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms take a larger role in branded campaigns, we expect to see a multitude of tools built on top of these platforms. What do you think of the Wall Apps concept? Let us know in the comments. For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Facebook, Twitter Tags: facebook, facebook apps, MARKETING, ncaa tournament, vitrue, wall apps

Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:40:00 PM

Filed under: iPad We're were on the ground in Boston this morning (and New York, and Colorado, and ... ) waiting for the Apple Store to open. Here at the Boylston Street store the line started very early. At 12:00 am, in fact. Meet Miles. He's a New Yorker currently attending school in nearby Beverly, MA and was Boston's 1st customer. He arrived at just after midnight to grab the coveted spot. He told me that others began arriving after 12:30 and the stream was steady after then. The mood in the line was optimistic and people are chatty, as typically happens at Apple line-ups. Miles told me that he had a conversation with one customer about the benefits of the Blackberry, but it didn't last long. Apple employees are occasionally peering down from behind the store's glass facade

and shouting "Miles!" and waving. This isn't the first time he's waited in line. A few years ago he lined up in New York for the first iPhone and waited out Leopard's release as well. As for what he's most anticipating? " The Netflix app for sure. And I hope there's a Hulu app as well" ( so do we). Congratulations, Miles! Enjoy your new iPad. We at TUAW admire your resolve. TUAW iPad launch: Boston's first in line originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 12:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Check-in from an Apple Store on Waiting in Line for the Gowalla, get entered to win an Ollie iPad [VIDEO] Kelly Guimont (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Brenna Ehrlich (Mashable!) Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:24:52 AM

Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:15:00 PM

Filed under: Odds and ends Iconfactory have a long history of lovely Mac things, including the spectacular Twitterrific iPhone app. When they created Twitterrific, they gave it an adorable icon of a little blue birdie. His name is Ollie. His popularity is always increasing. Of course, he is super cute, which helps. So super cute in fact, that the fellows at the Iconfactory have created a vinyl figure of Ollie. Gowalla is a location-based service; you use it to check in at places and you can collect badges and see if your friends are in the same place too. Sometimes they do promotions where you can pick up a physical version of an item, not just a badge, when you check in someplace. Do you see where I'm going with this? From now until April 6th, when you check in at an Apple Store on Gowalla, you will be able to pick up a digital Ollie as part of your Gowalla booty. As an added bonus, a hundred exceptionally lucky folks will

Today, the mythical iPad finally saw the light of day (for common folk — dudes like Stephen Colbert and Letterman have had one for a while now), and being the dutiful journos that we are, we were there, camera in hand. We talked to folks who had been on line since Thursday, iPad revelers and people who were there to pick up ‘Pad for family and friends overseas. (We also caught up with pro line -sitter Greg Packer, the first in line for the product.) Check out the video below for also receive an actual Ollie figure. If it turns out I am not among the winners, they will also receive the bonus of a bit of my jealousy. No, I don't know what prizes or surprises are in store for people who check in from the line outside the store, but I'm guessing if you aren't in line already, you won't be the person who gets bonus points for adding the venue. On the upside, this contest is open to anyone using Gowalla, so even if you aren't in the market for new

hardware this weekend there's still a chance for you to win, provided you are wiling to brave the hordes who are in the market for new hardware this weekend... TUAW Check-in from an Apple Store on Gowalla, get entered to win an Ollie originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 12:15:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

our coverage from New York’s Fifth Avenue Apple Store. It was like a full-on rock concert, my friends — without all the music. For more Apple coverage, follow Mashable Apple on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Facebook, Twitter

How To: Set Up Your iPad [Ipad] Kyle VanHemert (Gizmodo) Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:39:26 PM

You finally have your iPad in hand. But wait! You can't just plug it in and dump every app, things set up and curate your song, and video you've ever iPad's collection. More » downloaded. Here's how to get


Tech/ Politics/ Tech News/

E-reader News Edition

iPad launch day, Broadway/UWS store

iPad Gets a Split Screen Browser

Michael Rose (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Marshall Kirkpatrick (ReadWriteWeb)

Submitted at 4/3/2010 1:00:00 PM

Filed under: iPad The sundappled temple of Apple just north of Lincoln Center was quite a bit more laid-back than the 5th Ave. store, at least by the time I arrived in the late morning. Reservations were being handled downstairs (no line to speak of) and walk-in sales up on the show floor. Stock of all three models was "fine," according to overheard chatter between salesfolk and would-be buyers. (They also seem to be pushing the

MobileMe, for what it's worth.) I did swing by the Best Buy that's conveniently located between the two uptown NYC Apple Stores, and indeed they

also had iPads in stock. No line there either, but a nice little crowd chatting with the Apple Specialist. Note to whoever put the laserprinted sign on the front door: it's "iPads," not "Ipads." Gallery: iPad launch day: Broadway store TUAW iPad launch day, Broadway/UWS store originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Democrats Stand by Candidate for Obama's Old Seat (Newsmax - Politics)

most Democrats are standing by him, with party insiders saying Submitted at 4/2/2010 12:49:39 PM they believe Giannoulias can Democrats are quietly worrying w i n i f h e f a c e s t h e b a n k about whether Illinois Treasurer e m b a r r a s s m e n t h e a d o n . Alexi Giannoulias (jeh-NOO'Party insiders also are lee-ehs) can win President encouraging him to strike back Barack Obama's old U.S. Senate at Republican candidate Mark seat. Kirk by picturing him as too The Giannoulias family bank is conservative for Illinois. on the verge of collapse and They say Obama will campaign under scrutiny for a reported for Giannoulias and his chief $20 million in loans to two political adviser, David Axelrod, convicted felons. Despite that, is watching the race carefully.

—— Elliott reported from Washington. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 4/2/2010 6:01:26 PM

The first version of the iPad doesn't support app multitasking but a Portugese firm called ElasticFiction has won Apple's approval to sell a split screen browser that will allow users to listen to music and watch videos while browsing other web pages by placing two browser screens side by side each other at the same time. Called SplitBrowser( iTunes link), the app will play MP3 files and HTML5 videos and sells for $1.99. Check out the screencast below and imagine what you could do with two browser windows open at once on the iPad. Sponsor It's little innovations like this that will deliver experiences that are hard to forecast before the launch of this big new touchscreen interface. As Doc Searls wrote this morning:

The iPad will arrive in the market with an advantage no other completely new computing device for the mass market has ever enjoyed: the ability to run a 100,000-app portfolio that's already developed, in this case for the iPhone. Unless the iPad is an outright lemon, this alone should assure its success. Take that same developer platform and give it a new interface like the iPad's, though, and you'll see apps get developed that wouldn't have made sense on the iPhone. Like a split screen browser. Discuss


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Judging for Dollars Adam Skaggs (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 4/2/2010 9:00:00 PM

Illinois is home to the nation’s costliest judicial election ever: the 2004 contest between Lloyd Karmeier and Gordon Maag. The two candidates in Illinois's fifth judicial district together raised almost $9.4 million, nearly double the previous national record. It topped the money raised in 18 of 34 U.S. Senate races decided that year. Even Karmeier, the winner of the race, described the money poured into the campaign as “obscene.” The eye-popping fundraising resulted from a parade of special interests on both sides of the “tort wars." The fifth district had been known for large damage awards against corporate interests, and the election’s winner was expected to play a crucial role on a closely divided Illinois supreme court. Trial lawyers funneled millions to Maag, while Karmeier got buckets of cash from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Karmeier also got a boost from a company with a very real interest in the race's outcome: State Farm Insurance Company, which happened to be appealing a damage award of more than $450 million. Karmeier got $350,000 in contributions from employees, lawyers, and others directly involved with State

Farm and another $1 million from larger groups affiliated with the company. After he won the election, Karmeier cast the deciding vote that saved State Farm roughly a half-billion dollars. The Illinois election wasn’t an anomaly. In the last decade, state judicial elections across the country have evolved from quiet, civil contests into extravagant affairs with exorbitant spending, mudslinging, and bitter personal attacks. Special interests in particular have helped engineer many of these races, pouring money into campaign coffers and negative TV ads. For instance, in a 2006 race in Washington—the most expensive judicial election that state had ever seen—every TV spot was paid for by a special interest group. As an Ohio AFLCIO official put it, “We figured out a long time ago that it’s easier to elect seven judges than to elect one hundred and thirtytwo legislators.” And now, the problem is likely to get a lot worse. Much has been made about how Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC), the recent Supreme Court decision that lifted the ban on corporate spending in elections, will allow special interests to dump money into presidential and congressional races as never before. But the decision was

handed down, in the words of Justice John Paul Stevens, just“ when concerns about the conduct of judicial elections have reached a fever pitch.” Indeed, thanks to Citizens United, the likely explosion of special-interest spending in this year's judicial races threatens to further erode the judiciary's independence. This year, candidates in 18 states will face off to fill 34 supreme court seats. More than 30 other high court judges will sit for unopposed “retention” elections, in which voters will vote “yes or no” to keep them on the bench. And, because of Citizens United, many legal observers are expecting that these elections will be specialinterest spending frenzies. Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said at a conference at Georgetown University Law Center in January that “ Citizens United has signaled that the problem of campaign contributions in judicial elections might get considerably worse and quite soon.” Early comprehensive campaign finance numbers for this year's state judicial races aren't available yet, but there are a few key races to keep an eye on. In Illinois, Chief Justice Thomas R. Fitzgerald is vying to keep his seat after alienating the business community in early February by striking down a

2005 law that capped awards for certain medical malpractice claims. The same interests that pumped millions into Karmeier’s 2004 campaign are sure to pull out their checkbooks to defeat the chief justice. Or consider Alabama, where state supreme court candidates raised over $40 million in the last decade—the most in the country and nearly double that of the state with the next highest total. Four years ago, candidates running for chief justice there set a state record by raising$8.2 million, largely from business and lawyer groups. This year, three seats currently held by Republicans are up for grabs, including one held by Justice Tom Parker. Groups like the Business Council of Alabama (which spent $4.6 million on judicial races in the last decade) and the Lawsuit Reform PAC ($1.3 million) are expected to invest heavily in Parker because they hope that, unlike his three Democratic challengers, he'll be a reliable conservative vote on economic issues. These groups will face off against the plaintiffs’ bar and other more liberal groups that usually funnel their money through the state Democratic Party (which spent $5.4 million on judicial races from 2000-2009). The obvious question here is whether special-interest spending sways judges once they're presiding over cases.

Three in every four Americans believe the answer is yes, according to a 2001 poll by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. More importantly, even judges believe there is a connection: Of over 2,000 state judges polled in a 2002 Greenberg Quinlan survey, nearly half said campaign contributions influence judges’ decision-making. Ohio provides a good case study. Four years ago, Justice Paul Pfiefer, who is one of three state justices up for reelection in 2010, said that every dollar spent by business and consumer special interests in judicial elections was “buying a vote.” A 2006 New York Times study suggests he may be right. The study found that, over a twelveyear period, Ohio justices (including Pfiefer) routinely sat on cases after having received campaign contributions from the parties involved. And, in those cases, the judges voted in favor of their contributors in seven cases out of ten. One justice voted for his contributors 91 percent of the time. And then, there’s Nevada, where a 2006 investigation by the Los Angeles Times revealed that even judges running unopposed collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions from litigants, “frequently” dated “within days JUDGING page 37



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Mitch Daniels and 'The Butler Way' (Tony Lee) (Politics :: The Atlantic) Submitted at 4/3/2010 5:30:50 AM

In the buildup to the men's Final Four on Saturday, sports writers will incessantly gush about Butler's style of play, dubbed "The Butler Way." In a tournament full of teams that often employ "one and done" mercenary athletestudents who are only in college because NBA by-laws mandate that they attend for a year, Butler refreshingly has studentathletes who have played together long enough to resemble an actual team. And it shows on the court. They make the extra pass. Help each other on defense. Box out on rebounds. And they seem to genuinely enjoy selflessly putting the team above individual statistics. If there is a figure who exemplifies "The Butler Way" in politics, which is becoming more hackish, partisan, intellectually dishonest and unbearable, it may be Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. When he addressed Butler University's class of 2009 at legendary Hinkle Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Daniels spoke of his lifelong appreciation of "the Butler Way," the credo of the school and its basketball team that revolves around five principles: humility, passion, unity, thankfulness, and

servanthood. Sure, Daniels has neither the flash of a Sarah Palin nor the money and ambition of a Mitt Romney. He doesn't have the team of slick and savvy media strategists like Tim Pawlenty. And he lacks the good looks of a John Thune or a Paul Ryan (Daniels has a receding hairline and is listed generously at 5 foot 7, though Daniels can potentially turn his height into a strength by saying he represents and fights for the little man). But if Daniels ever changed his mind about running--or if persuasive citizens convince him to do so--he would possess a quality most of his potential 2012 GOP opponents lack: a substantive record that can directly challenge Barack Obama's vulnerabilities and make him a formidable challenger. And that is why his potential as a serious GOP presidential candidate, despite his repeated utterances and reassurances that he does not want to seek that office, should never be underestimated. To voters concerned about America's growing budget deficit, Daniels can tell them that he inherited a deficit and is now one of the few governors presiding over a budget surplus. He is, after all, referred to as "the Blade." For the Hoosiers who want a government that is lean but user friendly and efficient, he can tell

them that he even increased the approval ratings of Indiana's DMV by making it more efficient. To voters concerned about health care, he can tell them that he insured Hoosiers who weren't poor enough to qualify for government assistance and not wealthy enough to purchase private insurance with his Healthy Indiana program, which utilized personal health savings accounts in a way that promoted personal responsibility and was consistent with free market principles while providing a safety net for catastrophic medical emergencies. And his plan was fully paid for by raising cigarette taxes and reallocating some of the states Medicaid funds, for which Indiana had to get approval. For those who want a bipartisan consensus builder, Daniels can tell them that he won reelection by winning Indiana's independent voters and overperforming among young voters, Democrats, and minorities even in an election year when Obama surprisingly won Indiana. And while Obama campaigned on turning the page on the polarizing politics associated with the Boomer generation-and that generation's first two presidents, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush--Obama's presidency has not been able to escape the bitter partisanship

familiar to both of his predecessors. In many ways, the vitriol, rancor, and divisiveness seem to have gotten worse. To be fair, there are factors beyond Obama's control--like gerrymandered congressional districts, 24-hour news, the rise of new media that has become more relevant even as it fragments the news cycle, and Republicans intent on opposing the president at every step to maximize turnout for an offyear election that is often dominated by partisans--that have created an environment where potshots and partisanship get rewarded over reasoned dialogue and consensusbuilding. And these factors are not likely to go away. In fact, they are likely to intensify on both sides of the aisle. If you ask Daniels, he'd probably blame a lot of it on the "me first" mentality of his Boomer generation. He said as much in his commencement address at Butler when he scolded his generation for bringing that "me first" mentality into the political arena and lamented that: "Year after year, regardless which party we picked to lead the country, we ran up deficits that have multiplied the debt you and your children will be paying off your entire working lives. Far more burdensome to you mathematically, we voted ourselves increasing levels of

Social Security pensions and Medicare health care benefits, but never summoned the political maturity to put those programs on anything resembling a sound actuarial footing. ... In sum, our parents scrimped and saved to provide us a better living standard than theirs; we borrowed and splurged and will leave you a staggering pile of bills to pay. It's been a blast; good luck cleaning up after us." The clean-up needs to start sooner rather than later, and Daniels can potentially lead it. I see two ways Daniels can potentially ask voters to trust him to lead the "clean up" of the political and fiscal mess the country is in. He could implore his generation, which he criticized as likely to be remembered for not much besides its numbers, to spend its sunset years coming together and piecing together a political system that they have been accused of shattering so they can be remembered as the generation that finally found its way and used its restless energy for good instead of as a generation that left a mess for its kids to clean up. He could ask Boomers to unite around a common cause--to make personal sacrifices for the fiscal soundness of the country. And if he succeeded, he would MITCH page 36


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Being and Time Simon Blackburn (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 4/2/2010 9:00:00 PM

History Man: The Life of R.G. Collingwood By Fred Inglis (Princeton University Press, 385 pp., $39.50) This is a warm-hearted, affectionate biography of an irascible but brilliant philosopher and historian. It is a model of its kind--warm, supportive, and forgiving; and conceived, as the author says, as a minor riposte to the “moral hypochondria and sanctimonious recrimination” toward everything our ancestors in the twentieth century did. It is “a dramatisation of a certain kind of Englishman, his courage and colourfulness, his ‘spots of commonness’ (in George Eliot’s phrase), the tragedy of his failure, the comedy of his vision.” Robin George Collingwood was certainly English enough, and even philosophers and historians can display kinds of courage, but I am not sure he would have worn those other epithets with quite such comfort. Collingwood wrote his own autobiography, but it displayed rather little comedy or commonness in his vision, though one can well imagine a thin-lipped, acidic smile as he skewered another of the idiots and impostors by whom he felt

himself constantly surrounded. But by placing Collingwood in his context, Fred Inglis does much to rectify the slightly paranoid portrait of the autobiography. Even if Collingwood was not the jovial, beer-drinking common man that Inglis would have liked him to be, it is good to see him brought some way back to the human fold. Collingwood grew up in a particularly enchanted corner of that fold. He was born and raised in the ineffably beautiful Lake District by artistic and musical parents, and surrounded by adoring sisters. Ruskin, to whom Collingwood’s father acted as a kind of secretary, lived just down the road, so the importance of art and craft were woven into the entire life of the family. Ruskin made no distinction between aesthetic beauty and moral excellence, and Collingwood’s father had been a pupil of T.H. Green at Oxford, whose high philosophical ideals for thought and character set their stamp on an entire generation of students. So plain living and lofty thinking were part of the air that Collingwood breathed from infancy. Collingwood’s parents, both of whom were practicing painters, educated their children themselves in a home where, high-minded as they were, their lives still sound almost

impossibly idyllic. A frequent guest was Arthur Ransome, whom they taught to sail in their boat, Swallow, which he later immortalized in that classic of childhood innocence, Swallows and Amazons. Collingwood divided his time between joyfully rambling the beautiful lakeland fells, joyfully sailing on Coniston water, joyfully picking up languages as easily as blackberries, and by the age of eight, puzzled but still joyful, dipping into Kant’s Prolegomenon to the Metaphysics of Morals in his father’s library. This background had another consequence for the later philosopher. Collingwood tells us that he was naturally practical and dextrous, and all the painting and the sailing, together with his later archaeological digs in the many remains of Roman and Celtic Britain that dot the Lake District, gave him an entrenched admiration of muscular, working, problemsolving, practical affairs. He was touchingly, or annoyingly, vain of his capacity to identify a Roman shard, or fix a fouled anchor, or resurrect a dead engine. In a different environment, he might have become an engineer--as Wittgenstein, with similar gifts, did. Each of them was consequently to put the idea of practice and technique at the heart of their philosophies,

albeit in very different ways. Childhood could not last forever, and Collingwood was packed off to Rugby to be made into a decent chap. Although he later displayed little but contempt for this slice of his education, Inglis is surely right that, judging by the roll-call of able and admirable pupils it turned out, Rugby must have been first rate. It also penetrated far deeper into Collingwood than he may have wanted to acknowledge. He certainly developed the astonishing arrogance of the public school product of the time--but also a romantic attachment to the rituals, the tribal ceremonies, the symbolism of flags and chapels and memorial plaques and all the other idols and relics that cement the young together, and which later disposed him to his sympathetic and acute interpretation of the place of magic and religion in the lives of human beings. Public schools made (and still make) Anglicans, and this was fine by Robin George. And so in 1910 to Oxford, classics and philosophy (“Greats”), and then World War I, which he survived in an appointment in Admiralty intelligence, deskbound in London. After the war he settled into the comfortable life that Oxford offered its married senior members. He wrote lots of books, quarreled with most of

his contemporaries, positioned himself firmly outside mainstream philosophy (where the dolts and the idiots roamed), and fell in love with more than one pretty young student. At the same time he pursued a parallel career as a Roman historian and archaeologist. This culminated in the mid-1930s in a substantial contribution to the Oxford History of Britain, his booklength essay on “Roman Britain and the English Settlements.” Collingwood’s cherished pose of being an outsider and prophet must have been ruffled somewhat when he was given one of Oxford’s most prestigious academic appointments, the Waynflete Chair of philosophy, in 1934. Unhappily, during the remaining years until his death in 1943, his health gradually deteriorated under a series of small strokes. But during those years the works by which he will be remembered-- The Principles of Art; An Essay on Metaphysics; An Autobiography; The New Leviathan; and the texts later published influentially as The Idea of History--followed one another with breathtaking rapidity. Even a jolly sail with some young students around the Mediterranean produced a book (and a very enjoyable one), The First Mate’s Log, loyally published by Oxford University BEING page 35



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The Push to Legalize Marijuana: It's Real (Chris Good) (Politics :: The Atlantic) Submitted at 4/2/2010 3:00:27 PM

You may have heard there's a push to legalize marijuana in California. You may not have heard that it's for real. Voting ballots in California this November will contain an initiative to legalize, tax, and regulate the sale of marijuana to adults 21 and older, and while this may sound like something that has no chance, whatsoever, of ever becoming law, the thing is: it actually might. The organized campaign around this initiative is called Tax Cannabis, and it's the brainchild of marijuana entrepreneur Richard Lee. "Marijuana entrepreneur" sounds highly illegal, but, in California, where medical pot is sold unobstructed by the feds, it's not: Lee founded Oaksterdam University, a school that teaches how to grow marijuana and run a marijuana business, as chronicled by Josh Green in The Atlantic last April. This was not, mind you, originally an effort of the national marijuana policy establishment, per se. According to conventional wisdom on initiatives like this one, 2012 would be a better year to dedicate resources to a marijuana legalization campaign: it's a presidential election year, and younger and

marginal voters--voters who could be more sympathetic to legalizing pot--will come out to vote, whereas fewer people vote in the midterms. People who vote in midterms are more engaged in the process--if pollsters label respondents as "likely voters," then the midterm turnout is made up of are even likelier voters than the electorate in presidential years--the type of people who might not, typically, support an initiative like this one. So, much like in California's gay-marriage movement, there was some hesitation over whether 2010 was the right year to do this. But Lee went ahead anyway, putting up money from Oaksterdam and another of his groups, marijuana provider S.K. Seymore, LLC, to obtain the 849,000 signatures needed to get on the November 2 ballot, with his donations comprising most of the roughly $1.3 million spent in 2009 on the petition drive. Lee now has a a team of pros working for him as campaign consultants. It includes Chris Lehane, the former Bill Clinton communications adviser and press secretary for Al Gore, both as VP and in the 2000 campaign; Dan Newman, whose firm SCN Strategies consults for Sen. Barbara Boxer's (D) reelection campaign and is heading up communications for

Level the Playing Field 2010, the independent-expenditure campaign against multimillionaire GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman; and Doug Linney of The Next Generation, a firm that has worked for state and local candidate campaigns, as well as major issue-advocacy drives and marijuana decriminalization/law -enforcement-prioritization efforts in California. In short, this will be a legitimate campaign operation. Tax Cannabis is already airing a radio ad in the state's largest and most expensive media markets, L.A. and San Francisco, featuring a former law enforcement official. "This isn't some...whim of a couple of hippies," said SCN's Dan Newman, who is handling communications for Tax Cannabis. "It's a serious, well crafted, well funded campaign that was put together very carefully and professionally run and hopes to win." The campaign will do "everything that a winning campaign does," Newman said. That would mean radio ads, TV ads, volunteer and/or robophone calls, door-to-door canvasses, and direct mail. Newman would not specifically say which of those Tax Cannabis will do. Messaging will focus heavily on invoking the support of former law enforcement

officials, plus the argument that has driven so much media coverage around this push: estimates that legalizing and taxing marijuana could help California's crippled state budget to the tune of $1 billion, including tax revenue and less spending on law enforcement. Where will the money come from to fund this campaign? Lee infused it with cash to get the signatures, but according to state financial disclosures, Tax Cannabis has only $32,000 in the bank. The only stateregistered opposition group, called "Opposition to the California Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2010)," has not filed disclosure paperwork, so it is unclear how much money Tax Cannabis is up against. The campaign is reaching out to a broad coalition of donors, Newman said, including an online fundraising operation and traditional political donors. But the elephant in the room is this: Tax Cannabis has the support of the Drug Policy Alliance, one of several major, national-level drug-policy reform groups. On its board sits liberal super-donor George Soros. Given how expensive it is to buy air time in the Golden State-L.A. is one of the nation's most expensive media markets--it's not uncommon for political campaigns to wait until a few

weeks before Election Day to blast the radio and TV airwaves with a major media buy. And, because California places no limits on donations and spending on ballot initiatives, it is conceivable that if things look close down the stretch, and he felt so inclined, Soros could inject millions of dollars into this initiative. Right now, the campaign is working to secure endorsements, and the language of the ballot initiative was crafted, Newman said, with an eye toward garnering a broad base of support. It does not simply legalize pot outright: it allows individual counties to regulate the sale and possession to adults over 21, which would likely create a similar effect as "dry counties," where alcohol can't be sold. It does not legalize possession of marijuana on school grounds, or driving while impaired. The entire proposition is posted here. Reformers claim legalization is popular. A major public poll hasn't been conducted since April 2009, when Field showed 56% support out of 901 Californians polled. Newman says Tax Cannabis has conducted internal polls that show legalization polling in the mid-50s. November is a long way off. Marijuana legalization gained PUSH page 36

Politics/ Economy/

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Sen. Bob Bennett Debates GOP Challengers in Utah (Newsmax - Politics)

said. Bennett added that his earmark requests have always been U.S. Sen. Bob Bennett, facing a transparent. wave of conservative opposition "I've not done any of this as he seeks a fourth term, backroom thing that people are squared off with seven GOP talking about," he said. challengers in a debate Friday as Attorney Mike Lee, thought to candidates tried to win over be one of Bennett's most delegates who meet next month credible challengers, called for a t o c h o o s e t h e p a r t y ' s one-year moratorium on nomination. earmarks. He also subtly Most of the resistance to criticized the senator, saying the Bennett has centered around his recently passed health care bill support for the federal bailout of is unconstitutional because it the financial industry. But includes a mandate to buy Bennett's opponents have also insurance. c r i t i c i z e d h i m f o r h i s Bennett introduced a bill during u n w a v e r i n g d e f e n s e o f the health care debate that also earmarks, which send taxpayer would've required people to buy dollars to projects in lawmakers' insurance. districts outside the competitive "This is wrong," Lee said. "They process required for other don't have the power to do that. federal spending. I will fight every single day I Bennett, considered a moderate serve you as your U.S. senator in Utah, told about 130 to get this monstrosity delegates and more than 100 r e p e a l e d . " others at Utah Valley University During his introductory t h a t e l i m i n a t i n g e a r m a r k s remarks, Bennett took a shot at wouldn't reduce the deficit by Lee, saying the nation's capital one cent. That would only give already has too many lawyers. President Barack Obama, a "This is serious business and it's Democrat, more power to decide not a question of choosing who's which projects get funded, he going to be the prom queen," Submitted at 4/2/2010 1:05:58 PM

Bennett said at the end of the debate in another dig at Lee, who several candidates noted was the most articulate among them. But it was difficult to distinguish Bennett from the other candidates on most issues. There was scant mention of Bennett's record by his opponents, in part because it could be construed as negative campaigning — typically frowned upon by Utah delegates. While the venue for Friday's debate was relatively small, it's audience was significant. About 3,500 delegates to the May 8 state convention will choose the party's nominee. If no candidate wins 60 percent of delegate votes during the final round of voting, then the top two candidates are placed on the June primary ballot. Delegates were chosen at neighborhood caucuses in March, but weren't pledged to any specific candidate, making it difficult to gauge any one candidate's chances. Businessman Tim Bridgewater is one of the most well-funded

candidates after loaning himself more than $275,000, but fundraising means little at conventions, where candidates can campaign one-on-one with delegates. Bennett's opponents hope to defeat him at the state convention, but the senator believes he'll qualify for the primary. His odds of winning the nomination greatly improve if that happens, since Bennett has more money to spend than all his opponents combined and primary voters tend to be more moderate than delegates. In highly conservative Utah, the Republican nominee is virtually assured victory in November. A Democrat hasn't been elected to a U.S. Senate seat in Utah since 1970. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

General Motors Unveils its Chevy Volt Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture) Submitted at 4/3/2010 6:15:02 AM

MarketWatch’s Steve Gelsi takes the Chevy Volt for a test drive. The Volt runs on an electric charge for up to 40

miles, then a gasoline engine Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: kicks in to charge the battery PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, after that. Term Extraction. Five Filters featured article:


BEING continued from page 33

Press. When Inglis talks of the tragedy of Collingwood’s life, he may have had in mind the premature illness that closed it, or perhaps the disparity between Collingwood’s conception of what needed to be done by philosophy and what he himself did. For at the end of An Autobiography Collingwood pitched himself as having vast projects to save Western civilization from itself. There is something very tweedy, and eventually slightly comical, in his brash confidence that if he could change a few minds in Magdalen and All Souls, then he could turn back the barbarians then overrunning Europe. But I think we should resist finding it either embarrassing or tragic. Collingwood was utterly sincere in his conviction that civilization could be saved only with the right ways of thinking and feeling, the right understanding of art and of history, and the right morals, and that all these were his to give. He might even have been right. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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About the Coziness of the White House Press Corps

MITCH continued from page 32

instantly differentiate himself from Presidents Clinton (whose gave in to the personal and threw away his political capital number of groups with a built-in unnecessarily tense. (James Fallows) (Politics :: berserk hostility to Obama, A n d i t m e a n s t h a t t h e at the precise moment he was The Atlantic) maybe it is karmic balance. fingerprints of Mr Obama's figuring out how to be a But his item is worth reading as political inner circle are detected consensus builder), Bush (who, Submitted at 4/2/2010 8:30:42 PM I don't know about this first a reality check, and also because by the rumour mill even when at the least, did not get the most hand -- I've never tried to cover it includes a link to a very good they are absent, such as on the out of the political capital that the Obama White House, I don't a s s e s s m e n t o f t h e O b a m a president's decision to begin the tragic 9/11 attacks gave him), know many of the people who administration's foreign policy, t r o o p w i t h d r a w a l f r o m and Obama (who, halfway into are on the WH beat these days. by Daniel Dombey and Edward Afghanistan in July 2011 - a his first term, has been criticized But based on what I have known Luce of the Financial Times. recommendation that came f o r b e i n g d e t a c h e d a n d over the years, Steve Clemons' Saying so represents a karmic from Robert Gates, secretary of p r o f e s s o r i a l a n d s e e n h i s approval rating plummet faster critique this morning rings true balance of its own, my having defence. to me. tusseled with Luce before about On the plus side, Mr Obama than any of his predecessors). Steve's argument is that the his approach toward Obama. His has a sharp learning curve, Or perhaps Daniels could eternal White House game -- and Dombey's argument now is which means his administration promise voters that he would trading access-to-inside-sources that Obama's confidence in his continues to evolve. On the plus govern without caring about for generally positive coverage - o w n j u d g m e n t ( w h i c h I side also, if it has to be White being reelected. And then prove - has been intensified by the generally admire - both the House-centric, it is perhaps that he meant it. He can propose number of reporters planning to judgment and the confidence) better with him as the Sun King needed entitlement and tax code do dishy books about the Obama has become the only organizing than, say, Nixon or George W. r e f o r m s ( i . e . r a i s i n g t h e retirement age on social security administration. Those books principle of the Administration. Bush. become more or less valuable M r Obama has built a machine I am saying this from a and cutting out various tax based on how many inside in which all roads lead to and distance, but this assessment breaks to special interests, just details and anecdotes they from him. On the minus side, sounds likely-to-prove-true to t o n a m e a f e w ) w i t h o u t contain. The inside anecdotes that means a lot of lower-level me, compared with a lot of other worrying about offending the become more or less available meetings without decisions. It minute-by-minute inside details. array of interest groups such based on whether the reporters also means neglecting issues Worth reading -- both the r e f o r m s w o u l d i n e v i t a b l y are seen as friendly or hostile. that cannot be squeezed into his Clemons item and the FT enrage. He can promise to end the shady accounting tricks, not Again, this is a very long- diary, such as trade policy, article. pander, and just be honest--even standing situation and source of which continues to drift; or distortion. And considering the relations with India, which are

PUSH continued from page 34

significant traction in 2009, mostly because of California's budget crisis, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's suggestion that it be seriously discussed, the drug war happening in

Mexico, and the finding of the Field poll. Although Tax Cannabis is airing a radio ad, a public messaging campaign has yet to ramp up against legalizing pot.

When it does--when both sides are conducting this fight in public--look for opinion to congeal either for the ballot initiative or against it. Until then, legalized pot

remains a possible outcome in November 2010. Thumbnail image credit: Wikimedia Commons

to groups that such needed reforms would hurt. This would be courageous--and politically selfless. One could say it could be called "The Butler Way." And if he were to be successful, historians may even dub it "The Daniels Way." I concede that this scenario may be a bit too fanciful and hopeful, especially when one considers that Daniels goes out of his way to say he doesn't even want to run for president. It also puts mighty expectations on just one political figure and on a generation not known for putting the "we" before "me." But if the last presidential election cycle taught us anything, it was that a little bit of hope can still go a long way. Tony Lee is a conservative writer: Follow him on twitter@TheTonyLee. Thumbnail image credit: Shawn Thew/Getty Images


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JUDGING continued from page 31

of when a judge took action in the contributor’s case.” In the case of one judge who raised $70,000 from 140 attorneys and law firms, all of these donors who gave at least $500 had a case pending before her. Public concerns about Nevada’s court races prompted the legislature to put a referendum on the ballot this coming November that will ask the public to scrap contested judicial elections entirely and instead adopt a system of appointments. Given recent history, it's not surprising that the public is concerned that justice is for sale to the highest bidder. A February 2009 USA Today/Gallup Poll found that 89 percent of those surveyed believe the influence of campaign contributions on judges’ rulings is a problem. More than 90 percent said a judge should not hear a case if it involves an individual or group that contributed to the judge’s election campaign. And Citizens

United willlikely only exacerbate these worries. So what's to be done? First, states should adopt public financing systems for judicial elections (something West Virginia, North Carolina, New Mexico, and Wisconsin have already done). Public financing gets judges out of the unseemly business of dialing for dollars to make sure they win. States also need to adopt stricter disclosure rules, so the public knows which individuals and groups are spending in judicial campaigns. And states should institute new disqualification regulations to ensure that, if a judge is assigned to hear the case of a major campaign supporter, he or she must step aside and let a wholly impartial judge preside. Enacting these rules would help protect the principle of impartiality that is so critical to our court system—and that Citizens United has seriously jeopardized. Unlike legislators and executive officials, who are

expected to act in accordance with the interests of their constituents, judges don’t “represent” anyone; they are answerable to the law, not to special interests that can cut the biggest campaign checks. The very legitimacy of the courts depends on the public believing that judges will treat every party without bias or favor. If, in the Citizens United era, states don’t adopt public financing and strong disclosure and disqualification rules, the judiciary's credibility will dissolve—and quickly. Adam Skaggs is an attorney at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

What You Must Read on the iPad Right Now [Ipad] matt buchanan (Gizmodo) Submitted at 4/3/2010 1:00:22 PM

I honestly can't tell you what it's like to see and touch and

consume news, magazines and

comics on the iPad. You just have to experience it. But I can tell you what to read to blow your mind. More »

Blu-ray Discs expand to 128GB under new BDXL spec Richard Lawler (Engadget)

25GB read-only layer, and one 25GB rewritable layer on the same platter. If you're looking This probably isn't a response for a place to permanently back t o t h e 3 D o n s l a u g h t o r up that super high-res "amateur even"superbit" releases like the photography," take heart -- a upcoming Avatar 2D disc, but consumer version is in the just in case the standard 50GB works, though it will first be Blu-ray discs were beginning to aimed at markets where Blu-ray feel a bit -- how do you say... Disc recorders are popular, or cramped? -- the Blu-ray Disc available at all (read: maybe Association's rolling out a new Japan, definitely not the US). BDXL format capable of No word when the new holding up to 128GB (write- hardware will actually hit the once) or 100GB(rewriteable). market, but final specs are due Before you get too excited, you "in the next few months." In the should know that you'll need a meantime, check out the full new player to access these -- details after the break. even a firmware update won't Continue reading Blu-ray Discs save the PS3 this time -- since expand to 128GB under new they go up to three or four layers BDXL spec deep and will likely need a more Blu-ray Discs expand to 128GB powerful laser. While our home u n d e r n e w B D X L s p e c movies can be compressed just originally appeared on Engadget fine, corporations currently still on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 10:41:00 u s i n g o t h e r m e d i u m s f o r EST. Please see our terms for archiving might appreciate the use of feeds. Permalink| | extra space, as well as the new Email this| Comments IH-BD discs, designed with one Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:41:00 AM


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ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 3 April 2010 Admin (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 4/3/2010 11:00:00 AM

April may bring spring showers here in the U.S., but it's also bringing nine different conferenced scattered across the country. Drupal, the future of money and technology, the future of tech in the Midwest, social media, the cloud - pick a topic, get a ticket, and feed your brain. How do you like your events guide? You can import individual events into Google Calendar using the link beside each entry, or download the entire thing as an iCal (and Google Calendar-importable) file, or even view it as a world map. Know of something cool taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us. Sponsor 4 April 2010: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania ConnectNow TEDx CMU is an independently organized TEDx event that will be held on April 4th, 2010 at Carnegie Mellon University and will feature a full day of talks by prominent speakers as well as recorded videos from past TEDTalks. Confirmed speakers include Jonathan Fields (author, blogger and entrepreneur), Stacey Monk (founder of Epic Change, a startup nonprofit), Chase Jarvis

(photographer, director and social artist) and Nathan Martin (CEO of Deeplocal, an innovation studio in Pittsburgh). The theme of the event is "Fearless", and we are inviting speakers from cross-disciplinary backgrounds to talk about their experiences, and tell us a little about what inspires them to be fearless in the pursuit of goals. We hope to spark discussions and foster connections between participants, encouraging aspiring individuals to follow their dreams and make a difference. The event is free to attend, and the application deadline is March 21, 2010. For more information about the event, visit or email You can also find TEDx CMU on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. 7 – 9 April 2010: Sydney, Australia ConnectNow ConnectNow brings together international specialists and thought leaders in social media, emerging technologies and their intersection with business. Learn how the realtime web, location based services, augmented reality, ubiquitous computing and personalised services are changing marketing and communications. Understand the importance of trust in relationship marketing and what is "social currency". For more info email 13 – 15 April 2010: Dallas, Texas PubCon South PubCon, the premier search and social media conference, features the industry's biggest names and key players shaping the future of the Web. PubCon South will include cutting-edge panel sessions exploring tracks dedicated to search, social media and affiliate marketing, an intensive professional search and social media training program, and some of the world's top keynote speakers. PubCon South at Dallas will also hold a one-day, two-track slate of intensive educational training programs led by some of the industry's most respected search professionals. The event takes place at the Richardson Conference and Civic Center. Register here. 16 April 2010: Mountain View, California Under the Radar: Cloud Under the Radar: Cloud is must -attend event for dealmakers and

heads of IT from large enterprises, SMBs, service providers, carriers and media companies who are responsible for helping their companies leverage new technology and innovation in the fast-evolving IT ecosystem. Join us for the 15th Under the Radar conference, featuring a handpicked selection of the world's most innovative cloud startups among 350 top tech, media, telcom and finance executives. For ticket and more information, v i s i t 16 – 17 April 2010: Royal Oak, Michigan FutureMidwest FutureMidwest is the region's largest technology and knowledge conference. Founded by Adrian Pittman, Jordan Wolfe and Zach Lipson, FutureMidwest is the fusion of two successful conferences held in Michigan in 2009 - the Module Midwest Digital Conference and TechNow. Both conferences highlighted how technology and digital tools have dramatically changed the way we do business and the effect this transition has had on companies. FutureMidwest kicks things up a notch with presentations, group breakout sessions, relationship-building opportunities and influencers who are taking action to redefine business in the digital age. Register here.

17 April 2010: New York City Seven on Seven Seven on Seven will pair seven leading artists with seven gamechanging technologists in teams of two, and challenge them to develop something new - be it an application, social media, artwork, product, or whatever they imagine - over the course of a single day. The seven teams will unveil their ideas at a oneday event at the New Museum on April 17. Seven on Seven Participants include, on the technology side, Ayah Bdeir (artist and programmer), Jeff Hammerbacher (Accel Ventures/ Facebook), David Karp (founder of Tumblr), Andrew Kortina (of Bitly/ Venmo), Hilary Mason (of betaworks), Matt Mullenweg (founder of Wordpress), and Joshua Schachter (currently at Google, formerly at Yahoo, and founder of delicious), and on the art side, Tauba Auerbach, Cao Fei, Aaron Koblin, Monica Narula, Marc Andre Robinson, Evan Roth and Ryan Trecartin. Conference attendance includes a half-day session where the seven teams will unveil their ideas, followed by a cocktail reception in the New Museum Skyroom. Find registration information here. April 19, 2010: St. Louis Missouri READWRITEWEB page 39

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READWRITEWEB continued from page 38

Social Fresh St. Louis The social media conference for marketers, Social Fresh is not about concept, but focused purely on case studies from the front lines. Learn what social media can really do for business bottom lines. Over the course of the day you'll hear from 35 speakers from companies like Ford, Best Buy, Scottrade, Hardees, CMT and many more. Register now and use coupon code RWW15 for 15% off. 19 – 21 April 2010: San Francisco, California DrupalCon DrupalCon is the premier conference focused on Drupal, the award-winning open source content management framework that is galvanizing social publishing and web development today. For a registration fee of $195, attendees get three full days of sessions led by the best and brightest Drupal experts. Drupal has been downloaded over 2 million times since its inception, and project growth has doubled annually for several years. Drupal is used to deliver a wide variety of application types including blogs, wikis, community networks, digital media portals, and web content publishing and management. 26 April 2010: San Francisco, California Future of Money and Technology Summit The Future of Money &

Technology Summit will bring together the best and brightest thinkers around money, including visionaries, entrepreneurial business people, developers, press, investors, authors, solution/service providers, and organizations who work where cash and commerce collide. We meet to discuss the evolving ecosystem around money in a proactive, conducive to dealmaking environment. Featured speakers include Jolie O'Dell, formerly of ReadWriteWeb, as well as representatives from Wells Fargo Bank, Kiva, SharesPost, Jambool, Founders Fund,, SoftTech VC, and many more. Use discount code "rww" to get 10% off registration. 7 May 2010: Mountain View, California ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit 2010 The ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit 2010 will be an exploration of the latest Mobile development trends - both the technology and the emerging business applications. Get ready to explore, think and create the future of Mobile with the brightest in the industry, your peers! As in our last Summit, The Real-Time Web, the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit is an unconference. An unconference is a participant driven conference where the agenda is created on

the day, in real-time and discussions are lead by conference participants. Read about the history of unconferences. We will have two main tracks at this Summit - Development and Business - so the Summit will be of interest to managers, marketers, developers, innovators, entrepreneurs and thought leaders alike. Here's a sample of some of the topics we'll explore in both of these tracks.

11 May 2010: San Francisco, California FinovateSpring FinovateSpring 2010 will again showcase the most cutting-edge financial and banking technology innovations to Silicon Valley and the world. With Finovate's signature mix of short, fast-paced onstage demos (no slides are allowed) from handpicked companies and intimate networking time with their executives, this conference packs a ton of unique value into a single day. • Geo-location services- what Come see the cutting edge of can you do using location as a b a n k i n g a n d f i n a n c i a l platform? technology and network with • Commerce & Marketing- as h u n d r e d s o f t h e l e a d i n g more and more consumers use financial executives, venture s m a r t p h o n e s , h o w c a n capitalists, press, industry businesses utilize this channel? analysts, bloggers and fintech • Content, Publishing & entrepreneurs. Early bird R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s - t h e registration rates are available. technologies and best practices. May 17 2010: San Francisco, • Mobile Social Networking- California how to tap into communities on SF MusicTech Summit mobile devices. The SF MusicTech Summit will • Internet of Things- the b r i n g t o g e t h e r 7 0 0 - p l u s emerging opportunities from v i s i o n a r i e s in the sensor and RFID data. music/technology space - the • Augmented Reality- the best and brightest entrepreneurs, t e c h n o l o g y a n d b u s i n e s s developers, investors, service applications of AR. providers, journalists, musicians • Native App vs. Browser and organizations who work B a s e d - I n c l u d i n g i P h o n e , with them at the convergence of Android, RIM, Palm, Windows culture and commerce. We meet Mobile and Symbian. to discuss the evolving music, business and technology Click here to register now, or to ecosystem in a proactive, become a sponsor, or to help c o n d u c i v e - t o - d e a l m a k i n g shape the conference. environment. Enter the discount

code "rww" to get 10% off. 18 – 19 May 2010: Santa Clara, California Social Media Strategies Social Media Strategies is a conference on social business, social marketing, advertising and optimization. Social media technologies are fundamentally changing the sales, marketing and operations process. Business are leveraging social technologies to acquire, market, and communicate with customers. This conference features cutting edge topics, keynotes, workshops and discussions that provided strategic knowledge, insights and real world examples on how to successfully plan, implement and manage your organizations social media efforts to achieve your business goals. Use the code "readwriteweb" when you register and get $100 off. 25 – 27 May 2010: Denver, Colorado Glue Glue is the only conference devoted solely to exploring the problem-sets facing architects, developers and IT professionals in a "post-cloud" world. Glue focuses on the APIs and protocols (Twitter, Facebook, Websockets, PubSubHubBub, XMPP), formats and standards (RDF/Linked Data, JSON, Microformats, HTML5), READWRITEWEB page 41


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Weekly Wrap-up: Gmail OAuth, Twitter Homepage, iPads Galore, And More... Abraham Hyatt (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 4/3/2010 6:00:00 AM

Our top story this week was about Gmail becoming an app platform. Oh right, and some other thing called the iPad. Read on for our coverage and analysis. We also continued our exploration of the significant Internet trends of 2010, including Real-Time Web, Mobile Web and Internet of Things. Note: We've refreshed the format for our longest running feature, the Weekly Wrapup. It now focuses more explicitly on the key trends that ReadWriteWeb is tracking in 2010, as well as giving you the highlights from the leading story of the week. Let us know your thoughts on the new format. Sponsor Story of the Week: Gmail Becomes an App Platform • Gmail Becomes an App Platform: Google Adds OAuth to IMAP • Coming Soon to Gmail Chat: File Transfer • 15 iPad Apps We Can't Wait to Download • The iPad in Education: Colleges Give iPads to All Incoming Students • Twitter Gets a New Homepage - It's a Whole Thing

More coverage and analysis from ReadWriteWeb Announcing the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit: Early bird pricing ends March 31! Hurry, register now and save $100. Early bird pricing ends March 31! Join us for the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit on May 7 in Mountain View, California as we explore the latest mobile development trends, both the technology and the emerging business applications. Be a part of the discussion on geo-location services, augmented reality, native app vs. browser-based, commerce and marketing, mobile social networking and the Internet of Things. Sponsorship enquiries:, Register now for the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit and get early bird rates - only $295. Mobile Web • Location-Based Social Networks: Delightful, Dangerous or Somewhere in Between? • What's a "Universal" iPad App and How Do You Use It? • iPad's Top Apps and Early Trends More Mobile Web coverage Augmented Reality

experience. More than 1,000 AR campaigns were kicked-off last year and we expect to see many more in 2010. In this report, we profile key AR development companies, their campaigns as well as development lessons learned. For more information or to buy the report, visit here. Internet of Things • NFC: Never Mind Credit Cards, Pay With Your Phone

ReadWriteStart Our channel ReadWriteStart, sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark, is dedicated to profiling startups and entrepreneurs. • Looking for the Next Big Idea? Unleash the Beast! • TechStars' Andrew Hyde Launches Freelance Marketplace Startup • The Art of the VC Pitch: A Roundup of Advice from 6 VCs • Practical Application is the ReadWriteEnterprise Our Golden Ticket of Augmented More Internet of Things channel ReadWriteEnterprise is Reality coverage devoted to 'enterprise 2.0' and Real-Time Web using social software inside More Augmented Reality • Twitter Highlights Popular organizations. coverage Tweets, Goes Live With API • FourSquare for the Enterprise: Augmented Reality for M o r e R e a l - T i m e W e b Give it 2 Years, Max Marketers and Developers: Our coverage. Don't miss the next • Microsoft Testing OfficeTalk Newest Research Report wave of opportunity on the Web - Microblogging Service Much We're pleased to announce s u p p o r t e d b y r e a l - t i m e Like Twitter ReadWriteWeb's latest premium t e c h n o l o g y ! G e t ReadWriteCloud Our channel report, Augmented Reality for ReadWriteWeb's report, The ReadWriteCloud, sponsored by Marketers and Developers: Real-Time Web and its Future. VMware and Intel, is dedicated Analysis of the Leaders, the Check Out The ReadWriteWeb to Virtualization and Cloud Challenges and the Future. This i P h o n e A p p W e r e c e n t l y Computing. report will help you develop a l a u n c h e d t h e o f f i c i a l • User Ignorance Causes Cloud sophisticated understanding of ReadWriteWeb iPhone app. As S e c u r i t y L e a k ; A c c o u n t s , Augmented Reality (AR), the well as enabling you to read P a s s w o r d s R e v e a l e d mobile and Web technology that ReadWriteWeb while on the go • Rulers of the Cloud: A Multiplaces data on top of a user's or lying on the couch, we've Tenant Semantic Cloud is view of the physical world. The m a d e i t e a s y t o s h a r e Forming & EMC Knows that research included will help you ReadWriteWeb posts directly Data Matters decrease your AR development from your iPhone, on Twitter • Earth Hour: Is it Time to time to market by learning from and Facebook. You can also Virtualize the Electrical Grid? the first wave of early adopters. follow the RWW team on That's a wrap for another week! AR offers a new marketing and Twitter, directly from the app. Enjoy your weekend everyone. product paradigm for a high We invite you to download it Discuss impact, high value customer n o w from iTunes.


E-reader News Edition


READWRITEWEB continued from page 39

platforms and providers (Amazon, Rackspace, Google App Engine,, Eucalyptus), Identity Protocols (OAuth/WRAP, SAML, OpenID, SPML) emerging NoSQL data models (Cassandra, CouchDB, MongoDB, Riak, HBase), and other mechanisms that are building the post-cloud world. ReadWriteCloud will be blogging live from Gluecon and C l o u d C a m p , a n d ReadWriteWeb's Alex Williams will be moderating the "Managing Complexity in the Cloud" session. Please join us May 25-27 in Denver, Colorado. ReadWriteWeb readers can receive 10% off of registration by using the code "RWW12". 27 – 28 May 2010: Beijing, China Global Mobile Internet Conference The Global Mobile Internet Conference is designed specifically for entrepreneurs, executives and influencers to understand and capitalize on the growing opportunities in mobile internet. Though focused on opportunities in Asia, much of the conference dialogue is intended to compare and trade best practices across borders, especially between the East and West. Around 1000 industry leaders from Asia, Europe and North America are expected to attend. The conference will be

in English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. 28 May 2010: Beijing, China Global Mobile Internet Conference - Innovation Show & Startup Competition The Global Mobile Internet Conference Innovation Show intends to be a launch pad for innovative mobile internet startups from around the world. Innovation Show finalists will have the opportunity to present their company to an expected 1,000 investors, industry leaders, and press. Finalists will be judged by and receive feedback from a team of respected venture capitalists and angel investors. The judges will choose one company as the GMIC Innovation Show Winner. Startups must apply by April 4. 15 – 16 June 2010: New York City Corporate Social Media Summit The Corporate Social Media Summit is a two day conference focused exclusively on how big businesses can take advantage of social media to enhance their marketing/comms strategy. Featuring: • Practical and relevant insights from peers who have already used social media successfully • 20-plus corporate speakers(including PepsiCo, Whole Foods, Dell, McDonald's, General Motors,

Citi, Johnson & Johnson),• Best practice, benchmarks and practical next steps you can use to take advantage of social media in your business • A tightly-focused agenda with 14 in-depth, practical workshops giving you knowledge on only the most critical business issues surrounding corporate use of social media

integrated cloud computing and SaaS into their working practices • Learn from the key players offering cloud and SaaS services • Evening networking party for all attendees

5 October 2010: New York City FinovateFall FinovateFall will return to Manhattan on Tuesday, October S a v e $ 4 0 0 i f y o u q u o t e 5 to showcase dozens of the RWW400 when booking. Book biggest and most innovative here. new ideas in financial and 29 – 30 June 2010: London banking technology from C l o u d C o m p u t i n g W o r l d established leaders and hot Forum young companies. The Fall T h e 2 n d a n n u a l C l o u d event is the original and largest Computing World Forum is the Finovate and features a single perfect event to learn and day packed with our special d i s c u s s t h e d e v e l o p m e n t , blend of short, fast-paced integration, adoption and future onstage demos (no slides are of cloud computing and SaaS. a l l o w e d ) a n d i n t i m a t e Building on the success of the networking time with top 2 0 0 9 s h o w , t h i s t w o d a y executives from the innovative conference and free-to-attend demoing companies. e x h i b i t i o n w i l l p r o v i d e a FinovateFall is a unique chance focused platform for the global to see the future of finance and cloud and SaaS industry. Show banking before your competition highlights include: and find the edge you need in • Co-located with CloudCamp today's market. Early bird London registration rates are available. • Co-located with Green IT Download this entire events conference calendar in iCal format. Discuss • Free-to-attend exhibition with seminar and scenario theatre • Free-to-attend evening awards presentation • Hear from leading case studies on how they have

iFixit sees London, France: Tears apart iPad limb from limb Nicholas Deleon (CrunchGear) Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:15:50 AM

Need more iPad news? Who doesn’t! It’s practically a lifegiving force at this point. Anyhow, the fine chaps over at iFixit have taken apart an iPad for all to see. It nicely complements the FCC’s own handiwork from a few hours ago. While the FCC took apart a preproduction unit, the iFixit guys have taken apart an honest-togoodness retail iPad. It’s the same thing so, so many people will be playing with later today. “Look, I can browse the Internet!” To everyone waiting in line to buy an iPad today, boa sorte!


Tech News/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

Are You the Next Zynga? The Rocket Science at RightScale Helps Deliver a Safe Liftoff Mike Kirkwood (ReadWriteWeb)

cloud providers to help orchestrate the management and provisioning of cloud assets. Submitted at 4/3/2010 2:18:00 AM In the case of social games, this Zynga is a leading example of may be algorithms that help spin h o w t o w i e l d c l o u d up services during a dramatic infrastructure to achieve scale. swing of usage. Or, in the The company uses RightScale to reverse case, it maybe scaling help match demand of its infrastructure across the life incredibly successful game cycle of a property as it is franchise with appropriate l a u n c h e d , g o e s v i r a l , a n d resources. Zynga seems to be a eventually is replaced with the master of understanding how to next thing. model customer demand and The company also offers underlying resources. As even resource portability, where it virtual goods have COGS (cost c a n d e p l o y s e r v e r s w i t h of goods sold) server resources A m a z o n , o r o t h e r c l o u d are part of the bill when providers that compete in conjuring up virtual goods for providing cloud workload tens of millions of users. services and the ability to spin Although we can't all be as up new services through APIs. smart (or cute) as Zynga, many RightScale has tuned its tools to of us are catching on that both learn and to react to scaling into the cloud is a smart c h a n g e s r e q u i r e d i n t h e choice. This brief analysis of infrastructure for applications RightScale looks at its offerings using the platform. and the momentum the company New customer announcements is gaining in the market. include Hitachi Systems and Sponsor Services in Japan and ProKarma What Does RightScale Offer? in the United States. RightScale is a platform that Both are strong systems abstracts cloud offerings from integrators that have chosen Amazon and a host of other RightScale as the platform to

have not existed without it. RightScale: For All Shapes and Sizes At RightScale, it doesn't matter if your application is an addictive game, or monthly billing application. The company knows that in the next years, it is likely that hosting in the cloud makes sense for internet infrastructure and it is b r i n g t h e c l o u d t o t h e i r well positioned to be a piece of customers. RightScale has a lot of solutions that want to announced over one million scale with demand. servers launched using its If the momentum with heavyplatform. Maybe Zynga is the hitting system integrators n e x t Z y n g a T h e c o m p a n y continues, RightScale will be certainly has the viral pattern coming to you through its down, and delivery nailed. And, partners. Of course, you can one thing that we've learned in also try it for free and get started watching the excitement of in managing the cloud. The social games is that demand can company is targeting companies that have more than a handful of be like a roller-coaster. In addition to all of the natural servers and has a compelling benefits of cloud infrastructure offering to get started and to in cost and timing, we think grow from there. being ready for wild success is Does RightScale fit into your just good practice - it can much scaling plans? less expensive than failing to Photo Credit: jurvetson Discuss scale. More importantly, have a platform that scales can open up new doors to business that may

Preview Our New iPad-Ready Site [Meta] Brian Lam (Gizmodo) Submitted at 4/3/2010 1:06:30 PM

Hey all. We're almost ready to

move to an iPad-friendly video (HTML 5) and layout, which all of Gawker Media will get.] More Âť Here's a preview: [

Apple store lines muted, yet pregnant with anticipation John Biggs (CrunchGear) Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:00:23 AM

I was down at the Fifth Avenue Store in New York and after about 10:00am the lines sort of calmed down after a huge push. One guy had been in line for four days, which suggests that he may have been underemployed under this administration. We need a Peace Corps for people like these. Anyway, the guys from were there in big iPad v. Kindle outfits and I think this image, below, sums up the future of human interaction from now on out. So long and thanks for all the fish, indeed.


E-reader News Edition


Nintendo controller car mod goes too far Dave Freeman (CrunchGear) Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:00:51 AM

I’m all for letting your geek flag fly, but this is a bit much. Perhaps he wanted to be able to control the car from the front? At least it’s something that you can hide under you hood. I dunno. Props for knowing your roots and such. - on both micro and macro Can it replace my laptop on Here's what I learned. Of course, a modification you levels -- with the unique wit and occasion and serve as a content Continue reading Entelligence: can remove is a good thing, insight only he can provide. creation as well as content the iPad as a productivity tool since it won’t impact the retail When Apple announced the consumption tool? Entelligence: the iPad as a value. I mean, we’ve seen iPad, Steve Jobs positioned it in A few weeks ago, I deliberately productivity tool originally worse. the space directly between the left my laptop at home for a appeared on Engadget on Sat, [Via Gadget Review] laptop and phone. That greatly week of heavy business travel. 03 Apr 2010 12:51:00 EST. interests me because there are Instead, I relied mostly on three Please see our terms for use of moments in my life where my phones: an iPhone, a Pre and an feeds. Permalink| | Email this| phone is too small and my HD2. And now I've been using a Comments laptop too large. While the iPad production iPad for the four clearly won't replace my phone activities that were difficult and anytime soon, my question is: uncomfortable on my phone.

Entelligence: the iPad as a productivity tool Michael Gartenberg (Engadget) Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:51:00 PM

Entelligence is a column by technology strategist and author Michael Gartenberg, a man whose desire for a delicious cup of coffee and a quality New York bagel is dwarfed only by his passion for tech. In these articles, he'll explore where our industry is and where it's going -



E-reader News Edition

iDisplay: the best concept, most horrific execution award goes to... Paul Miller (Engadget) Submitted at 4/3/2010 11:40:00 AM

We have just looked evil in the face. Its name is iDisplay. Based on an incredibly promising concept, iDisplay purported to extend our Mac's display onto an iPad or an iPhone, over the magic of WiFi. In reality it threatened to destroy our very lives. The application, after installation, tells your computer that it has two displays running concurrently (even when the program isn't open), and limits your main display to a lower resolution -- either with blurry pixels or letterboxing (the latter is shown above). This of course eliminates the purpose of

extending a display almost entirely. Add in the fact that we couldn't even get the iDisplay application to open on our Snow Leopard Mac, and we can't imagine recommending this $4.99 combo to a single soul on earth. Even the uninstall process was harrowing. Please, for the sake of your children and your children's children, stay away from this app. iDisplay: the best concept, most horrific execution award goes to... originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 11:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

Apple's iPad: it's here! (updated with unboxing video) Paul Miller (Engadget) Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:46:00 AM

We've crossed the finish line at last! How is it on the other side? You tell us! We just put down plastic for one and had it activated at the Apple Store, so stand by for pictures and videos from that unparalleled experience. The "activation" process is just plugging it into a computer with iTunes for the first time, so that you can walk

out of the store with the device turned on. After the unit is up and running you can dive into the App Store, where you're prompted for a free download of iBooks. It's all smooth sailing from there. Update: We added a gallery of shots entering The Cube, and after the break there's a video of us unboxing and activating the iPad. Gallery: iPad: the Apple Store experience

Gallery: The Cube iPad launch experience Continue reading Apple's iPad: it's here! (updated with unboxing video) Apple's iPad: it's here! (updated with unboxing video) originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 10:46:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

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Video: Launch Day iPad Purchase Chris Ryan (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:22:10 AM

The line here in Southlake, TX was pretty pathetic, which was just fine by me. Once I was through the doors I tried out an iPad for few seconds and then was quickly moved on to the purchasing process. Here’s a video of the experience.

Kirstie Alley Gets Down and Dirty to Drop Pounds (ETonline - Breaking News)

Hands-on with the Apple iPad: Groundbreaking or not, it’s still amazing John Biggs (CrunchGear)

don’t have a long haul flight to test this thing out on because Submitted at 4/3/2010 7:52:18 AM this device may be the elusive I just grabbed my iPad, dock, missing link between full-bore and case and I’m ready to start l a p t o p a n d u n d e r p o w e r e d living in the 21st Century. Say netbook for which we’ve all what you want, but the iPad is been searching. clearly a new way forward in On the whole, the iPad is terms of user interaction and nothing revolutionary: if you portability. In fact, I regret that I know iPhone, you’ll know this

thing. But Numbers, Pages, and Keynote, the office suite that isn’t Office, is amazing on the iPad and iBooks are already a big hit around our house. Thankfully, Apple includes an A.A. Milne Pooh book for the kiddies. Hyperbole without experience is hype so I’m going to ruminate

on this thing this week and report back shortly. However, if you’re in the market for a netbook, this may be your solution. The jury is still out on WiFi v. 3G/WiFi (I’m leaning 3G/WiFi) but it’s still a fascinating product.

Submitted at 4/2/2010 4:30:00 PM

How much weight has Kirstie Alley lost now? We’re taking you inside another episode of her "Big Life" to see how Kirstie's kicking off the pounds in week three. Kirstie does some muckraking - literally -- when she switches jobs with members of her household staff. Donning plussized waders, she cleans out her pond. The job swap even includes becoming her handyman "Jim," while he wears her nightgown to become "Kirstie"!



E-reader News Edition

Walkthrough: Initial iPad Setup Dave Greenbaum (TheAppleBlog)

I owned, well over 100 of them, making me manually un-select the numerous apps I didn’t want Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:13:49 AM to install. The other tabs, like After unboxing my iPad and music, movies, iTunesU, powering it on for the first time, podcasts and photos are exactly I had to connect it to iTunes what you’d expect. If you sync before actually being able to use photos, the software will have to the new toy. Did I say toy? I optimize them for the iPad, mean the magical and which can take quite a while if revolutionary device. That’s you have a large photo library. disappointing because people In retrospect I would want to use their iPad right now! recommend avoiding this step The process of setting up the for initial setup. Lastly, we iPad in iTunes is very have a brand new tab: Books. straightforward, similar to This is where you will manage setting up an iPhone, but with a books you by with the iBooks few quirks and one possible, app or iTunes. I don’t have any rather funny bug. yet — but this will soon change! As soon as you plug the iPad One interesting quirk I noticed into your Mac, iTunes 9.1 will while doing my initial sync is open and you’ll see a welcome that the iPad didn’t charge while message. Be sure to upgrade to syncing. I have my iPad’s USB the latest version of iTunes cable hooked to my Apple before hookup. you get to choose whether to set very unlikely you have synced much disk space is on your iPad, Keyboard rather than directly Click through that and there’s up your iPad from scratch or an iPad with your Mac before and what version of software it into my Mac, so I suspect that license. Does anyone restore from a previous backup. today! And if you did, you is running. perhaps not enough power is actually read these things? If The dialog allowed me to to probably are violating an NDA The “Info” tab is where you available for charging. When I you say no, does it self-destruct? select the backup from my by telling us this fact. will see your detail sync settings plug it directly into the Mac via Next up is where you tell the i P h o n e , w h i c h w o u l d Now it’s time to name your for things like contacts, email, the USB cable, it charges as iPad about your iTunes account. presumably be a big time-saver new baby. This year’s hot and address book entires. You expected. If you are new to the world of i f y o u h a v e a n e x t e n s i v e names include the always- can also set up MobileMe from There you go, start to finish it iDevices, you also have the collection of apps (and their popular “Michael” and “Clohe.” here if you didn’t earlier. was about half an hour. If I option to set up a new account settings) you want to transfer Sharing this iPad is going to be The next set of tabs are familiar would have avoided the Photo here over to the iPad. I saw a cute an issue I know. to anyone who has used another sync it would have been less Apple doesn’t miss a chance to bug here: the message says “An Ah, finally, the main screen. It iDevice. The apps tab allows than five minutes. up-sell its MobileMe service. iPad has previously been synced is very similar to the iPhone you to sync and arrange apps. OK, finally we are in the final with this computer” — unless management screen in iTunes. Unfortunately, when I told it to stretch here. On the next screen, your name is Steve Jobs, it is You can see at a glance how sync apps, it selected every app


E-reader News Edition


Put a Case On It: Protect Your iPad Day 1 Dave Greenbaum (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:29:05 AM

When I spend $500 on a device, I want to keep it well protected. As many know, AppleCare does not protect against accidental damage. Unfortunately, many vendors simply don’t have cases ready, and Apple’s cases are hard to come by at the moment. Naked iPads? For someone as paranoid as me, I shudder at the thought. I sent out an “all call” for iPad cases and agreed to only look at cases that are ready for sale today, not pre-production or preview units. These are all cases that vendors told me are in stores or able to be ordered online for immediate delivery. Here are some of the ones I liked. Belkin Pleat Sleeve: $39.99 The Belkin pleat sleeve is a basic iPad sleeve with something extra. The front pleats aren’t just stylish, but provide a thick cushion to give extra protection to the screen from daily mishaps as well as provide a pocket for your headphones and other accessories. I was able to fit

quite a bit of stuff in that little pocket. This will be the normal in which I carry my iPad. The front pocket is the killer feature for me. Hard Candy Bubble Sleeve: $49.95 As Chris wrote, Hard Candy was ready for the iPad release today and easily got me a case for the new member of the family. The Bubble Sleeve provides serious protection. This isn’t a typical neoprene sleeve. The case has thick, sturdy padding on all sides to protect your new investment. Similar to the Belkin sleeve, the Bubble Sleeve has extra cushioning to protect the screen. What I like about this case in particular are the red rubber grips that hold the iPad securely

in place. This case will be my travel case. I’ll want to add a little bulk if I’m going to be putting this in an overhead bag or under a seat on the plane. The Bubble Sleeve will be perfect for students who will put 30 pounds of books in a backpack along with their iPad. Griffin Elan Passport: $49.99 The Elan Passport is weak on protection, but strong on style. While it provides a hard front and back for the iPad, it does nothing to cushion it or protect the sides. Very similar to Apple’s iPad Case, the Passport is a portfolio. Open it up and you’ll have your iPad to the right and slots for business cards and other information on the left. I’d use this case for daily work on the job to maintain a professional and classy image. This is the case I’d want to see on my doctor’s desk. Three very different cases, all available today. The future will bring more of these protective gizmos, but Precious needs one today! How can I even think of leaving this “magical” and “revolutionary” device unprotected? Apple’s loss is Belkin’s, Hard Candy’s and Griffin’s gain.

Gallery and Video: Scenes from iPad Lines Josh Pigford (TheAppleBlog)

• • • Here’s a slideshow and video • from iPad lines in San • Francisco, CA, Durham, NC and • Southlake, TX. Fun was clearly • had by everyone involved. • Maybe. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Loading Next Previous Picture • 1 of 25 • Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:07:29 AM


Tech Blog/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

My iPad is here (Scripting News) Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:04:20 AM

Unboxing it now. The first thing you have to do after turning it on is connect it to iTunes. Here we go with the synching, the part of iPhones that I totally hate. It's why I use a Sony Walkman and a Droid. Ugh. Hmm. I thought I downloaded iTunes 9.1 last night. Quitting and relaunching. No good. Going to Meantime I'm wondering what'll happen when I connect up the iPad to my desktop Mac in Berkeley (where I'm going on Monday). I'll do what I do with my iPhone, I won't change anything till I get back to NY. First glitch, it says an iPad has already been synched to this copy of iTunes in May 2009. Hmm. Good trick! Okay so the iPad has a problem that lots of software has, when you finish the basic setup -- now what? There are no movies, newspapers or books on the

device, and no clue as to how to get them on there. Those are the first things I want to do, see how it plays stuff. Maybe I'm wrong about that. I should disconnect and see what I get. Okay, so the first thing I did was bring up the maps. Yes, this is the way the maps app should work. Lots of room, more room than I have on my laptop. And lots more room than I have on my phone. Now you gotta wonder -- when you're looking for something as you're walking around, which will you pull out -- the phone or the pad? What do you think? First conclusion: I love the way the Maps app works. Love is not too strong a word. You know I'm very circumspect, and I think Apple is just too precious. But this is how maps should work. I just checked out the web browser, and set up email. I don't remember how to synch contacts with Google, I have to do that. My review in one tweet.

Next I want to upload some pictures to the device, and Fargo (although I'm not sure which version, probably the big one). Maybe instead this time I'll go for The Big Lebowski (just for a small change of pace, always go with a Coen Brothers movie, cause you can watch them a million times without getting bored). Where can I get a book to try out for $0? I also have to get Netflix. And the NY Times. What else? Okay I want to copy bigLebowski.avi onto the iPad. How? (I'm going to try copying it into the folder I'm synching pictures from.) Well I couldn't figure out how to play the movie, but I did get it to play via Netflix, but that isn't going to work on the airplane. Time to upload some pictures and get on with my day. PS: They do give you a book to get started with -- Winnie The Pooh. Wish they had thought of something a bit more adult.

Liveblogging from the Hackathon (Scripting News)

know what this app does. Seems like it's a free version of Amazon S3, but they say they Each of the companies is use S3. I don't get it. (I used to explaining what you can do with understand it, but that was a their APIs. long time ago, and I think it's F i r s t p r e s e n t e r i s f r o m changed.) Foursquare. Now there are some people I'm using my MacBook to do from the NY Times. "We have a this with the screen turned way newspaper and a website, check down. I'm not plugged into it out." Hehe. Derek Gottfried is power, so we'll see how long my doing the presentation being battery charge lasts. very humorous. Someone is "no The Foursquare guy clearly did longer with us." How did he not rehearse his demo. (It started die? He moved on. off badly but got better as he Snooth is a wine database. It went through it.) has an API at Here's a Flickr set with some VoteReports is up. "Rational pictures. Ignorance." Politician report Next company is Flatworld cards. K n o w l e d g e . T h e y p u b l i s h learnbat is an online tutoring textbooks and give them away platform. online and you can pay $30 to Hunch. Ben says we're get a printed copy. All books are awesome. He's really excited. l i c e n s e d u n d e r C r e a t i v e He's awesome too. They do Commons. 17 books in their recommendations. Like Netflix catalog. They just got $6 million or Amazon but for everything. second round funding. No API. They have a cool Twitter They brought all the XML for predictor app. their content. Knewton. is next. I'm listening to the presentation but I don't Submitted at 4/2/2010 4:33:25 PM

Heather Locklear Reacts to John Forsythe's Death (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 4/2/2010 1:25:00 PM

Heather Locklear is opening up

to ET about the death of her "Dynasty" co-star John Forsythe. "John was a gentleman in every

sense of the word. He was a gifted actor who knew the true meaning of being gracious and kind. He will be missed,"

Locklear tells ET. Forsythe passed away on Thursday at the age of 92.

Tech Blog/ TV/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Quick bit about Gruber and Doctorow (Scripting News)

What's On Tonight: NCAA Basketball, 'Ten Commandments,' 'Wanda Sykes Show'

Janet Jackson: I Blame Dr. Conrad Murray for Michael's Death

TV Squad blogger (TV Squad)

Submitted at 4/2/2010 4:43:00 PM

Submitted at 4/2/2010 3:36:08 PM Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:23:00 PM

I think Gruber is wrong and Doctorow is right. Apple is eating our seed corn. That's why you should buy one Eee PC for every iPad you buy. Buy something that you can pervert in any way you want. Something you can plug anything into. Buy something you can copy all your data out of. If you must have an iPad, then buy (and use) something open to balance things out. Buy a Mac if you like. Or something that runs Linux. It doesn't have to be open source. It just has to be an open box. If we don't have open boxes lying around we'll wake up 20 years from now and wonder why there are no more hippie programmers, like Woz. Sheez,

Here's tonight's TV lineup (all times Eastern).

like Jobs was when he was a kid. We also need some VCs to compete with Twitter and FourSquare. There are more ideas out there than Fred and Bijan can finance. We need more user-VCs. Gotta run to the NYC Hackathon now. I'll expand on this some more later if there's interest. Update: Pictures from the Hackathon start here.


• CBS has NCAA Basketball all night. • BBC America has a'Doctor Who' marathon all night. • At 7, ABC has'The Ten Commandments.' • At 8, HGTV has a new'Divine Design.' • Animal Planet has a new'It's Me or the Dog' at 8. • Retro TV has'Buck Rogers in the 25th Century' at 8, then an episode of the original'Battlestar Galactica' and an episode of'Night Gallery.' • Also at 8: TCM has'Bonnie and Clyde,' followed by'Point Blank.' • At 8:30, Nickelodeon has a new'True Jackson, VP.' • At 9, FOX has a new'America's Most Wanted.' • CNBC has a new'Suze Orman

(ETonline - Breaking News)

On Friday's " Oprah Winfrey Show," Janet Jackson spoke out about the man who has pleaded not guilty to an involuntary manslaughter charge tied to her brother Michael Jackson's death. Asked by Oprah if she blames Murray, Michael's former personal physician, for his Show' at 9. • At 10, Style has a new death, Janet said: "Yes, I do. He's the one that was episode of'The Dish.' • F i n e L i v i n g h a s a administering the drug, from new'Freakiest Vacations' at 10. what I do know." (Michael died • At 11, FOX has a new'Wanda of acute Propofol intoxication last June.) Sykes Show.' • A t m i d n i g h t , C a r t o o n Janet said that prior to her Network has a new'Fullmetal brother's passing, the Jackson family "knew that he had a Alchemist Brotherhood.' problem" and "tried an Check your local TV listings intervention several times." She added, though, that Michael for more. Filed under: Programming, "was very much in denial." What To Watch Tonight, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments

'Stargate Universe' - 'Space' Recap Mike Moody (TV Squad)

season premiere delivered a tight, suspenseful, and engaging hour of sci-fi TV. This was (S01E11)'Stargate Universe' easily the best episode of the finally brought me to the edge series so far. of my seat. 'Space' was a minor Did it make up for all those triumph for the show. The mid- slow-paced, meandering eps we Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:47:00 PM

had to sit through during the

first half of the season? Probably not, but who cares? 'Space' rocked. Head after the jump for the spoilers. Continue reading'Stargate Universe' - 'Space' Recap Filed under: Stargate, Episode

Reviews, Reality-Free, Episode Recaps Permalink| Email this| | Comments


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E-reader News Edition

Start the 3D TV Revolution Without Me Allison Waldman (TV Squad) Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:00:00 AM

Technology is a marvelous thing, right? No, no, this is not a story about the Apple iPad coming out this weekend or the wonders it promises to bring -just ask Phil Dunphy. He called it the first day of the rest of your life. But no, the technology that has me scratching my head is 3D television. That's right, the stateof-the-art, mind-blowing idea that you will be able to watch television in a way you never have before. Bigger than a big screen. Better than high definition. More powerful that a home theater sensurround experience. Next weekend, if you have invested in a first generation 3D TV for about $2,500, you'll be able to watch the Masters Golf Tournament in 3D. And you had better spend on the glasses, too,

because not all sets are sold with the spectacles that make the 3D possible in the first place. Funny, you would think that the glasses were included, but apparently not. It's like some computers that ship without a power cord. Are you kidding me? Continue reading Start the 3D TV Revolution Without Me Filed under: Sports, Programming, OpEd, Hardware, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments

'Burn Notice' and 'Royal Pains' Return to USA in June Rich Keller (TV Squad) Submitted at 4/3/2010 11:13:00 AM

While most viewers glaze over at the amount of dreck major networks spew out during the warmer months, fans of USA Network's original series vibrate in anticipation for the return of the favorite programs. And why not? USA is doing what its big brother NBC hasn't been able to do: create character -driven programs that mix humor with drama, all wrapped up in a nicely written script. Not only do fans have a right to be excited, but the network can crow a bit itself. As it will do in June when two of its most popular shows return.

Someone Moved Out of the Bullock-James Manor [Gossip Roundup] Maureen O'Connor (Gawker) Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:58:00 AM

Was it Sandy or was it Jesse? Or were they just getting rid of a On Thursday, June 3rd,'Burn couch? Maybe it's because Jesse Notice' and'Royal Pains' return got a mistress pregnant. Peaches to the schedule with all new Geldof goes "glassy-eyed," episodes. For 'Royal Pains', Ivanka's stalker used to stalk which debuts at 9PM ET., it will Tucker Max. Saturday gossip is be the sophomore season. At moving on. More Âť 10PM ET. 'Burn Notice' begins its fourth season, ranking it the second-longest running show behind 'Psych' (not including 'Law & Order: Criminal Intent', which originally ran on NBC). Continue reading'Burn Notice' and 'Royal Pains' Return to USA in June Filed under: Programming, Reality-Free, Burn Notice Permalink| Email this| | Comments

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The Best Team Doesn’t Always Win ( The Daily Fix)

chances to assert its superiority. And the best college hoops teams usually get top seeds, so With a field of 65 teams — they get relatively easy earlypossibly growing soon to 96— round games. the NCAA tournament might Don’t tell that to Kansas, this feel like more of a crapshoot year’s best team by SRS, which than a fair method of selecting fell to Northern Iowa in the the nation’s best college- 1,000 college basketball seasons second round. This year’s Final basketball team. But it turns out and found the best team won it Four field is made up of Duke, that it has a better chance of all 34% of the time — assuming No. 2 in SRS; No. 9 West coronating the best regular- you don’t consider it an article Virginia; No. 20 Michigan season team than the NFL’s 12- of faith that the champion is State; and No. 34 Butler (other team playoff does. Zuma Press necessarily the best team. That measures rank Butler much G e o r g e M a s o n ’ s u p s e t o f compares to a rate of 24% for higher, showing that SRS isn’t UConn in 2006 demonstrated Super Bowl champs. completely in tune with the that the best teams don’t always On its face, the NFL — which alternatives). Of the prior 30 has just 32 teams overall, fewer Final Fours, 22 featured more win the NCAA tournament. Sports Reference’s Neil Paine than half the number of teams in powerful quartets, and 25 calculated this two ways, using the NCAA tournament field — f e a t u r e d m o r e i m p r e s s i v e actual data and also using a might seem to have a far easier programs, at least in terms of simulation. Using the Reference time seeing its best flourish. a v e r a g e a l l - t i m e w i n n i n g site’s Simple Rating System, he Also, NFL playoff games before percentage. This contrasts figures that in eight of the last the Super Bowl are played at the markedly with the Final Four 30 years, the best team in the field of the higher-seeded team, two years ago, featuring four nation won the tournament — which usually is the better team. No. 1 teams, the eighth-best including the last two years, But football games include far SRS average of the last three w h e n N o r t h C a r o l i n a a n d f e w e r p o s s e s s i o n s t h a n decades and the second-best Kansas won it all. That’s 27% of basketball games, meaning that program pedigree. the time. Paine also simulated the superior team has fewer Submitted at 4/2/2010 2:59:04 PM

iPadding His Hours [Pic Of The Day]

The Week Steve Jobs Deposed the Pope [Week In Review]

Brian Moylan (Gawker)

Relive the week that was on your Magical Giant iPod while waiting at the impound lot for ACORN to return your towed non-Subaru car. More »

Submitted at 4/2/2010 6:30:00 PM

[ Justin Meltzer tries to get some work done while waiting in line at the Fifth Avenue Apple store to be one of the first to buy an iPad tomorrow. What a way to spend a beautiful day! Image via Getty] More »

Pareene (Gawker) Submitted at 4/2/2010 6:15:00 PM

Blackhawks Beat Devils in Rare Penalty-Free NHL Game Christopher Botta (FanHouse Main)

first NHL game without a penalty in over nine years. The last time an NHL game Submitted at 4/2/2010 2:07:00 PM was played penalty-free was Filed under: Blackhawks, March 28, 2001, when the Devils NEWARK, N.J. -- The Bruins beat the Maple Leafs, 3C h i c a g o B l a c k h a w k s ' 2 - 1 0, in Toronto. The Devils have shootout victory over the New never participated in a game year history in New Jersey. Jersey Devils on Friday was the without a penalty in their 28- "I don't remember," said Devils

coach Jacques Lemaire when asked if he could recall the last game he was involved in without an infraction. "Too many games." Said Blackhawks captain Jonathan Toews (right, in white), who scored the only goal in the shootout to give his team

the second point, "I honestly have no idea when I've ever been in a game without a penalty. That was strange."



E-reader News Edition

Los Angeles Lakers sign 'cornerstone' Kobe Bryant to threeyear extension (

teammates Pau Gasol and Ron Artest. Lamar Odom and Andrew Bynum's contracts run Submitted at 4/3/2010 10:09:56 AM through the 2012-2013 season, keeping the core of the team • Email intact for at least the next three • Print years. • Comments "We are extremely pleased that • Share we were able to reach an • agreement and come to terms on the extension at this time," Lakers general manger Mitch LOS ANGELES -- Kobe Kupchak said before Friday's Bryant signed a three-year game against Utah. "Kobe has contract extension Friday worth been a cornerstone of the Lakers nearly $90 million that will keep for well over a decade, helping him with the Los Angeles t o l e a d u s t o f o u r N B A Lakers through the 2013-14 championships and in the season. process developing into one of The deal will begin after next the greatest players in basketball season. Bryant is making $23 history." million this season and is due to Rumors had been swirling earn $24.8 million next season. Bryant was interested in opting "It's very rare to have a player out of his contract and testing play his entire career in one city, the free agent waters with the so I'm very excited," he said likes of LeBron James and after the Lakers beat Utah 106- Dwyane Wade. 92. "I knew I was going to be here," Bryant could earn $27.4 million Bryant said. in 2011-12, $30.2 million the Kupchak was also confident a following season and more than deal was going to get done $32 million in his final year, before the end of the season. when he would be 35. "It's something that could have Asked if it would be his last b e e n d o n e m u c h e a r l i e r , " contract, Bryant replied, "I Kupchak said. "Quite frankly doubt it, but it's possible." the only thing that we decided Bryant has spent his entire 14- was important when discussing year career in a Lakers uniform. t h e e x t e n s i o n d u r i n g t h e The extension coincides with negotiation was we didn't want the length of the deals signed by it going into the playoffs. So

there really wasn't really a time frame on either side." Kupchak said he wouldn't negotiate a contract with a player during the postseason and if the Lakers advanced to the NBA Finals, he would have only had a week or two to get a deal done with Bryant before the July 1 deadline for him to opt out. "Then you're entering an area where there's some real deadlines and you don't want to do that unless you have to," he said. "My position all along is Kobe started as a Laker and should end his career as a Laker so in my mind I always thought he'd end up as a Lakers and we're fairly assured he will end his career as a Laker," Kupchak said. "Of course, in four years he'll be 35 years old and maybe we'll go through this again but I think at that point after all the years if he did chose to play some more he would chose to play in Los Angeles." Bryant, who is averaging 27.2 points, 5.3 rebounds and 5.1 assists this season and has helped the Lakers win four NBA titles, may have gotten a deal done earlier but wanted to wait until the team first signed Gasol. He signed a three year contract extension with the Lakers Dec. 24.

"There was a period when we were talking to Kobe and it looked like we could get Pau done so I spoke to [Bryant's agent] Rob Pelinka and asked if we could take a break and try to get this done and that took a month, a month and a half and they said no problem," Kupchak said. "That's maybe why it took longer than it could have but neither side felt there was a timeline where it had to get done there was always a certainty that it would get done." While Bryant wanted to make sure he would be surrounded by Gasol, Bynum, Odom and Artest for the foreseeable future, he never brought up Phil Jackson's name during contract negotiations. The 64-year-old coach's contract is up at the end of the season and he has yet to decide if he will return. "It was not a factor in the negation with Kobe," Kupchak said. "It never came up." Jackson said even if he came back, Bryant and the core group would have to get used to playing under a new coach at some point. "I'm not going to buy into anything for three or four years," Jackson said. "I don't think that's in the cards at all. But I can look at a season, one year at a time right now and feel comfortable with the

commitment I can generate to get through another year and push the team hard enough to get them through a year. When you talk about those long-term things, there's got to be a change here in the near future where there needs to be a successive coach who is able to deal with these players help them on with their game." Kupchak wasn't sure if Bryant's contract extension would influence Jackson's possible return but reiterated the team wanted him to return as the coach. "I don't think the organization's position with Phil has changed," Kupchak said. "At the end of the season we'll go to Phil and say, 'What's your timeline?' And he already indicated his timeline will include a physical checkup. And at that point in time he will indicate if this is something he'd like to continue to do and we'll sit down and talk. I personally sat down with Phil and indicated I'd love to have him back as the coach. He obviously does a wonderful job but it falls under his timeline." Bryant, a 12-time All-Star who was voted league MVP in 2008, never talked about his contract situation with his teammates, but Gasol said no one in the LOS page 53


E-reader News Edition

Notre Dame recruit Matt James dies after fall from balcony news services ( Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:37:41 AM

• • • • •

Email Print Comments Share news services Notre Dame recruit Matt James died Friday in Panama City, Fla., after falling from a hotel balcony, a high school spokesman has confirmed. James, 17, was vacationing in Florida for spring break. A 6-foot-6, 291-pound offensive tackle, James was named USA Today first-team All-American after leading Cincinnati's St. Xavier to a No. 4 ranking in the final state poll. Students at St. Xavier High School gathered on its football field Friday night to remember James, spokesman Mark Motz said Saturday, according to The Associated Press. James, 17, apparently died instantly after he fell from the Days Inn Motel at about 6:30 p.m. ET, police told WJHG-TV


LOS continued from page 52

locker room was surprised with the news of the extension. "I thought it was only a matter in Panama City. for the 50th birthday party for news of this tragic event," Kelly of time and that it would get done sooner or later," Gasol Police had not confirmed one of James' uncles, according said in a statement. James' identity as of Saturday to the Chicago Tribune. Kelly and his staff recruited said. "The core of the team will morning, but Motz said the "His mom and dad were here James to go to Cincinnati, where stay together for a while and school was "devastated" by the when they got the call," said Kelly coached the past three t h a t w a s t h e g o a l o f t h e news. Motz said the impromptu Dan Rudolph, father of Irish years. James decided to follow franchise and I'm immensely vigil was organized as word of t i g h t e n d K y l e R u d o l p h , him to Notre Dame when Kelly happy for each and every one of the guys including myself. It's a James' death spread through according to the Tribune. "The was hired in December. social-networking sites such as whole James family was here. I "Matt was an extremely talented g r e a t t h a t K o b e g o t t h a t Facebook. can't believe that happened." person who was very bright and extension signed. We're all very "When one of their own is in “ possessed a great dry sense of happy for him." trouble, they band together," Matt was an extremely talented humor," Kelly said. "He could reporter Motz said. person who was very bright and not wait to join the Notre Dame A r a s h M a r k a z i a n d T h e Associated Press contributed to The father of fellow Notre possessed a great dry sense of family." Dame recruit and St. Xavier humor. He could not wait to join James isn't the first spring this report. quarterback Luke Massa told the the Notre Dame family.”-- Irish breaker to die from a balcony Five Filters featured article: Cincinnati Enquirer that the coach Brian Kelly fall this year. Brandon Kohler, a Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: teammates were among several W h i t M a j o r s , a f o r e n s i c 19-year-old from Winder, Ga., PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, dozen students on vacation investigator with the Florida died March 24 when he fell Term Extraction. together. S t a t e M e d i c a l E x a m i n e r ' s from a fifth-floor balcony at the "Luke is devastated," Gary District 14 office, said the Holiday Terrace Motel in Massa told the newspaper. "He person who died was on spring Panama City Beach. lost one of his best friends." break but did not release his Funeral arrangements were James, a senior, chose Notre name. The cause of the fall was pending. Motz said the school D a m e o v e r O h i o S t a t e , being investigated, and officials would take its cues from James' c o m m i t t i n g o n F e b . 3 o n planned to do toxicology tests, family, noting that St. Xavier is national signing day. Majors said. on spring break until April 12. "It was a really tough decision," James was an all-city and allInformation from The James said then, according to state football player for St. Associated Press was used in the Enquirer report. "... I like the Xavier. He also was a member this report. situation of being in the first of the high school's varsity Five Filters featured article: class with Coach [Brian] Kelly basketball team. Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: there." "The Notre Dame football PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, James' family learned of his program is in a state of disbelief Term Extraction. death during a family gathering and incredible sadness with the



E-reader News Edition

April Fools? Former Nuggets ball boy pulls prank on Kenyon Martin Chris Broussard ( Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:42:37 AM

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By Chris Broussard ESPN The Magazine Archive On a night when the Denver Nuggets should have been celebrating a much-needed victory over the Portland Trail Blazers, the franchise continued to struggle with off-the-court issues when an April Fools' Day joke sparked anything but laughter. During Denver's 109-92 victory Thursday, a former Nuggets ball boy, Laquan Johnson, got into the club's locker room, took Kenyon Martin's car keys and filled the player's Range Rover with buttered popcorn. The car had a white interior. Martin discovered the damage as he was about to exit Denver's

Pepsi Center. At the time, he had no idea who had pulled the prank. Angered, he went back to the locker room spewing profanities and threats at teammates and other members of the organization. "That ain't no [expletive] joke," Martin said. "I'm going to find out who did it ... put my [expletive] hands on one of y'all. I'm going to put my hands on whoever did it. You better believe that. It's [expletive] personal. You better believe it." Martin, who has missed 15 games with a torn patella tendon in his left knee, threatened to boycott the postseason if he did not find out who was responsible. "How 'bout if I don't play in the playoffs until somebody tells me who did it," Martin said more than once. Martin stormed in and out of the locker room several times, and a person close to him said his anger was not over the prank, but over the fact that someone could go into his pocket and take his keys during

a game. Realizing the culprit had to have access to the private code for the team's gated parking lot, he assumed members of the organization either pulled the stunt or assisted in it. "The fact that no one saw it or had anything to say about it -not security, not the equipment manager," a person close to Martin said, explaining the player's anger. "Somebody had to see it. He was wondering how the organization let something like that happen. What if the kid had really wanted to do something evil?" Later, Martin found out Johnson, the former ball boy who is now the driver for teammate J.R. Smith, was responsible. Johnson apologized to Martin and agreed to pay for the damage to his car. "It was just an April Fools joke that went horribly wrong," said a member of the Nuggets organization who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "The kid thought it would be funny and it wasn't. Kenyon was back

at practice today and everything was fine between him and his teammates." The episode was the latest in a string of distractions Denver has had to deal with lately. Once regarded as the Western Conference's top challenger to the Los Angeles Lakers, the Nuggets have all but fallen apart down the stretch. With Martin out and coach George Karl missing games while getting treatment for throat cancer, Denver had lost five of six games before defeating Portland. That stretch dropped them from the second seed to the fifth seed in the West. Martin, who cannot guarantee he'll be healthy for the playoffs, said before Thursday's game that he hopes to return for the last regular season game or two. Chris Broussard cover the NBA for ESPN The Magazine. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Duke-West Virginia: What You Need to Know FanHouse TV (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 4/3/2010 3:36:00 AM

Filed under: Duke, West Virginia The FanHouse TV

team is camped out in downtown Indianapolis getting ready for the Final Four. FanHouse TV's Terence Moore and David Steele are on the scene in Indianapolis telling you

everything you "Need to Know" about the Duke/West Virginia matchup. Find out how, very quietly, the Mountaineers have been the best team in the tournament, and

why Coach K may be even more important in this game than his players. Click here to watch:

Flames Claim Share of Eighth in West Bruce Ciskie (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 4/3/2010 3:40:00 AM

Filed under: Avalanche, Flames, Western, NHL Videos Neither of the NHL's conferences are populated with a slew of teams playing great hockey. Both playoff races are a bit muddy, as teams at the bottom of the top eight struggle to hold their position, only to find teams behind them struggling even more. Through it all, however, no one in the Western Conference has hit the wall like the Colorado Avalanche. Once alone atop the Northwest Division, Colorado is now in extreme danger of missing the playoffs altogether. Friday night, the Avalanche lost to Calgary 2-1 in Denver. The Flames tied for eighth in the West with that win.

Sports/ Fashion/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

Matt James, Notre Dame Cleveland Browns' Shaun Rogers pleads not Recruit, Dies in Fall From Hotel Balcony guilty to gun charge Associated Press ( Submitted at 4/3/2010 9:01:34 AM

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Associated Press CLEVELAND -- Cleveland Browns nose tackle Shaun Rogers pleaded not guilty to a concealed weapons charge after authorities say he tried to carry a loaded handgun through airport security in a carry-on bag. Rogers' attorney, Patrick D'Angelo, says his client entered the plea Saturday in Cleveland Municipal Court. The charge carries a maximum

penalty of 18 months in prison. The 31-year-old apologized to his fans and his team Friday after spending a night in jail, saying he didn't mean to take the gun into Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Rogers told police he forgot the gun was in his bag when he attempted to fly to Texas on Thursday. D'Angelo says Rogers planned to fly to Houston later Saturday to spend Easter with family and will make sure "to check everything." Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Michael David Smith (FanHouse Main)


Chinese official hints at currency accord (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 4/2/2010 2:06:52 PM

Submitted at 4/3/2010 12:21:00 AM

Filed under: Notre Dame Matt James, an offensive lineman at St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati who had accepted a scholarship to play football at Notre Dame in the fall, died Friday in a fall from a hotel balcony while on a spring break trip in Florida. He was 17. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the James family in this horrific time of loss," St. Xavier High School said in a statement. "The entire James family -immediate and extended -- has always been good to St. X. We hope we can be of comfort in their time of need. We are a

Beijing may adjust its policy of pegging its currency to the dollar provided a visit this month by Chinese President Hu Jintao to Washington goes smoothly, according to a top adviser to China’s central bank. Li Daokui, a professor at Tsinghua university and a f a i t h c o m m u n i t y a n d t h i s member of China’s central bank certainly is a test of that faith, monetary policy committee, said but we will get through it as long as the US respected together. We are all devastated China’s “core interests” the by the news, but grateful for the currency disagreement could be gift of having had Matt as a easily solved. Five Filters featured article: Xavier man." Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Estelle and Rachel Roy Launch Their New Jewelry Line (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 4/2/2010 2:02:37 PM

Last night, Estelle performed at Macy's Herald Square to kick off her collaboration with Rachel Roy on a limited-edition jewelry collection. Before the Grammy-winning songstress

took the stage to sing “Pretty Please (Love Me),” “Freak,” and “American Boy,” the duo talked to me about their new partnership. “What really stood out to me about Estelle is that she’s willing to take risks. I’m so attracted to women who take r i s k s — t h o s e a r e t h e t r u e “Sometimes it’s hard for young t r e n d s e t t e r s , ” R o y s a i d . girls to know that being an

individual makes them inspiring," she continued. "I want to let them know that their uniqueness and their weirdness are actually what make them beautiful.” And whose idea was the “I Feel Famous” pendant that we were admiring on Estelle a few weeks ago? “That was mine,” revealed the

British singer. “It’s something I say every time I get on stage, because I never realize how much people love the music.” —Erin Clements Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!



E-reader News Edition

Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing DLC released early on PSN, removed JC Fletcher (Joystiq)

For a few lucky, Sonic-fast buyers, it was some early DLC. But for the rest of us, it's the On Thursday, the UK PS3 s o u r c e o f s o m e f o o t a g e , version of Sonic and Sega All- captured by reader Hogfather, Stars Racing received a new that we can watch after the downloadable racer and a new b r e a k t o p r e v i e w s o m e Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) into pre-fabricated loadouts. For announcement that the Covenant stage: Metal Sonic and the Egg u p c o m i n g D L C . instance, the Active Camo Elite is physically superior to Hangar, respectively. Then, in Continue reading Sonic and Submitted at 4/3/2010 11:30:00 AM power-up is now tied to a load- the Spartan, which will prevent what seems like an inadvertent Sega All-Stars Racing DLC It probably won't surprise you out. An Ability called "Armor them from playing against one A p r i l F o o l s p r a n k , i t released early on PSN, removed Sonic and Sega All-Stars to learn that Halo: Reach will Lock" makes you temporarily another in some gametypes. disappeared, having evidently o f f e r i t s p l a y e r s a w i d e invincible (and stationary), That's ... that's speciesist, been released early as a mistake. Racing DLC released early on The Sega blog post announcing P S N , r e m o v e d o r i g i n a l l y assortment of methods of d e f l e c t i n g a n y s h o t s , a n d Bungie. brutalizing one another. These wrecking the shop of any Bungie talks Halo: Reach the actual DLC release for this appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 03 methods were recently revealed vehicle attempting to run you armor, weapons and jet packs week ( Shenmue's Ryo Hazuki Apr 2010 13:00:00 EST. Please in the latest Bungie update, over. Also, our beloved jet pack originally appeared on Joystiq in his forklift) makes a point of see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| which heated anticipators of the f a l l s i n t o t h i s c a t e g o r y , on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 11:30:00 noting that "This is the only DLC item out today." C omments upcoming shooter should go rendering all other Armor EST. Please see our terms for read immediately. A b i l i t i e s c o m p l e t e l y use of feeds. Said update reveals a new m e a n i n g l e s s . Read| Permalink| Email this| "Armor Abilities" system, in Also revealed in the update is a Comments which temporary bonuses which handful of new weapons and u s e d t o a p p e a r o n t h e intriguing new gameplay battleground are now ingrained mechanics -- including the Submitted at 4/3/2010 1:00:00 PM

Bungie talks Halo: Reach armor, weapons and jet packs

Game/ Fashion/

E-reader News Edition


ELLE Video Star: Best Concealer Tip (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 4/2/2010 3:42:49 PM

Unwanted facial redness is the worst, whether it’s puffy red eyes or a fresh blemish. Fortunately, Video Star Huda Quhshi has the perfect solution: green-tinted concealer! Watch her winning video to see how she mixes emerald eye shadow with skin-toned concealer to eight, so Undead, Amazons, cover up a pesky pimple under those ten million getting your Mike Schramm (Joystiq) Ogres and others will all get to her eye. Who will be next social on, know that SOE has a Submitted at 4/3/2010 3:15:00 AM toss the boarskin around in new week’s ELLE Video Star? plethora of festivities planned for the title's first birthday, Blood Bowl, you'll remember, stadiums and tournaments. The Check at 1 including new Rides (balloon is the wacky little mash-up game will also include a story p.m. on Monday to find out! animal pets? Hells yes!), two between fantasy and American mode in which players will —Emily Hebert Photo: Courtesy of Huda n e w m i n i - g a m e s , p a r t y football that's based on the assume the role of a freelance decorations all over select areas Games Workshop turn-based coach tasked with rising up Quhshi and a variety of community board game, taking place in the through the ranks. Sounds like Follow ELLE on Twitter Warhammer setting. It's been fun. Become our Facebook fan events. Free Realms reaches 10 million tearing up the field since last Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition r e g i s t e r e d p l a y e r s , p l a n s year, but at the end of 2010, coming to PC in 2010 originally birthday festivities originally Cyanide and Focus Home appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 03 appeared on Joystiq on Sat, 03 Interactive are upping the ante Apr 2010 03:15:00 EST. Please Apr 2010 05:15:00 EST. Please with the newly announced see our terms for use of feeds. Legendary Edition for the PC. Read| Permalink| Email this| see our terms for use of feeds. P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | The Legendary Edition will add Comments 12 new races to the current Comments

Free Realms reaches 10 Blood Bowl: Legendary million registered players, Edition coming to PC in plans birthday festivities 2010 David Hinkle (Joystiq) Submitted at 4/3/2010 5:15:00 AM

We've gotta get on this Free Realms thing, apparently. Sony Online Entertainment has announced that the virtual community has just reached ten million members. In fact, two million of those individuals have signed up in the last month alone. What are we missing out on here? The news comes right before the game's one year anniversary -- Free Realms launched on April 28, 2009, quickly enlisting five million players prior to release. And if you're one of


Fashion/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

J.Crew’s Cleverly Chic Fall Collection (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

joining creative director Jenna Lyons on the rooftop of Milk Studios was J.Crew muse Submitted at 4/2/2010 12:05:23 PM Dianna Lunt. I caught up with J.Crew’s spring catalogue, the stylist/editor to talk about featuring fashion, literary, and her spring staples and the art-world darlings, was all about J.Crew pieces topping her fall personal style. At the brand’s wish-list. Wearing a 3.1 Phillip fall 2010 show last night, Lim coat, Alexander Wang tee, cleverly chic looks could be R13 jeans, Acne wedges, and a jacket.” For fall, she’s coveting spotted on and off the runway. Mayle clutch, Lunt revealed, “I J.Crew’s two-tone blazer and Amongst the packed crowd work my entire look around a

“all of the shoes.” Click here to shop the spring collection —Violet Moon Gayn or Left: looks from J.Crew's fall 2010 collection; right: Dianna Lunt on the street after the show Photo of models: Courtesy of J. Crew Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!

Employment Chart Roundup

Summers sees ongoing job creation

Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture)

(Financial Times - US homepage)

Submitted at 4/3/2010 8:30:50 AM

Yesterday was a big NFP release. Today, let’s look at some of the more interesting and unusual chart porn that the data generated: click for larger graphs Where Are the Unemployed in the US? Chart via Economist ~~~ Change in Federal Government Hiring, 1990-2010 Chart via Clear on Money ~~~ Sector Job Production Chart via WSJ ~~~ Employment vs. Population Growth chart via Econompic ~~~ Temporary Help Continues to Gain Chart via Bruce Steinberg ~~~ Different Eras of Recession Recovery Chart via Chart of the Day ~~~ Post-WWII Recession

Submitted at 4/2/2010 2:34:15 PM

Recovery Periods Chart via Calculated Risk ~~~ Monthly and Annual NFP Changes Chart via Barron’s Econoday ~~~ Another version of Monthly Change in NFP Chart via NYT ~~~ Unemployment by Duration Chart via Calculated Risk

~~~ Chart via Detroit Free Press ~~~ Monthly Unemployment Data, 1950 to Present Chart via WSJ Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

The US economy is poised for self-sustaining growth and should continue creating jobs in the months ahead, Larry Summers, senior economic adviser to Barack Obama, said in his most upbeat assessment of the economic climate. Speaking in London ahead of Friday’s strong US payroll figures, which showed the US

economy created 162,000 jobs in March, Mr Summers said the administration’s policies had underpinned confidence and fostered investment: “I think the economy appears to be moving towards escape velocity. You hear a lot less talk of W-shaped recoveries and double-dips than you did six months ago.” Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


Apple aficionados flock to iPad launch (Financial Times - US homepage)

word-of-mouth endorsement and the initial crowd is likely to be full of prolific FacebookSubmitted at 4/3/2010 9:53:45 AM posters, Tweeters and braggers. H u n d r e d s o f a f i c i o n a d o s Initial reactions ranged from flocked to Apple’s US retail merely curious to enraptured as stores on Saturday to pick up the buyers got online, browsing the computer maker’s biggest new Web and checking out the new product since the iPhone’s “apps”, or programs designed by introduction in 2007. outside developers to run on the Most of them had ordered the iPad. iPad tablet-style machine weeks Ted Smith, who already owns ago, sight unseen, as word an iPhone, said he wasn’t spread of tight supply. That planning to buy an iPad on day made for a self-selecting group one. “But I’m sure I’ll get one in of Apple faithful, many of them a few months,” he said. “I love longtime iPhone, iPod or Mac Apple products and I think it users. fills the niche between the Others came to the store before personal computer and the they bought and found an ample iPhone.” amount in stock, suggesting that Many of the most popular free Apple had either held plenty apps in the first few days came back for walk-in traffic or f r o m m e d i a c o m p a n i e s , misgauged demand. according to Apple’s running “If I like it, maybe I’ll buy it,” tallies. They included the ABC said Tan Dang Vu, a potential network’s episode player and customer at the Apple store on the New York Times, Wall 14th Street in Manhattan. A Street Journal and USA Today long pre-opening line at the enhanced newspaper apps. store dwindled to more normal The most frequently traffic by the afternoon. downloaded paid apps included Even though most first-day A p p l e ’ s o w n K e y n o t e buyers were devoted Apple fans, presentation software and their early impressions and Electronic Arts’ iPad version of e n t h u s i a s m a r e c r u c i a l t o Scrabble, both for $10, as well a Apple’s hopes for the iPad. Major League Baseball app and Many Apple products spread by the Flight Control game from

Firemint, both priced at $5. Most of the first round reviews were favourable, with some strongly worded exceptions. At Boing Boing, an influential blog on technology and other topics, editor Xeni Jardin wrote an eloquent rave, opining that the “iPad hits a completely new pleasure spot”. More than 500 people had posted a link to her story on Twitter by Saturday. But another editor of the same site, Cory Doctorow, urged readers not to buy one, complaining that Apple wields too much control over what people can run on their machines – and more than 3,000 people Tweeted that. Some media companies are offering free access to their new wares temporarily, with the help of big ad sponsorships. Others are giving away the basics but trying to get business customers to pay more for extras — the socalled “freemium” model that has been hugely successful for some games and other apps on the iPhone and iPod touch. Thomson Reuters is pitching three free apps from the iPad’s launch: News Pro exploits horizontal and vertical scrolling to display more than 200 stories and videos on a single page as

well as lively market graphics; Reuters Galleries is intended for desktop slide shows of its photographs; and Marketboard is targeted at the executives and investment professionals to whom its terminals cater. Marketboard, which features more detailed market and company data, will charge as much as $49.99 for in-app purchases of documents such as transcripts of company earnings calls, which can be downloaded to a “briefcase” section of the app. “It’s an addictive screen. Once you start scrolling, you want to see more,” said Thomson Reuters product manager Alina Barbuceanu. So far, there seems little agreement about what professionals will pay for such tools. Bloomberg’s app, like its website, will be free; the Financial Times will require the same subscription as, about $15 a month, while the Wall Street Journal is charging $4 per week, a premium to its price for a bundled print-andonline subscription. Entertainment apps combine video with more interactive data, trying to take advantage of the large and crisp display.

The National Basketball Association, meanwhile, developed an app with Time Warner’s Turner Broadcasting division that uses real-time data feeds to provide live scores, team and player details and reams of constantly updated statistics. NBA Digital already sells more than 100 iPhone apps, priced from $4 for fans of a single team to $40 for a league-wide season pass, but Brian Perez, general manager of NBA Digital, said the iPad would do more, changing mobile users’ behaviour. “It’s much less a device of convenience than a device of engagement,” he says. “Unlike a mobile phone, where convenience is a major factor, we think this is going to be used more as a companion in the home.” The free-for-now app has icons moving on and off the court as players are substituted and graphics show where individual players are making and missing their shots. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Internet Math Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture)

I’d love to find out who created the original of this: Found via ReflectionOf.Me

Five Filters featured article: Term Extraction. Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS,


Media/ PopSci/

E-reader News Edition

MediaDailyNews: Harbinger Dumps MediaDailyNews: More NYTCO Stake 'NYT' Sells Tiny Red Sox Portion (MediaPost | Media News)

in September 2009, when Harbinger sold 5,000,000 shares, taking advantage of a Harbinger Capital Partners is bump in NYTCO's stock price, continuing to sell off its stake in which rose from just under the New York Times Co., $7.20 in early September to reinforcing the impression that $8.25 on the day of the sale. its once-incendiary partnership However, the price was far with Firebrand Partners, which lower than what Harbinger paid sought to reform the NYTCO's when it acquired its stake in t o p m a n a g e m e n t , i s n o w 2007, at prices ranging from thoroughly squelched. roughly $15 to $20. This is the latest in a series of Plus, that sale reduced retreats by the hedge-fund Harbinger's stake in NYTCO to i n v e s t o r s , w h o h a v e s o l d 23,538,434 shares, or 16.38% -NYTCO stock on a number of down from 19.94%. Another occasions over the last year. round of sales in November In the most recent round, lowered its stake to 14.6%. Harbinger sold another 1.5 Harbinger and its ally, million of its NYTCO Class A Firebrand Partners, joined forces shares on March 26, at a price of to quickly accumulate a large $11.20 per share. This sale stake in NYTCO, rising from reduces Harbinger's total stake 4.9% in January 2008 to 19.94% in NYTCO to 11.68% -- down the following month, aiming to to almost half of its peak of accomplish what other "Class 19.94% two years ago. A" shareholders failed to do -The first round of selloffs came exercise real authority over Submitted at 4/2/2010 3:27:26 PM

NYTCO's management. The NYTCO's two-tiered share structure gives the majority of seats on the board to owners of special "Class B" shares, including members of the Sulzberger family. In March 2008, Harbinger and its ally, Firebrand Partners, forced NYTCO to add an extra director to the board in March 2008, elected by "Class A" shares. Still, the Sulzbergers maintained control of the majority of the board, with 10 seats to regular shareholders' five. Then in February of this year, Firebrand boss Scott Galloway left the NYTCO board, which has returned to its previous size. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

(MediaPost | Media News)

channels, from 17.5% to 16.6%. Financial terms were not disclosed. The small size of the The NYTCO has finally sold a deal underscores the how tough small slice of its stake in the it is to find a buyer in down Boston Red Sox to Henry times -- even for a marquee McCance, chairman emeritus of team like the Red Sox, which venture capital firm Greylock Forbes estimated to be worth Partners, reports the New York $833 million last year. Post. The sale cuts the Times' Five Filters featured article: ownership in New England Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Sports Ventures, which also PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, includes Fenway Park and Term Extraction. interests in regional sports Submitted at 4/2/2010 3:37:10 PM

The Essential iPad Apps Gizmodo/John Herrman (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/2/2010 1:45:08 PM

Have an iPad coming and need to fill it up? The indefatigable John Herrman at Gizmodo has selected the apps to download

first. We're re-printing his picks here. And what's that, Popular Science+? Nice. --Ed. The iPad App Store is open! Here are the best of the apps so far-the ones you'll actually want when you finally get your iPad. Launch the gallery by clicking the thumbnails.

This guide will be updated this weekend, since apps are stilling flowing in by the hundred. You might notice a few things about these apps: A lot of them are iPhone carryovers, and a lot of

them cost more than you might be used to in the App Store economy. Both are valid observations! But for a first batch, these apps do look rather spectacular. Also, check out our Essential iPhone Apps Directory. Gizmodo is the world's most

fun technology website, focused on gadgets and how they make our lives better, worse, and more absurd.

Media/ PopSci/

E-reader News Edition


MediaDailyNews: Westwood Teams With Nexage To Push Mobile Ads (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 4/2/2010 3:44:33 PM

Westwood One, a network radio content provider, has announced a new mobile ad partnership with Nexage, which will help handle the logistics of mobile advertising to maximize efficiency and profitability. Specifically, Nexage will help central and monetize mobile ad delivery for Westwood One, which offers radio clients a number of mobile content and ad features. Nexage will provide these services through AdMax, its integrated system for managing all types of mobile advertising across various devices and formats. AdMax will allow Westwood to offer improved, more cost-effective services to national mobile advertisers, including enhanced performance reporting.

Also, using AdMax will help Westwood's affiliated mobile content partners, including newspapers, radio, and TV stations, offer the same improved services to local advertisers. This is the latest in a series of moves by Westwood to expand its content and advertising offerings at the national and local levels. In January, Westwood acquired Sigalert, a traffic news content service, from Jaytu Technologies. The deal gave Westwood One control of Sigalert's digital system for collecting and distributing

traffic information for various areas in Southern California, Northern California and Arizona. Westwood plans to expand Sigalert's coverage from its eight current markets to a total of 65 markets by the end of the year. In September 2009, Westwood announced it was the exclusive affiliate and advertising sales representative for the Weather Channel Radio Network. The three-year deal gives 5,000 Westwood radio station affiliates access to Weather Channel branded-content, including live severe weather updates, drawing on the expertise of 30 radio broadcast meteorologists and 100 meteorologists in Weather Channel's cable operations. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

This Week in the Future, March 29-April 2, 2010 <a href="http://www.baarba">Baarbaria n</a> (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/2/2010 2:20:52 PM

Believe it or not, there was more to this week's news from the future than iPad iPad iPad. Here are some of the stories from the rest of the world that we loved. • Adorable Laundry-Folding Robot Gives Your Towels Fastidious Attention • Video: MIT Students' DIY "Minority Report" Glove Mouse

• Designer Reverse-Engineers Face-Detection Tech to Develop Camouflage Makeup • Yard-Long Undersea Bug Terrorizes Robo-Sub, Internet As always, leave a comment here to win this illustration on a T-shirt--we'll pick someone at random. And if you've won a shirt over the last few weeks and haven't received yet, hang tight, it's on its way. Have a good iPad/Easter weekend everyone!


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E-reader News Edition

Stealthy Nanoprobe Slips Seamlessly The Ultralight Hybrid into Cells Without a Trace of from Japan Damage (Greentech Media: Headlines)

Jeremy Hsu (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/2/2010 1:30:38 PM

The device could allow for better medical implants, integration of artificial limbs and longer monitoring of brain cells A new nanoprobe can slip stealthily into a cell and give researchers an opening to monitor the cell's insides for up to a week. That could make the tiny inorganic device the first to implant within a cell without damaging it. Such devices could eventually allow researchers to insert medication into cells, improve attachments involving artificial limbs or deep, and enable much longer study of signal-firing neurons and other cells. The 600-nanometer-long silicon probe is somewhat larger than a virus but smaller than bacteria. It penetrates the cell membranes by imitating the design of proteins that normally act as gatekeepers, letting certain thing in or out. Stanford University engineers coated the tips of the silicon nanoprobes with three layers of metal -- a gold layer sandwiched between two chromium layers --

to mimic the sandwich structure of the cell. Cell membranes include outer hydrophilic (water -loving) layers sandwiching an inner hydrophobic (waterrepellant) zone. The metal-coated probe may immediately give researchers the ability to monitor the electrical signals within cells as they communicate with each other or respond to medication. That would replace the current method of using a "patch clamp" to monitor cell signals, which suctions open a hole in the cell wall and kills the cell within an hour or two.

"If the stealth probe will give us a long-term patch clamp, we'll really be able to get the ability to watch these networks over long periods of time, perhaps up to a week," said Nick Melosh, a materials scientist and engineer at Stanford University. But first, Melosh and fellow researcher Benjamin Almquist want to test the probe's functionality in carrying out all those applications. They're working with human red blood cells and cervical cancer cells, as well as hamster ovary cells.

burning cars, can cover more miles on less energy than conventional cars. Both Bright Submitted at 4/2/2010 12:15:51 PM Automotive and Aptera in the Teijin Ltd has created a U.S. are emphasizing design and concept car out of advanced materials (i.e., composites materials from its own factories i n s t e a d o f m e t a l ) a s k e y t h a t w e i g h s u n d e r 5 0 0 elements of their cars. kilograms. The PU_PA EV has a body The concept car, which the made with Teijin's materials. company calls the "PU_PA The motor and batteries, as well EV," exists to get people to as the parts for the driving and think about what cars might be s t e e r i n g s y s t e m s , w e r e like in five to ten years. The PU- p u r c h a s e d f r o m o t h e r PA could be made as a hybrid companies. The vehicle can electric vehicle (HEVs) or an actually be driven. electric vehicle. It is being For more on the story, please exhibited at Teijin Mirai Studio, go to TechOn. the company's exhibition hall. Five Filters featured article: Weight and design are arguably Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: the third fuel. By reducing PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, w e i g h t a n d i n c r e a s i n g Term Extraction. aerodynamics, electric and biofuel cars, or even gas-

PopSci/ Energy/

E-reader News Edition

Smart Buoys Protect Offshore Platforms From Rogue Waves Denise Ngo (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/2/2010 12:36:19 PM

New system warns oil rig owners about solitons hours in advance Geoscience experts have developed a system of smart buoys that can predict the formation of self-reinforcing underwater waves, or solitons, 10 hours before they threaten the safety of oil rigs and divers. In 2008, Martin Goff and his colleagues at FUGROS, a geoscience consulting agency, successfully tested the system for three months in the Andaman Sea. Now, Global

Ocean Associates have acknowledged the device as "the first deployed system with realtime warning capability." To detect the solitons, satellite images are used to map out the sources of undersea wave

activity. Buoys placed between rigs and the wave sources not only determined the salinity and temperature of the waters, but they relayed the size and speed of wave formations in time for oil rig staff to pause drilling and


SOLYNDRA continued from page 63

solar panels that are cylindrical rather than flat. CIGS is an onerous material to work with and applying it to a cylinder curb the destruction. Solitons, also called wave rather than a flat piece of glass packets, tend to arise far out at or aluminum increases the sea and in deep water. While difficulty score. As a result, they may look harmless on the skeptics about Solyndra abound. o c e a n ' s s u r f a c e , t h e y c a n Nonetheless, Solyndra is one of seriously damage unprepared the most successful companies p i p e s a n d d r i l l i n g r i g s . ever in terms of raising funds. Previously, oceanographers Through Oct. 3, 2009, Solyndra could only attempt to predict r a i s e d a n a g g r e g a t e o f f r e a k w a v e b y u s i n g a n approximately $970 million equation, but oil rig owners may through equity financings, s a v e o n b i g - t i m e d a m a g e including a $283 million round expenses if Fugro's system goes E and $281 million round F. It has also amassed $535 in federal commercial. loan guarantees. [via New Scientist] To date, it has lost a lot of money. In the fiscal year that SOLYNDRA page 64

Solyndra Gets Warning from Auditor and Admits its Solar is Costly (Greentech Media: Headlines)

including mounting, or 66 percent higher than the average cost of a crystalline silicon solar Submitted at 4/2/2010 11:40:37 AM panel. Solyndra has got some work to "Our average sales price was do in the pricing department and $3.24 per watt, which was $1.29 its own auditors have its doubts per watt, or approximately 66%, about the company. higher than the $1.95 average In the company's amended S-1 sales price per watt of leading s t a t e m e n t f i l e d w i t h t h e crystalline silicon photovoltaic S e c u r i t i e s a n d E x c h a n g e manufacturers during the same Commission, Solyndra says that period," the company stated. the cost of its cylindrical solar "As a result, certain system p a n e l s i s $ 3 . 2 4 p e r w a t t , owners who focus more on the

up-front price of solar panels than on achieving the lowest levelized cost of electricity per kilowatt hour, or LCOE, may choose the product offerings of those competitors that have a lower initial panel purchase price. In a market ruled by commodity-like pricing, "may choose the product offerings of those competitors" is a bit of an understatement. Crystalline panels will likely descend to

$1.50 to $1.75 by the middle of the year, according to GTM Research analyst Shayle Kann. A u d i t o r PricewaterhouseCooper, meanwhile, added a "going concern" statement to the amended S-1. These forms are often filled with cautionary language, and the statement is often added by auditors when a company has recurring losses like Solyndra, but it's hardly a warm endorsement.

"The company has suffered recurring losses from operations, negative cash flows since inception and has a net stockholders' deficit that, among other factors, raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern," PricewaterhouseCooper wrote in the filing. Solyndra produces copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) SOLYNDRA page 63



E-reader News Edition

SOLYNDRA continued from page 63

covered 2009 and ended just a few months ago, it lost $172.5 million, which is less than the $232.1 million loss the year before but above the $114 million loss in 2007. Since the beginning, Solyndra has lost $557.7 million. "We expect to continue to incur significant operating and net losses and negative cash flow from operations for the foreseeable future," the company said in the amended S1. (The latest loss figures are new to the latest S-1.) Revenue grew from $6 million in 2008 to $100.5 million in 2009. Back to Pricing Solyndra's price includes mounting. Mounts, however, only add around 40 cents per watt to the price of crystalline silicon solar panels, said GTM Research Shyam Mehta, so Solyndra's still well above the norm. Earlier in the year, Mehta estimated that Solyndra's average sales price came to

$3.42 per watt based around sales and other data in the initial S-1 filed in December 2009, so a golf tap to Mehta for being somewhat close. (The company didn't state the number directly.) Solyndra's average manufacturing price, however, is closer to $6.29, Mehta added. Solyndra has not provided precise public data on its costs, but admits they are higher than the sale price: "Because our cost of producing our photovoltaic systems has exceeded their selling price to date, our cost of revenue has also included provisions to write down the carrying value of our work in process and finished good inventories to their market value," the S-1 states. Other tidbits: --Fab 1, the main production facility, has a current annual capacity of 54 megawatts, judged from recent production. Production capacity at the plant will expand to 110 megawatts by the fourth quarter.

--Solyndra shipped 1.6 megawatts of solar in 2008, but 30 megawatts last year. --80 percent of sales go to Europe and to a small number of customers. "For the fiscal year ended January 3, 2009, revenue from Geckologic GmbH and Phoenix Solar AG accounted for 29% and 27%, respectively, of our total revenue. For the fiscal year ended January 2, 2010, revenue from USE Umwelt Sonne Energie GmbH, Alwitra GmbH, Carlisle Syntec Incorporated and Sunconnex B.V. accounted for 23%, 14%, 13% and 10%, respectively, of our total revenue," the S-1 states. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Cracking the Financial Aid Code (Kiplinger Personal Finance)

Wander Ursinus College and you’d think you had stepped into an Ivy League idyll. Stoneclad buildings overlook a sweeping lawn, which slopes to a picture-perfect small-town Main Street. Winding paths skirt carefully tended gardens. Outdoor statues gaze raptly at midair as students stroll by, chattering on cell phones. But Ursinus College, in Collegeville, Pa., lacks the wealth and status that allow the real Ivies to choose from among the best students in the country and to cover their full financial need with no-loan financial-aid packages. Like the vast majority of colleges, Ursinus must not only troll for top students but also calibrate exactly how much money it will take to bring them to campus and keep them there. In college-speak, it’s called enrollment management -- a CRACKING way of slicing and dicing continued from page 64 admissions policies and Hoping to attract stronger DiFeliciantonio, “but we’ve who score 1300 or more on their financial aid to attract a strong students who could also pay a i n t r o d u c e d m e r i t i n t o t h e math and verbal SATs and rank and diverse student body while higher portion of costs, if not the e q u a t i o n . ” in the top 10% of their high bringing in enough revenue to whole amount, Ursinus moved To define what constitutes school class are typically keep the doors open. Whereas from a need-only financial-aid m e r i t at U r s i n u s , assigned the highest rating, a 1. elite colleges take merit as a policy to one that includes DiFeliciantonio (now vice- Those with at least 1100 total on given and extend financial aid scholarships for top applicants. p r e s i d e n t f o r e n r o l l m e n t ) their math and verbal SATs and only to those who need it, Other colleges, faced with a devised a system that rates who rank in the top third of their U r s i n u s o f f e r s s i z a b l e similar financial crunch, did the applicants according to their class rate a 2. Students who fall scholarships to outstanding same. “We haven’t thrown need grades, standardized-test scores CRACKING page 65 applicants from every economic o u t t h e w i n d o w , ” s a y s and accomplishments. Students

strata, including the wealthiest. Surprised? Consider your own college search. As a parent, you look for the best academic program for your student at a price you can afford -- the same basic process that colleges use to attract the best students, but in reverse. The better you understand how colleges conduct their deliberations, the better you can go about yours. Measuring merit Ursinus’s academic reputation once relied heavily on the sciences, especially its pre-med program. When John Strassburger arrived as president in 1995, he broadened the focus to include liberal arts and boosted academic expectations. Says Strassburger, “We believe outstanding students make other students outstanding.” About the same time, Richard DiFeliciantonio, who was then admissions director, began reexamining Ursinus’s financial -aid policy, which focused almost entirely on need. “The college was enrolling a lower percentage of low-need students and a high percentage of highneed students. It was laudable but not sustainable over the long haul. We were making the college commitment really lopsided.” CRACKING page 64

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CRACKING continued from page 64

somewhat below those criteria rate a 3. But numbers don’t represent the whole picture, says DiFeliciantonio. “We read each application twice and have the latitude to bump a student up or down.” The school recently made reporting SAT scores optional for students in the top 10% of their class, and it considers their other strengths, including the number of Advanced Placement classes on their high school transcript and any leadership roles. Admissions counselors use the ratings not only to decide which students to admit but also to determine how much merit aid, along with need-based aid, they will receive. Not surprisingly, students who rate a 1 generally elicit the best scholarships -$13,000 to $20,000 or more. Number 2s might be offered $10,000 to $13,000. The 3s are less likely to get merit scholarships but can still qualify for need-based aid. Discomfiting as it may be to think that your child is being assigned a number, much less a dollar amount, such calculations go on across the country as colleges build their classes and parcel out their money. “Not everyone is a 1, by definition, and every school has its 2s and 3s -- they are just at different levels,” says DiFeliciantonio. “We’re ultimately trying to match the quality of our

programs with the potential of our students.” Knowing the formula Once Ursinus decides which students to accept and how much merit money, if any, to offer, the financial-aid office takes over. Like every college, Ursinus uses the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to dole out federal money, such as Pell grants, and to give students access to federal loans, including Staffords. The feds pay the interest on Staffords for students with need while they are in college. Unsubsidized Staffords are available to anyone who applies. (Use our interactive college-aid letter to learn how to distinguish the various types of aid offered to you.) Public colleges generally rely on the FAFSA to calculate how much families are expected to contribute. Many private schools, however, also have you fill out the CSS Profile, a moredetailed financial-aid application that uses a different calculation -- called the institutional formula -- to determine how much you are expected to pay. Some tailor the Profile to suit their criteria or ask that you submit a third application that bores even further into your finances. Which formula the college uses can make a huge difference in your potential for financial aid. For instance, the FAFSA

considers fewer assets than the Profile; it ignores home equity as well as the assets of familybusiness owners with 100 or fewer full-time employees. If you have significant wealth in home equity or in a small family business, the institutional formula will penalize you. The federal formula won’t. But because the Profile gives a fuller picture of your finances and lets you explain special circumstances, it could give the financial-aid officer a reason to bolster your need-based aid. Colleges must follow strict rules in distributing federal funds but can make their own rules for their own money. Private colleges, which set their own tuition and often have endowments, have more freedom than public schools to do as they see fit. “If you have blond hair and blue eyes and they want to give you money for that, they can -- or not,” says Suzanne Sparrow, director of financial services at Ursinus. Sparrow conducts seminars for the parents of prospective students and encourages them to bring their concerns to the financial-aid office. One family recently did just that, informing Sparrow that sky-high, ongoing medical bills offset their assets, which were significant. She adjusted the financial-aid calculation accordingly. Assembling the awards By early February, Sparrow has

already put together 500 awards, mostly for applicants who have been accepted through early decision. The software she uses shows how the FAFSA would calculate the expected family contribution, but she uses the institutional formula, with a few tweaks, to come up with Ursinus’s calculation. (Use our interactive college-aid letter to learn how to distinguish the various types of aid offered to you.) Sparrow pulls up a screen and reviews the application of a student whose parents’ household income exceeds $200,000. Their investments and cash accounts add up to about $150,000. Even before factoring in home equity, they do not qualify for need-based aid. But the student has been rated a 1 by the admissions office and awarded a merit scholarship of $20,000. Sparrow pulls out a yellow form on which she records the family’s expected contribution and award. To the $20,000 scholarship she adds $5,500 in unsubsidized Stafford loans, which the family can accept or decline. The total award comes to $25,500, about half of Ursinus’s $50,000 sticker price. The next student, also rated a 1, qualifies for almost $21,000 in need-based aid owing to her family’s modest net worth -about $60,000 -- and annual income, just over $120,000.

Despite her rating, she has not been awarded a scholarship. “Maybe she had good SATs but she didn’t have enough AP classes, or maybe she didn’t visit the campus and didn’t seem interested,” says Sparrow. “It’s not cut and dried.” According to Ursinus’s guidelines for 1s, she will be awarded a need-based grant of $21,000 -- a good deal but not the best one. “Every year, the student will have to reapply for a grant,” says Sparrow. "A scholarship will never change as long as the student meets the grade-point-average requirements. So for the same amount, it’s better to get the scholarship." The third application is from a 2-rated student whose family income is $125,000. The family’s biggest asset is home equity, a substantial $172,000. Under the federal formula, which ignores equity, the student would qualify for $25,000 in need-based aid, but the institutional formula qualifies her for only $11,000. Consolation? As a 2, the student receives a merit scholarship of $13,000, and Sparrow adds a $2,000 grant to the mix. The final application under review for the day is that of a student whose family makes about $26,000 and has no assets to speak of. Rated a 1, this CRACKING page 67



E-reader News Edition

Business Groups Cautiously Optimistic on Obama's Education Plan (Kiplinger Personal Finance)

Traiman says. For its part, the administration Business groups are warming to complains that the current law education reforms that Obama is leads states to water down their proposing. In their review of the academic standards so their p r e s i d e n t ’ s o u t l i n e f o r schools can meet federal r e v a m p i n g N o C h i l d L e f t benchmarks, that it focuses too B e h i n d ( N C L B ) , s e v e r a l heavily on punishing schools business a d v o c a c y instead of providing support and organizations, including the that it lays down a one-size-fitsBusiness Roundtable and the all antidote for turning around U.S. Chamber of Commerce, schools that are failing. sounded a positive note. Business groups say they are “ I t i n c l u d e s m a n y o f t h e also pleased with plans to get priorities in our principles,” says tough on poorly qualified and Susan Traiman, director of i n e f f e c t i v e t e a c h e r s . O n e public policy of the Business scenario under Obama’s plan to Roundtable, an association of turn around low performing chief executive officers of schools involves firing all a leading U.S. companies. school’s teachers and allowing Business groups say they like no more than half of them to be the idea of doling out aid in a rehired by the school. competitive fashion, instead of Another area of agreement is relying on a formula, because O b a m a ’ s f o c u s o n c a r e e r they believe competition is an readiness of students. The effective tool for influencing administration’s proposal calls state policy whether or not states on states to adopt standards actually get the money. “By a l i g n e d w i t h c o l l e g e a n d making it competitive you have w o r k p l a c e n e e d s . A n d the opportunity to get the best beginning in 2015, formula ideas and only pick the best,” funds would be available only to

states that implement assessments based on the college- and career-ready standards. Teacher accountability and charter school support get a thumbs-up, too. States and districts would be required to put in place evaluation systems to gauge a teacher’s effectiveness and provide feedback for improvement. The administration’s blueprint calls for supporting the expansion of high performing public charter schools and for failing schools to be converted to them. But business groups say that more could be done to improve student performance in science, technology, education and math, which they say is urgently needed if the country is to remain competitive in the 21stcentury global economy. Of particular concern is a massive shortfall of qualified science and math teachers at the secondary level. Another area of contention is the loss of some supplemental education

services, such as tutoring, which is available under the terms of the current law. It’s mostly Democrats who’ll give the president grief in getting approval for his changes. Teachers unions -- and their Hill allies -- are up in arms over the drastic remedies proposed for underperforming schools. Critics of Obama’s plan say teachers should be given more support in carrying out their duties. They also say that teacher evaluation systems shouldn’t be given so much weight in matters of hiring, firing, promotion and compensation. Traiman says that the blueprint for reforming No Child Left Behind is encouraging. “We would look at it as an opening gambit,” she says. “It’s an excellent framework to get the conversation going.” Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition

Pricing Your Home for a Sale (Kiplinger Personal Finance)

may not have much of an effect on the pricing of your home, if You hope to sell fast for top it's in good shape. dollar. Reality check: You'll Based on their research, agents probably have to compromise -- will develop a price range for with a price that not only your home. Whether you start at satisfies you but also attracts the the top, midpoint or bottom of right buyers and won't exceed the range is a decision that the market value determined by depends on how quickly you your buyer's appraiser. need to sell. Agents don't pull a list price out If you start a little lower than of thin air. To begin homing in y o u r c o m p e t i t i o n , y o u ' l l on the best price, you should generate traffic, and you can expect that your agent will look always say no to unacceptable at recent sales of homes similar offers. But don't start at the very to yours, current listings and bottom. Instead, build in room pending sales. for negotiation so you can come For example, agent Patricia down in price, if needed. Vucich says that she usually "Buyers like to feel as if they looks for at least three sales of have won," says Janis Morgan, comparable houses that have the San Antonio agent. Padding closed within the past 90 days. the price a bit is especially If the pool of sales is small, she important if you haven't already checks the county tax records r e d u c e d t h e p r i c e f o r for sales that weren't reported on deficiencies -- say, an outdated the regional multiple listing kitchen or a poor location. service, such as ones in which a If you start too high, you may neighbor sold to a neighbor. have few nibbles. Says Kris If short sales or foreclosures are Berg, an agent in San Diego: prevalent in your market, your "Today's buyers want either the agent may also factor in their cheapest house on the block, prices. However, given that even if it's falling-down ugly, or these houses are often sold in the Taj Mahal with everything poor condition, their sale prices they couldn't buy back in 2005,

and for 20% less." Can you charge more for a cream puff? Yes, but not as much as you think. If you're selling an entry-level home that will attract first-time buyers, you can anticipate that they will want help with their closing costs, which usually amount to 3% to 6% of the purchase price. So you may want to price it a bit higher to start. Keep in mind, though, that a buyer using conforming financing (backed by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae) or a Federal Housing Administration loan can apply the home buyer's tax credit toward closing costs. Steve Vieux imagined listing his Silver Spring house for $300,000, but the analysis provided by his agent suggested $240,000. Once his agent realized that Vieux's buyer would probably be a first-timer, they bumped up the list price to $248,500, then agreed to pay the buyer's closing costs of $7,455. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


CRACKING continued from page 65

student is the kind colleges fight over, both to fulfill their educational mission and to strengthen their incoming class. In addition to federal grants, Ursinus offers him a $13,000 scholarship, a $19,000 grant and subsidized Staffords, plus a job through the federal work-study program. But Sparrow cannot come up with a package that meets the family’s full need. Along with most colleges, the school often leaves a gap between award and cost, the better to spread its resources. The award falls short by $8,000. Nonetheless, says Sparrow, “with $32,000 in grants and scholarships, it’s a nice package.” Sparrow wraps up for the afternoon, having allocated more than $100,000 from Ursinus’s coffers in just a few

hours. The college has budgeted $33 million for financial aid for the upcoming academic year, and it will use that money to attract the precise mix of students it wants to enroll. Message to parents? Encourage your kids to study hard. “In almost all schools, the aid package will reflect the strength of the student,” says DiFeliciantonio. “The stronger the students are, the more options they’ll have.” Use our interactive college-aid letter to learn about the various types of aid offered to you. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Good Friday Is Hot Cross Bun Day (Corby Kummer) (Food :: The Atlantic) Submitted at 4/2/2010 1:22:47 PM

spin spin/flickr I like hot cross buns at any time of year, because I like sweet yeasted breads. I also believe in eating things in season, even if the season is an odd stew of cultural and religious traditions rather than, say, the planting calendar. And Good Friday, the traditional day to eat hot cross buns, mixes them all, as research I did about 10 years ago revealed. I started with the Catholic Encyclopedia entry on Lent, which of course confirms that eggs and butter, central ingredients of hot cross buns, are traditionally given up during Lent—hence pancakes on Mardi Gras, called Fat Tuesday because of the imperative to use up butter and eggs before the fast. And the profusion of eggs at Easter, both dyed and in breads, is a way to use quickly the eggs chickens keep laying even during Lent. So why do hot cross buns start appearing in bakeries on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent? The answer is, they shouldn't. It's a way for bakers to stretch out the season. Less odd, but still odd, is that they should be associated with Good Friday, the holiest and most somber day of the Christian year, itself a fast day with one

full meal, meatless, and two much smaller ones. Some answers appeared in a 1994 Washington Post article by the late Geoffrey W. Fielding, and English expat who settled in Baltimore (his obituary here), which gives a longer version of the history our own Jennifer Ward Barber engagingly recounts in her post on hot cross buns. Like most writers on English breads (and Jen!), Fielding drew on Elizabeth David's English Bread and Yeast Cookery, and also a 1989 history I haven't seen by Lizzie Boyd, British Cookery.

Jen's good-looking, HFCSshunning recipe can only, like looking through the Catholic Encyclopedia, set me dreaming of next week and the end of Passover and my own end of Lent, though this one, of course, eight and not 40 days. Like butter and eggs, yeasted bread is worth waiting for—and combining them all with icing on top makes about as festive a food as I can imagine. From Geoffrey W. Fielding's article in the Post: Bread quartered by a cross to denote the four seasons was common in ancient Greece and

Rome, and the custom was still around in the Middle Ages, but then the bread was so marked to confound evil spirits ... At Druid spring festivals, which celebrated the lengthening sunfilled days of the planting season, the sun's symbol was a circle bisected by two lines into four squares which represented the four seasons. Bread was the staff of life, and bread baked on Good Friday was especially potent. Over the years, the bun became associated with Good Friday, and in England's West Country, it was the custom to hang a hot

cross bun from the ceiling from one Easter season to the next, to ward off those evil spirits. [This was likely a manifestation of the English folkloric belief, recounted in in this Wikipedia entry, that hot cross buns made on Good Friday will not spoil or go moldy for the rest of the year.] On Good Friday, if anyone ate at all, the meal consisted of barley bread, plain cress and water. Most people spent the whole day in church and work was discouraged. Conversely, Good Friday was considered a lucky day to plant crops, so farmers made it a point to sow a little grain or a few potatoes. Considering the austerity of most Good Friday food traditions, it is surprising that in England the day's special treats are hot cross buns. Studded with currants and bits of candied fruit, the sweet little round buns are thought to have originated at St. Alban's Abbey in 1361 A.D. where the monks distributed them as alms to the poor. In 1592, a royal decree stated that bakers could only sell spiced breads during special occasions, such as the Friday before Easter.


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Microwaves "Ignored"? Not So Fast, WSJ (Barbara Kafka) (Food :: The Atlantic) Submitted at 4/2/2010 10:47:14 AM

ewen and donabel/flickr Three times in my professional life I have felt that I was dead or invisible. Once was when I won the James Beard lifetime achievement award—was life over? Once was when my dear once-upon-a-time assistant Christopher Styler wrote a piece about me, and my husband said I could now die as I had had my best obituary. The most recent was Wednesday, when I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about microwaves and cooking. It did—in the online version—mention the original appearance of my book Microwave Gourmet, but the entire piece negated what I understood and felt had happened in the years before and after I wrote the book, when the microwave oven became a standard appliance in everyone's kitchen. The article said that it was time for microwave ovens to get some respect and that they were now being used for cooking. Who the hundreds of thousands of people were and what they thought they were doing when they bought my book and wrote me queries and compliments I could not have

said from this article. First of all, it indicated that microwave ovens were now—at last!—important, as there are expensive ones being sold that are combinations with steam ovens. The writer did not seem to understand and certainly did not make clear that the two functions have nothing to do with each other. In fact, if the container for cooking food in the microwave oven is covered, it acts a steamer: the oven cooks by agitating water

molecules in food and steaming it under pressure, rapidly. Secondly, the article equated cooking in the microwave oven with heating or defrosting prepared, packaged food. Yes, the microwave oven can do that. But it can cook too, and people use it to cook. In today's odd world they may not call it "cooking," but if asked if they never make vegetables in the microwave, people respond: "Sure, almost every day." Ask if they ever stick a piece of fish in

the oven to prepare it, and they often say: "Yes, I don't like the smell in the house when I put it on top of the stove." The list could go on and on. The point is that the verb to cook has become reserved for "I cooked dinner on Saturday night for eight people." Additionally, there was a very good study at Cornell University that showed that vegetables retained more vitamins when cooked in the microwave than any other way.

The most serious problems with microwave ovens have to do with a lack of consistency about wattage, as the article pointed out in confusion over directions on packaged products. If the manufacturers would restrict themselves to 700- and 1100watt ovens, life would be simpler: two sets of timings could be standard on packages and in cookbooks. Also, very cheap and inferior ovens that cook unevenly are pouring into this country from China. At the same time, the proliferation of controls and settings is—to my mind—just a way of charging more for exactly the kind of gimmicky ovens the article promotes. People are not idiots if supplied with simple, solid ovens and good instructions—of which I of course include in the two books I wrote about cooking in the microwave. Today, everyone wants a microwave oven in their kitchen, with good reason. That is respect. Would that the author had given microwave ovens enough respect enough to get the facts right and not from P.R. people.

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