Liberty Newspost Apr-06-10

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- 06/04/10

White House becomes playground for annual Easter Egg Roll Jeff Mason (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 4/5/2010 12:56:50 PM

Never mind nuclear arms treaties, unemployment figures, or healthcare debates. The big news at the White House on Monday was the Easter Egg Roll. President Barack Obama and his family joined scores of kids and camera-toting parents for the annual event, which, in addition to the ritual tossing of eggs with spoons, featured soccer, tennis and basketball games as part of first lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign to fight childhood obesity.

“Today we have transformed the South Lawn into a playground,” Mrs. Obama told the crowd before joining the festivities. “We’re going to have 30,000 people in our backyard today, and we want every single one of

you to have fun, to think about living a healthy life, and to get moving,” she said. Did you catch that number? Thirty thousand is a lot of folks to have in a backyard. The president played referee to

some of them, blowing the whistle for one group of kids engaged in getting their eggs from a “start” spot on the lawn to the finish line. “Everybody stay in their lane!” he admonished playfully. The basketball playing commander-in-chief then joined another group of kids on the White House basketball court to shoot hoops, missing two threepointers but sending a final shot that “swished” before he left for his other presidential duties. Photo credit: Reuters/Jason Reed (Obama family listend to national anthem with Easter Bunny during 2010 Easter Egg Roll at White House)

Google Buzz users: Doublecheck your settings Tom Krazit ( Submitted at 4/5/2010 9:43:59 AM

Following calls from members of Congress to investigate the Google Buzz privacy backlash, Google wants to make sure Buzz users understand their privacy options. Originally posted at Relevant Results

35 awesome examples of dramatic animal photography (Holy Kaw!)

the patience and knowledge, and skill of a seasoned photographer. While it’s a To get an emotional, effective, difficult craft to master, many and dynamic shot of an animal have because it’s fufilling work. dramatic images of animal (especially in wildlife) requires Here are thirty-five stunning and Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:39:00 PM

photography. These sure tops your ‘my dog’s in a cute knitted sweater’ photo you sent everyone you know last week, huh? See all thirty-five at Noupe.

Love animals? So do we. Permalink| Leave a comment »


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Obama weighs in on big controversies – no DH, Duke and UConn Patricia Zengerle (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 4/5/2010 1:40:04 PM

Perhaps emboldened by his successful push to overhaul the U.S. healthcare industry, President Barack Obama waded bravely into some of America’s other great debates, declaring himself an opponent of Major League Baseball’s use of the designated hitter, picking Duke University to win the men’s college basketball championship on Monday and the University of Connecticut to take the women’s college basketball crown on Tuesday. “Even though I am an American league guy, I gotta admit that I am a baseball purist,” Obama said after throwing out the ceremonial first pitch before the Washington Nationals’ baseball team’s first game of the season. “I think no DH makes more sense. Have everybody out there playing, doing what they’re supposed to be doing,” he said, during an appearance with the Nationals’ television broadcasters.

Obama is a fan of his hometown Chicago’s White Sox, a team in Major League Baseball’s American League. In the American league, pitchers do not take turns at bat. Teams instead have a “designated hitter,” the DH, who does not take a turn in the field. In the National League, pitchers take turns at bat and are virtually always by far the weakest batters on their teams. The American League has been using the DH since 1973, and the issue has been the subject of countless barroom

debates by fans. Obama criticized his ceremonial pitch when the Nationals broadcasters showed a tape of it. “This is heartbreaking right here. Released it a little high, a little early,” Obama jokingly lamented. “What breaks your heart on these is you’re down there practicing… throwing strikes. You come out here, the thing slips out of your hands a little bit. You know, it’s heartbreaking,” he said. However, he said, all he really needed was more opportunities.

Digg CEO Jay Adelson steps down Caroline McCarthy ( Submitted at 4/5/2010 11:53:39 AM

Founder Kevin Rose will be its service. taking over the reins in the Originally posted at The Social interim at the social-news site, which is preparing to overhaul

“You know, if I had a whole inning, I’d clean up.” Obama picked Duke University to win the NCAA championship on Monday night over Butler University, an underdog that made the final game of the 64game tournament — known as March Madness – against the odds. “I think Butler is just a great story, but you’ve got to figure that Duke is going to be able to pull it out. They’re a little bigger inside. It’s just going to be tough matchups for Butler, but they have played with

unbelievable poise,” he said. But the president, who had originally predicted that the University of Kansas would win the championship, before they were upset earlier in the tournament, added this caveat: “That’s the best thing about March Madness these days. You never know who is going to win. ” In the women’s game, Obama predicted that the University of Connecticut, which has gone 77 games without a defeat, would make it 78 in the final against Stanford University on Tuesday. “That’s probably the best team in sports right now,” he said of Connecticut’s Lady Huskies. Click here for more Reuters political coverage Picture credit: A combination photo of U.S. President Barack Obama throwing out the ceremonial first pitch prior to the Major League Baseball’s opening game between the Washington Nationals and the Philadelphia Phillies in Washington April 5, 2010. REUTERS/Jim Young

What 1946 Can Tell Us About 2010 (AEI.Org: Articles) Submitted at 4/5/2010 4:00:00 PM

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Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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General election 2010: Gordon Brown and David Cameron hit the campaign trail (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)

to recovery and nothing we do should put that recovery at risk. "Over the next few weeks I will go round the country - the length and breadth of our land Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:41:43 AM By Rosa Prince, Political - and I will take to the people a Correspondent very straightforward and clear Published: 2:41PM BST 06 Apr message - Britain is on the road 2010 to recovery and nothing we do M r B r o w n t r a v e l l e d t o should put that recovery at Rochester in Kent, while David risk. Cameron, the Conservative "Get the big decisions right - as leader, toured Birmingham and we did in the last 18 months Nick Clegg, for the Liberal since the world recession - and Democrats, travelled to jobs, prosperity and better Watford. standards of living will result. Earlier, the Prime Minister "Get the big decisions wrong stood on the steps of No 10 and and the lives of hundreds of confirmed the “worst-kept thousands of people are secret” in politics. diminished as a result." He said: "The Queen has kindly As he travelled by train to agreed to the dissolution of Birmingham, Mr Cameron Parliament and a General admitted that he was nervous Election will take place on May about the outcome of the 6." election. The Prime Minister put the Sitting with his wife Samantha, economy at the heart of the he said: "It is an enormous c a m p a i g n b y u r g i n g t h e mountain to climb. The electorate not to risk the Conservatives have not won that recovery by voting for the many seats in one go since Conservatives. 1931. Standing in front of his Cabinet, "I am absolutely convinced it he said: “Britain is on the road can be done but it is going to

take a big effort. It is going to be a team effort. We have got to win in all parts of the country and that is why it is going to be a very active campaign." He went on: "It is very daunting - the challenge of winning the election and the challenge of turning the country round. But I am excited by the challenge as well." The Camerons began the election campaign with a tour of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, which is in the Labour marginal of Birmingham Edgbaston, one of the seats the Tories must win to put Mr Cameron in Downing Street. Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader, told party workers that the official start to the election campaign marked “the beginning of the end for Brown”. He said: "I think it's great that the campaign's now going to start. People finally have a say about the big changes they want, to make this country fairer and better "This is a choice now between the old politics of the two old

parties and something new, something different, which the Liberal Democrats offer. "This is not a two-horse race between the two old parties, Labour and the Conservatives. People have got a real choice this time and I think that's why this election is wide open. All bets are off. "I'm really looking forward to being able to put the case for real change, for real fairness, to people up and down the country. "I think people are just crying out for something different, and that's what we offer." Parliament will not be formally dissolved until Monday, with MPs spending the next three days rushing legislation through the Commons during what is known as the “wash up”. Two polls today gave the Tories a 10-point lead, enough to form a narrow majority, while a third suggested that Labour would emerge as the largest party in a hung Parliament. Members of the shadow cabinet headed off to campaign in every

region in the country, including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. During a visit to Luton, George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, said that the general election would be a hard-fought battle between “hope and fear”. He said: "Britain wants change but it's going to be a big, hardfought election," he said. "The battle is going to be between hope and fear - hope that the change that the Conservatives can bring can get our economy off its back and the fear of a Labour Government that will throw all sorts of scare stories at us. "But I think hope will overcome fear. I think people in Britain want change, I don't think they want five more years of Gordon Brown and I think they want the leadership and the energy and the values that David Cameron offers." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Question of the Day: Is Steele Getting His House in Order? (Chris Good) (Politics :: The Atlantic)

D o e s t h e r e s i g n a t i o n o f that Chairman Michael Steele is Republican National Committee getting his house in order? Chief of Staff Ken McKay mean


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Women 'tried to get dead body on easyJet flight in Liverpool' (Top stories from Times Online)

was likely to show the man died earlier this week from natural causes. Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:41:38 AM A spokeswoman for John Two women have been arrested Lennon Aiport, said: “I have for trying to push a dead relative never heard of anything like strapped to a wheelchair onto a this before. It is a bit of a Berlin-bound flight at Liverpool strange one to be honest.” John Lennon Airport. It is believed that the women Police were called when staff at set out on Saturday morning. the easyJet check-in desk They successfully managed to became suspicious about the get the body into a taxi and to elderly man who was partially the airport. The driver is said to hidden behind sunglasses and have been left “upset and did not appear to be moving devastated” by the experience. very much. At the airport, the dead man They discovered that the would w a s m a n h a n d l e d i n t o t h e -be passenger, understood to be wheelchair and sunglasses a 91-year-old German national, placed over his lifeless eyes. w a s n o t a s l e e p a s h i s When tentative inquiries were companions insisted but had made about the man’s health, been dead for some time. his companions insisted he was Officers arrested the two merely sleeping. women, aged 44 and 66, on The couple wheeled the dead suspicion of failing to give m a n a c r o s s t h e a i r p o r t notification of a death. concourse to the easyJet checkIt is believed that the couple, in desk where, initially, staff who had travelled to the airport w e r e c o n c e r n e d f o r t h e from Oldham, in Greater p a s s e n g e r ’ s health. Manchester, were attempting to A police spource said: “They evade the complex and costly were just concerned for the man. process of repatriating human They went to speak to him and remains abroad. realised something was wrong”. The coroner was today waiting Further investigation confirmed for the results of the post that he had been dead on arrival mortem examination being at the airport. carried out in Liverpool but Officers from Merseyside police sources suggested that it Police arrested the two women

who were questioned and later released on police bail. A spokesman said that the exact circumstances of the death were still being investigated but foul play is not believed to have been involved. Bodies being repatriated by air are required to be contained inside hermetically-sealed zinclined coffins and kept in the cargo hold for the duration of the journey. The process has to be accompanied by the requisite paperwork. A spokeswoman for Rowland Brothers, a funeral directors which specialise in the field, said: “I have not heard of anything like this before. It is most bizarre. I am outraged that they would think they could get away with it. “There are rules and regulations to adhere to and documentation to complete before you can transport human remains to a foreign country. Germany is not particularly a difficult country but you still have to have the correct documentation.” A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said: “At 11am on Saturday 3 April 2010, police at Liverpool John Lennon airport were alerted to the death of a 91-year-old man in the terminal building.

“Two women aged 41 and 66 were arrested on suspicion of failing to give notification of death. They have been released on bail until 1 June 2010. The coroner has been informed and police are continuing with their inquiries”. A spokesman for the airport, which remained open throughout the incident, said: “We are co-operating with police in their investigation.” A spokeswoman for easyJet said: "Two female passengers arrived at Liverpool John Lennon Airport to check in for the EZY 7223 flight to Berlin with an elderly gentleman in a wheelchair. "On arrival at the airport, staff were immediately concerned about his health and the first aid team were called. It was then discovered the passenger was, in fact, deceased and the police were called. The two female passengers were subsequently arrested and this is now subject to a police investigation." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

iPads fetch up to $5,000 on Ebay (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:45:00 AM

Apple fans are devoted, eager and evangelical when it comes the hardware and software that they love. Somehow, it seems that “patient” has slipped off of their radar. A quick glance on Ebay this week revealed several iPads for sale, with some being sold for as much as US$5,000. Bloomberg notes that most of the iPads sold on Ebay are going outside of the US. Eagerness is one thing, but with signs pointing to a European iPad launch within the next couple of weeks, we can’t help but think that some customers are misguided. Or managed to find a way to actually grow money on trees. Full story at The Unofficial Apple Weblog. Total coverage of Macintosh news, tips, and tricks. Permalink| Leave a comment »

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"Sound Bullets" to Zap Off Tumors? (National Geographic News)

the acoustic lens, which uses 0.95-centimeter stainless steel spheres aligned in parallel A new machine inspired by a c h a i n s . B u t i n s t e a d o f common office toy could one channeling motion, the new d a y a l l o w d o c t o r s t o z a p machine manipulates sound. cancerous tumors using "sound When a sound wave strikes the bullets," scientists say. spheres at one end of the Dubbed an acoustic lens, the acoustic lens, the sound gets device could also be used to converted into a type of shock create near photo-quality images wave known as a solitary wave. of internal organs that surpass The solitary wave propagates t h e r e s o l u t i o n o f m o d e r n through the chains in the same ultrasounds. way motion moves through the (Related:"Exploding Bubbles balls in a Newton's cradle. But Can Trim Enlarged Prostate.") because of the length of the The design is based on the chains, the solitary wave exits Newton's cradle, which features the last sphere as a sound wave several identically sized metal i n s t e a d o f b o u n c i n g b a c k balls suspended so that the balls t h r o u g h t h e c h a i n . barely touch each other. Converting the sound wave into Due to Newton's laws of a solitary wave is crucial, motion, when an end ball is because solitary waves are pulled back and released, the easier to control, said Daraio, a ball at the other end swings physicist at the California outward with the same speed, I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y . even though none of the middle (Related:"Laser 'Light Bullets' balls move. Made to Curve.") The toy inspired study co- For example, by squeezing the author Chiara Daraio to invent b a l l s i n a c h a i n c l o s e r Submitted at 4/5/2010 1:09:19 PM

together—a process called static precompression—scientists can adjust the solitary wave so that the emitted sound wave travels in a particular direction and at a given speed. "The goal was to create an acoustic lens that could achieve very high focal intensities and at the same time be able to control the focal position without having to change the structure of the lens itself," Daraio said. Rapid-Fire Sound Bullets By tweaking each chain of metal balls in the acoustic lens separately, a barrage of sound bullets can be made to converge onto a single spot. "We squeeze the outer chains of the lens more than the chains in the middle, and this causes the solitary waves to travel faster in the outer chains than in the inner ones," ultimately releasing successive sound bullets, Daraio explained. In addition, changing certain parameters in the machine allows scientists to alter the

intensity of the sound bullets: The emitted waves can be gentle enough to probe internal organs or powerful enough to serve as "sonic scalpels" for cleaving off tumors. As an imaging tool, the acoustic lens beats ultrasound imaging because the sound pulses can be focused much more tightly and can be easily repositioned. "You could have 3-D images that are clearer and much more resolved," Daraio said. (Related:"Humans Can Learn to 'See' With Sound, Study Says.") But such applications are still a ways off, she said, as the acoustic lens has not yet been tested on cells or living animals. The research is detailed in this week's issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Antenna Brings You Streaming Radio From Around the World [Downloads] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:30:00 AM

Adobe Air: Streaming radio stations abound but finding them is one thing and enjoying thousands of them with a polished interface and all in one place is another. Antenna is a sleek Adobe Air-based radio tool that makes streaming radio fun. More »

First African Amber Pictures: Thunder Fly, Wasps, More (National Geographic News)

amber fossils. Only the third fossil thrips ever found, the Submitted at 4/5/2010 12:02:22 PM woodland insect lived when Ancient Thunder Fly Africa was part of a giant Photograph courtesy PNAS and s u p e r c o n t i n e n t c a l l e d Matthias Svojtka Gondwana. A thrips, or thunder fly, The African amber discoveries encased in amber is among the offer a window into a period of newly discovered Ethiopian m a j o r b i o l o g i c a l c h a n g e

triggered by the appearance of flowering plants, said study leader Alexander Schmidt of the University of Göttingen. (Find out how flowering plants changed the world in National Geographic magazine.) "The Ethiopian amber forest grew in a time when [flowering

trees] diversified and changed the terrestrial ecosystems," Schmidt wrote in an email. The blooming of these new forests spurred the evolution of insects, amphibians, early mammals, and other animals that "were able to form new niches and diversified rapidly,"

he said. Published April 5, 2010 Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Mexico Earthquake Zone Linked to California Faults (National Geographic News)

northward against the western edge of the North American plate, most of the motion occurs The magnitude 7.2 earthquake along the San Andreas Fault. that jolted northern Mexico and But the plate boundary doesn't Southern California yesterday create a single, tidy fault line. afternoon was the first big (Related:"Deadly San Andreas earthquake to occur on this Fault Longer Than Thought.") particular fault system since "Southern California [and 1892, scientists say. northern Mexico are] a whole Centered on Mexico's Laguna series of blocks sliding past each Salada Fault in Baja California, other," Benthien said. the earthquake was triggered by The same motion also caused the same processes that drive the Baja Peninsula to start temblors on the San Andreas rifting away from mainland Fault, which runs all the way Mexico about five million years from Southern California to ago, subsequently opening up north of San Francisco. (See a the entire Gulf of California. California map.) (See a Mexico map.) "On the scale of the Earth, it's (Related:"Chile Earthquake all one fault zone: the plate Altered Earth Axis, Shortened boundary between the Pacific Day.") plate and the North American "This is one of the classic places plate," said Mark Benthien, to study the early stages of the communications director for the opening of ocean basins," said Southern California Earthquake Seth Stein, a geophysicist at Center in Los Angeles. (Find Northwestern University in out more about plate tectonics.) Evanston, Illinois. As the Pacific plate grinds Mexico Earthquake's Submitted at 4/5/2010 3:09:28 PM

Aftershocks Raise "Some Concern" The Baja California earthquake killed at least one person but did relatively little damage, because the epicenter was in a lightly populated area 38 miles (60 kilometers) south-southeast of Mexicali, Mexico. (See pictures of the devastation wrought by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti in January.) Aftershocks, however, are propagating into the U.S. along the Elsinore and San Jacinto Faults, the California earthquake center's Benthien said. These weaker aftershocks don't necessarily mean that a big temblor is brewing along those fault systems, Benthien said, but they do raise "some concern." (Related:"Southern California Long Overdue for Quake, Experts Say.") Small earthquakes can sometimes precede larger temblors, because the little ones

can cause a fault to slip until it reaches a point where a major slip releases a "Big One." In fact, a magnitude 4.4 temblor had rocked the same region in Baja California about a day before yesterday's earthquake, and there had been other rumblings in the region "in the threes and fours all week," Benthien said. In addition, a separate magnitude 4.4 temblor had jolted the Los Angeles Basin on March 16, centered near the northern end of the Elsinore Fault system. But that earthquake was probably unrelated to yesterday's temblor, Benthien said. "A 4.4 is a pretty run-of-the-mill earthquake that we can have at any time in Southern California," he added. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Ubuntu 10.04 Gets Cloud-Based Contact Syncing [Contacts] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:00:00 AM

Along with a built-in music store, Ubuntu 10.04, the free Linux distribution arriving later this month, will offer a 30-day trial of cloud-based contact syncing through its Ubuntu One storage service. It's a promising peek into nifty features to come. More »

The First iPad Compatible Vest Is Here Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

But the iPad is a much bigger beast; if you’re not content to wear it in your hands or a The iPhone is not a problem – it backpack, very few clothing fits into most pockets and you items have big enough pockets can make do without special to accommodate it. iPhone pockets in your clothes. Enter Scottevest, the company Submitted at 4/6/2010 12:57:06 AM

known for gadget-friendly

clothing, and their SeV Travel Vest, which is now compatible with the iPad. When we say “compatible”, we really mean “it has one humongous inside pocket for the iPad”, but that’s what you’re really looking for,

right? The iPad compatible SeV Travel Vest is available now for $100. Tags: apple, clothing, ipad, Scottevest

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David Cameron steals march on Gordon Brown with early campaign speech (Top stories from Times Online) Submitted at 4/6/2010 3:34:47 AM

David Cameron stole a march on Gordon Brown today when he began campaigning for a May 6 election even before the Prime Minister got a chance to name the date. As Mr Brown returned from Buckingham Palace after formally asking the Queen to dissolve Parliament, the Tory leader rallied his troops in an appearance outside County Hall on the banks of the Thames. "It is the most important election for a generation and it comes down to this: you don't have to put up with another five years of Gordon Brown." Mr Brown fired the starting gun for an election in a brief audience with the Queen at Buckingham Palace. The Prime Minister pulled up shortly after 10am in a dark Daimler Super V8 after the one-mile drive from

Downing Street, where he chaired a Cabinet meeting this morning. The Queen had flown in by helicopter from Windsor a few minutes earlier. The formalities between the Prime Minister and monarch lasted 23 minutes. The details of their conversation will remain private but Mr Brown was to ask the Queen for a dissolution next Monday. He then returned to Downing Street to name the date on the steps of No 10. Mr Cameron was not in a mood to wait, starting his campaign appearance while Mr Brown's motorcade was still moving. The Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg was also out campaigning. Mr Brown finally emerged from No 10 at around 10.45am, announced what he called "probably the worst-kept secret of recent years" and started the pitch to voters that Labour campaign strategists hope will lead to a record fourth term for

Labour. "The Queen has kindly agreed to the dissolution of Parliament and a general election will take place on May 6," he said. Surrounded by his ministerial team, the Prime Minister made it clear that he expected the economy — and his Government's success in steering Britain through the recession — to be the main issue in the election and said that he would be delivering a clear message as he visits constituencies up and down the country in the next month — that "Britain is on the road to recovery and nothing we do should put that recovery at risk". Mr Brown will start his attempts to woo voters with a symbolic trip to the South East, showing his determination to hold on to new Labour gains of 1997. David Cameron will head in the opposite direction, taking the fight to Labour in the Midlands and the North.

It is the most eagerly awaited showdown since Tony Blair swept away 18 years of Conservative rule in 1997 and opinion polls suggest that it will be the most closely fought election since John Major defied the polls and Neil Kinnock in 1992. Each leader has his own personal mountain to climb. Mr Brown is looking to banish the memories of the election-thatnever-was in November 2007, when he ducked out of going to the country at the last moment. He is asking for his first mandate as Prime Minister, and a historic fourth term for Labour, against the backdrop of the deepest recession for 60 years and a potentially mutinous public sector. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

ThermoWorks Pocket Thermometer Saves Meals from Over-Cooking [Stuff We Like] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/6/2010 7:00:00 AM

Instant-read thermometers remove the nervous guesswork

from cooking meat—they're practically a modern kitchen necessity. The favorite of gear testing gurus Cook's Illustrated is a$96 Thermapen, but the $24

runner-up is pretty nice, too. More »

Most U.S. women expect to have two kids — and most miss the mark (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 4/6/2010 7:11:00 AM

Most women in the United States expect to have two children. But women with more education tend to have fewer than two while those with less education tend to have more. “The average woman misses her target by one birth,” says S. Philip Morgan, the Norb F. Schaefer Professor of International Studies and director of the Social Science Research Institute at Duke University. “Women are more likely to miss their target than to hit it, and their level of education is an excellent predictor of whether they will miss the target high or low.” Full story at Futurity. Get smarter: research news. Permalink| Leave a comment »


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iPad users report app failures and charging problems

Actor Corin Redgrave dies aged 70

(Top stories from Times Online)

(Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)

Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:09:22 AM

New complaints about technical issues with the iPad emerged today, as Apple celebrated selling hundreds of thousands of the new devices over the weekend. Apple has maintained its silence over reports about glitches with its new tablet computer. New iPad owners have posted comments on Apple forums claiming that their wi-fi was poor or fluctuating, where other internet devices worked well. Today, new reports suggested there could also be issues with charging the device and compatibility with apps designed for the iPhone. “Casa de Trevino” from California said: “Having same problem with wi-fi being weak and constantly fluctuating. I have to keep entering my password to regain access to my network after having lost a signal. Two iPhones and two MacBooks showing full signal with no interrupts. Certainly

hope this is fixable. Too pricey of a toy for it to have this issue right out of box.” A commentator named "syunker” wrote: “My wi-fi went down to 1 bar after working great for a few hours. My download speeds started to crawl, I couldn't even surf the web. I rebooted my router and it didn't help." The initial version of the touchscreen tablet computer connects to the internet only via wi-fi. Commentators have speculated that the problem could be a weak wi-fi antenna, located behind the logo on the back of the iPad. New reports suggested that the iPad may not power up properly when connected to some USB ports. Users also complained that the iPad would only charge if turned off or in sleep mode. Others said that iPhone apps crash when loaded onto the device. Developers suggested they will send updates in the coming days that can fix these problems. Experts said that many of the issues could be solved through software

“patches” that could be sent to the iPad over the coming days. Despite the technical issues, many industry experts called the launch of the iPad a success. The company said it sold 300,000 units in the US this weekend, with other analysts suggested that the figure may reach around 700,000 over the coming days. Industry analysts suggest sales could reach 6 million by the end of the year. The iPad will be available in Britain by the end of this month in both wi-fi only and wi-fi plus 3G versions. The 3G version will also become available in the US later this month. iPad prices range from $499 (£326) to $829. Early reviewers have been enthusiastic about the device, describing it as slick and fast, although some have complained about its inability to run “flash” video software. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:47:55 AM

Published: 2:36PM BST 06 Apr 2010 The actor, who is known for his stage, TV and film work, died on Tuesday surrounded by his family after being taken ill in the early hours of Sunday morning. A statement issued by Redgrave's wife, Kika Markham, and family said: ''Corin Redgrave has died today. He was taken ill at home in the early hours of Sunday morning. ''He died very peacefully surrounded by his family. We will miss him so very much.'' A member of the famous acting dynasty, Redgrave was brother to Vanessa and Lynn Redgrave and the son of actor and director Michael Redgrave. His daughter, from his first marriage to Deirdre HamiltonHill, is the actress Jemma Redgrave. Redgrave also had

three sons. He was uncle to film and TV star Joely Richardson and to Natasha Richardson, who died last year following a ski accident. Redgrave notched up an impressive series of theatre roles, appearing at the National Theatre and the RSC among others. His film roles included Hamish in Four Weddings And A Funeral and Cornwall in Excalibur. Television credits included, most recently, The Turn Of The Screw last year and The Girl In The Cafe in 2005. In recent years he also appeared in episodes of Spooks, Shameless, Foyle's War and Trial And Retribution. Redgrave was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2000. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Diary of a No-Nonsense Kitchen Clean-Out [Clutter Cleanout] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:00:00 AM

Lifehacker reader Lionel is a food nerd and less-is-more enthusiast. Inspired by this

week's Ultimate Clutter Cleanout, he shared his tips on wiping the slate clean in his

kitchen and making it a better place to cook. More »

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E-reader News Edition

Leaked video footage shows Iraq journalists killed by US gunships (Top stories from Times Online)

in two Apache helicopters as they open fire on the group in the New Baghdad District of the Submitted at 4/5/2010 11:23:22 PM Iraqi capital. The video is graphic, and The Pentagon has refused to disturbing. As a group of men confirm whether the video is cluster in a Baghdad street two real, claiming that it is working US Army helicopters open fire, to authenticate the footage, but a repeatedly shooting the men and senior US military figure has gunning one down as he tries to confirmed off the record that it flee. is genuine. As the dust clears, the troops The Iraqi Journalists’ Union survey their handiwork. today called for a government "Look at those dead b******s," investigation into the shooting. one pilot says. "Nice," another Union chief Mouyyad al-Lami responds. said that the footage was The incident on July 12, 2007 evidence of a crime and should killed 12 people, including two be investigated. journalists who worked for the It was released on the internet R e u t e r s n e w s a g e n c y — last night by the whistleblowers' photographer Namir Noor- website WikiLeaks. At a press Eldeen, 22, and his driver and conference, WikiLeaks said that assistant Saeed Chmagh, 40. it had acquired the video from T w o c h i l d r e n w e r e a l s o whistleblowers in the military wounded. and was able to view it after The black and white aerial breaking the encryption code. footage shot through the cross- "The gathering at the corner that hair sights of a gun includes is fired up on has about nine conversations between the pilots people in it," Julian Assange, a

Wikileaks spokesman, told reporters at the National Press Club. The gunsight tracks two of the men, identified by WikiLeaks as the Reuters news staff, as the pilots wrongly identify their cameras as an AK-47 rifle and a grenade launcher. Major Shawn Turner, a spokesman for US Central Command, said that an investigation into the incident shortly after it occurred found that US forces were not aware of the presence of the news staffers and thought they were engaging armed insurgents. "We regret the loss of innocent life, but this incident was promptly investigated and there was never any attempt to cover up any aspect of this engagement," Major Turner said. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Bots That Botch Your Workout Steven Levy (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 4/5/2010 5:00:00 PM

High-kicking it, squatting, and air-box punching in front of a

TV as an overly animated virtual trainer gushes about your rhythm can make you feel like a real schmuck.

Kitchen chemist Heston Blumenthal failed science O-level (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news)

architect and turned his attention to the kitchen. Blumenthal, who put his reputation down to "a mixture of a long, complicated name, Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:32:28 AM By Nick Collins funny glasses and a bit of the Published: 2:32PM BST 06 Apr science of cooking", now 2010 owns a three Michelin-starred But the celebrity chef, who restaurant, the Fat Duck in Bray, cooks using liquid nitrogen Berks. amid a jungle of chemistry Despite an outbreak of the apparatus, has admitted that he norovirus among diners last failed science O-level at school, year, the Fat Duck – where a according to The Sun. 12-course tasting menu costs Blumenthal summed up his £150 – is still so popular he can time at school with the phrase afford to decrease the number of "Could do better," but even he seats available to diners. was surprised lately when he • A new television series, made an unwelcome discovery Heston's Feasts, in which about his exam success. Blumenthal will recreate He told The Sun: "I always forgotten dishes such as Spam thought I had seven O-levels. I fritters for celebrity diners, went back to my old school starts on Tuesday night at 9pm certificates to check and found on Channel 4. out I actually got six. "I did really well up to the year Five Filters featured article: before my O-levels. Then all the Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: distractions came along, going PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, out with the lads, beer, girls." Term Extraction. After gaining just one A-level, in Art, the chef said he gave up on his dream of being an

Video: 5 Sweet Apps to Break In Your iPad Brian X. Chen (Wired Top Stories)


Our video demonstrates five apps to break in your brand new iPad.


World/ Business/ Tech News/

E-reader News Edition

Drug-free inmates put on methadone Harley-Davidson Is a Hot Stock: Is it Overbought? (Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:44:57 AM

By Nick Collins Published: 2:44PM BST 06 Apr 2010 The process, called "retoxification", is allegedly designed to boost the tolerance of former addicts who are deemed likely to start using drugs on their release, to minimise the risk of them taking an overdose. But critics of the treatment have accused prison doctors, acting under Department of Health guidelines, of "state-sponsored" drug dealing and "giving up on tackling" the problem. Kathy Gyngell, of the Centre for Policy Studies, said: "It gives the impression the Government is giving up on tackling drug addiction. "This doesn't get people off drugs – but captures them in the

grip of methadone instead." The Sun reported that the process has been ongoing in English prisons for the last five years and that more than 460 prisoners have undergone retoxification. It was already known to be in operation in Scotland. Senior police officers were said to be furious at the news, with one saying: "We have enough difficulties coping with drugfuelled crime without ministers sanctioning this. "It's one of the craziest ideas from any government." It is claimed that retoxification is used at 33 prisons in England, and can be offered to former addicts even if the length of their sentences mean they have been free of drugs for some time. Jails using the process are reported to include two young offenders' institutions, as well as Wandsworth Jail, south-west London and Buckley Hall jail,

Rochdale, where 253 prisoners are said to have been given methadone. A Health Department spokesperson said: "The Department of Health does not have a central programme of retoxification of prisoners. "In exceptional circumstances, qualified doctors can decide whether to use this treatment and the clinical guidance is clear that they should only do so when there is a serious risk of the prisoner reusing drugs immediately on release and therefore putting themselves at risk of death from an accidental drugs overdose if they don't get it. "Other drug treatment techniques should always be used first." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Steven Mallas (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Analyst Upgrades and Downgrades, HarleyDavidson (HOG), Technical Analysis Harley-Davidson ( HOG) closed yesterday much higher than where it opened. The stock rose over 10%, finally settling at $31.37. During the intraday session, the shares hit a new 52week high of $31.66. According to TheFly, RBC Capital increased its price target for the motorcycle company, believing it may eventually hit $36. You know what? My gut tells me $36 is easy at this point (however, I do have some reservations and warnings, which I'll get to). There was a lot of volume backing the bid on Monday, and as I look through different time periods for the

Partition Wizard Manages and Fixes Your Hard Drive for Free [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:30:00 AM

Windows: Partition Wizard does everything you'd probably

need a partition tool to do, and does it on 32 and 64-bit systems. That alone puts it ahead of some other Windows-based partition simple controls are a nice bonus. tools. The bootable CD and More Âť

stock in terms of price gain (one -month return, three-month return, etc.), I come to the conclusion that this is one strong equity. Continue reading HarleyDavidson Is a Hot Stock: Is it Overbought? Harley-Davidson Is a Hot Stock: Is it Overbought? originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

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What Is YOUR Personal Brand? (

brand. Corporations are starting to act more like individuals because As business owners we know c o n s u m e r s d e m a n d b r a n d that branding our business is e n g a g e m e n t a n d t w o - w a y important, but what about conversations. That’s why you branding ourselves? Today I see employees tweeting and have the honor of interviewing updating their status messages Dan Schawbel, the leading under a corporate umbrella. The personal branding expert for same strategies companies use Gen-Y. The New York Times t o b r a n d p r o d u c t s c a n b e calls him a “Personal Branding leveraged to brand people, such Guru" and you'll often hear his as blogging, search engine name tossed around in the same optimization, and press releases. sentence as Seth Godin's. For anyone interested in having Q. Dan, what is personal a successful career, whether branding and why is it important you’re a job seeker, consultant, today? student, employee or A. Personal branding is how we entrepreneur, your personal market ourselves to others. It’s a brand is everything. It’s your timeless concept. The two reputation, the size and strength reasons why branding has of your network, and what always existed on a person level unique value you can contribute is that we always have to sell t o a c o m p a n y o r y o u r ourselves in various situations, clients.What are the benefits? from trying to impress our Just like corporate brands, managers so that we can take on people can demand a premium bigger projects, to convincing price (a higher salary) based off our friend to see a movie. Also, of brand value. Coca Cola is we’re always being judged m o r e e x p e n s i v e t h a n a based on first impressions, most supermarket brand, yet it tastes of which occur online with a similar. Consumer’s are willing simple Google search. From the to pay more for Coke because of clothing you wear, to how you media attention, commercials, behave and interact with other distribution in major chains such people, to your body language, as McDonalds, the history and everything is tied to your overall story of the brand, and the Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:35:00 AM

overall experience people have when they drink a Coke. Another benefit is that you will become more visible and be recognized by your peers, hiring managers, other successful business people, and entrepreneurs. With visibility comes speaking engagements, jobs, clients, celebrity and the opportunity to make a difference! People will want to work with you, work for you, and support your career. The network that you develop because of your brand can protect you from today’s uncertain work environment and allow you to grow your business. Branding also gives you a sense of being, confidence and purpose. Q. What are the steps in personal branding? A. The four steps in the personal branding process, as outlined in Me 2.0 are:• Discover: In order to really understand who you are and carve out a career path moving forward, investing in selfdiscovery is critical. In fact, if you don't spend time learning about yourself, your values, personal mission, and unique attributes, you will be at a disadvantage when marketing

your brand to others. Start by asking yourself "what do I want to be known for, and then select a niche so that you can position yourself in the marketplace. • Create: Your personal branding toolkit may consist of a blog, website, business card, resume, video resume, reference document, cover letter, portfolio, social network profiles, or a combination. Your brand must be consistent and reinforce each part of your toolkit. • Communicate: Now it's time to use everything you've created to let people know you exist. You can communicate your brand by attending professional networking events, writing articles for magazines and media sites, commenting on blogs, connecting with people on social networks, and reaching out to the press. • Maintain: As you grow, mature, and accelerate in your career, everything you've created has to be updated and accurately represent the current "brand you." Also, you need to monitor your brand online to ensure all conversations about you are positive and factual. You can do this by using a combination of tools, including a Google Alert

April 6, 1903: Edgerton Born, Father of High-Speed Photography Jim Merithew (Wired Top Stories)

Doc Edgerton's stroboscopic photos are still a source of amazement. "Faster than a

speeding bullet" is no exaggeration.

for your name. Q. Why should entrepreneurs care about personal branding? 1. If you don’t brand yourself first, someone else will brand you.2. Venture capitalists, angel investors, and partners want to work with strong personal brands that have successful track records.3. Your personal brand is transferable, so if your business fails, you don’t have to start from scratch again.4. People are searching for you or people like you online, and if you don’t have a solid brand presence, you won’t be taken seriously.5. A lot of entrepreneurs, especially internet entrepreneurs, have to build large networks before they generate media and investor attention. Dan Schawbel, recognized as personal branding guru by The New York Times, is the bestselling author of Me 2.0, a national speaker, and the publisher of both the awardwinning Personal Branding Blog and Personal Branding Magazine. Dan is the youngest Business Week columnist, and just started his own company called Millennial Branding, LLC.


Business/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition

The App Market Grows Max Chafkin (

cans or shots of Mac Powerbooks get into the movies? As Stephanie Clifford A big weekend for the iPad. reports in the New York Times, Roughly 300,000 people bought meetings to secure product iPads on Saturday, the day placement deals are increasingly Apple put its new gadget on happening even before the script sale. That's more than the first or cast are finalized. Take the generation iPhone sold in its recent George Clooney flick first weekend, and according to "Up in the Air." Director Jason the Wall Street Journal, an Reitman wanted a real hotel "impressive" result. It should be chain in his film and pushed the good news for entrepreneurs studio to make a deal with who are furiously developing Hilton, which also provided free a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r t h e n e w lodging to the crew. Clifford device.The next hot category for writes that the trend is bringing apps? Although buying a $500 movies one step closer to gadget that no one really " e l a b o r a t e l y c o n s t r u c t e d understands might seem just a advertising."The best way to little bit indulgent, Earth2Tech keep your company on-track. says there's a market iPad apps Most early-stage companies go that help people go green. through a phase where are Control4, for example, is a free learning as they go, making app that allows users to control adjustments to the business multiple systems in their homes model as the company evolves. directly from the tablet, such as But there's a fine line between the thermostat, lighting, and that and floundering aimlessly. security. "While there could be a As Andy Sack, explains, "There variety of effects of the success are time when early stage of Apple's iPad on the energy companies totally lose their consumption associated with sense of direction. I've seen thisc o m p u t i n g , a p p l i c a t i o n s -even experienced it. It's not developed for the iPad could fun." Sack says that the way to also play a role in promoting avoid aimlessness is "to stay low-carbon lifestyles like better super close to your customer fuel economy and home energy and keep solving and addressing e f f i c i e n c y , " t h e a r t i c l e their needs." According to Sack, says.Beyond product placement. "The direction may not be the Ever wonder how all those Coke best or the right direction but at Submitted at 4/5/2010 9:05:20 AM

least it gets you moving out of the entrepreneurial woods." A Groupon knockoff grows in Russia (and China, too). If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Groupon founder Andrew Mason should be blushing right now. As TechCrunch points out here, a Groupon look-a-like called BigLion has popped up in Russia with a remarkably similar interface and business model. "The sites look nearly identical," Michael Arrington writes, "even down to the smallest details." When Arrington went to Mason for comment, he pointed out, another Groupon clone that "went a step further than BigLion by just ripping off the name, too." Look for a strategy piece in our April issue to see why Groupon is getting so much buzz and to help you decide whether partnering with the discount site is right for your small business.China's pioneering entrepreneur. In an interview with BBC, Zhang Hua Mei talks about being one of the first people in modern China to start a business. Beginning 30 years ago, she sold knickknacks on a table outside her home in Wenzhou. Back then, owning a private business was considered shameful. Today, Wenzhou is

one of the richest cities in China, and also one of the most competitive for new entrepreneurs. "Thirty years ago," Zhang tells the BBC, "that woman who got the first license depended more on her courage and her ability to work hard to do well."How to read your financial statement. Fred Wilson explains how he does it and suggests a few numbers that every entrepreneur should know by heart. Hint: It's all about cash. Wilson says you should know your cash balance, the amount of cash you're burning through every month, and the number of months of cash you have left in the bank (the "runway"). "[I]f you are an entrepreneur being handed financial statements from your bookkeeper or accountant or controller, then you need to be able to understand them," Wilson writes. More from Inc. Magazine: Get this delivered to your inbox. Follow us on Twitter. Follow us on Tumblr. Friend us on Facebook. Apply now for the 2010 Inc. 500|5000.

Paying for Health Care Reform (Clive Crook) (Politics :: The Atlantic) Submitted at 4/6/2010 4:56:51 AM

The new healthcare law holds out hope of meaningful reductions in costs, but everything depends on the zeal with which the opportunities are pursued. I'll be surprised if, in the end, the good ideas are not overwhelmed by continuing pressures in the other direction. So the question of how to pay for universal coverage--not to mention the government's other fiscal commitments--will remain. In this new column for National Journal I argue that policy will need to change in at least one of two fundamental ways: employers must be taken out of the healthcare business, and the US will need a big, new, broadly based tax.


E-reader News Edition


The 15 Countries That Are Getting Buried By This Oil Spike Gregory White (The Money Game)

1000 people Turkey's geo-strategic position establishes it as a gateway for Submitted at 4/6/2010 7:03:00 AM oil from the Middle East to Oil prices have surged back at European markets. It will the sight of a global rally in shortly be tapping into that trade. potential, with several pipeline With every leading indicator, projects meant to run through from shipping to manufacturing the country. data, pointing towards a global Source: and return to growth, oil inevitably follows the trend. Thailand: 8.41 barrels per day Now some countries around the per 1000 people world are starting to shake and Thailand may have 290 million worry about the impact a price barrels in reserve, but imports r i s e w i l l h a v e o n t h e i r more oil than nearly every other economies, many of which are country in South East Asia. far too reliant on imported oil. Source: and Here are those countries that Mbendi Information Services will get slammed > Ukraine: Australia: 11.90 barrels per day 5.42 barrels per day per 1000 per 1000 people people Australian domestic oil The Ukraine's relationship with production is likely to cease Russia over oil leads to near before 2030 as the country runs yearly crises over exports, in out of supplies. which Russia holds the Ukraine Source: and to ransom over pricing. The M. King Hubbert Center Source: and Panama: 18.15 barrels per day Reuters per 1000 people South Africa: 5.82 barrels per Panama ranks 100 in the list of day per 1000 people oil exporting countries, behind A new oil pipeline from other limited producers like Mozambique to South Africa is Puerto Rico and Austria. meant to be completed in 2011 Source: and and deliver significant supply to Index Mundi the Johannesburg area. Italy: 29.09 barrels per day per Source: and 1000 people Petroline Holdings Italian spending on oil is likely Turkey: 8.39 barrels per day per to rise by 36% on the back of

higher prices and the closure of some refineries. Source: and Bloomberg France: 30.50 barrels per day per 1000 people French energy giant Total has an interest in Iranian oil, which may be halted by expanding sanctions on Iran. Source: and BBC Germany: 31.54 barrels per day per 1000 people Germany relies on Russia for much of its energy imports including oil, a relationship which has been tightened by the announced Nord Stream natural gas pipeline.

1000 people Spain demands more than 12% of developed Europe's oil, but contributes nothing to its supply. Source: and Mindbranch Greece: 37.21 barrels per day per 1000 people Similar to Spain, Greece produces nothing in terms of European oil supply, but has 3.45% of the developed European market demand. Source: and Japan: 41.60 barrels per day per 1000 people Iran is a key oil partner of Japan and in 2009 accounted for Source:, 12% of Japan's import supply. Wiki, and OilGasArticles Source: and United States: 35.17 barrels per day per 1000 people Israel: 43.50 barrels per day per The U.S. has significant oil 1000 people resources untapped, particularly Not surprisingly, they're far and in Alaska where controversy has away the most vulnerable. arisen over environmental Source: and issues. Israel National News Source:, Here are the 15 oil and gas EIA, and Wiki pipelines that are changing the Guatemala: 35.54 barrels per world's strategic map day per 1000 people Check out the pipelines here > Guatemala is a member of Join the conversation about this Hugo Chavez's energy alliance story Âť and is planning on opening a refinery next year. Source: and Up Stream Online Spain: 37.18 barrels per day per



E-reader News Edition

Is Haiti a Laboratory for New Urbanists? What the Country Really Needs Is Old Urbanism Greg Lindsay (Fast Company) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:40:28 AM

Last Wednesday, Haitian president René Préval asked the international aid community for $3.8 billion to rebuild his shattered country after January’s devastating earthquake. In what amounted to a fund-raiser at the United Nations, he received pledges of $5.3 billion over the next eighteen months. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton promised $1.15 billion on behalf of the United States. Most of the money will be spent on rebuilding schools, hospitals, roads, and basic infrastructure-the question is where? The earthquake destroyed much of the capital of Port-au-Prince, killing 300,000 residents and leaving 1.3 million homeless-nearly half of whom have become internal refugees. Haiti’s reconstruction plans include earmarking $500 million just to lease or purchase land for temporary settlements. They may be more than temporary. As I noted back in February, a number of urban planners and economists within and outside Haiti have argued against the wholesale rebuilding Port-au-Prince and pushed for redistributing its displaced residents around the country instead. It appears the

government has taken their proposals to heart and will spend some of its billions in aid on an ambitious plan to transform Haiti “from a country dominated by a single metropolis to what the planners call a network of smaller urban ‘growth poles,’” according to The New York Times’ architecture critic Nicolai

Ouroussoff, who received a sneak peak of the plans. Ouroussoff described a comprehensive series of plans for redesigning the urban fabric of Haiti from the capital (complete with light rail and new parks built atop landfill composed of earthquake rubble), down to rural villages, “with farms encircling a

communal core containing a market, a school and health-care facilities.” Overall, he wrote, “more than a few of the renderings at this early stage suggest conventional planning formulas found in Southern California, suburban Boston or Beijing.” There are many good reasons why Haiti should turn its back

on Port-au-Prince: It’s destroyed; it straddles a major faultline; it is filled with slums offering few opportunities to residents, and they would only get bigger if left unchecked. But is depopulation the answer? And is a New Urbanist approach (as Ouroussoff dubs it) appropriate HAITI page 21

Business/ Tech News/

E-reader News Edition


Cramer: The "iPad Is Addictive As Oxycontin" (AAPL) Heather Leonard (The Money Game) Submitted at 4/6/2010 7:11:00 AM

The Apple Investor is a daily report from TBI Research. Sign up here to receive it by email. AAPL Ends The Day Strong On iPad Sales News AAPL shares closed up Monday despite opening weekend iPad sales falling short of most analysts' expectations. The stock ended the trading session at $238.49 (20x estimated fiscal-year 2010 EPS and 19x Enterprise Value / Trailing Twelve Months Free Cash Flow). Upcoming catalysts include details regarding the iPhone OS 4 on Thursday; March quarter results (likely the third week in April); March NPD data on Mac unit sales; physical launch of the next generation iPhone this summer; and the CDMA (Verizon) iPhone launch anticipated later this year. CramerSays Keep Buying Apple(CNBC) Mad Money's Jim Cramer is telling investors to "pull the trigger on Apple" because, love

it or hate it, the "iPad is addictive as Oxycontin." That said, he's dolling out dual advice. "If you're a trader, take some off the table. If you're an investor, forget it, the stock is going to $300." As much as I hate to agree with him, he's probably right. iPad's Uptake Hinges On Technical Performance(Nomura Securities) After using the iPad, Manabu Akizuki at Nomura Securities expects the "uptake of the iPad to hinge on the effectiveness of Apple's in-house A4 processor [low power consumption and high performance] and broadening the range of dedicated applications." He sees rapid growth in content partners as well as "grass-roots applications." The iPad Won't Cannibalize Laptop Sales(Seeking Alpha) There has been much speculation as to where the iPad sits in the computing ecosystem. Does it exist in between the PC / laptop and the mobile phone, or does it cannibalize the former, replacing that "legacy" system

Stock?(Trefis) According to Trefis, an online financial and analytical tool, the Apps business represents 6% of the company's $267 Apple stock target price, while the iPad accounts for 4%. By adjusting the top variables for the iPad (pricing, unit sales and gross margin) and the Apps business (song pricing, song unit sales, average pricing, downloads, paid percentage, gross margin) on the interactive model, investors can estimate the impact to the stock price. Join the conversation about this story » See Also: all together? Seeking Alpha Apple continues to capture the • Apple Investor: Wall Street contributor Mark Riddix m e d i a ' s a t t e n t i o n ( a n d Went Wild With Weekend iPad believes that the iPad is s u b s e q u e n t a t t e n t i o n o f Predictions, But Mostly Came revolutionary, but we will still investors). On Thursday April 8, Up Short use our traditional computer for the company will reveal details • Apple Investor: Wall Street m u l t i - t a s k i n g a n d c o n t e n t about its next-generation iPhone Sees Up To 400K iPads Sold creation. If that assumption is operating system, iPhone OS 4. This Weekend true, it's good news for Apple, Some of the top expected • Apple Investor: Apple Will w h i c h i s r u m o r e d t o b e features include the support of Be Counting The Cash As refreshing it's notebook line this m u l t i - t a s k i n g t h i r d - p a r t y Verizon & ATT Duke It Out month. applications, a unified mailbox, Apple To Remain In The GPS navigation and Apple's Limelight, Announcing iPhone new mobile ad product, iAd. OS 4 Details Thursday(PC What's The Impact Of the iPad World) and App Pricing On Apple

Troll 2's Weird Road to Web Infamy Smokin' Fast Notebook Swaps Brian Raftery (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 4/5/2010 9:00:00 PM

The gloriously strange and

inexplicable cult favorite Troll 2 will finally get its turn on the big screen in the documentary Best Worst Movie.

Graphics Performance for Low Price Christopher Null (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 4/5/2010 5:20:00 PM

Think cheap means slow? Not in the case of Gateway's NV5933u notebook.



E-reader News Edition

Get Ready for a Tsunami of Political Ads on Facebook and Google Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:25:22 AM

In a few months, you won't be able to check your news feed or your Gmail account without being bombarded with political ads. At least, that's what Facebook and Google are preparing for--and, understandably, hoping for. While the 2008 election was really the first 21st-century election in terms of its use of new media and new technology, adoption and progression of those same technologies (and some new ones) are moving fast enough that the Internet is even more ripe for advertising in 2010. Both Facebook and Google either are or are in the process of embracing locationbased features, which are of particular use to advertisers for their increased targeting accuracy. Facebook is more popular than ever. Google rolled out a social networking service, Buzz, that despite its fairly negative reception is also very popular. The iPad, along with Android phones, have put ever more opportunities for superior advertising out there. This election is vital for both parties--not that any other election isn't, but the virulent fighting between the political

left and right has been stronger in the past few years than ever before. The Republicans need to win something, badly. Despite all their most fiery efforts, from grassroots Tea Partying to extremist rhetoric, the Republicans are still projected to run a minority in both the House and Senate in 2010. The Democrats are seen by many in their own base as floundering, making concessions without need, and disappointingly weak considering their should-be-

dominating majorities in the House and Senate, combined with a Democratic White House. And both parties are starting to adjust to the idea of using the Internet for their purposes. President Obama is famous for his YouTube fireside chats, his BlackBerry addiction, and the prominence in major speeches he's given tech issues like universal broadband access. Both parties, but maybe especially the Republicans, have embraced social networking,

especially Twitter--the Republicans are more able to spark news stories with a mere 140 characters than the Democrats. And then there's the landmark Supreme Court decision in January 2010 overturning previous campaign finance reform laws. The new laws permit corporate funding of political ads--though directly contributing to campaigns is still off-limits, corporations can now run their own ads stating

whatever they want. It's one of the most contentious decisions in recent memory: President Obama condemned it in the State of the Union address, and Democrats have variously called it "the worst court decision since Dred Scott" and immediately begun drafting legislation to overturn it. Republican leaders have embraced the decision as a blow for First Amendment rights (corporations in this case are given the same rights as a person), with both Mitch McConnell and John Boehner speaking in support. What does that decision mean? Without getting into the politics of it, it means that there is now a near-limitless pool of money allowed to flow into political campaigns--and given all those reasons to use the Internet and social networking, it's no surprise that both Facebook and Google are preparing for an influx of political ad money. Google hired Andrew Roos, a former campaign manager, to handle its political ad sales, and Facebook has begun designating certain staff specifically to political ads. We'd all best buckle up, because we're about to get hit in the face with wave upon wave of corporate and official political ads on our GET page 17

Business/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

A Brightcove IPO: Perfect Timing With iPad Web Video?


GET continued from page 16

favorite networks and online services. [Image via Wonkette]

Kit Eaton (Fast Company) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:34:29 AM

Web video engine Brightcove has just completed a $12 million round of funding from investors who see Web clips as tomorrow's money-maker. Now iPO rumors are swirling. One question remains though: Can Web videos turn a profit? The new $12 million means that since 2004 Brightcove has raised $99 million in funding-an impressive figure, given the somewhat "lightweight" feel of the Net video business. And what's Brightcove done with its $0.1 billion dollars? Amassed an impressive client base, mainly-including the online versions of prestigious publications like the New York Times and Time magazine. The company, riding high on these successes and this new multi-million dollar pile of investment cash, is now expected to go public as soon as 2011. But what's Brightcove actually going to do with this new money? Nobody knows exactly, of course, but we've got to hope that it uses it to innovate the services it offers. And the reason for this is that the question of profitability in Web

video serving has been a tricky one until just recently. Hulu released some financial data recently, reporting that it had generated over $100 million in revenues, which after deducting all the business costs resulted in a genuine profit...but the media community wasn't hugely convinced of this fact, given the profit's small size. And while guesses about YouTube's revenues have reached lofty figures like $1 billion in 2011, other commenters are noting that although it's the world's biggest Web video system, and has been around for five years, it's only likely to tip into making a profit this year--2010--despite

trillions of user video-views, and those hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue. Scalability, as always, is the central problem of serving video through pipes. It does looks like Web video serving is on a tipping point in terms of profitability though, making Brightcove's timing seem excellent. And one innovative trick it may be using to leverage an advantage at this critical moment is its switch over to non-Flash HTML5 tech-something Google's only experimented with so far. This makes the videos it serves compatible with Apple's iPad, as well as future generations of

browsers, ditches the proprietary (and allegedly mobile computer battery-sapping) Adobe tech, and positions Brightcove to surf down the huge wave of mobile web surfing that will result from the iPad's presumed success. It had better surf quickly though: Just the other day Google bought Episodic (a small company that promised to "monetize" Web video) to shore up YouTube's future cashearning powers. To keep up with this news and more like it, follow me, Kit Eaton, on Twitter. That QR code on the left will take you to my Twitter feed too.

Leaked: Is this the Samsung Moment2 for Sprint? Greg Kumparak (CrunchGear) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:15:15 AM

Oh, Sprint Moment; we hardly knew ye. You were just announced in October of last year, right as Android 2.0 made its grand debut. And yet, there you sit, still holding on to Android 1.6. Before you’ve even had the opportunity to dance in the up-to-date spotlight, it looks like Samsung is already working on your replacement. Read the rest at MobileCrunch >>



E-reader News Edition

Inc. 5000 Applicant of the Week: Lexicon Consulting Josh Spiro ( Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:00:00 AM

As applications for the 2010 Inc. 500 | 5000 arrive, we thought it would be worthwhile to shine a spotlight on some of the companies that are vying to appear on our ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in the U.S. (For more information and to apply, go to ly/2010/.) One that caught our eye was El Cajon, Californiabased Lexicon Consulting. CEO Jamie Latshaw got the idea to start Lexicon Consulting while she served for eight-years as a transportation officer, coordinating equipment shipments by air, land, and sea for the military. During that time, she met her husband and business partner Leroy, who was piloting helicopters for the Army in Macedonia.The pair both spent time at the Army's

National Training Center in Fort Irwin, California, where they noticed the center's focus shifting from combat training to cultural awareness training. At the time, "there were a handful of companies who hired role players for this purpose," says Latshaw, "but many weren't hiring native Iraqis and Afghanis who could speak the

language and teach the culture." The couple saw an opportunity to provide more realistic and holistic training to soldiers shipping overseas and the idea for Lexicon Consulting was born.The company now caters to a variety of Armed Forces branches, as well as the Department of Defense, but Lexicon didn't land their first

didn't come from the military at all, rather it was Hollywood that came knocking. The company provided the services of their linguists and role players to movie and television war reenactments including the movies Jarhead, Three Kings, and Transformers and the television series 24.Now the company has grown to 45 fulltime employees, and dropped its commercial arm to focus on government work. Latshaw says that what keeps her going is the fact that "we are seeing the same troops returning after multiple big contract on day one. "For d e p l o y m e n t s [ a n d ] i t i s the first year or so, we traveled extremely rewarding for our role from military base to military players, managers, and cultural base in our trailer and wrote experts who conduct the training proposals, made phone calls, to receive positive feedback and filled out loan applications, and know that they've made a conducted payroll with a post difference." office box as our corporate address," Latshaw recalls.Surprisingly, the company's first handful of gigs

25 Miners Killed in Massey Energy Mine Blast Mark Fightmaster (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 4/6/2010 8:40:00 AM

Filed under: Bad News The horrible news began to leak out late Monday and through the night: A mine explosion in West Virginia killed 25 miners, with four still missing. The mine is the property of Massey Energy (

MEE) and is located roughly 30 miles south of Charleston, West Virginia. Rescuers will attempt to bore holes to allow gas to be ventilated from the mine, which would allow rescue efforts to continue. Unfortunately, it will take roughly 12 hours before the drilling is complete and safety can be established in the mine --

which means that a search for the four missing miners won't

start until around 6 p.m. Tuesday. There is a chance that the four miners made it to one of three airtight chambers that are stocked with enough food, air, and water for miners to survive for four days. Continue reading 25 Miners Killed in Massey Energy Mine Blast 25 Miners Killed in Massey

Energy Mine Blast originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 08:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Sorry Eric Sprott, There's No Way You're Buying Gold From The IMF (PHYS, GLD) Vince Veneziani (The Money Game)

• Sprott can't buy the gold directly because they do not deal with institutional clients like Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:27:40 AM hedge funds, pension funds, etc. So here's the deal: a few weeks The only buyers can be central Circuit Board Heels ago, hedge funder and investor bankers and sovereign nations, Have Me Spouting Eric Sprott started up a physical that sort of thing. gold bullion ETF that trades • The IMF board agreed months Vogue-Isms In The Face under the ticker "PHYS." a g o h o w t h e y w a n t e d t o Of Their Beauty [Shoes] The ETF IPO'd on February approach the sale of the gold. 26th with 40 million shares Sprott is welcome to buy from Kat Hannaford (Gizmodo) outstanding and the trust has central banks who have bought Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:00:16 AM listed assets of 13,685 ounces of from the IMF, but not from the Accessorize summer's dreamy gold owned, according to Jesse's IMF directly. palette of nudes and pastels with Cafe Americain. a pair of circuit board heels Meanwhile, in mid-February, And there you have it. It's from little-known designer the IMF decided to sell a ton of simply a matter of protocol and gold. Specifically, 403.3 metric Mr. Sprott not adhering to it. Steve Rodrig. While kitten heels tonnes of the stuff. It sold 200 For Sprott to buy up 191.3 are the height du jour this IMF refused to sell it. It caused • The IMF is only selling gold tonnes to the Reserve Bank of metric tonnes, which is equal to season, Rodrig's jade pumps India, 10 tonnes to the Central a lot of commotion and got though a qualified agent. There 6,747,908.92 ounces, in US r e d e f i n e m o d e r n i s m . [ Bank of Sri Lanka, and 2 tonnes some people heated up about the is only one of these agents at the dollars at the current price of XactStudios via Make via to the Bank of Mauritius, a total matter. It was characterized as moment and due to the nature of $1129.40 would cost him, well, UberGizmo] More » Sprott calling the IMF's bluff. the gold market, they won't of 212 tonnes. a lot. More than anyone can That left 191.3 metric tonnes So we called the IMF to get the reveal who or what that agent is. afford. Perhaps he should go the left available for purchase to full story. We spoke with • The IMF is also phasing out route of buying through central qualified buyers, which include Alistair Thomson, external the gold sale and does not intend banks. That or he could always central banks and sovereign relations officer at the IMF, who to dump it all at once because to hit the Yukon with a pan. nations. According to Kitco, cleared up the matter for us. do so would disrupt markets, Join the conversation about this Jeff Neumann (Gawker) Eric Sprott bid to buy the Here's the breakdown of what which is obviously not their story » intention. Submitted at 4/6/2010 8:21:46 AM remaining 191.3 tonnes and the he told us:

Annie Leibovitz is Being Sued Again [Payment Due]

There’s Gelaskins for iPad now~! Nicholas Deleon (CrunchGear)

Y’all know Gelaskins, right? The neat-looking, device-sized decals that you stick to your Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:30:46 AM laptop, phone, or whatnot? Forgot to mention this last They’re available for the iPad night, so apologies in advance. now. Rejoice!

The iPad version of the

The famous photographer owes $800,000 in unpaid fees to an investment firm who refinanced gelaskins are $29.95—about her old debts. The firm secured $10 more than iPhone versions. a $40 million loan for Leibovitz “Keep Calm and Carry On” is last month. [ Reuters] More » thoroughly fantastic.


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E-reader News Edition

How Greece Has Become A 13-Year Old Child, Terrified Of What The Market Thinks Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:32:00 AM

A report came out suggesting that Greece wanted to change the recent Europe-IMF aid plan, in order to avoid the fiscal austerity measures, and Greek bond spreads exploded as investors routed from Greek bonds overnight. Yields on 2-year Greek debt rose an astonishing 95 basis points to hit 6.60%. Now, Greek officials are rushing out control the damage and deny the contents of the aforementioned report, post the market reaction. According to Reuters, an official has attempted to counter claims of wanting to skirt the IMF, saying, "There is no request from Greece to renegotiate the agreement. There is a deal on the support mechanism and we are sticking to it." So let's face it... Greece has

turned into Europe's 13-year old economy. It is immensely terrified of how markets perceive it, given the country's precarious debt situation. Even current levels of interest cost demanded from the marketplace are clearly unsustainable based on even simple math, thus the rush to clarify official positions at even

the smallest sign of market jitters. Yet also like an adolescent, the nation doesn't see the incongruity of repeatedly biting the hand that feeds it. Greece has been defiantly attacking Germany and Europe over how it should be bailed out, even accusing Germany of playing a race card. Protesters oppose

efforts to bring rampant overspending under control, at the same time outraged that markets should punish their actions while simultaneously being financed by markets to meet their current standard of living. In a third parallel to adolescence, the nation isn't supporting itself either. Greek debt would be trading at far higher yields (lower prices) if the nation didn't have an implicit promise of support from Europe. If Greece were forced to pay substantially higher yields, it would most likely face an acute financial crisis. This is because even current yields aren't sustainable. Thus Greece is Europe's 13year old, but its lack of financial independence means that this isn't by choice. It is simply the harsh reality. Join the conversation about this story »

SuperNES on iPad Is So Nice [Apple] Jesus Diaz (Gizmodo) Submitted at 4/6/2010 8:34:38 AM

The SuperNES emulator for iPad is extremely fast and, according to Snes4iphone developer ZodTTD, "it looks, sounds, and plays great." The best thing: It's just a quick port of the iPhone version. The worst thing: It's not an official app. More »

Plastic Logic Que Still Delayed, But Could I Interest You in Plastic Logic? [Plastic Logic] Brian Barrett (Gizmodo) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:17:38 AM

The promising-but-pricey

Plastic Logic Que was enticing when first announced, but extensive delays have made it less appealing. Still, major

Plastic Logic investor Herrman

Hauser selflessly thinks now would be the perfect time for someone to buy up the company. More »

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HAITI continued from page 14

for Haiti? I doubt it. For one thing, it is impossible to separate the future growth of Haiti’s cities from the future path of its economy. Right now, “our economic advantage is in agriculture and tourism, and these are by nature decentralized,” argued Leslie Voltaire, an urban planner and a special envoy for Haiti to the United Nations. New Urbanism is a reaction against suburbandriven sprawl--the landscape created during the peak of American industrialization. New Urbanism can be seen as an attempt to (re)create a denser urban form better suited to our post-industrial economy of ideas --one in which a laptop and WiFi are the only factory you need. The problem with rebuilding

Haiti along New Urbanist lines is that Haiti’s is a pre-industrial economy, not a post-industrial one. It needs urban concentration for manufacturing and infrastructure aimed at supporting exports--not a fantasy of self-sufficient agriculture. The Bottom Billion author Paul Collier made the same case in The Guardian on Friday that he made to the UN more than a year ago: Haiti needs to leverage its poverty to break into the global garment trade. “In Bangladesh the sector provides more than 2 million jobs;” he wrote, “in Haiti, 100,000 jobs would be transformative.” Collier is no fan of Port-auPrince, either, but he stresses the need for industrial cities over

post-industrial ones--his wish list calls for factories, export zones, ports, and roads rather than New Urbanist villages with an emphasis on farming. If history is any indication, Collier’s landscape has a better chance of lifting Haitians out of poverty than the one presented last week at the United Nations-and the latter’s backers seem to know it. “This will only work if these poles become magnets of attraction--with agriculture, tourism, industry and especially jobs,” Voltaire told the Times. “Otherwise, these people are going to come back.”


ThinkGeek's Universal Wrist Charger Gives Life While On The Move [Chargers] Kat Hannaford (Gizmodo) Submitted at 4/6/2010 8:20:29 AM

Strap the wrist charger 'round the skinniest part of your arm, and juice up your console, or other miniUSB-supporting 47 but will get through a couple device. The 1,500mAh Li-Ion hours' usage. More » battery won't power you to level

Gov 2.0 iPad Apps Are Lobbying for Your App Store Clicks Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

developing firm NIC popped a few of its apps into Apple's early iPad app selection, and it's Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:42:56 AM an encouraging sign of things to The United States government, come. or at least the governments of a The apps, all free, are pretty few of its states, aren't about to basic at the moment: They're all let the launch of the iPad pass driver's license practice exams, t h e m b y . F i v e s o - c a l l e d and they've only got five states "eGovernment" apps launched r e p r e s e n t e d ( N e b r a s k a , alongside the tablet on Saturday. Tennessee, Utah, Kentucky, and Granted, the apps are all of a W e s t V i r g i n i a ) . B u t N I C sort and aren't nearly as exciting stresses in their announcement a s t h e b l o c k b u s t e r " M o s t that these apps are far from the iTunes to find them). Said CEO Wanted" app for the iPhone and end of their sojourn in the App Harry Herington: iPod Touch. But eGovernment Store (search for "NICUSA" in "As soon as the iPad was

unveiled, NIC started building these apps because we recognized how popular this device was going to be. We’re also proud to help five of our state partners lead the industry by offering the first government apps designed specifically for the iPad, and we look forward to introducing many more iPad and iPhone apps for our government partners in the future." What could be next for governmental apps? There are already unofficial tax apps (very

popular at the moment, no surprise), but there are all sorts of forms that could be made cheap and effective on a tablet format like the iPad's. Hey, maybe if the census was an iPad app, I'd have remembered to send it back within the first two weeks of receiving it! If you find any examples of eGovernment apps that are worth writing about, drop us a line at with details.


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Finally, iBookend gives the iPad an ability that’s not found on the HP Slate Matt Burns (CrunchGear) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:49:15 AM

Google Gives Buzz Control Back to Its Users Addy Dugdale (Fast Company)

so. This attracted a lot of complaints, since it essentially showed your contacts to the Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:27:22 AM world even if you didn't want Barely two months after its that to be the case. Take, for launch, Google has rejiggered example, the case of Andrew Buzz. McLaughlin, Deputy Chief The platform, which marries Technology Office for the social networking and W h i t e H o u s e . W h e n collaborative working--or rather, McLaughlin's Buzz profile went sets the two ideas on a collision public, it showed the entire course--was originally set up to w o r l d a l l o f t h e G o o g l e automatically add friends to its lobbyists and lawyers he's in users' pages without their say- contact with.

Now Google has bowed to people's wishes and, instead of foisting your contacts upon you, now"suggests" people for you to follow. In addition, your Buzz status is highlighted and it's easier to change than previously. Google should be extremely mindful of what happened to Beacon, which was eventually killed off after public outcry forced Mark Zuckerberg and his team to rethink, patch and then, ultimately, discard the service.

In its place is now an opt-in system that allows users to vote on advertisements, rather than sneakily passing on their data to advertisers. Unlike the Facebook Beacon debacle, this wasn't a malicious attempt by the firm to garner even more information from its users. Think of it, instead, as a classic example of how Google code heads and real people don't always want the same thing.

The HP Slate kicks the innards out of the iPad in so many ways. It has a faster CPU, a full OS, SD card slot, and a whole bunch more. But the Slate can’t be double as a bookend. So there. [ Variations on Normal via pocket -lint]

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Is Loehmann's on the Brink?

Inside the iPad: A Look at Apple's Suppliers

Zac Bissonnette (BloggingStocks)

Steven Halpern (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:20:00 AM

Submitted at 4/6/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: Bad News, Recession The New York Post reports exclusively that"Suppliers to the off-price clothing chain -- which was acquired by Dubai-based Istithmar in 2006 for $300 million -- have begun to withhold shipments to stores as concerns mount about the retailer's shaky finance." The chain of discount department stores was founded in 1921, and most recently declared bankruptcy in May 1999. There are now 63 stores in 17 states, but competition and the recession, combined with Isthimar's own financial woes, have the chain on the ropes. One "major factoring firm" has

Filed under: Apple Inc (AAPL), Texas Instruments (TXN), Broadcom Corp'A' (BRCM)"It was interesting to watch the stopped extending credit to the p u n d i t s r e a c t t o t h e i P a d company according to the Post, recently; even though none of w h i c h c o u l d i m p e r i l t h e them had used or even really company's ability to keep its understood the product, it stores stocked for the fall selling seemed as though no one liked it season. following its first introduction," Continue reading Is notes tech expert Paul Loehmann's on the Brink? McWilliams in his just-released Is Loehmann's on the Brink? review of the new tech device o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n from Apple ( AAPL). BloggingStocks on Tue, 06 Apr In his Next Inning newsletter, 2010 09:20:00 EST. Please see he explains, "Of course, this was our terms for use of feeds. Read| similar to how the pundits first P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | reacted to the iPod when it was Comments released. As the pundits trashed the iPad following its release, I

reminded readers about the iPod story and predicted we would see the pundits about face and the stock price run up ahead of the product release." Continue reading Inside the iPad: A Look at Apple's Suppliers Inside the iPad: A Look at Apple's Suppliers originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments


Well, That's One Use For The iPad... [Ipad Accessories] Kat Hannaford (Gizmodo) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:33:13 AM

Shame you'd have to fork out $39.99 for the iBookend to give the iPad purpose (if it were a real product, obviously). [ Dominic Wilcox] More Âť

Actually, The Unemployment Ratio Is 41% Joe Weisenthal (The Money Game)

which is the lowest its been since the early 80s. Fortunately, the recent end of Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:46:00 AM layoffs seems to have staunched The broadest measure of the fall. unemployment is the Civilian But even if the economy Employment-Population Ratio, rebounds, don't expect this which is exactly what it sounds measure to jump back to old like: the ratio of employed highs. civilians to the total population. For one thing, the recovery It stands right around 59%, could very well be jobless.

But beyond that, demographics won't be very favorable here as more and more Americans

retire, placing a greater strain on those who are working. The one way this won't be true

if is we continue to keep bringing in immigrants like we have. Let's hope the integration of them works out well. And don't miss: 10 countries on the verge of a crippling demographic crisis > Join the conversation about this story Âť


Business/ Popular News/ Entertainment/

AIG Financial Honcho to Dodge Indictment Tom Johansmeyer (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:40:00 AM

Filed under: Scandals, Amer Intl Group (AIG), Financial Crisis After two years of digging, it looks like former American International Group ( AIG) executive Joseph Cassano will emerge unscathed. Well, at least he won't wind up behind bars. The former head of AIG Financial Products Group is expected to meet with attorneys from the U.S. Justice Department this week to learn that criminal charges will not be filed. The investigators didn't find any evidence that Cassano fibbed to his superiors, shareholders or outside auditors

about the problems brewing in AIG FPG. Continue reading AIG Financial Honcho to Dodge Indictment AIG Financial Honcho to Dodge Indictment originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 09:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Sexy Through the Years: The Sultry Styles of Jennifer Lopez! (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 4/6/2010 3:30:00 AM

Actress! Singer! Dancer! Mother of twins! Jennifer Lopez can do it all! Take a look through over 13 years of photos, as the

curvaceous songstress dazzles down a decade of red carpets and stuns on stage. The sultry star lights up the silver screen in the romantic comedy 'The Back-up Plan,' hitting theaters Friday, April 23.

E-reader News Edition

Obama to release new nuclear plan (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

refusal to adhere to international demands has raised fears of a possible strike on its nuclear Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:22:17 AM facilities by the US or Israel. B a r a c k O b a m a i s s e t t o The New York Times said Mr a n n o u n c e a n e w d e f e n c e Obama described his new policy strategy that would reduce the as "part of a broader effort to circumstances in which the US edge the world toward making would be prepared to use nuclear weapons obsolete, and nuclear weapons. to create incentives for countries It would rule out a nuclear t o g i v e u p a n y n u c l e a r response to attacks on the US a m b i t i o n s " . involving biological, chemical The details of his plan - the or conventional weapons. Nuclear Posture Review - are to Nor would the US use nuclear be published later on Tuesday. arms on non-nuclear states that Its release comes ahead of a comply with the nuclear non- planned signing by Mr Obama proliferation treaty. and his Russian counterpart, Mr Obama said he would make Dmitry Medvedev, of a new exceptions for states deemed in nuclear arms reduction pact in violation of the treaty, naming Prague on Thursday. Iran and North Korea. But Russia drew some lines in Ahead of the report's release, the sand on Tuesday. Mr Obama told the New York Moscow warned it would Times he was convinced Iran reserve the right to pull out of was on a course that "would the new treaty if it decided a US provide them with nuclear missile defence shield, now weapons capabilities". planned for Romania, threatened Reduction pact its security. Last week, Mr Obama said he Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov wanted to see new UN sanctions said if Moscow deemed the plan on Tehran "within weeks". a "risk to the Russian strategic Please turn on JavaScript. nuclear forces, then we will Media requires JavaScript to have the right to use the play. [withdrawal] option which the Tehran insists its nuclear treaty contains". programme is peaceful, but its The pact, agreed last month,

commits Russia and the US to big cuts in nuclear warheads. It would replace the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start), which expired last December. The treaty would restrict both Russia and the US to 1,550 warheads, about 30% less than currently allowed, the US says. Mr Obama hailed it as the most comprehensive weapons control agreement in nearly two decades. He is hosting a nuclear nonproliferation summit in Washington next week, which is set to be attended by dozens of world leaders. The US president has said his goal is a nuclear weapon-free world, and has promised to cut the number of such arms in the US arsenal. A White House statement on Monday said the new nuclear policy offered "an alternative to developing new nuclear weapons, which we reject". Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Priest accused of US abuse won't fight extradition (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

Nelson denied he was the same priest who had served in New York and hung up. However, his NEW DELHI – A Roman bishop, the Most Rev. Peter Catholic priest charged with R e m i g i u s , c o n f i r m e d t h a t sexually assaulting a teenage Nelson had returned to India parishioner in Minnesota said after serving his jail term and Tuesday he would willingly continued to work as a priest in leave his native India and try to the bishop's office in his home clear his name in the courts if diocese of Kottar in southern the United States tried to India. extradite him. "His conviction was finished, Meanwhile, the bishop who and he has finished his term," o v e r s e e s t h e R e v . J o s e p h Remigius said. "He is not in Palanivel Jeyapaul said he had charge of any parish ... he is o v e r r u l e d a V a t i c a n helping people who are recommendation that the alcoholic." accused priest be removed from Remigius said Nelson had the priesthood and applied his already returned to Kottar when own lesser punishment. he took over as bishop in 2007. "Unless guilt is proved, we He was not aware of any cannot take any strong action," correspondence between the said the Most Rev. A. Almaraj Vatican and his predecessor, the of the Diocese of Ootacamund Most Rev. Leon A. Tharmaraj, in southern India. regarding whether Nelson In a separate case, a church should be removed from the official confirmed Tuesday that p r i e s t h o o d f o l l o w i n g h i s a priest convicted of fondling a conviction. Tharmaraj died in 12-year-old altar girl in New 2007. York more than a decade ago The revelation came a day after had returned home to India critics of the Catholic Church where he still served as a priest. highlighted Jeyapaul's case as The Rev. Francis X. Nelson another example of what they was sentenced to four months in said is a practice of protecting prison in 2003 in connection child-molesting priests from the with his role as a visiting priest law. at a church in Brooklyn. His Jeyapaul, who denied the victim testified that Nelson accusations, was one of many showed up at her grandmother's foreign priests brought to help apartment uninvited and groped fill shortages in U.S. parishes. her. Last year, about one-quarter of In a telephone call with The the newly ordained priests in the Associated Press on Tuesday, United States were foreign-born, Submitted at 4/6/2010 4:57:55 AM

according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University. Jeyapaul, 55, came to Minnesota in 2004 and was assigned to work at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Greenbush, a town of fewer than 1,000 people just south of the Canadian border. In 2005, he went to India to visit his ailing mother. While he was in India, he was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a 16-year-old girl, and Bishop Victor Balke of the Diocese of Crookston, Minnesota, told Jeyapaul not to come back or he would go to the police. Jeyapaul was later charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old female parishioner. Balke also notified the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the top office in the Vatican that was formerly headed by Pope Benedict XVI and handles all abuse cases involving priests. The Vatican said officials thought Jeyapaul should be removed from the priesthood, but under church law, the decision was up to the local bishop in India. Almaraj held his own canonical trial and sentenced Jeyapaul to spend a year in a monastery. "He didn't want to leave the priesthood, so then we took this administrative process,"

Almaraj said. "He is accused. If it is proved he is guilty, then the necessary action will be taken with the guidelines from the Vatican." In a May 2006 letter, a Vatican official said Jeyapaul's bishop in India had been instructed to monitor him "so that he does not constitute a risk to minors and does not create scandal." Vatican officials said they cooperated with efforts to extradite him to the U.S. — even providing authorities with his exact location in India. Almaraj said Monday that there had been no discussion of Jeyapaul returning to the United States to face the charges, but he said Tuesday that in light of the very public criticism of the case he should go back. "It is his duty to prove his innocence," he said. In a brief press statement later in the day, Almaraj said Jeyapaul's case would be referred to the Catholic Bishops Conference of India. The Rev. Babu Joseph, spokesman for the conference, stressed that the church would ask Jeyapaul to face the courts in the U.S. if an extradition request was made. He said church officials in India also planned to issue new guidelines for dealing with similar situations by the end of the month. "We don't want any leniency on this. We take it very seriously,"

he said. Jeyapaul, who continues to work in the diocese office handling paperwork for schools, said he would not put up a fight if the United States tried to extradite him. "I am ready to go because I am innocent. I am ready to prove I did not do any wrong," he said. Lisa Hanson, the prosecutor in northern Minnesota's Roseau County, said her office has been working with the U.S. Justice Department to extradite Jeyapaul. "He's charged with serious felonies here in this country," Hanson said. "We want justice for the victim here and we want to do whatever we can to protect potential future victims everywhere." Officials at India's Foreign Ministry were not available to discuss whether the U.S. asked for Jeyapaul's extradition. Jeyapaul said his accusers falsely targeted him to get money from the Minnesota diocese, and he fought back against the Vatican's recommendation that he no longer be a priest. "I explained to the Vatican that I am not guilty, so I do not want to leave the priesthood," he said. An attorney for the alleged victim in the Minnesota case, Jeff Anderson, demanded Jeyapaul be suspended and PRIEST page 30


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Cameras make Chicago most closely watched US city (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

of the city. Officials can watch video live at a sprawling emergency command center, CHICAGO – When the body of police stations and even some C h i c a g o ' s s c h o o l b o a r d squad cars. president was found partially "I don't think there is another submerged in a river last fall, a city in the U.S. that has as an bullet wound to the head, extensive and integrated camera cameras helped prove it was a network as Chicago has," said suicide. Michael Chertoff, the former F r i e n d s h a d s p e c u l a t e d Homeland Security secretary. someone forced Michael Scott New York has plenty of to drive to the river before cameras, but about half of the shooting him — and maybe 4,300 installed along the city's even wrapped his fingers around subways don't work. Other cities the trigger. haven't been able to link But within days, police n e t w o r k s l i k e C h i c a g o . recreated Scott's 20-minute Baltimore, for example, doesn't drive through the city using high integrate school cameras with its -tech equipment that singled out emergency system and it can't his car on a succession of i m m e d i a t e l y s e n d 9 1 1 surveillance cameras, handing dispatchers video from the the image from camera to camera nearest to a call like camera. The video didn't capture Chicago can. Scott's final moments, but it Even London — widely helped convince police his death considered the world's most w a s a s u i c i d e : H e w a s n ' t closely watched city with an followed. He wasn't following estimated 500,000 cameras — anyone. He never picked up a doesn't incorporate private passenger. cameras in its system as The investigation offered a C h i c a g o d o e s . riveting demonstration of the While critics decry the network most extensive and sophisticated as the biggest of Big Brother video surveillance system in the invasions of privacy, most United States, and one that is Chicago residents accept them transforming what it means to as a fact of life in a city that has be in public in Chicago. always had a powerful local In less than a decade and with government and police force. little opposition, the city has And authorities say the system linked thousands of cameras — h e l p s t h e m r e s p o n d t o on street poles and skyscrapers, emergencies in a way never aboard buses and in train tunnels before possible. A dispatcher — in a network covering most can tell those racing to the scene Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:00:12 AM

how big a fire is or what a gunman looks like. If a package is left sitting next to a building for more than a few minutes, a camera can send an alert. Cameras have recorded drug deals, bike thefts and a holiday bell ringer dipping his hand into a pot outside a downtown store. Footage from a camera on a city bus helped convince a suspected gang member to plead guilty to shooting a 16-year-old high school student in 2007. In the death of the school board president, the cameras helped diffuse mounting suspicion and anger. "It really closed that piece of the puzzle," police Superintendent Jody Weis said. "We don't know what was going through his head, but we definitely know he was alone." The network began less than a decade ago with a dozen cameras installed in Grant Park to deter violence during the annual Taste of Chicago festival. It now includes private cameras as well as those installed by a variety of public agencies. While authorities won't say exactly how many cameras are included, with 1,500 installed by emergency officials, 6,500 in city schools and many more at public and private facilities, nobody disputes an estimate of 10,000 and growing. Weis said he would like to add "covert" cameras, perhaps as small as

matchboxes. City officials from around the world have visited Chicago to see the system and how effective it is. Chicago police point to 4,000 arrests made since 2006 with the help of cameras. And, an unpublished study by the Washington-based Urban Institute found crime in one neighborhood — including drug sales, robberies and weapons offenses — decreased significantly after cameras were installed, said Nancy La Vigne, director of the institute's Justice Policy Center. "It does stop people from coming out and acting the fool," observed Larry Scott, who lives in one of the city's last remaining public housing high rises. He said residents rarely complain, unless they get caught for a minor offense or the cameras fail to record a violent attack. "People were upset when that boy was killed by the 2-by-4 and there were no pictures," he said, referring to the beating death of a high school student that was recorded by cell phone but not city cameras last year. Police say they usually hear from Chicago residents about the cameras only when they want one installed in their neighborhood or worry one will be removed. Such a claim is supported by an unlikely source:

The American Civil Liberties Union, which has criticized the use of cameras as an invasion of privacy and ineffective crime fighting tool. "It does appear that people only object is when they get a ticket (because of a camera) for running a red light," ACLU spokesman Edwin Yohnka said. Although courts have generally found surveillance cameras placed in public don't violate individuals' privacy, Yohnka said they could too easily be misused. "What protections are in place to stop a rogue officer from taking a highly powerful camera and aim it in a way to find or track someone who is perhaps a former love interest or something like that?" he asked. Aric Roush, director of information services at the city's 911 center, responded that dispatchers see nothing officers wouldn't see if they were on the scene. "You can't afford to put a police officer on every single corner (and) it is a lot more cost effective and efficient to put a camera where you don't have eyes," he said. Chicago residents tend to be tough on crime and are likely to support any tool police use, said Paul Green, a Roosevelt University political science professor. Many literally CAMERAS page 28

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West Virginia mine explosion kills 25 (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:10:36 AM

Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Relatives and neighbours talk of their grief and fears Twenty-five miners are now known to have died and four are missing in an accident at a West Virginia coal mine. The worst mine disaster in the US since 1984 was caused by an underground explosion at Upper Big Branch, about 30 miles (50km) south of Charleston. It happened at about 1500 (1900 GMT) in a chamber 330m (1,000ft) below ground, mine owner Massey Energy Company said. The rescue operation has been suspended because rising methane gas levels have heightened the risk of another blast. The operation will resume as soon as conditions allow, Massey Energy said. There are plans to drill boreholes from the surface to monitor gas levels and attempt to ventilate the mine chamber. A mine safety official said rescue teams had reached one of the mine's airtight chambers stocked with food, water and oxygen but found no-one there. "I just spoke with President Obama and he has promised to make every asset available to

help us and we will be in contact as the rescue continues," said West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin. "We are all working diligently together and I ask that everyone pray for the miners, their families and our rescue teams." 'Dire situation' Monday's explosion happened as 29 workers were in a vehicle transporting them out of the mine during a shift change. Miners in a vehicle ahead felt a blast of air and went back to find out what happened, finding several people dead and two injured. Rescuers had been trying to reach trapped miners further into the mine, but some of them also appear to have been found

dead. Four miners remain unaccounted for, but officials said there was not much hope of finding them alive because none had reached a rescue chamber. "The situation is dire," Kevin Stricklin, an administrator for the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration, told a news conference. Steve Smith, who was entering another part of the mine several miles away at the time of the blast, said dust was lingering in the air. "The farther we got down the track the more the wind picked up and... before you knew it, it's like your ears stopped up, you couldn't hear, and the next thing you know, you're in the middle

of a tornado," he told MetroNews. "Since we weren't that far underground... we just hurried up and high-tailed it back to the outside." One of those killed, Benny Willingham, was 62 years old and only five weeks away from retiring, his sister-in-law Sheila Prillaman said. The mother of another miner described how she had first heard about the accident. "I just started getting all these phone calls. They asked me if Kevin was working the evening or day, that's all they said. When I told him 'evening'... they told me there had been an explosion," Jenny Waycaster told the Associated Press.

Gov Manchin told reporters overnight that seven bodies had so far been recovered and identified, but the other 18 had not. "The families want closure. They want names. They understand the challenges. Right now I told them to do what they do best. Love each other and come together as a family," he added. Sheri McGraw of the American Red Cross said the gathering of families awaiting news was "the most horrifying thing I've ever seen". Safety record State mining director Ron Wooten said that although the situation did not seem promising, rescuers had not "given up hope at all". Earlier reports suggested that some of the miners may have survived, evoking memories of the Sago mine disaster in the same state in 2006 when 13 miners trapped for 42 hours were declared to be still alive, only for 12 of them to be found dead. Massey Energy says on its website that it has a safety record that is above the national average, with three fatalities in the last 12 years. But federal inspectors have fined the company more than $382,000 (ÂŁ251,700) for serious violations at the mine over the WEST page 29


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Business owners work to repair damage from quake (AP)

China soya ban angers Argentina

(Yahoo! News: U.S. News)

(BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

because of damage to a federal building and will not open until engineers finish inspecting it. CALEXICO, Calif. – Business No date was set for when the owners in Calexico are working port will reopen to vehicle to repair damage to their stores traffic, and for now drivers who and trying to resume some sense want to enter the United States of normalcy following one of must go 10 miles out of their the strongest earthquakes to hit way to another border crossing. the region in decades. Inspectors red-tagged nearly 80 B u s i n e s s e s a l r e a d y w e r e percent of the city's historic suffering from the hard downtown area Monday. economic times on both sides of Yellow police tape lined the the U.S.-Mexico border when streets of the city's downtown Sunday's deadly 7.2-magnitude littered with broken glass and earthquake shattered storefronts, fallen plaster from the prewar caved in roofs and caused buildings. Calexico's vital international City Manager Victor Carrillo port of entry for vehicles to shut said the damage will easily total down. millions of dollars. Calexico, the U.S. city hit Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger hardest by the quake, has one of proclaimed a state of emergency the highest unemployment rates Monday for Imperial County, in California, and business w h i c h w i l l f r e e u p s t a t e owners say even after they resources to aid the recovery repair the damages to their effort. stores, it could take months or "We're going to be hurting for a longer for the economy to while," said Polo Loo, whose bounce back. grocery store was littered with The port of entry was closed merchandise on the floor. "The Submitted at 4/6/2010 12:36:41 AM

economy was not great already and with this, it is going to be even worse." Damage included three huge tanks that hold the water supply for the city of about 38,000 residents, as well as a 10 million -gallon water-clarifying tank, Carrillo said. Officials were pushing for federal money to come quickly before the desert city's temperatures soar above 110 degrees this summer, he added. Two people were killed and at least 100 injured near the epicenter of the huge quake in Mexicali, just south of the border. Dozens of aftershocks have rattled the region. ___ Associated Press Writer Elliot Spagat in Mexicali contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

CAMERAS continued from page 26

applauded the officers who swung billy clubs at protesters during the 1968 Democratic National Convention, he recalled. Mayor Richard Daley, he said,

"could put 10,000 more cameras Term Extraction. up and nobody would say anything." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS,

Submitted at 4/6/2010 1:28:01 AM

Argentina has complained to the Chinese government about a planned boycott of its soya oil exports amid a growing trade dispute. China's ambassador to Argentina was summoned on Monday after a Chinese trade body told traders not to buy Argentine soya oil. China says it will ban imports because the oil fails to meet quality standards. But it is also seen as the latest move in a long-running trade dispute. In recent months, Argentina has sought to restrict imports of some Chinese goods in order to protect its domestic industries. Chinese footwear and textile products are subject to import taxes. Argentina says these "antidumping measures" are necessary to prevent China now the world's biggest exporter - from flooding the market with cheap stock. Economic impact China insists that its proposed ban on Argentine oil is due to

quality concerns. It argues that the oil contains excessive levels of a solvent used in processing. A Chinese ban on soya oil would have a huge impact on Argentina's economy, which is heavily reliant on the soya oil industry. Argentina is the biggest soya oil exporter in the world, while China is its single biggest customer. Last year, Argentina exported 1.8 million tonnes of the oil to China - worth $1.4bn (ÂŁ922m). Any restriction on sales would also hurt Argentina's public finances, with the government benefitting from a 32% export tariff on soya oil. Argentina's public finances are expected to be squeezed this year as it faces debt repayments of up to $15bn. US soya oil futures rose in response to the news, with investors speculating that rival producers in Brazil and the US will benefit should the ban go ahead. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Rio de Janeiro floods kill dozens (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)

In an interview with TV Globo on Tuesday morning, Mr Paes said the situation on the city's Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:46:08 AM streets was "absolute chaos". At least 31 people have been "All the important roads are killed after torrential rain caused blocked," he said, adding that landslides and flooding in the trying to traverse the flooding Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, posed an "enormous risk". officials have said. Santos Dumont airport, which Eight people died in Rio de handles domestic flights, was Janeiro city after more than 7cm closed for two hours on Monday (3in) of rain fell in 14 hours, night, causing a number of while 14 others died in the delays. neighbouring city of Niteroi. Are you affected by the Officials in nearby Sao Goncalo flooding in Rio de Janiero? said flooding there had killed Please use the postform below nine people. to send us your contact details Rio de Janeiro's mayor has and experiences if you would be closed all schools and urged willing to speak to the BBC. workers to stay at home as most If you have photos, you can main roads are flooded. s e n d t h e m t o, text them to+44 7725 100 100 or you have a large file you can upload here. Read the terms and conditions At no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws. The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


WEST continued from page 27

past year. There have been three fatalities there since 1998 - two from roof collapses and one from electrocution - according to the Associated Press. Last year, 34 miners were killed in accidents across the US, the lowest on record. But Monday's accident is the deadliest since 1984, when 27 people were killed by a fire at Emery Mining Corp's mine in Orangeville, Utah. Are you in the area near the accident? Have you been affected by the mining disaster?

Send us your comments using the form below. The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

US Government experimenting with low-fat cake recipes (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:28:00 AM

Let them eat eat cake (but only if it’s low fat and whipped up in a lab)! The U.S. government has employed a team of scientists to create low-fat cake mixes and frosting. Food technologist Mukti Singh from the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (NCAUR) and his cake-baking crew have created a product called “Fantesk” that is

a mixture of cornstrach, oil, and water. The wonder product gives eaters a sense of fat in each bite because of the oil distribution, but contains up to

50 percent less fat than regular cake. With obesity rates lingering around one-third of the U.S. Population, Singh hopes that

cutting the fat in favorite highcalorie foods could help curb the expanding waistlines problem. Hmm, should the government spend money trying to modify calorie-filled products or just adopt a “stop eating crap” motto when it comes to the battle of the bulge? Full story at Live Science. A heaping dose of health news. Photo credit: Fotolia Permalink| Leave a comment »

Reporter Says She Was Fired in Favor of Boss's Sex Partner [Lawsuits] Hamilton Nolan (Gawker) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:21:25 AM

Leeah Brennan(pictured) was a reporter for the NBC affiliate in Kansas City. She was canned last year. In a new lawsuit, she says that happened because her boss gave her job to a strumpet who slept with him. (Sexually!) More »


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PRIEST continued from page 25

returned to the U.S. "Everyone knew there was a serious problem, but they chose not to ask and they chose not to tell," Anderson said. The Vatican has denounced such accusations and has blamed the media for what it calls a smear campaign against the pope and his advisers. ___ Associated Press reporter Patrick Condon contributed to

5 things you (probably) didn’t know about frogs (Holy Kaw!) Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:46:00 PM

Not only is April National Mathematics Education Month (try to contain your excitement), it’s also National Frog Month. Can I get a ribbit ribbit? To celebrate this frog-tastic month, we present five things you probably didn’t know about frogs: • Diversity: More than 5,000 species of frogs currently exist in the world. • High jump gold medal: The Australian Rocket Frog can jump over 50 times its height. • Not a lollipop: Folks looking

this report from St. Paul, Minnesota, Nirmala George contributed from Ootacamund, India, and Nicole Winfield contributed from Rome. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Does ACTA Kill Online Anonymity? Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

valid reasons to be infringing their copyright or related rights, to expeditiously obtain from that With the full draft of ACTA provider information on the for a high have been known to leaked, lots of people have been i d e n t i t y o f t h e r e l e v a n t lick frogs for the psychoactive h i g h l i g h t i n g t h e v a r i o u s subscriber. In other words, as side effects, but medical experts lowlights found in the draft. long as someone makes a warn of the activity’s serious Andrew Moshirnia, over at the copyright claim -- bogus or not Citizen Media Law Project, has - ISPs should be required to give dangers. • M e g a p h o n e : S o m e picked up on another one. If up who the user is. Once again, particularly loud frogs can be you read the draft, it appears to this appears to be contrary to US remove due process in revealing law. The RIAA made this heard up to a mile away. • Muppet: Jim Henson created anonymous users. While other argument in the US years ago, the prototype for Kermit the c o u n t r i e s h a v e v i e w e d and Verizon fought back and Frog using his mother’s old coat anonymity differently, in the (eventually) won, as judges and two ping pong balls as eyes. US, at least, the courts have noted that ISPs did not just have been very strong defenders of t o h a n d o v e r i n f o r m a t i o n Everything you ever wanted to the right to anonymous speech. without a lawsuit being filed and k n o w a b o u t f r o g s a t But the ACTA draft includes an official subpoena issued. So this fun tidbit: Each Party shall much for ACTA not changing A c o l l e c t i o n o f g r e a t enable right holders, who have US law, right? given effective notification to an But, an even bigger concern content. Permalink| Leave a comment » online service provider of may be how other countries materials that they claim with implement this as well. We've Submitted at 4/6/2010 2:01:00 AM

already noted that China will likely use ACTA as justification for greater censorship, but Moshirnia points out that authoritarian regimes may start (ab)using it to unveil anonymous internet users as well: Let's say I am an oppressive regime. One of the very few ways my citizens can reach me is by videotaping and publicizing my brutal methods of silencing protesters(warning, disturbing link). Now, not only can I use bogus takedown requests to pull down those videos (think a global DMCA) but I can also get the private information of the poster. So why is anyone supporting ACTA again? Permalink| Comments| Email This Story

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Drobo tries making network storage more personal (CNET

present maximum capacity of five 2TB drives. It will support larger drives when they come on Two constants endure despite the market. the unceasing change in the Fuccio prefers to compare the computing industry: our need price not to a couple 1.5for backing up data and our terabyte drives hooked up by persistent failure to actually do USB, though, but rather to it. higher-end RAID models, where One company hoping to profit costs can easily exceed $1,000 from the situation is Data even for four-drive systems. Robotics, which on Tuesday The system works with gigabit launched the new Drobo FS Ethernet connections, with the model of its multi-drive storage Drobo FS plugging directly into system family. It's geared a home router, with data transfer specifically for backing up speeds of 37 to 50 megabytes multiple computers over a local per second. However, be warned network and for sharing files that wireless networking among those computers. degrades the speed substantially The eight-pound, five-drive with Wi-Fi connections. device is the latest generation "I have a Wireless N network," from a Santa Clara, Calif.-based Fuccio said, referring to the company whose claim to fame is use drives of different sizes. including the DroboPro and The proven market for the f a s t e r , n e w e r - g e n e r a t i o n a novel method of storing data BeyondRAID automatically DroboElite that use storage area Drobo FS is small businesses wireless networking technology. on multiple hard drives called rebuilds the stored data when an network technology called and workgroups, said Mark "I get a whopping 4MB/sec on BeyondRAID. It brings some owner adds a new drive to iSCSI that's good for low-level Fuccio, senior director of it. For most people on a wireless useful extras to conventional expand capacity, pulls out a disk communications--the kind products and markets, but Drobo network, it's going to be the RAID (redundant array of smaller old drive for a newer of thing database software i s a i m i n g f o r " a d v a n c e d network that's the bottleneck." i n e x p e n s i v e s t o r a g e ) - - large one, or replaces a faulty needs. homeowners," too. People with The Drobo FS runs Linux under technology that stores data drive. The Drobo FS, though, uses a home networks can use the the covers, and that opens up the a c r o s s a g r o u p o f d r i v e s , The Drobo FS, like the Drobo S h i g h e r - l e v e l f i l e - s h a r i n g Drobo FS for backing up p o s s i b i l i t y o f r u n n i n g sacrificing some of the total it resembles, can devote one or interface, making it the latest multiple machines and sharing applications on the system to capacity in favor of better data two disks to redundancy, the attempt to interest consumers in files from a home media center, c u s t o m i z e i t s a b i l i t i e s . A protection. number of free DroboApps are latter configuration keeping data a staple of corporate computing he said. Data Robotics' Drobo FS, front intact even if two drives fail at called network-attached storage, But these features don't come available for the Drobo FS. One, and back(Credit: Data Robotics) the same time. or NAS. Consumer-oriented cheap, at least for the crowd for example, lets the system act Conventional RAID uses such Earlier Drobo units fell into two NAS has been a tough sell over who looks at alternatives such as as an iTunes library, letting redundancy to protect data even general categories: single- the years, though smaller a terabyte hard drive or two multiple computers play the if a drive fails, an approach that computer models that connected businesses and branch offices c o n n e c t e d b y U S B t o a same music and video. Another, provides peace of mind at the directly to a PC with USB, are more easily swayed by the computer. The Drobo FS costs Oxygen Cloud, can be used to expense of raw storage capacity. FireWire, and most recently in ability to share files among co- $699 empty, $999 with three let people see their files from What's different about Drobo's t h e c a s e o f t h e D r o b o S , workers and back up data from 1.5TB drives, $1,149 with five DROBO page 32 systems, though, is that they can e S A T A . N e x t a r e m o d e l s multiple computers. 1.5TB drives, and $1,449 at its Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:30:00 AM



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Why The DMCA Is An Unconstitutional Restriction On Free Speech Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:06:00 AM

Many legal scholars have discussed the fact that copyright law and the First Amendment are, by their very natures, in conflict. Historically, the Supreme Court has gotten around this conflict by saying that things like fair use and the idea/expression dichotomy help keep things balanced -- though many have questioned whether the massive expansion of copyright law over the last century should have changed that analysis. In the Eldred case, the Supreme Court mostly rejected the argument that copyright extension was a violation of free speech, though many legal scholars find that decision a bit of a head scratcher (if you want a great analysis of why that decision makes no sense under the law, the book No Law is a worthwhile read). But there are still other areas where changes to copyright law may be vulnerable under a First Amendment analysis. So far, the only court case (and it's still at a low level) that has been successful in attacking the copyright on these grounds is the Golan case, which focuses on a very narrow part of

copyright law. However, it looks like some people are finally looking at some hugely questionable parts of copyright law that seem in direct conflict with case law concerning the First Amendment. Copycense points us to a fantastic recent paper from law professor Wendy Seltzer discussing how the DMCA's notice-and-takedown policy appear to violate the First Amendment: Under the DMCA, process for an accused infringer is limited. The law offers Internet service providers (ISPs) protection from copyright liability if they remove material expeditiously in response to unverified complaints of infringement. Even if the accused poster responds with counter-notification of noninfringement, DMCA requires the service provider to keep the post offline for more than a week. If this takedown procedure took place through the courts, it would trigger First Amendment scrutiny as a prior restraint,

silencing speech before an adjudication of lawfulness. Because DMCA takedowns are privately administered through ISPs, however, they have not received such constitutional scrutiny, despite their high risk of error. I add to prior scholarly analysis of the conflict between copyright and the First Amendment by showing how the copyright notice-andtakedown regime operates in the shadow of the law, doing through private intermediaries what government could not to silence speech. In the wake of Citizens United v. FEC, why can copyright remove political videos when campaign finance law must not? This Article argues for greater constitutional scrutiny. The public is harmed by the loss of speech via indirect chilling effect no less than if the government had wrongly ordered removal of lawful postings directly. Indeed, because DMCA takedown costs less to copyright claimants than a federal complaint and exposes

claimants to few risks, it invites more frequent abuse or error than standard copyright law. I describe several of the error cases in detail. The indirect nature of the chill on speech should not shield the legal regime from challenge. I'm sure that our usual copyright system defenders will pop up quickly in the comments to dismiss this as ridiculous, but it's a really strong point. The basic nature of the notice-and-takedown -- even if done by private firms -- appears to be in direct violation of the First Amendment. The fact that the DMCA effectively requires companies to take this step in order to protect themselves from liability via the DMCA's safe harbors, means that even though it's a private company doing this, they are compelled to do so by the government. It does make you wonder if a compelling First Amendment case could be made around this particular issue. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story

DROBO continued from page 31

mobile phones, PCs, or other devices, and to share it across multiple Drobo FS units. The usable capacity of the systems varies according to the drives and configuration. With single-drive protection, meaning a single hard drive can fail, a system with a 320GB drive and two 500GB drives would have a usable capacity of 762GB. One topped out with five 2TB drives would have a usable capacity of 7.3TB. Or if you want to get really complicated, in a system with drives of 320GB, 500GB, 640GB, 750GB, and 1.5TB configured with dual-drive redundancy, the 3.4TB of raw capacity becomes 1.32TB of protected capacity. Of that, 903GB is what Drobo politely refers to as "reserved for expansion," which is to say unused until you dump that 320GB for something bigger The system is quiet, Fuccio said. "I have one sitting at my desk. I can't hear it," he said. "I have one at home, maybe 18 inches away. I can't hear the fan [though] maybe sometimes I hear a little disk noise." Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Alicia Keys Uses to Find New Blogger Christina Warren (Mashable!)

the applicants and the top 10 will be selected and flown to New York. G r a m m y A w a r d - w i n n i n g The top 3 candidates will then musician Alicia Keys is looking be given a final task to blog for a new blogger for her about The Black Ball UK on website Am Super) May 27th. By the end of June, and she’s teaming up with the new Head Blogger will be to find the right announced and hired. candidate. will use Check out this video from its new 6Sense semantic search technology (that was shown off Growing Importance of Social in the company’s Super Bowl Media in the Workforce ad) to help narrow down the Make no mistake, this is a real right candidate. job and not a contest. Applicants From April 6th (that’s today!) need to be qualified and they through May 3rd, qualified will be held to high standards. candidates can submit their However, what this does is applications via this job listing. u n d e r s c o r e t h e g r o w i n g Then, will use its importance of social media in technology to comb through the various industries — and also resumes, using semantic filters the power that the web can have and efficiently separate the in helping people find job wheat from the chaff, so to candidates. speak. In this case, the job posting At this point, a group of becomes even more meta. applicants will be asked to I A A S . c o m h a s T w i t t e r create videos and writing page,@IAASdotCom and will samples for, and be using the has tag #AliciaJob. those entries and videos will be It’s expected that candidates on display for the public to offer who make the early rounds will their feedback as well. An likely use social media to gain advisory panel that includes exposure for themselves as they Alicia Keys and her team, as vie for the job. Why An Online w e l l a s e x e c u t i v e s f r o m Job Tool?, will then look at So why would Alicia Keys and Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:47:01 AM

mission and who is talented at just being their own person.” ‚Äì Alicia Keys For, it also serves as a good case study in how its technology is different and how it can help match the right candidates with the right listings. Ted Gilvar, the global her team choose an online job chief marketing officer for site to conduct this type of, told me that one s e a r c h . I n a w o r d : S c a l e . reason that Ms. Keys and her Especially in today’s economy, team came to Monster was finding the right candidate because of the scope of this amongst a sea of applicants can s e a r c h . T h a t ’ s w h e r e be a daunting task — and that is can help. What do o n l y e n h a n c e d w h e n t h e you think? employer is associated with a What do you think about this celebrity. approach to both recruitment Alicia Keys’ publicist gave us and the use of social media to this additional quote: find a social media job? What “I wanted to find the right do you think this says about the blogger whose voice can truly role of social media? Let us embody the know your thoughts! site, and I wanted to do it in the For more social media most egalitarian way possible. coverage, follow Mashable One Social Media on Twitter or thing I like about partnering become a fan on Facebook with for a search Reviews: Facebook, Twitter is that it Tags: 6sense, alicia keys, job proves that we’re not looking search,, social for someone who has the best media jobs connections or the most impressive resume, but for someone who understands my

'Castle' 'Wrapped Up in Death' Recap Jane Boursaw (TV Squad) Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:22:00 AM

(S02E19) "If something happens to me, I want you to look out for Alexis ... Would you also go into my closet and get rid of my porn collection before she finds it?" - Castle to Beckett This was sort of an odd episode of'Castle,' in that it seemed like it was either filmed before the drama of the past two weeks (Beckett nearly died! Castle invited her to move in!), or they're simply back-burnering that storyline. Either way, it was kind of a funny episode with lots of great lines from Castle. That's true of every episode, though. The writing is great. Continue reading'Castle' 'Wrapped Up in Death' Recap Filed under: Episode Reviews, Reality-Free, Castle Permalink| Email this| | Comments


Tech/ Entertainment/ Sports/

E-reader News Edition

CloudApp Brings Drag-and-Drop Cloud Uploads to the Mac Christina Warren (Mashable!)

want to upload a file though — like a screenshot, folder or an Submitted at 4/5/2010 10:28:17 PM MP3 to the web, and you want This post is part of Mashable’s to quickly get a URL so that you Spark of Genius series, which can share that file with friends. highlights a unique feature of This is exactly what CloudApp startups. If you would like to does. You can either drag-andhave your startup considered for d r o p f i l e s d i r e c t l y t o t h e inclusion, please see the details CloudApp menubar or you can here. The series is made a s s i g n a h o t k e y t h a t w i l l possible by Microsoft BizSpark. automatically upload selected Name: CloudApp files from Finder or files or Quick Pitch:“Share files fast images from other apps like with your Mac. The simplest, iPhoto and Aperture. most effective way to share Once the file is uploaded, the files.” URL is copied to your Genius Idea: CloudApp is a c l i p b o a r d . Y o u c a n a l s o utility for Mac OS X 10.5 and c o n f i g u r e C l o u d A p p t o higher that makes it super automatically upload all any simple to upload files under screenshot you take on your 50MB to the cloud for easy Mac — or file that you print to sharing. Thanks to plugin PDF directly to CloudApp. support (called Raindrops) and CloudApp has an easy to use easy hot-key assignments, you web interface that lets you can literally upload files and access your uploads, delete folders of all kinds quickly and them, and share the URLs with easily and then get the shortened others. Linebreak S.L., the team URL location of the file copied behind CloudApp, is also to your clipboard to make working on an iPhone and iPad sharing even simpler. app, as well as a paid upgrade There are a lot of great services and custom URLs. that make it easy to upload files One feature of CloudApp that I and folders to the cloud — particularly appreciate is that if Dropbox is one of my personal you select a group of files or a favorites. Sometimes you just folder for upload, CloudApp

folders? Let us know! Sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark BizSpark is a startup program that gives you three-year access to the latest Microsoft development tools, as well as connecting you to a nationwide network of investors and automatically zips that file incubators. There are no upfront group or folder upon upload. costs, so if your business is Then when you share the privately owned, less than three download URL with others, this years old, and generates less is what they see: than U.S.$1 million in annual CloudApp is simple, intuitive revenue, you can sign up today. and extensible. Raindrops offer Entrepreneurs can take third parties a great way to advantage of the Azure Services integrate their own services or platform for their website apps with CloudApp and you hosting and storage needs. can download a number of Microsoft recently announced R a i n d r o p s f r o m t h e s i t e . the“new CloudApp()” contest– CloudApp uses Amazon S3 and use the Azure Services Platform H e r o k u t o s t o r e f i l e s for hosting your .NET or PHP redundantly on multiple devices app, and you could be the lucky across multiple data centers. winner of a USD 5000* ( please CloudApp is free and while the see website for official rules and client is only for Mac users, any g u i d e l i n e s ) . ” R e v i e w s : user with a web browser can D r o p b o x , P H P download files from the service. Tags: apple, cloud computing, If you have a Mac and you’re c l o u d s t o r a g e , c l o u d a p p , looking for a dead-simple way Dropbox, mac, mac os x, mac to store and share files and software folders, give CloudApp a shot! Do you use any cloud-based services for sharing files and

Duke escapes Butler's bid, wins 4th NCAA title Associated Press (

Top Performers Duke: K. Singler 19 Pts, 9 Reb, Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Butler: S. Mack 12 Pts, 5 Reb, 2 Ast, 1 Stl, 2 Blk PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, 2 Ast, 2 Stl Five Filters featured article: Term Extraction.

Are Chad Ochocinco and Cheryl Burke Engaged? (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 4/6/2010 3:50:00 AM

What is the significance behind that sparkler Cheryl Burke was rocking on Monday night's "Dancing with the Stars?" Her partner Chad Ochocinco insists, "It's a thank you. It's a gift. A friendly gift. In my world, we tend to give those that we care about gifts. Why is it such a 'wow'?" The blushing pro dancer did admit, "I fainted a little. A little concussion. [He] gave it to me in the trailer on one knee. And it's on my ring finger." Does the twinkle in her eye hint at this being an engagement? She responded, "You never know." The football player said that, for now, the dance floor "will be our aisle." Only time will tell if this is a belated April Fools Day gag or if Cheryl will be walking down a real aisle toward Chad. While trying not to confirm or deny a brewing romance, he said charmingly, "She's made me smile for seven weeks now."

Tech/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Isohunt Goes Lite for Visitors From the U.S. Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:05:15 AM

One week ago, we wrote that popular BitTorrent search engine Isohunt had been ordered by a U.S. judge to remove copyright-infringing content from their website. Following the court decision, Isohunt owner Gary Fung announced his resolution to replace Isohunt with a lite version that would turn the site into a very simple search engine, intentionally similar to Google, but specializing in torrents. This is now the case for visitors from the US, who are redirected to the new, lite version of the site. Fung explains the move to the site’s visitors: “Although we bring this new search engine to you with a burden from the lawsuit brought by the MPAA, we hope you understand the reason why we

are making this change. It is to address concerns Judge Wilson has over inducing copyright infringement in the US. Though inducement is never our intention and we have evidence to support it, with isoHunt Lite we want to affirm publicly that isoHunt’s function is nothing more than a search engine with all the net neutrality it affords and should be afforded.” He also addresses concerns that the site is now no different than Google or any other major search engine. “Why would you still use isoHunt you ask now that it’s just like Google and Yahoo and

you can search for torrents with those? While we won’t dispute there’s fundamental difference, on isoHunt Lite you get ranking by seeds/leechers and ratings besides search relevancy and age. A general search engine also do not group as one for identical torrents spread on multiple websites on the Web.” It’s a cunning move that will likely expose some issues at the core of this and similar lawsuits. Now that Isohunt looks pretty much like Google, and the only difference from it (or some other “vanilla” search engine) is the fact that it provides ranking and ratings for the results, can one still argue that Isohunt is infringing copyrighted content and Google is not? For more technology coverage, follow Mashable Tech on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: bittorrent, copyright, Isohunt, lawsuit, piracy

Which Pin Up Girl Is a Lesbian? [Blind Items] Brian Moylan (Gawker)

that doesn't mean she wants anything to do with boys. Buck those stereotypes, girl! More »

Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:50:19 AM

Who said lesbians have to be dowdy, Birkenstock-wearing dogs? This actress has

everything the boys want—and isn't afraid to show it off—but


Why We Need Better Metrics For Measuring User-Generated Content Kevin Donovan (Techdirt)

technology did not enable the inexpensive recording, archiving, sharing and finding of Much has been made about the this creativity, it went largely iPad as a consumptive, rather unnoticed. Of course, cheaper than creative, device. Some, technology almost certainly including law professor Tim Wu does enable more creative at a recent New America event, production, but how much is have voiced concern that it hard to say. heralds the end of a golden era When Shirky notes that an of user-generated content. But to amateur video of two children truly understand the importance has garnered more views than and impact of user-generated American Idol, Dancing with content - including on the the Stars, and the Superbowl traditional media that Clay combined, it is comparing Shirky has recently argued are apples and oranges. A minute fatally too complex to survive - video hardly competes with the w e m u s t h a v e b e t t e r Superbowl for eyeballs; m e a s u r e m e n t o f t h e certainly the Internet has opened phenomenon. Without reliable opportunities to competitors to data and sensible comparative the Superbowl, but let's compare metrics, it is impossible to say if those. The problem is, we don't we have even experienced a currently have the categories golden age of open creative and metrics necessary to make possibility. sense of the rise (and potential For example, nearly two years fall) of creation. Some people ago in response to Shirky, Nick are trying to create quantify the Carr bristled at the idea that the impact of blogs on the news W e b w a s t h e n e c e s s a r y cycle, but in regards to other c o m p o n e n t f o r c r e a t i v e media types, we seem to be production, participation and ignoring the problem and living sharing. According to Carr, the off anecdotes. So, how can we people he knew back before the move ahead with better metrics Web were also creating - for user-generated content and w r i t i n g , p h o t o g r a p h i n g , what should those metrics be? drawing, constructing and Permalink| Comments| Email v o l u n t e e r i n g . T h i s i s This Story undoubtedly true, but because Submitted at 4/5/2010 11:59:00 PM


Tech/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Just got my iPad. Now what? Mel Martin (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 4/5/2010 9:00:00 PM

Filed under: iPad It's pretty clear that new iPad owners are hitting the app store in droves. Books, games and movies are all flying off the virtual shelves. Since you may be suffering from sensory overload, or just looking for some ideas, here are some things I've seen that might be worth a look. I tried Time Magazine(U.S. $4.99) and Popular Science($4.99) magazines on the iPad. The both look striking on the luscious iPad screen, but neither one really excited me enough to get me to subscribe. Time had nice use of video. Pop Sci looked stunning, but didn't have a lot of text. I think both magazines will need to come down below 5 bucks an issue to attract readers. For news, I liked Reuters News Pro, the new NPR app and the

time in the future. The AP News app(free) is a bit of a mess. It has some clever ideas, but the stories are reduced to little thin strips and a lot of screen space is wasted. I don't want my news apps cute. I just want the news. The Netflix app (free, but requires a Netflix subscription) is a major win. I tried a 2 week free trial, and the streaming movies look really good. The selection isn't always in line with my taste, but I'll probably sign up when the trial ends. New York Times Editors' Kudos to Apple for letting them Choice app. All are free, and in. They are certainly a movie make clever use of the screen competitor. and finger gestures. USA Today TUAW Just got my iPad. Now looks nice, but tends to crash what? originally appeared on a n d h a s s o m e c o n f u s i n g The Unofficial Apple Weblog navigation. Sometimes I clicked (TUAW) on Mon, 05 Apr 2010 on one story and got another. I'll 21:00:00 EST. Please see our be patient with them, because terms for use of feeds. they have some sharp coders Read| Permalink| Email this| and I know the app will quickly Comments get better. Be aware that the USA Today app is free for now, but will cost money at some

Singles Bring 'Baggage' to Jerry Springer's New Dating Show (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 4/6/2010 12:00:00 AM

Dating hopefuls will be revealing their "Baggage" on Jerry Springer's new TV show! "It's a brilliant premise and I wish I had thought of it," Jerry

tells ET of his new show. "You start out with the basic dating show but the people come on from the very beginning and they open three [different] sized bags, each with a larger amount of baggage," Jerry explains. "The baggage

could be starting out with something small, like big credit card debt, then maybe it grows to bigger things -- ultimately, [a person might say], 'I'm a cheater.'"

Beware The Seductive Power Of Surveillance Mike Masnick (Techdirt)

well -- by noting "the intoxication people feel from Submitted at 4/5/2010 10:01:00 PM being the watcher." That also, I Jessie Hirsh has a great blog believe, is a part of the reason post about the seductive power why law enforcement is always of surveillance, covering how s o k e e n o n i n c r e a s i n g surveillance systems put in surveillance efforts. It's just place with limitations and for incredibly powerful to be able to the best of intentions almost watch over others. always get abused, as it just It's definitely something that becomes too tempting to use needs to be thought about them to a much greater level. carefully, as we become an The example he discusses, of increasingly watched society. course, is the recent webcam But how do you deal with it? scandal involving a school that Hirsh brings up the idea -used webcam images of a proposed many times before -student at home in a disciplinary of being able to watch the action. In that case, the watchers or even to open up the "surveillance" was intended for surveillance process to the recovering lost or stolen laptops public to have them help out. only, but the mandate was This horrifies some people, but allegedly "expanded" when an it's at least something that i m a g e t a k e n ( s u p p o s e d l y people need to think about. because a "loaner" laptop had Greater amounts of surveillance been taken off campus) also in society aren't likely to go showed the student eating candy away any time soon -- so that the school administrators recognizing the risks associated thought were drugs. with it and coming up with Hirsh also points out that, unique and innovative solutions beyond the temptation to just to deal with (or minimize) those expand what's monitored, being risks makes sense. able to watch over someone just Permalink| Comments| Email h a s i t ' s o w n ( p o t e n t i a l l y This Story dangerous) addictive quality as

Tech/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

iPhone vs. iPad: 20 games side by side UK Shop Refuses To Make Prints Of (images) Digital Photos Because They're 'Too Good' And Must Infringe (CNET


and an analog joystick. Until that day arrives, there are a handful of games at launch The iPad is many things to that are simply iterations of many people, but the area where existing iPhone games. We've it stands to make the most rounded up 20 that can be found Mike Masnick (Techdirt) It appears that a similar story is photographers improve. Of change is in mobile gaming. on both platforms. Then we playing itself out across the course, it's easy to put the blame Up until now, gamers have stuck them side by side so you Submitted at 4/6/2010 4:07:00 AM pond in the UK, where the on Boots or the employees here been left with two very different can see the differences. Want to know what happens p o p u l a r r e t a i l e r B o o t s for being over-zealous (or, as options for mobile gaming. One The two huge caveats with this when you increase the liability apparently refused to print one Boots put it, "over-cautious"), is user portables like the Sony slideshow are that: of third parties for copyright woman's photos because they but the real issue is what we've PlayStation Portable and the 1) Our photo viewer does not infringement? Stories of shops were seen as "too good" for her turned copyright law into these Nintendo DS. The other is to lug currently let you see full-size, refusing to print digital photos. to have taken, and therefore days, where people are taught to around a beefy laptop for pixel-for-pixel screenshots We've seen it for a while in the must be infringing on someone's fear being involved in anything games, which can work just fine 2) We didn't start out with those US. Five years ago we had copyrights (thanks to Dave that might possibly infringe, as but be a burden on your back anyway. stories of photoshops in the US Michels for sending this in). it may lead to lawsuits or a loss and nomadic lifestyle. All the shots you see (with a refusing to make prints on The woman even got a signed of an internet connection or The same way the iPhone few exceptions) are the ones p h o t o s b e c a u s e o f t h e letter, and when that didn't whatever. As copyright laws shook things up for the world of provided by the developer and assumption that they must work, came back with the get more ridiculous, we're mobile phones, the iPad could found in the App Store. With i n f r i n g e o n s o m e o n e ' s (pregnant) woman who was in teaching people to not move end up doing the same for that warning aside, click on copyrights. Wal-Mart got the photos to let the staff know forward if they don't know for p o r t a b l e g a m i n g . I t s b i g through to see the differences. caught up in the story a few that these photos were, indeed, sure -- and that can create a touchscreen and cellular data Photo by Josh Lowensohn / years back when an employee l e g i t a n d n o t c o v e r e d b y massive stifling of creativity and connectivity (at least on the 3G CNET made some clueless statements someone else's copyright. The expression. models) will no doubt help in Caption by Josh Lowensohn about copyright in refusing to store still said no. Permalink| Comments| Email launching new and popular Five Filters featured article: make prints of certain images -- And, of course, this sort of This Story franchises. There's even a patent Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: and there was a repeat story just thing only becomes as bigger filing from 2008 that could PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, a few months ago. bring docking hardware that Term Extraction. and bigger issue as amateur would add real tactile buttons Submitted at 4/6/2010 4:00:00 AM

Some Say She Was an Illusion, Others a Dream [Open Caption] Richard Lawson (Gawker)

[ The Snooki Monster arrives in Miami Beach to film " Jersey

Shore 2"; image via Splash] More Âť



E-reader News Edition

Data Robotics announces new Drobo FS Steven Sande (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 4/6/2010 8:10:00 AM

Filed under: Hardware Data Robotics has just announced a new member of the Drobo family -- the Drobo FS. The new device is designed to serve as Network Attached Storage with all of the advantages of the Data Robotics BeyondRAID technology, with the added bonus of drop-dead simple setup. In a pre-release interview with Mark Fuccio of Data Robotics last week, he noted that setup on the device is as easy as installing the Drobo Dashboard software on a computer on the network, and then letting it handle all of the setup decisions for you. The device features a dual core processor, with one core running the embedded proprietary OS and the other core running Linux. The processor brings a lot of speed to the Drobo FS -in testing, the device had about four times the speed of the former Drobo NAS solution, which was a Drobo plus the DroboShare device. Data Robotics noted that using Jumbo Frames, read speeds of up to 50-

iPads selling on eBay for as much as $5000 Michael Grothaus (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

55MB/sec are possible. The Drobo FS has five storage bays, each of which can hold one standard 3.5" SATA hard drive. At the present time, the largest capacity of these drives is 2 TB, for a total of 9.1 TB of capacity or 5.44 TB with dualdisk redundancy (two drives can fail and the array can still operate flawlessly). As drive capacities grow in the future, the 2 TB drives can be replaced with larger drives, increasing the capacity of the array even more.

The FS has a single Gigabit Ethernet port on the back for its connection to the world. TUAW Data Robotics announces new Drobo FS originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 08:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

stated that almost 80 percent of iPad purchases came from outside the U.S. and that the average selling price for an iPad Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:00:00 AM Filed under: iPad was $777 during the week There's this thing called leading up to Saturday's launch. patience. Then again, if you If that money tree in your back have money you can afford not yard is doing so well that you to have patience. Bloomberg has can spend ten times what a iPad pointed to the rapid increase in normal costs to get it a few the number of iPad listings on weeks early, great for you. Just eBay since the device launched remember though, if you want on Saturday (before Saturday, to pay outrageous sums for an many people were listing their iPad, there are other ways to do pre-orders for sale). What's it. astonishing is not that people TUAW iPads selling on eBay overseas are snapping up iPads for as much as $5000 originally via eBay, it's that some are appeared on The Unofficial going for ridiculously large Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, sums of money. One person 06 Apr 2010 09:00:00 EST. bought an iPad for $5000 and Please see our terms for use of another UK buyer reportedly feeds. spent $5500 on his iPad. Note to Read| Permalink| Email this| that person: all signs point to an Comments international iPad launch two and a half weeks from now. In an email to Bloomberg, eBay

Tech/ Gallup Poll/

E-reader News Edition


iPhone vs. iPad: 20 games compared (CNET Submitted at 4/6/2010 4:00:00 AM

Ngmoco's "We Rule" on the iPad and the iPod Touch.(Credit: Josh Lowensohn/CNET) The iPad is many things to many people, but the area where it stands to make the most change is in mobile gaming. Until now, gamers have been left with two very different options for mobile gaming. One is user portables like the Sony PlayStation Portable and the Nintendo DS. The other is to lug around a beefy laptop for games, which can work just fine but be a burden on your body and nomadic lifestyle. The same way the iPhone shook things up for the world of mobile phones, the iPad could end up doing the same for portable gaming. Its big touch screen and cellular data connectivity (at least on the 3G models) will no doubt help in launching new and popular franchises. There's even a patent filing from 2008 that could bring docking hardware that would add real tactile buttons and an analog joystick.

Until that day arrives, there are a handful of games at launch that are simply iterations of existing iPhone games. We've rounded up 20 that can be found on both platforms. Then we stuck them side by side so you can see the differences. The two huge caveats with this slideshow are that: 1) Our photo viewer does not currently let you see full-size, pixel-for-pixel screenshots 2) We didn't start out with those

anyway--at least for the iPad. All the shots you see (with a few exceptions) are the ones provided by the developer, and found in the App Store. With that warning aside, click on the slideshow link below to see the differences. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

1.3 Billion Adults Worldwide Unhappy With Water Quality (All Gallup Headlines) Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:00:00 PM

[ unable to retrieve full-text content] Gallup surveys in 151 countries and

areas reveal local water quality of 78% in the Democratic is a problem for as many as 1.3 Republic of the Congo to less billion of the world's adults. than 1% in Singapore. People's dissatisfaction with the quality of water in their communities ranges from a high

Apple Splits iPad and iPhone Apps in iTunes Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

to this approach, too: Once you choose a device, all further pages will be rendered If you’ve updated iTunes to the according to your choice. If you latest version, 9.1, you may want to switch the view again, have noticed that iPad and you have to go back to the front iPhone apps are now separated page. via a switch on top of the page. However, keep in mind that Flip the switch, and you get apps that are compiled for both different, device-specific views the iPad and the iPhone/iPod of the App Store, which makes Touch will show up under both the entire experience a bit more pages. elegant than before, when It’s definitely a question of e v e r y t h i n g w a s h u d d l e d preference, but we feel that the together. change was for the better. How This is a slight change from the do you like the new App Store? old method, which offered a Please let us know in the selector for each individual comments. Reviews: App Store s e c t i o n s ( l i k e “ N e w a n d Tags: apple, apps, ipad, iphone, N o t e w o r t h y ” a n d “ S t a f f itunes, mobile applications Favorites”). There’s a downside Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:42:21 AM


Tech/ Sports/

E-reader News Edition

Adobe tests new Canon, Olympus raw support (CNET Submitted at 4/6/2010 1:47:03 AM

Panasonic's Lumix DMC-G10 is among the cameras whose raw images format is supported by a new test release of Adobe's Lightroom and Photoshop software.(Credit: Panasonic) Those eyeing Canon's newest SLR, the Rebel T2i, or Olympus's new high-end compact camera, the E-P1, now can get support for those cameras' raw images in Adobe Systems' Lightroom and Photoshop--though only as a release candidate for now. Adobe releases occasional updates so its software can decode the proprietary raw image formats from many higher-end cameras. Raw images offer greater flexibility and quality as compared with JPEG images, but they require manual processing to convert them into a useful form. And software companies such as Adobe and Apple must stay on top of a constant stream of new cameras that shoot raw.

App Store altered to ease app browsing Michael Grothaus (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

iPhone-iPad button. When you search for a nonuniversal app in the iTunes Store search field, the Submitted at 4/5/2010 10:00:00 PM Filed under: App Store application will still only be Apple has quietly modified the listed under the "iPhone Apps" App Store to ease browsing for search results, even though it iPad and iPhone apps. Now runs on both the iPhone and the when you enter the App Store, iPad. you'll see a split pill button at TUAW App Store altered to The new release candidates of Panasonic Lumix DMC-G2 the top of the page. Clicking on ease app browsing originally Lightroom 5.7 and the Camera Panasonic Lumix DMC-G10 the iPhone or iPad side will take appeared on The Unofficial Raw 2.7 plug-in for Photoshop Sony Alpha A450 you to the appropriate App Store Apple Weblog (TUAW) on support the following cameras: Adobe also issued a release for the device you selected. Mon, 05 Apr 2010 22:00:00 Canon Digital Rebel T2i candidate for DNG Converter Previously, the iPhone and iPad EST. Please see our terms for (known as EOS 550D in Europe 5.7, a utility that converts raw apps were combined on one use of feeds. and EOS Kiss X4 Digital in photos into Adobe's Digital page with each of the Top Read| Permalink| Email this| Asia) Negative format. Charts on the right-hand side of Comments Kodak Z981 Five Filters featured article: the store featured the split-pill Leaf Aptus-II 8 Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Leaf Aptus-II 10R PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Mamiya DM40 Term Extraction. Olympus E-PL1

FanHouse TV: Peering in the Crystal Ball FanHouse TV (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 4/5/2010 7:16:00 PM




Tournament An amazing college basketball season is in the books, and Duke has cut down the nets once again. Too early to talk about the 2010-11 season?

Not for FanHouse TV's Tom Pecora. The Fordham coach looks ahead to next season, tells us which player in this tourney

helped himself the most in the upcoming NBA Draft and even names next season's NCAA champ.

Tech/ Politics/ Gadgets/

E-reader News Edition

Facebook Connect coming to iTunes?

Chamber of Commerce Endorses McCain

Michael Grothaus (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

(Newsmax - Politics)


Commerce's endorsement today, John McCain not only sold out his constituents, he sold out T h e U . S . C h a m b e r o f what he claimed were his Submitted at 4/6/2010 10:00:00 AM Commerce endorsed Sen. John principles," Hari Sevugan, a Filed under: iTunes McCain, R-Ariz., giving the spokesman for the Democratic TechCrunch is reporting that former presidential candidate a National Committee, said in a iTunes will be integrating leg-up on defeating a primary statement. Facebook Connect "quite soon." challenge from former Rep. J.D. "The insurance industry backed Facebook Connect is an API Hayworth, according to a report Chamber has taken the lead in that, among other things, allows in The Hill. developers to let users log into pouring corporate money into Chamber Vice President Bill p o l i t i c s a n d g u t t i n g t h e their site/app/system with their Miller said, "On issues ranging campaign finance law that bares Facebook ID. The benefit for from lowering taxes to exposing McCain's name after Citizens' users is one ID across multiple government waste, Arizona United." sites and for developers is a c c e s s t o F a c e b o o k ' s 3 0 0 Facebook" link for every item in Apple allowed people to use businesses and workers will To read the full Hill report Go million-plus user base plus the the iTunes store. An iTunes fan their AOL screen names as their continue to have no better friend Here Now. i n W a s h i n g t o n t h a n J o h n Š All Rights Reserved. users' ability to quickly share page went live on Facebook last iTunes login. something they find interesting September and just last month Five Filters featured article: TUAW Facebook Connect M c C a i n . " with all their Facebook friends. t h e A p p S t o r e c a m e t o coming to iTunes? originally McCain opponents, however, Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: With Facebook's seemingly F a c e b o o k . appeared on The Unofficial used the endorsement to attack PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, unstoppable progression, Apple It's not clear which features Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, the four-term incumbent. Term Extraction. has realized the importance of Apple would integrate from 06 Apr 2010 10:00:00 EST. "By accepting the insurance o f f e r i n g e a s y F a c e b o o k Facebook Connect to iTunes, Please see our terms for use of industry financed Chamber of integration. With iLife '09, but one possibility is they would feeds. Apple introduced automatic allow people to use their Read| Permalink| Email this| photo uploads to Facebook from Facebook logins for their iTunes Comments within the iPhoto app. iTunes 9 Store login much the same way introduced the"Share on Submitted at 4/6/2010 2:31:02 AM

Nokia E71 and E66 owners get free Ovi Maps navigation Thomas Ricker (Engadget) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:00:00 AM

Nokia's new Ovi Maps software just made its way to the venerable E71 and E66 business handsets. While Nokia was constrained from offering its

premium nav services like Guide Michelin and Lonely Planet on these legacy S60 3.1 handsets, owners are nevertheless being treated to free walk and drive navigation with turn-by-turn guidance. So really, you can't complain... unless of course you picked up a

US-flavored E71x which isn't eligible for the free update. Check the full press release after the break for download instructions and a list of compatible devices. Continue reading Nokia E71 and E66 owners get free Ovi

Maps navigation Nokia E71 and E66 owners get free Ovi Maps navigation originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

Lift Up Your Hearts (AEI.Org: Articles)

message in June 1979 in Warsaw's Victory Square, on an altar with the backdrop of a 50Following Pope John Paul II's foot cross, 1 million of his death five years ago, the world fellow Poles responded in prayerfully reflected on a life affirmation with 14 minutes of that had transformed the lives of applause, interrupted by singing millions of people worldwide. in one voice: " Christus Vincit, Today, the world continues to Christus Regnat, Christus reflect on the life of Pope John Imperat" ("Christ Conquers, Paul II because his teaching and Christ Reigns, Christ Governs"). his actions point the way In an officially atheistic country, forward to building a future the Polish people dramatically worthy of man. bore witness that God, not the How best to serve our fellow state, was sovereign. man? This is the timeless Later in the same homily, when challenge of both political and the Pope recalled the great religious leaders, but it was sacrifices made by the Poles Pope John Paul II who most during the Warsaw Uprising, the resolutely taught the world, people responded by singing an religious and non-religious old Polish song, "We Want alike, that a future worthy of God." m a n m u s t b e r o o t e d i n It became evident to us in recognition of the incomparable w o r k i n g o n o u r n e w dignity of the human person and documentary film about the a commitment on behalf of the Pope's 1979 pilgrimage to human person. Poland-- Nine Days that From his election in October Changed the World--that the 1 9 7 8 , P o p e J o h n P a u l I I Pope's bedrock insistence on the constantly preached that it was freedom to pursue God, the only through an understanding freedom to "want God," proved of Jesus Christ that man could too much for the Communist fully understand his great system to bear. dignity--the dignity of the Ten years later, the system human person--and therefore no slowly collapsed. It started on country anywhere in the world June 4, 1989, with the Polish had a right to separate man from elections that resulted in a the pursuit of knowing and Solidarity-led government. loving God. Then, on Nov. 9, 1989, the This demand for freedom of Berlin Wall came tumbling faith had powerful social and down. Finally, on Dec. 25, political implications. 1991, the Communist hammerWhen the Pope preached this and-sickle flag was lowered Submitted at 4/5/2010 4:00:00 PM

over the Kremlin for the last time, signaling the dissolution of the Soviet Union. But the history of the 1980s shows that the political freedom won by the Polish people was not due merely to the Poles' expanded freedom to pursue God. No, it was also due to the Poles' actual pursuit of God. Freedom for faith was a necessary precondition, but the Polish people ultimately achieved freedom through faith, inspired by the courageous witness of Pope John Paul II and a countless number of his fellow Poles. Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly on Oct. 5, 1995, Pope John Paul II reflected on what contributed to the revolutions of 1989: A decisive factor in the success of those non-violent revolutions was the experience of social solidarity: In the face of regimes backed by the power of propaganda and terror, that solidarity was the moral core of the "power of the powerless," a beacon of hope and an enduring reminder that it is possible for man's historical journey to follow a path which is true to the finest aspirations of the human spirit. This message of solidarity was given powerful voice by Pope John Paul II during his first pilgrimage to Poland in June 1979. In Victory Square, he said the Polish nation could not

understand itself if it rejected its 1,000-year community rooted in Christ. He prayed that Christ would not cease to be an open book for the future life of Poland. This prayer did not go unanswered, as Poland indeed became, in the words of the Pope, "the land of a particularly responsible witness"--with global repercussions. Millions of Poles turned out to see the Pope in person during the 1979 pilgrimage and subsequent visits. Young people joined burgeoning Christian renewal movements like Oasis, which offered a needed island of resistance--a foundation of Christian community--against the desert of the Communist state. One by one, hearts were transformed. Millions of Poles made individual decisions that they would no longer make compromises with the daily lies of life under Communism. Oasis founder Father Franciszek Blachnicki urged Poles to overcome their fears and challenge the Communist regime by "living in the truth." A critical experience of solidarity occurred during the August 1980 strikes in Gdansk. At a very intense moment in the early days of the strike, workers arranged for a Mass to be said within the shipyard for the very first time. Zenon Kwoka recalled that day: "Permission for Mass in shipyard was

breakthrough in my opinion. Something incredible happened, because all of the city arrived for that Mass and stood at the closed gate. The front of altar was directed to the shipyard and at its back was the shipyard's main gate. Delegates and shipyard workers stood at one side, at the other side were people of Gdansk. All of the people sang religious songs and there was a kind of duet. There was an incredible feeling. I never experienced anything like that before. During Mass, that stress disappeared and many workers around me cried. During Mass, people got rid of fear." For some, the call to live a particularly responsible witness led to martyrdom. Father Jerzy Popieluszko was a Solidarity chaplain murdered by Polish Communist secret-service officers in October 1984 because he dared to remind his fellow Poles that their first duty is to God and not to the state. His challenge to Communist authority was too much for a totalitarian system that could not tolerate dissent. In June 2009, 30 years after Pope John Paul II's first pilgrimage to Poland, the mayor of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz -Waltz--in the presence of the president of Poland, a company of soldiers, the archbishop of LIFT page 49


E-reader News Edition


Bringing the Heat Bill McKibben (The New Republic - All Feed)

oil. Europe began that approach 60 years ago, and, as a result, the continent has dense and Submitted at 4/5/2010 3:41:38 PM livable cities, great train This is a tale of two bills—a systems, and half the energy use tale that illuminates how policy- per person. But we live in a making may unfold under the society where “tax” is a scary most progressive administration, w o r d , a n d s o , f r o m t h e and most Democratic Congress, beginning, everyone has hunted in a generation. And it’s not a for an alternative, a tax-thattale with an especially happy isn’t-a-tax. Both the bills I’ll ending. describe use the same basic The target of both bills is mechanism: a cap on the amount carbon. From the start, President of carbon that the country Obama has said that climate and produces, a cap that goes energy legislation would come steadily down as the years go second in his administrative on. The law of supply and batting order, only after health demand stipulates that such a care reform. (Originally, he cap would raise the price of thought that would mean last fossil fuel, which, in turn, would fall, but health care was like a cause us to slowly Eurofy. hitter who fouled off pitch after Bill One grows out of a strategy pitch. Since it took forever, we called “cap-and-trade.” Credits get to the next priority with the granting the right to emit carbon midterm elections already dioxide are divided up between looming on the horizon.) The factories and utilities and so on. intellectual problem is relatively The ones that are able to most simple: How do you put a price cheaply cut their emissions will on carbon so that we burn less have extra credits to sell to the of it, and hence prevent the others, and, in theory, the potentially catastrophic heating invisible hand should point you of the atmosphere? The political toward the shortest, smoothest problem is immense: How do path to emission reductions. you change a system that has (The invisible hand aided, of rewarded energy companies course, by the guys at Goldman with the greatest profits of any Sachs, who would actually do industry in any era, and that has the deals.) This approach has shaped the American psyche worked reasonably well with and landscape by providing nitrogen and sulfur over the last endless, cheap fossil fuel? few decades, which is one The most straightforward reason our air is demonstrably answer, of course, would be a cleaner than it was in the 1980s. simple tax on coal and gas and Cap-and-trade has lots of

problems (beginning but not ending with Goldman Sachs), but it’s hardly worth detailing them because it’s no longer really on the table. In the House last summer, the so-called Waxman-Markey bill loaded down the original capand-trade formula with 1,400 pages of offsets and sweeteners and bailouts—it turned the reasonably straightforward into the highly complex. And, along the way, it offered one particularly crucial gift to the energy industry: Instead of having to bid for the permits to pollute, they’d get many of them free, sort of like the way we handed over the broadcast spectrum to the networks decades ago. It was an ugly deal—but nowhere near ugly enough for the Senate, where John Kerry needed some votes and so let Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman go to work with a vengeance. By most reports, the cap now being contemplated will apply only to electric utilities, there will be some kind of minimal tax on gasoline, and factories will be exempted for now because the economy is bad. And there will be door prizes for nuclear, for offshore drillers, for the shimmering mirage of clean coal! As Kerry explained recently, in its new incarnation, cap-and-trade legislation is “primarily a jobs bill, and an energy independence bill and a

pollution reduction-health-clean air bill. Climate sort of follows. It’s on for the ride.” In fact, the White House and the various sponsors now agree that “capand-trade is dead” (as Graham put it), and, for the moment, there’s not really a name for Kerry-Graham-Lieberman, so let’s call it what a software writer would call it: a kludge—a messy fix putting one patch on top of another until you end up with a gift-laden package that might, despite its nearincoherence, attract just enough senators to push it over the top. Think health care bill, but with vastly more expensive versions of the Cornhusker Kickback. And it may come with a couple of truly costly giveaways from an environmental point of view: The EPA would be forbidden to regulate carbon, and states couldn’t do anything tougher than Washington allows. Bill Two—of which we have an actual Senate draft, and one only 40 pages long—has actually been introduced, by a bipartisan duo: Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, and Maria Cantwell, Democrat of Washington. It goes at the problem in another way. It sets a cap—but it makes the energy companies bid each year for their permits to put carbon in the atmosphere instead of awarding most of them as gifts. And then, it takes most of the money from that auction and—here’s the weird

part—uses it to write a check to every American every year. It’s usually called “cap-anddividend,” though “cap-andcash” has a nicer ring. Under cap-and-dividend, Americans would pay more at the pump and at the plug because Exxon and Con Ed would pass on the permit fee. And that’s good—when gas is $4 per gallon, you’re likely to ask, “Where’s the bus stop?” But the check in the mailbox will make most Americans whole—threequarters will come out ahead, with only real energy hogs hurting. And, politically, it enables you to more easily ratchet down the cap, and hence the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, in the future—every time you do, the price at the pump will rise, but so will the size of the check. And we like getting checks—even Sarah Palin would admit that the best day of the year for an Alaskan governor involved mailing out the proceeds from the state’s oil revenues. Now, this is far from perfect legislation. For one thing, its targets are tragically weak (ditto Bill One), though at least they’re plausible, not a stew of offsets that let you claim dubious credit for some forest you’ve theoretically protected. For another, in a just world, BRINGING page 47



E-reader News Edition

WikiLeaks Provides Its Worth As A Backstop (Kevin Redmon) (Politics :: The Atlantic) Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:56:41 AM

Just before his body disappears into a fusillade of armorpiercing rounds, fired from the 30mm cannon of the Apache helicopter circling overhead, Namir Noor-Eldeen, a 22-year old Reuters photojournalist, peers around the corner of a building, setting up a shot. From his right arm dangles something cylindrical--a camera with telephoto lens, maybe. Or an RPG. The pilot of the U.S. Army helicopter is sure it's a weapon. Permission to engage comes over the radio. As the gunship's sweeping arc brings a group of a dozen Iraqi men back into view, transmissions cut through the static: "Just fuckin', once you get on 'em just open 'em up." And then, "Light 'em all up." The pilot obliges, the cannon chatters, and half-second later, the scene explodes in a cloud of dust and smoke. A painful new portrait of war emerged yesterday, with WikiLeaks' release of stillclassified, military video footage showing the death of two Reuters journalists and at least nine other Iraqis, most of them apparently innocent civillians. The Iceland-based organization, known for obtaining and disseminating classified, or

sensitive--and potentially damning--corporate and state documents, announced in late February, via Twitter, that it had "[f]inally cracked the encryption to US military video in which journalists, among others, are shot," generating considerable speculation over what the tape would it show. The seventeen-minute film, pared down from thirty-eight minutes of raw footage, seems to speak for itself; yet even with subtitles transcribing the radio transmissions, the occasional identification tag, and introductory slides, the reality of the situation is hardly lucid. The shooting took place on July 12, 2007, in Little Baghdad, a suburb of the capital. NoorEldeen and his Reuters colleague Saeed Chmagh, 40, and a father of four, had been covering a nearby U.S. military operation. As they crossed an open square, a pair of Apache helicopters providing close ground support to the operation reported seeing "five to six individuals with AK47s" and opted to engage the group. Rules of engagement aside, the radio banter between pilots is excruciating to listen to. "Oh, yeah, look at those dead bastards," says one, after the

initial volley of cannon fire, followed by a series of complements for a "good shoot." As one wounded man attempts to crawl away, identified by WikiLeaks in the video as Chmagh, a pilot taunts him, daring him to give the Apaches justification to engage again. "Come on, buddy. All you gotta do it pick up a weapon." A van pulls up, and as the wounded man is loaded inside the Apaches open fire again. When U.S. soldiers on the ground arrive on the scene-apparently driving a Bradley over a body in the process, eliciting a laugh from the pilots-and pull from the front seat not insurgents but two badly wounded children, over the radio is heard, "Well it's their fault for bringing their kids into a battle." When, immediately following the shooting, it emerged that two reporters had been killed, a defense official stated, "There is no question that coalition forces were clearly engaged in combat operations against a hostile force." Reuters requested the footage, via FOIA, as part of their own investigation into the men's violent deaths. And while the

Department of Defense screened it for top editors in a 2007 offthe-record meeting, they declined to release it publicly. (WikiLeaks refused to comment on how they obtained an encrypted copy, which the Pentagon acknowledged Monday was authentic.) The Monday morning press conference, held at the National Press Club in Washington, was a notable departure for WikiLeaks. Since its inception three years ago, the donorfunded site has typically offered little editorial comment on the material it releases; it's been more of a clearinghouse than soapbox. To unveil the film, however, Julian Assange, the website's editor, flew in from Reykjavik and provided sober commentary throughout. Ten months after the incident, he said by way of introduction, the Pentagon issued a statement to Reuters saying the killings were lawful under the rules of engagement. "I believe that if those killings were lawful under the rules of engagement," he continued, "then the rules of engagement are wrong. Deeply wrong." While taking questions, Assange equivocated in labeling

the Pentagon's actions a "coverup." But he highlighted incongruities between their investigation of the incident-which exonerated the pilots, and which Centcom defended in a statement late Monday--and the cavalier attitudes of those firing the cannons. "The behavior of the pilots is like they're playing a video game," said Assange. "Their desire is to get high-scores in their computer game." And yet, perhaps the most telling aspect of the release is that, in the absence of budgets and bureaus for American newspapers, investigative journalism in Iraq has fallen to someone like Assange, an Australian national at the head of an Icelandic non-profit founded by Chinese dissidents. WikiLeaks' role in the fourth estate should be that of a backstop, yet it's forced to play catcher--a position it can't fill. One is left to wonder how many similar stories might come out of Iraq and Afghanistan, but for lack of accompanying reporter casualties will go uninvestigated and untold. There is a kind of exquisite pain reserved for watching narratives whose endings you already know. In the film, bodies go flying as the first volley of shells hits the Iraqi men. And here is Namir Noor-Eldeen, no WIKILEAKS page 46


E-reader News Edition


Bank Woes Hurt Democrat Seeking Senate in Illinois (Newsmax - Politics) Submitted at 4/6/2010 1:26:03 AM

CHICAGO - Democrats here are quietly worrying about whether Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias can win President Obama's old Senate seat. His family's bank is thought to be on the verge of collapse and reportedly made $20 million in loans to two convicted felons. Republican nominee Rep. Mark Steven Kirk is already accusing Mr. Giannoulias of lying to the voters about the loans, and his campaign is guaranteed to be pounding away at the bank's problems in millions of dollars worth of television ads. But the 34-year-old Mr. Giannoulias is still electable if he meets the bank embarrassment head on and strikes back at the Republican congressman as more conservative than this Democratic-trending state, Democratic insiders say. Democrats brush aside any talk of getting Mr. Giannoulias to bow out of the race. Incumbent Democratic Sen. Roland W. Burris, appointed to serve out Mr. Obama's term under shady circumstances, is not running for re-election and the capture of the president's old seat would be a major coup for Republicans. The few public polls in the race, dating back to last month,

gave the Democrat a slight edge over Mr. Kirk, but both parties are predicting a close - and expensive - battle. "Alexi Giannoulias is running a strong campaign on the issues that matter to the people of Illinois - like job creation and the economy," says Deirdre Murphy, national press secretary of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Mr. Giannoulias was not granting interviews in the aftermath of a Chicago Tribune front-page story late last week with the headline: "$20 Million in Bank Loans to Felons." The story detailed how Broadway Bank, a Giannoulias familyowned institution in Chicago, had lent large sums to convicted felons Michael "Jaws" Giorango and Demitri Stavropoulos. The fact that Broadway had loaned the men millions Stavropoulos was convicted of running a multistate bookmaking ring and Giorango of promoting a nationwide prostitution ring - was already a campaign issue when Mr. Giannoulias ran for state treasurer in 2006. But the Tribune reported it reviewed court files and other documents that showed millions more - a total of more than $27 million worth of mortgages to Giorango, his land trusts and companies since 1999, $20 million of

which was loaned when Mr. Giannoulias was a senior loan officer. Giannoulias spokeswoman Kathleen Strand said the candidate had "no role with these two individuals, nor did he sit on the loan committee with these loans." She sought to portray the story as old news, saying Mr. Giannoulias has been answering questions about the loans for years. The bank is fighting to keep its doors open. It is holding about $242 million in bad loans, and in January, entered into a consent decree with the federal government and has 90 days to raise about $85 million. But Mr. Giannoulias recently said in an interview that he thinks it would be "very tough" for it to survive. Democratic insiders in Washington, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so they could freely discuss their views, say they expect the bank to fail eventually, but think that will be greeted as "old news" by voters. The White House's political team, still smarting after the stunning loss of the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's Massachusetts seat to Republican Scott Brown, has refocused its attention beyond the Beltway. Though not responsible for all Democratic campaigns, White House officials are aware any

Democratic loss will be painted as a referendum on Mr. Obama. The Democratic insiders said they learned lessons from Mr. Brown's election and have made sure Mr. Giannoulias' team would be unlikely to require a wave of Washington consultants to buttress a flailing campaign, as happened in Massachusetts. While the White House isn't keen on saying that Mr. Giannoulias stands to recoup only a few million dollars from the wreckage of the bank, internal polls and focus groups show he can win with that approach, according to these insiders. They say Mr. Obama, who remains popular in his home state, will campaign for Mr. Giannoulias, and top political adviser David Axelrod, a veteran of Chicago politics, is in constant touch with developments in Illinois. At the Statehouse in Springfield, the hallway whispers are that top Democratic leaders would have preferred Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, whose father, House Speaker Michael Madigan, is party chairman. But she didn't run, and some say she probably would prefer to run for governor if she had her choice. Meanwhile, Mr. Kirk capitalized on the fresh attention to his opponent's woes, saying

in a statement Friday that Mr. Giannoulias has falsely claimed that he didn't know about the criminal backgrounds of Giorango and Stavropoulos. "Alexi Giannoulias misled voters to get elected state treasurer and continued to mislead voters in an effort to win election as a United States senator," he said. Chicago political consultant Don Rose said that if the election were held now Mr. Kirk would win, but that there is still a good opportunity for Mr. Giannoulias to make up lost ground, especially if the economy improves. "They have to make Kirk unpalatable politically and level the playing field," Mr. Rose said. "Of course, the best thing would be if they could get [Giannoulias] to resign and replace him" - a scenario Democrats say is not going to happen. Š Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Is Larry Summers Leaving? (Marc Ambinder) (Politics :: The Atlantic)

TV news producer very happy. Point one: Summers, like every member of Obama's cabinet, serves at the pleasure Submitted at 4/5/2010 3:39:08 PM On March 26, Fox Business of the president. Summers said News's Charlie Gasparino as much this weekend, although reported that Larry Summers, he hastened to add that he was the chairman of the National most happy with his current Economic Council, had begun assignment. He has a busy job, talking to anonymous associates even though most of the major a b o u t r e t i r i n g a f t e r t h e economic projects are not November election. Circuits subject to his direct oversight. p i n g e d e v e r y w h e r e i n The administration is creating Washington. Later that week, economic policy, almost daily. the big rumor was that Rahm There are jobs to be found. Emanuel himself was making a Summers rides herd over the secret list of people who might a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ' s h u g e be potential replacements for infrastructure renewal program. Summers. Or that Rahm had T h e r e ' s a n e n o r m o u s begun to ask people for names international component to his of suggested replacements. job that is rarely remarked Then came a report in National upon; on everything related to Journal about Summers's "ego C h i n a e x c e p t f o r I r a n massage," suggesting that the sanctions, he's the lead, and he's former Harvard president had in the Iran meetings, too. No been complaining about his one else in the administration status ever since President is on a first name basis with as Obama decided to renew Ben many Asian leaders. Bernanke's Fed presidency for But there's a two-year turnover a second term and demanding for these types of jobs, frivolous perks. So is he Summers has a Harvard leaving? Is he being pushed University professorship waiting out? for him, a family that did not What's the truth? It's not all that move to D.C., and it would not complicated, but it's not easy to be surprising, nor terribly convey in a way that makes a controversial, if, in some

precincts of his own mind, he had begun to think about his post-White House life. He has, in fact, had discussions about his future with some of his associates. Nor is it really a news story that the chief of staff would be thinking the same thing -- not just for Summers, but for a host of senior officials, including Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and OMB director Peter Orszag. In eight months, some top Obama aides might be pushed out. Some of them might move to different jobs. Some of them might want to step down. Some of them might want to transition to the presidential re-election campaign. All of them will be forced to make some decision or another within the next seven or eight months. It's important that the departures and transitions are handled in the most efficient, least disruptive way: if Summers openly contemplated stepping down, talking to friends and colleagues, he'd been "seen" as predicting his own departure, perhaps reducing his own standing inside the White House. (It's

WIKILEAKS continued from page 44

older than an American university student, running for his life. Doubled over, he manages a dozen steps toward a

garbage heap at the center of the square, while the gunsight on the screen trails him. He falls, and the second and third

bursts don't get him, but the fourth one does. -- Kevin Redmond is an intern at The Atlantic

still high; he meets with the president nearly ever day and organizes the Economic Daily Briefing, giving him more face time than almost any White House official. Access to POTUS = standing. Also, Emanuel and Summers get along, despite what has been reported, chatting about a half dozen times a day on average.) If Summers on the other hand doesn't think about a road map for stepping down, he'll open himself up to political guff --Obama's kicking him out before or after the midterms, a repudiation of Summers's advice, a rejection of his intelligence, etc. It's a safe assumption that Summers, who essentially accepted a staff job -- the director of the NEC, in order to have a role in this White House -- would be pondering what happens next. It's also quite reasonable to believe that he is (a) grumpy, (b) satisfied, and (c) polarizing -- all at once. As chief of staff, it's Emanuel's job to make sure that the president has options. It's Emanuel's job to digest what Summers tells him and then collect his own intelligence to

decide whether Summers is being a good team player or whether he's unhappy or whether he's too busy to think about the future. It's Emanuel's job to think about who might replace Summers. Or who might replace Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Or who might replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. AND who might replace himself, since Emanuel is among those whose commitment to the president extends for years. So -- is Summers leaving? No. Is he on the outs with the rest of the economic team? Not really. Are folks spreading rumors about him, hoping he will leave? Maybe. Will he depart before the midterms? Probably not. Will he be doing what he's doing now on April 5, 2011? Maybe not. Maybe, probably, if. Those qualifiers are anathema to the way this business works, but to the best of my knowledge and reporting, one cannot accurately describe the state of Summers's thinking without using them.

E-reader News Edition

Politics/ Fashion/

Liar, Liar

BRINGING continued from page 43

(AEI.Org: Articles)

them as high. A new Fox News Opinion Dynamics poll found Submitted at 4/5/2010 4:00:00 PM that most people thought that In 1943 nearly half of those elected officials were more s u r v e y e d , 4 8 % , t o l d interested in power and wealth interviewers in a poll conducted (67%) than in public service for b y t h e N a t i o n a l O p i n i o n their constituents (14%). In our Research Center that it was deeply polarized political almost impossible for a man to environment the absence of stay honest if he goes into political integrity is something politics. Has anything changed? Democrats and Republicans Well the people's trust in agree on. Both think it is politicians has deteriorated widespread. In recent columns further. More than 50 years my colleague at AEI Norm later, in a poll taken in 1997 by Ornstein has documented the F o x N e w s a n d O p i n i o n bipartisan nature of ethical Dynamics, 55% agreed that lapses and Congress' halting people who go into politics efforts to strengthen the ethics cannot remain honest. A 2006 process there. ABC News/Washington Post These responses explain why poll found that a bare majority, most people say they wouldn't 52%, said most members of want a son or daughter to Congress had about the same choose politics as a career. amount of honesty as most Gallup first asked about sons people, but 44% said they were pursuing politics as a life's work more dishonest. in 1943, and 69% said they In 2010 55% told Gallup wouldn't want him to choose interviewers that the honesty that path. In 1995, the last time a n d e t h i c a l s t a n d a r d s o f the question was asked, 63% members of Congress were low g a v e t h a t r e s p o n s e . or very low, the only time a Interestingly, however, most majority has given that response people think their child could since the question was asked grow up to be president. first in 1976. Only 9% described Politicians aren't the only ones

whose ethics are held in such low regard. Americans' opinions of the honesty and ethical standards of businesspeople aren't high either. In Gallup's 2009 polling just 19% said the honesty and ethical standards of bankers were high; 12% felt that way about business executives, and 9% about stockbrokers. Stockbrokers were tied with members of Congress. Both ranked only slightly above HMO managers (8%) and car salesmen (6%), who took last place in the poll. Compare these responses with the views of the honesty and ethics of nurses, who topped Gallup's list: 83% of respondents said their standards on this score were high. In another 2009 poll only 22% told Fox News/Opinion Dynamics interviewers that most CEOs were honest and ethical. In a new poll from Harris Interactive two-thirds said most people on Wall Street would be willing to break the law if they believed they could make a lot of money and get away with it. In a separate question in the February 2010

poll, just three in 10 said that in general people on Wall Street are as honest and moral as other people. There are some saving graces in this public opinion snapshot. During the Enron and Worldcom scandals large majorities said the kind of misdeeds that took place at these companies would not occur at their own companies and that their bosses were honest and ethical. These questions haven't been updated since 2003, but I'm confident that the answers would be the same. Most people have a high regard for their bosses. Not many would want their job or their responsibilities. But as for our public space, views of politicians and businesspeople are in need of serious repair. Karlyn Bowman is a senior fellow at AEI. P h o t o C r e d i t : iStockphoto/james steidl Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Street Chic: New York (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 4/6/2010 4:00:00 AM

Tall boots and a below-the-knee


skirt go the distance. Photo: Kelly Stuart Think you are Street Chic? Email us your photo and you could appear in's

Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan! Street Chic Daily.

those checks would probably go to people living in poor and vulnerable countries who are even now facing the effects of the climate change we’ve caused. (The international funding in Bill One is its best feature, though I’m willing to bet it won’t survive the sausage factory.) Somehow or another, we need to make good on Hillary Clinton’s pledge to send billions of dollars to poor countries already suffering from climate change. (For a really good idea, Google “Robin Hood tax.”) But we also need a bill that cuts carbon emissions with enough vigor that more islands don’t drown and more deserts don’t spread—that’s the most bottom of carbon bottom lines—and Bill Two at least sets up a plausible mechanism for proceeding down that path. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Politics/ Tech News/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

The Key To The Nuclear Posture Review (Marc Ambinder) (Politics :: The Atlantic)

that our conventional weapons capability is an effective deterrent in all but the most extreme circumstances." The Submitted at 4/5/2010 7:13:07 PM It looks like President Obama Times suggests that Obama is has decided to make the Nuclear prepared to give countries that Non-Proliferation Treaty the key adhere to the NPT the benefit of to his new nuclear strategy, by the doubt even if they use pledging that the United States chemical or biological weapons won't use nuclear weapons to to attack the United States and respond to an attack by a its allies. This policy would be country that adheres to the subject to revision. And it is not t r e a t y . T h a t w o u l d b e a clear whether it apply to nonsignificant shift from the Cold state actors, although it probably War nuclear posture, and it would not, because they aren't would heavily tie the future of party to the NPT. U.S. nuclear weapon strategy to The hope is that by tying global efforts against nuclear n u c l e a r s t r a t e g y t o N P T terrorism and non-proliferation - compliance, the international - and would disentangle years of communication will isolate history and culture that link regimes like North Korea that American nuclear weapons use flout its rules, and countries like to other countries -- "state Iran, that refuse to sign. (Left actors," in nuclear parlance. unsaid are the ambiguities about The New York Times reported U.S. policy towards Israel, that President Obama, in an which hasn't signed the NPT.) interview, with the Times, said The NPR will, as previously that the U.S. "is going to want to reported, call for continued make sure that we can continue i n v e s t m e n t i n " s t o c k p i l e to move towards less emphasis m a n a g e m e n t . " on nuclear weapons make sure As of Monday night, questions

left unclear: (a) Whether the National Command Authority will be changed; whether the president will add more steps and more time between the detection of a nuclear weapon launched at the U.S. or exploded inside the U.S. and the trigger of a response; (b) Tactical nuclear weapons in Europe; the NPR is expected to consolidate the presence of these weapons and will eliminate one particular weapons system; the deterrent will be preserved. (c) The specific language used to describe the zero-sum nature of stockpile management -- that is, how do you modernize nuclear weapons without enhancing their capabilities? (d) The "incentives" used to increase the probability of conventional responses to all types of attacks. (e) The posture toward non-state actors that acquire and use nuclear weapons.

Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:54:25 AM

Roger Lowenstein discusses his new book ‘The End of Wall Street,’ which aims to expose

the reckless speculation and failures on Wall Street. Note Michelle Caruso Cabrera imposes her views onto the debate, making several incorrect statements along the way: Tues. Apr. 6 2010 | 7:17

Alex Williams (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:05:06 PM

Rackspace launched an iPad app to manage a cloud infrastructure, one of the first to offer such a service. Amazon Web Services (AWS) does not have apps for the iPhone nor the iPad platforms. It has historically not offered mobile apps for AWS. Sponsor You can still access AWS on the iPad through the Safari browser. But is the experience as rich as what you would have as on a native app? Mike Mayo built Rackspace's iPad app. He says it is the functionality that gives apps their value. It's evident in both consumer and enterprise apps. Users get a rich user experience. You can see it in the Racskpace cloud app. Mayo humorously says that the app offers administrators "a life." Meaning that you can go out for dinner without the AM[08:02] anxiety of not knowing how the Five Filters featured article: infrastructure is faring. If you Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: see a problem, you can reboot, PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, directly from the device. Term Extraction. The app does have a new service not available on the

Roger Lowenstein on ‘The End of Wall Street’ Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture)

Does the iPad App Give Rackspace An Advantage?

iPhone version. You can delete your servers on it. Mayo kept the feature off the iPhone due to the concern that it's such a small device, easily left at a bar or restaurant. He feels people are less likely to leave an iPad due to its size. We're not so sure. People leave their laptops behind all the time. We could go into details about the app and what it offers but Robert Scoble's video does a good job of that. Mayo is currently developing a Rackpace cloud app for the Android. Disclosure: RackSpace is a sponsor of ReadWriteCloud's parent site, ReadWriteWeb. Discuss

Gadgets/ Economy/

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LIFT continued from page 42

Warsaw, and thousands assembled--dedicated a 30-foot cross in the same square in commemoration of the Pope's Mass there in 1979. The mayor described the impact of Pope John Paul II's prayer for the renewal of Poland in this way: The message of John Paul II met with our highest national and social aspirations. It poured hope into our hearts. Then, for the first time in decades, we saw how many of us are here. We felt what it meant to be together, free, and in community. Soon, August 1980 arrived and Solidarity was established. Then the tragedy [martial law] of December 1981, and thanks to those who went through that and did not reject hope, June 1989 arrived. . . . From this day forth in Warsaw, in the heart of Poland, opposite of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a symbol of bravery of Poles, there will be a Cross standing which is a symbol of faith, perseverance, and hope. . . . And living here

and now we are taking responsibility not only for a free Poland, but also for the solidarity of all of Europe. This cross is a symbol that what is impossible becomes possible. Just after the mayor unveiled the memorial cross, a recorded message of Pope John Paul II played: "Today, I look at the whole of Poland, from the Tatra Mountains to the Baltic Sea, and this cross says to whole of Poland, sursum corda, lift up your hearts." The cross, as carried by Pope John Paul II, not only lifted the hearts of the Poles, it also lifted the hearts of millions around the world. Italian senator and philosopher Marcello Pera says that it is important to remember not only John Paul's II contributions to the political struggle against Communism, but also the way he went about it: "Against Communism he proposed the cross. And it was the cross as displayed by John Paul II that, according to me,

was the decisive factor in the collapse of Communism in Poland and then elsewhere." In the 1980s, the world learned from John Paul II and the Polish people that tyrants and dictators are no match when millions of hearts are lifted high. This Polish experience of freedom through faith serves as a timeless warning to governments anywhere that threaten religious freedom, including those in democratic societies. Newt Gingrich is a senior fellow at AEI. He and Callista Gingrich are hosts and executive producers of the documentary film Nine Days that Changed Vladislav Savov (Engadget) the World. Submitted at 4/6/2010 8:35:00 AM Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Finally, the day has come. At PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, some magical point in time Term Extraction. during today, all you Xbox 360 owners will be prompted to update to the latest firmware for your beloved console. Once the tidy little exchange of data with Microsoft's servers has been completed, you'll at long last be able to plug USB memory sticks in and exploit a bit of advantage in the opinion polls to f u n c t i o n a l i t y t h a t f r a n k l y gain his first electoral mandate should've been there from the as leader. “Now all of us, let’s start. So that's it, all your game go to it,” he said. saves, profiles and other 360Five Filters featured article: related trinkets can finally be Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: taken on the move without PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, resorting to lugging a HDD Term Extraction.

Brown calls general election for May 6 (Financial Times - US homepage)

mandate” to extend 13 years of Labour rule and “secure the recovery”. Submitted at 4/6/2010 3:09:49 AM Flanked by his cabinet outside Gordon Brown on Tuesday Downing Street, the prime called an election for May 6, minister opened a campaign that asking the British electorate for g i v e s h i m f o u r w e e k s t o a “clear and straightforward overturn a clear Conservative

Xbox 360 update brings longawaited USB storage support, SanDisk ready to cash in around. In the mean time, SanDisk's previously rumored Xbox 360-branded $40 8GB flash drive is looking all the more real, with Amazon now offering pre-orders at a slightly less crazy $35 price point. You know, in case the millions of USB storage options out there aren't doing it for you. Xbox 360 update brings longawaited USB storage support, SanDisk ready to cash in originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 08:35:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink I4U| Major Nelson, Amazon| Email this| Comments


Politics/ Gadgets/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

McCain: I'm No Maverick (Newsmax - Politics) Submitted at 4/5/2010 2:53:52 PM

WASHINGTON – Republican Senator John McCain, whose "maverick" breaks with his party won him media acclaim and powered his 2008 White House run, now rejects the moniker, according to Newsweek magazine. The Arizona lawmaker, looking to thwart a primary challenge from a conservative Republican former congressman, played down his history of working with Democrats on issues like overhauling US immigration policy, curbing big money influence in politics, or fighting climate change. "I never considered myself a maverick," Newsweek quoted him as saying. "I consider myself a person who serves the people of Arizona to the best of his abilities." McCain embraced the label in the past, notably during his 2008

presidential run, when his campaign ran a television advertisement branding him and running mate Sarah Palin "the original mavericks" and when he played down some of their policy disagreements by quipping "what do you expect from two mavericks?" A McCain aide highlighted a passage from the prologue of the senator's 2002 book, "Worth Fighting For: The Education of an American Maverick, and the Heroes Who Inspired Him," in which the lawmaker expressed discomfort with the label "even when it is meant as a compliment." "I worry that the act might be getting a little tired for a man of my years," McCain wrote. "Better for old men to be known as collegial team players, who expect to find the warmth of their associations a tonic for fears of approaching infirmity and extinction," he wrote. But he went on to underscore

his "instinctive resistance to institutional customs that strike me as empty gestures of submission" and highlight his "acute, much too acute, sensitivity to abuses of authority." "I have my reputation, and not enough years left in my career to improve it much. I'm an independent-minded, wellintentioned public servant to some. And to others, I'm a selfstyled, self-righteous, maverick pain in the ass," he wrote. Recent polls have shown McCain easily beating former representative JD Hayworth, who has sought to capitalize on anti-Washington sentiment and the energized conservative "Tea Party" political insurgency. Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Yogo electric scooter asks: 'Why not take a spare battery?' Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:49:00 AM

It would certainly seem like the range of the average electric vehicle could be extended quite a bit if you could just throw a spare battery in the trunk and swap whenever the lights started to dim. That's the idea behind the Yogo from Econogo -except this is made in the UK where they call trunks "boots," and it's a scooter so it doesn't have one of either, just a storage compartment under the seat. Anyhow, in there you can store a second battery, doubling the 22 mile range and, since that cell is removable, you can easily take it inside, making office time refills a real possibility. The manufacturer's site is decidedly a work in progress but we do know that a scooter will set you back £1999 (about $3k) and that they are available in a wide array of hip colors: your

choice of black or beige. Yogo electric scooter asks: 'Why not take a spare battery?' originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 09:49:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Times Online| Econogo| Email this| Comments

LL Cool J Goes for K.O. on 'NCIS: Los Angeles' (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 4/6/2010 3:40:00 AM

LL Cool J is ripped and ready for battle -- but can he handle the underground world of no-

holds-barred cage fighting? After training with some of the top mixed martial artists in the game, the "NCIS: Los Angeles" star gets in the ring! "My character goes

undercover," he tells ET. "There's a death -- I won't say who -- but it needs to be investigated. My character, who is a navy seal and has martialarts training, decides this is what

he needs to do in order to get close to the people who may have perpetrated the crime." After a sparring session onscreen, he says, "I definitely feel it. I have a tremendous amount

of respect for these athletes and what they go through every day. The level of commitment it takes to do this day in and day out is pretty amazing.

Politics/ TV/

E-reader News Edition


Whitman Chips in $20M More in Calif. Gov. Race

John Goodman Back on TV with HBO's 'Treme'

(Newsmax - Politics)

Nick Zaino (TV Squad)

November's general election. The Poizner and Brown campaigns accused Whitman of Former eBay chief executive trying to buy the election. Meg Whitman on Monday gave "Meg Whitman laughs at the her campaign for the GOP thought of running out of g u b e r n a t o r i a l n o m i n a t i o n money, while people across another $20 million, bringing California are struggling every her contributions from her day," Poizner spokesman Jarrod personal fortune to $59 million A g e n s a i d i n a s t a t e m e n t in what is expected to be the M o n d a y n i g h t . most expensive governor's race Poizner is also a in California history. multimillionaire who has given Whitman has already spent his campaign $19 million to more than $46 million in her date, but had spent only about quest to beat state Insurance $3 million as of mid-March. He Commissioner Steve Poizner in has said he is saving his the June Republican primary, r e s o u r c e s t o m o u n t a n paying tens of millions to a g g r e s s i v e a t t a c k a g a i n s t blanket television and radio Whitman in the final weeks of airwaves with ads introducing the Republican contest. herself to California voters. Brown spokesman Sterling Recent polls show her with a 40 C l i f f o r d s a i d W h i t m a n i s - to 50-percentage point lead spending unprecedented money over Poizner and neck-and-neck "to fund simplistic sloganeering with presumed Democratic and attack ads. Her Wall Street nominee Jerry Brown in a money won't be enough to presumed matchup in next crown herself the Republican Submitted at 4/6/2010 12:31:14 AM

nominee or buy the governor's office this November." Whitman's campaign has said she is willing to spend as much as $150 million of her own money in the race for governor. Whitman campaign manager Jillian Hasner said that Whitman has also raised $11.8 million from outside contributors. "Whether it's facing down the powerful public employee unions who are propping up Jerry Brown or our wellfinanced primary opponent, Meg's campaign will have the resources to fight back," Hasner said in a statement released by the campaign. Š Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:25:00 AM

There's already a lot of excitement over HBO's new series 'Treme,' and for good reason. The series, which debuts Sunday, is the brainchild of David Simon and Eric Overmyer, who gave us five wonderful seasons of'The Wire' on HBO. And this series, which tells the story of post-Katrina New Orleans through the lens of a struggling musician and the community around him, looks full of potential with the same kind of quality we came to expect from 'The Wire' and S i m o n a n d Overmyer's'Homicide' series. Perhaps a smaller storyline is John Goodman's return to a regular TV series. Goodman has been in a couple of short-lived sitcoms ('Normal, Ohio' and'Center of the Universe'), has appeared often on'Saturday Night Live,' and done some voice-over work and cameos (he

had a particularly good stretch on'The West Wing'). So he has kept a somewhat steady television presence. Continue reading John Goodman Back on TV with HBO's 'Treme' Filed under: Other Drama Shows, OpEd, Casting, RealityFree Permalink| Email this| | Comments

'Damages' - 'All That Crap About Your Family' Recap Jane Boursaw (TV Squad)

Tobin's Ponzi scheme seems like small potatoes now, doesn't Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:42:00 AM it? Joe Tobin was worried about (S03E11) "I'm not your mother, having to live out his father's Ellen, if that's what you were c r i m e - r i d d e n l e g a c y ? N o thinking." - Ann Connell worries on that; Joe's creating Well, my goodness. Louis his own twisted legacy all by


And Marilyn Tobin - gack! She's willing to waste her own granddaughter for the sake of what? A few bucks? 'All That Crap About Your Family' is a great title for this episode. Continue reading'Damages' -

'All That Crap About Your Family' Recap Filed under: Episode Reviews, Damages, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments


Tech News/

E-reader News Edition

Fancy Hands: Virtual Assistants, Aardvark Style Marshall Kirkpatrick (ReadWriteWeb)

dynamo whose energy spills out in side projects like the visually compelling social bookmarking Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:18:26 PM service and an "It's not about the value of the O'Reilly book about building task, it's about the value of me real-time websites, due out this not having to do it, or even think Summer. Previously, he was the about it anymore." That's how 2nd full-time programmer at artTed Roden describes Fancy video portal Vimeo. Hands, his new side project that Roden says he built Fancy p r o v i d e s v i r t u a l p e r s o n a l Hands because he wanted to assistants in the cloud for a low build something big. He calls it monthly fee. that just because it was the Need an appointment made for filename for his first bit of code, you? Research done on Fantasy a t r a d i t i o n a c r o s s a l l h i s Baseball players you might want projects. He's bootstrapping it to draft onto your team? Roden himself "and my wife says it's has hired more than 100 people ok," he says. Casting The Tasks based in the US and England Fancy Hands is easy for who can perform almost any customers to use. I asked the quick, legal task for you, within service to find where in town I minutes, at any hour day or could buy a "sweater bag" to run night. You can send them 15 sweaters through the washing emails with task requests per m a c h i n e a n d g o t a g r e a t month for a $30 fee. An r e s p o n s e , c o m p l e t e w i t h algorithm sorts the tasks and multiple options online and a routes each one to the most p e r s o n a l r e c o m m e n d a t i o n , appropriate person. within an hour. I asked for links Sponsor to reviews of iPad RSS reading Roden says the people he's a p p l i c a t i o n s a n d t h e f i r s t hired include retired lawyers, response I got was terrible. I actors waiting with time to spare emailed back complaining and before going on camera and the person on the other end sent former employees of competitor me back something even worse. ChaCha. He wrote a program to T h e n R o d e n n o t i c e d a n d sift through piles of applications r e a s s i g n e d t h e r e q u e s t t o and plans on using the someone who filled it company's own service beautifully. providers to select new hires in Roden says that for now he's the future as well. doing the quality control himself Roden himself has a day job in and generally well after the the R&D department of the New tasks have been completed. York Times. He's a creative He's got a complex series of

affordable, competitive on speed and often surprisingly superior in quality of results. At least at tubes and pulleys rigged up to launch, the people he's hired sort tasks, though. He calls it seem relatively interested in the "the eHarmony of Getting project and the work. Things Done." Social search This afternoon I asked Fancy Aardvark started out as a lot of H a n d s t o m a k e m e a n manual human effort behind a p p o i n t m e n t w i t h " B o b ' s public facing technology, then Heating System Repair" and b e c a m e a s e a r c h - s o r t i n g gave it my own phone number algorithmic people-connector to call, just to see how it went that Google bought for millions. down. I answered my next Fancy Hands is half human and inbound call with "hello, Bob's half-machine, too. It connects heating repair, this is Bob." your emailed task requests with And went through a few minutes the right staff members to fill of appointment conversation them. In that way it's a little b e f o r e t e l l i n g t h e v i r t u a l reminiscent of Aardvark, the assistant what I was really social search startup that began doing. I think he felt a little bit as a human bucket brigade toyed with, but he was very behind a facade of technology professional before and after I and ended up a complex web of disclosed my true identity. computer science that Google He said he had interacted just a acquired this Winter for millions little bit with Ted and that he of dollars. was very interested to see what At its core Fancy Hands is kind of research he would be people, though. And the people tasked with doing. He was very are paid by the task. Roden has cautious about telling me created a system that ranks tasks anything specific about what the by complexity and rewards system was like on his end assistants with higher pay when because "we're a brand new they complete harder tasks. company, just starting." I Once they reach a particular pay thought it was charming that one grade, all their tasks become of the 100 people hired to do better paying, thus incentivizing tasks for a fee felt so closely them to dive in to harder and associated with the business. harder work. These Hands Are Fancy The people behind the scenes People familiar with this kind a r e o f t e n s u r p r i s i n g l y of "human powered microenthusiastic. Roden says that outsourcing" will no doubt be compared to other, similar f a m i l i a r w i t h A m a z o n ' s systems, Fancy Hands is more Mechanical Turk. All kinds of

businesses bid for Turk users to perform rapid little tasks that require just a touch of human intelligence. Spammers pay Turkers to leave spammy spam around the web, podcasters pay Turkers to transcribe tiny fragments of audio files, businesses like Citysearch and Yelp pay Turkers to confirm changes to local business listings submitted by users. It's a big business, a platform that other businesses are being built on top of. These services can be taken too far, of course. Author Tim Ferriss famously paid a team of assistants to pretend to be him on dating websites. They vetted women for intelligence and appearance before scheduling a day full of short first dates all in a row. That's just dishonest, an interpersonal crime of convenience. There's something both more and less human about what Fancy Hands is doing, though. Its algorithmic task sorting could become very complex but the people on both ends are more invested, too. Roden says his model of $30 for 15 tasks per month makes people stop and ponder whether a task is really one they want to expend part of their monthly subscription on. There's something intriguing about that. For himself, Ted Roden has a FANCY page 55

Tech News/

E-reader News Edition


Social Gaming: Legit Gameplay or a Play for Your Cash? Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 4/5/2010 9:00:00 PM

There is a question being bandied about by people in the game industry. It effects something you do, or, if you don't, your friend, roommate, wife or fencing opponent does. Social gaming. Is social gaming - games played on social networks, like Facebook and MySpace actually gaming? Millions of users have already given their tacit approval that there is indeed entertainment value in those games. But what puts hardcore gamers' skivvies in a knot is the idea that there has been total sacrifice of gameplay in exchange for filthy lucre that these "games" have been so neutered that they only outwardly resemble gaming. And so the more important question is this: Are hardcore gamers simply demanding that all cars on the road be sports cars, or are they a bellwether of a shift in social gaming from click-click-click, to quality? Sponsor "Social games are making tons of money," said Karen Clark, a Project Manager at Electronic Arts. "They are like slot machines made legal and webaccessible. There's a lot of investment. Most game people think these 'games' suck because they are more like exercises in clicking and monetization of

customers than they are fun." It is a burgeoning area. In December, Digital Sky Technologies bought into Zynga for $180 million. EA snapped up PlayFish for $400 million and Playdom, whose "Social City" game racked up 10 million players in about a month of existence, scored a $43 million series B. Most social games as well as

some casual games make use a business model of selling ingame "currency" for the purchase of anything from fertilizer to a straight-razor and combining that with playerprivileges sales and advertising. "The business model for social games worked really well," said Mark Hendrickson of Big Fish, a Seattle-based gaming company, "because there were

only a few companies who could harvest all the affiliate money and swamp anyone else's efforts by putting that money right back into the Facebook ad network. I really think they should have called it 'Facebook gaming.' Social gaming is only on the radar because it is a really, really cheap way to possibly make a whole lot of money, if implemented

properly. "As Facebook goes, so goes social gaming." Tami Baribeau, the producer of Metaplace's Island Life game on Facebook, sees it very differently. "Games go where people go," she said. "Social networks are clearly a hot platform right now because it's where people are spending time on the web." She attributes the fiction that gameplay is compromised to hardcore gamer prejudice more than to any pandering to a lowest common denominator. "The fact that social games are whittled down to their basic core mechanics and feedback loop mean that they're instantly understandable, casual, and the fun is easy to find. This is why they open up the market to so many people, and such a different demographic than traditional console/PC gaming. Traditional gamers don't like to admit (or simply don't realize) that games do not have to be massive, 3D, scripted, deep, and immersive experiences in order to be fun and engaging and monetizable. " Alex Swanson, Project Lead at Playdom, also disagrees with the notion that good gameplay is stepped back in social gaming. "Initially computers themselves were extremely complex and difficult to learn, so the platform SOCIAL page 55


Tech News/ Gallup Poll/

E-reader News Edition

From DOS Games to BBSes: Five Ways To Reminisce About Your Online Past Mike Melanson (ReadWriteWeb)

websites have developed over time. The site has "over 150 billion Submitted at 4/6/2010 7:44:00 AM web pages archived from 1996 These days, all you ever hear to a few months ago." The site a b o u t a r e i P h o n e s , i P a d s , uses data from Alexa, and gives Twitter, Facebook, Google, and you snapshots of websites at s t u f f l i k e G o w a l l a a n d various stages in their life cycle, Foursquare. Do you ever wish beginning usually with the site's you could just go back to a conception on the Web. simpler, more linear, 2400 baud That first, test website you built type of time? Well, there are a in Microsoft Frontpage? Yeah, it number of sites out there that still, sorta exists in some can help you revisit your pre- incarnation on the Wayback Internet past as if it were M a c h i n e . T h e B B S D a y s enshrined in resin and on Stepping back a little further display at the ancient history into the history of the Internet museum. past, we find BBSes, those dialAnd at some of these online up messaging, file transfer, museums, you can not only c h a t r o o m , " d o o r g a m e " look, but you can touch - we're communities that predated t a l k i n g d o o r g a m e s , D O S websites and the Internet as games, ANSI drawings and we've come to know it. more. And honestly, in some ways, Sponsor the Web as we now see it has The Early Web - The Truth become more and more like (About Your Bad Web Design) those gathering places of yore. Is Out There The Wayback Websites like Facebook and Machine is all the evidence Myspace are oddly remniscent you'll ever need that you, too, and represent more of a comeonce totally sucked at Web full-circle experience than a design. It's like the Internet revolution in online experiences. yearbook you never really asked Making Old Friends So, if you for and a great way to see how aren't friends with your old BBS

around since 1990, to executables for L.O.R.D. and every other game you can remember, this throwback site (with its gradient fade background image) will take you right back to the days of modem init strings and BBS meets. And please, for the sake of all of us, download that Renegade or WWIV BBS code, get it pals on Facebook yet, you might running, and lets get some Trade be able to find them on Wars going. Before Text BBSmates, a list of more than Became Hypertextual Going 75,000 BBSes and the people even a little bit deeper into the that ran and used them. (I'm in early days of the online world there, somewhere, but I'll let we have, the one you try to find that embarassing stop shop for everything ASCII. nugget of my BBS years.) The site describes itself as Aside from taking credit for offering "a glimpse into the your exploits as Co-SysOp on history of writers and artists that one BBS for six months, bound by the 128 characters that you can fill your hankering for a the American Standard Code for little game of Global Wars, I n f o r m a t i o n I n t e r c h a n g e Baron Realms Elite and even (ASCII) allowed them. The Usurper. BBS Source Codes, focus is on mid-1980's textfiles Door Games and Even ANSI and the world as it was then, but Art BBS Archives makes you even these files are sometime feel like you've entered the late retooled 1960s and 1970s 90s from the second the site works, and offshoots of this loads and it has all the files to culture exist to this day." back it up. From ACiD, the We're talking everything from ANSI art group that's been those "Anarchy texts" you

Americans Prioritize Energy Over Environment for First Time (All Gallup Headlines) Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:00:00 PM

[ unable to

retrieve full-text content] By 50% to 43%, Americans say the U.S. should prioritize the development of energy supplies

over environmental protection. years it has asked about this This is the first time Gallup has trade-off. found opinion tilting toward energy production in the 10

showed off to your friends in school to those terrible hacker group zines you and your friends made in Word Perfect. If you thought you were cool then, wait until you read this stuff now! Nevermind AR: We've Got Scorched Earth Last, but surely not least, we find ourselves with a DOS emulator for Windows made especially for game play called D-Fend Reloaded, that we found over at Lifehacker and admittedly started this whole Internet/BBS remniscing tirade. With help from sites like you can get your game on, with classics such as Scorched Earth and Nethack. And if all of these websites and tools aren't enough, we'd recommend checking out BBS: The Documentary for a full look at the way things were. Oh, and did I mention welcome back to your online childhood? Discuss

Tech News/

E-reader News Edition

Dion Hinchcliffe: We Are Now Part of the Dachis Group Alex Williams (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:48:33 AM

Dion Hinchcliffe announced this morning the sales of his successful practice to the Dachis Group, one of the largest services organizations in the field, focused on building social technologies in the enterprise. In recent months, the advent of social technologies catered to the enterprise has shifted into high gear. Hinchcliffe said in an interview yesterday that the opportunities presented to Hinchcliffe & Company have scaled in the past few months.The Dachis Group will help meet those opportunities. Sponsor The Dachis Group, founded by Jeff Dachis in 2008, is wellknown for its emphasis as a services firm focused on social technologies for large enterprise organizations. It is funded by Austin Ventures. The company has grown considerably in the past year, acquiring Headshift Technologies last September. Hinchcliffe is undoubtedly one of the most well respected voices in Enterprise 2.0. He is the Enterprise 2.0 blog for ZDnet. He brings a unique understanding that comes from

years as an information architect. He came early to the social Web movement in the enterprise. He picked up early on the concept of web-oriented architectures and what it means for the transformation of the enterprise. Hinchcliffe had this to say today about the shift in our society and the enterprise:"To the latter point, it's almost a truism that focus is something that is hard to achieve in any organization on the emerging edge of business and technology. When Web 2.0 arrived on the scene in the middle of the decade, it was clear that something momentous was happening in our personal lives, but it was almost too large a change for most of us to easily digest. Now, much the same transformation has begun in our businesses. Back then I decided to immediately create a company to bring these ideas -and changes that accompany


SOCIAL continued from page 53

self-selected for people that were tolerant of (or even attracted by) complexity," he them -- in the most positive said. "Since then computers possible way to enterprises have be come much more around the world and I haven't accessible, creating a gap in the market between the average looked back. The outcome was something computer user and the average most of you are now quite 'gamer.' familiar with in the subject "Part of the reason that games matter we explore in depth in like these were never very our blogs, workshops, books, successful prior to the existence a r t i c l e s , s p e e c h e s , a n d of social networks is once again consulting practice: social an issue of accessibility. These software, cloud computing, open games are built around the idea APIs, i n n o v a t i o n , that the user has a connected c r o w d s o u r c i n g , W e b 2 . 0 , identity. Trying to ask users to Enterprise 2.0, Social CRM, and build out their social graph as more. It is now increasingly part of entering a game would clear that these ideas are all part create an insurmountable barrier of a macro set of trends and to entry. Fortunately, Facebook concepts that are changing the FANCY way we structure and operate continued from page 52 our organizations today. Thus, as I stated in the press release, I simple rule for using the system believe that Social Business he built. "If I think about Design captures these ideas in a anything twice, I just put it into comprehensive approach that Fancy Hands," he says. It will will be an essential foundation be interesting to see how often of next-generation enterprises." his customers think about Fancy The significance of this news Hands and whether enough of comes down to what we all are t h e m w i l l r e n e w t h e i r seeing happen in the enterprise. subscriptions to make this a Social technologies represent a sustainable service. If nothing cultural shift in how we view else, this mix of human and our world. The changes to come in the next five years will be profound. Hinchcliffe and the Dachis Group will play an important role in that transformation. Discuss

has already convinced the players to do this by providing its own unique benefits." If you play social games, you probably do not care about this argument. You play because it's fun. Maybe that's enough. Maybe it's not for one group of gamers to tell another that they oughtn't love what they love. "All I know," said one social gamer, " is I've met the nicest people playing Mafia Wars." For another view of social gaming, see ReadWriteWeb's post on Armchair Revolutionary. Discuss

machine is thought provoking, and perhaps prescient, in the way it strategically blends the online and offline worlds. Photo by Justin Ouellette. Discuss


Gadgets/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Western Digital Velociraptor SATA 3.0 hard drives are the fastest money can buy Nicholas Deleon (CrunchGear)

take advantage of the new drives. These motherboards aren’t exactly cheap: ASUS’ Submitted at 4/6/2010 7:00:27 AM current top dog, the P6X58D It’s like Christmas morning for Premium, goes for $309 on PC enthusiasts today. Western Newegg. You really do have to Digital has released its SATA weigh whether or not it’s worth 3.0 (that’s a maximum transfer that kind of money to “futurerate of 6.0 Gb/s, which p r o o f ” y o u r s e l f ( t h e t r a n s l a t e s t o 7 6 8 M B / s ) motherboard also supports USB Velociraptor hard drives. The 3.0). I lean toward yes, if only Velociraptor name basically because I like the idea of means “OMG FAST!” when it d r o p p i n g f a t c a s h o n P C comes to hard drives. The thing c o m p o n e n t s . is, unlike the last time Western Some people build and Digital released Velociraptor maintain cars. Others build and hard drives, two years ago, solid maintain PCs! state drives are on the market, Right, so the drive! In the and they’re clearly faster than words of TomsHardware, “Once even the fastest traditional hard again, a hard drive carrying the drive. Doesn’t matter: if you’re Raptor name claims the crown looking for absolute, top-of-the- for being the fastest desktop line performance when it comes hard drive available.” You’re to traditional hard drives, it looking at 17 percent faster l o o k s l i k e t h e s e n e w gaming performance (compared Velociraptors are the way to go. to the next fastest hard drive), You will, of course, need a 27 percent application loading, fancy new motherboard to fully and so on. You’re encouraged to

read the actual benchmarks—that’s why they’re there! Now, let’s talk value. Western Digital wants $329 for the 600GB version. You can grab a 2TB (!) Western Digital Caviar Black for $279. (I have a 1TB

Caviar Black in my PC right now.) Are you willing to pay a little bit more for a significantly smaller drive, but one that’s quite a bit faster? That’s your call. Then it gets even crazier when you consider SSDs, though

those are still on the expensive side at capacities of more than a few gigabytes. I think the conclusion here is, yeah, these new Velociraptor drives are the bee’s knees. There are cheaper alternatives out there, but they’re not as fast. There are more expensive alternatives out there, but they’re faster, at least theoretically. But let’s face it: if you’re the kind of person who buys $300+ motherboards then you can probably afford a hard drive like this. Heck, you can probably afford SSDs, too, so why not use ‘em both: install Windows on a super-fast SSD, then leave “everything else” on these new Velociraptor. Or just look at the benchmarks and sigh, like me.

Erin Andrews Feels Safe and Secure in the Arms of Maksim Chmerkovskiy (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 4/6/2010 3:45:00 AM

Despite being the victim of death threats, Erin Andrews fearlessly waltzed through her

routine on the third week of "Dancing with the Stars." With the support of her dancing "family," she put on a blindfold, shielding herself from the harsh reality outside the bubble of the

studio…and to get into character. Erin told ET assertively, " Maksim[ Chmerkovskiy] was right with me when we found out the news. This was the best

scenario to be in because he instantly was like, 'Okay, we're waltzing. We're not worrying about anything else.' So, I didn't have time to." Plus, she is under the tutelage

of the muscular Maks who says he is looking out for her. "I had a shirt that says, 'I am' and on the back 'Security.'"

Gadgets/ TV/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition


Hard facts on the HP Slate: price, battery life and storage capacity Tablet ( Submitted at 4/5/2010 3:20:20 PM

Some details on the upcoming HP Slate HP continues to position its Slate tablet as the antiPad. Just days after the iPads sale date, HP has released a new video showing distinct features not available on the Apple product and we’ve got a first look at exactly what’s under the glass. The HP Slate will have an 8.9inch 1024 x 600 resolution capacitive touchscreen with a 1.6GHz Atom Z530 CPU. It will come with 32GB of flash storage and 1GB of DDR2 RAM in its base configuration which will sell for $549 (a little higher than we previously guesstimated). HP will also be selling a 64GB option for $50 more. Both versions will have a five-hour battery run time, two cameras (one front-facing VGA webcam, one back-facing 3MP

camera), HDMI, SDHC slot, accelerometer, SIM card for possible 3G, dock connector and feature 1080p playback. It will have WiFi b/g (does no one include the supposed “standard” N?!), Bluetooth, GPS and the aforementioned optional 3G. It looks to weigh just about the same as the iPad — HP claims 1.49 lbs (was the .01 really necessary to state we wonder?) — and will measure 9.21 x 5.7 x 0.57 inches. As mentioned before, the HP Slate is expected

to launch in June. So what do you say antiPadders? Is the HP Slate offering enough to plunk down some cash on? Are you waiting for another offering (perhaps something with Android instead)? Let us know in the comments. Source: Engadget Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:56:27 AM

14:45 BST: Worries that the eurozone’s bailout deal for Greece may unravel knocked the euro and halted a global risk

Mike Moody (TV Squad)

watching for the tightly edited procedural elements, the action Submitted at 4/6/2010 10:02:00 AM scenes, and Kiefer Sutherland's (S08E15) The sun finally came sturdy performance. That stuff is up over Jack Bauer and crew solid -- so solid that it almost last night on'24'. And with it makes up for the lack of came the first of two exciting if compelling drama and the ultimately empty-feeling hours unbelievable plot developments of the veteran real-time drama. this season. I use the word empty to Head after the jump for describe these episodes because spoilers, and remember to check I'm no longer very invested in out our recap of the next hour the story. '24' lost me a few when it goes live. weeks ago, even before Dana so Continue reading'24' - '6:00 inelegantly stuffed Stephen AM - 7:00 AM' Recap Root's dead body behind a CTU Filed under: 24, Episode rally on Tuesday. f r o m t h e E a s t e r b r e a k t o wall panel. Like I typed last Reviews, Reality-Free, Episode The FTSE All-World index had welcome signs of strengthening week, the twists feel cheap, the Recaps Permalink| Email this| | earlier hit its best level since the US growth following better-than stakes arbitrary, and the realtime gimmick has gotten stale. C o m m e n t s collapse of Lehman Brothers in -expected data in recent days. S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 8 , a n d Five Filters featured article: At this point I'm mostly benchmark commodities had Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: also touched multi-month highs, PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, after global traders returned Term Extraction.

Greek worries bring risk rally to a halt (Financial Times - US homepage)

'24' - '6:00 AM - 7:00 AM' Recap


Gadgets/ Entertainment/

E-reader News Edition

Enemy Foreigners Assaulting America's Worthless Grad Schools [Higher Learning] Hamilton Nolan (Gawker) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:56:30 AM

Here in America, it's a wellknown fact that grad school is just a last resort to wait out the recession while getting into crippling debt. Unaware of this, our enemies are trying to get themselves into these thoroughly useless institutions. More Âť

PS3 meets Hori LCD dock, good things happen Vladislav Savov (Engadget)

PS3, with stereo speakers, two headphone jacks, and composite or component input options. Hori is a company that's no With a resolution of 1,366 x stranger to strapping LCDs to 768, it's well suited to handling consoles and calling them the 16:9 signal coming out of portable, but for some reason the do-everything console, we're quite smitten with its although its 500:1 contrast ratio, latest monitor docking station. 7ms response time, and 200 nits The HP3-87 doesn't stray too far of brightness are perhaps a tiny from the formula -- it adds an step behind the times. On the 1 1 . 6 - i n c h s c r e e n t o a other hand, it's compatible with wraparound structure for your the Japan-only Torne DTV Submitted at 4/6/2010 7:58:00 AM

adapter and it's officially licensed by Sony itself, so it can't be too bad, right? All you Tokyo-ites will have until May 27 to decide, when the HP3-87 goes on sale for ÂĽ26,040 ($276). International release plans are not yet disclosed, but if you really need the portability, you could always grab a PS3 laptop from your local online auction house. Which option will be more useful (less useless?) we

leave up to you to decide. PS3 meets Hori LCD dock, good things happen originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 07:58:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Impress AV Watch| Hori| Email this| Comments

iPad gets fitted into car dashboard, makes you an instant carpooling superstar (video) Vladislav Savov (Engadget) Let's faceIPAD it, thepage Toyota 59 Tacoma Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:24:00 AM has a long way to go before


E-reader News Edition

APC unveils new Back-UPS models Frank Zhang (CrunchGear) Submitted at 4/6/2010 7:13:17 AM

APC by Schneider Electric recently announced a new line of Back-UPS Pro models. To recap, UPS stands for uninterrupted power supply (not united postal service). These are essentially backup batteries that help keep your machine running during blackouts and prevent damage to your equipment from surges. As with their previous models, APC offers powersaving outlets on their UPS devices that automatically shut down power to unused peripherals. For instance, your monitors, printers, and speakers will automatically shut off whenever your computer is turned off or goes into sleep mode. Apparently, this can save as much as $50 per year in

electricity bill. New features on the Back-UPS Pro models include an LCD panel that allows users to easily scroll through critical diagnostic information, as well as automatic voltage regulation capabilities that conserve battery life and adjust voltages to safe levels. The APC Back-UPS Pro


IPAD continued from page 58

being considered glamorous, or even remotely cool, but jacking an iPad into its console might be a good start. That's what the good people of SoundMan Car Audio over in California have done with a little bit of elbow grease and knowhow, and we've got video of how it all came together after the break. They've yet to wire it up to the Audison Bit One sound processor and McIntosh MMC406M 6-channel amp that are intended to receive the iPad's audio goodies, but the comes in a variety of models, important stuff of fitting and offering from six to ten outlets molding the dash to its new 9.7and with a runtime from 92 to inch centerpiece is all done. 164 minutes. These products Alright, so the glossy black will debut in North America screen and the demure grey sometime in Q2 2010 with an plastic don't exactly sing in estimated retail price from harmony, but surely the funky $129.99 to $249.99.

aesthetics can be forgiven for the sake of accessing all your media on the move. Right, dawg? Continue reading iPad gets fitted into car dashboard, makes you an instant carpooling superstar (video) iPad gets fitted into car dashboard, makes you an instant carpooling superstar (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 09:24:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Autoblog| YouTube| Email this| Comments

Tongfang Q5 MID has Android and Rockchip for under $300 Tablet (

powered by an 866MHz Rockchip RK2808 processor. The Q5 weighs a slight 7.4 Submitted at 4/5/2010 7:18:31 AM ounces and measures 4.7 x 3.2 x The Tongfang Q5 Android 0.39 inches. MID Other specs include 128MB or Tongfang has introduced the RAM, a 4GB flash drive, WiFi Q 5 w h i c h i s a 4 . 8 - i n c h a/b/g, SD card for storage capacitive touchscreen MID that expansion, headphone jack, battery that’s rated for 7 hours runs an Android OS and is accelerometer and 2200mAh of video playback. It also

supports 720p HD. While the Q5 certainly looks to have nicer specs than most Chinese-made MID products, it also has a higher-than-expected price. The good news is that it’s available now for 1,999 yuan ($293), but for that much we wouldn’t expect it to find much of a market outside of China. Even

in China is doubtful as an iPod Touch 8G sells for 1,650 yuan. Source: Cloned in China Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Apple/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

How to Sync Multiple Calendars to the iPad With Google Sync Kevin C. Tofel (TheAppleBlog)

anywhere in the list. • In the next window, you’ll see that Google says you can sync up to one calendar to your device. Ignore that message because the workaround now allows multiple calendar selections. For instance, I chose three primary calendars and three shared calendars, offering both work and family events in one single view. Once you’ve made your selections, click the Save button. That should do it, so don’t forget to undo the User Agent change and re-enable JavaScript in Safari. On the iPad, here’s what the result looks like less than a minute after I ran through these steps:

Submitted at 4/5/2010 12:30:11 PM

Yes, we’ve covered Apple’s iPad quite a bit this week. While there are other happenings in the mobile tech world, this was a big one — besides, I haven’t blogged much about it just yet. Oh, I will — I’ve been spending time with the device in bits and pieces over this holiday weekend — but I wanted to let the dust settle in terms of coverage. However, there’s one tidbit I wanted to share now, simply because it solves a problem for Google Calendar users that want to sync events with their iPad using Google Sync. The problem is — using a Microsoft Exchange setup for Google accounts currently works for one single calendar on the iPad. I can’t have that, so I scoured the web for a workaround, found one in a MacRumors forum, and used it successfully. Here’s the method to use until Google addresses the issue for Apple’s iPad — you’ll need to use the Safari browser, although this might

work with user agent string spoofing on other browsers too: • Open Safari and then view its Preferences pane. • In Preferences, go to the Advanced tab and check “Show Develop menu in menu bar.” If you already have this checked, you can skip this step. Close the Preferences. • In the Safari menu bar, you should now see a Develop menu option. Select it, choose the

User Agent option and pick “Mobile Safari 3.1.3 — iPhone” This tells web sites that you’re using the iPhone’s browser. You need to do this to open up the mobile site for the Google Sync service. • In Safari, browse to and sign in if needed. Normally you’d do this on your mobile device, but Google isn’t yet recognizing the iPad properly. If

you try to configure Google Sync from the iPad, it will say “Sorry, Google Sync is not supported on this device.” • Now go to the Develop menu in Safari and choose to Disable JavaScript as shown by the check mark below. • Still in Safari, choose to manage your iPad. In my list, it’s the most recent device, but if you use Google Sync across multiple devices, it could appear

I’m sure Google will address the one calendar limitation with Google Sync, but until they do, you can easily work around the issue in just a few minutes. Hopefully that helps — and now I’m off for some more iPad playtime so I can share all my thoughts soon. Related iPad Content from GigaOM Pro(sub req’d)

Dumb Headline of the Day: Associated Press on OSTK Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:15:12 AM

Speaking of Deep Capture: This has to be some of the worst

business reporting/headline I have ever seen: Overstock’s brash CEO delivers 1st annual profit If you want to know what the firm’s actual P&L is like, I

suggest you read people who can perform basic addition and subtraction. Try these instead: •’s New 10-K Report Reveals Management

Deceptions, Major Internal Control Problems, and Zero Quality Earnings • The Utah Newspapers Fail — Again Associated Press and Salt Lake

Tribune = Fail. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Apple/ Game/

E-reader News Edition


Day One: 300,000 iPads Sold Charles Jade (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 4/5/2010 7:34:49 AM

Apple has announced that on Saturday more than 300,000 iPads were sold, including preorders, deliveries to channel partners, and sales at Apple Retail Stores. Steve Jobs, no doubt from his iPad, was ebullient.“It feels great to have the iPad launched into the world—it’s going to be a game changer. iPad users, on average, downloaded more than three apps and close to one book within hours of unpacking their new iPad.” Regarding those applications and books, iPad users downloaded more than a million apps and 250,000 e-books from Apple’s iBookstore, but it’s the iPad numbers that matter. While the iPad had a solid first day of sales, the numbers weren’t exactly “magical.” Just yesterday, sites like Apple 2.0 were reporting estimates by financial analysts like Gene Munster of between 600,000 and 700,000 iPad sales over the weekend. Given first day sales, and considering Best Buy was closed on Sunday, as well as some Apple Stores, that seems highly unlikely now. More on iPad • iPhone OS 4 Event Announced Mac Love • 10 iPad Apps You Should

Fable 2 follows the breadcrumbs to Games on Demand Justin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:30:00 AM

Buy Right Now Mac Love • iPad: Our First Impressions Mac Love • iPhone vs. iPad: Do Games Really Scale That Well? Mac Love

international. So the iPad outsold the iPhone on launch day, but who bought those iPads may prove more interesting. Again via Apple 2.0, of the 448 iPad buyers surveyed by Piper Jaffray, some 74 percent were Without knowing Sunday’s Mac users. As Mac users likely drastically reduced sales, represent only a tenth of the an exact count for the launch personal computer users in the weekend can’t be had, but U.S., that could be problematic. 300,000 is the number that H o w e v e r , a m u c h b i g g e r Apple wants the focus to be on. problem exists for Amazon, T h e o r i g i n a l i P h o n e s o l d with 13 percent of respondents 270,000 units during its first owning Kindles already and weekend. While it’s true both buying iPads. Perhaps the iPad iPhone 3G and 3GS sold more will become the multi-purpose than a million units on launch, device for content consumption, b o t h l a u n c h e s w e r e eliminating single-purpose

devices like the Kindle. That would definitely help overcome any “PC gap” the iPad might face and measurably boost future sales. But today, Apple has sold more than 300,000 iPads, more than the original iPhone, and even more could have been sold had the 3G iPad been available. And yet, despite outselling the iPhone, there just isn’t the same sense of “game changer” that the came inside the box with the iPhone. Related iPad Content from GigaOM Pro(subscription required)

You've been able to download Fable 2 through Xbox Live episodically until now, but who has time for all that thumb stick manipulation, button pressing and dashboard navigation? Zeroes, that's who. Starting today, you can buy the game like a sane person: In one big chunk for $20 from Games on Demand. Major Nelson also announced that Fallout 3 is now available on demand in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, leaving India and Japan as the sole holdout territories that can't experience the joy of nuclear devastation with a single button press. Soon, guys. Soon. Fable 2 follows the breadcrumbs to Games on Demand originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


Apple/ Game/

E-reader News Edition

iPhone OS 4 Event Announced Charles Jade (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 4/5/2010 11:18:36 AM

Less than a week after the iPad launch, Apple has sent out media invitations for a “sneak peek of the next generation of iPhone OS software.” The event will take place this Thursday, April 8, at 10:00 Pacific Time at the Town Hall on Apple’s Cupertino campus. As usual, no additional details, though the wording of the invitation apparently means that Apple will continue to use the “iPhone” moniker for an operating system used by the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Besides that, it’s all speculation, so let’s begin! Conventional rumor wisdom strongly favors multi-tasking being added to iPhone OS 4. The sense is that multi-tasking will be done via some kid of Exposé-like interface, at least on the iPad. On the handheld devices, that’s hard to visualize. It’s also hard to imagine unfettered multi-tasking on older iPhone OS devices. The original iPhone, iPhone 3G, and the first and second generation iPod touch only have 128MB RAM on board, compared to 256MB RAM for the iPhone 3GS, third generation iPod touch, and the iPad. More on iPhone • I Took It Off and I Feel Fine Mac Love

PSA: Xbox 360 USB storage update now available Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) Submitted at 4/6/2010 8:30:00 AM

• iPhone Development Alternatives: Code Without Objective-C Mac Love • How-To: Fake a Unified Email Inbox on the iPhone Mac Love • 3 Reasons Why the Verizon iPhone Rumor Is True Mac Love

provide free updates “up to and including the next major iPad OS software release following the version of iPad OS software that originally shipped from Apple on your iPad.” Because of new accounting rules, Apple may very well no longer provide free updates to iPhone and iPad users, while continuing to Beyond that, there have been charge iPod touch users for OS rumors of multi-touch gestures, updates. Honestly, that wouldn’t as well as a unified inbox for be a big surprise from Apple. Mail but there’s also a less- The biggest surprise likely r e p o r t e d i s s u e o f p r i c e . won’t be answered Thursday at MacRumors recently dug into all and concerns the specs for the iPhone OS SDK, finding the next iPhone, which may be terms stating Apple promises to implied in the name. The iPhone

The Xbox 360 system update enabling USB storage is live and ready to help you explore the joyous world of non-proprietary storage options. Rules are the same as previously noted: USB devices need to be over 1GB, but can only use 16GB of available storage. Users can use two sticks at once for 32GB, but HD has been the rumored can switch out units any time, favorite, suggesting a big limiting their storage potential increase in display resolution, by how many USB devices perhaps more than doubling the they've got lying around. current 320 by 480. That would The update takes approximately simplify development going five minutes with a standard forward with the iPad, but it’s cable connection. For those who hard to imagine Apple letting don't believe in internets, the that surprise out before the update will also be available on launch of the next iPhone, the branded 16 GB Xbox 360 USB sticks set to debut in May. expected this summer. TheAppleBlog will, of course, PSA: Xbox 360 USB storage be providing coverage of all the update now available originally d a y ’ s s u r p r i s e s a n d n o t - appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 06 surprises, so be sure to check Apr 2010 08:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. here. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

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10 iPad Apps You Should Buy Right Now Alex Layne (TheAppleBlog)

Journal), it’s free. You can also listen to audio while you’re reading. Scrabble So, you got your shiny new The classic board game is even iPad on Saturday and you’ve more fun on a bigger screen. done all the basic stuff on it: And, if you’ve got a spare web browsing, email, video. But iPhone or iPod touch, you can now that the awesomeness of use them as trays for your letters that has worn off, it’s time to get with the free Scrabble Tile Rack some new apps. Here are the app. Seriously. $9.99. Plants V. ones you should buy first. Zombies HD Netflix One of the most popular towerImagine holding the entire defense games on the iPhone, Netflix instant watch database in optimized for the iPad, though your hands. This is it. The app is it’s not really HD. $9.99. free, but you’ll need a Netflix Civilization Revolution subscription if you don’t already Adapted from the iPhone app have one. IMDb Family with an actual iPad. RSS reader. This one is a port of a dedicated map interface built- and optimized for the iPad. If IMDb is an iPad-friendly (Ironically, ABC currently has a the popular Mac RSS reader of in, and it syncs between the you’re familiar with Sid Meier’s version of the Internet Movie Flash banner on its website the same name. Syncs across iPhone and desktop clients. Civilization series, or just like Database. So, while you’re a d v e r t i s i n g t h i s a p p . ) your Mac, iPhone, and iPad via Free. NPR conquering stuff, then this app watching movies with Netflix, S t u m b l e U p o n G o o g l e R e a d e r . $ 9 . 9 9 . The interface is a clean, should be a revelation of how a you can settle arguments about The popular browser-based T w e e t d e c k magazine-like representation of touchscreen can bring old them with this. Free. ABC content discovery extension has Much like the desktop version, NPR’s content, and unlike other gaming mechanisms to life. Player its first foray into the mobile with its multi-column interface. news apps that are charging $12.99. A perfectly optimized version app market. Free. NetNewsWire Supports as many accounts as ridiculous monthly subscription Related iPad Content from of ABC’s website, so you can Because every device needs an you want, has geo-location and f e e s ( a h e m , W a l l S t r e e t G i g a O M P r o ( s u b s c r i p t i o n watch the iPad on Modern required) Submitted at 4/5/2010 9:00:17 AM

'Dancing With The Stars' - 'Performance #2' Recap Michael Pascua (TV Squad)

season for online voters, the voting cutoff is now 11am Eastern/8am Pacific the next ( S10E04)'Dancing with the day. I've never met anyone who Stars' continues this week with actually voted the day after, but three dances: Waltz, Quickstep, it is now one hour less than or Paso Doble. Along with the previously. dances, each contestant had to Professionals performance- We create a storyline that would be get an example of the three told through the dance. dances we see tonight, with There was a slight readjustment Jonathan, Anna D., Lacey, and of voting for the rest of the Dmitri. After watching the four

The Stars' - 'Performance #2' Recap Filed under: OpEd, Dancing With The Stars, Episode Reviews Permalink| Email this| | Comments

Submitted at 4/6/2010 8:52:00 AM

perform, I already miss Lacey's a l s o p e r f o r m s , a n d w e ' l l hips. She could have had an probably see him on tomorrow's interesting challenge with Chad results show. or Aiden. Val, Maks' brother, Continue reading'Dancing With


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I Took It Off and I Feel Fine Patrick Hunt (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 4/5/2010 11:00:15 AM

I’ve been reading all the reports, like this one from our own Darrell Etherington, about how Apple is removing filmbased screen protectors from its stores. Multiple accounts suggest that this is for one or both of two key reasons: First, the mere presence of them in the store suggests somehow that the iPhone needs them when in fact it doesn’t; and second, the liability to Apple of imperfect applications is simply too great to ignore. I’ve got both a case and screen protector on my iPhone 3GS, and I used cases and screen protectors for the original iPhone and iPhone 3G as well. Upon reading these reports, I did the same thing that any cautious and deliberate person would do. I threw caution to the wind and tore off the screen protector, which was in need of replacement anyway. Despite my hesitation, I have to say that I prefer my iPhone without a screen protector. Images are more clear, the user interface responds to touch controls much better, and the screen is really easy to keep clean with a quick wipe on my t-

shirt or another clean soft cloth (as long as I’m not eating chips while using the iPhone). I also realized that I long ago set the brightness of my iPhone really low to conserve battery power. I used to travel much more than I do now, and often found myself needing to conserve my battery for necessary phone calls and email. Now I’m always closer to a power source for a recharge, and a friend gifted me a Mophie Juice Pack not too long ago for times when I’m off the grid. I haven’t gone completely native, though. I kept the case. I’ll have to do some digging to remember which one it is, but it’s a very low-profile, hard shell case that simply and easily

snaps on without adding any significant weight or bulk. I keep my iPhone in the same pocket as my keys, and I really want to preserve the back for resell value. Without the case, I’d be afraid that it would be scratched too much. The case also has a slightly more matte, tactile feel that still slides in and out of my pocket easily but doesn’t slide across the table or get slippery with sweaty palms (I know, I know). If you’re using a screen protector, you might want to do what I did and take it off. It’s almost like getting a brand-new iPhone. Image courtesy of Flickr user williamhook

Duke, Butler Save Best for Last Brett McMurphy (FanHouse Main)

That was dead on -- but only a tad too strong. Butler needed a miracle and Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:50:00 PM nearly got it, but Duke survived Filed under: Butler, Duke, with a pulsating 61-59 victory. NCAA Tournament "That was not a game that INDIANAPOLIS -- In the anyone lost," Duke coach Mike NCAA tournament's remarkable Krzyzewski said. three-week run that featured Just before the final buzzer buzzer-beaters, David slaying sounded inside Lucas Oil G o l i a t h s a n d t h e m o s t Stadium, Hayward let it fly from compelling Cinderella story half-court. A rainbow heave that since, well, Cinderella, Duke arced toward the basket until it and Butler somehow saved the banged off the backboard and best for last. hit the front of the rim. Monday night's national final However, the cylinder couldn't came down to one last shot. hold the basketball and it fell off At the buzzer. From half-court. the rim. Gordon Hayward's Hail Mary.


E-reader News Edition


NCAA Title Game Diary: Duke 61, Butler 59 ( The Daily Fix) Submitted at 4/5/2010 4:30:24 PM

Associated Press Miles Plumlee (21) and his Duke teammates celebrate the Blue Devils’ national championship. Journal staffers Darren Everson and Geoff Foster offer commentary on Duke’s 61-59 victory over Butler in the NCAA tournament’s championship game. Everson is at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, while Foster comments on the CBS telecast. Get all the latest NCAA news and scores here. Follow the Twitter feeds of coaches, players and observers of NCAA tournament teams before, during and after the games. 7:35 pm | Pregame | by Darren Everson Will it be the quintessential David? Or the game's preeminent Goliath? Duke University is actually only a couple thousand undergraduates larger than 4,000-student Butler. In terms of basketball stature, though, there's a bit more of a difference between the two. Butler, however, can strike arguably the biggest blow for small schools ever when the obscure Indianapolis school faces mighty Duke tonight for NCAA men's basketball national championship. Has there ever been a champion like Butler? Eighth-seeded

Villanova in 1985 is the tournament's classic underdog story, but the Wildcats were a member of a major conference. (And they'd played Georgetown close twice before knocking off the Hoyas in the title game.) The Fresno State baseball team that won the 2008 College World

Series was a much bigger underdog -- seeded fourth in their regional, the Bulldogs were not among the 64-team tournament's top 48 seeds. But that's college baseball, not a nationally mainstream sport like college football or basketball. The most similar recent case

might be Brigham Young, the 1984 football national champion. But that title remains highly debatable, since BYU played a schedule of dubious strength, concluding with a bowl victory over a Michigan team that finished 6-6. This, however, would not be

that. This may not be remembered as one of coach Mike Krzyzewski's great Duke teams, but the Blue Devils have had little trouble marching through the tournament, their closest victory coming by seven NCAA page 66


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NCAA continued from page 65

points. And if Duke shoots anywhere near as well tonight as it did Saturday against West Virginia (13 of 25 on threepointers), it's hard to see how this ends well for Cinderella. 9:20 pm | Pregame | by Darren Everson Moments from the tip. Matt Howard, the Butler center who sustained a mild concussion Saturday, is in the starting lineup. 9:23 pm | by Geoff Foster Itâs good to see that Howard is playing. This is seemingly the first game in two weeks where both teams are at full strength. In many ways, this tournament has been defined by the injuries: Lucas, Butler, Bryant, Onuaku, even Hummel. After the games, instead of âOne Shining Moment,â they are just going to run the opening credits of M*A*S*H*. 9:23 pm | by Darren Everson Probably don't even need to mention the who the crowd is behind. You could barely hear Jim Nantz's voice during the Butler player introductions. 9:24 pm | by Darren Everson Onuaku -- totally forgot about that one! What a year it's been for injuries. Fitting that it's an issue one last time in the title game. 9:25 pm | by Geoff Foster As Darren pointed out earlier, this Duke team lacks the star power of previous years. Itâs been four years since they had a

consensus first-team AllAmerican (J.J. Redick, Sheldon Williams). I think thatâs the reason a lot of pundits pegged them to be a No. 1 seed who flopped early. 9:27 pm | Butler 1-0; 19:44 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson Great early sign for Butler: Howard attacks the basket on the game's first possession and draws a foul. 9:27 pm | by Geoff Foster Howard's free throw form is wretched. He looks a middleschooler who's worried about airballing a free throw. 9:29 pm | Duke 6-1; 17:00 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson Uh, check that about great signs for Butler. Duke is off to an early lead with a couple of scores inside. And the Blue Devils are easily clearing the boards with their size advantage. 9:30 pm | by Geoff Foster Butler picks up where they left off: Laying bricks. 9:32 pm | Duke 6-4; 16:16 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson However ... Duke's Lance Thomas picks up a quick pair of fouls and has to sit. Not a pivotal player, Thomas, but it does force Krzyzewski to go to freshman Mason Plumlee quickly. 9:33 pm | by Geoff Foster Mack blamed his cramping on Saturday on food-poisoning. Which proves an age old credo: donât eat shellfish in Indianapolis.

9:35 pm | by Geoff Foster Prior to the game, coaches Bill Self, John Thompson III, Gary Williams, and Lorenzo Romar all picked Duke to win. Yet, all hedged and said nice things about Butler. Way to go out on a limb guys. 9:39 pm | Duke 8-7; 13:50 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson Duke is playing man-to-man and checking Butler star Gordon Hayward with a couple different guys: Plumlee for a while and now Thomas, who has checked back in (despite the two fouls). It's worked so far: Hayward has missed his only shot, a fadeaway. 9:40 pm | Duke 8-7; 13:40 left, 1st Half | by Geoff Foster Zoubek also coming back in; they are far more intimidating with him on the court. 9:41 pm | Duke 11-9; 12:30 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson That's a good call about Zoubek. Already it's clear he's too strong for Butler inside. 9:43 pm | Duke 16-14; 11:05 left, 1st Half (second auto timeout) | by Darren Everson Both teams finding themselves offensively now. Butler takes a brief lead on a three-pointer by reserve guard Zach Hahn, but Duke comes right back, continuing to attack inside. 9:45 pm | Duke 16-14; 11:05 left, 1st Half (second auto timeout) | by Darren Everson Butler is 5 for its first 15 from

the field. The Bulldogs sure get a lot done for a team that makes a third of its shots. 9:46 pm | Duke 16-14, 11:05 left, 1st Half | by Geoff Foster Singler buries a three to take the lead back. You cant leave any Blue Devil open from threepoint land...Except maybe Zoubek ⦠and probably some of the bench guys, Iâve never heard of. 9:46 pm | by Darren Everson There's a cop here who has twice confronted reporters snapping pictures on press row and told them to cease and desist. One more time and he pulls his pistol. 9:48 pm | 18-18 tie; 9:30 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson Combined free-throw shooting by both teams: 4 of 10. Oy. 9:48 pm | by Geoff Foster The seven-foot-one Zoubek just seems like a bigger, scarier version of Butler big man Matt Howard. Basically, heâs Clubber Lang to Howardâs Apollo Creed. 9:49 pm | Butler 20-18; 8:21 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson Well, we're a quarter into this game, and there's no sign whatsoever that Butler is out of its depth. As was the case against Syracuse, and Kansas State, and Michigan State. When will we learn? 9:51 pm | Butler 20-18; 8:33 left, 1st Half | by Geoff Foster Speaking of Howard, he just

picked up his second foul. On the other end, Scheyer gets caught traveling. They seem to be playing a little panicky. 9:54 pm | by Geoff Foster As a Georgetown fan I must take a brief moment to point out that the Hoyas beat both of these teams in the regular season. But while these teams battle it out in Indianapolis, the Hoyas spent the weekend in DC, visiting the Air and Space museum and eating astronaut ice cream. 9:55 pm | Butler 20-18; 7:54 left, 1st Half (third auto timeout) | by Darren Everson Howard (0 for 4) picked up his second foul for Butler. Not good for the underdog Bulldogs. But this is: Duke is 1 for 5 on threes so far after making half of them against West Virginia. 9:55 pm | by Darren Everson That's right -- Georgetown did beat both of these guys! Smacked Duke around, actually. But those Ohio Bobcats ... just too feisty. 9:55 pm | by Geoff Foster It took 14 game minutes for the announcers to mention Brad Stevens' age. We are still waiting on the first reference to the gym from 'Hoosiers' 9:56 pm | Duke 21-20; 6:19 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson Hayward tried to check Zoubek on Duke's last possession. Butler can't be serious with that. NCAA page 67

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NCAA continued from page 66

Zoubek easily scored over him, as you'd expect. 9:57 pm | 20-20 tie; 6:22 left, 1st Half | by Geoff Foster Scheyer missing free throws? That's definitely jitters. He's automatic normally. 10:01 pm | Duke 26-20; 5:08 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson Stevens was eerily calm all game against Michigan State on Saturday. Early on, when his team was behind, he calmly said "we'll be all right." It was as if he could tell they didn't have much to worry about. He's more animated tonight. Just called timeout to try to short-circuit a mini Duke run. Part of the reason he's more demonstrative is surely because of what's on the line, but it's also probably because his team is at a pretty clear deficit size- and talent-wise. 10:03 pm | Duke 26-20; 6:19 left, 1st Half | by Geoff Foster Scheyer sinks a three to shut me up; is he reading this live blog on his iPhone? It's quite timely for Duke that Scheyer has gotten the hot hand of late. He was icy cold going into this tournament. In his last three ACC games, he went a combined 5 for 21 from 3-point land. The last two games heâs gone 10 of 19. 10:03 pm | Butler 27-26; 3:25 left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson There's Hayward! A spin move for a layup by the Butler star,

then a three by Avery Jukes, and Butler is suddenly back on top. 10:08 pm | Duke 28-27; 3:00 left, 1st Half | by Geoff Foster Every Duke player seemed shocked that Jukes actually took that shot. 10:09 pm | Duke 30-27; 1:52 left, 1st Half | by Geoff Foster Hayward just got away with a flagrant travel. Dribbling is usually required in this game during attempts to advance the ball. Anyway, refs called a jump ball, which is essentially what refs call when they are unsure what just happened. 10:10 pm | Duke 30-27; 1:52 left, 1st Half (timeout) | by Darren Everson Coach K just laid into his team during this timeout. Appeared to have something to do with the nine offensive boards they've given up. Lots of words that will not be repeated at his next business-school leadership conference. 10:11 pm | Duke 33-32; 10 seconds left, 1st Half | by Darren Everson "Jukes." What a great basketball name. "Jukes" apparently doesn't have awesome "ups": He just missed a dunk. But he followed up his own miss for a score, then hit a jumper. 10:13 pm | Duke 33-32; Halftime | by Darren Everson If ever a team was disgusted despite being in the lead, it's

Duke. The Blue Devils are getting killed on the offensive boards. (Ten now for Butler.) They're bricking their free throws. (Nolan Smith just missed the front end of a 1-and-1, leaving them 4-of-9.) They're up, but they surely know they can't keep this up. 10:24 pm | Duke 33-32; Halftime | by Darren Everson So here's where we stand. Butler is again shooting a poor percentage -- .342, which is actually up from .302 against Michigan State on Saturday -but offensive rebounds are sustaining the Bulldogs. That shooting percentage is also a little misleading; a number of Butler's misses have been on put -back attempts that they couldn't finish against the taller, stronger Blue Devils. Reserve forward Avery Jukes has a clutch, game-high 10 for Butler. Kyle Singler and Nolan Smith have nine each for Duke, which is shooting 50% overall but a mortal 3-of-10 from threepoint range. 10:26 pm | by Geoff Foster Da'Sean Butler is talking to CBS. I thought the most interesting part of that episode was what Huggins was saying to the refs before he started consoling Butler. "They don't commit fouls?" Suggesting a alleged bias toward Duke. Butler has a torn ACL, which is a shame. Terrible timing for

someone who was most likely going to the NBA. Reminded me of when Miami's Willis McGahee blew out his knee in the National Championship game versus Ohio State. 10:27 pm | by Geoff Foster Evan Turner wins the Naismith!!!!!!! Oh wait, they announced it yesterday. Why is the Naismith Award about 1/100 as interesting as the Heisman? 10:34 pm | Butler 34-33; 19:30 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Nice start to the half for Butler, which gets a stop and two free throws from Hayward to retake the lead. 10:36 pm | Duke 36-34; 18:20 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Howard just went flying out of bounds competing with Zoubek for a loose ball. But hey, he got a jump ball out of it (and possession for Butler)! 10:39 pm | Duke 36-34; 19:20 left; 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster There were two calls that went the Bulldogs way. A foul on Howard that was called a jump ball and a foul call on Zoubek that looked suspect. 10:40 pm | 38-38 tie; 17:21 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Howard scores ... but then picks up his third while fighting Zoubek on Butler's defensive glass. Has to come out. Butler probably can't win without him. There's no one else

to stand up to Zoubek. 10:41 pm | 40-40 tie; 16:00 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster Even though the shots aren't falling of late, Duke is grabbing plenty of offensive boards. Butler needs to be stronger on the glass down the stretch. 10:42 pm | by Geoff Foster This just in: Count Chocula has slipped past security and he is on the court near the Duke bench. Wait..sorryâ¦thatâs just Coach K. Phew. 10:43 pm | 40-40 tie; 15:14 left, 2nd Half (first auto timeout) | by Darren Everson It's tied, but Duke assistant coach Nate James just sounded the alarm to the Devils. "They're playing harder!" James yelled, referring to the Bulldogs. "They're playing harder!" 10:45 pm | by Geoff Foster Is anyone out there actually rooting for Butler? How could you resist the majesty of Duke basketball? 10:46 pm | Duke 42-40; 14:08 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Big sequence: Scheyer gets a put-back on an ugly possession for Duke, and Howard gets his fourth for Butler. 10:47 pm | Butler 43-42; 13:09 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster I hope Howard has a magazine or a Gameboy; he'll be sitting for the next ten minutes. NCAA page 68


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NCAA continued from page 67

10:48 pm | Butler 43-42; 13:10 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Every time things look remotely dire for Butler, something like this happens: Ronald Nored hits a three, pushing the Bulldogs back in front. 10:51 pm | Duke 45-43; 13:00 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster Singler answers with a three; neither team seems willing to let the other go on a run. Singler has an aura of clutch, he's taking the last shot if it gets there, I suspect. 10:53 pm | Duke 45-43; 13:02 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Singler hits a three to vault Duke back in front. Fan annoyance with the officiating is rising. (Imagine that, at a Duke game!) The foul count isn't that lopsided: 11 on Butler, seven on Duke. But the four on Howard is killer. 10:54 pm | Duke 45-43; 12:30 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster Three on Zoubek now. Something to watch. Jukes clangs both off the rim; that창s a disaster. 10:54 pm | Duke 47-43; 11:30 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson A couple of rough possessions for the underdog: Jukes misses a pair of free throws, Zoubek comes free for an easy score, and then Hayward gets called for a charge.

Careful, Butler ... 10:56 pm | Duke 47-43; 11:21 left, 2nd Half (second auto timeout) | by Darren Everson Make that four on Zoubek! The big man spikes his towel to the ground and screams at his teammates in the huddle to get it going. Cheerleader will have to be his role for the next few minutes. 10:57 pm | Duke 47-43; 11:20 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster Zoubek and Howard are now playing Hungry Hungry Hippos on the sidelines, while they wait off the foul trouble. 10:58 pm | by Geoff Foster The line was Duke -7. Which was pretty expected, Duke draws tons of action on name value alone. The real line should have been closer to -5 10:59 pm | Duke 47-45; 11:15 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson To the reader out there who's wondering: Duke is a sevenpoint favorite tonight. Doesn't look like the Devils are seven points better, but things obviously can sway quickly in the closing stages when the freethrow parade begins. 11:00 pm | Duke 49-47; 10:46 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Hayward starting to assert himself now. Gotten to the foul line on Butler's last two trips. Made all four free throws; has 10 points now. 11:03 pm | Duke 51-49; 8:49

left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Butler has so many guys capable of making a big shot. This time it's Mack who scores inside, pulling the Bulldogs within two. Zoubek checks back in. With his four fouls. 11:04 pm | Duke 51-49; 8:07 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Hayward drives right at him, but to no avail, missing and drawing no contact. 11:05 pm | Duke 51-49; 8:00 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster Zoubek is back on the court, he will be playing very timidly. Which isn't exactly playing to his strengths... 11:06 pm | Duke 53-49; 7:58 left, 2nd Half (third auto timeout) | by Darren Everson Big play by Scheyer just before the timeout: a score and a foul on Butler's Jukes, who now has four. 11:06 pm | by Geoff Foster Oh my. This is a classic. The "One Shining Moment" video editors are on the verge of a nervous breakdown in a CBS truck somewhere. 11:06 pm | by Geoff Foster Why did they make another Robin Hood? Come on! Russell Crowe, no less. Wasn't Prince of Thieves enough to satisfy us for a half decade? 11:08 pm | Duke 54-49; 7:45 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson

Quiet building right now. Lots of tense faces. Butler is only down four, but the Bulldogs have problems. Howard and Jukes have four fouls apiece. 11:10 pm | Duke 54-51; 7:10 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Commercials. Reason No. 4,080 why it's good to be here in person. I sincerely hope you've been forced to watch that Southwest Airlines ad with the unfunny baggage handlers as much as I did last week. 11:12 pm | Duke 56-51; 6:50 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster How many Duke fans are there? With the Butler students wearing that light blue, it's hard to tell them apart. 11:12 pm | Duke 56-51; 5:42 left, 2nd Half (timeout Butler) | by Darren Everson Butler led for most of the second half against Syracuse, Kansas State and Michigan State. Not so tonight. The Bulldogs are attacking inside but still not finishing. Despite his foul trouble, Zoubek is still changing shots. 11:14 pm | Duke 56-51; 5:30 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster That's the second time this half Nored has missed a very easy layup; he's going to be thinking about those tonight. I will be thinking about the Capital One Vikings on the beach. One of which, I believe is Ogre from

Revenge of the Nerds. 11:14 pm | Duke 56-53; 5:34 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson There's a few thousand Dukies, but they're well in the minority. And the Butler blue is a deeper hue. You should be able to tell that in HD! 11:15 pm | by Geoff Foster I'm in 2-D. Fail. 11:16 pm | Duke 56-53; 5:20 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster Crafty move by Stevens to alternate Jukes and Howard on defense and offense. 11:18 pm | Duke 56-55; 5:02 left, 2nd Half (timeout Duke) | by Darren Everson Hayward gets fouled hard by Duke's Thomas, prompting everyone in the building to beg for an intentional foul. Doesn't happen. There's just no way a ref is making that call in this spot without a gun to his head. But Hayward does what stars do: Make his free throws. 11:18 pm | by Geoff Foster Good call on the non-flagrant, that looked far worse than it was because he was kinda out of control and running full speed. There wasn't a terrible amount of contact. 11:21 pm | Duke 58-55; 3:16 left, 2nd Half (final auto timeout) | by Darren Everson Zoubek is just killing Butler. The Bulldogs get a stop, but NCAA page 72


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Tiger Woods denies drug use, says golf wasn't fun Bob Harig (

linked as a provider of performance-enhancing drugs to other athletes. For the first time, Woods • Email disclosed that in addition to • Print recovering from reconstructive • Comments knee surgery in late 2008, he • Share also tore his Achilles tendon in • his right foot late that year. Woods admitted to undergoing By Bob Harig a procedure known as rich plasma (PRP), which helps Archive speed the healing process. He AUGUSTA, Ga. -- Despite said he chose Dr. Anthony winning numerous times over Galea -- who is under federal the past several years, including investigation in a drugs case -major championships, Tiger because of his work with other Woods admitted Monday that athletes. Galea came to Woods' golf was not fun because of all house to perform the procedure. the turmoil in his personal life. The platelet-rich plasma That's why, Woods said, he is treatment Woods cited was looking forward to the start of introduced in the 1970s for the Masters on Thursday, his surgical uses in hospitals. It first tournament since a sordid didn't enter sports medicine until sex scandal put his career on a decade ago. In the 30-minute hold. procedure, a tube of a patient's "Look at what I was engaged blood is put in a centrifuge and in," Woods said to a packed spun, producing concentrated interview room at Augusta platelets. The platelets contain National Golf Club, where growth factors that accelerate Woods held his first news tissue repair and regeneration. conference in more than five The platelets then are injected months. "When you're living a into the injury site. life that is a lie, life isn't fun ... PRP is gaining popularity that's been stripped away. It a m o n g i n j u r e d " w e e k e n d feels fun again." warriors" and their insurers Woods' highly anticipated news because its $2,000 cost is a conference before more than fraction of that for potential 200 reporters lasted 34 minutes surgeries. and included all range of Woods front and center questions, including why he Galleries and fans hadn't seen chose to receive treatment from Tiger Woods on a golf course a Canadian doctor who has been since Nov. 15. They got their Submitted at 4/6/2010 4:36:49 AM

his Nov. 27 SUV accident just outside of his Florida driveway. That mysterious run-in with a fire hydrant and a tree began a stream of negative publicity that continued with numerous reports of extramarital affairs, chance on Monday at Augusta his leave from the game, a stint National. Check in with how it in undisclosed rehab and a unfolded. Story gradual return to the public The procedure is legal under glare. the PGA Tour's drug testing Tiger Woods News Conference policy. Tiger Woods' news conference Woods also denied that Galea from Augusta National after a g a v e h i m h u m a n g r o w t h practice round for the Masters. hormone. More Podcasts » "I've never taken any illegal Woods said that he had five drug in my life," Woods said. stitches in his mouth after the Woods said that his agent, infamous Thanksgiving night Mark Steinberg, has been car crash. contacted by federal Woods also said he made investigators about Galea, who "some incredibly bad decisions" h a s b e e n c h a r g e d w i t h and "hurt so many people." He dispensing illegal drugs in both again said that he takes all the Canada and the United States. blame for allowing his life to W o o d s v o w e d h i s f u l l fall apart and refused to say why cooperation. he spent 45 days in "They contacted my agent and rehabilitation. He said he w i l l g e t f u l l c o o p e r a t i o n intends to continue with his whenever they need me, but treatment. right now they haven't asked for While his wife, Elin, won't be my time," he said. joining him at Augusta, Woods Asked why he did not address still believes he can win his fifth the issue earlier -- The New green jacket after a five-month York Times first reported layoff. Galea's link to Woods in "Nothing's changed," Woods December -- the golfer said it said. "Going to go out there and was because he had not had the try to win this thing." forum to discuss it, and wasn't Woods made his first public asked in the two televised comments on Feb. 19 at PGA interviews last month. Tour headquarters in Ponte Woods' world -- and that of Vedra Beach, Fla., apologizing golf -- has changed greatly since to his family, friends and

business associates and promising to "make amends, and that starts by never repeating the mistakes I've made. It's up to me to start living a life of integrity." Just less than a month later, on March 16, Woods announced that he would be returning to golf at the Masters. On March 21, he gave his first interviews, five minutes each to ESPN and Golf Channel. Monday was the first time he took questions in an extended format. Typically, Woods would have fielded queries in a pretournament setting with topics such as why he has not won the Masters in five years or why he has claimed just one green jacket in his past seven attempts. But after a break from golf of nearly five months, the answers to those questions were left for another day. Among the subjects he addressed among the 48 questions asked: • On why he didn't speak to the police, sponsors or the media in the five weeks following the accident and before he entered rehab: "I did everything to the letter of the law. The lawyers gave me advice and I followed that advice. I did everything to the letter of the law." • On showing more respect to the game, as he vowed to do in February: "I made a conscious TIGER page 75



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Can Butler Complete the Miracle? ( The Daily Fix)

Neither of Saturday’s Final Four games was especially scintillating. Duke blew out It’s tempting to say that no one West Virginia and Butler edged predicted the matchup between Michigan State in a brickDuke and Butler in Monday intensive mistake-fest that night’s NCAA Final. Both played out like a mid-January schools had excellent regular Big Ten game. But the contrast seasons, feature a few battle- between deep-pocketed macrotested stars and benefited from power Duke and small, obscureadvantageous brackets. But ish Butler is plenty dramatic in given the presence of super- its own right. Daily Fix editors talented programs such as have imposed an embargo on Kansas and Kentucky in the r e f e r e n c e s t o t h e f i l m tournament field, this particular “Hoosiers” as it relates to outcome seemed somewhere Butler, but well, you saw the between unlikely and impossible movie. It’s easy to see how a couple weeks ago. Reuters It’s sports pundits and fans alike not at the top of the list of could get fired up about this NCAA tournament surprises this one. This is doubly true with year, but who’d have thunk a Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski team playing in the final would s e e m i n g l y d e t e r m i n e d t o be led by a guy with the first embrace his role as a humorless name of Gordon? villain and Butler star Gordon O f c o u r s e , t h r e e s a v v y Hayward drawing Larry Bird prognosticators did see this comparisons from reasonable coming. They’re five-year-old sportswriters. triplets, they picked Butler at But all those pregame least in part because it starts narratives won’t matter when with “butt,” and they’ve almost the game starts. When that certainly scored more points in happens, the dinged-up and outtheir bracket pool than you have gunned Bulldogs will be on their in yours. We’ve been over this. own, if not without momentum. The fact that three Butler-loving “At the moment, this Butler five-year-old triplets may well hometown saga seems too much win the Daily Fix NCAA of an epic to slow down,” USA tournament bracket does kind of Today’s Mike Lopresti writes. bolster the case that no one saw “Terrible shooting can’t stop it. this particular NCAA final Injuries can’t.” coming. ( The triplets even But many fans — and Vegas made it onto a morning show to bettors, who make the Bulldogs discuss it. It was basic cable on 7.5-point underdogs— believe the weekend, but still.) that a dialed-in Duke team Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:24:16 AM

playing its best basketball could very well stop Butler’s run. This isn’t the cosmic tragedy that some Duke haters might imagine, but that doesn’t make it any more appealing. “Truthfully, the Duke-bashing is a little played out,” the Journal’s Jason Gay writes. “They stand for success and integrity. Duke isn’t evil. Duke is Coldplay.” Which would make the tenacious Butler squad, um, The Zero Boys? (There aren’t a ton of decent bands from Indianapolis, readers.) While Butler does seem to have something half-magical working for it, Sports Illustrated’s Luke Winn argues that the secret ingredient in Butler’s momentum is effort. “[Matt] Howard’s save, [Gordon] Hayward’s dive, [Willie] Veasley’s tip, [Shelvin] Mack’s strip. Each time, a different player; each time, an effort above and beyond what was expected, ” Winn writes. “As much as the media is hammering home Hoosiers comparisons in Indy, the Bulldogs don’t need inspiration from a movie released before a single one of them was born.

They’ve inspired each other with their own reel of Butler Plays.” Be sure to follow our live blog of the game tonight, with Darren Everson courtside in Indianapolis and Geoff Foster TV-side in New York.* * * After years of grousing and grumping about quarterback Donovan McNabb, the antiMcNabb faction among Philadelphia Eagles fans got what they wanted this Easter when their team traded the fivetime Pro Bowler to the Washington Redskins for a pair of draft picks. In Washington, McNabb will join new head coach Mike Shanahan, who won two Super Bowls in Denver with John Elway — another quarterback who entered his early 30s with great stats and a rep for not being able to win the big one. “Fans and media who have been pushing for the Eagles to make a change of this magnitude like to cite Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result,” the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Phil Sheridan writes. “It is safe to say Einstein would have a very different word to describe giving an elite head coach in your own division the elite quarterback he needs to beat you twice a year. And that word is not genius.” Other Philadelphia columnists

are happy to chase McNabb out the door. Less partial observers see the move as lending instant credibility to the ‘Skins.* * * The Masters doesn’t tee off until Thursday, but the players and the media are already warming up. Perhaps golf fans and readers should do the same. We’re all aware of the ways in which Tiger Woods’s rampant sexting have intensified the spotlight at this year’s Masters, but the circus that looms at the end of the week probably requires some warming up on our part, too. So get loose with some blow-by-blow coverage of Tiger’s trips to the practice tee and analysis of the crowd response Tiger has elicited at Augusta National. There’s plenty more on the way.* * * In a dorm room somewhere, someone is spinning a theory about the relentlessly hyped rivalry between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees, which you might know as Baseball’s Greatest Rivalry. But did you ever think it might not be baseball’s greatest rivalry if they didn’t keep telling us that, man? Did I just blow your mind? Not really, since even Yankees and Red Sox fans know to approach the rivalry hype with some caution. But as Opening Night matchups go, the two teams — and the legitimately CAN page 76


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Boston Red Sox announce four-year extension for Josh Beckett Gordon Edes (

option on Lester for 2014), and a fourth, Clay Buchholz, who is not eligible for free agency until after the '14 season. • Email "When you have that pitching, • Print you don't want to let it go • Comments away,'' Epstein said. "It's hard • Share to acquire in free agency, it's • hard to acquire in trade, and it's hard to draft and develop this By Gordon Edes kind of starting pitching. Knowing that we have Josh and Archive Jon Lester and John Lackey and BOSTON -- Injury can alter the C l a y B u c h h o l z a l l s i g n e d best-laid plans, but the Red Sox through 2014 means There's no have gone a long way toward guarantee in baseball, but it cementing their starting rotation s h o u l d m e a n w e h a v e for the foreseeable future after outstanding starting pitching for signing Josh Beckett to a four- that period.'' year contract extension worth The contract calls for a $5 $68 million. million signing bonus this "We couldn't be more thrilled to season, and an annual salary of keep Josh around,'' Red Sox $15.75 million from 2011 to general manager Theo Epstein 2014. Beckett is due to be paid said at a Monday afternoon $12.1 million this season in the news conference in Fenway option year of an extension he Park. "We were talking that he'll signed in 2006. be with the Red Sox for nine Recent signings on the market, years when this contract is up. including the five-year, $82.5 He's earned it. Josh is an m i l l i o n d e a l s s i g n e d b y excellent contributor on and off B e c k e t t ' s f o r m e r M a r l i n s the field, a big part of our team teammate A.J. Burnett in 2008 and pitching staff.'' and current teammate Lackey Edes: Sending A Message last winter, would suggest that Josh Beckett's new deal with Beckett had a good chance of the Boston Red Sox may impact getting a five-year deal as well. Victor Martinez and Daisuke Beckett did not insist on a fifth Matsuzaka, writes Gordon Edes. year in negotiations with the Story Red Sox. The Red Sox now have three Salary Crunch starting pitchers -- Beckett, John To put Beckett's new contract Lackey and Jon Lester-- signed into perspective, we crunched through 2014 (the club holds an his salary using his 2009 stats to Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:07:47 AM

He's been remarkably consistent throwing as many innings as anybody, and there's not a medical reason why that shouldn't continue, with the work he's put in to create a foundation for success healthdetermine how long it takes wise." Beckett to earn your annual A source said that there is no wages. Salary Crunch » special language in the contract "A lot of people look at what that would give the Red Sox you could lose or what you protection in the event the 30lost,'' he said. "I look at four year-old Beckett had shoulder years of more stability. The issues. season gets long when you're The MVP of the 2003 World losing 90 games. I know we Series for the Marlins and a key have a chance to win here every c o n t r i b u t o r t o t h e S o x ' s year. I look at it more as what I championship in '07, Beckett gained than what I potentially trails only three pitchers in wins lost.'' since coming to Boston with Beckett's prior shoulder issues Mike Lowell in the trade that had been cited as a reason why sent Hanley Ramirez to Florida. the team would not offer the S i n c e 2 0 0 6 , o n l y R o y right-hander a fifth year, but H a l l a d a y ( 6 8 - 3 2 ) , C C Epstein on Monday insisted they Sabathia(67-36) and Justin had no concerns about Beckett's Verlander(64-40) have won health. Beckett had two stints on more games than Beckett (63the disabled list in 2008, but the 34), who over the same time first was related to his back, the span ranks ninth in strikeouts other to an inflamed elbow. He with 717. also tried to pitch through the Beckett's ERA in a Boston '08 postseason with a strained uniform is 4.13, which ranks oblique muscle. only 30th overall in that "We had outstanding health timeframe. That figure includes reports," Epstein said. "All the Sunday's start against the testing now is better than it's Yankees, in which Beckett ever been, and the commitment allowed five earned runs in 4 we made demonstrates that. We 2/3 innings but escaped with a put our money where our mouth no-decision when the Sox is. He's a guy who is insurable, rallied from a 5-1 deficit to win he's a guy that we count on to be 9-7. as healthy as he's been. And By announcing the deal after look at what he's done for us. the season started, Beckett's new

salary isn't included in luxury tax calculations until next year. Having four starters signed to deals of four years or more ( Daisuke Matsuzaka's six-year deal runs through the 2012 season) does not represent a change of heart, said Epstein, who in the past has voiced resistance to signing pitchers to deals of such length. "No change of philosophy," Epstein said. "I still believe shorter is better. I still believe in avoiding risk. But I also believe we operate in the real world, not some sort of fantasy world where you can pick the type of player and contract you want to sign him to. "We have to make real-world decisions that come with risk and reward. We've done our due diligence. We're comfortable with what we've done. If you told me someday, do you see yourself with a number of pitchers under four- and fiveyear commitments, I'd say probably not because it's something you'd rather avoid. But it's also a unique opportunity to have a rotation like this wrapped up for this long. We're very comfortable with how it evolved." Gordon Edes covers the Red Sox for Follow him on Twitter. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: BOSTON page 73


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NCAA continued from page 68

Zoubek taps the rebound back out for a fresh shot clock. Smith then gets fouled in the act of shooting, giving Duke two free throws after the timeout. 11:22 pm | by Geoff Foster Hoosiers reference finally!!!!! And the score from the movie no less! Oh man, they were holding that one for a while. Well played CBS, showed some nice restraint there, and it paid off. 11:23 pm | Duke 58-55; 3:16 left, 2nd Half (final auto timeout) | by Darren Everson Assistant coach Nate James is Duke's designated screamer. "Three (bleeping) minutes!" he yells in the huddle. 11:24 pm | Duke 58-55; 3:16 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson I actually recognize the Butler fight song now. Unreal. 11:25 pm | by Geoff Foster Interesting note, for all the talk of Stevens's age, all of Duke's assistants are kids: 33, 35, 32, 31. 11:25 pm | Duke 60-55; 3:16 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Smith makes both. Danger time, Butler! 11:26 pm | by Geoff Foster The 37th jump ball of the game, makes me think it's time for college to actually jump the ball

during the jump ball One of the few things the NBA does better. 11:27 pm | Duke 60-55; 2:22 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Nerves appear to be an issue now for Butler's guards. They've almost turned it over twice now on this possession, as Duke's defenders tap the ball away from them. Then Mack misses from the baseline. 11:28 pm | Duke 60-55; 1:45 left, 2nd Half | by Geoff Foster Mack tried to shoot one over the back of the backboard and misses. Fortunately, Singler gives it back with a travel, one of the first mistakes he창s made today. 11:29 pm | Duke 60-57; 1:00 left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Howard scores inside for Butler, and grabs an offensive rebound after a Butler stop. 11:30 pm | Duke 60-59; 49.4 seconds left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Howard! The mildly concussed Butler center scores again inside after grabbing that offensive rebound. Timeout, Devils. 11:30 pm | by Geoff Foster I was shocked Mack missed a wide open three! Howard makes up for it though. Oxygen tank is

being administered (on me). 11:32 pm | Duke 60-59; 33.7 seconds left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Singler is way short on his shot. Out of bounds off Duke. Butler ball! 11:32 pm | by Geoff Foster Singler did get a chance for the big shot, and it was his worst of the night. 11:33 pm | Duke 60-59; 13.6 seconds left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Timeout Butler. This play is going to run through Hayward, you'd have to figure. 11:34 pm | Duke 60-59; 13.6 seconds left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Hayward inbounding, baseline left ... 11:35 pm | by Geoff Foster CBS shows Hinkle Fieldhouse - Butler's home gym -- where thousands of young people are rocking and clutching their fists. 11:36 pm | Duke 60-59; 13.6 seconds left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Has to call timeout. Couldn't find anybody. 11:36 pm | Duke 60-59; 13.6 seconds left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Howard inbounding now to Hayward ... 11:37 pm | Duke 60-59; 3.6 seconds left, 2nd Half | by

Darren Everson Hayward misses! He drove right and tried a baseline fadeaway, but missed long. Zoubek rebounds and is fouled. 11:37 pm | by Geoff Foster They got the right guy on the line in Zoubek. .554 on the year. 11:38 pm | Duke 61-59; 3.6 seconds left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Hits the first ... 11:39 pm | Duke 62-59; 3.6 seconds left, 2nd Half | by Darren Everson Misses the second ... 11:39 pm | Duke 61-59; Final | by Darren Everson ... But Duke survives! Hayward fires a half-courter that hits glass, then rim, but comes off. A half inch lower, and that ball caroms in. 11:40 pm | Duke 61-59; Final | by Geoff Foster GREATEST MOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF SPORTS???? CAN IT BE? Off the rim. Duke wins. All of America sighs and turns off television. 11:45 pm | by Geoff Foster You have to admit, this is one of the better tournaments in a long time, no? Very fitting end. Brad Stevens and company were incredible, to state the obvious. Duke deserved it, no doubt, they

showed up for six games. 12:01 am | Postgame | by Darren Everson Championship games often don창t live up to the hype. Last year, having the home-crowd advantage did little for Michigan State, which lost in a rout to North Carolina. This, however, was quite an exception. In one of the most riveting title games in years, Duke held off Butler, 61-59, for the national championship -although they wouldn't have if Gordon Hayward's half-court bank shot at the buzzer had been just a hair lower. Duke's fourth national-title team -- its first since 2001 -- is nothing like coach Mike Krzyzewski's first three. The Blue Devils don't have a namebrand star player; they benefited from facing a couple of opponents weakened by injuries, and although they were a No. 1 seed, they weren't expected to win the national title. Nevertheless, Duke did so -- just barely.

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Sports/ Economy/

Oliver Purnell takes DePaul Blue Demons job in surprising fashion


Andy Katz (

citing sources, first broke the story in the early morning hours Tuesday. "It's a super job,'' Purnell said. • Email "They are very, very committed • Print to restoring a tradition and make • Comments DePaul Chicago's team.'' • Share Purnell wasn't on any reported • DePaul prospective hire lists throughout the winter. He said By Andy Katz Tuesday he was contacted four or five days ago. DePaul had Archive made overtures all over the INDIANAPOLIS -- DePaul country and few seemed to agreed with Clemson men's know where Blue Demons were basketball coach Oliver Purnell headed. late Monday on a seven-year DePaul interviewed Minnesota contract that will pay Purnell Timberwolves assistant and well beyond the $1.6 million former New Mexico State and salary he was making with the Sacramento Kings coach Reggie Tigers. Theus late last week for the job. Purnell will be introduced at a Jerry Wainwright, who had two 2:30 p.m. ET news conference years left on his contract, was Tuesday in Chicago, DePaul fired as coach on Jan. 11, with spokesperson Greg Greenwell the Blue Demons at 7-8 overall, confirmed. 0-3 in the Big East. " D e P a u l p r e s e n t s a g r e a t DePaul finished the season 8-23 opportunity,'' Purnell told overall and dead-last in the Big Tuesday morning. East at 1-17 under interim coach The stunning hire -- culminated Tracy Webster. shortly after the Duke-Butle DePaul went winless in the Big NCAA national championship East in 2008-09 and finished 9game -- salvaged a search for a 24 overall that season. new coach that lasted nearly Meanwhile, Purnell took three months. Clemson to the 2010 NCAA The Chicago Tribune and tournament with a 21-10 record Web sites, both (the Tigers lost to Missouri in Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:41:22 AM

the first round 86-78). Clemson was 9-7 in the ACC. Purnell reached the NCAA tournament with the Tigers in three straight seasons, losing in the first round in each of those appearances. He was 138-90 in seven seasons at Clemson, but 50-62 in the ACC. Prior to Clemson, Purnell resurrected Dayton in a nineyear run that ended with a 24-6 record and an NCAA appearance. He made two NCAA tournament appearances at Dayton. He also coached at Old Dominion for three years (one NCAA appearance) and three seasons at Radford. Purnell has never won an NCAA game. Purnell said the move was much more about the challenge at DePaul and had nothing negative to say about Clemson. "I hope they feel we left the program in great shape,'' Purnell said. "I feel that way.'' DePaul has struggled in the 16team Big East. "On paper, it looks very tough," Purnell said. "But once I evaluated this I saw that this was like a lot of the jobs I've had before Clemson. They were tough jobs as well,'' DePaul presents a number of challenges. The Blue Demons

are less talented than the rest of the Big East. They also have facility issues -- including having to play off-campus near O'Hare International Airport at the Allstate Arena -- as well as a relatively apathetic fan base in Chicago, which tends to be a town that follows its professional teams. Clemson, meanwhile, is consistently one of the best and rowdiest home courts in the ACC. Clemson loses seniors all-ACC forward Trevor Booker and wing David Potter but was expected to returned the rest of its team that reached the NCAA. Most experts figured the Tigers to challenge for an upperdivision spot in the ACC. Purnell's departure means there are now two coaching openings in the ACC. Boston College is looking to replace Al Skinner, who parted ways with the program last week. Andy Katz is a senior writer at Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


continued from page 71

PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Greece to target US investors with bond (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 4/5/2010 2:02:12 PM

Greece will this month launch a multibillion-dollar bond in the US in its hunt for new investors, selling itself for the first time as an emerging market country as demand for its debt dwindles in Europe. Morgan Stanley is being considered to handle the deal after Goldman Sachs’ plans to sell Greek bonds to US and Asian investors this year fell through amid rumours that the Chinese had shunned Athens’ debt. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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E-reader News Edition

The Count: Duke, Butler Battle for Board Supremacy ( The Daily Fix)

throw line. Instead, Duke derived its scoring proficiency from turning the ball over rarely The battle of the boards in the and corralling more than two of NCAA championship game f i v e a v a i l a b l e o f f e n s i v e Monday will help determine rebounds — sixth-best in the w h e t h e r f a v o r e d D u k e o r nation. underdog Butler emerges as Butler, meanwhile, ranked sixth champion. And that battle will in the nation in defensive be especially interesting when efficiency, after adjusting for Duke misses a shot, because the schedule. The Bulldogs ranked a Blue Devils are one of the best m o d e s t 6 8 t h i n h o l d i n g offensive-rebounding teams in opponents to a 46.5% effective the nation, while Butler is one of field-goal percentage, and just the best at keeping opponents 112th in yielding free throws. off the boards. Getty Images Where they shined is in holding Brian Zoubek’s five offensive opponents to just 27.6% of rebounds helped Duke rout available offensive rebounds, West Virgina in the national 14th best nationwide. semifinal. Duke’s 7-foot-1 Brian Zoubek Duke is the best team in the will be the primary force in nation at converting offensive attempting to overcome Butler’s possessions into points, after d e f e n s i v e r e b o u n d i n g adjusting for schedule strength, proficiency. He collects an according to Ken Pomeroy’s amazing 21.2% of available efficiency stats. Though Duke offensive rebounds while he’s hit 13 of 25 3-pointers in its on the floor. That’s best in the semifinal dismantling of West country and compares favorably Virginia on Saturday, the Blue with the remarkable season put Devils’ offensive excellence up by DeJuan Blair for Pitt last doesn’t typically derive from year. Unlike Blair, though, who dead-eye shooting. Duke ranked averaged 2.7 fouls per game and just 91st in the nation out of 347 2 7 . 2 m i n u t e s l a s t s e a s o n , teams in effective field-goal Zoubek has managed to play in percentage (adjusted to take into just 45% of Duke’s minutes, account 3-pointers), and just thanks to a per-40-minute foul 155th in getting to the free- rate that is by far the highest in Submitted at 4/5/2010 3:27:39 PM

and offensive rebounding, respectively. Butler is below average, ranking 241st nationally in collecting 30.6% of available offensive boards. And Duke is just slightly above average, letting opponents collect 32.1% of available offensive boards. It turns out that this disconnect isn’t particularly unusual. Of the 10 best teams in the country at defensive rebounding, six are below average at offensive rebounding. And of the top 10 offensive rebounding teams, two are below average and six are outside of the top 100 when it the ACC. Butler’s 6-foot-8 comes to defensive boards. Gordon Hayward, who collects Among all 347 Division I teams, a n i m p r e s s i v e 2 3 . 3 % o f the correlation between a team’s available defensive rebounds, rank in one category and the may find that his most effective other is a modest 0.11, meaning way to prevent Duke from how good you are on the glass at pounding the offensive glass is one end of the floor doesn’t to draw Zoubek into foul mean a whole lot on the other trouble, as John Gasaway and end. (This year was no fluke; the K e n P o m e r o y n o t e i n a correlation last year was 0.12.) statistically informed preview of Rebounding appears to have the title game at Basketball more to do with strategy and Prospectus. style than with intrinsic ability, The battle under Duke’s one of many nuances lost in raw o f f e n s i v e b o a r d s i s m o r e rebounding margin. And a big interesting than on the other end part of this game within Monday of the floor because, somewhat night’s game will happen when surprisingly, Duke and Butler Duke misses shots. are quite ordinary at defensive

J'Adore: Hermès Relaxed Kelly (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 4/5/2010 4:06:36 PM

The Kelly bag is a patrician staple for the house of Hermès. Named for Grace Kelly in the late 1950s after she used her crocodile version to obscure a pregnant belly on a Life magazine cover shoot, the classic Kelly has undergone many incarnations in its nearly 80-year history. We've seen the: two-tone Kelly, mini Kelly, the Kelly clutch, the collapsible Kelly, and numerous renditions of the bag in exotic skins. This season, Hermès introduces the Relaxed Kelly. Constructed out of a buttery soft leather, the body of this bag is completely deconstructed so it feels like a well-worn, sporty take on its predecessor. Our favorite is the luggage leather version in that perfect shade of supple brown leather. Hermès “Kelly Relaxed” Bag, Price Available Upon Special Request Available at Hermès stores nationwide (1-800-441-4488 or

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Coal mine explosion in West Virginia kills 25

continued from page 69

decision to try and tone down my negative outbursts and consequently my positives outbursts will be calmed down as well." • On winning golf tournaments while living a secret life and how he will be able to move forward: "I think how I was earlier in my career. I was at peace, and I've had some great years. Unfortunately what I've done over the past years has been just terrible to my family. And the fact I won golf tournaments I think is irrelevant." • On whether he has taken prescription drugs Ambien and Vicodin: "I've taken them, yes. I've had some pretty interesting knee situations over the years. I've had four operations now on my left knee. Then last year with my torn Achilles, it hurt quite a bit at times ... That's when I was taking some of those things to help me sleep." • On rehab: "I was in there for 45 days and it was to take a hard

look at myself, and I did, and I've come out better. I'm certainly a much better person for it than I was going in. Does that mean I'm ever going to stop doing that? No, I've got to still continue with my treatment. And that's not going to stop in the near future for sure." Asked what the treatment was for, Woods said: "That's personal." • On how he fooled so many people for so long: "I fooled myself as well. I lied to a lot of people, deceived a lot of people, kept others in the dark," he said. "Rationalized and even lied to myself. And when you strip that all away ... the full magnitude of it, it's pretty brutal. I take full responsibility for what I've done, and I don't take that lightly." Masters officials made it clear that it was their idea for the interview to take place on Monday, not as a concession to Woods, who would have normally met the media on Tuesday. But to do so then

would have rendered every other interview meaningless, while making it impossible to get the focus on the tournament. Earlier Woods played a practice round with former Masters champion Fred Couples. They were joined by Jim Furyk on the 13th and played the rest of the way together. Although the crowd was cordial, it was not overly enthusiastic. Woods made an attempt to interact with spectators -- not typical for him -- and even engaged in the tradition of trying to skip a shot over the pond at Augusta's par-3 16th. Nobody remembers Woods ever doing that. Woods said he'll play another practice round Tuesday with Steve Stricker and Mark O'Meara. "I was more nervous [out there],'' Woods said. "That first tee, I didn't know what to expect. To be out there in front of the people where I have done

some things that are just horrible. For the fans to really want to see me play golf again, that felt great. ... Today was a little bit different. I kind of took it in a little bit more and it felt really good.'' Woods also promised to tone down his outbursts after good and bad shots alike, saying he had a responsibility to children as a role model to set a better example on the course. "A lot has happened in my life in the past five months," Woods said. "I'm here at the Masters to play and compete and I'm really excited about doing that." Bob Harig covers golf for Information from The Associated Press was used in this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


(Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 4/6/2010 1:32:41 AM

PHILADELPHIA - Twentyfive coal miners died and four were still missing deep underground on Tuesday after an explosion ripped through a West Virginia mine owned by Massey Energy in the deadliest coal mine disaster in decades. The accident at the Upper Big Branch Mine in Montcoal, about 48 km south of the state capital of Charleston, is owned by Massey’s Performance Coal subsidiary. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Did Butler Really Lose to Those Guys? Terence Moore (FanHouse Main)

cry. Instead, Butler's players and coaches were their typically Submitted at 4/5/2010 7:30:00 PM composed selves when late Filed under: Butler, Duke, Monday night became early NCAA T o u r n a m e n t Tuesday morning at Lucas Oil INDIANAPOLIS -- So close. Stadium after Gordon Hayward So ridiculously close. came within a bulldog's hair on So close that the losers didn't each of his two shots inside the

final 13 seconds of winning a national championship.

Did I say those Butler folks were composed? Try shocked. They weren't the only ones, because everybody among the packed house of 70,930 knew that Hayward's first shot was in, and that his second one was in, and that nobody outside of Durham, N.C., wanted to see

those from the insufferable Duke program cutting down nets for a fourth time during the reign of King Mike Krzyzewski.


Sports/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

CAN continued from page 70

interesting rivalry beneath the hype — make a decent pairing. Major League Baseball’s 2010 campaign officially got under way on Sunday night when the Red Sox beat the Yankees 9-7, in a game that probably won’t seem significant by Thursday. It’s no secret that major leaguers are paid extravagantly well, especially those in the Boston and New York lineups. Less publicized, and equally mind-boggling, is that the same organizations that think little of forking over $2 million for utility infielders pay their minor leaguers astonishingly low salaries. At Baseball America, Garret Broshuis — himself a former Giants farmhand— exposes the stunning disparity in pay between big leaguers and their minor-league counterparts. “With no change in the foreseeable future, minor leaguers will continue to cram

into apartments and host families’ houses — and perhaps skip meals — to save money,” Broshuis writes. “Their air mattresses will sit in rooms decorated only by mold. And they’ll gladly accept this sacrifice. They’re chasing a dream.” Pitcher Dirk Hayhurst kept what he called “A Non-Prospect Diary” for Baseball America while working his way towards cups of big-league coffee in 2008 and ‘09. Hayhurst, who expanded that diary into an upcoming book entitled “The Bullpen Gospels,” delves introspectively into life as a professional athlete in this interesting piece at Minor League Baseball’s website. While we pay little attention to the ugliness of life in the low minors, said ugliness is very real. The same cannot be said of the “27 Critical Details You Should Be Made Aware Of” that

Jon Bois invented over at SB Nation in honor of the start of the baseball season. Although it would be pretty cool if the film “Crank: High Voltage” was, in fact, based on things that actually happened to Oakland third baseman Kevin Kouzmanoff.* * * It’s nearly impossible to pull off in fantasy baseball, which makes it that much more impressive that the actual, played-on-a-field Baltimore Orioles managed to field a rotation featuring four 20-game winners during their World Series-winning 1970 season. Hall of Famer Jim Palmer is the best known of the four aces, but co-ace Mike Cuellar, who led the Orioles (and the American League) with 24 wins that season, might have been the most interesting of the bunch. Cuellar died Friday at the age of 72. The Cuban-born screwball

maestro plied his trade in minorleague towns from Jersey City to Knoxville, and as a big leaguer in Cincinnati and Houston, before joining the Orioles in a seemingly minor trade before the 1969 season. It proved anything but, as Cuellar proceeded to average nearly 21 wins over the next six seasons and became a fan favorite. In the Baltimore Sun, Mike Klingaman remembers the quirky ace. — Tip of the Fix cap to reader Brendan Flynn. Found a good column from the world of sports? Don’t keep it to yourself — write to us at and we’ll consider your find for inclusion in the Daily Fix. You can email David at

In the End, Zoubek Comes Up Big David Steele (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 4/5/2010 7:08:00 PM

Filed under: Duke, NCAA Tournament INDIANAPOLIS -- The last nine minutes of his college basketball career, Brian Zoubek played with four fouls, all picked up in rapid succession. With 33.7 seconds left in that

career, Zoubek's foot grazed the possession in which it could endline as he tussled in the lane beat Duke in the national for Kyle Singler's missed shot, championship game. giving the ball to Butler for one But the 7-foot-1 Zoubek, after

four tortuous seasons that included battling foot problems that appeared destined to never go away, had spent much of the last two months helping his team far more than hurting it. So it was in that final half-minuteplus; he managed to get himself in the middle of every play that determined which team would win the title Monday night.

The RBA is not afraid of higher rates, Greece should be Peter Boockvar (The Big Picture) Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:04:26 AM

The RBAustralia raised interest rates by another 25 bps to 4.25% as they move rates “closer to average” as growth is likely to “be around trend and inflation close to target over the coming year.” They have now raised 125 bps since Sept ‘09 but this rate still remains 300 bps below the level of Aug ‘08 right before the storm hit. The Australian$ is at an 11 week high vs the US$ in response and following is the Canadian$ which is back to parity with the US$ for the first time since July ‘08. So where the US$ has been stronger against the euro, pound and yen, the story is different with the healthier economies with Asia and commodity exposure. Following the rise in treasury and MBS yields, said the avg 30 yr mortgage rate rose to 5.25%, the highest since Jan 11th. Greek bonds are getting slammed with the 10 yr yield up 39 bps to 6.92%, the highest since late Jan on talk that Greece wants no part of the IMF. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Sports/ Picture/ Media/

E-reader News Edition

To America's Chagrin, Coach K and Duke Win Again Jay Mariotti (FanHouse Main)

the last from halfcourt that would have clinched immortality at the buzzer -about 65,000 people in the hometown stadium groaned and bled along with a nation. A relieved roar went up from 6,000 Duke supporters, thrilled to survive what would have been a magnificent upset. Yet the sight to behold was Krzyzewski immediately

heading down to the Butler bench, hugging and consoling the losing team while his own players were sprawled in a bouncing heap on the court. "I think this will become a historic event," he said after winning his fourth championship, a 61-59 thriller that reaffirms the splendor of college hoops. "I'm fortunate to have coached in eight national

championship games, and this was a classic. This was the toughest and the best one -- the best-played, with more players playing at a higher level. "I still can't believe we won. The game was so good, anybody could have won. They didn't lose."

The 10th Annual BYOBW Larissa Zimberoff (Flickr Blog) Submitted at 4/5/2010 5:12:46 PM

Despite the rain this past Sunday, dozens of faithful fur wearing fans descended upon

Around the Net In Media: ESPN: NY Site Makes Strong Ad Debut (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 4/5/2010 9:25:05 PM

Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:00:00 PM

Filed under: NCAA Basketball INDIANAPOLIS -- Never has a confetti shower been so still. Never has a celebration been so muzzled. Never has "One Shining Moment" been so bittersweet, like a song at the blues club down the street. It figures that Mike Krzyzewski, maybe the most villainized coaching great ever in college basketball, would win his first national title in nine years on an evening when America was rooting madly for a little school from the heartland playing six miles from campus. But then, Coach K is used to filling the bad-guy role, even if he's actually one of the fine people in sports. When darling Butler lost a classic championship game by mere inches -- on two close misses by baby-faced Gordon Hayward,


Vermont Street on San Francisco’s Potrero Hill for the 10th Annual BYOBW race. (Bring Your Own Big Wheel) P h o t o s f r o m k o w i t z , KayVee.INC, TheNickster, and SFRichardT, dav, captin_nod,

ed100. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

The launch of local sports site ESPN New York is company's strongest to date. The debut is timed to the start of the 2010 Major League Baseball season, which will kick off Sunday night on ESPN2 and its live video site with a meet-up of bitter rivals The New York Yankees and The Boston Red Sox. Other sites have launched in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, and Los Angeles. "It's been our strongest launch in terms of ad revenue," among the local sites, Horine added. Local advertisers for the New York site include Brooklyn Brewery, Tri State Land Rover Dealer Group, Anheuser-Busch, Audi, and Stub Hub. Stub Hub has been a launch partner with all five of ESPN's local sites. Fujifilm is also sponsoring the site's zoom photo galleries, according to Horine. As launch presenter, BMW is featured on an interstitial page displayed the first time users visit the New York site. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Game/ Media/

E-reader News Edition

MediaDailyNews: Nielsen Enters Puerto Rico (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:31:15 AM

Nielsen Co. Monday said it officially launched a new TV audience measurement system in Puerto Rico, putting it in direct competition with WPP's Kantar Media Research unit, which operates Mediafax, the JC Fletcher (Joystiq) "Originally they were created by i n c u m b e n t a u d i e n c e our lead artists just for fun, as a measurement currency in the Submitted at 4/6/2010 2:40:00 AM joke," Nordcurrent managing market. Sure, you may already be one director Alex Bravve said, "but Nielsen said its new service has of the Hustle Kings on PS3, but then we've noticed that a lot of a sample of 500 households, and isn't it time you sought another people are actually enjoying that it has begun providing billiards-related monarchy on a playing them. So we decided to overngith ratings to clients in To see the game in (unfair) Sony system? Of course it is. leave these tables as a feature, the market, which include Telemundo-owned WKAQ-TV, action, check out the trailer after Nordcurrent thinks so, which is rather than an Easter egg." the break. It features random why it's releasing King of Pool K i n g o f P o o l w i l l b e Univision affiliate WLII-TV, wings, Castlevania-esque music, for PSP over the PlayStation downloadable April 8 for ten independent WAPA-TV, as well as Arteaga & Arteaga, Canal 13, and monster piledrivers! You'll Network this week. bucks. probably enjoy watching it. King of Pool is a pool game PSP crowns King of Pool this D r a f t / F C B , E J E S o c i e d a d Gallery: Monsters (Probably) that purports to "implement the week originally appeared on Publicitaria, Starcom, and Stole My Princess whole variety of rules that exist Joystiq on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 Kairos. Continue reading Monsters in the world." It features a 02:40:00 EST. Please see our Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: (Probably) Stole My Princess bunch of real pool modes, as terms for use of feeds. definitely being released Apr. 22 well as weird original tables Read| Permalink| Email this| PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. Monsters (Probably) Stole My i n v e n t e d b y t h e t e a m . Comments Princess definitely being released Apr. 22 originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess definitely being released Apr. 22 JC Fletcher (Joystiq) Submitted at 4/6/2010 10:00:00 AM

Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess, the PSP Mini about unfortunate anti-monster racial profiling, has been given a release date of April 22 -- which publisher Mediatonic has confirmed is worldwide. The game, playable on both PSP and PS3, stars the Duke, who goes on an ill-researched quest to rescue his princess, jumping endlessly upward through vertically scrolling levels, and beating up every presumed guilty monster he sees (hint: all of them).

PSP crowns King of Pool this week

Game/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition


Everyone Talks Their Book . . . Barry Ritholtz (The Big Picture) Submitted at 4/6/2010 4:07:34 AM

War for Cybertron dubbed 'Transformers: Cybertron Adventures' for Wii Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq)

versions with Autobot and Decepticon campaigns, still Submitted at 4/6/2010 9:09:00 AM maintains the less familyAfter popping up on the ESRB friendly title. So, Wii owners and OFLC rating websites, a can expect "adventures" with game called " Transformers: the Transformers this summer, Cybertron Adventures" for Wii as high-def consoles prepare for led some to wonder whether it "war." was a new, unannounced game. War for Cybertron dubbed An Activision representative ' T r a n s f o r m e r s : C y b e r t r o n tells Joystiq that it's "the Wii Adventures' for Wii originally version" of the company's appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 06 upcoming Transformers: War Apr 2010 09:09:00 EST. Please for Cyberton on PS3 and Xbox see our terms for use of feeds. 360. Permalink| Email this| The DS version of War for C o m m e n t s Cybertron, which comes in two

• Credit Crisis: Hated by: Hank Paulson, Short Term Borrowers, EMH adherents, Loved by: John Paulson, Book Authors, Hyman Minsky Fans • Financial Regulatory Reform: Hated by: Banks, Investment Houses, Free Marketers, Conservatives, Larry Summers Loved by: Smaller regional banks, Elizabeth Warren, Investors, Barney Frank • Market Crash (circa January to March 2009): Hated by: Stock Bulls, Fed, Bank execs, White House Loved by: Bears, WSJ OpEd,

Obama Haters, IBD OpEd, Larry Kudlow • Market Recovery (circa March 2009 to present): Hated by: Bears, WSJ OpEd, Obama Haters, IBD OpEd Loved by: Stock Bulls, Fed, Bank execs, White House, Larry Kudlow • Real Estate Collapse: Hated by: Home Owners, Mortgage Lenders, David Lereah Loved by: Fannie Mae critics, Short Sellers, Calculated Risk • Inflation: Hated by: Stock Bulls, Fed, Savers Loved by: Gold bugs, Bond Bears, Dollar Bears • The Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet:

Hated by: Gold Bugs, Dollar Bears, Fed Haters, Survivalists, David Kotok Loved by: Stock Bulls • Bail Outs: Hated by: Elected Democrats and Republicans Loved by: Lobbyists, Bailed Out Wall-Streeters, C, BAC, AIG • US Deficit: Hated by: Newly minted deficit hawks (mostly GOP), Bond Bears, US ex-Pats Loved by: Government wonks, lobbyists, Tea Party Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Fashion/ Media/

E-reader News Edition

Film Festival Captures NYC’s Love Affair with Fashion (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 4/5/2010 12:38:32 PM

A beautiful, slightly neurotic woman turns the corner wearing khaki trousers, a white collared shirt, a tie, a black vest, and an upturned, wide-brimmed hat—a look that would become iconic. It’s 1977. She is Diane Keaton. She’s Annie Hall. She’s New York City. Of the countless films set in the Big Apple, a select fraction cast the city’s pulsing fashion identity as its own character. Annie Hall is one such film, and

it is the first movie selected for the “ Fashion in Film: NYC” festival starting tomorrow. Each of the four films, chosen by fashion writers such as The New Yorker’s Judith Thurman,

“We thought film would be an event around which a lot of people could come together,” said Jeffrey Lieber, the series' curator and Parsons professor. “Part of the emphasis is to bolster a repertory film culture in New York. We liked the idea of bringing back classics.” “Fashion in Film: NYC” screens on Tuesdays until April 27 from 7:30pm to 9:30 pm in Tishman Auditorium, 66 West 12th Street. Admission is free. —Phillip B. Crook

Research Brief: Brand Info Online Attracts Consumers to Act (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:16:00 AM

According to the second year of an Opinion Research Corporation consumer preference survey sponsored by Adfusion, consumers are more likely to read and act upon online advertising than they were a year ago. For the second year, consumers say articles that include brand information is the defines the city’s attitude toward type of online advertising style. The festival’s inaugural they're most likely to read and year celebrates the birth this fall act upon, compared to banner of the M.A. Fashion Studies ads, pop-up ads, email offers or program, which uses film in the sponsored links. curriculum, at The New School. Article-based advertising was preferred by 53% of respondents who said they are "very likely" or "somewhat likely" to read and act upon the material, compared to 51% a year ago. Coveted demographic groups wedding? Which dress do you are even more likely to express prefer? a preference for articles. —Violet Moon Gayn or According to the survey, 66% of T o p r o w : D o n n a K a r a n , people between the ages of 25 Carolina Herrera, Jen Kao, and 34, and 60% of those Altuzarra making at least $75,000 per Bottom row: Thakoon, Emilio year, say they are "very likely" Pucci, Lanvin, Chanel or "somewhat likely" to read Photos: Imaxtree and act upon article-based Follow ELLE on Twitter. advertising. Pop-up ads were for my walk down the aisle. Become our Facebook fan! least likely to be read or acted Tell me—would you wear one upon. of these catwalk styles to your In the national study of 1,053 adults conducted in March 2010,

Spring 2010 Dresses: From the Catwalk to a Walk Down the Aisle (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

list. Luckily, the spring 2010 runways were filled with elegant and sexy dresses (zero pouf, Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:58:31 AM beading, or covered-buttons) in Every season, Vera Wang pale almost-white shades. The designs a black wedding dress. b e s t p a r t a b o u t t h e s e To this day, she's never sold a sophisticated gowns?: Each is single one. As a kid, I thought it an investment with a strong would be incredibly chic to wear return—wear them again to a red mini. Not surprisingly, black-tie galas, cocktail parties, when it came time to start and warm-weather getaways. looking for a wedding dress, Here, the spring 2010 runway tradition was not high on the looks I can see myself wearing

RESEARCH page 81

Media/ PopSci/

E-reader News Edition


MediaDailyNews: Nielsen Breaks Ad Campaign Aimed At Multicultural Targets

continued from page 80

survey respondents rated their likelihood to read and act upon five types of online advertising: banner ads, pop-up ads, e-mail offers, articles that include brand information, and sponsored search engine links. When asked how frequently they conduct Internet searches for products or services they read about in online articles, frequency increased from about 50% a year ago saying they initiate a search "very frequently" or "somewhat frequently," to 57% this year. Younger and high-income people showed a considerable propensity to conduct a search after reading online articles. with 72% of 25-to-34-year-olds saying they were likely to conduct a search for products or services based on an article, up from 66% a year ago. And 70% of those making more than $75,000 per year expressed their likelihood to perform a search 13 points higher than last year's

57%. According to ARAnet president Scott Severson, year-two of the online advertising study revealed three critical areas of data for marketers: • All these areas of online advertising are being received favorably by consumers, which means they are tuning in to marketers' online messages • A growing and healthy preference for article-based advertising • Younger and more affluent audiences are receptive to all types of online advertising, and article-based advertising in particular Severson says the data revealed that other high-potential demographic segments said they frequently conduct searches for products or services after reading about them in online articles, including: • 65% of respondents with


household size of three or more; • 72% of households with children in the 13-17 age group; and • 63% of college educated (MediaPost | Media News) respondents - compared to Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:31:15 AM 57% of the general population. Nielsen Co. Monday unveiled an ad campaign to promote its "We're seeing that article-based advertising rates highest with awareness and reputation among these important and discerning m u l t i c u l t u r a l g r o u p s . T h e audiences. Compared to other campaign, which specifically online advertising options, targets African Americans, consumers prefer reading an Hispanic and Asian consumers, article, evaluating it, and then f o c u s e s o n f o u r N i e l s e n deciding to click through for m e a s u r e m e n t s e r v i c e s : m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , " s a y s consumer purchases, online, mobile and TV. Severson. For additional information Themed "You Matter," the about the study by Opinion campaign promotes "how ethnic Research, please visit here. communities are positively Five Filters featured article: impacted by Nielsen's ability to Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: measure every day activities PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, such as shopping and media consumption and drives home Term Extraction.

the importance of their participation in Nielsen studies," the company said. The campaign will utilize an ethnically-specific media mix, including print ads, radio spots, mobile and online messages. It was created by three multicultural advertising agencies: lead agency Chicagobased Beaman Inc.; Los Angelesbased PanCom International and The Phelps Group (formerly Anita Santiago Advertising). Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Flying Through an Aurora at More Than 17,000 MPH Jeremy Hsu (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/5/2010 1:17:49 PM

A prolific photographer gives us a stunning view from aboard the International Space Station Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi has always served up

amazing images via his Twitter account, but his latest is worth special note. The International Space Station resident took a long-exposure shot of an aurora in the Earth's atmosphere. Auroras are natural light shows that result from solar wind particles flowing down toward

the planet's poles. The Aurora Borealis, also known as the

Northern Lights, takes place in the northern hemisphere. "Fly through Aurora at 28,000kmh. Happy 1,000 tweets :-)" Noguchi tweeted today. Noguchi has gained even more photo opportunities with the addition of an observation deck to the space station back in

February. But when he's not roaming around with camera in hand, he has also proved one skillful sushi chef in microgravity.



E-reader News Edition

Active Robotic Skylight Pumps Natural Light Into Darkened Interior Spaces Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/5/2010 12:26:58 PM

In an ideal world, we'd use natural light to brighten every darkened nook that needs illumination. But in reality, skylights and windows can let only so much light into a structure, and the amount of light varies based on the time of day. The Sundolier robotic skylight from Boulder-based Sunflower aims to change all this by actively "pumping" natural light into interior spaces, illuminating areas of up to 2,500 square feet with a single unit. The Sundolier employs a large dual-axis tracking mount with a couple of reflectors that gather light into a two-foot tube, which in turn feeds into a "sun chandelier" that lights up the room below. The rig tracks the sun as its position changes in the

sky, so regardless of the time of day, the light intensity inside the building stays relatively stable. Once the sunlight is captured, it can be distributed in several different ways, so a single Sundolier atop a roof can channel light to many different fixtures in the building below. Of course, as with any solar

harvesting scheme, Sundolier is hamstrung by Earth's atmospheric processes; when the sun is out, the Sundolier provides ample lighting, but overcast skies render it somewhat ineffective. Even so, the power savings on a good sunny day are pretty remarkable. In a public building

like a large school that contains lots of interior space that must be well-lit, piping in natural light could save a good deal in energy costs over the course of a year. The company claims Sundolier can also help cut cooling costs (all those light bulbs really do add to the ambient heat of a building), and since the sunlight doesn't come in directly as it does through skylights and windows, it doesn't contribute any appreciable heat gain. Check the video below to see the Sundolier pumping natural light into the Douglas County Library. [ Sunflower via Inhabitat]


E-reader News Edition


Process That Converts Cotton to Boron Carbide Could Create Armored T-Shirts Jeremy Hsu (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/5/2010 2:30:04 PM

It's a first step toward building more flexible body armor The boron carbide that forms body armor plates and helps protect battle tanks has now become a part of T-shirt fabric. The reinforced nanocomposites could eventually lead to more flexible body armor or lightweight materials for cars and aircraft, according to Chemistry World. Scientists in China, Switzerland, and the U.S. hit upon the idea of weaving cotton fibers together with boron carbide nanowires. Cotton Tshirt samples were soaked in a solution containing boron powder and a nickel-based catalyst, and then heated to 2012 degrees F (1100 degrees C) under a stream of argon that prevented the material from burning. The cotton fibers changed to carbon fibers during the process, and reacted with the boron powder to create boron carbide. By using the woven cotton Tshirt as a template, the scientists

MIT Researcher Develops iPhone App to Easily Control Swarms of Aerial Drones Jeremy Hsu (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/5/2010 1:57:13 PM

solved a previous problem where boron carbide nanowires would bunch up. Outside experts have deemed the approach promising, if not yet ready to replace Kevlar or conventional bulletproof materials. But the boron-carbide nanowires already show some material improvement over more brittle boron-carbide composites. "The boron-carbide nanowires we synthesized keep the same strength and stiffness of the bulk

Flying UAVs might someday become as easy as fiddling with boron carbide but have super- your phone elasticity," said Xiaodong Li, a Fleets of unmanned drones mechanical engineer at the have become a common weapon University of South Carolina. in the U.S. military's arsenal, but S u c h f l e x i b i l i t y c o u l d clunky controls and interfaces differentiate future generations that distract human operators of the material from other can lead to costly mistakes and examples of future armor or c r a s h e s . S u c h p r o b l e m s structural reinforcement. And as prompted a former U.S. Navy an added bonus, the boron pilot to develop an iPhone app carbide material keeps out those that allows any smartphone user deadly UV rays from the sun. to learn how to fly an unmanned [via Chemistry World] aerial system in just three minutes. Easier control interfaces could drastically cut down on training time and costs, not to mention mistakes. Consider that current

military pilots undergo thousands of hours of training to learn how to fly drones. "This is all about the mission -you just need more information from an image, and you shouldn't have to spend $1 million to train someone to get that picture," said Mary "Missy" Cummings, an MIT aerospace and systems engineer. Cummings once flew F-18 Hornets for the U.S. Navy, and saw fellow fighter pilots die in aircraft carrier landing mishaps. Since then, she has devoted her research at MIT's Humans and Automation Laboratory (HAL) toward making it easier to fly drones and interact with technology. That means less time spent MIT page 84


PopSci/ Energy/

E-reader News Edition

Semiconductor Swab Test Can Detect Oral Cancer in Only 15 Minutes Denise Ngo (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:41:09 AM

Every year, 300,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer, which has an average survival rate of only 60 percent over five years. The rate of survival rises to 90 percent when the cancer is diagnosed early, but the process of detection can take several days, and is painful for the patient. Nano-bio-chip technology created by researchers at Rice University may change that. The team at the university's BioScience Research Collaborative is working to develop a chip that can detect malignant lesions in 15 minutes. The new procedure would allow dentists to simply brush a

suspicious lesion with a device that resembles a toothbrush. At the moment, those afflicted with oral cancer need to undergo invasive biopsies every six months. According to preliminary studies published in the Cancer

MIT continued from page 83

fiddling with menus or trying to zoom a camera, and more time focused on the task at hand -whether that involves trying to I.D. a sniper or search for victims after a natural disaster. The HAL group recently ran experiments where participants controlled a drone via smartphone so that they could read an eye chart and find a photo within a building.

Cummings and her students hope to eventually test the app in the real world and fly the drone up to 500 feet. [ MIT]

OH, continued from page 84

Capital's Rachel Sheinbein, who used to help Intel address wastewater challenges. "Something else comes in and it precancerous as well. The oral cancer detection chip is totally different. It is like is only one of many up-and- saying 'energy.' There are so c o m i n g l a b s - o n - a - c h i p , many pieces of [the water semiconductor-based devices market]." b e i n g d e v e l o p e d f o r t h e North of the border, in Canada, improvement of health care. In there is a lot less hesitation. January of this year, scientists at In March, the Government of Holland's University of Twente Ontario announced it would debuted a chip that can test l a t e r t h i s y e a r i n t r o d u c e sperm count. In February of this a g g r e s s i v e l e g i s l a t i o n t o year, researchers at Harvard p r o m o t e O n t a r i o a s a n announced prototype chip international leader in clean technology that may be able to water entrepreneurship and detect HIV and malaria, among investment. Last week, the Ontario Centre for other diseases. Prevention Research journal, Simple screening for oral Environmental Technology tests using the chip were found cancer stands to significantly Advancement (OCETA) and to be 93 percent accurate in change the diagnostics game, XPV Capital followed-up on the d i f f e r e n t i a t i n g b e t w e e n putting dentists at the forefront government's announcement cancerous and non-cancerous of cancer detection. with a new report. " The Water lesions. The chip is designed to ScienceBlog Opportunity for Ontario" draws identify abnormal lesions that OH, page 85 could potentially turn

Oh, Canada! Land of Water Innovation! (Greentech Media: Headlines) Submitted at 4/6/2010 4:03:11 AM

American venture capitalists are notoriously fickle water investors. Recognizing that water is a rapidly expanding $400 billion global market, many investors

pledge a theoretical interest in water innovations. But in practice, window shopping is the norm. Concerned about the capital intensity of many water projects and the length of water startups' time to market and sales cycles, numerous American venture firms have made only a single water

investment. As a result, many firms are not well prepared to evaluate and embrace the next great water startup. "If you have done just one, you don't know the 100 different pieces of the value chain and the market segment," says CMEA OH, page 84

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OH, continued from page 84

attention to Ontario's research institutions, water regulations and standards, and water industry, including the region's "track record in creating worldclass water technologies." Some examples are Zenon Environmental, a wastewater treatment firm purchased by GE, and Trojan Technologies, a leader in ultraviolet water purification purchased by Danaher Corporation. In 2010, Toronto-based XPV Capital will soon close a $150 million fund dedicated exclusively to stage-agnostic investments in emerging water companies. To put the fund in perspective, consider that in 2009 venture capitalists invested about $150 million in water innovation- total. (Ontario is also making a big push in solar and has attracted big name partner Samsung.) "The rate of adoption is accelerating in water. The primary [reason] is that the value proposition of water technology has shifted from a regulatory value proposition," said XPV Capital's David Henderson. "A lot of the technology in the 1980s and 1990s were about bad bugs in drinking water. What is happening now is more economic drivers - the fact that a third of a municipality's energy bill is moving and treating water. That's a big bill that you can attack with

technology." XPV Capital is particularly bullish on investment opportunities in four broad water areas: demand destruction, wastewater to product, water reuse, and infrastructure renewal. Said Henderson: • "Demand structuring is all about how we reduce the demand for energy, water, chemicals, [and] other inputs in mission critical water processes without changing the output of the processes." • "Wastewater to product is taking the valuable resources that are found in wastewater streams and translating them into value-added products." • " Water reuse is taking [wastewater from] industrial, municipal, [and] commercial, buildings, uses and instead of treating it to be discharged back into the environment, treat[ing] it to be discharged for other applications." • "Infrastructure renewal technology can extend the life, expand the capacity, or increase the productivity of [water] infrastructure - a big area for North America." But even water enthusiasts such

as Henderson and Sheinbein recognize the sector's challenges. "There are definitely elements in the [water] industry where venture capital doesn't make sense, but there are segments in the industry where it does make sense. A technology that can drop the energy equation in a desalination process by fifty to seventy percent is very financeable under any venture capital model," said Henderson. Trouble is, most recent advances, at least in desalination, have been incremental. "I've seen membranes [and] I've seen changes in distillation. But they are not really breakthroughs," said Sheinbein. "They use too much energy or, from a venture capital perspective, they need to build $100 million dollar plants because they only make sense on that scale. I'm looking for things that are not iterative on what I learned in my chemical engineering classes." Saltworks: Thermo-Ionic Desalination In Vancouver, startup Saltworks Technologies claims exactly such a disruptive innovation and value proposition. "Saltworks has developed an energy-efficient desalination technology that reduces electricity costs by up to 80 percent," said Malcolm Man,

Saltworks' Vice President of Business Development. T o a p p r e c i a t e Saltworks' approach, begin with a refresher course in chemical engineering. Today, desalination takes place primarily through distillation or reverse osmosis. During distillation, water is heated and vaporized to remove salt, then condensed to produce fresh water. During reverse osmosis, pressure gradients drive water through a semipermeable membrane through which salt cannot pass. Both approaches are energy-intensive and thus expensive. To reduce energy costs, NanoH20 is developing a more efficient membrane for reverse osmosis and Oasys Water is using ammonia salts to encourage forward osmosis, i.e. the water is drawn through the membrane due not by pressure but due to its natural attraction to an extremely salty solution on the other side. Saltworks is promoting a different approach, using ion bridges to create an electrical circuit that manipulates salt. Similarly, researchers at MIT and in Korea recently announced their successful small-scale testing of desalination based on passage of water through ion-selective materials. To understand Saltworks' thermo-ionic desalination method, recall that

salt is composed of negatively charged chlorine ions and positively charged sodium ions. Saltworks' process begins with four separate streams of seawater or brackish groundwater. Using either a solar thermal pond or industrial waste heat, the first stream of seawater, for example, is evaporated until its salt concentration rises from its natural 3.5 percent to more than 18 percent. This first highsalinity stream is then pumped at low pressure into Saltworks' desalting device. Inside the device, the first highsalinity stream is connected using ion bridges to the second and third natural seawater streams, whose salt concentrations are only 3.5 percent. Made of polystyrene, the ion bridges have been treated so that one allows only negatively charged chlorine ions to pass (from the first stream to the second stream) and the other allows only positively charged sodium ions to pass (from the first stream to the third stream). The second and third streams are also connected to the fourth seawater stream. To maintain its electrical balance, the second stream pulls positively charged sodium ions from the fourth natural stream. Similarly, the third stream pulls negatively charged chlorine ions from the OH, page 89



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And the Winner Is… (Greentech Media: Headlines) Submitted at 4/5/2010 9:31:28 AM

Sorry to say, GTM readership, but you have disappointed me. When I lay down my challenge to rebrand cap and trade, I was sure some of you great minds out there would put your (low carbon) thinking caps on and wow me with your creativity. After all, the question of how to better frame the climate debate not only affects us all as citizens, but, for many of us in the cleantech nation, could have a direct connection to our livelihood. When John Doerr tells Congress that putting a price on carbon is the single biggest boost that Washington can provide to a domestic clean energy economy, he's talking about putting money in your pockets, people. So, though I thank the handful of you who gave it an earnest effort and sent in your suggestions, I am not going to award a winner for the mere sake of a "beauty prize" -- none of the ideas presented below is, to my mind, a game changer. Indeed, the atmosphere in Washington is so rancorous that

whatever slim hopes might have existed a month ago to reframe or reshape the debate, the prospects for movement on climate and energy legislation in the current session have almost completely evaporated by now. Better luck next year, planet Earth! As a public service to the next cycle of interest in this topic, here is a complete recap of the suggestions I received: Ø Pay to pollute Ø Pay your way [for the fossil fuel industry] Ø Pollution (or emissions) licensing Ø Resource optimization Ø CLEANS: Clean Energy for America's National Security Ø American Energy Transition Incentive Program Ø The American Carbon Tax Refund Bill Ø (re)Power America [incorporating the acronym for Renewable Energy] or Energize America Ø The Freedom from Oil Act, Free Energy Act, or Victory Over Foreign Oil Act Ø Cap and Invest Note: A couple of commenters pointed out that "cap and dividend" is currently in play in

some Congressional discussions, and that alternatives such as "cap and cash" or "cap and credit" might be appropriate, depending on the ultimate form of the rebate contained in legislation. A few observations on this list are in order. First, focusing on the "pay" side of the equation is, I believe, unlikely ever to capture the public imagination in a positive way. Frankly, what underpins broad support for clean energy policy is probably as much the feeling that we are paying "too much" for our energy today -- or at least sending our money to unsavory and undemocratic parts of the world. As I have written elsewhere, one explanation for the popularity of Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) as a means for promoting wind and solar is that they hide the cost of these investments from consumers -- leaving us with the false impression that we can have our clean energy cake and eat it, too. As a question of framing, it is certainly a poor plan to "lead with your chin" and start the conversation with the fact that going green costs more.

Framing carbon as a traditional environmental "pollution" problem is also, to my mind, disingenuous and risks underselling the complexity and scale of the sustained, global effort required to combat climate change. CO2 is not some trace toxin to be scrubbed from the smokestacks of a recalcitrant local industrial plant. Carbon emissions are an unavoidable consequence of nearly every energy-using decision and purchase in our daily lives. As such, the challenge of actually measuring it, regulating it and reducing it meaningfully enough to achieve the desired climate benefit is orders of magnitude harder than for traditional environmental irritants. Another group of responses focused on the kinds of pithy buzzword bingo titles that always go on top of legislation (and which the public generally ignores) -- the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)" for the Stimulus Bill, for example. In fact, the House climate and energy bill already has a perfectly serviceable name of this sort -- the "American Clean Energy and Security Act

of 2009," or ACES. My proposition was that we need to rebrand (and perhaps reconsider) cap and trade, not merely rename the bill to add more buzzwords. Finally, to the family tree of "cap and __" alternatives, I say, good luck. Good luck explaining it to the American public in a way that sticks. Good luck getting Congress to approve a big new source of revenue and then turn right around and give the money back to the taxpayer (rather than say, siphoning it off to fund new bailouts, earmarks, or programs). Good luck getting Lindsey Graham to sip the sweet Kool-Aid of bipartisanship now that he claims the well has been "poisoned" by the Democrats' successful health care reform push... In short, if I had to declare a winner in all of this, it would be coal. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Is Secretive Twin Creeks Coming out of Stealth? (Greentech Media: Headlines) Submitted at 4/5/2010 1:41:39 PM

Now that Twin Creeks Technologies has its factory plans, it might start talking about its technology. The well-funded start-up, founded only in 2008, said that it will invest $175 million into a solar panel facility in Senatobia that will ultimately employ 512 individuals. Twin Creeks to date has raised over $65 million. The state will provide $54 million in assorted benefits to Twin Creeks. Not only is that a big number, the date is interesting. Twin Creeks was founded in 2008, well after a lot of venture capitalists began to scale back their investments in solar, particularly start-ups touting new manufacturing techniques. Thus, Twin Creeks either has something interesting or it's a last gasp of next-generation solar ideas. There has been a lot of buzz about Twin Creeks

lately, but not a lot of solid information. Crosslink Capital and DAG Ventures are investors. So what are they up to? We've heard the company wants to produce silicon solar panels, but produce them at a cost that is closer copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) or cadmium telluride solar panels. A patent awarded at the end of last month by the US Patent and Trademark Office describes a technique for implanting ions into semiconductor wafers. Full disclosure: it's way way above my head but it sounds like Twin Creeks wants to reduce the amount of raw material consumed in the cell production process. Some excerpts: "As the demand for electrical energy based on renewable sources increases, the implementation of photovoltaic technology has expanded dramatically in recent years. Nevertheless, a way of forming crystalline silicon bodies optimized for photovoltaic cells

has remained elusive. Crystalline silicon wafers adapted to bear photovoltaic cells are conventionally obtained by slicing a silicon ingot. This process, which typically yields a silicon wafer thicker than 150 .mu.m, wastes a substantial amount of silicon by consuming up to 50% of the silicon body in kerf loss and delivering a much greater thickness than is needed for useful photovoltaic device," the patent states. "In a first embodiment, the invention provides an ion implanter adapted to implant ions in semiconductor wafers, comprising an appliance bearing noncircular pads, each pad configured to support a noncircular semiconductor wafer; and apparatus disposed to direct an ion beam, constituting a current of at least 5 mA, at the disk, apparatus comprising a mass analyzer, having a resolver power less than ten, configured to sort ions for the beam, while the mass analyzer is the only

mass analyzer in the ion implanter. Illustratively, the ion beam is of hydrogen or helium ions," it adds. In a sense, it sounds like enhanced silicon for crystalline silicon solar panels. Twin Creeks clearly wants to produce its own panels, but this also sounds like technology that could be licensed to others. With solar panels selling for $1.95 a watt and likely dropping to $1.50 to $1.75 by the middle of the year, it won't be easy for a start-up to make headway so an alliance with a large manufacturer is a distinct possibility. Again, we tried to find out more in early March but were only getting vague replies. With the patent and the factory in Mississippi, expect to hear more soon. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.




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Tesla Gives Musk 20 Million More Options, Prius -Proofs its Cars (Greentech Media: Headlines) Submitted at 4/5/2010 8:23:49 AM

The Model S sedan is a "must" for upstart Silicon Valley car maker Tesla Motors. The designer of the Roadster luxury sports sedan will broaden its lineup in 2012 with the $49,900 (after federal rebates) Model S, putting its electric cars within reach of buyers who can't shell out more than $100,000 for the Roadster. The new car also is a bonanza for Tesla CEO Elon Musk. The San Carlos company awarded its top exec 20,135,920 million stock options in December and tied half of them to milestones in the development and delivery of Tesla's all-important second vehicle, according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission last week. The grants equal about 8 percent of the fully diluted shares of the company before the grant. The other half of the

options -- representing ten million shares, or four percent of the fully diluted shares -were given to Musk for accomplishments to date. In January, Tesla filed documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a prelude to an IPO. In a revised S -1 filing last week, the company updated its paperwork, announcing Musk's options grants and admitting that it lost more money last year than previously disclosed. According to the filing, the options are valued at $2.21 each, or $44.5 million. Musk get his options in two grants. In the first, 10,067,960 options are to be awarded monthly over the next three years, with 2.6 million granted last December. The other ten million worth of options Musk will earn as the Model S meets certain milestones: 25 percent when the engineering of the Model S is completed, 25 percent when a prototype is

finished, 25 percent when production begins, and 25 percent when the 10,000th Model S rolls off the assembly line. The company hopes to make up to 20,000 Model S cars each year. The car will be built on a modular platform so that with just a few design tweaks, engineers at the company can start producing sport utility vehicles or commercial vans. The SEC filing goes on to report that Tesla lost $55.7 million last year, less than the $82.8 million it lost in 2008. This brings to $260.7 million the company's accumulated losses. Tesla had previously disclosed 2009 loses of $31.5 million through September and cumulative losses of $236.4 million. Also included in the document is a response to the Toyota Prius recall. Tesla says it implemented several algorithms in its vehicle software to reduce the likelihood of unintended

acceleration due to a mechanical or electronic failure. "We stop the flow of electricity to our motor when the car is placed in neutral or the key is rotated from the 'on' position. We also stop the flow of electricity to the motor during normal vehicle operation when the brake pedal is depressed for more than two seconds," the company says. The next few years should be interesting ones for Tesla. Although it's been the only freeway-legal electric car maker for three years, Nissan, General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Fisker Automotive and others will all release plug-in cars in 2010 and 2011. And while Tesla has grabbed lots of attention, it hasn't sold as many of its Tesla Roadsters as earlier anticipated. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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OH, continued from page 85

fourth stream. In the process, the fourth stream is stripped of its ions and desalinated. "Our technology can hybridize with existing [desalination] plants," said Saltworks' Man. "For example, a reverse osmosis plant produces a high-brine concentration discharge. We use that as our fuel. What we can do is take that fuel, recover more water from it and produce a solid salt with zero liquid discharge." To date, Saltworks has raised about $1.3 million and received about $2 million in government grants. The company has a one

cubic meter per day demonstration plant operating, where it extracts seawater from Vancouver harbor and produces fresh water. Skeptics wonder whether the process will work over time, clean water to a degree necessary, and other issues. But it's definitely intriguing. "We're looking [for] up to $10 million for our Series A financing... to continue operations [and] IP protection, deploy four mobile demonstration plants to key industrial and municipal customers and start our

manufacturing capabilities to reduce costs," said Man. Yoni Cohen is a JD-MBA student at the Yale Law School and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He previously worked as a reporter for Fox Sports, among other jobs. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Momentum Mounts For Financial Overhaul (Kiplinger Personal Finance)

the bill is the popular support, with polls showing almost a • reverse of views on the more An overhaul of financial contentious health care bill. regulations is a good bet as According to a Pew Financial President Obama, fresh from his Reform Project survey last health care victory, takes on month, 59% of voters said another huge swath of the U.S. Congress and the administration e c o n o m y . “ T h e g e n e r a l should support financial reform atmospherics has shifted in now over other priorities. They favor of a bill,” says Robert are still seething at Wall Street Litan, vice president of research over the crisis that helped send and policy at the Kauffman the economy into a long, deep Foundation. MOMENTUM page 90 One thing working in favor of

Pricing Your Home for a Sale (Kiplinger Personal Finance)

• You hope to sell fast for top dollar. Reality check: You'll probably have to compromise -with a price that not only satisfies you but also attracts the right buyers and won't exceed the market value determined by your buyer's appraiser. Agents don't pull a list price out of thin air. To begin homing in on the best price, you should expect that your agent will look at recent sales of homes similar to yours, current listings and pending sales. For example, agent Patricia Vucich says that she usually looks for at least three sales of

comparable houses that have closed within the past 90 days. If the pool of sales is small, she checks the county tax records for sales that weren't reported on the regional multiple listing service, such as ones in which a neighbor sold to a neighbor. If short sales or foreclosures are prevalent in your market, your agent may also factor in their prices. However, given that these houses are often sold in poor condition, their sale prices may not have much of an effect on the pricing of your home, if it's in good shape. Based on their research, agents will develop a price range for your home. Whether you start at the top, midpoint or bottom of

the range is a decision that depends on how quickly you need to sell. If you start a little lower than your competition, you'll generate traffic, and you can always say no to unacceptable offers. But don't start at the very bottom. Instead, build in room for negotiation so you can come down in price, if needed. "Buyers like to feel as if they have won," says Janis Morgan, the San Antonio agent. Padding the price a bit is especially important if you haven't already reduced the price for deficiencies -- say, an outdated kitchen or a poor location. If you start too high, you may have few nibbles. Says Kris

Berg, an agent in San Diego: "Today's buyers want either the cheapest house on the block, even if it's falling-down ugly, or the Taj Mahal with everything they couldn't buy back in 2005, and for 20% less." Can you charge more for a cream puff? Yes, but not as much as you think. If you're selling an entry-level home that will attract first-time buyers, you can anticipate that they will want help with their closing costs, which usually amount to 3% to 6% of the purchase price. So you may want to price it a bit higher to start. Keep in mind, though, that a buyer using conforming financing (backed by Freddie

Mac or Fannie Mae) or a Federal Housing Administration loan can apply the home buyer's tax credit toward closing costs. Steve Vieux imagined listing his Silver Spring house for $300,000, but the analysis provided by his agent suggested $240,000. Once his agent realized that Vieux's buyer would probably be a first-timer, they bumped up the list price to $248,500, then agreed to pay the buyer's closing costs of $7,455. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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MOMENTUM continued from page 89

tailspin leading to job and home losses. “There is a lot of pressure on lawmakers to get something done,” says Charles Taylor, head of the Pew Project. The House passed its version of reform in December, and a Senate measure is headed to the floor later this month. To get through Congress, bill sponsors need to hang onto Democratic support, while picking up a vote or two from the Senate GOP side. Without at least some bipartisan support, the bill will fall prey to a filibuster. Key Republicans want to reach a compromise, and probably will. “Republicans in the middle don’t want to be accused of being handmaidens of the banks,” says Litan. But powerful and well-heeled opponents are doing their best to block the bill-- or at least weaken many of the proposed restrictions on bank activities. Big banks and business groups are spending millions on lobbying, trying to turn the tables on Democrats, saying the bill will ensure, not prevent, new bailouts. They may well succeed in winning some concessions, but with momentum mounting, they will be hard-pressed to stop the

bill altogether. Over time, as the bill gets implemented, the new law will affect almost all Americans, providing safeguards for consumer and business lending. It will touch financial products ranging from payday loans to private equity investments. Big financial firms will feel the most pain. Banks, investment companies, insurers and other large financial institutions that hold $50 billion or more in assets will face more regulation, additional disclosure rules and new fees. Smaller banks, nonbank lenders and credit unions will see heightened scrutiny as well. Despite the ongoing debate, most of the measure’s planks are settled, at least in principle. The remaining battles are being fought over the scope and scale of reforms. Key elements include: • Consumer protections. A new watchdog agency will police financial products, requiring better disclosure of risks and blocking those deemed likely to lead to a bubble. Disagreement persists over where to locate the consumer watchdog and what limits to put on its power. Obama wants an independent

agency, but that won’t fly. Expect it to end up inside the Federal Reserve. Also, its jurisdiction is still being worked out--specifically, whether it should supervise auto dealers and real estate brokers. • Systemic risk council. The law will bring together existing regulators in a council headed by the Treasury Department to keep track of the big picture. New tools will give it flexibility to handle big corporations that run into trouble. Its most important and controversial element is an emergency pool of more than $50 billion funded through fees on the largest firms. It’s that emergency pool that opponents point to when they say it will encourage risky behavior and ultimately lead to more bailouts. • Regulatory agency shuffle. Say good-bye to the Office of Thrift Supervision. The Fed will watch over the biggest banks while the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporate regulates state banks and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency supervises national banks. • Derivatives. More trading will move from private, over-thecounter desks to exchanges, where regulators can keep a

better eye on them. • Hedge funds. Those with at least $100 billion in assets will have to open their books to regulators. • Credit rating agencies. The Securities and Exchange Commission will boost oversight. • Insurers. Expect a federal office to monitor, but not regulate, the industry. The bottom line: We expect enactment of a bill before summer ends, but it will take years to implement the law and overhaul the regulatory architecture. And whether the changes will work will still depend on how adept regulators are at spotting trouble. Michael Konczal, a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, points out that regardless of the available tools, “at the end of the day, you can’t always rely on people to get it right.” For weekly updates on topics to improve your business decisionmaking, click here. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Car Leasing Stages a Comeback (Kiplinger Personal Finance)

• Leasing will give carmakers and dealers something to cheer about this year. It’s bouncing back much faster than outright sales. Of the more than 12 million new cars that will be sold this year, about one-fifth will be leased. That compares with about 17% before the bottom fell out of the American auto market in 2008 and 2009. In fact, three-fifths of the total increase in new-car sales this year will come from lease transactions. The growing popularity of leasing will be a boon, particularly for luxury brands that saw sales crater during the depths of the recession: Acura, BMW, Mercedes, Cadillac and others. Typically, half of all luxury brand cars and SUVs are leased, says Jesse Toprak, vice president for industry trends and insights with TrueCar, an automotive consultancy. Leasing is getting a lift from two years of anemic sales of cars, SUVs and pickup trucks, which have reduced the volume of late-model trade-ins. “The effect has been to boost used CAR page 91


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Cash for Clunker Appliances (Kiplinger Personal Finance)

Island -- have jumped the gun and already have the incentives • in play, most other states will Cash rebates for clunker launch the program later this vehicles were such a smash hit, month. States’ shares of the the government is at it again-- federal program are based on this time offering you cash for population. California will y o u r w o r n - o u t h o u s e h o l d receive the top amount: $35.3 appliances. million; Wyoming, the smallest: The $300-million federal $511,000. program -- administered through Based on early results in the the states -- will provide four front-runner states, the consumers with a cash rebate of appliance program will be as up to 15% of the cost of each wildly popular with consumers n e w E n e r g y S t a r - r a t e d as the cash-for-clunker car refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher, program was. clothes washer, water heater and Appliance manufacturers and room air conditioner. Expect retailers are excited, eager for rebates to run from $100 to the sales boost the program will $250, depending on the cost of provide. The rebates should the appliance. push sales of appliances to $22 But wait -- there’s more. The billion this year -- up 10% over program also covers central last year, when sales bottomed AC/heating systems, providing at around $20 billion -- though rebates of up to $1,500 for that’s still down 15% from the Energy Star-rated replacement record hit during the housing systems plus a federal income boom in 2005. tax credit of up to $1,500 on General Electric, purchases made by the end of W e s t i n g h o u s e , W h i r l p o o l , this year. Maytag, Trane, Carrier, Viking Though a few states -- Iowa, and other manufacturers, as well Kansas, Minnesota and Rhode a s n a t i o n a l c h a i n a n d

independent retailers, hope that many consumers in need of one appliance will decide to spring for another as well, since the government is paying part of the tab. Many retailers are also planning discount tie-in promotions, offering big savings on related merchandise -- such as outdoor gas grills and riding lawn mowers -- that’s not eligible for the federal rebates. Is there a catch? Only a small one, but it shouldn’t cause anyone any grief. Uncle Sam wants proof that an old appliance is being recycled before paying the rebate on the replacement. But reputable installers will be happy to haul your old appliance away for recycling at little or no charge after they set up your new one. For weekly updates on topics to improve your business decisionmaking, click here. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


CAR continued from page 90

vehicle prices, in turn increasing the residual value of leased vehicles,” says Toprak. Most automakers and financing companies curtailed leasing or even halted it for several months in 2009, when both new-vehicle sales and residual values went into freefall. Companies figured it was better to pull back on leasing rather than take the chance that the cars would be worth thousands of dollars less than expected at the end of a three-year lease. Improved financing options are helping, too: Automakers’ captive-finance companies are more willing to transact more leases. Credit unions are getting into the automobile leasing business. And GMAC, the onetime General Motors captive -financing company now controlled by Uncle Sam, is ramping up leasing and lending for Chrysler vehicles. Many businesses, especially those looking to replace aging fleet vehicles, benefit from leasing because they can write off the entire lease cost, a tax break not available with a

vehicle purchase or financing. That, too, is contributing to the larger number of leases as the economy shows more signs of life. For dealers, the resurgence of leasing means more work for service departments, too. Lessees are more likely than consumers who own cars to rely on dealers for routine servicing of their vehicles. Moreover, an uptick in leasing typically spells stronger sales down the road. “Leasing builds brand loyalty that encourages customers to select the same make when the lease expires,” says Rebecca Lindland, an automotive analyst with IHS Global Insight, an economic consultancy. For weekly updates on topics to improve your business decisionmaking, click here. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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'Food Revolution': A School Lunch Expert Reacts (Kate Adamick) (Food :: The Atlantic) Submitted at 4/5/2010 12:05:24 PM

Kate Adamick When I was invited to blog about Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution" for the Atlantic Food Channel, my initial reaction was that I just didn't have the time. As a food systems consultant who specializes in school food reform, I fly nearly 200,000 miles a year working for foundations and schools that are trying to move school meal programs away from simulated food and toward real food, i.e. scratch-cooked meals using fresh, whole ingredients. In short, my job is to do exactly what Chef Oliver is trying to do in Huntington, West Virginia, albeit with fewer cameras and "made-for-TV" theatrics. Like Oliver, I bring with me my experience and training as a professional chef. In addition, I view the process through the lens of my first career as an attorney who specialized in regulatory law. What finally prodded me to accept the offer were the surprisingly negative comments about Oliver's show made by my contemporaries in the food systems world. In the past two weeks, I have been shocked that so many of my colleagues have become preoccupied with who is getting—or who is

taking—credit for waking the country up to the catastrophe that is school food. Those of us who are truly concerned about the welfare of America's children, health care system, and food supply should be grateful that long-awaited and muchneeded attention to what has become at best a national embarrassment, and at worst a national crisis, has finally arrived. The revolution will be televised. My assignment is to critique each episode and describe what the scenes in it would be like in other school districts around the

little-recognized frontrunners in the world of school food reform didn't become leaders by having a world renowned professional chef walk into their kitchen in chef's whites. Most of them became leaders by going through culinary—not nutrition—training programs, the very training the Huntington food service director said was too expensive for her district to afford. Culinary training that teaches lunch ladies—and men—how to use and maintain knives, how to handle raw meat products safely, how to calculate recipe extensions and food cost, and, yes, even how to dress like the professional cooks we expect them to become and our children desperately need them to be. I suspect Oliver would have been greeted more warmly if he county. In sum, my role is to on her face who appears to had taken off his chef's jacket reveal just how close to reality hope the whole experiment and put it on the combative kitchen manager when they this reality show really is. fails? Where to begin? Lunch ladies Of course, there's more. Lots, were first introduced. I believe who dress like the love children lots more. I'll cut to the chase: h e w o u l d h a v e m e t l e s s of fast-food workers and nurses' yes. These scenes are tragically resistance had he not set himself aides? A high-school cafeteria ubiquitous in our nation's public up to compete with the lunch ladies he was trying to help in that serves nothing but pizza, school system. fries, spaghetti, and iceberg But they're not universal. the first episode. I know from lettuce in the salad bar? A T h a n k f u l l y , t h e r e i s a n experience that if he had secured kitchen manager who drinks i n c r e a s i n g n u m b e r o f the funding for the culinary s o d a i n t h e k i t c h e n a n d courageous American lunch training before he publicly seemingly spends more time ladies who recognize that criticized the school's existing complaining than working? U S D A g u i d e l i n e s a r e t h e protocols, the Huntington lunch Adults who think students won't insidious result of corporate ladies would have more readily eat lunch if the meal doesn't lobbying and not just a standard embraced what he had to say. come with fries? A food service to be met for federal funding. 'FOOD page 96 director with a permanent smirk Most of these hardworking and

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Florence's Famous Food Fair, Part II (Faith Willinger) (Food :: The Atlantic)

filled with contradictions. Then, it was time for a final stroll through the aisles. I met Sardinian Stefano Rocca and Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:34:59 AM Faith Willinger tasted his bottarga—pale pink, To read part one of this twosliced, and ground like powder part series about Taste 2010, to sprinkle on pasta or beans. one of Italy's most exciting food Best of all was a jarred sauce fairs, click here. pairing bottarga and sea urchin, I knew the fair in Florence served on Sardinian flatbread ( would be impossible to navigate pane carasau) but perfect for on Sunday, so I focused on pasta, a must for my pantry. I Fuori Taste events. In the also tasted'nduja, a spreadable afternoon I visited Carapina's spicy Calabrian sausage from new shop and tasted gelato Luigi Caccamo, and headed to made with Mieli Thun's superb Zago's stand for one of my honey, then tasted a spoonful of favorite artisanal Italian crystallized ivy honey, with its beers—unpasteurized and malty. complex, evolving flavors. I Refreshed, I was ready to leave also went for an aperitivo at the but was distracted by Chianina Hotel Savoy. cattle pictures at Macelleria The bar has huge windows Ricci. I quizzed owner-butcher overlooking Piazza della Enrico Ricci about his animals. Repubblica, with some of the Free range IGT Chianina, all city's best people-watching. additional feed from their farm. S n a c k s w e r e p r e p a r e d b y Orafo for an event entitled Faroe Islands baccalà filet with hydrocolloids. The ordinance Satisfied with his answers, I had c o n s u l t i n g c h e f F u l v i o "Knowing Baccalà," sponsored smashed potatoes (not pureed, singles out restaurants, but a taste, and promised to visit Pierangelini (he closed his by Schooner, although I'd never with real texture) and tarragon pastry shops, gelaterie, and him in Trequanda (SI). highly esteemed restaurant a heard of the chef, Angelo oil. I promised to visit Angelo's home cooks can still use the As a founding member, I had to few years ago) with products Torcigliani, and had my doubts. restaurant, open two nights a same compounds, and industrial stop by the Donne del Vino from the fair: a mini-portion of But he treated the product with w e e k a t h i s g a s t r o n o m i c food producers can use the dinner at Villa Bardini with red shrimp and zucchini risotto respect and made a flawless grocery, as soon as possible. additives because there's an three of Florence's best women with rice from Cascina Veneria; d i n n e r : L o f o t e n I s l a n d s The hot topic of Monday i n t e r n a l s a f e t y e n g i n e e r c h e f s — B e n e d e t t a V i t a l i , Monte Veronese cheeses and stoccafisso(air-dried, not salted) morning's roundtable discussion monitoring all processes. (Why Beatrice Segoni, and Giovanna Formaggio Ubriaco (macerated b r a n d a d e ; N o r w e g i a n r a w w i t h s c i e n t i s t s a n d c h e f doesn't that make me feel safe?) Iorio. I had a glass of wine with in wine must for a month, then baccalà dressed with extra Massimiliano Alajmo was a new Powdered stock and bouillon Donna del Vino members aged for another six) from La virgin olive oil; and Faroe Italian ordinance prohibiting the cubes with MSG are technically Beatrice Contini, Emanuele Casera; a slice of spalla from Islands baccalà salad; followed use of additives in restaurants. banned, which would mean that Stucchi, and Cristina Nonino, Macelleria Savigni. The maitre by pasta mista(mixed shapes of The ordinance appears to be a many, many restaurants would and gossiped with the chefs in d' claimed they made the best pasta used for soup, a personal reaction to the popular TV have to change their habits. the kitchen, but I went home for Martini in Florence. How could favorite); Sorana beans and program "Striscia la Notizia," a Everyone on the panel agreed dinner. I was Taste-ed out. I say no? slightly smoky baccalà bottarga parody news show that attacked that the ordinance couldn't FLORENCE'S page 95 Then I went to La Buca del that was truly impressive; and new-wave Italian chefs adopting become law because it was



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Dry vs. Wet: A Butcher's Guide to Aging Meat (Tom Mylan) (Food :: The Atlantic)

aging is the be-all-end-all: it is impossible to properly dry age steaks like the flat iron, skirt steak, or chuck tenders because Submitted at 4/6/2010 5:41:08 AM VirtualErn/flickr they lack the protective fat and Dry-aged beef is one of those bone that cover traditional aged things that really get our cuts like rib and short loin. Once customers excited whenever we they are removed from the give tours of our meat locker. carcass, they simply begin to They marvel at the long row of degrade and dry out, which is rib and drop loins along the top why I think everyone agrees of the cooler racks, oohing and they should go into plastic. ahhing at their individual farm What everything eventually tags and even petting the soft comes down to is personal snow of mold silently changing preference. I prefer meat that the beef from good to great. has been hung about two weeks Of course, dry aging, far from because I like to taste the beef, being the exotic ritual we make not the age. My customers, it out to be today, is what pretty however, demand that we dry much all beef that wasn't cured age their steaks five weeks and or canned used to be 30 years beyond. They have come to ago. What happened? Why is associate the taste and texture of properly hung beef such an well-aged meat with having the oddity today if it was the true steakhouse experience at industry standard such a short home. To further complicate t i m e a g o ? P l a s t i c b a g s , help break down the connective you're talking about the flavor various airborne fungi that begin matters, one of the best steaks I unfortunately, are the anti- tissue, for the sake of making of a steak, but the fact that to digest the meat, giving an have ever eaten was off a 100climactic answer. Basically, the the aforementioned meat object upwards of 90 percent of the aged loin its distinctive flavor, percent grass-fed animal that meatpacking industry figured more tender. Whether it happens beef taken home by American aroma, and fuzzy exterior. So was hung for two weeks, then out that if you stick a piece of in a bag or out in the air as a big grocery store shoppers in plastic dry aging wins, right? It's put into vacuum pack for two meat in a vacuum-sealed bag it swinging side of beef, that -wrapped foam trays is wet-aged complicated: while most meat more weeks. not only reduces the amount of element of the process is the seems to suggest that it can't be snobs (myself included) prefer What does all of this tell us? money that is lost in water same (okay, almost the same). all bad. dry aged beef, the American That the best kind of aged meat weight and trim but it also During wet aging, the plastic Dry aging, on the other hand, public actually prefers bagged is the kind that you, as an "ages" faster. Thus the age-old doesn't allow the meat to allows the meat to breathe, lose beef according to a number of individual, like best. Whether Wet vs. Dry Aging Controversy breathe, so it ages in contact water (which increases its very expensive meat studies. it's a wet, bloody T-bone or an began. with its own blood, which lends "beefiness" since there is now Certainly you could chalk those eight-week-old New York strip Okay, so what is aging and it "a more intense sour note and less water and but the same r e s u l t s u p t o A m e r i c a n s that tastes like bleu cheese, the w h a t a r e t h e d i f f e r e n c e s a more bloody/serumy flavor," amount of muscle fiber), and get preferring what they have customer is always right. between wet and dry aging according to the Department of acted upon by other microbes become used to and choosing exactly? Aging is the process Food Science and Nutrition at beside those of the muscle itself. bagged meat over the funkier during which microbes and the University of Minnesota. Those other microbes are the flavor of dry-aged beef. DRY page 95 enzymes act upon the meat to This sounds a bit negative when long, threadlike mycelia of Ultimately neither method of


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Husks, Not Beans: An Ethiopian Coffee Tradition (Jerry Baldwin) (Food :: The Atlantic) Submitted at 4/6/2010 6:30:06 AM

Jerry Baldwin Jane and I recently returned from another trip to Ethiopia, where we spent time both with specialty coffee producers (for a subsequent post) and among the Kara people in the Omo River Valley. Among the Kara, we got the opportunity to visit and drink buno(coffee from coffee husks, see my earlier post on qishr), and I was able to add a bit to my understanding of this important part of the Kara social fabric. We have now had buno in three of the four Kara villages, and it seems to be the first element of social life. Buno starts every day in a family's life. The preparation begins before dawn while everyone except the coffee preparer is still in bed. Morning coffee is a structured but relaxed ritual, even when there is work to do. Gender-neutral divisions of work have not yet reached the Omo River Valley. And a hierarchy is well defined. A

woman always prepares the coffee. When there are two wives, the second wife gathers the firewood, hauls the water, and makes the coffee. The first wife serves the coffee. Young Kara girls are rarely required to help with household chores. They are free to do whatever they want until they marry, but marriage ends this carefree time. Buno is always served in the ono(the Kara home) or the



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gapa(a day house in the same compound) where cooking fires are kept smoldering day and night, and every guest is served buno as the first thing upon arrival. It's never prepared elsewhere, even for an important meeting. Jerry Baldwin The fire is stoked, the water boiled, and the coffee husks are put in the boiling water. It is then served in a half calabash according to

together like washing. It's typically the last thing a man does before he leaves. I'm told that women sometimes wash their faces with the last few ounces, though I did not observe this. Ethiopians consume nearly half of the coffee beans they produce. I doubt whether buno/qishr is counted anywhere. Add these beverages and you have a vital element of Ethiopian life. Among coffee growing countries, only Brasil, a modern, industrialized society, consumes a significant part of its production. Although you find Western-style coffeehouses in Ethiopian towns, the traditional the hierarchy I described in treatment for a guest, whether qishr: first, the man of the roasted and ground coffee in the house; second, the guests; and north or buno in the villages, last, the hostess. Apparently, follows a traditional structure, children don't begin to drink it exhibiting an elevated social until their late teens. position for coffee and a The conversation continues hospitality that we should along with the drinking as the consider emulating. coffee cools. As a man comes close to the end of his serving, he pours a small amount, perhaps a third of a cup, over his hand, then rubs his hands



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Deep Freeze (Megan McArdle) (Food :: The Atlantic)

bowl of custard soup. Like all of life's great pleasures, it is unbearably fleeting. I probably haven't had Submitted at 4/5/2010 11:47:54 AM Now that the weather has commercial soft-serve ice cream gotten warmer, I've started in twenty years--basically, since making ice cream again. Since I M o m s t o p p e d g i v i n g m e lack the committment to buy an quarters for the Mr. Softee expensive compressor machine truck. So it was nice to read our to use a dozen or so times a piece on Dairy Queens, and year, I'm still using the freezer learn that other people like the b o w l a t t a c h m e n t f o r m y same thing I do: Kitchenaid. This does a very First off: soft serve is cheap and fine job on the ice cream, but soft serve is low in fat. (Unlike the custard must be thoroughly M a y f i e l d ' s c l a i m a b o u t chilled (like, 12 hours or more) Blizzards, this is actually true.) before you freeze it, and it Furthermore, because soft serve comes out in soft serve. doesn't freeze your mouth, it The latter is actually more of a tastes better than hard ice cream. feature than a bug. Homemade T h a t was Grandpa ice cream is heavier and eggier McCullough's theory, anyway, than almost any commercial and Dairy Queen boosters have version, and when it is just treated it as gospel ever since. I coming out of the freezer it is at haven't done a taste comparison, i t s m o s t d e l i g h t f u l - - but I did tackle a monstrous simultaneously absurdly rich, Brown Derby (chocolate dip and delicately evanescent. cone) in Aspermont (population U n f o r t u n a t e l y i t c a n ' t b e 1,021). In size and shape, it preserved in that state--even recalled a Dr. Seuss mountain. serving yourself a little cup of Tens of millions of Whos could the stuff results in, basically, a have lived on top; even with the

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help of my mom and dog, I couldn't finish it. Though I can't say how soft serve compares to other ice creams I've had, I will say that it was delicious--and that the structure itself was a modern-day miracle. Finally, and most importantly, soft serve requires a machine. A machine, in turn, requires a store. Not quite solid, and made largely of air, soft serve can't survive a freezer. You can't buy soft serve in a carton. Every cone requires an excursion into the world. It is a public ice cream, meant to be eaten fresh. Following the invention of soft serve, the creation of thousands of new places to go and sit and eat it was almost inevitable. I'll probably stick with my own machine, in my own home. But this reminds me that maybe I ought to have more people gathered around it when I pull the ice cream out.

I also suspect that Oliver will ultimately be successful on some level, if not in Huntington, then in countless other American school districts. A food service director with whom I have worked periodically over the past year recently wrote me the following about Oliver's show: Watching the Food Revolution has opened my eyes to see what I must have been like when you first came to [my district]. I know I came off defensive and rebellious, just like some of the cooks in the TV program. When the [food service] director came into the meeting with Jamie loaded with her Federal Regulation Books, I nearly fell off the chair laughing. Boy was that me a year ago or what! And

one more thing. I spent all of last week teaching an intensive culinary class to 24 food service workers and directors. After reading how several snarky commentators derided Oliver for calling food service workers "lunch ladies," I asked my students if they took offense to the term. Not one did. Not even the four men among them. One person, a cheerful woman named Julie, said, "Technically, that's what we are. But I like to refer to us as 'lunch teachers.'" From now on, I'll be referring to them that way, too.

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