Liberty Newspost July-02-10

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- 02/07/10

Holder goes from war zone to the strike zone (hopefully)

Early Financial Fireworks Hit the Markets; Will the U.S. Emerge the Leader in the Second Half of Year?

James Vicini (Front Row Washington)

Derek and Damien Hoffman (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:04:22 PM

Submitted at 7/2/2010 3:00:00 PM

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who just returned from Afghanistan, is making another trip — to a baseball game. The nation’s top law enforcement official will be throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at tonight’s game between the Washington Nationals and the New York Mets, a Justice Department spokeswoman said. The 59-year-old Holder, who grew up in New York City, is a longtime fan of the Mets, and a big baseball as well as a basketball fan. He just returned to Washington from a one-day visit to Kabul, where he met President Hamid Karzai as well as senior Afghan and U.S. officials to discuss

Filed under: Forecasts, Good news, Google (GOOG), Yahoo! (YHOO), Newsletters, McDonald's (MCD), Netflix, Inc. (NFLX), Adobe Systems (ADBE), AutoZone Inc (AZO), Best Buy (BBY), Kroger Co (KR), Chipotle Mexican Grill'A' (CMG), News Corp'B' (NWS), Economic Data, S and P 500, DJIA, Initial Public Offerings, Stocks to Buy, Northrop Grumman (NOC), Genzyme (GENZ), Stock Picks With all the mixed signals driving uncertainty and worry lately, the consensus has been a foggy windshield with no clear direction. We can't even tell if

fighting corruption and other law enforcement matters. Tonight’s baseball game will be the first time that Holder will make the ceremonial first pitch as attorney general. No word on whether he is practicing his fastball. For more Reuters political news, click here. Photo credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque (Holder at news conference at Justice Department)

one of the largest bear market rallies in history is fizzling or pausing. On Wall Street, uncertainty is certainly a buzz killer for the irrationally exuberant. If you need a towel to wipe away the fog, take a look at Your Cheat Sheet to the Psychology of Market Cycles. While contemplating where

we're headed, let's take a look at some data points that indicate the US has the potential to lead the world out of this recession ... Continue reading Early Financial Fireworks Hit the Markets; Will the U.S. Emerge the Leader in the Second Half of Year? Early Financial Fireworks Hit the Markets; Will the U.S. Emerge the Leader in the Second Half of Year? originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Google- Adobe SystemsYahoo!- Northrop GrummanChipotle Mexican Grill



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‘If I could live another 100 years, I’d like to continue in the Senate’ – Robert Byrd Tabassum Zakaria (Front Row Washington)

president paid tribute to a man who in his youth had belonged to the Ku Klux Klan. Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:12:04 PM It was just a moment in time, CHARLESTON, W.Va. – It but reflected the sweep of social was a sight that would have and political change in U.S. seemed unimaginable when history during the 92 years of S e n a t o r R o b e r t B y r d w a s Byrd’s life. growing up in West Virginia. Former President Bill Clinton On Friday at a memorial a d d r e s s e d B y r d ’ s f l e e t i n g service for the longest-serving association with the white member of the U.S. Congress, supremacist KKK in the early t h e f i r s t b l a c k A m e r i c a n 1940s before he was elected to

Congress. “I’ll tell you what it means, he was a country boy from the hills and hollows of West Virginia, he was trying to get elected,” Clinton said. “And maybe he did something he shouldn’t have done, and he spent the rest of his life making it up, and that’s what a good person does.” Byrd, who once personally filibustered for 14 hours against the 1964 Civil Rights Act that

lowered barriers to black Americans, in 2008 endorsed Obama for president and cited among other issues their opposition to the Iraq war. Obama, a former senator, said he will remember Byrd as he was when he came to know him — a Senate icon, a party leader, an elder statesman “and he was my friend.” “We know there are things he said and things he did that he

came to regret. I remember talking about that the first time I visited with him,” Obama said. “He said: There are things I regretted in my youth, you may know that. I said: None of us are absent some regrets, senator. That’s why we enjoy and seek the grace of God. And as I reflect on the full sweep of his 92 years it seems to me that his ‘IF page 3

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‘IF continued from page 2

life bent towards justice,” Obama said. Fiddle and banjo music played at the outdoor service at the state Capitol where U.S. leaders including Obama, Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden honored the Democrat from West Virginia. They stood with their right hands across their hearts when Byrd’s casket was carried down red carpeted steps as a bell tolled. They honored the West Virginia senator who rose from the humblest of beginnings to a seat of power in Washington. “Here in West Virginia one can’t help but be reminded first and foremost of the challenges he overcame to achieve all this,” Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said.

“It is one of the glories of our country that success isn’t restricted to the connected or the well-born, that anyone with enough talent and drive can rise to the heights of power and prestige,” McConnell said. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Byrd taught him to carry a copy of the U.S. Constitution in his pocket, and that he has one now signed by the late senator. Byrd was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1958 after six years as a member of the House of Representatives, serving a total 57 years in the U.S. Congress. He had a courtly demeanor and a tendency to display his oratorical skill with long speeches on the Senate floor. Above all, he was an absolute

stickler for the tradition, rules and decorum of the U.S. Senate. “I love the Senate,” he said in a 2006 interview with Reuters. “If I could live another 100 years, I’d like to continue in the Senate.” For more Reuters political news, click here. Photo credit: Reuters/Larry Downing (Obama speaks at memorial service for Byrd in Charleston, West Virginia); Reuters/Jonathan Ernst (Byrd doffs hat to reporters at Capitol in 2009); Reuters/Molly Riley (Military pall bearers carry Byrd’s casket down the Senate steps)

IDEA Spotlight: A Robot Cleaner for the Stylishly Lazy (Fast Company) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:54:18 PM

Mint is a robot that propels i t s e l f a r o u n d y o u r f l o o r s , Senator Byrd’s final mopping up dirt at the press of a poetic moment in the button -- which means that even really lazy slobs don't have an chamber he served excuse anymore. Tabassum Zakaria (Front Row Washington) Google Music

launching in the fall along with Android 3.0

Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:30:00 PM

Filed under: International Markets, Newsletters, Mutual Funds"I'm now spotting an opportunity with Templeton Global Income Fund ( GIM) -- a closed end fund that is run by one of the finest international bond managers, Dr. Michael

Submitted at 7/1/2010 3:40:15 PM

It was a poetic moment for the Senate. Senator Robert Byrd’s flagSubmitted at 7/2/2010 2:33:28 PM draped casket was carried into Google Music launching in the the chamber where he had fiercely protected Senate fall along with Android 3.0 Join the conversation about this tradition, rule, and decorum during more than half -a-century story » of pressing for the needs of his constituents in West Virginia. His body lay in repose on the Senate floor in front of the wooden desks where he helped shape U.S. history and displayed his oratory skills. Hasenstab," says Richard Band. crisis have knocked down the 'Stellar' Record The last time such an honor was (Incidentally, Richard Band has euro. Templeton Global Income bestowed was in 1959, the year just earned his own accolades; "What many investors don't (GIM): A 'Stellar' Record that Byrd joined the Senate. his Profitable Investing advisory realize, though, is that the o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n When he died at age 92, the was just named the nation's #1 panicky selling has also spilled BloggingStocks on Fri, 02 Jul Democrat also made history financial newsletter for editorial over into the Asian currencies. 2010 14:30:00 EST. Please see as the longest-serving member excellent for 2010 by SIPA, the They've fallen against the dollar, our terms for use of feeds. of Congress. n e w s l e t t e r i n d u s t r y t r a d e e v e n t h o u g h m o s t A s i a n P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | Photo credit: Reuters/pool association.) countries remain on a rock-solid C o m m e n t s (Byrd’s body lies in repose in Band continues, "In recent financial footing. Mutual fund- BloggingStocks- Senate chamber), Reuters/Jim months, as we all know, fears of Continue reading Templeton Business- Investing- Bond Young (Byrd’s casket carried a pan-European sovereign-debt G l o b a l I n c o m e ( G I M ) : A unp the steps of Capitol) (Business Insider)

Templeton Global Income (GIM): A 'Stellar' Record Steven Halpern (BloggingStocks)




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Why CEOs Should Stop Bullsh*tting Their Employees Ben Horowitz (Business Insider) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:27:00 PM

Unemployment at a record high People coming, people going, people born to die Don’t ask me, because I don’t know why But it’s like that, and that’s the way it is –Run DMC My single biggest personal improvement as CEO occurred on the day when I stopped being too positive. As a young CEO, I felt the pressure—the pressure of employees depending on me, the pressure of not really knowing what I was doing, the pressure of being responsible for tens of millions of dollars of other people’s money. As a consequence of this pressure, I took losses extremely hard. If we failed to win a customer or slipped a date or shipped a product that wasn’t quite right, it weighed heavily on me. I thought that I would make the problem worse by transferring that burden to my employees. Instead, I thought I should project a positive, sunny demeanor and rally the unburdened troops to victory. I was completely wrong. I realized my error during a conversation with my brother in -law, Cartheu. At the time, Cartheu worked for AT&T as a telephone repairman (he is one

of those guys that climbs the poles). I had just met a senior executive at AT&T who I’ll call Fred Johnson, and I was excited to find out if Cartheu knew him. When I inquired, Cartheu said, “Yeah, I know Fred. He comes by about once a quarter to blow a little sunshine up my ass.” At that moment, I knew then that I’d been screwing up my company by being too positive. In my mind, I was keeping everyone in high spirits by accentuating the positive and ignoring the negative. But my team saw that reality was more nuanced than I was describing it. And not only did they see for themselves that the world wasn’t as rosy as I was describing it, they still had to listen to me blowing sunshine up their butts at every company meeting. How did I make such a big mistake and why was it such a big mistake? The Positivity Delusion As the highest-ranking person in the company, I thought that I would be best able to handle bad news. Interestingly, the opposite was actually true: nobody took bad news harder than me. Engineers easily brushed off things that kept me awake all night. After all, I was the founding CEO. I was the one married to the company. If things went horribly wrong, they could walk away, but I could not. As a consequence, the

employees handled losses much better than me. Even more stupidly, I thought that it was my job and my job only to worry about the company’s problems. Had I been thinking more clearly, I would have realized that it didn’t make sense for me to be the only one to worry about, for example, the product not being quite right—because I wasn’t writing the code that would fix it. A much better idea would be to give the problem to the people who could not only fix it, but would be personally excited and motivated to do so. Another example: if we lost a big prospect, the whole organization needed to understand why so that we could together fix the things that were broken in our

amount of talking, explaining or reasoning will have any effect on me, because I do not trust that you are telling me the truth. In a company context, this is a critical point. As a company grows, communication becomes its biggest challenge. If the employees fundamentally trust the CEO, then communication will be vastly more efficient than if they don’t. Telling things as they are is a critical part of building this trust. A CEO’s ability to build this trust over time is often the difference between companies that execute well and companies that are chaotic. 2. The more brains products, marketing, and sales working on the hard problems, process. If I insisted on keeping the better the burdens of setbacks to In order to build a great myself, there was no way to technology company, you have jump start that process. Why it’s to hire lots of incredibly smart imperative to tell it like it is people. It’s a total waste to have There are three key reasons lots of big brains, but not let why being transparent about them work on your biggest your company’s problems problems. A brain, no matter makes sense: 1. Trust how big, cannot solve a problem Without trust, communication that it doesn’t know about. As breaks. More specifically: the open source community In any human interaction, the would explain it, “given enough required amount of eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.” communication is inversely 3. A good culture is like the old proportional to the level of trust RIP routing protocol(bad news Consider the following. If I travels fast, good news travels trust you completely, then I slow) require no explanation or If you investigate companies communication of your actions which have failed, you will find whatsoever, because I know that many employees who knew whatever you are doing is in my about the fatal issues long best interests. On the other hand, WHY page 8 if I don’t trust you at all, then no

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Chinese Real Estate May Have Bubbles, But It Is Not A Bubble Mark Mobius (Business Insider)

the Chinese government holds over US$800 billion in U.S. Treasuries, which, in a way, Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:18:00 PM limits the flexibility of the (This post originally appeared renminbi. A sharp movement in on the author's blog, at Franklin its value in either direction Templeton Investments.) could potentially hurt either Developments over the last few party, foreign or Chinese. weeks have once again brought D o m e s t i c a l l y , I t h i n k t h e China into focus. China recently Chinese authorities realize that, a n n o u n c e d t h a t i t w o u l d over the longer term, a stronger increase the flexibility of its currency may be beneficial currency, the renminbi (RMB). I b e c a u s e o f t h e c o u n t r y ’ s recently said that an impending increasing raw material and renminbi appreciation should c o m m o d i t y i m p o r t s . T h e not have a dramatic impact on People’s Bank of China also Chinese stock markets since the recognizes that it could use the exchange rate change was likely exchange rate as a tool to to be gradual. Indeed, from our control inflation, which has been o b s e r v a t i o n s s i n c e t h e rising in recent months, instead announcement, the currency’s of increasing interest rates. rise is likely to be gentle and China is a net importer of controlled as the Chinese commodities, even though some authorities carefully monitor its Chinese companies are major movement. producers. Higher prices may Since we expect the exchange have a downward impetus on rate change to be gradual, this commodity companies in China move does not dramatically but are not likely to dampen change our overall outlook on growth, since they are able to Chinese stocks, which we think pay these higher prices as the should perform well in the d e m a n d f o r c o m m o d i t i e s medium term. We are still able continues to increase. The t o s e l e c t i v e l y f i n d s o m e greater risk is price volatility, a t t r a c t i v e s t o c k s o n a n since it plays havoc with individual basis, with companies companies’ efforts to schedule related to the commodities and production. We must recognize the consumer products and that prices are likely to remain services sectors seeming to offer volatile in the short term as long more interesting opportunities. as uncertainty in the markets It is important to remember that continues. But in the long term,

major coastal cities of Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. But those cities represent only about 8% of the national urban population and 8% of total residential property sales by floor space. 1 More than 150 other cities have a population of one million or more. From January 2005 to January 2010, prices in the major cities rose sharply—for example, by nearly 300% in Shenzhen and approximately 132% in Shanghai.[2] But in other cities such as Chengdu, Chongqing and Xi’an, prices have not moved very much. In the case of Chengdu, the city I b e l i e v e t h e d e m a n d f o r different from what led to the that has seen the biggest price commodities will be strong subprime crisis in the U.S. a rise among the “smaller” cities, because of rising disposable short while ago. average home prices went from incomes in places like China, • In China, home buyers must about RMB 3,000 to RMB Indonesia, India and other first put down approximately 20 5,800 per square meter from developing countries, which -30% of the total value in cash January 2005 to January 2010, could underpin a rise in prices. as a down payment before they while in Xi’an, average prices One area that has already seen a can get a mortgage. rose from RMB 2,000 to RMB sharp rise in prices is China’s • The ratio of consumer lending 4,500 per square meter over the real estate market, leading to to GDP is about 17% in China same period. 2 c o n c e r n s a b o u t a b u b b l e compared to 94% in the U.S. Another important point to note forming. A bubble implies that and 56% in Hong Kong.[1] is that the rise in overall prices rise to unsustainable • Household leverage is also property prices in China has levels and then crash, which we substantially lower in China, at more or less tracked the rise in do not think will be the case in about 26%, versus 124% in the household income. While the China as a whole. The country is U.S. 1 real estate market may have huge and the property market is taken on bubble-like quite varied, so we can’t make a Differentiation is important characteristics in some specific simple analysis. A few facts within China’s real estate areas, the government has been may clarify why I think the market. Sharp price increases situation in China now is quite have been concentrated in the CHINESE page 9



E-reader News Edition

Making of Touching Stories: Director Sean Ehringer Messes With "Sarah and Jerry" Alissa Walker (Fast Company) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:23:31 PM

Part video game, part immersive entertainment, Touching Stories is an app featuring four interactive films made for the iPad. We're focusing on each of the films and their directors this week. The final film is directed by Sean Ehringer. It's a typical day for "Sarah and Jerry." Sarah sits on the couch of a comfy bungalow while you hear Jerry taking a shower in the other room. Sarah doesn't have anything to do, it seems like. She fidgets, flips through a book. Booo-ring, you think. What if you just gave her a little nudge, right there in the arm? Aha! Sarah reacts like you'd expect her to, horrified and terrified by the invisible hand that just violated her personal space. And then you realize this film is going to be a lot of fun. As the director of the final Touching Stories film we're covering this week, Tool of North America's Sean Ehringer probably captured the capabilities of the iPad the best. "Sarah and Jerry" is littered with gestural Easter eggs, from a toilet you can flush to ruin Jerry's shower, to the ability to subject poor Sarah and Jerry to an earthquake by shaking the

iPad. It just gets better and better as the film moves along. And unlike the other films in the series, "Sarah and Jerry" offers no hints, no prompts, no direction for the viewer at all. So the thrill of uncovering what happens when you, say, tap on the painting over Sarah's shoulder, is complete and utter joy. Ehringer was adamant about his film delivering this sense of discovery. "You can't force people to be interactive and if

you force them to do it at a certain place then you're not really being interactive, you're just being told what to do." Working with Domani Studios, Ehringer started with the gestural actions the iPad enables --pinching, swiping, rolling, shaking--then tried to figure out places to insert them into the story. In each scene, there are multiple unknown options about what can be affected, but the characters can only be messed with three times before the story

moves along to the next scene, encouraging endless experimentation in future viewings. Ehringer has created what might be the most customized experience for the viewer. "My thought was that no two people who check this thing out will have the same experience," he says. The one challenge that liveaction video still had to deal with was the idea of continuity, says Ehringer. "When you're with actors it's hard enough

even in any linear scene to have somebody remember to put their hand in the same spot on the table," he says. "In my case that was really difficult because I needed them to be consistent. I needed them to come back after a certain space and be there so that you can then manipulate the space that they're in." This is where the animated technology video games will continue to have a huge advantage, says MAKING page 10


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Blogs as 21st Century Newsies: The Guardian's Syndication Experiment Kit Eaton (Fast Company) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:41:33 PM

Even as competitors are busy bricking paywalls around their newspaper Web sites, desperately trying to keep the old business models running, the U.K.'s Guardian is taking a wholly different path. The paper has just introduced a free story syndication tool. The tool is part of the paper's "Open Platform" initiative, and what it does is pretty amazing: If you're a publisher of a blog that uses Wordpress, you can now re-post Guardian articles directly on your blog. The Guardian is essentially giving away its online news content. For free! There are some conditions, of course: You have to publish the article in full. You also mustn't remove or alter any "text, links or images," so that you preserve

the original article with all of its Guardian-sourced editorial goodness. You have to register to get an access code to let you re-publish content, but there's no fee involved. The articles come with performance tracking code built-in, which you also mustn't tamper with, but for the privilege of reproducing the

content for free this isn't too much of a price. The astute observer will be wondering how the Guardian is monetizing this, given that competing papers are busy shutting off free access to their own content on their own Web sites. And the answer is the obvious one: The freely

syndicated articles have ads embedded in them (which you must not adjust if you're republishing--though the Guardian notes you're free to have your own ads elsewhere on the page to drive your own monetization efforts). So by republishing the Guardian content, you're effectively

multiplying the newspaper's advertising footprint ... and this is how the publication is hoping to make a success of this bold move. If it finds its articles grabbed and republished many times--a situation that may happen as less and less bigname news articles are freely available--then it'll be able to charge more fees to its advertising partners. Really, this is quite a bold experiment by the publication. In a time when other traditional news sources are running scared from the big, bad Internets, the Guardian is trying a "grab the bull by the horns" approach, and launching an anti-paywall strategy. Only time will tell if it's successful. To keep up with this news, follow me, Kit Eaton, on Twitter.

Take-Two Interactive: Buy or Sell? Steven Mallas (BloggingStocks)

the video-game industry include Activision Blizzard ( ATVI) and Electronic Arts ( ERTS), is Submitted at 7/2/2010 3:20:00 PM doing good business with its Filed under: Electronic Arts Red Dead Redemption title. But (ERTS), Activision Inc (ATVI), is that enough to make you want T e c h n o l o g y , T a k e - T w o to buy the stock? Interactive (TTWO) According to the AP, the game T a k e - T w o I n t e r a c t i v e ( sold 1.5 million copies in the TTWO), whose competitors in month of May. That's relatively

impressive, but it unfortunately did not meet the expectations of

Michael Pachter, who is an analyst for Wedbush Morgan. He was thinking 1.8 million copies was doable. Even so, you have to hand it to management for a robust launch. Continue reading Take-Two Interactive: Buy or Sell? Take-Two Interactive: Buy or Sell? originally appeared on

BloggingStocks on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:20:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments Take-Two InteractiveElectronic Arts- ActivisionVideo game- Red Dead Redemption



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NASA Cuts 8-Foot Hole in a 747, Bolts in Huge Telescope Kit Eaton (Fast Company) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:34:23 PM

Can you tear an 8-foot hole in the side of a 747 jet and have it fly not only safely but in a stable way? This isn't a terrorismrelated quiz--it's a real problem that NASA tackled with its flying telescope project. The answer is a big "yes." The telescope is a 17-ton monster called the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) designed to make high-resolution infrared imagery of space objects, and its installation in a modified 30year-old 747 is the culmination of a project that began over 14 years ago. The telescope was specifically engineered to fit into a jumbo, which was the largest aircraft flying at the project's inception, and it's used

huge garage door to contain the telescope in an unpressurized environment, it turns out. The results are so successful that when the door is opened there seems to be little effect on the aircraft's performance from a pilot's point of view, and the telescope is delivering excellent results. In an era where NASA's missions are under a political and financial microscope, and many grand projects are dissolving into controversy, to make observations when the absorption of IR wavelengths by But how do you mount a 17-ton SOFIA's a fabulous example of plane is flying at 40,000 feet, atmospheric water, and while piece of kit in the rear of a 747, scientific ingenuity in action. l o w e r t h a n s p a c e - b a s e d this problem isn't suffered if you and cut an 8-foot hole in the side To keep up with this news, telescopes but above some of shoot a satellite into space--you for it to see through without the follow me, Kit Eaton, on the lower-atmospheric effects of can't adjust a space-based hole bringing the aircraft Twitter. t h e i m p a c t g r o u n d - b a s e d telescope easily (or at all, crashing out of the sky, or cause telescope installations. possibly for decades when the airflow buffeting which would This is why SOFIA is a neat Shuttle is grounded) and flying a disrupt or damage the telescope? solution, it turns out. At ground giant telescope into orbit is both With clever modeling, and the level, IR telescopes suffer from tricky and expensive. construction of a bulge with a

WHY continued from page 4

before those issues killed the company. If the employees knew about the deadly problems, why didn’t they say something? Too often the answer is that the company culture discouraged the spread of bad news, so the knowledge lay dormant until it was too late to act. A healthy company culture encourages people to share bad news. A company that discusses its problems freely and openly

can quickly solve them. A company that covers up its problems frustrates everyone involved. The resulting action item for CEOs: build a culture which rewards—not punishes—people for getting problems into the open where they can be solved. As a corollary, beware of management maxims that stop information from flowing freely in your company. For example, consider the old management

standard: “don’t bring me a problem without bringing me a solution.” What if the employee cannot solve an important problem? For example, what if an engineer identifies a serious flaw in the way the product is being marketed? Do you really want him to bury that information? Management truisms like these may be good for employees to aspire to in the abstract, but they can also be the enemy of free-flowing

information—some of which may be critical for the health of the company. Final thought If you run a company, you will experience overwhelming psychological pressure to be overly positive. Stand up to the pressure, face your fear, and tell it like it is. Join the conversation about this story » See Also: • Leaders: Being Flaky Is Better Than Wasting Everyone's Time

• Great Leaders Are Respected, Not Loved • The 10 Best Executive "FBombs"


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New AOL Mail Is Coming Soon (AOL) Nicholas Carlson (Business Insider)

Greenspan Says Recovery Is Pausing, Sees Wealth Effect As Pivotal Growth Engine Joseph Lazzaro (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:32:00 PM

AOL is conducting internal tests on a new version of Aol Mail, two sources tell us. SIlicon Valley product boss Brad Garlinghouse is supervising the project, codenamed "Phoenix." The name is appropriate, because Aol Mail needs a rise from the ashes. It's been a rough 12 years for AOL Mail since it was popular enough to be featured in the title of a Nora Ephron's popular RomCom "You've Got Mail!" From a top position, AOL Mail has fallen to fifth in overall market share. It's down 32% year-over-year. ComScore ranks it behind Yahoo, MSN, Google, and MySpace. Sources confirm changes to the new product include more SMS and AIM integration, Gmail-like archiving, and an emphasis on more powerful search. Instead of serving lots of ads, insiders say the new Aol Email will funnel users into AOL content

Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM

Filed under: Forecasts, DJIA, NASDAQ To be sure, it was not a week for the bulls. Data for job creation, jobless claims, and manufacturing are signaling an economic slowdown. However, one experienced observer of economic activity is arguing that all is not lost yet, regarding the still-young U.S. economic recovery. Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan argued that the sites (where they'll see plenty of recycling old email addresses, r e c o v e r y i s u n d e r g o i n g a brand advertising.) There is talk allowing new users to get the "typical pause" that will be structured by the performance of of tighter integration with addresses they really want. MapQuest. Join the conversation about this t h e s t o c k m a r k e t , C N B C reported. The stat AOLers are passing story » Continue reading Greenspan around internally: The average See Also: Says Recovery Is Pausing, Sees consumer now has 2.4 email • Team AOL! addresses – not including “other • AOL Sells Bebo – Report inboxes” like Facebook and • AOL Sells DMS Insights, Twitter. The number is rising. Keeps Piling Up Cash ADVERTISEMENT: AOL began fixing Aol Mail earlier this year by removing (BloggingStocks) 60% of the ads splattered across Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM the product. AOL also began

CHINESE continued from page 5

quick to react, to control and prevent bubbles, such as introducing measures to restrict bank lending on second and


third home purchases. But overall, I don’t think the Chinese real estate market is in dangerous territory in terms of a

bubble. [1] Source: CEIC 12/2009 [2] Source: SouFun Join the conversation about this

story »

Wealth Effect As Pivotal Growth Engine Greenspan Says Recovery Is Pausing, Sees Wealth Effect As Pivotal Growth Engine originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Alan Greenspan- Federal Reserve System- Stock marketBloggingStocks- CNBC


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MAKING continued from page 6

Ehringer. In fact, Ehringer sees the iPad as the missing link between the visual thrill of 3-D, computergenerated entertainment like Avatar and experiencing a truly interactive film. "What that technology needs is the iPad so that you can create a storyline there but you get to control the actors and the mechanics of the computer," he says. "It seems to me that the logical step is for somebody who's a filmmaker like Cameron or Zemeckis who's interested in the capacity

of the digital world to do this--to really think about making interactive movies that run on the iPad." View a complete list of credits for "Sarah and Jerry." You can download your own Touching Stories here. Read more from our Touching Stories series Additional reporting by Christine Clarke

A Visual Look At How BP Could Bring Down Large Parts Of The Economy Gregory White (Business Insider) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:03:05 PM

The BP oil spill may have a much larger impact than polluting the Gulf of Mexico or bringing down the company. The oil manufacturer is interconnected with the larger economy by a number of means, (Fast Company) contains several compartments, but the derivatives trades it is a each one dedicated to a specific part of could be particularly Submitted at 7/2/2010 3:00:03 PM type of injury. When opened, destructive, if it is to default. deficit. When you think about it, your the lining of each compartment Econotwist says it could be The Legislature's deadline to standard first aid kit is piss poor. is printed with an infographic worse than Lehman Brothers. send a spending plan to the They don't address how they showing how treatment should This death spiral could be about governor passed two weeks ago, actually function in the real be administered. When not in to get much worse. and the fiscal year began world: Forgotten for years until u s e , t h e s h a p e o f t h e From Econotwist: Thursday with Republicans and an emergency, and often used compartments allows the whole Check out photos of people majority Democrats no closer to by someone who has absolutely kit to be folded into a compact enjoying beaches exposed to the finding a compromise. n o m e d i c a l t r a i n i n g . T h e package. For more pics, check oil > Five Filters featured article: s o l u t i o n ? I n f o g r a p h i c s , out Yanko. Join the conversation about this Headshot - Propaganda, State obviously. The First Aid story Âť Religion and the Attack On the Support Kit by Kristine Erdman Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. (AEI.Org: Articles) parse this page for content. Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Five Filters featured article: tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Submitted at 7/1/2010 6:00:00 PM Headshot - Propaganda, State Text RSS, Term Extraction. Sorry, readability was unable to Religion and the Attack On the

Schwarzenegger orders A Smarter First-Aid Kit, Thanks to Infographics min wage for state workers (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 7/2/2010 6:42:15 AM

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A California appellate court has sided with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his move to pay state workers minimum wage. The governor made the move late Thursday involving 200,000 state workers to send a signal to California lawmakers in the impasse over closing California's $19 billion budget

Tax to the Max

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Russian Cargo Ship Veers Out of Control Near Space Station ( (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

space station at a distance of nearly 2 miles (3 km) away, posing no threat This story was updated at 2:11 of impact. But because of its p.m. ET. orbit, there was no second An unmanned Russian cargo chance to dock the ship veered out of control near spacecraft by remote control the International Space Station today. on Friday, sailing clear past the "It's been officially decided that orbiting lab there instead of docking on autopilot, will be no docking today," as engineers on Earth struggle to R u s s i a n f l i g h t c o n t r o l l e r s determine radioed the station what went wrong. crew. The robotic cargo Flight controllers at Russia's ship Progress 38 was slated to Mission dock at the space station at Control team in Moscow are 12:58 p.m. EDT working to determine when a (1658 GMT) but lost its second attempt to dock the navigational lock on the orbiting spacecraft may occur. Because lab about 28 minutes of orbital mechanics, it may be before the rendezvous. possible to try " The Progress literally flew another docking attempt in 48 past the station, but hours, but that still remains to be at a safe distance from the determined, outpost," NASA commentator Navias said. Rob Navias said. The aborted docking attempt is "The station crew reported the second seeing the Progress drift beyond malfunction in a row for their view, as Russia's usually reliable they worked to reestablish P r o g r e s s c a r g o s h i p s . telemetry with the spacecraft." On May 1, cosmonauts on the The six people living aboard space station had the space to take remote control of the station – three Americans and Progress 37 cargo ship when it three Russians – were never in experienced a space navigation any danger, NASA system glitch during its own officials said. docking attempt. The Progress 38 spacecraft flew Russia's robot space freighters by the Russia's automated Progress Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:31:00 PM

cargo ships have a long track record of delivering supplies to the International Space Station. They rely on a radio beacon system called Kurs that is designed to allow the spacecraft to dock itself at the space station. Cosmonauts on the space station can also take remote control of incoming Progress spacecraft using a console inside the station's Russian segment. Space station commander Alexander Skvortsov was getting that remote control console – called the Telerobotically Operated Rendezvous Unit (TORU) – ready when the Progress 38 vehicle veered off course. "I don't think there was any impact to Progress," a Russian flight controller told Skvortsov in a discussion over whether the TORU system may have inadvertently sent a corrupt command to the cargo ship, aborting the rendezvous. Navias said that once the Progress 38 spacecraft's navigation system went offline, the cargo ship automatically aborted its docking attempt as it is designed to.

Space station supplies Known in Russia as Progress M -06M, the new Progress 38 spacecraft is packed with nearly 2.5 tons of fresh food, clothes, equipment and other supplies for the space station's six-person crew. It launched Wednesday from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Packed aboard the spacecraft are 1,918 pounds (nearly 870 kg) of propellant for the station, 110 pounds (nearly 50 kg) of oxygen, 220 pounds (99 kg) of water and 2,667 (1,209 kg) pounds of dry cargo – which includes spare parts, science equipment and other supplies. Navias said those supplies are not critical for the space station's crew. Another Progress spacecraft is due to launch toward the space station in early September. Russia's disposable Progress spacecraft are similar in appearance to the three-module Soyuz space taxis that ferry crews to and from the space station. Both vehicles have a propulsion and orbital module, however Progress vehicles do not have a crew-

carrying module like the Soyuz ships. Instead, Progress vehicles are equipped with a propellant module to store fuel for the space station's maneuvering thrusters. • Top 10 Russian Space Missions • Gallery - Soyuz Spaceship's Snowy Landing • World Cup Mania Reaches Space Station Astronauts • Original Story: Russian Cargo Ship Veers Out of Control Near Space Station offers rich and compelling content about space science, travel and exploration as well as astronomy, technology, business news and more. The site boasts a variety of popular features including our space image of the day and other space pictures, space videos, Top 10s, Trivia, podcasts and Amazing Images submitted by our users. Join our community, sign up for our free newsletters and register for our RSS Feeds today! Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State RUSSIAN page 12


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The Downside to the Recovery of the Ozone Hole ( (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

pretty. The stratosphere (the second layer of the Earth's atmosphere, While the hole in the Earth's just above the one in which we protective ozone layer is slowly dwell, the troposphere) contains healing, its recovery might have 90 a downside, scientists say: percent of the Earth's ozone at Climate altitudes between 6 and 31 miles change could change wind (9.6 patterns and send ozone from and 50 kilometers) above us, high in the where it traps most of the sun's a t m o s p h e r e d o w n t o t h e harmful surface, where it is a major ultraviolet (UV) rays before component of smog. they can reach the Earth's The discovery of a hole in the surface. ozone layer above Antarctica Without this shield, we'd be was announced by a team of sunburned within 5 minutes of British scientists in 1985. exposure, according to NASA's The cause of the hole was Earth Observatory. attributed to ozone-depleting The Antarctic ozone hole is the c h e m i c a l s l i k e closest real-life glimpse at a chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs), world without UV protection. which were primarily used in Since its discovery in the cooling units 1980s, it has spread over parts and propellants. When CFCs of reach the ozone layer, they Australia, New Zealand, Chile release chlorine and South Africa where the atoms that rip ozone apart and threats of peel away layers of Earth's skin cancer, cataracts, and natural damage to have raised concerns. sunscreen. Major efforts have been Simulations of life without the initiated to speed up the ozone ozone layer, which is located in hole's the recovery, including the 1987 Earth's stratosphere, are not Montreal Protocol and the Submitted at 7/1/2010 3:55:07 PM

RUSSIAN continued from page 11

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phasing out of CFCs. Even so, a study by Guang Zeng and her colleagues from New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research shows that that the recovery, in concert with climate change, may do harm as well as good. The study, detailed in the May edition of Geophysical Research Letters, revealed that variations in atmospheric circulation due to climate change will cause a 43percent increase in gas exchange between the stratosphere and the troposphere, the layer of Earth's air at the surface and our air supply. As more and more ozone is replenished in the stratosphere it will also have more opportunities to seep into the air we breathe. Some ozone is currently present in the troposphere, though mostly as smog from car emissions and other pollutants. It can be harmful to human respiratory systems and the

environment. If carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere increase as expected from unabated emission, Zeng said the ozone layer will cool off, blurring the temperature boundary that separates it from the troposphere. Within the next century, more ozone than ever before will surge into our air, her computer model study predicts. Zeng hopes that future studies of the impacts of climate change will account for the atmospheric composition of both the stratosphere and troposphere, as well as the movement of ozone between the two, to paint a better, more accurate picture of the Earth's environmental future. • Top 10 Surprising Results of Global Warming • Pesky Kudzu Vines Could Increase Ozone Pollution • Whatever Happened to the Hole in the Ozone Layer?

This article was provided by OurAmazingPlanet, a sister site to LiveScience. • Original Story: The Downside to the Recovery of the Ozone Hole chronicles the daily advances and innovations made in science and technology. We take on the misconceptions that often pop up around scientific discoveries and deliver short, provocative explanations with a certain wit and style. Check out our science videos, Trivia & Quizzes and Top 10s. Join our community to debate hot-button issues like stem cells, climate change and evolution. You can also sign up for free newsletters, register for RSS feeds and get cool gadgets at the LiveScience Store. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Faith Leaders Back Obama on Immigration Reform (The Christian Post RSS Feed | Society)

majority of Democrats are ready to move forward and I believe the majority of Americans are Submitted at 7/1/2010 4:53:15 PM ready to move forward. But the President Obama’s call on fact is that without bipartisan T h u r s d a y f o r t h e f e d e r a l support, as we had just a few government to quickly pass years ago, we cannot solve this immigration reform was backed problem." by diverse and somewhat " R e f o r m t h a t b r i n g s unlikely groups of religious a c c o u n t a b i l i t y t o o u r leaders. immigration system cannot pass African-American and Hispanic without Republican votes," he p a s t o r s j o i n e d f o r c e s said, indirectly accusing Wednesday in a first-of-its kind Republicans of holding up c o a l i t i o n t o s u p p o r t comprehensive immigration comprehensive immigration reform. reform. And on Thursday, Conservative, white conservative, white evangelical evangelicals are among the leaders attended the American Republican Party’s staunchest University event in support of supporters. But several of the the president’s first major evangelical community’s most speech on immigration. prominent members were in the The Rev. Bill Hybels, senior audience Thursday to support pastor of the 12,000-member the president and immigration Willow Creek Community reform. Church outside of Chicago, The Rev. Leith Anderson, introduced President Obama p r e s i d e n t o f t h e N a t i o n a l who went on to call Republicans Association of Evangelicals and and Democrats to work together Dr. Richard Land, president of to overhaul the country’s broken t h e S o u t h e r n B a p t i s t immigration system. Convention’s Ethics and "The question now is whether Religious Liberty Commission, we will have the courage and were in attendance. the political will to pass a bill In May, Anderson and Land through Congress, to finally get were among the conservative, it done," the president said. "I'm evangelicals that endorsed a ready to move forward, the statement urging immigration (ELLE Fashion Blogs)


reform that included an earned pathway for undocumented immigrants already in the country. An ad version of the statement ran in “Roll Call,” which is widely read by members of Congress, urging lawmakers to take up the issue. “Let us be clear – an earned pathway to citizenship is not amnesty,” the leaders contended in the statement, addressing the popular criticism. “We reject amnesty. And we ask those who label an earned pathway to citizenship as amnesty to stop politicizing this debate needlessly and to honestly acknowledge the difference.” African-American and Hispanic pastors also addressed criticisms – mainly that illegal immigrants are taking away jobs from poor black Americans – on Wednesday while publicly rejecting claims of a “blackbrown” divide on the issue. “We have come together to dispel the ugly myths about a black and brown divide on immigration reform,” said Derrick Harkins, senior pastor of the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., and co-convener of the coalition. “Throughout our history, immigrants have

strengthened our country with their hard work and commitment to core American values.” “Immigrants are not taking our jobs or public resources,” said Harkins. “The reality is that we are unified across ethnic and racial lines. We will not waver as we pursue justice on this human rights issue of our day.” The African-American and Hispanic coalition includes Esperanza for America; the National Baptist Convention, USA; the African Methodist Episcopal Church; and the Progressive National Baptist Convention. There are an estimated 11 to 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. A recent CNN/Opinion Research poll found that 80 percent of Americans support a program to allow illegal immigrants already in the United States to apply for legal residency if they have a job and pay back taxes. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Microsoft prepping Magic Mouse-like Arc Touch Mouse? Donald Melanson (Engadget) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:29:00 PM

Microsoft isn't saying anything about this one just yet, but there's a growing amount of evidence that the company is set to take on Apple's Magic Mouse with its own Arc Touch Mouse. As istartedsomething reports, that includes a product listing for an "Arc Touch Mouse" at several European retailers (with a $70 price tag), an domain registered to Microsoft in late March, and some Microsoft Research projects that show that the company has indeed been working on multitouch mice since at least late last year(one of those prototypes is pictured above). Just one big coincidence? Probably not, but we'll have to wait to hear from Microsoft to know for sure. Microsoft prepping Magic Mouse-like Arc Touch Mouse? originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 14:29:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink SlashGear| istartedsomething| Email this| Comments


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Thomas Jefferson made slip in Declaration (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

screen. In switching from "subjects" to "citizens," France said it appears WASHINGTON – Preservation Jefferson used his hand to wipe scientists at the Library of the word out while the ink was Congress have discovered that still wet. A distinct brown Thomas Jefferson, even in the smudge is apparent on the act of declaring independence p a p e r , a l t h o u g h t h e w o r d from England, had trouble "subjects" is not legible without breaking free from monarchial t h e h e l p o f t h e d i g i t a l rule. technology. I n a n e a r l y d r a f t o f t h e "This has been a very exciting Declaration of Independence, development," France said, J e f f e r s o n w r o t e t h e w o r d calling the findings "spine"subjects," when he referred to tingling." the American public. He then Historic, handwritten erased that word and replaced it documents reveal clues about with "citizens," a term he used the past that word processors frequently throughout the final cannot illuminate, said James draft. Billington, librarian of The Library released news of C o n g r e s s . the struck word for the first time "It shows the progress of his on Friday. mind. This was a decisive Fenalla France, a research moment," Billington said. "We chemist at the Library, said her recovered a magic moment that lab made the discovery last year was otherwise lost to history." by using hyperspectral imaging, Accompanied by police escort, using a high resolution digital the document was unveiled camera that compiles a series of outside its protective case for images to highlight layers of a the first time in 15 years on d o c u m e n t . S o m e o f t h o s e Friday morning for an additional invisible layers — like erased round of hyperspectral imaging. text and even fingerprints — It normally can only be viewed pop into view on a computer through a 130-pound oxygenSubmitted at 7/2/2010 1:26:12 PM

free safe. Donning a pair of white researchers' gloves, Maria Nugent, director of the Library of Congress' top treasures collection, slowly lifted a piece of off-white corrugated cardboard to reveal the rough draft of the Declaration, which includes handwritten corrections by both John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. "That's a pretty good editorial committee," said Billington, who was present for the procedure. The rough draft was written on two sheets of white legal-sized paper, on both the back and front sides of the sheets. The document was returned to the library's vault on Friday after the testing. _____ Online: The text of Jefferson's rough draft can be viewed at Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 7/1/2010 6:00:00 PM

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Steven Sande (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

tap on a story expands it to fill the screen. The rest of the stories in the feed are listed Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:00:00 PM below, but can be hidden with a Filed under: App Store touch. The Pulse News Reader for I was pleased to see that iPad(US$3.99) gained some Alphonso Labs took one of my notoriety last month when the suggestions to heart. As a writer, stylish app was released, then I like to see who is writing posts promptly yanked from the App for various blogs. The initial Store by Apple at the behest of versions of Pulse did not have The New York Times. The this feature, but Pulse News Times did not want their RSS Mini shows the author byline in feed featured in Pulse; changes the feed. were made and the app has been In the currently shipping back in the App Store since version of Pulse, 1.0.1, photos about June 8th. associated with posts did not N o w c o m e s w o r d f r o m appear to load properly. I'd love developer Alphonso Labs that a to see some way to sync the new version of the app -- Pulse feeds on the iPad and iPhone News Mini($2.99) -- is now versions to avoid re-entry of available for iPhone and iPod feeds between devices. If the touch. It's iOS 4.0 tested, and developer responds as quickly to from a quick look at the app, it this request as they did to the does an amazing job of putting my previous suggestion, we the functionality of Pulse into a s h o u l d s e e t h a t f e a t u r e smaller form factor. implemented quickly. As you can see from the video TUAW Pulse News Reader above, Pulse News Mini looks now in convenient smaller size quite similar to the iPad app. Of for iPhone, iPod touch originally course, the individual pieces of appeared on The Unofficial the Pulse "mosaic" are smaller, Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Fri, but the way that users interact 02 Jul 2010 13:00:00 EST. with Pulse is identical. Up to 20 Please see our terms for use of parse this page for content. Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available news feeds may be added, with feeds. Five Filters featured article: tools: PDF Newspaper, Full t h e a b i l i t y t o s e a r c h b y Read| Permalink| Email this| Headshot - Propaganda, State Text RSS, Term Extraction. keywords to find those feeds. A Comments Religion and the Attack On the

One More Thing America Must Learn from Europe (AEI.Org: Articles)

Pulse News Reader now in convenient smaller size for iPhone, iPod touch

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Fla. School Sued for Banning Bible Distribution (The Christian Post RSS Feed | Society)

using the Bible. “How sad that on the eve of Independence Day, when we Submitted at 7/2/2010 9:39:53 AM celebrate the religious and A mission group on Thursday political freedom our forefathers sued a Florida district school won for us at the cost of much b o a r d f o r b a n n i n g B i b l e blood and great sacrifice, we are distribution on public school compelled to sue to protect the campuses on Religious Freedom right simply to make free Bibles Day. available to students in public For years, the Collier County schools,” said Staver. School District allowed World “The distribution of religious Changers to offer Bibles to literature in a forum opened for interested students during non- s e c u l a r l i t e r a t u r e i s school hours on Jan. 16 in honor constitutionally protected,” he of Religious Freedom Day. But asserted. s i n c e l a s t y e a r , t h e World Changers, Staver noted, s u p e r i n t e n d e n t a n d t h e makes it clear to students that its Community Request Committee activities are not endorsed by have refused to grant permission the school and that receiving a t o t h e S o u t h e r n B a p t i s t Bible is voluntary. The school Convention-related mission district has misunderstood the group to do so. First Amendment, he said. School officials claim Bibles do “There is a crucial difference not provide any educational between government speech benefit to the students and thus endorsing religion, which the distribution should stop. Establishment Clause forbids, But Mathew Staver, founder of and private speech endorsing Liberty Counsel, the legal group religion, which the Free Speech representing World Changers, and Free Exercise Clauses pointed out that many of the protect,” he stated. founding fathers learned to read Jerry Rutherford, president of

Wild Kingdom Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available (more info) tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Five Filters featured article: Text RSS, Term Extraction. Headshot - Propaganda, State

World Changers, had set up tables offering free Bibles to high school students on Religious Freedom Day in 2007 and 2008 without problem. But last year his request for permission was denied by Superintendent Dennis Thompson. Liberty Counsel wrote a letter last year on behalf of Rutherford asking the board to reverse the decision. But the board refused to do so. "We're losing our religious freedoms and that is very scary to me," Rutherford said earlier, according to WINK News. Each year, the U.S. President declares Jan. 16 to be Religious Freedom Day, which commemorates the anniversary of the 1786 passage of Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


SocialShield Helps Protect Children On Social Networks Leena Rao (TechCrunch) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:45:22 PM

Child safety on the web is a significant concern for parents worldwide as kids flock to the internet for social networking, media consumption and more. SocialShield is one security option parents can turn on to protect children from predators online. The startup aims to give parents a web application to show a 360 degree view into what their kids are doing online as well as who their friends are on the main social networks. SocialShield offers a number of features that target various security risks on social networks. “CyberBullying Promise” helps assist parents in identifying a cyberbully on a social network, and documenting the harassment. “Friend verification technology” investigates a child’s friends on Facebook or MySpace and checks them against more than 50 Internet databases to see if parents should be concerned. Parents are also notified of any risky behaviors that could cause lasting damage to their child,

such as posting inappropriate photos or content. An Alerts Engine will find all accounts a child owns, including ones that parents may not know about, and examines all information and posts. Activity and Photo Engines documents every single posting their children make on all of the main social networks. SocialShield’s technology, which costs $96 per year, is undoubtedly comprehensive. And the startup is backed by an impressive group of investors including Playdom founder Rick Thompson, comScore chairman Gian Fulgoni Offerpal CEO George Garrick, and Adify CEO Russell Fradin. There’s no doubt that as the web becomes an integral part of children’s social interactions and even education, services like SocialShield and competitor SafetyWeb will become necessary for parents across the world. CrunchBase Information SocialShield Information provided by CrunchBase


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Weak private hiring shows tepid recovery (Reuters: Top News)

government laid off 225,000 temporary census workers. The unemployment rate fell to By Lucia Mutikani 9.5 percent, the lowest level WASHINGTON| Fri Jul 2, since July 2009, from 9.7 2010 2:09pm EDT percent in May, but only WASHINGTON(Reuters) - because a flood of jobless Private payrolls rose only w o r k e r s g a v e u p t h e i r modestly in June and overall e m p l o y m e n t s e a r c h . employment fell for the first President Barack Obama, time this year as thousands of whose approval ratings have temporary census jobs ended, been battered by the weak showing the economic recovery e c o n o m y , e x p r e s s e d failing to pick up steam. disappointment in the numbers Although private hiring was even though he said they well below levels needed to showed the recovery moving bring down unemployment on a forward. sustained basis, analysts said the "We're not headed there fast r e p o r t f r o m t h e L a b o r enough for a lot of Americans," Department on Friday was not he said at Andrews Air Force consistent with an economy on Base in Maryland. "We're not the brink of another recession. headed there fast enough for me, "We are still on track for a fairly either." moderate recovery," said Julia Economists polled by Reuters Coronado, an economist at BNP h a d e x p e c t e d p r i v a t e Paribas in New York. "There employment to grow by 112,000 have been some concerns that jobs, although some had scaled maybe we are heading for a back their projections in recent double-dip. The report eases days. The jobless rate was those concerns in the sense that expected to edge up to 9.8 we are still creating private percent. sector jobs." U.S. stock prices fell for a fifth Private hiring rose by 83,000 straight day on the weak report, after adding only 33,000 jobs in while prices for government M a y . T o t a l n o n f a r m debt, which had soared in recent employment actually dropped days, slipped on relief the data 125,000 -- the largest decline was not as bad as some had s i n c e O c t o b e r - - a s t h e feared. The U.S. dollar fell Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:09:29 PM

broadly. EUROPEAN DEBT CRISIS BLAMED Following a raft of weak reports on consumer spending, the housing market and factory activity, investors are increasingly worried the economy could slip back into a recession. The Commerce Department said on Friday that factory orders in May suffered their biggest tumble since March of last year. Analysts blamed the moderation in the recovery from the longest and deepest recession since the 1930s on the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, which is expected to stunt growth in the region as governments tighten belts to cut budget deficits. "The European debt crisis is having a negative impact on consumer and business confidence," said Chris Rupkey, chief economist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ in New York. "I don't think the outlook for the second half is that negative, but the jury is out on this until we see next month's jobs report." A poor labor market in an election year is the worst nightmare for Obama and could cost the Democratic Party dearly

in November mid-term elections. Obama, who has called job creation his No. 1 priority, has tried to put the blame on the policies of the previous administration. But Republicans say a roughly $800 billion package of tax cuts and spending pushed by Obama has not worked. "The writing is on the wall for President Obama's stimulus policies and everyone -taxpayers, economists, and the rest of the world -- sees it but him," said House Republican Leader John Boehner. With the economy still in a fragile state, the Federal Reserve is also in a bind. It has held benchmark overnight interest rates close to zero since December 2008 and has pumped more than $1 trillion into the economy. Fed officials believe a sustainable recovery has taken hold, but are watching cautiously and financial markets do not expect the central bank to raise rates until the middle of next year. Last month, payrolls in the dominant services sector rose 91,000 after increasing 20,000 in May. Temporary help employment rose 20,500, while

retail hiring fell 6,600. In the goods-producing sector, employment fell by 8,000, pulled down by declines in construction. Home building activity has dropped sharply since late April when a tax credit for homebuyers expired. Employment in the factory sector, which has led the recovery, rose by just 9,000 after a gain of 32,000 in May. Cash-strapped state and local governments were also a drag on employment last month. Analysts were disheartened by the shortening of the workweek to 34.1 hours from 34.2 hours in May and a slip in average hourly earnings. Shrinking paychecks could pose a risk to consumer spending. In June, just over 45 percent of the total 14.6 million people unemployed had been out of work for more than 27 weeks, little changed from May. (Additional reporting by Mark Felsenthal; Editing by Leslie Adler) Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Gulf oil cleanup resumes, new rules awaited (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:03:47 PM

By Kristen Hays HOUSTON| Fri Jul 2, 2010 1:03pm EDT HOUSTON(Reuters) Washington was preparing a revised offshore oil drilling moratorium and cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico returned to normal on Friday after hurricane Alex passed through the region without doing major damage. The U.S. Interior Department, one of the departments spearheading the response to the BP oil spill, could issue a revised offshore oil drilling moratorium for U.S. waters in the coming week. A federal court last week struck down a six-month drilling ban imposed by the Obama administration in response to the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history. The new moratorium is expected to be more flexible and could be adjusted to allow drilling in certain subsea fields. BP's cleanup operations, interrupted this week by choppy seas and gusty winds from Alex, were getting back to normal as the storm weakened and passed through the spill area off the coast of Louisiana, company spokesman Mark Proegler said. Those operations included containment booming and

flights to spray dispersant chemicals on the water's surface, he said. Alex had pushed more crude into beaches and marshes along the U.S. Gulf coast, complicating efforts to clean up the oil leaking from the British energy giant's blown-out undersea well. BP said its oil-capture systems in the Gulf of Mexico collected or burned off more than 25,000 barrels of oil on Thursday. Robert Dudley, chief of BP's Gulf Coast restoration efforts, said high seas and winds had propelled the landward advance of the far-flung oil slick. "It has brought in oil, unfortunately, from the panhandle of Florida to Louisiana ... at a higher rate than it has been over the last few days," he said in a PBS online interview. Retired Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, the government's point person for the spill response, said his team was ready to begin flights to assess storm damage to boom and check for oil -- particularly in Louisiana's marshland. He said absorbent snare boom will initially be used to soak up oil where waves from the hurricane pushed crude inland. BP's cleanup operations, involving nearly 43,000 personnel and more than 7,000

vessels, were halted on Tuesday as weather conditions worsened with the approach of Alex. Allen said seas were still rough but skimming operations should resume soon. The National Hurricane Center is monitoring a new weak low pressure system over the northeast Gulf of Mexico that is drifting west toward the BP spill area. Even though the center only gave the system a low chance of developing into a tropical depression, its location could further hamper cleanup efforts and scatter more oil after Alex churned up Gulf waters. Meteorologists have warned that this hurricane season, which began on June 1, is likely to be one of the most intense in years, with as many as five major tropical storms expected. DRILL BAN CONCERNS The Obama administration's drill ban targeted exploratory and development wells in more than 500 feet of water to give a special commission time to investigate the oil spill and propose safety regulation to prevent future accidents. But oil companies and many U.S. lawmakers said the moratorium would force U.S. oil rig operators to take their business to other countries, making the United States more reliant on oil imports and at a higher risk for oil spills from the

big tankers bringing in the crude. The Gulf of Mexico holds the most promising untapped crude oil reserves in the United States, and a string of major discoveries over the past decade by companies including BP have rejuvenated investment in deeper and more difficult waters. The head of oil major Total warned of tougher safety rules that could push up crude prices and said it was necessary to drill in deep-water fields to meet global fuel demand. "Our policy is clearly toward zero risk," The Wall Street Journal quoted Total CEO Christophe de Margerie as saying on Friday. "All this means ... potential additional costs," he said, warning oil prices could reach $90 a barrel by year end. (Additional reporting by Tom Doggett in Washington, Anna Driver in Houston and James Regan in Paris; writing by Deborah Charles and David Holmes; Editing by Simon Denyer and Paul Simao) Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Intelligence tested (The Economist: Daily news and views) Submitted at 7/2/2010 5:35:12 AM

HUMAN intelligence is higher, on average, in some places than in others. And researchers at the University of New Mexico have come up with an explanation, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society. Comparing the average IQ in a particular country with its disease burden (based on the reduction in life expectancy caused by 28 infectious diseases) reveals a striking correlation. At the bottom of the IQ list is Equatorial Guinea, followed by St Lucia, with Cameroon, Mozambique and Gabon tied for third last. These countries also have among the highest burdens of infectious diseases. At the opposite end of the scale, Singapore, South Korea, China and Japan show the highest intelligence scores and relatively low levels of disease. America, Britain and a number of European countries also place in the top left-hand corner of the chart. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


News Wire/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

Obama says new U.S. sanctions on Iran toughest ever (Reuters: Top News)

acquiring nuclear weapons," Obama said at the signing of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, By Ross Colvin Accountability, and Divestment WASHINGTON| Fri Jul 2, Act at the White House. 2010 11:24am EDT European Union leaders agreed WASHINGTON(Reuters) - last month to tighten U.N. President Barack Obama signed sanctions on Iran with additional into law on Thursday far- m e a s u r e s t a r g e t i n g I r a n ' s reaching new sanctions on Iran financial, banking, insurance, that aim to squeeze the Islamic t r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d e n e r g y Republic's fuel imports and s e c t o r s . d e e p e n i t s i n t e r n a t i o n a l The new U.S. sanctions go isolation. much further than the measures Obama said the new sanctions agreed to by the U.N. Security were the toughest ever passed Council in June and are aimed at by the U.S. Congress and would ratcheting up pressure on Iran to make it harder for Iran to buy p e r s u a d e i t t o r e t u r n t o refined petroleum as well as i n t e r n a t i o n a l t a l k s o n i t s goods and services to modernize disputed nuclear program. its oil and natural gas sector, the The U.S. sanctions penalize mainstay of its economy. companies supplying Iran with While the door to diplomacy gasoline and international remained open, he said, Iran banking institutions involved would come under even greater w i t h I r a n ' s i n c r e a s i n g l y international pressure if it powerful Islamic Revolutionary continued to defy international Guard Corps or its nuclear c a l l s t o h a l t i t s u r a n i u m program. enrichment program. Foreign banks that do business The United States and its with key Iranian banks or the European allies suspect Iran is Revolutionary Guards will not trying to build an atomic bomb, be allowed access to the U.S. despite Tehran's insistence that f i n a n c i a l s y s t e m . G l o b a l its nuclear program is for the suppliers of gasoline to Iran p e a c e f u l g e n e r a t i o n o f could also face bans on access electricity. to the U.S. banking system, "There should be no doubt -- the p r o p e r t y t r a n s a c t i o n s a n d U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d t h e foreign exchange in the United international community are States. determined to prevent Iran from NO SILVER BULLET Submitted at 7/2/2010 10:24:51 AM

"With these sanctions -- along with others -- we are striking at the heart of the Iranian government's ability to fund and develop its nuclear programs," Obama said. "We are showing the Iranian government that its actions have consequences." Democratic congressman Howard Berman, one of the architects of the new U.S. sanctions package, said he hoped it would provide Obama "with the tools he needs to persuade Tehran to permanently abandon its nuclear weapons program." The new sanctions are designed to hurt Iran where it is most vulnerable -- it's energy sector. The world's fifth-largest oil producer lacks sufficient refining capacity and imports up to 40 percent of its gasoline needs. Recognizing its vulnerability, Iran has drawn up plans to become self-sufficient in gasoline output within two years while reducing domestic demand, partly through phasing out government subsidies. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has dismissed the threat of sanctions, saying Iran could be self-sufficient in gasoline "within one week" if necessary. Obama came into office in January 2009 promising a new

beginning of diplomatic engagement with Iran if it "unclenched its fist." But after Iran's leaders rebuffed the offer and continued enriching uranium he mobilized international support for a fourth round of U.N sanctions. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs acknowledged on Thursday that the new measures offered no "silver bullet," echoing earlier comments by Central Intelligence Agency director Leon Panetta, who said targeted economic sanctions would probably not deter Iran from seeking a nuclear capability. The sanctions have already started to bite. France's Total this week joined an expanding list of companies that have stopped gasoline sales to Iran, and Spain's Repsol said it had pulled out of a contract to develop part of the country's huge South Pars gas field in the Gulf. (Reporting by Ross Colvin and Steve Holland, editing by Philip Barbara) Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

A Visual Look At How BP Could Bring Down Large Parts Of The Economy Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:03:05 PM

The BP oil spill may have a much larger impact than polluting the Gulf of Mexico or bringing down the company. The oil manufacturer is interconnected with the larger economy by a number of means, but the derivatives trades it is a part of could be particularly destructive, if it is to default. Econotwist says it could be worse than Lehman Brothers. This death spiral could be about to get much worse. From Econotwist: Check out photos of people enjoying beaches exposed to the oil > Join the conversation about this story Âť

News Wire/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


New U.S. commander pushes faltering Afghan war effort

Rob Lowe Gets Shirtless in Sardinia - Pass the Binoculars or Time to Head Inside?

(Reuters: Top News)

PopSugar (PopSugar)

The surge will bring to 150,000 the number of foreign troops in Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:52:05 AM Afghanistan just as the new By David Fox strategy takes root. It entails KABUL| Fri Jul 2, 2010 tackling the Taliban in their 12:52pm EDT strongholds while relying on the KABUL(Reuters) - The United government to simultaneously States' top field commander improve local governance and arrived in Afghanistan on Friday development. to take charge of the faltering The Taliban showed on Friday war, pledging to tackle the nine- just how capable they are of year-old Taliban insurgency o p e r a t i n g o u t s i d e t h e i r with a strategy he successfully traditional strongholds by pioneered in Iraq. launching a daring commandoGeneral David Petraeus landed style raid on the office of an a day after his appointment was A m e r i c a n c o m p a n y t h a t confirmed by the U.S. Senate provides logistical support for and just hours after the U.S. U . S . g o v e r n m e n t a i d i n H o u s e o f R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s relatively peaceful Kunduz, in approved $33 billion in funding the north. for a troop surge he hopes will A Briton, German, Filipino and turn the tide of the war. two Afghans were killed in the An amendment demanding an pre-dawn attack, provincial exit timetable from Afghanistan officials said, as well as the six failed, but got 162 votes -- the insurgents who mounted the biggest anti-war vote in the raid. House on Afghanistan to date. Also on Friday, the NATO-led Petraeus's appointment could be I n t e r n a t i o n a l S e c u r i t y a last throw of the dice for Assistance Force (ISAF) that W a s h i n g t o n t o e n d a n Petraeus now commands said increasingly costly conflict that two service members had died is draining Western budgets as after separate insurgent attacks they emerge from one of the in the south and east. worst global recessions in TURN THE TIDE history. Petraeus, who wrote the U.S. A formal change-of-command army's field guide on waging a ceremony will be held on counter-insurgency, used the Sunday. tactics to help turn the tide of

the Iraq war and the strategy was introduced to Afghanistan earlier this year by former commander General Stanley McChrystal. McChrystal was sacked last week after he and some aides disparaged senior administration officials in a magazine profile. While Petraeus has pledged to continue with the same strategy, he told NATO chiefs in Brussels on Thursday that some operational tactics would be reviewed -- including air strikes on suspected Taliban hideouts. The issue came to a head last year after a series of air attacks killed scores of civilians -including 140 in one incident -but McChrystal's arrival was credited with vastly reducing collateral damage. Petraeus said on Thursday that any tactics that raised the possibility of more soldiers being killed needed to be reviewed. More than 1,800 foreign troops have died in Afghanistan since the Taliban were overthrown in 2001 -- including more than 100 last month, the bloodiest since the war began. "I have a moral imperative as a commander ... to bring all force that is available when our troopers -- and, by the way, our

Afghan partners -- are in a tough position," he told NATO chiefs. The last two weeks have thrown an especially harsh light on the war effort, with new reports of corruption in President Hamid Karzai's government and the change in command of foreign forces. Doubts have also been raised over the commitment of the government to push governance and development alongside the military drive, and also the ability of Afghan forces to take over responsibility for security. At the same time, Karzai has been wooing the Taliban with a series of modest peace overtures, all have which have been rejected by the hardline Islamist movement, which insists all foreign forces must leave before they will end the insurgency. (Additional reporting by Susan Cornwell in Washington; Editing by Nick Macfie) Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM

Rob Lowe was shirtless and in his board shorts yesterday meeting with real estate developer Tom Barrack on a yacht in Sardinia. The duo are apparently collaborating on a new megacompany, which is just the latest of Rob's many projects. He's also lined up a role on Californication, is expected back on Parks and Recreation, is producing a Washington DC-based reality TV show, and is working on his memoir, called Stories I Only Tell My Friends. Rob may be leaving Brothers and Sisters, but he's not stepping out of the limelight anytime soon. Catching a glimpse of his washboard abs is a nice treat before the holiday weekend, so tell us what you make of seeing Rob's bod in Sardinia - pass the binoculars or time to head inside? Rob Lowe Gets Shirtless in Sardinia - Pass the Binoculars or Time to Head Inside? Pass the binoculars - I will raise a glass to his six-pack this weekend! Time to head inside He doesn't float my boat or yacht.



E-reader News Edition

Understanding next-gen streaming game services (CNET Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM

Just like floppy disks gave way to CDs, then CDs to DVDs, followed by USB flash drives and SD cards, the time of game discs has an end in sight. Mind you, there's still a great need for them right now in the console and portable games world, but services like Valve's Steam on the PC (and now Mac) side have shown--in just a few years time, that the packaged game can make a graceful transition to the digital storefront. What's more interesting, however, is the wave of new technologies that compete with Steam, and other download services like it--not only for PC games, but for console titles too. These streaming technologies, which include names like OnLive, Gaikai, Otoy and InstantAction promise to free us completely from the need to download software in the more traditional sense, and instead stream titles from a server cluster hundreds or even thousands of miles away from where you play them. In a few months time (when this technology is more common) it will give you--the consumer, an alternative to buying new gaming hardware, while at the same time letting you pick up and play a brand new game on just about any Internet-connected device. Such

a model may turn the gaming hardware industry on its head, but it opens up new avenues of utility for tablets, mobile phones and even that five or six year old

computer that would have otherwise been hopelessly unable to run most modern day titles. When will it be like that? Soon,

but not just yet. Many of the below services we're about to delve into are not live, or are live, but aren't open to the public. Several are working on

partnerships, back-end technology, and pricing. This story is to help serve as a primer UNDERSTANDING page 21

E-reader News Edition


UNDERSTANDING continued from page 20

for what each one promises to bring to cloud gaming, as well as some high-level detail on how it works. Read on to find out what could be taking the place of your next game console, or high end graphics card purchase. OnLive Availability: Limited public preview (with waiting list) Price: Free year of service as part of launch promotion, $14.95 a month afterwards. Game price varies by title. Titles: Platform compatibility: PC, Mac, MicroConsole TV adapter Killer app: Solid launch lineup, and both rental and purchase options. Onlive first premiered at last year's Game Developer's Conference, and opened up to a public preview a few weeks ago at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). Its premise is that it lets you stream full PC games over to your PC, Mac and soon TV--the last of which requires a small piece of hardware the company is calling a MicroConsole. Unlike standard PC games, playing these titles requires no space on your hard drive, or a beefy processor and graphics processing unit. Instead, all that work is done in the company's server farm, then piped over the Internet. This lets users on just about any hardware, or platform play titles--as long as they have

an active connection. Playing games on OnLive requires that users be connected to the entirety of their gaming experience. Connection also plays an important part in determining the quality of the feed that's getting piped back to the user, be it an SD or HD stream. Using the service requires paying a monthly membership fee, although right now the company has a partnership going with AT&T to provide new users with a free year of service. The games themselves cost money on top of that, though usually at a lower price than the boxed copy, or even digital download. These "playpasses" usually come in the form of an up front purchase that lasts as long as the game is on the service. There are also shorter playpasses that work for just a few days, and can be had for a fraction of the full price of a title. OnLive's "MicroConsole" hardware removes the need to use a PC, and lets gamers use OnLive's service on their TV sets.(Credit: OnLive) OnLive saves game settings and progress on its own servers so you can access it from multiple computers without having to cart around save files. This information is kept even if a user's subscription has run out, so that they can come back to it at a later date.

Along with the playing of games, OnLive adds a few extra goodies on top of the experience that typical PC and console gamers don't get. The first being something called "brag clips," which is essentially a screen recording tool that captures a segment of your gameplay and lets you share it to others on the service. OnLive also features a live performance area called the "Arena," where other OnLive users can watch you, along with several other players at once. Gaikai Availability: In beta now, full release in 2-3 months Price: Unknown Titles: Unknown Platform compatibility: PC, Mac, mobile devices Killer app: Server side hardware plays beefy games. Games fully playable on product pages. Gaikai, as explained to CNET by its co-founder David Perry is similar to game arcades back in their heyday. "You wanted to play the latest machines, but they were five to ten thousand dollars. So you stuck your quarters in," Perry said. Gaikai's answer, was to put that same kind of investment into data centers that can run any modern day game, at any settings, then pipe that stream over to the end user. This solution give end-users either a taste of the game, or the whole thing--a decision Perry

and company are leaving up the publishers. "Initially, what we're expecting [publishers] to use us for is as a service," Perry said. "So say a new game is coming out like Diablo or World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, and you're writing about it. We can have that playable on the same page as that article." Perry also explained that if a user can get instantaneous playing of a full game, or just a demo--right on a product page, it will go a long way towards helping shoppers click the buy button. Along with convenience, Perry also stressed Gaikai's built-in security features. For instance, with something like the distribution of a pre-launch beta or exclusive demo, Gaikai's streaming system means that no game code gets distributed to end users--something Perry said can contribute to the eventual title's piracy. "Most hacking happens during the beta periods. The technology allows you to do cool stuff. Like if somebody crashes the code, we can send the video of that back to the game maker," Perry said. To make that work all over the country, and eventually the rest of the world, Gaikai has built up data centers that will bring optimal speeds to users no matter where they are. "We have 10 data centers, and four more before launch--that's just in the U.S. That gives us nice

coverage. We have these green dots and red dots on the map right now, and red dots are bad. It'll take some more data centers to get it to all green," said Perry. Gaikai is going into a final, closed beta in two to three weeks, followed by a full launch in the next two to three months. Perry said that while the system is currently focused on PC titles, console games are on the road map. InstantAction Availability: Out, and growing Price: Free to paid depending on the app Titles: Unknown Platform compatibility: PC, Mac Killer app: Embeddable version of full games with built in rental and/or purchase system CNET chatted about InstantAction's technology with CEO Lou Castle earlier in the week. In Castle's own words, Instant Action is a "software service that's dedicated to delivering online games that are sharable, embeddable, and free to play with incremental payments." Instant Action's secret sauce is its streaming technology, which is able to let gamers start playing a title long before it's actually finished downloading. In real world times, that translates to giving users a start playing a 2.6GB game at 40MB, UNDERSTANDING page 23



E-reader News Edition

Ask Maggie: On iPhone or Android; the Verizon iPhone; and buying refurbs (CNET

With all the choices on the market, it's no wonder that CNET readers are confused A lot has happened since Apple about what to buy. I get dozens introduced the iconic iPhone in of e-mails every week from 2007. readers, asking me for advice on Smartphones have become all which phones to buy and which the rage. No longer are these services to sign up for. This mobile computers relegated to week, I've taken a few questions the corporate road warrior a b o u t t h i s t o p i c t o h e l p looking to keep up with work e- overwhelmed consumers figure m a i l . N o w i t s e e m s t h a t out what's best for them. everyone from high school kids Ask Maggie is a weekly advice t o s o c c e r m o m s h a s a column, so if you've got a smartphone. And if they don't question, I'd love to hear from already have one, they're likely you. Send an e-mail to me at lusting for one. maggie dot reardon at cbs dot These customers are expecting com. a lot more out of their phones. Android vs. iPhone They want a full Web-browsing Dear Maggie, experience, Internet search, Let's cut to the chase: Verizon l o c a t i o n - b a s e d s e r v i c e s , and its Android-based phones, navigation, access to social or AT&T and the iPhone4? You networking, high-definition already know all the variables. video cameras, and much, much And don't respond that each more. person is different, etc. Just And yet they also still need to w e i g h t h e p o s i t i v e s a n d make phone calls and send text negatives of each from your messages. viewpoint. Thanks, W h e n t h e i P h o n e w a s William introduced three years ago, there Dear William, was nothing else like it on the I know you don't want to hear m a r k e t . T h e d e s i g n a n d this, but it really does come sophistication of the touch down to personal taste. In terms screen and the power of the of hardware and software, the device to access the Web was Android vs. iPhone debate is unmatched. Now there are like the PC vs. Mac debate. dozens of phones on the market Like Apple's Mac computers, that offer the same features and the iPhone is easy to use and functionality as the iPhone. very intuitive. But it's not as Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:25:41 PM

open as some other phones, and customers are essentially beholden to whichever applications Apple decides are worthy of its platform. On the other hand, Google's Android platform, like a PC, is more open. The operating system is also on several different kinds of hardware, giving customers more variety. At the end of the day, you have to decide which one you're most comfortable with. Are you a Mac or a PC? Are you a Droid or an iPhone? Here are the biggest drawbacks I see for each: Android Clunky user interface: Many Android users complain that it takes several clicks on more icons to find the feature, app or function they are looking for. By contrast, Apple has done a very nice job on the iPhone of making applications, features and functionality easy to find and use. Lackluster app store: Some people find the Android Market clunky and difficult to use. Also, people complain about the lack of applications in Android Market. While Apple's App Store has over 100,000 apps, the Android market has just over 35,000. iPhone Stinky reception: If you know

iPhone users living in either New York City or San Francisco, then I'm sure you've gotten an earful about reception issues. Some iPhone subscribers even warn people at the beginning of a phone that they're using an iPhone. AT&T's network issues have been widely reported. But in all fairness, AT&T shouldn't take all the blame for these problems. After all, AT&T customers using BlackBerry or Windows Mobile phones don't experience the same number of dropped calls that iPhone users complain about. So part of the problem may be the phone or the components of the phone and how Apple has assembled them. Many customers of the iPhone 4 are reporting reception issues due to the new antenna that wraps around the outside of the phone. Apparently, when the phone is gripped in a way that touches the left bottom area of the phone, reception degrades or disappears. CNET has been able to replicate the problem, as have other gadget blogs. Apple acknowledged the issue and CEO Steve Jobs said people shouldn't hold it that way. Now, there are reports that part of the issue may have to do with software. In either case, reception is the

major issue for the iPhone. So what does this mean for you and which phone you should get? If making phone calls is important to you and Verizon offers good reception in your area, then go with an Android phone. If applications and ease of use are what you're looking for, then the iPhone could be for you. When will there be a Verizon iPhone? Dear Maggie, The only question that keeps burning away at my brain is, when will the iPhone be on Verizon? All our family is on Verizon and no one wants to change. AT&T's service is very bad and spotty in our area, Verizon is just fine. Thank you for helping stop the burning, Jeff Dear Jeff, If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me this question, I wouldn't be working at CNET anymore. The short answer is, I don't know when Verizon Wireless will get the iPhone. Neither AT&T nor Apple has ever disclosed the length of the exclusive contract AT&T has for the iPhone. But speculation of an impending Verizon iPhone have popped up periodically ASK page 26

E-reader News Edition


UNDERSTANDING continued from page 21

and a 9GB title at just 150MB. While those first little bits are coming in, the company has partnered with the aforementioned Gaikai to give users something to watch or interact with while they're waiting in the form of videos or interactive games. "From a consumer's point of view, what they get is a loading screen with lots of videos. Or, in the best case, they get to play [their game] immediately," Castle said. Instant Action also makes the embeddable game wrapper that can be stuck in places like blogs and social networks, which the company did a few months back with the game Monkey Island. Built into these embeds is a way to play a timed demo, or pay for rented time with the full version of the game. You can give the technology a spin by clicking the static image below: Behind the scenes, another one of Instant Action's tricks is that it saves game states. "The game itself thinks its saving everything to our hard drive," Castle explained. "We've hijacked all the save game an I/ O stuff for the cloud." This ends up allowing games to be put into Instant Action's system with little modification on the part of the developer. Castle would not go into detail on a full-out launch, except to say that the company was in various stages of trials with

major publishers. The company is unveiling its own game next month that Castle says will help demonstrate Instant Action's various technologies, including game saves, embedding and payments. Otoy Availability:"This summer" Price: Unknown Titles: Unknown Platform compatibility: Mac, PC, iOS, Android, Palm Web OS, Windows Mobile Killer app: Server side gaming that uses a custom "ORBX" codec, which promises better quality streaming compression than H.264. Similar to OnLive, Otoy's end goal is to run the games off its own servers, then pipe that over in real-time back to the end user. Otoy has kept mum on the details surrounding its launch and what games will be available, however the company has been quite forthcoming with the hardware that's powering it on the back end. Back in January, at CES, AMD's CEO Dirk Meyer announced that the two companies had partnered to build out a server farm made up of AMD-powered machines that will do the grunt work. Otoy is employing five of these data centers for its U.S. roll out, followed by additional ones in Western Europe and Asia. CNET got in touch with Otoy's co-founder and president Alissa Grainger, who said that the

company is working with 11 publishers, all of whom "has a different launch target in mind." Grainger explained that Otoy's goal is to get those game streams syndicated to various portal sites, where users will be able to play the titles. How much that ends up costing, and which titles are available where, gets decided on by the publishers. Otoy plans to stream both video and video game streams, and will do so using its own video codec called ORBX, which the company says can improve the compression quality of that video by 10-20 percent over the more common h.264. That means users end up with a better looking movie or game at the same size of stream. As far as the hardware needed on the other end, Grainger says that the system requirements are minimal, and that it has been successfully tested on devices the iPhone, and machines with Intel's Atom CPU. The company also has a "fallback solution" that uses HTML4, Adobe Flash and Sun's Java to pipe the stream if the ORBX codec is not installed. The only real need on the consumer side, Grainger said, is bandwidth. This falls between the less than 300 kbps for an iPhone, all the way to 8-10 mbps for 1080p content. 4k, which is the largest size Otoy offers, and commonly used as a

native resolution for feature length films, requires a 25 mbps connection. Grainger said that while Otoy would be launching first with PC titles, the company is "equally interested" in console games, and that the first crop of them will be playable on the service early next year. Do these services spell an end for traditional console and computer gaming? One day--yes. But for now, there is still the overwhelming benefit to home console and PC gaming, in that you can play your games even if you don't have an active Internet connection. Cheap and fast Internet access may be growing, but we've already seen some early hiccups with PC games like Assassin's Creed 2 that have required an active connection for playing, which in turn, has alienated users who want to play a title while traveling, or on a machine without an active connection--but can't. Will full-sized downloadable games help instead? Certainly, but there's a serious size issue going on with consoles. Even though some, like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are now shipping with 250GB hard drives, the actual game discs would take up a sizable chunk of that if they were to be game installs. This is especially true on the PlayStation 3, where some multi-layer Blu-Ray discs

titles like Metal Gear Solid 4 are pushing up against the 50GB limit on a dual-layer Blu-Ray disc. Where these services show the most promise is in breaking the cycle of having to purchase expensive computer hardware that needs the occasional CPU or GPU upgrade to run the latest games, in place of a fast connection. Given the slow march of broadband penetration and speed increases in the U.S., this means these services have room to grow. At the same time, with the recent push for bandwidth caps, both by ISPs like Comcast and mobile carriers like AT&T, there is now a ceiling on how how much playtime gamers might end up with, which is where encoding technology like Otoy's ORBX could become quite important. The real indication of how successful these services will be is likely to come is in just a few years, when the next generation of home consoles comes out. Are gamers going to invest in something new, or spend their money on something that will be able to run those same software titles on one or more devices they already have? For PC gamers, who upgrade more often than console gamers, that decision could be here even sooner. UNDERSTANDING page 24


Technology/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

Footfeed Jumps into the Check-in Aggregation Game Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:10:34 PM

With a number of locationbased social networking applications currently available, and no clear winner as of yet, a micro-industry for universal check-in applications has sprung up, with several mobile apps available for the early adopter set. We've looked at a couple of these in the past, including the mobile Web application developed by the Brighkite team,, and GeoLorean, a check-in aggregator that features's functionality. Today, we're experimenting with a third: the oddly named, but feature-rich " Footfeed." Sponsor About Footfeed Footfeed is a universal check-in application for the iPhone (OS 3.1.3 or greater). The app supports the popular locationbased services Foursquare, Gowalla and Brightkite as well as the social networking site, Facebook. In theory, the app lets you

UNDERSTANDING continued from page 23

Related: Spawn Labs, a $200 piece of hardware that can stream video and controls from your home game console, and StreamMyGame which is a software client that can pipe over your PC games to another

check in to multiple services at the same time. From the company's homepage, a realtime feed of recent public check -ins shows that the app, for some, does function as advertised. In practice, however, I had issues with it not checking me in to services I had registered within the app's settings. Too Bad It's Buggy! Last night, for example, I checked into L.A. Fitness. I know the location exists in Foursquare because I've used the Foursquare native app to perform check-ins there in the past. However, even though I've associated Foursquare with Footfeed, it only checked me into Gowalla. I had to launch Foursquare separately and perform the check in there myself, defeating the purpose of having a universal app. Afterwards, I checked into a second location, but this time, the app didn't register the checkin on any service, it only registered it with Footfeed itself. On a separate occasion, that same location was registered

with Foursquare, but nothing else. I also had issues with Facebook. Although Facebook is associated with my Footfeed account and shows up in my list of applications on with all the proper permissions, it never posted any check-ins to my Facebook profile. (I'm assuming that's what the integration is for?) Needless to say, I'm really confused. Why isn't the app checking me to all the services? Isn't that the point? Features that Work It's a shame the app didn't work because beyond the check-in issues, there is a lot to like about

Footfeed and its accompanying web service. Once registered, you can sign into your account online and see a list of all your check-ins and stats with the various location-based services, including things like badges, mayorshsips, friend counts, pins, stamps, fans, etc. These stats are available within the mobile application too, which is a great feature. The mobile also app includes your history, a friend list, your friends' stream of check-ins, a list of favorite places and more. On the website, you can scroll back through your check-in history and browse through a huge listing of Footfeed users(although one that's in no particular order and not searchable at present). While it's great to see the aggregated list of check-ins from your friends within a mobile app, GeoLorean offers this too and the universal checkin functionality is supported by both it and the Web app,, where the feature works far more consistently. According to Footfeed's "About

Us" page, Twitter, Google Latitude and Whrrl check-ins will be supported soon. I'd recommend that the developers figure out the bugs first, before adding more services and certainly before making you pay for the app, as its iTunes page hints at. Negativities aside, it's worth noting that your mileage may vary when you try the app. I haven't tested Footfeed extensively using multiple iPhones, multiple OS versions or multiple locales. I've only used the iPhone 4. If you experience other results, let us know in the comments. I actually do hope that Footfeed can resolve its issues because a speedy universal mobile application would be handy...and it is fast- much faster than the Web app, for example. Footfeed is currently free from the iTunes App Store. An Android app is in the works. Discuss

Summer Cookbook computer. Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) See also: Hands-on with tools: PDF Newspaper, Full OnLive: Is this the future of PC Text RSS, Term Extraction. Healthy Grilled Burgers Find juicy burgers that are also gaming? good for you: not only beef, but Five Filters featured article: salmon, lamb, and turkey, too. Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the

Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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E-reader News Edition


Half Past a Freckle: The Software That Could Make You Wear a Watch Again Marshall Kirkpatrick (ReadWriteWeb)

best be consumed at a glance ones that are short, actionable and time sensitive, Geiser Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:41:26 PM argues. Think geolocation, Wristwatch and apparel maker T w i t t e r D M s , m e d i c a l o r Fossil is developing a new industrial alerts. "Imagine the watch with an open software hundreds of interruptions we're development kit (SDK) to allow going to get in the future," he any kind of notifications to be says. pushed by bluetooth from your "A watch is the world's greatest m o b i l e p h o n e t o a w a t c h glancable display but you need display. The company believes to be able to consume it all in a it could win the hearts of geeks glance. As a product team, we by combining programability, have to have a very healthy real-time data and fashion. respect for the Input/Output Could that get you wearing a c a p a c i t y o f y o u r d e v i c e . watch again? After hearing the Watches have little of both. But company's reasons why a watch for a particular kind of push could be best suited for certain notifications, a watch is a very types of notifications, I went cool place to consume those." from skeptical to definitely Right: Related. Google transit interested. Here's why Fossil geek Joe Hughes writes, "This is thinks a watch is what the real- my Sony Ericsson MBW-150 time web needs. bluetooth watch, showing the Sponsor next few SF Muni bus arrival We talked to Bill Geiser, Vice times for a nearby stop. The President of the Innovation code to fetch the arrival times is Team at Fossil, who's been running on my Droid phone, and working on bringing data communicating with the watch beyond the time to watches for u s i n g M a r c e l D o p i t a ' s years. Here's why he believes OpenWatch software for the the wristwatch is the ideal Android platform." interface for certain real-time I'm interested in locationnotifications. I find these bookmarking and geofencing. arguments compelling. Do you? Hit my phone whenever I'm Some types of notifications can near an important historical

landmark. Is there an historical photo available on Flickr of the place I'm at from more than 50 years ago? Has the intersection I'm standing at been in the news lately, for good or bad reasons? I'd like to glance at that info on my wrist, in case I want to view said photo or news stories on my phone. The possibilities are wide ranging. Add some internet of things data and you'll be able to see on your watch if your refrigerator is running, so you can go run after and catch it. Unlike a mobile phone, a watch's default display mode is on, Geiser points out. The forthcoming Fossil programmable watch will be an analog display with a little bit of digital space. Think of the opportunity and social cost of pulling out your phone and turning it on, compared to glancing at a watch display that's already on and at hand. That small difference in user

experience could have a big impact on our data consumption habits. Bill was in China when I DMd him on Twitter requesting an interview. His wristwatch vibrated, showed him my message and he got back to me almost immediately. "The rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated," Geiser says of the wristwatch industry. "People are saying the wristwatch will go the way of the buggy whip - in no way is that true. The mobile experience already isn't tied to one display. If I've got a hands free kit in my car, my car dashboard becomes a display for my phone. But if you're going to wear something, it had better look good. Our best days are in front of us because of these kinds of possibilities. The watch actually serves to create a very useful experience." The next Fossil programmable watch is still in development but will be available as a developers' preview before it hits the mass market. Discuss

Go Crazy With Patriotic Nail Art (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:00:00 PM

If dressing in red, white, and blue from head to toe isn’t your thing (we’re guessing it’s not), don't fret — there are alternative ways to express your patriotism. Like on your nails! In fact, there's no better way to get in the holiday spirit than by painting each and every nail a different color. Lacquers we like: Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Fast Dry Nail Color in Sonic Bloom (bright tomato-red), Priti Polish in White Dahlia (shimmering white), and Sephora Collection Glittering Nail Polish in Blue Sapphire (deep sparkly blue). Feeling especially artsy? Create stripes in seconds with Sally Hansen Nail Art Pens and if you really want to make it crystal clear just how much you love America, add rhinestone star decals for a dazzling finish. —EMILY HEBERT Photos (left to right): Courtesy of Sally Hansen, Priti Polish, and Sephora



E-reader News Edition

ASK continued from page 22

since the iPhone's runaway success began in 2007. It's been reported that Verizon originally turned down the exclusive rights to offer the phone due to unappealing demands from Apple. Earlier this week Bloomberg News reported that unnamed sources said Verizon Wireless will start selling Apple's iPhone in January. I don't think that's likely. Here's why: I think Apple is developing a 4G iPhone for Verizon's new network that is being built using a new technology called LTE. Because the technology is so new, there aren't any LTE products even on the market yet. Verizon plans to launch the network later this year. The first 4G products that will come to market will not be smartphones. They'll be data sticks that fit into laptops. Smartphones that have embedded LTE chips probably won't be available until at least the second half of 2011. So my guess is that Verizon will get a 4G iPhone in the middle of 2011.

Refurbished cell phones Dear Maggie, I recently lost my cell phone and I am not yet eligible for an upgrade. What do you think of the refurbished phones? I need to get a new cell phone and was checking them out online. But is it a good idea to get one? Thanks, Carla Dear Carla, Buying a refurbished phone is a lot like buying a used car. If you get a good one for the right price, it's a great deal. But if you get a dud or you pay too much for the device, you're going to be kicking yourself for not simply buying a new phone. The problem is that it's difficult to know whether the refurbished phone you're buying was simply returned because the previous owner couldn't figure out how to use all the bells and whistles, or because it was a defective product. Here are a few helpful hints for buying a refurbished phone. • Make sure you are buying the phone from a reputable retailer

that is authorized to sell new products from the same company that makes the refurbished phone you want to buy. • Only buy a refurbished phone from a retailer that offers a return or exchange policy in case you are not happy with the device. The minimum amount of time for exchanges should be 15 days. • Look for a retailer that offers an extended warranty. You don't have to buy the extended warranty, but if they're selling an extended warranty it might indicate that the company offers adequate support for devices it sells. All the major carriers offer refurbished phones as a way to get rid of older inventory. Since many carriers offer a 30-day return policy for new phones, it's a good bet that many of these phones have been lightly used. Some may not have been

used at all, but once the packaging is open, carriers can't sell them as new. There are also many independently owned companies that sell refurbished phones. Check out these retailers: R e C e l l u l a r . c o m , P h o n e D o g . c o m ,, and In addition to saving money, buying a refurbished phone is also good for the environment. Phones today include all kinds of potentially toxic material in the form of metals and plastics. So you can feel good about yourself for reusing something that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

A Sneak Preview of the Google Voice Desktop App [Phones] Adam Pash (Lifehacker) Submitted at 7/2/2010 10:30:00 AM

Tech news blog TechCrunch got its hands on what looks like a desktop Google Voice VoIP application. (Think Skype but by Google.) You can see the app, which is based on the Google-acquired Gizmo5 VoIP software, in action in the video above. There's still some uncertainty as to whether or not the desktop application will ever be released, but I would assume a lot of dedicated Voice users would love to give it a try. [ TechCrunch] More » Google- Google VoiceCompanies- Gizmo5Telecommunications

News Bites: Pajama Pants, Skinny Jeans & Sex in Seattle (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:00:00 AM

Would you wear pajama pants? A look at that dilemma, and the best of the bunch if you decide

the answer's "Yes." { Refinery29} Speaking of pants, Hudson's skinny stretch jeans are just about the best blue. Sounds like they fit well, too. { Clutch22} Behind on your summer tan?

Try one of these sunless tanners

to catch up in time for the 4th. { StyleBakery} Seattle, the proud home of Nirvana, Starbucks and Grey's Anatomy, is also full of the most outdoor sex in the country. { Gawker}

Pamela Love has big plans. She'd like to add housewares, shoes, bags and even wallpaper to her brand. { TheBusinessOfFashion}

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


Trent Reznor composing score for 'The Social Network'

GoodReader is bringing syncing back


TJ Luoma (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

probably hoping that the whole thing would turn out to be a big piece of cinematic Marshmallow The powerful array of talent Fluff that would tank at the box behind "The Social Network," office. But then the director was the upcoming movie about the revealed to be Fincher, who has origins of Facebook, continues helmed well-regarded films like to grow larger: Nine Inch Nails "Fight Club" and "Zodiac." front man Trent Reznor has F a c e b o o k C E O M a r k announced that he is composing Zuckerberg is portrayed by the film's score. young star on the rise Jesse "It's really f***ing good. And Eisenberg, with a supporting dark!" Reznor wrote in a post on cast that includes pop star Justin the Nine Inch Nails Web site on Timberlake and British actor Friday. "I'm happy to tell you A n d r e w G a r f i e l d , w h o ' s we're nearing the completion of currently all over entertainment this and I couldn't be happier news headlines because of the with how it's turned out. The recent announcement that he'll level of excellence that (director be the next onscreen SpiderDavid Fincher) operates on is Man. A minimalist teaser trailer inspiring and the entire process and well-designed poster for has been challenging and truly "The Social Network" are only enjoyable." drumming up more hype. This is likely another piece of Here's a little dose of irony: unfortunate news for Facebook, Last year, Reznor deleted his which did not sanction the Twitter account, announcing in creation of the film(or the book a b l o g p o s t t h a t h e w a s on which it's based) and was forsaking social networks Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:51:29 PM

Facebook Quiz (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

From Web-based applications to pokes, from photo uploads to With more than 250 million fan pages, there's something m e m b e r s a n d c o u n t i n g , about this social networking Facebook is one of the fastest- service that sucks people in and growing phenomenons to come won't let them go. What do you out of a college dorm room. know about Facebook?

altogether because "at the end of the day it's now doing more harm than good in the bigger picture and the experiment seems to have yielded a result. Idiots rule." He has, however, been a significant player in other forms of digital media, namely the struggle to help musicians make more money online. In a 2007 interview with CNET he said, "Should I be angry at the audience that wants to hear music so much, an audience that is so passionate about hearing it they go online to get it two weeks before the music debuts? No, I want them to be that way." Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 7/2/2010 3:00:00 PM

Filed under: iPhone, SDK, iPad GoodReader was one of a handful of apps which had figured out how to do USB syncing to iPhones, but their solution was in violation of Apple's iPhone SDK rules. Apple eventually required all 3rd party iPhone apps to remove this functionality. Some apps, like GoodReader, could sync via iTunes but it was very limited. Wi-Fi syncing was also an option, but it was slower and prone to configuration issues. GoodReader has released a free utility named GoodReaderUSB which, as the name implies to any who haven't suffered a traumatic blow to the head, allows you to connect to GoodReader via USB. The software is free and available for Windows (XP, Vista, and 7) and Mac OS X (10.4, 10.5, and 10.6). The interface is simple enough, Five Filters featured article: and if you have more than one Headshot - Propaganda, State iDevice you can connect more Religion and the Attack On the than one at a time. In my initial Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available testing it worked as expected. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full The UI is fairly straightforward Text RSS, Term Extraction. and allows for drag & drop

access, folder creation, and deletion. GoodReader is available for iPad and iPhone/iPod touch. There's a free "lite" version but the app is easily worth more than the $0.99 asking price. One of the "hidden gems" of GoodReader is that it's not just a reader, but will allow you to download just about any file to your iPhone or iPad by pasting in the URL. I use it for downloading PDFs and then sending them to iBooks on the iPad. TUAW GoodReader is bringing syncing back originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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E-reader News Edition

Rumor: Apple has a CDMA iPhone ready for Verizon

Apple Said to Redesign Apple TV

Dave Caolo (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Mike Melanson (ReadWriteWeb)

Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:00:00 PM

Filed under: iPhone Just as every new day is met with a rising sun, every Apple event elicits rumors of an iPhone carried by Verizon. Some believe that a Verizoncompatible iPhone already exists and is merely waiting for a deal to be finalized. Earlier this week, Bloomberg suggested that Verizon would debut its iPhone offering in January of 2011. AT&T has been the exclusive iPhone carrier it the US since its introduction in 2007. January is another six months away. What would be keeping this deal from going through? John Gruber of Daring Fireball believes it's not the hardware. You'll remember when Steve Jobs revealed that "...Mac OS X has been leading a secret, double life," and he announced the move to Intel chips. John believes that a Verizoncompatible iPhone has been quietly existing at Apple, receiving the same refinements and improvements as its brother

on AT&T. The Loop's Jim Dalrymple agrees with John, adding that ongoing negotiations are the current stalling point. "It's reasonable to assume," Jim writes, "that the two companies are in negotiations and the Bloomberg article is just another negotiating tactic, but I don't think a deal has been signed." Of course, they're both right. It wouldn't make any sense for Apple to finalize a deal with

Verizon and then run around like a bunch of headless chickens to get a piece of hardware out the door. Speaking of that deal, Apple is in a great position. The iPhone continues to sell phenomenally well, and since the beginning fans have expressed an interest in the iPhone on Verizon. Steve Jobs is notorious for hard -line negotiations. It's reasonable to assume that's where the Verizon deal is currently mired. [Another possibility is that the Verizon iPhone in the underground labs is an LTE/ CDMA hybrid device, and Verizon would use it as the flagship 4G phone for the network in the same way that Sprint is currently promoting the EVO 4G Android phone. -Ed.] TUAW Rumor: Apple has a CDMA iPhone ready for Verizon originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:10:00 AM

One way or another, the Internet is coming to your television viewing experience. Whether it's talking to friends and family using Skype, keeping up with the world using Yahoo's widgets for Blu-Ray devices or searching the Web with Google TV, the Internet is here to smarten up your idiot box experience, and it sounds like Apple is looking to jump back on the bandwagon. According to the New York Times' Bits Blog, Apple's oncedescribed "hobby" might be "heading for a major overhaul". Sponsor The current incarnation of Apple TV sells for $229 with 16 GB, though a late-May rumor posited that a$99 version was soon on the way. The Bits Blog's Nick Bilton seems rather uncertain on the details, but one thing it seems certain on is that something is surely brewing at Apple headquarters. It cites "several

Video: Jennifer Aniston Out With New Mystery Man Molly (PopSugar) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:15:00 PM

Jennifer Aniston leaves dinner Thursday night in the passenger seat of a mystery man's car, sparking talk that the A-lister

has a new man in her life.

people familiar with Apple's television-related efforts" as saying that the company is, at very least, "working on an update to its television software" which it might base on its new iOS operating system. Another source tells Bilton that hiring moves at Apple, among other clues, could indicate a new design entirely, not only for the software, but hardware element of Apple's television endeavor. Could this all be tied to Apple's move to the cloud? Maybe this $99 device will eliminate storage to drop some of its current price tag? Whatever happens, we're willing to bet that Jobs no longer views Apple TV as a hobby, as the Internet-connected television race has been heating up all year long and only got hotter with Google's entry. Discuss

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Desktop Virtualization with MokaFive Audrey Watters (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 7/2/2010 3:15:07 PM

As we become more and more accustomed to storing and accessing information via the cloud, it's likely that we'll see increased pressures on IT departments to help manage, control and facilitate employees' access to information - not just on their work stations, but on any number of personal and company computing devices. According to Punima Padmanabhan, Vice President of Products for MokaFive, desktop virtualization will help address what she sees as a growing trend, BYOC - Bring Your Own Computer. And while virtual desktop solutions aren't new, MokaFive is evangelizing their platform-agnostic solution for client-side, rather than serverside implementation.

MokaFiveSuite addresses many of these issues, allowing IT departments to manage the delivery of secure virtual Sponsor Spurred in part by the rising environments. Called LivePC, p o p u l a r i t y o f p e r s o n a l these images run locally, so endsmartphones, more and more users download a secure virtual employees want to be able to desktop that can be run on any utilize their own computing computer - Windows or Mac devices - phones, netbooks, and that can also be launched laptops - in lieu of company- from a mobile device or USB i s s u e d o n e s . " K n o w l e d g e stick. Updates and patches can workers don't want to be locked be made to a single golden down," says Padmanabhan, i m a g e t h a t M o k a F i v e c a n arguing that more and more distribute to each LivePC. The employees want to have the product allows on- and offline f l e x i b i l i t y t o c h o o s e t h e access, as well as a singlehardware they use at work, and button recovery from viruses in some cases, use their own and malware. computing devices rather than MokaFive recently received $21 million in Series C funding, company-issued ones. But this raises a lot of questions with investment from NGEN for IT: security, software Partners, Khosla Ventures and installation and updates, support Highland Capital Partners. Competitors include Citrix, requests. MokaFive's flagship product RingCube and vThere. Discuss

IBM Dives Back Into Water Cooling Supercomputers To Save Energy Matylda Czarnecka (TechCrunch) Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:07:50 PM

Today, IBM delivered its first Aquasar supercomputer, which is cooled by water, to a Swiss technology institute. The system needs 40% less energy to run than air-cooled machines, and the waste heat it produces can be used to warm buildings. The system works thanks to micro-channel liquid coolers that are attached directly to processors, one of the biggest culprits of computer heat generation. IBM says water is 4,000 times more efficient at removing heat than air. In the past, water was commonly used to cool mainframes and other large computing systems, but typically that water was kept at low temperatures. Interestingly, the water used to cool the Aquasar system is warm, around 140 degrees F. This works because it’s still cool

Accessories Style: Valentino’s Chic Stud (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:31:50 PM

The Valentino Fall/Winter ‘10 shoe collection championed two important points for Fall: the

return of the lady-like pointed toe and the clean, lessaggressive, use of studs. The combination of both thoughts work to create a shoe collection that delivers a healthy dose of Hitchcockian femme fatale for

next Fall.


Valentino Garavani Studded Sling Back, $1195, available at Valentino Boutiques 212.772.6969 --KATE DAVIDSON HUDSON

enough to capture enough heat from processors to keep them below their 185 degree F max. The water exits the system at about 149 degrees F, and can be used to heat buildings in which it is hosted. IBM’s technology could help reduce energy costs to data centers, which use up to 50% of their energy consumption on air cooling systems to prevent processor over-heating. It could also reduce the initial costs of setting up a data center, allowing companies to pay to cool each machine as they’re added instead of needing to cool an entire room regardless of the number of machines in it. CrunchBase Information IBM Information provided by CrunchBase


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E-reader News Edition

Trent Reznor To Score Facebook Movie. “It’s Really F*cking Good. And Dark!” MG Siegler (TechCrunch) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:49:55 PM

I’ve never been quite sure what to make of the upcoming Facebook movie, The Social Network. On one hand, the talent behind the camera is pretty amazing. The screenplay was written by Aaron Sorkin(of West Wing, and A Few Good Men fame). And it’s being directed by David Fincher (of Fight Club and Seven fame). On the other hand, it’s a movie about Facebook. And the trailer is a bit cheesy. But some news today may have put me over the edge towards being very intrigued by it. As he announces on the official Nine Inch Nails site, Trent Reznor will be doing the score for the film. It seems as if there’s entirely too much talent behind this movie now for it to fail — or at least, for it to be awful.

Writes Reznor: I was planning on taking some time off after the continual waves of touring that ended last fall and spend this year experimenting around with what would become How To Destroy Angels and some new NIN. Well, that plan didn’t work out

so well. David Fincher started inquiring about my interest in scoring his upcoming film, The Social Network. Yeah, the movie about the founding of Facebook. I’ve always loved David’s work but quite honestly I wondered what would draw him to tell that story. When I

actually read the script and realized what he was up to, I said goodbye to that free time I had planned. Atticus Ross and I have been on a creative roll so I asked him if he wanted to work on this with me and we signed on. Reznor goes on to note that the score is just about complete now and that he “ couldn’t be happier with how it’s turned out.” He hints that he and Ross may even release two records based on the scoring work they did for the film, and that they’ll release the music a couple weeks before the film’s October 1 release date. But back to the movie. Can it really be any good? “ It’s really fucking good. And dark!,” writes Reznor. This from the guy who made the video for “Closer.” Sold. [photo: flickr/ Burns!] CrunchBase Information Facebook Information provided by CrunchBase

Learn About and Prepare for a Behavioral Job Interview [Job Interviews] Adam Pash (Lifehacker) Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:30:00 AM

Typical job interview questions—like "What are your strengths?"—are relatively easy to answer. The behavioral job interview takes a different approach, requiring, for example, concrete answers exemplifying your strengths. Without the right preparation, they can catch you off guard. More » Job interview- EmploymentBusiness- Job Search- Interview Advice

Command key USB stick Dave Caolo (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM

Filed under: Mods Here's an awesome little tidbit. Apple fan Laurent Bourrelly, who runs pomme-c, was rooting though

his pile of Apple goodies when inspiration struck. Why not build a USB flash storage device out of a spare key? The result is the gizmo you see at right: a USB Command key. If you'd like to build your own, step-by-step instructions here. If you can follow Lauent's simple

French isn't your thing, check out Google's English translation. Actually, the photos alone are clear enough, so you probably don't even need to worry about the written instructions. Well done, Laurent! We love it. TUAW Command key USB

stick originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Yahoo Search Suggestions Go Near Real-Time Mike Melanson (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:18:00 PM

Much like Google's Suggest feature, Yahoo offers suggestions, as you type, for popular search queries with a feature called " Search Assist". Today, Yahoo announced that it is trying to make its own feature that much more useful by offering near real-time suggestions when you enter a phrase into the search box. Unlike Google, however, it looks like Yahoo gives time relevance a higher priority in its suggestion algorithm, separating the two suggestion services. Sponsor Yahoo offers an example of the new functionality in its blog post. Typing "Netherlands vs." into Yahoo this morning will give a number of suggestions,

the first of which is "Netherlands vs. Brazil", today's game. Google, on the other hand, offers "Netherlands vs. Mexico" as its first suggestion, never actually offering today's game in the search suggestions. The implication here is that Yahoo suggests the most relevant information based on what's going on, right now, while Google suggests a search based on the number of searches, which could be hours or even days old. The fact that today's match doesn't even make

the radar of Google Suggest is telling in how the two services differ. Yahoo said that it will also offer similar near real-time suggestions in Yahoo News search, an obvious use for realtime search suggestions. While Yahoo has increased the importance of real-time information in its search suggestions, Google recently took a similar step, but instead focused on localizaing its suggestions. We have to wonder when all of the real-time information made available to Yahoo through a number of websites - including Facebook, Buzz, Flickr, YouTube, Delicious and more will make its way into its Search Assist results, if it hasn't already. Discuss


Pandora Founder Tells Charlie Rose The iPhone “Almost Doubled” Growth “Overnight” Erick Schonfeld (TechCrunch) Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:46:28 PM

With more than 50 million users and a recent infusion of cash, music streaming service Pandora is really hitting its stride. Founder Tim Westergren had his Charlie Rose moment last night, and one thing that really cam ethrough was how important the iPhone is to Pandora. “It is impossible to overstate” its impact, saays Westergren. When the iPhone app launched in 2008, it was an i nstant hit, and it “almost doubled” Pandora’s growth rate “overnight,” says Westergren. But more than that, it freed up Pandora users from being

chained to their desks. Now with the ability to run in the background, its usage on the iPhone should continue to soar. In the first clip below, Westergren talks about Pandora’s iPhone and the iPad strategies. In the second clip, he explains to Rose, Pandora’s underlying Music Genome project. You can watch the full interview here. CrunchBase Information Pandora Charlie Rose Information provided by CrunchBase

Yellowing issues with the iPhone 4's camera Dave Caolo (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

flash have a predominately yellow hue. This typically happens when a digital camera Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:00:00 AM has trouble reading the type of Filed under: iPhone There's light in a given environment. more trouble for the iPhone 4. As Macworld explains, all Some users are reporting that types of light -- fluorescent poor white balance is affecting light, sunlight, tungsten bulbs, s o m e o f t h e i r p h o t o s ; etc. -- create different hues in specifically, indoor shots taken, p h o t o g r a p h s . T h e d i g i t a l hues are present and calibrate both, with and without the LED camera's job is to notice which accordingly (that's a rough

overview, but you get the idea). You can see the yellowing in the photo above, which shows the same photograph taken with an iPhone 3G, an iPhone 3GS, an iPhone 4, and a Canon 5D. Apple has not yet responded to Macworld's inquiries about the issue, but we'll let you know if and when they do. In the meantime, have you seen this

issue? TUAW Yellowing issues with the iPhone 4's camera originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


Technology/ Economy/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

Facebook Unveils Suggested Interests List Leena Rao (TechCrunch) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:29:44 PM

Facebook already suggests pages to members based on the pages that their friends are engaging with in their network. But today, Facebook is now helping new members curate their interests as soon as they join the network. Now, any new member will see a list of Pages that other people in a similar demographic to them also commonly like. Facebook says that it will only suggest Pages of people and organizations that are actually seeing engagement on the network. The new feature is powered by an algorithm, assures Facebook engineer Ziqing Mao, so the suggestions are not sponsored. It’s also unclear what demographic considerations Facebook is evaluating when making suggestions to new members. Unsurprisingly, the new feature resembles a functionality on Twitter. It’s similar in theory to Twitter’s suggested user list, which shows a list of suggested users to follow based on topic. Like Facebook’s pages

Bad Unemployment Numbers Hit The Markets: Here Are The 10 Trades To Watch Right Now Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:01:46 PM

suggestions, Twitter’s suggestions are based on an algorithm that determines who users are engaging with on the microblogging network. And on Facebook’s suggested list, you can choose to like all of the suggestions Twitter’s Suggested User List hasbeen controversial, because it guaranteed anyone on it hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers. Facebook’s new feature is expected to have

Right now, markets are slowing down and getting ready for the July 4th weekend. But that doesn't mean they didn't take this morning's poor jobs data into consideration. the same effect. In January, • Dow down 0.72% Twitter actually changed its • S&P 500 down 0.66% suggested user list format from • NASDAQ down 0.63% just a list of users to suggestions • FTSE 100 up 0.67% based on topic. This could be • DAX down 0.40% something that Facebook might • CAC 40 up 0.25% explore in the future to make suggestions of Pages more Economic worries: Crude oil streamlined (and less random) down 1.62% SPDR Semiconductor ETF for users. CrunchBase I n f o r m a t i o n F a c e b o o k battered Information provided by CrunchBase

Essential Grilling Guide (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Healthy Grilled Burgers

Find juicy burgers that are also good for you: not only beef, but salmon, lamb, and turkey, too.

Five Filters featured article: Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Headshot - Propaganda, State tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Religion and the Attack On the Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Dollar dismal: Euro performing, up 0.17% iPhone issues: Apple Worries leading to Gold, up 0.65% Banks not performing well: SPDR bank ETF Speculation over acquisition: Sanofi-Aventis World Cup Loser, ETF Winner: Brazil And Brazil's winning oil company, Petrobras World Cup Winner, ETF Loser: Netherlands Don't miss... 12 charts about the overall state of the labor market > Join the conversation about this story »

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Microsoft's Kin gets tribute site (CNET Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:55:35 PM

Microsoft's Kin only survived a few weeks, but a tribute Web site has been set up to make sure that Redmond's phones are not soon forgotten. The Kin Two, seen here in happier days.(Credit: CNET) The site features pictures of the twin phones as well as places for people to leave their own testimonials and light a virtual candle to the social-media oriented phone that Microsoft discontinued earlier this week. And be sure to have the sound turned on to hear the incredibly sappy rendition of "Gone Too Soon." "It was the Pontiac Aztec of cell phones," wrote Mark Cordova in one tribute. "It will be missed." The Kin memorial site is the brainchild of Shmuel Tennenhaus, a Seattle native who has created sites in the past

Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:30:00 PM

Fourth of July weekend always brings out bikinis, BBQs, and beach parties! So while the stars are hitting the sand to celebrate Independence Day, we're taking a look back at some of the fun

Daily Dose: Help for OCD Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog)

repetitive behaviors or rituals in an effort to quell that anxiety. There are many different types Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:00:00 PM of obsessions and compulsions: A few weeks ago I wrote about You've probably heard the seeing an episode of the OCD e x a m p l e o f s o m e o n e w h o Project and wondering if the washes her hands incessantly treatment shown was typical or because she's deathly afraid of being sensationalized for TV. germs. Another OCD sufferer Some of you were upset that I might be convinced that her would even question what was house will burn down if she being broadcast, and others were doesn't go back 200 times to dismayed that I only had check that the toaster is turned questions (not answers). So off. Or she might do something s u c h a s A s k a J e w , be remembered for a long time," today I'm back to present you t h a t s e e m s c o m p l e t e l y v a n i t y k i p p a h . c o m , a n d Tennenhaus said in an e-mail with some facts. I spoke with unrelated—like spin around in, a mashup of interview. "So, I spent $10 and Dr. Jeff Szymanski, executive circles 3 times every time she Microsoft's search engine and 15 minutes creating an easy director of the International leaves the house to "prevent" it Don King's hair. place for people to light a candle O C D F o u n d a t i o n , a n d h e from burning down. These fears Tennenhaus said he didn't have in memory." provided me with some great a n d b e h a v i o r s m a y s e e m a Kin himself, nor did he know Five Filters featured article: information about how to treat irrational to other people, but anyone personally with one. (He Headshot - Propaganda, State OCD and also how to evaluate t h e y c a u s e c r u s h i n g a n d said he did know someone who Religion and the Attack On the various reality shows (like the o v e r w h e l m i n g a n x i e t y i n knew someone who had one, but Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available OCD Project on VH1 and someone with OCD, explains they worked on the Kin team). tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Obsessed on A&E) that depict Dr. Szymanski. "Kin lived a short life, but it will Text RSS, Term Extraction. the condition. First, some What's the best treatment? basics... Five Filters featured article: What is OCD? Headshot - Propaganda, State Obessive compulsive disorder Religion and the Attack On the (OCD) is a condition in which Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available someone is plagued by anxiety- tools: PDF Newspaper, Full provoking intrusive thoughts or Text RSS, Term Extraction. beach, while Heidi Montag and images and then practices Spencer Pratt dressed for a marathon and Suri Cruise had fun with flags - click through to see the stars having on Fourth of Julys past! View Slideshow › they've had in years past. Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey played at the

Stars' Fourth of July Fun From Years Past! PopSugar (PopSugar)



Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Yahoo Releases Mail, Messenger, and Search Apps for Android [Downloads] Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker) Submitted at 7/2/2010 10:00:00 AM

1&1's 7-inch SmartPad is the most unlikely Android tablet you'll ever see Darren Murph (Engadget)

SmartPad is a 7-inch, touchscreen-based slate that'll eventually support Android We knew at Computex that 2.2(v1.6 will be pre-installed), t a b l e t s w e r e o n t r a c k t o and there's also inbuilt WiFi and completely take over the world, an optional 3G module for those but now it's official: a German looking to "stay connected." It internet provider has just seems as if the company is still revealed that it'll soon be h a m m e r i n g o u t t h e f i n a l offering a branded tablet PC of specifications, but we are told to its own. You heard right -- a expect an SD card reader (2GB German ISP is making a tablet. will be included), a USB socket, T h e d e l i g h t f u l l y n a m e d a 500MHz ARM11 processor, Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:44:00 PM

256MB of RAM and a proprietary app store that'll undoubtedly enrage you. According to the promotional video hosted just past the break, it should ship later this month for precisely nothing so long as you pick up a data plan to go alongside of it. 'Course, getting one outside of Deutschland is another challenge entirely... Continue reading 1&1's 7-inch SmartPad is the most unlikely

Android tablet you'll ever see 1&1's 7-inch SmartPad is the most unlikely Android tablet you'll ever see originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 13:44:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Slashgear| MobiFlip| Email this| Comments

Android: Arguably one of the best parts about Google's Android OS is the native Gmail app, with all of Gmail's unique features. Now Yahoo users can get the same experience on Android, with native Mail and Messenger apps plus a search widget. More Âť Yahoo- Google- Yahoo Messenger- Android- Instant messaging

HP ePrint really works: eMails and attachments printed from the cloud (video)

We don't blame you page 35 if you RichardEPRINT Lai (Engadget) missed this the first time round,

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


Brite-View launches CinemaGo BV-5005HD Mini CG HD media player Darren Murph (Engadget) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:51:00 PM

Brite-View's CinemaTube may have sufficed just fine for your home entertainment needs last year, but there's nothing like a little "Special Edition" to really get the gears turning in 2010. Launched today, the CinemaGo BV-5005HD Mini CG is mostly a revamped version of the CinemaTube BV-5005HD, boasting an eSATA interface, USB 2.0 socket, inbuilt WiFi, a BitTorrent manager and access to MUZEE internet radio

channels. As you'd expect, the box is built to handle 1080p output and a cornucopia of file formats including MOV, WMV, MKV, AVI, VOB, DIVX, FLV and RMVB, and content can be

delivered via locally attached hard drives or a home network / web connection. Best of all, the $149.99 MSRP is being trumped by a $109.99 pre-order price if you get in now, so

smartphones and tablets. So how does one go about setting up this bad boy? According to our sister site, you must first register your printer on HP's ePrintCenter website to obtain a randomlygenerated email address (don't worry, you can always get a new one if necessary), and then you're good to go, literally. Read on to find out if ePrint's as straightforward as it sounds. Continue reading HP ePrint really works: eMails and attachments printed from the

cloud (video) HP ePrint really works: eMails and attachments printed from the cloud (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 14:07:00 EDT. Please Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker) see our terms for use of feeds. Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:00:00 PM Permalink| Engadget Chinese| Android: One thing that the Email this| Comments iPhone 3GS and up inarguably has over Android is voiceactivated search of your music library. Almost Hands Free library. More Âť brings this feature to Android, Android- Handhelds- IPhoneso you can avoid endless Smartphone- iPhone 3G scrolling through your music

EPRINT continued from page 34

but HP's ePrint service is probably best seen in action anyway. Fortunately, our brethren over at Engadget Chinese had the opportunity to play with these new webconnected printers recently. The idea is that each ePrint printer gets a unique email address, meaning you can send in a document from any emailenabled device to get it printed, thus eliminating the hassle of finding a computer and drivers or installing an app on certain

really, you should probably get in now. Unless you hate saving money. Continue reading Brite-View launches CinemaGo BV5005HD Mini CG HD media player Brite-View launches CinemaGo BV-5005HD Mini CG HD media player originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 14:51:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Brite-View| Email this| Comments

Almost Hands Free is a Voice-Activated Music App for Android [Downloads]


Technology/ Culture/ Politics/

E-reader News Edition

Chase Mobile iPhone app update: DIY Universal picture your paycheck deposited, and Headphone Volume it's there Control [DIY] Darren Murph (Engadget)

Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker)

Submitted at 7/2/2010 3:41:00 PM

Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:00:00 AM

bad you can't just cut checks to yourself and live the life those goofy TV ads push so hard, but While JPMorgan Chase & Co. hey, at least you're one step certainly isn't the first bank to closer to pretending. do this -- USAA has allowed its [Thanks to everyone who sent members to deposit checks by this in] snapspot for just under a year Chase Mobile iPhone app now -- it's definitely the first update: picture your paycheck major public bank to bring this deposited, and it's there stuff to the mainstream. A originally appeared on Engadget recent update to the Chase on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:41:00 Mobile iPhone app enables EDT. Please see our terms for customers to photograph the on it, obviously) they choose. u s e o f f e e d s . P e r m a l i n k front and back of checks made Better still, the service is Mac|Life| Chase| Email this| out to them and then have it completely free of charge, Comments deposited directly into whatever though it's limited to Apple's Chase account (with their name platform at the moment. Too

A lot of headphones today come with volume control built in on the wire. If your headphones didn't, though, you Headphones- Audio- Shoppingcan craft your own with a few Consumer Electronics- Business basic, salvagable electronics. More »

Guys With All The Right Stuff Ricky Trotman (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

Designated Daughter: July Driveway Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:00:00 PM

This one’s going to be really different. This one’s going to be present meets past. This one celebrates independence, but, as families go, dependence, too. My aunt and uncle lived in a lovely white house on a street in the middle of our town. My grandmother lived in the house before them. This house was the spot for family celebrations before I was born.

On the Fourth of July, this small community is family, and the house is on the parade route. Everyone we know stopped at my aunt and uncle’s driveway to grab coffee or a donut and wave the red, white and blue. First children were shown off, then grandchildren, then pictures of great grandchildren. High school reunions take place over the holiday and the different classes participate on floats. For Fourths, forever, for years, you could stand on this driveway, and see your world the way it

used to be, yet continue to watch it growing. When my beloved uncle died, the world shrunk a great deal. This was my mother’s brother. They loved each other so much. He died in the winter. When summer rolled around again, my aunt, a brave and determined woman, knew the community depended on the spirit of the driveway. She held the last Fourth of July shebang and we gathered, celebrated and mourned. My aunt moved to a beautiful

Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:00:24 PM

condominium. The white house, as well as the driveway, belongs to another family. I’m not sure what their Fourth of July plans are. I’m not sure what mine are, either. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Tags: Carl Levin, John McCain, New START, nuclear weapons, Russia You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Policy/ TV/

E-reader News Edition


Byrd Tributes Go Overboard (AEI.Org: Articles)

in need of vital reform, according to all of the usual voices. John Podesta, president It is a good rule of thumb not to of the Center for American speak ill of the dead. But what P r o g r e s s a n d a s o r t o f to do when a man is celebrated archbishop of liberalism these beyond the limits of decorum or d a y s , d r e w o n h i s d e e p common sense? Must we stay command of political theory and silent as others celebrate the social science to explain that the beauty and splendor of the American political system emperor's invisible clothes? "sucks," in significant part due You probably know why I ask to the unwieldiness of the the question. Robert Byrd, the Senate. longest-serving member of the Well, who better represented Senate in American history, died t h o s e a l l e g e d s t r u c t u r a l M o n d a y . I t w a s t r u l y a problems than Byrd? Nearly remarkable career. But what's every obituary celebrates his more remarkable is how he has "mastery" of the rules. This is been lionized by the champions from the first paragraph of the of liberalism. Washington Post's obituary: On Thursday, Byrd's colleagues B y r d " u s e d h i s m a s t e r f u l t o o k t h e u n u s u a l s t e p o f knowledge of the institution to honoring him with a special shape the federal budget, protect service on the Senate floor, the procedural rules of the where he would lay in repose-- Senate and, above all else, tend with some irony--on the Lincoln to the interests of his state." Catafalque, the bier used to hold Yes, what about his tending to the slain body of the president his state's interests? For several who freed the slaves. The irony years there's been a lot of stems from the fact that for bipartisan indignation over the m u c h o f B y r d ' s l i f e , h i s perfidy of pork and "earmarks." allegiances were with Lincoln's Who, pray tell, better opponents in that effort. More represented that practice than on that in a moment. Byrd? The man emptied Not long ago, the assembled Washington of money and f o r c e s o f l i b e r a l i s m w e r e resources with an alacrity and convinced that the Senate was determination not seen since the "broken," that the anachronistic evacuation of Dunkirk. There filibuster impeded progress. The are too many of these Byrd Senate itself, with its arcane droppings in West Virginia to rules and procedures, had count, but we do know there are become undemocratic and was at least 30 buildings and other Submitted at 7/1/2010 6:00:00 PM

structures in that state named for him. So much for Democrats' getting the message that Americans are sick of selfaggrandizing politicians. And so much for the idea that Washington has become calcified by a permanent political class. Better to celebrate the fact that he cast his 18,000th vote in 2007. And then, of course, there is the issue of race. The common interpretation is that Byrd's is a story of redemption. A one-time Exalted Cyclops of the KKK, Byrd recruited some 150 members to the chapter he led-that's led, not "joined," by the way. (If you doubt his commitment to the cause, try to recruit 150 people to do anything, never mind have them pay a hefty fee up front.) Byrd filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. As Bruce Bartlett notes in his book Wrong on Race, Byrd knew he would fail, but he stood on bedrock principle that integration was evil. His individual filibuster, the second longest in American history, fills 86 pages of fine print in the Congressional Record. "Only a true believer," writes Bartlett, "would ever undertake such a futile effort." Unlike some segregationists', Byrd's arguments rested less on the principle of states' rights than on his conviction that black people were simply biologically

inferior. Sure, he lied for years about his repudiation of the Klan. Sure, he was still referring to "white niggers" as recently as 2001. But everyone agrees his change of heart is sincere. And for all I know, it was. What's odd is what passes for proof of his sincerity. Yes, he voted to make Martin Luther King Day a holiday. But to listen to some eulogizers, the real proof came in the fact that he supported ever more lavish government programs--and opposed the Iraq War. Am I alone in taking offense at the idea that supporting big government and opposing the Iraq War somehow count as proof of racial enlightenment? Robert Byrd was a complicated man, but the explanation for the outsized celebration of his career strikes me as far more simple. He was a powerful man who abandoned his bigoted principles in order to keep power. And his party loved him for it. Jonah Goldberg is a visiting fellow at AEI. Photo credit: iStockphoto/ dra_schwartz. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Spoilers Anonymous: 'Brothers & Sisters,' 'Castle' and More! Isabelle Carreau (TV Squad) Submitted at 7/2/2010 8:00:00 AM

Filed under: Spoilers, Fall TV This is Spoilers Anonymous, a weekly column here at TV Squad where we supply you with the dirt on some of the more popular shows on the air. We'll never put spoilers up here on the main page in order to help the reformed stay unspoiled. If you have anything to add to the group, feel free to step up and let yourself be heard, either with our tips form or by e-mailing us at Your anonymity is guaranteed, if you wish to remain as such. This week we have spoilers for:'90210,' 'Brothers & Sisters,' 'Castle,' 'Criminal Minds,' 'Desperate Housewives,' 'Dexter,' 'Entourage,' 'Eureka,' 'Gossip Girl,' 'House,' 'Psych,' 'Smallville,' 'Supernatural,' and 'The Vampire Diaries.' Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments


Policy/ TV/

E-reader News Edition

Russian Spy Case in a Word: Bizarre (AEI.Org: Articles)

Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov have responded cautiously so Monday, the U.S. Justice far, though the Kremlin's Department accused 11 people p a t i e n c e f o r e s p i o n a g e of spying for the Russian accusations--true or false--is Federation. The formal charge is notoriously thin. " c o n s p i r a c y t o a c t a s The feds now have 11 people in unregistered agents of a foreign custody who might be guilty of government," and nine of the receiving money and passing it defendants are also charged with between each other illegally. "conspiracy to commit money The "unregistered foreign laundering." These arrests a g e n t s " c h a r g e c a r r i e s a follow a multi-year investigation maximum penalty of only five by the FBI, the U.S. Attorney's years in prison. The details of O f f i c e , a n d t h e J u s t i c e the money laundering are almost Department's National Security c o m i c a l . W e h a v e p e o p l e Division. burying bags of cash in roadside Having spent so much time ditches, marked by dirty beer following these 11 people, b o t t l e s . T h e r e a r e b a g b u g g i n g t h e i r h o u s e s a n d exchanges in public parks, and secretly scanning their home dollar-filled fanny packs. The electronics, U.S. authorities s e c r e c y w i t h w h i c h t h e s e have at last brought down the individuals operated has the hammer--hours after Russian appearance of a (bad) spy novel, President Dmitry Medvedev left but the results of this conspiracy North American airspace and are closer to Naked Gun than days after a warmly received James Bond. Indeed, one of the visit to California and top-secret communiqués W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . T h i s intercepted includes complaints international scandal comes about the low quality of their during a period of "reset" reporting. "They tell me that my dizziness--as the United States information is of no value commits to Russian entry into because I didn't provide any the World Trade Organization, source," one suspect tells Russia agrees to renew U.S. a n o t h e r . " P u t d o w n a n y poultry imports, and both p o l i t i c i a n ! " s h e a n s w e r s . nations come nearer to ratifying These "sleeper agents" or the New START treaty on arms "moles," as they used to be reductions. called during the Cold War, R u s s i a n P r i m e M i n i s t e r residents of the U.S. for years-Submitted at 7/1/2010 6:00:00 PM

some of whom have even had children here, apparently to improve their "cover"--are hardly the super spies either of fiction or the past. From what we know thus far, it appears that this was a "softer" wide-net operation of what they used to call "sleeper" agents. Its design was not to ferret out the "hard" secrets (à la notorious spies Aldrich Ames or Robert Hanssen), but to see how policy is made--how the government interacts with Congress and think tanks. This is not about silent engines for nuclear subs, anti-submarine warfare plans, or torpedo designs, but about how the U.S. manages to revolutionalize its technology--a keen interest underscored by Medvedev's visit to Silicon Valley last week. In other words, both in the political and technological sides of the operation, Russians here appear to be not after the sausage, but sausage-making. And speaking of sausages (all right, hamburgers), one wonders if chatting with President Obama in an Arlington joint was Medvedev's contribution to the operation. In a sense, this is more sophisticated "research" than we have been used to from Moscow. Still, the entire thing is a bit bizarre. What are their diplomats for? And why didn't

they just read the New York Times or the Washington Post, or simply ride the D.C. conference circuit. The impact on U.S.-Russian relations is likely to be minimal. If Ames or Hanssen (who were paid millions) did not cause upheavals, this graduate-school type of operation is very unlikely to. Countries, even friendly ones, engage in this sort of thing all the time, we are likely to be told. True enough, except for a typical Soviet-like overkill with the thickness of the "cover." The only--minor-intrigue is why the arrests so shortly after Medvedev's visit? Are we going to hear from Moscow about the "reactionary forces" again at work trying to undermine the fragile détente of the "reset"? Stay tuned. Leon Aron is a resident scholar and the director of Russian Studies at AEI. Kevin Rothrock is Research Associate in Russian Studies. Photo credit: White House photo by Pete Souza Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Exclusive: Watch a Sneak Peek of The Closer Season Premiere ( Breaking News) Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:25:00 AM

The Closer Change will do you good — unless you're Provenza. On the new season of The Closer(premieres July 12 at 9/8c on TNT), the Major Crimes Division moves into new swanky digs, much to the chagrin of Provenza ( G.W. Bailey), who's having some separation anxiety from the team's old HQ. See photos from The Closer Check out the exclusive clip below to hear the old-timer lieutenant's grievances — and find out what "the longest relationship of [his] adult life" is. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

E-reader News Edition



Chinese Real Estate May Have Bubbles, But It Is Not A Bubble Mark Mobius (The Money Game)

the Chinese government holds over US$800 billion in U.S. Treasuries, which, in a way, Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:18:00 PM limits the flexibility of the (This post originally appeared renminbi. A sharp movement in on the author's blog, at Franklin its value in either direction Templeton Investments.) could potentially hurt either Developments over the last few party, foreign or Chinese. weeks have once again brought D o m e s t i c a l l y , I t h i n k t h e China into focus. China recently Chinese authorities realize that, a n n o u n c e d t h a t i t w o u l d over the longer term, a stronger increase the flexibility of its currency may be beneficial currency, the renminbi (RMB). I b e c a u s e o f t h e c o u n t r y ’ s recently said that an impending increasing raw material and renminbi appreciation should c o m m o d i t y i m p o r t s . T h e not have a dramatic impact on People’s Bank of China also Chinese stock markets since the recognizes that it could use the exchange rate change was likely exchange rate as a tool to to be gradual. Indeed, from our control inflation, which has been o b s e r v a t i o n s s i n c e t h e rising in recent months, instead announcement, the currency’s of increasing interest rates. rise is likely to be gentle and China is a net importer of controlled as the Chinese commodities, even though some authorities carefully monitor its Chinese companies are major movement. producers. Higher prices may Since we expect the exchange have a downward impetus on rate change to be gradual, this commodity companies in China move does not dramatically but are not likely to dampen change our overall outlook on growth, since they are able to Chinese stocks, which we think pay these higher prices as the should perform well in the d e m a n d f o r c o m m o d i t i e s medium term. We are still able continues to increase. The t o s e l e c t i v e l y f i n d s o m e greater risk is price volatility, a t t r a c t i v e s t o c k s o n a n since it plays havoc with individual basis, with companies companies’ efforts to schedule related to the commodities and production. We must recognize the consumer products and that prices are likely to remain services sectors seeming to offer volatile in the short term as long more interesting opportunities. as uncertainty in the markets It is important to remember that continues. But in the long term,

major coastal cities of Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. But those cities represent only about 8% of the national urban population and 8% of total residential property sales by floor space. 1 More than 150 other cities have a population of one million or more. From January 2005 to January 2010, prices in the major cities rose sharply—for example, by nearly 300% in Shenzhen and approximately 132% in Shanghai.[2] But in other cities such as Chengdu, Chongqing and Xi’an, prices have not moved very much. In the case of Chengdu, the city I b e l i e v e t h e d e m a n d f o r different from what led to the that has seen the biggest price commodities will be strong subprime crisis in the U.S. a rise among the “smaller” cities, because of rising disposable short while ago. average home prices went from incomes in places like China, • In China, home buyers must about RMB 3,000 to RMB Indonesia, India and other first put down approximately 20 5,800 per square meter from developing countries, which -30% of the total value in cash January 2005 to January 2010, could underpin a rise in prices. as a down payment before they while in Xi’an, average prices One area that has already seen a can get a mortgage. rose from RMB 2,000 to RMB sharp rise in prices is China’s • The ratio of consumer lending 4,500 per square meter over the real estate market, leading to to GDP is about 17% in China same period. 2 c o n c e r n s a b o u t a b u b b l e compared to 94% in the U.S. Another important point to note forming. A bubble implies that and 56% in Hong Kong.[1] is that the rise in overall prices rise to unsustainable • Household leverage is also property prices in China has levels and then crash, which we substantially lower in China, at more or less tracked the rise in do not think will be the case in about 26%, versus 124% in the household income. While the China as a whole. The country is U.S. 1 real estate market may have huge and the property market is taken on bubble-like quite varied, so we can’t make a Differentiation is important characteristics in some specific simple analysis. A few facts within China’s real estate areas, the government has been may clarify why I think the market. Sharp price increases situation in China now is quite have been concentrated in the CHINESE page 41



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Americans Aren't Stupid Anymore - Do You See Them Buying Houses Or Stocks? Keith McCullough (The Money Game) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:43:32 PM

“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.” -Benjamin Franklin After finishing “Founding Brothers” by Joseph J. Ellis, I just started digging into “Benjamin Franklin - An American Life” by Walter Isaacson. Being a Canadian hockey player these days can feel golden at times, but not when I’m staring at the mountain that is my reading pile of American history. On June 23rd I titled my Early Look“Rigorously Frugal” in reference to how the Founding Fathers of America considered government spending. By immersing myself in Franklin’s American story, one thing has already become crystal clear – on a relative basis to Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin lived frugally. What I love about Franklin is that he wasn’t twirled up in the trees with the squirrel hunters espousing theories. He was a doer. If we had him running a portfolio in these globally interconnected times, I think he would find a way to do quite well. The man never stopped learning.

Ahead of our 4th of July weekend, here are 3 more Franklin quotes that I think fit our financial times: • “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” • “A penny save is a penny earned.”

• “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” As a practical matter, I think a lot of Americans are already moving down the right path when it comes to preparing their personal balance sheets for the inevitable. While the US

government literally does the opposite of these 3 Franklin quotes, Americans are proving to do what they’ve always done – evolve. On the first point, dropping Americans 401ks to 201ks and then fear mongering them from the mountain tops of political

life did exactly what professional politicians preached – it scared the hell out of the American people. Whether it be from a mortgage application or a US equity fund flow perspective, Americans are AMERICANS page 41

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continued from page 40

proving that they haven’t remained “stupid” enough to make the same mistake twice. They aren’t buying houses or stocks. On the second score, while the savings rate in this country has its own problems in terms of how it’s calculated, there is no doubt that the direction of cash in savings accounts of fiscally conservative Americans is going one way – up. Earlier this week we saw the US savings rate bump back up to 4%. Everything starts with a penny saved (after buying our Gold position back yesterday, our allocation to cash in the Hedgeye Asset Allocation Model is now 58%). On the final point, whether it was preparing for a slowdown in Chinese or US economic growth, a lot of our clients were proactively prepared for the swoons that we’ve recently seen in global equities. As of last

continued from page 39

night’s close, China and the US are down -27.3% and -7.9% YTD, respectively. Those who were unwilling to learn that there is a global interconnectedness to fiat currencies and the Debtor Nations that create them are learning now. Yesterday we had our largest audience ever for a quarterly Macro Themes conference call. As Big Alberta (Daryl Jones) and I broke bread with our American teammates for dinner last night in New Haven, there was a sense of graciousness that I have not yet felt in my investing life. We are grateful for our clients giving us the opportunity to build a new American business. Without their confidence in us, we wouldn’t have been able to build while we learn. I realize that sometimes I sound overly doomsday’ish when I write about the state of this

American union – and to be clear, I remain bearish on all that has become the Officialdom of Perceived Wisdoms in Washington’s economic department – but I am also humbled and proud to have the opportunity to be industrious and frugal in building this American business. I may not make the money I used to make working on Wall Street, but I am certainly happier. My immediate term support and resistance levels for the SP500 are now 1012 and 1069, respectively. Enjoy America’s 4th of July with your families and friends, KM Keith R. McCullough Chief Executive Officer Join the conversation about this story »

quick to react, to control and prevent bubbles, such as introducing measures to restrict bank lending on second and third home purchases. But overall, I don’t think the Chinese real estate market is in dangerous territory in terms of a bubble.

can get a little tricky. Since the very earliest space Even when you're millions of m i s s i o n s , a n u m b e r o f miles from home, you can't c o n t r a p t i o n s h a v e h e l p e d escape certain facts of life. astronauts relieve themselves When astronauts are orbiting more easily. These inventions hundreds of miles above Earth's run the gamut from simple adult surface, they still have to eat, diapers to more sophisticated sleep and go to the bathroom. Of toilet systems that actually can course, the mechanics of using convert urine into drinkable the toilet -- and disposing of the water. Throughout the history of resulting waste -- in zero gravity space exploration, spacecraft

have come equipped with their own toilets. Despite this, there have been a few hitches over the years -- including broken toilets and disputes over sharing bathrooms -- that have made going to the bathroom in space an adventure in and of itself. Take a trip with down aerospace memory lane and learn about some of the

[1] Source: CEIC 12/2009 [2] Source: SouFun Join the conversation about this story »

Supply Your Own Cocktails (Woot! - One Day, One Deal)

this link, turn on your sound, and do what the instructions say. Yeah, that's right. Suddenly all Hey, special customer. You're those cares went right out the looking pretty nice today. window, didn't they? No, don't Anybody tell you that yet? Aw, say anything, special customer. what's wrong. Why do you look It's enough just to be here with so sad? Oh, you're stuck in an you, right now. Let's not think office? Looking out the window about tomorrow. Let's just think wondering when that four day about… right now. weekend's gonna start? Need a Thanks to our forums overlord little pick-me-up? Well, don't Gatzby for helping us find our you worry.'s gonna groove. make it all better. Just follow Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM

Top 10 Moments in Space Bathroom History. (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)


bathroom moments that have given astronauts the greatest relief and aggravation over the years. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Companies Are About To Spend $150 Divorce Diaries: Not Billion Buying Back Shares Instead Of My Job Investing In Jobs Or Expansion (PEP, MCD) Editors ask him if he was bringing a (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game) Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:33:36 PM

U.S. stock buybacks are back. According to Morningstar, U.S. companies have already announced over $150 billion stock buybacks this year, which is a huge increase from the less than $20 billion announced during the same period last year. While enormous, these new cash commitments are just a fraction of the $1 trillion U.S. non-financial companies have sitting on their balance sheets. So is this good news or bad news? Well, for the stocks in the near-term, additional buying support provides price support, and if you think a company is undervalued then you should be happy with it buying back its shares since this will increase the value per share of its remaining shares. Paying nickels for dimes is a good deal, as long as your dimes don't turn out being pennies as was the case with many buyback programs ahead of the financial crisis. Still though, given the depressed prices these days, buybacks are probably good deals for many U.S. companies,

Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:30:00 PM

One of the harder “married” habits I have to break myself of is doing things that aren’t my job anymore. Last week, I realized it was my sister-inlaw’s birthday. My next thought was, “Oh, I’d better remind Peter that it’s Michelle’s birthday.” Then I realized––it’s not my job anymore. She’s on his side of the family. He can send her a card himself. I no longer sign my cards from “Ellie and Peter." So she got a card from just Ellie, and he most likely didn’t even know it was such as say a Pepsi (PEP) or current U.S. GDP growth. her birthday. McDonald's (MCD) which I Money used for buybacks is He took the kids camping over happen to think are undervalued money that isn't used for Father’s Day weekend. I fought relative to the enormous global creating jobs, research, or new with myself about my urge to franchises they are today and business lines. where they'll be in five years. Thus buybacks might be good Thing is, even if individual for some individual stocks while companies are getting a decent at the same time signaling (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) deal for their buybacks (let's sluggish U.S. growth ahead. assume all are for the moment), (The author owns shares of • Honey-Chipotle Barbecue in terms of the greater economy McDonalds, Morningstar tip via Chicken Sandwiches This recipe yields slow-cooked right now, a surge in buybacks Abnormal Returns) m i g h t s i g n a l t h a t U . S . Join the conversation about this barbecue flavor in less than an hour. The sandwiches need to be companies don't see many story » broiled at the last minute, but expansion opportunities right the rest of the menu can be now, or that they aren't confident in the sustainability of

camera. After all, it’s not my job anymore. It’s his trip with the kids, his decision to take pictures (or not), and I just need to remember that. I finally decided to ask him if he needed to borrow the camera, since I don’t believe he’s bought one of his own yet and we only ever had the one. He hadn’t, and he appreciated the loan of mine. I don’t feel like I was overstepping on that one. It’s a fine line to walk, reminding yourself not to do things that used to be your job. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Light Potato Salad made ahead of time. See Recipe more Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Double Your Pleasure In a 2-Person Tent Adrienne So (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM

Double Your Pleasure: 2Person Tents Tested Three may be company, but we're more than happy to just double up — especially when it comes to camping. These twoperson tents are perfect for sheltering you and a pal anywhere from the valley floor of Yosemite to the untamed wilderness of your own backyard. MSR Carbon Reflex 2 The Carbon Reflex 2 is the Winnie Cooper of two-person backpacking tents — sweet, sensible and not without its charms. Its two-pole frame is quick and easy to set up. It's also possible, if somewhat awkward, to set up the fly without the tent, which is a nice option: You can erect the tent under the fly to avoid getting the interior soaked under heavy rain, or you can set up the fly by itself for a quick bivy. Mesh sidewalls make the Reflex 2 incredibly breathable, even when the fly is on. And for such a light weight — less than 4 pounds with the ground sheet — the tent's interior feels luxuriously spacious with 40 inches of headroom. A minor point: Brick red and canary yellow is a color combination that brings to mind carrot-flavored baby barf. But like Winnie's turtleneck

sweaters, it's at most a cosmetic defect. And one we're willing to overlook. WIRED Aluminum needle stakes are lightweight, easy to use and attractive. Fly can be erected separately. Quick setup.

TIRED Gaudier than Liberace's entire wardrobe. Drafty in inclement weather. $400, Big Agnes Fly Creek UL2 The Fly Creek is a tent aimed at beginning backpackers, which is

to say — light, small, and not the most comfortable night's sleep in the world. The tent's dimensions were by far the most cramped of all the ones we tested. While the specs state that the UL2 offers 38 inches of

headroom, those inches are towards the back of the structure instead of front where your head is. This makes putting on your pants a grueling, horizontal task DOUBLE page 44


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DOUBLE continued from page 43

if it's cold or raining outside. Moreover, the Fly Creek must be thoroughly staked out to produce those dimensions, including two crucial stakes on each of the tent's sidewalls. Rocky campsites cause the tent to collapse on itself, shrinking from 28 square feet of floorspace to what feels like about 5. Missing any stakes lets the UL2 flap noisily in the wind, while the miniature vestibule leaves packs and boots exposed to the elements. On the other hand, the ultralight silicone of the tent and fly felt like silk, packed up small, and kept out the fiercest cliffside breezes and rain. The Fly Creek is ideal for Daniel Boones who like to go fast and travel alone. WIRED Unbelievably light (a shade over 2 pounds with groundsheet). Fly and tent pack smaller than a grapefruit. Single -hub pole setup is fast and easy. Interior gear loft. Wellventilated, even under the fly. TIRED Suitable for only diminutive hikers. Small vestibule leaves boots and bags soaking wet.

$350, Nemo Morpho 2P Inflatable supports are a nifty idea in theory, but in reality the Morpho 2P suffers from several fatal flaws. Two thick, sturdy air booms support the Morpho in the front and back but not in between, which makes the tent difficult to pick up and shake out when damp or dirty. Moreover, the air booms save neither time nor weight. Each took about 30 seconds to inflate with the minuscule foot pump — which isn't bad for a balloonanimal party, but a lot longer than the time it takes to assemble aluminum tent poles. And the tent itself was more than a pound heavier than any other tent tested. The integrated fly makes it impossible to separate the pieces to dry them or cut weight. And finally, for a three-season tent, it's stuffy. The back vent is too small to allow much in-and-out air flow. Multiple interior pockets are a nice touch, but not enough to compensate for the tent's deficiencies. WIRED Booms stayed sturdy

and inflated throughout rain and wind gusts. Inner vestibule keeps backpacks and boots dry. Convenient interior pockets. Cozy, cave-like interior. TIRED Confusing setup. Heavy: 6 pounds with footprint. Gets hotter than a volcano stuffed with Victoria's Secret catalogs. $430, Marmot Haven 2P The Haven 2P is the ideal tent for a Saturday beach trip with friends. Leave the optional floor at home to cut weight, and stake all eight corners in warm, soft sand. Then clip the single support pole into place and unzip the tent's top vents with the convenient stiff handles. The 10-second setup complete, your whole family can then stretch out in the unbelievable 56 square feet of space in the Haven's well-ventilated interior. Yes, the Haven would be perfect there ... and nowhere else. It's impossible to use in places with limited space or on rocky ground, as all eight corners need to be staked for the tent to be secure. Moreover, the Haven

leaves a few inches of open space above the floor, giving vermin, wind and rain free access to your vulnerable, sleeping head. A three-season tent? It's barely a weekend tent. WIRED Light in proportion to the tent's size. Removable floor lets warm-weather campers cut weight. Excellent ventilation. Plenty of room for bags, boots and people. TIRED Freezing in temperatures below 55 degrees. Gap between tent and floor lets dogs wriggle out and mosquitoes buzz in. $200, • Manufacturer: Roundup: • Price:$200 - $430

Pies of All Kinds (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

With crust above and below, this classic apple pie offers ample flaky crispness as a counterpoint to the soft, moist, t a r t - s w e e t f i l l i n g . View Recipe: Double-Crusted Apple Pie Next Spring Strawberry Pie Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

What's On Tonight: 'Merlin,' 'Miami Medical,' 'Man Caves,' Rich Keller (TV Squad) Submitted at 7/2/2010 7:30:00 AM

Filed under: TV Previews Here's tonight's lineup of new shows and events (all times Eastern). Check your local TV

listings for additional information. * = Series/Season Premiere ** = Series/Season Finale 8:00 to 9:00 MNT:'WWE Friday Night SmackDown!

NBC:'Friday Night Lights''--

Two hours The rest of the schedule, and PBS:'Washington Week With the late night talk shows, after Gwen Ifill' and'Need to Know' the jump. Disney:'The Suite Life on Deck' Permalink| Email this| Linking and'Wizards of Waverly Place' Blogs| Comments Green TV:'Coastwatch'-- Two episodes


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Lizard Camouflage Confuses Males About Gender Susan Milius (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:30:00 PM

PORTLAND, Oregon — The recent evolution of camouflage among lizards in the powdery dunes of New Mexico’s White Sands National Monument can lead to some misunderstandings when some males choose to make love, not war. Since the dunes developed a few thousand years ago, a lightcolored form of the normally dark-shaded eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus undulates, has arisen that blends in with the landscape. The change in hue can produce confusion over sex-recognition signals, Jeanne Robertson of the University of Idaho in Moscow reported June 27 at the Evolution 2010 meeting. At least it did when she and an associate arranged encounters between pale White Sands lizards and their darker cousins from the area surrounding the dunes. Whenever she and University of Idaho colleague Erica Bree Rosenblum put a pale male lizard and a male from dark soil together, the dark lizard gets ready to fight, positioning himself sideways and showing off his bulk and his blue belly. He does some menacing push-

ups and prepares for the headbutting and tail-whipping common in aggressive lizard encounters. Meanwhile, the pale lizard starts wooing, making rapid shuddering movements and starting little romantic chases. So what might have been a territorial fight becomes “a very confused dark-soil male trying to engage in combat despite being courted,” Robertson said. The confusion appears to arise from the blue belly splotches

that both light and dark forms use as handy clues in social situations, Robertson said. The pale males now sport bigger patches than their darker counterparts, whose more modest blue blotches are more like those of sand dune-living females. Thus male lightcolored lizards probably perceive their darker brethren as female — or at least as female enough to court. This confusion looks as if it develops as an indirect effect of

populations to mate if they happen to meet. “As a result, adaptation to different environments may have the incidental effect of leading to reproductive isolation, and hence the origin of distinct species,” he says. Images: 1) Gypsum sand dunes in White Sands National Monument, New Mexico./Erica Bree Rosenblum, Univerity of Idaho. 2) Pale and dark forms of male fence lizards./Erica Bree Rosenbaum, University of Idaho. See Also: • Giant Spider Species Discovered in Middle Eastern Sand Dunes • Extreme Heat Triggers Lizard Sex Change • Sublime Sand: Desert Dunes Seen From Space • Self-Irrigating Desert Plant dodging predators through Discovered camouflage. That roundabout • New Giant Lizard Discovered origin is “the most interesting in the Philippines p a r t , ” s a y s e v o l u t i o n a r y • Video: Leaping Lizard’s Tailbiologist Liam Revell of the Free Mid-Air Wipeout National Evolutionary Synthesis • Lizards Use Third Eye to C e n t e r i n D u r h a m , N o r t h Steer by the Sun Carolina. Aside from causing amusing Five Filters featured article: problems with courtship, there’s Headshot - Propaganda, State a deeper message here, says Religion and the Attack On the Jonathan Losos of Harvard Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available University. Sex-identification tools: PDF Newspaper, Full miscues can make it less likely Text RSS, Term Extraction. for members of different


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Is there enough food on Earth to sustain the people on it? (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

according to the World Health Organization: • There should be enough food available to consistently feed a given population. • The population should have sufficient funds to maintain a nutritious diet. • The population should be able to use food appropriately -- by understanding proper nutrition and having access to clean water and decent sanitation.

immediate relief to undernourished families in In 2008, a confluence of factors places like Niger and came together and sent Bangladesh, as well provide international food security into a them with the implements and tailspin. Among them were the training to practice sustainable rising demand for animal feed farming. Thousands of farmers and dietary staples in received agricultural machinery, developing nations, the growing fertilizer, irrigation equipment, pressure from climate change animals, animal feed and fishing and drought, the increased gear. competition from biofuels, and The FAO is also attempting to the volatile economy. wipe out rinderpes t -- a From protests and riots to particularly nasty animal disease frantic international negotiations [Source: WHO] responsible for repeated and panicked hoarding, the Despite the 2010 rebound in pandemics that result in vicious effects of the food shortage were food production, as reported by famines. The organization f e l t a r o u n d t h e g l o b e , t h e F o o d a n d A g r i c u l t u r e expects to officially declare it particularly in developing Organization, high food prices eradicated in 2011. nations where the stability and continue to be a problem. But another more modern issue affordability of food supplies Approximately a billion people is adding additional pressure to are precarious to begin with. on the planet do not receive the age-old problem of famine: While the situation partly sufficient nourishment [sources: biofuels. The production of recovered in 2009, and global FAO, FAO]. Many people find biofuels will ramp up heavily reserves have since returned to that statistic unacceptable, so during the next couple of p r e - c r i s i s l e v e l s , t h e developed nations contribute decades as both the U.S. and the vulnerability of the world's food m o n e y t o t h e F A O ' s E U m a k e b i g p u s h e s f o r supply was exposed. It's a topic international efforts. The EU alternative fuels -- a shift that of concern for many. alone, for example, donated 228 could have a substantial impact The issue is food security, and million euros to the FAO to help on the world's overall crop i t ' s a t h r e e - p a r t c o n c e p t , f u n d p r o g r a m s o f f e r i n g output. Many stakeholders are

What, Were You Born In A Pottery Barn? (Woot! - One Day, One Deal)

various home-decorating catalogs. If you've ever Submitted at 7/2/2010 10:00:00 AM wondered about the kind of Now here's a Tumblr blog that people who use oars and giant tumbls me in all the right ways: abacuses for interior decor, Catalog Living, miniature Catalog Living offers a hilarious lives. vignettes based on the scenes in glimpse into their hypothetical Hi Nancy, it’s Elaine. I’m

calling for the careful development of sustainable biofuel industries, especially in terms of water usage, because the world's population is expected to explode in the next 50 years. Some of the ideas being thrown around to meet global food demand include stabilizing the world's economy and population levels to avoid a dangerous bubble, investing in alternative fuels that don't compete with food production, localizing food production to decrease food miles and increase fair trade, and developing crops that can handle climate changes. But it's a complicated issue that will have no easy answers. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Is 'One Life to Live' On the Brink of Cancellation? Allison Waldman (TV Squad) Submitted at 7/2/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: Features, TV News Amid the fun and celebrations at last week's Daytime Emmy Awards, there was the nasty rumor that cropped up about 'One Life to Live' -- that for the second time this year, ABC is considering canceling 'One Life to Live.' Could it be true that ABC would pull the plug on the 42 year old staple of the daytime lineup? The answer, sadly, is yes. Even though the rumor has been debunked by Soap Opera Digest and, the threat of cancellation remains strong for 'One Life to Live.' And certain things that have happened in the past few months just add to the anxiety. going to be a little late for lunch. Permalink| Email this| Linking I can’t find my hat or my back- Blogs| Comments up hat.


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Icon Motors Re-engineers King of the Trail Joe Brown (Wired Top Stories)

mechanic would never recognize the undercarriage. The new, mandrel-bent frame is Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM designed to accommodate a Icon Motors Re-engineers the fully independent suspension, King of the Trail instead of the old leaf springs. Back when records were state The Chevy-sourced 4-cylinder of the art, the pre-Jeep Willys engine makes 205 horsepower, CJ3B was king of the jungle but gets 23 mpg. trail. Unfortunately, its skills The 4WD system is adapted haven't held up as well as its from a 2010 model-year Jeep: looks. Loving its style but not its It's more advanced, and, as an c a p a b i l i t i e s , I c o n M o t o r s added bonus, owners won't have p r o d u c e d a n a e s t h e t i c a l l y to scour eBay for antique faithful update. replacement parts when they get O K , u p d a t e m a y b e overambitious in the off-road u n d e r s t a t i n g i t . S e v e r e l y . park. Icon acquired a few old CJs and And while a 1950s 3B tops out l a s e r - s c a n n e d a l l o f t h e i r at around 50 mph on the surfaces, generating a 3-D highway, we throttled the Icon m o d e l o f t h e 7 0 - y e a r - o l d down L.A. freeways upwards of vehicle. Then, they pressed new 80. Then, when we hit the body panels out of modern steel Miller Jeep Trail, we switched (the old Willys was made of into 4WD low and went way wartime metals that aren't as b e y o n d o u r c o m f o r t z o n e tough as modern stuff) and without seeing the Icon balk. coated it all in a Teflon- With 24 inches of wheel travel, polyurethane powdercoat that it can scurry over boulders, we couldn't scratch despite romp rutted trails, and negotiate hurling the truck at trees instead inclines that would make a of around them. Hummer run screaming for a While the outside looks just pedicure. like an old Willys, a 1940s WIRED Every light is

LED—from the dashboard to the headlamps. At just 64 inches wide, it's narrow and capable enough to tackle trails that Jeeps aren't technically allowed on. Just try to scratch the paint: We drove through a big-ass thorn bush and wiped away the evidence with a rag. Attracts more thumbs-ups than the Colosseum. Only 83 grand. TIRED Only 83 grand?! Just like the old CJs, high-beam switch is next to the clutch. (They moved that for a reason.) Shifter feels sloppy, er, retro. Seat belts were a little janky, prone to locking up even in the rare moments when we had the Icon sitting level. • Body Style: Wagon • Engine Type: Gas • Manufacturer: Icon Motors • Price:$83,000 Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Kellan Lutz Celebrates Eclipse Success With a Party in London PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:00:00 PM

Kellan Lutz gave a straightfaced pose at the afterparty for the London Eclipse premiere last night. He also made PopSugar UK's top 10 for the big event - check out their favorite moments from the red carpet! Kellan's best friend, Ashley Greene, didn't join him for the post-screening bash, though he was in good company with Joe Jonas and director, David Slade. Kellan and Nikki Reed were back to work this morning for a TV appearance, and they're not the only ones popping up on the small screen. Back in the States Kristen Stewart stopped by George Lopez Tonight to demonstrate

her juggling skills while Peter Facinelli paid another visit to Jimmy Kimmel Live. Eclipse is already breaking records and with the long weekend ahead it's on track to take home the top spot at the box office. To see more photos of Kellan in London, just read more. View 10 Photos ›


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Gear Up for Veering Off, Off the Beaten Path Joe Brown (Wired Top Stories)

thermostat. Runs off a 12-volt socket yet works as well as your kitchen model. Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM TIRED Costs almost as much Gear Up for Veering Off, Off as your kitchen model. Exposed the Beaten Path cooling fins are easy to damage. Route 66 has the world's largest Heavy. ketchup bottle. Yay. Here's a $850, better road trip idea: Leave the 3. Cobra CJIC 350 Power Pack a s p h a l t b e h i n d a n d v i s i t WIRED We brought it along someplace that's not already on for its air compressor — handy a postcard. for tailoring tire firmness to 1. Outdoor Research DryComp terrain — but it does so much Ridge Sack more. It'll jump-start a V-8, WIRED Super-lightweight and power a flatscreen or charge surprisingly strong. Shrugged your iPod. off mud, water, rocks and TIRED Jumper cables too scraping branches. This day short. Wimpy compressor takes pack even survived the ultimate forever. Three separate power test — being checked as airline switches? baggage. Comfy straps. $100, TIRED Hip belt could use some 4. Garmin Oregon 550t padding. Still smells like our N a v i g a t o r campfire, even after washing. WIRED Because "Elvis Rock" $120, (a) isn't on any map, and (b) 2. ARB Fridge Freezer might not look like Elvis when WIRED It may be the size of you're sober, the 550t lets you your old Igloo, but this is no take a geotagged photo that you mere cooler; it's a full-on fridge, can click on later to find your c o m p l e t e w i t h e l e c t r o n i c way back. 16 hours of battery

life! Water- and shock-resistant. TIRED Better off-road than on: Street maps cost $100, screen is too small, and instead of "turn here," it just says "beep." $600, 5. Black Diamond Sprinter Headlamp WIRED Small, bright and rugged. Flashing red "follow me" light on back. Comes with a jillion different plugs for overseas charging. TIRED No plug will help if you run out of juice in the middle of nowhere. Wiring-lined head strap chafes a sunburned brow. $ 1 0 0 ,

David and Brooklyn Beckham Skip Soccer and Watch Wimbledon PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:30:00 PM

David Beckham and Brooklyn touched down at Heathrow Airport today coming from their family vacation in the South of France. The father and son headed to Wimbledon, where they watched Britain's own Andy Murray take on Rafael Nadal. Murray ended up losing the match, despite an encouraging text from the soccer star, which wasn't the only hard tournament elimination for Beckham this week after the World Cup. The • Manufacturer: Roundup: boys just missed Victoria's • Price:$100 to $850 quick trip to London yesterday, when she attended a bash for Five Filters featured article: Range Rover to celebrate her Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

new gig as the creative design director for the automaker. Last night she flew back to Nice to reunite with Cruz and Romeo while David had special time with their oldest. To see more of David and Brooklyn, just read more. View 10 Photos ›

Scope out the latest Call of Duty: Black Ops shots Randy Nelson (Joystiq)

but there's no denying that they look pretty fantastic. (Which Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:30:00 PM isn't surprising, given how great Okay, so only two of these new the game looked in motion at screenshots from Call of Duty: E3.) Our favorite is the one Black Ops are actually taken where the guy is shooting at from a gameplay perspective, something off-screen. Wait --

What's your fave? Gallery: Call of Duty: Black Ops (07/02/10) Scope out the latest Call of Duty: Black Ops shots that's pretty much all of them. originally appeared on Joystiq on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 13:30:00

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Get Your Own Richard Avedon, if Your Wallet's Overflowing With Bills (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

Brazil vs. Netherlands 2010 World Cup Live Blog

Submitted at 7/2/2010 10:00:00 AM

In November, Christie's will auction off the largest lot of Richard Avedon photographs ever released, including a massive exhibition print of Dovima with the Elephants (the same one that hung in the Met). The Avedon foundation wants to establish an endowment to promote the photographer's legendary work, and the auction's expected to bring in anywhere from $3.7 to $6 million — that's up to $700,000 for Dovima alone. Aside from the slew of famous fashion photographs, the lot includes a vintage portrait of Marilyn Monroe, images of the Beatles,

FanHouse UK (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 7/2/2010 8:30:00 AM

Filed under: FIFA World Cup, Brazil, Netherlands FanHouse has a Brazil vs. Netherlands live blog for a World Cup 2010 quarterfinal match in Port Elizabeth, South Africa on Friday. and a Malcolm X print made for The Netherlands knocked off Avedon's Whitney retrospective. Slovakia, 2-1, in the Round of The auction's scheduled for fall turkey. Only 100 calories, 10 16 to advance to this stage. The to coincide with the Paris Photo Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) grams of protein and a lot of Dutch have never won the Festival, so you have until then flavor! World Cup, but an upset of Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM to start saving. Thanks for the suggestion Lara Brazil would put them in prime Photo by Richard Avedon Today's snack is a creative a n d h a v e a g r e a t h o l i d a y position to change that. Brazil, invention that I think resembles w e e k e n d e v e r y o n e ! on the other hand, has five a hot dog...Perfect for the July -- Abby Cuffey, Associate World Cup titles, more than any 4th weekend! Here's what our Health Editor other nation. A 3-0 victory over featured blogger, Lara, from Five Filters featured article: Chile in the Round of 16 simply, had to say about Headshot - Propaganda, State reemphasized the Brazilians' her pick: Religion and the Attack On the status as a favorite this year. Britain for years, because the My current favorite snack is a Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Recap: Netherlands Sends British government sharply protein powerhouse! It's easy, tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Brazil Home From World Cup lowered the duties on the tea, too: just take a lowfat string Text RSS, Term Extraction. More Live Blogs Friday: while retaining a modest tax. cheese stick and wrap it with a Uruguay vs. Ghana The duty and the tax both went slice of lean deli meat like More FanHouse UK: Latest to the British government, but Injury News| Where Are They the patriots had drawn a line that Now?| Full Coverage

Snack Smart: Food Blogger Friday!

Favorite Stories about the Founding Alex Adrianson (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:59 PM

Eric O’Keefe, Chairman of the Sam Adams Alliance: The Boston Tea Party happened during a time of very low taxes, and the tea in the harbor had the lowest price of any tea from

FAVORITE page 50


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FAVORITE continued from page 49

did not define duties as taxes. So the British imposed that tax not to raise revenue, but to exercise their claimed authority to be able to impose whatever taxes they wanted. The Boston Tea Party was conducted entirely based on a principle; taxes were low, not high. But the patriots viewed their local control of government and taxes as an essential anchor for their liberty, so they rebelled at a violation of a basic principle. Gary Palmer, President of the Alabama Policy Institute: One of my favorite stories about America’s founding also involves my favorite Founding Father—George Washington. Perhaps Washington’s greatest test occurred in March, 1783 in response to the Newburgh Conspiracy. Joseph Ellis, in his biography entitled His Excellency George Washington, called this the “The Last Temptation of Washington.” During the War for Independence in 1780, the Continental Congress enacted a resolution to give veteran officers a pension of half pay for life. However, by the winter of 1782-83, it was evident that Congress did not have the revenues to fund their promise nor did they have any real prospects for raising the money. Congress then passed a resolution cutting the pension to full pay for five years which they could not pay either.

These actions resulted in a petition being circulated among Washington’s officers that included implied threats against Congress if the officers’ pensions were not assured. The threats ranged from a coup by members of Congress sympathetic to the plight of the officers and supported by a more moderate group of Washington’s officers to an outright army takeover of the government which had the support of more radical officers. The leaders of the two groups scheduled a meeting for March 11th, but Washington cancelled the meeting and scheduled another meeting for all officers on March 16th. It was at this meeting, attended by about 500 officers, that Washington gave the greatest demonstration of his character. Unlike other military leaders who used their power and influence to make themselves dictators, Washington did not take advantage of the opportunity to overthrow Congress and take control of the government. As Ellis wrote, though sympathetic to the plight of his officers, Washington “established a link between his own honor and reputation and the abiding goals of the American Revolution.” Every man in the room understood that an assault on Congress would be an assault on Washington’s own honor and integrity.

Washington’s speech declared his convictions that the entire war had been about a fundamental principle … that all legitimate governmental power was derived from the consent of the people. To overthrow the government of the people would be to destroy all that they had fought for. As convincing as his speech was to be, Washington changed the disposition of every man present before he uttered one word of it. Just prior to reading his speech, Washington reached inside his waistcoat to pull out a pair of spectacles. As he looked out to his assembled officers, who had not seen him in need of them before, he said, “Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray, but almost blind in the service of my country.” At that point several officers began to weep. The entire mood among the assembled men changed. Without uttering a word of his speech, the Newburgh Conspiracy was ended and the fledgling American Republic was saved. Matthew Spalding, Director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center for American Studies at The Heritage Foundation: One of my favorite stories is from an interview I discovered in the course of writing my recent book [ We Still Hold these Truths]. It is with Levi Preston

of Danvers, Massachusetts. He was in his early twenties in the spring of 1775 when he fought at the Battle of Concord, at the opening of the American Revolution. As is often the case with stories or quotes, the best are those that capture an idea. Many years later, Captain Preston was asked why he went to fight that day. Was it the intolerable oppressions of British colonial policy, or the Stamp Act? “I never saw any stamps.” What about the tax on tea? “I never drank a drop of the stuff; the boys threw it all overboard.” It must have been all your reading of Harrington, Sidney, and Locke on the principles of liberty? “Never heard of ’em. We read only the Bible, the catechism, Watt’s Psalms and Hymns, and the Almanack.” Well, what was it? asked the interviewer. What made you take up arms against the British? “Young man, what we meant in going for those redcoats was this: we always had governed ourselves, and we always meant to. They didn’t mean we should.” Today when we think of selfgovernment, we usually have in mind the various forms of political participation, like voting in elections or serving on a jury. These activities are a very important aspect of the concept. But in addition to these

practices, the Founders meant the preconditions that were required for the success of that process and that fulfilled man’s higher purpose beyond the limited ends of government. The Founders understood selfgovernment in the twofold sense of political self-government, in which we govern ourselves as a political community, and of moral self-government, according to which each individual is responsible for governing himself. They believed that the success of the former required a flourishing of the latter. Individuals could not govern themselves as a body politic unless they were each first capable of governing themselves as individuals, families, and communities. Moral self-government both precedes and completes political self-government, and thus political freedom. It is in this sense that the primary as well as the culminating first principle of American liberty is selfgovernment—an idea wonderfully captured in this simple quotation from a man long forgotten but who understood it, who fought for it. Cross-Posted on InsiderOnline Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full FAVORITE page 51


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Presidents Obama, Clinton Honor Byrd at Memorial (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 7/2/2010 10:15:52 AM

President Barack Obama and thousands of ordinary West Virginians honored the late Robert C. Byrd at a memorial service in the late senator's home state Friday. With the president, Vice President Joe Biden and other dignitaries on hand, pallbearers carried the late senator's casket down the red-carpeted steps of the Capitol to its main courtyard for the service honoring Byrd, who died Monday at the age of 92. "I'll remember him as he was when I came to know him," Obama told the gathering, "his white hair flowing like a mane, his gait steady with a cane, determined to make the most of every last breath. The distinguished gentleman from West Virginia could be found at his desk to the very end and doing the people's business." Obama also recalled an early discussion with Byrd, who as a young man joined the Ku Klux Klan. "He said there are some things I regretted in my youth," Obama said. "I said, 'None of us are absent of some regrets ... that's why we enjoy and seek the

FAVORITE continued from page 50

Text RSS, Term Extraction.

grace of God.'" "As I reflect on the full sweep of 92 years, it seems to me that his life bent toward justice," Obama said. "Robert Byrd possessed that quintessential American quality. That is a capacity to change, a capacity to learn. A capacity to listen, to be made more perfect." Former President Bill Clinton sought to humanize Byrd after other speakers canonized him. Recalling Byrd's ability to bring billions of dollars to West Virginia, Clinton said he told the senator: "If you pave every single inch of West Virginia, it's going to be much harder to mine coal." Byrd responded that "the constitution does not prohibit humble servants from delivering whatever they can to their constituents." Victoria Kennedy called herself "humbled" to speak for her late husband, the former Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass. She recalled Byrd voting in favor of Obama's health care reform law on Christmas Eve. "I was in the gallery and tears flowed down my cheeks when he said, 'Mr. President, this is for my friend Ted Kennedy. Aye." Vice President Joe Biden

reminded the crowd how much Byrd cared about his state and improving conditions. "This is a guy who continued to taste, smell and feel the suffering of the people of his state," Biden said. "Because of that service you have gained greatly." West Virginians stood atop curbs, craned their necks for a better view and clapped along with Appalachian music — Byrd was an accomplished fiddler — and the West Virginia National Guard's 249th Army Band playing John Denver's "Country Roads." Byrd's casket was draped with a West Virginia flag and a bouquet of red roses. Some in the crowd came because they knew Byrd. Others came because of Byrd's place in history as a U.S. senator for 51 years. Charleston's Howard Swint, said he brought daughters Maddie and Arianna to the event "to celebrate Senator Byrd's life and public service to West Virginia." Swint recalled meeting Byrd. "I found him to be a man of tremendous grace despite his years of powerful positions." Graduate student Matt Noerpel came though he'd never met

Byrd. Noerpel attended a visitation as the senator lay in repose at the Capitol overnight. "It's Robert Byrd. He's as much a political legend as there is." The nation's longest-serving member of Congress began his political career at the state Capitol when he was elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates in 1947. He went on to serve in the West Virginia Senate before being elected to Congress in 1953. He spent nearly six decades in Congress, first in the House of Representatives and then his final 51 years in the Senate. As a senator, he developed a reputation as a master of the chamber's rules and an oftfeared advocate for West Virginia. In his home state, Byrd cemented larger-than-life status for directing billions of dollars to projects ranging from the courthouses to the FBI's national repository for computerized fingerprint records. Many bear his name, including the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. Byrd evolved over the decades, from a segregationist opposed to civil rights legislation, to a liberal hero for his opposition to the Iraq war and a supporter of

the rights of gays to serve in the military. And he proudly became a free-spender as chairman of the Appropriations Committee. It took him just two years to reach his goal of bringing more than $1 billion in federal funds back to West Virginia. The money went to build highways, bridges, buildings and other facilities. Byrd was born Nov. 20, 1917 in North Wilkesboro, N.C., as Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr. His mother died before his first birthday and his father sent him to live with aunt and uncle Vlurma and Titus Byrd. They renamed him and moved to Stotesbury, W.Va. After the ceremony, Byrd's body was to be flown back to Virginia, where he will be buried on Tuesday next to his wife Erma, who died in 2006. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Obamacare’s Impact on the States Brian Blase (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

with the usurpation of their longstanding authority in regulating private insurance. Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:00:52 PM The Secretary of Health and State legislators and governors H u m a n S e r v i c e s i s g i v e n will face many challenges enormous power to regulate implementing the provisions of health insurance to his or her Obamacare. In a new Heritage specifications. F o u n d a t i o n s t u d y , E d 3) The Disruption of Health Haislmaier and I analyze the Insurance Markets components of Obamacare that Obamacare—with its numerous detrimentally affect states and c o v e r a g e m a n d a t e s , a make recommendations for how prohibition on pre-existing states should respond to the new condition exclusions and on law. varying premiums by health Of the many impacts on states status, and limits on the agethat we analyze, there are three rating of premiums—risks an key ones: adverse selection death spiral. In 1) The Massive Medicaid the paper we state, “The new Expansion federal insurance regulations, Over half of the newly insured particularly the provisions will gain coverage through an setting new, uniform federal expansion of state Medicaid benefit requirements, will programs. Medicaid expansion reduce coverage options for presents numerous problems for individuals and employers and the states: additional financial drive up health insurance obligations and taxes, issues of premiums. They are also likely access for the increased demand to result in greater concentration on the state health care system, in health insurance markets, the creation of a new “doc fix” leaving only a few large insurers f o r M e d i c a i d , r e d u c e d operating as public utilities with Disproportionate S h a r e a regulated low rate of return H o s p i t a l p a y m e n t s , a n d selling undifferentiated products m a i n t e n a n c e - o f - e f f o r t to customers with no other requirements that limit state options.” flexibility. State lawmakers should act 2) The Federal Usurpation of q u i c k l y t o p r o t e c t t h e i r State Authority constituents from these and States will be forced to contend o t h e r h a r m f u l i m p a c t s o f

Tags: medicaid, Obama Health Care Plan One Response to “Obamacare’s Impact on the States” • juandos on July 2nd, 2010 at 1:00pm said: Well ObamaCare is a fraud… Consider the following from the Hill: Health law risks turning away sick The Obama administration has not ruled out turning sick people away from an insurance program created by the new healthcare law to provide coverage for the uninsured. Critics of the $5 billion highrisk pool program insist it will run out of money before Jan. 1, 2014. That’s when the program sunsets and health plans can no longer discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions.( there’s more) You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Obamacare. We argue that or unconstitutional exercise of Five Filters featured article: “states are not mere agents of W a s h i n g t o n ’ s p o w e r a n d Headshot - Propaganda, State federal authority. They are not aggressively advance their own, Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available powerless. There is absolutely better solutions.” nothing that requires them to To read more on Obamacare’s tools: PDF Newspaper, Full assist in implementing this i m p a c t o n s t a t e s a n d o u r Text RSS, Term Extraction. misguided legislation. Rather, recommendations for how states t h e y s h o u l d t a k e e v e r y can best cope with the new law, opportunity to assert their please read our paper: http:// rightful authority, resist, within the confines of the law and the reports/2010/07/obamacareConstitution, any inappropriate impact-on-states


E-reader News Edition

GOP's Steele: Afghan 'War of Obama's Choosing' (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 7/2/2010 9:37:58 AM

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele says Afghanistan is "a war of Obama's choosing" and the conflict "is not something the United States has actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in," comments that drew an immediate rebuke from Republicans and Democrats. In remarks captured Thursday on camera and posted online, Steele criticized President Barack Obama and his handling of the nine-year-old war begun by Republican President George W. Bush in response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. "If he's such a student of history, has he not understood that, you know, that's the one thing you don't do is engage in a land war in Afghanistan? All right? Because everyone who's tried, over a thousand years of history, has failed," Steele said. "And there are reasons for that. There are other ways to engage in

Afghanistan." Republican officials confirmed Steele made the comments at a Connecticut fundraiser, which was closed to the media. The remarks were caught on camera and posted on the Web. "This was a war of Obama's choosing," Steele said. "This is not something the United States has actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in." The United States and allies overthrew Afghanistan's Taliban government after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. The war lagged as the United States shifted its focus to Iraq, but Obama shifted the focus to Afghanistan and planned to send 30,000 more troops to the country. Steele did not say if he agreed with that increase. Steele's comments came as Obama's new chief in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus, arrived in the country Friday to take over the war. Obama last week dismissed his

previous commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, after he made disparaging comments about his superiors in a Rolling Stone interview. Steele called the dismissal "very comical" but said it shows the frustration members of the military have with Obama. Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse said it was "simply unconscionable that Michael Steele would undermine the morale of our troops when what they need is our support and encouragement. Michael Steele would do well to remember that we are not in Afghanistan by our own choosing, that we were attacked and that his words have consequences." Conservative Bill Kristol, writing for The Weekly Standard, said Steele should resign. "There are, of course, those who think we should pull out of Afghanistan, and they're certainly entitled to make their case," wrote Kristol, a consistent

supporter of the Afghanistan war. "But one of them shouldn't be the chairman of the Republican Party." RNC spokesman Doug Heye said in a statement that Steele "clearly supports our troops but believes that success of the war effort in Afghanistan requires the ongoing support of the American people," RNC spokesman Doug Heye said in a statement. "The responsibility for building and maintaining that strategy falls squarely on the shoulders of the president." © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Obama, Others Arrive for Byrd Memorial in W.Va. (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 7/2/2010 7:36:24 AM

President Barack Obama and thousands of ordinary West Virginians honored the late Robert C. Byrd's legacy at a memorial service in the late senator's home state Friday. With the president, Vice President Joe Biden and other dignitaries on hand, pallbearers carried the late senator's casket down the red-carpeted steps of the Capitol to its main courtyard. The service honors the life and legacy of Byrd, who died Monday at the age of 92. People stood atop curbs, craned their necks for a better view and clapped along with Appalachian music — Byrd was an accomplished fiddler — and the West Virginia National Guard's 249th Army Band playing John Denver's "Country Roads." OBAMA, page 54

Hatch Says He'll Vote Against Kagan's Nomination (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 7/2/2010 6:23:42 AM

GOP Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah says he'll oppose Solicitor General Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court. Hatch is a former Senate

Judiciary chairman and a current committee member who supported Kagan's installation as U.S. solicitor general. The Senate Judiciary Committee wrapped up Kagan's confirmation hearing on Thursday. A vote on her nomination is expected within a

few weeks. Hatch said Friday that a Supreme Court nominee needs "both legal experience and, more importantly, the appropriate judicial philosophy." And he said that "General Kagan regrettably does not meet this standard." GOP

Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma also has said he will oppose Kagan's confirmation, although she is expected to be approved by the full Senate. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast,

rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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OBAMA, continued from page 53

Byrd's casket was draped with a West Virginia flag and a bouquet of red roses. Some in the crowd came because they knew Byrd. Others came because of Byrd's place in history as a U.S. senator for 51 years. Charleston's Howard Swint, said he brought daughters Maddie and Arianna to the event "to celebrate Senator Byrd's life and public service to West Virginia." Swint recalled meeting Byrd. "I found him to be a man of tremendous grace despite his years of powerful positions." Graduate student Matt Noerpel came thought he'd never met Byrd. Noerpel attended a visitation as the senator lay in repose at the Capitol overnight. "It's Robert Byrd. He's as much a political legend as there is." The nation's longest-serving member of Congress began his political career at the state Capitol when he was elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates in 1947. He went on to serve in the West Virginia

Senate before being elected to Congress in 1953. He spent nearly six decades in Congress, first in the House of Representatives and then his final 51 years in the Senate. As a senator, he developed a reputation as a master of the chamber's rules and an oftfeared advocate for West Virginia. In his home state, Byrd cemented larger-than-life status for directing billions of dollars to projects ranging from the courthouses to the FBI's national repository for computerized fingerprint records. Many bear his name, including the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. Byrd evolved over the decades, from a segregationist opposed to civil rights legislation, to a liberal hero for his opposition to the Iraq war and a supporter of the rights of gays to serve in the military. And he proudly became a free-spender as chairman of the Appropriations Committee. It took him just two years to reach his goal of bringing more than $1 billion in

federal funds back to West Virginia. The money went to build highways, bridges, buildings and other facilities. Byrd was born Nov. 20, 1917 in North Wilkesboro, N.C., as Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr. His mother died before his first birthday and his father sent him to live with aunt and uncle Vlurma and Titus Byrd. They renamed him and moved to Stotesbury, W.Va. After the ceremony, Byrd's body will be flown back to Virginia, where he will be buried on Tuesday. Š Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Chris Harnick (TV Squad) Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Submitted at 7/2/2010 7:45:00 AM Text RSS, Term Extraction. Filed under: TV Replay Another day, another Kate Gosselin rumor -- wait, we get more than one rumor today? Awesome! On'The View'(weekdays, syndicated on ABC), the reality star cleared up the rumors about plastic surgery AND 'The Bachelorette.' "What about boobs, those are yours?" Joy Behar asked, pointing to Kate's breasts. "I got a good bra," Gosselin said,

Kate Gosselin Says No Boob Job, No 'Bachelorette' (VIDEO) denying the breast implant rumor. Has she had botox? Nope. A tummy tuck? Yes. Gosselin explained that she goes running every day and is keen on keeping in shape. And what about those pesky rumors that she's going to be the next star of ABC's'The Bachelorette'? "I'm not the next 'Bachelorette,' no," Gosselin said. "I am a bachelorette, but I'm not the next 'Bachelorette.'" Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

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More on the Jobs Report Rea Hederman (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:30:16 PM

The June jobs report is not a happy one as we head into the holiday weekend. Private-sector hiring is still weak, at less than 100,000 new jobs. Even worse, wages fell, and hours of work are flat in the last quarter. While hiring in temporary services is still increasing, it is at a lower level than the past nine months. The labor-market recovery is no longer strengthening but is instead holding in place since spring. While the unemployment rate dipped to 9.5 percent, this is because there was a large exodus from the labor market. The overall labor market is now smaller than it was in March, another indication that the labor market simply is not strengthening. Surprisingly, adult women made up over 40 percent of the drop in the labor force, which means that the adult female labor pool is about

the same as it was at the start of the calendar year. The pool of teenage workers dropped to its lowest level in 40 years, as teenagers accounted for almost 40 percent of the overall laborforce decline. This is a report of a labor market that is moving forward, albeit slowly and with some missteps. A double-dip recession is still unlikely, as most of the private sector, including manufacturing,

continues to add jobs. Cross-posted at The Corner. Tags: Obama's failed stimulus, unemployment You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

The Week in Sports TV: July 2-8 Scott Harris (TV Squad)

OK, so none of those are exactly the most American sports around, but whatever. It's Filed under: TV News Ah, the rare that three of the biggest Fourth of July. A time for all events in world sports happen to Americans to gather together overlap, but that's exactly what around the grill and celebrate we'll be seeing this week, as the the founding of our nation. And Tour de France fire up its what better way to celebrate human engines on Saturday for Independence Day than by what supposedly is Lance honoring the American tradition Armstrong's final bike ride of settling in to watch the big t h r o u g h t h e E u r o p e a n game on the couch with a cold c o u n t r y s i d e . b r e w s k i ? S o m e t h i n g l i k e , Permalink| Email this| Linking maybe, the World Cup. Or Blogs| Comments Wimbledon. Or maybe the Tour de France. Submitted at 7/2/2010 9:00:00 AM



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Top Moments: Risky Business on Entourage, True Blood and The Bachelorette ( Breaking News) Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:13:00 AM

True Blood, The Bachelorette TV took a few risks this week. Entourage's Ari betrayed a client. An artist created a shocking portrait of a beloved Disney character. True Blood had us clutching our pearls at a genuinely revolting vampire sex scene. James Franco made us worry about his career choices. And Bachelorette Ali sent a potential suitor hobbling off into the sunset. 12. Best Susan Boyle Impression: When Puerto Rico's Carlos Aponte, a nebbishy guy, auditioned for America's Got Talent, the producers played it for laughs. (His preperformance interview package was to the tune of "Macarena," for example.) But Aponte had the last laugh. When he sang, an impressive tenor issued forth, wowing the judges and the audience. 11. Best Revenge: It's nice to see Entourage's power agent Ari Gold on the receiving end of a temper tantrum. After Ari screws over director Nick Cassavetes, he takes out a fullpage ad in Variety, illustrated by a photo of Ari in drag, under the headline "My friend, my agent, my b---h." Google Images is a

wonderful thing! 10. Best Tribute: Ryan Seacrest led a touching tribute at the Daytime Emmy Awards to Dick Clark. The legendary American Bandstand host was feted with performances and video messages from a bevy of artists whose careers were launched on his show. Among them: Marie Osmond, the Spinners, Tony Orlando and Chubby Checker. The group came together to belt out Barry Manilow's hit and the Bandstand theme song, "Bandstand Boogie," reducing Clark to tears. 9. Most Shocking: Let's see: How do we describe this moment without offending the more sensitive members of our readership? (Hi, Mom!) On Work of Art: The Next Great Artist, Miles answered the call for a shocking piece of art by creating a line drawing of Mickey Mouse composed of tiny, intertwined portraits of genitals. He explained that the piece represents his first erection, which arrived while he was watching The Little Mermaid as a tot. Definitely weird. But then ... to up the piece's shock value, he decided to "sign" his portrait by commemorating his most recent erection. I'll let you figure out how exactly he did that. 8. Best Symbolism: On Rescue

Me, Tommy contemplates his unsettling vision of the afterlife sitting in the pew of a church — while also drinking some whiskey and smoking a cigarette. It's a key moment in the series, as it aptly paraphrases Tommy's central struggle: how to be good while being bad. 7. Most Familiar Pattern: The new roomies of The Real World New Orleans attended a party at a gay bar, where the host greeted Ryan, a straight hairdresser who wears a purity ring, with an innocent kiss. In response, he told his gay roommate Preston that every time "one of you" touches him, he wants to kill himself. 6. Creepiest "Twist" Ending: On True Blood, Bill's decision to work for the king to protect

Sookie is met by golf claps from Lorena, his nefarious maker. In a fit of rage that morphs into passion, Bill rips off her clothes and forces himself on her. To avoid looking at her smug face during the violent act, he twists her head a full 180 degrees and snaps her neck. "I still love you," she says through bloody teeth. 5. Best Guest Star: On this week's Hot in Cleveland, Betty White's Elka goes on a blind date with ... the legendary Carl Reiner. They get along swimmingly, in that they share a cynicism for Michael Bublé("wannabe Sinatra") and a love of Celebrex! Their oldschool comedy is just as winning today. 4. Best Weirdness: James

Franco returns to General Hospital to reprise the role of Franco, a performance artist who is also stalking a hitman. He reappears as a homeless man, who claims he will entertain you for cash. When a passerby gives him $20, he produces a mechanical clappingmonkey doll and accepts a piece of gum — cinnamon, not spearmint. Yeah, it's as weird as it sounds, and better. 3. Worst Weirdness: After moonwalking his way through a dance medley in tribute to Michael Jackson at the BET Awards, Chris Brown slowed it down to croon "Man in the Mirror." Except he didn't. Apparently overcome with emotion, the singer — still on the image-rehab path after pleading guilty to assaulting Rihanna — broke down on stage and barely croaked out a full lyric. If you thought they were crocodile tears, you're not the only one. 2. Best Fake Boyfriend: This week on Kathy Griffin My Life on the D-List, Griffin visited her solely-for-publicity beau Levi Johnston in Alaska. During an interview with a Playgirl reporter, she saw his spread for the beefcake mag for the first time. "Oh my God, that's your aTOP page 57


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Seth Green Monkeys Around With Warren the Ape ( Breaking News)

lately? You sang falsetto to a silverback gorilla in Old Dogs. Now this. Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:01:00 PM Seth Green: When [ Greg coSeth Green creator/producer] Dan Marino Seth Green has shared the told me he was taking Warren to screen with many a cinema great MTV, I said, "I wanna be part of — Mike Myers, Edward Norton, it! I'll do anything!" I fell in love Jodie Foster, Robin Williams, with Dan back when we were John Travolta, just for starters selling the Fox pilot for Greg, — but now he's toiling at the and we have a whole new other end of the acting spectrum opportunity to work together o n M T V ' s W a r r e n t h e now that Warren has his own Ape(Monday, July 5, 10:30/ r e a l i t y s h o w . I t ' s p e r f e c t . 9:30c). Green will appear as Warren's a washed-up actor himself opposite the title desperately trying to maintain character, a disgustingly pervy his relevance. He and I have a ape puppet with a bad booze and really dysfunctional relationship drug problem. The premise for and he f---ed me over bad. Now the new comedy series — a he's in A.A. and he wants to spinoff of Fox's Greg the make amends with me. Bunny, which also featured TV Guide Magazine: The Green — finds Warren trying to episode has you hit by a car, cherry-pick his way through a smashed against a windshield 12-step program against the and spitting blood. Cool! a d v i c e o f h i s a d d i c t i o n Seth Green: In the original counselor, Dr. Drew Pinksy. TV script they actually killed me Guide Magazine spoke with and then there was a scene at my Green about his guest stint and funeral. I said, "I have no the unexpected dangers of problem dying as myself on playing oneself on TV. camera, but I do have to let you TV Guide Magazine: What's know that I'd love to be a part of with you and the monkeys this show if you get to make

the last nine years — I've been really, really picky about the things I've done — and there's a whole generation of kids who have no connection to me as a movie actor. It's like a generational disconnect. TV Guide Magazine: Do you worry about it? Seth Green: I don't really worry, because I put a lot out there, career-wise. But the ripple effect is a little weird. With Entourage, I was purposely playing myself like a hyperstereotyped über a--hole and an amalgam of so many horrible more. If you kill me, you'll have people I've known. I wore t o m a k e m e a g h o s t o r sunglasses indoors. I was texting while talking to people. And I something." TV Guide Magazine: You also w a s a l w a y s t a l k i n g a b o u t played yourself — as a total jerk myself. They showed me living wad — on Entourage. Did in this gorgeous all-glass people get confused and think beachfront house and had me surrounded by girls in bikinis. that was the real you? Seth Green: You have no idea There were a couple of beefy how much damage control I had dudes working the grill, a silver to do after that. I thought I'd tray full of joints, alcohol cultivated a kind of nice-guy everywhere — and it was all image in the industry but I supposed to be taking place at realized it's sort of generational. 8:45 in the morning! I thought it I've only made three movies in was hilarious, but some people didn't get the joke. I went to

TOP continued from page 56

-," she squealed. "Don't act like you've never seen it before," Johnston replied, ever the dutiful fake boyfriend. 1. Most Exciting Confrontation Ever: After Ali learns Justin has a girlfriend on The Bachelorette,

the "Rated R" wrestler went with the good old deny-denydeny strategy as he frantically tried to outrun, er, out-hobble a scorned woman and a bloodthirsty camera crew. However, the proof was in the

voicemails from Justin to his girlfriend, Jessica, where he said he misses her, loves her, wants to marry her ... and which were played as he walked out of camera range and into the (very crowded) reality TV hall of

shame. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

New York to be a keynote speaker at the Digitas Conference, a gathering of corporate titans, where I talked about digital content and how we can all work together to achieve our common goals. After that, an article got published that said, "Contrary to his jerkish image, Seth Green was quite cordial in dazzling Madison Avenue's finest..." I couldn't believe it! TV Guide Magazine: But you'd still do it all over again, right? Seth Green: Oh, hell yes! Playing myself is a work in progress. We'll be talking to each other about this for the next 25 years! Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine now! Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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July Fourth Weekend TV Marathon Roundup ( Breaking News) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:28:00 PM

Mad Men, Desperate Housewives Too hot outside? If you'd rather spend July Fourth on a couch, there's plenty of TV to watch. Check out our marathon roundup for the holiday weekend: (All times are ET/PT and subject to change) Saturday, July 3 America's Next Top Model marathon (8 a.m.-4 p.m., Oxygen) 16 and Pregnant Season 2 marathon (1-9 p.m., MTV) America's Funniest Home Videos marathon(11 a.m.-2 a.m. July 4, ABC Family) One on One marathon (9 a.m.7:30 p.m., BET) Dog the Bounty Hunter marathon (5:30 p.m.-4 a.m., A&E) House marathon (9 a.m.Midnight, USA) Secret Worlds with Michael Arbuthnot marathon (Noon-6 p.m., Travel) Sunday, July 4 The O.C. marathon (6 a.m.7p.m., SOAPnet) Snapped marathon (NoonMidnight, Oxygen)

Daily Dispatch: Google buys travel software firm; Facebook adds facial recognition Dirk Klingner (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:44:38 AM

Daily Dispatch: Google buys travel software firm; Facebook adds facial recognition Combing through hundreds of blog posts and news articles daily, Dirk Klingner, our technology-trend watcher, sifts through the noise to bring you the tech news most important to consumers. If you have a tip on a story you want to share, leave a comment below. Ugly Betty marathon (Noon- Cake Boss marathon (6 a.m.-8 Google buys travel software Midnight, TV Guide Network) p.m., TLC) company ITA for $700M( Life marathon (Noon-6.a.m. True Life marathon (9 a.m.-5 Times Newsline) July 5, Animal Planet) p.m., MTV) ...With the help of ITA’s Behind the Music marathon Law & Order marathon (10 software, Google plans to (11:30 a.m.-3:30 a.m. July 5, a.m.-8 p.m., TNT) improve the methods of finding VH1) Mad Men marathon (8 p.m.-6 flight information online using The Greatest American Hero a.m. July 6, AMC) its search services, Google said marathon (9 a.m.-5 a.m. July 5, Degrassi: The Next Generation in a statement. SyFy) marathon (6 p.m.-Midnight, Introducing review scorecards!( MetaJets marathon (11 a.m.-4 TeenNick) Engadget) p.m., Cartoon) Law & Order: Criminal Intent we're happy to introduce NCIS marathon (11 a.m.-11 marathon (6 a.m.-6 p.m., USA) our review scorecards. We p.m., USA) Five Filters featured article: wanted to find a way to deliver a A n t h o n y B o u r d a i n : N o Headshot - Propaganda, State snapshot of our reviews in a Reservations marathon (2 p.m.-3 Religion and the Attack On the r e a l l y s i m p l e , g l a n c e a b l e a.m. July 5, Travel) Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available manner, and also make those Monday, July 5 tools: PDF Newspaper, Full snapshots available to sort and Real Housewives of New Text RSS, Term Extraction. search through. So starting Jersey marathon (3 p.m.immediately, we'll be including Midnight, Bravo) scorecards in any new review

that goes up, and those cards will appear on our new reviews sorting page. Facebook Adds Facial Recognition( ReadWriteWeb) ...For now, facial recognition will identifiy that a face is present in an uploaded photo, asking the user "Whose face is this?" Genes predict living beyond 100( BBC) US scientists have developed a way of predicting how likely a person is to live beyond the age of 100. The breakthrough, described in the journal Science, is based on 150 genetic "signposts" found in exceptionally long-lived people. Use Google as a Sunrise and Sunset Calculator( digital inspiration) ...You can use Google web search to quickly find the time of sunrise and sunset for nearly every city in the world using the syntax “sunrise” and “sunset” respectively. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


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iPhone 4's supposed signal woes aren’t unique, and may not be serious Michael Gikas (Consumer Reports)

phones, from the mightiest smart phones to the most-basic flip models, must consistently Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:59:08 AM overcome a major iPhone 4's supposed signal communication obstacle: you. woes aren’t unique, and may not Your hand, your head, or any be serious other part of your body that The debate over the iPhone 4's comes between the phone's supposed reception problems antenna and the nearest cell continues, including a new class t o w e r w i l l i n t e r f e r e w i t h -action suit. Underplayed in the reception, and devilishly well. discussion is the fact that all That's in part because humans p h o n e s a r e s u b j e c t t o are mostly made of water, and interference from the human water is very good at blocking who is using them. And even if p h o n e s i g n a l s . O t h e r the alleged signal loss is real, confounding factors include there's an absence of hard nearby buildings, cell-tower evidence that iPhone 4 reception location, and even the weather. is problematic compared to past That interference is exacerbated i P h o n e s ; i n d e e d , t h e r e ' s if the phone's antenna is not evidence of just the opposite. insulated from human contact. For its part, Apple recently And that seems to be the case suggested that any iPhone 4 with the iPhone's external signal loss results from little antenna, which doubles as the more than faulty software that phone's stylish metal outer band; incorrectly displays signal your hand contacts the band as strengths. you cradle the phone. The software may, indeed be Most of the Web sites reporting faulty, but the signal loss can be dropped signals and even real. Holding the iPhone 4 in dropped calls have demonstrated certain ways does cause signal several techniques, or "death loss. But that's the case with all grips" for recreating the problem cell phones. Indeed, all cell (which we've yet been able to

this low all but guaranteed that calls would drop, fail to be placed, and data would no longer be transacted at all. I can honestly say that I've never held onto so many calls and data simultaneously on 1 bar at -113 dBm as I have with the iPhone 4, so it's readily apparent that the new baseband hardware is reproduce in a meaningful way). much more sensitive compared But those almost always require to what was in the 3GS. squeezing the phone hard, in an The authors did admit, unnatural way. Those grips may however, that using a bumper, also produce sweaty palms from or some kind of insulating case e x e r t i o n , w i t h t h e s w e a t allowed them to get even better increasing conductivity—and performance: With my bumper possibly the degree of signal case on, I made it further into loss. dead zones than ever before, and Case closed, right? Well, no. into marginal areas that would Even with that supposed always drop calls without any handicap of an exposed antenna, problems at all. It's amazing iPhone 4 reception is actually r e a l l y t o e x p e r i e n c e t h e b e t t e r t h a n o n t h e 3 G S difference in sensitivity the according to many to some iPhone 4 brings compared to the highly respectable and thorough 3GS, and issues from holding testers, i n c l u d i n g the phone aside, reception is From my day of absolutely definitely improved. I testing, I've determined that the felt like I was going places no iPhone 4 performs much better iPhone had ever gone before. than the 3GS in situations where There's no doubt in my mind signal is very low, at -113 dBm this iPhone gets the best cellular (1 bar). Previously, dropping reception yet, even though

measured signal is lower than the 3GS. Bottom line: There's no reason, at least yet, to forgo buying an iPhone 4 over its reception concerns. And even if those do materialize, Apple's Steve Jobs helpfully reminds new iPhone buyers that "you can return your undamaged iPhone to any Apple Retail Store or the online Apple Store within 30 days of purchase for a full refund." —Mike Gikas Next Steps • Cell Phone Buying Advice: • Types of Cell Phones| • Cell Phone Features| • Cell Phone Brands All Cell Phone Ratings Subscribers can view and compare all Cell Phone Ratings. Recommended Cell Phones Look at the ones that we chose as the best of the best. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


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What country builds the most, recommended cars? Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports)

percentage of U.S.-built models. To be recommended, vehicles must perform well in our road Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:17:10 AM tests, have average or better What country builds the most, r e l i a b i l i t y , a n d p e r f o r m recommended cars? adequately in government or The approaching July 4th insurance industry crash tests. holiday, and ongoing FIFA The spectrum for recommended World Cup, have made this is a cars per country spans from not time for national pride and a single vehicle recommended competition. Inspired, our to 60 percent from a given Consumer Reports Auto Price nation. Of course, there can be Services studied the latest multiple factors that limit incentives and produced a list of recommendations, including a the best deals on American- m o d e l n o t y e t t e s t e d a n d made cars. (See our Best Deals reliability data not available yet on all cars.) In doing this (too new). seasonal analysis, we found that With Turkey, the sole export to among 118 models on the the United States is the Ford market this month made in the Transit Connect. While this United States, 35 percent are small commercial van has been Consumer R e p o r t s sold for years overseas, it is recommended. This raised the relatively new here. We have question of how other countries not tested it and do not have compare. reliability data, so don’t hold We identified 293 mainstream this one against Turkey. models sold in the United Instead, look to Great Britain States, and they come from for the true lowest number of factories located in 15 nations. recommended vehicles. Just one On average, Consumer Reports o f a d o z e n m o d e l s a r e recommends 37.4 percent of the recommended, for a paltry 8.3 models sold here—just more percent. Historically, Jaguar, than the current recommended Land Rover, and Mini products

4 19 France 1 0 0 Germany 36 14 39 Great Britain 12 1 8 Hungary 2 0 0 Japan 49 29 59 Korea 19 8 42 Mexico 17 7 41 Portugal 1 0 0 Slovokia 2 0 0 Sweden 5 3 60 Turkey 1 0 0 USA 118 42 36 We recommend that car shoppers prioritize how a vehicle performs in our ratings, have struggled with reliability, rather than shop by country of though Mini’s Clubman and non origin--a criteria complicated by -turbo Cooper versions do earn parts sourcing that can bring our recommendation. numerous parts together from Japan and Sweden tie for the across borders. The reality is h i g h e s t p e r c e n t a g e o f that all countries build some recommended models at 60 models better than others. percent, though Japan has the With significant incentives this true advantage with 29 models holiday weekend, great deals making the grade. With fewer can be had on models built from exports, Sweden builds five around the world. v e h i c l e s a n d t h r e e a r e Also read: “ Who makes the recommended. best cars?” for our full Mexico and South Korea automaker report cards.– Jeff deserve mention, each with Bartlett and Mike Dempsey more then 40 percent of vehicles Subscribe now! recommended. S u b s c r i b e t o Where the recommended cars for expert are made COUNTRY MODELS Ratings, buying advice and B U I L T R E C O M M E N D E D reliability on hundreds of MODELS P E R C E N T products. Update your feed RECOMMENDED Austria 3 1 preferences 33% Belgium 7 1 14 Canada 21

Alien Breed: Impact art book is kinda nasty Ben Gilbert (Joystiq) Submitted at 7/2/2010 3:30:00 PM

We're hard-pressed to call a book full of concept art for Alien Breed: Impact created by clearly talented artists "kinda nasty," but, well, part of it features images of gross bugs and stuff. More to the point: gross alien bug things. If you're into this kinda thing, we've dropped the whole set of images into the gallery below. Gallery: Alien Breed: Impact (art booklet) Alien Breed: Impact art book is kinda nasty originally appeared on Joystiq on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Able Planet NC500SC Sound Clarity Noise Canceling Headphones Woot (Woot! - One Day, One Deal)

just deliver clear, full sound for people with normal hearing – they also enhance sound clarity Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:00:08 AM for individuals with mild-toA Snark Too Far moderate hearing loss. There’s nothing wrong with a To make us feel even worse, little harmless ridicule. But our photo of the Able Planet sometimes we take it too far. booth included part of a display Hey, we know we have a f e a t u r i n g s n o w b o a r d i n g problem. champion Lauren Weibert, who When we saw Able Planet’s herself suffers from hearing booth at the 2010 Consumer loss. Thanks to Able Planet, Electronics Show in Las Vegas, she’s able to talk on the phone, we knew we had a winner on listen to her iPod, and talk with our hands. Specifically, a CES attendees. If only we’d winner of the Wootable Award been able to talk to her before f o r M o s t U n d e r w h e l m i n g we made our catty little remark. Slogan. We thought “It Is So we’re sorry, Able Planet. Possible” was a hilariously You know how it is: you’re at a understated tagline, especially at huge show, you have to write a a show packed to the rafters quota of dumb jokes every day, with overbearing hype. you don’t think about who Whoops. As Able Planet CEO might get hurt along the way. Kevin Semcken pointed out, the Our bad. company chose that slogan to We still like your other slogan – make the point that “It Is “Hear the Difference” – a lot Possible” to lead a full, active more, though. l i f e d e s p i t e h e a r i n g l o s s . Warranty: 1 Year Able Planet Products like these Noise Features: Canceling Headphones don’t • LINX AUDIO provides

enhanced Sound Clarity for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss • State-of-the-art active noise cancellation (ANC), to reduce undesirable sounds and background noise • Operates as normal headphones when ANC function is turned off, or if batteries run out • Lightweight adjustable headband provides superior fit • Ideal for creating your own personal space filled with clear sound or nothing at all • Full-size ear cups with soft cushions swivel for maximum comfort • In-line volume control enables easy adjustment to safe listening levels for hearing preservation • Removable Cord with 1/8” and 1/4” Stereo Adapters • For use in Computer & Language Labs, Stereos, Personal Computers, CD, DVD and MP3 Players Specifications:

• Frequency Response: 20 Hz 20 kHz • Sensitivity at 1 kHz; 115 dB (Off); 121 dB (On) • Plug: 3.5 mm Additional Photos: • Able Planet Noise Canceling Headphones • Able Planet Noise Canceling Headphones with Accessories • Able Planet Noise Canceling Headphones Box • Able Planet Noise Canceling Headphones Carrying Case • Able Planet Noise Canceling Headphones Noise Cancellation On/Off Switch In the box: • Able Planet Noise Canceling Headphones • Carrying Case • 1/4" Home Stereo Adapter • Two AAA Batteries • Airplane Adapter Discuss this product Price: $59.99 I want one!




E-reader News Edition

Tips for photographing fireworks on this Fourth Jeffrey Fox (Consumer Reports)

determine the best speed. If you close the shutter too quickly, you'll miss the spheres, rings, Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:59:59 AM and other formations. Leave it Tips for photographing open too long and you'll f i r e w o r k s o n t h i s F o u r t h overexpose. For starters, set the Fireworks are beautiful. Photos speed to several seconds and, of them can be, too, if you do for each shot, press the shutter your homework and are willing release just before the fireworks to experiment a bit. Here are explode. Based on the results of s o m e o f t h e t e c h n i q u e s each shot, fine tune the speed. experienced photographers Keep the camera stable. recommend for getting keepers Because of the long shutter from an admittedly challenging s p e e d s f i r e w o r k s r e q u i r e , photographic subject: camera motion can ruin your U s e m a n u a l c o n t r o l s . shot. Mounting the camera on a Automatic exposure controls tripod is best, but if you can't do can't do justice to "bombs that, seat it on something stable, bursting in air." To get the best such as a fence. With an results, set the camera to manual advanced camera, such as an mode, so you can control the SLR, you can further reduce the shutter speed, aperture, and ISO chances of camera shake by yourself. Advanced cameras, using a remote release to trigger s u c h a s S L R s , h a v e s u c h the shutter. Or, if you can seat controls, though many basic the camera without having to models don't. If yours doesn't, hold it, try its self-timer, which use its fireworks or night scene eliminates having to press the mode, if there is one. shutter. Determine the best shutter Include some context. Your speed. Because fireworks are photos will be more interesting bright and dynamic, you may if you shoot wider and include need to take a few shots to t h e h o r i z o n , l a n d s c a p e ,

buildings, or people. Using the fireworks to light the landscape from behind or the side can produce stunning shots. To avoid overexposing or underexposing the surroundings, before the fireworks starts, try several variations of shutter speed, ISO, and focal length. Plan ahead. If possible, stay upwind of the fireworks or your shots may be ruined by smoke. Bring a charged spare camera battery and enough flash storage to take lots of shots. Before the fireworks start, make sure to remove any light-reducing filters (such as a polarizer) from your lens. And turn off the camera’s flash; you won't need it. If you'll be taking your camera

into the great outdoors this summer (even your backyard qualifies), here are some tips for keeping it dry. And here are things to keep in mind when taking your camera on vacation. Have a great time this summer and share your photographic experiences and tips below. —Jeff Fox Next Steps • Digital Camera Buying Advice: • Types of Digital Cameras| • Digital Camera Features| • Digital Camera Brands All Digital Camera Ratings Subscribers can view and compare all Digital Camera Ratings. Recommended Digital Cameras Look at the ones that we chose as the best of the best. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

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Grill safety: Don't let your holiday go up in smoke Consumer Reports on Safety (Consumer Reports)

structures, as well as away from any nearby trees. • Regularly check the fuel line Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:31:16 PM for gas leaks; if you find one Grill safety: Don't let your turn off the gas right away and holiday go up in smoke Each do not use the grill until the leak year fire departments are called is fixed. to 7,900 fires started by grills, • Never walk away from your hibachis or barbecues resulting grill when it's in use. in more than $80 million in • Do not overfill the propane property damage, according to tank. In fact, it's illegal to fill a the National Fire Protection 20-pound propane tank more Agency. Additionally, 18,600 than 80 percent. people go to the ER for grilling- • Store propane tanks outdoors, related injuries and burns, some in an upright position. Never fatal. Some of the fires are store spare propane tanks near a caused by faulty grills but most grill. are the result of unsafe grilling • Keep the lid open when practices. lighting a gas grill to prevent Gas grills flash-off from collected gas. Gas grills account for 80 • Keep your grill clean. Before percent of grill fires; a leak or you start grilling, check the break is the leading cause. Take burners for obstructions. Also, these precautions: be sure to regularly clean your grill of fat, as excess fat buildup • Be sure to position your grill makes a grease fire more likely. at least 10 feet away from your • Keep children and pets away house or any surrounding from the grill by establishing a

“safety zone” around the grill, • For charcoal grills—close the within which children are not grill lid. allowed. • For propane grills—turn off the burners. If you can safely Charcoal grills reach the tank valve, shut it off. While charcoal grills cause • If the fire involves the tank, fewer fires they present a leave it alone, evacuate the area serious hazard from carbon and call the fire department. monoxide poisoning, which • Never attempt to extinguish a claims at least 20 lives each grease fire with water. It will year. To be safe: only cause the flames to flare up. Use an approved portable • Always use a charcoal grill fire extinguisher. outside, period. • If there is any type of fire that • Use starter fluid sparingly, either threatens your personal and never add it to an open safety or endangers property, flame. Don't use any other call 911. flammable liquid to start a charcoal grill. —Jason Harary Subscribe now! • Do not store the grill indoors S u b s c r i b e t o immediately after it has been for expert used. Even if the fire has been Ratings, buying advice and extinguished, the hot charcoal reliability on hundreds of can continue to emit carbon products. Update your feed monoxide. preferences In case of a fire


LeBron James meets with Pat Riley, Miami Heat; Los Angeles Clippers up next Associated Press ( Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:15:04 AM

• Share • Retweet '); } else { $(_this).append(' Follow him on Twitter: @'+value+'.'); } } }); } }); T(_t.selector).hovercards(anywh ereOptions); T(".fortwitter").hovercards(anywhereO ptions); //REMOVE THE CLASS NAME SO WE DON'T ANYWHERE IT TWICE $ ( " . f o r twitter").removeClass("fortwitter"); }); } if(typeof(twttr) == "undefined") { $.getScript("http:// LEBRON page 64

Unedited Dead Rising 2 classified in Australia Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) Submitted at 7/2/2010 3:00:00 PM

Australia's OFLC has passed Dead Rising 2 with an MA15+ classification. The game's Aussie distributor tells Gamespot the zombie-survival splatterfest was rated without any edits. Dead Rising 2: Case Zero also passed with the MA15+ rating. A Capcom

representative informed Joystiq they don't believe edits were ever made to the original Dead Rising or Chop Till You Drop(its Wii incarnation) for their MA15+ ratings. The reason why Dead Rising 2 is getting attention for its classification is because of the difficulties Left 4 Dead 2 experienced last year. Valve's game was eventually classified

Unedited Dead Rising 2 classified in Australia originally appeared on Joystiq on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments with significant reductions in gore. From our preview time with Dead Rising 2, the game has plenty of gore to spare.

Australia's continued lack of an R18+ rating makes the system seem arbitrary when faced with situations like this.


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LEBRON continued from page 63 anywhere.js?id="+config.key+" &v="+config.version,anywhere) ; } else { anywhere(); } return this; }; })(jQuery); CLEVELAND -- The Miami Heat have LeBron James' attention. What they really want is the superstar free agent's signature. Team president Pat Riley, coach Erik Spoelstra, owner Micky Arison and former center Alonzo Mourning have begun their presentation to try to lure James to South Florida. The Heat's delegation arrived at 10:20 a.m. James showed up two minutes before the scheduled 11 a.m. meeting wearing a T-shirt, shorts and a backpack. The Heat will be followed by the Los Angeles Clippers. On Thursday, James met with the New Jersey Nets and New York Knicks. He will visit on Saturday with the Chicago Bulls and Cavaliers. The Cavs are counting on hometown loyalty to resign the two-time MVP,

who has spent his first seven seasons in Cleveland. Adande: Doom Motivating Many It's no secret that this year's free -agent actions are being driven in large part by the threat of a locked-out 2011,'s J.A. Adande writes. Story James pulled into the garage of the IMG building in a Range Rover and was escorted to the elevator banks by two Cleveland police officers. "Hey, what's up?" James said before heading to LRMR Marketing, the company he started with Maverick Carter, his close friend and business partner. Riley's pitch to James isn't expected to contain too many surprises, and it likely will focus on the possibility of him playing with Dwyane Wade, a U.S. Olympic teammate and friend. The Heat also have talked about uniting the two with free agent Chris Bosh, who was in the same draft class as James and Wade.

Riley's recruiting plan goes something like this: He talks about the benefit of playing in an no-income-tax state like Florida, something that would be worth millions to James, whose off-court earnings dwarf his on-court salary. He sings the praises of having a willing-tospend, not-willing-to-meddle owner in Arison, plus talks about what it means to be part of the Heat family, something to which Mourning can attest. And Riley also speaks about building a dynasty, the word he's been using with Heat fans for months. Given all that, these days could largely define a huge portion of Riley's Heat legacy. Wade has said he wants to stay, but he will leave if Riley doesn't make the moves that turn Miami into a championship contender again. Although Wade was the clear leader of the 2006 title team -- his finals MVP trophy proves that -- he's lamented not getting out of the first round of the playoffs since.

When he reached downtown, James couldn't help but see signs saying: Home. Two Cavaliers employees were on the four corners of East 9th Street and St. Clair, holding signs with words dear to James such as "Community," "Family" and "Mission." "I think we've got about 36 people all over town with these signs," said Nate Ferrall, a 39year-old Clevelander, who refused to confirm he works for the Cavs. "We just want to remind LeBron that this is his home and that we support him." Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition

2010 Free Agents: New York Knicks taking their turn to woo free agent Dwayne Wade news services ( Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:25:48 PM

• Share • Retweet '); } else { $(_this).append(' Follow him on Twitter: @'+value+'.'); } } }); } }); T(_t.selector).hovercards(anywh ereOptions); T(".fortwitter").hovercards(anywhereO ptions); //REMOVE THE CLASS NAME SO WE DON'T ANYWHERE IT TWICE $ ( " . f o r twitter").removeClass("fortwitter"); }); } if(typeof(twttr) == "undefined") { $.getScript("http:// anywhere.js?id="+config.key+" &v="+config.version,anywhere) ; } else { anywhere(); } return this; }; })(jQuery);

CHICAGO -- Dwyane Wade spent Friday morning at a downtown Chicago hotel hearing a pitch from the New York Knicks, the third team in two days hoping to pull one of free agency's top players away from the Miami Heat. Wade "It was a good meeting, a real good meeting," Wade said afterward. The meeting that lasted about 2 hours, 15 minutes. "I will say I'm intrigued." Beforehand, Wade got out of a black Suburban and told reporters he was "in a New York state of mind right now, so we'll see" how it goes. Earlier in the day, he tweeted that he got up early for "Another day of pondering my future. ... Things are interesting to say the least." Fellow free-agent superstar Chris Bosh tweeted that he and Wade dined Thursday night and

posted a picture to prove it. Bosh also said "it feels like someone is missing," an apparent reference to Cavaliers star LeBron James, the crown jewel of the free-agent crop. Various reports have suggested the three are discussing their options in concert. Adande: Doom Motivating Many It's no secret that this year's free -agent actions are being driven in large part by the threat of a locked-out 2011,'s J.A. Adande writes. Story On Thursday, Wade spent two hours meeting with the Bulls and later met with the New Jersey Nets. The Chicago-area native already has heard from the Heat, whose top priority is to bring back the 2006 NBA Finals MVP. "So far, so good, very informative," his agent, Henry Thomas, said of the teams' pitches so far.

Despite his ties to Chicago -where he has a home and family, including his mother -Wade has said repeatedly that he would like to stay in Miami. But he did structure his last contract for the opportunity to become a free agent for the first time. Wade is expected to return to Florida early next week. He is scheduled to join Heat executive Alonzo Mourning for a Tuesday news conference about their annual Summer Groove, a fundraising weekend for youth programs and other charitable causes. Wade is expected to play in an all-star game July 18 as part of that weekend. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.




E-reader News Edition

NBA free agency: Paul Pierce, Boston Celtics haven't reached deal

Netherlands' rally stuns Brazil in quarterfinals news services (

Associated Press (

Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:07:40 PM

• Share • Retweet '); } else { $(_this).append(' Follow him on Twitter: @'+value+'.'); } } }); } }); T(_t.selector).hovercards(anywh ereOptions); T(".fortwitter").hovercards(anywhereO ptions); //REMOVE THE CLASS NAME SO WE DON'T ANYWHERE IT TWICE $ ( " . f o r twitter").removeClass("fortwitter"); }); } if(typeof(twttr) == "undefined") { $.getScript("http:// anywhere.js?id="+config.key+" &v="+config.version,anywhere) ; } else { anywhere(); } return this; }; })(jQuery); BOSTON -- The Boston Celtics and captain Paul Pierce are continuing talks on a new

contract and are closing in on an agreement, sources close to the situation have told Multiple media outlets are reporting that the sides have reached agreement on a fouryear extension, but the reports are premature, sources told Pierce is engaged in talks with no other team, but a deal has not been completed, the sources said Friday. The sides are discussing a fouryear deal worth between $60 million and $62 million, but whether the fourth year is guaranteed or not is a big point of contention, a source told ESPN The Magazine's Ric Bucher. Pierce, who opted out of the final year of his contract and sacrificed $21.5 million, is taking a significant reduction to help the Celtics re-sign unrestricted free agent Ray Allen and bring in another quality player. The Boston Herald, which first reported a deal had been reached, said Pierce would get $61 million over four years,

with a mutual option for the fourth year. The Associated Press, citing a Celtics team official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, is reporting that the sides have agreed to terms. Celtics spokesman Jeff Twiss had no comment when reached Friday by The Associated Press. Pierce has spent his entire 12year career with the Celtics. He is second only to Larry Bird among longtime Celtics in points per game. Pierce is first in 3-pointers, second in steals, third in total points, eighth in games played and ninth in rebounds. Information from senior NBA writer Marc Stein and The Associated Press was used in this report. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:30:17 PM

Game Notes • Netherlands advances to the semifinals for the first time since 1998 and will play the Uruguay-Ghana winner on Tuesday in Cape Town. • Brazil loses after leading at halftime for the first time in its World Cup history (now 35-1-2) and loses for only the third time after scoring first (now 53-3-4). The other two losses were the 1998 group stage versus Norway and the 1950 final versus Uruguay. • In the 53rd minute, Brazil's Felipe Melo knocked in an own goal off Wesley Sneijder's cross, for the first own goal in Brazil's 97-match World Cup history. It's just the second own goal in a knockout-stage match in the last 40 years. • Brazil's passing was one of its

biggest weaknesses. No Brazilian completed 40 passes, only the sixth time that happened for a Brazilian team since 1966. Here's a look at how poor Brazil's passing was compared to 68 previous World Cup matches since 1966: Successful passes: 268 (64th of 68 games) Passing accuracy: 78.8 percent (63) Passing accuracy, opp. half: 69.7 (64) • Sneijder, who checks in at 5foot-7, became the shortest player to score a headed goal at this year's World Cup. • Brazil loses under Dunga for the first time when both Kaka and Robinho play (now 30-1-4). -- ESPN Stats & Information Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


Netherlands Comes Back to Beat Brazil Michael Cardillo (FanHouse Main)

Brazil had made the Dutch look like a petulant bunch of spoiled professionals. The Dutch were Submitted at 7/2/2010 10:50:00 AM going to ground at the slightest Filed under: FIFA World Cup, contact, yelling at each other Brazil, Netherlands Starting and looking completely out of defender pulling up lame in the sorts. pregame warm-up? Check. Robinho's 10th minute goal -Bickering teammates? Check. set up by a long Route One pass Players diving to the ground up the middle from Felipe Melo looking for fouls? Check. from barely over the halfway Trailing at halftime after line -- put the Dutch in full crisis conceding one of the softest mode. Mercurial winger Arjen goals of the 2010 World Cup? Robben was yelling in the Check. direction of the bench as he was Any way you want to slice it, the closest player to Robinho on Netherlands was down and on v s . B r a z i l L i v e B l o g | the goal, instead of veteran their way out Friday at halftime Netherlands World Cup Gallery defender Andre Ooijer, who was of their World Cup quarterfinal Complete World Cup Coverage| caught out of position far up against five-time champions World Cup Scores| World Cup field. TV Schedule Brazil. Ooijer was a last-minute A f t e r 4 5 m i n u t e s , t h e replacement for ever-present Soccer, though, is a crazy game, and thanks to a couple Netherlands were staring down Joris Mathijsen, who pulled up moments of brilliance from the at an early exit from the World lame only a few minutes before feet of Wesley Sneijder, the Cup, at least by its standards. the match began. Mathijsen had Netherlands walked away from The mantle of proverbial "best played every minute for the Port Elizabeth, South Africa, team to never win the World Dutch in qualifying. Cup" would have to carry on for with a historic 2-1 upset. More Coverage: Netherlands another four years.

Piece of Argentina Finds Maradona's Brother in South Florida David Whitley (FanHouse Main)

A strip mall in Palm Beach County isn't the last place on earth you'd expect to find a Submitted at 7/2/2010 11:30:00 AM Maradona. But it's close. Filed under: FIFA World Cup, There's a flat-screen TV on the Argentina, Germany wall, four tables and a glass GREENACRES, Fla. -- A few counter stocked with the finest hundred million people will be Argentinian pastries in south e n t e r t a i n e d b y o n e m a n Florida. Alas, there are no $450 Saturday. None will be more bidets in the bathroom. enthralled than a few people Diego had two of them installed crammed into an American at his World Cup digs. A man sandwich shop. needs a clean tush. Especially The man's name is on the front after vowing to run around window. naked if Argentina wins the Maradona. Cup. No, that one. It was a typical move by the Diego will be in South Africa man billions of earthlings know coaching Argentina in a World only as Maradona, the most Cup match. Approximately s c a n d a l o u s , t a l e n t e d a n d 8,000 miles away, his brother tormented soccer figure of our Hugo will be at Maradona's lifetime. Sports CafĂŠ.



E-reader News Edition

Why Is Phil Jackson Back? He'd Miss It Too Much Jay Mariotti (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 7/2/2010 8:00:00 AM

Filed under: NBA LOS ANGELES -- Whether the LeBron-a-thon ends in Cleveland, South Beach, Chicago, Madison Square Garden, beautiful downtown Newark or a franchise being created for LeBron James on Uranus or Mars, what happened Thursday in southern California was the official executive response. It didn't happen in a boardroom, at a Hollywood restaurant or even inside a meditation spa at a sanctuary retreat. Very simply, Phil Jackson and the Lakers put out a press release. "Count me in,'' it said. So much for his recent comment that he was "leaning against'' coming back. The coach of the two-time defending

NBA champions is returning for what he's calling his "Last Stand,'' which comes a dozen years after his so-called "Last Dance'' in Chicago. Regardless of whether the sports world thinks Jackson is a drama queen -- and count me in on that sentiment -- his return was mandatory for the Lakers to have a fighting chance of three-

peating against whatever Eastern Conference team is fueled by the LeBron offensive. Any other candidate, from untested Brian Shaw to the twice-fired Byron Scott, would have thrown acclimation-related doubt into the equation. Any other candidate would have dropped the Lakers from a favorite's role into a swirl of uncertainty, particularly if James and Chris Bosh were to join Dwyane Wade and Pat Riley in Miami. Any other candidate couldn't have stood up to Jackson's aura with a crane, platform shoes and a pair of stilts. His presence is that mighty. "We'd be drastically different,'' said Kobe Bryant, who all but begged Jackson to come back and said last week that the uncertainty was "killing my buzz."

George Steinbrenner, True American, Turns 80 on Fourth of July Joe Lapointe (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:06:00 PM

Filed under: Yankees, MLB Mock Draft Prior to games at Yankee Stadium, hours before they open the gates, an audio recording plays a recorded voice like a ghostly echo in the dark corridors beneath the lower deck. "Today,'' the voice says, "I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.'' The voice is that of the dying Lou Gehrig in his classic farewell speech at the old Stadium on July 4, 1939. The Independence Day holiday -- the midpoint of the baseball season -- is historic for this franchise in other ways, too. On July 4, 1983, Dave Righetti pitched a no-hitter at the remodeled but original Stadium. And this year -- on Sunday, July 4, 2010 -- George M. Steinbrenner, the owner, will celebrate his 80th birthday as

the Yankees play host to Toronto in their two-year-old stadium. Even a franchise legend older and more famous than Steinbrenner plans to take note. But Yogi Berra, 85, will not reveal his message. "I'm saving it," the Hall of Famer said with a smile earlier this week in the Yankees' clubhouse, where he works as an occasional consultant. "I'm calling him. I've got his phone number. I know who to go through.''


E-reader News Edition


ModNation Racers' top 15 finish sets slow pace for May racing game sales Christopher Grant (Joystiq)

the top 30. Analyst Michael Pachter told IGN that he "thought the Despite three high-profile M o d N a t i o n n u m b e r w a s launches in May, the racing respectable, since the game genre got lapped that month, came out only on May 25." Blur according to NPD sales data. came out on the same day, so, S o n y ' s P S 3 - e x c l u s i v e relatively, its sales were ModNation Racers, Activision's d i s a p p o i n t i n g . Bizarre-developed Blur and While sales figures weren't Disney's excellent Split/Second provided for any of the above all fared poorly on the retail games, Pachter writes in his c i r c u i t w i t h M o d N a t i o n monthly NPD analysis that squeezing its way into the top Blur"sold well below our 15 (on just one platform, mind estimate of 100,000 units," you), while the other two giving us some insight into how multiplatform titles didn't crack b o t h i t a n d S p l i t / S e c o n d Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:30:00 PM

performed. However, Split/ Second was released a week earlier than ModNation and Blur. With two much higher-profile

racing games coming out this fall, in Gran Turismo 5 and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, it remains to be seen if the racing genre itself is toxic at the

checkout counter or if gamers have simply passed over May's hybrid concepts, content to wait for the new models of their favorite makes. ModNation Racers' top 15 finish sets slow pace for May racing game sales originally appeared on Joystiq on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 14:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Eye of Judgment online servers closing in September Andrew Yoon (Joystiq) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 PM

While Eye of Judgment never became a runaway hit for Sony, the PlayStation Eye-enabled, augmented reality card game has a small, but dedicated fan base. Unfortunately for them, the online community will be discontinued on September 30, according to a notice on the

European PlayStation forums. "Offline play will remain available even after the conclusion of online service," the announcement adds, meaning EoJ fans will have to meet in person to continue competitively playing. While it's not uncommon for online games to be discontinued, it does leave fans with few options. Some EoJ players are

Eye of Judgment online servers closing in September originally appeared on Joystiq on Fri, 02 Jul 2010 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments planning to move on to the PSP version, Legends(which doesn't require physical cards). Others, however, feel betrayed by Sony.

"I am afraid that my long lasting relationship with SCEA/E/J products end 9/30," one fan commented on the forums.


Food/ Health/

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Shoe Guide 2010 ( Submitted at 7/2/2010 3:00:00 AM

Every good run begins with a good pair of shoes. We tested the best of '10 to help you get off on the right foot. by Noah Johnson Print Article Email to Friend New Balance 905 $110 @ The perfect combination of support and stability. The sole is specially designed to prevent pronation (your foot's natural tendency to roll inward), while the upper is stripped down to shed precious ounces. steamy beer, keeping the Pros: Stability and support for chicken meat wonderfully flat-footed runners; lightweight moist. The result is tender, for speed training and racing. falling-off-the-bone meat, Nike Lunar Elite+ encased in salty, herby, crispy $100 @ skin. What follows is a basic The most cushion and bounce method for beer can chicken (also known as beer butt chicken for obvious reasons). We're using just some olive oil, salt, pepper, and thyme on the ( chicken, which we believe Submitted at 7/2/2010 4:00:00 AM brings out the best in the chicken's flavor. You can easily Ten guys who showed their experiment with your favorite patriotism with their muscles spice rub, or even use wine or by Lisa Freedman root beer instead of a standard Print Article Email to Friend Chuck Norris beer. Continue reading "Beer Can When Chuck Norris wants an egg, he cracks open a chicken. chicken" » Well, that's not exactly true but there's a reason an entire website full of one-liners like this exists. Because Chuck Norris is badass. As a child he wasn't quiet so tough—he was

Beer Can chicken (Simply Recipes) Submitted at 7/1/2010 7:50:48 PM

Is it just me, or is beer can chicken a boy thing? Look, I grew up with four younger brothers, and if you told them you were going to insert a halfdrunk beer into the butt of a chicken and grill it, I think they would actually get interested in cooking. Joking aside, this is a brilliant way to roast a chicken, on the grill or in the oven. Yes the chicken looks rather ridiculous on its beer can perch, covered with an herb rub and half-ready to salute you. But hear me out. While the chicken is dry roasting on the outside, the inside is being bathed with

of any shoe we tested. Credit Nike's space-age Lunar foam and a sole that actually adjusts its support to your stride. Pros: Cushion and support adapts while you run; lightweight for speed training and racing. Brooks Glycerin 8 $130 @ The shoe's sole adapts to your stride and size, so you get responsive cushioning, without a mushy feeling underfoot. Pros: Extra cushioning for runners with high arches; cushion and support adapts while you run; ideal for highmileage runners tackling any distance. Merrell CT Converge II $105 @ Lightweight and jam-packed with cushioning in the heel. It's

a soft and flexible everyday shoe for runners who don't need added stability or support. Pros: Extra cushioning for runners with high arches; ideal for high-mileage runners tackling any distance. Related articles: Walk Off the Pounds Improve your running form—and performance—with these five tips Six expert tips for getting the most of every running experience [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Fittest Americans of All Time often teased and would dream about beating up his bullies. After high school he joined the Air Force and got interested in martial arts, which helped him get ripped. Back from duty, he opened his own MA school and taught a celebrity roster including the Osmonds, Priscilla Presley and Steve McQueen. In the professional world, Norris became a six-time world karate champion, the first man in the Western Hemisphere to be awarded an 8th degree black

belt in Tae Kwon Do and the star of the incredibly crappy Walker, Texas Ranger. Jack LaLanne At just 15 years old, Jack (now also known as The Godfather of Fitness) got interested in diet and exercise and began studying Henry Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body. About six years later, he opened his first health spa in Oakland, California, and got heavily invested in FITTEST page 71

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FITTEST continued from page 70

bodybuilding, chiropractic medicine and weightlifting. LaLanne designed the world's first leg extension machines, pulley machines using cables and weight selectors—all of which are now a standard in the fitness industry. He's swum the length of the Golden Gate Bridge, set a world record for 1,033 pushups in 23 minutes, and single-handedly towed boats filled with people. His thinking was considered ahead of his time and, in 2002, he received his own star on the Hollywood Boulevard Walk of Fame. John Basedow At the lowest point of fitness celebrity John Basedow's life he described his body as a "bowling pin on legs," with no shoulders and a big, wide middle. He challenged himself to get in good enough shape to appear in a fitness magazine. After failing with countless exercise routines, fad diets and over-hyped supplements, he created his own regimen. And with that, Fitness Made Simple was born. His book (with bonus video!) launched a crazy career in the fitness world and made his face—and washboard body—one of the most recognizable in the biz. Even if it does look Photoshopped. Lance Armstrong Despite being diagnosed with testicular cancer and a tumor that had metastasized to his brain and lungs in 1996, Lance

Armstrong went on to win the Tour de France every single year from 1999 to 2005. That's seven wins and the all-time record (the previous record of five wins was shared by four other athletes). In 1999, he also set the world record—and got a mention in the Guinness Book of World Records—for the fastest average Tour de France speed of 25.026 miles per hour. And while the average man's resting heartbeat clocks in at 70 beats per minute, Armstrong's is about 32 to 34 beats. Though he says he's since "survived cancer" we're more inclined to say he beat it. Muhammad Ali Once one of the top American boxers (hence his nickname— The Greatest), Ali was known for his powerful jabs and lightning fast footwork. (He once joked that he was so fast he turned off the light switch and was in bed before the room went dark.) During his prime, Ali's daily workout was more than what most men do in a week: He'd get up at five o'clock to stretch and run six miles. Then he'd eat—but only natural foods such as chicken, steak, green beans and potatoes. Every afternoon, he'd hit the gym for three hours for a warm up, shadow boxing routine, a stint on the bag, some sparring and floor exercises. Not surprisingly, Ali retired with an overall professional record of 56 wins

and just 5 losses. Bill Kazmaier Though power lifter Bill Kazmaier only came in third place his first time out at the World's Strongest Man competition, he dominated for the next three years, taking first place from 1980 to 1982. Kazmaier set a bench press world record at 661 pounds and another for straight deadlifting at 887 pounds. At his peak, the Big Kaz was around 6-feet tall, 340 to 360 pounds and had a 40inch waist. And for some bizarre -yet-awesome reason, Kazmaier's muscle-ridden body has been used in reputable studies of saurpods. Yes, experts are comparing this mammoth of a man to a dinosaur. Carl Lewis Though never a fan favorite (Lewis was viewed by many as arrogant and abrasive), this New Jersey native is one of only four Olympic athletes to win nine gold medals. In skill, he was the Michael Jordan of the track & field world. As a college student at University of Houston in 1981, Lewis was ranked number one in the 100-meter race and the long jump. At the 1984 Olympics, signing in at 6-foot-2 and 173 pounds, Lewis won four gold medals—the first of which was the 100 meter at 28 miles per hour in 9.9 seconds. He's also one of only three Olympians to win the same event four times.

Benjamin Franklin Forget the pot-bellied portrait on your $100 bills. Young Ben Franklin was quite the looker. At 17 years old he was almost six feet tall and strikingly muscular and barrel chested. Few people in the 18th century knew how to swim, but Franklin taught himself and took frequent dips (he even thought about becoming a full-time swim instructor and is the only Founding Father in the Swimming Hall of Fame). While working in England at a print shop, he made a conscious choice to drink water instead of alcohol to improve his ability to perform in the shop. It worked: Most printers could only carry a single tray of heavy lead type but a muscular Franklin usually carried two and got promoted. Franklin also became a vegetarian, believing that veggies were healthier than meat. This diet was less expensive and left him more money to spend on books—beefing up his brain too. Clint Eastwood Before going Hollywood, Eastwood worked manual labor jobs including stints at a steel mill, as a hay baler and as a lumberjack. And in the 1950s, he was drafted into the army: "I'd always done muscletraining exercise," Clint said to Muscle and Fitness a few decades ago, "things like chins, clips and calisthenics, but it was

when I was in the Army that I discovered the weights—the kind of training you'd call bodybuilding today." While he wasn't trying to get jacked, Eastwood wanted to stay fit and went on the record during Rawhide warning people to stay away from carbs and rich desserts. He was famously fit enough to perform his own stunts (including the famous scene in Dirty Harry when he jumps from a bridge to the roof of a moving school bus). Jim Thorpe The King of Sweden told Thorpe: "Sir, you are the greatest athlete in the world." And in the early 1900s, he was. The Native-American athlete dabbled in track & field, baseball and football. He won gold medals for the decathlon and pentathlon at the Stockholm Olympics in 1912, was a collegiate football all-American in 1911 and 1912 and was voted top American athlete of the first half of the 20th century in 1950 (looks like the King was right!). Thorpe's accomplishments were great but his greatest was the founding of the American Professional Football Association, as it went on to become the NFL. Related articles: 10 Most Superstitious Athletes Fittest Boxers of All-Time Over 60 and Badass: Five FITTEST page 72


Health/ Social Media/

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UFC 116: Lesnar vs. Carwin ( Submitted at 7/2/2010 5:00:00 AM

The biggest heavyweight battle in history goes down this weekend in Las Vegas Print Article Email to Friend There's guaranteed to be plenty of fireworks this weekend, but it has nothing to do with the 4th of July. One of the most explosive events of the year takes place this Saturday as Brock Lesnar and Shane Carwin battle it out to determine who will be the undisputed UFC heavyweight champion. Brock Lesnar vs. Shane Carwin

6 '

3 " Height

( 1 9 1 6'2" (188

Viewer's Choice Canada. cm) Related articles: cm) Lyoto Machida: MMA's 2 6 5 ( 1 2 0 Dragon kg) Weight 265 The Ultimate Fighting Fat-Loss (120kg) Workout 4-1-0 Record 12 MMA Abs Workout -0-0 [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and The fight takes place this more] Saturday night (07/03) at the Five Filters featured article: MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Headshot - Propaganda, State Check out for the full Religion and the Attack On the fight card. Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available UFC 116 will be available live tools: PDF Newspaper, Full o n P a y - P e r - V i e w o n i N Text RSS, Term Extraction. DEMAND, DIRECTV, DISH Network, TVN, BellTV, Shaw Communications, Sasktel, and

FITTEST continued from page 71

famous guys who haven't mellowed with age Top 10 Hollywood Bulk-Ups Best Rock Star Abs [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State

Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Microsoft Kin’s Sudden Demise Mourned in Melodramatic Online Memorial Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:07:32 PM

Oh the tragedy. Microsoft’s line of Kin phones has been pronounced dead after a crashHow to Make It author of Mixt Salads: A Chef's and-burn accident. If the loss is just too much to bear, you can 1.) Place watermelon and Bold Creations share your grief with others on tomatoes in a bowl. Related articles: 2.) Crumble feta over the top. Recipe: Quinoa Paella with K i n R I P . c o m , a n o n l i n e memorial site for Kin. 3.) Drizzle with olive oil. Chicken and Chorizo Those mourning the loss of Kin 4.) Season with salt and pepper. Recipe: Black Bean Cakes 5.) Toss gently and top with Recipe: Skillet Mac & Cheese are leaving memorial candles and sharing their poetic basil and mint. With Ham & Spinach Nutritional Breakdown [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and memories and words of wisdom. Katy Foley laments, “Briefly on Per serving more] Calories: 347 Five Filters featured article: our shelves, forever in our Protein: 9 g Headshot - Propaganda, State hearts.” Carbs: 59 g Religion and the Attack On the The site was created by Shmuel Fat: 12 g Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Tennenhuas using Forever Fiber: 3 g tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Missed, a do-it-yourself online Serves 6 Text RSS, Term Extraction. m e m o r i a l s e r v i c e . W h e n questioned about his motivation, Created by Andrew Swallow, Tennenhuas had this to say: “I live in Seattle. It’s the right thing to do.” Fair enough.

Tomato Watermelon Salad ( Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:00:00 AM

A mouthwatering dish that combines summer's freshest ingredients Print Article Email to Friend Ingredients • 4 lbs watermelon, cubed • 3 large tomatoes, cut into 1inch pieces • 6 oz feta cheese, crumbled • 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 1/2 cup diced fresh basil • 1/4 cup diced fresh mint

Light a candle. It’s okay to let the world know you’re grieving. [ img credit: maryn0503] More About: microsoft, Microsoft Kin, Mobile 2.0 For more Mobile coverage: • Follow Mashable Mobile on Twitter • Become a Fan on Facebook • Subscribe to the Mobile channel • Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad


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Going after Benedict — again Mollie (GetReligion)

business. So what’s the evidence? Well, let’s just say there’s a The New York Times has reason it gets buried way down published yet another massive in the piece. First we have seven (4,000 words this time) hit piece paragraphs of dramatic claims on Pope Benedict XVI. — such as the paragraph above I t ’ s a u t h o r e d b y L a u r i e — and breathless language G o o d s t e i n a n d D a v i d about “secret meetings” before Halbfinger, although it does not we get to a quote. And that read like a normal, hard-news comes from (wait for it) Bishop piece by Goodstein, whose work Geoffrey Robinson, a retired has often been praised here at a u x i l i a r y o f t h e S y d n e y , GetReligion. This flood of Australia archdiocese. Now, I’m digital ink is more of a reported by no means saying he shouldn’t op-ed essay than a news story. be quoted, but he’s more than Their basic argument is that just “outspoken” as the Times Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now d e s c r i b e s h i m . A u s t r a l i a n Benedict, does not deserve his bishops have basically gone so reputation as the Vatican insider far as to warn the public about who did the most to change the doctrinal difficulties he’s had way the institution handles sex with the church, including “the abuse claims. Let’s start here: n a t u r e o f T r a d i t i o n , t h e The office led by Cardinal i n s p i r a t i o n o f t h e H o l y Ratzinger, the Congregation for Scripture, the infallibility of the the Doctrine of the Faith, had Councils and the Pope, the actually been given authority authority of the Creeds, the over sexual abuse cases nearly n a t u r e o f t h e m i n i s t e r i a l 80 years earlier, in 1922, priesthood and central elements documents show and canon of the Church’s moral teaching.” lawyers confirm. But for the two Anyway, I think he’s the first decades he was in charge of that person quoted because all of the office, the future pope never other people quoted have very asserted that authority, failing to nuanced quotes explaining the a c t e v e n a s t h e c a s e s complexity of what was going u n d e r m i n e d t h e c h u r c h ’ s on. I mean, apart from the credibility in the United States, dramatic set-up and a bit of Australia, Ireland and elsewhere hearsay, the claims of the piece That’s quite the allegation. It come nowhere near being stands against almost everything proven. Even Robinson’s last that has been reported on this quote is to say that Ratzinger story, even from some of the was “extraordinarily supportive best Vatican reporters in the of what we were doing” to Submitted at 7/2/2010 9:00:48 AM

combat child abuse. Okay, so what about the claim that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had been given authority over abuse cases in 1922 and that Benedict was willfully ignoring that as the church fell apart? Honestly, we never really get to any smoking gun. After 40-some paragraphs, this is the closest, I guess. It is dealing with a 2000 “secret” meeting: Archbishop Wilson said in an interview that during the session he had to call Vatican officials’ attention to long-ignored papal instructions, dating from 1922, and reissued in 1962, that gave Cardinal Ratzinger’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, previously known as the Holy Office, sole responsibility for deciding cases of priests accused of particularly heinous offenses: solicitation of sex during confession, homosexuality, pedophilia and bestiality. Archbishop [Philip Edward Wilson of Adelaide, Australia,] said he had stumbled across the old instructions as a canon law student in the early 1990s. And he eventually learned that canonists were deeply divided on whether the old instructions or the 1983 canon law — which were at odds on major points — should hold sway. If the old instructions had prevailed, then there would be no cause for confusion among

bishops across the globe: all sexual abuse cases would fall under Cardinal Ratzinger’s jurisdiction. Okay, so we learn that there’s all sorts of confusion between these different instructions. There are quotes from canon lawyers saying that the situation was a mess. But long story short is that a year after this meeting Pope John Paul II issued a letter clarifying the matter. It dictated that all cases of sexual abuse by priests should now be handled by Cardinal Ratzinger’s office. At the same time that happened, Ratzinger put out a document saying that the 1922 and 1962 instructions that gave his office authority over sexual abuse by priests cases were “in force until now.” And then there are a bunch of quotes from people debating precisely what that meant and why he did it. I can actually think of a few reasons that aren’t mentioned, too. No one is in agreement and there are a lot of quotes such as “There was confusion everywhere.” And. That. Is. It. So what’s up with the incendiary lede and 4,000 words of conjecture? I honestly don’t know. It’s really disappointing, actually. The language is just so loaded and while all the quotes seem generally supportive of Ratzinger, even if critical of the mess of the Vatican’s legal system, the story relentlessly

spins it against Ratzinger. For a random example of this, let’s look first at the incredible language the Times uses to describe its own view of Ratzinger: But the future pope, it is now clear, was also part of a culture of nonresponsibility, denial, legalistic foot-dragging and outright obstruction And yet look at how the views of Archbishop Wilson — the hero of the previous excerpt — are presented in their setup: An exception to the prevailing attitude, several participants recalled, was Cardinal Ratzinger. He attended the sessions only intermittently and seldom spoke up. But in his only extended remarks, he made clear that he saw things differently from others in the Curia. “The speech he gave was an analysis of the situation, the horrible nature of the crime, and that it had to be responded to promptly,” recalled Archbishop Wilson of Australia, who was at the meeting in 2000. “I felt, this guy gets it, he’s understanding the situation we’re facing. At long last, we’ll be able to move forward.” Even so, the meeting served as much to expose Cardinal Ratzinger’s inattention to the problem as it did to showcase his new attitude. It would be funny if the GOING page 77



E-reader News Edition

Ghosts in toddler’s tragic death? Bobby (GetReligion)

editor of the Las Vegas ReviewJournal, taking time to educate Submitted at 7/1/2010 5:00:02 PM himself and try to figure out Salt-and-pepper hair. Western- how to harness the digital age style mustache. Cowboy hat. for journalistic purposes — and Thomas Mitchell looks like my survival. When we talked, I kind of editor. discovered that we shared an I met “Mitch” a few years ago affection for fried catfish, not to at a Poynter Institute seminar on m e n t i o n s i m i l a r T e x a s blogging. He impressed me as upbringings. He, like me, grew no-nonsense, slightly gruff and up in non-instrumental Churches firmly committed to old-school of Christ — although he left at journalism — and I mean that in some point. all the best ways. And, best of all, when he talked Yet here he was, the seasoned about journalism, you could tell

that Mitchell’s passion and commitment to our profession came from his heart. He was — and is— a real newspaperman’s newspaperman. I thought about Mitchell as I examined how the Sin City newspapers — the ReviewJournal and the Las Vegas Sun— covered the tragic death of 2-year-old Christian Cunningham, the youngest son of quarterback-turned-pastor Randall Cunningham. Even though it’s been a while since

Mitchell and I traded e-mails, I hoped I wouldn’t need to give his publication a, shall we say, negative review. Good news (for me): The Review-Journal, which broke the news of Christian Cunningham’s death Tuesday, passed its GetReligion test. Especially when grading on a curve because of the difficult circumstances of covering such a heartwrenching story on deadline. The Associated Press, which

relayed the news to most of the country, stuck with the facts and let religion ghosts haunt its relatively short coverage of the boy’s death: LAS VEGAS— The 2-year-old son of former NFL star quarterback Randall Cunningham has died in what authorities on Wednesday called an apparent backyard hot tub accident. The Clark County coroner’s GHOSTS page 76


E-reader News Edition


Will Beliefnet be born again? tmatt (GetReligion) Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:52:19 PM

As you would expect, your GetReligionistas have been getting quite a bit of email asking what we think of the sale of by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. Folks are especially interested in the semi-mysterious buyers. Truth be told, there has not been that much mainstream news coverage of this event, which may tell you something about the identity issues that has faced in the past (and will almost certainly continue to face in the future). What was the old, anyway? Was it an interfaith site built on opinion, weight-loss information, ads for vaguely spiritual books/media and, buried in there somewhere, a collection of links to hard-news reports about religion (mostly, thank goodness, from Religion News Service)? In one online report, you could learn a few basic facts about the buyers: BN Media is the investment group behind long-distance services company Affinity4 and religious online video operator Cross Bridge Media, according to a Belifnet memo written by Beliefnet GM/COO Beth-Ann Eason (which is embedded below). Beliefnet has had existing relationships with both those entities.

Here is a key snippet from that Eason memo: For those of you who aren’t familiar with these companies, Affinity4 is an affinity marketer that has raised more than $76 million in funding for charities, ministries and other nonprofit organizations by turning ordinary activities into extraordinary giving. Cross Bridge features online distribution and monetization of audio-video content for nonprofits and ministries. Steve Halliday, who runs BN Media, will visit our offices to address our team and share more about his vision for our company on Monday. We have also taken the difficult step of cutting a number of jobs from Beliefnet’s staff. We are losing a number of great people, each of whom has contributed to our success over the years, and I hope you will join me in thanking them for their efforts and helping them through this transition. These cuts were a necessary step to ensure Beliefnet can continue growing as efficiently and effectively as possible. How big are the staff cuts? I have not seen an on-the-record quote about that. Now, early on, I found that it wasn’t too hard to click a mouse two or three times and find out that Cross Bridge management team was full of people with rock-solid credentials in the

world of evangelical/charismatic Protestantism. It goes without saying that this would be a bit intimidating for those who appreciated the old formula that reached out to the mushy middle in the world of OprahAmerica spirituality. To study that information for yourself, click here to see the “senior advisers” for that organization — led off by cofounder Jay Sekulow, a leader in conservative law, culture, media and politics. Oh, and you may have heard of another cofounder — Pentecostal bishop

site. Near the end of the CT report, Dreher notes: “Beliefnet could have been integrated into the News Corp. organization as a gatherer and disseminator of religious news and opinion for News Corp. properties, but that never happened,” Dreher said in an email. “I know too that Beliefnet has long wanted to get back into the business of religious ‘hard news,’ but the fact of the matter is, the soft-focus spiritual features are what drove traffic to the site.” Dreher, who usually writes commentary related to current events, said he wondered whether his blog’s readers were that interested in the rest of Beliefnet. “[R]eligiously observant journalists like me love to and superstar preacher T.D. complain that the American Jakes. media doesn’t get religion, and However, I am happy to report it really is true. But what if the that Christianity Today online American public doesn’t get has posted a hard-news piece religion either, at least not in a that gets into many essential journalistic sense?” he said. “I angles of this story, including mean, what if they don’t want the upcoming departure of Rod serious, sustained and critical “friend of this weblog” Dreher, coverage of American religious whose wildly popular blogging life, both the good and the bad, work at Beliefnet will soon but rather prefer their religion move over to the new Big news to be soft and self-helpy?” Questions Online site that he I am sure that this was a will edit for the Templeton sobering quote to the CT Foundation. We can assume that reporter, one Sarah Pulliam he will continue to post his Bailey. usual 5,000-10,000 words of WILL page 76 blog commentary a day at that


E-reader News Edition

GHOSTS continued from page 74

office identified the child as Christian Cunningham, and said the cause of death was pending. Las Vegas police Officer Marcus Martin, a department spokesman, said the death appeared to have been an accidental drowning, but authorities were still investigating. Cunningham, 47, is an ordained minister and pastor of a church six blocks off Las Vegas Boulevard that he runs with his wife, Felicity. Christian Cunningham was the youngest of their four children. Contrast that with the ReviewJournal, which opened its initial story on the tragedy with a focus on Randall Cunningham’s “church family”: Skip Jourdan, who plays guitar at Remnant Ministries, has missed only three Sundays in three years. He knew where he had to be Tuesday night. Christian Cunningham, who would have been 3 in December, died after being found floating in the backyard hot tub, according to friends of the family. Randall Cunningham performs baptisms in the hot tub at his home, which is near the

church. Jourdan was among 30 to 40 church members who quickly assembled at the church on Windmill Lane as news spread about the death of Randall Cunningham’s 2 1/2-year-old son. Cunningham, the former UNLV and NFL star quarterback, is pastor of Remnant Ministries. “This is why you have a church family,” Jourdan said. “This is why you belong to something like this. I can’t imagine trying to go through something like this and not having a church family. Who are you going to turn to?” On a breaking story, did you see what the Review-Journal managed to capture? The fact that church members would want to be together and likely gather at the church. The fact that Cunningham performed baptisms in the same hot tub. The fact that a “church family” would come together to deal with the tragedy. But keep reading. The ReviewJournal report does not include religion at the expense of other important elements. Like the AP, the local story provides details on the police

investigation and questions surrounding the death. While a wire service has a different mission than a local newspaper, the AP story would be more engaging if allowed a bit of real life — real faith even — into its text. Instead, we get an invertedpyramid police report. Even better than the spot-news coverage by the Review-Journal was a piece today by sports columnist Ed Graney. Graney delves further into the emotional outpouring and strong faith of Cunningham’s grieving congregation. Here’s the top of the piece, which ran under the headline“It is the rest of us who need prayer”: The prayer was about being strong in faith, about guiding them along this difficult path, about allowing the family to find peace, about helping others not to assign blame, about making their relationship with him stronger in such a sorrowful time. They asked God for support. They came Tuesday evening, one by one, tear by countless tear, long embrace after long embrace, to the place where some sense might be made of it

all. To the place their pastor has counseled and encouraged and helped them countless times. They came searching for answers. The Las Vegas Sun coverage of the story that I found online was a “Staff and wire reports” piece that seemed to ignore the religion angle. I did see a nice post by Sun blogger Ray Brewer headlined“Randall Cunningham’s faith, devotion to children will give him strength.” Check it out. Finally, the Philadelphia Daily News takes a crack at the faith angle with a cover story today that opens like this: FAMILY COMES first at Remnant Ministries, the Las Vegas church where former Eagles quarterback Randall Cunningham serves as pastor. “The family unit is the most important unit in the universe,” the church’s Web site states. “Healthy families are the closest thing to heaven on earth.” Cunningham’s universe was shattered late Tuesday afternoon when his youngest son accidentally drowned in the family’s back-yard hot tub - the same tub in which Cunningham, an ordained minister, reportedly

Keep your eyes open and help which I imagine will be tempted u s w a t c h f o r m a i n s t r e a m to jump on the Religious Right coverage on this. Watch the takeover angle. New York Times, in particular, Five Filters featured article:

Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full

Text RSS, Term Extraction.

WILL continued from page 75

performs baptisms. It’s not a terrible piece, and it includes a few references to prayer — which you don’t always see in a major paper. But mainly, the writer relies on Web research and borrowed quotes from other sites and publications, including the Review-Journal. Over the next few days, it’ll be interesting to see if Randall Cunningham and his family talk about the death, and if they do, how the media handle the faith element. If you come across any relevant secular media links, please don’t hesitate to share them. In the meantime, here’s a shoutout to Mitchell and his ReviewJournal staff for a job well-done. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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GOING continued from page 73

situation weren’t so serious. At another point, the story tries to point out how Ratzinger cared more about doctrine than priest abuse by saying: As Father Gauthe was being prosecuted in Louisiana, Cardinal Ratzinger was publicly disciplining priests in Brazil and Peru for preaching that the church should work to empower the poor and oppressed, which the cardinal saw as a Marxistinspired distortion of church doctrine. Ah yes, the whole Liberation Theology debacle really was about the Vatican hating poor and oppressed people, wasn’t it? And how dare the head of the Vatican’s doctrinal office be so

concerned about doctrine? It just reads like a hit piece and I’m truly disappointed in it. And not just because I so admire Goodstein’s body of work. A piece of this length with that kind of absolutely inflammatory lede better back it up well. It doesn’t even come close. In no way did the story live up to its big-talking promises at the beginning. And that’s because the reporting didn’t support those claims. This could have been an illuminating story about how dysfunctional the Vatican is or how confusing it can be when you have competing statutes in canon law. All of that is newsworthy and valid. There are

plenty of Catholic scandals to report on. And the desire to advance the story by connecting it to the Vatican is fine, even if the complete lack of context in these stories is unfortunate. But no matter how much you want to have a hot story, you can’t let accurate reporting become a casualty. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Beautiful Visualization Resizes World Cup Stars Based on Facebook Buzz 5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success

2010BEAUTIFUL World Cup page Hub,78 which will be updated throughout the

Adam Ostrow (Mashable!) For continuous World Cup coverage, check out Mashable’s

Dan Klamm (Mashable!)

submit your resume to his HR department. A particularly assertive person might have Dan Klamm is the Outreach & been able to cold-call his way M a r k e t i n g C o o r d i n a t o r a t into lunch with a head honcho. Syracuse University Career Now, networking means having Services. This post was co- the ability to tap into hundreds authored by Alana Edmunds of relevant connections with just who is an IT Project Manager the click of a button. a n d S o c i a l S t r a t e g i s t f o r With this free reign comes Recruiting & Staffing at GE many opportunities — namely, Energy. Connect with them on the chance to connect with T w i t t e r @ D a n K l a m m people in your industry, impress and@amedmunds. them with your professionalism, Professional networking has and gather information that can been made exponentially easier directly help you. It also comes with social media. Years ago, with the risk of doing it all networking meant asking a wrong, alienating potential allies friend at another company to and crushing your chances at Submitted at 7/2/2010 1:15:28 PM

school classmates, co-workers, bosses, former bosses, I-metyou-at-a-party-once acquaintances, and people we’ve never even seen face-toface. It’s important to understand the particular platform that you’re using, as well as the type of relationship career development. Here are you have with a person, before some guidelines for networking attempting to leverage that successfully in the realm of connection for professional social media. 1. Know Your gain. Platforms Each social media platform has Social media is messy. Across a c e r t a i n r e p u t a t i o n . F o r Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, instance, LinkedIn is generally a and other social networks, we business site, while Twitter is are connected to a mix of close more “laid back” and often friends, college buddies, high mixes professional and personal

content. Respect the way that people use these sites. Adding a professional acquaintance as a friend on Facebook can be invasive, especially if that individual is a traditionalist who uses Facebook purely for personal contact with friends and family. Likewise, asking an old friend for a recommendation on LinkedIn might create awkwardness if the person has no experience with you in a professional capacity. 2. Customize Everything From LinkedIn connection requests to advice-seeking RULES page 80


E-reader News Edition

BEAUTIFUL continued from page 77

games. The New York Times has added another World Cup visualization to the mix with its “Top World Cup Players” feature that resizes players based on the amount of buzz they’ve received on Facebook during a given day. Launched earlier today, the visualization includes a slider that lets you jump from day-today of the World Cup and see which players got the most buzz, as measured by the amount of status updates, wall posts and likes that mention their name. You can also sort by country, player or buzz rank. Not surprisingly, the results correlate fairly closely to the given day’s action on the field. Today, for example, players from the Netherlands and Brazil are biggest, as they played a game this morning. The Times offers explanatory text for each day though so you can quickly figure out how the player sizes came to be. In all, it’s another fun and visual way to see what’s been happening in the World Cup. Check out our gallery of other World Cup visualizations below: World Cup 2010 Replay The Guardian has put together

an application -- World Cup 2010 Twitter replay-- that creates high-speed replays for each World Cup match. Prepare to be amazed as you relive the entire game through Twitter animation. Action is portrayed via topic bubbles that enlarge as conversation swells on Twitter. The Guardian set out to let people "see the roar of the crowd passing through Twitter." They certainly succeeded on their mission. 2010 FIFA World Cup Live Tracker The Live Tracker application is like an ongoing World Cup analytical dashboard with visual stimuli. The tracker bears a striking resemblance to Sprint's Now Network site and includes blocks of World Cup trivia -think total whistle blows, number of saves, cumulative worldwide audience, goals scored and even vuvuzela noise levels -- that football fans the world round will love. This visualization may be a little heavy on Castrol promotion, but it's hard not to get excited when presented with these interesting factoids. South Africa 2010 Twitter Buzz CNN's Twitter Buzz application is unbelievably simple and yet absolutely stunning. The

application tracks World Cup tweets by teams, players and topics. You can check out the current flow of tweets or scroll through the past 24 hours. Given Twitter's recurring issues, one can except the Fail Whale to hinder the sheer awesomeness of the visualization from time to time, but CNN has created their very own amusing "Fail Ball" for you to look at during Twitter hiccups. LivePitch for iPad About a month ago, Mint Digital released a concept for an iPad app that would visualize match play by mapping ball possession on a digital football field. Just yesterday their vision became a reality when LivePitch was released as a free iPad application. The application is designed to compliment your World Cup viewing experience as a second screen. You can watch in realtime as possession changes from player to player via the interactive football field. Statsaholics can also dive into the Stats tab or select individual players for detailed and realtime player data on passes, goals, tackles and shots. Calendar World Cup 2010 The Calendar World Cup 2010

turns the massive event's schedule into a wheel of visually stimulating information. Simply move your cursor to hover over a date, city or team and you'll get a glimpse at the associated matches. Calendar World Cup 2010 by is simply a colorful way to keep track of the overwhelming schedule, but it's also proven quite popular with over 176,000 likes on Facebook thus far. World Cup Match Tracker As part of their World Cup coverage, the New York Times has created a match tracker application to supplement their Goal blog. The application boasts impressive minute-byminute data overlaid on a soccer field so you can visualize passes, goals and shots for the duration of the game. If you're feeling lazy, the Overview tab will breakout game data in a nifty line graph. You can also check out player rankings for touches, passes, goals, fouls and balls won. It's fantastic to behold and super fun for stats addicts to toy with. Total Football 2010 for iPhone If you're total nerd for World Cup game data then Total Football 2010 for iPhone will more than satisfy your match

analysis cravings. The $2.99 app is worth every penny as it presents advanced statistical analysis for head-to-head comparisons between teams or players, all with visual finesse. Stats include shots, passes and tackles with users able to look at a game in its entirety or use the slider to pinpoint a particular moment for a more focused perspective. Given that updates are in near real-time, you can also use this app as your play-by-play cheat sheet for games that you're not able watch on television. There's even a 'Player Influence" feature for identifying the players making the biggest impact in a particular match. More About: media, new york times, visualization, world cup For more Social Media coverage: • Follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter • Become a Fan on Facebook • Subscribe to the Social Media channel • Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

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How an iOS-Based Apple TV Could Change the Battle for the Living Room Christina Warren (Mashable!) Submitted at 7/2/2010 12:58:46 PM

Today’s New York Times has an article that gives more credence to rumors that Apple is planning a major overhaul of its Apple TV product, only this time basing its living room approach on iOS. While the initial rumors were of a low-cost, iOS-based device that would heavily utilize the cloud to stream content, The New York Times report indicates that Apple may also be planning to introduce a television product with iOS embedded into it, offering an out-of-the-box connected experience. The strategy of leveraging the large and growing iOS ecosystem to deliver content to the television isn’t dissimilar from some of Google’s plans for Google TV. Google TV, which will be sold as a stand-alone settop box and also integrate with television sets and Blu-ray players from Sony, is based on Android and will support thirdparty Android apps. An iOS-based Apple TV product that could bring the growing number of App Store apps, like Netflix and Hulu, to the TV rather than the iPhone or iPad could be compelling.

In fact, such a strategy would address the single-biggest problem that the current Apple TV product has: access to noniTunes content. An App Store Strategy Rather than an iTunes Strategy When Apple TV was first conceived and then launched, its goal was to bring the iTunes Store to the living room. In theory this was a great idea (especially if you go back to 2005, when Apple TV reportedly first entered development), but in practice it ended up saddling the product with some huge limitations. Apple TV has always been too limited as a device. Despite its great concept and able hardware (for the time), out-of-the-box the device doesn’t really go far enough to serve as a media player or media center. Because the entire system is based around iTunes, you can only play files that play in iTunes. That means having to re-encode videos specifically for Apple TV and being stuck managing your entire music library from within iTunes. However, the bigger problem with the iTunes-only ecosystem is that since 2007 or so, more and more commercial online content isn’t being delivered as files that we download and then

watch, but via streaming services like Hulu, Netflix Watch Instantly and The only online video service supported by Apple TV has been YouTube and frankly, that’s just not enough — especially when you can get a Blu-ray player that also connects to, Netflix, Vudu and Pandora for under $200. Enter the App Store. Existing connected TV offerings from companies like Boxee, Roku, DivX and others are all embracing the App Store approach that Apple has used to great success for its iOS products. More and more content publishers — large and small — are looking to get on the television set via the various app stores that the different connected TV solutions offer. This is where an iOS-based television could be really perfect, because it has immediate access to some of the biggest players in the

commercial content space. Even better, the end solution is still tied to iTunes, but not in a way that is as limiting. The advantage here for Apple is that because a development platform already exists for iOS, it doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel. I have a feeling Apple recognized that Apple TV suffered from lack of third-party connectivity not long after its release. After all, one of the only times that Apple actually mentioned an uptick in Apple TV sales was after Boxee made it dead-simple to install on an Apple TV (this was before Hulu subsequently banned Boxee from using its service). However, building in that sort of capability service by service is easier said than done and creating a whole new API or SDK just for Apple TV makes very little sense. What does make sense is to use iOS to power television devices and to include specific protocols for developers to make apps Apple TV compatible. That’s exactly what Google is doing with Android and that’s one reason that developers believe Android has more longterm potential than iOS. Competition is Fierce When Apple TV was first released, its only real

competitors were customconfigured HTPCs, TiVo and the XBox 360. Today, that list includes the PlayStation 3, settop boxes like Roku and the upcoming Boxee Box, Internetenabled television sets, a slew of Blu-ray players — the latest from Samsung will include Hulu Plus support — and of course, Google TV. In the battle of the digital living room, there won’t necessarily be one winner — but diversification is what will be key for content creators and publishers, and for companies like Apple that want to have a stake in the game. What do you think about an iOS-powered television or settop box? More About: apple, Apple TV, connected tv, google tv, hulu plus, iOS, iptv For more Apple coverage: • Follow Mashable Apple on Twitter • Become a Fan on Facebook • Subscribe to the Apple channel • Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad


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RULES continued from page 77

Facebook messages to 140character chatter on Twitter, you should customize every communication sent on social networks. It shows that you value your unique connection with the recipient. It’s easy for people to feel used when you send them a generic request or a message that’s clearly copy-andpasted to dozens of others (especially if you forget to change the names!). For existing connections, express an understanding and appreciation for the relationship. When you reach out for advice, give consideration to the other person. Ask pertinent questions about them, especially if you’ve been out of touch for a while. Be honest and open. When requesting a recommendation on LinkedIn, for example, always customize your request to reflect how you value the person’s endorsement. For new relationships, explain why you want to connect with this particular individual. What is it about her background that makes her an appealing person to talk to? Show that you’ve done your homework. Know about the person’s work history and professional accomplishments, as well as anything career-related you two have in common. Never send an introductory message to a potential connection asking, “So, what exactly does your company do?” 3. Ask for

Something Specific When you approach someone for career help via social media, know what you want out of the interaction and ask specific questions that show you’ve done your research. Often, people send messages along the lines of “I’m looking to go into marketing. Any advice or leads would be greatly appreciated!” or “Can you tell me more about this job?” in a Twitter DM. These types of messages are so broad that it’s difficult to provide a meaningful and relevant response. Working professionals are strapped for time. Make it easy for them to help you — specify what you’re looking for. Is it the person’s time? Connections to certain individuals? Advice on a particular topic? Knowledge about a company? Do you want them to act as a reference? Introduce you to a recruiter at their organization? Provide a critique of your resume? Be direct! 4. Take It Offline Whenever Possible Nothing beats face-to-face interaction or voice-to-voice interaction, when geography prevents you from being in the same location. Social media platforms are great for making introductions and warming up relationships, but ultimately you should take your networking conversations beyond the confines of Twitter and LinkedIn.

In-person meetings allow you to build stronger relationships than back-and-forth messaging online. Things like body language, eye contact, and tone of voice are all essential in helping to establish rapport and build a bond. When this isn’t possible, one solution is to request a Skype call. Not only can you see the person, but you know that you’re getting their full attention. Along the same lines, when you meet someone through social media, ask for their preferred method of contact. Some people are big e-mailers, while others love talking on the phone or meeting for coffee. Respect their preferences. 5. Say “Thank You” It’s a simple step that many people miss. Show appreciation when someone does something nice for you online. Whether it’s responding to a few questions, retweeting a link to your blog post, or even connecting you with one of their friends — it’s always appropriate to express your gratitude. It’s especially important to follow-up after someone has provided advice. People like to feel helpful, so let them know if their advice was useful for you. Continuously look for ways to give back to the people in your online networks. Don’t approach them only when you need a favor. Reach out to say hello or to contribute something

you think will be valuable to them. Networking is a two-way street. Plus, in the end, it’s your reputation that counts. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of Dan Klamm and Alana Edmunds, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Syracuse University or General Electric. More Business Resources From Mashable: - 3 Ways to Ace Your Job Interview with Social Media - HOW TO: Organize Your Contacts for Networking Success - 13 Essential Tips for Landing a Job on LinkedIn - HOW TO: Organize A Successful Meetup - HOW TO: Reignite Your Business Network Online Image courtesy of iStockphoto, arekmalang More About: business, facebook, job hunting, jobs, linkedin, networking, Skype, small business, social media, social networking, twitter For more Business coverage: • Follow Mashable Business on Twitter • Become a Fan on Facebook • Subscribe to the Business channel • Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

Compare Your Spending Habits to the Rest of the Population’s Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!) Submitted at 7/2/2010 2:11:47 PM

Mashable’s Spark of Genius series highlights a unique feature of startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, see details here. The series is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. Name: Bundle Quick Pitch: is a new social media and money management business focused on helping people save and spend better. Genius Idea: Most of us know — at least subconsciously — if our personal spending habits are excessive, but all of us could probably benefit from seeing our monthly money practices stacked up against the rest of the population. Bundle is a conveyer of information gleaned from COMPARE page 81

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spending data gathered from Citigroup, the U.S. government and third-party research firms. It serves as the ultimate online resource for spending in the U.S. Bundle users can use the “Everybody’s Money” tool to dive into the informative data and learn about their own spending habits, the behaviors of others like them or the money matters of those in a totally different situation. Data can be segmented by different demographics — location, age, household type and income — or spend type, and compared against any other group. For example, I happen to fall into the “Wired Thing” group of spenders. It turns out the “Thrill Jockey” types in San Diego spend $775, to my group’s $126, per month on entertainment and travel. Diving a little deeper, it appears that a majority of that Thrill Jockey

money ($640) is spent for entertainment purposes. Bundle also includes a quick and painless onsite quiz that helps to identify your spend type. Completing the quiz will help you further dissect spending data. The service also regularly releases reports and infographics on the state of spending in cities and states across the U.S. The food and drink report, for example, shows that in 2009 Austin residents spent more on food and beverages — spending twice the national average on tacos alone — than denizens in other cities. Unfortunately, Bundle is more of an informational resource than a money management tool, but there are a plethora of action -oriented articles on site if you’re looking for advice. [ i m g c r e d i t : JudeanPeoplesFront] Sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark

BizSpark is a startup program that gives you three-year access to the latest Microsoft development tools, as well as connecting you to a nationwide network of investors and incubators. There are no upfront costs, so if your business is privately owned, less than three years old, and generates less than U.S.$1 million in annual revenue, you can sign up today. More About: bizspark, bundle, money For more Tech coverage: • Follow Mashable Tech on Twitter • Become a Fan on Facebook • Subscribe to the Tech channel • Download our free apps for iPhone and iPad

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