Liberty Newspost June-13-10

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E-reader News Edition

- 09/06/10

10 Hilariously Awesome Lines From "The Last Days Of Lehman Brothers" Vince Veneziani (Business Insider)

sit outside some goddamned board room while Paulson and my enemies decide my fate!" Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:40:00 AM Dick Fuld On Friday, CNBC is airing the Image: The Last Days Of 2009 movie "The Last Days Of Lehman Brothers L e h m a n B r o t h e r s " i n i t s "You're hanging Lehman out to entirety. dry? it then." -Morgan Originally airing on BBC Stanley CEO John Mack television, the hour-long film is Image: The Last Days Of a depiction of the weekend Lehman Brothers before Lehman Brothers was "The West is f$%ked. We forced to file for bankruptcy. It f$%ked it up. Oh, not just you chronicles how Dick Fuld and me - all of us. The West? steered his company right into It's done. It's over." -Hank the ground in front of Hank Paulson Paulson, Ken Lewis, and the rest Image: The Last Days Of of the gang from Wall Street. Lehman Brothers So we went back and watched "I bet he's [Paulson] got a team it, looking for the best quotes. b u i l t f r o m h i s c r o n i e s a t Obviously Fuld is a hit, but we Goldman Sachs! A band of found some great gems in here fucking villains conspiring like as well."These ribs are cold." - Roman senators! MOVE!!!" Dick Fuld to Zach The Banker Dick Fuld screaming at his Image: The Last Days Of assistant Lehman Brothers Image: The Last Days Of "I'm not gonna go to the Fed and Lehman Brothers

ending." -Jamie Dimon to Lehman's Bart McDade. Image: The Last Days Of Lehman Brothers "You were holding a pair of eights, Dick. And you bet the farm on the river card." -Hank Paulson to Dick Fuld Image: The Last Days Of "It'd be like Rome selling the Lehman Brothers Vatican to the Japanese to make "Who wouldn't want Lehman it a hotel and hiring the Pope as Brothers at this price? For the bell boy. It's just a fantasy." Barclays, it's like Christmas -Lieutenant to Dick Fuld re: f$%kin' day!" -Dick Fuld after Lehman Bankruptcy. news that Barclays would buy Image: The Last Days Of Lehman. Lehman Brothers Image: The Last Days Of "We got ourselves a mortgage Lehman Brothers broker. The waiter down at the How likely is another Lehman Cracker Barrel restaurant said Brothers scenario? Click to find he could work wonders." - out -> Zach's sister on buying a home Join the conversation about this during the subprime mortgage story Âť crisis. Image: The Last Days Of Lehman Brothers "Here's ten bucks for a happy

FarmVille-maker Zynga just launched a new game, FrontierVille. It's by the guy who did Rise of Nations and Civilizati... (Business Insider) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:38:17 AM

FarmVille-maker Zynga just launched a new game, FrontierVille. It's by the guy who did Rise of Nations and Civilization II. Join the conversation about this story Âť



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Meet the New Music Festival: Lilith Expands Tunes for a Cause with i4c Grants to Entrepreneurs Lydia Dishman (Fast Company)

profit. Though summer music festivals are hardly the place you’d think Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:37:50 AM to find anything more Sarah McLachlan and the entrepreneurial than those founders of Lilith and the i4c enterprising T-shirt and hemp Campaign want you to know necklace peddlers, Lilith the that attendees will be in for concert, as well as the village, music and participation in a are getting a makeover. global effort to support eco- Starting with the name (they conscious entrepreneurs at the dropped the Fair to reflect the 2010 Lilith Festival kicking off shift in artistic focus away from this month. Not only will part of folk) the festival’s founders, the ticket proceeds go to support most notably that queen of local charities, but the "Village" feminista groove McLachlan, at each of the festival's 36 decided it was time to take a venues will showcase the more aggressive stand on winning recipients of a capital education--both musical and infusion made by Lilith through environmental. By showcasing the i4c Campaign. acts that range from such time“Supporting social causes has honored artists as Emmylou always been a top priority for Harris and Carly Simon to upLilith Fair, so partnering with and-comer pop stars Ke$ha and the i4c Campaign was a perfect Selena Gomez, concertgoers f i t , ” M c L a c h l a n t e l l s will get exposure to talent they In fact, might not seek out on their own. Lilith's last run (between 1997- Adds Verbeck, "By bringing 99) generated over $10 million m o m s a n d t h e i r t e e n a g e for worthy causes. This year, the daughters together, we’ll be able i4c Campaign will act as the to get two generations with steering arm to distribute much- c o m p l e t e l y d i f f e r e n t needed growth capital from the p e r s p e c t i v e s . " Lilith Impact Fund to socially That motley collection of conscious enterprises. The B o o m e r s , G e n X e r s , a n d move, says Casey Verbeck, Millennials is exactly the pool f o u n d e r o f i 4 c , c o m e s i n of people ripe for leveraging the response to the lack of resources m e s s a g e o f t h e w i n n i n g available to businesses in the companies which include Better triple bottom line sector--those World Books, ToGo Ware, and that focus on people, planet, and A l t e r - E c o . A n o n p r o f i t ,

Grameen America, was selected as well. Just as music has evolved, says Verbeck, the spirit of Lilith has too. "It is all about an open arms experience," he declares, and

one which he hopes will inspire the audience, "to take away and grow from." And of course, to buy from. Each company will have their products available for sale in the i4c Village at each

venue. "The whole point and mission of how to reshape the future," continues Verbeck earnestly, "is to focus on entrepreneurship and collaboration. These companies are tackling serious issues and doing it in a sustainable way. A paradigm shift in big companies is not easy to achieve, but with [these winners] that emphasis is equal out of the gate." Before he veers off completely into warm and fuzzy territory, Verbeck admits the vetting process was tough because there is no shortage of companies that offered products or services that appealed to women. But eventually 128 hopefuls got whittled down to three that hit all the marks. Says Verbeck, "We lifted up the covers to see who was following best practices, had positive cash flow, and had a sustainable business model. If they are using this (funding) as a launching pad, we want them to be around in a few years." So whether you’ll be meeting them in person at the festival, or if you’re just playing along at home, here’s an introduction to, "the change-making entrepreneurs that will help create a better future and have a significant positive impact on MEET page 5


E-reader News Edition


Here's The Sectors That Will Take Huge Profits Off The Oil Spill Casey Research (Business Insider) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:33:30 AM

The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico may be the best thing that’s ever happened to green energy producers in the U.S – but the one that benefits the most will probably surprise you. As the damaged Deepwater Horizon well continues to pump out 5,000 barrels of oil per day into the Gulf, all the major stakeholders are scrambling to find a way to contain the damage. Investors in BP, Anadarko, Transocean, and Halliburton have had a rough few weeks and should be nervous about the future. The growing political firestorm that’s accompanied this ecological disaster is drastically reshaping the energy landscape in the U.S. There’s huge money to be made from the biggest structural change to the energy markets in the past 50 years, if you know where to look. The political and economic fallout from this accident is starting to take shape, with the executives from BP, Transocean, and Halliburton being paraded in front of Congress for a public chastising. Predictably, politicians are making stern promises of tighter regulations in the future.

At this point, it’s a guessing game as to what the new permanent regulations will be. So far, a temporary moratorium has been put in place on the issuance of new offshore oil and gas drilling permits. In addition, the Department of the

Interior plans to restructure the federal Minerals Management Service (MMS) to eliminate the conflict of interest inherent in its role of monitoring safety, managing offshore leasing, and collecting royalty income. The Department of the Interior

has plans to make offshore drilling rig inspections much stricter. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has also promised tighter environmental restrictions for onshore as well as offshore exploration and production. Lastly, in a knee-

jerk reaction to the oil spill, the Senate Climate Bill gives states the right to veto offshore projects within 75 miles of shore. Although these regulatory changes aren’t set in stone yet, it’s a foregone conclusion that any company involved in offshore drilling will feel some pain. Any exploration and production company that continues to operate offshore will face reduced margins from a higher-cost structure from increased taxes, regulation, and insurance. Offshore production supplies a large amount of oil and gas to the U.S. The U.S. Energy Information Agency estimates that U.S. offshore reserves account for 17% of total U.S. proved reserves for crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids, as the illustration below shows. Of the total known U.S. offshore reserves, the Gulf of Mexico accounts for 90%, with the rest found in California and Alaska. In 2009, BP produced nearly a quarter of all the Gulf’s oil and gas located in federal water. Shell and Chevron produced 12% and 11%, respectively. The sheer size of offshore HERE'S page 8



E-reader News Edition

PlayStation Move Creator on How Sony Got Into Motion Gaming Richard Marks (Fast Company) Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:18:48 AM

At next week's E3 conference Sony will unveil the launch details and games for its answer to motion-control gaming, the PlayStation Move. But it isn't Sony's first foray into movement interfaces. PlayStation Move creator Richard Marks discusses the making of the EyeToy and subsequent PlayStation Eye cameras. When I joined Sony Computer Entertainment's U.S. R&D group in July 1999, PlayStation 2 had just been unveiled, delivering workstation-level graphics in a home video game console. But as graphics realism improved, it was becoming increasingly evident that advances were also needed in the way players could interact with games. By improving interaction technology, there would be two benefits: First, existing gaming experiences could be enhanced by improved interaction. Second, completely new experiences could be created, which could potentially attract a new audience to video games. My interaction technology research at SCE focused on connecting a video camera to PlayStation 2. Previously, I had

used computer vision and automatic tracking for my PhD thesis at Stanford University in the '90s, and then for a peopletracking product at startup Teleos Research. Based on this experience, I believed a video camera could be an excellent interaction device for games. The USB camera was plugged directly into PlayStation 2 and placed on top of the television, looking out at the player. I created several technology demos highlighting this new interaction approach, presented

publicly at numerous industry conferences. Initially, this was done using an off-the-shelf Webcam, but later SCE developed custom camera hardware designed especially for the purpose of tracking player motion: EyeToy. Richard Marks testing a PlayStation Move prototype The EyeToy camera launched in 2003, bundled with the game EyeToy: Play. The camera hardware was designed to deliver 60 frames-per-second video (most other Webcams at

the time were only 30fps) and it delivered the video in a format optimized for PlayStation 2. But the biggest technological advances came from the PlayStation 2 software that was developed to process the live video in real time. Motion detection, template matching, and color segmentation algorithms were created to track the player's motion. Around this time, martial artist Jet Li was touring our SCEA offices, so I showed him several demos. As I showed him how EyeToy and

color tracking could be used to control a virtual sword by moving a physical toy sword, he took the sword from my hand and proceeded to spin and twirl it insanely fast, smiling the entire time. EyeToy was very successful, selling millions of units globally, and EyeToy: Play won many industry awards including two BAFTAs and two AIAS awards. In addition to its commercial and critical success, PLAYSTATION page 9

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MEET continued from page 2

global challenges." McLachlan adds, "It’s inspiring to be working with people who are truly making a difference in the world with their businesses." To-Go Ware What They Do: The company imports, markets and sells sturdy, reusable utensils and storage containers that replace single-use plastics. The bamboo cutlery and stainless steel tiffins (nifty stacked lunchboxes that hail from India) are sustainable and BPA-Free alternatives. How They Plan to Leverage Lilith: Founder and CEO Stephanie Bernstein says the investment capital will help the company to grow by adding more staff but the Village will allow To-Go Ware to stretch its audience. "The largest part of our customer base is natural markets from Whole Foods to independent co-ops. We want to go beyond and do for utensils what Nalgene did for the water bottle," says Bernstein. To do this, she plans to highlight how the company keeps close tabs across its supply chain. “We are as transparent as we are green,” she says, "And we make decisions on the whole life cycle of the product." That said, Bernstein hopes she’ll appeal to the more mainstream consumer that Lilith will draw this year. Rather than preaching to the (hippie) choir, Bernstein admits, "We’d like to preach to the

hipper choir." Alter-Eco What They Do: Alter-Eco is an importer of a broad range of 100% fair trade, organic and carbon neutral food products that ensure maximum value for small producers and the environment. Working directly with small farming cooperatives around the world, Alter-Eco brings their artisanal line of dark chocolate bars, extra virgin olive oils, ancient whole grains-colored quinoas and jasmine rice varietals--and unrefined sugar to conscious consumers at Whole Foods and many other specialty retailers nationwide. How They Plan to Leverage Lilith: Alter-Eco started in Europe in 1998 but has only had a presence in the States since 2004. Edouard Rollet and Mathieu Senard joke that they’d like to become the "smallest multi-national company," because they now have a presence in six countries. But Rollet gets serious immediately, "Hopefully we could redefine the multi-national company and change the world." He explains that Lilith will give Alter-Eco a platform in the U.S. to grow and become a household brand, all while educating consumers about responsible farming and sustainable pricing. "We’d like to go from the core [customer] to the more [mainstream shopper]," explain the two.

Rollet says he believes it is up to a relatively small company such as Alter-Eco to prove it can raise the bar and demonstrate how, "consumers really have the power to change practices" by demanding sustainable products. Better World Books What They Do: Founded in 2003, the company collects and sells books online with each sale generating funds for literacy initiatives in the U.S. and around the world. With more than eight million new and used titles in stock, the Mishawaka, Ind.-based company has raised over $8 million for its non-profit literacy, library, and college partners, and diverted almost 33 million pounds of books from landfills. How They Plan to Leverage Lilith: It’s not easy to get customers to switch from behemoth online retailers to smaller enterprises, no matter how socially sound. But Founder Xavier Helgesen says Lilith will offer a platform for Better World Books to build its brand, which he asserts is competitive with other online bookstores in price, service, and social impact. The festival will also attract a large number of college students, which Helgesen hopes to engage to run book drives on college campuses. "Many people who would embrace what we're doing have not heard of us yet. Our aim is to convince them to

use Better World Books as their primary online bookstore." Grameen America What They Do: Grameen America is a peer-lending microfinance nonprofit organization that provides low cost loans, savings programs, credit establishment, and other financial services to entrepreneurs living below the poverty line in the United States. How They Plan To Leverage Lilith: CEO, Stephen Vogel says, "While many people are familiar with Professor Yunus’ work in Bangladesh, we are excited to spread the word of Grameen America throughout this country. This partnership will give us the ability to talk to concertgoers about the success of our 3,000 borrowers, our growth over the past two and a half years, and our expansion efforts." Vogel says he also hopes the artists themselves will become inspired by Grameen’s work and support it after the tour. For additional, on-the-spot support, i4c set up a text-to-give platform so attendees can give directly to Grameen America through their mobile phones.


Gore daughter Karenna separated from husband (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:03:14 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Harry buzzed up: Diplomats say US, Russia, France dismiss Iran deal (AP) 19 seconds ago 2010-0609T08:49:44-07:00 Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Iconic Princess Diana dress sells at auction (The Newsroom) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 6/8/2010 6:23:14 PM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Harry buzzed up: Diplomats say US, Russia, France dismiss Iran deal (AP) 23 seconds ago 2010-0609T08:49:44-07:00 Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Twitter Founder Biz Stone on Foursquare, Ron Howard, and Dressing Like Steve Jobs Austin Carr (Fast Company) Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:53:22 AM

At the World Innovation Forum Tuesday, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone took the stage to talk about life at Twitter. Stone began by redefining his company for the audience. "We're not a social network-that's been a myth since the beginning," Stone explained. "We're much more like an information network or a source of news." This definition feels a bit like wishful thinking given how many accounts lack actual news ( The top tweeted messages, for example, according to the Oxford English Dictionary include bored, chillin, and watching TV.), and Stone later acknowledged that Twitter "definitely has social elements to it." Stone also spoke briefly about Twitter's rolling out of its geolocation feature. "We've implemented the technology that allows people if they choose to attach their neighborhood data to a tweet," Biz said, citing the example of tweeting about an Earthquake. "That information becomes very useful not just for our search engine, but for companies who want to see where their followers are from." Of course, this isn't the first time Twitter

has brought up its "Points of Interest" feature. At Chirp, the Twitter developer conference, another company cofounder Evan Williams said, "We're not looking to duplicate what Foursquare and Gowalla are doing but rather trying to integrate them better into the

service." I was able to speak with Biz Stone in person after the conference, and got a chance to ask him about this particular point. I asked Biz if he could elaborate on Williams' statement, especially on whether Twitter views Gowalla and

Foursquare at all as competitors. Stone bluntly replied, "No. We don't have a check-in feature. We have the addlocation-meta-data to a tweet feature, which we want to provide to developers. We want other check-in services to keep tying themselves to Twitter

in interesting new ways. But we're more interested in 'checking out' what's going on in your area -what are people on Twitter saying about this particular restaurant or neighborhood, which is more TWITTER page 10

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E-reader News Edition


Turkey Bans Google Access for "Legal" Reasons, but Why? Kit Eaton (Fast Company) Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:50:14 AM

Turkey has long blocked Google's YouTube service, but now it's announced an indefinite ban on Google search and other services, citing "legal reasons." Is it a sign that Turkish-U.S. relations have got sourer, or a mistake? The statement from Turkey's Telecommunications Presidency is at once clear and mystifying. It notes that many of Google's IP addresses have been banned outright, while access to some others has been crippled so they'll take long times to load. That's pretty emphatic. But the statement also refrained from mentioning whether the ban is a permanent change or a temporary sanction, and it gave no hint as to the driving motive. Instead we're left with the phrase "access to this site is banned by court order" hanging ominously in front of us--it's the message Turkish citizens see if they try to surf to barred Google properties. Turkey first barred access to YouTube back in 2007 for what the International Business Times refers to as "alleged insults against Turkish Republic founder [...] Ataturk," and since May 2008 the ban has been

permanent. Users trying to gain access to YouTube in 2007 got the message "access to site has been suspended in accordance with decision no: 2007/384 dated 06.03.2007 of Istanbul First Criminal Peace Court," which is also similar to the current alert. The bar was imposed after what appears to have been a "virtual war" between Turkish and Greek users, culminating in the upload of videos to the service that insulted modern Turkey's founder. You can argue that this

How to get on wifi today (Scripting News)

If you're at the event today, this is how you get on wifi:

is the Turkish authorities acting in a fit of schoolyard-esque pique, but the ban is still in place, so it's obviously a slight that's deeply felt, even if Turkey is taking a low-brow "hammer to crack an egg" solution and blaming the wrong source. With sentiments like this among Turkey's legal system, there could be any number of reasons for this most recent escalation of Google state censorship. In the information vacuum from Turkey, one could easily point fingers at souring

U.S.-Turkey relations, and the widely deplored attack on Turkish boats by Israel last week. But would the Turkish government really take this stance and use U.S.-based Google as a political tool to needle the Obama administration about its proIsrael stance, or possibly even the U.S. approach to the Iranian nuclear fiasco? Or is it simpler than this, and Google was merely linking to many pieces of online content that the Turkish authorities deemed

unacceptable all of a sudden? Over at The Register they're suggesting a different motivation. Google has communicated with them to say it believes the ban is an "accident," and it's trying to get to the bottom of it. That's quite some accident if it's true, and this PR-spin doesn't explain the Turkish statement on the sudden expansion of the YouTube ban to many more Google properties. You'd also expect pretty swift moves to clear up such a big "accident" on behalf of the Turkish government. What could be behind the ban is simply an attempt to strong-arm Google into paying taxes in Turkey, a political and financial hot topic in the country. But it seems nothing concerning this state-sponsored censorship is very clearly understood at the moment, which is odd given that the implications for Google are pretty big, and such high-profile censorship may even damage Turkish attempts at joining the European Union. To keep up with this news follow me, Kit Eaton, on Twitter. That QR code on the left will take your smartphone to my Twitter feed too.


Business/ Technology/

E-reader News Edition

HERE'S continued from page 3

reserves guarantees exploration and production will never be completely abandoned in the U.S., but don’t expect any growth. In fact, the Gulf of Mexico disaster probably destroyed any hope of any future drilling in environmentally sensitive areas, like the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve. The market has reacted strongly to the spill, punishing the stocks of every company involved in offshore drilling. Now many are suggesting it might be an overreaction that could benefit your investment portfolio if you dare buy in now. However, there are better ways to work this news to your benefit. The oil spill will be a very expensive setback for all the players involved in offshore production; we’ve already seen that reflected in their stock prices. In the near term, offshore exploration and production companies and the oil services

companies will show margin erosion as they digest higher costs. In the medium term, some companies will pull up stakes and move completely into nonU.S. offshore projects, as they’ll realize the cost of doing business in the U.S. outweighs any potential gains. The market might be overreacting, but we’re not convinced these depressed stocks represent good value. While it’s possible there are some good bargains, it’s still too early to consider speculating in any offshore-related companies. Specifically, the threat of increased regulation, massive tax increases, and rising insurance costs will create a hostile environment for these companies going forward. Instead of risking your capital on so many unknowns, a prudent alternative is to look at energy producers in the renewable energy sector. The oil spill has only strengthened

the current administration’s resolve to make greener energies supply a larger chunk of America’s energy needs in lieu of traditional fossil fuels. Congress is doing its part by giving huge subsidies to companies in this field. There are a lot of renewable options that will benefit from the subsidies and political wrangling, but our current favorite by a long shot is geothermal power. Of all the renewables, we think geothermal has the best upside potential. Based on economics and efficiency alone – unlike wind and solar energy, geothermal is reliable for roundthe-clock generation and is already price competitive with fossil fuels without any subsidies – geothermal outperforms competing renewable technologies. Add the government subsidies on top of the existing good economics and the pot gets

even sweeter in the short term. Once the spill is finally contained, attention will shift to previously low-key renewables, like geothermal, and soon after the market will recognize geothermal as the clear winner. We’ve researched companies up and down the geothermal supply chain and we’re seeing value in a number of quality companies that we think are poised to outperform. With the coming flood of money and attention that will be focused on green energy, you’ll want to move quickly before these bargains go away. This is a guest post from Charles S. Brant of Casey's Energy Opportunities. Join the conversation about this story »

Morning Edition: Is this TV overcompensating? (CNET Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:55:51 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. A subscription version of Hulu could be just weeks away, Google promises Goggles for iPhone by the end of the year, and Sharp shows off a wall-towall TV that is a little intimidating. 1 minute 42 seconds June 9, 2010 6:55 AM PDT Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Allscripts to Improve Market Share by Buying Eclipsys Wade Hansen (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:30:00 AM

Filed under: Deals, Stocks to Buy Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions Inc. ( MDRX) is looking to extend its influence in the electronic health records by purchasing Eclipsys ( ECLP) for $1.3 billion in stock.

Allscripts is the dominant player in providing physicians offices with electronic recordkeeping systems, while Eclipsys provides similar services to hospitals. Combining the two groups should give Allscripts tremendous reach. This is a smart move for Allscripts as the U.S. government -- through the

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act -- is preparing to provide $30 billion in federal funding to hospitals and physicians who adopt electronic

medical records. And if Allscripts can position itself correctly, a large percentage of that money could end up flowing to them. Continue reading Allscripts to Improve Market Share by Buying Eclipsys Allscripts to Improve Market Share by Buying Eclipsys originally appeared on

BloggingStocks on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Electronic health recordAllscriptsMisysBloggingStocks- Business

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Business/ Policy/


Are Government Workers Underpaid? No

continued from page 4

EyeToy had a broader impact on the video game industry. People who had never played video games were enticed by this new type of interaction that was both intuitive and fun. Many anecdotes appeared online about how "entire families were playing together" and it being "the first time my girlfriend ever wanted to play". EyeToy helped to break down market barriers in both age and gender, and helped pave the way for the many other natural interaction paradigms that later become popular such as singing, strumming a guitar, and other types of motion sensing. The first EyeToy games revolved around "enhanced reality", blending live video with computer graphics. The player's image was displayed on television, and this image directly interacted with the virtual game objects. Later games such as EyeToy:

Antigrav did not display the player's image, but instead tracked his arms and face to control an avatar riding on a virtual hover-board. When PlayStation 3 launched, because it has more computation power than PlayStation 2, algorithms that were previously too "heavy" became possible (e.g. real-time face detection, dense feature tracking, etc.). The EyeToy was upgraded to a new camera device named PlayStation Eye, with four times the resolution of the original EyeToy. PlayStation Eye also transmits raw uncompressed video to PS3, thereby avoiding compression artifacts. And it has much better low-light sensitivity: Late one night, while I was testing a PlayStation Eye prototype with all the office lights off, I was puzzled to still see live video of myself. I then realized that the prototype was so sensitive that just the light

given off by my PC screen was sufficient for it to image my face! (Soon thereafter, we filed a patent for techniques to use a TV screen as a controllable light source). Tracking the player's motion using a camera generated many new experience possibilities, but it became clear that such an approach by itself had fundamental limitations. While large body movements were good for creating a feeling of engagement, many experiences needed a level of precision that just isn't possible with only a camera. Also, though the freedom of camera-only interaction was a great benefit, it made some experiences awkward, such as pointing, selecting, and shooting. Some experiences obviously felt better when holding a tool in your hand. These realizations led to the development of PlayStation Move.

The PlayStation Move combines all that was good about the EyeToy and PlayStation Eye experiences with the benefits of a traditional game controller. The combination of motion-based gaming and controller input means PlayStation Move can support all types of genres, from shooters to social games. The developers who are supporting PlayStation Move have some amazing ideas for games that take advantage of options such as augmented reality; some of those ideas were demonstrated at the Game Developers Conference in March, but there are plenty more that will be unveiled at E3 next week. Next time, Richard Marks on creating the PlayStation Move.


(AEI.Org: Articles) Submitted at 6/8/2010 6:00:00 PM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Sorry, readability was unable to parse this page for content. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

IMF: Global Outlook Remains 'Unusually Uncertain' Connie Madon (BloggingStocks)

Fund (IMF) gave an assessment of how world economies are now functioning. Deputy Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:00:00 AM Managing Director, Naoyuki Filed under: International S h i n o h a r a , i n a s u m m a r y M a r k e t s , E c o n o m i c D a t a , statement said: "The global Financial Crisis While world outlook remains unusually economies once ran rather uncertain and downside risks s m o o t h l y , t h e f i n a n c i a l have risen significantly." meltdown of 2008 changed all With regards to the advanced that. The International Monetary economies, she used the term

"subdued" recovery. Policy makers have exhausted their stimulus programs and have

limited ways to sustain growth. In other words, they have used up their bullets. Europe is in disarray with the leaders wanting to cut deficits and scrap stimulus programs. Continue reading IMF: Global Outlook Remains 'Unusually Uncertain' IMF: Global Outlook Remains 'Unusually Uncertain' originally

appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments International Monetary FundBloggingStocks- Developed country- Economic- Financial crisis


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TWITTER continued from page 6

interesting to us." It seems that Twitter is drawing a disinction between "checking in" à la Foursquare, and "checking out" à la Twitter, which is more about the information gathered from the geo-located tweet, rather than where the tweet was sent from on a map. Later on in his talk, Stone told audiences about Twitter culture, and how he feared that startup success might go to the company's head. "Twitter is a three-year-old company but it has this very intense spotlight," he said. "My biggest fear is that we ended up like a child actor who found fame early and grew up all crazy--and I wanted us to be more like Ron Howard: child actor, successful director and producer." Stone says he is constantly pushing for humility at Twitter, and moreover, trying to keep its "fast-paced startup feel." To do this, Twitter has broken the company up into twenty different teams, each with their own initiatives and

goals. Biz also had some tips for companies trying to enter the Twittersphere. "I usually tell people who are just getting started: Search for your company or brand name or the name of your restaurant, and see what people are saying," he suggested to the crowd. "You don't necessarily have to immediately develop this strategy. What you can do is you can see if users are misinformed or if they have questions, and then you can jump in." Stone says this direct response to consumer interests and queries is what "grows into a direct relationship with your customers." Stone cites JetBlue as a great example of this relationship building, explaining that the airline company soon realized the "more press-releasey information just fell flat." But JetBlue began asking its followers what they'd like the company to tweet about, and it received a flood of reponses all saying, according to Biz, "Just

Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:00:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. What's your skin type?

Analyst Calls: AOSL, BIDU, BSX, BTU, CHCO, EVVV, NXST, POT, PUK, RST, WEN ... Eric Buscemi (BloggingStocks)

target, citing the recent pullback in shares. • Boston Scientific ( BSX) was Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:30:00 AM upgraded to sell from conviction Filed under: Analyst Reports, sell at Goldman. A n a l y s t U p g r a d e s a n d • Pegasystems ( PEGA) was Downgrades, Boston Scientific upgraded to buy from hold at (BSX), Wendy's Intl (WEN), Roth Capital. Analyst Initiations, Potash Corp. • Wendy's/Arby's ( WEN) was of Saskatchewan (POT) upgraded to buy from neutral at Analyst Upgrades SunTrust. • UBS upgraded Potash ( POT) to buy from neutral and raised Continue reading Analyst Calls: its price target to $112 from AOSL, BIDU, BSX, BTU, $106. UBS raised its 2011 CHCO, EVVV, NXST, POT, potash production estimates PUK, RST, WEN ... based on expectations for a Analyst Calls: AOSL, BIDU, tighter market and notes the BSX, BTU, CHCO, EVVV, potential for China to import NXST, POT, PUK, RST, WEN substantial amounts of corn. ... originally appeared on • BMO Capital upgraded BloggingStocks on Wed, 09 Jun Peabody Energy ( BTU) to 2010 11:30:00 EST. Please see o u t p e r f o r m f r o m m a r k e t our terms for use of feeds. perform. The firm, which has a P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | $49 target on the stock, cites C o m m e n t s valuation for the upgrade. Boston Scientific• Janney Montgomery upgraded BloggingStocksBusinessAnswering this question can be you some quick tips on how to City Holding ( CHCO) to buy InvestingStocks and Bonds easy if you have obviously oily care for every type of skin. skin or if you're plagued by Five Filters featured article: from neutral with a $37 price d r y n e s s . B u t i f y o u h a v e Into the Abyss. Available tools: combination or sensitive skin, PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, answers -- and the correct skin Term Extraction. care products -- can be hard to come by. This quiz will give

Ultimate Skin Type Quiz (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

that--we want you to ask questions like that, and JetBlue began realizing they could mix in the important information along with more chatty-type stuff." Lastly, Biz talked about his Steve Jobs-like outfit. "People at work always tease me because I'm generally wearing jeans and a black jacket," he said (see above picture). Yet when he visited to Capitol Hill to discuss Twitter with lawmakers, he opted for a suit out of respect, and Senator John Ensign (RNV) had some advice for the tech head. "You know what you need? A signature outfit that you wear everyday," suggested Ensign, who walked over to a picture of him and Steve Jobs in his office, and held up the photograph as an example. "Arg, I have one!" Biz lamented on stage to the audience.

Business/ News Wire/

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Market Ignores Bernanke's Doom Warnings: Here Are The 10 Trades To Watch Right Now

Talbots Enjoys a FirstQuarter Profit, but It Doesn't Help the Stock

Gregory White (Business Insider)

Steven Mallas (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:44:48 AM

The market has shrugged off Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's debt concerns and, instead, chosen to focus on the Chinese export boom. Europe also boomed today on the back of the China news. • DOW up 1.16% • NASDAQ up 1.66% • S&P 500 up 1.39% • French CAC 40 up 1.96% • Germany DAX up 1.93% • UK FTSE up 0.89% China Boom: PetroChina Company Limited (PTR) up 2.87%

China Boom: China Mobile Ltd (CHL) up 2.38% Oil Inventories and China Boom: Oil and Gas Equipment and Servicers ETF (XES) up 3.89% Big Oil Gains: Petrobras (PBR) up 3.18% Serious call action pushing Petrobras higher. Big Oil Move: Crude up 3.86% UBS upgrade: Vale (VALE) up 4.05% Vale has been upgraded

by UBS to buy from neutral. Ciena Corporation (CIEN) up 8.36% Ciena's third quarter sales beat analyst estimates. Merger News: Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions (MDRX) down 8.8% Allscripts has merged with Elipsys in an all stock move. Euro back above $1.20, up 0.77% Gold dropping sharply from highs, down 0.78% Worried about the markets? Check out these charts on gold. Image: Wikimedia Is gold the secure asset you've been looking for? > Join the conversation about this story »


Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:30:00 AM

Filed under: Earnings Reports, Wal-Mart (WMT), Target Corp. (TGT) Talbots ( TLB) was enjoying a nice uptrend for much of the past year. Then, economic troubles appeared in Europe, and the bears came clawing their way to Wall Street to ruin the rally. Like many other stocks, Talbots got hit. And on Tuesday, it closed down 9.5% to $12.20. The 52-week high on the shares is $17.79. During the fourth quarter, the retailer beat estimates by a wide margin. This time around, it's more of the same. According to Reuters, adjusted profit from continuing operations calculated out to 38 cents per share, much higher than the call of 16 cents

per share (and much better than the adjusted loss of 23 cents per share from continuing operations in the year-ago period). Continue reading Talbots Enjoys a First-Quarter Profit, but It Doesn't Help the Stock Talbots Enjoys a First-Quarter Profit, but It Doesn't Help the Stock originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Talbot- Wall Street- Wal-MartBusiness- BloggingStocks

U.N. Security Council approves new sanctions on Iran (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:47:19 AM

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Thomson Reuters is the world's largest international multimedia news agency, providing investing news, world news, business news, technology news, headline news, small business news, news alerts,

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requires fair presentation and disclosure of relevant interests. NYSE and AMEX quotes delayed by at least 20 minutes. Nasdaq delayed by at least 15 minutes. For a complete list of exchanges and delays, please

click here. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Infographic of the Day: BP's Horrifying Safety Record Cliff Kuang (Fast Company)

Administration (OSHA) checked 55 oil refineries operating in the U.S. Two are When you see it laid out in a owned by BP, and those racked g r a p h , i t s a l m o s t h a r d t o up 760 citations for "egregiously comprehend. willful" safety violations-The Gulf Oil spill has everyone defined as committed with plain f o c u s e d o n B P ' s o f f s h o r e indifference to or intentional activity--but onshore, BP's disregard for employee safety safety record is so bad that it a n d h e a l t h . T h e o t h e r 5 3 looks like a bunch of typos. refineries--put together--only Sadly, it's not. received one such violation. B e t w e e n J u n e 2 0 0 7 a n d This infographic by Flowing F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 0 , t h e Data lays it all out in horrifying Occupational Health and Safety detail: Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:29:16 AM

(Ignore the text on the top of the graphic that mentions 151 refineries--that's a misunderstanding of a report

filed by the Center for Public Integrity.) As you can see, BP accounted for just 4% of the refineries

inspected by OSHA. And yet they accounted for 54% of all violations. What's going on here? According to the Center for Public Integrity, Jordan Barab, the U.S.'s deputy assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health, said, “The only thing you can conclude is that BP has a serious, systemic safety problem in their company."

SponsorPay Raises Further $4.6m For Its Virtual Currency Ad Solution Steve O'Hear (TechCrunch)

Brigham Exploration: 'SuperCharged' Oil Play

Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:12:10 AM

SponsorPay, Europe’s leading provider of advertisement-based payment systems, has secured a further €3.8m (approx. $4.6m) Steven Halpern Week, explains, "My forecast Exploration: 'Super-Charged' of funding. The new round (BloggingStocks) charts -- based on time-cycle Oil Play comes from Hasso Plattner technology -- indicate that oil Brigham Exploration: 'SuperSubmitted at 6/9/2010 11:00:00 AM Ventures, Moscow's Kite should move higher. Charged' Oil Play originally Filed under: Newsletters, "While the overall market is appeared on BloggingStocks on Ventures, and Team Europe Commodities, Oil, Stocks to down a little over -10% in this Wed, 09 Jun 2010 11:00:00 Ventures who are the original backers of the Berlin-based Buy current correction, many oil EST. Please see our terms for "I am a big fan of oil right now, companies are down -20%, - use of feeds. Permalink| Email startup. The injection of capital solidifies SponsorPay's as I believe it is significantly 30% and some even more. this| Comments oversold. And one super- Relative to the broader market, BloggingStocks- Businesscharged way to play a rise in oil this means many of these oil Technology- Editing- Oil and is with Brigham Exploration ( companies are significantly Gas BEXP)," says Mike Turner. oversold and underpriced. The editor of Trade of the Continue reading Brigham

dominant position in Eurpope, having recently acquired its equally young rival, Hamburgbased GratisPay, in early February. The combined properties' customers cover the majority of the major online and social game publishers across Europe, including Gameforge, Bigpoint, InnoGames and Frogster.

Business/ World News/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


Rogue trader to face former boss at trial (World News from Times Online)

Israel Finally Agrees To Let Juice, Potato Chips, And Cookies, Into Blockaded Gaza Strip Gus Lubin (Business Insider)

policy of blockading Gaza," said Maxwel Gaylard, the U.N.'s Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:42:40 AM most senior humanitarian Israel has eased the Gaza Strip official in the Palestinian blockade to allow in many territories. "A modest expansion consumer items, including soda, of the restrictive list of goods juice, jam, spices, shaving allowed into Gaza falls well cream, potato chips, cookies and short of what is needed. We candy. need a fundamental change and We think this is a major an opening of crossings for improvement for a blockade commercial goods." dedicated to immiserating the Thus it seems international Gaza residents who elected a pressure and the terrifying Hamas government. standoff in the Middle East will But apparently it isn't good continue. See Also: The US Air enough for the UN: Force Guide To Potential War "The international community is Join the conversation about this united in seeking an urgent and story » fundamental change in Israel's

who resigned last year, is likely to have a significant bearing on a case which revolves largely Submitted at 6/9/2010 6:11:00 AM around Mr Kerviel’s claims that Message from Five Filters: If SocGen encouraged him to you can, please donate to the make unauthorised stock market full-text RSS service so we can bets in the pursuit of profits. continue developing it. Jean-François Lepetit, a former Jérôme Kerviel, the rogue c h a i r m a n o f t h e F r e n c h trader accused of losing €4.9 Financial Markets Authority, is billion (£4 billion), will face his also expected to give evidence. former boss on the second day Mr Kerviel, 33, is on trial for of his trial in Paris today as he breach of trust, computer abuse seeks to show that bank and forgery and faces a executives were aware of his maximum sentence of five years dealings. in jail and a fine of €375,000 if Jean-Paul Mustier, the head of found guilty. Société Générale’s investment The court heard that he had bank at the time, is among the taken positions worth a total of witnesses due at the hearing. €50 billion. When he was The evidence of Mr Mustier, discovered in January 2008 and

the positions were unwound, SocGen recorded a loss of €4.9billion. Mr Kerviel yesterday sought to prove that SocGen knew of his activities. “On a trading desk, we are 50 centimetres away from each other, everything you do can be seen, everything you do can be heard,” he said. “The daily encouragement from my superiors encouraged me to continue.” The trial is expected to last three weeks. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Morning Links - Lindsay in Trouble After a SCRAM Violation PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:15:00 AM

• Lindsay Lohan narrowly avoids jail after her SCRAM went off at a MTV party- Us Weekly • Her new bail is set at $200,000- Fox 411 • Shania Twain is officially divorced- People

• Khloe Kardashian is looking forward to a Summer pregnancy - PopEater • The next cast of Jersey Shore will be from the deep SouthTMZ • Katy Perry wasn't a fan of Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" videoWonderwall • Sarah McLachlan will have a busy Summer- Lainey Gossip • Ed Westwick is back on the

prowl- Celebitchy • Kanye West wants kids to stay in school- Lifeline Live • A sexual harassment lawsuit against Britney Spears?- I'm Not Obsessed • Kim Kardashian wants to play Lara Croft- The Blemish


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Mexico anger high as US Border Patrol kills teen (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

Operations Supervisor Ramiro Cordero said Tuesday. "During the assault at least one Message from Five Filters: If agent discharged his firearm," you can, please donate to the he said. "The agent is currently full-text RSS service so we can on administrative leave. A continue developing it. thorough, multi-agency CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico – i n v e s t i g a t i o n i s c u r r e n t l y Mexicans are seething over the o n g o i n g . " second death of a countryman at The shooting happened beneath the hands of U.S. Border Patrol a railroad bridge linking the two agents in two weeks, an incident nations, and late Tuesday night near downtown El Paso that is a banner appeared on the bridge threatening to escalate tensions that said in English: " U.S. over migrant issues. Border Patrol we worry about U.S. authorities said Tuesday a t h e v i o l e n c e i n M e x a n d B o r d e r P a t r o l a g e n t w a s murders and now you. Viva d e f e n d i n g h i m s e l f a n d Mexico!" colleagues when he fatally shot Less than two weeks ago, the 15-year-old as officers came Mexican migrant Anastasio under a barrage of big stones Hernandez, 32, died after a while trying to detain illegal Customs and Border Protection immigrants on the U.S. side of officer shocked him with a stun the Rio Grande. gun at the San Ysidro border About 30 relatives and friends crossing that separates San gathered late Tuesday to mourn Diego and Tijuana, Mexico. The S e r g i o A d r i a n H e r n a n d e z San Diego medical examiner's Huereka, whose shooting office ruled that death a Monday evening came along the h o m i c i d e . border with Texas. He died on Mexican President Felipe the Mexican side of the river. Calderon said Tuesday that his "Damn them! Damn them!" g o v e r n m e n t " w i l l u s e a l l sobbed Rosario Hernandez, resources available to protect sister of the dead teenager, at a the rights of Mexican migrants." wake in the family's two-room The government "reiterates its adobe house on the outskirts of rejection to the disproportionate Ciudad Juarez. use of force on the part on U.S. Preliminary reports on the authorities on the border with incident indicated that U.S. Mexico," the president added in officers on bicycle patrol "were a statement. assaulted with rocks by an On an unpaved street, gathered unknown number of people," around Hernandez's gray metal B o r d e r P a t r o l S p e c i a l casket, the teen's family called Submitted at 6/9/2010 5:29:07 AM

for justice. "There is a God, so why would I want vengeance if no one will return him to me. They killed my little boy and the only thing I ask is for the law" to be applied, said the boy's father, Jesus Hernandez. His mother was less hopeful. "May God forgive them because I know nothing will happen" to them, Maria Guadalupe Huereka said. Above the casket was a photo of the youth wearing his soccer uniform and his junior high school grade cards, which showed A's and B's. His mother said he was a good student who never got in trouble. He was the youngest of five children, played on two soccer teams and had just finished junior high school, she said. The case took a testy turn when U.S. and Mexican officials traded suggestions of misconduct in the incident. Arturo Sandoval, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state Attorney General's office, said a spent .40 -caliber shell casing was found near the body — raising the question of whether the fatal shot was fired inside Mexico, although he did not explicitly make that allegation. That would violate the rules for Border Patrol agents, who are supposed to stay on the U.S. side of the border. A U.S. official, meanwhile, said

video shows the Border Patrol agent did not enter Mexico. The official, who agreed to discuss the matter only if not quoted by name, said the video also shows what seem to be four Mexican law enforcement officers driving to the edge of the dry but muddy bed of the Rio Grande, walking across to the U.S. side, picking up an undetermined object and returning to Mexico near the area where the boy's body was. Like their U.S. counterparts, Mexican law officers are not authorized to cross the border without permission. According to the FBI, Border Patrol agents were responding to a group of suspected illegal immigrants being smuggled into the U.S. near the Paso Del Norte bridge, across from Ciudad Juarez around 6:30 p.m. Monday. One suspected illegal immigrant was detained on the levee on the U.S. side, the FBI said in a statement. Another Border Patrol agent arrived on the concrete bank where the now-dry, 33-foot (10-meter) wide Rio Grande is, and detained a second person. Other suspects ran back into Mexico and began throwing rocks, the FBI said. At least one rock came from behind the agent, who was kneeling beside a suspected illegal immigrant whom he had prone on the ground, FBI

spokeswoman Andrea Simmons said. The agent told the rock throwers to stop and back off, but they continued. The agent fired his weapon several times, hitting one who later died, said the FBI, which is leading the investigation because it involved an assault on a federal officer. The agent was not injured, Simmons said. Chihuahua state officials released a statement demanding a full investigation into the death. The boy was shot once near the eye, Sandoval said. Authorities were still investigating the bullet's trajectory, he said. Sandoval said he couldn't comment on the video reported by the U.S. official because he didn't know anything about it. "I am unaware about those hypotheses," he said. Sandoval said Mexican investigators were questioning three teenagers who were with the victim at the time of the shooting. The boy's sister, Rosario, told Associated Press Television News that her brother was playing with several friends and did not plan to cross the border. "They say that they started firing from over there and suddenly hit him in the head," she said. The boy's mother said he had MEXICO page 16

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Anti-Incumbent Rage Abates in Primary with Lincoln Win ( (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

pragmatism. They remembered that viability, not just purity, is also important. In Arkansas, Message from Five Filters: If pundits were predicting the you can, please donate to the demise of two-term conservative full-text RSS service so we can Democrat Blanche Lincoln in a continue developing it. runoff, but voters proved them People are unhappy. They've wrong, and Lincoln wrangled a been unhappy for a while - surprise comeback. In Iowa, through Enron and the dotcom Republicans bucked the Tea bubble burst, 9/11, two wars, Party trend and gave former four Katrina. They thought Barack -term governor Terry Branstad Obama would bring change, but another shot at his old job. few have felt the changes he has Likewise, in Virginia's Fifth wrought: Who can imagine how Congressional District, six Tea bad the economy could have Party candidates went home gotten sans stimulus? It feels disappointed on Tuesday as the bad enough as it is. Then came Establishment Republican, state the Gulf oil spill. If 2008 were a senator Robert Hurt, ran away change election, 2010 promised with the nomination, beating his to be even more so. Incumbents closest opponent by more than are even more unpopular than 20 points. t h e y w e r e i n 1 9 9 4 , t h e In fact, a surprising number of Washington Post told us. Voters E s t a b l i s h m e n t c a n d i d a t e s favor newcomers 60% to 32%, survived challenges in a season Gallup reported. Indeed, voters in which Washington's blessing began to take out their anger at often felt more like a curse. the polls, electing virtually any S o u t h C a r o l i n a s t a t e yokel who promised change or representative Nikki Haley r a i l e d a t t h e W a s h i n g t o n prevailed in an ugly primary, Establishment and sending which included not one but two h o m e f o u r c o n g r e s s i o n a l accusations of adultery, to win incumbents. The narrative thus 49% of the vote for the GOP far? Throw the bums out. nomination for governor (she Then came Super Primary still faces a runoff, which she Tuesday. Somewhere along the looks likely to win). Former way, voters on both sides of the e B a y C E O M e g W h i t m a n aisle rediscovered their handily won the GOP Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:15:00 AM

gubernatorial nomination (after spending $80 million on the primary, it would've been an incredibly expensive loss). Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina beat out a moderate and a Tea Party challenger in the Golden State's GOP primary to take on Senator Barbara Boxer. And Representative Jane Harman, a California Democrat, looks likely to survive the toughest primary the eight-term incumbent has seen in a decade.(Comment on this story.) That's not to say the antiincumbent spirit was nowhere to be found on Tuesday. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons became the first incumbent governor to lose a primary- though that may have more to do with the accusations of adultery, an ugly divorce and his pitted battles with Nevada's legislature than the anti-Establishment wave. The Establishment's pick to take on Senator Harry Reid, former Nevada GOP chair Sue Lowden, lost to Tea Party darling Sharron Angle. In South Carolina's Fourth Congressional District, Republican Representative Bob Inglis was forced into a runoff he looks unlikely to win after only garnering 28% of the vote in the primary. Also in the

Palmetto State, a virtual unknown named Alvin Greene won the Democratic primary to take on Senator Jim DeMint with 59% of the vote over Vic Rawl, a former judge and legislator and the Establishment pick. Greene, an unemployed veteran, spent next to no money, had no website and was hardly seen since he filed to run. On the whole, it was a betterthan-expected night for Democrats. Lincoln will start her general-election campagin as an underdog, but most experts say she has a better shot of beating Representative John Boozman, the GOP candidate, in conservative Arkansas than Lieut. Governor Bill Halter, who was much more progressive, would have. And Reid couldn't have asked for a better candidate in Angle than if he'd picked her himself: the former state representative is a ultra-conservative who supports phasing out Social Security and Medicare; wants to abolish the EPA and the Department of Energy and Education; and most recently got into trouble for supporting a prisoner drug rehab program that included massages. But as always happens with hard-fought primaries, a lot of healing must be done on both

sides ahead of the general election. Lincoln must reach out to the progressive base that was so infuriated with her, it spent $10 million trying to oust her. Haley must still win a runoff, but she also faces the challenge of bringing together a divided GOP in South Carolina. And both Whitman and Fiorina have their work cut out for them in solidifying their base. But if Washington wasn't quite the winner tonight, the big loser certainly was ideological purity. See TIME's Pictures of the Week. See the Cartoons of the Week. View this article on Related articles on • Super Primary Tuesday: Welcome Back, Pragmatism • Super Tuesday Election: Nine Races to Watch • Nine Races to Watch On Super (Primary) Tuesday • Democrats, Republicans Face Voter Backlash in Primaries • CO Gov, Sen Poll: Bad News Ritter Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Demoted Employee for NASA Mission Fights Discrimination (The Christian Post RSS Feed | Society)

intelligent cause – and offering DVDs on the subject when the co-worker expressed interest. Submitted at 6/8/2010 11:59:13 AM His supervisor, Gregory Chin, Message from Five Filters: If allegedly received complaints you can, please donate to the from employees and threatened full-text RSS service so we can the long-time employee with continue developing it. termination if he persisted with An amended complaint was h i s i n t e l l i g e n t d e s i g n filed Monday in a lawsuit d i s c u s s i o n s . against a NASA laboratory in Coppedge said he would California on behalf of an comply with the orders not to employee who was demoted for discuss the theory, politics or discussing his beliefs about religion in the office but felt his intelligent design. constitutional rights were Since his demotion last year, violated. David Coppedge, who had He later received a "written s e r v e d a s a " t e a m l e a d " warning" which stated that his technical specialist on Jet actions were harassing in nature Propulsion Laboratory's Cassini and created a disruption in the mission to Saturn, has been workplace. Thereafter, he was "stigmatized in such a way that removed from the team lead c a r e e r a d v a n c e m e n t position in order to "lessen the o p p o r t u n i t i e s h a v e b e e n strife" in the work area. His f o r e c l o s e d t o h i m , " t h e demotion was announced on a complaint reads. memo that was distributed on Last March, Coppedge was April 20, 2009. accused of "pushing religion" on According to the amended his co-workers after he began complaint, Coppedge said he e n g a g i n g c o l l e a g u e s i n was never told by a co-worker conversations about intelligent that his discussion of intelligent design – a theory that life and design was unwelcome or the existence of the universe disruptive to their work. He was derive not from undirected offered no specific details of the material processes but from an charges allegedly made by other

co-workers. Since the incident, Coppedge continues to suffer embarrassment, emotional distress, humiliation, indignity, apprehension, fear, ordeal and mental anguish, the complaint states. Specifically, he has remained constrained in his ability to express his personal views and has been "kept a prisoner of JPL's systemic ideological culture." The JPL employee also "endures each working day under a cloud of suspicion and a threat of termination lest he say anything by which someone might take offense." Coppedge’s attorney, William J. Becker, Jr., who is part of the Alliance Defense Fund, argues, "Discussing the origins of the universe with willing coworkers is not punishable just because it doesn’t fit a prevailing view at JPL." Becker further contends in the amended complaint that Coppedge suffered injustice and was deprived of his constitutional right to freely speak, write and publish his sentiments. The written warning against

Coppedge that was issued last April was expunged from his personnel file this year after his supervisors and manager revisited the matter. But he was not restored to the team lead position because the company continued to believe that his conduct in distributing the DVDs and advancing his views on intelligent design was inappropriate. ADF Senior Counsel Joseph Infranco commented, "Mr. Coppedge has always maintained that ID is a scientific theory. Regardless, JPL has discriminated against him on the basis of what they deem is ‘religion.’ The only discussion allowed is what fits the agenda. Stray, and you are silenced and punished. It just doesn’t fit with JPL’s otherwise fine reputation in the industry." The case is Coppedge v. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Flying Heavy Metal Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

[ unable to retrieve full-text content] Bruce

re-lives the experience of a night landing, with only a flare path to

guide him.

MEXICO continued from page 14

gone to eat with his brother, who handles luggage at a border customs office. While there, he met up with a group of friends and they decided to hang out by the river, she said. "That was his mistake, to have gone to the river," she said in an interview with Mexico's Milenio TV. "That's why they killed him." Mexico's Foreign Relations Department said its records indicate the number of Mexicans killed or wounded by U.S. immigration authorities rose from five in 2008 to 12 in 2009 to 17 so far this year, which is not half over. T.J. Bonner, president of the union representing Border Patrol agents, said rock throwing aimed at Border Patrol agents is common and capable of causing serious injury. "It is a deadly force encounter, one that justifies the use of deadly force," Bonner said. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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BP shares tumble as government probes Gulf oil spill (Reuters: Top News)

12,000-19,000 barrels a day, with one estimate as high as 25,000 barrels. They are due to Message from Five Filters: If present revised estimates later you can, please donate to the this week or early next week. full-text RSS service so we can BP shares fell around 6 percent continue developing it. in London, following a 5 H O U S T O N / percent drop on Tuesday, on LONDON(Reuters) - British worries that the company will energy giant BP Plc's stock have to suspend its dividend price tumbled on Wednesday as payment under pressure from it faced more government and U.S. politicians who say it congressional scrutiny over its should go to pay for legal claims handling of the massive Gulf of and environmental damage in Mexico oil spill. the Gulf. U.S.| Green Business| Gulf Oil The disaster remains at the top Spill of President Barack Obama's U.S. Interior Secretary Ken agenda, a point underscored by Salazar told a congressional his strong comments and his hearing that BP's latest effort to plans to head back to the Gulf try to contain the oil gushing Coast next week to inspect from its deep-sea well may have operations to tackle the worst oil increased the flow of crude 4 to spill in U.S. history. 5 percent above what it was Obama said on Tuesday that he before. would have fired Tony Hayward The oil spill, which began on if the BP chief executive had A p r i l 2 0 , i s c a u s i n g a n worked for him because of ecological and economic H a y w a r d ' s s t a t e m e n t s disaster along the U.S. Gulf minimizing the impact of the Coast. spill. Coast Guard Admiral Thad The toughening rhetoric against Allen, who is leading the BP and the call by some government relief effort, told lawmakers for the company to reporters that BP planned to cut its quarterly dividend has hit move another rig to the spill site BP shares in recent days. on June 14. This would enable " P e o p l e a r e r e s i g n i n g t h e c o m p a n y t o b o o s t i t s themselves to the fact that there capacity to collect oil from the may be a suspension of the ruptured well to 28,000 barrels dividend," said Tony Shepard, (1.18 million gallons/4.45 an oil analyst at brokerage million liters) a day, he said. Charles Stanley in London. Government scientists have On Monday, Goldman Sachs estimated that the leak spews predicted the oil giant could cut Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:31:20 AM

its dividend for two quarters. Until last week, most analysts said that BP was not likely even to reduce the dividend. The company's American depositary shares trading in New York fell 2.3 percent just after the opening bell. They were the third-most actively traded shares on the New York Stock Exchange. The political drama in Washington and the drive in the Gulf to limit the environmental disaster were being watched closely by investors who have seen losses erase a third of BP's value. CONTAINMENT CAP BP's latest containment effort, which follows a series of earlier failed attempts, involved placing a containment cap with a seal on a deep-sea pipe from which the oil is gushing. The captured oil is being channeled to a containment vessel on the surface above, where it is stored for later processing at a refinery ashore. Allen said the vessel was nearly full and was offloading its oil to a tanker. Testifying at a Senate hearing on safety issues in off-shore oil development, Salazar confirmed earlier fears that BP's new containment system may have made the spill worse by increasing the flow rate. Government scientists had warned of a possible 20 percent increase.

"The rate of increase may have been somewhere between 4 and 5 percent over what it was before," Salazar said. The disaster threatens fishing and tourism, two of the cornerstones of the local economy along the U.S. Gulf Coast. The spill has already fouled wildlife refuges in Louisiana and barrier islands in Mississippi and Alabama. It also has sent tar balls ashore on beaches in Florida. One-third of the Gulf's federal waters remains closed to fishing and the toll of dead and injured birds and marine animals is climbing. In a further sign of the Obama administration's pressure on BP, Allen demanded that Londonbased BP provide more information and transparency on how it was meeting damages claims by individuals and businesses affected by the spill. "The BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill is having a devastating impact on the environment and the economy of the Gulf Coast states and their communities," Allen said in a June 8 letter to BP. "The Federal Government and the public expects BP's claims process to fully address the needs of impacted individuals and businesses," Allen said. BP has paid out close to $50 million in damages claims so far along the Gulf Coast -- mostly to fishermen, shrimpers,

oystermen and boat operators who say their livelihoods have been impacted by the spill. BP's total bill from the spill so far, including cleanup costs, has reached $1.25 billion. On the corporate front, BP shareholders would prefer to sacrifice the company's Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg rather than CEO Hayward over the ongoing crisis, the Times of London reported in its Wednesday edition. Citing an unidentified person close to BP, the Times said shareholders had more confidence in Hayward's ability to supervise BP's response to the crisis than Svanberg, who has been largely invisible. A BP spokesman dismissed the report. All of this is taking place against the backdrop of rising public anger and an unfolding ecological catastrophe. OIL BENEATH THE OCEAN SURFACE U.S. weather forecasters gave their first confirmation on Tuesday that some of the oil leaking from BP's well has lingered beneath the surface rather than rising to the top. Undersea oil depletes the water's oxygen content and threatens marine life like mussels, clams, crabs, eels and shrimp. It was the first government confirmation of undersea oil near BP's one mile deep SHARES page 20


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Arkansas Democrat Blanche Lincoln survives anti-incumbent wave (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 6/9/2010 6:01:11 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. WASHINGTON(Reuters) - A Senate Democrat who faced voter anger over her support for bank bailouts and healthcare legislation survived a strong challenge on Tuesday as U.S. voters in 11 states chose candidates for midterm elections in November. Politics Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, a moderate Democrat and a key figure in U.S. financial regulation legislation, narrowly defeated the state's lieutenant governor, Bill Halter, after most political analysts had written her off. In California, two women who are former corporate CEOs, Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman, coasted to victory in Republican primary races for a chance at statewide offices. Lincoln's win defied a "throwthe-bums-out" mood that is sweeping the United States as recession-weary voters register their disapproval with the economic record of both parties

in Washington in recent years. She survived a multimilliondollar ad campaign paid for by unions and liberal groups who said she had lost touch with her home state. "I have heard your message," she told a victory rally in Little Rock. "Washington needs to work for us in Arkansas." A Washington Post poll published on Tuesday found that only 26 percent of the public approved of the job the U.S. Congress was doing and only 49 percent approved of the way their representatives were handling the job. Those numbers are worse than in 1994, when Republicans recaptured control of Congress for the first time in 40 years. Playing on voter frustration at unemployment, Republicans are poised to take away seats from President Barack Obama's Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate in the November 2 election. All 435 House seats are up for grabs and 36 of the Senate's 100 seats. BIG NIGHT FOR WOMEN Billionaire political novice Whitman, a former eBay Inc chief executive, won the Republican nomination for governor and will face a long-

time figure in California politics, Democrat Jerry Brown, in the race to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger. Former Hewlett-Packard chief Fiorina defeated two other candidates for the Republican nomination to face one of Obama's strongest allies, Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, who is facing an uncertain path to a fourth term. "California will now be offered two candidates at the top of our ticket who have actually created jobs and cut costs and we look forward to taking on the career politicians on the other side," Fiorina said in her victory speech. The California governor's race is on track to be the most expensive campaign in U.S. history outside a presidential contest, with the two Republican candidates alone spending more than $100 million in the primary. The victors will face major challenges: California is suffering from unemployment which is at a modern record 12.6 percent and the state government has a $20 billion budget gap. Feeling political heat in Arkansas over the bank bailouts,

Lincoln authored a provision that would force banks to spin off their swaps desks, which potentially could cost them billions of dollars in revenue. Her proposal is one of the most controversial elements of a financial regulation reform bill to be negotiated in Congress this week. She has also faced anger from the left for her opposition to parts of U.S. healthcare legislation -- and from the right after she eventually voted for it. Defeat for Lincoln would have extended Obama's losing streak. In the past months he has backed Democratic candidates in races in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts and all have lost. She faces a tough November election against the Republican candidate, John Boozman, but she will have the support of Obama and former President Bill Clinton, who is from Arkansas and campaigned for her last week. In Nevada, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat facing an uphill battle for reelection in his home state, likely got a boost when Republicans chose conservative Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle to face

him. Democrats charge the Tea Party is too conservative for mainstream Americans, a theme Reid is likely to repeat on the road to November. The anti-incumbent wave claimed another victim when Republicans voted to oust Republican Governor Jim Gibbons of Nevada. In South Carolina, Republican state representative Nikki Haley won the party's primary vote but fell just short of the 50 percent needed to avoid a runoff. Haley has denied allegations from two Republican operatives that she had engaged in adultery with both of them. This came in a state where voters were shocked last year by Republican Governor Mark Sanford's affair with an Argentine mistress that broke up his marriage. (Additional reporting by Peter Henderson and Jim Christie in San Francisco and Dan Whitcomb in Los Angeles) Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Wealthy businesswomen win California Republican races (Reuters: Top News)

her opponents to win the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in California. Message from Five Filters: If Both women led their closest you can, please donate to the opponents by more than two-tofull-text RSS service so we can one in early returns, and local continue developing it. media projected they would win. SAN FRANCISCO(Reuters) Fiorina will face Senator Two powerful Silicon Valley Barbara Boxer, a powerful businesswomen won Republican liberal Democrat and ally of nominations for California President Barack Obama on governor and the Senate on climate change, which may be a Tuesday after capitalizing on major issue in the November their business acumen -- and races. their personal fortunes. "Career politicians in Politics| COP15 Sacramento and Washington be California Republicans, who warned -- you now face your see a grim future for their w o r s t n i g h t m a r e : t w o economically battered state, businesswomen from the real chose former eBay Inc chief world who know how to create Meg Whitman to face former jobs, balance budgets and get Democratic governor Jerry things done!" Whitman said in a Brown in the race to succeed victory speech. Arnold Schwarzenegger. But Brown lambasted Whitman Confidence in government is for a "billionaire's demolition scraping bottom in the most d e r b y " o f o u t - o f - c o n t r o l populous U.S. state, which is c a m p a i g n s p e n d i n g . facing record 12.6 percent Whitman has put the governor's unemployment and a $20 billion race on track to be the most government budget gap. expensive contest in U.S. Carly Fiorina, another wealthy history outside a presidential political novice and former chief election, spending some $80 executive of computer maker million in the primary and Hewlett-Packard Co, trounced donating $91 million to herself. Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:15:00 AM

Her opponent also spent millions. "They both say they want to run the state like a business but they set a national record for excessive spending," Brown told supporters, according to a campaign statement. CREATURE OF WALL ST. The Democrats faced no real opposition in the primaries while Whitman's opponent Steve Poizner called her a creature of Wall Street, because she was a director at Goldman Sachs for about a year, and Fiorina rival Tom Campbell derided her controversial tenure at HP. Those themes are likely to rise again, said Dan Schnur, recently appointed chairman of California's Fair Political Practices Commission. "We're currently experiencing the greatest wave of populist anger that the body politic has seen in almost 20 years in the country, but the only people that voters dislike as much as career politicians are wealthy CEOs. We'll see who they hate more this November," he said. Voters also approved a massive

change in voting rules that will turn party primary elections into an open first round election that chooses two finalists -- who could be from the same party -to face off in the general election. Supporters had argued politicians would be forced to move toward the middle, easing gridlock that has stopped budget reform in its tracks. Local media also forecast the result based on early returns. California has a long history of voting for political outsiders, such as current Governor Schwarzenegger, a former movie star, and polls show voter trust in government near alltime lows. Brown became governor the first time in 1975, before term limits, and built a quirky reputation by eschewing the governor's mansion and dating singer Linda Ronstadt. Brown argues that he can reform the system from within, while Whitman, who has quickly gained comfort as a campaigner, says she brings an independence and business-like focus that a career politician

Louise's First ELLE Assignment (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 6/8/2010 10:00:00 PM

On last week's episode of The

City we met British journalist Louise Roe, whose sartorial savvy and on-camera credentials posed a threat to Olivia's new gig interviewing designers for And tonight, we watched Louise jump in and take over backstage duty at the Badgley Mischka show after Olivia overslept. Watch her

chat with Mark and James about their inspiration, and tell us: How do you think she did? —Erin Clements

cannot match. Fiorina offers a rags-to-riches tale of rising from secretary to chief executive and espouses conservative social values while Boxer is seeking a fourth Senate term and is an iconic liberal. Whitman and Brown offered "one of the great contrasts of American politics going into the fall," said Bill Whalen, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and a former speechwriter for former Governor Pete Wilson. "If elected he would be the nation's only septuagenarian governor, in a state that worships youth. She's never served a day in office," Whalen said. (Reporting by Peter Henderson, Jim Christie and Dan Whitcomb, editing by Anthony Boadle) Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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SHARES continued from page 17

ruptured well. But a BP executive continued to play down the reports of subsurface oil. "We have not found any significant concentration of oil below the surface," BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles told ABC's "Good Morning America." BP said it had collected about 15,000 barrels of oil from its blown-out well on Tuesday. That brings the cumulative total for five days to more than 57,000 barrels. But the ultimate solution to the leak lies in the drilling of a relief well and that won't be completed before August.

(Additional reporting by Deborah Zabarenko and Ayesha Rascoe in Washington, Joanne Frearson, Harpreet Bhal and Natalie Harrison in London, Pascal Fletcher in Miami, Ernest Scheyder in New York and Kristin Hays in Houston; writing by Pascal Fletcher and Ross Colvin; editing by Will Dunham) Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Gwyneth, Kate, and Naomi Step Out to Support Stella PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:45:00 AM

Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson and Naomi Watts were quite the trio of blondes posing together yesterday at a presentation of Stella McCarntney's Spring 2011 collection in NYC. Stella hosted a similar garden party to show off her designs two years ago that Kate also attended. This was Gwyneth's latest fashionable outing, after she joined SJP, Dakota Fanning, and

more at Monday's CFDA Awards. Kate, meanwhile, had the afternoon off from working on Something Borrowed so was free to pop by and say hi to her friends after an outing with Ryder and taping her interview for The Late Show. To see more from Stella's just read more. View 15 Photos ›

E-reader News Edition

Sprint Says EVO Sales Figures Were Wrong (Still Good, Though) Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb)

well against the launch of the original iPhone, which sold an estimated 270,000 units, Sprint made a big similarly on one carrier in one miscalculation when it initially country (the U.S). However, the released the first-day sales iPhone's number didn't include numbers for the new HTC EVO Sunday sales, which were on the 4G smartphone, the highly start of a new quarter. Counting anticipated Android device that those too may mean that Apple has been positioned by many as sold as many as 400,000 units the first real competitor to when the original iPhone Apple's iPhone. Originally, launched. Later iPhone Sprint announced that the total revisions, including the iPhone number of HTC EVO 4G 3G and iPhone 3G sold more devices sold on launch day was than a million units during their three times the number of first weekends, but those sales Samsung Instinct and Palm Pre included additional countries devices sold over their first three outside the U.S. and multiple weekend sales to 150,000 units carriers, so it's not as fair a days on the market combined. Today, however, Sprint is from the earlier estimate of comparison. saying its original report was in 250,000 to 350,000. He also That being said, the new EVO error. Sales numbers were said that calls placed to 20+ has already attracted its legion actually in line with the number stores indicated inventory of fans, thanks not only to its of Instinct and Pre devices sold shortages, so that number is not rich feature set but also its base over the first three days on the expected to rise much further o p e r a t i n g s y s t e m , G o o g l e market combined, not greater. during the first week of sales. Android, a mobile OS which New Number: Not Bad, but Not offers several features the newly Sponsor Although the original figures Breath-Taking... renamed Apple mobile OS, iOS, were erroneously reported, Still, 150,000 isn't a bad does not. Still, the EVO may not Sprint says the numbers for number, it just might not be as be the so-called "iPhone killer" EVO are still good. Launch day earth-shattering as once thought. many had hoped for, mainly due sales are six times greater than To put it in comparison with to battery life concerns that even those for the Samsung Instinct o t h e r r e c e n t s m a r t p h o n e has high-profile tech bloggers and twice that of the Palm Pre. launches, it's better than the l i k e T e c h C r u n c h ' s M i k e I n r e s p o n s e t o b o t h t h e Droid, which sold 100,000 units Arrington and Gizmodo's Matt announcement and further its first weekend, and far better B u c h a n a n r e c o m m e n d i n g research, BTIG analyst Walter than the Palm Pre which sold an against its purchase. Discuss Piecyk told Reuters that he was estimated 50,000 units its launch cutting his estimate of first weekend. It even holds up fairly Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:40:21 AM

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US helicopter shot down trying to evacuate casualty from a British base (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 6/9/2010 7:39:03 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Read an exclusive investigation into Britain's Helmand mission on The Times's new website: Officer's mess: Afghanistan was a ‘deeply flawed gamble’| Blundering in, eyes shut and fingers crossed| Cut off, outnumbered and short of kit| Analysis: hungry on the battlefield| In pictures: Afghanistan's decade of war| Graphic: Operation Herrick 4| Comment: donkeys in Whitehall| Opinion: institutional denial An American Blackhawk helicopter has been shot down with the loss of four servicemen as it attempted to evacuate a British casualty from Helmand Province. The Times understands that the aircraft came under fire around midday over Forward Operating Base Jackson, near the British-held town of Sangin. A spokesman for the Helmand

Governor said that it was brought down by a rocket propelled grenade, an unguided shoulder launched weapon often employed by Taleban militants. “All four fatalities were US service members,” a Nato spokesman told The Times, adding that the aircraft was “brought down by hostile fire”. In Kabul a US spokesman confirmed that those killed were Americans. British forces in Helmand are transported and resupplied by helicopters from a variety of nationalities. Supplies are also carried by helicopters contracted from a number of civilian companies. US Blackhawk casevac helicopters frequently extract British wounded, if necessary under fire. A known Taleban spokesman, Qari Yousuf Ahmadi, claimed that the militants had brought down the US helicopter with two RPGs. The incident came as the Ministry of Defence confirmed the death this morning of a British soldier in Helmand. The man, from the 2nd Battalion The Princess of Wales’s Regiment,

died in an explosion in the Nahr -e Saraj district of the province. His family has been informed. The insurgents have long hoped to shoot down Nato helicopters and their spokesman, Qari Yousef Ahmadi, confirmed that insurgent commanders are offered cash rewards for successful attacks. So far they have had limited success. Seven people were killed, including a British military photographer, when an American Chinook was shot down in Kajaki, in northern Helmand, in 2007. More recently, British forces were forced to destroy two of their own Chinooks last year. The twin-rotor cargo helicopters, which bear the brunt of troop movements and medical evacuation missions in Helmand, were damaged beyond repair during what the military called “hard landings”. The first received small arms fire after off-loading a Special Forces team north of Sangin on 20th August. The second crash, ten days later, was not thought to have been caused by enemy fire. On both occasions the pilots and crew managed to

J'Adore: Alaia Leopard Corset Belt (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

Azzedine Alaia Paris corset in ocelot print pony ($3075)

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escape without life threatening injuries. In 2008 a British Chinook was badly damaged by enemy fire as it flew the provincial Governor Gulab Mangal to a shura, or community meeting, in Musa Qala’s district centre, also in northern Helmand. The aircraft was repaired on site and returned to service. On July 14th last year a Ukrainian MI-26 supply helicopter contracted to supply British troops was shot down with a rocket propelled grenade over Sangin with the loss of all six crew members. Daoud Ahmadi, a spokesman for the provincial governor said that the aircraft brought down today was “a coalition helicopter”. He identified Sangin as the crash site. Sangin has seen intense fighting in recent months and is currently held by members of 40 Commando, The Royal Marines. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Jay-Z and Beyonce Chow Down Between Tour Dates PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:45:00 AM

Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles were together in London yesterday for a date night at Mr Chow. The pair is in England after a stay in France, where Beyonce was setting trends in her green dress for a day of tennis before his show in Paris. He's set to perform this evening in the city of Birmingham before a string of other dates in the UK and US over the Summer. His later concerts will be with Eminem, but that's the only collaboration planned for the moment in the CarterKnowles household - Beyonce's father Matthew recently shot down rumors of a reunion for the members of Destiny's Child. To see more of Beyonce and Jay-Z just read more. View 10 Photos ›


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Gulf oil spill 'may top 100,000 barrels a day' (World News from Times Online)

company’s operation to cut the leaking pipe and cap it with a new containment device last Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:24:34 AM week may have increased the Message from Five Filters: If surge of oil not by 20 per cent, you can, please donate to the as BP and the White House had full-text RSS service so we can warned may happen, but several continue developing it. times over. BP’s oil leak in the Gulf of “How much larger I don’t know, Mexico may be up to four times but let’s just quote BP,” he said, the scale estimated by a referring to the 100,000 barrel government scientific panel, rate that BP executives indicated pumping out 100,000 barrels a weeks ago would be their day in what equates to the “worst case scenario. c o m p a n y ’ s “ w o r s t c a s e “In the data I’ve seen, there’s scenario” and prompting new nothing inconsistent with BP’s accusations that executives are worst case scenario,” he added stonewalling the truth. in comments to McClatchy The news — revealed by one of newspapers, stating that the the members of President previous 12,000 to 25,000 Obama’s Flow Rate Technical barrels a day estimate had Group, a panel that previously simply been the “lower bound” estimated that the flow was in estimate. the region of 12,000 to 25,000 BP’s “top kill” effort two barrels a day — counter to BP’s weeks ago to stem the flow by claims that it is now capturing firing mud and junk into the “the majority” of the oil and well appeared to have stepped channeling it into a tanker. up the rate of the leak, Dr Leifer Dr Ira Leifer, a researcher in said. the Marine Science Institute at The revelations are likely to the University of California f o r m p a r t o f a l i v e l y w h o i s a m e m b e r o f t h e congressional hearing next technical group, said that the oil w e e k , w h e n B P ’ s c h i e f

executive, Tony Hayward, will appear on Capitol Hill to face a grilling by legislators. He will be quizzed not only on BP’s response to the disaster, and controversial personal statements that he has made himself in recent weeks, but also on its lack of preparedness for such a disaster. The company’s 2009 response plan setting out what it would do in the event of a leak in the Gulf of Mexico was seriously flawed, it emerged today, and showed a lack of understanding for the environment in which it was drilling. One of the wildlife experts it listed in the plan as a potential adviser died in 2005. Under the heading “sensitive biological resources,” the 528-page document lists marine mammals including walruses, sea otters, sea lions and seals — none of which are found anywhere close to the Gulf. The names and phone numbers of several marine life specialists to which it would turn for help are out of date, and marine mammal assistance services

that it names are in fact no longer in service. Yet the document was approved by the federal government last year, prior to the Deepwater Horizon rig starting drilling on the Macondo well, despite vastly underestimating the potential impact that an accident might yield, even based on a leak ten times worse than the current spill. “BP Exploration and Production Inc. has the capability to respond, to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case discharge, or a substantial threat of such a discharge, resulting from the activities proposed in our Exploration Plan,” the papers state, setting out how marine life would largely escape serious harm, beaches would remain clean, and water quality would be only a temporary problem. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Cutest Pet of the Day: Bailey Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:02:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the

full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Bailey loves to take naps outside. Thanks to Dee for submitting! VOTE for your favorites here

using our new Cute Pet

Face-Off tool. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Wise Words: The Secret to Beauty Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 6/9/2010 6:30:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous and full of joy. For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. —Audrey Hepburn How often do you look for good in others, or speak words of kindness? Have a favorite quote? Send it t o u s a t with your name, city and state. You might be featured in an upcoming Wise Words post! Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Diane Abbott is lone voice of the Left among four Blairites (World News from Times Online)

the two Milibands, make up the quintet fighting to succeed Gordon Brown. Harriet Harman Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:28:23 AM decided to hang on to the Message from Five Filters: If deputy leadership rather than you can, please donate to the run for the top job. She opted full-text RSS service so we can publicly for Ms Abbott. continue developing it. The other reason for propping Four white, middle-class males up Ms Abbott was self-interest. and one black, middle-class D a v i d M i l i b a n d , who woman. The Labour leadership nominated her himself even contest is under way. That though he is a million miles Diane Abbott, the left-wing from her politically, needs a left woman candidate, got into the -wing candidate in the battle so race at all was only because the that he can better define other leftwinger, J o h n himself. Four Oxbridge blokes McDonnell, pulled out and her being nice to each other does male opponents told their not make for much of a public backers to nominate her. spectacle, let alone a serious There was more than a hint of political contest. At least the political correctness in all of “Blairish” candidates Miliband this. Labour was ever so D and Burnham have a political slightly embarrassed that no philosophy to pitch against. woman candidate of note felt What the shenanigans able to put herself forward. surrounding Ms Abbott’s entry Many think Yvette Cooper shows is the massive weakness would have given the men a run of the parliamentary Left which for their money, but she decided has had no real champion since against after discussions with Tony Benn departed. Mr her husband, Ed Balls. He, Benn’s near capture of the along with Andy Burnham, and deputy leadership back in 1981

was the high-water mark for the Left, and since then it has been in a state of decline. Ms Abbott has little or no chance of being elected but that does not mean that the Left’s impotence is certain to continue. The current five-year Parliament, if it lasts that long, is to be dominated by cuts in public spending. We knew that before but the coalition’s moves since the election have reinforced that perception. In circumstances in which ordinary people or frontline services are seen to be hit by the cuts, the Left will have the cause it has sought. A period of increased union militancy may not be far away. Already the language of the mainstream contenders has shown that they are alive to this threat. All of them have turned on the Government for allegedly pretending that it has found new evidence that the economic sitation is worse than expected, thus giving itself cover for tougher than expected

medicine. As the contest moves into the summer, expect all the main candidates to start railing against the cuts, while accepting that the deficit would have been halved under Labour’s more cautious plans. There is no surprise that the two Milibands, Mr Balls and Mr Burnham have emerged. They are of simialr age and have followed the same political adviser route to the top of their party, each reaching the Cabinet under Mr Brown. They are men who know each other well who have grown up in the Westminster village together. David Miliband has more MPs supporting him at this stage, but it is hard to predict the outcome. Ms Abbott’s arrival on the scene will at least ignite public interest in a battle that risked running out of steam too soon. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

boho maxi dress Wear: vintage dress, Alexander Wang bag, Ray-Ban sunglasses, Pour la Victoire shoes Photo: Courtney D'Alesio mail us your photo and you Think you are Street Chic? E-

could appear in's Street Chic Daily. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!

Street Chic: New York (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 6/9/2010 6:00:00 AM

Who: Samantha Sussman What: Go long in a printed

Dinner Diary: Tomato Tart Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 6/8/2010 3:00:00 PM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. This tart is so colorful and easy, I feel as though I'm treating myself when I make it. The tomatoes get kind of caramelized and intensely tomato-ey, and it becomes clear that they're fruit. Thus the mustard. It's a sharp contrast to the luscious sweetness of the tomatoes and the richness of the crust. I used a purchased refrigerated pie crust, which is perfect for this kind of thing (I find the major brand a little salty for desserts). See how beautifully simple this is to make below: Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Zynga’s FrontierVille Looks To Recreate The Success Of FarmVille In The Wild West Jason Kincaid (TechCrunch) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:00:51 AM

It’s been almost exactly one year since social gaming powerhouse Zynga unleashed what was destined to become an online phenomenon: FarmVille. The game has 70 million monthly active users, many of whom are total addicts. But some gamers are doubtless ready for a new fix, and today, they’re getting just that — Zynga has launched FrontierVille, a Wild West themed game that shares many similarities with FarmVille, but with some new twists designed to instill a greater sense of adventure. We discovered the game back in April when it was still in early testing stages, but it hasn’t been available to the masses until now. To get a better understanding of what FrontierVille brings to the table, I stopped by Zynga headquarters yesterday for a full rundown of the new game, including a thorough demo. If you’ve played FarmVille, you’ll be right at home in FrontierVille. Many of the same game mechanics are here: you can purchase and harvest crops, and in order to maximize your harvest and in-game bonuses you’ll have to check in at regular intervals throughout the

day. But it also has some key differences. For one, the game obviously has a different theme (and it’s one that hasn’t already been pioneered by another popular game, which appears to be a first for Zynga). Perhaps more important, from a gameplay perspective FrontierVille has a number of new features designed to help add a feeling of spontaneity and a better social connection with your in-game friends. In order to better understand how this differs from FarmVille, I asked FrontierVille GM Brian Reynolds to run through the main differences: • One of the biggest changes in FrontierVille involves your neighbors (basically, the friends you’ve connected with in the game, who are always shown in a panel at the bottom of your screen). In FarmVille when you visit a friend’s virtual farm, your potential actions are quite limited — you can’t do much to engage with your friend’s plot of land. In FrontierVille that dynamic has changed. You can now swing by a friend’s plot of land and tend to some of their chores, like harvesting their crops. Doing so gives you a reward, and also helps them save time. There’s one caveat to this though: your friend will have to approve your actions

before they take effect (some players prefer to trudge through these tasks on their own). • Another social gameplay element is the notion of “hiring” your friends, which entails paying some in-game money to have a buddy harvest your plants or do other tasks. In reality your friends aren’t actually sitting at their computers doing this “work” themselves (which would be pretty boring). Instead, you’re merely controlling their in-game avatar. The social element of this stems from the game’s stat system: over time you can accumulate multiple kinds of experience points, based on how much you’ve engaged with your friends and what you’ve accomplished in the game. The more points you have, the more ‘work’ you do for your friends when they hire you, which in turn makes it more likely that your friends will be looking to hire your avatar. • FrontierVille is also putting a much bigger emphasis on its

storyline. Soon after you start the game, you’ll encounter a letter from your betrothed who is stuck “out east” — it’s your job to build up your home and garden so that they can come out and join you. Once that happens you can start having children, who you design to look exactly as you want them to. Family members can be used to help decorate your land (which sounds a little weird, I know), and can also help speed up the rate at which you collect resources like wood. In addition to these story elements, there are also new missions that are designed to help mix up gameplay. For example, the game may instruct you to harvest flowers (something that you may not normally do) for the purpose of making a bouquet to woo your spouse. • Finally, there’s a new set of features that Reynolds refers to as the “living world effect”. In short, these are events that are beyond your control, which help the virtual world feel more

alive. Log off for a few days, and you’ll find that you may have some weeds growing in the yard. Trees will grow larger over time, and eventually they’ll start to drop seeds where seedlings will start growing. And an array of creatures like snakes and bears will sometimes encroach on your territory. They won’t ever actually harm your property, but they drain energy when you’re close to them. One other addition is a robust item collection mechanic that’s borrowed from Mafia Wars. Gamers can collect a wide array of special items as they play; collecting a “set” of related items usually gives the gamer a stat boost. It’s also worth pointing out that the game will integrate Facebook Credits, obviously a result of the recent agreement that Facebook and Zynga reached after sparring over the payments system. So will FrontierVille be a success? Probably — Zynga has these gameplay mechanics down to an art, and I don’t doubt that they’ll be able to attract plenty of FarmVille fans to this new game. What’s more, when you start playing FrontierVille you’ll notice that Zynga has integrated a special invite system that lets ZYNGA’S page 27


E-reader News Edition


How to Manage Your News Consumption in the Real-Time Web Era Richard MacManus (ReadWriteWeb)

Using Twitter you can track people, events or topics and receive a real-time stream of Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:15:02 AM information. It may or may not Is the Real-Time Web making be useful news, but it certainly news consumption better or keeps you more up-to-date. Also worse? In a Wired magazine you may discover nuggets of article, book author Nicholas wisdom, whilst casting your eye Carr argues that the Internet is every now and then over your r e d u c i n g o u r a b i l i t y t o dashboard of Twitter streams. comprehend content on the You also discover more news Web. In a separate blog post, these days from your social Carr even suggests that websites network- Facebook, blogs, a n d b l o g s s h o u l d m o v e friend recommendations in your hyperlinks from the body of an RSS Reader, and more. Much of a r t i c l e t o t h e b o t t o m - this is real-time information apparently, links distract readers now, thanks to Facebook's news and cause them to understand an feed and technologies such as article less. I don't buy that Google's PubSubHubbub, which particular argument, but it's allows you to receive content by clear that we need better RSS almost immediately after it strategies to cope with news was published. overload. Particularly as these The downside to these real-time days we're not only getting more technologies is that they add a content, but getting it much great deal of 'noise' to your daily faster. news consumption. Twitter, In this post we offer you some Facebook, blogs, email, IM advice on how to manage your t h e r e i s n o s h o r t a g e o f consumption of news in this real information wanting to interrupt -time era. your concentration and work Sponsor flow. How the Real-Time Web Has The question is: despite the Changed News increased noise, are we still The Real-Time Web, where better off by having more and new or updated content is faster news to choose from? I delivered to you instantaneously would argue that more choice is ( o r v e r y n e a r t o i t ) , h a s always good, and that the significantly changed how c h a l l e n g e f o r t h e n e w s people consume news. Twitter is consumer is to pick and choose the most obvious example. what you follow - and when.

common is Google Alerts, but others we like include LazyFeed, Topikality and PubSub. • Use news aggregators, such as Topix- or more targeted services like Techmeme for tech news. These services essentially filter news from multiple sources for you. A news aggregator that I like a lot currently is an iPad app called Newsy. • Try a single feed of various sources. For example if you want to get the best World news, you can create a mash-up feed of the world sections of the New York Times, BBC and Wall St Journal. This is as simple as creating a folder in your RSS Reader - clicking on the folder name gives you a single scrollable list of all of the feeds. Or you can use an advanced RSS service such as PostRank to filter more.

increasing number of us are, due to the Internet), then try limiting the times that you check Twitter, Facebook and other real -time information streams. I've recently resolved to 'tune out' things like Twitter, Skype and email during parts of the working day, so that I may focus on work tasks. Be Smart With What News You Track and How You Track Advice For News Consumers in It The Real-Time Web Era In my view, Nicholas Carr's There are ways to deal with theory about links takes the information overload, which information overload argument will go a long way to solving the a step too far. Links are an issues that Nicholas Carr raises. integral part of the Web The 'what' part of the formula browsing experience and their pick and choose what you placement by publishers follow and when- needn't be just conveys meaning, context for choosing a few news media the reader and respect for websites and blogs. Why not original news sources (not to take advantage of the fact that mention it helps Google rank news sources have multiplied pages in its vast search index). and become much faster to However, there's no doubt that update news. Here are some it's difficult to focus and truly ways you can fish from this vast The above suggestions will give comprehend articles if you try to ocean of news in a clever way: you more varied and better consume too many of them in • Use topic trackers, which filtered sources of news, but it one sitting. allow you to subscribe to won't solve your comprehension The bottom line is that realkeywords or phrases. The best problem if you try to consume time technologies are bringing of these tools output RSS, so all of the resulting content. us more news, faster. That's you can subscribe to the output Therefore, you need to figure great progress in the media in your RSS Reader. Many of out when and how often you'll world. However, in order to t h e m a l s o s e n d e m a i l dip into this news. cope with the increased volume notifications. Earlier this year, When should you check your and speed, our advice is to be we listed 10 topic tracking tools news? Your mileage may vary. smart about what you track (and that you could try out (see also If you're the easily distracted HOW page 26 an extended list). The most type (and Carr argues that an



E-reader News Edition

Writing on the tablet (CNET

Interpreting multiple touches and their associated movements as gestures is a complicated Message from Five Filters: If software exercise, but it all you can, please donate to the comes down to decoding points full-text RSS service so we can of contact and the paths they c o n t i n u e d e v e l o p i n g i t . take as a function of time. commentary An obvious attraction of Multitouch capacitive screens capacitive touch technology is and pads are arguably the first that it can be operated directly new style of input and device with the fingers, so no special interaction to hit the mainstream accessories such as a stylus or since the gamepad became the puck are required to operate. standard for most modern And if you do want to use a gaming consoles. stylus, say because it's more Even if we most associate natural for writing, one can be multitouch with the Apple used as long as it's conductive. product ecosystem at this point, (A stylus, such as the Pogo from b y i t s e l f t h a t ' s s t i l l a n Ten One Design, has a metal e n o r m o u s l y h i g h - p r o f i l e barrel and a tip made of a "niche." conductive foam commonly HowStuffWorks describes the used to protect electronic technology of the iPhone's touch components.) screen and one of Apple's However, capacitive screens are relevant patents, for a mutual not without their downsides. For capacitive screen, can be found one thing, you can't operate here. A mutual capacitive screen them while wearing full gloves. includes two active layers; one At the same time, you have to contains lines with a driving make sure that you only touch current, the other contains the screen with the body parts sensing lines. The location of a you want to write with. Some t o u c h o r t o u c h e s b y a artists working with the iPad conducting object (such as a wear gloves without fingertips finger) can then be detected for this reason. because of its interaction with A variety of approaches have the electric field generated by been applied to detecting and the drive current. processing touch over time. Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:11:40 AM

HOW continued from page 25

how you track it) and turn off the firehose when you need to concentrate on work. Discuss

These have often involved using a special stylus or puck (an object similar to a mouse in shape) with a special tablet. Best known today through Wacom's products, these devices generally work as follows although the details will vary by device: Under the tablet's surface (or LCD in the case of the Cintiq) is a grid of wires that transmits a send and receive signal. In send mode, the tablet's electromagnetic signal stimulates oscillation in the pen's coil-and-capacitor circuit. In receive mode, the energy of the resonant circuit's oscillations in the pen is detected by the tablet's grid. This information is then analyzed by the computer to determine the pen's position. In addition, the pen communicates other vital information, such as pressuresensitivity, side-switch status, tip or eraser orientation and Tool ID. Resistive screens and tablets are also commonly used in tablets and mobile devices and are ubiquitous today in kiosks, ATMs, and other displays of that type. The advantage of resistive touch is that, while a stylus may be used to increase

precision, any object (including a finger) works. This brings us to the question of which characteristics will be important in touch-sensitive phones and tablets as we move forward. The tablet that has everyone going gaga these days really is quite a nice piece of gadgetry; I bought one and have no regrets. It's great for Web surfing, reading the news, and even its soft keyboard is more effective than I expected. Certain types of drawing even seem to work pretty well, although that's a judgment I leave to those who can--well--draw. But it's not very good for taking handwritten notes. A stylus and a program like Dan Bricklin's Note Taker HD makes notetaking on an iPad practical by letting you write in a magnified window into the page. But it would be hard for me to describe handwriting on iPad as either "magical" or "revolutionary." This, I think, is an interesting fact, given that historically mobile tablets (including Apple's own Newton), have tended to focus on handwriting and other forms of writing directly on the screen. In fact, the difficulties

associated with doing reliable handwriting recognition often get cited as a reason that tablet PCs have never really gone mainstream. Essentially, the iPad has deprecated handwriting as a primary mode of interacting with a tablet. I'm not convinced that's the future. Google's Tim Bray rightly points out that input is one of the big limitations of mobile devices. Writing isn't a panacea, especially in a world where many people are increasingly comfortable dealing with miniature keyboards both hard and soft. But, in an environment where input has to largely take place through a single sheet of glass, it's a bit hard to believe that high resolution writing and drawing don't have some role to play. And that's going to favor technologies that may let us just use our fingers for pressing and gesturing but also open up the possibility of more precise work using some handheld tool. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

E-reader News Edition

Web Apps Are One Thing But What About Security on the Smart Grid?



ZYNGA’S continued from page 24

you immediately invite all of your FarmVille-playing friends to join you (the logic being that Alex Williams plan its network of instruments new age of the Internet of folks who like FarmVille will (ReadWriteWeb) probably like FrontierVille). that will be integrated into all Things. That said, despite the new manners of physical devices. But, still, even if security is Submitted at 6/9/2010 1:20:42 AM Fo instance, Babcock will put built into the technology, the additions, in many senses this is Web apps are not exactly instruments on sprinkler heads smart grid is not guaranteed to more of the same. The game still secure. IBM tracks 9 billion throughout the community. be any more secure than a Web relies heavily on repetitive tasks that are restricted by time, and events per day. They see 150 They will be networked to pull app. million intrusion attempts on a in weather data so the sprinklers From EcoSeed:"According to a your social interactions with daily basis. can water certain areas. Houses study by systems engineer friends are asynchronous (in Of the vulnerabilities they see, will be solar powered. When Mohit Arora, the future smart other words, you aren’t going to 49% come from web apps. Of clouds move over, the smart from the grid while fulfilling grid's use of communication be playing alongside your the 49%, about 67% of those grid will know to compensate. i m p o r t a n t e n e r g y s t o r a g e technologies implies an increase friends at the same time). There functions upon which we come vulnerabilities never get Jack Danahy is a security i n c o m p u t e r - c o n t r o l l e d are obviously still a huge to rely, this is one area we want patched. executive in the office of the electronics and software, which number of people that enjoy this So, what happens when the CTO at IBM Software. He t o m a k e s u r e d o e s n ' t g e t might increase the probability of kind of game. But these game mechanics are going to get old, physical world is controlled by p r e a c h e s t h e c o n c e p t o f overlooked. In fact, just like in a potential cyber attack. networks that connect with on- designing security from the start e v e r y t h i n g e l s e , w e ' d Mr. Arora says the danger in a and I’ll be surprised if Zynga p r e m i s e a n d c l o u d of development, not as an add recommend minimizing the cyber attack is the element of sees another industry-shaking drama and designing security in environments? on as is often the practice with uncertainty. A cyber attack can hit of the same magnitude as from the word go." Sponsor Web apps. From the blog he s t r i k e t h r o u g h t h e p u b l i c FarmVille until they start to mix We've spent the past two days writes with Andy Bochman, a Danahan is the founder of network from a remote location things up more. at IBM Innovate where the fellow security executive at Ounce Labs, the company he virtually anywhere in the world. CrunchBase Information Zynga sold to IBM last year. Today, discussion is about the IBM:"Threats from bad guys are Successful cyber attacks could I n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d b y IBM announced the integration development of systems and the one thing; threats from poor lead to power outages, CrunchBase i n c r e a s i n g c o m p l e x i t y o f coding, configuration errors and of Ounce Labs with Rational's destruction of generators and i n t e r c o n n e c t i n g n e t w o r k . other unintentional companions security technology. The result even grid instability. Hackers IBM calls it the complexity of of complexity are likely a bigger is AppScan Source Edition, a can also steal data from the "systems of systems," a term challenge in the near term. n e w a d d i t i o n t o i t s W e b memory of these devices and that is redundant and a bit Nevertheless, could an attacker a p p l i c a t i o n s e c u r i t y a n d i n s e r t m a l i c i o u s s o f t w a r e confusing but we'll work with it. work his/her way through less- compliance portfolio. AppScan i n s t e a d . " T h e s e c u r i t y i s s u e s g e t t h a n - s e c u r e a u t o m o t i v e helps companies correct security Designing with security in mind increasingly complex in these communications networks to put vulnerabilities before the app will be essential in the new systems that connect devices to d r i v e r s i n h a r m ' s w a y o r goes live. smart world. Especially networks and multiple other adversely impact a utility? Security issues are a problem considering that the criminal with Web apps. But if nothing connected systems. Sounds exotic, but when networks will surely be getting Take Babcock Ranch, the Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) dreams else, the security problems that smarter, too. Discuss 90,000 acre smart development start becoming reality, and have been on the Web may be a that is using IBM Rational to electric cars draw their power learning lesson as we enter this


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E-reader News Edition

Australia going smart-grid (CNET Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:41:59 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Newcastle has already installed new street lamps like these along its harbor to reduce energy use. Soon they'll be regulated by a smart grid.(Credit: City of Newcastle/ Newcastle City Council Electrical Services) Newcastle, in the state of New South Wales, will be the first Australian city to move onto a smart grid in what the government says could be a nationwide change. The announcement, made Monday, is part of Australia's "Smart Grid, Smart City" initiative involving the collaboration of several Australian government ministries, private contractors including GE Energy and IBM Australia, and Energy Australia, one the country's leading electricity utilities. The project's initial $100 million rollout, to take place "mid 2010," will include the central business district of Sydney as well as the towns of Scone, Homebush, and Ku-ringgai, in addition to Newcastle. A smart grid is an electric grid system with two-way communications capability that

allows electric utilities, as well as the commercial and residential facilities using electricity, to regulate electricity use based on both need and electricity availability. It optimizes electricity use and attempts to prevent system strains by making users aware of electricity habits, as well as alerting appliances and monitoring tools to off-peak and peak usage hours. As a result non-urgent electricity needs can be automatically scheduled for off-peak hours, while utilities can better manage their grid systems to meet public need and avoid brown-outs. The implementation of smart grids throughout Australia could reduce the country's carbon emissions by as much as 3.5

ban took effect at the start of 2010. While it's still in the early development stage, the U.S. is poised to join Australia in the smart-grid quest. In April 2009 Vice President Joe Biden, who has taken the lead in the Obama administration's smart-grid push, announced that the U.S. Department of Energy would give $3.4 billion in smart-grid technology development grants, and $615 million for regional pilot projects. By October 2009 it was announced that 100 smart -grid projects had been approved for the $3.4 billion in megatonnes (about 4 million funding, with an additional $4.7 metric tons) per year, according b i l l i o n b e i n g i n v e s t e d b y to Sen. Penny Wong, Australia's electricity utilities. The DOE minister of climate change, estimates that altogether the energy efficiency and water. p r o j e c t s w i l l i n c l u d e t h e "Smart grids are critical in the installation of 18 million smart fight against climate change, as meters covering about 13 they have enormous potential to percent of U.S. homes. improve the efficiency of our No hard deadline for electricity sector and transform completion of the multiple the way we use energy in our projects has been announced. homes and businesses," Wong But California's Sacramento said in a statement. County announced in June 2009 It's not surprising that Australia that it would implement a smart might be the one leading the grid for 600,000 residents by way on implementing smart March 2011. g r i d s , s i n c e t h e c o u n t r y Five Filters featured article: generally has a progressive Into the Abyss. Available tools: government when it comes to PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, the environment. Australia was Term Extraction. the first country in the world, for example, to ban the sale of incandescent light bulbs. That

Google Chrome Frame Updates to Beta, Giving IE More HTML5 Powers [Updates] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:00:00 AM

Internet Explorer: Google Chrome Frame, the IE add-in that displays certain web pages with a Chrome-style engine, has updated to beta, adding Chrome 5.0 features like HTML5 video and audio support, while also tightening its integration with Internet Explorer features. More Âť Google Chrome FrameInternet Explorer- Google Chrome- Browsers- Clients

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E-reader News Edition


Sprint overstated Evo 4G launch day Safari 5 extensions start to appear, 1Password sales updated for compatibility (CNET

misspoke but simply said it had erred in the comparison. BTIG analyst and Sprint Message from Five Filters: If watcher Walter Piecyk said he you can, please donate to the n o w b e l i e v e s S p r i n t s o l d full-text RSS service so we can 150,000 Evos over the first continue developing it. weekend, down from his earlier Sprint's first-day sales of the forecast of 250,000 to 300,000 HTC Evo 4G phone were good, units. Based on calls to several but not quite as good as the stores, Piecyk also found that carrier initially stated. the phone is in short supply, so HTC Evo 4G(Credit: Sarah he doesn't expect sales numbers Tew/CNET) for the first week to grow Sprint acknowledged Tuesday dramatically. that it had overstated launch- The analyst expressed surprise date sales of the new Evo that Sprint didn't have enough smartphone--the first 4G phone inventory to fill customer available in the United States. demand and questioned why the Sprint, its exclusive carrier, company didn't stock up with an originally said that sales on extra 100,000 phones even if it Friday were three times the meant carrying some excess number of Samsung Instinct and inventory to the end of the Palm Pre devices that it sold quarter. Among the more than over their first three days 20 stores that Piecyk contacted, combined. he also discovered that there But Evo sales on launch day were problems activating the were actually in line with the Evo. number of Instinct and Pre Sprint has acknowledged phones sold over the first three temporary shortages of the Evo days combined. In clearing up at several outlets, including Best the figures, Sprint gave no Buy, Wal-Mart, RadioShack, specific reason why it had and Sprint's own retail stores, Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:57:29 AM

but said that it's working to replenish the stock, with many stores receiving daily deliveries of the smartphone. But with this week's buzz about Apple's upcoming iPhone 4, the Evo has already been pushed off the pages of the mainstream press, according to Piecyk. Sprint has been struggling to rebound from a tough 2009 when it was hit by higher losses, lower sales, and more customer defections. So far this year, the company has shown some signs of a recovery with fewer customers jumping ship, though losses have continued to mount. Sprint is looking to its 4G coverage to provide a competitive edge against rivals Verizon Wireless and AT&T, which are still racing to launch their 4G networks sometime next year. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 6/9/2010 12:12:19 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the

full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. 7:05 PM ET, June 8, 2010 Nationals Park, Washington, D.C. Five Filters featured article:

Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:00:00 AM

Filed under: Software Just 48 hours after Safari 5's release, the first extensions are appearing; is keeping track and listing new ones as they become available. As of this writing, there are 13 that are either available for download or listed as in progress. That's not a huge number to choose from, but a couple that caught our attention are Instafari, which replaces the Instapaper bookmarklet with a toolbar button, and Snapper, which converts the current page into a png for super easy screenshots. Of course, the folks at Panic showed off their super-cool Coda Notes the other day, which lets users add annotations to websites. For now, Coda Notes is still unreleased. Among the 'big dogs' in the browser extensions arena is Agile's 1Password utility; fans Into the Abyss. Available tools: will be happy to know that PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, version 3.2 of the tool is out Term Extraction.

Strasburg impresses with 14 K's to win debut Associated Press (

Dave Caolo (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

now with full support for Safari 5. It seems that 1P is not actually using the new extensions mechanism for Safari, as it runs even if extensions are disabled. The question is whether or not Safari extensions will take off. At the very least, it gives other browsers like Firefox some serious competition. [Via MacUser] TUAW Safari 5 extensions start to appear, 1Password updated for compatibility originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Firefox 4 Gets WebM Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:01:41 AM

WebM, the open video standard introduced at Google's recent I/ O developer conference, is now coming to Firefox 4. According Mozilla's Robert O'Callahan, the key sticking point was making sure that the new WebM codec licensing was GPL-compatible, an open source licensing type which allows users to copy, modify and redistribute software free of charge as long as modifications made are shared with the community. Now that issue has been addressed, allowing Mozilla to support the codec in its Firefox Web browser. Sponsor What's WebM? The WebM video format is based on the VP8 video codec, something Google acquired last year from On2 Technologies, a NY-based video compression developer, for $106.5 million.

At that time, Google announced it intended to use the codec technology it now owned to "make the overall web experience better for users." Since the acquisition, Google has open-sourced the codec, fixed the licensing issues (as noted above) and added WebM support into its own Web browser, Google Chrome, the latter taking place just last week. WebM is an alternative to the H.264 codec, which is currently used by Apple to display video on the iPad and iPhone and is supported within Adobe's Flash player, among other things. However, although H.264 is available royalty-free right now, it's owned by the MPEG LA consortium, a group that has announced it will only remain royalty-free until December 31st, 2015. After this license

term is up, it's suspected that there will be charges for its used going forward. Where to Find It One of the first sites to implement WebM, was, of course, Google's own video property, YouTube. To utilize the new codec, still in testing, one can enable the "HTML5 experiment" following instructions from the WebM's project page. In addition to Google Chrome and now, Firefox, Microsoft too has also announced support for WebM in its upcoming Web browser, IE9, after an end user installs the necessary codec (VP8). Apple has so far made no comment on whether or not its Safari browser will do the same. As for Mozilla, WebM is now available in the Firefox nightly builds, the experimental builds that will, in time, lead up to the public release of Firefox 4, expected to arrive later this month. Discuss

Camouflage Your Audio-Video Gear Behind Speaker Cloth [DIY] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:30:00 AM

If you're tired of seeing all the audio-video related clutter under your television you can easily

camouflage it with this simple

hack, keeping it both easily accessible but out of sight. More Âť Do it yourself- ShoppingBusiness- AccessoriesRecreation

California Primary Election Results: Fiorina And Whitman Prevail, Kelly Out Leena Rao (TechCrunch) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:00:41 AM

Former tech executives Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman prevailed last night in their respective races in the California primaries. Fiorina, former CEO of HP, won her campaign as the republican candidate for the U.S. Senate for the state of California, taking 54 percent of the vote. She will face incumbent Sen. Barbara Boxer come November. TechCrunch editor Erick Schonfeld interviewed Fiorina in January, where she spoke candidly of her views on government spending, SarbanesOxley and more. Former eBay exec Meg Whitman won her campaign as the Republican candidate for the California governor’s race, taking 64 percent of the vote. Whitman will face former governor and current State Attorney General Jerry Brown in November. Both Fiorina and Whitman dropped millions of their own money to fund their campaigns. The LA Times

reports that Fiorina spent$5 million on her primary campaign and Whitman spent a whopping $71 million of her own money towards her race. Another former tech exec, Chris Kelly, was not as successful in his bid to be the State Attorney General. Kelly, who was the former Chief Privacy Officer at Facebook, lost the primary election to San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris. Similar to Whitman and Fiorina, Kelly spent some of his own fortune on his race; $12 million to be exact.

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E-reader News Edition


Exclusive: mDialog Ad Developers' Toolkit for iOS 4 and iPad Victor Agreda, Jr. (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

mDialog provides some snazzy tools to help you view metrics and control distribution of your videos and ads. Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:01:00 AM Filed under: Video, iPad I spoke to Greg Philpott, CEO If you've got video you're of mDialog, about the analytics looking to put on the web and side of the equation, and you monetize, but you want to make can see the video of that sure said video is a) compatible conversation above. Later Greg with the iPad and iPhone and b) showed me how you can easily is nice and secure and c) is easy toggle ads on your video to be to deploy and can run ads based pre-roll, post-roll or in the body on a variety of criteria, then of the video itself. Greg also mDialog has a way. demoed the ability to limit your In fact, the company's Ad ads to a specific geographic D e v e l o p e r ' s T o o l k i t i s a area. You simply enable the complete solution for running control and click on where you'd ads and streaming video -- and like to target the ad. It's quite running ads in the video. simple and cool to be able to m D i a l o g w i l l p u t a d s i n control your ads so easily. streaming live video or mDialog is "Video as a prerecorded segments on your Service" and is fully compatible site, and give you stats and with HTML5. They've baked-in measurements on those videos. security to protect your content Plus, those videos can be seen (using AES-128), and you can o n t h e i P a d a n d i P h o n e . control how your video is

distributed and how ads run within it. Some of the security options: you could limit the dates available for a video, have ads run a certain number of times for a viewer (capping the number of views per person) or in certain locations only. All of this stuff is easily tracked with pie charts and maps. I have to say it's an elegant product and a compelling service for anyone wanting to get into the video biz -- especially on Apple's mobile devices. TUAW Exclusive: mDialog Ad Developers' Toolkit for iOS 4 and iPad originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 09:01:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Cut Down on Cable Clutter by Creating a Multi-Charger Power Cable [DIY] sulayman (Lifehacker)

Do it yourself- BusinessCables- AccessoriesElectronics

Submitted at 6/9/2010 6:30:00 AM

If you're tired of having a dozen cables, this simple hack will help you par down your nest of

cables to a streamlined bundle. More Âť

TUAW's Daily App: BeSpeak Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Unfortunately, it's only for more formal clothing (suits, dress shirts, and ties), so if you Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:00:00 AM want to try matching T-shirts Filed under: iPhone with your favorite khakis or Our friends at luxury blog figure out which button-down Luxist have discovered an app you should wear with your that's perfect for my lack of jeans, you're still on your own. fashion sense. Given some basic However, casual tips are on the information about how you look way. The app is basically free (eye/hair color, height, and body advice for men, so if you're at shape), it will give tips for men's all confused about whether that fashion. It doesn't just tell you tie goes with that suit, it's what colors to wear, though; it probably worth a download. tells you what patterns in your TUAW TUAW's Daily App: wardrobe match and what BeSpeak originally appeared on shades complement each other. I The Unofficial Apple Weblog have an extreme blind spot (TUAW) on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 when it comes to looking good, 10:00:00 EST. Please see our so outsourcing this kind of terms for use of feeds. decision-making is perfect for Read| Permalink| Email this| me. The next time I go suit Comments shopping, BeSpeak will be on my iPhone for sure.


Technology/ Featured/

E-reader News Edition

Topguest Rewards Travelers For Check-Ins At Hotels, Airports, And More Leena Rao (TechCrunch)

checks in on any supported geolocation application and stays at all four Standard hotels Location based services are in a week will receive a moving towards establishing example, if you check into a complimentary week stay at The rewards program for check-ins; Starwood hotel, you could earn S t a n d a r d H o l l y w o o d , Foursquare just announced that Starwood points. Downtown LA, Miami Beach or it would be testing rewards You don’t actually have to New York. Users are also offers to users this week. download a separate application eligible for 25% off their next Topguest, which is backed b the to take advantage of Topguest. reservation after 10 check-ins at F o u n d e r s F u n d , h a s a n You sign up for Topguest with any Standard hotel, bar or interesting take on the LBS your accounts on the various restaurant. Other location-varied a r e n a ; t h e p l a t f o r m g i v e s LBS services you use, and rewards include spa treatments, travelers loyalty points and points are automatically credited Standard boutique discounts, r e w a r d s f o r c h e c k - i n s o n from all of applications you and cocktails. Foursquare, Twitter, Gowalla, used to check-in on Topguest. Of course, the number of The biggest challenge for Yelp, Loopt and even Google people who will stay at all four Topguest (besides competing Latitude. Standard hotels in one week is So when you ‘check-in‘ at a with the rewards programs of extremely limited. But the hotel, frequent flyers’ lounge, the location-based services r e w a r d s f o r c h e c k - i n s a t board a plane, or rent a car you themselves) will be striking Standard bars and restaurants is would would be able to collect a meaningful partnerships with actually compelling. reward of some sort. Topguest, airlines, hotels, and rewards CrunchBase Information which is still in private beta, programs. But the startup has Topguest Information provided partners with these hotels, already signed on a premium by CrunchBase airlines, and rental car agencies partner-Andre Balazs’ Standard to offer customized rewards. For hotels. A Topguest users who Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:37:28 AM

Getting ready for today's panel (Scripting News) Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:06:47 AM

I'm really excited to be doing this panel, and it's doubly exciting cause I have a new editing tool that works (in some

ways) much better than the old one. So when I want to take notes, it's easier and faster. One of the reasons I'm doing this post is to see if I can write using my laptop. This is another chance to shakeout bugs in the

new software. Let's see if it works. Yup it worked. And it was really fast! Update: I think I just fixed the calendar generating code.

Would you buy a voicecontrolled camera, or perhaps a DSLR with touchsceen? Sean Hollister (Engadget) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:25:00 AM

Do you talk to your digital camera? Perhaps stroke its glossy LCD? If a pair of recent patent applications are any indication, those mildly creepy gestures might one day actually do something. Sony's just laid claim to a DSLR touchscreen that can be manipulated by thumb even while the rest of one's face is smushed up against the viewfinder, and Canon's got its eye on technology that lets shooters activate advanced camera functions using simple voice control. The latter wouldn't be limited to "fire," but could potentially be directed to switch modes, stops and even zoom in and out of the frame. It

wouldn't necessarily substitute for a remote as there are just two modes, "close-talking" for speech uttered when using the viewfinder, and "non-closetalking" when you line up shots on the LCD display. Neat as they are, these alternatives to physical controls make some at Engadget HQ quite sad, but we understand that minimalism is the word of the day. Would you buy a voicecontrolled camera, or perhaps a DSLR with touchsceen? originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 10:25:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Photography Bay (1), Photography Bay (2)| Email this| Comments

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


myPhoneDesktop controls and sends information to your iPhone or iPad TJ Luoma (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

iPhone before it will receive any data from my Mac. And again, it's not going to do anything with that information, it's just going to copy it. Here's how I do that with myPhoneDesktop: • Select URL, text, phone number, picture • Press and hold , press C twice.

Submitted at 6/9/2010 12:00:00 PM

Filed under: iPhone Sometimes an app is more than an app -- it's about being excited about the underlying technology and why it makes it easier for users to get done what they want to get done, without extra steps that stand in the way. myPhoneDesktop[US$1.99] is that kind of app. It transforms the way you move data from a Mac to an iPhone, simplifying the process along the way. I tested it on an iPhone 3GS and a Mac. Imagine you are sitting at your Mac, looking at: • a URL • Directions on Google Maps • a YouTube video of a cat vs. a lobster • a phone number of someone you need to call • an app in the App Store on

iTunes that you want to download • a picture you want on your iPhone Most of the time when I am faced with that situation I send myself an email to my "" address, but that's

fairly inelegant: launch mail program, copy information, type address, click send. Not only that, but when I get the message on my iPhone, then I have to manually do something with it. I also have the Pastebot app [$3] installed, but I have to make sure that's running on my

Boom. Off it goes over the Internet and appears on my iPhone moments later. But myPhoneDesktop can do a whole lot more than just simply sharing text. Read on for more... TUAW myPhoneDesktop controls and sends information to your iPhone or iPad originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

BeFunky Adds Image Fixing to Online Photo Art Tools [Image Editing] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 6/9/2010 7:40:00 AM

We've dug web-based photo tool BeFunky for its impressive, no-sweat tools for making photos art-y. Now the site's expanded with similarly easy tools for basic enhancements and fixes, making it a one-stop spot for fixing up and boosting your photo appeal. More » BeFunky- Graphics- WindowsShareware- Tools

Microsoft Security Essentials Finds New Malware But Avoids False Positives, Still the Best Free Option [Antivirus] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 6/9/2010 7:00:00 AM

Microsoft's free Security Essentials package rates well at

removing malware and running light, but what about dealing with brand-new, unidentified bad stuff? Turns out Security Essentials is still the best at

figuring out what's bad—while

also avoiding annoying false positives. More » Microsoft Security EssentialsMicrosoft- Security- MalwareAnti-Virus


Technology/ TV/

E-reader News Edition

New York Times for iPad update adds content

Fox Cancels 'Past Life' (Again)

Dave Caolo (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Catherine Lawson (TV Squad)

Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:00:00 AM

Filed under: iPad The iPad app that Steve Jobs supposedly dislikes, New York Times Editor's Choice, was updated today. The update partially addresses Steve's primary concern: the app omits a lot of the paper's daily content. Specifically, the new build adds an Arts section and some videos. The Arts section has two "pages" worth of articles, so it's on par with the others. There are also five videos. Navigation is clear and easy and they look great on the iPad's screen. But it's still a small amount of

content. We assume they've got a subscription model in the works and we're eager to see what it is. Other changes include re-

sizable text and an option to share stories on Facebook, Twitter and email. Photos now indicate if they contain a slideshow with a "more photos" icon, and all photos can be resized with a pinch. It's a decent enough update that adds some content. Not a lot, but some. Hopefully Steve Jobs will be mollified. TUAW New York Times for iPad update adds content originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Submitted at 6/9/2010 4:30:00 AM

Filed under: TV News For the next two weeks, FOX will be airing reruns of 'The Good Guys' on Friday nights in place of'Past Life,' according to Variety. Supernatural detective series'Past Life' was canceled back in February after only three episodes had been aired. FOX has been showing the remaining episodes on Friday nights, with the last two due to be aired on June 11 and 18. However, execs have now decided to cancel the

Google's Search Indexing, Now Fully Caffeinated Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

results for web searches than our last index, and it's the largest collection of web content we've Most of a year ago we asked " offered. Whether it's a news Will Google's Caffeine Update story, a blog or a forum post, Really Change Search Results?" you can now find links to At that time, Google had relevant content much sooner announced a beta launch of a after it is published than was new indexing system for their possible ever before." search results. It took a while to Sponsor roll that launch all the way out. To refresh the old system It took until today."Caffeine Google re-analyzed the entirety provides 50 percent fresher of its cache. This created a lag Submitted at 6/8/2010 9:39:00 PM

that Caffeine is fully in effect remains, still, to be seen. Whether it is provable quantitatively or not, the Web in the results. With Caffeine, remains for its users more of a they say, they now analyze the process or relationship than a web continuously in small thing. So user taste with the new portions, updating the search system will be the proof of the pudding. Discuss index as they go. Whether the speed and relevancy claims that Google is making will be born out now

series (again), replacing it with repeats of 'House' and 'The Good Guys.' Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

Group Buying Site Tippr Acquires White Label Deals Startup FanForce Leena Rao (TechCrunch) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:40:37 AM

Group buying site has acquired Austin-based deals site FanForce for an undisclosed sum. This follows the company’s acquisition of fellow deal of the day site ChicagoDeals last week. FanForce offers a white-label Groupon of sorts, allowing GROUP page 35


E-reader News Edition


GROUP continued from page 34

Acclaim Android slider revealed by Samsung's CPT starts a little own site transflective LCD fire under Pixel Qi Vladislav Savov (Engadget)

coloration. Assuming Sammy didn't run out of dark navy paint halfway through, the cross We know you've been kept pattern highlighted on the left awake at night by this question: may be indicative of some just what does the Samsung gaming inclinations to the R880. Acclaim look like? Well, thanks E a r l i e r r u m o r s p e g t h e to one of our awesome readers, Acclaim's US Cellular-exclusive we now the first official pic of release at some time in July and t h e h a n d s e t . T h i s w a s also indicate a 3.2-inch screen discovered on Samsung's site gracing its visage. Can't wait. without too much effort, which [Thanks, Jason] might indicate just how excited Acclaim Android slider the Korean manufacturer is revealed by Samsung's own site about the whole thing. Clearly originally appeared on Engadget running Android as its OS, this on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 11:12:00 slider offers a full QWERTY EDT. Please see our terms for keypad with a dedicated number u s e o f f e e d s . P e r m a l i n k | row and quite the curious Samsung| Email this| Comments Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:12:00 AM

Paul Miller (Engadget)

says text is a bit less clear when the backlight is off, so perhaps Pixel Qi doesn't have so much to No, not literally. CPT is worry about... though of course showing off some transflective they'd have a lot less to worry display tech that's remarkably about if one of the devices using similar to Pixel Qi's, and the their tech started shipping! good news is that CPT is Continue reading CPT starts a actually a display manufacturer. little transflective LCD fire Pixel Qi's tech seems more under Pixel Qi advanced, with 5X power CPT starts a little transflective savings with the backlight off, L C D f i r e u n d e r P i x e l Q i versus CPT's 2X, but if CPT can originally appeared on Engadget get this 10.1-inch, 1366 x 768 on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 11:38:00 panel onto the market soon for a EDT. Please see our terms for good price, we think they could u s e o f f e e d s . P e r m a l i n k | find some takers. Check out a Netbook News| Email this| hands-on video after the break. Comments Interestingly, Netbook News Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:38:00 AM

small businesses to create their own deals. FanForce takes care of the promotion of deals and offers, sell the vouchers and collect payments. It’s similar in theory to TC Disrupt startup ChompOn, which launched a few weeks ago. The founders of FanForce will join the Tippr management team, including Samy Aboel-Nil who joins Tippr as President/COO, Dane Knecht who joins Tippr as VP of Product Management, and John Whitmarsh, who joins Tippr as CFO. The collective buying space has seen considerable consolidation as of late. Tippr’s competitor Groupon just bought European deal site CityDeal. And with the growing number of similar sites joining the space, I’d expect the consolidation to continue. Disclosure: My husband is an employee of Groupon. CrunchBase Information Tippr Information provided by CrunchBase



E-reader News Edition

HTC EVO 4G meets magnetic macro lens, shoots gorgeous closeups Vladislav Savov (Engadget)

highly impressive imagery, getting really up close and personal with its subjects and As phone accessories go, picking out exquisitely tiny protruding lens attachments are details. The results are certainly rarely top of our wishlist, but of a caliber unobtainable with this one here might just alter our the default optics and well worth perspective a little bit. Good and checking out -- the source link is EVO have gone to the trouble of where that party's at. Digital announces WD TV Live o b t a i n i n g a m a g n e t i c a l l y HTC EVO 4G meets magnetic Plus HD with Netflix streaming mountable macro lens to test out macro lens, shoots gorgeous Western Digital announces WD how well the EVO 4G's camera closeups originally appeared on TV Live Plus HD with Netflix performs with a little more Engadget on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 streaming originally appeared optical prowess. The answer is 09:57:00 EDT. Please see our on Engadget on Wed, 09 Jun that in spite of the inevitably terms for use of feeds. 2010 10:48:00 EDT. Please see goofy appearance, the jumbo Permalink| Good and EVO| our terms for use of feeds. Android handset delivered some Email this| Comments Permalink| WD Store| Email this| Comments Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:57:00 AM

Western Digital announces WD TV Live Plus HD with Netflix streaming Joseph L. Flatley (Engadget)

Netflix. Get ready to browse titles, manage your Instant Queue, and stream your favorite We have even more news from episodes of Degrassi: The Next Western Digital regarding its Generation on your HDTV -- in WD TV line (and this time addition to accessing your a r o u n d i t d o e s n ' t i n v o l v e sizable collection of legally bricking your set-top box with a purchased digital media via the firmware update). Besides the device's USB connection and / usual suspects (including or Windows 7 "Play To" P a n d o r a , L i v e 3 6 5 , a n d functionality. Available now for YouTube), the WD TV Live $150. PR after the break. Plus HD is shipping with Continue reading Western Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:48:00 AM

Policy/ Food/

E-reader News Edition


The Transformative Power of Rick Santelli's Rant (AEI.Org: Articles) Submitted at 6/8/2010 6:00:00 PM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Polls are open in 11 states as I write, with full results unavailable till after my deadline, but it seems that some lessons can already be drawn from this political year. Incumbents are not popular, especially Democratic incumbents. Democrats' biggovernment programs are hugely unpopular. Economic distress has made Americans yearn not for more government but for less. How to explain something contrary to the New Deal historians' teaching that economic distress increases support for big government? Clues can be obtained, I think, by examining what amounts to the founding document of the Tea Party movement, Rick Santelli's "rant" on the CME trading floor in Chicago, telecast live by CNBC on Feb. 19, 2009. That was less than one month into the Obama administration. The stimulus package had been

jammed through Congress almost entirely by Democratic votes six days before, but the Democrats' health care and capand-trade bills were barely into gestation. Chrysler and General Motors had received temporary bailouts, but their bankruptcies were months in the future. "The government is promoting bad behavior," Santelli began. The object of his scorn was the Obama administration's Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan providing aid to homeowners delinquent on their mortgages. "This is America!" Santelli declared. "How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills?" Granted, the words are not as elegant as those of Thomas Jefferson or John Adams. But the thought is clear. Santelli was arguing that the people who, in Bill Clinton's felicitous phrase, "work hard and play by the rules" shouldn't have to subsidize those who took on debts that they couldn't repay. This was both an economic and a moral argument. Economic, because subsidies to the

improvident are an unproductive investment. We know now that very many of the beneficiaries of the administration's mortgage modification programs ended up in foreclosure anyway. Subsidies just prolonged the agony. But it's also a moral argument. Taking money away from those who made prudent decisions and giving it to people who made imprudent decisions is casting society's vote for imprudence and self-indulgence. It mocks thrift and makes chumps out of those who pay their own way. We should, Santelli argued, "reward people that can carry the water rather than just drink the water." While scarcely taking a breath, Santelli went on to denounce the Keynesian economics administration economists deployed to defend the huge spending in the stimulus package and in the budget the new administration was preparing. "They're pretty much of the notion that you can buy your way into prosperity. And if the multiplier that all of those Washington economists are selling us is over one that we

never have to worry about the economy again, that the government can spend a trillion dollars an hour because we'll get 1.5 trillion back." The reference is to the argument made by administration spokesmen that every dollar of government spending would put something more than a dollar into the economy. Past research, including some Obama's chief economist Christina Romer, cast doubt on that theory. Now we can check the results and the research seems to have been right. The administration said the stimulus package would keep unemployment under 8 percent. It's been at 10 percent, rounded off, for 10 months now. About 95 percent of new jobs in May were temporary Census Bureau positions. "Cuba used to have mansions and a relatively decent economy," Santelli went on. "They moved from the individual to the collective, and now they're driving '54 Chevies" --which left him unable to resist a dig at GM and its co-ownersto-be the United Auto Workers-"the last great car to come out of Detroit."

"If you read our Founding Fathers, people like Benjamin Franklin and Jefferson--what we're doing now in this country is making them roll over in their graves." No one would mistake Santelli's cri de coeur for the prose of the Founders. But their grievances against Britain, like Santelli's complaints about the Obama Democrats' policies, were rooted in moral considerations as well as economics. "We're thinking of having a Chicago tea party in July," Santelli said. As it turned out, thousands of previously uninvolved citizens flocked to tea parties all over America even sooner, and now they're making their mark in primaries and special elections. New Deal historians can't explain that. Rick Santelli's rant does. Michael Barone is a resident fellow at AEI. Photo Credit: iStockphoto/Mark Evans Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Online Features - June 2010 (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the

full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Refreshing Sorbets Light, sweet, and easy to make, find 15 recipes for homemade

sorbets. more Term Extraction. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS,


Policy/ Economy/ TV/

E-reader News Edition

Two Steps Forward in the War against Cancer

Eliot Spitzer: Cable News' Next Big Thing?

(AEI.Org: Articles)

Kim Potts (TV Squad)

drugs tell a different story. Bristol Myers's drug Ipilimumab, the first treatment Message from Five Filters: If to extend the lives of patients you can, please donate to the with advanced melanoma skin full-text RSS service so we can cancer, is based on science that continue developing it. is 30 years in the making. N e w s f r o m t h i s w e e k ' s Pfizer's drug Crizotinib, which gathering of the American s h r a n k s o m e o f t h e m o s t Society of Clinical Oncology in resistant and fatal forms of lung Chicago, the world's largest cancer, was developed as a a n n u a l c a n c e r m e e t i n g , result of science done over the underscores how good we have last decade. become at turning new scientific Developing drugs will always p r i n c i p l e s i n t o s u p e r i o r be a lengthy, iterative process. medicines. For those who gripe Ipilimumab's origins are a prime that progress from our huge example. The drug springs from investments in cancer research a modern understanding of how is too little or too slow, stunning our immunity works that was results from two experimental first developed in academic labs Submitted at 6/8/2010 6:00:00 PM

in the 1980s. Private industry used this knowledge to make copies of antibodies--immune molecules that our bodies produce to fight disease--and turn them into medicines. . . . This full article is available by subscription from the Wall Street Journal. The full text will be posted to on Monday, June 14. Scott Gottlieb, M.D., is a resident fellow at AEI. Photo Credit: iStockphoto/ dra_schwartz Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 6/9/2010 5:20:00 AM

Filed under: TV News He's been fodder for late-night jokes and even helped inspire one of the TV season's biggest hits('The Good Wife'). Now, is disgraced former New York governor Eliot Spitzer about to become a legitimate TV star? Or, as one media expert suggests, is he about to become a TV "car wreck" you just can't

not watch? Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

Market Ignores Bernanke's Doom Warnings: Here Are The 10 Trades To Watch Right Now Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:44:48 AM

The market has shrugged off Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's debt concerns and, instead, chosen to focus on the Chinese export boom. Europe also boomed today on the back of the China news. • DOW up 1.16% • NASDAQ up 1.66%

• • • •

S&P 500 up 1.39% French CAC 40 up 1.96% Germany DAX up 1.93% UK FTSE up 0.89%

China Boom: PetroChina Company Limited (PTR) up 2.87% China Boom: China Mobile Ltd (CHL) up 2.38% Oil Inventories and China Boom: Oil and Gas Equipment and Servicers ETF (XES) up

3.89% Big Oil Gains: Petrobras (PBR) up 3.18% Serious call action pushing Petrobras higher.

Big Oil Move: Crude up 3.86% UBS upgrade: Vale (VALE) up 4.05% Vale has been upgraded by UBS to buy from neutral. Ciena Corporation (CIEN) up 8.36% Ciena's third quarter sales beat analyst estimates. Merger News: Allscripts-Misys Healthcare Solutions (MDRX) down 8.8% Allscripts has merged with Elipsys in an all stock move. Euro back above $1.20, up

0.77% Gold dropping sharply from highs, down 0.78% Worried about the markets? Check out these charts on gold. Image: Wikimedia Is gold the secure asset you've been looking for? > Join the conversation about this story »


E-reader News Edition


Here's Why You Can't Count Money Owed To Social Security As Federal Debt Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:48:00 AM

There was substantial push back yesterday against the notion that one can't count 'intragovernmental holdings' when calculating the U.S. government's net debt. (and thus U.S. net debt isn't about to hit 100% of GDP) As a recap, Intragovernmental holdings are funds which one part of the U.S. government owes to another; most notably which the U.S. federal government owes the Social Security Trust Fund. It is money that the government, as whole, owes itself. ( See yesterday's post for more background.) Most people usually accept the notion that money you owe yourself isn't net debt on a consolidated basis. This is mathematics. When a husband borrows money from his wife, the family as whole doesn't increase its debt. When one department of a company borrows money from another, the company as a whole doesn't just increase its debt either. But the push back comes because many believe that since social security is expected to be a long-term liability for the U.S. government, we should somehow include money the

government owes itself (intragovernmental holdings) as U.S. debt, despite the fact that they are simply loans within the government between internal entities. The complexity of social security and the difference between debt and expected outlays seems to be causing this confusion. I hope to explain below why including intragovermental holdings is a flawed method both for calculating the government's net debt and for appraising America's future social security problem. First of all, any robust metric of the U.S. government's debt should not rise or fall just because the government chooses to sub-divide itself on paper into more or fewer units. For example, if the U.S. government decided tomorrow that the Social Security Trust Fund were no longer its own entity, and that it should simply be merged into the greater Federal government, on paper, then suddenly a large intragovernmental holding would disappear... and by the logic of those who want to include intragovernmental holdings as net debt, the U.S. government's debt would suddenly fall dramatically. Just due to a change on the government's organizational

chart. Your calculation of the government's net debt shouldn't rise or fall just because the government chooses to divide itself on paper into more or fewer units. Thus including intragovernmental holdings fails a basic test of robustness. Secondly, there is a huge distinction between government debt obligations and expected government outlays. There's a difference between what the government is obligated to pay via debt securities held by outside entities today and what government outlays are expected to be for retirees in the future. The U.S. will default if it doesn't pay back U.S. treasury holders, but it won't default if it cuts social security benefits. The U.S. isn't obligated to pay future social security to nearly the same degree that it is obligated to pay back its Treasury

it's a huge problem, but we need to place America's problems in the correct buckets if we are to understand the situation accurately. There's the debt 'bucket', and then there's the social security outlays bucket. Don't forget there are also other future government outlays which society currently expects, such as for defense or education. So there are other problem 'buckets' which will strain America's finances as well. Yet securities. For example, it could we don't lump these in as 'debt' feasibly remove social security and add them to our estimate of outlays from some people while current U.S. government debt. If keeping it for others (imagine if you mixed all these things benefits were removed for the together, the resulting number wealthy but kept for the poor), would no longer be 'debt', but but it can't pick and choose rather an amalgam of different which treasury holders to pay financial items. back. Moreover, U.S. debt In fact, even if you want to obligations are a known quantity consider the threat social based on debt outstanding, security poses to America's whereas expected social security financial stability, using the o u t l a y s a r e a f u n c t i o n o f intragovernmental holdings estimates and how far you are value we've contested still willing to look into the future. doesn't work. Intragovernmental Thus, the misunderstanding in h o l d i n g s d o n ' t r e p r e s e n t regards to intragovernmental America's future expected social holdings is the result of mixing security outlays at all, they just up expected social security represent loans within the outlays with current net debt government. obligations. These are different If one wants to truly consider in type. Debt is debt, while future projected social security expected social security outlays outlays and how they'll impact are another kind of liability. the U.S., then this will be a Does this mean we shouldn't consider the implications of HERE'S page 44 social security? Of course not,



E-reader News Edition

Here's The Sectors That Will Take Huge Profits Off The Oil Spill Casey Research (The Money Game) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:33:30 AM

The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico may be the best thing that’s ever happened to green energy producers in the U.S – but the one that benefits the most will probably surprise you. As the damaged Deepwater Horizon well continues to pump out 5,000 barrels of oil per day into the Gulf, all the major stakeholders are scrambling to find a way to contain the damage. Investors in BP, Anadarko, Transocean, and Halliburton have had a rough few weeks and should be nervous about the future. The growing political firestorm that’s accompanied this ecological disaster is drastically reshaping the energy landscape in the U.S. There’s huge money to be made from the biggest structural change to the energy markets in the past 50 years, if you know where to look. The political and economic fallout from this accident is starting to take shape, with the executives from BP, Transocean, and Halliburton being paraded in front of Congress for a public chastising. Predictably, politicians are making stern promises of tighter regulations in the future.

At this point, it’s a guessing game as to what the new permanent regulations will be. So far, a temporary moratorium has been put in place on the issuance of new offshore oil and gas drilling permits. In addition, the Department of the

Interior plans to restructure the federal Minerals Management Service (MMS) to eliminate the conflict of interest inherent in its role of monitoring safety, managing offshore leasing, and collecting royalty income. The Department of the Interior

has plans to make offshore drilling rig inspections much stricter. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has also promised tighter environmental restrictions for onshore as well as offshore exploration and production. Lastly, in a knee-

jerk reaction to the oil spill, the Senate Climate Bill gives states the right to veto offshore projects within 75 miles of shore. Although these regulatory changes aren’t set in stone yet, it’s a foregone conclusion that any company involved in offshore drilling will feel some pain. Any exploration and production company that continues to operate offshore will face reduced margins from a higher-cost structure from increased taxes, regulation, and insurance. Offshore production supplies a large amount of oil and gas to the U.S. The U.S. Energy Information Agency estimates that U.S. offshore reserves account for 17% of total U.S. proved reserves for crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids, as the illustration below shows. Of the total known U.S. offshore reserves, the Gulf of Mexico accounts for 90%, with the rest found in California and Alaska. In 2009, BP produced nearly a quarter of all the Gulf’s oil and gas located in federal water. Shell and Chevron produced 12% and 11%, respectively. The sheer size of offshore HERE'S page 43


E-reader News Edition


Message in a bottle (The Economist: Daily news and views) Submitted at 6/9/2010 5:22:42 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. IN A time when the market for Chinese treasures is constantly breaking records, the success of the sale of George and Mary Bloch’s snuff bottles in Hong Kong still caught many offguard. The May 28th event marked the first so-called “golden gavel” sale in Hong Kong for Bonhams, a London auctioneer, meaning every lot found a buyer (also known as a “white-glove” auction in Europe and America). This is rare, and often limited to sales with few lots in highly collectible sectors. That this was a niche auction with 141 lots makes the feat all the more remarkable. The sale's final tally, at just over HK$66m ($8.5m), was three times higher than Bonhams expected. This has surely encouraged the sellers, who are planning to dispose of their entire 1,700-piece collection in a further nine sales over the next five years. Chinese snuff bottles, from the mid-18th century on, tend to be made from precious materials, such as jade, ivory, lacquer, porcelain, bronze, silver,

enamel, jet, rock crystal and rhinoceros horn. Air-tight with little ivory spoons, they became common among the Chinese because Western-style snuff boxes, so fashionable in England and France from the late 17th century on, proved unsuitable for the warm, muggy climate of the East. They were often given as gifts, some with symbolic meaning—homonyms in praise of fertility or children, for example—and much care went into their craftsmanship. Like Japanese netsuke, snuff bottles were designed as handheld treasures. George Bloch was an Austrianborn factory owner who was educated in England. At the Anschluss in 1938, his family fled Austria for China, and he settled in Shanghai. His company manufactured watch movements and eventually bought the European trademark for Ingersoll, the world’s leading watchmaking company. Bloch began buying snuff bottles in the 1960s and 1970s, long before they became popular among collectors. He sought advice from Hugh Moss, a leading British dealer of oriental works, and pursued only the best quality. It was Mr Moss, now based in Thailand, who advised the Bloch family to sell the collection after its patriarch died a year ago.

Mr Moss recommended Bonhams for the sale, in part to keep the costs down. Having written a seven-volume catalogue of the Bloch collection himself, he believed Bonhams could do without an expensive printed catalogue. By marketing the snuff bottles online, the auction house would seriously reduce the costs associated with the sale. The auction drew dealers from Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Tokyo, Australia, California, Florida and New York, and gathered together some of the best known names in the business, in particular such dealers as Mr Moss, Robert Chang from Hong Kong and Clare and Michael Chu from Los Angeles. More important was the presence of dealers and collectors from the mainland, where a passion for snuff bottles has lagged behind demand for imperial jade and porcelain. Lot 8 offered the first serious excitement. A translucent white bottle overlaid with swirls of blue and decorated with an undulating white dragon, its carver was clearly a master of the medium. “On an ‘Ooomph’ scale of one to ten,” the catalogue stated, “this is an emphatic, unquestionable, unanimous ten (and we briefly considered 11).” Estimated at HK$220,000-350,000, bidding

soared past its top estimate and sold for HK$580,000 (HK$672,000 with commission and taxes) to Mr Chang in the room, a record for a glassoverlay bottle. Mr Chang also bought Lot 77, an imperial Beijing enamel bottle richly decorated with flowers, which had once belonged to Martin Schoen, a notable American collector, and his daughter, Belle Schoen. The enamel carried a top estimate of HK$2.5m but sold for HK$4.2m. Lot 27, a famille rose porcelain moonflask, was attractive not just for the delicate painted landscape decoration, which has been attributed to Tang Ying, but because it still had its ivory spoon wrapped with imperial yellow silk, proof that this bottle was hardly used before being stored in the imperial collection. Estimated at HK$1.4-2m, the moonflask sold to a private Hong Kong collector in the room for HK$4m. “Cherish stone as if it were gold” is a common declaration among collectors who prize interesting stones. Made of a single piece of nephrite, Lot 140 was remarkable. The carver managed to create a subtle rocky landscape in which an elderly scholar walks past a lotus pond while another scholar is poised with his brush in the air, having

just inscribed the rock face with the characters shi ru jin(“stone prized like gold”). Mr Chang and Mr Moss bid back and forth, with Mr Moss ultimately winning the piece for $HK6m, three times the top estimate. He proved the most energetic bidder at the sale, buying half the lots and spending well over HK$30m. But he was not able to secure the top lot, 129, despite having owned the bottle twice before, in 1981 and again in 1986. Enamel work on copper is extremely rare, as was the decoration of a Europeanlooking woman with a young curly-haired boy who peeks out from behind her basket of flowers. Estimated at HK$1.83m, this snuff bottle attracted six serious bidders. Mr Chang dropped out at HK$7m, leaving the field wide open to two buyers from mainland China, Kevin Tien bidding in the front row on behalf of a client on the telephone and another private collector in the room, who finally secured the piece for HK$9.3m, one of five pieces he bought that day. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Why The Market Is Making You Sick Clemens Kownatzki (The Money Game) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:39:47 AM

Most average investors have a hard time grasping some of the more abstract concepts such as Market Volatility. But everyone knows when the market crashes it hurts the portfolio and ultimately your own wallet. During the financial crisis of 2008/09 the VIX Index, also known as the fear index, was one of the new trendy financial terms you could hear at cocktail parties. Instead of the talk about the Lakers or the Dodgers, I remember hearing “How about that VIX” at more than a handful of social events in 2009. So what exactly is this VIX measuring and what is volatility? You can “google” the word volatility and results along the lines of “annualized standard deviation of daily returns” will pop up. Lingo aside, it is easier to understand the concept with this analogy: A roller-coaster ride and its up and down movements at relatively high speeds is what volatility feels like. That combination of up/down as well as sharp turns at the high speeds is what makes our stomachs turn. And you typically get more sick in a fast down turn because of the fear of tumbling all the way to the ground. The VIX expressed that fear of tumbling most vividly in 2008; as the markets

were crashing the index for fear was at an all-time high. Ever since the summer of 2008 however, another dimension has made the most die hard market participants sick to the stomach as well. It is th ose intraday price swings which have led to a different kind of shake-out no longer resembling a roller coaster but rather something like this… The traditional measure of volatility in terms of comparing the daily returns does not fully capture the challenges which have been increasingly similar to skiing down a hill of moguls at high speeds. Best example

was the fat-finger flash crash on May 6 when the Dow fell nearly 700 points only to recoup most of the losses by market close. The S&P500 on that day only dropped 3.2% from the previous day but the intraday price swing, as measured by the difference between High and Low versus the opening price, was a stunning 8.7%. Examining the price difference between High and Low relative to the opening price of the market gives us a better view of how things have changed in the markets. Historically that daily High/Low range has not been nearly as challenging as it was

in the past two years. There were certain spikes, most notably the 20.5% daily range on Black Monday of 1987. However, examining daily data since 1962, we found that 96% of the trading days had a daily price range of no more than 3%. By contrast, the daily price ranges since 2008 have seen higher oscillations more frequently. A particularly volatile period was between October 1, 2008 and March 31, 2009. In the 146 trading days during that period, 64% of the time (93 days) showed a daily price range of more than 3%.

Putting that into perspective, 1987, perhaps mistakenly known as one of the worst periods of the stock market history, saw only 25 days out of the 253 trading days in that year (about 10%) with a daily price range of more than 3%. While these data bear no reflection as to actual stock market returns, they are clearly an argument towards learning some mogul skiing-type trading skills or alternatively avoiding the bumps altogether. This guest post previously appeared at FXIS Market WHY page 43

Politics/ TV/

E-reader News Edition


HERE'S continued from page 40

reserves guarantees exploration and production will never be completely abandoned in the U.S., but don’t expect any growth. In fact, the Gulf of Mexico disaster probably destroyed any hope of any future drilling in environmentally sensitive areas, like the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve. The market has reacted strongly to the spill, punishing the stocks of every company involved in offshore drilling. Now many are suggesting it might be an overreaction that could benefit your investment portfolio if you dare buy in now. However, there are better ways to work this news to your benefit. The oil spill will be a very expensive setback for all the players involved in offshore production; we’ve already seen that reflected in their stock prices. In the near term, offshore exploration and production companies and the oil services

companies will show margin erosion as they digest higher costs. In the medium term, some companies will pull up stakes and move completely into nonU.S. offshore projects, as they’ll realize the cost of doing business in the U.S. outweighs any potential gains. The market might be overreacting, but we’re not convinced these depressed stocks represent good value. While it’s possible there are some good bargains, it’s still too early to consider speculating in any offshore-related companies. Specifically, the threat of increased regulation, massive tax increases, and rising insurance costs will create a hostile environment for these companies going forward. Instead of risking your capital on so many unknowns, a prudent alternative is to look at energy producers in the renewable energy sector. The oil spill has only strengthened


FBI Special Agent Testifies at Blagojevich Trial

continued from page 42

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(Newsmax - Inside Cover)

the current administration’s resolve to make greener energies supply a larger chunk of America’s energy needs in lieu of traditional fossil fuels. Congress is doing its part by giving huge subsidies to companies in this field. There are a lot of renewable options that will benefit from the subsidies and political wrangling, but our current favorite by a long shot is geothermal power. Of all the renewables, we think geothermal has the best upside potential. Based on economics and efficiency alone – unlike wind and solar energy, geothermal is reliable for roundthe-clock generation and is already price competitive with fossil fuels without any subsidies – geothermal outperforms competing renewable technologies. Add the government subsidies on top of the existing good economics and the pot gets

trial. Special agent Dan Cain took Submitted at 6/9/2010 6:02:13 AM the stand Wednesday morning. Message from Five Filters: If C a i n l e d t h e f e d e r a l you can, please donate to the i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n t o a l l e g e d full-text RSS service so we can wrongdoing by Blagojevich and continue developing it. members of his inner circle that Prosecutors have called an FBI first resulted in the conviction of special agent as the first witness key Blagojevich fundraiser to testify in former Illinois Gov. Antoin "Tony" Rezko. Rod Blagojevich's corruption Also expected to testify is

even sweeter in the short term. Once the spill is finally contained, attention will shift to previously low-key renewables, like geothermal, and soon after the market will recognize geothermal as the clear winner. We’ve researched companies up and down the geothermal supply chain and we’re seeing value in a number of quality companies that we think are poised to outperform. With the coming flood of money and attention that will be focused on green energy, you’ll want to move quickly before these bargains go away. This is a guest post from Charles S. Brant of Casey's Energy Opportunities. Join the conversation about this story »

Blagojevich's first chief of staff, Alonzo Monk. Monk pleaded guilty to conspiring to shake down a racetrack owner for a large campaign contribution. Blagojevich has pleaded not guilty to scheming to profit illegally from his power to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President Barack Obama and squeeze people for campaign

'Justified' Star Walton Goggins Talks Last Night's Season Finale Kim Potts (TV Squad) Submitted at 6/9/2010 5:00:00 AM

Filed under: Celebrity Interviews, Finales So, that happened. In other words, MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD if you have yet to watch the first season finale of'Justified.' Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

contributions. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Economy/ Gaming/

E-reader News Edition

HERE'S continued from page 39

separate number, beyond U.S. government debt obligations. Future expected social security outlays will be a far larger number than the 'intragovernmental holdings' value, and you can make the number as ugly as the distance you're willing to look out into the future. Do you want to calculate it for the next 30 years? 50 years? 100 years? The expected social security outlays number will be the result of the time frame you wish to use, plus many other estimates. It's far, far different from a true debt obligation which is based on the principal value (known today)

of U.S. government bonds which the government will have to pay others (and whereby it will default if it doesn't). Both U.S. government debt and social security deserve substantial attention, they are huge problems for the U.S., but the best solutions will be reached by taking care to make an accurate assessment of each and recognizing that they are different types of problems. Including intragovermental holdings as 'debt' fails across the board. It A) creates a broken calculation whereby paper changes to the government's organizational chart will

radically alter your calculated debt value, B) misconstrues what debt is and C) doesn't even provide an accurate appraisal of the social security problem. Finally, you'd be double counting if you included intragovernmental holdings as net government debt while then also estimating total expected social security outlays as a problem as well. It just doesn't work. Join the conversation about this story Âť

LucasArts finds 'Epic' new president Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:40:00 AM

LucasArts has found a new president in Epic Games China CEO Paul Meegan. IGN reports that Meegan will take over the studio in mid-June -- wait, that's nowish. Ouch. Taking over a major publisher during E3 sounds like a special brand of executive hell, but we're sure he's well compensated. biggest month. Although there's been an There is, however, a contrary interim suit in the Lucasarts opinion on Spanish sovereign president position, Meegan is debt's position as collateral. officially taking over for Darrell According to the Bank of R o d r i g u e z , w h o a b r u p t l y Spain's own data on interbank resigned in May after holding l e n d i n g , t h e c o n s t r a i n t s the job for two years. suggested by the earlier report LucasArts finds 'Epic' new are not yet being seen. This may president originally appeared on put pause to the alarm over Joystiq on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 sovereign debt for now. 11:40:00 EST. Please see our Check out the presentation the terms for use of feeds. government of Spain is using to Read| Permalink| Email this| try to get investors to buy their Comments sovereign debt > Join the conversation about this story Âť

Spain Now Showing Very Serious Signs Of Systemic Stress Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:52:00 AM

The situation in Spain is getting worse by the minute as international banks are now unwilling to lend to many Spanish regional banks, or cajas, in the interbank markets. What is of more serious concern is why banks have halted lending. It is not just because they are worried about issues of banking solvency, now lenders are concerned about the viability of Spanish sovereign debt, according to Cinco Dias

via FT Alphaville. If banks are no longer willing to take Spanish sovereign debt as collateral for lending on the interbank market, Spain's banks and the sovereign bank, the

Bank of Spain, may face future problems as they try to roll over their debt or seek short term support. Spain hasâ‚Ź225 billion in debt to roll over in the year 2010, with July being the


E-reader News Edition


State Department Anxious About Possible Leak of Cables to Wikileaks Kim Zetter and Kevin Poulsen (Wired Top Stories)

As previously reported, Manning told ex-hacker Adrian Lamo that he had recently given Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:14:00 AM 260,000 classified U.S. Message from Five Filters: If diplomatic cables to Wikileaks, you can, please donate to the and said the documents exposed full-text RSS service so we can “almost-criminal political back continue developing it. dealings.” The State Department and “Hillary Clinton and several personnel at U.S. embassies thousand diplomats around the around the world are reportedly world are going to have a heart waiting anxiously to find out if attack when they wake up one an Army intelligence analyst morning, and find an entire was telling the truth when he repository of classified foreign boasted that he had supplied policy is available, in searchable 2 6 0 , 0 0 0 c l a s s i f i e d S t a t e format, to the public,” Manning Department diplomatic cables to told Lamo in an online chat t h e w h i s t l e b l o w e r s i t e session. Wikileaks. “If he really had access to these If Wikileaks has the secret cables, we’ve got a terrible documents and publishes them, situation on our hands,” an the leak could not only expose anonymous American diplomat damaging information about told the Daily Beast. “We’re U.S. foreign policy and national still trying to figure out what he security issues, but also expose had access to. A lot of my embarrassing information about c o l l e a g u e s o v e r s e a s a r e backroom diplomatic deals and sweating this out, given what U.S. attitudes toward foreign those cables may contain.” leaders — such as the opinions He said the cables could of U.S. ambassadors about the damage diplomatic efforts of the honesty, integrity, and strength U.S. and its allies, and that the and longevity of those leaders. State Department and law The concerns are reported in a enforcement agencies have been story published at the Daily trying to determine whether, and Beast that appears to confirm how, to approach Wikileaks that alleged leaker Bradley about not publishing the cables Manning had access to the kinds if it has them. of cables he recently discussed SPC Bradley Manning, 22, of with a former hacker who turned Potomac, Maryland, was an him in to authorities. Army intelligence analyst

stationed at Forward Operating Base Hammer, 40 miles east of Baghdad. He was put under pretrial confinement in Kuwait nearly two weeks ago by the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division. The Defense Department said in a statement this week that Manning has not been formally charged, but is being investigated for allegedly leaking classified information. A U.S. military official told that “everybody’s scattering in a thousand different directions, digging deep [for this investigation]. We don’t just do that for every story that pops up.” He added that the public revelations about Manning’s alleged activities this week

“alerted a lot of people that didn’t even know about this at the highest level.” Manning was turned in late last month by Lamo, with whom he spoke online. In the course of their chats, Manning took credit for leaking the State Department cables to Wikileaks, as well as a headline-making video of a helicopter attack in Iraq that Wikileaks posted online April 5, another video showing the notorious 2009 Garani air strike in Afghanistan that Wikileaks has previously acknowledged is in its possession, and a classified Army document evaluating Wikileaks as a security threat. Manning told Lamo he sent the Iraq video to Wikileaks in February. He doesn’t say when he allegedly transmitted the cables. Wikileaks has not responded to calls and e-mails from A message published on the organization’s Twitter account Monday said that allegations “that we have been sent 260,000 classified U.S, embassy cables are, as far as we can tell, incorrect.” The site has, however, posted one diplomatic cable that Manning mentions in his chat with Lamo. It was published by Wikileaks last February and describes a U.S. embassy

meeting with the government of Iceland. The State Department has suggested to the Daily Beast that even if Manning didn’t give thousands of cables to Wikileaks, he may still have downloaded a huge library of them and stored them for later transmission. According to the Daily Beast, Manning apparently had “special access to cables prepared by diplomats and State Department officials throughout the Middle East regarding the workings of Arab governments and their leaders.” The cables date back several years and traversed interagency computer networks that are available to the Army. They contain information about U.S. diplomatic and intelligence efforts in the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones, the diplomat said. Manning enlisted in the Army in 2007 and was deployed with the 2nd Brigade 10th Mountain Division in Baghdad last November. Prior to this, he had been stationed at Fort Drum in New York, where his division is headquartered. Manning was a 35F intelligence analyst with a Top Secret/SCI security clearance. STATE page 48



E-reader News Edition

Did Apple Tell Times to Shove Its App-Takedown Letter? (Updated) Ryan Singel (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:56:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Apple has re-instated the popular iPad news-reading application Pulse, with the New York Times still as pre-loaded default feed. Apple’s move seems to overturn a decision earlier Tuesday to remove the app because of objections from Times that the app violated its terms of service by encouraging readers to read the Times. Apple did not respond to a request for explanation, but it looks to be sticking a finger in the eye of the Times, which it has heavily partnered with to promote the iPad. For it’s part, The Times says Apple restored the app in “error” and that it has asked Apple for “an explanation.” The Times objects to the newsreading app because it includes it as one of five default publications whose RSS feeds can be read. The Times also objects that the two Stanford student programmers charge for the app, which the Times says violates its non-commercial license for the feed. And it objects that the app launches

links from excerpts of its stories to the full Times site in a

browser window inside the app, browser. rather than to an external The protests are odd, because

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E-reader News Edition

DID continued from page 46

these are common practices for RSS readers, which are generally understood to drive traffic to online news sites. The takedown inspired dozens of news stories from tech news outlets, surprised by the Times‘ heavy-handedness. For instance, the longstanding Google Reader — one of the most popular news readers on the net — inserts ads into its stream of news feeds, which includes the New York Times. Other popular feed readers charge users for their software, as well. Apple removed Pulse Tuesday morning from the App Store after a Times lawyer sent a letter objecting to it. But Apple returned the app in the afternoon without explanation, where it again can be purchased for $5.(Eds note, 6/9/10: the app is now $4 and the image at the top of this post was taken moments ago) The app, which makes it easy for users to read short excerpts of news from multiple outlets, has become a bestseller in the last three weeks, with more than 35,000 downloads. The apparent new turn in the saga pushes toward irony, because many in the media have criticized Apple for being overly restrictive in its app-approval process. Its rejections of satire apps have led commentators to

question whether it would have too much power over media sources. But in this case, the company seems to be on the side of spreading news, despite the objections of a powerful news company and ally. The day’s events add to the whirlwind that developed around him and his partner Ankit Gupta in the past three weeks. To add to the madness, Kothari and Gupta are in the midst of senior finals and are scheduled to graduate Saturday. That commotion included being featured in a glowing review of the app by the Times‘ own tech writer Brad Stone, who wrote: Pulse is a stylish and easy-touse news aggregator. Users select which news sources to follow and the latest articles are presented in a grid of texts and photos. Users can finger-swipe back and forth across various articles from a single news source, or up and down through up to 20 news sources. The team uploaded a new version of the app Tuesday that removed the Times as a default source, but the copy that Apple re-posted was the earlier one that includes it as a default. This reporter asked Kothari whether he thought it was odd that a publication would demand not to be a default, when publications often pay to be

defaults in other news readers. “We thought so, too, but we are happy to change if people think otherwise,” Kothari said, saying he wanted to work with publications to drive traffic to their sites. The Times objects that when users click on a link in an RSS feed from the Times(which includes only the headline and a short description, rather than the full text), Pulse lets users open the site in a browser inside Pulse, even though no ads are placed around its content. Kothari countered that users can choose to open the link instead in the Safari browser. That action would then close Pulse and launch Safari, since the iPad currently supports only one app running at a time. McNulty did not respond to follow-up questions asking why the Times has not tried to shut down Google Reader, what RSS readers it approves of or why it has an RSS feed if it does not want to be syndicated. Update, 6/09/10: In an interview with New York Times reporter Stone, newspaper spokesman Robert Christie said they were seeking clarification from Apple about the app’s return to the iTunes store. “We think it has been reinstated by error, and we have asked Apple for an explanation,” he said. Stone also reports that Christie

seemed to make the argument that the use of Times RSS in commercial readers — like Google Reader, perhaps — required Times‘ permission. “Mr. Christie said that if other commercial RSS readers were making use of Times content, they were most likely doing so under an agreement with the Times Company,” Stone writes. This writer is also taking bets that in the future the Times will pay Pulse to be one of its default sources. See Also: • New York Times Forces Apple to Pull Popular ‘Pulse’ iPad App • A Call for Transparency in Apple’s App Store • Apple App Store Bans Pulitzer-Winning Satirist for Satire • Now Apple Bans Tiger Woods Satire App. Does Big Media Care • Can Apple’s iPad Save the Media After All?


Healthy Convenience Store Foods (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. This summer, millions of Americans will take to the roads. If you’re one of them you may think that means hours with n o t h i n g to nosh on but convenience store staples like chips and cookies. Not anymore. While convenience stores still have t h e i r f a i r share of less-than-optimal eats, many now stock a surprising selection of fresh and healthy choices. Next time you stop to refuel, test drive these light snacks. Next Whole grain cereal cups Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: Five Filters featured article: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Into the Abyss. Available tools: Term Extraction. PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

STATE continued from page 45

According to the Army’s web site, analysts in this position “use information derived from all intelligence disciplines to determine changes in enemy capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable courses of action.” Duties include receiving and processing incoming intelligence reports and messages and maintaining intelligence records and files. In chats with Lamo that has examined, Manning said he had access to two classified networks from two separate secured laptops: SIPRnet, the Secret-level network used by the Department of Defense and the State Department, and the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System which serves both agencies at the Top Secret/SCI level. The networks, he said, were both “air-gapped” from unclassified networks, but the environment at the base made it easy to smuggle data out. “I would come in with music on a CD-RW labeled with something like ‘Lady Gaga,’ erase the music then write a compressed split file,” he wrote.

“No one suspected a thing and, odds are, they never will.” “[I] listened and lip-synced to Lady Gaga’s ‘Telephone’ while exfiltrating possibly the largest data spillage in American history,” he added later. ”Weak servers, weak logging, weak physical security, weak counterintelligence, inattentive signal analysis … a perfect storm.” Regarding the State Department cables specifically, Manning told Lamo, “State dept fucked itself. Placed volumes and volumes of information in a single spot, with no security.” Manning described personal issues that got him into trouble with his superiors and left him socially isolated. He said he had been demoted after he punched a colleague in the face during an argument, and was reassigned to a job in a supply office pending early discharge. He also told Lamo, “I’m restricted to SIPR now, because of the discharge proceedings.” Army spokesman Lt. Col. Eric Bloom in Baghdad confirmed that in early May, Manning was demoted to private first class and was reassigned job duties.

He did not know the reason behind the demotion but said Manning was not being discharged early and that his deployment in Iraq was supposed to last a year. Bloom said the demotion was conducted under Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice in a nonjudicial proceeding, and that Manning maintained his security clearance after the demotion. He did not know what access Manning would have had to classified networks following his job reassignment. A State Department source told the Daily Beast that Pentagon investigators have been searching through Manning’s email accounts and computer hard drives for evidence of the data he claims to have downloaded and transmitted to Wikileaks. But in his chats with Lamo, Manning told the ex-hacker that all traces of evidence had been deleted from his work computers as part of the troopwithdrawal procedures that have started in Iraq. “I had two computers. One connected to SIPRnet the other

to JWICS,” he wrote. “They’ve been zero-filled. Because of the pullout, evidence was destroyed … by the system itself.” He also told Lamo that network security monitoring and logging was ineffective or nonexistent. “There’s god-awful accountability of IP addresses,” he wrote. “The network was upgraded, and patched up so many times, and systems would go down, logs would be lost. And when moved or upgraded, hard drives were zeroed. It’s impossible to trace much on these field networks.” Home page image courtesy of tom.arthur/flickr, used with gratitude via a Creative Commons license. See also: • U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe

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continue developing it.• Grilled Chicken with Fruit Salsa Combine lemon juice, soy sauce, fresh ginger, lemon pepper, and garlic to make a

kickin' marinade for grilled chicken. Fruit salsa adds sweetness and crunch to this tropical dish. See Recipe

more Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

(Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. The beauty of sorbet lies in its simplicity: It’s basically just frozen water or juice sweetened with fruit, chocolate, liqueur, wine, or even fresh herbs. Unlike sherbet and ice cream, sorbet typically contains no dairy, making many of these r e c i p e s a good choice for anyone who is lactose intolerant or vegan. From fruity strawberry sorbet to decadent chocolate sorbet, find the perfect recipe to satisfy your cravings for a frozen treat. Next Pineapple Sorbet Five Filters featured article: Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. Term Extraction.

Season's Best: Corn (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Refreshing Sorbets

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Slow Down And Spare The Planet Chuck Squatriglia (Wired Top Stories)

drive more slowly than 55 anyway. It cites the Federal Highway Administration when Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:36:00 AM it says fewer than one-quarter of Message from Five Filters: If all vehicle miles traveled would you can, please donate to the be directly effected by a 55 mph full-text RSS service so we can limit. continue developing it. We’ve tried this before. The Everyone knows easing up on National Maximum Speed Law the accelerator can improve set a national speed limit of 55 your fuel economy and reduce mph in 1974. The aim was to your emissions. But what kind cut national petroleum of impact would it have on the consumption by 2.2 percent, but environment if everyone had to the Department of slow down? Transportation says it saved just A potentially big one, as it turns 1 percent. Perhaps that’s out. because the law was widely Dutch researchers say lowering ignored and barely enforced. the speed limit to 80 km/h (50 The law was repealed in 1995 mph) would cut transportationand the authority to set speed related CO2 emissions by 30 limits reverted to the states. percent. Less drastic cuts in A more effective way to curb maximum speed would yield fuel consumption would be to reductions of 8 to 21 percent, increase the gas tax. But that’s a according to the study by CE whole ‘nother story. Delft. Photo: Library of Congress. In How? Washington, D.C., speed limits Beyond significantly reducing second, that people want to e c o n o m y a s m u c h a s 1 0 precipitously above 65 mph. went from 40 mph to 35 within the amount of fuel vehicles return to urban centers. The percent(.pdf), according to a Cutting your speed from 70 mph 24 hours of the Baruch Rubber burn, a strictly enforced 50 mph researchers concede these points report the General Accounting t o 5 5 m p h r e d u c e s f u e l I n v e s t i g a t i n g C o m m i t t e e speed limit would increase the when they note the findings Office prepared in 2008. c o n s u m p t i o n 2 5 p e r c e n t . recommending lower speeds time required to cover a given apply only to the Netherlands Of course, different cars The Department of Energy nationwide in September, 1942. distance. That would lead many and may vary elsewhere. achieve their optimal fuel noted in 2008 that lowering the See Also: people facing long commutes to Still, the underlying point is economy at different speeds. national speed limit to 55 mph • B i g F u e l S a v i n g s A r e ditch cars in favor of other valid — generally speaking, The GAO examined 13 vehicles would save 175,000 to 275,000 Possible, But It Will Cost Us modes of transport, like rail. cutting your speed reduces produced between 1988 and barrels of oil daily. The United • EPA & DOT Finalize New Longer term, the impact would emissions. The faster you go, 2005. The 1997 Toyota Celica States consumes about 19.5 Vehicle Standards To Save Oil, prompt people to move closer to the more fuel you burn because achieved 52.6 mpg at 25 mph, million barrels per day. But the Cut Pollution urban centers. w i n d r e s i s t a n c e i n c r e a s e s while the 1995 Oldsmobile 88 GAO is quick to note that a • Enviros, Automakers Praise The findings assume two exponentially. Lowering your achieved 34.1 mpg at 65 mph. lower limit would have little New Fuel Economy Rule things. First, there is a viable speed by 5 mph when traveling Regardless of that, studies have effect in urban areas, where • Auto Execs Say Raising Gas alternative to driving, such as a SLOW page 51 at 35 to 45 mph will boost fuel s h o w n e f f i c i e n c y f a l l s congestion forces people to comprehensive rail system. And



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Military Can't Keep Tabs on Pill-Popping Troops, Senate Says Katie Drummond (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:05:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. For years, Pentagon-backed studies have cautioned that more and more troops are selfmedicating with antidepressants, sleeping pills and psychotropic medications. But despite the warnings, it turns out that the data needed to reach any solid conclusions isn’t available. The military doesn’t actually keep tabs on the drugs its troops take. In a report accompanying the 2011 Defense Department authorization bill, the Senate Armed Services Committee noted that the military “has no visibility of pharmacy data for prescriptions dispensed in forward operating areas,” NextGov is reporting. The revelation comes mere months after widespread debate over just how many active duty troops are actually using drugs. A March hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee described reliance on pharmaceuticals as an escalating problem, with Sen. Jim Webb suggesting that one in six troops

was using some kind of medication. Other committee members cited recent internal Army studies, which apparently concluded that 12 percent of troops in Iraq and 17 percent of troops in Afghanistan had doctor’s orders to take sleeping pills or antidepressants. But Army brass were quick to dispute those numbers, with Surgeon General Lt. Gen Eric Schoomaker citing markedly smaller figures — 3 to 6 percent

of troops on drugs for mental health and stress, and 8.6 percent for depression, anxiety or sleeping problems. Except that despite all the estimates, it seems like no one actually has any idea which troops — and how many — are taking what. And the “what” is an issue whose importance seems to elude senators and Army honchos alike. A doctor’s prescription for sleeping pills is way different

It’s a mess of accountability and oversight that, as Sen. Webb warned at the March hearing, could be a reflection of gaping holes that are even more serious. “I would say that there is a larger issue in play here that I have a great deal of concern about,” he said. “And that is the transparency of what is actually happening to our active duty military when they are deployed, whether it is in the context of the combat operations that they are on, the living circumstances that they have in these deployed areas, or issues such as this.” Photo: U.S. Army See Also: • Future Uniforms to Dole out Drugs, Redefine SelfMedication … t h a n o r d e r s t o s t a r t o n • Pill-Popping Troops Fight Off antidepressants. Not only do Fatigue, Depression they imply different underlying • Ecstasy Pushed as PTSD health conditions, but the two Treatment have vastly different side effects • Tactical Pharmacology: — some of which could be Frankenstein Soldiers? affecting a soldier’s ability to • Darpa Comes Down to Earth, p e r f o r m i n t h e w a r - z o n e . Plans Online Medicine Portal Lumping all the drugs together likely misrepresents the precise Five Filters featured article: nature of the pill-popping Into the Abyss. Available tools: problem, and the prevalence of PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, conditions the meds are being Term Extraction. used to treat.


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Daily Buzz: Did Hillary Clinton Help Top 5 Speeds Clocked Women Win Big in Tuesday's on the Autobahn Elections? (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

kilometers per hour (81 miles per hour). And while we might picture the German autobahn as Message from Five Filters: If a freewheeling speed-freak you can, please donate to the danger zone, it's statistically full-text RSS service so we can safer than the U.S. highway continue developing it. system. That's because to We've all heard the stereotype become a licensed driver in about Germans: They're a Germany requires an extensive buttoned-down, rule-bound investment of time and money people who care about precision a n d p e n a l t i e s f o r t r a f f i c and discipline more than violations are severe. anything else. Of course, that Still, the lack of a speed limit stereotype would seem to fail makes the autobahn a tempting w h e n y o u p u l l o n t o t h e informal speed track. In fact, autobahn. German car makers once used it The autobahn works a lot like to set speed records, until a the U.S. interstate system-- it's a couple of horrific crashes and network of high-speed roads increased traffic (which brought built to take travelers from city along increased liability) made to city as quickly as possible. doing so impractical. Now those However, there's one major setting records on the autobahn difference that sets the autobahn are more likely to be individuals apart. A difference that's also hoping for a little glory. the autobahn's claim to fame: Keep reading to learn about There's no speed limit. five of the fastest speeds ever In actuality, that claim to fame clocked on the autobahn. is a little misleading. There are Five Filters featured article: speed limits on about half of the Into the Abyss. Available tools: autobahn, and there's always a PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, posted "recommended speed" Term Extraction. (Richtgeschwindigkeit) of 130 Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:00:00 AM Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog)

Haley, who is vying for his seat, found herself in a similar situation. Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:41:13 AM I can't help but wonder if Message from Five Filters: If Hillary Clinton's strong showing you can, please donate to the in the 2008 presidential full-text RSS service so we can elections had something to do continue developing it. with the confidence And in Nevada, women have to run this year Tea Party-backed Sharron and the confidence America has Angle beat the republican in their candidacy. candidate to take on Senate Whatever you think of Hillary Majority Leader Harry Reid in Clinton, she ran a very November. Not to mention the competitive campaign for South Carolina gubernatorial president and was a very viable race, in which state lawmaker candidate. Nikki Haley, who fell short of As a woman, it not only makes the 50 percent needed to avoid a m e h a p p y t o s e e w o m e n runoff, running, will but it makes me even happier have to wait another two weeks that it really isn't that big of a until June 22 when she will face deal. For the Rep. most part, no one is talking Gresham about them as "female Barrett, who finished in a c a n d i d a t e s " e x c e p t distant second place Tuesday. the media and talking heads South Carolina gained recent (guilty as charged). In fact, the national attention when, a year rest of America seems totally after the current Governor normalized to the idea of it. Mark Sanford was mired in an There certainly still is a glass extramarital affair scandal, ceiling for women,

SLOW continued from page 49

Tax Will Boost Fuel Efficiency … • It’s Time to Raise the Gas Tax

Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

especially as society tries to figure out how to include women in all facets of the workforce, while giving them the space and time they need to have children, which, sexist or not, requires more from women in the beginning than it does from men. So while there still are elections to watch in November, I think Tuesday's results were a good prediction of women's increasingly growing roles in the public sphere. Not many of us can relate to running for office, but plenty of us are trying to get new jobs, just like these candidates. So for help in your search, read " Job Hunting Tips" at - Alexandra Gekas, Associate Editor Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Top 5 Ways to Make Money on the Internet (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:00:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Unless you're a freegan and have found a way to live entirely off the grid, you probably need some sort of steady income in order to survive. The traditional way to earn money, of course, is by having a job. You work for a company or start your own, and the work you do earns you

money, which you spend on things like a mortgage, rent, food, clothing, utilities and entertainment. Most people typically work from their company's central location, a physical space where everyone from that organization gathers to exchange ideas and organize their efforts. But a few lucky souls have found ways to make money within the comfort of their own home. With the Internet, an ever -changing arena for businesses, some looking to earn money are finding ways to do so.

-Some forms are best for parttime endeavors for those looking to make a little extra money on the side, while others can lead to full-time jobs and Lea Michele, Jessica Internet success stories. Biel, Mary-Kate, and We've put together a list of our top 5 ways to make money on Ashley Hit the Mark the Internet, in no particular Molly (PopSugar) order. On the next page, we'll Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:00:00 AM start with an old favorite. Five Filters featured article: Glee's Lea Michele showed a Into the Abyss. Available tools: playful amount of skin in her PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, lacy dress while helping a few Term Extraction. LEA page 53

Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:00:00 AM

The stars of True Blood gathered at LA's ArcLight Cinemas last night to celebrate the premiere of their third season. A Proenza Schoulerclad Anna Paquin stuck by fiancĂŠ Stephen Moyer on the red carpet, and they were joined by costars like Ryan Kwanten, who sweetly brought his mom as his

date, and Sam Trammell. Alexander Skarsgard posed for photos solo, but his girlfriend Kate Bosworth wasn't far behind in her black cut-out dress! There are plenty of reasons to tune into the new episode this Sunday, including the assortment of hot leading men. The guys were on display for a series of minisodes and steamy promos- all of which helped Stephen land two big To see more from the premiere and afterparty, just read more. screen movie roles.

( Submitted at 6/9/2010 4:00:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Find out when your favorite teams play Print Article Email to Friend All 64 World Cup matches will air live and in HD on ABC, ESPN, and ESPN. Find out when your favorite teams play below (all times shown in EASTERN): 2 nd Stage - Round of 16 2 nd Stage -- Quarterfinals 2 nd Stage -- Semifinals Third Place Match 2010 FIFA World Cup Title Match Related articles: View 35 Photos › Weakest Football (Soccer) Fight of All-Time? Images include: Deborah Ann One Goal for the World Cup: Woll, Anna Paquin, Rutina Bring Soccer Culture to the Wesley, Sam Trammell, Forefront of America Alexander Skarsgard, Stephen Pablo Mastroeni's WeightMoyer, Nelsan Ellis, Michelle Room Work Builds Strength Forbes, Ryan Kwanten, Kate and Quickness Bosworth, Alan Ball, Marshall [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and Allman, Michael Lombardo, more] Gregg Feinberg Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Alexander Brings Kate Along For a True Blood Party With Anna, Stephen, and More! PopSugar (PopSugar)

World Cup 2010: When to Watch

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LEA continued from page 52

other young female stars like Maggie Gyllenhaal celebrate hairstylist Mark Townsend's launch of his new website in NYC last night. Lea was hitting the red carpet as the season finale of her show aired, and we looked back at our favorite musical numbers so far. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen spent the second night this week out together after attending the CFDA Awards on Monday. Jessica Biel was also at both events, which made three evenings in a row

including the MTV Movie Awards where she helped promote Friday's release of The A-Team. Townsend helped create Jessica's beachy waves for that show, too.

Gore Daughter Karenna Separated From Husband

“Tourist Lane” Stunt Delights and Confuses New York City [VIDEO]

(Newsmax - Inside Cover)

Brenna Ehrlich (Mashable!)

amicably after 40 years of marriage. The sources spoke on condition Message from Five Filters: If of anonymity because they were you can, please donate to the not authorized by the Gores to full-text RSS service so we can discuss a personal matter. Al continue developing it. Gore's office said it would have Another Gore marriage is on no comment. the ropes. Karenna is 36. Andrew is 44. The eldest daughter of Al and They married in 1997 and have Tipper Gore, Karenna, has been three young children. separated from her husband, © C o p y r i g h t 2 0 1 0 T h e Andrew Schiff, for a couple Associated Press. All rights months. reserved. This material may not Two friends of the family who b e p u b l i s h e d , b r o a d c a s t , s p o k e o n c o n d i t i o n o f rewritten or redistributed. anonymity say the couple is Five Filters featured article: seeking counseling. Into the Abyss. Available tools: The former vice president and PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Tipper Gore announced just last Term Extraction. week that they were separating Submitted at 6/9/2010 5:08:34 AM

To see more from the NYC event, just read more. View 10 Photos ›

love to see nominated, right? Don't we all slap ourselves in the forehead and scream, "Why Filed under: Features The d i d n ' t t h e y n o m i n a t e Emmy nominations will be _____?!?!?" Only that blank line announced in a month in the is filled with a name or a title. early morning hours of July 8. Jane Boursaw talked about John We're sure to see a lot of the Noble, and now here's my list of usual suspects on the list, but nominations I'd like to see. I'm there are many people and assuming that some of the noms shows we as TV fans would I'd like to see are actually going Submitted at 6/9/2010 6:00:00 AM

Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:06:09 AM

Yesterday, we revealed at the Mashable Media Summit that Improv Everywhere, along with “Self-Appointed City Planner” Jeff Greenspan, were behind that awesome “Tourist Lane” stunt here in New York City. Now, we’ve got a video depicting the hilarity said lane caused. The “Tourist Lane” (a painted creation located on 5th Avenue and 22nd Street in NYC) spread across the web — from a single photo posted to a blogger’s Tumblr(with no prodding from Improv Everywhere founder Charlie Todd or Greenspan) to major media outlets. As you can see in the video, it also caused much confusion and delight among tourists and native New Yorkers alike. Check out Improv Everywhere’s so I didn't include noms like site for complete coverage of the that. This list is more about prank. What other cities do you nominations we might not see, think could use a tourist lane? the ones that are a little more For more web video coverage, unpredictable. follow Mashable Web Video on Permalink| Email this| Linking Twitter or become a fan on Blogs| Comments Facebook Tags: humor, internet week ny, to happen, such as'Mad Men' pop culture, viral video being nominated for Best Drama and'30 Rock' for Best Comedy,

Nine People and Shows That Deserve Emmy Nominations Bob Sassone (TV Squad)




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Angle Wins ‘Shocker’ To Challenge Reid (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

challenge Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in November. Message from Five Filters: If Lowden led that poll with 45 you can, please donate to the percent of the vote. Tarkanian full-text RSS service so we can tallied 27 percent. continue developing it. Although recent polls in the The tea party flexed its campaign’s waning days considerable muscle in Nevada suggested Angle was coming on Tuesday night, transporting strong, the result made a s t a u n c h c o n s e r v a t i v e powerful impression on pundits. Assemblywoman Sharron Angle “The Tea Party can take a lot of f r o m a l s o - r a n s t a t u s t o a the credit for this upset,” Larry stunning political upset that J. Sabato of the University of pundits said would “long be Virginia Center for Politics tells remembered.” Newsmax. He added Angle’s "We have completed the first come-from-behind victory “will step to taking back our U.S. be long remembered.” s e n a t e s e a t , " A n g l e t o l d Fox News reported Angle the supporters. "We need to say to projected winner at 12:30 Harry Reid, you have failed and Wednesday morning. you are fired." National Review editor and Fox According to the Nevada News commentator Rich Lowry Secretary of State, with all remarked: “It wasn’t surprising v o t e s , A n g l e , w h o b a r e l y given the latest polls. But in the registered a pulse in the polls context of two or three weeks before the Tea Party Express ago, this would have been an organization endorsed her in utter shocker. mid-April, won with 40.09 “ A n d I t h i n k i t t e l l s u s percent of the vote -- a much something about the tea parties,” greater margin than even her he added. “The tea party doesn’t supporters expected. just want candidates who agree Sue Lowden, the one-time with them on the issues. They frontrunner and casino owner, really want an authenticity. won 26.11 percent. Real estate They want someone who’s developer Danny Tarkanian t o t a l l y o u t s i d e t h e collected 23.30 percent. establishment, someone who For Angle, the result marked a doesn’t wreak of politics as dramatic political resurrection. usual, and that’s what they have Just eight weeks ago in a Mason with Sharron Angle, who’s of, -Dixon poll, just 5 percent of by, and from the grass roots. Nevada GOP voters preferred And Harry Reid wanted to run Angle as their candidate to against her -- now we’ll see if Submitted at 6/9/2010 4:59:14 AM

that was a good choice.” Angle is a former teacher and five-term state representative. She sponsored the Proposition 13 measure in Nevada that put a hard cap on future property tax increases. Reid is expected to portray her as an extremist out of touch with mainstream politics. On her Web site, Angle supports closing down the U.S. Department of Education because she considers its federal role in education unconstitutional. Despite her slow start, Angle’s standing in the polls rose steadily after she won the endorsement of the Tea Party Express organization on April 15. That endorsement is being credited with playing a key role in her resurgence. ”We are thrilled," Levi Russell, director of communications for Tea Party Express, tells Newsmax. "We had been hoping and working for a victory, but honestly we're thrilled, and a little bit surprised to see it by such a wide margin. "We feel it's just a demonstration with what Nevada voters need and want," he said, "and their extreme disappointment with Harry Reid by picking someone who is his polar opposite to take his seat." Asked to explain Angle's remarkable comeback, Russell said: "That's the question on everybody's mind. You went

from 5 percent to more than 40 in 60 days. What the endorsement did was it put Sharron on a level playing field with the other two candidates, who had a lot of money behind them, name recognition, star power. Sharron was the right candidate, but did not have that star power that was needed to put her on the stage in front of a lot of people." Angle's momentum accelerated sharply the past two weeks, as tea party money and manpower flooded into her campaign. She also picked up key endorsements from the conservative FreedomWorks and Club for Growth organizations. Angle began the campaign with less than 10 percent name recognition, but that had climbed to 96 percent in the week leading up to the election. Her rapid emergence was particularly surprising given the threadbare, shoe-string nature of her campaign. Lacking the name recognition of her two betterheeled GOP rivals, she relied heavily on volunteers and tea party activists to staff her campaign. The Washington Post called her campaign “skeletal,” reporting that Angle’s mid-May FEC filing revealed her campaign had no full-time staffers. But tea party activists poured over $500,000 into her campaign. To be sure, Angle had lots of

help from her main GOP rival, Lowden, who was tripped up by a series of gaffes. At a town hall meeting in April, Lowden suggested people try bartering with their doctors for their healthcare needs. She later defended that remark, stating: “In the olden days our grandparents, they would bring a chicken to the doctor.” During the campaign, Angle was also aided indirectly by the Democratic incumbent. Reid mounted a massive TV advertising campaign against Lowden, based on polls that showed her to be his most formidable opponent. Lowden’s supporters charged that Reid was trying to manipulate the Republican field and handpick his opponent in November. Reid, a sharpelbowed political infighter, is expected to see Angle’s victory as opening the door to his reelection despite his pervasive unpopularity in his home state based on recent polls. “Maybe the Reid people are wrong, but they are truly delighted [with Angle’s win],” Sabato tells Newsmax. “Because of Angle’s positions on phasing out Social Security, ending the Dept of Education, and storing nuclear waste in Nevada, they believe that Republicans have just given Reid his ticket back to D.C. I ANGLE page 59


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Alone, With Words Jed Perl (The New Republic All Feed)

want—may end up with an impoverished relationship with those readers. Submitted at 6/8/2010 11:00:00 PM Writing, before it is anything Writers write in order to be else, is a way of clarifying one’s read. This is obvious. But the thoughts. This is obviously true speed with which words, once of forms such as the diary, written, are now being read—a which are inherently solitary. speed shaped by technological But even those of us who write innovations long before the for publication can conclude, I n t e r n e t t u r n e d t h e q u i c k once we have clarified certain turnaround into the virtually thoughts, that these thoughts are instantaneous turnaround—has not especially valuable, or are set me to thinking about the not entirely convincing, or extent to which writing, for the perhaps are simply not thoughts w r i t e r , o u g h t t o h a v e a we want to share with others, at freestanding value, a value apart least not now. For many of us from the reader. There is too w h o l o v e t h e a c t o f much talk about the literary writing—even when we are m a r k e t p l a c e , t h e c u l t u r a l writing against a deadline with m a r k e t p l a c e , a n d t h e an editor waiting for the marketplace of ideas. We need c o p y — t h e r e i s s o m e t h i n g to remember that a book—or a monastic about the process, a painting or a piece of confrontation with one’s music—begins as the product of thoughts that has a value apart an individual imagination, and from the proximity or even can retain its power even when perhaps the desirability of any largely or even entirely ignored. other reader. I believe that most (The paintings of Piero della writing worth reading is the Francesca were overlooked for product, at least to some degree, several centuries.) I do not for of this extraordinarily intimate one moment minimize the confrontation between the economic pressures on writers disorderly impressions in the to publish—and to publish, if writer’s mind and the more or they are lucky enough to have less orderly procession of words the choice, in higher-paying that the writer manages to places rather than lower-paying produce on the page. When I ones. I’ve made my living as a think about the writers I loved to writer for 30 years, and I know read when I was in high school how difficult it can be. But and college, I know what writers who live for their mattered most to me was the readers—or for what their one-on-one relationship I felt I editors imagine their readers was developing with the writer’s

thoughts. It was fantastic to feel I was alone with a writer, engaged in a splendid intellectual or imaginative conversation. (The wonder of reading Henry James’s late prose was in seeing his magnificent, disorderly thoughts achieve their infinitely complex order.) I am not saying that writers need to be or ought to be isolated, either from other writers or from the reading public at large. But writers must to some degree believe that they are alone with their own words. And writers who are alone with their words will quite naturally, from time to time, conclude that some of those words should remain private. This needs to be emphasized right now, when so few people in the publishing industry understand why anything that has been written, and especially written by a wellknown author, should not be published, and not published with the widest possible readership in mind. I was somewhat startled, a few weeks ago, to open a new collection of poems by James Schuyler, who died in 1991. The strange thing about Other Flowers: Uncollected Poems—which contains 163 poems discovered among Schuyler’s papers in the Mandeville Special Collections Library at the University of California, San Diego—is that the editors, James Meetze and

Simon Pettet, feel no obligation to explain why this book exists. Didn’t anybody wonder why these poems were not published during Schuyler’s lifetime? There are many possible explanations. Schuyler might have thought certain poems were not good enough. Or he might have thought there was some virtue in publishing less rather than more. Or it may be that an editor prevented him from publishing things he in fact wanted to publish. But none of these questions is even considered, at least not in the brief introductory texts that the editors have included with Other Flowers. The idea—extremely s i m p l e , e v e n simplistic—appears to be that if it was written it needs to be read. The Schuyler collection is only one in what has become a flood of posthumous publications, encompassing work by Elizabeth Bishop, Henry Roth, Ralph Ellison, and Vladimir Nabokov. I am not against the publication of this material, at least in some form. What I fear is that many readers are coming to believe that a writer who holds something back from publication is somehow acting unnaturally. Nobody understands the extent to which, even for the widely acclaimed author with ready access to publication, the process of writing can sometimes

necessitate a rejection or at least an avoidance of one’s own readers. That silence is a part of writing—that the work of this day or this week or even this year might for good reason be withheld—is becoming harder and harder to comprehend. There have always of course been posthumous publications. And there have always been controversies as to whether or not publication was in line with the author’s wishes. But the idea that somebody might choose not to publish—or might choose to publish in a small circulation magazine rather than a large circulation one—can look downright bizarre in the age of the blog and the tweet. The space between the writer and the reader is evaporating. Writing, initially a very private act, has the potential to become an overwhelmingly public act. I realize that this is part of the excitement of writing. I’ve experienced that excitement firsthand. But how a writer chooses to negotiate the transition between the privacy of writing and the publicness of reading will ultimately determine what kind of a writer he or she is. Writers who publish with small circulation magazines and tiny, noncommercial presses can sometimes achieve an astonishingly powerful ALONE, page 61



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S.O.S. Gadi Taub (The New Republic - All Feed)

hospitals accept tens of thousands of Gazans for medical treatment; it lets food and Submitted at 6/8/2010 11:00:00 PM medicine daily through its Tel Aviv, Israel— There once checkpoints on Gaza’s boarders; was a very successful campaign and it supplies Gaza with in Israel for road safety. Its electricity and gas. No other slogan was, “On the road, don’t country in the world sustains a be right, be smart." The day g o v e r n m e n t b e n t o n i t s after the flotilla raid last week, destruction in such a way. more than one pundit in the (Egypt, with which Gaza shares Israeli press brought up the a b o r d e r , t a k e s n o s u c h slogan. We’re right, they said, responsibility.) Given all this, as but why can’t we also be smart? Israel sees it, stopping a Turkish The raid was by no means a t t e m p t t o o p e n a n a r m s smart. Israel blindly stepped into importation route to Gaza was a p.r. campaign orchestrated by right. Turkey and Hamas, doing But this does not make the raid enormous damage to its own s m a r t . T h e “ h u m a n i t a r i a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l i m a g e a n d mission” carried on the flotilla credibility. But the raid was not was not a move in a military an isolated incident. Rather, it is game, nor was it a court case in only the latest example of how which complicated judicial Benjamin Netanyahu’s prime arguments count. It was a ministership is steadily eroding gambit in the game of p.r., Israel’s legitimacy. played in front of a worldwide, Why do Israelis believe they’re hardly informed TV audience, right on the flotilla specifically and mediated, more often than and Gaza more generally? not, by hostile media. It is easy Because Israel evacuated Gaza to see how Israel could have to the last inch, and Hamas, h a n d l e d t h e s i t u a t i o n : I t which controls Gaza, kept should've just let the flotilla shooting rockets at Israel’s pass. The whole hot-air balloon civilians. Because Hamas is not would have been deflated. The only calling for the murder of world audience, if it had noticed every single Jew—its covenant the affair at all, would have been is by no means ambiguous on left with a few snippets of the that—but also arming as best it “peace activists” chanting antican for this holy cause. Under Semitic slogans to the wind, these conditions, and despite then hugging Hamas officials. Hamas’s refusal to recognize That’s it. (There was a similar Israel’s right to exist, Israel still attempt to pull off a p.r. stunt actively sustains Gaza. Israel’s u n d e r E h u d O l m e r t ' s

administration. Olmert let the “peace mission” through. No one remembers it now.) This is not hindsight wisdom. In the days before the incident, many commentators (myself included) kept saying Israel should just let the flotilla sail to Gaza. But Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Ehud Barak thought they knew better. After all, both served in elite army units, and commando raids are their expertise. But, apparently, statesmanship is not. In large part, this is why the flotilla's shockwaves in Israel are so enormous. Israelis have been plagued of late by a creeping fear that their leadership is incompetent—that Netanyahu and Barak just don’t understand the basic parameters of the political map. For a country that’s so small, in the midst of a huge and hostile region, this is no niggling fear. Now, the flotilla incident has confirmed that, under its current leadership, Israel indeed faces a deep crisis of power and perception. The problem isn't just that Netanyahu and Barak failed to see the meaning of a Turkey and Hamas p.r. stunt; it is that they have failed to see the larger picture. Israelis are stunned by the fact that the world has grown to think of Hamas as the righteous victim and of Israel as the evil aggressor. This perception of Israel is false and malicious, but

it does not mean that Israel bears no responsibility for it. Yes, there is a lot of antiSemitism in the world. Yes, there are unfair biases against the Jewish state. But Israel has been feeding them. So long as Israel’s government continues to settle in the West Bank, no one—not even Israel’s American friends—will believe that Netanyahu seeks peace. So long as Israel seems to be bent on making its occupation permanent, on holding a whole population under military rule without basic political rights indefinitely, it will be increasingly ostracized by the international community. Today, Israel is not the belligerent party in the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. It is Israel that has offered partition, and the Palestinians who have consistently refused it. Netanyahu inherited a winning hand. He could have put a peace plan on the table, leaving the Palestinians to refuse it. He could have declared that Israel wanted to withdraw from the West Bank and would do so if its security was guaranteed by an agreement with the Palestinians or a third party. He could have offered state housing help for those who would leave the settlements even before an agreement. Instead, he mumbled something half-heartedly about two states, and then moved on to fight for enlarging settlements.

Settlements, clearly, are the keys to all this. Further settlement is what energizes the campaign to delegitimize Israel. And, for the first time since its war of independence, Israel is in real danger of destruction. Zionism’s success depended, as Theodore Herzl understood, on international recognition. It will not survive without it. If Israel clings to its settlement policy, it will sink along with its West Bank occupation. Zionism rested its moral claims on the right of all peoples to self -determination. Settlement and occupation run against its grain, and this is why they undermine international support for Israel. Had Netanyahu realized this—as Peres, Rabin, Sharon, Olmert, and Livni have before him—he would not have appointed a foreign minister who is himself a settler; he would not have rested his coalition on ultra-orthodox fanatics and modern orthodox messianics; he would have not entangled himself in a senseless quarrel with Israel’s best friends over enlarging the settlements. Instead, he would have taken the lead in putting an end to the occupation, with or without Palestinian consent. But he didn't. Israelis' fear that their country is drifting into an abyss under Netanyahu's leadership—or lack S.O.S. page 62


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Dispatches From the Blagojevich Trial (Part 2) Margo Howard (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 6/8/2010 11:00:00 PM

Click here to read Margo Howard’s first dispatch from the Blagojevich trial. Chicago—Well, the games have begun. That is, the trial that has the potential, per political consultant Kevin Madden, “to be the ultimate clown-car spectacle”: United States v. Blagojevich, et al.(The part of “ et al”will be played by the former governor’s brother, Rob.) There’s a very large press contingent here, this being about as jazzy as corruption cases get. I guess the prototype would be Louisiana’s Edwin Edwards, another “colorful” governor convicted of extortion and racketeering in 2001. The usual suspects are present (networks, wire services, large newspapers), and I suppose the wild cards would be Telemundo, Jimmy Breslin, and me. Breslin is the dean of flamboyant newspaper coverage. He said he “couldn’t pass this one up” when he read that Blago tried extorting a children’s hospital executive in exchange for legislation they wanted. He is writing a book about Illinois’ most recent miscreant. There are 24 criminal counts,

perhaps the best known being the attempt to “auction” Obama’s vacated Senate seat, which we know from taped phone calls Blago regarded as “bleeping golden.” There’s also the charge of lying to the FBI, along with a number of other things his mother would disapprove of. The first order of business, of course, is to find 12 good men and women who can sift through two versions of evidence, publicity, personal bias, Illinois political history, and idiosyncratic ideas about politics-as-usual versus shakedowns and open palms. And do bear in mind that the defense does not really need 12 people to agree with them; they only need one to hang the jury. What is interesting, after having read so much about this legal pageant, is to actually see the people you’ve read about. Two of the defense attorneys, for example, Sam Adams, pere at fils, look like a pair of sumo wrestlers. They in no way resemble the government’s team of prosecutors who could pass for Ivy League gentlemen sipping at the bar of justice. And of course there’s Blago, himself. I think I had been so fixated on his hair that I’d failed to notice that one side of his face gives the impression that he is storing

nuts for the winter. Mrs. Blago sits nearby on the first bench, though I’m sure much to her relief she’s not at the defense table. Of course seating a jury is not easy. Mercifully, the question, “Have you heard about anything about this trial or its participants?” is not being asked. It is assumed only the comatose or those doing field work in the backwaters of Asia for a year and a half would not know about all things Blagojevich. I will not bore you with every potential juror’s description and answers to questions—but a few made the ears perk up. #169 volunteered that her opinion of pols was that “they were motivated by ego, power, and money.” She felt she could, however, put this judgment aside and listen only to the evidence. #174 had written on her questionnaire, which was read out loud by the judge, that she “did not approve of the demeanor of one of the defendants.” I’m going to take a flyer here and guess that she wasn’t referring to Defendant #2. There was only one prospective juror who had neither read nor heard any news of l’affaire Blago, and that’s because she

only listened to Christian radio. Then she added, “God is the ultimate judge of our sins.” She said, however, she could be fair, perhaps implying that if she erred God would make it right. The judge asked almost everyone the same three questions: 1) Do you give to your church? 2) What do you do in your leisure time? 3) Did your father have a business? As for questions 1 and 3, I have no idea what those answers told him. Regarding people’s leisure time, most of the answers made me think of beauty pageant contestants saying they liked to swim, scuba dive, read, run, and bicycle. While all this was going on, Blago was intently taking notes on a legal pad. Writing, writing, writing. But think about it: what else could he do? He couldn’t go to sleep, and he couldn’t just sit there and risk looking bored. If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, then I suppose a legal pad is the last refuge of a defendant. The highlight of the day for me was my mini-visit with Patti Blagojevich. As we waited in line in the ladies room, I asked her, “What is this like for you?” “Like a campaign,” she said. “It’s tough to hear people tell lies about you.” This tack is in

perfect sync with her husband’s, who, every time I see him on television, is talking about the lies told about him. Hence his oft repeated declaration: “The truth will set you free.” I asked Patti right before we went our separate ways (well, she into her stall, me into mine), “Will you be here every day?” “I’ll try,” she said, “we have two little girls at home, and it’s hard.” It is also impossible, because I checked with another judge’s law clerk. Because she is to be called as a witness, she will not be allowed in the courtroom once the jury has been sworn in and the actual trial begins. A fun postscript to my exiting the ladies room was that a woman reporter said to me, sotto voce, “Lady Macbeth.” This is not very Shakespearean, but I feel certain the evidentiary part of the trial will be, in Defendant #1’s words, “bleeping golden.” Margo Howard is a syndicated advice columnist for Creators S y n d i c a t e a n d Last year, she covered the Clark Rockefeller trial for The New Republic. For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.



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Morning Bell: Unions Just Flushed $5 Million of Your Tax Dollars Down the Toilet Conn Carroll (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

than half of the $10 million that unions wasted just in Arkansas first came from your tax dollars. Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:31:58 AM And the waste goes well beyond Message from Five Filters: If Arkansas. you can, please donate to the In his ongoing battle with full-text RSS service so we can teachers unions, New Jersey continue developing it. Gov. Chris Christie (R) recently It is not every day we get to told a town hall in Robbinsville: a g r e e w i t h t h e O b a m a “My argument is not with administration. But after Sen. teachers in New Jersey. My B l a n c h e L i n c o l n d e f e a t e d argument is with a union who Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter collects $730 a year from every in the Arkansas Democratic teacher and school employee in Senate primary runoff election, the union in mandatory dues. after the AFL-CIO, SEIU, And if you don’t want to join AFSCME poured millions of the union here’s your option: dollars into Halter’s campaign, a you can be out. You pay 85% of senior White House official told $730 … to be out. It’s like the Politico: “Organized labor just Hotel California. You can check flushed $10 million of their in anytime you like but you can members’ money down the never leave. That raises for the toilet.” But it wasn’t just “their teachers union, get ready, $130 members” money that those million a year. What do they unions were wasting. This year spend that money on? … $6 the Bureau of Labor Statistics million in negative advertising confirmed that for the first time against me since March 16th. in the history of the United Think about that. That’s a little States, a majority of union over two months they have m e m b e r s w o r k f o r t h e spent $6 million on New York government, not the private TV and Radio, Philadelphia TV sector. To be exact, 52% of all and radio to attack me. That’s union members work for the dues money that is coming from federal or state and local their teachers, mandatory no governments. That means more choice, and from all of you

because those salaries come from your property taxes and your state income taxes.” Christie’s fight with government unions is over his constitutional amendment that would limit annual property tax increases to 2.5 percent. Government unions hate this policy because lower taxes mean less government spending which means less dues from government employees. At a meeting with conservative journalists yesterday at The Heritage Foundation, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels called government unions “the new privileged class in America.” He told Politico earlier this week: “We used to think of government workers as underpaid public servants. Now they are better paid than the people who pay their salaries.” As Heritage fellow James Sherk has documented this battle between government unions and the people who pay their salaries is playing out across the country. In Maine, the Maine Municipal Association, the SEIU, the Teamsters, and the Maine Education Association collectively spent hundreds of

thousands of dollars to campaign against a ballot initiative that would have prevented government spending from growing faster than the combined rate of inflation and population growth. In Illinois, AFSCME Council 31 ran television and radio ads pushing for tax increases in their “Fair Budget Illinois” campaign. In Oregon, government unions provided 90 percent of the $4 million spent advocating two ballot initiatives to raise personal income and business taxes by $733 million. When a private sector company agrees to an unwise labor contract, it goes out of business (unless it gets bailed out by the government). But government never goes out of business, and in fact, always grows. In 2009 private-sector unions lost 834,000 members while publicsector unions actually gained 64,000 members. This is untenable. Something must change before government unions bankrupt this country. Quick Hits: • According to a Treasury Department report to Congress, the ratio of debt to the gross

domestic product will rise to 102 percent by 2015. • According to Rasmussen Reports, 84% of Americans oppose a three percent (3%) tax on monthly cell phone bills to help newspapers and traditional journalism. • Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton wooed Hugo Chavez ally Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa Tuesday. • Turkey hosted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a regional security summit meeting in Istanbul yesterday. • Members of Israel’s National Student Union are organizing a“reverse flotilla” to bring humanitarian aid to the “oppressed people of Turkish Kurdistan” and to members of the “Turkish Armenian minority.” Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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After Primaries, Parties Launch Fall Campaigns (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

and accused Boozman of "putting political interests first Submitted at 6/9/2010 4:21:10 AM in order to defend the big Message from Five Filters: If corporate interests." you can, please donate to the Democrats also said Reid and full-text RSS service so we can Boxer were working on job continue developing it. creation and helping middle With fresh November match- class families, while Angle was ups set, Democrats are wasting focused on "appealing to the little time propping up three of fringe wing" of the GOP and their most vulnerable Senate Fiorina was "a right-wing incumbents while criticizing extremist" whose "loyalties lie their newly minted GOP with Wall Street, the oil opponents as too extreme for the companies and the insurance country. Republicans returned companies." the criticism as general election Countering, Texas Sen. John campaigns got under way across C o r n y n , M e n e n d e z ' s G O P the country. counterpart, claimed that the A battered Arkansas Sen. moderate Lincoln was guilty of Blanche Lincoln, a two-term "fully embracing her liberal senator fresh from a narrow Washington record" while victory over a liberal Democrat Boozman "is a proven leader" in a primary runoff, quickly is who will "stand up to the p i v o t i n g t o t a k i n g o n Obama administration." Republican Rep. John Boozman. The National Republican The unpopular Senate Majority Senatorial Committee that Leader Harry Reid now is Cornyn heads posted websites squaring off against a tea party- early Wednesday arguing that backed Republican, Sharron both Reid and Boxer were guilty Angle, and the vulnerable of "decades of epic" failure in California Sen. Barbara Boxer Washington. n o w i s f a c i n g a G O P And Republicans argued that businesswoman with deep voters in Nevada and California pockets in Carly Fiorina. f a c e d a c h o i c e b e t w e e n In a populist model Democrats Washington veterans pushing a are using nationwide, Sen. Bob liberal agenda and outsider GOP Menendez of New Jersey, the candidates who will fight the h e a d o f t h e D e m o c r a t i c liberal agenda of the Democratic S e n a t o r i a l C a m p a i g n -led Congress and White House. Committee, cast Lincoln as an One day after Republicans and independent voice seeking to D e m o c r a t s n o m i n a t e d hold Wall Street accountable candidates in 12 states to set the

stage for the fall, Democrats and Republicans hurried to launch general election campaigns as President Barack Obama's party seeks to defend its comfortable majorities in Congress and in statehouses across the country and Republicans look to regain power. The primaries, spread across a dozen states from coast to coast, took place against a backdrop of the worst recession in decades, stubbornly high unemployment, dispiriting day-by-day images of the damage caused by an offshore oil rig disaster and poll after poll that reported the voters angry and eager for a change. In governors' races, former eBay CEO Meg Whitman won the GOP's nomination for California governor and will face former Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., seeking a return to the office he left in 1983. They are seeking to succeed the retiring Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. And hundreds of miles to the east, South Carolina state Rep. Nikki Haley survived a bitter battle to face Rep. Gresham Barrett in a June 22 runoff for the GOP nomination in a solidly Republican state. She overcame allegations of marital infidelity, which she denied, to outpace three male rivals but was shy of the majority vote needed to claim the nomination outright. In an interview with ABC,

Haley said South Carolina voters "won't be embarrassed if they elect me." "This is a time when people are frustrated. ... they're tired of the fact that there's too much intrusion from Washington," she added. Elsewhere, Republican Gov. Jim Gibbons of Nevada fell to Brian Sandoval, a former federal judge, after a term marked by a messy public divorce and allegations of infidelity. Rory Reid, the son of the Senate majority leader, won the Democratic nomination. Gibbons was the first governor tossed from office in a year of living dangerously for incumbents everywhere. With her win, Lincoln avoided joining a list of congressional incumbents sent packing by voters in their own party in earlier contests — Sens. Bob Bennett, R-Utah, and Arlen Specter, D-Pa., and Reps. Alan Mollohan, D-W.Va., and Parker Griffith, R-Ala. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


ANGLE continued from page 54

believe it will be a close, tough race. Reid is still at about 40 percent approval.” Sabato rates the midterm contest a toss-up. Tipping its hand as to the messaging strategy Reid will employ against Angle in November, the Nevada Democratic Party on Tuesday labeled her "dangerous" and "wacky." "That will be the exact same tactic they've used on the tea party movement since its inception," Tea Party Express' Russell tells Newsmax. "From the beginning it was characterized as not being viable, not being influential -which is exactly how they painted Sharron Angle. "The good part about it is that is absolutely what everybody expected," he said confidently. "They get a d-minus for creativity there. We all anticipated that strategy and we'll be ready to dismantle it." © Newsmax. All rights reserved. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Chances for U.S. Success in Kampala Take a Hit Brett Schaefer (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 6/8/2010 5:30:21 PM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. In the International Criminal Court (ICC) Review Conference’s discussion of the “crime of aggression,” the U.S. agenda — convincing ICC member states to adopt a version of the “crime of aggression” that would prevent the ICC from investigating or prosecuting individuals for that crime without an express determination by the U.N. Security Council that an act of aggression had been committed — appeared to be gaining speed. This momentum was based on the impact of strong interventions by the U.S., China, and Russia, all of whom urged rejection of proposals that would allow the ICC to proceed with aggression investigations without a determination by the Security Council. Such investigations would be inconsistent with the U.N. charter; would violate customary international law; could criminalize the use of military force in humanitarian operations intended to prevent crimes against humanity, war crimes, or genocide; and could strain international relations if

states implement the crime of aggression domestically and apply universal jurisdiction to arrest and try officials of other states for alleged acts of aggression. Understandably, the member states were wary of dismissing the concerns of these influential states. But a weekend of contemplation and, likely, heavy lobbying by pro-ICC nongovernmental organizations and member states that do not want the crime of aggression subject to Security Council decisions apparently revived enthusiasm among many wavering delegates for having multiple triggers for the crime of aggression. Monday’s discussion focused exclusively on gauging where the delegates stood on the proposed definition of the crime of aggression and what trigger(s) should permit the ICC to investigate allegations of aggression and prosecute credible cases. Dozens of countries voiced their support for giving the ICC prosecutor authority to proceed with an investigation if the U.N. Security Council fails to determine that an act of aggression occurred. The only check on this authority would be approval by another organ of the ICC, the Pre-Trial Chamber. Although the U.S. and Russia reiterated their objections on Monday, the apparent impact

was muted. In a worrying sign, the U.S. offered five “understandings” that it suggested could be included in Annex III (“Understandings regarding the amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on the Crime of Aggression”) of the resolution on Crime of Aggression, which, if the member states can reach agreement, will be approved by the member states this week. The U.S. hopes that if these understanding are included in the resolution, they will be

deemed the intent of the member states by the ICC prosecutor and judges when considering alleged crimes of aggression and so guide the actions of the court. This is clearly a fall-back option. It would be less effective than actually limiting the authority of the ICC to investigate alleged acts of aggression in the text of the amendment. That the U.S. is offering these understandings indicates that it is doubtful of the outcome. Even more worrying is the fact that few

member states seemed interested in including the U.S. understandings. If the member states agree to adopt an amendment on the crime of aggression, there is no way for the administration to put a good face on the U.S.’s failure to get the member states to grant the U.N. Security Council exclusive authority to determine that an act of aggression has occurred. It would make U.S. service members and officials more vulnerable to the ICC, would undermine the authority of the U.N. Security Council (and, by extension, the power of the U.S. as a veto-wielding permanent member of the Security Council), and would open the door to legal wrangling and accusations every time the U.S. lawfully uses force to defend itself, its allies, and its interests. The Obama administration argued that U.S. engagement with the ICC would lead to more positive outcomes at the Review Conference than the Bush administration’s policy of not attending. They have a steep road ahead if that prediction is to be realized. This post originally appeared on The Corner. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Yes, Mr. President, You Can Cut Spending Kathryn Nix (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

Finally, the White House’s budget cuts wouldn’t require agencies to report on Submitted at 6/8/2010 6:00:32 PM expendable programs until Message from Five Filters: If September 13, and effects you can, please donate to the wouldn’t occur until 2012. If full-text RSS service so we can the White House is serious continue developing it. about cutting spending, they Today, White House Chief of could—and should—start right Staff Rahm Emanuel and budget now. The Impoundment director Peter Orszag released a Control Act of 1974 gives the joint memo asking government president the ability to rescind agencies to create lists of enacted spending by sending a ineffective programs with the message to Congress with intention of enacting future directions, which a Member can p e r f o r m s i m i l a r d u t i e s i s more responsibly. budget cuts of 5 percent. then introduce in a bill. Since I n t h e l a s t f i v e y e a r s , 1974, presidents have submitted This initiative follows in the wasteful and confuses program footsteps of proposed legislation beneficiaries who must navigate Government audits have shown 1,178 rescissions totaling $76 that would give the president each program’s distinct rules that 22 percent of all federal billion. Since Republicans greater power to cut spending by and requirements.” Moreover, programs fail to show any expressed their desire for the requiring Congress to vote on d u p l i c i t y i n g o v e r n m e n t positive impact towards their president to offer a rescission line-item spending rescissions p r o g r a m s m a k e s i t m o r e intended objectives yet cost package, an immediate request requested by the president. To difficult for each one to achieve taxpayers $123 billion? Million? from the president would be annually. have a significant impact on its goal. almost sure to come to a vote in federal deficits, larger steps will Wasteful spending doesn’t stop However, this should be seen as the House. need to be taken, but both ideas at program redundancy, either. just the beginning. To have a Baby steps towards fiscal take small steps towards making In Heritage’s 2010 edition of profound impact, more drastic responsibility are a positive turn F e d e r a l S p e n d i n g b y t h e changes will be needed. This for the administration, but to Washington more efficient. There’s plenty of waste to go Numbers, Riedl points to plenty proposal alone would create at show the American people they after. In 2004, Heritage budget of areas where lawmakers could most $20 billion in savings, mean business, the White House e x p e r t B r i a n R i e d l l i s t e d m a k e p a i n l e s s c u t s . F o r addressing just 2 percent of the should also begin cutting duplicative programs that could, example, Washington spends federal deficit. The next step spending immediately and b u t h a v e n o t y e t b e e n , $ 2 5 b i l l i o n e a c h y e a r t o should be deep impact reforms pursue reform with larger eliminated. These include 343 maintain unused or vacant such as repealing the stimulus impact on the federal deficit. e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t federal properties, and $92 and the trillion plus health care Five Filters featured article: programs, 130 programs serving billion on corporate welfare. b i l l , a n d e n a c t i n g m a j o r Into the Abyss. Available tools: the disabled, 130 programs Then there’s the less costly but entitlement reform, targeting the PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, serving at-risk youth…the list no less absurd $2.6 million that unfunded liabilities created by Term Extraction. goes on. Riedl explains that Washington spends to train Medicare, Medicaid, and Social “ h a v i n g s e v e r a l a g e n c i e s Chinese prostitutes to drink Security.


ALONE, continued from page 55

presence, because they’ve acquired their readers gradually, incrementally, one by one. And the writer who begins with the big blastoff by the major New York publishing house can all too easily vanish. Nothing is for sure. The writer who holds back too much may well be a hopeless neurotic. But if there are risks involved in resisting the public, there are also dangers involved in running after the public. Nobody talks about those dangers anymore. Jed Perl is the art critic for The New Republic. For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

What Will Dutch Elections Mean for Afghanistan? Sally McNamara (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:00:03 AM

WHAT page 62


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WHAT continued from page 61

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. The Dutch electorate takes to the polls tomorrow, following the Government’s collapse in April. In fact, it was the fourth fallen Administration of Christian Democrat Jan Peter Balkenende—this time over claims that one coalition party withheld information from another. Quite simply, it looks as if the uneasy partnership between Labour and Christian Democrats finally gave way after much political infighting. The government’s declining enthusiasm to fulfill NATO’s request to extend the Dutch deployment to Afghanistan was merely a convenient scapegoat. The polls have had almost every major contender leading the field at some point in the past eight weeks, including controversial right-winger Geert Wilders. However, his Party for Freedom’s initial early showing

has slipped, showing them now finishing last in the latest national polling although still set to pick up more seats than at present. The front-runner to become Prime Minister and take a shot at forming a coalition looks set to be the youthful Mark Rutte, leader of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy. The classical liberal has already ruled out forming a coalition with Wilders’ and a three-way coalition is now likely with Labour and the Christian Democrats. As with most elections in Europe, the top issue affecting voters is the economy. It seems that the electorate has finally come to terms with the fact that governments shouldn’t spend more than they earn, and that cut -backs are now inevitable; better to get the pain over with sooner rather than later. But there is one budget that the Dutch cannot afford to cut: the defense budget. Past defense cuts, as well as operational costs, have

S.O.S. continued from page 56

thereof—is by no means unjustified. The flotilla may have been a ship of terrorists. But Netanyahu’s administration seems like a ship of fools. Gadi Taub is an assistant professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His book The Settlers and the Struggle over the Meaning of

Zionism is forthcoming this fall from Yale University Press. For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

already placed a tremendous strain on Holland’s military capabilities. A further round of cuts will likely leave the Netherlands unable to contribute substantively to NATO missions in the future. Dutch troops have fought bravely in Afghanistan, enduring long deployments in hostile provinces where German, Turkish and French troops among others, have been barred from going by their national capitals. Dutch forces are scheduled to leave Afghanistan on August 1—at precisely the time when they will be needed most, to support the hardest push of General McChrystal’s counterinsurgency strategy. It is difficult to ask the Dutch to extend their deployment when others are not equitably sharing the burden. But the US will ask nonetheless and despite the political difficulties, the next Prime Minister should respond positively.

The mission in Afghanistan is not a war of choice. With a catalog of successful and thwarted al-Qaeda terrorist attacks on Britain and Europe since 9/11, it is imperative that all NATO members recom-mit to the mission in Afghanistan. The horrific terrorist attacks on London and Madrid, and Dutchbased Islamist attacks in Holland, serve as stark reminders of why NATO undertook the Afghanistan mission in the first place. Tags: afghanistan, Jan Peter Balkenende, nato, Netherlands You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Twitter Celebrates the World Cup with Special Design Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:14:21 AM

To mark the beginning of the World Cup soccer/football tournament that kicks off in two days, Twitter has added a new, special design to its list of backgrounds. To enable it, log into Twitter, go to Settings > Design, and choose the “South Africa 2010 theme. It’s a simple, dark theme in black and gold, and we expect to see it a lot in the next month. As the World Cup approaches, the web is going wild about it; most recently, Google changed its search results logo from Goooooogle to Goooooooal. It’s going to be hard to escape football in the following month. For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Facebook, Google, Twitter Tags: design, theme, twitter, world cup


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Mega Buzz: A CSI Return, True Blood's Cliff-hanger and a Lie to Me Flashback ( Breaking News) Submitted at 6/8/2010 9:33:00 PM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Jorja Fox, Stephen Moyer, Kelli Williams Every week, senior editors Mickey O'Connor and Adam Bryant satisfy your need for TV scoop. Please send all q u e s t i o n s t o Is Sara Sidle coming back next season on CSI?— Bill ADAM: There will definitely be some cast changes, as several of the show's stars, Jorja Fox included, negotiate new contracts. But executive producer Carol Mendelsohn is hoping that Fox will return. "I know what our creative plans are for Sara Sidle, but Jorja and I have not sat down to really talk about next season," she says. "It's really, truly up in the air." Who kidnapped Bill on True Blood? — Smitty MICKEY: It's a complicated answer. We'll learn almost immediately who did the actual absconding, for whom they were working and under whose influence the order was given. Surprisingly, it'll involve a lady who always seems to be around

when there's trouble for Bill. Tell me more about the Lie to Me episode that deals with Foster and Lightman's past. — Kristin ADAM: The June 14 episode begins with the death of one of Lightman's former Pentagon colleagues, with whom Lightman worked seven years earlier to bring down an Irish terrorist. A flashback shows us Foster and Lightman's first meeting, when she gave him a psychiatric evaluation. He'll learn that Foster has a better poker face than he thought she did. We knew Alicia wasn't going to be fired, but will The Good Wife's Cary return to Lockhart & Gardner by any chance? — Patricia MICKEY: I'm hearing no, but you'll still see Cary ( Matt Czuchry) on the show. He'll just be sitting across the table. "It's better to have a character you've come to care about on the other side of the cases," says executive producer Michelle King. But he'll be a different Cary. "Once you're fired from a job, you will do everything within your power to never be fired again," King says. "You will even make ethical changes in your life so that you never have to face that moment again."

inside the gates are trying to achieve the last vestiges of the American dream. [So they're] putting the bright face out and burying their secrets." I'm so excited that Royal Pains is back! When will Hank and Jill finally get back together? — Eleanor MICKEY: Executive producer Andrew Lenchewski says it's going to be awhile. "It's Hank's turn to explore the possible alternatives out there," he says. So while Jill is off dealing with her reappearing ex, Hank will find a worthy adversary — in Please could we have some lam because Shane clocked Pilar love and in medicine — in an scoop on Private Practice? — with a croquet mallet, but that attractive lady-concierge doc Chloe doesn't mean she can't get her who puts out a shingle in the ADAM: Pete and Addison are wicket sticky with some new Hamptons. over, but Tim Daly warns fans Pacific Northwest-based action. So Julia Stiles is on Dexter. Got not to expect an instant Pete- Plus: We hear she'll enjoy her any other scoop? — Wes V i o l e t r e u n i o n . " H e h a s newfound anonymity when she ADAM: The show is on the Addison's permission to be with sidles up to a sexy, confident bar lookout for an actress to play a Violet, but that doesn't mean owner in the Emerald City. smart, tough, Latina police anything," Daly says. "A lot of What can you tell me about officer. She's young, confident, our storylines are based on how ABC's new vampire show, The passionate, and driven by her happy Pete and Violet were Gates? — Andre hardscrabble upbringing. once upon a time. They were ADAM: We can tell you two Entourage, please! (And forget only happy for 15 minutes. things: We kind of dig it, and it's Vince; I need Drama drama!) — There's this myth in the fan base not just a vampire show: There Laurie that ... they were together and it are also werewolves and witches MICKEY: You'll get some, was fantastic, but they don't and other mystical creatures. Laurie. You know how every really know." (Oh my!) Yet it maintains a season ends with a feel-good How is Weeds going to work in certain realism. "Our goal was montage of the boys high-fiving, Seattle? to bring the supernatural into talking about how frickin' sweet MICKEY: Well, there's a our own world," executive their lives are, dude? Remember lovely port there, isn't there? producer Grant Scharbo tells us. MEGA page 64 Sure, Nancy might be on the "The [beings] that have moved



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MEGA continued from page 63

Drama's holding deal? Well, it didn't hold, because of the "prettier" actor who nabbed Drama's dream role: the lead in a Fall Guy remake. (You may now snicker.) Any hints about the Breaking Bad finale? — Sandy ADAM: The cliffhanger is not as monumental as Season 2's plane crash, but it has much more of an effect on Walt personally. While Jesse is on the run, Walt will have to answer for killing Gus' thugs. Also: A familiar face will return, and Walt will once again don the Heisenberg hat. Give me scoop on 90210 next season. — Nando MICKEY: Ryan Eggold tells us that Mr. Matthews' spectacular

flame-out in the season finale is just the beginning of the expectant daddy's journey. "It's kind of fun to play [drunk]," he says. "I would love to continue, but he's going to have a kid now. He'll be struggling to clean up and focus on raising a child and being a good dad." Mickey's Mega Rave: From beneath the brim of a straw hat while sipping an ice-cold Tom Collins, I looked in on our friends at Royal Pains. And guess what? It's still perfect summer TV. Adam's Mini Rant: There's no hugging on Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay. Break some dishes! Reader Quote of the Week:"The most offensive thing

was Twilight winning." — mdjones, on MTV's apology for unbleeped profanities during the Movie Awards live broadcast (Additional reporting by Natalie Abrams, Robyn Ross and Kate Stanhope) Crave scoop on your favorite TV shows? E-mail Mickey and A d a m a t or drop us a line at TVGuide. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Judge Doubles Lindsay Lohan's Bail After Alcohol Monitoring Bracelet Violation ( Breaking News) Submitted at 6/8/2010 8:32:00 PM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Lindsay Lohan A judge doubled Lindsay Lohan's bail to $200,000 Thursday after she violated terms of her release, according to The Associated Press. Judge orders Lindsay Lohan to wear alcohol monitoring bracelet

J u d gJUDGE e M a page r s h a65 R e v e l

Gary Coleman's Final Wishes Revealed: No Press at My Wake ( Breaking News) Submitted at 6/8/2010 9:46:00 PM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Gary Coleman In Gary Coleman's final known will, the Diff'rent Strokes actor named friend and former manager Dion Mial as executor of his estate, leaving Mial

instructions on how he would like to be remembered, according to The Associated Press. Gary Coleman and Shannon Price not married when he died, lawyer says A 1999 will filed in Provo, Utah, states that Coleman wanted to be cremated and celebrated at a wake put together by people with no in the eyes and say they really financial ties to the actor — cared personally for Gary people who "can look each other

Coleman." . Coleman also insisted that any press who reported on his legal, financial, health or marriage woes would not be allowed at his wake. "I direct my personal representative to permit no members of the press to be present at my wake or funeral," Coleman stated. Agent: Gary Coleman planned to remarry ex-wife Coleman, who died in May

after suffering a brain hemorrhage, did not name his ex -wife, Shannon Price, in the will, whom he met in 2006. Sheila Erickson, a rep for Price, told the AP that the 24-year-old former wife plans to meet with her lawyer to discuss whether she has any claim to the estate. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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JUDGE continued from page 64

determined that the 23-year-old actress' bail should be raised after receiving results from the court-ordered alcohol monitoring bracelet. It is unclear what caused the bracelet to go off. A prosecutor and Lohan's lawyer told the AP earlier Tuesday they were awaiting information about that. The bracelet is designed to test the skin for alcohol every halfhour by sampling a person's perspiration, and there are sensors that check for tampering. Lohan appeared at MTV's Movie Awards Sunday, and the AP reported that she attended at least one of the after-parties. Arrest warrant for Lindsay

Lohan recalled Upon her return from Cannes, Lohan appeared in court where Revel issued mandatory drug testing along with the bracelet, which Lohan must continue to wear until a July hearing. Lohan has been on probation since August 2007 after pleading guilty to drug charges and no contest to three driving charges. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

'Work of Art' Preview: Beyond Paint by the Numbers Jane Murphy (TV Squad) Submitted at 6/9/2010 4:00:00 AM

Filed under: TV Previews More than two years after Sarah Jessica Parker's fierce appearance on a'Project Runway' episode (eventual winner Christian Siriano was nearly eliminated!), SJP returns to Bravo with'Work of Art: The Next Great Artist'. Through the summer, fourteen visual artists paint and pant through challenges, the winner earning a solo exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum.'Sex and the City' s' Parker is an executive producer on 'Art'. Inspiration is everywhere. The setting for 'Work of Art' is New York, of course. Your host is actress China Chow, daughter of the legendary designer and muse


Do people really need to be told not to do stupid things? Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 6/9/2010 3:59:59 AM

Do people really need to be told not to do stupid things? When companies began to allow consumers to include a photo of themselves on their credit cards, I applauded it as a no-brainer. As a two-time victim of identity theft, I’m all for adding safeguards to thwart the bad guys, especially since so few sales people bother to confirm that the person using the credit card and the one whose name appears on it are one and the same. Tina Chow. Playing the role of But these days, some Tim Gunn will be the elegant companies allow you to and multilingual (French, personalize a card with more German, Italian and English) than a simple postage-stamp auctioneer Simon de Pury. size headshot—images that have Permalink| Email this| Linking nothing to do with security. Blogs| Comments PEOPLE page 67 Launches Listings and Entertainment News Android Application ( Breaking News) Submitted at 6/9/2010 7:30:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it.

TV Guide Android TV Listings Do you have an Android? If you do, check out's new free application for the phone, with features that will allow you to: •Quickly and easily find out are on and where to watch them when your favorite TV shows

•Get breaking entertainment news, scoop, episode recaps and daily TV hot lists •Keep lists of your favorite TV channels and shows and browse listings by time to see what's on now or up to 14 days from now •Search shows by name, cast,

episode title and episode or program description Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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What cars make it easiest to securely Dail electronics deals install a child seat? Paul Eng (Consumer Reports)

free shipping

Submitted at 6/9/2010 6:07:35 AM

Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports)

Mazda 5 Small SUVs Ford Escape Submitted at 6/9/2010 4:29:59 AM Mazda Tribute What cars make it easiest to Mercury Mariner securely install a child seat? Nissan Rogue Correctly and securely Midsized and large SUVs installing a safety item as Ford Edge important as a child seat in a Toyota Sequoia vehicle should be easy, but had average or better reliability, Nissan Murano unfortunately, that’s not always a n d p e r f o r m e d w e l l i n Porsche Cayenne the case. As part of our ongoing g o v e r n m e n t o r i n s u r a n c e Lexus RX road tests, we test fit child seats i n d u s t r y c r a s h t e s t s . Learn how we test infant car in every one of the vehicles we Small cars seats for crash protection. For test. We’ve found some cars Ford Focus additional information on make the job much easier than Suzuki SX4 keeping your children safe in Toyota Corolla others. and around motor vehicles, visit So for all you car-shopping Toyota Matrix our special section on Kids and parents, we’ve put together lists Hyundai Elantra car safety. Next Steps of vehicles in various sizes that Nissan Sentra • Car Seat Buying Advice: make it easiest to properly and Nissan Versa hatchback • Types of Car Seats| securely install infant and Family cars • Car Seat Features| convertible child seats. When Chevrolet Malibu • Car Seat Brands shopping for a family-friendly Nissan Altima car, make sure you also think Toyota Prius All Car Seat Ratings about vehicle height, as well as Toyota Camry Subscribers can view and interior space. Vehicles that Ford Taurus compare all Car Seat Ratings. don’t require lifting or bending Honda Accord Recommended Car Seats Look make it easiest to get the kids Upscale & luxury sedans at the ones that we chose as the and all of their stuff in and out. Toyota Avalon best of the best. Subscribe now! We’ve found minivans and Audi A4 S u b s c r i b e t o small SUVs are the best height Volkswagen CC for expert for most people, and easiest on Acura RL Ratings, buying advice and their backs. All vehicles listed Acura TL reliability on hundreds of below are Consumer Reports Hyundai Azera products. Update your feed recommended, meaning they Wagons preferences scored well in our testing, have Toyota Venza

Neither Consumer Reports nor The Consumerist receive anything in exchange for featuring these deals; the posts are intended to be purely informational. These deals are often fleeting, with prices changing or products becoming unavailable as the day progresses. These posts are not an endorsement of the featured products or the Web sites that sell them—though some of the sites may be included, and recommended, in our Ratings of retailers for computers and other major electronics(both available to subscribers). Price shouldn't be your only criterion. Be wary of lower-priced deals that seem Entertainment too good to be true, and check • Amazon: Call of Duty 4 for return policies for restocking Xbox360 + $5 MP3 Credit for fees and other gotchas. $16.54 + Shipping For general buying advice for • Game Stop: 15% Off Entire many of the products on sale Order of In-Stock Games Priced above, check out our free $29.99 or More + Free Shipping Buying Guides. Subscribe now! [w/ Coupon GS29] S u b s c r i b e t o • Amazon: The A-Team: for expert C o m p l e t e S e r i e s ( L i m i t e d Ratings, buying advice and Edition Box Set) DVD $89.99 + reliability on hundreds of free shipping products. Update your feed • Amazon: Prince of Persia: preferences The Forgotten Sands $40.99 + Dail electronics deals Today's electronics deals, courtesy of The Consumerist: • Brother Color Inkjet All-in-One Networking Printer for $69 w/ Free Shipping • Amazon: Motorola Motonav TN555 4.3-inch GPS w/ Bluetooth $99.99 + free shipping • Amazon: Creative Vado HD Camcorder 120 minutes, 3rd gen $149 + free shipping • 46-inch Samsung UN46C8000 LED HDTV for $1875 • 15.6" Satellite L500ST2544 2.13GHz i3-330M 2GB laptop for $499


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PEOPLE continued from page 65

With some cards, you can superimpose over the entire plastic a picture of your pet, a beach scene, panoramic sunset, or zebra stripes, if you like. Just about anything that tickles your fancy, within reason, naturally. When a former Consumer Reports colleague recently received a new Capital One MasterCard and wanted to add a headshot, he was struck by the laundry list of rules governing what’s OK and what’s not. Among the more than one dozen types of banned images: Copyrighted or trademarked material; branded products; pictures of famous people; photos of currency; Web site addresses; 800 and 900 telephone numbers; and controversial subject matter including religious or political statements or symbols. No doubt there’s legal or sensible reasons behind these prohibitions. But do people really need to be told that other, particularly

disturbing photographs are unacceptable to display on the face of a credit card that’s designed to be handed over to a hotel desk clerk, department store salesperson, or your doctor’s receptionist? Imagine going out to dinner with an associate who whips out his or her credit card that reveals a Kodak moment from an alcoholfueled spring break hookup. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility, which is why Capital One spells out other no-nos: Images that depict “provocative, lewd, or sexual content"; “profanity"; “obscene behavior or gestures"; “violence or violent acts or any type of death imagery"; “and gangs, hatred, drug/alcohol abuse, graffiti.” According to Capital One spokeswoman Pam Girardo, 90 percent of customers submit images that pass muster. Most of the rejections stem from the use of copywrited/trademarked material or photos that feature a

celebrity. But occasionally, Girardo says, “we get images that are blatantly inappropriate.” Most of the time Capital One theorizes that cardholders are merely pushing the company’s buttons. “We suspect that the cardholder actually knows that's the case and is probably engaging in more of a prank, rather than not having a grasp of right and wrong.” What do you think? Do they, in fact, know right from wrong or are those who push the envelope looking for cheap thrills and shock impact? Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


Tire testing by the numbers…revisited Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 6/9/2010 7:59:59 AM

Tire testing by the numbers…revisited It’s been three years since we first posted “ Tire testing by the numbers,” where we shared some of the details of our extensive tire testing program. And since we ran that blog post, our testers have gotten even busier. Tires and tire buying advice continue to be an area of great interest to our readers, and one of the most searched categories on our website. That’s why our tire testing staff spends an entire year to complete the program. It begins with selecting and purchasing tires in the fall, continues with our annual January trip to Vermont for testing in snow, and continues back at our track for months of acceleration, braking, and handling tests, and countless laps around the skid pad-performed in dry and wet conditions. By the time it’s all said and done, we’ll have racked up more than a million miles, and our tire testers will have spent more than a little time with a jack and a

wrench. Here’s a look at last year’s tire testing by the numbers: • 69 tire models covered • 976 tires purchased • 5,244 tire changes • 500 trips through our avoidance maneuver course • 550 laps around the skid pad • 1,725 stops from speed in the wet, dry, and on ice This years testing of ultra highperformance tires is well underway now, and we’ll be publishing the results in November. And then, we’ll start all over again. — Jim Travers Next Steps • Tire Buying Advice: • Types of Tires| • Tire Features| • Tire Brands All Tire Ratings Subscribers can view and compare all Tire Ratings. Recommended Tires Look at the ones that we chose as the best of the best. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


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Stephen Colbert rates Georgia Bureau of Investigation the Raters at Consumer releases Ben Roethlisberger probe Reports audio, video Consumer Reports on Safety (Consumer Reports)

Associated Press (

Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:44:35 AM

Stephen Colbert rates the Raters at Consumer Reports Admittedly, the only unsafe things that Stephen Colbert did on his visit to our labs was toss some foil into a microwave and throw a few plates. (Kids do not try that at home.) Still, we want to caution you that you might injure your funny bone watching the video. Colbert tasted salsa in our sensory labs, prepped some dirty plates for our dishwasher tests and spent time in our electronics labs with "Larry" and a few mannequins. In the end, he awarded each of the testers one of the "blobs" we use in our Ratings charts. We took our lumps—but will we get the "Colbert bump?"

If the video below doesn't cooperate, this link will take you to Colbert Nation. The Colbert Report Mon Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Who's Watching The Watchdog? Consumer Reports Labs Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

twitter").removeClass("fortwitter"); }); } if(typeof(twttr) == "undefined") Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:33:17 AM { $.getScript("http:// Message from Five Filters: If p l a t f o r m . t w i t t e r . c o m / you can, please donate to the anywhere.js?id="+config.key+" full-text RSS service so we can &v="+config.version,anywhere) continue developing it. ; } else { anywhere(); • Share } return this; }; })(jQuery); • Retweet MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. -- The Georgia Bureau of Investigation '); } e l s e { has released more than 50 audio $(_this).append(' Follow him on and video recordings from its Twitter: @'+value+'.'); } investigation of suspended } }); } }); Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback T(_t.selector).hovercards(anywh Ben Roethlisberger. ereOptions); T(".for- Roethlisberger was accused of twitter").hovercards(anywhereO sexually assaulting a college ptions); //REMOVE THE student during a late night of CLASS NAME SO WE DON'T partying in the small Georgia A N Y W H E R E I T T W I C E town of Milledgeville on March $ ( " . f o r - 5. Prosecutors said there wasn't

enough evidence to warrant criminal charges, but the quarterback did receive a sixgame suspension from the NFL for his behavior. Roethlisberger's attorney has denied he did anything wrong. On Wednesday, the GBI released between 50 and 60 DVDs to the media showing video and audio recordings of the interviews that were conducted, along with photos from the scene and surveillance tapes. Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Odom Quietly Returns to Form for Lakers Tim Povtak (FanHouse Main)

pretty well this time. He's too good to be so bad for Submitted at 6/9/2010 1:16:00 AM very long. And he knew it Filed under: Celtics, Lakers, Tuesday night before Game 3 of NBA Playoffs, NBA Finals the NBA Finals even began. BOSTON -- That low-key, While Kobe Bryant scored all nothing-bothers-him demeanor the points and Derek Fisher got served veteran Lamar Odom the well-deserved glory for his

fourth-quarter flurry from

nowhere, it was Odom who quietly returned to form and set the table for the Lakers in their 91-84 victory over the Celtics. "I knew if I could just stay on the court, things would work out OK,'' Odom said. "I knew if I just took my time, the game

would come around to me again.'' Odom's game didn't sparkle Tuesday -- he had 12 points and five rebounds in 28 minutes -but it was close to efficiency perfection.


E-reader News Edition


Lakers survive Celtics to take 2-1 Finals lead Associated Press (

The game changed on the gutsy play of Derek Fisher, who attacked the hoop and stunned Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:47:20 AM the Celtics, writes's Message from Five Filters: If J.A. Adande. Daily Dime you can, please donate to the Doc Rivers had issues with the full-text RSS service so we can officials as fouls plagued the continue developing it. Ray C e l t i c s a g a i n , w r i t e s Allen had a historic aberration ESPNBoston's Peter May. Story in what has been an awful 3 • McMenamin: Lakers pick up games in this year's NBA Finals. Kobe In the 1st half of Game 2, Allen • Forsberg: No encore for Allen went 7-for-8 from 3 and scored • Fox: Fisher heroics shouldn't 27 points. The rest of the series, surprise he's shooting a paltry 18.5 • Check out the Celtics blog percent from the field and just 1 • Check out the Land O' Lakers -for-13 from long distance. blog ESPN Stats and Information Bryant had 25 points after three BOSTON -- Derek Fisher broke quarters, but he did not score for down the court after yet another the first 10 minutes of the miss by Ray Allen, with nothing fourth. That's when Fisher took between him and the basket. over, hitting four of five Lakers And nothing -- not even three baskets after Boston cut a 17hard-charging Celtics -- was point first-half lead down to one going to keep the Los Angeles point to reclaim the home-court Lakers guard from finishing off advantage they lost when the a Game 3 victory. Celtics won Game 2 in L.A. A hard foul from all three Game 4 is Thursday night in pursuing Celtics sent Fisher Boston, and a Lakers victory sprawling to the floor, but not would put them within one win before he laid in his fifth basket of avenging the loss to their of the fourth quarter and longtime rivals in the 2008 converted the three-point play to Finals -- not to mention the help the Lakers beat Boston 91- eight other times the Celtics 84 and take a 2-1 lead in the have won an NBA title at the NBA Finals. Lakers' expense. "Truthfully, he's done it over "Our thoughts are really just still and over and over again," said on how disappointed we are, or Kobe Bryant, who scored 29 were, losing that second game points. "So it's almost his on our home court. I think that responsibility to our team to do had more of our attention and these things." focus than what happened in More from '08," Fisher said. "We didn't

doubt our ability to win here. ... We understand when you want to be the best, you have to win wherever, whenever." Fisher finished with 16 points, and Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum had 10 rebounds apiece for Los Angeles. Kevin Garnett, who had just six points in Boston's victory Sunday, had 25 in Game 3. But Allen, who had 32 points in Game 2, missed all 13 field goal attempts -- one shy of the NBA Finals futility record -- many of them while Fisher was guarding him. Fast Facts • The Lakers took a 2-1 series lead and reclaimed home court advantage by winning the first game in Boston. • Derek Fisher scored just 5 points in the first three quarters, but had 11 points on 5-for-7 shooting in the fourth quarter. • Ray Allen missed all 13 shots he took from the field. It was just the second time in his playoff career in which he did not make a field goal. • The Lakers started a 15-1 run in the first quarter to take the lead, which they never relinquished despite the Celtics fighting to within one in the fourth quarter. Los Angeles improved to 8-0 this postseason when allowing less than 100 points. -- ESPN Stats & Information "It's a hell of a swing, I'll tell you that," Celtics coach Doc

Rivers said. "It's basketball. That's why you can't worry about it. He'll be back in the gym tomorrow and getting ready for the next game. ... It happens to the best of us." The Celtics had high hopes after splitting the opening two games in Los Angeles, but the "Beat L.A.!" chants at the TD Garden couldn't help them overcome poor shooting. And it couldn't stop Fisher. "Derek Fisher was the difference in the game," Rivers said. "He's just a gutty, gritty player and he gutted the game out for them. I thought Kobe was struggling a little bit, and Fisher -- he basically took the game over. ... I don't know what he had in the fourth quarter ... but most of them were down the stretch." Fisher, 34, came into the league with Bryant in 1996 and has a history of clutch shots, from the heave with 0.4 seconds left to beat San Antonio in the 2004 playoffs to the late jumpers in a series-swinging victory over Orlando in Game 4 of last year's Finals. The Lakers went on to beat the Magic in five games, earning their 15th NBA title -second only to Boston's 17. "I think as you grow in this game and you put in the work that's required to still be around 14 years later, you start to recognize that being in this moment, on this stage, it's not a given. It's not something that

happens every season," Fisher said. "Five or 10 years from now, when I'm long gone, I would have hated to feel like I didn't just do everything I could have to help my team. Things have worked out well, and we have two more wins to get to really put a nice cap on it." Fisher Bullies Celtics Derek Fisher was clearly the player of the game with 11 points in the final quarter, but his defense was just as key to the Lakers' win. Fisher as defender in Game 3 The Lakers opened a 37-20 first -half lead, but Boston cut the deficit to four late in the third quarter and then made it 68-67 early in the fourth on consecutive drives by Glen "Big Baby" Davis and Rajon Rondo. With a chance to take the lead, Allen was called for an offensive foul away from the ball. Fisher then scored four of the Lakers' next five baskets to give them a five-point lead with about 4 1/2 minutes left. He scored another with 49 seconds left before being flattened by Davis, among others, and adding the free throw to make it a three-possession game. "He saw the opening and went and made a very bold play. ... It was imperative that it goes in for us to win," Lakers coach Phil Jackson said. "When he's LAKERS page 71



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Sources: Vincent Jackson, Marcus McNeill of San Diego Chargers to hold out Adam Schefter ( Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:45:13 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. • Share • Retweet '); } else { $(_this).append(' Follow him on Twitter: @'+value+'.'); } } }); } }); T(_t.selector).hovercards(anywh ereOptions); T(".fortwitter").hovercards(anywhereO ptions); //REMOVE THE CLASS NAME SO WE DON'T ANYWHERE IT TWICE $ ( " . f o r twitter").removeClass("fortwitter"); }); } if(typeof(twttr) == "undefined") { $.getScript("http:// anywhere.js?id="+config.key+" &v="+config.version,anywhere) ; } else { anywhere(); } return this; }; })(jQuery); San Diego's Pro Bowl left

tackle Marcus McNeill and wide receiver Vincent Jackson are ready to play hard ball with the San Diego Chargers. After San Diego's front office sent the players letters informing them that their salaries would be cut if they didn't sign their tenders by next week, the players have plotted out a game plan of their own. Not only will McNeill and Jackson not sign the current or reduced tender, they do not plan to report for the start of training camp and quite possibly well beyond, according to league sources. Each player wants a long-term deal befitting the salaries of some of the top players at the position. Neither plans to sign his tender anytime soon. And now, San Diego has a potential major issue looming over the start of its season -- the fact that its Pro Bowl left tackle and Pro Bowl wide receiver cannot be counted on to play. Earlier this week, San Diego's front office sent the players

letters warning them that if they did not sign their restricted free agent tenders by June 15, McNeill's salary would be slashed from $3.168 million to $583,000 and Jackson's salary would be dropped from $3.268 million to $600,000. AFC West blog's Bill Williamson writes about all things AFC West in his division blog. • Blog network: NFL Nation But the players wouldn't sign the existing tender, the reduced tender or even an increased tender. They are steadfast in their wishes for a long-term deal -- as steadfast as San Diego is to get the players to sign the tenders. It sets up a potential battle between the two sides in which tensions are bound to escalate before they will subside. When contacted by the San Diego Union-Tribune, which also reported the players' willingness to hold out, Chargers general manager A.J. Smith declined comment.

"I've already addressed the subject in detail and have nothing more to add," Smith told the Union-Tribune. Now San Diego might have to make plans to move on without either player. The 26-year-old McNeill is a two-time Pro Bowl left tackle, in charge of protecting quarterback Philip Rivers' blindside. The 27-year-old Jackson has had two straight seasons in which he has had over 1,000 receiving yards and has led the league in each of those years in average yards per catch. Neither might be spotted around the Chargers complex for a while. The game before the games is on. Adam Schefter is ESPN's NFL Insider. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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LAKERS continued from page 69

got an opportunity to hit a key shot, it seems like he's always there and ready." Allen and Paul Pierce combined to go 1 for 13 from the field as Boston went nearly 6 minutes without a field goal in the first half. Pierce finished with 15 points, including 3 for 4 from 3point range, but Allen never snapped out of it. He missed all eight 3-pointers, all five 2-pointers and got to the line just twice. He was spared of matching the worst shooting performance in NBA Finals history when Garnett was called for an offensive foul away from the ball in the final minute while Allen clanged another shot off the rim. "We obviously didn't expect him to go 0 for 13, but it's a tough

gig for him to run around offensively the way he has to and then have to guard Kobe on the other end," Fisher said. "I mean, that takes anybody's legs out. It takes my legs out chasing him. So there are going to be nights maybe when his legs aren't there because he's having to work so hard on both ends, but we won't see 0 for 13 on Thursday night, that's for sure." Garnett matched his Game 2 total of six points in the first 75 seconds of Game 3, and Rondo had Boston's next three baskets to give Boston a 12-5 lead. But the Lakers ran off eight straight points to go ahead, scoring 32 of the next 40 points to open a 3720 lead with 9:10 left in the half. Rondo, who had a triple-double in Game 3, finished with 11

points, eight assists and three rebounds. Game notes Boston missed half of its 12 free throws in the first half and was 2 for 12 from 3-point range at the break. ... New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady sat courtside. ... Baltimore's Chick Reiser missed all 14 shots in a 1948 Finals game against Philadelphia, and Dennis Johnson was 0 for 14 for Seattle against Washington in 1978. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Featured Model: Rali Ivanova ( Submitted at 6/9/2010 2:00:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Home| Fitness| Nutrition| Advice| Sports & Outdoors| Style| Interviews| Video & Photo Galleries| Polls| Win Stuff| Store Site Map| Contact| Training Team| Subscribe| Newsletter Sign Up| Advertising Information| Customer Care| Privacy Policy is part of The American Media Inc Fitness & Health Network Š 2010 Weider Publications,

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Fisher Schools Loud, Whiny Celtics Jay Mariotti (FanHouse Main)

first criticizing Lakers fans in his hometown for not being lively, then declaring after the Filed under: NBA BOSTON -- Celtics stole Game 2, "Ain't They whined and flapped their coming back to L.A." arms and contorted their facial So much for backing up the muscles, these crying Celtics, trash. The Celtics will be complaining all evening that the returning to Los Angeles next officials were sabotaging them. week, after all -- if they're What I strongly suggest is that fortunate, that is -- ending any they shut up at once, whether it's concept of a Garden sweep and their coach obsessing over calls a quickie NBA championship or their captain spewing verbal with a 91-84 ego dent Tuesday diarrhea. Twice now, Paul night in Game 3. While coach Pierce has made needless Doc Rivers resumed his sideline comments that have backfired, officiating rants in the interview Submitted at 6/9/2010 1:42:00 AM

room, mentioning three times that calls killed his team, the cool Lakers were saluting a special veteran who again had defined the meaning of poise,

class and guts. In what normally is a time for Kobe Bryant to explode and close out the opponents, it was Derek Fisher who delivered and won what so

often has been the pivotal game in the Finals. If the Lakers become the 11th consecutive team to win a title after breaking a 1-1 series tie by winning the third game, we'll fondly recall Fisher's court-length dash and layup, how he floated a shot over three Boston defenders and crashed on the baseline while Bryant, Pau Gasol and other teammates hugged him.



E-reader News Edition

Ray Allen Goes From Gunner to Goat Sam Amick (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 6/9/2010 2:08:00 AM

Blackhawks One Win From Immortality Christopher Botta (FanHouse Main)

the history books. Just one win in the next two games. The first shot at Submitted at 6/9/2010 8:10:00 AM immortality arrives on Filed under: Blackhawks, Wednesday night at Wachovia Flyers, NHL Playoffs, Stanley Center, in Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals Cup Final. Lord Stanley's iconic PHILADELPHIA -- One win, piece of silver craftsmanship a n d 4 9 y e a r s o f h o c k e y will be in the building. heartbreak are erased. Don't think Toews and the rest One win, and the Chicago of the young Blackhawks have Blackhawks will capture their anything else on their mind. first Stanley Cup since 1961. "We knew coming into the Final One win, and Jonathan Toews, it was a long week before Game Patrick Kane and the rest of the 1," Toews said about his team's 2009-10 Blackhawks can join four-day break between winning Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita in the Western Conference Final

and starting this best-of-seven journey against the Philadelphia Flyers. "It's exciting every single day. The more time you spend away from the rink, the easier it is to think about how close you are to winning the Cup. Just by that win (Sunday), we knew it was just one step closer. We want to take that last and final step. That's all we need to focus on." Blackhawks lead series, 3-2 Blackhawks vs. Flyers Series Page

Filed under: Celtics, Lakers, NBA Finals BOSTON -- No one saw Ray Allen's last miss. Kevin Garnett was jawing with Derek Fisher, no doubt questioning him and the official on an offensive foul that stole Boston's last chance at Game 3 of the NBA Finals with 32 seconds left. Allen had kept rolling to the hoop off the high screen, the Celtics guard all alone when he blew a layup that -- had the whistle not been blown -- would have cut the Lakers' lead to three. Call it the mercy miss. The loss was bad enough, with the Lakers' 91-84 win at TD

Banknorth Garden dimming the lights on this electric city while giving them the 2-1 lead. Allen was even worse, missing all 13 of his attempts just one game after setting a Finals record with eight three-pointers in Game 2.

Sports/ Gaming/ Social Media/

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Kobe, Fisher Help Lakers Roll Through Celtics in Game 3

Twitter Is So 10 Minutes Ago

Tim Povtak (FanHouse Main)

Adam Ostrow (Mashable!)

Submitted at 6/8/2010 11:37:00 PM

Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:53:17 AM

Filed under: Celtics, Lakers, NBA Playoffs, NBA Finals BOSTON -- Celtics captain Paul Pierce sounded pretty sure of himself Sunday when he said there would be no need for a Game 6 or 7 back in Los Angeles, confident that his Celtics could finish the NBA Finals in Boston with three consecutive victories. Pierce still might be right about not going back to Los Angeles, but he could be really, really wrong about why. It's the Lakers now who could finish the series in Boston. The Lakers took a 2-1 lead in the best-of-seven series with a

Twitter is a mix of fail whale “over capacity” messages and significantly delayed timelines this morning, with the microblogging service experiencing a host of technical issues that are frustrating users. The timeline has been creeping further and further behind over the last hour or so –- as of 11:45 91-84 victory over the Celtics, Tuesday. Game 4 is set for EST, the most recent tweets taking them another step closer Thursday night in Boston. we’re seeing are from 11 t o w i n n i n g t h e i r s e c o n d Kobe Bryant led the charge minutes ago. This isn’t an consecutive championship. with a game-high 29 points, unprecedented problem at T h e y m a y h a v e l o o k e d giving the Lakers a lead early Twitter, and usually the timeline uninspired when they lost Game that they never lost, holding off can be brought back up to speed 2 in Los Angeles, but they a final charge by the Celtics. fairly quickly. regained the home-court edge So far though there’s no word and every bit of their focus from Twitter on the issues,


though the company did acknowledge service problems yesterday. We’ll update here when we know more. Meanwhile, let us know “What’s Happening?” in the comments! For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: twitter

PSN going down for maintenance until 11:30 p.m. EDT Griffin McElroy (Joystiq)

around 11:30 p.m. EDT. We know what philosophical dilemma you're currently Once again, it's come time for pondering -- what happens to all Sony technicians to bust out of our Home avatars when the their hi-tech feather dusters and PSN is taken offline for such an get to work on sprucing up the extended period of time? It's PlayStation Network servers -- a impossible to know for sure, but process which will take those theistic scholars postulate that where relative time loses all servers offline in a few minutes, these avatars are suspended in a meaning, and mere hours are and keep them offline until purgatorial state of un- life, stretched into lifetimes of Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:50:00 AM

nightmarish staring contests with the eye of oblivion. So, yeah, maybe buy them a

shirt or something once the PSN comes back online. PSN going down for maintenance until 11:30 p.m. EDT originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 10:50:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



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This is heavy: Telltale making episodic Back to the Future game JC Fletcher (Joystiq)

in it). Telltale has yet to specify gameplay styles, but we expect adventure games similar to Sam Where Telltale Games is going, & Max, as is Telltale's specialty. it doesn't need roads (because its We're so pleased Telltale made games are distributed digitally). that deal with NBC Universal. In addition to the announced "The games are going to exist Jurassic Park games, the AP within these worlds," Telltale's reveals that Telltale Games is Dan Connors told the AP. "I crafting an episodic game based wouldn't call these games on Back to the Future, the sequels per se but a new classic '80s movie trilogy about interpretation of their worlds for a time-traveling Delorean, a new medium." That means we hoverboards, and Nintendo's shouldn't necessarily expect to Wild Gunman(also, people are relive movie moments, but Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:07:00 AM

The AP notes that both series are due to debut this winter, on the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC and Mac. [Via Shacknews] This is heavy: Telltale making episodic Back to the Future game originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 11:07:00 EST. Please see our rather experience new stories history is open to exploration; terms for use of feeds. within the worlds of these for Jurassic Park, it pretty much Read| Permalink| Email this| games. For Back to the Future, still means running away from Comments that means that all of human dinosaurs.

Rumorang: Reuters sources say Hulu may expand to Xbox and iPad Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:30:00 AM

International news agency Reuters is adding to the " rumor and speculation" that the Hulu video service is coming to Xbox 360 and iPad. Sources claim Hulu is developing a subscription model to be rolled out on numerous devices over

the next couple months, but it's unclear if the pay model will occur after the service is available on more devices. Although the report mentions "multiple devices," the only ones specifically mentioned are Microsoft's console and Apple's episodes and other content," tablet. The Hulu subscription service while new shows will continue will allegedly charge for "older being free. Apple didn't mention

the service during its big iPhone 4 reveal this week, so perhaps Microsoft will make it official at

its E3 press conference next week. Rumorang: Reuters sources say Hulu may expand to Xbox and iPad originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

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The new Scripting News (Scripting News)

on the little plus signs in the right margin, I hope you emit a little gasp, as I did when I first Yesterday I wrote a post used it. Then a stream of counseling the NY Times to find expletives came out of my a plane, get on board, and when mouth, mostly beginning with it reached cruising altitude, the letter F, like the famous jump out. No parachute. McNulty and Bunk scene in The I had just spent the last two Wire where they're investigating weeks rebuilding the software a murder in a Baltimore for Scripting News from top to apartment. Click on the link if bottom. When I started, I was you don't know what I'm talking adapting code I already had, about (or if you do) but be stuff that dated back to the last advised it is very NSFW. ";->" century (seriously!). But Later today I'm moderating somewhere in the middle I saw what I expect will be a fantastic how it could become much panel with Rachel, Fred and simpler, yet do more. I went for Nick. What incredible power Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) worth whatever wait you might it. will be on that stage. Such be subjected to. An old-school After writing the piece, I took Submitted at 6/9/2010 11:00:00 AM intelligence, and one thing I beat-em-up, animated by Pirate my own advice re parachutes. couple of weeks before all the admire about all these people is G a m e I n f o r m e r ' s r e c e n t , Baby's Cabana Battle Street I could have been more careful pieces are put back together, it that they seem to like nothing glowing preview of Ubisoft's Fight creator Paul Robertson, about the transition, and it might takes longer than you might more than free-fall without a upcoming adaptation of the orchestrated by Anamanaguchi, have taken a week or two more. parachute. There's really nothing think.) graphic novel-turned-film Scott and featuring characters from Or I could save the time and just I'm editing this post entirely in like it, assuming you can find a Pilgrim vs. The World revealed one of our favorite graphic flip the switch and trust that I the new system. When I hit Save way to glide safely to earth. ";a surprising fact about the novels of all time? Don't mind if would be able to pick up the it will flow to the server, be >" game's release plans. As of right we do. pieces quickly enough so that published through its templates. PS: Doing these massive risky now, the download-only title is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is readers of the site would hardly When you load the page, your rewrites makes me smarter. Not slated to drop on the PSN in t i m e d e x c l u s i v e o n P S N notice a glitch. I opted for the browser will get my style sheet kidding. August, then on the Xbox 360 at originally appeared on Joystiq latter approach. It seems to have and render (I hope) without too an unspecified later date. on Wed, 09 Jun 2010 11:00:00 worked. (Caveat: It'll still be a many glitches. When you click Though staunch supporters of EST. Please see our terms for Microsoft's home console may use of feeds. f i n d P i l g r i m ' s t e m p o r a r y Read| Permalink| Email this| exclusivity irksome, it sounds Comments like the game's shaping up to be Submitted at 6/9/2010 5:17:12 AM

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is timed exclusive on PSN


Featured/ Food/ Health/

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Supplement Guide: Whey Protein ( Submitted at 6/9/2010 3:00:00 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Are you getting enough muscle-building protein in your diet? by Lisa Freedman Print Article Email to Friend Where it comes from: Remember Little Miss Muffet (Simply Recipes) sauerkraut and onions, he who sat on her tuffet? The couldn't get here fast enough. children's nursery rhyme is a Submitted at 6/9/2010 2:14:07 AM This is great summer grilling testament to the long-standing A t t e n t i o n s a u s a g e a n d party food because you can keep health benefits of curds and sauerkraut lovers! I think it's those sausages simmering for a whey. Curds are a dairy product time we had our own fan club, couple hours on the grill, that comes from coagulating (Scripting News) companies to the PR people to don't you? I nominate my ensuring you have hot food m i l k a n d e d i b l e a c i d i c the analysts. The users got raises Minnesota-raised father as the ready throughout the party. substances, and whey (or milk Submitted at 6/9/2010 7:16:34 AM and bonuses for being leaders in honorary chairman of that club. From what I understand, this plasma) is the liquid remaining This diagram helps illustrate their industry. Eyeballs watched. All I have to do is mention the dish is a summer standby in after the curdle has been what Sources Go Direct is Targets were influenced. Dollars words sausage and sauerkraut, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Dad strained. about. flowed. It was a business. But and it doesn't seem to matter thinks it's pretty common in Whey has several commercial Back in the old days an idea often the ideas got lost on their what else is involved. He's all Nebraska too. I'm just happy it uses but you may be more h a d t o r u n a g a u n t l e t o f way through all the middlemen. over it. (Hmm, S & S pizza made its way to Northern familiar with whey protein, a middlemen and profiteers before Have new flows developed? anyone?) In this case when I California. My patio to be mixture of proteins isolated from whey. Whey protein comes it could reach "targets." Yes. The question is are they mentioned we were grilling specific. Enjoy. from cow's milk, is a rich source p o l i s h s a u s a g e s a n d t h e n Continue reading "Grilled The PR people introduced more efficient than the old ones? of the body's essential amino execs to reporters. The PR Do ideas (facts or perspectives) simmering them in beer with Polish Sausage" Âť acids, is efficiently digested and people briefed the analysts who stand a chance or are we still absorbed and is the most were then interviewed by mired in the same muddle as nutritious protein available. reporters to provide "objective" before? We should, however, point out i n s i g h t s . T h e u s e r s w e r e This is the question Sources Go that there are two common types consulted for their perspective. Direct asks. (Gosh this sounds It was a nice orderly world. like a seder!) SUPPLEMENT page 77 Money flowed from the

Grilled Polish Sausage

How ideas flowed in the old days

E-reader News Edition


SUPPLEMENT continued from page 76

of whey protein, which you typically see as a powder mix: isolate and concentrated. Whey protein isolate is the most pure form (it contains 90 percent or more protein) and it has little to no fat, lactose or cholesterol. Whey protein concentrate has anywhere between 29 to 89 percent protein, and as the protein level decreases, the amount of fat and lactose increases. What it'll do for you: As you probably already know, protein is an important nutrient needed on a daily basis. "It's made up of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the building blocks for healthy bodies," explains registered dietitian and American Dietetic Association spokesperson Jim White. Protein has a number of different roles in the body such as repairing cells, building and repairing muscles and the production of energy. Here, a look at the benefits of whey protein: • Helps repair body cells, muscles and bones Whey protein is a rich source of naturally occurring branched chain amino acids, which are important for those who have an active lifestyle. The body requires higher amounts of these amino acids during and after

exercise because they quickly become in high demand throughout the body. Low BCAA levels contribute to fatigue and should be replaced in one hour or less—hence the popularity of those post-workout shakes at your gym. "Whey protein shakes do serve a purpose, plus they taste great," adds White. "However you'd get more nutrients—and save money—if you just ate a turkey sandwich or made your own protein shake with milk, yogurt and fruit."

reduce some tumor cells, But human data is lacking and much more research is needed. • Can help dieters loose weight Adding whey protein to your diet can help jump-start a weight loss program. It's a key ingredient in many weight loss and meal replacement products because it has little fat or carbohydrates. A double blind 12-week study performed at the Minnesota Applied Research Center tested two groups of patients, each cutting out 500 calories per day. The subjects who consumed a whey protein A 2009 study at McMaster isolate drink 20 minutes before University in Ontario, Canada breakfast and 20 minutes before found that, despite being at rest, dinner lost significantly more subjects who consumed whey body fat compared to those had nine times greater muscle patients who did not have repair and growth than those protein shakes. who ate other types of protein (casein and soy). After exercise, Other studies have found that the same whey group saw a 122 subjects who combine proteinpercent greater muscle protein rich foods and exercise increase synthesis compared to the casein t h e i r m e t a b o l i c r a t e a n d group and 31 percent greater naturally burn more calories than the soy group. each day. Whey protein is also • May posses anti-inflammatory proven to help manage weight or anti cancer properties Some by curbing hunger and creating preclinical studies in rodents a feeling of food satisfaction. have suggested that whey protein may offer the same anti- Suggested intake:"The first inflammatory relief as certain source of protein should always prescription medicines. Other be from real foods such as studies have found that whey chicken, turkey, lean beef, egg protein concentrate might whites and fish," begins White.

Healthy diets should regularly include high quality low-fat sources of protein. "Compared to other proteins, on a gram-togram basis whey protein isolate delivers more essential amino acids to the body but without the fat or cholesterol." If you are not getting enough protein, are participating in intense exercise, are a vegetarian, or have special medical needs such as cancer or HIV, whey protein is recommended. "Most people need at least 0.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight to meet basic protein requirements," says White. Males who endure intense workouts may benefit from a whey protein supplement, as its properties can speed workout recovery time. Below, a handy chart to help you figure out how much whey protein you need based on your level of physical activity. Recommended levels: • Recreational exerciser: 0.50.7 g/lb • Endurance exerciser; 0.5-0.8 g /lb • Strength training athlete: .50.8 g/lb • Calorie restricting athlete: .080.9 g/lb Associated risks/scrutiny:

Whey protein is likely safe for most adults. High doses can cause some side effects such as increased bowel movements, nausea, thirst, bloating, cramps, reduced appetite and tiredness. Migraines and headaches are also commonly listed but many experts blame the MSG that is sometimes hidden in whey protein as the trigger. If you have a lactose intolerance, you should certainly opt for a whey protein isolate (over a concentrate), which has less than 0.1 gram of lactose per tablespoon. Research has shown that this small amount has little to no effect on lactose intolerant patients. But lactose intolerant or not, it's always suggested to check with your doctor before starting on any supplement or vitamin routine. Related articles: Supplement Guide: Glutamine Supplement Guide: Coenzyme Q10 Supplement Guide: Creatine [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Health/ Social Media/ Religion/

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Success Story: Matt Browne (

chemotherapy and loaded his body with drugs, including steroids. The medications fought Message from Five Filters: If the illness—but also made him you can, please donate to the fat. "The weight came on fast full-text RSS service so we can and stuck with me," he says. continue developing it. Cancer Browne's cancer was in meds made him fat. Teasing remission by age 10, but the classmates left him discouraged. fourth grader was still heavy, Yet, as his body kicked the weighing 155 pounds with a 34disease, his spirit found solace inch waist. His classmates in the gym. teased him mercilessly. The by Karen Asp effects hit him hard. "I got Print Article Email to Friend discouraged and felt pretty bad MATT BROWNE about myself," he says. Hometown: Winona, Minn. That didn't change (nor did his Age: 21 body) until Browne started Height: 5'11" working out in high school. Weight Before: 155 lbs (as a Initially, he hoped to become child) more athletic so he could play Weight After: 180 lbs baseball and basketball, but Guys often end up overweight instead, he ended up falling in because of bad eating habits or a love with training itself. "Lifting lack of exercise. But not always. weights gave me a feeling of As a 5-year-old, Matt Browne of control," he says. "It was Winona, Minn., was diagnosed something I'd never experienced with leukemia. Doctors put him b e f o r e . W h e n I ' m l i f t i n g o n a r i g o r o u s c o u r s e o f weights, there's nothing else Submitted at 6/9/2010 5:00:00 AM

that's holding me back." Now 21, after a childhood spent at the mercy of doctors and disease, Browne is studying exercise science at Winona State University, in Minnesota, and hitting the gym almost every day. His workouts include two or three days of cardio—usually 20 minutes of intervals. Six days a week, he also lifts hard, focusing primarily on one body part and keeping rest periods brief. "I change the routine a lot with the weights I'm using and exercises I'm doing to confuse the muscles," he says. Browne's diet is full of nutritious whole foods such as eggs, brown rice, broccoli, oatmeal, lean meats, and fish, although he does let himself have the occasional cheat meal. And cancer? He's been in remission so long doctors have given him the all clear. Still, Browne hasn't forgotten his dark

past. "When you're faced with a challenge like that as a child, you get this fight mentality. Now, I apply it to my fitness," he says. "You get out what you put into your training, which is why I work as hard as I do." Matt's Tip: Don't go it Alone "If you feel overwhelmed in the gym, ask for help. For my first two years of college, I went to San Diego State University. Working with the coaches and trainers there taught me a lot and provided me with great tips that I'm still using to really push myself and get good results." Related articles: Success Story: Joey Ricca Success Story: Greg Bauer Success Story: Jim Murphy tmatt (GetReligion) [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and Submitted at 6/9/2010 9:09:50 AM more] Five Filters featured article: Message from Five Filters: If Into the Abyss. Available tools: you can, please donate to the PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. DOES page 79

Does Time need to say, ‘We’re sorry’?

HOW (NOT) TO: Annoy People on Twitter Brenna Ehrlich (Mashable!)

potential. Still, sometimes the urge to shout one’s barbaric yawp over T h e r e ’ s n o d e n y i n g t h a t the roofs of the world can Twitter’s usefulness is growing overshadow a little something — from journalists looking for we call “foresight,” leading to leads to actors putting on t h e d r e a d e d a n d e v e r - s o productions of Romeo & Juliet, a n n o y i n g o v e r s h a r e . everyone seems to be getting In its most extreme form, the police involvement (tweeting wise to the microblogging site’s overshare can lead to, well, about your desire to blow up an Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:05:22 AM

airport is probably not recommended). Still, cops and whatnot aside, tweeting with glorious abandon can, ultimately, alienate and annoy your followers. That’s the topic of my most recent CNN column, which I co-author with fellow Stuff Hipsters Hate blogger, Andrea Bartz.

Check out the column at >> For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: cnn, how to, humor, Opinion, social media, twitter

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DOES continued from page 78

full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Guilt is a heavy burden sometimes. Every now and then, I tear a long article out of a mainstream magazine or journal that clearly deserves comment and put it in the front pocket of the shoulder bag that I carry while commuting. The longer and more complex the article — or the more horrible its contents — the more likely it is to linger in the bag, caught in layers of guilt that get harder and harder to crack. This brings us to that recent Time magazine cover story on Pope Benedict XVI and the clergy abuse scandal. My first thought, when I read it, was that the article wasn’t all that bad — but that the headline on the cover was ridiculous. (More on that in a moment.) Then I decided that the article wasn’t all that bad, except for a stunningly horrible lede. (More on that in a moment.) Then I decided that the article contained a few interesting ideas, but that it was doomed by — ironically — it’s all-knowing magisterial tone and its utter dependency on anonymous sources and long, long, long passages of analysis that have no attribution whatsoever for the information contained in them. This is kind of where I have ended up. Luckily, I bumped into an analysis online by a professional

Vatican watcher — the conservative thinker George Weigel — that, in its opening paragraphs, put many of my feelings into words. Thus, read this, care of National Review Online: It’s not easy to understand the decision of Time’s editors to run the magazine’s current (June 7) cover story, with its cheesy title, “Why Being Pope Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry.” The lengthy essay inside breaks no news; it recycles several lame charges against Benedict XVI that have been flatly denied or effectively rebutted; and it indulges an adolescent literary style (e.g., “mealymouthed declarations buttressed by arcane religious philosophy”) that makes one yearn and pine for the days of Henry Luce. The lengthy story is also poorly sourced, relying (as many such exercises do) on alleged “Vatican insiders.” … As real Vatican insiders know, real Vatican insiders don’t give back-stabbing and score-settling sound bites to the American media. That practice is more typically indulged in by clerics far down the Vatican food chain, monsignori who have no real idea of what’s happening within the small circle where real decisions get made inside the Leonine Wall, but who are happy to chat up journalists over a cappuccino or a Campari and soda while pretending to a

knowledge they don’t possess. Such sources can be occasionally amusing; they are almost never authoritative. Now, the problem with this analysis is that it is easy to dismiss it as the whining of a pro-Vatican conservative. The problem with that is that, as even the Time cover notes, conservative Catholics have been some of the fiercest critics of how bishops have mangled or strangled many attempts — over three decades — to bring the horrors of this crisis into the light of day. I mean, I am still trying to finish Leon J. Podles’ epic, brutal and livid“Sacrilege: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church,” a massive tome that makes we want to rethink my total rejection of the death penalty. This multi-generational crisis is truly not a matter of left and right. There are horrors in all kinds of closets, with Catholic conservatives hiding dark secrets as well as Catholic liberals. The Time article also gives a small amount of space to the voices that argue that Pope Benedict XVI has been a trailblazer in reform on this issue, as well as a man who, when caught in the maze of ecclesiastical politics, may have been forced into silence or some bitter compromises. But the Benedict attackers are given way more ink, naturally. It’s the

pull of MSM gravity. Thus, the Catholic wire Zenit is able to critique the article in this manner(landing a major punch by quoting that lede that I mentioned earlier): It would probably be too much to ask that Time magazine run a cover story on the bold statements and concrete actions that Benedict XVI has taken to address the clergy sexual abuse crisis. No self-respecting journalistic enterprise wants to be separated from the pack when it comes to covering a controversial news story, which means it must always follow the herd, even when the evidence points elsewhere. … “Why Being Pope Means Never having To Say You’re Sorry: The Sex Abuse Scandal and the Limits of Atonement” is the provocative headline splashed across the most recent Time cover, which also features an image of the back of Benedict XVI’s mitered head. Lest we have any doubts where this is heading, the lead sentence of the story manages to drag in the Inquisition: “How do you atone for something terrible, like the Inquisition?” So what did I find interesting in this piece? Well, that would be the very last paragraph, which quotes one sobering vision of the Catholic future. By the way, try to keep reading after the horrid and inaccurate

use of the word “prophecy” in the first sentence of this passage. I realize that it’s hard, but please read on: A conservative website is circulating a prophecy uttered by a 42-year-old Catholic theologian in 1969, amid the turmoil of that year of radicalism and barricades. The priest envisioned a post-imperial papacy, shorn of wealth and pretenses of earthly power. “From today’s crisis, a church will emerge tomorrow that will have lost a great deal,” he said on German radio. “She will be small and, to a large extent, will have to start from the beginning. She will no longer be able to fill many of the buildings created in her period of great splendor. Because of the smaller number of her followers, she will lose many of her privileges in society. Contrary to what has happened until now, she will present herself much more as a community of volunteers … As a small community, she will demand much more from the initiative of each of her members and she will certainly also acknowledge new forms of ministry and will raise up to the priesthood proven Christians who have other jobs … It will make her poor and a church of the little people … All this will require time. The process will be slow and painful.” The DOES page 82



E-reader News Edition

Helen Thomas undone Brad A. Greenberg (GetReligion) Submitted at 6/9/2010 6:08:18 AM

Message from Five Filters: If you can, please donate to the full-text RSS service so we can continue developing it. Time to weigh in on Helen Thomas’ demise. Thomas, who covered every president since the second Adams, was undone when the above footage surfaced online of Thomas telling the Jews to “ get the hell out of Palestine” and go back to “Poland, Germany … and America and everywhere else.” I’ll discuss in a minute whether Thomas’ statement was antiSemitic — it was — but first it’s worth looking at the caricature Thomas had long-since become. For this we turn to the master, Jack Shafer, whose deckhead for this 2003 column in the wake of President Bush dissing Thomas was “ Helen Thomas used to ask questions in press briefings. Now she makes speeches.” Bush’s double dissing of Thomas isn’t directly related to his basic contempt for White House beat reporters. Bush ignored Helen Thomas because she is no longer the Helen Thomas of yesteryear, a deadline artist writing news for tens of millions of UPI readers. She left the waning wire in silent protest, after convicted felon Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s

News World Communications rescued it from collapse in 2000, and took a job at the Hearst News Service. There, Helen Thomas the Pundit writes a sharply partisan syndicated White House column about what she thinks — as opposed to Helen Thomas the Reporter, who wrote about what she’d learned. How bad is the column? Only a couple of Hearst papers, the Seattle PostIntelligencer and the Houston Chronicle, publish her pieces with any regularity. I dare say that if you were Bush or his handlers, you’d pass her over at a press conference, too. Her loathing for Bush is palpable. “This is the worst president ever,” she told the Torrance, Calif., Daily Breeze in January. “He is the worst president in all of American history.” Though Thomas never masked her crush on Democrats when she worked as a news writer, she comes completely out of the closet in her columns, ripping “Bush’s headlong drive into war, his favor-the-rich economic policy and his campaign to put right-wing ideologues on the Supreme Court.” As the child of Lebanese immigrants, Thomas knows exactly which religious button she’s pushing when she repeatedly condemns Bush’s plans for war on Iraq as a “crusade.” But Thomas’ opinion columns

are a model of restraint when compared with the snarky speeches she delivers in lieu of asking questions at White House briefings In other words, the only surprise about Thomas’ comment was that she had such hate for the Jews. Lanny Davis, the former special counsel to President Clinton, was at least surprised, making an apt comparison about the substance of Thomas’ remark: Davis, not mincing words, dismissed Thomas’s apology as “not direct,” and — comparing her statements to “asking Blacks to return to African” — said that “Helen Thomas, who I used to consider a close friend and who I used to respect, has showed herself to be an anti-Semitic bigot.” She has also revealed to herself to be ignorant at best. Without getting too deep into the intransigent Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Thomas’ suggestion first overlooked the fact that there has been a Jewish presence in Jerusalem since the time of Cyrus the Great, 25 centuries ago. More importantly, Thomas could not have chosen a more painfully evocative destination for these Jews that she considers so unwelcome. I find it hard to believe Thomas intended no evocation of cyanide showers. Of course, criticizing Israel is not anti-Semitic. Many great Jews attack Israeli policies all

the time. In the past week, for instance, Israel has been eviscerated for its handling of the aid flotilla, which led to nine activists being killed and regional tension skyrocketing. But there is a big difference between saying, for example that the prime minister is too right-wing to find peace with the Palestinians and saying that he can’t negotiate peace because he is a Jew and therefore the leader of an illegitimate nation. Here we find another element of Shafer’s 2003 column that suggests Thomas has long felt differently about Jews — or at least Israelis — than others. Shafer noted that at several press briefings before the U.S.led invasion of Iraq, Thomas asked “questions” of press secretary Ari Fleischer like: Thomas: At an earlier briefing, Ari, you said that the president deplored the taking of innocent lives. Does that apply to all innocent lives in the world? Fleischer: Well, Helen — Thomas: And I have a followup. Fleischer: — I refer specifically to a horrible terrorist attack in Tel Aviv that killed scores and wounded hundreds. And the president, as he said in a statement yesterday, deplores in the strongest terms the taking of those lives and the wounding of those people, innocents in Israel. Thomas: My follow-up is, why does he want to drop bombs on

innocent Iraqis? Indeed, at a 1991 press briefing with Bush’s father, Thomas suggested that Israel, which was not a party to the first Gulf War, got what one should expect when Saddam sent some scud missiles their way. And the Society for Professional Journalists wants to keep honoring this woman with a lifetime achievement award carrying her name? Granted, the SPJ isn’t much of an organization these days — it’s no RNA or, I’d say, even LA Press Club — but … really? It’s a shock Helen Thomas lasted this long. Writing for before Thomas retired Monday, Judith Miller, who had her own journalistic ethics issues, sheds a little light on what kept Thomas in the front row of the White House press room even after her devolution into opinioneering: Thomas’ colleagues in White House press corps, however, have tended to be more forgiving of the 89-year-old press corps dean. They wink and nod with “there she goes again” forbearance, patronizing her by overlooking her increasingly anti-Semitic, ignorant rants. Some “peacemakers” in the media, it seems, are determined to give free speech a bad name. And too many of us say nothing when they claim a right to have HELEN page 82


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Celibacy, NPR and Journalism 101 Bobby (GetReligion)

churchgoers say they have known priests with mistresses — women who passed as Message from Five Filters: If housekeepers or cousins. you can, please donate to the Fiorella di Meglio, 50, knew full-text RSS service so we can one in her small town a twocontinue developing it. hour drive north of Rome. I’m no expert on the issue of “Years ago, we had a priest celibacy and Catholic priests. here, Don Giorgio, he was a Fortunately, I don’t need to be schoolteacher. The kids liked to critique an NPR Morning him and so did their mothers,” Edition report headlined “Letter di Meglio says. From Priests’ Lovers Reignites “When it came out he was Celibacy Debate.” A Journalism having an affair with a woman, 101 student could handle this all the mothers rallied around post. him saying he was a good man. Let’s start with the question But all the people who didn’t posed by the GetReligion reader know him were scandalized, and who passed along the link: of course he was sent away,” “Isn’t it standard journalistic she says. practice to ‘present both sides’ OK, Journalism 101 students, when a story is news rather than what’s missing from that first an editorial?” paragraph? Let’s all say it Um, good question. together:“Attribution!” Give me Then again, as the perceptive a source. Or if you prefer, give reader noted, “In short, this me some evidence. Otherwise, report appears to be a thinly I’m going to attribute the sourced piece of advocacy information to the reporter’s masquerading as a news story.” personal opinion. Here’s the top of the report: Ditto on “unprecedented move” The church scandals spreading in the second paragraph and across the Catholic world are “ c o m m o n ” i n t h e t h i r d prompting a renewed debate on p a r a g r a p h . clerical celibacy. Moving on, a priest is accused In an unprecedented move, a — b y n a m e — o f s e x u a l group of Italian women who m i s c o n d u c t . A g a i n , w i t h have had relationships with absolutely no evidence at all to priests wrote an open letter to back up the accusation. Believe Pope Benedict XVI, saying that i t o r n o t , t h a t ’ s t h e o n l y priests need to love and be reference to that priest. We loved. don’t find out if he’s dead or In Italy, it’s common to hear alive. The priest receives no Submitted at 6/8/2010 1:49:54 PM

opportunity to say whether he did or did not have an affair. But a woman told NPR that, so it must be true, right? Amazing. NPR’s attempt at a news peg: In most cases, the priests’ companions continue to live in the shadows — until now. In March, some Italian women came out into the open after Benedict spoke of what he called “the sacred value of celibacy.” “And so we decided to tell people this is not a value, and this is not a sacred value, because sacred is the right of people to get married,” says Stefania Salomone, an office manager in Rome. Salomone started an Italian website for women in relationships with priests. Little by little, 40 women contacted her; yet only two others joined her in signing the letter. OK, so this “unprecedented move” involves three women signing a letter. Oh, and 38 others who Salomone says contacted her. Great, we’ll take her word for it. Come to think of it, wouldn’t it be neat if NPR interviewed one of the many priests accused of clandestine relationships? As for any kind of response from the Vatican or Catholic theologians, that is, apparently, asking too much. NPR makes no semblance of providing any kind of balance in this report.

The only “expert” quoted is Richard Sipe, a favorite source of reporters looking for quotes critical of the Catholic Church hierarchy: Richard Sipe is a mental health counselor for priests and a former Benedictine monk. He says the way celibacy is taught today is not in tune with contemporary reality. While studying in the monastic environment of the seminary, Sipe says, a priest can remain celibate for two to three years. But what happens when he goes out into the world? “He does not know the psychological dynamics, the social dynamics of sex and what it means to be celibate,” says Sipe. “If a man is going to be celibate, it’s like a man who is an alcoholic and practicing sobriety. Every day he says, ‘I’m going to be celibate today,’ but that is not the way celibacy is constructed or taught.” Salomone is particularly angered by what she sees as the hypocrisy and secrecy imposed on priests by the Catholic Church. What saith the Catholic Church about these allegations of hypocrisy and secrecy? Ha! Good one. Did I mention that this piece falls a bit short when it comes to balance and attribution? Speaking of bias, I loved this

paragraph (and I mean “loved” in the most sarcastic sense possible): And sin is the judgment the Catholic Church assigns to nearly everything to do with sex outside marriage. Is it just me or do you sense a bit of negativity in the way that line describes Catholic theology? As for accuracy, since that line mentions nearly everything, I’m curious: What sex outside marriage would the Catholic Church not consider sin? And should “between a man and a woman” be added to the end of the sentence? The reader mentioned earlier asked, “Is there really anything newsworthy here?” No, not in the NPR report. But it actually might be worthwhile for a true journalist to take the allegations — priests’ female companions living openly in the shadows — and investigate them fairly and fully. Who knows — there might be a story here. A potentially great story. But at this point, all we’ve got is a bunch of hearsay and innuendo. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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DOES continued from page 79

theologian was Joseph Ratzinger. And his vision from 40 years ago may now unfold in ways he could never have imagined. By the way, if you attempt to read the Time cover story from beginning to end, if helps to keep asking a basic question: What do the editors mean when they say that “being pope means never having to say you’re sorry”? Obviously, the pope has said that the sexual abuse crisis — including the episcopal cover ups — has been rooted in sin and immorality and that many leaders in the church have been guilty. He has expressed regrets.

He has urged reforms. He has talked about the “filth” that haunts the life of the church. He has sought forgiveness from victims and has urged bishops to do the same. Is the key here that he has not personally apologized for his own actions, as framed by media reports? Is that the key? If so, is the crucial issue here actual reform in parishes and dioceses around the world, or some form of media-friendly act of personal penance? Would that be satisfactory? If so, I assume that kind of public statement will eventually be made. But I have my doubts. I mean,

HELEN continued from page 80

their own biases, as well as their own facts. No more, at least not for Helen Thomas. Of course, her retirement brings with it an uncomfortable resolution for Jews. Who do you think antiSemites are blaming for Thomas’ demise?

Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

what does the headline on the Time cover actually mean? A note to those who are about to click “comment.” Please limit your comments to the contents of the articles quoted or, if you have other journalistic issues to discuss, please provide URLs to the sources of your information. This is not the place for angry tirades full of person opinion. Go elsewhere. Five Filters featured article: Into the Abyss. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

HOW TO: Follow the 2010 World Cup on Twitter Amy-Mae Elliott (Mashable!) Submitted at 6/9/2010 10:23:46 AM

The 2010 World Cup is going to be a very interesting one as far as social media goes — it’s the first to be played out in the Twitter era and the first to fully embrace the social media universe. This bodes well for avid soccer fans keen to stay up to date with all the most recent news from their favorite players and teams. The real-time nature of Twitter may well entice these newcomers to hop on the microblogging site. To get new users ready for the action, we’ve got a few tips for how to follow the World Cup on Twitter complete with a list of who you should be following to stay informed on the games, news, and goings on in South Africa. 1. Hashtags and Searches While Twitter’s hashtag system is a great way of monitoring a certain topic, and for getting real -time updates on what the Twitterverse is saying about a live event, the organic nature of exactly how the tags are decided can cause confusion. Currently, there seems to be a fair amount of footie-related tags in circulation, although we’d imagine by the first few

days of the tournament these will be narrowed down as the most popular ones become trending topics and are adopted by tweeters. At the moment, #worldcup seems to be the largest tag by volume of tweets, but #wc2010 is also doing the rounds, as is #2010worldcup. Don’t forget, however, that the World Cup is a global event, so different languages also come into play. In Spanish, World Cup is “Copa Mundial,” in French it’s “Coupe du Monde,” and so on. Other tags have, of course, sprung up around teams. #England is what most people are using to refer to the England team, while mentions of the United States team can be found under the tag #USMNT. To quickly access a stream of tweets containing a certain hashtag you can save a search on Twitter, so that the results are just a click away from your HOW page 83

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HOW continued from page 82

home page — and the search can be easily removed after it’s no longer relevant. 2. Lists The World Cup only lasts for a month, so it’s unlikely you’ll want to permanently follow all the World Cup-related sources you’ll be getting your footie news from over the next four weeks, especially as many sources have been created solely for the event. The quickest and easiest way to get a month’s worth of World Cup info is to follow a readymade list. Mashable’s Twitter list directory has World Cup lists ready and waiting and there’s also a Top Tweets account direct from Twitter that algorithmically selects the “top tweets” about the World Cup. Simply follow the list and then you can unfollow it after the final. Alternatively, if you’re just interested in the big headlines, rather than blow-by-blow coverage, TweetMeme’s World Cup 2010 aggregated feed of popular tweets might be of interest. It’s more work, but if you’re a little more selective then you can create your own list and simply delete it after the tournament on July 11. To get you started we’ve made some suggestions of World Cup

Twitter news resources that can be found below. 3. World Cup News Sources on Twitter Whether it’s the official FIFA feed, tabloid newspaper coverage, big broadcaster’s headlines or just the final scores, you’ll find the news you need in this list. 2010 FIFA World Cup– “The Twitter page of the 2010 Organizing Committee.” News and updates. SA2010 World Cup– “Official 2010 FIFA World Cup South African Government website with all the information you need!” News, personal updates and commentary. FIFAWorldCupTM– “The FIFA soccer world cup tweets. All the latest FIFA news and information on the 2010 soccer world cup.” Updates, human interest, emphasis on players and coaches.– “The official website for the England Football Team and The FA Cup.” Updates on England players and live Tweets from England matches. US Soccer– “U.S. Soccer: the governing body of soccer in all its forms in the United States.” Inside look at the US team, players and matches. CNN World Cup– “All the latest news on the 2010 World

Cup in South Africa from CNN International.” News and match scores culled from CNN reporters. Telegraph World Cup– “World Cup 2010 news, analysis, pictures and video from” Links back to stories posted by The Telegraph. NY Times Goal– “The New York Times Soccer Blog reports on the international game and the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.” Live updates and links back to New York Times stories. AP World Cup– “Join the conversation as @AP covers the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.” News, match scores and brief commentary. BBC World Cup– “A feed dedicated to World Cup headlines from the BBC website.” Links back to BBC. Sports Illustrated Soccer– “Soccer, World Cup coverage from Sports Illustrated and writers and photographers.” Player news and general features. The Sun World Cup– “Follow all the latest news on the 2010 World Cup in South Africa with The Sun.” Mostly England updates and news, general match coverage. Four Four Two– “Humorous but wholehearted, polished but

readable, substantial but accessible, it’s football’s most insightful brand – with added F.U.N.” Quirky and off-beat updates, general news. Fox Soccer News– “ headlines.” Links back to Fox Soccer. World Cup Scores– “Live 2010 world cup soccer scores.” Match scores and live updates. For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook More sports resources from Mashable: - 10 Best World Cup Goals on YouTube - 5 Amazing Android Apps for Baseball Fans - 5 Brilliant iPhone Apps for Baseball Fans - How the PGA Tour Uses Social Media to Connect with Fans - 5 Reasons Every Sports Fan Should Be On Social Media Image courtesy of iStockphoto, kevinjeon00 Tags: football, soccer, South Africa, sport, sport lists, twitter, world cup 2010

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