Liberty Newspost June-14-10

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E-reader News Edition

- 14/06/10

Here's Everything You Need To Know About Who's Exposed In Europe Gregory White (Business Insider)

about their Greek exposure. Orange: Public Sector Green: Banking Sector Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:35:00 AM Yellow: Non-bank private Europe has serious problems sector going on behind the scenes in its White: Other Exposures banking sector, and those Source: Bank for International problems are directly connected Settlements to bank exposure levels. The UK has the most serious The exposures in question are problem with Irish debt. Orange: close to home: Portugal, Ireland, Public Sector Greece, and Spain. Green: Banking Sector The Bank for International Yellow: Non-bank private Settlements has a breakdown of sector the worsening credit market White: Other Exposures conditions in Europe, and the Source: Bank for International countries whose banks are at the Settlements center of the storm. Spreads Spain's economy is awkwardly g e t t i n g d a n g e r o u s l y w i d e linked with its fellow debtor, against the U.S. Source: Bank Portugal. Orange: Public Sector for International Settlements Green: Banking Sector Still lagging behind the worst Yellow: Non-bank private stress levels of the crisis, though sector growing rapidly. Source: Bank White: Other Exposures for International Settlements Source: Bank for International Italy has seen a surprising Settlements i n c r e a s e i n C D S v o l u m e . Exposure to Spain is enormous Source: Bank for International across Europe, and outside in Settlements the U.S. and Japan. Orange: French banks need to worry Public Sector

Green: Banking Sector Yellow: Non-bank private sector White: Other Exposures Source: Bank for International Settlements Japanese Bank Exposure Japan's banks have$22 billion in exposure to the public debt of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. Source: Bank for International Settlements Spanish Bank Exposure Spanish banks have$110 billion in exposure to the private sector of Portugal. Source: Bank for International Settlements UK Banking Exposure The UK's banks have$23 billion in

exposure to the public debt of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. UK banks have$230 billion in exposure to Ireland's private sector. Banks in the UK also have$140 billion in exposure to Spain's private sector. Source: Bank for International Settlements German Banking Exposure German banks have$68 billion in exposure to the public sectors of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. German banks have sovereign debt exposure of$33 billion to Spain,$23 billion to Greece, and$10 billion to Portugal. German banks have$465 billion in exposure to the private sectors of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. German banks have exposure of$202 billion to the private sector of Spain alone. German banks have$177 billion in exposure to Ireland's overall private sector, and$126 billion

to the non-bank private sector. Source: Bank for International Settlements French Banking Exposure Image: corsac French banks have$106 billion in exposure to the public sectors of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. French banks have sovereign debt exposure of$48 billion to Spain,$31 billion to Greece, and$21 billion to Portugal. French banks have$493 billion in exposure to the private sectors of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. French banks have$248 billion in exposure to the private sector of Spain alone. Source: Bank for International Settlements Now check out why we're not destined for a double dip. Deutsche Bank doesn't think so > Join the conversation about this story Âť



E-reader News Edition

India's Booming Economy Shows No Signs Of Slowing (Business Insider)

Mumbaim in this article from the India Economic Times. Indian stocks and the rupee Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:42:27 AM strengthened immediately after India's economy grew at its the data, while the benchmark fastest pace in six months in the bond yield rose 2 basis points quarter through March 2010, from before the release. The fueled mainly by government expansion in the March quarter and consumer spending, which was driven by government i s e x p e c t e d t o a l l o w spending, manufacturing and p o l i c y m a k e r s t o f o c u s o n services. anchoring inflation that is Revival of growth in farm hovering near 10 percent. output after a contraction in the The 8.6 percent expansion in quarter ago underscored the the fourth quarter of the fiscal broad-based recovery in Asia's year 2009/10 was broadly in third-largest economy. line with a median forecast of The arrival of fresh crops 8.7 percent in a Reuters poll, helped agriculture grow by 0.2 and lifted the annual average p e r c e n t , h a v i n g d r o p p e d growth rate for the full fiscal significantly in the previous year to a slightly better-than- quarter of 2009-10 due to a expected 7.4 percent. poor monsoon. India's economy had grown 6.7 The farm sector, which forms percent in 2008/09, and the Jan- n e a r l y 1 7 p e r c e n t o f t h e March 2009/10 growth rate economy but is dependent on matches the revised data for the monsoon rains, is expected to do second quarter of 2009/10. well in 2011 as the weather The data is unlikely to evoke office has predicted a normal any immediate and aggressive monsoon for the country, as policy response from the central farm output grew an annual 0.7 bank as concerns on Europe's percent helped by a good winter debt crisis are expected to keep harvest. its policy on hold for now. Manufacturing output grew "It would be important to note 16.3 percent on year in the that this release is a backward quarter as consumers bought looking number and our sense is more cars and other goods. that policy makers would The government expects the remain considerate of the economy to grow 8.5 percent in external developments and any the current fiscal year that associated downside risk to started on April 1 on the overall growth," said Anubhuti prospects of a better farm Sahay, an economist with output and a global recovery, Standard Chartered Bank in and Finance Minister Pranab

Index in April. The rapid acceleration in the world's second-fastest growing major economy after China is boosting consumer demand far ahead of what can be met by existing supply capacity. Analysts expect monetary policy tightening along the year, as the RBI moves to cool demand through rate hikes until firms crank up their potential output. The central bank has already lifted rates twice by a total of 50 basis points since March and has not ruled out an off-cycle rate rise either. This macro-level growth is, not surprisingly, also Mukherjee on Monday said in India, rose 9.59 percent in showing up on the per capita growth would top this estimate. April from a year earlier amid level as well, which is Among other high growth the government officials claim denominated in Rupees or Rs. sectors during the quarter were that headline inflation had Forty thousand Indian rupees hotels and transport services peaked. 40,000 Rs - is equivalent to which grew by 12.4 percent, Headline inflation numbers approximately 860 in US w h i l e f i n a n c i a l s e r v i c e s have been consistently higher dollars. The per capita income including insurance grew by 7.9 than the official forecasts. grew by 10.5 per cent to Rs percent. The wholesale price inflation 44,345 in 2009-10 against Rs Prime Minister Manmohan vaulted above the RBI's end40,141 in the year-ago period, Singh last week said an annual March 2010 inflation forecast according to the government economic growth rate of 10 of 8.5 percent in January and data reported in another article percent is needed in the medium crossed the 10-percent mark in in India's Economic Times. term to address the problems of February. The per capita income was poverty and malnutrition. Even Although food price inflation slightly higher than Rs 43,749 a s S i n g h a i m s f o r h i g h has eased from its peak of 20 as calculated by the Central economic growth, inflation and percent in December, it is still Statistical Organisation (CSO) the high level of debt have come above 16 percent. in its advance estimates for to haunt his government and Rising cost pressures are also FY10. However, per capita appears to be undermining its dragging down the pace of income grew by 5.6 per cent support base, as we at Economy m a n u f a c t u r i n g g r o w t h , a s last fiscal year if calculated on Watch have noted. evidenced by a second-straight the basis of 2004-05 prices, Wholesale prices, the most monthly decline in the HSBC INDIA'S page 6 closely watched inflation gauge Markit Purchasing Managers'


E-reader News Edition


This Week in New York Tech: June 14 Charlie O'Donnell (Business Insider) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:32:19 AM

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty tired of Follow Friday. It's spammy, impersonal, and totally passive. "Hey everyone, regardless of who you are or what you do, follow these people. Don't actually interact with them in any way!" It's garbage. Instead, I'd like to make today, and every Monday, "Awesome Intro Monday". Hashtag: #awesomeintromonday Here's how it works... it's quite simple. Just introduce two awesome people that you know that a) you're pretty sure have never met and b) that you think would actually be a somewhat relevant or interesting intro. This way, you're personalizing it and you're instigating actual interaction--hopefully in person. Just write "I'd like to introduce @[insert one awesome person here] to @[insert second awesome person here] because they're both pretty awesome. #awesomeintromonday." It's just that simple, now you try. Monday, June 14th Internet Week Grand Finale, brought to you by DataRockit Try as I may, but I can't find any ticket

links to the Webbys or the Gala afterparty... so I guess they're sold out or you have to be special. As an alternative, these guys are hosting a one hour open bar. That makes the plan for tonight: 1) Get hammered at DataRockit party. 2) Buy a boombox. 3) Stand outside the Webby Awards blasting "In Your Eyes" until that Elsasser girl agrees to go out with you or the cops come. RSVP: http:// internetweekgrandfinale.eventbr Tuesday, June 15th 6:30PM Tech Founders NYC Looking for a technical cofounder? Yeah, you know who you are--sitting there with your MBA diploma and your bright idea--just waiting for the right hacker to come along and make you boat rich and Digg famous. Well, stuff those dreams in a sack, buddy, because now you've got to pitch for your code and your idea better be awesome, and you need to convice this tech crowd that you can be a great partner. The event is sold out, but click through, get in touch with these folks and get your pitch queued up for next time! Info: http:// Wednesday, June 16th 6:30PM NYLUG Presents: Rob Spectre on Open Source Television with Boxee Boxee's free, open

We promise it's totally legit. RSVP: Online-Marketing-School Friday, June 18th 8:30AM DUMBO Tech Breakfast Meetup Everybody grabs some food (you have to pay for your own, sorry), grabs a seat, and talks tech. There's no particular focus other than meeting some new people hand having some interesting conversations. You don't even need to be a hipster to go! RSVP: http:// 13719108/ 9PM Alpha One Labs Hackathon Boasting activities like "Make a bot source, downloadable media he's looking for and give your Monday", "Soder Sundays" and center software is changing the best short pitch intro. We "Replicant Night" (Ok, so I way consumers experience swear that's his real name, too. I made that last one up), Alpha media. Lead Apps Developer think it would be better if he One Labs aims to provide a safe, and Community Evangelist Rob had a name that related to VC, clean space for users of all ages Spectre will discuss Boxee's though... like Bill Deposit, or and interests to work on projects open source heritage, hacker Cap Table. together. Dust off your culture, and open API as well as R S V P : h t t p : / / neglected projects and power answer your questions and through the night to finish them unload T-shirts a-plenty. T- 6 : 3 0 P M n e x t N Y O n l i n e with us! The event starts at 9:00 shirts! OH YEAH! [Enter Kool Marketing School Session #2 PM officially and goes through Aid guy] RSVP: SEO/SEM Experts from the the next morning. RSVP: http:// /pipermail/nylug-talk/2010-June s e a r c h m a r k e t i n g a n d /014186.html Thursday, June optimization world will be Join the conversation about this 17th 6:15PM Entrepreneurs walking through best practices story Âť Roundtable 27 - Chip Hazard for getting your website indexed C h i p H a z a r d w o r k s f o r and ranked by search engines Flybridge Capital Partners, so if a n d h o w t o r u n k e y w o r d you're in the market for funding, campaigns. Hmm...this sounds drop in and learn about what kind of spammy, doesn't it?



E-reader News Edition

Afghanistan's Potential Billions in Lithium: Why It's Important Kit Eaton (Fast Company) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:53:05 AM

This weekend rare and fabulous news came from Afghanistan that trillion-dollar mineral deposits have been discovered. Chief among the riches is lithium, an element central to the most popular type of rechargable batteries used today. But what exactly is lithium and how do the batteries work? Lithium the element Lithium, properly discovered in 1817, is a an alkali metal in the same family as sodium and it's actually a soft metal under normal conditions--you can cut it with a knife. It's also the least dense solid element and the lightest metal, meaning it can actually float on water, but it's incredibly reactive and flammable in air and water so it has to be stored beneath a sticky oil in laboratory environments. Lithium has multiple uses in the modern world, including as a mood-stabilizing drug, but its first serious industrial use was during the second World War as part of high-temperature lubricants that were perfect for use in aircraft engines. The U.S. was the world leader in lithium production from this era until the 1980s when vast South American deposits began to dominate. The metal's high reactivity means it's not found in nature as a pure metal, instead being

found as a chemical compound-although it's pretty rare, and is just the 25th most abundant chemical element in the Earth's crust. It's often extracted electrolytically from a lithium chloride/potassium chloride mix. [youtube 8ypUVpwgcAA] Lithium batteries Batteries based on lithium technology are the most popular rechargeable batteries at the moment. This is because they're light, reliable, they don't lose

charge quickly if not used, and they have no memory effect (the degradation in performance seen after many charge-discharge cycles that plagued NiCAD batteries before lithium took over). Inside a battery there's typically a carbon anode, a metallic oxide cathode and the lithium present is dissolved in an organic solvent. When you apply a charging current through the battery, Li+ lithium ions physically move through the

battery to the negative electrode from the positive one, becoming embedded in the porous material there. When you then put the battery into your electronic gear the ions slowly make their way out of the electrode and drift through the battery to the positive electrode, resulting in a flow of current through the battery and thus powering your gadget. Simple, isn't it? The only trick is that the batteries need a few physical, chemical and electrical

protections built in so that they keep working under normal circumstances and so that they don't explode if they malfunction (by getting too hot, for example). Failures in these systems explain the occasional headline you've seen about people being hurt by failing cell phones, but in reality these accidents are extremely rare. Technology that may displace lithium batteries The Afghanistan government will suffer from little previous expertise in mining operations on a commercial mega-scale, and limitations from zero existing infrastructure. But if it's to capitalize on the vast cash potential in its lithium deposits it needs to move relatively quickly. Lithium battery tech is so promising it's not going to go anywhere soon, and our gadgets will certainly rely on Li-ion technology for many years yet. But there are several technologies en route that may eventually displace it from being the power source of choice. Alternative battery tech--Much research is going on to try to improve rechargeable battery technology. One seriously viable alternative, already on the market in small numbers is nickel-zinc. The chemistry of their design means they offer slightly higher voltages than can AFGHANISTAN'S page 7

Business/ Featured/

E-reader News Edition


Get Your Submissions in for Our Father's Day Contest! Cliff Kuang (Fast Company) Submitted at 6/14/2010 11:13:10 AM

The deadline is 24 hours away-but already, we've been amazed at the quality of your entries. Last week, we announced our Father's Day contest, a storytelling competition. We asked you to provide a song that always reminds you of your father, and why--with the best story, as selected by us, winning a pair of Ceramic Speakers by Joey Roth. Your responses have been nothing short of tremendous, and a pleasure to read--a mixture of comedy and memory and sentiment that we're honored to host on our site. A number of people have touched on songs that revealed something about their fathers they would have never seen otherwise, like this entry from Amy Brearley: After punching in my CSNY tape into the car radio in high school, my dad listened for a moment and said "this song always reminds me of being in Vietnam." I stopped whatever I was doing because, up to that point, I'd never heard him mention being in the war. "When that happened in Kent State, I wondered why I'd want to go home to a country that

could do that. I remember listening to this song and thinking that, when my tour was up, asking your mother to meet me in Australia so I didn't have to go back." He's a great dad, but that was the most open he'd ever been, and I still remember that feeling 20 years later. There's been some stories tinged with inevitable regret, like this one from Jake Peters: Ever since I could remember my

father has tried to be "father of the year" because he grew up without a father. His father died when he was very young. But i was a kid and could care less what my father was to me or why he was around. To me he was just that authority figure always telling me what to do and how to do it. As I got older I finally told him to leave me alone. And he did. He stopped going to my games. He stopped giving me instructions.

He stopped being "Dad". I have since moved away and have now become a Dad myself. Man I wish I could strangle that kid that said, "Dad just leave me alone". I realize now that he was the best thing that ever happened to me. I miss my Dad and wish i had those years back.For this I think of the song by Cat Stevens, Father And Son. It is a true representation of a father and son relationship. Here's a funnier take, courtesy

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of Jason Cowell: This has to be the oddest of all. The song that reminds me of my Dad is also the first real song I can remember when I was about six was, believe it or not, "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees. My brother got a brand new, high tech tape cassette player (the little silver and black recorders with the lever buttons) which was revolutionary at the time and one day my parents were having a party with their friends over and one of their friends had the soundtrack (cassette) for the number one movie out "Saturday Night Fever". next thing I know there are a bunch of old people dancing around my house to a what I know must have been an acoustic travesty. 30 years later I'm visiting my parents, we're in the car and "Stayin' Alive" comes on the radio. My Dad starts bobbing (he's 71) around and says: "Remember this song? We used to really 'jig it up' to his one." NEVER can I hear that song without thinking of my Dad. Thank you so much to everyone that's taken the time to share. And don't forget, you still have a shade under 24 hours to share your story here.


Business/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Now Everyone's Cutting Their Google Estimates - No Wonder The Stock Has Tanked (GOOG)

INDIA'S continued from page 2

which some argue is a better method of comparison because it broadly factors in inflation. Henry Blodget (Business Channel Check #3: comScore Per capita income (at 2004-05 Insider) qSearch Market Share Trends– prices) stood at Rs 33,588 in Per our 6/10 note, GOOG’s FY10 against Rs 31,821 in the Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:38:00 AM share of U.S. Queries reached previous year, according to It wasn't long ago that analysts an all time high of 66.4% in estimates of national income were murmuring that Google's May, when adjusting out for released today. stock (GOOG) was about to be a contextual/slideshow searches. The size of the economy rose to big winner again. Not anymore. Reiterate Buy & Top Pick, Rs 62,31,171 crore in the last Now everyone's cutting their With PT Reduced From $640 to fiscal year, up 11.8 per cent Google estimates. $630— We maintain our 20X over Rs 55,74,449 crore in Yes, most of the cuts are target P/E multiple on our 4% FY09. blamed on the strengthening reduced Non-GAAP 2011 EPS For those who aren't Indian, a dollar, which will cut into of $31.30. Our $630 PT implies crore, often abbreviated cr, is a Google's foreign profits. But approximately 30% upside. We unit in the Indian numbering there's also the not-exactlycontinue to believe that a non- system equal to ten million / stunning recovery of the core U K I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a c r o 10,000,000 / 107. It is widely business and the complete dud r e c o v e r y a n d a m a t e r i a l used in Bangladesh, India, known as the Nexus One. contribution from GOOG’s new Nepal, and Pakistan. Large Google still needs to find that revenue initiatives will over the money amounts in India are Trends are at least In-Line. 2010 spend growth, consistent big second revenue stream. next 1-3 quarters– NOT 1-3 often written in the form "Rs 23 Until it does, the stock will Channel Check #1: Takeaways with our GOOG estimates. years– likely combine for a cr", that is, 23,00,00,000 rupees Channel Check #2: CPC (230,000,000 in Western likely be stuck in the mud. From Proprietary Quarterly Breakout Quarter. SEM Call– On 6/11, we hosted Datapoints– Organic CPC (Cost Here's Mark Mahaney of Citi: Join the conversation about this n o t a t i o n ) . This is guest post comes from Lowering Estimates On FX— our Q2 SEM call with leading Per Click) trends, which were story » David Caploe, PhD of We have lowered our 2010 Net firms Covario, SearchIgnite, negative in Q1, appear to have See Also: Revenue ests by 2% to $20.5B E f f i c i e n t F r o n t i e r , a n d reversed and are positive in Q2, • Google TV Is A Bigger Deal E c o n o m y W a t c h . c o m . Join the conversation about this & our 2010 Non-GAAP EPS by Clickable. Our takeaway is that with particular growth in the Than You Think 3% to $27.41 due to a material G O O G ’ s c o r e S e a r c h b i z Retail & Travel verticals. • THE GOOGLE INVESTOR: story » change in our FX assumptions c o n t i n u e s t o s e e a n Specifically, Efficient Frontier The New iPhone Won't Stop (sig. Euro weakness), and to a improvement vs. H2:09 levels. is tracking high single digit+ % Android lesser extent, to reduced Nexus Our checks are seeing solid Q/ Q/Q growth through May. FX One unit sales ests. We have Q Q2 Search spend growth, w/ headwinds will dampen CPC made similar reductions to Q2 the Travel, Retail, and Finance moves, but our 1% Q/Q CPC and 2011 ests. Channel Checks verticals as strong. Also, the assumption seems highly suggest, however, that Core Biz SEMs are looking for 14%-20% reasonable.

9 Mesmerizing Hypnosis Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:00:00 AM

(more info) Religion and the Attack On the Five Filters featured article: Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Headshot - Propaganda, State tools: PDF Newspaper, Full

Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition

Startup Advice From "City Slickers": Do One Thing Really Well Tim Berry (Business Insider)

strategy and strategic focus. It calls up lots of related business Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:37:00 AM buzzwords, like positioning, and Raise your hands now, how differentiation. You can’t do many remember that scene in everything well, so you have to City Slickers? And, just in case do the right things well. you don’t, I found it – only 32 And what’s the right thing? seconds long – on YouTube ( That’s what you have to figure click here for YouTube source out for your business. It’s page): different for every business. The grizzled old cowboy What is it for yours? (played by Jack Palace) tells the Can you survive on focusing on newbie character (Billy Crystal) that one thing? Can you grow the secret to life is … that way? Or is that a failure to Grizzled cowboy: One thing. diversify? Good questions all, Just one thing. You stick to that and, like the grizzled old and everything else don’t mean cowboy says, that’s what you sh*t. have to figure out. Newbie: That’s great, but, (With a tip of the hat to Sramana what’s the one thing? Mitra who posted Startup Grizzled cowboy: That’s what Strategy Roundtable: Do One you gotta figure out. Thing Really Well last week on Fast forward to startups and Read/Write Web’s startup small business, and it’s called channel. In that post, she retells

AFGHANISTAN'S continued from page 4

be gained from Li-ion, they're non-toxic and claim to have the most recyclable components of any battery. Fuel cells--We hear lots about fuel cells in terms of electric vehicle design, but portable fuel cells for gadgets already exist. The plan is to minimize the size so that eventually your cell phone may need just a tiny puff

of butane every now and then to power it. To keep up with this news, follow me, Kit Eaton, on Twitter. That QR code on the left will take your smartphone to my Twitter feed too.

the stories of three startups from the latest roundtable.) Tim Berry is president and founder of Palo Alto Software, founder of, and a co -founder of Borland International. This post was originally published at his blog,, and is republished here with permission. Join the conversation about this story » See Also: • "You're Not A Real Entrepreneur" • Why Every Startup Should Make A Business MODEL Before Wasting Time On A Business PLAN • The 4 Key Elements Of A Massively Scalable Startup


iFive: Obama Pushes BP for Fund, Twitter Weddings, ChatRoulette's Genital-Sensing Tech, Apple Search and TV, Dead-Tree in Profit Addy Dugdale (Fast Company) Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:50:16 AM

While American soccer fans toast their 1-1 win over England on Saturday night, innovation didn't really care, because it was inventing a new ballgame to be played in a new ballpark. With four-legged hairdroids. 1. In advance of his meeting with British Petroleum--sorry, BP--execs on Wednesday, Obama is working out just how to make BP pay. The President, who calls the spill nature's 9/11, will be addressing the American nation from the Oval Office tomorrow, and one wonders whether he'll have an answer to the question on most people's lips: Just how long will it take to halt the flow of oil from the leak? 2. While the media buzz around Andrey Ternovskiy's ChatRoulette site may have abated somewhat, it's still mighty popular. Just not as popular as before--the reason for this being the amount of willywaving on the site. But the teenage founder may have an answer to this: penis-sensing software, and the wise head of

Napster founder Shawn Fanning. 3. With this tweet, I thee wed. This Saturday, in Mobile, Alabama, the first Twitter-based wedding will take place. It's between Sara and Paul, a couple who run the Daily Shite website, and the invitation urges guests to " share the celebration as they merge their lifestreams and the contents of their hard drives forever." Most looked forward to will be the 140-character address from the official, no doubt. 4. A week after Steve's keynote at the WWDC, and the official iPhone 4 announcement, some things are becoming clearer. The iMovie app will only work on Apple's latest phone, and not the iPad. Venture Capitalist Stewart Alsop had some things to say about the future of search on Apple: It's all about Siri--and it will all be about Apple TV, according to Alsop. 5. Memo to dead-tree press barons: Turn your newspaper into a freebie and you'll coin it in via advertising. London's Evening Standard has done just that and is close to making a profit, reports PaidContent.


Business/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

Will New Video-Game Technology Help Microsoft? Steven Mallas (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:30:00 AM

Filed under: Microsoft (MSFT), Activision Inc (ATVI), Technology, Nintendo (NTDOY) According to various reports, Microsoft ( MSFT) should be announcing a new hands-free, motion sensing gaming controller called Kinect at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (abbreviated as E3). When Addy Dugdale (Fast are no limitations on content-- "Much of this is driven by the thinking of motion controlled Company) from documentaries, to stop- growth of sites like YouTube technology most of us would motion, animation and music and the democratization of immediately think of Nintendo ( Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:50:42 AM videos--in short, just about production. There's a huge NTDOY) Wii and its bodyI n t h e w o r l d o f s t r a n g e a n y t h i n g t h a t w i l l f i l l a creative community online [and] controlled technology, which is bedfellows, YouTube and the YouTube screen, and the 20 we're hoping this project will meant to capture some of the Guggenheim would surely be finalists will be shown at the help bubble things up to the mindshare from the console the couple most likely to take Guggenheim in New York, as surface." favored by the casual player. the cake. Yet the museum has well as its outposts in Berlin, The intro video has been made Is Microsoft's attempt too little turned to the video-hosting site Bilbao and Venice. by Johnny Kelly, a former too late? Will its motion-sensing to source its creative talent for [youtube Bpb4CdgL-wU] J e r w o o d M o v i n g I m a g e help boost the prospects for the ยกts forthcoming biennale of E v e n Y o u T u b e ' s s e n i o r prizewinner--you can see his stock? I would definitely not video art, with YouTube Play. marketing manager, Ed Sanders, Vimeo page here--and you can buy shares of Microsoft based [youtube Y6a3T6O4SQU] admits that the shack-up is see how it was made below. on this news. While it could The two institutions, alongside "slightly unusual on paper", but Final day for submitting entries indeed help the Xbox 360 sell collaborator HP, are hoping to is adamant that the website is is July 31. "elevate the debate" about what partially behind the recent [youtube BGY5gWIa9A0] people can do with video. There explosion in creative video.

YouTube and Guggenheim Hook Up on Biennale Video Art

Cooking Class: Marinating (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)


Five Filters featured article: Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Headshot - Propaganda, State tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Religion and the Attack On the Text RSS, Term Extraction.

more units in the short term once it eventually hits the market, I'm not certain it will have any long-term appeal. Plus, you don't invest in Microsoft solely for its video-game division. Continue reading Will New Video-Game Technology Help Microsoft? Will New Video-Game Technology Help Microsoft? originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Nintendo- MicrosoftElectronic Entertainment ExpoVideo game- Xbox

Business/ Technology/

E-reader News Edition


Clean Harbors (CLH): Cleaning Up in the Gulf?

Onyx Pharmaceuticals and Bayer Drug Trial Fails

Microsoft unveils Kinect at Cirqueesque event (photos)

Steven Halpern (BloggingStocks)

Mark Fightmaster (BloggingStocks)

Microsoft unveiled its controller-free video game system Kinect on Sunday night in Los Angeles, un-officially kicking off the Electronic Entertainment Expo, one of the world's largest annual gaming conventions. Photo by James Martin/CNET Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

to come. "Clean Harbors is a well-run company that was founded by Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:00:00 AM current CEO Alan Kim in 1980 Filed under: Newsletters, Oil, as a four-man outt dedicated to S t o c k s t o B u y , G r e e n cleaning out oil tanks. Last Stocks"The clean up from the month, the company sent a BP oil spill will be involved, phalanx of employees to begin costly and very long; one cleanup efforts in the Gulf. company involved is Clean Continue reading Clean Harbors ( CLH), which is the Harbors (CLH): Cleaning Up in m a r k e t s h a r e l e a d e r i n the Gulf? hazardous waste services and a Clean Harbors (CLH): Cleaning leader in overall environmental Up in the Gulf? originally remediation," says Brendan appeared on BloggingStocks on Coffey, a specialist in "green" Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:00:00 investing. EST. Please see our terms for The editor of Cabot Green use of feeds. Permalink| Email Investor explains, "Given the this| Comments scope of the Deepwater Horizon Clean Harbor- Oil spillwell disaster and the established D e e p w a t e r H o r i z o n - B P reputation of Clean Harbors, we E n v i r o n m e n t suspect the company will benefit for months if not years

in patients with newly diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:30:00 AM cancer comprises roughly 85% Filed under: Before the Bell to 90% of diagnosed lung Bayer and O n y x cancers. Nexavar is already used Pharmaceuticals ( ONXX) to treat kidney and liver cancer. announced Monday morning Continue reading Onyx that a Phase III study of lung Pharmaceuticals and Bayer cancer treatment Nexavar did Drug Trial Fails not meet its primary endpoint -Onyx Pharmaceuticals and improving overall survival. The B a y e r D r u g T r i a l F a i l s two pharmaceutical firms said o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n they were "disappointed" with BloggingStocks on Mon, 14 Jun the failure of the trial and that 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see they will evaluate the findings to our terms for use of feeds. see if the data may have any P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | impact on other Nexavar trials. C o m m e n t s This trial was measuring Onyx Pharmaceuticals- CancerNexavar plus the standard Lung cancer- Clinical trialtreatment chemotherapy drugs BloggingStocks against the chemo drugs alone

(CNET Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:09:58 AM

Microsoft's Project Natal Controller to be Called "Kinect" Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

be called Kinect. The news came from an Italian ad for the product that was Update: It's official. pushed out by Atlas, an ad Joystiq reported today that agency owned by Microsoft. Microsoft's motion-capture The news was originally broken camera and gaming controller, on USA Today's Game Hunters code-named Project Natal will blog in a post which has since Submitted at 6/13/2010 10:23:00 PM

apparently been redacted. Sponsor Joystiq also announced a list of the games that will come out with the dynamic gaming system. They include

Kinectimals, an animal-raising game; Joyride, a racing game; Kinect Sports; Kinect Adventures, a rafting game; MTV Games' Dance Central. Disney and Star Wars-character games are in development. Project Natal's unveiling is

occurring this evening in conjunction, somehow, with the Cirque du Soleil. More on the Seattle PI's Microsoft Blog. Discuss


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Strong Dollar Leads to Lower Game Sales for THQ Mark Fightmaster (BloggingStocks)

Microsoft's E3 2010 keynote is today at 10:30AM PT / 1:30PM ET

Submitted at 6/14/2010 11:00:00 AM

Filed under: Forecasts, THQ Inc. (THQI) Early Monday morning, videogame manufacturer THQ ( THQI) announced that a stronger U.S. dollar and lowerthan-expected sales of UFC Undisputed have caused the company to lower its firstquarter and full-year revenue Cliff Kuang (Fast Company) initial spillage. Up top, to the right, you can see forecast. Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:55:47 AM the various processes affecting The company now believes it How the ocean absorbs and the spilled oil, and the layers of will report full-year net sales in spreads the oil streaming into it. ocean at which they take place. a range of $845 million to $865 The oil streaming into the gulf To the left of that chart, you can million, along with managing to isn't just pouring from the ocean see a streamgraph showing b r e a k e v e n o n p e r - s h a r e floor and causing havoc--along which processes occur over earnings. THQ had earlier the way, it's triggering myriad t i m e . F o r e x a m p l e , forcast net sales to total between chemical interactions. emulsification, whereby the oil $905 million and $920 million You hear some of these mixes with the water, occurs in with earnings between 25 cents interactions mentioned in news the days following a spill; bio- per share and 30 cents per share. r e p o r t s - - t h i n g s s u c h b i o - degradation happens in the span As for analysts, expectations degradation and oxidation. But of months and years after. they've never been explained as The chart also has detailed e l e g a n t l y a s i n t h e s e graphs illustrating each process. (Scripting News) i n f o g r a p h i c s b y M S N B C . Evaporation: Submitted at 6/13/2010 12:57:54 PM The design, obviously, is a bit Bio degradation: perfunctory. But the content is Check out the entire interactive Well I fixed the problem with the bad overhang described superb, seeking to answer what graphic here. here. happens to the oil in the days, Now there appears to be weeks, and years following the another problem. Not sure if it's a result of this fix or if it was a

Infographic of the Day: The Physics of Oil Spills

Next CSS question

Ross Miller (Engadget) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:58:00 AM

A scene from our E3 2009 liveblog We can't promise a Cirque de Soleil performance on par with last night's Kinect debut, but we're guessing Microsoft's got another trick or two up its sleeve for today's E3 2010 keynote event -- and as you should've already guessed, we'll be there liveblogging until our fingers bleed and our equipment rebels to the point of full sentient mutiny. Keep your eyes glued to this URL here, the fun starts at 10:30AM PT / 1:30PM ET. Microsoft's E3 2010 keynote is today at 10:30AM PT / 1:30PM ET originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 problem before. I've gotten two reports today, 10:58:00 EDT. Please see our both after making the change, t e r m s f o r u s e o f f e e d s . | Email this| that the site doesn't work in IE8. Permalink| Here's a screen shot that Comments illustrates. If you see what the problem is, please post a comment. were for 31 cents per share with revenue of $913.4 million. Continue reading Strong Dollar Leads to Lower Game Sales for THQ Strong Dollar Leads to Lower Game Sales for THQ originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments THQ- Video gameBloggingStocks- Sales- UFC 2009 Undisputed

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$1 Trillion in Mineral Deposits Discovered in Afghanistan

U.S. discovers $1 trillion Afghan mineral deposits: report (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 6/14/2010 7:15:11 AM

SINGAPORE(Reuters) Afghanistan could be holding $1 trillion of untapped mineral deposits including critical Connie Madon mineral deposits would make i n d u s t r i a l m e t a l s s u c h a s (BloggingStocks) them a major world producer. lithium, the New York Times Already China has invested $4 r e p o r t e d , q u o t i n g U . S . Submitted at 6/14/2010 11:30:00 AM billion to develop the Aynak g o v e r n m e n t o f f i c i a l s . Filed under: Market Matters, copper mine. Other players World Commodities would include Russia and India. The previously unknown From Iraq oil to Afghanistan Continue reading$1 Trillion in deposits of iron, copper, cobalt minerals. A Pentagon team and Mineral Deposits Discovered in and gold are so huge that it U.S. geologists discovered Afghanistan could transform the mineral deposits valued upwards $1 Trillion in Mineral Deposits impoverished nation into one of of $1 trillion dollars. Deposits of Discovered in Afghanistan the world's important mining iron, copper, cobalt, gold and o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n centers, the report on the lithium are scattered throughout BloggingStocks on Mon, 14 Jun newspaper's website said. ( the country, mainly in the south 2010 11:30:00 EST. Please see here) and east, near the border with our terms for use of feeds. The mineral wealth, discovered Pakistan. This is the area where P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | by a team of Pentagon officials the Taliban strongholds are C o m m e n t s and U.S. geologists, is scattered located. Afghanistan- United States- t h r o u g h o u t t h e c o u n t r y The U.S. team estimates that Gold- Pakistan- BloggingStocks including in the south and east development of Afghanistan's along the border with Pakistan, where the Taliban-led insurgency is the most intense. "There is stunning potential here," the newspaper quoted General David Petraeus, commander of the U.S. Central Command, as saying in an

interview at the weekend. "There are lots of ifs, of course, but I think potentially it is hugely significant." An internal Pentagon memo said Afghanistan could become the "Saudi Arabia of lithium," the New York Times said. Lithium is a key raw material in the manufacture of batteries for laptops and other electronics such as mobile telephones. Afghanistan does not have any mining industry or infrastructure, so it will take decades for the country to exploit its mineral wealth fully, the paper quoted U.S. officials as saying. The report about the country's untapped wealth is likely to intensify competition among regional players such as China, India and even Russia for a greater role in exploiting those resources. Two Chinese firms have committed themselves to a $4 billion investment in the vast Aynak copper mine, south of Kabul, the biggest non-military foreign investment so far in the country. Another big contract to mine an

Moring Edition: Project Natal is now Kinect (CNET Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:48:45 AM

The World Cup sets a record in


I n t e r n e t t r a f f i c , p o s s i b l e 1 minute 33 seconds Nintendo 3DS screenshots are June 14, 2010 7:48 AM PDT leaked, and Microsoft's project Five Filters featured article: Natal gets an official name. Headshot - Propaganda, State

Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

estimated 1.8 billion tons of high-quality iron ore in the remote mountainous region of Hajigak is expected to open for international bidding this year. Firms from India and China are eyeing the contract, which the Afghan mines ministry says is the largest unmined iron deposit in Asia. According to the U.S. study, the biggest deposits discovered so far are of iron and copper and the quantities are large enough to make Afghanistan a major world producer. Other finds include large deposits of niobium, a soft metal used in producing superconducting steel, rare earth elements and large gold deposits in Pashtun areas of southern Afghanistan. (Reporting by Sanjeev Miglani; Editing by Paul Tait) Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Feds under pressure to open US skies to drones (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:01:49 AM

WASHINGTON – Unmanned aircraft have proved their usefulness and reliability in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. Now the pressure's on to allow them in the skies over the United States. The Federal Aviation Administration has been asked to issue flying rights for a range of pilotless planes to carry out civilian and law-enforcement functions but has been hesitant to act. Officials are worried that they might plow into airliners, cargo planes and corporate jets that zoom around at high altitudes, or helicopters and hot air balloons that fly as low as a few hundred feet off the ground. On top of that, these pilotless aircraft come in a variety of sizes. Some are as big as a small airliner, others the size of a backpack. The tiniest are small enough to fly through a house window. The obvious risks have not deterred the civilian demand for pilotless planes. Tornado researchers want to send them into storms to gather data. Energy companies want to use them to monitor pipelines. State police hope to send them up to capture images of speeding cars' license plates. Local police envision using them to track

fleeing suspects. Like many robots, the planes have advantages over humans for jobs that are dirty, dangerous or dull. And the planes often cost less than piloted aircraft and can stay aloft far longer. "There is a tremendous pressure and need to fly unmanned aircraft in (civilian) airspace," Hank Krakowski, FAA's head of air traffic operations, told European aviation officials recently. "We are having constant conversations and discussions, particularly with the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security, to figure out how we can do this safely with all these different sizes of vehicles." There are two types of unmanned planes: Drones, which are automated planes programmed to fly a particular mission, and aircraft that are remotely controlled by someone on the ground, sometimes from thousands of miles away. Last year, the FAA promised defense officials it would have a plan this year. The agency, which has worked on this issue since 2006, has reams of safety regulations that govern every aspect of civilian aviation but is just beginning to write regulations for unmanned aircraft. "I think industry and some of the operators are frustrated that

we're not moving fast enough, but safety is first," Krakowski said in an interview. "This isn't Afghanistan. This isn't Iraq. This is a part of the world that has a lot of light airplanes flying around, a lot of business jets." One major concern is the prospect of lost communication between unmanned aircraft and the operators who remotely control them. Another is a lack of firm separation of aircraft at lower altitudes, away from major cities and airports. Planes entering these areas are not required to have collision warning systems or even transponders. Simply being able to see another plane and take action is the chief means of preventing accidents. The Predator B, already in use for border patrol, can fly for 20 hours without refueling, compared with a helicopter's average flight time of just over two hours. Homeland Security wants to expand their use along the borders of Mexico and Canada, and along coastlines for spotting smugglers of drugs and illegal aliens. The Coast Guard wants to use them for search and rescue. The National Transportation Safety Board held a forum in 2008 on safety concerns associated with pilotless aircraft after a Predator crashed in Arizona. The board concluded

the ground operator remotely controlling the plane had inadvertently cut off the plane's fuel. Texas officials, including Gov. Rick Perry, Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn, and Rep. Henry Cuellar, have been leaning on the FAA to approve requests to use unmanned aircraft along the Texas-Mexico border. FAA recently approved one request to use the planes along the border near El Paso, but another request to use them along the Texas Gulf Coast and near Brownsville is still pending. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has told lawmakers that safety concerns are behind the delays. Cornyn is blocking a Senate confirmation vote on President Barack Obama's nominee for the No. 2 FAA job, Michael Huerta, to keep the pressure on. Other lawmakers want an overall plan to speed up use of the planes beyond the border. A bill approved by the Senate gives FAA a year to come up with a plan; a House version extends the deadline until Sept. 30, 2013, but directs the transportation secretary to give unmanned aircraft permission to fly before the plan is complete, if that can be done safely. Marion Blakey, a former FAA administrator and president of

the Aerospace Industries Association, whose members include unmanned aircraft developers, said the agency has been granting approvals on a case by case basis but the pace is picking up. She acknowledged that there are still safety concerns that need to be addressed before the planes can be used more widely. Some concerns will be alleviated when the FAA moves from a radar-based air traffic control system to one based on GPS technology. Then, every aircraft will be able to advise controllers and other aircraft of their location continually. However, that's a decade off. Michael Barr, a University of Southern California aviation safety instructor, said the matter should not be rushed. "All it takes is one catastrophe," Barr said. "They'll investigate, find they didn't do it correctly, there'll be an outcry and it will set them back years." ___ Online: Federal Aviation Administration http:// Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Afghans: US finds mineral riches in Afghanistan (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

1950s and 1985 but much was hidden and protected by Afghan scientists "during the KABUL, Afghanistan – U.S. intermittent conflict over the geologists have discovered vast next two decades." mineral wealth in Afghanistan, The New York Times reported possibly amounting to $1 t h e $ 1 t r i l l i o n f i g u r e i n t r i l l i o n , P r e s i d e n t H a m i d Monday's edition and quoted K a r z a i ' s s p o k e s m a n s a i d senior American officials as Monday. saying untapped mineral Waheed Omar told reporters the deposits in Afghanistan are far findings were made by the U.S. beyond any previously known G e o l o g i c a l S u r v e y u n d e r reserves and were enough to c o n t r a c t t o t h e A f g h a n fundamentally alter the Afghan government. economy and perhaps the "The result of the survey ... has Afghan war itself. shown that Afghanistan has Americans discovered nearly mineral resources worth $1 $1 trillion in untapped mineral trillion," Omar said. "This is not d e p o s i t s i n A f g h a n i s t a n , an overall survey of all minerals including iron, copper, cobalt, in Afghanistan. Whatever has gold and critical industrial been found in this survey is metals like lithium, according to worth $1 trillion." the report. The Times quoted a Omar refused to provide Pentagon memo as saying details, referring reporters to the Afghanistan could become the " Ministry of Mines. An official at Saudi Arabia of lithium," a key the ministry refused to discuss raw material in the manufacture the survey, saying details would of batteries for laptops and cell be released at a news conference phones. later this week. "There is stunning potential A 2007 report by the USGS here," the newspaper quoted said most of the data on Gen. David H. Petraeus, Afghanistan's mineral resources commander of the United States was produced between the early Central Command as saying. Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:08:05 AM

"There are a lot of ifs, of course, but I think potentially it is hugely significant." Geologists have known for decades that Afghanistan contained substantial mineral resources, including copper, gold and cobalt. But the resources have never been fully exploited because of decades of armed conflict and poor infrastructure. The Times said huge lithium deposits were found in Ghazni province — much of which is effectively under Taliban control. During a visit last month to Washington, Karzai said his nation's untapped mineral deposits could be even higher — perhaps as much as $3 trillion. The mineral resources are a "massive opportunity," Karzai said at a May 13 event with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton held at the U.S. Institute of Peace. The report in the Times said the USGS began aerial surveys of Afghanistan's mineral resources in 2006, using data that had been collected by Soviet mining experts during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the

1980s. Promising results led to a more sophisticated study the next year. Then last year, a Pentagon task force that had created business development programs in Iraq arrived in Afghanistan and closely analyzed the geologists' findings. U.S. mining experts were brought in to validate the survey's conclusions, and top U.S. and Afghan officials were briefed. "I think it's very, very big news for the people of Afghanistan and that we hope will bring the Afghan people together for a cause that will benefit everyone," Karzai's spokesman, Omar, said. "This is an economic interest that will benefit all Afghans and will benefit Afghanistan in the long run." So far, the biggest mineral deposits discovered are of iron and copper, but finds include large deposits of niobium, a soft metal used in producing superconducting steel, as well as rare earth elements and large gold deposits in Pashtun areas of southern Afghanistan, the report said. Many of those areas are

Hate To Say It, But The TED Spread Is Surging Right Now Joe Weisenthal (The Money Game) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:10:02 AM

That's great that it looks like

risk is back on and all that, but we feel compelled to point out that the TED spread, that key measure of bank health, is on signifying an ongoing lack of fire, up over 4% on the day,

market confidence. According to Bloomberg, now closing in on 49. Join the conversation about this story »

too dangerous because of Taliban activity. Charles Kernot, a mining analyst with Evolution Securities Ltd. in London, said it typically takes three to five years to get a lithium mining operation up and running. Factors include how close the deposit is to power sources and other infrastructure and the size of the deposit. And large lithium deposits may not mean an automatic windfall — given competition and the uncertainty of the market. "Bolivia wants to expand its lithium mining operations dramatically over the next few years so there is a risk of oversupply if demand from electric cars does not meet expectations," Kernot said. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Papers Reveal Kagan's Thoughts on Partial-Birth Abortion, Religious Freedom (The Christian Post RSS Feed | Society)

issue to the President and danger this decision poses to RFRA’s guarantee of religious freedom Submitted at 6/13/2010 2:33:49 PM in the State of California, I think As a Clinton White House there is an argument to be made counsel, Solicitor General Elena for urging the [U.S. Supreme] Kagan said she felt it was best to Court to review and reverse the let doctors decide when a “so- decision,” she added. called partial-birth [abortion] The 1996 memo part of a procedure” was necessary. roughly 40,000-page trove of But the now-Supreme Court documents released by the nominee also sided with a William J. Clinton Presidential landlady who refused to rent to Library on Friday that shed unmarried couples based on her more light on what kind of religious belief that sex outside justice Kagan might be. of marriage was wrong. In another 1996 memo, Kagan “The plurality’s reasoning seem weighed in on the debate over a to me quite outrageous,” Kagan m e a s u r e p a s s e d b y t h e wrote in a 1996 memo regarding Republican-led Congress the the California Supreme Court’s year before that would have then-recent ruling against the banned a form of late-term landlady. abortion referred to by some as While the divided court found "partial-birth abortion." the actions of landlady Evelyn In response to President Smith to be in violation of a Clinton’s inquiry as to whether state law prohibiting housing the “so-called partial birth discrimination, Kagan made procedure is ever necessary to clear that she would have ruled save the life of a woman or avert otherwise, arguing against the serious harm to her health,” court’s suggestion that a state Kagan referred to a statement by law does not impose a the American College of substantial burden on religion Obstetricians and Gynecologists because the complainant was (ACOG), whose opinion she free to move to another state. said was “[p]erhaps the most “Taken seriously, this kind of reliable.” reasoning could strip RFRA (the In the statement, ACOG Religious Freedom Restoration acknowledged that the partialAct) of any real meaning,” she birth procedure – medically wrote. known as “intact dilation and “[G]iven the importance of this extraction” or “intact D&X” –

was not the only option to save the life or preserve the health of a woman. "An intact D&X, however, may be the best or most appropriate procedure in a particular circumstance to save the life or preserve the health of a woman, and only the doctor, in consultation with the patient, based upon the woman's particular circumstances can make this decision," the statement read, as quoted by Kagan. Though Kagan also highlighted the “serious risks” involved in the procedure and arguments by a group of mostly pro-life physicians against the idea of the procedure being required in any situation, she ultimately concluded that it was best to leave the decision to the doctors. “Allowing the medical community to make clearly medical decisions in this way is the only certain way to protect the health of women,” she wrote. Clinton's library has been working on getting out all 160,000 pages of documents related to Kagan's White House tenure as requested by the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is set to begin hearings on her nomination June 28. With Friday's release, all the paper documents have been

produced. Still to come are some 80,000 pages of e-mails 11,000 pages of which were written by Kagan. While some senators have expressed “deep” concern over rate at which Kagan’s documents are being released, committee chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy has called the concerns "misguided and misplaced." The Vermont Democrat said "there is more than enough time for senators and their staff to review" the records. "The documents released today show Elena Kagan to be a brilliant lawyer, advising President Clinton on a variety of complex issues," added the senator Friday. Presently, Kagan is the first high court nominee without experience as a judge since 1972. If confirmed, the 50-year-old former Harvard Law School dean would be the third woman on the court as well as the youngest justice. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Best Buy announces official iPhone 4 pre -sale for June 15th Laura June (Engadget) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:06:00 AM

Best Buy's just dropped the official details on its iPhone 4 pre-sale, and there are no surprises here. You'll be able to head over to any Best Buy starting tomorrow (that's June 15th) and pre-order up Apple's latest offering for delivery on June 24th. That's the same date Apple gave us so like we said -no surprises here -- but you can hit up the full press release below if you're into that sort of thing. Continue reading Best Buy announces official iPhone 4 presale for June 15th Best Buy announces official iPhone 4 pre-sale for June 15th originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:06:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

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1 remains missing after Ark. flash floods kill 19 (AP)

How big?

(Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:21:26 AM

Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:21:39 AM

LANGLEY, Ark. – Leslie and Adam Jez packed their camper and set off with their 3-year-old for Arkansas' Albert Pike Recreation Area, as they had many times before. But instead of starting their vacation Friday, they met up with family at the campsite a day earlier — a decision that proved fatal. Flash floods pushed a torrent of water through their campsite on the edge of the Ouachita National Forest before dawn, killing at least 19 people including Leslie and her mother, Sherry Wade. Adam survived, and authorities said Monday morning that his son, Kaden, was confirmed dead. State police said one other person was still missing, and search teams resumed their work Monday morning. "(Kaden's) only vocabulary when it wasn't 'mama' and 'daddy' consisted of tractors and horses," Leslie's grandfather, former Arkansas legislator Charles " Bubba" Wade, said Sunday. "I can just see her holding the baby" during the flood, Wade said of his granddaughter, his words

choked with grief. No one has been found alive since Friday. The last two bodies recovered — one Saturday and the other Sunday — were found among the tangled piles of tents, trees, children's toys and clothing in the rugged, heavily wooded terrain along the Little Missouri River. View slideshow Wade said camping trips and the outdoors were commonplace for his large family. His children and grandchildren went to Boy and Girl Scout events in the Albert Pike Recreation Area, and Kaden and Leslie rode horses and rounded up cattle together. "Little Kaden had been up here on my 81st birthday, sitting on my lap with cowboy boots on," said Wade, who spent 18 years as a state lawmaker and introduced the legislation that created the nearby Millwood State Park. Adam Jez, an electrician, and his wife, a college student, decided to begin their camping trip early because he had to work Saturday. The floods descended on their campsite only a few hours after they arrived.

Floodwaters rose as swiftly as 8 feet per hour, pouring through the remote valley with such force that they peeled asphalt from roads. Cabins along the river banks were severely damaged, and mobile homes were tossed on their sides. Forecasters had warned of the approaching danger in the area during the night, but campers could easily have missed the advisories because the area is isolated. "It was a real tragedy for our family and for everyone else who chose that spot," Wade said. "I'm just speechless." Fifty miles of river and tributaries have been combed at least twice by search crews, some places three or four times, said Forest Service Incident Commander Mike Quesinberry. But the terrain has made it impossible to bring in heavy equipment to unlock some of the piles. One measured 30 feet high and more than 100 feet long, he said. "This is an area that's so rugged, there's so much debris ... you can't get to it," said Arkansas State Police Capt. Mike Fletcher. But he said there are no plans to end the search.

"We'll continue the search as long as we feel there may be someone in there," he said. Wade didn't blame anyone for the tragedy, calling it "an act of God." But he said there should be a better way of informing campers of such danger, perhaps through an electronic warning system. "Gosh darn, I know everyone regrets the loss, but everything can be improved upon," he said. "There can be a better warning system, whether it's three in the morning or three in the afternoon." Among many families of the missing and dead, the stages of grief played out over the weekend, as heartache turned to anger. "Today, it's mostly the question of 'why?' and trying to understand," said local pastor Ted DeWeese. "Everything that was a help yesterday is an intrusion today." Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


(The Economist: Daily news and views)

DESPITE dominating the headlines for more than a month, there is little agreement about the size of the Deepwater Horizon spill. One of the teams in the government taskforce has put the latest estimate at between 20,000 and 40,000 barrels a day, up from an earlier range of 12,000 to 19,000. Discounting the 149,000 barrels captured by BP's cap, even at the low end of the new range, the leak would be one of the largest accidental spills ever (the various wells uncorked by the first Gulf War were far bigger). Barack Obama will increase pressure on BP on Tuesday when he speaks about the cleanup from the Oval Office. BP, for its part, is searching for a truce with the American government that will involve it paying billions of dollars in compensation. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Moscow-led force may act to quell Kyrgyz clashes (Reuters: Top News)

not specify the measures. The CSTO comprises Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, OSH Kyrgyzstan (Reuters) - A Kyrgyztan, Tajikistan and Moscow-led security group said Uzbekistan. on Monday it would consider The latest clashes are the worst sending a military force to ethnic violence in southern southern Kyrgyzstan to quell Kyrgyzstan since 1990, when ethnic clashes that have killed at then-Kremlin leader Mikhail l e a s t 1 2 4 p e o p l e i n t h e Gorbachev sent Soviet troops impoverished Central Asian into Osh after hundreds of state. people were killed in a dispute World| Russia| Kyrgyzstan that started over land ownership. The clashes between Kyrgyz The turmoil has fueled concern and Uzbek residents in the cities in Russia, the United States and of Osh and Jalalabad began late neighbor China. Washington on Thursday and escalated over uses an air base at Manas in the the weekend. Witnesses said north of the ex-Soviet state, gangs with automatic rifles, iron about 300 km (190 miles) from bars and machetes set fire to O s h , t o s u p p l y f o r c e s i n h o u s e s a n d s h o t f l e e i n g Afghanistan. Russia also has an residents. air base. The Moscow-led security bloc Kyrgyzstan's interim of ex-Soviet republics, known as government, which assumed the Collective Security Treaty p o w e r a f t e r p r e s i d e n t Organization (CSTO), met on K u r m a n b e k B a k i y e v w a s Monday to discuss the situation o v e r t h r o w n i n A p r i l , h a s in the Central Asian state. accused supporters of the ousted "The CSTO has at its disposal leader of stoking ethnic conflict everything needed to act in such -- an allegation Bakiyev denied situations, including a peace- in a statement on Sunday. keeping contingent ... collective The interim government, led by r a p i d r e a c t i o n f o r c e s a n d Roza Otunbayeva, said on collective rapid deployment Monday that authorities in forces of the Central Asian Jalalabad had arrested a "wellregion," Russian media quoted known person" on suspicion of C S T O S e c r e t a r y G e n e r a l fomenting the riots. Nikolai Bordyuzha as saying. Kubatbek Baibolov, "But one should think it over commandant in Jalalabad, said well before using these means, in televised comments: "This is and the most important thing is nothing other than an attempt by to use them as part of a complex B a k i y e v ' s s u p p o r t e r s a n d of measures," he said. He did relatives to seize power." Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:23:10 AM

BITTER RECRIMINATIONS Thousands of ethnic Uzbeks have fled to the nearby border with Uzbekistan or sought refuge in local villages to escape the deadly fighting. Many said they were being targeted by Kyrgyz gangs in a "genocide" backed by local police and troops. "Crowds of Kyrgyz are roaming around. They set our homes on fire and kill Uzbeks right in their houses," ethnic Uzbek Muhammed Askerov, a Jalalabad businessman, told Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed village. Some ethnic Kyrgyz retort by blaming the bloodshed on Uzbeks or criminal gangs vying for influence in the region. "The people who are talking about genocide are the same people who started this war," Khimiya Suyerkulova, an ethnic Kyrgyz U.N. volunteer living in Osh, said by telephone. "We have relatives who are Uzbeks. We have friends. We live in the same houses," she said. She added that aid sacks of flour and potatoes had been delivered to feed residents who had feared starvation, as shops had been burned to the ground. Azimbek Beknazarov, deputy head of Kyrgyzstan's interim government, said the situation in Jalalabad had stabilised on Monday afternoon after the mediation of Kyrgyz and Uzbek elders.

"There are no more crowds in the streets. We have resolved it by our popular methods," he said by telephone from Jalalabad. But he said many houses, including that of local Uzbek leader Kadyrzhan Batyrov, were still on fire. Uzbeks who fled Jalalabad accused authorities appointed by the interim government of participating in the killings. "Their slogan is 'Kyrgyzstan for the Kyrgyz', and officials and police act hand-in-glove with them," Askerov said. "But our ancestors were born here. Where should we go?" Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan intertwine in the Fergana Valley. While Uzbeks make up 14.5 percent of the Kyrgyz population, the two groups are roughly equal in the Osh and Jalalabad regions. The ethnic violence raises the risk of a civil war or even a fullblown conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. If the interim government loses control, Kyrgyzstan could disintegrate and cease to exist as a single independent country. HUMANITARIAN SITUATION "CRITICAL" The interim government has been unable to gain full control of the country's south, separated from the north by mountains. It appealed to Russia at the weekend to send in troops, but Moscow has said it will not send

in peacekeepers alone. Moscow sent at least 150 paratroopers on Sunday to protect its own military facilities, servicemen and members of their families. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki -moon said he was alarmed by the scale of the clashes and ordered a special envoy to travel to the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek, his office said in a statement. The Red Cross said on Sunday the humanitarian situation in southern Kyrgyzstan was becoming "critical." Bread had been delivered to some residents of Osh, who were fearing starvation after grocery stores burned to the ground, a Reuters reporter said. Ethnic Uzbeks trapped in one neighbourhood of Osh gathered to share stockpiled food. The interim government has sent two planes, each loaded with 50 tonnes of food, clothing and medical supplies, to the south. Residents of northern Kyrgyzstan have donated humanitarian supplies and some residents are giving blood in Bishkek. (Additional reporting by Olga Dzyubenko and Dmitry Solovyov in Bishkek and Robin Paxton in Almaty, writing by Robin Paxton and Dmitry Solovyov; Editing by Noah Barkin) Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State MOSCOW-LED page 19

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Obama and BP set for oil-spill showdown (Reuters: Top News)

and his Oval office speech to show that he is on top of the crisis. W A S H I N G T O N / For its part, BP hopes to stop LONDON(Reuters) - President the slide in the company's share Barack Obama embarked on a price, which has sunk under a new visit to the Gulf of Mexico barrage of criticism from the on Monday, two days ahead of a Obama administration over its crucial showdown with top BP handling of the cleanup of the executives over the worst spill and threats that it may face environmental disaster in U.S. greater liabilities. history. The company has lost over 40 U.S.| Politics| Green Business| percent of its market value since Gulf Oil Spill the crisis began. BP's U.S.-listed The oil giant's ever-growing shares fell almost 7 percent in cleanup bill from the oil spill early trading in New York. piled more pressure on its shares Millions of gallons of oil have on Monday which were down gushed into the Gulf since an almost 9 percent in early April 20 explosion on an afternoon trading in London. offshore rig killed 11 workers In what is expected to be a and ruptured a deep-sea well. pivotal week in the 56-day-old The spill has soiled some 120 spill, lawmakers are due to grill miles of U.S. coastline and BP executives at hearings on imperiled a multi-billion dollar Tuesday and Thursday, while fishing industry. the president makes a two-day BP placed a containment cap on visit to the Gulf coast and its blown-out seabed well this address the nation. month after a series of failures Obama has seen the massive to stem the flow, but oil spill hijack his ambitious continues to gush. political agenda, pushing job It said on Monday its creation and Wall Street reform c o n t a i n m e n t c a p c a p t u r e d to the backburner. Both are key 15,200 barrels of crude on i s s u e s i n N o v e m b e r Sunday bringing the total since congressional elections in which it was installed June 3 to Obama's fellow Democrats are 134,500 barrels. expected to face a tough fight to The Obama administration says hold on to their majorities. the partly contained leak is Facing intense criticism that he likely leaking about 35,000 has not shown enough personal barrels (1.47 million gallons/ leadership in the spill, Obama 5.57 million liters) a day. On will seek to use his meeting with Saturday it gave BP 48 hours to BP executives on Wednesday show how it planned to step up Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:50:11 AM

its efforts to capture more crude. Obama will press BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg at their first meeting on Wednesday to set up an independently managed fund to pay damage claims by individuals and businesses hurt by the oil spill disaster. Gulf Coast residents have been complaining for weeks that the BP claims process was too slow and that the money the company was paying out was too little to make ends meet. Senate Democrats have written to BP urging it to make a $20 billion initial deposit to such a fund as a good-faith showing that they will not shirk their responsibility. Some dealers said the establishment of such a fund could help draw a line under the crisis but others fear it could equate to giving the U.S. administration a blank check BP's board meets on Monday and while the dividend is expected to be discussed, no decision is likely to be made this week, a spokeswoman said. A source told Reuters on Sunday BP was not planning to scrap the dividend, currently valued at about $10.5 billion annually but was considering deferring it, paying it in shares or paying into a ring-fenced account for investors. The stock dividend is a big deal in Britain because BP accounts for 12 percent of all dividends

paid by UK companies. BP EXECS IN CONGRESS BP executives will likely face renewed pressure from lawmakers to suspend or scrap the dividend when they testify at this week's congressional committee hearings. Representatives of BP, Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron and ConocoPhillips are due to testify on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, while BP CEO Tony Hayward will make his first appearance at a congressional hearing on Thursday. Hayward, the public face of BP's response to the spill and a lightning rod for criticism that the company played down the scale of the disaster to reduce its potential liabilities, is expected to face harsh questioning from lawmakers. The oil giant faced damaging criticism from an unexpected quarter on Monday, as Chevron's chief executive said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that the April 20 accident was "preventable". A deputy said if BP had used best practice in the well design the accident would not have happened. The newspaper said the message was likely to be echoed by other executives at the Tuesday hearing. "If they say that, it would definitely be damaging for BP," Evgeny Solovyov, analyst at Societe Generale in London

said. OBAMA HEADS TO GULF With the crisis nearing the twomonth mark, Obama makes his fourth trip to the Gulf on Monday, visiting Alabama, Mississippi and Florida for the first time. He will stay overnight in the region on Monday and return to Washington on Tuesday and make a nationally televised address at 8 p.m. EDT. The address will be broadcast from the Oval office, a setting that was meant to underscore the gravity of the crisis, U.S. media commentators said. Oysterman Marko Dekovic, who has been unable to fish for three weeks, said fishermen in southern Louisiana feel caught in the middle between BP and the Obama administration. "Just fix the problem," 24-year old Dekovic said. "Everything depends on oysters. If you don't make any money on that you lose your house and everything else." (Additional reporting by Jeffrey Jones in Louisiana, Tom Bergin, Adrian Croft and Julie Crust in London and Caren Bohan in Washington; Writing by Tom Bergin and Ross Colvin; Editing by Philip Barbara and Erica Billingham) Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the OBAMA page 19


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Israel sets up inquiry into deadly Gaza ship raid (Reuters: Top News)

Netanyahu had consulted extensively on the issue with the United States, which welcomed J E R U S A L E M ( R e u t e r s ) - the Israeli inquiry. He did not Israel's cabinet approved on appear to be in any political Monday an Israeli inquiry into a danger from a governmentdeadly raid on a Gaza aid appointed inquiry with a narrow f l o t i l l a , r e s p o n d i n g t o mandate. international demands for "I believe the cabinet's decision impartiality by putting two this morning to set up this foreign observers on the panel. independent public commission World will make clear to the entire The decision coincided with world that Israel acts lawfully, g r o w i n g s i g n s t h a t P r i m e transparently and with full Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responsibility," Netanyahu told w a s p o i s e d , u n d e r w o r l d reporters. pressure, to ease the flow of Israel said its marines acted in goods into the Israeli-blockaded self-defense in opening fire after Gaza Strip, home to 1.5 million a boarding party on the TurkishPalestinians and run by Hamas flagged Mavi Marmara was Islamists. attacked by activists wielding Middle East envoy Tony Blair clubs and knives. said he hoped Israel would But the bloodshed during the begin softening the blockade raid to stop a six-ship aid flotilla within days. from breaking the blockade Angered by the killing by raised an international outcry Israeli commandos of nine and pressure on Israel to lift an Turkish pro-Palestinian activists embargo that it says is necessary on May 31, Turkey said Israel's to limit arms smuggling to investigation would be biased Hamas. and reiterated demands for a In what will be seen as a U.N.-controlled probe. Hamas provocative challenge by Israel, spoke of an Israeli cover-up. Iran is sending aid ships to Washington backed a U.N. G a z a , I r a n i a n s t a t e r a d i o Security Council statement that announced. One ship left port on called for a "prompt, impartial, Sunday and another will depart c r e d i b l e a n d t r a n s p a r e n t by Friday, loaded with food, investigation conforming to construction material and toys, international standards." the report said. Iran and Israel Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:45:17 AM

are arch-adversaries. Israel accuses Iran of supplying weapons to Hamas. Iran denies it. UNANIMOUS DECISION Netanyahu's cabinet voted unanimously to set up the commission headed by a retired Israeli Supreme Court judge, Jacob Turkel, the prime minister's office said. It will include two other Israelis -- an international law expert and a former general -- and two non-voting foreign observers: David Trimble, a Northern Ireland politician and Nobel Peace Prize winner, and Canadian jurist Ken Watkin. "I can confirm that I have been approached and I am happy to do it," Trimble said in London in a telephone interview. "I am not going to discuss or make any public comment about the issues at stake because I have to come at the issues from an objective point of view," Trimble said. The panel's mandate, as stipulated in a statement on Sunday, did not include an examination of the Netanyahu government's decision-making role in a raid that is regarded by many Israelis as a fiasco because of its planners' apparent failure to gauge the strength of resistance on board the Turkish

ship. Instead, it will examine whether the Gaza blockade and the flotilla's interception conformed with international law and also investigate the actions taken by the convoy's organizers and participants, the statement said. The commission will publish a report, but it was not immediately clear when it would issue findings. It will have the power to decide which of its sessions to open to the public. "Israel's one-sided inquiry is not valuable to us. We want a commission to be set up under the direct control of (the) United Nations," Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told a news conference in Ankara. In Luxembourg to brief EU foreign ministers on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, Blair spoke about possible Israeli moves to loosen the blockade. "In respect of the closure policy, I hope very much in the next days we will get the in-principle commitment that we require, but then also steps beginning to be taken," he said. The International Committee of the Red Cross said the blockade violated the Geneva Conventions and should be lifted.

The United States has called the situation in the Gaza Strip unsustainable, and moves by Netanyahu to revise the embargo could help to ensure him a warmer White House welcome during a visit he hopes to make later this month. Washington, caught in a balancing act between Israel and Turkey, two key U.S. allies in the Middle East, voiced confidence that Israel would conduct a fair investigation. Turkey has withdrawn its ambassador from Israel, canceled joint military exercises, and called for the blockade to end. Netanyahu has said soldiers and officers who took part in or planned the operation would not testify before the commission. The panel would be able to use testimony given to a separate military board reviewing operational details of the raid. (Additional reporting by Simon Cameron-Moore in Istanbul, Rabinovitch in Jerusalem and Caren Bohan in Washington, Dublin bureau; Editing by Mark Heinrich) Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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continued from page 16

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Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Gus Mastrapa (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 6/13/2010 11:00:00 PM

Riot police break up World Cup pay protest (World News from Times Online)

riot police charged a large group of stewards who gathered in a parking lot under the stadium, Submitted at 6/14/2010 7:46:19 AM firing stun grenades - which R e a d S i m o n B a r n e s o n create a loud bang but no Capello's mistakes and live physical damage - to drive them coverage of the World Cup out of the stadium precinct. latest at The Times's new About 300 of the website demonstrators, wearing green South African riot police fired and orange jackets and carrying tear gas, rubber bullets and stun rocks and bricks, carried on grenades last night to break up their protests in nearby streets, a protest by hundreds of World where they were surrounded by Cup stewards angered at an police and subdued with teargas. apparent pay cut. The police then separated the The stewards had been on protesters into male and female security duty at Durban’s groups and made them sit on futuristic new Moses Mabhida the ground before allowing them stadium when 60,000 fans to disperse peacefully. watched Germany beat Australia Many of the stewards carried 4-0 in the most high-scoring the small brown envelopes in match of the tournament so far. which they had been given their But they decided to protest after pay and said that they had b e i n g h a n d e d t h e i r p a y received just 190 rand (£16.95) envelopes after the match to after being promised 250 rand discover that they had been paid (£22.30). Some said that the far less than expected. official daily rate promised by Several hours after the match Fifa, the governing body of

world football, is 1,500 rand (£133). “We left our homes at seven in the morning and now it is nearly 1 o’clock,” said Vincent Mkize, one of the protesters. “In the dry run, they didn’t want to tell us how much we would get.” “They were supposed to give us 1,500, that’s what Fifa told us, and they gave us 190. We are working from 12 o’clock until now,” said another protester, who ran away from police before he could give his name. Fifa declined to comment on the violence but Rich Mkhondo, head of communications for the local World Cup organising committee, said the protest did not have any impact on security at the match or any spectators. ’Two hours after the end of the first match at the Durban stadium last night, there was an internal pay dispute between the principal security company employed by the organising

This week’s E3 Expo in Los Angeles will bring an avalanche committee and some of the of details about the hottest new s t a t i c s e c u r i t y s t e w a r d s videogames of the next 12 employed by the company at the months. Here’s an advance match,” Mr Mkhondo said in a glimpse of the games that’ll be on show. statement. “Police were called on to Above: Final Fantasy: The 4 disperse the protesting stewards. Heroes of Light This happened, however, long Sometimes, the old way is the after all spectators had left the better way. Gamers who long stadium after the match and the for the days when enemies i n c i d e n t h a d n o i m p a c t ambushed you from out of whatsoever on the match day nowhere will be well served by this new, retro-styled Final security operations. “The organising committee will Fantasy for the Nintendo DS. engage with its stadium security Released in Japan last year, it’s provider to avoid a repeat of the developed by Matrix, the team situation during the course of that handled the Final Fantasy III and IV remakes for the the tournament.” It was not clear whether the Nintendo DS. These guys know stewards will return to work old-school, perhaps a bit too much: When Chris got his hands despite the pay cut. Five Filters featured article: on the game last year he found it Headshot - Propaganda, State daunting. Religion and the Attack On the Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available View All tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Five Filters featured article: Text RSS, Term Extraction. Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Israel promises to ease its three year blockade of Gaza (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:27:33 AM

Read more on the Turkish aid flotilla deaths at The Times's new website Tony Blair announced today that Israel would agree to reopen crossings into Gaza for everyday goods within days, bringing to an end its strict three-year crackdown on supplies. The Middle East envoy said that Binyamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, had agreed in principle to change its current approach — deemed illegal today by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) — by drawing up a list of specifically prohibited items to replace the current narrow list of permitted goods. Mr Blair also welcomed Mr Netanyahu’s announcement last night of an inquiry into its bloody storming last month of an aid flotilla. Israel has appointed Lord Trimble, the former First Minister of Northern Ireland, as one of two international observers to its inquiry being held by a senior Israeli judge. The Times understands that Mr Blair recommended Lord Trimble for the role. Mr Blair this morning briefed EU foreign ministers on Israel’s shifting policy towards Gaza in

the wake of the flotilla raid on May 31 which left nine Turkish men dead. The 27 foreign ministers are still considering their official reaction to the proposed inquiry, with some countries favouring a more independent probe than that announced by Israel. “The issue of the inquiry continues to be an issue of strong political debate...but the Israeli inquiry is obviously a significant step forward,” said Mr Blair as he left the meeting in Luxembourg. “In respect of the closure policy, I hope very much that in the next days we will get the inprinciple commitment that we require, but then also the steps beginning to be taken. “Some of these issues, drawing up the negative list, that will take some time. But we hope very much we can start getting stuff into Gaza. “There are also a whole series of UN projects which are ready to go. The UN has a specific way of getting material in - we are talking about repairing schools, the electricity, water, sanitation, housing, we can get that under way very quickly I believe.” Mr Blair added: “I hope that...while Israel will maintain the blockade in respect of weapons and combat material coming into Gaza, we change the situation so that those goods that are necessary for ordinary

civilian life are brought into Gaza as a matter of course. “In other words, we change from the so-called permitted list of items where things only come in if they on that list, to the prohibited list where goods come in unless they are on that list. This is a significant change.” One EU diplomat said that, while no final decisions had been made, there were positive indications that Israel might be willing to open either the Karni or the Kerem Shalom border crossings for large-scale imports into Gaza. The diplomat said Israel rejected a proposal for cargo to be delivered by ships checked in a third location such as Cyprus. Israel’s blockade policy, which began shortly after Hamas won Palestinian legislative elections in 2006, was greatly increased after Hamas seized control of Gaza in June 2007. A retired Israeli supreme court judge, Yaakov Turkel, will chair the inquiry “to investigate aspects related to the actions taken by the state of Israel to prevent vessels reaching the coast of Gaza on May 31,” the office of Mr Netanyahu said yesterday. The Israeli Cabinet will be asked to approve the “special independent public commission” today. Lord Trimble, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in striking the Good Friday

agreement, will be one of two foreign observers, the other being Ken Watkin, a former chief prosecutor of the Canadian armed forces and retired brigadier general. Turkey and others have demanded an independent international inquiry, without Israeli involvement, while the Obama Administration has pushed for Israel to include foreigners in its own investigation. The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said yesterday that while the United States believed that Israel could conduct a “credible and impartial” investigation, an “international component” would “buttress its credibility in the eyes of the international community”. Jeremy Hobbs, Executive Director of Oxfam International, said a major overhaul was needed in the embargo policy, not just allowing in a few extra basics. “In the days following the flotilla tragedy, Israel has allowed in an increased number of food items such as coriander, jam, biscuits and other sweets. While this is certainly welcomed, what Gaza needs most are jobs, raw materials for reconstruction and for industry, and the ability to export – not just short-term aid and consumer products like jam that, without a job, they can’t afford to buy,” he said.

“The civilian population has been kept just above the bar of a humanitarian crisis. It is trapped in a crisis of dignity that the international community must help resolve”. Much of Gaza’s buildings and infrastructure, already run-down after years of blockade, collapsed during Israel’s monthlong offensive in December 2008 to stamp out militant rocket fire from the enclave. After the war, the international community pledged billions of dollars in reconstruction aid, but the money was never spent because Israel refused to allow any building material to enter, saying it could be used by Hamas for fortifications. Critics have called the Israeli closure a collective punishment against all Gaza’s civilian population, even an ongoing act of economic warfare to crush Hamas. For the first time today, the ICRC, a neutral organisation that works in some of the most sensitive conflicts in the world, labelled the Israeli blockade illegal. “The whole of Gaza’s civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law,” the ICRC ISRAEL page 21

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200 killed in ethnic fighting in Kyrgyzstan (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:20:50 AM

China sends plane to rescue its nationals The death toll from ethnic fighting in Kyrgyzstan jumped dramatically today when an Uzbek community leader said that at least 200 people had been killed. Government figures have put the number of dead at 117 with more than 1.500 injured after three days of clashes between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbek groups in the south of the country. But Jallahitdin Jalilatdinov, who heads Kyrgyzstan’s Uzbek National Centre, said that 200 Uzbeks have been buried so far. The majority of those involved in the fighting that erupted late on Thursday are Muslim and burials traditionally take place within 24 hours of a death. The scale of the slaughter in the cities of Osh and Jalalabad was gradually becoming apparent today. Terrified women and children hid in basements as Uzbek men with makeshift weapons kept nervous guard against marauding Kyrgyz gangs.Witnesses said that the streets of Uzbek districts of Osh were littered with bodies, many of them charred from fires that raged through homes and

businesses. Residents told an AFP reporter that mobs had killed 30 people on one street alone. Video film showed bodies being piled into shared graves, with bullet wounds on dozens of corpses. “There are at least 1,000 dead here in Osh. We have not been able to register them because they turn us away at the hospital and say it is only for Kyrgyz,” Isamidin Kudbidunov, 27, said. Uzbek residents accused Kyrgyz government troops of siding with rioters against them during the violence that has swept this strategically vital Central Asian state. Dildor Dzhumabayev, 38, said people were shot from armoured personnel carriers that cleared the way for mobs on the streets. “First tanks came; behind them were people without uniforms. They cleared the road for them and they attacked us shooting up the street,” he said. Tens of thousands have fled towards the nearby border with Uzbekistan to escape the killings. Officials in Uzbekistan say that as many as 75,000 may have already crossed its border to seek protection. China will today send a plane to Kyrgyzstan to repatriate nationals caught in the ethnic slaughter.”It is not at all clear how the riots will progress so the embassy is making every effort to protect Chinese

citizens’ lives and belongings,” a foreign ministry spokesman told China’s Beijing News. The announcement from a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman came as Russia flew troops to Kyrgyzstan to reinforce security at its military base near Bishkek. Sporadic gunfire continued through the night and fresh fires raged in the south of the country early today as the country’s worst ethnic violence in 20 years showed no signs of abating. As the Kyrgyz authorities ordered police and soldiers to shoot to kill rioters, in an effort to end the conflict, Moscow sent as many as 650 paratroopers “to ensure the security of Russian servicemen and their families”. The Kremlin has, so far, rejected an appeal by Kyrgyzstan’s interim Government to send troops to the southern regions of Osh and Jalalabad, where more than 100 people have died and up to 1,700 have been wounded in three days of clashes between Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbek groups. However, the size of the protection force fuelled speculation that a meeting later today of a Nato-style security alliance for former Soviet states could authorise a Russian-led peacekeeping mission to intervene and head off a

possible civil war. The Collective Security Treaty Organisation includes Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, which announced yesterday that more than 75,000 refugees had crossed its border to escape the violence. Uzbekistan said that it had set up temporary camps for them in border villages. The Red Cross warned of a humanitarian crisis that was “getting worse by the hour”. Much of Osh, a city of 250,000, has been destroyed by fire and looting after Kyrgyz gangs ransacked Uzbek neighbourhoods. Witnesses reported that women and children were shot as they tried to flee and that bodies littered the city’s streets and many of its destroyed buildings. “They are killing Uzbeks like animals. Almost the whole city is in flames,” said Dilmurad Ishanov, an Uzbek human rights worker in Osh. New fires raged across the city today as survivors reported that food and water had become scarce. Armed looters smashed stores, stealing anything from televisions to food. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


ISRAEL continued from page 20

said. It also called for Hamas to allow it access to the Israeli soldier it has been holding captive for four years, something the Islamists have so far refused. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

FanHouse TV: Taylor Hall Interview FanHouse TV (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:27:00 AM

Filed under: NHL Draft, NHL Videos Part One in a series of FanHouse TV interviews with the top talent available in the 2010 NHL Entry Draft. In this edition, Chris Botta spends some time with projected first overall pick Taylor Hall, left winger from the Windsor Spitfires. Share Click below to watch.


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Israel’s internal inquiry into Gaza ship attack rejected by Turkey (World News from Times Online)

Minister, said. “To have a defendant acting simultaneously as both prosecutor and judge is Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:40:17 AM not compatible with any Israel has agreed to set up an p r i n c i p l e o f l a w . ” i n t e r n a l c o m m i s s i o n t o Turkey and the United Nations investigate the killing of nine have called for an independent, T u r k i s h p a s s e n g e r s o n a international inquiry into the humanitarian aid convoy that high-seas bloodbath that took w a s b o a r d e d b y I s r a e l i place after Israeli commandos commandos two weeks ago, stormed the Turkish passenger officials said. ferry Mavi Marmara, where they The inquiry panel will include were beaten by Turkish activists two international observers, armed with metal clubs and named as David Trimble, the knives. When some of the former Northern Irish First overwhelmed troops had their Minister and Nobel Peace Prize guns taken off them, their laureate, and Ken Watkin, the comrades opened fire at close former Canadian military Judge range. One commando said that Advocate-General. he killed six passengers alone The Israeli Cabinet did not a n d h a s r e p o r t e d l y b e e n s p e c i f y w h a t p o w e r s t h e commended for a decoration. observers would have but The Israeli Prime Minister, Turkey, which backed the aid Binyamin Netanyahu, rejected ships and was furious at the an international inquiry on the deadly raid in international ground that it would set a waters, was quick to dismiss the w o r r y i n g p r e c e d e n t f o r commission. interference in its security “We have no trust at all that affairs. Israel, a country that has carried Turkey said that it would not out such an attack on a civilian renew its wrecked relations with convoy in international waters, Israel until a fully impartial will conduct an impartial inquiry was held, a strategic i n v e s t i g a t i o n , ” A h m e t blow to the Jewish state, which D a v u t o g l u , t h e F o r e i g n once enjoyed important military

ties with Ankara, a powerful regional player and a member of Nato. The Israeli Army has already announced a separate military investigation into the botched raid, which has drawn renewed attention to its three-year blockade of the Gaza Strip, declared a “hostile entity” by the Knesset in 2007 after a bloody takeover by Hamas, which had fallen out with the mainstream Palestinian movement, Fatah, over a power-sharing agreement. The Israeli panel will be chaired by Yaakov Tirkel, a retired Supreme Court judge. As well as investigating the planning of the raid, it will look into Israeli allegations that the owners of the Turkish ferry, an Islamic charity, had links to Hamas and other militant Islamist groups. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. A Killer Domain For A Social Travel Planner With Some Potential Robin Wauters (TechCrunch) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:01:46 AM

EuropaReiser is today launching the free public beta version of, a service that lets people plan their travels and share those plans with others. Of course, there are lots of websites and applications one can use to find out what to do when visiting a city, but admittedly makes things very easy and quite fun for the 50 cities it currently features on the site. All you need to is enter your destination city, e.g. Brussels, and up pops a list of activites, like museums you can visit or restaurants where you can get some decent food. At the tap of a button, you can get a downloadable guide (PDF) of activities and venues along with a map, photos, addresses, opening hours and more. You can also customize those guides with items you select from a pre -populated list of venues, hotels, restaurants and attractions, and share your personalized guide with the world via, Facebook and Twitter. Likewise, you can discover custom guides for cities that other people have created before

you. also handily integrates content from a range of travel information providers: TripAdvisor for ratings and reviews, and TopTable and OpenTable for easy restaurant reservations, just to name a few. The startup promises much more is coming now that the service has launched in public beta form; on the roadmap we find user-added venues and places, third-party sharing widgets, full mobile integration, geo-location features, video guides and more. promises the site will remain adfree as the site grows in terms of functionality; the money it makes from hotel bookings from the main website should be enough to build a business, they reckon. Other services that let you build custom travel guides one way or another include YourTour, Offbeat Guides, NileGuide, TripIt and Dopplr. CrunchBase Information (EuropaReiser) Information provided by CrunchBase


E-reader News Edition


Obama, BP set for oil spill showdown (CNET

Tuesday hearing. "If they say that, it would definitely be damaging for BP," Barack Obama and top BP Evgeny Solovyov, analyst at e x e c u t i v e s a r e s e t f o r a Societe Generale in London showdown over the Gulf of said. Mexico oil spill this week, as In a photo from June 4, the likely damages bill piles President Obama meets in New more pressure on the oil giant's Orleans for an update on efforts shares. to combat and clean up after the With America's largest-ever Deepwater Horizon oil rig environmental disaster nearing disaster.(Credit: Official White t h e t w o - m o n t h m a r k , t h e House Photo by Pete Souza) p r e s i d e n t w i l l p r e s s B P The crisis enters its 56th day on Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg Monday as Obama makes his a t t h e i r f i r s t m e e t i n g o n fourth trip to the Gulf--visiting Wednesday to set up an escrow Alabama, Mississippi, and account to pay damage claims Florida for the first time since by individuals and businesses the well blew out. hurt by the oil spill disaster. He will stay overnight in the BP executives will also be region on Monday and return to grilled by U.S. lawmakers at Washington on Tuesday and c o n g r e s s i o n a l c o m m i t t e e make a nationally televised h e a r i n g s o n T u e s d a y a n d address at 5 p.m PDT. Thursday. After being briefed on Monday The oil giant may face criticism m o r n i n g b y C o a s t G u a r d from its peers at the Tuesday Admiral Thad Allen, his point hearing, where representatives person on relief efforts, Obama of Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch w i l l h o s t a r o u n d - t a b l e S h e l l , C h e v r o n , a n d discussion and meet local ConocoPhillips will also testify. residents in Gulfport, Miss. Chevron's chief executive said Obama then plans to travel to in an interview with The Wall Theodore, Ala., where he will S t r e e t J o u r n a l p u b l i s h e d see how the clean-up operations Monday that the accident was are going before traveling by "preventable" and a deputy said ferry in Alabama from Dauphin that if BP had used best practice Island to Fort Morgan. He will in the well design the accident spend the night in Pensacola, would not have happened. Fla., home to some of America's T h e n e w s p a p e r s a i d t h e most famous beaches. message was likely to be echoed Millions of gallons of oil have by other executives at the poured into the Gulf since an Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:58:51 AM

lost over 40 percent of its market value since the crisis began. April 20 offshore rig blast killed BP's board meets Monday and 11 workers and blew out the while the dividend--which U.S. well. politicians have called on the Obama also will call for an company to cancel--is expected independent panel to administer to be discussed, no decision is compensation payments and to likely to be made this week, a ensure cash is disbursed in a spokeswoman said. timely fashion when he meets A source told Reuters on Svanberg and other BP officials S u n d a y t h a t B P w a s n o t a t t h e W h i t e H o u s e o n planning to scrap the dividend, Wednesday. currently valued at about $10.5 Senate Democrats have written b i l l i o n a n n u a l l y b u t w a s to BP urging it to make a $20 considering deferring it, paying billion initial deposit to such a it in shares or paying into a ringfund as a good-faith showing fenced account for investors. that they will not shirk their The stock dividend is a big deal responsibility. in Britain because BP accounts BP declined to comment on the for 12 percent of all dividends proposals to create an arms- paid by U.K. companies. length oil spill damages fund. Oysterman Marko Dekovic, S o m e d e a l e r s s a i d t h e who has been unable to fish for establishment of such a fund three weeks, said fishermen in could help draw a line under the southern Louisiana feel caught crisis but others fear it could in the middle between BP and equate to giving the U.S. the Obama administration. administration a blank check. "Just fix the problem," 24-year The White House has already old Dekovic said. "Everything demanded BP pay lost wages to depends on oysters. If you don't those laid off due to the six- make any money on that, you month ban the government lose your house and everything imposed on deep-water drilling else." following the accident. The crisis has put Obama on the BP doesn't think it should have defensive and distracted his to pay what it sees as the cost of team from the domestic agendaa policy decision. -a new energy policy, reform of The company's shares traded Wall Street, and bolstering a down 5.3 percent, against a flat struggling American economy. European oil and gas sector, at People in the Gulf of Mexico 1239 GMT. The company has are frustrated with BP for the

spill but also at Obama's drilling moratorium because many families have members who work in oil and others who fish. The disaster comes ahead of November's congressional elections in which Democrats are expected to struggle to keep majorities in the House of Representatives and Senate. BP placed a containment cap on its blown-out seabed well this month after a series of failures to stem the flow but oil continues to gush. Allen said the partly contained leak was likely leaking about 35,000 barrels (1.47 million gallons/5.57 million liters) a day. BP expects its cost for the clean -up to be $3 billion to $6 billion. Many analysts expect a higher cost. The company said on Monday it had spent $1.6 billion so far and had committed another $300 million to build offshore barriers in Louisiana. Story Copyright (c) 2010 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Jive Bets on the Twitter Firehose and the Data Intensified Social Enterprise Alex Williams (ReadWriteWeb)

has to some extent been guided by the size of the company that is licensing the service. Twitter Submitted at 6/14/2010 3:27:39 AM has said before that it will be > Jive Software is buying into standardizing the price for the Twitter Firehose. It's another licensing the user data stream. example of the data intensified In the meantime, it is reported social enterprise where curation that the cost of the license is is a most valued capability. relatively inexpensive. The news is in timing with Earlier this year, Jive acquired Enterprise 2.0, the conference Filtrbox, a social monitoring for the social enterprise that runs t e c h n o l o g y c o m p a n y . T h e through Thursday this week in acquisition shines some light on Boston. In addition to the how Jive may use the Firehose. Twitter news, Jive is launching Filtrbox historically leveraged an apps marketplace; integrating the cloud by charging customers its service into Google Apps for access to the platform. It's a Marketplace and offering a new model that provides a basic way dashboard environment that for Jive to give access to the serves for aggregating data from data stream. Customers could multiple sources. use the service as much or as Sponsor little as they wish. Aggregated Twitter Firehose Dashboard Jive is one of the first enterprise Any pure data stream is useless technology companies to offer without some ways to filter and the Twitter Firehose. The term curate large amounts of data that "firehose," is used as Jive is can be delivered to the right getting 100% of Twitter's stream people at the right time. "Jive of data, equal to about 65 What Matters," acts as an million tweets per day. That's a a c t i v i t y s t r e a m t h a t i s super stream of information that personalized to provide a wide has usually been relevant only to stream of data, tailored to the search-style companies. user. According to Jive, this Jive did not disclose what it is may be internal or external data. paying for access to the full It could be direct messages. It Twitter stream of information. also includes a summary of what The price for Twitter Firehose the user may need to do. This

framework. It will offer the ability to offer apps within the Jive platform. Jive will provide access to platform data such as groups, enterprise social graphs and activity streams. could include action items, This opens up Jive as a service alerts, and critical project that can fit with other enterprise notifications. A ecosystems. A number of recommendation engine is built s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r s i n t h e into the new offering, helping Enterprise 2.0 space currently users get access to information offer integration with third-party that may be relevant to the s e r v i c e s . G o o g l e A N D stream of information they are are examples of being fed in the activity stream. companies that have built their Jive What Matters reminds us own apps platforms. In many o f M i n d T o u c h a n d i t s respects it's becoming standard f r a m e w o r k f o r p r o v d i n g practice to offer a platform for aggregated v i e w s o f third-party developers. information. The differentiating Google Apps Marketplace factor for Jive may well be its Jive's online version of its new recommendation engine, Social Business Software (SBS) which can act as a parallel will be available in Google curation service within the Jive A p p s M a r k e t p l a c e . T h e environment. marketplace is now host to Jive Apps Market will give thousands of apps. A number of developers access to Jive's core social enterprise companies functionality. Jive will launch its have integrated with Google d e v e l o p e r c o m m u n i t y i n Apps. Atlassian, for example, S e p t e m b e r a t i t s a n n u a l has had considerable success by conference. At that time it will integrating with the service. provide full documentation for Summary an open API, giving access for Jive is banking on the new data the first time to the Jive explosion in the enterprise and platform. the effect that loosely coupled The service will integrate with environments can have in a G o o g l e ' s O p e n S o c i a l dynamic social supply chain.

But will companies need a Twitter Firehose? It's undoubtedly true that social data is affecting how companies work. But to integrate the Twitter Firehose requires an internal environment to process and curate the data. We can see how Jive What Matters can act as a filter for social data. But it's no simple feat to provide thin streams of information to the right people and systems when the the data is blasting away all that is in its path. Jive needs to quickly foster a developer community in order for its apps market to have any potential. Jive maintains its API will offer deeper integration than its competitors. But it is still a catch up period to some extent for Jive. Its apps market will be one more choice for developers. On the other hand, Jive is standing as a leader in the social enterprise space. Its aggregation of Twitter data and an open API strategy are smart moves for a company facing deep comeptition from some of the largest technology companies in the world. Discuss

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


Is There Art on YouTube? Guggenheim Wants to Find Out Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb)

Afterwards, 200 of the leading videos will be selected for further attention by an The Guggenheim Museum is international jury of experts teaming up with YouTube in from the worlds of art, design, partnership with HP to discover film and video. Twenty of those the art of YouTube videos. initial 200 videos will then be Tasked with uncovering the presented at the Guggenheim. "most creative video in the Y e s , t h a t ' s r i g h t - a t t h e world," the companies have G u g g e n h e i m i t s e l f . T h e launched an international search YouTube videos will actually by way of YouTube Play, a appear in the Guggenheim specially branded YouTube network of museums in New channel that will feature the York, Bilbao, Venice and Berlin entries in this new competition. on October 21st and will be Sponsor made available for the world to About YouTube Play see on the Anyone is invited to submit a channel. video to YouTube Play, even This isn't a contest per se, as the video creators themselves, and winning videos don't receive a the submission deadline is July cash prize or other sort of 31st. physical reward. But having a The videos may consist of video dubbed "art" and being animation, motion graphics, showcased internationally in one narrative, non-narrative, or of the world's most famous art d o c u m e n t a r y w o r k , m u s i c museums, is a reward in and of videos and even "entirely new itself, most would agree. art forms" that challenge the This isn't the first time perception of what's possible to YouTube has proven itself the do with video, explains the medium of choice for artists YouTube blog post about this worldwide. Last year, the unique collaboration project. YouTube Symphony Orchestra, Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:48:22 AM

an online experiment in music, sought out musicians to participate in the world's first collaborative online orchestra where the endgame was a performance at Carnegie Hall. YouTube: Internet Leads to Instant Success? What's most interesting about this current art competition as well as the Online Orchestra is the way that it is able to surface undiscovered talents and allow them to achieve fame without all the requisite toiling and tolling for years in "starving artist" mode, as was once par for the course for those wanting to break into the art world. Instead, with YouTube, a handful of videos can lead to a lifetime of success. Just ask Justin Bieber. Or Soulja Boy. Or Esmee Denters. Or Journey's new singer Arenl Pineda, discovered a few years ago. Or FRED, the annoyingly overactive boy whose high-pitched voice befuddles parents but whose

videos and associated kidfriendly merchandise have made the teen rich beyond belief. But while the above are certainly high-profiled examples, let's be clear about one thing: when it comes to art and music, YouTube hasn't yet surfaced the next Leonardo or Monet, the next Beatles or Stones, the next Janis Joplin or Jimmy Hendrix. To date, the folks who have made their way up through YouTube are not necessarily, forgive me Bieber fans, going to make their mark in the annals of history as being among "the best of the best." In some cases they may be great...but are they the greatest? Really? However, with this contest, that may change. For next-gen video artists, there's surely no better place than YouTube to flex your artistic muscles. It should be interesting to see what video creation wins this latest attempt to elevate YouTube to art form. The end result will likely be just that: art. Discuss

Cutest Pet of the Day: Frazier Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:00:00 AM

Frazier loves relaxing! Thanks

to Judy for submitting! VOTE for your favorites here using our new Cute Pet Face-Off tool. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State

Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Zac Efron Gives Us a View of His Amazing Shirtless Abs in Maui! PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:15:00 AM

Happy Monday - feast your eyes on these amazing photos of Zac Efron shirtless! He arrived in Hawaii over the weekend with his brother Dylan, and the abdominally gifted duo hit the beach together yesterday morning. Zac arrived in Maui to have some downtime ahead of his appearance at the island's film festival later this week. He's set to receive their Shining Star Award and will be on hand for a special tribute in his honor on Wednesday. We've been treated to the sight of Zac's muscles many times before, but it looks like he's been hitting the gym extra hard to prep for a Summer that's hopefully full of six pack sightings. View 3 Photos ›


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

BP eyes Kevin Costner-backed oil clean-up tech (CNET

Louisiana attorney John Houghtaling, told the Los Angeles Times."We haven't G o a h e a d , m a k e y o u r gotten a check yet from BP. The "Waterworld" jokes. BP has sooner it comes, the sooner we placed an order to purchase can act." machines to separate spilled oil The technology for the portable and Gulf of Mexico water from liquid separators was originally Ocean Therapy Solutions, a d e v e l o p e d b y n a t i o n a l company backed by actor and l a b o r a t o r i e s f o r d e f e n s e environmentalist Kevin Costner, purposes. Costner and his according to reports. business partner purchased the Ocean Therapy Solutions has patent for the technology in been testing the centrifugal oil- 1990 and have been working on water separator but has not yet commercial product since then. received payment from BP, Costner began working on ways which is under growing pressure t o c l e a n o i l f r o m w a t e r , to stem the massive flow of oil according to the LA Times, f r o m t h e r e m a i n s o f t h e while working on his 1995 film Deepwater Horizon rig and " W a t e r w o r l d , " a p o s t clean up the spill. apocalyptic tale in which most "Kevin has spent 15 years and of the Earth has been covered by $24 million of his own money ocean and the remaining people on this technology, and we have live on boats and other floating spent over $1 million more than structures. that on adjusting the machines The machine, designed and preparing them for testing," specifically for oil and chemical Costner's business partner, clean-up, works by pumping Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:46:03 AM

liquid into a centrifuge, which mechanically separates the water from oil or other liquid with a different density than water. If used in the Gulf, water would be pumped out of the top of the device, with only 1 percent oil remaining in it. During testimony to the House Committee on Science and Technology ( click for PDF) last week, Costner said that the machine was designed as a first environmental response in a chemical or oil spill. Costner said he was originally motivated to pursue commercialization of the technology by the Valdez Exxon oil spill in 1989 when he saw images of people using buckets and shovels to remove oil. One of the important features of the machine is that it can process large volumes of water, with the largest able to handle 200 gallons of liquid per minute, or about 288,000 gallons per

day. BP has ordered 32 of the machines. "This machine's incredibly effective. It can actually spit out water at a 99.9 percent purity," Costner told ABC News. "The great thing about the machine is it can operate where there's no dispersants. There's no need to pollute ... we don't need chemicals to operate that machine in blue water. It was taken into the ground water. It was taken in close to the marsh, where it got very, very thick." In a statement last week, Ocean Therapy said that it had successfully tested the separator in shallow water and had plans to try it in deeper water. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Wise Words: Take Advantage of Every Day Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:30:00 AM

Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous and full of joy. How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. —Annie Dillard How do you spend your days? Have a favorite quote? Send it t o u s a t with your name, city and state. You might be featured in an upcoming Wise Words post! Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

The week that was: Talkcast tonight, 10 pm ET Michael Rose (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 6/13/2010 9:00:00 PM

Filed under: TUAW Business It's been a busy week of WWDC 2010 coverage, and of course a new phone announcement snuck in there. We'll wrap it all up in a tidy package and take your calls and questions tonight at 10 pm

ET on the talkcast -- join us! To participate on TalkShoe, you can use the browser-only client, the embedded Facebook app, or the classic TalkShoe Pro Java client; however, for maximum fun, you should call in. For the web UI, just click the"TalkShoe Web" button on our profile page at 10 pm phone or VoIP lines (take Sunday. To call in on regular a d v a n t a g e o f y o u r f r e e

cellphone weekend minutes if you like): dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID, 45077 -- during the call, you can request to talk by keying in *8. If you've got a headset or microphone handy on your Mac, you can connect via the free Gizmo or X-Lite SIP clients; basic instructions are here. TUAW The week that was:

Talkcast tonight, 10 pm ET originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sun, 13 Jun 2010 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


E-reader News Edition

Android Steals Market Share from iPhone

TUAW's Daily App: Battle for Wesnoth

Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb)

Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

share is a debate for another day (are tablets more computer than mobile handheld?). Today, the Online tracking firm Quantcast big takeaway from the report has just released new data that shouldn't be the numbers shows mobile operating themselves, rather how they've systems' current market share in changed. When it Comes to North America, with the newly Growth, the Winner is Android renamed "iOS"(originally called As the Quantcast blog post "iPhone OS" - the OS powering explains, "the biggest winner is the iPhone, iPad and iPod clearly Google's Android." How Touch) in the miles. can this be? T h e A p p l e m o b i l e O S only among those who bought The fact is that Google's mobile dominates its competitors with a Apple products.) OS has climbed rapidly over the huge chunk of mobile market Android has just 20% market prior months, having gone from share? What? When there are around 5% in January 2009 to share, at 60%. But don't let these numbers fool 8.7 million Android handsets 20% in May 2010, stealing you. It's not how much or how here in the U.S. compared with away market share from other little of the mobile landscape 10.7 million iPhones? Shouldn't mobile OS's, most notably each OS has claim to, but how the numbers be a bit closer? Apple's, whose iOS dropped fast this picture has changed W e l l , i f y o u w e r e o n l y from 75% share to 59% during over the preceding months. The comparing mobile phones to that same time frame. real winner here is Android, the mobile phones, they would be. Also of note, these numbers OS whose rapid gains have In this case, though, Quantcast were calculated prior to the is comparing mobile operating E V O ' s l a u n c h , t h e h i g h l y come at Apple's expense. system market share and that a n t i c i p a t e d " 4 G " A n d r o i d Sponsor means counting the web surfing smartphone which sold out Only 20% for Android? The latest stats - 58.8% for iOS, done by both the iPod Touch within days of its launch. 19.9% for Android - may be a and the iPad, too. Combined Adding that into the fold, the bit of an initial letdown for with the iPhone device count, next Quantcast report will likely Android fanboys who didn't you're looking at 18.3 million offer even more gains for read through the whole report. unique "iOS" devices. And the Android at iOS's expense. (And yes, Google's mobile iPad is built for Web browsing. Image credits on original post: operating system now has its Now, whether or not we should FoneHome, Quantcast. Discuss own fanboys too, sporting a even be counting the iPad when level of fanaticism once seen talking about "mobile" market Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:47:00 AM


Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:00:00 AM

Filed under: iPhone, App Store Just the other day I mentioned Battle for Wesnoth in this very space, and then right after that, the game releases its 5th major update. If you like turn-based strategy games, this one is a must-have. It was originally an open source title, and fans have added so much to the game that there are now tons of various units, six factions to play as, and campaign after fan-made campaign to play through -over 300 hours of playtime in total. The latest update adds yet another campaign, a bonus tower defense game, OpenFeint integration and a whole slew of other features. The iPhone version isn't bad, but I'd say the iPad version is better, as the bigger screen makes controlling the game a little easier. The game is US$5 on both platforms, and there's no free version, but the original title is still open source (which is why there are so many fanmade features), and available for a free download on the Mac. So

go try out the game there, and if it's something you're interested in, consider supporting the iPhone developers. Personally, I love Battle for Wesnoth -- while the graphics aren't exactly cutting edge, the strategy is fine-tuned by a whole legion of coders, and the fantasy setting and storytelling are great for a game of this kind. If you haven't given it a look yet, now's your chance. TUAW TUAW's Daily App: Battle for Wesnoth originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

Ex-Slingshot Execs Raise $5 Million What's a "Twitter For Social Commerce Startup Wedding"? Funny You BeachMint Should Ask... Jason Kincaid (TechCrunch)

Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:13:38 AM

Submitted at 6/13/2010 9:00:00 PM

In April, we reported that Diego Berdakin and MySpace cofounder Josh Berman, the two heads of News Corp’s incubator Slightshot Labs, were leaving the company. They haven’t wasted any time in launching their next project: today, less than two months later, Berman and Berdakin are announcing that they’ve raised $5 million from New Enterprise Associates and Anthem Venture Partners for a new startup called BeachMint, Inc. At this point details on the startup are still a little sparse, but Berman and Berdakin were willing to talk broadly about what BeachMint will be doing. The company will be entering the social commerce arena, with plans to launch a suite of sites catering to individual verticals. The goal, Berman says, is to drive people to curated, authentic choices with recommendations from celebrities and other ‘influencers’— think Kim Kardashian’s association with ShoeDazzle, but for numerous different verticals. Berman also

Paul and Sara are getting married. On Twitter. Sort of. They're technical sorts with a long-standing relationship with social media, so when they decided to legitimize their personal relationship, they figured they wouldn't divorce their daily life from their personal lives while they did it."A purple dress. A kilt. A best man who is *all* woman. Livestreaming and live-tweeting. A Twitter-themed-pot-luck-poolparty-reception. Rock Band. A pinata. A sex toy toss in place of the bouquet." Yarp? Sponsor Using social media to document the legalization of gettin' it on is not that unusual. But extending the moment itself into the crackling electro-world, not so much. But, Sara and Paul, after all, met (and argued) over a blog post, Paul proposed to Sara at a Tweetup and they run the Daily Shite humor site together. So, social media is tied up in their personal lives to a greater

noted that these recommendations will be authentic and may come from people who have less high profiles (it sounds like the sites may tap into your social graph). The company will be launching its first vertical before this holiday season, with plans to announce it by the end of summer. Each new vertical will have its own brand, but all of the site names will likely incorporate the ‘Mint’ branding (e.g. BookMint or WineMint, though Berdakin was quick to point out that neither of these would be part of the company’s initial launch). Berdakin and Berman are well aware of the

established competitors like Gilt Groupe, but believe that there’s still a huge opportunity in online retail spending, explaining that only 6% of retail spending happens online. The Santa Monica-based company currently has seven engineers building out its product. We’ll have more on BeachMint this summer. CrunchBase Information Josh Berman Diego Berdakin BeachMint Information provided by CrunchBase

extend than it is with most practitioners. The wedding, which will take place this coming Saturday, June 19, at 4:00 p.m. (Central U.S. time), will happen in a mystical, mythical place called Mobile, Alabama. But for those of you online it will be streamed live on Suburban Oblivion and Paul O'Flaherty. The reception, hosted by@wigenout and@imwigen, will be a Tweetup. It will also be livestreamed. The bride and groom are registered at#paul&sara. Discuss


E-reader News Edition


Foursquare Begins Testing An “Add To Foursquare” Button With WSJ MG Siegler (TechCrunch) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:00:03 AM

One surefire way to know that a service is doing well is when you see their buttons start appearing all over the web. We’ve seen it with Facebook, we’ve seen it with Twitter ( Tweetmeme buttons), and now we’re going to start seeing it with Foursquare. To be clear, the “Add to Foursquare” buttons aren’t designed to be as ubiquitous as some of the other sharing buttons around the web. Instead, this button allows content providers to give readers oneclick access to add venues to their Foursquare to-do list. The first such partner that is testing this out is the Wall Street Journal. Beginning tomorrow, the newspaper’s site will feature these buttons next to venues featured in articles (specifically, in restaurant reviews and other cultural coverage). Along with the venue being added to a to-do list on the click of that button, there will also be a tip written by a WSJ editor that gets populated on on user’s Foursquare page. That tip will

WWDC 2010: Square's first steps Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

contain a link back to the article about the venue, so it will drive traffic back to WSJ as well, we’re told. This button will only appear on WSJ for now, but “ we’re definitely interested in finding a way to scale the feature in the future so other brands can take advantage of it,” a Foursquare spokesperson tells us. Foursquare declined to say if this was a revenue producing deal for them.

In some ways, this Add to Foursquare button seems more like Twitter’s new At Anywhere button. As we noted, it’s less about directly sharing, and more about extending the features of the site to the rest of the web. I know that I often read about new restaurants online but never remember to put them in my Foursquare to-do list — so this makes a lot of sense.

reader, having me sign on the touchscreen, and emailing me a receipt in a process that was Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:00:00 AM quick and painless. Well, mostly Filed under: iPad Square has painless -- you have to hand it to already made a big splash with a company whose demo is its launch -- the company, dependent on you giving them a founded by Jim McKelvey, Jack buck. Dorsey (formerly of Twitter), But I guess O'Tierney paid me and Tristan O'Tierney, has back with his time -- you'll find created a system for accepting an interview after the link below credit card payments through i n w h i c h h e t e l l s m e t h e the iPhone. After a lot of weirdest use of the reader he's secrecy and hype, the app seen, what their biggest fraud launched on the iPad a while issue has been so far, and what b a c k . W h i l e t h e S q u a r e the company plans to do next. Reader(a little doohickey you TUAW WWDC 2010: Square's can plug in the headphone port first steps originally appeared on of an iOS device to swipe credit The Unofficial Apple Weblog cards in) is still hard to find, we (TUAW) on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 got one directly from O'Tierney 09:00:00 EST. Please see our himself at WWDC last week. terms for use of feeds. It wasn't free -- he charged us a Read| Permalink| Email this| buck for it (and for the privilege Comments of seeing a demo), taken by swiping my card through the


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

WWDC 2010: Hands-on with Max Adventure and interview with Imangi's Natalia Luckynova Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 6/14/2010 11:00:00 AM

WWDC 2010: Mighty Mighty Good Games Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

he and his wife (former Microsoft developers -- Sillett actually worked on Windows Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:00:00 AM Vista) have been playing with Filed under: iPhone, App Store this idea of word games on the Not all of the developers on the iPhone, and they've tested all of App Store are starting up the tricks. They've released free gigantic companies or breaking versions, included ads, tried new indie ground. A large different pricing and versions, number of them, like Darren and so on. As a result, they've Sillett and his wife Samantha of found success with over ten Mighty Mighty Good Games, million downloads of their free a r e j u s t e x p e r i e n c e d apps and over 200k in paid-app programmers who choose an sales. idea and stick with it, iterating Sillett told me that his next big and testing to see what works step will be to bring some of his and what doesn't on the App apps to the iPad, and he's Store. Sillett's biggest app is one planning on going universal. of a few versions of Sudoku on While there will be some extra the iPhone, but since day one, stuff in the iPad version, he

thinks that universal is the best choice for his customers, at least while he's testing the waters. We also talked at length about iAds; Sillett says that ads have proven more beneficial for him in just the last few months, as ad companies and customers have really started to move the market along. TUAW WWDC 2010: Mighty Mighty Good Games originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Filed under: iPhone, iPad Natalia Luckynova is half of Imangi Studios. Along with her husband Keith Shepherd, she makes iPhone and iPod games, including the popular Harbor Master and a few other titles. We got to meet up with her at WWDC last week, and she was able to show off their latest title, Max Adventure, due out for the App Store in just a few weeks' time. The game was heavily improved since I last saw it in action, and it's shaping up to be a quality dual stick shooter -- a little kiddy, but with a fun element of exploring a nice mix

of environments and an actual story to follow. You can see the game above, and once you've checked it out, be sure to head after the break, where Luckynova tells us how the company's first iPad game is doing, what they think of iPhone 4 and iOS 4.0, and how she learned what a Kraken is. TUAW WWDC 2010: Handson with Max Adventure and interview with Imangi's Natalia Luckynova originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Use Chrome's Full Screen Toggle to Organize Its Windows Thumbnails [Windows 7 Tip] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 6/14/2010 7:30:00 AM

You can shuffle around your running applications in Windows 7's taskbar, but not the order of the window thumbnails it shows for each app. If you're using Google Chrome and want to set a certain window last, hit the Full Screen switch. More Âť

Windows 7- Google ChromeMicrosoft Windows- WindowsUtilities


E-reader News Edition

WiPower flees to 1974, returns with through-desk wireless charging system (video) Darren Murph (Engadget) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:27:00 AM

Based on just how intimately we studied Chris Berman's hairdo from ESPN's 1979 launch, we're more than confident in saying that the video produced here to showcase a "new" wireless desk is most certainly a relic from yesteryear. WiPower -- a company that was trumpeting its wireless charging pad way back in '07 -- has purportedly joined up with Gill Industries in order to showcase the planet's first production through-desk, wireless charging system at NeoCon 2010. The solution would enable laptop users to

plop their machine down anywhere on their desk (within the charging area, of course) and have it instantly charge, and if you play your cards right, doing so may open up a wormhole to the era of your choice. In all

seriousness, we already saw a working demo of a similar solution at Qualcomm's Computex booth, so there's a better than average chance that this stuff is ready to ship right away. Trouble is, there's no

official launch date for Gill's new family of energy-infused tables. Blast the from past is after the break... if you're prepared. Continue reading WiPower flees to 1974, returns with through-desk wireless charging system (video) WiPower flees to 1974, returns with through-desk wireless charging system (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:27:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| WiPower| Email this| Comments


Online Gambling Company 888 Picks Up Real Dice’s Social Games Studio Mytopia For $18M Leena Rao (TechCrunch) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:34:16 AM

Online gambling company 888 has bought the assets of the Mytopia social games development studio from Real Dice. Mytopia, which launched at TechCrunch50 in 2008, is an online social gaming community where people can play casual games together in real time. The base price is $18 million ONLINE page 32

NPR’s iPad App Downloaded 350,000 Times Erick Schonfeld (TechCrunch)

have downloaded the iPad app. Asked whether she minds getting links from Google News, NPR always has among the as Rupert Murdoch and other most popular news apps in the news organizations like to iTunes Store. Its latest iPad app complain apparently do, she has been downloaded 350,000 responded: “I have no problems times, according to CEO Vivian with that whatsoever. I am not S c h i l l e r , w h o s p o k e t h i s in the camp of Google bashers, morning at Wired’s Business Google sends a lot of traffic to Conference in New York City. us. We want our content to be Considering that only about 2 a s e a s i l y d i s c o v e r a b l e a s million iPads have been sold, p o s s i b l e . ” about one in six iPad owners Of course, NPR’s mission is to Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:34:07 AM

provide free journalism to the public, so she is not a big fan of paywalls either. As listeners shift to the Web, NPR is

destruction.” She estimates NPR’s Website traffic to currently be around 12 million unique visitors per month. To the extent that other traditional media outlets talk actually start erecting paywalls and blocking Google, NPR and other open media sites will benefit. CrunchBase committed to following them Information National Public and serving them there as well. Radio Information provided by Ignoring consumer preference, CrunchBase she notes, would be a “path to


Technology/ Food/ Policy/

E-reader News Edition

iPhone OS 4 to include Facebook video uploads? Joseph L. Flatley (Engadget) Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:52:00 AM

We already knew that Apple was likely ratcheting up the social networking integration in iOS 4-- that is, if the addition of Linked Contacts and .plist entries referring to Facebook means anything (and it probably does). Adding further flame to the fire, the gang at have dug up a bit of code that appears to handle

Archos 13 laptop arrives in France Laura June (Engadget) Submitted at 6/14/2010 11:21:00 AM

Archos-- primarily known for being heavy into the PMP game -- has just outed an updated line of laptops in France. Here we have the previously spotted Archos 13, and while we don't have a full rundown of specifications, we know that it's a 13.3-incher with an unnamed Intel Atom D510 CPU, 1GB of DDR2 RAM, a 160GB hard drive, WiFi b/g/n, Bluetooth, and a 6-cell battery. It comes

with Windows 7 Home Starter edition, and although we haven't heard anything about releases outside of France or international pricing, we do know that this puppy goes forâ‚Ź399.98 (around $485). Archos 13 laptop arrives in France originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 11:21:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Uber Gizmo| Archos| Email this| Comments

video exporting to the popular social networking site. As near as we can tell, users will be able to send files at 480 x 480, 30

ONLINE continued from page 31

cash with an additional earn out payment that will be made calculated on the basis of net profit for the calendar year 2011. The total payment to Real Dice for Mytopia’s games is capped at $48 million. Mytopia sold 12 games in total to 888, which is planning to add microtransactions to the games to monetize the platform. Mytopia also offers a platform that allows developers to write code once and have it

immediately distributed and syndicated to various smartphones and mobile operating systems. 888 has licensed this technology along with the acquisition of the social gaming studio. CrunchBase Information Mytopia Information provided by CrunchBase

FPS -- and since Facebook is already using HTML5, you won't have that pesky Steve Jobs / Flash thing to worry about. iPhone OS 4 to include Facebook video uploads? originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 09:52:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

Making Hay (AEI.Org: Articles) Submitted at 6/13/2010 6:00:00 PM

This month, the Supreme Court will rule on its first-ever case involving genetically modified (GM) crops. It also prepares to welcome a new member who, as solicitor general, intervened on MAKING page 33

Online Features - July 2010 (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Eat Smart Videos Now Showing! Recipe makeovers, cooking tips, and more advice on real-life nutrition.

Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

E-reader News Edition


MAKING continued from page 32

behalf of the controversial technology, angering many liberals. The case revolves around alfalfa hay--a nutritious, easily digestible livestock feed that at $8 billion a year is the country's fourth-most-valuable crop--and specifically, GM alfalfa seeds produced by the company Monsanto. These seeds, as part of the company's Roundup Ready line, are genetically modified to tolerate glyphosate, an herbicide that is commercially known as Roundup. When farmers use Roundup instead of other chemicals to kill weeds, they actually cut down on overall chemical use. After an exhaustive review, the USDA gave Roundup Ready Alfalfa the green light in 2005. But the Center for Food Safety, a group opposed to agricultural biotechnology, contended that the Department of Agriculture hadn't adequately evaluated the potential environmental consequences. In 2007, in Monsanto Co. v. Geertson Seed Farms, a federal court agreed, prohibiting Monsanto from selling Roundup Ready Alfalfa pending another assessment. A draft of that second evaluation, released last December, echoed the original findings. Solicitor General

Elena Kagan filed a brief on the biotechnology company's behalf, even though the government is not a defendant in the appeal. The legal saga is unfolding on the heels of a controversial report by the National Research Council, the government's official science advisers on agricultural genetics. In April, the scientists raised concerns about the possible emergence of so-called super weeds, but overall they strongly endorsed GM technology. The scientists detailed what they called its "long and impressive list of benefits," including better weed control in conservation tillage and reduced erosion. With GM crops, farmers spend less on chemicals and avoid having to use carbon-belching tilling machines. The National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy estimates that GM corn seed reduces herbicide use by over 39 million pounds annually and saves farmers $250 million each year in weed-management costs. The report encouraged governments to apply genetic engineering to a wider range of crops to help address a savage, persistent worldwide hunger crisis. It's estimated that 12 million farmers are growing 282 million acres of GM crops--with increasing acreage in resource-

poor developing countries. The authors also note that crops can be engineered to withstand harsh temperatures, providing food to areas that aren't conducive to farming. Genetic modification also can increase nutrients in harvested crops-Vitamin A-enriched ("Golden") rice, zinc-enhanced sorghum, and higher-protein potatoes already have been developed. Although GM crops face tough restrictions in Europe, which regulates under the precautionary principle, the U.S. has been less responsive to advocacy campaigns. Soybeans were the first Roundup Ready crop to hit the market, in 1996. Today, more than 80 percent of the corn, soybeans, and cotton grown in the U.S. is genetically modified. In an attempt to slow the spread of GM technology, campaigners have zeroed in on GM alfalfa, stoking concerns that modified seeds could "contaminate" conventional and organic fields and damage the alfalfa market. In its two environmental assessments, the USDA downplayed the potential of gene drift because alfalfa hay is often cut before bloom, and is almost always cut before ripe seed is formed. There have been no recorded incidents of gene flow into organic alfalfa hay in

five years, which has turned around some skeptics. "There are more safeguards in place," says Drex Gauntt, president of the Washington State Hay Growers Association, which dropped its support of the suit. "It's not this 'scourge of the earth' from a scientific standpoint, as opponents of GM alfalfa would lead you to believe," adds Washington farmer Bob Haberman, who has 205 acres of Roundup Ready Alfalfa. (Some 5,500 growers who began planting it across 200,000 acres are exempt from the court order.) "Applying technology to agriculture is what has made the United States the greatest agricultural country in the world." In the government's supporting brief, Kagan argues that no serious problems have arisen, and that restrictions in place make it highly unlikely that any would occur. "She defended Monsanto's fight to contaminate the environment with its GM alfalfa, not the American people's right to safe feed and a protected environment," huffed an article that anti-biotech activists widely disseminated on the Web. The case will be decided before Kagan, if confirmed, dons her robes. But regardless of how the Supreme Court rules, the debate

over GM technology may be back before the federal courts in short order. A coalition of liberal groups is attempting to block planting of GM sugar beets. Although all sides anxiously await the Supreme Court's ruling, the long-term fate of GM alfalfa, sugar beets, and other crops ultimately rests with the Department of Agriculture. Protesters claim to have flooded the agency with more than 200,000 angry letters since it released the impact draft report. Although its science panel publicly concluded the crop poses no danger to human health or the environment, the USDA is reviewing the comments and awaiting the judges' decision before making a final determination. Jon Entine is a visiting fellow at AEI. Photo Credit: F. Schussler/ PhotoLink/Getty Images Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Milton Friedman Holds Secret to Plugging Well (AEI.Org: Articles)

floating above Earth, scrambling a Superman with an "O" on his chest whenever evil threatens It doesn't seem to matter in the poor citizens of "Smallville." America which party wins a While Superman might be nice given election. Either way, to have around occasionally, the America loses. problem is how Democrats have The oil spill in the Gulf of expanded his enemies list. Mexico reveals why. Profits are evil, so government President Barack Obama wants must punitively raise taxes on an "ass to kick." Republicans insurers, oil companies, drug want to kick Obama. The truth companies and any others that is that both parties are more become too successful. Private interested in pointing fingers contracts tend to be unjust, than refining their own beliefs because predatory businessmen and biases in response to the will trick citizens into making disaster. The environmental agreements that are not in their calamity exposes fundamental, interest, so government must fatal flaws in the philosophies of step in and dictate the terms. both parties. Imperfect Heroes Therein lies the one prospect If Democrats live in the DC for good news from the gushing Comics universe, where the catastrophe: If the U.S. is to heroes are perfect and the escape from the downward v i l l a i n s e a s y t o i d e n t i f y , spiral it finds itself in, at least Republicans live in the Marvel o n e o f t h e p a r t i e s m u s t universe, where the heroes, such internalize the lessons of the as Wolverine and Spider-Man, spill. are reluctant, best left alone, and The traditional Democratic potentially villains themselves. view sees free enterprise as the T h e r e a r e n o o m n i s c i e n t , source of many evils, and benevolent rulers here. Sooner government's proper role as to or later power will be wielded stand between fragile citizens by the likes of Nancy Pelosi, so and the market. This vision has the role of government should e v o l v e d f r o m c o m i c - b o o k be constrained as much as fantasy. Obama's team is the possible. Justice League of America, Both parties have taken their Submitted at 6/13/2010 6:00:00 PM

view to an extreme. Civil society requires that government provide an umbrella under which free enterprise can flourish. Milton Friedman, in a legendary treatise, listed four roles for government: enforcing the rules of the game, watching out for natural monopolies, controlling "neighborhood" effects such as pollution, and protecting those who can't do so themselves. Democrats, of course, see a much broader role for government. Their government has become what Bastiat warned about: "the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." Zero for Four The government that tries to do everything accomplishes nothing. It fails to deliver the four essentials that even Friedman viewed as prerequisites for a successful society. The Obama administration was so distracted by green jobs and sparring with business that it failed to establish a rational government response plan for deepwater oil spills, even after the Timor Sea blowout of 2009. That discharge, the third worst

in Australia's history, spewed an estimated 30,000 barrels of oil during 10 weeks--a pittance only when compared with the BP Plc spill in the Gulf. As a wakeup call, the Timor Sea spill should have been the marine equivalent of 9/11. The Republican Party's opposition to all things government is just as illconsidered. If drilling in treacherous conditions is to be allowed, for instance, then a competent, well -funded government is needed to plan and practice a rapid response to an accident. This comes directly from Friedman's analysis: a private individual will not factor in the costs to society of a terrible spill and therefore won't invest adequately in machines to clean it up. Hungry Voters Citizens at times hunger for the order that government should provide, so they grant power to Democrats--who inevitably take it too far. Republicans neglect the fact that some government activism is required to accomplish Friedman's goal of "improving the operation of the invisible hand without substituting the dead hand of

bureaucracy." Policy in the U.S. has become the unpredictable outcome of a game between a party that irrationally believes government can and should do almost everything, and a party that irrationally believes government can and should do almost nothing. Sooner or later, one of the parties--or, perhaps, another one --will recognize the necessary, limited number of functions for government that are a prerequisite for a society within which free citizens can generate happiness and prosperity, without financial crises and oil spills. It will matter when such a party emerges, and wins. Kevin A. Hassett is a senior fellow and the director of economic policy studies at AEI. Photo Credit: iStockphoto/ Larry Cole Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


Rosenberg: Yes, The ECRI IS Forecasting A Double Dip, And We'll Have Negative GDP By Q4 Joe Weisenthal (The Money Game)

foreshadowing seven recessions — with a three month lag. Keep your eye on Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:46:00 AM the -10 threshold, for In his latest note, Gluskin- at that level, the economy has Sheff's David Rosenberg makes gone into recession … only a long and compelling argument 100% of the time that we are heading for a double Suffice it to say, when the d i p , a n d t h a t w e ' l l s e e a ECRI was drifting lower in "negative print" on GDP by Q4. 2007, it got to -3.5%, Note that this discussion has where are we are now, in been spurred by the recent November and unbeknownst to weakness in the ECRI leading the consensus at the economic indicators, which time that a recession was only e v e n E C R I s a y s i s n o t one month away. Remember forecasting a double dip. ( See that the here). economics community did not The smoothed ECRI leading call for recession until after economic index fell in the Lehman collapsed opening week in June — nine months after it started; for the fifth week in a row and and go back to 2001, and the now down in nine of the past consensus did ten. The index, not call for recession until after went from +0.3% to -3.5%, the 9/11 and again the economy had weakest it has been in a year. been in After predicting recession for a good six the V-shaped recovery we got months). We should probably briefly in the inventory-led GDP point out here that real data when the M3 has contracted at the fastest index soared off the bottom in rate since the early 1930s, as late 2008, at -3.5%, we can John Williams safely say that this has published, and declines in barometer is now signalling an the broad money measured has 80% chance of a double-dip foreshadowed recession. It is every recession in the past o n e t h i n g t o s l i p t o o r seven decades. fractionally below the zero line, To be sure, the Fed has not but a -3.5% reading has raised rates and the yield curve only sent off two head-fakes in is steep but there the past, while accurately has been a visible tightening in

financial market conditions that poses a significant risk for what has been a very fragile recovery in dire need of recurring rounds of policy stimulus. The widening in credit spreads and decline in the stock market represent a sizeable increase in the debt and equity cost of capital. The Fed has stopped expanding its balance sheet (and now we have Fed presidents Hoenig clamoring for rate hikes and Plosser for reducing the size of the Fed’s balance sheet) and end of the housing tax credits implies a major withdrawal of federal

government support at a time when restraint is accelerating at the State and local levels (the States have a $127.4 billion aggregate deficit to close for the fiscal year beginning July 1st so right there we have a onepercentage point drag on baseline GDP growth). The data suggest that we are now seeing the consumer sputter with what looks like a very weak handoff into the third quarter. The housing sector is collapsing again. The exportimport data are pointing to a sudden deceleration in two-way trade flows. Commercial real estate is dead in the

water. Bank credit is in freefall right now (down 0.3% or $32 billion in the first week of June — the third decline in a row and has now contracted in six of the past seven weeks and at an 11% annual rate. In the last three weeks, bank credit has contracted a total of $119bln, which is the steepest decline since the week of November 19, 2008 when the economy was deep in recession. So what's next? There is still something left in the tank as far as capex and inventory investment is concerned, but by the fourth quarter, we could well be looking at a flat or even negative GDP print. This is exactly what happened in the second half of 2002, when by the end of the year real GDP converged in real final sales near the 0% mark after a sharp but truncated miniinventory cycle. That may not have been classified as a double-dip recession, but it was a growth collapse nonetheless — an aborted recovery for a consensus that went into the second half of that year, much ROSENBERG: page 39



E-reader News Edition

India's Booming Economy Shows No Signs Of Slowing (The Money Game)

Mumbaim in this article from the India Economic Times. Indian stocks and the rupee Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:42:27 AM strengthened immediately after India's economy grew at its the data, while the benchmark fastest pace in six months in the bond yield rose 2 basis points quarter through March 2010, from before the release. The fueled mainly by government expansion in the March quarter and consumer spending, which was driven by government i s e x p e c t e d t o a l l o w spending, manufacturing and p o l i c y m a k e r s t o f o c u s o n services. anchoring inflation that is Revival of growth in farm hovering near 10 percent. output after a contraction in the The 8.6 percent expansion in quarter ago underscored the the fourth quarter of the fiscal broad-based recovery in Asia's year 2009/10 was broadly in third-largest economy. line with a median forecast of The arrival of fresh crops 8.7 percent in a Reuters poll, helped agriculture grow by 0.2 and lifted the annual average p e r c e n t , h a v i n g d r o p p e d growth rate for the full fiscal significantly in the previous year to a slightly better-than- quarter of 2009-10 due to a expected 7.4 percent. poor monsoon. India's economy had grown 6.7 The farm sector, which forms percent in 2008/09, and the Jan- n e a r l y 1 7 p e r c e n t o f t h e March 2009/10 growth rate economy but is dependent on matches the revised data for the monsoon rains, is expected to do second quarter of 2009/10. well in 2011 as the weather The data is unlikely to evoke office has predicted a normal any immediate and aggressive monsoon for the country, as policy response from the central farm output grew an annual 0.7 bank as concerns on Europe's percent helped by a good winter debt crisis are expected to keep harvest. its policy on hold for now. Manufacturing output grew "It would be important to note 16.3 percent on year in the that this release is a backward quarter as consumers bought looking number and our sense is more cars and other goods. that policy makers would The government expects the remain considerate of the economy to grow 8.5 percent in external developments and any the current fiscal year that associated downside risk to started on April 1 on the overall growth," said Anubhuti prospects of a better farm Sahay, an economist with output and a global recovery, Standard Chartered Bank in and Finance Minister Pranab

Index in April. The rapid acceleration in the world's second-fastest growing major economy after China is boosting consumer demand far ahead of what can be met by existing supply capacity. Analysts expect monetary policy tightening along the year, as the RBI moves to cool demand through rate hikes until firms crank up their potential output. The central bank has already lifted rates twice by a total of 50 basis points since March and has not ruled out an off-cycle rate rise either. This macro-level growth is, not surprisingly, also Mukherjee on Monday said in India, rose 9.59 percent in showing up on the per capita growth would top this estimate. April from a year earlier amid level as well, which is Among other high growth the government officials claim denominated in Rupees or Rs. sectors during the quarter were that headline inflation had Forty thousand Indian rupees hotels and transport services peaked. 40,000 Rs - is equivalent to which grew by 12.4 percent, Headline inflation numbers approximately 860 in US w h i l e f i n a n c i a l s e r v i c e s have been consistently higher dollars. The per capita income including insurance grew by 7.9 than the official forecasts. grew by 10.5 per cent to Rs percent. The wholesale price inflation 44,345 in 2009-10 against Rs Prime Minister Manmohan vaulted above the RBI's end40,141 in the year-ago period, Singh last week said an annual March 2010 inflation forecast according to the government economic growth rate of 10 of 8.5 percent in January and data reported in another article percent is needed in the medium crossed the 10-percent mark in in India's Economic Times. term to address the problems of February. The per capita income was poverty and malnutrition. Even Although food price inflation slightly higher than Rs 43,749 a s S i n g h a i m s f o r h i g h has eased from its peak of 20 as calculated by the Central economic growth, inflation and percent in December, it is still Statistical Organisation (CSO) the high level of debt have come above 16 percent. in its advance estimates for to haunt his government and Rising cost pressures are also FY10. However, per capita appears to be undermining its dragging down the pace of income grew by 5.6 per cent support base, as we at Economy m a n u f a c t u r i n g g r o w t h , a s last fiscal year if calculated on Watch have noted. evidenced by a second-straight the basis of 2004-05 prices, Wholesale prices, the most monthly decline in the HSBC INDIA'S page 38 closely watched inflation gauge Markit Purchasing Managers'


E-reader News Edition


Stalin's harvest (The Economist: Daily news and views) Submitted at 6/14/2010 1:02:11 AM

CLASHES in southern Kyrgyzstan have spiraled out of control. Thus far 118 people have been confirmed dead, a further 1,500 as injured, and tens of thousands of ethnic Uzbeks have fled to neighbouring Uzbekistan. The number of those killed over the past four days are without a doubt significantly higher than these estimates suggest. Local Muslim custom requires that the dead are buried within 24 hours. Many people are burying family members immediately without registering their deaths. Although Uzbeks make up only 15% of Kyrgyzstan’s population of 5.4m, most of them live in the southern part of the country, where they make up the majority. The Fergana Valley, where most of the killing happened, was divided arbitrarily by Stalin in the 1920s among Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. As a result, the Kyrgyz Soviet republic was left with a sizeable Uzbek population, the Uzbek Soviet republic with a Tajik population, and so on. While the Soviet

Union existed and the republics were part of the same country, this made little practical difference. But when the Soviet Union fell apart, these artificially created borders became final, separating newly independent states and fomenting ethnic tensions. The interim government has been powerless to put an end to the violence. Roza Otunbayeva, the acting president said that the country needed outside help and appealed to Russia to send peacekeeping troops. Security officers were given shoot-to-kill orders. The Russian government initially responded that the violence was an internal affair for Kyrgyzstan to handle on its own and agreed only to send humanitarian aid. A day later Russia dispatched paratroopers to secure its Kant military base in the northern part of the country. The United States also has an air base in the north, but has not been invited to intervene with its military forces. The cause of the rampage involving Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks, which began in Osh, Kyrgyzstan’s second-largest city, remains unclear. Observers believe that the events were orchestrated by individuals

taking advantage of longstanding tensions between the two ethnic groups. The interim government has blamed expresident Kurmanbek Bakiyev, who was ousted in a popular uprising in April and now lives in exile. Mr Bakiyev has rejected the charge. His supporters say the unrest was instigated in an effort to prevent a national referendum on a new constitution scheduled to be held on June 27th. This wave of violence has been shaped by politics. Mr Bakiyev hails from the south of the country. His stronghold was in Jalal-Abad, where he still has many supporters. Ethnic Uzbeks, who play almost no role in Kyrgyzstan’s public life—whether in government, regional administrations, or the military—have tended to prefer the interim government, which has set its sights on turning Kyrgyzstan away from authoritarian presidential rule to a parliamentary republic. Whatever the cause, the fighting between ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks has been ferocious. Some eye witnesses claim that the army, which consists mainly of ethnic Kyrgyz, has sided with its kin. Violence spread to Jalal-

Abad over the weekend. Although atrocities appear to have been committed by both sides, the Kyrgyz quickly gained the upper hand. Uzbek houses have been looted and set on fire—plumes of smoke are visible for many miles around—women have reportedly been raped, and armed Kyrgyz gangs have been harassing and shooting at Uzbeks. Gas was shut off in much of Osh, as was electricity in some quarters. Shops have been ransacked and food has become scarce. Many ethnic Uzbeks, mostly women, children and the elderly, have fled the city to the nearby border with Uzbekistan, looking for safety. According to official Uzbek figures, 32,000 people have so far crossed the border and now live in makeshift tents. Unofficially, at least 75,000 people are believed to have fled the country. An NGO based in Uzbekistan says that there are already more than 200,000 Uzbek refugees sheltering there. “It is a human-rights disaster in every respect,” says Andrea Berg, a researcher with Human Rights Watch, a New Yorkbased organisation, who

happened to be in Osh when the rioting started. She says she received many desperate phone calls from people unable to get out of the city because of blockades erected by Kyrgyz gangs. Those Uzbek women and children who made it are now gathering in different villages along the border and do not know what has happened to their husbands, brothers and fathers. The current clashes are the worst ethnic violence in Central Asia in 20 years. In June 1990 clashes between Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks in the Osh region left several hundred people dead. That conflict was resolved through the quick deployment of Soviet troops. Its suppression was enforced by Askar Akayev, who ruled as Kyrgyzstan's president until 2005, when the “tulip revolution” saw him replaced by Mr Bakiyev. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Here's Everything You Need To Know About Who's Exposed In Europe Gregory White (The Money Game)

Settlements The UK has the most serious problem with Irish debt. Orange: Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:35:00 AM Public Sector Europe has serious problems Green: Banking Sector going on behind the scenes in its Yellow: Non-bank private banking sector, and those sector problems are directly connected White: Other Exposures to bank exposure levels. Source: Bank for International The exposures in question are Settlements close to home: Portugal, Ireland, Spain's economy is awkwardly Greece, and Spain. linked with its fellow debtor, The Bank for International Portugal. Orange: Public Sector Settlements has a breakdown of Green: Banking Sector the worsening credit market Yellow: Non-bank private conditions in Europe, and the sector countries whose banks are at the White: Other Exposures center of the storm. Spreads Source: Bank for International g e t t i n g d a n g e r o u s l y w i d e Settlements against the U.S. Source: Bank Exposure to Spain is enormous for International Settlements across Europe, and outside in Still lagging behind the worst the U.S. and Japan. Orange: stress levels of the crisis, though Public Sector growing rapidly. Source: Bank Green: Banking Sector for International Settlements Yellow: Non-bank private Italy has seen a surprising sector i n c r e a s e i n C D S v o l u m e . White: Other Exposures Source: Bank for International Source: Bank for International Settlements Settlements French banks need to worry Japanese Bank Exposure about their Greek exposure. Japan's banks have$22 billion in Orange: Public Sector exposure to the public debt of Green: Banking Sector Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Yellow: Non-bank private Spain. sector Source: Bank for International White: Other Exposures Settlements Source: Bank for International Spanish Bank Exposure

in exposure to the private sectors of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. German banks have exposure of$202 billion to the private sector of Spain alone. German banks have$177 billion in exposure to Ireland's overall private sector, and$126 billion Spanish banks have$110 billion to the non-bank private sector. in exposure to the private sector Source: Bank for International of Portugal. Settlements Source: Bank for International French Banking Exposure Settlements Image: corsac French banks UK Banking Exposure The have$106 billion in exposure to UK's banks have$23 billion in the public sectors of Greece, exposure to the public debt of Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and French banks have sovereign Spain. debt exposure of$48 billion to UK banks have$230 billion in Spain,$31 billion to Greece, exposure to Ireland's private and$21 billion to Portugal. sector. French banks have$493 billion Banks in the UK also have$140 in exposure to the private billion in exposure to Spain's sectors of Greece, Ireland, private sector. Portugal, and Spain. Source: Bank for International French banks have$248 billion Settlements in exposure to the private sector German Banking Exposure of Spain alone. German banks have$68 billion Source: Bank for International in exposure to the public sectors Settlements of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Now check out why we're not Spain. destined for a double dip. German banks have sovereign Deutsche Bank doesn't think so debt exposure of$33 billion to > Spain,$23 billion to Greece, Join the conversation about this and$10 billion to Portugal. story Âť German banks have$465 billion

INDIA'S continued from page 36

which some argue is a better method of comparison because it broadly factors in inflation. Per capita income (at 2004-05 prices) stood at Rs 33,588 in FY10 against Rs 31,821 in the previous year, according to estimates of national income released today. The size of the economy rose to Rs 62,31,171 crore in the last fiscal year, up 11.8 per cent over Rs 55,74,449 crore in FY09. For those who aren't Indian, a crore, often abbreviated cr, is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to ten million / 10,000,000 / 107. It is widely used in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Large money amounts in India are often written in the form "Rs 23 cr", that is, 23,00,00,000 rupees (230,000,000 in Western notation). This is guest post comes from David Caploe, PhD of Join the conversation about this story Âť


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ROSENBERG: continued from page 35

like this one, with a consensus forecast of 3% real economic growth. The lesson, is that expectations had surpassed reality to such an extent that it didn’t even take another recession to take the equity market down to new lows, which happened in October 2002 (not October 2001!), fully 11 months after the downturn officially ended. Not only are the economists calling for 3% real growth, which would imply something close to 4-5% nominal GDP growth, but the consensus among equity analysts is that we will end up seeing over 30% operating EPS growth to a new high of $95.59 for 2011. But there are a couple of points worth making here. The bottom-up crowd is never that good at predicting where profits are

going to be heading at the best of times, but at turning points in the economy it is awful — overestimating earnings by an average of nearly 20%. So we could easily be closer to $75 for next year’s EPS than $95. And, even $75 may be a stretch when you consider that there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that we are going to see earnings outstrip nominal GDP by a factor of six in the coming year. This type of earnings is always possible at the trough in profit margins, but we are coming off the third highest level on record — coming off the trough, historically, corporate earnings jump 17% the next year. At the peak, profits actually tend to decline 6% in the ensuing 12 months — imagine what that number

becomes when you come off peak margins and head into a recession at the same time. It’s not a pretty picture. A double-dip, admittedly, is not yet a sure thing but I am definitely warming to the view. As an aside, I spent a memorable weekend with Gary Shilling, Nouriel Roubini and Marc Faber, and not even these “bears” believe the economy will double dip. I should add that we were joined by Louise Yamada and Fred Hickey — all legends. Suffice it to say that there is probably a greater chance that profits go down than meet the consensus estimate, especially considering the deflationary shock out of Europe as well as the tremendous headwind for foreign-derived corporate earnings from the

recent surge in the U.S. dollar. So from our lens, slapping on a 12x forward multiple on a range of corporate earnings of $60-75 leaves quite a bit of downside potential in a market that is still priced for too much growth, and 20% overvalued on a Shiller normalized real P/E basis. Judging by Felix Zuluaf’s comments in the Barron’s Roundtable, we would have to assume that his math would not be far off — he sees book value justifying a move towards 500! Join the conversation about this story »

gThumb Brings Better Photo Browsing and Importing to Linux [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 6/14/2010 7:00:00 AM

Linux: Ubuntu's next version will switch out the F-Spot photo manager for Shotwell, a young but promising tool. Want a better tool than either of them? Try gThumb, which does well at importing, viewing, organizing, and lightly editing your shots. More » Linux- gThumb- UbuntuOperating SystemsDistributions

5 Celebrities Who Had Heart Bypass Surgery (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

invincible. They get the same diseases that we do. For example, there are plenty of We often expect celebrities to celebrities who get diabetes, be in better health than us have high blood pressure and "regular people." After all, their otherwise find themselves at wealth means that they have r i s k f o r d i s e a s e s s u c h a s unlimited access to the best c o r o n a r y h e a r t d i s e a s e . physicians, physical trainers, Coronary heart disease occurs nutritionists and personal chefs when vessels in the heart do not that money can buy. While this provide an adequate blood might be true, celebrities aren't supply to the muscle. It is most Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:00:00 AM

often due to atherosclerosis, a build-up of plaque in the arteries. When blood flow to the heart is compromised, it can result in chest pain or even a heart attack. If lifestyle changes or medications don't work, surgery may be the only way to treat the problem. In one possible surgical treatment, known as a heart bypass, a surgeon uses a healthy piece of

artery or vein from elsewhere in the body to make a detour around the blocked area, restoring full blood flow to the heart. Doctors have bypassed as many as five of these clogged places during one surgery, known as a quintuple heart bypass. Many celebrities over the years have undergone heart bypass surgery. Let's start with one who

has undergone heart surgery not once, but twice. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Economy/ Culture/

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The week ahead (The Economist: Daily news and views) Submitted at 6/13/2010 12:11:18 PM

•IN IRAQ, the first session of the new parliament begins on Monday June 14th. Iyad Allawi's Iraqi National Movement, known as Iraqiya, narrowly won the general election (which took place at the end of March), giving him the right to try to form a coalition. This will not be easy. Making a stable government out of the available ingredients—which include the State of Law alliance, led by the current prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki; a Shia religious alliance that includes followers of a populist cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr; and a Kurdish alliance—could take months. •OIL executives can expect a rough ride when they testify before a congressional committee on Tuesday 15th. The chief executives of Exxon, Chevron and Conoco, along

with a senior executive from Shell, are all appearing. While collecting so much of the Dow’s value in one room would ordinarily be a big event, this time the flashbulbs will be saved for the president and chairman of BP America, Lamar McKay. To turn up the heat on BP, Barack Obama is expected to visit Mississippi, Alabama and Florida early next week—his fourth visit to the Gulf region since the Deepwater Horizon rig began pumping crude oil into the sea. •SPAIN’S prime minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero is due to impose labour reforms on Spain’s civil servants on Wednesday 16th. If the unions dislike the prime minister’s plans, as seems highly likely, they will call a general strike. The risks to the Eurozone of failing to push through this kind of measure will be on the minds of Angela Merkel, German’s prime minister, and Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president,

when they meet earlier in the week. •POLAND elects a new president on Sunday 20th. The contest will have a more sombre air than it normal, coming just over two months since President Lech Kaczynski died with 95 others in a plane crash at Smolensk, near Katyn. The election is a contest between Mr Kaczynski’s twin brother, Jaroslaw, leader of the opposition Law and Justice Party (PiS in its Polish acronym) and Bronislaw Komorowski, the speaker of the lower house of the Polish parliament, who has been acting president since the crash. Despite sympathy for Jaroslaw Kaczynski after his brother’s death, Mr Komorowski is favourite to win. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Avoid These Red Flag Terms in Office Email [Office Culture] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:00:00 AM

Your company probably won't suffer global-scale collapse and be investigated by federal auditors. Still, if you want to

avoid looking bad, and leaving your boss or coworkers

exposed, avoid writing the "red flag" terms found in a search of Lehman Brothers' email. More » Lehman Brothers- United States- Red flag- Ernst & Young - Flags

Top 5 Risk Factors for Heart Disease (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:00:00 AM

If you're the gambling sort, here's a safe bet -- you're going to die from heart disease. It's the No. 1 killer in the United States, and it causes almost three out of every 10 deaths each year, more than any other single cause [source: CDC]. "Heart disease" is an umbrella term for a number of heart conditions. One of these conditions is coronary artery disease, excessive plaque buildup in the arteries that deliver oxygenated blood to your heart tissues. When these arteries get too narrow or clogged up, your heart doesn't get the fuel it needs to do its job. This condition may lead to angina, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and eventually result in heart attack. Heart failure is also a form of heart disease. Heart failure implies that your heart suddenly stops beating, but that's not the case -- it refers to the diminished capacity of a damaged ticker. Heart failure often leaves you feeling exhausted or breathless, because your heart is having trouble

delivering enough blood -- and the oxygen in that blood -- to every part of your body.Arrhythmia(abnormal heart rhythm) is also considered a form of heart disease. A diseased heart may begin to flutter or race and, in extreme cases, can prevent blood from properly moving through the heart's chambers. One way doctors predict your likelihood of getting these conditions is through a little equation called the Framingham formula, which takes a bunch of risk factors and calculates how likely you are to get coronary heart disease. The problem is that the Framingham formula is pretty complex. So to make it easy for you, we're going to focus on five risk factors in this article. First, we'll talk about the factor we all like to blame when we look at our oversized feet or our untamed eyebrows: genetics.Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Economy/ Culture/ Politics/

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Deutsche Bank: Here's Why There Will Be No Double Dip Recession Gregory White (The Money Game)

Shirtless Tom Cruise Strips Down With Cameron Diaz For ESPN

Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:24:00 AM

PopSugar (PopSugar)

Deutsche Bank has put together a report detailing the history of double dip recessions and why, from all the data currently available, that scenario seems unlikely right now. We have the charts detailing previous double dip scenarios and the break down of why they happened. We also have those charts that suggest a different fate for the economy today. Source: Deustche Bank Prior to World War II, recessions lasted longer and expansions were shorter. On average, pre-World War II recessions lasted 21 months. In the post war period, recessions have only lasted 11 months on average. From 1854 to 1945, the economy was in recession 40% of the time, which has only been the case 15% of the time since World War II. Source: Deustche Bank Source: Deustche Bank The pre-World War I double dip In 1910, the global economy went into recession which lasted until January 1912. After a year of growth, the economy returned to recession, and was only lifted from the by the outbreak of World War I.

Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:00:00 AM

This period also saw a return to protectionist policies in the European political sphere, which may have worsened or the recession. Source: Deustche Bank Source: Deustche Bank The pre-Roaring Twenties Double Dip World War I saw a massive period of continuous growth, but was followed in 1918 by a short downturn. That downturn ended in March 1919, but returned in January 1920, before being followed by a decade of strong growth. Source: Deustche Bank The Carter Crisis Image: Wikimedia The early 1980s saw a brief, 6 month recession as a product of the

Carter presidency's credit controls. The end of those credit controls produced a short period of growth, but then monetary tightening brought the economy back into recession. Source: Deustche Bank Source: Deustche Bank Source: Deustche Bank Source: Deustche Bank Source: Deustche Bank Source: Deustche Bank Source: Deustche Bank Source: Deustche Bank Now check out the 12 charts that show how the euro crisis has wrecked the world. Here are the 12 charts > Join the conversation about this story »


Tom Cruise shared a shirtless moment in LA on Friday while shooting an ad for ESPN with Cameron Diaz. The duo will log lots of time side by side in the coming weeks as they prep for the release of Knight and Day on June 23. Their promotional efforts include viral videos, and the pair was front and center in one released last week that features Tom's impressive soccer skills. His fancy footwork won't land him a position playing in the World Cup, but his moves did come in handy during his Les Grossman dance routine at the MTV Movie Awards. The bringing

back of Tom's Tropic Thunder character resulted in a new film deal, but the next few weeks will be all about getting word out about his Summer blockbuster with Cameron. To see more stunts from Tom and Cameron, just read more. View 15 Photos ›

Freedom From Quant Franklin Foer (The New Republic - All Feed)

Galileo of sports’ scientific revolution are the statistician Bill James and the Oakland Submitted at 6/13/2010 11:00:00 PM Athletics general manager Billy There's a new master narrative Beane. They have reduced the for the history of sports. And it mysteries of baseball prowess to goes like this: We have only just a s e q u e n c e o f p r e v i o u s l y begun to emerge from the ignored data, the new discipline superstitious dark ages, where of sabermetrics, uncovering the coaches clung to folk wisdom, h i d d e n f o r m u l a s f o r into the enlightened world of u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e g a m e . data. The Copernicus and



E-reader News Edition

The Looming Space Junk Crisis: It's Time to Take Out the Trash Evan I. Schwartz (Wired Top Stories)

inevitable. Colliding objects would shatter into countless equally dangerous fragments, Submitted at 6/13/2010 11:00:00 PM setting off a chain reaction of Illustration: Simon C. Page additional crashes. “The result On clear winter nights, when w o u l d b e a n e x p o n e n t i a l the trees are bare, Donald increase in the number of Kessler likes to set up a small objects with time,” he wrote, telescope on the back deck of “creating a belt of debris around his house in Asheville, North the Earth.” Carolina, and zoom in on the At age 38, Kessler had found stars shining over the Blue his calling. Not that his bosses Ridge Mountains. It’s not the had encouraged him to look into m o s t a d v a n c e d h o m e the issue—”they didn’t like observatory, but the retired what I was finding,” he recalls. NASA scientist treasures his But after the paper came out, Celestron telescope, which was NASA set up the Orbital Debris m a d e i n 1 9 7 8 . T h a t a l s o Program Office to study the happens to be the year Kessler problem and put Kessler in published the paper that made charge. He spent the rest of his his reputation in aerospace career tracking cosmic crap and circles. Assigned to the forming alliances with Environmental Effects Project counterparts in other nations in Office at NASA’s Johnson a n e f f o r t t o s l o w i t s Space Center in Houston, the proliferation. His description of astrophysicist had gotten a r u n a w a y c a s c a d e o f interested in the junk that collisions—which he predicted humans were abandoning in the would happen in 30 to 40 wild black yonder—everything years—became known as the from nuts and tools to defunct Kessler syndrome. satellites and rocket stages the While the scenario was size of school buses. accepted in theory by NASA I n t h a t s e m i n a l p a p e r , officials, nothing much was “ C o l l i s i o n F r e q u e n c y o f done about it. Capturing and A r t i f i c i a l S a t e l l i t e s : T h e disposing of space junk would Creation of a Debris Belt,” be expensive and difficult, and Kessler painted a nightmare the threat was too far in the scenario: Spent satellites and future to trigger much worry. o t h e r s p a c e t r a s h w o u l d After Kessler retired in 1996, he accumulate until crashes became grew a trim gray beard, peered

through his telescope on those clear nights, and waited. “I knew something would happen eventually,” he says. Then, on February 10, 2009—just a little more than three decades after the publication of his paper—the Kessler syndrome made its stunning debut. Some 500 miles over the Siberian tundra, two satellites were cruising through space, each racing along at about 5 miles per second. Iridium 33 was flying north, relaying phone conversations. A long-retired Russian communication outpost called Cosmos 2251 was tumbling east in an uncontrolled orbit. Then they collided. The ferocious impact smashed the satellites into roughly 2,100 pieces. Repercussions on the ground were minimal—perhaps a few dropped calls—but up in the sky, the consequences were serious. The wreckage quickly expanded into a cloud of debris, each shard an orbiting cannonball capable of destroying yet another hunk of high-priced hardware. As Kessler received reports of the collision from former colleagues at NASA, he realized that the situation had played out pretty much as he’d foreseen. After all, he had forecast that the first satellite collision would

happen around this time between objects of roughly this mass. Like an opening shot in a war, the crash served as a signal that the syndrome had gone from theory to reality. “Some people weren’t aware how fast these objects are going,” he says. “At those speeds, even something quite small can create tremendous damage.” Almost immediately after the accident, a military unit called the Space Surveillance Network sprang into action. Run by the Joint Space Operations Center at California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base, the network uses a system of radar installations and optical sensors to monitor space junk. Before the IridiumCosmos incident, it had been tracking 120 active satellites and worrying about an average of five potential collisions, or “conjunctions,” per day. The crash took everyone by surprise. “It wasn’t even on their list of possibilities that day,” an Iridium spokesperson says. The operations center moved quickly to double its computer capacity. By early 2010, it was keeping a close eye on 1,000 active satellites, 3,700 inactive satellites and rocket pieces, and another 15,300 objects the size of a fist or larger—a level of awareness that revealed a much higher daily average of 75

possible collisions. And that’s ignoring the danger posed by the estimated half-million smaller pieces of debris the size of a marble or larger. Too small to track from the ground, each of those tiny projectiles is capable of severely damaging a satellite. Just a month after the Iridium accident, a stray motor chunk hurtled toward the International Space Station. Cruising at an altitude of 220 miles, astronauts aboard the $100 billion laboratory were going about their daily chores at around noon EDT when they received a warning—prepare for possible impact. The crew was directed to scramble into the station’s equivalent of a lifeboat, an attached Russian-made Soyuz capsule. It would give them a chance to abandon ship, if necessary. After a few minutes, the motor zipped by, missing the ISS by just a few miles—in space terms, a close call. Then on December 1, with almost no warning, a small chunk from a different Cosmos satellite hurtled toward the ISS, coming within a mile of a direct hit. Due to its speeding-bullet velocity, even this fragment could have had an impact equal to a truck bomb. “A 10centimeter sphere of aluminum LOOMING page 44

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Microsoft Throws Glitzy Coming-Out Bash for Kinect at E3 Chris Kohler (Wired Top Stories)

Microsoft hoped to outdo them all before the show even started with this performance, which Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:52:00 AM was intentionally light on Men ride fake elephants with content but heavy on pomp and flat screens inside as dancers circumstance. Project Natal Gets revel and a sofa with actual a Name: Kinect people dangles in the air during The big news? Project Natal is Microsoft's pre-E3 party for new now named Kinect. videogame controller Kinect. Kinect uses multiple cameras to Illustration by Dan Panosian/ track a user’s body movements, translating their motion into LOS ANGELES — Dozens of game controls. You might dancers in tribal dress and body control a car racing game by makeup ran amongst the crowd pretending to grip a steering as we stood on the floor of a wheel in the air, or a tennis massive theater. Thumping game by swinging an imaginary world rhythms and electronic racket. Microsoft will release beats blared. the device later this year. The massive Xbox sphere is Will this be a revolutionary revealed in Cirque du Soleil's product? Microsoft certainly Project Natal Experience show. thinks so. “History is about to be Photo courtesy Microsoft rewritten,” boomed a deity-like Hundreds of onlookers, clad in voice over the loudspeaker. white polyester ponchos with “Human beings will be at the massive shoulder epaulets, center, and the machine will be gazed as the dancers spun red and twisted as a small boy putting on the most opulent controller that will bring motion the one that adapts. Might the and yellow ribbons from their climbed a tower of rock at the product launch in the history of and voice control to Microsoft’s next step be an absence of an game platform. hands and parted the sea of our far end of the theater, finally videogames. object? Is the future of humanity being raised up on an alien If there was any doubt that the A Star Wars game turns you … humanity itself?” bodies. Fellow writer Gus monolith familiar to everyone in Electronic Entertainment Expo into a Jedi and lets you engage Gee, that’s not building it up Mastrapa and I were separated the audience: A silver sphere w a s b a c k i n f u l l f o r c e , Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel. too much, right? by the gyrating “natives,” pulled adorned with a glowing green Microsoft’s kickoff event here Illustration by Dan Panosian/ Pages: 1 2 View All Sunday night, dubbed the to either side of the arena as X. Five Filters featured article: Simultaneously, the white Project Natal Experience, erased The E3 trade show, taking place Headshot - Propaganda, State they opened up a pathway through the crowd. A lifelike ponchos we wore began to glow it. A who’s who of videogames Tuesday through Thursday in Religion and the Attack On the elephant paraded through, an green, bathing the arena in streamed in to the Galen Center Los Angeles, is the game Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available unbelievable apparatus no doubt verdant light — the color of the on the University of Southern industry’s premier event, the tools: PDF Newspaper, Full filled with more performers Xbox, the color of the millions California campus to witness place where publishers attempt Text RSS, Term Extraction. o f d o l l a r s i n M i c r o s o f t ’ s Cirque du Soleil put on a show to out-bombast each other in from the Cirque du Soleil. In a tableau of Kubrickian marketing coffers, a sizeable created entirely for Project hopes of winning the attention proportions, the dancers gyrated chunk of which clearly went to N a t a l , t h e c a m e r a - b a s e d of the media and retail buyers.



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Are there natural nanotechnologies? (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

looking into nanotechnology as a potential way to treat cancer Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:00:00 AM patients. The basic idea is to The field of nanotechnology create tiny vessels -- perhaps deals with a world so small that just 100 nanometers wide -- to we can't see it through a light carry minute doses of an antimicroscope. At this scale, we're cancer drug. working with basic building Currently, most anti-cancer blocks like molecules or organic drugs can affect healthy and cells. Mankind's experience in cancerous tissue. That's why the this realm is limited, while side effects of chemotherapy nature has been building at the can be so dramatic and difficult molecular level for billions of to endure. But if doctors could years. create a device that could target But can we say there are natural specific cancer cells, they could nanotechnologies? From the use medicine in such a precise strictest definition, technology way that only the cancer would refers to practical application of be affected. As a result, patients knowledge or using technical would experience fewer side processes to accomplish a task. effects. In that sense, the question about While we may have to spend natural nanotechnology is more decades to learn enough to philosophical than practical. create a device that can find and Taking a strictly scientific target particular cells, nature has approach, we wouldn't say that already figured it out. Many there is such a thing as natural viruses seek out specific types nanotechnology. of cells. By studying viruses, Nature still plays a very oncologists hope to create the i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n m a n y perfect cancer-seeking delivery nanotechnology projects. Some device. Some are even planning nanotechnologists study cellular to use virus shells as the biology, although most cells are delivery device itself. The much larger than the nanoscale. nanotechnologists will coat the For example, oncologists are virus with proteins designed to

lock with cancer cells while ignoring everything else. Inside the shell is a tiny payload of medication. When the virus finds a cancer cell, it latches on and injects the medicine -which is technically poison -directly into the cancer cell. That's how viruses have worked for millions of years and it's just one example of how nanotechnologists are looking to nature for insight on how to work at the molecular level. Combining cellular biology and nanotechnology may lead to a future in which disease is largely eradicated. So even if we can't say there's such a thing as natural nanotechnology, nature will always play a prominent role in our understanding of this tiny world. Learn more about nanotechnology by following the links on the next page. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

LOOMING continued from page 42

would be like 7 kilograms of TNT,” says Jack Bacon, a senior NASA scientist charged with keeping the ISS safe. “It would blow everything to smithereens.” Incidents like these served as clear signs from above that something must finally be done about space junk. Its proliferation threatens not only current and future space missions but also global communications—mobile phone networks, satellite television, radio broadcasts, weather tracking, and military surveillance, even the dashboard GPS devices that keep us from getting lost. The number of manufactured objects cluttering the sky is now expected to double every few years as large objects weaken and split apart

Street Chic: New York (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:00:00 AM

Who: Whitney Jazmin

What: Keep it clean in classic American Sportswear staples Wear: Vintage jacket, top and shorts, Michael Shannon shoes Photo: Anne Ziegler

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and new collisions create more Kesslerian debris, leading to yet more collisions. NASA’s Bacon puts it bluntly: “The Kessler syndrome is in effect. We’re in a runaway environment, and we won’t be able to use space in the future if we don’t start dealing with this now.” Pages: Previous 1 2 3| Full Page | Next Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Washington's Big Money for Clean Tech Mark Boslett, greentechmedia (Wired Top Stories)

professor at UC-Berkeley. The bill would bring into existence the first nationwide system of building codes and tighten them every year through 2030. These codes will spark considerable demand for green building technologies, he says. See Also:

Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:08:00 AM

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates and General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt hope to convince the federal government to triple clean tech investments. The pair of corporate titans said Thursday they want $16 billion to go each year to research, develop and deploy technologies including wind energy, solar and nuclear fission. Their newly created American Energy Innovation Council includes fellow heavyweights John Doerr, a venture capitalist, and Bank of America Chairman Chad Holliday, among others. On the surface, this flood of money makes obvious sense. But from another perspective, it is nothing new. Contained in proposed federal legislation that is now awaiting congressional approval is clean-tech spending that will increase to $50 billion a year by 2020, according to Mark Trexler, director of climate strategies and markets at risk management firm DNV. About $13 billion comes from

tax credits and other fiscal measures. The rest is the result of ratepayer increases for electricity and other energy. The spending should lead to massive investments for wind, solar and carbon capture, Trexler said at the Cleantech Institute conference recently held at the University of California, Berkeley. The trouble is that the legislation has a slim chance of passing and the stalemate over bills, such as Waxman-Markey, could last another five to six

years, according to Trexler. If Democrats lose seats this fall and again in 2012, “it doesn’t make sense that the numbers look any better,” he says. According to Maximilian Auffhammer, also in attendance at the Cleantech conference, the Waxman-Markey proposal has another big benefit for clean tech that is not well known. Among the bill’s important policy mechanisms are “the most stringent building codes we have ever seen,” says Auffhammer, an associate

• Feds Laid Foundation for Apple/Google Mobile Ad Feud • With FTC's Blessing, Google and Apple Poised to Dominate Mobile … • FTC Blocking of Google Mobile Ad Acquisition Would Be Misguided … • Obama vs. McCain: The Scorecard • Can Sound Waves Reduce Power Consumption? • Bloom vs. Solar: Which One Is Best? • Why Intel Wants to Get into Energy

Photos: Robert and Kristen Flirt Their Way Through an Eclipse Press Conference! PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:45:00 AM

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart stayed busy this weekend with the junket for Eclipse in LA. They joined Taylor Lautner on Saturday for a big press conference, but it looked like Robert and Kristen only had eyes for each other as they laughed and traded inside jokes between questions. Robert also opened up to the Today Five Filters featured article: Show about how he wishes he Headshot - Propaganda, State could date like a normal person, Religion and the Attack On the though he seemed happy to Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available greet fans and soak up attention. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full The trio joined other costars like Text RSS, Term Extraction. Dakota Fanning and Xavier Samuel for the busy few days click through to see Rob and Kristen's cozy-looking interview! View Slideshow ›



E-reader News Edition

Scarlett Sweetly Thanks Ryan During Her Big Tonys Night With Denzel, Beyonce, and Katie PopSugar (PopSugar)

to present alongside Daniel Radcliffe, and Denzel Washington was another of the night's honorees for his performance in Fences- make sure to check out the full list of winners.

Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:05:00 AM

Broadway's best gathered in NYC last night for the Tony Awards. Both Scarlett Johansson and Liev Schreiber were nominated for their work in A View From the Bridge, and they brought along their significant others for support. Liev posed with a RM by Roland Mouret-wearing Naomi Watts on the red carpet, but, as usual, Scarlett and her husband Ryan Reynolds kept their distance in front of the photographers. Lea Michele wore Zac Posen to join Matthew Morrison in representing Glee, as their costars wrapped up their European travels promoting their show at the Monte Carlo TV Festival. Scarlett, in Elie Saab, was one of the ceremony's early winners, taking home an award for Best Featured Actress in a Play. She thanked Ryan for

the podium, calling him, "My Canadian, who I live with, Ryan." Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles were seated in the audience after a busy weekend - they started off with his performance at the Isle of Wight Festival in the UK, before heading to Bonnaroo and onto the Big Apple. Lea and Matthew, meanwhile, went from the arrivals area to the stage to perform a show tunes medley. Will Smith and Jada PinkettSmith celebrated their son Jaden's taking the number one spot at the weekend box office with The Karate Kid by handing out an award together. Katie Holmes was decked out in gray

To see more from the Tony Awards, just read more. View 40 Photos ›

Robert Compares His Abs to Taylor's and Talks About Dating on the Today Show PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:40:18 AM

Robert Pattinson took a break from working on Water for Elephants to attend the press junket for Eclipse on Saturday in LA. Jenna Bush from The Today Show had the chance to sit down with the actor to talk about the movie, how Rob's abs compare to Taylor Lautner's, and whether he's strong enough to venture into public without

Images include: Scarlett Johansson, Liev Schreiber, Ryan Reynolds, Matthew Morrisson, Tony Shalhoub, Katie Holmes, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Helen Mirren, Jay-Z, Beyonce Knowles, Denzel Washington, Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kerry Washington, Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:30:00 AM Naomi Watts, Cate Blanchett, If you just want to watch your Sean Hayes, Paula Abdul, favorite TV shows and you're Kristen Chenoweth, Daniel sick of restrictions and messages Radcliffe that inform you you're outside

security. He also expressed interest in going on an actual date, since he "never gets to do that anymore." Watch his interview below!

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Recognize Sunk Costs to Cut Stress and Financial Losses [Personal Finance] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:30:00 AM

Nobody likes to admit that the

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it's a concert ticket or a car is the

best way to stop losing more money. More » Personal Finance- United States - Recreation and Sports-

Massachusetts- Scuba Diving


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Easy Target Louis Klarevas (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 6/13/2010 11:00:00 PM

In the past year, terrorists have planned to blow up the New York City subway system, an airplane over Detroit, and Times Square. These high-profile plots have reminded us that terrorists are as determined as ever to strike within the United States. They have also left an impression, pushed heavily in the media, that the next attack will be a massive explosion. But, in responding to terrorist threats to the homeland, policymakers and pundits routinely ignore one important trend: Terrorism often comes from the barrel of a gun—and, when it does, the consequences are often fatal. From the beginning of 2005 through the end of 2009, the U.S. National CounterTerrorism Center (NCTC) documented 62,625 terrorist attacks worldwide, with a death toll of 88,431. Of those attacks, 25,320—more than 40 percent—involved guns. No other weapon was used as frequently. (Improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, came second in line—they were used in 26 percent of attacks, mostly in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.) Guns were also the most lethal of weapons used, responsible for 40,198 deaths. This troubling pattern is

particularly evident in the United States. Since September 11, according to information from the NCTC, the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism ( START), and news accounts, there have been 65 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. When the incidents perpetrated by eco-terrorists (who tend to target property only) are filtered out, 26 attacks remain, with an overall death toll of 22 people. Twenty-one of those victims were shot to death, in eight attacks involving guns. And, yet, while the federal government has taken steps in recent years to improve airline security, enhance domestic intelligence, and clamp down on access to materials needed for explosive devices, it has done little to stop suspected terrorists from getting their hands on guns. These weapons remain cheap, readily available, easy to use, and deadly. The story of Major Nidal Malik Hasan is well-known. On November 5, 2009, he entered the Soldier Readiness Processing Center in Fort Hood, Texas, and opened fire on soldiers who were awaiting predeployment medical exams. When it was over, Hasan’s rampage had left 13 people dead and another 43 injured. Investigators concluded that, in just minutes, Hasan had managed to fire over 100 rounds

from his “cop killer” FN Herstal 5.7 tactical pistol. Disturbingly, the FBI had previously investigated Hasan for his ties to a radical cleric in Yemen. But, when he purchased his firearm in August 2009 from Guns Galore, a licensed shop in Killeen, Texas, his information was not shared with the federal joint terrorism task force that had him under prior watch. Instead, Hasan was able to purchase the weapon he would use in the deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil since September 11. Hasan's story illustrates that, to kill people, scare the public, and attract media attention, all a terrorist needs is a gun, ample ammunition, a densely populated soft target, and the will to kill. But, perhaps more importantly, it shows how ineffective the government is at denying terrorists access to firearms. When people attempt to purchase guns from licensed dealers, they must pass a background check mandated by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. A purchaser’s paperwork is submitted by a dealer to the FBI, and grounds for denying purchase include a felony indictment or conviction, substance abuse, dishonorable military discharge, and proven mental problems. Conspicuously absent from this list? That the purchaser is known or suspected

to be involved in terrorist activities—namely, that he or she is on the nation's terrorist watch list, a classified database of approximately 400,000 people. (People like Hasan who have been investigated by the FBI are, presumably, on the list.) The Government Accountability Office has found that, from February 2004 to February 2010, 1,225 purchases involving individuals on the watch list were submitted for a Brady background check. Ninety-one percent of these transactions were approved; the other 9 percent were denied for reasons other than the purchasers' suspected terrorist activities. In 2009, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who was also on the FBI's radar, bought a gun that he used to execute a drive-by shooting outside a U.S. military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas. One soldier was killed, another wounded. Similarly, antiabortion activist Scott Roeder legally purchased the handgun he used to kill Wichita abortion doctor George Tiller in 2009 from a pawn shop in Lawrence, Kansas. The FBI had previously investigated Roeder for his antigovernment activities as a member of the Montana Freeman militia. So what's to be done? It’s simple. Just as there is a no-fly list that keeps suspected

terrorists from boarding planes, Congress should pass legislation that creates a no-buy list to prevent suspected terrorists from purchasing guns. Senator Frank Lautenberg, a Democrat, and Representative Peter King, a Republican, have twice introduced legislation that would create such a list, and the Obama administration supports the effort. The legislation takes into account criticisms of the terrorist watch list— that it is bloated, for instance, and encompasses innocent people, including those who happen to share names with terrorist suspects—by including a due process provision for people who believe they've been wrongfully denied a gun purchase; they would be able petition to have the restriction against them lifted. Unfortunately, lawmakers face a strong gun-rights lobby, which refuses to acknowledge that firearms are often terrorists' weapons of choice. (Former National Rifle Association chief lobbyist James Baker once argued that the September 11 attacks were perpetrated “with box cutters, and I don’t see anyone talking about closing down True Value hardware stores.”) To date, Lautenberg and King's bill has never received a full up-or-down vote on the floor of either chamber of EASY page 53



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Pictures of Blagojevich: a Crook Or a Fool? (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

it can also present some tricky problems. Prosecutors say there were Was Rod Blagojevich a crook? plans to leverage the power of Or was he merely a bumbler, a the governor's office into a goof — naive, trusting and moneymaking enterprise, and played for a fool by cynical that it involved Blagojevich, top c a m p a i g n f u n d r a i s e r s a n d campaign fundraiser Tony political fixers? Rezko, fundraiser Chris Kelly Some who know him will have and the governor's chief of staff, trouble swallowing the idea of Alonzo "Lon" Monk. Blagojevich, a veteran state Adam, in his opening lawmaker and congressman who s t a t e m e n t , h e a p e d a n was elected Illinois governor overwhelming bulk of the blame twice, as the all-American on Rezko. chump. "The theme of this trial so far is He spent years climbing the Rezko and the three stooges," political ladder, his career says Roosevelt University guided by his father-in-law, political scientist Paul Green, Richard Mell, an old-school w h o h a s b e e n w a t c h i n g Democratic ward committeeman Blagojevich since his start in who goes back to the Chicago politics. Machine. Rezko is awaiting sentencing But a defense theme that has for fraud and other offenses in emerged at his racketeering and connection with a $7 million fraud trial, which resumes kickback scheme. He was Monday, is just that — he convicted in June 2008 and may simply didn't know what was testify at the Blagojevich trial. going on all around him. Monk pleaded guilty to A fool or a knave? Definitely c o n s p i r i n g t o p r e s s u r e a the former, according to the r a c e t r a c k o w n e r f o r p i c t u r e s h i s l a w y e r s a r e contributions and is testifying in drawing. hopes getting a lighter sentence. "If this guy is a crook, he's the Kelly committed suicide last most naive and stupid crook you year, days before he was to ever met," is how DePaul report to prison for an unrelated U n i v e r s i t y l a w p r o f e s s o r tax conviction. Leonard Cavise sums up a good In his revival meeting-style portion of defense attorney Sam o p e n i n g , A d a m p o r t r a y e d Adam Jr.'s dramatic opening B l a g o j e v i c h a s b l i s s f u l l y statement. ignorant while Rezko tangled Experts say that strategy can be his administration in an ugly effective with some juries — but web of corruption. Submitted at 6/14/2010 3:19:26 AM

"The Bernie Madoff of Chicago fooled everybody, with all due respect, governor, including you," Adam told jurors. Stuart Levine, who pleaded guilty to launching the kickback scheme, was just as bad, he said. "The king of sleaze knighted Stuart Levine," Adam thundered. "Sir Stuart Levine." Where was Blagojevich all this while? The governor, Adam said, was too busy studying the big picture to notice what was happening. Blagojevich, 53, has pleaded not guilty to scheming to get a massive payoff — huge campaign money or possibly a high-paying job after leaving the governor's office — in exchange for filling the U.S. Senate seat that Barack Obama left following his November 2008 election as president. He has also pleaded not guilty to launching a racketeering scheme in the governor's office. If convicted, he could be sentenced to up to 415 years in prison, though a judge would consider many factors. Blagojevich also could face fines totaling $6 million. His brother, Robert Blagojevich, 54, a Nashville, Tenn., businessman, has pleaded not guilty to taking part in the alleged scheme to sell the Senate seat and to conspiring to pressure the racetrack owner for campaign cash. The strategy of claiming to be

naive — but not corrupt — has worked with some juries, experts say. But criminal defense attorney Robert W. Clarke warns that Blagojevich's defense team had better watch out for "the ostrich instruction," which may be among the guidelines the judge gives jurors before they start deliberations. "It tells the jury, look, you can't say you stuck your head in the sand when all this was going on around you in obvious fashion," says Clarke. "If they try that, the prosecutors may seek that instruction. The defense had better be sure that they're not inviting it." The image of Blagojevich as unwitting dupe may actually have been reinforced on Thursday while Monk — a prosecution witness — was testifying. Monk admitted that Rezko slipped him envelopes that usually contained $10,000 in cash seven to nine times while he was chief of staff. Assistant U.S. Attorney Chris Niewoehner asked if he had told Blagojevich. He said he had not — because the governor wouldn't have approved. "This is gold for the defense," Cavise said. "Rod gets to sit back and say, 'Gee, these guys were really crooks — I had no idea." Monk, a sports agent when Blagojevich brought him into

his group of close advisers, had no experience in politics or government but soon ended up as chief of staff to the governor. "The governor had horrible judgment," he told jurors. Longtime Chicago defense attorney John Beal says there is another danger in trying to play dumb. If the government's evidence over the whole trial reveals Blagojevich as street smart after all, he says, it will clash with the defense claim that he didn't know what was going on. Making him look insincere like that could be off-putting to jurors. FBI wiretap tapes of Blagojevich — the first of which were played for jurors Thursday — could be that kind of hindrance. He was heard in a nasty, crabby tone ordering members of his inner circle to get more and more campaign money. But Beal says the 18 months Blagojevich spent making television appearances such as on "Celebrity Apprentice" may have created an image that would reinforce his professed naivete. "If they can portray him as something of a nut, then this delusional aspect might work," says Beal. "Kind of a goof rather than a scheming, calculating, smart crook." © Copyright 2010 The PICTURES page 51


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Morning Bell: The Government Bailouts Must End Conn Carroll (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

$862 billion stimulus bill, of which $34.7 billion in education funds remains unspent. Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:37:52 AM Meanwhile, over the past decade Late Saturday night President student enrollment has increased Barack Obama sent a letter to only 6% while the number of the leadership of the House and teachers in the classroom has Senate urging them to approve a risen 15.8%. But over this same tax and spending bill currently p e r i o d , s t u d i e s f o u n d a being debated in the Senate that correlation between reduced already would add $80 billion to c l a s s s i z e s a n d s t u d e n t our nation’s budget deficit. But achievement. More federal coming off of last year’s $862 funding is unlikely to increase billion stimulus, President student achievement and will Obama is not happy with just not provide a long-term solution another $80 billion in debt for to states’ budget shortfalls. this year. He also requested A n o t h e r b a i l o u t f r o m another $50 billion in deficit W a s h i n g t o n c o u l d e v e n spending earmarked for bailing- e x a c e r b a t e s t a t e s ’ f i s c a l out state and local governments. p r o b l e m s b y c r e a t i n g Without this “emergency” disincentives for states to tackle money, the President claims out-of-control spending and thousands of government union make real education reforms. jobs would be lost. But even The Medicaid Bailout: $25 among his own party, the billion of the President’s latest President faces an uphill climb. spending spree is set to bail-out House Majority Leader Steny state Medicaid programs. This Hoyer told The Washington would be the fourth time this Post: “I think there is spending decade that Congress has bailedfatigue.” “Bailout fatigue” is out state Medicaid programs. more like it. And the President’s The cycle is all too familiar. envisioned spending spree is full B e t w e e n 1 9 9 0 a n d 2 0 0 7 , of both. Medicaid spending more than T h e G o v e r n m e n t U n i o n quadrupled from $69 billion to Bailout: $23 billion of the $316 billion. Because of these President’s additional $50 constant bailouts, states have billion in spending would avoided dealing with their supposedly go to keep teachers mismanagement of the program. in the classroom. This new More money from Washington spending would be in addition to will guarantee one thing: states t h e n e a r l y $ 1 0 0 b i l l i o n will continue to spend far in appropriated to the Department excess of what they can afford, of Education by the President’s and Congress will treat the

federal taxpayers like an ATM machine to cover the shortfalls. The Obamacare Bailout: The President’s signature legislative accomplishment is just barely three months old, but it already is in need of a $400 billion bailout. In an interview with Politico Sunday, the President said of Obamacare: “I strongly believe that the health care bill was the right thing to do … I think it’s going to help us bend the cost curve in ways that will actually help us deal with the deficit, not add to it.” But just one day earlier during his weekly radio address, the President pleaded with Congress to pass a temporary fix in Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors: “Now, I realize that simply kicking these cuts down the road another year is not a long-term solution to this problem. I’m absolutely willing to take the difficult steps necessary to lower the cost of Medicare and put our budget on a more fiscally sustainable path. But I’m not willing to do that by punishing hard-working physicians or the millions of Americans who count on Medicare. That’s just wrong. And that’s why in the shortterm, Congress must act to prevent this pay cut to doctors.” So which is it? Did Obamacare “bend the cost curve” in ways that will help the deficit, or is Medicare still on a fiscally unsustainable path? The reality

is that Obamacare’s deficit reduction claims were always a complete fraud, and the President’s pitch for a doc fix exposes that fact. Last week Gallup reported that “Federal government debt” was the issue that most threatened the future well-being of the United States. Our nation’s record deficits are largely driven by the record spending increases of the last decade and the last year in particular. There is a way out of this deficit nightmare: stop spending. If the federal government managed to return to the per-household spending level of the Reagan administration, the budget would be balanced by 2012 without any tax hikes. Or just returning to the per-household spending levels that existed before the current recession would balance the budget by 2019. But first we must stop the bleeding: the government bailouts must end. Quick Hits: • Internal White House documents reveal that 51% of employers may have to relinquish their current health care coverage by 2013 due to Obamacare. • The New York Times reports that Obamacare will raise your health insurance premiums an extra 3% this year. • The retirement of baby boomer doctors and nurses are set to make the Obamacare

doctor shortages even worse. • Small banks are beginning to miss their TARP bailout payments. • The United States has discovered nearly$1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves. Tags: bailouts, doc fix, government unions, medicaid, Morning Bell, Obama Health Care Plan 2 Responses to “Morning Bell: The Government Bailouts Must End” • Margaret Stokely NJ on June 14th, 2010 at 9:37am said: So, overriding the will of the people, again? NJ just voted NO on giving Teachers a raise, they are paid well enough, especially for the results that we get. We are paying BHO’s campaign cronies off. • Bob H Syosset N.Y. on June 14th, 2010 at 9:37am said: Regarding more spending as a way out of the financial mess, there an old country saying that goes something like— If you always do what you’ve always done you will always get what you’ve always got. Einstein said it better of course—Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. You can follow any responses MORNING page 53



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Defense of the EU Lacks Substance Theodore Bromund (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

now ubiquitous tapas bars in almost every town and city in Britain”. Retirement to Spain? The Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:06:56 AM In the latest issue of The influx of British retirees to Economist, a correspondent – Spain helped fuel the Spanish Dewi Williams, a senior lecturer property bubble, which makes in European law at Staffordshire the American one look small, U n i v e r s i t y – w r i t e s i n t o and which, as it deflates, has complain about the unfairness of devastated the Spanish economy the British dislike of the and created pressure to break European Union. Williams out of the Euro. Undoubtedly, argues that the reason why the life in Spain is very pleasant if EU is unpopular in Britain is you’re a British retiree with a because the EU hasn’t done r e a s o n a b l e i n c o m e . B u t enough to promote itself, and Americans retire to Mexico the benefits of EU membership. without needing a political It’s important to point out, first, union to make it possible. that Williams is calling for the Retirees are basically rich use of British money to fund EU tourists who don’t leave, and propaganda aimed at the British virtually every nation in the t h e m s e l v e s . D e m o c r a t i c world promotes tourism. In governments are not supposed other words, Spanish hospitality to behave in this way, because to wealthy British retirees is a they derive their legitimacy not matter of Spanish self-interest. from propaganda, but from the If the argument is that the EU is consent of the governed. But of needed to force Spain to accept c o u r s e , t h e E U i s n ’ t a British retirees who it would democracy and lacks that otherwise prefer to exclude – consent, which is why its and there is no evidence for this supporters feel it needs to – then it is based explicitly on engage in propaganda. And the the fact that the EU is not a EU feels the same way, which is democracy. why it already spends lots of Capital investment in Britain’s money selling itself to the poorest regions? That is peoples of Europe. undoubtedly welcome. Of But Williams goes on to list the course, since public spending supposed unappreciated benefits currently accounts for 57 of EU membership for Britain. percent of the economy in Here they are: “retirement to England’s North West and 67 Spain, capital investment in percent in Wales and Northern Britain’s poorest regions, cheap Ireland, investment from Europe Italian and French wines and the into Britain does not appear to

taxes. If the argument is that investors chose to invest in Britain because of its proximity and access to the European market, that is undoubtedly partly true – but it is also true that if Britain were out of the EU and the EU discriminated against imports from it, this would be a violation of WTO rules. To the extent that those rules would not protect Britain, it is because of enduring EU protectionism. So the EU has little to do with this, and less than nothing to offer going forward on these grounds. From the nonsensical, we move to the silly. Cheap Italian and French wine? We have that in the United States too, which suggests that the existence of the EU might be an irrelevancy. If there were no cheap Italian wine to be found in Britain, there could be three reasons for this: either the British didn’t like it and so there was no market for it (which would be their own have done the trick. But its suspicious of them. affair), or Italy forbade its existence – once again – is a It’s also worth considering why export (which would be stupid, matter of self-interest, this time investors decide to invest in a but would again be their own on the part of both Britain and p a r t i c u l a r l o c a t i o n . O n e a f f a i r ) , o r t h e B r i t i s h the European investors. As a excellent reason is that the government protected against it matter of historical fact, Britain business climate there – in (which would also be stupid, was open to foreign investment particular, the tax structure – is and in addition a violation of long before it joined the EU. better than it is elsewhere. But WTO rules). Or, if this point is Indeed, it is far more open than the EU is slowly moving meant as a defense of the the supposedly Euro-friendly t o w a r d s a p o l i c y o f t a x Common Agricultural Policy, it nation of France, where foreign harmonization – in other words, fails to take into account the investors face well-documented a policy that would eliminate the enormous costs of that program, political obstacles and an ability of poorer regions to DEFENSE page 54 entrenched elite that is basically attract employers with low


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Get it Right! E.J. Dionne Jr. (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 6/13/2010 11:00:00 PM

WASHINGTON—Will politics slow our economic recovery? Will world leaders who pulled us back from the brink of a new Great Depression throw in the towel before the global economy gets the unemployed back to work?These are the moment's central questions, and I posed them last week to Larry Summers, President Obama's top economic adviser. Summers is often cast as an economic conservative because he was a serious budget balancer in the Clinton years. In fact, he is a pragmatist who thinks economics involves the art of tailoring policies to actual conditions. And right now, the pragmatist thinks that the job of getting us out of the economic doldrums is not yet done. "Different economic circumstances require different approaches to economic policy," Summers said, using a bit of economist-speak. "Today, when interest rates are at nearly zero and the central challenge is a shortfall of demand, the policies

of immediate fiscal consolidation that were appropriate to address the crowding-out problems of the 1990s would be harmful, not helpful, to economic growth. That's true at home and around the world." It would be nice if Congress and policymakers elsewhere who seem to be racing prematurely to fiscal austerity would give Summers a listen. The last thing we need is to undo much of the good done last year by governments that chose not to repeat the big mistake of the early 1930s. Instead of imposing austerity when the global economy needed a big boost, they opted for stimulus. And the world avoided catastrophe. Summers is nothing if not careful. In the interview and in a speech last month at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, he was clear that long-term deficits can also endanger growth and that the administration intends to contain them. He also emphasized that no single policy could be applied across Europe given the fiscal difficulties of the Mediterranean nations,

starting with Greece. But he was plain about this: We will never deal effectively with our deficit problem until we get the economy moving. As Summers put it at Hopkins: "It is not possible to imagine sound budgets in the absence of economic growth and solid economic performance." If you don't think growth needs to come first, consider these numbers from Summers: We could cut the debt as a share of GDP by half a percent with $75 billion in either spending cuts or tax increases. But we would achieve (BEG ITAL)exactly the same result(END ITAL) with an extra three-quarters of a percent of GDP growth. "Spurring growth, if we can achieve it," Summers said at Hopkins, "is by far the best way to improve our fiscal position." That's why it's mystifying that a Democratic Congress is having so much trouble passing the most elementary forms of economic stimulus. Assisting the states with extra Medicaid money and helping them avoid massive teacher layoffs could save or add at least 300,000 jobs. Do Democrats honestly think

PICTURES continued from page 48

Associated Press. All rights Five Filters featured article: tools: PDF Newspaper, Full reserved. This material may not Headshot - Propaganda, State Text RSS, Term Extraction. b e p u b l i s h e d , b r o a d c a s t , Religion and the Attack On the rewritten or redistributed. Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available

that nickel-and-diming on stimulus now will either have a substantial impact on the longterm deficit or be of greater help to them in this fall's elections than more robust growth? Make no mistake: Summers has not gone squishy on the deficit. In his careful and unapologetic rendition of the two-handed economist act, he is at pains to make clear that he thinks that long-term fiscal profligacy would endanger growth, both now and later. "Jobs are the top economic priority," he said in a follow-up e-mail to the interview, "which is why the president is pushing Congress on measures to strengthen small-business hiring, promote clean energy investments, prevent teacher and police layoffs, and support unemployed workers. It's also why we're working to double exports." Then he added: "But for a policy centered around economic growth to be credible in the short term we must show a commitment on returning to a fiscal sustainable path over the medium- and long-term. That's why the president has taken important steps to bring

responsibility back to the federal budget through health care reform and in creating a bipartisan fiscal commission." OK, those are not exactly ringing sound bites in a political environment that limits economic discussion to cries of "Big Spending!" and "Big Deficits!" And, yes, in the parlance of political consultants, it "muddles the message" to argue that we need to tilt toward growth now and fiscal discipline in the long run. But it happens to be the right policy. Does that matter anymore? For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. E.J. Dionne's e-mail address is ejdionne(at) E.J. Dionne, Jr. is the author of the recently published Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics After the Religious Right. He is a Washington Post columnist, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and a professor at Georgetown University. (c) 2009, Washington Post Writers Group



E-reader News Edition

Michelle Obama Speaks to Camp Pendleton Troops

New FBI Docs Show Kennedy Death Threats

(Newsmax - Inside Cover)

(Newsmax - Inside Cover)

of you and your families, and to make sure your voices are heard back in Washington and that After meeting with wounded your needs are met." Marines, first lady Michelle Boxer spoke only minutes to Obama told thousands of troops the crowd of about 3,500 troops and their families Sunday that and families, telling them how she is launching a national President Obama's economic challenge to Americans to find recovery act provided funding to ways to support them. build a new hospital that will Since her husband took office, replace the 36-year-old facility Obama has been visiting bases on base, and gave money toward across the country as part of her a new child care center. mission to improve the quality She thanked the military wives of life for military families. She who met with her, saying: called Camp Pendleton and the "Some of my best ideas that surrounding Southern California have led to legislation for cities a model for community m e n t a l h e a l t h b e n e f i t s , support of troops. compensation, etc. These have But California Republicans come from you directly." called the event a publicity stunt Legislation proposed by Boxer to help Sen. Barbara Boxer, D- recently provided money for a Calif., who is running for a new wounded care treatment fourth term and has been facility in San Diego and criticized by opponents for not treatment for burn victims in doing enough to support troops. San Antonio, Texas. President Barack Obama flew to Republican rival, Carly Fiorina California last month to support h a s c h a l l e n g e d B o x e r ' s Boxer's fundraising efforts for legislative record on supporting her campaign. the troops. The former HewlettThe first lady said she came to Packard CEO tried to fire up the Camp Pendleton for a simple GOP base by showing a widely reason: "To help the rest of our p l a y e d v i d e o c l i p o f t h e country better understand and longtime senator reprimanding a appreciate the incredible service general for calling her "ma'am" Submitted at 6/13/2010 6:11:28 PM

at a Senate hearing last year. Her campaign manager called Boxer's appearance at Camp Pendleton rich in irony. "The bottom line is that Barbara Boxer has shown a total disregard for our men and women in uniform, and her record on security issues is, to put it generously, dismal," Fiorina's deputy campaign manager, Julie Soderlund, said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "Today, she's getting some help yet again from the Obamas in an attempt to try to mask that over. But the facts are the facts. And the facts bite, especially for those who put their lives on the line every day to protect this great nation." © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Angeles on June 6, 1968. The deaths of his two older brothers cast a long shadow on Most of the secret FBI files on Kennedy's life, and prompted the late Sen. Edward Kennedy fears he too would be targeted being released Monday concern by an assassin's bullet. death threats against the After his brothers' longtime senator. assassinations, Kennedy wrote Alex Brown of the FBI's in his memoir "True Compass" records management division released last year, that he was said the FBI would post some easily startled at loud sounds, 2,000 pages of previously secret a n d w o u l d h i t t h e d e c k pages about the Massachusetts whenever a car backfired. Democrat on the agency's Kennedy, who served in the website. Senate for nearly half a century, The release of the documents died in August 2009 after a has been highly anticipated by yearlong struggle with brain historians, scholars and others cancer. He was 77 and the last interested in the life and long surviving brother of the famed p u b l i c c a r e e r o f o n e o f political family. America's most prominent and —— powerful politicians. Online: The Associated Press and other media organizations requested © C o p y r i g h t 2 0 1 0 T h e the documents through Freedom Associated Press. All rights of Information Act requests. reserved. This material may not Kennedy faced death threats b e p u b l i s h e d , b r o a d c a s t , when he ran for president in rewritten or redistributed. 1980 and before that in the years Five Filters featured article: following the assassinations of Headshot - Propaganda, State his older brothers. Religion and the Attack On the President John F. Kennedy was Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available assassinated in Dallas on Nov. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full 22, 1963. U.S. Sen. Robert F. Text RSS, Term Extraction. Kennedy was slain in Los Submitted at 6/14/2010 5:27:23 AM


E-reader News Edition

The Case for Defense Spending Kim Holmes (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:08:57 AM

The country is drowning in red ink. A revolt against rising debt is unleashing a grass roots movement to curb spending. Conservatives all across America are deeply concerned that unless we can get spending under control, we will forever lose our country. This is hardly an environment conducive to making the case for more defense spending. To make matters worse the Department of Defense is in the hands of an administration that conservatives do not trust. It’s understandable that they would not want to appear to give a “blank check” to the very administration that is busting the budget with out of control domestic spending. But here’s the problem. The Obama administration is cutting defense projects and programs that we need, and doing so by using disingenuous arguments of frugality intended to put conservatives on the defensive. But conservatives should not be

on the defensive. National defense is the one area of government that conservatives believe the federal government has a constitutional responsibility to do right. So much of Obama’s spending is unnecessary and of dubious constitutionality. That is not the case in spending on national defense. The bottom line is that the Obama administration plans defense budget cuts that will weaken future necessary

MORNING continued from page 49

to this entry through the RSS 2.0 Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available feed. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Five Filters featured article: Text RSS, Term Extraction. Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the

cut in order to contribute to overall budget reductions, but which programs, projects and personnel are needed to defend the country. After we’ve done that, we can then cost it out to include efficiencies. Any savings that can be achieved in reforming logistics or cutting personnel and benefits should be used to help fund the modernization programs and end strength needed to defend the country in the future. Anything less will be an arbitrary budget exercise with no grounding in reality. Worse, it would be an excuse to jettison m o d e r n i z a t i o n a n d o t h e r the “peace through strength” programs. Under their plans, model of national defense there is no way the U.S. can bequeathed to us by Ronald build the weapons and systems Reagan. necessary to keep America safe Tags: Defense Spending in the coming decades. There You can follow any responses are simply not enough “savings” to this entry through the RSS 2.0 in cutting “waste, fraud and feed. abuse” in Obama’s defense Five Filters featured article: budget to make up for his cuts in Headshot - Propaganda, State m o d e r n i z a t i o n a n d o t h e r Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available programs. T h e r i g h t q u e s t i o n f o r tools: PDF Newspaper, Full conservatives is not how much Text RSS, Term Extraction. the Pentagon’s budget should be


EASY continued from page 47

Congress. "I'm not so sure this is the right solution," Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said weakly in a Hill hearing last month on gun restrictions. But, as the evidence shows, terrorists know that guns often give them the best bang for their buck. Until Congress closes the loopholes in gun purchasing, extremists will keep exploiting the system; they will purchase firearms and continue to engage in what has become a frequent and deadly form of terrorism. Louis Klarevas is a member of the clinical faculty at New York University's Center for Global Affairs, where he also serves as the coordinator of the graduate transnational security concentration. You can follow him on Twitter at @NYUProf. For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


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DEFENSE continued from page 50

both for British consumers and poor farmers around the world. This is really not a point the EU wants to boast about. How about those famous tapas bars, which appear to be the only real benefit of EU membership? Well, we have those in the United States as well, so evidently the EU isn’t entirely responsible for their existence. But Britain isn’t a nation of tapas bars. It’s a nation of Indian restaurants, of which it has well over 50,000, and which have contributed enormously to the improvement of life in Britain. And of course those restaurants have nothing to do with the EU: they owe their existence to the Empire and the Commonwealth. If you want to focus specifically on continental cuisine, Britain’s

leading twentieth century light was Elizabeth David, who published Italian Food in 1954, before the EU came into existence, and who inspired the revival of cooking in England that’s exemplified by celebrity chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver. The reason why Euroskepticism exists in Britain is not because the EU doesn’t do enough propaganda. That is just a lightly disguised way of arguing that the British are ignorant and need to be shown the light by their betters. It is because the advantages offered by EU membership are highly exaggerated, because advocates of Europe have a bad track record of making statements about the merits of the EU that look very silly in retrospect, and

because the EU is an elitist, undemocratic institution that persists in talking down to the peoples of Europe. Which, of course, is why its supporters play the game of confusing Europe with the EU, and why they are eager to make the case that the EU needs to spend more of their money selling itself. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

TV Casting: Gabrielle Union Joins 'Army Wives' Spinoff Andrew Scott (TV Squad) Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:40:00 AM

Filed under: TV News Gabrielle Union has enlisted in Lifetime's upcoming'Army Wives' spinoff. She'll play Det. Gina Holt, who partners with Brigid Brannagh's Pamela Moran when Pamela returns to More casting news after the her old job in the Atlanta police jump. department. The spinoff will Permalink| Email this| Linking debut as an "embedded pilot" Blogs| Comments later this season. [ Live Feed]

Obama Likens Gulf Disaster to 9/11 (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

and energy for many years to come," he told Obama said he would be P r e s i d e n t B a r a c k O b a m a making a fresh bid to get likened the disastrous oil spill in Congress to pass a major energy the Gulf of Mexico to the Sept. and climate bill. 11 attacks in an interview He was quoted as vowing to published on the eve of his "move forward in a bold way in fourth visit Monday to the a direction that finally gives us stricken region. the kind of future-oriented . . . "In the same way that our view visionary energy policy that we of our vulnerabilities and our so vitally need and has been foreign policy was shaped absent for so long." profoundly by 9/11, I think this "One of the biggest leadership disaster is going to shape how challenges for me going forward we think about the environment is going to be to make sure that Submitted at 6/14/2010 4:03:42 AM

we draw the right lessons from this disaster," he said. Obama said he could not predict whether the nation would transition completely from an oil-based economy within his lifetime but that "now is the time for us to start making that transition and investing in a new way of doing business when it comes to energy." Obama travels Monday to Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida on a two-day visit to a region reeling from the effects of the worst oil spill in U.S.

history. On Tuesday, he will address the crisis in a rare prime-time speech to the nation from the Oval Office. Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

TV/ Food/

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Jimmy Dean Dies at 81 ( Breaking News)

served as a guest host on The Tonight Show, and acted in various TV and film roles, Submitted at 6/13/2010 11:27:00 PM including 1971's Diamonds Are Jimmy Dean Forever— as James Bond's ally, Country music legend Jimmy reclusive billionaire Willard Dean, who sang the country Whyte. crossover hit "Big Bad John" He started the Jimmy Dean and later became known for his Meat Co. in 1969 and sold it to sausage brand, has died, Sara Lee Corp. in 1984. according to The Associated His fortune was estimated at Press. He was 81. $75 million in the early '90s, See other celebrities we've lost and Dean said he learned to be this year smart with his finances. Dean died Sunday at his home "I've seen so many people in this on his 200-acre estate near business that made a fortune," Richmond, Va., wife Donna he told the AP in 2004. "They Meade Dean told the AP. Dean Show. get old and broke and can't Though he had health problems, Dean, who fronted his Texas make any money. ... I tell you she said his death came as a Wildcats band, had his first something ... no one's going to shock because he was still national hit in the early 1950s, play a benefit for Jimmy Dean." functioning well. She said Dean "Bummin' Around" and earned a Dean is survived by his wife, was eating in front of the Grammy for "Big Bad John" in t h r e e c h i l d r e n , a n d t w o television and she found him 1961. He was elected to the g r a n d c h i l d r e n . unresponsive when she returned Country Music Hall of Fame Five Filters featured article: in to the room. earlier this year and was to be Headshot - Propaganda, State A Texas native, Dean, who inducted in October. Religion and the Attack On the dropped out of school after ninth Dean became a headliner at Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available grade, experienced great success such places as Carnegie Hall tools: PDF Newspaper, Full in the entertainment industry in and the Hollywood Bowl as well Text RSS, Term Extraction. the 1950s and '60s, including his as the Las Vegas strip. He nationally televised The Jimmy

Jake Pavelka to Play a Bachelor on Drop Dead Diva ( Breaking News) Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:06:00 AM

Jake Pavelka Jake Pavelka will be a bachelor on TV once more — this time on Drop Dead Diva. In a nod to his reality-dating roots, the Bachelor and Dancing with the Stars alum will gueststar on the Lifetime series as a suitor on a fictional dating show, People reports. Pavelka will play Toby Devlin on the faux show Finding the One, whose producer is sued for "intentionally inflicting emotional harm" after Toby dumps one bachelorette for another. Check out photos of Jake Pavelka "I am honored to be a part of Drop Dead Diva this season and cannot wait to meet the cast and crew," Pavelka said in a statement. The 32-year-old pilot was "spot -on" when he auditioned for the (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) well here. Their natural sugars Next Mango Rice Salad with part, creator and executive caramelize during cooking, Grilled Shrimp producer Josh Berman said. Grapes are probably the last giving the finished dish the Five Filters featured article: Watch videos of Jake Pavelka thing you'd think of to put on c h a r r e d Headshot - Propaganda, State This will not be Pavelka's first grilled chicken, but combined crust that makes grilled food Religion and the Attack On the stab at acting: In 1999, he w i t h s o y s a u c e , b a l s a m i c great. Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available played a young version of v i n e g a r , View Recipe: Grilled Chicken tools: PDF Newspaper, Full and rosemary, they really work with Fresh Grape Glaze Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Summer Entrées


Chuck Norris' Cordell Walker on Walker, Texas Ranger under the stage name Jake Landrum. Pavelka will film Diva on June 18, and the episode is slated to air Aug. 22. An e-mail to Lifetime was not immediately returned. Drop Dead Diva airs Sundays at 9/8c on Lifetime. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Iron Man 2, Gossip Girl Lead Teen Choice Awards Nominations ( Breaking News)

Maggie Furlong (TV Squad)

Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:08:00 AM

Iron Man 2 Iron Man 2 and Gossip Girl lead the 2010 Teen Choice Awards with six nominations each, Fox announced Monday. The Twilight Saga: New Moon and Glee follow closely behind with five nominations each. Iron Man 2 is up for Choice Movie: Sci Fi and scored nominations for all four of its stars, including two for Robert Downey Jr. (Choice Movie Actor: Sci Fi and Choice Movie: Dance). Mickey Rourke will vie for movie villain honors, and Scarlett Johansson and Gwyneth Paltrow will face off in the sci-fi actress race. Watch clips from Iron Man 2 Rourke is up against New Moon's Rachelle Lefevre. New Moon stars Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart also landed acting nominations in the fantasy categories, while the film itself

'All My Children' Stars Talk Weddings, Romance & Finding Erica Kane (VIDEO) Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:20:00 AM

is nominated for Choice Movie: Fantasy. On the TV side, Gossip Girl will compete against 90210, Grey's Anatomy, House and The Secret Life of the American Teenager in the drama series category. New Moon tops MTV Movie Awards In the comedy series race, Glee is nominated alongside The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, Sonny with a Chance and

Wizards of Waverly Place. See the full list of nominees here. The Teen Choice Awards, hosted by Katy Perry, airs Aug. 9 at 8/7c. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Filed under: Celebrity Interviews, The Show Girl Soap operas are amazing, aren't they? Take'All My Children' for example: Erica Kane (Susan Lucci) has been kidnapped or gone missing countless times, but it's always just as suspenseful as the first. Erica's TV daughter Bianca ( now played by Christina Lind) is back in Pine Valley to figure out what's going on and to try to "stop some major drama from going down while she's gone." Yeah, good luck with that. Especially with old flames like Ryan ( Cameron Mathison) and Greenlee ( Rebecca Budig) still trying to rekindle their romance. Will they? Won't they? It never gets old! A couple that most certainly will is Amanda (Chrishell Stause) and Jake (Ricky Paull

Ed Asner Joins 'Regular Joe' Rich Keller (TV Squad) Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:04:00 AM

Filed under: TV News Emmywinning legend Ed Asner has joined the cast of the new CMT

comedy pilot 'Regular Joe.' According to Live Feed, the 80year-old actor will play Joe's father on the series, about an outspoken man (Tom Arnold) who hits the dating circuit after

wife, played by'Yes Dear's' Liza Snyder. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments separating from his longtime

Goldin) who are having a soap opera wedding to end all soap opera weddings, complete with bachelor/bachelorette parties, the all-important cake and, yes, a trip to jail the night before. "The drama's still gonna be there with the other storylines," Stause admits. "With us I kind of like that they're giving us the heart of the show right now." Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments


E-reader News Edition


HBO Debuts 'Game of 'Treme' - 'Wish Someone Would Thrones' Teaser Trailer Care' Recap Mike Moody (TV Squad)

Sandie Angulo Chen (TV Squad)

Submitted at 6/14/2010 5:30:00 AM

Submitted at 6/14/2010 5:40:00 AM

Filed under: TV News HBO is diving into the fantasy genre with 'Game of Thrones,' a new series based on George R. R. Martin's bestselling 'A Song of Ice and Fire' novels. The Live Feed has posted the show's first teaser trailer, which features the tagline "Winter Is Coming" and a few quick flashes of what looks to be one of the cable network's most epic and ambitious new shows in years. 'Game of Thrones' stars Sean Bean, Peter Dinklage, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Lena Headey and Jason Momoa in a recurring role. The show is set in a fictitious world where magic exists and the ruling empire is in

Filed under: Recaps( S01E09) Hi folks. I was out of town last night and had to catch this momentous 'Treme' episode on DVR. I thought it was excellent but heartbreaking. It was building up to the inevitable from the moment Creighton assigned Kate Chopin's 1899 'The Awakening' to his

freshman lit class. The controversial French Creole protagonist, Edna Pontellier, after leaving her husband and

shambles. The series chronicles the conflicts of kings, queens, mercenaries and warlords as the they battle for control of the throne. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

Ghost Hunters Renewed for Seventh Season ( Breaking News) Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:09:00 AM

Ghost Hunters Syfy has renewed Ghost Hunters for a seventh season, a rep for the show said. The paranormal series will return with 25 new episodes in

2011, along with lead investigators Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson. Watch full episodes of Ghost Hunters Currently on mid-season break, Ghost Hunters has averaged 2.6 million viewers for the first half Wednesdays-at-9 timeslot. of Season 6, making Syfy the Are you excited for more Ghost top-rated cable network in the

Hunters? Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

children only to discover her lover has also left, tragically swims out in the Gulf of Mexico and drowns. Even if you didn't read the book, Creighton and his students make it obvious that something depressing happens in the story, with Creighton affirming that Edna was searching for Truth. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments


Products/ Gaming/

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Protein drinks may not do your body good, our tests find (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:43:30 AM

Protein drinks may not do your body good, our tests find Protein drinks now are attracting not just athletes and body builders, but also baby boomers, pregnant women, and teens looking for a shortcut to a buff body. A 2005 study published in Pediatrics, the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, found that protein powders and shakes were the supplements most commonly used among those ages 12 to 18. However, our recent investigation—including tests at an outside laboratory of 15 protein drinks, a review of government documents, and interviews with health and fitness experts—found that adding extra protein via these products is unnecessary for most people, and some of the drinks can even pose health risks, including exposure to potentially harmful heavy metals, if they are consumed frequently. All of the drinks in our tests had at least one sample containing one or more of these contaminants: arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. For most drinks we tested, levels of those contaminants were in the

low to moderate range when we could detect them at all. But with three of the products we tested, consumers who have three servings daily could be exposed to levels that exceed the maximum limits for one or two of those contaminants proposed by U.S. Pharmacopeia, a federally recognized authority that sets voluntary standards to cover dietary supplements. Nutritionists and trainers say they commonly see people who consume three servings a day, and directions for a few of the products we tested could encourage users to drink up to twice that amount daily. Excessive protein intake over the long term can lead to further complications for diabetics or others with kidney problems. What’s more, some products had labels warning that they aren’t suitable for people under age 18 or that pregnant women should first consult a physician. And there is greater concern for these groups when it comes to exposure to heavy metals— cadmium accumulates in and can damage the kidneys, the same organs that can be damaged by excessive protein intake. Federal regulations do not generally require that protein drinks and other dietary supplement s be tested before

rice, and spinach can take in significant amounts of the metal from the environment, due in large part to the use of cadmium -containing phosphate fertilizers, according to a researcher at the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. View this U.S. they are sold to ensure that Food and Drug Administration they’re safe, effective, and free l i s t * f o r a s e n s e o f t h e of contaminants, as the rules concentration of metals in require for prescription drugs. different foods. The Department M e e t i n g y o u r p r o t e i n of Agriculture* provides protein requirements through a balanced content for a wide range of diet is generally best for both foods. Choices such as milk, your health and your wallet. yogurt, eggs, poultry, and red You can roughly calculate how meats are generally good protein many grams of protein you need sources that seem to contain daily by multiplying your body little or no cadmium, lead, weight by 0.4. If you’re an arsenic, or mercury. athlete, the general rule of — Andrea Rock, senior editor thumb is about 1 gram of Take a look at the extra protein per pound of body ingredients that could be lurking weight per day. A sandwich in your protein drink, and read with 3 ounces of chicken and an more about our tests and what 8-ounce glass of whole milk the government is doing to provides about 40 grams of address supplement safety on protein, which is more than half the Safety blog. the 72 grams required by the * links to PDF Subscribe now! average 180-pound person and S u b s c r i b e t o nearly all of the 48 grams for expert required by someone weighing Ratings, buying advice and 120 pounds. Some foods also reliability on hundreds of can be a significant source of products. Update your feed exposure to heavy metals. For preferences instance, shellfish and liver can be high in cadmium, and plant foods such as sunflower seeds,

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood stalks retail on November 16 David Hinkle (Joystiq) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:43:00 AM

Are you anxious to get back into the Animus and step in the shoes of everyone's favorite paisano assassin, Ezio Auditore da Firenze? Ubisoft has announced Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood's release date: November 16. The news was slapped on the end of the game's E3 trailer, which emerged on YouTube earlier today. You can watch it past the break. Taking place years after the events of Assassin's Creed 2, Brotherhood tasks players with revitalizing Rome, circa 1503. Oh, and killing lots of dudes. It wouldn't be an Assassin's Creed game otherwise, right? Continue reading Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood stalks retail on November 16 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood stalks retail on November 16 originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:43:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Spirit Airways strike: What stranded passengers can do for relief Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports)

7117 but did not get through due to "high call volume." For its part, the Air Line Pilots Submitted at 6/14/2010 7:41:46 AM Association is stating that Spirit Airways strike: What "Spirit pilots aren't flinching," stranded passengers can do for so consumers would be wise to relief Last week, travelers' plans avoid further bookings. What's were disrupted by a strike at more, Spirit's Contract of British Airways. This week, Carriage specifically cites labor another airline labor action has disturbances and strikes under hit much closer to home, as its "Refusal to Transport" Spirit Airways' entire flight clause. schedule has been scrapped However, it's critical that through at least tomorrow, after passengers affected by this its pilots walked off the job shutdown understand their Saturday morning. somewhat limited options. Since Unfortunately, thousands of other airlines are not honoring passengers have encountered an Spirit's tickets, Spirit is offering informational vacuum. Spirit stranded passengers "future issued no press releases after flight credits" for the amount last Tuesday, until suddenly booked (along with a $100 announcing early Saturday that credit), which is good for one all flights throughout the day year; for passengers who want a would be cancelled. On Sunday full refund, the airline advises it extended those cancellations them to call the reservations through Tuesday, and as of this number, where we were placed morning, no further updates on hold for more than 30 w e r e p o s t e d . W e t r i e d minutes at a time and never repeatedly to contact Spirit's reached a representative. reservations line at (800) 772- What Spirit is NOT advising

customers is the best advice: Contact your credit card company for a refund, since failure to deliver goods and services is covered under the Fair Credit Billing Act; more information is available from the Federal Trade Commission. Sadly, Spirit's reputation for customer service has been lacking for some time. The carrier is widely acknowledged as the domestic leader in imposing fees and even charges a "passenger usage fee" for booking online; in April, Spirit announced it would charge $45 for carry-on baggage but later denied "buzz" it would impose a fee for aircraft lavatories. The airline has been fined repeatedly by the U.S. Department of Transportation, which hit Spirit with a record $375,000 penalty last year for "failing to comply with rules governing denied boarding compensation, fare advertising, baggage liability, and other consumer protection requirements."

As for travel insurance, once again the key is the date of purchase. Spirit is advising passengers who bought coverage through the airline and made their reservations prior to May 11th to contact Travel Guard at (866) 877-3191 to inquire about claims. Those who booked on May 12th or later are not covered, since that was when a 30-day cooling-off period was announced, giving ALPA a green light to strike on Saturday. As noted in last week's post on hurricanes, once a specific travel threat is identified—be it from Mother Nature or a labor union—insurance coverage o f t e n b e c o m e s unavailable.—William J. McGee Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

calories with little nutritional value. Navigating the food court (or drive-thru) doesn't have to be a nutrition disaster. A little knowledge goes a long way in

c h o o s i n g the best options. Here are our dietitian-approved choices at several popular fast food chains. Next McDonald's Five Filters featured article:

Obesity and a driver’s risk of death in crashes Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 6/14/2010 3:59:59 AM

Obesity and a driver’s risk of death in crashes Obesity has becomes an important health issue in the United States, but a new study shows that some overweight drivers can also be at additional risk in vehicle crashes. The study by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) shows that obese men may have a better OBESITY page 60

Fast Food Guide (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

e r r a n d s , sometimes you have to make do Okay, let's face it. We all have with less-than-ideal choices to eat fast food once in a while. when facing food-court options. Whether you're stuck in an If you’re not careful, it's easy airport or dashing between to consume tons of unnecessary

Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Daily electronics deals Paul Eng (Consumer Reports)

Entertainment • Walmart: Xbox 360 Arcade Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:24:28 AM Console w/ 2 Games + $50 Daily electronics deals Walmart eGift Card for $199 Today's electronics deals, • Walmart: Guitar Hero II & courtesy of The Consumerist: Guitar Hero Aerosmith Dual • Office Max: Epson Powerlite Pack Xbox 360 Game for $10 + MultiMedia Projector for $399 $0.97 Shipping w/ Free Shipping • GameStop: 2010 FIFA World • Dell: Samsung 46" LED Cup South Africa - PS3/Xbox 1080p HDTV + Blu-Ray Player 360 $33.99; Wii $25.49 + free w/ 3D Starter Kit + Xbox 360 shipping Elite for $2139.98 w/ Free • Walmart: Arcade console Shipping• • Dell: Dell 20" HD bundle w/ Banjo-Kazooie & M o n i t o r f o r $ 9 9 w / F r e e Viva Pinata games + $50 Gift Shipping Card $199 • Amazon: Samsung LN40C630 40-inch 1080p Neither Consumer Reports nor 120Hz LCD TV $744.98 + free T h e C o n s u m e r i s t r e c e i v e shipping anything in exchange for • NewEgg: Iomega Select 1TB featuring these deals; the posts External Hard Drive $69.99 + are intended to be purely free shipping informational. These deals are often fleeting, with prices changing or products becoming unavailable as the day

continued from page 59

progresses. These posts are not an endorsement of the featured products or the Web sites that sell them—though some of the sites may be included, and recommended, in our Ratings of retailers for computers and other major electronics(both available to subscribers). Price shouldn't be your only criterion. Be wary of lower-priced deals that seem too good to be true, and check return policies for restocking fees and other gotchas. For general buying advice for many of the products on sale above, check out our free Buying Guides. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Featured Model: Rali Ivanova ( Submitted at 6/14/2010 12:00:00 AM

Home| Fitness| Nutrition| Advice| Sports & Outdoors| Style| Interviews| Video & Photo Galleries| Polls| Win Stuff| Store Site Map| Contact| Training Team| Subscribe| Newsletter Sign Up| Advertising Information| Customer Care| Privacy Policy is part of The American Media Inc Fitness & Health Network © 2010 Weider Publications, LLC, a subsidiary of American Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. is a member of the Guy's TRiBE anchored by Visit our other publications online: Health & Fitness: Fit

Pregnancy| Flex| iShape| Men's Fitness| Muscle & Fitness| Muscle & Fitness Hers| Natural Health| Shape Entertainment: Country Weekly| National Enquirer| Star Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

chance of survival in a crash, so long as they are wearing a seat belt, but obese women do not. The researchers found that belted male drivers with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 35-50 have a 22 percent lower probability of being killed in a crash than belted underweight drivers (BMI between 15 and 18.4). However, for unbelted males, it is the opposite. The probability of death from a crash is 10 percent higher for obese men, compared to the underweight men. For women, a normal BMI (18.5-24.9) leads to a lower rate of death. Both overweight and underweight women have a higher risk, 10 percent and 8 percent, respectively. There was no difference in rate between belted or unbelted women drivers. The researchers looked at data from 300,000 drivers in fatal crashes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) over a 10-year period (1998-2008). In these crashes, 51 percent were killed, but drivers who did not belt up were more than twice as likely to die in a crash. NHTSA's data shows that when

seat belts are used properly, they can reduce the risk of fatal injury by 45 percent. The researchers note that these findings underscore the need to evaluate seat belts, seats, and air -bag designs to see if there needs to be improvement to adequately protect men and women at higher and lower BMI ranges. There was a change in 2007 to the frontal air bags and that does take into account weight and size, but not necessarily for above- or belowaverage people. They further concludes that changes may also need to be made to the crash test procedures and use of various dummies to adequately represent all shapes and sizes of American drivers.— Liza Barth Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

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Q&A: Risks and benefits of giving blood? (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 6/14/2010 6:24:51 AM

Q&A: Risks and benefits of giving blood? Are there any health benefits or risks to donating blood? — D.A., Rockville, Md. There are probably no benefits, except for the satisfaction of helping others, and the risks are minor. While some research suggests that giving blood might possibly help prevent cancer and heart disease by lowering the body’s iron stores, that possibility is tenuous at best. And donating is generally safe, though it occasionally causes nausea, dizziness, or fainting.

To minimize those risks, drink lots of fluids and avoid strenuous activity for several hours after donating. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


Sources: Texas' Pac-10 commitment imminent Joe Schad (

; } else { anywhere(); } return this; }; })(jQuery); The departure of Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Oklahoma • Share State to the Pac-10 is imminent, • Retweet four sources within the Big 12 said Monday. '); } e l s e { One source said commissioner $(_this).append(' Follow him on Dan Beebe's last-minute plan to Twitter: @'+value+'.'); } save the conference has "zero" } }); } }); chance to succeed. Another T(_t.selector).hovercards(anywh source said it is "very unlikely" ereOptions); T(".for- to succeed. twitter").hovercards(anywhereO Texas' interests in being aligned ptions); //REMOVE THE with the research opportunities CLASS NAME SO WE DON'T and academic missions of PacA N Y W H E R E I T T W I C E 10 schools is driving the $ ( " . f o r - decision, along with money. twitter").removeClass("for- Beebe's last-ditch plan included twitter"); }); } an emotional plea about if(typeof(twttr) == "undefined") p r e s e r v i n g r i v a l r i e s a n d { $.getScript("http:// maintaining the best welfare of p l a t f o r m . t w i t t e r . c o m / the student-athlete, one source anywhere.js?id="+config.key+" said. &v="+config.version,anywhere) Texas A&M is now most likely Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:23:36 AM

to join the SEC, a source within the Big 12 said. This move, in the wake of Colorado and Nebraska's departure, would further diminish the chance of Beebe's plan succeeding, one source said. Texas' decision is expected to come no later than Tuesday. One source familiar with Texas' plans suggested a hearing on Wednesday at the Texas House of Representatives is "a nonfactor." Joe Schad covers college football for ESPN. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

TCU Crashes College World Series Party Jim Henry (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: College World Series, College Baseball One team is a College World Series veteran, while the other is a CWS rookie. Florida State and TCU each advanced to the CWS on Sunday with dramatic Super

Regional victories in decisive third games. FSU held off Vanderbilt 7-6 to earn its 20th trip to Omaha, Neb., while TCU eliminated No. 2 national seed Texas 4-1 to punch its first ticket to the CWS in school history. The pair will meet in an opening-round CWS game at Rosenblatt Stadium.

South Carolina beat No. 4 national seed Coastal Carolina 10-9 to sweep the Chanticleers; No. 6 national seed UCLA earned its first trip to the CWS since 1997 with an 8-1 win over Cal State Fullerton; and No. 1 national seed Arizona State capped off the day with a 7-5 The eight-team CWS field win and two-game sweep over continued to fill out Sunday. visiting Arkansas.

No. 3 national seed Florida was the first team to advance to the CWS with a two-game sweep of error-plagued Miami on Saturday. The two remaining spots will be determined Monday in decisive third games.



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Report: LeBron James would '100 percent' endorse Tom Izzo hiring news services ( Submitted at 6/14/2010 12:09:18 AM

• Share • Retweet '); } else { $(_this).append(' Follow him on Twitter: @'+value+'.'); } } }); } }); T(_t.selector).hovercards(anywh ereOptions); T(".fortwitter").hovercards(anywhereO ptions); //REMOVE THE CLASS NAME SO WE DON'T ANYWHERE IT TWICE $ ( " . f o r twitter").removeClass("fortwitter"); }); } if(typeof(twttr) == "undefined") { $.getScript("http:// anywhere.js?id="+config.key+" &v="+config.version,anywhere) ; } else { anywhere(); } return this; }; })(jQuery); The Cleveland Cavaliers' wait for Tom Izzo continues after a weekend of mostly silence from the Michigan State coach. But there was a pertinent development Sunday night in the Izzo saga, when the Cleveland Plain-Dealer reported on its website that LeBron James would not oppose Izzo's hiring after it was previously reported that James prefers to

play for a coach who has played in the NBA. The Plain Dealer, quoting what it termed a "high-level source," said James would "100 percent" endorse Izzo's hiring. “ It won't go on forever, I can tell you that.”-- Michigan St. coach Tom Izzo on Thursday regarding job decision It remains to be seen what impact that sentiment will have on Izzo's decision, given that Izzo's hesitation in accepting Cleveland's five-year, $30 million offer is believed to stem mostly from the fact that James becomes a free agent July 1 and has given the franchise no known indication that he intends to re-sign. Although the Cavaliers hoped that Izzo would make a decision over the weekend, Izzo only issued a brief text message Sunday to several reporters, including's Andy Katz: "Still gathering." Katz reported Sunday that Kentucky coach John Calipari, who is friendly with James, is one of the coaching colleagues Izzo has consulted, not only for advice about moving into the pro game but also in an attempt to get a read on James' thinking. Izzo is apparently still trying to speak directly to James, according to Lansing (Mich.)

television station WLNS, but that had not happened as of Sunday night. Cavs owner Dan Gilbert insisted last week that James is not directly involved in the search for a replacement for Mike Brown. James also told CNN's Larry King in a recent sitdown interview that he does not want to be deeply involved in selecting his next coach, but any evidence that James would be supportive could help Gilbert in his determined chase for Izzo's signature. The Tom Izzo Spartan Basketball Camp, meanwhile, is scheduled to begin Monday morning in East Lansing, but it was not immediately known if Izzo will be in attendance. LeBron Tracker Where will LeBron James land? We're keeping tabs on the King. Here's the latest. LeBron Tracker On Friday afternoon, Izzo told his Michigan State players he was undecided about whether to accept the lucrative offer from Michigan State alumnus Gilbert, according to a person at the meeting. The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the meeting was intended to be confidential. Although Izzo gave no indication of his decision, his

players came away with the impression that he would take the Cavs job, The Plain Dealer reported. Izzo flew to Cleveland on Thursday and visited with the Cavs for several hours. Chief among the issues he's mulling over is whether he'd still want the job in the event that the Cavs fail to re-sign James in free agency. A source told on Friday that Izzo is also wrestling with what he feels is a life and career change. There is still no firm timetable for when his decision will be announced. "It won't go on forever, I can tell you that," Izzo said Thursday night at the Lansing airport before getting in a car and heading home with his wife, daughter and son. "I feel bad that I can't talk. I feel good that I did what I had to do." Gilbert and general manager Chris Grant have repeatedly declined media requests to elaborate about their pursuit of Izzo. If Izzo spurns the Cavs, they could turn to former New Orleans and New Jersey coach Byron Scott, who not only won three NBA rings as a player with the Los Angeles Lakers but also has experience coaching stars Jason Kidd and Chris Paul. The Cavs have maintained

contact with Scott's camp for the past few weeks after losing in the second round of the playoffs to Boston despite having the league's best regular-season record for the second straight season. The Cavs, though, have not interviewed Scott face-toface. “ Coach is the best thing that ever happened to me.”-- Michigan States sophomore Derrick Nix on Tom Izzo's impact Since firing Brown, Cleveland has also been linked in media reports with recently dismissed Atlanta Hawks coach Mike Woodson, Milwaukee Bucks assistant coach Kelvin Sampson and Los Angeles Lakers assistant coach Brian Shaw. Grant said the Cavs have spoken to a "number" of candidates, but did not divulge any names. As for Michigan State, Spartans athletic director Mark Hollis said last week that he has a long list of candidates he would consider if he needs a new coach. Michigan State has been bracing for Izzo's possible exit for a decade, dating to an offer from the Atlanta Hawks in 2000 after he led the school to its second national championship. Each offseason his name REPORT: page 64


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Celtics overcome Kobe, within one win of title Associated Press (

18th NBA title. The Celtics have never blown a 3-2 lead in the NBA Finals. Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:32:08 AM "It was our biggest game of the BOSTON -- It's looking a lot year," Pierce said. "We're in a like 2008 again, with Paul good spot. We have two games Pierce carrying the Boston in L.A.; now we have to get Celtics to victory in the NBA one." Finals and leading them to the Bryant was the MVP of the brink of yet another title. Finals last year, when the Pierce scored 27 points -- his Lakers beat the Orlando Magic best performance of this year's to win their 15th championship. F i n a l s - - a n d t h e C e l t i c s But Pierce earned the honor at withstood 38 points from Kobe his expense in '08, when the Bryant to beat the defending new Big Three beat the Lakers NBA champion Los Angeles to raise an NBA-record 17th Lakers 92-86 on Sunday night banner to the rafters at Boston's and take a 3-2 lead in the best-of TD Garden. -seven series. Bryant outscored Pierce this More from time, but the Lakers' guard got With the NBA Finals hanging little help from his teammates. in the balance the Celtics put the And the stretch where he was basic premise they carried into most dominant was also the time this series -- that if they made when the Celtics pulled away. Kobe Bryant work for his shots Six Or Bust? he couldn't beat them by himself Since 1985, teams leading the -- to the ultimate test, and they NBA Finals 3-2 have headed on prevailed, writes's the road six times for Games 6 J.A. Adande. Story and, if necessary, Game 7. • Daily Dime: Better team won History shows if the Celtics Game 5 don't win Tuesday, it could be • Hollinger: Pierce against the Lakers' series. Bryant "I wasn't in a personal duel," • Forsberg: Kobe can't KO Pierce said. "I didn't notice that Celtics we were going back-and-forth • McMenamin: Defense leaves scoring at the time. He's a tough Lakers player. He makes shots." • M a r k a z i : O d o m , A r t e s t Lakers coach Phil Jackson struggling defended Bryant's attempts to Game 6 is Tuesday night in Los take over the offense. Angeles, and a victory then or in "He's the kind of guy [where] Game 7 in L.A. on Thursday you ride the hot hand, that's for would give the Celtics a record sure," Jackson said. "We were

waiting for him to do that. ... He went out there and found a rhythm." With the "Beat L.A.!" chant reverberating at the Garden, Kevin Garnett scored 18 points with 10 rebounds and Rajon Rondo had 18 points, eight assists and five rebounds to help Boston become the first team in the series to win two games in a row. If Los Angeles can't do the same at home, the Celtics will improve to 10-2 against them in the Finals, from a 4-0 sweep over the Minneapolis Lakers in 1959 through the Bird-andMagic era of the '80s and Boston's win in '08. But Bryant said neither the rivalry nor revenge should be motivating his teammates when they try to stave off elimination at home. "Just man up and play. What the hell is the big deal?" he said. "If I have to say something to them, then we don't deserve to be champions. We're down 3-2: Go home, win one game, go into the next one. Simple as that." Bryant did everything he could to send the Lakers home with the edge. He scored 23 straight Lakers points between the 4:23 mark of the second quarter until there was 2:16 left in the third. But over that span, the Celtics expanded the lead from one point to 13. Start Fast, End Slow Kobe Bryant started the second

half like wildfire, but in crunch time, his numbers were lacking. "I just tried to keep telling them, 'It's only 2 points each time he scores. It's not 10,'" Celtics coach Doc Rivers said. "It's just like if someone else was scoring. ... I love that our guys for the most part, they understood what he was doing. But we defended everyone else. And I thought it was big." And Pierce was having his best game of the series, too. The Celtics' captain scored seven points in the last 3½ minutes of the second quarter and added nine more in the first 5 minutes of the third. Ray Allen, who hasn't hit a 3-pointer since making an NBA-record eight in Game 2, made a pair of baskets that gave Boston a 7158 lead with 3:08 left in the third. Jackson, wearing a microphone for the TV broadcast, told his players during a late timeout, "This team loses more games in the fourth quarter than any team in the league. They know how to lose games, and they're showing us that now." The Lakers got within six points several times, but never within five until Bryant made three free throws to make it 8782 with 90 seconds left. The Celtics got a break from a review when replays showed Allen's 3-pointer barely nicked the rim, giving them the ball with a fresh 24 seconds and 1:05

left. Rasheed Wallace missed a 3-pointer, but the rebound wound up tied up between the 6foot-11 Garnett and 6-foot-1 Derek Fisher. Fisher won the jump ball, tipping the ball ahead to Ron Artest for a breakaway; Pierce fouled him to keep him from scoring an easy layup, and he missed both free throws. Bryant grabbed the rebound, but Pierce ripped it out of his arms and dribbled off to the side to call timeout. A desperate inbound pass went to Pierce, who fed Rondo under the basket before falling out of bounds, and Rondo made an over-the-head layup to make it 89-82 with 36 seconds left. "I was just showing off my Randy Moss and my [Tom] Brady the whole play," Pierce said. "I was Randy when I caught it; then Brady on my pass to Rondo." Bryant missed a series of desperation 3-pointers down the stretch, and when Allen made two free throws with 19 seconds left and Garnett one of two with 8.9 to play, it was over. "He's the best shot-maker in the game. There's probably better athletes and all that, but there's no better shot-maker than Kobe Bryant," Rivers said. "You've just got to live with it and play through it." Pau Gasol scored 12 points CELTICS page 64



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REPORT: continued from page 62

emerges as a candidate for openings in the NBA and NCAA. But Izzo has never been this close to taking the leap. Izzo could double his current pay with an annual salary of $6 million and leave the headaches of college recruiting behind. Of course, Izzo has an obvious emotional attachment to Michigan State -- and a team expected to contend for the national title next season -- that makes it difficult to leave, along with the knowledge that the overwhelming majority of college coaches that jumped to the pros have not been successful. Dayton's Brian Gregory, Tulsa's Doug Wojcik, Utah's Jim Boylen -- all assistants under Izzo -- would likely be on the Spartans' list of potential replacements along with associate head coach Mark Montgomery and Dwayne Stephens. Both played for the Spartans when Izzo was a relatively unknown assistant for Jud Heathcote. Izzo first met with his players

last Tuesday, informing them he was in discussions with the Cavs. About 500 people, including center Derrick Nix, tried to convince him to stay at a rally Thursday night. "Coach is the best thing that ever happened to me," said Nix, a freshman last season. The rally at the Magic Johnson statue outside Michigan State's arena was suggested by fans on message boards and social networking websites. Hundreds wrote personal messages on a huge banner that was taped up to the windows of Izzo's office. An "Oh no, please don't go Izzo," banner was taped at the base of Johnson's statue. Izzo has been at the school since 1983 and has been the Spartans' coach since 1995, leading them to six Final Fours in the past 12 years. The late John Wooden at UCLA and Duke's Mike Krzyzewski are the only other coaches who have accomplished that feat. "I'm happy for him either way," said Los Angeles Lakers guard Shannon Brown, who played for

Izzo. "He deserves everything he gets. He works hard. He knows his stuff. He rarely sleeps. He's always thinking about different ways to get better and different ways to stay on top of his game." On Sunday, Michigan State fans planted "WE LOVE IZZO" signs -- with the love represented by a red heart -alongside roads Izzo would take on his way to work. Information from The Associated Press, ESPN The Magazine's Chris Broussard and's Andy Katz and Marc Stein was used in this report. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

but he scored all six of his points and his only rebound came in the first quarter. Game notes Of the 25 finals that have been tied at 2-all, the winner of Game 5 has won 19 of them. ... Rondo was called for a technical foul in

the second quarter when he pushed Artest in retaliation for a hard foul on Garnett. Artest embellished the shove, but got the call. ... Celebrities in the crowd: sprinter Usain Bolt, actress Eliza Dushku, Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea and

2010 World Cup: U.S. keeper Tim Howard expected to start Friday news services (

Howard was down for a while, saying he felt "in agony." When the game resumed, he grimaced Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:47:19 AM several times. IRENE, South Africa -- No Coach Bob Bradley had said further tests are needed for Sunday he did not know the goalkeeper Tim Howard and he extent of Howard's injury or if is "making progress" recovering his rib was broken. from bruised ribs, U.S. Soccer Howard, the starter for Everton said Monday. in the Premier League, is backed The team said that Howard is by Wolverhampton's Marcus cleared to play against Slovenia. Hahnemann on the U.S. team. U.S. Soccer had said Sunday Brad Guzan, the backup to Brad t h a t H o w a r d w o u l d g e t Friedel on Aston Villa, is the treatment that day and evening No. 3 American goalkeeper. and then a final decision would Information from The be made Monday. Associated Press was used in Howard collided with Emile this report. Heskey in Saturday's U.S.- Five Filters featured article: England game and played the Headshot - Propaganda, State second half after having a Religion and the Attack On the cortisone injection. Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Howard was injured when tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Heskey's foot slid into him in Text RSS, Term Extraction. the 29th minute Saturday night.

CELTICS continued from page 63

with 12 rebounds and Fisher, the Game 3 star, scored all nine of his points in the first quarter as no other Laker reached double figures in scoring until Gasol hit a free throw with 2:25 left. Andrew Bynum played on his sore right knee for 31 minutes,

singers Glen Frey and Jimmy Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Buffett, Philadelphia Phillies tools: PDF Newspaper, Full slugger Ryan Howard and New Text RSS, Term Extraction. England Patriots coach Bill Belichick. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the


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Time for U.S. to Capitalize on Gift Jay Mariotti (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: Soccer From disillusioned players to disgusted tabloids to drunken blokes to probably even the royals themselves, the mortified Brits are dismissing it as a "freak'' goal. That's some nerve, I know, for a country that produces such freaks as Amy Winehouse and Sid Vicious, but this is what happens when the place that invented football is tied by a place that calls it soccer -- on a disjointed play out of an old Benny Hill routine. Yes, it would have been more noble had the U.S. actually scored the goal instead of accepting a slippery gift Saturday in the South African backwater. It came innocently off the left foot of American midfielder Clint Dempsey, bounced twice and appeared to be an easy scoop-up for England goalie Robert Green, only to skid off his gloves, slide by him and slip over the goal line. I agree with England midfielder Frank Lampard when he says of

the blunder, "It's unfortunate for the goalkeeper. If they hadn't scored that goal, there is no way I could see us losing that game.'' Still, a goal is a goal, sheepish as it was, and that quickly, what looked like another red, white and blue crash in the World Cup transformed into what this sport desperately needs inside our borders. A break. The question now is how far the Americans run with their stroke

of good fortune. They have our attention, if not yet our total faith, and eyeballs are more vital than ever at a time when U.S. soccer is being marketed and publicized like never before. Led by a full-frontal television assault from ESPN, which is convinced it can grow the sport nationally when so many previous attempts have failed, the focus on this team in this event is unprecedented. And now that Team USA has a 1-1

tie against a traditional world powerhouse, the story line carries on amid the buzzing vuvuzela horns in a mysterious, faraway land. Next time, we just hope ESPN doesn't use a British broadcaster, Martin Tyler, as its lead voice during a budding upset. Wouldn't that have sounded odd, a Brit doing playby-play as the Brits being upset? It almost came to that.



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Kobe Can't Carry Lakers Without Help Chris Tomasson (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 6/14/2010 1:20:00 AM

Filed under: Celtics, Lakers, NBA Playoffs, NBA Finals BOSTON -- One of the last things the Celtics see before they leave their locker room for the court is a sign reading, "Individuals Win Games But Teams Win Titles.'' The Celtics have had that attitude for years. Back in the 1960s, Wilt Chamberlain piled up points but Boston almost always won the title. When the NBA Finals MVP award was handed out for the first time in 1969, the Lakers' Jerry West

received it but the Celtics won that series. The sign wasn't technically correct Sunday night at TD Garden. Lakers star guard Kobe Bryant had a banner night with 38 points, including 23 straight

winning 92-86 to take a 3-2 Finals lead. And, if Bryant, the top individual in the series, wants to keep piling up points, the Celtics might not get too bent out of shape. "That he's providing points for his team and he's in a rhythm, it's a bit dangerous,'' Boston forward Kevin Garnett said of Bryant's barrage, which included scoring the first 19 points of the third quarter after during one stretch, but his team scoring the final four of the first d i d n ' t w i n t h e g a m e . half. "But for the rhythm of his Nevertheless, you get the point. team, then it works in our Stressing team play, the Celtics favor.'' are one win away from extending their NBA record for championships to 18 after

Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:30:00 AM

Filed under: Islanders, NHL Economics, FanHouse Exclusive, Sports Business and Media The owners of the New York Mets have begun discussions with a leading real estate firm to strategize for a potential arena in Queens that

would house the NHL's New York Islanders, an industry source has told FanHouse. Jones Lang LaSalle, the project management company for the upcoming $500 million renovation of Madison Square Garden, has begun work on a feasibility study for an Islanders arena at Willets Point -- the Mets. property surrounding Citi Field, "This is beyond the preliminary the second-year home of the stage," said the source. "You

Ben Gilbert (Joystiq) Submitted at 6/14/2010 11:00:00 AM

What more do we need to say? We'll be heading back into the future '50s world of Fallout, sculpted by Obsidian, on October 19 in the US and October 22 in Europe. In case you hadn't already seen in the recently released E3 trailer, the Las Vegas ... er, New Vegas setting is positively packed to the gills with seedy characters. So it's a lot regular ol' Vegas then, but with more Geiger don't bring in a big hitter like counters. JLL unless you're serious. This tells me the Islanders and Mets Fallout: New Vegas vaporizing h a v e m a d e p r o g r e s s i n a mutants on Oct 19 in US, Oct 22 partnership to take the hockey in EU originally appeared on team to Queens. If Charles Joystiq on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 Wang and Nassau can't cut a 11:00:00 EST. Please see our deal, this will be a great option." terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Mets Owners Working With Real Estate Firm on Queens Arena for Islanders Christopher Botta (FanHouse Main)

Fallout: New Vegas vaporizing mutants on Oct 19 in US, Oct 22 in EU


E-reader News Edition


de Blob 2: The Underground rolls out on PS3, 360, Wii and DS in Spring 2011 Ludwig Kietzmann (Joystiq) Submitted at 6/14/2010 11:30:00 AM

As THQ CEO Brian Farrell indicated in February, de Blob's amorphous antics will be spreading to multiple platforms Andrew Yoon (Joystiq) of games like Call of Duty and disingenuous. His objectives in de upcoming sequel, de Blob Killzone. Bodycount's colorful, c o m e c o u r t e s y o f a n 2: the Underground. THQ has Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:00:00 AM spy-themed world reminds me unidentified female handler, and announced that de game will When the finishing touches are of Monolith's No One Lives the game promises to explore launch in Spring 2011 on de placed on Bodycount, Stuart Forever series -- and that's a t h e e v o l v i n g r e l a t i o n s h i p Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and DS. The move to HD B l a c k ' s f o l l o w - u p t o l a s t good thing. between the two. consoles will also enable generation's Black, it has the The world of Bodycount is Gallery: Bodycount potential to be a fun, sexy, heavily influenced by TV's Continue reading Preview: support for 3D, just in case you felt that Blob's paint-splattering arcade FPS. Unfortunately, the Alias, with the player assuming Bodycount pre-E3 demo that I played the role of a reluctant operative, Preview: Bodycount originally antics should extend beyond wasn't ready for the limelight. thrown into unstable areas of appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 14 your screen and into your living It's refreshing to see a more conflict. For reasons unknown Jun 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please light-hearted take on the genre, to the player, he's become a see our terms for use of feeds. with a focus on the sheer fun of member of "The Network," an Permalink| Email this| firing weapons. I certainly organization whose slogan -- C o m m e n t s wouldn't mind a change of pace "Your Safety is our Concern" -from the gravitas and machismo comes off as more than a little

Preview: Bodycount

room. THQ also noted that de Blob would make further appearances through a partnership with the Syfy channel and additional "de Blob-branded consumer products." Like ... squishy de Blob stress balls? You can have that one for free, THQ. de Blob 2: The Underground rolls out on PS3, 360, Wii and DS in Spring 2011 originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 11:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments


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What a week! (Scripting News)

will be our guest on today's podcast. If you care about the future of publishing as it relates So much happened, it deserves t o A p p l e a n d t h e w e b , I a recap. recommend listening. In the middle of the week, on Also on Thursday, I took the Wednesday, we had our Sources wraps off the new 2.0 version of Go Direct panel with Nick, t h e s o f t w a r e b e h i n d t h e Rachel and Fred at NYU. I think Scripting News weblog. I'm we can do better, and I hope we reaching for the stars with this do. It was my first NY event one. I have a lot of years of since I put on a concert at Bronx e x p e r i e n c e u s i n g t h e o l d Science in 1972. version, and I've studied the Nick Denton says nothing has other blogging tools that are out changed, there were gatekeepers there, and I think it's time for a then and there are gatekeepers re-look at the whole thing, with now. I agree. What we didn't go a new codebase. into is who the gatekeepers On Friday, I shook up those serve, how they protect each people who were watching (not others' business models, and a w h o l e o f p e o p l e , how blogging can circumvent unfortunately) with a feature I that. The perfect example is call sub-text, which is actually a blogging itself, a story the simple sub-case of outline-based gatekeepers refused to carry, but browsing. What's important is a story that got out there how it's used. Just beginning to find hidden treasures and save anyway. And the blogging feel my way around this. the world. network was used to bootstrap Next week should be a little other stuff, including podcasting quieter. I'm heading to Calif on Continue r e a d i n g and RSS. Wednesday for a few days of N i n t e n d o W a r e W e e k l y : On Thursday we had our business. But we're off to a great B e j e w e l e d 2 , T e l e g r a p h weekly meetup at NYU. Rich start here in NYC, and the next Crosswords Ziade, the author of Readability few months should be really N i n t e n d o W a r e W e e k l y : joined us. We talked about a lot something! ";->" Bejeweled 2, Telegraph of very interesting and Crosswords originally appeared potentially heavy stuff. Rich on Joystiq on Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:11:04 AM

NintendoWare Weekly: Bejeweled 2, Telegraph Crosswords Andrew Yoon (Joystiq) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:30:00 AM

This is the final NintendoWare Weekly update before Nintendo's E3 conference tomorrow. What kind of exciting changes will tomorrow bring? Does it even matter, now that Bejeweled 2 is on the Wii? WiiWare • Bejeweled 2(PopCap, 1 Player, 1000 Wii Points) If you ever want to see your Wii console again, you'll make sure that your casual-gaming family

do not ever, ever find out about the launch of Bejeweled 2 on WiiWare. They haven't seen this news post, have they? • Arcade Sports(Icon, 2 Players, 800 Wii Points) Just in case your system didn't come with a multiplayer bowling game, this new WiiWare offering provides four sports to play: air hockey, bowling, pool and snooker. • Yard Sale Hidden Treasures: Sunnyville(Konami, 1 Player, 500 Wii Points) As the last vampire slayer of Sunnyville (probably), you must search local yard sales on a mission to

Featured/ Food/ Health/

E-reader News Edition

People don't read. What I'm doing about it.

Eight Tips for Road Tripping

(Scripting News)


So when people say that clicking on a little plus sign next to the text to get more is too Sometime in the last decade I much work, I think -- how realized that most people r i d i c u l o u s - - t h i s p e r s o n weren't reading my stuff. probably isn't even reading my I don't mean this in the obvious stuff. way. There are 6 billion people I think what they're really on the planet and perhaps saying is that if the text is 0.00001 percent have even hidden, they can't skim it. Aha! heard of Scripting News. That's Now, for me, the guy who just not what I mean (though it's spent an hour writing the post true). you're not even willing to spend What I mean is that, even of the a few seconds with, that's a people who "read" what I write, feature not a bug. ";->" either on the blog or in RSS, the I don't really want the vast majority just skim, if they skimmers. What I want is to get do that. my ideas "out there" so other An author can tell. people can do things with them. Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:55:06 AM

If the words only act as magnets for your canned pitch, then nothing happened, and it's not worth the effort. So a speed bump that rewards people who do read is a good thing, not a bad one. PS: Check out the previous post for an idea of the art that might be possible with sub-text. PPS: Sub-text actually makes it easier for skimmers, if they really want to understand what the author is saying. The background stuff is tucked away it just presents the top-level ideas.

Submitted at 6/14/2010 4:00:00 AM

An insider's advice for those who are about to hit the highway by Ryan O'Reilly Print Article Email to Friend Now is the season for road tripping. That glorious time of year when doors fling open, car engines start and people disappear into the backwater of the country. At the moment, a couple of friends and I are embarked on one such adventure. As I write this, I am seated at a picnic table somewhere on the side of

Submitted at 6/13/2010 1:44:06 PM

Times, they are a changin'. If you are a regular follower of Simply Recipes, you may have noticed that we've been posting a bit more than usual. I thought I would take this opportunity to let you know what is happening behind the scenes here, and to give you a little more back-story about the site. From lemons to lemonade First the back story. Around 9 years ago I got sick. I had been helping to run an Internet startup in San Francisco that went

bust. That was the first dot-com crash, back in 2001. I developed a flu that just wouldn't go away. Around the same time I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue, my dear friend and roommate

was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Elisabeth lost her battle with cancer, as well as two other close friends. I eventually moved home with my parents in Carmichael, still

highway 16 in South Dakota. These are my top tips for a successful road trip: Avoid the Interstates Don't get me wrong, interstates are great. I use them when I need to get away from my home territory in a hurry. But once I'm away from familiar ground, I leave the interstate routes in exchange for the two-lanes. Interstate highways make travel across America quick and efficient, but quick and efficient aren't always the best ingredients for a unique experience. EIGHT page 69


Behind the Scenes at Simply Recipes (Simply Recipes)


continued from page 69

sick (2 years later), unable to work, and overcome with grief. Well, even if you're sick, you still have to eat. I figured if the powers that be determined that I was going to stay at home for a while, I might as well learn how to cook. And that, my friends, is how Simply Recipes got started. A day does not go by that I'm not deeply appreciative of my parents, for being there, for taking me in, for encouraging me, for feeding me, for teaching me how to cook, for everything. Continue reading "Behind the Scenes at Simply Recipes" Âť

Make a Mental Fuel Marker I use the quarter tank mark. When I get to that point, I start looking for gas stations. When traveling, especially out west, there's no guarantee that running out of gas will coincide with the presence of a gas station, a lesson I learned a few years ago while in Montana. Pushing my luck, I ran out of gas within sight of a gas station, much to the amusement of the cowboy who gave me a lift. Camp Out Along the Way Rather than spend money on a hotel room, spend little or EIGHT page 70


E-reader News Edition

EIGHT continued from page 69

nothing on a good campsite. Something gets lost when you shut yourself into a room, order movies and play dominoes instead of being under the sky with a good bottle of wine, a small fire and a warm sleeping bag. Most towns have a commercial campground, and of course there are always the national parks and forests. Besides enjoying time around the fire in the evening, nothing awakens and energizes me for a day on the road like a cup of hot coffee in the cool, morning mountain air. It's the best breakfast in the world. Select Your Traveling Companions Wisely The initial excitement of departure fades quickly as do the temporary guises and graces we have the tendency to adopt in order to be socially appropriate. If you don't already know the people you're traveling with, and they turn out to have different needs or desires in relation to the experience, then you have a potentially explosive situation. On the other hand, a road trip can be one of the best ways to get to know someone. It's risky though, especially if

you and your companion are stuck at a rest stop on a closed highway during a blizzard. But that is a different story. Be Easy Going If you are traveling with friends, everyone must have the flexibility of a gymnast, meaning that everyone in the car should put their needs aside for the greater good of the group. It's a true exercise in both democracy and voluntary socialism. Currently, I'm on a cross-country road trip with two friends of mine. So far we've traveled 2,500 miles together without a single heated disagreement and only one "incident." We've made it this far without any problems because we approach any collective decision with indecisions. It also helps that there's three of us, so one will always be a tiebreaker. Be Seasonally Aware It doesn't take a strategist to understand that traveling to Glacier National Park in December is a potentially dumb idea. But it needs to be said that planning, even if you're interested in an unplanned adventure, will prevent showing

up in a particular part of the country during an inconvenient time of year. Simplicity is Key My cousin owns one of those outdoor stores that has everything you need for a trek into the wild. Equally present is a lot of what I call MJ gear; or Mumbo Jumbo gear. MJ gear is the stuff you will probably never need, unless you just like shiny stuff. A Sheppard's crook looking contraption, designed so that the lone traveler can give himself back massages, is a classic example. These types of items further an already present problem — the tendency for the traveler to try to plan for and pack for every conceivable situation. Generally, I've found that I can get away with about a quarter of the material I initially pile up before leaving the house. One strategy I've developed is to arrange everything on a large surface, like the bed, and then reduce the quantity by half. Then do it again. You can repeat this as many times as you want until you are down to things you can't live without. Record the Adventure I've found that people bring the

bubble that they live in out onto the road with them. They live on the road much as they do at home: just going about a routine, but counting miles instead of minutes. Recording the adventure in some way is a way to train yourself to keep both eyes on the passing landscape. Whether you write, draw, enjoy photography or just take mental notes of scenery and history, recording those experiences, for me, has always been a way to locate meaning from them. Bonus tip: Know How to Identify a Hostile Drinking Environment When in an unknown bar, especially if you are by yourself, and more than three people are staring at you at any given time, then you are in what I call a hostile drinking environment. You have two options at this point: You can leave or you can initiate damage control. This happened to me and my two traveling companions just a few days ago at a small bar in Colorado where we were being watched like lambs among wolves. But after gracious tipping, many jokes and a round

of shots for the bar, we left hours after closing with pockets full of business cards and phone numbers. Serial road-tripper, Ryan O'Reilly, is the author of the travel novel Snapshot and his latest book, Nourish and Consume. A free-lance contributor to various newspapers and periodicals throughout the country, O'Reilly divides his time between Austin, Texas, and a small farm in Clever, Missouri. Related articles: 5 Summer Adventure Challenges The Hottest Convertibles on the Market Six Gas-Saving Tips [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Health/ Religion/

E-reader News Edition


Success Story: Matt Browne (

fat. "The weight came on fast and stuck with me," he says. Browne's cancer was in Cancer meds made him fat. remission by age 10, but the Teasing classmates left him fourth grader was still heavy, discouraged. Yet, as his body weighing 155 pounds with a 34kicked the disease, his spirit inch waist. His classmates found solace in the gym. teased him mercilessly. The by Karen Asp effects hit him hard. "I got Print Article Email to Friend discouraged and felt pretty bad MATT BROWNE about myself," he says. Hometown: Winona, Minn. That didn't change (nor did his Age: 21 body) until Browne started Height: 5'11" working out in high school. Weight Before: 155 lbs (as a Initially, he hoped to become child) more athletic so he could play Weight After: 180 lbs baseball and basketball, but Guys often end up overweight instead, he ended up falling in because of bad eating habits or a love with training itself. "Lifting lack of exercise. But not always. weights gave me a feeling of As a 5-year-old, Matt Browne of control," he says. "It was Winona, Minn., was diagnosed something I'd never experienced with leukemia. Doctors put him b e f o r e . W h e n I ' m l i f t i n g o n a r i g o r o u s c o u r s e o f weights, there's nothing else chemotherapy and loaded his that's holding me back." body with drugs, including Now 21, after a childhood spent steroids. The medications fought at the mercy of doctors and the illness—but also made him disease, Browne is studying Submitted at 6/14/2010 3:00:00 AM

exercise science at Winona State University, in Minnesota, and hitting the gym almost every day. His workouts include two or three days of cardio—usually 20 minutes of intervals. Six days a week, he also lifts hard, focusing primarily on one body part and keeping rest periods brief. "I change the routine a lot with the weights I'm using and exercises I'm doing to confuse the muscles," he says. Browne's diet is full of nutritious whole foods such as eggs, brown rice, broccoli, oatmeal, lean meats, and fish, although he does let himself have the occasional cheat meal. And cancer? He's been in remission so long doctors have given him the all clear. Still, Browne hasn't forgotten his dark past. "When you're faced with a challenge like that as a child, you get this fight mentality. Now, I apply it to my fitness,"

he says. "You get out what you put into your training, which is why I work as hard as I do." Matt's Tip: Don't go it Alone "If you feel overwhelmed in the gym, ask for help. For my first two years of college, I went to San Diego State University. Working with the coaches and trainers there taught me a lot and provided me with great tips that I'm still using to really push myself and get good results." Related articles: Success Story: Joey Ricca Success Story: Greg Bauer Success Story: Jim Murphy [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Mollie (GetReligion) Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:00:03 AM tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. That’s some bad timing on Time’s current cover story, NOTHING page 72

together. 2.) Toss carrots with half the dressing and the beets with the other half. 3.) Serve salads side by side or mixed together, topped with mint. Nutritional Breakdown Per serving Calories: 50 Protein: 1 g

Carbs: 7 g Fat: 3 g Fiber: 2 g Serves 4 Created by Rebecca Katz, author of The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen Related articles: Recipe: Quinoa Paella with Chicken and Chorizo Recipe: Black Bean Cakes

Nothing new under the Vatican sun

Carrot Beet Salad (

The perfect low-calorie dish to accompany your favorite meal Print Article Email to Friend Ingredients

• 1/2 tsp minced fresh ginger • 1/4 tsp sea salt • 1 cup peeled and shredded carrot • 1 cup peeled and shredded red beet • 2 tbsp chopped fresh mint

• 2 tbsp orange juice • 2 tsp lemon juice • 2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil

How to Make It 1.) Mix the orange juice, lemon juice, olive oil, ginger, and salt

Submitted at 6/14/2010 5:00:00 AM

Recipe: Skillet Mac & Cheese With Ham & Spinach [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition

NOTHING continued from page 71

pictured here and previously discussed by tmatt. Pope Benedict XVI delivered the concluding homily at the Vatican’s big celebration marking the Year of the Priest. And while he had many interesting things to say, it’s pretty clear that media outlets are all running with and highlighting the section of the homily in which he begged forgiveness for the sex abuse scandals that have been in the news recently. In our survey of the coverage, let’s begin with Rachel Donadio’s piece in the New York Times. I thought it was really good. It had a nice balance of quotes and perspective and gave the news straight up, without attempts to spin or analyze in one particular direction: Addressing the sexual abuse crisis from the seat of the Roman Catholic Church before thousands of white-robed priests, Pope Benedict XVI on Friday begged forgiveness, saying the church would do “everything possible” to prevent priests from abusing children. “We, too, insistently beg forgiveness from God and from the persons involved, while promising to do everything possible to ensure that such abuse will never occur again,” Benedict told thousands of priests and the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square for

celebrations marking the end of the Vatican’s Year of the Priest. The pope did not outline specific actions that the church would take to combat abuse, as many had hoped — and as Benedict had pledged at an audience in April. Nor did his remarks go much beyond what he had already said in a letter to Irish Catholics in March and in a private meeting with victims of sexual abuse on Malta in April. But it was the first time that Benedict had asked forgiveness for the crisis from St. Peter’s Square, the heart of the church itself, and on an occasion focused on priests. There’s much more about the particulars of his homily and the reaction to the homily among the network of abuse victim activists. Donadio is based at the Vatican. The Los Angeles Times actually sent reporter Mitchell Landsberg to cover the event and I’m not sure they got their money’s worth. I know it’s hard to cover religion in general, but the Vatican is one of those places where the complexity can really throw a reporter. Or maybe Landsberg just doesn’t like the Vatican or something. His piece almost reads more like a Rorschach test of how he interpreted the speech rather than a news account of what happened. Let’s just begin with the

headline: Pope asks God for forgiveness but offers no apology on priest abuse As tmatt previously wrote about Time’s headline, what does that even mean? I noted in a column in the Wall Street Journal last week, the Pope has been hitting hard on the themes of sin, repentance and forgiveness. He has expressed regrets. He has worked to change the way the Vatican handles abuse claims and he’s urged further reforms. He’s sought forgiveness from victims. What does this headline writer mean when referring to an “apology”? I don’t actually know. But it reflects the general tenor of the piece, which is in no way balanced. Here’s how Landsberg begins: When Pope Benedict XVI announced the “Year of the Priest” that concluded Friday, he probably didn’t have in mind the sort of year he got. He acknowledged as much in a closing Mass, telling more than 10,000 assembled priests in St. Peter’s Square that “in the very year of joy for the sacrament of the priesthood, the sins of priests came to light.” This is a cute beginning, sure, but I only highlight it to point out that it directly contradicts what Benedict actually said in the homily. I don’t want to quote the whole thing but Benedict basically talks about the intention of this

year of celebration and then says, “It was to be expected that this new radiance of the priesthood would not be pleasing to the “enemy”; he would have rather preferred to see it disappear, so that God would ultimately be driven out of the world. And so it happened that, in this very year of joy for the sacrament of the priesthood, the sins of priests came to light — particularly the abuse of the little ones, in which the priesthood, whose task is to manifest God’s concern for our good, turns into its very opposite.” And then he begs forgiveness and promises to do everything possible to prevent future problems. And then he talks about how the celebration was not ruined, but that these events served as a purification. Since I started paying attention to actual papal homilies and speeches, I’ve found that the number of reporters who accurately represent the words of these texts is dangerously small. Anyway, I could fisk this whole piece but let’s just look at a few more lines: Benedict had been widely expected to use the occasion to issue his most sweeping and detailed mea culpa to date for the clergy sexual abuse scandal, and perhaps to announce new measures to cope with it. The scandal has rocked the Roman Catholic Church in Europe this

year, nearly a decade after it shook the American church to its roots. But the pope did neither, blaming the problem on “the enemy,” Satan, even as he begged forgiveness from God and from the victims of priest abuse, as he has several times recently. The latest comments failed to satisfy at least some in his audience, who called for greater accountability and more concrete measures to combat abuse. OK, even before I read this piece, I’d grown tired of Landsberg’s complete reliance on the passive voice. He has a problem with it. The previous day’s story was about the Pope “rejecting” calls to end celibacy. The first paragraph spoke, passively, of speculation about ending celibacy. And the “rejection” was not a rejection but a reaffirmation that came in response to a priest’s question about the importance of celibacy. The piece read like what you might expect of someone who didn’t really understand Vatican culture or history. Unfortunately we’ve noticed some quality problems with Landsberg’s work prior to that, too. Anyway, back to this piece, we once again see this weak construction. Who widely expected him to use this NOTHING page 76


E-reader News Edition


Rush Limbaugh (hearts) Elton John tmatt (GetReligion) Submitted at 6/13/2010 8:43:43 PM

If you have read GetReligion for more than a week or two, you probably have noticed that we live in the age of the simplistic label. If you noticed that fact, then you also must have noticed that your GetReligionistas are not fond of labels — especially in religion coverage. It’s just too easy to divide the world into left and right, moderates and fundamentalists and assume that news consumers have some idea what those words mean. Isn’t that right, Bill Keller? This is particularly true when issues of culture and public morality start getting mixed up with issues that are rooted in religion and doctrine. Let’s look at a rather ridiculous case, just to make the point rather obvious. So, tell me. What did you think when you read the news reports about Sir Elton John providing some of the music for the recent wedding of Rush Limbaugh and his fourth (count ‘em, four) wife? Here is the top of a rather typical report, care of a Wall Street Journal blog item by Zev Chafets, author of “ Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One.” A lot of people were unpleasantly surprised to learn that Elton John, one of the world’s most proudly prominent gay entertainers, played at Rush

Limbaugh’s Palm Beach

wedding to Kathryn Rogers. …

Evangelicals voiced dismay that a pious fellow like Rush would give legitimacy to the libertine Sir Elton. Limbaugh-haters jeered at what they considered el Rushbo’s hypocracy. OK, did you see any interesting labels in that paragraph which, admittedly, is a rather tongue-incheek salute to the shallowness of public images. Limbaugh? A “pious fellow”? Say what? Here is another part of this short Chafets piece that many GetReligion readers will appreciate: This demonstrates that even after more than 20 years on the radio, not everyone understands who Limbaugh actually is. For starters he is not, and has never pretended to be, a member of the Christian Right. As a young disc jockey he invented a fictitious faith healer, “Friar Shuck” who saved people over the radio for a hundred bucks a pop. Shuck is gone now, but Rush’s show still has a rakish, sometimes impious edge. His fans know he was an Oxycontin addict who spent time in rehab, that he unapologetically appreciates “adult beverages” and beautiful women and that his Sunday devotionals take place in the Church of the NFL. … On some social issues, like abortion, Limbaugh is a conventional conservative. On RUSH page 74


Social Media/ Religion/

E-reader News Edition

RUSH continued from page 73

others he sounds a lot like Barack Obama. In an interview last summer he told me that he regards homosexuality as most likely determined by biology, considers other people’s sex lives to be none of his business and supports gay civil unions. I’m pretty sure that Elton John’s sexual orientation never even crossed Limbaugh’s mind. Actually, early in his career Limbaugh was rather openly pro -choice, while he still enjoyed mocking the degree to which some feminists personed that particular barricade against any compromises whatsoever. Perhaps Limbaugh simply knows that legal access to abortion is a crucial fact of life for, well, men of his ilk. If you were searching for a label to apply to Limbaugh — while talking about moral, cultural and religious issues — what label would you use? If one frames the debate in that manner, is “conservative” the best word? In fact, if you are interested in compromises on moral and

social issues, what is the essential difference between Limbaugh and, oh, Bill Clinton? You might want to remember that Clinton grew up as a Southern Baptist and remains a “moderate” Baptist, while Limbaugh grew up adoring his father, who was conservative on political issues, but a liberal Methodist on matters of faith and doctrine. And Limbaugh’s pew today? I’ll leave you with one final thought, as we consider the usefulness of political and religious labels in a story of this kind. Central to all forms of religious conservatism or traditionalism, at least the ones with which I am familiar, is a robust belief in the sinfulness of humanity. In a Scripps Howard column a year or so ago — entitled “ Rush Limbaugh, liberal heretic?” — I asked a basic question: To what degree does El Rushbo’s view of the world include an emphasis on the reality of sin? Does anyone remember that CPAC speech back in 2009?

Here is a crucial passage: Let me tell you who we conservatives are: We love people. When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don’t see groups. We don’t see victims. We don’t see people we want to exploit. What we see — what we see is potential. We do not look out across the country and see the average American, the person that makes this country work. We do not see that person with contempt. We don’t think that person doesn’t have what it takes. We believe that person can be the best he or she wants to be if certain things are just removed from their path like onerous taxes, regulations and too much government. No doubt about it, that sounds like political conservatism. However, what is Limbaugh’s view of the power of sin in the world? You just remove the clamps

placed on people by government and all is well? It’s as simple as that, is it? How many people would embrace that Gospel right now along the Gulf Coast? How about people affected by the scandals on Wall Street and elsewhere in our economic temples? How many cultural conservatives want to see government regulations torn away from, oh, a corporation like Planned Parenthood? Anyway, what is the best label for Limbaugh when it comes to issues of morality, culture and religions? Give it your best JOURNALISTIC shot and remember that this is a family weblog. Top photo: Elton John and another spiritual seeker. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Everyone has a big “but” Mollie (GetReligion) Submitted at 6/13/2010 2:59:56 PM

The New York Times has an interesting piece by Geraldine Fabrikant about a collector building a collection of ancient Bibles. With the goal of establishing a museum dedicated to the Bible, the family behind the Hobby Lobby chain of stores is on a bit of a spending spree. They’ve “bought illuminated, or decorated, manuscripts, Torahs, papyri and other works worth $20 million to $40 million from auction houses, dealers, private collectors and institutions, some of which may be selling because of financial pressure.” Steve Green is the president of the company and we learn the following about his religious EVERYONE page 75

USB Typewriter Will Make Your iPad Feel Ancient [VIDEO] Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

monocle-wearing type, you might want to check out the USB typewriter. Looking for a USB keyboard The name really says it all: It’s device to accompany your iPad? a manual typewriter with a USB If you want fast typing, you connection, and since it’s should probably look elsewhere, handmade, each one is different; typewriter to project author Jack but if you’re the pipe-smoking, you can even send your own Submitted at 6/14/2010 5:28:29 AM

Zylkin and have it made USB compatible. The price, however, is quite steep, ranging from $400 – $500 for a finished product and $75 for a do-ityourself kit. Check out a short demo video below.

For more technology coverage, follow Mashable Tech on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: apple, Gadget, ipad, USB typewriter

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EVERYONE continued from page 74

views: Mr. Green is Pentecostal, but other family members worship in churches of other denominations, including Baptist and Assemblies of God. The family gives to a variety of Christian causes, Oral Roberts University and evangelical ministries among them, and adheres to Christian principles, closing its stores on Sundays, playing Christian music in them and operating Mardel, a separate chain of religious bookstores. This reminds me of a question one of my colleagues asked me at one of my old newsrooms. He wondered whether Pentecostals were a religion or a denomination. Now, the phrasing above is unclear on two points. “Pentecostal” isn’t a denomination per se, although there are denominations with the word “Pentecostal” in their names. And either way you can’t say “but” other family members are Assemblies of God. That’s because Assemblies of God is the largest Pentecostal denomination out there. I’m unclear on what denomination Mr. Green is a member of. Still, the story is interesting and provides a lot of detail on the

rare book market, without overlooking the role religion plays in this particular story: The group also bought a Martin Luther New Testament with 44 lushly hand-painted and illuminated woodcuts, suggesting that the edition was made for royal use, perhaps for Luther’s protector, Frederick the Wise. The book was sold by Jorn Gunther, a dealer who had listed the edition at $400,000 in his catalog. “Book dealers are bibliophiles, but these men are coming at it with a strong belief that the Bible is the word of God and they want to show that,” said Mr. Gunther of Stalden, Switzerland. “It is like a doctor buying medical books.” I did wonder about one phrase in this sentence: Dr. Carroll, a former professor in ancient studies who has specialized in Biblical manuscripts, recently resigned from Cornerstone University, a nondenominational Christ-based liberal arts school in Grand Rapids, Mich., to become executive director of the museum and an adviser to Mr. Green. I’m more familiar with the

phrase “Christ-centered” than “Christ-based” and I note that the university uses the former phrase to describe itself. But I’m wondering if we could get something a bit more explanatory for a general reader. It’s rare to see this much coverage of religion in a business section story. But the piece could have used some edits or guidance from someone with a bit more understanding of religion. For instance, it would be nice to know a bit more about what motivates the Green family. I don’t normally think of “Pentecostalism” when I think of ancient Biblical texts. But I also know enough about the Assemblies of God to know what emphasis that denomination places on study of Scriptures. These would be worthy themes for exploration. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


iPhone 4 Available for Pre-order at Best Buy Tomorrow Christina Warren (Mashable!) Submitted at 6/14/2010 10:12:07 AM

On June 15, 2010, the iPhone 4 becomes available for pre-order at, AT&T stores and Best Buy. Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile standalone stores across the U.S. will begin offering the latest iPhone for pre -order starting tomorrow, ahead of its June 24, 2010 release date. The new iPhone, which was announced last week at WWDC, will be available for $199 for a 16GB version and $299 for a 32GB version for new AT&T customers or current customers who qualify for the lowest upgrade pricing. In addition to featuring a faster processor and the iOS 4 software, the iPhone 4 will also features a brand new higher-resolution screen. By pre-ordering before the June 24 release date, consumers can help avoid some of the sell-out frenzy that goes along the release of an Apple product. Assuming you don’t need to get a phone as soon as they go on sale, you could even avoid some of sure-to-be-long lines and

stroll in later in the day for pickup. In the past, pre-ordering an iPhone at a Best Buy store has required a $50 deposit, but it’s unclear if that will be required this time. Depending on the foot traffic of your local Best Buy, AT&T and Apple stores, Best Buy may end up being one of the fastest places to get in and get out. Will you be pre-ordering a new iPhone tomorrow? If so, where will you be placing your preorder? Let us know! For more Apple coverage, follow Mashable Apple on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: best buy, iphone, iphone 4, preorders


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NOTHING continued from page 72

occasion to detail a — groan — “mea culpa”? And it takes a complete ignorance of traditional Christian understanding of sin and Satan to explain his remarks on “the enemy” in the way he does. Again, Donadio did a better job. It goes on in this vein: At one point, sounding much like the academic he once was, Benedict spoke of the development of monotheism, and seemed to criticize nonChristian faiths as well as the Enlightenment, the historical movement that brought revolutionary developments in science and philosophy. Unless you’re writing a personal essay, I really think the word “seem” should be avoided. Particularly if you’re missing the point of a fairly easy to understand homily that is no more academic than any homily my pastors deliver on a random Sunday or mid-week service. It would almost be funny if it weren’t, you know, appearing in a major daily paper. I honestly

wondered if the reporter had never heard a traditional sermon before. Okay, so Benedict talks about how the Old Testament repeatedly speaks of a personal God who looks after his people like a shepherd looks after his sheep. He merely notes the difference between this understanding of God and other ancient understandings of the deity. And he casually notes that this understanding reappeared during the Enlightenment — the “clockmaker” God who sets everything in motion and then steps back. Apparently the mere discussion of differences such as these is not only considered criticism of “non-Christian” faiths but somehow noteworthy for a homily. Never mind, of course, that the 23rd Psalm on which the homily is based comes from Scriptures shared with a non-Christian faith. And yes, Landsberg, thank you for explaining to us what the Enlightenment was. Of course, Benedict wasn’t criticizing

everything about the Enlightenment or even most things. Or even doing anything other than noting that all those “revolutionary” developments that journalists seem to think were brand new were actually nothing new under the sun. Sigh. Speaking of sun, the reporter writes up his piece as if it’s a tourist report. He repeatedly mentions the weather in the square, using really dramatic language. Yet another reason why the New York Times piece was superior — not one mention of weather. Second photo: Pope Benedict XVI’s online home. Five Filters featured article: Headshot - Propaganda, State Religion and the Attack On the Gaza Peace Flotilla. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

YouTube, HP and Guggenheim: Send Us Your Most Creative Video Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 6/14/2010 8:30:36 AM

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Hewlett-Packard and YouTube today launched YouTube Play, an international contest to find the world’s most creative new video. YouTube Play will accept user submissions from anywhere in the world until the deadline, July 31, 2010, 12:00 p.m PT. A jury of experts will then select up to 20 videos, which will be simultaneously presented on October 21, 2010 at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, and throughout the Guggenheim network of museums in Venice, Bilbao and Berlin. The 200 videos that make it through the first round of screening will be available on the YouTube Play channel. The main criterion for winning the contest is creativity. According to YouTube, “submissions may include any form of creative video, including art, animation, motion graphics, narrative and non-

narrative work, or entirely new art forms. YouTube Play hopes to attract innovative, original, and surprising videos from around the world, regardless of genre, technique, background, or budget. Participants can be art students or amateur video makers as well as creative professionals.” Check out a short promo video below, and an introduction to the project by the Managing Director of Google Creative Lab Andy Berndt and Guggenheim’s Deputy Director and Chief Curator Nancy Spector. For more web video coverage, follow Mashable Web Video on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook

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How Download Cards Connect Physical Music to its Digital Future Sarah Collins (Mashable!) Submitted at 6/14/2010 9:44:17 AM

Sarah Collins is freelance journalist and student at Northwestern University. She also writes for Texas Monthly, A.V. Club Chicago, Chicago Parent, Venus Zine, and Punknews. Some songs just need to be played in a car. They require windows-down, wind-in-hair, public-dancing glory. But vinyl fans are stuck inside, sitting by a turntable, missing out on the world’s greatest driving songs. Sound quality? Sure. But what does it matter if you can’t take it with you? “I want the vinyl for home listening on my stereo, but I want it on my iPod for on the go too,” says Seth Hubbard, Label Manager of Polyvinyl Records. Record owners were penalized by having their music trapped in one place while CD and iTunes purchasers were free to roam. “It made it more difficult for them to move music that was actually purchased from one place to the other, and that seemed like sort of a problem,” says Chris Jacobs, General Manager at Sub Pop Records. A Sound Solution Enter download cards. The foreign slips of paper and plastic started showing up all over

record stores at the beginning of 2007, each scrap entitling the owner to a full MP3 download of the record they just bought. Now fans could take the songs on MP3 players without hunting for illegal downloads or buying the album again on iTunes. The cards also opened the doors for new ways of delivering music. But record labels are still deciding whether or not the cards can serve as a new, standalone format, or if they’ll be able to turn around declining album sales. “Who’s going to buy a record twice these days when people are hardly buying it once?” That was the reasoning Patrick Scott used when he started offering download cards with all of the releases on his label, Static Station Records. He had started the label as CD only, but when sales started slipping, he switched to records, the only physical music format that has seen a boost in sales in the aughts. But by then, fans expected music they could take with them. “The ways that people listen to music right now don’t really line up with the ways that you listen to LPs,” says Jacobs. “People like to listen to music in a big long mix or while they’re doing other things.” Download cards freed up the

music, and allowed for goodies, like the extra tracks Scott adds to the download cards for Static Station releases. “It just seems reasonable to do it,” says Jacobs. “People who have purchased the record already should be able to listen to it in whatever way they want to listen to it.” The cards helped make vinyl marketable again. “I think that’s influenced a lot more people to buy the LP now,” says Brad Schelden, the indie buyer for Amoeba Music, the world’s largest independent record store. “Without question the digital download is a big part of why I think our vinyl sells so well,” says Hubbard. The success of the download cards drove the label to experiment with other ways to use the cards. Paper Makes it Possible In 2008, Polyvinyl launched of Montreal’s newest record, Skeletal Lamping, as a collection of posters, shirts, lamps, stickers, and other ephemera — each of which

came with a download card. “Kevin [Barnes] from of Montreal kind of sat us down and kind of had this great idea of doing physical objects to sell digital music,” says Hubbard. “Fans still want something physical when they want to support a band, they don’t just want the MP3s.” Hubbard says it was a way to test the waters and find the limits of the potential of download cards. The art objects sold well, but didn’t quite beat out the CD and LP sales from the record. “I don’t think we’ll try anything to that degree again,” says Hubbard. “But I do know a couple of our bands coming up have requested to do the t-shirt thing.” Other bands have tried ideas that are further out there. “Routinely there’s people coming up with just weird ideas on how to use these,” says Jon Collins, the Vice President of Business Development at Drop Cards. Drop Cards created the download cards for of Montreal, and continues to make download cards for albums and promotional distribution for companies and music festivals. When Austin Jennings was looking to go on tour, he came to Drop Cards looking for something that would fit into his green initiative. “We print a

download card that’s actually made out of a biodegradable paper with wildflowers in it,” says Collins. “He went on tour and rather than bringing a bunch of CDs, he sold little flower pots of dirt, and it had the download card attached to it. So you bought this little flower pot, downloaded his music, and then when you were done with it you could put the download card into the flower pot and it would grow.” The Limits of Pushing Paper While the of Montreal experiment opened the door for creative thinking, most are still skeptical of download cards as a new medium. Scott created a label called Fissure Records to experiment with download card–only releases. “It was like this artifact that had, basically a 5 x 7 card that would have big artwork, bigger than a CD, and then it would have the download card mounted into it,” he says. Two releases proved to him that the format wasn’t viable. He says record stores and distributors “didn’t have any idea what to do with them.” Even Scott couldn’t figure out how to sell the cards. “We’re not set up to carry things like just a download card,” says Schelden about Amoeba Music. HOW page 78


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AT&T Apologizes for iPad Security Breach Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 6/14/2010 4:03:27 AM

AT&T sent out a letter to customers apologizing for the recent security breach which resulted in the exposure of 114,000 iPad 3G customer emails. In the letter, AT&T explains some details about the incident, assuring customers that they can continue to use their AT&T 3G service on the iPad “with confidence.” The e-mails were exposed by a group known as Goatse Security, who obtained them by running a script on AT&T’s website. The script returned email addresses associated with ICC IDs, used to link SIM cards on mobile devices with specific subscribers. From the letter: “On June 7 we learned that unauthorized computer ‘hackers’ maliciously exploited a function designed to make your iPad log-in process faster by pre-populating an AT&T authentication page with the email address you used to register your iPad for 3G service. The self-described hackers wrote software code to

HOW continued from page 78

As soon as we became aware of this situation, we took swift action to prevent any further unauthorized exposure of customer email addresses. Within hours, AT&T disabled the mechanism that automatically populated the email address. Now, the authentication page log-in screen requires the user to enter both their email address and randomly generate numbers that their password.” mimicked serial numbers of the Although the security breach AT&T SIM card for iPad – was limited to e-mail addresses called the integrated circuit card and AT&T reacted promptly, a identification (ICC-ID) – and certain amount of damage has repeatedly queried an AT&T been done. The letter warns that web address. When a number the exposed e-mails could be g e n e r a t e d b y t h e h a c k e r s used against the customers. matched an actual ICC-ID, the “While the attack was limited to authentication page log-in email address and ICC-ID data, screen was returned to the we encourage you to be alert to hackers with the email address scams that could attempt to use associated with the ICC-ID this information to obtain other already populated on the log-in data or send you unwanted screen. email,” said the letter. The hackers deliberately went For more technology coverage, to great efforts with a random follow Mashable Tech on program to extract possible ICC Twitter or become a fan on -IDs and capture customer email Facebook a d d r e s s e s . T h e y t h e n p u t Tags: apple, att, hackers, ipad, together a list of these emails security and distributed it for their own publicity.

HOW continued from page 77

“Like, where would we put it? We’re not like WalMart or something, with like a spinwheel with all these download cards on it.” Without being attached to an object, download cards seem to only work as giveaways and promotional tools. “As its own sellable form it seems weird,” says Scott. “If you’re going to do a download card it needs to be attached to something else someone wants, be it a t-shirt, a commemorative plate, whatever.” Sub Pop has been trying to figure out the perfect use for download cards. “It’s kind of hard to find something that’s inherently sort of valuable enough to justify spending that kind of money,” says Jacobs. Experiments with pre-sale stickers have mostly failed, but the label keeps looking for new ways to use the cards. Scott, Jacobs and Hubbard all saw t-shirts and download cards as the success story in the of Montreal experiment. “It’s an easy way to package two things that people expect from a band,” says Hubbard. “You want to get the band t-shirt when you go to a show, you usually want to get their record. Why not just package them together?” The tshirts have been repressed multiple times, and Polyvinyl plans to release other albums in the t-shirt and download card format. Conclusion

Whether download cards can save the music industry depends on whether or not the industry can be saved. “It’s part of a greater discussion of whether music is worth buying,” says Collins. “If you can’t sell your music, it being on a drop card isn’t really going to help out.” Collins says that the download cards can sell if fans start buying music again, but Scott isn’t convinced they can ever be a standalone format. “The download card is basically a band-aid for music distribution,” says Scott. “I feel like currently download cards are just a bridge to something better.” For more technology coverage, follow Mashable Tech on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook More music resources from Mashable: - Why MySpace Can Still Win as a Music Destination - 7 Unique Sites for Discovering New Music - 5 Great Ways to Find Music That Suits Your Mood - How Big Live Promises Big Change for Online Music Fans - HOW TO: Turn Your Android Phone Into a Killer MP3 Player Image courtesy of iStockphoto, YuriSH Tags: bands, CDs, digital music, digital music downloads, mp3, mp3s, music, records, tech HOW page 78

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