Liberty Newspost May-03-10

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- 03/05/10

Pakistani found guilty over Mumbai attacks (World News from Times Online)

“If Kasab is found guilty on Monday I will ask for the maximum penalty on Tuesday,” Submitted at 5/3/2010 5:46:37 AM Ujjwal Nikam, the state The sole terrorist gunman to be prosecutor, told The Times last c a p t u r e d a l i v e d u r i n g t h e week. Mumbai attacks of 2008 was Sentencing will begin today found guilty of murder tomorrow. A death sentence is and of waging war against India. likely to lead to a lengthy series The prosecution in the trial of of appeals and an indeterminate Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab wait on death row. has indicated that it will ask for The last execution in India was him to be executed for his part in 2004, when a security guard in the most audacious terrorist was hanged in Calcutta for the atrocity since 9/11. rape and murder of a schoolgirl Kasab, 22, a Pakistani citizen, 14 years earlier. Since then the was one of ten Islamist gunmen last trained hangman in India is who sailed from Pakistan to understood to have retired, hold India’s commercial capital leaving the country with no under virtual siege for 60 hours executioners. in November 2008. "I, my family and people of The commando-style assault India want Kasab hanged," said killed 166 people at targets that Vaishali Ombale, whose father included two luxury hotels, a was killed by the terrorist. backpacker bar and a Jewish But even the swiftest of prayer centre. Kasab is said to executions would fail to satisfy h a v e h e l p e d c o n d u c t t h e many Indians' sense of justice. atrocity's bloodiest episode: the “No one is going to feel that slaughter of 58 people at justice has been done when Mumbai’s main train station. Kasab is found guilty,” said

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Kartikeya Tripathi, a court reporter for the Times of India who has tracked the trial. “He is only a footsoldier. India has not been able to touch the masterminds behind the Mumbai attacks.” The Indian Government believes that Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a Pakistan-based terrorist faction, was behind the strike on Mumbai. The charge sheet against Kasab also lists 35 suspects wanted for their alleged links to the Mumbai attacks. All are thought to be in Pakistan and to be linked to LeT. No 1 on the list is the LeT founder Hafiz Saeed. Mr Saeed — who claims that he quit LeT in 2002 and denies any links to terrorism — was briefly placed under house arrest in Pakistan, but was released last June. Pakistan also announced a crackdown on Jamaat-ud-Dawa, thought to be a front for LeT, in December 2008. Pakistan has also placed seven men on trial for the Mumbai

attacks, including several highranking LeT commanders. The move has not satisfied many in India, whose tense relationship with Pakistan was seriously damaged by the Mumbai attacks. Today, however, all eyes were on Kasab, a poor high-school drop-out who drifted into radicalism from a life of petty crime and whose behaviour has become increasingly odd as his trial has progressed. Today, he appeared pale and shaky as he sat in the dock. He showed no emotion throughout the judge’s reading of a précis of the verdict against him, the full version of which runs to more than 1,500 pages. His sullen demeanour was in sharp contrast to his cockiness when he first appeared in court a year ago. Then, Kasab made a show of grinning at the packed press gallery in his specially bomb-proofed courtroom. He claimed to be a child ineligible for trial in an adult

court, pleaded innocent and accused the police of beating a confession out of him. Three months later, taking his defence lawyer by surprise, he confessed to taking part in the most audacious terror attack since 9/11 and said that he was “ready to hang”. In December he retracted a confession that had included a detailed account of his indoctrination and weapons training. Instead he claimed to be a wannabe film star who had been in Mumbai hoping to break into Bollywood when he was arrested and framed. The judge today dismissed that version of events as false. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Pakistani found guilty over Mumbai attacks (World News from Times Online)

tomorrow. A death sentence is likely to lead to a lengthy series of appeals and an indeterminate Submitted at 5/3/2010 5:46:37 AM wait on death row. The sole terrorist gunman to be The last execution in India was c a p t u r e d a l i v e d u r i n g t h e in 2004, when a security guard Mumbai attacks of 2008 was was hanged in Calcutta for the today found guilty of murder rape and murder of a schoolgirl and of waging war against India. 14 years earlier. Since then the The prosecution in the trial of last trained hangman in India is Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab understood to have retired, has indicated that it will ask for leaving the country with no him to be executed for his part executioners. in the most audacious terrorist "I, my family and people of atrocity since 9/11. India want Kasab hanged," said Kasab, 22, a Pakistani citizen, Vaishali Ombale, whose father was one of ten Islamist gunmen was killed by the terrorist. who sailed from Pakistan to But even the swiftest of hold India’s commercial capital executions would fail to satisfy under virtual siege for 60 hours many Indians' sense of justice. in November 2008. “No one is going to feel that The commando-style assault justice has been done when killed 166 people at targets that Kasab is found guilty,” said included two luxury hotels, a Kartikeya Tripathi, a court backpacker bar and a Jewish reporter for the Times of India prayer centre. Kasab is said to who has tracked the trial. h a v e h e l p e d c o n d u c t t h e “He is only a footsoldier. India atrocity's bloodiest episode: the has not been able to touch the slaughter of 58 people at m a s t e r m i n d s b e h i n d t h e Mumbai’s main train station. M u m b a i a t t a c k s . ” “If Kasab is found guilty on The Indian Government Monday I will ask for the believes that Lashkar-e-Taiba maximum penalty on Tuesday,” ( L e T ) , a P a k i s t a n - b a s e d U j j w a l N i k a m , t h e s t a t e terrorist faction, was behind the prosecutor, told The Times last strike on Mumbai. The charge week. sheet against Kasab also lists 35 S e n t e n c i n g w i l l b e g i n suspects wanted for their alleged

links to the Mumbai attacks. All are thought to be in Pakistan and to be linked to LeT. No 1 on the list is the LeT founder Hafiz Saeed. Mr Saeed — who claims that he quit LeT in 2002 and denies any links to terrorism — was briefly placed under house arrest in Pakistan, but was released last June. Pakistan also announced a crackdown on Jamaat-ud-Dawa, thought to be a front for LeT, in December 2008. Pakistan has also placed seven men on trial for the Mumbai attacks, including several highranking LeT commanders. The move has not satisfied many in India, whose tense relationship with Pakistan was seriously damaged by the Mumbai attacks. Today, however, all eyes were on Kasab, a poor high-school drop-out who drifted into radicalism from a life of petty crime and whose behaviour has become increasingly odd as his trial has progressed. Today, he appeared pale and shaky as he sat in the dock. He showed no emotion throughout the judge’s reading of a précis of the verdict against him, the full version of which runs to more than 1,500 pages.

What Are The Odds Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

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Five Filters featured article: General Election. Available The Art of Looking Prime tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Ministerial - The 2010 UK Text RSS, Term Extraction.

His sullen demeanour was in sharp contrast to his cockiness when he first appeared in court a year ago. Then, Kasab made a show of grinning at the packed press gallery in his specially bomb-proofed courtroom. He claimed to be a child ineligible for trial in an adult court, pleaded innocent and accused the police of beating a confession out of him. Three months later, taking his defence lawyer by surprise, he confessed to taking part in the most audacious terror attack since 9/11 and said that he was “ready to hang”. In December he retracted a confession that had included a detailed account of his indoctrination and weapons training. Instead he claimed to be a wannabe film star who had been in Mumbai hoping to break into Bollywood when he was arrested and framed. The judge today dismissed that version of events as false. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

NYPD interviews registered owner of car bomb SUV (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:43:41 AM

AmyR buzzed up: Apple sells 1 million iPads, outdoing first iPhone (AP) 32 seconds ago 2010-0503T07:00:02-07:00 Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

The Ultimate Star Wars Quiz (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

If you've been to Dragon*Con more times than you can count and can rattle off everything that's wrong with Episodes 1, 2 and 3, then we've got a quiz for you. Test your knowledge of all things Star Wars with this quiz. (Note: Using the Force is considered cheating.) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Il travels to China Wise Words: (World News from Times Online)

Bureau and the army that we should shut down tourist operations in the morning.” Submitted at 5/3/2010 1:42:28 AM Mr Kim’s 17-carriage train is North Korea’s reclusive leader believed to have made its way to Kim Jong Il appears to have left the northeastern coastal city of his impoverished homeland for Dalian, among China’s most his first overseas trip since a prosperous and open northern suspected stroke in 2008, cities, where the leader of the travelling by train to China – his Stalinist state could be shown biggest benefactor. some of the achievements of Visits to China by Mr Kim have more than 30 years of opening long been shrouded in secrecy – and market-oriented reform. A his most recent trip in 2006 was motorcade of 15 cars was later announced only after he had left seen pulling up at the city’s the country. luxury Furama hotel. What was clear today was that Like his father before him, the security was tight at the border North Korean strongman seems crossing at the Chinese city of to have an aversion to air travel. Dandong at around 5am (local Rumours have swirled for t i m e , 1 0 p m G M T ) . S o u t h months that Mr Kim might be Korea’s Yonhap news agency coming to China, his only said several hundred Chinese major ally and the chief source security agents had sealed off of fuel, food and finance for the the area around the train station isolated, hardline regime. before dawn. China’s Communist Party An official at the Friendship leader, whose relationship with Bridge that crosses the river the younger Kim has cooled dividing the two countries told o v e r t h e l a s t d e c a d e – AFP: “Kim arrived at about five particularly since his country this morning. We received a exploded a nuclear device in notice from the Public Security 2006 – will be certain to put

pressure on the rare visitor to revive stalled talks on his atomic ambitions. The visit could mean North Korea has already agreed to China’s requests to restart the six-party talks, which also include South Korea, the United States, Russia and Japan, on how to denuclearise the peninsula. Just as possibly, Beijing may have given the goahead for Mr Kim to come to try to persuade him in person. Mr Kim may also be keen to use the talks as a bargaining ploy to press Beijing to provide more food aid to his country, beset by persistent shortages. Illegal refugees hiding in China said recently they feared famine within weeks after a bungled currency reform late last year resulted in the closure of the free markets on which people had come to rely. North Korea stalked away from the talks in April last year and vowed to restart production of weapons-grade plutonium, carrying out its second atomic weapons test the following

month. Pyongyang says it will not return to the talks until UN sanctions are lifted and until the US makes a commitment to hold talks on a formal peace treaty. North Korea had agreed in previous rounds to end its nuclear weapons drive in return for security guarantees and badly needed fuel aid. The mysterious sinking of a South Korean warship near the disputed sea border with North Korea on March 26, with suspicion falling on Pyongyang, has served as a further setback. US and South Korean officials have indicated the talks cannot restart under a cloud of suspicion about the North™s involvement in the sinking of the Cheonan in which 46 sailors died. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

The Beauty of Nothing Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/3/2010 6:30:00 AM

Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous and full of joy. Today's quote was submitted by Beth Marsh. Enjoy doing nothing, and you can enjoy doing anything. Enjoy having nothing, and you can enjoy whatever you have. Ralph Marston How do you find pleasure in doing or having nothing? Have a favorite quote? Send it t o u s a t with your name, city and state. You might be featured in an upcoming Wise Words post!. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Buffett: The Government Has Definitely Lit The Fuse Of Inflation Joe Weisenthal (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:49:04 AM

Warren Buffett's interview on CNBC has been almost entirely about Goldman Sachs(GS) this

morning, a testament to how much this story has enveloped the financial industry. Becky quick has only asked a couple questions about the economy. Among them: The inflation question.

Buffett's view is that the government has definitely laid

the groundwork for inflation -basically by going into so much debt -- though he's hopeful it's not inevitability. We've lit the fuse, but it's not too late to blow it out if we take the right corrective course.

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Spider-Man thwarts robbery in comic iPad 3G sales estimated shop caper at 300,000 for launch weekend (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 5/3/2010 2:54:30 AM

When Australian comic book store owner Michael Baulderstone dressed up as Spider-Man for a promotional event in his shop last weekend, he never imagined by the end of the day he would become a reallife crime-fighting superhero. But luckily, Mr Baulderstone’s “Spider-sense” was tingling and he was able to thwart a robbery attempt at his shop in the South Australian capital of Adelaide, with the aid of The Flash and some trusted Jedi Knights wielding light sabres. The comical crime caper began on Saturday morning in the Adelaide Comics Centre, tucked away in a mall in the heart of the city, which was full of fans dressed as their favourite superhero characters who had descended on the store for international ‘free comic book day’, aimed at encouraging children to read. Mingling among the customers in fancy dress — including a Wolverine, a Catwoman and someone dressed as Kick-Ass,

the character from the recent British film about a hapless American teenager who creates his own superhero character to fight crime — Mr Baulderstone noticed someone acting suspiciously. The customer, who was dressed as himself — a comic fan in an overcoat and jeans – allegedly picked up an X-Man Omnibus (worth $AU160, or £97) from the shop window display. “My Spider-sense was tingling,“ Mr Baulderstone, 45, told The Times as he fielded congratulatory calls for his superhero behaviour. “I didn’t want to scare him off so I followed him around the store and eventually said: ‘Are you right there mate?’” With no police – or Batman – on hand to help, Mr Baulderstone decided to take matters into his own red and blue lycra-clad hands. “I’m 169cm tall and only 57kg, so I’m a tiny bloke, but I just grabbed his bag and looked in it and there was the book,” he said. “I had 50 people in the store so I just shouted for someone to guard the front door and it just

happened that the Jedi Knights were there and they had their lightsabres out so they held the door until the police arrived. “My colleague, who was dressed as The Flash, kept running the shop and stayed calm, it really was a team effort.” CCTV footage captured the whole scene on tape, which shows Spider-Man calmly confronting the unmasked offender and confiscating his backpack. Mr Baulderstone, a life-long comic fan who has owned the shop with his colleague Peter Spandrio for the past three years, said they often have people trying to steal valuable comics and collectors' items. However he said that never before has one been stopped by a real-life superhero: “When the police came in they managed to keep a straight face and just hauled him away”. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

(CNET Submitted at 5/3/2010 6:13:49 AM

The iPad 3G's first weekend at market was a successful one, though not quite as successful as that of its Wi-Fi-only predecessor. Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster estimates that Apple sold about 300,000 iPad 3Gs between Friday afternoon and Sunday afternoon, including 52 days of preorders. That's approximately what the original iPad sold during its first day of availability, including 22 days of preorders. So while the 3G isn't selling quite as briskly as its sibling, it's selling well--so well, in fact, that by Sunday afternoon most of the Apple stores Munster surveyed were completely sold out of the device. Not bad considering prices for the iPad 3G start at $629, quite a bit more than the $499 entry-level price of Wi-Fionly models. "As of 3:00PM ET on Sunday afternoon (5/2), 49 of 50 Apple stores we called were completely sold out of the iPad 3G (most were also sold out of

wi-fi only models)," Munster wrote in a Sunday note to clients. "While it is difficult to gauge, we believe this is due to both stronger than expected demand and lower than intended supply on the part of Apple. Near-term, this may put downward pressure on launch day/weekend statistics, but longterm we see it as a positive, as consumers are definitely interested in the iPad as a new category." Munster figures that by now Apple has sold more than a million total iPads (Wi-Fi-only and 3G, both), enough to make him wonder whether his estimate of 1.3 million sold during the June quarter might be conservative. Story Copyright (c) 2010 AllThingsD. All rights reserved. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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BP says it will pay for Gulf spill's cleanup (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

out well a mile under Gulf of Mexico waters. However, the plan to lower 74-ton, concreteVENICE, La. – BP PLC said and-metal boxes being built to Monday that it will pay for all capture the oil and siphon it to a t h e c l e a n u p c o s t s f r o m a barge waiting at the surface will massive oil spill in the Gulf of need at least another six to eight Mexico that could continue days to get it in place. spewing crude for at least Crews continued to lay boom in another week. what increasingly feels like a Meanwhile, chief executive futile effort to slow down the Tony Hayward said Monday spill, with all ideas to contain that chemical dispersants have the flow failing so far. worked to some degree to keep "I've been in Pensacola and I am oil from flowing to the surface, very, very concerned about this though he did not elaborate. He filth in the Gulf of Mexico," said on ABC's "Good Morning Florida Gov. Charlie Crist said America" that the new approach at a fundraiser for his U.S. s e e m e d t o b e h a v i n g a Senate campaign Sunday night. significant impact. "It's not a spill, it's a flow. The company posted a fact Envision sort of an underground sheet on its Web site saying it volcano of oil and it keeps took responsibility for the spewing over 200,000 gallons response to the Deepwater every single day, if not more." Horizon spill and would pay Fishermen from the mouth of compensation for legitimate the Mississippi River to the claims for property damage, Florida Panhandle got the news personal injury and commercial that more than 6,800 square losses. miles of federal fishing areas "We are responsible, not for the were closed, fracturing their accident, but we are responsible livelihood for at least 10 days for the oil and for dealing with it and likely more just as the prime and cleaning the situation up," spring season was kicking in. Hayward said. He said the The slick also was precariously equipment that failed on the rig close to a key shipping lane that and led to the spill belonged to feeds goods and materials to the owner Transocean Ltd., not BP, interior of the U.S. by the which operated the rig. Mississippi River. The update on the dispersants Even if the well is shut off in a came as BP was preparing a week, fishermen and wildlife system never tried nearly a mile officials wonder how long it will under water to siphon away the take for the Gulf to recover. geyser of crude from a blown- Some compare it to Hurricane Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:31:31 AM

Katrina, which Louisiana is still recovering from after nearly five years. "My kids will be talking about the effect of this when they're my age," said 41-year-old Venice charter boat captain Bob Kenney. At BP's Houston offices, dozens of engineers and technicians were cloistered on the third floor, working 12-hour shifts round-the-clock to come up with a solution. "It's probably easier to fly in space than do some of this," Charlie Holt, BP's drilling and completion operations manager in the Gulf of Mexico, said Sunday. Everything engineers have tried so far has failed. After the April 20 oil rig explosion, which killed 11 people, the flow of oil should have been stopped by a blowout preventer, but the mechanism failed. Efforts to remotely activate it continue to prove fruitless. On the surface, windy weather and waves have hampered plans to burn the oil and made booms all along the coast ineffective. The oil probably could keep gushing for months until a second well can be dug to relieve pressure from the first. Besides the immediate impact on Gulf industries, shipping along the Mississippi River could soon be limited. Ships carrying food, oil, rubber and much more come through the

Southwest Pass to enter the vital waterway. Shipment delays — either because oil-splattered ships need to be cleaned off at sea before docking or because water lanes are shut down for a time — would raise the cost of transporting those goods. "We saw that during Hurricane Katrina for a period of time — we saw some prices go up for food and other goods because they couldn't move some fruit down the shipping channels and it got spoiled," PFGBest analyst Phil Flynn said. The Port of New Orleans said projections suggest the pass will be clear through Tuesday. President Barack Obama toured the region Sunday, deflecting criticism that his administration was too slow to respond and did too little to stave off the catastrophe. A piece of plywood along a Louisiana highway had these words painted on it: "OBAMA SEND HELP!!!!" The blessing of the boats is normally a joyous kickoff to the spring fishing season in St. Bernard Parish. But this year, it had more the air of a funeral. Some years, as many as 200 craft, most of them working boats, lined up at the Gulf Outlet Marina to be sprinkled with holy water by a priest. On Sunday, only four boats floated by — and not one a commercial vessel.

Capt. Doogie Robin, 84, sat at a bar, sipping a Budweiser from the jaws of an alligator-head beer cozy. He runs eight oyster boats. "Katrina really hit us hard," he said. "And this here, I think this is going to finish us now. I think this will wipe us off the map." The Coast Guard and BP have said it's nearly impossible to know exactly how much oil has gushed since the blast, though it has been roughly estimated to be at least 200,000 gallons a day. At that rate, it would eclipse the 1989 Exxon Valdez tanker spill — which dumped 11 million gallons off the Alaska coast — as the worst U.S. oil disaster in history in a matter of weeks. "None of us have ever had experience at this level before. It ain't good," said Bob Love, coastal and nongame resources administrator with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Even if the oil stays mostly offshore, the consequences could be dire for sea turtles, dolphins and other deepwater marine life — and microscopic plankton and tiny creatures that are a staple of larger animals' diets. Moby Solangi, director of the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport, Miss., said at least 20 dead sea turtles were found on the state's beaches. He SAYS page 8


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Tenn. officials brace for more flooding, deaths (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:34:31 AM

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – About 1,500 guests of a downtown hotel complex spent the night in a high school to escape the flooding Cumberland River, which was expected to crest Monday following weekend thunderstorms that killed at least 19 people in Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky. Officials in Tennessee were preparing for more deaths and for the Cumberland River, which winds through the Music City, to crest more than 11 feet Monday afternoon, putting portions of downtown in danger of the kind of damage experienced by thousands of residents whose homes were swamped by flash floods. The Cumberland River had already reached record levels since an early 1960s flood control project was put in place. With so much water inundating the Cumberland's tributaries, however, it was difficult to gauge whether the river would stop at 50 feet or exceed the forecast, increasing the water's spread in the city. Authorities weren't taking any chances. They evacuated the downtown area and north Nashville where a leaky levee threatened residents and businesses. Flooding could hit the downtown tourism industry,

a commuter train depot and the nearby LP Field, where the Tennessee Titans play. Floodwater spilled onto a couple of downtown streets near the riverfront and restaurants and bars in the tourist district were closed. At the Opryland Hotel, Monday morning brought sunshine and a view of flooded parking lots around the hotel and adjacent venues. Water surrounded the Grand Ole Opry House and the Opry Mills shopping mall. Mayor Karl dean called on Nashville residents Monday to use water only for cooking and drinking because one of the city's two water treatment plants was flooded. Forecasters were on the money when they warned residents there would be severe weather across the Mid-South, but few could have predicted the devastation the relentless line of storms brought. Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen called it an "unprecedented rain event," but that failed to capture the magnitude. More than 13 inches of rain fell in Nashville over two days, nearly doubling the previous record of 6.68 inches that fell in the wake of Hurricane Fredrick in 1979. "That is an astonishing amount of rain in a 24- or 36-hour period," Bredesen said Sunday. At least 11 were dead in Tennessee, six in Mississippi

and two in Kentucky. Tennessee Emergency Management Agency officials say there was likely an additional victim, but a body had not been recovered. Three people in Mississippi were killed when high winds believed to be tornados hit their homes and three others were killed in what authorities said were weather-related traffic accidents. Kentucky Emergency Management officials said two deaths in Barren and Madison counties in central Kentucky were weather-related. The weekend deaths came on the heels of a tornado in Arkansas that killed a woman and injured about two dozen people Friday. And just a week ago, 10 people were killed by a tornado from a separate storm in western Mississippi. Bredesen said officials hoped for the best, but knew there might be more deaths reported Monday as authorities got their first real look at the damage after a weekend filled with frantic rescues. "This is going to go on for a while," Bredesen said. "It's going to take a while for the water to recede and us to get down into this. It's going to take several days for this to get back to anything near normal." Much of the damage from flooding was done in outlying areas of Nashville and across the

middle and western parts of Tennessee. Rescues turned dramatic with homeowners plucked off roofs and pregnant women airlifted off a waterlogged interstate. The rain ended Monday but there will likely be weeks of cleanup for residents and public works employees alike. Though there was no official estimate, it was clear thousands of homes had been damaged or destroyed by flooding and tornados. Thousands of residents were displaced with some going to more than 20 shelters opened around Tennessee. Emily Petro, with the Red Cross in Nashville, said the agency was sheltering about 2,000 people across Tennessee — about 1,200 of them in Nashville. Hospitals, schools and state buildings also were flooded. Most schools in middle Tennessee would be closed Monday and most universities in the Nashville area postponed final exams, though many state workers were expected to return to their jobs, if possible. The state's roads were in bad shape. The three major interstates in the Nashville area were closed over the weekend and Interstate 40, which runs east to west through the state, would likely remain closed since standing water is still stranding drivers.

Bredesen said more than 150 roads were closed in middle Tennessee alone with washouts and bridge damage destruction fairly common. The Cumberland could add millions of dollars to the damage total. Officials in Tennessee said Sunday the flooding is as bad as they've seen since 1975 when water memorably inundated the old Opryland amusement park east of downtown Nashville. Even the state's own emergency operations center wasn't immune. It took up to a foot of water below a false floor, forcing officials to relocate to an auxiliary command center. "I've never seen it this high," said emergency official Donnie Smith, who's lived in Nashville 45 years. "I'm sure that it's rained this hard at one time, but never for this much of an extended period." ___ Associated Press Writers Erik Schelzig in Ashland, Miss., Shelia Byrd in Jackson, Miss., and Travis Loller and Joe Edwards in Nashville, Tenn., contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Pakistan Taliban leader threatens US cities (AFP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

Mehsud since January and was issued on the heels of a claim by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan that I S L A M A B A D ( A F P ) – it was behind the attempted P a k i s t a n i T a l i b a n l e a d e r bombing in New York's Time Hakimullah Mehsud has vowed Square on Saturday. to attack major US cities in two US officials believed Mehsud purported new videos released was likely killed in a US drone months after his reported killing strike in northwestern Pakistan in a US missile strike. on January 14, but the Taliban The videos emerged after an denied his death and Pakistani attempted car bombing in New intelligence officials said last York City, for which his faction week that he had survived. claimed responsibility in a third The Islamist leader, who took video, and provided the most over leadership of the TTP last substantial evidence so far that August, rubbished reports of his he survived a US attempt on his death as an "open lie and life. propaganda". Mehsud threatened to retaliate "Inshaallah (God willing) very against the United States for the soon in some days or a month's killing of Islamist militant t i m e , t h e M u s l i m u m m a h leaders, appearing in a nine- (world) will see the fruits of minute video allegedly made on most successful attacks of our April 4, after his supposed death fedayeen in USA," Mehsud said. in January. He made similar remarks in an The videos spotlight the audio message in another TTP Islamist militant threat in video that was apparently nuclear-armed Pakistan, which recorded on April 19 and the United States has put on the features Mehsud's face next to a front line of the war on Al- map of the United States Qaeda and where Pakistani showing multiple explosions troops have waged multiple across the country. offensives against the Taliban. IntelCenter, a US-based group "The time is very near when our that monitors Islamist websites, f e d a y e e n w i l l a t t a c k t h e said it believed all the TTP American states in the major videos issued since the New cities," said Mehsud, who was York bomb scare were credible seen flanked by two armed and and said there was a "high threat masked men in the video of further attack" in days and released by the SITE and weeks ahead. IntelCenter monitoring groups. But the authorities in New York The video is the first showing discounted an Al-Qaeda link Submitted at 5/3/2010 3:39:43 AM

and police said they were hunting a white man seen near the bomb in Times Square. The TTP claim of responsibility also met with scepticism in Pakistan, where the military has claimed the faction's capability was dented following an offensive against its South Waziristan nerve centre last year. If the allegation -- made by the TTP's master trainer of suicide bombers Qari Hussain and broadcast in a video on YouTube -- was authenticated, it would be the first attack by the TTP against a target in the United States. Mehsud assumed leadership of Pakistan's Taliban, which is blamed for the deaths of thousands of people in attacks at home, after his predecessor Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a US drone strike in August 2009. The January US missile attack was launched after Mehsud appeared in a video alongside the Jordanian double agent who blew himself up on a US base in eastern Afghanistan in December that killed seven CIA agents. Islamabad has offered a reward of 50 million rupees (about 590,000 dollars) for information leading to the militant's capture, dead or alive. Mehsud, believed to be aged about 31, also warned members

of NATO and other allies to abandon the United States, telling them: "You will face even worse humiliation, destruction and defeat than America itself." The videos coincided with a visit to Pakistan by General David Petraeus, the commander of the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, who held talks with Pakistan's army chief of staff General Ashfaq Kayani, officials said. The Pentagon said last week Mehsud was no longer running the TTP. Rahimullah Yusufzai, one of Pakistan's most prominent experts on the tribal belt where the Taliban are holed up, said the emergence of Mehsud in the videos was embarrassing for the US and Pakistani security establishments. "He and the TTP are closely now aligned with Al-Qaeda and they're making efforts for joint attacks, so he should be taken seriously. Although I don't think he alone or TTP has the capacity to launch attacks in the US," he said. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Littlehint Tries To Mashup 23andme With Old Fashioned Matchmaking Mike Butcher (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:59:58 AM

Littlehint is a new startup which aims to take your Facebook friends and bring in the ones who actually want to potentially go on a date, along with the ones who might help you find one. It sucks in your network via Facebook Connect and asks you to fill out your profile. The difference however is that in they plan to offer the ability to submit your DNA as well. Think 23andme for dating. The founders are Anju Rupal, CEO, who has been involved in various startups as an investor at board level, and Bill Liao, cofounder of XING, Germany's LinkedIn. Littlehint is similar to which pulls your friends into your dating network (at least those who are already on Thread). LinkedIN founder Reid Hoffman has invested in Thread to the tune of $1.2m. Littlehint is similar also to, minus the DNA matching.


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SAYS continued from page 5

said it's too soon to say whether oil contamination killed them but that it is unusual to have them turning up across such a wide stretch of coast, nearly 30 miles. None of the turtles have oil on them, but Solangi said they could have ingested oily fish or breathed in oil on the surface. The situation could become even more grave if the oil gets into the Gulf Stream and flows to the beaches of Florida — and potentially whips around the state's southern tip and up the Eastern Seaboard. Touristmagnet beaches and countless wildlife could be ruined. Crist has declared a state of emergency for six counties in Florida. Louisiana also has declared an emergency. Obama has halted any new offshore drilling projects unless rigs have new safeguards to prevent another disaster. On Sunday he called the spill a "massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster," and made clear that he was not accepting blame. "BP is responsible for this leak. BP will be paying the bill," he said.

The containment boxes being built were not part of BP's original response plan. The approach has been used previously only for spills in relatively shallow water. Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said engineers are still examining whether the valves and other systems that feed oil to a ship on the surface can withstand the extra pressures of the deep. If the boxes don't work, BP also has begun work on its only other backup plan: two relief wells that will take as long as three months to drill. BP has not said how much oil is beneath the seabed the Deepwater Horizon rig was tapping when it exploded. A company official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the volume of reserves, confirmed reports that it was tens of millions of barrels. Fryar said any numbers being thrown out are just estimates at best. Peter Young has spent the better part of 18 years earning a living as fishing guide and he's afraid his way of life may be slipping away. The government has overreacted by shutting

down vital fishing areas in the marshes before the oil has posed a threat, he said. Until he sees oil himself, Young will keep fishing the closed areas. "They can take me to jail," he said. "This is our livelihood. I'm not going to take customers into oil, but until I see it, I can't sit home and not work. "I've got customers that are canceling because they're scared, and I don't know what to tell them." ___ Associated Press writers Harry R. Weber, Jay Reeves, Mike Graczyk, Tamara Lush, Brian Skoloff, Melissa Nelson, Mary Foster, Chris Kahn, Vicki Smith, John Flesher, Holbrook Mohr and AP Photographer Dave Martin contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Oil Spill Social Media Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/2/2010 9:00:00 PM

Nothing's more lonely than a disaster, even when you're one among thousands. When Katrina struck, and all the traditional means of disseminating information washed away with the waters, social media took center stage in the battle for communication. Now that oil from the drilling rig Deepwater Horizon is heading for landfall on the Gulf Shore, social media is out front again. A collaborative multimedia website, Gulf of Mexico - Deepwater Horizon Incident, rich in social media, has been launched information for those who are or might be hit. Sponsor The site is being maintained by British Petroleum, who own the oil; Transocean, who own the rig; the U.S. Coast Guard, the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration, the

U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Department. A Flickr slideshow, hosted by U.S. Coast Guard Eighth District External Affairs, plays at center, beside a clickable list of news items and documents, some in PDF format. Links are provided to the service's Twitter account, Oil_Spill_2010 and its Facebook page, Deepwater Horizon Response. The response team's YouTube page is at Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The site allows you to register for updates. It also provides numbers to call for oiled wildlife, to report oil spill related damage, to report oiled shoreline, to request volunteer information or to submit alternative response technology, services or products. Discuss

Deep Fry at Home Without a Deep Fryer [Cooking] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/3/2010 5:00:00 AM

Clever tricks for oven-baked

versions of fried foods abound, but some things just taste better fried. If you'd like an occasional treat without having to buy a deep fryer you'll hardly ever

touch, these tips on deep frying at home are essential. More Âť Deep fryer- Cook- HomeUnited States- Fish and Seafood

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Indian court convicts Mumbai attack gunman (Reuters: Top News)

should not export terrorism to India," Indian Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram told MUMBAI(Reuters) - An Indian r e p o r t e r s a f t e r t h e c o u r t court Monday found a Pakistani d e c i s i o n . man guilty on 86 charges from New Delhi broke off peace the 2008 Mumbai attacks, talks after the attacks, saying including waging war on India Islamabad must first act against and murder, in a trial that militants operating from its soil, strained ties between New Delhi including Pakistan-based group and Islamabad. Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), of World which Kasab is accused of being Mohammad Ajmal Kasab, the a member. lone surviving gunman from the The verdict came days after the attacks that killed 166 people, prime ministers of India and will be sentenced Tuesday and Pakistan held talks in Bhutan could face the gallows. and asked officials to take steps "It was not a simple act of to normalize relations, signaling murder. It was war," judge M.L. a thaw in ties that analysts say Tahiliyani said in a summary of should not be affected by the 1,522 page judgment. "This Monday's verdict. type of preparation is not made One risk to normalizing by ordinary criminals. This type relations would be another of preparation is made by those major militant attack in India waging war." and the ensuing political India accuses Pakistan-based pressure that could force the militants of organizing the Indian government to break off attacks, saying Islamabad is dialogue again. failing to act against those who India had charged 38 people in organized the raids. Pakistan connection with the attacks, denies involvement and says it most of them living in Pakistan. is prosecuting seven suspected Tuesday, the court found 20 of militants for their role. them guilty of conspiracy, "The judgment itself is a including LeT founder Hafiz message to Pakistan that they Mohammad Saeed and LeT Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:54:39 AM

commander Zaki-ur Rehman Lakhvi. It acquitted two Indians accused of being LeT members and of conducting reconnaissance in Mumbai for lack of evidence. Pakistani government officials were not immediately available for comment. Yahya Mujahid, a spokesman for Saeed, denied involvement and said the acquittal of the Indians "has also raised many questions." CAUGHT ON TAPE Many foreigners and some of India's wealthy business elite, as well as poor train commuters, were killed by 10 Pakistani gunmen in a three-day rampage through some of Mumbai's bestknown landmarks, including two luxury hotels and a Jewish center. Kasab, 22, was filmed walking through Mumbai's main train station carrying an AK-47 rifle and a knapsack on his back. Nearly 60 people were gunned down in the crowded station. Police arrested Kasab, who was wounded, on the first night of the attacks. He initially admitted his role but later said he had been framed. Monday, Kasab, dressed in

white, stood but did not react to a summary of the verdict read out to him in Hindi by the judge and then sat down. He was also found guilty of offences ranging from damage to public property to entering the country without a passport. Crowds gathered outside the courtroom, which was protected by armored vehicles and snipers, before the verdict was announced. Relatives spoke of their anguish and their expectations. "You should understand our feelings. He should be punished immediately," Kavita Karkare, the wife of a police official killed in the attacks, told CNN/IBN TV before the judgment. (Additional reporting by Zeeshan Haider in Islamabad; Writing by C.J. Kuncheria; Editing by Alistair Scrutton and Nick Macfie) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Best Energy Bars (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Zeroing In On the Best Energy Bars As a meal replacer, pre- or post

-workout treat, afternoon snack, or protein source, here are our top picks for the best tasting and most nutritious energy bars. By: Maureen Callahan, MS, RD

Five Filters featured article: Text RSS, Term Extraction. The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full

Travel Social Network WAYN Hits Profit, Mobile Apps To Come Mike Butcher (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:10:35 AM

It's been a while since we caught up with WAYN, one of the earliest social networks (so early they once charged for access). WAYN is a niche social network which focuses on the younger, aspirational traveling classes. Amazingly, despite the recession, they are still gapyearing around the world using WAYN to meet fellow travelers, and there are now 15.5 million registered users globally. More interestingly, London-based WAYN has revealed exclusively to TechCrunch Europe that the site is now in profit. And next month it is going mobile with an iPhone and Android application created jointly with UK mobile social startup Rummble. WAYN users will be able to check in to places, and Rummble will get access to the WAYN user base.


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Authorities seek man in New York car bomb incident (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:17:46 AM

NEW YORK(Reuters) Investigators in the New York Times Square car bomb attempt sought on Monday to track down a man seen on a surveillance video nearby as police combed through evidence looking for the culprits. U.S. Police said that a white man in his 40s was spotted in security video footage about half a block from where the sport utility vehicle that contained the bomb was left with its engine running and hazard lights flashing on Saturday evening. In about 19 seconds of video released by police, the man, who appears to be thin, is seen removing a dark shirt, stuffing it into some sort of bag and walking away down the sidewalk, carrying the bag and glancing at least twice over his shoulder.

Times Square, the well-known entertainment and shopping area in Midtown Manhattan, was packed with tourists and theatergoers on a warm Saturday evening. "He was seen leaving the scene," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said on CNN on Monday. "So he may have been a witness. He may have observed something. He may be someone who was involved. We don't know. It would be premature to suggest that. We do know (that) what we would like to do is be able to identify him and speak with him," Napolitano said. New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly on Monday declined to call the man a suspect in the failed bombing. Speaking on CNN, Kelly also said police planned to release later on Monday a second videotape -- this one taken by a tourist -- showing a man running

near the scene at about the time of the incident. Investigators were poring over the vehicle and the explosive device, which was made of propane, gasoline and fireworks. New York and its 8 million people have been on high alert since the September 11 attacks in 2001 in which airliners hijacked by al Qaeda militants toppled the World Trade Center's twin towers, killing more than 2,600 people. NO EVIDENCE OF AL QAEDA, TALIBAN New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, speaking on ABC's "Good Morning America" program, reiterated on Monday that there was "no legitimate evidence" of a link to al Qaeda, the Taliban or any other group in the incident, which prompted the evacuation of the area. Kelly and Napolitano both said it is unclear whether the failed attack was staged by a single person or by a group of people.

The Taliban in Pakistan said on Sunday it planted the bomb to avenge the killing in April of al Qaeda's two top leaders in Iraq. But Kelly said there was "no evidence" to support that claim. Security at U.S. East Coast airports was boosted in the wake of the incident to counter possible vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices at airports and crowded public spaces, a Department of Homeland Security official said. Michael Cheah, senior portfolio manager at SunAmerica Asset Management, said the car bomb was an "isolated incident" that was not likely to spark any Treasury market reaction. (Additional reporting by Will Dunham and Deborah Charles) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

If allergies are getting you down, expand your springWhile the start of spring brings cleaning routine to create an warm weather and blooming allergen-free bedroom for you flowers, it also brings pollen and or other family members who other allergens that can cause are suffering. Your bedroom can sneezing, itchy eyes, headaches serve as a controlled sanctuary and a range of other symptoms. where you enjoy clean air and

Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/3/2010 5:30:00 AM

Numerous commenters and emailers have written in to recommend that both newcomers to Ubuntu and those looking for a particular fix check out Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04, the first in a planned series of communityedited manuals that will accompany each successive Ubuntu release. It covers all the new stuff in Ubuntu 10.04, the basics of setting up multimedia access and the apps you want, and a lot more, and it looks pretty darned nice for a Linux manual. It's a free PDF that should work on most e-book readers. [ Ubuntu Manual] More freedom from pollen, dust mites, retreat when allergies are at their Âť Ubuntu- Linux- Operating pet dander and dreaded mold or worst. systemDistributions- Ubuntu mildew. Five Filters featured article: Whether your allergies are The Art of Looking Prime 10.04 related to the spring blossoms or Ministerial - The 2010 UK other year-round causes, taking General Election. Available the time to allergen-proof your tools: PDF Newspaper, Full space gives you a place to Text RSS, Term Extraction.

5 Ways to Create an Allergen-free Bedroom (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

Free Getting Started with Ubuntu Manual Helps Out Linux Rookies [Ebook]

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UAL, Continental to form largest airline Debuts Android App

(Reuters: Top News)

Leena Rao (TechCrunch)

Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:03:25 AM

N E W YORK/CHICAGO(Reuters) UAL Corp, parent of United Airlines, said it will buy Continental Airlines Inc for about $3.17 billion in stock, forming the world's largest carrier and further shrinks the U.S. airline industry. Deals Continental shareholders will receive 1.05 shares of United common stock for each Continental common share they own. Based on United's stock price of $21.60 on Friday afternoon, and Continental's 139.6 million outstanding shares as of April 21, United would pay $3.17 billion for Continental, or $22.68 a share. That represents a 1.5 percent premium over Friday's closing price. The name of the combined airline will be United Airlines. The name of the holding company will be United Continental Holdings Inc. Continental Chief Executive Jeff Smisek will run the Chicago

-based combined airline with over $29 billion in annual revenue, while UAL CEO Glenn Tilton will be non-executive chairman. Smisek, 55, will become executive chairman when Tilton steps aside, expected two years after the merger closes. Based on current shares outstanding, the combined company would have 314.5 million shares, and UAL shareholders will own roughly 55 percent of it. United Chief Tilton said in a message to employees on Monday that that "some reductions in the salaried and management work force" for both companies would result. If approved by regulators and shareholders, the deal is expected to produce $1 billion to $1.2 billion in annual revenue and cost benefits for the combined company by 2013. One-time costs of about $1.2 billion are expected over a three -year period. The companies expect to complete the transaction in the fourth quarter of 2010. The deal marks the first major

U.S. airline merger since Delta Air Lines Inc's 2008 purchase of Northwest, and caps months of speculation that more industry consolidation was ahead. United and Continental said their merger would expand service with minimal domestic and no international route overlap. The combined company will have 10 hubs, with Houston as its largest, and a workforce of nearly 90,000. The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers said in a statement that it was concerned about the effect of the merger on benefits and job security of its more than 26,000 members at both carriers. (Reporting by Kyle Peterson in Chicago, Deepa Seetharaman in New York and Karen Jacobs in Atlanta; Editing by Dan Lalor and Derek Caney) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Recipe Makeover: Nachos (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Watch Food Editor Ann Pittman lighten Pork and Pinto

Bean Nachos in our exclusive online video. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime

Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:00:37 AM

Personal finance site has debuted its Android app today, which lets users access a complete snapshot of their financial picture and manage their finances on the go., a TechCrunch40 company that was acquired by Intuit for$170 million last fall, initially announced the development of the free app last November. The app includes many of the key features of’s iPhone app, including the ability for users to see real-time account balances, check recent transactions; compare their spending against their monthly budgets, and edit transaction details. The app also includes a few features that are exclusive to the Android app, including easy search for recent transactions, a widget that includes snapshot of overall cash flow in real-time, and Android live folders that give users financial updates on the phone’s home screen without launching the

application. Of course, including all of your financial information in one app can pose a potential security threat if your phone is lost or stolen. But says that the the password-protected application allows users to immediately disable access to the app from the website. CrunchBase Information Information provided by CrunchBase


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BP says tackling oil spill, to pay legitimate claims

Apple sells one millionth iPad

(Reuters: Top News)

Aron Trimble (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:18:47 AM

VENICE, Louisiana(Reuters) Energy giant BP Plc , its reputation battered by a catastrophic oil spill threatening the U.S. Gulf shore, said on Monday it was working to stem the gushing undersea leak and promised to pay for the cleanup and compensation claims. U.S.| Green Business The London-based company has come under heavy criticism and pressure from President Barack Obama and the U.S. public to do more to stop, or at least control, what is fast turning into the worst oil spill in U.S. history. With a huge oil slick threatening shipping, wildlife, beaches and one of the United States' most fertile fishing grounds, Obama has called the situation "a massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster." In a visit to Louisiana, one of four coastal states at risk,

Obama stressed on Sunday BP was responsible for the spill and for paying for the cleanup involving hundreds of boats and planes and thousands of military and civil personnel. "Our job basically is to keep the boot on the neck of British Petroleum," Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said on CNN's "State of the Union" program on Sunday. BP CEO Tony Hayward on Monday squarely acknowledged this responsibility in appearances on American TV and radio shows. "We are responsible not for the accident but we are responsible for the oil and for dealing with it and cleaning the situation up," he told NBC's "Today" show. He told National Public Radio the company would also pay all "legitimate claims" resulting from the spill. "We have the claims process set up, small claims today that are being paid instantly ... bigger claims we clearly have a process to run through," the BP CEO

added. The swelling black tide threatens shipping, wildlife, beaches and one of the nation's most fertile fishing grounds stretching across the Mississippi Delta from Louisiana to Florida. Air quality could also become an issue, and is being monitored by authorities. The slick appeared likely to move toward the Alabama and Florida coasts and engulf the Chandeleur Islands off Louisiana's southeast tip in the next few days, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. (Additional reporting by Kelli Dugan in Mobile and Anna Driver and Kristen Hays in Houston; Writing by Pascal Fletcher; Editing by Doina Chiacu) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 5/3/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: Apple Corporate, iPad Apple announced today that on Friday the one millionth iPad was sold. The figure does not break out Wi-Fi vs. 3G iPads, yet the number is still staggering considering it only took 28 days. For the original iPhone, the million unit milestone was not hit until 74 days after release. Apple also announced that iPad users had purchased 12 million apps and 1.5 million eBooks from its fledgling store. Friday was the release of the iPad 3G in the US; it's likely that this was the source of the final push that got Apple to the millionth unit. Those first-year sales projections from analysts are beginning to look a little conservative. Although Apple has not

Mattresses - from Consumer Reports Press Room (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/2/2010 9:00:59 PM

Mattresses - from Consumer

Reports Buting a mattress is one challenge in life you should take lying down. Here's how to find the best mattress for you -- from Consumer Reports' May issue.

Mattresses - CR Podcast Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and

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provided any details on which iPad models make up that million-unit total, a very conservative assumption of a $550 average selling price (weighting heavily towards the cheapest 16GB Wi-Fi model) means the iPad has generated well over half a billion dollars in revenue already. [h/t The Wall Street Journal] TUAW Apple sells one millionth iPad originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 03 May 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Social media games: Badges or badgering? (CNET Submitted at 5/3/2010 6:00:00 AM

Foursquare's badges have become so iconic that one company created physical versions to sell to fans.(Credit: Nerd Merit Badges) Earning badges and climbing a ladder of "levels" used to be the respective domains of Boy Scouts and devoted video gamers. No more: It's officially the hottest craze in social-media marketing to make your customers think they're playing a game. A niche discussion site, Gravity, instantly informs new users that they've earned a virtual "New Kid on the Block" badge, and when they upload a profile photo, they get a "Photogenic" badge--and there are plenty more where that came from. An upstart daily deals site called HomeRun is attempting to take a bite out of market leader Groupon by letting repeat users rack up points by participating in and rating deals as well as referring friends; once they have enough points, they're eligible for high-end "private reserve" deals like wine tastings and charity ball tickets. On Thursday, news outlet The Huffington Post unveiled a set of graphic "badges" to designate participation in comment discussion and moderation. "From the very beginning we've taken the position that we

wanted a large degree of engagement on the part of our audience, our readers," Huffington Post CEO Eric Hippeau told CNET. "What

you're seeing with the badges is the public reflection of what we've been doing for a while now, which is to allow people to be community moderators. Now

we give them a badge so that they're recognized as such." There are also badges for frequent commenters and particularly "networked"

readers. "Game mechanics," as this sort of points-and-achievements SOCIAL page 14


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SOCIAL continued from page 13

gimmick is called, is tough to get right: Turning everything into a contest may grab some extra attention at first, but it can easily veer into the annoying. Leaving a well-researched comment about foreign policy on a news story only to earn a cartoon badge for your effort, for example, may seem a little bit inappropriate. But don't be fooled. Gimmicky game mechanics aren't really the "World of Warcraft"-ization of marketing: they're the first entry of customer loyalty programs, long the sort of thing that even the customers themselves didn't know much about, into the age of Facebook and Twitter. This business tactic is here to stay, even though the "Animal House" badges might not be. "I like game playing when it comes to really any kind of service," Gravity Chief Product Officer Steve Pearman told CNET. "It's just a question of identifying what are the right kinds of games to play." At least for now, the games du jour involve racking up what often amounts to little more than bragging rights. Sometimes, though, there's money involved. HomeRun CEO Jared Kopf says that the still-in-beta start-up's various gaming features--from the "private reserve" achievement unlocking to a feature called "Avalanche," in which buyers can watch the price of a deal

drop as more people spring for it --are designed to legitimately make commerce more exciting. "We were trying to determine a mathematical model for concepts of seduction, of addiction, of excitement, and although it wasn't a perfect model we could begin to understand the principles behind what made things feel exciting," he said. HomeRun's team has experience in convincing users to commit some eyebrowraising acts in the name of social media: most of them are former employees of Slide, the original home of the sheep throw. The little company that ignited this fad was almost certainly Foursquare, which may be on its way to finally convincing mainstream Web users that sharing their precise location with their friends is more fun than creepy. Part of how it was able to do this was through a system of points and achievements which let users compete against their friends, strive to become the "mayor" of a venue by checking in the most, and earn virtual badges based on activity: the "Swarm" badge for checking in somewhere where at least 50 other Foursquare users have made their presence known in the past three hours, or the "Warhol" badge for going to ten different museums and art galleries. Marketers have jumped on the trend, with restaurant reviewer

Zagat, TV networks Bravo and The History Channel, coffee chain Starbucks, and even software maker Adobe partnering with Foursquare to let users earn sponsored badges. Even the staid Wall Street Journal has caught the Foursquare badge fever, this week heralding the arrival of its New York metro section--in clear competition with The New York Times--with three New York-specific badges. One of them rewards Foursquare users who "check in" at least once to all five of the city's boroughs; it has yet to be seen if the quest for the "Urban Adventurer" badge will actually drive snooty Manhattan residents to Staten Island. The badges all mean, for the most part, literally nothing, though Foursquare is attempting to build a business model out of tying real-world rewards to inapp achievements. A handful of local businesses around the country now let the "mayor" of a venue obtain special deals. On Wednesday, PepsiCo unveiled a whole sort of loyalty program centered on Foursquare checkins, a sign that more sophisticated implementations of Foursquare data are on the way. "Badges are at the risk of becoming the new banner advertisement," Foursquare director of business development Tristan Walker

admitted to CNET. "A lot of folks ask, 'How can you make this scalable?" and I say, 'Do we need to? Can we make it scarce, and make it really high impact for our users?" To that end, Foursquare requires users to "follow" most brands before being eligible to earn their respective badges. "Sure, people can get sick of it," Walker said. "I think people will still go to the people who are doing it smart. We're never going to give up on game mechanics." But game mechanics themselves will mature--much as the viral channels backing Slide's sheep-throwing evolved into the basis for Zynga and Playfish's highly profitable productions. In due time, they'll probably look like their presocial-media cousins: loyalty programs, credit card points, and referral programs. Think about the devotees of complicated airline "mileage" systems, whose behavior was satirized in last year's film "Up In The Air." In the movie, George Clooney plays an obsessive business traveler who says of his addiction to frequent flyer miles, "I don't spend a nickel, if I can help it, unless it somehow profits my mileage account." Still, even with Facebook Connect all over the Web, airlines aren't broadcasting to your friends list that the miles

earned on your trip to Rio just bumped you up to the Gold Elite membership class--well, they aren't yet. Consumer incentivizing has been, at most, a process only visible to the consumer in question (unless they choose to brag about it) and sometimes even more opaque than that. Generally, you don't know how your drugstore loyalty program card is tabulating your purchasing history, but you're relatively confident that it will churn out discounts for you on a reliable basis. "Most people wouldn't look at their airline miles on a credit card and say 'this is a game,' but it's a very well executed game mechanic," Gravity's Steve Pearman said. And that's a sign that in the long run, the blatantly "game"-like elements will be toned down. After all, this really only makes sense if users really feel that it's worth competing with others or showing off a sort of status. "You have to be a social network. You can't just create something where there is no social network," Huffington Post CEO Eric Hippeau said of the company's decision to integrate badges into its commenting community. "We're not a game site. We're not going to reward people for things that don't make sense for them on SOCIAL page 17


E-reader News Edition


How Can Social Media Save the Starving Children? Arden Pennell (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:00:58 AM

Social media has superpowers. Or so goes current tech-wonk opinion on Facebook, Twitter, et. al. From creating a “social Web,” to shaking up ecommerce, to mobilizing people behind a presidential candidate, social media has reached its tentacles into pretty much everything. Except places where there aren’t iThings and highspeed wireless. Ya know, most of the places on earth. Until now. Facebook co-founder and c r e a t o r o f Chris Hughes aims to make social media matter more with his latest venture, Jumo. He’ll delve into how social media can create offline change at TechCrunch Disrupt, our conference on media and technology, taking place May 24-26, 2010, in New York City. You can get tickets at our early-bird rate if you visit our ticket page. We’re also happy to announce speakers including Meetup Co-founder and CEO, Scott Heiferman –the guy behind 50K weekly meetups — and Gilte Group CEO Susan Lyne. She’s at the helm of a buzzed-about samplesale startup that’s caused “couture” and “clickthrough” to occur in the same sentence.

Some of our latest sponsors include Google, Bing–yes, you read that right — and DataRockIt. So, back to social media. When I say, “matter more,” I’m paraphrasing a bit. Hughes’ actual wording in an announcement last month was: “leverag[ing] the participatory web to foster long-term engagement with the issues and organizations that are relevant to each individual.” If you visit Jumo now, the preview site asks you Hunch-style questions about your preferences such as which do-good cause you’d spend $100 million solving, which language you’d like to learn, and what you’d name your child. (I chose “Grace” over “Crystal.”) At Disrupt, Hughes and Heiferman will discuss how social media can foment positive fallout offline, including in places that aren’t wired and wealthy. (Hughes probably won’t tell us much about Jumo, but we’ll hear some of the inspired thinking behind it, no doubt.) Heiferman’s laudable goal with Meetup is to offer a tool for people anywhere to create communities around any interest. If you want to hear more details on what Hughes and Heiferman are dreaming up with their ventures, you’ll just have to come to Disrupt. Chris Hughes

Founder & Executive Director, Jumo Chris Hughes has spent his career developing technologies to make social communication and political organizing easier and more efficient. After cofounding Facebook in 2004, Chris worked first as the site’s spokesperson and later as a product manager specializing in user experience. In 2007, Chris went to work on President Barack Obama’s presidential campaign as the Director of Online Organizing, where he was charged with developing web technologies to engage and empower supporters. Chris oversaw the development of the on-site network along with the campaign’s distributed presence on all other networks across the web like Facebook and Twitter. After working in 2009 in venture capital for the firm General Catalyst Partners, he is currently embarking on a new initiative called Jumo to use the social web to foster long -term relationships of responsibility between

individuals and organizations working to change the world. Scott Heiferman Co-founder & CEO, Meetup Scott Heiferman is Co-Founder & CEO of Meetup, the world’s largest network of local community groups. Over 50,000 Meetups (self-organized community events) happen each week. Millions of people in over more than 100 countries “use the internet to get off the internet” using Meetup, which is built on the idea that every town needs support groups, playgroups, bookclubs, business circles, running groups, community action groups, etc. Previously, Heiferman cofounded Fotolog, a photo sharing network where over 30 million people have uploaded nearly a billion photos. He also founded i-traffic, a top online ad agency in the 90s. He then fled the ad industry and was influenced by 9/11 to start Meetup. Scott graduated from The University of Iowa. He is an angel investor in Betaworks, Founders Collective, Virgance, 20×200, and others. Scott

received the Jane Addams Award from the National Conference on Citizenship and was named an MIT Technology Review “Innovator of the Year”. He’s @heif. Susan Lyne CEO, Gilt Groupe Susan Lyne is Chief Executive Officer of Gilt Groupe, an ecommerce company whose event-based sales model is changing consumer behavior and redefining luxury shopping. From November 2004 to July 2008, Ms Lyne was President and CEO of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. In that capacity, she steered the company’s recovery and return to profitability, led by a threefold increase in advertising revenue. Before 2008, Susan spent eight years at Disney/ABC, rising to President of ABC Entertainment where she oversaw the development of shows such as Desperate Housewives, Lost, and Grey’s Anatomy. Ms Lyne’s early career was spent in the magazine industry, including The Village Voice and Premiere Magazine. Ms. Lyne is a Board of Director for AOL and The New School and lives in New York City.



E-reader News Edition

Lonely Planet Learns A Lesson From Eyjafjallajokull (Video) Evelyn Rusli (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:00:36 AM

Lonely Planet has revamped its price structure— the travel publisher has significantly dropped prices, by up to 50%, on all of its mobile apps. Its European city guides will now be available at $5.99, other city guides will be $7.99 (a few small cities like Macau and Manchester will be priced at $2.99). That’s a major discount when you consider that several of the city guides were originally priced at $15.99. Meanwhile, Lonely Planet’s just released iPad app, 1,000 Ultimate Experiences, is getting a third price cut at $7.99 (the app was originally released at $19.99, dropped to $9.99 two days after its debut). Why the sudden generosity? Well, it could have something to do with the company’s recent foray into “free” and the story of that unpronounceable volcano. In the wake of Eyjafjallajokull’s eruption, Lonely Planet offered 13 European city guides for free for four days to help stranded travelers. The response was overwhelming: 4 million downloads in 4 days. Even more unexpected, revenues rose during the period, according to CEO Matt Goldberg who could not disclose specific numbers— he said many new consumers came for the free apps and ended up buying other apps.

Because of the positive reaction, on the expiration of the promotion Lonely Planet offered its entire European city catalogue of 32 cities for the discounted price of $4.99 for

about one week. The company is no stranger to “free,” it offers a couple of mobile apps at no charge— namely its San Francisco City Guide and the Mexican Spanish

Phrasebook (offered as promotional bonus guides)— but the vast majority of its apps have carried premium price tags of $10 or more on average. The basket of dramatic price

cuts signals a shift in strategy for the travel publisher. The accidental experiment and the unexpected spike in revenues, LONELY page 18


E-reader News Edition

ReadWriteStart Weekly Wrapup Chris Cameron (ReadWriteWeb)

leader of NATO forces in Afghanistan, who when shown a particularly convoluted graphic Submitted at 5/2/2010 7:30:00 PM (see below) during one briefing It's hard to believe that it is said, "When we understand that May already as a third of the slide we'll have won the war." year is complete and summer is What to Do When a PR Disaster almost here. With graduation Strikes Your Startup season upon us, perhaps the Thursday was a good PR day entrepreneurs of tomorrow will for the social buying site Blippy. want to take a look at the most They were featured in two New popular startup stories from this York Times articles. But Friday week in our Weekly Wrapup. wasn't so great, as the major This week we've got more pitch technology blogs reported that deck suggestions, dealing with credit card information from its PR disasters and learning from users were found on Google. failure. Also, we discuss some An hour later, Blippy responded new data surrounding angel- w i t h a p o s t o n i t s b l o g , backed companies, founders as explaining that the leak was l o n g - t e r m C E O s a n d h o w months old and affected only intellectual property effects four beta users, not current innovation. Blippy users. Later, they Sponsor amended the blog post to H o w t o A v o i d M a k i n g include an apology. News of PowerPoint Your Enemy: Tips more credit card leaks continued for Your Pitch Deck on Saturday. Of course, Blippy The idea that PowerPoint is evil is by no means the only startups is not new. But on Monday, the to suffer from potential public New York Times rekindled relations disasters, and it discussions about the pitfalls of remains to be seen what, if any, its use during presentations impact this has on the site. when it published a story on the Blippy's response, including the U.S. military titled " We Have need to re-edit its official Met the Enemy and He Is announcement, demonstrates the PowerPoint." importance in responding The article details both the quickly and correctly to a crisis. complexity and the duration of Learning From Failure: One the slides the military utilizes Startup's Story of What Went for its briefings, and contains Wrong the rather damning quotation Devver, maker of developer from General McChrystal, coding tools and TechStars 2008

capital firm Andreessen Horowitz wrote an interesting piece Wednesday on why he and g r a d u a t e , a n n o u n c e d l a s t partner Marc Andreessen look M o n d a y t h a t i t w o u l d b e for strong founding CEOs when shutting down after being active i n v e s t i n g i n c o m p a n i e s . for nearly two years. News of a Founding CEOs are the kind of startup closing up shop is never entrepreneurs that run their a fun thing to hear about, but companies from the early fortunately many lessons can be development stages and are not gleaned from the experiences of replaced by a professional CEO the entrepreneurs. Today, co- as the company grows and founder Ben Brinckerhoff builds. In this lengthy but provided just such lessons with worthwhile read, Horowitz an insightful blog on the Devver provides insight into what journey and why he and co- makes for a great founding f o u n d e r D a n M a y e r a r e CEO, and why he believes they choosing to move on. Angel- are more likely to help a Backed Companies More Likely c o m p a n y s u c c e e d t h a n a to Succeed, Says Harvard Study professional CEO. Intellectual A new study published by Property and Innovation: Who's professors at the Harvard Got It Right? Business School shows that Companies that rely on fair use angel-backed companies are g e n e r a t e d $ 4 . 7 t r i l l i o n i n more likely to succeed and show revenues and $2.2 billion in more growth than those funded value added - roughly 16.2 b y v e n t u r e f i r m s a l o n e . percent of U.S. GDP in 2007. Researched and written by This is among the findings of a William Kerr and Josh Lerner, report released yesterday by the the report found that companies Computer and Communications with angel funding see between Industry Assocation. The report 30% and 50% higher growth based its findings on what it figures in terms of website dubs "fair use industries," which traffic, are more likely to includes educational institutions, survive for four years, and are software developers, Internet also in a better position to s e a r c h a n d W e b h o s t i n g r e c e i v e f u r t h e r r o u n d s o f providers, and manufacturers of funding. For the Long Haul: Do consumer devices that allow for the copying of copyrighted Founders Make Better CEOs? Ben Horowitz of the venture programming. Discuss


SOCIAL continued from page 14

The Huffington Post." And yes, it makes sense for badges to be displayed on Huffington Post profiles to give a bit of insight into who the trusted and regular users are in a community of highly opinionated armchair pundits. It makes the whole thing easier. Meanwhile, maybe you'll want some insight into how you could modify your purchasing behavior to achieve better discounts in your local supermarket's loyalty program, but do you want it to issue you a "Heart Attack" badge when you buy economy-sized jars of mayonnaise for the fifth time, and then share it on your Facebook profile? Probably not. Disclosure: Huffington Post CEO Eric Hippeau formerly served on the board of former CNET parent company CNET Networks while in a previous role at Softbank Capital. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

LONELY continued from page 16

revealed that cheaper prices could work for Lonely Planet without hurting profits, by lowering the bar to entry and encouraging new users to buy apps. That may hurt profit margins but it’s also offset by all the new customers and repeat purchases. Lonely Planet has tried to guard the value of its premium content by maintaining higher price points, but the latest move, seems to be acknowledgment that the gap between the company’s prices and its growing number of competitors on the iPhone was too wide. The mobile travel app market is a competitive space, new rivals like Nile Guide or Gliider are creating interesting and often cheap solutions to chip away at legacy travel brands. For example, Nile Guide’s app (which is a geo-based service that aggregates data from 30 sources to tell you about your surroundings) requires a onetime install fee of $2.99.

Meanwhile, Lonely Planet’s longstanding competitor, Frommers offers their city guide apps at $4.99. Lonely Planet’s apps obviously offer their own premium content, but $2.99 or $4.99 versus $15.99 is a huge differential. The city guide app was selling well, according to Goldberg—with roughly one out of five guides sold on the mobile platform— but I imagine Lonely Planet took a hard look at the numbers and decided to sacrifice the rich price per app for a bigger user base and a greater share of the travel app marketplace. I chatted with the CEO on Friday— at the time he was not aware of the price drop and still defending the $15 rate—- but he did discuss the growing importance of mobile and said it was the largest contributor to revenues after the core publishing segment (print and ebooks). The company which is 75% owned by the BBC, is still undergoing an interesting

transformation, from travel book publisher to multimedia platform. Beyond mobile, the company has expanded television production, released an app on the iPad and yes, even launched a magazine in the past year. A magazine! “Books Are A 500-year-plus Technology” And that’s what’s amusing about this company and the CEO, a former SVP of Dow Jones. As Lonely Planet transitions into a more multidimensional and digital brand, it’s comfortable straddling areas that are typically defined as new media and areas of old media. The seemingly slow death march of print publications has given rise to a binary language to describe media, books are old, blogs are new, newspapers and magazines are old, mobile apps are new. And while that logically makes sense, we now also associate “old” with bad, archaic, regressive and “new” with

exciting, progressive…correct. Lonely Planet is out to prove that all “new” is not correct and that perhaps the most progressive mind will borrow solutions or elements from old and new media and find ways to synthesize disparate parts. Goldberg is confident that the print book will still be a major money maker in a few years, in fact he lauds it as a “500-yearplus technology” that still works really well: “We do believe in the future of the book.” You can call him naive, and chalk it up to the same naivete that introduced $15.99 city guide apps, but he’s got at least one good reason: the company’s “traditional” book segment continues to grow in revenues. Here is part one of our interview: CrunchBase Information Lonely Planet Information provided by CrunchBase Android App Puts All Your Finances on Your Phone [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/3/2010 6:00:00 AM

Android: Personal finance uberaggregator just released a free Android application, and it's a must-have for Mint fans. Besides the usual glances at your accounts, spending, and budgets you'd expect, Mint brings Quick Search integration and handy home screen widgets. More » Personal financeHome- Shopping- Antiques and Collectibles

Apple sells 1 million iPads (CNET Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:16:53 AM

Apple on Monday said it sold its 1 millionth iPad last Friday with the introduction of the iPad 3G model. The company didn't say how many iPads of each model were

sold, but we do know that on April 8 during the iPhone OS 4 event, Apple CEO Steve Jobs said the company had sold 450,000 iPads, so sales have remained brisk. The first model of the iPad, known as the Wi-Fionly model for its most notable difference from the new 3G

version, hit the market April 3. Ahead of Apple's announcement, Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster said he believes Apple sold about 300,000 iPad 3Gs in its opening weekend of sales. In fact, many of the Apple retail stores that Munster checked on Sunday

afternoon had already sold out of the 3G models. In all, it took Apple 28 days to reach the 1 million mark in iPad sales. The company also said that iPad customers have downloaded over 12 million apps and more than 1.5 million ebooks from the iBookstore

since the launch on April 3. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Technology/ Food/

E-reader News Edition


Monitor money matters on Android with Mint (CNET

best features--such as suggestions on ways to save dough and those colorful charts About a year and a half after and graphs that diagram your releasing a mobile version of its spending habits. These are the personal-finance service for the same missing features we've iPhone, is bringing its been pining over since Mint free credit-card and budget released its iPhone app in 2008. tracker to Android phones. Frankly, we were hoping for As with the iPhone app, more. password-protected Mint on You can still access Mint's full Android has you monitoring range of tools and features at the c r e d i t c a r d , b a n k , a n d seven months ago by Quicken- mobile-optimized Web site. But investment accounts; your and TurboTax-maker Intuit-- starting Monday, those who budget; and your cash ebb and has kept both the iPhone and prefer to snap open an app flow. The app presents your Android apps simple with just a rather than wait for a site to load money matters in summary few customizations. The settings can download Mint from the form, with the ability to drill menu contains an option to add Android Market app on their down to the item level of a a 4-digit passcode. Another phones. Mint for Android runs purchase. Follow the trail to the setting enables a widget or on phones running version 1.5, end to edit an item's transaction A n d r o i d L i v e F o l d e r t h a t 1.6, and 2.0 of the Android details or jot down notes or tags. displays your total assets and operating system. You will need Apart from those modest editing expenditures, assuming you're to register for an account to use allowances, Mint is largely read- the type who doesn't mind Mint. only. You'll need to set up and slapping details of your personal Five Filters featured article: manage budgets and alerts haul onto the prime viewing The Art of Looking Prime location of your home screen. Ministerial - The 2010 UK online. While Mint's Android app General Election. Available One of the best features of hasn't made it onto hands you the tools to quickly tools: PDF Newspaper, Full eyeball your fortunes, it also Text RSS, Term Extraction. the phone app. Mint--which was swallowed up bypasses some of the Web site's Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:00:29 AM

The rules: Keep it clean, and stay on the subject or we might delete your comment. If you see inappropriate language, e-mail

Tim Stevens (Engadget)

the ABC Player devs chose to skip that option, so when you Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:31:00 AM lose WiFi you also lose Tom We could hear the echoing Bergeron's charm and wit. Other howls of discontent over the apps, like Netflix and YouTube, weekend as thousands finally do provide a lower bitrate received their very own iPad 3G fallback, but that of course and learned they couldn't watch results in nasty compression Dancing With the Stars whilst artifacts when on the go. In on the go. Now we have the other words: there's a very good details on why, exactly, and the chance that 3G streaming will repercussions. As it turns out, come in a future ABC Player it's simply a carry-over of an release, but when it does it ain't i P h o n e O S H T T P L i v e gonna be pretty. Streaming rule that states quite iPad 3G's non-WiFi video clearly: playback restrictions detailed You must include a low quality originally appeared on Engadget stream of no more than 64 Kbps on Mon, 03 May 2010 09:31:00 us. An asterisk* indicates a The Art of Looking Prime for your app to resort to when EST. Please see our terms for required field. Ministerial - The 2010 UK network conditions demand it, use of feeds. Permalink Yahoo! Your Name General Election. Available along with the higher quality News| appadvice| Email this| Your Comment* 500 characters tools: PDF Newspaper, Full streams you want to deliver to Comments remaining Text RSS, Term Extraction. y o u r c u s t o m e r s w h e n t h e network can support it. It seems Five Filters featured article:

Strawberry Recipes (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

iPad 3G's non-WiFi video playback restrictions detailed



E-reader News Edition

iPad & iPhone OS 3.1.3 Jailbreak "Spirit" Released Mike Melanson (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:44:07 AM

For some of you, your brand new iPhone 3GS came with the newest OS 3.1.3. For others, you unknowingly upgraded your OS without realizing what it would mean. Either way, we know that you've been stuck obediantly following the terms of your license agreement and running only authorized apps. Well, those days are finally over. A new jailbreak called Spirit just been released and works on the latest iPhone and iPad operating systems. Sponsor The latest jailbreak was announced late last night on the iPhone Dev-Team blog. The Spirit jailbreak is now out! Congratulations to @comex for the first userland jailbreak since

the 1.x days. Spirit provides an untethered jaibreak on those newer devices which used to require a computer nearby to finish the boot process. Spirit is able to do this because it doesn't actually kick in until after the kernel is running. Spirit is an "untethered" jailbreak for any iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch running firmware 3.1.2, 3.1.3 or 3.2. Untethered means that the user does not

need to plug the device into their computer every time they reboot it, as opposed to "tethered", which requires this. This latest jailbreak works on both Mac and PC and is available free for download. The Reddit discussion of the new jailbreak indicates that Spirit works on the 3GS with the latest software updates, but as with anything of this sort, a full backup would be strongly advisable. Spirit is not a "carrier unlock", which allows the iPhone to be used with carriers other than AT&T, but a "jailbreak", which allows users to run unauthorized software. If you're wondering why you would want to jailbreak your iPhone, give Sarah Perez's article, " Why You Have To Jailbreak the iPhone" a quick read. Discuss

Sony's 35-inch atracTable to be 'industrialized' in June, show Microsoft how it's done (video) Vladislav Savov (Engadget)

contrast, Full HD screen is promised, which will be able to Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:07:00 AM communicate with your mobile Swiss company Atracsys swims devices ( naturally) or respond i n t h e s a m e w a t e r s a s to motion input picked up by a Microsoft's mythical Surface pair of Sony's camcorders which beast-- namely, multitouch come built in. Skip past the horizontal displays -- but where break for a couple of video it might differ from its more demos from last year. lauded competitor is in actually Continue reading Sony's 35bringing its hardware to wider i n c h a t r a c T a b l e t o b e markets. Having sold the tech 'industrialized' in June, show knowhow to Sony, the company Microsoft how it's done (video) is today informing the world Sony's 35-inch atracTable to be that its atracTable is ready for 'industrialized' in June, show m a s s p r o d u c t i o n a n d Microsoft how it's done (video) commercialization this June. originally appeared on Engadget We've been told that prototype on Mon, 03 May 2010 09:07:00 designs are now "finished," EST. Please see our terms for leaving only the marketing, use of feeds. Permalink Pocketpricing and distribution details lint| | Email this| Comments to be worked out. A high-


E-reader News Edition

iPad user case: Foodie Steven Sande (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: iPad Over the past few weeks, we've heard many people say, "The iPad is cool, but what would I do with it?" This new series aims to answer that question. We'll examine one user case per post, from couch surfer to mobile professional, and describe just how that person uses his or her iPad. I love food. In fact, I probably love it too much. Part of the problem is that I was a ovo-lacto vegetarian for 17 years and a pesco-vegetarian for 5 years after that. Now, I want to eat all of those things that were "forbidden fruit" for 22 years, and it has really made me

appreciate good food. Being a foodie isn't just about eating food, however. It's also about having the skill and desire to cook food. Yeah, that means being a wannabe gourmet chef. And there's one more piece to the foodie puzzle - beverages. I

mean, what's the use of being able to whip up a killer bison chili without knowing what wine or beer would go best with it? What I've found is that the iPad is a much better foodie-puter than either a MacBook or an

iPhone. I can turn off screen dimming, twist the Apple iPad Case around so that the iPad is standing straight up, and see recipes from across the kitchen. Even with the screen at regular brightness, I don't have to worry about my battery getting chewed up while I'm working on a timeconsuming dinner. Want to know what apps I'm using to feed my foodie jones? Read on... TUAW iPad user case: Foodie originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 03 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


iPad hacksugar: iPad 3G hacked to send native SMS Erica Sadun (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/2/2010 9:00:00 PM

Filed under: iPad Here's a cool little find for a quiet Sunday. MuscleNerd of the iPhone dev team has managed to allow his jailbroken 3G iPad to send command-line SMS text messages. This hack only works with SIM cards that have already paid for an SMS plan, in this case a T-Mobile SIM that was downsized to microSIM dimensions. (More about using T-Mobile SIMs here.) The 3G iPad was jailbroken using Spirit. IPAD page 22

SandForce makes SSDs cheaper, faster, more reliable -- just how IBM likes it Tim Stevens (Engadget)

according to the company, makes them reliable enough for enterprise use, and IBM has We've been covering the added its vote of support, progression of SandForce for configuring a 9189 Power 780 over a year now, creator of server with 56 177GB SSDs smart SSD processors that (10.5TB in all) sitting behind extend the life of flash storage SandForce's SF-1500 processor. by better spreading writes across That combination, when running 150,000 transactions per minute them, boosting performance and t h e T P C - C b e n c h m a r k , per CPU core. That's 50 percent reliability along the way. This, delivered a performance of Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:56:00 AM

higher (per-core) than other entries in the TPC-C benchmark -- and considerably cheaper, too. IBM's configuration is set to be available around October of this year, perhaps ushering in a new era of the platter-free enterprise. SandForce makes SSDs cheaper, faster, more reliable -just how IBM likes it originally appeared on Engadget on Mon,

03 May 2010 09:56:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink, The Wall Street Journal| TPC-C Result Highlights| Email this| Comments


Technology/ Culture/

TUAW's Daily App: Bird Strike

E-reader News Edition

Google Buys Bumptop Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/2/2010 7:00:00 PM

Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

BumpTop, the 3D desktop organizing and interface tool has Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:00:00 AM been snapped up by Google. An announcement on the website Filed under: Gaming If you're says that downloads of the free not one of the many who have version will end in a week. discovered Bird Strike yet, then "BumpTop (for both Windows you're in luck. The game just and Mac) will no longer be got a solid update, with new available for sale. Additionally, levels, new power-ups, and no updates to the products are OpenFeint integration. The planned." game is almost like Doodle Google's plans for the Jump but I actually enjoyed it a organizing software are little more. You play a bird that uncertain but the growth in is constantly trying to fly higher mobile could indicate a and higher with the help of direction. The simple fight rockets and various tools. The between Apple and Google for graphics are clean and fun, and the best interface could also check it out, now's the time to it's actually a little more come into play. forgiving than some of the do it. Sponsor Doodle Jump-style games that TUAW TUAW's Daily App: We described BumpTop when Bird Strike originally appeared I've played. it first launched as "a physics The game was free for a little o n T h e U n o f f i c i a l A p p l e driven 3D desktop environment while and is now back up to Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 03 US$0.99. Even at that price, M a y 2 0 1 0 0 8 : 0 0 : 0 0 E S T . IPAD though, it's an easy buy. Lots Please see our terms for use of continued from page 21 and lots of people have already feeds. The hack works by gotten a chance to play the Read| Permalink| Email this| communicating directly with the game, because it's hit nearly Comments iPad baseband, using standard every spot on the charts already. AT commands. As of yet, However, if you've waited to Apple's MobileSMS application, the SMS application that normally appears on iPhone home screens, has not worked on the iPad. Will standard phone call service be next? Using minutes from a downsized SIM? Wait and see. [via RedmondPie] Thanks, Steven Kappler.

with an innovative menu system.""Among some of BumpTop's most interesting features are its innovative, freeform method of selecting items on the desktop, the ability to flip through piles of files (with your mouse-wheel, or through an actual flipping motion if you have a touch-screen), and its highly intuitive pie menu system" Wellington Financial estimated the sale at $35-40 million. Discuss

TUAW iPad hacksugar: iPad 3G hacked to send native SMS originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Sun, 02 May 2010 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

CyanogenMod 5.07 Brings Android 2.1 to G1 and myTouch Phones [Android] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/3/2010 4:00:00 AM

If you're an early adopter of Android feeling left in the cold with your phone stuck on a 1.6 build, the hacker community offers an alternative—bust your warranty wide open and install CyanogenMod 5.07, a nearly complete 2.1 upgrade. More  CyanogenMod- Android- hackHtcMagic- Cyanogen

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


3D printer creates ice sculptures -- just add water Sean Hollister (Engadget)

Model 1 by replacing the soft goo extruders with a temperature-controlled water Paper-mache, candy, and delivery system, and set about human cells have all been seen making decorative ice sculptures flowing through 3D printers for and a large beer mug for good custom fabrication work, but measure. While the academic students and faculty at Canada's project is officially supposed to McGill University have a explore "economic alternatives cheaper prototyping material: to intricate 3D models of plain ol' H20. They recently architectural objects," we're not m o d i f i e d t h i s F a b @ H o m e sure architects will want much Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:32:00 AM

boost from liquor sold in frosty custom containers. We're thirsty just looking at them. 3D printer creates ice sculptures -- just add water originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 03 May 2010 08:32:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Fabbaloo, to do with prototypes that drip... Boing Boing| McGill| Email but tourism might well get a this| Comments

Give Me My Data Helps Refill Blanked Facebook Profiles Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/2/2010 8:00:00 PM

We've reported that if you disconnect your Facebook account from the manufactured pages that now connect to things like hometown and interests, it will blank your profile. The default response was a shrug. What can you do? Now an indie app, Give Me My Data, promises to replace that missing information on your profile. Sponsor Owen Mundy, a Florida State art prof and the developer,

explained the app and its use. "Give Me My Data is a Facebook application designed to give users the ability to export their data out of

Facebook for any purpose they see fit. This could include making artwork, archiving and deleting your account, or circumventing the interface Facebook provides. Data can be exported in CSV, XML, and other common formats." The application does not export the data, then import it back into the profile section. Instead, a user can use the data to construct a new-old profile in a less restrictive part of their Facebook account. Discuss

The Day BMW Became 'The Ultimate Driving Machine' Chuck Squatriglia (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/2/2010 11:00:00 PM

BMW has long hailed itself as building “the ultimate driving machine,” and never was that more true than when the company thoroughly dominated the Mille Miglia 70 years ago. Even now, BMW considers winning the inaugural Gran Premio Brescia dell Mille Miglia its greatest auto racing success. The sleek and sexy BMW 328 racers, with their small but powerful engines and superlative handling, were so wickedly good that BMW scored the overall win, the team win and third, fifth and sixth place.

“The victory in the 1940 Mille Miglia remains a milestone in the history of the BMW brand,” Klaus Draeger, a company board member who oversees R&D, said in a statement heralding the anniversary of the win on April 28. That success followed nearly five years of hard work. Above: One of the five BMW 328 racers that raced in the 1940 Mille Miglia. Photo: BMW Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 View All Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Technology/ Culture/

iPad jailbreak released, works on iPhone and iPod touch Aron Trimble (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:30:00 AM

Filed under: Jailbreak/pwnage Within a few hours of its release the iPad had already been jailbroken and video proof released. The Dev-Team with@comex have released the first "userland" jailbreak for iPhone OS devices since the initial year of the iPhone's release. The current jailbreak, dubbed " Spirit," allows you to jailbreak all models of iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch running the latest

firmwares available (3.2 and 3.1.3, respectively, as of this writing). Also, the authors note that "On iPad, all this is still sort of beta," and as such if anything goes wrong you might need to restore. [via Engadget] TUAW iPad jailbreak released, works on iPhone and iPod touch originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 03 May 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

E-reader News Edition

The Slimline Workspace: Hungarian Shelves and Hidden Cables [Featured Workspace]

Apple sells 1,000,000 iPads in revolution's first month Vladislav Savov (Engadget) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:39:00 AM

Steve told us it'd be revolutionary, and if sales are the measure of a device's success, then the iPad seems to be well on track to validating its creator's bold claims. This past Friday, "just 28 days after its introduction," Apple sold its millionth iPad. 1.5 million ebooks have already been downloaded to the device, along with 12 million apps. Steve Jobs has also taken time from his busy essay-writing schedule to

remind us that that's less than half of the 74 days it took to achieve the milestone with the original iPhone, and demand for the "magical" slate continues to outstrip supply. Full PR after the break. Continue reading Apple sells 1,000,000 iPads in revolution's first month Apple sells 1,000,000 iPads in revolution's first month originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 03 May 2010 08:39:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/2/2010 4:00:00 PM

We've featured wall-mounted desks before, but none of them have had this level of handcrafted flair to them. Today's featured workspace is a beautiful hand-built wooden desk and bookshelf that blends seamlessly into the living room it's a part of. More Âť


E-reader News Edition


Desperate Housewives Episode Recap: "A Little Night Music" ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/2/2010 8:04:00 PM

On Sunday's episode of Desperate Housewives, Mary Alice thinks her friends on Wisteria Lane need to beware of the mysterious men in their lives: Eddie, Sam, Patrick Logan and... Mike? Tonight we saw dubious actions by all four men, and as a result there's danger looming on the horizon. SUSAN and GABY Susan inherited a piano from an aunt, but she wants Gaby to think she and Mike bought it for $30,000 since she's jealous that Gaby always brags about how much money she and Carlos spend. Cut to Gaby in lingerie — "I know, right?" she says, when Carlos' jaw drops — who is offering afternoon sex. In exchange for what, asks Carlos. It seems Mrs. Solis has her mind set on a ski house in Aspen. Carlos bluffs and says they can't afford it because of a top-secret business deal. That's enough for Gaby to go see their business manager to find out about the deal. Utilizing her own special brand of blackmail, she gets him to tell her about Carlos' loan to Mike. Her initial reaction surprises me. Instead of going straight to anger, she feels compassion for Susan and Mike. Once she learns about the

Delfinos' financial troubles, she drops by with a few bags of groceries for Susan. In a case of really bad timing, Susan decides to show Gaby her new piano — and to brag about the "cost." At first, Gaby plays it cool, but of course she ends up blabbing about the $50,000 loan and her lack of a ski house in Aspen. (By the way, since when does a ski house in Aspen cost $50,000?) Before Susan calls Mike, though, Gaby thinks they should have some fun at their doofus husbands' expense. Over dinner, Gaby pulls Mike aside and says that she thinks Carlos is having an affair. Meanwhile, Susan is wearing a very low-cut blouse and is playing the part of the mistress very well. She "confesses" that she told Carlos that she would sleep with him if he lent Mike the money. Naturally, Carlos and Mike are befuddled, just long enough for Gaby and Susan to come clean about their little scheme. It's pretty funny. But it's also pretty poignant. "I did it to show you what happens when the person you love the most lies to you," Susan says. "I just did it because I want a ski chalet," Gaby says. Oh, Gaby. Ultimately, Mike apologizes and shows Susan all his paperwork. One question is left unanswered: Is Susan going to write Carlos a check? LYNETTE

Eddie might as well have the surname Haskell this week. He's quite the helpful little scamp since he moved in with the Scavos. He did the grocery shopping, and is generally sucking up to Lynette. When Porter refuses to help his mother with the laundry, Eddie pins him to the floor and raises a fist. "I just can't watch you be disrespected," Eddie says creepily to Lynette. Lynette sympathizes with Eddie, since she too grew up with an alcoholic mother. She knows what it feels like to be angry all the time. She tells him about a breathing technique she used to use to help her get through it. Later, Tom gets home from a business trip and starts carping about the lack of a prepared dinner or any food in the refrigerator. (Wait, didn't Eddie just go shopping?) Eddie starts using Lynette's coping mechanism, hilariously breathing deep while Lynette and Tom bicker. To stem the tide of Eddie's anger, Lynette starts kissing Tom. "See, we love each other," she says. When Lynette explains later about his altercation with Porter, Tom says he wants Eddie out. Lynette wants to try therapy. The therapist says Eddie has a lot of issues, so he wants to talk to Barbara, Eddie's mother. So Lynette goes to Eddie's house to find Barbara, where she hears

from a neighbor that nobody's seen her for days. BREE Bree and Sam bump into Lillian (guest star Linda Purl, who you recognize as Pam's mom on The Office) at the grocery store. There is clearly some tension between her and Sam. Bree investigates and finds out that Lillian is Sam's supposedly dead mother, not to mention Rex's ex. "He's a complicated boy," Lillian says of her son. It turns out that when Sam was 4, Rex asked for full-time custody and Lillian declined — a secret to which Bree was never privy. A few months ago, Sam learned of Rex's offer, and something snapped, and his plan to worm his way into Bree's life was set into motion. Orson says he was right about Sam all along. Bree admits it's a hard pill to swallow because having Sam around has been like having a piece of Rex back, but it now forces her to remember that Rex was a liar too. Bree confronts Sam about his lie about his mom being dead. "She is dead... to me," a shaken Sam replies, reporting that he is jealous of the life that Andrew and Danielle had, a life he could have had. He has a tantrum and smashes a vase against the wall. Bree apologizes to Andrew, and tells him and Orson that she's afraid of Sam. ANGIE

We finally get Angie's backstory, which we sort of already knew. Angie and Patrick Logan (guest star John Barrowman) were environmental activists/terrorists. They built a bomb together, but then something went wrong and someone was killed. Angie fled with the FBI agent who was assigned to apprehend them, Nick, and Patrick has been looking for them ever since. Patrick comes to see Danny at the coffee shop and chats amicably about the surprise ending to his metaphorical novel. Nick comes in as well, which momentarily panics Patrick, since he knows that Nick will recognize him. Nick doesn't see him, but he lets it slip that he'll be going running that evening. When he straps on his sneakers that night, Patrick is waiting, and hits Nick Bolen with his car. In the hospital, the doctor wants to induce a coma to stop the swelling in Nick's brain. Before he goes under, he insists that Angie send Danny off to a hotel, and eventually Angie plans to join him. She rushes home to pack, there are candles everywhere in their house, and Patrick's there. Here's his plan: He's going to bunk in the guest room for the night. Angie won't call the cops since she'll be arrested. She DESPERATE page 28



E-reader News Edition

As the World Turns' Helen Wagner Dies at 91 ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/2/2010 10:01:00 PM

Helen Wagner Helen Wagner, best known for playing Nancy Hughes on As the World Turns for more than a half-century, has died. She was 91. Wagner, who acted up until her death, died Saturday, the show's New York-based production company, TeleNext Media Inc., announced. She spoke the first words on As the World Turns when it premiered in 1956, and holds the Guinness World Record for playing the same role on television for the longest time (54 years). She was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in 2004. See other celebrities who've died in 2010 "All of us at As The World Turns are deeply saddened by

Helen's passing," executive producer Christopher Goutman said. "She is loved by generations of fans and, while we will miss her greatly, Helen will always remain the heart and soul of As The World Turns." On Nov. 22, 1963, Wagner's character was saying her lines when the broadcast was interrupted with a "CBS News

Bulletin" sign and Walter Cronkite announced that President John F. Kennedy had been shot in Dallas. Before joining the CBS soap opera, Wagner appeared on TV programs including Studio One, Philco Television Playhouse and The World of Mr. Sweeney. Born in Lubbock, Texas, she also starred in several Broadway productions including Rodgers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma!, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Bad Seed, My Name Is Acquilon and Love of Four Colonels. Wagner was married to Broadway producer Robert Willey from 1954 until his death in May 2009. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Sundays with Seth: A Quiet Anniversary Celebration Jason Hughes (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:37:00 AM

One hundred and fifty episodes is an impressive achievement, but it's particularly gratifying for Seth MacFarlane's'Family Guy.' Once canceled by FOX, and revived due to fan response to DVD sales and airings on cable, MacFarlane is now the king of FOX Sunday nights. So how did he choose to celebrate his perseverance? 'Family Guy' is known for elaborate musical numbers, innumerable cutaway gags, and sheer nonsense sequences like a giant chicken fight that lasts for minutes and minutes. Quite literally, anything was a possibility, so what a surprise that MacFarlane chose to have

two of the show's most popular characters have a conversation. And that's it. The tail end of the hour-long episode was a clip compilation of some of those musical numbers. But the bulk of the episode had Stewie and Brian, locked in a bank vault for two days, just talking to one another. No cutaways, no broad humor, though I won't say there wasn't toilet humor. Continue reading Sundays with Seth: A Quiet Anniversary Celebration Filed under: Other Comedy Shows, OpEd, Animation, Episode Reviews, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments


E-reader News Edition

Polanski Breaks Silence: I'm Being Served "On a Platter to the Media" ( Breaking News)


'The Simpsons' - 'To Surveil With Love' Recap

Submitted at 5/2/2010 10:13:00 PM

Sharon Knolle (TV Squad)

Roman Polanski Oscar-winning filmmaker Roman Polanski said Sunday that he is being treated unfairly and that the U.S. is demanding his extradition from Switzerland in order to serve him "on a platter to the media," reports The Associated Press. Polanski's latest appeal rejected "I have had my share of dramas and joys, as we all have, and I am not going to try to ask you to pity my lot in life," Polanski said, breaking his months-long silence. "I ask only to be treated fairly like anyone else." The 76-year old director of Chinatown and The Pianist accused Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley, who is running for California attorney general, of using the case for publicity. The district attorney's spokeswoman, Sandi Gibbons, said the D.A.'s office "will withhold comment until the Swiss make a decision on his fugitive status."

Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:29:00 AM

(S21E20) From the inspired 'Tik Tok' musical opening sequence to the last gag, 'To Surviel With Love' ranks as one of the best'Simpsons' episodes in years. I never expected the rest of the episode to live up to that killer opening, but, unbelievably, it just got better as it went along. The bit that had me laughing the hardest: After surveillance Polanski's victim wants case by Swiss authorities and is cameras are installed in every dismissed wanted by U.S. authorities for inch of Springfield, Bart Polanski's most recent bid to having sex with a 13-year-old marking the town's one blind have his case reviewed by a girl in 1977. He fled the United spot dropping his pants and s p e c i a l c o u n s e l o r t o b e States in 1978 for France after drawing a line every time he sentenced in his absence was pleading guilty to one count of doesn't hear Ned gasping, r e j e c t e d l a s t m o n t h b y a unlawful sexual intercourse with "Buttocks!" "Tushie! or "Boy California appeals court. Swiss the girl. cheeks!" A perfectly funny bit officials say the Justice Ministry Five Filters featured article: that got even funnier when will not rush into a decision for The Art of Looking Prime Homer asks Bart, whose pants extradition. Ministerial - The 2010 UK are still down around his ankles, Polanski, whose most recent General Election. Available what he's doing. "Experimenting film is The Ghost Writer, was tools: PDF Newspaper, Full placed under house arrest at his Text RSS, Term Extraction. chalet in Gstaad in November 2009. He was arrested Sept. 26

with my butt," says Bart. "My little Einstein," Homer says proudly as he pats Bart's head. Continue reading'The Simpsons' - 'To Surveil With Love' Recap Filed under: OpEd, The Simpsons, Animation, Episode Reviews, Reality-Free, Episode Recaps Permalink| Email this| | Comments



E-reader News Edition

'Treme' - 'At the Foot of Canal Street' Recap Sandie Angulo Chen (TV Squad)

girlfriend Jill (how funny that both he and his father were chatting up ladies in this Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:03:00 AM episode) and has no intention of ( S01E04) Antoine perfectly returning home, Antoine, the captures the theme of native son, and Sonny, the tonight's'Treme' episode (and, Amsterdam expat, are desperate OK, the entire series so far) to make a living in the city they when he sings the line "I have call home but venture to Baton roamed this whole wide world Rouge and Houston, over, but New Orleans is still respectively. my home" while waiting at the Continue reading'Treme' - 'At E.R. It's the first post-Katrina country a "F--k you"; Ladonna three men -- Delmond, Sonny, the Foot of Canal Street' Recap Jason Hughes (TV Squad) Christmastime in New Orleans, still doesn't know where her a n d A n t o i n e - - w h o f i n d Filed under: Other Drama and everyone is far from jolly: brother is; and Janette is themselves away from New S h o w s , E p i s o d e R e v i e w s , Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:04:00 AM Albert is denied his insurance screwed by the utility company. Orleans for very different Reality-Free, Episode Recaps claim; Davis's car gets busted What was most compelling reasons. While Delmond lives it Permalink| Email this| | 'THE page 29 into; Creighton gives the entire about tonight's story was the up in New York City with his C o m m e n t s

'The Pacific' - 'Iwo Jima' Recap

Iron Man 2 Takes In $100 Million Overseas ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/2/2010 6:37:00 PM

Robert Downey Jr. Iron Man 2, which has yet to hit theaters in North America, has raked in $100.2 million overseas, according to Reuters. Robert Downey Jr. in talks to play Wizard of Oz The superhero sequel, starring Robert Downey Jr. and based on the Marvel comic, opened in 53 million) and South Korea ($10.8 international territories over the million). weekend in 6,764 theaters, with The first Iron Man made $98.6 a particularly strong showing in million in the U.S. and Canada the United Kingdom ($12.2

DESPERATE continued from page 25

won't run because Patrick will kill Nick if she does. And she won't try to kill Patrick in his during its opening weekend in sleep, he says, since they both 2008 and made $585 million know she's not comfortable with taking a life. Is that still true? worldwide. DJ AM heads to the big screen So what did you think of "A in posthumous Iron Man 2 Little Night Music"? Are you happy with how Angie's story is cameo The film is scheduled to debut developing? Was Mike wrong to in North America on Friday. ( A keep his financial troubles from N i g h t m a r e o n E l m S t r e e t Susan? What are Sam and g r a b b e d t h e l a t e s t N o . 1 Eddie's endgames? Will poor domestic box office spot with little rich girl Gaby ever get her Aspen ski chalet? Do you miss $32.2 million.) Five Filters featured article: Katherine? Next week's episode, The Art of Looking Prime the last before the season finale, Ministerial - The 2010 UK looks like an ominous one. How General Election. Available do you think the rest of the tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

season will play out? Watch full episodes of Desperate Housewives in our Online Video Guide or with our My DVR and follow on Twitter for more breaking news and scoop Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

TV/ Culture/ Policy/

E-reader News Edition

'THE continued from page 28

(E08) If it seems like forever since'The Pacific' spent any time with John Basilone, that's because it has been. As Basilone himself said, it's been more than a year since he saw action. Since he couldn't just go back into the heart of the war, he asked for the next best thing: the opportunity to train the next batch of marines who'd be heading out to back up his friends still on the line. Other than a brief interlude with Sledge, who's back at base camp with a Snafu slipping toward hypochondria, we spent the entire hour with Sgt.

Basilone. In doing so, the writers and producers managed to find yet another facet of the war to show us. The emotional struggles of a soldier away from the war, and the conflicting ties that pull him in both directions at once. Continue reading'The Pacific' 'Iwo Jima' Recap Filed under: Other Drama Shows, OpEd, Episode Reviews, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments

Sheen, CBS close to cutting a new deal for 'Two and a Half Men'? Mike Moody (TV Squad)

Get Ready for a Nuclear Iran (AEI.Org: Articles) Submitted at 5/2/2010 6:00:00 PM

Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:21:00 AM

It looks like Charlie Sheen's uncle Joe won't be taking over his role on 'Two and a Half Men' after all (like that was ever going to happen). While lawyers hammer out a plea deal to end the troubled actor's legal woes comes news that he and CBS are ready to cut a deal to keep him on the hit sitcom. GET According to Deadline continued from page 29 Hollywood, Sheen and CBS are markets and choke off its derail his Security Council both"cautiously optimistic" about a new deal that would importation of refined petroleum efforts. products, which domestically The further pursuit of sanctions keep the star cracking wise in are in short supply. Any new is tantamount to doing nothing. bowling shirts for two more U.S. legislation will be ignored Advocating such policies only seasons on 'Two and A Half and evaded, thus rendering it benefits Iran by providing it Men.' This comes, of course, largely symbolic. Even so, cover for continued progress after Sheen publicly declared President Obama has opposed toward its nuclear objective. It that he was ready to leave the show, leading us to speculate on the legislation, arguing that GET page 30 who could replace him(my vote unilateral U.S. action could

Negotiations grind on toward a fourth U.N. Security Council sanctions resolution against Iran's nuclear weapons program, even as President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrives in New York to address the NonProliferation Treaty review conference. Sanctions advocates acknowledge that the Security Council's ultimate product will do no more than marginally impede Iran's progress. was for James Franco). In Congress, sanctions Continue reading Sheen, CBS legislation also creaks along, but close to cutting a new deal for that too is simply going through 'Two and a Half Men'? the motions. Russia and China Filed under: Other Comedy have already rejected key Shows, Industry, Celebrities, proposals to restrict Iran's access Reality-Free to international financial Permalink| Email this| | Comments GET page 29

Shock and Awe (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:00:00 AM

Simon Doonan: Are you feeling the whole paramilitary situation? Are you going to be working a combat boot this

memorial day? Joe Zee: I’ve been working mine all winter, but I think I just might pull the combat-boots-onthe-beach look. But me aside, the girls in the office are pairing t h o s e h e a v y b o o t s w i t h (grunge is back!) to leggings everything from floral dresses and sweaters and it all looks


pretty major. SD: Is it too early for a cargo pant revival? JZ: I hope not since I'm wearing mine right now while writing this. SD: You have always been courageous, contagious and

outrageous. Cheerio! SHOP THESE BOOTS Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!


Economy/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

GET continued from page 29

creates the comforting illusion of "doing something." Just as "diplomacy" previously afforded Iran the time and legitimacy it needed, sanctions talk now does the same. This article is available from the Wall Street Journal. The full text will be available on on Monday, May 10. John R. Bolton is a senior fellow at AEI.

Photo Credit: Flickr user Mira (on the wall)/Creative Commons Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Top 5 Things Your Nails Say About Your Health (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

the nail folds, and the nail bed is the skin underneath the nail The most requested manicure plate. The whitish crescent service is artificial nails, but not moon at the nail base, under the for Lee Redmond -- she hasn’t nail plate, is called the lunula, cut her fingernails since 1979. and the tissue overlapping the Her right thumbnail alone nail at the base is the cuticle. measures 2 feet, 11 inches (90 Your nail grows from the centimeters), and in total, her matrix, an area under the nails reach 28 feet, 4.5 inches protective cuticle at the base of (8.65 meters) [source: Guinness the nail bed. Fingernails grow 2 World Records]. to 3 millimeters every month For most of us, our nails are and toenails about 1 millimeter, hardly world record worthy, but growth is faster in the although they still have an summer months and on your Gregory White (The Money now than ever that the yuan will important role to play: They dominant hand [source: Game) not be drastically revalued. protect tissues, scratch itches, American Academy of Source: Albert Keidel Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:39:00 AM and act as windows to our D e r m a t o l o g y ] . Source: Albert Keidel overall well-being. They also -Trimmed or long, polished or The yuan's peg has become the Source: Albert Keidel o f f e r w a r n i n g s i g n s o f plain, one thing’s for sure -catch-all conclusion to the Source: Albert Keidel malnutrition, infection and healthy nails mean a healthy world's imbalance problems. Source: Albert Keidel serious disease. you. U.S. government officials, Source: Albert Keidel Nails are layers of keratin, a Five Filters featured article: economists, and men on the Source: Albert Keidel protein that's also found in our The Art of Looking Prime street are pushing for China to Recession? Source: Albert Keidel skin and hair, and are made up Ministerial - The 2010 UK revalue its currency against the Albert Keidel of The Atlantic Source: Albert Keidel of six parts. The nail plate is the General Election. Available dollar to revive American Council of the United States Source: Albert Keidel hard, protective piece and the tools: PDF Newspaper, Full g r o w t h i n k e y l a g g i n g argues this, and says its not Think the yuan is a worry? Get most visible part. The skin Text RSS, Term Extraction. China to blame, but the U.S. for to know the world's biggest industries. around the nail plate is called But what if the yuan wasn't at the economic position the west sovereign debt threat. Take a fault for the world's economic is in. look at how Spain got into its imbalances? What if it really With China further tightening economic mess and who it could w a s U . S . e a s y m o n e y its bank reserve requirements, crush > throughout the last decade, all signs are pointing towards a Join the conversation about this including the low interest rates controlled slowdown in the story » that flooded the world with world's number one emerging cash, that led to the Great market. It seems more likely

Albert Keidel's Excellent Presentation: You've Got It All Wrong, China Should NOT Revalue The Yuan

Economy/ Business/

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May Earnings Calendar William Wei (The Money Game)

• Time Warner: TWX, Q1 2010, 10:30 AM • Microchip Technology: Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:02:00 AM MCHP, Q4 2010, 2:30 PM (Times are company conference • CBS Corporation: CBS, Q1 calls. All times ET.) Monday 2010, 4:30 PM Tuesday Wednesday Thursday • Clearwire: CLWR, Q1 2010, Friday 4:30 PM 3 • LivePerson: LPSN, Q1 2010, • Answers Corp: ANSW, Q1 5 PM 2010, 8:30 AM • Symantec: SYMC, Q4 2010, 5 • Belo: BLC, Q1 2010, 8:30 PM AM • THQ Inc: THQI, Q4 2010, 5 • Rackspace: RAX, Q1 2010, PM 4:30 PM • Edgar Online: EDGR, Q1 • Synchronoss: SNCR, Q1 2010, 5 PM 2010, 4:30 PM • United Online: UNTD, Q1 • Electronic Arts: ERTS, Q4 2010, 5:30 PM 2010, 5 PM 6 4 • Warner Music Group: WMG, • Sirius XM: SIRI, Q1 2010, 8 Q2 2010, 8:30 AM AM • DexOne: DEXO, Q1 2010, • Thomson Reuters: TRI, Q1 8:30 AM 2010, 8:30 AM • MetroPCS: PCS, Q1 2010, 9 • News Corp: NWS, Q3 2010, AM 4:30 PM • Cablevision Systems: CVC, • Glu Mobile: GLUU, Q1 2010, Q1 2010, 10 AM 4:30 PM • U.S. Cellular: USM, Q1 2010, • WebMD: WBMD, Q1 2010, 10:30 AM 4:45 PM • Level 3: LVLT, Q1 2010, 11 • Open Table: OPEN, Q1 2010, AM 5 PM • Playboy Enterprises: PLA, Q1 2010, 11 AM 5 • Century Link: CTL, Q1 2010, • InfoSpace: INSP, Q1 2010, 9 11:30 AM AM • DirecTV: DTV, Q1 2010, 2 • Vonage: VG, Q1 2010, 10 PM AM • Rovi: ROVI, Q1 2010, 4:30 • Orbitz: OWW, Q1 2010, 10 PM AM • Activision: ATVI, Q1 2010,

4:30 PM • TheKnot: KNOT, Q1 2010, 4:30 PM • Limelight Networks: LLNW, Q1 2010, 4:30 PM • Internap: INAP, Q1 2010, 5 PM • RealNetworks: RNWK, Q1 2010, 5 PM • Leap Wireless: LEAP, Q1 2010, 5 PM • Nintendo: NTDOY, Q4 2009, TBD 7 • Liberty Media Holding: LINTA, Q1 2010, 12 PM • Washington Post Co: WPO, Q1 2010, TBD 10 • Scripps: SSP, Q1 2010, 9 AM • Dish Network: DISH, Q1 2010, 12 PM • LiveNation: LYV, Q1 2010, 5 PM • Clear Channel: CCO, Q1 2010, 5 PM • TechTarget: TTGT, Q1 2010, 5:30 PM 11 • Disney: DIS, Q2 2010, 4:30 PM 12 • Cisco Systems: Inc CSCO, Q3 2010, 4:30 PM 13 • Sony Corp: SNE, Q4 2009,

4:30 AM • 1688.HK, Q1 2010, 8:30 AM • Blockbuster Inc.: BBI, Q1 2010, 4:30 PM


Options Update: AMR Corp Volatility Low; UAL Corp and Continental Merge Paul Foster (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:00:00 AM

Filed under: AMR Corp (AMR), Contl Airlines'B' (CAL), UAL Corp (UAUA), Options UAL Corp ( UAUA) and Continental ( CAL) announced a merger of equals. AMR Corp ( AMR) May put option implied volatility is at 65, June is at 64, August is at 63, below its 2619 week average of 68, according 20 to Track Data, suggesting • Dell: DELL, Q1 2011, 5 PM decreasing price movement. • Future Publishing: FUTR.L, Intermune's ( ITMN) Interim Results pirfenidone PDUFA date is May • Staples: SPLS, Q1 2010, TBD 4. Pirfenidone is a treatment for IPF (Idiopathic pulmonary 21 fibrosis). May put option 24 implied volatility is at 231, June 25 is at 155, July is at 125, 26 according to Track Data, 27 suggesting large May price 28 movement. 31 Update is by Stock Specialist P a u l F o s t e r o f Options Update: AMR Corp Volatility Low; UAL Corp and Continental Merge originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Join the conversation about this Mon, 03 May 2010 08:00:00 story » EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Option- Business- InvestingImplied volatility- AMR 14 17 18 • Vodafone: VOD, Preliminary 2009 Earnings Presentation, 4:30 AM • Hewlett-Packard: HPQ, Q2 2010, 4:40 PM


Economy/ Business/

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Here's What You Need To Know TODAY About BIO International The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (BP, RIG, Convention CAM) Gus Lubin (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:24:00 AM

Estimates for the Deepwater Oil Spill are getting wilder by the day. At the very least, it's an environmental disaster that will ravage the fragile New Orleans marshlands. It's a PR disaster and financial disaster for all companies involved. At worst, oil is coming up the east coast, wrecking the market, and coming out of your tax dollar. So, let's learn where we are, and how we got there. 2001: Transocean (RIG) builds the state-of-the-art Deepwater rig. 2009: Deepwater drills the deepest well in history at another Gulf oil field April 20, 2010: During the final stage of a drilling a well -BEFORE ANY OIL WAS PRODUCED -- a pressure build up caused an explosion Deepwater used a Cameron (CAM) blowout preventer to cut flow in the event of abnormal pressure. It did not work. April 20 & 21: 115 workers escape by lifeboat and helicopter... another 17 are presumed dead

April 21: BP estimates oil leakage at 1,000 barrels per day Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer for exploration and production April 28: Louisiana shrimp farmers file suit against BP April 29: Government experts increase their estimate to 5,000 barrels per day. Janet Napolitano Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal declares a state of national emergency. Barack Obama confirms. Stocks in BP, Transocean, and

See: Domestic Drilling: Yes, We Still Believe May 2: NOAA closes commercial and recreational fishing in a large part of the Gulf -- for at least ten days BP has been unable to close the leak using robotic vehicles. The next option involves putting a dome over the well head -which could take weeks -- or introducing a second rig to siphon flow -- which could take months A remote-operated underwater vehicle At 5,000 bbl per day, it will take only 53 days for the spill to exceed Exxon-Valdez. If the leakage rate is higher... Cameron take a big hit Oil makes landfall in New Worst case scenario: oil could enter the gulf stream and spread Orleans Read more. April 30: Experts say the up the east coast... and around leakage could be much higher... the world estimates vary from 5,000 to May 3: Before US markets 25,000 barrels per day Source: open, BP is already bleeding another $4 billion WSJ Latest estimates put BP cleanup Here's why we need deep-ocean costs at $3 billion Source: d r i l l i n g . . . 1 5 D r i l l C r a z y Countries That Are Rapidly Bloomberg Obama suspends off-shore Running Out Of Oil >> drilling plans pending a review Join the conversation about this story Âť of the Deepwater accident Sarah Palin reaffirms her support of off-shore drilling

Fast Company Calendar (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:02:19 AM

Policy wonks and science wizards unite at this year's big biotech-industry conference in Chicago, where more than 15,000 attendees talk biofuels, health innovation, and superpowered agriculture with former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and former vice president Al Gore. With roughly $250 billion in market cap and influence across a staggering number of sectors, it's no wonder biotech managed to snag a bipartisan clutch of big names to key-note. "We like to invite speakers who challenge our industry and who don't necessarily agree with us," says Robbi Lycett, BIO's VP for conventions and conferences. With an agenda that includes genetically modified crops and stem-cell research, we suspect that stirring debate will not be a problem. -- Lillian Cunningham BIO International Convention mon, may 03 LIVE BIO International Convention Have an event to share? Email calendar[at]fastcompany[dot]co mVisit the FC Now Blog or Calendar App for more events.

Economy/ Politics/

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Americans Are Back To Spending More Than They Earn And Saving Less

NYC Mayor: We'll Find Whoever Is Behind Car Bomb

Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game)

(Newsmax - Inside Cover)

thought there was a good chance any perpetrators would be caught. Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:53:38 AM New York City Mayor Michael "Working with White House, Bloomberg reiterated Monday w o r k i n g w i t h H o m e l a n d Personal income rose in line that there is no "legitimate" Security, working with the FBI, with expectations, up +0.3% in evidence that foreign terrorists all city agencies working March. Personal expenditures were connected to a car bomb t o g e t h e r , t h e r e ' s a h i g h rose at twice this rate, +0.6%, found in a smoking sport utility probability that we will find out also expected. vehicle in Times Square, adding who did this and apprehend Meanwhile, the personal that there is a "high probability" them," Bloomberg said. savings rate slipped to 2.7% of that law enforcement would Two street vendors alerted income, from 3% in February. capture whoever was behind it. police to the car Saturday night Looks like the American Investigators still had videos to parked on a block lined with consumer has, perhaps look through, but there was still B r o a d w a y t h e a t e r s a n d unfortunately, come full circle: no proof of any connection to restaurants. Thousands of --groups such as the Taliban or al- tourists were cleared from the Personal income increased Qaida, Bloomberg said on area, and streets were shut down $36.0 billion, or 0.3 percent, and disposable personal income billion, or 0.5 percent, based on billion in March, compared with A B C ' s " G o o d M o r n i n g for 10 hours. $332.2 billion in February. A m e r i c a . " (DPI) increased $32.3 billion, or revised estimates. The gasoline and propane bomb R e a l d i s p o s a b l e i n c o m e Personal saving as a percentage Homeland Security Secretary was crude but could have 0.3 percent, in March, according to the Bureau of Economic increased 0.2 percent in March, of disposable personal income Janet Napolitano cautioned sprayed shrapnel and metal parts Analysis. Personal consumption compared with an increase of was 2.7 percent in March, Monday against "premature with enough force to kill expenditures (PCE) increased l e s s t h a n 0 . 1 p e r c e n t i n compared with 3.0 percent in decisions one way or another," pedestrians and knock out telling NBC's "Today" that windows on one of America's $58.6 billion, or 0.6 percent. In February. Real PCE increased February. February, personal income 0.5 percent, the same increase as Continue for the full BEA "every lead has to be pursued." busiest streets, police said. release here > Investigators haven't ruled out Š C o p y r i g h t 2 0 1 0 T h e increased $7.1 billion, or 0.1 in February. Join the conversation about this any suspects, including foreign Associated Press. All rights percent, DPI increased $4.3 ... terrorist organizations, she said. reserved. This material may not billion, or less than 0.1 percent, Personal saving -- DPI less story  Authorities are seeking a b e p u b l i s h e d , b r o a d c a s t , a n d P C E i n c r e a s e d $ 5 6 . 4 personal outlays -- was $304.0 middle-aged man who was rewritten or redistributed. videotaped shedding his shirt Five Filters featured article: near the SUV where the bomb The Art of Looking Prime was found. They also wanted to Ministerial - The 2010 UK talk to the owner of the 1993 General Election. Available Nissan Pathfinder. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Bloomberg said he wasn't Text RSS, Term Extraction. making any guarantees, but Submitted at 5/3/2010 3:32:04 AM



E-reader News Edition

Organizing Armageddon: What We Learned From the Haiti Earthquake Vince Beiser (Wired Top Stories)

enough, it’s the flight from Iceland he is expecting — a civilian charter, complete with Submitted at 5/2/2010 11:00:00 PM blond flight attendants, here to Armageddon from above. drop off aid and a relief team Photo: C a m e r o n and to pick up a search-andDavidson/Corbis rescue crew. Immonen bounds Pauli Immonen is quick- up the steps and talks his way marching the length of the through more people until he tarmac at Port-au-Prince’s f i n d s s o m e o n e f r o m t h e crippled airport, looking for a Icelandic Ministry for Foreign missing 737. It’s not as if he can Affairs. The official asks just check the arrivals board — Immonen if he’d care to step the 7.0 earthquake that rocked outside and check their cargo. the Haitian capital eight days “Yes,” Immonen replies crisply, ago has left the main terminal a in flawless but accented English. flooded, deserted husk. The “But first let me get a drink floors are littered with broken from one of your lovely ladies.” ceiling tiles, and inch-wide A flight attendant looks up with cracks snake along the walls. a professional smile and opens a Outside, Immonen skirts a snack-laden drawer in the blacktop crowded with military galley. She extracts a couple of transports and chartered jets; the Fantas. Immonen gets a look at flock of small planes that the stock and courteously but usually roosts here has been unsmilingly requests a can of forced onto an adjacent patch of Pringles as well. He’s worked grass. The noise is as oppressive enough disasters to know that as the afternoon heat — deep you have to grab high-calorie belly rumbles from taxiing snacks when you can. She hands a i r c r a f t , t h e b a s s o w h u p - one over, and Immonen leads whupping of helicopter blades, the official off the plane. the grumbling and reverse- Immonen hit the ground in Port signal beeps of forklifts and -au-Prince less than 72 hours buses. after the quake, when the streets Spotting a promising-looking were still strewn with corpses. Boeing, the lean, 42-year-old He arrived from Helsinki with Finn hurries over to the two little more than a mosquito net, Nordic types at the foot of the a sleeping bag, a laptop, and a stairs leading up to the plane sat phone. When he snatches a and introduces himself. Sure few hours of sleep, it’s in a tent

pitched 100 yards from the airport runway. A member of one of the Red Cross’ Emergency Response Units, Immonen has been a first responder in crisis zones from Darfur to Afghanistan to Pakistan. His job is to wrangle airplanes, making sure that the people and materiel on every Red Cross relief flight get to where they’re supposed to be. He’s been fascinated by aircraft since he was a kid, hanging around the local airport taking snapshots of planes. He parlayed his Finnish Air Force training into a stint with the United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon and has been doing humanitarian work since 1995. The military has left a mark on his personal style: Whereas most of his colleagues are shaggy-faced and grubby by this stage of the operation, Immonen shaves daily and always keeps his Red Cross T-shirt tucked neatly into his jeans. “You have three jobs in the field,” he says, “taking care of the planes, paperwork, and yourself. But the first couple of days, you only do planes.” Shot a week after the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti, these stunning images of the devastation and recovery effort were captured by Q. Sakamaki.

Wired reporter Vince Beiser narrates. Chips in hand, Immonen sets out across the tarmac again, all the while exchanging rapid-fire radio calls with the Red Cross base camp a couple of miles away in Port-au-Prince and trading text messages with its logistics hub in Panama. A second flight, this one from Germany, has also arrived. Supposedly. Earlier today, Panama told Immonen that an incoming Red Cross plane had landed, but someone forgot to mention it had been diverted to the neighboring Dominican Republic. He finds the German flight, though, and gets to work lining up trucks to take its cargo into town. He shakes hands with at least 20 people in as many minutes, extracting and dispensing required information, bluntly cutting off conversations when they wander off-topic. “I’m not polite,” Immonen tells me between impromptu meetings. “Sometimes you have to be military. If you make one small mistake, the shipment goes to the wrong place, and then it might as well be lost.” Getting the right aid to the right place is the whole reason Immonen — and hundreds of people like him — are here. The world responded to the Haiti

earthquake with one of the biggest international aid efforts ever mounted, sending thousands of tons of food, water, and medicine pouring in from every corner of the globe to a tiny island that had little infrastructure even before the ground started convulsing. Physically moving those supplies into the country, let alone getting them into the hands of the millions who needed help, posed a logistical problem of epic proportions. The capital’s port was wrecked, its airport badly damaged, and its roads choked with rubble and bodies. More than 200,000 people were dead; at least 2 million were homeless. For people like Immonen, it was the latest in a lifetime of urgent reasons to fly halfway around the world. But the disaster was also a laboratory, a rare opportunity to test methods and technologies that define “mission critical.” For the world’s emergency relief agencies, Haiti is the latest onthe-job experiment in the developing field of humanitarian logistics. Despite the massive scale of their operations, only in recent years have the people who deliver disaster aid begun to ORGANIZING page 36


E-reader News Edition


May 3, 1815: Blown Away by Horn With Valves Michael Calore (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/2/2010 11:00:00 PM

1815: A Prussian composer reports a new contrivance. A local chamber musician has modified his brass concert horn, adding valves that allow him to play all the notes in the chromatic scale deftly and with total precision. Brass instruments were exceedingly limited at the time, and the invention put the concert horn technically on par with the rest of the orchestra. Gottlob Benedikt Bierey of Breslau (now the city of Wrocaw, Poland) was bowled over. In fact, he was so tickled, he wrote about the valves in the local newspaper: “What a new realm of beautiful effects this has opened up to composers!” This was the first public announcement of a valved horn. To fully appreciate Bierey’s enthusiasm, you have to understand that for a very long time, trumpets were pretty boring. The earliest brass instruments, up until about the 15th century, were simple, straight tubes with a mouthpiece at one end and a fluted bell at the other. They were used mostly as signaling devices, or for ceremonial purposes. The brass was a civilized step up from the days when people just blew into animal horns or sea shells to get e a c h o t h e r ’ s a t t e n t i o n o r

announce somebody’s arrival.

In the early 1600s, some

composers started scoring secular and religious pieces for them, and their inherent musicality began to shine. But compared to stringed instruments and wind instruments, trumpets were still limited. The early brass horn was tuned to one note (this lowest natural note is called the “fundamental”), which was determined by the length of its tube. By tightening his lips, a player could produce higher notes, called overtones — an octave above the fundamental, then a fifth, then a fourth, and so on — but the number of exact pitches that could be played maxed out at about 12 or 13. This problem was partially solved by the addition of a slide, a section of tubing the player could move in and out to reach those “missing” notes in between overtones. It’s the same mechanism you see (and hear) in the modern trombone. Other players developed the technique of placing their hand into the bell of a curved horn to make reaching the trickiest overtones easier. The addition of the slide greatly improved the versatility of brass instruments, but it wasn’t until the invention of the valve that brass players could hit all of the notes in the chromatic scale with absolute precision and MAY page 37



Scott Brown on How Twitter + Dopamine = Better Humans

E-reader News Edition

ORGANIZING continued from page 34

benefit from the kind of datadriven decisionmaking and rigorous academic study that Scott Brown (Wired Top can spend it, faster than Justin In fact, one can easily imagine Of course, impulse altruism has their commercial and military Stories) Bieber can warble “ We Are the socio-technological advances its drawbacks. For one thing, it’s counterparts rely on. In the past World,” faster than Bono can knitting us into a kind of stimulus-dependent, which decade, the responses to major Submitted at 5/2/2010 11:00:00 PM bang out a turgid op-ed. For this decentralized superorganism — doesn’t necessarily translate into disasters have been analyzed in Illustration: Leo Espinosa new generation of donors, pop a pan-humanity nerve array that long-term giving, the brass ring hundreds of case studies and Man, what a bunch of selfish culture, public discourse, social senses where it hurts and sends f o r m o s t c h a r i t a b l e pored over by experts, their bastards we are. Gold hoarding media, and charity all run help in real time. Remember organizations. It also means conclusions field-tested in abounds. Tea parties rage. Atlas through the same router — and that tacky fiber-optic Tree of we’re “at the whim of the next subsequent crises where yet Shrugged, Ayn Rand’s gospel of speed, not greed, is good. What Souls from Avatar? Well, fluff media blitz,” Brown says. more data is collected. Learning self-interest, is outselling The gives? your brain-braid, my blue Without the gruesome imagery the right lessons could not be A u d a c i t y o f H o p e o n We do, it turns out. Heck, we’re brother: It already exists, and and visceral you-are-thereness more important: The stakes are And trust in the wired for it: Our brains release i t ’ s g r o w i n g o u t o f y o u r of unfolding catastrophe, we literally life and death. institutions we’ve traditionally congratulatory hits of dopamine s m a r t p h o n e . don’t get our pity fix. (Climate Pages: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6| r e l i e d u p o n t o when we engage in selfless Harnessing neurobiological change? Market reforms? Sorry Full Page | Next encourage/enforce philanthropy behavior — which we’re moved altruism could even effect real — it’s like trying to get stoned Five Filters featured article: and its evil twin, redistribution to do the instant we witness and lasting change where it’s off oregano.) But if what has The Art of Looking Prime — government, nonprofits, and s o m e t h i n g a w f u l . M e l i s s a needed most: celebrity benefit long been sentimentally referred Ministerial - The 2010 UK the church — appears to be at a Brown, associate director of concerts. Consider: The day to as our “common humanity” is General Election. Available historic low. What’s more, a research at the Center on news of the Haiti earthquake hit, no more than a neural sensation tools: PDF Newspaper, Full recent Pew Research Center poll P h i l a n t h r o p y a t I n d i a n a W y c l e f t w e e t e d f o r t e x t with a sell-by date measured in Text RSS, Term Extraction. found that Millennials (the 18 to U n i v e r s i t y , c a l l s t h i s o u r donations and millions acted nanoseconds, so what? At least 29 set, whose lives have been “immediate altruistic response.” immediately, passionately. By now we have the tech to tap it. entirely molded by information But, she notes, the IAR impulse t h e t i m e b e n e f i t c o n c e r t s Hey, maybe if Atlas had a cell technology) are perhaps the is easily blunted by delay: featuring Diddy and Pharrell phone, he wouldn’t shrug. He’d least religious generation on “ G e n e r a t i o n X a n d t h e rolled around, they felt tardy reflexively text six bucks to the r e c o r d , w i t h 2 6 p e r c e n t Millennials don’t want to go and arm-twisty — at least to us Red Cross. reporting no church affiliation through the trouble of entering a impulse altruists who responded E m a i l whatsoever. 16-digit credit card number to to the crisis in real time. More s c o t t _ b r o w n @ w i r e d . c o m . F r o m a p h i l a n t h r o p i c make a $25 donation.” effective is the technique Five Filters featured article: perspective, that might seem Luckily, we now have digital employed by Alicia Keys, who The Art of Looking Prime bad: Americans tend to give tools fast enough to keep up plays footage of needy children Ministerial - The 2010 UK twice as much to churches as with our inborn empathy trigger. at her concerts then flashes a General Election. Available they give to secular charities. Want to help? Text in some text-donation code to tap her tools: PDF Newspaper, Full But these same kids are insta- shekels to 90999 and suddenly fans’ IAR. It’s pop plus tech Text RSS, Term Extraction. texting tens of millions of you’re part of the solution — equals help. Boomers had the dollars to far-off earthquake which, as we now know, feels zipless fuck. We have the victims faster than Wyclef Jean good on a neurochemical level. clickless give.

E-reader News Edition


MAY continued from page 35

consistency of tone. A few rudimentary valve designs began showing up in the early 1800s, but it is Heinrich Stölzel who is credited with affixing the first documented valve to his Waldhorn (the instrument we now call the french horn) in 1814. By most accounts, Stölzel’s system used two spring-loaded cylindrical piston valves. Holes were bored through the pistons to redirect air through shorter and longer tubes — each offering a different array of notes — when the valves were depressed. We know to honor Stölzel with this invention, because he took the time to write King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia a letter trumpeting his efforts. “My horn can play all the notes from the lowest to the highest with the same purity and strength without having to stop the hand into the bell,” he wrote in December 1814. “The mechanism of my invention is most simple…. This device renders the many crooks superfluous and makes it possible for the artist to play all

the notes without losing any of the instrument’s tone.” Obviously a proud man, Stölzel was showing off his invention all over Silesia. Bierey, a composer and theater director, seems to be the first to publicize the invention. Here’s Bierey’s report, published in the Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung(General Musical Newspaper) on May 3, 1815: Heinrich Stölzel, the chamber musician from Pless in Upper Silesia, in order to perfect the Waldhorn, has succeeded in attaching a simple mechanism to the instrument, thanks to which he has obtained all the notes of the chromatic scale in a range of almost three octaves, with a good, strong and pure tone. All the artificial notes — which, as is well known, were previously produced by stopping the bell with the right hand, and can now be produced merely with two levers, controlled by two fingers of the right hand — are identical in sound to the natural notes and thus preserve the character of the Waldhorn. Any Waldhorn-player will, with

practice, be able to play on it. Bierey was fully aware the impact this advancement would have on the music of the time, noting it allowed horn players to perform any musical passage with “a perfection not hitherto attained.” Stölzel’s design was widely copied, and variations began giving shape to new instruments from manufacturers all over Europe. Soon there were cornets, valve trombones, tubas and euphoniums. The orchestral trumpet produced the most dramatic tones, and composers began writing for it, scoring for brass sections and crafting solos. A century after Stölzel installed his valves, the technique of playing with them was applied to an entirely new form of music by great early 20th-century trumpet players like Louis Armstrong and Tommy Dorsey. They started to find semitones, the “notes between notes” that provide a pleasant dissonance and give any tune a somber air. These so-called “blue notes,” so critical to the jazz soloist, are the bread and butter of modern

music as we know it. Source: Various Image: Louis Armstrong Anton Bruehl/Condé Nast Archive See Also: • Aug. 10, 1909: Leo Fender and the Heart of Rock 'n' Roll • July 13, 1937: Gibson Plugs In the Electric Guitar • May 3, 2000: Geocaching Gets Geeks Into the Great Outdoors • April 10, 1815: Tambora Explosion Triggers 'Volcanic Winter' • 1815: Death by Volcano Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Mexico's Illegals Laws Tougher than Arizona's (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

dependents. "This sounds like the kind of law that a rational nation would Mexican President Felipe have to protect itself against Calderon denounced as "racial illegal immigrants — that would discrimination" an Arizona law stop and punish the very people giving state and local police the who are violating the law," said authority to arrest suspected Rep. Steve King of Iowa, illegal immigrants and vowed to ranking Republican on the use all means at his disposal to House Judiciary subcommittee d e f e n d M e x i c a n n a t i o n a l s on immigration, citizenship, against a law he called a refugees, border security and "violation of human rights." international law. But the legislation, signed April "Why would Mr. Calderon have 23 by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, any objections to an Arizona is similar to Reglamento de la law that is less draconian than Ley General de Poblacion — the his own, one he has pledged to General Law on Population enforce?" Mr. King said. enacted in Mexico in April Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, the 2000, which mandates that ranking Republican on the federal, local and municipal Senate Judiciary subcommittee police cooperate with federal on terrorism and homeland immigration authorities in that s e c u r i t y , d e s c r i b e d M r . country in the arrests of illegal C a l d e r o n ' s c o m m e n t s a s immigrants. "hypocritical to say the least." Under the Mexican law, illegal "I would have expected more i m m i g r a t i o n i s a f e l o n y , from Mr. Calderon," said Mr. punishable by up to two years in Kyl, who serves as the Senate prison. Immigrants who are m i n o r i t y w h i p . " W e a r e deported and attempt to re-enter spending millions of dollars to can be imprisoned for 10 years. help Mexico fight the drug Visa violators can be sentenced cartels that pose a threat to his to six-year terms. Mexicans who government, and he doesn't help illegal immigrants are seem to recognize our concerns. considered criminals. He ought to be apologizing to us The law also says Mexico can instead of condemning us." deport foreigners who are Mr. Kyl, along with fellow d e e m e d d e t r i m e n t a l t o Arizona Republican Sen. John "economic or national interests," McCain, has introduced a 10violate Mexican law, are not point comprehensive border "physically or mentally healthy" security plan to combat illegal or lack the "necessary funds for immigration, drug and human their sustenance" and for their smuggling, and violent crime Submitted at 5/3/2010 4:16:28 AM

along the southwestern border. It includes the deployment of National Guard troops, an increase in U.S. Border Patrol agents and 700 miles of fencing, along with other equipment and funding upgrades. He said skyrocketing violence on the border, including the recent killing of an Arizona rancher by an illegal immigrant he had gone to assist, has not gone unnoticed by the public, adding that until the federal government provides the necessary funding and manpower to adequately secure the southwestern border, Arizona will not long remain the only state to pass legislation to do it on its own. Rep. Ted Poe, Texas Republican and a member of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, described Mr. Calderon's criticism as "arrogant and hypocritical." He said Mexico's immigrations laws are "even tougher than those in the United States" and it was inappropriate to denounce the Arizona law when "Mexico does the very same thing." "Mexico wants people to come to the United States and to send their money home," he said. "They want to make their problems our problems — that's their foreign policy. President Calderon should spend more time focusing on problems in his own country instead of criticizing Arizona for doing

what Mexican law requires its own to do." Rep. John Culberson, a Texas Republican who has advocated for stricter border enforcement policies, said the Arizona law was enacted as a result of the nation's "failed immigration policies." "We should focus our time and resources on enforcing policies that work, like zero tolerance, which has reduced crime and illegal immigration dramatically along our southern border," he said. Ricardo Alday, a spokesman at the Mexican Embassy in Washington, did not return calls for comment. But the embassy has said the Mexican government is "deeply concerned by the potential dire effects" that the Arizona law will have on the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States — about 450,000 of them in Arizona. "As it has been raised by national Latino and immigration rights organizations, initiatives that exclusively criminalize immigration create opportunities for an undue enforcement of the law through racial profiling," Mr. Alday said in an April 15 statement. The ambassador also warned of the "likelihood of negative effects that this measure … may have for the future development of friendship, commercial, tourist and cultural ties"

between Mexico and Arizona. The Arizona law, which is set to take effect in midsummer, authorizes state and local law enforcement officers — during lawful stops only — to determine the immigration status of people for whom there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are in the country illegally. Known as Senate Bill 1070, it was enacted in response to a dramatic rise in violence along the Arizona-Mexico border. Reasonable suspicion is a legal standard requiring that before someone is arrested or detained there must be reasonable belief that the person has been, is or is about to be engaged in criminal activity. A Rasmussen Reports poll has found that 70 percent of likely voters in Arizona approve of the legislation, while 23 percent oppose it. Half of the nearly 1 million illegal border crossings into the United States each year occur in Arizona, according to a report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which also said Arizona taxpayers spend more than $2 billion a year on education and health care for illegal immigrants and their children. "The porous border is virtually a welcome mat for criminal organizations that run drugs and other contraband through the MEXICO'S page 41


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Double Take Mark Greenbaum (The New Republic - All Feed)

once he became a judge, Senate Democrats waged a harsh twoyear campaign against him. In Submitted at 5/2/2010 11:00:00 PM 2003, Estrada removed himself Miguel Estrada seemed to be a from consideration and returned shoo-in for the federal bench. to private law practice. Nominated by George W. Bush Today, another judicial to the D.C. Circuit Court of nomination is following a route Appeals in 2001 when he was strikingly similar to Estrada’s. just 39, Estrada was born in Goodwin Liu, whom President Honduras. He arrived in the Obama has nominated for a seat United States as a teenager on the Ninth Circuit Court of speaking little English and went Appeals, is 39, the son of on to graduate from Harvard T a i w a n e s e i m m i g r a n t s , a Law School and clerk for Rhodes Scholar, and one of his Supreme Court Justice Anthony generation’s sharpest legal Kennedy. He then worked at minds. Yet he has already drawn Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & heavy fire from conservatives, K a t z , a r g u a b l y t h e m o s t largely because they see him as prestigious law firm in the a potential Supreme Court n a t i o n , a n d , l a t e r , a s a n nominee later in Obama’s Assistant U.S. Attorney for the presidency. “This is the revenge Southern District of New York, of Miguel’s supporters,” Tom itself the most prestigious such G o l d s t e i n , a p r o m i n e n t office in the country. He later Washington attorney, blogger, became assistant to the U.S. and TNR contributor, says of Solicitor General, arguing L i u ’ s n o m i n a t i o n . “ E v e r y s e v e r a l c a s e s b e f o r e t h e indication is that it will go into a Supreme Court, and established black box never to be seen himself as a prominent member again.” of the Federalist Society, the Democrats opposed Estrada n a t i o n ’ s m o s t i n f l u e n t i a l because they feared him. In conservative legal-interest addition to being young (which group. most Republican appointees on But Estrada never made it to the the federal courts at the time bench. The same qualities that were not), a minority, and a had earned him a conservative, Estrada was nomination—his youth, political headed for the D.C. Circuit, l e a n i n g s , a n d m i n o r i t y which is the top feeder for the background—perversely worked Supreme Court: Four of the a g a i n s t h i m : F e a r i n g t h a t current justices came directly Estrada would sit atop a list of from there. A 2001 staff memo possible Supreme Court picks to Senator Dick Durbin, who sat

on the Judiciary Committee, called Estrada politically “dangerous” because he “has a minimal paper trail, he is Latino, and the White House seems to be grooming him for a Supreme Court appointment.” And, in 2003, the late Senator Ted Kennedy told his colleagues, “The White House is almost telling us that they plan to nominate him to the Supreme Court. We can’t repeat the mistake we made with Clarence Thomas.” When Democrats united against Estrada, they accused him of being a “stealth nominee” because, having never been a judge, he had a scant written record of opinion. His opponents demanded that the Bush administration provide the Judiciary Committee with memos Estrada had penned while working for the Solicitor General, and, when the administration refused— an action backed up by a bipartisan group of former Solicitors General, who said it would constitute a breach of legal confidentiality—the Democrats said Estrada and his backers were refusing to give evidence of the nominee’s ideology. Finally, when the GOP tried to bring Estrada’s nomination to the floor for a vote, they were stymied by an historic Democratic filibuster—the firstever to defeat a court of appeals nominee. Republican House

Majority Leader Tom Delay of Texas called the Democrats’ procedural behavior a “political hate crime.” But Democrats breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Estrada was no longer on the fast-track to the Supreme Court. Goodwin Liu is, in many ways, Estrada’s liberal foil. He clerked for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and has served as the chair of the board of directors of the American Constitution Society, the nation’s foremost liberal legal interest group. Currently, he is an associate dean of the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California at Berkeley. He publicly opposed the Supreme Court nominations of John Roberts and Samuel Alito, even testifying against Alito during his confirmation hearings, and he has staked out decidedly liberal positions on abortion rights, gay marriage, affirmative action, and other hot -button issues. Most importantly, like Estrada, Liu is seen as a probable Supreme Court pick. If confirmed, Liu, in addition to being liberal and from a minority background, would be one of the only Democratic judges in the nation young enough to be attractive for the High Court. (Excluding Obama’s nominees confirmed so far, the average age of Democratic appointees on the

courts of appeals is 65 years old—and no one is younger than 56.) As Michael Gerhardt of the University of North Carolina School of Law recently told The Washington Post, his confirmation process is “an initial referendum on Goodwin Liu as a Supreme Court nominee.” Fully aware of Liu’s prospects, Republicans have launched a campaign against him. Numerous conservatives have blasted him for lacking judicial experience, while Senator Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has called Liu“beyond the mainstream.” On “Meet the Press,” Sessions recently added, “We’ll not confirm somebody like that.” What’s more, the GOP membership of the Judiciary Committee issued a public letter prior to Liu’s April 16 confirmation hearing, saying the nominee may have “knowingly attempted to hide his most controversial work from the Committee.” This objection echoes the “stealth nominee” charge hurled at Estrada. Yet, unlike Estrada, Liu has a host of public writings, and, in completing the Judiciary Committee’s questionnaires, he included much of his past work. But Republicans found some of his DOUBLE page 45



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Military Defends Prosecution of SEAL (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

other people who do not know all the facts surrounding the incident," Lt. Col. Holly The U.S. military is issuing an Silkman, a spokeswoman for extensive defense of its decision U.S. Central Command, told to prosecute three Navy SEALs The Washington Times in an eo n c h a r g e s o f a b u s i n g a mail. terrorism suspect they had Petty Officer McCabe's captured in Iraq, after two of the attorney, Neal Puckett, has servicemen were found not called on Army Maj. Gen. guilty during courts-martial. Charles Cleveland, who brought The case of the SEALs — Petty the case as the top specialOfficers Julio Huertas, Jonathan operations officer at Central Keefe and Matthew McCabe — Command, to drop charges that has outraged many Americans his client punched Abed, who who see the prosecution as was captured last year on weakening the war on terrorism. suspicion of masterminding the Some members of Congress 2004 killings of four Blackwater have condemned the criminal security guards in Fallujah. charges as unnecessary, while Mr. Puckett noted that Abed thousands of people have signed and a Navy petty officer masterup on Facebook pages to at-arms testified as the chief support the specialized warriors. p r o s e c u t i o n w i t n e s s e s a t Petty Officers Huertas and separate trials last month in Keefe were acquitted of charges Baghdad that ended in the of dereliction of duty and acquittals of Petty Officers impeding an investigation Huertas and Keefe. during courts-martial last month "The commander should dismiss in Baghdad. Petty Officer charges because a jury and a McCabe, who is accused of j u d g e h a v e a c q u i t t e d t w o punching Ahmed Hashim Abed SEALs after hearing identical after capture, goes on military evidence purporting to establish trial Tuesday in Norfolk, Va. t h a t M c C a b e p u n c h e d a "It is our hope now, just as it has detainee," Mr. Puckett told The been since these events were Times. brought to our attention in "I learned that a debrief of the September 2009, that justice jury revealed that not a single will be reached through a one of the six court members properly constituted process, no believed either the terrorist or matter how unpopular this case the Navy petty officer. The two is, and no matter how often it verdicts should be respected as has been misinterpreted by some c o n c l u s i v e l y e s t a b l i s h i n g members of the media and/or McCabe's innocence," he said. Submitted at 5/3/2010 3:25:29 AM

"The command can no longer proceed on a good-faith belief that they are prosecuting a guilty sailor." But Col. Silkman said the McCabe court-martial will go forward. "The investigation raised serious questions about the accounts given to the U.S. investigator, and the matter must be adjudicated," Col. Silkman said. "The fact that a special courtmartial has been convened rests on the key decision made by [Petty Officer] McCabe and his defense counsel to refuse administrative punishment." The three SEALs could have received a disciplinary reprimand, but requested courtsmartial to clear their names. If convicted, Petty Officer McCabe faces up to a year in prison, reduction in rank, loss of one year's pay and a badconduct discharge. Col. Silkman said it is important for the military to treat detainees properly no matter their background. "The evidence gathered in this case points to an alleged assault of a flex-cuffed, blindfolded detainee who was in the custody of U.S. forces, and the alleged perpetrator is a member of a highly trained special-operations unit, well-versed in rules on the proper treatment of detainees," she said. "The assault did not occur during actions on the objective site, but rather while

the detainee was in U.S. custody. "If the alleged assault occurred, this reflects on the good order, personal integrity, and discipline in a unit where those qualities are of the utmost importance in its members. Furthermore, allegations of abuse by U.S. forces have strategic implications that can hinder the very efforts of the very same forces to keep the American people safe. The background of the detainee is not the focus; the alleged assault of any detained person would be illegal and therefore must be investigated, and then adjudicated properly." Abed is being held on order of an Iraqi judge. Defense attorneys at last month's courtsmartial homed in on Abed's inconsistent testimony and evidence that al Qaeda operatives are trained to claim abuse. The other key prosecution witness, the master-at-arms at the base in Anbar province, also gave varying statements, according to press reports from the trial. Other SEALs rebutted his version of events. Monica Lombardi, who represented Petty Officer Huertas, said that Abed's testimony, which will be played at Petty Officer McCabe's trial via a video deposition, is simply not believable. "After the trial, I spoke to the members of the jury, and they

did not believe the terrorist at all," Ms. Lombardi said. "They said his testimony was a complete lie. He basically claimed there was a beat-down. 'Oh, they beat me on my shoulders and my back, and my stomach and they kicked me in my legs.' "I have the photographs that were taken about the day after this alleged beat-down, and there were no injuries," she said. "And I had argued to the jury if a bunch of Navy SEALs was kicking and punching him, he would really be in bad shape. And obviously, he wasn't." Ms. Lombardi also discounted the testimony of Petty Officer Kevin DeMartino, the master-atarms who says he saw Petty Officer McCabe strike Abed. "With the petty officer who claimed to see the one punch, I discredited his testimony," she said. "There were too many inconsistencies in his testimony that the jury could really rely on that. So the jury just said it was not even close. There was just so much doubt to the story. He claimed to have conversations with other members of the team that were out there. … He said, 'I told them I saw some abuse.' Three people said when they testified that conversation never happened." © Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC MILITARY page 41

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MEXICO'S continued from page 38

state," the immigration watchdog group said, adding that kidnappings in Phoenix are at a record high. Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez, an Illinois Democrat who was arrested Saturday during a rally at the White House calling on Congress and the Obama administration to enact immigration reform, said more states "could adopt Arizona's draconian law" if Congress doesnt act now. "We must have fair and balanced reform to ensure immigrants are full participants in our economic recovery," said Mr. Gutierrez, chairman of the Democratic Caucus Immigration Task Force, for which he is the party's leading strategist and spokesman on immigration issues. "Enforcement-only tactics break up families, disrupt businesses, distract local law enforcement and drain local budgets." In signing the bill, Mrs. Brewer said she would "not tolerate racial discrimination or racial profiling" and emphasized an amendment to the bill that prevents law enforcement personnel from using a person's race as the only factor in implementing the law. "This protects all of us — every

Arizona citizen and everyone here lawfully," she said. The key legal issue, according to attorneys on both sides, will be whether the state law interferes with the federal government's duty to handle immigration. Criticism of the Arizona law has come from several sources, including President Obama, who described it as an example of "irresponsibility" by the state. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has said the Justice Department is considering a legal challenge to the law. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the Senate Judiciary Committee last week that the Arizona law could distract the agency from using its resources to go after serious criminals. She said there were concerns that at some point "we'll be responsible to enforce or use our immigration resources against anyone that would get picked up in Arizona." She said she vetoed similar measures when she served as Arizona governor from 2003 to 2009. On Sunday, she called the Arizona law "really a cry of frustration," while noting that "more assets have been put into

Arizona in the last 15 months than ever in history." "But, you know what, there's still a frustration out there. It's a frustration ultimately that will only be solved with comprehensive immigration reform," she said on ABC's "This Week." The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) also are preparing legal challenges. During a Phoenix news conference last week, MALDEF President and General Counsel Thomas A. Saenz said "a vigorous and sophisticated legal challenge will be mounted" before the bill's implementation this summer "to prevent this unconstitutional and discriminatory law from ever taking effect." Linton Joaquin, NILC's general counsel, added that the Arizona law "sends a strong message to all immigrants to have no contact with any law enforcement officer." He said the "inevitable result" would not only be to make immigrants more vulnerable to crime and exploitation, "but also to make the entire community less safe

Five Filters featured article: Ministerial - The 2010 UK The Art of Looking Prime General Election. Available

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MILITARY continued from page 40

by aggressively discouraging witnesses and victims from reporting crimes." The Rev. Eve Nunez of the Arizona Latino Commission and National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference said the Arizona law will be divisive and demonstrates the need for Congress to pass an immigration reform bill. "A lot of pastors are very fearful they will be fined for transporting members of their congregation in their church vans. Churches are already losing members," she said. "There is great fear in the Hispanic community. It is very sad that in a state that should be welcoming the stranger, we are allowing oppressive laws to pass." Mr. King defended the bill, saying Arizona and other states are being forced to "step up and fill the void" left by the failure of the Obama administration and Homeland Security Department to secure the nation's borders. "I commend Arizona for standing up for the rule of law," he said. Mr. King also noted that critics of the law have distorted what it says. He said the law allows state authorities to inquire into

the immigration status based only on a "reasonable suspicion" that the person is unlawfully present in the United States. As a state senator in Iowa, he was the principal sponsor of a workplace drug and alcohol testing bill in 1998 that also relied on "reasonable suspicion." That bill allowed the taking of urine or other samples from employees for whom there was a reasonable suspicion that they were under the influence. "That bill passed into law in 1998 and there has not been a constitutional challenge to it yet," Mr. King said. Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce, the bill's author, said a constitutional challenge would "determine whether our nation enforces its immigration laws and secures its borders or becomes victim to its enemies." Š Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Crist Blames GOP Exit on 'Primary Fear' (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

in a year ago to win his party's primary and the probable winner in November's general election. Florida Gov. Charlie Crist on B u t h i s s u p p o r t a m o n g Sunday said that "primary fear" Republicans began to erode the stirred up from the conservative moment conservative former wing of the Republican Party House Speaker Marco Rubio led him to withdraw from the entered the primary race. party's Senate primary last week Mr. Crist in recent months has and run as an independent. fallen significantly behind Mr. The career Republican said it Rubio in polls for the open had become apparent in recent Senate seat. Recent surveys weeks that conservatives had suggest Mr. Rubio still would rejected his moderate views and d e f e a t t h e g o v e r n o r a n d would deny the broader Florida Democratic Rep. Kendrick B. electorate the opportunity to Meek in a three-way race, consider his candidacy for the though the margin is much U.S. Senate unless he broke tighter. from the party. Mr. Rubio, 38, said Sunday that "I would emphasize that those Mr. Crist's decision to shun his are primary Republican voters. party showed that he is more It's very different from the concerned about political selfNovember Republican," he said preservation than the people of on NBC's "Meet the Press." Florida. "What's happening in our "You're never going to be able country is, unfortunately, there's to hold him accountable to a lot of primary fear," the anything, because his opinions governor added. "I see people in are going to change based upon Washington in the House or the what polling tells him and what S e n a t e , a n d t h e y a r e s o his political convenience tells concerned about being faced or him," Mr. Rubio said on "Fox challenged in the primary that News Sunday." they can't speak their true sense, With Mr. Rubio all but assured their free will. They feel kind of of winning his party's Aug. 24 shackled, if you will, by what primary, he said he now is the primary voters might do." l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o t h e O n c e a d a r l i n g o f t h e opportunity to "talk to a broader Republican Party, Mr. Crist is audience of Floridians about our fighting for his political life mainstream positions." When despite being considered a shoo- "Fox News Sunday" moderator Submitted at 5/3/2010 4:10:56 AM

Chris Wallace asked how a selfavowed conservative could consider his positions "mainstream," he responded that "conservative thought is the mainstream position in America." But Mr. Rubio is embedded so deeply in this party's conservative base that he faces a tough challenge attracting independents and Democrats, a skill that propelled Mr. Crist throughout a successful political career. Statewide races in Florida which have straddled the redblue partisan line for years - are also historically difficult to handicap. "The support for Rubio that has been most vocal and vociferous has been from the organized party people; the county chairs, that kind of stuff," said Robert Crew, a political science professor at Florida State University. "Nobody, including the Republican Party, knows what the Florida electorate is going to do on this. "The Florida electorate is not necessarily a Republican electorate; it's not necessarily a right-wing electorate." Florida state Sen. John Thrasher, also chairman of the Florida Republican Party, ordered the removal of Mr. Crist's official portrait from the

party's Tallahassee headquarters almost immediately after the governor announced Thursday he was withdrawing from the party's primary. In a high-profile show of defiance, Mr. Thrasher ordered the painting sold on eBay. A party spokeswoman said Sunday said the online auction will begin Monday. Mr. Crist has embraced his newfound independence, and has sidestepped the question of whether he would caucus with Republicans if he won the election. "I will caucus with the people of Florida," he said on "Meet the Press." When pressed by moderator David Gregory that such a position would be almost politically impossible, Mr. Crist still declined to pick a side. Floridians "don't want you to say, 'Look, you have to either go with Democrats or Republicans,' " he said. "You have to go with your gut and with your heart." © Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Quick Seafood (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Time: 30 minutes Prep Pointer: You’ll get more juice from a room-temperature lemon. Serve with Charred Vegetable Rice: Cook 1 cup long-grain white rice according to package directions, omitting salt and fat. Heat 1½ tablespoons olive oil in a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add ½ cup thawed frozen whole-kernel corn and ½ cup chopped zucchini to pan; sauté 3 minutes or until vegetables are charred. Stir in ½ cup halved grape tomatoes and 13 cup chopped green onions; s a u t é 1 minute or -until tomatoes almost wilt. Combine vegetable mixture, rice, and ¾ teaspoon salt. View Recipe: Pan-Grilled Halibut with Chimichurri • Watch Video Demo Next Seafood Arrabbiata Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Morning Bell: Another Bullet Dodged in New York Conn Carroll (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:15:28 AM

This past Saturday evening at 6:28 p.m., a white male in his 40s drove a 1993 Nissan Pathfinder into Times Square, parked, departed the vehicle, and slipped down a nearby alley. Within minutes a t-shirt street vendor alerted authorities about smoke emanating from the vehicle and, after pedestrians had been cleared from the area, a bomb squad discovered that the SUV was packed with what was intended to be lethal incendiary materials. The device inside the SUV has since been described by investigators as “at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to explosives.” The large amounts of fertilizer surrounding the gas and propane tanks in the car was good for growing plants but bad for explosions; it was not the ammonium nitrate grade that can explode. Still if the propane and gas had ignited, the SUV would have exploded in half, spraying shrapnel with enough force to kill innocent pedestrians

enjoying a warm summer evening in a busy Times Square. On Sunday, the Pakistani Taliban posted a YouTube video created on April 30th claiming responsibility for the attack. But New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, “So far, there is no evidence that any of this has anything to do with one of the recognized terrorist organizations,” and New York police Commissioner Ray Kelly noted that the same group had falsely taken credit for previous attacks on U.S. soil. Whether Saturday’s failed attack turns out to be connected to Islamic radicalism or is the work of a lone wolf, there have now been 31 foiled terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11, eleven in New York City alone. Yesterday’s plot was foiled by sheer luck and quickthinking civilians. But luck is not an adequate strategy for protecting a nation. Continuing to stop acts of terrorism requires vigilance in finding and stopping people from doing this before they launch their attack. Effective intelligence collection, information-sharing and counter -terrorism operations are the

best tools we have, making investigative authorities such as those granted under the PATRIOT Act so very important. Unfortunately this Congress and this President have repeatedly prioritized politics over security. Instead of providing stability and confidence in the intelligence community by seeking longterm renewal of key investigatory authorities authorized under the USA Patriot Act, President Obama has settled for a six-month extension tacked on to the Defense appropriations bill.

Such a move is unfortunate given that the PATRIOT Act provides just the type of investigative tools the United States needs for the foreseeable future. If our political leaders are serious about preventing terrorist attacks in the United States, they need to stop the delaying and renew the crimestopping, lifesaving provisions of the act. Quick Hits: • A May Day rally for workers and illegal immigrant rights turned violent Saturday in Santa Cruz, California. • The New York Times confirms: General Motors’

claim that they have paid back taxpayers is false. • According to Rasmussen Reports, 69% of Americans are not willing to have their taxes raised to deal with deficits that are projected to rise to historic levels over the next decade. • Also according to Rasmussen Reports, 66% of likely voters believe cutting taxes is a better way to create new jobs than increasing government spending. • Thanks to exploding government spending, more tech firms are setting up offices in the Washington area to get federal business. Tags: Morning Bell, new yprk, patriot act, Times Square You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Failed Times Square Car Bombing, Another Terror Plot Averted? Jena McNeill (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

the automobile. This type of “see something, say something” is a vital tool of public Submitted at 5/2/2010 4:21:44 PM safety—lives and property were S a t u r d a y a t 6 : 3 0 p . m . , saved as a result of these authorities were alerted that a reports. Nissan Pathfinder was billowing While there is in fact a report smoke in the middle of Times from MEMRI of a Taliban Square, New York City. Upon leader claiming responsibility investigation, they found the car for the attack on a website, there was rigged with explosives is still a significant investigation including “three propane tanks, remaining—it is important to consumer-grade fireworks, two w a i t a n d s e e w h a t l a w gasoline containers, [and] wires enforcement authorities discover and two clocks.” No one was before leading to conclusions on hurt, and authorities were able attribution. No city in America to stop a potentially deadly is perhaps better able to deal explosion. New York Governor with these types of threats than David Paterson has recently NYC. And since the bomb did stated that this attempted car not go off, there will likely be a bombing was in fact “an act of lot of physical evidence such as terrorism.” fingerprints that will allow for a Both the timing (Saturday r o b u s t i n v e s t i g a t i o n b y night) and location (Times a u t h o r i t i e s . Square) suggest the bomb was It remains vital that in terms of i n t e n d e d t o d o a l o t o f next steps, the nation’s leaders damage—in fact the gas tanks m o v e f o r w a r d w i t h t h e inside the car were intended u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t i t i s m a g n i f y t h e e x p l o s i o n . impossible for America to child Fortunately, those in Times proof its way out of danger. Square were safe when several There remains no silver bullet citizens alerted authorities that for dealing with car bombs, and there was smoke coming from there is little to be gained from

fixating on the danger of the day. If reports are correct and this is indeed an act of terrorism, this would make at least 31 unsuccessful plots on U.S. soil since 9/11. Some like today, are the result of sheer luck or the quick-thinking of everyday

investigative authorities such as those granted under the PATRIOT Act so very important. Congress, however, recently made the mistake of punting reauthorization of the Act down the road (giving it a short term, one year extension). Such a move is unfortunate given that the PATRIOT Act provides just the type of investigative tools the U.S. needs for the foreseeable future. The response to this attempted bombing by law enforcement, the press, and American citizens has been reasoned and appropriate. It is vital that Congress and the Administration follow suit. Tags: attack, bomb, Manhattan, New York, Taliban, terrorism, terrorist, Times Square folks. Continuing to stop acts of You can follow any responses terrorism requires vigilance in to this entry through the RSS 2.0 finding and stopping people feed. from doing this before they Five Filters featured article: launch their attack. Effective The Art of Looking Prime i n t e l l i g e n c e c o l l e c t i o n , Ministerial - The 2010 UK information-sharing and counter General Election. Available -terrorism operations are the tools: PDF Newspaper, Full best tools we have, making Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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DOUBLE continued from page 39

past writings, speeches, and interviews on the Internet that Liu had not specifically provided the committee—a not uncommon error among federal judicial nominees, given the reams of information they are required to provide, but one perfectly suited for the GOP’s opposition. At Liu’s hearing, Texas Senator John Cornyn said the nominee had shown “contempt” for the Senate by not providing fuller answers to his questionnaire. Other senators attacked Liu’s writings directly; Arizona Senator Jon Kyl called his 2006 testimony against Alito “vicious, emotionally and racially charged.” Whether Liu’s nomination makes it to the Senate floor will depend in part on how hard Obama is willing to go to bat for him. But, even then, Liu could be headed for a dead end. In

what would be a raw display of political hypocrisy by Republicans, he could face the same filibuster the GOP decried when it was used on Miguel Estrada. Like Estrada, Liu could soon be another failed judicial nominee. A failure to confirm both Estrada and Liu, two nominees with watertight academic and legal credentials, would signal that placing young, qualified nominees with clear political and legal predilections on the federal appeals courts is virtually impossible. Thanks to the ratcheting up of the judicial wars in the Senate, new legal talent could continue to go to waste, as up-and-comers refuse to participate in the contentious confirmation process. Or, knowing that they must remain as uncontroversial as possible in their early careers, they may

keep tight-lipped about important issues, writing or saying little of legal import. This would mark a serious setback for the quality and influence of the judiciary. Indeed, the current battle on Capitol Hill over Goodwin Liu is a pivotal moment for the U.S. courts. “This nomination will be very telling,” says Carl Tobias, a professor at the University of Richmond School of Law. “If [Democrats] can’t win this one, the process may be hopeless.” Mark Greenbaum is a writer and attorney in Washington, DC. For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Rockies Feeling Sense of Urgency Jeff Fletcher (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/2/2010 4:46:00 PM

Filed under: Rockies SAN FRANCISCO -- The Rockies had been muddling along, playing decent enough baseball considering all the adversity they had faced. Just four weeks into the season, there didn't seem to be any reason to doubt wait for eventually. After a three-game losing that things would eventually streak, the Rockies manager turn around. But Jim Tracy didn't want to called a team meeting for

Sunday morning, just to give his club the kick in the pants he felt it needed before a season of high expectations could go too far south. "I just don't want to sit here and see it get away from us completely and have to dig out of a huge hole again," Tracy said after the Rockies answered his plea with a much-needed 4-1 victory over the Giants.


Before the Bell: Futures Higher After Greece Bailout, Airlines Merger Melly Alazraki (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:25:00 AM

Filed under: Before the Bell, International Markets, Deals, Market Matters, Contl Airlines'B' (CAL), UAL Corp (UAUA), Oil U.S. stock futures rose Monday morning as investors examined the aid package the European Union countries approved for Greece. As expected, the merger between Continental and United airlines was announced Monday, without much in the way of surprise. Investors await several economic reports, hoping some good figures would help markets rebound from Friday's selloff. European governments and the International Monetary Fund agreed Sunday to euro110 billion ($145 billion) in loans to debt-laden Greece over three years. In return, Greece promised to commit to euro 30

billion in austerity measures through to 2012, cutting wages and pensions and increasing sales taxes. But even as the aid was approved, world markets fell Monday. Continue reading Before the Bell: Futures Higher After Greece Bailout, Airlines Merger Before the Bell: Futures Higher After Greece Bailout, Airlines Merger originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 03 May 2010 08:25:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Greece- International Monetary Fund- European Union- United States- Austerity



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Apple iPad 3G's Opening Weekend: Video Restrictions, Jailbreaking, and Shortages Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:07:33 AM

Apple's iPad 3G's launch isn't nearly as big as that of the Wi-Fi -only iPad, a few weeks back. But that didn't stop Apple from crowing that the 1 millionth iPad was sold on Friday. That's half the time it took to achieve the same milestone with the iPhone, CEO Steve Jobs said in a press release. At the same time, iPad owners have downloaded 12 million apps from the store and over 1.5 million ebooks. But not everything is rosy after the launch of the 3G version of the device. The 3G is the same in all respects, except it's $130 more expensive for each model, and it packs a 3G antenna so you can use AT&T's fast-when-it-worksbut-usually-it-doesn't 3G network on the go. Here's what we've learned. Some features are Wi-Fi only. Users discovered that the iPad 3G won't stream just any video-and we're not talking about the legions of Flash video that no iPhone OS gadget can use. Example: YouTube and Netflix both work, but while you can eke out some pretty high-quality

streaming over Wi-Fi, you're stuck with low-quality video over 3G. Fairly expected, really-less bandwidth equals less data equals lesser quality. But some video, like everything from ABC, is Wi-Fi-only on the iPad. Lame, right? And lamer for fans of Modern Family or Lost who wanted to take advantage of the bigger screen and always-on connection. Speeds are...fine. The iPad's superior innards give it really

impressive performance when compared to the iPhone, but 3G is 3G-- Gizmodo tested out the iPad 3G's speed and found it just about exactly equal to the iPhone's, meaning they're okay. iLounge conducted an exhaustive (seriously) examination of the iPad 3G, and found that battery life is less by about 90 minutes, compared to the Wi-Fi version--totally negligible, considering we're talking about double digit

battery life. iFixit Tore It Apart. Not really any surprises here. It's got five separate antennae, which is impressive, I suppose, and actually seems to be using the tablet's frame itself as an antenna for better reception (and saved space). If you like seeing what gadgets look like on the inside, check it out. Jailbroken Already. The iPad was technically jailbroken (meaning, its security software

was disabled so users can do unapproved things, like run porn apps or overclock) on launch day, but it was only yesterday that the hack was released to the general public. It's called "Spirit" and you can grab it here. Sales Were Excellent. I did some accidental reporting on Friday, wandering past the downtown San Francisco Apple Store on my way to the Embarcadero to buy some cheese and sneer at tourists, and the line was a full three blocks long. No surprise, then, that there've been actual reports of shortages of the iPad 3G, unlike the Wi-Fi iPad launch. Gene Munster estimates 300,000 iPads sold, though after the last round of crazy estimates, we won't believe any numbers until Apple releases them. But apparently Best Buy had a limited stock, and many Apple Stores actually sold out, according to the Wall Street Journal. Dan Nosowitz, the author of this post, can be followed on Twitter, corresponded with via email, and stalked in San Francisco (no link for that one-you'll have to do the legwork yourself).


E-reader News Edition


Work Smart: How to Write a To-Do List Gina Trapani (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:05:41 AM

A to-do list is a fundamental tool for getting things done: it helps you plan your day, see what you've accomplished, and what you should work on next. But a badly-written to-do list can actually sabotage your productivity instead of boost it. [twistage df561a3e051ef] The best part of using a to-do list is crossing items off of it as done, finished, complete. Some tasks are easier to tick off as done than others, so you want to make your to-do list as doable as possible. A common mistake is assigning ourselves impossible tasks that never get done because we didn't think them through. If you put in some thought up front, you can pare down your to-do list to the tasks you're most likely to check off the list. First, know the difference between a project, goal, and a task. A project is a big undertaking that involves several tasks. A goal is something you want to achieve through both tasks and repetitive actions. "Clean out the garage," "Save $5,000," "Learn how to speak French"--these are projects and goals, and they don't belong on your to-do list. They'd just sit there and haunt you, because it wouldn't be clear where to start. Reserve your to-

do list for the next steps that move a project along. Your goal to "Save $5,000" is going to start with a simple task, like setting up a monthly savings transfer. Second, break down your todo's into small, manageable bites. Don't put "Write 50 page report" on your to-do list. Try something smaller, like "Jot down 5 main ideas for the report." Use specific action verbs. Instead of writing "Ask Susan about her French class," opt for "Email Susan" or "Call Susan." That makes it easier for you to see what tasks you can do in certain situations. If you're at

your computer, you can quickly send an email; if you're in the waiting room at the dentist, you can make a call on your cell phone. Give yourself enough information to get the task done wherever you are. Finally, purge your list of the stuff that's not moving. Your todo list should be a fluid document, changing every single day. Still, we all have items that have stuck around on our lists for weeks, months, or even years. Every once in a while, audit the oldest stuff on your list, and think about why you've put it off so long. Can you break it down into a

smaller, less procrastinationworthy tasks? Is it something you need to do at all? Try to recognize your block around the task and clear it away. The most popular tool for keeping track of your to-do list is plain old pen and paper, but some computer-based tools are f a n t a s t i c , t o o . is a Web-based to-do list you can access from work, home, or from your smartphone. Things is an iPhone app that lets you work with your to-do's on the go. If most of your tasks come in through email, try Gmail or Outlook's built-in Task lists.

Whatever to-do list tool you do decide to use, remember to keep the tasks you put on it small, manageable, and specific to increase their chances of getting done. Gina Trapani is the author of Upgrade Your Life and founding editor of Work Smart appears every week on Last week: 3 Apps for Syncing Home and Office



E-reader News Edition

Europe Approves $146 Billion Greek Bailout Connie Madon (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:30:00 AM

Filed under: International Markets, Financial Crisis The European Union and International Monetary Fund agreed on Sunday to bailout terms for Greece. In exchange for multi-year loans, Greece has agreed to a tough austerity program. The total aid package carries a price tag of $146 billion dollars. The spending cuts amounting to 30 billion euros will push the country deeper into recession with GDP expected to shrink by 4% this year and another 1% in 2011. The goal of the program is to bring the budget deficit below 3% of GDP by 2014. Here are the proposed spending cuts and tax increases: • Public sector workers will

face a three-year salary freeze. • They also face cuts in allowances and the abolition of the 13th and 14th monthly salaries paid as holiday bonuses. • Private companies will pay a one-off tax on 2009 profits -- on top of a tax six months ago on profits from the previous year. • The EU-IMF package will include 10 billion euros to support Greece's financial system. • The Greek government could expand the existing program by 40 billion euros.

will be reborn." The bailout package will be presented to the Greek parliament on Tuesday for a vote within three days. Greece's approval of the bailout package is the first step. Germany's Prime Minister Merkel is facing reelection with strong public opposition to helping Greece. She plans to send the package to the German parliament this week for a vote later in the week. Europe Approves $146 Billion Greek Bailout originally appeared on BloggingStocks on In response to the measures, Mon, 03 May 2010 09:30:00 G r e e k P r i m e M i n i s t e r EST. Please see our terms for Papandreou said: "We will have use of feeds. Read| Permalink| to endure greater sacrifices Email this| Comments because of today's decisions. Greece- International Monetary T h e a l t e r n a t i v e w o u l d b e Fund- European Union- Gross catastrophe -- but we are domestic product- Germany determined and by the end of my term in office (2013) Greece

First Solar: An Encouraging First Quarter Joseph Lazzaro (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Stocks to Buy First Solar ( FSLR), which I first discussed here on Feb. 1, 2010 at a price of $113.81, is off to a good start in 2010, and I obviously still like the shares here. First Solar posted first quarter earnings per share of $2.00 -well above the$1.63 First Call estimate. That puts FSLR on pace for a 25% to 35% revenue increase in 2010. Also, look for FSLR to increase its capacity to about 1.34 gigawatts by the end of 2010 from 1.23 gigawatts in 2009.

Continue reading First Solar: An Encouraging First Quarter First Solar: An Encouraging First Quarter originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 03 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments First Solar- Business- EnergyRenewable- Solar


E-reader News Edition


FarmShare Turns Backyard Farms Into a Large-Scale, Community Co-Op Cliff Kuang (Fast Company)

the 2010 Buckminster Fuller Challenge, which seeks to find big-idea solutions to The program is one of six "humanity's most pressing f i n a l i s t s i n t h e $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 problems." Buckminster Fuller Challenge. [youtube vDxBEUOImjI] At-home, DIY farming has The program uses Web tools become the rage among eco- a n d s o c i a l n e t w o r k i n g t o conscious hipsters, but there's c o n n e c t m y r i a d u n u s e d still one big problem: scaling up resources that would otherwise your window farm, so it can b e w a s t e d . F o r e x a m p l e , become a real food-source homeowners can announce that rather than a feel-good lark. they have a patch of land ripe And that's what FarmShare, a for farming and receive a Brooklyn-based project created portion of the yield in return. by Stacey Murphy, aims to Meanwhile, local businesses and solve. The service, which is still c o m m u n i t y g r o u p s c a n in its early phases, is a finalist in announce that they have, for

here), a program that teaches women in rural Africa how to install solar power in their communities, and a plan to create " Eco-Boulevards" in Chicago that will clean run-off water and return it to the city's lakes. The winner will be announced in May, and receive a $100,000 grant. You can see all of the finalists here.

Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:45:00 AM

example, 10 pounds of coffee grounds begging for composting. Participants can also sign up to volunteer on any of the micro-farms in their neighborhood.

Other finalists in the 2010 Buckminster Fuller Challenge include Living Building, a new, ultra-stringent building standard (whose first building, the Omega Center, we covered

Amazon Updates Kindle With Facebook and Twitter Support Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

second major firmware update to an e-book reader post-iPad-Barnes & Noble released theirs Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:10:39 AM a few weeks ago. Amazon just announced the So what does Amazon bring to next major update to its Kindle Kindle version 2.5? There's software, version 2.5. It's about "collections," which seem to start rolling out to some users, mostly like folders to me--you to see a full rollout in May can organize your books or (pretty sure it's already May, w h a t e v e r e l s e i n t o t h e s e Amazon--check your farmers' collections. There's now a market. They'll be selling password protection, in case you asparagus. May.). This is the don't want anyone to know

you're reading Dan Brown, and you can zoom and pan around

PDFs, in case you have a death wish for your eyeballs and want to punish them with slowrefreshing e-ink. But the biggest update has to be Facebook and Twitter integration. We're not really sure exactly how it'll be implemented, but Amazon says you'll be able to share book passages with friends via Facebook and Twitter. Will Amazon upload snippets to the

cloud and offer a link? Or will it only be viewable for other Kindle users? Who knows. But it's kind of a cool idea--I was just reading Reality Matters this week, and wanted to share the section on The Real Housewives of New York City with a friend who happens to live across the country. Hopefully this update will provide a way to make that vital exchange of ideas possible.


Products/ Sports/

E-reader News Edition

Just In: 2011 Infiniti M37 Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports)

wheel. It’s also a prerequisite for adding other option packages, like the Technology Submitted at 5/3/2010 1:59:59 AM package. That includes active Just In: 2011 Infiniti M37 cruise control, collision Despite stiff competition in the warning, adaptive headlights, midsized luxury car segment, Active Trace Control (which the second-generation Infiniti M changes braking and engine stayed atop CR’s Ratings in that torque application to individual category for all five model-years wheels to “smooth vehicle ( 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 1 0 ) t h a t i t w a s response”), and an Eco drive p r o d u c e d . I n a d d i t i o n t o mode that, when turned on, p r o v i d i n g g e n e r o u s pushes back on the accelerator accommodations, this luxury pedal to force better fuel sedan is as fun to drive on a economy. twisty backroad as it is The $3,000 Technology comfortable while cruising on package also adds two dynamic the highway. electronic safety systems—Lane Now, 2011 brings a redesign Departure Prevention and Blind for the M. Gone is the stolid Spot Intervention—that go upright styling; now the car beyond simply beeping to warn looks like a pumped-up version the driver of impending danger, of Infiniti’s G37 sports sedan, or even autonomously slowing with even more overt curves. the car down. Both systems The interior is even more u t i l i z e D y n a m i c D r i v e r l u x u r i o u s a n d t h e l i s t o f Assistance-- braking each wheel available electronic options is i n d e p e n d e n t l y , s i m i l a r t o even longer. electronic stability control--to Our $53,825 rear-wheel-drive help keep the car away from M37 has the optional Premium danger: and Technology packages. The • Lane Departure Prevention P r e m i u m p a c k a g e a d d s will actively push the car back navigation, a Bose stereo system into its lane if it senses the car with a hard drive for storing veering over lane markings music, climate-controlled front without using a turn signal. seats, and a heated steering • Blind Spot Intervention uses

the brakes on one side of the car, with input from radar sensors and a camera, to keep the M in its original lane of travel if its driver starts to move into a lane that is occupied by another (presumably unseen) vehicle. This system doesn’t care if you’re using the turn signals or not. “Prevention” and “intervention” are rather strong words for active safety devices. Given that, we’re curious to see if drivers take kindly to this much “assistance” as the miles go by, even if they paid extra for it. Fortunately, if drivers don’t like the Dynamic Driver Assistance, there is a button on the steering wheel that turns the intervention off. First impressions? Like the G37, the drivetrain is eager and willing, and we’d expect the new seven-speed automatic

transmission to improve fuel economy over the previous M35’s 19 mpg. Despite being a sizable car, though, the M’s posh interior feels oddly snug inside, with a visually looming A-pillar and dashboard. And hard-to-access seat controls and gauges that are blocked by the steering-wheel rim are odd ergonomic oversights. We’ll see if the M37 regains its place atop our luxury car Ratings as we fully test it in the weeks ahead.— Tom Mutchler Next Steps • Sedan Buying Advice: • Types of Sedans| • Sedan Features| • Sedan Brands All Sedan Ratings Subscribers can view and compare all Sedan Ratings. Recommended Sedans Look at the ones that we chose as the best of the best. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Kobe, Lakers Chug in Survival Mode Jay Mariotti (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/2/2010 4:30:00 PM

Filed under: NBA LOS ANGELES -- Life moves very fast, I realize, at the juncture of the Harbor and Santa Monica freeways. But the Lakers are not going to win another championship at warp speed, much as they'd like their playoff highway to be fast, free and unclogged. They rely more on talent, size, energy and a steadily healing Kobe Bryant than they do heart and guts, and if they're not careful, they still could be sideswiped at some point. Their survival instincts KOBE, page 51


E-reader News Edition


KOBE, continued from page 50

continue to be impressive, though. And if a team does topple them, it won't be the Utah Jazz. You gathered that the undersized Jazz, depleted by injuries and a recent history of lopsided futility against the Lakers, never will have a better shot to take a series lead in this ongoing farce than they had Sunday. They led by four points with four minutes left thanks largely to the effort of players many sports diehards haven't heard of, much less Sly Stallone, Andy Garcia, Glenn Frey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, gap toothed and all. There were C.J. Miles and Wesley Matthews and Paul Millsap and a dude who still looks like Ashton Kutcher -Kyle Korver hates that comparison, you know --

playing in the everlasting mold of their coach. Jerry Sloan probably won't win an NBA title in his lifetime, but he's definitely the champion of extracting the most from the least. It would have been easy to lay down and get blown out in Game 1 of the Western Conference semifinals after the Jazz began slowly again. Adding to the struggle was a setback only 20 seconds after tip -off. That's how long it took Deron Williams-- who must be the league's best point guard now, seeing how everyone finally is pronouncing his first name correctly -- to writhe on the floor in pain, clutching his right shoulder after tangling his arm with Derek Fisher's on a seemingly harmless attempt to shoot. In the freakiest of sequences, Williams bruised his

left elbow Friday night when he crashed into a pick with 20 seconds left in Utah's first-round series clincher over Denver, then banged up the other arm in the opening hiccups here. Forty seconds, one superstar, fluke injuries to both arms? It could have been a nightmare on Figueroa Street. But Sloan never lets his team quit, using old-school language that somehow inspires the young. "They will take your nose and stick in into the ground and turn you on your heels. That's how good they are," he said of the Lakers. "It's the playoffs. We can't accept getting A.J. Perez (FanHouse Main) our nose rubbed into the dirt." Submitted at 5/2/2010 8:11:00 PM

Sharks' Top Line Finally Breaks Through Filed under: Sharks, Red Wings, NHL Playoffs SAN JOSE, Calif. -- All it took was a broken stick.

San Jose Sharks winger Dany Heatley, who moments earlier took the puck from Nicklas Lidstrom after the Detroit Red Wings defenseman's stick SHARKS' page 52

McIlroy's Incredible 62 Wins Quail Hollow Mick Elliott (FanHouse Main)

He only played like a wellworn veteran. McIlroy, a golf prodigy from F i l e d u n d e r : P G A Northern Ireland, will celebrate CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- After his 21st birthday on Tuesday, crushing the field and the golf but Sunday he played a final course with an eye-bulging, round for the ages. Beginning final-round 10-under-par 62 to the afternoon four shots out of w i n t h e Q u a i l H o l l o w the lead, he finished four strokes Championship, Rory McIlroy in front of runner-up Phil had one more thing to address: Mickelson. He made eight "I absolutely flushed it on the "I've got to ring my mum and birdies, an eagle and no bogeys. range and knew. I was excited to dad." "It started on the range," he said. go out there and play." Submitted at 5/2/2010 3:15:00 PM

It showed. To claim his first PGA Tour victory and become the PGA Tour's youngest winner since Tiger Woods was a rookie in 1996, McIlroy carded a backnine 30, eagling the par-5 15th after a 6-iron from 206 yards to inside four feet, then going birdie, par, birdie. He closed the tournament with six straight 3s on his scorecard and seven out of the last eight. On the final hole, from 42 feet

away and trying only to two-putt for a par, he rolled in the birdie. How's that for a finish? More Coverage: McIlroy Scorecard| Quail Hollow Leaderboard| Photos Also See: New Major Tour Record Set in Japan


Sports/ Gaming/

E-reader News Edition

SHARKS' continued from page 51

shattered on a slap shot, sent a shot on net that ricocheted off goalie Jimmy Howard's blocker. Joe Thornton tapped the puck into the net, his first goal of the postseason and the decisive goal in a 4-3 Sharks victory in Game 2 of the second-round series at HP Pavilion Sunday night. In a playoff season where the Sharks' No. 2 line -- Joe Pavelski in particular -- has carried the team, it was the more veteran top line that put the Sharks up 2-0 in the best-ofseven series with the thirdperiod conversion. "They played a lot all year," said

coach Todd McLellan, who put Heatley, Thornton and Patrick Marleau together as the Sharks entered the third period down 32. "When we needed big goals, they got them for us. There was a lot of talk about them being shut out in the first round. I thought by putting them back together, it'd be a challenge for them." Sharks Lead Series, 2-0 Sharks 4, Red Wings 3: Recap| Box Score| Series Page

Mariners' Lifeless Bats Make Life Rough on Pitchers John Hickey (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/2/2010 5:25:00 PM

Filed under: Mariners SEATTLE -- At some point the Mariners will score some runs. No one can say when that point will be, but it's likely to come after manager Don Wakamatsu shakes up the lineup, because Wakamatsu seems to be leaning toward making changes as early as the club's next game on Tuesday against Tampa Bay. Maybe it's time to move Ken Griffey Jr., still without a homer this year, down to seventh in the batting order. Maybe it's time to move one of the two players on the team actually hitting, Ichiro Suzuki, to second or even third in the lineup where he might have a chance to drive in some

Black Nintendo Wii bundle to include MotionPlus, Wii Sports Resort; available May 9 Andrew Yoon (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:08:00 AM

Nintendo of America has finally announced the availability of a new colored Wii for North America. First spotted in a leaked GameStop ad, new Nintendo Wii bundles -runs. The fact is that Wakamatsu available in black or white -doesn't have many choices. will include a Wii MotionPlus Franklin Gutierrez, his center and Wii Sports Resort. This is fielder, and Ichiro are the only essentially the same bundle that two players on the entire roster has been available in Europe hitting over .243. They're at .320 since late last year(pictured above). and .317, respectively. BLACK page 53

Adorable, nightmarish Left 4 Dead Boomer plush toy on sale Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:30:00 AM

If you're attempting to ween your teenage offspring off their collection of stuffed animals, we suggest investing in a line of plushies which are capable of scaring them out of their adorable addiction. Valve is

releasing a set of five Left 4 Dead plush toys which should suit your needs quite well, the first of which -- based on the digestivally challenged "Boomer" special infected -- is currently available on Valve's online store for $49.99. That price is a tad steep, though each toy comes with a sound

chip that can emit ten of the Boomer's in-game grunts and belches. Just think of it like a

premium you're paying to really place your child's psyche deep within the nightmare zone.

[Via Big Download] Adorable, nightmarish Left 4 Dead Boomer plush toy on sale originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 03 May 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


E-reader News Edition


BLACK continued from page 52

The Best of Big Download: April 26 May 2 John Callaham (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/2/2010 11:30:00 PM

Filed under: Mac, PC, Meta (about Joystiq) Ahh yes, the end of another month and the beginning of a new one. It's time to reflect, and a time to move on to the future. It's also time to check out Big Download's highlights from the past seven days (and you should probably take a bath as well -- sheesh!): Exclusive features • Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing DLC Game Guide: We do a detailed look at the new (and free for PC owners) expansion pack for Valve's zombie co-op shooter. • Future Wars review: We give our final verdict for this sci-fi turn-based strategy game. • Boot Disk: Our retro games

feature checks out the classic space shooter Freespace. • All You Need To Know: We get you the 411 on Darksiders which will come to the PC in June. • Freeware Friday: Our free PC games feature checks out the RPG The Spirit Engine 2 which was just released as freeware. Continue reading The Best of Big Download: April 26 - May 2 The Best of Big Download: April 26 - May 2 originally appeared on Joystiq on Sun, 02 May 2010 23:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

StarCraft 2 map editor turns supply depots into Tetris blocks Griffin McElroy (Joystiq)

you know, so we can take breaks from SC 2 -- for which we lack the strategy and reflexes If you need further proof of the required to play adequately -S t a r C r a f t 2 m a p e d i t o r ' s and play a few rounds of Tetris versatility, look no further than ... for which we lack the strategy a map, recently designed by and reflexes required to play user ArcadeRenegade, adequately. Oh well. titled " Supply Depot Tetris." As Continue reading StarCraft 2 you might imagine, the map map editor turns supply depots bends the rules and controls of into Tetris blocks Blizzard's uber anticipated StarCraft 2 map editor turns strategy game, turning it into a supply depots into Tetris blocks fairly simple (albeit a tad buggy) originally appeared on Joystiq version of Alexey Pazhitnov's on Mon, 03 May 2010 10:04:00 blocky brainchild, Tetris. EST. Please see our terms for Check out a video of the map use of feeds. f r o m Y o u T u b e u s e r Read| Permalink| Email this| HuskyStarcraft just past the Comments jump. We're looking forward to getting our hands on the map -Submitted at 5/3/2010 10:04:00 AM

The enhanced bundles will be available at retail stores beginning May 9th for the same price as the current Wii package: $199.99. While it may not be the price drop some have been waiting for, Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime thinks the new bundle adds even more "value." In a press release, he stated: "By including even more of our top-quality hardware and software in the basic Wii system package, we're extending that commitment to entertainment and value. Now more than ever, consumers can count on Nintendo to deliver inclusive fun and advanced motion controls at a massmarket price." Black Nintendo Wii bundle to include MotionPlus, Wii Sports Resort; available May 9 originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 03 May 2010 08:08:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


Gaming/ Social Media/

E-reader News Edition

Conan O’Brien on “60 Minutes”: The Full Interview [VIDEO] Samuel Axon (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/2/2010 10:54:47 PM

Former The Tonight Show host Conan O’Brien sat down with CBS’ 60 Minutes for his first on -the-record interview since he left The Tonight Show and NBC in January. Topics covered included Jay Leno, NBC executives, Conan’s new cable TV show and his beard. When asked why he left NBC, he said that the situation had become “toxic.” He left when it got to the point where he said to Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) is just the most recent example. himself: “I’m not sure these Last year, The Beatles: Rock people even really want me Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:09:00 AM Band was titled Rock Band here.” Australia's OFLC has rated " Project 9. EA has apparently Though Conan had the support Project Red" for EA, classifying figured out how to get its of thousands of die-hard fans it with an MA 15+ label. If the paperwork into the OFLC who rallied behind him using classification is related to " without accidentally revealing a Facebook, he was legally Project RedLime," it is likely f o r t h c o m i n g g a m e prohibited from appearing on the rating for the alleged a n n o u n c e m e n t . television immediately after his Syndicate game in production OFLC rates 'Project Red' for departure, so he started a by Starbreeze Studios and EA. EA originally appeared on Twitter account and went on a Of course, without the direct Joystiq on Mon, 03 May 2010 national comedy tour. Referring RedLime connection, this could 09:09:00 EST. Please see our be a rating for ... well, anything. terms for use of feeds. Also, if you find it strange (like Read| Permalink| Email this| we do) that the OFLC is rating Comments games by using code names, this

OFLC rates 'Project Red' for EA

to the tour he said, “There’s no better antidote to what I’ve just been through than to do this every night.” The most striking moment in the interview was Conan’s hesitation when he was asked whether or not he believes that Jay Leno acted honorably during the NBC scheduling fiasco. “If I had surrendered The Tonight Show and handed it over to somebody publicly and wished them well, I would not have come back six months later. But that’s me. Everyone’s got their own way of doing things,” he said. As for the beard, he said it was

his “small victory.” “Okay, so I lost the tonight show,” he said, “but I’ll show them — I’ll stop shaving.” O’Brien is returning to television this winter, hosting a new show on the cable network TBS. With a predominantly young audience, it’s an excellent demographic match, and the pressure to succeed with a broad audience will be greatly lessened as compared to hosting The Tonight Show on NBC. Here’s the complete interview as it was aired on CBS. For more entertainment coverage, follow Mashable Entertainment on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Facebook, Twitter Tags: 60 minutes, cable, cbs, celebrities, conan o'brien, jay leno, nbc, TBS, television, the tonight show, tv, video


E-reader News Edition


Devout or deviant? Mollie (GetReligion)

and Afghanistan. They blurred the faces of some people in the film and not others. A reader alerted us to the airing The story revolves around of a PBS Frontline documentary Dagastir, who was a Northern on “The Dancing Boys of Alliance warlord and is now a Afghanistan”. I had the chance powerful businessman. The to watch it earlier in the week report describes him as a and it is absolutely riveting. You “ d e v o u t ” M u s l i m w h o i s can watch it online and I married and has two young encourage you to do so if it has sons. This is said while we are already aired in your market. shown him saying his daily In “The Dancing Boys of prayers. But there’s little else A f g h a n i s t a n , ” j o u r n a l i s t we’re told about his piety — Najibullah Quraishi investigates and a lot we’re told about his what’s happening to boys who inhumanity. I understand that are bought and trained to space is an issue but I think that entertain at all-men parties the report should have explained hosted by wealthy businessmen. what was meant by calling him The children are aged 11 to 15 devout. Particularly since this or so. They are dressed as man commits unspeakable women, given women’s jewelry crimes. and makeup. They are taught to We follow him as he picks out use effeminate gestures and a new boy to be apprenticed into dance as women. They have no the bacha bazi lifestyle. He is 11 idea what they’re being sold but he looks like he could be 8. into. If they do not comply with His first lessons are in music, the wishes of their owners, they t h e n i n d a n c e . Q u r a i s h i frequently end up dead. After convinces Dagastir to let the boy they perform dances dressed as visit his parents. On the way women, they are rented for sex. there, things sort of start falling Reporting and producing the a p a r t f o r D a g a s t i r . T h i s piece was difficult, and I documentary is unbelievably appreciated the way they i n f o r m a t i v e , b u t a l s o explained their decisions. To get unbelievably dramatic. You powerful Afghan men to speak really have to watch as it with them on the record, for navigates murder, intrigue, instance, they claimed that their witness protection and the like. documentary was actually about But there are many ghosts that how the practice — called are left unexplored. Some of Bacha bazi — is done in Europe them just sit there. For instance, Submitted at 5/2/2010 2:06:21 PM

there are a few women showin in the film — but, with the exception of Radhika Coomaraswamy, a U.N. special representative for Children and Armed Conflict, they are all completely covered. Is there a relationship between the Afghan treatment of women and the treatment of these boys? Undoubtedly. I also wish there was an explanation of how Islam in general — and the forms practiced in various regions of Afghanistan — treats bacha bazi and surrounding issues of sex and power. In fact, the reader who suggested we watch the piece sent us a link to a preview that led me to believe we would get a bit of discussion about religion. It’s from a section of Slate called The Sandbox: According to a recent Frontline report, Pashtun men interpret the Islamic prohibition on homosexuality to mean they cannot “love” another man — but that doesn’t mean they can’t use men for sexual gratification. This story shines some light on how Afghan men can justify this practice in their own minds. I have heard the term “selective compliance,” but for a supposedly religious man whose faith says homosexuality is a terrible sin to follow this practice is, well — pretty selective in my book.

But they say “perception is reality” and in this case I guess Afghan men don’t perceive themselves as homosexuals, so they aren’t. When we would talk to our Afghan Army counterparts about two men snuggled together in a bed, or why the Kandak Commander kept young boys with him all the time, they commonly would say it was okay because they were “deployed away from home.” I guess it doesn’t matter that for some “home” is only a few hours drive away and they get there at least every two months. In May, 2009 The Dude, my former ETT teammate and a guest blogger on, wrote a post called “Can You Look at My Wife?”, about an Afghan men having a hard time understanding why his wife couldn’t get pregnant. After you read that, the following statement from the Frontline story should not be a surprise: The U.S. army medic also told members of the research unit that she and her colleagues had to explain to a local man how to get his wife pregnant. The report said: “When it was explained to him what was necessary, he reacted with disgust and asked, ‘How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who God has made

unclean, when one could be with a man, who is clean? Surely this must be wrong.’” I watched this show at the onset of a horrific stomach flu so I figured I’d missed either of these things that the Slate blogger says are in the piece. I had hoped to peruse a transcript — PBS said one would be available by now but it’s not. Still, I don’t remember any meaningful discussion of the role religion plays in boy play or in confusion about procreation. Stomach flu or not, I do think it’s one area that this report could have improved upon. This is a breathtaking encounter with an alarmingly different culture. This documentary shows us how man is able to subjugate the weak in order to satisfy selfish desires. Both of these things could be improved with a bit more discussion of religion. Still, I hope that this documentary gets all the praise it deserves and is widely viewed and appreciated. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

How to write a bad story Mollie (GetReligion)

compare to other religious groups? How does their candidacy rate compare to other Every reporter has his off days. religious groups throughout I have to think that’s what time? Give us some data. happened with this story, which Or, if you don’t have data, how ran on page 1 of Jacksonville’s a b o u t y o u j u s t p a i n t a l l Florida Times-Union. Written evangelicals as sub-literate by an award-winning religion yokels with irrational hatred in reporter, Jeff Brumley, the piece their heart? Oh you can do that? seems to take an almost personal Great: interest in disparaging The smart money says a evangelicals. It’s kind of odd. snowball has a better chance Here’s the headline: you-know-where than a Muslim Muslims nearly impossible to has being elected to statewide or elect in Bible Belt national office from Northeast In fact, observers of Southern Florida - or anywhere else in the politics can’t even remember a Bible Belt. candidate. If the recent hullabaloo Well, yes, it is very difficult to surrounding Parvez Ahmed’s elect people to office before appointment to the Jacksonville they become candidates for Human Rights Commission office. Now, I have a horrible didn’t confirm that, maybe this memory so if you asked me to does: Observers of Southern name a candidate in the most politics and religion can’t recall recent election, I’d have trouble. a single Muslim candidate I think you want to have better running for major office. data than “observer recall,” “I thought about it, and I p a r t i c u l a r l y w h e n t h e r e ’ s couldn’t come up with any actually only one observer in the names,” said Ken Wald, a story even asked to recall the political science professor and data. Just give us some facts and expert on religion and politics at figures. How many Muslims are the University of Florida. there in the so-called “Bible “Of all the places, the South is Belt”? One recent religious self- the least likely for that to identification survey says that happen,” Wald said. there were 1.3 million Muslims The reason: The region is throughout the country, or about d o m i n a t e d b y e v a n g e l i c a l .6% of the population. How Protestantism, “a religion that many are in the South? How has intellectual difficulties with d o e s t h e i r c a n d i d a c y r a t e religious diversity.” Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:57:12 AM

“conservatives nationwide.” But the only substantiation of that claim is a Glenn Beck quote. It’s sort of a good primer in how not to write a religion story. It’s all over the map, relies on too few actual conservative evangelicals, precisely no liberal evangelicals, and almost all the context is given by this Wald fellow, the one who believes evangelicals have intellectual problems. Another expert says that political opposition to the appointment of Parvez Ahmed, the man named in the lede, was nothing more than racism. Ahmed was the former chairman of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. CAIR has its fans. It was also named as an unindicted coconspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial involving Hamas funding. That’s how the story began. difficulties” was in any way The reporter allowed various Yes, that was the lede. No, I okay? I do not know. sources to trash evangelicals but don’t know how the “smart And just a small point of logic. never found less biased sources money” or the “snowball” made That there has never been a o r g a v e t h e s m e a r e d a n it into the first sentence. Perhaps Muslim candidate running for opportunity to respond. It makes they give copyeditors, or editors major office doesn’t speak in for a really bad story. I know in general, the weekends off at any meaningful sense to the this reporter can do better and I the Florida Times-Union. I don’t probability that one will be hope he does so in the future. know. But this was not written e l e c t e d i n t h e f u t u r e . I f Five Filters featured article: by a high school student. thousands of Muslims had run The Art of Looking Prime Brumley is actually a good for office and been defeated, Ministerial - The 2010 UK reporter whose work we’ve that would be different. General Election. Available praised before. The piece then goes on to say tools: PDF Newspaper, Full So why did he think painting that the election of two Muslim Text RSS, Term Extraction. evangelicals as members of a r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s c a u s e d religion with “intellectual c o n s t e r n a t i o n a m o n g

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E-reader News Edition


Marvel Brings “Iron Man” to the iPhone Christina Warren (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:06:25 AM

Marvel Entertainment and Zumobi have teamed up to bring a new Iron Man application to the iPhone and iPod touch. The free application is more than just a tie-in for the upcoming Iron Man 2 movie, it’s an app designed to keep fans connected to the entire Iron Man universe, provide video clips, downloadable wallpapers, access to movie tickets and more. We got a chance to talk to both Marvel and Zumobi about the app, its development and future plans to bring Marvel properties to mobile devices. Zumobi designed the app to fit in with the existing Iron Man motif. The graphics and colors match the film and comic series and elements of the apps control panel mimic the HUD (heads-up display) that resides inside Tony Stark’s Iron Man helmet. From the main screen, users can choose to view videos, news, wallpapers, the origin of Iron Man, buy tickets and access other Marvel links. The video clips feature a variety of TV commercials for Iron Man 2 and its tie-in sponsors (like Dr. Pepper and Audi) and there are also links to clips from the film, which match up with what Marvel has been posting to its official YouTube page.

The news section is one of the most interesting because it gathers news not just about the film, but about the comics and the related universe as well. So fans can read details about upcoming books in Avengers series (or looks at past books), find out about collectibles or special edition memorabilia that’s coming out, get a look at movie posters, movie clips and more. Marvel pumps out literally dozens of news items a day about each of its different properties and the Iron Man iPhone app is updated as soon as those articles hit the web. For newer fans to the series who might want to learn more about Iron Man and the other characters in the series, there is an origins area that gives background as to the character’s history, his stats, the cool stuff he can do, and so on. Social Media, In-App Purchases and More Zumobi has a history of creating mobile apps that tie-in with social media — the and Rachel Maddow iPhone apps are both from Zumobi and both have social elements. For the Iron Man app, users can share virtually any item they find in the app via e-mail, Twitter or Facebook. That’s pretty cool and that’s the sort of thing we like to see in branded applications.

sense. While I don’t expect this to appeal to all users, for a core group of Marvel fans, that’s the sort of thing that is worth $1. The iPhone is Now, the iPad Coming Soon The iPhone and iPod touch have access to the Iron Man app now, however, an app that is Zumobi told me that with the optimized for the iPad will be Iron Man app, the company is available soon. This app will making its first foray into h a v e s o m e o f t h e s a m e including in-app purchases. On characteristics of the Iron Man that end, users can buy movie iPhone app but the extra space tickets for Iron Man 2 directly and faster processor of the iPad from the application. The app will be utilized to give an even ties into, so you more immersive look and feel. can use the app to buy tickets Zumobi told me that they using new or your existing d e s i g n e d t h e i P a d a p p t o Fandango information. Using basically be “what Tony Stark’s geolocation, the app can point personal control center would out what theaters nearby are look like.” That’s pretty cool, playing the film and at what especially since we all know time. Tony Stark would totally have The app also offers access to an iPad (OK, a souped-up super exclusive Marvel wallpaper for iPad with lasers and rocket the iPhone. Right now, there are boosters) at his side at all times. a number of free selections that Extending Beyond the Movie can be downloaded, but in the When I spoke with Marvel at future, exclusive wallpaper the end of last week, they designs will be available for stressed to me that the Iron Man $0.99 each. At first, I thought app is not an Iron Man 2 app. t h a t c h a r g i n g $ 0 . 9 9 f o r That means that when the wallpaper was sort of insane, fanfare over the film dies down, but then Zumobi told me that the app won’t disappear. News these aren’t just going to be and character information and standard movie graphics but other data will continue to be actual designs commissioned by fed into the app, as it really is the Marvel team. Suddenly, the designed to be a portal for all idea of having access to a things Iron Man and as a way to specially designed iPhone better introduce people to the wallpaper that was drawn by a franchise. famous Marvel artist makes Right now, the app links to

some of the existing marvel websites and applications — like the Marvel Comics app for the iPhone and iPad. The plan is to have even better integration with those apps in the future. Marvel also said that they are anticipating building more character or franchise centered mobile apps. Marvel and Android? I asked Marvel about their plans for Android and was told that the company is definitely looking into Android and hopes to really dive into the platform later this summer. They are looking at other mobile platforms too, but after the iPhone/iPad, Android is priority number one. Future of Branded Mobile Applications The most successful branded mobile applications are those that match the sensibilities of the brand itself. The Iron Man app does that, both in what features it offers and its overall look and feel. We think that having applications that look the part — and offer content and value beyond just an upcoming promotion — is necessary for brands that want a mobile app to stay on users radars for more than just a few days. By catering first and foremost to comic fans – but also offering movie goers access and information, Marvel has done a great job building a branded app MARVEL page 58


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E-reader News Edition

Apple Has Sold 1 Million iPads Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

one store in 50 didn’t sell all of the iPads it had in stock by Submitted at 5/3/2010 2:49:44 AM Sunday. Munster estimates that Update: Apple has officially the overall number of iPads sold confirmed it has sold 1 million is over 1 million, and expects iPads. The company sold its one overall sales in 2010 will reach millionth iPad on Friday, April 4.3 million. 30, just 28 days after the If Apple indeed sold 1 million device’s release. More than 12 iPads, we will probably hear it million apps from the App Store So, now that the iPad 3G is from Apple very soon — the and over 1.5 million e-books finally available, what everyone company likes to brag about big have been downloaded from the wants to know is: How well is numbers. On the other hand, this thing selling? new iBookstore. Munster was wrong before, so “One million iPads in 28 According to Piper Jaffray we should probably take his days—that’s less than half of the analyst Gene Munster, it’s estimates with a grain of salt. 74 days it took to achieve this selling very well — pretty much For more Apple coverage, milestone with iPhone,” said as well as the Wi-Fi only iPad, follow Mashable Apple on Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. in fact. About 300,000 3G iPads Twitter or become a fan on “Demand continues to exceed were sold on launch weekend. Facebook supply and we’re working hard Munster surveyed 50 Apple Tags: apple, Apple Tablet, ipad, to get this magical product into stores to arrive at this number. sales, trending t h e h a n d s o f e v e n m o r e He concluded that the iPad 3G is essentially sold out, as only customers.”

MARVEL continued from page 57

that doesn’t feel like it is one YouTube, Zumobi, news note. Tags: app reviews, apple, Film, What do you think of the trend iphone, iphone apps, iron man, in branded applications? What Marvel, zumobi do you think of the Iron Man app? Let us know! Reviews: Android, Facebook, Twitter,

WORLD continued from page 58

more credible if we had a video, but it poses some interesting questions: when (if) the technology behind Gaikai (or their competitors OTOY or OnLive) reaches maturity, could it be used for playing graphically intensive games on the iPad? [via Pocket Gamer] For more Apple coverage, follow Mashable Apple on WORLD page 59

Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

Apple Could Face Antitrust Inquiry Over Flash Ban [REPORT] Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

couple of days as the New York Post reports that either the Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:16:54 AM Department of Justice or the Apple CEO Steve Jobs has Federal Trade Commission been very clear on the matter of might begin an antitrust inquiry Flash, and why Apple won’t let to determine into Apple’s new developers use a third-party policy, introduced a month ago layer of software to create apps with the revised section 3.3.1 of for its mobile devices, the iPad, the the iPhone Developer iPhone and iPod touch. Program License Agreement. The question is: Is it fair to The New York Posts quotes a developers and to Adobe? This person familiar with the matter, question will definitely be the who claims that regulators are subject of debate in the next “days away” from making a

decision on which agency will launch the inquiry. The inquiry itself does not mean action will be taken against Apple, but it’s a step in that direction.

World of Warcraft on the iPad With The Help of Gaikai Submitted at 5/3/2010 5:16:10 AM

Have you ever heard of Gaikai? It’s a service (currently in beta) that lets you play games in your browser, directly from the Apple has been at the receiving cloud. Gaikai runs and hosts the end of several antitrust suits in games, which are then streamed its history, but hasn’t yet to the end user with the help of suffered real damage. Could this Java, Flash, or Silverlight. time be different? Although iPad’s browser For more Apple coverage, doesn’t support Flash, someone follow Mashable Apple on seemingly found the way to run Twitter or become a fan on World of Warcraft on the iPad Facebook via Gaikai, as seen in the Tags: adobe, Antitrust, apple, screenshot below. Flash, ipad, iphone The entire thing would be far WORLD page 58

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WORLD continued from page 58

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