Liberty Newspost May-04-10

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- 04/05/10

May 26 is the real Court drop-dead date Patricia Zengerle (Front Row Washington)

its August recess. The logic at the White House is that opposition Republicans Submitted at 5/3/2010 3:51:26 PM cannot argue that there is not Amidst the fever of speculation enough time to consider a about when President Barack n o m i n e e i f O b a m a m a k e s Obama will unveil his next his announcement before May nominee to the Supreme Court, 26, because there was enough administration officials quietly time last year for Sotomayor. point to one date — May 26 — In the meantime, an as the absolute deadline for him announcement is still expected to make his choice. by mid-May, with the White May 26 is the date last year House refusing to rule this week when Obama named then- out, the way it did last week. appeals court Judge Sonia Last week, White House Press Sotomayor as his first nominee Secretary Robert Gibbs said the for a Supreme Court vacancy. announcement would not come And despite what became a before Friday. But he has fairly nasty battle over her refused to rule out the current q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , s h e w a s week, and in fact has teased confirmed on August 6, before r e p o r t e r s . O n F r i d a y , h e t h e S e n a t e a d j o u r n e d f o r said Obama would announce his

choice “In the next little bit of time,” and declined to rule out this week. On Monday, Gibbs offered more of the same, by saying the president was

“close,” and nothing more. “I am happy to advise you of when the event is, when we do announce it. It might be duplicative to announce each day when the event’s NOT going to be,” Gibbs said. He did say he could not rule out this week, adding, “See, I just handled a whole week’s worth of duplicate e-mail.” Click here for more Reuters political coverage Photo credit: Reuters/Jason R e e d (Obama discusses Supreme Court vacancy with bipartisan members of the U.S. Senate in the Oval Office)

ADVERTISEMENT: (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:30:00 AM

Times Square Bombing Attempt (AEI.Org: Articles) Submitted at 5/3/2010 6:00:00 PM

Sorry, readability was unable to parse this page for content. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Stop Learning From Your Failures, It Creates a Culture of Fear Noah Robischon (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:56:56 AM

It's become a classic business mantra: you learn more from

your failures than from your successes. But what if that idea is all wrong? Alex Bogusky, cochairman of Crispin Porter + Bogusky, believes it is--and recent MIT research showing

that we learn more from success backs him up. "You create a fearful culture where you spend a lot of time looking at where you screwed up," he says. Instead, his company has bred a

culture in which success is celebrated, and failure is forgotten. Bogusky was one of the speakers at Fast Company's Innovation Uncensored

conference held on April 21, 2010, in New York City. In case you didn't score a ticket to the sold-out event, we've got video highlights.


Headline/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

U.S. Supreme Court closes front entrance, by 7-2 vote James Vicini (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 5/3/2010 1:15:23 PM

The Supreme Court’s famous front entrance, at the top of its marble steps and under the words “Equal Justice Under Law,” will be closed to the public. Starting Tuesday, visitors will no longer be able to enter the building through the front doors at the top of 44 marble steps on the plaza directly across from the U.S. Capitol. On days when there are arguments in major cases like abortion or free speech rights, the line to hear the arguments often stretches well beyond the plaza. Instead, visitors will enter the building through ground-level side doors, going through a new screening facility that has been built as part of the Supreme Court’s modernization project. “The entrance provides a secure, reinforced area to screen for weapons, explosives and chemical and biological hazards,” the court said in a statement by spokeswoman Kathy Arberg. Most government

buildings and their surroundings have had added stepped-up security measures in recent years in a bid to thwart damage from potential terrorist attacks. But Justice Stephen Breyer, joined by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, issued a separate statement that called the change unfortunate and unjustified. “To my knowledge, and I have spoken to numerous jurists and architects worldwide, no other Supreme Court in the world — including those such as Israel’s that face security concerns equal to or greater than ours — has

closed its main entrance to the public,” Breyer wrote. “And the main entrances to numerous other prominent public buildings in America remain open,” he said. Breyer added that he remained hopeful that at some point in the future the main entrance, seen as a symbol of meaningful access to equal justice under law, would be opened again to the public. - Photo credit: Reuters/Molly Riley

Dirty Jobs Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK (more info) General Election. Available Five Filters featured article: tools: PDF Newspaper, Full

Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Obama calls New York street vendor-turnedhero Caren Bohan (Front Row Washington)

spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters. Jackson, a Vietnam veteran, Submitted at 5/3/2010 4:46:39 PM saw the suspicious vehicle President Barack Obama on parked awkwardly across the Monday called the street vendor s t r e e t a n d t o l d p o l i c e . who may have saved the day in Authorities are looking into the New York when he alerted possibility that the failed bomb police to a smoking vehicle. a t t a c k c o u l d h a v e b e e n Times Square was evacuated coordinated by people with w h e n a f a i l e d b o m b foreign ties, according to the was found in the Nissan sport Washington Post. utility vehicle. PHOTO CREDIT: Obama wanted to thank T-shirt Reuters/Larry Downing (Obama vendor Duane Jackson for “his visits Louisiana to check on oil v i g i l a n c e i n a l e r t i n g spill) authorities,” White House


E-reader News Edition


Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup Solutions Sought on the Floors of Hair Salons Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:07:27 AM

Light waves, a giant dome, and 400,000 pounds of cast-off hair are among the innovative solutions sought to help clean up the massive, growing oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico. Wondering why it's taking BP so long to get a handle on the oil

spill that is currently ravaging the Gulf Coast? Simple: We're still using much of the same cleanup technology that has been used for the past 40 years, including burning and skimming oil. If there was ever a time to innovate, this is it. But is anyone innovating? Not all of BP's oil spill cleanup techniques are old--they're just unproven or dangerous.

Recently, for example, cleanup officials have begun to deploy chemical dispersants on the water's surface to break down the oil. There's just one problem: the product contains 2butoxyethanol, a compound associated with headaches, vomiting, and reproductive problems at high doses. And according to OnEarth, toxic chemical dispersants can kill

fish and other wildlife--exactly the problem that the dispersants are trying to prevent. Then there is the underwater dome idea. BP engineers are attempting to build a massive underwater dome to trap oil and prevent it from rising to the surface. The only problem here is that the technology has never been used in such deep water. No harm in trying now, though,

right? One technique that seems a bit more promising is remote sensing (pictured above). Discovery reports that aerial remote sensing and detection equipment currently being developed by the Minerals Management Service uses light waves to differentiate between GULF page 8



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Craigslist CEO Responds to Subpoena Citing Prostitution Ads [Update] Austin Carr (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/3/2010 6:00:34 PM

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal issued a subpoena today to Craigslist over the prostitution ads often displayed in the classifieds Web site's "casual encounters" section. Reports indicate that Craigslist may be earning over $35 million in revenue from these ads. “The Craigslist brothel business seems booming--belying its promise to fight prostitution,” said Blumenthal, who is leading 39 states in the effort to regulate the site's screening process. “The best evidence is the thousands of ads that remain on Craigslist--skimpily and slickly disguised with code words. We’re asking Craigslist for specific answers about steps to screen and stop sex-for-money offers--and whether the company is actually profiting from prostitution ads that it promised states and the public that it would try to block.” Last week, Jim Buckmaster, CEO of the company, posted a piece on Craigslist's blog about the recent Twitter campaign to shut down CL personals. "Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and we embrace all criticism as useful in improving our approach," Buckmaster wrote. "But cynical

misuse of a cause as important as human trafficking as a pretense for imposing one’s own flavor of religious morality (”casual sex is evil”) strikes me as wrong on so many levels." Buckmaster is a staunch defender of Craigslist's policies. In a recent issue of Wired, he defended Craigslist for the misuse of the Web site. "That the world would expect Craigslist to take responsibility

for the rare violent criminal who lures victims through an ad strikes Buckmaster as absurd. He points to the thousands of people who die every year in auto accidents. "Does anybody call up the head of GM and say, 'Somebody just got killed using your product? How can you sleep at night? Don't you realize that a person is dead?'" The big problem with Buckmaster's analogy is that

many regulators did call up the head of GM over auto accidents. In fact, there were well over 100 lawsuits against GM in the 1960s over the safety of their products, which led to Ralph Nader's Unsafe at Any Speed, a study that significantly changed how the automobile industry was regulated, from the passing of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act to the National Highway Traffic

Safety Administration. Let's just hope Craigslist's lawyers can make a more compelling argument than Buckmaster in court. The subpoena seeks information about Craigslist's manual review process for objectionable advertisements, and also any documentation regarding the company's CRAIGSLIST page 10

Business/ Food/

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Tour Boxee, The Startup Building A Box To Bring The Web To Your TV William Wei (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:33:34 AM

Boxee is the startup that makes software you can download onto your computer to connect video on the web to your TV. Boxee is also making the Boxee Box – a device that "brings all your favorite TV shows & movies from the Internet or your hard drive onto your TV." Boxee is also HIRING. It needs a lead iPad and iPhone app developer (yes, it's safe to assume Boxee is looking to get into the apps market.) The kind people at Boxee were nice enough to have us over to tour their swanky little office located in New York's Chelsea and Union Square. One stipulation – Anyone who walks in will be challenged to a match of Table Tennis. Boxee's office is in the building sandwiched between the two red awnings. The space to the right is open for lease... anyone interested? They're right on the corner of 16th St. and 6th Ave. which is a good 4 minute walk from our own offices. 4th floor!? Sure glad I wore my

sneakers today because this is a no-elevator building. Too difficult to document the trek up the four flights but we made it! Now let's pick the master lock and check out what's inside Business Development Manager Sarah Nelson greets us and shows off their exciting kitchen... ... complete with an espresso machine that the whole Boxee team is extremely proud of. They sure do like their wine... ... but not clean dishes. Right next to the kitchen are the printer, fax machine, and a full bathroom... ... complete with an awesome world map shower curtain! They have offices in San Francisco and Tel Aviv, Israel in addition to their New York HQ. Where is everybody? Eating lunch of course! Clockwise from the bottom left: Intern Scott Rogers, Co-founder & CEO Avner Ronen, Director of User Experience Jamie Divine, Co-founder Idan Cohen Let's hope no one spills any food on the iPad before they hire their new app developer. "Basically, every client who

comes in has to be challenged and play," says Sarah Nelson. Co-founder Gidon Coussin gets up from his lunch to challenge Business Insider to a match. CEO Avner Ronen points at us knowing we don't stand a chance. With pride on the line, Business Insider accepts the challenge. It's on! The Boxee home crowd eagerly watches... ... as Gidon embarasses us and wins bragging rights over Business Insider.

Even Jamie Divine, who just started last Monday after leaving Google as their lead in visual design, knew this would be a squash (photo taken by CEO Avner Ronen). After the match, we were floored and passed out on their "dirty" green rug. Once we got up, we realized their sweet set up of two leather couches and a 42" TV. Here's a non-working prototype of the Boxee Box. Co-founder Idan Cohen proudly shows off the prototype.

Recipe Makeover: Nachos (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Watch Food Editor Ann

Pittman lighten Pork and Pinto Bean Nachos in our exclusive online video.

Five Filters featured article: General Election. Available The Art of Looking Prime tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Ministerial - The 2010 UK Text RSS, Term Extraction.

He shows off their QWERTY remote... ... and pops open the Boxee Box. It has a unique shape so no one will be tempted to stack things on top of it. It is also shaped to be the "centerpiece in your living room." Here's a box for the Boxee Box that better shows the shape of the device. Some people stay in the office overnight; including Idan who once lived here for a week. Hard at work are Head of Web Development Casey Pugh up top and his intern, Scott Rogers. The central drawing on their whiteboard filled with top-secret information. Looks like everyone's back to working after lunch and ping pong shenanigans... so we'll leave them be. Want To Tour Some More? Then Check Out The Luxurious Rooftop Offices Of "The French YouTube": Dailymotion Join the conversation about this story »


Business/ Technology/ Culture/

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Grant Achatz's Next Restaurant: Dinner and a Movie, Combined Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

film buffs. They follow chefs like one follows a band or director, and the opening of a Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:57:12 AM new restaurant is a bigger deal Grant Achatz is a superstar. than any new album or film-He's one of the few chefs, like many top-name chefs will have Ferran Adria of the recently only one or two in a lifetime. So shuttered El Bulli or Wylie Achatz's film trailer teaser for Dufresne of WD-50, for whom his next restaurant, cleverly t h e t e r m " m o l e c u l a r named Next Restaurant, makes gastronomy" seems not so perfect sense. It begins "From much inaccurate as inadequate. the creators of Alinea," and His restaurant Alinea has helped reservations will be...well, not make Chicago one of, if not the reservations, exactly. They'll be most exciting food city in tickets, bought in advance, in America, and it was recently full, like you would for a named the seventh best concert, ballgame or movie. restaurant in the world by San [youtube D1wUcFY2TNo] Pellegrino. Add to all that an The trailer for Next Restaurant amazing life story--Achatz hit yesterday, and it's a bit of a announced in 2007 that he was puzzler. It takes you through diagnosed with cancer of the s o m e c l a s s i c a n d s o m e tongue (he's now in remission)-- unexpected times and places, and you've got a guy foodies including Paris, 1912; Hong will follow forever. Kong, 2036; Sicily, 1949; and F o o d i e s ( I k n o w , i t ' s a Cajun, 1977. Turns out Next fingernails-on-a-blackboard w i l l b e a w o r l d c u i s i n e name, but the alternatives are restaurant, with several different hyphenated and awkward) are menus per year. From the site's more than just people who love FAQ: a good meal. They're fans, just Next Restaurant will serve four like sports fans, music fans, and menus per year from great

moments in culinary history – or the future. Our team of chefs will investigate, test, refine, and present authentic menu interpretations from cultures, places and times. Depending on the cuisine, meals will be 5 to 6 courses and will include food, beverage pairings, and service. It'll also be startlingly affordable, given the restaurant's pedigree. An entire prix fixe will cost between $40 and $75, with wine costing an additional $25--far less than one might expect. The movie format of the trailer works especially well given Achatz's star power and his food, which is designed to be as entertaining as it is tasty. Perhaps his best-known dish, the first bite Alinea ever served, is a play on the classic PB&J sandwich--"a single peeled grape, still on the stem, encased in peanut butter and wrapped in paper-thin brioche." Said Achatz in an interview with Chicagois t: We really look at the whole thing as a block of time. We

can cook individual meals or dishes. But for us, we’re trying to entertain, captivate, insatiate, all of those things combined into one experience for x amount of time. We have you in the chair for between two to six hours. What are we doing with that time? Well, we’re going to try to entertain you. The movie trailer isn't so strange, really. When you hear foodies talk about "the new Grant Achatz restaurant" in the same way film buffs talk about "the next Wes Anderson movie," you get it. It's an event, a new artistic project. And I want to see it. Next will open (hopefully, says the site's FAQ) in Fall 2010. Dan Nosowitz, the author of this post, can be followed on Twitter, corresponded with via email, and stalked in San Francisco (no link for that one-you'll have to do the legwork yourself).

The Case for Keeping a Clunker [Saving Money] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker)

your driveway? It seems just ripe for a trade-in for a more efficient and green vehicle. That less-than-attractive, Then again, it might be better somehow-still-working car in for your wallet, and the planet, to let it ride out its remaining Submitted at 5/4/2010 5:30:00 AM

life. More » Home- Personal FinanceAutomobile- EnvironmentFamily

Enquisite Raises $5.2 Million For Search Marketing And Optimization Platform Leena Rao (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:58:53 AM

Enquisite, a company that provides search marketing and optimization solutions to businesses, has raised $5.2 million in new financing led by Rho Canada Ventures with Castile Ventures, Formative Ventures, Retro Venture Partners and The Entrepreneurs’ Fund III participating. This brings Enquisite’s total funding to nearly$17 million. Enquisite provides a web-based software allows businesses to optimize their presence online, including SEO and social media campaigns, and access analytics to help monetize through optimization and markteing. Enquisite will use the financing to fuel product and marketing initiatives. Enquisite faces competition from from DIYSEO, HubSpot and others. CrunchBase Information Enquisite Information provided by CrunchBase

Business/ Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

15 More Facts About China That Will Blow Your Mind Vincent Fernando, CFA and Gus Lubin (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:51:00 AM

Thanks to the ridiculous rate of change being forced upon China, the nation is filled with excess and economic distortion. First, in case you missed them, check out the first 15 mindblowing China facts. From a city building multiple Manhattans to a desert destroying them, here are the next 15: Chinese men outnumber women by 39 million -- over ten times the population of Los Angeles, thanks to a distorted male vs. female birth ratio. What will these ten cities of Los Angeles do for marriage? Source: US Census International Data Base China has the world's biggest mall... but it's been 99% empty since 2005 Source: Daily Mail, Wikipedia: New South China Mall in Dongguan, China is the largest mall in the world based on gross leasable area, and ranked second in total area to the Dubai Mall. it has been

99% vacant since its 2005 opening. Nearly 10,000 Chinese citizens each year are sucked into unsanctioned 'black jails'. Image: Reuters Black jails emerged following the prohibition of arbitrary detention, according to a report by Human Rights Watch. They are notorious for prisoner rape, starvation, and abuse. If he spent his ENTIRE YEARLY INCOME on housing, the average Beijing resident could buy 10 square feet of residential property. A square meter of residential property in Beijing costs an average of 26,000 yuan (US$3,800), but the average per capita monthly income is only 2,000 yuan, according to Asia Times. Home resales have increased 350% in the past three years. Source: People's Daily Online China's economy grew by 11.9% in the past year and its GDP chart 'has gone vertical': China has more pigs than the next 43 pork producing countries combined Source:

depletion, over-foresting, and over-grazing. That's 60 Manhattans every year. Source: Wikipedia Sizzling is an understatement for some Chinese property markets -- home prices in Haikou have jumped 54% in the past year. China Real Time Report Image: Waverly Advisors Chinese consume 3 million Source: Citi, Waverly Advisors cigarettes every minute Source: Beijing held the most expensive WHO Olympics ever at a cost of $40 80% of US toys are made in billion. This summer's Shanghai China Expo costs even more -- $45 Image: Gabyu on flickr Source: billion. National Geographic There are 292 individual Shanghai built 1,500 miles of languages still spoken in China. road in the past decade. That's This is even more than the 175 three Manhattan's worth of languages spoken in the world's streets melting pot, America. Only 70% Image: Jakob Montrasio on of Chinese speak Mandarin as f l i c k r S o u r c e : N a t i o n a l their mother tongue despite Geographic, FCNY substantial efforts at China is planning a train system s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n b y t h e that will link London to Beijing g o v e r n m e n t . in two days, traveling 200mph. Source: Ethnologue Image: Daily Mail Source: Don't miss... The Original 15 Daily Mail Facts About China That Will China's enormous Gobi Desert Blow Your Mind > i s t h e s i z e o f P e r u a n d Join the conversation about this expanding 1,400 square miles story Âť per year due to water source

End The Abuse! GeoBrand Is A New PPC Monitor For Nervous Brands Steve O'Hear (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:55:53 AM

WatchMouse, the website performance monitoring company, has launched its new GeoBrand service today. It's designed to detect "brand abuse" in search-based keyword advertising and follows the recent European Court ruling on the LVMH vs Google case which places the onus on the brands themselves to monitor for trademark infringements. The service targets pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Yahoo!, Google, and Microsoft Bing in over 30 countries and offers an automated way for brands to be alerted that a competitor is purchasing keyword advertising which potentially infringes on their trademark, listing offenses by country and specific search engine.

Video: Jennifer Aniston's Amazing Year of Bikinis, Men, and Professional Highs! Molly (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:30:00 AM

Jennifer Aniston easily earned

herself a place in the PopSugar 100 Sweet 16, but now she's facing her toughest competition Aniston's year has been amazing yet from Emma Watson.

from box office hits to bikini vacations with friends - take a look back at the highlights!



Business/ Economy/

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GULF continued from page 3

thick and light oil sheens. Thick oil is more hazardous, so engineers could potentially use the technology to attack the spill at its worst points first. Engineers and government organizations aren't the only ones coming up with creative solutions. A public charity called Matter of Trust is asking salons and retailers around the country to send all the hair and nylons they can get their hands on as part of an effort to make ultra-effective booms, or floating barriers that suck up oil. Booms are traditionally filled with air or Styrofoam, but as anyone who has ever had a bad hair day knows, hair is great at retaining oil. "We're just taking the nylons, stuffing them with hair, and turning them into booms," explained Lisa Gautier, the President of Matter of Trust. So far, Matter of Trust has collected 400,000 pounds of hair. The process is efficient, too. "Because this is an emergency oil spill, all the salons on our website are getting e-mails with addresses where they can send boxes of

hair directly to people that are making booms on site near the beaches," she said. Of course, none of the solutions mentioned above can stop or even slow down the spill by themselves. InnoCentive is hoping to inspire budding oil spill cleanup entrepreneurs with the Emergency Response 2.0 : Solutions to Respond to Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The website usually offers cash rewards for unique ideas, but not in this case. InnoCentive explains: This is an Emergency Situation Challenge and will be quite different than any other Challenge we have run on the InnoCentive website. No one has requested us to do this and InnoCentive is not getting paid to run this Challenge. We are doing it because we believe our Solver base can and will help and we will do everything we can to get solutions into the hands of the appropriate responders. This is an experiment and we believe our Solvers will answer this call for help. We believe trying to mitigate this international

disaster is the right thing to do. Your submission will identify and describe a solution that can help prevent further damage caused by the explosion and ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. You are required to give InnoCentive and any emergency respondents a free, perpetual, and non-exclusive license to use any information submitted for this Challenge specifically to be used for this oil spill crisis. You will still retain ownership of any idea submitted. Anyone with a good idea can also go straight to the EPA, which is asking participants to submit potential solutions here. If either InnoCentive or the EPA receive any truly brilliant submissions, rest assured we'll hear about it. [Hair image via Oren Zebest on flickr]

Times Square Terrorists Busted Because They Are Bad At YouTube (GOOG) Nick Saint (Business Insider)

The video was uploaded to YouTube from Connecticut by Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:49:00 AM people believed to be Shahzad's Authorities arrested Faisal collaborators. Connecticut is Shahzad, the man they believe is also where the car used in the responsible for the failed Times bombing attempt and the license Square bombing attempt last plate stolen for it were obtained. night, and there are indications Taking credit for an attack that one piece of evidence that before it happens is presumably led them to him -- and identified a good way for a group to prove the foreign terror group behind it really was responsible. It's the attack -- was a video posted also incredibly stupid. on YouTube the day before the Via Danger Room, here's the attack. video in question: In the video, a man believed to Join the conversation about this b e Q a r i H u s s a i n M e h s u d , story » suicide bomber trainer and an See Also: important figure in the Pakistani • Time Square Car Bomb: Taliban, takes credit for the "jaw Police Investigate Link To -breaking blow" against the "South Park" And 2007 London United States. According to Bombing intelligence sources who spoke • Feds Arrest US Citizen Faisal to the Long War Journal, Shahzad In Connection With Shahzad -- a naturalized US A t t e m p t e d T i m e s S q u a r e citizen -- is believed to have B o m b i n g spent time in al-Qaeda or • US Seeks Pakistani Man Taliban training camps in North Involved In Times Square Waziristan during a recent Bombing Attempt return to his native Pakistan.

Credit Default Spreads Blow Out For Oil Soaked BP (BP) Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:32:37 AM

BP's credit default spreads are widening as a result of the

company's Louisiana oil spill tumult. Spreads have widened from April 23, when CDS on BP debt stood at 42.4 bps, to 54 bps on April 30, and now 58.2 bps

today, according to CMA

Datavision. Now see photos from the BP is self insured through a explosion > firm called Jupiter Insurance Join the conversation about this LTD, but some BP properties story » require public insurance, details of which have yet to emerge.


E-reader News Edition


Microsoft Working On Top Secret Auto Sales Jump 20% in 'Menlo' Project To Put Windows On April Tablets (MSFT) Connie Madon (BloggingStocks)

Jay Yarow (Business Insider)

Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:30:00 AM

Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:53:10 AM

Microsoft is working on a project codenamed "Menlo," which will attempt to make Windows a unified experience across various devices, Mary Jo Foley reports. Mary Jo hears that Microsoft employees working on Menlo will be tasked with replacing Windows CE, with Windows NT. Windows CE is the core of Microsoft's mobile operating systems, including Windows Phone 7 and the Zune operating system. Windows NT is at the heart of its Windows 7 operating system. Essentially, it appears Menlo will be Microsoft's attempt to limit its long term fragmentation. Windows Phone 7, Microsoft's next mobile OS, looks much different from Windows 7. Menlo seems to be trying to make them converge. Mary Jo admits this is early going in her reporting and she's not exactly clear if that's what Menlo is tasked with. But it definitely involves the mobile space. Mobile and tablet style computing are poised to rapidly expand in the next decade.

Microsoft has the advantage of being the incumbent in the computing space. But, that advantage will be squandered if its desktop computing software and applications aren't available on mobile devices. Here's Mary Jo's explanation: Because Microsoft has a far bigger pool of Windows apps than Windows Mobile/Windows Phone apps, it would make sense for the Redmondians to be trying to find a way to enable that base of business/consumer apps to run on Windows-centric phones and tablets. If Microsoft can successfully pull off this sort of integration it

Filed under: Ford Motor (F), Toyota Motor Corp. (TM), Economic Data, Recession, Nissan Motors (NSANY) Auto sales jumped 20% in April from a year ago. The numbers were quite strong, but still down 8% from March. Sales have been uneven as we continue to emerge from the greatest recession since the 1930s. Auto sales are closely tied to buyer incentives. In April, manufacturers reduced incentives by 5%. Given a stable economy, nothing affects sales more than incentives. If you pull will help it protect its Windows the incentives, sales usually f r a n c h i s e w h i c h i s w h e r e slack off. Microsoft still makes its money. By companies, here are the See Also: Microsoft's Desperate numbers: Search For A New Market To • Toyota Motors ( TM) sales were up 24%, weaker than Dominate Join the conversation about this expected • Nissan Motors led the group, story » up 35% See Also: • Microsoft's Desperate Search • Hyundai Motors was up 30% F o r A N e w M a r k e t T o • Ford ( F) and Chrysler were each up 25% Dominate • M i c r o s o f t ' s W i n d o w s • General Motors was up 6.4% Monopoly Now At Risk As Tablet Market Sprouts Without It • Microsoft Cancels Its "Courier" Tablet

• Honda Motors ( HMC) was up 12.5% Going forward, analysts expect sales to reach 11.8 to 12.5 million this year. These numbers are much lower than the 16 and 17 million units sold in the prerecession years. The future of the auto industry closely follows the overall economy. If the economy continues to recover, look for auto sales to improve. Auto Sales Jump 20% in April originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 04 May 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments General Motors- ToyotaNissan Motors- Ford Motor Company- Honda


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CRAIGSLIST continued from page 4

telephone verification system for its adult services section. Requests for comment from Craigslist were not immediately returned. Update: In a recent blog post titled " Deja Blumenthal," Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster goes after the connecticut attorney general over subpoena charges. "True to form, CT AG Blumenthal is once again indulging in self-serving Dan Nosowitz (Fast not dynamic, and a bit stiff. We'll see more information publicity at the expense of the Company) Twitter gets it, and t hey're tomorrow, letting us know truth and his constituents — about to introduce a new exactly how it works and how touting a subpoena on television Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:12:37 AM Twitter-like pull quote called customizable it is. Will it cycle and telling whoppers about The pull quote is a time- Embedded Tweets. According through related tweets, or stay craigslist “reneging” on honored way of both luring to Silicon Alley Insider, they'll o n o n e ? C a n y o u p i c k a promises — even before readers in with an enticing have live links and text can be keyword? A news story? A craigslist had been served with a statement and taking up lots of selected (unlike in a simple hashtag? I know it'll be hard, subpoena," writes Buckmaster. room on a page with words you screenshot grab). Twitter says since this is pretty much like "As AG Blumenthal knows full already wrote. But they're it'll consist of "just a snippet of Christmas Eve, but try to get well, craigslist has gone beyond static, and they don't provide code," probably a bit of HTML some sleep tonight. There'll be fulfilling its legal obligations, any extra information or insight. with room for the URL of the embedded Twitter presents far beyond classifieds industry Twitter posts have been used as tweet you want to embed. They tomorrow. norms, has more than lived up to a sort of new-age pull quote even demonstrate it her e--you Dan Nosowitz, the author of before; they're about the right can see that most of the links this post, can be followed on length, and can provide some (though not hashtags) are live, Twitter, corresponded with via extra insight too. But there meaning they can be clicked. email, and stalked in San hasn't yet been a particularly The image at the top of this Francisco (no link for that one-good way of integrating tweets post? A screengrab. Just goes you'll have to do the legwork into an article. Most writers to show how good an idea this is yourself). will just take a screenshot of a --I need it literally in the post tweet and post the image in-- announcing it.

Twitter to Debut Embeddable Pull Quotes

any promises it made, and working together with its partners is in fact a leader in the fight against human trafficking and exploitation." Buckmaster concludes his brief post by accusing Blumenthal of having ulterior motives. "With his senatorial race in full swing however, AG Blumenthal won’t let the facts get in the way of a good photo op. Or as I heard while in his offices 2 years ago — 'The most dangerous place on earth is getting caught between Dick Blumenthal and a television camera.'" Interestingly, one of the tags under Buckmaster's post is "harassment." Is this referring to Craigslist's erotic services section or abuse by Blumenthal?

The Market's Hottest Leading Indicator Continues To Head Lower Joe Weisenthal (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:30:00 AM

Of late there's been a lot of talk about the Shanghai Index, and

the idea that it serves as something of a leading indicator for stocks. This chart, showing the market's bottom, has been making the rounds a bit.

Well, on Monday Shanghai was

closed, but it was open last night, and it's heading lower still. The Shanghai composite fell 1.2%, and is now solidly below the 3,000 level. Here's the recent action (not

including yesterday) Join the conversation about this story »


E-reader News Edition


Lou Kerner (Business Insider)

Options Update: Clean Harbors Volatility Increases as Shares Rally on Oil Spill Clean Up

Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:44:00 AM

Paul Foster (BloggingStocks)

Zynga Files To Issue Shares At A ~$4 Billion Valuation

to Track Data. CBOE Volatility Index ( VIX) at 20.19; 10-day moving Filed under: Microsoft (MSFT), average is 18.71, 50-day is Cisco Systems (CSCO), Dell 17.91, 200-day moving average (DELL), Intel (INTC), Options is 22.08. Clean Harbors ( CLH) closed at Update is by Stock Specialist $66.98. CLH, an environmental P a u l F o s t e r o f services company, is expected to t h e f l y o n t h e w a l l . c o m . report Q1 EPS on May 5. May Options Update: Clean Harbors put option implied volatility is at Volatility Increases as Shares 52, above a level of 41 from Rally on Oil Spill Clean Up April 30, June is at 45 and July o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n is at 40, above its 26-week BloggingStocks on Tue, 04 May average of 34, according to 2010 08:00:00 EST. Please see Track Data, suggesting larger our terms for use of feeds. price movement. Permalink| Email this| Retired Four Horseman of Tech C o m m e n t s overall implied volatility for Cisco Systems- MicrosoftMicrosoft ( MSFT) 23, Cisco ( Implied volatility- VIX- Oil CSCO) 25, Dell ( DELL) 34, spill and Intel ( INTC) 26, according Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:00:00 AM

Zynga filed papers in Delaware two weeks ago authorizing the issuance of an additional 1.9 millions shares of Series B-2 Preferred Stock, at an issue price of $12.87 per share, implying a value of about $4 billion for the company based on our estimated 320 million shares outstanding. While no deal has been announced, the filing is typical of shares issued around a strategic partnership, with Softbank often mentioned as a good potential partner for Zynga in Japan. Lou Kerner is a cofounder at, a blog for news, commentary, and Wall Street style research covering the companies driving the social

media revolution. For the last ten years Lou has been a serial entrepreneur with previous ventures including Bolt Media, one of the original social networks which grew to over 20 million monthly uniques in its suite of youth focused web sites, and The .tv Corporation, which licensed the top level domain .tv

from the tiny island nation of Tuvalu. Lou spent the first seven years of his career on Wall Street as an equity analyst following media companies at Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs. Join the conversation about this story Âť

American Express Is in an Uptrend Joseph Lazzaro (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: American Express (AXP), Stocks to Buy It's probably now or never to consider American Express ( AXP) and earn an out-sized gain during the current economic

expansion. I first discussed AXP here in the spring of 2009 at a price of $27.28. The company posted a solid first quarter, with customers spending 16% more compared to the same period a year ago, including a large 27% increase in international spending. This suggests

consumer confidence is improving -- something that's

historically bullish for U.S. GDP. The company earned 31 cents per share a year ago in the first quarter of 2009. In the first quarter, revenue rose 11% to $6.6 billion. Continue reading American Express Is in an Uptrend American Express Is in an Uptrend originally appeared on

BloggingStocks on Tue, 04 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments American Express- New York Stock Exchange- United StatesBusiness- CNBC


Business/ World News/ Food/

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Before the Bell: Futures Chinese police told 'shoot to kill' to Lower on Renewed protect pupils European-Debt Concerns (World News from Times Online)

China and, while police do sometimes carry firearms, they rarely use them. Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:34:44 AM Melly Alazraki However, the recent wave of (BloggingStocks) Police in a Chinese city have attacks on schools in which men Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:30:00 AM been given shoot-to-kill powers a r m e d w i t h k n i v e s h a v e at schools after a series of rampaged through classrooms Filed under: Before the Bell, attacks against young pupils left slashing and hacking at children, International Markets, Pfizer eight dead and dozens wounded. as well as caretakers and (PFE), Market Matters, BP p.l.c. The extreme measure is a sign teachers who tried to block the ADS (BP), Merck and Co of the nervousness across China assaults, has shocked the nation. (MRK), Economic Data U.S. as classes resumed after the On Friday last week, a farmer stock futures declined Tuesday climbed 1.5%. But Europe and three-day May Day holiday wielding a hammer battered five Asia didn't follow suit. following Monday's rally on children and a teacher at a r e n e w e d c o n c e r n s o v e r Continue reading Before the weekend. China’s Ministry of Public kindergarten in eastern China European national debts. And B e l l : F u t u r e s L o w e r o n Security issued an emergency before setting himself on fire as they awaited some economic R e n e w e d E u r o p e a n - D e b t notice at the weekend ordering and killing himself. figures to be released after the C o n c e r n s o p e n i n g b e l l , i n v e s t o r s Before the Bell: Futures Lower tighter security at schools and The day before, a jobless man examined yet another batch of on Renewed European-Debt kindergartens nationwide after who said he was angry at a earnings, including from drug Concerns originally appeared on three attacks on schools in as s e r i e s o f p e r s o n a l a n d BloggingStocks on Tue, 04 May many days last week left nearly professional setbacks slashed 29 giants Pfizer and Merck. Stocks soared Monday as 2010 08:30:00 EST. Please see 50 children and several teachers children and three adults at a kindergarten in southeastern investors grew more upbeat our terms for use of feeds. injured. In southwestern Chongqing, a China with a knife used for P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | about the economic outlook and sprawling metropolis of more slaughtering pigs. fears about Greece's debt C o m m e n t s situation abated. The Dow Pfizer- Nasdaq- United States- than 30 million people, police Less than 24 hours before that, have decided to take no chances. a 33-year-old former teacher industrisals and the S&P 500 Merck- Business The Chongqing Evening News with a history of mental illness gained 1.3%, while the Nasdaq reported: “The police have clear injured 15 students and a teacher regulations in these odious cases in a knife attack on a primary where direct attacks occurring at school in southern China. or in the vicinity of schools have The incidents appeared to be (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) Your Comment* 500 characters injured students or children." copycat attacks. remaining The newspaper said: “If they Last week, a former medical The rules: Keep it clean, and Five Filters featured article: cannot contain the violent acts, w o r k e r i n e a s t e r n F u j i a n stay on the subject or we might The Art of Looking Prime police can shoot to kill in province was executed for delete your comment. If you see Ministerial - The 2010 UK accordance with the law.” stabbing to death eight children inappropriate language, e-mail General Election. Available Violent crime is unusual in and wounding five others as us. An asterisk* indicates a tools: PDF Newspaper, Full required field. Text RSS, Term Extraction. Your Name

Strawberry Recipes

they waited outside their school. He told the court he was enraged after his girlfriend jilted him. Most schools in China have a security guard who sits in a box at the gate, but these men are barely armed in a society where a tough “one couple, one child” family planning policy means children are adored and usually spoilt. The country’s security chief stressed yesterday that child safety was an issued that “most worried people”. Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, said: “We must take fast action to strengthen security for schools and kindergartens to create a harmonious environment for children to study and grow up in.” He ordered an increase in police patrols around schools and kindergartens and instructed health and civil affairs authorities to improve their management and treatment of people with mental disorders. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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NYC bomb suspect nabbed aboard Dubai-bound plane (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:30:24 AM

NEW YORK – A U.S. citizen who had recently returned from a five-month trip to his native Pakistan, where he had a wife, was arrested at a New York airport on charges that he drove a bomb-laden SUV meant to cause a fireball in Times Square, federal authorities said. Faisal Shahzad was on board a Dubai-bound flight at Kennedy Airport when FBI agents and New York Police Department detectives took him into custody late Monday, law enforcement officials said. One official said he claimed to have acted alone. U.S. authorities "will not rest until we have brought everyone responsible to justice," Attorney Eric Holder said early Tuesday, suggesting additional suspects are being sought. Shahzad, 30, is a naturalized U.S. citizen and had recently returned from a five-month trip to Pakistan, where he had a wife, according to law enforcement officials who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the investigation into the failed car bombing. Investigators hadn't established an immediate connection to the Pakistani Taliban— which had claimed responsibility for the botched bombing in three videos — or any foreign terrorist

groups, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "He's claimed to have acted alone, but these are things that have to be investigated," the official. Another law enforcement official said Shahzad was not known to the U.S. intelligence community before the failed bombing attempt. The U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan was handling the case and said Shahzad would appear in court Tuesday, but the charges were not made public. FBI agents searched the home at a known address for Shahzad in Bridgeport, Conn., early Tuesday, said agent Kimberly Mertz, who wouldn't answer questions about the search. Authorities removed filled plastic bags from the house overnight in a mixed-race, working-class neighborhood of multi-family homes in Connecticut's largest city. A bomb squad came and went without entering as local police and FBI agents gathered in the cordoned-off street. Shahzad was being held in New York overnight and couldn't be contacted. A phone number at a listed address for Shahzad in Shelton, Conn., wasn't in service. Related • Holder: Car bomb suspect tried to fly to Dubai| Text AP • Gibbs: Obama briefed on arrest just after midnight AP

• Suspect gained citizenship last year AP • FBI searches NYC car bomb suspect's Conn. home AP • Failed terror attack plots leave NY residents wary AP He used to live in a two-story grayish-brown Colonial with a sloping yard in a working-class neighborhood in Shelton. On Tuesday morning, the home looked as if it had been unoccupied for a while, with grass growing in the driveway and bags of garbage lying about. Neighbors offered diverging descriptions of Shahzad but agreed that he kept to himself. One, Brenda Thurman, said Shahzad had told her husband he worked on Wall Street, while another neighbor, Audrey Sokol, said she thought he worked in nearby Norwalk. Thurman, 37, said he lived in Shelton with his wife and two small children until last year. "He was a little bit strange," she said. "He didn't like to come out during the day." Sokol, a teacher who lives next door to Shahzad's old house, said that he would wave and say hello and that he seemed normal to her. Law enforcement officials say Shahzad bought the SUV, a 1993 Nissan Pathfinder, from a Connecticut man about three weeks ago and paid cash. The officials spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because

of the sensitive nature of the case. The vehicle identification number had been removed from the Pathfinder's dashboard, but it was stamped on the engine, and investigators used it to find the owner of record, who told them he had sold the vehicle to a stranger. As the SUV buyer came into focus, investigators backed off other leads. The SUV was parked on Saturday night on a busy midtown Manhattan street near a theater showing " The Lion King." The explosive device inside it had cheap-looking alarm clocks connected to a 16ounce can filled with fireworks, which were apparently intended to detonate gas cans and set propane tanks afire in a chain reaction "to cause mayhem, to create casualties," police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. A metal rifle cabinet placed in the SUV's cargo area was packed with fertilizer, but NYPD bomb experts believe it was not a type volatile enough to explode like the ammonium nitrate grade fertilizer used in previous terrorist bombings. Police said the SUV bomb could have produced "a significant fireball" and sprayed shrapnel with enough force to kill pedestrians and knock out windows. A vendor alerted a police officer to the parked SUV,

which was smoking. Times Square, clogged with tourists on a warm evening, was shut down for 10 hours. A bomb squad dismantled the explosive device, and no one was hurt. But Holder said Americans should remain vigilant. "It's clear," he said, "that the intent behind this terrorist act was to kill Americans." Authorities did not address Shahzad's plans in Dubai. The airport there is the Middle East's busiest and is a major transit point for passengers traveling between the West and much of Asia, particularly India and Pakistan. Dubai-based Emirates airline said three passengers were pulled from Flight EK202, which was delayed for about seven hours. The airline did not identify Shahzad by name or identify the other two passengers. The aircraft and passengers were then re-screened before taking off Tuesday morning, and the airline is "cooperating with the local authorities," Emirates said in a statement e-mailed to the AP. In Pakistan, Interior Minister Rehman Malik told the AP that authorities had not been formally asked for help in the probe but would cooperate if asked. More than a dozen people with NYC page 17


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More victims feared as Tenn. floodwaters recede (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

The flooding also prompted election officials to delay the city's local primary, which had N A S H V I L L E , T e n n . – been set for Tuesday. Rescuers feared even more Restaurant and bars clustered bodies would emerge as muddy on a downtown street remained flood waters ebb from torrential closed because of the power weekend rains that swamped outage. Bar manager Susan Nashville, much of Tennessee Zoesch said the closure would and two neighboring states, be hardest on servers who rely leaving at least 29 dead. on tips. The Cumberland River that has "We're trying to figure out what submerged parts of Nashville's we can do for them if we're historic downtown was expected going to be shut down for s to start receeding Tuesday after while," Zoesch said. being swollen by flash floods in Andy Mason, the concierge at a creeks that feed into it. high-rise building of Residents and authorities know condominiums, said he was they'll find widespread property been advising residents to leave damage in inundated areas, but the 330-unit building because dread even more devastating power wasn't expected to be discoveries. restored for three days. "Those in houses that have been Thousands of people fled rising flooded and some of those more w a t e r a n d h u n d r e d s w e r e remote areas, do we suspect we r e s c u e d , b u t b o d i e s w e r e will find more people? Probably recovered Monday from homes, so," Nashville Fire Chief Kim a yard, even a wooded area Lawson said. "We certainly outside a Nashville supermarket. hope that it's not a large By Monday night, the rapidly number." rising waters were blamed in the Businesses along Nashville's d e a t h s o f 1 8 p e o p l e i n riverfront lost electricity early Tennessee alone, including 10 in Tuesday. Laurie Parker, a Nashville. spokeswoman for Nashville The weekend storms also killed Electric Service, said a main six people in Mississippi and circuit failed before dawn, four in Kentucky, including one knocking out power to many man whose truck ran off the downtown businesses, including road and into a flooded creek. the 33-story AT&T Building One person was killed by a and a Hilton hotel. tornado in western Tennessee. Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:08:51 AM

In Nashville, the Cumberland also deluged some of the city's most important revenue sources: the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center, whose 1,500 guests were whisked to a shelter; the adjacent Opry Mills Mall; even the Grand Ole Opry House, considered by many to be the heart of country music. Floodwaters also edged into areas of downtown, damaging the Country Music Hall of Fame, LP Field where the Tennessee Titans play and the Bridgestone Arena, home to the NHL's Nashville Predators and one of the city's main concert venues. Carly Horvat, 29, lives in a downtown condo and ventured out with a few friends to look at damage Monday night. "I have never heard the city so quiet," Horvat said. "Usually, you hear whooping and hollering from Broadway." Damage estimates range into the tens of millions of dollars. Gov. Phil Bredesen declared 52 of Tennessee's 95 counties disaster areas after finishing an aerial tour from Nashville to western Tennessee during which he saw flooding so extensive that treetops looked like islands. The severity of the storms caught everyone off guard. More than 13.5 inches of rainfall were recorded Saturday

and Sunday, according to the National Weather Service, making for a new two-day record that doubled the previous mark. Dramatic rescues continued into Monday as water crept into areas that had remained safe during weekend downpours. Authorities and volunteers in fishing boats, an amphibious tour bus and a canoe scooped up about 500 trapped vacationers at the Wyndham Resort along the river near Opryland. Rescuers had to steer through a maze of underwater hazards, including submerged cars, some with tops barely visible above floodwaters the color of milk chocolate. Bill Crousser was riding his Jet Ski past a neighbor's house when he rescued a man, his wife and their dog moments before flames from a fire in the garage broke through the roof. "We just got the hell out of there," Crousser said. The water swelled most of the area's lakes, minor rivers, creeks, streams and drainage systems far beyond capacity. It flowed with such force that bridges were washed out and thousands of homes were damaged. Much of that water then drained into the Cumberland, which snakes through Nashville. The Cumberland topped out

around 6 p.m. Monday at 51.9 feet, about 12 feet above flood stage and the highest it's reached since 1937. It began to recede just in time to spare the city's only remaining water treatment plant. Still, about 50 Nashville schools were damaged and floodwaters submerged hundreds of homes in the Bellevue suburb alone, including Lisa Blackmon's. She escaped with her dog and her car but feared she lost everything else. "I know God doesn't give us more than we can take," said Blackmon, 45, who lost her job at a trucking company in December. "But I'm at my breaking point." ___ Associated Press writers Travis Loller, Kristin M. Hall, Lucas L. Johnson II, Teresa Walker, Sheila Burke, Randall Dickerson and Joe Edwards in Nashville contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Va. lacrosse player's killing shocks classmates (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:42:28 AM

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. – Yeardley Love was entering the best time of her life. The woman from Cockeysville, Md., who said she always dreamed of playing lacrosse at Virginia, was only weeks from earning a degree, and she and her teammates were anticipating a chance to punctuate their season by winning a national championship. And then, early Monday morning, it was all gone, a fleet of police cars with lights flashing converging on the apartment where Love lived, and where she was found dead. In a matter of hours, police took George Huguely, a senior on the Cavaliers men's lacrosse team, into custody, charging him with first-degree murder. They gave no details of how the 22-yearold died, or why, but said the two had been in a relationship at some point. Huguely, also 22, of Chevy Chase, Md., emerged quickly as the prime suspect in the case, Charlottesville Police Chief Timothy Longo said, but he did not say why. Huguely, also a senior, was

being held in the AlbemarleCharlottesville Regional Jail. Love's body was to be taken to Richmond for an autopsy, Longo said. Love's roommate called police around 2:15 a.m. concerned that Love may have had an alcohol overdose, Longo said, but police found her dead with obvious physical injuries. He said he did not believe any weapons were used in the killing. Speaking on three television networks Tuesday morning, Longo declined to give many details in the case, citing the ongoing investigation. Longo did say investigators planned to interview teammates and friends about the nature of the relationship between Love and Huguely. As the news trickled throughout campus, a steady stream of students preparing for finals later in the week wandered down the apartment-lined street that runs by the house where Love's body was found. Drivers slowed down and pointed as they approached the building. Suggestions it may have been a domestic situation did little to ease the anguish. "Just to hear that anybody in the

U.Va. community could be suspected of that, regardless of the relationship, does give you a sense of unease," said Drew Cook, 22, of Burke, said. Kyle Cecil, 22, of Newport News, said he lived on the same hall as Huguely as freshman, and knew him well enough to say hello. He was shocked to see police cars at the building on his way to class, and more shocked when he learned of Huguely's arrest on a murder charge. Leonard Sandridge, executive vice president of the university, told reporters the campus was saddened, and that the pain is magnified because the accused is "one of our own." The lacrosse teams met at least once during the day, but lacrosse players and school officials declined repeatedly to comment during the day, referring to a school statement. The men's and women's lacrosse seasons — both teams are national title contenders — were "not even entering into our thoughts," athletic director Craig Littlepage said. The NCAA tournament pairings are to be announced Sunday, and the men's team is expected to host a first-round game, and the women's team is

also anticipating being included. Huguely, a midfielder, wasn't a starter but played in all 15 games this season. He had four goals and three assists. Love played defense and started in three games this season. Love was "described as an angel by teammates and friends," Littlepage said. She played varsity lacrosse and field hockey for four years at Notre Dame Preparatory School in Baltimore, and was recalled as an outstanding and wonderful person , said Sister Patricia McCarron, headmistress of the school. "Yeardley was the core of the personality of the team. She was our laughter, a good soul. She always found an appropriate way to lighten things up," said Mary Bartel, who coached lacrosse at Notre Dame Prep. "I don't think there is a soul in this building who couldn't say her name without smiling. Yeardley loved NDP, and NDP loved her. She was a good soul and an outstanding athlete." University president John Casteen said in a release on the university's website that Love "deserved the bright future she earned growing up, studying here, and developing her talents

as a lacrosse player," he said. "She deserves to be remembered for her human goodness, her capacity for future greatness, and for the terrible way in which her young life has ended." Huguely attended the Landon School, a private school in Bethesda, Md. It is the same prep school that at least one of the Duke lacrosse players accused of sexually assaulting a woman at a team party in 2006 attended. The charges later were dismissed. Huguely played both varsity lacrosse and varsity football, and was co-captain of the lacrosse team in his senior year, school spokeswoman Jean Erstlin said. She said the school had no comment on his arrest. ___ Associated Press Writers Dena Potter in Richmond and Dave Ginsburg in Baltimore, Md., contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Feds offer $5b to shore up early retiree coverage (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

own. Starting in 2014, the health care law forbids insurers from WASHINGTON – Trying to denying coverage to people with entice cost-weary employers to medical problems, limits what k e e p p r o v i d i n g m e d i c a l the companies can charge older coverage to early retirees, the i n d i v i d u a l s , a n d s e t s u p Obama administration is making competitive health insurance $5 billion available until the markets called exchanges — safety net of the new health care where consumers can buy a law is in place. policy, in many cases with Older baby boomers working direct government assistance. for large companies — and Early retirees will have options looking to downshift to less- they don't currently enjoy. demanding employment_ could "Employers have been offering be the immediate beneficiaries. these benefits because there is Effective next month, federal n o a l t e r n a t i v e s o u r c e o f subsidies will allow employers coverage," said economist Paul to recoup a big chunk of the cost Fronstin of the Employee of medical claims for retirees Benefit Research Institute. "I ages 55 to 64 not yet eligible for think they're going to be asking Medicare, according to a White themselves why they should House official who spoke on c o n t i n u e o f f e r i n g r e t i r e e condition of anonymity ahead of coverage. There is no question the official announcement this is something that is on expected Tuesday. employers' minds." However, in the long run, Preventing an immediate rush experts predict that President to the exits by employers is one Barack Obama's health overhaul of the main goals of the new will accelerate the decline of subsidy program, authorized employer-sponsored retiree under the health care overhaul coverage, by making it easier law. Among employers with 500 for people to find and keep or more workers, only 28 affordable coverage on their percent offer health benefits to Submitted at 5/4/2010 4:00:29 AM

early retirees, down from 46 percent in 1993, according to Mercer, a benefits consulting firm. Under the program, employers can get reimbursed for up to 80 percent of the cost of medical claims between $15,000 and $90,000 for their early retirees. The government payments can be used to reduce premiums for retirees and their dependents, or by employers to keep their own costs in check. The benefit takes effect June 1. Large companies and labor unions successfully lobbied to include the early retiree subsidy in the broader health overhaul. Nearly 2 million people ages 5564 currently have health insurance through a former employer. Congress set aside $5 billion to finance the benefit until Jan. 1, 2014, but it's unclear how long the money will last. Employers are expected to sign up without delay. Passage of the law has prompted employers to reassess whether they need to keep any of their retirees on workplace health plans over the long run.

In addition to the early retiree subsidy, the overhaul law improves Medicare benefits by gradually closing the prescription drug coverage gap called the "doughnut hole." That will benefit retirees over age 65. Even now, some companies are starting to provide their retirees with a fixed payment for health care, a voucher that limits their own exposure. "Once the insurance exchanges are up and running, it provides a ready vehicle for early retirees that does not exist today," explained Ron Fontanetta, a principal with the benefits consulting firm TowersWatson. "You couple that with an improved Medicare drug program, and it begs the question whether employers really need to be in the retiree game at all." Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

MoSync Considers $14 million Term Sheet For Its Mobile Apps Magic Mike Butcher (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:44:11 AM

MoSync is a Swedish company which aims to create tools for mobile developers which allow them to do that mythical 'write once and run many' thing with mobile applications so that they will work across any platform. Of course, we all know what Apple thinks about Flash apps being converted to run that way, but this is not about to deter MoSync. Or, it appears, their potential investors. For we have heard on the grapevine that MoSync is entertaining terms sheets for a $14 million (11m Euro) financing round.

World News/ Culture/

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NYC continued from page 13

American citizenship or residency, like Shahzad, have been accused in the past two years of supporting or carrying out terrorism attempts on U.S. soil, cases that illustrate the threat of violent extremism from within the U.S. Among them are Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, a U.S.-born Army psychiatrist of Palestinian descent, charged with fatally shooting 13 people last year at Fort Hood, Texas; Najibullah Zazi, a Denver-area airport shuttle driver who pleaded guilty in February in a plot to bomb New York subways; and a Pennsylvania woman who authorities say became radicalized online as " Jihad Jane" and plotted to kill a Swedish artist whose work

offended Muslims. ___ Contributing to this report were Associated Press writer Pete Yost in Washington, AP Video journalist Ted Shaffrey in Bridgeport, Conn., AP photojournalist Doug Healey in Shelton, Conn., and AP writers Chris Brummitt in Islamabad, Adam Schreck in Dubai and John Christoffersen in Shelton, Conn. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

BP says stemming oil flow will take three months (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 5/4/2010 3:56:00 AM

The fight to cut off the flow of oil feeding the giant oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico could take three months, BP said today. The oil giant launched a new front in its battle to contain the spill, as engineers began drilling a relief well designed to cut off the leaking oil permanently. The new well, which is in 5,000 feet of water, is planned to intercept the existing well at 13,000 feet — about two miles — below the seabed. It will be used to inject cement to cap the one that is leaking. Drilling began on Sunday at 3pm local time, after days of (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) there are many myths about this delays caused by poor weather incredible organ. Think you can c o n d i t i o n s . H o w e v e r , B P The brain is one of the most separate fact from fiction? Take confirmed that the operation amazing organs in the human this quiz on brain myths and w o u l d t a k e “ s o m e t h r e e body, but it's also one of the find out. months” to complete. most mysterious. Even with the Five Filters featured article: The operation, which will cost b e s t n e u r o s c i e n t i s t s , The Art of Looking Prime an estimated $100 million, is psychologists and psychiatrists Ministerial - The 2010 UK being undertaken by a second on the case, there's still a lot we General Election. Available rig called Development Driller don't know about our brains. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full III, which BP towed to the site And the things that we do know Text RSS, Term Extraction. last week. may turn out to be untrue, as “This is another key step in our work to permanently stop the loss of oil from the well,” said

Fact or Fiction: Brain Myths


BP group chief executive Tony Hayward. “At the same time we are continuing with our efforts to stop the leak and control the oil at the seabed, to tackle the oil offshore and to protect the shoreline.” An estimated 1.6 million gallons of oil are thought to have leaked from the site of the BP-leased Deepwater Horizon rig, since an explosion on April 20 which killed 11 workers. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration estimates that 5,000 barrels of oil or 210,000 gallons are leaking from the wreckage every day. President Obama has warned of a “potentially unprecedented environmental disaster” along the coast of four US states — Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. BP said it was pressing ahead with plans to inject dispersants directly into the plume of leaking oil underwater to help break up the slick. It is also building a metal canopy designed to be placed over the leaking oil so that it can be pumped directly to a storage vessel on the surface. The oil company moved to

dampen speculation last night that it had managed to operate a device on the seabed designed to block the flow of oil. BP said the actions it had taken to date on the blowout preventer “have not resulted in any observed reduction in the rate of oil flow of oil from the MC252 well”. The political pressure on BP increased, however, when California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger withdrew his support for plans to start drilling off Santa Barbara. “It will not happen here in California,” Mr Schwarzenegger said. “You turn on the television and you see this enormous disaster and you say to yourself ‘why would we want to take that risk?’. The risk is much greater than the money is worth.” BP shares plunged by a further 4 per cent this morning to 551p. About £17 billion has been wiped from BP’s valuation since the accident. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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BP struggles to stop Gulf of Mexico oil leak (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:37:59 AM

GOLDEN MEADOW, Louisiana(Reuters) - BP Plc struggled to stop oil gushing unchecked from a ruptured undersea well in the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday and calmer weather raised hopes of reducing the massive oil slick and limiting its impact on the U.S. shoreline. U.S.| Green Business Calmer seas aided relief operations to contain the oil, and weather forecaster said favorable winds and waves could keep the slick from reaching the Gulf coastline for a few more days or longer. The catastrophic oil leak, spewing from the ocean floor at a rate estimated at more than 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons (795,000 liters)) a day, threatens shipping, wildlife, beaches and one of the most fertile U.S. fishing grounds. The London-based energy giant, under pressure from Washington to limit the damage, completed the first of three massive steel and concrete domes it will try to place this week over one of three leaks nearly a mile under the water's surface. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^

I N S I D E R T V : G r a p h i c : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ BP shares traded down 4.1 percent at 551.6 pence on fears about the company's growing liability over the spill. The shares lagged a 1.5 percent fall in the STOXX Europe 600 Oil and Gas index. The stock has fallen about 17 percent in the two weeks since the company announced an explosion and fire on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, which subsequently sank, unleashing a massive oil flow into the sea. U.S. crude oil fell more than $1 to around $85 a barrel on Tuesday, retreating from 19month highs, depressed by an expected rise in U.S. crude and fuel stocks and a stronger dollar. Dealers said oil prices received some support from worries the giant slick in the Gulf of Mexico could disrupt crude oil supplies in the United States. The Mississippi River delta and other areas of the U.S. Gulf coast are threatened by contact from the slick, which is estimated to be at least 130 miles by 70 miles. BP said offshore booms and specialist oil spill response vessels and barges returned to

operation in calmer seas on Tuesday. It offered the U.S. Gulf Coast states whose shores could be damaged millions of dollars to move ahead with recovery projects. The accident has brought into sharp focus the thorny politics of balancing U.S. energy security with protecting the environment and industries that depend on it, like fishing. OPPOSITION TO MORE OFFSHORE DRILLING The leak has forced President Barack Obama to suspend politically sensitive plans to expand offshore oil drilling, unveiled last month partly to woo Republican support for climate legislation. California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger pulled his support for expanded drilling off his state's coast, citing the Gulf spill. His about-face came after he had called for more oil drilling off California's coast to raise money for the state government, which faces a $20 billion budget shortfall. Royal Dutch Shell has not been directed to stop Gulf of Mexico oil drilling and it is too early to say what the U.S. government will do about future drilling after the BP offshore well ruptured, Shell's chief executive said on Tuesday. CEO Peter Voser said investigations on the spill are continuing, and the leak will not

have much impact on crude prices and production. The looming disaster in the Gulf threatens to eclipse the 1989 Exxon Valdez catastrophe in Alaska, the worst previous U.S. oil spill to date. "People are pretty devastated," said Bill Butler, co-owner of the marina in the town of Venice, Louisiana, known for commercial and recreational fishing. "It's looking grim if you look at the TV, but you have to have optimism about the future." The company said it expects to transport a 98-tonne, 40-foot iron box, and associated equipment, to the well site this week. It is designed to channel oil through a pipe to the surface where it can be collected on a barge. In theory, the system should collect 85 percent of the oil gushing from the sea floor, but BP has never deployed the structure at a depth of 5,000 feet and cannot guarantee that the effort will pay off. BP OFFERS RECOVERY GRANTS Company officials also said BP is releasing $25 million each in block grants to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida to jump-start clean-up projects. The funding can be used for numerous expenses such as vessels for hire. BP has spent several years

working to burnish its environmental image. It now faces a public relations nightmare as well as intense pressure from the Obama administration to get the situation under control. Tony Hayward, BP's chief executive, and Lamar McKay, BP America president, met on Monday with top Obama administration officials including the energy, interior and homeland security secretaries and the head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to discuss coordinated response efforts. Over the weekend it started a relief well that could cap the well, the company said. Still, this operation is expected to take two to three months to complete. (Additional reporting by Kelli Dugan in Mobile, Chis Baltimore, Anna Driver and Kristen Hays in Houston; Matt Daily and Tom Bergin in London, Pascal Fletcher in Miami, Jeremy Pelofsky in London; Writing by John Whitesides and Jeffrey Jones; Editing by Eric Beech) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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U.S. arrests Pakistani-American over failed car bomb (Reuters: Top News)

was packed with people on a warm Saturday evening. Had the bomb detonated, many people N E W could have died, officials said. YORK/WASHINGTON(Reuter Authorities searched Shahzad's s) - A Pakistani-American man h o m e i n B r i d g e p o r t , has been arrested for allegedly Connecticut, the FBI said on driving a bomb-laden car into Tuesday. An FBI spokeswoman New York's Times Square on did not say what authorities had Saturday night, U.S. authorities found. said on Tuesday. For New Yorkers who bore the U.S. brunt of the September 11 Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized attacks by al Qaeda militants in U.S. citizen born in Pakistan, 2001, the scare was a reminder was seized at about 11:45 p.m. that their city of 8 million on Monday (0345 GMT on people remained under constant Tuesday) at John F. Kennedy threat. International Airport in New Emirates, the airline whose York as he attempted to take a flight Shahzad had boarded in flight to Dubai, local and federal N e w Y o r k b e f o r e b e i n g officials said. detained, said in a statement that "The intent behind this terrorist three passengers were removed act was to kill Americans," U.S. from the plane. Attorney General Eric Holder "Full security procedures were told an early morning news a c t i v a t e d i n c l u d i n g t h e conference. deplaning of all passengers and Faisal will appear in federal a thorough screening of the court on Tuesday to face a i r c r a f t , p a s s e n g e r s a n d charges of "driving a car bomb b a g g a g e , " a n E m i r a t e s into Times Square on the spokesperson said in an eevening of May 1," according to mailed statement. a statement by U.S. Attorney Pakistan pledged to help the Preet Bharara, FBI agent George United States in the case. Venizelos and New York City "We will cooperate with the Police Commissioner Raymond United States in identifying this Kelly. individual and bringing him to Shahzad, 30, is believed to have justice," Interior Minister bought the 1993 Nissan sport Rehman Malik told Reuters. utility vehicle used to carry the 'REMAIN VIGILANT' crude bomb, made of fuel and "This investigation is ongoing, fireworks, into Times Square as as are our attempts to gather the theater and shopping area useful intelligence, and we Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:16:27 AM

continue to pursue a number of leads," Holder said, adding that "it's important that the American people remain vigilant." White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said President Barack Obama was notified of the arrest just after midnight by his counterterrorism chief, John Brennan, after being briefed six times on Monday about the investigation. Law enforcement sources told Reuters that Saturday's attempted attack may have involved more than one person and could have international ties. The New York Times said Shahzad had recently returned from a trip to Pakistan. The Taliban in Pakistan said on Sunday it planted the bomb to avenge the killing in April of al Qaeda's two top leaders in Iraq as well as U.S. interference in Muslim countries. Some officials voiced skepticism about the claim. But former CIA analyst Bruce Riedel, who last year oversaw an Obama administration strategy review on Afghanistan and Pakistan, cautioned against dismissing a Taliban role. "They have said they want to attack inside the United States," he said before the arrest was announced, adding it was possible the incident involved "some Pakistani-American who has never built a car bomb before in his life but who is

being coached either by phone or Internet." Pakistan is a key ally to the United States and other NATO countries fighting the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan but is also seen as a training ground for Islamist militants. The failed bombing was the second significant plot in nine months targeting New York City. An Afghan immigrant, Najibullah Zazi, has pleaded guilty to plotting a suicide bombing campaign on Manhattan's subway system last September. U.S. authorities disrupted that plot before Zazi and his accused accomplices were able to carry it out. Another Afghan-born man has pleaded guilty for his role in the plot. "As we move forward, we will focus on not just holding those responsible for it (the failed bombing) accountable, but also on obtaining any intelligence about terrorist organizations overseas," Holder said. 'INCOMPETENT ATTACK' Garry Hindle, head of security and counterterrorism at Britain's Royal United Services Institute think tank, said: "We've been saying for a long time that this type of incompetent attack is the trend. If it follows the pattern of previous incidents, we can expect to uncover an amount of prior overseas travel, instruction from trainers and a search for

inspiration from radicalizers abroad." The hunt for clues and suspects is being overseen by the Joint Terrorism Task Force, led by the U.S. Justice Department, as investigators pore over surveillance camera footage, the Nissan Pathfinder and the bomb parts. Street vendors selling T-shirts and handbags alerted police on Saturday evening to the smoking and sparking vehicle that was parked with its engine running and hazard lights on near a Broadway theater where Disney's "The Lion King" is performed. The Pathfinder, with a rear license plate taken from a car now in a repair shop in Connecticut, was rigged with propane gas cylinders, gasoline cans, fertilizer, fireworks and timing devices. (Additional reporting by Dan Trotta in New York; Jeff Mason, JoAnne Allen and Will Dunham in Washington, and William Maclean in London; Editing by John O'Callaghan and Will Dunham) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Voter unrest sparks rash of primary challenges (Reuters: Top News)

Republicans and in some cases forced them to adopt more conservative stances. WASHINGTON(Reuters) - A President Barack Obama's rising tide of voter anger has Democrats face their own highp r o d u c e d s e r i o u s p r i m a r y profile ideological battles, with challenges in both parties this Senators Blanche Lincoln in year, with Republicans facing a Arkansas and Arlen Specter in political revolt that could sweep Pennsylvania hoping to survive away powerful U.S. incumbents tough challenges from the left like Senator John McCain. on May 18. U.S.| Barack Obama Democrats are desperately As the long primary season trying to hold their majorities in begins in earnest on Tuesday, C o n g r e s s a n d h o p e t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t R e p u b l i c a n Republican infighting can help candidates face at least a half- in November, when all 435 seats dozen strong challenges in party in the House of Representatives contests to pick the candidates and 36 Senate seats are up for f o r N o v e m b e r ' s m i d t e r m grabs. election. "There definitely are more Three crucial Republican primary challenges this year, showdowns in May could particularly to Republicans, provide a test of the strength and where they come from Tea Party s t a y i n g p o w e r o f t h e angst about the growing size of conservative Tea Party -- government and deficits," said loosely organized activists who Cal Jillson, a political analyst at have rallied to demand lower Southern Methodist University taxes, reduced spending and in Dallas. more limited government. "The level of economic worry Republican Governor Charlie a n d d i s s a t i s f a c t i o n w i t h Crist's decision last week to g o v e r n m e n t h a s m a d e i t avoid a primary fight in Florida dangerous for incumbents, and by running for re-election as an t h e R e p u b l i c a n b a s e i s independent was the latest particularly active," he said. f a l l o u t f r o m a n a n t i - FIRST TEST IN INDIANA establishment voter rebellion. The first showdown will be on Crist ducked a Republican Tuesday in Indiana, where Tea primary fight with former state Party favorite Marlin Stutzman House speaker Marco Rubio, a - endorsed by conservative favorite of conservative Tea Senator Jim DeMint -- is P a r t y a c t i v i s t s w h o h a v e challenging former Senator Dan t a r g e t e d m a i n s t r e a m Coats for the Republican Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:17:35 AM

nomination for retiring Democrat Evan Bayh's seat. On Saturday, Republican Senator Bob Bennett faces a pack of conservative challengers at the state party convention, and polls indicate he might have a tough time surviving. Bennett, normally considered a reliable conservative, has been attacked by the right for supporting the Wall Street bailout. Kentucky then hosts a May 18 showdown between establishment favorite Trey Grayson and Rand Paul, a doctor and son of libertarian Republican Congressman Ron Paul. He has been backed by Tea Party groups and former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. A win in any of those races would be a breakthrough for the Tea Party movement, which has lost in a special House election in New York and in at least eight Republican primary challenges to House incumbents in Texas. "This is going to be the month when the Tea Party gets to prove if they are real or not," said Jennifer Duffy, an analyst of Senate and governor's races at the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. "We really don't know yet -- but we will within the next month," she said. One of the biggest primaries will be in Arizona on August 24, when 2008 Republican

presidential candidate McCain squares off against outspoken conservative J.D. Hayworth, a former congressman. Hayworth has pushed McCain to the right, most notably on Arizona's tough new immigration law. McCain, once a moderate on immigration, backs the law signed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer -- another incumbent who faces a tough primary challenge from the right. Democrats have their own big battles. In Arkansas, Lincoln is battling Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter, who has mounted a progressive grass-roots challenge to Lincoln with help from labor and advocates unhappy with her opposition to a public option in the healthcare overhaul. Specter is being challenged by Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak, who has questioned Specter's Democratic credentials after his party switch last year -a move Specter admitted at the time was forced by his likely inability to win a Republican primary. (Editing by Philip Barbara) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

CDS Storm In Europe Spreading To UK, Italy, And Spain Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:06:27 AM

UK, Spain, and Italy are feeling the brunt of further European uncertainty. The UK holds a general election on Thursday, which may result in a hung parliament, hindering the country's ability to put together an austerity budget with any pace. Spain and Italy are certainly products of contagion from the Greek debt crisis, which continues to look anything but finished today. From CMA Datavision: And in April, Greece was the clear CDS loser with its sovereign and corporate debt under increasing pressure from uncertainty over the country's bailout. From CMA Datavision: Join the conversation about this story Âť

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Voting begins in Senate on Wall Street reform (Reuters: Top News)

in two to four weeks, final passage of the bill looks likely, given a surge in political WASHINGTON(Reuters) - The momentum for it from the U.S. Senate will cast its first Goldman Sachs fraud case and votes on Tuesday on a sweeping the approach of November's Wall Street reform bill, with elections, analysts said. p a s s a g e o f a h a n d f u l o f Wall Street reform is a top uncontroversial amendments domestic policy objective of expected and a key procedural President Barack Obama, who question still unsettled. laid the foundations for the Barack Obama Senate bill in mid-2009 with a Democratic leaders had not yet raft of proposed reforms meant determined as of late Monday to prevent a recurrence of the whether amendments will need severe 2008-2009 financial 50 or 60 votes to pass. The crisis. difference is important because While the economy was still Democrats control 59 votes in deep in recession in December, t h e 1 0 0 - m e m b e r c h a m b e r , the House of Representatives versus the Republicans' 41 approved a bill that embraced votes. many of the Obama A 60-vote rule would make a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ' s i d e a s f o r w i n n i n g p a s s a g e f o r a n y tougher oversight and stricter amendment -- and there are limits on banks and capital more than 100 circulating -- markets. The European Union is more difficult, while a 50-vote pursuing its own agenda for rule would open the way to all reform as well. sorts of proposals from both BOXER AMENDMENT TO Democrats and Republicans. COME FIRST A spokesman for Senate In the Senate, the nearly 1,600Democratic Leader Harry Reid page main bill was developed said that no decision had been over six months of bipartisan reached and that votes would be negotiation led by banking handled on a case-by-case basis c o m m i t t e e C h a i r m a n for the time being. Christopher Dodd. The very first "This is an issue for leadership amendment is expected from to decide. ... A higher threshold Democratic Senator Barbara will bring more order to the Boxer. c h a o s o f t h e a m e n d m e n t She wants to add language process," said Jaret Seiberg, an saying that no taxpayer funds analyst at Concept Capital. could be used again to bail out When the process is over, likely financial institutions -- an idea Submitted at 5/4/2010 5:23:29 AM

likely to gain wide support from both parties. The Bush administration's bailouts of Goldman, AIG, Citigroup, Bank of America and other financial giants set up a political backlash that has only grown as the firms' executives, in hearings on Capitol Hill, have done a poor job explaining their errors and their massive bonuses. Besides Boxer's measure, other early amendments to the bill will reflect the latest deal between Dodd, and Senator Richard Shelby, the top Republican on the banking committee. Analysts said Dodd has agreed, at the Republicans' insistence, to drop a proposal to create a $50 billion fund, paid into by large financial firms, that would help pay for liquidating one or another of them when they get in trouble. Dodd himself has not confirmed that agreement, however. Nor did he have any comment on Monday about the status of a controversial provision that would require banks to spin off their swap-trading desks as part of imposing new rules on the unpoliced, $450 trillion over-the -counter derivatives market. Senate support was slipping for that proposal, according to analysts and sources close to discussions among lawmakers.

As the debate unfolds on the floor, the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee will be holding a hearing on Tuesday on the Obama administration's bank tax proposal. It would impose a levy of 0.15 of a percentage point on the balance sheets of financial companies with assets exceeding $50 billion, raising as much as $117 billion, as originally proposed in January. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will testify on the proposal, intended to reimburse taxpayers for the bailouts. The bank tax is not part of the Dodd bill, but analysts said chances of it being approved would be boosted by deletion of the $50 billion liquidation fund targeted by Republicans. "If the $50 billion resolution fund is removed, there will be pressure to fill a $17 billion ... funding gap, with a bank tax as a potential fix," said Paul Miller, an analyst at FBR Capital Markets. (Reporting by Kevin Drawbaugh; Editing by Richard Chang) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Victoria Beckham Struts Even Far From Fashion's Biggest Night Molly (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:00:00 AM

Victoria Beckham was in head to toe black as she arrived at LAX headed out of town yesterday. One place she wasn't headed, however, was last night's Costume Institute Gala. She's been a highlight of the annual Met event in the past, and we missed her among last night's amazing red carpet looks. Posh did spend some time in New York last week, where she chimed about having more kids during David's interview on The View and the two shopped during their downtime. David also reassured fans that, contrary to rumors, their family isn't moving away from LA, which means more sweet afternoons with the boys when Posh and Becks aren't off on their many travels. View 5 Photos ›


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Greeks begin two-day strike as banking system is saved from meltdown (World News from Times Online)

stave off the collapse of the Greek banking system. In a statement the ECB said that Submitted at 5/4/2010 5:04:34 AM it was suspending a rule Greek public sector workers preventing it accepting junktoday began a 48-hour national rated government bonds in strike that is a first test of the return for loans. It said that the Government’s ability to enact indefinite suspension applied to new austerity measures agreed Greek government debt only. with the EU and IMF in return The ECB moved because for billions of euros in aid. Greece’s credit rating was Ministries, tax offices, schools, downgraded to junk last week hospitals and public services by Standard & Poor’s. Greek were shutting down ahead of a banks hold up to €45 billion midday rally of civil servants ( £ 3 8 b i l l i o n ) worth of outside Parliament, organised government debt, which they by Adedy, the country’s main could not swap for cash from public sector union. the ECB because of its rules on “We want an end to the freefall collateral. of our living standards,” said Latest data from the Bank for Spyros Papaspyros, the head of International Settlements shows Adedy, which represents about that European banks have half a million workers. “I think claims on $188.6 billion of this will be one of the biggest Greek debt, of which French protests we’ve seen in the last banks have $75 billion, German decade.” banks $45 billion and Dutch Private sector workers are due banks $11.9 billion. to join the walkout tomorrow, At the end of last year the ECB the third joint strike since the p r o m i s e d t o t i g h t e n i t s beginning of the year, when emergency lending criteria, worries about Greece’s swollen which it had weakened during debt and deficit levels made the t h e 2 0 0 8 f i n a n c i a l c r i s i s . country a target of financial However, six weeks ago it was markets. Some flights are forced to cut even further the already affected today. quality of government debt it The workers' protests began would accept as concerns about hours after the European Central Greece’s national debt began to Bank (ECB) was forced to mount. Now it says that it will execute an embarrassing U-turn accept any quality of Greek on its lending rules in order to government debt.

Trevor Williams, the chief economist at Lloyds Banking Group and a member of the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee, said: “They [the ECB] had to do this to avoid mass bankruptcies in Greece. The Greek banks have been borrowing heavily from the ECB. Without this move, banks would have had trouble stocking up their cash machines, institutions would be struggling to meet day to day costs such as wages and bills.” But he added: “This does leave the ECB a little tarnished.” The strikers appeared unmoved by the wider economic issue posed by country's imminent financial meltdown. Members of Greece’s Communist party have hung banners reading “Peoples of Europe — Rise Up” on the walls just below the Acropolis in central Athens in preparation for the strikes. Although participation in demonstrations has been limited to a few tens of thousands so far, paling in comparison to the riots that paralysed Athens in December 2008 following the police killing of a teenager, public anger is expected to grow after George Papandreou’s Socialist government unveiled Draconian new budget cutting plans on Sunday that foresee major cuts in wages and

pensions. In exchange, Athens is to receive €110 billion in support over three years, a package aimed at calming fears of a default and buying the country time to overhaul an economy that is uncompetitive and plagued by corruption. A poll released on Friday, before the EU/IMF package was agreed, showed that more than one in two Greeks are prepared to take to the streets to fight the austerity plans. Greek newspapers expressed concerns today that average workers and pensioners were being forced to pay a heavy price for the sins of corrupt officials and tax evaders responsible for Greece’s dire financial state. “It will take a lot of work to convince people that the bill will be paid by those who are responsible or those who can afford it but are not paying,” centre-right daily Eleftheros Typos said. The government plans foresee a public sector pay freeze through 2013 and an end to treasured holiday bonuses for public sector workers earning over €3,000 per month. Special allowances, which account for a substantial portion of civil servant incomes, are to be cut by a further 8 per cent

after being chopped by 12 per cent in March. And pensions will be adjusted to reflect average pay over the full working life of Greek retirees rather than their final salary level. In the private sector, the government plans to loosen rules which prevent companies from firing more than 2 per cent of their workforces in a single month. The trouble in Greece continues to cause consternation in financial markets. The euro tumbled close to a 12-month low against the dollar as investors bet that Greece’s bailout would not prevent contagion spreading to Spain and Portugal. Sterling also rose nearly a cent against the currency. The airlines Olympic and Aegean said that they were scrapping dozens of domestic flights and two flights to London today and would ground all international flights tomorrow, because of a strike called by aviation workers. Meanwhile, EU member nations rushed to secure parliamentary approval for their part of the loan. Greece must receive the cash in time to repay €9 billion in bonds by May 19. GREEKS page 23

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Mother arrested over 'honour killing' of Indian journalist (World News from Times Online)

Mr Ranjan told The Times of India: "[Nirupama ] called me on April 28 [the day before she Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:09:00 AM was found dead] to say that her A woman has been arrested train ticket was cancelled and o v e r a l l e g a t i o n s t h a t s h e that she was kept under constant murdered her pregnant journalist watch.” daughter for falling in love with Police said their suspicions a boy from a lower caste. were raised when the mother Nirupama Pathak, 22, who gave conflicting explanations w o r k e d f o r t h e B u s i n e s s for her daughter’s death, first Standard, a leading financial claiming that Nirupama had newspaper in Delhi, was found been electrocuted then stating dead last week at her family that she had committed suicide home in the northern state of by hanging herself from a Jharkhand. ceiling fan. Her mother, Sudha Devi, was A suicide note was reportedly arrested yesterday. found in Hindi and English. “There are indications that A post-mortem examination family pride was the prime showed the death was "a clear motive behind the murder,” a case of murder... caused by police spokesman told reporters. a s p h y x i a a s a r e s u l t o f N i r u p a m a ’ s f a m i l y a r e smothering", M.S. Bhatia, a Brahmins, who are at the top of police officer, said. India’s caste hierarchy. She is Suspicions that the death was understood to have agreed to a n " h o n o u r k i l l i n g " w e r e marry her college sweetheart, strengthened by the report, Priyabhanshu Ranjan, another which revealed that Nirupama journalist, who reportedly was three months pregnant, comes from the lower Kayastha police said. caste. Honour killings are not rare in

India, but cases involving middle-class families seldom come to court. “If the charge sticks, it will be a rare case in which an educated middle-class woman will face trial for murdering her own daughter,” the Indian Express newspaper said. There are no official figures for the number of caste-related murders. In March, a court in the northern state of Haryana sentenced five men to death for murdering a young couple who married in 2007 in defiance of caste traditions. The National Commission for Women has asked the Jharkhand Government to fast-track the latest case to court. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

GREEKS continued from page 22

The two biggest contributors are Germany, providing €22.4 billion, and France, which is putting up €16.8 billion. Christine Lagarde, the French Finance Minister, said that advance warning systems were needed to prevent a repetition of the Greek meltdown. She also called for new criteria to monitor the eurozone’s 16 members, a move supported by Jan Kees de Jager, her Dutch

counterpart. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Dear Aunt TUAW: Why won't my apps stay deleted? Erica Sadun (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:00:00 PM

Filed under: iTunes Dear Aunt TUAW, Darn it, my iPhone keeps reinstalling my deleted apps every time I sync. Do you know how to make this stop happening? Is my iPhone possessed? I know I'm not alone. This is happening to other people too. Help! Love and kissies, Dave (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) or protein source, here are our Ministerial - The 2010 UK Read on for Auntie's response... top picks for the best tasting General Election. Available TUAW Dear Aunt TUAW: Zeroing In On the Best Energy and most nutritious energy bars. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full W h y w o n ' t m y a p p s s t a y Bars By: Maureen Callahan, MS, RD Text RSS, Term Extraction. deleted? originally appeared on As a meal replacer, pre- or post Five Filters featured article: -workout treat, afternoon snack, The Art of Looking Prime

Best Energy Bars


The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 03 May 2010 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



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Sprint, T-Mobile keep prices low on wireless broadband (CNET Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:00:00 AM

Faster and better doesn't always mean more expensive, at least with some wireless networks. Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile USA are readying their nextgeneration wireless networks, which they hope will help them take on rivals AT&T and Verizon Wireless. And if speed doesn't do it, price could help: Sprint and T-Mobile are each keeping prices on these new services low to help seal the deal. If AT&T and Verizon are worried, they're not showing it. These operators, which won't start launching faster networks until later this year at the earliest, haven't provided details on how much their new services will cost. But recent talk about usage-based billing could mean higher prices for many consumers using the new faster networks. Why such different pricing strategies for these new faster networks? The reason is simple. Sprint and T-Mobile need to rack up as many new subscribers as they can while they have the speed advantage. "Sprint and T-Mobile are coming from way behind," said Dan Shey, an analyst at ABI Research. "They need to get back in the game by locking in as many customers as they can with a faster, better wireless

broadband experience." The situation is good for consumers, who may be looking for a taste of a faster wireless network, but aren't willing to increase the cost of their monthly bill. Competing on speed and price Through its partnership with Clearwire, Sprint Nextel is deploying a 4G network that will offer consumers download speeds of around 6Mbps. Clearwire, which has been building the network for more than a year, has already deployed service in cities such as Baltimore and Houston. And later this year it will offer service in New York City, Boston, and the San Francisco Bay Area. In February, the company said it covered about 30 million potential customers, but by the end of the year, it expects to be able to provide 4G wireless access to 120 million potential customers. Next month, Sprint is expected to be selling the first 3G/4G phone, the Evo. Sprint is the only major wireless operator selling 4G wireless services today. Clearwire and other partners, such as cable operators Comcast and Time Warner Cable also resell the Clearwire 4G service in certain markets. But Sprint is combining the service with its 3G wireless service, which gives subscribers more flexibility in where they access the network.

Sprint is now offering its 3G/4G data plans for $60 a month, which is the same price it charges for its standard 3G service plans. While the 3G service is still capped at 5GB a month, Sprint is offering truly unlimited access on the 4G network. And there are no usage limits.The company is also offering its Sprint Overdrive product for $100 after a $50 rebate. This device allows consumers to connect five Wi-Fi enabled devices to the Sprint 3G or 4G network. While the prices are not any lower than what Sprint has already been offering customers who subscribe to its data services, the company is also not charging a premium. The idea is that Sprint is trying to encourage new subscribers to try the service without asking them to pay more for the added speeds. "Most customers own devices that have capabilities that would be enhanced if they had a better network," said Iyad Tarazi, vice president of development and engineering for Sprint. "Today, customers are limited by the networks they are on. So we are offering an infrastructure that can support the demand at the right price point to push adoption." Tarazi said the carrier is able to offer faster broadband speeds for the same price because the cost of delivering 4G service is

much cheaper on a per bit basis. "4G brings tremendous scale," he said. "The cost drops substantially for 4G. We have a lot of head room to do more with the network and scale our costs." T-Mobile USA is also in the midst of a network upgrade using a technology called HSPA+, which will boost theoretical download speeds to 21Mbps. It's three times faster than the previous generation of HSPA technology, which offers download speeds of 7.2Mbps. T -Mobile is using HSPA 7.2 throughout its network now, and it's been upgrading to the HSPA+. So far, the service is already up and running in Philadelphia and parts of New York City, New Jersey, Long Island, and Washington, D.C. Like Sprint Nextel, T-Mobile is using price incentives to entice customers to try its high-speed broadband services. At the end of April, T-Mobile eliminated overage charges on its popular 5GB per month data plan that costs $40 a month. It also cut overage charges in half for the entry-level 200MB plan, which costs $25 a month. Instead of overage charges, T-Mobile will reduce data speeds if a customer exceeds 5GB of usage per month. Is the future in metered billing? Meanwhile, Verizon Wireless, the largest wireless operator in the country, is building a 4G

network based on LTE. It will launch the service in the second half of this year. The company expects to be in 25 to 30 markets by the end of 2010. The service will offer wireless download speeds comparable to what HSPA+ will offer as well as Sprint's WiMax 4G service. So far Verizon hasn't announced pricing for its 4G service. But the company has hinted that it could transition to a usage based billing pricing structure, which could result in higher prices for some consumers. Today, Verizon offers unlimited data plans that are capped at 5GB per month. Overage rates are $0.05 MB. "The problem we have today with flat-based usage is that you are trying to encourage customers to be efficient in use and applications but you are getting some people who are bandwidth hogs using gigabytes a month and they are paying something like megabytes a month," said Verizon Wireless CTO Dick Lynch in an interview with the Washington Post in January at the CES tradeshow. "That isn't long-term sustainable. Why should customers using an average amount of bandwidth be subsidizing bandwidth hogs?" AT&T, which has upgraded its network to HSPA 7.2, won't upgrade to 4G technology until SPRINT, page 25


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SPRINT, continued from page 24

2011. It also hasn't said what its pricing will look like in the future, but it's hinted that it plans to move away from all you can eat pricing plans. In December, Ralph de la Vega, AT&T's head of wireless, said the wireless operator is considering incentives to get consumers to reduce their data usage. He didn't provide specifics about how the company would actually get consumers to use less data. But he said that a usage-based pricing model may be considered in the future. "I think longer-term, there's got to be some sort of a pricing scheme that addresses the usage," he said. "But that's going to be determined by industry competitive factors, regulatory factors and customer [successes]." AT&T has been struggling to keep up with demand for wireless-data usage on its network. The iPhone, launched nearly three years ago, has revolutionized mobile Web usage. The device, which was built more for accessing the Net than making calls, can access more than 188,000 applications, many of which use the mobile Internet. In addition to iPhones, other smartphones are also driving

more network usage. And experts believe that faster 4G networks could change usage patterns yet again. Mike Sievert, chief commercial officer at Clearwire, which is building the 4G wireless network that Sprint is using to deliver its service, said in a recent interview that early usage patterns of 4G wireless service on its network follow similar usage trends to what happened when people switched from dial-up to broadband services. He said that when Internet service providers started offering broadband, the Internet changed from just being about e -mail and checking the weather. The faster speeds enabled a much richer digital lifestyle that was much more consumptive than what was offered under dial -up. People were doing more with their Internet connections and spending more time online. Sievert said that faster wireless speeds are having the same effect on wireless Internet usage. "What we're seeing is when people are given these higher speeds, they're finding ways to use the extra capacity," he said. ABI's Shey agrees that consumers will use whatever bandwidth is available. He added that unlimited data plans

often encourage more usage. Even though 4G services offer more capacity, initially these services will be limited to certain markets. Consumers will often fall back to 3G technology in areas where 4G isn't yet available. This means that carriers such as Verizon, which has more customers than Sprint or T-Mobile, will have to be careful how it encourages customers to adopt its 4G service. "Pricing will likely depend on the carrier," said Shey. "It depends on how much capacity they have and how much area they cover with their faster network. They know they can use pricing as a lever to help control usage." Sprint's Tarazi said that Clearwire's and Sprint's 4G wireless is built to handle the ballooning demand. The main priority for Sprint is to attract as many customers to the service as possible, he said. But he admitted that it's still early days. And depending on how quickly customers fill up the available data pipes, business models and pricing could change. "Pricing models will evolve for some carriers over time," he said. "Usage will increase, but I think 4G innovation will also evolve to keep up with demand.

In our case, we have plenty of capacity and we will continue to provide incentives for customers to use the service." For Sprint and T-Mobile the risk of overwhelming the network with an influx of heavy data users on its 4G and 3G wireless networks is outweighed by their need to attract new customers. While AT&T and Verizon each added subscribers in the first quarter of 2010, Sprint, which reported results last week, lost customers. TMobile has yet to report first quarter earnings, but it's likely the company has also lost subscribers as it has for several previous quarters. "Network saturation is always a nice problem to have for any service provider," said Roger Entner, a mobile analyst with Nielsen. "The only thing worse than an over-saturated network is one that is under-utilized." Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Playlist: New Pornographers, Skate & Destroy, Nerd Merit Badges Wired Magazine (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:00:00 PM

Extraordinary Records Back in the day, vinyl was an art form. Now electronic-music legend Giorgio Moroder has compiled a beautiful catalog of those rare etched LPs, picture discs, and other exotic records. Collectors share images of their most prized possessions and offer tidbits on the origins of hundreds of offbeat albums. There’s even a NASA release — a clear vinyl record of sci-fi themes commissioned in 1983 to commemorate the agency’s 25th anniversary. Pages: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10| Full Page | Next Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Sponsor Post: The Concentric Rings of Data Center Security RWW Sponsor (ReadWriteWeb)

data center. On top of that are layered the security preventions and protocols of the networking, Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:00:00 AM device, OS, application Editor's note: We offer our long infrastructure, application and -term sponsors the opportunity business process floors. to write posts and tell their Each layer, or floor, of the story. These posts are clearly security house has different marked as written by sponsors, considerations and best practices but we also want them to be that should be accounted for. useful and interesting to our Regarding the data center layer, readers. We hope you like the which is the subject matter of posts and we encourage you to this post, two data center support our sponsors by trying managers at Rackspace, Wayne out their products. Bell and Cormack Lawler, In security, it's pragmatism that provided some helpful input. counts. You don't want to A safe data center environment overreact in devoting company is established by concentric time, effort and finances on any rings of security. s e c u r i t y m e a s u r e s " j u s t The outermost ring of data because", but you definitely center security is comprised of want to allocate these resources the exterior of the actual center. towards what is best for you. The shell of the building is the One way to do that is by most basic line of defense understanding the varying rings housing a data center in an of security that begin at your unmarked building. Having servers and expand outward to cameras at entry and exit points the walls of the data center and having no exterior windows itself. onto the center's floor are all Sponsor ways exterior security can be At Rackspace, we like to tightened. In regards to data picture hosting security as many center physical security, Lawler layers building on top of each says "you can either be the most other. The foundation of good threatening guy on the block" or security is established in the be hidden entirely. Both options

conduits, and transformer units should be padlocked so only the electrical company has access. Once power enters the data center, electrical distribution rooms should become restricted access arenas. can work. The second component of The actual data center floor exterior armament is access. comprises the innermost circle Who gets into the data center? of security. Bell points out that This can be regulated through at the most simple level, "On the some basic means: ID checks at floor, security becomes a the door, no cameras or phones personnel issue." If someone allowed within the building, no can physically get their hands on one allowed on the actual data your server, they can access the center floor. Access can be even information stored within it. A further restricted to sensitive lot of the risk inherent to a data areas within the facility by center floor can be mitigated by limiting which employees highly limited access. Enabling actually have to be there. For employees to self regulate also example, if those employees in c a n c o n t r i b u t e t o a s a f e r charge of product supplies don't e n v i r o n m e n t . need to be in the electrical room, As we move through the then that access should not be different floors of the security hierarchy, each layer will form a allowed. After the exterior of the foundation for those that come compound, the power level after it. Moving through an comprises the next ring of online environment layer by security. Best practices for the layer may help to isolate risk data center industry are to have throughout the data center. power enter facilities via Discuss underground channels. Additionally, power units should be encased in concrete

Snack Smart: The Perfect Coffee Companion Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/3/2010 2:00:00 PM

There's nothing that I love more than finding a delicious healthy snack to accompany my steaming cup of java in the afternoon. My newest discovery: Kashi Dark Chocolate Coconut bars. Each one is just 120 calories and has a thin gooey layer of dark chocolate sprinkled with coconut on top of the whole grain granola. Yummm. Plus, each bar has 4 g of fiber! What is your go-to snack with coffee or tea? -- Abby Cuffey, Associate Health Editor Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Apps on Wheels: Developing Mobile Apps that Work at 70 MPH Frederic Lardinois (ReadWriteWeb)

specifically for the car. Cloud Computing in the Commute As Prasad stressed when we Submitted at 5/4/2010 12:01:29 AM talked to him, developers have When we talk about mobile gotten very good at developing apps today, chances are that we apps that work well at 0 mph, are mostly talking about apps but interfaces that also work for cell phones and - maybe - well at 70 mph are still in their tablets. The latest trend in infancy. Apps that run in cars mobile apps, however, is apps obviously have to overcome a for cars. One of the companies number of issues - especially leading this trend in the U.S. is with regards to safety- that Ford, which just unveiled a aren't normally an issue for number of apps that students at developers of mobile apps. the University of Michigan In order to tap into the c r e a t e d o n t o p o f F o r d ' s creativity of students who grew platform. up with mobile apps and social Sponsor networks, Ford, together with Making Mobile Apps Work at Microsoft and Intel, teamed up 70 mpg with the University of Michigan Earlier today, we got a chance and the university's professors to talk to K. Venkatesh Prasad, and Ford's engineers taught a 12 the group and technical leader of -week course entitled "Cloud Ford's Infotronics Research and Computing in the Commute." Advanced Engineering team. The students developed their F o r d u n v e i l e d i t s S Y N C apps using a Ford Fiesta with a A p p L i n k t e c h n o l o g y f o r built-in touch screen running. c o n t r o l l i n g A n d r o i d a n d The software platform for these Blackberry mobile apps through projects was Windows 7 and Ford's voice-driven SYNC Microsoft's Robotics Developer interface last month, but as Studio. On the cloud side, the Prasad told us, the company is s t u d e n t s u s e d M i c r o s o f t ' s obviously also looking at mobile W i n d o w s A z u r e p l a t f o r m . a p p s t h a t a r e d e v e l o p e d Over the course of the semester,

these students created six different projects, ranging from a gesture-driven Waze-like app that allows drivers to alert others of traffic jams, accidents and police cars along the road, to a ride-sharing app that taps into Facebook and an app that automatically uploads your fuel economy data to a cloud server. Some of these apps use Ford's SYNC for voice recognition, while others use gestures that drivers can draw on the car's built-in screen. Caravan Track From these six app, Ford, Microsoft and Intel chose Caravan Track as the best app. Caravan Track allows clusters of vehicles traveling together to track each other during the drive - which sounds like a great application for anybody who has ever been on a road trip with more than one car. The app uses vehicle telemetry to track each vehicle, maps routes and sends

alerts about stops and road conditions. The winning students will take a car that runs Caravan Track on a two-week road trip from Michigan to the Maker Fair in San Mateo on May 22. Cars: The Next Big Market for Mobile Apps? Even more so than just these apps, it's exciting to see how cars are finally becoming a part of the mobile app ecosystem. While there are still many user interface issues to deal with, systems like Ford's SYNC could potentially give developers the same kind of resources and computing power as a modern desktop machine. Today, most car buyers assume that their experience with the car won't change much over the next few years of ownership. Once we get to the point where a lot of cars can run mobile apps however, we might see regular software updates that could greatly change the user experience at intervals that are currently unheard of in the automobile industry where upgrade cycles are usually measured in years. Discuss


Grocery Store Prices for 14 Items in 1957 (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

Maybe Father knew best in 1957, but he probably didn't have a clue about how much Mother forked over at the grocery store for his tuna noodle casserole. He made about $4,494 a year, paid about $20,000 for his house, $2,500 for his Ford, and roughly 27 cents a gallon to fill 'er up at the gas pump. In this list, we'll see how deep Mother had to dig into her pocketbook at the grocery store checkout. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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No physical home address, no iPad 3G! (CNET Submitted at 5/4/2010 2:10:39 AM

Last Friday numerous eager tobe iPad owners lined up around Apple stores to await the release of the 3G version, but some of these people have found a problem when trying to activate their 3G data plans on the devices. When they enter their PO box addresses as a billing address for their credit cards, the registration process refuses to continue, claiming an invalid address. MacFixIt reader "Skip" writes: "I have been bitten by the AT&T PO Box bug. I tried to activate my new 3G iPad Friday night and it would not accept my PO Box billing address...I have have received all of my mail at my PO Box for the last 26 years because of mail theft problems. I have an active AT&T cell phone account with 5 phones that is billed to my PO

Box. Yet I cannot have a PO Box for my iPad?" This is echoed by numerous other iPad 3G owners on the AT&T and Apple message boards. Apparently, in order to register your iPad 3G with AT&T you need a physical address, which puts a number of people at odds who use either PO boxes or businesses as billing addresses for their credit cards. According to AT&T's website: Unfortunately, we cannot accept a post office box in place of your street address. A street address is required by Federal law to provide a geographic location for each wireless device that can be associated with the state, county, or city for tax purposes.In order to comply with the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act (MTSA) of 2002, AT&T is required to capture and maintain a Place of Primary Use (PPU)

address for all of its customers. PPU is defined as a valid street (physical) address within the defined licensed service area for the customer's home market. This address is used only for taxation purposes, not to determine if a customer can have an out of market secondary/additional line. In addition, we use your street address to reduce the risk of identity theft and fraud against you. Our Credit and Activations policy is to run credit only on a physical address. Customers can provide a post office box for their mailing address, but not for billing or place of primary use. A post office box may be entered after the activation process has been approved. The billing zip code you provide us needs to match the zip code on your credit card. Our Credit and Activations policy matches the billing zip with the zip on your credit card as a way to reduce

the risk of identity theft and fraud. Despite this requirement, there are some workarounds that people have used. The first is to change your card's address just for the registration, and then revert the address back again. This may take time for the credit card information to be updated in your account. The second workaround is to enter your home address, but use your PO box zip code in the zip code field. The zip code must match your credit card zip code. Questions? Comments? Post them below or email us! Be sure to check us out on Twitter and the CNET Mac forums. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

VirtualBox 3.2 Beta Virtualizes Mac OS X (On Macs) [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:00:00 AM

Windows/Mac/Linux: Free virtualization tool VirtualBox, technically Oracle VM VirtualBox now, has quietly added "experimental support for Mac OS X guests" to a beta release. That's good news—at least for Mac owners, and those willing to dig into serious Hackintosh tweaks. More » Mac OS X- Operating SystemsMac OS- Apple- FAQs Help and Tutorials

U.S. Lawmakers Prepare Online Privacy Rules Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/3/2010 10:00:00 PM

United States lawmakers have spent a year preparing draft legislation for a law that would define and limit privacy for advertisers and Internet companies. The legislation will govern methods of taking information from users online and using that information to

target advertisements to them. On Tuesday, they will present the draft legislation. The timing is good for such an announcement given the worry over, among other things, Facebook's recent changes that have caused fresh worry over privacy. Sponsor According to the Wall Street Journal, two of the

Elements of the draft include the following. representatives working on the bill, Rick Boucher(D-VA) and Cliff Stearns(R-FL) are posting the bill on their websites Tuesday. The plan is to accept feedback from readers for two months, then revise and submit it.

• Disclosure of what information is collected and how, how it is used and who it is shared with • Opt-outs for consumers. • Restrictions on collecting financial, medical, government ID information and that of children

Internet and advertising companies, meanwhile, argue that any such bill risks damaging the $23 billion online advertising market. Discuss

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Securing Google Apps: New Admin Feature Gives Real-Time Control Mike Kirkwood (ReadWriteWeb)

environments where a user of the the Google Apps cloud loses an IT asset and the Submitted at 5/4/2010 1:40:00 AM company wants to remove Google has been working to access to any current for future harden Google Apps for its page requests. arrival into the enterprise. The This feature shows how mobile tools bring browser based and personal computer are again p r o d u c t i v i t y i n t o a n o t h e r creeping together in security dimension. needs for cloud data service use. A n d , w h e r e p e o p l e a r e This feature reminds us of the productive, security is to be "remote wipe" in MobileMe that questioned. In this short review, is offered for the iPhone. The we look at the new feature i P h o n e v e r s i i o n t a r g e t s Google offers admins and look a removing data from the physical bit closer at security in a device but for practical purposes browser-based world. is nearly akin to "cookie Sponsor invalidated" by Google Apps, To further enable Google Apps which forces log-out any active administrators, the company has sessions of a cloud based released a new cookie based application. reset tool for managing security Both features target keeping between the client and the sensitive information safe and enterprise cloud. T h i s can be activated at any time, functionality of Google Apps killing an active user of the allows an administrator to flag a device. Google shares the goal user for re-authentication on of the tool here: their next HTTP request to "Combined with the existing Google's cloud apps. ability for administrators to reset This new feature is targeted at user passwords, this new feature

Google Apps." The help file also describes how to find the feature, which shows up in the Users and but in our version of Google Apps (non premium) it didn't show up in the password section as described. to reset users' sign-in cookies So far, it looks like this security improves security in the cloud in feature is getting a good case of device theft or loss." response from the administrators Google goes into a bit more that have responded to Google's detail in the help file for the blog. We see it as a welcome cookie reset feature, which effort on Google's part towards describes how to find the feature preparing their cloud for the to reset the cookie (in Users and enterprise, but also it raises groups: Passwords) and as an questions of the use of cookies admin remove authorization and tying down access to from any current or future machines (IP) vs. browser authenticated user or browser cookie. client: Securing the browser for the "To prevent unauthorized access cloud causes us to think of this to an account, you can reset the question: sign-in cookies for that user, Are mobile phones (iPhone for which has the effect of logging example) inherently more secure out that user from all current than computer based browsers? HTTP sessions, and requiring Discuss new authentication the next time that user tries to initiate an HTTP session to log in to

Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:30:00 AM

Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous and full of joy.

We are all of us stars and we all deserve to twinkle. -Marilyn Monroe What makes you a star and how do you "twinkle"? Have a favorite quote? Send it t o u s a t (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:14:09 AM

WHO: Tiffany Tse WHAT: white and black is chic for cruising the city WEAR: LF shirt, Opening Ceremony skirt, Elizabeth & James shoes, bag from Lane Crawford, Hong Kong Photo: Jonathan Alpeyrie Think you are Street Chic? Email us your photo and you with General Election. Available could appear in's your name, city and state. You tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Street Chic Daily. m i g h t b e f e a t u r e d i n a n Text RSS, Term Extraction. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan! upcoming Wise Words post!. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK

Wise Words: Twinkle, Twinkle... Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog)

Street Chic: New York



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Cloud Syncing Startup ZumoDrive Releases New Apps For Android, iPhone And Palm

msmtp, a free tool to send email from Terminal

Leena Rao (TechCrunch)

TJ Luoma (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:57:49 AM

File syncing and storage startup Zumodrive is updating its mobile offerings today, releasing new versions of their applications for iPhone, Android and Palm smartphones. ZumoDrive, which spawned from Y Combinator startup Zecter, has a different take on file syncing. Similar to other services, Zumodrive creates a drive on your device that is synced to the cloud. But service includes a slightly different twist-ZumoDrive tricks the file system into thinking those cloud -stored files are local, and streams them from the cloud when you open or access them. The new mobile apps allow users to upload and download files to ZumoDrive directly from their smartphones, which was not available as a feature in the previous versions of the applications. With the new apps, users can get any of their playlists, photo albums or other files on their devices without taking up local disc space and without having to use wires to physically sync their files. You can also now share content directly from iPhone, Android, Palm devices. Other new

features to the apps include improved media streaming on Android and Palm devices and a password protection to lock the iPhone app. ZumoDrive has been gaining traction over the past year. Fresh off of a$1.5 million funding round, the startup scored a deal with HP in January to to power the backend of the technology giant’s CloudDrive on all HP Mini netbooks. And the startup is seeing considerable growth in international markets, with the application’s user-base in over 150 countries. ZumoDrive is also available in eight localized versions: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese,

Korean, Portuguese and Chinese. While nearly half of ZumoDrive usage is in the US, a growing percentage is coming from Asia and Europe with Japan and the UK leading the pack. Last year, ZumoDrive released a new version of its system that wirelessly syncs playlists between devices, auto-detects content, and lets users link file folders on their devices to ZumoDrive only once so that changes in that folder will always be linked to ZumoDrive. The service was also upgraded to integrate well with media applications, like iTunes, so users can play entire music libraries saved in ZumoDrive on multiple devices without manually syncing content. We initially reviewed Zumodrive here. Zecter previously launched a product called Versionate, an office-wiki product, that we first covered in July 2007. We wrote about them again a year ago. ZumoDrive faces competition from Dropbox, SugarSync, and CrunchBase Information ZumoDrive Information provided by CrunchBase

Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: UNIX / BSD I fully expected that my article on mailsend would lead to several "Why don't you use use XYZ instead?" replies, and it did. Suggestions included Ruby, Python, iPhone push notifications, and configuring postfix/sendmail. But one suggestion was to use msmtp, and that turned out to be the golden nugget. What makes msmtp so great, especially compared to mailsend, is that it completely eliminates the need to store your Gmail password in a plain text file on your computer. msmtp uses the Mac OS X Keychain instead. The other big advantage is that mailsend required several command line arguments every time, which makes it very likely that someone (i.e. "me") is going to screw it up. Once msmtp is configured, I can use the venerable "/usr/bin/Mail" to send email from the command line, and /usr/bin/Mail is nearly

idiot proof. (Note I said "nearly" -- this is not a challenge!) In short: msmtp was what I was looking for when I found mailsend. Although configuring msmtp took about 30 minutes, it was well worth it, and now that you have these handy instructions, it should take you even less time than it took me. (You can also get mstmp from Rudix or MacPorts but I still like building my own whenever possible. You might not share my neuroses, however.) Read on for a complete walkthrough. TUAW msmtp, a free tool to send email from Terminal originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 04 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Tungle Adds Search, A User Directory, And Group Meetings To Scheduling Application Leena Rao (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:57:27 AM

Tungle, a scheduling and calendar sharing tool we wrote about during its launch in 2008, is rolling out a new version of its meeting scheduling platform,, that taps into your social graph and simplifies the process of finding and connecting with friends and colleagues. now includes a public directory, search functionality, and group meeting capabilities. Tungle offers users a free webbased application that lets you share calendars across companies and platforms, schedule meetings with individuals or groups inside or outside their company and propose multiple meeting times

in invitations. The service currently syncs with Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple iCal, Entourage for Mac, and Lotus Notes. users can now opt-in to be included in a public directory on the site, allowing users to see colleagues’ schedules. On a users’ personal scheduling page, you can view their availability and schedule meetings with them without signing up for Visitors can search for users by name or company name without needing to upload contacts or create new friend lists. The new Group functionality for allows users to create and name private or public groups, browse public groups in the directory, and save group aliases

to contact lists. Non-users can also schedule meetings with public groups without having to register for accounts. Groups can be created for associations, organizations, committees,

departments, conferences, and more; making it easier to view others’ availability and schedule meetings between members. Tungle also recently partnered with social planning application Plancast to integrate the widget into Plancast profiles. The startup has enhanced personalization with LinkedIn integration as well. While Tungle’s vice president of marketing Jonathan Levitt declined to reveal the number of users Tungle currently has, he did say that is being used to schedule meetings in over 30 percent of Fortune 100 companies, over 700 Universities, and in more than 100 countries. Tungle’s main competitors are TimeBridge, and Jiffle. CrunchBase Information Information provided by CrunchBase

Sirius posts a profit (CNET

a share. Revenue rose 13 percent to $663.8 million. Analysts polled Sirius XM Radio's latest quarter b y T h o m s o n R e u t e r s h a d turned out to be a decent one for expected the company to break the satellite-radio operator. on revenue of $671 million. Posting first quarter earnings The company added 171,441 before market open Tuesday, the net subscribers during the period company reported a profit of and reiterated its view that it $41.6 million, or 1 cent a share, expects to add more than compared with a year-earlier 500,000 subscribers this year. loss of $52.6 million, or 7 cents That's quite an improvement Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:41:33 AM

income in the company's history," Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin said in a statement. over the year-ago quarter in "The continuing recovery of the which it lost 404,422 of them. a u t o m o t i v e s e c t o r a n d Sirius ended March with 18.94 expanding signs of increased million subscribers. consumer spending are "Continued positive subscriber encouraging signs for the growth, double-digit growth in company's growth prospects." revenue, and a sharp focus on This was more good news for costs resulted in the highest the company, which last week quarterly adjusted operating avoided delisting from Nasdaq.

Story Copyright (c) 2010 AllThingsD. All rights reserved. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Technology/ Culture/

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Attention, readers: Send us your DIY goodness! (CNET

made by regular people to fill needs other products don't--or Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:00:00 AM just because making one's own Just a few of our favorite DIY wacky contraptions is plain fun ( projects, from left: a $3,000 robot flower girl, we're talking Lambo; a snow chopper made about you). from spare parts, and a kid's We've covered DIY creations $12.40 iPad stand (click to i n c l u d i n g a h o m e m a d e enlarge).(Credit: From left: Lamborghini, automated knockGamma Squad; David Carnoy; detecting door lock, snow National S c i e n c e chopper made from junk, mindF o u n d a t i o n / P e t e r R e j c e k ) controlled spybot, biometric Here at Crave, we're giant fans bridal bouquet, and, of course, of do-it-yourself projects, and homemade iPad and iPhone we feature them a lot on these stands, but we know there are pages because we love the smell countless others out there we of solder and the look of grease haven't found, maybe even some stains (even if some of our by you, our creative readers. significant others don't). We've A geeky biometric bridal seen some pretty awesome stuff bouquet.(Credit: GeekPhysical)

So we'd like to invite you to share your DIY projects with us. Hacked your Prius for Wi-Fi? Rigged a Roomba to walk your dog? Motorized your shower curtain? Changed your ceiling fan into a helicopter for your baby? Made a suit of powered armor that you use to fight evildoers the world over? We want the details on your mad genius, readers. We'll share the best homemade goodness here for your fellow geeks to ponder as part of a new, semi-regular feature called "DIY Weekend." Who knows? Maybe you'll get funding and wind up the next Edison. If not, you'll at least get your goings-on

featured on Crave. To share your DIY project, simply e-mail a description of 250 words or less, including all the glorious geeky ins and outs of your invention, plus relevant links and photos, to crave at cnet dot com. Please put DIY Weekend in the subject line. And remember, safety first! Goggles, hazmat suits, and 911 on speed-dial are your friends. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Street Chic: New York (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:09:37 AM

Pair a light-hued vintage dress with natural leather accessories for a fresh look fit for a garden party. See more style from the Gigi Burris for Screaming Mimi's garden party here. Photo: Sanem Gok Think you are Street Chic? Email us your photo and you could appear in's Street Chic Daily. Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!


E-reader News Edition


Energy Star 4.0 goes into effect for HDTVs, puts 'em on a diet Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:56:00 AM

We Rule content update, server fixes incoming Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

40 on the Top Grossing list in the App Store, above a few $0.99 apps and even much more Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:00:00 PM expensive fare. Filed under: Gaming, iPhone, Young says the company is also iPad Ngmoco CEO Neil Young pushing out content updates for posted another update last week the game -- there are new crops about We Rule. That game is to grow and new buildings to p r o b a b l y t h e b i g g e s t h i t buy and build on the farms. I'm Ngmoco has come across yet playing We Rule (if a little with its freemium model, but reluctantly), and it seems like unfortunately, the title has been Ngmoco is playing around with plagued with service outages the variations on crops and since the release. Young says reward times -- some crops that they simply underestimated seem designed to bring people the amount of people who want back to the app in as quickly as to play the game, and that a f e w h o u r s , w h i l e s o m e they're working as quickly as promise a large reward daily (as possible to scale the server if they're trying to at least drive infrastructure on both the We people back in every day). I've Rule and Plus+ systems. The experienced a few more bugs as game is free-to-play, but in- well, like not seeing any of my game purchases still seem to be friends' kingdoms on the main doing well for the company, as screen. the app currently sits at number Despite the bugs and the issues,

it certainly seems like people are playing (and paying), and clearly Ngmoco is dedicated to support and producing content (Young says they're planning more updates for players who've reached level 25 already). Other freemium games like Godfinger haven't quite taken off as quickly, but as a flagship title for Ngmoco and a learning experience for their future releases, We Rule seems to be working well. TUAW We Rule content update, server fixes incoming originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 03 May 2010 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Your next Energy Starapproved HDTV? Chances are it'll be a little greener than your last one, thanks to the new 4.0 ratings going into effect. These drastically reduce allowable consumption for displays, offering on average a 40 percent improvement in efficiency compared to 3.0 models, meaning a 50-inch set can consume, at most, 153 watts (compared to 318 in the 3.0 world). Beyond that, a display that has been turned "off" can consume no more than one solitary watt whilst waiting for your next command. All sets produced as of May 1 must meet these new regulations to earn that prestigious blue badge, and then in 2012 the 5.0 rules come into effect, dropping maximum

consumption by roughly another 40 percent -- good news for those who love the planet as much as they love watching Nature on peripheral visionfilling display. Energy Star 4.0 goes into effect for HDTVs, puts 'em on a diet originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 04 May 2010 09:56:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| PC World| Email this| Comments


Technology/ Culture/

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Rise of the Machines: Internet of Things Comes to London Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:00:00 PM

If you like your Internet rammed into things - lighting systems, automobiles, art, books, crookedneck squash you'll light-up like a Japanese robot when you lurch into the mashup Internet of Things conference in London. To refer to the conference by its full name (my hand to God), "Internet of things: Rise of the machines" takes place off the Strand at the headquarters of the British Computer Society on Southampton Street. It runs from May 4 through May 6, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sponsor The Internet of Things is "hot" again, according to mashup. Well, here at ReadWriteWeb, we've known that for a while. Anything that enables you to core an apple just by thinking

about it super hard* is something we are down for. I'd hardly call an org that throws a conference named after a robot apocalypse deadly serious, but here's their more...sober definition of IoT."IoT is, in its simplistic form, tiny sensors that are embedded into physical things which are connected (wireless or wired) to create benefit from process change or data analysis. Underlying the IoT are technologies such as NFC, sensors, and smartphones. IoT focuses on either services that collect data and analyze the data and the output is information or services that collect data but

also close the loop and affect the physical world." The conference will be a "blend of keynote presentations, panel discussions and company demos" in the IoT field. Featured speakers include David Orban, Chairman of Humanity+, David Wood of Symbian and Philip Sheldrake of the Influence Scorecard Initiative. *You can't actually do this, even with technology. You'll rupture something. Instead, read the 2005 CASAGRAS Report to get more background on the thinking and tech behind the conference. Discuss

The Jersey Shore Guys Are Surrounded by Bikini Babes and Beer Bongs! PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/4/2010 12:47:00 AM

Snooki and JWoww just had their own bikini beach day on Friday, and the rest of the Jersey Shore cast soaked up the sun together on Sunday. The

Situation, Pauly D and Vinny wrapped up their weekend with

a trip to South Beach, where they joined Angelina and her two-piece for paddle pall, beer bongs, and more - check their antics on the sand! View Slideshow ›

Fraunhofer's 3D posters make your fish-based advertising really pop Tim Stevens (Engadget)

manufacturing here will make the resulting images far clearer, enabling the effect to be clearly The pinnacle of 3D-based seen on these five meter posters content? Glasses-free, of course, even from across the street. and Fraunhofer has reached that That's good, because when was level for static images -- and it the last time you walked up to a plans to use it for advertising, of billboard to get a closer look? course. The company is talking Fraunhofer's 3D posters make up its new 3D posters that rely your fish-based advertising on 250,000 lenses embedded in really pop originally appeared a grooved sheet, each lens with on Engadget on Tue, 04 May a 2mm diameter. The effect is 2010 09:04:00 EST. Please see said to be similar to those our terms for use of feeds. simple "3D" lenticular postcards P e r m a l i n k 3 D - D i s p l a y and cereal boxes we've all seen,| Fraunhofer| Email but Fraunhofer promises that this| Comments improved accuracy used in Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:04:00 AM

Technology/ Health/

E-reader News Edition


Average iPad app price is $1 more than iPhone apps Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:00:00 AM

Filed under: iPad Here's some more interesting stats about app pricing. We've heard pricing average stats before, including that the average app price seems to be hovering right around three dollars. But a firm in the Netherlands has done some more research into current iPad and iPhone app prices, and discovered that while iPhone apps average out at $3.87 (slightly higher than most estimates, but still in that $3 range), iPad apps are actually hitting an average of $4.67, almost a dollar more than iPhone versions. That's both good and bad news for developers -- while it does mean that iPad apps are releasing and selling at higher prices (something most developers believe should be the

case, given the amount of work and design that goes into iPad apps versus their smaller-screen cousins), those prices aren't that much higher. Apple specifically priced their iPad apps at $9.99 after selling their iPhone game at $4.99, and if they wanted that to be the early standard for the iPad, it doesn't quite appear the plan is working out. Still, an extra buck is better

than nothing, and as always, developers should sell their apps for what they think they're worth anyway. The firm, Distimo, also says that 80% of iPad apps are paid (compared to the iPhone's 73%), and medical and financial applications are the most expensive, averaging out at $42.11 and $18.48, way higher than the iPhone's $10.74 and $5.74 averages for the same categories. So while the prices may differ, there's no questions that developers are charging more (and getting more) for applications on the iPad. TUAW Average iPad app price is $1 more than iPhone apps originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 04 May 2010 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Submitted at 5/4/2010 3:00:00 AM

Kiss her, she's Irish! by Stephen Bailey | Photos by Paul Miller/ Print Article Email to Friend Kiss her, she's Irish! With her beautiful green Irish eyes

Vladislav Savov (Engadget) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:31:00 AM

Yo TomTom, wake up and smell the competition. While the original gangster of navigation devices is still mulling over an app store, Nokia has raised the smartphone pathfinding bar a little higher by letting people record (and share) their own voice instructions. It's not the most complex process in the world, you just get the extra smilin', this all-natural lass has [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and Own Voice app to go with the the whole world smilin' too! more] latest version of Ovi Maps and Check out her hot gallery below Five Filters featured article: set your vocal talents free. At and see why she was a Bullz- The Art of Looking Prime Girl Next Door. Ministerial - The 2010 UK Click for Amanda's Photo General Election. Available Gallery tools: PDF Newspaper, Full For more hot photos galleries, Text RSS, Term Extraction. check out

Girl Next Door: Amanda Neal (

Nokia Ovi Maps let you do navigation instructions with your Own Voice the end you'll get a neat little voice pack to utilize on your handset or to share with the world, which is surely just dying to hear your Mr. T impressions. Let the silliness commence! [Thanks, Brent R.] Nokia Ovi Maps let you do navigation instructions with your Own Voice originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 04 May 2010 08:31:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Nokia Own Voice| Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

Electronic House crowns 2010 Home of the Year award winners Donald Melanson (Engadget)

$250,000, which this year went to the theater pictured above put together by First Impressions It's that time of the year again, Home Theaters. While the exact when the folks from Electronic price doesn't appear to have House recognize the most been disclosed, the home theater impressive and downright jaw- was apparently four and half dropping homes and home months in the making, and theaters they've seen since the centers around a 174-inch last awards were handed out. screen (which can be adjusted While the categories cover for scope ratio) and a TITAN everything from more modest 1080p-250 Pro Series projector home theaters to the best that itself weighs in at 200 kitchens and outdoor spaces, the pounds. That, of course, is just standout has to be the award for the beginning -- the room also b e s t h o m e t h e a t e r o v e r includes a Crestron automation Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:58:00 AM

system that automatically adjusts the lighting and changes the sky on the ceiling when folks enter, sound-proofing that lets you "hear your heartbeat," a

completely concealed Genelec surround sound system, a custom dog bed, and Italian leather CineLounger seats complete with LED-lit glowing

cup holders, to name just a few standout features. Hit up the source link below for the complete details, and the rest of the award winners. Electronic House crowns 2010 Home of the Year award winners originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 04 May 2010 07:58:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Electronic House| Email this| Comments

Flying Finn Juha Kankkunen demonstrates Nokia's Car Kit CK -200 (video) Tim Stevens (Engadget)

display that sits on your dashboard and connects to two Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:33:00 AM Bluetooth devices More and more cars offer simultaneously, and through the integrated Bluetooth from the wireless controller that clips factory, but absolutely none onto your steering wheel (at o f f e r a n i n t e g r a t e d J u h a right above) you can navigate Kankkunen. The four-time contacts, make calls, and even World Rally Champion isn't scroll through text messages. e v e n a n o p t i o n a t a n y We're not so sure about the manufacturer that we know of, texting part, but it should be a but regardless of make and great way to enable hands-free model you can add a little calling from one device and Bluetooth integration with Bluetooth music streaming from Nokia's CarKit CK-200. It's a another at the same time, if

Nokia's Car Kit CK-200 (video) Flying Finn Juha Kankkunen demonstrates Nokia's Car Kit CK-200 (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 04 May 2010 09:33:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink Nokia Conversations| Nokia| Email this| Comments that's your thing. Not sold? The video after the break of Kankkunen doing his thing in a rally-prepped VW while taking calls will make you a convert.

You know what they say: if it's good enough for Juha, it's good enough for you-a. Continue reading Flying Finn Juha Kankkunen demonstrates

Technology/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

TUAW's Daily App: Raging Thunder 2 Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:00:00 AM

Filed under: iPhone, iPad Polarbit released Raging Thunder 2 a while back -- it's the sequel to their App Store launch title that's serving up solid racing on both the iPhone and the iPad. It's not the best pure racing game out there ( Real Racing HD has gotten exposure, even in Apple stores, for that), but Raging Thunder has quite a bit of fun and depth added to it, allowing you to upgrade cars and even go for

some Burnout and Mario Kartstyle arcade action. And the latest update to the title, released about a week ago, adds online leader boards and touch controls for racing (in case you don't

is just as temptingl: US$2.99 on both the iPhone and the iPad. If you're in the mood for a little action with your racing, and a deeper experience than some of the pick-up-and-play racing titles, Raging Thunder 2 is worth checking out. TUAW TUAW's Daily App: Raging Thunder 2 originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, want to tilt your iPad or iPhone 04 May 2010 07:00:00 EST. around as you play). Please see our terms for use of Raging Thunder 2 is definitely feeds. a respectable racing title, Read| Permalink| Email this| especially good if you're an Comments arcade racing fan, and the price


Slow train from Pyongyang (The Economist: Daily news and views) Submitted at 5/4/2010 1:06:40 AM

Kim Jong Il goes to China North Korea's leader visits China, hoping for more goodies May 4th 2010 | SEOUL | From The Economist online THE timing could hardly have SLOW page 38

The Investor Rush Into Bonds Hasn't Cooled Despite The Threat Of Rising Interest Rates And Inflation Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game)

below. Meanwhile, $116 billion flowed into bond funds, as shown by Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:37:17 AM the gray bars below. Latest data from the Investment If we compare year-to-date Company Institute (ICI), which fund flows to 2009's annual tracks fund flows into U.S. fund flows, two things stick out: mutual funds, confirms that U.S. 1) The $1.1 billion of net investors have begun to invest in inflow into U.S. equities as of U.S. stocks again. Yet they have April 21 is puny compared the just begun to do so. Net fund the net $39 billion that flowed flows into U.S. equities are just out of stocks in 2009 (Shown $1.1 billion year to date, mostly below). So there's still a long due to a very recent pick-up way to go before all the money during the last few weeks of which fled in 2009 will come data. This is shown below by the back. right-most positive red bars 2) Bond inflows are still very

strong, and haven't cooled despite concerns about rising interest rates and potential inflation. If we annualize the $116 billion that has gone into

as they did during 2009 ($375 billion as shown below). Thus bond love is still very strong in the minds of the average U.S. investor, and U.S. stocks are still largely avoided. As a reminder, ICI data is comprised of flow estimates 'derived from data collected covering more than 95 percent of industry assets and are adjusted to represent industry bond funds as of April 21st, totals.' then it comes to about $370 Join the conversation about this billion, which means that fund story Âť flows are currently on track to flow into bonds at the same rate



E-reader News Edition

SLOW continued from page 37

been more conspicuous. After weeks of speculation, early on Monday May 3rd Kim Jong Il, the not-so-endearing Dear Leader of North Korea, arrived in China by armoured train (he prefers not to fly). The trip, his first in more than four years, comes at a time of high tension on the Korean peninsula. The sinking of a South Korean warship, the Cheonan, in disputed waters in March is widely suspected to have been the result of a North Korean attack. After laying to rest the 46 sailors who perished, in a solemn ceremony on April 29th, South Korea’s president, Lee Myung-bak, wasted no time in flying to meet his Chinese counterpart the following day on the sidelines of the Shanghai World Expo.he It must be galling for Mr Kim to trundle along behind him. It is little surprise that both Koreas are courting China. As North Korea’s staunchest ally, China is probably the only country that can rein in the worst of its troublemaking.

China is also the host of the stalled six-party talks that are aimed at ridding the Korean peninsula of nuclear weapons. North Korea has been stalling those negotiations by setting preconditions—such as the lifting of sanctions and the signing of a peace treaty—that America will not abide. It has become an old routine. The North holds out for further sweeteners, only to skitter away once the survival of its repressive regime is assured. Reflecting back on the seven years of six-way talking, one South Korean diplomat describes North Korea as having been spoiled by South Korean and Chinese indulgence. Spoiled it may be, but North Korea is indulged no longer. South Korean benevolence ended in 2008 with the election of Mr Lee, who favours a hardline policy. The UN Security Council tightened its sanctions after North Korea conducted its second nuclear test last May, which has left the regime increasingly isolated and

strapped for cash. North Korea's economic woes have worsened dramatically following a botched redenomination of its currency on November 30th and the interception of some of its remunerative arms shipments. Even humanitarian aid is drying up, according to the World Food Programme. North Korea’s renewed efforts to lure foreign investment to the “special city” of Rajin-Sonbong—and the frequent tantrums in which it demands that the South resume sending tourists to its resort at Mount Kumgang—speak volumes about its strained finances. The depletion of sympathy from abroad has left North Korea more dependent on China than ever before. Analysts believe that North Korea relies on China for 90% of its energy imports and 80% of its consumer goods. With the Dear Leader paying a call to Beijing, undoubtedly to extract yet more economic and diplomatic support, the time is ripe to exert some leverage.

Yet China’s priorities are not clear. It has imposed sanctions on North Korea twice in the past, but only in response to redhanded rule-breaking, and even then its punishments were watered-down. When it comes to the Korean peninsula, China appears to rank stability even more highly than getting rid of nukes. While the South is preoccupied with finding the culprit that sank its ship, America needs to convince China that nuclear weapons in the hands of its unruly neighbour are incompatible with long-term stability. Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Ensure Your Frequent Flier Miles Don't Get Lost in Airline Mergers [Air Travel Tip] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/4/2010 5:00:00 AM

If you've banked a lot of reward miles with either United or Continental Airlines, you might wonder what happens when the two merge into the world's largest carrier. Consumer Reports explains what you do and don't need to look out for. More » Airline- United AirlinesContinental Airlines- TravelTransportation

Dinner Diary: Roasted Fennel Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/3/2010 3:00:00 PM

I have fallen in love with fennel. It's crunchy, licorice-y and refreshing sliced up and put out as crudite, and then it

mellows and sweetens when you cook it. It would be a delicious braise with (or instead of) the leeks in this preparation, but last night I sliced it up and roasted it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar as a side with a rotisserie chicken from the

grocery store. The chicken and

fennel went into the oven together and the chicken was warmed up by the time the fennel had lost most of its crunch, becoming firm but yielding. Now, how do you conquer this strange-looking beast? Find out

below. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Economy/ Culture/

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Needtomeet Shows the Best Date and Time for Your Group to Meet [Scheduling] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:30:00 AM

Is The Contagion Officially Spreading? Merkel Calls For "Orderly Insolvencies" The Pragmatic Capitalist (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:59:22 AM

Angela Merkel is apparently stepping up measures to prepare for “ orderly insolvencies” so as to avoid a repeat of the situation in Greece. I.e., there are no more bailouts. The Euro currency continues to crash and

burn overnight and the CDS in all the remaining PIIGS are blowing out. The situation is beginning to take a turn for the worse again. Is the Euro slowly unraveling? The market has tested the resolve of the EMU and discovered that they were forced to use all their bullets on likes of Greece. The move towards

Spain can now begin in earnest as the sharks begin to circle the other weakened countries in Europe. CDS in all the remaining countries are blowing out with Spain exploding 29 bps. The Germans now have a real problem on their hands. Do they give the Greeks their massive bailout when they can plainly see that the risk of

contagion has not only NOT been contained, but has perhaps worsened? This guest post previously appeared at the author's blog, The Pragmatic Capitalist > Join the conversation about this story »

If it's your job to get people together for meetings, parties, or other events and to do so with minimal phone tag and lengthy email chains, Needtomeet is a meeting planner with a simple and user-friendly interface. More » Business- Human ResourcesEducational- Administration and School Management- Time



E-reader News Edition

Star-Studded Met Costume Gala Is A Rainbow of Fashion Check Out Hundreds of Pictures! Molly (PopSugar)

Kate Bosworth was sadly without Alexander Skarsgard, but held her own in Valentino The annual Costume Institute and Kerry Washington went a Gala at the Met in NYC was little bolder with her red which another amazing affair last was Thakoon for Gap. n i g h t . T h e f a s h i o n w a s Elsewhere on the red carpet it incredible and among all the was a very white night - Diane ladies, Sienna Miller is currently Kruger's CK went perfectly with winning best dressed in Pucci Joshua Jackson's dapper suit and View Kate Hudson Photos › which she perfectly accessorized Emma Watson's Burberry was a by stepping out with Jude Law bit daring. Katy Perry kept her View Jessica Biel Photos › on her arm! Gisele Bundchen style playful as always, sporting also wore a short black dress a glow in the dark gown! Jessica View Sienna Miller Photos › and had a hot date in husband Alba's Sophie Theallet for Gap Tom Brady. Similarly sporting hugged her curves while Sarah View Sarah Jessica Parker dark and stormy looks was Jessica Parker's shimmery Photos › Kristen Stewart whose Chanel Halston made for some fantastic was one of the most talked photos. Jennifer Lopez's Zuhair View Eva Longoria Photos › about, Zoe Saldana in Calvin Murad was also among the Klein and Nicole Richie in a e v e n i n g ' s p o p u l a r s t y l e View Gwen Stefani Photos › cool metallic Marc Jacobs. statements - it's impossible to Weigh in on all the fashion with run down them all, so click View Abbie Cornish Photos › all of Fab and Bella's polls! through the huge gallery and It wasn't all navy, black and stay tuned for lots of coverage View Zoe Saldana Photos › gray - there were some gorgeous of the event, afterparties, beauty colors mixed in to fit the theme how-tos, fashion highlights and View Claire Danes Photos › of American Women. Blake so much more! View Jessica Alba Photos › Lively was all legs in her bright blue Marchesa and Rachel Zoe was a ray of sunshine in her To see LOTS more pictures of View Katy Perry Photos › yellow MJ. Carrey Mulligan and the Costume Institute Gala red View Tina Fey Photos › J a n u a r y J o n e s w e r e b o t h carpet just read more. wearing short purple numbers, View Kristen Stewart Photos › View Vera Farmiga Photos › but there was a world of difference between the Oscar View Gisele Bundchen Photos › View Joy Bryant Photos › nominee's Miu Miu and the Mad Men star's Yves Saint Laurent. View Jennifer Lopez Photos ›

View Bar Refaeli Photos › View Diane Kruger Photos ›

Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:00:00 AM

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E-reader News Edition


A Second Side of C.S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

novels. 2010 marks the 50th anniversary of the The Four Loves’ first edition, yet its Submitted at 5/3/2010 5:51:25 PM chapters articulating the four I get a kick out of oddball f o r m s o f l o v e ( A f f e c t i o n , pairings in the celebrity world. Friendship, Eros, Charity) read Be it a friendship, a love match, as timely as any new release on a hobby, or even a secret the shelf. parallel life (did you know The same can be said of another Steven Seagal was a Police of Lewis’ titles, The Screwtape Deputy for 20 years before his Letters, a modern adaptation of A&E reality show aired?), there which takes the off-Broadway is something enjoyable in the stage tonight at the Westside humility of realizing you’ve Theatre in Midtown Manhattan. underestimated someone’s depth Originally published in 1942, of personality and talent. I say Screwtape tells the story from all of this because until recently, the perspective of a senior I really didn’t know much more demon in Hell (Screwtape, about author C.S. Lewis than his played brilliantly by Max attachment to the popular M c L e a n ) a s h e Narnia Chronicles. I think I’d epistemologically mentors a heard somewhere along the line junior demon (Wormwood, he was deeply religious, but it whom we never meet) above wasn’t until a friend introduced ground in London. Through the m e t o o n e o f h i s m a n y reading aloud of their 31 letters, philosophical exemplars— The we watch as Screwtape rips F o u r L o v e s ( H a r c o u r t deeper and deeper into his Brace)—that I realized just how charge—and ostensibly, all of misinformed it was of me to us—for not exploiting the think of Lewis primarily as an weakness of man’s tendency to author of young adult fantasy act hypocritically, yet live

you’re no longer in love with someone and a soul-scraping therapy session. Hey, nobody said self-reflection was easy. First adapted by Marvel Comics in 1994, The Screwtape Letters was eventually adapted for the stage in 2006 by director Jeffrey Fiske and lead actor Max McLean. After acclaimed runs in New York City and Chicago, Fiske and McLean, along with Karen Eleanor Wight as Screwtape’s demon intern, Toadpipe, bring C.S. Lewis’ classic cautionary tale back for another 8-week run. For tickets and showtimes, click here. —Johanna Cox C.S. Lewis, at his Oxford home in 1950; The Screwtape Letters’ pridefully. Perhaps the most without milestones, without original cover art; McLean and chilling line in the entire play is signposts.” Wight on-stage at the Westside one delivered near the end when The 90-minute play, though Theatre Screwtape muses on man’s false incredibly acted and tempered in Photos: Courtesy of Getty comfort in the gradation of sin: m e a s u r e b y h i l a r i o u s w i t Images and Heron PR “The safest road to hell is the (there’s even a dig at the fashion gradual one,” he says. “The industry!), puts you in an gentle slope, soft underfoot, emotional place somewhere w i t h o u t s u d d e n t u r n i n g s , between the moment you realize

Dropbox Adds iPad Support, Makes Transferring Files Much Easier [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker)

version of its file syncing app, More » and it's more than just a nicer IPhone- Dropbox- handheldlook. With Dropbox installed, IPad- Smartphones i P h o n e / i P o d t o u c h / i P a d : iPad users no longer have to sync iTunes to get at their files. Dropbox released a native iPad email themselves or awkwardly Submitted at 5/4/2010 4:00:00 AM


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E-reader News Edition

May 4, 2000: Tainted 'Love' Infects Computers Kevin Poulsen (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/3/2010 11:00:00 PM

2000: The “I Love You” virus spreads to 55 million computers around the world. The damage reaches billions of dollars. It was the love letter heard round the world. A little over a year after the Melissa Virus shattered the internet’s innocence, a student in the Philippines got the idea to craft a Visual Basic script that would e-mail itself to everyone in a user’s Outlook address book. The virus appeared in Asia and Europe, then crossed the pond to America’s East Coast. By May 5, it had spread across the globe. But it wasn’t the coding that made the so-called Love Bug so effective. It was the social engineering. The e-mail arrived as an attachment named LOVELETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs, and the subject line was a simple, “I Love You.” Before it was done, an estimated 55 million people saw what appeared to be a proclamation of adoration in their inbox.

Around 3 million Windows users couldn’t resist taking a look. They were unwittingly promulgating the net’s first truly malicious chain letter. While the Melissa virus had done little but spread, the Love Bug clobbered victim’s photos and music files, and tried to download and install a Trojan horse designed to intercept passwords and send them back to the Philippines. That made it

the direct ancestor of today’s larger and more sophisticated botnets. Police in the Philippines tracked the worm to a 23-yearold computer student, Onel de Guzman of Manila, but they were dismayed to find that their country had no law against sending out viruses. Legislators promptly corrected that oversight. In the end, the Love Bug

• Underground Services Let Virus Writers Check Their Work • May 4, 1536: C U @ the Piazza • May 4, 1904: U.S. Dives Into Panama Canal • Jan. 6, 2000: Computer Glitch Fouls East Coast Air Traffic • Feb. 7, 2000: Mafiaboy’s Moment • March 10, 2000: Pop Goes the Nasdaq! • May 3, 2000: Geocaching Gets Geeks Into the Great Outdoors • June 10, 2000: A London Bridge Is Swaying Hard • June 24, 2000: President Goes Live on Net • Aug. 17, 2000: Internet caused an estimated $10 billion Crosses 50-Yard Line in U.S. in damage. And Windows users • Oct. 9, 2000: Ozone Hole everywhere learned to never, Exposes Chilean City ever open unsolicited attachments. Just kidding. Five Filters featured article: Source: Various The Art of Looking Prime Photo: Onel de Guzman (left) Ministerial - The 2010 UK enters his lawyer’s office General Election. Available accompanied by his sister Irene tools: PDF Newspaper, Full de Guzman on May 11, 2000, in Text RSS, Term Extraction. Manila. Ed Wray/AP See Also:

Mattress Mysteries - from Consumer Reports Press Room (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:00:59 PM

Mattress Mysteries - from

Consumer Reports For the May issue, Consumer Reports put some of the most frequent questions about mattresses to our in-house experts and a

consultant. Mattress Mysteries CR Podcast Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and

reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


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Drunken Robot Will Not Stop Until Your Floors Are Clean Rick Broida (Wired Top Stories)

amusing to sad in the course of an evening. (Mommy, is Roomba drunk?) Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:00:00 PM It's also supposedly capable of Drunken Robot Will Not Stop disentangling itself from rug Until Your Floors Are Clean tassels and power cords. In real T h e n e w e s t p e t - c e n t r i c life, it's not. Our 562 routinely automatic floor vac from iRobot found itself snared in the cord is actually a lot like a new nest behind the TV, requiring puppy. Don't be surprised to human intervention to free it. find yourself following it around Given that it can roll for hours the house for the first few hours on a battery charge, it does seem — maybe days — while it to get everywhere eventually, scoops up crumbs, caroms off b u t i t c a n b e f r u s t r a t i n g table legs and cautiously avoids watching it stumble aimlessly plummeting down the stairs. between walls. Unlike previous Roombas, the It also exhibits mild stupidity 562 can sense when it's rolling — o r , o n e c o u l d a r g u e , over a particularly grimy area, sentience — when it aborts a then focus more time and seemingly straight-on docking suction there. That means more station approach at the last pet hair, dust bunnies and other second, instead scuttling away floor flotsam will get sucked for no apparent reason. Even into its cavernous debris bin worse, it sometimes broadsides than iRobot's floor vacs of yore. t h e d o c k w h i l e c l e a n i n g , But disappointment dawns knocking it out of position and when you realize this little Wall- threatening future landings. E wannabe has some seriously This Roomba may not be impaired pathfinding skills. It perfect, but damn if you're not seems to travel in deliberately going to give the little guy a random fashion, often returning good home ... to clean. Face it: to an area it just covered while A drunk and stumbling robot l e a v i n g o t h e r s e c t i o n s vacuum that runs every day or untouched. It's like watching two will pick up way more your alcoholic uncle go from ground grime than your half-

assed, once-a-month turn with the upright. WIRED Scuttles under beds, sofas and other places that fat upright vacuums can't. Cleans at scheduled times. Comes with two invisible-wall transmitters to keep it off unauthorized floors. Dustbins, brushes and filters are a snap to clean and replace. Dirt Detect sensor focuses more attention on dirtier areas. TIRED Invisible-wall transmitters and floor-standing charging dock aren't décorfriendly. Can get tangled in lamp cords, shoelaces and other stringy things. Programming is a pain. Pretty noisy for such a small bot. Doesn't fall down stairs, but doesn't clean them either. • Type: Vacuums • Manufacturer: iRobot • Price:$370 Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Is USDA certified organic food safer than regular food? (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

Next time you head to your local grocery store, take a look around. You can't make it five feet without seeing a product advertised as "all natural" or containing "multigrain goodness!" Upon further examination of the ingredients list, you'll find that these buzz words are often plastered on processed foods that may be far from good for you. Why? Because there aren't any regulations to stop companies from labeling a product that contains dozens of synthetic ingredients with misleading words like "nature" and "health." And it's not just the

wording either -- check out the artwork. It's likely that frozen dinner with a picture of a sun setting over a field of wildflowers is loaded with chemical preservatives and additives that have nothing to do with nature. But, there is one exception to this rule: A label reading " certified organic" can't claim this status if it hasn't been properly certified. Here's what you need to know about certified organic food. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Culture/ Politics/

ELLE Flashback: The Azzedine Alchemy (May 1992) (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

showpiece overcoat by the designer at Bergdorf Goodman. Artfully structured, simplySubmitted at 5/3/2010 3:08:41 PM lined, available in both bone and Representing our 1992 black (I was looking at the Flashback is a spring spotlight latter), this was a coat on which on Tunisian-born, Paris-based I would’ve bet my best pair of designer Azzedine Alaïa. shoes no woman could say Photographed by Gilles wasn’t her. Its dizzying $3,995 Bensimon and styled by former price-tag, however, was a ELLE Fashion-Editor-at-Large different story. Just as I was Melka Treanton, the 10-page returning coat to hanger to rack, spread was shot entirely in the a saleswoman approached me. designer’s atelier in the Marais “We just got those in district. Also among the pages is yesterday—all but two are an interview with the then 51spoken for,” she said in a kind year-old designer, where he but matter-of-fact way. “I would delights in the space-age fabric get it, dear. Alaïa pieces are he used for his Spring ‘92 very special.” collection (he calls the NASAAnd now, a look back at developed material “Relax” for Azzedine Alaïa as he was 18 its purported ability to act as a years ago, then already creating screen against microwave very special pieces for very emissions) and shares credit for loyal to the designer’s creations extraordinarily pricey (cardigans special women, three of whom those shoes,“a collaboration,” he are a veritable who’s who of run around $1,400; dresses are featured alongside him here: reminds, with shoe designer every industry’s best-dressed. between $2,500 and $3,500), Veronica Webb (then 27), Beth Levine and shoemaker From Madonna to Victoria and not widely shown during Christy Turlington (then 23), Beckham to K a t i e Fashion Week, Alaïa designs and this afternoon’s highly Raymond Massaro. Probably one of the only Holmes—who last October consistently sell very well at the anticipated Oprah interview designers who can claim to have wore a stunning, head-to-toe select international retailers that subject, Naomi Campbell (then dressed both a First Lady and Alaïa look at our Women in carry the line. 21). Grace Jones (did anyone else Hollywood Awards—Alaïa To wit: Back in March, on a —Johanna Cox catch A View to a Kill on G4 dresses the elegant, the edgy, day I was in need of looking at yesterday? Jones’ wardrobe was and as he has for decades, The something pretty, I came upon a almost exclusively his), those S u p e r m o d e l . T h o u g h Victorian-inspired swing-skirt

E-reader News Edition

Rahm Working with Fed to Fight Audit (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 5/4/2010 3:30:50 AM

The White House's Rahm Emanuel, as well as Federal Reserve and Wall Street lobbyists are ramping up opposition to an amendment to audit the Fed as a key Senate vote nears, according to a report in the Huffington Post. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., told the Huffington Post, "I think momentum is with us. But I've gotta tell you, that on this amendment, you're taking on all of Wall Street, you're taking on the Fed, obviously, and unfortunately you seem to be taking on the White House, as well. And that's a tough group to beat." To read the full Huffington Post report Go Here Now. © All Rights Reserved. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


Accessories News: Chopard Fetes Jennifer and Adam Just 150th Anniversary with Star-Studded Go With the Romantic Frick Gala Flow (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/3/2010 5:10:09 PM

On Thursday evening, Chopard celebrated its 150th Anniversary with a star-studded gala and the worldwide reveal of its remarkable new ‘Animal World’ haute jewelry collection. Guests including Gwyneth Paltrow, Christina Ricci, Kate Hudson, Claire Danes, Natalie Cole, and [a newly-pregnant] Georgina Chapman turned out in force to celebrate the storied jeweler, and, take an up-close glance at Chopard’s new ‘Animal world’ high jewelry collection. Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele, CoPresident and the creative force behind most of Chopard’s high jewelry designs, reportedly spent over two years developing ‘Animal World’, marking the House’s largest collective jewelry endeavor to date. Inspired by her love of animals and travel, ‘Animal World’ is Gruosi-Scheufele’s meticulous rendering of 150 different

animals embodied in precious gems. The menagerie of pieces range from the delicate: a pair of razor-thin white pavé hoops that turn up at the ear to mold into the head of a swan; to the more elaborate: a bib of cognac diamond covered monkeys swinging from a gemstone-laden vine, or, a ‘Cascading Clown Fish’ necklace that clocked approximately 750 hours in the workshop and required at least 2,160 individually set stones. Following the Gala, the pieces will go on tour, traveling to different Chopard boutiques worldwide, until the end of the year when clients who have purchased any of the 150 pieces can pick-up their buy. Some of the first pieces to sell include a full-pave ‘Howling Wolf’ pendant purchased by Elton John, and a full-pave oversized polar bear ring [purchased from the pages of ELLE’s May profile on the new collection]. On the decision to unveil the collection in New York, Gruosi-

Scheufele highlights the, seemingly, natural synergy of presenting at the Frick, “we particularly chose to host our event at The Frick Collection because each one-of-a-kind piece is truly a museum caliber work of art that represents countless hours of design and craftsmanship”. As guests converged on the ventrines set around the Collection’s central fountain, Kate Hudson shared some of her thoughts on Chopard and excitement over the collection, “[Chopard] did all of the jewelry for [the movie] ‘Nine’ so I got to wear a lot of the pieces and fell in love with it”. Sporting a double-wrapped strand of Chopard colored pearls and oversized pearl ring encased by a pave serpent, Hudson holds up her ring as case-in-point “it’s very cool stuff'". Point taken, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/4/2010 12:48:00 AM

Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler got down to business with a romantic scene for Just Go With It yesterday in Hawaii. The pair had to kiss in front of the cameras, which is a change of pace for the actors who have been friends for decades. Jen opened up about their relationship saying, "We've been friends for I would say 21 years. . . here we are just pretty much laughing constantly." When they weren't embracing in front of the camera, the duo also shot alongside their costar Nicole Kidman. Jen, Nicole, and Adam were together last week to film with Dave Matthews, but he wasn't around for the passionate shoot. Jennifer has been on the

island for the last few weeks working on their movie - it's not Jen's favorite getaway location, Cabo, but it's still a perfect beach location for the ecofriendly and most beautiful star. To see more photos of Jen, Adam, and Nicole on set, just read more. View 30 Photos ›


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E-reader News Edition

Print: GeekDad DIY Manual Can Smarten Up Kids on the Sly Mario Aguilar (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:00:00 PM

Illustration: James Turner 3 DIY Projects for Nerdlings Never-Ending Demolition Derby RC cars? Cool. RC cars locked in a perpetual destruction match? Way cooler. Glue some Lego baseboards to as much of the autos’ exteriors as possible to build elaborate armored exoskeletons. Let the vehicles duke it out. Pick up the pieces. Repeat. See the World From the Sky Satellite stills from Google Maps are fine, but you can outdo them with a Flip. Pack the camera in Styrofoam and tie on a 500-foot spool of kite string and 16 helium-filled balloons. Send it up. On a calm day, you’ll get great bird’s-eye footage of your neighborhood. Electronic Origami Pimp your

origami! Use the conductive ink from a circuit-writer pen to draw positive and negative “wires” on the paper. Attach the wires to a watch battery and complete the circuit with an LED. Now you’ve got a delicate paper swan that shoots lasers from its eyes. Back in the 1970s, Ken Denmead was your typical awkward kid — obsessing over videogames, science fiction, and model trains. Now he’s passing the torch to the next generation of dungeon masters and DIY enthusiasts with his new book, GeekDad: Awesomely Geeky Projects and Activities for Dads and Kids to Share, a guide to living la vida nerdy with your offspring. GeekDad started as a blog created by Wired editor in chief Chris Anderson, who handed the reins over to Denmead in 2007. Since then, Denmead, a civil engineer, has enlisted a legion

of contributors to make GeekDad a must-read for dorky parents — a one-stop resource on everything from educational science projects to reviews of kid-friendly videogames. The book presents some of the projects from the blog plus a bounty of new activities intended to spark youngsters’ desire to build, dismantle, and understand. “I wrote the book to be pretty accessible so you can do the projects in a weekend afternoon,” Denmead says. “I hope they’ll teach kids about physics almost unconsciously, while they’re having fun.” , fun Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Lit Fix: Three Wishes by Carey Goldberg, Beth Jones and Pamela Ferdinand Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/3/2010 4:00:00 PM

Today's book review is from A m a n d a G r e e n e ,'s Staff Writer/Editor. She read Three Wishes by Carey Goldberg, Beth Jones and Pamela Ferdinand: This true story is a love story—but not a typical one. Three friends who have been lucky in their careers, but not in love, each decide to fulfill their one life goal: to have a baby. Despite not having any father figures in mind, they’re determined to get pregnant. First, Carey orders donor sperm and plans to use it to become a single mother. But the day the vials arrive, she meets a man online with whom she falls in love and ends up having a baby. So, she passes the vials on to Beth, a friend in a similar

situation. And then Beth encounters some luck of her own… Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

'Castle' - 'Food to Die For' Recap Jane Boursaw (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:28:00 AM

(S02E22) "The eternal struggle between work and play. The trick is, when you grow up, to find work that feels like play." -

Castle to Alexis This episode of'Castle' really played out like a whodunit mystery novel. I guess they all do, but this one really jumped out at me that way, like a Nikki it's pretty cool that Castle is a Heat book sprung to life. Plus,

foodie and a fan of the fictional to Die For' Recap 'Kitchen Wars.' And I'm not Filed under: Episode Reviews, surprised that Beckett had no Reality-Free, Castle idea the reality show even Permalink| Email this| | existed. She's very busy. Comments Solving crimes and all. Continue reading'Castle' - 'Food


E-reader News Edition


In a Ditch Nicholas Schmidle (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 5/3/2010 11:00:00 PM

Corpses have been showing up on roadsides in North and South Waziristan for years. Some of the time they are headless; almost all of the time they display a note alleging that the deceased was a spy. Khalid Khawaja’s death was no different, except that he never hid the fact that he had once worked for Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency, the ISI. The association gave him credibility in many circles. Khawaja’s generation of spooks, after all, trained local and foreign jihadis in Afghanistan during the 1980s, frequented Taliban-controlled Afghanistan during the 1990s, and continued—at least unofficially—to support some insurgents in Afghanistan (and Pakistan) throughout the past decade. Between his intel background and his continued devotion to the cause, Khawaja was an important, outspoken player on the jihadi scene. It was shocking, then, to hear that a previously unknown faction of militants calling themselves the Asian Tigers had kidnapped Khawaja, along with a British reporter and another retired ISI officer, a month ago in North Waziristan. Two weeks later, Khawaja appeared in a hostage video, confessing to have been secretly working for

the ISI throughout the crisis at the Red Mosque, the hyperradical mosque in Islamabad that was stormed by commandos in July 2007. And on Friday, Khawaja’s dead body appeared on a roadside in North Waziristan, along with a note claiming that he was an American spy. So how could someone like Khawaja—a self-described confidant of Osama bin Laden who relished affiliations with the Taliban of old—have ended up dead in a ditch, murdered by the kind of people he was previously accused of aiding? And what does that say about the dramatic cultural changes underway in Pakistan? A quick word about Khawaja himself. A squadron commander in the Pakistani Air Force early in his life, Khawaja later joined the ISI. After getting kicked out of the spy agency in 1988 for writing a letter to President Zia ul Haq that charged the army chief with hypocrisy, he set out freelancing. He reportedly arranged five meetings in the late 1980s between bin Laden and former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif. He described himself as a mujahid, while also acting as the chief spokesperson for the Defense of Human Rights, a Pakistani organization campaigning on behalf of the legions of “disappeared” persons suspected of being kidnapped by the ISI.

Most recently, he had been acting as counsel to the five Americans arrested in Pakistan in December 2009. I first met Khawaja in early 2006 at Cafe Lazeez, an upscale restaurant in Islamabad. I had been trying to arrange a meeting with Abdul Rashid Ghazi, one of the two brothers running the Red Mosque; Khawaja was playing the role of the mosque’s press attache. Khawaja was a skilled propagandist, with his fluent English and bulging Rolodex. Such credentials, not surprisingly, made him rather shady as well. Daniel Pearl and Khawaja had met, and then stayed in phone and email contact, just prior to Pearl’s abduction in January 2002. Pearl’s wife claims that Khawaja had a hand in her husband’s death. Sitting across the table from me, Khawaja stroked his whiskbroom beard and trained his dark, sharp eyes on mine. While sincere and generous with his time, there was little I found settling about Khawaja’s presence. “I’ll talk to Ghazi and see if he wants to meet you,” Khawaja said, concluding the luncheon. “But if I tell you that Ghazi is off-limits, I don’t want to hear that you’re going behind my back trying to meet him through other channels, okay? I told Daniel Pearl that Sheik Gilani was off-limits …”. His voice trailed off and I anxiously

departed from the cafe. A week later he facilitated the first of my many meetings with Ghazi. Khawaja was also sensitive to the press, unlike the majority of Pakistan’s current generation of jihadis. Last June, The Minneapolis Star Tribune reviewed my book and the writer briefly mentioned my relationship to Khawaja: “Chillingly, and perhaps foolishly, [Schmidle] uses the same intermediary (Khalid Khawaja) that slain journalist Daniel Pearl used.” Khawaja must have maintained a Google Alert account on his name. A day later, Khawaja took to the message boards and posted two comments at the end of the piece defending himself and even including his personal phone number in case people wanted to discuss further. Despite his technological and media savvy, Khawaja was nonetheless old school when it came to the generational divides among militants. The old guard feels as if it’s at least partly acting on behalf of the state, while the new guard seeks to overthrow the state. Whoever steps in the way of that mission is considered an enemy—and, by extension, an American stooge. Did Khawaja see himself as a bridge between the two groups? Perhaps. But he clearly didn’t make a good enough impression on the new guard.

It’s important to consider what Khawaja might have been doing in North Waziristan. The Pakistani army is apparently gearing up for an offensive there against the Taliban, akin to the ones conducted in Swat and South Waziristan last year. In his confession from captivity, Khawaja claimed that he was sent by two former ISI chiefs to broker a deal with the militants, telling them that they’ll be spared if they simply aim their weapons towards Afghanistan, rather than on targets in Pakistan. It’s also been reported that Khawaja had arranged for the kidnapped British journalist to meet with Hakimullah Mehsud, the Pakistani Taliban leader rumored dead who has recently surfaced. That Khawaja, on either mission, would be kidnapped and murdered illustrates a profound evolution that’s occurred in Pakistan over recent years concerning the dynamic between the ISI and their onetime jihadi clients. During the 1980s and 1990s, the ISI fostered the development of several militant organizations as national security assets; Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and Jaish-eMohammad were instruments of Islamabad’s foreign policy in Kashmir. Pervez Musharraf banned the prominent militant outfits after September 11, but DITCH page 53



E-reader News Edition

Oil Spill: Focus on Containment, Clean Up, Causation Nicolas Loris (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 5/3/2010 5:34:56 PM

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an unfortunate and terrible accident that poses economic and environmental challenges to the Gulf coast. The fact that the explosion took eleven lives is regrettable and condolences to friends and families who lost their loved ones. Many questions are yet without answers; the most general and pressing being: what went wrong? Along with stopping the leak and containing the oil slick to minimize, the imperative concern is to figure out what went wrong. There will be lots of finger pointing and calls for action but Members of Congress and the White House should refrain from making any rash political decisions. Despite accusations that BP cut corners on preventative measures, BP America Inc. President Lamar McKay maintains that’s not the case saying, “My belief is that that does not have anything to do with it. I believe we’ve got a failed piece of equipment. We don’t know why it failed yet in this contracted rig.” Whether that’s the case remains to be seen and will require a thorough investigation. The company is spending $6 million a day to reduce the environmental impact with burnoffs, oil booms,

chemical-filled barriers and other dispersant chemicals and is attempting to activate the blowout prevention mechanism that was supposed to go into effect when the rig exploded. Answering this question must be at the top of the priority list. After the “what happened and why” questions follow the “who’s to blame” ones. The obvious responsible party is BP and the company has vowed to pay for the clean up costs for“legitimate and objectively verifiable claims for other loss and damage caused by the spill.” This should include reimbursing the taxpayers for government resources allocated towards the problem, which thus far includes the Coast Guard, the Navy, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Minerals Management Services. Also on the receiving end of much blame is President Obama and his administration. Critics on the left and the right disparaged the president’s slow response. Some are calling the Gulf oil spill “President Obama’s Katrina” since federal efforts weren’t ramped up immediately. A large part of this may have been the Coast Guard underestimating the severity of the problem, but regardless, there will be plenty of time for passing blame. The focus needs to be remain on containment, clean up and causation. For the most part the

administration’s reaction has been prudent. President Obama has called on Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to report on new technologies might be needed to prevent future spills in the next thirty days. In this time no new lease sales will occur. Although none were meant to occur anyhow, this is a common sense approach for the near-term. But the White House should refrain from making any impulsive decisions that affect our long-term energy policy. While there are economic consequences with the spill, there are much bigger economic costs with a ban on offshore drilling. Even Secretary Salazar acknowledged this – noting that 30 percent of our nation’s oil production comes from the Gulf. He asserted, “For us to turn off those spigots would have a very, very huge impact on America’s economy right now. This is an industry that can operate safely. There has been a tragic accident here and we need to learn the lessons from it, and we will not move forward with any kind of activity on offshore oil and gas drilling that isn’t going to have safety first.” Secretary Salazar should also be commended for this level-headed approach. The knee jerk reaction for politicians is to put in place laws and regulations they believe will solve the problem, but often times these can have adverse

effects, as explained by Richard Fulmer: Suppose, for example, that the final result of a congressional inquiry into a tragedy is a bill mandating the use of technology “X.” Let us further suppose that X is, indeed, an excellent, stateof-the-art solution, and not something that was selected because Technology X Industries, Inc. made a generous campaign contribution to Senator Jones, or because the X Solutions company happens to be located in Congressman Smith’s district. In a dynamic, free market economy, technology X is likely to be superseded very quickly by superior technology “Y.” Once X has been mandated, however, Y may never be used. First, innovators have little incentive to investigate alternatives to X, given that entrenched laws must be overturned before such alternatives can be used. Second, even if Y were to be developed, the status quo surrounding X would fight to keep the laws mandating X firmly in place.” The Gulf oil spill presents significant near-term and longterm questions and challenges. We need to address the environmental clean up and cause of the spill before moving forward with anything else. Tags: BP, BP oil spill, Coast Guard, Gulf oil spill, Oil

Pollution Act, oil spill, President Obama 2 Responses to “Oil Spill: Focus on Containment, Clean Up, Causation” • Billie on May 3rd, 2010 at 6:34pm said: Our prayers and condolences to families and friends of those who have perished. This may be considered ignorant and I apologize for it, but what would happen if there was never drilling for oil which naturally develops in the earth? Would it stop developing or would we have oil mines? Or whatever? Also wondering if these government resources weren’t taking this situation at hand, what are they being paid for when there isn’t anything at hand? Also, how much of this can nature take care of? • Jimthepimp from Georgia on May 3rd, 2010 at 6:34pm said: I liked your article with one exception. The adminsitration should of acted sooner. It was ten days before they did anything. I saw the pictures on CNN and knew that this was a huge deal. If I know it so doesnt the government. I wanted to send a letter to Washington to say ” What are u thinking”? It only really got blown into a huge story the end of last week once the media really picked up on it. Once it was known that the oil was still flowing out of the pipes all hands should of OIL page 51


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The New START Treaty: Under Fire Ariel Cohen (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 5/3/2010 6:00:19 PM

The New START Treaty, which was signed on April 8th, 2010, in Prague, is being heralded by the Obama Administration as a major national security accomplishment. However, it is coming under close scrutiny and criticism by the leading US experts. This is not surprising as the document raises grave concerns – either directly in the text of the treaty or through implicit linkages and deals that were made during negotiations. Such concerns have prompted some U.S. senators to consider requesting the negotiating record of the treaty and the supporting documents detailing what exactly took place. Sparking major attention among arms control, defense, and Russia policy wonks, Dimitri Simes, a prominent Russia expert and President of the Nixon Center, published an article saying that high ranking Russians told him that during negotiations the senior American officials conveyed to the Russian side that there was no reason to put more restrictive language on missile defense in the treaty. This is because the Obama Administration has no intention of moving forward with strategic missile defenses

in Europe. In addition, Americans told the Russians that specific restraints in the treaty would only cause the Senate to block its ratification. Senior U.S. officials apparently confirmed this to Simes. Moscow reached this understanding with the White House while the Obama Administration continuously assured the public that the treaty would not limit missile defense. Simes also points out that the new treaty is perceived as a major success inside Russia—so much so that the Kremlin told the media not to praise it in order not to spook the Americans. Moreover, even if the Obama Administration did not make these assurances, The Heritage Foundation’s veteran strategic weapons analyst Baker Spring has already pointed out that the treaty restricts U.S. missile defense options. The language in the preamble establishes a logic that missile defense capabilities must come down in coordination with reductions in offensive strategic weapons. Otherwise, defenses will call into question the “viability and effectiveness” of strategic offensive weapons. Last December Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared that if the U.S. goes forward with defenses, and America begins to feel “ secure”, it will become more “aggressive”, and “do

issues in European security and of major concern to U.S. allies—Russian tactical nuclear weapons. Russia may have a 10:1 advantage over the U.S. in its tactical nuclear arsenal. Russian can use these theater nuclear weapons to threaten and intimidate U.S. allies. Not including this class of weapons in the treaty was a major concession. Another disturbing revelation is that the new START treaty actually facilitates the Russian trend to return to multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle warheads or MIRVed intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBMs). To MIRV a missile is to place several nuclear warheads on a single ICBM. Open sources indicate that Russia’s highly destabilizing RS -24 mobile, MIRVed missile will be the mainstay of Russian strategic forces by 2016. While the Obama Administration is moving the U.S. aggressively whatever its wants”. That is, believe that U.S. plans for toward single warhead missiles Russia does not want U.S. missile defense are the casualty as indicated in the Nuclear Posture Review, the new treaty defenses to upset or undermine of this treaty. its strategic balance of terror! The Heritage Foundation has has no limitations on the number T h e r e f o r e , R u s s i a n just released an independent o f w a r h e a d s t h a t c a n b e interpretation of the treaty as it assessment of the new START deployed on Russian missiles. relates to missile defenses is treaty that explains in detail how As Russia develops a multisummarized in the unilateral this treaty works to limit U.S. w a r h e a d s t r a t e g i c m i s s i l e statement issued at the time of missile defenses and details arsenal, while the U.S. goes in s i g n i n g i n P r a g u e , a n d numerous other problems. Just the opposite direction, an threatening to withdrawal from to highlight a few problems u n s t a b l e n u c l e a r p o s t u r e the treaty if the U.S. builds up detailed in the report, the treaty NEW page 54 its defenses. Many observers does not address a pressing



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Morning Bell: Defending Freedom is a Choice Conn Carroll (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

followed a different course, one unique in all the history of mankind. We used our power Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:19:09 AM and wealth to rebuild the warIn April 2009 in Strasbourg, ravished economies of the F r a n c e , P r e s i d e n t B a r a c k world, including those of the Obama was asked at a press nations who had been our conference if he “subscribe[d], enemies. as many of your predecessors So strongly did Reagan believe have, to the school of American in American exceptionalism that e x c e p t i o n a l i s m t h a t s e e s he often described our country America as uniquely qualified to as“this experiment in liberty, lead the world, or do you have a this last, best hope of man.” But slightly different philosophy?” President Obama disagrees. He P r e s i d e n t O b a m a t h e n sees the United States as just r e s p o n d e d : “ I b e l i e v e i n another declining power like American exceptionalism, just Britain or Greece. These were as I suspect that the Brits telling examples for President believe in B r i t i s h Obama to choose since both exceptionalism and the Greeks countries are facing crushing believe in G r e e k government debt crises due to exceptionalism.” profligate welfare state In other words, the President s p e n d i n g . A n d P r e s i d e n t does not see anything unique Obama’s budget puts us on the about America’s role in history exact same path. It would: 1) or the world. Some of our past borrow 42 cents for each dollar Presidents have seen it spent in 2010; 2) leave differently, including President permanent annual deficits that R o n a l d R e a g a n w h o o n c e top $1 trillion as late as 2020; explained to Soviet President and 3) dump an additional Leonid Brezhnev: $74,000 per household of debt When World War II ended, the into the laps of our children and United States had the only grandchildren. undamaged industrial power in All of President Obama’s the world. Our military might a g g r e s s i v e w e l f a r e s t a t e was at its peak, and we alone spending leaves little left over had the ultimate weapon, the for national defense. Heritage n u c l e a r w e a p o n , w i t h t h e Vice President for Foreign and unquestioned ability to deliver it Defense Policy Studies Kim anywhere in the world. If we Holmes, Ph.D., writes: had sought world domination We are headed down a then, who could have opposed European path. … According to us? But the United States the President’s budget, defense

spending over the next few years will continue to fall relative to the economy, from 4.9 percent to 3.6 percent of GDP by 2015. Indeed, defense was the target of roughly half of the Administration’s $17 billion in spending cuts in 2010. Some

Reagan’s“peace through strength” doctrine and replace it with President Obama’s strength through apology tour? We think not. That is why starting today The Heritage Foundation is promoting Protect America Month, starting with a speech this morning at 10 a.m. by Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA). You can watch the event live, here. And then for the next four weeks, join The Heritage Foundation as we examine defense spending and foreign policy in our nation, by releasing special publications and hosting events that showcase why we must commit to protecting America in an increasingly dangerous world. Events and products will include speeches by former Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, former Ambassador to the UN John Bolton and former Attorney General John Ashcroft, as well as special commentaries from Members of Congress and Heritage scholars regarding the need for a strong national defense. Dr. Holmes concludes: “Freedom and prosperity at home and abroad depend on 50 defense programs were America’s continued projection t r u n c a t e d o r e l i m i n a t e d , of power around the world. But compromising not only our t h a t w i l l d e p e n d o n o u r future air and naval superiority, commitment to national defense, but also our defense against which is the first obligation of ballistic missiles. the federal government listed in Are Americans really ready to MORNING page 55 abandon President


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Ohio Lawman Seeks Arizona-Type Initiative (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

veto any legislation similar to Arizona's tough new Submitted at 5/4/2010 3:42:00 AM immigration law. An Ohio sheriff is promoting a "If the majority of voters in "Citizens' Initiative" on the Ohio want it done, it's probably November ballot that would going to have to be their give state voters the right to initiative to be the driving decide whether they want a law force," the sheriff said. patterned after Arizona's new Sheriff Jones is not alone in statute authorizing police to seeking help with the growing a r r e s t a n y o n e r e a s o n a b l y problem of criminal aliens and suspected of being an illegal t h e f e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t ' s immigrant. inability to secure the border. Butler County Sheriff Richard Officials and candidates in at K. Jones, who unsuccessfully l e a s t f i v e o t h e r s t a t e s — billed both the U.S. and G e o r g i a , M a r y l a n d , Mexican governments for the Pennsylvania, Texas and Utah cost of jailing criminal aliens, — have called for legislation took the matter to the public on similar to that signed by Arizona Friday — with the backing of Gov. Jan Brewer last month. state Republican Rep. Courtney Even White House press Combs — after deciding that s e c r e t a r y R o b e r t G i b b s appeals made to Ohio's political acknowledged during an April leadership "won't be enough to 23 briefing that Arizona's move get immigration reform on the "could naturally drive each state fast track." to creating its own immigration "Our federal government has let laws — that's because the u s d o w n o n i m m i g r a t i o n United States at the federal level reform," Sheriff Jones said after has failed to act." he and Mr. Combs sent a letter Sheriff Jones has consistently to Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland and a r g u e d t h a t t h e f e d e r a l state legislative leaders seeking government's failure to deal action. "I'm afraid our state with the immigration crisis is legislature may not want to act "reason enough for states to on it either." target illegal aliens themselves." The sheriff noted that Mr. He has called on state officials Strickland has said he plans to nationwide to oppose various

immigration reform bills that have been debated in Congress, adding that their demise meant that the states should enact legislation to deal with what he called a "continuing illegalimmigration crisis." Sheriff Jones acknowledges that getting his initiative on the ballot for November won't be easy, adding that "just because it's hard doesn't mean you shouldn't try." "There are lots of legal papers to file, thousands and thousands of signatures on petitions to collect, and you have to get the word out to everyone," he said. "I also expect the effort will be highly contested by those who maybe just want to wait for the federal government to act." Sheriff Jones was an outspoken critic during the 2008 presidential election of efforts by Congress to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. A Republican who has become known nationally for cracking down on illegal immigration in Butler County, he demanded answers from Republican presidential candidate John McCain in newspaper ads he financed with money from his re -election campaign. The sheriff has vigorously

proposed tougher immigration legislation, saying existing laws are either not strong enough or are not being enforced. "Make no mistake about the fact that the immigration system is beyond broken," he said. He began advocating immigration reform in 2005 when illegal immigrants started swamping the Butler County jail. He openly derided the cost of housing the inmates and targeted the employers who hired them, expanding his campaign to include the cost to taxpayers for illegal residents who use the county's schools, hospitals, courts and law enforcement. "Just in this county alone, the cost to the taxpayers is $1 million," he said. "Add to that the cost to the citizens throughout the United States and that taxpayer burden is in the hundreds of millions of dollars." © Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


OIL continued from page 48

been in action. This I didnt know or it was somebody elses fault is just another cop out. All hands are on deck now and things will get solved within a few days to stop the flow. BP is just a company and you dont just take for granted that things will be fine. Ok im done with that but overall a great article and keep up the good work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Ariz. Sheriff Arpaio Won't Run for Governor (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 5/4/2010 3:07:43 AM

Arizona Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio, who has earned a national reputation for his hard line and tough tactics on illegal immigration, said Monday he will not run for the Republican nomination for governor, despite his widespread popularity among conservative voters. The 77-year-old Maricopa County sheriff said he declined to run largely because of his commitment to residents and his concerns about whom the board of supervisors might appoint as interim sheriff. "I am humbled by the encouragement," he said. "However … we are standing in the cross-hairs of history in this state. And as sheriff of the most populous county in Arizona, there is much work yet to be done." He said the board's choice might set the county on a path that voters would find "extremely displeasing." Sheriff Arpaio, who has toyed with entering politics before,

likely would have been the instant front-runner in the polls ahead of the Aug. 24 primary that includes incumbent Republican Gov. Jan Brewer. But entering the race so late and defeating Ms. Brewer would have been a challenge, considering the bump in her support following her decision last month to sign what is widely regarded as the nation's toughest immigrationenforcement law. "I doubt he can win," Arizona Democratic Party spokeswoman Jennifer Johnson said Monday before the sheriff made his decision known. "He talks a very good game, but it's a lot of dishing out over-the-top sound bites. I think voters are looking for a more serious candidate who understands the state's serious issues." Still, the sheriff has $2.3 million in the bank for his 2012 re-election campaign that he could have used for a gubernatorial run. Ms. Brewer now leads all candidates in the polls and has moved four percentage points ahead of likely Democrat

candidate state Attorney General Terry Goddard, according to a new Rasmussen Reports phone survey. State Democratic officials said they are skeptical of the Rasmussen report and predict a close race. As Sheriff Arpaio neared a decision, his choice was being closely watched in Arizona. Already, the Republican Senate primary between incumbent Sen. John McCain and challenger ex-Rep. J.D. Hayworth has focused heavily on the state's illegalimmigration problem. "People want me to run for governor, everyday, around the nation," the sheriff said at a news conference. To be sure, Sheriff Arpaio has a national profile — elevated in part by such tactics as organizing civilian posses and issuing pink underwear to inmates in Maricopa County, whose county seat is Phoenix. His approach to policing also has attracted both ardent supporters and harsh critics. The Obama administration's Justice Department last year began an

investigation that included looking into charges of racial profiling and illegal searches and seizures within the county sheriff's office. The state Republican party did not return a call for comment. While Sheriff Arpaio's decision deprives the 2010 midterm elections of one colorful entry, another took the plunge Monday in Ohio. Former Rep. James A. Traficant Jr., famous for his flamboyant speeches on the House floor before being sentenced to seven years in prison on corruption charges, filed papers to run for the seat occupied by Rep. Tim Ryan, Ohio Democrat. Mr. Traficant, 68, was a Democrat previously but will run this time as an independent. © Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Mega64 and Tommy Tallarico present: Gamer Warz 2 David Hinkle (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/3/2010 11:00:00 PM

We really think Tommy Tallarico missed his calling in life by becoming a composer. If the first Gamer Warz and this followup are any indication, the man was meant for comedy. Gamer Warz 2(watch it after the break) is a collaboration between Tallarico and lulzfactory Mega64 that really gets to the heart of the elitism and console preferences of the gaming community at large in a surprisingly civil and educated way. Don't get it twisted: we certainly love Tallarico's music, but this may be the funniest video we've seen in a long time. Continue reading Mega64 and Tommy Tallarico present: Gamer Warz 2 Mega64 and Tommy Tallarico present: Gamer Warz 2 originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 03 May 2010 23:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Rep. Cantor Slams Obama on Iran, Russia (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

to the conservative Heritage Foundation think thank in Submitted at 5/4/2010 2:58:26 AM Washington. AFP obtained A top US Republican lawmaker excerpts of the speech. on Tuesday made a sweeping The Virginia lawmaker vowed election-year attack on President that "a Republican Congress Barack Obama's foreign policy, will turn back harmful treaties blasting a landmark nuclear cuts like START," which Obama treaty with Russia and efforts to signed in April and now faces a engage Iran. ratification test in the sharply W i t h s i x m o n t h s b e f o r e divided US Senate. November mid-term elections, Cantor praised Obama for not Representative Eric Cantor s e e k i n g a n i m m e d i a t e u r g e d U S v o t e r s t o b a c k withdrawal from Iraq and Republicans at "a pivotal time Afghanistan and for "behind the for America to restore its scenes" victories against Alcredibility by pursuing peace Qaeda, notably through strikes through strength." by unmanned drones in "That's why conservatives must Afghanistan and Pakistan. win in 2010. And when we But he sharply assailed retake Congress we will stand Obama's efforts to polish the US with defense-minded Democrats image in the Muslim world, to stop the hemorrhaging of tarnished under predecessor A m e r i c a ' s d e f e n s e s , " s a i d George W. Bush by the wars in Cantor, the number two House Iraq and Afghanistan amid a of Representatives Republican. lack of progress in talks to end Cantor delivered the broadside the Arab-Israeli conflict. in remarks prepared for delivery The lawmaker, the only Jewish

Republican in the US Congress, said Obama should not "pick fights" with Israel -- a reference to spats over new settlement construction in Jerusalem -- and condemned outreach to Iran. "What has engagement with Iran brought us?" he asked. "US calls for dialogue with the regime only strengthened Tehran's hand. It's no wonder Iran blithely continues to export terrorism and oppress its people with impunity." Cantor, who said a similar approach with Syria had also failed, attacked Obama's June 2009 speech in Cairo to reset Washington's relationship with the Muslim world, saying: "What does America have to be sorry for?" The lawmaker also assailed Obama's handling of terrorism, citing growing complacency amid "warning signs" in the failed attacks against a USbound airliner on Christmas Day

and in Times Square over the weekend. Cantor complained that the public "goes on heightened alert" after such incidents for "hours and days rather than permanently" and that Obama aides "tend to give these warnings due attention only in limited spurts." "As a result, America is at risk of slipping into the type of false sense of security which prevailed before that September morning," he said, referring to the September 11, 2001 attacks. Copyright Š 2010 AFP. All rights reserved Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


DITCH continued from page 47

the status quo remained until 2004. Then, under American pressure, Musharraf ordered the army into South Waziristan. The relationship between the army and the militants cracked. Ghazi’s brother at the Red Mosque issued a fatwa decreeing that any soldiers killed in South Waziristan should be denied a proper Muslim burial. When commandos stormed the Red Mosque in July 2007, leaving Ghazi and hundreds of others dead, the militants turned their guns fully against the state. Five months later, the Pakistani Taliban was formed. One of the characteristics distinguishing the new generation of militants from the old has been their deep mistrust of traditional authorities, such as the intelligence agencies, the tribal structures, and the DITCH page 55

Julianne Hough Waltzing Back to 'Dancing With the Stars'? Kim Potts (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:10:00 AM

She's been MIA the last two seasons, but Access Hollywood reports that two-time'Dancing With the Stars' professional champ Julianne Hough will be returning to the reality series next season.

Hough, who left the show to pursue her career as a country music singer, last appeared on the show in season 8, when her dance partner was also her reallife partner, country singer Chuck Wicks. Hough and Wicks broke up shortly after they were voted off the show in the eighth week of the season 8

competition. Access Hollywood reports that

she'll return for season 11 next fall, despite the fact that she's also releasing her second album in the fourth quarter of 2010, and starring in her first major film,'Burlesque,' a November 2010 drama in which she plays a dancer. The movie co-stars Cher, Christina Aguilera, Kristin Bell, Stanley Tucci, Eric Dane,

Cam Gigandet, Alan Cumming and 'Glee's' Dianna Agron. Continue reading Julianne Hough Waltzing Back to 'Dancing With the Stars'? Filed under: TV News Permalink| Email this| | Comments



Overcriminalization: Victimizing the Innocent

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NEW continued from page 49

emerges. Finally, the Obama Administration has made repeated claims that new Hannah Sternberg (The Foundry: Conservative Policy START will reduce by 30 News.) percent the number of deployed warheads now permitted under Submitted at 5/3/2010 5:00:23 PM the Moscow Treaty (1,700George Norris’s house was 2,200). In fact, new START’s ransacked by police while he counting rules and apparent was held prisoner in his own lapses will permit increases in kitchen. Officers informed him Russian strategic force levels he was not under arrest and no above those of the Moscow charges were pressed against Treaty. RIA Novosti, Russia’s him at that time. He asked to official news agency, has see a warrant, which was already pointed out that Russia revealed to him reluctantly; but will be able to retain 2,100 when he asked to fetch his strategic nuclear warheads under reading glasses from another the New START if it follows room, police denied his request, through with nuclear confining him to his chair with a Legal Research Fellow at the 6:00pm said: More discipline, modernization. One of the warrant he couldn’t read. Heritage Foundation, discusses harsh punishment to a person biggest lapses is the bomber One year later, crippled by legal the roots of the problem of growing a flower business, a counting rule, which equates fees and a government dead set overcriminalization and the person eating a french fry and each bomber with one warhead. to make an example of him, explosion of new laws in the last an inventor who makes a human It is far more permissive than George Norris pleaded guilty to century. Then, Clark Neily, a error, while they decriminalize / the Moscow Treaty. a crime he did not commit. His senior attorney at the Institute make exception to the rapists, The Obama Administration misdeed? Importing perfectly for Justice, describes how murderers and drug dealers. presents the Treaty as a major legal orchids. overcriminalization is being A L L P H Y S I C A L arms control achievement, yet George Norris is just one victim fought in court and with V I O L A T O R S ! it limits the range of defensive of overcriminalization in grassroots activism. Listen to options available for the United America today. Others include “ H e r i t a g e i n F o c u s : You can follow any responses States — not for Russia. .The a college-bound high-schooler Overcriminalization” here. to this entry through the RSS 2.0 ratification of this treaty will suspended for accidentally For more information on this feed. have profound implications for leaving flatware in her car, a i s s u e , v i s i t Five Filters featured article: teenager handcuffed and O v e r c r i m i n a l i z e d . c o m . The Art of Looking Prime arrested for eating fries on a Tags: overcriminalization One Ministerial - The 2010 UK subway, and an inventor thrown R e s p o n s e t o General Election. Available in prison for putting the wrong “ O v e r c r i m i n a l i z a t i o n : tools: PDF Newspaper, Full label on a package. Victimizing the Innocent” Text RSS, Term Extraction. In the latest Heritage in Focus • Billie on May 3rd, 2010 at podcast, Brian Walsh, Senior

the security of the United States. Let us also hope that the U.S. Senate does its quality control job well when deciding whether to ratify this treaty. Co-authored by Ariel Cohen, Owen Graham and Michaela Bendikova Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., is Senior Research Fellow in Russian and Eurasian Studies and International Energy Policy at the Katherine and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Policy at The Heritage Foundation. Owen Graham is a Research Assistant in the Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Michaela Bendikova is Graduate Assistant at Missouri State University. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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DITCH continued from page 53

mainstream Islamist parties. Two months before his death in July 2007, Ghazi told me even the traditional jihadi organizations like Jaish-eMohammad and Sipah-e-Sahaba (a sectarian outfit that attacks Shias) were being undermined as the rank-and-file defected and joined his movement. “Everywhere you look, you can see youngsters rejecting the old ones,” he explained. The splintering phenomenon continues today: the Asian Tigers are considered an offshoot of either Jaish-eMohammad or of Lashkar-eJhangvi, which itself broke off from Sipah-e-Sahaba in the early 1990s. Some Western audiences might applaud the

fracturing and dividing, assuming that smaller outfits are easier to isolate. But each new group is more violent and reckless than the next—and also more removed from the original puppet-masters in ISI headquarters. Negotiations, bribes, and settlements hold no appeal for this generation of militants. Several major questions remain about Khawaja and his death. Is it possible that he, as the Tigers allege, intentionally misled Ghazi and his brother Abdul Aziz during the July 2007 rebellion at the Red Mosque, which ultimately led to Ghazi’s death and Aziz’s arrest? Was Khawaja still working for the ISI and—perhaps by

extension—the CIA? No matter what the answers are, even positing such questions about a man like Khalid Khawaja speaks to the tremendous state of deception and paranoia in Pakistan. An already confusing place has perhaps never been more inscrutable. Nicholas Schmidle, a fellow at the New America Foundation, is the author of To Live or to Perish Forever: Two Tumultuous Years in Pakistan.

on a plane about to take off for Dubai in connection with Saturday’s failed Times Square bombing. • Citing inadequate federal funding, eighteen states have already told the Obama administration they will not work with the federal government to set up Obamacare-created health insurance pools. • Heritage’s Rob Bluey details how the American Hospital Association used Obamacare to kill off physician-owned

hospitals. • According to Gallup, the Obama administration is hiring new federal workers faster than the private sector can create jobs to support them. • Also according to Gallup, 68% of Americans say it is very important to halt the flow of illegal immigrants into the country, 80% are concerned that illegal immigrants burden schools, hospitals and other government services, 77% worry that illegal immigrants drive down wages, and 80%

Quick Seafood (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Time: 30 minutes Prep Pointer: You’ll get more juice from a room-temperature lemon. Serve with Charred Vegetable Rice: Cook 1 cup long-grain white rice according to package directions, omitting salt and fat. Heat 1½ tablespoons olive oil in a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add ½ cup thawed frozen whole-kernel corn and ½ cup chopped zucchini to pan; sauté 3 minutes or until vegetables are charred. Stir in ½ cup halved grape tomatoes and

13 cup chopped green onions; s a u t é 1 minute or -until tomatoes almost wilt. Combine vegetable mixture, rice, and ¾ teaspoon salt. View Recipe: Pan-Grilled Halibut with Chimichurri • Watch Video Demo Next Seafood Arrabbiata Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Dancing with the Stars Episode Recap: Monday, May 3, 2010

MORNING continued from page 50

the U.S. Constitution. We have been here before. We have seen darker days … We may well be at that moment again. After Jimmy Carter, we elected Ronald Reagan. He restored not only our belief in America, but our commitment to defense. Conservative principles and traditional American values prevailed then. They can prevail again.” Quick Hits: • Customs and Border Patrol agents arrested Pakistan native and U.S. citizen Faisal Shahzad


believe that allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the United States will encourage others to move here illegally. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:51:00 PM

The final six work separately and together on Dancing with the Stars, as couples split into two teams to compete in the Cha -Cha Challenge. Which team won? How did everyone handle the pressure of two full dances? Find out below! OK, first things first, why is Brooke in sausage casing? Seriously, this is the most unflattering outfit ever, and it doesn't help that it's red. DANCING page 56


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DANCING continued from page 55

Secondly, it's Cheryl's birthday, and if you've been on Twitter, Chad has been spoiling her basically the whole day. Imagine what he'll get her if they do well. Erin Andrews and Maksim Chmerkovskiy: Quickstep Lest we forget, Len was, like, the only person who despised Maks' striptease last week. Maks wants to keep stripping and plans to do some in the quickstep, which Erin worries will upset Len even more. (Speaking of birthdays, Erin's is Tuesday.) Maks promises it will be a proper quickstep with a "super-quickstep-y" section in the middle. "Maybe I'll just take my pants off at the end. Just a little bit," he says. He actually takes them off at the beginning, with an assist from Erin, but it's not a proper striptease. They strip off their black covers to unveil some hot salmon costumes (whose flourescence are only rivaled by Len's bright green shirt and yellow tie combo). Maks wasn't kidding about the "super-quickstep-yness." They're going at lightning speed and are in perfect hold most of the time. Erin still tenses up a little bit up top, but her legs and feet are flying with a precision she hasn't had before. Len has no issues with the clothes swap and says it's her best dance. Bruno loves the difficult variations, but wants her to loosen up the shoulders.

Carrie Ann says it's gorgeous. Score: 27 Chad Ochocinco and Cheryl Burke: Viennese Waltz Chad wants 10s this week, but is having trouble with the hold. "C'mon, 85, what are you doing?" he yells at himself. Tony — or as Cheryl introduces him "ballroom champ" (um, we know who he is, Cheryl) — comes in to help 85 with his technique. Birthday girl Cheryl is nearly showing off her birthday suit in this see-through dress. Chad is still a little stiff with his legs and heavy with his steps, which you can see when he's out of hold, but his upper body is smooth and fluid. Bruno calls him a gentle giant, but wants him to work on his extensions. Carrie Ann agrees with Bruno about the arms and says there's nothing sexier than a man who figures out how to be tender. Len says his arms were full of fluidity and tells him to memorize the date — the night he became a contender. Brooke grills Chad about Cheryl's birthday presents — more of which are coming — and he says that's just him showing appreciation for her. "Now you know how hard I have to work with Chad. He feels sorry for me," Cheryl says as she shows off her new blingy necklace. Score: 25 Nicole Scherzinger and Derek Hough: Waltz Derek is going for a pure waltz

after getting chastised by Len for forgoing some samba moves last week. They're dancing to "You Light Up My Life," which is Nicole's aunt's favorite song. Her aunt has Down syndrome and is in the audience. The frame is giving her issues, which Derek says affects the footwork. She's getting down on herself and Derek, being the nice guy that he is, says it's partially his fault because he doesn't compliment her as much as she should. Does she need more compliments because she's an artist? Nicole's frame is stellar and everything — the footwork, extensions — were clicking. It's a very flashy and eye-popping routine, definitely choreographed to show off how much Nicole can do. But I think it's kind of too much in this case. Nicole is always "on" in her performances; it'd be nice to see her take it down a notch and still dance as well. They close with a gorgeous and seemingly endless spin and get lei'd by Nicole's aunt afterward. Carrie Ann says she is by far the best dancer they've ever had on the show (um, really?), but didn't think the connection between them was there. Len loves it and says there were issues in hold. Bruno says she's as close to dancing royalty as she can possibly be. Score: 27 Pamela Anderson and Damian Whitewood: Waltz

Pam brings Damian to the Wildlife Center to help out with the animals so he can unwind. She can't unwind her hips though, Damian ties them together so their hips can rise and fall together. No comment. Pam's footwork is less wobbly, but she could still be sturdier throughout. Her frame is still a bit loose, which is apparent when they're in hold. Still, it's quite the lyrical and romantic waltz and is as stunning emotionally (Pam's trademark, natch) as Nicole's was choreographically. Len loves the understatedness of it and wants her to firm up her upper body. "By the way, if you're just joining us, welcome to DoubleEntendre Theater," Tom says. Bruno compliments her on getting into character again, but agrees with Len. Carrie Ann sees improvement with the legs. Meanwhile, Brooke continues to unimpress as she must consult her notes to ask Pam how important it is to improve her technique. Is this job really that hard? Score: 24 Niecy Nash and Louis van Amstel: Quickstep The honeymoon period — cue eating montage — for these two is over, and Niecy says they're like a divorced couple now, especially with Louis texting Kelly Osbourne during their rehearsals. "Kelly, he don't dance with you no more, boo,"

she yells. "These feet gotta learn how to dance, Van Amstel!" I was worried for Niecy about this one since she's been the least technically sound out of everyone left, but she's definitely stepped up her game. She's incredibly light on her feet, and her footwork is much more refined. She's better than Pam here, if I do say so myself. The only thing out of sync is her hold, which is not as close to Louis as it needs to be. And compared to Erin, she's nowhere near that blistering speed. Bruno calls it her best dance. Carrie Ann, ditto. Len agrees, but wants her to lift her ribcage up. "I've got a lot to lift," she says before freaking out over their personal best score. "I can dance!" she screams. Score: 25 Evan Lysacek and Anna Trebunksaya: Argentine Tango Evan feels like he really let Anna down last week, so he wants her to push him. Anna says there are no balletic moves in their A.T. to prove that he can do something different. And he can. This whole routine is hot. I can't really describe it any other way. Evan's sharp, powerful and totally hitting his marks with zilch balleticism. The staccato movements are precise, and the push-and-pull between him and Anna has the perfect amount of controlled aggression and DANCING page 57


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DANCING continued from page 56

drama. On top of that, it's fast and chock-full of difficult choreography, including this crazy move with one of Anna's legs on his shoulders. They get a standing O. Carrie Ann says he has the eye of the tiger. Len says he knew Evan was nice on ice, but had doubts of him being good on wood. Now, though, he has a paddle he hasn't used yet and will dust it off. I feel a 10 coming on! Bruno says he was a total alpha male and conquered his territory as everything a girl would want. They get a 30 — first perfect score of the season. Eat it, Nicole! Score: 30 Cha-Cha Challenge Each team will get a score, which will be added to each couple's individual score. Team Gaga (Nicole and Derek, Pam and Damian, Chad and Cheryl ), "Telephone" Pam is going to start because she's sexy, Chad will follow and Nicole will close because she's the strongest of the three. Nicole is the only one who hasn't done the cha-cha, so she feels "like an idiot." All three couples start in formation, where Chad seems to be a bit off, before Pam takes over. She seems hesitant of some of the steps, but manages to get through it unscathed. Chad is next and is the least stiff

I've ever seen him. He's light and bouncy on his feet and actually looks confident dancing next to Cheryl for once. Nicole then takes the floor with her "O" face as she basically gropes herself and is not really looking like an idiot. They regroup for some more scintillating, not to mention difficult moves, and manage to stay in sync. It was a solid routine overall, the only real issue being Pam's uncertainty. Len loves the formation and can't wait for Nicole to do a cha-cha. Bruno loves the end sequence and says Chad turned up the heat. Carrie Ann says Pam struggled a little bit, but loves the sexual energy. "You're so into your bodies ... and you're just so cool," she says. Oh, Carrie Ann, jealous of the cool kids? In the celebriquarium, Chad dubs the three stars Pow, Wow and Damn (guess which one he is), while Brooke struggles to fill the time with questions. How many awkward pauses did you count? I got three. Score: 27 Team Madonna (Evan and Anna, Erin and Maks, Niecy and Louis), "Holiday" Louis wants the routine to start sharp and end sharper, so he thinks he and Niecy should be in the middle. Maks tells Niecy

she'll be the centerpiece. Evan's never done the cha-cha, so Niecy's giving him some tips, telling him to pop his hips. "There's nothing to pop," he says. These guys have less rehearsal time together because Evan's away on Stars on Ice and Erin was in New York. But that doesn't stop the three celebs from kicking off the routine by themselves. Ballsy. If this was judged on costumes alone, these guys will win for their '80s Madge look. Evan has the first solo and is working those hips. Still no balletic movements to be seen, though he does do a skating-like kick over Anna. Niecy the Centerpiece is next and sasses it up with an equally impressive solo. Erin closes it out and does a respectable job, though I would've put Evan there since he has been and was stronger of the three here. Their final formation, unfortunately, gets a bit muddled as Niecy falls out of sync. But for the pièce de resistance, the guys rip the girls' dresses off! "I finally got to show my jiggly parts," Niecy says. What makes me think that was Maks' idea? Even with the flub at the end, the routine was ridiculously entertaining just as a fun party dance. The tone of both cha-chas were in stark contrast, with Team Gaga full of

intensity (can you really be intense to "Holiday"?), but they were both good in their own ways. Bruno says Evan had the look of a lottery winner, but they lost sync at the end. Carrie Ann wanted the skirt-ripping to come earlier. Len salutes the stars to start sans partners. Score: 24 Tied at the top with 54 points are Evan and Anna and Nicole and Derek, while Niecy and Louis are last with 49 points. What did you think? Did Evan deserve the first perfect 30 of the season? Is Nicole dancing royalty and the best dancer the show has ever had? Were Erin and Maks' costumes hot pink or salmon? Can Niecy dance? Will Chad ever stop showering Cheryl with gifts? Who came out on top in the Cha-Cha Challenge? What other Madonna song would you have given Team Madonna? Who do you think will get the boot Tuesday? Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

New Games This Month: May 2010 Justin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:00:00 AM

There are some promising releases bookending May, like Lost Planet 2 and Modnation Racers, but the show stopper has to be May 18, which will mark the arrival of a ton of heavy hitters like Alan Wake, Red Dead Redemption and Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Oh, and let's not forget the return of Planet Earth's favorite plumber. If you're ready to start planning your buying strategy, you can flip through our gallery here. Gallery: New Games This Month: May 2010 New Games This Month: May 2010 originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 04 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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8 Things You Should Know About V's Final Episodes ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:08:00 PM

Elizabeth Mitchell and Morena Baccarin In the final three episodes of ABC's V, Erica Evans ( Elizabeth Mitchell) will face off with the Visitors, starting with Anna, according to executive producer Scott Rosenbaum. The end of the season will also bring the birth of a hybrid baby who will be "more alien than human," a brutal attack and a betrayal. V's lizard baby gets a due date — and a tail 1. There will be more V soldiers:"We will be seeing more of the soldiers," says Rosenbaum. "Obviously Anna [ Morena Baccarin] has a whole clutch of them waiting to be born to unleash upon the Earth, but it's not going to go as smoothly as Anna planned it would." 2. There will be alien babies:"You'll see what the baby looks like in the finale. It's going to be more alien than human. The birth is going to become a big deal because it's complicated. Also, Anna will have become aware of the birth, so it will not happen behind her

back. The birth will not be what you expect it to be, I promise you that." 3. There will be big realizations:"Chad [ Scott Wolf] has not seen anything bad about the Vs," notes Rosenbaum. "The fun of the season is Chad's ultimate realization that he was duped and the consequences, and that's what we're building to. Anna is going to end up having a noose around his neck. You should worry about Chad Dekker." Who will be joining the Fifth Column on V? 4. There will be injuries:"Lisa [ Laura Vandervoort] is going to be brutally attacked. It's going to essentially be an attack by the

Fifth Column. The question is: Who attacked Lisa and why? The answer to that will be a pretty surprising one. It all falls into this bigger plan that Anna has. If something bad happens, she can spin it. Lisa's attack will have big consequences for the people on Earth." 5. There will be a showdown:"Anna and Erica will meet face-to-face in the second to last episode. Everything is leading to a major brawl between them. Anna keeps winning, and finally Erica basically says, 'Enough of this, we're taking the fight directly to her and we're going to win.' That episode is Erica's revenge. She's just had enough and the

gloves are off." 6. There will be deaths:"[The showdown] is an attack on the Visitors and there will be deaths involved," Rosenbaum continues. "It's an attack that is completely something Erica has come up with. There will be casualties on both sides for the Visitors and the Fifth Column in the season finale." Watch full episodes of V in our Online Video Guide 7. There will be betrayal:"Lisa is the next in line to be queen. The question is: Is Lisa becoming human, is she playing our people or is she setting up a trap for Anna? That's the drama that will play out in the last three episodes. The audience is not going to know which way she's turning until the very end." 8. There will be war:"In the season finale, Anna will essentially take the first shot in the war that's to come," says Rosenbaum, noting that next season will pick up directly where we'll leave off. Do the final three episodes of the season sound enticing? Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Pouty Princess Alert: Foursquare Is Down Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:38:29 AM

Foursquare is down. According to Twitter reports, the service has been unavailable for at least four hours. The site displays an error message and Foursquare’s own downtime mascot, the Pouty Princess. Perhaps it’s too early to draw comparisons, but as Twitter grew, it had a lot of trouble maintaining a stable service for its users. Perhaps Foursquare has arrived at the same point in its development? Hopefully, the Pouty Princess won’t become a permanent guest on our screens like Twitter’s Fail Whale once was. For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: foursquare, twitter


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Angela Lansbury Goes for Historic Sixth Tony Award Trophy ( Breaking News)

featured actress in a play; and former Tony winner and Oscar nominee Viola Davis( Fences) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:32:00 AM for lead actress in a play. Angela Lansbury See photos of Scarlett Angela Lansbury will get the Johansson chance to make Tony Award Fela! and La Cage aux Folles history as she goes for her lead the field with 11 record sixth trophy next month. nominations a piece. Fences On Tuesday, the actress earned follows with 10 nominations. a featured actress in a musical Joining Fela! in the best nomination — her seventh musical category are American overall — for her role as Idiot, Memphis and Million Madame Armfeldt in the revival Dollar Quartet. of Stephen Sondheim's A Little In the Next Room or the Night Music. Lansbury, who's Vibrator Play, Next Fall, Red been 0-for-18 at the Emmys, and Time Stands Still will vie tied Julie Harris last year as the in a play race pits Jude Law( for best play honors. winningest Tony performer Hamlet) against Alfred Molina( See the full list of nominees when she picked up featured Red), Liev Schreiber( A View here. actress in a play for Blithe from the Bridge), Christopher The 64th Tony Awards airs Spirit. W a l k e n ( A B e h a n d i n g i n Sunday, June 13 at 8/7c on Check out photos of Angela S p o k a n e ) a n d D e n z e l CBS. Lansbury Five Filters featured article: Washington( Fences). Lansbury's Little Night Music Other nominees include Kelsey The Art of Looking Prime co-star, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Grammer( La Cage aux Folles) Ministerial - The 2010 UK e a r n e d h e r f i r s t T o n y and Sean Hayes( Promises, General Election. Available nomination for lead actress in a Promises) for lead actor in a tools: PDF Newspaper, Full musical. musical; Scarlett Johansson( A Text RSS, Term Extraction. Zeta-Jones wasn't the only high View from the Bridge) for -profile nominee: The lead actor


David Boreanaz Admits to Cheating on Wife: "I Was Irresponsible" ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/3/2010 6:32:00 PM

David Boreanaz, Jaime Bergman David Boreanaz has admitted to cheating on his wife after he says the woman with whom he cheated attempted to blackmail him, People reports. "Our marriage has been tainted with my infidelities," the 40year-old told People. "I just want to be open and honest. I was irresponsible." David Boreanaz, wife welcome second child The Bones star did not name the other woman. In October 2009, Star magazine reported that Boreanaz was involved with Rachel Uchitel, a woman who was later also linked to Tiger Woods. "I was associated with a woman who I was involved with and had a relationship with," Boreanaz said. "She asked for money. I felt as though I was being blackmailed or there was some sort of extortion." Check out photos of David Boreanaz Boreanaz has been married to Jaime Bergman for nine years

and the couple has two children together: 8-year-old Jaden and 8 -month-old Bardot. "We're working on our marriage," he said. "We're working on repairing what has been damaged so badly." Calls and e-mails to Boreanaz's rep were not immediately returned. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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'Dancing with the Stars' - 'Performance #6' Recap Michael Pascua (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:24:00 AM

( S10E12) It's the dreaded team challenge on'Dancing with the Stars' and for once, both teams are dancing the same style: the cha-cha. I never understood why the team dances were totally different styles anyway. The images of Susan Lucci trying her best to cha-cha back in Season 7 flashed as Pamela started to struggle to remember her choreography, but both Mike Moody (TV Squad) I'm loving watching Charles teams coped well with the Logan pull the president's producers whims. Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:09:00 AM strings like a weasely little Tonight judge Carrie Ann Inaba (S08E10) Jack hit the streets last puppeteer. Can we all just agree considered Nicole to be the best night on a bloody mission to that Prez Taylor has completely celebrity dancer she's ever seen. expose everyone responsible for lost her marbles? I think we all Clearly she's seen been drinking his pain. Was Dana was right knew she was in for a big fall the tainted water. I haven't seen when she said that Jack wouldn't once she got in bed with Logan. a female contestant get close to stop until he's hunted down and Ethan Kanin had the right idea killed everyone involved in the getting out while the gettin' was 'THE conspiracy, 'Kill Bill' style? I'm good. Torture, lies, terrorism. continued from page 60 starting to think the answer is He doesn't want to be connected ride was that she had her kids in tow -- and her kids were the yes. to that awful mess. To echo Jane's review from last C o n t i n u e r e a d i n g ' 2 4 ' - ones with the common sense, week ... I'm really starting to '11:00AM - 12:00PM' Recap telling Danielle not to stop by enjoy'24' again. This episode Filed under: 24, Episode the event. At least she listened and last week's ep were quite Reviews, Reality-Free, Episode to them, so that's something. Continue reading'The Real awesome. I didn't like seeing Recaps, Recaps Renee die a few weeks back, but P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | | Housewives of New Jersey' 'Water Under the Table' Recap her death seems to have given C o m m e n t s (Season Premiere) Jack and the show a much Filed under: Other Reality clearer focus and a sharper edge. Shows, Episode Reviews

'24' - '11:00AM 12:00PM' Recap

the great dancing skills of Kristi Yamaguchi. Nicole continues to still be hard in dances that need a gentle nature though she made strides this week with her waltz. Continue reading'Dancing with the Stars' - 'Performance #6' Recap Filed under: OpEd, Dancing With The Stars, Episode Reviews, Recaps Permalink| Email this| | Comments

'The Real Housewives of New Jersey' - 'Water Under the Table' Recap (Season Premiere) Jane Boursaw (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:50:00 AM

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(S02E01) "You're part of the crazy bunch now." - Caroline to Nicholas, Jacqueline's new baby boy In the season two premiere of'The Real Housewives of New Jersey,' tensions are still running extremely high after the big table-turn from last season. On the one hand, it seems like Danielle truly is trying to change and move on. But... When she nearly crashed Caroline's fundraiser, it's clear that Danielle DOES care that she wasn't invited, even if she says she doesn't. What really bugged me about that little car

'THE page 61

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E-reader News Edition

'THE continued from page 60

Our E-book reader Ratings: Why no iPad or durability tests?



Consumer Reports asks kids about chicken nuggets Artemis Dibenedetto (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/4/2010 2:59:59 AM

Consumer Reports asks kids about chicken nuggets Paul Reynolds (Consumer James Washburn asked“is it too and Noble is promising one later specifically claim particular My kids love chicken nuggets, Reports) difficult to separate the various this month, for example. (For t o u g h n e s s , a n d t h e n o n l y and there’s no question that they capabilities and concentrate on now, you can use their iPhone informally. There are no such are popular with lots of kids and Submitted at 5/3/2010 2:52:17 PM just the e-reader part of any a p p , a l b e i t w i t h s o m e models among the readers we parents as a quick, tasty meal. Our E-book reader Ratings: device?” Chet pointed out that e c o m p r o m i s e s . ) To trim your time in the freezer tested. Why no iPad or durability tests? -book readers, too, “have We’re still working to resolve if Our advice: Take care of your e section of the supermarket, Our debut Ratings of e-book features other than e-reading.” and how to include the iPad, and -book reader, in part by stowing Consumer Reports enlisted its readers, available now for True enough, Chet, though we other multi-app e-book devices, it in a case when you’re on the trained tasters to try 12 frozen or subscribers, includes neither think the non-e-reading aspects in our e-reader Ratings. In the m o v e . M o s t e - b o o k refrigerated nuggets—10 made Apple’s iPad, with its touted e- of e-book readers are peripheral meantime, we’ve blogged and readers—the Kindle and the of chicken and two made of soy. book capabilities, nor judgments to their central purpose, and are shot a video on how the iPad Barnes & Noble Nook being We also assessed McDonald’s of durability, which one industry generally presented as so by and dedicated e-book readers a m o n g t h e r e g r e t t a b l e Chicken McNuggets. And we survey suggests is a top concern manufacturers. And to James’ informally stack up; we used the exceptions—come with a soft asked 31 boys and girls ages 6 of those buying e-readers. point, fairly and completely iPad’s iBooks app and chose the case that affords reasonable to 17 to try McDonald’s nuggets Why the omissions? Let me assessing the iPad’s e-book Kindle as an example of a protection. However, you might along with two other storeexplain. capabilities is actually quite dedicated reader. consider buying a more rigid bought products to see which iPad. As I wrote earlier, the difficult. Durability. This attribute, for case for extra peace of mind. were their favorites. iPad isn’t included in the A key complication: Where the any device, is challenging to Some cases cost as little as $10 Tops for taste among the storeRatings, at least for now, largely dedicated readers we tested have assess in the scientific and or so. bought nuggets are Target’s because we judged it a different a single, integrated e-books app, repeatable manner that we — Paul Reynolds. Subscribe Market Pantry and Bell & Evans animal—as in a multipurpose the iPad already has at least require of our tests. It’s also now! Breaded, both of which are tablet computer that includes e- t h r e e such a p p s very expensive, since multiple S u b s c r i b e t o bought uncooked. Costco’s book capability rather than a available—Apple’s iBooks, an samples of each model typically for expert Kirkland Signature Disney device dedicated primarily to Amazon Kindle app, and one need to be torture tested, and Ratings, buying advice and nuggets, in a Mickey Mouse reading e-books. called Kobo. Depending on p e r h a p s d e s t r o y e d i n t h e reliability on hundreds of shape, are nearly as tasty. All While at least one reader, with which we used in testing, the p r o c e s s . products. Update your feed three scored Good for nutrition, t h e s c r e e n n a m e o f B e a r , iPad could score very differently about the best you can expect. A s a r u l e , i f w e a s s e s s preferences defended that decision in a blog as a reader. And more iPad e- durability at all for mobile Only Health Is Wealth chicken comment, several criticized it. book apps are coming; Barnes devices, it’s for models that nuggets scored Very Good for nutrition: It’s lower in fat and sodium than the rest, but scored only Good for taste. Nutrition CONSUMER page 62


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CONSUMER continued from page 61

scores are for the 3- to 4-ounce serving suggested by most manufacturers—between 4 and 6 nuggets, depending on the brand. Double the portion size and most tested nuggets would score Fair or Poor for nutrition, but that may not be an issue for younger kids who eat the suggested serving size The two soy-based products, Boca and MorningStar Farms, didn’t fool our trained tastetesters, who said they have very little chicken flavor. Their main nutritional advantage is that they have more fiber—3 or 4 grams compared with zero to 2 for most others. But if your child likes them, the extra fiber may be a nutritional advantage. And since the soy nuggets contain as much protein as the chicken versions—all the nuggets we tested had ample amounts of

protein per serving—you won’t short-change your child’s daily protein allowance by opting for soy. Tyson’s chicken nuggets placed at about the middle of the pack for taste, though the company trumps other manufacturers in terms of supermarket sales of chicken products. The McDonald’s nuggets, from three restaurants near our Yonkers, N.Y., headquarters, tasted Very Good but scored just Fair for nutrition. They have a batter coating rather than the breading of most store-bought nuggets. Our kid testers said they preferred McDonald’s nuggets to those from Market Pantry and Bell & Evans, though they liked all three. Bottom line. Target’s Market Pantry nuggets are as tasty as Bell & Evans’ and cost far less.

Target told us they were being reformulated as we went to press. Runner-up Kirkland nuggets are cheap, but you have to buy a 5-pound bag. Cook any nuggets to 165° F (use a meat thermometer). And compare health claims on packaging with the nutrition panel. Perdue Baked cites “whole grain breading,” for example, but a serving has just 1 gram of fiber. —Artemis DiBenedetto Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Mashable Wins 3 Webby Awards Pete Cashmore (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:48:57 AM

Mashable is honored to have won 3 Webby Awards in the categories Best Cultural Blog (Webby Award) and Best Business Blog (Webby Award and People’s Voice). We’re thankful to all the readers who voted for us. The Webbys, now in its 14th year, honors “excellence on the Internet”. This year’s winners include The New York Times, College Humor, The Muppets, National Geographic, CBS, Twitter, Next New Networks and The Webbys also announces honorees each year for its

“Special Achievement Awards”. This year, the list includes comedian Amy Poehler, film critic Roger Ebert, pop band OK Go, and Internet co-inventor Vint Cerf. The 14th Annual Webby Awards will be presented by B.J. Novak in a ceremony on June 14 in New York City.

Honda Civic GX natural-gas sedan goes on sale in Oklahoma Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/4/2010 4:29:59 AM

Honda Civic GX natural-gas sedan goes on sale in Oklahoma The Honda Civic GX NGV, the only natural-gas-powered car sold by a major automaker, is now available to retail buyers in Oklahoma. This is the fourth retail market for this CNG Civic, following its introduction in California, New York, and Utah. In other states, it’s sold as

a fleet car by selected dealers. Natural gas, which is abundant in the U.S. and Canada, burns far cleaner than gasoline and is significantly less expensive. With a home-filling station, it can be about half the price of gasoline (per gallon equivalent). But general availability and the number refueling stations open to the public are regionally spotty. There are some 200,000 gas stations across the country, and less than a thousand naturalgas fueling stations open to the

public. GX retail sales are therefore limited to areas where there is access to a decent natural-gas fueling infrastructure. The GX got the gasoline

equivalent of 30 mpg when we tested it in 2008. Not bad at all. But with a tank that holds the equivalent of only about 8 gallons of gasoline, the car’s driving range is limited. Our bottom line is that the GX makes sense financially and environmentally only if access to natural-gas fueling stations is not a problem. It can be a good choice for running errands and local commuting, but longer trips require planning ahead to make sure you don’t run dry.

We cover the pros and cons of the GX in more detail here.—Maggie Shader Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

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Q&A: Is it OK to buy dented food cans at the supermarket?

Blackhawks Soothe Chicago, for Now (Consumer Reports)

Greg Couch (FanHouse Main)

Submitted at 5/4/2010 2:59:59 AM

Q&A: Is it OK to buy dented food cans at the supermarket? Is it OK to buy dented food cans at the supermarket? — E.E.B., Vernon, CT It’s perfectly fine to use a can right after you’ve dropped it on the floor, even if it’s a little dented. But you definitely want to avoid buying cans that are already dented or damaged. It’s tempting to buy dented cans that are marked down, but the bargain isn’t worth it. Those cans could contain a dangerous bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. The organism is extremely rare, but its toxin can be deadly. So don’t take any chances.

Look in your pantry and get rid of any cans that are badly dented, leaking, bulging, or rusted (wear disposable gloves while you’re at it). It’s possible that a contaminated can might have looked normal in the store but later developed a bulge while sitting on your shelf. If you find a can that is questionable, don’t open or puncture it. Get rid of it by placing the can in a sealable bag, wrapping another plastic bag around the sealable bag, and

then taping tightly. Put the bag in a trash bin for nonrecyclable items outside of your home—and out of reach of people and pets. Don’t put the food in a sink, garbage disposal, or toilet. To be safe, wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly after handling any food or containers that might have been contaminated. Read more on how to avoid foodborne illness and see our recent tests that uncovered BPA in canned foods. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Celtics' big lead too much for Cavs to overcome Associated Press ( Submitted at 5/4/2010 1:48:29 AM

CLEVELAND -- LeBron James better make sure his new MVP trophy isn't missing. The Boston Celtics stole everything else. Forsberg: Answering The Call

Called out by his coach, the Celtics' Rasheed Wallace stepped up his game on M o n d a y , w r i t e s's Chris Forsberg. Story • Daily Dime • Check out the Celtics blog Rajon Rondo tied a team playoff record with 19 assists,

Ray Allen scored 22 points and the Celtics, playing with renewed confidence and looking very dangerous despite their years, opened a 25-point lead in the fourth and then survived Cleveland's comeback for a 10486 victory on Monday night to CELTICS' page 64


Submitted at 5/3/2010 9:30:00 PM

Filed under: Blackhawks, Canucks, NHL Playoffs CHICAGO -- I never could figure out exactly which fan the heckler was, but he seemed symbolic somehow. "GET OFF THE ICE, VERSTEEG," he yelled in the middle of the first period. Yes, Chicago's Kris Versteeg(right) was awful, has been awful through the Blackhawks run in the playoffs. It's not certain that Versteeg had forgotten how to skate, though he kept stumbling around on the ice. But it did seem clear he had forgotten how to hold on to his stick. "YOU [bleep] VERSTEEG," the heckler yelled. It felt like the Randy Quaid guy in the "Major League" movies, comically heckling away, never believing. Well, see if you can guess which of the Hawks would be the star in Monday night's 4-2 victory over Vancouver, which one scored the late gamewinner. Guess which Blackhawk saved what is supposed to be the dream season.

"That last puck came to me and I was going to shoot it as hard as I could," Versteeg said about his game-winning goal with 1:30 left. "It's something you grow up your whole life dreaming about." Well, no. This goal just evened the conference semifinal series at 1-1, saving the Hawks from losing the first two games at home. If they had lost this game, they would not have come back. But that can't be the dream come true, not on a team that has promoted a slogan all season: One goal. That means the Stanley Cup, by the way, not Chicago's offense.


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CELTICS' continued from page 63

even their semifinal series at 11. An underdog coming in, the Celtics left town with a split. "We did everything we set out to do," Allen said. "We've talked all year about closing out games. When we do that, we're pretty good." After blowing an 11-point lead in the third quarter of Game 1, the Celtics almost squandered a much bigger one. They led 9166 with 9:08 left before the Cavaliers, who have been outplayed in both games, scored 15 straight and pulled within 9383 on James' basket with 3:13 left. Boston, though, closed with an 11-3 spurt and then packed up and headed home for Friday's Game 3 thinking it can oust the Cavs. "They believe," Cleveland's Antawn Jamison said. Celtics Take Control The Celtics outscored the Cavaliers 31-12 in the third quarter. It was tied for the second-highest negative scoring differential in a quarter the Cavaliers have ever had in a home playoff game. 3rd Quarter Comparison Conf Semis Game 2 James, who seemed to be favoring his injured right elbow, scored 24 and Jamison 16 for Cleveland, outscored 31-12 in the third. "I'm going to continue to try to be the player I am and not use

this elbow as an excuse," James said. "I'd never use an injury as an excuse. It's just two games. I understand the burden and the pain Cleveland fans have. I don't feel pressure at all. I'm looking forward to Game 3." The Celtics seemed in control with their 25-point bulge, but they got complacent and found themselves having to scramble down the stretch when they could have been resting their starters. Boston went nearly six minutes without scoring. "I don't know that we handled it very well," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said. "We were stuck on 91 for what felt like an hour. I kept telling our guys the clock was still moving. I kept telling them we just need one bucket. We need one guy to make a shot and it loosens back up." Up 93-83, the Celtics finally regrouped. Rondo and Allen scored, then Kevin Garnett completed a three-point play to make it 100-84, allowing Rivers to relax after watching his club play inspired ball most of the way before letting up. About That Elbow ... After making nearly half of his shots from 16 feet or more during the Cavaliers' openinground win against the Bulls, LeBron James has struggled on longer shots against the Celtics. Garnett finished with 18 points and 10 rebounds, and Paul Pierce scored 14. Rasheed Wallace, called out by

Rivers after a lousy opener, added 17 points off the bench as the Celtics stripped the Cavaliers of home-court advantage in the series and gave them four days to think about went wrong. Two years removed from their 17th NBA title, the Celtics were given little chance of getting past James and the top-seeded Cavs. Despite beating Miami in the first round, Boston was thought to be too old, too slow and too reliant on the aging Big Three of Allen, Garnett and Pierce. But the trio combined for 54 points with Rondo, the Celtics' jitterbugging point guard, setting them up with passes from impossible angles. Rondo matched the club's postseason record for assists first set by Hall of Famer Bob Cousy. "I give credit to my teammates, they made the shots," Rondo said. "I tried to give them as easy looks as possible." Allen said the Celtics bought into some of the criticism that they were past their prime and their championship window had closed. "I think people said it to try and jab at us," Allen said. "We heard it on the road and from our own media at home. But we didn't worry about it. I saw guys come to the gym every single day getting their shots up, working on their bodies. Everybody was ready for the challenge."

Mo Williams, who scored 20 and led the Cavs' Game 1 comeback, had just four on 1-of9 shooting. Afterward, Cleveland coach Mike Brown tore into his players. "We did not fight back until late," a livid Brown said, his voice rising. "We've gotta decide if we're going to take the fight to them and take these games. Nothing is going to be given to us at all. Ain't a ... damn thing going to be given to us at all in this series. "We've got to fight better than what we did tonight. Coming from behind in the first game, coming from behind in the second game, that's not good enough. That's not good enough for me or anybody in that locker room. If we expect to win that series, we've gotta bring more of a sense of urgency than what we brought tonight. Plain and simple they kicked our behinds." Up by four at halftime, the Celtics wasted no time pushing their lead to double digits in the third. Pierce and Allen hit 3-pointers, and with James tentative -perhaps because of the elbow -and the Cavaliers unable to get anything going on offense or contain Rondo, the Celtics' lead ballooned to 74-57 on Kendrick Perkins' basket underneath. At that point, Cavaliers forward Anderson Varejao showed his

frustration by blatantly slamming into Allen on a baseline drive. Boston's guard was sent sprawling and Varejao was assessed a flagrant foul. Allen split the free throws, but on Boston's next trip, he drained a 3-pointer from deep in the corner to make it 78-57. Anthony Parker threw up his hands in disgust as the Cavs were unable to stop the Celtics' surge. The Cavs weren't done, though. James finally shifted into attack mode, and Cleveland held Boston without a field goal for 5:39 as the Cavs crept back into it. But Pierce's basket with 3:29 ended the Celtics' long dry spell and Boston managed to do enough to prevent a historic meltdown. James was presented with his second straight MVP trophy before the game by NBA commissioner David Stern, who would like to see the superstar re-sign in Cleveland since it would validate the spirit of the collective bargaining agreement he helped negotiate. However, James didn't appear to be himself, and in the third quarter he looked over at Cleveland's bench and complained about his elbow. He's got more to think about now. Game notes CELTICS' page 68


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Suns fight off Spurs' rallies to take Game 1 Associated Press ( Submitted at 5/4/2010 1:50:14 AM

PHOENIX -- Sore hip? What sore hip? After resting his strained right hip for three days, Steve Nash had 33 points and 10 assists, and the Phoenix Suns broke their Game 1 curse against the San Antonio Spurs with a 111-102 victory on Monday night in the opener of their Western Conference semifinal series. Key To Victory The Suns won for fifth time in last six playoff games since losing their first-round series opener to the Trail Blazers. Jason Richardson scored 27 points and the Suns are now 304 this season (regular season and playoffs) when Richardson scores 20-plus points. Jason Richardson 2010 NBA Playoffs Any doubt that Nash would be slowed by the injury ended in the early minutes of the game, when he made his five shots, including an array of twisting, swiveling drives to the hoop. He had 17 points by the end of the first quarter. "He ran it down our throat," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. "He kind of just picked us apart," added San Antonio's Tim Duncan. Jason Richardson scored 27 and Amare Stoudemire had 23

points and 13 rebounds for the Suns. Manu Ginobili, tape across his broken nose, scored 27, Tony Parker 26 and Duncan 20 for the Spurs, who had won three straight Game 1s against the Suns, two of them in Phoenix. Both of those times, in 2005 and 2007, the Spurs went on to win the NBA title. "You can't get too excited," Stoudemire said. "They're a team with a great pedigree that knows how to come back in a series." 2010 NBA Playoffs The 2010 NBA playoffs have begun. Keep track of your favorite team here: Playoff index Game 2 of the best-of-seven series is Wednesday night in Phoenix. In the second half, the situation seemed ripe for another of those San Antonio daggers to the Suns' heart. Twice San Antonio rallied from 14 back, with a 12-0 run in the third quarter and a mighty 13-0 outburst that sliced Phoenix's lead to 94-93 on Ginobili's 7foot runner with 4:26 to go in the game. These Suns had whatever it took to withstand the charge. "That's really frustrating when that happens," Ginobili said, "especially the second time. ... Against these guys, with the level of confidence they're playing at, you just can't blink."

Stoudemire sank two free throws, then after Keith Bogans and Parker missed 3-pointers, Grant Hill made two from the line to put the Suns ahead 98-93. Parker's 19-footer cut it to 9895 with 3:38 left, then Richardson brought the house down with a 3-pointer to make it 103-95 with 1:23 left. After Parker's two free throws cut it to 103-97, Hill made a 13-foot jumper with 51 seconds left, and the Suns put it away by making six of eight free throws from there. "When we did get back into it, we gave up a bunch of points in transition," Duncan said, "and that's the best transition team in the league." Nash hurt his hip in a shootaround before Game 3 of the first-round series against Portland, and the injury bothered him greatly in the deciding Game 6 last Thursday. The team had Friday off, then he sat out practice Saturday and Sunday. The rest did wonders. "You never know what the game is going to present," Nash said. "You have to be willing and aggressive and do whatever you can. For me, I didn't know how I was going to feel physically, but dragging my leg around in Game 6 in Portland wasn't very fun and it was great to get out there and feel like I could do something." The Spurs had to rely on their

veteran big three, without much help, to stay in the game. George Hill managed just nine points on 2-of-9 shooting and struggled defensively. Richard Jefferson had five points and three rebounds in 33 minutes. The Spurs had never led before that 12-0 outburst put them up 67-64 with 7:25 left in the third quarter. Ginobili, his nose broken by an elbow from Dirk Nowitzki in Game 3 of the first round, started and ended the run with 3-pointers. Richardson responded with a 3 and it was 67-all. After two more ties, Nash scored on a squirming inside move, then handed out assists on the next three baskets in a 10-0 Phoenix run that put the Suns ahead 8373. It was 85-75 entering the fourth. Stoudemire scored the first four points of the final quarter to stretch the lead to 89-75 and it was 94-80 with 8:10 to go after Lou Amundson made one of two free throws. Yet here came the Spurs again, this time led by Duncan. He scored seven in the 13-0 surge that almost caught Phoenix. Nash dominated immediately after the opening tip, making his first five shots, dribbling around George Hill repeatedly for layups. He finished with 17 first -quarter points on 7-of-10 shooting. Nash wrapped up the quarter with a pair of three-point

plays. "We came in the mindset that we were going to push the basketball," Phoenix coach Alvin Gentry said, "and that if we pushed the basketball like we thought we could, Steve would get the ball to the basket." Phoenix outshot San Antonio 56 percent to 42 percent in the first half yet the Spurs were lurking within striking distance, down 57-47. Game notes Suns C Robin Lopez says he isn't ready yet to return but expects to play in the series. He's been out since March 26 with a back injury (bulging disk). ... Nash's career playoff high is 48 points against Dallas on May 15, 2005. ... The Spurs are 20-10 in playoff games against Phoenix in the Duncan era. ... Nash is 6-0 in the playoffs when he has at least 30 points and 10 assists. .... The fans were given orange T-shirts that red "It's R Turn." The team's marketing slogan this season was "R U Orange?" ... San Antonio missed five 3pointers in the final four minutes and wound up 4 of 19 from long range. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Chicago Bulls fire Vinny Del Negro; announcement Tuesday Melissa Isaacson (

"It's always a tough decision when someone gets fired," Bulls center Joakim Noah told CHICAGO -- The Chicago via text Bulls have scheduled a news message. "I learned a lot from c o n f e r e n c e w i t h g e n e r a l him and I got two great playoff m a n a g e r G a r F o r m a n f o r appearances with him. Coaching Tuesday morning to announce the Bulls is a tough job; there the firing of head coach Vinny are a lot of demands and Del Negro, the team said on expectations. I wish him the Monday. best. He's a good guy. With the Greenberg: Hired To Be Fired way he developed the players Don't pity Vinny Del Negro. here I'm sure he won't have too Coaching is transitory, but John hard of a time finding another Paxson had better get next one coaching job." right, writes Jon Greenberg. Noah, who said last week that Story he would endorse Del Negro's Sources said that Forman met possible return, seemed to thrive with Del Negro on Monday. As during the embattled coach's part of the Bulls' organizational brief tenure. Under Del Negro's meetings over the past couple of watch the emotional center days, Forman also met with finally seemed to find his niche other members of the Bulls in the league. He quickly hierarchy about Del Negro's became a favorite of Del future. Bulls chairman Jerry N e g r o ' s t h i s s e a s o n a f t e r Reinsdorf spoke to Del Negro rededicating himself over the over the weekend, when the summer and bulking up in the coach made an argument to keep gym. his job. Noah averaged a career-high 11 Del Negro, who has one year points and 11 rebounds this worth approximately $2 million season. remaining on a guaranteed three Though the focus will -year contract, did not return immediately turn to a coaching calls from search that could include such Del Negro's firing didn't come candidates as Doug Collins, as much of a shock to most M a u r i c e C h e e k s , E r i c around the NBA, but it was still Musselman, Phil Jackson, Jeff jarring to some of his players. Van Gundy, Byron Scott, Sam Submitted at 5/4/2010 1:17:24 AM

Mitchell, Tom Thibodeau, Lawrence Frank, Dwane Casey, Avery Johnson and John Calipari, the Del Negro era goes out with something of a bang. The Bulls' decision comes after ESPN reported in December that the Bulls would move forward without Del Negro, and six days after the Bulls finished 41-41 and were eliminated in five games by the Cleveland Cavaliers in the first round of the NBA playoffs. It was during that series in which news first surfaced publicly that executive vice president of basketball operations John Paxson had a heated confrontation with Del Negro on March 30 over the playing time of Noah, then recovering from a foot injury. The argument resulted in Paxson pushing Del Negro away, according to sources, after Del Negro got too close to Paxson. Team sources also said Del Negro had come around the desk of Forman in a threatening manner during a heated discussion earlier in the season. Del Negro denied both accounts but it was clear that a shaky relationship with management had become irreparable. Del Negro enjoyed a margin of

support from friends and acquaintances like Reggie Miller and Charles Barkley speaking on his behalf on the national broadcast of the playoffs, and also Bulls fans critical of the way the team strung out Del Negro's last months despite his second straight season leading the team to the playoffs. Del Negro's tenure with the Bulls, sources said, was temporarily extended with the team's spike in performance after the Christmas holidays, when the Bulls won nine of 11 games in one January stretch, including five straight road games against Western Conference winning teams, and 13 victories in 18 games overall. Del Negro's camp contended that he helped in the development of Noah and NBA All-Star Derrick Rose, as well as rookie Taj Gibson, while surviving a season rife with injury in the wake of highscoring guard Ben Gordon's departure. At the same time, there were those who said it was only because of Paxson's intervention that Rose was able to flourish after being held out of critical parts of the game by Del Negro. And whispers came from Bulls

players who were less than impressed with Del Negro's leadership and coaching ability, and did not speak out emphatically in his defense in the last days of the season. There were reports that Del Negro was taking statements from witnesses to the Paxson incident, and that the team had consulted its lawyers. Sources said that Forman met with all the principle parties in the organization over the past several days, but that the Del Negro-Paxson altercation on March 30 was not the main reason he was relieved of his duties. Del Negro wanted to avoid any lasting ill will from the Bulls that might affect his coaching future in the league. Melissa Isaacson is a columnist for Information from's Nick Friedell was used in this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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UVa men's lacrosse player George Huguely charged in slaying of women's player Yeardley Love news services ( Submitted at 5/3/2010 11:51:35 PM

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. -A senior on the Virginia men's lacrosse team was charged Monday with the slaying of a fellow student on the women's team, stunning students at the picturesque campus. George Huguely, 22, of Chevy Chase, Md., was charged with first-degree murder in the death of 22-year-old Yeardley Love, also a senior, of Cockeysville, Md., Charlottesville Police Chief Timothy Longo said. Longo said Love's roommate called police around 2:15 a.m. concerned that Love may have had an alcohol overdose, but police found her dead with obvious physical injuries. "It was quickly apparent to them that this young lady was the victim of something far worse," Longo said. The police chief said that Huguely and Love were in relationship at some point and that Huguely quickly became the focus. Longo would not detail the extent of Love's injuries, but said there did not appear to be any weapons used in the slaying. A steady stream of students

preparing for finals later in the week wandered down the street that runs by the house where Love's body was found. Drivers slowed down and pointed as they approached the building. "Everybody's kind of taking a wait-and-see approach," said Drew Cook, a 22-year-old senior from Burke. Cook said all he knew was what was included in an e-mail sent to the university community. He said suggestions from police that it could be a domestic incident and there were no other suspects didn't ease tensions. "Just to hear that anybody in the UVa community could be suspected of that, regardless of the relationship, does give you a sense of unease," Cook said. Kyle Cecil, 22, of Newport News, said he was shocked to see police cars at the building Monday morning. He said Love's death was the talk of campus. He lived on the same hall as Huguely as a freshman and knew him well enough to say hello. "It's sad that two people with a lot of potential, one their life is over and the other's life is significantly altered," Cecil said. Huguely was being held in the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail.

Huguely and Love were scheduled to graduate later this month. Leonard Sandridge, executive vice president of the university, said the campus was saddened over Love's death. He added the shock is magnified by the fact that the accused is "one of our own," he told reporters. Both highly ranked teams are preparing for the national tournament later this month. Virginia's men's team was ranked No. 1 for most of the season and expects to host a first -round game in the tournament after winning the Atlantic Coast Conference championship last month. The women's team also was expected to get into the tournament. Huguely, a midfielder, wasn't a starter but played in all 15 games this season. He had four goals and three assists. Love played defense and started in three games this season. According to ESPN's Quint Kessenich, the men's and women's programs met Monday, and the athletes discussed the possibility of not playing in the upcoming NCAA tournaments - but no final decision has been reached yet. When asked how the death would affect the upcoming

tournament, athletic director Craig Littlepage said it was "not even entering into our thoughts" but that for the players' sake they wanted to "try to get back to some things that are normal." Love was "a person who was described as an angel by teammates and friends," Littlepage said. Love played varsity lacrosse and field hockey for four years at Notre Dame Preparatory School in Baltimore. "Yeardley was an outstanding young lady -- joyous, spirited a wonderful person," said Sister Patricia McCarron, headmistress of the school. "I know we all enjoyed watching her on the lacrosse field and seeing her walk the hallways at NDP. We are proud to call Yeardley 'one of our girls.'" Mary Bartel, who coached Yeardley in lacrosse at Notre Dame Prep, said, "Yeardley was the core of the personality of the team. She was our laughter, a good soul. She always found an appropriate way to lighten things up. "I don't think there is a soul in this building who couldn't say her name without smiling. Yeardley loved NDP, and NDP loved her. She was a good soul and an outstanding athlete."

University president John Casteen said in a release on the university's website that Love's death "moves us to deep anguish for the loss of a student of uncommon talent and promise." "That she appears now to have been murdered by another student compounds this sense of loss by suggesting that Yeardley died without comfort or consolation from those closest to her," Casteen said. Casteen said Love did not deserve to die. "She deserved the bright future she earned growing up, studying here, and developing her talents as a lacrosse player," he said. "She deserves to be remembered for her human goodness, her capacity for future greatness, and for the terrible way in which her young life has ended." Information from The Associated Press was used in this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Nash Lands First Punch Parker Plays Like a in Latest Slugfest With Starter in Loss Spurs Brett Pollakoff (FanHouse Main)

Sam Amick (FanHouse Main)

Submitted at 5/4/2010 12:30:00 AM

Filed under: Spurs, Suns, NBA Playoffs PHOENIX -- The Filed under: Spurs, Suns, NBA Spurs finished just seventh in Playoffs PHOENIX -- If an the Western Conference during NBA neophyte fan wandered the regular season, but the into the Phoenix locker room reasons for that were obvious. late Monday night, they would San Antonio intentionally have mistaken Steve Nash for a limited the minutes of Tim Suns staff member angling for a Duncan to save him for the free meal. playoff run, and Manu Ginobili With his shaggy hair still wet and Tony Parker both went from his shower and his jeansthrough stretches where they and-collared-shirt casual attire were forced to sit with injury. blending in on Planet Orange, But San Antonio has gotten the future Hall of Famer filled healthy in a hurry, and the only his plate with noodles and a "Thanks," he humbly began question remaining entering the healthy dose of earthy greens when asked of his 17-point first playoffs was whether Parker while teammates, coaches and quarter that set the terrific tone could round into postseason media members alike wandered on his 33-point, 10-assist outing. form in time to help his team by as if he wasn't there. And "Uh, I was fortunate to enough s t a v e o f f a f i r s t - r o u n d when Nash headed to the to get some opportunities early elimination. Parker's injury, a podium inside the US Airways to be aggressive and try to put broken right hand suffered Arena to discuss his team's 111- some life into the building and March 6, was the most recent, 102 win over San Antonio in our team and fortunately I got and he had just six regularG a m e 1 o f t h e W e s t e r n off to a nice start." season games to shake off the Conference semifinals, even the Nash's timeless humility aside, rust of missing 16 games before brightest of spotlights couldn't it was his sensational start that the start of the playoffs. inspire the 14-year veteran to gave the Suns a much-needed The Spurs got past the twothink or talk like a bona fide star swagger against these Spurs that whose revenge plot had just have haunted them for so long. begun. Submitted at 5/4/2010 12:00:00 AM

seeded Mavericks with Parker playing big minutes off the bench, but they may need him to step back into the starting lineup if the team is to put together a winning performance against the Suns. And judging by Parker's performance in Game 1, it appears he is ready to do so. Parker finished with 26 points on 11-of-21 shooting, and was a huge bright spot in his team's 111-102 defeat on Monday at the hands of the Suns.

CELTICS' continued from page 64

Varejao left in the third with back spasms and did not return. ... Boston leads the league in technicals this postseason. "That was our goal," Rivers joked. "We are an emotional team." ... Rivers said he sent four plays from Game 1 into the league to be reviewed. He wouldn't say which ones. "I'm scared to tell you which ones because I may get fined for it," he said. "But they said I was right." ... All five Celtics starters scored in double figures. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Sports/ Gaming/

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Coach Mike Brown Rips Cavs After Lackluster Loss

God of War: Ghost of Sparta brings Kratos back to PSP

Pat McManamon (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/3/2010 7:45:00 PM

Filed under: Cavaliers, Celtics, NBA Playoffs, NBA Coaches CLEVELAND -- Mike Brown spit out the words, emphasis on every syllable. None of them were kind or polite to his Cleveland Cavaliers team, which had just been dismantled by Boston in Game 2 of their playoff series. "Plain and simple," Brown said, "we got our butts kicked." There was more about his team's 104-86 defeat, which sent the series back to Boston tied at 1-1. "We have to decide that we're going to take the fight to them and take these games," Brown snapped. "Nothing is going to be given to us at all. Ain't a goddamn thing going to be given to us at all in this series.


Andrew Yoon (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:17:00 AM

God of Whoa: Click to browse high-res gallery. It looks like we finally know what the " Spartans Stand Tall" teaser site was all about. Sony has just announced God of War: Ghost of Sparta, a new PSP-exclusive game developed by Ready At Dawn Studios, the same team We've gotta fight better than Pat McManamon (FanHouse made it worse was that the responsible for Chains of what we did tonight. Coming Main) Celtics won easily, by 18, and Olympus. "Excitement for the from behind in the first game, did it by making almost no God of War franchise is at an all coming from behind in the Submitted at 5/3/2010 8:55:00 PM adjustments from Game 1 to -time high and we're thrilled to second game. That's not good Filed under: Cavaliers, Celtics, Game 2. The message: Boston continue that momentum with enough. That's not good enough for me or anybody in this locker NBA Playoffs CLEVELAND -- believes its approach can work, God of War: Ghost of Sparta," room. If we expect to win that The feel of a playoff series can and it showed it Monday night S c o t t A . S t e i n b e r g , v i c e series, we've gotta bring more of change dramatically from one by beating the Cavs 104-86 in a president, product marketing, a sense of urgency than what we game to another, and that game that really was not that SCEA, said in a press release. happened Monday night at close. "This new adventure will brought tonight." Quicken Loans Arena. A solid "I think," guard Ray Allen said, showcase Kratos on PSP like effort from the Boston Celtics "we did everything we set out to never before in an experience combined with a lackluster one do game-plan wise." that fans and newcomers can from Cleveland sent the Celtics This Eastern Conference enjoy on the go, anytime, to Boston with the series tied semifinal might be an example anywhere." one game apiece. of a team leading a series that is Ghost of Sparta features Kratos The fact that Boston won was tied. once again, this time in an damaging in and of itself. What adventure that takes place after the first God of War on PS2 and

Celtics 'Leading' Cavs in Tied Series

GOD page 71



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New Game Room additions this Wednesday, Krome still developing Game Packs Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq)

out if Game Room development had been affected by the developer's current situation. A The delayed update for the Microsoft representative stated, X b o x 3 6 0 ' s G a m e R o o m , "We're working to bring you featuring Pitfall! and Super additional Game Room titles as Breakout, will arrive this soon as possible! We appreciate Wednesday, May 5, according your patience, and we've been to a representative from Krome thrilled by the community Studios. response so far. ... We enjoy Prompted by last week's tweet working with Krome and they b y a n X b o x E u r o p e are doing a great job on Game representative -- saying that Room." Game Room content had been " Asked directly whether it was delayed until further notice" -- still developing Game Room coupled with the unfortunate content, a Krome spokesperson layoffs at developer Krome t o l d J o y s t i q , " K r o m e i s Studios, we followed up to find continuing to work on Game Submitted at 5/4/2010 9:45:00 AM

Room content. The recent layoffs have not impacted Game Room at all or any of our titles in development. We're looking forward to the release of new Game Packs for Game Room." New Game Room additions this Wednesday, Krome still developing Game Packs originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 04 May 2010 09:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Game Informer rates the best and worst Mortal Kombat fatalities Justin McElroy (Joystiq)

blasting his enemies with a venomous murder fart. Yeah, it's adorable. After roughly 28 years in Oh, and at one point, Smoke production and 43 separate blows up the whole planet, iterations, it's inevitable that the killing every man, woman and Mortal Kombat series would child on it. ... Yeah, we're not have picked a few bad eggs in sure if that's a good or bad one the Fatalities department. Game either. Informer has taken it upon itself Game Informer rates the best to dig through the archives and and worst Mortal Kombat uncover the best and very worst fatalities originally appeared on that the series has to offer. Joystiq on Tue, 04 May 2010 N o w , l e s t t h e r e b e a n y 00:30:00 EST. Please see our confusion, we're not talking terms for use of feeds. about Babalities or pap like that. Read| Permalink| Email this| We're talking terrible finishers Comments like Bo Rai Cho's penchant for Submitted at 5/4/2010 12:30:00 AM


E-reader News Edition

GOD continued from page 69

delves into Kratos' rise to power. According to Sony, Ready At Dawn will utilize "state-of-the-art visual technologies" that will allow "higher quality environments and characters." In addition, Ghost of Sparta will offer "over 25% more gameplay" than its PSP predecessor, while adding more enemies on screen, and a greater number of boss encounters. God of War: Ghost of Sparta is planned for release "later this year." We expect a lot more to

be revealed at E3. Gallery: God of War: Ghost of Sparta God of War: Ghost of Sparta brings Kratos back to PSP originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 04 May 2010 09:17:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Response to Matt's important post about the Twitter API (Scripting News) Submitted at 5/3/2010 3:56:34 PM

Matt Mullenweg, the founder of Automattic and the lead dev on WordPress, has written an important post about the Twitter API. Lots of interesting observations and more than a little telegraphy here! Wellworth a careful read. The conclusions: 1. The Twitter API had a chance of becoming a defacto standard, but it didn't happen, for a variety of reasons. 2. It sounds like there's a WordPress client coming from Matt's company (unless there

RESPONSE page 72


1.0 logic from a 2.0 guy (Scripting News) Submitted at 5/4/2010 5:25:16 AM

Scott Karp of Publish 2.0, who I've met and is a nice guy, says the kind of thing we rail against on Rebooting the News. Scott Karp: "Apple could generate $1 billion in iPad revenue this quarter. Wonder who is smarter, Steve Jobs or his critics? You do the math." This is wrong on so many levels. 1. I assume I am one of the critics he's talking about. It's true, I make less money than Apple does, in fact, I don't make any money at all, I spend money. I've been blessed by a few "liquidity events" in my life, enabling me to work on what I want to work on. It has always been thus for me, even when I was young, I adjusted my cost of living so that I could work for myself. Does this make me less smart than Steve Jobs? I don't see why it would. 2. Is it possible for someone to make a lot of money and also do things that are bad for the environment? Things that deserve criticism? Should we give everyone who makes a lot of money a free pass -- making

wisdom. 3. I feel Apple is screwing us in some ways and blessing us in others. I bought Apple stock and have held it through the bad times and now am profiting in the good times. Yet I think it's good news that the FTC is reigning in their power re the them immune from discourse? developers. Not only good The idea is silly on its face. In because it is morally a good fact some business models, t h i n g , b u t a l s o g o o d f o r ways of making money, are shareholders. I buy all their based on cashing in public value products, although sometimes I in the ecosystem. Did Exxon protest. I feel like I'm using the fully pay for the ecological Disney version of a computer disaster of the Exxon Valdez? with the iPad, and I prefer punk Did they earn a lot of money rock (although I like Disney since then? Did they pay for the movies too). I'm a lot like Jon cost of the war in Iraq which has Stewart, not quite a fan boy kept oil prices higher than they because I think I see when they probably would be otherwise? Is are wrong, but certainly a fan. this good? (Imho, no, it is not.) So come on Scott, this is an old Should we criticize BP even -fashioned 1.0 homily, the kind though they surely made more of thing my grandfather used to m o n e y l a s t y e a r t h a n say for crying out loud. We now 99.9999999 percent of us? I'm live in a world that's been sure Scott didn't mean to say messed up by unrestrained that, after all -- I think he business models, possibly to the b e l i e v e s i n t h e p o w e r o f point where the planet will soon journalism. Most journalists not sustain human life. Isn't it make less money than the titans time to get rid of the shortcuts they cover (at least I hope so). a n d u s e o u r m i n d s w h e n Money ain't everything Scott, thinking instead of falling back and it sure does not equate to on folksy sloganeering?


Social Media/

E-reader News Edition

RESPONSE continued from page 71

already is one that I'm not aware of) that works similarly to the Twitter clients. 3. It sounds more and more like Matt sees Twitter as competition. Or maybe this is wishful thinking on my part. As a founder of this market, and someone who has the ear of most of the participants, I'd like to make a recommendation. 1. You have to support, and this means working with whatever changes they make to the Twitter API. At this point they have the most users and the most influential

users. Not supporting, for most of the client developers, seems like it's not an option. 2. You should also support an open protocol, and by open I mean replaceable and simple. I explained that in yesterday's post in response to Chris Saad's piece. There really only one way to go here, and that's a good thing -- RSS 2.0 as the format, and its element to add the realtime component. It's decentralized, doesn't depend on any of the BigTechCo's, and isn't owned by anyone. It also

isn't controlled by the W3C or IETF, which means it cannot be corralled by the BigTechCo's. It's easy to support, doesn't require a massive R&D budget and is not a moving target, and cannot become a moving target. You must have a route-around of the dominance of the big vendors if the smaller independent and open source projects are to have a chance in the market.

Submitted at 5/4/2010 7:35:19 AM

In the UK, Google was forced to give its email service Gmail a different name, Googlemail, because of a trademark dispute. These disputes take a long time ( Gmail was changed into Googlemail in October 19, 2005), so Google opted on using a different (yet recognizable) name until the dispute is resolved. Four and a half years later, UK users will finally get their addresses, as Googlemail is changing back into Gmail. Users will have the possibility of keeping their old address or switching to a new one. From

the announcement: “If you already have a Google email account in the UK, you’ll soon have the option to switch your existing address to the matching one, but you’re also free to stick with And starting later this week, anybody who signs up for a new account in the UK will get an address.”

Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/4/2010 8:02:10 AM

Buddy Media already helps big brands do more with their Facebook presence. Today the company is extending its service to include Facebook Open Graph integration. This update is about connecting the dots between user activity on and off Facebook — think the “Like” button — so that platform users can manage and track their website’s Facebook Google jokingly estimates that performance in addition to Page the change will have a positive performance and content. impact on the overall energy They’ve also added real-time consumption. “Since “gmail” is analytics for all social activity 50% fewer characters than and a new publish option so that “googlemail,” we estimate this clients can connect with name change will save customers who “liked” content approximately 60 million on their sites. keystrokes a day. At about 217 The end game here all about microjoules per keystroke, that’s driving more interest in brand about the energy of 20 bonbons content via Facebook — saved every day,” it claims. whether within or outside the The transition from Googlemail wall — and doing so using a to Gmail will happen over the single platform for a global view next week. of activities. For more technology coverage, The company claims that these follow Mashable Tech on social integrations have already Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: gmail, Googlemail, uk

Gmail Gets Its Name Back in the UK Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

Buddy Media Helps Marketers Take Advantage of Facebook’s New “Likes”

helped the NHL increase their site traffic by 353% and grow Facebook fans by 25% in just nine days. This early example demonstrates the potential power of the seamless Facebook social plugins, proving that the a u t o - p u b l i s h - t o Facebook behavior of those little “Like” buttons translates to more traffic and more fans. What Buddy Media aims to do with today’s feature upgrade is to help brands better leverage and maximize this viral loop. For more business coverage, follow Mashable Business on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: Buddy Media, facebook, facebook marketing, MARKETING


E-reader News Edition


Get in Touch With Your Inner Caveman ( Submitted at 5/4/2010 4:00:00 AM

Why game meat might be your best (and healthiest) option by Kathleen Willcox Print Article Email to Friend Take a look around your foodhunting grounds: Finding a nice cut of bison, or even antelope, is easier than ever these days — just ask Chef James Boyce, executive chef at Cotton Row Restaurant, an elegant yet down home all-American cookery in Huntsville, Alabama, that specializes in game meat. Chef Boyce has been in on the game-meat game since he bounced out of his crib. He was born and raised by a pack of hunters in Upstate New York, so venison, quail, rabbit and a bumper crop of other delicious, exotic meats were frequently on the menu at home. The rest of the country is just catching up with Boyce and his fellow hunt-happy cohorts — and for good reason. Game meats' copious health-boosting, love-handle whittling attributes are cause enough to replace the beef steaks in your diet with venison steaks. In fact, most game meats provide lowcholesterol, low-fat, low-calorie, high-protein, mega-vitamin imbued alternatives to our usual go-tos (beef, pork, chicken) — and they also taste better. Why? Because they are, like us, what they eat.

"What they put in their bodies has an effect on their overall taste — wild animals, in addition to running around instead of being cooped up in a pen like most domestic farm animals, helps them develop muscles with a deeper flavor — they also forage for their food," Boyce said. Instead of dining on little more than corn and soy, wild animals roam the fields and forests, eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, which makes them much more toothsome — and it's a cheap and easy way to tap into the growing move toward eating meat from animals that have been put on special diets in attempt to produce sweeter, richer or more tender flesh."I've eaten pork from animals that have only been fed apples and it is absolutely amazing; you can actually taste the sweetness from the apples," Boyce said. "But you can get similarly delicious cuts of game for a fraction of the price, because they forage for a variety of fruits, nuts, grains and vegetables and the complexity of their diet comes out in the final product." Not sure where to start? Here are five sure-fire picks to get you into the game: The game: Venison The score: Tastes predominantly like grass-fed beef, with notes of liver. Prepared simply, the livery

"gamey" notes people either inherently love or detest will shine through. So if you want a healthier steak that tastes like, well, steak, don't serve it straight up — dress it up with other strong flavors like wine reductions, sauteed mushrooms, horseradish mustard, etc. The play: Treat each part of the venison as you would a cow: marinate it, roast it or braise it accordingly, Boyce said. Venison can even be grilled. The payback: Three ounces of venison tenderloin delivers 127 calories and 1 gram of saturated fat (2 total) to a beef tenderloin's 160 calories and 4 grams of saturated fat (7 total). The term venison comes from the Latin word venari, which means "to hunt." It has long been associated with royalty and may be the ultimate game meat. New Zealand is ground zero for venison meat, but Americans are developing a taste for it and it's widely available at higher-end grocery stores and butcher shops around the country (just don't be surprised if you have to order ahead). Expect to pay between $10 and $30 a pound, depending on the cut. The game: Wild Boar The score: Tastes like freerange, fruit-fed pork. This is a great game to ease into — there are no shocking, earthy notes that may offend those solely accustomed to reconstituted chicken and pork "parts" — just

a straight shot of palatepleasing, full-bodied flavor. The play: Wild boar should not be overcooked; because it's on the lighter side, it can be dry and stringy if cooked too long. Long, low, moist cooking works best; for traditional chops, bake with a sauce. Or pan-fry on medium (NOT high) for a quick cook. Wild boar is also delicious barbecued. Consider marinating any cut overnight in pineapple juice or wine, which will break down its muscle fiber and help it cook evenly and quickly, with moist and succulent results. The payback: 3 ounces of wild boar will yield 1.1 grams of saturated fat (3.7 total) and about 136 calories — compare that to pork's 3.7 grams of saturated fat (10 total) and roughly 190 calories — oink. Wild boar, the pigs more unruly and delicious ancestor/cousin, is native across Northern and Central Europe, parts of Asia, North America and Africa. Boar is eaten with great relish in these areas — especially Italy, France and Germany. Consider ground boar for your next sausage dinner, or toss it into a pasta sauce in lieu of another ground meat. Boar is widely available at mega-marts, specialty retailers and butchers. Expect to pay $5.99 a pound — and up to $40 or so, depending on the cut. The game: Quail The score: Tastes like white meat chicken with a sweet,

nutty, mildly smoky flavor. And unlike white meat chicken, it doesn't dry out easily or develop the texture of curdled cream cheese mixed with undercooked polenta. The play: Quail should also be prepared like chicken, except put on a pair of kid gloves. It's slightly more delicate, so keep a close eye on it when roasting it in the oven. Another great way to coax fantastic flavor out of the bird is to quickly pan-fry it in vegetable oil to get a nice brown caramelized skin and then finish baking it off in the oven. Quail also happens to be great on the grill. The birds pair really well with rice and other grain dishes. The payback: A quail breast boasts just 69 calories and 0.5 grams of saturated fat (1.7 grams total). Compare that to the same amount of breast meat in a chicken (quails are smaller), and it clocks in at around 100 calories and 0.6 grams of saturated fat (2.7 total). Quail are related to pheasants, and they populate almost every nation on earth. French cuisine has traditionally put the bird the work the most, but Japanese cookery is quickly catching up. In the Philippines, quail eggs are widely utilized in the country's great traditional of phenomenal street food, most notably in kwek-kwek, or eggs dipped in GET page 75



E-reader News Edition

Five Most Common Gym Injuries (

you from Christian Bale in The Machinist to Christian Bale in Batman in one hard-core An expert reveals what you w o r k o u t . need to do to stay off the DL To get started, find a certified by Amy Levin-Epstein personal trainer (Price Print Article Email to Friend recommends one with the PTA Whatever your fitness goals, G l o b a l , N S C A o r N A S M getting injured surely isn't one certifications) to make sure of them. But according to a you're using the right technique study from the University of and try to think of yourself as Arkansas, there has been a 35 your own trainer by not making percent increase in gym injuries your goals too personal. "Think in recent years. of working on your body as a Personal trainer Justin Price, third party. If you remove your M . A . , w h o o w n s T h e ego from the situation you can BioMechanics, a corrective be realistic about your goals," exercise and functional fitness says Price. You'll be able to facility in San Diego, says there prevent injuries like the ones are two main reasons for below, which Price says he sees workout-related injuries. The most often. first is poor posture during the FOOT AND ANKLE day, which eventually weakens Cause: When trying to explain your entire musculoskeletal foot and ankle injuries, Price structure. To combat this, make starts at the top of the body. sure your computer screen is "People spend their days in front positioned in a way that you're of their computer with rounded not straining or hunching to see shoulders. When your shoulders it. are rounded and you stand up, The other mistake is trying to your weight falls to the front of do too much too fast, in both your foot," says Price. Take that reps and weight. "The problem misplaced center of gravity and that got you into the gym didn't put it into running shoes, which happen overnight, so you can't naturally tip you forward with a undo it overnight," says Price, heel higher than the toe, and who co-authored the book The your feet and ankles start to bear Idiots' Guide to Functional the brunt of any impact. Training. In other words, those Prevention:"You should look 50 pounds can't be erased in one for a running shoe that isn't too m e g a - m a r a t h o n t r e a d m i l l high in the heel, or try a walking session. And popping blood shoe, cross trainer or tennis vessels by overweighting the shoe," suggests Price. By bench press isn't going to take helping spread the impact to the Submitted at 5/4/2010 5:00:00 AM

whole foot, you'll prevent problems like plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, anterior compartment syndrome (a compression in the front of the ankle), lateral compression syndrome (a compression at the side of the ankle) and bunions. KNEE Cause: That damn desk job again, unfortunately. "We don't use our hip muscles during the day. Then we decide to go kickbox or do bootcamp," says Price. The result is injury to the . . . knee? "If our feet aren't stable, due to improper footwear, and our hip muscles aren't strong, the knee gets all the stress," says Price, who says that leg extensions, curls, and presses don't help resolve the problem because they don't strengthen the muscles of the feet and hips. Prevention:"A better exercise would be lunges. With a lunge your hip and ankle are bending together, stabilizing and strengthening the knee," says Price. To get even more benefit, do lunges both forwards and backwards, then side to side (also known as "step and squats"). LOWER BACK Cause: Three strikes and your day job is officially in the dog house in terms of your physical health. "If someone is rounded throughout the day in their upper back, and then they go to the gym and do an overhead

shoulder lift standing, their upper back cannot extend properly. They straighten and arch upward from their lower back, which has a nervous breakdown [anything from soreness to more permanent injury] because it's getting all the stress," says Price. Prevention: Remember to stretch and strengthen your upper back to compensate for all that hunching you do at the office. Price suggests supersetting in straight-armed wall squats in with the rest of your lifting regimen. "Sit against a wall. Flatten your lower back into the wall, by tilting your pelvis under you. Straighten your arms in front of you, and try to raise arms up to your ears, without letting a gap form behind your lower back," says Price. And whenever you can, exercise standing up—really, you've sat enough at the office, right? "Standing helps you engage bigger muscles in your body," says Price. SHOULDER Cause: If you haven't been convinced to hang up your mouse and pick up a hard hat, this just might do it. That carpal tunnel you're complaining about 9-5 could contribute to a gym injury after-hours. "Your arms have to internally rotate when you type, which puts pressure on the shoulders," says Price. "Then you go to the gym and do chest press, shoulder press,

pushups, all also with your arms rotated in," he notes. The outcome? Supraspinatus tendonitis, an overuse injury of the rotator cuff. Prevention: You need to externally rotate your arms to balance your shoulders, and a great way to do that is by rowing with cables. "Grab the cables in front of you and pull the arms back, rotating your palms away from you and behind you," says Price. NECK Cause: The other four areas being out of whack lead to a misalignment in your neck, says Price. "If you sit with rounded shoulders, your neck follows your upper back, but then your eyes need to look at the screen, so you arch your neck and you get pain," says Price. As if work wasn't a pain in the neck enough, you get to the gym and that poor posture follows you all the way to the bench press, where the real trouble starts, when you're lying on the bench but your back isn't flush with the pad. "A lack of mobility and extension in your upper back will put stress on your lower back and neck," says Price. Prevention: Clearly, when doing the bench press, make sure your lower back and neck are supported properly. Then, avoid putting additional stress on your neck with exercises that FIVE page 76

E-reader News Edition


GET continued from page 73

orange-hued batter before being skewered and deep-fried. They are cropping up in grocery store freezers around the country and are available at butcher stores everywhere. Expect to pay $7.99 to $16.99 for a whole quail. The game: Rabbit The score: Tasted like an especially flavorful milk-fed veal without the sneaking feeling of guilt that inevitably comes from eating baby cow. Just keep on telling yourself that when someone brings up Little Bunny Foo Foo or Bugs Bunny. The play: Rabbit is extraordinarily versatile because it's so hearty — it's a good game to begin experimenting on because it's almost impossible to screw up. Baked, fried, roasted, boiled, broiled, grilled, marinated, thrown dry in a pan at screeching high heat, no matter what you do to this meat, it's going to be good. The payback: Three ounces of rabbit meat will yield 167 calories and 2 grams of saturated fat (6.8 grams total; three ounces of veal is around 213 calories, 4.2 grams of saturated fat (10.7 grams total). Rabbit, perhaps because of their notorious breeding habits, populate most of the world. They're also eaten almost

everywhere and are featured in many nations' web of myths. We're all familiar with the Easter Bunny, but other traditional rabbit stories could kick our poor hopper's tail: consider the Aztecs, who worshiped a pantheon of 400 rabbits known as Centzon Totochtin, which represented fertility and drunkenness; or the Native American's Nanabozho, an all-important god related to the creation of the world. Good news though: the Easter Bunny could probably take out Japan's mythical rabbits who live on the moon for the purpose of making mocha, a snack of mashed sticky rice. Rabbits are widely available in grocery stores and butcher stores around the country. Expect to pay $8.99 to $16.99 a pound depending on the cut. The game: Pheasant The score: Tastes like dark meat chicken without the greasy mouth-feel. It's the perfect bridge for those straddling the light-dark meat pit. It's as light as a feather on your tongue, but packs the kind of luscious, buttery, grassy, sublimely deep flavor that can only be found on the dark side of the poultry bod. The play: Pheasants, like chickens, should be cooked according to their age. Younger

pheasants will produce more tender meat and can be roasted much like a chicken — solo or with stuffing. Older pheasants should be avoided, because to produce a yummy tender, roast, you're going to have to have to either lard it or bard it (add layers of fat either to the outside or under the skin of the bird, thereby eliminating the health benefits). And like chicken, it can be prepared in pieces, panfried, on the grill, or baked. The payback: A half a pheasant (or 352 grams) has 468 calories and 4.4 grams of saturated fat (12.8 total). Compare that to about 750 calories and 8 grams of saturated fat (30 total) for the same amount of chicken. An obsession with eating pheasant grew out of the legend of Jason and the Argonauts from 750 B.C. when they sailed from Thessaly, Greece, in search of the Golden Fleece, during which they acquired many golden birds, or pheasants. Dining on the bird became a decadent symbol of wealth and royalty, and cutting into the pheasant has long been considered the high point of an aristocratic feast. They are still extremely popular among the hunting, polo-playing set in Great Britain. While you may have to buy the bird frozen, it's getting easier and easier to

find it at big supermarkets and certainly at your butcher store. Expect to pay between $3 and $25 a pound for the royal bird. Chris Boyce's Recipe for Pheasant: Pan Seared Pheasant Breast with Pearl Onions, Pomegranate, Yukon Potatoes & Artichokes (Serves 4) • 1 cup pearl onions • 1/2 pound small Yukon potatoes • 1/2 cup pomegranates • 3 artichoke hearts, cooked and quartered • 2 pounds pheasant breast (boneless) • 1 Tablespoon of olive oil • 4 cloves garlic • 10 small Shiitake caps • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter • 1/2 cup chicken broth • 1/4 cup apple juice • 1 teaspoon chopped sage • salt and pepper to taste

4. Add to the pan the onions, potatoes, pomegranates, artichokes, garlic, mushrooms and remaining tablespoon of butter. Cook for 5 minutes stirring often. 5. Add broth, juice, chopped sage and cook for 3 minutes more. 6. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Serve vegetables on large platter with pheasant on top. Other game meats worth a play: ostrich (tastes like duck on a diet); guinea hen (tastes like dark meat chicken); antelope (tastes like grass-fed beef); buffalo (tastes like free-range turkey) and goose (tastes like duck). Related articles: Five Energy-Zapping Foods Three Easy Tricks to Fight Diabetes The 9 Best Fitness Apps [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and Directions: more] 1. Bring 3 quarts of water with Five Filters featured article: 1 tablespoon of salt to a boil. The Art of Looking Prime 2. Add pearl onions and Ministerial - The 2010 UK potatoes. Cook for 5 minutes. General Election. Available Drain. Set aside and do not cool. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full 3. Heat oil in large skillet over Text RSS, Term Extraction. medium heat. Season pheasant with salt and pepper, place in pan with 1 tablespoon of butter. Cook pheasant for 3 minutes each side. Remove from pan and keep warm.


Health/ Religion/

E-reader News Edition

Fittest Actresses in Hollywood (

has the luxury of good genes and a 21-year-old's metabolism, but the Gossip Girl star has also Five female stars who know made good lifestyle choices. Her their way around a gym personal trainer has said that she by Devin Pratt has never been one to diet but Print Article Email to Friend she does watch what she eats by Being a celebrity has its eliminating bad carbs. a d v a n t a g e s — m a m m o t h Halle Berry paychecks, access to the hottest Age: 43 events, vacationing in the most The oldest star on our list, Halle exotic places—but it does come Berry has only gotten better with a price, especially for with age. The iconic actress put women. The pressure to stay fit, an emphasis on fitness after the y o u n g , a n d b e a u t i f u l i s birth of her child, including hour enormous. Here, we reveal five -long workouts five times per leading ladies who define what week. Berry's trainer developed it means to be in shape and a routine that's comprised of h e a l t h y , n o t t o m e n t i o n three cardio segments, two incredibly sexy. circuit segments and one core Blake Lively segment. According to People Age: 22 magazine reports, the Academy The Hollywood lifestyle doesn't Award winner's diet consists of always lend itself to clean "lots of vegetables, lean proteins living, especially for stars in and complex carbohydrates, as their early 20s. That's why we well as drinking a large quantity give Blake Lively all the credit of water." for maintaining a healthy and Cameron Diaz toned physique. Granted, she Age: 37 Submitted at 5/4/2010 3:00:00 AM

No one lives up to the "No Pain, No Gain" mantra quite like Cameron Diaz. The blonde bombshell discovered her love for working out during the three -month martial arts training she received prior to the filming of Charlie's Angels. While Cameron puts in more than enough time in the gym, she also manages to keep her workouts fun by opting for outdoor activities, such as surfing, snow-boarding, and hiking. Jennifer Aniston Age: 41 Even though America's sweetheart hasn't had much luck in the love department, the ageless beauty continues to capture the hearts of men everywhere. So just how fit is Jennifer Aniston? Consider that she garnered national attention when she posed in nothing but a tie for the January 2009 cover of GQ magazine — one month shy of her 40th birthday. The former

Friends star attributes her sexy figure to cardio workouts, yoga, and healthy eating. Jessica Biel Age: 28 Whether it was the famous bra scene in I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry or the now legendary cover shoot for GQ magazine, Jessica Biel has shown us why she is the fittest female in Hollywood. Biel utilizes several methods of training during her workouts, including warm-up stretches, a half-mile jog, sprints, Plyometrics, and light weight training. The striking beauty is also a strong believer in eating only "clean foods" — that means absolutely no processed grub. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Church of the New York Times (updated) tmatt (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/3/2010 1:49:19 PM

As the old saying goes, there are two kinds of people in the world. There are people who think that there are only two kinds of people in the world and people who do not think that there are only two kinds of people in the world. I once shared that one-liner on one of my son’s clever high-school friends and she dryly replied: “What about the people who just don’t care?” Good point. Thus, it may not be accurate to FIVE say that, Sunday after Sunday, continued from page 74 there are two kinds of people in cause you to raise your arms d o w n j u s t t h e s h o u l d e r gym. Related articles: Ministerial - The 2010 UK the U.S. zip codes that really over your head, especially if blades—not the arms—and go 25 Ways to Get Stronger Now General Election. Available matter. There are people get up you've just put in a 12-hour day. just slightly in front of you for Injured? Make Sure to Get the tools: PDF Newspaper, Full on Sunday morning and head off Finally, strengthen your mid and three to four inches," says Price. Right Doc Text RSS, Term Extraction. to church. Then there are people upper back—and improve your You'll feel it in your lower Check-Ups Every Guy Needs who arise and settle down to posture—by doing reverse traps—which, once strong, will [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and consume a different sacrament shrugs. "Sit at the lat pull down. h e l p y o u m a i n t a i n y o u r more] — a cup of coffee (or two) and Grab the bar in front of you and posture—and health—whether Five Filters featured article: the Sunday New York Times. do straight arm pull downs. Pull you're at the office or at the The Art of Looking Prime Yes, there are people who do CHURCH page 77

E-reader News Edition


CHURCH continued from page 76

both. But, even then, which sacred rite comes first? Which rite defines and informs the other? I believe it was the Rev. John Stott, an evangelical Anglican intellectual(click here, please), who once said that thinking Christians should live their lives with the Bible in one hand and a good newspaper in the other. Then again, perhaps it was Karl Barth who said it first. Anyway, I have met a few people of the pulpit and pen who pull that off, but there are many more doubters — in pulpits and in newsrooms — who have no interest in that dialogue. As we are seeing once again, a high wall of distrust and misunderstanding stands between the Times and many religious believers, especially those in conservative Christian and Jewish groups. This is an ongoing problem and, thus, questions about religion haunted the newspaper’s crucial (and critical) self study in 2005. Many religious traditionalists simply assume that the Times is anti-religion or, perhaps, antiChristian. This subject is hot right now for obvious reasons as the world’s most powerful newsroom continues to its almost daily barrage of news about the Catholic church and the abuse of children, mostly teen-aged boys, by clergy. More on this in a moment.

However, is the Times antireligion or anti-Christian? What about journalists in general? GetReligion has been wrestling with this issue since day one. Ditto for The Revealer. This discussion, for me, became rather personal in Jay Rosen’s landmark essay, “ Journalism is Itself a Religion: Special Essay on Launch of The Revealer.” At one point, Rosen states that about 90 percent of all discussions about religion and the press focus on the issue of how to improve mainstream coverage of religion news. That’s important, he noted, but: Here and there in the discussion of religion “in” the news, there arises a trickier matter, which is the religion of the newsroom, and of the priesthood in the press. A particularly telling example began with this passage from a 1999 New York Times Magazine article about antiabortion extremism: “It is a shared if unspoken premise of the world that most of us inhabit that absolutes do not exist and that people who claim to have found them are crazy,” wrote David Samuels. This struck some people as dogma very close to religious dogma, and they spoke up about it. One was Terry Mattingly, a syndicated columnist of religion: This remarkable credo was more than a statement of one journalist’s convictions, said

William Proctor, a Harvard Law School graduate and former legal affairs reporter for the New York Daily News. Surely, the “world that most of us inhabit” cited by Samuels is, in fact, the culture of the New York Times and the faithful who draw inspiration from its sacred pages. Yet here is the part that intrigued me: But critics are wrong if they claim that the New York Times is a bastion of secularism, he stressed. In its own way, the newspaper is crusading to reform society and even to convert wayward “fundamentalists.” Thus, when listing the “deadly sins” that are opposed by the Times, he deliberately did not claim that it rejects religious faith. Instead, he said the world’s most influential newspaper condemns “the sin of religious certainty.” In other words, it’s against newsroom religion to be an absolutist and in this sense, the Isaiah Berlin sense, the press is a liberal institution put in the uncomfortable position of being “closed” to other traditions and their truth claims — specifically, the orthodox faiths. At least according to Mattingly and his source: “Yet here’s the irony of it all. The agenda the Times advocates is based on a set of absolute truths,” said Proctor. Its leaders are “absolutely sure that the

religious groups they consider intolerant and judgmental are absolutely wrong, especially traditional Roman Catholics, evangelicals and most Orthodox Jews. And they are just as convinced that the religious groups that they consider tolerant and progressive are absolutely right.” In other words, many journalists focus their priesthood on the defense of this orthodoxy that there can be no orthodoxies. How does the press produce fair, accurate and balanced coverage of both sides of religious controversies when — according to this doctrine — one side is automatically wrong? This is a complex subject that makes people get rather tense, as you can see in this response by Samuels to a very early GetReligion post on this topic. Now, after this very long introduction, please allow me to point readers toward a very provocative Commonweal essay by veteran Godbeat scribe Kenneth L. Woodward, of Newsweek fame. Woodward is Catholic, but few people (at least that I know) would place him on the right side of the aisle when it comes to defending the church. Still, his “Church of the ‘Times’ ” piece opens with some familiar criticisms of how the Times is handling its “all-hands-on-deck drive to implicate the pope in diocesan cover-ups of abusive

priests.” However, this is not the big idea of the piece. Woodward’s ultimate goal is to help dissect the mission that drives the Times team and the role that the newspaper plays in the real world. No question, the Times’s worldview is secularist and secularizing, and as such it rivals the Catholic worldview. But that is not unusual with newspapers. What makes the Times unique — and what any Catholic bishop ought to understand — is that it is not just the nation’s self-appointed newspaper of record. It is, to paraphrase Chesterton, an institution with the soul of a church. And the church it most resembles in size, organization, internal culture, and international reach is the Roman Catholic Church. Like the Church of Rome, the Times is a global organization. Even in these reduced economic times, the newspaper’s international network of news bureaus rivals the Vatican’s diplomatic corps. The difference is that Times bureau chiefs are better paid and, in most capitals, more influential. A report from a papal nuncio ends up in a Vatican dossier, but a report from a Times correspondent is published around the world, often with immediate repercussions. With the advent CHURCH page 80



E-reader News Edition

5Q+1: Welcoming Jaweed Kaleem to the beat Sarah Pulliam Bailey (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/3/2010 11:00:46 AM

A few weeks ago, The Miami Herald’s executive editor Anders Gyllenhaal had high praise for one of his many reporters. He noted that—like many religion reporters—as many people were on vacation during Holy Week and Passover, Jaweed Kaleem was at his busiest. Those holiday stories can be quite tricky, he noted, “offering a fresh view on holidays that are by nature unchanging, built around traditions that date back thousands of years.” The religion reporter’s role is to keep up with the news at the same time as he watches the hidden currents that tend to carry the most interesting stories. That means that along with tracking stories like the Father Cutie tale, he spends hours talking with leaders learning where congregations are going. The results are such pieces as Catholic churches’ approach to taking in displaced members, and a revealing story on the increasing numbers of young men going into the priesthood. Just 25, the youngest of three siblings who grew up in a Muslim household in suburban Washington, D.C., JD found his way to journalism through a Knight-Ridder scholarship back

in college. He is a perfect fit for his topic: thoughtful, studious, a gifted writer, a reporter comfortable in both traditional studies and digital ones. His desk is stacked with religion books that remain one of the flourishing edges of publishing. He has constructed a net of searches to scan for developments in religion, spirituality and institutions. That’s some lofty praise from on high, so we wanted to find out more about Kaleem,

Miami on Islam and gender. In early 2009, he became the Herald’s official religion reporter. We asked Kaleem to answer GetReligion’s 5Q+1. (1) Where do you get your news about religion? I get out there in the community. I attend services at houses of worship, I go to see religion-related panels and I try to speak at religion-related events about my job as religion reporter and about the Miami Herald in general. In May, I’ll speak to a religious studies professors from across Florida at a media workshop at Florida International University, I’ll work with religious studies graduate students on a separate media workshop and I’ll also be part of a panel organized by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. I’m always available via phone and email to respond to relatively new to his beat at the He spent his first few years at inquiries, critiques and story Herald. the Herald covering general pitches. I regularly meet with Kaleem arrived at the Herald in assignment in features, writing lay people, clergy and leaders of 2007 after graduating with a o n h e a l t h , e n t e r t a i n m e n t , religion-related organizations literature/publishing degree breaking news, some religion. for coffee, lunch or tours of the f r o m E m e r s o n C o l l e g e i n He also also worked on videos Miami Herald to keep the lines Boston. He was raised in for and radio of communication open and Northern Virginia suburbs of pieces for WLRN MiamiHerald flowing on news. I read the major national Washington, D.C. and did News. reporting internships at the San In 2008, he won a Lilly newspapers every day and listen Jose Mercury News, Detroit Scholarship from the Religion to NPR. I read religion blogs Free Press, Lexington (Ky.) Newswriters Association for and web sites such as Whispers H e r a l d - L e a d e r a n d t h e stories on Islam in South in the Loggia, the Washington M c C l a t c h y ( t h e n K n i g h t - Florida, using the scholarship to 5Q+1: page 79 Ridder) Washington bureau. take a class at the University of

E-reader News Edition


5Q+1: continued from page 78

Post’s “On Faith,” Faith & Reason at USA Today, and, of course, GetReligion. I get about a dozen Google alerts every day on local and national religion news topics and also follow religion news from reporters around the country on Twitter. I am subscribed to a many e-mail newsletters and email lists ( Christianity Today, Religion Press Release Services, AntiDefamation League, CAIR, Hindu American Foundation, Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Florida International University Center for the Study of Spirituality; most major houses of worship and denominations in South Florida maintain e-mail lists that I’m on, too). I get about a dozen religion -related publications delivered to the newsroom each week, from the Florida Catholic to the Florida Baptist Witness to AlHikmat, a local Muslim newsletter. I am a member of the Religion Newswriters Association and follow ReligionLink, a website

and newsletter they run keeping reporters up-to-date on religion news and providing story ideas, context and sources. (2) What is the most important religion story right now that you think the mainstream media just do not get? I haven’t singled out the mainstream media for “not getting” a particular story, but I’ll put forth two things people should pay attention to. One is the growing Muslim population in this country and abroad and the incredible diversity that exists among Muslims, from their beliefs to practices and politics. Muslims in America are going through a period of growth, struggle and change, especially with secondgeneration and third-generation Muslims coming to age and making their marks. The other is the increase in the “nones” people who don’t identify in particular with any religion (that does not mean they are not spiritual and it does not mean they identify as atheist) and the

decrease in denominational affiliation among young people. (3) What is the story that you will be watching carefully in the next year or two? I’ll be watching the changes in the Archdiocese of Miami. It’s one of the most diverse in the country, it’s growing and in June it’s new leader, Archbishop Thomas Wenski, will be installed. Wenski is a wellknown figure in South Florida, where he was ordained and where he made a name for himself advocating on behalf of immigrants and ministering to Haitians and Hispanics (he speaks Creole and Spanish). Change at the top is always something to watch and I’ll keep an eye on how it affects the church as a whole and everyday Catholics. (4) Why is it important for journalists to understand the role of religion in our world today? Religion affects everything. Religion is not just about a person going into a building to pray once a week. It’s a current

that influences politics, the work place, school - everything - even for those who are not religious. It has always been a strong force in life and will continue to be. Newspapers need to dedicate themselves to religion coverage and I’m glad the Miami Herald does. (5) What is the funniest, most ironic twist that you have seen in a religion news story lately? I can’t think of anything at the moment. BONUS: Do you have anything else you want to tell us about religion coverage in the mainstream news media? Not at this time. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Social Media/

E-reader News Edition

CHURCH continued from page 77

of the Internet, stories from the Times can become other outlets’ news in an ever-ramifying process of global cycling and recycling. … The pope speaks twice a year urbi et orbi(to the city and to the world), but the Times does that every day. Does the newspaper of record have “received truths” and doctrines? Try to imagine, asks Woodward, a Times editorial that opposes any form of abortion. Does it have evangelists? Turn to the op-ed page. Does breathing the air inside the Times newsroom affect how people think and live? How about the Vatican? Woodword proclaims: Every institution creates its own sheltering culture. The Holy See is larger, more complex, and much older than the Times, and the Roman curia is inherently more diverse than the newsroom of the Times, despite the latter’s periodic bouts of mandated

diversity training. But as anyone who has covered the Vatican can tell you, its institutional culture is also inherently traditional, conservative, and self-protective. It is, after all, the last functioning Renaissance court. As U.S. newspapers go, the Times is also a venerable institution and its hierarchy of editors, deputy and assistant editors, and copyeditors is a match for the Roman curia. The paper has been controlled by the Ochs-Sulzberger family since 1896. To those who devote their lives to it, the Times has become “a place that will shelter you the rest of your life,” as Arthur Gelb wrote in his detailed memoir, City Room. … A journalist could spend a lifetime in its newsroom without encountering a dissenter from the institutional ideology. And what is the bottom line? Perhaps the current publisher,

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., put it best when he said: “I have the Times. That’s my religion. That’s what I believe in, and it’s a hell of a thing to hold on to.” People have been talking about this piece for days. By all means, read it all. It’s easy, after reading this kind of piece, to simply open a vein and engage in Times bashing. That is clearly not Woodward’s goal. That is not our goal either. So stay sane, people. Fire away, but stick to the concepts in this post and Woodward’s actual piece. Go. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Notetaking Tool Evernote Reaches 3 Million User Mark Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/4/2010 6:38:05 AM

Demand for Evernote’s notetaking tool is growing at an ever increasing rate. The startup has just surpassed three million users, which means the company has attracted over one million new users in four months and that growth is rapidly accelerating. Evernote is now registering 8,000 new users per day — no doubt with the help of its fantastic iPad app. The company also points to international interest as well as partner referrals as drivers of growth. Also significant is that Evernote is able to successfully convert free users to paid users. The service currently boasts upwards of 59,000 premium subscribers. At $5 per month per premium user, Evernote is making approximately $295,000 a month, or $3.5 million a year. If you’re unfamiliar with

Evernote, the service supports audio, image and text notes that sync across desktop, web and mobile platforms. It’s also known for its impressive search capabilities, which includes text searching within photos. To date the company has raised more than $25 million in funding, with the most recent round going to ramp up product — an effort that appears to be paying off handsomely. For more business coverage, follow Mashable Business on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Evernote, Facebook, Twitter Tags: evernote

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