Liberty Newspost May-10-10

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E-reader News Edition

- 10/05/10

Obama on "iPods, iPads, Xboxes, and PlayStations": "Information Becomes a Diversion" Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:47:17 AM which don't always rank all that President Obama gave a high on the truth meter," Obama commencement at Virginia's said at Hampton University, Hampton University over the Virginia. weekend, and used part of his "With iPods and iPads and speech to criticize, as he's been Xboxes and PlayStations, -d o i n g p u b l i c l y s i n c e h i s none of which I know how to f a n t a s t i c s m a c k - d o w n o f work -- information becomes a Republican House members, the distraction, a diversion, a form t o r r e n t o f i n c o m p l e t e of entertainment, rather than a i n f o r m a t i o n o r d o w n r i g h t tool of empowerment, rather incorrect information that flows t h a n t h e m e a n s o f so easily in the modern 24-hour emancipation," Obama said. news cycle. He added in what Putting aside the fact seems at first to be a little dig at PlayStations aren't exactly gadgetry--but really, he's not prime fighting ground for news criticizing the hardware or outlets (certainly not as much as software so much as the content. the President's own beloved "You're coming of age in a 24/7 BlackBerry), this isn't a gadgetmedia environment that bash at all. Obama isn't

expressing a problem with the iPhone--the problem is that you can read about "death panels" on an iPhone whenever you want.

It's not a new problem, and maybe shouldn't even be looked at as a problem--there is a huge variety of content that's easily available these days, and while a lot of it is garbage, it's also incredibly easy to instantly get a balanced view from differing publications. Even more, while the democratizing effect of the Internet opens the door for nutballs like Glenn Beck, it also allows views independent of mainstream journalism that are often just as valid. Matt Drudge, Nate Silver, Wonkette, Politico-they all have valuable points of view, and without having to be filtered through a massive ancient publication hierarchy, they can express those points of view directly to the people. Obama's right when he says "we

Bankrupt Fannie Mae announces that it's even more bankrupt, says it may not survive. Good thing US taxpayers only on ... (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:21:25 AM

Bankrupt Fannie Mae announces that it's even more bankrupt, says it may not

survive. Good thing US taxpayers only on the hook for $7 trillion.

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can't stop these changes, but we can adapt to them." We don't have to listen to Rush Limbaugh's podcast, or watch endless .gifs of Glenn Beck crying (although that last one is worth a look). Obama isn't swearing off technology, he's just reminding us to be careful what we listen to, read, and watch. Now back to Wikipedia to finish reading about Australian fauna. Cassowaries are seriously weird, you guys. Dan Nosowitz, the author of this post, can be followed on Twitter, corresponded with via email, and stalked in San Francisco (no link for that one-you'll have to do the legwork yourself).



E-reader News Edition

Reuters Dips Its Toe Into On-Demand Video News Services Kit Eaton (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:36:11 AM

Reuters is about to release its Insider service to its subscribers this week, ready to deliver ondemand video content from the news organization and its media partners. It's a gentle, but potent, tweak to position Reuters for 21st Century news-breaking. Insider has been in the works for two years, ever since Reuters took a strategic decision to try to incorporate more video technology into its news reporting. The new service is customizable, and will incorporate 3,000 new clips per week from Reuter's own video content office, and the company's strategic partners like CNBC. Reuters home-brewed clips will be available web-cast style as they roll out of the cutting room and then go straight into the video-ondemand system, complete with transcripts, and they'll also get heavily tagged so that it's easy to dig through the system to find relevant clips. It's a pretty bold move, and Reuters noted that it was deliberately designed to differentiate Reuter's system from other business news broadcasters, which typically offer linear TV-style programming that addresses different niches, and which requires a user to pay attention more of the time. Speaking to

Paid Content, the head of Project Insider, Mike Stepanovich, noted that part of the thinking is inspired by hightech home entertainment: "People have DVRs at home, but not necessarily at the office," where this sort of function is the strength of an ondemand service. The system also has provision for users to easily upload video content too, complete with a mini editing suite that lets users embed Reuters graphics. This may, in time, help transform Reuters from a text-centric agency into one that also plays happily in the video media news -breaking game. And the

reasons for this move couldn't be more clear at the moment: It's because of Twitter, and Facebook to a lesser extent. While news-breaking on Twitter is by no means a verified, strictly journalistic way to transmit news to the world, it has an immediacy, extra eyewitness value, and a possibility to link real-time video and photo data to tweets that makes it very fresh and 21st Century (Facebook would also love to assume a role like this, and that's part of the motivation behind some of its recent user privacy re-jigs.) With new hightech media competition like these systems, Reuters is

obviously worried that some of its subscribers--who supply some 90% of its revenues-would be seduced away. Insider is definitely a step in the right direction, particularly since it'll come with an integrated iPhone and, later, iPad app (which also indicates Reuters has thought about the tech, and won't be basing the system on Adobe Flash), but the company isn't rushing to add the VoD powers to its public adsupported Web services. Here Reuters is still demonstrating a little of that "not invented here" syndrome that's endemic through the news industry, and if Reuters' business teams are

smart they may rethink this soon --otherwise the company may risk falling behind the cutting edge of the news industry's high -tech changes. To keep up with this news follow me, Kit Eaton, on Twitter. That QR code on the left will even take your smartphone to my Twitter feed. And if you really liked this story, you can re-Tweet too.


E-reader News Edition


This Is Twitter, There Are Rules: How AFP Stole a Photographer's Work, Then Sued Him Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:53:41 AM

The Russian Photos Blog has a really fantastic timeline of Agence-France Presse's interactions with one Daniel Morel, a photographer whose shots of Haiti immediately postearthquake became the de rigeur illustrations of the trauma there. For the full, nearly minute-byminute timeline, read the original post. I'll lay it out quickly so we can get to the discussion of Twitter as a news outlet. Morel, a photographer formerly employed by the Associated Press, was in Port-au-Prince when the earthquake hit. He uploaded 13 shots to a newly created TwitPic account, and linked to them on a new Twitter account. Within 10 minutes, some jerk named Lisandro Suaero copied them, uploaded them to his own account, and claimed that he had taken the exclusive photos. About four hours later, Agence-France Presse (one of the three major western news agencies, along with AP and Reuters) snagged the photos from Suaero's account and began offering

them for licensing. The photos became the shots of postearthquake Haiti (see the top photo in this post). Morel, after realizing what had happened, sent cease-and-desist letters to AFP. A few days after, AFP responded not with an apology or settlement offer, but with a lawsuit, for "making false and disparaging statements." Morel hit back, AFP hit back further, and research done by the Russian Photos Blog shows

contact between AFP and Morel that strongly suggests (that's don't-sue-me-speak for "proves") that AFP had full knowledge that the photos were Morel's, and simply did not understand that there are actual rights given to materials uploaded to services like TwitPic. Here's where we get to the more meta-journalist stuff. AFP claims that Twitter's Terms of Service allows third parties to

perspectives on Twitter to address what the service actually is. That Morel posted some of the most important photos of the decade on Twitter before any other publication shows the power and flexibility of Twitter as a legitimate news service. AFP's argument, that Twitter is in some way nothing more than a digital bulletin board with no accompanying rights, is worrisome--it's a different kind of news outlet than AFP, but that doesn't mean its value in news can simply be ignored. As Jeremy Nicholl says, "the whole situation is a mess." AFP's position might not hold much water, legally. But if the AFP does manage to get away with, in essence, scraping a republish any materials posted photographer's work and selling to Twitter. That's wrong, in the it simply due to the venue in first place, but even more which it was published, both damning is that Morel didn't T w i t t e r a n d n e w m e d i a upload the photos to Twitter--he j o u r n a l i s m h a v e s e r i o u s uploaded them to TwitPic, p r o b l e m s t o o v e r c o m e . which is not owned by Twitter Dan Nosowitz, the author of in any way, and which has its this post, can be followed on own terms of service that clearly Twitter, corresponded with via say "all images are copyright email, and stalked in San their respective owners." Francisco (no link for that one-AFP, like a lot of more you'll have to do the legwork established organizations, seems yourself). unable to change their



E-reader News Edition

Are Facebook and FarmVille Developer Zynga in a Standoff? Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:21:34 AM

Zynga, makers of feedcluttering, endless-status-update -generating agribusiness simulator FarmVille, is one of the biggest and most prominent Facebook developers. But that doesn't mean they get along. Their relationship as of late has been described as "intense" and brittle, and it seems to stem from Facebook's recent move into unified credits. The credit system, in which all in-game purchases must be conducted in FaceBucks (patent pending on that winner of a pun, Zuckerberg) instead of real currency. No problem there. But pushing their own credit system means Facebook can take whatever kind of share they want, and in this case it seems to be a whopping 30% profit. That's money that Zynga would have simply kept before the introduction of the credit system, and the company is understandably irked. Chris Dixon terms this the "buyer-supplier hold up." Zynga depends on Facebook's network for their business, so if Facebook imposes this kind of tax, the company's options are

Welcome To America, Amanda Drury! Joe Weisenthal (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:12:00 AM

Look who just made their big debut as a permanent anchor on CNBC? That's right, it's the Australian anchor Amanda Drury who is starting her gig by pretty limited. But Zynga is at they are less likely to make livelihood does not depend on filling in for Melissa Francis, least keeping the window of investments in the platform. The this specific deal). But as that who is on maternity leave. independence cracked a bit-- biggest mistake platforms make quote above shows, it could She couldn't have picked a t h e y ' r e l e t t i n g u s e r s p l a y isn’t charging fees (Facebook) mark a precedent that would be more auspicious day to start. FarmVille at, for or competing with complements unwanted. Be nice to your Welcome to America! one thing. It remains to be seen (Twitter), it’s being inconsistent. developers, Facebook. You need Join the conversation about this if FarmVille could remain Apple also charges 30% fees but them as much as they need you. story » popular without the warm nerdy they’ve been mostly consistent Remember: if developers and See Also: embrace of Facebook, but it's about it. App makers feel their apps didn't matter, Palm • BREAKING: Amanda Drury not in Facebook's best interest to comfortable investing in the would have already won the Getting Permanent Anchor Job On CNBC let them find out. Facebook Apple platform and even having smartphone war. w a n t s F a r m V i l l e a n d i t s most of their business depend on Dan Nosowitz, the author of • Amanda Drury Covers Up dedicated users on its network, them in a way they don’t on this post, can be followed on • CNBC's Melissa Francis Has looking at ads and submitting Facebook or Twitter. Twitter, corresponded with via A New Baby Boy data. If Zynga flees, Facebook is This is pretty concerning for email, and stalked in San worse off. both Zynga and Facebook, Francisco (no link for that one-If buyers of traffic (e.g. app though really it's of much less you'll have to do the legwork makers) fear future hold up, importance to Facebook (whose yourself).


E-reader News Edition

Where Should Zynga Move The Farm? Nicholas Carlson (Business Insider)

'Iron Man 2' Tops at Theaters: What About Disney Stock? Steven Mallas (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:36:39 AM

FarmVille-maker Zynga is a real business with $300+ million revenues that is beginning to realize it depends too much Facebook for its users. But where can it go? Facebook requires Zynga use Facebook Credits and, in the process, charges Zynga 30% for every transaction. Facebook also limits the ways in which Zynga can contact its users, and this forces Zynga to buy more Facebook ads. There's also rumors that Facebook wants Zynga to promise it won't build games for other social networks. Zynga obviously hates all this, so it's no surprise to hear Zynga VP Mark Skaggs telling IndustryGamers that " Facebook’s not always going to be the answer." Mark is optimistic that Zynga will soon have an alternative to Facebook. He said, "There’s other folks that’ll come. Just like in the console business, there were more console makers that came up." But Mark doesn't say who those alternatives to Facebook will be. We noodled it for a bit and came up with four possibilities:


Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:00:00 AM

Maybe Zynga will try launching some games on Twitter. Lead Twitter investor Fred Wilson wrote a post last month encouraging Twitter developers to get into social gaming. Fred is also a Zynga investor. Another possibility is MySpace. Zynga-rival Playdom actually gets more users from MySpace than it does Facebook. MySpace is currently undergoing a redesign, with one goal being to become more game-friendly. Zynga could build more games for the iPad and iPhone. Zynga has some games for the iPhone, but they aren't a huge company focus. It doesn't have any iPad games yet, but it was on stage at

the announcement of Kleiner Perkin's iPad Fund. Zynga could try to launch its own destination site. Rumor is Zynga plans to launch something called Zynga as its own gamers network. Join the conversation about this story » See Also: • Facebook, Zynga Pick Up Streamy's Founders • Crazy New Trend On Facebook: Games That Are Actually Good • 3 Reasons Pay-WithFacebook Won't Squash All The Other Payments Providers

Filed under: Time Warner (TWX), Walt Disney (DIS), Viacom (VIA), CBS Corp 'B' (CBS), News Corp'B' (NWS), Film, DreamWorks Animation (DWA) Disney ( DIS) purchased Marvel Entertainment last year, and the first release since that corporate marriage was consummated, Iron Man 2, opened this past weekend at domestic theaters. The project dominated the screens, as it was expected to do. According to estimates at Box Office Mojo, the movie, which is distributed by Viacom ( VIA), brought in about $133 million. The rest of the weekend's features all made less than $10 million; talk about an unfair fight. Time Warner's ( TWX) A Nightmare on Elm Street came in second with $9 million. DreamWorks Animation's ( DWA) How to Train Your Dragon, also distributed by

Viacom, was third, grossing over $6 million. News Corp.'s ( NWS) Date Night took up the fourth spot, while CBS ( CBS) Films and The Back-Up Plan did enough business to secure position number five. Continue reading'Iron Man 2' Tops at Theaters: What About Disney Stock? 'Iron Man 2' Tops at Theaters: What About Disney Stock? originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 10 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments Viacom- Time Warner- Walt Disney- Marvel EntertainmentDreamWorks Animation


Business/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition Goes After (NWS) Lauren Hatch (Business Insider)

Melly Alazraki (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:24:00 AM

Watch out,! Today, launched Fox Sports Flash, a live daily sports news report hosted by sportscasters Barry LeBrock and Jill Arrington. As The Wrap notes, the online show is part of's strategy to get a piece of's stronghold in online sports coverage. Will it work? Probably not. The biggest appeal of is its streaming of actual events, not discussion-based news. But it does seem like a good move for Fox Sports. According to The Wrap, this integration between TV and the web will allow advertisers to "buy ads in a single show, a group of shows, or a

Before the Bell: Futures Soar After Eurozone Rescue Plan Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:30:00 AM

combination of Fox Sports television programming and digital shows." In other words,'s programming will directly reflect the content airing on its TV channel, and it will be easier to sell ads. Read more at The Wrap >> Join the conversation about this story »

See Also: • Tiger Woods Nike Ad Spawns 160 Spoofs • ESPN Is Taking Over The Sports Media World • ABC Affiliates Raging Against ESPN For Stealing Sports Broadcasts

Filed under: Before the Bell, International Markets, Motorola (MOT), Market Matters, Boeing Co (BA) U.S. stock futures soared Monday, setting markets to open some 4% higher and the European Union approved a $1 trillion aid package to stabilize the euro and bail out Greece. That sent European shares and the euro surging with financials setting the tone. European Union leaders have agreed to a staggering $1 trillion aid package Monday dubbed "shock and awe" to contain the EU's spreading government debt crisis and stabilize the euro. The deal has eurozone governments and the International Monetary Fund putting up euro750 billion ($962 billion) in loans available to prop up troubled governments. The European

Central Bank also announced it would intervene in bond markets. Continue reading Before the Bell: Futures Soar After Eurozone Rescue Plan Before the Bell: Futures Soar After Eurozone Rescue Plan originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 10 May 2010 08:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments European Union- European Central Bank- International Monetary Fund- United StatesEurozone

Ruh Roh, The Euro Is Erasing All Of Its Gains Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:35:00 AM

First, it just seemed strange how the euro rallied on news

that the E.U. would be using massive amounts of new loans to paper-over the PIIGS' problems, without addressing core underlying problems. Then continued, and the euro has now the euro started to slip. Well it's

lost all its gains since gapping up after the E.U. bailout fund was announced. We think it could be headed back to the preannouncement level fo $1.27 as well.

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Business/ Technology/

E-reader News Edition


Hey, Moody's, Why Didn't You Tell Less Bad Does Not Equal Us About The SEC "Wells Notice" Good: Seventh Generation CEO Jeffrey Hollender In March? (MCO) Noah Robischon (Fast Company)

certainly would have. Join the conversation about this story  See Also: • Moody's Gets "Wells Notice," SEC May Order Ratings Agency To "Cease And Desist"

they are not good products. They're better than their competitors, but they're not Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:07:35 AM good." Suddenly it's very clear why Hollender used a bit of shock going public wasn't the best idea and awe to get into our holistic for outspoken CEO Jeffrey approach -- or lack there of -- to Hollender. sustainability. "If we want to "I don't think the consumer have a sustainable form of s h o u l d a l w a y s d e c i d e , " capitalism, we have to start H o l l e n d e r s a i d a t F a s t creating products that are good," C o m p a n y ' s I n n o v a t i o n he continued. "We have a world Uncensored event April 21 in that's so messed up, we don't New York City. "I also think want to sustain it. We want to that we as a society have renew the world and repair all of confused 'less bad' with 'good.' the damage. And we're not As much as I like Seventh g o i n g t o d o t h a t t h r o u g h Generation products, and I think products that are less bad." they're great, they are less bad. Miss Innovation Uncensored? All of our products create CO2 More videos and coverage here. emissions. They create garbage, They use natural resources, and

means nothing but maintenance on Sundays and possible goodies on Tuesdays. But who can say? Apple does what Apple does and we are just bystanders to the march of Apple History. So what does the downtime mean this time? Let us know

your predictions in the comments. Also, don't forget to ping us when the store goes back up. We'd love to know what changes you track down. Thanks everyone who tipped us! TUAW The store is back up!

Henry Blodget (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:25:00 AM

Moody's stock (MCO) is getting slammed this morning on the shocking news that the SEC has hit it with a "Wells Notice" that could lead to the SEC's preventing the company from acting as a rating agency. How did the market learn about the Wells Notice? Because Moody's was apparently forced to disclose it in its latest SEC filing. (The company tried to hide the news deep in the 10Q, even burying it within a broader paragraph, but investors found it). So here's our question: If the Wells Notice is material enough for Moody's to have to disclose it in a 10Q--which it certainly seems to be--why wasn't it

material enough for the company to disclose two months ago, on March 18th, when Moody's received it? Wouldn't investors who bought Moody's in the two months since the middle of March have wanted to know that the SEC might well tell Moody's to "cease-and-desist"? We

The store is back up! Erica Sadun (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/10/2010 2:30:00 AM

Filed under: Apple The Yellow Sticky Note of Doom is back and the Apple Store has once again gone

down. What could those evil Apple Geniuses be up to at the main Apple Store site? Are they planning? Scheming? Plotting to Take Over The World? Here at TUAW, we have a basic rule of thumb: the store becoming unavailable generally

originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 10 May 2010 02:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


Business/ Technology/

E-reader News Edition

Attempt to Cap Oil Spill EU and IMF Form €720 Fails Billion Rescue Fund Connie Madon (BloggingStocks)

Connie Madon (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:30:00 AM

Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:30:00 AM

Filed under: BP p.l.c. ADS (BP), Oil Since April 20 when a BP ( BP) oil rig ruptured and toppled into the ocean, 5,000 barrels of oil a day have leaked into the ocean off the U.S. Gulf Coast. So far, BP engineers have tried unsuccessfully to cap the rupture. Their latest attempt was to drop a 98 ton dome over the spill in hopes of containing the oil. This too, failed. Gas and underwater pressure formed ice crystals on top of the dome, forcing engineers to abort the plan. To make matters worse, a vessel chartered by the Financial Times and oil spill consultants spotted thick crude oil deposits

Filed under: Major Movement, International Markets, Market Matters, Currency The EU and the IMF have agreed on a€720 billion loan at the mouth of South Pass, one of the navigable channels of the guarantee fund to stabilize the eurozone. The plan was Mississippi. Continue reading Attempt to formulated over the weekend to calm markets throughout the Cap Oil Spill Fails Attempt to Cap Oil Spill Fails world and stabilize the euro. As part of the plan, the originally appeared on European Central Bank stands BloggingStocks on Mon, 10 r e a d y t o buy eurozone May 2010 10:30:00 EST. government debt if needed. Please see our terms for use of Of the €720 billion, €440 feeds. Read| Permalink| Email billion would be provided by this| Comments Oil spill- Mississippi- Gulf eurozone members and a further Coast of the United States- BP- €60 billion supported by EU members through the expansion Petroleum of balance of payments facility. The remaining €220 million

Boeing Upgraded by Goldman Sachs Mark Fightmaster (BloggingStocks)

brokerage said it believed that "suppliers would outperform Boeing," but now it thinks Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:00:00 AM Boeing will continue to Filed under: Analyst Upgrades outperform because "it spans and Downgrades, Boeing Co nearly every positive global (BA) Goldman Sachs on t h e m e t h a t i s d r i v i n g Monday upgraded Boeing ( BA) o u t p e r f o r m a n c e i n s t o c k s to conviction buy from neutral, today." As examples, Goldman favorable industry structure, and elevating the aerospace firm's cited Boeing's "BRICs exposure, favorable company-specific price target to $90 from $82. credit normalization, a product dynamics." According to MarketWatch, the story, the consumer recovery, Continue reading Boeing

Samsung MP3 player goes 60 hours on a charge Sean Hollister (Engadget)

would provided by the IMF. Continue reading EU and IMF Form €720 Billion Rescue Fund EU and IMF Form €720 Billion Rescue Fund originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 10 May 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments European Union- European Central Bank- International Monetary Fund- EurozoneMember State of the European Union

Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:38:00 AM

Once upon a time, it meant something to have a digital audio player that went upwards of two full days without needing a charge. Since then, we've seen many, many examples, and it's just not that exciting anymore. But you know what? It's still not that often we see a DAP with 60 hours of battery life and a 3inch, QVGA TFT LCD that plays ten hours of DivX, Xvid, WMV and H.264 video to boot, so we think Samsung's YP-RB might deserve an honorable mention. The player was recently spotted in a Korean distributor catalog in 4, 8 and 16GB varieties, and we hope Upgraded by Goldman Sachs (but doubt, given tricky patent Boeing Upgraded by Goldman licensing issues) that we'll see Sachs originally appeared on one stateside sometime soon. BloggingStocks on Mon, 10 Samsung MP3 player goes 60 M a y 2 0 1 0 1 0 : 0 0 : 0 0 E S T . hours on a charge originally Please see our terms for use of appeared on Engadget on Mon, feeds. Permalink| Email this| 10 May 2010 10:38:00 EST. Comments Please see our terms for use of Boeing- Aerospace- Aircraft- feeds. Permalink Generation Business- Aviation MP3, PlayerBites| LikEraser| Email this| Comments

Business/ Top News/

E-reader News Edition


Elena Kagan chosen by Obama for Supreme Court (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

Kagan's "openness to a broad array of viewpoints" and her "fair mindedness." WASHINGTON – President In a statement issued before Barack Obama on Monday Kagan had completed her nominated Solicitor General remarks, the lawmaker who will Elena Kagan to the Supreme preside over her confirmation Court, declaring she would h e a r i n g , D e m o c r a t i c S e n . d e m o n s t r a t e t h e s a m e Patrick Leahy of Vermont, said, independence, integrity and " The Senate should confirm passion for the law exhibited by Ms. Kagan before" Labor Day. retiring Justice John Paul "Our constituents deserve a civil Stevens. and thoughtful debate on this If confirmed by the Senate, nomination, followed by an upKagan would become the third or-down vote," he said. woman on the high court. At 50, The Republican leader, Sen. she is relatively young for the Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, lifetime post and could help said his party would make sure shape the high court's decisions there was a "thorough process, for decades. not a rush to judgment" on the The former Harvard Law nomination. School dean"is widely regarded "Judges must not be a rubberas one of the nation's foremost stamp for any administration. legal minds," Obama said. He Judges must not walk into court introduced her in the White with a preconceived idea of who House East Room as "my should win," he said, adding that friend." Republicans would have a Kagan said she was "honored v i g o r o u s d e b a t e o n t h a t a n d h u m b l e d b y t h i s principle. nomination." She called it "the Obama began with high praise honor of a lifetime." for the retiring Stevens, a leader "I look forward to working with of the court's liberals, calling the Senate and thank you, Mr. him "a giant in the law," President, for this honor of a impartial and having respect for lifetime." legal precedence. Obama cited what he called Kagan "embodies the same Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:41:08 AM

On Conference Call, John Paulson Calls For V-Shaped Recovery In Housing Courtney Comstock (Business Insider)

bets on rising prices in the west. Now see why Whitney Tilson completely disagrees with Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:33:00 AM Paulson and is still bearish on C N B C r e p o r t s t h a t J o h n housing --> Paulson just held conference Join the conversation about this call with investors after just story » announcing solid April returns. See Also: His big call: he's predicting a V • Finally, Paulson's Gold Fund -shaped recovery and a major Is Up housing recovery. • Uh-Oh: Americans Beginning Specifically, he sees prices To Love Stocks Again (And Are rising 3-5% in 2010 and 8-12% Still Bizarrely Infatuated With in 2011. Real Estate) But this isn't much of a shock. • University Of Chicago Paulson recently launched a Professor: Housing Wasn't A housing recovery fund through Bubble which he's making significant

excellence, independence and passion for the law," Obama said. "She's an acclaimed legal scholar with a rich understanding of constitutional law. She is a former White House aide, with a lifelong commitment to public service and a firm grasp of the nexus and boundaries between our three branches of government," Obama said. Kagan served in the Clinton White House. Obama noted that neither Kagan's mother nor father "lived to see this day, but I think her mother would relish this moment. I think she would relish, as I do, the prospect of three women taking their seat on the nation's highest court for the first time in history ... a court that would be more inclusive, more representative, more reflective of us as a people than ever before." Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Top News/

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Barrier-breaking jazz star Lena Horne dies at 92 (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

In the 1940s, Horne was one of the first black performers hired to sing with a major white band, NEW YORK – Lena Horne, the the first to play the Copacabana enchanting jazz singer and nightclub in New York City and actress known for her plaintive when she signed with MGM, s i g n a t u r e s o n g " S t o r m y she was among a handful of Weather" and for her triumph black actors to have a contract over the bigotry that allowed her with a major Hollywood studio. to entertain white audiences but In 1943, MGM Studios loaned not socialize with them, has her to 20th Century-Fox to play died. She was 92. the role of Selina Rogers in the Horne died Sunday at NewYork all-black movie musical " - P r e s b y t e r i a n H o s p i t a l , Stormy Weather." Her rendition a c c o r d i n g t o h o s p i t a l of the title song became a major spokeswoman Gloria Chin. Chin hit and her most famous tune. would not release any other On screen, on recordings and in details. nightclubs and concert halls, Horne, whose striking beauty Horne was at home vocally with and magnetic sex appeal often a wide musical range, from overshadowed her talent and b l u e s a n d j a z z t o t h e artistry, was remarkably candid sophistication of Rodgers and about the underlying reason for Hart in such songs as " The her success: "I was unique in L a d y I s a T r a m p " a n d " that I was a kind of black that B e w i t c h e d , B o t h e r e d a n d white people could accept," she Bewildered." In 1942's "Panama o n c e s a i d . " I w a s t h e i r Hattie," her first movie with daydream. I had the worst kind MGM, she sang Cole Porter's " of acceptance because it was Just One of Those Things," never for how great I was or winning critical acclaim. what I contributed. It was In her first big Broadway because of the way I looked." success, as the star of "Jamaica" "I knew her from the time I was in 1957, reviewer Richard Watts born, and whenever I needed Jr. called her "one of the anything she was there. She was incomparable performers of our funny, sophisticated and truly time." Songwriter Buddy de one of a kind. We lost an Sylva dubbed her "the best original. Thank you Lena," Liza female singer of songs." Minnelli said Monday. Her But Horne was perpetually f a t h e r , d i r e c t o r V i n c e n t e frustrated with the public Minnelli, brought Horne to humiliation of racism. Hollywood to star in " Cabin in "I was always battling the the Sky." system to try to get to be with Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:07:20 AM

my people. Finally, I wouldn't work for places that kept us out. ... It was a damn fight everywhere I was, every place I worked, in New York, in Hollywood, all over the world," she said in Brian Lanker's book "I Dream a World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America." While at MGM, she starred in the all-black "Cabin in the Sky," in 1943, but in most of her other movies, she appeared only in musical numbers that could be cut in the racially insensitive South without affecting the story. These included the Red Skelton comedy " I Dood It," " Thousands Cheer" and "Swing Fever," all in 1943; " Broadway Rhythm" in 1944; and " Ziegfeld Follies" in 1946. One of the most glaring exclusions, though, was the MGM remake of "Show Boat." Horne, who had appeared in the role of Julie in a "Show Boat" scene in a 1946 movie about Jerome Kern, seemed a logical choice for the 1951 movie, but the part went to a white actress, Ava Gardner, who did not sing. "Metro's cowardice deprived the musical of one of the great singing actresses," film historian John Kobal wrote. Early in her career, Horne cultivated an aloof style out of self-preservation, becoming "a woman the audience can't reach and therefore can't hurt," she once said.

Later, she embraced activism, breaking loose as a voice for civil rights and as an artist. In the last decades of her life, she rode a new wave of popularity as a revered icon of American popular music. Her 1981 one-woman Broadway show, " Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music," won a special Tony Award. In it, the 64-year-old singer used two renditions — one straight and the other gut-wrenching — of " Stormy Weather" to give audiences a glimpse of the spiritual odyssey of her fivedecade career. A sometimes savage critic, John Simon, wrote that she was "ageless ... tempered like steel, baked like clay, annealed like glass; life has chiseled, burnished, refined her." Lena Mary Calhoun Horne was born in Brooklyn on June 30, 1917, to a leading family in black society. Her daughter, Gail Lumet Buckley, wrote in her 1986 book "The Hornes: An American Family" that among their relatives was an adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. She was largely raised by her grandparents as her mother, Edna Horne, pursued a career in show business. Lena Horne dropped out of high school at age 16 and joined the chorus line at the Cotton Club, the fabled Harlem night spot where the entertainers were black and the clientele white. She left the

club in 1935 to tour with Noble Sissle's orchestra, billed as Helena Horne, the name she continued using when she joined Charlie Barnet's white orchestra in 1940. A movie offer from MGM came when she headlined a show at the Little Troc nightclub with the Katherine Dunham dancers in 1942. Her success led some blacks to accuse Horne of trying to "pass" in a white world with her light complexion. Max Factor even developed an "Egyptian" makeup shade especially for the budding actress while she was at MGM. But she refused to go along with the studio's efforts to portray her as an exotic Latin American. "I don't have to be an imitation of a white woman that Hollywood sort of hoped I'd become," Horne once said. "I'm me, and I'm like nobody else." Horne was only 2 when her grandmother, a prominent member of the Urban League and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, enrolled her in the NAACP. But she avoided activism until 1945 when she was entertaining at an Army base and saw German prisoners of war sitting up front while black American soldiers were consigned to the rear. That pivotal moment channeled BARRIER-BREAKING 12 page

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BP struggles with list of ways to plug Gulf gusher (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:04:20 AM

ON THE GULF OF MEXICO – Top hats and junk shots are on the list of possible next steps as BP, casting about after a 100ton containment box failed, settles in for a long fight to stop its uncontrolled oil gusher a mile under the Gulf of Mexico. Engineers at BP PLC were wrestling with a shopping list of ways to plug the well or siphon off the spewing crude, including a smaller containment box, dubbed a top hat, and injecting debris including shredded rubber into the well as a stopper, called a junk shot. "There's a lot of techniques available to us. The challenge with all of them is, as you said, they haven't been done in 5,000 feet of water," BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles told NBC's "Today" show Monday. The cold, pitch-black depth of the seafloor is a formidable problem. That's where icy slush formed inside a four-story container and foiled plans to funnel the oil to a surface tanker, which had been the best hope for containing the leak quickly while a drill rig spends up to three months boring a new well to shut down the old one permanently. By Monday morning, the boat that had lowered the containment box had moved

five or six miles from the site of the oil leak to a staging area. It was unclear if the boat had taken the large box with it or left it on the seafloor. The engineers appear to be "trying anything people can think of" to stop the leak, said Ed Overton, a LSU professor of environmental studies. On land, helicopters were expected to drop sandbags in Louisiana to guard against thick blobs of crude that began washing up on beaches as the well spills at least 200,000 gallons of oil a day into the Gulf. On Sunday, in a waterfront yard in Port Fourchon, La., a tractortrailer dumped a load of sand, which workers planned to pack into 5-cubic-yard bags. Once the bags are ready, the Army National Guard will airlift them on Monday to five spots along a four-mile stretch of coastline between Port Fourchon and the Jefferson Parish line, said Lafourche Parish compliance officer Robert Passman. "We want to block it off to where the oil doesn't get into the marsh areas," said Passman. "What they're trying to do is just prevent. I know it's still east of here but they're just trying to do a little prevention." BP — which is responsible for the cleanup — said Monday the spill has cost it $350 million so far for immediate response, containment efforts,

commitments to the Gulf Coast states, and settlements and federal costs. The company did not speculate on the final bill, which most analysts expect to run into tens of billions of dollars. Among plans under consideration for the gusher, BP is looking at cutting the riser pipe, which extends from the well, undersea and using larger piping to bring the gushing oil to a drill ship on the surface, a tactic considered difficult and less desirable because it will increase the flow of oil. A junk shot would be followed by cement to seal the leak and the technique is something company officials said they might try next week. The smaller container could be tried first, around the middle of this week. An estimated 3.5 million gallons of oil have spilled since an explosion on April 20 on the drilling rig, the Deepwater Horizon, 50 miles off the Louisiana coast. At that pace, the spill would surpass the 11 million gallons spilled in the Exxon Valdez disaster by next month. Above the oil leak, waves of dark brown and black sludge crashed into the support ship Joe Griffin. The fumes there were so intense that a crew member and an AP photographer on board had to wear respirators while on deck.

Philip Johnson, a petroleum engineering professor at the University of Alabama, said cutting the riser pipe and slipping a larger pipe over the cut end could conceivably divert the flow of oil to the surface. "That's a very tempting option," he said. "The risk is when you cut the pipe, the flow is going to increase. ... That's a scary option, but there's still a reasonable chance they could pull this off." Johnson was less optimistic that a smaller containment box would be less susceptible to being clogged by icelike crystals. "My suspicion is that it's likely to freeze up anyway," he said. "But I think they should be trying everything they can." There was a renewed sense of urgency as dime- to golfballsized balls of tar washed up Saturday on Dauphin Island, three miles off the Alabama mainland at the mouth of Mobile Bay and much farther east than the thin, rainbow sheens that have arrived sporadically in the Louisiana marshes. Until Saturday none of the thick sludge — those indelible images from the Valdez and other spills — had reached shore. The containment box plan had been designed to siphon up to 85 percent of the leaking oil to a tanker at the surface. It had taken about two weeks to build

it and three days to cart it 50 miles out and slowly lower it to the well. Icelike hydrates, a slushy mixture of gas and water, clogged the opening in the top of the peaked box like sand in a funnel, only upside-down. The blowout aboard the rig, which was being leased by BP, was triggered by a bubble of methane gas that escaped from the well and shot up the drill column, expanding quickly as it burst through several seals and barriers before exploding, according to interviews with rig workers conducted during BP's internal investigation. Deep sea oil drillers often encounter pockets of methane crystals as they dig into the earth. Lane Zirlott, 32, a commercial fisherman from Irvington, Ala., said he's not frustrated about BP failing so far to cap the leak because he understands how difficult the job is. "When they said they were going to put this little cap over this thing, I laughed and said there's no way," he said. "I said there's no way they're going to do that. And then sure enough, it didn't happen." ___ Curran reported from Louisiana. Associated Press writers Ray Henry and Michael Kunzelman in Louisiana, Jay Reeves and Brent Kallestad in STRUGGLES page 12


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continued from page 10

her anger into something useful. She got involved in various social and political organizations and — along with her friendship with singer-actoractivist Paul Robeson— got her name onto blacklists during the red-hunting McCarthy era. By the 1960s, Horne was one of the most visible celebrities in the civil rights movement, once throwing a lamp at a customer who made a racial slur in a Beverly Hills restaurant and, in 1963, joining 250,000 others in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom when Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. Horne also spoke at a rally that year with another civil rights leader, Medgar Evers, just days before his assassination. It was also in the mid-'60s that her autobiography, "Lena," with author- film critic Richard Schickel, came out.

continued from page 11

The next decade brought her first to a low point, then to a fresh burst of artistry. She appeared in her last movie in 1978, playing Glinda the Good in " The Wiz," directed by her son-in-law, Sidney Lumet. Horne had married MGM music director Lennie Hayton, a white man, in Paris in 1947 after her first overseas engagements in France and England. An earlier marriage to Louis J. Jones had ended in divorce in 1944 after producing daughter Gail and a son, Teddy. In the 2009 biography "Stormy Weather," author James Gavin recounts that when Horne was asked by a lover why she had married a white man, she replied: "To get even with him." Her father, her son and her husband, Hayton, all died in 1970 and 1971, and the griefstricken singer secluded herself, refusing to perform or even see

anyone but her closest friends. One of them, comedian Alan King, took months persuading her to return to the stage, with results that surprised her. "I looked out and saw a family of brothers and sisters," she said. "It was a long time, but when it came I truly began to live." And she discovered that time had mellowed her bitterness. "I wouldn't trade my life for anything," she said, "because being black made me understand." Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Florida, and Sarah Larimer and General Election. Available A P v i d e o j o u r n a l i s t R i c h tools: PDF Newspaper, Full M a t t h e w s i n A l a b a m a Text RSS, Term Extraction. contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK

Wise Word: Eye of the Beholder Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/10/2010 6:30:00 AM

Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous and full of joy. I don't believe makeup and the right hairstyle alone can make a woman beautiful. The most radiant woman in the room is the one full of life and experience. -Sharon Stone What do you think makes a

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Salesforce Puts Jigsaw Together Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

computing, as does Jigsaw, so their models match up. Sponsor C u s t o m e r r e l a t i o n s h i p "Jigsaw's data cloud platform management software company a l s o c r e a t e s a n e n o r m o u s Salesforce has bought Jigsaw, opportunity for developers and according to an announcement independent software vendors to from the company. The San deliver entirely new applications Mateo, CA-based Jigsaw is a that leverage the business crowd-sourced business contact contact data found in Jigsaw." data outfit. This is in keeping with Salesforce delivers its Salesforce's emphasis on i n f o r m a t i o n v i a c l o u d integrating other data and apps Submitted at 5/9/2010 9:35:00 PM

with Salesforce via its Service Cloud 2 system. Jigsaw offers a searchable online database of business contacts, assembled, corrected and added to by the public at large, including the contacts themselves. This seems a good fit for Salesforce and a big

woman beautiful? Have a favorite quote? Send it t o u s a t with your name, city and state. You might be featured in an upcoming Wise Words post! Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

selling point for their users and potential users. Jigsaw has built up a customer base of 1.2 million users in six years. Its data includes 21 million contacts at four million companies and serves 800 corporate clients. The deal is $142 million, plus performance contingent earns of up to 10% of the purchase. Thanks, David Discuss

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(more info) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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"Shock and awe" package lifts euro markets (Reuters: Top News)

The euro rose as much as 3 percent after weeks of draining confidence but shed half its BRUSSELS(Reuters) - A $1 gains later in the day. European t r i l l i o n g l o b a l e m e r g e n c y bank shares were among the package to stabilize the euro biggest gainers, along with the unleashed a spectacular rally in bonds of Portugal, Ireland, world stocks on Monday but Greece and Spain, pejoratively analysts said EU leaders had nicknamed the PIGS by traders. only bought time to tackle deep- For the first time in six months seated fiscal problems. of a deepening debt crisis that The "shock and awe" rescue began in Greece, European plan -- the biggest since G20 leaders appeared to have got leaders threw money at the ahead of the curve with decisive global economy following the action, analysts said. collapse of Lehman Brothers in "The euro zone is certainly 2008 -- triggered the biggest one r e g a i n i n g c o n f i d e n c e , " -day rise in European shares in European Commission President 17 months after panic selling Jose Manuel Barroso told last week. reporters hours after EU finance Wall Street also surged as ministers clinched agreement confidence returned, at least early on Monday as Asian temporarily. The Dow Jones markets opened. Industrial average jumped 3.63 "This morning's agreement will p e r c e n t a n d t h e n a r r o w e r ensure that any attempt to Standard & Poor's financial weaken the stability of the euro share index was up 4.7 percent will fail," Barroso said. amid relief among banks. But the deal left many longerThe package of standby funds term questions about whether and loan guarantees that could Europe's weakest economies can b e t a p p e d b y e u r o z o n e manage their debt and how the governments shut out of credit European Union can develop markets, plus central bank more coherent economic and liquidity measures and bond fiscal policies to underpin the purchases to steady markets single currency. impressed financial analysts by The European Central Bank its sheer scale. immediately began Senior IMF official Marek implementing its part of a deal Belka said the emergency t h a t i n v o l v e d E U f i n a n c e package was "morphine" for the ministers, central bankers and markets but should not be the IMF, with euro zone central r e g a r d e d a s a l o n g - t e r m banks buying government bonds solution. in the open market. Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:54:58 AM

ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet denied the bank had acted under pressure from euro zone leaders, whom he met at a summit on Friday evening as interbank lending began to freeze up in an ominous reminder of the 2008 Lehman crisis. Only the day before, Trichet had said the bank was not even discussing the option of buying government bonds. CONCERTED ACTION The FTSEurofirst 300 index of top European shares surged 6.71 percent by 1500 GMT (11 a.m. EDT), after falling 8.9 percent last week to a seven-month low on Friday. Risk premiums on peripheral euro zone sovereign bonds plummeted, as did the price of insuring them against default on the volatile credit default swap market, while German bund futures tumbled by a two full percentage points as investors sold safe-haven debt. "The EU has taken a decisive action to stamp out the speculative attack against the euro and this should be sufficient to bring some calm into the market," said Klaus Wiener, head of research at Generali Investments. The deal won global endorsement from the Group of Eight and G20 major economies. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Beijing would support actions to help Greece

overcome its sovereign debt crisis, state media reported. Germany and the Netherlands, sticklers for budget discipline, insisted the rescue programme was linked to the same kind of draconian austerity measures already imposed on Greece. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who for months resisted pressure to aid Athens over a debt crisis that sent market tremors around the globe, said the measures were necessary to guarantee the future of the euro. "This package serves to strengthen and protect our common currency," she told reporters in Berlin. "We are protecting people's money in Germany. Merkel consented to the massive plan after her centerright coalition lost a regional election on Sunday and U.S. President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy telephoned her to ensure Europe would take the necessary steps to support the euro and keep global liquidity flowing. A German government spokesman stressed the EU was not turning into a "fiscal transfer union" and it was possible that not all member states would take part in bilateral aid. Dutch Finance Minister Jan Kees de Jager told parliament Spain and Portugal had made a commitment to cut their budgets substantially in 2010 and 2011

as a condition for the safety net. Spain said it had no intention of drawing on the funds. Britain, which is not in the euro and has a caretaker government after an inconclusive general election last week, said it would not participate in the rescue or loan guarantees. CONCERTED ACTION In concerted action, the U.S. Federal Reserve reopened currency swap lines with several central banks to try to assure markets of dollar liquidity and the ECB said it would buy government debt to steady investor nerves. That decision, urgently sought by anxious European banks, reversed a long-standing reluctance to use what many economists call the "nuclear option." Skeptics questioned whether the euro zone could hold together over the long term and buttress a fragile currency union with stronger political and fiscal instruments. Former IMF chief economist Kenneth Rogoff told BBC radio that weak euro zone economies such as Greece and possibly Spain and Portugal would still have to restructure their debts to make them sustainable, despite vehement official denials. The emergency measures are worth much more than any previous attempt by the 27"SHOCK page 15


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Oil spill solutions uncertain, slick spreads west (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:12:59 AM

ROBERT, Louisiana(Reuters) The huge slick from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill threatened Louisiana shores west of the Mississippi Delta on Monday as BP Plc said it was trying multiple options to control the leak, without being sure that they would work. U.S.| Green Business| Hot Stocks Fears mounted of a prolonged and growing environmental and economic disaster for the U.S. Gulf Coast after a weekend setback in an initial undersea move by the oil giant to contain the spill, which could become the worst in U.S. history. BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said the company, facing enormous pressure from the U.S. government and public, was pursuing multiple possible technical solutions in a bid to contain its gushing seabed well and eventually plug it. "What we've been doing is pushing parallel paths because we don't know which one's going to work," he told CNN. BP said on Monday it had incurred $350 million in costs so far from the spill, suggesting the final bill could be much higher than many analysts predicted. Its shares fell about 1 percent, lagging a rise in the STOXX Europe 600 Oil and Gas index. After a buildup of crystallized

gas stymied an initial attempt by BP to place a large containment dome over the well leak, Suttles said the company was now considering trying to fit a smaller "top hat" dome over the fissure. The aim would be to then funnel the captured oil to a surface tanker. Other options included trying to block the well's failed blowout preventer with a "junk shot" of rubber or other materials, or fitting a new valve or preventer. A relief well being drilled to try to finally plug the ruptured well could still take 75 to 80 days to complete. "We've brought the world's experts together to try to help us understand how do we make these successful," Suttles said on NBC's "Today" show. "I can't tell you if any one of them will work but as long as we have options we're going to keep trying. The goal here has to be to get the flow stopped." Forecasts showed the uncontrolled massive oil spill shifting farther west, approaching the important shipping channels and rich seafood areas off the central Louisiana coast, west of the Mississippi Delta. RISK OF MORE OIL ONSHORE The environmental group Greenpeace issued an unconfirmed report late on Sunday that said traces of oil had been found onshore at Port

Eads, the southernmost point of Louisiana, which is accessible only by boat or helicopter. A 24-hour forecast from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said winds could push oil ashore in the Mississippi Delta, Breton Sound, the Chandeleur Islands and areas directly north. BP said in a statement its costs so far included spill response, containment, relief well drilling and payments to Gulf Coast states to speed their response plans. The final bill could be much higher than many analysts predicted as at least 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons/795,000 liters) of oil a day have been gushing unchecked into the Gulf since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, rupturing the well and killing 11 crew members. The spill threatens economic and ecological disaster on Gulf Coast tourist beaches, wildlife refuges and fishing grounds across four states. It has forced President Barack Obama to rethink plans to open more waters to drilling. The two Louisiana parishes directly west of the Mississippi delta declared states of emergency on Sunday in anticipation of a battle to keep oil from coming ashore. Additional staging areas for the spill response have been set up

in that area. Tar balls washed up on Alabama's Dauphin Island, a barrier island and popular beach resort, during the weekend and local tourism operators said vacation traffic had already slowed to a trickle because fears of the spill's impact. Fishing is suspended in parts of the Gulf waters and much of the Louisiana coast. Many tourists have been scared away by reports of reddish, putrid water offshore, even though the coast is currently unaffected. "You wait all year for your vacation -- you don't want to spend it in what you perceive is going to be a cesspool," said Gary Bratt, owner of a company that rents beach equipment on Alabama's Dauphin Island. CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS Top officials from BP and some of the other companies associated with the ruined Deepwater Horizon drilling platform are expected to get a grilling at congressional hearings on Tuesday and Wednesday. The U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Minerals Management Service also plan an investigation into the drilling rig's sinking, starting in Kenner, Louisiana, on Tuesday. Efforts to close valves on a failed blowout protector have also been scrapped. Conducting operations a mile below the

ocean's surface are complicating relief efforts as engineers work with remote-controlled vehicles in the inky blackness. Delays in getting the containment dome up and running increase the chances the leak could become the worst U.S. oil spill, surpassing the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Rough seas threaten to curtail containment activities in the next few days, including controlled burns, the laying of boom and spreading of chemical dispersant. The spill's major contact with the shoreline so far has been in the unpopulated Chandeleur Islands off Louisiana, which is a mostly a wildlife reserve and bird sanctuary. (Additional reporting by Anna Driver in Houston; Tom Brown and Pascal Fletcher in Miami; Steve Gorman and Verna Gates on Dauphin Island, Alabama; Don Pessin in Venice, Louisiana; and Tom Bergin in London; Writing by Pascal Fletcher and Ros Krasny; Editing by Bill Trott) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Fannie Mae seeks $8.4 billion from govt after loss


"SHOCK continued from page 13

nation European Union or the 16 -state single-currency group to calm markets. (Reuters: Top News) The plan to put them into draws from Treasury, we do not They agreement was reached conservatorship was meant to be expect to earn profits in excess after the crisis over debt-laden Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:32:55 AM temporary, but more than a year o f o u r a n n u a l d i v i d e n d Greece drove sovereign debt W A S H I N G T O N / N E W and a half later, Treasury obligation to Treasury for the yields and insurance on this debt YORK(Reuters) - Fannie Mae, Secretary Timothy Geithner has indefinite future," the company to record levels, which Sweden's finance minister blamed on the the largest U.S. residential only just begun the process of said. mortgage funds provider, on figuring out how to overhaul the Because of current trends in " w o l f p a c k b e h a v i o r s " o f Monday asked the government U.S. housing finance system. housing and financial markets, f i n a n c i a l m a r k e t s . for an additional $8.4 billion T h e c o m p a n y w a r n e d o f Fannie Mae expects to continue The $1 trillion package consists after the company lost $13.1 "significant uncertainty as to our having a net worth deficit in o f 4 4 0 b i l l i o n e u r o s i n billion in the first quarter. l o n g - t e r m f i n a n c i a l future periods and to need to tap guarantees from euro area states, Deals| Housing Market sustainability" as it expects the more funding from the Treasury. plus 60 billion euros in a Including the latest request, continued weak housing market " P r o m o t i n g s u s t a i n a b l e European stabilization fund that Fannie Mae will have received to keep default rates and credit- homeownership and maintaining could be disbursed to help euro more than $84.6 billion from the related costs high. ready access to liquidity are our zone states if needed on strict government, and the firm said it The first-quarter net loss guiding principles in serving the austerity conditions. saw no end in sight to federal included a $1.5 billion dividend r e s i d e n t i a l m a r k e t s , " s a i d EU finance ministers said the assistance. on its senior preferred stock held Michael Williams, the firm's International Monetary Fund would contribute up to 250 The announcement comes less by the Treasury Department. chief executive. than a week after smaller The Obama administration on The government has relied mortgage finance company D e c e m b e r 2 4 p l e d g e d t o heavily on both companies, Freddie Mac, said it would need backstop all losses for the two which buy mortgages from (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) $10.6 billion in government firms through 2012. lenders to stimulate more funds after losing $8 billion in The quarterly loss was smaller lending, to stabilize the housing Warning: This quiz might make the first quarter. than the total $16.3 billion loss market. your skin and scalp start to itch The U.S. Treasury took control reported in the fourth quarter. (Editing by Padraic Cassidy) reading about fleas, ticks, lice of the two entities at the height Fannie Mae said federal aid is Five Filters featured article: and bedbugs tends to have that of the financial crisis in 2008 as helping keep the company The Art of Looking Prime e f f e c t . B u t ignore this mortgage losses mounted. The solvent, but the dividends Ministerial - The 2010 UK information at your own peril -two firms have now tapped payments it is incurring are General Election. Available how else are you going to about $140 billion in assistance substantial. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full from Uncle Sam's unlimited " G i v e n o u r e x p e c t a t i o n s Text RSS, Term Extraction. credit line. regarding future losses and

billion euros, taking the total to 750 billion euros, or around $1 trillion. (Additional reporting by Krista Hughes and Sven Egeter in Basel, Jeremy Gaunt, William James in London, Marcin Grajewski in Brussels, Sarah Marsh and Dave Graham in Berlin; Writing by Paul Taylor; Editing by Angus MacSwan) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Fact or Fiction: Skin Parasites identify a flea bite or learn how to remove a tick? Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Obama nominates Kagan for Supreme Court (Reuters: Top News)

process, which can be fraught with political peril. Kagan has been through one Senate WASHINGTON(Reuters) - confirmation already -- she was P r e s i d e n t B a r a c k O b a m a confirmed last year for her nominated Solicitor General current position. Elena Kagan for the U.S. If confirmed, Kagan would Supreme Court on Monday, b e c o m e t h e t h i r d w o m a n choosing a moderate who may currently on the nine-member not spur a damaging political court, joining Sonia Sotomayor fight in a congressional election and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She year. would be the fourth ever to U.S.| Barack Obama serve on the court. Obama made the announcement "I look forward to working with in the White House East Room the Senate in the next stage of with Kagan, a 50-year-old this process, and I thank you former Harvard Law School again, Mr. President, for this dean, at his side. The job is a honor of a lifetime," Kagan said. lifetime position and requires The country's highest court confirmation by the Senate. currently is controlled by a 5-4 Obama called Kagan a fair- conservative majority and minded choice who is skilled as Obama's choice to replace 90a "consensus-builder" and called year-old liberal John Paul for swift, bipartisan approval. Stevens, who is retiring, is "Elena is widely regarded as one unlikely to change that dynamic. of the nation's foremost legal The high court decides minds," Obama said. "She is an contentious social issues such as accomplished legal scholar with abortion and the death penalty a rich understanding of and high-stakes business constitutional law." disputes. Experts said Kagan could be Senate Judiciary Committee expected to pass fairly smoothly Chairman Patrick Leahy said he through the Senate confirmation aims to have Kagan confirmed Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:02:45 AM

by early August, which would be in time for her to join the court in its autumn session. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell made clear that Kagan will not receive rubberstamp approval, pledging to review her "brief litigation experience." Kagan has never been a judge and has served only one year as solicitor general, which is the lawyer who represents the U.S. government in cases before the Supreme Court. "Fulfilling our duty to advise and consent on a nomination to this office requires a thorough process, not a rush to judgment," McConnell said. (Additional reporting by Patricia Zengerle, Jim Vicini, Thomas Ferraro and Ross Colvin; Editing by Will Dunham) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Other States Take Cue from Ariz. Law (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 5/10/2010 5:26:14 AM

We are sorry. The content you are looking for has either

expired or is unavailable tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Five Filters featured article: Text RSS, Term Extraction. The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available

Behavioral Data Bank Demdex Raises $6 Million Series A Erick Schonfeld (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:29:34 AM

Data is the lifeblood of the Web, but when it comes to advertising some of the most valuable data ends up all over the place. New York City startup Demdex captures behavioral data on behalf of Websites and advertisers and stores it in a “behavioral data bank.” The 14-employee company just raised $6 million in a series A financing, led by Shasta Ventures. Seed round investors First Round Capital and Genacast Ventures also participated, bringing the total capital raised by the startup so far to $7.5 million. Here’s how I described what the company does when it came out of stealth last December: They put all of this user profile data into a “behavioral data bank” and then score each user across more than 40 behavioral and demographic variables to come up with a “traitweight.” This number is supposed to be able to help websites segment their audiences better and advertisers target their messages

more exactly. . . . All of this behavioral data is currently locked away in black boxes inaccessible to the advertisers themselves or the Websites. If a big advertiser decides to switch technologies or ad networks, all that historical behavioral targeting data typically gets left behind. DemDex makes the data portable and puts it in the control of the Websites and advertisers themselves. They can plug it into whichever ad server or service they are currently using. Demdex wants to cash in on giving control of that behavioral data back to the advertisers and publishers on whose behalf it was originally collected. CrunchBase Information Demdex Shasta Ventures First Round Capital Information provided by CrunchBase

World News/ Featured/

E-reader News Edition


Jazz singer Lena Horne dies, aged 92 (World News from Times Online)

her become an enchanting nightclub performer who made Stormy Weather her signature Submitted at 5/10/2010 3:11:27 AM song. The entertainer Lena Horne, a During the Second World War show-stopping beauty who Horne refused to perform in battled racism in a frustrating front of segregated audiences effort to become Hollywood’s a n d i n s i s t e d o n b l a c k first black leading lady, has died servicemen being given better at the age of 92. seats then German PoWs. Her son-in-law Kevin Buckley By the 1960s she had become said that the jazz singer died last one of the most vocal celebrities night at a hospital in New York. in the civil rights movement Horne began her career as a 16- and once threw a lamp at a year-old dancer at the Cotton customer who made a racist Club and moved to Hollywood comment in a restaurant in in the late 1930s. While she Beverly Hills. She joined the never became a major movie march in Washington in 1963 star, she is credited with the day Martin Luther King breaking the ground for black gave his I Have A Dream actresses to get bigger roles in speech. Hollywood. She spoke alongside Medgar Horne was remarkably candid Evers, another civil rights about the underlying reason for leader, just days before he was her success. assassinated, and worked on “I was unique in that I was a behalf of the National Council kind of black that white people for Negro Women. could accept,” she once said. “I Known as the “Negro was their daydream. I had the Cinderella” early in her career, worst kind of acceptance she had a reputation for because it was never for how coldness and insecurity and her g r e a t I w a s o r w h a t I career frustrations led to contributed. It was because of b i t t e r n e s s . the way I looked.” With her big bright eyes, Horne had a stage persona that b r i l l i a n t s m i l e a n d l i g h t w a s m y s t e r i o u s , e l e g a n t , complexion, her biographer haughty and sexy and it helped J a m e s G a v i n s a i d t h a t

Hollywood considered Horne “as the Negro beautiful enough — in a Caucasian fashion — for white Americans to accept”. Until then, black women had usually been cast as servants or prostitutes — roles that Horne did not want. She appeared in scores of musicals in the 1940s, including Thousands Cheer, Broadway Rhythm, Two Girls and a Sailor, Ziegfeld Follies and Words and Music. Horne's first MGM movie was Panama Hattie in 1942, in which she sang Cole Porter's Just One of Those Things. She also directed two all-black movie musicals, both made in 1943. Many of her movie appearances in the 1940s and 1950s were relegated to songs that had no bearing on the plot and could easily be edited out for showings in the South, where white audiences might protest against the appearance of a black actress. Her first substantial movie role did not come until 1969 when she was a brothel madam and Richard Widmark’s lover in Death of a Gunfighter. Her only other movie role after that was as Glinda the Good Witch in The Wiz, the all-black

A pen for an iPad? (Scripting News) Submitted at 5/9/2010 12:14:09 PM

My friend is a cartoonist and

she got an iPad and loves it. She of course wants to draw cartoons with it. Drawing with a finger is too

funky. Anyone know if there's a way to hook up a pen for drawing?

adaptation of The Wizard of Oz. “I really hated Hollywood and I was very lonely,” Horne said in a Time magazine interview. “The black stars felt uncomfortable out there.” She moved back to her native New York and became a singing star in nightclubs and theatres and on television and won two Grammy Awards. In 1981 Horne had her greatest success, starring in a Broadway show called Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music, written especially for her. It won a Tony award and two Grammies for the soundtrack. She continued performing into her seventies and was still recording tracks in 2000. When Halle Berry became the first black woman to win the Best Actress Oscar in 2002, she cited Horne as a pioneer in Hollywood. "This moment is for Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Horne, Diahann Carroll ... It's for every nameless, faceless woman of colour who now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened," Berry said in her acceptance speech. Horne’s life was filled with contradictions. Despite being too dark for Hollywood

stardom, as a girl she was taunted by peers because of her light complexion. She campaigned for civil rights in the 1950s and 1960s but admitted that she had ulterior motives for marrying second husband Lennie Hayton, a white bandleader, in 1947 — she kept the marriage secret for three years because of racial pressures. “It was cold-blooded and deliberate,” she told Time. “I married him because he could get me into places a black man couldn’t. But I really learnt to love him. He was beautiful, just so damned good.” Horne and Mr Hayton were married until his death in 1971. Horne and her first husband, Louis Jones, had married in 1937 and divorced in 1944. They had a son, Teddy, who died of kidney problems. Horne is survived by her daughter, the writer Gail Lumet Buckley. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


World News/ Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

FBI travel to Pakistan as country’s Taleban blamed for Times Square attack (World News from Times Online)

first time the US has blamed the group, which has been operating with the backing of al-Qaeda Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:32:37 AM from Pakistan’s lawless tribal FBI investigators are due to region along the Afghan border, arrive in Pakistan after the US for the attack. said that the country’s Taleban John Brennan, President organisation had been behind Obama’s adviser on counterthe attempt to set off a bomb in terrorism, also warned that the Times Square. Pakistani authorities needed to Rehman Malik, the federal maintain pressure on all the Interior Minister, has said that terrorist groups operating from Pakistan would fully co-operate its soil. with the investigation into the “There are no militant or background of Faisal Shahzad, terrorist groups in Pakistan that who is in custody in New York should be allowed to continue after being arrested on a flight there”, Brennan said on Fox bound for Dubai. News. Eric Holder, the US Attorney- The FBI investigation team is General, said the evidence now due to land in Pakistan later this indicated that the alleged was a week. part of an operation plotted by Mr Shahzad, a Pakistan-born Tehrik-e-Taleban Pakistan. naturalised US citizen, was “We know that they helped arrested on May 3 and charged facilitate it,” Mr Holder told with trying to blow up a homeABC News. He said that Mr made bomb in Times Square Shahzad was working on the two days earlier. He faces five direction of the Taleban and counts, including attempting to received finance from it. use a weapon of mass The accusation represents the d e s t r u c t i o n .

Mr Shahzad, 30, has admitted to receiving explosives training in Waziristan, a Taleban stronghold. He spent five months in a militant camp during his last trip to Pakistan in 2009. Pakistan last week arrested several people in connection with its own investigation into the plot. According to Pakistani investigators Mr Shahzad went to Waziristan with Mohammed Rehan, an activist of Jaish-eMohammed, an al-Qaedabacked militant group. Most of its activists are now working with the Pakistani Taleban. Pakistani officials said that Mr Shahzad was believed to have received his training in a camp run by Qari Hussain, a master trainer of suicide bombers. In an audio tape message Hussain has claimed the responsibility for the attempted attack. The message came after a video statement by the Pakistani Taleban chief Hakimullah Mehsud who threatened to

launch a series of terrorist attacks in the United States. He warned that his fighters were already there. Mehsud, who was seriously injured in a CIA pilotless drone strike in January, is believed to be hiding in North Waziristan after fleeing the ongoing Pakistani military operation in neighbouring South Waziristan, the Taleban stronghold. Pakistan sent thousands of troops in the area in October 2009. There is now growing US pressure on Pakistan to launch a military operation in North Waziristan which, according to Pakistani and US security officials, has become the new main hub of Taleban, al-Qaeda and other militant factions. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

DocTranslator Translates Office Documents with Google and Keeps Formatting [Translation] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/10/2010 5:00:00 AM

Google's webapps can translate uploaded Microsoft Office documents, but with many caveats involving file sizes and HTML formatting. DocTranslator, a Java-powered webapp, runs your Office and text documents through Google Translate and sends them back with the same formatting. More » Google- Google TranslateTranslation- Microsoft OfficeCompanies

Nintendo chief: 3DS will have a 2D switch (CNET Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:27:55 AM

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World News/ Technology/ Culture/

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90 feared dead after Siberian mine blast (World News from Times Online)

worker, had been recovered as a large-scale search mission resumed. Submitted at 5/10/2010 7:06:41 AM He said that 30 teams of Rescuers were searching rescuers were searching “in all desperately for 59 people still directions” in the mine after missing in a Russian coal mine power and ventilation supplies today as the death toll from twin were restored following the methane blasts rose to 31. second explosion. But he Hopes were fading of finding cautioned that high methane survivors more than 450 metres levels and rising floodwater in u n d e r g r o u n d a t t h e the mine’s deepest shafts were Raspadskaya pit in Siberia, hampering their work, adding Russia’s largest underground that the rescue mission had 48 mine. Eighteen of the victims hours at most to find anyone have been rescuers who died in alive. the second explosion yesterday Raspadskaya has 370 after going in search of miners kilometres of tunnels. The trapped by the first blast late on explosion is the worst mine Saturday. disaster in Russia since 39 Twelve miners died and 71 people died at the Yubileynaya were hurt in that explosion as pit, also in Kemerovo, in May 3 7 0 p e o p l e w o r k e d 2007. underground at the mine in the Vladimir Putin, the Prime K e m e r o v o r e g i o n . S e r g e i Minister, acknowledged the S h o i g u , t h e E m e r g e n c y “clearly serious” situation in a Situations Minister, said that the video conference with rescue body of the 31st victim, a rescue chiefs yesterday as the rest of

Russia celebrated the 65th anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two. He ordered officials “not to sit on their hands”, adding: “We need to do everything possible to save the people.” Nearly 300 miners did escape or were rescued shortly after the blasts, the ministry said. State television showed miners in blood-stained clothes being led to ambulances for treatment as grief-struck relatives gathered for information about the missing. Many were preparing for the worst. Interfax news reported one relative appealing to rescuers: “Tell us the truth ... there’s likely no one alive.” More than 500 rescuers were taking part in the search mission at the mine near the city of Mezhdurechensk, which holds an estimated 450 million tons of coal reserves. Raspadskaya is part-owned by Evraz Group,

itself part-controlled by billionaire Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich. The mine company insisted that methane levels in the shafts had been normal immediately before the first blast. Vladimir Goryachkin, its deputy general director, said: “All instruments show methane levels were within the norm at the time of the explosion. At present, there could be many different versions of the cause of the accident.” A company source had earlier said there had been a sudden build-up of methane gas in the mine and that miners had had no time to escape before the explosion. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Dolphin Browser HD is a Great Android Browser Alternative [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/10/2010 6:00:00 AM

Android (2.0+): Dolphin was once the browser that gave Android pinch-to-zoom powers, and its original version still is. Its new "HD" release, however, adds a whole lot more: extensions, YouTube downloading, flick-based navigation, gesture launching, and more. More » Android- browser- ClientsZune HD- WWW

BlackBerry Pearl 3G scoops FCC approvals in two flavors Chris Ziegler (Engadget)

which is awfully nice of them. The phones you're looking at here are both operating on RIM thought it'd save everyone WCDMA Bands II and V, some time (us included) by which means they'll work bundling both the 14- and 20- swimmingly on Bell, Telus, key variants of its upcoming Rogers, and AT&T (though Pearl 3G in a single FCC filing, Telus and Rogers have both announced the 20-key version Submitted at 5/10/2010 11:33:00 AM

alone, and neither Bell nor AT&T have said a peep on the matter). At any rate -considering that RIM has promised a May release window -- we can't imagine it'll be long before we get the rest of the details (read: your move,

AT&T). BlackBerry Pearl 3G scoops FCC approvals in two flavors originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 10 May 2010 11:33:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| FCC| Email this| Comments


World News/ Technology/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

Farmer released after serving ten years for murder as ‘victim’ turns up alive (World News from Times Online)

unjustly.” She said that he had even showed her a scar on his forehead where police had hit Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:44:09 AM him with a gun. A Chinese farmer who served After his arrest, his wife also ten years of a 29-year sentence said that she had been tortured for murder has been released and finally confessed that plastic after the man he was supposed bags found around the headless t o h a v e k i l l e d , a n d t h e n body had come from her home. beheaded, turned up alive in In 1999, Zhao Zuohai was their home village in central g i v e n a s u s p e n d e d d e a t h China. sentence — later commuted to Zhao Zhensheng disappeared 29 years because of his good after a furious fight with Zhao behaviour. Zuohai in 1999. After Zhao But then, on April 30, the Zhensheng was reported missing missing Zhao Zhensheng, now a n d a h e a d l e s s b o d y w a s partially paralysed, turned up in discovered in a village well, the the village after an absence of local police put two and two ten years. He had run away after together and arrested his rival. the two men fought because he The two men are not related. feared he had inflicted such The sister of the jailed man said serious injuries on his enemy that he had only confessed to the that he might have died. He only crime after police torture — a returned to the village because not uncommon practice in China he was paralysed and needed to as police try to solve a crime claim basic welfare payments. and keep their record looking He expressed no remorse for good. She said: “My brother the fact that his rival had spent told me he was really treated ten years of his life in jail. Zhao

Lighter Spaghetti Bolognese (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime This lightened Italian classic Ministerial - The 2010 UK features a slowly simmered General Election. Available meat sauce that is rich, hearty, tools: PDF Newspaper, Full and delicious. Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Zhensheng told one newspaper: “He had such a bad temper. He needed a lesson somewhere, somehow.” However, Zhao Zuohai will receive some compensation for his decade-long wrongful imprisonment. The Henan provincial Higher People’s Court has awarded him $45,000 (£30,000) for the miscarriage of justice. It is far from being the first such case in China. In 2005 She Xianglin, a government worker, was compensated with $67,000 after serving 11 years in prison for murdering his wife. He was freed when his wife later returned to their hometown. She Xianglin said that he had been tortured into making a false confession. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

General Motors partners with mystery organization to bolster OnStar technology Sean Hollister (Engadget)

manufacturer might decide on. The big question, of course, is whether this mysterious partner Thought the Chevy Volt's might restrict smartphone OnStar apps were impressive? functionality to a particular You may not have to buy a Volt handset or carrier -- after all, to get them. General Motors when we think of cell phone says it would like to extend such manufacturers who've both infotainment beyond its flagship worked with GM and recently p l u g - i n h y b r i d , a n d h a s acquired automotive assets, one partnered with a undisclosed in particular comes to mind. tech firm to help make it [Thanks, Jub] happen. Speaking to CNN General Motors partners with Money, OnStar president Chris mystery organization to bolster Pruess teases that we could see OnStar technology originally some of Volt's features -- appeared on Engadget on Mon, remote locking, charging and 10 May 2010 10:11:00 EST. perhaps air conditioning options Please see our terms for use of -- on other OnStar automobiles, feeds. Permalink Autoblog| or even other ventures (the exec C N N M o n e y | E m a i l t h i s | says they're looking "beyond C o m m e n t s automotive") the auto Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:11:00 AM


E-reader News Edition


More Cyberbullying on Facebook, Social Sites than Rest of the Web Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb)

and tweens who are still learning how to use the Web properly, often with adult Thirty-two percent of online supervision. As they begin to teens have experienced some navigate social networks like form of harassment via the Facebook, MySpace and others, Internet, a problem also known they learn - sometimes the hard as "cyberbullying." According way - why it's not appropriate to to recent data, 15% of online post every thought that pops into teens have had private material their heads or upload every forwarded without permission, photo from a camera's SIM card. 13% have received threatening They learn that over-sharing can messages and 6% have had have real-world consequences. embarrassing photos posted And unfortunately, they learn without permission. that, just like in the real world, I n l i g h t o f t h e r e c e n t not everyone online is going to d i s c u s s i o n s s u r r o u n d i n g play nice. Cyberbullying Stats: Facebook and privacy issues, it's Social Networks are Hot Spots i m p o r t a n t t o n o t e t h a t Recent research on the topic of Facebook's new push towards cyberbullying pulls together becoming a more open, public data from Amanda Lenhart from network won't just have an the Pew Internet Project, UNH's effect on an adult population C r i m e s A g a i n s t C h i l d r e n concerned with worries of Research Center, the work of " f r i e n d i n g " b o s s e s a n d Internet Solutions for Kids as colleagues or adjusting the well as research by professors p r i v a c y s e t t i n g s o n t h e i r Sameer Hinduja and Justin children's photos - it will affect Patchin and is summed up in a the children themselves, as well slideshow presentation available as teens and young adults, all of here on SlideShare. which combined make up over a It contains some unsettling quarter of the social networks' facts: user base. • Girls are harassed more often: Sponsor 38% reported some form of As of last summer, those 17 or online harassment. u n d e r m a d e u p 9 . 8 % o f • Social network users are more Facebook's population and those l i k e l y t o r e p o t o n l i n e aged 18-24 accounted for harassment: 39% experience it 25.1%. Within these two groups • The majority (59%) of are actual children- the teens harassment comes from other Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:36:46 AM

minors. Cyberbullying 2010: What the Research Tells Us While some may argue that dealing with bullies is just part of growing up, there are reasons to worry. Bullying is often associated with school violence, delinquency and even suicide. Bullied teens and sometimes even the bullies themselves have higher levels of depression and other psychological problems, substance abuse, delinquency, weapon-carrying, poor parent/caregiver relationships and offline victimization and/or abuse. So What Does This Have to do with Facebook? In December, Facebook began a major push to open up people's profiles and make the network more public. Although originally pitched to college teens and later to high school students as a private way to connect with friends where mom, dad, teachers and bosses couldn't find you, the social network grew over the years to not only allow those adults in, but it has created a culture where it's now appropriate to friend the boss and the parents,

too. Earlier this year, Facebook's push for openness went even further, allowing for revamped profiles where all your interests are public, everything you "like" is public and certain websites are allowed to immediately tap into your data for "instant personalization." The problem with all these changes is not only that they've come so quickly people are unable to keep up, but also the way they've been introduced to users. Facebook prompts you to accept a change, a recommendation of new privacy settings for example, and you do so. Usually without reading the fine print. And the fine print reads - to paraphrase - everything you do is now public! For teens and tweens who clicked through on the network's "recommendations" without understanding what they meant, the impact to their online social lives will be broad. All of a sudden, they can read others' Facebook Wall posts and browse through their photos, they can see who friended who and who said what. They've essentially been given an allaccess pass to the fodder needed for rumor-mongering, gossip and slam-book style attacks reimagined for an Internet age.

But Teens are More Tech Savvy, Right? The New York Times claims that today's young generation is becoming more net-savvy, and is learning how to protect themselves online. Cited in the article was another Pew study that notes that people ages 18-29 are more apt to monitor their online privacy settings, like those on Facebook, than older adults. But measuring a propensity to monitor settings isn't the same as measuring those that actually do. The figures that may paint a more accurate picture of how teens and young adults behave online come from a different study. Eszter Hargittai, a researcher at Northwestern University, found that the generation we've happily dubbed the "digital natives" isn't necessarily all that digitally savvy. In other words, just because teens are more adapt at using the Web and Facebook, etc., that doesn't make them better at it than the rest of the online population. This finding was also backed up via a recent article in The Economist, which quotes Sue Bennett of the University of Wollongong, who had set out to debunk the whole idea of the soMORE page 22



E-reader News Edition

Google Offers Lip Service Response to Privacy Commissioners Mike Melanson (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:48:58 AM

Last month, leaders from 10 countries co-authored a letter to Google criticizing the company's handling of privacy concerns when rolling out new technologies. On Friday, Google sent a response to that letter, which it identified as an "invitation to us to reiterate our core commitments to privacy". Google's response does little to address the primary concerns put forth in that original letter, but reads more like a public relations form-letter on the company's privacy practices. Sponsor In its response, Google says that it has five privacy principles that describe how it approaches "privacy and user information": • Use information to provide our users with valuable products and services. • Develop products that reflect strong privacy standards and practices. • Make the collection of personal information

MORE continued from page 21

called "digital natives." There may "as much variation within the digital native generation as transparent. sidelined in the rush to introduce between the generations," she • Give users meaningful new technologies to online says, referring to the group's choices to protect their privacy. audiences around the world." It overall digital savvy. • Be a responsible steward of noted that Google Buzz was not The take-home advice here? the information we hold. an isolated case, with similar When Facebook makes a radical concern among users that their concerns being raised in several change to online privacy, the The letter then points to Google personal information was being countries over Google Street youngest users of the network the ones who haven't even fully Dashboard as one of Google's disclosed. Google automatically View. "industry-leading tools to assigned users a network of Google's response to this? Of developed coping mechanisms provide users with greater "followers" from among people course we do not get everything for dealing with life's obstacles transparency and control." with whom they corresponded 100% right -- that is why we are going to be heavily affected. A c c o r d i n g t o G o o g l e , most often on Gmail, without acted so quickly on Google They may, in fact, be even more Dashboard was launched just six adequately informing Gmail B u z z f o l l o w i n g t h e u s e r affected than an adult who can grasp how to deal with the months ago and is accessed by users about how this new f e e d b a c k w e r e c e i v e d . around 100,000 unique visitors a service would work or providing Overall, Google's response fallout of a privacy breach or day, with 85% of those being sufficient information to permit reads as a laundry list of online embarrassment. Instead of first time visitors. informed consent decisions. locations where the company opting for retaliation, delving The original letter to Google, This violated the fundamental e i t h e r s p e a k s t o p r i v a c y into depression, turning to h o w e v e r , s p e c i f i c a l l y principle that individuals should concerns or allows users to drugs, or, in the worse case condemned the Buzz launch and be able to control the use of control their privacy settings, scenario, choosing suicide, a made a series of requests of their personal information. but does little to directly address bullied, harassed or embarrassed Google in future dealings. The Users instantly recognized the the concerns voiced by the 10 adult, will likely find other ways privacy problems associated threat to their privacy and the data protection commissioners. to cope. (Close their account, with your initial global rollout security of their personal Will its next product launch apologize, set a meeting with of Google Buzz on February 9, i n f o r m a t i o n , a n d w e r e publicly expose our search the boss to explain, etc.). Teens, 2010 were serious and ought to understandably outraged. To histories, so long as we are tweens and other young adults have been readily apparent to your credit, Google apologized p r o v i d e d " w i t h v a l u a b l e may not have the wherewithal to you. and moved quickly to stem the products and services"? Not make these sort of choices. And In essence, you took Google damage. getting everything 100% right is Facebook, the network that was Mail (Gmail), a private, one-to- In addition to its critique of the very different from obviously once their champion, now one web-based e-mail service, Buzz rollout, the letter asserted exposing private information for seemingly doesn't appear to care. Discuss and converted it into a social t h a t " P r i v a c y c a n n o t b e all the world to see. Discuss networking service, raising


E-reader News Edition

TechStars Graduate Localytics Raises $700K For Mobile App Analytics Suite Robin Wauters (TechCrunch)

support for location services, custom chart templates and export APIs for integrating Mobile app analytics provider report on Blackberry usage mobile analytics data with other Localytics, a graduate of the during the workday, which enterprise reporting packages. 2009 TechStars Boston class, Its Enterprise service is terribly unsurprisingly came in h a s s c o r e d higher than was the case for available as a fully hosted or a approximately$700,000 in iPhone owners. Or perhaps from licensed first-party software funding to add to the $18,000 it its report on iPhone app usage, solution, and supports other had already received from which it claims surges around platforms aside from those listed TechStars as part of the above (e.g. Palm webOS or 9PM on weeknights. program. Localytics gets that type of data Symbian). The funding, which will be f r o m i t s m o b i l e a n a l y t i c s After taking part in the 2009 formally announced tomorrow, solution, which it offers in two class of TechStars in Boston, is the company’s first ‘real’ distinct flavors. One is the Localytics was chosen to be an round and was led by Boston‘Community’ product, which is inaugural resident at Polaris based Launchpad Venture free of charge and providers app Ventures’ Dogpatch Labs in Group in tandem with New developers and publishers with Cambridge, MA. The company York Angels. r e a l - t i m e r e p o r t s o n h o w claims its customer base has Avi Fogel of Majorlee customers use their applications expanded rapidly since, with Investments and a member of on Android, Blackberry, iPad end-user reach growing 50% per both Launchpad and NY and iPhone devices. The product month, according to CEO Raj Angels, will be joining the can be used to monitor basic Aggarwal. company’s board of directors. usage, but also custom events, Be that as it may, the fledgling Fogel comes with over 20 years and enables publishers to startup faces stiff competition of investment and board dynamically generate custom f r o m a l a r g e n u m b e r o f experience: as an entrepreneur segments and chart results with companies, including Medialets, the man has had six successful hourly granularity. You can see Flurry, Pinch Media, Motally exits already, most recently as and Mobclix. a demo here. Chairman and CEO of CrunchBase Information Launched in late April, the ProActivity, which was acquired Localytics Information provided ‘Enterprise’ version of its by EMC. by CrunchBase software suite builds on the It’s possible you remember the Community version, adding name Localytics from its recent Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:07:50 AM


Printing coming to iPad? (CNET Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:12:21 AM

Report offensive content: If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed. Select type of offense: Offensive: Sexually explicit or offensive language Spam: Advertisements or

commercial links Disruptive posting: Flaming or offending other users Illegal activities: Promote cracked software, or other illegal content Comments(optional): Report Cancel Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Is HP Launching a Tablet With Palm's webOS? Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

With the iPad selling over a million in less than a month, an Several sources have reported alternative would at least get an that Palm has ditched its interested examination by the Windows 7 tablet, Slate, and is public. Whether the webOS will now tuning up a new tablet that translate into a usable tablet is will run the Palm webOS. another story. The Windows 7The new tablet, to be possibly based tablet was apparently a introduced in Q3, is code-named juice hog in the extreme. Hurricane and will run on Maybe the Hurricane will be as Palm's mobile operating system. fast as its namesake. Or maybe HP bought Palm for $1.2 billion it will just blow through and last month. leave a mess behind. Discuss Sponsor Submitted at 5/9/2010 10:30:00 PM


Technology/ Products/

E-reader News Edition

WiGig group opens way to gigabit wireless devices (CNET

suitable for bandwidth-heavy tasks such as streaming video and audio, meaning consumers Wireless devices that run at would be able to use it to speeds in gigabits rather than connect an array of devices in megabits have been given the the living room or home office, green light to hit the consumer such as PCs, TVs, Blu-ray market. players, game consoles, T h e W i r e l e s s G i g a b i t handheld devices, and home Alliance(WiGig) announced networks. Monday that its 60GHz multi- To further cement the push for gigabit wireless technology is high-speed wireless, the WiGig now available for member A l l i a n c e a l s o a n n o u n c e d companies to start turning out Monday an agreement with the products that use the new high- Wi-Fi Alliance, a nonprofit speed standard. wireless industry group whose O p e r a t i n g a t t h e u n u s e d goal is to ensure that different frequency of 60GHz, the WiGig wireless products can talk to standard can theoretically each other. The two groups will deliver speeds of up to 7 share technology specifications gigabits per second (Gbps), to create a certification program more than 10 times faster than that can push the development the current 802.11n Wi-Fi, or of new Wi-Fi products operating Wireless N, rate. in the 60GHz frequency. Finalized last December, The WiGig Alliance is also WiGig is not meant to replace looking for manufacturers to existing Wi-Fi technology but create triband WiGig products rather complement it. Though that can operate in the 2.4GHz, WiGig will be faster than 5 G H z , a n d 6 0 G H z b a n d s . traditional Wi-Fi, its range will Existing Wi-Fi technology uses be shorter. WiGig's speed is t h e 2 . 4 G H z a n d 5 G H z expected to make the standard frequencies, so triband WiGig Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:35:50 AM

devices will be compatible with current Wi-Fi devices. "Now that our specification is complete and published, it's time to set our sights on driving a great user experience through interoperability and certification," WiGig Alliance's president and chairman, Ali Sadri, said in a statement. "We are happy to work with the WiFi Alliance to extend multigigabit capabilities to the Wi-Fi technology portfolio." Formed a year ago to promote the need for faster speed connections between different wireless devices, the Wireless Gigabit Alliance counts Intel, Dell, Microsoft, Nokia, and Samsung among the members of its board of directors. Networking powerhouse Cisco Systems recently joined as a board member. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Man Found Guilty After Twitter Joke About Blowing Up An Airport Mike Butcher (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:51:10 AM

A man who threatened on Twitter to blow up Doncaster airport has been found guilty of sending a "menacing electronic communication". He is thought to be the first person in the UK country to have been arrested for comments on Twitter. He is now the first person to be found guilty for being "menacing" on Twitter. On January 6 Paul Chambers joked on Twitter"Robin Hood airport is closed," he wrote. "You've got a week and a bit to get your shit

Convertibles - from Consumer Reports Press Room (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/9/2010 9:00:59 PM

Convertibles - from Consumer

Reports Drop-top versions of three popular high-rated sedans make up the group of four-seat convertibles Consumer Reports tested for the May issue.

Convertible - CR Podcast Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and

reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

together, otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!!" He was annoyed that snowfall threatened to delay his plans to travel to Ireland on January 15.

Technology/ Economy/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Management Shuffle At AOL’s Legal Department (And A New CTO) Robin Wauters (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:49:13 AM

AOL‘s chief legal officer Ira Parker, who has taken up that role since 2006, is transitioning to an advisory role at the company. Replacing him at the helm is Julie M. Jacobs, who joined the company back in 2000 and is now being promoted to Executive Vice President and General Counsel at AOL. The company also finally appointed a new chief technology officer, Alexander Gounares, who will lead all aspects of AOL’s technology strategy, platform development and external technology partnerships, as well as play a key leadership role in the overall strategy and direction of the company. Julie Jacobs will oversee all AOL’s legal affairs, manage its legal department and provide counsel to senior management on a range of issues. In this role, she will report directly to Chairman and CEO Tim Armstrong, as will Gounares. Jacobs most recently served as Senior Vice President and

Deputy General Counsel, where she managed all the corporate and transactional legal work for the company including securities law compliance, corporate governance, M&A and commercial transactions. Ira Parker, who is stepping down as chief legal officer, played an instrumental role in leading AOL through the 10month process of spinning off from Time Warner back in the day, Armstrong said in a statement. His signing off is timely, as the company hosted its very first shareholder meeting as the newly independent AOL just last week. Gounares, AOL’s new CTO, joins from Microsoft where he

was a Corporate VP and Chief Technology Officer for Microsoft’s Online Services Division. He also served for three years as Technology Advisor to Microsoft Chairman and founder Bill Gates, as well as Corporate Vice President of Corporate Strategy in Microsoft’s Finance Department. He will join AOL on May 13. He succeeds Ted Cahall, whose departure was announced previously. There’s been a lot of churn in AOL’s executive and employee ranks since Tim Armstrong became CEO. Recently, Mike Rich, the senior VP in charge of AOL Entertainment (which includes AOL Music, Moviefone, and AOL Television), departed. He joined a growing list of the old guard leaving the company ( Bill Wilson, David Liu, Grant Cerny) in the wake of Armstrong’s new hires. CrunchBase Information AOL Information provided by CrunchBase


Rollercoaster (The Economist: Daily news and views) Submitted at 5/10/2010 4:49:31 AM

European government bonds The European Union financialstability package has calmed markets May 10th 2010 | From The Economist online THE European Union Council and its member states have agreed on a financial-stability package of up to €500 billion ($633 billion) to prevent a run on euro-zone countries with rickety public finances. The emergency fund consists of €60 billion of support financed by EU bonds, and €440 billion of loan guarantees from the euro area. The IMF may provide a further slug of assistance worth €220 billion. Separately on

Sunday 9th May, Greece received a €30 billion loan from the IMF to help avoid a sovereign default, part of a three -year joint EU financing package. Markets responded positively. On Monday morning European stockmarkets enjoyed a rally and yields on two-year Greek government bonds fell by more than half. The euro strengthened against the dollar to $1.30, after falling to $1.27 on Friday, a 14-month low. Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Build a Simple Workbench for a Spacious Standing Desk [DIY] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/10/2010 6:30:00 AM

If you've considered buying a standing desk but you're put off by the price and the small amount of usable desk space you should check out this DIY standing desk built from workbench pieces. More » Do it yourself- Help Desk-

Recreation- Home and GardenRecreation and Sports


Technology/ Culture/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

DOE funds to stretch solar power via salt storage Superfast Vegetarian (CNET

operates using molten salt. Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, which developed the molten-salt The Department of Energy is solar storage technology now funding a series of projects that being used by start-up marry concentrating solar power SolarReserve, will test different with storage, which offers the materials and a more efficient potential of solar power plants power-conversion cycle. that operate 18 hours a day. The other 10 projects, which The DOE said Friday that it has received funds ranging from made$62 million available to 13 $2.1 million to $4.5 million, are companies to test equipment and "feasibility studies" with the materials, such as molten salts, goal of creating prototypes for to add storage to solar power concentrating solar power systems that use heat to produce products that can generate electricity. baseload power, or a steady An Abengoa Solartower in supply at times of high demand. Europe.(Credit: Abengoa) Different storage materials, Concentrating solar power, in such as heated solids and sulfur, which the sun's heat creates will be tested. Also, the research steam to drive an electricity is aimed at lowering the cost of turbine, is seeing a renaissance covering the peak times of which could improve the overall concentrating solar power with because it can be used for large- electricity usage. output for a given land area. low-cost production techniques scale power plants in deserts. The top three recipients are S o l a r t o w e r d e s i g n s u s e or alternative components. Adding storage can extend the Abengoa Solar, eSolar, and Pratt heliostats, or mirrors that track Five Filters featured article: t i m e t h e s e p l a n t s s u p p l y & Whitney Rocketdyne, each of the sun, to reflect light onto a The Art of Looking Prime electricity to the grid and can which received more than $10 tower to heat a liquid. Ministerial - The 2010 UK p o t e n t i a l l y i m p r o v e t h e million for molten-salt research. eSolar's project will seek to General Election. Available economics of solar versus fossil Abengoa Solar is already build components for smaller, tools: PDF Newspaper, Full fuels. operating a solar storage facility distributed solar towers to heat Text RSS, Term Extraction. The DOE's target is to extend and will test a solar tower that molten salt. It will also test an the output of concentrating solar operates at a higher temperature, e l e c t r i c i t y g e n e r a t o r t h a t power systems to 18 hours, Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:13:00 AM

(Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

This chili is heavy on the sweet and tangy flavor of tomatoes, with both diced and paste, but it also boasts four different kinds of beans. The unusual addition of Worcestershire sauce (if you're a strict vegetarian or vegan, make sure to use a v e g e t a r i a n version) brings great meaty flavor to the chili. Serve with jalapeĂąo cornbread or over cooked spaghetti, Cincinnatistyle. View Recipe: Jane's Vegetarian Chili Next Seared Tofu with Gingered Vegetables Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Use Gift Cards to Shop at Costco Without a Membership [Shopping] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/10/2010 5:30:00 AM

You might find some good

deals and bulk rates at Costco, but not find the minimum $50 per year membership not quite worth it. Buying a Costco Cash Card in any amount gives you a

shot at the big-box savings. More Âť Costco- Business- Costco Cash Card- Shopping- Recreation

Technology/ Economy/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Oversharers, Rejoice! Now You Really Can Cc:Everybody (500 Invites) Erick Schonfeld (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:23:19 AM

One of the few places you can still have a private conversation online is in email. But now you can publish any email on the Web with a new service called Cc:Everybody. As the name implies, if you Cc your Cc:Everybody account on an email, the whole thread goes up on the Web, where it will resemble a forum post. Any further back and forth on that email that includes the Cc:Everybody address will be added to the thread. People who visit the page can add their own comments. The service is in private beta. We have 500 invites for TechCrunch readers. Enter the following invite code when prompted: techcrunch-invite Many people will be horrified at the prospect of yet more

oversharing. Others will rejoice. The idea behind the service is that sometimes people put a lot of work into their emails and share a lot of valuable information, which is usually only ever seen by a few other people. By putting it online, it can be shared with everyone—or at least with the search engines that will find your knowledge, and index it. Identifying emails and phone numbers are automatically crossed out, and whoever publishes the email can edit out other personal details. Many people still prefer to express themselves via email. Now when they write a long, detailed email they feel is brilliant and not too personal, they can instantly publish it simply by adding their

Cc:Everybody account to the Cc: field of the email. For instance, here is my account, and here my reply to Cc:Everybody’s founder Ran Geva. (He is also the CEO of forum search engine Omgili, which I wrote about here). These are probably not the best examples, since my reply was one line. But I can see people taking a great email exchange and publishing it this way. I can also see this getting ugly very fast. People using it to publish personal emails from spurned lovers or mean bosses. You get the idea. Every time the barrier to publish on the Web is lowered, so are the standards of what gets published. I wonder how much spam will find its way onto Cc:Everybody, or frustrating exchanges with customer service departments.


Trader Walks Through Thursday's Action And Finds Very Strange Action Well Before The Crash Courtney Comstock (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:53:00 AM

One (lucky?) trader who didn't have any trade logs that day, and who blogs regularly, has a video of what his trades did, on their own, on Thursday. (He didn't feel good in the morning so he just sat out the whole day.) The overwhelming trend he noticed is that funds on BlackRock, Vanguard, and some close-end, creditallocation funds spiked in volume and then sold off very quickly quit a bit of time before the market sell-off.

The trader focuses a lot on a number of funds in which he says he saw very irregular volume on 5/6 well before the market crashed (like nothing he's ever seen before, apparently). In a number of different funds' stocks, he sees no volume intraday and then all of a sudden around two, volume spikes. Then around half past two, there was a big sell off. He says he's not speculating so we won't either. Just watch this interesting video: (Via Investor's Hub) Join the conversation about this story »

Cutest Pet of the Day: Napa Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:00:00 AM

Napa is precious. Thanks to Susy for submitting! Each

day we will post an adorable picture or video of some of the world's cutest pets. Send your furry friends to and you might just see them on the site!

VOTE for your favorites here

using our new Cute Pet Face-Off tool. Ten winners will receive a Harry Barker collar and leash set from! For official rules click here. Five Filters featured article:

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Technology/ Culture/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

How Darwin's Finches and API's Are Top 10 Tips for Buying Connected in the Post 20th Century Your First Home Economy (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

Alex Williams (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:00:15 AM

A lot get said about the economic value of API's but few have illustrated it as well as Sam Ramji did last week at Web 2.0 in San Francisco. Ramji, vice president of strategy at Sonoa Systems, used his presentation at the Web 2.0 conference to compare Darwin's theories about finches to the 20th century economy and the rise of API's. Sponsor Darwin's Finches, 20th Century Business, and APIs Darwin made the connection between adaption and evolution by studying the finches on the Galápagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands are a remote place. As Ramji points out, the finches that survived were the ones who adapted best to the severe environmental pressures of the islands hey inhabited. Much is true for the evolution

of 20th century business. In the early 20th century, the economy operated through a direct model. With the evolution of the business economy came a network effect that lead to new channels for physical goods. This shift in the economy meant the emergence of supply chains and ecosystems that ran on infrastructures made of roads, railways and flight paths. Then the Internet emerged. The Web arrived about 15 years ago. People and the businesses where they worked went online with their own Web sites. Today, the infrastructure is far

serious bill. This is probably one of the biggest purchases you'll Noisy neighbors upstairs? Sick ever make, so instead of making deeper with API's connecting of living in mom and dad's an impulse buy (like that pair of loosely joined networks. These basement? Or just want to take designer jeans you just bought), API's represent a new indirect part in the American Dream? arm yourself with research and a economy where business is Whatever your reason for few quality advisers. It can be conducted t h r o u g h wanting your own home, taking the difference between years of i n t e r c o n n e c t e d s e r v i c e s . the leap can be both exciting loving the home you're in versus Ramji:"I believe that we're and daunting. Yet, according to wondering how long until you going through such a surge right a National Association of can look for your next one. now as the early versions of the Realtors survey, you're not Take a look at these 10 tips to web - designed for people using alone; the number of first-time get you started on your way to browsers - gives way to the next homebuyers was about 47 real estate bliss. version: using APIs to design percent of all home sales in Five Filters featured article: the web for people using 2 0 0 9 [ s o u r c e : N a t i o n a l The Art of Looking Prime applications that communicate A s s o c i a t i o n o f R e a l t o r s ] . Ministerial - The 2010 UK on their behalf in complex ways While thoughts of white picket General Election. Available to the services that make up the fences and granite countertops tools: PDF Newspaper, Full world's businesses." might be dancing in your head, Text RSS, Term Extraction. Ramji is planning to do a voice you don't want to be carried off over for his slides. But I think by a dream and left holding a you will get the picture once you go through his deck. We are just at the beginning of this wave. Ramji puts the issues in perspective to form a context for the importance of API's and why they so well represent cloud computing and its importance in the shaping of a new economy. Discuss

Foods for Women (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

The first step in any healthy diet is eating a balanced variety of foods, so everyone should

start there. But for women, s c i e n c e is showing that there are some foods that can help ward off osteoporosis, heart disease,

breast cancer, and even tone down a hot flash or two. Find seven “wonder women” foods and recipes to get them cooking in

your kitchen. General Election. Available Next Tomatoes tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Five Filters featured article: Text RSS, Term Extraction. The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Nintendo: Apple is 'enemy of the future' Chris Rawson (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Gaming, iPhone Only two months ago, the official word from gaming giant Nintendo was that they weren't worried about competition from Apple. But according to Times Online, Nintendo's president, Satoru Iwata, has instructed his subordinates to consider Nintendo victorious over Sony. Instead, Nintendo now considers Apple its "enemy of the future." Iwata's remarks come as no surprise given the downturn in sales of Nintendo's consoles. Sales of the Wii are down nearly 21 percent year over year, and the company's net profits have seen an almost identical decline. While Nintendo hasn't been selling either the Wii or the DS as technological powerhouses, Times Online correctly notes that both platforms are starting

Submitted at 5/10/2010 7:00:00 AM

Dario Benuzzi is the chief test driver at Ferrari. As such, he gets to do cool things like flog the 670-horsepower Ferrari 599 GTO around the Mugello Circuit in Italy. Ferrari didn’t say anything

10 Romantic Getaways (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is a many-splendored thing. Love is blind. Love is a battlefield. OK, OK. We know what love is. But the question is: Where is it? Every year, millions of people jet all over the globe trying to find love: in rustic wine cellars, on tropical beaches, in dimly lit restaurants. In 2009, 1.7 million to show their age. It's only a companies to sell their wares, of honeymooning couples spent matter of time before the course. Nintendo has a singular more than $8.3 billion seeking iPhone, iPod, and iPad catch up focus as a games maker, while out the most romantic places on t o o r e v e n s u r p a s s t h e Apple seems to be taking a page Earth [source: BAA]. And that's capabilities of Nintendo's from Sony in becoming a more just newlyweds! Add to this offerings unless Nintendo g e n e r a l i z e d c o n s u m e r number those who are dating, introduces new hardware, and electronics company. Apple's celebrating anniversaries, or soon. recent focus on gaming on its simply rekindling old flames, There's more than enough room p o r t a b l e s i s r e p o r t e d l y and that adds up to a lot of i n t h e m a r k e t f o r b o t h something that Steve Jobs candlelight dinners and moonlight boat rides. So where are the most romantic places to go? Well, the list is about the test, but it doesn’t have all the luck. Ferrari's Got a New GTO about as long as those walks on matter. The siren song of that Videos: Ferrari sweet V12 is all we need to See Also: Five Filters featured article: the beach at sunset, but here are hear. The first vid starts with The Art of Looking Prime 10 recommendations for you slow pans of the car and there’s • Video: Ride Along With Ministerial - The 2010 UK and that special someone. no sound until Bennuzzi gets in, Ferrari's New King of the 'Ring General Election. Available Five Filters featured article: hits the start button and takes • Videos: Ferrari's Awesome tools: PDF Newspaper, Full The Art of Looking Prime off. The second video (after the 599 GTO Explained Text RSS, Term Extraction. Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available jump) is in-car footage of • Videos: Behold the Ferrari tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Benuzzi’s drive. 599 GTO In All Its Glory Text RSS, Term Extraction. He’s paid to do that. Some guys • Start Buying Lotto Tickets:

Video: Ferrari 599 GTO on the Track Chuck Squatriglia (Wired Top Stories)

himself embraced with reluctance. Not only is it unlikely that Apple's portables will kill off Nintendo, it's unlikely that Apple even wants to do so. Personally, I was worried about Nintendo's prognosis when they were dismissing Apple out of hand; now that the company seems committed to taking Apple seriously as a competitor, Nintendo's future looks a lot rosier to me. [Via MacRumors] TUAW Nintendo: Apple is 'enemy of the future' originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 10 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



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MacBook Air updates imminent? Chris Rawson (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: MacBook Air Via "a well-placed source familiar with Apple inventory levels and product refreshes," the Australian version of Macworld has discovered that MacBook Air updates may arrive as early as this week. Their source found a new product number in Apple's database, MC516LL/A K87 BETTER BTR-USA. Macworld notes that the "BETTER" portion of the product code means it's likely to be a new Mac, rather than the 27 -inch displays that have also been rumored recently. The MacBook Air is long overdue for an update to its hardware, having last been refreshed in June of 2009. Aside from a CPU bump (almost certainly sticking with Core 2 Duo), increase to 4 GB for the

Joaquin Phoenix Shows Off His Back and Allegedly Bares All in Casey Affleck's "Mocumentary" Molly (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:45:00 AM

base RAM, and an increase in hard drive/SSD capacity, I'd expect to see the glass trackpad make its debut on the MacBook Air as well. Currently, the MacBook Air the only Apple notebook that still has a separate button for the trackpad. I also wouldn't be surprised to see the NVIDIA GeForce 320M replace the previous model's NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, assuming Apple found a way to cram the newer GPU onto the MacBook Air's tiny logic board. One more feature that would be nice, but that I'm not holding my breath for, is a price drop -- since the release of the iPad, the MacBook Air seems like even

Joaquin Phoenix gave a peek at his shirtless back as he tried to more of a niche product than it take off his top layer out on a was before. Several thousand of these units walk with his dogs in LA are reportedly on their way to yesterday. The clean-shaven Australia, so you can pretty actor has emerged back on the much bet the farm that you'll be scene in recent months, leaving seeing a "Store is Down!" post lots of fans wondering what to from us sometime early Tuesday make of last year's bizarre bearded behavior. Now, he and morning. TUAW MacBook Air updates h i s b r o t h e r - i n - l a w C a s e y imminent? originally appeared Affleck are apparently shopping o n T h e U n o f f i c i a l A p p l e around the movie they made Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 10 about the time period and it's M a y 2 0 1 0 1 0 : 0 0 : 0 0 E S T . left early viewers unsure as ever Please see our terms for use of about whether everything was real or a hoax. The film called feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| I’m Still Here: The Lost Year of Joaquin Phoenix allegedly Comments includes lots of drug use, full frontal male nudity, his attempt at a rap career and of course that

infamous Letterman appearance. It sounds unclear whether this movie will ever be released, but there are certainly a lot of people out there who would like a peek behind the scenes at Joaquin's interesting journey. To see more of Joaquin, just read more. View 10 Photos ›

Heidi Klum Breaks Out Another Bikini For Mother's Day and Anniversary Kisses With Seal Molly (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/10/2010 7:00:00 AM

Heidi Klum, Seal, and their family had double duty celebrating this weekend in Mexico since it was both Mother's Day and their anniversary! The couple made

their fifth annual bash extra special - about 80 of their loved ones came to the ceremony dressed as brides and grooms for the "wedding themed" wedding. Heidi kicked off the vacation by slipping into one bikini on Thursday and was spotted in this a few sweet kisses with Seal in black one on Friday. She shared

between taking care of Lou, course for these two, costumes. Johan, Henry, and Leni. Another time, Heidi and Seal coordinated their salmon-colored cover-up To see more of Heidi and Seal's and swim trunks for a trip to the anniversary weekend, just read pool. Heidi and Seal aren't the more. only stars who renew their vows View 15 Photos › every year, but they certainly like to do it with style and of

Technology/ Culture/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

Seven ways the iPad is a boon for book lovers

Slouchy Sisters

Megan Lavey (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:23:07 AM

Filed under: iPad Fellow TUAW blogger Michael Grothaus gave us his take on utilizing the iPad as an ebook reader over the weekend. It's is a good look into some of the down sides of ebook readers like the iPad, Kindle, Sony Reader, et. al. I'm the type of bibliophile that reads a lot of different things at once. I'll be reading a couple of novels, along with several volumes of manga, at a time -- going back and forth as I feel like reading the particular book. While I do agree that traditional books aren't going anywhere soon, there are some rather big positives the iPad does bring to the literary world. Easy access to public-domain literature. I am in the process of launching a webcomic that requires a lot of research on literature that's already in the public domain, such as "The Wizard of Oz" with a few swipes. I had the initial book in the series, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz," on my iPad and read it over the course of a few (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

SD: I am loving the slouchy waists and paper-bag denims...but don't they only work on skinny minnies? What about the fuller-figured gal? JZ: I love the whole tomboy look happening right now. And I think that’s a look that works on any body shape. All these men’s -inspired silhouettes with the slouchy waists and straight leg trousers look so flattering on everyone, especially with something a big more fitted on top. I am so crazy about this look right now—as long as the girls don’t steal it from my closet! SD: I guess it's a whole Kate

Submitted at 5/10/2010 11:00:00 AM

hours. Being a Kindle graduate, I found the process fairly easy and quickly loaded up some other titles onto the iPad. Of course, many of these are available for most ereaders thanks to Project Gutenberg. Presenting old classics in a new form. I encourage anyone with an iPad to try out the sample of this interactive version of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It is simply superb, and really shows the

possibilities of what the iPad can do for reading. Another example is The Elements, one of the initial iPad apps that got raves and with good reason. TUAW Seven ways the iPad is a boon for book lovers originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 10 May 2010 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


Hepburn-meets Huckleberry Finn kind-of-thing... JZ: Who doesn’t want to look and dress like Kate Hepburn? SD: If you are under thirty and have no idea who we are referring to, then HIT GOOGLE IMAGE asap! SHOP THESE JEANS Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan!

Staff Favorites: Quick Dinners (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

uses ground round and raw peppers. "My go to meal is taco salad View Recipe: Quick Taco Salad made with ground chicken or Next Spicy Lemon Trout turkey. Top with onion, sautéed Five Filters featured article: bell pepper, reduced-fat sour The Art of Looking Prime c r e a m , Ministerial - The 2010 UK and tomato.”—Tiffany Vickers General Election. Available Davis, Associate Test Kitchen tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Director Text RSS, Term Extraction. Check out this salad for a similar version to Tiffany's that



E-reader News Edition

Canonical shows off 'Unity' desktop, Ubuntu Light for OEMs Donald Melanson (Engadget)

touch-based devices, including a pared-down interface and a new panel and application launcher Linux development moves at a that gives you quick access to rapid pace and, faster than you your favorite apps. The other can say Lucid Lynx, Canonical big news is Ubuntu Light, which has now unveiled two new is Canonical's take on an instant major additions to its Ubuntu -on OS, and is targeted directly bag of tricks. The first of those at OEMs for use on netbooks is the so-called "Unity" desktop, and other mobile devices. While which will be the new desktop it can be used on its own, environment for Ubuntu 10.10 Canonical mostly sees it being Netbook Edition (slated to debut used in a dual-boot environment in October of this year). Among w i t h W i n d o w s ( g i v i n g other things, it boasts a range of Canonical a bigger foothold in enhancements for netbooks and the process). Like other instantSubmitted at 5/10/2010 11:07:00 AM

on OS's, it will integrate with Windows and give you access to things like music, photos and other files, as well as provide all the basic apps you need.

Unfortunately, there isn't one catch-all version of Ubuntu Light that you'll be able to download since it'll need to be tweaked for each device, but it

is available to OEMs immediately -- still no word of any devices that will be using it, though. Canonical shows off 'Unity' desktop, Ubuntu Light for OEMs originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 10 May 2010 11:07:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Ubuntu| Email this| Comments

TUAW's Daily App: Home 3D Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

a floor plan, wallpaper, and furniture, allowing you to test out your choices on your device Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:00:00 AM first before tearing out a wall or Filed under: App Store, iPad repainting a room. Lest you think that all we'll be Having all of this functionality spotlighting in this space is on your iPhone or iPad is games, here's an interesting app impressive (and the best home meant for anyone thinking about design software costs a lot more adding a couch to that living than this one -- US$3.99 for the room or putting an extra bed in iPhone and $4.99 for the iPad), the back bedroom. Home 3D is but Home 3D does it with an an "architecture and interior impressive interface and a design app" that allows you to surprising number of features. model out your home in 3D, You can use a color picker and including doors and windows on choose from a set of pre-loaded

furniture, buy more with in-app purchases, or try creating your own models or even using the iPhone's camera for textures. It's not perfect -- if you want to

do serious home design, you'll probably have to go for something a little more dedicated on the desktop. But just for moving some furniture

around, or maybe seeing what a room might look like with a different color of paint, Home 3D does the trick. TUAW TUAW's Daily App: Home 3D originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 10 May 2010 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


Jake Gyllenhaal Charms at Prince of Persia's London Premiere Molly (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:00:00 AM

ASUS CrossHair IV Extreme mainboard supports mix-and-match GPU setups Darren Murph (Engadget)

motherboard from ASUS, the CrossHair IV Extreme. Much like the Maximus III Extreme Scouting a new mainboard for that we spotted last November, that fancy new Phenom II X6 this one also ships with the RoG CPU you just picked up? You Connect feature, enabling a might want to hold off a minute, secondary Bluetooth device particularly if you're also (like a netbook or smartphone) planning on shopping for a few to tweak overclocking settings n e w G P U s a s w e l l . H o t from the sidelines. What really Hardware has managed to get makes this one stand out, their paws around an upcoming however, isn't the compatibility Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:41:00 AM

with all Socket AM3 Phenom and Athlon CPUs, nor the fancy new 890FX chipset. No -- it's the inclusion of Lucidlogix's nearly-forgotten Hydra solution, which allows users to mix-andmatch GPUs (makes and models are no matter here) in order to create the most from whatever graphics cards you have sitting around. There's no mention of when this fellow will ship, but

Jake Gyllenhaal was the star of the show at last night's official premiere of Prince of Persia in London where he cozied up to his Valentino wearing leading lady Gemma Arterton. Jake and Gemma kept the celebration going right through to the afterparty, and he couldn't contain his cute grin. Jake has been in the UK for the past week doing press for the film while we've been gearing up for the May 28 release by relishing newly released stills and clips. The finished product is a few weeks away from theaters so meanwhile, all the shirtless Jake and promises of seeing a fun side of the actor are keeping our excitement levels high!

we'll be keeping an eye out at Computex just in case. ASUS CrossHair IV Extreme mainboard supports mix-andmatch GPU setups originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 10 May 2010 09:41:00 EST. To see more of Jake and Please see our terms for use of Gemma, just read more. feeds. Permalink| Hot Hardware| View 30 Photos › Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

Rhine scold (The Economist: Daily news and views) Submitted at 5/10/2010 1:11:45 AM

North Rhine-Westphalia’s election Mrs Merkel suffers a bad day at the polls in a key election May 10th 2010 | BERLIN | From The Economist online IT IS not yet clear exactly who won the election on May 9th in North Rhine-Westphalia(NRW), Germany’s most populous state, but it is clear who lost: the two parties that govern both the state and Germany, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Free Democratic Party (FDP), and their leaders. Foremost among the losers are Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor and head of the CDU, as well as her foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, who leads the FDP. Mr Westerwelle called the election results a “warning shot” to the governing parties. That is an understatement. A majority of NRW voters said the decision to bail out Greece, approved by the Bundestag two days before the election, influenced their decision. Though voters went to the polls before European finance ministers and the IMF unveiled a €720 billion ($940 billion) to ease fears of contagion from Greece's solvency crisis, it is unlikely that Germans will be delighted with that either.

Both the CDU and the opposition Social Democratic Party (SPD) won a bit more than 34% of the vote. Although the CDU apparently finished in front by a tiny margin this is in fact a disastrous setback for the party and for the state’s premier, Jürgen Rüttgers. The CDU lost ten percentage points of the vote since the last election in 2005. Its partnership with the FDP in the state will now be dissolved. This will be seen as the beginning of a comeback for the SPD, which suffered its worst post-war defeat in last September’s federal elections. But it is also further evidence of a long-term decline in support for both of the big-tent Volksparteien: the SPD outperformed expectations, but still won its lowest share of the vote in NRW since 1954. For two smaller parties the results are an unalloyed triumph: the Green Party, which doubled its share of the vote, and the excommunist Left Party, which enters NRW’s legislature for the first time (and complicates the arithmetic of coalition building). Several coalitions are now thinkable, any one of which would reverberate beyond NRW. The most difficult decision may face the SPD’s leader, Hannelore Kraft. Her preferred alliance—with the Greens—has apparently fallen short of a majority. She might now have to choose between

joining a “grand coalition” with the CDU, possibly as a junior partner, or bringing the Left Party into the government of a western state for the first time to top up its alliance with the Greens. This would be risky. The Left Party is a reasonable governing partner in eastern Germany, where it has participated in several coalitions, including the current one in Berlin. But in NRW the party is a ramshackle grouping that includes professed communists. It is not clear whether a partnership with the SPD and the Greens would make the Left Party more respectable or sully the reputation of the other two. Another possible alliance would be an exotic three-party ménage consisting of the SPD, Greens and the FDP, but this looks unlikely. Whatever coalition eventually emerges in NRW, the results are a severe blow for Mrs Merkel. Her CDU-FDP coalition has now lost its majority in the Bundesrat, the upper house of the legislature. Any legislation that affects the states can now be blocked by the opposition. Worse than that, the NRW election discredits the course Mrs Merkel has set since winning a second term last September and inviting the FDP to be her governing partner. It soon became apparent that the two parties had less in

common than they had proclaimed. The FDP’s top priority was to cut taxes, but voters found the idea laughable in light of the government’s record deficit; the CDU was hardly less sceptical. The FDP proposed embarking on a radical reform of health-care financing, which proved unpopular both within the coalition and on the streets. Mr Westerwelle touched off a divisive debate about welfare, which many thought unbecoming the country’s chief diplomat. Mrs Merkel appeared to be putting off the government’s most difficult decisions until after the NRW election. As a result, voters had no clear idea where she proposed to lead the country. And now leadership will become more difficult. Mrs Merkel must now negotiate a new framework for managing the euro without further angering an electorate already resentful at having to aid irresponsible neighbours and fearful for the currency's stability. Falling tax revenues and a new balanced-budget amendment to the constitution mean that rather than offering tax relief Mrs Merkel will have to preside over unpopular spending cuts. A consensusloving tactician, Mrs Merkel has done too little to prepare Germans for tough decisions. It will not be easier if Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble,

who was hospitalised during a crisis meeting on the euro in Brussels, is not at full strength. Mr Westerwelle is also in trouble. The FDP, which won a record 14.6% of the vote in the federal election, managed less than half that in NRW. His pugnacious behaviour, which served him well in opposition, looks inappropriate in office. He may eventually face a challenge to his leadership of the FDP. Mrs Merkel is also looking politically mortal for the first time. A latecomer to politics from eastern Germany and to the CDU, she has always been more popular with voters than in her own party. As the CDU's biggest electoral asset she had little trouble keeping rivals in line. Now that the party has performed so badly in Germany’s most important state, Mrs Merkel will have to regain its confidence while she struggles to restore a sense of direction to her government. Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition

Europe Is About To Change Dramatically Over The Next Decade, Here's How It Will Look Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:05:25 AM

Last night saw a massive bailout of the eurozone's fringe in order to alleviate the pressure on the PIIGS states, which have seen sovereign debt levels rocket and their ability to lend diminished. This bailout is being construed as a one time deal set to rebalance the European economy and protect the eurozone, but it is actually the first step in a program that will see the eurozone become a more federal union with a single treasury and federal tax policy. It's inevitable really. How could the eurozone, an area with economies as disparate as the United States, maintain a currency union without the balancing effects of centralized treasury? Like the United States prior to revolution and under the Articles of Confederation, the eurozone exists within the

context of a weak, decentralized government. Policies of taxation and budgets are primarily controlled at state level. But other key issues, like price stability and inflation, are controlled by the European Central Bank. There is therefore a divergence of interests that needs to be rectified. Bailing out its fringe repeatedly is not a long-term solution to

this problem. Forming a eurozone treasury, which can issue its own debt to support the area and manage the budgets of its member states, is. Merkel has already called for the focus to move to the " root of the problem," meaning consolidating member state budgets. Slowly but surely more power from states will shift to the

European Central Bank and European Union from its member states. In the future, states admitted to the eurozone will need to jump through more hoops, and sacrifice more sovereignty, to gain approval. But the fiscal union will be stronger, its growth more controlled, and its stability more assured. Like California and New York, the powerhouses of the U.S. economy, Germany and France will be expected to provide taxdriven support to the fringe states. They're citizens will just have to get used to it. And when the sovereign debt crisis comes home to America, expect states to have to sacrifice more political independence for their bailouts, as the U.S. federal government becomes even stronger. Don't miss: The complete guide to everyone who got bailed out big-time last night > Join the conversation about this story Âť



Economy/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Whitney Tilson's T2 Partners Unveils Jay-Z and Beyonce Spend Latest Mega-Case Against Housing The Weekend With LeBron James and Betty White And The Homebuilders (ITB) Molly (PopSugar)

Gregory White (The Money Game)

Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:00:26 AM

Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:40:37 AM

The housing market is at the center of the storm that grew to a banking crisis and eventually matured into a full blown sovereign debt crisis. But at its root, the housing crisis is still something investors need to understand in order to make the most from the current economic climate. Whitney Tilson of T2 Partners LLC has been a longtime housing bear, and he's still betting against the homebuilders. Tilson has now updated his housing presentation to continue to make the case that that with the Dow Jones Homebuidlers Index (ITB) up 133%, there's big money to be made betting against it. Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC

Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC

Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Source: T2 Partners LLC Ready to see some real underwater housing? See the horrors of Nashville's flooding. Image: president raygun on flickr A city underwater, and we're not talking debt > Join the conversation about this story Âť

Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles took the short trip up to Boston on Friday night to watch their friend LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers take on the Celtics in the NBA Playoffs Eastern Conference Semifinals. They couldn't stick around Massachusetts for long, however, since Jay-Z had a big Saturday night to prepare for he was the musical guest during Betty White's Mother's Day SNL! While Beyonce didn't make a cameo like she recently did at Coachella, Jay's two numbers were amazing and he even dedicated "Young Forever"

to the evening's host Betty. Check out highlights from the episode, including an unaired sketch on Buzz. Beyonce had her own news this week - she released a video for her single "Why Don't You Love Me" which featured beauty looks that Bella can help you recreate. View 3 Photos ›


E-reader News Edition


MTV Could Break the Live Online Music Deadlock Eliot Van Buskirk (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/10/2010 7:39:00 AM

Photo of Motion City Soundtrack's live performance for courtesy of MTV Buzzworthy Live music and the internet are not natural bedfellows. The former is all about where you are, who you’re with, and what you see, smell and hear; while the other is about surmounting those natural limitations to experience things at a convenient remove. Nonetheless, live music and the internet are forging an uneasy friendship. Whether it’s YouTube videos from the show you missed last night or cuttingedge technologies that permit ultra-early adopters to remix songs before the band’s come out for its encore, live music is coming to the people on the internet, albeit slowly. MTV has long augmented its music videos and reality shows with “unplugged” performances and award shows featuring bands playing live on television. Now, the company that sparked the music video revolution in 1981 has been quietly ramping up its live internet streams too with its Live from NYC concert series. Streaming live music is no small feat for technical and legal reasons, in that just about everyone involved in a song

with the possible exception of the recording studio’s janitor has to sign off. If any entity is capable of forging the myriad licensing deals required to make our — okay, my – dream of being able to buy an online ticket to watch a well-produced live music event anywhere in the world for $2 or so, it may well be MTV, now an arm of the entertainment giant Viacom. Its efforts to provide shows for free could open up a market that has been unreasonably stagnant for over a decade — despite the promise and profit potential of the intersection of live music

(the most profitable sector of the music business) and digital distribution (efficient, pervasive). So far this year, has streamed live concerts from Gorillaz, Honor Society, Ashlyne Huff, Just Kait, K’naan and Wale ( view cached version), Motion City Soundtrack, Never Shout Never, most of them in real-time. It’s an impressive — if short — track record, and MTV plans more live online music offerings in the future. “Music has always been at the core of our DNA and we have

an unparalleled track record of providing up-and-coming artists with a platform to reach a larger audience,” said MTV executive vice president of music and talent Amy Doyle. “This move into live streaming performances via underscores this legacy and provides fans a new medium for musical discovery.” Kristin Frank, senior vice president and general manager of and added, “By taking an intimate musical performance and turning it into a live interactive web event, we’re providing a

virtual front-row ticket that allows fans to engage in a realtime dialog with their favorite artists and fans.” At a recent taping of MTV Unplugged for the band Phoenix set to air later this year, I couldn’t help but notice a significant change in décor and approach from the Unplugged’s of years past. Rather than the lavish set and decent-sized crowds one expects from MTV Unplugged(and which do show up for the Live in NYC series), Phoenix played for a group of MTV page 40



E-reader News Edition

How to Delete Your Browser History How-To Wiki (Wired Top Stories)

need to lean how to delete your history. This article is part of a wiki Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:00:00 AM anyone can edit. If you have From Wired How-To Wiki advice to add about deleting Everywhere you turn these y o u r b r o w s e r ' s h i s t o r y , days, there's a PC or mobile including instructions for other phone that you can use to access browsers and other platforms the web. But devices that aren't not listed here, log in and yours -- whether at a friend's contribute. house or a public place like a Browsers Firefox library, hotel or a cafe -- are a To delete your history in privacy risk, because anyone F i r e f o x , j u s t h e a d t o t h e can see what you've done online Preferences menu and click the just by checking out the web Privacy tab. Here you'll find browser's history. options to customize how Browsers store a list of all the F i r e f o x ' s h i s t o r y f e a t u r e sites you visit called your behaves, and even turn it off "history." This feature makes it entirely. To delete your current easy to find a site you visited history, just click the blue link t w o d a y s a g o b u t c a n ' t that reads, "Clear your recent remember the name of, or to history." Internet Explorer quickly bring up the address of a IE's history settings live in the site you visit frequently. Some Internet Options panel of the b r o w s e r s s t o r e t h i s l i s t Preferences panel. You'll see a indefinitely -- and this can button to delete your browsing expose your browsing behavior history. Google Chrome if you're sharing a PC or mobile Chrome's history manager lives device with somebody else. under the History menu. Head to Somebody could also easily "Show Full History," and then hop on your own private PC and click the Edit Items link on the see what you've been up to right hand side of the page. That online by looking at your will bring up a form where you browser history. can delete all items using the If you'd like to browse the web, button at the top of the page, or but don't want the whole world selectively delete each entry to know where you've been, you using the check box next to

visited site. On the Mac version, there's a "Clear Browsing History" option under the main Chrome menu. Check the first two boxes to clear your browsing history and your download history, then select a time period from the drop-down list. "Everything" is recommended as the safest option, but if you only want to erase your history for the last hour or so, choose one of the shorter time periods. Click "Clear Browsing Data" when you're done. Safari Apple's web browser has a quick and easy link to delete your history. Just head to the History menu and and at the very bottom you'll see an option to "Clear History." Opera As with many other browsers, Opera has a dedicated History menu, which you can use to bring up the history page. Once you have a list of your history, select individual domains, or even pages to selectively delete them. If you want to delete everything, head to the main Opera menu and select Settings> Delete Private Data. Click the arrow to expand that panel and make sure that "Delete History" is selected (and deselect anything else you won't

want to delete). Mobile Safari Head to the Settings app on your iPhone's home screen and scroll down to "Safari". Near the bottom of the Safari page, you'll see three options to delete your history, cookies and cache. Touch all three and you'll have gotten rid of most of the evidence. Android Like Mobile Safari, to delete history in the mobile Android browser you'll need to head to the Preferences app, where you'll see an option to delete the browser's store of visited webpages. Conclusion While deleting history will stop others from knowing where you've been, it's important to realize that this is not truly secure, private web browsing. For more secure ways of browsing, be sure to check out our article on how to Browse Privately. This page was last modified 18:59, 7 May 2010 by howto_admin. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Morning Links Amanda Peet Shows Off Pictures of Baby Molly PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:15:00 AM

• Amanda Peet debuts her baby girl- Us Weekly • Legendary Lena Horne passes away at 92- People • Bobby Brown proposes to his girlfriend on stage- PopEater • Tom Cruise betrayed by Scientology?- TMZ • Bethenny Frankel has a baby girl- Wonderwall • LIndsay Lohan lands in NYC with her mom- Lainey Gossip • Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren ready to share custody of the kids- Hollywood Life • Katy Perry is Maxim's hottest woman of 2010- I'm Not Obsessed

E-reader News Edition



Isabella Rossellini on Her New Sundance Series, Seduce Me (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:45:49 AM

“I’ve always been interested in animal behavior,” reveals Isabella Rossellini. This should come as no surprise to Sundance Channel viewers who witnessed the iconic Blue Velvet actress enact the mating rituals of various insects and marine life in Green Porno, which premiered in 2008. Rossellini proves she knows a thing or two about seduction in the series' new spinoff, which spotlights the sexual proclivities of ducks, salmon, snakes, and other assorted fauna. Rossellini chatted with us about the inspiration for Seduce Me, which airs on May 25th and can be viewed online now ( click here to watch the first five episodes). —Erin Clements How do you choose what animals to feature? We try not to repeat the same courtship. Some animals sing songs, like birds. They have a competition to attract females or to scare the other males away. Frogs also use songs, so we’d choose either the bird or frog. Spiders grab the females and tie them down before mating to make sure they’re not eaten, because spiders are very aggressive and eat anything that

do. How much input do you have on the costumes? The original idea comes from me. For example, for the salmon, I said that I’d wear just a headpiece and my body would be in a blue leotard and the background would be painted the same blue so it looks as if it’s all water. Part of the fun is that you can see the tricks. We’re not trying to make special effects that blow your mind. And then I write a script where I explain the behavior and what I need on set. What do you want to accomplish with the series? I see myself as an entertainer, not an educator. But I am always complimented when people say “I laughed, and then I went, ‘Oh I didn’t know that about that animal; I learned s h a k e s t h e i r w e b . D e e r until we put all the elements Which creature was most something.’” obviously have antlers and together on set. In the bed-bug difficult to depict? There’s another season coming that’s another strategy—a episode, I very much liked the I’ve wanted to do seahorses for in August. What can we expect showcase of beauty and strength d o l l h o u s e s e t u p , h o w w e a long time, because the male to see? and ability. I choose one animal z o o m e d i n f r o m t h e gets pregnant and that’s so cute. We’re going to do seahorses for each strategy, so that I can neighborhood to the bed. It But there’s so much beautiful and pipefish, spiders, deer, and illustrate all the different ways made me think that I could do footage on the existing animal dolphins. of seduction. other animals that live in our that I don’t want to compete What have you learned about Which episode is your favorite? houses, and start each with the with, even if our costumes are animal courtship that surprised I think the duck came out really z o o m - i n t o t h e very funny. You can go on you most? beautifully. I was concerned that d o l l h o u s e — c o c k r o a c h e s , Youtube and see seahorses The variety—that anything showing my face with the body silverfish, and all the bugs that courting, mating, and dancing, goes! Anything you think is of the duck attached as a hat live in our apartments. When I because they’re easy to film in absurd and could not exist, in wouldn’t integrate me well watch my films there’s always an aquarium and they don’t fact, does exist. enough with the cutout ducks. something that gives me another m o d i f y t h e i r b e h a v i o r i n We don’t know what looks good idea. captivity, like a lot of animals



E-reader News Edition

Bang Bang, Your Egg: Kitchen Uni-Tasker is No Yolk Charlie Sorrel (Wired Top Stories)

an egg-tray which doubles as a wireless power supply for the Bang Bang - and find Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:33:00 AM somewhere to keep the rest of The Bang Bang egg cooker, the eggs while you cook. designed by Lo Chi Di, is most Three, carefully pour water notable for one gimmick. It pops onto the base, avoiding any the eggs out when they’re done, splashes on the electrical just like toast bursting forth contacts of the unit. You may from a toaster, or the brand-new choose to use that easy-to-fill egg itself plopping wetly from saucepan for this. Four, turn the its mother’s cloaca. timer to start the water heating, T o p r e p a r e y o u r y o l k y carefully estimating the time it breakfast, follow these simple will take for the water to come steps. One, remove the Bang to the boil first and adding that Bang from the back of the to the cooking time. Return the cupboard, ignoring the easy-to- saucepan to the cupboard. use saucepan in front. Two, take Five, wait for the timer to tick up to four eggs from the base - its way to zero and pop up the

eggs. You may also hope quietly to yourself that the water somehow transfers its heat to the top, uncovered part of the egg for even doneness. Remember, there will be no steam buildup

MTV continued from page 37

perhaps 30 journalists, family members, and paid onlookers trucked in by a Manhattan extras casting agency called Gotham Casting (after all, television viewers shouldn’t be subjected to looking at a row full of journalists). After we crowded into a small sound stage on Manhattan’s west side, I wanted to shoot a few photos to show how different this looked from the lavish Unplugged sets I remember from the Nirvana era, but was told not to, because the rights would be too hard to clear. Ramshackle, off-the-cuff, and spur-of-the-moment? Not quite – this is Viacom, after all – but

the change in approach between the latest round of MTV Unplugged and those of days gone by was unmistakable in everything from the set to the size of the audience, as if MTV had taken a cue from fan-shot concerts on YouTube. MTV — along with Google and other entities with enough money to make live music streams look good — are a far technical cry from a guy with a cellphone and a shaky hand, who we’ve all relied on to catch a favorite band at a show we couldn’t have gotten to. And that’s a good thing. See Also: • Bon Jovi To Play Ustream’s First Live Concert for iPad

• 4 Ways Live and Digital Music Are Teaming Up to Rock Your World … • Live Music Webcasting Starts Making Sense in 2008 • U2 to Play Free Concert on YouTube

due to the lack of a lid. Six, rush to remove the eggs with the provided tongs before they overcook due to the still-hot water below. Seven, eat. I won’t take you through the

cleanup process, nor the clearing of cupboard-space for yet another multi-tasker. I will give you one hope for the future of mankind, though: The Bang Bang is just a concept. All Eggs In One Toaster[Yanko. Thanks, Radhika!] Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Restrict Google Searches to Sites with Images [Search Techniques] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/10/2010 7:00:00 AM

Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

For certain web searches, only a page with relevant images will suffice, but Google's Images search doesn't provide quite enough textual context for real data hunting. Included in the new left-side search panel is an option to limit search results only to "Sites with Images." You'll still get a pile of image results at the top when you hit this link, but scrolling down gives you some context on the

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Government-funded Study Shows Net Loss of Jobs From CO2 Policies David Kreutzer (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

American Wind Energy Association (funded by the wind -power industry) helped Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:00:16 AM coordinate a smear job on For his sake, let’s hope that Calzada by the tax-payer-funded B r u c e A r n o l d a t t h e National Renewable Energy Congressional Budget Office Laboratory. doesn’t get Gabriel Calzada Googling “Gabriel Calzada” treatment from the American will provide many links to pages Wind Energy Association and quoting the supposed rebuttal by the National Renewable Energy the NREL. What the NREL and Laboratory. AWEA can’t rebut is that To freshen your memory, Spain’s unemployment rate G a b r i e l C a l z a d a i s t h e exceeds all its European economist at the King Juan neighbors and just passed 20 Carlos University who got out p e r c e n t . F u r t h e r , t h e his calculator and analyzed the deteriorating economic situation g r e e n j o b s i t u a t i o n i n is leading Spain to reduce or Spain—the same Spain whose cancel those very subsidies that job-crushing subsidies are a r e s u p p o s e d t o h e l p t h e supposed to be a model for our economy. They are admitting green recovery. The professor the fraud, at least implicitly. found that subsidizing green That is, the cost of the subsidies energy costs more traditional exceeds the benefit to the jobs than are created in the economy. When the times get green sector. More than two t o u g h , i t ’ s t i m e t o s t o p jobs were lost for every single p r e t e n d i n g . green job created by subsidies. Which takes us to Bruce Because his scholarship raised Arnold. In his recent “CBO important red flags, it caused Economic and Budget Issue quite a stir in the policy debate. Brief: How Policies to Reduce Such a stir that it appears the Greenhouse Gas Emissions

• “ A Renewable Electricity Standard: What It Will Really Cost Americans,” • “ What Boxer-Kerry Will Cost the Economy,” • “ Impact of CO2 Restrictions on Employment and Income: Green Jobs or Gone Jobs?,” Though other regulator agencies have also noted the economic hit from carbon caps, it will be interesting to see what the NREL does with this new brief from the CBO. Could Affect Employment,” who keep their jobs will get Tags: cap and trade, clean energy economy, green job Arnold points out the negative reduced pay, impact of CO2-cutting policies The increases in prices caused creation, green jobs, renewable like cap and trade or carbon by a tax or a cap-and-trade electricity standard, Spain taxes, program would cause workers’ You can follow any responses In particular, job losses in the real (inflation-adjusted) wages to this entry through the RSS 2.0 industries that shrink would to be lower than they would feed. lower employment more than otherwise be. Nearly all workers Five Filters featured article: job gains in other industries would choose to remain in the The Art of Looking Prime would increase employment, workforce and accept those Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available thereby raising the overall wages.” unemployment rate.” This sounds like a twist on that tools: PDF Newspaper, Full So the CBO says pretty much old Lite Beer ad, “Which is it: Text RSS, Term Extraction. what Calzada said about the fewer jobs or less pay? It’s green stimulus—there isn’t one. both!” No green job gain, no Carbon cuts lead to net job green stimulus. Of course, this is losses. The CBO author, Arnold, just what we’ve been saying. goes further and notes that those For example see:



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Morning Bell: Former Attorney General Ed Meese on Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan Conn Carroll (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

little educative function, except perhaps to reinforce lessons of cynicism that citizens often Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:37:46 AM glean from government. … According to multiple sources, [T]he fundamental lesson of the at 10 am today President Barack Bork hearings [is] the essential Obama will announce his rightness—the legitimacy and decision to name Solicitor the desirability—of exploring a General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court nominee’s set of Supreme Court. Kagan, who c o n s t i t u t i o n a l v i e w s a n d served as the Dean of Harvard c o m m i t m e n t s . Law School from 2003 to 2009, On this point, we find would be the first justice agreement with Ms. Kagan. As without judicial experience in we documented first with the almost 40 years. But this does J u s t i c e S o n i a S o t o m a y o r not mean she is in any way a confirmation hearings, and s t r a n g e r t o t h e S e n a t e again with the University of confirmation process. In fact, in California at Berkeley law 1995 she authored an article on school Associate Dean Goodwin judicial confirmations for the Liu hearings, President Obama’s University of Chicago Law leftist legal nominees have been Review where she wrote: completely unwilling and unable The Bork hearings presented to to defend their liberal legal the public a serious discussion views from Senate questioning. o f t h e m e a n i n g o f t h e Instead they have retreated or Constitution, the role of the renounced their past writings in Court, and the views of the an all too familiar spectacle that nominee; that discussion at once Kagan has said: “takes on an air educated the public and allowed of vacuity and farce.” We it to determine whether the sincerely hope that Kagan nominee would move the Court continues to reject this model i n t h e p r o p e r d i r e c t i o n . and that the U.S. Senate fulfills Subsequent hearings have its proper advice and consent presented to the public a vapid role. Responding to the news of and hollow charade, in which Kagan’s nomination, Former repetition of platitudes has Attorney General Ed Meese replaced discussion of released the following viewpoints and personal statement: appointment to the United States anecdotes have supplanted legal First and foremost, any S u p r e m e C o u r t m u s t analysis. Such hearings serve n o m i n e e t o a l i f e t i m e demonstrate a thorough fidelity

to apply the Constitution as it was written, rather than as they would like to re-write it. Given

Solicitor General Kagan’s complete lack of judicial experience, and, for that matter, very limited litigation experience, Senators must not be rushed in their deliberative process. Because they have no prior judicial opinions to look to, Senators must conduct a more searching inquiry to determine if Kagan will decide cases based upon what is required by the Constitution as it is actually written, or whether she will rule based upon her own policy preferences. Though Ms. Kagan has not written extensively on the role of a judge, the little she has written is troubling. In a law review article, she expressed agreement with the idea that the Court primarily exists to look out for the “despised and disadvantaged.” The problem with this view—which sounds remarkably similar to President Obama’s frequent appeals to judges ruling on grounds other than law–is that it allows judges to favor whichever particular client they view as “despised and disadvantaged.” The judiciary is not to favor any one particular group, but to secure justice equally for all through impartial application of the Constitution and laws. Senators MORNING page 43


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MORNING continued from page 42

should vigorously question Ms. Kagan about such statements to determine whether she is truly committed to the rule of law. Nothing less should be expected from anyone appointed to a lifetenured position as one of the final arbiters of justice in our country. The American people agree. According to a national postelection 2008 survey of 800 actual voters, the polling company, inc. found that 70% of respondents preferred that judges not base their decisions on personal views and feelings. And according to the latest Quinnipiac University Poll by a 16 point margin more Americans believe the Supreme Court should only consider the original intentions of the authors of the Constitution instead of considering changing times and current realities. And finally, the latest Gallup poll shows that more Americans “would prefer a new Supreme Court justice who makes the court more conservative (42%) over one

who would make the Court more liberal (27%).” Let’s hope the Senate gives the American people what they want. Quick Hits: • Acknowledging that current law enforcement tools are inadequate for “dealing with international terrorism” Attorney General Eric Holder told ABC’s This Week that the Obama administration is considering pursuing an expansion of the “public safety exception” to Miranda warnings. • Holder also acknowledged that, contrary to earlier public statements that the bomber had acted alone, the United States had “developed evidence that shows the Pakistani Taliban was behind the attack.” • According to Moody’s Investors Service’s sovereign ratings analysis and Congressional Budget Office projections, the United States could have its debt rating downgraded by as early as 2013. • Chanting“Si se puede!” and

“We want respect!” while carrying Mexican flags, about 200 Hispanic teens walked out of school last week in support of the suspension of four other students who wore t-shirts with American flags on them on Cinco de Mayo. • Iranian authorities executed five prisoners accused of being members of a Kurdish rebel group.


Kerry Endorses Specter in Pa. Senate Primary (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

accused his rival of a "Swift Boat"-style attack. In 2004, Swiftboat Veterans for Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry Truth made unsubstantiated is backing Republican-turned- claims about Kerry's Navy Democrat Arlen Specter in record during the Vietnam War. Pennsylvania's contested May In his statement Monday, Kerry 18 Senate primary. said he didn't want to referee a T h e 2 0 0 4 D e m o c r a t i c Swiftboat fight but did want to p r e s i d e n t i a l n o m i n e e o n defend Specter's record. Tags: Elena Kagan, Morning Monday praised Specter as a © C o p y r i g h t 2 0 1 0 T h e Bell, supreme court vacancy, "fighter and a friend" and said Associated Press. All rights U.S. Supreme Court he was "proud to vouch for his reserved. This material may not You can follow any responses c h a r a c t e r . " K e r r y ' s p r e s s b e p u b l i s h e d , b r o a d c a s t , to this entry through the RSS 2.0 secretary, Whitney Smith, later rewritten or redistributed. feed. said Kerry was endorsing Five Filters featured article: Five Filters featured article: Specter. The Art of Looking Prime The Art of Looking Prime Specter is in a close race with Ministerial - The 2010 UK Ministerial - The 2010 UK R e p . J o e S e s t a k f o r t h e General Election. Available General Election. Available nomination. Specter raised tools: PDF Newspaper, Full tools: PDF Newspaper, Full questions about Sestak's Navy Text RSS, Term Extraction. Text RSS, Term Extraction. r e c o r d a n d t h e l a w m a k e r Submitted at 5/10/2010 6:06:46 AM

Democrats Cheer, Republicans Cautious On Kagan (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 5/10/2010 6:00:06 AM

Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court has brought immediate cheers from some Senate Democrats, while Republicans say she must answer questions about her

background before they vote. Democrats like Sens. Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Ben Cardin of Maryland say Kagan has "impressive" and "broad" legal credentials. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts called Kagan an "extraordinary trailblazer" and said "she will be

an extraordinary Supreme Court Justice for a very long time." Republicans said uniformly they will question Kagan about her lack of judicial experience and whether she will be a rubber stamp for President Barack Obama. GOP Sen. John Cornyn of

Texas says it is their duty to "give Ms. Kagan's record a full and fair review." © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article:

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Pelosi to Bishops: Talk Up Immigration (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

last week that, as a practical matter, the United States can’t say to 12 million illegal House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D immigrants, “’Go back to -Calif., is telling Catholic wherever you came from or go bishops who want her to pass to jail.’” immigration reform that they And she was quite clear as to must speak out in favor of the what she expects out of bishops. reform in their churches. “I want you to instruct your, “The cardinals, the archbishops, whatever the communication is the bishops come to me and say, — the people, some of them, ‘ W e w a n t y o u t o p a s s oppose immigration reform are immigration reform,’” Pelosi, sitting in those pews, and you who is Catholic herself, said have to tell them that this is a T h u r s d a y a t t h e C a t h o l i c ‘manifestation of our living the Community Conference. gospels,’” Pelosi said. “And I say, ‘But I want you to “ O u r p a t r o n s a i n t o f S a n speak about it from the pulpit.’” Francisco, St. Francis of Assisi, This is the same Pelosi who he said, ‘Preach the gospel — d r e w s t r o n g r e b u k e f r o m sometimes use words.’ We need Catholic Church leaders in 2008 the words to be said because it by arguing that the isn’t being picked up denomination's doctrine is a u t o m a t i c a l l y . ” unclear on when human life In the 2008 dispute, Pelosi said b e g i n s . S h e m a d e t h a t on NBC’s “Meet the Press” c o n t e n t i o n i n d e f e n s e o f show: "I would say that as an abortion. ardent, practicing Catholic, this As for immigration, Pelosi said is an issue that I have studied for Submitted at 5/10/2010 5:34:33 AM

a long time. And what I know is, over the centuries, the doctors of the church have not been able to make that definition [when life begins] . . . The point is, is that it shouldn’t have an impact on the woman’s right to choose.” An array of bishops blasted those remarks, with Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs, Colo., saying, “Those Catholics who take a public stance in opposition to the most fundamental moral teaching of the church place themselves outside full communion with the church, and they should not present themselves for the reception of Holy Communion.” © Newsmax. All rights reserved. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

TV Replay Roundup Alex Moaba (TV Squad)

Moe left town with somebody's wife on 'The Simpsons.' Which of the unsatisfied ladies was it? Filed under: TV Replay Our Quagmire's dad dealt with some daily roundup of videos from sexual identity issues on 'Family TV Replay. Guy,' and got himself a sex Drama on 'The Celebrity change operation. Giggitty Apprentice,' as Brett Michaels giggitty. threw one of his teammates It was a moving episode of under the bus in front of The 'Extreme Makeover': Sheryl Donald. No, not the Rock of Crow edition. A family got a Love Bus. It's a metaphor, new house and complementary people. singalong. Cumbaya. Betty White hosted 'SNL,' and Somebody won 'The Amazing it was glorious. Here's a musical Race.' Somebody lost. Spoilers interpretation of'Thank You For ahead. Being a Friend,' which Betty Permalink| Email this| Linking then took hardcore. Blogs| Comments Submitted at 5/10/2010 6:24:00 AM


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Evan Lysacek "Sacrificing Sleep and Eating" for Dancing ( Breaking News)

technique. We tried to go 50-50 — half-modern and half-cha-cha with the choreography. We Submitted at 5/9/2010 9:00:00 PM stylized the stuff that is cha-cha Evan Lysacek so it looks like it fits in and Evan Lysacek has to do a we're not jumping back and futuristic cha-cha on Monday's forth. Our costumes, I'd say, are Dancing with the Stars, but he modern. They're kind of what doesn't want to look too far we imagined people would wear ahead after that. "I'm having the if they went to dance in a club in time of my life. I'm already 200 years. starting to dread the morning I Check out photos of Evan wake up and I don't have a new Lysacek on Dancing dance to learn and I don't have a You're coming performance that night on the off the team cha-cha. How much ice," the Olympic champ, who's does that help you? simultaneously touring with Lysacek: It was really helpful. I Stars on Ice, tells was the only member of our "It's really like a family here and team who didn't do it yet. They it's something I never really had all gave me a couple pointers in skating because it's such an and even though the steps aren't individual sport. I'm so glad I'm the same, the movement is doing both." Lysacek, who got similar. Then we have the waltz, the season's first perfect score of which is similar to the Viennese 30 last week, is doubling up on waltz, which we did in Week 1. dances too, as he must also But I don't totally remember perform a waltz. Does he feel everything about it, so we need pressure to maintain perfection? a little review session! The You drew a dances are going well. We got futuristic cha-cha. How tough is about eight hours in yesterday, it to work with such an open- which is more than we do ended theme? usually, but we were sacrificing E v a n L y s a c e k : I t ' s b e e n sleep and eating! interesting. You're right. It's Were you open to interpretation and you worried about doing two dances, don't want to go too literal and or are you used to multiple dress up as a Martian or a robot. routines since you do short, long We want to be obviously and exhibition programs in human. [ Laughs] We wanted to skating? go a little bit abstract and bring Lysacek: One of the biggest some cool, angular movements challenges I've always had in to it, but at the same time, find skating is learning stuff and the balance between and show remembering it actually. [

because we have to show control, some choreography, and there's music, people think it's the same. But they're different. If I'm not stroking properly, it's going to affect my skating. If I'm trying to do skating strokes in my dancing, it's going to look terrible. I just have to switch mindsets. It's just about being focused and aware. Evan Lysacek has two broken toes How are your toes and head? Lysacek: Everything's good. A lot of times, as an athlete, you Laughs] We don't have that don't really know your limit or much choreography in a skating you won't accept it until you've routine. We mainly go trick to gone a little past it, and I think trick and we do a few arm that's what we did and it was a movements. There's not a ton of little dangerous. ... I have to be choreography, so this has been a careful [with my head] because I completely new experience, had internal bleeding a few having to learn hundreds of years ago from an accident on steps every week. I think we the ice. I felt like this was eased into it having one dance a potentially a more serious injury week to one dance and the than it wound up to be, so I was marathon to one dance and the lucky. I wasn't trying at all to team dances. I think I'm ready to make it more dramatic than it do two dances. I have my two was. I really was concerned. routines for Stars on Ice too. And I had to skate that night, so I wanted to make sure that I There's a lot to remember. Do you ever could clear a field of play tests, which they would do for any mix them up? Lysacek: One time, I did a step other athlete in any other sport if and I didn't know where it came they hit their head. f r o m o n t h e i c e . T h e n I You're really remembered it was from my close with Erin Andrews. Were rumba. I think sometimes people you there when she heard about don't know just how different E l i s a b e t h H a s s e l b e c k ' s skating and dancing are. I think c o m m e n t s ? Lysacek: We hung out the night

before because Cheryl [Burke]'s birthday was Monday, and it carried over into Erin's birthday. We were like, "Happy birthday, but we're really going to celebrate tomorrow." I got to set, so excited to see my friend and she was in tears. And that was infuriating. After all she's been through, this was so inappropriate. She's such a tough person and she can take it. She can put a smile on, go on TV and not look like she's affected, but she is. When someone says something insensitive, it hurts. We support her 100 percent. We had a really good time celebrating her birthday and tried not to talk about the negativity. We were all excited that we made it through to the next week and just toasted Erin. You had a lot to celebrate too — getting the first perfect 30. Do you feel more pressure to deliver on the chacha and waltz now? Lysacek: Not really. I just hope we can continue to improve and do our best. You can't predict what the judges will give you. [The 30] felt great. I think the majority of the work was [done by] Anna [Trebunskaya]. She taught me the steps and figured out a way to really teach me the flavor. She's a great teacher and a great partner. She was extremely excited because that EVAN page 48



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Who Won The Amazing Race 16? ( Breaking News)

Godfrey first, where the clue is a riddle that directs teams to Coit Tower. The cowboys solve the Submitted at 5/9/2010 8:46:00 PM riddle next, thanks to a travel The Amazing Race book they got in Shanghai, but S P O I L E R A L E R T : T h e the models are having cab following story reveals the trouble and cannot locate winners of The Amazing Race Battery Godfrey. The clue at 16. Coit Tower is a Roadblock, and After clocking 40,000 miles teams must climb up the tower over nine countries, it's down to to receive the next clue. Dan cowboys/brothers Jet and Cord, elects to perform it for the brothers Dan and Jordan, and brothers and gets the clue as dating models Brent and Caite Cord is getting suit up, while for the $1 million prize on The Brent and Caite finally get to Amazing Race 16. Battery Godfrey. The final three travel from The next clue asks teams to find Shanghai to San Francisco, the Yoda Fountain at Lucasfilm where they must go to Battery at Industrial Light & Magic, Godfrey for their first clue. But where teams must navigate a drama ensues before takeoff virtual world. One team member when Jordan, arriving last to the is the searcher, the other the airport, cuts in front of the navigator. Jordan opts to be the cowboys at the ticket counter by searcher, donning a greenplacing his backpack behind screen suit, with Dan directing Caite's. The brothers' plotting him, but they have trouble doesn't end there: Dan asks the corresponding at first. Jet flight attendant to move them up decides to be the searcher and to first class, ensuring that they Cord is the director. As Jet gets get off the plane first. Brent and suited up, Cord tries to throw Caite are second out, followed the brothers off by shouting by the cowboys. random directions. Meanwhile, Amazing Race's Michael and Brent and Caite arrive at Coit Louie: "Mr. Know-It-All" Joe Tower, and Brent, despite needs to get over the U-Turn already having maxed out with The brothers arrive at Battery six Roadblocks, performs it.

money behind and must turn around. At the Tonga Room, teams must carry a trunk to their next destination: the Great American Music Hall. Inside the trunks are 11 psychedelic posters — eight with the faces of eliminated teams and three for the nonelimination legs. They must place them all in order of elimination. The brothers, aided by Jordan's fanaticism with the Race, complete it before the cowboys arrive and get the riddle clue to the final pit stop. Dan, a die-hard sports fan, Amazing Race's Joe and Heidi: figures out that it's Candlestick Morse code challenge was "an Park, home of the San Francisco 49ers. They are still searching impossible task" Jordan gets to the goal, which for a cab as the cowboys finish unlocks a spinning message on- their arrangement. screen that Dan must read. The Amazing Race's Steve and words become readable when Allie: Elimination was "hard to Jordan turns his head. Jet swallow" catches up to Jordan, but can't Both teams are shown to get move forward since Jordan's cabs at the same time, but it's blocking him. Dan figures out Dan and Jordan who get to the message, which directs Candlestick first and win the $1 teams to the Tonga Room, a tiki million! "I love my little brother bar. Brent and Caite arrive at and it's so great knowing I could Lucasfilm as Dan and Jordan help him make his No. 1 dream leave. The cowboys and models come true," Dan says. figure out the clue at the same The cowboys arrive next and time, but the models left their say they are happy to have traveled around the world

together with their integrity intact. Brent and Caite, who haven't been shown since they went back for their money, arrive last. Everyone claps except for Brandy, who's still bitter over being U-Turned. "I don't want to hear sorry from you. You purposely whacked us," she tells Caite, adding that she should've U-Turned the cowboys. Caite tells her she should've treated people nicer, to which Brandy snaps, "Hey, I'm sorry you can't handle it." Amazing Race's Carol and Brandy: Caite "very clearly had a problem with us as lesbians" "I am handling it. Obviously I'm the one standing here and not you," Caite retorts. And with that, everyone gets in for a group photo. What did you think of the finale? Are Dan and Jordan deserving winners? Does Brandy need to get over the UTurn? Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Is Michael Trucco More Than the Other Guy in Castle's Love Triangle? ( Breaking News)

"What I like about Demming is he's actually a good guy. There's some sincerity in this character Submitted at 5/9/2010 8:56:00 PM and I think he's genuine in his Castle feelings for Beckett. Michael Trucco knows a thing "He checks with Castle first," or two about being "that guy" in Trucco continues, recalling one a TV love triangle. of his character's first scenes. Castle's Stana Katic: Beckett's "It's a guy thing. He just wanted ready to tango with new love to make sure he's not poaching interest or intruding on anybody's Trucco's Samuel Anders came territory. I thought that was between romantic leads Kara indicative of the character. I like "Starbuck" Thrace ( Katee that there's nothing subversive. Sackhoff) and Lee "Apollo" It's always fun to play that guy, Adama ( Jamie Bamber) on but there's something inherently Battlestar Galactica. Now on challenging in trying to find the Castle, Trucco plays Detective humanity in a character and Tom Demming, an increasingly bring a reality to it." powerful wedge between Rick Check out photos of the Castle Castle ( Nathan Fillion) and cast Detective Beckett ( Stana Trucco, 39, also says his fourKatic). episode arc is paced in a way But Trucco tells that makes it easier for viewers there's more to his role on Castle to accept his character. "I think than creating another obstacle to that was smart play by the a Castle-Beckett pairing. "It's an producers and writers to not interesting plot device to enter force a new character down the in a third wheel — it always audience's throat," he says. helps raise the stakes for all "They're clever about it. The parties involved. But often, character's a robbery detective those characters can be one- a n d t h i s s h o w ' s a b o u t a dimensional," Trucco says. homicide detective. We all work

been some reticence by Castle to seal the deal. Demming comes along and suddenly holds a mirror up — Demming seems to be willing to put himself out there to make himself available, whereas Castle's holding back." But could Castle be too late? Although Trucco is about to begin shooting the USA drama Facing Kate with Sarah Shahi, he says his character's ending is left open and that he'd be "more than game" to return next season. For the time being, though, he's just worried about how fans will react to the season in the same precinct, so if there's ramp up," Trucco says. "We're finale. a robbery aspect to the crime, both trying to interject our "It's a precarious perch that I sit they bring me in. They're knowledge into this case, and on," Trucco says with a laugh. respecting their boundaries." he's got some great ideas and "These are die-hard fans and In Monday's episode (10/9c on I've got some great ideas. We t h e y t a k e t h i s s t u f f v e r y ABC), however, a robbery- both want to be teacher's pet." p e r s o n a l l y . I w a n t t o b e homicide pulls Demming back Will Castle's explosive cliff- embraced by the audience, but into the mix, setting off a heated hanger create sparks for Castle it's fun to stir up the pot." battle between him and Castle to and Beckett? Five Filters featured article: crack the case first — and win And that competitive drive The Art of Looking Prime Beckett's attention. could be what Castle has needed Ministerial - The 2010 UK "There's no real animosity; we all along, especially when he General Election. Available haven't played these characters sees Demming and Beckett kiss. tools: PDF Newspaper, Full at each other's throats, but "Demming is willing to step up Text RSS, Term Extraction. there's clearly a sense of a n d m a k e t h e m o v e [ f o r competition that's starting to Beckett]," Trucco says. "There's



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Singer/Actress Lena Horne Dies at 92 ( Breaking News)

Broadway(for which she won an honorary Tony) and An Evening With Lena Horne. She was also Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:37:00 AM nominated for a Tony for her Lena Horne performance in Calypso. Lena Horne, the jazz singer, Watch videos featuring Lena actress and civil rights activist Horne who became the first African- Horne acknowledged that her American performer to be put beauty and sex appeal helped under contract by a major movie contribute to her success. "I was studio in 1942, has died. She unique in that I was a kind of was 92. black that white people could See other celebs who have died accept," she said. "I was their this year daydream. I had the worst kind Horne died at New York- of acceptance because it was P r e s b y t e r i a n H o s p i t a l o n never for how great I was or Sunday, according to The what I contributed. It was Associated Press. No details of because of the way I looked." her death have been released. Over her six-decade career, She was one of the first black Horne starred in films including performers hired to sing with a Stormy Weather(1943), Ziegfeld major white band, the first to Follies(1946), and Meet Me in play the Copacabana nightclub Las Vegas(1956). She starred in and among the few to earn a recurring roles on television's Hollywood contract. The Muppet Show and The Horne's career highlights Cosby Show. included collaborations with Despite some criticism that Tony Bennett, as well as H o r n e u s e d h e r l i g h t Grammy-winning recordings of complexion to "pass" in a white her Vegas nightclub act The world, Horne often spoke out Lady and Her Music, Live on about racism and was dedicated

to her advocacy for civil rights. "I was always battling the system to try to get to be with my people. Finally, I wouldn't work for places that kept us out ... it was a damn fight everywhere I was, every place I worked, in New York, in Hollywood, all over the world," Horne said in Brian Lanker's book I Dream a World: Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America.

continued from page 45

She fought for desegregation alongside such legends of the civil rights movement as Paul Robeson and Medgar Evers, and fought with first lady Eleanor Roosevelt to pass anti-lynching laws. Born in Brooklyn and raised in an upper-middle-class black community of Pittsburgh, Horne joined the chorus line of the Cotton Club at 16 and toured with Noble Sissle's Orchestra a few years later. Horne is survived by daughter Gail Lumet Buckley and granddaughter Jenny Lumet, who wrote the screenplay for Rachel Getting Married. Horne's husband, arranger-conductor Lennie Hayton, and her son died in the early 1970s. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

was her first perfect score ever. Evan Lysacek: Dancing a chance to "prove critics wrong" Your packages are refreshing compared to everyone else's because you guys just seem focused on working. There's no drama or fights. Lysacek: We don't have time to fight. We get along really well and are really good friends. We don't confuse our roles, I think, because I'm used to that approach: I'm the student and someone — Anna — is the coach and teacher. I think an understanding of those roles is really helpful when you're in this environment. We do butt heads, but we're not ever disrespectful about it, and I think that's why they're not even eye-catching moments on film because they're more conversational than anything. How did you regroup after the samba? What went wrong there? EVAN page 49

Sundays With Seth: Some Sensitive Topics for Mother's Day Jason Hughes (TV Squad)

that Donna, Lois and Francine do every day to keep their families in order, he instead Filed under: Recaps Seth chose to focus on more sensitive MacFarlane sure chose an odd issues. way to honor Mother's Day. 'The Cleveland Show' took an Rather than utilize his three odd trip to February so they shows to spotlight the hard work could spotlight racial issues in a Submitted at 5/10/2010 4:42:00 AM

"Black History Month"

episode.'Family Guy' tackled the topic of gender re-assignment. As for'American Dad,' they didn't hit on any of the hot button issues that polarize people. Instead, the focus was on something quite specific that still managed to make everyone

around pretty uncomfortable. It even made me uncomfortable from the supposed comfort of my couch. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

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EVAN continued from page 48

Lysacek: I was disappointed in my approach and a little angry at myself because I forgot that I'm doing this to have fun. We got some 8s, and then I wanted to get 9s. How do we get a 9? We got a 9. How do we get all 9s? OK, we got all 9s, and it started to spiral where I was preoccupied with the scores. The samba was not my strongest dance and I was trying to force it. I was thinking, "Don't make mistakes. Don't forget anything. Don't hold my partner wrong." I was missing the most important part, which was the fun. So we changed our mentality. When I

went out for the Argentine tango, I was fired up. I was like, "I'm the man here. I'm in control. If I miss a step, I don't care. If I hold Anna wrong, it doesn't matter. I'm going to be in control and lead her through this dance." You were the alpha dog and she was the omega sheep. Lysacek:[ Laughs] Yeah, she said, "If you're alpha, what does that make me? Beta?" I said, "Maybe omega." She said, "Omega dog?" "No, there can only be one dog, so you can be omega sheep." I don't know why

I said sheep. Because a dog leads sheep? It leads the herd? I don't know! I say random things and just pray that they don't use them in packages, but they always do! Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

'NCIS's' Michael Weatherly Talks Contracts, Season Finales and More Allison F i l e dWaldman u n d e rpage : (TV C50 eSquad) lebrity 'NCIS'S'

Report: MLB, Bud Selig Set to Take Control of the Texas Rangers Tom Fornelli (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:10:00 AM

2010 Daytime Emmys: We Predict the Nominees Allison Waldman (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/10/2010 5:00:00 AM

Filed under: TV News Tomorrow, nominations for the 37th Annual Daytime Emmys will be announced, and we here at TV Squad are placing early bets in all of the top categories. Will last year's winner, 'The Bold and the Beautiful,' triumph again? Will Peter Bergman ('The Young and the Restless') earn his 16th nomination? Read our fearless predictions below, and don't forget to tune in to CBS when the Daytime Emmys air live Sun., June 27 at 9PM.

Outstanding Drama Series 'Days of Our Lives' 'The Bold and the Beautiful' 'General Hospital' 'The Young and the Restless' The likeliest nomination here

is'General Hospital,' because it produced another terrific, bigevent episode -- the hospital carnival, in which a car crashed through the crowd. It was an impressive and unique moment

for daytime TV, so look for it to translate into a Drama Series nomination. Meanwhile,'The Young and the Restless' offered up Colleen's death, which was moody and sad, and should be good enough to earn the seventime champ a spot in the final four. 'Days' has been rising in Emmy estimation in the last few years, and is looking set for a nomination after the episode about Grace's death. And after last year's big win, expect 'Bold and the Beautiful' to round out the category. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

Filed under: Rangers, MLB Biz, MLB Rumors It doesn't seem as if the battle between Texas Rangers owner Tom Hicks and the creditors he owes $525 million to is going to be coming to an end any time soon, and with that being the case, it looks like MLB is going to take more of a hands-on approach with the sale of the Texas Rangers. It's being reported by that if Hicks and his creditors can't come to an agreement on selling the Rangers to a group led by Chuck Greenberg and Nolan Ryan this week, Bud Selig will invoke the "best interest of baseball" clause in the game's constitution and seize control of the Rangers franchise.


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'NCIS'S' continued from page 49

Interviews Michael Weatherly is one of the most popular actors on CBS, playing agent Anthony DiNozzo on the hit series'NCIS'... and happy to be doing so. However, as of this writing, Weatherly is not signed for next season, a fact that has many fans worried about Mark Harmon's wise-cracking, moviereference spouting sidekick. Despite the limbo, Michael Weatherly talks like a man who's returning to the fold, and as you'll see, he's sharing some crucial information about the season finale on May 25. What's the current status of your contract? I am still optimistic. I assume that there are people working very hard at making sure I'm

back next season. The fans don't want the team broken up ... I think the thing that makes 'NCIS' so special is the team and the group. And there's our fearless leader, Mark Harmon. We all really enjoy working together, so it would be a shame if we weren't all there having fun together. But I'm not in charge of everything. I'm just eager and excited to show up and do the work. This has been the fastest seven years of my life. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

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Mary Lynn Rajskub to Guest on 'Royal Pains' Chris Harnick (TV Squad)

Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/10/2010 6:18:32 AM

Submitted at 5/10/2010 5:20:00 AM

Filed under: TV News Mary Lynn Rajskub, better known to some as Chloe, one of Jack Bauer's only friends on'24,' has signed up to guest on the June 10 episode of the hit USA series 'Royal Pains,' the Ausiello Files is reporting. In it, Rajskub will play Newberg's (Christine Ebersole) stepdaughter, who, according to her Twitter, does yoga on diet pills. 'Royal Pains' returns to USA on June 3. Meanwhile, in other '24' news, executive producer Howard Gordon recently sat down for an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, during which he revealed that the show will have

Lexus GX 460 - A fixed problem, no injuries; an auto safety ideal

Lexus GX 460 - A fixed problem, no injuries; an auto safety ideal All too often, it takes a disaster to make things happen. Too many auto safety problems aren't discovered and addressed until there have been injuries, or even fatalities, to generate awareness. In contrast, the story that we've seen rapidly unfold around the Lexus GX 460, for which we an unhappy ending. Jack ( l i f t e d o u r " D o n ' t B u y " Kiefer Sutherland), for example, designation on Friday, reflects will be left in a "compromised our auto safety system at its place morally, ethically and best. Whether it's Consumer Reports emotionally," he said. Permalink| Email this| Linking or another organization, the ideal scenario is to uncover a Blogs| Comments LEXUS page 51

Nash Keeps Eye on the Prize, Sweeping Spurs Despite Injury Chris Tomasson (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/10/2010 1:00:00 AM

Filed under: Spurs, Suns, NBA Injuries, NBA Playoffs SAN ANTONIO -- Steve Nash might be from hockey country, but this was getting a little ridiculous. Three years ago, the Spurs bloodied the nose of the Canadian in the playoffs and

Nash's Suns suffered yet another frustrating loss to their rivals. Then Sunday night, just when things were going smoothly, boom, Nash gets hit again. On a drive to the hoop midway through the third quarter, San Antonio forward Tim Duncan's left elbow banged into Nash's right eye. Nash again was something always happens,'' bloodied on the floor. Nash, whose Suns had dropped "It just seems like everything,

four straight series to San Antonio since 2003, with Nash being around for three. "We'd gone 3 ½ games clear sailing. It just seems like something always happens.'' The Phoenix star departed with 5:47 left in the third quarter with his team up 64-57. By the time he had returned from the locker room with six stitches covered by a bandage, the Spurs had

briefly taken the lead and cut the deficit to 72-71 entering the fourth quarter. Nash was back on the court to start the fourth, but the Suns were being led by a point guard who could see out of just one eye. To borrow from Ricky Ricardo, "Eye, yi, yi, yi.''


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LEXUS continued from page 50

safety problem before someone has been injured. And then have an automaker respond quickly and effectively to correct the problem. That's what happened with the GX 460. The problem with the vehicle's emergency handling capabilities was discovered by our auto engineers during routine testing. Within a week of Toyota being notified, its Lexus division had stopped the sale of the vehicle. And a couple of days later, it had duplicated the problem, identified a gap in the programming of its electronic stability control system, and was working on a software fix. That fix is now available at all Lexus dealers, and GX 460 owners can have their vehicles repaired. Meanwhile, the fix is also being applied to new GX's coming out of the assembly plant in Japan. And we have still not heard of any reports of injuries related to this problem. (We hope that owners have their vehicles repaired promptly, so this remains the case.) Toyota has had issues in the past in addressing safety problems in a timely way, as is

reflected by its recent$16.4 million fine by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for a delay in reporting its problem with sticky accelerator pedals on eight Toyota models. But in this case, the company acted rapidly to address the GX issue and provided a model for other companies to follow. The time between when we first notified them about the problem until our vehicle had the software update and we were able to retest the GX was less than a month. And that kind of responsiveness often gets rewarded in the marketplace. Of course, not all fixes are as straightforward as a software upgrade. Or can be discovered during routine testing, as we saw with the recent unintended acceleration problems. (See our special section on unintended acceleration.) But uncovering a problem early and acting on it quickly remains the goal. And in addition to testing, more resources for NHTSA and closer monitoring and more thorough analysis of auto complaints in government databases—as we recommended

in our recent auto-safety recommendations—are some of the ways that this can be realized. — Rik Paul Related: Lexus resumes sale of 2010 GX 460 Recall: Lexus to update 2010 GX 460 stability control software Fix for Lexus GX 460 expected "shortly" Toyota tests more SUVs to assess safety risk, suspends GX sales overseas Q&A: Consumer Reports on the Lexus GX 460 test Toyota stops sale of 2010 Lexus GX 460 after Consumer Reports safety alert Don't Buy: Safety Risk--2010 Lexus GX 460 Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


Toy food and utensil sets - safety tips for children Artemis Dibenedetto (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/10/2010 1:59:59 AM

Toy food and utensil sets safety tips for children It’s fun for kids to play “kitchen” and plan dinner or tea parties. But believe it or not, small play food and utensils can create confusion with the real thing and be hazardous. If you have a play kitchen, be sure the plastic food is ageappropriate. Play food is often designed for children over age 3. It can look very realistic, and toddlers may try to eat some. Be sure you are giving your younger child play food that is large and can’t be accidentally swallowed. If you have a child older than 3 who sticks everything in his mouth, the food is enticing, or you worry about accidental ingestion, you may want to stick to the large play food for your older child as well. (Learn how choking incidents among 4-year-old children are on the rise.) Keep play in the play kitchen or play area. Be sure your child knows that the knives and forks in her play kitchen and the plastic pots, pans, and kettles on

her play stove are pretend. Play kitchens are not recommended for children younger than 3. Real utensils and pots and pans should always be off-limits, because you don’t want your child to reach for your real ones and risk a burn or other injury one day. Related: • Playroom cleanup and safety tips• Toy shopping guide for kids, by age• Consumer Reports Guide to Childproofing and Safety(see our bookstore)

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Daily electronics deal Paul Eng (Consumer Reports)

Entertainment • History Channel Store: Get Daily electronics deal 15% off All Orders Today's electronics deals, Documentaries and Historical courtesy of The Consumerist: products • Fantom 1TB G- • A&E Store: Get 15% off All Force Dual Interface External Orders Hard Drive $70 Shipped • Game Stop: 15% Off + Free • Gemalto 4GB USB Shipping for $50+ Purchase [w/ Flash Drive w/ 20GB Free Coupon 2D15] Online Storage $12 Shipped • Walmart: Nintendo Wii Black • HP: Save up to $629 on HP Console w/ Sports Resort Pack P a v i l i o n E l i t e H P E - 1 9 0 t & Extra Controller Set for $199 Desktop PCs + $3.97 Shipping • HP: Save up to $759 on • NEW black T o u c h S m a r t 6 0 0 Q u a d Wii w/ Wii Sports & Sports Processor PC Resort games + 2 Controllers & • Newegg: TRENDnet Wireless Nunchuks $199 + free ship to -N PCI Card Adapter for $14.99 store or $0.97 ship to home w/ Free Shipping • Dell Home: Nintendo DSi • Tripp Lite 8-Outlet White or Pink $129 + free Wide Spaced Surge Suppressor shipping for $11.99 w/ Free Shipping • Lexmark Color All- Neither Consumer Reports nor in-One Inkjet Printer for $64.99 T h e C o n s u m e r i s t r e c e i v e w/ Free Shipping anything in exchange for • HP: HP Envy 15.6-inch Core featuring these deals; the posts i5 Laptop $1,099.99 + free are intended to be purely shipping informational. These deals are Submitted at 5/10/2010 6:07:26 AM

often fleeting, with prices changing or products becoming unavailable as the day progresses. These posts are not an endorsement of the featured products or the Web sites that sell them—though some of the sites may be included, and recommended, in our Ratings of retailers for computers and other major electronics(both available to subscribers). Price shouldn't be your only criterion. Be wary of lower-priced deals that seem too good to be true, and check return policies for restocking fees and other gotchas. For general buying advice for many of the products on sale above, check out our free Buying Guides. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Q&A: Heat or cold for arthritis? (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/10/2010 2:59:59 AM

Q&A: Heat or cold for arthritis? Is it better to treat arthritis symptoms with heat or cold? — R.R., La Habra Heights, Calif. That depends on the symptoms. Cold reduces inflammation and swelling, and relieves pain better than heat (though alternating between cold and heat provides greater relief for some people). But cold may increase joint stiffness. Heat relaxes muscles and tendons, and promotes circulation, so it’s the best choice for boosting the mobility of stiff joints. Finally, heat and cold can each help tame muscle spasms. Whichever approach you choose, follow these precautions: • Apply heat or cold for only 15 to 20 minutes at a time, letting the skin return to normal temperature before reapplying.• Place a cloth or towel between your skin and the heating or cooling device.• Stop immediately if your skin blisters or turns either dark red or spotty red and white.

Don’t use heat or cold on damaged skin. And don’t use them at all if you suffer from poor circulation, nerve damage, or a condition that may cause either of those problems, such as diabetes, Raynaud’s disease, or vasculitis. Find out why some people are more likely to get arthritis than others, learn about the role of diet and exercise in treating arthritis, and take a look at our Ratings of 18 drug treatments(subscribers only). Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


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Rondo's triple-double carries Celtics past Cavs Associated Press (

knocked down a pair of free throws with 17 seconds left. "He was absolutely sensational Submitted at 5/9/2010 11:23:21 PM tonight," Boston coach Doc BOSTON -- Those "MVP! Rivers said. MVP!" chants are usually Rondo became the third player reserved for LeBron James or in playoff history to have at one of Boston's Big Three. least 29 points, 18 rebounds and Rajon Rondo earned every one 13 assists according to the Elias of them Sunday. Sports Bureau. Oscar Robertson The Boston point guard had 29 had 32 points, 19 rebounds and points, 18 rebounds and 13 13 assists in 1963, and Wilt assists, and the Celtics beat the Chamberlain had 29 points, 36 Cleveland Cavaliers 97-87 on rebounds and 13 assists in 1967. Sunday to even the Eastern Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett Conference semifinal series at scored 18 apiece for the Celtics, two games apiece. who rebounded from the worst Still sometimes overlooked home playoff loss in franchise among the Celtics' other All- history and ensured they'll get at Stars, Rondo is the reason the least one more game at home. Celtics are two wins away from Game 5 is Tuesday night in knocking off the East's No. 1 Cleveland before the series seed. returns to Boston on Thursday "I think it starts with Rondo. night. He's kind of the engine that Elite Company really gets them going," James Boston's Rajon Rondo recorded said. "He does everything for his fourth postseason triplethem. His performance was double in his 49th playoff game unbelievable. to add his name to an elite list. "Rondo was definitely the Most triple-doubles in first difference maker." 50 playoff games Rondo had a playoff career James scored 22 points -- only high in rebounds and matched one more than he had in the first his best scoring night in his quarter of Game 3 -- and fourth postseason triple-double. seemed frustrated during a He played 47 minutes with some seven-turnover performance. of his bigger-name teammates in Shaquille O'Neal added 17 foul trouble, and fans serenaded p o i n t s , h i s h i g h f o r t h i s him with the chants as he postseason, but was on the

bench when the Celtics blew by the Cavaliers in the fourth quarter. "Boston was more aggressive and we have to try and do it for 48 minutes," Cavs coach Mike Brown said. "The most aggressive team is going to win." Tony Allen scored a playoff career-high 15 points in 26 spirited minutes off the bench for the Celtics, helping spell the foul-plagued Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. Pierce continued to struggle, managing only nine points in 31 minutes, but Rondo made sure he wasn't missed. The Celtics ran off the first 10 points of the fourth, mostly in transition, turning a two-point edge into an 84-72 lead. Rondo's basket started the spurt, he twice fed Glen Davis for easy baskets, and Tony Allen finished it off with another bucket in transition. The Cavaliers didn't score in the period until Mo Williams' jumper with 7:15 remaining. "I just wanted to continue to attack," Rondo said. "That's how we got the lead at first." But Cleveland used its own 100 run to climb to 86-84 after James converted a three-point play and set up Anderson Varejao for one. Tony Allen

answered with a basket, and after a free throw by Varejao, Rondo threw a pretty bounce pass to Pierce for a dunk, then added a follow shot to make it 92-85 with 1:34 to play. Getting Defensive After the Celtics normally stingy half-court defense was torched for 114 points in Game 3, Boston allowed just 74 points on 91 plays in the half court on Sunday. Celtics half-court defense Rivers said the problem with Boston's offense in Game 3 was really its defense, because the Celtics never got enough stops to get their running game going. Rondo sped by the Cavs in this one, helping Boston -- the team with older legs -- to a 23-7 advantage in fast-break points. "Multiple stops means Rondo in the open court," Rivers said. James and the Cavs put their 124-95 victory in Game 3 away early and looked ready to deliver another quick knockout punch. Cleveland scored the first seven points, and things looked even better for the Cavaliers when Pierce and Kendrick Perkins both went to the bench early in the first quarter with two fouls. But the Celtics started getting stops, enabling Rondo to push the ball in transition, and Boston surged

to a 31-22 lead. A Cleveland flurry with James on the bench cut Boston's lead to three, but the Celtics soon pushed it back into double digits and led 54-45 at halftime. James appeared to be checking out his sore right elbow after attempting to draw a charge on Rondo in the first half and rarely seemed in the attack mode that carried him to 38 points in Game 3. Cleveland chipped away in the third, powered by some strong inside work by O'Neal, and eventually took a one-point lead on Delonte West's three free throws with 1:41 remaining. Rondo found Tony Allen for baskets twice in the final 1:07 of the period, giving the Celtics a 74-72 edge heading to the fourth. Game notes Rondo is second on Boston's career list for postseason tripledoubles. Larry Bird is the leader with 10. ... James had scored 30 or more points in 10 of his last 14 games against the Celtics. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Suns sweep Spurs to advance to Western finals Associated Press (

returned to the court. Even then, it wasn't back into the game right away -- first he lay on the Submitted at 5/10/2010 12:49:53 AM court with the ice still on his SAN ANTONIO -- Steve head. Nash's right eye was swollen "He looked like Ray 'Boom shut. He had six stitches beneath Boom' Mancini," Suns forward a bandage on his eyebrow, while Grant Hill said. "It forced him to the purplish lump was darkening focus 'cuz he was shooting out another shade. of one eye." And that fourth quarter? It was reminiscent of the 2007 "I couldn't see anything," Nash West semifinals, when Nash had said. his nose sliced open when he One good eye was plenty. and Tony Parker collided headPositive Precedent to-head in Game 1. The gash in The Spurs were swept in a best- Nash's nose bled profusely, and of-7 series for just the third time the Suns went on to lose the in franchise history with both of series. the previous teams advancing to Not this time. win the championship. "Obviously I'm very sad and Nash scored 10 of his 20 points very mad that we lost, but at the while his eye gradually shut same time I'm happy for Nash more and more in the fourth, a n d [ A m a r e ] S t o u d e m i r e , " and the Phoenix Suns swept the Parker said. "Because every San Antonio Spurs from the year they played hard against us Western Conference semifinals and it never went their way. with a 107-101 win Sunday This year, it went their way." night. It was long-awaited 2010 NBA Playoffs redemption for the Suns, who The 2010 NBA playoffs have had been booted from the begun. Keep track of your playoff by the Spurs four times favorite team here: since 2003. Playoff index "That was ugly," Suns forward Stoudemire led the Suns with Channing Frye said walking off 29 points. He is the only Suns the court. player who was on each of those He wasn't talking about Nash's Spurs-ousted teams over the last eye, though it would've fit. Nash seven years, but rather than was accidentally struck by one rejoice, Stoudemire coolly of Tim Duncan's elbows in the walked off the court. third quarter and briefly went to The Suns still have work to do. the locker room. They'll either play the Los Nash came back with an ice Angeles Lakers or the Utah Jazz pack on his eye when he finally in the West finals. The Lakers

lead that series 3-0, and no team in NBA playoff history has ever come back from that deficit to win. Add these Spurs to that list. "We thought from our past experience that we could do some things to control the series, but they just outplayed us," Duncan said. "All in all, they just outplayed us." The Suns are keeping one of the more remarkable stories of the playoffs going. Three months after Phoenix was on the brink of trading Stoudemire and calling it a season, the Suns are returning to the West finals for the first time since 2006. General manager Steve Kerr has said it would've taken an offer "really good for us to break up the team," and good thing it never came along. Phoenix sealed its third trip to the West finals since 2005, and gets another crack at returning to the NBA Finals for the first time since 1993. Parker scored 22 points to lead the Spurs, who were swept out of the playoffs for the first time since 2001. It was an abrupt ending for the Spurs, who will have a summer to chew on some uncomfortable questions facing the winningest franchise of the last 13 years. Any season that doesn't end with a ring is a failure for the four-time champions. The three years since their last title is in an eternity in San Antonio and, as

been the case since the 2007 Finals, time isn't on the side of their aging core. Manu Ginobili, who will be 33 next season, signed a three-year extension in March. Duncan will be 35 when his contract is up in 2012. But could the Spurs part with Parker, who enters the summer with an expiring deal and a cheaper replacement behind him in Hill? Back at the All-Star break, it was the Suns who were thinking about the future when a Stoudemire trade seemed imminent. The Suns instead kept the team together, and Stoudemire got to enjoy Phoenix beating the Spurs in the playoffs for the first time since 2000. "It feels great, but the past is the past," Nash said. "It's definitely rewarding to beat the Spurs. For me personally, it feels great. I have a tremendous amount of respect for this franchise." Game notes The Suns pulled off their first sweep since ousting Memphis from the first round in 2005. ... Texas Gov. Rick Perry had a front-row seat to the Spurs' exit while sitting next to team owner Peter Holt for the first half. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

NintendoWare Weekly: Photo Dojo, Earthworm Jim, Phoenix Wright JC Fletcher (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:30:00 AM

If you've had the slightest interest in Photo Dojo, Nintendo's weird DSiWare fighting game that uses the camera to make its fighters, you should download it today. If you don't have any interest in that, you should download it today. If you've never heard of Photo Dojo, go ahead and load up the DSi Shop anyway. If you have a DSi, there's basically no reason you shouldn't download Photo Dojo today. It's free for the next month, is what we're saying. Gallery: Photo Dojo (DSiWare) Continue reading NintendoWare Weekly: Photo Dojo, Earthworm Jim, Phoenix Wright NintendoWare Weekly: Photo Dojo, Earthworm Jim, Phoenix Wright originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 10 May 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Albert Haynesworth's Washington Redskins 'mates call him out news services (

here," Daniels added. "He's got to understand that. We need him to come here, be here and show Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:54:57 AM these young guys that the The Mike Shanahan era has veterans have bought in and that begun at Redskins Park and we want to win games." Washington's players are buying Haynesworth, a two-time Allin -- except for $100 million Pro defensive tackle, would d e f e n s i v e t a c k l e A l b e r t prefer to be traded. He has also Haynesworth, who again was a irked Shanahan by working with no-show for the team's second his own trainer and staying v o l u n t a r y m i n i c a m p t h i s away from all of the team's weekend. voluntary offseason And some of his teammates c o n d i t i o n i n g s e s s i o n s . a r e n ' t h a p p y a b o u t i t . Haynesworth, who has been Haynesworth is upset about the paid $32 million of the $41 team's looming change to a 3-4 million guaranteed in the defense under new defensive contract he signed with the coordinator Jim Haslett from the Redskins last year, stayed away 4-3 that the team used in 2009. from the first minicamp last “ month in hopes the team would It says this is voluntary, but for trade him, possibly for draft us, what we went through last picks. However, on the second season after a 4-12 season, it's day of the NFL draft, Shanahan mandatory.”-- Phillip Daniels, announced that "Haynesworth o n t h e R e d s k i n s ' r e c e n t will not be traded." minicamp, to The Washington Haynesworth's first year with Post Washington was far from " T h e r e i s n o r o o m f o r harmonious. He criticized Greg negotiation at 4-12," defensive Blache, the team's defensive end Phillip Daniels told The coordinator last season after W a s h i n g t o n P o s t , m a k i n g being sent home from a practice reference to the team's record in for disciplanary reasons. He 2009. "I'm here, [London] played in 12 of 16 games and Fletcher's here, everybody's recorded 37 tackles and four

sacks. Daniels told The Post that he's been told that Haynesworth will be allowed to play on the end and won't have to be the team's starting nose-tackle, which is an important although unglamorous line position in the 3-4. NFC East blog's Matt Mosley writes about all things NFC East in his division blog. • Blog network: NFL Nation "From what I'm told, he can play the end spot," Daniels told The Post. "I've called him and told him that. The thing is, we have 100 percent participation if he is here. It's now 99. He's got to be here." However, in April, a team source told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter that Haynesworth was penciled in to be the team's starting nose tackle. Offensive lineman Mike Williams said that, like it or not, Haynesworth has to realize he's a leader on the team. "Albert carries so much weight with him, there's a lot of young guys that look up to him," Williams told the Post. "But you got to be here. ... He's a grown

man. With that comes responsibility. I think a lot of people say, 'Hey, you have a responsibility to this team.' There are a lot of other guys here that would like to be home. But obviously not, because there is a responsibility we have to this team." Daniels told The Post, that although these minicamps have been voluntary, the Redskins' last-place finish last season dictates that attendance should be mandatory. "It says this is voluntary, but for us, what we went through last season after a 4-12 season, it's mandatory," Daniels said. "He should definitely be here. And it's a shame he's not." Haynesworth will be required to attend the mandatory minicamp next month. Information from The Associated Press was used in this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

What's the Deal with Parsley? (Simply Recipes) Submitted at 5/9/2010 9:06:09 PM

Pictured is young flat-leaf Italian parsley growing in our garden. A friend of mine recently confided that she rarely bought parsley, and had none in her garden, because she really didn't know what to do with it. Believe me, I get it. For many of us, parsley is that curly green garnish that comes on the plate in cafeteria food that's just there for looks. Why would you eat that? (Actually you wouldn't. Those sprigs of curly parsley are just that, plate decoration.) And all these recipes that call for one measly tablespoon of chopped parsley? What's the point? Why buy a whole bunch just for one tablespoon? Continue reading "What's the Deal with Parsley?" »



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Alex Rodriguez reacts to Dallas Braden on day of perfect game Andrew Marchand (

"Uncle," Rodriguez said. This concluded a day in which Rodriguez gave various updates Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:58:48 AM on his feelings toward Braden's BOSTON -- While Oakland accomplishment. A t h l e t i c s p i t c h e r D a l l a s During the sixth inning of Braden's grandmother is the B r a d e n ' s p e r f e c t g a m e , latest to "stick it" to Alex Rodriguez, in the Fenway Park Rodriguez, A-Rod is crying, road clubhouse, was asked what "Uncle." he thought. Following her grandson's "No more about him, please," perfect game on Mother's Day, a Rodriguez said before scurrying chuckling Peggy Lindsey joined off. the Braden-A-Rod feud. Later, in the dugout at Fenway Mike & Mike in the Morning after Braden completed the ESPN MLB insider Buster perfect game, the Yankees Olney talks about Oakland A's slugger was more forthcoming. pitcher Dallas Braden's perfect "I've learned in my career, it is g a m e a n d s a y s B r a d e n ' s much better to be recognized for grandmother being there to see all the great things you do on the i t o n M o t h e r ' s D a y w a s field," Rodriguez said. "Good extremely touching. for him, he threw a perfect "Stick it, A-Rod," said Lindsey, game. And better yet, he beat who was in the stands in the Rays." Oakland on Sunday afternoon. Yankees blog After the New York Yankees' 9 Want to get the scoop on -3 loss to the Boston Red Sox e v e r y t h i n g i n p i n s t r i p e s ? on Sunday night, Rodriguez was has you asked to address Braden's covered. Blog grandma's comments. Rodriguez had his own

accomplishment on Sunday. His solo shot in the fourth inning Sunday night tied him with Frank Robinson for seventh place all time with 586 home runs. Before Sunday, Braden had made more of a name for himself for his enraged reaction to Rodriguez walking across the mound back on April 22, accusing the three-time AL MVP of breaking an unwritten rule of baseball etiquette. A day later, A-Rod still didn't see the big deal. "I was tired," he said. "It's really not that big of a deal. I've done that maybe a few dozen times. It's the shortest route. As I said yesterday, I thought it was pretty funny." Braden didn't. The A's starter shouted at Rodriguez after the inning ended, then continued his rant postgame, saying how disappointed he was in the slugger. The squabble was still making

news leading up to Sunday's start, and they were going back and forth in recent days. On Friday in Boston, A-Rod said he didn't want "to extend his extra 15 minutes of fame." As Braden celebrated the feat, Sunday night's Yankee starter, A.J. Burnett, was alone in the Fenway clubhouse and watched Braden on TV. As Braden hugged Lindsey, Burnett said out loud, to no one in particular, "Grandma, don't cross my mound." The Yankees next face the A's on July 5 in Oakland. Andrew Marchand covers b a s e b a l l f o r Information from The Associated Press was used in this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Reeling UVa Lacrosse Luongo, Bieksa Come Must Prepare for NCAA Up Big; Force Game 6 Tournament Adam Gretz (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/9/2010 10:35:00 PM

FanHouse Newswire (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/9/2010 8:45:00 PM

The Virginia men's and women's lacrosse teams both anticipated playing for a national championship this month. They just never expected it to be like this. Both teams awaited word of their NCAA tournament seedings Sunday night, a day after women's player Yeardley Love was buried in her native Maryland. The 22-year-old was found beaten in her apartment earlier in the week and Charlottesville authorities have charged George Huguely of the men's team with first-degree murder in her death. Both teams decided to play on with the support of Love's family. The Cavaliers men's team was given the top seed in the 16team field. Appearing for the 17th time in coach Dom Starsia's 18 seasons as coach, Virginia will host Mount St.

Mary's at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. It will not only be the first game for the team since the program was rocked by the slaying, but also since Starsia's father died after a long illness on Friday. The women's team was seeded sixth, and will host Towson on Sunday. The tragic events leave both highly ranked squads having to find a way to put aside grief long enough to focus on competing in the tournament.

MANNY continued from page 57

millions of his own dollars into a lengthy, well-organized campaign that resonated with the mostly poor constituants

who identified with his rags-toriches story.

Filed under: Blackhawks, Canucks, NHL Videos, NHL Playoffs Even if it's just for one more game, the ship that is the Vancouver Canucks is still floating thanks to their 4-1 win in Chicago on Sunday night. They did it by getting an early goal -- just 59 seconds in from Christian Ehrhoff-- and then sucking the life out of everything in the United Center: the Blackhawks, the crowd ... everything ... to send the series back to Vancouver on Tuesday night. It didn't look anything like the Canucks team that dropped the previous three games, giving up 15 goals in the process, as they played a strong defensive game, were disciplined and perfect on the penalty kill (4-for-4) ... something they had done just twice in 10 games this postseason. They also received a

Manny Pacquiao Surges Ahead in Early Election Returns Nancy Gay (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:07:00 AM

Filed under: FanHouse Exclusive big game from Roberto Luongo- GENERAL SANTOS CITY, - a player that needed a big Philippines -- Boxer Manny game more than any other Pacquiao appeared headed for a player on the roster -- as he seat in Congress on Monday stopped 29 of the 30 Chicago night in his native Sarangani shots he faced, just two days Province, leading 61-year-old after being referred to as "the Roy Chiongbian by a margin of second best goalie on the ice" by 3-to-1 with almost half the his own head coach. precincts reporting. And with that, the Canucks get If the results continue, their frenzied crowd back Pacquiao, 31, will become the behind them for Game 6. first professional boxer to hold a Blackhawks Lead Series, 3-2 national public office while still Canucks 4, Blackhawks 1: active in the ring. Recap| Box Score| Series Page Defeating Chiongbian, a member of a powerful billionaire family long entrenched in Sarangani Province in southern Mindanao Island, would represent an enormous upset victory for the seven-time world champion, who lost a badly run first run attempt at the Philippines Congress in 2007. This time, Pacquiao poured MANNY page 57



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Media Molecule co-founder talks LBP2 changes, Move support Griffin McElroy (Joystiq)

character AI, which allow you to modify the genre of your homespun creations. In a recent interview with The Share pillar will see the VG247, Media Molecule co- implementation of the web founder Mark Healy talked functionality teased last year, about some of the big changes suited to creating personalized coming to LittleBigPlanet 2-- websites for each of your innot all of them were revealed in game creations and making this morning's action-packed, them easier to share with other Passion Pit-infused trailer. players. Media Molecule will According to Healy, improving also streamline the stage-finding the "Play, Create, Share" pillars process with Level Links -of the first game was a focus for badges you can embed within the sequel. The first two will be your levels, which players can bolstered by new creation tools use to hop directly into another like the Direct Control Seat and of your creations, or the next Submitted at 5/10/2010 11:30:00 AM

sequential level in your fullyformed game. Finally, on the subject of Sony's motion controller, Healy said the potential to play the game

using only the Move and Sub Controller "seems like a bit of a no-brainer." However, he added, "we're totally going to go to town on supporting that, but I

don't think we will have the full functionality at launch." After watching this tech demo, we're not sure we can wait for the Move's near-limitless capacity for Sackboy-griefing. Media Molecule co-founder talks LBP2 changes, Move support originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 10 May 2010 11:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

LittleBigPlanet 2 trailer falls to Earth JC Fletcher (Joystiq)

remotely resemble" Media Molecule's foundation. This sequel will even, in a way, Media Molecule officially took Levels can also be bundled to act as yet another upgrade to the the handmade wraps off its make a whole game, and those original: all of the two-milliongame- sweding suite's sequel, g a m e s d o n ' t h a v e t o b e plus LittleBigPlanet 1 levels LittleBigPlanet 2. How do you platformers. The trailer above will still work. make a full sequel to a game gives us brief looks at racing LittleBigPlanet 2 will be out on that's already had a sequel's games (one of which appears to PlayStation 3 in Winter 2010. worth of free content updates? involve players riding mice) and LittleBigPlanet 2 trailer falls to Media Molecule appears to have a Space Invaders-style shooter. Earth originally appeared on expanded its game-making You can even open use a "Direct Joystiq on Mon, 10 May 2010 Justin McElroy (Joystiq) e n g i n e s i g n i f i c a n t l y . F o r Control Seat" to alter controls, 09:30:00 EST. Please see our Submitted at 5/10/2010 11:00:00 AM example, it is now possible to allowing you to control objects terms for use of feeds. Capcom has made a real a d d A I c h a r a c t e r s c a l l e d that are not Sackboy, "and make Read| Permalink| Email this| attempt in recent years to break "Sackbots," with behavior you a g a m e t h a t d o e s n ' t e v e n Comments down the firewall between can record or define. western and eastern development, something it's still struggling with if"sluggish" Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:30:00 AM

Capcom fiscal 2011 strategy: Shorter dev cycles, more new franchises sales in 2009 are any indication. But according to a recent report(warning: PDF link) circulated to investors, the company's still refining its approach and hopes to "create games faster by using a hybrid CAPCOM page 59

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CAPCOM continued from page 58

FIFA World Cup maintains defense, holds top spot on UK charts Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq)

hurt, either. Wii Fit Plus and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:00:00 AM round out the top five. The 2010 FIFA World Cup South complete UK top 10 can be Africa held its top spot on the found after the break. UK all-formats chart for a Source- FIFA World Cup s e c o n d w e e k i n a r o w . Scores 2nd Week at No1 [GFK M e a n w h i l e , l i k e a g o o d Chart-Track] showgirl, Wii-exclusive Just Source- Latest UK Software Dance worked its way back into Charts [GFK Chart-Track] second, pushing Super Street Continue reading FIFA World Fighter IV down the stairs -- all Cup maintains defense, holds the way to sixth. top spot on UK charts Modern Warfare 2 got back FIFA World Cup maintains into the fight this week and defense, holds top spot on UK reached third place, thanks to charts originally appeared on "energetic promotions centered Joystiq on Mon, 10 May 2010 around the special edition 10:00:00 EST. Please see our versions," according to Chart- terms for use of feeds. Track. The release of the " Permalink| Email this| Stimulus Package" maps on C o m m e n t s other platforms probably didn't

approach combining internal and outsourced development." According to the strategy report, that will translate to more new franchises from the company, -- something it hasn't had much luck with lately, with Bionic Command o, Dark Void and Spyborgs all failing to perform exceptionally well either critically or at retail. Perhaps some of these new IPs will become downloadable, as the company says it plans on digitally distributing more games in fiscal 2011. Capcom also used the report to show high hopes for its upcoming slate of titles, with a projected 3.6 million units sold for Monster Hunter Freedom 3,

3 million for Dead Rising 2, 2.2 for Lost Planet 2 and 2 million for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. That's certainly optimistic, considering the company's biggest seller in FY 2009, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, sold 1.35 million copies. Capcom fiscal 2011 strategy: Shorter dev cycles, more new franchises originally appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 10 May 2010 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Gregory Mone (Popular Science - New Technology, Comments Science News, The Future Now)

Hacking the 21st-Century Auto Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:13:35 AM

HACKING page 60

Over 60 and Badass (

gangster Santino 'Sonny' Corleone in the 1972 classic The Submitted at 5/10/2010 1:00:00 AM Godfather, Caan was already Five famous guys who haven't known as a hot-blooded New mellowed with age Yorker who was willing to give by Devin Pratt you a piece of his mind at the Print Article Email to Friend drop of a hat. To add to his manFor some guys, turning 60 cred, the tough-guy actor earned means a 15 percent discount at a black belt in karate and spent Applebee's and winters in Boca several years on the pro rodeo Raton — but these five famous tour during his early acting men are living proof that life days. Even today, at 70, the doesn't end once you become fiery Caan is still asserting his eligible for Social Security. presence. Case in point, a year James Caan Age: 70 ago the veteran actor stormed Before he made a name for off the set of director David O. h i m s e l f a s h o t - t e m p e r e d Russell's Nailed after he got into

an argument with Russell over a scene involving a cookie. Badass Quote:"When I played three-on-three with 20-year-olds when I was 50, I didn't care if the guy was 6-foot-8—I threw the elbow." | Next [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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HACKING continued from page 59

Make My Ride Buyers of Local Motors's Rally Fighter do much of the assembly themselves over two long weekends. Coutesy Local Motors Digital Imaging: Eric Heintz A crowdsourced, street-legal rally racer; Neil Young's electric Lincoln Continental; tinkering with an Audi R8's computer for crazy horsepower boosts--and much more Today's cars may seem too sophisticated for tinkering, but the DIY auto movement is thriving, yielding designs and innovations too radical for mass production. Here are four awesome examples of modern garage-guy ingenuity. 1. Manufacturing and Design The Rally Fighter from start-up Local Motors is a burly, menacing vehicle no major manufacturer would ever include in its standard lineup. With its 33-inch tires, 20 inches of suspension travel and rugged inner skeleton, the street-legal desert racer is too niche for mass production. But Local Motors knows that this beast is exactly what a small subset of buyers wants. How? Those buyers designed it. The company was co-founded in 2007 by former Marine and Harvard Business School graduate Jay Rogers on the notion of combining the crowdsourcing and DIY movements with staid auto manufacturing. Amateurs and professionals

submit designs to Local Motors's Web site, and users vote on the winners in a monthly contest. If, among other factors, a vehicle generates enough buzz that the company thinks it could sell at least 500 of them, the engineers fine-tune the design to make it feasible. Then Local Motors sets up a micro-factory-think automotive plant meets semi-pro DIY garage-where buyers build the car themselves under guidance from the company's instructors for an estimated $50,000. "We're not trying to make cars for soccer moms," Rogers says. "We're trying to make cars for people who are really deeply interested in automotives. Local Motors can bring these lowvolume, highly desirable vehicles to market." The Rally Fighter is the first to move from the site to the street. Local Motors has 77 orders for the car so far, and it plans to build them, appropriately, in the desert: Phoenix, Arizona. Contest winners have also included a Miami Roadster for speed lovers (which would be built in Miami) and a hydrogen vehicle designed for San Francisco. Before builders show up, they will watch an instructional DVD at home: basic pre-training for the less handy. "They need to know the difference between a socket wrench and an Allen wrench," Rogers says. Next, the

customer will come in with up to two "build partners" for consecutive three-day weekends of work-roughly 60 hours in total. At the start, their Rally Fighter will simply be a welded chassis waiting for parts (premolded body panels will also be ready, but unmounted). Up to four groups of customers can be overseen by a single builder/trainer. Rogers describes these Local Motors employees as a mix of teacher, engineer and garage buddy-as he puts it, "personable folks who love sharing knowledge about cars." Customers get a set of tools and start assembling: front and rear axle and suspension first, then fuel tank and filler neck, the brake and accelerator pedals, the master brake cylinder and the brake lines. The builder/trainer monitors each step, making sure that the work is done properly, but he steps in only when necessary. Rogers says the work won't require master-mechanic expertise. Customers will prep the engine-possibly a cleandiesel from either BMW or Mercedes-mount the engine, transmission and driveshaft, and install the radiator, hoses and fans. And this is just the halfway point. The Local Motors engineers will do some higherskill work in the days between each customer's session, and the next weekend will be a blur of finishing touches, including doors, wheels and tires, and

setting the vehicle ride height and other adjustments. At the end of it all, the customer drives out in his very own desert racer. (The cars will be street-legal, but because they're considered custom vehicles, they won't need to pass National Highway Traffic Safety Administration crash tests.) For someone like Jay Zuppardo, who has Rally Fighter No. 30 reserved, this sounds more like fun than work. He can't wait to get inside the micro-factory and prep his Fighter for the desert. "I could go buy a Jeep or an FJ Cruiser, but it's not going to do what the Rally Fighter is designed to do. I want that car," he says, "and I want to get involved in what it takes to shove it down the line." 2. Efficiency RETROELECTRIC Three years ago, rock legend Neil Young drove his 1959 Lincoln Continental to the shop of Wichita, Kansas-based supermechanic Johnathan Goodwin and asked him to turn it into a hybrid. Goodwin had already made a name for himself by converting Hummers and other trucks (including Arnold Schwarzenegger's Jeep) to biodiesel and boosting fuel economy from 12 to around 25 miles per gallon. The result of that meeting, the Lincvolt, should be on the road this summer. (Young recently

dedicated an album, "Fork in the Road," to his new love.) A 150kilowatt electric motor, powered by lithium-ion batteries, pushes the three-ton Lincoln down the road. But the real heart of the car is an engine under the hood that can run on biodiesel, diesel, ethanol or other fuels. When the batteries run low, that generator recharges them on the fly, so there's no need to pull over and plug in. Goodwin estimates that the car will exceed 70 mpg. 3. Power GREEN, SHMEAN Adding horsepower to a modern computer-controlled car isn't really a home-garage job anymore-today's tuners have to be hackers. That's where shops like Heffner Performance come in. Among other mods, the Sarasota, Florida, company alters customers' cars to add more power. A recent project is a souped-up Audi R8. At 420 horsepower, the factory model falls a little short, according to company president Jason Heffner, so he and his team added twin turbos that boost horsepower to 625. "The trickiest part was sorting out the electronics," he says. Ten years ago, he explains, the engine controller just ran the engine, but now the airbags, brakes, traction-control systems-they all communicate with one another. When you modify the engine, HACKING page 61

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HACKING continued from page 60

Heffner says, "all the aspects of the car need to work hand in hand." 4. Intelligence iCAR Stealing Australian Jonathan Oxer's 2004 Mazda RX-8 would freak out any thief. That's because Oxer can turn the engine on and off, lock and unlock the doors, check the car's performance, and use GPS to track its progress on a Google map, all from a Web browser on a computer or smartphone. Oxer began his 18-month-long effort to boost his car's intelligence because he hadn't seen anyone else build a car-puter accessible 24/7, from anywhere in the world. He mounted a strippeddown computer in the trunk, ran

USB cables through the car to connect the computer to the diagnostics system, soldered another connection to the stereo's circuit board, and added 3G mobile broadband, which gave him online access and turned the car into a hotspot. Now he's swapping the computer for a power-sipping microcontroller that should run for weeks and recharge when the car is running.

The Lowdown on Sweeteners

Failure to Launch



Submitted at 5/10/2010 3:00:00 AM

Truvia The latest sweetener to hit your grocery store shelves, Truvia is made from rebiana, the sweetest part of the stevia plant — a relative to the chrysanthemum plant. It's been used in Japan since 1977, and the likes of Coca Cola, Cargill and Pepsi have jumped on board the all-natural sweetener train to market products using the stevia leaf in lieu of sugar. Just like it's counterparts, Truvia is several hundred times (about 300) sweeter than sugar, calorie free and . . . (wait for it, wait for it) all-natural. Of course, though,

the all-natural billing is debatable given that the FDA has no real definition for the "natural" label. Bottom line: Rebecca Scritchfield, a Washington D.C. -based dietitian says it really comes down to personal preference with this one. If you like the taste of the stevia extract, go for it. Just don't overdo it or think Truvia has a health -halo because of its all-natural label. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Submitted at 5/10/2010 4:00:00 AM

Sirius Radio's Dr. Steve discusses erectile dysfunction — and how to get things up and running again by Dr. Steve Print Article Email to Friend I'm a 26-year-old guy that has trouble "getting it up" sometimes. I'm not really up for going to the doctor to get Viagra or anything like that, so I'm wondering are there any "natural" fixes that actually help in that department? And how is it even possible for someone my age to FAILURE page 62

Tweet Trumps Turns Twitter into a Card Game [APPS] Brenna Ehrlich (Mashable!)

created by Tom Scott and Dom Hodgson over the course of 24 hours at European developer How do you prefer wasting c o n f e r e n c e W a r b l e c a m p — t i m e o n l i n e d u r i n g w o r k : generates a deck of online Playing solitaire or tweeting? trading cards culled from your Well, now you don’t have to m u t u a l T w i t t e r f o l l o w e r s choose. From the dude who (people who follow you back). brought you Tweleted and Basically, you’re given a card Stupid Fight comes Tweet with a collection of stats about a Trumps, a card game in which certain follower — number of the only jokers and kings are t w e e t s , g r a m m a r q u a l i t y , your followers. number of followers, etc — and Tweet Trumps — which was then you must guess in which Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:19:59 AM

vintage clothing seller. Since Sammy D. is rather loquacious, I guessed that she tweets more than my average follower. As you can see, I was correct; she beat out Mashable Features Editor Matt Silverman handily. The game still has a few bugs — it was created in one day — category said person “trumps” and only works for unprotected another one of your followers. accounts and people with more Here, I was given a card than 20 mutual followers, but featuring my friend Sammy it’s still a pretty stellar way to Davis, who is an awesome kill your morning. Also, it’s a

hell of a lot cheaper than online poker. Amirite? [img credit: lilit] For more entertainment coverage, follow Mashable Entertainment on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: apps, humor, pop culture, software, twitter


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FAILURE continued from page 61

have this kind of problem?" — S. Conrad, Buffalo, New York There's nothing worse than being in the middle of an amorous encounter and "coming up short," so to speak. Erectile dysfunction is a very common problem, affecting a significant fraction of men, especially over 40, but younger men can be affected (as you and millions of your brethren out there can attest). Before just popping off to a health food store for some herbal supplements, it's smart to take a few minutes to try to figure out why you're having the problem in the first place. When a man gets aroused, the brain goes through an electrical tap dance that results in an increase of blood flow to the penis; there's also a constriction of the veins that carry blood away from the organ. All this causes a net increase of fluid pressure in these spongy tube things running the length of the shaft (called corpora cavernosa) which begin to fill up like manic sausages. Because the outer sheath of the penis doesn't stretch much, the result is an erect member. It's easy to see that for every step in the process, there's a potential defect that can cause it not to work. Decrease desire, and the genitals never get the signal to come to attention. This "loss of libido" can be caused by medical problems (e.g., low testosterone), psychological

problems (e.g., depression, anxiety), and drugs (e.g., antidepressants). If the arteries become inelastic and won't dilate, all the desire in the world won't get you hard; this happens in patients with "hardening of the arteries," otherwise known as atherosclerosis. Diabetes can also damage the small nerves going to your junk and can cause the "happy signal" to never arrive. There's also the possibility that your problem is psychological. If you can masturbate normally but have difficulties during consensual sex, your problem is likely in your head rather than your penis. Performance anxiety has been the downfall of many otherwise virile young men, and it often starts with a small problem and then snowballs over time. A typical scenario: a man has a little too much to drink one night and can't get an erection during a lovemaking session. He may blame himself or feel "less than a man" so that the next time he has an opportunity for sex he's so distracted from the pressure to perform that he can't perform again. The more he can't perform, the more anxious he gets and the vicious cycle spirals out of control. The treatment of this kind of impotence is centered on regaining confidence, whether it be in couples therapy with an understanding partner, or the

placebo effect of simply having a pill to take, more on this later. One of the first "natural fixes" for erectile dysfunction is quitting smoking, as tobacco use is a very important cause of impotence in young men. Look, I was a three-pack-per-day smoker at one time in my life. Even though I was a doctor and definitely knew better, nothing was scary enough for me to quit. No warnings of heart disease, cancer, or emphysema convinced me, but one day I read that tobacco was the primary reversible cause of impotence in men and I quit smoking the next day. Dipping, smoking, and chewing all have the same effect, so avoid tobacco altogether for a more healthy and happy sex life. Now, in terms of natural fixes, there are a ton of "herbal" erectile dysfunction aids out there. For some, there is a strong placebo effect. Just the idea of taking a pill is enough for some men to gain confidence and toss off the psychological fetters keeping them from having a satisfying erection. A few of the "herbal" remedies on the market have been known to contain a molecule called acetildenefil, which is a close relative to sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. Acetildenefil and sildenafil (as well as the other molecules in Levitra and Cialis) work to dilate blood vessels causing

increased blood flow to the penis which enhances erectile function. Still others have actually been found to have Viagra as an unlisted ingredient (no wonder they worked so well); when found, these products are rapidly removed from the market. Acetildenafil has not been rigorously tested for safety; in September 2006, a "natural" supplement called Nasutra was recalled when the FDA discovered it contained acetildendafil. It's current status is that of an "unregulated drug." Because it's difficult to detect and because it has potential for serious adverse effects, I would be nervous about buying "natural" erectile dysfunction pills from sources I don't know personally. Recently, a company selling an "all natural Viagra" was shut down and its owners sent to jail for 10 years for selling pills containing acetildenafil-like drugs. Another over-the-counter remedy that has been used for years is yohimbine. Before Viagra, a number of doctors prescribed yohimbine in its pure form for erectile dysfunction. It had a lot of side effects (nausea, anxiety, rapid heart rate, high blood pressure) but there was little else in pill form available at the time. Yohimbine can still be purchased over the counter and is a component in many of the herbal concoctions (haha, get it?) for erectile dysfunction.

At least one case of priapism (an erection that won't go away . . . sounds great, but is actually a medical emergency) has been associated with yohimbine extract, so care should be taken with this, and any other herbal preparation. The truth is, there are tons of natural substances out there that have been recommended for erectile dysfunction, including Horny Goatweed (I kid you not), and Red Ginseng. The problem I have with these right now is the lack of good, rigorous scientific evidence that they work. Studies are being done as we speak on some of these agents and hopefully we'll know more as time goes on. In the end, at 26, I'd simply recommend biting the bullet and talking to your health care professional about this. This is not something to be embarrassed about; clinicians see so many cases of erectile dysfunction that you will not be judged in any way. If your testosterone is low, they'll replace it. If you have low thyroid hormone, they'll do likewise. If you're depressed, they'll treat you. If you just need a little confidence, a prescription bottle with 5 or 10 "blue diamonds" (Viagra) in it may be all you need. You might not even have to take them; if your problem is psychological, FAILURE page 63


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How to Develop Rotational Power ( Submitted at 5/10/2010 5:00:00 AM

The secret to how pro athletes generate massive force by Dr. Craig Slaunwhite Print Article Email to Friend Have you ever wondered how your favorite athlete is able to deliver a "one-punch knockout" or blast a slap shot through the rink glass? The answer is rotational power. All too often training is focused on strictly linear activity like straight line running or bench press. While these can be good exercises they do not address the crucial component of rotational strength and power. Most exercise is done through the sagittal plane, which means the body is moving in a forward and backward direction. Occasionally exercise will be performed in the frontal plane which means the body will move in a side to side fashion. However, in order to produce the torque required to perform many sporting movements, more time needs to be spent in the transverse plane where rotational movements are made. The keys to unlocking huge

rotational power are A: Use the correct training exercises and B: Understand the optimal biomechanical sequencing of movement patterns which result in maximal rotational power production with minimal power leaks due to inefficiencies. Generally speaking, you want to activate muscles in the sequence of largest to smallest or proximal to distal. 'Proximal' refers to being close to the middle or midline of the body while 'distal' refers to being further away from the middle of the body. In the example of a baseball pitcher throwing a ball, the pectoral muscle group would be considered proximal while the wrist flexors would be distal. The secrete to maximal rotational power generation is to start your movement with the large muscle groups and transfer that force to the next muscle group, with each muscle adding to the building of force until the power is finally transferred into the ball, stick, bat fist or other object. It is important to know that a fully lengthened muscle has the greatest potential to transfer power. This lengthened muscle

also has the greatest potential to generate its own force. Now comes the crazy part, a lengthened muscle is only achieved when it is relaxed. This is a crucial concept that professional athletes understand and everyone else can't wrap their head around. This is why the greatest athletes make everything look so effortless and easy. It's because they are relaxed. Each muscle group must be relaxed and lengthened to allow the energy to be transferred through and then it can contract to add and additional boost. In the example of a tennis forehand, the whole swing is started by activating the glutes which rotates the hips towards the direction of the impending shot. This hip rotation generates a huge amount of power that is transferred to the (lengthened) obliques which then contract adding additional force that is transferred to the (relaxed) pectoral group, that then contracts passing more power down the line until the summation of forces reaches the fingers that hold the racket which finally contacts the ball.


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When you think about it, the fingers and wrist can only generate minimal forces by themselves but with proper sequencing, they can transfer enormous forces that originated far away in the glutes. Understanding how to maximize rotational power is the secrete you need to throw 90 mph fast balls, bomb 350 yard drives, throw that knockout punch or whatever your athletic goals may be. Dr. Craig Slaunwhite is a Doctor of Chiropractic, the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Florida Panthers NHL club, and a Scientific Advisor to RIVALUS Inc. Related articles: Build a Bigger Chest 25 Ways to Get Stronger Now Sculpt Her 5 Favorite Body Parts [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

simply knowing they're in your back pocket may be just what the doctor ordered. Dr. Steve is The Opie & Anthony Show's resident medical expert and the host of his own Sirius XM Radio program, Weird Medicine. Related articles: Dr. Steve reveals whether portable devices can damage your family jewels Dr. Steve goes into the belly of the beast to help an irregular reader Dr. Steve uncovers the true dangers of recreational drug use [on Facebook, Digg, Reddit and more] Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



E-reader News Edition

Trusting in al-Awlaki Mollie (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:00:23 AM

The New York Times ran a huge page one feature on Anwar al-Awlaki. He’s the Americanborn Muslim cleric now active with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. He had ties to several of the 9/11 terrorists but his work with Fort Hood shooter and the Northwest Flight 253 underwear bomber have gotten renewed attention from the American government. President Obama recently authorized the use of a drones or other means to take him out — even though he’s an American citizen. And that was before we learned that last week’s Times Square bomb attempt was inspired — but apparently not coordinated — by al-Awlaki. There is no way I can adequately excerpt everything from this article, but let’s just look at a few of the interesting questions raised. The article’s main task is to explore whether al-Awlaki was a convert to Islamic extremism or a longtime agent for al Qaeda: There are two conventional narratives of Mr. Awlaki’s path to jihad. The first is his own: He was a nonviolent moderate until the United States attacked Muslims openly in Afghanistan and Iraq, covertly in Pakistan and Yemen, and even at home, followed the religious obligation by making targets of Muslims to defend his faith, he said. for raids and arrests. He merely “What am I accused of?” he

asks in a recent video bearing the imprint of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. “Of calling

for the truth? Of calling for jihad for the sake of Allah? Of calling to defend the causes of

the Islamic nation?” A contrasting version of Mr. Awlaki’s story, explored though never confirmed by the national Sept. 11 commission, maintains that he was a secret agent of Al Qaeda starting well before the attacks, when three of the hijackers turned up at his mosques. By this account, all that has changed since then is that Mr. Awlaki has stopped hiding his true views.” I don’t want to give short shrift to this article, which is well researched and very interesting and uses an impressive array of sources. But this sort of dualistic presentation of Islam has limitations. You get the feeling that there are two forms of Islam. There’s the good, peaceloving-at-all-times Islam. And there’s the bad, violent Islam. The media tend to favor the one over the other, obviously, but neither in history nor in the present is Islam so easily divided simply into two mutually exclusive forms. Not only does Islam include a wide array of ideas and traditions and cultural touchpoints, but it has a radically different understanding of political engagement. This presentation of “good” and “bad” Islam rests in large part, I think, on a bias toward the separation of the religious and political spheres. It isn’t just TRUSTING page 65

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inaccurate but gives short shrift to the complexity of views among peaceful Muslims. I’m having a bit of difficulty explaining what I’m getting at but let me put it this way — what is the appropriate political expression for “good” Muslims? How does that differ from Muslim political engagement over time, if at all? Are there any religious ghosts in where such a discussion might lead? This, of course, would require much more knowledge of the religious foundations of many political spheres. But the point is that this dualistic presentation doesn’t help us understand Muslim terrorists’ motivation any more than it helps us understand other Muslims. Another point, which is minor. A section of the story is subheadlined: ‘Never Trust a Kuffar’ The story translates by saying “a non-Muslim, or kuffar in Arabic.” I was looking up kuffar and noticed that kuffar is the plural of kafir. While a minor point, it does suggest something about how well the reporter is able to translate al-Awlaki’s words over time. It’s also probably better translated as “unbeliever” or “disbeliever.” Back to the meat of the story. If I had to guess, I’d suspect the authors lean in favor of the idea that al-Awlaki was radicalized during his 18-month stint in a Yemeni jail. Having said that,

they certainly provide a ton of evidence that suggests he was radicalized at least from the late 90s. They speak to neighbors who say he had made ominous comments prior to September 11, for instance. They talk about various FBI investigations. They don’t get into much of the substance of the September 11 Commission report(although I still remember the footnotes about al-Awlaki made for very interesting reading), but they reference it. Anyway, here’s another relevant portion: Later, Mr. Awlaki seems to have tried out multiple personas: the representative of a tolerant Islam in a multicultural United States (starring in a video explaining Ramadan); the fiery American activist talking about Muslims’ constitutional rights (and citing both Malcolm X and H. Rap Brown); the conspiracy theorist who publicly doubted the Muslim role in the Sept. 11 attacks. (The F.B.I., he wrote a few days afterward, simply blamed passengers with Muslim names.) All along he remained a conservative, fundamentalist preacher who invariably started with a scriptural story from the seventh century and drew its personal or political lessons for today, a tradition called salafism, for the Salafs, or ancestors, the leaders of the earliest generations of Islam.

Finally, after the Yemeni authorities, under American pressure, imprisoned him in 2006 and 2007, Mr. Awlaki seems to have hardened into a fully committed ideologist of jihad, condemning non-Muslims and cheerleading for slaughter. His message has become indistinguishable from that of Osama bin Laden — except for his excellent English and his cultural familiarity with the United States and Britain. Those traits make him especially dangerous, counterterrorism officials fear, and he flaunts them. I don’t know when the Malcolm X activism occurred, but it’s worth noting that the “tolerant” representative personal came after the “conspiracy theorist” one. Which gets to the overarching question that I had after reading this. I’ve been following the media coverage of al-Awlaki and other clerics or members of the local Dar al-Hijrah mosque for years now. And at least insofar as the Washington Post goes, I really get the feeling that reporters are bending over backwards to present the members and clerics in as favorable a light as possible. You can see some examples here, here, here and here. But during the same period of time, you can read seemingly contradictory quotes or allegations about the extensive

ties to terrorism that some of these organizations and individuals have. I certainly don’t think that reporters should be out to get anybody but I really don’t get the feeling that they work at getting at the complex truth. I don’t think the “gotcha” instinct is one of reporters’ more admirable traits. But neither is it good to be reflexively defensive about targets of federal charges. All that to say, I think that at least part of the supposed evolution we read about in this important story about al-Awlaki is a transformation in the press. So the Washington Post goes from asking al-Awlaki to discuss Ramadan to reporting that President Obama has targeted him for a killing. Other media outlets have the same issue. This was a man they went to for their quotes on the “good” Islam they wanted to write about, even after the FBI was questioning him about his involvement with terrorists and even after he was defending violence or spouting conspiracy theories. Does this narrative help us understand al-Awlaki better or does it just help us feel safer about what we don’t know about those strains of Islam engaged in violence? Look again at the line that says “All along he remained a conservative, fundamentalist preacher.” I am not entirely sure

what that means, but we’re told that his doctrinal views remained the same over time. If that’s the case, what does the whole story mean? What does it mean about his conspiratorial, tolerant and activist faces were all different presentations of that same “conservative fundamentalism”? Of the many angles to be explored here, I think at least one angle is how inadequately the media have explained the depth and complexity of Islam, explored its various strains, or understand its more radical elements. In defense of the reporting, the article does key into the role Sayyid Qutb plays in alAwlaki’s radicalism: Notably, he was enraptured by the works of Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian whose time in the United States helped make him the father of the modern antiWestern jihadist movement in Islam. That excerpt refers to what he was reading in prison in the last couple of years. But Qutb’s influence can be found in many American Muslim institutions and mosques. We’ve looked at that — and the precious little reporting done on that— before. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full TRUSTING page 68



E-reader News Edition

AARP Woodstock: Sex & spirituality tmatt (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/9/2010 9:00:48 PM

So, if you were a college senior and you went to Woodstock, how old would you be today? It’s hard not to think about questions like that one while reading the Washington Post report about a new AARP sex survey, yet another story that demonstrates that there is nothing about Baby Boomer life that will escape newspaper headlines. Guess what? The boomers still love sex and they still believe that they are bravely going where no generation has gone before. Here’s a sample: Table 13: Attitudes Toward Sex by Age and Gender. “I love sex,” said Judy Lear, 66, national chair of the Gray Panthers, the intergenerational advocacy group for social justice and peace, when reached by telephone in New York City. “I thinks it’s fun, I think it’s great. I think it’s a really positive thing. I’m single, divorced; I have a very nice gentleman here in New York City. I don’t want to be married, I don’t want to live together, but I do like to have sex. We have this wonderful relationship.” Lear could be the liberated-andloving-it poster lady of a certain age for this new report, titled, “Sex, Romance, and Relationships: AARP Survey of Midlife and Older Adults,” based on a survey taken in

August 2009. So what, if anything, makes this a GetReligion story? Is there a religion ghost in here somewhere? After all, debates about sexual morality in an American context almost always include a religious component. Hold on to that thought. As you would expect, the AARP survey also revealed that the Baby Boomers are very much a “spiritual” generation. Thus, we read that (gasp) some things are more important than sex: Across most gender and age categories in the survey, folks actually place “a satisfying sexual relationship” behind other keys to quality of life, including, in descending order of importance: “being healthy,” “financial security,” “close ties to friends and family,” “personal independence,” “spiritual wellbeing,” “good relationship with spouse/partner” and “being productive and contributing.” One exception is the youngest category of males, of course, age 45 to 49. They place good sex ahead of spiritual wellbeing. That’s nice. No, it was another part of the story that most interested me, when it comes to looking for hard-news content linked to religion. Read between the statistical lines in this passage: The researchers found that baby boomers, those sons and

Now, put one other number into that mix. How many Americans say they have been “born again” or give some other indication that they are linked to the vague world of evangelical or charismatic faith? That number tends to be somewhere around 35 percent or maybe a little higher. Once again, this depends on the wording. This brings us back into“tmatt trio” territory. Remember the three questions that, as a mainstream reporter, I used to ask to find out who is who during battles inside Christian flocks? Here are those questions once again: daughters — also older brothers conservative/traditional as they (1) Are biblical accounts of the and sisters — of the sexual get older. Apparently, this does resurrection of Jesus accurate? revolution have gotten older, not apply to Boomers. Did this event really happen? and their sexual mores have Second, several decades of (2) Is salvation found through aged up with them. Key finding: reading Gallup, Barna and Pew Jesus Christ, alone? Was Jesus The percentage who think you Forum polls about religion in being literal when he said, “I am must be married to have sex has America have convinced me of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. dropped by almost half in 10 the following. About 10 percent No one comes to the Father years, from 41 percent to 22 o f a l l A m e r i c a n s a r e except through me” (John percent. consistently liberal, when it 14:6)? That’s not an endorsement of comes to matters of culture and (3) Is sex outside of marriage a infidelity. Only one in five men religion. Somewhere between sin? and one in 10 women in this age 12 and 17 percent (depends on Now, what percent of the group admit to cheating on a the poll and the questions) are AARP seniors said that sex partner. Rather, it’s an assertion a t t e m p t i n g t o l i v e i n a outside of marriage is wrong of sexual freedom among “conservative” way that, in one a n d , t h u s , w e m i g h t s a y widows, widowers, divorced form or another, is rooted in a “sinful”? That would be 22 people or folks who never religious tradition. percent. married. In between, as I like to say, is Now, subtract this 22 percent This is interesting for several OprahAmerica, the world of number from that vague “bornreasons. doctrinal Truthiness, emotions, again Christian” statistic of First of all, it has long been an e x p e r i e n c e s , f e e l i n g s a n d somewhere between 35 and 40 assumption that most people doctrine that is evolving to fit AARP page 68 b e c o m e m o r e the modern world.


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Get up. Stand up. Stand up for your rights. mark (GetReligion)

rest of society’s outcasts — he has been a permanent fixture. He is there, he says, not for his As someone who spent four crimes but for a crime he will years in Eugene, Oregon, a.k.a. not commit — a crime against Berkeley North, I had a fair God. a m o u n t o f e x p o s u r e t o The only thing imposing about Rastafarianism. I think most Gibson is his long black people’s only contact with the dreadlocks, resting on the front religion — if they’ve had any at of his shoulders so they won’t all — comes from college kids drag the ground as he shuffles and/or big weed-smokers who along in his orange jumpsuit. i n v o k e B o b M a r l e y , t h e It is his hair — winding locks r e l i g i o n ’ s m o s t f a m o u s he considers a measure of his ambassador. The upper-middle- Rastafarian faith — that makes class white kids at school were him a threat, according to constantly sparking up the one- V i r g i n i a D e p a r t m e n t o f hitter between classes were C o r r e c t i o n s O p e r a t i n g derisively known as Procedure No. 864.1. “Trustifarians,” as in trust fund The writer Dena Potter does a Rastafarians. really thorough job explaining Obviously, I knew that there the little-understood and muchwere some people that regarded maligned religion: Rastafarianism as a serious Gibson had always loved the religious discipline. But given “peaceful vibes of Rastafari my limited exposure to the livity,” but like many he knew religion (which is loosely the movement by the hair, the organized to begin with), it’s music and the ganja. In prison, hard to envision what it meant he met others who taught him to be a committed Rastafarian the spiritual aspects. He took on this side of Jamaica. So along the name Ras-Talawa Tafari, a comes this terrific AP story that strong leader who inspires awe. d i s c u s s e s o n e p r i s o n e r ’ s Rastafari draws from the Bible, devotion to Rastafarianism: m i x i n g i n A f r i c a n a n d For more than 10 years he has Caribbean cultural influences. It lived in segregation at the is considered by many more of a Greensville Correctional Center, way of life or movement than a spending at least 23 hours every religion. They preach unity with day in a cell the size of a gas god, nature and each other, but station bathroom. I n a are loosely organized and temporary home for the worst of followers are free to worship the worst — inmates too violent with other congregations. or disruptive to live among the Rastafarians regard Ethiopian Submitted at 5/9/2010 3:25:08 PM

Emperor Haile Selassie I, who was known as Ras Tafari before he rose to power in 1930, as the second coming of Christ. They believe Jah inhabits them so there it no real need for a church. They smoke marijuana as a sacrament and adhere to a vegetarian diet. While some view growing their

hair as optional, most Rastafarians see it as demanded by the Nazarite Vow in the Bible (Numbers 6:5), “There shall no razor come upon his head.” Interestingly enough, Gibson is one a number of devoted Rastafarians who are stuck in this awful predicament. Potter

does a good job of running through the debate between religious freedom and the Department of Corrections insistence on cutting long hair as a matter of safety. All sides of the debate are well represented: They made a choice to go to segregation instead of cutting their hair, spokesman Larry Traylor says. Should they decide to comply with the grooming policy, they could return to general population. “Rules must be in place in order to have a secure, safe environment for everyone,” Traylor said. “An inmate that will not follow the rules jeopardizes normal prison operations and is potentially a danger to other inmates and staff.” Virginia is among only about a dozen states, mostly in the South, that limit the length of inmates’ hair and beards, according to the American Correctional Chaplains Association. A handful of those a l l o w r e l i g i o u s accommodations for Rastafarians, Muslims, Sikhs, native Americans and others whose religious beliefs prohibit shaving or cutting their hair. There is no hair policy for federal prisoners. The U.S. Supreme Court has said that constitutional protections, like the right to GET page 68


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practice religion, do not end at the prison gates. Congress has said institutions can restrict religious liberties only for compelling reasons, like security, but the policies must be the least restrictive means to accomplish that. I really have to give it up for the writer of this story. They took what might seem on first glance to be an obscure curiosity and managed to draw out a truly illuminating portrait of a little understood religion and an in depth discussion on the state of

religious rights in prisons. Then wrapped both issues around a genuinely compelling personal portrait and delivered it to the reader in one neat little package. Well done. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Android Now Outselling iPhone [REPORT]

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Text RSS, Term Extraction.

percent. Interesting, huh? Once again, let me argue that the development of a true “evangelical” and/or “charismatic” left in the postBoomer era is one of the most under-covered religion-news stories in this day and age. You see, the tmatt trio questions are even relevant when you are hanging out at a dinner for evangelical senior citizens (especially if anyone there went to Woodstock). Photo: Yes, I confess that I am

Adam Ostrow (Mashable!)

HOW continued from page 68

many of ‘em as possible. Don’t overlook the importance of a bio. You know you rock, your mom knows you rock but the wider world might need a little more persuasion. Your bio shows up in the new(ish) box that people see when they hover over your name or image so it needs to sell a Twitter user enough to make them want to click through and hit that follow button. Think of Twitter as a giant people-based search engine and think of key search words you’d HOW page 69

Submitted at 5/10/2010 9:39:36 AM

Smartphones carrying Google’s Android operating system outsold the iPhone in the first quarter of 2010, according to new research out today from NPD. During the quarter, Android handsets accounted for 28% of smartphone sales, beating out iPhone OS and its 21% share. BlackBerry was the bestselling OS, with its devices capturing 36% of the market. NPD attributes the shift to strong sales of the Motorola Droid and Droid Eris. The news follows a report last month from AdMob that

showed Android’s share of the mobile OS market had actually grown past that of iPhone OS, at least in the U.S. Worldwide, iPhone OS still has a big lead, however, with 46% share compared to Android’s 25%. AdMob’s data is based on ad requests across mobile websites and applications. With the new Droid Incredible reportedly selling quite well,

a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young fan (especially of the jazzy acoustic 12-string folk-rock of David Crosby). Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

HOW TO: Make the Most of Your Twitter Profile Page Amy-Mae Elliott (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/10/2010 10:11:58 AM

This series is supported by Gillette. Learn more about Gillette and its products at Whether you’re new to Twitter or are a veteran Tweeter, chances are you give more this trend may continue in the thought to the content of your near-term. However, the fourth- Tweets than your profile page. generation iPhone is expected to But optimizing your Twitter debut next month. Rumors that page is fairly simple and there the iPhone will soon come to are a number of tools to help V e r i z o n a l s o c o n t i n u e t o you get the job done. intensify, with that carrier’s We’ve showed you how to customers indicating they are create a better profile picture ready to welcome the device and how to organize your with open arms. If all of that Twitter account, and now we’re happens, the numbers could going to show you how to make quickly swing back in Apple’s the most of your Twitter profile favor. Stay tuned. page. For more mobile coverage, Add your own favorite tips and follow Mashable Mobile on tools in the comments. Write a Twitter or become a fan on Great Bio Facebook You get 160 characters to wow T a g s : a n d r o i d , a p p l e , the world with your bio. Use blackberry, Google, iphone, them. And we mean use as RIM, smartphones, trending HOW page 68

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like your profile to appear for, the first of which might be your full name. Other key words that could be relevant to you might include “mom,” “developer,” “entrepreneur,” or “musician”, write those down and use them as the basis for your bio. Finally, don’t be afraid to add at least one personal element, preferably one that’s funny — people do this to great comedic effect and it will make you less of a “tweople” and more of a real person to viewers. One of the things Twitter gives you total control over on your profile page is the color of your text, but be mindful of the color your choose. You want to make sure it matches your background color and isn’t so bright that it’s not readable. Choose a Rockstar Picture A fair amount of research has gone into what makes a great social networking profile pic but it’s still an area that generates great debate. The accepted wisdom is that a face shot, with eye contact and a smile is the best way to go. Bear in mind that Twitter profile pictures are displayed in a square (so make sure your picture is cropped without chopping off any vital features) and only measure 48 pixels by 48 pixels (so make sure it also works small). Although the picture will be shown small in

most instances, don’t forget that if people do click through to your profile and click the picture, the full size will display. Create a Funky Custom Background Offering More Info Although longer than a Tweet, 160 characters is a very small space in which to convince the world of your awesomeness. If you’re struggling to get your message across, or if you want to be contactable via other methods than Twitter (especially considering you have to be following someone to send a Direct Message) you can use your Twitter background to display more info about yourself. Services like TwitBacks( along with others) specialize in helping create customized Twitter backgrounds with a lefthand panel where you can not only expand on your bio, but provide links to other social networking profiles. If you don’t want to add more info then, as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, consider changing Twitter’s default background to something that is more you. Make Use of the Web Link Use the web link that Twitter offers. Aside from being about the only place on Twitter where you’ll find full fat, unshortened URLs, it’s a vital way to tell people more about yourself.

Additionally, because Twitter shows full URLs here, it’s probably the one place you don’t want to use a URL shortener, especially if you have your own branded domain that someone might identify with. If you don’t have a personal website to link out to then why not link to another of your social networking profiles, such as Facebook? Better still, use free, super-easy, templated blogging services like Posterous or Tumblr to create a one page “about me” microsite – it’s as easy as picking a design and chucking up some words and there’s no hosting or domain name hassle. Pay Attention to Those Last Few Tweets While a great Twitter profile can tell you a lot about a person, their actual Tweets are a vital indicator of the kind of content you can expect if you’re to follow them. You should be aware of the last few Tweets you’ve sent out, as those show up first on your profile page and those are the ones people are likely to look at when deciding to follow your or not. Use Lists to Broadcast Your Fascinating Interests to the World Twitter is all about engagement and creating lists shows that you are interested in more than just broadcasting your own bon mots. In addition to showing how community-minded you

are, lists are yet another area in which you can tell people something about yourself. Are you really into music? Then list your favorite artists that Tweet. Do you work in marketing? Then create a rockstars-of-marketing Twitter list. Whether the areas you cover with your lists are personal or professional they will go some way to building up a picture of who you are and just what it is you’re all about, which, let’s face it, on one level is what Twitter is all about. You can further explore and add your own lists on Listorious and Mashable’s own Twitter List Directory. Series supported by Gillette This series is supported by Gillette. Learn more about Gillette and its products at For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Image courtesy of iStockphoto, Raycat Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Tags: better profile series, how to, twitter, twitter image, twitter Submitted at 5/10/2010 8:49:27 AM profile In the late ’90s and early aughts, MP3 players were known, well, as MP3 players. However, when Apple launched the iPod on October 21, 2001, it was such a huge success that it only took a couple of years for most people to simply start

How the iPod Took the World by Storm [INFOGRAPHIC]

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using the name “iPod” whenever they referred to an MP3 player. Apple had sold 125,000 iPods by the end of 2001; it sold a flabbergasting 225 million by 2010. Coupled with the music management/online music store one-two punch that was iTunes, the iPod turned out to be one of the most successful gadgets of all time. In the amazing infographic below, you can see the rise of the iPod and iTunes and how they’ve affected our lives over the last nine years. It’s true: The

rest of the MP3 market never stood a chance. EMBED THE IMAGE ABOVE ON YOUR SITE [via: Online Schools for] For more Apple coverage, follow Mashable Apple on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: apple, infographic, ipod, mp3, music, online music

Steve Jobs on iPad Printing: It Will Come Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/10/2010 7:30:02 AM

Lately, it’s not that hard to get a direct answer to your query from Steve Jobs himself; he responds to burning questions via e-mail quite often. Unfortunately, his answers rarely contain more than a few words. Macrumors reports that a reader asked Steve Jobs via email why the iPad cannot print documents. Steve’s answer? “It will come.” Even if we disregard the possibility that the e-mail may be fake, Steve’s answer gives us very little to be happy about as we have no idea when printing to the iPad will come. Will it

come this summer? When the next version arrives? Sometime in the next decade? We’re optimists, so we’ll just pretend that Steve meant “soon.” For more Apple coverage, follow Mashable Apple on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Tags: apple, ipad, printing, steve jobs

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