Liberty Newspost May-19-10

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- 19/05/10

Specter Loses, “Tea Party” Wins JoAnne Allen (Front Row Washington)

Pennsylvania, “ the senator said. His brief concession speech in Philadelphia was Submitted at 5/18/2010 11:46:03 PM interrupted by a man in the I t ’ s c u r t a i n s f o r A r l e n audience who shouted: “Thank Specter’s career in the U.S. you, Arlen.” Senate. The veteran senator Elsewhere in Pennsylvania, a from Pennsylvania went down jubilant Sestak claimed victory. in defeat on Tuesday, losing to “This is what Democracy looks challenger Rep. Joe Sestak in a like – a win for the people over tight race for the Democratic the establishment, over the Senate nomination. status quo, even over Specter’s loss makes him the Washington, DC, ” Sestak said latest incumbent to get the boot to cheering supporters. from angry voters unhappy with Shifting immediately into j u s t a b o u t e v e r y b o d y i n general election mode, Sestak Washington. continued the anti-establishment Specter has served in the Senate theme, saying he’s running for for 30 years but his political the Senate because he wants to fortune may have been sealed help bring accountability back last year when he switched party to Washington. allegiance from Republican to It’s a cliffhanger in Arkansas, Democrat. where another closely-watched During the campaign, Specter Senate primary ended without a offered Pennsylvania voters his clear decision. c l o u t , e x p e r i e n c e a n d Democratic Senator Blanche seniority— but it wasn’t enough Lincoln is headed for a runoff to hold off Sestak, a two-term next month against Lieutenant congressman who waged an Governor Bill Halter. Lincoln aggressive campaign against failed to win 50 percent of the Specter. vote in the three-way race “It’s been a great privilege to primary that was needed to s e r v e t h e p e o p l e o f avoid a run-off.

political force to be reckoned with. “This Tea Party movement is a message to Washington that we’re unhappy and that we want things done differently.” Now the focus moves to the November midterm elections, where Sestak will face Republican Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania and Paul will square off against Democrat Jack Conway in Kentucky. Click Here for More Reuters Political News Photo Credits: REUTERS/Bradley Bower ( Specter and his wife Joan The setback for Lincoln came Senate Minority Leader Mitch Specter depart his campaign reception following his a m i d t h e w a v e o f a n t i - McConnell. Washington voter anger that has Paul claimed victory and c o n c e s s i o n s p e e c h i n imperiled incumbents across the p r o m p t l y a d d r e s s e d t h e Philadelphia) REUTERS/Tim country. Washington establishment. Shaffer (Sestak with reporters In Kentucky, it was the Tea “I have a message from the Tea before casting his primary ballot Gradyville, PA) Party versus the Republican Party, a message that is loud and i n Party and the upstart political clear and does not mince words: REUTERS/STR New (Rand movement won. Tea Party “We’ve come to take our Paul gives his victory speech in favorite Rand Paul(a doctor and government back,” Paul said in Bowling Green, Kentucky) son of Rep. Ron Paul) handily his victory speech in Bowling defeated Trey Grayson, the Green. Paul declared the Tea c a n d i d a t e a n o i n t e d b y Party movement is huge, Kentucky’s top Republican, suggesting that members are a


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Tea Party toughens up Republican Party – Gingrich Tabassum Zakaria (Front Row Washington)

Dan Heath (Fast Company)

Submitted at 5/18/2010 10:22:33 AM

The Tea Party movement is a good thing for the Republican Party, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says. It toughens up the GOP. (Anyone else thinking biker jackets?) Rather than fragment the Republican Party in the coming November elections, the conservative anti-tax, smallgovernment Tea Party movement will rev it up, says Gingrich, who helped orchestrate the 1994 Republican Revolution when the party won control of both houses of Congress in the midterm elections. And wins by Tea Partysupported candidates in the primaries leading up to the November midterms will benefit the Republican Party, “if the Tea Party movement and the Republicans stay together to defeat Obamaism,” Gingrich said on NBC’s “Today” show. “The Tea Party movement adds energy, it adds drive, it adds a toughness that the Republican Party needs,” he said.

Switch: Shrink The Change with OneMinute Praisings

some progress, and you’ll keep trucking. Getting started is always harder than staying What do you dread at work? going.The strategy here is Maybe it’s filling out expense universal. Any time change feels reports. Making a cold call to a daunting, we’ll try to dodge it. It new lead. Giving a performance doesn’t matter whether you’re r e v i e w t o y o u r e m p l o y e e talking about personal change or Chester, who’s prone to tearing o r g a n i z a t i o n a l c h a n g e o r up at the first hint of negative societal change. In situations feedback. Whatever it is, you like this, where the change feels avoid it. You procrastinate. You too big, we’ve got to shrink it, check Google News, you check so it feels more manageable. your fantasy football stats. You Ken Blanchard understood this benefit for Democrats. check Google News again. principle. He said most Sweeping conclusions about the There’s a way out, though. Let m a n a g e r s b o t t l e u p t h e i r effect of the Tea Party on the me show you how it works in feedback until something goes 2010 elections at this stage risk the context of housecleaning, wrong. He called it sea gull turning out to be wrong, given which is something that I management—they fly in, make n o t a l l T e a P a r t i e r s a r e absolutely dread. It’s called the a l o t o f n o i s e , d u m p o n Republicans and it will be the 5-Minute Rescue, and it was everyone, and fly out. So he f i r s t e l e c t i o n s i n c e t h e p r o p o s e d b y a n o n l i n e challenged managers to stop movement was established. housecleaning guru called the storing up their comments and Will 2010 be the year of “Fly Lady.” You set a kitchen proposed a specific way to another Republican Revolution? timer to 5 minutes. Then you shrink the change: He said, Photo credit: Reuters/Rick rush to the dirtiest room in your Concentrate on catching your Wilking (protester waiting for house—the one you’d never let employees doing something Tea Party Express bus to arrive a guest see—and, as the timer right—and then reinforce it with in Denver), Reuters/Rebecca ticks down, you start clearing a immediate, specific praise. He Cook (West Michigan Tea Party path, and when the timer finally c a l l e d i t O n e - M i n u t e logo) buzzes, you can stop with a Praisings.If you’re changing clear conscience. Doesn’t sound something at work and people so bad, does it? But the trick, of a r e h a v i n g t h e D r e a d course, is that you won’t stop, R e a c t i o n — i f t h e y ’ r e because by then, you’ll have procrastinating and sidestepping some momentum going, you’ll things, chances are you need to have the satisfaction of seeing shrink the change. Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:21:47 AM

The Kentucky Republican primary for Senate today will be one test of how well a Tea Party supported candidate (Rand Paul) can fare against a party establishment supported candidate (Trey Grayson) at the ballot box. Gingrich would not pick a candidate in the Kentucky primary, saying he had friends on both sides but had a hunch that Paul has the edge. Gingrich’s comments that the Tea Party could strengthen the Republican Party come against other measures that point to it as a potentially divisive force for Republicans and thus a possible

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It’s all in the timing… Republican steals limelight from Democrat

Consumer Prices Slip During April

Tabassum Zakaria (Front Row Washington)

Mark Fightmaster (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 5/18/2010 1:08:23 PM

Submitted at 5/19/2010 10:00:00 AM

For once Democrats can be thankful that a Republican stole the spotlight on primary day. Tuesday began with a focus on Richard Blumenthal, the Connecticut Democrat running for the Senate, amid questions about his military record during the Vietnam War. But it quickly shifted mid-morning on news that Republican Congressman Mark Souder was resigning over an affair with a female aide. Souder, a self-proclaimed “evangelical Christian” and an advocate of abstinence in sexual education, issued a statement in which he said he was “renewing my walk with my Lord.” In college Souder often wore a button that said “I’m proud to be a square.” (That was long before

the song “Hip to Be Square,” and with the number of sex scandals that keep erupting on Capitol Hill, perhaps fallen is the new square.) Souder’s congressional seat in Indiana is considered safely Republican, but the party has to produce a candidate. The Connecticut Senate seat

Filed under: Economic Data The Labor Department's recently released April consumer inflation figures may cast a bit of a bearish shadow on the Street. Consumer prices dropped 0.1% last month, on a seasonally adjusted basis. This is the first decline in the consumer price index since March 2009. The impetus for being vacated by Democrat the drop was a decline in Christopher Dodd, however, energy, housing, auto and could end up in Republican apparel prices. hands in the November election That said, the consumer price if the Blumenthal revelations index has increased 2.2% in the past year. What's more, the core harm his campaign. Click here for more Reuters CPI, which excludes the volatile food and energy prices, was politics news. Photo credit: Reuters/Jonathan unchanged, pushing the yearover-year increase in core Ernst (Capitol dome)


inflation lower to 0.9%. This benchmark is at its lowest since January 1966. Continue reading Consumer Prices Slip During April Consumer Prices Slip During April originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 19 May 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Consumer price index- Inflation - United States Department of Labor- Energy- Core inflation

Deere & Co. Issues Solid Quarterly Earnings Mark Fightmaster (BloggingStocks)

as a result of improving sales of farm and construction equipment. Submitted at 5/19/2010 10:30:00 AM Deere earned $1.58 per share Filed under: Earnings Reports, during the quarter, excluding a Deere and Co (DE) charge related to health care This morning, heavy-equipment legislation. Including the charge, manufacturer Deere & Co. ( the company earned $1.28 per DE) announced that its second- share, topping last year's same- s h a r e a n d t h e c o n s e n s u s quarter earnings increased 16% quarter results of $1.11 per estimate of $1.09 per share.

Quarterly revenue checked in at $7.13 billion, 6% better than a year earlier and better than the consensus estimate. Continue reading Deere & Co. Issues Solid Quarterly Earnings Deere & Co. Issues Solid Quarterly Earnings originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 19 May 2010 10:30:00

EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Deere & Company- RevenueBusiness- Health care- Heavy equipment



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Banks Are Finally Capitulating, As Short-Sales Reduce Shadow Inventory Backlog Keith Jurow (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:16:31 AM

After several years of resisting short sales, the major banks have finally changed course. They have concluded that encouraging defaulted borrowers to pursue a short sale is preferable to waiting for the owner to leave, or worse yet, damage the house before being foreclosed. The advantage for borrowers and lenders is clear. John Campbell, publisher of the Campbell/Inside Mortgage Finance monthly report explained in February that "Short sales typically result in lower lender losses and houses left in more saleable condition. Moreover, borrowers that agree to a short sale can often buy another house with mortgage financing after only two years. For borrowers going through the foreclosure process, mortgage financing can be unavailable for a period of five to seven years." According to a March report by House Buyers Network, which links short sellers with prospective buyers, "banks have ramped up short sale approvals." They have added staff to handle the hordes of owners looking to avoid foreclosure by opting for a short sale. What used to take as long as six months of wrangling

with the banks is now often approved within thirty days. Short sales have really taken off since last fall and this is not limited to the large metros which experienced the housing bubble and collapse. The percentage of home purchases nationwide that were short sales soared from 12.4% in November 2009 to 18.6% in March according to the April Campbell/Inside Mortgage Finance report. Here are a few examples: In Phoenix, short sales averaged nearly 2000 per month in the last year. Short sale listings are now 40% of all active listings there. April sales figures for San Diego showed that 24% of all purchases were short sales. In Boise, Idaho there are currently more than 700 active short sale listings. In Salt Lake City, 28% of listings were short sale listings. Hillsborough County, outside of Tampa, had 35% of all listings as short sale listings as early as January. Central Oregon is a growing area that has attracted thousands of retirees in the past decade. Not exactly housing bubble country. In the first quarter of 2008, there was not a single short sale completed in the two largest cities - Redmond and Bend. In the first three months of this year, 24% of all

rejected * Live in the property as the principal residence * Have a mortgage that is owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac * Demonstrate financial hardship * Have a monthly housing payment which exceeds 31% of gross income * Have an unpaid principal which does not exceed $729,750 Under the streamlined HAFA process, lenders must have the property appraised and make a determination as to its market value. Once the owner is informed by the lender what purchases recorded were short process and provides incentives price they are willing to accept, sales. to borrowers, lenders and the a bonafide offer brought to the San Jose is in the heart of mortgage servicers. These lender must be accepted within Silicon Valley. It experienced incentives include: ten days. soaring prices during the bubble * Up to $3,000 to help the The HAFA rules also require years of 2004-2005 before the homeowner relocate the lender to release the market cratered. Currently there * Up to $1,500 to the mortgage borrower from any obligation to are roughly 250 active short sale servicer for administrative and repay the shortfall between the and foreclosure listings, 25% of processing expenses sale price and the debt owed. all listings, and 80 of these * Up to $2,000 to the first lien One key drawback of a short distressed listings are priced at holder for sharing the short sale sale had been that the IRS $1 million or higher. proceeds with a second-lien considered this shortfall to be The Obama Administration holder taxable income. However, recognized the importance of * Up to $6,000 for second-lien Congress waived this onerous facilitating short sales in order holders who relinquish their liability in 2007 for mortgage to reduce the overhang of the so claims debt used to buy or improve a -called "shadow inventory." Its To be eligible for these primary residence and renewed n e w H o m e A f f o r d a b l e incentives, the borrower must this exemption in late 2009 for Foreclosure Alternatives * First apply for a loan three more years. In early April program (HAFA), which went modification under the Home into effect on April 5, Affordable Modification BANKS page 7 streamlines the short sale P r o g r a m ( H A M P ) a n d b e


E-reader News Edition


Here's Niall Ferguson's Complete And Definitive Guide To The Sovereign Debt Crisis Gregory White (Business Insider)

Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:22:00 AM Peterson Institute for Harvard and Oxford historian I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s Niall Ferguson has unleashed Source: Niall Ferguson via the his latest lesson on the history of P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r sovereign debt crises, and it is a I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s t h o r o u g h a n d c o m p l e t e Source: Niall Ferguson via the explanation of what the world is P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r going through now, and what it I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s can expect in the near future. Source: Niall Ferguson via the This isn't just about the "PIIGS" P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r states, it is about the United I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s States and United Kingdom, and Source: Niall Ferguson via the their very real crisis in public P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r finances. It is about what these I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s states are going to have to Source: Niall Ferguson via the sacrifice to maintain stability, P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r both fiscal and political. International Economics The speech, made at the Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for Peterson Institute for International Economics, can be I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s watched at their site, but we Source: Niall Ferguson via the have the amazingly powerful P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r presentation here. Source: Niall I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s Ferguson via the Peterson Source: Niall Ferguson via the Institute for International P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r Economics International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for Peterson Institute for International Economics International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Source: Niall Ferguson via the

Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the

Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the

Gold Just Nosedived Below $1200 Joe Weisenthal (Business Insider)

Thar she goes... Join the conversation about this

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Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Unsettled by Ferguson's opinion? Check out Richard Koo's presentation on why this crisis is completely different. Image: Bloomberg See the presentation right here > Join the conversation about this story Âť



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Crib Sheet: Steven Chu, Secretary of State for Energy Addy Dugdale (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:40:23 AM

When you've got one of the world's biggest man-made disaster zones on your doorstep, it pays to have an Energy Secretary like Steven Chu. Possessor of an enormous brain, he excels at distilling the big picture of climate change into something that just about everyone can understand. It's all about the small things, he says, exhorting the American people to insulate their homes correctly, and suggesting unorthodox, yet simple ideas like painting roofs white in order to reflect sunlight into space and mitigate global warming. But, as befits this onetime professor of physics at Berkeley, he's just as comfortable with the large-scale projects, such as harnessing the wind, exploring nuclear power, or even the suggestion that a glucose economy could lessen the world's reliance on oil. "From here on in, every day has to be Earth Day," he told the New York Times last year. And he practices what he preaches. For years he didn't bother with a car, preferring to cycle everywhere. That stopped when Obama gave him the top job in the Energy Department. "My security detail didn't want me to

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be riding my bicycle, or even taking the Metro," he said, adding sorrowfully what those extra carbon emissions mean to him. "I don't feel good about it." Born 62 years ago in St. Louis, to Chinese parents who came to MIT as grad students, Steven is the youngest of three highachieving brothers. He followed his older brother, who'd set the school record for the highest cumulative average, to Garden City High in New York, but was only an A-minus student. "By my family's standards, this was appalling," he said. Turned down by the Ivy League schools, he went to Rochester University, following this up with a PhD from Berkeley, before starting up at Bell Labs in 1978, where his research on laser cooling won him the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1997. The secret of his success? His parents' message to him during his formative years. "Read. They didn't care what we read, as long as we read." He's not just the bookish type though: I always liked to build things, do experiments. I would be given a model set for Christmas and I loved to put them together, so I always asked my parents for erector sets. Working with your hands gives you the spacial awareness that is useful in science."

Scientific research can be a metaphor for life:"You're going to be rebuffed and rejected and you've got to stand up and convince yourself you were right. Once we convince ourselves, we have to be our worst critics. Once we convince ourselves we're right, we can convince everyone else we're right." Life in a white coat at Bell

Labs:"It was a positively electric atmosphere. A lot of inventions started up around the dining tables there. Something magical was going on at that time." It was not, Chu says, so easy at first, as he was positively discouraged by his bosses from launching straight into his field of expertise. Instead, he was told to fish around a bit, until he found something that excited

him. "Go to the labs, talk to people, explore" [they told him]. "It was devastating. I felt pressure. It's much easier to have a little problem you're working on, it's very cozy. It set the tone for the rest of my life, collaborating with people outside my own expertise." Ain't no party like a Mad Scientists' Party:"We were there at night, we were there at weekends, we knew what each others' cars looked like. We partied together. Over a dozen of them are now in the National Academy of Sciences. Everything was exciting and something would come along that wasn't in my field, and people would jump fields, jump areas, and there was a feeling of excitement about the science, even though we were doing this, it was all right to jump and do that." Jump, you say? Chu is mad keen on sports. As well as teaching himself to play tennis in eighth grade by reading a book, he also learned to pole vault using bamboo canes from his local carpet store. He's also into baseball, swimming, and cycling--the latter, sadly, less so these days.

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Burgerville Offers Personalized Calorie Counts on Receipts, You Want Thighs With That? Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:24:32 AM

Think about what you hope for when you buy a meal from a local fast food joint--speed, convenience, taste, and maybe even sustainably sourced ingredients if you're lucky. But a low-calorie meal? Probably not that high on the list. Burgerville, a fast food chain in the Pacific Northwest that highlights local, seasonal food, aims to change that by providing custom nutritional information on receipts. The receipt system is being rolled out to all 39 Burgerville locations this week. But does it go too far? "It started first with guests interested in customizing our food. For those who have

allergies or are healthconscious, how do they know if they're on track or not?" Burgerville CEO Jeff Harvey tells So Harvey did some research on Nutricate, a system from SmartReceipt that offers personalized nutritional information on receipts. The system is already used in many hospitals and employee cafeterias, but Burgerville is the first fast food chain to adopt it. Burgerville's receipt system doesn't just shock customers into making different food choices--it also suggests what some of those choices might be. "One of our signatures is a real ice cream milkshake with seasonal fruit--it has the best quality ingredients, coming straight from the farms, but the

calorie count could be as high as 800 calories. So guests will get a recommendation saying, for example, if you like the blueberry shake, you might consider getting a blueberry smoothie next time," Harvey

says. The program makes sense for customers on a diet, but we have to wonder if it feeds just a little bit too much into our evergrowing obsession with calories. Burgerville customers can at

BANKS continued from page 4

of this year, Governor Schwarzenegger signed a bill which relieved homeowners of a similar state tax burden in California. With all these incentives now in place, short sales are almost certain to soar in the coming months. However, this does not mean we should all breathe a sigh of relief. There is an

important caveat. So-called "distressed sales" -- short sales and foreclosures together - have been sharply rising this year. According to the latest Campbell/Inside Mortgage Finance survey, they now comprise more than half of all home purchases throughout the country (51.6%). That is up from only 37.3% as recently as

November. This ominous change is telling us that the market for what we might call "normal" sales continues to weaken. This coming avalanche of distressed listings is putting severe downward pressure on home prices. And that means the number of homeowners who can sell their homes profitably will

continue to shrink. It creates a vicious circle which seems, for now, to be unavoidable. ( This post originally appeared at the The Real Estate Channel) Join the conversation about this story Âť

least rest easy knowing that their high-calorie food isn't coming from factory farms. But if it catches on, the program could set a questionable precedent. New York City already requires chains to provide calorie data on their menus, so it's not a stretch to think that a calorie-counting receipt system might be implemented at some point in the future. Burgerville customers who tested the program in a pilot were satisfied with the results, however. "Most all of the feedback was positive, and no guests were shocked by the info. I don't recall getting any negative feedback," Harvey says.

Hazard Pay Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:00:00 AM

(more info) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Cisco Buys a Product-Design Firm, Takes Aim at Consumer Electronics Cliff Kuang (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:44:45 AM

The networking giant has bought itself a design firm, to shore up its in-house productdevelopment chops. Cisco--which is best-known for making backbone infrastructure for the Internet--is getting serious about consumer electronics. And today, they announced another big step in that direction, the acquisition of Moto, a somewhat obscure design firm. Moto, it should be noted, isn't one of those big hot-shot firms like IDEO or Frog or Smart. But what they do seem to possess is an intimate knowledge of the design process--from drawing something on a sheet of paper to

haggling with suppliers to get them to make your stuff correctly, and everything in between. That might be the most important factor for Cisco, as they try to build upon the runaway success of the Flip cameras, the complete design

overhaul at Linksys, and the launch of the Valet line of routers (above). Moreover, they've bought a (presumably) functional group that can work together, which is key with something as process oriented and complex as product development. It's not the first

time they've done that--Cisco kept Pure Digital's design team mostly intact when they bought the original maker of the Flip cam in March '09 for $590 million. There's not yet any indication of what sort of products Cisco might eventually tackle with

their new team. But in the past, Moto has developed products for Sirius, Intel, Logitech, LiveScrib, and various other startups. And recently, they've been working on Android-based e-readers and home energy monitors. That said, what Moto still lacks is a track record of design sexiness--which is sure to become a more pressing need as Cisco tips into more competitive territory. Then again, Cisco is probably hoping to invent a couple new categories to perform alongside Flip, which proved that even in a crowded market, there's still opportunity if you can look at the market in a fresh way.

The Paywall Revolution Could Actually Be A Revolution Michael Wolff (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:06:00 AM

Rupert Murdoch puts up a paywall around his Times and Sunday Times in London next week. The New York Time s is indicating it will put its wall up in January. So what happens to the news world when most people no longer get their news from the

most established sources? This is a different question than whether Murdoch or the NYT can make a viable business—or at least gain a meaningful contribution to their costs—from a paying, albeit smaller, audience. This is about what happens to the 90%—and by some estimates 99%—of the audience that will change its daily news habit rather than pay. By some estimates this

Newspapers • People Now Trust Online News Sources More Than Newspapers (In The U.K., At Least) • Hey, New York Times: You Can Change The Game In Online Advertising could be more than 50 million people suddenly untethered. Read more at Newser >> Join the conversation about this

story » See Also: • No One's Joining Rupert Murdoch's Crusade To Save

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Germany Trying to Stop Speculators ... Alone Connie Madon (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:30:00 AM

Got Something to Say? Make the Most of Fast Company's Comments and Profiles Kit Eaton (Fast Company)

your new profile page, a different and sleeker kettle of Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:30:07 AM fish than the old one (and simple Have you noticed the new to fill in, if you're new to comments appearing on Fast Company postings this week? If Start by uploading a pic of not, shame on you! An entirely yourself. It'll give your profile a new system has successfully personality, and your comments swung into action, so to help will stand out more in the you work it out, along with our d i s c u s s i o n s b e n e a t h e a c h new user profiles, read this: posting that The upgraded comments now you take part in. I've done it support threading, and unlike [Ed: Me, too!] our previous comments system While filling in your profile it's moderated to keep the page with data like a biography, spammers and scammers at bay. you can also pop in a link to a That means you'll need to Web site, which could be your submit a comment and get social network fave like Twitter approved by a moderator before or Facebook, or a blog where joining in discussions and your personal writings are updating your profile. transmitted to the Interwebs. A key part of the upgrade is When you've finished popping

Filed under: International Markets, Market Matters, Financial Crisis Germany, single-handedly, wants to stop speculation in eurozone debt bonds and 10 leading financial institutions, as well as credit default swaps. Late Tuesday it announced a trading ban in a sudden and unilateral move. Germany did not discuss its actions with other EU nations. That is causing concern among the other eurozone countries. Reuters quotes German finance minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, as saying: "We'll go first because it was precisely that part of the speculation with government bonds in the euro

in all your data, you'll see that your personal profile page shows all the activity that's gone on under your name on the site-and if you're looking at the profile page of a FastCompany writer, like me, Addy, Ariel, Cliff or Dan, then their posts will also appear in this list. Supplementing this aggregation feature, you can even chose to follow the activities of your fave writer or commenter as an RSS feed to your RSS reader of (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) choice. Just keep an eye open for the "subscribe to my feed" Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:10:28 AM link at the top of a news feed. gratefuljr buzzed up: White Give it a whirl now, why don't House touts nominee, releases you? And let us know how you Kagan papers (AP) think about it in the comments 28 seconds ago 2010-05to this piece.

zone caused us such concern." Continue reading Germany Trying to Stop Speculators ... Alone Germany Trying to Stop Speculators ... Alone originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 19 May 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments Germany- Credit default swapGovernment bond- European Union- Finance

CBS axes 7 shows to make room for fall newcomers (AP) 19T07:32:45-07:00 Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Morning Edition: Google TV is Smart TV

Hewlett-Packard Trades Higher Following Strong Q2 Numbers

(CNET Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:59:06 AM

Michael Fowlkes (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Earnings Reports, Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), Technology Tech giant HewlettPackard ( HPQ) traded lower Tuesday with the overall market, but shares rose over 2% in after-hours trading following a better-than-expected earnings report for its fiscal second quarter. Net income jumped 28% during the quarter and, excluding one time items, the company had earnings of $1.09 per share, topping analysts estimates for $1.05. During the same period last year Hewlett Packard had earnings of 71 cents per share. Continue reading Hewlett-

Packard Trades Higher Following Strong Q2 Numbers Hewlett-Packard Trades Higher Following Strong Q2 Numbers originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Wed, 19 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments Joe Weisenthal (Business Hewlett Packard- Net income- Insider) Personal computer- HardwareSubmitted at 5/19/2010 9:27:14 AM HP The pre-market was very ugly, then the bulls rallied back to the even line in early trading. And now things are swooning again.

The Bulls Are Failing After Attempted Charge, Dow Off Triple Digits

AT&T gets the Palm Pixi Plus, why you shouldn't click on "sexiest video ever," and Google announces a few details about Smart TV. 1 minute 59 seconds May 19, 2010 6:59 AM PDT Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

We're currently off over triple digits. At one poitn we were off 140, though we've come back just a touch. The NASDAQ is down 32. Gold is below $1200. Pay attention. Join the conversation about this story Âť

Barnes & Noble Announces PubIt! for Aspiring Authors John Biggs (TechCrunch)

front of a few million people using their PubIt! service. The new service allows you to Everyone has a book in them, upload a document, convert it to right? Well Barnes & Noble epub, and sell it on their B&N w a n t s t o g i v e y o u t h e reader system, including on the opportunity to push that book in Nook and iPad. It's coming this Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:54:10 AM

summer and is currently

accepting sign-ups. Interestingly, they're focusing on independent publishers, which suggests that we won't see too many scrawled treatises on alien mind control in the Carter cabinet or the how the

ghost of Jack Ruby is coming to inappropriately touch an older man in Boca Raton. There will be a "competitive royalty model" but they're not announcing specifics right now.

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Obama endorsements don't seem to help Democrats (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

embolden Republican lawmakers and candidates who oppose him. WASHINGTON – Voters "We're licking our chops at rejected one of President Barack r u n n i n g a g a i n s t P r e s i d e n t Obama's hand-picked candidates Obama," said Rand Paul, tea and forced another into a runoff, party candidate and victor in the latest sign that his political Kentucky's Republican primary capital is slipping beneath a for retiring GOP Sen. Jim wave of anti-establishment Bunning's seat. Paul told CNN anger. on Wednesday he'd relish Sen. Arlen Specter became the Obama's campaigning on behalf fourth Democrat in seven of Democrat Jack Conway. months to lose a high-profile Obama's agenda, Paul said, is race despite the president's "so far to the left, he's not active involvement, raising popular in Kentucky." doubts about Obama's ability to Obama's track record also help fellow Democrats in this raises the question of whether he November's elections. may be hurting candidates he The first three candidates fell to supports by motivating his foes Republicans. But Specter's loss — s u c h a s t e a p a r t y Tuesday to Rep. Joe Sestak in supporters— to vote. Though Pennsylvania's Democratic this month's AP-GfK Poll shows senatorial primary cast doubts Americans split about evenly on Obama's influence and over how he's handling his job, popularity even within his own those strongly disapproving party — and in a battleground outnumber people who strongly state, no less. back him by 33 percent to 22 Of course, it's possible that percent — not an enviable Democrats will fare better than position for the president's expected this fall. And there's party. only so much that any president Sestak's victory over Specter is can do to help other candidates, e s p e c i a l l y e m b a r r a s s i n g , especially in a non-presidential because he won by portraying election year. himself and his supporters as Still, Obama's poor record thus being more faithful to the far could hurt his legislative Democratic Party than were a g e n d a i f D e m o c r a t i c Specter and his backers — who lawmakers decide they need i n c l u d e d t h e p r e s i d e n t , some distance from him as they Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell seek re-election in what is and other high-ranking party shaping up as a pro-Republican officials. year. Conversely, it might Creating another bruise for Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:39:49 AM

Obama and the Democratic establishment Tuesday, Sen. Blanche Lincoln was forced into a runoff in Arkansas' Democratic senatorial primary. Obama supports her bid for a third term, but he is not as closely associated with her campaign as he was with Specter's. In previous months, Obama's endorsements and campaign appearances weren't enough to save then- Gov. Jon Corzine's re -election bid in New Jersey, Creigh Deeds' run for governor in Virginia or Martha Coakley's campaign in Massachusetts to keep the late Edward M. Kennedy's Senate seat in Democratic hands. In fairness, Deeds was an underdog from the start, and Corzine brought many problems on himself. But the Coakley loss to Republican Scott Brown was excruciating. She once was considered a shoo-in, and her defeat restored the Republicans' ability to block Democratic bills with Senate filibusters. Unlike the Corzine, Deeds and Coakley races, Obama made no late-campaign appearances for Specter. But it will be hard for the president to distance himself from Specter's career-ending loss. Obama campaigned for Specter last September in Philadelphia, where he said, "I love Arlen Specter." Specter used the clip in recent TV ads. Obama also e-

mailed his supporters on Specter's behalf, and he was the first person Specter thanked in his concession speech. Vice President Joe Biden, a Pennsylvania native, made several appearances for Specter. Last week he told a Pittsburgh radio station, "Arlen is the Democratic candidate." Moreover, Obama was central to an all-important deal with Specter that struck some Democratic voters as opportunistic at best. Specter had been a Republican senator for 28 years, opposing countless Democratic bills and appointees even if he showed more independence than most lawmakers. Thirteen months ago, however, he concluded he could not win the GOP nomination for a sixth term against conservative Pat Toomey. He and top Democrats struck a deal. Specter would become a Democrat, giving the party the crucial 60th Senate vote it needed to overcome Republican filibusters, which were frustrating the administration. In exchange, Obama, Biden, Rendell and the entire Democratic hierarchy agreed to support Specter's 2010 reelection, including efforts to clear his way to the party's nomination. The losers in the deal were any longtime Democrats who aspired to the U.S. Senate. They

essentially were told to step aside for an 80-year-old longtime Republican. Pennsylvania's Democratic voters were asked to concur. Sestak, a former Navy vice admiral first elected to the House in 2006, refused to go along. He plugged away without help from the state or national party. A few weeks ago he trailed Specter by about 20 percentage points in polls of likely Democratic voters. But Sestak caught fire in the closing days, partly through a TV ad showing Specter campaigning enthusiastically with then- President George W. Bush, who remains deeply unpopular with many Democratic primary voters. In the past few weeks, the White House has played down Obama's role in the Tuesday primaries, and he spent Election Day in Ohio talking about the economy. "At some point, you feel like we've done what we can do," senior White House adviser David Axelrod told The Associated Press in an interview. "We do have other stuff going on," he said. Matt Bennett, a Democratic strategist and vice president of the group Third Way, said he doubts that Democratic lawmakers will panic over Obama's inability to help OBAMA page 14


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Miss USA controversies storm the blogosphere (The Newsroom) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

fact, the most provocative photos that have surfaced of her seem to be the official lingerie And you thought beauty shots taken under the auspices queens' infighting was fierce. of the pageant. No pageant managed by The [ Video: Trump defends the racy Donald would be complete photos] without its own outbreak of Instead, the highest decibels culture war. have been reserved for her Last year, of course, there was M u s l i m A r a b b a c k g r o u n d Miss USA's great Carrie Prejean (though the contestant herself c o n t r o v e r s y — w h e n t h e has spoken little about religious reigning Miss California upheld matters, stressing that her family marriage as an exclusively observes both Muslim and heterosexual insitution after Christian holidays). celebrity blogger Perez Hilton Daniel Pipes, who publishes a asked about gay matrimony. right-leaning blog on Middle (That dustup was eventually Eastern affairs, pointed to a " overtaken by Prejean's own surprising frequency of Muslims naughty-photo scandal, which winning beauty pageants." D o n a l d T r u m p h i m s e l f While allowing that "they are all e v e n t u a l l y a r b i t r a t e d . ) attractive" — Pipes, a former This week, Lebanese-American board member of the U.S. immigrant Rima Fakih of Institute for Peace, posted Michigan was crowned Miss pictures of several — he said U S A — m a y b e t h e f i r s t that their victories "make me c o n t e s t a n t o f M u s l i m suspect an odd form of background to win, though the a f f i r m a t i v e a c t i o n . " pageant's records are Pipes didn't theorize how incomplete. shadowy beauty-pageant fixers [ See Miss USA photos] might be greasing the skids for There were, of course, the usual c o n t e s t a n t s — b u t o t h e r day-after revelations about the political bloggers were happy to new titlist's past media exploits: a d v a n c e m o r e h e a t e d pictures from a 2007 pole- p r o n o u n c e m e n t s . dancing competition and an "Miss Hezbollah is now Miss appearance in a salaciously USA," declared conservative t i t l e d i n d e p e n d e n t v i d e o radio talk show host Debbie production. But she remained Schlussel, saying that Fakih's fully clothed in both outings. In relatives in Lebanon had ties to Submitted at 5/18/2010 5:33:11 PM

the terrorist organization based there. Schlussel also said Fakih received some financial backing from onetime Hezbollah supporter Imad Hamad — or, as Schlussel put it, Fakih's "bid for the pageant was financed by an Islamic terrorist." Suggesting the pageant was "rigged," Schlussel wrote off Fakih's victory to a "politically correct, Islamo-pandering climate." Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin saw a conspiracy afoot, too — generic rather than Muslim-specific this time. Malkin mocked Fakih as a "gaffetastic" contestant who tripped over her gown as well as over her answer to a question about birth control — exposing Fakih's ignorance, Malkin argued, about what constitutes a "controlled substance" and what the purpose of health care is. "Looks like the Miss USA pageant didn't want to risk the wrath of the open-borders mob," Malkin said. [ See the video of Rima Fakih tripping] Immigration was in fact another flashpoint of political controversy over the contest. Runner-up Morgan Elizabeth Woolard of Oklahoma was asked for her views on Arizona's recent immigration law, a question that drew boos from the crowd before the judge —

actor Oscar Nunez of "The Office" — could even finish getting it out. When he did deliver the question, asking whether immigration enforcement "should be mandated by the state or by the federal government," Woolard replied that she was "a huge believer in states' rights," then added: "I think it's perfectly fine for Arizona to create that law, and I'm against illegal immigration. But I'm also against racial profiling, so I see both sides in this issue." You can watch the exchange here: " Fox & Friends" host Gretchen Carlson(herself a former Miss America) suggested that perhaps Woolard's conservativeleaning"informed opinion" was enough for the judges to exercise political correctness and award the crown to Fakih over a blonde from Oklahoma. [ Video: See if Miss Oklahoma thinks she was robbed] Foreign commentators, meanwhile, have seized on the whole Miss USA episode as a prime example of (as the Guardian's Richard Adams calls it) " America's weirdness." You might look at Fakih's victory as a certain kind of"triumph" of the West, the Spectator's Alex Massie says, representing "a form of

emancipation or at least cultural assimilation that might be thought useful (in as much as such contests can ever be considered useful)." Yahoo! News asked 1996 Miss USA winner Ali Landry what she thinks about it all. She says she's sorry to see the pageant's sharp turn into public controversy, though she adds that she's "very grateful" for the opportunities that accompanied the title. She stresses that the pageant has amped up its political and cultural visibility under Trump's stewardship. "Back when I competed, Trump had not purchased it yet, and it was very tame and the questions were very general," Landry said. "But now it's all about the ratings. So you have 17-, 18-, 19 -year-old girls who haven't lived their lives yet, who don't have much life experience, being asked to form strong opinions about things." Landry, who now works frequently as an actress and recently launched a line of children's clothes, also conceded that even before the Trump era, the Miss USA pageant always came with lots of pressure to generate media attention. "You have to remember, it's a MISS page 13

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147 years later, Wis. Civil War soldier gets medal (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

Zerwekh. The 90-year-old woman lives on the land in Delafield where Cushing was DELAFIELD, Wis. – Seven born, and jokes she's been score and seven years ago, a adopted by the Cushing family wounded Wisconsin soldier for her efforts to see Alonzo s t o o d h i s g r o u n d o n t h e recognized. Gettysburg battlefield and made "I was jumping up and down a valiant stand before he was when I heard it was approved," felled by a Confederate bullet. said Zerwekh, who walks with Now, thanks to the dogged two canes. "I was terribly e f f o r t s o f m o d e r n - d a y excited." supporters, 1st Lt. Alonzo Cushing died on July 3, 1863, Cushing shall not have died in the last day of the three-day vain, nor shall his memory have battle of Gettysburg. He was 22. perished from the earth. The West Point graduate and Descendants and some Civil his men of the Battery A, 4th War history buffs have been U.S. Artillery were defending pushing the U.S. Army to award the Union position on Cemetery the soldier the Medal of Honor, Ridge against Pickett's Charge, the nation's highest military a major Confederate thrust that decoration. They'll soon get could have turned the tide in the their wish. war. Secretary of the Army John Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee McHugh has approved their was planning an invasion of the request, leaving a few formal North; both sides knew how steps before the award becomes important this engagement was. official this summer. Cushing Cushing commanded about 110 will become one of 3,447 men and six cannons. His small recipients of the medal, and the force along with reinforcements second from the Civil War s t o o d t h e i r g r o u n d u n d e r honored in the last 10 years. artillery bombardment as nearly It's an honor that's 147 years 13,000 Confederate infantrymen o v e r d u e , s a i d M a r g a r e t waited to advance. Submitted at 5/19/2010 5:55:27 AM

"Clap your hands as fast as you can — that's as fast as the shells are coming in," said Scott Hartwig, a historian with the Gettysburg National Military Park in Pennsylvania. "They were under terrific fire." The bombardment lasted two hours. Cushing was wounded in the shoulder and groin, and his battery was left with two guns and no long-range ammunition. His stricken battery should have been withdrawn and replaced with reserve forces, Hartwig said, but Cushing shouted that he would take his guns to the front lines. "What that means is, 'While I've got a man left to fight, I'll fight,'" Hartwig said. Within minutes, he was killed by a Confederate bullet to the head. Confederate soldiers advanced into the Union fire, but finally retreated with massive casualties. The South never recovered from the defeat. The soldier's bravery so inspired one Civil War history buff that he took up Cushing's cause by launching a Facebook page titled "Give Alonzo Cushing the Medal of Honor."

Phil Shapiro, a 27-year-old Air Force captain, said such heroism displayed in one of the nation's most pivotal battles deserved recognition, even at this late date. "We need to honor those people who got our country to where it is," said Shapiro, of Cabot, Ark. Zerwekh first started campaigning for Cushing in 1987 by writing to Wisconsin Sen. William Proxmire. Proxmire entered comments into the Congressional Record, she said, and she assumed that was as far as it would go. But current Sen. Russ Feingold later pitched in and helped Zerwekh and others petition the Army. After a lengthy review of historical records, the Army agreed earlier this year to recommend the medal. More than 1,500 soldiers from the Civil War have received the Medal of Honor, according to the Defense Department. The last honoree for Civil War service was Cpl. Andrew Jackson Smith of Clinton, Ill., who received the medal in 2001. The Cushing name is prominent in the southeastern Wisconsin

town of Delafield. A monument to Cushing and two of his brothers — Naval Cmdr. William Cushing and Army 1st Lt. Howard Cushing — stands at Cushing Memorial Park, where the town holds most of its Memorial Day celebrations. Shapiro, the Facebook fan, said he thought of Alonzo Cushing plenty of times last year as he faced a number of dangerous situations during a five-month stint in Iraq. "I'd think about what Cushing accomplished, what he was able to deal with at age 22," Shapiro said. "I thought if he could do that then I can certainly deal with whatever I'm facing." ___ On the Net: Congressional Medal of Honor Society: ___ Dinesh Ramde can be reached at dramde(at) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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business first and foremost," she said. "So I think that the controversy, whatever shape or form it's in and no matter whose expense it's at, that's ultimately good for them from a business

perspective if the pageant's in the news and if they're getting good ratings." — Brett Michael Dykes is a national affairs writer for Yahoo! News.


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Surprisingly Unhealthy

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Specter to a victory. "Presidents have coattails when their names are on the ballot," Bennett said, and that can't happen for Obama until 2012. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime

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Ministerial - The 2010 UK (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full 10 Foods That Sound Healthy Text RSS, Term Extraction. (but Aren't) Salad, bran muffins, fat-free foodsthey're good for you,

right? Not always. Nutrition expert Katherine Brooking, MS, RD, reveals surprisingly unhealthy foods, plus better-foryou alternatives. Five Filters featured article:

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Fishing ban widens as as oil spill spreads in Gulf (Reuters: Top News)

surrounding waters, BP said. Its progress was being closely Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:04:26 AM watched by the Obama KEY WEST, Florida(Reuters) - administration, which has taken B P P l c f o r g e d a h e a d o n a tough line on BP and other Wednesday with efforts to stem companies involved in the spill, its leaking Gulf of Mexico oil and Gulf Coast residents, whose well, amid fears powerful livelihood and way of life are currents were pushing the slick threatened. toward prized U.S. tourist Environmentalists warn that the resorts and fisheries. spill could prove worse than the Green Business 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster off The London-based energy A l a s k a - - t h e w o r s t s u c h giant, which has seen its incident in U.S. history -- and reputation battered and market b r i n g a n e c o l o g i c a l a n d value cut by $30 billion due to economic calamity to the Gulf the disaster, said it planned to region. increase the amount of oil In a sign of the widening captured from its blown well as environmental impact, the it works on a permanent fix. United States nearly doubled a A siphon tube inserted into the no-fishing zone in waters seen well was capturing an estimated affected by the oil gushing from 2 , 0 0 0 b a r r e l s ( 8 4 , 0 0 0 the blown well, extending it to gallons/318,000 liters) per day 19 percent of U.S. waters in the from the ruptured undersea well, Gulf. about 40 percent of the amount And tests were being done on that was gushing into the tar balls found on a Key West

island resort to see if they came from BP's well, as Florida braced for the spill's potential impact on its $60 billion-a-year tourism industry. Oil debris and tar balls have been reported in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. Protective booms are being used to try to defend the shore. "No one knows where the tar balls are from, but they predict doom and gloom," said Charlie Bauer, a resident of Key West, the famed diving and fishing resort at the far southern tip of Florida. FOUR WEEKS LATER BP has said it will cover the costs of the spill, which was triggered by an April 20 rig explosion that killed 11 workers. It estimated the bill for the oil cleanup at $625 million, with analysts saying costs could reach into the billions. BP's shares slid about one

percent in early London trading. Officials have stressed the accident's so-far limited impact on the region's fisheries, coastal shorelines and wildlife, but that has failed to calm residents who fear extensive damage to local economies and communities. Many experts believe oil may have already been caught up in the powerful Loop Current curling around the Florida Peninsula, which could take it into the Florida Keys and possibly up the East Coast. A Coast Guard helicopter and NOAA experts planned to scour the area for signs of additional pollution. Florida Democrat Senator Bill Nelson released a forecast by University of South Florida College of Marine Science experts who said part of the oil slick may reach the Keys in five to six days, and possibly Miami five days after that.

Gold Just Nosedived Below $1200 Joe Weisenthal (The Money Game)

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"While I always hope for the best, this is looking like really out-of-control bad," Nelson said in a statement before another round of congressional hearings on Tuesday. Signaling the Obama administration's hard-line on BP, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told a Senate panel the government was investigating the company's Atlantis oil production platform in the Gulf. But President Barack Obama's drive to lift corporate liability limits for oil spills stalled in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday. (Writing by Ed Stoddard; Editing by Paul Simao) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Senate Democrats clash over Wall St reform endgame (Reuters: Top News)

but Senate Democratic leaders want to wrap it up and move on to bills on job creation and WASHINGTON(Reuters) - funding the war in Afghanistan. S e n i o r S e n a t e D e m o c r a t s "We need to come to closure," clashed on Tuesday over the last Dodd said on the Senate floor as disputed pieces of a sweeping leaders struggled to deal with Wall Street reform bill headed nearly 300 amendments. for final passage within days. As markets absorbed the Barack Obama likelihood of the bill's approval, A confrontation between financial stocks fell on Tuesday, Christopher Dodd and Blanche with the KBW Banks index of L i n c o l n , b o t h D e m o c r a t i c large bank shares down 3.7 chairmen of powerful Senate percent in broadly lower trading. c o m m i t t e e s , s i g n a l e d t h e Goldman Sachs added to the endgame was at hand for the sell-off on Tuesday when it said b i g g e s t o v e r h a u l o f U . S . in a note to clients that the financial regulation since the reform bill's changes could 1930s. shrink banks' normalized Dodd, chief author of the e a r n i n g s p e r s h a r e b y 2 0 sprawling reform bill, offered a p e r c e n t . compromise to essentially kill a HIGH PRIORITY FOR proposal made by Lincoln that O B A M A would force big banks to President Barack Obama and separate their lucrative swap- congressional Democrats want trading desks from their core to tighten the rules for banks operations. and capital markets to prevent a Lincoln, who faced a tough recurrence of the 2007-2009 primary reelection contest on financial crisis which tipped the Tuesday in her home state of economy into a severe recession Arkansas, said she would fight and trigged taxpayer bailouts. efforts to weaken her proposal, Political momentum has been which Wall Street opposes. running heavily against Wall "I'm proud of the support my Street, which has fought for provision has received both months to kill or weaken the inside and outside the Senate reform bill, only to find in a and will defend it should there series of votes in recent days be a debate on the Senate floor," that lawmakers have further she said in a statement. tightened the crackdown. A final vote on the Dodd bill Politicians from both parties are was expected on Wednesday or eager to show they are cracking Thursday. Delays could push a down on Wall Street, which is final decision into next week, deeply unpopular with voters, Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:44:18 AM

before November's congressional elections. Morgan Stanley's chief executive said Wall Street must "rebuild trust" with Main Street. Any bill passed by the Senate would have to be merged with a bill passed by the House of Representatives in December. Then a final package could go to Obama to be enacted into law. Analyst said that could happen by mid-year. Seeking to clear away obstacles to passage, the Senate voted on Tuesday to give state authorities a role in enforcing new bank consumer protection rules. The Senate voted 80-18 to give state attorneys general a prominent role in helping a new federal watchdog enforce consumer protection laws, but the measure bars officials from reaching across state lines to bring charges against banks. That resolved a dispute that had been impeding progress on the bill, one of Obama's top domestic policy priorities. SWAP TRADING A KEY PART Regulating swap trading, a central part of the unpoliced $600-trillion over-the-counter derivatives market, is a key element in Dodd's bill. Agreement on how to approach it has eluded lawmakers for months as other issues have been settled. Aside from Lincoln's proposal, the bill would redirect much of

the market into more transparent and accountable channels, such as exchanges, electronic trading platforms and central clearinghouses. These provisions were expected to be approved. By a vote of 57 to 38, the Senate rejected a ban on a type of derivative contract known as a "naked credit default swap" that figured prominently in the financial crisis. Dodd later proposed a partial ban with delayed implementation. His approach could be tacked onto his bill at the last minute. The vote came on the same day that Germany announced a ban on some types of naked shortselling, or betting on declines in a securities' price without first borrowing the securities to cover the bet, as is done in a normal short sale. Naked short sales of eurodenominated government bonds, credit default swaps based on those bonds, and shares in Germany's 10 leading financial institutions will be prohibited, the German Finance Ministry said. An effort to overhaul financial regulation is under way in the European Union, as well as the United States, in reaction to the crisis that unleashed a global political backlash. Senate Republicans blocked a vote on Tuesday on an amendment that would toughen the Dodd bill's language on the

so-called "Volcker rule" to bar banks from proprietary trading for their own accounts, get them out of the hedge fund business, and limit their future growth. 'VOLCKER RULE' AMENDMENT BLOCKED The amendment was offered by Jeff Merkley and Carl Levin, both Democrats. After the vote was blocked, Levin said: "We saw the long arm of Wall Street come into the Capitol and reach right into this chamber. That should not have happened ... It was nothing less than shameful." Levin and Merkley want to harden language in the Dodd bill on the Volcker rule, first proposed in January by President Barack Obama and White House economic adviser Paul Volcker, the influential former chairman of the Federal Reserve. Merkley on Tuesday revised the amendment to try to win support, moving to clarify its scope by excluding institutions that do not do traditional banking and taking other steps. Levin said Republicans were blocking the amendment using procedural tactics. "We will continue to try tomorrow morning to see if we can get our amendment considered," he said. Other amendments still in play as the Senate adjourned SENATE page 17


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Bangkok burns as protesters surrender (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:21:47 AM

BANGKOK(Reuters) - Rioting and fires swept Bangkok on Wednesday after troops stormed a protest encampment, forcing anti-government protest leaders to give up but triggering clashes that killed at least six and sparked unrest in Thailand's north. World| Thailand The Thai government extended an overnight curfew in Bangkok to 21 provinces as unrest spread from the capital to seven provinces, with town halls burned in three northern areas, strongholds of anti-government protesters. "Red shirt" protesters earlier torched at least 17 buildings in the capital Bangkok, including the Thai stock exchange and Central World, Southeast Asia's second-biggest department store complex. The store was gutted by fire and looked like it may collapse, said a Reuters witness. The unrest is now the "most widespread and most uncontrollable" political violence Thailand has ever seen, said Charnvit Kasetsiri, a prominent political historian. Wednesday's violence came exactly 18 years after unrest known as "Black May." It was unclear whether the continued rioting, after protest leaders surrendered, was a final outpouring by anti-government

forces or the start of more intense, widespread fighting. "The situation is worse than expected now and it's very difficult to stop," said Kavee Chukitsakem, head of research at Kasikorn Securities. "After the red shirt leaders surrendered, things were out of control. It's like insects flying around from one place to another, causing irritation." Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva earlier imposed a curfew in Bangkok, a city of 15 million people, on Wednesday from 8 p.m. (9 a.m. ET) until 6 a.m. on Thursday (7 p.m. ET Wednesday). Travellers heading overseas or returning to Thailand during the curfew will need to show their passports to security forces to get through checkpoints. A news blackout has also been imposed, with local TV running programs of dancing and flagwaving Thais, periodically interrupting them for government statements like the extension of the curfew. "It's going to be hard to quell this, and tonight is going to be very ominous with the media taken off air and the curfew in place. There will be chaos and a widespread crackdown can be expected," said Charnvit. Authorities have ordered medical and disaster teams to be on standby as troops continue operations overnight. Bangkok was quiet soon after the curfew

began, said sources on the streets. Thailand's Stock Exchange, which closed early on Wednesday, will close on Thursday and Friday, along with the city's banks, as a result of the continued violence. Thailand's benchmark stock index ended up 0.71 percent at 765.54 on Wednesday. Analysts said some investors bought on news the military had moved in to disperse protesters who have paralyzed a central commercial district for more than six weeks. "For investors, it is going to take years to bring credibility back to the country,." The market fundamentals are just not the same any more, said Kongkiat Opaswongkarn, head of Asia Plus Securities. VIOLENCE SPREADING The red shirts accuse the British -born, Oxford-educated Abhisit of lacking a popular mandate after coming to power in a controversial parliamentary vote in 2008 with tacit backing from the military. They have demanded immediate elections. "It would be suicide to launch an election in this environment," Thai Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij told the BBC, adding an end-of-year poll may still be possible. The offensive came a day after the collapse of proposed talks aimed at ending what had become urban warfare. More than 70 people have been killed

and close to 2,000 people wounded since the demonstrations began in midMarch. Troops in armored vehicles and firing semi-automatic weapons advanced on the protesters' camp on Wednesday morning in a bloody operation which led to several top protest leaders surrendering. They broke through the protesters' three-meter-high (10 feet) barricades of tires and bamboo, Minutes after the protest leaders surrendered, three grenades exploded outside the main protest site, badly wounding two soldiers and a foreign journalist, a Reuters witness said. Several media organizations, including the Bangkok Post and the Nation newspapers, evacuated their office after a threat from protesters accusing them of biased reporting. Power was lost in typically bustling Sukhumvit Road district, an area packed with tourists and high-end residential complexes, just hours after the army said the situation involving thousands of antigovernment protesters was under control. But many tourists remained holed up in their hotels unable to leave the buildings safely as sporadic violence erupted. About 100 employees of the TV station Channel 3 were trapped on the roof of a high-

rise when it came under attack, but most were rescued by helicopters, local media said. Three journalists were among 50 people wounded in Bangkok on Wednesday. One Western journalist, an Italian, was killed. Two bodies were found on Ratchadamri Road, which leads to the main protest area, a Reuters witness said. They appeared to have been shot. The red shirts fired back, witnesses said. The mostly rural and urban poor protesters broadly support former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a graft-convicted populist billionaire ousted in a 2006 coup and living in selfimposed exile to avoid jail. Thaksin raised the specter of insurrection in a telephone interview with Reuters on Wednesday. "There is a theory saying a military crackdown can spread resentment and these resentful people will become guerrillas," Thaksin said. He declined to say where he was speaking from. (Additional reporting by Nopporn Wong-Anan and Ambika Ahuja; Writing by Michael Perry; Editing by Bill Tarrant and Paul Tait) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

News Wire/

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Disgruntled voters take down veteran senator Arlen Specter (Reuters: Top News)

veteran and former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, was the latest incumbent to go WASHINGTON(Reuters) - d o w n i n a w a v e o f a n t i Disenchanted voters in both establishment anger fueled by parties turned against the distrust of Washington and establishment on Tuesday, worries neither party is doing choosing a conservative "Tea enough to rescue the economy Party" newcomer over a and restrain government handpicked Republican favorite s p e n d i n g . a n d d u m p i n g v e t e r a n In Kentucky, conservative Rand Democratic Senator Arlen Paul easily won the Republican Specter ahead of November's nomination over Secretary of midterm elections. State Trey Grayson -- the U.S.| Barack Obama handpicked choice of Senate On the biggest day of voting so R e p u b l i c a n l e a d e r M i t c h far, two-term Senator Blanche McConnell -- for an open Senate Lincoln also struggled and was seat in a race seen as an early headed to a June 8 run-off test of the loosely organized Tea election against Lieutenant Party movement. Governor Bill Halter after Paul, a doctor and son of failing to win the necessary l i b e r t a r i a n R e p u b l i c a n majority of the Democratic Representative Ron Paul, rode a S e n a t e p r i m a r y v o t e i n wave of voter anger with the Arkansas. help of Tea Party activists who "This is what democracy looks o p p o s e r u n a w a y f e d e r a l like -- a win for the people over spending and favor more limited the establishment, over the government. s t a t u s q u o , e v e n o v e r "We have come to take our Washington D.C.," an exuberant government back," Paul told Representative Joe Sestak told supporters in Bowling Green, supporters in Pennsylvania after Kentucky. "This Tea Party beating the 80-year-old Specter. movement is a message to Specter, a 30-year Senate W a s h i n g t o n t h a t w e a r e Submitted at 5/19/2010 5:55:28 AM

unhappy and we want things done differently." Paul will face state Attorney General Jack Conway, who won the Democratic primary, in November in the race for retiring Senator Jim Bunning's seat. INCUMBENTS AT RISK The anti-Washington mood threatens to sweep away many well-known incumbents and put Democratic control of Congress at risk in November, when all 435 House of Representatives seats, 36 of 100 Senate seats and 37 of 50 state governorships are up for election. A dramatic upheaval could hinder President Barack Obama's legislative agenda, threaten each party's remaining moderates and increase the polarization in Congress. But Democrats got good news in a special House election in Pennsylvania to replace Democrat John Murtha, who died in February. Democrat Mark Critz, a longtime Murtha aide, beat Republican Tim Burns in a blue-collar Democratic district won by Republican John McCain in

2008. It was the seventh consecutive special House election won by the Democrats since 2008. "This was the only race in the country today where a Democrat faced off against a Republican, and the results are clear," said Representative Chris Van Hollen, head of the Democratic House campaign committee. In the Senate primaries, the anti -Washington wave swept away Specter, who switched from Republican to Democrat last year after calculating he could not win a Republican primary. But a 20-point lead over Sestak turned into a dead heat as Sestak questioned Specter's party credentials. Sestak, a retired Navy admiral and the highest ranking former military officer ever elected to Congress, will face Republican Pat Toomey in November's Pennsylvania Senate race. With about 92 percent of the precincts counted in Arkansas, Lincoln led Halter by 44 percent to 42 percent. A third candidate, D.C. Morrison, won enough votes to prevent either Lincoln or Halter from crossing the 50

Eder in Purchase, New York; and Gernot Heller, Andreas Rinke, Alexander Ratz and Thorsten Severin in Berlin; Editing by Jan Dahinten) Five Filters featured article:

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

SENATE continued from page 15

included one from Republican Sam Brownback to exclude auto dealers from the new federal consumer protection watchdog. A crucial procedural vote was set for 2 p.m. ET on Wednesday

to limit debate and set up a vote on passage. (Additional reporting by Charles Abbott, Caren Bohan and Rachelle Younglai, with Chris Sanders in New York; Steve

percent threshold. Halter has been backed by labor unions unhappy with Lincoln's failure to support a bill making it easier to organize workplaces and support of a Wall Street bailout. "Halter gave voters a clear choice between someone who fights for the working families of Arkansas or a DC insider like Lincoln who is in the pocket of Wall Street and big business," said Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO president. During the debate on an overhaul of financial regulations, Lincoln introduced a tough bill to force investment banks to dump their derivatives businesses in what critics called an overture to the left. (Additional reporting by Joanne Allen and Jon Hurdle, Editing by Philip Barbara) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


World News/

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Bangkok burns as Thai Red Shirts run amok after leaders' surrender (World News from Times Online) Submitted at 5/19/2010 1:33:23 AM

Bangkok was burning today after Thai protest leaders called a halt to months of antigovernment demonstrations leaving their followers to wreak havoc in retreat. The stock exchange and two shopping centres were set alight after a bloody army assault on the barricaded encampment forced the Red Shirts to surrender. Protesters have also set the offices of TV station Channel 3 on fire, trapping 100 staff in the building. The dawn offensive left five dead, including an Italian journalist, and dozens more were wounded. Riots erupted in five areas of the city with fires started and tyres set ablaze as protesters fled the central camp where they have been based for almost two months. Some hotels set up wooden barricades and the Bangkok Post newspaper evacuated its offices. A curfew will be imposed on the city this evening to help restore order but violence spread to northeast Thailand, a Red Shirt stronghold. Protesters stormed a town hall complex in the city of Udon Thani, setting a building ablaze, and torching a

second town hall in Khon Kaen. The Government has ordered that special programming be broadcast on all channels and warned that looters and arsonists should stop or face decisive action. The army claimed it had seized control of the capital after seven Red Shirt leaders went on stage in the core protest zone to announce their decision to end the stand-off. It was greeted with shouts of dismay from the men and women gathered there. Protest leader Natawut Saikua said: "We have done our best." Weng Tojirakarn said: "We want to prevent further losses of our Red Shirt brothers and sisters." He said: "Let us first prevent further losses of lives," and urged supporters to leave the area. Mr Saikua, a senior Red Shirt figure, who spoke from custody in a television interview, urged supporters to leave the camp. “I ask everyone to go home. There will be police guarding the road and providing security for you. I hope that you return home safely,” he said. At least four top Red Shirts later went to the police headquarters to give themselves up. The Government said earlier some others had already fled. Sunsern Kaewkumnerd, an army spokesman said the

offensive had successfully secured the surrender of the Red Shirts. “Now authorities have stopped advancing their operation,” they can “control the situation overall”, he said. The thousands of protesters quitting the rally site would be assisted in returning home, he added During this morning’s violent clashes an Italian journalist was shot in the stomach and died before reaching hospital. Michel Maas, a Dutch journalist who has written for The Times was shot in the shoulder when soldiers turned their fire on media covering the clashes. He described the injury as “a flesh wound”. A third journalist, a Westerner in his late 40s, was shot in the leg. Four other people died and “many” were wounded, said Major General Piya Uthayo, a police spokesman after Thai troops smashed into the rally zone in Bangkok’s centre, tearing down the barricades of tyres and razor wire before the protesters surrendered. The assault involved armoured vehicles with mounted machineguns. Troops wore balaclavas and carried weapons and riot shields as they poured into the encampment that has paralysed the centre of Bangkok for the last six weeks. The Government had said the

offensive was aimed at establishing a secure perimeter around the protest base, but the military offensive now appeared to be aimed at closing down the camp. At least 40 people have died since Thursday, bringing the total since April to 67. The protesters were demanding the resignation of the Government and armed with catapults, fireworks and petrol bombs. There have been sightings of Red Shirts carrying hand guns. The Times witnessed one Red Shirt brandishing a handgun, and another a rifle. However, their weapons were eclipsed in power and range by the automatic rifles carried by the Royal Thai Army. The Army tightened its noose at dawn, a few hours after the Prime Minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, rejected an offer of peace talks by the Red Shirts. Mr Abhisit said that there would be no talks until the protesters abandoned the Ratchaprasong district, where they have been for six weeks. Satit Wongnongtoey, one of his ministers, said: “The situation could be resolved and lead to negotiations when demonstrators disperse.” He quoted the Prime Minister as saying that “the situation will end only when the protest

stops”, a condition that will certainly be rejected by the protest leaders. But the offer of talks appeared to suggest that after two months of protest the Red Shirts felt their strength to be ebbing. A Red Shirt leader told The Times ahead of the surrender that there were splits within the movement’s decision-making body. Older members had pressed for an offer last week by Mr Abhisit of new elections in November to be accepted. But the argument was won by younger Red Shirts, who insisted that Suthep Thaugsuban, the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of security affairs, must be prosecuted for his alleged responsibility in ordering troops to fire on civilians — a condition that the Government rejected. “If they knew that nearly 40 people would be killed in the next four days, I think they would have taken a different decision,” the Red Shirt source said. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

World News/ Technology/

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Q&A: Naked shorts? Was ist das? (World News from Times Online)

the shares from a third-party broker. Naked short-selling Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:12:21 AM Naked short-selling is when News that Germany had banned speculators sell short but “naked shorts” sent a chill wind without first borrowing the through Europe’s financial s t o c k o r w h a t e v e r o t h e r markets today. In these days of financial instrument they are crisis, where Germany leads the trading in, for example a rest of Europe has little choice commercial or government but to follow. bond. Most of those naked But what exactly are naked shorters are intraday traders, shorts? Are they as much fun as who cover their positions every they sound? And why have the night. Indeed, most positions Germans decided to outlaw would be covered in hours, them? minutes or even seconds – as Short-selling soon as the gain is booked. For Short-selling is an established if the hedge fund, naked shortnot entirely respectable practice selling has clear advantages: in modern financial markets, i t ’ s q u i c k e r , c h e a p e r a n d u s e d b y h e d g e f u n d s a n d potentially more profitable since investment banks to increase there are no borrowing costs. their leverage and the potential So what are the downsides? return on capital. For the trader, the main risk is Traditionally investors “go obvious: if the share you’re long”: they buy an asset in the shorting rises in price you have hope or expectation that it will to buy back at a higher price to increase in value, allowing them cover your position. If you have to realise a profit. Short-sellers not already borrowed shares, it do the opposite: when they think can become a very expensive a s t o c k p r i c e i s h e a d e d business indeed as you’re downwards, they sell shares caught in a market squeeze. they do not own and book a The greatest short squeeze in profit when they buy back those history happened in October shares at a lower price. To allow 2008, when a group of hedge them to sell shares they do not funds gambled that shares in own, they have to first borrow V o l k s w a g e n , t h e G e r m a n

carmaker, would be dragged down by the stricken US auto sector. They borrowed 12.9 per cent of VW stock in a play that was meant to earn them hundreds of millions of dollars. Others sold VW stock naked, without borrowing any shares to cover themselves. Their timing could not have been worse. Another German carmaker, Porsche, which already had a 35 per cent stake in VW, announced out of the blue that it had was moving towards a controlling 75 per cent stake. Since the state of Saxony had a fixed 20 per cent stake, that meant all but 5 per cent of VW shares were off the market – prompting a mad dash to buy shares at almost any price. VW shares rose from €210 to more than €1,000, briefly making Volkswagen the most valuable company in the world. Porsche laughed all the way to the bank. The hedge funds are thought to have lost $15 billion. So that’s good news? In this case, yes. The correct German phrase is Schadenfreude. But the problem for governments is that short-sellers are usually on the right side of a bet: they pick off

ailing assets such as the euro or Greek government bonds and pile in together to drive the price down. The German regulator Bafin, which instituted the temporary ban on naked shortselling, says the practice can increase market volatility at a time of crisis. Are they right? In the United States, the Security and Exchange Commission instituted a temporary ban on short-selling of key stocks in September 2008, saying that aggressive shorting had helped to bring down Lehman Brothers. Most considered the ban to be more of a political move and questioned its effectiveness. Other EU countries are likely to follow Germany’s lead but the UK Government – knowing that most of these trades happen in the City of London – will resist it. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

iAngle holds your earbuds and your iPhone... at an angle Tim Stevens (Engadget) Submitted at 5/19/2010 10:08:00 AM

That picture above is about all you need to know, because if you go to this product's website there's virtually no text -- just that self-explanatory image showing the thing and what it does. The thing is the iAngle and what it does is double as an earbud case and a mini stand, perfect for your coach class commutes. Massive advancement in the world of gadgets? Hardly, but it's a neat little deal, and at $10 it won't break the bank either. We're thinking it might work with other gadgets too, at least those of roughly the iPhone's thickness, but you're on your own for verifying that hypothesis. iAngle holds your earbuds and your iPhone... at an angle originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 19 May 2010 10:08:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| iAngle| Email this| Comments


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Seoul poised to accuse Pyongyang of Cheonan attack (World News from Times Online)

24 hours before the hotlyanticipated publication of the official report into the sinking, Submitted at 5/19/2010 1:59:33 AM in which 46 sailors were killed. The official probe into the fatal The centrepiece of that report is sinking of a South Korean expected to be “proof” that the warship has t u r n e d - u p Cheonan was sent to the seabed “smoking gun” evidence that the by a deliberate North Korean vessel was torpedoed by a North torpedo attack, rather than the Korean missile, according to accidental detonation of a sea leaks. mine or a variety of other If confirmed, the evidence will possible causes for an explosion compel Seoul to formally accuse that broke the ship in half. Pyongyang on Thursday of The report is understood to masterminding the March 26 include a computer simulation attack on the 1,200 tonne of the alleged attack in which Cheonan— a move that will add the Cheonan is shown being further acrimony to the fast- struck by an acoustic homing degrading relationship between torpedo armed with a quarterthe two Koreas. tonne warhead. So far, the official position in If it does directly accuse the Seoul has been to hold back North of attacking the South from directly accusing its Korean warship, the probe unpredictable, nuclear-armed c o u l d c r e a t e s i g n i f i c a n t neighbour of launching an diplomatic turmoil. If it felt it attack on the Cheonan, though had strong enough evidence, senior officials have made it Seoul has indicated it would clear that is what they believe take the matter to the United h a p p e n e d . P y o n g y a n g h a s Nations Security Council and c o n s i s t e n t l y d e n i e d a n y sanctions against the reclusive involvement in the sinking. regime would be increased. The “smoking gun” leak stories The next few weeks would then b e g a n e m e r g i n g i n S o u t h see a rising tide of policy Korean newspapers today just responses from South Korea

and its allies, said Daniel Pinkston, a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group. Seoul has already begun instructing companies with commercial dealings across the border to pull back on some of those, and the pace of that withdrawal could increase. More significantly, Washington might be persuaded to put North Korea back onto its list of countries recognised as state sponsors of terrorism — a move that would deal a heavy blow to the regime’s already tattered finances. Pyongyang, said Mr Pinkston, will almost certainly continue to deny its involvement. “But Pyongyang will tell itself that everyone knows it was North Korea who sank the South Korean ship and know that it has sent out the message that it can hit the South whenever it wants.” Sources in Tokyo told The Times that Seoul has already begun briefing about the contents of the report to representatives of China, Russia and Japan — three of the countries involved in the stalled

“six nation talks” that have so far failed to force Kim Jong Il to abandon his nuclear weapons programme. Forensic experts who have spent the last six weeks combing through the wreckage of the Cheonan are understood to have discovered a scrap of torpedo propeller and part of its central axle. On the latter is stamped a serial number, written in what is believed to be a North Korean typeface. Other evidence gathered by the investigation team and leaked to media earlier this week is includes what are thought to be traces of an explosive of North Korean origin. The research group, which comprises experts drawn from Britain, Australia, the United States, is able to compare what it has salvaged with a North Korean torpedo captured seven years ago. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

CDS Show Real Stress Across European Banks Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:25:50 AM

While European sovereign CDS is tightening this morning, after briefly flirting with much wider numbers due to Germany's surprise ban on naked shortselling and CDS, banks are still showing market worries. Spain stands out as a country to be concerned about, with notably higher bank CDS. From CMA Datavision: And check out the recent stability in sovereigns. From CMA Datavision: Join the conversation about this story »

World News/ Technology/

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Pakistan court orders blocking of Facebook over Muhammad cartoon (World News from Times Online)

The court is due to consider ordering further action after May 31. Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:16:17 AM T h e P a k i s t a n A Pakistani court ordered the Telecommunication Authority, Government to block Facebook the official industry watchdog, today because of a page on the said it had not received the court site advertising a competition to orders, but had already ordered draw cartoons of the Prophet Internet service providers to M u h a m m a d , a c c o r d i n g t o block websites showing these lawyers involved in the case. caricatures. The Government was ordered Muslims – who make up about to block the site from today until 97 percent of Pakistan’s 166 May 31 in response to a petition million people – consider any filed with the Lahore High representation of the Prophet to Court by Azhar Siddique, a be un-Islamic and blasphemous. representative of the Islamic The publications of similar Lawyers Forum. cartoons in Danish newspapers “The court has also ordered the in 2005 sparked deadly protests foreign ministry to investigate in Muslim countries, which why such a competition is being killed about 50 people in total, held,” Mr Siddique said as about including five in Pakistan. 20 people demonstrated outside Al-Qaeda claimed c o u r t , c a r r y i n g b a n n e r s responsibility for a suicide condemning Facebook and attack on Denmark’s embassy in praising the Prophet. Islamabad that killed six people The forum filed the petition in 2008, saying it was in after thousands of Facebook revenge for the Danish cartoons. u s e r s l a u n c h e d a n o n l i n e The offending Facebook page is campaign demanding a boycott called Draw Mohammed Day of the social networking site. and invites users to send in their

caricatures on May 20. Organisers said it was a “snarky” response to Muslim bloggers who had warned creators of the television show South Park over a recent depiction of the Prophet in a bear suit. “We are not trying to slander the average Muslim,” the creators wrote on the Facebook page. “We simply want to show the extremists that threaten to harm people because of their Mohammad depictions that we’re not afraid of them. That they can’t take away our right to freedom of speech by trying to scare us into silence.” Representatives of Facebook were not immediately available for comment. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Twitter for iPhone should be going live tonight TJ Luoma (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/18/2010 11:45:00 PM

Filed under: App Store Update 9:40 am ET: It's still not live in the US store, although apparently is is live in New Zealand. Tweetie for iPhone was acquired by Twitter, and has been updated and released as Twitter for iPhone. The good news is that it is now free (Tweetie was US$2.99). It should be hitting the US App Store later tonight, although some folks are already seeing it. Tweetie 2 was recently removed from the App Store to make way for Twitter for iPhone. You can continue to use Tweetie 2 (or Tweetie 1) but only until the end of June, due to changes in the way Twitter is handling logins. All Twitter applications are going to have to be updated before then, or else they will no longer be able to log in. Those of you who have been holding onto Birdfeed, this means you too. You will have to "authorize" Twitter for iPhone. This authorization means that if you change your password, you can still use Twitter for iPhone. Authorizations can be managed

in your Twitter account settings under"Connections." The acquisition of Tweetie caused quite a stir in the Twitter development community. A free, officially-branded application on the iPhone (and BlackBerry) is obviously a cause for concern for third-party developers. That said, Tweetie 2 has long been "the Twitter app to beat" on the iPhone. We'll have a more in-depth look at Twitter for iPhone later, but for now, download it and let us know what you think. TUAW Twitter for iPhone should be going live tonight originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 18 May 2010 23:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



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MyCityWay: Portals Are Back, This Time For Mobile Richard MacManus (ReadWriteWeb)

used to offer on the Web in the 90s. The app targets both city locals and tourists. Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:05:32 AM I first became aware of Last week in New York, I met M y C i t y W a y w h e n i t w a s u p w i t h t h e f o u n d e r s o f pointed out to me by Mobile MyCityWay. It's a portal for futurist Adam Greenfield, when l o c a t i o n - b a s e d m o b i l e I interviewed him earlier this applications for city navigation, year. Despite it's retroactive available on iPhone, iPod, iPad p o r t a l i n t e r f a c e , t h e r e i s a n d A n d r o i d . A r o u n d 5 0 something very compelling different services are currently about this app. As it states on available in the MyCityWay the product's About page, app. MyCityWay offers information Despite the 90's style user about upcoming events, city i n t e r f a c e , i n s o m e w a y s landmarks, free things to do in a MyCityWay points to the future city, tickets to shows, restaurant of mobile apps - because it inspection results, shopping, live offers up contextual and useful traffic cameras, dining reviews, information to your mobile and much more. In short, the device, based on your location. app is a one-stop shop for city The company's latest release data on your mobile phone. It's was launched last Friday and it's the Web in your pocket in the focused on discoverability. I met real world. with MyCityWay co-founders Version 2 of MyCityWay was Puneet Mehta and Sonpreet released last Friday and it Bhatia to find out more. features the ability to purchase Sponsor event tickets, reserve restaurants MyCityWay started out as a using OpenView, and book New York City iPhone app, but tours. it has plans to be available in 40 Co-founder Puneet Mehta told cities on iPhone as well as other me that MyCityWay receives smart phone platforms. In effect, spikes of activity on Fridays MyCityWay is a modern-day from restaurants, bars and clubs. guidebook for cities. The current Saturdays are also busy for the apps features 50 "hyper-local same reason. Another spike of apps" and they're presented in a activity is experienced during portal-like interface that reminds lunchtimes, for example from me of what Yahoo or Excite users looking for street food

usage data every minute of the day, about what people want to do in cities and where. According to the founders, the first version of MyCityWay was about search and the current second version is about discoverability. The next iteration, version 3, will be focused on providing "an experience." Version 3 will take advantage of the next generation of the iPhone, 4G, which will feature apps running in background. When that functionality is available, MyCityWay will be able to push information to users. vendors near their location. At that point, MyCityWay will T h e f o u n d e r s d e s c r i b e have a number of different MyCityWay as a drivers: the user's location, their "discoverability portal." Indeed, p r o f i l e , a n d " s i t u a t i o n a l one of the things I like about a w a r e n e s s . " this app is the amount of data it A plan for the near future is to has - and not just the raw data offer a platform for content that attracts users to the c u r a t o r s . T o t h a t e n d , application in the first place, but M y C i t y W a y i s b u i l d i n g data about how people actually something it calls City Hacks. It use the app. will feature 100 hacks a city, MyCityWay is moving to give along with a leaderboard. some of this data back to MyCityWay hopes that it will be businesses. For example, if it able to sell some of this data, or gets a lot of user requests for an enable the curators themselves Indian restaurant in a given to sell access to it. location, it can advise potential Another upcoming feature is b u s i n e s s e s t h a t a n I n d i a n personalization - based on restaurant might prove popular whether you're a tourist or local, in that location. MyCityWay can the app will serve up relevant do this because it is collecting information about a city. In

other words, it will marry location with context. As of now, MyCityWay is available in 7 cities - London was added at the end of last week. Others are NYC, San Francisco, Las Vegas, LA, Washington DC and Boston. The next release will add 3 more: Chicago, Orlando and Portland. Toronto is also coming soon. The goal is to reach 40 cities within the next 6 months. Currently the NYC version is available on iPhone, iPod, iPad and Android. A Blackberry version is coming soon. The product also integrates with popular social networks Facebook and Twitter, and emerging ones like Foursquare. Perhaps in 5 years we will look back on MyCityWay as akin to Excite in the 90s - a portal that was eventually usurped by more focused services like Google. But for now, MyCityWay is showing the way for practical location-based services on mobile devices. Disclosure: MyCityWay was a sponsor of the recent RWW Mobile Summit. I ran into them independently in NYC last week. See also: The Man on Your iPhone: 3 Government Apps Done Right Discuss


E-reader News Edition


Hands on with Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 5/19/2010 10:24:47 AM

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been using, the browser-based "check in" application that registers your current location with a variety of location-based social networking applications, including Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite, Whrrl and TriOut. The app was cooked up the Brightkite team in an effort to simply the process of using multiple services such as these, an ongoing frustration among LBS (location-based services) early adopters. So how did it fare? Not bad at all, if I do say so myself. Sponsor First, full disclosure: I'm not what you would call a heavy user of location-based social networking services. I have no mayorships. I visit incredibly boring places. I only started using Gowalla so I could try out However, I'm not so old and boring (yet) that I can't see the appeal of these services. In my younger, more active days before I was tied down to a life of diaper-runs and other errands - an app like Brightkite or Foursquare would have been a blast to use. But sadly, I never got to experience these types of services back when they would have been the most fun for me heck, I don't think any of my

Location Y on that service., for what it's worth, walks you through this process with ease, but it can slow down check in time even further. In other words, if you feel stupid "checking in" to places and try to get it over with quickly, before you have to explain yourself to your nonearly-adopter friends and family, won't solve that problem - it makes it worse. Solid, Well-Built App Outside of these inconveniences, neither of which are necessarily Brightkite's problem, I can report that is a solid, well-built app. As you check in to the various services via, the app also returns relevant data, new mayorships, points, etc. The app has also been improved during the beta period with better, tighter privacy controls and sharing settings for posting to Twitter and college friends even had cell beta. Perhaps they hadn't thrown Place-Matching Database Facebook. Insights and Future phones. (You kids have it so e n o u g h c o m p u t i n g p o w e r Another issue, and one which Plans good, you have no idea). behind it yet? Brightkite has no control over, The Brightkite team shared a That being said, I really Sometimes this slowness, is the lack of a unified Places few early insights from their enjoyed using It was which often occurred during the d a t a b a s e , a s T e c h C r u n c h beta trials that involved 6,000 incredibly easy to use, always " m a g i c a l p l a c e m a t c h i n g " mentioned earlier this morning. users and 135,000 check ins. found my location accurately screen, was a major issue. When Brightkite is on board with this The average user checked in 20 and worked without error or doing drive-by check-ins (a.k.a. idea, but the other major players times, more than 2.3 million crashes. "quick stops"), for example, I need to agree, too, in order for it places were queried and most My only complaint was that the found myself leaving the venue to work. users check in to two or three app was slow at times, even before the processing was done. What this means in terms of services at once. Friday is the when I had a good signal, Curse you, Starbucks drive- app usability, though, is that you busiest day for check ins and although that could be due to the thrus, and your speedy service! I often have to tell it that Location HANDS page 24 fact that it was still in private will never be mayor! We Need a X on this service is the same as



E-reader News Edition

Sponsor Post: Can You Believe There's an App For That? RWW Sponsor (ReadWriteWeb)

level." A great idea for those who trust their love lives to a 99 -cent app. Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:00:00 AM Anti-Aging: Did RUSexy Editor's note: We offer our long return an insufficient hotness -term sponsors the opportunity level because of wrinkles, acne, to write posts and tell their cellulite, stretch marks, arthritis story. These posts are clearly and a host of other age-related marked as written by sponsors, matters? Then step right up! but we also want them to be This app offers color, light and useful and interesting to our s o u n d t h e r a p y t r e a t m e n t s readers. We hope you like the tailored to the condition you posts and we encourage you to want to treat, all for the low support our sponsors by trying price of $2.99! out their products. iPoop: You can learn important Odd apps for mobile devices things about your personal date back to at least the Palma h e a l t h f r o m n u m b e r 2 . Sutra, if not before. But Apple WARNING: using this app may has spurred huge numbers of lower your hotness level. "fringe developers" to mess with Task-list apps: These things our iBrains. Most of these apps have spread like mushrooms, so cost $0.99, so developers might the key differentiator may be make money on offerings that what they promise to help you make you wonder about the App do. For instance, if you hate task Store approval process. lists for what they represent Sponsor getting things done - then get Some of these apps go where the Put Things Off app. And no apps have gone before. guys, if you need help keeping Maybe they shouldn't have. things smooth on the home RUSexy: This love tester lets front, get either one of the you "meet people or judge Honey Do apps- here's one, and them," all while letting you here's another. measure your own "hotness iAllowance(requires iTunes;

demographic match made in heaven (see also Fishing Calendar), this app helps you plan auspicious hunting trips. Remember to pick up Predator Hunting Calls and Deer Calls and Sounds to help you broadcast woodpecker distress calls and deer grunts during the hunt. Finding new apps: A whole class of apps now alert you when new apps hit the App Store. AppSniper, for instance, tells you when an app you covet goes on sale, while more fullfeatured apps like PandoraBox send you several alerts each day full of the latest and greatest. To keep up on the wonderful world of apps, dedicated iDevice users need their hardware to give them the peace available in Canada only): Get keeping track of your BAC of mind that comes with keeping kids into task lists! They can (Blood Alcohol Content). That their heads in one piece. If this track their chores and the said, what did the field-testing describes you, then step right up allowances that go with them. look like for this app? Did a n d g e t y o u r v e r y o w n Granted, the kids need to budget "volunteers" remember to enter B l a c k B e r r y H e l m e t ! $1.99 to get this app - after t h a t s e v e n t h m a r t i n i o r What other new doors will apps getting an iPod Touch or iPhone umpteenth beer, and if they did, o p e n f o r h u m a n i t y ? T h e to run it. could they still read the display? comments section awaits just DrinkTracker: We're all for H u n t i n g C a l e n d a r : I n a below. Discuss

HANDS continued from page 23

Sunday is the quietest. The team now wants your feedback as to what needs to be added or improved next. They've asked Yelp to open up their API, but so far, the company has said "no." We

suggest they consider adding Brightkite the top LBS-based another major LBS player, app across multiple platforms. Loopt. From the Brightkite blog, Discuss it appears they're also considering integration into Brightkite's native apps, a decision that could easily make


E-reader News Edition


Memcached and Beyond: NorthScale Apple moves past Motorola, up to 3% global Raises Bar with $10m Series B Mike Kirkwood (ReadWriteWeb)

the data layer needs to scale in the same manner too to avoid being the bottleneck. Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:00:00 AM When we look to the list of NorthScale is on the move. Hot scaling high performance web Memcached users we see many off its recent accomplishment in a p p l i c a t i o n s i n c l o u d of the current leaders in scaling w i n n i n g s e v e r a l a w a r d s , infrastructures easier, a big w e b a r c h i t e c t u r e s u c h a s including best-in-show, at the opportunity exists for scaling a Facebook, YouTube, and Zynga 2010 Under the Radar event big portion of the persistence intertwined with the simple yet award, it has announced a data market. Scaling Out: effective approach. successful round of financing noSQL Approach On Facebook' Open Source from the Mayfield Fund. H e r e i s a t h e c o m p a n y page, the company describes its It successful release of its initial presentation (along with Q & A) involvement with Memcached: products in March has put the from the presentation at Under memcached is a distributed company on the map as a the Radar. memory object caching system. defining leader in the noSQL In this demonstration, the Memcached was not originally approach to data persistence. company shares the places developed at Facebook, but we The company has already where the noSQL works well - have become the largest user of gained Zynga as a customer of and its vision for moving the technology. its commercial version of beyond Memcached for scaling NorthScale is building its Memcached and has announced both within and beyond the business on the premise that its plans to go to the next level walls of the data center. elastic data infrastructure as a i n p r o v i d i n g e l a s t i c d a t a Scaling: It is The Biggest Show key layer in the stack. From infrastructure as an approach to on Earth what we see, solving this need scaling applications in the cloud. One of the things that is for the full gambit of distributed Sponsor satisfying with NorthScale and applications will be needed to Along with the new funding, the growth of Memcached is reach the scale out potential of the company has attracted how the pattern of the web has cloud computing. industry vetean Bob Wiederhold c h a n g e d t h e u n d e r l y i n g Will NorthScale help evolve to join the company. a s s u m p t i o n s o f d a t a from Memcached high-scaling In Wiederhold's first blog post a r c h i t e c t u r e . web object technology to a a s C E O , " S i m p l y The reality is that nearly all ubiquitous data tier used by the Transformational", he shares the information is needed by web majority of cloud applications? opportunity for the company in a p p l i c a t i o n s . S i n c e w e b Discuss a word - simple. applications scale in the cloud, If the company can make

cell phone market share Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/19/2010 10:00:00 AM

Filed under: iPhone Android may be moving ahead of Apple in the smartphone OS market, but Apple is steadily moving up the handset chart. It's just overtaken Motorola, shipping 8.75 million handsets in the first three months of this year, according to iSuppli. That many phones sets Apple up for three percent of the entire global market; that's a pretty amazing achievement for just the few years it's been in the business. Motorola sold 8.5 million handsets in the same time period, dropping it to number eight on the list while Apple moved up to number six. Who's still above Apple? RIM is the next target with their BlackBerry devices selling 10.4 million units. Sony, LG, Samsung, and then Nokia fill out the top five. The year-overyear growth tells the real story, though: while most of the top five, with the exception of Sony Ericsson, are showing positive growth from last year, Apple leads the pack with a whopping 130.7% growth. When you compare that to Motorola's -

42.2% drop-off, it's clear why the two smartphone manufacturers are heading in different directions. Farther down on the list, you can see why China is such an important market for Apple in the next few years; China's TCL Alcatel is also making its way up in the rankings, and it's claiming 160.7% year-over-year growth. If Apple is going to continue the kind of growth it's had over the last year, growing foreign markets like that will be more and more important. TUAW Apple moves past Motorola, up to 3% global cell phone market share originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Wed, 19 May 2010 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

Forget Emails, MicroMobs Takes New MacBooks support Group Messaging Out of Your Inbox audio and video out of Mini DisplayPort Mike Melanson (ReadWriteWeb)

the masses. While it appears that Micromobs intends to fill a Submitted at 5/19/2010 10:12:05 AM niche as a utilitarian If Twitter, Facebook, email and communicaiton tool, its users traditional forums just don't are already using it as a way to meet your needs, then a new organize conversations, in a combination of all of these accustomed to the stream of familiar format, around topics m i g h t s u i t y o u r f a n c y . activity seen in Facebook, such as the TV show LOST Micromobs, a group messaging Friendfeed, Twitter and any or"Bay Area Foodies". application that launched into n u m b e r o f o t h e r w e b As opposed to Facebook or p u b l i c b e t a y e s t e r d a y , applications, the format will feel Twitter, the default here is not to approaches g r o u p familiar. Everything occurs in a blast your message at everyone communication in a way that t h r e a d e d , m i c r o b l o g - s t y l e on the site, but to send specific lets users organize what they activity stream. The primary messages to specific mobs. read and what they write difference, however, is that Unlike email, messages are not according to social groups and Micromobs starts from the very i s o l a t e d b u t i n s t e a d k e p t topical categorization. get go by organizing what you t o g e t h e r o n t h a t m o b ' s In many ways, Micromobs say and what you read according individual page, much like a takes the best parts of other to social stratification, or Google Group. And, to round popular services and serves up a "mobs". These mobs can be out our initial comparison, n e w a n d e a s y w a y t o public or private and can be Micromobs incorporates that communicate. organized around its members f o r u m - f e e l b y a l l o w i n g Sponsor or even simply a topic. Anyone discussions to assemble around According to the company, can create a mob and, if set as topics, not just social strata. which was founded by Startup private, they can designate who The site is currently only Roots founders Ajay Kamat and can participate in that mob. available on the web, but Kamat Himani Amoli, "micromobs is If you're looking for yet another told us that they are working on designed to fill the gap for a place to blast out status updates mobile and SMS versions of the simple, stand alone group or have connect to, then site, which they look to release application that connects people this is not it. Micromobs is once the site gets going some w i t h t h e g r o u p s t h e y decidedly about communicating, more. Discuss communicate with the most". not shouting your message to For those who've become

Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:00:00 AM

Filed under: Apple I recently faced an audio/video problem with my MacBook. I subscribed to the great MLB.TV service so that I could watch my Cubs games out here in Los Angeles. However, instead of just watching them on my MacBook, I wanted to actually watch them on my HDTV. My first solution was to go get a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapter, but there was an issue; I would have had to figure out some way to hook up the audio since MacBooks, before yesterday's update, only output video over the DisplayPort. Audio would have needed to come through the headphones or the USB port separately. Fortunately, that problem is now fixed for new buyers; the most recent MacBooks, according to this support document from Apple, will send both audio and video out through HDMI as long as you've got a VESA compliant adapter (which most DisplayPort adapters are). Of course, I'd need to buy a new MacBook (which is much more expensive

than just figuring out an audio solution), but at least the issue is fixed on the latest hardware. My eventual solution? I was saved by Sony, of all companies. MLB released a free app on the PlayStation 3(which I have hooked up to my TV via HDMI as well) that lets me watch my subscription without the computer. That leaves my MacBook open for other tasks, like blogging, while I watch the game. Let's go Cubs! [via MacRumors] TUAW New MacBooks support audio and video out of Mini DisplayPort originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Wed, 19 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


E-reader News Edition

Attorney General Tom Corbett Subpoenaes Twitter To Identify Anonymous Critics Robin Wauters (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:28:28 AM

Tom Corbett, current Attorney General of the state of Pennsylvania and Gubernatorial Candidate, has subpoenaed Twitter to appear as a Grand Jury witness to “testify and give evidence regarding alleged violations of the laws of Pennsylvania”. The subpoena orders Twitter to provide “any and all subscriber information” of the person(s) behind two accounts – @ b f b a r b i e and@CasaBlancaPA– who have been anonymously criticizing the man on the popular microsharing service. According to the subpoena (embedded below), the information that Twitter is ordered to provide includes “name, address, contact information, creation date, creation Internet Protocol address and any and all log in Internet Protocol address”. A Twitter representative was supposed to appear as a witness before the Pennsylvania Statewide Investigation Grand Jury on Friday, May 14. We’ve

asked the company to comment, but a Twitter spokesperson said they don’t comment on legal matters. We’re still waiting to hear back from Corbett’s office. As the subpoena notes, if Twitter failed to attend, a warrant for arrest could be issued and the company could be held liable under penalty of law for Contempt of court. The account @CasaBlancaPA, whose owner is identified as ‘Signor Ferrari’ (a criminal in the film Casablanca, played by Sydney Greenstreet) on Twitter, links to this blog in the bio section. The blog, hosted on Google’s Blogger service, is dedicated to “exposing the hypocrisy of Tom Corbett” according to its subtitle.


TUAW's Daily App: Pinch Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

achievements and leaderboards provide even more of a challenge for those interested. Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:00:00 AM Some choice tweets that may Pinch is Coatsink Software's have gotten t h e Filed under: iPhone first game, and it shows a lot of @CasaBlancaPA account owner Pinch is an ingenious little promise; this is a simple but in trouble: game that I'd almost call a r e a l l y s m a r t i d e a t h a t i s - “Is it wrong to mix campaign puzzle platformer, except that p r e s e n t e d v e r y w e l l . I t ' s work with taxpayer business? there aren't any actual platforms US$0.99 in the App Store, and Apparently not when Tom in it. Instead of navigating a while there is no lite version yet, Corbett does it bonusgate jumping avatar through a series I'd say take the plunge if you're #pagovrace” ( tweet, blog post) of gates and switches, you at all interested. The game's 48 - “Corbett erupts at campaign navigate little colored orbs, levels offer more than enough event; security tries to eject called Norbs, by dragging them enjoyment. Even if the trailer q u e s t i o n e r # b o n u s g a t e around on the multi-touch above doesn't give you a good #pagovrace” ( tweet, blog post) screen towards a goal at the end idea of what it's like to drag the - “Quiz! Who sputters with of each 2D stage. On the way, Norbs around, just a few indignation over failure to you'll put them through their minutes with the game will have recuse from cases involving paces by combining or dividing you figuring out the intriguing c o n t r i b u t o r s ? # b o n u s g a t e them to match shapes or colors concept in no time. #pagovrace” ( tweet, blog post) or hitting switches and opening TUAW TUAW's Daily App: In 2008, a lawsuit was filed by panels to reach the end. The Pinch originally appeared on a former state employee against game starts simple -- just drag The Unofficial Apple Weblog the Pennsylvania Attorney the Norb to the end of the level - (TUAW) on Wed, 19 May 2010 General’s office that alleges - but quickly develops an awful 08:00:00 EST. Please see our public dollars were “illegally lot of depth with some extra terms for use of feeds. p a i d o u t t o v e n d o r s ” a n d rules; the puzzles you'll face get Read| Permalink| Email this| contends wrongful termination. mind-bending fast. OpenFeint Comments However, there have been no charges filed or evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Corbett. We’re digging further into this. View this document on Scribd CrunchBase Information Twitter Information provided by CrunchBase


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Study: Smart meters need better user interface (CNET Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:12:05 AM

Consumers needs better operating instructions for the smart grid, a survey published on Wednesday shows. A Boston Consulting Group study found that the majority of consumers surveyed are willing to tap into the information from smart meters to conserve energy. But utilities haven't done a good enough job of enabling people to use their twoway meters constructively. A smart meter from Pacific Gas & Electric.(Credit: PG&E) The survey of 1,700 U.S. consumers, which was done online last December, found a strong interest in lowering energy use. Seventy-five percent of respondents said they were interested in finding easy ways to save power and two-thirds said that getting a daily information would help them better manage their bills. The idea behind applications such as Google's PowerMeter or an in-home energy display is that more detailed information

will help people find ways to curb energy use. Sixty-two percent of people said they would log onto an Internet site to check power consumption at least once a week, the Boston Consulting Group found. Even though there's been a lot of talk about the smart grid, consumers don't appear familiar with smart meters or aren't yet

sure of the actual benefit from them. Sixty-six percent of the respondents to the survey said they would like more communication from utilities on smart meters and less than 30 percent can recall getting information beyond the monthly bill. Smart meters deliver some direct benefits to utilities, such

as automated meter reading, and can be useful for implementing time-of-day pricing. But the lack of customer education threatens to undermine the economic reason to invest in smart meters, Boston Consulting Group said. "We estimate that from 20 to 30 percent of a utility's customers will have to reduce their overall consumption or peak demand by 15 to 20 percent to make smart meters a winning proposition," said Pattabi Seshadri, a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group's energy practice, in a statement. "Falling short of that threshold will likely prevent the utility from delivering the necessary return on investment." Seshardi suggested that utilities should explore partnerships with other industries well versed in introducing new products and services to consumers. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Sandra Bullock and Son Louis Leave New Orleans for Austin PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:30:00 AM

Sandra Bullock is on the cover of this week's Us magazine after being snapped with her son Louis while in Austin last Friday. The pair traveled to Sandra's home in Texas following time together in New Orleans, where they celebrated Mother's Day with brunch and an art-filled afternoon. Jesse James and his daughter Chandler were actually in Texas last week too, and returned to LAX just as Sandra and Louis were out runnning errands together. Meanwhile, Sandra's place in LA is undergoing some maintenance - exterminators from Terminix tented her house to fumigate. Sandra's also in the Final Four of this year's PopSugar 100, so make sure to fill out your ballot if you want to see her advance!

5 Leftover Foods that Are Better the Second Day (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:00:00 AM

The best part about a truly scrumptious meal or snack is the knowledge that enough is left to enjoy again the next day. More

often than not, taking home a doggie bag is a given following a meal out on the town, particularly because portion sizes in restaurants are usually more than double the serving size recommended by the

United States Department of Agriculture [source: Hellmich]. Many meals and snacks are just as delicious the next day as long as they're stored and re-served with care. Read on for a list of five delicious foods that pack

major potential for next-day tools: PDF Newspaper, Full flavor. Your taste buds will Text RSS, Term Extraction. thank you later. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


Google opens door for third-party Gmail apps (CNET Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:45:00 AM

"If you build it, they will come" isn't always enough. Sometime you have to let somebody else build on your foundation. That's what Google is now doing with Gmail, letting Google Apps customers add various third-party applications that integrate with the e-mail service. "Starting today, third-party developers can build Gmail contextual gadgets and distribute them in the Google Apps Marketplace. These gadgets can display information from social networks, business services, Web applications and other systems, and users can interact with that data right within Gmail," Chandrashekar Raghavan, product manager for Google Apps extensions, said in a blog post Tuesday. This application lets Gmail users watch Pixetell-created video messages directly inside e -mail message.(Credit: screenshot by Stephen Shankland/CNET) Gmail, while growing steadily in usage, faces competition from two major incumbent powers for Web-based e-mail, Yahoo Mail and Hotmail. Yahoo Mail can accommodate some

Robert Pattinson Talks About Head Lice, Doing Ballet and Being Impulsive on Ellen! PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:45:00 AM

Robert Pattinson paid a recent to Ellen DeGeneres's studio yesterday to discuss his upcoming role in Water for Elephants for an interview that airs this afternoon. He's been in applications, including ones can install the contextual Wednesday--is building rich LA since earlier this week, from PayPal and Facebook, and gadgets for their users. Those applications on the Web, and w h e n h e s t e p p e d o u t a n d Microsoft is working on making applications then appear when Gmail is one of its prime showed off his new short Hotmail more lively. appropriate within the e-mail examples. But making Gmail haircut. Rob joked with Ellen But Gmail also has old-school b o d y . E x a m p l e s i n c l u d e into more of a foundation for that he had to chop off his locks Exchange and Outlook to AwayFind, which lets a person outside programmers is a big due to a case of head lice, but reckon with when it comes to mark a message as urgent so step beyond a single, generic she discouraged him from starting that rumor! He did share corporate customers, and it's this follow-ups generate alerts, application. area where the Google Apps Pixetell, which lets people Five Filters featured article: about being impulsive, saying, s u i t e o f o n l i n e s e r v i c e s preview video messages and add The Art of Looking Prime "I just like doing things where competes most directly. Gmail comments; and Gist, which Ministerial - The 2010 UK you have a little time to think contextual gadgets are an collects data from the Web General Election. Available about what you're saying. I've example of Google's attempt to about the person who sent an e- tools: PDF Newspaper, Full always had a problem actually a c c o m m o d a t e s p e c i f i c mail. Text RSS, Term Extraction. thinking before I open my mouth." Rob also talked about productivity tools into its One of Google's philosophies-his lack of deep thoughts, and general-purpose e-mail service. and themes of its Google I/O what he made of being on Google Apps administrators c o n f e r e n c e t h a t b e g i n s People's list of the year's Most Beautiful People.


Technology/ Products/

mSpot Now Brings Your iTunes Music To The Cloud And Android Phones Leena Rao (TechCrunch)

Mobile Movies site, which will let users stream full-length Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:58:00 AM movies on their mobile phones, Mobile entertainment startup entered using iTunes. The on the web, so you can enjoy mSpot is debuting a free music application will manage your mSpot’s online streaming movie cloud service today that allows m u s i c f o r y o u , m a k i n g service on your computer. you to sync your entire music automatic updates whenever mSpot has struck deals with collection across Android changes occur in your library, Paramount, Universal, Image phones and PCs/Macs. You can a n d o n a c r o s s d i f f e r e n t Entertainment, and Screen upload your music into the Media Ventures to stream fullconnected devices. mSpot Cloud, which is still in The service will be open to the length movie rentals to users’ private beta, and then can listen public in the next few months. PCs and cell phones, allowing to it from your browser and Right now, private beta users you to switch between both Android phones almost have free access to 2 gigabytes devices as you pick up and leave immediately. We have 500 of storage but have the option of off throughout a movie. The PC invites for TechCrunch readers. paying to upgrade to more streaming functionality builds You can sign up here with the upon the mobile movie service storage. code “TechCrunch”. Of course Lala did this as well, mSpot launched last year. The Here’s how it works. The but Apple has shut that service service, which just launched an service’s application that down after acquiring it. And we iPhone app, includes 1000 titles operates in the background of expect that Apple will be that can be streamed to both a your computer managing the launching a cloud-based version computer and mobile device. upload and day-to-day syncing of iTunes soon, which would CrunchBase Information mSpot of your music library. In pose a serious threat to mSpot’s I n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d b y addition, it can upload playlists, CrunchBase offering. coverart, ratings and song Mspot is best known for its information you may have

E-reader News Edition

Pakistan Court Orders Temporary Facebook Ban Over Prophet Caricatures Robin Wauters (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:33:29 AM

A Pakistani court this morning ordered authorities to temporarily block social networking service Facebook over a competition encouraging users to publish caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed on the site. Pakistani muslims stepped up to condemn the usergenerated contest for blasphemy, as the depiction of any prophet is strictly prohibited in Islam (favorable or not). The Facebook group “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!” has generated heaps of criticism in the predominantly Muslim Islamic Republic of Pakistan – Muslims faithfuls set up online campaigns and other protests to grab the attention of the authorities. A group of lawyers called the Islamic Lawyers’ Movement went a step further today and petitioned the court to order a blanket ban on Facebook in Pakistan. About 45 million

Water Filters - from Consumer Reports Press Room (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/18/2010 9:00:59 PM

Water Filters - from Consumer 38 water filters. Water Filters Reports For the May issue, Podcast Subscribe now! Consumer Reports spiked water S u b s c r i b e t o with lead and chloroform to test for expert

Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Pakistani use the social networking site, according to various reports. Justice Ejaz Chaudhry of the Lahore High Court directed the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority to block Facebook until May 31, when the court will open a detailed hearing into the case, and to submit a written reply to the petition by that date. In February 2008, Pakistan’s telecoms regulator imposed restrictions on YouTube. (More on BBC, Al Jazeera English and AFP) CrunchBase Information Facebook Information provided by CrunchBase


E-reader News Edition


iPhone OS 4.0 SDK mSpot stores your music* in the cloud, makes it available anywhere** Beta 4 available for download Darren Murph (Engadget) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:00:00 AM

Whoa there, vaquero -- don't get too excited just yet. As with just about every other gratis backup service on the web, there's a catch you should know about with mSpot's latest endeavor. The free limit is right around 2GB (exact size is TBD), so if you've got more than a second generation iPod's worth of audio, this here service will only serve as a tease. For those who fall under that threshold, there's plenty to love, and if you're down for ponying up, you'll be able to secure 10GB for $2.99 per month or 20GB for $4.99 per month. Launched today at Google I/O, this "freemium" music cloud service essentially syncs your

entire music library (either in iTunes or a user-designated arrangement of folders) with mSpot's servers -- provided your library is less than 20GB, of course -- and then makes it available anywhere. Phones and other computers should have no issue tapping in (though only Android will be supported out of the gate), and the app itself runs quietly in the background in order to check for new additions / subtractions and mirror said changes in your online library. For now, the service is available by invitation only through, with public availability slated for next month. Size limits aside, the service worked well for us in our limited testing, though that first 20GB upload is a real pain over Time Warner Cable's

obviously capped Road Runner internet. Oh, and if you're bummed about not being guaranteed an invite today, you shouldn't be. Hit that source link and enter "engadget" as the password -- the first 500 get immediate access, but once they're gone, they're gone. *20GB tops, buster! **Only on Android, Macs and PCs at first, chief! Continue reading mSpot stores your music* in the cloud, makes it available anywhere** mSpot stores your music* in the cloud, makes it available anywhere** originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 19 May 2010 09:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| mSpot| Email this| Comments

Erica Sadun (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/18/2010 8:32:00 PM

Filed under: Developer Apple is now 4 for 4. Or at least Beta 4 for iPhone OS 4.0. They have just posted the latest and greatest iPhone OS 4.0 beta. As with previous beta releases, this new beta update provides firmware for each of the supported devices (namely the iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 3G, and the 2nd and 3rd generation iPod touch). Because of the ongoing NDA, the details of this release remain behind a wall of confidentiality. You'll need to visit the developer site and check out the

specifications for yourself. Apple will be releasing 4.0 into the general iPhone population this summer. An iPad version will debut in the fall. Apple's servers get slammed whenever a new SDK is released. You may want to wait a few hours if you encounter any problems connecting to the developer site. TUAW iPhone OS 4.0 SDK Beta 4 available for download originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 18 May 2010 20:32:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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iPhone And Android Now Make Up 25 Percent of Smartphone Sales Erick Schonfeld (TechCrunch)

4.6 million units. Can Android sales catch up to the iPhone? Google-powered Android Table 2 phones and iPhones are both Worldwide Smartphone Sales gobbling up market share. The to End Users by Operating combined worldwide market System in 1Q10 (Thousands of share of both operating systems Units) Company 1Q10 reached 25 percent in the first Units 1Q10 Market Share (%) quarter, up from 12 percent the 1Q09 year before, according to Units 1Q09 Market Share (%) Gartner. The iPhone still has a on a worldwide basis. If you Symbian 24,069.8 44.3 17,825.3 bigger share, at 15.4 percent (up look at all mobile phone sales, 4 8 . 8 R e s e a r c h I n M o t i o n 5 points), but Android is RIM is No. 4 with 3.4 percent 10,552.6 19.4 7,533.6 20.6 catching up fast with 9.6 percent share, and the iPhone is No. 7 iPhone OS 8,359.7 15.4 3,848.1 ( u p 8 p o i n t s ) . A l l o t h e r with 2.7 percent share. 10.5 Android 5,214.7 9.6 575.3 smartphones lost relative share While Android is rising faster 1.6 Microsoft Windows Mobile during the quarter, even RIM than the iPhone in relative share, 3,706.0 6.8 3,738.7 10.2 Linux Blackberries, although they still it is still trailing in absolute 1,993.9 3.7 2,540.5 7.0 Other grew in absolute numbers (see numbers. Gartner estimates OSs 404.8 0.7 445.9 1.2 Total consumers bought about 8.4 54,301.4 100.0 36,507.4 100.0 table below) Android is now the fourth million iPhones in the first Source: Gartner (May 2010) largest smartphone operating quarter, compared to 5.2 million C r u n c h B a s e I n f o r m a t i o n system, displacing Windows Android phones. Apple sold 4.9 A n d r o i d i P h o n e 3 G S Mobile, which is now No. 5. million more iPhones in the first I n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d b y The iPhone OS is No. 3, RIM is quarter than the year before, C r u n c h B a s e No. 2, and Symbian is still No. 1 while Android sales were up by Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:24:50 AM

Wise Words: One Step Up Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:30:00 AM

Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous and full of joy. One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of

stumbling blocks. -Jack Penn How do you handle stumbling blocks that you come across in your life's path? Have a favorite quote? Send it t o u s a t with your name, city and state. You might be featured in an

iPad-controlled blimp is one magical dirigible (video) Tim Stevens (Engadget)

the Munny Exhibit, part of Design Week, where it seemed to be quite a hit amongst the Some are smitten by the iPad, gathered group of drunken some wonder just what the heck humanity, who you can see they'd do with the thing. We frolicking with the shiny airship finally have an answer for after the break. members of the latter group: Continue reading iPadiPad blimp. The lighter-than-air controlled blimp is one magical portion of this equation features dirigible (video) an Arduino controller board and iPad-controlled blimp is one some helium, while the magical dirigible (video) decidedly heavier-than-air iPad originally appeared on Engadget runs an app to receive a video on Wed, 19 May 2010 09:21:00 upcoming Wise Words post! signal from the blimp and to EDT. Please see our terms for Five Filters featured article: s e n d i t c o n t r o l s v i a use of feeds. Permalink Wired| The Art of Looking Prime accelerometer. It was created by Breakfast NY| Email this| Ministerial - The 2010 UK Breakfast NY and made its Comments General Election. Available debut at an after party following tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:21:00 AM

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Aperture 3: a good option for photo enthusiasts (CNET Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:32:55 AM


Intel lifting netbook screen size restrictions for next-gen Atom netbooks? Tim Stevens (Engadget)

The main Aperture 3 user interface.(Credit: screenshot by Stephen Shankland/CNET) With three updates now out of the way since its debut in February, Apple's Aperture 3 is now ready for prime time, and I recommend the software. The $199 software is geared for photography enthusiasts and professionals, especially those who shoot raw images rather than just JPEG, and I put the software through its paces for several weeks for a review. My overall opinion: It's solid software that produces very nice images. If you're an iPhoto user who wants more, it's a good upgrade, though it costs $199 new. If you're an Aperture 2 user, it's a no-brainer to move to the new version. Fore details, here's CNET's full review of Aperture 3.

Submitted at 5/19/2010 10:29:00 AM

Put on your conductor hat and overalls, because it's time to take the rumor train to Atomsville. DigiTimes is reporting that Intel is cooking up another new dual-core Atom processor, this one called the N550, and that netbooks using it will have to feature at least 1GB of DDR3 memory and 32GB of SSD or 250GB of platters. Aperture 3's geotagging tools other. Lightroom 3 is on its way, That's hardly revolutionary, but are second to none for those so you might want to wait to see slightly more interesting is an who want to put location data what besides automatic lens allowance for netbook makers into their photos, and the flaw corrections Adobe has in using the chip to bump up their adjustment brushes work very store before you commit. maximum screen size to 12.1well, reducing the likelihood Five Filters featured article: inches. That's a sizeable increase you'll have to drag your image The Art of Looking Prime over the current 10.2-inch into Photoshop for fine-tuning. Ministerial - The 2010 UK maximum and could further blur If you're on the fence between General Election. Available Aperture and Lightroom, choose tools: PDF Newspaper, Full carefully, because you won't Text RSS, Term Extraction. have an easy time moving your photo archive from one to the

the line between net and note... assuming this train reaches the station. Intel lifting netbook screen size restrictions for next-gen Atom netbooks? originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 19 May 2010 10:29:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| DigiTimes| Email this| Comments

Katie Is a Mom a Long Way Past Any Mama Mia Hopefuls Molly (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:00:00 AM

Katie Holmes mixed and matched Spring trends as she stepped out of a studio in Santa Monica yesterday. She didn't join her husband Tom Cruise at

Monday's evening honoring Jerry Bruckheimer, where he flashed his famous smile with fellow famous actors, though she'll have plenty of red carpets opportunities leading up to Knight and Day's June 25 release. Tom had lots of

compliments for his wife during

his appearance on Oprah last Friday, but it's one of her exes that is getting all the attention this week - a video of Chris Klein auditioning for Mama Mia is making the rounds and reminding us that it seems like a lifetime ago Katie was with

anyone other than Tom. To see more Katie, just read more. View 10 Photos ›


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Sony's waterproof and dustproof DSC-TX5 stands up to review scrutiny Vladislav Savov (Engadget)

compatibility, and 720p movie mode and you've got a pretty fearsome paper tiger on your You'll remember the TX5 as hands. But does it roar in Sony's do-it-all solution for r e a l i t y ? A c c o r d i n g t o compact camera fans. It aims to Photography Blog, you won't be be both stylish -- with a slender getting the finest image quality 0.7-inch profile and a 3-inch around, but the TX5 impressed touchscreen -- and rugged, with some terrific high ISO thanks to a metal frame that performance, excellent handling makes it impervious to water, of chromatic aberrations, and a dust and sub-zero conditions. versatility that allows you to Throw in the backlit Exmor R take photos you might not CMOS sensor, optical image otherwise get to with more s t a b i l i z a t i o n , S D H C conventional shooters. That is Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:43:00 AM

an opinion broadly shared by CNET, though both reviewers agreed that pricing will be a tough pill to swallow given that

this is still just a 10 megapixel point-and-shoot. Hit the sources for more or mosey on past the break for a sample video.

Continue reading Sony's waterproof and dustproof DSCTX5 stands up to review scrutiny Sony's waterproof and dustproof DSC-TX5 stands up to review scrutiny originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 19 May 2010 09:43:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Photography Blog, CNET| Email this| Comments

Accessories Trends: Chic Surfer (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/18/2010 11:42:30 AM

Spring accessories collections are infused with vibrant neon accents and a subtle 'Surfer' dynamism that make us want to embrace color and unexpected sporty fabrications in our accessories for the coming months. From left to right...Derek Lam Spring RTW 2010, Balenciaga Spring RTW 2010, Proenza Schouler Spring RTW 2010, Peter Pilotto Spring RTW 2010, Thakoon Spring RTW 2010, Narciso Rodriguez Spring RTW 2010

Click below to find out where to buy some of our favorites! 1. Giuseppe Zanotti for Thakoon (Price upon request visit for more information) 2. Nicholas Kirkwood "Digital Leopard Bootie" ($895 available at 3. Aperlaï "La Capricieuse" suede and stingray (Price Available upon request, available at Bergdorf Goodman, NYC 212-753-7300 and Edit, NYC 212-876-1368) 4. Balenciaga by Nicolas Ghesquière, stratum leather. ($1075 available up Balenciaga, NYC 212-206-0872) 5. Jil Sander "Wedge Sandal"

navy calf leather with cords (Price upon request visit for more information) 6. Stella McCartney "Maia Fluo Wedge Sandal" ($735.00 a v a i l a b l e a t 7. MISSONI "Kitten Heeled Shoes" ($1115) Ankle bracelet (attached to shoe $380). (Available at the Missoni Boutiques in New York & Beverly Hills please visit for more information) 8. Aperlaï "L'Ambitieuse" lizard and patent leather (Price Available upon request.

Available at Bergdorf Goodman, NYC 212-753-7300 and Edit, NYC 212-876-1368) 9. Giuseppe Zanotti for Balmain "Multicolor Beaded Flat Sandals". ($1559 please visit for more information) 10. Bottega Veneta "Yolk Paille Intreccio Sfrangiato Shiny Calf Bag" ($1,850 available at Bottega Veneta Boutiques, please call 877-362-1715 or visit for more information) 11. Giambattista Valli "Paillette clutch" (Price available upon request, to order please call Bergdorf Goodman 212-7537300)

12. Proenza Schouler "Silk Jacquard Sea Print Bag ($1135.00 availble at Barneys, please visit for store locations) 13. Trussardi "Medium sized bag in the form of a saddlebag, with adjustable leather shoulder strap" ($1400 available at 14. Crumley "Nomad Small Stack" ($300 available at MAC, San Francisco and Assembly, New York) 15. Aurélie Bidermann "Do Brasil" multi colored thread bracelet. ($352 available at


E-reader News Edition


The Motion to Recommit, Hijacked by Politics (AEI.Org: Articles)

crafted a rule to make an MTR with instructions virtually automatic. As the California A little House parliamentary Republican proclaimed at the history: The motion to recommit time, an era where the minority goes back at least to the British party was hampered at being Parliament and has existed in able to offer its alternative s o m e f o r m s i n c e t h e 1 s t vision for policy would be Congress. A motion to recommit replaced by one where that right with instructions, as the great would be guaranteed. rules guru Don Wolfensberger Why do I bring up this history? has pointed out, goes back at Because the MTR is now back least to 1891 and Speaker in the news. Twice in recent Thomas Reed (R-Maine). But days, House Republicans have that MTR was granted to a found a way to draft MTRs with Member who was friendly to a instructions that have deep-sixed bill, to offer a chance to clean important bills, the first on the up errors. A motion to recommit Home Star Energy Retrofit Act, with instructions as a device for the "cash for caulkers"; the t h e m i n o r i t y t o o f f e r a n second, last week, on the alternative goes back to 1909 America COMPETES Act, a and the revolt led by progressive jobs bill focused on increasing Republicans against powerful science, research and training c o n s e r v a t i v e R e p u b l i c a n investment. Speaker Joe Cannon (Ill.) to These MTRs have been in the grant some rights to those n e w s n o t b e c a u s e t h e y opposed to bills. An MTR with represented the minority party's instructions as a device for the alternative vision for dealing minority party per se to offer an with energy policy or science alternative goes back to 1932. and tech and jobs policy--but T h e r e h a v e b e e n m a n y because they were designed to variations and refinements in the kill bills by offering red herring rules regarding MTRs since, "gotcha" amendments, including including several in the 1980s one in the energy bill to require a n d 1 9 9 0 s . W h e n H o u s e contractors to ensure that no Republicans took the majority in employee had been convicted of 1995 for the first time in 40 child molestation and one in the years, after several contentious jobs/tech bill to require that any y e a r s i n w h i c h m a j o r i t y federal employee who had Democrats often adopted special v i e w e d o r d o w n l o a d e d rules restricting amendments pornography be fired. Both were a n d M T R s , t h e i r l e a d i n g attempts to force Democrats to reformer, Rep. David Dreier, withdraw their bills--and more Submitted at 5/18/2010 6:00:00 PM

importantly, to set up 30-second attack ads against vulnerable Members for supporting child molesters and pornography. It is not easy to be in the minority in the House. House Republicans have many reasons to complain about the Democrats' failure to apply the regular order, to give the minority opportunities to be heard and to have amendments to bills in committee and on the floor. I can see offering embarrassing or gotcha amendments to protest a majority jamming things through without minority input or treating bills in a cavalier fashion. Or offering amendments that may be embarrassing but that advance a serious party ideological interest. But the America COMPETES reauthorization was done in a bipartisan fashion and involves a bill with little division or controversy. The original bill, when it came up in 2007, got 367 votes in the House. This version involved close cooperation between Science and Technology Chairman Bart Gordon (D-Tenn.), hardly a knee-jerk partisan or authoritarian, and Michigan Republican Rep. Vernon Ehlers, one of the most thoughtful House experts on science matters. The porn measure was not raised in the committee nor brought up as a possible

amendment for the bill on the floor. It was sprung at the last minute solely as a stink bomb. Among House Republicans, only Ehlers, who is retiring, voted against the MTR. When the Democrats withdrew the bill, Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) were visibly exultant. The unfortunate fact is that the motion to recommit with instructions has for more than a decade become a hollow vehicle and a farce. Under the majority Republicans, every MTR was framed as a party-line procedural vote, and Democrats regularly failed whatever the merits of their alternative. Under the majority Democrats, the minority has in fact succeeded at several alternatives, but far more often than not the minority has eschewed the chance to use the MTR to offer constructive amendments to bills or to show a minority alternative vision, and instead has used the gotcha route. Expect a slew of attack ads portraying Members as backers of child molestation and government-subsidized porn. A minority party concerned about legislating would use every vehicle to protest wrongful and high-handed treatment by the majority, and it would find ways to participate constructively in making better policy when the majority was fair. There has been plenty of

Democratic arrogance and highhandedness. But as we have seen repeatedly on the many bills brought to the floor with strong bipartisan effort and teamwork, the committee minority members who worked inside and had their amendments accepted have then turned around and voted against their own bills. John Boehner used to be a serious legislator. Eric Cantor is smart and a justifiably rising star in the GOP firmament. But they are becoming the Bart Simpsons of Congress, gleeful at smarmy and adolescent tactics and unable and unwilling to get serious. Instead of encouraging a constructive relationship with the serious and fair-minded legislators on the Democratic side, they are adding to the traction of their take-noprisoners counterparts. What a shame. Norman Ornstein is a resident scholar at AEI. P h o t o C r e d i t : vgm8383/Flickr/Creative Commons Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Policy/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

The Golden Age of Centrism Wasn't So Golden (AEI.Org: Articles)

successful as it was in winning the five presidential elections in the 1930s and 1940s. Laments about polarization are They were writing at a time filling the air -- or at least that when Americans were not part of the air in which friends polarized by the cultural issues and family members have that have raged in recent years. political discussions. It has been Abortion was a crime in every w i d e l y n o t e d t h a t e v e r y state. Homosexuality was not Republican member of Congress mentioned in polite company. has a voting record to the right Everybody partook of the same of every Democrat and every uncontroversial popular culture Democrat is to the left of every in movies and on radio and Republican. There is no partisan television. overlap any more. But there was one great T h i s i s b e m o a n e d b y polarization in midcentury celebrators of centrism, who America, and it contributed look back to a golden age when significantly to the partisan there were lots of liberal muddle: The divide between Republicans and conservative North and South. Southern Democrats. states had laws imposing racial The funny thing is, when you segregation and many didn't look back to that time in allow blacks to vote. The North m i d c e n t u r y A m e r i c a , t h e had no such laws and, except for decades on either side of 1950, wartime and postwar migration high-minded thinkers didn't like to major cities and factory that partisan muddle at all. towns, had few blacks. Midcentury political scientists Southern whites voted solidly disliked the ideological D e m o c r a t i c , b u t t h e i r incoherence of the two political officeholders were conservative parties. It would be better, they on issues like civil rights and argued, to have one clearly federal aid programs. That's liberal and the other clearly w h y t h e r e w e r e s o m a n y conservative. Then voters would conservative Democrats in have a real choice and could be Congress. More Republicans c o n f i d e n t a b o u t t h e than Democrats voted for civil consequences of their votes. r i g h t s l a w s , a n d s o m e Political scientists then as now R e p u b l i c a n s s u p p o r t e d were mostly Democrats, and extending New Deal programs. they evidently hoped that the So there were quite a few liberal Democratic Party would emerge Republicans as well. as the clearly liberal party and We're a long way from that it would continue to be as midcentury America today. No Submitted at 5/18/2010 6:00:00 PM

one favors racial segregation any more. Cultural conformity has largely vanished. In an affluent nation we have been able to choose different lifestyles, to inhabit different cultural niches. The mainline Protestant churches have lost members while more Americans identify themselves as secular or as evangelical Christians. Increasingly we choose to live in neighborhoods and metro areas dominated by those who share our cultural and political views. The bipartisan agreement on foreign policy that prevailed for two postwar decades ended as doves came to dominate the Democratic Party, while hawks became Republican. The abortion issue, which split both parties' constituencies in the 1970s, in time became a defining issue for both parties as pro-lifers abandoned the Democrats and pro-choicers the Republicans. All of which leaves little room for centrists, who in any case are a diverse lot -- libertarians who are conservative on economics and liberal on cultural issues, traditionalists who are liberal on economics and conservative on cultural issues. You can find a few members of Congress who fall in those camps, but not many. The polarization of our politics is increased somewhat by

partisan district lines. But overall it's a reflection of our society and a result of the increasing intrusiveness and involvement of government in areas of life that used to be left alone. Changing long-standing laws on abortion and gay rights was bound to stir controversy and heated involvement on both sides. Issues of war and peace naturally arouse strong partisan views. In the last 16 months, the Obama Democrats' proposals to vastly increase the size and scope of the federal government and to put federal spending on the way to doubling the national debt as a percentage of the economy have tended to sweep these cultural and foreign policy issues aside. They have increased the polarization of the parties, but have also produced some Democratic primary battles between supporters and opponents of the Obama program. The result could be a little less polarization -- but don't count on it. Michael Barone is a resident fellow at AEI. Photo Credit: istockphoto/Larry Cole Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

My Woman's Day: Layla & Jim Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/18/2010 3:00:00 PM

Every week we'll post a picture of you, your kids or your pet posing with a copy of Woman's Day magazine. So grab your camera and the latest issue and start shooting! Layla Brooke is giving her grandpa Jim some tips from the April 1st issue. Thank to Sharon for submitting! We love seeing you, your kids and your pets with a copy of Woman's Day! Submit your p h o t o s t o MyWomansDay@womansday.c om and check back often to see yourself on the site! Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Policy/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


Sticking to the Script (AEI.Org: Articles) Submitted at 5/18/2010 6:00:00 PM

We are taught to believe that ideology is the enemy of free thought. But that's not right. Ideology is a mere checklist of principles and priorities. The real enemy of clear thinking is the script. We think the world is supposed to go by a familiar plot. And when the facts conflict with the script, we edit the facts. So, for instance, David Horowitz is a stock villain on U.S. campuses because he deviates from the standard formula of coddling the usual victims and lionizing the usual heroes. Once a committed leftwing radical, Horowitz now resides on the right. Two of his favorite targets are academia and radical Islam. He leads an extensive network of websites, books, lecture series, pamphlets, and conferences aimed at exposing the folly and dangers of both. Horowitz's detractors, and even some of his friends, sometimes roll their eyes at his confrontational tactics and rhetoric. But that doesn't mean he's wrong. Horowitz recently spoke at the University of California, San Diego. You can find an excerpt from his appearance on YouTube (and here). In it, a young Muslim student from UCSD, Jumanah Imad Albahri,

asks Horowitz to back up his attacks on the Muslim Students Association. Horowitz turns the tables on her. In less than two minutes, she reveals herself as a supporter of the terrorist group Hamas. Horowitz then notes that Hezbollah, another terrorist organization, wants all Jews to return to Israel so they can be more conveniently liquidated in one place. Horowitz asks Albahri whether she's for or against that proposition. She is "for it." I asked UCSD, via e-mail, whether the woman in question was censured in any way for endorsing bigotry and genocide, or if the video was somehow misleading. In response, I received boilerplate about how, in the tradition of Aristotle, UCSD treasures "discourse and debate" and how "the very foundations of every great university are set upon the rocksolid principles of freedom of thought and freedom of speech." I wrote back, in part: "Thank you for your response. I must say I find it fairly nonresponsive. Out of curiosity, if a UCSD student publicly called for the extermination of gays and blacks, would this be your only response as well?" I then received an even less responsive primer on how student groups are funded on campus.

Now, I could write at length about UCSD's hypocrisy. After all, the school recently launched a "Battle Hate" campaign in response to some idiotic stunt called the "Compton Cookout" at which a fraternity held a racially offensive event off campus during Black History Month. Administrators went into overdrive, the Black Student Union issued 32 demands, the vice chancellor righteously explained to students that although the event may have been beyond the school's "legal jurisdiction," it was not beyond UCSD's "moral jurisdiction." "We have the moral high ground!" the vice chancellor shouted before trying to start a chant of "Not in our community!" Well, Albahri's statements were not only within the UCSD community, they were well inside the school's legal and moral jurisdiction. And yet in response, we don't get the familiar kabuki of official outrage. Instead we get: This endorsement of genocide is brought to you by Aristotle. The important point here isn't the school's double standard. It's that on campuses and in the wider intellectual culture, people can't let go of their dogeared script. It's not that conventional racism is no longer

a problem, nor is it that the civil -rights era no longer resonates. But freaking out over the vestiges of familiar racism is firmly within the comfort zone of contemporary liberalism. Indeed, it's an industry. Yet when it comes to students like Albahri--and there are many like her--administrators become brainless and lost. Lacking an adequate script, they resort to bromides about Aristotle. Off campus, liberals crave a comfortable plot in which bigoted "homegrown" white men are the villains while Muslims are scapegoats. New York mayor Michael Bloomberg was willing to bet that the Times Square bomber might turn out to be an opponent of health-care reform. What's the right script? Honestly, I don't know. But those perched atop the moral high ground will have to climb down to find the facts before they can write it. Jonah Goldberg is a visiting fellow at AEI. Photo Credit: stock.xchng Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Javier Make Cannes Biutiful Even Without Penelope PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:00:00 AM

Javier Bardem skipped the suit and opted for a casual pink shirt and Gucci sneakers for a lunch date with friends in Cannes yesterday. The previous evening, he attended the Cannes Film Festival premiere of his latest project, Biutiful, which is already earning the Academy Award winner early Oscar buzz for his dramatic performance. Javier's been busy this week promoting his work, but he also managed to sneak away for a romantic dinner with Penelope Cruz after the screening of his movie. View 5 Photos ›



E-reader News Edition

Banks Are Finally Capitulating, As Short-Sales Reduce Shadow Inventory Backlog Keith Jurow (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:16:31 AM

After several years of resisting short sales, the major banks have finally changed course. They have concluded that encouraging defaulted borrowers to pursue a short sale is preferable to waiting for the owner to leave, or worse yet, damage the house before being foreclosed. The advantage for borrowers and lenders is clear. John Campbell, publisher of the Campbell/Inside Mortgage Finance monthly report explained in February that "Short sales typically result in lower lender losses and houses left in more saleable condition. Moreover, borrowers that agree to a short sale can often buy another house with mortgage financing after only two years. For borrowers going through the foreclosure process, mortgage financing can be unavailable for a period of five to seven years." According to a March report by House Buyers Network, which links short sellers with prospective buyers, "banks have ramped up short sale approvals." They have added staff to handle the hordes of owners looking to avoid foreclosure by opting for a short sale. What used to take as

long as six months of wrangling with the banks is now often approved within thirty days. Short sales have really taken off since last fall and this is not limited to the large metros which experienced the housing bubble and collapse. The percentage of home purchases nationwide that were short sales soared from 12.4% in November 2009 to 18.6% in March according to the April Campbell/Inside Mortgage Finance report. Here are a few examples: In Phoenix, short sales averaged nearly 2000 per month in the last year. Short sale listings are now 40% of all active listings there. April sales figures for San Diego showed that 24% of all purchases were short sales. In Boise, Idaho there are currently more than 700 active short sale listings. In Salt Lake City, 28% of listings were short sale listings. Hillsborough County, outside of Tampa, had 35% of all listings as short sale listings as early as January. Central Oregon is a growing area that has attracted thousands of retirees in the past decade. Not exactly housing bubble country. In the first quarter of 2008, there was not a single short sale completed in the two largest cities - Redmond and Bend. In the first three months

of this year, 24% of all purchases recorded were short sales. San Jose is in the heart of Silicon Valley. It experienced soaring prices during the bubble years of 2004-2005 before the market cratered. Currently there are roughly 250 active short sale and foreclosure listings, 25% of all listings, and 80 of these distressed listings are priced at $1 million or higher. The Obama Administration recognized the importance of facilitating short sales in order to reduce the overhang of the so -called "shadow inventory." Its new Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives program (HAFA), which went into effect on April 5,

streamlines the short sale process and provides incentives to borrowers, lenders and the mortgage servicers. These incentives include: * Up to $3,000 to help the homeowner relocate * Up to $1,500 to the mortgage servicer for administrative and processing expenses * Up to $2,000 to the first lien holder for sharing the short sale proceeds with a second-lien holder * Up to $6,000 for second-lien holders who relinquish their claims To be eligible for these incentives, the borrower must * First apply for a loan modification under the Home Affordable Modification

Program (HAMP) and be rejected * Live in the property as the principal residence * Have a mortgage that is owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac * Demonstrate financial hardship * Have a monthly housing payment which exceeds 31% of gross income * Have an unpaid principal which does not exceed $729,750 Under the streamlined HAFA process, lenders must have the property appraised and make a determination as to its market value. Once the owner is informed by the lender what price they are willing to accept, a bonafide offer brought to the lender must be accepted within ten days. The HAFA rules also require the lender to release the borrower from any obligation to repay the shortfall between the sale price and the debt owed. One key drawback of a short sale had been that the IRS considered this shortfall to be taxable income. However, Congress waived this onerous liability in 2007 for mortgage debt used to buy or improve a primary residence and renewed this exemption in late 2009 for BANKS page 41


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Meet Barack Obama's Favorite Mutual Fund Managers Vince Veneziani and Courtney Comstock (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:42:00 AM

This week, the President and Vice President released their 2009 financial disclosure reports on the White House blog. The practice of disclosing the President's financial investments is a new custom that began with Obama, so we decided to check out which mutual fund managers the nation's top executives consider the best. The White House blog notes that neither the President nor the Vice President have any conflicts of interest. Luckily for Obama and Biden, none of the money managers they've chosen to invest with are on our list of Q1's worst mutual fund managers. First, President Obama's holdings... Image: The White House Michael H. Buek Image: Wharton School of Business Q1 return: +5.35% Fund: Vanguard 500 Index Fund (VFINX) Size: $51.51 billion Top holdings: Apple Inc, Procter & Gamble Company, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, Bank of America Corp, Wells Fargo Company Source: Morningstar Michael Perre Q1 return: +7.36% Fund: Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund (VFTSX) Size: $362.58 million

Top holdings: ExxonMobil Corp, Microsoft Corp, Apple Inc, General Electric Company, Procter & Gamble Company Source: Morningstar Stephen K. Rodgers Q1 return: +0.58% Fund: Hawaiian Tax Free Trust Class A (HULAX) Size: $708.23 million Top holdings: Hawaii St Dept Budget & Fin Sp Rev Bds, Hawaii St Go Bds 5%, Honolulu Hawaii City & Cnty G O Bds 5%, Hawaii St Arpts Sys Rev Ref Bds 5.625%, Hawaii St Go Bds 5% Source: Morningstar Now on to Vice President Biden's holdings... Image: Wikimedia Jonathan Shelon Q1 return: +3.43% Fund: Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund (FFFDX) Size: $20.7 billion Top holdings: Fidelity Disciplined Equity, Fidelity Series Large Cap Value, Fidelity Series All-Sector Equity, Fidelity Growth Company, Fidelity Series 100 Index Source: Morningstar Barry Mills Q1 return: +1.45% Fund: Dreyfus Technology Growth (DGVRX) Size: $254.9 million Top holdings: Qualcomm Inc, Google Inc, Microsoft Corp, Apple Inc, Research in Motion Ltd Source: Morningstar Jonathan Coleman Q1 return:

+3.17% Fund: Janus Aspen Janus Portfolio (JAGRX) Size: $2.6 billion Top holdings: Anheuser-Busch InBev SA, Cisco Systems Inc, Apple Inc, Crown Castle Intl Corp, International Business Machines Corp Source: Morningstar Brian Demain Gazing into the horizon of profits he will make for Biden Q1 return: +3.17% Fund: Janus Aspen Enterprise (JAAGX) Size: $615.6 million Top holdings: Crown Castle Intl Corp, Celgene Corp, Li & Fung Ltd, Atmel Corp, St. Jude Medical Inc Source: Morningstar Michael C. Buchanan Q1

return: +4.91% Fund: Legg Mason/Western Asset Variable Global High Yield Bond (SIHYX) Size: $55.3 million Top holdings: Republic of Venezuela 5.75%, Iasis Holdco Sr Pik Loan Term Loan, Engy Future Hldgs 11.25%, Belden & Blake 8.75%, Sprint Cap 8.75% Source: Morningstar Maura A. Shaughnessy Q1 return: N/A Fund: MFS VIT Utilities (FVUSA001QS) Size: $55.3 million Top holdings: Williams Companies Inc, CMS Energy Corp, Virgin Media Inc, Questar Corp, Cellcom Israel Ltd Source: Morningstar James P. Schier Q1 return: N/A Fund: SBL Fund Series V Mid-

Cap Value (FVUSA00197) Size: $319.5 million Top holdings: Computer Sciences Corp, Insituform Technologies A, Bemis Company Inc, Chico's FAS Inc, McDermott International Source: Morningstar James P. Schier (A double favorite! Impressive, Schier) Q1 return: N/A Fund: SBL Fund Series Q Small Cap Value (FVUSA001KV) Size: $129.4 million Top holdings: Louisiana-Pacific Corp, Insituform Technologies A, Southern Union Company, Cabela's Inc, Hanover Insurance Group Inc Source: Morningstar Barrett K. Sides Q1 return: N/A Fund: Invesco AIM VI International Growth (FVUSA000H2) Size: $1.4 billion Top holdings: Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd ADR, AIM Short Term Inv Liquid Assets Instl, AIM Treasurer's Ser Tr Prem Instl, Roche Holding AG, Nestle SA Source: Morningstar Derek Taner Q1 return: N/A Fund: Invesco AIM VI Global Health Care (FVUSA001GX) Size: $160.8 million Top holdings: CVS Caremark Corp, Gilead Sciences Inc, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Roche Holding AG, Amgen Inc MEET page 40



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Here's Niall Ferguson's Complete And Definitive Guide To The Sovereign Debt Crisis Gregory White (The Money Game)

Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:22:00 AM Peterson Institute for Harvard and Oxford historian I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s Niall Ferguson has unleashed Source: Niall Ferguson via the his latest lesson on the history of P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r sovereign debt crises, and it is a I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s t h o r o u g h a n d c o m p l e t e Source: Niall Ferguson via the explanation of what the world is P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r going through now, and what it I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s can expect in the near future. Source: Niall Ferguson via the This isn't just about the "PIIGS" P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r states, it is about the United I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s States and United Kingdom, and Source: Niall Ferguson via the their very real crisis in public P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r finances. It is about what these I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s states are going to have to Source: Niall Ferguson via the sacrifice to maintain stability, P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r both fiscal and political. International Economics The speech, made at the Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for Peterson Institute for International Economics, can be I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s watched at their site, but we Source: Niall Ferguson via the have the amazingly powerful P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r presentation here. Source: Niall I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c s Ferguson via the Peterson Source: Niall Ferguson via the Institute for International P e t e r s o n I n s t i t u t e f o r Economics International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for Peterson Institute for International Economics International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Source: Niall Ferguson via the

MEET continued from page 39

Source: Morningstar Don't miss: The 13 Housing Markets That Will Never Recover

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Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the

Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the

Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Source: Niall Ferguson via the Peterson Institute for International Economics Unsettled by Ferguson's opinion? Check out Richard Koo's presentation on why this crisis is completely different. Image: Bloomberg See the presentation right here > Join the conversation about this story Âť


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BANKS continued from page 38

three more years. In early April of this year, Governor Schwarzenegger signed a bill which relieved homeowners of a similar state tax burden in California. With all these incentives now in place, short sales are almost certain to soar in the coming months. However, this does not mean we should all breathe a sigh of relief. There is an important caveat. So-called "distressed sales" -- short sales and foreclosures together - have been sharply rising this year. According to the latest Campbell/Inside Mortgage Finance survey, they now comprise more than half of all home purchases throughout the country (51.6%). That is up from only 37.3% as recently as

November. This ominous change is telling us that the market for what we might call "normal" sales continues to weaken. This coming avalanche of distressed listings is putting severe downward pressure on home prices. And that means the number of homeowners who can sell their homes profitably will continue to shrink. It creates a vicious circle which seems, for now, to be unavoidable. ( This post originally appeared at the The Real Estate Channel) Join the conversation about this story Âť

Top 10 Weirdest Prescription Drug Side Effects (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:00:00 AM

Most of us take prescription drugs-- drugs that, by law, must be prescribed by a doctor -- at some point in our lives. If all goes well, the drug works for you as it's supposed to. But there's no "magic bullet," or drug that works the same for everyone without any risks or side effects. A side effect is basically an unintended occurrence that results from taking a drug. Side effects can be good or bad, depending on how you use the drug. For example, antihistamines, used to help with allergy symptoms like itchy eyes and sneezing, have the side effect of making you feel very sleepy. If you're having trouble sleeping, this

5 Future Technology Myths (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:00:00 AM

What will the world look like 10 years from now? Forty years from now? Will the continuation of Moore's Law eventually allow us to have a society run by automated robots? Will we have conquered global warming and celebrate as a people as we approach the much-vaunted

prospect of the singularity? Some futurists, the people who deal in this kind of speculation, have made predictions of this nature, but there are also those who say these forecasts are inaccurate. In this article, we'll take a look at some popular ideas about the future of technology that are likely myths. Predicting future trends or developments, especially in a


dynamic field like technology, is inherently inexact, but it is possible to make some informed guesses. Of course, it's also possible to argue the opposite point of view regarding the reality of some of these technologies, but in these cases, there's enough evidence out there, particularly from experts, to diagnose them as myths. Let's start with one of the great

side effect is great. If you need to deal with your allergies as well as drive your car or function at your job, however, it's bad. When you pick up a prescription at a pharmacy, you get a list of common side effects. Regardless of the drug, the most common side effects are nausea and vomiting, allergic reactions, drowsiness, insomnia, heart problems (such as heart palpitations) and dependence. Often, there's something that you can do to help lessen the possibility of unwanted side effects. Some medications can make you feel nauseated if you take them on an empty stomach, for example, so it's a pretty simple fix to eat something. There are some prescription

drugs, though, that can cause side effects that are wildly different from those listed above. In some cases, the side effects were discovered during FDA trials and were deemed acceptable risks. In others, the side effects turned out to be catastrophic but weren't wellknown until after the drug was widely used. Let's start off with a weird side effect that falls under the former category -- you may (or may not) remember it.Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

How to Build a Chicken Coop, Raise Your Own Chickens

fabled machines of the postindustrial age: the flying car. Five Filters featured article: How-To Wiki (Wired Top The Art of Looking Prime Stories) Ministerial - The 2010 UK Submitted at 5/18/2010 5:30:00 PM General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full From Wired How-To Wiki Text RSS, Term Extraction. Like so many DYI trends, building a chicken coop empowers us to produce something we would usually HOW page 42


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HOW continued from page 41

buy, harkening back to a time when folks knew how to provide for themselves. And if you love eggs, you can't get a more fresh and local source than your backyard. While there are many factors involved with raising and caring for chickens, one absolute necessity is providing them with a safe, clean, dry place to live. Here's a primer on what to keep in mind as you research, plan, and build your coop. This article is part of a wiki anyone can edit. If you have advice to add, log in and contribute. Study up Buy a book Before you even start thinking about building a coop, it's important to educate yourself about raising chickens. Buy a comprehensive book, like Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens, and read it all the way through. The breed and number of chickens you choose to keep will inform how much space they need to live, their temperature tolerances, behavioral characteristics and so on. Check your local zoning laws Check the zoning laws in your town. They will tell you how many hens you can keep, whether or not you can keep a rooster, and whether an inspector will have to check out your finished coop. Almost every city in the U.S. allows you to raise chickens, but the rules

about how close your coop can be to your house (and your neighbors' property) vary widely. Design it Design your coop yourself or pick from one of dozens of designs available for free (or cheap) online. Fire up your search engine of choice and type in "building a chicken coop." There are also several thick books that contain nothing but chicken coop design blueprints. Pick a few designs that look good to you and meet your birds' needs. Most will at least have a series of photos showing the basic steps -— leveling your site, framing, roofing, siding, building and attaching doors, attaching wire for the chicken run, etc. Be realistic about what you can build. If you're designing your own: • • Backyard Chickens has a photo gallery of designs • Search Flickr if you need some inspiration

"yard") for exercise, pecking around in the dirt, and other chicken activities. Space One of the reasons it's important to know the breed of bird and number you plan to keep when designing your coop is space. You need to provide them with plenty of square feet to nest, roost, lay, and get along. Otherwise they will peck at each other —- or worse (Let the phrase "The Donner Party" flash through your mind). Climate You need to keep an optimal climate for your breed of chicken. This includes their chicken run (yard), which needs to be protected from the elements, and the interior of the coop. The interior may need heating, insulation, venting or other ways to regulate temperature. This could include a heat lamp for adolescent chickens in the spring, a heating pad for hens in winter, or vents to keep them cool in the summer. You may need to make changes during the day or at night to There are also photos at the keep the coop's climate stable bottom of this article you can a n d o p t i m a l . W i r e l e s s refer to. thermometers are available that Your design mantra should be: transmit to a main display in "It's all about the birds." Most your house, as well as ones that chicken coop designs share can be monitored on your PC or some basic elements: a secure, mobile phone. Remember that roofed and vented area where you will need to run power to your chickens can nest and the coop for these or other sleep; nesting boxes and roosts c l i m a t e c o n t r o l s o l u t i o n s . within that space; and an open M a t e r i a l s a n d t o o l s air chicken run (also called the Once you've decided on a

design, create a list of the materials that you need. Materials: Your list will probably include wood types like 2x4s, plywood or OSB (oriented strand board). You will need chicken wire. Shingles and insulation are also musthaves to keep the chickens warm and dry if you live in an extreme climate. At the end of the project, you will need bedding material like pine shavings or straw. Do NOT use cedar shavings as they can be toxic to the chickens. For financial and practical reasons, consider recycled or used materials. Many towns and cities have a reuse center of some sort, a place where clean, used materials like the ones you need are available for purchase. The materials may have nail holes or be available at odd lengths and widths, but you can't beat the price, and the chickens won't care. Some reuse centers even sell "salvaged" paint, usually a combo of old paints that have been processed and colored. Also, some contractors store excess materials or salvaged materials that they may be willing to sell at a less-thanretail price. Contact a few and ask them. Tools: The basics will include a power drill, hammer, utility knives, straight edges, tape measures, safety goggles, and hearing protection. You will also need saws. Handsaws are

useful, but a chop saw is invaluable -- it's quick, efficient, and accurate. Plan your build You're going to need buddy to help you assemble the coop. Find somebody (or a few people) who have some carpentry skills if you can. Consider grouping your tasks — framing, siding, roofing, painting, etc. —- and block out mornings or afternoons accordingly. When planning, think about how much available time you have. Factor in more time than you'll need, because you'll make mistakes (everyone does). Also, factor in your chickens. Do you already have them? If so, think about when they have to go outside. You don't want to take longer than you thought on the project and end up with fullgrown chickens in your house or apartment. If you don't already have them, keep them in mind as you're planning your build. How to proceed You've got your building plan and your materials, and now it's time to execute. Follow the directions, take people's advice, and use your head. And don't forget the old adage: "Measure twice. Cut once." Step-by-step photo gallery Conclusion Building a chicken coop can be a satisfying project and a great HOW page 44


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Tablet Rumors Multiply as iPad Sales Soar Miran Pavic (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/18/2010 7:00:00 PM

It may have taken a long time for the competition to respond to Apple’s iPod and iPhone. Not so with the iPad: All sorts of companies — Google, Sony and Research in Motion, to name a few — are sitting up and taking notice of the iPad, thanks to Apple’s claim that it sold a million of its tablets in less than a month. Since then, rumors of half-adozen new tablets have leaked out. Tablets haven’t been this hot since Moses came down from Mount Sinai. But with all the news, there’s a lot of confusion. And, so far, none of the tablets is available for purchase, and most haven’t even been officially announced. It’s all vaporware at this point. That said, here’s an overview of some interesting tablets we expect — or hope — to see this year. And don’t miss our earlier roundup of even more nonApple tablets. Verizon, Google Working on a Tablet Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam confirmed last week that Verizon has been “ working on tablets” with Google, combining hardware and Google’s services “to make it a great experience.” Google hasn’t commented on this, but a few months ago it released a video of what a Google tablet might look like.

Considering the company’s dominant position in services like search, e-mail, maps and calendars, it could be an extremely powerful rival to the

iPad. On the other hand, Google doesn’t have a lot of experience designing hardware. Its smartphone, the Nexus One

(developed in conjunction with HTC) is far from becoming a smash hit. Photo: nDevilTV/Flickr Acer’s Tablet Launches in 2 Weeks

Acer is rumored to be presenting a tablet device in less than 2 weeks. Numerous sources TABLET page 44



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continued from page 43

suggest the hardware giant would be unveiling a Chrome OS–based device at the Computex show in early June. That would make it the first device to run Google’s operating system tailored for netbooks. Yet, there have been rumors that Chrome OS might not be ready for prime time until later this year. That doesn’t necessarily mean Acer won’t be unveiling the tablet next month — it’s still unclear whether Google sees Android or Chrome as the ideal platform for tablets. Google CEO Eric Schmidt said the two operating systems might eventually merge, but right now, Android’s popularity and multitouch capabilities might make it a more likely candidate for Acer’s tablet. Dell Tablet Coming on AT&T in Late Summer Dell’s Mini 5 — also known as Streak – will be coming this summer(Europe first, North America a bit later). It takes a different approach than most wannabe iPad killers: It’s significantly smaller, with a 5inch display, and features a powerful 5-megapixel frontfacing camera, 3G connectivity

continued from page 42

and a 1-GHz processor. The Mini 5 will be coming on AT&T, running the Android OS. Smaller than a tablet but bigger than a smartphone, it’s an open question whether anyone actually needs a device this size. Photo: Dell Mini 5 by nDevilTV/Flickr HP Kills Tablet Project. HP Resurrects Tablet Project. Stay Tuned First, Steve Ballmer appeared with a mysterious HP Slate at CES 2010 in January. Then, two months later, Hewlett Packard released a video of the device. Soon after we got some neatsounding specs: a 1024 x 600 widescreen display, 1-GB RAM, USB port, 3-megapixel camera. However, a leaked prototype was slow and buggy, and HP was rumored to have murdered the project entirely. A new report says HP, which recently acquired Palm for $1.2 billion, simply opted to murder Windows 7 as the tablet’s operating system, and that it might go with Palm’s WebOS instead. The project is now code -named HP Hurricane and, according to an HP insider, could be released in the third quarter of this year. Photo: HP Slate (HP) Sony Still

Looking at Opportunity Consumer electronics giant Sony must be working on its own tablet, right? Guess again: The company refuses to commit. “We have been taking a deep look at developing a tablet for a number of years, not just because of Apple, but because it creates some interesting opportunities,” Mike Abary, vice president of Sony’s IT Products unit, told Bloomberg last week. If it does decide to join the grand tablet wars, Sony, with its popular PSP platform, could curb Apple’s advantage when it comes to mobile gaming. But so far, all talk of a Sony tablet is just so much hot air. Blackberry “Companion” Tablet BlackBerry is looking to copy Apple’s “smartphone first, tablet later” formula, preparing a tablet -like device with an 8.9-inch display, according to reports. Not a lot is known about it at this point. It is supposed to launch in December, and will serve as a “companion” device, which might mean you’d use Bluetooth to connect it to your BlackBerry and get online wherever Wi-Fi isn’t available. MSI Tegra-Powered Tablet

Micro-Star International is launching a tablet powered by the powerful Nvidia Tegra chip, to be presented in June. The device will likely appear in stores this summer. Users will be able to chose between 8.9- and 10-inch models, and between Android and Windows 7 ones. The pricing, according to Engadget’s report. will be “extremely aggressive.” See Also:

investment. Like any design/build project, it can also be challenging and frustrating at times. It's important to choose a design that works well for the breed and number of chickens you plan to keep, factors in the climate in which you live, and is realistic for you and a friend to build. Hopefully, a few months after you've finished construction, you'll have some delicious, farm -fresh eggs to show for it. Just make sure you share, especially • First Look: BeeJive Offers with your building buddy. You Best IM for iPad Yet couldn't have done it without his • Eye-Tracking Tablets and the or her mad chop-saw skills. Promise of Text 2.0 This page was last modified • iPad Could See 50 Tablet 00:59, 19 May 2010 by zzyzy. Rivals This Year Based on work by bhanly and howto_admin. Five Filters featured article: Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Referee Joe DeRosa Gets Into Spat With Magic Fan at Halftime FanHouse Staff (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/19/2010 3:45:00 AM

Filed under: Lakers, Magic, NBA Playoffs, NBA Referees During halftime of Game 2 in the Eastern Conference finals,

veteran NBA official Joe DeRosa was involved in a testy incident with a Magic fan near the scorer's table. As DeRosa

went over to the table to get his crew's warmup jackets, a fan behind the table approached DeRosa and appeared to be

shouting at him.


E-reader News Edition


Yahoo Buys Online Content Factory for $90 Million Ryan Singel (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/18/2010 5:44:00 PM

Yahoo has joined the race to mass-produce content for the web with its purchase Thursday of Associated Content for a rumored $90 million. Associated Content, like Demand Media and AOL’s new Seed project, relies on thousands of freelancers to write and film how-tos, profiles and topwhatever lists for web publication — with help from search algorithms to determine what content should be created next. Associated Content has been able to attract brand-name advertisers to its site, especially for how-to articles like this one on choosing the right-sized hammer, which are surrounded by ads from Coldwell Banker and Fidelity. “Combining our world-class editorial team with Associated Content’s makes this a game changer,” said Carol Bartz, Yahoo’s CEO. “Together, we’ll create more content around what we know our users care about, and open up new and creative avenues for advertisers to engage with consumers across

our network. These are important aspects of building engaging consumer experiences on Yahoo, and one of the reasons why we’re one of the most visited destinations online.” Yahoo has long considered itself to be a provider of higherend media, combining news and features written by its own staff with paid news feeds, and then adding curated links to other

sites’ content. It’s not clear if Associated Content will be rolled into Yahoo’s site or if it will continue operating on its own, gaining page views and revenue through visitors stumbling on content through search. If not careful, Yahoo runs the risk of devaluing its brand and creating so much ad space that it can’t continue to charge premium rates to advertisers.

attention for its use of search logs to figure out what obscure topics users were looking for — but couldn’t find — and then creating cheap content to fill that hole. Yahoo says it will use its search engine to help identify topics that users and advertisers care about. In announcing the purchase, Yahoo says it will expand Associated Content’s operation globally and will close the sale in the fall. It did not disclose the purchase price, but veteran Yahoo reporter Kara Swisher reported the company paid $90 million. Photo: Yahoo in Times Square Henrique Vicente See Also: • The Answer Factory: Demand Associated Content has more Media and the Fast, Disposable, than 16 million unique users per and Profitable as Hell Media month, according to Comscore, Model and the editorial staff “reviews • AOL Becoming Automated, more than 50,000 pieces of On-Demand Content Factory content per month, including • Has Google’s Tim Armstrong articles, images, audio and Lost His Mind? video,” according to the press r e l e a s e a n n o u n c i n g t h e Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime acquisition. Associated Content considers Ministerial - The 2010 UK itself to be a step above Demand General Election. Available Media, which gained much tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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30-Year Time-Lapse: Mount St. Helens Recovery From Space Betsy Mason and Fernando Cardoso (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/18/2010 5:30:00 PM

The eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980 has a special place in the evolution of our scientific understanding of volcanoes. Though it won’t go down in the record books as the biggest, longest or deadliest eruption, it is one of the beststudied eruptions in history and the only major volcanic explosion in the continental United States since geologists and seismologists became equipped with modern technology to analyze such an event. In the three decades since the eruption, the mountain has been an incredible place for scientists to study how life recovers from a catastrophe and recolonizes the landscape. Some of this can be seen in the time-lapse video above, which combines photolike images from the Landsat series of satellites, run by the USGS and NASA, from 1984 through 2009. Prior to 1984, the Landsat satellites didn’t have the ability to see blue wavelengths of light, and consequently images appear red, such as the ones below of the

mountain before the eruption in 1979 and shortly after in 1980. The area around the mountain was devastated by the collapse of the northern flank of the mountain in what amounted to one of the largest landslides ever recorded, which buried 24 square miles of land under as much as 600 feet of debris. The nine-hour eruption blew 520 million tons of ash over 230 square miles and knocked down 14 billion board feet of timber. Fifty-seven people died, including one geologist, and more than $1 billion in damage

(1980 dollars) was done, making it the most destructive eruption in U.S. history. Video of a few minutes of the eruption can be seen below. In the time-lapse above, you will first notice some recovery in the northwestern part of the blast zone, away from the volcano. Then the area around Spirit Lake becomes greener in the late 1990s. In the most recent images, the only area that still appears to be desolate is known as Pumice Plain. Research on the ground has found the first signs of life in

recent years as flowers, insects and small animals have begun to reinhabit the plain. But these changes can’t yet be seen from space. Videos: Fernando Cardoso, Images: USGS/NASA See Also: • Erupting Volcanoes on Earth as Seen From Space • 8 Hot Volcanic Eruptions • 5 Most Dangerous U.S. Earthquake Hot Spots Beyond California … • California Is Due for a Katrina-Style Disaster

• Videos Simulate Earthquake in San Francisco Bay Area Follow us on Twitter @ betsymason and @ wiredscience, and on Facebook. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


E-reader News Edition


Cocktail Party: Matthew Williamson Daily Buzz: Kelly Preston and John Travolta Expecting After Teams With Belvedere Tragic Loss of Son Last Year (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/18/2010 11:28:31 AM

British designer Matthew Williamson has created a limited-edition kaftan for Belvedere Vodka’s newest flavor: Pink Grapefruit. After celebrating the launch (co-hosed by pal Leigh Lezark) here in New York with good time girls like Bar Refaeli, Chelsea Handler, Ashley Olsen, and Estelle last week, prints charming himself gives us the juice on his yummy new creation. ELLE: How did you a Belvedere get together? MW: Jonathan Kelsey, who did collaboration with them last year, put us in touch. ELLE: From vodka to kaftan—tell us about that journey. MW: I wanted to create the perfect garment for cocktail drinking, whether it’s poolside

DJ Leigh Lezark to model your design. How did that transpire? MW: We met at a party at London Fashion Week last year, and have become friends. We both can’t remember which party specifically, though. ELLE: It must have been a pretty good party! Speaking of, have you tried Belvedere Pink Grapefruit yet? MW: Oh yes, I’m a vodka drinker anyway. ELLE: Any tips on what to mix it with? MW: I like it with Campari and during the day or out in the ice. evening. ELLE: Cheers! ELLE: Tell us about the design —Alexa Brazilian process. To purchase, visit one of MW: It’s a one-off print I did Williamson’s boutiques or go especially for the collaboration. o n l i n e t o It has pink grapefruit and lime while tones with a black palm tree quantities last frond, which I digitally printed The designer with Lezark and in London on silk chiffon—my Kelly Osbourne at the launch favorite fabric. It’s meant to party in NYC evoke the feeling of summer. ELLE: You chose Misshapes Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:17:44 AM

After losing their 16-year-old son, Jett, last year to a seizure and an extortion plot to follow, celebrity couple John Travolta, 56, and Kelly Preston, 47, finally have some good news—they are expecting a baby! The new addition will be joining soon-to-be sibling Ella Bleu, 10. The two said in a statement, "It’s impossible to keep a secret ... especially one as wonderful as this." That said, let the baby name game begin. (And, please, try to steer clear of my name, especially since "Real Housewife" bethany Meyers (oye vey) just claimed it for her own daughter, minus one "n.") Hopefully, before the Travolta clan choose one for good, they'll read this recent article about Revealed Baby Name Regrets. According to the study discussed in the article, one in

five parents regret the name they gave their child, 47 percent were shocked to find that other people would judge their children by the names they had been given and 13 percent said the registrar raised an eyebrow when they registered the birth (rude). Don't become a statistic, Zuko. For the list of 100 Most Popular Names for Boys and the 100 Most Popular Names for Girls in 2010, check out It's no coincidence that "Isabella" is both the second name on the girls list and the name of the lead in the most popular movie saga (Twilight) right now, as baby names are a common result of media-influenced trends. Food for thought! Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Street Chic: New York (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:00:00 AM

Pound the pavement in city-

slick wooden platform sandals, big shades and an eye-catching necklace. In this look: Tom Ford sunglasses, Prada sandals, Tuleste Market necklace, Yves Saint Laurent bag.

Photo: Kelly Stuart Think you are Street Chic? Email us your photo and you could appear in's Street Chic Daily.

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Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis Hit Cannes For Chanel! Molly (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:00:00 AM

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis held hands as they left the Chanel party at Cannes last night. Johnny doesn't have any films of his own at the festival this year, though his good friend Tim Burton is the president of the jury and also was at yesterday evening's soirée. Vanessa recently traveled to St. Tropez to see the fashion house's cruise collection and posed with Karl Lagerfeld for Figaro magazine. She also has her own movie news, which will bring the family to Montreal this Summer after they spent the past few months in Venice while Johnny shot The Tourist with Angelina Jolie. The latest on his

Best of 2010 (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Coarsely chopped almonds, two kinds of chocolate, and golden cane syrup help give UpsideDown Fudge-Almond Tart its r i c h f l a v o r and our highest rating. "Easy and beautiful, this tart will satisfy every chocoholic's need for a chocolate fix," c o m m e n t s T e s t

LiteSwitch X Makes Mac's Application Switcher Far More Useful [Downloads] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/19/2010 5:00:00 AM

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is that it will be shot in 4D and premiere next June- so perhaps both Johnny and Vanessa will have professional reasons to be on the French Riviera red carpet next time around.

Dinner Diary: Leek and Chard Tart Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/18/2010 3:00:00 PM

To see more Vanessa and Johnny, just read more. View 10 Photos ›

Did you know that one of the major brands of refrigerated pie crusts contains lard? I was surprised, but I have to admit it gave the product more credibility in my eyes. Don't some pie gurus swear by lard? Kitchen Professional Deb Wise. Anyway, it kind of spoiled my View Recipe: Upside-Down idea of making this leek and chard tart for a vegetarian, at Fudge-Almond Tart least with that particular Next January: Poutine Five Filters featured article: p r o d u c t . ( I t d i d n ' t m a t t e r The Art of Looking Prime anyway; the friend turned out to Ministerial - The 2010 UK be vegan. Vegans, be warned: If General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Mac: By itself, the CommandTab Application Switcher can move back and forth between open programs. With LiteSwitch X installed, you can force quit you give your hosts less than 24 applications, drag files onto hours warning, expect to get them for opening, and even pasta for dinner.) This tart include background applications recipe was lovely, though, in your switching. More » almost like a warm panna cotta; Apple- MacintoshI think the custard was lighter Programming- Languagesthan expected because I used 2 Operating system percent milk instead of heavy cream. Of course, you still have the lard, so it's not exactly diet food. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Culture/ Featured/

E-reader News Edition


PillBox Identifies Ask Erin Kaplan: Are You Off-Screen Friends Medication by Shape, Color, With Whitney and Kelly? and Imprint [Medical] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:30:00 AM

If you've been looking for a way to easily identify medication using physical characteristics PillBox is a National Institute of Health created medication catalog that Health- National Institute of searches medication by Health- Pharmacy- Asiavariables like size, color, shape, B i o l o g y and more. More »

Submitted at 5/18/2010 1:09:35 PM

In past episodes, you share a friendly relationship with both Whitney and Kelly. How often do you all talk off-screen, and what do the viewers not get to see? —Timm Hum from Ottawa, ON Erin Kaplan: Kelly and Whitney are really two of my favorite people and I don’t get to see them as much as I would like. What you see is what you get with Kelly which I really admire and respect and she also gives incredible advice. Whitney is genuinely one of the nicest, most-appreciative people I know. A lot of the time the only way I get to see them is oncamera so there’s not too much viewers are missing. I will go to

Install Ubuntu on a Windows Netbook, No Partitioning Needed [Netbook]

Whitney once in a while for advice though….she has been through this experience before so there are times that I will ask Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) her opinion on certain things Submitted at 5/19/2010 5:30:00 AM about the show, the producers, Maybe you want to give Linux etc. a try on your netbook with CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT Ubuntu's Netbook Remix, but YOUR QUESTIONS don't want to have to wipe your system to do so. Luckily, you can install and remove Ubuntu from Windows, just like any other application. More »

Qwotebook Collects and Stores the Quotes that Inspire You [Inspiration] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:05:00 AM

A great quote, the kind that changes your mood or frame of mind, can come for a famous figure or your friend holding a beer. Qwotebook, a web quotation sharing project, lets you compile quotes and see and favorite others' quotatables. More » Quotation- Recreation- FoodDrink- Humor

Ubuntu- Linux- Operating Systems- Distributions- FAQs Help and Tutorials

Hypercamp in SF this weekend (Scripting News) Submitted at 5/18/2010 3:44:17 PM

When I read the schedule for the Hacks/Hackers camp in SF this weekend I immediately

wanted to be there. The goal of the weekend is to come up with some new iPad apps, but I think what's more important is the open newsroom format that they're exploring. When it's all

said and done, I think it'll be far more important an innovation than any software that comes from the meeting. I'm going to an event in

Virginia on Sunday so I can't be newsroom environment is going i n C a l i f t h i s w e e k e n d , to cause some mind bombs to unfortunately. If you're going to explode. be there, get ready for some fireworks. Putting a lot of writers and coders into a


Culture/ Politics/ Food/

Let Pizza Dough Rise Overnight for Better Thin Crusts [Cooking] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:00:00 AM

You can get close to the kind of heat a pizza shop uses for their pies with backyard projects, bricks, and even charcoal grills. Pizza- Cook- Home- FlourTo get the actual dough right, Business though, you should plan ahead and let your dough rise. More »

E-reader News Edition

Speedy Mediterranean (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

spinach or alongside broccoli, asparagus, green beans, or any A hallmark of Mediterranean other green vegetable. dishes is that they derive deep View Recipe: Lemon Basil flavor from simple ingredients Shrimp and Pasta prepared simply. This dish is a Next Chicken Souvlaki great example: You cook the Five Filters featured article: shrimp in the water with the The Art of Looking Prime pasta, then add herby basil, Ministerial - The 2010 UK briny capers, rich olive oil, and General Election. Available b r i g h t tools: PDF Newspaper, Full lemon juice, no further cooking Text RSS, Term Extraction. required. Serve on a bed of

Ariz. Official Dares L.A. to Stage Boycott (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

Angeles. "I am confident that Arizona's utilities would be happy to take The spat over Arizona's new those electrons off your hands," immigration law expanded Mr. Pierce said. "If, however, Tuesday as a state official dared you find that the City Council Los Angeles to follow through l a c k s t h e s t r e n g t h o f i t s on its new boycott by agreeing convictions to turn off the lights to give up the 25 percent of in Los Angeles and boycott electricity the city gets from A r i z o n a p o w e r , p l e a s e Arizona sources. reconsider the wisdom of In a letter to Los Angeles attempting to harm Arizona's Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, economy." A r i z o n a C o r p o r a t i o n Los Angeles City Council voted Commissioner Gary Pierce said overwhelmingly last week to a boycott war is bad for both adopt a boycott of Arizona sides, and said he would "be b u s i n e s s e s — a t l e a s t i n happy to encourage Arizona instances where it wouldn't utilities to renegotiate your impose a significant economic power agreements" to end the cost to the city. electricity flowing to Los Arizona's law requires police to Submitted at 5/19/2010 2:50:47 AM

ask for proof of legal residence from anyone they reasonably suspect to be in the country illegally. In most cases, a driver's license is sufficient to comply, and the law prohibits using race or ethnicity as a reason for suspicion. Nonetheless, critics say they expect the measure to spark racial profiling. Civil rights and Hispanic groups have sued to try to block the law, and the Obama administration is reviewing the legislation to see if it violates civil rights laws. The law goes into effect in July, but already a number of municipalities have condemned or announced boycotts of

Arizona. Mr. Villaraigosa said his city's boycott was intended to hurt the Arizona economy. Mr. Pierce, the Arizona official, said in his letter to Mr. Villaraigosa that this was a poor path to trod. "I received your message; please receive mine," he said. A message left with the Mr. Villaraigosa's office was not returned. But Mr. Villaraigosa offered his own tongue-in-cheek challenge to Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon this week in a bet over the NBA playoff series between the Los Angeles Lakers and Phoenix Suns. Mr. Villaraigosa said if Phoenix wins, Los Angeles will have to

accept Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a fierce opponent of illegal immigration. If the Lakers win, Mr. Villaraigosa said Phoenix will have to accept Steve Poizner and Meg Whitman, two Republicans battling for the GOP's gubernatorial nomination in California, where illegal immigration is a major issue. © Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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The Foundry: Conservative Policy News. (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

Last month the Pew Research Center reported that only 22% of Americans trusted the government to do the right thing always or most of the time. And that was the good news for incumbents: Favorable ratings for both major parties, as well as for Congress, have reached record lows while opposition to congressional incumbents, already approaching an all-time high, continues to climb. Significantly, a majority of Americans (52%) see the members of Congress themselves as the source of their dissatisfaction. Only 38% attribute their frustration to “a broken political system.” Last night’s election results in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Arkansas seem to bear that out: • In Kentucky, political newcomer Rand Paul trounced Secretary of State Trey Grayson. As a proxy for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Grayson had inadvertently become the Washington insider in the race despite never having been elected to federal office. And, as the son of libertarian presidential candidate Ron Paul, the younger Paul was also a proxy of sorts. He came to embody the desire of voters in the Bluegrass State to send the ultimate outsider to Washington.

His mission? Shrink the federal behemoth, balance the budget and reduce the federal debt while exhibiting some long overdue humility from our public servants. • In Pennsylvania, given the opportunity to oust a five-term incumbent Senator with plenty of inside-the-Beltway clout, Democratic primary voters cheerfully complied. They dumped Arlen Specter in favor of a relative newcomer, secondterm Rep. Joe Sestak. In his victory speech, Sestak struck a defiant populist tone, characterizing his victory as a “win for the people” over “the establishment, over the status quo, even over Washington, D.C.” • In Arkansas, Democratic primary challengers from both the right and left squeezed incumbent Senator Blanche Lincoln into a run-off against the state’s leftist Lt. Governor, Bill Halter. While Halter galvanized Arkansas’ Democratic base on the political left, businessman D. C. Morrison ran to Lincoln’s right as a conservative, Reaganloving Democrat. Morrison cast his vote for Ron Paul in 2008 and spent considerable time railing against Obamacare, bailouts, the stimulus bill and mounting government debt, Morrison pulled a not insignificant 13% of the Democratic vote.

Seniority on the most powerful congressional committees and endorsements from Washington’s most powerful insiders, including President Obama, were liabilities last night. So, what explains the outcome in the special House election to replace recently deceased Rep. John Murtha (D-PA)? An aide to Murtha, Mark Critz, handily defeated Republican businessman Tim Burns in a contest many pundits felt would serve as an early barometer of Republican prospects in November. As one political consultant noted last night: “I think us pundits in Washington are going to have to revise our thinking about whether this is a wave election year for Republicans.” Ron Brownstein, the brainy

political expert at National Journal, argues that to regain control of the House, Republicans must prevail in seats such as this one. Districts where there is little racial diversity (i.e., where whites comprise 90% or more of the electorate) and few attended college. Murtha’s seat, Pennsylvania-12, fits this profile to a tee. Get ready for an outpouring of new analyses spouting a new conventional wisdom, one that dismisses the power of the Tea Party movement, and questions whether 2010 will be a watershed election after all. But, if Critz’s victory is to serve as some sort of a blueprint for Democrats, it will require some serious triangulation. Critz, after all, campaigned (rhetorically, at least) to the right of most Washington

Democrats. “I opposed the health care bill,” he insisted during a debate, and then added for good measure that “I’m prolife and pro-gun. That’s not liberal.” As with the outcomes in those Senate primaries, Washington’s Democratic establishment cannot draw much solace from this development. There is an overriding lesson for conservatives from last night’s results as well. Many are prematurely confident that November will be one of those rare “wave” elections that upend the Washington power structure and realign our politics. Maybe. But the early warning signs have been there for everyone to see for awhile now, at least since Sen. Scott Brown’s (R-MA) historic election in January. Savvy liberal political strategists and worried Democratic primary voters, moreover, have had ample time to adapt to the demands of an angry and increasingly conservative electorate. Few Democrats in swing or conservative districts will run as Pelosi or Obama liberals. Instead, expect their rhetoric to morph the populism of Joe Sestak into the conservatism of Mark Critz. As Rand Paul said last night: I have a message, a message from the Tea Party. A message that is loud and clear and does FOUNDRY: page 54



E-reader News Edition

THE READ: I’m Sorry, Ms. Jackson Ruth Franklin (The New Republic - All Feed)

held. “Are you describing a current custom?” asked a reader from Pennsylvania. “I have read Submitted at 5/18/2010 11:00:00 PM of some queer cults in my time,” The idea for “The Lottery,” first w r o t e a r e a d e r f r o m L o s published in 1948 and now one Angeles, “but this one bothers of the most widely anthologized me.” works of American fiction, The reactions of these first came to Shirley Jackson while readers are oddly apt, for they she was pushing her baby point to the deep domestic daughter in her stroller. When u n d e r c u r r e n t b e n e a t h a l l they got home, she writes in an Jackson’s fiction. This may essay included in the new s o u n d c o u n t e r i n t u i t i v e , Library of America collection of considering her often occult her writings, she put away her subject matter: aside from “The groceries, put the baby in a Lottery,” she is best known for playpen, and in a single sitting the Gothic novel The Haunting w r o t e t h e s t o r y , w h i c h of Hill House(1959), a classic describes, without elaboration or horror story in which a young allegory, a village ritual in woman comes to a haunted which the inhabitants gather house to study its paranormal annually to stone one of their phenomena and is gradually neighbors. Her agent did not overcome by them. But starting like it, but sold it to The New with a story published in this Yorker nonetheless. Soon after magazine in 1941, when she it was published, letters began to was 25, her career spanned pour into the post office in the nearly twenty-five years (she rural Vermont town where she died young, of heart failure) and was then living—more than included dozens of short stories three hundred of them, the most and six novels, as well as two The New Yorker had ever seen memoirs about motherhood. for a work of fiction. Some of (She was married to the critic the letter-writers informed her Stanley Edgar Hyman, with that they were cancelling their whom she had four children.) subscriptions. Others wrote to The majority of the short stories, express their puzzlement or to now presented together for the demand an explanation. But first time, are tales of women in many, assuming that the story distress. Sometimes just a single was based on fact, wanted to detail or turn of phrase pushes know where lotteries like the them over the edge of the one Jackson described were supernatural; often everyday life

is sinister enough. Jackson’s fictional world is dominated by women: secretaries a bit past their prime and still unmarried, or mothers stuck at home with their children, longing for companionship yet terrified of their neighbors’ gossip. These stories almost always take place in interiors—houses, offices, apartments—and show a particular fascination for the efforts required in making a home: the grocery shopping, the painting and decorating, the small repairs. The men are notable mainly for their absence; it’s the women who perpetrate cruelties ranging from the petty to the shocking. In “Elizabeth,” a career woman—she is a literary agent specializing in fiction—appears to make a pact with the devil. “Flower Garden” describes two women who are the best of friends until one of them flouts unspoken town rules by hiring a black man to help her in her garden. In “Behold the Child Among His Newborn Blisses,” two mothers waiting in the pediatrician’s office join forces against a third for her peculiar handling of her retarded son, but later one of the first two demonstrates her own deeper viciousness. Nearly a generation before The Feminine Mystique, Jackson’s

stories explore the claustrophobia that often accompanies marriage and motherhood, and the desperation to which it might drive a woman. “I suppose it starts to happen first in the suburbs. … People starting to come apart,” one character muses. Interspersed among the fiction, the new collection includes also a few of the sketches that Jackson drew from her life and originally published in—of all places— Good Housekeeping. In one of these, “The Third Baby’s the Easiest,” a clerk asks Jackson, who is checking into the hospital to deliver her third child, what her occupation is. “Writer,” Jackson answers. “Housewife,” the clerk supplies. “Writer,” Jackson repeats. “I’ll just put down housewife,” the clerk tells her. Jackson sets down these lines without bitterness in a laugh-out -loud account of labor and delivery. But they made me think of how many women writers—particularly American women writers in the postwar era, the era without servants—have both profited and suffered from the confusion of their dual role. Alice Munro has said that she began writing short stories because as a young mother she had no time to write novels: “When you are responsible for running a house

and taking care of small children, particularly in the days before disposable diapers or ubiquitous automatic washing machines, it's hard to arrange for large chunks of time.” Then and still now, women write when the baby naps, while the children are at school, after the dishes are done and the lunches are packed and the house is at last quiet. It teaches us a kind of efficiency, to be sure, but also a resignation to frustration: the omnipresent awareness that no matter how smoothly the thoughts are flowing, they will have to stop when the school bus comes. Munro’s first collection appeared in 1968, 20 years after a young woman in Vermont pushed her stroller home, put away her groceries, and wrote an indelible work of fiction while her baby played nearby. “The ending of this story came as quite a jolt to my wife and, as a matter of fact, she was very upset by the whole thing for a day or two after,” wrote one of Jackson’s correspondents. Maybe she had noticed that the character selected for death in “The Lottery” is a mother. Ruth Franklin is a senior editor of The New Republic. For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.


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The Son Also Rises Ed Kilgore (The New Republic - All Feed)

for office before, he set out to battle Grayson, who’s in his second term as a statewide Submitted at 5/18/2010 11:00:00 PM elected official. And the Paul In a night of big political brand screams insurgent: Rand's developments, the one that will old man ran the entire 2008 echo for some time is the presidential race as an outsider victory by Rand Paul in the heading up a movement of Kentucky Republican Senate outsiders. Rand Paul didn’t beat primary. Why? Well, for one an incumbent senator—in fact, thing, it’s not often that the incumbent senator in someone leapfrogs a still-active K e n t u c k y , J i m B u n n i n g , and very famous congressional endorsed him—but it was Trey father to get a short track to the Grayson who looked like an U.S. Senate. While it may have establishmentarian, after he been over the top to speculate received endorsements from about a “Paul Dynasty,” as one D i c k C h e n e y a n d S e n a t e writer did following a quirky M i n o r i t y L e a d e r M i t c h Rasmussen poll in April that M c C o n n e l l . showed Ron Paul running even (2) 2010 is the year of the Tea with Obama in 2012, the story P a r t y . S u r e , o t h e r m a j o r of Paul p è re et fils is a definite Republican candidates this year crowd-pleaser. have worn the Tea Party Just as importantly, Rand label—but they haven't done so Paul’s win over State Treasurer very well. TP favorites lost the Trey Grayson epitomizes the Republican Senate primaries in major themes that are emerging Illinois and Indiana. Scott around the 2010 elections. Brown, who got into office with (Unlike, say, victories by more Tea Party help, quickly turned "politically safe" candidates like o u t t o b e a m o d e r a t e Indiana's Dan Coats.) Let’s Republican. And even Marco review them : Rubio of Florida has declined to (1) 2010 is the year that follow the Tea Party faithful i n s u r g e n t s a n d o u t s i d e r s into a potentially suicidal overturn incumbents. Rand Paul endorsement of Arizona’s new is the ultimate outsider. An immigration law. Paul, on the opthamologist who hasn’t run other hand, is a true outsider

with sterling ideological bona fides. His win embodies the kind of success that Tea Party folk hope to achieve. (3) 2010 is “about” fiscal conservatism and little else. Paul is a nice example of the trend—real or imagined—in which economic issues have eclipsed concerns about social and foreign policy among Tea Partiers and conservatives. He brushed off Grayson's efforts to make the primary turn on abortion or foreign policy: Republican voters apparently didn't care that Rand's“cuckoo” views about national security are far outside the post-9/11 GOP mainstream. (On his campaign website, the section on “National Defense” focuses heavily on border security, while its foreign policy content is limited to attacks on the U.N., the IMF, and the World Bank.) Meanwhile, Paul has been relentlessly radical on fiscal issues—demanding an immediate balanced budget, for example—despite Grayson’s warnings that Kentuckians will lose all their federal goodies with a guy like Paul representing them in the Senate. You can see why the media will treat Rand Paul as an icon of the

political times between now and November—and beyond that, if he wins (he has quite a lead in general election polls). But even more importantly: Beyond the short-term buzz of 2010, Rand Paul's victory illustrates some deeper truths about latter-day conservatism and the Republican Party. For one thing, Rand Paul didn’t draw on help from independent voters to execute his conquest of Grayson and McConnell. The primary that Paul just won was closed, and Kentucky also cut off changes in party registration for this primary back in December. So, if Paul’s victory represents a humiliating defeat for the Republican establishment, it was a defeat inflicted by Republicans themselves, not by the traditional independents who back "insurgents" like Ross Perot. Furthermore, there’s evidence that Paul’s victory was driven by a trend that’s been going on in the GOP for decades, long before it occurred to anyone to brandish tea bags: the effort by “movement conservatives” to take over the GOP and root out heresy. Certainly, the endorsements that Paul won

from Sarah Palin and Jim DeMint—and from Christian Right warhorse James Dobson, who originally endorsed Grayson—reinforce that impression. And check out this nugget from PPP’s pre-election survey of Kentucky Republicans: A Paul victory will be a clear signal that Kentucky Republicans want the party to move further to the right. 32% of likely primary voters think the party is too liberal and Paul has a 71-21 lead with them that accounts for almost his entire polling lead. This sort of finding raises the broader question of whether the Tea Party movement, for all its professions of populism and independence, is in many respects just a radicalized segment of the conservative GOP base (see John Judis’s new TNR piece for a learned discussion of that proposition). But whatever the “story” of conservatism turns out to be in retrospect, Rand Paul is likely to figure prominently, and colorfully, in that tale.



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Democrats Relish Paul's GOP Win in Ky. Senate Race (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 5/19/2010 1:43:12 AM

Democratic leaders were relishing the Republican primary victory of tea party candidate Rand Paul, suggesting he will be an easy target for them in November for Kentucky's U.S. Senate seat. In a closely watched race across the country as a test of the tea party movement's strength, Paul easily defeated GOP establishment favorite Trey Grayson Tuesday night, garnering about 59 percent of the vote. Chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Sen. Robert Menendez, said he believes Paul is better for Democrats to face in the general election. He said there is a stark contrast between Rand and his opponent, state Attorney General Jack Conway. "Rand Paul would abolish the Department of Education, would disband the Federal Reserve, and would end farm subsidies for Kentucky's farmers," Menendez said in a statement. "Rand Paul may love the national media spotlight but he has shown no interest in growing Kentucky's economy or creating new jobs."

Conway won a hard-fought primary with 44 percent of the vote to Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo's 43 percent. Mongiardo barely lost six years ago to retiring Republican Sen. Jim Bunning. Conway pointed out to supporters about his chances in the fall that he drew nearly 221,000 votes to Paul's 192,000 across the state. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine called Paul an "extreme candidate" who used a small part of the electorate to win over Grayson, but not in the fall. "Rand Paul's positions fail to resonate beyond the far-right Republican segment of the electorate that supported him tonight," said Kaine. For his part, Paul sounded unwavering in his conservative views heading into the race against Conway. "People are already saying now you need to weave and dodge, now you need to switch," Paul said in his victory speech. "Now you need to give up your conservative message. You need to become a moderate. You need to give up the tea party. ... The tea party message is not a radical message. It's not an extreme message. What is extreme is a $2 trillion deficit."

Paul, the son of Texas congressman and former GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul, struck a chord with conservative Republican voters frustrated with soaring budget deficits. Paul promised to vote only for a balanced budget, to eliminate congressional earmarks and to institute term limits. Grayson said it isn't practical to vote only for a balanced budget, objected to the elimination of earmarks and opposed term limits. Paul's win gives a tea party activist a key win in a statewide election that could embolden the fledgling political movement in other states. The Kentucky election was being watched around the country, especially after tea party activists helped to defeat three-term Sen. Bob Bennett in Utah and forced Florida Gov. Charlie Crist to abandon the GOP to make an independent run for the Senate. GOP Sen. John Cornyn, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, sees Paul as a strong candidate in contrast to Conway who, Cornyn said, "has made clear that he will serve as another rubber stamp for President Obama." "If he makes it to Washington, voters can expect Conway to

FOUNDRY: continued from page 51

not mince words: We’ve come to take our government back. Quick Hits: s i m p l y p e r p e t u a t e t h e • The leftist majorities in Democrats' failed record of Congress are planning to pass higher taxes, skyrocketing job another$283 billion in deficit loss, and bloated government spending before the Memorial Day recess. bureaucracy." According to the Paul began the race as a long • shot against Grayson, the Commonwealth of Virginia, perceived front-runner in the Obamacare will cost the state race to replace Bunning, a 78- about $1.5 billion through 2022, year-old former major league a roughly $400 million increase pitcher who opted not to seek a from initial estimates. third term under pressure from • Frustrated by reimbursement R e p u b l i c a n l e a d e r s w h o cuts that will only get worse considered him politically under Obamacare, m ore than vulnerable. Bunning ended up 300 Texas doctors have stopped bucking them by endorsing seeing Medicare patients in the last two years, including 50 in Paul. Bunning clearly relished Paul's the first three months of 2010. victory, calling him a "strong • Undercover investigators conservative who will be his found evidence of fraud and own man in Washington and abuse at federal Head Start work to end the bailouts, stop preschool centers throughout the country. wasteful spending." © C o p y r i g h t 2 0 1 0 T h e • According to Rasmussen Associated Press. All rights Reports, 39% of voters believe reserved. This material may not E l e n a K a g a n s h o u l d b e b e p u b l i s h e d , b r o a d c a s t , confirmed to the Supreme Court rewritten or redistributed. by the Senate, while another Five Filters featured article: 39% say she should not. The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK ]]> General Election. Available Five Filters featured article: tools: PDF Newspaper, Full The Art of Looking Prime Text RSS, Term Extraction. Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Rand Paul: Congress 'Generally Untrustworthy' (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

You pass pay-as-you-go and within three weeks they break their own rules. I think as a Dr. Rand Paul, fresh off a body of people they're generally resounding Kentucky primary untrustworthy, other than a few victory over Trey Grayson, the exceptions." hand-picked candidate of the Paul, an ophthalmologist by Republican establishment, trade who is the son of proclaimed Wednesday that libertarian-leaning Republican C o n g r e s s i s " g e n e r a l l y Dr. Ron Paul, announced in his untrustworthy." victory speech last night: "I Paul, the tea party favorite, is have a message, a message from now considered a heavy favorite the Tea Party. We've come to to capture the U.S. Senate seat. take our government back." His remarks on MSNBC's The younger Paul has emerged Morning Joe program indicate to become a symbol of the grass he has little interest in blending -roots conservative uprising. On in with fellow senators at the M S N B C W e d n e s d a y , h e expense of compromising his commented on the evolving small-government agenda. nature of the tea party. A s k e d b y N B C ' s N o r a h "Well, what I think the tea party O ' D o n n e l l h o w h e w o u l d is, I think it is a bipartisan contribute to a compromise on chastisement over the debt," he reducing the national debt, Paul said. "You know, we were replied, "Well, I think you'll find unhappy with the Republicans compromise by looking for doubling the debt during their rules. I don't think they'll ever administration. We're really balance the budget unless unhappy with the Democrats they're forced to by law. tripling the debt. But it is "Here in Kentucky they have to bipartisan in the sense that it balance the budget, because sees blame on both sides. we're forced to constitutionally," "And when I've interviewed he said. "I think you need that in with the tea party they tell me, Washington. I mean, look at pay 'We don't want you to be a -as-you-go. What a disaster! rubber stamp for the Republican Submitted at 5/19/2010 5:06:25 AM

Party. We want you to make the Republican Party more believable as fiscal Republicans again.'" Paul also said that while tea party leaders are primarily focused on fiscal issues and small government, they demonstrated a strong interest in social issues as well. "Each tea party would also ask me about social issues and national defense issues, but they were secondary. But they still weren't going to support me unless I supported them on those. And most of them were socially conservative people," Paul said. In November, Paul will face off against liberal Kentucky Attorney General Paul Conway, who won the Democratic nomination. Š Newsmax. All rights reserved. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Rep. Engel to Obama: Stop Guns Flowing to Mexico (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

"I urge the Obama administration to enforce the existing ban on imported The United States can help military-style weapons being stem the flow of weapons that trafficked at an alarming rate are used in drug-related violence from the US across the border in Mexico by enforcing a ban on into Mexico," he added. the import of military-style Mexican authorities say some arms, a US lawmaker said. 90 percent of the weapons they US Representative Eliot Engel, seize from violent drug cartels chairman of the House Western originate in the United States Hemisphere subcommittee, and Obama's administration has made an appeal Tuesday for acknowledged the United States' enforcement of the ban as role in the violence plaguing Mexico's President Felipe Mexico. Calderon visits the United "A return to enforcement of the States. existing import ban requires no The Mexican leader will attend legislative action and would be a a s t a t e d i n n e r h o s t e d b y win-win for the United States President Barack Obama at the a n d M e x i c o , " E n g e l s a i d . White House on Wednesday. "Starving Mexico's brutal drug The ban on importing military- cartels of military-style weapons style weapons was adopted as will make all of us in the United part of the provisions of a 1968 States and Mexico much safer." law, but Engel said former Copyright Š 2010 AFP. All president George W. Bush's rights reserved administration had "quietly Five Filters featured article: abandoned enforcement of the The Art of Looking Prime import ban." Ministerial - The 2010 UK "The US civilian firearms General Election. Available market is flooded with imported, tools: PDF Newspaper, Full inexpensive military-style Text RSS, Term Extraction. weapons," Engel said in a statement. Submitted at 5/19/2010 2:32:48 AM



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Mega Buzz: A Grey's Breakup, Housewives' New Neighbor and a Criminal Killer ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/18/2010 10:40:00 PM

Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Criminal Minds Every week, senior editors Mickey O'Connor and Adam Bryant satisfy your need for TV scoop. Please send all q u e s t i o n s t o Please tell me that Grey's Anatomy promo about Cristina and Owen breaking up is a fakeout. — Angel ADAM: Sorry, Crowen fans, it's for real. But before you grab your torches and pitchforks, consider that the episode is two hours, which leaves plenty of time for Yang and Hunt to reconsider. After all, both Cristina and Owen will face off with the crazed gunman, and there's nothing like a lifethreatening situation to clarify the decision-making process. What's the plan for Paul Young now that he's moved back on to Desperate Housewives' Wisteria Lane? — Mary Ellen G. MICKEY: Forget what you've read about Mark Moses being Nicollette Sheridan's replacement as Fairview's agitator-in-chief. According to executive producer Bob Daily, Moses' Paul Young is not the new Edie. Young's return to

Wisteria Lane is an entirely separate development. And since Ugly Betty's Vanessa Williams has signed on as a series regular, I think it's pretty clear who'll be playing next season's provocateur. Will the Criminal Minds cliffhanger put any member of the team in danger? — Clarisse ADAM: Yes and no. Tim Curry's serial killer has a plan that directly affects Morgan, but the danger isn't necessarily physical. "This cliff-hanger relies on the drama of Morgan, our biggest, strongest hero, getting his power taken away," co-executive producer Erica Messer tells us. "He will have to live with some pretty horrible things that happened on his watch" — like gunfire during a citywide blackout. But unlike in past seasons, Messer promises, "you will know who got shot by the end of the episode." Any scoop on the 24 finale? — Jamie MICKEY: The real-time premise of the show often provides us with some improbable adjacencies, so we asked Necar Zadegan, who plays Dalia Hassan, how her character could embark on a political career just hours after her husband was murdered. Should we trust Dalia? "Madea killed her kids, but was she a

I must know more about which CSI cast members are in danger in the finale! — Will ADAM: I can only tell you that one of the jeopardized CSIs will be in a group held captive by Dr. Jekyll ( Big Love's Matt Ross). "You will spend a lot of time with Dr. Jekyll," executive producer Carol Mendelsohn tells us. "We will be with Dr. Jekyll as he watches and waits for his last victim as they are dying. Some of the CSIs will be with him, but Dr. Jekyll will definitely have the upper hand." Please tell me that we've seen h o r r i b l e h u m a n b e i n g ? " Lowe's idea. "I know Rob the last of Javier on 90210. I Zadegan asks with a chuckle. wanted to die," Marini says. "It want Adrianna and Navid to (Um, yes.) "I've always thought was a heroic death. ... It was stay together! — Amanda that Dalia is the one who comes honestly the perfect ending for MICKEY: You'll get your wish from the political family, and the character after his health — for now. As long as Adrianna that perhaps she married [Omar] [scare] and the scandal." can turn a blind eye to Navid's for something more than love," I can't believe Law & Order has shameless whoring around Bon she adds. "They had plans to been canceled. Will the season Temps, Navianna will have its save their country together." finale wrap everything up? — moment in the sun. But don't I know Rob Lowe is leaving Loretta forget that Ade is going on tour Brothers & Sisters, but is Robert M I C K E Y : N o t e x a c t l y . with Javier this summer, so really dead? Didn't they want to "Rubber Room" (Monday, May there's a pretty good chance have him come back from time 2 4 a t 1 0 / 9 c o n N B C ) i s we'll see him again in the fall. to time? — Eden primarily about preventing a At least that's what pop star ADAM: Executive producer school shooting, but since it was Diego Boneta, who plays Javier, David Marshall Grant says he also planned to be S. Epatha told us. does want to revisit Lowe's Merkerson's last episode on the Got any scoop on the new c h a r a c t e r , b u t s i n c e h e ' s series, it deals with Lt. Van season of Entourage? — Meg definitely dead, it will have to Buren's ongoing struggle with ADAM: Maria Menounos tells be by flashback. According to cancer, and how her colleagues us she just finished shooting an co-star Gilles Marini, who'll rally around her in her time of episode for the new season. "I become a series regular next need. That story, at least, gets MEGA page 60 season, Robert's death was some closure.

TV/ Food/

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Ty Burrell: Modern Family Finale "Hits All the Right Spots" ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/18/2010 10:43:00 PM

Modern Family If playing Phil Dunphy is like being on vacation, then Ty Burrell doesn't want to leave. "It's nice to be on vacation, right?" the Modern Family star tells "But that's what being Phil is — a vacation from my mind." It was a holiday Burrell didn't know he needed until the part of the dopey, well-intentioned suburban dad came his way. The role was written with Burrell in mind by series creators Steve Levitan and Chris Lloyd, who previously worked with Burrell on the short-lived Back to You. Watch full episodes of Modern Family "First, I was like, 'Cool! This is for me?' Then it was like, 'Wait, what are you trying to say?'" he says, laughing. "But I realized I was getting a break from myself. My brain is full of neuroses and I think about everything, but Phil's brain is the complete opposite. It's like a

golden meadow — just peaceful, simple and happy. ... It's so fun and refreshing to play him. He's like a child exploring the world for the first time." Phil's uncomplicated mind also explains his adolescentlike fascination with Gloria ( Sofia Vergara), a running joke that culminates in Wednesday's season finale (9/8c on ABC) when the two head to a Los Angeles Lakers game (watch for a cameo by Kobe Bryant). And what's at basketball games? The Kiss Cam, of course. "[The writers] went there and it works at this point as opposed to earlier in the season when you were getting to know them. What I love about [Phil] with Gloria is that there's nothing salacious about it," Burrell says. "He's kind of like a kid in the candy store when he sees her. He sees something shiny and must touch. He has no control over it. If he did, it would be a completely different show! But he's not someone who's ahead of the game. He doesn't think about the consequences." Check out photos from Modern

Family The consequence of this incident — as is the case with most of Phil's mishaps — is facing his harried, sometimes uptight wife Claire ( Julie Bowen). "Claire has nothing to worry about because she knows Phil so well and that he's not going to act on anything," Burrell says. "And you see it in his reaction to the kiss that he really doesn't have an interest in Gloria." Claire, meanwhile, is already

preoccupied with another mission in the finale: taking a family photo dressed in white. "As usual everything ends up going completely wrong, but in the end [everyone's] being good to each other and loving each other," Vergara says. "What it shows is what happens in reality. Even though you have problems and sometimes you hate each other, at the end of the day, a family really loves each other and wants the best for each other." The premise and happy ending may seem basic after last week's big trip to Hawaii (which was filmed on location after this week's episode was in the can), but that's precisely what Burrell likes about it. "I love that we don't feel the need to go all out on a big, 'very special' finale. It's not one of those shows. I think why the show works so well is because there's nothing extravagant about it," he says. "The show is relatable, just funny — and that's solely due to our writers ... [who've] kept it edgy and modern — pardon the pun —

Refreshing Sorbets (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Unlike sherbet and ice cream, sorbet typically contains no The beauty of sorbet lies in its dairy, making many of these simplicity: It’s basically just r e c i p e s frozen water or juice sweetened a good choice for anyone who is with fruit, chocolate, liqueur, lactose intolerant or vegan. wine, or even fresh herbs. From fruity strawberry sorbet to

decadent chocolate sorbet, find General Election. Available the perfect recipe to satisfy your tools: PDF Newspaper, Full cravings for a frozen treat. Text RSS, Term Extraction. Next Pineapple Sorbet Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK

but also sweet and oldfashioned. I like the minimalism -- it's simple almost like Phil! The finale is understated, but it hits all the right spots." ABC fall lineup: What will join Modern Family on Wednesdays? Not everything is wrapped up neatly: There is a cliff-hanger involving the Dunphys' pesky loose step on the stairwell that has caused many a pratfall this season. "Something drastic does happen to it. I think we're all waiting on the edge of our seats to see how it's going to be resolved!" Burrell says with a laugh. "Claire wants Phil to fix it, but I don't think he should. He could barely get his sunglasses and make it out of the garage in one piece. How is he doing to fix a step? He'll get distracted by the tools — until Gloria comes in." Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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CBS Shifts Schedule, Unveils Male-Dominated New Shows ( Breaking News)

Daniel Dae Kim in his first postLost role and Alex O'Loughlin hoping the third time will be the Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:56:00 AM charm after two previous CBS Jim Parsons and William series — Moonlight and Three Shatner Rivers— were each canceled CBS will add only five new after less than one season. series to its fall lineup, taking an Check out our day-by-day if-it-ain't broke approach that guide to all the networks' fall will bring back 18 series, though schedules s o m e o f t h e m w i l l b e i n The Big Bang Theory, a major unproven new time slots. The success as part of CBS' Monday male-dominated new shows night comedy block, will move i n c l u d e t h e p r e v i o u s l y to Thursdays at 8 to launch a anticipated Hawaii Five-0 new hour of comedy. Survivor reboot, a new legal drama, The w i l l l e a v e T h u r s d a y s f o r Defenders, starring Jim Belushi Wednesday nights at 8. And, in and Jerry O'Connell, a family perhaps the network's riskiest cop drama starring Tom Selleck move, CSI: NY will move to and Donnie Wahlberg, and$#*! Fridays at 9, a timeslot where M y D a d S a y s , a W i l l i a m shows often struggle to thrive. Shatner vehicle inspired by a CSI: Miami will move to Twitter feed. Sundays at 10. Fall TV Scorecard: Which CBS cancels seven series, shows are returning? Which including Ghost Whisperer, aren't? Numb3rs and Cold Case Also joining the lineup is and The network ordered a Criminal Chuck Lorre's romantic comedy Minds spinoff starring Forest Mike & Molly, with Billy Whitaker for midseason. Gardell and Melissa McCarthy. Details on the new shows: Hawaii Five-O already has high Hawaii Five-O: Kim and expectations not only because of O'Loughlin's characters solve fondness for the original series, c r i m e s i n a d r a m a C B S but also because the cast include president describes as being

"character driven with great humor." The Defenders: In another drama billed as funny and character-based, Belushi and O'Connell play a pair of colorful Las Vegas defense attorneys. Blue Bloods: Selleck and Wahlberg anchor this NYPD drama about a family so into being cops that their blood runs blue. Not literally. $#*! My Dad Says: This hard-to -type and harder to pronounce comedy was inspired by a Twitter feed about a dad who says the wrong thing, wears not

enough clothes and generally embarrasses his son. Mike and Molly: Gardell and McCarthy play a cop and teacher who find love at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting. CBS' fall schedule: MONDAY 8 p.m. How I Met Your Mother 8:30 p.m. Rules of Engagement 9 p.m. Two and a Half Men 9:30 p.m. Mike and Molly(new) 10 p.m. Hawaii Five-O(new) TUESDAY 8 p.m. NCIS 9 p.m. NCIS: Los Angeles

10 p.m. The Good Wife WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. Survivor 9 p.m. Criminal Minds 10 p.m. The Defenders(new) THURSDAY 8 p.m. The Big Bang Theory 8:30 p.m.$#*! My Dad Says(new) 9 p.m. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10 p.m. The Mentalist FRIDAY 8 p.m. Medium 9 p.m. CSI: NY 10 p.m. Blue Bloods(new) SATURDAY 8 p.m. Crimetime Saturday 9 p.m. Crimetime Saturday 10 p.m. 48 Hours Mystery SUNDAY 7 p.m. 60 Minutes 8 p.m. The Amazing Race 9 p.m. Undercover Boss 10 p.m. CSI: Miami Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Stand Up To Cancer Fundraiser Returning in September ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/18/2010 11:07:00 PM

Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, Brian Williams Stand Up To Cancer is returning to prime time after two years with a star-packed fundraiser hosted by the three network evening news anchors. It will be simulcast commercial -free on ABC, CBS and NBC as well as on HBO, Discovery Health, E!, MLB Network and the Style Network on Friday, Sept. 10 at 8/7c. (More networks and cable channels are expected to join in.) "Our goal with this telecast is to not only continue to raise funds to accelerate promising research, but also show viewers how their money and individual action will make — and have already made — a difference," said executive producer Laura Ziskin, herself a cancer survivor. She also oversaw the September 2008 telecast that helped raise more than $100

million. To show their commitment, anchors Katie Couric of the CBS Evening News, Diane Sawyer of ABC's World News and Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News agreed to announce the upcoming telecast during live appearances on their networks' respective morning shows Wednesday. They also got together last week to record a joint appearance about the encouraging progress of "dream teams" of researchers financed

by Stand Up To Cancer. For more information, check out the Stand Up To Cancer website Couric — who lost husband Jay Monahan to colon cancer 12 years ago — noted said "people of all ages are getting involved," adding: "Not only people who have cancer or who are dealing with it, but young people who want a cancer-free world in their future — we really think that's finally attainable." "The broadcast is a way of

saying, 'Together, we can do this,'" Sawyer said. And Williams added: "We won the second World War, came back from that, and decided to go to the moon. We didn't really break a sweat. And when you think about it, think of all that energy and power we can unleash when we want to ..." Like the 2008 broadcast, this year's telecast will feature live performances and appearances by TV, movie, music and sports stars. While the broadcast will honor those taken by the disease, it will focus on surviving cancer — on living a full life after being diagnosed with it. In the United States this year, 1.4 million people will be diagnosed with cancer. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

'Justified' 'The Hammer' Recap Danny Gallagher (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/19/2010 5:21:00 AM

F i l e d u n d e r : Recaps(S01E10)"All of us here, every single one of us have repaid our debts to society." Boyd Crowder referring to him and his new "congregation" "Not you, not by a long shot." Raylan Givens I've been itching in my britches to know what Boyd has up his sleeve now that he's out and about as a free man with some assumed moral convictions. He seems to have found a new way of life as a glowing ball of religious fervor with legs, but he also doesn't seem to have completely embraced his new way of life. Something always told me his Bible came with a lot of extra footnotes. Last night confirmed it. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments



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MEGA continued from page 56

have a very big moment with Debi Mazar," she says, adding that she will play herself and will put Mazar's tough-talkin' character in her place. "It's definitely going to be a little bit of a shocker because people will not expect it from me." I can't wait for True Blood! Give me a good tease. — Manny MICKEY: How's this? Within the first 20 minutes of the season, you'll see three male series regulars naked, two of them in the same scene. What is the fallout going to be from Cooper's injury on Southland? Does he get to stay on the street? — Sara ADAM: Michael Cudlitz says that the show's impromptu season finale may have made his character's back injury seem more like a cliff-hanger than was intended. The good news: The 10-episode third season won't have to deal with any

interruptions. "[The writers] are going to tell the story the way they want to without any strings," Cudlitz says. "There will be a satisfying beginning, a satisfying middle and an asskicking season finale." How long can Cougar Town's Jules and Grayson keep their "arrangement" secret? — Tim MICKEY: Who says they want to? In fact, the catting around is out of the bag in the season finale. Now if they can just figure out how to break the news to Bobby... Adam's Mega Rave: Kudos to the Brothers & Sisters ensemble for some terrific acting during that horrific pile-up scene. The performances somehow turned what would have been another forced, out-of-the-blue cliffhanger into something interesting and, more importantly, moving. Mickey's Mini Rant: Sure, Lynette, ask the serial killer to

2010 Upfronts: CBS Audrey Fine (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/19/2010 3:55:00 AM

Filed under: TV News CBS surprised many TV insiders yesterday when it canceled seven series-- four dramas and three comedies. Although many expected the Eye network's upcoming fall schedule to remain relatively unchanged, the axing of veteran

dramas 'Cold Case,' 'Ghost

hold your baby while you drop a dime. That's good parenting! Reader Quote of the Week:"I guess they need[ed] to figure out how to pay Charlie Sheen." — OnllwynDixon, on CBS' decision to cancel Ghost Whisperer Crave scoop on your favorite TV shows? E-mail Mickey and A d a m a t or drop us a line at ( Additional reporting by Natalie Abrams, Joyce Eng, and Robyn Ross) Five Filters featured article: Maggie Furlong (TV Squad) The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK Submitted at 5/19/2010 4:05:00 AM General Election. Available Filed under: Features, The tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Show Girl Welcome to Instant Text RSS, Term Extraction. Dharma, where we break down all things'Lost' every week -equal parts for our own sanity and for your entertainment. Please don't watch or read any further unless you've seen the episode or don't mind spoilers. This week, Orientation: Ryan Whisperer' and 'Numbers,' mid- S t a t i o n p o d c a s t e r s R y a n season replacement 'Miami McGee(@Zap2ItLost) and Mo M e d i c a l ' a n d s i t c o m s Ryan(@moryan) -- also of 'Accidentally On Purpose,' 'Gary Z a p 2 i t . c o m a n d C h i c a g o Unmarried' and one-time hit Tribune, respectively -- join me 'New Adventures of Old Christine' freed up 5 1/2 hours on its time table. So many open slots allowed the network to re-jigger it's

Instant Dharma: More Deaths, Flashes, a Prison Break, the New Jacob & More (VIDEO)

2010 page 61

to talk about 'What They Died For,' the big-moment-everymoment penultimate episode of the final season of 'Lost.' Seriously ... could you ask for a better lead-in to the series finale? And now can we stop complaining about last week's Jacob/Man in Black episode? Watch, share with your friends and come back Monday morning for more 'Lost' questions, answers and reactions in our very special supersized finale episode of Instant Dharma. (Man, I'm gonna miss this.) Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments


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'Parenthood' - 'Team Braverman' Recap

continued from page 60

schedule, most notably moving 'The Big Bang Theory' from its Monday-night berth to anchor Thursday night, followed by James L. Brooks' '$#*! My Dad Says.' Other notable changes include 'Survivor's' move to Wednesdays and 'CSI: Miami's' move to Sundays. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

Jane Boursaw (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/19/2010 4:24:00 AM

Filed under: Recaps(S01E12) "Amber told me to break up with Steve, and then ... she had sex with him." - Haddie to Sarah, Adam and Kristina after she and Amber are hauled into the school for fighting Once again, props to the'Parenthood' writers for keepin' it real. I could see how all of that awkward stuff would go down in real life exactly that same way. The parents would try not to be mad at each other over their daughters' clash, but would be mad anyway, while one person (namely, Adam, in this case) would try to smooth things over. Yep, he's the fixerupper, as Zeek calls him. Every family needs one.


'V' - 'Red Sky' Recap (Season Finale)

Even the nasty girls at school seemed true to life, until finally, Haddie told them to wise up and Jane Boursaw (TV Squad) get a clue, and then promptly Submitted at 5/19/2010 3:41:00 AM saw Amber with Steve again. Oops. Filed under: Recaps, Finales Permalink| Email this| Linking (S01E12) "Welcome home." Blogs| Comments Anna to Ryan, as she shows him his new baby Wow, Morris Chestnut. You're one cool cat. I told you my prediction the other day, and you just tossed it back and asked me why I thought that might happen. Uh huh, so that's how you wanna play it, huh? Well, I'll give myself a little pat on the back for getting at least part of

the prediction right. I totally didn't see the other part coming, though. Some of you guys have sort of railed on'V' for sloppy writing, and ok, some of the storylines could have been crafted a little better. But this episode brought some pretty awesome reveals and shockers, and was a bit of a game-changer, don't you think? I can't wait until next season to find out where it all leads. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments



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Campaign to end distracted driving goes global at the United Nations Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/18/2010 1:09:32 PM

Campaign to end distracted driving goes global at the United Nations The push to end distracted driving is now going global with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joining the cause. Ray LaHood, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary has made it his mission to curb this deadly behavior and will join the U.N Secretary, as well as Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice, to start a new campaign called " Global Call to Action on Ending Distracted Driving." This program will help put the message of driving safety and not texting or talking on a cell phone in all languages, since the issue affects drivers in every country. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.2 million people die on the roads each year and another 20-50 million are injured. WHO also projects that by 2030 crash fatalities will become the 5th leading cause of death, surpassing HIV/AIDS, cancer, violence, and diabetes. There are currently 600 million cars on

the road and 4.6 billion cell phone subscriptions. Between 80-90 percent of accidents are caused by driver behavior like distracted driving. The DOT is asking people to support the cause by Tweeting the following message in conjunction with the U.N. announcement tomorrow: "The global call to end distracted driving--will you respond? Hang up; put it down; just drive. #gcedd" There will also be a Facebook page where you can support the cause. In other distracted driving news, the Federal Railroad Administration has proposed a rule to ban the use of electronic devices by engineers, conductors, switchmen, and other crew members to help ensure the safety of all passengers. In September 2008, a California commuter train crashed killing 25 people after the engineer was sending and receiving text messages. Currently, texting while driving

is banned is 25 states plus the District of Columbia. Seven states plus DC ban the use of hand-held cell phones. Consumers Union, the nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, applauds Secretary LaHood’s leadership on this important safety issue, and believes that legislative and regulatory solutions for this problem are needed immediately. For more on distracted driving go to and also see our latest blogs on the topic. — Liza Barth Also read: Despite dangers, drivers continue to text and talk Hands-free cell phone laws: Are they effective? Should cell phone use by drivers be illegal? Distracted Driving Summit: The hands-free debate Cell phone use and driving laws Government study exposes cell phone driving dangers — Liza Barth Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Daily Dispatch: Web users unknowingly leaving fingerprints; Amazon to release Kindle app for Android Dirk Klingner (Consumer Reports)

operating system Verizon website shows FiOS Mobile Remote app coming to Submitted at 5/18/2010 1:21:27 PM iPhone 'soon'( engadget mobile) Daily Dispatch: Web users ...FiOS Mobile Remote app u n k n o w i n g l y l e a v i n g released earlier this year isn't fingerprints; Amazon to release just for Android and Windows Kindle app for Android Mobile, but is also coming to Combing through hundreds of iPhone OS at an unspecified blog posts and news articles date. d a i l y , D i r k K l i n g n e r , o u r Lighter side: 108 LOST Ttechnology-trend watcher, sifts Shirts To Celebrate The End through the noise to bring you Including 20 You Can’t Buy( the tech news most important to coty gonzales) consumers. If you have a tip on ...Oh you rabid LOST fans. Our a story you want to share, leave favorite TV Show is coming to a comment below. Tracking an end and soon all of our W e b u s e r s w i t h o u t u s i n g questions will be answered (or cookies( cnet) will they). Many of you enjoyed ...If a Web browser has Flash my original list of 101 LOST Tand Java activated, Eckersley Shirts for the Ultimate LOST says, the odds of its fingerprint Fanatic. I received such an being unique are about 1 in overwhelming response with 450,000. He collected data from that post that I decided to do a hundreds of thousands of people follow up list – it’s LOST Tw h o c o n n e c t e d t o E F F ' s Shirts Part 2! Subscribe now! "Panopticlick" Web site. S u b s c r i b e t o Amazon releasing Kindle for expert software for Android( seattle pi) Ratings, buying advice and ...It is releasing a version of its reliability on hundreds of Kindle e-reader software for products. Update your feed phones that use Google Inc.'s preferences increasingly popular Android


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Which smoothies do kids prefer? Artemis Dibenedetto (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/19/2010 1:59:59 AM

Which smoothies do kids prefer? Smoothies can serve as a main course, snack, or dessert, and can be healthful to boot. To see which are worth sipping, Consumer Reports' trained tasters tried 12 packaged, refrigerated smoothies that are either juice- or dairy-based. We also had 34 boys and girls ages 6 to 17 tell us which of four smoothies they preferred; and we had tasters sample offerings from two smoothie chains. What we found The best smoothies could have come right from a blender. The two from Bolthouse Farms, both juice-based, were best of all, with blends of fresh-tasting fruit flavors. Another excellent juicebased smoothie was Sunkist Naturals. The best dairy-based smoothie was Lifeway Kefir, thick and yogurtlike, with a

mild, fresh-tasting strawberry flavor. Other findings: Pricier isn’t better. The excellent Lifeway costs 89 cents per serving; the good Sambazon, $2.38. Dairy varies. Three of the four dairy-based smoothies contain yogurt; Lifeway has kefir, a cultured beverage similar to yogurt that is claimed to have twice the amount of live and active cultures in regular yogurt. Lifeway also has the most protein of all, at 11 grams per serving. All of the dairy-based smoothies provide 15 to 30 percent of the daily value of calcium. Kids preferred dairy-based drinks. We had them try two fruit- and two dairy-based smoothies. Their favorites were Stonyfield Organic Wild Berry and Frusion Strawberry Blend. Nutrition differs slightly. Per ounce, most of the juice-based smoothies have fewer calories than the dairy-based, most with no fat per serving (most of the dairy smoothies have 2 to 3

grams). Most of the smoothies have less than 100 milligrams of sodium per serving, and all have 20 to 33 grams of sugars except for Dannon’s artificially sweetened strawberry banana, with just 12 grams. Lifeway, Sunkist, and Bolthouse Farms Berry Boost have the most fiber, at least 3 grams per serving. The Bolthouse and Sunkist smoothies are very high in vitamin C. Bottom line. Consider one of the excellent choices in our smoothies Ratings(available to subscribers). Check ingredients; look for a juice-based smoothie that is all fruit with no added sugar or a dairy one that has calcium and is low in fat. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


Q&A: Are grapes and grape juice good sources of resveratrol? (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/19/2010 2:59:59 AM

Q&A: Are grapes and grape juice good sources of resveratrol? I’ve read about the benefits of resveratrol from wine. Can I get some of the same benefits from grape juice? — S.H., Irvine, Calif. Probably. Red wine, grapes, and grape juice, as well as raspberries and peanuts, are all good sources of resveratrol, an antioxidant that’s been shown in some animal studies to help prevent certain cancers, diabetes, and age-related decline in cardiovascular function. (It comes from the nonalcoholic component of wine.) Studies of resveratrol’s effect on human cells have yielded some positive results, but it’s not clear whether

the benefits shown in animal studies will apply to humans too. Read more on the obsession with super foods and learn about the effectiveness and safety c o n c e r n s o f resveratrol(subscribers only). Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences



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Celtics again escape collapse to put away Magic Associated Press (

away from their second finals appearance in three seasons. "I think we are becoming the Submitted at 5/19/2010 1:57:04 AM team that started the season," ORLANDO, Fla. -- Too slow? Rivers said. "The team that Too old? started the season was pretty Try two wins from the NBA good." Finals. Pierce Steps Up For Celtics Indeed, the Boston Celtics look Paul Pierce has kicked his game like they saved their best this up a notch in the conference season for when it mattered finals against the Orlando most. Magic. Hollinger: Turning It On And -- ESPN Stats & Information Off Maybe even good enough to The Celtics limped through the t a k e d o w n t h e d e f e n d i n g final two-thirds of the regular conference champion Magic. season and were mostly counted Dwight Howard had 30 points, out heading into the playoffs. and Vince Carter and J.J. Redick Magically, all that changed once scored 16 apiece for the Magic, the postseason started, writes who overcame an 11-point John Hollinger. Daily Dime deficit to take a brief lead in the • Forsberg: Celtics dust off fourth quarter. But they couldn't swagger hold it. "I know," Boston's Paul Pierce Jameer Nelson's desperation 3said. "It's starting to look that point attempt airballed at the way." buzzer, sending fans to the exits Pierce scored 28 points, Rajon in silence. Rondo had 25 and the revived " I w o n ' t s t o p b e l i e v i n g , " Celtics again avoided a late Howard said. "And I won't let collapse to take a commanding my teammates stop believing." lead in the Eastern Conference Game 3 is Saturday night in finals with a 95-92 victory over Boston. the Orlando Magic in Game 2 "Our fans won't let us relax," on Tuesday night. Pierce said. "We're going to try Boston bullied and bruised its and close it out in four games." way to a 2-0 series lead on the The Celtics buckled down just road against a Magic team that enough to hold in this one. had won 14 straight until this Ahead 11 points early in the series. fourth quarter, that almost After being hampered by wasn't enough. The Magic, just injuries for much of the season, as they did in Game 1, found often showing their age, the their rhythm late. Celtics are now just two wins They went on a 13-4 run to trim

Boston's lead to 85-83 with about six minutes left. Carter's jumper gave Orlando a 90-89 lead with 3:35 remaining, and then the Celtics summoned their championship form again. Kevin Garnett and Rondo made consecutive jumpers, and after Nelson made a layup, Pierce answered with two free throws that put Boston ahead by three. Easy Baskets Make A Difference Building on the success they had in the series opener, the Celtics were once again effective in the open-court on Tuesday, outscoring the Magic 17-11 in transition. Transition Offense Carter missed two free throws with 31.9 seconds left that cost Orlando dearly. It must have felt all too familiar to Magic fans who watched Howard's damaging misses at the stripe in Game 4 of the NBA Finals last year and Nick Anderson's four bricks in Game 1 of the 1995 finals. "I don't take losses well," said Carter, Orlando's biggest offseason acquisition. "Especially when you're on a team like this. They bring me in to make plays and deliver in crunch time. For me to step up there and miss two free throws, regardless, this doesn't sit well with me." Only another footnote for Boston's remarkable history. Two years removed from their

17th NBA championship, the Celtics, once thought too old to contend for another title, have found their footing again. After ousting LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers, the team with the league's best record, Boston is showing no signs of stopping. "Just think our mindset was to be ready for the type of intensity they would bring after losing at home," Pierce said. "We know the Magic are a talented team and we won't take these two wins for granted." Before the final heave, Redick also made a crucial mistake by dribbling to half court before calling timeout. That wasted seconds and forced the Magic to take the ball out from beyond half court. The result was a shot that didn't reach the rim. "It would have made a big difference," Magic coach Stan Van Gundy said. "We said in the thing to call a timeout. We didn't make the right play there at the end." Redick took the blame. "I made a mistake," he said. "I didn't hear the whistle initially. When I didn't hear it initially, I just kind of went, then I realized we should have called a timeout. So that was my fault." Boston again started fast. The Celtics, who took a 20point lead in Game 1, went ahead by 11 in the first quarter. It wasn't until backup center

Marcin Gortat and Howard -- a rare combination this season -teamed together that Orlando showed any fight. With the Magic feeling intense postseason pressure for the first time this year, Orlando went on a 16-2 run behind the two centers. All the pushing and pulling would finally spill over. Pierce was knocked in the head hard by Howard on a layup attempt in the second quarter, a punishing display of anger that the Magic center rarely shows. Pierce got up after a minute, clearly upset, his headband twisted to the side. Howard was called for a flagrant foul. The Celtics would go ahead by five after Howard picked up his third foul moments later. Before they could deliver another big blow, Matt Barnes hit a 3pointer as the shot-clock buzzer sounded in the final seconds for Orlando to trim Boston's lead to 53-51 at the half. The Celtics are feeling good, but not overconfident. "The feeling of the team right now is just focus," Pierce said. "Only thing we did was win two games." Game notes Magic coach Stan Van Gundy defended his close friend and Florida Marlins manager, Fredi Gonzalez, for benching Hanley Ramirez after the star shortstop CELTICS page 67


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Washington Wizards win first pick in 2010 NBA draft lottery Associated Press (

owner Abe Pollin. When the Wizards pulled off the surprising win, her jaw dropped Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:44:00 AM and appeared to mouth 'Oh my SECAUCUS, N.J. -- With his God!!' with wide eyes. championship ring on her hand Abe Pollin died at age 85 in and her late husband's dreams of November. another on her mind, Irene "This is very, very special. I Pollin stood in shock as the have been in this my entire adult Washington Wizards won the life and to be here, representing draft lottery. my husband, this is very special More from to me tonight," Irene Pollin said. John Wall and his circle of "I think it's the culmination of friends and agents were thrilled my husband's dream because he over the Wizards getting the top wanted another ring and maybe pick, writes's Andy this will get us another ring." Katz. Story The Philadelphia 76ers, another On the night of his grand debut disappointment this season, a s N e t s o w n e r , M i k h a i l moved up from the sixth spot to Prokhorov's magical, mystery grab the No. 2 pick. The Nets carpet ride smacked into a brick continued the run of failure by wall, writes ESPNteams with the best chance of's Ian O'Connor. winning, falling to the third. Story Prokhorov, the 6-foot-6 • Chad Ford's mock draft Russian billionaire who was • TrueHoop: Luck at last for approved as Nets owner last Wizards week and had a front row seat Towering over her to the side, for the loss, shrugged off the Mikhail Prokhorov watched the disappointment. New Jersey Nets lose yet again. "Sometimes luck makes all the The Wizards won the draft difference, but it never comes lottery Tuesday night, moving down to one player," Prokhorov up from the No. 5 spot to earn said. "I'm sure we're going to get the top pick in next month's a great player. For our team, the draft, when it will likely choose only way is up." between Kentucky freshman The lottery victory -- despite John Wall and national player of only a 10.3 percent chance -- is the year Evan Turner of Ohio just about the only thing that has State. gone right in a disastrous year Washington was represented by for the Wizards, marred by the Irene Pollin, who wore the 1978 suspension of All-Star Gilbert Bullets championship ring of Arenas for bringing guns into her late husband, longtime the Verizon Center locker room.

They finished 26-56 after being widely forecast to finish in the middle of the Eastern Conference. Irene Pollin hopes the lottery win will help fans forget a turbulent season, when the Wizards also traded former AllStars Caron Butler and Antawn Jamison to cut salary after things fell apart. "Fans are fickle. But I think this is a wonderful thing for our fans who have really stuck by us," Pollin said. "They really have been through a very, very tough year. Actually when I got up and spoke to them, I was thanking them for sticking by us and being so supportive even though we had all the problems." Now they hope the No. 1 pick can help spark a quick turnaround under Washington Capitals owner Ted Leonsis, who is close to completing a deal to buy the franchise from the Pollin family. Leonsis met with some NBA owners earlier Tuesday, and the sale is expected to be completed early in June. "We have a lot of work to do with the franchise," Leonsis said. "The players, the culture, the expectations, the discipline around the team, but I do think it is a breath of fresh air and does revive the franchise and gives us a shot to be an exciting team with a lot of expectations. I know how hard it is to rebuild a team. I am going to be patient

but I have a strong belief that our management team and ownership team is very focused." 2010 NBA Draft Lottery Order The Wizards won the NBA's draft lottery and will have the No. 1 pick in next month's draft. The Nets, which had an NBAworst 12-70 record, fell to third. It's the sixth straight year the team with the best chance to win didn't land the top pick in the NBA draft. The Nets had a 25 percent chance of winning after going 12-70. Instead, the team with the worst record still hasn't won since 2004, when the Orlando Magic selected Dwight Howard. Asked before the lottery about potentially changing the system to keep teams from losing on purpose to improve their probability of winning, commissioner David Stern said he thinks, "the results of the lottery, if anything, are causing teams with the worst record to feel as though a paucity of wins is not being adequately recognized and compensated." So will Arenas play with the No. 1 pick or be replaced by him? "I'm just going to come in and work hard ... just try to win games for the organization this year," Wall said. Team president Ernie Grunfeld told reporters on a conference call that earning the No. 1 pick would not affect the team's

plans for Arenas. "Gilbert is still with us. He's been down at our gym, working out and getting ready," Grunfeld said. "The more good players you have, the better." But the Wizards will have to do better than they did last time they had the No. 1 pick. That was in 2001, when Hall of Famer and former Washington executive Michael Jordan selected Kwame Brown, considered one of the biggest busts ever at No. 1. The losers this time were the Minnesota Timberwolves, who fell from second to fourth. Sacramento (No. 5) and Golden State (No. 6) also tumbled -- the second straight year the Kings went the wrong way in the lottery. The Kings went from first to fourth last year, but did end up with Rookie of the Year Tyreke Evans-- who represented them Tuesday. So maybe the Nets shouldn't lose hope. The NBA draft is June 24 in New York. Philadelphia brought its own lucky charm, a used hockey stick from the Philadelphia Flyers' rally from 3-0 down to stun the Boston Bruins in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference semifinals. Still looking for a coach after firing former Wizards coach Eddie Jordan, they stand to grab either Turner WASHINGTON page 69



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Los Angeles Dodgers place Andre Ethier on DL with broken finger Tony Jackson (

back together." Ethier said team physician Dr. Neal ElAttrache gave him only LOS ANGELES -- There was the roughest of rough estimates no initial indication or estimate as to how much time he can from anyone in the Dodgers expect to miss. organization -- not from the More On The Dodgers medical staff, not from manager For more news, notes and Joe Torre, not from general analysis of the Dodgers, check manager Ned Colletti and not out Dodger Thoughts from Jon from Andre Ethier himself -- as Weisman. Blog to how long Ethier will be out of "It was pretty broad," Ethier action after being placed on the said. "Three to six [weeks]. Or 15-day disabled list for the first maybe two to four." time in his career on Tuesday Either way, he was because of the small fracture in d i s a p p o i n t e d . his right little finger he suffered "I took pride in playing every taking batting practice before day and playing through some Saturday night's game at San of the nagging stuff," Ethier Diego. said. "This is a year that has Ethier challenged me more in terms of "It could be two to three weeks," playing every day. Torre said. "If it's longer, it's "There was the knee that held longer." me out the last couple of games The key will be how long it in spring training, and then there takes for the fracture to actually was the ankle thing in the heal. The preferred course of second game of the season. treatment for such an injury, and Those are bigger things that you the course of treatment the expect to hold you out, but a medical staff will take with small little chip of a bone off Ethier, is no treatment at all. your pinkie, that was the last The idea is that eventually, the thing I thought about at this fracture will heal on its own, point." and until it does, Ethier won't be To take Ethier's roster spot, the allowed to return. Dodgers recalled outfielder "The doctors have told me that it Xavier Paul from Triple-A does heal itself," Torre said on Albuquerque and immediately Andre Ethier Bobblehead Night. inserted him into the starting "Once you put it together like lineup, playing right field and that [in a splint], it sort of grows batting second on Tuesday night Submitted at 5/19/2010 12:52:34 AM

against Houston. Torre indicated there won't be a regular right fielder during Ethier's absence, but that instead, Paul, Reed Johnson and Garret Anderson will share the job. "We're going to try to spread it around and keep everybody sharp," Torre said. Paul was hitting .388 with four homers, 11 RBIs and a .430 onbase percentage at Triple-A Albuquerque. Ethier entered the day leading the National League in hitting (.392) and RBIs (38) and tied for the league lead in home runs (11). This marks the second consecutive May in which the Dodgers have lost one of their hottest hitters for an extended period, with Manny Ramirez suspended for 50 games last year for violating baseball's drug policy. The Dodgers weathered that storm, going 29-21 in Ramirez's absence, and Colletti said they will weather this one, as well. "When you lose one of the best hitters in your lineup, you simply have to find a way to make up for it," Colletti said. "Last year, we lost Manny for 50 games. We aren't going to just go out and make a trade for somebody." The Dodgers' entered Tuesday on an eight-game winning streak, their longest since a nine

-game stretch in 2006. The primary reason is a pitching staff that has fashioned a 1.75 ERA over the past eight games. "What makes it bad is the team part," Ethier said. "We're really coming together as a team, and it's been a long month and a half to get ourselves into the position we've gotten ourselves into right now. So to be missing time because of something like that is the tough part." Torre said Ethier's finger will be X-rayed in a couple of weeks to gauge his progress. The move was made retroactive to Saturday, meaning Ethier will be eligible to return on May 30 at Colorado, but no one is counting on him being back that quickly. In the meantime, Ethier will continue to participate in all the pregame drills he possibly can, including throwing (not catching) and baserunning. Ethier has 11 walkoff hits since the end of the 2008 season, six of them home runs. His two game-ending hits this season were an RBI single on April 15 against Arizona and a grand slam on May 6 against Milwaukee. "Individual performance is nice and definitely makes you feel a little bit better about yourself at the end of the night," Ethier said. "But when we're sitting two games out at this point in

time after being six out, that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, not to be out there and help keep this thing going." The injury happened as a result of the way Ethier normally holds the bat, in which Ethier said the little finger often slips out of its regular place during a swing and falls below the knob. But this time, he said, the finger slipped not below the knob, but all the way to the other side of the bat handle, meaning it was actually on the opposite side of the bat from the other four fingers of his right hand as he swung. He said he wasn't sure whether the fracture happened when the bat made contact with the ball or when he followed through on the swing. What he was sure about, though, was that he has no intention of changing the way he holds a bat when he returns. "I'm going to keep doing it the same way," he said. "As soon as I feel like I can swing pain-free, I'll go back to swinging the way I always have and go from there." Torre and Colletti agreed that altering Ethier's swing would be the wrong approach. "I never really thought of it like that," Colletti said. "This has LOS page 68

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NBA commissioner David Stern excited about playoffs but looking to July



CELTICS continued from page 64

didn't hustle for a ball. Van Gundy said Gonzalez was "perfectly justified" and he and news services Cavaliers has become one of the goings of our players have drafting a good player that the Marlins' manager exchanged ( league's top teams, but the club b e c o m e s t o r i e s u n t o comes out of the lottery and the t e x t m e s s a g e s a b o u t t h e has failed to reach the NBA t h e m s e l v e s . " draft, by surrounding that player situation. ... Even though Celtics Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:28:20 AM Finals despite having the best In a news conference before with other good players, by c o a c h D o c R i v e r s l i v e s SECAUCUS, N.J. -- NBA record in the league the past two Tuesday's NBA draft lottery, m a k i n g s u r e t h a t p e o p l e permanently near Orlando and is commissioner David Stern says seasons. Stern also says he expects much understand that he's committed a former Magic coach, family the excitement surrounding free Cleveland was stunned by f r o m n e w o w n e r M i k h a i l to the entertainment experience ties apparently come first with his children. "They're all more agency might force him to hide B o s t o n i n t h e E a s t e r n Prokhorov in his bid to turn at the Prudential Center." in his office until players such Conference semifinals this around the New Jersey Nets. The Nets plan to play in dad fans than NBA fans," Rivers as LeBron James decide where season, putting James' future The Nets, who finished with a Newark, N.J. for the next two said. "At least that's what they to play next season. there in doubt. league-worst 12-70 record, have seasons, before moving to a new tell me when they ask for James could lead one of the Stern said he liked the way the more than $23 million in salary home and arena in Brooklyn, allowance." Five Filters featured article: deepest free agent classes in free agency system was tilted so cap room and the richest man in N.Y. years, with Dwyane Wade, that the incumbent teams have a Russia to now foot the bills. Stern also admitted that he has The Art of Looking Prime C h r i s B o s h a n d A m a r e better chance to re-sign their top And Prokhorov made it clear he occasionally thought about Ministerial - The 2010 UK Stoudemire all eligible to walk. players. He insisted the league thinks he can convince the top retirement, but he has no General Election. Available LeBron Tracker will not tolerate teams recruiting players to come to the Nets. timetable for leaving because he tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. Where will LeBron James land? free agents before July 1, "We have two competitive loves what he is doing. We're keeping tabs on the King. although he is powerless to stop advantages," he told TNT in an "It's a pretty good job; I have H e r e ' s t h e l a t e s t . L e B r o n fans and cities from doing it. interview to air Wednesday. thought about it," the 67-yearTracker "I've learned to live with it and " W e ' r e c r e a t i n g h i s t o r y old Stern said of retirement. "I With politicians and fans actually enjoy it," Stern said of practically from scratch. It's thought about it every two or already making their pleas and the civic lobbying, according to very exciting and our desire to three years for the last 26. But pitches, Stern knows the free the New York Post. "When I win is really great. Our second so far so good." agency frenzy is just beginning. saw the governor's song in Ohio, competitive advantage in being Information from The "We're having a good playoffs. then Mayor Bloomberg playing the first foreign owner is to Associated Press was used in We'll have a great finals, a really no favorites in his responses on create a really global team with this report. interesting draft and then Katie the Knicks or Brooklyn, I was fans all around the world. I feel Five Filters featured article: bar the door in July," Stern said. like, 'OK, this is beyond me.'" pretty sure to persuade the very The Art of Looking Prime "Songs, banners, balloons, T h e r e s p o n s e h a s a l s o best of the best that the Nets is Ministerial - The 2010 UK blimps, armies, I don't even i m p r e s s e d h i m . the place they need to be." General Election. Available know what. I'm just going to "It shows the importance of the Stern said Prokhorov's money tools: PDF Newspaper, Full hide in the office and let it all culture that will continue as we isn't going to be what turns Text RSS, Term Extraction. roll out." head to July 1," Stern said, around the Nets. The biggest of the stars is according to the Post. "It shows "He's going to do it by hard James, the two-time defending what a fixture the NBA has work and good management," MVP. He helped the Cleveland become and the comings and Stern said. "That's what works --



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Blackhawks Frustrate Sharks Again to Take 2-0 Lead

Sharks Bemoan Lack of Traffic in Loss

A.J. Perez (FanHouse Main)

Susan Slusser (FanHouse Main)

Submitted at 5/19/2010 1:33:00 AM

Filed under: Blackhawks, Sharks, NHL Playoffs SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Dave Bolland took the slash by San Jose Sharks forward Joe Thornton on a third-period faceoff as a compliment. "It's a sign of frustration," said the Blackhawks center. "Everybody gets mad. If there is always a guy on you and [he's] always picking at your stick and taking the puck from you, everybody gets mad, right? Nobody likes a guy doing that." The combination of Bolland's shut-down line along with the play of rookie goalie Antti Niemi again proved too much for the Sharks, who fell, 4-2, at

HP Pavilion Tuesday night. The Blackhawks hold a 2-0 series lead as the best-of-seven Western Conference finals shift to Chicago's United Center. Niemi didn't have to replicate his 44-save performance from

LOS continued from page 66

popped up once. How many times has he swung a bat in his life?" Tony Jackson covers the D o d g e r s f o r Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Game 1 to lead the Blackhawks to a record-tying seventh consecutive road win, although he was tested early. "Their main goal was to score at the start and they came very hard," said Niemi, who made 25 saves in Game 2. "I think they got a little frustrated when they couldn't score early in the first. ... It would be a bad situation for us if they were able to get one or two [goals early] to get more energy from the crowd." Along with the shot total slumping in Game 2, the quality of the scoring opportunities was lacking, especially over the final two periods. Blackhawks lead series, 2-0 Blackhawks 4, Sharks 2: Recap| Box Score| Series Page

Submitted at 5/19/2010 1:48:00 AM

Filed under: Blackhawks, Sharks, NHL Playoffs SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Before Game 2 at HP Pavilion, the common refrain from the top-seeded Sharks was that they needed to get more second and third chances at Blackhawks goalie Antti Niemi. Instead, San Jose's shot total went way down on Tuesday night, and Chicago was the team with players positioned in the paint most of the night. The Blackhawks came away with a 4 -2 victory over the Sharks, and the Blackhawks have sprinted out to a 2-0 advantage in the best-of-seven Western Conference finals. Three of the Blackhawks' goals came from in close, on tips and deflections and jams, first by Dustin Byfuglien in the second period, minutes later by Jonathan Toews(positioned right next to Byfuglien in front) and

finally by Troy Brouwer redirecting a shot in the third period. "They are a young, fast team," Sharks goalie Evgeni Nabokov said. "They are getting a lot of pucks deflected, we just have to do the same thing to them. "Sometimes it's luck, but that's what happens when you put a lot of people in front of the net." Blackhawks lead series, 2-0 Blackhawks 4, Sharks 2: Recap| Box Score| Series Page

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Celtics at Home on Orlando's Court Tim Povtak (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/19/2010 2:03:00 AM

Filed under: Celtics, Magic, NBA Playoffs ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Cleveland Cavaliers and Orlando Magic-- two franchises still without a championship -felt pretty good about grinding through a marathon regular season, leaving behind their blood, sweat and fears to secure the top two records in the league, assuring them of homecourt advantage in the playoffs. The storied Boston Celtics must have been laughing. Being whole was much more important than being home. They went to Cleveland and wiped their muddy shoes on the carpet. They went to Orlando and made a mess there, too. The Celtics are making a mockery of the regular season and its relevance. The No. 4 seeded Celtics won their fourth consecutive road game Tuesday night against those higher seeded teams,

David Whitley (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/19/2010 2:25:00 AM

Filed under: Celtics, Magic, NBA Playoffs ORLANDO -Vince Carter couldn't hear the TV commentary Tuesday night. Or maybe he could. "These are the moments he was acquired for," one of the ESPN analysts said. There were 34 seconds left in a whipping the Magic, 95-92, to huge game. The Magic trailed take a very secure 2-0 lead in by three points. They got the the Eastern Conference finals. ball to Carter who drove the In the long and illustrious lane and was fouled. Boston basketball history, the Clank. Clank. Celtics have led 2-0 in a best-of- It was the kind of moment that seven series 36 times and never reminded everyone why you don't acquire Carter for that kind once lost a series. "It doesn't matter what building of moment. we go in,'' said Celtics captain "When you are playing big Paul Pierce. "That's really games, it's the little things that nothing that fazes us, going on get you the win," Dwight the road. It's the way we play.''

WASHINGTON continued from page 65

or Wall. "We had a rough year," team president Ed Stefanski said. "We feel that our talent was better than our record but we have to prove it now." Copyright 2010 by The

Magic Moments Slipping Away From Carter and Co.

Associated Press Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Dragon Quest IX launches in North America on June 11 [update] Randy Nelson (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:30:00 AM

Nintendo and Square Enix have announced that the North American release of Dragon Quest IX: Sentinel of the Starry Skies for DS has been set for June 11, nearly a year after it launched in Japan on July 11, 2009. As was revealed in February, Nintendo will be publishing the game here -Howard said. Boston is doing them and a l t h o u g h t h e E n g l i s h Orlando is not. The results localization is being handled by speak for themselves, though Square Enix and not NOA's they didn't right away on Treehouse team. Tuesday. Immediately after the Dragon Quest IX has sold more Celtics' 95-92 win, Paul Pierce than four million copies to date went before the media and in Japan, where the game's WiFi spouted the requisite lingo. "Pass-By Guest" feature has proven very popular. North American gamers will get a chance to experience it as the renamed "Tag Mode," silently trading character stats, battle records and play data with other DQIX players simply by walking near each other with their handhelds in sleep mode. If you encounter a player who's logged more than 400 hours in DRAGON page 71



E-reader News Edition

Accused PAX East 'Breach' thief shows up for court Gameloft brings a selection of games to Android Griffin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:30:00 AM

Nexus One, you can now purchase one of the following titles: • Asphalt 5 • Let's Golf! • Assassin's Creed • Hero of Sparta • Gangstar: West Coast Hustle • Dungeon Hunter • Real Football 2010 • N.O.V.A. Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance • Modern Combat: Sandstorm • Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X

Gameloft hasn't made much movement in the Android market since it promised to support the mobile platform last November. However, earlier today, the company launched 10 of its 3D games (all of which are currently available on iPhone) on a handful of Android-based handsets. PocketGamer reports that if you're rocking a Sony Ericsson Xperia X10, HTC Desire, Motorola Milestone, You can check out a video of Motorola Motoroi or a Google these games running on the

Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/19/2010 10:30:00 AM

Justin May, the 20-year-old man accused of trying to steal aforementioned mobile devices, Atomic Games' Breach off the as well as instructions on how to PAX East show floor, finally purchase them, just past the showed up in court today -- after previously skipping bail and jump. Continue reading Gameloft eventually agreeing to show up brings a selection of games to for arraignment. Assistant District Attorney Kate Clayman Android Gameloft brings a selection of briefly recited the facts of the games to Android originally case in Boston Municipal Court appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 19 this morning and the judge M a y 2 0 1 0 0 6 : 3 0 : 0 0 E S T . released May on his own Please see our terms for use of recognizance. No monetary bail was set. feeds. Suffolk Country District Read| Permalink| Email this| Attorney Press Secretary Jake Comments Wark told Joystiq that May will return to court with his defense

attorney on June 27 to file a motion to dismiss the case. According to Atomic Games' complaint filed with Boston police, the company placed the value of Breach" in excess of $6 million." We're currently following up with Atomic Games and the District Attorney's office to find out how events are expected to proceed from here. Gallery: Breach Accused PAX East 'Breach' thief shows up for court originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 19 May 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments


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DRAGON continued from page 69

PixelJunk Shooter 2 'in full production,' demo of Shooter 1 next week JC Fletcher (Joystiq)

the sequel simply because you haven't experienced Shooter, QGames has something for you Q - G a m e s r e l e a s e d s o m e too. On May 25, Cuthbert said, a welcome news for those of you demo of the original PixelJunk eagerly anticipating PixelJunk Shooter will be released on the Shooter 2, as well as those who PlayStation Network. If you like don't know whether or not they that, you can buy PixelJunk should be eagerly anticipating it. Shooter, like it, and then join us The sequel to the PSN shooter is all in waiting for 2. "full steam ahead, anchors away Gallery: PixelJunk Shooter 2 and all that ... commotion to that (concept art) order," Q-Games president PixelJunk Shooter 2 'in full D y l a n C u t h b e r t s a i d i n a production,' demo of Shooter 1 PlayStation Blog post. He next week originally appeared promised that not only will on Joystiq on Wed, 19 May Shooter 2 be larger than the 2010 09:03:00 EST. Please see original game, but that "it will our terms for use of feeds. have some features that are new Read| Permalink| Email this| to the PixelJunk series in Comments general." If you are not intrigued about Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:03:00 AM

EA had 'extensive conversations' with Bungie before Activision partnership Griffin McElroy (Joystiq)

biggest competitors, DeMartini claimed that he's not bitter. "I don't want to see them fail - I What, did you think the want them to be successful," he company that created Halo only explained. "And when they start had one gentleman suitor after up a second team, we'll have parting ways with Microsoft? other discussions with them Don't be silly -- the studio, about that game as well which recently formed a ten- because they're a great studio." year partnership with publishing My, what a twisted, complex supergiant Activision, was also love triangle that would be. approached by EA last year. EA had 'extensive D a v i d D e M a r t i n i , g e n e r a l conversations' with Bungie manager for EA Partners, before Activision partnership explained to CVG, "we had originally appeared on Joystiq extensive conversations with on Wed, 19 May 2010 10:02:00 them, but could never really EST. Please see our terms for figure out a deal that made sense use of feeds. for both of us. It just didn't come Read| Permalink| Email this| to fruition." Comments Though Bungie was ultimately snatched up by one of EA's Submitted at 5/19/2010 10:02:00 AM

the game, it's probably this guy. You'll find pre-order information (and a rather delightful trailer) on the game's official website. Update: Dragon Quest IX will be released in Europe on July 23. Gallery: Dragon Quest IX (0519-2010) Dragon Quest IX launches in North America on June 11 [update] originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 19 May 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments



E-reader News Edition

The havoc the XML purists wrought (Scripting News)

in theory. To the theorists, XML is an infinitely expressive language, and the processors are I had dinner last night with magic engines that extract Jeremie Miller, the guy who meaning from a messy maze of bootstrapped Jabber, which incomprehensible gobbledy became XMPP, which is now a gook. To the pragmatists, XML w i d e l y - u s e d t r a n s p o r t is a file format, a way of mechanism. Jeremie is one of providing compatibility between my heroes, he's not rich -- but he applications written in a diverse made a huge contribution to the s e t o f a p p l i c a t i o n s a n d richness of the Internet we now environments. XML provides a use. way of giving everyone choice H e ' s w o r k i n g o n a n e w without sacrificing the ability to protocol. There are a bunch of talk to each other and be heard. new ideas under the covers that Corporations looking to lock-in I find interesting and puzzling, users favor the former approach but the net-effect is to provide because they can claim to be the decentralized message complying with "standards" and transport we all want from a t t h e s a m e t i m e b e desktop-to-desktop without impenetrable to competitors. going through a corporate- I fought these people, and to owned cloud, so we can avoid their chagrin, won. RSS never being monetized as crowd- included the gobbledy gook. sourced user-generated content You could write a rudimentary with eyeballs. This is the DIY RSS parser in a few hours and cloud, and it's about fucking despite the slime thrown at RSS time. Imho. by BigCo employees, keeping Like a small number of brilliant an RSS parser maintained is a technologists, Miller has a story very simple job and doesn't to tell -- and at first it was a consume much time. Hence RSS strange story but then it became became and is a juggernaut, familiar. Jeremie is running with huge flows of content, not away from XML because he had c o n t r o l l e d b y t h e b i g such a bad experience with the corporations. Not that they ever-escalating complexity haven't been trying. being promoted by people who XMPP is a different story. The a r e l e s s i n t e r e s t e d i n schema guys won that battle, applications and more interested and apparently XMPP is very Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:17:29 AM

complex as a result, and there aren't a huge number of implementations. I say apparently because I don't know -- I have never implemented XMPP, and have never set up a server. I wish I could. I now think I understand why I can't. This is why I find the arguments of the JSON-only proponents either lazy or dishonest. I don't know which it is. They say that XML is too complicated, but that's wrong. Just ignore everything but elements, attributes and namespaces. That's what RSS does, and it's very simple. If you're designing protocols that are meant to be widely adopted, this is a trust issue. The central node in a centralized system,

such as the one being proposed by Facebook, can easily afford to parse many dialects, without incurring much cost. We do it in our aggregators, small developers like Newsgator and Ranchero, I do it in River2 and I'm just a person. Surely the Great Facebook can do what we small fry do? So what is their angle? What are they complaining about? I don't trust would-be platform vendors who won't accomodate all possible developers, esp those who use a language that's so deeply installed as XML is. In contrast, Amazon supports XML in their web services, quietly and competently. I can't imagine them saying one day "It's too much work for us to keep supporting XML so you all have to rewrite your code now if you want to keep paying us for the web services you use." If that ever happened I'd rush to my broker and short Amazon stock, aggressively, cause they would have lost their minds. I said it to Jeremie and I'll say it to anyone who will listen. If you're proposing that other people develop on your technology, you should be very mindful to keep the path wellgroomed, and don't add cliffs to the trail. We'll see that they're there and go some other way.

What if Skype had an API? (Scripting News) Submitted at 5/18/2010 12:43:53 PM

I started keeping Skype running after reading a TechCrunch piece explaining how screen sharing works over Skype. I needed exactly this functionality to support a few friends who are new to blogging. To be able to see what's on their screen instead of relying on their description makes a huge difference. Using Skype makes me wonder what if they gone in the direction that Twitter did, making it possible for status messages to scroll by in a River of News. It's amazingly close to what I consider the ideal configuration. A centralized name service with peer-to-peer updates. But Skype was embedded in a large company, and who knows WHAT page 73


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WHAT continued from page 72

what kinds of pressure they were under. It certainly wasn't being run in an entrepreneurial way. Which led me to wonder how different things would have been if Skype had an API. A simple one that allowed you to push a message to another Skype user, and be able to catch a message flowing into the Skype client. Could have been great. It's a lot like rssCloud or what Dropbox is doing. Sooner or

later there will be a unifying layer that handles all real-time traffic through an open API that doesn't rely on central servers any more than the Internet itself does. It's coming, you can feel it. Update: Skype does have an API.

Urgent Action Needed to Secure Undersea Data Transmission, IEEE Report Says Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)

than 99 percent of all data traffic across the oceans. Those cables pass through choke points generally in places where larger Submitted at 5/19/2010 9:04:50 AM It's not just media pirates and bodies of water narrow, such as cyber-villains that Web security the Suez Canal or the Luzon experts are worried about today. strait between Taiwan and the Add Somali pirates, terrorists, Philippines. At such points saboteurs, and petty scrap metal cables are vulnerable, and thieves to the list. A report damage to them could down issued by the Institute of entire phone networks or stymie Electrical and Electronics data flow to entire regions. Engineers (IEEE) says urgent Related Articles Undersea action is needed to secure and Cables Could Be Used as an diversify our undersea cables, as E a r l y T s u n a m i D e t e c t i o n a malicious attack or accident System Where Undersea Cables could disrupt the very backbone Go First Internet-Enabled on which the Internet depends, Undersea Observatory Now turning global commerce into Operational Tags Technology, chaos. Clay Dillow, communications, Undersea cables handle the d a t a n e t w o r k s , g l o b a l overwhelming majority of our c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , I n t e r n e t , communications, carrying more piracy, terrorism, undersea cable

While accidents have been known to cause problems in the past - commercial fishing and ship anchors dragging the seafloor have been known to disrupt cables - foul play could really put data networks in a bind. Cables have been stolen from the seabed for the valuable metals they contain, and as problems like piracy persist in areas like the horn of Africa, it becomes increasingly likely that the specialized ships that maintain the networks could become targets. The IEEE wants new cables laid on more diverse routes so that so many important cables aren't bottlenecked in certain regions. More importantly - and probably less likely - it wants to create a global body overseeing

the world's submarine cables, though the commercial interests of operators could trump cooperative efforts to govern the seafloor. If pirates, thieves, or terrorists were able to compromise a major cable hub, the results could be pretty bad. Aside from disrupting all those torrents you're piping in from foreign servers right now, international banking could grind to a halt for an extended period, and companies that rely on overseas employees or who service international customers could be placed on indefinite hiatus, wreaking havoc on global markets. [ New Scientist]




E-reader News Edition

A Map of the US...Made of Slime Mold Lana Birbrair (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 5/18/2010 3:32:07 PM

Road Trip The mold began in New York and grew across the country, seeking out oat-cluster "cities" and building its own highway system. Andy Adamatzky and Jeff Jones Onecelled organisms could make our road network more efficient The "roads" on this agar-gel map of the U.S. may not quite mirror reality, but they could help scientists build more-robust networks in the future. Physarum polycephalum, a type of slime mold, grows tendrils in search of food and withdraws extraneous arms to focus on the most efficient paths between sources. Although the American map is just an illustrative model made for Popular Science, researchers in the U.K. have used slime mold to create similar replicas of local roads and railways, backed up by computer models. Andy Adamatzky and Jeff Jones, specialists in unconventional computing at the University of the West of England in Bristol, found that, left to its own devices, the slime mold mimicked a good part of the country's actual road systems. Because slime mold finds the paths that are most resilient to

Nanoscale Infrared Detector Breakthrough Could Boost Satellite Imaging Power By 20 Times Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 5/18/2010 4:16:43 PM

faults or damage, it could be used to make mobilecommunication and transportation networks hardier. The following videos, made by the slime mold team at our request, show computer simulations of how Physarum might behave while traveling across the U.S. The simulations demonstrate how slime mold readjusts as time passes and nutrients deplete and gives hints about our own transportation system (although these particular simulations aren't statistically accurate and don't account for the different sizes of

cities). By the end of each video, the mold has found the most efficient paths and sticks to them, but as the continuous activity highlights, the resilient creature could always form new networks if needed. The mold begins in New York City on a map with very concentrated food sources in the cities but few nutrients in the countryside. This encourages the slime mold to form only the most direct paths, skipping the barren lands in between. So good luck getting from New York to Boston; according to this map-and probably some

Quantum Dot Infrared Photodector Tech Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have turned a sheet of nano-thin gold New Yorkers-there's nothing into what could be the next big advance in infrared technology. worth visiting in between. In this video, the simulated Taking advantage of the unique slime mold starts spread evenly p r o p e r t i e s o f g o l d a t t h e throughout the land and then nanoscale, scientists there have adapts its shape to the food created a "microlens" system sources. The nutrients in the that could boost detectivity in rural areas get gobbled up, and quantum-dot-based IR detectors the cities become the main food by 20 times. Enhancing IR sensors is hubs. As the many paths recede, difficult because, as a general Michigan's Upper Peninsula rule, increasing the amount of loses its appeal, and the only signal a detector takes in also hope of crossing the West Coast requires a weekend trip to Salt increases the amount of noise it takes in, spoiling the benefit Lake City. derived from increased exposure. Current mercurycadmium-telluride (MCT) tech NANOSCALE page 75


E-reader News Edition

Carefully Choreographed NASA/ESA Mission Could Return Martian Soil Samples to Earth Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 5/18/2010 2:28:30 PM

Life on Mars? A three-phase, $10 billion mission to retrieve soil and rock samples from the Red Planet and bring them back to Earth could finally settle one of astronomy's most pressing questions. We've landed the robots, puttered about on the planet's surface, and, at long last, found the water. Now, NASA is getting back to basics on Mars with a plan to once again search for signs of life on the Red Planet, a focus that's been on the back burner since the 1976 Viking missions. But this time, NASA doesn't want to analyze Mars from Mars. This time the space agency wants to bring samples back home, and has a cleverly orchestrated scheme to do it. NASA thinks the acquisition and return of Martian rock and soil samples is completely doable, but it's going to be a costly three-phase process,

probably with a price tag totaling some $10 billion. And since the federal government isn't exactly showering NASA with cash, the agency recently teamed with its European counterpart to map out the details of such a complex mission. A joint NASA/ESA mission would happen well before

NASA's manned mission to Mars, which is loosely slated for the mid-2030s. It would go down something like this: Two rovers would set off for Mars in 2018, one to drill into the surface, the other to collect surface samples. A few years later, their ride home would set off to pick them up. Again, two spacecraft would be needed, one


NANOSCALE continued from page 74

takes in a strong signal, but the long exposure times necessary for low-signal imaging also to head to the surface and one to allow for increased noise, fall into orbit around Mars. The making it tough to expand surface craft would collect the f u r t h e r o n c o n v e n t i o n a l samples and launch them up to d e t e c t o r s . the orbiting ship, which would The Rensselaer researchers then return make the 50 million instead looked to the nanoscale properties of gold to build a new mile return trip to Earth. Sounds easy enough. Even if kind of detector. These quantum such a mission -- which, we dot infrared photodetectors should point out, is a vision (QDIPs) have long, flat surfaces rather than a certainty -- covered with a thin layer of gold launched on the timetable about 50 nanometers thick. That described, we wouldn't see surface is riddled with tiny holes samples on Earth until the mid- about 1.6 millionths of a meter 2020s. But those samples could in diameter, each one containing tell us quite a lot. Researchers a quantum dot -- a nanocrystal could analyze rocks for the with unique optical properties. organic compounds and rare The layer of gold focuses the chemistry that are the telltale incoming light into each hole signs of life -- tasks that rovers more directly, strengthening the like Spirit and Opportunity are contact with the quantum dots not well equipped to carry out. inside. That stronger signal in That means we could have a turn boosts the dots' ability to definitive answer about the turn photons into electrons, possibility of life existing there creating an electric field up to 4 times greater than the energy sooner rather than later. that enters the detector. In that [ AP] sense, the gold layer acts like a lens, magnifying the incoming light. But laying down that 50nanometer layer of gold is far easier -- and far cheaper -- than arranging and calibrating millions of tiny lenses. So far the researchers have created an IR sensor twice as sensitive as conventional MCT detectors, but the numbers say NANOSCALE page 76


Science/ Religion/

E-reader News Edition

NASA Identifies Glitch Fouling Voyager 2 Communications (Hint: It Wasn't Aliens) Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 5/18/2010 1:47:29 PM

Voyager On closer inspection, it seems that the Romulans haven't hijacked Voyager 2 after all. NASA has identified the problem that caused the space probe -- which is currently coasting somewhere 8 to 10 billion miles from Earth -- to start returning distorted patterns of data last month. Evidently a single memory bit in the memory of an onboard computer flipped from a zero to a one, a problem the space agency intends to fix tomorrow. The strange, jumbled science data that began coming back from Voyager 2 on April 22 temporarily stumped mission

managers, leading to a wave of speculation as to what could be happening to the probe, which along with its counterpart Voyager 1 is the most distant human made object in space. Among the more popular theories: Voyager 2 was

NANOSCALE continued from page 75

they should be able to create QDIP devices that are 20 times better than the ones we have today. That means better medical imaging and night vision here on Earth, but the really benefits could be high above us. A 20-fold increase in our ability to scan the heavens in infrared could help astronomers see things that are

currently invisible to our best IR telescopes. [ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute]

hijacked by aliens, who in turn were using the spacecraft to try to contact Earth. At the time the problem surfaced, mission handlers switched the probe into a mode that only transmits vehicle health data, so scientists have

lost several weeks' worth of date in the interim. But when NASA flips the bit back tomorrow, the science data should begin streaming once again. The Voyager probes were launched about two weeks apart in 1977. Voyager 2 was initially supposed to make a four-year sojourn to Saturn, but 33 years later it is still beaming back data from the far reaches of the solar system. Data, but no alien transmissions, at least not yet. But just in case it does run into someone out there, Voyager 2 carries a disk with greetings in more than 50 languages. tmatt (GetReligion) [ UPI]

Things may get hot for Miss USA Submitted at 5/18/2010 9:42:30 AM

To tell you the truth, I don’t THINGS page 77

Of jihads, lies and Calvin Bobby (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/18/2010 2:45:17 PM

In my time as religion editor of The Oklahoman, a pastor of a large Baptist church wrote a book condemning Islam. After I reported on the book, I got a tip that the pastor had plagiarized large sections of the text and faked endorsements from syndicated columnist Cal Thomas and evangelist Franklin

Graham. My investigation confirmed that the pastor — who claimed to be a leading expert on Islam — really was not. I’ll never forget the reaction my stories received. Many members of the church did not even try to hide their anger. They wanted a scalp. No, not the pastor’s. Mine. I made the mistake of reporting news that they did not want to

believe. I am reminded of that experience as a potentially major thunderstorm erupts at Liberty University — the institution founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. In a controversy fanned by bloggers and first given non-blogger credence by my friends at Christianity Today, Liberty’s seminary JIHADS, page 78

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THINGS continued from page 76

think there is much to be gained by GetReligion readers if we dwell on the media frenzy surrounding the photos of Rima Fakih dancing in a 2007 poledancing contest sponsored by, a morning show on Channel 955 in Detroit. This update does sound a but ominous, however: Mojo In The Morning producers have been contacted by representatives of Miss Universe requesting more photographs and information regarding Miss USA Rimah Fakih’s involvement in the “Stripper 101” contest. When asked if Fakih’s status as Miss USA was in danger, pageant representatives would not answer. Morning show host Mojo says the controversial photographs were taken from our website where they have been posted for three years. … Then there is the matter of a rather silly video that has turned up, which is drawing commentary about Fakih’s rather modest contribution to its slightly raunchy contents. No, the more interesting element of this story is, of course, the reluctance of some news organizations to openly identify the beauty queen as a Muslim. Most journalists, it seems, were willing to settle for the old “Arab” equals “Muslim” equation. You can see that tension in the opening section of a typical Associated Press

report: NEW YORK — Donald Trump’s Miss USA pageant sure knows how to make headlines. Arab-Americans rejoiced Monday over the crowning of raven-haired beauty Rima Fakih, a 24-year-old Lebanese immigrant from Michigan, calling it a victory for diversity in the United States, especially at a time when Arabs suffer from negative stereotypes in this country — and anti-immigrant sentiment is in the news. Meanwhile, some harsh critics wondered if Trump’s Miss USA organization was trying to send a message, sniping that the victory amounted to “affirmative action,” or implying the first runner-up, Miss Oklahoma USA, suffered unfairly because of an answer she gave supporting Arizona’s new immigration law. All this comes, of course, a year after 2009 runner-up Carrie Prejean and her views on gay marriage dominated the headlines. Suddenly it seemed like the pageant had become a battleground, albeit in bikinis and flesh-baring gowns, for the hot-button political and social issues of the day. … In any case, Arab-Americans were elated by the victory of Fakih, who was born into a powerful Shiite family in southern Lebanon and whose family said they celebrate both

the Muslim and Christian faiths. A later AP report added additional information about this complex family: Local officials said the Fakih family is one of the largest in the village that has a population of about 10,000 people and surrounding areas. As is common among Lebanon’s Shiites, Fakih comes from a large, extended clan that includes everything from supporters of the Islamic militant groups Hezbollah and Amal to secular Shiites and even communists. Meanwhile, other reports simple say that Fakih is from a Shiite Muslim family, although one that appears to have become rather assimilated during its years in America. Rima Fakih attended Catholic schools, for example, but that is not all that uncommon for Muslim children in America or in Europe. It seems, for me, that the most important fact is in this story is that she is a Muslim from Lebanon, with the emphasis on Lebanon — one of the most complex and confusing cultures in the Middle East. The family, and pageant leaders, may be playing up the vaguely interfaith nature of her family as a way of pouring cool water on any controversy that might flare among Muslims about, well, the swimsuit competition, for starters. As you would expect, coverage

of this story has been deeper at the local level. Thus, consider this long section of a Detroit Free Press story published before her victory. It seems to me that all of the crucial details are here: As an Arab American, Fakih’s story contains the tensions and hopes of a metro Detroit community that has been in the spotlight during the last decade as it battles stereotypes from without and within. Given the community’s cultural conservatism, some Arab Americans — in particular, Muslims — aren’t keen on seeing their daughters and sisters participate in beauty pageants that feature public displays of the body. But the virtue of physical beauty in women and men has a long tradition in Arab culture, historians say. And many have enthusiastically supported Fakih, saying she represents the confident face of a new generation of Americans with roots in the Middle East. Several Arab-American and Lebanese organizations in Dearborn have even helped her finance previous pageant competitions in the hope that Fakih will be a positive face for their community. … The cultural tensions were highlighted this week as the Miss USA pageant released photos of all 50 contestants, including Fakih, in sultry poses

on beds wearing lingerie and little else. In her pageant photo, Fakih gazes at the camera, her fishnet stockings held up by a garter belt as her black hair falls across her side. It would be a revealing photo for anyone. But perhaps even more so for Fakih, given that she’s an Arab-American Muslim from Dearborn. And who took the controversial photos? The photographer who shot the provocative images, Fadil Berisha, also happens to be a Muslim and is an immigrant from Albania. He defended the photos, saying that his interpretation of Islam and his culture would allow for such poses. “The bottom line is, art is art,” Berisha told the Free Press. “As long as it’s done tastefully, it’s fine. We’re not here to be priests or imams.” Obviously, to state it mildly, many other Muslims would strongly disagree, both in America and abroad. Stay tuned. You may want to keep your eye on this URL, watching to see if this story receives coverage. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction. THINGS page 78


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JIHADS, continued from page 76

president faces serious questions over his purported background as a youth jihadist who found Jesus. Much of what ex-Muslim Ergun Caner has claimed does not seem to add up. Liberty officials did not act too concerned at first, but launched an investigation after the CT report and other press inquiries. The story has moved from the blog world to the mainstream media, and The Associated Press reported on it Monday: RALEIGH, N.C.— The Southern Baptist minister who leads Liberty University’s seminary made a career as a goto authority on Islam for the evangelical world, selling thousands of books and touring the country as a former Muslim who discovered Jesus Christ. Now Ergun Caner is being investigated by the Lynchburg, Va., university — founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell — over allegations that he fabricated or embellished his past. An unlikely coalition of Muslim and Christian bloggers, pastors and apologists has led the charge with video and audio clips they claim show Caner making contradictory statements. Caner has since changed the biographical information on his

THINGS continued from page 77

website and asked friendly organizations to remove damning clips from their websites, but the questions are not going away. The Raleigh dateline threw me for a second. I had to consult Mapquest to figure out that Lynchburg is 150 miles north of Raleigh. That’s a nugget that the AP should have included in the story if editors felt a dateline was needed. Otherwise, follow AP style and use no dateline on a bylined story where the writer is not at the scene of the action. But overall, AP’s 1,000-word report struck me as good oldfashioned, nuts-and-bolts reporting. The story puts the facts out there and lets them speak for themselves. When the writer does not know something, he makes that clear. For example, these two paragraphs impressed me: In an undated interview on the Christian Broadcasting Network’s website, Caner said: “The only thing I ever learned about Christianity I learned from my imam and the scholars in the mosque. Then when I began to be trained in Madras we heard even more about Christians, that they are our enemies.” It’s not clear if the transcript

should read “madrasas,” a type of religious school for Muslims, or “Madras,” a city in India. Neither makes sense in the context of a 1970s boyhood in central Ohio. Deep in the heart of Southern Baptist country, The Tennessean played its story on the controversy on Page 1 today. Again, it’s a pretty straightforward, factual accounting of the questions facing Caner. I also liked that Godbeat pro Bob Smietana included this paragraph up high: Caner did not respond to requests for an interview. Several Southern Baptist leaders who have supported him in the past, including Land and former Southern Baptist Convention President Paige Patterson, declined interview requests. That paragraph speaks volumes. When Richard Land, who seldom meets a microphone he does not like, refuses to comment, it says something. Kudos to Smietana for recognizing that no-comments often convey as much information as a statement on the record. The Tennessean also quoted sources who remain supportive of Caner, a perspective missing from the AP

story. But the most intriguing report I’ve read on this situation was published Monday by The News & Advance in Lynchburg. Hmmmm, in the Internet age, could it be that there’s still a major role for local newspapers to play? The Lynchburg story did an excellent job of framing the questions that a Liberty investigative panel could explore: Where did Caner grow up — in Ohio or in Turkey? When did he come to the United States — as a teenager as he has said, or at age 4 as his parents’ divorce documents indicate? Did Caner have a nominal Muslim upbringing, or was he raised in Islamic jihad, “trained to do that which was done on 11 September” as he told an audience in Jacksonville, Fla., in November 2001? Did he formally debate scholars of other faiths, including Islam, as his online biography once claimed? Is Caner’s middle name Mehmet, as it’s shown on the cover of books he’s written — or is it Michael, as it’s listed on the concealed-weapons permit he got last year in Lynchburg?

Should he include an honorary degree in his curriculum vitae, which typically is the string of earned degrees that appears after the names of faculty members and administrators in university publications? The other thing that the local story did was raise the possibility — hold on to your socks, GetReligion readers — that a theological dispute played a role in fueling these allegations: The earliest blog posts came from advocates of Calvinism, a strict view of salvation that Caner openly opposed. So, did a fight over Calvinism lead to the questions about Caner’s background? That certainly seems to be a possibility. A fascinating one, too, although if Caner truly has fabricated his background, his theological leanings may not make a lot of difference at this point. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Answering the unasked questions Mollie (GetReligion)

Okay, we’re given another tease just a few paragraphs later: The fight is about more than A r e a d e r s u b m i t t e d t h e money, although that’s a big following Cincinnati Enquirer part of it. It’s also about strong story along with a list of personalities, years of real or questions left unanswered by the p e r c e i v e d s l i g h t s a n d story. But before we get to some d i s a g r e e m e n t o v e r h o w a of those questions, let’s set the shrinking congregation in the stage. Here’s the lede: heart of East Walnut Hills When the Seventh Presbyterian should have gone about the Church closed last fall after 160 business of reinventing itself. years, the congregation created a Just keep that in mind for a bit. $2 million “legacy fund” to Much later, the story gives us carry on the church’s support of many more details about the soup kitchens, shelters and other battle — the Presbytery of programs for the needy. Cincinnati is trying to get the The goal was to continue the legacy fund while the former g o o d w o r k s o f o n e o f members say church law is on Cincinnati’s most historic their side. churches long after its doors Here’s another line that led to a c l o s e d a n d i t s m e m b e r s question: scattered to new places of Seventh Presbyterian had about worship. 700 members at the start of the But instead of paying tribute to decade, but those numbers had how the church lived, the legacy fallen to 60 by last year. fund is a reminder of how it As the person who submitted died. the story said, “That’s a It’s a great idea for a story, an c a l a m i t o u s d r o p b y a n y opportunity to explore some of measure, but it’s not explored.” t h e l a r g e r q u e s t i o n s o f I also learned that it wasn’t true. denominational life and process. This denominational media But we’ve already hit our first outlet said, “According to question: Which Presbyterian PCUSA Research Services stats, c h u r c h b o d y i s S e v e n t h membership dropped from a f f i l i a t e d w i t h ? W e c a n nearly 120 in 1998 to 60 in probably rule o u t 2008.” Still a big drop but losing “independent,” considering the 60 members in ten years is church’s name. But we don’t d i f f e r e n t t h a n l o s i n g 6 4 0 find out — at any point — that members in eight or nine years. the church was part of the The story explains that the Presbyterian Church (USA). congregation decided to find a Submitted at 5/18/2010 12:38:41 PM

permanent pastor who could help them dramatically change their future. They hired a headhunter and found a minister who specializes in helping congregations in similar situations. The section of the story detailing that search is pretty interesting. The congregation ended up calling the Rev. Ian Lamont: But the presbytery’s committee on ministry disagreed. Committee members didn’t think he was a good theological match for the congregation and found his strong personality “unyielding.” Some church members felt Lamont, who could not be reached for comment, was targeted because he was considered too conservative by a more liberal presbytery. Whatever the reasons, the committee’s rejection of Lamont meant Seventh Presbyterian could not hire the man its members had spent a year trying to find. What does that mean — “too conservative by a more liberal presbytery”? Too conservative on what? What are the doctrinal issues in play? And throughout the story there are references from congregants to perceived poor treatment from the presbytery. I want more than a summary statement about “strong personalities, years of real or perceived slights

and disagreement over how a shrinking congregation in the heart of East Walnut Hills should have gone about the business of reinventing itself.” I want to know what the particular disagreements were. If you want more information, you might try reading from that piece linked to above. It comes from the Presbyterian Layman. They give the whole blow-byblow and here’s a sample: Lamont only had “preliminary” interviews with members of the [presbytery’s commission on ministry] and when he met with [General Presbyter Jim] DiEgidio, the questioning centered on the issues of women’s ordination and homosexuality, he said. Making no apologies for his conservative stance, Lamont said his answer to those questions were that he would uphold the constitution of the PCUSA and the Confessions. And there’s much more detail and information. Again, this Cincy Enquirer story is a great idea. But just a bit more exploration of the underlying issues would go a long way. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Kagan: Don’t ask, don’t tell Brad A. Greenberg (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/19/2010 7:00:04 AM

Talk about don’t ask, don’t tell. Pretty much the moment Elena Kagan was nominated by President Obama to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the questions started swirling. Few online seemed all that concerned with her politics or her understanding of constitutional law. “Elena Kagan husband” became a major Google trend, and it seemed a lot of people just wanted to know why Kagan, at the age of 50, was still single. Could it be that Kagan would be not only the high court’s third female member but it’s first lesbian? As the AP said yesterday, in a lede that was most unkind to Jenny Finch et al.: She plays softball. Huge hint, right? She’s 50, single and has a short haircut. Yup, definitely a lesbian. The real question, though, is whether it matters. If it doesn’t, why do we care. And if it does, why are media outlets doing so much beating around the bush? KAGAN: page 80


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KAGAN: continued from page 79

More from the AP, in a story that goes on to recount other political gay rumors: It’s a sign that, in a nation where gayness is as mainstream as ever, sexual orientation is still a delicate topic for anyone in America, across the spectrum of beliefs and politics. “Even the leadership of the Democratic party is still uncomfortable handling the issue,” says Kenneth Sherrill, a political scientist at New York’s Hunter College who specializes in the politics of gay and lesbian rights. “They don’t know how to handle the question with a ‘So what if she is?’” And should we even be asking, anyway? That last question is a bit shocking. Journalists ask inappropriate questions all the time — in fact, it’s one of the best workplace benefits. Rarely do journalists filter these questions based on whether or not they are even relevant, let alone appropriate. “In a free society in the 21st century, it is not illegitimate to ask,” wrote Andrew Sullivan, a

gay blogger for The Atlantic. “And it is cowardly not to tell. Sullivan has been beating this drum awfully hard. A column he wrote the Times of London, demanded in the headline: “ Answer the lesbian question, Ms Legal Eagle.” And Jim Rainey, who I was a bit hard on last week, reminded us that similar rumors swirled about David Souter when he was nominated to the court in the ’80s. It’s been two decades since the mainstream media gave Souter a relatively muted once-over, airing and then rejecting rumors that the New Hampshire judge was gay. Over the last week, Kagan has been living the fullvolume sequel as the Internet, cable TV and tabloids insist she is either a lesbian or an inexplicably single 50-year-old, which to some seems to be the same thing. Distinctly missing from the recent Kagan baiting — filled with patter about her short hair, tendency toward plaids and apparent affinity for (Great Sappho’s Ghost!) softball — has been any actual evidence that she is a lesbian and, more

important, any good reason to think that her sexual orientation is crucial to the kind of justice she would be. Most newspapers, wire services and television networks somehow have resisted the temptation (yes, with the exception of media criticism like this) of joining in this feeding frenzy. Big mainstream news organizations simply don’t see news here. They have taken a nearly unanimous pass on the story so far. In exercising something called news judgment — so passé to bloggers and others who only nominally occupy the same profession — the traditional media make some calculations many of the newcomers don’t. They try to decide not just what’s rumored, but what’s true; not just what’s interesting, but what’s important; not just what the audience wants, but what it needs. I like Rainey’s argument. It’s sober media criticism. But I have to disagree with him. This is a story — and not just a story about how it’s not a story, or a story about how lesser

journalists are rumormongering. It’s a story because it is very, very, very likely that the Supreme Court will soon hear challenges to laws like California’s Prop. 8, and will most certainly hear many gay rights cases over the time Kagan, who could easily serve 30 to 40 years on the court, sits on it. Regardless of whether you think a gay or lesbian perspective on the bench would be a good thing or a bad thing or a nothing— after all, most of the landmark decisions giving equal rights to African Americans were issued before the court got its first black justice — it is something that major media outlets should be asking about. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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Android and iPhone OS Pave The Way For Huge Smartphone Growth [STATS] Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

amazing 49% in the first three months of 2010. “In the first Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:25:53 AM quarter of 2010, smartphone Research and advisory sales to end users saw their company Gartner has released strongest year-on-year increase its analysis of worldwide mobile since 2006,” said Carolina phone sales for the first quarter Milanesi, research vice of 2010 and when it comes to president at Gartner. “This smartphones, the numbers look growth is a huge opportunity for really good for Apple and Symbian is still the top dog, but well-positioned players such as Google. Microsoft, on the other its share of the market declined Google and Apple; Nokia and hand, might want to reevaluate from 48.8% to 44.3% in one Microsoft will have to improve its strategy for the Windows year. RIM is number two with a their smartphone offerings soon Phone 7, the success of which small drop in market share, but in order to stay relevant. might determine the company’s the way things are going, it See Gartner’s entire report here. fate in the smartphone market. might be surpassed by Apple’s For more mobile coverage, According to Gartner, which iPhone OS in less than a year. follow Mashable Mobile on measures smartphone sales to Looking at the entire mobile Twitter or become a fan on consumers, Google’s Android devices market, smartphones are Facebook has surged to fourth place still a relatively small blip on Reviews: Facebook, Google, overall (see table below), the radar. Nokia dominates, Twitter growing from 1.6% to 9.6% having shipped 110 million Tags: android, apple, market share in a year. Apple’s units in Q1 2010 and holding blackberry, Google, iphone os, iPhone OS is in third place with 3 5 % o f t h e m a r k e t ; b y M o b i l e 2 . 0 , N o k i a , R I M , 15.4% in Q1 2010, also a comparison, Apple’s sale of 8.3 s m a r t p h o n e s , S y m b i a n healthy increase from the 10.5% million devices and 2.7% share it had in the first quarter of market share seems puny. Still, the smartphone grew an 2009.


GM Challenges Ford With Android Integration in the Volt [VIDEO] Jolie O'Dell (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/19/2010 12:44:48 AM

We blog a lot about Ford around here, mostly because they’ve done a stellar job of integrating social media both into their marketing campaigns and into their vehicles. But as of today, there’s a new sheriff in town: Chevrolet. With the Volt, Chevrolet’s new electric vehicle, the company is rolling out an excellent integration with the Android OS and OnStar that will allow for voice-activated features and mobile-to-car communication. Chevrolet added a navigation tab to its Volt mobile app for Android. From this tab, Volt owners will be able to see both their personal location and their car’s location in Google Maps. Maps is also used for voiceactivated searches on the Android devices that then feed data to OnStar. Here’s a demo of the new features: We’re not sure when some these new features will be available, but at launch the Volt will include the ability to receive SMS messages for car battery charging notifications, remotely start the vehicle and

more. The current OnStar mobile app is functional on the Droid and BlackBerry Storm. Volt Marketing Director Tony DiSalle said in a statement that the new Android-integrated features “add to the suite of mobile application features for Volt that gives Volt owners a personal connection to their car.” So, does the Volt’s mobile integration make the Fiesta’s voice-activated Pandora and Twitter capabilities look like parlor tricks? Or do you think Chevrolet still has a lot to do to catch up with Ford in the webbased technology area? For more technology coverage, follow Mashable Tech on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Android, Facebook, Google Maps, Twitter Tags: android, chevrolet, ford, volt


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Pakistan Blocks Facebook Over Caricatures of Prophet Muhammad

Prince of Persia Comes to iPhone, Retro-Style

Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

Submitted at 5/19/2010 8:41:06 AM

A Pakistani court has ordered the authorities to temporarily block Facebook due to a contest that calls for caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. The court order follows a petition by a group called the Islamic Lawyers’ Movement, which complained that the contest was “blasphemous.” A search on Facebook reveals two sites featuring such caricatures: one supporting Kurt Westergaard, the Danish cartoonist who created the caricature of the Prophet, published in Danish newspapers in 2005. The other group is openly calling for caricatures of

Prophet Muhammad, claiming in the group descriptions that it has noble intent. From the description: “This group is for everyone, regardless of nationality, political or religious believes, who believe in and want to defend freedom of speech and the foundation of democracy wherever it is being threatened in the world!” In the photo section of the group, one can indeed find several caricatures of the Prophet

Muhammad. Facebook is to remained blocked in Pakistan until May 31. Justice Ejaz Ahmed Chaudhry of the Lahore High Court ordered the department of communications to submit a written reply to the Islamic Lawyers’ Movement petition by that date. In 2008, Pakistan blocked YouTube, also because of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that found their way onto the video-sharing site. For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Facebook, Twitter Tags: ban, facebook, Pakistan, social networking

Submitted at 5/19/2010 4:03:31 AM

Right now, the words “Prince of Persia” probably make you think of Chesty Jake Gyllenhaal jumping from building to building. The video game the movie is based on, however, is a remake of an ancient platformstyle game under the same name, released for Apple II and later ported to PC and other platforms. The original game now seems to be coming to the iPhone, under the name Prince of Persia Retro. The interesting thing about it? It’s one of the best games of all time. Back in 1989, when the game was first released, it boasted amazing animation, mindboggling puzzles, addictive gameplay and an incredibly eerie atmosphere. It was also quite hard: one wrong step and

you were severed in two or killed in some other gruesome way by one of the many traps sprinkled around the Sultan’s palace, in which the game is set. The game was due to be released by Ubisoft on 4/29/2010, but it’s still not available in the app store. Hopefully, it’ll appear there soon. For more Apple coverage, follow Mashable Apple on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Facebook, Twitter Tags: apple, iphone, Prince of Persia

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Another Apple Leak: iPod Touch with 2-Megapixel Camera [VIDEO] Stan Schroeder (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/19/2010 6:37:26 AM

Apple’s impenetrable information fortress is crumbling. After several iPhone 4G leaks, another major update to one of its products has made its way to the public before Apple’s official announcement: an iPod touch with a camera.— the same Vietnamese site that brought us a hands-on of an iPhone 4G prototype— now has a device that seems to be an iPod touch prototype. It’s manufactured by Foxconn, with 64GB of memory and a 2-megapixel camera. It also seems to be running some sort of testing software or a diagnostic utility. Check out a video of the device below. It is unclear whether this device is an older prototype that never made it to the market, or

something entirely new; either way, we’re quite certain that Apple never intended for it to be revealed like this. Either Apple’s secret police is not working as well as it did before, or maybe it’s just getting harder for everyone to keep information private in the age of Facebook and Twitter. For more Apple coverage, follow Mashable Apple on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Facebook, Twitter Tags: apple, iPod Touch, trending


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