Liberty Newspost May-25-10

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E-reader News Edition

- 25/05/10

Oil-soaked sand along Gulf Coast raises memories of Exxon Valdez Deborah Zabarenko (Front Row Washington)

and experts are nearby, the Arctic Ocean is a hostile place for oil and gas exploration. The Submitted at 5/24/2010 12:18:01 PM Arctic leaders made their A handful of oily sand grabbed pilgrimage to the Gulf Coast as from a Louisiana wetland part of a campaign to block brought back some strong planned exploratory drilling by memories for Earl Kingik. As a Shell Oil in the Chukchi and traditional hunter and whaler in Beaufort Seas. Alaska's Arctic, it reminded him "What I saw was devastating out of the Exxon Valdez spill. As he there," Martha Falk, the tribal and other tribal leaders toured council treasurer of the Inupiat the U.S. Gulf Coast for signs of Community of the Arctic Slope the BP oil spill, they worried in Alaska, said after the Gulf that what's happening now in Coast tour by seaplane, boat and Louisiana could happen if on foot. If the same thing offshore drilling proceeds off occurred off Alaska, she said, the Alaskan coast. "We would have to wait days "There's no way to clean up an and days and days for (cleanup) oil spill in the Arctic," said equipment to reach our area." K i n g i k , a n I n u p i a t t r i b a l The planned start of Alaska member from Point Hope, o f f s h o r e d r i l l i n g i n J u l y Alaska. Compared to Louisiana, coincides with the spring hunt of where the waters are relatively the bowhead whale, a central calm and cleanup equipment event in the Inupiat culture, Falk

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said. "The natural smell of the ocean was non-existent" along the Gulf Coast, said Rosemary Ahtuangaruak, an Inupiat from Nuiqsut, a tiny Alaskan village near the Beaufort Sea. She was brought close to tears as she recalled the faces of the Gulf residents she saw on the tour. "It is a strong burden that I'll carry

with me the rest of my life." The Arctic native people headed for Washington DC after their Gulf Coast tour to plead their case with members of Congress and Obama administration officials. The three members of the Alaskan congressional delegation generally favor offshore drilling as a way to ensure jobs and the

continued operation of the Trans -Alaska pipeline. As a former mayor of her village, Rosemary Ahtuangaruak admits it's a tough balancing act to juggle the oil industry's potential impact on tribal culture with the creation of jobs for tribe members. Environmental activists and members of Congress wrote to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar urging him to suspend Shell's drilling plans in the Arctic Ocean, which includes the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. Salazar and others have said no new drilling will be approved until May 28, when a report on the BP spill is due. Photo credits: Roger Herr via Alaska Wilderness League (along the U.S. Gulf Coast, May 18, 2010)


Headline/ Business/ Politics/

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No magic solution for oil spill, elbowing BP won’t do any good Tabassum Zakaria (Front Row Washington) Submitted at 5/24/2010 4:58:29 PM

The message from the White House podium today was loud and clear – there is no magic fix for the oil spill that looks like curdled chocolate milk flowing on top of the Gulf of Mexico. And there isn’t much that anyone can do that BP isn’t doing. Can government push BP out of the way if it believes the company is not doing the job? “Well, to push BP out of the way would raise a question — to replace them with what?” Admiral Thad Allen of the Coast Guard, the administration’s response chief for the disaster, asked back. Was there any thought given to bringing in another oil company to fix the mess? “When I have the CEO of a large petroleum company and oil drilling company tell me they would be following the same sequence of events, that tells me there wouldn’t be anything to be gained by doing that,” Allen said at the White House press briefing. (He wouldn’t identify

How They Did It (Part Four) Jonathan Cohn (The New Republic - All Feed)

the company). “And what they (BP) are doing is largely in line with industry standards. It’s just made immensely — exponentially more difficult at 5,000 feet,” Allen said. “Given the operations as we understand them now and the lines of effort that are being accomplished by BP, there’s no reason to make a change,” he said, when pressed again. “It is very difficult. It’s 5,000 feet below the surface, and it’s never been done before,” Allen said.

Some people are probably wondering why not ring up Exxon? They’ve got experience cleaning up oil spills. Well, my colleague who follows such issues points out that the Exxon Valdez spill was vastly different because it was a tanker, and oil was not spewing from 5,000 feet below the water surface. (For comparison, the Empire State Building in New York is 1,250 feet tall, so that means the oil is gushing from a place that is the length of four Empire State Buildings below the surface.) People have long memories and do mix up the spills. “We may lose our pelicans as a result of Exxon — I’m sorry, not Exxon – BP. I get my feelings on oil companies kind of co-mingled,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said in a Senate floor speech castigating oil companies for spending little on safety and cleanup technology. Photo credit: Reuters/Sean Gardner (ribbon of oil on surface of Gulf of Mexico)

Before the Bell: Futures Drop Sharply; Dow Could Lose 10,000 Level Melly Alazraki (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:25:00 AM

Filed under: Before the Bell, International Markets, Market Matters, AutoZone Inc (AZO), BP p.l.c. ADS (BP), Economic Data, Housing, Financial Crisis U.S. stocks market futures fell sharply again Tuesday morning, around 2.5% for the major indices' futures, indicating stocks are set for a big selloff that will take the Dow Jones Industrial Average index back below the 10,000 level. Already nearing 9-month lows, markets were set to begin the session lower as a combination of North Korea military action threats against the South and more Spanish banks woes further shook investors' confidence. South Korean monitors said that Kim Jong Il last week ordered the military to get ready for combat. South Korean officials could not immediately confirm the report and the Defense Ministry and the Joint Chiefs of Staff said they have not obtained any signs suggesting unusual activity by

North Korea's military. But that was enough to send South Korea's market down 2.8%. Other Asian markets followed suit with Japan's Nikkei 225 stock average shedding 3.1%, Hong Kong's Hang Seng index falling 3.3%, and other markets dropping 2%-3% or more. Continue reading Before the Bell: Futures Drop Sharply; Dow Could Lose 10,000 Level Before the Bell: Futures Drop Sharply; Dow Could Lose 10,000 Level originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 25 May 2010 08:25:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments South Korea- Hong KongNorth Korea- Joint Chiefs of Staff- Dow Jones Industrial Average

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Political Polling Becomes Alarmingly Inaccurate as More Households Give Up Landlines Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

inaccurate. Silver says it's "somewhat rare" for pollsters to weight their polls "by Submitted at 5/24/2010 10:52:15 PM characterists like urban/rural Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight, location or marital status, which the master statistician who are predictive of both cellphone predicted the outcome of the usage and political beliefs." 2008 election down to the Even if this weighting is smallest detail (and who assumed to be reasonable, which famously said politics is a far it may not be, the response rates easier realm for statisticians for cellphone-only households than baseball, his usual are often so small that weighting stomping grounds), has a really them appropriately results in interesting piece examining the huge margins of error. problems with cellphone-only It's a tough situation for households and that effect on pollsters. Calling cellphones is political polls. expensive and difficult, with The rise in cellphone-only drastically lower response rates households isn't a new thing, but even for those who can afford it. i t ' s a l s o i n c r e a s i n g i n -24--probably since much of estimates could "be in the high Robodialers are illegal. And percentage. Half of Americans that demographic is either living 20s" by the November midterm there's no easy solution-election, is often between the ages of 25 and 30 in a college dorm or at home.) robotexts are likely to be heavily Polling cellphones is expensive, underrepresented in polls. Silver are cellphone-only, and tworestricted as well, and even thirds are cellphone-mostly often prohibitively so, for describes this demographic m o r e c o s t l y f o r b o t h t h e (meaning they may have a pollsters. The cost is around t h u s l y : C e l l p h o n e - o n l y p o l l s t e r s a n d t h e p o l l e d . landline for more expensive twice as high as it is to call households are different from Silver suggests altering uses like long distance calling, landlines, so while many of the t h e i r l a n d l i n e - u s i n g weighting techniques to focus b u t m a y n o t e v e r a n s w e r bigger organizations (Gallup, counterparts. They tend to be on the "non-traditional" criteria incoming calls). Even worse, Pew, CBS/NYT, Quinnipiac) do younger, poorer, more urban, l i k e " u r b a n / r u r a l s t a t u s , sub-30-year-old Americans are call cellphones, the smaller less white, and more Internet- technology usage, or perhaps more accustomed to screening pollsters often have to merely s a v v y . A l l o f t h e s e even media consumption habits" calls than any other generation, w e i g h t m o r e h e a v i l y t h e characteristics are correlated instead. But there's no easy m a k i n g i t t o u g h e r f o r a n demographics they assume with political viewpoints and solution. We just have to unknown pollster to get through. cellphone users correspond to. voting behavior. remember that these polls may But some of the weighting used (Interestingly, the percent of And that's a problem. be inherently troubling, S o t h e c e l l p h o n e - o n l y by pollsters that have inadequate landline-using households are statistically speaking. slightly higher for those aged 18 demographic, which Silver cellphone polling results are

Asian CDS Widen On War Fears Gregory White (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:22:12 AM

Market worries over the Spanish banking crisis and the crisis on the Korean Peninsula are reflected not just in crumbling indices today, but also in CDS prices on corporate and sovereign debt. Spanish banks, and the Spanish government, are at the center of the European storm. From CMA Datavision: Escalating tensions between North and South Korea are reflected across Asian sovereigns. From CMA Datavision: Join the conversation about this story Âť


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Oil Soaks La. Shores, Gulf Officially a Fisheries Disaster, BP Keeps Using Dispersants Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:38:11 AM

A month after oil started gushing from BP's ruptured Gulf well, we're officially witnessing a fishery disaster, BP refuses to use less toxic chemical dispersants, and oil is sinking into Louisiana's shores--with horrifying results. CNN reports that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has closed almost 20% of all commercial and recreational fisheries as a result of the spill, and now U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke has declared a fisheries disaster in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama--a move that lets the federal government send in extra resources to help with cleanup. No word on how much cash will be offered or when the government plans to provide funds. In the meantime, oil is still gushing into the Gulf unabated, and BP continues to try every far-fetched solution it can think of. Next up is the "Top Kill"

approach, which involves pumping drilling mud into the leaking pipe and sealing it with cement. BP estimates that the approach, expected to start on Wednesday, has a 60% to 70% chance of success--but we'll only be satisifed when we see this thing work. If the Top Kill approach fails, don't be surprised if the federal government steps in. BP may be racing to plug the

leak, but the tarnished oil giant doesn't seem to care about the environmental impact of the spill. The EPA ordered BP to scale back on the amount of Corexit(a toxic chemical dispersant) it uses in the spill, but BP refuses. In a statement, EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson expressed her concerns: "We are still deeply concerned about the things we don’t know. The long-term effects on aquatic

the spill sites, crowdsourcing will hopefully ensure that every little detail of this disaster is recorded. The Oil Reporter iPhone app called allows users to record audio and video of the spill and provide info on emergency situations. Urgent submissions go straight to CrisisCommons, an organization working to crowdsource disaster response. On the morbid side of things, gambling website is taking bets on spill-related extinctions. The New York Times reports that Kemp's ridley turtle looks msot likely to go first, while species like the the gulf sturgeon, smalltooth sawfish and elkhorn life are still unknown and we cora are less likely to disappear. m u s t m a k e s u r e t h a t t h e PaddyPower seems to be flip dispersants that are used are as about the whole thing, but the non- toxic as possible." So why site serves as a startling wake-up won't BP let up? Dispersants call--yes, this spill might be so keep oil away from the ocean bad that entire species die out as surface--and away from the a result. prying eyes of the public. As Read more about the Gulf Oil these images from the Big Spill Picture demonstrate, that effort Ariel Schwartz can be reached at secrecy isn't exactly working. on Twitter or by e-mail. But while reporters are having a difficult time gaining access to

Morning Edition: Yahoo gets social abroad (CNET Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:30:32 AM

MasterCard opens up to

software and app developers, the most masculine TV we've ever seen, and Yahoo acquires an Indonesian location-based social

network. 1 minute 23 seconds May 25, 2010 6:30 AM PDT Five Filters featured article:

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full

Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Business/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Flash 10.1 Seriously Slows Down Google Nexus One in Speed Tests Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

Flash games and video on a mobile device. Simply put, Flash looks like it's Submitted at 5/25/2010 2:12:16 AM a major drag on speed. When [youtube PtGCaKyd_co] Google introduced Android 2.2 The infant version of Google's at last week's Google I/O event, Android mobile OS, 2.2 Froyo, they bragged about its incredible is just rolling out to a single speed, and it looks like they device (the Google Nexus One) weren't lying--the Nexus One now. You can check out more in handily beats both the iPhone -depth impressions here, but and HD2 in page loading time. perhaps the most buzzed-about However, that's only with Flash feature is the integration of uninstalled. Adobe Flash 10.1. Android can With Flash installed, the iPhone now do it, iPhone still can't-- smokes the Nexus One, with the that's the refrain from the HD2 just about on par with the antiPhone crowd. But these Flash-enabled Nexus. Even speed tests, conducted by worse, Flash doesn't seem to PocketNow, show that you have all the bugs ironed out-might not want Flash. At least performance isn't just slow to not yet. load, but is very choppy while These tests aren't particularly scrolling and often buggy. Sure, scientific, but they're thorough Flash-enabled ads show up more enough to give a pretty good accurately, with animations idea of real-world performance intact, but is that worth what of Android 2.2 with and without seems to be a huge sacrifice in Flash. PocketNow compares a usability? Nexus One with Android 2.2, an To be fair, Flash games seem to Apple iPhone running OS 4.0 load really nicely (I love the beta, and an HTC HD2 running long-press-to-go-fullscreen Windows Mobile 6.5 (using interface) and video is mostly Opera Mini). The results are a intact (though whether Hulu little bit upsetting, at least for works is a toss-up on any given those who were excited about day). And it's great that Flash is

a separate app, rather than built in to Android itself. That means Adobe can issue updates without having to wait for a full OS update, which is especially nice since it seems like they need to send one out as soon as possible. It also means you can easily uninstall it if you would rather have speed than flashy ads, games, or video. The interesting question here is, "Was Steve Jobs right about Flash?" Granted, 10.1 is a beta, but Adobe has been bragging that Flash works great on a mobile device, and 10.1 hasn't proved that so far. Is it worth the performance hit to have more accurately rendered websites? If Flash can't iron out the bugs, I have a feeling that users will only install it temporarily when they want to watch a video or play a game--it's too harmful to stay unmonitored otherwise. Dan Nosowitz, the author of this post, can be followed on Twitter, corresponded with via email, and stalked in San Francisco (no link for that one-you'll have to do the legwork yourself).

How To Survive Videos (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed) Submitted at 5/24/2010 1:00:00 PM

(more info)

Five Filters featured article: tools: PDF Newspaper, Full The Art of Looking Prime Text RSS, Term Extraction. Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available


Options Update: MSCI Spain Index ETF Volatility Elevated into Market Weakness Paul Foster (BloggingStocks)

partners Anadarko Petroleum ( APC) and Mitsui. Crude oil futures are recently down 3.75% Filed under: BP p.l.c. ADS t o $ 6 7 . 5 8 a c c o r d i n g t o ( B P ) , O p t i o n s , A n a d a r k o Bloomberg. June option implied Petroleum (APC), Transocean volatility is at 79, August is at Ltd. (RIG) MSCI Spain Index 65; above its 26-week average ETF ( EWP) closed at $33.07. of 39 according to Track Data, The IBEX 35 Index is recently s u g g e s t i n g l a r g e r p r i c e down 4.12%. The euro fell to its m o v e m e n t . lowest level against the yen Update is by Stock Specialist since November 2001 on P a u l F o s t e r o f concerns about the Spanish t h e f l y o n t h e w a l l . c o m banking system. EWP over all Options Update: MSCI Spain option implied volatility of 50 is Index ETF Volatility Elevated above its 26-week average of 32 into Market Weakness originally a c c o r d i n g t o T r a c k D a t a , appeared on BloggingStocks on s u g g e s t i n g l a r g e r p r i c e Tue, 25 May 2010 09:00:00 movement. EST. Please see our terms for Transocean ( RIG) closed at use of feeds. Permalink| Email $53.96. The April 20th Gulf of this| Comments Mexico explosion that led to a Transocean- BP- Gulf of deepwater rig sinking and the Mexico- Anadarko Petroleum spilling of oil is operated by Corporation- Business RIG in a field 65% owned BP PLC ( BP) with minority Submitted at 5/25/2010 9:00:00 AM


Business/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

HP Taiwan Exec Confirms the HP Slate Will Pack Palm WebOS Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

effective on a larger screen. Of course, HP has a lot of work ahead of them--if they simply Submitted at 5/25/2010 7:31:44 AM slap WebOS on the Slate, they'll HP's Slate has had an awfully have a pretty disappointing turbulent history for a product product on their hands. As much that's never seen a retail release. as some people trashed Apple First shown off at CES to great for merely recycling the iPhone fanfare by none other than OS for the iPad, in fact they did Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, quite a bit of work to the tablet garnered huge support accommodate the bigger screen: as the anti-iPad. USB ports? An ebookstore and ebookFlash? Multitasking? PC-level reading app, new partnerships power? Expandable memory? with magazine and newspaper The HP Slate had it all, and the content providers, and efforts iPad didn't. For those who with app developers to ensure thought the iPad little more than The site,, gave the hoped, HP has swapped out the App Store would be properly a magnified iPod Touch, the Slate a once-over and found it Windows 7 for their newly flooded with appropriate iPad Slate seemed like just what incredibly lacking. The build acquired mobile OS, Palm's apps. Palm and HP can make they'd been wanting. quality, interface, and load times W e b O S . A s s o o n a s H P those steps, but they'll need to But it wasn't to be, at least not were all judged to be lacking, acquired Palm, the rumors of a work at it. A WebOS tablet in that form. Though its desktop and we all realized what the WebOS tablet started, for good could offer a serious challenge OS and netbook guts made it Windows-7-running Slate really reason: WebOS is a great, to the iPad. more powerful than the more was: a keyboard-less netbook. underrated OS, more polished Dan Nosowitz, the author of smartphone-like iPad, that Ten days later, HP was reported than Android and more flexible this post, can be followed on power came at the cost of to have axed the project. than iPhone, and it's particularly Twitter, corresponded with via b a t t e r y l i f e . A n d t h e n , Now, according to DigiTimes, suited for tablets. For example, email, and stalked in San improbably, a Mexican gadget a n H P T a i w a n e x e c u t i v e its "card" multitasking system Francisco (no link for that one-site I'd never heard of got their confirmed that the Slate is alive relies on thumbnails of apps, you'll have to do the legwork hands on what appeared to be a and well, and that, like we all which would be extremely yourself). finished prototype of the Slate.

Investors Go Nuts For The Yen, Which Surges Near Flash Crash Highs Joe Weisenthal (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:41:15 AM

Here's more evidence of the rationality of "flash crash" prices. Remember this wild chart? FinViz: It's the Yen on the day of May 6, when markets melted down, and algorithms snapped up the yen as part of an insta-flight to safety. Well, here we are this morning. Not the return to old highs. Join the conversation about this story Âť

Asian CDS Widen On War Fears Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:22:12 AM

Market worries over the Spanish banking crisis and the

crisis on the Korean Peninsula are reflected not just in crumbling indices today, but also in CDS prices on corporate and sovereign debt. Spanish banks, and the Spanish

government, are at the center of

the European storm. From CMA Datavision: Escalating tensions between North and South Korea are reflected across Asian sovereigns.

From CMA Datavision: Join the conversation about this story Âť


E-reader News Edition


Intel Introduces Core Processors for Ultrathin Laptops: Get Ready for a Super-Fast MacBook Air Dan Nosowitz (Fast Company)

reduction in thickness. Yet Intel promises they're as powerful as the larger, more energy-sucking Submitted at 5/25/2010 3:55:41 AM Core chips. They retain the Intel yesterday announced a fancy-sounding and utterly new line of processors dubbed incomprehensible Turbo Boost Ultra-Low Voltage Core. Technology and HyperEssentially, these are lower- Threading Technology (just voltage versions of the Core i3, kidding--those two techs are i5, and i7 processors that are mostly designed for better currently the top of the heap for r e s o u r c e a l l o c a t i o n a n d mobile power. Apple's very m u l t i t a s k i n g ) . recently refreshed MacBooks The chips are also packing HD use those, as do HP's Envy video decoding, which should laptops. allow for pretty decent video The new ULV Core chips are and audio playback--often an something a bit different, achilles heel of low-power however. They're promised to chips. reduce battery use by 15%, as But these processors aren't like w e l l a s o f f e r i n g a 1 5 % other low-power chips, mostly i m p r o v e m e n t i n p o w e r because they're not particularly efficiency and allow for a 30% low-power--you won't find them

pretty boys of the laptop world, will be able to secure some legitimate muscle. Intel says the first of these laptops (Acer, Asus, Lenovo, and MSI are specifically mentioned as partners) will be available in June, which if my math is correct is barely a week away. This is exciting--let's just hope the new ULV Core chips are everything Intel says they are. Dan Nosowitz, the author of this post, can be followed on in cheapie netbooks alongside Expensive chips for expensive Twitter, corresponded with via Intel's Atom processor. Instead, laptops, that's what I always say. email, and stalked in San these ULV Core chips are But it also means that ULV Francisco (no link for that one-headed to ultrathin laptops like laptops like the Air and Adamo you'll have to do the legwork Apple's MacBook Air and Dell's XPS, which are typically the yourself). insane-looking Adamo XPS. underpowered, underperforming Receives Upgrade: Should Investors Buy? Steven Mallas (BloggingStocks)

52-week high is $273.93. The stock closed on Monday at $193.14, up just about 1% for Submitted at 5/25/2010 9:30:00 AM the day. Filed under: Analyst Upgrades The big brand of online travel, and Downgrades, Internet, which competes with Expedia ( E x p e d i a I n c ( E X P E ) EXPE), received an upgrade ( PCLN) has a 52- Monday. Soleil Securities took week range indicative of some its rating of the company from $230 at the same time. It's very interesting price action. hold to buy; however, the price always odd when that happens, The 52-week low is $98.51. The target was lowered from $250 to but the important take-away

here is the rating firm's belief in potential upside from current prices. Continue reading Receives Upgrade: Should Investors Buy? Receives Upgrade: Should Investors Buy? originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 25 May 2010 09:30:00 EST. Please see

our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments Expedia- Priceline.comBusiness- Investing- Day trading



E-reader News Edition

Facebook To Roll Out Simplified Privacy Settings Tomorrow

Newmont Mining: Choppy Uptrend

Nicholas Carlson (Business Insider)

Joseph Lazzaro (BloggingStocks)

Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:24:00 AM

Submitted at 5/24/2010 6:00:00 PM

Facebook will offer users a simpler way to manage their privacy settings starting tomorrow, Facebook exec Chris Cox announced at a conference in New York today. The change comes after weeks of pressure from hordes of media and privacy watchdog organizations. (Some relatively small percentage of Facebook users were upset too.) Complaints targeted Facebook's bloated privacy policy, new products that brought users' data to third party sites, and a change that forces users to delete or make public some previously

Filed under: Newmont Mining (NEM), Stocks to Buy The shares of Newmont Mining Corporation ( NEM), first discussed here on June 3, 2009 at a price of $46.42, continues to move higher, but it's not been a ride for squeamish investors. However, if you can tolerate volatility, Newmont still has the right commodities for globalization's third decade: copper and gold. Look for Newmont to post a 10 -15% revenue gain in 2010, on both higher production and higher average prices for copper

private profile information. See Also: The Facebook Scandals: Drugs, Hacks, And Lots Of Booze Join the conversation about this story » See Also: • The Facebook Scandals: Drugs, Hacks, And Lots Of

Booze • Busted: Facebook Gave Advertisers Names And Ages Of People Who Clicked Ads • Facebook Public Policy Chief Defends Privacy Settings, Says They're Going To Get Simpler

Meg Whitman's bid for California governor Friday was record 700,000 checkins for hurt by ties to Goldman Sachs (board Foursquare, said founder Dennis Crowley member) and stance on immigration.&nbs... at TechCrunch Disprut, tweets Jenny 8.... (Business Insider) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:43:25 AM

Meg Whitman's bid for California governor hurt by ties to Goldman Sachs (board

member) and stance on immigration. No one will be able to outspend her, though! Join the conversation about this story »

(Business Insider) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:41:00 AM

Friday was a record 700,000 checkins for Foursquare, said founder Dennis Crowley at

TechCrunch Disrupt, tweets Jenny 8. Lee. Join the conversation about this story »

and gold. Global demand should support copper prices, and currency market uncertainty (and low, real interest rates) will continue to benefit gold prices. Continue reading Newmont Mining: Choppy Uptrend Newmont Mining: Choppy Uptrend originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Mon, 24 May 2010 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

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Secret X-37B Space Plane Spotted by Amateur Skywatchers ( (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed) Submitted at 5/24/2010 9:31:50 AM

While the U.S. Air Force is mum about the orbital whereabouts of its X-37B mini-space plane, a dedicated band of amateur skywatchers has got its cross-hairs on the spacecraft. The unpiloted X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle 1 was lofted on April 22 atop an Atlas launcher. It is being flown under the auspices of the U.S. Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office. In U.S. military tracking parlance, when the space plane reached orbit it became identified as Catalog Number 36514, 2010-015A, OTV-1 (USA 212). [ Video: X-37B space plane spotted.] From there it entered a cone of silence regarding any on-orbit duties. [ Related: World's largest airship inflated to create monster 'stratellite'] But thanks to a worldwide eyes -on-the-sky network of amateurs, the spacecraft is reportedly in a 39.99 degrees inclination, circling the Earth in an orbit 401 kilometers by 422 kilometers. This data may change slightly as the vehicle's orbit is better refined,

said Greg Roberts of Cape Town, South Africa, a pioneer in using telescopic video cameras to track spacecraft, chalking up exceptional results over the years. The Air Force has not said what the robotic ship is for, but analysts say the X-37B is likely a spy craft and almost surely not a weapon. [ X-37B spacecraft photos.] Absolute confidence Roberts said that those sighting the craft have "absolute confidence" in their observations, claiming no chance of it being anything else. "The fact that we have now seen it several times confirms that the orbit we have is very close to the real orbit -- perhaps an error of a few kilometers or so at most," he told "One of our North American members got a brief view of what was suspected to be the space plane under somewhat difficult circumstances before it was no longer visible in the evening sky from the United States," Roberts said. That single observation was not enough to define the spacecraft's

inclination as the skywatcher used binoculars, Roberts added. Video observers of the sky get "traces" when they record the object of interest, he continued, so it's possible to determine the angle of travel and hence an idea of the inclination. Roberts said the space plane has been observed over the last week by several members and its orbit is properly tied down. "We now face a spell of a week to two weeks when there will be no optical visibility until it becomes a morning object in the southern hemisphere and an evening object in the northern hemisphere." The degree of difficulty in finding the X-37B has been a product of not knowing its inclination and having limited optical visibility due to its low orbiting altitude. Amateur astronomers learn how to spot satellites by tracking spacecraft orbits and finding when they may fly over viewing areas on the ground. "This means it spends most of its time in Earth's shadow during a pass," Roberts said. Also the ship's low inclination and

altitude has meant that tracking has only been possible from mid-latitude, ruling out observations by some of the members of the team unless they are in position at very low elevations. According to Ted Molczan, a leader in the satellite sleuthing business based in Toronto, the X-37B search was moderately challenging. "It was the first launch of its kind, so we had only a rough idea of its altitude, inclination and plane. Its low altitude and inclination put it out of reach of several of our most skilled observers," he told Molczan said his role was estimating the range of possible orbits in which the space plane might be found, which was the basis for the searches. "The object is moderately bright. Based on the limited tracking so far, I estimate that it will reach about magnitude 2.5 when observed at high elevation above the horizon, and well illuminated by the sun. That is similar to the brightest stars of the Big Dipper," Molczan

said. Nighttime fixation What's behind the nighttime fixation on the X-37B? "Well the challenge is finding it without much data to go on," Roberts responded. "If the data were freely available we would probably not have bothered with it. I see little sense in tracking objects for which data is freely available. It's like re-inventing the wheel. So as long as there are missions with little or no information, I personally will be interested in the challenge of finding them." Roberts said that the sky watching group has a pretty good record. "If memory is correct, we have found and are tracking every single object launched in the past five years or more. The only objects we are not able to track are those stationed over areas of the earth where we have no active observers‌mainly the central Pacific Ocean area." Next up on the Roberts "to-do" list is attempting to see if the space plane is emitting any radio signals on the frequency bands that he's able to monitor. SECRET page 12


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SKorea resumes psychological warfare with NKorea (AP) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

with an armistice, not a peace treaty. The North flatly denies SEOUL, South Korea – South involvement and has warned K o r e a b l a r e d p r o p a g a n d a such retaliation would mean broadcasts into North Korea on war. It has threatened to destroy Tuesday after a six-year halt and a n y p r o p a g a n d a f a c i l i t i e s Pyongyang said its troops were i n s t a l l e d a t t h e h e a v i l y bracing for war as tensions m i l i t a r i z e d b o r d e r . spiked on the divided peninsula On Tuesday, the North's over the sinking of a warship. military claimed dozens of One Seoul-based monitoring S o u t h K o r e a n n a v y s h i p s agency reported that North violated the countries' disputed Korea's leader ordered its 1.2 western sea border earlier this million-member military to get month and threatened to take ready for combat after South "practical" military measures in Korea blamed the North for a response, according to the March 26 torpedo strike that official Korean Central News sank the warship Cheonan and Agency. killed 46 sailors. South Korean South Korea's military had no officials could not immediately immediate response other than confirm the report. to say that North Korea The South's restarting of r o u t i n e l y m a k e s s i m i l a r p s y c h o l o g i c a l w a r f a r e accusations. operations — including radio North Korea is already subject broadcasts into the North and t o v a r i o u s U . N . - b a c k e d placing loudspeakers at the sanctions following earlier border to blast out propaganda nuclear and missile tests. The — were among measures the latest steps announced by Seoul government announced Monday w e r e s e e n a s a m o n g t h e to punish Pyongyang. The South strongest it could take short of is also slashing trade and military action. denying permission to North The U.S. has thrown its full Korean cargo ships to pass support behind South Korea's through South Korean waters. moves and they are planning A t e a m o f i n t e r n a t i o n a l two major military exercises off investigators concluded last the Korean peninsula in a week that a torpedo from a display of force intended to North Korean submarine tore deter future aggression by North apart the Cheonan. The sinking Korea, the White House said. was one of the South's worst The U.S. has 28,500 troops in military disasters since the 1950 South Korea. -53 Korean War, which ended South Korea also wants to bring Submitted at 5/25/2010 7:14:35 AM

North Korea before the U.N. Security Council over the sinking. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Monday he expects the council to take action against North Korea, but China — North Korea's main ally and a veto-wielding council member — has so far done little but urge calm on all sides. In Beijing, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said she had "very productive and very detailed" discussions with Chinese officials but could not say if any progress had been made in convincing the Chinese to back U.N. action. "No one is more concerned about peace and stability in this region as the Chinese," she told reporters. "We know this is a shared responsibility, and in the days ahead we will work with the international community and our Chinese colleagues to fashion an effective, appropriate response." Chinese State Counselor Dai Bingguo, speaking at a news conference with Clinton, called for "relevant parties" to "calmly and properly handle the issue and avoid escalation of tension." Russian President Dmitry Medvedev talked with South Korean President Lee Myungbak on Tuesday and said he "understands well" about South Korea's moves and will try to give an "appropriate signal" to North Korea over the sinking, according to Lee's office.

As part of its propaganda offensive, South Korea's military resumed radio broadcasts airing Western music, news and comparisons between the South and North Korean political and economic situation late Monday, according to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The military also planned to launch propaganda leaflets by balloon and other methods on Tuesday night to inform North Koreans about the ship sinking. In coming weeks, South Korea also will install dozens of loudspeakers and towering electronic billboards along the heavily armed land border to send messages urging communist soldiers to defect to the South. The North warned Monday it would fire at any propaganda facilities installed in the Demilitarized Zone. On Tuesday, North Korean state media cited the powerful National Defense Commission as saying the North's soldiers and reservists were bracing to launch a "sacred war" against South Korea. North Korea often issues fiery rhetoric and regularly vows to wage war against South Korea and the U.S. It put its army on high alert following a November sea battle with South Korea near where the Cheonan went down in March. The Koreas also fought bloody maritime skirmishes in the disputed area in 1999 and 2002.

Seoul-based North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity said Tuesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il last week ordered his military to get ready for combat. The group, citing unidentified sources in North Korea, said the order was read by Gen. O Kuk Ryol, a Kim confidant, and broadcast on speakers installed in each house and major public sites throughout the country last Thursday, hours after the multinational report blaming Pyongyang for the sinking was issued in Seoul. The South Korean military said they had no indication of unusual activity by North Korea's military. On Tuesday, the presidential Blue House said officials were reviewing whether South Korea should resume calling North Korea its "main enemy" in formal defense documents for the first time in six years. In downtown Seoul, about 30 conservative activists burned North Korean flags and ripped up photos of Kim Jong Il. ___ Associated Press writers Sangwon Yoon in Seoul and Matthew Lee in Beijing, and AP photographer Jin-man Lee in Seoul contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK SKOREA page 11

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Contrite Facebook CEO promises new privacy controls (Ben Patterson) (Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

controls that will be "much simpler to use" — including an "easy way to turn off all thirdBuffeted by privacy snafus and party services" that can access the lingering fallout from a your account. damning, years-old instant But Zuckerberg wasn't just messaging thread, Facebook a n n o u n c i n g n e w p r i v a c y chief exec Mark Zuckerberg features in Monday's open letter; switched into full-on damage he was also clearly trying to control Monday, confessing that bridge a growing trust gap the sprawling social network between Facebook and its had "missed the mark" when it increasingly suspicious users, comes to its complex privacy especially in light of reports last controls — and pledging to do week that Facebook (among better. other social networks) had been In an open letter published passing along user name and Monday in the Washington IDs to advertisers (including Post(whose chairman, Donald E. Google's DoubleClick and Graham, just so happens to sit Yahoo!'s own Right Media) o n F a c e b o o k ' s b o a r d o f without users' consent. Those directors), Zuckerberg wrote privacy loopholes have since t h a t F a c e b o o k h a s b e e n been plugged, say Facebook, "growing quickly" and admitted MySpace and other social that "sometimes we move too networks. fast." But Zuckerberg is also being "Many of you thought our dogged by an embarrassing IM controls were too complex," thread from when he was a 19Zuckerberg's letter reads. "Our y e a r - o l d H a r v a r d s t u d e n t , intention was to give you lots of bragging that he'd gathered granular controls" — uh, you personal information from can say that again — "but that thousands of users for the may not have been what many nascent of you wanted. We just missed "People just submitted it," the mark." Zuckerberg messaged, "I don't Zuckerberg promised, in know why. They 'trust me.' " c o m i n g w e e k s , " p r i v a c y Dumb [expletive]." (This comes Submitted at 5/24/2010 5:13:25 PM

via Silicon Alley Insider.) Naturally, the indiscreet IM thread has ignited controversy. Some argue that Zuckerberg shouldn't be held accountable for something he'd written when he was still a teenager (all of six years ago, mind you). Others say the remarks illustrate a cavalier attitude toward user privacy. The debate seems to have struck a chord with Zuckerberg, who bent over backward in his letter Monday to emphasize Facebook's "core principles," which include seeking to build a "better world" that's "open and connected." Zuckerberg also revealed a bit more in an e-mail to blogger Robert Scoble, confiding that "we've made a bunch of mistakes" but that he hopes "people understand that our intentions are in the right place." Well, as I'm sure Zuckerberg understands, people tend to believe actions more than words, and a revamped set of simple, easy-to-use privacy controls — including, say, the option to start from scratch and opt in to sharing options rather than having to opt out — would be a step in the right direction.

But rebuilding trust with Facebook's users will be a long, slow process, and the fewer privacy missteps between now and then, the better. What do you think of Zuckerberg's letter? Does he sound sincere to you? Willing to give Facebook and its upcoming privacy reboot the benefit of the doubt? Or are you ready to jump ship for good? • Washington Post: From Facebook, answering privacy concerns with new settings • Scobleizer: When do you throw a CEO’s privacy under the bus? — Ben Patterson is a technology writer for Yahoo! News. Follow me on Twitter! Other popular Yahoo! stories: • Five secrets of self-made millionaires • See Venus Williams' racy tennis dress • Secret space plane spotted by skywatchers Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


SKOREA continued from page 10

General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Europe Is Getting Hammered Prior To U.S. Market Open Gregory White (The Money Game) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:17:40 AM

European indices are getting crushed by the expansion of concerns over the Spanish banking situation and interbank lending on the continent. Spain IBEX, down 4.22% Italy's MIB, down 4.7% German DAX, down 2.82% French CAC, down 3.7% UK FTSE, down 2.91% Join the conversation about this story »



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SECRET continued from page 9

"That is going to be an even bigger challenge," Roberts concluded, "and I'm not really that keen on it as it's like looking for a needle in a haystack!" Mystery manifest Still, even with the ground observations, exactly what's tucked inside the X-37B's cargo hold -- about the size of a pickup truck bed -remains a mystery. The X-37B signals a new way for the Air Force to conduct onorbit experiments, said Gary Payton, Air Force deputy under secretary for space programs, during a pre-launch press briefing teleconference last month. "Actual on-orbit activities we do classify...for the experimental payloads that are on-orbit with the X37," he noted. Payton did indicate that there's enough payload room on the mini-space shuttle to house a couple of small satellites in the range of a

few hundred kilograms each. There is growing speculation that the vehicle is likely toting Earth spying gear for the National Reconnaissance Office. The reusable X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle 1 was built by Boeing Phantom Works. It is about 29 feet (9 meters) long and has a wingspan of just over 14 feet (4 meters) across. It stands just over 9 1/2 feet (3 meters) tall and weighs nearly 11,000 pounds (about 5,000 kg). Big test ahead The OTV 1 mission is also designed to test new technologies and develop ways to make space access more routine, affordable and responsive. The OTV is the first vehicle since NASA's shuttle orbiter capable of returning experiments to Earth for further inspection and analysis. A second X-37B is now being fabricated for a test mission scheduled for 2011. X-37B is being operated under

the direction of Air Force Space Command's 3rd Space Experimentation Squadron, a space control unit located at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado. Capable of orbiting Earth for up to 270 days, a big test for the X37B is ahead: A "do-it-itself" guided entry and wheels down runway landing at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, with Edwards Air Force Base as an alternate site. If the incoming space plane strays off its auto-pilot trajectory over the Pacific Ocean, the craft is outfitted with a destruct mechanism. • Top 10 Most Dangerous Space Weapons • Gallery - The Air Force's X-37B Space Plane • Video - Secret X-37B Space Plane Revealed in Flight

in-chief of the National Space Society's Ad Astra and Space World magazines and has written for since 1999. • Original Story: Secret X-37B Space Plane Spotted by Amateur Skywatchers offers rich and compelling content about space science, travel and exploration as well as astronomy, technology, business news and more. The site boasts a variety of popular features including our space image of the day and other space pictures, space videos, Top 10s, Trivia, podcasts and Amazing Images submitted by our users. Join our community, sign up for our free newsletters and register for our RSS Feeds today! Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Worst Drinks in America Visualizes the Sugar Content of Beverages [Drinks] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/25/2010 6:00:00 AM

Sometimes it takes seeing a bottle of Sunkist orange soda next to six Breyers Oreo Ice Cream Sandwiches to get perspective on just how much sugar store-bought drinks contain. The Eat This, Not That site provides that perspective for 20 different beverages. More » Business- Food and Related Products- Soft drink- HomeCooking

Leonard David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. He is past editor-

Wise Words: Fire Up Your Enthusiasm Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/25/2010 6:30:00 AM

Here's a little bit of inspiration to make your day fun, fabulous

and full of joy. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Ralph Waldo Emerson What makes you really enthusiastic? And how could

you apply that to achieving a goal? Have a favorite quote? Send it t o u s a t with your name, city and state. You

m i g h t b e f e a t u r e d i n a n tools: PDF Newspaper, Full upcoming Wise Words post! Text RSS, Term Extraction. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available

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Gay Marriage Support Gains Slightly in U.S. (The Christian Post RSS Feed | Society)

be valid nor given the same rights as traditional marriages. Not surprisingly, Americans Submitted at 5/24/2010 3:46:39 PM who say religion is “very Americans are slightly more important” in their lives are supportive of same-sex marriage among the groups most likely to today than in the past couple of oppose legal same-sex marriage. years, a new Gallup poll found. Seventy percent of those who F o r t y - f o u r p e r c e n t o f say religion is very important in A m e r i c a n s s a y m a r r i a g e their life are against gay between same-sex couples marriage, as opposed to 27 should be recognized by the law percent of those who say as valid, with the same rights as religion is not important. traditional marriage, up four Americans who are unaffiliated percent compared to 2009 and are highly likely to support legal 2008. gay marriage (81 percent), This year’s figure is the second compared to Catholics (48 highest level of support for gay percent) and Protestants (33 marriage since Gallup began percent). asking the question in 1996. Across the political spectrum, The poll’s all-time-high support support for same-sex marriage for gay marriage occurred in has significantly increased since 2007 at 46 percent. 1996. This year, the majority Despite the slight rise in (56 percent) of Americans who support this year, the poll found are Democrats believe same-sex that most Americans remain marriage should be legal, up opposed to gay marriage. Fifty- f r o m 3 3 p e r c e n t i n 1 9 9 6 . three percent of Americans say S u p p o r t f r o m p o l i t i c a l same-sex marriage should not Independents have also seen a

sharp rise, from 32 percent to 49 percent over the same time period. And even among Republicans support for gay marriage has increased over the past 15 years. The support was at 16 percent in 1996 and is now at 28 percent. Recently, former first lady Laura Bush revealed on CNN that she supports allowing gays and lesbians to marry. “[W]hen couples are committed to each other and love each other, that they ought to have, I think, the same sort of rights that everyone has," she said. Though a growing number of subgroups now show majority support for the legalization of gay marriage, religious and conservative populations are still strongly opposed to it. Since these groups make up a larger part of the population than nonreligious and liberal groups in the country, Americans overall are found to be against same-sex marriage,

the report explained. Gay marriage is currently legal in one federal district and five states. Last fall, Washington, D.C., joined Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont in recognizing same-sex marriage. But earlier in May, opponents of same-sex marriage in Washington, D.C., took their case to the appeals court arguing that residents, rather than legislators, should have the right to vote on legalizing such relationships. The Court of Appeals heard the case on May 4 and is expected to make its decision some time this year. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Shorten URLs from Your Address Bar [URLs] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/25/2010 5:00:00 AM

There are loads of extensions and bookmarklets that create shortened links from long URLs, but the and services don't need them. Add them with a slash before the URL in your address bar, and you're good to go. More » URL shortening- BookmarkletWeb Design and DevelopmentHosted Components and Services- Redirects

Botnet services for hire: $8.94 an hour (CNET

cybersecurity intelligence arm. VeriSign said Monday that it carried out an online Botnets are available for hire investigation into 25 botnet for as little as $8.94 an hour, operators in February, targeting underscoring how little financial botnet services advertised on muscle or technical expertise is three Web forums. The study needed to carry out attacks, found that hourly botnet rental a c c o r d i n g t o V e r i S i g n ' s pricing started at $8.94, while Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:21:17 AM

the average price for a 24-hour rental was $67.20. The services advertised a number of attack vectors, including ICMP, SYN, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, and Data. The botnet operators plied their wares via the same techniques as legitimate businesses, such as

via forums and banner ads. One botnet operator offered a pricing structure for taking down sites that have anti-attack measures installed. Read more of " Botnet price for hourly hire on par with cost of two pints" at ZDNet UK. Five Filters featured article:

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Hubble catches planet being devoured by its star (AFP)

Slipknot bassist found dead in Iowa hotel

(Yahoo! News: Most Viewed)

(World News from Times Online)

Submitted at 5/24/2010 3:19:07 PM

WASHINGTON (AFP) – The Hubble space telescope has discovered a planet in our galaxy in the process of being devoured by the star that it orbits, according to a paper published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The doomed planet, dubbed WASP-12b, has the highest known surface temperature of any planet in the Milky Way-around 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,800 degrees Fahrenheit). But it could be enveloped by its own parent star over the next ten million years, the paper's authors have concluded. Using a new instrument called the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph that was installed on Hubble in 2009, the researchers observed how the planet was whipped into an

elongated shape by gravitational forces. "We see a huge cloud of material around the planet, which is escaping and will be captured by the star. We have identified chemical elements never before seen on planets outside our own solar system," team leader Carole Haswell of The Open University in Great Britain said. Discovered in 2008, WASP12b is located about 600 lightyears from Earth in the Auriga Constellation and is more than 300 times the size of Earth. It also has a mass 40-percent greater than that of Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system. It is so close to its parent star that it orbits it in little more than 24 hours. Astronomers already knew that stars will swallow a planet that comes too close to it, but this is

the first time that the phenomenon has been observed so clearly. The paper, which was published in the May 10 edition of The Astrophysical Journal Letters, confirms a theoretical paper published in the journal Nature last Friday by Shu-lin Li, an astronomer at Peking University in Beijing. Shu-lin had predicted that the planet's surface would be distorted by the star's gravitational pull, and that gravitational tidal forces would make the interior so hot that it would greatly expand its outer atmosphere. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

In 2003, Gray was arrested for possession of marijuana, cocaine and syringes after Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:42:15 AM crashing his red Porsche into A member of Slipknot, the another. No one was seriously heavy metal band known for its injured and charges were later ghoulish masks and aggressive dropped. lyrics, was yesterday found dead Police released a mugshot of in an Iowa hotel room. Gray after the arrest to the The body of Paul Gray, the fascination of fans – many of g r o u p ’ s b a s s p l a y e r , w a s whom had never before seen discovered by an employee at him without a mask. t h e T o w n P l a c e s u i t e s i n His death comes shortly after Urbandale, a suburb of Des that of Ronnie James Dio, who Moines. performed with several bands Police said there was no including Black Sabbath, and indication of foul play and an singer-bassist Peter Steel, who autopsy is planned for later died last month. today. Slipknot emerged in the midGray, 38, had been staying in 1990s with an aggressive mix of Urbandale for several days heavy metal and a vocal style before his death. The hotel is that included growling, rapping only a few miles from his and singing. childhood home of Johnston, They are known for their another Des Moines suburb. extreme behaviour during live Most of the Slipknot’s members p e r f o r m a n c e s , i n c l u d i n g grew up in the same area and the urinating and vomiting on stage, band’s second album was called but have a deeply devoted fan Iowa. base in the US and around the The musician, who initially world. wore a pig mask onstage before The band won a Grammy in replacing it with a black 2006 for best metal performance faceplate with dark sockets, was for the song Before I Forget. $22 mail-order kit, giving all of described as “an awesome Five Filters featured article: us a little more confidence. person” by Jacoby Shaddix, the The Art of Looking Prime More » leader singer of metal band Papa Ministerial - The 2010 UK i P h o n e - H a n d h e l d s - Roach. “His spirit will live on General Election. Available Smartphones- Wallpapers and through the killer music he tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Themes- Recreation wrote.” Text RSS, Term Extraction.

See a 10-Year-Old Fix an iPhone Screen for $22 [DIY] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/25/2010 5:30:00 AM

Before you shake off the idea of repairing your cracked iPhone screen yourself with a kit, year-old repaired the cracked consider Brett. The crafty 10- screen on his father's 3GS with a

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Government needs BP technology to "kill" oil spill (Reuters: Top News)

Shares in BP fell 4 percent on Tuesday, mirroring a fall for European oil and gas stocks and VENICE, Louisiana(Reuters) - a drop in the FTSE 100 index of The government needs BP's British blue-chips. deepwater technology to try to The disaster has wiped around shut off the gushing seabed Gulf 25 percent, almost $50 billion, of Mexico oil well but has off the company's market value brought its own experts into the since the April 20 rig explosion battle to contain the catastrophic that triggered the oil spill and spill, a White House official unleashed an environmental and said on Tuesday. economic calamity on the U.S. U.S.| Green Business| COP15| Gulf Coast. Gulf Oil Spill Addressing the debate over Carol Browner, adviser on whether the federal government Energy and Climate Change to should take over the oil spill President Barack Obama, said response operation from BP, the administration was bringing Browner said the British-based all its resources to bear to the energy giant had the technical marathon effort to halt what is resources for the job, such as threatening to be the worst ever undersea robots needed to U.S. oil spill. operate at great depths, where Browner told TV networks that humans cannot work. top scientists called in by the "Obviously, we need the BP government were working with technology, but we are not BP's experts on the next bid, relying on them ... we have our s c h e d u l e d t o s t a r t e a r l y own minds in there," she said. Wednesday, to cap the mile- Besides the "top-kill" option, deep undersea well. This will be BP said on Tuesday it was an attempted "top kill" -- the p r e p a r i n g a n o t h e r c o n t r o l pumping of heavy drilling fluids method, a lower marine riser into the well to try to halt its p a c k a g e c a p c o n t a i n m e n t pressurized flow, after which option, to try to capture and cement can be injected in. siphon off the oil flowing from "We all want this to work ... we the ruptured well. want this thing shut down," But analysts were unimpressed Browner told CNN. by BP's announcement it had Obama faces a backlash of lined up another device -- to be public anger and frustration over ready by the end of the month. the leaking well, which BP " T h i s m o r n i n g t h e y j u s t engineers and government published their options. People officials have failed to control are just waiting for some firm so far. action and it just keeps Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:28:21 AM

disappointing really on that front," Charles Stanley analyst Tony Shepard said. "WE ARE ABANDONED" Washington piled pressure on BP on Monday to clean up the "massive environmental mess" and one official said fines would be imposed on the energy giant for the spreading oil spill. BP executives have warned there is no certainty the containment efforts will succeed, because they have never been attempted at the depths where the well is located. If the short-term efforts fail, it will take BP several months to drill a relief well to stop the leak. BP said it had begun sharing its review of the causes of the oil spill with the U.S. government. U.S. legal experts say it is only a matter of time before the Obama administration begins a criminal investigation. Relatives of the 11 workers who died in the rig explosion that sank the Deepwater Horizon rig will hold a private service in Jackson, Mississippi on Tuesday. Three of President Barack Obama's Cabinet secretaries visited the Gulf coast on Monday to survey what could eclipse the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill off Alaska as the worst U.S. oil spill. Heavy oil is washing into fragile marshlands and wildlife refuges in Louisiana and

threatening the livelihoods of Gulf Coast residents. "Three weeks already I am not working. I lost a job. Six people working for me -- they do not have jobs. My family and kids are in college, so we don't know what to do in the future. We feel like we are abandoned. BP don't do enough for us in these problems," said Louisiana oyster fisherman Nikola Zarak. More than 300 seabirds have been found dead and the spewing oil is now invading vulnerable marshes and endangering sea turtles, dolphins and whales. U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has said the government could push BP aside and federalize the cleanup effort if it did not do enough to stop the leak. POLITICAL HOT POTATO But Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, the administration's response chief for the disaster, said the government has little choice but to continue relying on BP to seal the well. "To push BP out of the way would raise the question of 'replace them with what?'" Allen said on Monday. BP was "exhausting every technical means possible" to meet its legal responsibility to contain the oil, he said. The oil spill is a political hot potato for the Obama administration before a November election that is

widely expected to erode Democrats' control of the U.S. Congress. Analysts warn that voters may punish Democrats regardless of who is ultimately deemed responsible for the mess. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who has been critical of the federal government's response, again called for more equipment, especially booms, to help stop the oil from making landfall. He said 70 miles of his state's coastline had been affected by the oil spill. A report on the disaster that will influence whether the Interior Department resumes issuing offshore drilling permits will be sent to Obama on Thursday, the White House said. BP said the spill had cost it $760 million so far. It pledged up to $500 million toward studying its impact. (Additional reporting by Susan Heavey in Washington, Sarah Young in London; Tom Bergin in Houston, Pascal Fletcher in Miami; Writing by Pascal Fletcher; Editing by Paul Simao) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Germany eyes wider short-selling ban (Reuters: Top News) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:22:20 AM

BERLIN/ROME(Reuters) Germany may widen its ban on speculative financial trades to cover all shares, a leaked government document showed on Tuesday, as fears about the euro zone's debt crisis sent stocks and the euro plunging further. Germany The Finance Ministry draft said planned measures aimed at stabilizing financial markets would include a "ban on naked short selling of shares, including derivatives referring thereto." Berlin stunned markets last week, drawing widespread criticism from its global partners, by unilaterally suspending naked short selling in euro sovereign bonds and credit default swaps as well as stocks in some financial companies. Investor worries that the euro zone debt crisis may turn into a banking crisis drove European stocks and the euro sharply down on Tuesday while safehaven German bonds hit a record high. Highly indebted Italy was the latest euro zone country set to announce a two-year austerity plan worth 26 billion euros ($32 billion) despite concern that Europe-wide retrenchment may harm global economic growth.

The Italian cuts will hit public sector pay and recruitment, health spending and road building, and mean later retirement for some state workers and less funding for local government. The pan-European stock index fell by as much as 3.4 percent at one point to a nine-month low, with banking stocks hardest hit on jitters over the Bank of Spain's weekend takeover of a small savings bank, CajaSur, after a failed merger with another regional lender. U.S. stock futures pointed to a sharply lower open on Wall Street. Spanish analysts said savings bank consolidation has been long planned as part of efforts to rationalize the sector. However, markets worry that more troubles in southern Europe will have knock-on effects for larger euro zone banks, which are owed billions by public and private borrowers in the region. There are also worries about a lack of resolution for banks' bad debts in the euro zone. "The big challenge is to prevent the vicious circle, that means for example the crisis of the public sector turning into a banking crisis," European Central Bank governing council member Ewald Nowotny told a Brussels conference. The dollar, seen as a safe haven

from Europe's debt worries, gained 1 percent against euro and sterling. The euro briefly traded below $1.22, erasing most of the recovery from last week's four-year low. The global financial system is showing signs of increased stress, though still well short of the panic that followed the collapse of investment bank Lehman Brothers in September 2008. The two-year U.S. bond-swap spread, a key gauge of financial system stress, rose to fresh one year highs near 60 basis points, up from 51 bps on Monday. It reached 160 bps in the weeks after the Lehman crash. CUT TOO FAST Shares in Europe and Asia were dragged lower by fears that austerity measures being announced by European governments that piled up debt and deficits during the financial crisis will shackle a global economic recovery. "There is indeed a risk that, under market pressure, some countries overdo austerity," Olivier Blanchard, chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, said in a newspaper interview. "That would be a mistake." European Union officials played down the risk of public spending cuts and revenue increases damaging economic recovery.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy told a Brussels Economic Forum: "In the short term, the acceleration of fiscal consolidation will hamper growth in the euro zone as a whole only marginally." European Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn urged EU governments to combine "smart" budget cuts with structural reforms such as freeing up labor markets to return the euro zone's mediumterm growth potential to 2.0 percent. "The critical question is whether the real economic recovery can sustain the renewed financial turbulence," Rehn told the same conference. A month-long selloff has routed global stocks as even a $1 trillion pledge from European leaders was not enough to calm fears that Greece's debt woes would spread to other deeply indebted nations, particularly in southern Europe. ASIAN SLIDE Concern at increasingly fierce rhetoric between North and South Korea over the sinking of a South Korean warship added to stock market nerves in Asia. White House economic adviser Lawrence Summers also listed Europe's struggle to contain Greece's debt crisis as one several potential troubles facing the U.S. economy.

Banking sources said some of Europe's banks are looking at using government guarantees again to help raise money from the corporate bond markets which have been shut for more than a month by the sovereign debt crisis. If markets stabilize, strong banks from France, Germany and Scandinavia -- Europe's core -- are expected to try to start issuing bonds again, but banks from southern Europe are likely to need support because of mounting investor concerns over sovereign risk. "Government guarantees are under consideration from a number of quarters more actively now than a few months ago," said a senior debt capital markets banker from a U.S. bank. (additional reporting by Jan Strupczewski and Marcin Grajewski in Brussels, Tetsushi Kajimoto in Japan, Jane Merriman, Tamawa Desai, Ian Chua, William James and Carolyn Cohn in London; writing by Paul Taylor, Editing by Ruth Pitchford) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

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North Korea threatens military action in disputed waters (Reuters: Top News)

On Monday, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak cut trade with his impoverished SEOUL(Reuters) - North Korea n e i g h b o r a n d b l o c k e d i t s on Tuesday threatened military commercial ships from sailing action if the South continued to through the South's waters. violate its waters off the west He also plans to take the issue coast, further stoking tension on to the U.N. Security Council. the peninsula after the sinking of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary a South Korean warship. Clinton said in China on World| Russia| North Korea| Tuesday that Washington and Natural Disasters Beijing would work together to The increasingly war-like come up with an "effective, rhetoric hit Seoul's financial appropriate" response to the markets, prompting financial sinking. p o l i c y m a k e r s t o c a l l a n Both China and the United e m e r g e n c y m e e t i n g o n States say they want to see Wednesday to look for ways to peace and stability on the calm investors. peninsula, but agreeing on how " S h o u l d t h e S o u t h s i d e ' s to pursue it may be hard. intrusions into the territorial Washington condemned the waters of our side continue, the sinking, while China has been DPRK (North Korea) will put largely silent about the behavior into force practical military of its volatile ally. measures to defend its waters as Russia, which like China and it had already clarified and the the United States holds a veto in south side will be held fully the Security Council, urged accountable for all the ensuing restraint. President Dmitry consequences," North Korea's Medvedev urged both sides to KCNA news agency quoted a "prevent a further escalation on senior official as saying. the situation on the Korean The furious war of words -- the peninsula." North referred to the South's Most analysts doubt either side g o v e r n m e n t a s " m i l i t a r y would risk a war, which would gangsters, seized by fever for a be suicidal for the North and war" -- follows a report by economy-ruining for the South. international investigators last The initial markets falls were week which accused the hermit triggered by a story by the N o r t h o f t o r p e d o i n g t h e South's Yonhap news agency Cheonan corvette in March, quoting a local report that the killing 46 sailors. North was gearing up for war. It Submitted at 5/25/2010 6:30:59 AM

later emerged that the report said only that the North would fight back if it was attacked. "The Yonhap report ... chilled investor sentiment as it highlighted South Korea's geopolitical risks. And the timing for such news could not be worse, as market sentiment was already shaky with renewed euro zone financial fears," said Hwang Keum-dan, a stock market analyst at Samsung Securities. Key economic and financial authorities will meet early on Wednesday to discuss ways to stabilize local financial markets. Some in the market saw the selling -- which took stocks on the main index to their lowest close in 15 weeks -- as overdone and triggered mostly by foreign selling. "North Korea and related risks have always been there. It is like telling investors to quit the Japanese market because it has earthquakes. War is wanted neither by the North nor the South," one fund manager at a foreign investment management house said. FURIOUS RHETORIC Both sides have stepped up their rhetoric over the Cheonan incident, one of their deadliest since the 1950-53 Korean War. The North charged South Korea's government with fabricating the issue, partly to

help the ruling party in next week's local elections -important to cement President Lee's power in the second half of his single five-year term. The incident appears to have done nothing to dent Lee's popularity, which one recent opinion poll shows running at well over 40 percent, unusually high for recent South Korean presidents halfway through their term. A strong showing for Lee's party in the June 2 local election, which many expect, will give him greater authority to push aside a fragmented opposition in parliament and continue with sweeping probusiness reforms. His rule has also seen relations with the North turn increasingly chilly as he turned his back on a decade of generous aid to the North by his predecessors which had failed to end its attempts to build nuclear weapons. PUSHED TOO FAR? Some worry pushing North Korean leader Kim Jong-il too far may leave him little choice but to fight back to try to save his family's more than 60-year hold over the destitute country as he tries to secure the succession for his youngest son. Analysts say the main risk is that small skirmishes along the heavily armed border could turn into broader conflict.

China, the North's only major ally and which effectively bankrolls its economy, has studiously tried to keep out of the fray, urging calm and refusing to voice support for the international report on the Cheonan sinking. It means that South Korea has almost no chance of winning further U.N. sanctions against its neighbor. The issue is certain to dominate talks in Seoul on Wednesday with Clinton, who is arriving from Beijing. The United States, which backs Seoul, has said the situation was "highly precarious" and said it would take part in a joint naval exercise with the South. (Additional reporting by Christine Kim, Jungyoun Park, Yoo Choonsik, Kim Yeon-hee and Jack Kim in SEOUL, Linda Sieg in TOKYO and Chris Buckley and Doug Palmer in BEIJING; Writing by Emma Graham-Harrison; Editing by Ron Popeski) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Geithner says yuan choice is China's alone (Reuters: Top News)

helping rebalance global growth. "This is of course China's BEIJING(Reuters) - Yuan choice," he said. reform is a decision for China to Geithner said he was "as make by itself, U.S. Treasury confident as I've ever been" that Secretary Timothy Geithner said China will see that it is in its on Tuesday at the end of talks in own interest to let the yuan Beijing during which the two resume appreciating -- for powers gingerly pressed each example, to help curb inflation. other to ease economic strains. Zhu Guangyao, a Chinese Politics| China assistant finance minister, said China's policy of freezing its after the talks that the United currency to the dollar had been a States "understands" that China major point of contention in will reform its exchange rate r e c e n t m o n t h s , b u t b o t h based on its own needs. countries used their two-day In a reiteration of Beijing's S t r a t e g i c a n d E c o n o m i c recent mantra, Zhu cautioned Dialogue to shine a spotlight on that "external noise" on the pace other trade irritants, from U.S. of China's yuan reforms would export controls to a Chinese only delay any movement. innovation program. But officials also cautioned that On the political side of the a stronger Chinese exchange talks, they agreed on the r a t e w o u l d b y i t s e l f b e importance of stability on the insufficient to narrow the Korean peninsula after North yawning bilateral trade deficit. Korea's alleged sinking of a The United States worries that South Korean naval vessel. China's proposals to promote Though short on specifics, the h o m e g r o w n t e c h n o l o g i c a l S&ED appeared to have served innovation may discriminate its primary purpose of steadying against American firms, U.S. the vast and sometimes rocky Trade Representative Ron Kirk China-U.S. relationship, which said. went into a dive earlier this year. Any progress from China in In his closing remarks, Geithner intellectual property protection welcomed a pledge by China's and market access barriers could top leaders to pursue currency be more important than its yuan reform as part of a broader reforms, Kirk told Reuters in an agenda aimed at boosting interview. domestic consumption and "These could be as valuable, if Submitted at 5/25/2010 5:50:58 AM

not more valuable frankly, than whatever we accomplish on the exchange rate," Kirk said. The annual U.S. trade deficit with China fell to $226.8 billion in 2009 from a record $268.0 billion in 2008. But the Obama administration is keen to lift exports and narrow the trade gap, and many members of Congress want President Barack Obama to press China harder over its currency policies. FISCAL DISCIPLINE China is the world's largest holder of U.S. Treasuries, with $895.2 billion. Chinese officials, including Premier Wen Jiabao, last year prodded the Obama administration to avoid pursuing fiscal policies that could erode the value of those holdings. Geithner told future Chinese leaders that the Obama administration was aiming to steadily lower its deficit as a percentage of national output. "The basic strategy is to make sure that our economy is growing, then institute longterm reforms, and restore the basic discipline to the budget process that we abandoned in the previous decade," he said in a speech. Tensions flared between Beijing and Washington in the first months of 2010, when China denounced U.S. criticism of its Internet censorship,

Washington's arms sales to Taiwan, and Obama's meeting with the Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled leader. After the stormy start to the year neither side appeared willing to risk worrying markets with renewed feuding, and the talks swaddled the hard problems between them in soft words. Chinese President Hu Jintao said on Monday that his government would reform its yuan exchange rate rules -- but carefully and at a time of its own choosing. Trading in one-year nondeliverable dollar/yuan forwards marked their biggest single day rise in 15 months on Tuesday, as the dollar strengthened globally amid concerns about the euro. That pushed down the implied 12-month yuan appreciation to only 1 percent from 1.60 percent at the close on Monday. (Additional reporting by Arshad Mohammed, Doug Palmer and Lucy Hornby; Editing by Ken Wills) Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

iPhone 3G missing a 'select' button on Apple Store, might not be long for this earth Paul Miller (Engadget) Submitted at 5/25/2010 9:20:00 AM

Yes, the "iPhone 3G is dead" rumors are flying fast, and our latest entry is hardly a rumor: Apple's online store currently lists the solitary 8GB iPhone 3G next to the full iPhone 3GS crop, but there's no longer a tasty "select" button below it. Usually if something's out of stock on the Apple store it will just say so, along with a projected time of delay, but with the 4G presumably around the corner this could indeed be marking the end of the 3G's last stand. [Thanks, J] iPhone 3G missing a 'select' button on Apple Store, might not be long for this earth originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 25 May 2010 09:20:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Apple Store| Email this| Comments

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US expands secret military operations: report (World News from Times Online)

the military that American troops serving outside traditional combat zones risk Submitted at 5/25/2010 2:14:30 AM being treated as spies if they are T h e U n i t e d S t a t e s h a s apprehended and thus denied the sanctioned a major expansion of rights enshrined in the Geneva clandestine military operations Convention. in both hostile and friendly General Petraeus’ order was c o u n t r i e s , a c c o r d i n g t o designed to create networks that classified documents which could “penetrate, disrupt, defeat emerged today. or destroy” al-Qaeda and other G e n e r a l D a v i d P e t r a e u s , militant groups as well as commander of US Central “prepare the environment” for Command, issued the secret future attacks by US or local orders in September allowing military forces. the Pentagon to engage in Shortly before the order was espionage and reconnaissance issued, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, across the Middle East and the one of east Africa’s most Horn of Africa without regular wanted al-Qaeda militants, was congressional oversight or prior killed in an attack by helicopterapproval from the White House. borne US Special Operations Some Pentagon officials told Forces in Somalia . the New York Times they were The seven-page directive also worried that the expanded role reportedly authorised specific could strain relationships with operations in Iran, thought to be allies like Saudi Arabia and f o c u s e d o n g a t h e r i n g Yemen. intelligence about the country’s There are also concerns within nuclear program and identifying

dissident groups. The Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Execute Order, signed on September 30, may have laid the foundation for the surge of American military activity in Yemen that began three months later. Military and intelligence assistance was increased to help Yemeni forces strike al-Qaeda targets while more unmanned aerial drones were deployed. Central Command has been positioning Reaper drones at a base in the Horn of Africa. Officials said the drones can be used against militants in Yemen and Somalia, and even against pirates who attack ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. “The Defence Department can’t be caught flat-footed,” one Pentagon official told the New York Times. During the Bush administration, Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence

Secretary at the time, signed-off on a series of similar clandestine military operations. Throughout the 20th century, secret operations in countries at peace with the US were traditionally carried out by the CIA. A direct chain of command that ran directly from the Agency to the president was also overseen by a Congressional committee. Although there is no legal obligation under the new order, Pentagon officials say any significant ventures are cleared through the National Security Council. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Change the User Agent on an Android Phone [Web Browser] Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/25/2010 4:00:00 AM

Want to see the iPhone or full desktop version of a web page that keeps trying to shoehorn you into an Android theme? You can change how your browser identifies itself with a quick settings tweak. More » User agent- iPhone- HandheldsClients- WWW

iTunes share of the US music market swells to 26.7% Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/24/2010 6:00:00 PM

Filed under: iTunes Apple's iTunes music service has strengthened its lead in the US music market, growing to a whopping 26.7% of all music sold in the States, up from 21% a few years ago and 12% in

2007. That's pretty phenomenal growth, buoyed almost certainly by the rising share of digital music versus brick and mortar stores. Digital purchases make up 35.5% of music bought here, also up from 31% the last time Billboard released stats. So where are all of these music purchases coming from? Best both retail outlets saw their Buy and Walmart, apparently -- shares drop by a few percentage

points recently. And of course these are all percentages. I'd bet that lower music sales overall combined with growing sales on iTunes is helping to grow Apple's share quite a bit. At any rate, while hardware sales are getting the press, let's not forget that iTunes is still a big earner for Apple. [via Macsimum News]

TUAW iTunes share of the US music market swells to 26.7% originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 24 May 2010 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Patenting synthetic life will hamper research, Nobel-winner warns

Oil spill in Singapore Strait after ships collide

(World News from Times Online)

(World News from Times Online)

Sir John, who chairs the Institute of Science, Ethics and Innovation at Manchester Submitted at 5/25/2010 5:49:23 AM University, said it would be Broad patents over the first “ e x t r e m e l y d a m a g i n g ” t o synthetic form of life should not biology were these patents to be be granted because they would granted. severely restrict new approaches “I’ve read through some of these t o g e n e t i c e n g i n e e r i n g , patents and the claims are very, according to a Nobel prize- very broad indeed,” Professor winning scientist. Sulston told BBC News. “I hope Professor Sir John Sulston, a very much these patents won’t leader of the public effort to be accepted because they would sequence the human genome bring genetic engineering under and a long-standing critic of the control of the J Craig g e n e p a t e n t i n g , s a i d t h e Venter Institute (JCVI). They intellectual property rights would have a monopoly on a claimed by Craig Venter for his whole range of techniques.” synthetic life technique are too A spokesman for Dr Venter extensive and could effectively said: “There are a number of give him a monopoly on future companies working in the research. synthetic genomic/biology space Dr Venter’s has applied for and also many academic labs. patents on the methods it used to Most if not all of these have create the new organism, likely filed some degree of n i c k n a m e d S y n t h i a , b y patent protection on a variety of transferring a bacterial genome aspects of their work so it would built from scratch into the shell seem unlikely that any one of another bacterium. Synthia’s group, academic centre or genetic code contains four company would be able to hold DNA “watermarks”, including a ‘monopoly’ on anything. famous quotations and the “As the JCVI team and Dr names of the scientists behind Venter have said, open dialogue the research, that could be used and discussion on all issues to detect cases of unauthorised surrounding synthetic genomics/ copying. biology, including intellectual

property, is very necessary for this field so these questions and discussions are all very important.” Sir John’s comments, at a Royal Society seminar to discuss a new report from his institute entitled Who Owns Science? renews a conflict between the two genome pioneers that dates back to the sequencing of humanity’s genetic code a decade ago. Sir John was a fierce critic of Dr Venter’s private-sector effort to sequence the genome, and of his attempts to hold human genetic data as proprietary information and to patent genes. “The confrontation 10 years ago was about data release,” Sir John said. “We said that this was the human genome and it should be in the public domain. And I’m extremely glad we managed to pull this out of the bag. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Submitted at 5/25/2010 1:53:14 AM

Emergency teams were rushing this morning to contain thousands of tonnes of crude oil spilling into the Singapore Strait after two ships collided in the waterway. A cargo tank on the Malaysian registered tanker MT Bunga Kelena 3 was damaged when, at around 6 a.m local time, the vessel collided with the MV Wally, a bulk carrier registered in St Vincent and the Grenadines, according to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. The spill, which took place eight miles (13 kilometres) off Singapore’s southeastern coast in the Traffic Separation Scheme, is estimated at 2000 metric tonnes, or about 14,660 barrels. The TSS runs along the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. “Work is ongoing to contain and clean up the oil spill,” the MPA

said in a statement. Four patrol and emergency response vessels and three private craft equipped with oilspill equipment have been sent to the affected zone. Nobody was injured and ship traffic was not affected by the incident, which took place eight miles (13 kilometres) off Singapore’s southeastern coast in the Traffic Separation Scheme, which runs along the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. Singapore is Asia’s biggest oil-trading and storage centre. Both vessels were anchored off Singapore, Asia’s biggest oil trading and storage centre, after the accident and neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia have been notified, the MPA said. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Bill Joy on Sun's downfall, Microsoft's prospects, green tech (Q&A) (CNET

products. Bill Joy(Credit: Martin LaMonica/CNET) Though he helped start Sun He also blamed the business Microsystems, Bill Joy has been side for not doing a better job of spent the last five years thinking selling what the technologists at a lot more about solar energy Sun created. than about that other Sun. "I think if you wound the clock "It's early days," Joy said of the back, I'd like to think that we green-technology industry he invented stuff in engineering now focuses on as a venture that could have been marketed capitalist at Kleiner Perkins. better," he said. "It's like the Internet before the "I think Sun got caught because Netscape IPO." we did things that were more the But, he said, there are needs in basis for consumer technologies, his new field that are quite but we ended up being a different from those encountered commercial computing vendor," by most Internet ventures. he said. "We never really got the "Most Internet companies don't consumer part of our business make anything other than going." software or a Web site," Joy Meanwhile, Joy also sees said. "They don't have factories Microsoft as potentially making like you'd see in China or some of the same mistakes Sun Taiwan. Starting a lot of these made. companies is a lot more like "Our business had changed," he trying to create a manufacturing said. "Our technology got base." stranded. Microsoft similarly In a lengthy interview with seems to have a lot of stranded CNET, Joy talked about what's technology." needed in green technology, the Here is an edited transcript of risks he still believes are posed our conversation: by nanotechnology, and his Q: You've been involved in thoughts on the tech company helping the group that is starting he started, as well as on tech the Techonomy conference. giants Microsoft and Google. How did you get involved in As for Sun's downfall, Joy that? traces it back to the fact that the Joy: I know the principals in company's business changed, this new conference from their leaving much of its research in days at Fortune and had helped areas where Sun no longer had them start the Brainstorm Submitted at 5/25/2010 6:00:00 AM

conference by giving them some ideas a couple of years ago. I think there's an opportunity for a new kind of discussion around how the kind of ideas that have

entrepreneurs in the Internet and computers than there are in the green space. How can we take some of those lessons and apply them to the broader economy? I think that's a really important question. I think the technical ideas to start a lot of great businesses are there. Is there enough capital going toward the things you are talking about? Joy: There's not enough money in research and development. There's not enough money in project finance. The industries that are affected here are very old industries. A lot of them are extractive industries where you get oil to come out of the ground or the coal and then it is worth something. They weren't very high-tech even if they used some seismic code to find the natural resource. And they consequently spend an almost invisible part of their revenue on R&D. The green energies of future--the wind, the solar-these are much more R&Dintensive and involve manufacture and deploying new things. We all know the dollars from a driven Silicon Valley get lot of the oil will go overseas, applied to the broader economy. and coal is a huge CO2 emitter. We obviously have a need for W e n e e d e i t h e r b e t t e r green jobs and green innovation. BILL page 22 There are a lot more tech


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BILL continued from page 21

technology to process it, or alternatives. The companies that do that, many of them, or at least the technologies, don't exist. There's room for a lot of new ventures, like there was in the (beginning of the) personal computer industry and the Internet. Is that what you've been up to? Joy: That's what I've been doing for five years. It's early days. It's like the Internet before the Netscape IPO. To your point, I don't think private equity isn't that involved. These new things are very different from the Internet. They are manufacturing businesses. Most internet companies don't make anything other than software or a Web site. They don't have factories like you'd see in China or Taiwan. Starting a lot of these companies is a lot more like trying to create a manufacturing base. The latest generation of renewables is competitive only with subsidies or with standards that require their use. We need to invest to drive them down the cost curve, to get past that to get to the point where they are truly competitive. And I guess the flip side is that a lot of these industries, like the gas and the coal, a lot of the exploration and research costs are already priced in, so it's really just the extraction cost. Are you in the school of thought that there should be some sort of

cost attributed to the environmental cost? Joy: I would prefer to invest in things that don't need a tax on carbon to be competitive because the taxes are likely to be lower than the real cost, for political reasons, and low enough that they don't make much difference. The money behind traditional industries obviously would prefer these things not to happen. We've seen the cost of being late to the problem with the financial system. I don't think we can afford to be late to the problem with the climate solutions. The Chinese government has a lot of scientists and engineers involved in the making of these decisions. We have lawyers. The law is as much about protecting what people already have as protecting the future. I think the engineering approach they are taking is more forward-looking. They are now the leading user of wind, certainly they are the leading manufacturer of solar. These are the industries of the future. We need to both create those industries here and also manufacture the products here. We need to get more minds engaged. It's great that Bill Gates is now talking about investing in green energy. He knows a lot about entrepreneuring. He's talking publicly about a nuclear venture.

That's not my favorite area, but at least it's a start. I'm sure he's looking at other things as well. If it becomes more widely known that he's investing broadly in this, that gives other people courage. We need a boom in this area. Sooner is better. It will happen eventually. There will be a lot of new jobs created. I hope they are here. They only are going to be here if people try to make them; they are not going to appear out of thin air. I know some years back you wrote about your concerns about nanotechnology. Would you say your concerns around the environment are higher on your mind these days? Joy: The proper response to concerns I raised would be sensible regulation, which doesn't seem to be on the agenda right now. Let's see if they can do proper regulation and inspection of offshore drilling. There's an example where people didn't have a reasonable plan if something bad happened. So, it's even more of a concern with something higher-tech that people barely understand? Joy: Right. That is a major disaster, but it's not contagious. Imagine if one oil well leaked and because of that it infected other ones and they all started leaking. That's more of the problem I am talking about. Hopefully, there we'll get that thing closed off and who knows

what the damage will be, but it's not a global problem. I'm certainly not happy about it happening anywhere, but the kinds of things I was writing about can happen everywhere. The right answer for that is regulation and policy that's sensible, but our political environment doesn't make that very possible. I think, for me, working on the solution side helping to create green technologies that are economically compelling is the important thing. We want to create green businesses and green technologies that attract capital and attract enthusiasm and attract young students to go into the field and private equity and project finance and all of that. We've had some limited things in the public market. There's First Solar, there's SunPower and A123. There's a few things, but those are hardly household words. They are not Netscape or Google to people. People know about wind or solar. It's still something that happens mainly when there is government subsidy, like we see in Germany or in California. If we could get the cost to break to the point that there is more of a tailwind instead of the government diverting the headwind, (that would be better) because I don't think we can afford to subsidize our way to a clean future. How much of your time is spent

looking at green stuff and the future versus how much do you keep an eye on the computing world? Joy: I only know what I read in the newspaper. For five years I've been doing the green stuff. It's a full-time job. The more you learn, the more you realize you don't know. Is there anything going on in technology that has gotten your attention, from what you've been reading? Joy: I'm enjoying using my iPad. The Web was great because it brought us the ability of a lot of people to innovate, because the PC was exciting, but in the end there were very few companies and there was nothing new. Now with iPhone and the iPad--two amazing new platforms--we're starting to see a whole new range of really innovative things. Some of the earliest, most innovative things are games and music-related, like musical instruments. It's just the tip. These things have only been out for a relatively small amount of time. We'll see more incredible stuff soon. It's nice to see these things that are simple and well done and are a pleasure to use and not just a headache. Like Alan Kay said, the future is kind of arriving. The two examples you point to, the iPad and the iPhone, are BILL page 25


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Wireless industry goes prospecting for spectrum (CNET

Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski has warned that if Make no mistake: There's an more wireless spectrum is not impending shortage of wireless made available soon, the mobile spectrum, the lifeblood of the industry will not have enough mobile market. capacity to keep up with The trick--and it's a doozy--is demand from customers, and getting that technology into the growth will grind to a halt. hands of wireless operators and "I believe that the biggest threat their customers. It's a tech issue to the future of mobile in as well as a public policy and A m e r i c a i s t h e l o o m i n g business model issue. In other spectrum crisis," Genachowski words, it's daunting, but not an said during a speech at the impossible problem to solve. CTIA trade show last year. "It "There is a crisis in the sense t a k e s y e a r s t o r e a l l o c a t e that people who need access to spectrum and put it to use. But wireless capacity in order to we have no choice. We must deploy new services can't get it," identify spectrum that can best said Kevin Werbach, assistant b e r e i n v e s t e d i n m o b i l e professor of legal studies at the b r o a d b a n d . " Wharton School, University of Wireless spectrum is often Pennsylvania. "In that sense, referred to as a natural resource. demand is exceeding supply. B u t u n l i k e a t a n g i b l e But it's not a crisis in the sense commodity like oil or even land, that there is a fundamental limit w i r e l e s s s p e c t r u m i s n o t on wireless capacity. The something you can touch or see. problem is that the existing Wireless spectrum is simply a landscape is embedded in a r a n g e o f e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c historical series of regulatory radiation that is all around us. choices and business model The range includes everything choices that have limited access from visible light to radio to spectrum." waves. Commercially, viable Studies suggest that demand for wireless spectrum, which is used mobile broadband--driven by to provide TV broadcasts, AM devices such as smartphones, and FM radio transmission, like the iPhone and Google's satellite communications, and Android, as well as by new c e l l p h o n e s e r v i c e s , l i e s connected devices, like the iPad somewhere between the lower and Amazon's Kindle--will radio frequency areas. surpass the amount of wireless What makes it valuable is that spectrum that's available by as the FCC has established policies soon as 2013. whereby companies or other Submitted at 5/25/2010 6:00:00 AM

entities own licenses to slivers of radio frequencies. Business models have been built around these licenses, and technology has been developed to maximize the profitability of these licenses. In the early days of radio, allocating spectrum licenses made sense because the technology was not good at mitigating interference. The government stepped in and granted exclusive access to certain frequencies to make sure operators broadcasting signals over a particular frequency didn't interfere with one another. Today's broadcast TV and cellular phone networks are still built with this same simple notion of allocating slivers of spectrum that use specific frequencies. Devices used for these services are optimized to receive signals broadcast in those frequencies. This is why some cell phones, which support only one or two frequencies, may not work on other carrier networks using the same technology in other parts of the world. The benefit of using simple, static technology is that it keeps costs down. But the downside is that this approach is inefficient. Huge chunks of spectrum are off limits to other users even when license holders aren't using those frequencies. Take broadcast TV as an example. TV broadcasters use

high-powered antennas to blanket an area with TV broadcast signals so thousands or even millions of viewers can tune in to the same channel to receive the TV broadcast. To ensure that broadcasters from other markets didn't interfere with these transmissions, the TV stations were allocated spectrum buffers--or sets of adjacent frequencies that are never used and that ensure the absence of any such interference. In 2005, the National Science Foundation published results of a study about spectrum usage in New York City over several months, which included the summer of 2004, when the Republican National Convention was in town. In this study, researchers noted that on average only about 5.2 percent of the available spectrum from 30MHz to 3,000MHz was being used at any given time. And at peak times, the total spectrum usage in New York City was just 13 percent. "Clearly this suggests that the majority of spectrum even at peak times is not being used," said Jeff Thompson, CEO of Tower Stream, a provider of fixed wireless broadband. "I don't think you could ever make all of this spectrum available to anyone at any given period of time, but certainly we can do better." Indeed, technology exists today that would allow underutilized

spectrum to be used. Several companies, including Microsoft, Dell, Philips Electronics and Motorola have been testing technologies that sense unused wireless frequencies. The way these devices work is that they can dynamically detect when certain frequencies aren't being used and then use those frequencies. The devices sending signals find the unused spectrum, and devices receiving the signals are smart enough and sensitive enough to be able to accept signals transmitted over a range of different frequencies. A good analogy is to think of people having a conversation at a crowded party. The speaker is able to modulate the volume of her voice to make sure she can be heard, and the listener is able to tune in to the speaker's voice and tune others out to understand what she's saying. Composing with white space The FCC tested several prototype devices as part of a push to open up what's known as"white space" spectrum for unlicensed use. White spaces are those buffers of unused frequency that sit between TV channels. When TV broadcasters switched to transmitting signals in digital, which is spectrally more efficient than analog transmission, the FCC determined that some of this WIRELESS page 27



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Facebook, Foursquare, and Google Talk The Future of Mobile MG Siegler (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:19:35 AM

Today at TechCrunch Disrupt in New York City, Michael is on stage to talk about the future of mobile with Facebook’s Chris Cox, Google’s Vic Gundotra, and Foursquare’s Dennis Crowley. Below find my live notes (paraphrased): MA: there’s so much with privacy issues around Facebook. What’s happening? CC: It’s been an intense and humbling couple weeks for us. We’ve spent a lot of time talking to advocacy groups. Mark wrote a post. Starting tomorrow we’ll be rolling out “drastically simple” privacy controls. MA: What’s the go-to phone for all you guys? DC: iPhone. CC: HTC Incredible. VG: Incredible too. It’s the goto phone for today because it’s really fast. And the Verizon network is awesome. Sprint has a great device too. MA: I once threw a Sprint phone out a window because it was so bad. VG: You throw things (laughs). MA: Remember when the guy from Google stood in front of my car? VG: No. MA: Why not the EVO? VG: It’s not shipping yet. I did have one buy my wife took it

from me. MA: The phone I have is this (some crappy feature phone). It’s the new black. This phone cost $24. It had 300 minutes included — it makes calls that never drop. It’s like there’s a hamster in there that just keeps running. MA: Sometimes you have to make a call, and it’s nice to have a phone that does that. What phone should be the perfect one for data? Should you just have a feature phone then the iPad? Do you need data everywhere you go? DC: Yes. MA: With the rise of the iPad, do we go back to simplicity in phones? VG: You can have both. MA; When are you going to have that phone? VG: We have it, the Incredible. DC: I have a problem with AT&T, but it’s not deal-breaker problems. I call my parents and grandma, everyone else I text. MA: Let’s talk about location. Has Foursquare won? Are they the YouTube of location? VG: I think there will be lots of players. I think Foursquare has done some amazing work with check-ins. But it’s early. Lots of innovation in the next year. CC: I think they’re a winner right now – but it’s not a space where there are winners and losers. It’s a piece of context in a larger thing. DC: I think we’re building

great stuff — there is no winner. Think of where we are now to where we were 2 years ago. We’ve made the space more interesting. We’ve pushed things in a different direction. It’s experimenting in the space. MA: What is it that people love to do? DC: It’s all about giving people reasons to check-in. People love it for different reason. Some for deals, some for loaction history, some for badges, etc. We thought it would be one thing that caught on, but it’s all of them for various people. MA: How many users? DC: 35% 7 day active users. Opens the app is higher each day. 700,000 check-ins a day last Friday. VG: We don’t have check-ins.

now? CC: Yeah but we offer Connect as well. MA: When do you get into location? CC: At some point. We’ll talk about it when we have a product. MA: Are you putting a lot of thought into it? Do you know the model? CC: I don’t think we know yet. A lot of things already have location element, like a status update, we just have to turn it on. But there are other things. How do we interact with things like Foursquare — we’re a platform company. DC: We have Facebook Latitude has 8 million users, 3 Connect on the iPhone app, not million active. It’s not the same the other platforms yet. thing. Nor is it on Buzz. With MA: Let’s talk about devices. L a t i t u d e i t ’ s b a c k g r o u n d What do phones look like in a location. year or a year and a half? MA: Is that a product for the VG: In the 20 years I’ve been masses? doing software, I’ve never seen VG: It’s a strong start. We’ll be a rate of innovation that we’re doing better thing. seeing now. You think you’ve DC: I don’t think the passive seen the best, then a new one tracking model is for everyone. comes. Looking out a year — It skews towards families. We that’s a long time. built Dodgeball without it MA: Will the screens get because you couldn’t do it. Now bigger? The EVO screen is too you can, but I still think the big, no? right model is in the middle. VG: For my daughter, to watch MA: Is Facebook the most Disney, it’s the right size. popular mobile app? MA: Will it be ARM or Intel? CC: Over 100 million people VG: I think Intel will try to are using Facebook mobile make a push. Clearly ARM has products monthly — across the momentum. products. FACEBOOK, page 27 MA: It’s a limited app right

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BILL continued from page 22

things that came from a very tight-knit, proprietary, closed design company. Does it make you think that, for certain types of devices, an open model is less effective? Joy: I don't think the opensource community focused on this stuff in the same way. In some sense, you only hit what you aim at. What was the goal of the Linux community--to replace Windows? One can imagine higher aspirations. I think the thing is that open source has been great for hobbyists to get involved, and hobbyists in the sense of the word as somebody who really loves it. That's not a negative thing at all. It's just not clear how it organizes a sustained and creative activity. Google is using this approach with Android. It's open source, but the money comes from someplace else. More broadly, how do people make a living and do something really creative? I think they have to organize it as a business. I'm all for sharing, but I recognize the truly great things may not come from that environment. What is it like for you as an early Sun person to see Sun in Oracle's hands and some of the comments that Larry Ellison has made recently?

Joy: I saw he said something about how we had great technology, and I think we did. I think the business side obviously didn't do as well for the company. The financial results for the last few years made it very difficult for the company to continue as an independent entity. I think if you wound the clock back, I'd like to think that we invented stuff in engineering that could have been marketed better. I'm happy to be working on something else. I worked on it for a very long time. If you look at the technology industry, you really have to believe in what you are doing and it needs to be great to make a difference. If we saw some of the coverage of Google TV, the coverage is well, yeah, I've seen eight of these and why is this one any different? Well, the truth is a lot of people pushed a lot of stuff out before it was ready and they didn't really believe in it. How many TV initiatives has Microsoft had? Did they really believe in them, or is this just another product? They have the financial ability to do just about anything. But it doesn't have much chance of success if they don't really believe it. It will just come and go again. I think that's what's happening

now. There are things that come organically like, say, a Twitter. For these large companies with a huge amount of money, they have to believe in what they are doing. I think Google really believes in the Android platform. I guess Microsoft really believed in Xbox. The phone stuff always seemed to me a little bit more half-hearted. The time to have been bold was when there was, perhaps, less reason to be bold, less apparent reason--right when Windows was cooking. If you remember back when Apple did the Mac, the Apple II was doing really well still. They had the Newton and it didn't work, so they haven't always succeeded, but they have been willing to be ... bold. My prediction would be that if Microsoft wants to do something great ... they have to take a chance. It can't succeed because of Office and the Windows APIs. It has to succeed on its merits, and they have to believe in it. I think Sun got caught because we did things that were more the basis for consumer technologies, but we ended up being a commercial computing vendor. We never really got the consumer part of our business going. Is Microsoft a consumer company or not? In the

categories that matter to consumers, where's the music player, where's the phone, where's the tablet? It's sort of gradually falling away. That's OK. They don't have to be a consumer products company; Samsung looks a lot more like a consumer products company than Microsoft to me. Maybe that's not a good thing to be. It may be hard to be a consumer products company. Ask the Japanese consumer electronics companies. It only works if you have great products. The idea of Surface is great. It came out and I thought wow, that would be cool. Let's buy one. It turns out you couldn't buy them. They were only selling to gambling establishments, so what's the point? Photosynth, that's great. I'm sure they have done a lot of really great work on Voice. In some senses, it feels like Sun in that there's all this great technology but it's not getting out. It's not being put in things they are really committed to. Whatever's in the Surface, what's going to happen to that? It's going to be in a museum. IBM built a car at one point. In some senses, maybe there's too many of these things. You have to pick a smaller number and decide to believe in them. And that was a problem at Sun,

too? Joy: I think the problem at Sun was we started as a desktop computing vendor and ended up as a server vendor. A lot of our R&D was aimed at professional workstations, and what people there would want just ended up stranded because we didn't make those machines anymore. There was never a Sun handheld. That was the kind of technology that was anticipating the iPhone and the iPod. We had a touch-screen, Wi-Fi handheld device that we showed in 1995. That was a decade early. By the time it was time to do the iPhone, we didn't have any business anywhere near the handheld devices. We had a few software standards we were pushing for cell phones, but we just did not have critical mass. Our business had changed. Our technology got stranded. Microsoft similarly seems to have a lot of stranded technology. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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5 Use Cases for The Real-Time Web Richard MacManus (ReadWriteWeb)

event, we invite you to register now for the Real-Time Web Summit NYC. 1. Finance Submitted at 5/25/2010 4:39:24 AM Last October, we pointed to a The theme of our upcoming company called Kaazing. It uses Real-Time Web Summit in New HTML5 Websockets to push York City is use cases for the bits of financial data to web Real-Time Web. In the run-up i n t e r f a c e s f o r b a n k s . A s to our June 11 event, we'll Marshall Kirkpatrick explained, p u b l i s h a s e r i e s o f p o s t s many of those banks had exploring use cases across a previously been using locally variety of industries - finance, installed software in order to enterprise, science, education, maintain secure persistent and more. We aim to show just connections with a data source. how much potential there is for Kaazing moves that to the real-time technologies in the browser and it claims to be able real world. to handle "very large" numbers By now most of you will be of users and message volumes, familiar with the technology of all in real-time. the Real-Time Web. It's about 2. Enterprise immediacy of content, presence Integration with business information, efficiency and intelligence technologies is one responsiveness. Twitter and u s e c a s e f o r r e a l - t i m e Facebook have become the technologies in the enterprise, poster children for the Real- wrote ReadWriteEnterprise Time Web, however there's e d i t o r A l e x W i l l i a m s i n much more to it than those two December. An example is products. To prove that, here's a Socialcast. Last October it list of five other use cases for l a u n c h e d S o c i a l B u s i n e s s the Real-Time Web. Intelligence (SBI), an analytics Sponsor platform for activity streams in This post only scratches the the enterprise. With SBI, the surface. On 11th June in New activity stream is aggregated York City, we'll host a day of a n d t h e n a n a l y z e d b y quality, practical discussions m a n a g e m e n t t o b e t t e r about how to deploy real-time u n d e r s t a n d c o m m u n i t y technologies in your industry. d y n a m i c s . To be a part of this unique 3. Education

Although Google Wave has struggled to gain momentum since its launch last year, one area where it may yet have an impact is in education. Last October, we looked at how Wave might be deployed as a real-time collaborative notetaking tool. Some early users reported that Google Wave combines some of the best features from different collaborative applications, but with a real-time twist. It was noted that while Google Docs can be used to share notes and collaborate on assignments, with Google Wave students can do this in real-time. This could be important in education for things like note taking, asking questions (a.k.a. a backchannel) and collaborative projects. 4. Science One of the companies we profiled in our premium report on the Real-Time Web last year

was Mendeley, a service for organizing scientific research papers. It includes social features such as offering recommendations of research and other scientists you might like. The company told report author Marshall Kirkpatrick that Mendeley is like or iTunes for scientific research. Indeed, its backers include cofounders of and Skype. How it works: Mendeley tracks reading and citation activity in real-time to provide recommendations and trending data. It has a particular focus on implicit data - like opening a document several times, or sharing it. 5. Publishing If you're not doing real-time updates in online publishing these days, then your chances of survival are slim. There's no shortage of applications for realtime technology in publishing, but a recent example comes from TIME magazine. It launched NewsFeed earlier this month, a new subset that offers's readers fast updates about trending topics. NewsFeed's team of editors told us on launch that it plans to post about 20 updates per day, with topics ranging from politics, breaking news, sports, tech and

entertainment. Time Magazine is using WordPress as its publishing platform and the site's comments are powered by JS-Kit's Echo commenting platform. There are people from TIME Magazine attending our RealTime Web Summit in NYC, so you'll be able to ask them directly how the new site works. Want to Find Out More Use Cases? Register for the RWW Real-Time Summit NYC! We'll explore many more use cases for real-time technology at our upcoming Summit in New York, on 11th June. To participate, we invite you to register now. The current price of $395 only lasts until Wednesday, 26th May, after which it will increase. If you're a company in the Real -Time Web market and want to showcase your product, contact our COO Sean Ammirati for information regarding sponsorship and our 'speed geeking' sessions (which gives you a chance to demo your product). In the meantime, be sure to follow our content series about Real-Time Web use cases here on ReadWriteWeb - there are more to come! Discuss

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continued from page 23

spectrum could be freed up for commercial use. Despite opposition from TV broadcasters and others who said there would be interference issues, the FCC's tests suggested that interference could be mitigated, and it unanimously voted in 2008 to open up white space spectrum for unlicensed use. The agency put specific conditions on the devices that would be used, to ensure they wouldn't interfere with other devices using the spectrum. Several laboratory tests have been conducted, as well as a live test earlier this year. Devices are still not commercially available. Testing continues, and the industry is carefully watching what happens with white spaces. "If companies can continue to get success with white space technology, then that creates a crack in the dam," said Tower Stream's Thompson. "I think it would show that spectrum can be shared." In terms of unlicensed wireless spectrum, Wi-Fi, the cheap local area network technology designed to replace Ethernet, has offered a perfect example of how spectrum can be shared and improved to become more efficient. New advances in WiFi, such as beam-forming technology and multiple radio technologies like MIMO, have increased transmission ranges and boosted capacity of these networks. Increasingly, the

continued from page 24

technology is being used by wireless carriers, which own their own spectrum licenses, to offload some of their broadband traffic from smartphones and other bandwidth intensive devices. The FCC sees unlicensed spectrum as an important piece of the puzzle in making more spectrum available to wireless providers. And it has made such spectrum a priority in its National Broadband Plan. In this 10-year blueprint, presented to Congress earlier this year, the agency suggests that 500MHz of wireless spectrum be made available for wireless broadband services by 2020. The plan outlines suggestions for freeing 300MHz of that spectrum within five years. Some of this spectrum is expected to come from government agencies that are not using allocated spectrum. A portion of the spectrum could be made available for unlicensed use. But the agency also believes more licensed spectrum needs to be made available. Even though technology could make it possible for most, if not all, newly freed spectrum to be shared, current business models built around licensed spectrum dictate that more licenses need to be granted to help fuel the demand for new spectrum. "Unlicensed spectrum may be the most efficient way to

allocate wireless resources," Werbach said. "But there are still many reasons why some exclusive spectrum still has value. Wireless operators need to have some certainty to invest in building these networks. The reality is that the goal of the public policies should be to remain open to all of these different mechanisms." Werbach said historically the FCC has focused its policy on protecting license holders and preventing interference. But he said the current FCC has signaled it is shifting its priorities toward demanding more efficient use of spectrum. This is a key policy change that could help turn the tide in averting a spectrum "crisis." "If I get granted an exclusive license, and the FCC grants me broad protection, my incentive is to make the cheapest, dumbest equipment possible, because if anyone interferes with my service, the government will step in and protect my rights," Werbach said. "But if the FCC demands more efficient use of the spectrum, then license holders have the incentive to use more intelligent devices that use the spectrum more efficiently." Werbach said it's unlikely the FCC will force wireless spectrum license holders to share spectrum with new entrants or competitors, but it can establish policies to provide an incentive for these deals to be

made. Some deals may already be in the works, Verizon Wireless said earlier this month that it is talking to rural wireless operators about leasing some of its 700MHz spectrum in sparsely populated regions of the country. The rural operators would lease the spectrum and build their networks, which could potentially be tied in with the new 4G wireless service Verizon is building. Clearwire, another company building 4G wireless service, also said it's talking to local officials in certain regions about similar deals. "It's in everyone's interest to have the most efficient use of wireless spectrum" Werbach said. "And where one company has exclusive rights to spectrum, it might make sense to lease that resource. With the new technologies that are being made available, devices can be smarter and more adaptive, so there are a whole range of options that will be available." Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

MA: Dennis what’s your ideal phone? DC: One that doesn’t run out of batteries. Passive tracking is on Android phones, but it kills the juice. Even push notifications drain the battery. The batteries need to get better. CC: I want a phone you can talk to. You sort of can with Android phones. I don’t want to type SMS anymore. They should be contextually aware. Check-in to flights, find deals at grocery stores, etc. These things take a bunch of clicks now — it’s all wasting time. The phone should know what we want. MA: Yeah, this phone (feature phone) lasts a week. And I don’t check-in on Foursquare with it. DC: You can do it via SMS (laughs). MA: It’s great, it makes calls. Texts are hard. Vic, you guys should sell pre-paid phones with Google Voice at 7-11. VG: 7-11, okay. MA: I think you should listen to my business advice. Wake up guys! Okay I’m bringing something out to wake you up. Vic, you were on stage with Conan O’Brian recently (PLAYS VIDEO)



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Map Reduce your Inbox: Yahoo Mail is Fighting Spam with Big Data Mike Kirkwood (ReadWriteWeb)

patterns previously not possible in the filtering process. The Yahoo mail team recently Submitted at 5/25/2010 2:18:00 AM shared more of the details of Is there a way to defeat spam? of the spam for the 300 million their process to use Hadoop and Late last week, the Yahoo Mail account holders, adding up to other companion big data team shared news from an over 120 billion blocked spam technologies to fight the ever independent study that users of messages per month. Spam is changing stream of spam. t h e Y a h o o M a i l r e c e i v e Polymorphic - Algorithms Need The good news is that this significantly less spam messages A Grid To Keep Up approach is providing a new in their email inbox than other Ramarao shared with us the generation of data intelligence a p p r o a c h t h a t Y a h o o h a s tools that can be tuned for realcompetitive services. We caught up with Vish implemented that consists of time algorithms to find patterns Ramarao, anti-spam guru at analyzing both historical in previously undetected in the Y a h o o , t o l e a r n h o w t h e present data to find spam spam arms race. company was able to achieve patterns. Map Reducing the raw data these results and whether it is What we learned is that spam provides a path to preparing the possible to outsmart spammers d e l i v e r y i s i n c r e a s i n g l y data for the real challenges seen c o m p l e x . S p a m m e r s a r e in finding patterns in spam. using more capable filters. i n c r e a s i n g l y t u r n i n g t o The Yahoo team also shared Sponsor "reputation bots" that help fight their insights that this type of The Study Here are the statistics supplied negative reports from users. approach may also be useful in b y t h e Y a h o o t e a m . " T h e The spammers have organized other security data models, F r a u n h o f e r I n s t i t u t e , a n their systems to break the where access to high volumes of independent research firm, filtering routines, black lists, data (e.g. logs) may have been found that Yahoo! Mail users and reputation mechanics that impossible in the past but can saw the least amount of spam have been employed to date. now be optimized for real time out of the five providers tested, Yahoo turned to building a analysis. with nearly 40% less spam than better knowledge base, or in this What do you think? Will Hotmail and 55% less spam than c a s e a b r o a d e r a n d m o r e techniques like Map Reduce Gmail - meaning Gmail users in available information set. By unleash other good things in our the study saw more than twice enabling the Map Reduce information saturated world? as much spam as Yahoo! Mail functionality of Hadoop, the Discuss company is able to perform ad users." It is noted that Yahoo spam hoc queries across broader grid filtering processes reduce 99% of header data on email to find

Old VCR Codes Have Been Junked Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

recorders using the codes are essentially zero. Indeed, television has already Throw another one on the pile begun a migration to the Web. of outdated technologies. The Google announced Google TV last VCR Plus+ codes to ever be at I/O on the same day that the g e n e r a t e d w e r e s e n t t o last VCR Plus+ codes reached p u b l i s h e r s o n M a y 2 0 t h , newspapers. Online television a c c o r d i n g t o s e v e r a l site Hulu has been going for newspapers. three years already. VCR Plus+ were the codes you The VCR Plus+ code used to need to videotape a d i s a p p e a r a n c e i s a r a r e television show. They were convergence of, arguably, three generated by Rovi(formerly different types of defunct tech: Macrovision) and provided to newspapers, video recorders and the print media where they were the codes themselves. Not many published in the TV listings. people I daresay will miss them. Sponsor But what about the folks who Once upon a time, the only took the time and extraordinary visible field in a video recorder effort to master their use? Will was the set of LED numbers on there remain a small group of the front. Using the VCR Plus+ furious television watchers out code, you could instruct the there shouting, "They can have machine to record such-and- my VCR Plus+ code when they such a channel at a specific pry it from my cold, dead time. These days, with DVD hand?" player on-screen displays, the Thanks to Larry Price for the codes are no longer needed, and tip Discuss the number of new video Submitted at 5/24/2010 9:00:00 PM


E-reader News Edition

Pew Claims Over 99% of Social Media News Links are to MSM

Wal-Mart Dropping iPhone to $97

Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

Curt Hopkins (ReadWriteWeb)

Submitted at 5/24/2010 8:30:00 PM

about original news on Twitter. "More than 99% of the stories According to the study, there linked to in blogs came from was no original news at all on l e g a c y o u t l e t s s u c h a s Twitter."Here half (50%) of the newspapers and broadcast links were to legacy outlets; networks. And just four - the 40% went to web-only news BBC, CNN, the New York sources such as Mashable and Times and the Washington Post CNET. The remaining 10% accounted for fully 80% of all went to wire stories or non-news links." sources..." This is one of the assertions in Pew used the term "links" here, the latest report from the Pew though earlier in the report they Research Center's Project for ask, "What types of news stories Excellence in Journalism, " New do consumers share and discuss Media, Old Media." the most?" Have they limited Sponsor their discussion of Twitter The data the report is based solely to Tweets with links? It is comes from the New Media a common way of sharing news Index and the News Coverage on Twitter, but not the only Index. Pew describes the former w a y . R e a d W r i t e W e b h a s as "a weekly report that captures reported several times on not the leading commentary of just news reporting but breaking blogs and social media sites news on Twitter. focused on news and compares Questions to Pew about these those subjects to coverage in the figures and their sources were mainstream press." not returned by posting time. This figure seems wildly out of We will add an update when and sync with the admittedly non- if they are. statistical experience of the A Difference in Emphasis editorial staff at ReadWriteWeb. Which stories were deemed No Original News on Twitter? most important differed between Another surprising finding was mainstream media and social

media and between types of social media."Blogs shared the same lead story with traditional media in just 13 of the 49 weeks studied. Twitter was even less likely to share the traditional media agenda - the lead story matched that of the mainstream press in just four weeks of the 29 weeks studied. On YouTube, the top stories overlapped with traditional media eight out of 49 weeks. " Of all the social media covered in the study, YouTube had the most international focus. The report states that 26% of the news videos watched were of non-U.S. events. But the mostwatched videos were not of "the most important or pressing topic of the week, but rather what image or video was the most interesting to view." Examples included Susan Boyle on "Britain's Got Talent" (the most popular video during one week in June and viewed 100 million times in less than a month) and a drunk bus driver endangering students. Discuss


Submitted at 5/24/2010 10:00:00 PM

On Tuesday, retailer Wal-Mart plans to cut the price of the popular iPhone 16GB 3GS to $97. Currently this iPhone model is selling for $199. The $97 deal requires a two-year service contract with AT&T. The dip in price could represent a hope to clear inventory and preserve sales in the lead-up to the debut of the newest iPhone next month. Good for buyers, perhaps, but a source of some aggravation for developers. Sponsor The reduction could also be a reaction to the April AdMob report that had Google's Android phone edging out the Apple iPhone in mobile ad traffic. That report indicated that the Android had garnered more of the ad dollars spent on mobile platforms than the iPhone had, with Google at 46% to Apple's 32%. Apple sold around 50 million iPhones last year. Figures for the last quarter indicated a doubling in sales from the

previous year. Last month, a version of Apple's new 4G iPhone was passed off to tech blog Gizmodo, which wrote about it. An Apple attorney, George Riley, later called this " immensely damaging" to the company. Marco Arment, lead developer of Tumblr and Instapaper, said on Twitter tonight: "As a developer, I can't wait until Apple stops selling the iPhone 3G and the current low-end iPod touch. Those CPUs are tough to support. And I realistically need to keep supporting them for about 2 years after Apple stops selling them." Discuss


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Scribd Ramps Up Migration To HTML5; Scores Partnerships With Forbes Media And Others Leena Rao (TechCrunch)

Liquid Comics, with titles from Guy Ritchie and Deepak Chopra, among others, will offer We reported recently that hundreds of graphic novels and online document sharing site comics on Scribd; Workman Scribd will start to ditch Flash Publishing will offer the across its tens of millions of complete job hunter’s bible uploaded documents and “Can I Wear My Nose Ring to convert them all to native the Interview” and other fullHTML5 Web pages, another length titles; and Publishers win for Apple in its battle Weekly will share entire issues against Flash. Today, at and special reports, starting TechCrunch Disrupt, Scribd immediately with its BookExpo CEO and co-founder Jared America (BEA) show daily. Friedman, is announcing that the And Scribd plans to launch an startup has moved much of its ad revenue-sharing program for content, including tens of select content partners this millions of books, magazines, summer. Friedman showed how newspapers, presentations, ads within content flow more research and more, to the seamlessly with the HTML5 especially long documents. time on the site than before. In HTML5 format. format on the iPad. Friedman Friedman has told us that he Scribd’s documents will be fact, Friedman says that users says the great thing about believes HTML5 improves the especially iPad friendly. Instead are spending twice as much time HTML5 is that every tablet, ereading experience, by allowing of downloading a book from on the site. reader and device supports it. any document to become a Web A p p l e ’ s i B o o k s s t o r e o r To commemorate the transition, Watch live streaming video page. “The possibilities are Amazon’s Kindle app, you can Scribd has partnered with a from disrupt at endless,” Friedman said in a see if an electronic version is on number of publishers to make CrunchBase Information Scribd statement. And the HTML5 Scribd and read it in your premium content available in I n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d b y the new format for free. Forbes format is able to bring the browser. CrunchBase As Scribd has converted its Media will make available its richness of fonts and graphics from documents to native Web documents over to the new “Vintage Warren: The Best of pages. A new bookmark feature format, the startup has noticed Forbes on Buffett” special issue will help you keep your place in that users are spending more free to Scribd readers first; Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:09:19 AM

Sugar Shout Out: 10 Food Trends From Sex and the City PopSugar (PopSugar) Submitted at 5/25/2010 1:55:00 AM

• 10 food trends featured on Sex and the City • Who is your favorite Bachelorette ever? • Samantha Jones's beauty evolution • Group Therapy: advice for handling your co-worker crush • Outdoor toys to jump-start Summer • Splish splash in J.Crew's swimwear collection • Jackie Warner on America's sugar addiction • 5 companies that deserve your business and 5 that don't • Got milk (glass)? Wedding tablescapes drink it in • Zach Braff sees need for Adoptapalooza pet adoption event • Super Mario Galaxy 2 review: an extremely worthwhile journey


E-reader News Edition

Phase One Acquires Microsoft’s Expression Media Product

TUAW's Daily App: Theseus

Robin Wauters (TechCrunch)

Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:18:00 AM


Submitted at 5/25/2010 9:00:00 AM

Digital photography company Phase One, which offers in open-platform based medium format camera systems and solutions, is taking over Microsoft’s Expression Media product. The acquisition of the product is an extension of a partnership between the Copenhagen-based company and Microsoft, inked in 2007. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed. Microsoft Expression Media is a commercial digital asset management (DAM) cataloging program for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. It is the next version of iView MediaPro, which Microsoft itself acquired in June 2006. Under the terms of the agreement, Expression Media will join Phase One’s product lineup, which includes mediumformat camera systems Capture One raw-conversion and image-

Filed under: iPhone Theseus isn't for everyone -- it's a little slower-paced and more thoughtful than a lot of apps in the store, and the puzzles included get hard fast. But if you're looking for a challenge and a little bit of brain-teasing on your iPhone, Theseus will provide just that. It's a puzzle game based on the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. You control Theseus, represented by editing software. The agreement was brokered by blue dot on a series of mazes. Phase One will take full M i c r o s o f t ’ s I P V e n t u r e s Your job is to try and get away ownership of the Expression program, a vehicle for Microsoft from the Minotaur, the red dot, Media product. Microsoft will to get technologies into the and make it to the exit on each continue to provide support to hands of other businesses. screen. retail customers for 90 days, Microsoft said that it will The catch? You only get to after which Phase One will c o n t i n u e t o d e v e l o p t h e move one square each turn, begin offering support. Expression Studio design tools while the Minotaur gets to move Microsoft customers who are f o r S i l v e r l i g h t a n d . N E T . two. But he will always try to currently using Expression C r u n c h B a s e I n f o r m a t i o n move toward you, so with a Media under an Enterprise Microsoft Information provided little clever planning, there's Agreement will continue to by CrunchBase always a way to evade him and receive support from Microsoft escape the Labyrinth. That can through the term of their be fiendishly tough, but the agreements. game is solidly built, with a whole slew of ways to undo and reset the game if you run into problems. Trial and error can get you far, and if you get too

frustrated, there's a hint button that will help you get through the game's over 80 levels. There's a free version to try out, and if you enjoy figuring out ways to get around the Minotaur, Theseus is on the App Store for US$1.99. TUAW TUAW's Daily App: Theseus originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 25 May 2010 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480M: 'world's fastest' mobile GPU now official, landing in June Vladislav Savov (Engadget)

advances over the incumbent Green Team leader, the 360M, but things start to look a little NVIDIA has just announced worrying when we check the that the GTX 480M, the mobile 480M's clock speeds. The re-spin of its extravagantly processor speed is nearly halved overpowered Fermi desktop from the desktop GTX 480, at parts, will be arriving in the 850MHz, the memory does only middle of next month. Touted as 1,200MHz, and the graphics run the world's fastest mobile at 425MHz -- we didn't know graphics processor, this chip anything worthwhile even will bring 352 CUDA cores and operated below 500MHz these a 256-bit memory interface to days. Either way, you're getting up to 2GB of GDDR5 RAM. a computing powerhouse, with These are clear and convincing the 480M's 897 gigaflops Submitted at 5/25/2010 9:00:00 AM

comfortably dwarfing its predecessor's 413 and promising almighty tessellation performance. What it all means

Wave goodbye to the iPhone 3G Chris Rawson (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)) Submitted at 5/24/2010 7:00:00 PM

Filed under: iPhone Update: Engadget also points out that Walmart is now selling the iPhone 3GS for $97, a sure inventory-clearing move. According to Boy Genius Report, the iPhone 3G is very likely to be discontinued. Apple has reportedly stopped supplying AT&T stores with the 8 GB iPhone 3G. Additionally, the Australian online Apple Store lists the iPhone 3G as "currently unavailable," and UK carrier O2 has altered its ordering options in a way that makes it impossible to purchase

the low-end iPhone. It's not at all shocking that the iPhone 3G is most likely about to be discontinued. The twoyear-old hardware is relatively

anemic even compared to its successor, the 3GS. Because of its lower RAM and CPU speed, the iPhone 3G won't enjoy all the benefits of iPhone OS 4.0, particularly multitasking. Once the iPhone 3G is discontinued, one of two things will probably happen -- see them both after the link below. [Via MacRumors] TUAW Wave goodbye to the iPhone 3G originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 24 May 2010 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

with regard to keeping your frame rates up while traversing the Terminus Systems, we can't yet say. We'll let the

benchmarking gurus figure it out -- go past the break for the full press release and spec sheet. Continue reading NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480M: 'world's fastest' mobile GPU now official, landing in June NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480M: 'world's fastest' mobile GPU now official, landing in June originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 25 May 2010 09:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

Cryogenic FileSplitter Sports Simple Drag and Drop File Splitting and Assembly [Download] Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 5/25/2010 6:30:00 AM

If you need to split files in a hurry, Cryogenic FileSplitter is a speedy file splitter with an easy to use drag and drop interface. More Âť Drag-and-drop- File

Management- Windows- File Splitters- Shareware

Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition


Engadget: Sam Mendes Zecco Introduces Stock shooting Apple ads, Snack Smart: the Trading Widget On video chat to be featured Do Bunny Hop! StockTwits And Firefox Dave Caolo (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

paraphrases "a trusted source" by saying that at least one ad Erick Schonfeld (TechCrunch) trading widget. The widget will feature a mother and Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:00:00 AM allows customers to place stock Submitted at 5/25/2010 7:00:29 AM daughter talking via video chat trades without going back to Filed under: iPhone with their iPhones, giving If you like to trade stocks, Zecco. Trade, Tweet, Repeat. Here's another juicy iPhone further credence to the frontc h a n c e s a r e y o u d o y o u r Zecco also has a Firefox add-on rumor. Engadget reports that facing camera that appeared in research on sites like Yahoo which overlays a Zecco trading American Beauty director Sam the prototypes that Gizmodo and Finance, Google Finance, or widget onto any site. The add- Mendes will be shooting the Tinhte recently showed off. even StockTwits to find ideas, on works particularly well with next batch of Apple ads, and at Are you excited? We are. See and then you go log into your f i n a n c i a l s i t e s s u c h a s least one will feature video chat. you on the 7th! brokerage account to execute a B l o o m b e r g , C N N M o n e y , Quoting some rather telling TUAW Engadget: Sam Mendes trade. Or maybe you get MarketWatch, Google Finance, t w e e t s , E n g a d g e t h a s p u t shooting Apple ads, video chat distracted by a dancing bear on and even parts of competing together that auditions are to be featured originally YouTube and never buy or sell broker sites like E*Trade and underway. An actress posted the appeared on The Unofficial that stock. TD Ameritrade. If it identifies a message you see above, in Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, Online discount brokerage stock ticker on one of those which she's praying for a role in 25 May 2010 08:00:00 EST. Zecco wants to make sure you sites, it will pre-populate the "a F***ing Apple commercial," Please see our terms for use of can trade anywhere on the Web, trading widget with that stock’s while another tweet from a feeds. whenever the feeling hits you. symbol. different actor reads, "off to a Read| Permalink| Email this| Today, it is releasing Zap Trade CrunchBase Information Zecco commercial audition for Apple." Comments with StockTwits, and as a S t o c k T w i t s I n f o r m a t i o n In addition, Engadget Firefox add-on. On StockTwits, p r o v i d e d b y C r u n c h B a s e there will now be a Z button which will launch a Zecco Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog) Submitted at 5/24/2010 2:00:00 PM

Eating gummies makes me feel like a kid again and clearly I enjoy snacking like a kid. That's why today's snack pick is Annie's Organic Berry Patch Bunny fruit snacks. Each little pouch is just 70 calories and the perfect fruity treat when you feel like having something chewy and sweet, but want to avoid a sugar and calorie coma. -- Abby Cuffey, Associate Health Editor Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Technology/ Culture/

E-reader News Edition

Street Chic: New York (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/25/2010 6:00:00 AM

Horizon's H-Cell 2.0 hydrogen fuel cell for R/C cars now shipping (video) Tim Stevens (Engadget)

looking enthusiasts and comes with everything you need to Submitted at 5/25/2010 9:42:00 AM mount it on a tiny boat, little You may have a hard time plane, or R/C car (like the buying yourself a full-sized Tamiya TRF416 shown above). hydrogen-powered auto, but While Horizon indicates the cell thanks to Horizon Fuel Cell will keep that car moving at Technologies you can at least 45mph for a full hour, an get a 1:10 scale version. The impressive figure, they still company's H-Cell 2.0 fuel cell haven't told us another very kit, unveiled back in February, important number: the cost. We is now shipping to forward- do, however, have the full

system specs just after the break, along with a demo video of the thing in action. It may not be as fast as your neighbor's nitro-powered beast, but what has he done for the environment lately? Gallery: Horizon H-Cell 2.0 fuel cell Continue reading Horizon's HCell 2.0 hydrogen fuel cell for R /C cars now shipping (video)

Who: Iris Hwangbo What: Dress in head-to-toe black and carry a strong bag for a urban savvy look Wear: Forever 21 dress, Aldo Horizon's H-Cell 2.0 hydrogen shoes, vintage bag fuel cell for R/C cars now Photo: Jonathan Alpeyrie shipping (video) originally Think you are Street Chic? Eappeared on Engadget on Tue, mail us your photo and you 25 May 2010 09:42:00 EDT. could appear in's Please see our terms for use of Street Chic Daily. feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan! Comments

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Apple launches annual Back to School program Nokia's Instant Community lets you socialize with those around you without actually meeting them (video) Tim Stevens (Engadget)

prototype at this point, you can get the full walkthrough after Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:01:00 AM the break -- the full, monotone Talking to people is hard, and walkthrough. talking to strangers? That's, like, Continue reading Nokia's really hard. Nokia has a better Instant Community lets you w a y : t h e N o k i a I n s t a n t socialize with those around you Community. It relies on ad-hoc without actually meeting them W i F i c o n n e c t i o n s f r o m (video) (Finnish) smartphones to create Nokia's Instant Community lets dynamic communities into you socialize with those around which people can join. Once you without actually meeting c o n n e c t e d , t r e n d y b u t them (video) originally appeared introverted festival-goers can on Engadget on Tue, 25 May chat, exchange photos, and even 2010 08:01:00 EDT. Please see download each other's bootlegs our terms for use of feeds. of the very show they're P e r m a l i n k | Nokia attending! It's the work of the Conversations| Email this| Nokia Research Center along Comments with Tampere University of Technology, and while it's just a

Megan Lavey (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))

get back the cost of the iPod touch. To find out if you're eligible as a buyer, check out Submitted at 5/25/2010 7:30:00 AM Apple's requirements. In short -Filed under: Education if you're a student at a higher Apple has launched its annual education institution, a faculty Back to School program for the member at any school (K-12 and US, enticing buyers with a free university) or a parent buying a 8GB iPod touch after a $199 machine for your college-bound online rebate (you can also grad, you're good to go. apply the same rebate to larger- TUAW Apple launches annual capacity iPods). Back to School program To qualify, you must purchase originally appeared on The your new Mac and iPod touch at U n o f f i c i a l A p p l e W e b l o g the same time either through the (TUAW) on Tue, 25 May 2010 online Apple Education Store, 07:30:00 EST. Please see our a n A p p l e R e t a i l S t o r e o r terms for use of feeds. authorized campus store. Within Read| Permalink| Email this| 90 days from the purchase, Comments submit the $199 rebate form to


Russell Brand Talks Venus Williams' Body at French Open (VIDEO) Aimee Deeken (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/25/2010 1:37:00 AM

Filed under: TV Replay British comedian and actor Russell Brand got a rock-star entrance o n ' T h e T o n i g h t Show'(weeknights, 11:35PM ET on NBC) that he found a little "terrifying" and likened (as only Brand can) to an orgy. Then he spotted the revealing poster-size photo of Venus Williams wearing flesh-colored underwear during her match at the French Open. "That image of, I believe, Venus Williams -- I want that near me!" said Brand, leaping from his chair to retrieve it. "I looked at her legs, and I thought, 'This woman would make me safe." Is he still scared following that entrance among the flames and explosions? Nah, but he has a few other things in mind regarding those powerful thighs. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments


Technology/ Products/ Economy/

E-reader News Edition

Panasonic Toughbook 19 gets Core i5 grunt to match its grizzled visage

Dear Leader,

Tim Stevens (Engadget)

(The Economist: Daily news and views)

form of a 2GHz Intel Core i5540UM processor. It's mounted in the same bomb-proof Few notebooks are as respected magnesium case that we know as Panasonic's Toughbook line, and love, enabling it to survive and that's partly because they six-foot falls with ease. (Trust don't fade away like an old us, our ears are still ringing from general, they just keep getting the time we verified that upgraded. The Toughbook 19, a pledge.) The new toughbook 19 10.4-inch convertible tablet, is is shipping to battlefields and Continue reading Panasonic the latest to receive some bomb shelters right now starting Toughbook 19 gets Core i5 augmentation, this time in the at $3,399. grunt to match its grizzled

visage Panasonic Toughbook 19 gets Core i5 grunt to match its grizzled visage originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 25 May 2010 08:37:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

New “Drastically Simplified” Facebook Privacy Controls Start Rolling Out Tomorrow

Average gas prices-May 24, 2010

Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:37:00 AM

MG Siegler (TechCrunch) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:21:54 AM

On stage today at TechCrunch Disrupt in New York City, Facebook’s vice president of product Chris Cox announced that starting tomorrow, Facebook will be rolling out “drastically simplified” and improved privacy controls. He didn’t give any details, but did s u g g e s t t h a t t h e y s h o u l d Ever since the recent wave of alleviate some of the recent p r i v a c y b a c k l a s h b e g a n privacy problems Facebook has f o l l o w i n g F a c e b o o k ’ s f 8 conference, Facebook has been faced.

Consumer Reports Shopping Blog (Consumer Reports)

Submitted at 5/24/2010 2:04:38 PM

South Korea's response South Korea sends a firm but measured message to the North May 24th 2010 | From The Economist online SEOUL DEAR page 37

Coast$2.70.06 Rocky Mountain$2.85.04 West Coast$3.01.06—California$3.05 Submitted at 5/24/2010 2:26:49 PM saying they were listening to .07 feedback and would respond. Average gas prices--May 24, Source: Energy Information N o l e s s t h a n C E O M a r k 2010 Administration, 5/24/10. Figures Zuckerberg has been talking Gasoline prices are down in all rounded to the nearest cent. about the issues very publicly. areas compared to the week For more information on saving He has said they “ missed the before. The national gasoline fuel see our reports on how to mark” and “ made a bunch of average is $.35 above the price get the best gas mileage and mistakes.” He also has said they this time last year. Diesel fuel is where to find the cheapest gas are working on a “ simpler way $.75 above this time last year. and more in our guide to fuel to control your information.” National regular gasoline prices economy. T h a t s t a r t s t o m o r r o w , Price Change from last week Subscribe now! apparently. Stay tuned for more Regular gasoline/gallon$2.79.08 S u b s c r i b e t o details. Diesel fuel/gallon$3.02.07 for expert C r u n c h B a s e I n f o r m a t i o n Regional regular gasoline prices Ratings, buying advice and Facebook Information provided E a s t C o a s t $ 2 . 7 9 . 0 7 — N e w reliability on hundreds of by CrunchBase E n g l a n d $ 2 . 8 5 . 0 6 — C e n t r a l products. Update your feed A t l a n t i c $ 2 . 8 3 . 0 6 — L o w e r preferences A t l a n t i c $ 2 . 7 5 . 0 8 Midwest$2.69.11 Gulf

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E-reader News Edition


DEAR continued from page 36

LEE MYUNG-BAK, South Korea's president, has shown impressive restraint since the Cheonan, a South Korean warship, was sunk on March 26th. Now that the investigation into its cause has reached a conclusion however, he faces a dilemma. The 46 sailors who went down with their ship and the North Korean insignia found in the spent torpedo's propulsion system demand a bold response. Yet Kim Jong Il, North Korea's leader, is so unpredictable that it is hard to know where that might lead. In his televised address on Monday, Mr Lee talked tough, referring to North Korea as the “most belligerent regime in the world”. Shortly after Mr Lee's address, his ministers of unification, foreign affairs and defence laid out practical responses that South Korea will now take. Their retaliatory measures are to go further than many expected. In addition to referring the matter to the UN Security Council, South Korea will ban North Korean vessels from its waters and cease all

economic ties—save for those at Kaesong, a jointly run industrial complex. The South also plans to take part in the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), a multinational naval operation aimed at blocking the spread of nuclear materials. The North has always been especially wary of the PSI and until now the South had dithered on committing to it. To add insult to these injuries, Mr Lee's government announced plans to resume the "psychological warfare" it had stopped in 2004. This consists mainly of spreading antiCommunist propaganda in the form of leaflets and radio broadcasts aimed across the border South Korea's allies are standing no less firm; several have already condemned North Korea while expressing support for the government in Seoul. America is reviewing punitive measures of its own while Hillary Clinton, its secretary of state, is trying to persuade China to agree to more strident UN sanctions. She visits Seoul later in the week. Japan's prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, cited

the threat posed by North Korea as a justification when it came time for him to renege on his campaign pledge to remove an American marine base from Okinawa. Impoverished and isolated, the rulers in Pyongyang have one last lifeline: China, which keeps North Korea supplied with everything from food to electricity. Mr Kim paid a visit to his comrades ahead of the Cheonan fallout. Ostensibly the visit reaffirmed the two countries' solidarity. China now finds itself in the awkward position of having to pick sides between the Koreas, which it is loth to do. The diplomatic pressure will increase as Wen Jiabao, China's premier, visits Seoul on May 28th to meet Messrs Lee and Hatoyama. Mr Kim is adept at deflecting such pressure, however. In a clever move calibrated to appeal to China and to South Korea's liberals, the North has renewed its protestations of innocence and demands that the South invite a North Korean inspection team to examine the material evidence. The South’s defence

minister scoffed that this would be like asking a burglar to come and inspect the scene of the crime. But if the South continues to dismiss this request, it might inadvertently provide China with the escape it is desperately seeking. To overturn the investigators' verdict would require meeting a high bar indeed, such as proof of the whereabouts of North Korea's submarines at the time of the attack. In the absence of such counter-evidence, China may have to take a firm hand with North Korea, shifting the balance of power in what many regard as the world's most alarming stand-off. Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Blue Jeans - from Consumer Reports Press Room (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/24/2010 9:00:59 PM

Blue Jeans - from Consumer

Reports For the June issue, Consumer Reports evaluated women's blue jeans to find out if there is any real difference between a $20 pair and a pair

costing $240. Blue Jeans Podcast Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and

reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Jake Gyllenhaal Doesn't Smile or Laugh in Russia -- It's Stupid (VIDEO) Aimee Deeken (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/25/2010 12:50:00 AM

Filed under: TV Replay The many premieres and press junkets for'Prince of Persia' have taken Jake Gyllenhaal around the world, and taught him about cultural norms in the process. As he explained on the'Late Show'(weeknights, 11:35PM ET on CBS), he took advice from a Russian etiquette book a little too seriously -- leading to some disastrous interviews. "On our way to Russia, they gave us an etiquette book," said Gyllenhaal. "It says, 'Don't laugh or smile, or they'll think you're stupid or crazy.' I swear to God that's what it says ... And so I started to get really nervous..." Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments


Economy/ Sports/ Food/

E-reader News Edition

Forget The Flight To Safety Into U.S. Bonds, Cheap Defensive Stocks Have Higher Yields And More Protection

Sources: Steve Yzerman to be named Tampa Bay Lightning general manager

Vincent Fernando, CFA (The Money Game)

Hall of Famer Steve Yzerman will be named general manager of the Tampa Bay Lightning at a 3 p.m. ET news conference Tuesday, two sources told Yzerman leaves the Detroit Red Wings, the only NHL team he's ever been with, both as the superstar captain and more recently as vice president. The Lightning have been courting Yzerman heavily for at least two weeks, one source said. Yzerman replaces Brian Lawton, who was fired last month. Pierre LeBrun covers the NHL for Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

shares as a safer 10-year bet over 10-year U.S. treasuries right now which yield just Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:15:00 AM 3.12% (similar to PG's dividend Q1 was a pretty strong earnings yield), and provide zero season, yet the S&P500 is now protection against a weak U.S. lower than it was at the dollar or potential inflation. beginning of the year thanks to Companies can at least exert the recent rout. This means that pricing power to varying trailing price to earnings ratios degrees to keep their product have fallen. Here's where they prices in line with inflation. stand now, courtesy of Bespoke They can also grow their Investment Group. earnings base. We really like the first column In the end, you have to park they provide, which shows the your money somewhere, and low PE's reached at the most given the concerns regarding bearish point of 2009. It gives a currency weakness and sense of the potential downside. inflation, plus worryingly-hyped Yet at the same time, from a Despite global concerns right opaque financial nonsense of commodities, perhaps defensive bullish perspective, what stands now, large consumer staples c o m p a n i e s i n s o m e o t h e r non-financial non-cyclical out most to me is the 'Consumer companies with decent balance s e c t o r s . entrenched companies at Staples' sector. It's a defensive sheets will still be around in ten It shows how while there's a lot historically cheap valuations are sector and it's trading at just a years, through thick and thin, of uncertainty in the world, the real safe-havens right now. 14.5x PE, which equates to a and they'll be even larger there are some cheap, 'safe- Note: The author does not own haven' stocks in the market right securities related to Proctor & 6.9% earnings yield. That's enterprises. One example might be Proctor now thanks to historically low Gamble, but investors he speaks appealing. If one looks at a long-term & Gamble (PG), which trades at v a l u a t i o n s , e n t r e n c h e d or works with may. history, many names in this a 1 4 . 7 x P E w i t h a 3 . 1 % franchises, and strong balance Join the conversation about this space are at lower PE's than dividend yield, and has a strong sheets. story » t h e y ' v e b e e n o n a v e r a g e . balance sheet without the At the very least, we'd take PG

Pierre LeBrun ( Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:36:11 AM

Staff Favorites: Quick Dinners (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

"My go to meal is taco salad made with ground chicken or turkey. Top with onion, sautéed

bell pepper, reduced-fat sour Check out this salad for a c r e a m , similar version to Tiffany's that and tomato.”—Tiffany Vickers uses ground round and raw Davis, Associate Test Kitchen peppers. Director View Recipe: Quick Taco Salad

Next Spicy Lemon Trout tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Five Filters featured article: Text RSS, Term Extraction. The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available

Economy/ Culture/

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More Bad News On Housing: Case-Shiller Shows Small Yearly Again, Continued Deterioration In March Joe Weisenthal (The Money Game)

morning's market decline. The release is here. Here's commentary: Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:01:00 AM “The housing market may be in The number is out and it's better shape than this time last disappointing. The annual gain year; but, when you look at of 2.3% is a bit less than the 3% recent trends there are signs of expected, but the real story is in some renewed weakening in the sequential data, which home prices,” says David M. showed a deterioration in Blitzer, Chairman of the Index March. On a seasonally adjusted Committee at Standard & basis, we're basically flat. On a Poor’s. “In the past several non-seasonally adjusted basis, months we have seen some there was a notable decline in relatively weak reports across the Month. many of the markets we cover. Below we present two charts, Thirteen MSAs and the two first showing the Year-over-year Composites saw their prices change, and the second showing drop in March over February. the sequential index data, which Boston was flat. The National clearly shows a March dip. Composite fell by 3.2% The bad news has worsened the compared to the previous

quarter and the two Composites are down for the sixth consecutive month. “While year-over-year results for the National Composite, 18 of the 20 MSAs and the two

Composites improved, the most recent monthly data are not as encouraging. It is especially disappointing that the improvement we saw in sales

and starts in March did not find its way to home prices. Now that the tax incentive ended on April 30th, we don’t expect to see a boost in relative demand.” Here's a look at the sequential numbers: As you can see from the solid line, we're clearly dipping sequentially in a way we haven't done before. And finally, here's the city-bycity look Now don't miss: The 13 housing markets that will never recover > Join the conversation about this story »

10 High-paying Dirty Jobs (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

and they'll gladly pass the buck. Although most of us would rather live in blissful ignorance At some point in our lives, most of what goes on in these nasty of us have probably seen a task but necessary jobs, finding out so revolting that we've admitted, the grisly details might send us "You couldn't pay me to do thanking our lucky stars for our that." But not everyone feels cushy jobs. On the other hand, that way. If a job needs to be taking a peek into the paychecks done, chances are you can find might have us considering a someone to do it -- especially if career change. If you're willing the price is right. to get your hands dirty, you'll be Whether it's cleaning up human able to rake in a nice living, in excrement or taking care of the many cases for only a few dead, many people are willing to months of work out of the year pay enough money not to do it, and without a college degree.Submitted at 5/24/2010 1:00:00 PM

-A dirty job may mean working with stuff that grosses most people out, but you can make a decent amount of money and you may also be happier with it. Some studies show that jobs with hands-on, manual activities make people happier than office jobs [ BBC News]. In the movie "Office Space," the main character despised life as an office drone and finally finds happiness in a lowly construction job. If you want to make a nice living but dread mind-numbing

office work and fluorescent-lit cubicles, one of these jobs might be a perfect for you. But check a weak stomach at the door: These jobs entail revolting, dangerous and sometimes psychologically disturbing duties. First, we'll do a Dumpster dive into the life of Based On The BP Live a garbage collector.-Cam, It Looks Like The Five Filters featured article: Leak Just Got A LOT The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK Worse General Election. Available Gus Lubin (The Money Game) tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Submitted at 5/25/2010 7:40:00 AM Text RSS, Term Extraction. BASED page 40


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BASED continued from page 39

Blogger Monkeyfister has been watching the BP Live Cam all week and commenting on strange disruptions and gas explosions. His account suggests the situation is worse than BP is letting on, and it's deteriorating: I've been watching the live Spillcam, and discussing it with folks, here all day long. About 5pm last night, we all started taking note of gas bubbling out of the seabed floor. It started earlier than that, actually-- see pic a few posts down. About 1am this morning, the eruptions began to increase in spew volume. At about 8am, CDT, as I

watched, things started changing rapidly. Where the water around the two major gush points used to be very clear, it is now super turbid, and detritus is flying everywhere in a chaotic manner. seabed venting is obvious to see when ROV cameras pan around. Yet-to-be-confirmed rumors are that the casing wall has finally worn through, about 300 feet below seabed, at an annulus (coupling), and the gas and oil are now finding a new way out to the seabed. Not good news, as it will make the Top-Kill/Junk Shot nearly ineffectual... At the least, it means that more pressure and

mud/cement is going to be required. See Monkeyfister's dramatic account here --> Can you really tell what's going on in the grainy live cam image? Since the disruptions noted by Monkeyfister, BP has delayed Operation Top Kill and reduced estimates of the siphon collection rate. Don't Miss: Pictures Of A Louisiana Town Covered In Oil Join the conversation about this story »

5-Ingredient Vegetarian (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Summer-sweet heirloom tomatoes are the star of this recipe, complemented by mild and tangy goat cheese atop a crispy char-grilled pizza crust. If heirlooms are out of season, substitute just about any tomato. Pantry Checklist: • Refrigerated pizza crust dough (1 can) • Garlic • Heirloom tomato

• Mozzarella cheese • Herbed goat cheese Prep: 11 minutes Cook: 4 minutes View Recipe: Grilled Heirloom Tomato and Goat Cheese Pizza Next Porcini-Parmesan Frittata Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

How does the Internet work? (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

everything from the cables that carry terabits of information every second to the computer Even though the Internet is still sitting in front of you. a young technology, it's hard to Other types of hardware that imagine life without it now. support the Internet include Every year, engineers create routers, servers, cell phone more devices to integrate with t o w e r s , s a t e l l i t e s , r a d i o s , the Internet. This network of smartphones and other devices. networks crisscrosses the globe All these devices together create and even extends into space. But the network of networks. The what makes it work? Internet is a malleable system -To understand the Internet, it it changes in little ways as helps to look at it as a system e l e m e n t s j o i n a n d l e a v e with two main components. The networks around the world. first of those components is Some of those elements may h a r d w a r e . T h a t i n c l u d e s stay fairly static and make up Submitted at 5/24/2010 1:00:00 PM

the backbone of the Internet. Others are more peripheral. These elements are connections. Some are end points -- the computer, smartphone or other device you're using to read this may count as one. We call those end points clients. Machines that store the information we seek on the Internet are servers. Other elements are nodes which serve as a connecting point along a route of traffic. And then there are the transmission lines which can be physical, as in the case of cables and fiber optics, or they

can be useless signals from satellites, cell phone or 4G towers, or radios. All of this hardware wouldn't create a network without the second component of the Internet: the protocols. Protocols are sets of rules that machines follow to complete tasks. Without a common set of protocols that all machines connected to the Internet must follow, communication between devices couldn't happen. The various machines would be unable to understand one another or even send

information in a meaningful way. The protocols provide both the method and a common language for machines to use to transmit data. We'll take a closer look at protocols and how information travels across the Internet on the next page. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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May 25, 2001: Towel Day Honors Hitchhiker Author Adams Curtis Silver (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/24/2010 11:00:00 PM

2001: Two weeks after the death of Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, fans get together and celebrate May 25 as “Towel Day” in his memory. The tradition continues each year since. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a novelization of a popular British radio series. The books started publishing in 1979. Author Douglas Adams became an icon of humorous geek literature, wrote four sequels to it and, tragically, died of a heart attack at age 49. D. Clyde Williamson made the initial proposal May 14, 2001, in the“Binary Freedom” forum at System Toolbox: Douglas Adams will be missed by his fans worldwide. So that all his fans everywhere can pay tribute to this genius, I propose that two weeks after his passing (May 25, 2001) be marked as “Towel Day”. All Douglas Adams fans are encouraged to carry a towel with them for the day. Make sure that the towel is conspicuous — use it as a talking point to encourage those who have never read the Hitchhiker’s Guide to go pick up a copy. Wrap it around your head, use it as a weapon, soak it in nutrients- whatever you

want! Towel Day asks the important questions. For instance, if you learned that planet Earth was about to be destroyed to make room for an interstellar expressway, would you be prepared? It’s not about making peace with your God or clearing up all your debts; it’s about something much more important and useful. Do you have your towel? And according to the Guide, you’d know if you did. It would be wrapped around your neck and you’d feel secure and prepared for whatever the galaxy were to throw at you. On Towel Day, you’d better have your towel, because you never know what’s coming, or going for that matter. This year, as we do every year, we take a moment to hoist our thumbs up in the air and hope we don’t end up in the cargo hold of a Vogon warship. However, if we have our towel on us we’ll be perfectly prepared for whatever may come. Or go. So why the towel? What’s so great about something seemingly so simple and basic? From Chapter 3 of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around

you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow

distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough. More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have “lost”. What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with. If you have a towel, you are not only ultimately prepared but others around you will become aware of your ultimate preparedness and be randomly heavy River Moth; wet it for use willing to assist to make sure in hand-to-hand-combat; wrap it you are even further prepared round your head to ward off for your journey. Could you ask noxious fumes or avoid the gaze for anything more? This is what of the Ravenous Bugblatter having a towel handy can do for Beast of Traal (such a mind- you. boggingly stupid animal, it In honor of Douglas Adams: So assumes that if you can’t see it, long and thanks for all the fish!! it can’t see you); you can wave MAY page 45 your towel in emergencies as a



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.CO Hopes One Letter Less Is More Ryan Singel (Wired Top Stories)

long bidding process that boiled down to a Colombian company paired with net registrar Neustar Submitted at 5/25/2010 5:05:00 AM triumphing over the net giant A contender wants to one-up Verisign (which runs .com and dot-com as for the top spot in .net) for the right to run and domain names by going one less market .co. Now those domains — dot-co. are starting to show up on the The country code for Colombia, net. .co, is making itself available to The Washington, D.C.–centric the public in June and is news site snagged marketing itself as a high-end, and on Monday paired top level domain with the cachet it with the popular URLof .com without all the problems shortening service Now of getting a decent name. That anytime anyone submits a difficulty is perhaps most link to, say evident in the fact that every to Tweet a story, the service will possible combination of four- return a link that looks like http: letter .com domain names has // long been registered, and even a Pre-registration is open now at decent five letter .com domain t o p r e s e l l e r s i n c l u d i n g name can cost tens of thousands GoDaddy, and domains are of dollars. priced at $30 annually. That’s The body that oversees domain far above the $6 to $10 that a name policies, ICANN, is .com registration costs these working to greatly expand the days, not to mention domains number of top level domain like .info that cost $2. names, but .CO isn’t part of that Juan Calle says the price is e f f o r t . I t ’ s b e l o n g e d t o intended to help keep the Colombia for years, but the d o m a i n l a r g e l y f r e e f r o m country has never allowed “domainers” who buy domain addresses to be registered as names in bulk in hopes of s i m p l y n a m e . c o — e . g . , making money off parked ad Google’s Colombia webpage is pages, without actually building a useful site. Country-code domains aren’t “I don’t think small businesses subject to the same rules as are sensitive to $2 versus $30,” proper top level domains, such Calle said in an interview with as .com and .edu, since that gets “If we priced it at too close to an international $5 we could have 10 million body having sovereignty over a registrations in a year, but country. would that be a success story?” Colombia went through a years- Clearly, Calle thinks the answer

adopting the majority of them. For instance, the top 100 global trademarks (Coca-Cola and IBM, for instance) will be able to get their .co names without having to engage in a fight over their trademark. Companies with trademarks registered in Colombia had first crack at names in the month of April, while other, less-known brands can spend a few hundred dollars to go through a mediation board. The key for .co will be for people to begin to think of it as a separate domain from .com. To help that, .co is running a contest giving away $50,000 in cash and services to the best startup idea that wants to launch on a .co domain name. To enter or vote, visit The .co domain shouldn’t have a hard time convincing much of the world that it means business, to that would be no. of a revolving number of sites since .co is a very common The .co domain is finding itself that are definitely not Craigslist. extension in countries such as having to pre-emptively defend (The behavior got so bad, that J a p a n a n d B r i t a i n ( e . g . itself from suspicions that it will the alternative DNS provider, and would be great resort to underhanded tactics, OpenDNS even has an option for companies in those countries such as those that Cameroon for any address you submit that want to expand globally, engaged in with its .cm domain. ending with .cm in it, to according to Calle. There, with the help of one of automatically change it to While undoubtedly many the net’s top domain squatters, .com). current legitimate companies t h e c o u n t r y i n t r o d u c e d Trademark owners have long with .com will simply pay the wildcarding, so anyone who opposed the idea of adding more $30 to own the .co version forgot the “o” in the .com domain names, because they see a g a i n , t h e r e ’ s a g r e a t address got redirected to a site e a c h o n e a s a n o t h e r opportunity for people who have with ads if there was no .cm battleground to protect their a great name in mind for a real registration for that name. trademark. ICANN has come up w e b s i t e t o g r a b a d e c e n t Even now the domain is w i t h s o m e s t i l l - t e n t a t i v e domain, made of real words, sketchy, so that typing in procedures for new domain .CO page 43 sends you to one n a m e s , a n d . c o s a y s i t ’ s

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Coming To America, by Joe Zee (ELLE Fashion Blogs)

definitively of course, despite not having a job or working papers. Submitted at 5/24/2010 3:29:17 PM One of our first stops was FIT, On August 20, 1990, shortly where I enrolled so I could after graduating high school, I apply for a student visa and packed a few of my treasured work towards a degree in belongings (a futon, my Mac, fashion journalism. Glancing some books, a Gaultier signature around at the chain-link fences, blazer) into the back of my dad's abandoned cars and graffiti, I station wagon and drove from could tell my grandmother was Toronto to New York City with horrified, but she smiled and my 70-something-year-old gave me the thumbs up. I never grandmother. forgot that. It was the only sign I I had already decided that I was needed to know that I could g o i n g t o w o r k a t f a s h i o n make it here. magazine and the only place to Last week, on Friday, May 21, d o t h i s o f c o u r s e w a s 2010, in a federal courthouse, I Manhattan. After driving for finally felt like I had actually hours, we finally began to made it. I showed up at 9am, approach the city and I was placed my right hand to my overcome with excitement. So heart and pledged allegiance to much so, I took the wrong exit the flag and was sworn in as an when I saw a sign for 30th American citizen. The moment I S t r e e t a n d i m m e d i a t e l y left, my inbox was flooded with shrieked, "I'm going to 28th congratulations from friends, Street. We're here." It was 30th who also dutifully warned me street all right. Just in the Bronx; about looming obligations I I was one borough too early. But would be required to fulfill like despite my detour, we finally jury duty and voter registration. made it to the right 28th street. S e c r e t l y , I c a n ' t w a i t t o Clutching the latest issues of experience those rights of various fashion magazines under passage. I was too young to vote my arm, I told my grandmother in Canada and after living here this is home! I said this very through the no-voting-privileges


continued from page 42

Order style. My grandmother passed on last year, but I think she would have been proud of me standing in that court house and passing the U.S. Citizenship test for which I studied furiously. Along the way, lots of people told me things would be impossible to accomplish, including working at a fashion magazine. Finding my way out of the Bronx that day without a map seemed of student visas, free-trade visas, impossible, but I still did it. O-1 visas and a greencard, I've After that, I knew I could never had the chance to pull the accomplish what I set out to do l e v e r ! W h i l e I c o u l d n ' t as long as I was determined participate in 08’s history- enough to work for it. making presidential election, I After that I knew nothing was d i d s p e n d t h e n i g h t o f impossible. And that's what this November 3rd cheering in country means to me. I received Times Square with fellow m a n y w e l l w i s h e s f r o m Americans who were given that everyone on Twitter (thank opportunity to cast their votes, you!) but the one that stayed m e c a m e thinking about the day I'd be w i t h from@threemohicans who said able to fulfill my patriotic duties that I "lived the hell out of the as an American citizen. In fact, American Dream!!" And you I can’t wait to recieve my first jury summons. When that know what? She's right. Thank notice comes, I can only hope y o u J o a n a n d t h a n k y o u , some laywer picks me for a A m e r i c a . huge trial, so that I can be that --Joe Zee annoying juror wanting to revisit all the evidence, Law and

instead of having to come up with some made-up name and sticking a -ly or -r on the end, like or And that should make all web users happier. See Also: • Domain Name Czar Seeks .OnlineUnity • Web Addresses Now Can Be All Greek to You, ICANN Rules • ICANN Rejects .XXX Domain Name Proposal Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Summer Entrées (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks)

Grapes are probably the last thing you'd think of to put on grilled chicken, but combined

with soy sauce, balsamic v i n e g a r , and rosemary, they really work well here. Their natural sugars caramelize during cooking,

giving the finished dish the c h a r r e d crust that makes grilled food great. View Recipe: Grilled Chicken

with Fresh Grape Glaze Next Mango Rice Salad with Grilled Shrimp Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime

Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Relocating Prisoners: The CrossCountry Inmate Transfer Lucas Graves (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 5/24/2010 7:00:00 PM

Photo: Michael Schmelling In the movies, criminals are transported in 10-car convoys with decoys, helicopter escorts, and an army of well-coiffed agents in black suits. (Somehow the prisoner still manages to escape and uncover the real culprit and clear his name!) Given the size of the US prison population—at almost 2 million, the largest in the world—the reality is a less exciting affair. Last year, the US Marshals Service shuttled 350,000 prisoners around the country, often to stand trial or serve as witnesses. Here’s how they do it. Air Travel The US Marshals Service [] operates the biggest prison transport network [] in the world, called JPATS (Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System), headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri. JPATS has its own fleet of 10 planes, ranging from a six-person Beechcraft 99 to an MD-80 that can carry about 140

inmates []. (Yes, it’s nicknamed Con Air.) Remand of Custody When custody changes hands, prisoners get a pat-down []. For airport transfers, a shotguntoting [] tactical team from the Bureau of Prisons is on hand. Someone is also there to oversee the paperwork []. (This includes medical records: If a prisoner doesn’t have their proper meds, they don’t get to board.) Security in the Sky The flight [] our photographer was on had as many as 15 guards. They spell each other every 15 minutes, eyeing prisoners from the front, middle, and back of the plane. Firearms are generally a very bad idea in pressurized cabins; that’s probably why our photographer never saw guards in the air armed with anything other than Tasers []. Seating Arrangements Inmates travel in cuffs, shackles, and a belly chain. More dangerous customers are fitted with a “ black box []” , a plastic casing over the chain linking the handcuffs, to further hamper movement. Lavatory visits require the company of a

5 Famous Pairs of Lips (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

Southern belles bit their lips to redden them. The modern lipcoloring industry got its start in guard [], and the door remains They're the most sensual part of the silent-movie era, when such open at all times. (Mental note: the body that's out there for all vampish stars as Theda Bara and Never complain again about the the world to see. They're Clara Bow plied bright-red indignities of flying coach.) vulnerable and expressive. Good lipstick. Today, wanna-be movie In-Flight Menu lips are crucial to sexual stars and ordinary women try lip There’s no in-flight movie, and attractiveness. augmentation -- injections or no one is allowed magazines or Attractive lips look kissable and surgery. books of sudoku puzzles. Meals approachable, while thin or tight Some celebrity lips gain [] are decidedly no-frills affairs. lips seem to suggest someone is widespread but perhaps fleeting Sample menu: corn chips, prim or stern. For most women, contemporary fame, setting our turkey bologna and cheese the bigger and softer their lips standards for beauty. Others sandwich, cookie, and water. are the better -- to a limit. Lips prove to have staying power. Tray tables have been removed that look fake or that don't fit Really famous pairs of lips fall from the seats to preclude the face are turnoffs, the sign of into two classifications, which enterprising inmates from bad surgery or poorly applied sometimes overlap: pairs of lips weaponizing them. makeup. For men, it's a little that people would love to have Re-remand of Custody tougher to define great lips, but and pairs of lips that people talk Prisoners can be marked to the best ones manage to say, about. Read on to find out about denote destinations. (In this "I'm virile, but I have my tender some of both. case, an X on the hand [] may side." Five Filters featured article: mean that he is to be transferred Men may make the best of what The Art of Looking Prime to a particular jail.) Nick Cage they have, but women labor for Ministerial - The 2010 UK notwithstanding, the JPATS lovely lips. Ancient Egyptian General Election. Available says it has never had an escape, women used henna to color tools: PDF Newspaper, Full and that airborne violence is theirs. In "Gone with the Wind," Text RSS, Term Extraction. rare. (All in all, better than your typical flight out of LaGuardia.) Video: Michael Schmelling Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) Your Comment* 500 characters tools: PDF Newspaper, Full remaining Text RSS, Term Extraction. The rules: Keep it clean, and Five Filters featured article: stay on the subject or we might The Art of Looking Prime delete your comment. If you see Ministerial - The 2010 UK inappropriate language, e-mail General Election. Available us. An asterisk* indicates a tools: PDF Newspaper, Full required field. Text RSS, Term Extraction. Your Name Submitted at 5/24/2010 1:00:00 PM

New Foods at the Supermarket


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Making Cheetos: It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy


MAY continued from page 41

Image: gamgeek/Flickr Source: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, various. Brendan I. Koerner (Wired an extruder, which rubs the meal whom), looks like the stuff used An earlier version of this article Top Stories) between two metal plates. The in boxed macaroni-and-cheese a p p e a r e d o n W i r e d . c o m ’ s GeekDad blog on Towel Day friction melts the starch in the products. Submitted at 5/24/2010 7:00:00 PM 2009. corn and causes the moisture to 9:00 to 19:00 It ain’t easy being cheesy. Mr. heat up. When it passes its The pieces are dropped onto a Check Towel Cheetah first made this sage boiling point, the meal “pops,” last conveyor belt, where any D a y a c t i v i t i e s b e i n g h e l d observation back in the ’80s, creating the Cheetos shape. The remaining moisture steams off w o r l d w i d e . Your very own 42 Utility and it certainly still applies to craggy bits are then spit out of a s t h e y c o o l t o r o o m T owel is available from the manufacture of his favorite the extruder, flying 3 feet at temperature. The finished bright-orange snack. Turning a high velocity before hitting a Cheetos are then moved toward T h i n k G e e k ! hunk of cornmeal into a knobby safety cage and dropping onto a the packaging area, to be See Also: Cheeto may take only a few conveyor belt. bagged, boxed, and shipped. • Colfer’s Hitchhiker’s Guide Sequel Will Be His Last minutes, but it requires a fine- Conveyor belt. Tasting panel. • And Another Thing… a tuned industrial dance that 1:40 to 2:40 Quality Control leaves no room for error. Frito- The Cheetos move through a Every half hour, an in-house lab Totally Improbable Review Lay’s quality-control folks will piping-hot pan of vegetable oil, a n a l y z e s t h e c h e m i c a l • The Hitchhiker’s Guide Turns not tolerate anything less than much like an amusement-park composition of samples pulled 30 maximum crunchiness. log flume. The oil not only from the cooking line to verify • New Voyage, Author for Giant hopper. imparts a fatty flavor but also that the Cheetos have the right Hitchhiker’s Guide to the MINUTES ELAPSED fries the snack’s moisture density and nutritional content. Galaxy 0:00 to 1:00 c o n t e n t d o w n b e l o w 2 Then, every four hours, a four- • May 25, 1961: JFK Vows to Gritty cornmeal stored in a silo percent—a key to crunchiness. p e r s o n p a n e l c o n v e n e s t o Put American on Moon by is pumped about 100 yards Once suitably cooked, the pieces inspect and taste the snacks, Decade’s End through a pneumatic tube into a go back on a conveyor belt. comparing them to perfect • J a n . 1 5 , 2 0 0 1 : E n t e r Cheetos manufacturing plant. Ready to ship. reference Cheetos sent from (Frito-Lay has 14 fried-Cheeto 8:00 to 9:00 Frito-Lay headquarters. p l a n t s i n 1 1 s t a t e s . ) T h e The puffs hit a tumble drum, Photos: Michael Schmelling cornmeal then enters a giant where strategically located Five Filters featured article: hopper, where it awaits its rapid nozzles spray a mixture of oil The Art of Looking Prime transformation into one of and powdered cheese onto the Ministerial - The 2010 UK America’s most beloved snacks. Cheetos from all sides. The General Election. Available PopSugar (PopSugar) Entering the extruder. cheese, which Frito-Lay buys tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Submitted at 5/25/2010 7:00:00 AM 1:00 to 1:10 pre-spiced in 50-pound sacks Text RSS, Term Extraction. The Sex and the City 2 gang Gobs of cornmeal are fed into (the company won’t say from was out in full force last night in NYC for the first premiere of their film before Thursday's London event. The evening was all about the Big Apple and, of course, the four main ladies and

Wikipedia, for Better and Worse • Jan. 28, 2001: Hey, Don’t Tampa With My Privacy • March 24, 2001: Apple Unleashes Mac OS X • Sept. 11, 2001: The Day the Earth Stood Still • Oct. 23, 2001: Now Hear This … The iPod Arrives • Dec. 3, 2001: Segway Starts Rolling • Dec. 15, 2001: Leaning Tower of Pisa Reopens With New Angle Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

It's a Bright Night For SJP, Kristin, Kim, and Cynthia at the NYC Premiere of Sex and the City 2!

IT'S page 46



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IT'S continued from page 45

their amazing fashion- Sarah Jessica Parker was in a bright yellow Valentino couture gown with her husband Matthew Broderick by her side, while a similarly neon-wearing Kristin Davis picked a Jean Desses number. Cynthia Nixon opted for black strapless Carolina Herrera, and Kim Cattrall was in a sparkly Naeem Khan. SJP spent a long time signing autographs for the impressive amount of fans gathered at Radio City Music Hall before heading to the blue carpet. Kristin, meanwhile, opened up about reuniting with her costars in the film, saying it was great fun and that she and SJP actually talk all the time! Willie Garson, aka Stanford Blatch, echoed the sentiment he told us that he and Sarah Jessica talk on the phone practically every day. His and Mario Cantone's characters tie the knot early on in the movie, and Mario said the whole set was infused with lots of love

and happiness with their all being back together. John Corbett looked handsome as ever all suited up, and his longtime love Bo Derek hung behind the reporters just smiling and supporting her man. He said that, despite his SATC fame, he's still able to walk down the street like a regular guy - he and Bo, though, are planning on spending the Summer away from the crowds and off riding horses at their ranch. Chris Noth made it a date night too, with his fiance Tara Wilson scooting into the theater before the crowds got too thick. Jason Lewis has a brief cameo in the project, and he spoke about being grateful to be included again. He doesn't feel threatened by Samantha's new love interests played by male model Noah Mills and the actor Max Ryan. Noah said that his impressive abs were probably a factor in getting the job, while Max Ryan said he was a little nervous about his required sex

Lit Fix: The Opposite of Me by Sarah Pekkanen

scene. Stay tuned for lots more from the exciting, star-studded night on today's PopSugar Rush and don't miss any of our Sex Editors and the City 2 wardrobe, beauty, (Daily Woman's Day Blog) f o o d , g a d g e t s , a n d m o r e Submitted at 5/24/2010 4:00:00 PM coverage! Today's book review is from reader Lisa Steinke. She read To see LOTS more of the The Opposite of Me by Sarah SATC 2 premiere, just read Pekkanen: more. To say I DEVOURED The View 45 Photos › Opposite of Me would be an understatement. From word one, Images include: Jennifer Love sentence one, page one, I could Hewitt, Sarah Jessica Parker, n o t p u t t h e b o o k d o w n . Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon, Pekkanen’s hilarious writing, Kim Cattrall, Chris Noth, John r e l a t a b l e c h a r a c t e r s a n d Corbett, Whitney Port, Mario unexpected plot twists hooked Cantone, Willie Garson, Liza me and, even more importantly, Minnelli, Max Ryan, Noah kept me hooked. Mills, Matthew Broderick, I was immediately thrown into Vanessa Williams, Michael the life of ambitious advertising Patrick King, Candace Bushnell, executive Lindsey Rose as she Gabourey Sidibe, Jessica Szohr p r e p a r e s t o r e c e i v e t h e promotion of a lifetime. And when things don't work out exactly as planned (um, she gets canned), Lindsey is forced to move back in with her comical parents and face the many issues she has with her seemingly perfect fraternal twin sister who is planning her nuptials to a

gorgeous, rich prince charming. And as the story unfolds, the sisters who’ve spent their lives believing they were complete opposites discover they’re more alike than they think. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Slow-Cooker Monday: CoconutCurry Soup with Chicken Editors (Daily Woman's Day Blog)


Kate Hudson Borrows a Baby and Wears Five Outfits in Two Days

Submitted at 5/24/2010 3:00:00 PM

PopSugar (PopSugar)

What do you expect from a slow-cooker recipe? Do you want to just throw everything into the cooker in the morning and have dinner waiting for you when you get home? Or are you willing to fire up the stove? At the very least you'll expect to do some chopping, right? Many, many of the recipes I find in the new slow-cooker cookbooks include 15 minutes or so of prep before loading up the cooker, including sauteing vegetables and browning meat. For this recipe, from Art of the Slow Cooker by Andrew Schloss, I started with some leftover cooked chicken breast, believe it

Submitted at 5/25/2010 6:00:00 AM

Kate Hudson is making the most of being in New York working on Something Borrowed, including the past few days of constant wardrobe changes out around the city. She spent Sunday on a shopping trip in SoHo where she wore a long or not. The soup cooks on high There are a lot of layers of bohemian skirt and cuddled for 4 hours to get some flavor flavor going on in this soup: close to a girlfriend's baby while depth, then peanut butter, Five Filters featured article: helping pick out a sling for the coconut milk and seasonings are The Art of Looking Prime little one. Yesterday, Kate was stirred in at the end. Lots of Ministerial - The 2010 UK back in character wearing a steps, but worth it. Just cook an General Election. Available trench coat and white dress as extra breast or 2 the next time tools: PDF Newspaper, Full well as a familiar suit to shoot you make chicken and you'll be Text RSS, Term Extraction. with Ginnifer Goodwin in the ready to roll. rain. She switched into casual gray and black for a lunch break at Angelica Kitchen. Kate's Summery looks go perfectly

with the glow she's exuding these days, which added to the picture perfect romantic beach scenes she filmed with her cast including a nearly shirtless Colin Egglesfield in the Hamptons last week. To see more photos of Kate and Ginnifer on the set of Something Borrowed, just read more. View 30 Photos ›

FIDM's Tribute to Alice in Wonderland (ELLE Fashion Blogs) Submitted at 5/24/2010 5:18:18 PM

If you were enchanted by Colleen Atwood’s costumes for Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland—not to mention the whimsical designer collaborations it spawned—then

a new show at LA’s Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising might be worth a trip this summer. The exhibit explores three facets of the film’s sartorial influence: The first part features original sketches and costumes from the movie, like Mia Wasikowska’s Alice dresses, Johnny Depp’s

Mad Hatter “fighter” getup, and Helena Bonham Carter’s Red

Queen frock. The second celebrates the “edgier side of Alice” through Wonderlandinspired collections from the likes of Tom Binns and Sue Wong. And for the final segment, six FIDM grads were invited to create glam red-carpet gowns dedicated to the fantastical film’s iconic

characters (watch them work with FIDM instructor Nick Verreos in the video below). The exhibit opens this Thursday, to coincide with Alice in Wonderland’s DVD release June 1. —Erin Clements


Culture/ TV/ Politics/

Katie Shops With Girlfriends, Brings Suri to Ice Cream, and Dines With Tom in NYC! PopSugar (PopSugar)

E-reader News Edition

Channing Tatum Stays Fit as Dear John Comes to Your Home

Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:00:00 AM

PopSugar (PopSugar)

Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise, and Suri descended on NYC yesterday and already managed to squeeze in all sorts of East Coast activities. Over the weekend the girls were spotted shoe shopping in LA, but now they're taking Manhattan with their usual packed days and long nights. Katie spent part of the afternoon shopping with a few girlfriends and taking Suri for a sweet ice cream treat before they joined Tom for dinner at Il Cantinori. Katie was recently in the city while she filmed Son of No One, but rumors she was passed over for another Manhattan project are apparently untrue - Sex and the City 2 director Michael Patrick

Submitted at 5/25/2010 4:00:00 AM

Channing Tatum traded his Vibram five toe shoes for more conventional footwear during back-to-back day trips to King denied that he turned down Runyon Canyon Park with Katie for a cameo in the movie. Jenna Dewan and their dogs Meanwhile, Tom just kicked off over the weekend. The couple is his Knight and Day promotional together in LA after Channing tour, which means we'll be spent the last two months on the seeing a lot more of him in the East Coast filming Son of No One and premiering Earth Made coming weeks. of Glass with a few visits from his wife. He was back in his To see more photos of Tom, workout gear yesterday to meet Katie, and Suri, just read more. a friend at the gym and show off his love for Californication. View 25 Photos › Channing's been staying in good shape while promoting today's DVD release of Dear John, and he'll get to show off his fit

physique at the MTV Movie Awards in June where he's up for two golden popcorn. He'll be flexing his acting chops instead of those muscles for his next project, playing a heroin addict in an upcoming film. To see more Channing and Jenna, just read more. View 10 Photos ›

Wiki-Constitutionalism Daniel Lansberg-Rodriguez (The New Republic - All Feed) Submitted at 5/24/2010 11:00:00 PM

Last year, Hugo Chavez amended Venezuela's constitution and abolished term limits. The entire business was a bit odd, but not because the constitution was changed, which is quite common in Latin America. Nor was it because the changes involved extended his rule (which is equally common). No, what was unusual about the constitutional reform of 2009 was that abolishing term-limits was all it did. You see, constitutions are uniquely plastic in Latin America. Not only are presidents exceptionally powerful here—I live in Caracas, and it is not at all uncommon to turn on the television to find El Comandante on every TV WIKI-CONSTITUTIONALISM page 49

Jeri Ryan Talks 'Leverage,' 'Voyager' and More Allison Waldman (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/25/2010 4:01:00 AM

Filed under: Features Jeri Ryan is one of the busiest actresses in television, going from successful series to successful series. Her track record is quite amazing; she's rarely not working. In fact, during our conversation she mentioned that

she was waiting to hear if her latest pilot was picked up by ABC. It was. She's co-starring with Dana Delany in'Body of Proof' which will premiere in the fall. Iin anticipation of the DVD release of TNT's'Leverage,' season two, in which she TV Squad about the show and appeared earlier this year as con her multifaceted career. artist Tara Cole, Jeri spoke with

What was it like stepping into 'Leverage' for the second season? It's sort of my m.o. I'm kind of the designated pinch hitter.'Shark' is the only series I ever joined from the pilot on. Every other series I've ever done I've stepped into later. My first series was'Dark Skies' and I joined during that run. I was

in'Boston Public' starting with season two,'Star Trek: Voyager' was season four. So I'm used to it. Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments

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WIKIcontinued from page 48

channel, explaining currency valuations or riot control measures or energy crises or international weather phenomena as if he himself was the entirety of the government and all of its ministries—but, in addition, Latin American leaders have a nasty habit of rewriting their countries' constitutions more than anywhere else in the world. This is a phenomenon I call "Wiki-constitutionalism." In Latin America, constitutions are changed with great frequency and unusual ease (though not through any open-source collaborative process), as if they were Wikipedia pages. The evidence is staggering: The Dominican Republic has had 32 separate constitutions since its independence in 1821. Venezuela follows close behind with 26, Haiti has had 24, Ecuador 20, and Bolivia recently passed its seventeenth. In fact, over half of the 21 Latin American nations have had at least ten constitutions while, in the rest of the world, only Thailand (17), France (16), Greece (13), and Poland (10) have reached double digits. And the process occurs under governments of every political stripe—not just socialist ones like those of Chavez and Morales. Gruff conservatives like Colombia's Alvaro Uribe and friendly, doting moderates like the Dominican Republic's

Leonel Fernandez have joined the party too, attempting to tear up and revise their constitutionally-mandated term limits. (It's important to distinguish between amending and rewriting. Constitutional amendments are common all over the world, but Latin America's rewrite-mania is truly eccentric: Venezuela, for instance, has adopted 26 new constitutions, but amended an existing one only thrice.) Many of these rewrites go beyond term limits, however. Chavez’s constitution of 1999 disbanded the upper house of the legislature, rearranged the lower house, separated authority among five "powers" (including citizens and electoral councils, as well as the usual legislature, executive, and judiciary), and redesigned and renamed nearly all government ministries. The result was the same thing that nearly always emerges from such restructurings: a significantly strengthened executive in direct control of oil revenues, judicial appointments, and an increasingly rubberstamp National Assembly. It was the institution of the presidency that emerged intact, recognizable, and all the stronger from the restructuring process—meanwhile the other institutions had to start at square one, lacking the institutional legitimacy, memory, relationships, and mandate

necessary to govern independently. This type of dictatorial redesign is a grand tradition among the region's caudillos, the iconic strongmen, dating all the way back to the liberator of South America, Simon Bolivar. And yet, despite their authoritarian intentions, modern -day caudillos approach the process of constitutional revision with a certain delicacy. Constitutions rarely include provisions for their own destruction, so replacing them in the absence of a massive social upheaval can be tricky. There was a time when the Trujillos, Gómezes, and Somozas of this world could create constitutions through sheer force of personality, but, nowadays, leaders generally attempt to legitimize them through plebiscites. Using state funds, they launch massive media campaigns extolling how their new documents are “the best in the world” (Ecuador’s Rafael Correa) or that they will solve “all the [country's] problems” (Bolivia’s Evo Morales). Oddly, one effect of these campaigns has been the inflation of constitutional word counts. Latin American leaders have discovered that, by packaging ever-longer lists of promises and rights alongside greater executive functions, they can make a new constitution appealing enough to the masses

that they will vote for it in a referendum. The result is constitutions that are not only the shortest-lived, but also among the longest in the world. Bolivia's and Ecuador’s recently approved constitutions have 411 and 444 articles, respectively, and read like laundry lists of guaranteed rights, such as access to mail and telephones; guarantees for culture, identity, and dignity; and shorter workweeks. By contrast, the U.S. Constitution, the longest-serving in the world, has only seven articles and 27 amendments. The biggest question, though, is why the caudillos bother at all. Authoritarian leaders in Africa, Europe, and Asia have long been content to suspend their constitutions by declaring states of emergency, or just ignore them outright. Egypt's leaders, for example, have been governing under the "Emergency Law," which grants them dictatorial powers, extending the statute by threeyear increments since 1967. By contrast, efforts to actually change a constitution expend large chunks of both political and financial capital. Worse yet, it’s risky: Only last summer, Manuel Zelaya of Honduras was overthrown by an alliance between his supreme court, army, and congress, while trying to pass a rewritten constitution through a plebiscite. Earlier in the decade, Peruvian strongman

Alberto Fujimori changed his constitution successfully, but soon experienced a downfall so precipitous that he is now serving a 25-year prison term. Even Chavez himself failed to pass a proposed 2007 constitution and was left with a considerable amount of egg on his face. You'd think these leaders would learn from Fidel Castro, who wrote only one constitution and managed to stay around forever. One obvious explanation could be that, for countries in the American hegemon's proverbial backyard, the veneer of constitutional legitimacy may carry greater value than elsewhere. Perhaps, then, the risks and expenditures of Wikiconstitutionalism are worth it in order to consolidate power without risking foreign aid, market access, and regional peace. And yet, this answer is at best incomplete. Latin American constitutions were already flipping like pancakes during the first half of the nineteenth century, which predates the rise of North America to hemispheric dominance. What's more, plenty of countries including the United Kingdom, Israel, and Saudi Arabia have no problem maintaining close ties with the United States, despite having no formal constitutions at all. WIKI-CONSTITUTIONALISM page 56



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Obama Asks Hill for Line-item Veto (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 5/25/2010 3:00:40 AM

When President George W. Bush called for a kind of lineitem veto four years ago, the top Senate Democrat said it was like getting a "bad sore throat," and the No. 2 House Democrat called it "a sham." On Monday, President Obama asked them to reconsider and pass something very similar, for his sake. With fears of a Greek-style debt collapse roiling a Congress already balking at new spending, the White House on Monday proposed a modified line-item veto that would give the administration another crack at forcing Congress to vote on spending cuts. But the proposal will have to pass a Congress wary of giving up power over the purse, and would require a reversal by many Democrats who voted against a similar proposal from Mr. Bush. One who's already reversed himself is Mr. Obama, who as a senator in 2007 voted along with Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., now the vice president, and almost all of the rest of Senate Democrats to filibuster Mr. Bush's proposal. The White House said Mr. Obama embraced line-item powers by the time he won the White House, and that times are bad enough that Congress may now be ready to follow his lead.

"The fiscal context has changed as it became necessary to combat a severe economic downturn and as ongoing deficits have become a growing concern," Peter R. Orszag, Mr. Obama's budget director, told reporters. "We are hopeful the Congress will enact this legislation because it will help everyone to reduce unnecessary spending." He said the new presidential powers could encourage Congress to scrutinize spending bills more carefully, because lawmakers wouldn't want to be shamed by having their projects singled out. Analysts said the enhanced authority wouldn't have a big impact for a government that will spend close to $4 trillion this year, and suggested the timing is more about providing cover for a potential $200 billion spending and tax-cutextensions bill Congress will try to pass this week. "Why are they doing this now? They're about to put through an extenders bill that's an enormous embarrassment," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former Congressional Budget Office director who was later a top adviser to Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign and is now president of the American Action Forum. He said he doubted that Mr. Obama's proposal would be approved and that early

indications from Congress weren't promising. "Republicans aren't going to want to hand additional power to Obama just prior to an election, and Democrats don't want to lose their ability to deliver favors," he said. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat who in 2006 said he liked the idea of a line-item veto "about like I like a bad sore throat," was far from encouraging Monday, saying Congress already has taken some big steps. He and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, would say only that they will ask their chambers to review the proposal, though neither sounded enthusiastic. House Rules Committee Chairman Louise M. Slaughter, New York Democrat, was more blunt: "I do not believe that it's wise for Congress to hand over its constitutionally mandated responsibilities in any situation, but especially not when it comes to appropriations." Republicans, who generally supported the 2006 effort by Mr. Bush, said they welcomed any effort by Mr. Obama to control spending, but that he should be using the authority he already has to veto spending bills outright, or to send up packages of cuts under existing rules. Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, Utah Republican, said the president could start by repealing the

health care bill or end stimulus spending. "If the president wants to reduce spending, then he needs to do much, much more than this legislation, which I believe is a cynical ploy to try and distract the American people from this administration's terrible fiscal record," he said. Ever since the Supreme Court overturned a line-item veto as unconstitutional in 1998, presidents have sought to come up with ways to achieve the same end while not running afoul of the Constitution. This new proposal relies on rescission authority that allows the White House, after receiving any spending proposal, to send Congress a bill that calls for specific cuts. Congress would have a set timeline to act on the bill, and it would have to hold an up-or-down vote, avoiding any Senate filibuster. The amount of cuts is likely to be small, compared with the overall budget. A good indicator of the potential scope is the package of cuts the president submits each year with his proposed budget. That package typically runs between $10 billion and $20 billion, or about half of 1 percent of all federal spending. Mr. Orszag said their approach answers the constitutional questions and puts pressure on Congress to scrutinize spending ahead of time, knowing that the

administration now has a tool to force a debate on specific spending projects. Mr. Bush released his own lineitem proposal in 2006, just as he was beginning to feel the heat from his own party on spending. His bill passed the House on a 247-172 vote, with 35 Democrats joining all but 15 Republicans in support. Senate Republicans didn't bring it to the floor that year, but a year later — after they had lost control of the chamber. They offered the proposal as an amendment to another bill, but it was blocked on the Democratic filibuster. House Budget Committee Chairman John M. Spratt Jr., South Carolina Democrat, said he will take the lead in introducing Mr. Obama's proposal in Congress, calling it "a step forward on the path to fiscal responsibility." Mr. Spratt led opposition to the 2006 Bush proposal. At the time, he said it didn't include pay-as-you-go rules or earmark transparency, and allowed entitlement spending such as Medicare and Social Security to be subject to rescissions as well. Democrats have since imposed new earmark and pay-go rules, and Mr. Obama's proposal excludes entitlement spending. Still, Mr. Spratt was not the most vociferous critic that year. OBAMA page 53


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White House Party Will Fete Jewish Culture (Newsmax - Inside Cover) Submitted at 5/25/2010 1:53:36 AM

In politics, as elsewhere, it's a sport that's almost as popular as people-watching: Guest-list watching. And this week, it's the Jewish community in Washington and beyond that's buzzing over who'll be on the list when Barack and Michelle Obama host the first-ever White House reception marking Jewish Heritage Month. The White House won't divulge the guest list for Thursday afternoon's event in the East Room. But those with knowledge of the list say it's an eclectic and interesting one — and markedly different from past Jewish-themed events like the president's annual Hanukkah party. Where that event brings established Jewish community leaders to the White House, Thursday's reception is meant to honor American Jews who have made contributions in the arts, music, sports, the space program and other fields. The most prominent guest on the list, according to several people familiar with it: former baseball great Sandy Koufax, the left-handed Hall of Fame pitcher for the Dodgers who famously refused to pitch in a World Series game on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism. (Koufax, now 74,

could not be reached to confirm his plans.) Names also mentioned by members of the Jewish community: Olympic swimmer Dara Torres, author Judy Blume, and a young woman who was wounded in a 1999 shooting at a Los Angeles Jewish center, Mindy Finkelstein. But the list also includes a number of younger Jewish activists involved in interesting initiatives. One of them, Shawn Landres, heads Jumpstart, which he calls a "thinkubator for sustainable Jewish innovation." He's traveling to Washington from Los Angeles. "There's been excitement about this, people posting on Facebook and talking about who's coming," says Landres. "In the past," he adds, "when there were Jewish events at the White House, they tended to go to the same well of people — big Jewish organizations, the usual suspects. What I've noticed here is a commitment to go beyond that. The administration is trying to engage the Jewish community in different ways." Of course, it's no secret that tensions have surfaced between the administration and some elements of the Jewish community over its policy toward Israel, particularly regarding construction of Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem.

So it's tempting to see this week's reception as another step in what many have called Obama's current "charm offensive" toward American Jewish leaders, including: a meeting last week between the president and Jewish congressional leaders; gatherings of top White House officials and rabbis; addresses by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and National Security Adviser James L. Jones to major Jewish groups; and a private lunch early this month between the president and Noble laureate Eli Wiesel. But though Thursday's event certainly can't hurt, officials point out that plans have been under way for several months. And the pressure actually began years ago. "Listen, I've been trying to get the White House to put on this event for five years," says Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the congresswoman who spearheaded the campaign to establish Jewish Heritage Month in the first place. "I really don't think it has anything to do with the current outreach efforts." "I'm really excited about the event," adds Schultz, who will attend along with many other Jewish members of Congress. "This is a way to demonstrate that President Obama is committed to the Jewish community. But also it's a way

to educate Americans about the contributions of American Jews, to breed tolerance and understanding." To illustrate her point, Schultz says that when she was in college in 1984, a fellow student came up to her and asked if she was Jewish. "I've never seen a real one," she says the student told her. Washington Jewish leader William Daroff adds that it wasn't so long ago that Jews in the United States were restricted in many ways: where they could live, what colleges they could attend, and what professions they could aspire to. "We've come a long way, and Jewish Heritage Month is there to celebrate that progress," says Daroff, director of the Washington Office of the Jewish Federations of North America. But while May was declared Jewish Heritage Month in 2006, set into law by President George W. Bush, this is the first time the White House has agreed to hold a reception to mark it. "I don't ascribe a motive," Schultz says. "Presidents are very busy." Asked why Obama had decided to hold the reception, White House spokesman Matt Lehrich told The Associated Press that the Obamas wanted to celebrate Jewish Americans' contributions to the nation's history and culture. "The reception also

offers a chance to foster partnership, collaboration, and education in the spirit of Jewish American Heritage Month," Lehrich said. Daroff himself isn't on the guest list, and he says that's logical. "This event is less about those of us in the Beltway," he says, "and more about the folks out there living the Jewish experience, and breaking down barriers." So who else is invited? "This could be interesting, seeing what the mix looks like," says Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, who said he's not on the list. Or, put another way: "Adam Sandler could write a whole new Hanukkah song after this party," quips Steve Rabinowitz, a Washington public relations executive, referring to the popular song pointing out famous Jewish Americans. Someone who probably wouldn't make the song is Rabbi Marc Schneier of New York. He leads two Orthodox congregations and spoke at the 2008 Democratic convention. But he believes he was invited because of his outreach work to the Muslim community, as president of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. He's also has been active in furthering ties with the black community. WHITE page 54



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Disapproving of EPA’s CO2 Regulations Nicolas Loris (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.)

of the Congressional Review Act than a disapproval against the EPA’s attempt to regulate Submitted at 5/24/2010 6:00:42 PM energy use in the name of Whatever prospects lie ahead addressing global warming.” for cap and trade legislation Why? Because the Clean Air moving through the Senate Act was never intended to m i g h t n o t m a t t e r i f t h e regulate carbon dioxide. As the E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n Clean Air Act is currently Agency continues forward on its written, the endangerment path to regulate carbon dioxide. finding would require that the The EPA’s endangerment EPA regulate sources or finding, which took place earlier establishments that emit 100 or this year, gives the agency the 250 tons or more of a pollutant authority to use Clean Air Act to per year. This was seen as the regulate greenhouse gases best way to combat smog, soot, (GHGs). New restrictions on and other air pollutants – not automobiles were the first step CO2. This means that Schools, in what could eventually be a farms, restaurants, hospitals, long, economically painful set apartment complexes, churches, of regulations imposed by a n d a n y t h i n g w i t h a u n e l e c t e d g o v e r n m e n t motor—from motor vehicles to bureaucrats – unless Congress lawnmowers, jet skis, and leaf steps up to the plate and stops blowers—could be subject to them. cost-increasing restrictions. Lisa Murkowski’s (R–AK) The regulations would have the resolution of disapproval would same impact on the economy do just that. As Heritage Senior and employment as would a Policy Analyst Ben Lieberman major new energy tax as passed explains, “In order to provide a through cap and trade, but they means of stopping unwarranted would be worse, since they or ill-advised regulations, would entail more burdensome Congress and President Clinton compliance, administrative, and enacted the Congressional legal costs. The American Farm Review Act in 1996. The statute Bureau Federation and 48 other allows Congress to pass, by agricultural groups sent a letter simple majority and with limited to the Senate warning that“full debate time, a resolution of implementation would cost disapproval against any newly farmers more than 866-million promulgated federal regulation dollars just for obtaining permits it opposes, thus revoking the f o r f a r m s a n d l i v e s t o c k regulation. It is hard to imagine o p e r a t i o n s . ” a more appropriate application This is not an attack on just big

no protection from the endangerment finding’s most absurd result–rulemakings to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), set below current atmospheric concentrations, for greenhouse gases. Environmental litigation groups are only acting on the obvious implication of the EPA’s assertion that the root cause of endangerment is the “elevated concentration” of greenhouse gases when they demand that the EPA initiate such rulemakings. The economic consequences business or big agriculture. The should regulate anything and would be devastating. Even a global depression lasting several regulations could apply to“dairy everything. facilities with over 25 cows, A Short-term Delay in Pain for decades would not be enough to beef cattle operations of over 50 S m a l l e r E n t i t i e s , N o t f o r lower CO2 concentrations from today’s level–roughly 390 parts cattle, swine operations with E v e r y o n e E l s e over 200 hogs, and farms with The tailoring rule would only per million–to 350 ppm, the new over 500 acres of corn.” Further, be in place until 2016 and then politically correct “stabilization” over 1.3 million commercial the millions of smaller entities target advocated by former Vice entities could be regulated for become fair game again. The President Al Gore, the Center the first time and over 3.9 American energy consumer will for Biological Diversity and million single family homes have no such luck. Small numerous other environmental could be subject to regulation – businesses, farms, churches, groups. Yet under the Clean Air and these numbers are according s c h o o l s a n d h o m e s w i l l Act, states are obligated to attain to the EPA. immediately be hit with higher NAAQS within five years or, at EPA is trying to minimize the energy prices passed on by the m o s t , 1 0 y e a r s . T h e economic pain, just temporarily, larger energy industries that will endangerment finding thus sets for smaller entities by raising be regulated. And as former the stage for environmental the pollution thresholds in the senator and governor of Virginia activists to transform the Act Clean Air Act. Known as the G e o r g e A l l e n a n d t h e i n t o a d e i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n tailoring rule, the change not C o m p e t i t i v e E n t e r p r i s e mandate via litigation. The o n l y s t a n d s o n s h a k y Institute’s Marlo Lewis explain, Murkowski resolution would constitutional ground, it also even with the tailoring rule in nip all this mischief in the bud.” stands on shaky legal ground– place the EPA can inflict To add salt to the wound, these floods of lawsuits are likely to massive amounts of economic regulations are all based on a c o m e f r o m e n v i r o n m e n t a l pain: DISAPPROVING page 57 groups that believe the EPA The tailoring rule also provides


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In Allen's Book, Sports Is Allegory for Politics (Newsmax - Inside Cover)

bid and prospects for the GOP presidential nomination two Submitted at 5/25/2010 3:31:52 AM years later. Former Virginia Sen. George In August 2006, Allen pointed Allen addresses the six-letter out a videographer paid by s l u r t h a t u n d i d h i s 2 0 0 6 Webb's campaign to track Allen campaign in a new book that at campaign stops. At a rally applies lessons from sports to before a mostly white crowd in Washington politics and sets up far southwestern Virginia, Allen what Republicans widely regard pointed out S.R. Sidarth, the as a two-year bid to reclaim his American-born son of Indian Senate seat. immigrants. Allen, who lost his seat four "In the process I gave the young years ago to Democrat Jim cameraman the unfortunate, Webb, began media interviews made-up nickname of Macaca and appearances Monday on (or Makaka)," Allen writes in conservative cable talk shows the book's final chapter. "I promoting "What Washington thought of it as a nonsense Can Learn from the World of word. If I had known the Sports." nickname could be considered a The former Virginia governor's racial slur, I wound not have b o o k i s f u l l o f a t h l e t i c s said it. But that is how it was allegories and anecdotes from c h a r a c t e r i z e d . T h e p o o r childhood in the home of Pro judgment was mine. I should Football Hall of Fame coach never have dragged this young George H. Allen. It is largely a man into the debate when my compendium of points the real target was my opponent. I t o b a c c o - d i p p i n g , c o w b o y - apologized to him, and take full booted Allen has made in responsibility for the remark and conversations, interviews and its aftermath, which should have speeches throughout three been handled much better." decades in Virginia politics. It His campaign nose-dived hits store shelves this week. afterward. Webb won his In the first and last chapters, inaugural bid for office by 9,329 Allen addresses issues of race votes out of nearly 2.4 million and ethnicity that have become cast. the most indelible liabilities of He said in an Associated Press his career. The book includes a interview that he learned one short recap of his "Macaca" enormous way the worlds of fumble that derailed what had sports and cutthroat politics seemed an easy 2006 re-election differ as a result of his macaca

moment and from a 1994 speech in which he exhorted Republicans to challenge Democrats and, figuratively, "knock their soft teeth down their whiny throats." "There are certain things best left in the locker room and the field of play and they're not appropriate for political discourse," he said. "When you're in public service, your mistakes are highlighted. It's one of the lessons I learned, sometimes the hard way." Earlier, Allen described the "meritocracy" that formed his world as the son of a National Football League legend, and of knowing black superstar players such as Los Angels Rams great David "Deacon" Jones and seeing him succeed famously without regard to race. The Hall of Fame defensive end penned the book's foreword. "Race, ethnicity, origins and religious persuasion did not matter. In fact, so `unconscious' of race was my upbringing in a football family that, in a strange sort of way, I entered adulthood — and probably even public life — not fully comprehending the full gravity of our nation's struggle for racial equality," he writes in the first chapter. George Mason University political scientist Mark Rozell said Allen is serving as "his own revisionist historian."

"Candidates often try to rehabilitate themselves and position themselves for a future run. I can't believe he just wanted to write this as a final word and then just fade away quietly," Rozell said. As the Republican who brought his party back from Democratic domination in Virginia in 1993, he was long the state's undisputed GOP superstar. Since then, new Republicans have moved to the fore, including Gov. Bob McDonnell, a conservative who led a resounding statewide sweep for his party last fall. Asked by the AP to comment on a 2012 rematch against Webb, Allen gave the same response he gives in his 178page book: "Perhaps." —— Bob Lewis has covered Virginia government and politics since 2000. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


OBAMA continued from page 50

House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer, the Maryland Democrat who is now majority leader, blasted the Bush proposal. He excoriated Mr. Bush for not using his regular veto powers and blamed Republicans for ballooning spending. "It is a ruse, it is a fraud, it is a sham," he said. He also wondered why Congress would give up its authority. "We are the policymakers. Article I," he said, calling Republicans "a lap dog" for Mr. Bush. "We are a co-equal branch. We are not a branch to ask leave of the president to take action." On Monday, Mr. Hoyer said he will "discuss this legislation" with Mr. Obama and House Democrats, but, like other leaders, he focused on how much action Congress has already taken to impose new rules. © Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



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Morning Bell: Slouching Towards Irrelevance Conn Carroll (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:33:59 AM

Earlier this month while in Brussels, Vice President Joe Biden told the European Parliament that while “some American politicians and American journalists refer to Washington, DC as the ‘capital of the free world’ … it seems to me that this great city, which boasts 1,000 years of history and which serves as the capital of Belgium, the home of the European Union, and the headquarters for NATO, this city has its own legitimate claim to that title.” How revealing. The European Union is a profoundly anti-democratic institution, created and forced on member states by internationalist leftist elites despite widespread public disapproval. It should be no surprise that the same administration that can’t bring itself to enforce our laws and protect our borders would give such strong support to an institution that has so undermined national sovereignty in Europe. And given that the EU’s unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy employs more people than the entire British Army it is no wonder that NATO member nations have been unwilling/

unable to pull their weight in the Long War. One might hope that the Obama administration would look at the path Europe has gone down ( a bloated welfare state that saps economic growth and bleeds military spending) and decide to change course. But President Barack Obama’s speech at West Point on Sunday quashed any such hopes. Speaking to graduating Cadets, President Obama laid out the increasingly identifiable pillars of the Obama Doctrine: greater reliance on international institutions; substituting soft power for hard power; and a more subdued and less self-reliant America – a scheme designed more to manage American decline than to ensure its people remain safe, free and prosperous. Last Friday Charles Krauthammer gave us a whirlwind tour of what the Obama Doctrinehas looked like in action: failed engagement with Iran, surrender to Russia on missile defense, appeasement of Syria, support for pro-Chavez leftists in Honduras, and a gratuitous slap at Britain over the Falkland Islands. And what has it secured? A completely fake deal between Turkey, Brazil and Iran that will do nothing to slow Iran’s nuclear weapons program but has already made new meaningful

sanctions next to impossible. Instead of cutting domestic spending and reining in entitlements, President Obama passed a $862 billion failed stimulus and created a brand new health care entitlement all while laying the ground work for future cuts to our nation’s defenses. As Krauthammer wrote Friday: “This is retreat by design and, indeed, on principle.” Perhaps, the worst thing about the speech was that the President made it in front of the men and women who will have to live with the immediate consequences of his actions. The Obama Doctrine will put them in harm’s way without the modern equipment they will need; with allies who will increasingly doubt our resolve; and at the mercy of an international order that will value their lives for less than the power which the White House wants to put in their hands. Quick Hits: • As part of out Protect America Month campaign, Former NSA Director and Former CIA Director the Honorable Michael Hayden will make a special address in New York, New York, Wednesday night at 7 PM EDT. • According to a new study by the National Center for Policy Analysis, the structure of the tax

credits in Obamacare discourages small businesses from hiring new workers. • According to Rasmussen Reports, support for the repeal of Obamacare has jumped to its highest lever ever with 63% of voters now in support of repeal. • According to a new analysis by USA TODAY, during the first quarter of this year, paychecks from private business shrank to their smallest share of personal income in U.S. history while government-provided benefits — from Social Security, unemployment insurance, food stamps and other programs — rose to a record high. • Big labor ally Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) is introducing a$165 billion bailout for troubled union pension funds. Tags: Defense Spending, european parliament, European Union, Morning Bell, the Obama Doctrine You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

WHITE continued from page 51

"Our work is very much in concert with President Obama's agenda," says Schneier. A past guest at the White House Hanukkah party, Schneier says this event has a whole different feel to it. "This is quite unique," he says. "It's more exotic than the usual White House event." Daroff agrees. "Listen, anytime there's a first in Washington, it's a big deal," he says. © Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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Duty, Honor … Country Optional James Carafano (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 5/24/2010 5:00:40 PM

Thomas Jefferson established an academy at West Point because he wanted an institution to train Army officers which would be beholden to no political party. Cadets learn their responsibility is to live the academy motto—“duty, honor, country.” That said, it is unfortunate that President Barack Obama chose to make the centerpiece of his remarks at West Point last week a partisan diatribe—with another dose of “anything but Bush” rhetoric. Even more disappointing, the President outlined the main elements of the Obama Doctrine: greater reliance on international institutions; substituting soft power for hard power; and a more subdued and less self-reliant America – a scheme designed more to manage American decline than to ensure its people remain safe, free and prosperous. President Obama’s dream for a new international order has informed virtually all of his administration’s foreign policy initiatives. And almost all of them demonstrate just why sacrificing American sovereignty and security at the altar of global bureaucracy is such a terrible idea. Both Russia

and China continue to manipulate US efforts to impose sanctions on Iran in the UN Security Council to their own ends. For instance, it was just reported last weekend that the Obama administration further undermined its already terribly weak Iranian sanctions resolution by allowing Moscow to sell advanced air and cruise missile defenses to Iran. Obama’s effort to substitute diplomacy, foreign aid and other instruments for defense are a recipe for disaster as well. Soft power is not a substitute for hard power. Indeed, soft power works best when there is hard power to back it up. The US learned this lesson the hard way in both Iraq and Afghanistan when it found that assistance without the security to protect it is just another target for attack. No effort at “soft power” has proven more disastrous than US engagement with Tehran, which has led to the president of Iran publicly mocking the president of the United States. President Obama has also pressed the case that the United States can no longer afford to defend itself. Indeed, the administration continues to make the case that defense spending is to blame for high deficits and slow economic growth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Gutting

power which the White House wants to put in their hands. Tags: the Obama Doctrine, trillion dollar deficits, west point 2 Responses to “Duty, Honor … Country Optional” • Billie on May 24th, 2010 at 6:00pm said: Why, Mr. Obama? Why do you want to hurt us? • Joe Bean on May 24th, 2010 at 6:00pm said: After dragging those Navy Seals through a public trial I would have to say it is a bad time to be in the military. The good thing is that all of them were exonerated. If I was still in the military I wouldn’t feel that my government was watching out for my safety and best interests. Especially when they have people like the Ft Hood Islamofascist-terrorist killing us from the inside and others killing troops a the Little Rock recruiting station.

defense will not keep the White House from spending the nation into the ground— but it will make the world much less safe. The Obama Doctrine is vision of the world the president wants, one that ignores the world as it is. It is anything but a strategy—it is the antithesis of strategy. Perhaps, the worst thing about the speech was that the

President made it in front of the men and women who will have to live with the immediate consequences of his actions. The Obama Doctrine will put them in harm’s way without the modern equipment they will need; with allies who will increasingly doubt our resolve; and at the mercy to an international order that will value their lives for less than the

You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.



GOP Begins Seeking Ideas from Public

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WIKIcontinued from page 49

Indeed, even scholars who know the issue best have a difficult time providing a (Newsmax - Inside Cover) h a v e o f f e r e d p o s i t i v e that is debated in Washington" definitive answer. Ultimately, alternatives to the misguided echoes the grass-roots "tea Wiki-constitutionalism is likely Submitted at 5/25/2010 3:11:04 AM policies pursued by Washington party" movement that has swept the result of a confluence of America, House Republicans Democrats. But we recognize populists like Senate candidate factors, from geography to want your help. the American people are in Rand Paul of Kentucky to constitutional traditions to Latin In an effort to shed its image as charge, and constructing a victory in recent Republican America's legacy of instability a "party of no" with few original governing agenda must begin contests at the expense of party- and even the region's culture. Half a millennium ago, when ideas to challenge the Democrat with the people." backed candidates. -controlled Congress and White The campaign will solicit What impact the effort will Spanish explorers first began House, House Republicans on public input via an online forum h a v e i n t h e N o v e m b e r dotting the coasts of a New Tuesday will begin a campaign a t congressional elections is World with their settlements, to ask the general public for uncertain. The ideas campaign is they were always particular in input in drafting their next , a n d t o w n h a l l m e e t i n g s , a p r o j e c t o f t h e H o u s e planning the layout of towns at agenda. according to an outline obtained Republican leadership - not the very moment of their The nationwide "America from a senior House Republican campaign arms like the National founding. Maps would be drawn Speaking Out" campaign seeks aide. R e p u b l i c a n C o n g r e s s i o n a l up meticulously, delineating the to capitalize on growing voter "We expect it will generate a Committee and the Republican boundaries of a cathedral, a f r u s t r a t i o n o f t h e O b a m a great deal of interest, a great National Committee. And with governor’s mansion, a central a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d t h e deal of participation around the Republicans promising an plaza, barracks, and all the D e m o c r a t i c C o n g r e s s . c o u n t r y , " s a i d H o u s e extensive information gathering future cornerstones of a bustling Organizers say they welcome R e p u b l i c a n C o n f e r e n c e process, a final agenda won't city. Yet the town itself might well be sparsely populated ideas from all voters, regardless C h a i r m a n M i k e P e n c e o f emerge until later this year. of party affiliation. Indiana. Mr. Pence, a project © C o p y r i g h t 2 0 1 0 T h e forever, and these edifices "American Speaking Out is an organizer, declined to discuss W a s h i n g t o n T i m e s , L L C would, as likely as not, never be effort to open the back rooms details until the campaign is Five Filters featured article: built. and closed doors that have o f f i c i a l l y u n v e i l e d a t t h e The Art of Looking Prime Whatever the cause, Wikidefined Congress and allow N e w s e u m i n W a s h i n g t o n . Ministerial - The 2010 UK constitutionalism has proven to Americans to be a part of The campaign's mission to tap General Election. Available be a quixotic and fruitless drafting a governing agenda into the "growing disconnect tools: PDF Newspaper, Full practice. Evo Morales and his from the start," the outline says. between the priorities of the Text RSS, Term Extraction. supporters will someday find that the recently passed Bolivian "Congressional Republicans American public and the agenda constitution will not, in fact, solve “all the problems of Bolivia,” because no

constitution ever could. And when the perfect country outlined by their constitution invariably fails to materialize, the impulse will be there to blame the design. There will be calls to change the system, and the precedent set by this constitution (and all the others) will make adopting yet another one feasible. Yet doing so will only extend a dynamic that has undermined stability in the region for generations. If Latin American institutions are ever to become strong enough that they can keep powerful, popular presidents from doing whatever they want, Wikiconstitutionalism must end. Daniel Lansberg-Rodriguez directs entrepreneurial development programs for the Sucre municipal government in Caracas, Venezuela. He is a graduate of Carleton College and the Harvard Kennedy School. For more TNR, become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Politics/ TV/

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Don’t Let the Lights Go Out: Defend Against EMP Jessica Zuckerman (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.) Submitted at 5/24/2010 4:00:25 PM

We’ve been warned. In 2004, the Commission to Assess the Threat of the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) reported that “EMP is one of a small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences.” Yet, Congress has done next to nothing to protect the U.S. from an EMP attack. As my colleague, Baker Spring explains an EMP can occur when a nuclear weapon is detonated high in the atmosphere above the Earth. The resulting explosion interacts with the Earth’s magnetic fields, sending a pulse, or current, throughout all electrical systems. Nearly everything we depend on from day to day would be affected. Imagine a world without computers, ATMS, cell phones, water systems, the internet, ambulances and even cars. The

U.S. would essentially be knocked back to the 19th century. The idea may seem abstract, but the threat is real. Nearly 30 nations have the ballistic missile capabilities needed to launch such an attack, and reports have circulated that Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China have worked towards achieving EMP capabilities. Given the magnitude of the threat, it is due time for the U.S. to work towards building a

suitable defense against EMP attacks by hardening the nation’s critical infrastructure. If properly shielded, the nation’s infrastructure could survive even the strongest attack. Join The Heritage Foundation tomorrow at 11 a.m. in Lehrman Auditorium at“Keeping a Finger on Electromagnetic Pulse,” part of the Science and Technology series, as experts discuss technologies available to help harden critical infrastructure and defend the nation from the EMP

prevent the EPA from slipping global warming regulations through the backdoor, especially when the public doesn’t want to see them brought in through the front.

Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

DISAPPROVING continued from page 52

faulty scientific consensus that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are a significant threat to human health and the environment. It’s time for the Senate to act and

threat. Tags: electromagnetic pulse, EMP One Response to “Don’t Let the Lights Go Out: Defend Against EMP” • william durgan, NH on May 24th, 2010 at 5:00pm said: The book “One second After” by William R. Forstchen is a fictional depiction of the real world consequences of an EMP attack. It is a must read for all citizens interested in the subject. It is a great read and full of information. It would be a great addition to the information received from the Heritage foundation. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Law & Order Episode Recap: "Rubber Room" ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/24/2010 11:45:00 PM

Law & Order - S. Epatha Merkerson Recapping the last episode of Law & Order is bittersweet, particularly since Monday's episode, "Rubber Room," was never intended to be the series' swan song. It was, however, to be S. Epatha Merkerson's last episode on the series, and as such, it celebrates the show's unsung hero, Lt. Anita van Buren. The episode's crime story is a textbook case of TV-procedural LAW page 58



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LAW continued from page 57

misdirection. It starts when concerned parents alert Lt. Van Buren that a man is videotaping nude girls (including their daughter) and posting clips on his website and ends when Dets. Lupo and Bernard and ADAs Cutter and Rubirosa figure out that the anonymous blogger who says he's going to carry out a Columbine-style school shooting somewhere in New York City is actually a disgruntled teacher. But this is really an episode about Van Buren. Departing from Law & Order's typical formula, we learn quite a bit about her personal life. Lupo overhears her on the phone applying for a line of credit so she can pay her medical bills and tries to organize a fundraiser for her. She catches wind of it, though, and quashes it, asking Lupo and Bernard to respect her privacy.

In the meantime, she has an MRI to track the progress of her cancer, but we don't see the results. Her boyfriend Frank tells her she should let her coworkers throw her a party, and hints with a smirk that it would be easier to get that line of credit with two incomes in the house. Anita apparently listens to Frank because the final scene of the episode is that fundraising party, and she announces to her colleagues that Frank is now her fiancĂŠ. Better yet: While at the party, her doctor calls and gives her an all-clear. It's a tidy resolution for the character, for sure, but who would deny Anita -- and in turn, Merkerson -- a happy ending after 391 episodes of steely grace? As for this being Law & Order's series finale, well, let's all wait and see. There is still

talk that NBC will try to properly wrap up the series with a two-hour movie event and/or co-finance another season jointly with TNT, though the latter arrangement seems unlikely now that NBC has green-lit Law & Order: Los Angeles for the fall. What did you think of Merkerson's send-off -- and the ostensible Law & Order series finale? Was "Rubber Room" a representative episode to end the series or are you hoping for more closure? Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

'The Bachelorette' Season Premiere Recap Laura Prudom (TV Squad) Submitted at 5/25/2010 4:26:00 AM

Filed under: Recaps, Summer TV(S06E01) Hold on to your roses, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for season six of'The Bachelorette,' AKA, 'That Show Where You Must Forsake Your Livelihood And Home To Pursue Twoo Wuv, Or Be Forever Branded A Workaholic.' In case the last season of 'The Bachelor' and the numerous previews, 'After the Rose' specials, opening credit voiceovers and multiple Chris Harrison interviews during the episode didn't quite give you the whole story, allow us to remind you that Ali Fedotowsky almost won Jake Pavelka's heart last season on'The Bachelor,' before her mean old employers were meaniefaces who told her to stop frolicking about on a reality game show and get back to work, or risk getting fired. And because Ali was a workaholic shrew, she chose her career over love and broke poor Jake's heart -- for shame! Much weeping and hand-wringing ensued for the rest of the season,

and in subsequent tabloid columns, just to remind us that one should never choose career stability and a steady paycheck over a dreamy hunk of Texan man who can fly planes to like, anywhere! But now Ali is back, and she's learned her lesson! She's quit her job and moved out of her apartment in her quest for romance, so let's just hope that none of her potential suitors have recently quit their jobs and are living with their parents, since that could get awkward. Oh, wait ... Permalink| Email this| Linking Blogs| Comments


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Joe Jonas Dumps Demi Lovato — But Not Over the Phone

Christina Aguilera Cancels Summer Tour

( Breaking News)

( Breaking News)

Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:36:00 AM

Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:44:00 AM

Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas That was fast. Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato have split after a few months of dating — but contrary to reports, they did not break up over the phone. "I'd like to clear a few things up. First, Joe and I did split but it wasn't over the phone. Things didn't work out but we'll remain friends," Lovato tweeted. "Secondly, I am NOT dating anybody already. Nothing is more important to me than the relationship I have with my fans. Just thought you guys should know this." Demi Lovato admits to dating Joe Jonas Jonas — who infamously dumped Taylor Swift in 2008 over a "27-second" phone call — added that he initiated the break-up with Lovato, with whom he went public in March. "Demi and I knew going into our romantic relationship that it

may not be an easy one," Jonas told People. "I realize over the time we have shared together that I feel I care more about our friendship right now. It was my choice to break up but I love her as a friend. She's been there for me when I needed her. I will continue to be her friend and be there for her." Check out photos of Demi Lovato Lovato, 17, and Jonas, 20, who met in 2007 on the set of Camp Rock will still be spending time

Christina Aguilera Christina Aguilera has canceled her North American summer tour due to inadequate rehearsal time. Aguilera, 29, has work commitments to her upcoming film, Burlesque, and is currently promoting her fourth studio album, Bionic, due in stores June 8. X-Tina's new music video borders on X-rated together this summer: Lovato is "The singer felt she needed joining the Jonas Brothers on more time to rehearse the show tour, starting July 27 in Dallas. and with less than a month The two can also be seen in the between the album release and Camp Rock sequel, Camp Rock tour date, this wasn't possible," 2: The Final Jam, Sept. 3 on the Live Nation, the tour's promoter, said in a statement. Disney Channel. Five Filters featured article: Check out photos of Christina The Art of Looking Prime Aguilera Ministerial - The 2010 UK Aguilera's Bionic Tour was set General Election. Available to kick off July 15, but will now tools: PDF Newspaper, Full be rescheduled for 2011. New Text RSS, Term Extraction.


tour dates will be announced later this year. Burlesque— the Grammy winner's film debut — hits theaters in November. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


TV/ Products/

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Monica Bellucci Welcomes Second Daughter ( Breaking News) Submitted at 5/25/2010 8:40:00 AM

'24' - '2:00PM - 4:00PM' Recap (Series Finale) Mike Moody (TV Squad)

production. Second, the show will always be known as a pioneering suspense drama that F i l e d u n d e r : R e c a p s , gave us a new kind of hero and Finales(S08E23 / S08E24) put the viewer uncomfortably Sayonara, Jack!'24' ended its run close to the action. of real-time action with a swift Individual seasons of '24' stand and often gripping finale that alone and, as evidenced by the closed out this season's storyline show's final moments, Jack and left things wide open for a Bauer is an unstoppable force big screen follow up. both on TV and in real life. Unlike some other popular People will love him no matter shows, '24's legacy won't rest what he did or said (or who he solely on the events and quality killed) before the final credits of its final episodes. For one, rolled. we're told that Jack Bauer's Permalink| Email this| Linking story will continue with at least Blogs| Comments one movie already in preSubmitted at 5/25/2010 3:21:00 AM

Monica Bellucci It's another girl for Monica Belllucci. The Matrix star delivered a daughter, LĂŠonie, Friday in Rome, People reports. Monica Bellucci expecting second child Bellucci, 45, and her husband, Vincent Cassel, 43, are also parents to a 5-year-old daughter, Deva. The Italian actress, who can next be seen opposite Nicolas Cage in this summer's The Sorcerer's Apprentice, and Cassel have been married for nearly 11 years. Calls and e-mails to Bellucci's rep were not immediately

Women, love your hearts (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/24/2010 1:51:41 PM

Women, love your hearts The leading cause of death for women in the U.S. is not breast, colon, or lung cancer, but heart disease. Each year, more than 400,000 women have heart attacks and, alarmingly, the majority (64%) never experience the classic symptoms. WOMEN, In the movies and on TV, heart continued from page 60 attacks tend to be sudden and risk, heart attacks also occur in medical therapies. Here is a intense, but in real life they women without any traditional q u i c k g u i d e t o p r i m a r y usually start slowly, with mild risk factors. The good news is prevention, which includes pain or discomfort. Women in that myself and many experts, l e a r n i n g o f r i s k s f a c t o r s , particular often delay getting l i k e W a l t e r W i l l e t M . D . , recognizing symptoms, and help because they are less likely Dr.P.H, a nutrition expert and making lifestyles changes that than men to experience the professor at the Harvard School can dramatically improve the typical chest-clutching pain. of Public Health, feel that most health of your heart. While smokers and women with heart attacks can be prevented R I S K F A C T O R S : T h e s e diabetes are at especially high by lifestyle modification of risk WOMEN, page 61 WOMEN, page 60 factors, heart testing, and returned. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


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WOMEN, continued from page 60

include a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, dyslipidemias ( high cholesterol and high triglycerides), and possibly chronic anxiety, depression, stress, and lack of social support. It is important to note that 20 percent of woman experiencing heart attacks do not have any of these risks. SYMPTOMS: As with men, the most common symptom in women is chest discomfort, including pain, pressure, squeezing, or a feeling of fullness in the center of the chest. The pain or discomfort may radiate to one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach. Women are more likely then men to experience sudden shortness of breath, even without chest discomfort, and a cold sweat, lightheadedness, or nausea. SCREENING TESTS: Blood work to check lipid values for cholesterol and triglycerides, blood sugar for diabetes, anemia, or thyroid conditions. EKG(basic electrocardiogram) for high-risk patients and stress testing and cardiac catheterization for those with heart symptoms. MEDICAL/ SURGICAL: If you are diagnosed with these conditions, your doctor may initiate

secondary prevention with medication to lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood sugar. In advanced cases you may require surgical intervention such as angioplasty with the placement of a coronary stent or heart bypass surgery. You may also be placed on blood thinners to reduce clotting risks. Ask your doctor if a daily aspirin is appropriate for you. Studies show a substantial reduction in repeat heart attacks when taking daily low-dose aspirin. Now let’s go over three important lifestyle changes you can make at home to prevent heart disease and optimize your heart health! 1. Nutrition/Diet. Multiple studies have confirmed the benefit of the Mediterranean or anti-inflammatory diet which can help to prevent the buildup and rupture of plaques in the coronary arteries by lowering cholesterol and chronic inflammation. The focus of this diet is on whole grains, legumes, nuts , fruits, vegetables, fish, and use of garlic and olive oil. The idea is to limit the intake of saturated fats and processed foods; too much of these increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol, and increase sodium and sugar ingestion while lowering the needed daily fiber and nutrients for general health.

Fish like salmon and sardines are especially valued with their high contents of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and many other heart healthy nutrients. Whole soy, nuts and beans are excellent protein, fat, and fiber alternatives to animal meat. I would urge you to learn more about the Mediterranean Diet and discuss with your doctor if it's a right choice for you. 2. Exercise. Sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activity is clearly another risk factor for a heart attack. Most experts recommend 30-45 minute daily of aerobic activity and light weight-training. Brisk walking, treadmill work, or elliptical training will all provide similar results. The key is recognizing that your heart is a muscle that needs daily "toning." If you have any of the risk factors or are over 50 years of age, ask your doctor before embarking on an exercise program. If you are more than 30 percent overweight, I would recommend a consult with a health coach expert in nutrition and exercise. 3. Mind/Body. Chronic stress and depression must be addressed and managed. They have been shown to be significant contributors to heart disease. I would begin by learning simple breath work exercises such as those available

on many CDs. Learning mindfulness meditation, and self -hypnosis can also be very empowering and beneficial. Various forms of yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates may also help. Acupuncture offers some benefits as well. Finally seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist who can offer valuable discussion and effective medication are excellent resources. If you smoke, your chances of quitting are greatly increased by a multiple approach, which include any of these options mentioned above. As a woman use that marvelous intuition: Listen to your body and listen to your heart. — Joseph Mosquera, M.D., Integrative Health Expert For answers to all your questions about heart disease risks, prevention, and treatment, take a look at our special section on heart health. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


The best sunscreens and insect repellents (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/24/2010 11:59:59 PM

The best sunscreens and insect repellents Whether you’re headed to the beach, camping, or having a backyard barbecue, two products can help keep your skin safe this summer: sunscreen and insect repellent. But which brands work best? Our tests of 12 sunscreens found four sprays, including one CR Best Buy, that protected a shade better than the rest. Our trained sensory testers also evaluated how the products felt, smelled, and rubbed in or sprayed on (available to subscribers). The four best sunscreens provided Very Good UVA protection and Excellent UVB protection, and met their SPF claim even after treated skin was immersed in water for 80 minutes. Whatever sunscreen you choose, make sure it has an SPF of at least 30 (plenty for most people), and that it is labeled water resistant. To keep ticks and mosquitoes at bay, our recent tests of 10 insect repellents found six that protected against deer ticks and two common types of mosquitoes for seven hours or BEST page 62



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BEST continued from page 61

more. Four of those contain deet in varying levels. The Environmental Protection Agency judges deet safe when used as directed, but it has caused rare toxic reactions when misused. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against using repellents with deet concentrations higher than 30 percent on children. We think that no one needs a repellent with more than 30 percent deet. The active ingredient in Repel is oil of lemon eucalyptus. (It's not recommended for children under 3.) Almost as effective was Natrapel, which protects with picaridin, a chemical newer than deet. What about an all-in-one product that combines sunscreen and insect repellent? Combo products are not a good idea, according to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC recommends that consumers avoid products that mix

sunscreen with insect repellent containing deet. Sunscreens are meant to be applied liberally and often, so using a combination product could result in unnecessarily high exposure to repellents. Another reason not to use a combo: Many mosquitoes tend to bite long after the highest risk of sun damage has passed. The combination product we tested, Avon SkinSo-Soft Bug Guard Plus IR3535 Expedition SPF 30, has no deet, but directions say not to exceed three applications per day. This product did not rate near the top for either sun protection or repelling insects. Read more on how and when to apply sunscreen. Follow these directions when applying insect repellent: • Use your hands to apply it to your face, avoiding your eyes and mouth, and don't apply it to cuts.• Use just enough to cover exposed skin.• Some directions suggest using it on clothes, but most tested repellents damaged

leather and vinyl, and some of them stained synthetic fabrics.• Wash repellent off your skin and launder treated clothes.

Family food news: Child obesity, safe food handling, produce stickers decoded Artemis Dibenedetto (Consumer Reports) Submitted at 5/25/2010 1:59:59 AM

Finally, take our quiz if you want to know what those ingredients in your sunscreen are all about. — Ginger Skinner For more on the top brands in our tests, take a look at our sunscreen Ratings and insect repellent Ratings(subscribers only). Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

Family food news: Child obesity, safe food handling, produce stickers decoded Tips to curb child obesity If you are concerned about your child’s weight, there may be some new strategies worth trying. Recently, the First Lady and the members of the Childhood Obesity Task Force unveiled their action plan aimed at reducing childhood obesity (See One in five children have risk factors for heart disease), and many of the recommendations can be implemented right away. Learn more in the full Health blog post. 9 foods to handle with extreme care Some foods might put you at more risk, so our experts say you should be extra careful buying and handling them. If someone more susceptible to food poisoning is in your household—young children, seniors, pregnant women, or anyone with a compromised

immune system—you might want to avoid many of them entirely. (See Foodborne illness and children.) Learn more in the full Health blog post. Little white stickers on fruits and vegetables You know those little stickers with numbers on produce? They’re called price look-up (PLU) codes, and the numbers can be useful to consumers. A five-digit number that starts with a 9 means the item is organic. (See When buying organic pays.) Learn more in the full Health blog post. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences


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Flyers finish Habs to meet Hawks in Cup finals Associated Press (

on Monday night. "I don't want to say destiny or anything, but we have a great Submitted at 5/25/2010 1:07:20 AM team," Richards said. Flyers continue Cinderella ride The Flyers, who needed a with first Stanley Cup finals shootout win in the last game of since 1997 the regular season to clinch a PHILADELPHIA -- Mike playoff spot, will play the Richards said the heck with Western Conference champion superstition and had his hands Chicago Blackhawks in Game 1 a l l o v e r t h e c o n f e r e n c e on Saturday. championship trophy. The Flyers have not won the Some teams refuse to as much Stanley Cup since consecutive as touch one until they have a titles in 1974 and 1975. firm grip on the Stanley Cup. Fast Facts Burnside: Don't Doubt Philly • The Flyers have lost in each of With the Flyers' series win over their last five trips to the Stanley the Habs, a victory that vaults Cup finals and haven't won the them into the Cup finals for the Cup since 1975. first time since 1997, there will • For the third straight season, a be no more talk of Cinderella team that played in the Winter journeys. Story Classic has advanced to the • Burnside: Habs' best disappear S t a n l e y C u p f i n a l s . B o t h Not these Flyers. previous teams won the annual "It took a lot to get here. It's not outdoor game and lost in the the trophy we want, but we finals. h a v e n ' t d o n e a n y t h i n g • Flyers coach Peter Laviolette conventional all year especially became just the ninth coach to in the playoffs," a laughing take over a team during the Richards said. "So we'll go season and reach the Stanley against the grain one more time. Cup finals later that year. The Philadelphia Flyers have • The Canadiens lost for the first rekindled some of their old t i m e i n s i x g a m e s t h i s "Broad Street Bullies" postseason when facing championship days and are back e l i m i n a t i o n . in the Stanley Cup finals for the -- ESPN Stats & Information first time in 13 years. "This is one of the most, maybe Richards had a highlight-reel the most exciting season ever goal early, Arron Asham and since the first Stanley Cup," Jeff Carter scored 84 seconds team chairman and founder Ed apart in Game 5 of the Eastern Snider said. "What these guys Conference finals and the Flyers have done, what they've been beat the Montreal Canadiens 4-2 through, I mean it's incredible."

Michael Leighton allowed a goal 59 seconds into the game, then shut down the Canadiens, who showed a resilient comeback spirit in the first two rounds. The Flyers took a 3-1 lead into the third period, leaving the final 20 minutes as one raucous coronation party. Nearly 20,000 giddy fans dressed in pumpkinorange giveaway T-shirts chanted "Let's Go Flyers!" but couldn't exhale until the end. "I was counting down the clock the last 2 minutes, I couldn't wait for it to wind down," Leighton said. "Last couple of minutes we did a great job." Once Carter scored an emptynetter in the final seconds, the crowd exploded in a championship frenzy. The finals seem a fitting result for a Flyers organization that still has some "Broad Street Bullies" in their bloodlines. Forget dropping the gloves: This year's Flyers have shown an awesome ability to fight back on guts alone. Down 3-0 in the conference semifinals vs. Boston and trailing 3-0 in Game 7, the Flyers rallied to win in one of the sport's all-time great comebacks. "We kept going and didn't quit. Down 0-3 we didn't quit. All year that has been our motto. It feels good especially for the fans," Richards said. "It's been great so far. It's been great along the way. The journey hasn't

ended. Hopefully we have a Cinderella story in the end, but we need to prepare for Chicago." Carter, Simon Gagne and Ian Laperriere all pushed through potential series-ending injuries to return earlier than expected and deliver a shot at the Stanley Cup to Philadelphia. "It's a great feeling. We got a great team here, a great bunch of guys I'm proud of every one of them," Leighton said. "I said right from the beginning of the year, we just got to get in the playoffs and anything can happen. That's a tough team over there and we just played great." For all the knocks Philly takes as a title-starved sports town, all four major pro teams have made the championship round of their sport in the last 10 years. The Phillies in 2008 have won Philadelphia's only championship since 1983. Richards, their gritty gold medal-winning captain, scored a goal that will surely be shown over and over during the finals. Stanley Cup Finals One franchise looking to cap a renaissance after a decade of dark ages. The other seeking its first Stanley Cup title in 35 years. Can the Blackhawks finish what they started or will the Flyers find a silver Cup at the end of their Cinderella season? Follow the matchup from Day 1 on

Stanley Cup finals • Hawks blog Playing short-handed and just trying to clear the puck from along the boards, Claude Giroux fired the puck about 175 feet down the ice and that sent Richards scrambling. Montreal goalie Jaroslav Halak inexplicably skated toward the top of the circles to try and stop the puck. Richards dived head first and slid perfectly between Halak and Canadiens defenseman Roman Hamrlik. The puck squirted away from the crashing Canadiens, Richards sprang up from his belly and tapped it into an empty net to make it 1-1. Asham and Carter built the lead from there and gave Leighton all the room he needed. Asham scored from close range 3:07 into the second and Carter, who made a quick return after breaking his right foot last month, quickly made it 3-1. Richards fed Carter a nice pass, and he fired on one-knee to stun Halak. The Flyers' run to the Cup finals has been solidified on second-period scoring. The Flyers outscored the opposition 26-7 in the middle period this postseason. Down 3-1 in the series and 3-1 in the third, Montreal kept playing for one more comeback. FLYERS page 67



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Michigan punishes itself for breaking rules Associated Press (

that staffer Alex Herron was fired after his claim of not being present during some activities Submitted at 5/25/2010 6:58:01 AM was discredited by players. The University of Michigan on Michigan said it will cut back Tuesday admitted to a series of practice and training time by violations in its storied football 130 hours over the next two p r o g r a m , b u t i n s i s t e d t h e years, starting this summer. It problems related to practice also trimmed the number of time and the activities of assistants -- the so-called quality graduate assistants were not control staff -- from five to three e n o u g h t o w a r r a n t m a j o r and banned them from practices, punishment from the NCAA. games or coaching meetings for Michigan released details of the rest of 2010. self-imposed sanctions it hopes "I'm glad to get that over with," will satisfy the NCAA, whose coach Rich Rodriguez said staff will hold a hearing on the Monday night in Midland at the case in August. A final decision Michigan AP Sports Editors on NCAA penalties could take Meeting. "But that is just part of months. the process." M i c h i g a n ' s s e l f - i m p o s e d The self-imposed sanctions penalties included a recommendation for Penalties self-imposed by the two years of probation for the Michigan football program NCAA's winningest football Tuesday: program, which is 8-16 in two • Cut back practice and training seasons under Rodriguez. The time by 130 hours over the next school said it should not be two years, starting this summer. tagged as a repeat offender • Cut number of assistants from despite a 2003 scandal in the five to three and banned them basketball program. f r o m p r a c t i c e s , g a m e s o r "We're imposing on ourselves coaching meetings for the rest of what we believe is corrective 2010. actions," athletic director David • Recommendation for two Brandon said in an interview years of probation. The school with The Associated Press. said it should not be tagged as a "Ultimately, the NCAA will repeat offender despite a 2003 decide what the appropriate s c a n d a l i n t h e b a s k e t b a l l sanctions and penalties are." program. The violations came to light last • Letters of reprimand issued to fall during a second straight seven people -- including head losing season for Rodriguez, coach Rich Rodriguez. who will return for his third • Acknowledged for first time season at Michigan this fall.

Anonymous players told the Detroit Free Press that they were exceeding NCAA limits on practice and training time, prompting school and NCAA investigations. The NCAA has outlined five potentially major rules violations, all related to practices and workouts. It accused Rodriguez of failing to promote an atmosphere of compliance in his program -- a charge Michigan vehemently denied even as it acknowledged an overall failure by the athletic department. "We think that is overly harsh," Brandon said. "We do believe that there were things he could've done better and Rich would be the first to agree that details he delegated shouldn't have been in retrospect." Brandon said the school decided not to take away scholarships or eliminate coaching positions. "That's usually a result of something deemed to be an offense that created a competitive advantage," Brandon said. "Those kind of sanctions are also typically related to academic fraud, gambling, recruiting violations and extra benefits." Michigan told the NCAA that letters of reprimand were issued to seven people -- including Rodriguez -- who shared responsibility for the violations. One staffer who worked under

Rodriguez at West Virginia before joining him at Michigan, Alex Herron, was fired after his claim of not being present during some activities was discredited by players. The school said two main problems -- too many people acting as coaches and too many hours being put into football by the players -- occurred in part because of "inattention by the football staff." "The university agrees that it failed as a whole to adequately monitor its football program to assure compliance regarding the limitations upon the number, duties and activities of countabale football coaches and the time limits" for practice," it said. "The university also agrees that Rodriguez failed to satisfy the monitoring responsibilities required of head coaches." After his hire from West Virginia, Rodriguez filled all five quality control positions in the program -- essentially assistants to assistants who were paid $17 per hour to "run errands for the coaches, check on student-athlete class attendance and academic issues, and chart plays." The school said the staff "crossed the line in specific situations and engaged in 'coaching activities" as defined by the NCAA. Rodriguez also told school investigators he didn't know about forms used at Michigan to

track athletes' activities until last summer, 18 months after he was hired, and he said no one ever told him those forms were not being filed with compliance officials by his program. Rodriguez's response was submitted by his attorney, Scott Tompsett. He said the coach was "very disappointed that his administrators failed to provide the job descriptions on multiple occasions and he is disappointed that the compliance staff never brought their failure to his attention. Rodriguez has always had an open-door policy for anyone to bring matters to his attention." The school said it had discovered the paperwork problem and was working on it when the story broke. The bigger issue was the lack of communication. The school said the football program didn't provide requested information to the compliance office, which failed to alert Rodriguez -- who "should have paid closer attention to his subordinates." Rodriguez regretted that he didn't adequately monitor certain aspects of his program, but added in his response that following NCAA bylaws was not a "one-man job." "We're not happy to be in this process, but we're handling it in a professional and transparent manner before we move on," MICHIGAN page 66


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Magic hold on in OT to avoid Celtics sweep Associated Press (

against the Boston Bruins in the NHL's East semifinals, the Magic avoided elimination and Submitted at 5/25/2010 1:53:09 AM sent the series back to Orlando Nelson, Howard key as Magic for Game 5 on Wednesday avoid 4-game sweep in East night. finals The Bruins also lost Game 4 in BOSTON -- Put away the overtime. brooms. Hold off on those "Beat "We know that we were down 3 L.A.!" chants. The Boston -0, and we didn't want to go Celtics still have some work to home [for the season]," Howard do before they can play for their said. "It starts with me and second NBA title in three years. Jameer. Me and Jameer showed Dwight Howard had 32 points our leadership by playing hard. and 16 rebounds, and Jameer We've got to be the leaders for Nelson made back-to-back 3- this team. It's not about points, pointers in overtime to lead the but just showing everybody, Orlando Magic to a 96-92 'Hey, follow us and we'll lead victory over Boston on Monday the way.'" night to avoid a four-game No NBA team has ever come sweep in the Eastern Conference back from a 3-0 deficit to win a finals. playoff series. More from "At some point, somebody is Jameer Nelson deserves to have going to come from 3-0 down his name at the beginning of the and win a series. The only thing conversation about why the I knew for sure was it would Magic won and at the forefront start by winning Game 4," o f t h e d i s c u s s i o n o f h o w Magic coach Stan Van Gundy Orlando might just have a said. "I figured that one out. c h a n c e t o m a k e t h i s a You have to win Game 4. ... competitive series again, writes This was a must-win." Chris Sheridan. Daily Dime Paul Pierce had 32 points and • May: Can Magic make this a 11 rebounds, and Kevin Garnett series? had 14 points and 12 boards for The weaknesses exposed by B o s t o n . R a y A l l e n h i t Monday's defeat could leave the c o n s e c u t i v e 3 - p o i n t e r s i n Celtics vulnerable in the next overtime, but Pierce missed two round, writes John Hollinger. tries in the final minute as the Story Celtics failed to complete the Dressing in the same locker sweep. room where the Philadelphia Pick And Roll Powers Magic F l y e r s c e l e b r a t e d t h e i r The Magic discovered a new comeback from a 3-0 deficit weapon in extending the Eastern

Conference finals with Jameer Nelson and Dwight Howard both excelling on the pick and roll. Magic using pick and roll "They don't want to leave. We're going to have to throw them out," said Celtics forward Glen "Big Baby" Davis. "It's just like somebody renting a house." Nelson finished with 23 points and nine assists for the defending Eastern Conference champions, who led by 10 in the second quarter and were up 8578 with 2:24 left in regulation before Boston scored eight of the next nine points to force overtime at 86-all. Neither team scored for the first 2:18 of the period before Nelson hit a 3-pointer and then added another 43 seconds later. Allen made a 3-pointer and, after Howard dunked and drew a foul -- but missed a free throw -Allen hit another 3 to make it 94 -92. Howard followed up Nelson's miss with 53 seconds left to make it 96-92, then Garnett sailed a pass over Pierce's head and into the crowd. Pierce missed a pair of 3-point attempts in the closing seconds. "There were a couple of plays down the stretch offensively that we botched, plain and simple. We're kicking ourselves. We had a great opportunity," Allen said. "There's no need to panic. We like the position we're in. But it's a lesson: We have to take care of the small things and

we'll get to where we want to be." Orlando's revival came just in time to avoid a Celtics walkover that had fans in the new Boston Garden chanting "Beat L.A!" early in the second half of Saturday night's 23-point Boston victory. The Lakers lead the Suns 2-1 in the Western Conference finals, with Game 4 on Tuesday night in Phoenix. But there was no more chanting about the Lakers on Monday night. "I know they [the Celtics players] heard it. They had no choice but to hear it," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said. "I don't know if they believed it. We didn't play well, I know that. I hope that wasn't the reason." Only four times in the history of the North American major pro sports leagues has a team come back to win a playoff series after losing the first three games. It's been done three times in the NHL -- most recently this month by the Flyers in this building -- and once in baseball, when the Boston Red Sox came back to beat the New York Yankees in the 2004 AL Championship Series. "You never know what can happen," Magic guard J.J. Redick said. "We can be like the Red Sox, coming back from 0-3. You never know." The Magic's biggest lead of the series had been a three-point

edge in the first quarter of Game 2, but they opened with their highest-scoring quarter of the series on Monday to take a 3126 lead. They made it 42-32 in the second before Boston cut the deficit to four points at the half. Orlando led 85-78 on Howard's three-point play, but Pierce sliced past Howard for a dunk that cut it to five, then Allen hit a 3-pointer to make it 85-83 with 1:41 left. Nelson made one of two free throws, and then Pierce went to the basket and drew a foul, completing the three-point play to make it 86all with 1:16 left. But Pierce missed a jumper with a chance to give Boston the lead, Nelson missed for Orlando and Pierce lost his handle on the ball in the final seconds of regulation to send the game into overtime. Game notes Sporting goods chain Modell's sent out an e-mail a few hours before the game advertising Eastern Conference championship gear -- if the Celtics won. ... Garnett was called for a technical foul with 9:22 left in the third quarter after shoving Howard. ... After Rajon Rondo left the game with his third foul late in the first half, he went to the locker room with muscle spasms. He returned for the start of the third quarter. He finished with nine MAGIC page 66



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As LeBron Madness Swirls, Forget Phil-Bulls Reunion Jay Mariotti (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/25/2010 1:35:00 AM

Filed under: NBA CHICAGO -- The most powerful person in the free world is not the President of the United States. If so, Barack Obama wouldn't be preoccupied, like everyone else, by an athlete who seems to have more power. For someone who roundly was accused of quitting on a postseason series and has yet to win a game in the NBA Finals, it's amazing how LeBron James has a way of making important people stand at attention. Good God, we've created a LeBronster. There's Phil Jackson, the most accomplished coach in the history of American team sports, reportedly planting seeds that he might leave the Los Angeles Lakers and return to Chicago if James signs with the Bulls. There are the Cleveland Cavaliers, dumping coach Mike Brown after successive 60victory seasons in hopes of convincing James to stay. And then there's President Obama, lobbying LeBron for a second time to sign in Chicago. "You know, like I said, I don't want to meddle," Obama told TNT in an interview airing

MICHIGAN continued from page 64

Brandon said. "The NCAA will hear our case in August, then will deliberate as long as is needed -- and that could be weeks -- before making a decision that we can agree with or choose to appeal." Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

MAGIC continued from page 65

points and eight assists. ... It was the first playoff overtime for the Celtics since having four Tuesday night. "I will say this: [ fired Brown. Later Monday, y o u t h a t y o u c o u l d b e a overtime games against Chicago Derrick] Rose, Joakim Noah-- Jackson's people slipped a hint champion,'' said Obama, back in in the first round last year. it's a pretty good core. You to ESPN that they've had back- his Barry from Bethesda talkFive Filters featured article: know, you could see LeBron channel talks with the Bulls s h o w m o d e . " S a m e t h i n g The Art of Looking Prime fitting in pretty well there. I about a return to the city where happened with Kobe [Bryant]. Ministerial - The 2010 UK think that the most important he won six championships with You know, I think that, first General Election. Available thing for LeBron right now is Michael Jordan. If Lakers owner with Shaq [O'Neal] then later tools: PDF Newspaper, Full actually to find a structure Jerry Buss foolishly insists on with [Pau] Gasol, you know, Text RSS, Term Extraction. where he's got a coach that he slashing Jackson's salary from he's gotten that sense of a team respects and is working hard $12.5 million annually to a mere around him, and I think LeBron with teammates who care about $5 million, then why wouldn't hasn't quite been able to get that him, and if that's in Cleveland, Phil consider a project where, yet. That's what he needs to then he should stay. If he doesn't potentially, he could have the find." feel like he can get it there, then two-time defending MVP, a star someplace else." point guard in Rose and an Of course, only hours after emerging big man in Noah -- all O b a m a ' s c o m m e n t s w e r e in their mid-20s? "It wasn't until released publicly, the Cavaliers you got that framework around


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FLYERS continued from page 63

The Canadiens got in as the eighth seed and then knocked off Presidents' Trophy-winning Washington after falling behind 3-1 in the series. Montreal trailed Pittsburgh 3-2 before advancing past the defending Stanley Cup champions in the second round. "Later in the summer you might look back and say, 'Hey we did all right,' but right now it's a tough pill to swallow," Canadiens defenseman Hal Gill said. Scott Gomez scored 6:53 into the third to give Montreal a sliver of hope. Not this time. Not against these Flyers. "It was just one of those series. No one is going to run out of

gas," Gomez said. "You're playing for the ultimate prize. You get to the ultimate prize, you're going. You never use that as an excuse. The Flyers played a great series. They got us." Leighton stopped 25 shots, and the goalie who wasn't even on the active roster at the start of the playoffs, was in the center of a celebration once the final horn sounded. The Flyers played the requisite "Rocky" clips and fans erupted when Lauren Hart, the daughter of longtime former Flyers broadcaster Gene Hart, sang "God Bless America," alternating lyrics with Kate Smith, who was on a video image. Smith's rendition of the

song has been a rallying anthem for the Flyers since the mid 1970s. Game notes The Flyers are in their eighth Stanley Cup final. They have lost five straight series since winning consecutive titles in 1974 and 1975. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.


Mike Richards Ignores Possible Curse, Grasps Wales Trophy A.J. Perez (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/24/2010 10:52:00 PM

Filed under: Canadiens, Flyers, NHL Playoffs PHILADELPHIA -- When you're a team that needed a shootout victory in the last game of the regular season to earn a playoff bid, dressed seven goalies and fired a coach, Mike Richards didn't think he'd screw up the Philadelphia Flyers' "team of destiny" vibe by grasping the Prince of Wales Trophy.

MIKE page 68

Slow Start Forgotten as Kobe Finds Another Gear Chris Tomasson (FanHouse Main) Submitted at 5/25/2010 3:00:00 AM

Filed under: Lakers, Suns, NBA Injuries, NBA Playoffs PHOENIX -- It wasn't your typical strike. There were no picket lines or anybody walking around with a sandwich board. But one month ago Kobe Bryant went on what looked to be a shooting strike. For the first 15 minutes April 24 at Oklahoma City, the Lakers guard didn't take a single shot and pretty much looked out of it throughout the 110-89 blowout

loss to the Thunder. Something looked to really be wrong with Bryant that night, which finished with him shooting 5 of 10 for 12 points, his lowest playoff output in 10 years. Before the Lakers flew home after that disastrous trip to Oklahoma City, where they lost twice to the Thunder to fall into a 2-2 tie in the first-round series, Bryant went to the locker room well before the final buzzer to get icing started on his ailing right knee. But that now seems so long ago. In the Western Conference finals, Bryant is being called by

Phoenix coach Alvin Gentry and Suns forward Amar'e Stoudemire the best player in the NBA, and there don't seem to be too many arguments.

"I had that nasty stuff sucked out of my knee,'' Bryant said Monday about what is the difference since he left Oklahoma City following

Games 3 and 4, when he shot 15 of 39 and averaged 18.0 points. "Since then, I've had fun. You watched my play in the first games of that series and from the end of the regular season (when Bryant missed four of the final five games due to the sore right knee) until now.'' Many have watched since then. And, if Bryant continues to play the way he has, Hall of Fame officials might be asking him to send in some memorabilia from this stretch.


Sports/ Gaming/

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Howard, Nelson Keep Series Alive

Magic Force Game 5 in Orlando

Tim Povtak (FanHouse Main)

Tim Povtak (FanHouse Main)

Submitted at 5/25/2010 1:32:00 AM

Submitted at 5/24/2010 10:53:00 PM

Filed under: Celtics, Magic, NBA Playoffs BOSTON -While everyone else was in the locker room, Dwight Howard and Jameer Nelson stayed on the court and sat together less than a year ago, watching the Los Angeles Lakers celebrate their NBA championship on Orlando's home floor, wanting to remember just how painful a season-ending defeat can be if they weren't giving their best. They remembered Monday night. They weren't going down this time without a fight, not with an embarrassing sweep in the Eastern Conference finals, and certainly not with that dreadful performance from a few days before still fresh in their minds. They weren't ready for this season to end. They remembered the last time. Even with teammates faltering

Filed under: Celtics, Magic, NBA Playoffs BOSTON -- The Boston Celtics are going to Disney World, but they aren't happy about it this time. The Magic avoided an embarrassing sweep in the Eastern Conference final, beating the Celtics, 96-92, Monday night in overtime to force a Game 5 in Orlando on Wednesday. The Magic used a pair of 3around them, caving under the pointers by Jameer Nelson to pressure of the Boston Celtics, open the scoring in overtime, Howard and Nelson responded then held on with two dunks by brilliantly -- and together -- to Dwight Howard to beat the win Game 4 and send this series Celtics in Game 4. back to Orlando Wednesday, The game went into overtime still trailing 3-1. when each team missed a It was a 96-92 overtime win, a chance to score in the final gritty showing that started with seconds over regulation. Jameer the two guys who joined the Nelson missed a shot at one end, Magic together in 2004 -- the then Paul Pierce mishandled the center and the point guard -- still ball at the other. leaning on each other as always.

MIKE continued from page 67

The silver piece of hardware is handed -- or at least is attempted to be handed -- to the captain of the team that wins the Eastern Conference. Many a player has avoided touching it over the years, thinking the hockey gods would somehow keep his team

from hoisting hockey's ultimate prize: the Stanley Cup. "It was actually a little bit of a debate on the ice," Richards said minutes after the Flyers advanced to the Finals with a 42 win over the Montreal Canadiens in Game 5 of the East

What's In A Name: Ruffian Games Xav de Matos (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/25/2010 9:35:00 AM

It's been months since we've brought you the origin story of an industry presence, so during our recent preview of Hero of the Day Crackdown 2 we asked Ruffian Dwight Howard, who was Games creative director Billy widely criticized for a lackluster Tomson how the new Scottish performance in Game 3, came dev got its hooligan-inspired up big in Game 4 with 32 moniker: points, 16 rebounds and four "When I was younger some blocked shots, including a key people thought I was a bit of a one in overtime. Howard still troublemaker. There was a struggled at the free throw line, parent's evening at our school but it didn't matter when he and everybody had their work scored quickly before he could laid out -- it's an odd school -be fouled. everybody had their schoolwork laid out on the tables and the parents were basically being carted around. "My mom and dad were there finals on Monday. "I thought a Flyers win series, 4-1 and one of my mates, his mom little about it last night and my Flyers 4, Canadiens 2: Recap| and dad thought I was a bad first instinct was to grab it. We Box Score| Series Page influence on him and they were haven't done anything just up ahead [of my parents] conventional all year -being carted around to look at especially in these playoffs -- so all the work. My mom and dad might as well go against the grain one more time." WHAT'S page 69


E-reader News Edition


Rumor: Sony to reveal 'PSNplus' subscription service at E3 2010 Xav de Matos (Joystiq)

Sources tell us that subscribers will have access to a rotating list of PSP Minis and PSone According to Joystiq's sources, Classics, exclusive in-game Sony is set to reveal a premium D L C , d i s c o u n t s t o t h e tier of the PlayStation Network PlayStation Store and "first service, labeled PSN+, during hour" demo access to full retail its 2010 E3 media briefing. titles. Following the first hour of Unlike Microsoft's Xbox Live gameplay, players will have the Gold service, PSN+ will focus ability to purchase the full title; on giving paid subscribers however, demo access will only additional bonuses without be available once the entire title limiting online multiplayer has been downloaded. between paying and nonpaying As PSN+ subscribers, gamers users. will also receive protection for Many of the features included their consoles with the recently in the premium service mimic a n n o u n c e d P l a y S t a t i o n those featured in a supposed Protection Plan, as well as survey released late last year. exclusive access to the longSubmitted at 5/25/2010 9:05:00 AM

awaited cross-game voice chat. Additional features are said to be in the works following the launch of PSN+, including the previously rumored cloud-based

saving system. Joystiq has been informed that PSN+ subscribers will also have the ability to enable an autopatching feature, which will

detect, download and install updates for recently played PS3 titles on the system. Pricing and a release for the PSN+ service is unknown, though one source speculates PSN+ may cost $9.99 per month. When contacted, a Sony representative said the company does not "comment on rumors or speculation." Rumor: Sony to reveal 'PSNplus' subscription service at E3 2010 originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 25 May 2010 09:05:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

WHAT'S continued from page 68

ended up behind them and my mate's dad was looking at my work and he said to his wife, 'That's really good work, that.' It was just some artwork. And his wife said, "Oh that's Billy Tomson's stuff." And he kind of turned around and went, 'Oh, he's a ruffian, that boy!' "I told this story to Gaz [Liddon], who's the studio head at Ruffian and we're all laughing about it. And it was like two weeks later, this was before the company was formed, he basically phoned me up and

said, 'I think I've got a great idea for a name for the company.' He said, 'It was about something you told me. How about we call it Ruffian Games.' "I thought he was joking. I just laughed and I thought, you can't call it 'Ruffian Games,' and after a while I thought, 'That's actually quite good. That could stick.' It was Gaz's idea. I would have never called it Ruffian Games myself, in the end I actually quite like it. I think it's a good fit for how we all are."Billy Tomson, Creative Director

at Ruffian Games Like this feature? Be sure to check out the What's In A Name Archives. What's In A Name: Ruffian Games originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 25 May 2010 09:35:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

MySpace launches Games Lab, aims to tackle social gaming Mike Schramm (Joystiq) Submitted at 5/25/2010 3:30:00 AM

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Like a pokey little puppy, social network MySpace has announced that it's starting up a Games Lab to try and beef up the gaming space on the site. A pilot program has been underway for a while now with TheBroth and Meez, and MySpace has now announced Playdom as a partner in building the platform. Rival network Facebook has been growing in leaps and bounds, especially in the gaming space, but now MySpace wants to leapfrog its success on the music side into social games. Will it work? There's a lot of money still to be made in social

continued from page 70

games, and there's no reason why MySpace couldn't grab its own piece of the pie. But MySpace is certainly coming late to the game, so if it can garner an audience, it'll likely be a fraction of what Facebook already has running. MySpace launches Games Lab, aims to tackle social gaming originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 25 May 2010 03:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Composer says Wii's 'Sadness' was cancelled, releases soundtrack JC Fletcher (Joystiq)

COMPOSER page 70

Finally, resolution to a story we've been following for several years -- though it's a bit disappointing. Nibris's Wii horror title Sadness(what did you think we were talking about?) has been canceled, after years of disappearing websites, slipping release dates, nonexistent demos and a generally game-free history. The news comes from a Polishlanguage blog post from April, announcing the release of composer Arkadiusz Reikowski's soundtrack for the game. The post notes that, according to Reikowski, the game was cancelled before work David Hinkle (Joystiq) didn't think so. Head past the break to check on the music was complete. So Submitted at 5/25/2010 2:00:00 AM out the two commercials. Bonus that soundtrack is basically the Look, we're not experts in the points if you can spot the exact closest part of the game to way of marketing things to the moment where feminism has "finished" -- and it's still in a preliminary state itself. French, but we're pretty sure the been set back 30 years. advertising for Blur is all kinds [ V i a VG247 a n d [Via Original Sound Version; thanks, Aquacharger!] of wrong. Seemingly tapping the U K : R e s i s t a n c e ] region's most beautiful women Continue reading Blur's French Composer says Wii's 'Sadness' was cancelled, releases to represent in-game power-ups, TV spots are far from feminist arguing their superiority over Blur's French TV spots are far soundtrack originally appeared their peers, each spot concludes f r o m f e m i n i s t o r i g i n a l l y on Joystiq on Tue, 25 May 2010 with the ladies throwing down appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 25 05:00:00 EST. Please see our in a faux race -- which is more M a y 2 0 1 0 0 2 : 0 0 : 0 0 E S T . terms for use of feeds. an excuse for them to show off Please see our terms for use of Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments skin than to show off the game. feeds. Have you ever had to hit so Read| Permalink| Email this| many buttons while playing a Comments racing game before? Yeah, we

Blur's French TV spots are far from feminist

COMPOSER continued from page 70

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E-reader News Edition


My instant review of Twitter's new business plan

My instant review of the LOST finale

(Scripting News)

(Scripting News)

open format for him to build on, he wouldn't have had a business. Submitted at 5/25/2010 3:44:11 AM His pitch sounds like the one I There's something deeply would have made if we had unsettling about Twitter's new talked before he launched crackdown on publishers who Feedburner. run ads through Twitter. 6. The biggest difference Actually there are many things between an open platform and a that are unsettling about it. corporate-owned platform -- he 1. First, it's not at all clear what can change the rules after we've the new policy is. They've said all invested. With an open you have to share revenue with platform, you know the rules them if you run ads through when you start, and they can't be Twitter. But is it an ad if I pass encroaching on the roles of its changed later. through a link to a page with an developers, publishers, even 7. Tomorrow I'm giving a talk ad on it? plain old users. Where does this a t t h e N Y T i m e s a b o u t 2. They said, in a phone end? My prediction: It ends with platforms for publishing. We interview, they'll only ask for us all being couch potatoes. will talk about this. Publishers money from people who do a lot Watching the Britney Spears can not depend on Twitter to be of this. What about Huffington Channel or the Barack Obama a steady platform that will be Post? We love them, they say. Channel or the Comcast Cares fair to them. Twitter might But they don't say they won't Channel, and going elsewhere claim the right to charge the ask for a cut. for the free-for-all that Twitter Times to push links to its stories 3. This new policy totally used to be. through Twitter because they all contradicts everything they've 5. Very ironic that Dick Costolo have ads on them. If not today, been saying about developers is the guy implementing this. sometime down the road. The and publishers over the years. His Feedburner company could Times owns its own printing Okay they don't have to be have chipped in a percent of press, for good reason. It should consistent. What will they revenue to help RSS, because own its own digital press as change next? without our work to create an well. 4. Twitter is gradually

Submitted at 5/24/2010 7:41:32 PM

Finally got to watch the LOST finale. Of course this is a spoiler, so if you haven't seen it, please don't read. 1. I loved it. 2. I have a feeling they didn't explain any of what happened in the last six years, but who cares. 3. It makes me look at my friends differently, of course in a very nice way. 4. I look forward to seeing my father in a short while. And my uncles and grandparents. Should be pretty cool. 5. Remember, later on there is no now. But there is, right now, no time like now, so do it. Take care of your island, and when it

needs saving, save it. And make friends and be happy cause it all works out in the end. 5a. Consider the possibility that this is heaven. 5b. Jack dies with a puppy at his side! OMG is that sweet. 6. A very nice way to do a TV show. Can't say too many of them take that approach. Very good job LOST. One of the nicest finales. Maybe not as clever as Six Feet Under, but definitely as feel-good as The West Wing. 7. Namaste!



E-reader News Edition

FYI: What Do Dolphins and Rodeo Bulls Have in Common? Bjorn Carey (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 5/24/2010 1:45:19 PM

Dolphins iStock Our absurd-but -useful comparison of the month All vertebrates have tiny structures called semicircular canals inside their ear that help them to maintain balance even when their heads are bobbing around vigorously. That's why rodeo bulls can buck wildly and not fall over. The rule of thumb is that the greater the ratio of canal size to body weight, the more agile the beast. But that rule doesn't seem to hold for dolphins and whales: A bottlenose dolphin's canals are the same size as a mouse's. "Some people thought that, because there's nothing to bump into in the ocean, dolphins could get by with small canals," says Timothy Hullar, a (human) ear specialist at Washington University in St. Louis. "But dolphins are acrobatic swimmers-they can do barrel rolls and flips!-so there must be another explanation." First, Hullar measured how much dolphins jerk their heads around by packing a sensor that records three-dimensional rotation in a waterproof tube and getting dolphins to swim around

Lake Erie Will Host America's First Freshwater Offshore Wind Farm Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 5/24/2010 4:00:00 PM

with it. "I didn't invent the sensor, but I figured out how to get a dolphin to keep it in his mouth," he says. "It took a lot of reward fish." He then analyzed the motions of a rodeo bull, which is just as active and similarly sized but has much larger canals than a dolphin. Hullar duct-taped the tube to a bull's horns and let it buck. The device recorded similar head movements for bulls and dolphins, suggesting that dolphins' canals are either more efficient or that they maintain balance through some other

mechanism. Hullar thinks dolphins and whales may receive more sensation through their skin than other animals, and that those sensations supplement the cues from their canals. "If the animal feels water flowing over its body from left to right, maybe it can make the conclusion that it's turning left," he says. Learning how dolphins keep their head on straight, Hullar says, could help humans suffering from loss of function in the inner ear, a crippling affliction. "If dolphins can

enhance their sense of balance with their sense of touch, we might be able to help these patients by stimulating another sensory input," he says. "It would be really neat if this is how we figured that out." Have a science question you've always wondered about? Send a tweet to@PopSciFYIGuy or email to

Offshore Wind An offshore farm like this Danish array will soon grace the shores of Lake Erie near Cleveland. Kim Hansen Offshore wind power is on an absolute tear. First, the U.S. approved its first offshore wind farm late last month. We also detailed the workings of a specifically designed to eat up offshore winds. And now this: GE will soon put their fourmegawatt offshore monsters to use in America's first freshwater offshore wind farm in Lake Erie. The long-term goal of generating 1,000 megawatts for Ohio by 2020, but the deployment of turbines won't start out so ambitiously. GE has committed to producing enough infrastructure to build and maintain an initial 20-megawatt LAKE page 73


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Air Force's Hypersonic X-51 WaveRider Ready For First Test Flight Rebecca Boyle (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 5/24/2010 3:15:40 PM

X-51 WaveRider The X-51A WaveRider, a wingless scramjet, will make its first hypersonic test flight Tuesday over the Pacific Ocean. Air Force Research Laboratory The military's new wingless plane is set to make its first hypersonic test flight Tuesday, after it is released from a B-52 bomber off the California coast. The X-51A WaveRider, which sort of resembles a shark, will fly for about five minutes, powered by a scramjet engine. It should reach about Mach 6 and transmit data to ground stations before splashing down in the Pacific Ocean, according to the Air Force Research Laboratory.

The longest previous hypersonic scramjet flight test, performed by a NASA X-43 in 2004, was faster, but lasted only about 10 seconds and used hydrogen fuel. The X-51 uses JP -7 jet fuel, the same juice that powered the SR-71 Blackbird.

The WaveRider is basically wingless - it has some little fins on its side - so it is designed to ride its own shockwave, hence the name. The flight will test the SJ61 scramjet engine, built by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, as well as the craft's thermal

The locations of future projects have yet to be determined, but wherever those projects unfold they are likely to be big. The entire scheme is based on GE's latest-gen 4-megawatt turbine (which we detailed exhaustively in April's How It Works issue), a sizeable generator even by progressive standards - most

land-bound wind turbines in places like Texas are rated for 1.5 to 2.5 megawatts, though even the very largest generally don't run at capacity. That makes the Lake Erie Project quite an important venture, not just for proving that the next generation of turbines can hack it in the field, but also

protection systems, airframe and engine integration. Tuesday's flight will be the third time a WaveRider has been aloft, but in the past it had remained attached to a B-52. This time, the bomber will drop the craft and a solid rocket booster will accelerate it to about Mach 4.5. Then the scramjet engine, which uses the same fuel as the SR-71 Blackbird, will push the X-51A to Mach 6 as it climbs to about 70,000 feet. Scramjets can burn atmospheric oxygen, so they don't need to carry huge, heavy fuel tanks. The X-51A program could pave the way to hypersonic weapons and future access to space, the Air Force says.

NASA Pronounces Phoenix Mars Lander Officially Dead John Mahoney (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 5/24/2010 3:12:56 PM

Phoenix, Rigor Mortis NASA In late 2008, NASA's Phoenix lander dropped into deep hibernation at the onset of Martian winter, concluding a successful and long-running mission. But there was some hope that, despite not being built for such hostile temperatures, the craft would emerge from the thaw with a pulse. A final NASA page 74

LAKE continued from page 72

farm slated for completion by the end of 2012, though we'll see just how quickly GE and its partner, the Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation (LEEDCo), can cut through the reams of red tape that are sure to pile up. That initial farm will spring up off the Erie shoreline close to Cleveland.

that offshore projects in interior lakes can work. If GE and LEEDCo can make their 20megawatt farm work, we're promised another 980 megawatts of wind energy in Ohio alone. But a success in Lake Erie would more likely open the floodgates for many, many more projects in the

coming decades that could benefit many land-locked states in the upper-Midwest. [ GE via Fast Company]


Science/ Social Media/

E-reader News Edition

Information Architects Map the Most Influential People on Twitter Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now) Submitted at 5/24/2010 2:30:51 PM

Information Architects' Cosmic 140 Trend Map Information Achitects You might recall the annual Web Trends info-map that imposes the most notable names on the Web onto the Tokyo Metro map. Information Architects, the data visualizers responsible have a new offering that focuses solely on one

singular sliver of the Intertubes. The Cosmic 140 beautifully maps the 140 most influential people on Twitter, measured by metrics like number of followers and tweet frequency. Perhaps the most entertaining feature of the map is the inclusion of each Cosmic entity's inaugural tweet, which range from the inane (Michael Jordan: "drinking oj and in my backyard and then threw mountain dew") to the to commercial. Somebody help humorous (Conan O'Brien: me.") to the outright boring "Today I interviewed a squirrel

NASA continued from page 73

checkup from the Mars Odyseey orbiter circling overhead last week, however, has erased all hope--Phoenix's solar panels have been frozen off. It's dead. This photo, taken by Odyssey's orbiting companion, the Mars Reconnaissance orbiter, clearly shows a dark shadow where Phoenix's reflect-y solar panels used to be. Hundreds of pounds of ice were projected to build up on the craft over the winter, which proved too much for its solar panels to maintain structural integrity. Earthly research continues on the wealth of data Phoenix sent back, including some of the most detailed findings relating to water ice beneath the Martian planet's soil. Phoenix's proudest

moment was the discovery of perchlorate in the soil, which can act as a sponge, sucking up water in the atmosphere and feeding it to any number of microbes that thrive on it here on Earth. Mars Science Laboratory, also known as "Curiosity" will follow in Phoenix's footsteps when it touches down on the surface toward the end of next year. [ NASA]

(John McCain: "I am working in my office on Capitol Hill today."). IA will sell you a huge print 33" X 47" - for $99, though we feel obliged to point out one glaring omission: A hundred bucks and there's no Justin Bieber? You can also get a free PDF here. [ Information Architects via Fast Company]

Walmart Cuts the Price of iPhone 3GS to $97 Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

the price of the older model when iPhone 4 arrives, the early Submitted at 5/25/2010 5:28:17 AM price reduction of iPhone 3GS Need more proof that Apple is gives Walmart a nice head start. launching a new iPhone soon? The price cut for the iPhone Walmart is cutting the price of 3GS in Walmart stores starts the cheapest iPhone 3GS, with today. 16 GB of memory, to $97, For more Apple coverage, provided you sign a two-year follow Mashable Apple on iPhone 4. service contract. Twitter or become a fan on The $100 price drop comes When Apple first introduced Facebook a h e a d o f A p p l e ’ s W W D C t h e i P h o n e 3 G S i n 2 0 0 9 , Reviews: Facebook, Twitter conference, where Steve Jobs is Walmart lowered the price of Tags: apple, iphone, Wal-Mart expected to officially present the the iPhone 3G to $99. Since new iPhone, unofficially dubbed Apple itself is expected to lower


E-reader News Edition


Faithfully ‘Lost’ Sarah Pulliam Bailey (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/25/2010 7:04:36 AM

Previously on LOST. (Spoilers ahead) A highly addictive show about a plane crashing on and island finished its 6-season streak with a heaven-like love fest. Last week, I professed my undying love for Lost and then I wrote a column suggesting the lead up to the show’s finale could help us understand what faith is like. I stand behind what I wrote, but honestly, I was a little underwhelmed by last night’s finale. Lost has always captured me with its back stories, frightened me with its suspense (remember “The Others?”) and drawn me to tears in parts. Nothing in last night’s finale did that for me. Call me cruel, but I wanted Ben to turn into Smokey or something else that would give it a compelling Lost-like twist. Enough of me; let’s look at some of the media coverage. If you’re a fan of the show, you’ve likely read recap upon recap today ranging from “lame” to “best show ever!” The polarizing ending in a chapel failed to satisfy many. Perhaps fans can agree on one thing: Sayid and Shannon, really? The Associated Press filed a pretty basic recap of the finale without attempting to do much interpretation of heaven,

purgatory, redemption, sacrifice, or forgiveness. To a church where the former castaways are gathered for what seems a beatific funeral reception for themselves. At this reunion, everyone is smiling and embracing. The room floods with light. And Jack reconciles with his dead father, whose body he had been bringing back from Sydney when Oceanic flight 815 crashed on the lost island at the start of the series. Jack has a tender conversation with the man he had clashed with so often before. “I don’t understand,” says Jack. “You died.” “Yes, I did.” “Then how are you here right now?” “How are YOU here?” his father (John Terry) replies. “I died, too,” says Jack, beginning to weep. “That’s OK, son.” And yet it’s all real, his father assures him. “Everything that’s ever happened to you is real. All those people in the church, they’re all real, too.” “They’re all dead?” Jack asks. “Everyone dies sometime, kiddo,” his father replies gently. In that back room of the chapel, did anyone else notice the interfaith icons that looked like Mary, Buddha, and Krisha (with a huge white Jesus outside)? Mike Hale of The New York

Times points this out in his analysis. So that was the answer: the island was college, or home, or Outward Bound. The sideways reality was the former

passengers of Oceanic 815, plus selected guests like Desmond and Penny, gathering for a selfaffirming reunion before heading off into whatever sort of afterlife the swelling white light

symbolized. (The producers hedged their bets by placing symbols of various religions inside the church.) Rendered insignificant, in this scenario, were the particulars of what they had done on the island. Pushing buttons, building rafts, blowing up hatches, living, dying—all the churning action and melodrama that made “Lost” so addictive in its early seasons—none of it was directly connected to this final outcome, beyond the fact that it constituted “the most important part” of all their lives. Fans who were interested in the faith elements of the show like Locke probably enjoyed last night’s finale. But fans who were like pre-converted Jack and wanted to know the science behind the show (time travel what?), it was probably more frustrating. Leave it to Slate’s Jack Shafer to rain on anyone’s parade, but his C.S. Lewis comparison is interesting. Finally, did not Lost’s creators promise again and again that the survivors of Oceanic 815 were not in purgatory? They did. So where do they get off making the whole sideways world of Season Six a purgatory in which the inhabitants must come to grips with their lives and deaths before they move on? I call this cheating! FAITHFULLY page 77



E-reader News Edition

Quoting the Quran — modestly tmatt (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/24/2010 9:40:45 AM

While this may sound rather strange, a recent Religion News Service piece on the debates surrounding Rima Fakih — “ Muslim Miss USA: Progress, or immodesty?” — sort of ticked me off, but for the same reason that I also wanted to praise it. Let me explain. The crucial passage in Omar Sacirbey’s story that caught my eye was this one: Kiran Ansari, communications director of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, said beauty pageants degrade women, are un-Islamic and that Fakih does not represent Muslims well. ”The route she took to get this fame is not in line with Islam. A Muslim woman can be beautiful, but walking around in front of millions of viewers in a swimsuit, is not in sync with Islamic values,” said Ansari. The Quran speaks of beauty and demureness, saying that Muslim women should “lower their gaze and guard their modesty,” and should not “display their beauty and ornaments.” It also cautions women to “draw their veils over their bosoms.” Now, this is certainly not the only Muslim stance on this issue, at least in America and in

a few other parts of the Western world. As the story makes clear, there are plenty of Arab and Muslim voices who are quick to defend the Lebanese beauty queen’s participation in Donald Trump’s television spectacular. However, you know there are many who disagree and not all of them are, to use that much abused word, so-called Muslim “fundamentalists.” Modesty is a rather significant component of how the Quran and Islamic tradition view women, no matter how the the national or local imams choose to rule on issues of veils, headscarves, hijabs, burquas and other forms of coverings. Yet if one goes to Google News and enters the words “Quran, Rima Fakih,” this RNS report is the only mainline news report that will show up. This is rather strange, don’t you think? So three cheers for the decision to quote the Quran. However, this passage in the story also made me flinch, because it is located 15 paragraphs or so into the story and this is the only section of the text that considers the religion angle of the Fakih debates worthy of discussion. The rest of the story simply states that Arabs tend to think that parading in a bikini is sort of unusual for a Muslim woman, but, hey, this is America. Thus, we read:

Fakih, who donned a gold bikini and a strapless white dress for the pageant, will return to Las Vegas in August when she represents America in the Miss Universe contest. “There’s recognition among Muslims that this is not a traditionally Islamic way for a woman to dress,” said Shahed Amanullah, editor at, a news and commentary website. “But in its own weird way, its progress.” Many Muslims are critical of beauty pageants as lewd and degrading to women. At the same time, Fakih, 24, is being hailed as a symbol of MuslimAmerican integration who shatters the stereotype of the cloaked and dour Muslim woman. Now, that passage leads straight into a reference that mainstream journalists seem to have memorized so that it can be mechanically typed into all reports about Fakih and her family. Fakih’s family, which she said celebrates Muslim and Christian holidays, is from Lebanon. After living in Queens, N.Y., where Fakih attended a Catholic high school, the family settled in Dearborn, Mich., home to one of the largest Arab-American communities in America. Now, Fakih is developing a fan base that includes not only Muslims

who are less strict about religious dress-codes, but also those who don headscarves and watch what they wear. Now, anyone who has traveled to the Middle East or other regions with large Muslim populations knows that there are many secular Muslims who do not practice their faith, just as there are cultural Jews, Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, etc. The tensions in Turkey over headscarves in schools and the public square are rooted in disagreements between traditional Muslims, the socalled modern Muslims and completely secular Muslims. I know all of that. However, when Fakih returns to the spotlight, it would be interesting for reporters to ask a very simple question: To what degree does she, and her family, practice the traditions of Islam? Is there a religion component to this story or not? It wouldn’t hurt to ask, just as it doesn’t hurt to quote the Quran when writing about a topic that is this central to the modern debates about Islam and within Islam. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Ghosts of pastor’s nine dead children Bobby (GetReligion) Submitted at 5/24/2010 1:00:38 PM

Don’t read this compelling piece of journalism by The Associated Press’ Michelle Faul unless you’re ready to shed a few tears — or a whole lot of tears. This story, full of moving images, is both heartbreaking and enlightening. With a major, glaring exception, it’s the epitome of first-class foreign reporting. The headline on the Yahoo! News version that I read: Congo pastor loses 9 out of 10 children in war The top of the story: MWESO, Congo— First, the rebels killed four of Joseph Munyaneza’s children in 1997. The family fled to another village. The following year, that village came under siege. Another four children died of gunshot wounds. Then the baby, from malnutrition. Today, Munyaneza, a 52-yearold Protestant pastor, tenderly cares for his 17-year-old daughter, who is in the hospital after being kidnapped by rebels a month ago. When the rebels tired of raping her skinny body, GHOSTS page 77

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they forced a stick up her vagina until it protuded through her side. “She is the only child left out of 10 I had with my first wife,” Munyaneza says, holding the moaning teenager’s hand and clucking sounds of comfort as one would to calm a baby. In the east of this vast country of nearly 63 million people, ongoing rebel attacks and poor health care have produced a generation of mourning mothers and fathers, many of whom have lost more children than they are raising. My only problem with this report: Its total, utter lack of a faith angle. Here is an article about a pastor losing nine children that fails even to consider what role faith plays in Munyaneza coping with his own suffering, much less how he ministers to those around him. It’s a piece replete with the kind of details usually reserved for photographs. For example, this sentence: It’s a cruel state to be in amid lush, mountaintop vegetation with a bounty of vegetables and

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fruit — trees dripping with mangoes, bananas, plantains, avocado pears and coconuts, fields filled with yams, sweet potatoes, beans, tomatoes and corn. Yet, on the subject on religion, this is the full extent of what we learn about Munyaneza’s background: Protestant pastor The 1,200-word narrative puts faces on other orphaned parents — all devoid of faith — and then returns to Munyaneza at the end. We learn that he has 12 additional children with his second wife, but his relationship with God never comes up: Pastor Munyaneza now gets by renting a patch of land to grow vegetables for meals and making palm oil for sale. He says his first wife died of dehydration and diarrhea while they were fleeing fighting in 1994. He remarried and now has 12 children with his second wife. He calls himself a master of the “blinde” — the igloo-shaped refugee hut of stick supports covered with banana leaves that he has built many times in eight

places he has fled to, trying to keep ahead of the conflicts that rage in eastern Congo. Asked how he copes, Munyaneza gives a sad smile and a surprising response: “I’m lucky,” he says, giving his daughter’s hand a squeeze. “We’ve been on the run for more than 10 years but we manage. We survive.” Now, could Munyaneza’s “surprising” assessment of his situation have something to do with his faith? It certainly sounds plausible — even probable — to me. But we never find out. The reporter, apparently, fails to ask the obvious follow-up question. In a story so otherwise gripping, the omission makes the religion ghosts all the more haunting. Five Filters featured article: The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

It’s time to call crap crap—and for the estate of C.S. Lewis to protest the shameless lifting by Lost’s creators from his Chronicles of Narnia. Before I surrender the floor, allow me to quote from Book 7, The Last Battle, where Lewis writes: [Aslan] went to the Door and they all followed him. He raised his head and roared ‘Now it is time!’ then louder ‘Time!’; then so loud that it could have shaken the stars, ‘TIME.’ The Door flew open. … It’s hard to ignore those continuous spiritual themes throughout the show, like when Jacob and then Jack says “take this cup, and you’ll be like me.” Last week, tmatt looked at the religious themes and symbols in his Scripps Howard column. The men who have been running the program for most of its life—Damon Lindelof, who is Jewish, and Carlton Cuse, a Catholic—have called themselves “men of faith,” while confessing that “Lost” has become a “mash-up” of their favorite Bible stories, college philosophy textbooks, fantasy novels and movies. Thus, it will be impossible to understand Sunday’s finale without wrestling with its final, indeed ultimate, spiritual questions. “If there’s one word that we keep coming back to, it’s redemption,” said Lindelof, in a New York Times interview that has caused waves of online fan

discussions. “It is that idea of everybody has something to be redeemed for and the idea that that redemption doesn’t necessarily come from anywhere else other than internally. But in order to redeem yourself, you can only do it through a community.” Michael Sheridan of the Daily News spoke with Carlton Cuse, one of the executive producers, about the role that faith played in the show. “The faith axis seems like it’s a big part of the show this year and faith is really important to both of us,” said Carlton Cuse, one half of the show’s producing team, which also included Damon Lindeloff. “The show is a reflection of our beliefs.” From Communion-like rituals to multiple debates over faith versus science, the series has continually wrestled with these two concepts, which are often at odds in our society. “First of all, I wouldn’t say that either [Damon or I] was a man of science or a man of faith,” Cuse told The News. “I think that Damon and I trade those roles back and forth. I think that’s the beauty of the creative process, [and] I think that we try to put our own discussions and our questionings as humans about the nature of our existences into the show.” FAITHFULLY page 78


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So the show has come to an end. Did you find any particularly good or bad news reports that explored religion? Is anyone else waiting for the sequel show: “The Adventures of Hurley and Ben”? Bad Robot! Five Filters featured article:

The Art of Looking Prime Ministerial - The 2010 UK General Election. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.

Australia Minister: Google’s Privacy Policy is Creepy Stan Schroeder (Mashable!)

publicly broadcast WiFi data. A year later, when our mobile Submitted at 5/25/2010 3:24:04 AM team started a project to collect Australia’s communications basic WiFi network data like minister Stephen Conroy isn’t SSID information and MAC happy with Google’s latest addresses using Google’s Street privacy blunders. He called View cars, they included that Google’s privacy policy“a bit c o d e i n t h e i r creepy;” specifically, he said software—although the project that the recent incident, where leaders did not want, and had no Google was caught collecting intention of using, payload private wireless data, was the data,” Google wrote in a blog “single greatest breach in the post. history of privacy.” Stephen Conroy doesn’t buy Google has apologized for t h a t e x p l a n a t i o n . “ I t w a s collecting WiFi data from actually quite deliberate… The private households, and deleted computer program that collected all the data in its posession. it was designed to collect this Furthermore, Google claims that information,” he said. t h e e n t i r e i n c i d e n t w a s a Conroy’s accusations stem mistake. from the fact that Google “In 2006 an engineer working c r i t i c i z e d A u s t r a l i a n on an experimental WiFi project Government’s plan, spearheaded wrote a piece of code that by Conroy, to apply a nations a m p l e d a l l c a t e g o r i e s o f wide Internet filter.

better than private corporations? One needn’t look further than China, whose policy of censoring Internet content created a rift between Google and the world’s most populous country. While governments and big corporations fight for the right to “protect” people’s “They consider that they are the privacy, for the rest of us it feels appropriate people to make the like being between a rock and a decisions about people’s privacy hard place. data,” Conroy said, adding a jab Images courtesy of or two at everyone’s favorite i S t o c k p h o t o , g u l f i x target when it comes to privacy For more technology coverage, issues, Facebook and Mark follow Mashable Tech on Zuckerberg. Facebook, Conroy Twitter or become a fan on said, is “corporate giant who is Facebook answerable to no one and Reviews: Facebook, Google, motivated solely by profit”. Internet, Twitter, iStockphoto It’s true; handling over our Tags: australia, Google, privacy privacy to private corporations, primarily motivated by profit, is dangerous. However, who can say that governments are any

Web TV Faceoff: Apple TV vs. Google TV Ben Parr (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/24/2010 11:44:07 PM

Google has made its triumphant entrance in the war for the TV screen with Google TV. Will users embrace it over the likes of Apple TV, though? That’s the question we’re asking you in this week’s Web Faceoff, where we poll the Mashable readership on which web apps and products they care about most. Apple was one of the first to move into the web TV market with Apple TV, first announced in 2006. However, the product never gained the success of other Apple products such as the iPhone, the iPod, and even the iPad. Still, Apple TV has a loyal niche customer base. Google’s taking a different approach though, partnering with Intel, Sony, Logitech, Adobe, and Dish Network to provide mass distribution of the WEB page 79

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Android-based TV platform. The search giant is betting big on Google TV’s ability to run Android apps and its unique integration of the web with the best of TV. Which excites you more? Let us know with your vote in the poll below before 12:00 PM PT on Friday. Check out Mashable afterwards for the results! Which do you want more: Apple TV or Google TV survey software Faceoff Series: Overall Results Week 1: - Mozilla Firefox vs. Google Chrome - WINNER: Firefox, 4600 votes (Chrome: 3310 votes, Tie: 911 votes) Week 2: - Tumblr vs. Posterous - WINNER: Tumblr, 1809 votes (Posterous: 1496 votes, Tie: 256 votes) Week 3: - Pandora vs. - WINNER:, 1187 votes (Pandora: 1156 votes, Tie: 122 votes) Week 4: - Twitter vs. Facebook - WINNER: Facebook, 2484 votes (Twitter: 2061 votes, Tie: 588 votes) Week 5: - WordPress vs. Typepad - WINNER: WordPress, 2714 votes (Typepad: 267 votes, Tie: 357 votes)

Week 6: - Windows 7 vs. Snow Leopard - WINNER: Windows 7, 3632 votes (Snow Leopard: 3278 votes, Tie: 121 votes) Week 7: - TweetDeck vs. Seesmic Desktop - WINNER: TweetDeck, 3294 votes (Seesmic Desktop: 1055 votes, Tie: 260 votes) Week 8: - Microsoft Office vs. Google Docs - WINNER: Microsoft Office, 1365 votes (Google Docs: 994 votes, Tie: 315 votes) Week 9: - Apple iPhone vs. Google Android - WINNER: Google Android, 3323 votes (Apple iPhone: 1494 votes, Tie: 228 votes) Week 10: - AT&T vs. Verizon - WINNER: Verizon, 1161 votes (AT&T: 538 votes, Tie: 118 votes) Week 11: - Google vs. Bing - WINNER: Google, 2180 votes (Bing: 519 votes, Tie: 97 votes) Week 12: - iPod Touch/iPhone vs. Nintendo DS vs. Sony PSP - WINNER: iPod Touch/iPhone, 704 votes (Sony PSP: 639 votes, Nintendo DS: 482 votes, Tie: 108 votes) Week 13: - Digg vs. Reddit vs.

StumbleUpon - WINNER: Digg, 14,762 votes (Reddit: 11,466 votes, StumbleUpon: 2507 votes, Tie: 1032 votes) Week 14: - Old versus new Twitter retweets - WINNER: Old style retweets, 1625 votes (New style retweets: 699 votes, Tie: 227 votes) Week 15: - Gmail vs. Outlook - WINNER: Gmail, 3684 votes (Outlook: 980 votes, Tie: 590 votes) Week 16: - Boxee vs. Hulu - WINNER: Hulu, 626 votes (Boxee: 591 votes, Tie: 106 votes) Week 17: - Nexus One vs. iPhone 3GS - WINNER: Nexus One, 6743 votes (iPhone 3GS: 2818 votes, Tie: 592 votes) Week 18: - Foursquare vs. Yelp vs. Gowalla - WINNER: Foursquare, 1182 votes, (Yelp: 661 votes, Gowalla: 509 votes, Tie: 143 votes) Week 19: - AIM vs. GTalk vs. FbChat - WINNER: GTalk, 2189 votes, (AIM: 1257 votes, FbChat: 511 votes, Tie: 203 votes) Week 20: - Music Ownership vs. Music Subscription

- WINNER: Ownership, 533 votes (Subscription: 299 votes, Tie: 237) Week 21: - vs. PlentyofFish - WINNER: Plenty of Fish, 430 votes ( 334 votes, Tie: 187 votes) Week 21: - Google Buzz vs. Facebook Vs. Twitter - WINNER: Facebook, 3353 votes (Twitter: 1828 votes, Google Buzz: 1298 votes, Tie: 651 votes) Week 22: - HTML5 vs. Adobe Flash - WINNER: HTML5, 3892 votes (Adobe Flash: 1779 votes, Tie: 660 votes) Week 23: - Project Natal vs. PlayStation Move - WINNER: Project Natal, 1268 votes (PlayStation Move: 668 votes, None: I don’t like motion controllers: 170 votes, None: I prefer the Wii: 150 votes) Week 24: - Chatroulette vs. Hot or Not - WINNER: Chatroulette, 742 votes (Hot or Not: 281 votes, Tie: 99 votes) Week 25: - iPad vs. Netbooks - WINNER: iPad, 3098 votes (Netbook: 1969 votes, Tie: 605 votes) Week 26: - Amazon Kindle vs. Apple iBooks

- WINNER: Apple iBooks, 1227 votes (Amazon Kindle: 928 votes, Tie: 118 votes, Neither: 276 votes) Week 27: - Next-gen iPhone vs. Droid Incredible - WINNER: iPhone 4G, 9765 votes (Droid Incredible: 8175 votes, Tie: 1318 votes) Week 28: - Facebook “Like” vs. “Become a Fan” - WINNER: “Become a Fan”, 3161 votes (“Like:” 1634 votes, Indifferent: 719 votes) For more web video coverage, follow Mashable Web Video on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Android, Bing, Boxee, Chrome, Digg, Facebook, Firefox, Foursquare, Gmail, Google, Google Buzz, Google Docs, Gowalla, Gtalk, Hulu, Mashable, Pandora, Posterous, Seesmic Desktop, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, TweetDeck, Twitter, TypePad, Windows, WordPress, Yelp, aim Tags: Apple TV, boxee, google tv, internet tv, tv, web faceoff


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Huge Gap Remains Between Mainstream Media and the Social Web [REPORT] Lauren Indvik (Mashable!)

they were evaluated together. Although blogs cover many of the same topics, the study found T h e t o p s t o r i e s i n t h e that bloggers tend to focus on mainstream press are markedly more ideological and emotional different than those that lead on stories — particularly those social media platforms, a recent concerning human rights, like study by the Pew Research access to healthcare services or Center’s Project for Excellence privacy on Facebook— and in Journalism revealed. often with a personal or partisan Furthermore, what is popular angle. Bloggers also like to on one social network rarely make a story out of “off-beat” or proves popular on another. In a “buried” items in mainstream 29 weeks that the Center tracked media coverage. news items on blogs, Twitter Although bloggers often a n d Y o u T u b e , t h e t h r e e attribute their material to the platforms only shared the same mainstream press, this rarely top story once — the week of happened in the reverse. Over June 15-19, 2009, when Iranian the course of the year, the study citizens flocked to the streets to found only one story that the contest the results of the mainstream media picked up presidential election. from the blogosphere: a story Let’s take a look at what was b a s e d o n a n u m b e r o f popular on the different social controversial e-mails about networking sites and how that c l i m a t e research compares to what gained d u b b e d “ C l i m a t e - g a t e ” . traction with traditional news Because bloggers are so largely media in 2009. Blogs dependent on the mainstream Of the three social media media for their information — platforms examined, news- more than 99% of the stories oriented blogs and mainstream cited in blogs linked to the media have the greatest overlap. websites of traditional news B l o g g e r s t e n d t o c r e d i t outlets — it will be interesting traditional news outlets for their to see what will happen once information and focus on the major sources like The New same topics, mainly political York Times and The Times go and international news. Even so, behind paywalls. Where will the two had the same top story bloggers get their information? for a mere 13 of the 49 weeks Will they be as likely to link to Submitted at 5/24/2010 7:43:50 PM

tweets were about the economy, compared to 10% of articles in the traditional press and 7% posts on blogs. Although technology is the Twitter community’s primary interest by and large, the top news subject in the latter half of 2009 was the aftermath of the stories if they are behind Iranian election results. It paywalls? How dramatically remained the top news story on will that hurt referral traffic to Twitter for seven straight weeks, traditional news sites? Twitter much longer than on any other Compared to the blogosphere, platform. Collectively, Twitter Twitter’s community uses the was more concerned with platform more for sharing f o r e i g n e v e n t s t h a n t h e important breaking news items blogosphere and the traditional than for personal or political press, likely because its userbase discussion, a method shaped is much more international. both by the 140-character word YouTube limit — which does not allow Like Twitter, YouTube is more for lengthy reflections — the of a platform to share and curate service imposes, and because it important information than a i s a b l e t o d i s s e m i n a t e forum for lengthy discussions, information through lists of although viewers are often followers quickly. active in the comments. Because P e r h a p s u n s u r p r i s i n g l y , videos take a long time to edit technology was far and away the and upload, there is less of an most popular new topic on emphasis on breaking news than Twitter in 2009; of all the news on Twitter. stories shared or discussed on What’s unique about YouTube the platform, 43% were focused is that its focus on politics and on technology. Technology foreign events far surpasses that makes up a marginal 1% of of any other platform. Of the news coverage at mainstream news videos on YouTube, o u t l e t s a n d 8 % o f b l o g s . politics attracted 21% of views Notably, few Twitter users and international news attracted appear to be interested in 26%, compared to 15% and 9% economic news; 1% of all news i n t h e m a i n s t r e a m m e d i a ,

respectively. The study smartly points out that this is because “videos transcend language barriers in a way written text cannot.” What This Means for Mainstream Media The study underlines the large disconnect between what mainstream media thinks is “top news” and what social media users consider newsworthy, as well as the different kinds of content and discussion each platform attracts. It also suggests that if traditional news companies want to succeed online — that is, if they want to attract a large number of page views and be relevant to users on the web — they may need to alter their content to match readers’ interests. What do you find most interesting about the study? What does it imply for the future of news media, both new and old? [img credit: DRB62] For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Tags: blogosphere, BLOGS, new media, news media, old media, technology, trending, twitter, youtube

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NBA Star Uses Group Buying to Sell Playoff Tickets on Facebook Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!) Submitted at 5/24/2010 9:17:52 PM

Phoenix Suns power forward Amar’e Stoudemire has teamed with and Razorgator Tickets to turn his Facebook Page into a group buying hub where fans can purchase discounted playoff tickets. Stoudemire’s group buying store employs a methodology that’s remarkably similar to the ideology that Groupon made popular. The store rewards Stoudemire fans with much cheaper playoff game ticket prices if enough people collectively purchase the tickets within an alloted time. The first big discounted ticket deal was launched prior to Game 3 of the Lakers vs. Suns playoff match up, and sold out. Now the Game 4 offer is in full

swing and offers a pair of tickets that normally retail for $600.00 in Sections 201 – 205 at a reduced price. The price as of publishing is $302.81, but that price continues to drop as the offer is shared by Facebookers and purchased by more people. The price will continue to fall until the offer sells out or time runs out, with all ticket buyers only accountable to pay the final lowest price. Another bonus is that ticket buyers never have to leave Facebook during the

process of the purchase transaction, and they can see how much their social media sharing activities will influence the ticket price. While the idea behind Stoudemire’s store is not original, the application is still interesting. The notion that an individual athlete can drive bulk ticket sales via Facebook is quite unique. The people behind the strategy and application are proving that the combination of celebrity and social media carries real power measurable in dollars and fan promotion. [ img credit:/:\ Road Warrior /:\] For more social media coverage, follow Mashable Social Media on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook Reviews: App Store, Facebook, Twitter Tags: amare stoudemire, facebook, group buying, NBA


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