E-reader News Edition
28/12/09 - 29/12/09
Airport security always one step behind | Christian Wolmar By Christian Wolmar (World news and comment from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk)
Richard Reid, the failed shoe bomber, was caught in 2001 in a similar incident to the recent one, airports started making checks on Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:10:15 AM shoes. Most recently, we had the Imposing more restrictions won't restrictions on liquids in response make air travel safer. Only to another failed attack, whose correct use of intelligence and a perpetrators were sentenced targeted approach can work earlier this year. The failed attempt to blow up a While this approach has been Northwest Airlines flight on understandable, it is reactive and Christmas Day highlighted all the means that security measures inadequacies of a security system tend to be one step behind rather that is based on perception rather than ahead of the bombers. It is than reality. As security has been also a fantastic waste of time and tightened up over the years in resources even though the public response to different types of l i k e i t b e c a u s e t h e y f e e l incident, the public has sought s o m e t h i n g i s b e i n g d o n e . ever greater reassurance when Moreover, it fails in its own travelling by air, but that will not terms. The standards vary widely necessarily provide the safest from airport to airport, and the option. searches are often cursory and The type and level of security ineffective. I have taken water checks have tended to be a bottles in my hand luggage response to specific kinds of several times and they have been attack. Therefore, in the 1970s noticed about half the time. when the "Take me to Havana" Moreover, it means that all the type of hijack was in fashion, security effort is concentrated in metal detectors were installed at one place – the departure lounge airports to seek out weapons. of airports – when there is no T h e n i n r e s p o n s e t o t h e guarantee that attacks will take Lockerbie bombing, the focus place there or on the planes w a s o n e x p l o s i v e s . W h e n people are boarding. Indeed, the
obsession of al-Qaida and its associates with airports and planes is a bonus for the antiterrorist forces. And they know it. Senior police officers with whom I have spoken are well aware that much softer targets are as vulnerable as they ever were. That list starts at the airport: while the departure lounges are clearly accessible only to people with tickets, anyone could get to Heathrow with the same type of equipment – or indeed far cruder material – used by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and blow themselves up in any crowded part of the airport. The police are actually desperate to create better security at airports in response to such a threat but the number of people who would have to be screened is enormous and the logistics horrendous: checking everyone who was driving anywhere near the airport, let alone all the people accessing it by public transport, would make flying even more of a nightmare than it is already. And that's the key point. Whatever the security forces say,
there is always going to be a trade-off between security and convenience. The police know that the tube, for example, will always be vulnerable to attack and that there is no way that the near 3 million daily users of its 250 stations could be screened. There are, of course, even softer targets such as those favoured by the IRA which, after its initial round of attacks in the mid 1970s, largely eschewed mass murder and instead aimed at specific targets or to cause maximum disruption for minimal loss of life. Now we have a different type of bomber, intent both on causing mass deaths and unconcerned about sacrificing their own lives. The response, therefore, has to be as clever as they are. The Christmas attack is a hugely embarrassing failure of precisely the sort of approach that should be adopted. The intelligence was available that this guy was a risk, but the information was not used properly. So instead we get the daft result that five-year-olds travelling with their mums and dads on a bucket-
and-spade holiday to Majorca are made to pour out their bottled water, while Abdulmutallab, who was known to the authorities to the extent that he was listed on a "terrorist identities" database, was not subjected to a rigorous search. The answer has to be the use of intelligence to ensure a targeted approach and anti-terrorist police and other agents know that this is the only sensible way to tackle the threat. Abdulmutallab would have been stopped if the knowledge already gleaned about him had been used effectively. It is not more restrictions, machines, and security staff that will make travel safer. • Global terrorism • Air transport • Terrorism policy Christian Wolmar guardian.co.uk© Guardian News & Media Limited 2009 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds
E-reader News Edition
From dotcom bust to banking meltdown: the decade in business By David Teather (World news and comment from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk)
asset bubbles, the first on the stock market, the second around property. "We had two spells of new age Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:30:35 AM thinking," says Mark Casson, It was a decade that did very professor of economics at the little to enhance the reputation of University of Reading. Both were capitalism and big business fostered by the idea, he says, that On 15 September 2008, workers normal rules of economics and began to stream from the offices accountancy, such as making a of the Lehman Brothers building profit or managing risk, did not just north of Times Square. One a p p l y . " I n m o s t c r i s e s , yelled to the press camped historically, some new industry o u t s i d e : " Y o u ' r e w a t c h i n g develops and people begin to history, man" – and he couldn't think they are living in a new age have been more right, as the with new economic laws – the investment bank collapsed, old ones can be dispensed with triggering a banking crisis the because they would inhibit likes of which had never been growth. But it is the same mirage seen. over and again." It was a tumultuous decade It was also a decade that would bookended by two terrible radically change lives and the crashes, the first brought on by way business is done forever. the bursting of the dotcom bubble T h e e x p l o s i o n o f m a s s and the second by a financial communications in spite of that crisis still yet to fully play out. first internet boom and bust; the At first glance, both look very emergence of China and India as different. But each shared some e c o n o m i c p o w e r s a n d t h e familiar characteristics: rampant appearance of up to a billion new speculation and the hope of consumers; the acceleration of getting rich quick caused too globalisation and the benign much money to be thrown at too deflationary effect that would many unlikely bets, whether it have, lowering prices in the west, was an internet start-up that had and the subsequent sharpening of no chance of reaching profit, or global competition that has paper assets backed by low- d r i v e n h u g e m e r g e r s a n d income families in the United acquisitions, as businesses seek States who never had any hope of to lower costs in order to survive, repaying the mortgages that with the result that many famous greedy brokers had persuaded British names have fallen to them to take out. They were twin foreign owners over the past 10
years. In addition, the euro was introduced across Europe in 2002 and thrusting ambition drove the world's leading cities to compete over who could build the most impressive towers. But it was also a decade that did very little to enhance the reputation of capitalism and big business, with a rogues' gallery that included unscrupulous Wall Street analysts who cheered on internet businesses in public that they derided in private; the fraudsters from Enron, WorldCom, Tyco; and others who were beguiled by celebrity, rising share prices and the promise of extravagant reward as offered by the likes of Bernie Madoff. Other unpopular figures included the private equity firms and hedge fund managers who appeared to enrich themselves at the expense of the ordinary worker; the"Phoenix Four" who made millions from MG Rover despite the business failing, and the highly paid and reckless bankers who pitched the world into recession and still demanded their bonuses be paid. Front page news Business news became front page news with " hedge funds", " credit crunch", " sub-prime", " CDOs", " Ponzi scheme" and even " Libor" working their way through the Today programme on Radio 4 and into dinner party conversations.
The decade began with what appeared to be a sublime piece of timing. The FTSE 100, which had risen amid the froth of the internet boom, reached its peak on 30 December 1999. Less than two weeks into the millennium, a deal was struck that seemed to confirm the ascendency of the new economy – the merger of AOL with Time Warner, which put the internet business firmly in the driving seat. But it turned out the boom had been built on sand, and it was this deal that drew a line in it. The AOL model, charging users for dial-up access and a walled garden of content, rapidly lost its relevance as the web evolved. In May this year, Time Warner announced plans to spin AOL off into a separate company. Its value had plunged from $200bn to $3bn. If many of the first wave of businesses seeking to exploit the internet in the late-1990s had faltered, the web only became more deeply entrenched in consumers' lives, largely thanks to the spread of broadband. Unprecedented power was handed to the consumer and new companies would continue to emerge. Where the online fashion retailer Boo.com crashed to earth in 2000, Asos has proved to be one of the most successful companies during the closing years of the decade.
Some of the biggest corporate names on the planet were unheard of in 2000. Google was incorporated by Larry Page and Sergey Brin from a Stanford University dorm room in September 1998 and in 2000 had revenues of $19m (£12m) – last year, it had revenues of $21.8bn. MySpace was set up in 2003 and Facebook became available to the wider public in September 2006 after initially being limited to Harvard students. YouTube went live in February 2005 and was bought by Google for $1.65bn 18 months later. In October this year, shares in Amazon finally rose above the peak they had hit in the dotcom boom, this time on the back of solid and growing profits. "The explosion of global communications is a massive mega-trend," says Joe Nellis, professor of international management economics at Cranfield School of Management. "Everyone on the planet can talk to each other for the first time in history We can't possibly know how this will impact us because it hasn't happened before. It is a whole new universe." Forbes magazine chose another technology boss as its chief executive of the decade. Apple founder Steve Jobs returned to FROM page 3
E-reader News Edition
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the company in 1997 and by 2000 had begun to turn it around after several years of heavy losses. In October 2001, Apple launched the iPod, a product that would return it to centre stage. Then came the iPhone in 2007, to underscore its revival. At the start of the decade, it had profits of $600m and sales of $6bn. Last year the business made profits of $5.7bn on sales of $36.5bn. In Britain it was equally hard to ignore the phenomenal rise of Tesco. The third largest retailer in the world and present in 13 countries, its profits rose from £930m in 2000 to about £3bn in 2009. Chicanery When the tide of the dotcom boom receded, it exposed an unprecedented underbelly of fraud and fudged accounting that had accelerated in the dying days of the bubble as bosses struggled to meet the growth targets to which investors had become accustomed. WorldCom, an American telecommunications firm, became the biggest bankruptcy in history in 2002, but it was Enron that became the byword for corporate chicanery and would go on to inspire a film, countless books and a successful West End musical. Enron had been a pedestrian gas pipelines business, but in the heady 1990s transformed itself into an energy trader, briefly becoming the seventh largest company in the US. As the firm began to run into trouble it hid debts in offshore companies and
inflated its profits. When it finally went bust in 2001, it opened the floodgates on a lurid series of scandals. America was in the mood for revenge and Enron's leaders were found guilty on numerous counts. But former chief executive Kenneth Lay, who had been born into rural poverty and built a fortune of $400m, died of a heart attack before he was sentenced. Arthur Andersen, the firm's auditor, was forced out of business after being found guilty of obstruction of justice. The years that followed, notes Geoffrey Wood, of Cass Business School, were unusually good. "It was mostly a benign economic environment, with low inflation, low interest rates and steady growth … The falling price of goods kept interest rates down, encouraging people to take on higher risks to get greater returns – and then it all went wrong." During the days of easy borrowing, huge deals were done to build competitiveness on the global marketplace. British firms taken over during the decade by foreign buyers included P&O, Hamleys, Ben Sherman, Abbey National, ScottishPower and industrial gas group BOC. The fight for Cadbury continues. For the first time, Chinese and Indian companies were strutting the global stage. There was also the start of a scramble for commodities between emerging economies and the west. In 2006, bankers in the City
collected £19bn in bonuses and stock markets were at six-year highs. In a sign of how overstretched we were all becoming, Abbey offered mortgages of five times salary. But the defining moments in business were to come in the latter years of the decade, although it is arguable which of the images might remain most resolutely in the mind – the queues snaking around Northern Rock in 2007, the boarded-up homes in the US that had been foreclosed, the Lehman Brothers workers leaving their offices, belongings stuffed in cardboard boxes, or even the closing down signs outside Woolworths, a British institution that had stumbled into bankruptcy amid the deepest and longest recession since the second world war. The excessive risk-taking and borrowing and the wrongheaded belief, yet again, that we had entered a new paradigm caused a huge implosion. The crisis had begun in 2007, as the housing market in the US cooled and interest rates began to rise. Many on the bottom rung found it difficult to meet mortgage repayments and by April one of the largest subprime lenders went under, sparking panic. Fear also spread as it became clear that much of that toxic debt had been packaged up and sold around the global banking system. New financial instruments had been intended to spread risk and insulate individual institutions; in
fact it led to contagion. Credit dried up and it emerged that Northern Rock was forced to apply to the Bank of England for emergency funds. Banks around the world began writing off huge sums. Then in February 2008, Northern Rock was nationalised. The dominoes fell rapidly. Bear Stearns was bought by JP Morgan Chase for a song, house prices began falling at the fastest rate since 1991 and the US government seized control of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the two firms that underpin the US mortgage market. But it was the failure of Lehman that plunged the world into crisis. That same day Merrill Lynch was rescued by Bank of America. Days later Lloyds bought HBOS amid fears it would have collapsed. Bradford & Bingley was nationalised. The government announced a £500bn package to shore up the banking system and is left owning large stakes in Lloyds and RBS. Bankers have become the new pariahs and fundamental questions are being asked about the gulf in pay between those at the top of society and the rest. Panic Dramatic events would become commonplace, from the collapse of the Icelandic economy, a microcosm for the hubris of the decade, to the bankruptcy of General Motors, a move dripping with symbolism about the decline of the west. The impact of Lehman's failure was a sign of just how
interconnected the world has become, says Nellis. "This decade has been the real beginning of globalisation; the capital flows have been immense and never has the world been so inter-dependent. We saw that with Lehmans. You pull one card out and panic breaks out around the world." Looking forward, he questions how firms will survive the exigencies of a global economy. "They have to be either incredibly efficient … or they have to be very niche. The worst place to be is stuck in the middle, and Woolworths is the perfect example. To some extent you could argue that is where the UK is." Casson suggests the pressures of globalisation have encouraged the excessive risk that heralded the financial crisis. During the decade, the entrepreneur in Britain had become a "political and ideological weapon to rejuvenate and reinvent the economy. It is a sound concept but we took the brakes off. It was the New Labour agenda. There was a perceived need to change everything, to focus on opportunity and ignore risk. There was an anxiety for rapid structural change to get Britain back to being an economic power," he says. "And we have embraced the idea that to force through change we must rely on ruthless, unscrupulous and selfish people to do it, even while we extol the virtues of corporate FROM page 5
World/ Tech/
E-reader News Edition
Vanunu under house arrest in Israel By Simon Tisdall (World news and comment from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk)
woman, with a Norwegian citizen," he told Reuters. "He is not being accused of giving any secrets. She is not interested in Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:22:25 AM nuclear business – she's Mordechai Vanunu breaches interested in Mordechai Vanunu terms of 2004 jail release by [and he] is probably interested in meeting 'a number of foreigners', her." says Israeli police The woman has reportedly been Mordechai Vanunu, who served interrogated by police but has not 18 years in prison after he been charged with any offence. revealed Israel's secret nuclear Vanunu has fallen foul of the noprogramme, has been placed foreigners rule before. In 2007, under house arrest pending he was sentenced to six months criminal charges for allegedly in jail for talking to non-Israelis. breaching the terms of his 2004 Vanunu, a former technician at release, which includes a ban on Israel's Dimona nuclear plant, contacts with foreigners. was first jailed in 1986 after he A police spokesman, Micky passed on information about Rosenfeld, said Vanunu was Israel's nuclear programme to the accused of meeting with "a Sunday Times. The Israeli number of foreigners". The authorities argue that he may spokesman, however, did not have kept back some information specify who the foreigners were which could still be of use to a or where they came from. hostile foreign power. Vanunu's lawyer, Avigdor His dilemma is compounded by Feldman, said his client had been the fact that most Israelis do not arrested because his romantic approve of his actions and want attachment to an unnamed no contact with him. Vanunu Norwegian woman had come to says the feeling is mutual and he the attention of the authorities. would prefer to live abroad, but "Vanunu was arrested [for] a is banned from doing so. relationship between a man and a Israel's supreme court has upheld
the restrictions on his freedom of association and movement despite criticism by international human rights groups. Speaking in court today, Vanunu – who refuses to speak Hebrew publicly in protest at his treatment – said: "This Jewish state has 200 atomic ... hydrogen bombs, atomic weapons, neutron bomb. They are not able to say they have the bomb, they are not able to destroy anyone ... instead they arrest Vanunu." After talking to the Sunday Times, Vanunu was tracked down in Rome where he was kidnapped by Israeli intelligence agents and brought back to Israel to stand trial. Israel has never publicly acknowledged its nuclear weapons arsenal. • Nuclear weapons • Israel • Human rights Simon Tisdall guardian.co.uk© Guardian News & Media Limited 2009 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds
Consumer groups urge block of GoogleAdMob deal By Tom Krazit (Webware.com) Submitted at 12/28/2009 12:45:00 PM
Google's proposed acquisition of
mobile ad network AdMob groups. would make it too easy to bring Originally posted at Relevant the Web giant's dominant search Results ad business to the mobile world, according to two consumer
Tripp Palin custody battle to be heard in public, judge rules By Daniel Nasaw (World news and comment from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk)
Johnston, 19, wants to keep the case public to promote himself. Johnston, a former high school ice hockey star, wants joint Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:53:51 AM custody of the child, and argued Alaska judge rejects request in court that both youngsters from Sarah Palin's daughter were fit to be parents. He argued B r i s t o l t o k e e p c u s t o d y that the case should remain proceedings over son closed public, saying the media attention The custody battle over Sarah w o u l d c u r b S a r a h P a l i n ' s Palin's grandson will play out in i n f l u e n c e i n t h e c a s e . p u b l i c , a j u d g e h a s r u l e d , "I do not feel protected against rejecting a plea by Palin's S a r a h P a l i n i n a c l o s e d daughter to keep the proceedings proceeding," Johnston said in an closed to shield her son from affidavit. "I hope that if it is open potential embarrassment when he she will stay out of it." is older. An Alaska judge ruled last week Bristol Palin, 19-year-old that Bristol Palin had provided no daughter of the 2008 US vice- evidence that the child would be presidential candidate, last month harmed by the publicity and filed for sole custody of her son ordered all records open. Tripp, telling a judge that her The couple, who met in high former boyfriend Levi Johnston s c h o o l , a n n o u n c e d P a l i n ' s was too immature to care for a pregnancy and their engagement child. She and her family were during last year's presidential already caring for the child, she campaign. The child was born said, and asked that the court last December but the couple case be sealed to keep it from the split up in March. media. • Sarah Palin "In this day and age of the • United States internet, media stories remain available for years, even decades, Daniel Nasaw after they are first published, and guardian.co.uk© Guardian News anything printed in the media & Media Limited 2009 | Use of (whether it is true or not) will be this content is subject to our available to Tripp when he is old Terms & Conditions| More Feeds enough to read," Bristol wrote in an affidavit. She also said
World/ Gadgets/
E-reader News Edition
Web postings of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab By Adam Gabbatt (World news and comment from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:52:49 AM
Failed bomber of Northwest Airlines flight had written of loneliness, isolation and struggle against 'sinful' thoughts Postings at the Islamic Forum website appear to give more information about the failed bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Below are a selection of the posts attributed to him. First post: 28 January 2005[...] i have no friend. Not because i do not socialise, etc but because either people do not want to get too close to me as they go partying and stuff while i dont, or they are bad people who befriend me and influence me to do bad things. As i get lonely, the natural sexual drive awakens and i struggle to control it, sometimes leading to minor sinful activities like not lowering the gaze. And this problem makes me want to get married to avoid getting
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governance. We appoint chief executives on £3m who are ruthless, brutal and testosteronearoused [...] But i am only 18 government that allowed haram fuelled and then pay £30,000 to a [...] It would be difficult for me Satellite TV to be broadcasted. non-executive director who is to get married due to social And there are stories even that expected to stop them doing norms of getting to the late 20's t h e p r i n c e s d r i n k a l c o h o l anything antisocial." when one has a degree, a job, a themselves. Plus they are good Britain survived the dotcom house, etc before getting married. f r i e n d s w i t h t h e a m e r i c a n crash in relatively good shape, The last thing i want to talk about government. [...] The prophet (S) but as the decade closes it is the i s m y d i l e m m a b e t w e e n did say a time will come when last of the G20 countries stuck in liberalism and extremism [...] the leaders will be the worst recession. How should one put the balance among the people. Indeed this Politicians now bend to the will right? seems to be the time. There are of business, Casson adds. "The 5 February 2005[...] i get lonely so many pious Saudis out there view has become that each sometimes because i have never and great scholars. But not only country is just like a firm found a true muslim friend. I'm in Saudi, almost everywhere in competing for a share of the active, i socialise with everybody the world now, we are ruled by global market and those that do around me, no conflicts, i laugh the worst of people, tyrants. May best are favoured by bankers and and joke but not excessively. I Allah help us and guide us all, entrepreneurs. Politicians are will describe myself as very and establish for us good leaders becoming salespeople, and bankers and multinationals, who a m b i t i o u s a n d d e t e r m i n e d , who fear Him. control the flow of capital and are especially in the deen. I might • Global terrorism deciding where it will go, have sound boring, but if you want to • Al-Qaida become the masters of the know more about me, just give • US national security universe. Politicians are bidding, me shout. • United States in the same way they might bid 9 May 2005[Responding to a • Nigeria for the Olympics or the World post about the westernisation of Cup. It has devalued political some children in Saudi Arabia] Adam Gabbatt D o n ' t e x p e c t t h e s a u d i guardian.co.uk© Guardian News life. government to do anything that & Media Limited 2009 | Use of will stop this [... ] don't forget it this content is subject to our is the government that allowed Terms & Conditions| More Feeds the US to come into the country to 'protect' them [...] It is the
"And we are then told that we have to accept what is good for us. But the hard evidence to back up a lot of this doesn't exist. The only real way to test whether bankers will pack up their things and go elsewhere is if we call their bluff. Over the next decade, we have to get back to the idea that quality of life and society are not worth sacrificing for coming out a winner in this economic game." • Global economy • Recession • Credit crunch • Lehman Brothers • Northern Rock David Teather guardian.co.uk© Guardian News & Media Limited 2009 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds
Behold the 24-port USB hub! By Doug Aamoth (CrunchGear) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:30:00 AM
If you saw the post yesterday
about the 10-port USB hub and thought to yourself, “We’re getting there but I still need MORE!” then here’s your answer. It’s a 24-port USB hub. If 24 ports isn’t enough for you
then I give up. This one’s a $70 affair, which seems like a lot for a USB hub until you remember that you’ve now got 24 ports to work with. It
actually doesn’t look that insanely large, either. Super USB 24-Port Hub[USBfever via Red Ferret]
World/ Finance/
E-reader News Edition
Brazilian doctors leave nine needles in boy
Woman found dead at envoy's residence
(World news and comment from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk)
(World news and comment from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk)
Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:52:42 AM
Remainder pose no significant threat to two-year-old who has undergone three operations to remove 22 needles Brazilian doctors have decided not to immediately remove nine of the 31 needles found in a toddler's body because his life is no longer in danger. Dr Roque Aras said the remaining small needles did not pose a significant threat, but would not rule out future operations. The two-year-old boy underwent a third operation in 10 days
yesterday to extract four needles from his neck. Doctors removed 14 from his intestines, liver and bladder last week, and four from near his heart and lungs earlier. Police accuse the boy's stepfather, Roberto Carlos Magalhaes, and his lover of attempted murder, although prosecutors have not yet filed charges. Magalhaes told Globo TV he wanted to kill the child to spite his wife. • Brazil guardian.co.uk© Guardian News & Media Limited 2009 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions| More Feeds
Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:40:07 AM
abroad. Officers were called to the scene after the ambassador's cook, who was alone in the house, discovered the body today. Police did not name the 30-year old victim. The website of the Austrian foreign ministry identifies the Lebanese ambassador to Austria as Ishaya El Khoury. • Austria • Lebanon
Victim, believed to be housekeeper, apparently stabbed to death in basement of Lebanese ambassador's Austrian residence Police called to the home of the Lebanese ambassador to Vienna say they found the body of a woman in the basement who had apparently been stabbed to death. They have tentatively identified guardian.co.uk© Guardian News the victim as a woman from the & Media Limited 2009 | Use of Philippines who worked as a this content is subject to our housekeeper at the residence. Terms & Conditions| More Feeds Police say the ambassador is
Ford Responds to GM's Camaro, Digs Up the Past for More Mustang V8 Power By Brian White (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 12/29/2009 1:00:00 PM
Filed under: Competitive strategy, Ford Motor (F), General Motors (GM) Ford Motor ( F) has been on all the right tracks lately. The only U.S.-based automaker to not take a government handout and who had been making cars and trucks customers actually want, Ford now rules the roost for domestic
cars and trucks. Even its ecofriendly stance has been in high gear with sales of its hybrid vehicles and commitment to greener automotive technology. That is, when it isn't in some macho face-off with the stillfloundering General Motors. Americans love their large V8 engines, and with GM's Camaro selling very well (an unusual high point for the company), Ford will be responding by introducing larger and more
powerful V8 engine into its Mustang line to meet Camaro's challenge. In other words, the same one-upsmanship challenge that exists for decades.
Continue reading Ford Responds to GM's Camaro, Digs Up the Past for More Mustang V8 Power Ford Responds to GM's Camaro, Digs Up the Past for More Mustang V8 Power originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments
Analyst Upgrades, Downgrades and Initiations: CSTR, CTCM, CZZ, JEF, ONB, UNH ... By Eric Buscemi (BloggingStocks) Submitted at 12/29/2009 11:00:00 AM
Filed under: Analyst reports, Analyst upgrades and downgrades, Analyst initiations Analyst Upgrades • Keefe Bruyette upgraded Jefferies ( JEF) to outperform from market perform based on valuation and improved M&A advisory and underwriting prospects. The firm has a $30 target on the shares. • JPMorgan upgraded Cosan ( CZZ) to overweight from neutral based on valuation.The firm has a $10 target on shares. • Deutsche Bank upgraded CTC Media ( CTCM) to buy from hold, citing better-than-expected operational performance and the impact of recent ad law changes. The firm has a $17 target on shares. Continue reading Analyst Upgrades, Downgrades and Initiations: CSTR, CTCM, CZZ, JEF, ONB, UNH ... Analyst Upgrades, Downgrades and Initiations: CSTR, CTCM, CZZ, JEF, ONB, UNH ... originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments
Finance/ Gadgets/
E-reader News Edition
Natural Catastrophe Losses Down, Sparing Insurers
Johnson & Johnson Recalling Tainted Tylenol Bottles
By Tom Johansmeyer (BloggingStocks)
By Elizabeth Harrow (BloggingStocks)
Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:30:00 AM
Submitted at 12/29/2009 12:30:00 PM
Filed under: International markets, Economic data Natural catastrophes weren't as expensive in 2009, as it seems the cost of everything imaginable also got smacked. Munich Re ( 0KFE), the world's largest reinsurer by revenues, pegs the total economic loss from natural catastrophes at $50 billion this year, only a quarter of the result for 2008. Of course, the benchmark year included Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. Natural catastrophe losses remained far below the 10-year average of $115 billion. Insured losses from natural catastrophes plunged, as well. In 2009, they reached only $22 billion worldwide, a decline of more than 50% from 2008. Winter storm Klaus, striking northern Spain and southwest
Filed under: Bad news, Johnson and Johnson (JNJ), Technical Analysis, DJIA Dow member Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ) is expanding its France nearly a year ago, topped voluntary recall of Tylenol the list of costliest natural Arthritis Pain Caplets, due to catastrophe events in 2009. It consumer reports of an unusual generated total losses of $5.1 moldy odor emanating from the billion and insured losses of $3 pill bottles. J&J previously billion. recalled five lots of the over-theContinue reading Natural counter painkiller, but the recall C a t a s t r o p h e L o s s e s D o w n , has now been expanded to all Sparing Insurers product lots of the Arthritis Pain Natural Catastrophe Losses Caplet 100-count bottles with the D o w n , S p a r i n g I n s u r e r s red EZ-Open cap. o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n The musty odor, according to BloggingStocks on Tue, 29 Dec Johnson & Johnson, can be 2009 10:30:00 EST. Please see traced back to a chemical known our terms for use of feeds. Read| as 2,4,6-tribromoanisole, which Permalink| Email this| Comments results from the breakdown of a different chemical in wooden
T-Mobile somewhat confirms the Google Phone (Nexus One) and an early January launch By Matt Burns (CrunchGear) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:40:33 AM
pallets used in transporting and storage. J&J will resume production of the 100-count Arthritis Pain Caplets in January, after relocating production to a new facility. Continue reading Johnson & Johnson Recalling Tainted Tylenol Bottles Johnson & Johnson Recalling Tainted Tylenol Bottles originally appeared on BloggingStocks on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 12:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments
An internal T-Mobile memo from 12/29, Google, with support from T-Mobile, is scheduled to launch a new Android device in early January. The Google Android phone will be sold solely by Google via the Web. That pretty much says it. Now, how about a confirmation on the$199 price rumor?
Students at CU to team up, build tiny spacecraft By Matt Burns (CrunchGear) Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:00:45 AM
Students at the University of Colorado at Boulder will soon be constructing a tiny spacecraft to observe space weather in the near -Earth orbit. The project is
funded by a $840k grant from the National Science Foundation and is just the latest project in a long line of student-built spacecraft over the last 50 years for LASP, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. size of a loaf of bread and This device will be about the
weighing in at 5 lbs and will be designed to to measure energetic particles that have been known to damage spacecraft’s instruments. The data collected from this spacecraft will be combined with findings from other missions with the hope of better
understanding electrons trapped in the Earth’s magnetosphere. See, who says you can’t do anything fun and educational at college these days? Building spacethings is damn fun in my book.
Finance/ Gadgets/
Top Picks for 2010: Altria (MO) By Steven Halpern (BloggingStocks)
policy," says dividend expert Kelley Wright. In Investment Quality Trends, he Submitted at 12/29/2009 12:01:00 PM suggests, "Additional Filed under: International requirements are a long history of markets, Newsletters, Altria increased earnings and dividends, Group (MO), Agriculture, Stocks broad institutional sponsorship, to Buy, Recession, best stocks for and ample outstanding shares for 2010 trading liquidity. One such This post is part of a special company that fits that bill is report, Top Picks for 2010, the Altria Group ( MO), my top pick 27th annual survey in which for 2010." TheStockAdvisors.com asks the Continue reading Top Picks for nation's leading advisors for their 2010: Altria (MO) single favorite stock for the new Top Picks for 2010: Altria (MO) year. See all 80 stocks listed here. o r i g i n a l l y a p p e a r e d o n "My definition of safe is to avoid BloggingStocks on Tue, 29 Dec cyclical companies that can be 2009 12:01:00 EST. Please see derailed by unexpected economic our terms for use of feeds. events or a sudden change in Fed Permalink| Email this| Comments
E-reader News Edition
Top Picks for 2010: Standard Chartered (SCBFF) By Steven Halpern (BloggingStocks)
Standard Chartered ( SCBFF) as his top pick. The stock has risen 110% since Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:00:00 AM his original recommend -- and Filed under: International remains his top pick for 2010 as markets, China, Newsletters, well. Here's the latest from his Stocks to Buy, best stocks for The Silk Road Investor. 2010 Continue reading Top Picks for This post is part of a special 2 0 1 0 : S t a n d a r d C h a r t e r e d report, Top Picks for 2010, the ( S C B F F ) 27th annual survey in which Top Picks for 2010: Standard TheStockAdvisors.com asks the Chartered (SCBFF) originally nation's leading advisors for their appeared on BloggingStocks on single favorite stock for the new Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:00:00 EST. year. See all 80 stocks listed here. Please see our terms for use of Yiannis Mostrous is a leading feeds. Permalink| Email this| expert on Asian stocks. For his Comments top pick last year, he chose
Specifically: How should I position my portfolio? One company I am almost Submitted at 12/29/2009 11:30:00 AM certain to get rid of is Activision Filed under: Electronic Arts Blizzard ( ATVI). I reserve the (ERTS), Activision Inc (ATVI), right to change my mind on this, Technology, Nintendo (NTDOY) but data on the video game Right now, like many individual industry point to a deterioration investors, I am thinking about the in the fundamentals. Many demand for high-end systems has coming year on Wall Street. headlines throughout the year been satiated. What moves should I make? have trumpeted the fact that the Continue reading Sell Activision What stocks should I look at? console cycle is aging, and that
By Chris Ziegler (Engadget) Submitted at 12/29/2009 11:18:00 AM
It manages to never actually call out the device by name, but TMobile's thrown up some internal verbiage mentioning that "Google... is scheduled to launch a new Android device in early January." That would line up with information we'd previously received reporting to some sort of January 5 launch, and we can only assume they're talking about the Nexus One here -- though the name could still change by the time this hits retail channels. Interestingly, T-Mobile calls out that Google and HTC will be directly responsible for support on the handset, bypassing TBlizzard in the New Year? Sell Activision Blizzard in the Mobile for everything other than New Year? originally appeared wireless service -- the great on BloggingStocks on Tue, 29 "dumb pipe" dream, realized. Dec 2009 11:30:00 EST. Please Stay tuned, because it looks like see our terms for use of feeds. this is all about to get real. T-Mobile makes internal Read| Permalink| Email this| mention of Nexus One (sort of) Comments for 'early January' release originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 11:18:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| TmoNews| Email this| Comments
Sell Activision Blizzard in the New Year? By Steven Mallas (BloggingStocks)
T-Mobile makes internal mention of Nexus One (sort of) for 'early January' release
E-reader News Edition
The iPhone Is a Stone Cold Network Killer [IPhone] By John Herrman (Gizmodo)
the only one for quite a long time. iPhone users' increased data use was unprecedented in both Being among the first of the markets, and brought the world's networks to carry the companies infrastructures, which iPhone practically guaranteed a were previously thought to be flush few years. Also: network robust, to their knees. The next trouble! Take the UK's O2, analog is how they somehow whose spokespeople now seem to failed to predict this: they've be reading from an apologetic PR known how data-hungry iPhone script written by AT&T. users are from the start, and Addressing network congestion they've been watching sales as the result of iPhone users climb at a steady rate. So why utilizing data services exactly as weren't these carriers, two of the you'd expect them to, O2's CEO largest iPhone providers in the Ronan Dunne told the FT(via world, able to keep up? AllThingsD): That comes down to the last, Where we haven't met our own most important parallel: they're high standards then there's no both cheap. Like pretty much question, we apologise to every carrier! Where they go customers for that fact, from here looks like it could be Now, remember AT&T CEO different though, with AT&T Ralph de la Vega's qualified hinting at " incentives" to tamp admission about the general down data use, and O2 admitting crappiness of the company's outright that this is an network in some major cities: nationwide voice retainability, the difficulties. infrastructure issue that needs to [It's] performing at levels below which means that the difference which corresponds rather neatly be solved, which counts for between AT&T and the industry to: our standards. something. So far, so familiar. Dunne takes leader is less than 2/10 of a This is going to get fixed," Mr. To be fair, it is the iPhone that the next step in what appears to p e r c e n t a g e p o i n t o n t h i s de la Vega said. "In both of those caused their problems, with a markets, I am very confident that potent combination of broad be a step-by-step guide for carrier i m p o r t a n t m e t r i c . mea culpas, and claims that it's Finally, users get a ray of hope. you're going to see significant appeal and transparent, heavy V a g u e h o p e , b u t h o p e progress. really not a huge deal: data use. It's just the carriers' But it's not just the PR damage fault that they couldn't foresee But it would be wrong to say O2 n o n e t h e l e s s : has failed its customers en masse [Dunne] said "any short-term control that runs parallel here, it's that, or that they just didn't care. [ Which, again, sounds extremely b l i p " i n O 2 ' s " n e t w o r k the entire situation. O2, like FT via AllThingsD, WSJ] reputation" would be "more than AT&T, was the first carrier in its familiar. AT&T? W e h a v e 9 8 . 6 8 p e r c e n t addressed" by three solutions to country to offer the iPhone, and Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:26:28 AM
Unibody MacBook dips to $728 educational pricing By Donald Melanson (Engadget) Submitted at 12/29/2009 1:06:00 PM
As you may recall, we weren't exactly overflowing with praise for Apple's new polycarbonate unibody MacBook in our review a couple of months back. It's not that it's a bad laptop (though it does certainly have some shortcomings), it's just that it didn't quite feel like $999 of laptop. But $728? Now that's a bit more like it. While it's unfortunately not a permanent price drop, or even a sale that's available to everyone, that is the price that at least some students and educators can now snag the entry-level MacBook for. It's not clear how long that price will last though, as the regular educational pricing for the laptop is now apparently $899. [Thanks, iSandy] Unibody MacBook dips to $728 educational pricing originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 13:06:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Apple Store| Email this| Comments
E-reader News Edition
HTC Nexus One Bluetooth car dock hits the FCC; Nexus One trade name listed as 'Google Phone' By Nilay Patel (Engadget)
iPhone reception issues plague O2... too By Joshua Topolsky (Engadget) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:53:00 AM
It would appear that AT&T isn't the only carrier in the world suffering from a horrible and nagging case of the iPhones. In an interview with the Financial Times, O2 head Ronan Dunne apologized to customers for the poor performance the network has been experiencing since the introduction of the iPhone 3GS to its airwaves this summer. Just as US customers (particularly those in dense, urban areas) have learned to struggle through
Submitted at 12/29/2009 11:01:00 AM
The slow drip of Nexus One info continues at the FCC -- just a day after we saw the Bluetooth dropped calls, the inability to not prepared for the onslaught of desktop dock hit the database, the make or receive calls, or weak data being pushed up and down Bluetooth car dock we'd also data connections, our brethren on its virtual pipes. Also unlike the seen floating around has turned the other side of the pond have AT&T situation is the fact that up for inpection. And what's this? felt a similar sting. Says Dunne, O 2 h a s s o l u t i o n s i n m i n d The list of ancillary testing "Where we haven't met our own (including the installation of 200 equipment used says the phone's high standards then there's no additional mobile base stations in "trade name" is "Google Phone," q u e s t i o n , w e a p o l o g i s e t o London), and they're clearly which is the first time we've seen customers for that fact," adding taking ownership of the situation. that name used in a semi-official fashion. It's particularly notable that the carrier had fixes at the Ahem, Ralph. ready and that the issues would iPhone reception issues plague since this form was prepared by be "more than addressed" shortly. O2... too originally appeared on HTC employees and the phone is Unlike the widespread problems Engadget on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 called the Nexus One elsewhere here, the O2 mess seems to be 09:53:00 EST. Please see our in the document, so you'd think relegated largely to London, terms for use of feeds. Permalink they'd just put either HTC or though it's curious to know that All Things D| Financial Times| AT&T isn't alone in being Email this| Comments hamstrung by a network clearly
Nexus One in that space. Of course, it's also entirely possible that whoever filled out this form just got a little carried away, but c'mon -- you wouldn't lie to the government, now would you? Titillating wireframe pic of the car dock after the break. Continue reading HTC Nexus One Bluetooth car dock hits the FCC; Nexus One trade name listed as 'Google Phone' HTC Nexus One Bluetooth car dock hits the FCC; Nexus One trade name listed as 'Google Phone' originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 11:01:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| FCC| Email this| Comments
WiiWaa: Playing With a Wiimote Crammed Down a Stuffed Doll's Throat Isn't as Weird as It Sounds [Wii] By Sean Fallon (Gizmodo) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:31:00 AM
Check out the trailer for WiiWaa and tell me that this isn't a really good idea. Kids would beg their
hands on one of these interactive dolls. [ Wiiwaa via Joystiq] parents and parents would
trample each other to get their
E-reader News Edition
Google Nexus One Sold Directly and Easy Shot Clip camcorder is pretty small, pretty Only by Google, Officially Supported By T-Mobile [Nexus One] cheap, but not very pretty By Joseph L. Flatley (Engadget)
By Boy Genius Report (Gizmodo)
Submitted at 12/29/2009 12:03:00 PM
Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:32:59 AM
It looks like Google won't be entirely shaking up any wireless industries at the present time, but it will be pushing forward with its own "flagship" device by selling it directly to consumers. While our connect's internal TMobile photo is rather small, we've broken down the text for you: Google, with support from TMobile, is scheduled to launch a new Android device in early January. The Google Android phone will be sold directly by Google via the Web. Support for the device including troubleshooting and exchanges will be managed by Google and HTC. T-Mobile will offer service support including billing, coverage, features, and rate plans. Additional details Streamline content regarding the
launch of Google's Android phone will be coming in early January. So‌ Google is simply selling the phone directly for now, as rumored, and T-Mobile will "officially" support it, even though they practically do the same for any unlocked handset on their network. Google and HTC will be fielding support
The last time we saw Concord Keystone around these parts our minds were collectively blown by something called the QuantumGravity watch. It looks like its newest product, however, is a little more... conventional. The Easy Shot Clip is a plainlooking, 2-inch long camcorder with 2GB of storage (for up to 2 hours of 640 x 480, 30 fps video), mounts for a neck strap, stand, shirt clip, bicycle mount, calls from users, and I'm not and a helmet, and one solitary quite sure how I feel about that. button. But the best thing? Even Unless this is only the Android if it does retail for $70, we're sure Development 3 phone. But it's it'll be hitting bargain bins and not just that. And T-Mobile could dollar stores in short order. Look possibly subsidize it in or around out for it at CES next week, or March. Ok, bye. everywhere else in February. BGR features the latest tech Easy Shot Clip camcorder is news, mobile-related content and of course, exclusive scoops.
pretty small, pretty cheap, but not very pretty originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 12:03:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink SlashGear| ecoustics.com| Email this| Comments
Google announces press gathering on January 5th – Hello, Nexus One. By Greg Kumparak (CrunchGear)
There have been whispers around the rumor mill for roughly a week now that Google
was planning on throwing a press shindig right before CES - and sure enough, the invites just went
Gadgets/ Tech/
E-reader News Edition
Android Event Scheduled for January 5th: The Google Phone Is Nigh [Google] By John Herrman (Gizmodo)
has been handing out Nexus Ones left and right. (And that we've already played with one.) Invites just went out for an The meat of the announcement, Android event at Google HQ, presumably, will be about how scheduled for a week from today. they're going to sell it. We now They don't mention the Nexus know that the phone will be One, but they don't have to. "supported" by T-Mobile, but we The event looks like a proper don't have a full picture of the announcement party, if not a full rate plans, contract situation (if beginning of CES. To the tech launch—demonstrations are on any) or, obviously, the price. press, most of whom will be the itinerary, which is Also interesting: they've unsurprising given that Google scheduled this right at the bivouacked in Vegas by then, Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:52:53 AM
this is a minor annoyance. To everyone planning on making waves at the conference, this is more than an annoyance, it's a crippling blow: Google could steal the show at this year's CES, like Palm did last year. The difference is, they'll do it without even being there.[ AllThingsD]
By John Biggs (CrunchGear) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:30:36 AM
Guys! Sshhhhh! Listen. It was Linus “Linux” Torvalds birthday yesterday and we forgot to buy him a present. What we need to do is give him so more market share in the desktop OS market get a closer look? We got it for so here’s what we’re going to do: you: move on past the read link we’re all going to install and learn out to use Linux, even you for the award-winning video. Continue reading Vestax Spin g u y s b a c k t h e r e r u n n i n g DJ controller gets reviewed, Windows 7. Just free up a little disk space – maybe delete a much approved (video) Vestax Spin DJ controller gets DLL? – and install something reviewed, much approved (video) like Ubuntu or the like. Sure you’ll have to wade originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:33:00 through insufferable articles EST. Please see our terms for about getting a keyboard without use of feeds. Permalink| Key of a Windows key but generally I think you’ll have a blast. Also, Grey| Email this| Comments every time you install Linux, Linus gets a Finnish penni (although that law was enacted before the Finnish introduction of the Euro so now he has a few warehouse-fulls of useless Results currency). Anyway, happy birthday, Linus. Thanks for everything.
Vestax Spin DJ controller gets reviewed, much approved (video) By Joseph L. Flatley (Engadget) Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:33:00 AM
Bedroom DJs and wannabe Sven Vaths, take note. Key of Grey has got its hands on the Vestax Spin DJ controller and they give it some pretty good marks. Of course, no one is going to confuse this bad boy for a pro rig, but the reviewer found the hardware solid enough for home use, and the bundled Algoriddim djay software is more than up to
the task. In fact, both the software and hardware are full featured enough to make it worth a second or third look: multiple cue points and sampler controls
(commonplace on DJ mixers yet pretty rare on software-based rigs) get kudos, while the lack of a waveform view can be a huge turn-off for some folks. Want to
Report: T-Mobile ready for Google phone launch By Tom Krazit (Webware.com)
T-Mobile is telling employees to prepare for the launch of a Google Android phone in early
January that will be sold directly by Google, a report says. Originally posted at Relevant
Happy Birthday, Linus Torvalds!
Gadgets/ Tech/ Politics/
E-reader News Edition
The World Spent $112 Billion On 205 Million TVs This Year: 69 Percent Were LCD TVs. By Erick Schonfeld (CrunchGear) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:05:58 AM
LCD TVs have taken over the world. Market research firm DisplaySearch estimates in a new report that of the 205 million total TVs shipped in 2009, 140.5 million, or 69 percent, were LCD TVs (the rest were plasma and CRTs). In 2010, that percentage is forecast to rise to 78 percent for LCD TVs, when total shipments will rise to 218 million. Total TV shipments have actually been on the decline since mid-2008 as demand for older CRT TVs plummeted. Only in the third quarter did the increase in shipments of LCD TVs make up for the decline in
Google announces Android press conference for January 5th By Joshua Topolsky (Engadget)
over a year ago, we've seen how a powerful, open platform can spur mobile product innovation. Submitted at 12/29/2009 12:33:00 PM And this is just the beginning of Well well. Look at this. Taking a what's possible. page from the CES-challenging Please join us in Mountain View Apple / Macworld playbook, on January 5, for an Android Google has announced a press press gathering. If this lines up event on January 5th (just like we w i t h t h e n e w s w e ' v e s e e n told you) in Mountain View, recently, it's likely a Nexus One stating: announcement will be the order With the launch of the first of the day, and most (if not all) of Android-powered device just your nagging questions will get
answered. You know we'll be there live... so hang on to your hats, and mark down the date! Google announces Android press conference for January 5th originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 12:33:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments
other kinds of TVs. For the year as a whole, DisplaySearch still expects a 1 percent decline in shipments in 2009, followed by a 6 percent increase in 2010. Worldwide TV revenues fell an estimated 10 percent to $101 billion, from $112 billion in 2008. But revenues are expected to rise in the first quarter of 2010 for the first time in six quarters.
Video: Obama's Quark Promote on lets novices make Statement Christmas Day Attack promo materials (Little Green Footballs) By Harrison Hoffman (Webware.com) Submitted at 12/28/2009 1:39:00 PM
The new, easily approachable tools allow non-designers to create their own promotional materials. Originally posted at The Web Services Report
Submitted at 12/28/2009 4:31:30 PM
[Video] UPDATE at 12/28/09 4:35:35 pm: ABC News has pictures of the explosive device sewn into accused bomber Abdulmutallab’s underwear: Northwest Airlines Bomb Photos - ABC News.
Gadgets/ Tech/ Politics/ Tech News/
E-reader News Edition
Video: The It’s a pen! It’s a bullet! It 'Medieval writes upside down and Crock underwater! It’s a bullet pen! Warming' (Little Green Footballs) By Doug Aamoth (CrunchGear)
Submitted at 12/28/2009 7:46:32 PM
Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:00:00 AM
Spectacular Air Rescue of Crewman from Moving US Navy Submarine [Image Cache] By Jesus Diaz (Gizmodo)
My penmanship is withered chicken scratch thanks to years of paperless endeavors, but this bullet pen looks intriguing for the two or three times each year that I need to write something down on paper. And lest you think it’s merely a pen shaped like a bullet, let me tell you that it also writes upside down and underwater all NASAlike. It can even write on top of grease and oil. This is an extreme pen for extreme poets. It costs $25. Not bad for a bullet
Navy Los Angeles-class nuclear attack submarine. The submarine Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:48:00 AM was cruising through an The US Coast Guard has undisclosed location off the the released their best videos from c o a s t o f W a s h i n g t o n , o n 2 0 0 9 , a n d t h i s c r e w m a n September 29, 2009. They called e m e r g e n c y m e d i c a l r e s c u e the Coast Guard at 5:50PM, and mission—using a MH-60 the Jayhawk helicopter Jayhawk helicopter over a intercepted the submarine at By Stan Schroeder m o v i n g n u c l e a r U S N a v y 7 : 1 2 P M , p i c k i n g u p t h e (Mashable!) submarine—just blew me away. crewman, and moving him to the Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:56:46 AM Check them out in the gallery. Oregon Health and Science The Coast Guard evacuated the University in Portland, Oregon. When you look at a list of top 10 websites in the world, or the crewman from a unnamed US U.S., which site do you expect to see on top? Google. Although Google still dominates the list (Wired Top Stories) of Wired.com's Sexy Geeks most of the time, with 6.7 percent contest await your careful of all U.S. visits between January Submitted at 12/28/2009 5:00:00 PM consideration. Don't forget to a n d N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 9 , o n From shape-shifting writers to nominate your own favorite sexy Christmas day another site was n e r d y w o r d s m i t h s , t h e geeks. on top: Facebook. competitors in the 2009 edition According to Hitwise, this was
pen. Forget about stuffing it in your carry-on for a little Sudoku on the airplane, though. .375 Caliber Bullet Space Pen from Fisher[Vat19.com]
As we catch up on environmentalist Peter Sinclair’s excellent videos debunking the most common climate change denial canards, here’s one from earlier this year about the socalled “Medieval Warming Period” — another false talking point that shows up in every LGF thread about global warming.[Video]
Facebook The Most-Visited Site on Christmas
Vote for 2009's Sexiest Geeks
networking site to the top. But it’s still a testament to how huge Facebook really is; and it’s still growing. Add to that the fact that “Facebook” was the top search term in 2009, and its 350 million users, and it’s clear that Facebook is dominating the web in a way very few web services the first time that Facebook was have done before. the most-visited U.S. site. It’s Image courtesy of iStockphoto, logical: On Christmas day, Norebbo. Reviews: Facebook, everyone wanted to connect with iStockphoto their friends and family, which Tags: facebook, social pushed the largest social networking
Gadgets/ Tech/ Politics/ Tech News/
E-reader News Edition
Amazon Sued In Germany For Offering Good Prices On Books By Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:58:00 AM
I've never understood book price fixing laws in Europe, that require books to be sold at the same price. Economically challenged individuals claim that this helps independent booksellers who aren't forced to undercut prices of other book chains. Except, of course, forcing higher prices on everyone actually leads to fewer books purchased, less innovation and less opportunity for those independent bookstores to offer By Kat Hannaford (Gizmodo) (which cost around $600), to something better. These laws print off a color postcard with a have caused trouble for Amazon Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:00:55 AM picture of your face super- in the past. Over in France, Did you send Christmas cards imposed over a cute picture of Amazon's famous free shipping this year? Perhaps an e-card? A 2010's year of the tiger character. promotions were deemed illegal text? Whatever you did, Epson Holding it up to a webcam brings for being an effective "price has just one-upped you with its the augmented reality to life, as discount" on books. And now a augmented reality greeting cards. you can see in the video demo on bookseller is suing Amazon in On the website they've set up for Epson's site. How kawaaaaiiiii. [ G e r m a n y f o r s u p p o s e d l y the end of year nengajo cards, Epson via DVICE] violating fixed prices on books as they show how easy it is to use well (found via Michael Scott). one of the Colorio printers In this case, the bookseller is sick of people showing up with printouts from Amazon, and wants to force Amazon to offer higher prices, because apparently consumers must suffer. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story
Even Epson Has Caught The Augmented Reality Tell Us Your Genius Bar Horror Stories (and Bug [Augmented Reality]
Win Free Pizza) [Apple] By matt buchanan (Gizmodo)
thousand pieces? Try to exorbitantly charge you for a repair that should've been free? The Genius Bar is considered, Or just act like a total bastard? by some, to be the paragon of The most horrific true story wins tech support. But capricious free pizza as a consolation to sop pricks just "following the rules" up your tears. Leave 'em in the that happen to completely screw comments or email me with the you work everywhere. So tell us subject "Genius Bar Horror your Genius Bar horror stories. Stories." Did a Genius drop your MacBook and explode it into a Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:40:00 AM
The Green (Little Green Footballs)
Dec. 29, 1766: He Put the Mac in Mackintosh By Tony Long (Wired Top Stories)
Nope, not the uppercase-A Apple computer. Not even the
lowercase-a Macintosh apple. Think: raincoat.
E-reader News Edition
7 Ways News Media are Becoming More Collaborative By Vadim Lavrusik (Mashable!)
the noise and see what the people of your choosing find important. “We’re at the intersection of a Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:50:05 AM more traditional, top-down With the turn of the decade, the editorial model and a direct news media are seeing shifts democracy or crowd-edited from hyper competition to approach,” Headley said. c o l l a b o r a t i o n . N e w s The Hourly Press also gives the organizations are partnering to user a way to catch up on news p r o d u c e t h e n e w s , w h i l e they might have missed without journalists are working with the having to read a lot of tweets, audience to bring them content Headley said. Because “editors” that they demand. are selected by a user, it lets Media mavens too are hoping people know who the influential for more collaboration in the people are in a community. Right coming year, perhaps with more now Hourly Press is available per action from media executives as request. 2. Working With the well. And though old media may Audience be slow to change, there are a Journalists are relying on the f e w g l i m p s e s o f t o o l s , former audience more than ever partnerships and models that to create content and curate the show how news media are news stream. But perhaps a move becoming more collaborative. t o w a r d c r e a t i n g a m o r e 1. Curating and Filtering the e s t a b l i s h e d c o l l a b o r a t i v e Stream relationship with the audience is We’ve already talked about the in order. importance of journalists being Jay Rosen, who teaches curators and contextualizers journalism at NYU, sketched out using collaborative tools like an idea for ExplainThis.org, Publish2. News consumers have where readers ask questions that created a social link economy can be answered by journalists from sources that they trust: their through reporting. This isn’t just friends. The editor has been a search or a Yahoo! Answers replaced by a friend on Facebook kind of service, but ones that take or someone you trust and follow “real journalism” to answer the on Twitter. question well, Rosen said in his Lyn Headley and Steve Farrell outline. Users would not only be developed The Hourly Press, asking the questions, but part of which uses Twitter’s API to track the process. This is also content popular stories of the hour based that is completely based on what o n l i n k s h a r i n g f r o m a users want and are looking for. 3. “publisher’s” or user’s select Collaborative Tools like Google group of “editors” that they Wave follow on Twitter. It helps filter Google Wave is beginning to
100 wavelets, or messages. The format worked well (aside from Wave crashing several times). 4. Social News Partnerships One form of collaboration that is becoming more prevalent is news organizations partnering with other companies or institutions, including social sites. We’ve change the way newsrooms seen this with the MSNBC deal create news and the way we w i t h t h e @ B r e a k i n g N e w s consume it. But it is also Twitter account and a partnership allowing the ability for news between Fark and USA Today. organizations to collaborate with These partnerships, in part, stem the “former audience.” Robert f r o m n e w s o r g a n i z a t i o n s Quigley, the social media editor realizing what they do well and a t t h e A u s t i n A m e r i c a n - collaborating on the rest, said S t a t e s m a n , s a i d h e s e e s David Cohn, founder of Spot.Us. comments on stories becoming a “Could USA Today build its own “living, breathing thing with Fark-esque site? Yes. Would that people jumping into a breaking be ‘doing what it does best?’ No. story with live updates and H e n c e , t h e y s h o u l d w o r k thoughts.” He said he’s big on t o g e t h e r , ” C o h n s a i d . Google Wave, in part, because Andrew Nystrom, social media waves can be embedded and have editor at the Los Angeles Times, the potential to serve as live said that Fark partnered with wikis. their news organization too M a t h e w I n g r a m , t h e because they decided they communities editor at the Globe weren’t very good at reporting and Mail, said Google Wave is “straight, hard news,” and so they another tool that makes it easier worked with the LA Times on a for people “formerly known as custom feed of the funniest LA the audience” to take part in the Times headlines. 5. Large News news gathering process. Partnering With Blogs To drive collaboration as a point, We’re also seeing more larger I u s e d G o o g l e W a v e t o news organizations partnering collaborate, interview and discuss with smaller organizations that some of these ideas (and others) c o v e r s p e c i f i c s u b j e c t s o r with most of those mentioned in communities really well. News this post. I outlined some starting organizations are hungry for discussions of trends that are more content and are trying to emerging, which served as a move further into covering local launching point for discussion. communities. The Wave generated more than Paul Bradshaw, course director
of the MA Online Journalism program at Birmingham City University noted the example of the Guardian’s move to build up its local news coverage by hiring local bloggers and sites like MySociety. 6. Local News Organizations Team Up Local news organizations are also beginning to work together as they cut back on budgets and look for ways to fill in the gap in content. We’ve seen this between local TV stations and newspapers, but now there are examples of longtime newspaper competitors sharing sports coverage and news organizations sharing one another’s space and resources. There’s also the example of the Miami Herald creating a network of community news sources and republishing the stories on one another’s sites. In some cases news organizations are even pooling resources to contribute to social media. Eleven international news media, for example, joined to collaborate on updating a Facebook page dedicated to covering United Nation’s climate conference in Copenhagen. 7. University Partnerships University journalism programs are also playing a bigger role than just educating journalists, but producing content creators while they are still in school. Carrie Brown-Smith, assistant professor of journalism at the University of Memphis, also WAYS page 24
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E-reader News Edition
2010 the year of cloud-computing...M&A (CNET News.com) Submitted at 12/29/2009 4:19:53 AM
Cloud computing is still more attractive to venture capitalists than it is to enterprise IT buyers, and that's unlikely to change in 2010. As IT buyers warm to the idea and implementation of cloud computing, 2010 is going to prove to be a very big year for cloud-computing M&A as bigfish vendors like VMWare, Microsoft, IBM, and Oracle round out their cloud product portfolios with little-fish innovators. Computing (and M&A) heads for the cloud Some, like Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, suggest that cloud computing is simply a fad, one that attempts to solve many of the same problems that SOA, EDI, etc. already attempted to fix. Tell that to the buyers. Gartner expects the cloud-related SaaS market to top $8 billion in 2009, which suggests that real customers paying real money. They may not be paying enough, however, to support the mushrooming cloud vendor marketplace. Not yet. Industry insiders are predicting a shakeout as pre-recession venture funding runs out for many of the early cloud vendors, forcing them
into the arms of buyers or bankruptcy courts. This is the inevitable separation of wheat from chaff, and it's a very good thing for an industry that has been long on hype and short on delivery to date. But don't confuse the hype with vaporware. And don't for a minute think that any of the big (or small) vendors has a complete offering yet. As IDC research director Dan Yachi posits: Cloud computing is more than just buzz. It is here to stay and is expected to take increasing shares of total IT spending worldwide. From a VC perspective, the even better news is that cloud computing is still far from maturity. There are many technology gaps that are not yet filled, especially in the areas of cloud enablement, management, monitoring, and security. In particular, VCs can find investment opportunities in startup companies that develop solutions for hybrid cloud, which is expected to experience increased demand over the coming years. Cloud computing offers real advantages, and has attracted a significant array of pent-up demand. Start-up vendors like Cloudera, VMOps, Rightscale, and others are inundated with
common pool of funding in big enterprises. Among other things, VMOps has management tools for handling billing/resource allocation within private cloud deployments. This sort of real-world understanding makes its cloud tools much more practical and, requests for pilot projects as hence, much more interesting enterprise IT dips some very big than those from competing toes into the cloud-computing vendors that may solve the technical difficulty of building a water. Indeed, it is start-ups like these cloud but overlook the practical that will help bridge the gulf problems of managing it on a day between cloud hype and cloud -to-day basis. practice in 2010, as the big Or, as Appiro predicts for 2010, vendors round out their offerings "The real innovation will be in the business of cloud computing, with the start-ups' technology. Who will be bought? Those that not the technology." solve real-world IT problems, not This is why 2010 will be the s i m p l y t h o s e t h a t o f f e r year when the big vendors buy enterprises the ability to build up innovative start-ups, in terms private clouds or give them an on of both technology and business acumen, that help to make cloud -ramp to public clouds. Take VMOps, for example. The computing reality, not theory, as company's product suite enables cloud computing leaves the labs service providers and others to and becomes accepted practice in build out private clouds. Where it forward-looking enterprises. becomes particularly interesting, It's a trend that should make enterprise IT very happy...and however, is in the details. While it sounds great to build a venture capitalists even happier. p r i v a t e c l o u d w i t h i n a n Five Filters featured article: enterprise, the reality is that its Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: resources will be funded by a PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, number of different groups. Term Extraction. There's no such thing as a
Sublime Sand: Desert Dunes Seen From Space By Betsy Mason (Wired Top Stories)
The sculpted, shifting sand dunes of some of the world's most spectacular deserts are
especially stunning when seen strangest and most extensive f r o m s p a c e . T h i s g a l l e r y dunes in the world. showcases some of the tallest,
Outrageous Outrage of the Day: Obama's 'Isolated Extremist' Remark (Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 12/28/2009 10:35:32 PM
All of the wingnut blogs are screaming that in his statement about the Northwest 253 terror attack, President Obama called the alleged terrorist an “isolated extremist.” This one comes straight from Karl Rove and Fox News, and it’s already everywhere on the right wing:‘isolated extremist’ Google Search. They’re trying to trick people into thinking that Obama said the terrorist acted alone — but this is simply a flat out lie. Because in the very same speech, President Obama also said this: “A full investigation has been launched into this attempted act of terrorism, and we will not rest until we find all who were involved and hold them accountable.” You have to wonder if there’s a point at which these bloggers and Fox News will feel ashamed of themselves for spreading such deliberate falsehoods. They just fall in line like mindless parrots and repeat this stuff without even bothering to check if it’s true.
Tech/ Tech News/
E-reader News Edition
The secret behind the Kindle's bestselling e-books: They're not for sale
Dozen Daily Deals for December 29, 2009
(CNET News.com)
By Victor Agreda, Jr. (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))
of the freebies are picked up by readers in the first few weeks that they own a Kindle, when they're One big reason readers choose e- ago, 64 of Amazon's top 100 looking to download something b o o k s o v e r i n k a n d p a p e r Kindle titles cost nada. simply for the sake of versions: The digital ones are How exactly does that work? I d o w n l o a d i n g s o m e t h i n g . understand why Amazon is able I also assume that the Kindle cheaper. That wasn't the case when e- to hand out public domain works charts are skewed by hardcore books first appeared a decade l i k e " T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f early adopters' reading habits. ago. But Amazon has made a Sherlock Holmes" and " Pride And that the patterns will start point of selling its Kindle titles at and Prejudice" for free. But I'm changing now that more casual a discount to physical editions, not sure what's going on with users are picking up the Kindle even if it means losing money. titles like Noel Hynd's " Not for the first time. And then there are the titles that Your Mother's Slow Cooker: And in case you were wondering Kindle owners really, really love- Recipes for Entertaining" (#9). --because I was--says it is not -the ones they get for nothing. As Anyone want to weigh in? counting free book downloads I ' m a l s o n o t s u r e w h a t when it releases sales statistics the Washington Post noted earlier this week, the list of best-selling conclusions we can draw from like the one it put out on Kindle titles is dominated by free the dominance of freebies on the Saturday, when it said more Kindle charts. I'm tempted to say customers had purchased Kindle books: Amazon's customers have made that Kindle buyers are rabid but titles than physical books on it clear that $9.99 is still too high indiscriminate readers, and they'll Christmas Day. for their taste. Most titles in the lap up whatever you put in front Story Copyright (c) 2009 company's list of top 100 Kindle of them. AllThingsD. All rights reserved. bestsellers are priced below But without a real sense of the Five Filters featured article: $9.99, and the most popular price numbers, which Amazon is never Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: going to cough up, it's hard to tell PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, point is $0.00. The good folks at MediaBistro what the sales patterns really Term Extraction. have gone ahead and counted, so look like. you don't have to. As of a day I suspect, for instance, that a lot Submitted at 12/29/2009 5:41:59 AM
Physicist Taps Pop Culture to Explain New Theory of Time By Amy Wallace (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 12/28/2009 5:00:00 PM
Caltech physicist Sean Carroll
takes on the complexities of time in his upcoming book From Eternity to Here, throwing in cultural references to help the rest of us understand it all.
free shipping • OfficeMax: [Printer Supplies] 1,250 sheets of Epson 8.5x11" Matte Presentation Paper for $50 Submitted at 12/29/2009 1:00:00 PM + free shipping Filed under: Deals'Tis the season • PC Connection: [MacBook] to shop until your brains melt (or Apple MacBook Core 2 Duo skip it all entirely, depending on 2.26GHz 13" Laptop for $870 your interpretation of the term after rebate + free shipping holiday). In that spirit, for the • Buy.com: [USB] Kensington next few weeks we'll be rounding ShareCentral 1 USB Sharing up a dozen daily deals courtesy Device for $9 + free shipping our friends at DealNews.com. • Verizon Broadband: Each afternoon tune in to TUAW [ C o m p u t e r S e r v i c e s ] for this handy summary. Keep in Verizon.com: $150 cash back, mind that while our posts will free DVR, $5 off/month with live on, the deals won't. Each is FiOS Double, Triple bundles lovingly generated by the deal- • MidnightBox: [Accessories] bot every day, so get 'em while Monster Cable Ultra 600 4-Foot they're hot. Enjoy! HDMI to DVI Cable for $2 + $4 s&h • Apple Store: [MacBook] Apple • Meritline: [iPod Accessories] MacBook Core 2 Duo 2.26GHz iPhone / iPod touch Car / Travel 13" Laptop for $728 + free Charger Bundle for $6 + free shipping shipping • LA Computer Company: • HandHeldItems: [iPhone] HHI [ M a c B o o k ] U s e d A p p l e Apocket 1750mAh External MacBook 13" laptops at LA Battery for Apple iPhone 3G / Computer Company: Deals from 3GS for $20 + $6 s&h $599 + $17 s&h • figis.com: [After Christmas TUAW Dozen Daily Deals for Sales] Year-End Clearance Sale December 29, 2009 originally r o u n d u p : F i g i s , A l l o y , appeared on The Unofficial L'Occitane, more Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, • O v e r s t o c k . c o m : 29 Dec 2009 13:00:00 EST. [ M i c e / T r a c k b a l l s ] A p p l e Please see our terms for use of Wireless Mighty Mouse for $25 feeds. + $3 s&h Permalink| Email this| • Western Digital Store: [USB C o m m e n t s Hard Drives] Western Digital External Hard Drives from $40 +
Tech/ Tech News/
E-reader News Edition
MPAA Gives 'It's Complicated' An R Rating Because It Shows Pot Might Make You Giggle By Mike Masnick (Techdirt)
-- who says "The last I checked, smoking pot was still illegal, illicit behavior." Indeed. But, Via That Kevin Smith(who has then again, so is blowing up Los had his own share of run ins with Angeles, and "last I checked," the the MPAA over bizarre ratings) movie 2012 got a PG-13 rating. comes the story of how the The larger point, of course, is MPAA decided the romantic just how incredibly out of touch c o m e d y I t ' s C o m p l i c a t e d the MPAA is beyond just its deserved an " R" rating, because laughable ratings system. This is it has one scene that involves two a group that's still trying to break characters (played by Steve your TV because it can't figure Martin and Meryl Streep) who out how to release movies on TV smoke marijuana... and then in a reasonable amount of time giggle. Specifically, the MPAA without doing so (even though its appears to be upset that there are own studios have figured it out). "no negative consequences" to This is the same group that the two characters smoking pot. a r g u e s t h a t b l a m e s t e c h N o w , I ' v e n e v e r s m o k e d companies for its own inability to marijuana (or ingested it in other recognize and embrace what forms either), but I'm at a loss to technology allows. This is the see how this makes something same group that insists that deserving of an R rating. The piracy is "killing" the movie N Y T i m e s a r t i c l e q u o t e s industry as the industry scores s o m e o n e f r o m t h e P a r e n t s yet another box office record. Television Council -- the group This is the same group that famous for bombarding the FCC insists that ACTA is necessary, with bogus indecency complaints but won't share what its own Submitted at 12/29/2009 7:36:00 AM
lobbyists helped write. The NY Times article admits that the decision to rate this particular movie "R" is more of a political move from an organization that doesn't want to be attacked during the next elections -- and even that should be troubling. This is an organization that will do amazingly dumb things just to stay in the good graces of our politicians, so that it can continue to push through protectionist laws. One simple rating may not seem like a huge deal (and, by itself, it is not), but it's yet another sign in how out of touch the MPAA really is, and how its actions are entirely about protecting its political power and helping its members get favors from the government, rather than anything else. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story
Collar Tech Tracks Wolf's North Pole Treks By Alexis Madrigal (Wired Top Stories)
A new satellite collar returns the first data on what the Arctic wolf does during the long, dark winter
How Thomas Edison, Patron Saint Of Patent Holders, Copied Others' Works To 'Invent' The Light Bulb By Mike Masnick (Techdirt)
the wires. The strip glowed, making it the first electric lamp. Inventor Warren De la Rue We've written in the past how about 10 years later enclosed a Thomas Edison -- who is often platinum coil in an evacuated held up by patent hoarders as the tube and passed electric current perfect example of why patents through it to make it glow. From are necessary -- didn't actually there, it details how Joseph Swan invent any of the stuff he's built the first real "electric lamp" famous for "inventing." Instead, building on those concepts. he's most famous for taking the Swan did get a patent on his work of others and innovating work, but it didn't actually work around it just slightly, to find a all that well. Edison's revelation good market -- but then also was to make a minor tweak to patenting the work of others and S w a n ' s w o r k , m a k i n g t h e blocking anyone else from incandescent bulb last much entering the market. I admire his longer. It wasn't an "invention" innovative side and his marketing at all. It was a minor tweak on prowess, but find his abuse of top of it, and then a massive patents to be unfortunate. Reader promotional campaign. Of Michael points to a recent story course, Edison originally couldn't in Wired which highlights how do as much with his better t h i s w o r k e d w i t h t h e lightbulb, because Swan held that i n c a n d e s c e n t l i g h t b u l b . patent... so eventually Edison The story highlights how the ended up merging with Swan's incandescent lightbulb was really company... and took all the credit a f u n c t i o n o f p r o g r e s s i v e for the incandescent bulb. And innovation, with different people from then on, he used patents to adding little bits here and there: keep everyone else out for as English chemist Humphry Davy long as possible. connected two wires to a battery Permalink| Comments| Email in 1809 and inserted a charcoal This Story strip between the other ends of Submitted at 12/29/2009 1:33:55 AM
Sky's the Limit for China's DIY Aviators By Michele Travierso (Wired Top Stories) Submitted at 12/28/2009 5:00:00 PM
From the ramshackle to the sophisticated, these innovators go to any lengths to fly.
E-reader News Edition
Report: T-Mobile ready for Google phone launch (CNET News.com) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:31:00 AM
The ethereal Google Phone could arrive as early as January 5 on T-Mobile's network, according to a report. Google could start selling the Nexus One directly to consumers on January 5, according to a new report.(Credit: Cory O'Brien via Twitter) That's according to TmoNews, a blog that obsessively tracks the movements of T-Mobile. It says it has obtained an internal training document that mentions the Google Phone, thought to be the Nexus One phone distributed to Google employees earlier this month. In the document, T-Mobile informs its employees that "the Google Android phone will be sold solely by Google via the Web," backing up other reports that Google is about to make a radical departure from its previous phone strategy and "compete with its customers," something Google Android chief Andy Rubin had said the company was not interested in doing. The document makes no mention of timing, but TmoNews said its sources believe the phone will launch on January 5 at 9 a.m., just before the major CES
Loopt Takes on Foursquare By Adding Tips to iPhone App By Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:48:48 AM
trade show gets underway in Las Vegas (we presume that's 9 a.m. Pacific time, but the document didn't stipulate the time zone). Engadget reported a similar launch date last week. We still don't know what the Nexus One/Google Android phone will cost, or even whether sales of the phone will be limited to a small number of registered developers, as Google as done with two previous phones. However, it's hard to believe that T-Mobile would need to gear up for the launch of a phone sold in
very limited qualities. Ever since Google said it had no plans to sell its own phone directly to consumers in October, it has refused to comment on its Android strategy as reports it was about to do just that have built. A Google representative did not return an e-mail seeking comment on Tuesday. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Loopt was one of the first applications to socialize locationsharing from mobile devices. As of late, however, its service has been eclipsed by the buzz generated by relative newbies like Foursquare and Gowalla, who’ve thrown a social gaming twist into the location mix. To compensate, Loopt is migrating more towards these apps in functionality: A new tool —Tips — was included in an update to their iPhone app [ iTunes link] last night. Tips is fairly straightforward — and almost a direct replica of Foursquare in terms of function — allowing users to add their personal recommendations to places. Tips appear in a few different touch points, so you can add a tip to a place page and your Loopt check-in message can double up as a tip as well. While convenient at times, the “share your check-in publicly as a tip” option is default for Loopt check-in messages, which means that tips could easily be diluted with less-thanhelpful status updates. The thing about Foursquare tips that make them so handy is that
they’re location-aware. Say someone entered a tip about the amazing salad at the restaurant next door to you, when you check in on Foursquare, you’ll be greeted with a push notification that includes that tip. Clearly there’s an advantage to discovering a tip as opposed to having to search for one, but for now it looks as if Loopt’s tips are static to place pages. Loopt still lacks the gaming features that the new kids on the location block boast, but in our Foursquare and Gowalla head-tohead we noted that CEO Sam Altman has previously stated, “It’s probably a safe assumption that we’ll add some gaming elements.” Should Loopt want to compete with Foursquare and Gowala on a gaming front, it definitely has its work cut out for it. Reviews: Foursquare, iPhone Tags: location-based service, loopt, Mobile 2.0
Tech/ Tech News/ Entertainment/
E-reader News Edition
W Korea Uses Demi Moore Photo... With A Different Hip -- So Which One Is Edited? By Mike Masnick (Techdirt)
Do Your Rights To Listen To Legally Licensed Music Stop At The Border? By Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 12/28/2009 8:50:00 PM
with his family. So, because of ridiculous demands from copyright holders that make it so Pandora is only available in the US, Brad gets informed that Fred cannot access the station that Brad created for Fred solely due to ridiculous copyright holder demands. Yes, even though Fred almost always accesses Pandora from the US, but just happens to be in Argentina this week, Pandora says he can't listen to the station that Brad created for him. Brad makes a good point, that any human can understand why this situation is silly, but computers still can't quite figure it out, noting: "The level of interaction of human and machine is high, although the level of sophistication is pretty low." As for Fred's summation of the situation? "Rights holders fuck everything up." Indeed. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story
Ms. Moore herself -- but about the potentially poor editing job on the photo itself. So you may recall that last week, Of course, once the story was the story spread about how Demi pushed back into the news by Moore's lawyers flipped out and Moore's lawyers, a second look sent ridiculous (laughably so) at the evidence suggested quite legal threats to a few blogs that clearly that the image had, in were discussing whether or not fact, been retouched(not that Moore's photo on the cover of W there's anything wrong with that). magazine had been digitally And, now, the story gets even retouched and, if so, how poor a more bizarre. Anthony Citrano, job the retouching was. Most one of the bloggers being specifically, there was the point threatened by Moore's lawyers -that her hip looked out of place. a n d w h o h a s ( r e a s o n a b l y ) None of the conversation (which demanded a complete retraction had mostly died out a month and apology from Moore's before Ms. Moore's lawyers got lawyers -- got in touch to let us involved) suggested anything know that the Korea edition of W even remotely negative about magazine just happened to have
fixed the hip problem on their cover version of the same photo. As Citrano points out, this leads to one of two possibilities: • Citrano was correct all along that the version with the funky hip a bad image edit or... • By Moore's own lawyer's explanation, W in Korea had defamed Demi Moore by editing her image (which the lawyers insisted needed no editing)
What's Inside Kiwi Shoe Polish? Smells Like Gas, Tastes Like Gum
Kevin Jonas Wedding Photo!
By Patrick Di Justo (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:45:00 AM
Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:06:00 AM
Submitted at 12/28/2009 5:00:00 PM
What do the hunt for neutrinos,
the study of biological cells and explosions have in common? Kiwi Shoe Polish.
Two rather successful venture capitalists, Brad Feld and Fred Wilson, have been at the forefront of bucking the ridiculous claim that VCs only invest in companies that have patents, as both have spoken out about how patents tend to stifle innovation, and how their portfolio companies are often held back by patents, rather than helped by them. It looks like Either way, at least one of those both of them are also quite aware images was apparently edited, of how copyright gets in the way and Citrano's still waiting for that of basic innovation as well. Brad Feld has a post up about how he apology and retraction... Permalink| Comments| Email created a Pandora station based on Fred's blog post detailing his This Story top albums of the decade. Pretty cool, right? Well, the problem is that Brad sent Fred an invite to this "station," and Fred is traveling for the holidays in Argentina
(ETonline - Breaking News) Kevin Jonas is a married man and People magazine has a new
cover story devoted to the Jo Bro and his new wife Danielle. The oldest of the Jonas trio reportedly got married earlier this month to Danielle DeLeasa in
Long Island, NY. The couple wed at a French-style chateau on an estate in Long Island, People.com reported following the nuptials.
Tech/ Entertainment/
E-reader News Edition
XBMC "Camelot" update brings lots of new features By Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))
as a free download right now over on their website. XBMC is the open source app that started off as "Xbox Media Submitted at 12/28/2009 7:30:00 PM Center" (designed to be run on F i l e d u n d e r : M u l t i m e d i a , the original Xbox hardware), but S o f t w a r e , F r e e w a r e , O p e n has now blossomed into a fullSource, Mac mini, Apple TV Just featured media center that is in case the gifts you got from usable on your Apple TV or Mac. your family last week didn't float Thanks to an app, you can use your boat (no kidding, I got a your iPhone as a remote as well. Yakov Smirnoff DVD -- I love The new version 9.11, a.k.a. my parents, but they're not the "Camelot," has far too many new best gift givers in the world), changes for us to list in their here's another fun present to entirety here, but there's a unwrap. The folks at XBMC revamped (and good-looking) released a brand new version on user interface with increased Christmas Eve, and it's available skinning capability, updated
support for different subtitles and video formats, new movie database scrapers for picking up information, and specifically in Mac OS X, support for the very
popular Logitech Harmony Universal Remote. The devs say they're excited to get this one out the door, if only because it means they can move on to bigger and
NPR's iPhone app helps doctor recommend treatment for stroke patient By Megan Lavey (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))
instructor, collapsed while shopping, and word went out to her family members that she had been rushed to the hospital. Her Submitted at 12/29/2009 12:00:00 PM brother, Dr. Joe Hastings, told his Filed under: Odds and ends, wife about his sister's illness, iPhone I have been a huge fan of who commented that it sounded NPR's News app [ iTunes link] like a story she heard about since it was initially released in s t r o k e t r e a t m e n t o n N P R . August, and so seeing the Hastings accessed the story on following item was especially the NPR app and e-mailed it to heartwarming. Right before the rest of the family. He then Christmas, NPR published a contacted the doctors treating story on how a Los Angeles Gill and urged them to utilize the doctor utilized the NPR app to drug, tPA, mentioned in the obtain the information needed to story. get the right stroke treatment Gill has since made a complete drug for his sister. recovery. While tPA is not a Tanya Gill, a Chicago art 'miracle drug' for stroke (it can
only be used on a subset of patients, in a very narrow time window, and carries with it a substantial risk of severe
bleeding), in this case it may have made a big difference. How has 'the internet in your pocket' changed how you interact with family members and health professionals when it comes to medical issues? Let us know in the comments. TUAW NPR's iPhone app helps doctor recommend treatment for stroke patient originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments
better very soon. Kudos on the release (during the holiday season!), and if you're an XBMC fan, have at it! [via Engadget] TUAW XBMC "Camelot" update brings lots of new features originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 28 Dec 2009 19:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments
Meet Kourtney Kardashian's Baby Boy (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:30:00 AM
Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick introduced the newest member of the Kardashian clan in this week’s Life & Style magazine, on newsstands now. "It feels amazing. It's just so indescribable. You don't get how good being a parent feels until it happens to you," Kourtney says of parenthood. New dad Scott says of his son, "I fall so much more in love with this kid every day. I can't imagine how much more in love with him I'm going to be by the time he's 5 or 10 or 20!"
E-reader News Edition
Garmin adds new wilderness GPS models (CNET News.com) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:51:40 AM
Garmin's Oregon 450t wilderness GPS device(Credit: Garmin) Garmin announced two new midrange touch-screen GPS devices Tuesday, the $399 Oregon 450 and $499 Oregon 450t for hikers or others who want a navigation system in the wilderness. Both the models offer a 3-inch color display that can be operated even with gloved hands, the company said. Among improvements over earlier models are user-selectable "dashboard" interfaces, highBy Michael Grothaus (The the press release: changed our lives, meet some of speed USB, photo navigation, a Unofficial Apple Weblog Apps are everywhere. In less the creators behind them, and three-axis electronic compass (TUAW)) than two years, the app craze has figure out just how big a business that compensates when the t a k e n o v e r . T h e s e s m a l l they really are. CNBC's "Planet device is tilted, and better track Submitted at 12/28/2009 10:45:00 PM applications - or apps - that fit on o f t h e A p p s : A H a n d h e l d navigation that shows upcoming Filed under: iPhone, App Store I our mobile phone do everything Revolution!" will premiere on changes in elevation. Like earlier was just watching CNBC and from helping us accomplish Thursday, January 7th at 10PM, models, the 450 and 450t have a saw a commercial for a special mundane tasks to keeping us and repeats at 1AM. No comment barometric altimeter and can called " Planet of the Apps: A entertained while we wait for the on the cleverness of the show's exchange tracks, waypoints, Handheld Revolution!" The one- bus. title, or lack thereof. routes, and geocaches with hour program looks at how the Apps are popular and profitable. TUAW CNBC to air 'Planet of various newer Garmin GPS launch of the Apple iPhone in Studies estimate, the Apple the Apps' on January 7 originally systems. June of 2007 gave birth to a iPhone apps store alone generates appeared on The Unofficial The 450t also has built-in revolution in mobile technology. about $200 million a month in Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Mon, 100,000:1 scale topographic The main site lists some highlight sales. Innovative and often 28 Dec 2009 22:45:00 EST. maps for the United States and from the show, including a piece addictive apps are changing the Please see our terms for use of 3D perspective to better gauge on Heroes actor Greg Grunberg way we work and live. feeds. terrain elevation. That map and his "second job" as an app Welcome to Planet of the Apps: Read| Permalink| Email this| developer (he's one of the people A Handheld Revolution. In this Comments behind the Yowza! app). From hour we'll look at how apps have
CNBC to air 'Planet of the Apps' on January 7
includes major trails, roads, coastlines, rivers, lakes, parks, and wilderness areas, Garmin said. Both are due to ship in the first quarter of 2010, the company said. The units also come with utility software for Mac or Windows computers to bring details of paper or electronic maps to the device. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
E-reader News Edition
“iGuide” Emerges as Another Potential Apple Tablet Name
WAYS continued from page 16
points to the collaborative efforts between universities and news organizations, such as the Bay By Adam Ostrow (Mashable!) upcoming tablet computer or a Area News Project, a partnership between Berkley’s Graduate related software or service.” Submitted at 12/29/2009 7:29:14 AM Frankly, neither iGuide or iSlate School of Journalism and a With growing anticipation that rolls off the tongue quite like public radio station. Apple will launch a Tablet early iPod, iPhone or iTunes, and I still “However, I’ve found that, in 2010, another guessing game wouldn’t be surprised to see understandably, ceding even a has emerged alongside trying to Apple go in a completely m o d i c u m o f c o n t r o l t o figure out the device’s specs. different direction when it comes students/professors does not That game involves determining trademark application for the to naming the device that most come easily, even when news the actual name of what we’ve n a m e “ i G u i d e ” t h r o u g h a n o w s e e a s a c e r t a i n t y . organizations are facing down a been calling the Apple Tablet company called iGuide Media Nonetheless, it seems like situation in which there are a since rumors first started popping LLC. “iGuide” or “iSlate” were at least serious deficit of boots on the ground,” Brown-Smith said. up earlier this year. The trademark application hints considered at some point during More journalism resources from A few days ago, iSlate emerged of many tablet-esque features, the process. as a potential name when it was including an all-purpose media What do you think of the Mashable: discovered that Apple owns the browser and downloadable potential names? Let us know in - 10 News Media Content Trends to Watch in 2010 domain name iSlate.com. Now, electronic content. As such, the comments. another “iSomething” has joined MacRumors speculates that the Tags: apple, Apple Tablet, - 8 M u s t - H a v e T r a i t s o f Tomorrow’s Journalist the mix, as MacRumors has iGuide name could be “Apple’s iguide - 10 Ways Journalism Schools found that Apple filed a
Time-lapse tips for your Mac and iPhone By Mike Schramm (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))
you through some options, from expensive to free and complicated to simple, for creating time-lapse pictures and Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:30:00 AM videos on your Mac and iPhone. F i l e d u n d e r : M u l t i m e d i a , Some of them we've already Software, Video, iPhone heard and written about, I've been messing around with including iStopMotion 2 and the m o r e v i d e o l a t e l y , a n d great open source Gawker, but considering doing some time- there are a few new names in lapse work, so this post over at here for me as well. The $2.99 Macworld came at the exact right iTimeLapse Pro[ iTunes link] and time for me. Heather Kelly walks free GorillaCam [ iTunes link]
apps, both of which let you make some pretty amazing footage straight from your iPhone, are also mentioned. Putting together interesting timelapse photography is a great skill to have no matter what you're doing -- it can be used to show off your work online or just give you a look at visual trends in whatever space you tend to be studying. It's great that we've got lots and lots of different apps, on
both Mac and the iPhone, that help make it easy to assemble this stuff. TUAW Time-lapse tips for your Mac and iPhone originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments
Are Teaching Social Media - The Journalist’s Guide to Twitter - Why NPR is the Future of Mainstream Media - Social Journalism: Past, Present, and Future - Everything I Need to Know About Twitter I learned in J School - 10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy Image courtesy of iStockphoto, Warchi Reviews: Facebook, Google Wave, Twitter, iStockphoto, news Tags: business, collaboration, journalism, media, News
Tech/ Tech Blog/
E-reader News Edition
Analyst: Apps the secret to Apple's tablet success
CenturyLink Won't Provide DSL, Frontier News Wants To Block Competitor From blog re-start Getting Fed Funds To Offer Wireless (Scripting News)
(CNET News.com)
By Mike Masnick (Techdirt)
Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:54:00 AM
It won't be the 10-inch touchscreen display that drives adoption of Apple's rumored tablet computer, but rather the availability of apps for the device, according to one industry analyst. Gene Munster, senior research analyst at Piper Jaffray, said in a research note to clients on Monday that initial tablet successes will come from the confidence consumers have with Apple's mobile platform. It is widely expected that Apple will use an iPhone-like operating system on the tablet, enabling consumers to utilize existing apps. Recent media reports that Apple is asking developers for super-
sized versions of their apps is helping to fuel speculation that existing apps will work on the tablet. An interesting tidbit of information in Munster's research note is that he expects Apple's tablet to compete well in the netbook category. While the Netbook focuses on its portability, Munster sees the tablet focusing "more on apps, entertainment content (from the iTunes Store), and Web surfing." Apple reportedly chose Innolux, a subsidiary of longtime manufacturing partner Foxconn, as the supplier for the 10-inch displays. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
broadband services in those areas. Yet, CenturyLink has filed Submitted at 12/28/2009 11:04:21 PM a complaint with the government It's no secret that many ISPs saying that because it offers prefer to have a monopoly. broadband in "some or all" (see We've seen it over and over again what it did there?) of the areas in efforts to block competitors ESI wants to provide service in, from getting into the space, while CenturyLink is suggesting that at the same time they lobby the the feds shouldn't give ESI the government for more rights of money it's asking for. way and other benefits. The Now, this is a case where latest example is CenturyLink (a accurate data on broadband combination of CenturyTel and penetration might be helpful, but Embarq) in North Carolina. The when Connected Nation keeps company has made it clear that it winning contracts to provide won't provide DSL to certain such maps -- and Connected "low density" areas. And if that's Nation is set up by the same what it wants to do, fine. But, it broadband incumbents who don't shouldn't then try to block those want competition, guess how who do want to offer broadband, accurate those maps will be? such as Electronic Solutions Inc., Permalink| Comments| Email which Broadband Reports notes This Story has applied for federal broadband stimulus funds to offer wireless
Submitted at 12/28/2009 11:54:57 AM
I've started a new blog to document the root-level work I'm doing in the OPML Editor. http://frontiernews.org/2009/12/2 8/welcome-to-the-frontier-newsblog/ In a way this is not a new blog at all. Frontier News is a very old name in our community. Before there was Scripting News, I had a blog that documented work we were doing in Frontier. So in a sense this is the continuation of a thread that goes back to 1996 and before that, to the CompuServe forum and support we were doing on AppleLink starting in 1990. Big wheel keep on turning!
Does It Make Sense That A Non-Official Advertiser Can't Give Away Sporting Events Tickets? By Mike Masnick (Techdirt) Submitted at 12/29/2009 4:05:00 AM
Back in October, we wrote about how the Philadelphia Eagles were trying to stop radio stations from doing promotional giveaways of tickets they had legally purchased. The team basically claims that the terms (which no
one reads nor technically "agrees" to) on the back of the ticket forbid such uses of the tickets. Instead, clearly, the Eagles wanted to sell the rights to do promotional giveaways. Now there's a similar lawsuit involving Major League Soccer and FIFA. JJ points us to a lawsuit in which the organization that handles
marketing for both soccer organizations is quite upset at Black & Decker for doing ticket giveaway promotions. The reason why they're so upset? B&D competitor Makita is "the official power tool" of both soccer leagues in the US. In this case, they're arguing trademark infringement and breach of
contract, though both seem questionable. If it's an accurate promotion, such that B&D is literally giving away legally purchased tickets and merchandise, then as long as it doesn't suggest endorsement from the soccer leagues, there shouldn't be much confusion. As for the breach of contract, if
B&D never agreed to the contract, it's hard to see how they can be held to it. Permalink| Comments| Email This Story
Tech/ TV/
E-reader News Edition
Tim Cook gets $12.3M for watching HD Radio with iTunes Apple while Jobs was out Tagging Coming to Ford Vehicles in 2010 By Michael Grothaus (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))
By Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!)
Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:30:00 AM
Filed under: Apple Corporate, Apple Financial Apple COO Tim Cook has received $12.3 million in Apple stock for stepping in as CEO during Steve Jobs absence earlier this year. Considering its been a rough couple of years for the economy and many CEOs still got large salaries for doing very little, it's nice to see Cook being rewarded for, you know, actually doing something and producing results. In 2007 and 2008 Cook earned stock awards worth $7 million and $6 million, respectively. This year for Tim closes with a $12.3 million stock award plus a $100,00 salary raise (up to $800,000 from $700,000) and a fat cash bonus of $800,000. Total compensation for 2009? $14
Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:32:22 AM
million. Steve Jobs took his usual $1 salary and a $1 bonus. But don't worry, he's doing just fine with his 5.5 million shares of Apple ( AAPL) stock, which closed Monday at another all-time high of $211.61 a share (that makes Steve's shares worth a cool $1,163,855,000). TUAW Tim Cook gets $12.3M
for watching Apple while Jobs was out originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments
Soon almost anything will be possible — in your car, that is. Ford recently revealed that in 2010, SYNC-equipped vehicles will become Wi-Fi hotspots, and today they’re announcing new HD Radio technology with iTunes Tagging for the year ahead as well. Ford is the first automaker to release this technology, which will not only elevate radio quality to a near-perfect CD-like audio experience, but will also enable users to simply hit a “TAG” button on the radio display to mark songs — heard on HD Radio — for future purchase. The SNYC system can store 100 tags at a time, with data transferred to connected iPods. Once an iPod is synced with the user’s iTunes, that individual will
be able to view the songs they tagged in the car, listen to previews and purchase songs via iTunes. HD Radio promises a hiccupfree listening experience, and iTunes Tagging should eliminate memory lapses around tracks first heard on the radio. These features, combined with a car capable of doubling as a Wi-Fi hotspot, means that Ford is focused on building the car of the future, and we’re ready to take it for a ride. Tags: automotive, ford, media, social media
Why did Comedy Central cancel The Jeff Dunham Show? By Bob Sassone (TV Squad) Submitted at 12/29/2009 11:01:00 AM
You don't usually see the #1 cable debut get canceled in its first season, but that's what has happened to The Jeff Dunham Show.
Comedy Central says that they have decided not to renew the comedy show featuring puppets. The comic will, however, still have a new comedy special on the network sometime next year. Now, obviously, there are other viewers will probably never be things going on here that we as privy to. But still, when you have
a new weekly show (as well as a couple of specials) that do so well in the ratings (even if the audience did drop a bit later in the season), it's odd that you cancel it. I'd love to hear what really happened. Filed under: Other Comedy
Shows, Cancellations, RealityFree Permalink| Email this| | Comments
Tech/ Entertainment/
E-reader News Edition
New Twitter Worm Promises More Followers [ALERT]
T-Mobile to Employees: Get Ready for Google Phone
By Adam Ostrow (Mashable!)
By Adam Ostrow (Mashable!)
Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:04:49 AM
Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:03:42 AM
Bristol Palin Files for Sole Custody of Son Tripp (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 4:00:00 AM
ET has obtained the court papers that show Bristol Palin has filed for sole custody of son Tripp, Just in time for the end of the Evidence continues to mount who she shares with ex-boyfriend holiday season: We’ve received that the Google Phone, a.k.a. Levi Johnston. multiple reports that a new worm Nexus One, will make its debut Bristol's attorney Thomas V. that promises the gift of more during the first full week of the Van Flein said in the papers, followers is spreading quickly on new year. The latest: an update "The best interests of the child Twitter. Unfortunately, the only to an internal T-Mobile website compel the conclusion that thing that the sites involved seem similar scam also seems to be that says, “ Google, with support coverage, features and rate Bristol should be awarded 100% to do is use your account to spam fairly widespread in Portuguese. from T-Mobile, is scheduled to plans.” legal and physical custody of your followers. We’re still digging to get to the launch a new Android device in Other key details, like Google’s Tripp, with visitation rights in One of the sites involved asks bottom of this scam, but with early January.” retail pricing and potential favor of Levi." for your Twitter username and “Twitter Followers” hitting This confirms earlier reports that discounts that might come with a Despite a request by Bristol's password and appears to be trending topics, it’s clear many suggested the device would T-Mobile contract remain to-be- legal team to keep the court associated with the Twitter people are falling for something launch on or around January 5, determined. What appear to full proceedings closed, the status of account @GetFreeFollowers, today. We’ll update when we which makes sense given CES is specs of the device, however, the case is currently listed as which has been suspended by know more — in the meantime, also taking place that week. The were leaked on the web last being open. Levi said, "I feel Twitter. Another that I came be sure to keep your credentials update also confirms that the week. Reviews: Google more comfortable in a public a c r o s s m a y b e f a r m o r e safe and be dubious of video phone will be sold directly by Tags: Google, google phone, courtroom which will help damaging, as it appears to be l i n k s . R e v i e w s : T w i t t e r , Google via the web, with T- nexus one, T-Mobile everyone stay civil and be on spreading malware through what Y o u T u b e Mobile offering “billing, their best behavior." look to be YouTube videos (but Tags: koobface, security, twitter actually work like Koobface). A
Apple drops MacBook to $899 for students By Michael Grothaus (The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW))
MacBook from $949 to $899 for students, teachers, and faculty members. The white polycarbonate Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:10:00 AM MacBook specs remain at F i l e d u n d e r : H a r d w a r e , 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB Education, MacBook Just a quick DDR3 memory, 250GB hard note that the online Apple Store drive, SuperDrive, and the has quietly dropped their white N V I D I A G e F o r c e 9 4 0 0 M
graphics card. Other Macs and accessories
seem to have retained their previous student pricing. It's only $50, but if you're an education customer in need of a cheap Mac this is a nice post-holiday gift from Apple. TUAW Apple drops MacBook to $899 for students originally appeared on The Unofficial
Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 09:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments
Politics/ Entertainment/
E-reader News Edition
Report: Bush Administration Released Two Al Qaeda Leaders Behind NW 253 Terror Plot
Hitchens on Our Absurd Ideas of 'Security'
(Little Green Footballs)
Again, Christopher Hitchens cuts through the nonsense: The truth about airplane security measures. Why do we fail to detect or defeat the guilty, and why do we do so well at collective punishment of the innocent? The answer to the first question is: Because we can’t—or won’t. The answer to the second question is: Because we can. The fault here is not just with our endlessly incompetent security services, who give the benefit of the doubt to people who should have been arrested long ago or at least had their visas and travel rights revoked. It is also with a public opinion that sheepishly bleats to be made to “feel safe.” The demand to satisfy that sad illusion can be met with relative ease if you pay enough people to stand around and stare significantly at the citizens’ toothpaste. My impression as a frequent traveler is that intelligent Americans fail to protest at this inanity in case it is they who attract attention and end up on a no-fly list instead. Perfect. It was reported over the weekend
send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an “art ABC News has a report that two therapy rehabilitation program” of the Al Qaeda leaders behind and were set free, according to the Christmas Day attack plot U.S. and Saudi officials. were released from Guantanamo Guantanamo prisoner #333, Bay in 2007, and handed over to Muhamad Attik al-Harbi, and Saudi Arabia. prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari, Where they underwent “art were sent to Saudi Arabia on therapy,” and then were set free. Nov. 9, 2007, according to the Our friends, the Saudis. Defense Department log of Two of the four leaders allegedly detainees who were released behind the al Qaeda plot to blow from American custody. Alu p a N o r t h w e s t A i r l i n e s Harbi has since changed his passenger jet over Detroit were name to Muhamad al-Awfi. released by the U.S. from the Please note: in 2007, the G u a n t a n a m o p r i s o n i n President of the United States November, 2007, according to was George W. Bush. A m e r i c a n o f f i c i a l s a n d UPDATE at 12/28/09 5:37:00 D e p a r t m e n t o f D e f e n s e pm: documents. Al Qaeda claimed I saw this coming over two years responsibility for the Northwest ago: Video: Saudi Terrorist bombing in a Monday statement Rehab. that vowed more attacks on Our friends the Saudis claim to Americans. be rehabilitating Islamic terrorists American officials agreed to released from Guantanamo Bay, Submitted at 12/28/2009 5:15:18 PM
and here&##x2019;s a clip from UK TV promoting that claim. (Do I sound skeptical?) Here we see some of these poor misunderstood terrorists being rehabilitated with the magical healing power of art:[Video] UPDATE at 12/28/09 6:03:37 pm: I’ve been undecided on the issue of trying Gitmo detainees for a long time — but I’m now in favor of trying the Gitmo detainees in civilian court, throwing the book at them, and locking them up after they’ve been given due process, and convicted, and no one can complain any more. And if they aren’t convicted, it’s because we didn’t have enough evidence to convict them. I have a lot more faith in the American criminal justice system than I do in Saudi Arabia’s “art therapy” program.
Van Morrison Welcomes 'Little Van' (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 3:55:00 AM
Van Morrison proudly announced the December 28th
birth his son on his website. He and wife Gigi have named the baby boy George Ivan Morrison III. The couple says "Little Van" is
"the spitting image of his daddy." The new little addition is a dual citizen of Northern Ireland/United Kingdom and the United States.
(Little Green Footballs) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:54:45 AM
that in the aftermath of the Detroit fiasco, no official decision was made about whether to raise the designated “threat level” from orange. Orange! Could this possibly be because it would be panicky and ridiculous to change it to red and really, really absurd to lower it to yellow? But isn’t it just as preposterous (and revealing), immediately after a known Muslim extremist has waltzed through every flimsy barrier, to leave it just where it was the day before? What nobody in authority thinks us grown-up enough to be told is this: We had better get used to being the civilians who are under a relentless and planned assault from the pledged supporters of a wicked theocratic ideology. These people will kill themselves to attack hotels, weddings, buses, subways, cinemas, and trains. They consider Jews, Christians, Hindus, women, homosexuals, and dissident Muslims (to give only the main instances) to be divinely mandated slaughter victims. Our civil aviation is only the most psychologically frightening symbol of a plethora of potential targets. Read the whole thing…
Politics/ Tech Tips/ Entertainment/
E-reader News Edition
Why I Left the Right, Exhibit H for Homophobia
Michael Oher: 'The Blind Side' Inspiration
(Little Green Footballs)
(ETonline - Breaking News)
Submitted at 12/28/2009 3:14:37 PM
Illinois Republican Senate candidate Andy Martin tries to get the GOP base on his side by accusing his primary opponent of the dreaded ghey. Here’s the transcript of Martin’s ad: I’m Andy Martin, Republican candidate for United States Senator. I approved this message because Illinois Republicans deserve the truth about their candidates. I have over forty years of
experience and integrity fighting corruption, and fighting for the truth in politics. I helped expose many of Barack Obama’s lies in 2008. Today, I am fighting for the facts about Mark Kirk. Illinois Republican leader Jack Roeser says there is a, “solid rumor that Kirk is a homosexual.” Roeser suggests that Kirk is part of a Republican Party homosexual club. Lake County Illinois Republican leader Ray True says Kirk has surrounded himself with homosexuals. Mark Kirk should tell
Republican voters the truth. Smears don’t get much uglier than that. Andy Martin, meanwhile, is a Birther who claims that Barack Obama is a sekrit Muslim Manchurian candidate. And that’s no “rumor.” The most persistent falsehood about Senator Barack Obama’s background first hit in 2004 just two weeks after the Democratic convention speech that helped set him on the path to his presidential candidacy: “Obama is a Muslim who has concealed his religion.”
Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:00:00 AM
Meet the true story behind the sleeper movie of the holidays! Sandra Bullock's heartwarming tale of a Southern family that takes in a troubled youth who realizes his football dreams has made close to $200 million at the box office. Now, "20/20" has Michael Ohers' first sit-down interview, and we've got a sneak peek! Growing up in the projects of Memphis, TN, Oher (played by Quinton Aaron in the movie)
never realized he would one day realize his dream of playing professional football. Now he is a rookie tackle with the Baltimore Ravens. "I've always had that fire and passion in me on the field, you know?" says Oher. "You can't put any aggression into a person, I don't think. You can't tell a person how to go out there and play football … you just can't do it. It's impossible. Either you have that toughness and that aggression or you don't."
Keep Your Winter Emergency Kit Ready and Be Wary of Your GPS [Safety] By Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:30:00 AM
A Nevada couple spent Christmas Day stranded on a remote road in a snow-laden National Forest thanks to some less than stellar directions from their GPS. They survived the three days comfortably thanks to their winter emergency kit. Photo by Marcin Wichary. While the GPS device didn't fail them, it was in fact giving them good directions to their
destination, the GPS device had no idea that driving that area at that time of year would be dangerous and could possibly leave you stranded in the snow with nary a passerby to help you. After the couple ended up stuck in a snow drift, the weather conditions and weak cellular signal kept them from calling for help for nearly three days. During that time they remained comfortable by using their emergency supplies: The couple was well-equipped for winter travel, carrying food,
water and warm clothes, the sheriff said. "Their statement was, being prepared saved their life," he said.
No one thinks they'll be the one stranded in a cold winter night but it can happen to anyone, even on Christmas Day. Make sure to take stock of your own
emergency car kit, reference our guide to putting together an emergency car kit for help if you need to beef yours up, and while you're at it make sure your map reading skills are up to par should your GPS fail on you. Have your own tips for safe winter travel? Let's hear about them in the comments. Couple Stranded 3 Days after GPS Leads Them Astray[via Yahoo! News]
Tech Tips/
E-reader News Edition
Gadget and Gear Deals of the Day [Dealhacker] By Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:00:00 AM
Deeply discounted computers, HDTVs, and some free music and iPhone apps await you in today's Dealhacker roundup. Want to upgrade that lump of coal you got in your stocking? Now's the time. Computer Gear! • 15.6" Gateway NV5820u LED Laptop for $560 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $650) • 13.4" Dell Adamo Ultrathin SSD Laptop (Black or Pearl) for $1,124.25 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $1,499) • 15.6" Lenovo IdeaPad Y550 LED Laptop for $529 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $958) • 10" Samsung N130-13P Netbook (Pink) for $295.51 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $329) • 15.6" HP Pavilion DV61350US 2.2GHz Intel Core2 Duo 4gb RAM 320 GB HDD Windows 7 Laptop for $599.99 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $749 - use this form). • 15.6" Gateway NV5820u 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB Ram, 500GB HDD Laptop for $560.03 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $699.99). • 10.1" Samsung N130-13P 1.6GHz CPU 1GB Ram Pink Netbook for $295.51 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $336.12). • ASUS Skype Video Phone Touch SV1TS for $149.95 + Free
Shipping(Regular Price: $210.14 - use this form). • 15.6" Lenovo IdeaPad Y550 Laptop with Core 2 Duo, 3GB RAM for $529 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $998) • 23" Dell ST2310 Widescreen Monitor for $158.00 plus free next day shipping(Regular Price: $258 - use coupon code 2DNHT11?TTJRT9) • Brother MFC-790CW All-inOne Color Inkjet Wireless Printer for $99.98 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $149) • 23" HP TouchSmart 600-1050 Touch-enabled PC for $1084.99 with free shipping(Regular Price: $1,175 - use coupon code SVN9846) • 20" HP TouchSmart 300-1020 Touch-enabled PC for $834.99 with free shipping(Regular Price: $899.99 - use coupon code SVN9846) • Dell Vostro 220 Slim Desktop 2.93GHz and 20" LCD for $429 with free shipping(Regular Price: $746) • 18.5" MSI Wind Top AE190001SUS All-in-One Touchscreen PC for $449 with free
Shipping(Regular Price: $392) • Logitech Harmony 890 Advanced Universal Remote Control for $174.97 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $312) • 55" Samsung 1080p HDTV for only $1600 with free shipping(Regular Price: $2189) • 46" Panasonic TC-P46G10 1080p HDTV for only $1050 with free shipping(Regular Price: $1139) shipping(Regular Price: $499.99 L C D f o r $ 1 9 9 . 9 9 + F r e e • 42" LG 42SL90 1080p HDTV - u s e c o u p o n c o d e Shipping(Regular Price: $234) f o r $ 1 , 1 9 9 w i t h f r e e SNOWMAN10) • Belkin F5L009 5-Port Network s h i p p i n g ( R e g u l a r P r i c e : • 17" Dell Vostro 1720 Laptop USB Hub for $59 with free $ 1 , 3 5 4 . 7 7 ) 2.20GHz for $629 with free shipping(Regular Price: $90) • 37" Toshiba 37RV525R 1080p shipping(Regular Price: $1046) • HP SimpleSave 1TB External HDTV for $499.99 + Free • 15.6" Dell Inspiron 15 Laptop HDD for $95 shipped(Regular Shipping(Regular Price: $550) • 37" Insignia NS-LCD37-09 for $549.99 plus $15 shipping or Price: $110) free in-store pickup(Regular • Logitech G500 Wired Laser 720p HDTV for $499.99 plus Price: $620) Gaming Mouse $39.99(Regular free in-store pickup(Regular Price: $750) • 15.6" Toshiba Satellite L505D- Price: $59) S5983 2GHz Laptop for $399.99 • Logitech G9 Laser Gaming • Sharp BD-HP210U AQUOS with $15 shipping(Regular Price: Mouse for $44.99(Regular Price: Blu-ray Disc Player for $102.97 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $449.99) $59.95) • 14" Toshiba Satellite L515- • Klisch ProMedia 2.1 THX $133.99) S4960 Laptop for $450 with free S p e a k e r S y s t e m f o r • HP BD-2000 Blu-ray Disc shipping(Regular Price: $550) $131.74(Regular Price: $155) Player for $107.99 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $129.58) • 14" Dell Inspiron Laptop for • Logitech Harmony 890 $449.99 plus $15 shipping or free Home Entertainment Gear! in-store pickup(Regular Price: • 55" Samsung LN55B640 Advanced Universal Remote $580) 1 0 8 0 p 1 2 0 h z L C D T V f o r Control for $174.97 + Free • 13.3" HP Pavilion dm3 Laptop $ 1 , 5 9 9 . 9 9 + F r e e Shipping(Regular Price: f o r $ 5 2 4 . 3 0 + F r e e Shipping(Regular Price: $2090) $ 1 9 7 . 1 0 ) . Shipping(Regular Price: $749) • LG 37LG30 37-Inch 720p • OmniMount VFL Flat Panel • 10.1" Asus Eee PC 1005HAB LCD TV for $479.99 + Free Wall Mount Bracket for $25.34 + Netbook for $249.99(Regular Shipping(Regular Price: $645) Free Shipping(Regular Price: $39 Price: $319) • 26" Panasonic VIERA TC- - u s e c o u p o n c o d e : • 10.1" Samsung Go N310- L26X1 720p LCD HDTV w/ B O N U S B U Y ) 13GBK Intel Atom Netbook for iPod dock for $299 + Free • Polk Audio Monitor 70 3-Way $300 with free shipping(Regular Shipping(Regular Price: $330) Speaker for $159.99 + Free Price: $425) • 26" Auria EQ2688 720p LCD GADGET page 32 • 25" Hanns-G HH-251HPB HDTV for $249.99 + Free
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Tech Tips/
Six Kitchen Skills You Can Pick Up This Weekend [Weekend Project] By Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:00:00 AM
With a second three-day weekend coming up, you've probably got some real free time. If you're not on the road, might we recommend developing some new cooking chops? These relatively pain-free projects and how-tos are yours for the learning. Season a skillet and keep it stick-free The cast-iron skillet is a serious kitchen workhorse, being heavy enough to handle high heat, oven transfers, and the most, shall we say, rich of foods. Give it the proper treatment it needs by properly seasoning it, thereby giving it a non-stick quality that'll last almost as long as you remember not to soak it in soap. Got a regular ol' skillet, but still want to ease your clean up? Learn in the video above how to hit the sweet spot of skillet heat, and read up on Houseboat Eats' guide to properly heating your pan. (Original posts: skillet seasoning, sticking). Make and toss pizza dough Michael Kalanty, a chef from the California Culinary Academy, shows us how to spread pizza dough into a circle the traditional—and much more fun—method in the video above. There's a bit of science to it, but you can pick it up through your not-too-expensive mistakes and
lemon and lime juice and zest; vanilla is always good, or add lemon and popyseeds, add cranberry and orange, blueberries, bananas ... If you season the batter with a little sugar and vanilla and pour it on a griddle, you have perfect pancakes. If you're looking to learn more about savory cooking, the Los Angeles Times has a similarly world-widening look at the chemistry of marinades and vinaigrettes. (Original post: marinades). No-knead, easypeasy bread, in all its flavors What can we say about the revelation of bread that doesn't require painful lessons in organic yeast chemistry that hasn't already been said? As Gina put it, and Apartment 2404 detailed, "All you need is flour, yeast, salt, experience. Not much on making done. Chef Roger Mooking Ruhlman, who's contributed cornmeal and about 24 hours." your own dough? TastingTable b r e a k s d o w n s o m e b a s i c some food science both here and Print out the no-knead recipe and gets Jim Lahey, the man behind knifework on YouTube, and at Gizmodo, has explained how, keep it handy, and check out the t h e n o - k n e a d b r e a d ( c i t e d Popular Mechanics has a great using a good kitchen scale and faster and whole wheat versions elsewhere here), to reveal his primer on sharpening your own some ratio knowledge, it's all too while you're discovering the recipe for no-knead pizza dough, k n i v e s . F i n d i n g y o u r s e l f easy to knock out nearly any kind patisserie in your kitchen. which Lahey himself says is suddenly in need of a great of baked good: (Original posts: no-knead bread, easy—except for the tossing part. blade? Gizmodo has a guide to 2 parts flour and liquid, 1 part faster and healthier). Cook your (Original posts: dough tossing, properly buying and maintaining egg and butter. That will give eggs just right no-knead dough). Properly Use a good knives. (Original post: you a perfect muffin or, baked in One thing everyone can agree on Sharp Knife and Keep it Sharp seriously sharp knife). Learn a loaf pan, a quickbread. Now, with eggs, no matter which Ask nearly any chef what their basic kitchen ratios you also need to have a little camp—poached, scrambled, most essential kitchen tool is, and It's feeling like a lazy Sunday technique and common sense. A fried, boiled, sunny side up or chances are the answer comes morning, so you want pancakes. teaspoon of baking powder for down—they're coming from, is back to a chef's knife. Some There's a recipe on the box, but it every 5 ounces (cup) of flour is that they have to be cooked just might go the straighter-edged doesn't make the right amount. needed for leavening, a pinch of santoku route, but a big, firm-in- Should you go Google-ing for salt for flavor, but that's it. If you SIX page 32 the-hand knife gets the real work just the right recipe? No! Michael want a lemon-lime cake, add
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continued from page 30
Shipping(Regular Price: $199 use coupon code EMCMNNT58) Portable Gear! • Beltronics V940 Vector Radar/laser Detector with Text Display and Voice Alerts for $89.99 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $139.39). • Altec Lansing inMotion MIX iMT800 Portable Digital Boom Box for iPhone and iPod for $199.99 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $230). • Nokia 5530 XpressMusic Black Unlocked Phone for $215.00 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $279.99) • MyVideo VGA Camcorder for $59.99 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: • TomTom XL 330S GPS for $95.05 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $130) • Garmin nuvi 1300 Portable GPS for $119.99 + Free
continued from page 31
Shipping(Regular Price: $139) • Insignia NS-DV1080P HD Camcorder for $99.99(Regular Price: $149) • Klipsch Custom-1 in-ear Noise Isolating Earphone for $39.95 with free shipping(Regular Price: $77.37) • Logitech Squeezebox Radio for $149.29 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $177) • Waring Pro Electric Indoor Grill and Griddle (Black only!) for $79.99 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $150). • Samsung SL420 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Optical Zoom for $98.00 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $119) • iFrogz Nerve Pipe Headphones for $12.25 + Free Shipping(Regular Price: $25 use coupon code shoppingbargains)
• 24 Hour Fitness 14 day pass for $0. • TrackMania Nations Forever (PC) for $0(use this form) • Tap Tap Revenage 3 (iPhone) for $0(Regular Price: $.99) • Wild West Pinball (iPhone/iPod Touch) for $0(Regular Price: $.99). • 14 Track Summer Compilation 2009(download here). • 4 Track Sampler Collector by Pascal Comelade for $0(download here).
so. Go over or under, and a great breakfast turns into a nutritional chore. Lifehacker tackled the boiling of an egg in its earliest days, but found its perfectionist peak with the University of Oslo's how to cook an egg webapp. The Kitchn blog has shown us how to manage heat, time, and oil to perfectly fry an egg, and, while it's certainly a matter of opinion, we like the creamy approach celebrity curser/chef Gordon Ramsay takes with his perfect egg breakfast. Thanks D e a l z o n , Then again, if you've got a fancyTechDealDigger, Slickdeals, Fatwallet, TechBargains, CheapStingyBargains, CheapCollegeGamers, and GamerHotline!
dancy espresso machine and don't mind cleaning off the steaming wand, you can make fluffy eggs with it, too. (Original posts: boil an egg, perfect boiled eggs, fried eggs, Ramsay's eggs, espresso eggs). What weekend projects have been totally worth the time? What would you like to learn to cook, bake, or cut on your dream weekend off? Tell us about it all in the comments.
Free Stuff!
NPR, IHeartRadio Apps Stream Local Radio to Android [Downloads] By Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:00:00 AM
Android: One thing most smartphones lack is a radio receiver, even though they make for great pocket radios. New apps from National Public Radio and Clear Channel make it nice and easy to grab local radio streams and podcasts. NPR's app doesn't do live
streaming, actually, but does offer story-by-story audio streams of the national channel's popular shows. In other words, if you heard the tail end of a segment on Morning Edition you wanted to hear the rest of, it's usually available right away on the Android app. Your local NPR affiliate's programming is usually available in podcast or streaming versions.
provides live streams for that corporation's own stations. If you're not a fan of how consolidated the public airwaves have become, you'll find it disheartening how many channels you can pick from the app's local offerings; otherwise, if you're just looking for a local iHeartRadio, Clear Channel drive-time show or some tunes, Communication's own app, it's just the right app. It also offers up specialty programmed
streams from artists like Weezer and local stations, if they offer them. Both apps are free downloads and can be easily found in the Android market. NPR News[AndroLib] iheartradio.com - Android
Tech Tips/ Entertainment/ Sports/
E-reader News Edition
Cocktail Cost Calculator Sizes Up Your Drink's Real Price [Drinks] By Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:00:00 AM
From the same inquisitive mind that brought us the sandwich price calculator comes another elegant, eye-opening tool to determine the real cost of cocktails Punch in your poison and see just how much the bar makes off your habit. As with the Sandwich Price Calculator, Rob Cockerham figured out the bulk prices of the core ingredients—booze, syrups, "fizz," liqueurs, and garnishes—that any well-stocked bar would have, then put together a web calculator to let us all
figure out how much our drinks would cost if we made them ourselves. It's doubtful a true gin & tonic aficionado is going to switch to
cheap scotch and soda just to save a few lousy cents on each pull, but Cockerham's calculator will give you some good insight into just how much the bar makes off each pull. And Rob's write-up of his means and methods is a great read for anyone interested in the science and economics of making a good drink for less. Find any fascinating price discoveries on your favorite beverage? Inspired to start stocking up at home? Tell us what you find in the comments. C o c k t a i l C o s t Calculator[Cockeyed.com]
Tom Arnold on Charlie Sheen & Wife Brooke: I Want Them to Work it Out (ETonline - Breaking News)
calling the situation "sad." "It's hard to work things out publicly," Arnold tells HTV, Tom Arnold reacts to the alleged adding that for the sake of their domestic dispute between his kids, "They gotta work it out." former neighbors Charlie Sheen "I feel bad for both of them," he and Brooke Mueller Sheen, continues. Submitted at 12/29/2009 7:20:00 AM
Bench paves the way as Suns dismantle Lakers By Associated Press (ESPN.com) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:12:28 AM
Fast Facts • The Lakers lost for the first time this season when scoring 100-plus points. • The Suns are just 6-9 in their last 15 games. tricky process, just systematic, • The Suns beat the Lakers for and requires, at most, a right- the third time in the last 11 click of a system tray utility meetings between the two teams. (intended for Internet Explorer -- ESPN Stats & Information users of Xmarks) before you next Five Filters featured article: sync your iPhone. Synchronize Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Firefox bookmarks with an PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, i P h o n e o r i P o d T o u c h o n Term Extraction. Windows[Yeah… Whatever]
Use Xmarks to Sync Firefox Bookmarks to an iPhone or iPod Touch [Bookmarks] By Kevin Purdy (Lifehacker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 7:10:00 AM
iPhones and iPod touch models can't sync with Firefox bookmarks, but you can regularly push your bookmarks to them on a Windows system. The trick involves the Xmarks sync service, Internet Explorer, and a
tiny system tray utility. It's not quite automatic, but the way blogger Shawn0 details his own solution for synchronizing his Firefox bookmarks to his iPod touch, it's much better than a manual import/export of HTML files. And, as Shawn found out, some of the previous Firefox-to- the latest builds of Firefox (3.0 iPhone solutions don't work with and newer, specifically). It's not
Video from Scene of Alleged Charlie Sheen Incident (ETonline - Breaking News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:36:00 AM
ET has new video from the scene where Charlie Sheen was accused of domestic violence
against his wife, Brooke. The video shows the quaint mountain resort town of Aspen
where Charlie and Brooke were staying with their twin babies when the alleged incident
occurred on Christmas Day.
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MySpace Taps Startup Collecta for Real-Time Search By Jolie O'Dell (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:00:00 AM
We've been keeping an eye on real-time search company Collecta for a while now, and we've been consistently impressed with their product. The startup has been making headlines throughout 2009 and is wrapping up the year with a bang. This morning, they announced a partnership with MySpace. The resulting utility is part pulse check, part search engine and all fun. It also serves as an automatically refreshing reminder that this social network is far from dead yet, especially there you can choose the amount where entertainment properties of the food, any condiments or are concerned. add-ons you'll be using, and Sponsor you'll get the stats on the food. The new product is based on It's a simple interface and it Collecta's site search platform doesn't dive into the nuances of and MySpace's real-time API. caloric intake like simple and For search results on everything complex carbohydrates, but for a from weather to celebrities to quick look up it's snappy and trending keywords, tit returns a filterable, streaming gallery of wide reaching.
MyFoodapedia Serves up Nutritional Stats on Hundreds of Foods [Nutrition] By Jason Fitzpatrick (Lifehacker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:30:00 AM
If you need a quick rundown on the nutritional content of a particular food, MyFoodapedia is a comprehensive food database brought to you by the USDA Center for Nutrition. Put the food you're searching for in the search box and MyFoodapedia will give you a list of potential matches to choose from, it will even show you recipes that commonly include the said ingredient. From
Have a favorite tool for looking up or tracking nutritional data? Let's hear about it in the comments. MyFoodapedia[via MakeUseOf]
collection of comments, photos, links and videos posted to MySpace by users. Based on IM protocols, Collecta's search platform pushes out content in real time as it's published. Each result also includes the poster's "mood," which also serves as a built-in mechanism for sentiment analysis. "Collecta brings the size and richness of the MySpace community to light," said MySpace COO Mike Jones. "Its instantaneous results provide insight into our users' moods and activities. It's great to see how quickly Collecta has used the MySpace Real-Time Stream API to deliver new value to people on the web." Collecta CEO Gerry Campbell also called MySpace one of the most vibrant web properties, saying, "MySpace users are
actively sharing an amazing volume of pictures and media, as well as expressing their thoughts on a very emotional and raw level. Our search platform cuts right into the center of all this activity. It reveals a slice of humanity that you couldn't see otherwise. Even a search for a basic term like 'happy' is incredibly fascinating." In addition to showing results for search terms, the new product also shows a brief overview of three top trends currently on MySpace. Collecta's general search function currently aggregates data from a slew of news and social sites and will soon incorporate publicly available data from MySpace, as well. MySpace's partnership shows an interesting use of Collecta's site search, but it's far from the only application. The platform can be used to show activity, trends and perspectives on just about any website. Discuss
Dumb, Kids [Fools] By Hamilton Nolan (Gawker)
educated and the fathers of four or more children." [ Businessweek. Pic: WTFDYHAK]
Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:41:30 AM
Half of men who get vasectomies never get a followup test done to make sure their
vasectomies worked. Those men are more likely to be "not highly
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E-reader News Edition
8 Mobile Technologies to Watch in 2009, 2010 By Sarah Perez (ReadWriteWeb)
point, it's expected that the 3.0 spec will include faster speeds, reportedly transferring files at Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:00:00 AM 480 megabits per second in close At the beginning of this year, proximity and 100 megabits per analyst firm Gartner released a second at 10 meters. It will also report that highlights eight up- feature an ultra-low-power mode and-coming mobile technologies that Gartner predicts will enable which they predict will impact new peripherals, sensors, and the mobile industry over the applications, such as health course of the next two years. monitoring. The technology will According to Nick Jones, vice b e b a c k w a r d s c o m p a t i b l e , president and analyst at the firm, a l l o w i n g o l d d e v i c e s t o t h e t e c h n o l o g i e s t h e y ' v e communicate with new ones, so identified will evolve quickly and there's no reason for it not take will likely pose issues that will off in the upcoming years. have to be addressed by short Mobile User Interfaces + Mobile term strategies. Web/Widgets Sponsor Mobile user interfaces and Editor's note: This story is part mobile web/widgets were listed of a series we call Redux, where separately, accounting for two we'll re-publish some of our best items on the list, but we think posts of 2009. As we look back they can be lumped together. at the year - and ahead to what They all point to how mobile next year holds - we think these computing is rapidly becoming a are the stories that deserve a new platform for everything from second glance. It's not just a best- consumer mobile apps to B2E of list, it's also a collection of (business-to-employee) and B2C p o s t s t h a t e x a m i n e t h e (business-to-customer). (Gartner fundamental issues that continue did not include B2B on their list.) to shape the Web. We hope you Modern day smartphones like the enjoy reading them again and we iPhone, Android, Blackberry, the look forward to bringing you upcoming Pre, and others deliver more Web products and trends better interfaces for browsing the analysis in 2010. Happy holidays web, thus making it accessible to from Team ReadWriteWeb! more people. Widget-like The eight technologies identified applications, including those that include the following: Bluetooth replicate thin client technology, 3.0 will become more common This is one of the no-brainers on especially in B2C strategies. Yet the list. The Bluetooth 3.0 t h e m o b i l e w e b s t i l l h a s specification will be released this challenges ahead. For example, year and devices will start to hit there are no standards for the shelves by 2010. At this b r o w s e r a c c e s s t o h a n d s e t
off location awareness signal that you're up to something sneaky ( so asks the suspicious wife, husband, boss, etc.)? As a society, we will have to answer these questions and more in the near future. Near Field Communication (NFC) NFC is a technology that provides a way for consumers to use their mobile phones for making payments, among other services like the camera or GPS, things. It's something that has taken off in many countries the report notes. worldwide, but certainly not all, Location Awareness Location sensing, powered by and definitely not in the United GPS as well as Wi-Fi and States just yet. Unfortunately, triangulation, opens up new Gartner predicts that the move possibilities for mobile social towards mobile payment systems n e t w o r k i n g a n d p r e s e n c e will still not occur this year or the a p p l i c a t i o n s . T e c h n o l o g y ' s next in mature markets like the earliest adopters are already U . S . a n d W e s t e r n E u r o p e . familiar with social networks like Instead, NFC is more likely to Brightkite and Loopt which let take off in emerging markets. you reveal your location to a Other uses of the technology, network of friends. But we're still such as the ability to transfer on the tip of this iceberg. Take photos from phone to digital for example, the iPhone IM client photo frames, will also remain Palringo, they're just now adding elusive to more developed l o c a t i o n s e r v i c e s t o t h e i r markets. 802.11n & Cellular application. This allows users to Broadband 802.11n, a specification for see how far away their contacts wireless local area networks are, introducing a whole new (WLANs), initially gave us dimension to mobile pause. Although not ratified as an communication. Over the next o f f i c i a l s t a n d ard yet, the year or two, this sort of t e c h n o l o g y is already technology is expected to become commonplace. However, until it more commonplace, but it will "goes gold" so to speak, it won't also raise questions about privacy. Will you want your really infiltrate the mobile world. network of online friends and Even the ubiquitous iPhone only acquaintances to really know supports 802.11 b/g at the moment. your exact location? Will turning On the flip side, the other
Internet connection technology, cellular broadband, has the potential to make Wi-Fi almost unnecessary, at least for achieving high speeds. In addition to mobile phones, laptop makers will likely continue to incorporate this technology into their netbooks and notebooks using modern chipsets that provide superior performance to our current crop of add-on cards and dongles. Display Technologies Display technologies will also see improvements in the upcoming years. New technologies like active pixel displays, passive displays and pico projectors will have an impact. Pico projectors - the tiny portable projectors we saw being introduced at this year's CES will enable new mobile use cases. Instant presentations in informal settings could become more common when there isn't large, cumbersome equipment to set up. The different types of display technologies introduced in 2009 and 2010 will become important differentiators between devices and will impact user selection criterion, says Gartner. For more information on these above technologies, you can read through the full report available here on Gartner's web site. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments on how you think the mobile space will be impacted in the future. Discuss
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E-reader News Edition
8 Things Every Geek Needs to Do Before 2010 By Jolie O'Dell (ReadWriteWeb) Submitted at 12/28/2009 9:14:30 PM
It's one thing to have resolutions for the new year. I, for example, plan to lose weight, learn Python and design the perfect handbag. But since nothing satisfies like the quick achievement of a shortterm goal, here are eight things every good nerd needs to to before the ball drops later this week. These tasks comprise a quick todo list that will leave you feeling competent and prepared for the decade that approaches. Also, you can play the condescension chip and start chiding friends who haven't checked off these items yet. Sponsor 1. Edit your privacy settings and friendships. Facebook's maelstrom-causing privacy changes have given quite a few of us a head-scratching good time trying to figure out just how much of our private lives are to be made public. Before the new year begins, take a look at your settings on sites such as Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, LiveJournal and any other places you might be sharing personal content to make sure what you display is consistent with the public image you want to project. As more recruiters and employers hit the web in search
of info on individuals, it's becoming ever more important to monitor and control our own identities. If you look back to the origin dates of some of your accounts, you might be surprised at what you thought was appropriate to share online in 2005. Also, while considering what's private and public, take time to evaluate what a "friend," "contact" or "follower" means to you and what types of information you share with different groups. 2. Change your passwords. Safety first, friends. Social web security threats in 2009 were sweeping and surprised more than a few users with spam DMs, hacked accounts and malware of all kinds. Check out the password management tools recommended by a recently high-profile hacker (scroll to the last few paragraphs); for free or cheap, they'll help you generate strong, random passwords and manage them from your computer. 3. Own your name. I've conducted many a web search on many a professional geek this year, and I've been disappointed by how few of us have staked a meaningful claim to our online identities. If you haven't already, buy a URL preferably one that relates to the name you use professionally and make friends with Google. If
make sure the feeds you own are easy for others to find, too. 5. Find a better mobile. If you don't have a smartphone already, chances are you'll desperately need one next year. And if you already have one, think long and hard about whether you're happy with your you don't show up in the first service, network and interface. results when you search for your While you might not be able to name, get a crash course in SEO run out and buy your dream and ask friends to link to you. It's device before 2010 rolls around, good for your social life and your visit a few retailers, read some c a r e e r i f y o u s e i z e t h e reviews and have your eye on a opportunity to tell the searching good mobile to purchase next world about yourself rather than year. Mobile tech keeps on relegating that responsibility to booming, and you'll want to LinkedIn, Facebook or some ensure a frustration-free year as weirdo with the same name as new apps and OSes roll out. 6. you. 4. Prune your feeds. Update copyright notices on your When going through your RSS website. feeds, do you find yourself Here's a simple, obvious and impatiently scrolling more than necessary reminder. Does your you're intently skimming? Is your w e b s i t e c u r r e n t l y c l a i m a list of unread items becoming copyright year of 2007? While it unmanagable? The end of the doesn't put you on the foul side year is a perfect time to get rid of of the law, it does look a bit silly the content you're not reading as we head into a new decade. and group the stuff you are. Take The Next Web has a good bit of some time this week to organize, dynamic code for site owners. 7. delete and add feeds, thereby Revisit your blog. optimizing your feed-reading That poor, neglected old beast experience. Try tools such as might be long overdue for a NetNewsWire's "dinosaurs" and design facelift, a blogroll refresh "least attenion" features that or even just a few new posts. weed out unread or dormant While you're at it, why not set feeds, and consider implementing a u t o m a t i c r e m i n d e r s t o tools such as Lazyfeed or periodically bug you about Guzzle.it that can bring relevant posting in the new year? On a results from fresh sources. And more mission-critical note, you'll
also want to make sure you're using the most updated version of your CMS; not doing so can can lead to problems from broken plugins to getting hacked. And while you're at it, the year's end might also be a good time to consider switching up your CMS service altogether. 8. Back up your data. Hacks and hardware failures happen. Before 2010, make sure as much of your data as possible is protected. From calendars and contacts to blog posts and work projects, more and more of us are relying on networks of servers and startups to keep us running. So, now might be a good time to download and back up files of LinkedIn contacts and WordPress posts - anything that's valuable to you and portable. Think of it this way: You - or at least parts of you - live in the Internet. If the Internet caught on fire, what would you grab to carry with you out of the blaze? We hope this list helps you all get a few housekeeping items squared away in time for a great New Year's Eve filled with peace of mind and a smug sense of superiority over your fellow nerds. If you can think of any must-do year-end tasks, please let us know in the comments! Discuss
Tech News/
E-reader News Edition
LinkedIn's New iPhone App: The 3 Worst Things About It By Marshall Kirkpatrick (ReadWriteWeb)
iPhone app. Update feeds are cluttered with imported ephemera from Twitter and all too often job Submitted at 12/28/2009 11:33:26 PM changes are obscured behind the B u s i n e s s s o c i a l n e t w o r k phrase "contact X has updated LinkedIn made a major upgrade their profile." They have? How to its iPhone app tonight but d i d t h e y u p d a t e i t ? I t ' s coming from a service with such m a d d e n i n g . incredible potential, there remain LinkedIn says it's working on some major disappointments. solving this problem, but it The new app looks a lot like a doesn't seem to be a very high less elegant, less customizable priority. Prompting users to click version of the Facebook iPhone more and engage with a wider app. There are a variety of useful variety of message types seem new features, from faster invite more in line with LinkedIn's sending to importing contact info strategy. The company clearly to your phone, but the app wants to be Facebook and remains based on the company's Twitter for the business world mistaken desire of late to be your not just a place where we all go a l l - i n - o n e s o c i a l m e d i a to find out essential work messaging platform. It also fails information that we use while to deliver the features that would doing other forms of social make it most useful. If you're networking on other sites better looking for good news about new suited for things like short, trivial features, you can find it in the messages. Importing Contacts to self-flattering company blog post. Your Phone is Rudimentary Here are the three things that Perhaps LinkedIn isn't to blame disappoint me most about this for this, but the ability to import new app; hopefully it's a work in LinkedIn contacts' info onto your progress and will improve soon. phone is rendered a whole lot less Sponsor useful by the inability to merge What's The Most Important Kind that info with existing contacts. of LinkedIn Update? People Say you've got someone's name Getting New Jobs! and phone number on your phone For some reason LinkedIn will already - it's a headache to pull in not deliver you a simple feed of a person's LinkedIn profile info the new jobs that contacts of a n d t h e n m e r g e t h e t w o yours have taken. Not by email, m a n u a l l y . not by RSS, not through its fancy Of course your phone number new API and not on this new isn't an optional field you can fill
out on LinkedIn, so all those imported contacts will be people you're unable to call. You won't even be able to look them up on LinkedIn again from your phone's contact list - peoples' LinkedIn profile page URLs aren't included in the contact info that gets imported. There's No Push Notifications This is a professional application that people use on the iPhone -
shouldn't it include push notifications? LinkedIn is used by tons of sales people, for example - you know they'd like to get some of these updates pushed to them. As a writer, I would too. Look at it this way. Last month my LinkedIn contact Tara Hunt changed her profile to show that she's founded a new company called Shwowp. I want to know
that, preferably right away. But I don't know about it until a month later because I didn't want to fish through a bunch of cross-posted Twitter updates inside LinkedIn to catch Tara's news and I didn't want to click through 3 screens starting with the bland "Tara Hunt has updated her profile" in order to see if she's happened to change jobs or just noted a new personal interest on her profile page. When someone who has accepted my contact request changes jobs, I want a push notification about what the new job is and the option to call them on the phone immediately to discuss it. That doesn't seem like too much to ask and that's when I'll know that LinkedIn is really serving my professional life. Update: LinkedIn's Adam Nash, author of the company's announcement blog post, responded on Twitter saying: "we've discussed all three of these enhancements internally. Some are harder than others. All in the queue...Rest assured, we wouldn't have broken out profile updates into its own module if we didn't have big plans for it. :)" Discuss
Tech News/ Entertainment/
E-reader News Edition
Augmented Reality: Passive Consumers versus Creative Contributors
Wibiya Gives Your Blog a Twitter, Facebook and Video Chat Makeover
By Dana Oshiro (ReadWriteWeb)
By Dana Oshiro (ReadWriteWeb)
Submitted at 12/28/2009 5:44:23 PM
While 2009 has been the year of the API, it's the codeless creative experiences that drive mainstream adoption. Every December ReadWriteWeb's writers collect up their thoughts from 2009 and make predictions for the year ahead. My first prediction was that augmented reality applications would gain popularity. Part of that prediction was informed by a recent interview with Metaio Marketing Director Lisa Murphy. Sponsor ReadWriteWeb first covered Metaio in early November when the company was set to release its editable consumer application Junaio. While products like Layar and Wikitude offer users a chance to view location-based notes and text, Junaio is the only
Ikea catalogue and see a 3D sofa, but what good is a so-called immersive environment if the user is held captive in a passive service that offers non-coders the consumer experience? opportunity to edit images and Says Murphy, "We chose to focus on the social aspects of text on multiple layers. While Junaio is certainly its Junaio by offering image sharing, most popular product, the 6-year- o A u t h a n d F a c e b o o k old Munich-based company earns integration." Nevertheless, she r e v e n u e b y w o r k i n g w i t h acknowledges that the company commercial clients like Lego, may open up the interface for Popular and GM. Often described further exploration. In keeping a s " a u g m e n t e d r e a l i t y with its commitment to the marketing", Metaio specializes in social, we're hoping Metaio finds m a r k e r l e s s t r a c k i n g f o r ways to incorporate useradvertising clients where a generated SketchUp creations in printed codes prompt a 3D Junaio as well as an all-purpose AR tracking generator. In other webcam experience. In the same way that consumers words, rather than just interacting can generate their own QR codes in an immersive environment, via sites like Kaywa, is it we're hoping non-coders can possible that markerless AR contribute more than their tracking will one day yield a eyeballs. Discuss codeless creative experience? Honestly, it's fine to hold up an
Karl Rove: Single! [Get In Line] By Pareene (Gawker)
believe Randy Quaid when he says Rove hit on his wife.)
Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:16:56 AM
Oh, look, Karl Rove just got divorced. Now he can finally gay
marry Jeff Gannon, in Argentina. (Also this means that we totally
Submitted at 12/28/2009 3:52:56 PM
While 2009 was a year to keep our noses to the grindstone, many of us let our personal blogs languish in decay. Whether it's offline or online, it's never healthy to neglect yourself or those who care about you. One way to turn over a new leaf and keep your community engaged in 2010 is to install community toolbar Wibya. Sponsor Similar to the Meebo Bar, Wibya encourages audience members to share content across networks. Depending on the widgets you choose, you can translate text into more than 11 languages, track your real time visitors with Who's.amung.us and share content via a number of social networks. The service also allows you to create a built-in Tinychat application with video functionality and full Twitter and Facebook integration. Tools are offered in an application storefront and categorized to increase page views, encourage content sharing and enrich content.
As seen with Meebo and other cross-platform sharing tools, Wibya is expected to steward community engagement and interaction. To ensure that these applications are effectively reaching our audiences we can delve further into application click thru rates by pouring through the service's customizable dashboard. Backed by legendary Israeli investor Yossi Vardi, it'll be interesting to see whether Wibya or Meebo comes out on top. To compare Wibya against Meebo, register for the new tool at wibiya.com If you notice a significance difference in your stats, let us know in the comments below. Discuss
Tech News/ Apple/ Entertainment/
E-reader News Edition
It Was a Facebook Christmas; Site Hits #1 in US For First Time
Rumor Has It: Apple “iSlate” Intended as a Kindle Killer By Darrell Etherington (TheAppleBlog)
source didn’t just go with the accepted date. I suppose the date change just strikes me as odd, but Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:05:24 AM By Marshall Kirkpatrick it doesn’t really preclude the (ReadWriteWeb) According to the Quick PWN validity of this report. Submitted at 12/29/2009 5:51:30 AM blog, the Apple tablet isn’t going What I’m more wary of is the to be a tablet computer at all, nature of the device described Christmas is a holiday that really. If you believe Quick PWN and the timing of its launch. Even brings people together, so Christmas. c o n t r i b u t o r H a n s ’ s i n s i d e though the e-book market is perhaps it should be no surprise Sponsor sources, the Apple iSlate, as he beginning to take off (if you Throughout 2009, Google and that Facebook has become a part maintains it will indeed be called, believe Amazon’s own hype), it’s Yahoo! Mail were both bigger of millions of peoples' Christmas is more aimed at taking on the still nowhere near as strong as the experiences. For the first time in than Facebook, Hitwise says. Amazon Kindle and its ilk as an e netbook market was and is, and Facebook was the most popular reader at WWDC 2010, which its history, Facebook was the #1 -reading device. Apple was wary of jumping into search query of the last year our sources says is being held on most visited website in the Presumably, the iSlate would June 7. that. I doubt they’d create an eacross all search engine use by United States on both Christmas also offer iPod and media Note also that if Quick PWN’s reader at this point without US users, however. It's a social Eve and Christmas Day this year, playback functionality, but Hans’ sources are correct, we won’t be making that a secondary feature, according to traffic analyst firm network's world these days. post makes no mention of these seeing the iSlate or hear mention rather than the primary focus of One Christmas gift Facebook Hitwise today. features: users may not have expected: of it until WWDC, which is the device. And if it isn’t coming That's worth noting. HitWise Our sources have told us that the being held much earlier than until WWDC, then what’s the December's major shift away reported last year that Facebook rumor about Apple launching a event next month going to be w a s # 2 b e h i n d G o o g l e o n from Facebook's initial nature as product with the iSlate name is previous rumors suggested, if the about? Why do rumors stemming a privacy-centric social network. unidentified informant is to be Christmas. People say that true, but the product won’t be an from suppliers and other more Facebook vs. Google will be the Apparently that didn't slow Apple tablet, it will be an eBook b e l i e v e d . M o s c o n e C e n t e r reliable sources point to a people down from visiting the booking information suggests web's biggest battle of coming reader. The iSlate will be a WWDC will begin on June 28, different production timeline? years - but it looks like Facebook site on the holidays. Discuss c o m p e t i t o r t o t h e A m a z o n not the 7th. The iSlate, if that’s what it really has already won the battle for Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook I’m suspicious of this latest will be called, will most likely and other e-readers that are out rumor for a number of reasons. have e-reader function and it will there. Our sources have also told First, the discrepancy between probably threaten Amazon’s us that the iSlate eBook reader the WWDC dates previously market dominance in that area. will run on Apple’s upcoming reported and this one doesn’t But is that Apple’s aim with this iPhone OS 4.0 software and will really make any sense. Then device? I doubt it. Is e-reading include a seperate App Store for again, maybe that actually adds the only or primary purpose of e B o o k s . A p p l e w i l l b e credence to this rumor, since the the new gadget? Not a chance. announcing the iSlate eBook
David Levine — [Pullquote] By Gabriel Snyder (Gawker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:23:47 AM
the New York Review of Books' signature illustrator for the last half century, at an exhibition of his work in 2008, according to
the New York Times. Levine died today at age 83. RIP.
Apple/ Fashion/
E-reader News Edition
Tablet to be Called iSlate? By Liam Cassidy (TheAppleBlog)
name registrations and trademark protections for many companies, including Apple. As is typical, Submitted at 12/28/2009 1:00:04 PM however, the name of the actual So, after years of speculation, registrant was initially hidden to debate and rumor-upon-rumor, obscure the identify of the actual the mythical tablet device from owner. Apple is, it seems, here. In a [...] after further investigation of matter of weeks we expect Steve the domain name registrant Jobs to take to the stage at history, it seems Apple’s name the Yerba Buena Center for the was temporarily exposed as the Arts in San Francisco and deliver actual owner of “iSlate.com” for the announcement we’ve all been several weeks in late 2007. It was waiting for. changed back within a few And when he does, will he call weeks… the legendary tablet an “iSlate”? And the triumphant icing on this He will, if the current crop of little cake of investigative fresh rumors prove correct. journalism is a screenshot of the MacRumors has been doing a registrant details [image by fair bit of digging and, despite MacRumors]; some cunning digital sleight of Of course, the question now is hand by the boys and girls in whether this is the real, final Cupertino, has discovered that name of the device or some sort the domain name islate.com is of devious distraction designed to registered to Apple. MacRumors throw curious cats off the scent. has this to say on the tortuous Would Steve Jobs really have history of the iSlate domain; settled on a name for a brand new The iSlate.com domain was device so many years before originally registered in October going to market? 2004 by a company called Trademarks, Ghost Companies Eurobox Ltd. It later changed and Name Drops hands to Data Docket, Inc. in But wait, there’s more. Not to be 2006. In 2007, however, the outdone in the art of digging domain was transferred to t h r o u g h o b s c u r e , d u s t y registrar MarkMonitor.com. microfiche in the darkened MarkMonitor handles domain b a s e m e n t o f t h e I n t e r n e t ,
and advice on how best to leverage their new platform for content delivery. As a senior editor, it’s entirely reasonable to assume Keller would have been privy to that information, possibly even present during one of those meetings. Devil’s T e c h C r u n c h h a s f o u n d made to a gathering of the NYT Advocate compelling ties between Apple staff included the use of the word On the other hand, is it more and various legal and business “slate” which was notable at a likely that this is simply one of entities indicating they not only time when most people were still dozens – possibly hundreds– of own the iSlate domain, but also just using the noun “tablet” to domains Apple has snapped-up the iSlate trademark, in several d e s c r i b e A p p l e ’ s m y t h i c a l over the years to protect their iProduct branding? Some of the key territories including the d e v i c e ; United Kingdom, France, Japan I’m hoping we can get the more obvious domains actually and China. n e w s r o o m m o r e a c t i v e l y do something useful and redirect Furthermore, in the United involved in the challenge of to product pages on apple.com States, the iSlate trademark is delivering our best journalism in (see what happens if you try to registered to a company called the form of Times Reader, go to ipod.com or imac.com). At “Slate Computing.” TechCrunch iPhone apps, WAP, or the the moment, however, islate.com offer a compelling trail of i m p e n d i n g A p p l e s l a t e , o r goes nowhere. At the moment. breadcrumbs that lead from Slate whatever comes after that. Personally, I don’t dislike it. I Computing right back to Apple. (You can watch the video of the can see some of the more dumb It’s a somewhat convoluted path speech here, just scooch forward abuses it invites; iSlate – Eye-slate? As in, “I ’s late… for this that takes quite a number of about eight minutes.) dastardly administrative twists S o w a s meeting.” There are probably and turns, but if you stick with it, Keller inadvertently dropping the more. Share your own in the t h e c o n c l u s i o n i s f a i r l y name of Apple’s upcoming comments below, let us know compelling. Take a look, it’s tablet? It’s not beyond the realm what you think of the name, or definitely worth a read. of possibility; after all, rumor has just let us know if you think this And then there’s that name-drop it Apple has been secretly is a red herring. by New York Times editor Bill meeting with major publishers Keller, which I wrote about here (including the New York Times) b a c k i n O c t o b e r . K e l l e r ’ s in the latter half of this year, comments during a speech he presumably offering guidance
Street Chic: Paris By ELLE.com (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 12/29/2009 4:00:00 AM
Fluorescent-pink socks electrify
any ensemble. Photo: Anne Ziegler Think you are Street Chic? Email us your photo and you could appear in ELLE.com's Street
Follow ELLE on Twitter. Become our Facebook fan! Chic Daily.
Apple/ TV/
E-reader News Edition
The iPod Touch Holiday Sales Spike, or Why Apple is Building a Tablet By Darrell Etherington (TheAppleBlog) Submitted at 12/29/2009 7:51:20 AM
Christmas was kind to Apple this year. The iPod touch seems to have been a popular gift this holiday season, at least according to some interesting statistics regarding App Store downloads over the period leading up to and including Christmas day. App download activity information tracked by Flurry Analytics (via MobileCrunch) shows a massive increase in downloads on December 25. The iPhone also experienced a holiday bump, although nowhere near the surge the iPod touch had. That’s to be expected, since people are far less likely to give an iPhone as a gift, considering the attendant cell service contract and recurring fees associated with the smartphone. This also marks the first time app downloads on the iPod touch have exceeded those on the
iPhone. Overall, the App Store saw a 51 percent increase in downloads from November to December. Note that only downloads are being accounted for here, so it isn’t clear what percentage of these figures are free apps and how many are paid. In either case, it’s good news for Apple, and probably for top app
Apple would be able to successfully market such a device to, beyond fanbois and tech enthusiasts. But thought of as another way of extending the App Store’s reach and capitalizing on its success, it begins to make sense. Especially when you consider the latest rumors, which seem to indicate that the device, when it does arrive, will more closely resemble an incredibly versatile PMP than a tablet computer. As long as the price point is kept low enough, I can definitely see iPod touch owners trading up, and people more interested in the movie and video side of things making a first iDevice purchase. In fact, the pricing structure of the tablet is the most intriguing aspect, as far as I’m concerned, and I can’t wait to see what Apple thinks people will pay for its latest creation.
developers as well. Thanks to the way the App Store is organized, many of these downloads probably came from the top 25 and 50 lists available on the mobile version of the software marketplace. Apple’s growth rate exceeds that of the Android market by a fair margin, with its 51 percent increase dwarfing Google’s 22
percent spike. Despite the advent of many competitors, and the variety of Android devices available, the App Store’s growth shows no signs of slowing or reaching a plateau. Which is why Apple’s plans for a tablet are beginning to make more sense to me. Despite all the buzz online about the device, I had a hard time figuring out who
thanks to the rise of cable and the web, some companies are
considering new business models Filed under: Industry, Realitythat are cutting the "free" out of Free "free TV." Permalink| Email this| | Given the way things are going, C o m m e n t s do you think there could come a time when free TV is a thing of the past like top 40 AM radio, Olestra chips and an ozone layer?
Is cable killing free TV? By Danny Gallagher (TV Squad)
the magic picture box in your living room. A scary new article by the Submitted at 12/29/2009 12:38:00 PM Associated Press shows that Here's a scary thought. One day, advertising revenue has not you might have to actually pay provided enough income for the f o r a l l t h a t f r e e q u a l i t y free networks to support all of programming beaming through their programming efforts. And
Apple/ Tech Blog/ Popular News/
E-reader News Edition
Rumor Has It: Apple’s Tablet Marrying RSS and Release Plans Delayed Due to Glass Twitter By Darrell Etherington (TheAppleBlog)
(Scripting News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 7:56:47 AM
Submitted at 12/28/2009 4:00:13 PM
The Apple tablet, which over the holidays has garnered more buzz despite still being a rumor, has already been delayed. Don’t worry, though — if the reports are correct, the delay has already been factored into the rumored January product announcement, so we shouldn’t have to wait any longer for the big reveal. DigiTimes is the source for a parts-related rumor about the upcoming device. Foxconn subsidiary Innolux, which specializes in panel manufacture, will be the exclusive initial touch panel supplier for the upcoming tablet, not Wintek as was once believed, the hardware news site reports. Wintek will still be considered as a later, secondary supplier, sources say. The glass that protects the touchsensitive surface needed to be stronger than Apple initially expected, and so the tablet was reportedly delayed to the first quarter of 2010. No word on when plans initially called for it to be released. The glass will
supposedly be strengthened by a process developed by another Foxconn subsidiary, called GTech Optoelectronics. Sounds like Apple is really taking the time to make sure the product it eventually does release is heads and tails above the competition in terms of build quality. Based on the information it received, DigiTimes suggested a probably time line for the announcement and subsequent consumer release of Apple’s tablet: Apple is expected to announce the tablet PC in January of 2010
with mass shipments to start in March or April, based on analysis of the shipping schedules of Apple’s upstream component partners. Note also that according to the information received by DigiTimes, the tablet will sport a 10-inch screen, instead of the 7inch one that’s recently been making the rounds. It’s possible that Apple will offer up two different sizes of the tablet, but I don’t think it’ll do so until it sees how strong demand is for the new device.
This may be one of those moments like the time when the guy put peanut butter on chocolate and came up with Reese's peanut butter cups. Maybe a kind of breakthrough. So here's the peanut butter -- a screen shot of the River2 aggregator. You can see at the top there's a big logo doing nothing, and below it is a list of new articles. This is what I call the River of News, it's what Twitter does so nicely. Or more precisely it's one-half of what Twitter does so nicely. And here's the chocolate -- a screen shot of Twitter. Where I have my logo it has a small text box for entering a 140character message. And here's the new idea. What if you took the text box
3 people killed, 1 wounded after Detroit shooting (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 5:25:31 AM
Anthony buzzed up: China
executes Briton despite UK, Five Filters featured article: family pleas (AP) Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: 12 seconds ago 2009-12- PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, 29T10:20:02-08:00 Term Extraction.
from Twitter and put it at the top of the River? Where would the text go? Ahhh that's easy -- a Realtime RSS feed. And from there it could flow into other RSS rivers and of course into Twitter or Facebook or anything else that likes streams of 140-character messages. I'm going to do this in the next couple of days and see how it feels.
TV/ Economy/
E-reader News Edition
Cable News Ratings for Thursday, December 24, 2009 By Robert Seidman (TVbytheNumbers)
HLN – 133,000 viewers 35-64 Prime Time FNC –326,000 viewers Submitted at 12/28/2009 2:56:26 PM CNN – 213,000 viewers Live + Same Day Cable News MSNBC –148,000 viewers Daily Ratings for December 24, CNBC – 68,000 viewers 2009 HLN –134,000 viewers P2+ Total Day Morning programs (6:00AMFNC – 864,000 viewers 9:00AM) P2+ (25-54) (35-64) CNN – 428,000 viewers FOX & Friends- 914,000 MSNBC –279,000 viewers viewers (262,000) (465,000) CNBC – 173,000 viewers American Morning- 334,000 HLN –253,000 viewers viewers (140,000) (200,000) P2+ Prime Time Morning Joe- 311,000 viewers FNC – 947,000 viewers (58,000) (155,000) CNN – 497,000 viewers Squawk Box- 144,000 viewers MSNBC –346,000 viewers (45,000) (87,000) CNBC – 129,000 viewers Morning Express w/ MeadeHLN –371,000 viewers 300,000 viewers (149,000) 25-54 Total Day (213,000) FNC –224,000 viewers 5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64) CNN –128,000 viewers Glenn Beck Special – 1,163,000 MSNBC –81,000 viewers viewers (268,000) (512,000) CNBC – 62,000 viewers Situation Room—517,000 HLN- 103,000 viewers viewers (104,000) (220,000) 25-54 Prime Time MSNBC Special—169,000 FNC – 218,000 viewers viewers (a scratch w/49,000) CNN – 139,000 viewers (80,000) MSNBC –121,000 viewers Coca-Cola: The Real CNBC – 61,000 viewers Story—179,000 viewers (84,000) HLN – 103,000 viewers (86,000) 35-64 Total Day Prime News —201,000 viewers FNC – 393,000 viewers (71,000) (86,000) CNN – 205,000 viewers 6PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64) MSNBC – 131,000 viewers Special Report with Bret Baier CNBC – 87,000 viewers Special – 1,058,000 viewers
(252,000) (455,000) Situation Room—406,000 viewers (77,000) (144,000) MSNBC Special—164,000 viewers (a scratch w/46,000) (69,000) New Age of Wal-Mart —125,000 viewers (72,000) (73,000) Prime News – 218,000 viewers (86,000) (109,000) 7PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64) The Fox Report W/ Shep – 1,075,000 viewers (307,000) (443,000) SR/Best & Worst of 2009 – 458,000 (136,000) (209,000) MSNBC Special – 260,000 (65,000) (90,000) Illegal Gambling – a scratch w/88,000 viewers (a scratch w/ 44,000) (55,000) Issues– 294,000 viewers (91,000) (130,000) 8PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64) Fox & Friends Christmas Special – 1,056,000 viewers (245,000) (393,000) Future Fast Forward – 456,000 viewers (105,000) (208,000) MSNBC Special – 401,000 viewers (97,000) (120,000) Inside the Mind of Google – a scratch w/103,000 viewers (a scratch w/53,000) (65,000) Nancy Grace – 479,000 viewers
(137,000) (182,000) 9 PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64) Fox & Friends Christmas Special – 1,085,000 viewers (252,000) (370,000) Larry King Live —610,000 viewers (176,000) (249,000) MSNBC Special —325,000 viewers (119,000) (146,000) Buffett and Gates— a scratch w/117,000 viewers (a scratch w/48,000) (60,000) Joy Behar- 412,000 viewers (100,000) (132,000) 10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64) Rejoice —701,000 viewers (159,000) (215,000) CNN Presents — 423,000 viewers (137,000) (183,000) MSNBC Special – 312,000 (145,000) (177,000) Oprah Effect — 167,000 viewers (82,000) (79,000) Nancy Grace –254,000 viewers (79,000) (98,000) 11 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64) Fox & Friends Christmas Special —506,000 viewers (107,000) (193,000) CNN Presents — 380,000 viewers (128,000) (191,000) MSNBC Special —327,000 viewers (151,000) (168,000) Coca-Cola: The Real Story – 183,000 viewers (83,000) (105,000)
Showbiz Tonight– 201,000 viewers (92,000) (107,000) For other days cable news ratings click here. P2+ = viewers over the age of 2 (25-54) = Adults 25-54 viewing (35-64) = Adults 35-64 viewing Prime Time = 8-11pm LIVE+SD: The number that watched a program either while it was broadcast OR watched via DVR on the same day [through 3AM the next day] the program was broadcast. For more information see Numbers 101. Scratch = when a show’s audience fails to meet minimum Nielsen reporting levels. For more information go here. Nielsen Cable Network Coverage Estimates(as of December, 2009) CNN/HLN: 100.22 million HHs CNBC: 97.59 million HHs FNC: 98.04 million HHs MSNBC: 93.0 million HHs Nielsen TV Ratings Data: ©2009 The Nielsen Company. All Rights Reserved. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
on to the streets. While the regime has banned protests, it cannot stop people gathering for official political and religious occasions.
Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Iran protesters hijack state occasions (Financial Times - US homepage)
Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, the president, dismissed the crowds who demonstrated against his Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:28:31 AM proclaimed victory as “a few After Iran’s election in June, small thorns”, unworthy of
attention. Six months later, the opposition Green Movement is exploiting an opening to defy official repression and bring thousands
E-reader News Edition
Winter Season of Stargate Universe Most-Watched Stargate in Four Years By Robert Seidman (TVbytheNumbers) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:41:47 AM
via Syfy press release: WINTER SEASON OF SYFY’S STARGATE UNIVERSE MOST -WATCHED STARGATE IN FOUR YEARS LEAPS 51% IN ADULTS 1834, 33% IN ADULTS 18-49, 28% IN ADULTS 25-54 AND 22% IN TOTAL VIEWERS New York, NY — December 29, 2009 — Continuing Syfy’s sizzling ratings momentum that has seen it post a record 5 straight months of viewer gains, the winter season of Stargate Universe became the most watched Stargate franchise series since 2005 (Stargate Atlantis season 1). Including Live + 7 DVR viewing data, Stargate Universe’s first year averaged 2.57 million total viewers, 1.63 million Adults 25-54, 1.43 million Adults 18-49 and 600,000 Adults 18-34, along with a 1.9 HH rating. The 10episode season premiered Friday, October 2, and concluded on Friday, December 4. Compared to the 2008-09 Stargate Atlantis season 5, SGU jumped 51% in Adults 18-34, 33% in Adults 18-49, 28% in Adults 25-54 and 22% in total viewers. Stargate Universe returns for a second season in 2010.
Online at Syfy.com: Stargate Universe delivered 6.2 million page views, 913K uniques, 1.3 million visits and 4.1 million video streams in its first season. Stargate Universe averaged +73% more page views, +79% more uniques, +85% more visits and +237% more short-form
video streams than Stargate Atlantis season 5. Stargate Universe ranked as the #1 show site directory in all key metrics during its first season. Edgier and younger in tone, SGU takes the franchise in a dynamic new direction, appealing to longtime Stargate fans and first-time viewers alike. The
series stars Robert Carlyle, MingNa, Lou Diamond Phillips, Alaina Huffman, Louis Ferreira, Elyse Levesque, David Blue, Jamil Walker Smith and Brian J. Smith. SGU follows a band of soldiers, scientists and civilians, who must fend for themselves as they are forced through a Stargate when
their hidden base comes under attack. The desperate survivors emerge aboard an ancient ship, which is locked on an unknown course and unable to return to Earth. Faced with meeting the most basic needs of food, water and air, the group must unlock WINTER page 46
E-reader News Edition
TV Ratings: Charlie Sheen still loved; Two and a Half Men tops broadcast viewing By Robert Seidman (TVbytheNumbers)
Share (of Audience): The percent of households (or persons) using television who are Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:35:51 AM tuned to a specific program, Note: Monday Night Football station or network in a specific aired on the local ABC affiliates area at a specific time. (See also, in Chicago and Minnesota, so the Rating, which represents tuning ABC numbers will be adjusted in or viewing as a percent of the the final numbers more than entire population being usual as the viewing for the measured.) football game in those local Time Shifted Viewing – markets will be factored out. Program ratings for national A night of CBS repeats led it to sources are produced in three victory on the broadcast streams of data – Live, networks in both adults 18-49 Live+Same Day (Live+SD) and and total viewers, edging out Live+7 Day. Time shifted ABC which aired Pirates of the figures account for incremental Caribbean: At World’s End. Just viewing that takes place with like last week, a repeat of Two DVRs which are currently in and a Half Men was the mostapproximately 24.4% of all U.S. watched program on the TV households. Live+Same Day broadcast networks, and a repeat (Live+SD) include viewing of The Big Bang Theory was during the same broadcast day as tops with adults 18-49. the original telecast, with a cutA marathon of Community Nielsen Company. All Rights affiliated stations, sometimes would include whatever aired off of 3:00AM local time when repeats between 8p-10p hardly Reserved. including network programming, from 8-11PM on affiliates in the meters transmit daily viewing to registered for NBC, and didn’t Definitions: sometimes not. The figures may Pacific Time Zone, following the Nielsen for processing. Live+7 provide much of a lead-in for a *Fast Affiliate Ratings: These include stations that did not air live football game, but not game Day ratings include incremental repeat of the The Jay Leno Show, first national ratings, including the entire network feed, as well coverage that begins at 5PM PT. viewing that takes place during which sunk below a 1.0 rating demographics, are available at as local news breaks or cutaways The same would be true of the 7 days following a telecast. and NBC was behind Univision approximately 11 AM (ET) the for local coverage or other Presidential debates as well as For more information see for the night. day after telecast, and are programming. Fast Affiliate live award shows and breaking Numbers 101. FOX came in third place with released to subscribing customers ratings are not as useful for live news reports. Five Filters featured article: repeats of House and Lie To Me daily. These data, from the programs and are likely to differ Rating: Estimated percentage of Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Full details: National People Meter sample, significantly from the final the universe of TV households PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, You can see TV ratings from a r e s t r i c t l y t i m e - p e r i o d results, because the data reflect (or other specified group) tuned Term Extraction. other recent Overnight ratings information, based on the normal normal broadcast feed patterns. to a program in the average reports here. broadcast network feed, and For example, with a World Series minute. Ratings are expressed as All numbers are Live+SD. include all programming on the game, Fast Affiliate Ratings a percent. Nielsen TV Ratings: ©2009 The
E-reader News Edition
Lady Gaga Provide Inspiration for the Contestants on “Launch My Line,” Wednesday January 6 on Bravo By Robert Seidman (TVbytheNumbers) Submitted at 12/28/2009 1:58:52 PM
via press release: LADY GAGA PROVIDES INSPIRATION FOR THE CONTESTANTS ON “LAUNCH MY LINE,” WEDNESDAY JANUARY 6 AT 10 PM ET/PT Vicki Gunvalson Surprises Her Husband In Grand Fashion On “The Real Housewives Of Orange County,” Thursday, January 7 At 10 Pm Et/Pt NEW YORK – December 28, 2009 – Pop star phenomenon Lady Gaga, known for her fashion-forward outfits, surprises the designers and provides inspiration on “Launch My Line,” airing Wednesday, January 6 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. In this week’s challenge, the teams look to Lady Gaga for inspiration to create an avant-garde outfit, but they must make sure they are pushing the boundaries of fashion without crossing the line of good taste. Meanwhile, the tension between some teammates gets intense and someone pushes their teammate to the edge. For a
sneak peek, go to: http://www.bravotv.com/launchmy-line/videos/its-lady-gaga. In a moving, all-new episode of “The Real Housewives of Orange County,” Vicki Gunvalson surprises her ever-patient husband Donn with a romantic trip to Turks & Caicos where the couple renew their vows, airing Thursday, January 7 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Bravo. “Donn and I have had 15 years of a rollercoaster marriage,” says Vicki. “Over the years we have both made mistakes, and at times I have tested your forgiveness, but what has always stood is your huge, giving heart and your love and devotion to me,” said Donn in his vows to Vicki. Through it all, Donn has always stood by and supported his rambunctious wife, so Vicki pulls out all stops for the couple’s vow renewals on the beach. And, Vicki shocks Donn with a wedding ring, which the couple could not afford when they were first married. Back in Orange County, tensions brew between Gretchen Rossi and Lynne Curtin when Gretchen reaches out to Lynne’s daughter about her concerns that the
teenager may be depressed. Lynne is not happy when she hears about the conversation, feeling that Gretchen has overstepped her boundaries. Also, Tamra and Simon Barney argue and she shares her fears about where the couple may be headed. Bravo is a program service of NBC Universal Cable Entertainment, a division of NBC Universal one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production, and marketing of entertainment, news, and information to a global audience. Bravo has been an NBC Universal cable network since December 2002 and was the first television service dedicated to film and the performing arts when it launched in December 1980. For more information, visit www.BravoTV.com. Follow us o n T w i t t e r a t https://twitter.com/BravoPR. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
WINTER continued from page 44
the secrets of the ship’s Stargate to survive. The danger, adventure and hope they find on board the Destiny will reveal the heroes and villains among them Robert Cooper and Brad Wright, of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, serve as executive producers and writers. Stargate Universe is distributed by MGM Worldwide Television Distribution. Syfy is a media destination for imagination-based entertainment. With year round acclaimed original series, events, blockbuster movies, classic science fiction and fantasy programming, a dynamic Web site (www.Syfy.com), and a portfolio of adjacent business (Syfy Ventures), Syfy is a passport to limitless possibilities. Originally launched in 1992 as SCI FI Channel, and currently in 95 million homes, Syfy is a network of NBC Universal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies. (Syfy. Imagine greater.) About Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc., through its operating subsidiaries is actively engaged in the worldwide production and distribution of motion pictures, television programming, home video, interactive media, music, and licensed merchandise. The
company owns the world’s largest library of modern films, comprising around 4,100 titles. Operating units including MetroGoldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc., United Artists Films Inc., Ventanazul, MGM Television Entertainment Inc., MGM Networks Inc., MGM Distribution Co., MGM International Television Distribution Inc., MetroGoldwyn-Mayer Home Entertainment LLC, MGM ON STAGE, MGM Music, MGM Consumer Products and MGM Interactive. In addition, MGM has ownership interests in international TV channels reaching approximately 120 countries and territories around the world. MGM ownership is currently as follows: Providence Equity Partners (29%), Texas Pacific Group (21%), Sony Corporation of America (20%), Comcast (20%), DLJ Merchant Banking Partners (7%) and Quadrangle Group (3%). For more information, visit www.mgmchannel.com Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
TV/ Sports/
E-reader News Edition
Titans – Chargers Draws 6.9 Million NFL Playoff Scenarios, Week 17 for NFL Network Christmas night; 2009 Viewing Up Nearly 50% By FanHouse Newswire (Fanhouse Main)
By Robert Seidman (TVbytheNumbers)
more games and there’s no doubt that the NFL is the favorite sports league in the United States, but Submitted at 12/28/2009 1:55:32 PM I’ll allow NFL Network a little Friday’s Christmas night game bit of chest-thumping since it’s where the San Diego Chargers still available in less than 50% of drubbed the Tennessee Titans 42the homes in the U.S. while TBS, 17 still managed to average 6.9 TNT and ESPN are all available million on the NFL Network. in more than 86% of homes. up being syndicated nationwide). For 2009, NFL Network Some of the year over year gains And in a bit of chest-thumping averaged 5.5 million viewers for can be attributed to NFL the NFL Network points out its its eight game slate, a 49% jump Network being available in more primetime package was better from the 3.7 million for the 2008 than 13 million more homes this than the 4.8 million TNT and season (though only a 20% jump season vs. last, mostly due to ESPN averaged with the 2009 over the 4.6 million in 2007, working out a deal for carriage NBA playoffs and also better though I’m not sure how that with Comcast. than TBS’s MLB postseason counted the Patriots-Giants last Five Filters featured article: average of 5.1 million viewers. game of the regular season where Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: And sure, the NBA and MLB the Patriots were undefeated and PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, are averaging those numbers over the Saturday night contest wound Term Extraction.
Submitted at 12/28/2009 3:54:00 PM
Filed under: NFL Playoffs There are an astounding number of 2010 NFL playoff scenarios that could still play out -- including all four first-round games being rematches from Week 17 -despite the season being down to its final Sunday. The top four seeds in the AFC are set, and very little movement can take place there. A look at
the AFC's division winners: Indianapolis Colts (14-1) - Have clinched AFC's No. 1 seed San Diego Chargers (12-3) - Have clinched AFC's No. 2 seed New England Patriots (10-5) - Can clinch No. 3 seed with: Win over Houston OR Cincinnati loss to Jets Cincinnati Bengals (10-5) - Can clinch No. 3 seed with: Win over Jets AND New England loss to Houston
What's On Tonight: Nova, Kennedy Center Honors, Better Off Ted By Bob Sassone (TV Squad) Submitted at 12/29/2009 12:10:00 PM
• HBO has a True Blood marathon all night. • At 8, ABC has Rudolph's Shiny New Year. • PBS has a new, two-hour Nova at 8. • ESPN has the Champs Sports Bowl, Miami vs. Wisconsin.
• TCM has On the Waterfront at 8. • At 9, CBS has The Kennedy Center Honors. • Discovery has a new Dirty Jobs at 9, followed by a new Ghost Lab. • A&E has a new Psychic Kids at 9, then two new episodes of Paranormal State. • Also at 9: BBC America has a new Britain's Missing Top
• At 10, Bravo has a new Tabatha's Salon Takeover. • Syfy has a new ECW at 10. • Biography has two new episodes of Shatner's Raw Nerve at 10. Model. • At 9:30, ABC has a new Better Off Ted, followed by a new 20/20.
Check your local TV listings for more. After the jump, the late night talk shows. Continue reading What's On
Tonight: Nova, Kennedy Center Honors, Better Off Ted Filed under: Late Night, Programming, Celebrities, Talk Show, What To Watch Tonight, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments
TV/ Sports/ Economy/
E-reader News Edition
Top TV stories of 2009: The Boondocks is back Paula is out at Idol, and for a third season Ellen is in By Brad Trechak (TV Squad) Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:26:00 AM
By Kona Gallagher (TV Squad) Submitted at 12/29/2009 1:02:00 PM
2009 was a big year for American Idol. After airing for seven wildly successful seasons with three judges, Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson and Paula Abdul, producers decided to throw a fourth judge into the mix, bringing songwriter Kara DioGuardi on board for season eight. It was a controversial move, and to the surprise of very few people, it went ... poorly. The judges, who had spent seven seasons learning the rhythm of the show, were suddenly forced to contend with a fourth voice. As none of these folks were exactly shrinking violets to begin with, this led to a lot of jockeying for the mic, which in turn wasted a lot of time. It wasted so much time, in fact, that critiques would get cut off, the show would run long, and at times, judges wouldn't be allowed to speak at all. So at the end of this harried season, it was no surprise that
The Boondocks will be returning to television for a third season on Adult Swim after a two year hiatus. It was announced by creator Aaron McGruder on his MySpace page. Nothing official has been announced by Adult Swim yet, so this can only be taken with a grain of salt. On the other hand, the creator of the show could be considered a fairly reliable source. McGruder did mention on Twitter that an airdate was determined but wasn't allowed to someone would be shown the say exactly when it was. door. Many thought that it would If you've never watched The be newbie judge Kara DioGuardi. Boondocks, I urge you to try and Instead, it was Paula Abdul who catch it online. It's funny, but not was given the boot, and replaced in an in-your-face sight-gag sort b y m u s i c l e g e n d . . . E l l e n of way. The humor is more DeGeneres? intelligent and subtle than Continue reading Top TV stories anything on Fox's Sunday night of 2009: Paula is out at Idol, and lineup. The show is an example Ellen is in Filed under: American Idol, Watercooler Talk, Judges, News and Gossip Permalink| Email this| | Comments (Financial Times - US homepage)
Fading Vikings fall short to Bears in overtime By Associated Press (ESPN.com) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:57:05 AM
of personality-driven humor (in this case of the African-American variety) meeting the anime style of cartoon and is the best example that I know of the merging of East and West animation. Filed under: Other Comedy Shows, OpEd, Pickups and Renewals, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments
Fast Facts • The Bears earned their eighth win in their last nine home games vs. the Vikings. • Jay Cutler completed 20 of 35 passes for 273 yards and a season -high four TDs. • Minnesota was shut out in the first half for the first time since Week 16 of the 2007 season. But it rebounded to score 30 points in the second half, its most since Week 16 of 1998 vs. the Jaguars (38). • The Vikings have lost three of four following a 10-1 start to the season. • Bloggers' wrapups • Rapid reaction -- ESPN Stats & Information Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Obama under fire on national security Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:16:31 AM
Republicans have seized on the Christmas Day attempted terrorist attack as evidence that Democrats are weak on national security issues, as they seek to
bolster their credentials ahead of next year’s Congressional elections. As the Obama administration’s investigation into how a suspicious Nigerian man was able to carry explosives onto a US-bound aircraft gathers pace, a slew of Republicans have
criticised everything from the president’s slow response to his plans to close the controversial Guantánamo Bay prison camp. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
TV/ Popular News/ Economy/
E-reader News Edition
Best TV of the '00s: Drama By Bob Sassone (TV Squad) Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:02:00 AM
Just like the rest of the universe, we've been thinking about the best TV of the decade. But instead of putting out a top ten list, we decided to let each Squadder comment on the show or shows he/she thinks was the best of that category. We're splitting this out in a number of different categories; you'll see the posts through Sunday. Today, we start off with a biggie: Dramas. -- Joel It's weird that an entire decade has gone by already, isn't it? I don't even think we've decided on what to call the 00s exactly. And isn't it amazing how many good shows can be jam-packed into 10 years? Sometimes people moan about the state of television, but there were some fantastic TV shows in the 2000s, including
All My Children's 40th anniversary, a salute to Pine Valley By Allison Waldman (TV Squad)
US consumer confidence climbs (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:08:55 AM
Submitted at 12/29/2009 11:27:00 AM
While we've all been struggling through this holiday lull in regular TV programming, soap fans can take solace in the fact that the action is still happening in daytime. No show has more action going for it right now than dramas. All My Children as the 40th Here are our picks for the anniversary approaches. dramas that stood out since 2000. On January 4, 2010, All My Continue reading Best TV of the Children will turn 40 years old. '00s: Drama In honor of the event, the Filed under: Other Drama celebration will be stretched over Shows, Other Comedy Shows, two days, Monday and Tuesday Programming, TV Squad Lists, - January 4th and 5th -- with Reality-Free former AMC stars Kelly Ripa P e r m a l i n k | E m a i l t h i s | | and husband Mark Consuelos Comments anchoring the festivities. On Monday, Hayley and Mateo - Kelly and Mark's characters -return to Pine Valley with much fanfare. They're there to film an episode of Hayley's TV show, The Wave, because Pine Valley has been named "The Most
Congenial Town in America." Continue reading All My Children's 40th anniversary, a salute to Pine Valley Filed under: OpEd, Daytime, Celebrities, Reality-Free Permalink| Email this| | Comments
Consumer confidence in the US picked up in December, as lower levels of unemployment and bullish stock markets lifted hopes about the state of the economic recovery. Separately on Tuesday, a closely watched index showed US house prices were flat in October following five consecutive months of gains, raising doubts about the market’s ability to sustain its momentum. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Trading Halted After Smoke Fills Pa. Stock Exchange (FOXNews.com) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:34:00 AM
Trading on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange was halted at 11:05 a.m. Tuesday due to smoke
in the building. All employees were safely evacuated from the building, FoxBusiness reported. Essential staff is being relocated. The Philadelphia Fire
Department hasn't determined the origin of the smoke. All other NASDAQ OMX trading systems are operating normally. The smoke has been cleared
from the trading floor. All member firm employees have been asked to return to the floor to resume trading. Click here for more on this story from FoxBusiness.com.
Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
E-reader News Edition
Checkbook Journalism: A User's Guide [Payola] By John Cook (Gawker)
the whole thing from Fawcett's family and put it on TV. The same principle applied to Vanity The Society of Professional Fair's publication of Levi Journalists is scolding NBC Johnston's account of what it's News for buying its "exclusive" like to get Sarah Palin's daughter interview with David pregnant and to our publication Goldman—the father of that of Balloon Dad's pal's Brazilian kid—by chartering a jet confirmation that the whole thing to fly father, son, and NBC was a hoax. They were published reporter back to the U.S. as freelance pieces, and their Shocking, indeed. authors were compensated as If the SPJ is going to issue a such. statement of condemnation every 4) For Checkbook Journalism to time a network news organization Work, People Have to Be shells out cash or services in Interested in the People You Are exchange for an exclusive Buying interview, it is going to be one That's why Paris Hilton's $1 busy little professional society. million gambit fizzled— she had NBC News in particular has been a $100,000 deal with ABC News so free with the cash over the in place to give the network her years that we can't quite figure first interview after getting out why the Goldman case writing " NBC News does not word "pay." NBC News does not broadcast on the Goldman's r e l e a s e d f r o m j a i l , a n d tripped the SPJ's pay-to-play and will not pay for interviews" "pay" for interviews like a trashy reunion, that " the Goldmans overplayed her hand by trying to detector, as opposed to, say, the in statements responding to tabloid, it just provides goods were invited on a jet NBC News parlay it into a $1 million deal time Today hyped its exclusive stories about how they paid for and services like private jet travel chartered to fly back to the U.S." with NBC News. When news of get with a couple of gatecrashers interviews. It's true, in the same at no cost to people of public There! It's all out in the open the negotiations broke, it gave who were under contract to sense it's true that Eliot Spitzer interest who are willing to n o w , a n d a n y v i e w e r s o f everyone a chance to stop for a appear exclusively on NBC paid that nice lady to come visit exclusively talk to NBC News yesterday's Today exclusive second and realize paying $1 interview would surely have seen million for an interview with Universal properties or the time him in D.C. and she threw in the employees. 2) Disclosure Is a Relative the Nightly News disclaimer, Paris Hilton is a colossal waste of CNN, the New York Post and sex for free. Usually the sleight which explains why Today made money. She ended up on Larry ABC News all paid the Flight o f h a n d l i e s i n t h e w o r d Concept "interviews"—networks will pay It doesn't matter if you pay no mention of the chartered King Live. We can't really figure 253 hero Jasper Schuringa for blurry photos and the chance to for anything except the actual someone to say something, so flight, because doing so would out why anyone cares about the words spoken by their interview long as you tell everyone that have been redundant. interview him. "Christmas Miracle" involving a As shameless practitioners of subjects. So when NBC News you've paid them, right? We're all 3) It's Better to Just Cut Out the J e w i s h g u y n a m e d D a v i d "checkbook journalism," we paid Octomom for a three-day sophisticated media consumers, Whole Journalism Part Goldman, but we suppose it's When NBC News aired a within reason to divert the GE thought we'd offer a handy user's exclusive engagement on Today, and can judge for ourselves guide for producers, consumers, it was legitimate remuneration w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e "documentary" about the death of corporate jet down to Brazil to for the broadcast use of her moneygrubbing fameball of the Farrah Fawcett last summer, no make the interview happen. and scolders. 1) Nobody Admits to Paying for copyrighted home videos, not week is being forthright, cashing alarm bells went off over at SPJ some gross pay-to-play deal. In in, or both. So NBC News did the H Q b e c a u s e t h e r e w a s n o Interviews (But They All Do) N B C N e w s s p o k e s w o m a n the Goldman case, the subterfuge right thing by noting, in its pretense of NBC News staffers Lauren Kapp has a hot-key for is actually in the meaning of the Christmas Eve Nightly News being involved—they just bought Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:48:26 AM
Entertainment/ Economy/
E-reader News Edition
Orly Taitz's Love Affair with the 2nd Amendment (And with a Guy) [Birthers] By Pareene (Gawker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:46:05 AM
Orange County Newsmaker of the Year, Birther Queen, Attorney, and Dentist Orly Taitz says it is time to begin our armed rebellion! But her former lover says she is treacherous! First, Orly is outraged that Senator Max Baucus was drunk on the floor of the Senate while 25 terrorists sought to blow up our crotches on airplanes. What's that? You missed the "Max Baucus was drunk" story? That was a fun one in which someone took a clip of Baucus talking on the floor of the senate and retitled it "Senator Max Baucus Drunk/Intoxicated on the Senate Floor" and Drudge linked to it, because apparently he was in his New Years "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" mode and then it was picked up by actual newspapers and supposedly legitimate news sites across the web, because why not? Who cares! You can literally write any old thing you want, and you needn't even bother to
pretend to try to support it with anything, and if certain people are in the mood, it will get picked up. It is now part of the semiofficial mythology of the right, by the way, that Max Baucus was drunk, or is drunk all the time, while speaking on the floor of the Senate, because he kinda talks funny. It is insane! Anyway. Back to Orly! Orly, esq., is mad that Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano
(who was probably born in Mexico) told us we are "safe"—but how can we be safe when the President is not even American? Why did Obama pick as a director of Homeland security one with the worst record? What is the real intention of this Kenyan, Indonesian communist usurper? Is it to provide security for us or to destroy our security? Judge for yourself.
and unposted it, but look at that, there it is, on the internet. And it has a lot of stuff about how Orly wanted Lincoln to move closer to her office so that they could make love without Orly being too far away from home, and the word "boy toy" is used, and just wow. And it all ended at 9:56 P.M. on Wednesday, November 4, 2009, when Orly said they could not sleep together or have sex anymore :( (Oh, much of this was covered in a crazy lawsuit some birther filed.) And then Lincoln continued blogging about how much he was in love with her, but she is crazy Then Orly literally calls for an and disloyal and treacherous. armed insurrection. Which is That's what's up with the birther movement, these days! 58% of kinda funny. But in other Orly news! Her self-identified Republicans claim former "law clerk," this disbarred to believe that Barack Obama attorney named Charles Lincoln, was not born in the US, btw. has been bringing the crazy on his own blog. Lincoln apparently had a falling out with Orly! They were in love, see. (Orly is married, btw.) Lincoln posted a letter he sent Orly. Then he thought better of it
Russia to curb speculative capital (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 12/29/2009 2:15:17 AM
VLADIVOSTOK - Russia will moderately step up efforts to curb
speculative capital, while gradually moving its economy to a free float rouble exchange regime, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday. “We need to correct the rules so
i t i s l e s s i n t e r e s t i n g f o r Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: speculative capital to come PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, running into Russia,” Mr Putin Term Extraction. told reporters. “There will be no revolutions.” Five Filters featured article:
Entertainment/ Game/ Economy/
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The Double Taylor Coupling the Tabloids Demanded Has Officially Ended [Splits] By Brian Moylan (Gawker) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:16:04 AM
When there are two beautiful teen stars both named Taylor—Swift and Lautner—the Celebrity Industrial Complex demanded they start dating. If only the Complex could successfully manage a teen girl's heart, because Swift called it the whole thing off. Us Weekly reports that the couple is kaput because Taylor was more into Taylor than Taylor was into Taylor. Oh, sorry. Because Lautner was more into Swift than Swift was into Lautner. The saddest part is that, according to Us, the relationship ended on December 13 at Swift's
birthday party in Nashvillle, just a day after Lautner made a big deal out of their relationship while hosting Saturday Night Live. We bet the breakup talk went something like this: "Taylor. The
already plotted out their courtship, engagement, and wedding. Bidding had already started on the exclusive rights to the first pictures of their first child. And then there was the cheating rumors, the breakup rumors, and the gay rumors, all debunked by "sources" but still believed by the populace. But, alas, none of it would come to pass. Just ask gossip dowager Cindy Adams because the split meants at least one of her gossip dispatches from the future is already wrong. Poor Taylor Lautner. We've got a nice warm shoulder for you to cry on—just as soon as you turn 18.
Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:10:02 AM
Is coffee healthy? For the first time, scientists can definitively say, "Kind of in certain ways but in other ways probably not and for the overall question we guess it depends." The WSJ clears up the question once and for all, with a good old-
fashioned "roundup" story! Coffee is good and healthy for the following health conditions: Diabetes, prostate cancer, colon, mouth, throat, esophageal and endometrial cancers, cavities, gallstones, cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, suicide, death in general. Coffee is bad and unhealthy for
Energy stocks drag Wall Street lower (Financial Times - US homepage) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:49:53 AM
Energy stocks drag Wall Street lower By Samantha Pearson in New York
By Justin McElroy (Joystiq) Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:45:00 AM
The spectrum of available games distribution is wider than ever before, but we're not sure we've ever seen this exact configuration. After previously appearing as a downloadable PC game, fantasy footballer Blood Bowl will come to Xbox 360 and PSP, with an additional retail version on PC, courtesy of SouthPeak. The Warhammerinspired game will take the field mannequins? Creepy. We're in January on 360 and PC, through." And with that, a followed by the PSP in the more million tabloid editors wept at the nebulous "Spring." loss of the million perfect Now's the time we turn the post Taylor/Taylor cover lines they over to your comments, and we had already concocted in their can't wait to see what you have to clever little brains. They had say. We're sure someone has to be offended by this release constellation. Gallery: Blood Bowl (360, PSP, disease, miscarriage, messed up PC) b a b i e s , a n x i e t y , i n s o m n i a , SouthPeak bringing Blood Bowl obesity. to 360, PSP in 2010 originally Are these risks and benefits appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 29 related to caffeine or some other Dec 2009 10:45:00 EST. Please substance in coffee or to some see our terms for use of feeds. other habit that coffee drinkers Read| Permalink| Email this| have, which is not coffee at all? Comments the following health conditions: Maybe, say scientists. blood pressure, stroke, heart
Coffee Kind of Healthy, Or Not [Science] By Hamilton Nolan (Gawker)
SouthPeak bringing Blood Bowl to 360, PSP in 2010
Published: December 29 2009 Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: 15:15 | Last updated: December PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, 29 2009 17:49 Term Extraction. Five Filters featured article:
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Texas Tech Red Raiders suspend coach Mike Leach for Valero Alamo Bowl By Joe Schad (ESPN.com)
discontent ending with allegations of player mistreatment? Blog Texas Tech Suspends Leach For A source told The Associated A l a m o B o w l T e x a s T e c h Press that James said Leach told Suspends Leach For Alamo Bowl him if he came out, he would be LUBBOCK, Texas -- Texas kicked off the team. Tech suspended coach Mike According to the source, Leach Leach indefinitely after a player told the trainer, two days later, to and his family filed a complaint "put [James] in the darkest, about the player's treatment after tightest spot. It was in an an injury. electrical closet, again, with a The school said in a release guard posted outside." Monday defensive coordinator The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal Ruffin McNeill will be the reported that the university had interim coach and lead the team given Leach until Monday to in the Valero Alamo Bowl on write an apology and suspended Jan. 2 against Michigan State. him when he did not. But two McNeill will remain in charge of sources close to Leach disputed the team until the investigation is that account, saying the coach complete. was not offered the opportunity The player, Adam James, is a to make an apology. redshirt sophomore wide receiver An attorney for Leach said that for the Red Raiders and the son while James was secluded twice, of ESPN college football analyst the circumstances were not as Craig James. portrayed in that account. A source close to the family said Ted Liggett, Leach's attorney, James sustained a concussion on said James "was placed in an Dec. 16, was examined on Dec. equipment room as it was much 17 and told not to practice cooler and darker" than the because of the concussion and an practice field "after a doctor had elevated heart rate. The source examined him and returned him said Leach called a trainer and to the field." directed him to move James "to Liggett said that on that day, a the darkest place, to clean out the trainer was posted outside the equipment and to make sure that r o o m a n d t h a t J a m e s w a s he could not sit or lean. He was provided ice. Liggett said that confined for three hours." James was secluded for one to Griffin: Can Leach Survive? two hours. How did a smart man wind up in Liggett said that on another this situation -- a year of occasion, James was placed in a Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:20:48 AM
"press room with air-conditioning and a stationary bike he could use." Liggett also said Leach placed James in those environments because "Mike tries to keep the players that are unable to practice as close as he can." Liggett said he will "soon begin" legal steps to overturn Texas Tech's suspension and allow Leach to coach the Alamo Bowl. A source briefed on situation said that on the first day in question, Leach asked trainers on the field, "Well, what can [James] do?" and the coach was told James could not have strenuous activity and should avoid sunlight and so Leach instructed, "Well, then put him over there." Another source familiar with Leach's methods suggested that he believed Leach was attempting to "test" James. The family released a statement Monday explaining why they filed the complaint but refusing to speculate or provide additional information out of respect for the investigation. "Mr. and Mrs. James took the step with great regret and after consideration and prayer to convey to the Texas Tech administration that their son had been subjected to actions and treatment not consistent with common sense rules for safety and health," the statement read.
The statement went on to say the family felt the matter was important to "protect all the fine young men involved in Tech football and the University's reputation for developing and educating young men and women. "Over the past year, there has been a greatly enhanced recognition of the dangers of concussions and the potential for long term physical damage to players. At virtually every level of football coaching, cases where children and young men have sustained concussions have generated serious discussion of the importance of correct treatment and diagnosis." Craig James was scheduled to announce the Alamo Bowl. ESPN spokesman Josh Krulewitz said James no longer will work the game. The Red Raiders were 8-4 this season. McNeill declined to answer questions about the incident after Monday night's practice in San Antonio. Players were not made available to the media. "Mike's my friend, we've been friends for a long time, and I don't think right now is the right time to go into that," McNeill said to reporters after practice. He said Leach arrived with the team in San Antonio and that Adam James also was with the team but not practicing.
McNeill said he was told around 3:30 p.m. that he was taking over for Leach, then told the players about a half-hour later. "They were probably a little shocked, but at the same time, they did a good job of coming on the field and doing what I asked them to do. I was proud of that," McNeill said after practice. Leach did not immediately return a call or a text message from The Associated Press seeking comment. There's been internal strife this season with the Red Raiders and Leach has resorted to some tongue-lashing. He chastised players after a loss to Texas A&M in October for listening to "their fat little girlfriends," and thinking the Aggies were a pushover. And after the Red Raiders' loss at then -No. 12 Houston in September, Leach suspended starting offensive lineman Brandon Carter indefinitely for violating team rules. The loss to the Cougars was the second straight for the Red Raiders, who had fallen 34-24 at No. 2 Texas in an early Big 12 matchup. This season is the first since 2002 -- Leach's third season -- that the Red Raiders dropped two of their first four games. That same week Leach banned his players from having Twitter TEXAS page 58
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Sources: Houston Rockets give Tracy McGrady indefinite leave, will look to trade disgruntled guard By Marc Stein (ESPN.com)
to conclude that combining their efforts to try to facilitate a trade was the best option. Tracy McGrady has been cleared The Rockets, according to to take an indefinite leave from sources with knowledge of the the Houston Rockets after the t e a m ' s t h i n k i n g , r e f u s e t o former All-Star's representatives c o n s i d e r b u y i n g o u t t h e and Rockets management agreed remainder of McGrady's $23.2 to work together in search of a million expiring contract, which trade for the disgruntled guard, would enable him to become a according to sources close to the free agent. situation. “ Sources close to the process told Whoever gets me is going to get ESPN.com that multiple phone a hungry ... player. I don't care if discussions Monday between I go to the damn moon. It doesn't Rockets general manager Daryl matter. I've been hungry since I Morey and coach Rick Adelman came back from my surgery.�-in conjunction with McGrady's Rockets guard Tracy McGrady lead agent, Arn Tellem, led to a One source said that the Rockets' mutual agreement that both sides anti-buyout stance is so deeply would try to hatch a workable rooted that they plan to keep him trade before the league's annual on the payroll even if a deal can't trading deadline on Feb. 18. be struck before the trading McGrady was allowed to return deadline. to Houston over the weekend, McGrady would have to be while the team completed a road waived by March 1 in order to t r i p , w h e n h i s r e q u e s t f o r qualify for another team's playoff i n c r e a s e d m i n u t e s i n h i s roster. comeback from microfracture Sources said that the sides have knee surgery was denied by agreed for now that the best Adelman. compromise is allowing When McGrady's camp pressed McGrady to leave the team to Monday for firm promises about work out on his own and stay when his playing time would be ready in case a deal can be e x t e n d e d - - M c G r a d y h a s struck. The Rockets, meanwhile, averaged just 7.7 minutes in his will be hoping that McGrady's six appearances this season -- d e p a r t u r e w i l l s p a r e h i s sources say that the Rockets were teammates and coaches from the not prepared to make any such distraction of daily questions commitments, leading both sides about the two-time scoring Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:24:31 AM
champion's status. "We just keep going," Rockets guard Aaron Brooks told the Houston Chronicle. "Everybody has a job to do. It's the same old story. Nothing changes. "We always wish the best for Tracy. We can't do anything about what goes on with them. You [media] guys are about the only ones talking about it. We don't talk about it. We let that happen. We let it play out. We might joke about it. We might joke about the media talking about it. That's about it." Formal comment from the Rockets is expected Tuesday. Neither McGrady nor his agents could immediately be reached Monday. The reality is that McGrady will be difficult to move, even with Tellem and fellow agent Bob Myers now officially cleared to seek out trade possibilities with other teams. The Rockets are one of the few teams in the league -in this depressed economy -willing to take back long-term money to get a player they like, such as Golden State's Anthony Randolph or Sacramento's Kevin Martin. But most potential trading partners have to aggregate so many contracts to get to McGrady's salary range that it's difficult to construct a deal that doesn't require Houston to take back one or more
unpalatable deals. ESPN.com reported Saturday that the Washington Wizards had reached out to the Rockets in an exploratory manner about a possible Gilbert Arenas-forMcGrady swap, but Houston has no interest in such a deal. Arenas ranks as one of the league's most difficult players to move with four seasons left after this one on a mammoth $111 million contract and a history of knee problems to rival McGrady's. It's conceivable that Houston's trade options could expand once the trading deadline draws closer, but the agreement to let McGrady leave the team immediately eases some pressure on Adelman, who was admittedly struggling to find openings to work a rusty McGrady into a rotation that has been so successful without the seven-time All-Star and injured center Yao Ming. At 18-13 entering Tuesday's play, Houston ranks as perhaps the biggest surprise team in the league, led by Brooks, sixth man Carl Landry and newcomer Trevor Ariza. "I don't blame any player for saying I want more, and that's basically what [McGrady] wants, and right now I'm not sure how to do that," Adelman told reporters on Saturday in New Jersey. Although he was healthy enough to play in only 35 games last
season, McGrady insists that his next team will be getting a steal no matter what his modest numbers suggest -- he's averaging just 3.2 points on 7-for -19 shooting in his brief cameos - and in spite of ongoing concerns about his surgically repaired knee. "Whoever gets me is going to get a hungry ... player," McGrady told the Chronicle. "I don't care if I go to the damn moon. It doesn't matter. I've been hungry since I came back from my surgery. "I rededicated myself, refocused, moved to Chicago, worked out the whole summer there. It was every day just grinding, just pushing. I'm not even supposed to be playing right now, so that really tells you how hard I've been working. I wasn't supposed to be playing until January or February. If you asked anybody who had [microfracture surgery] it probably took them a year to really feel full strength. I feel fine right now." Marc Stein covers the NBA for ESPN.com. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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Shocking Suspension of Tech’s Leach Sparks Debate (WSJ.com: The Daily Fix)
station KTTU were heavily in favor of Leach as news broke Monday afternoon. There’s also a The timing couldn’t be worse for question of timing. Leach’s Texas Tech as it prepares to meet contract calls for him to receive Michigan State in Saturday’s $800,000 if he is the Tech coach Alamo Bowl. Mike Leach, the on Dec. 31. And the indefinite R e d R a i d e r s ’ c o a c h , w a s suspension imperils a recruiting suspended Monday by school class ranked 24th nationally by officials while the university Rivals.com.” looks into allegations by receiver Sports Illustrated’s Stewart A d a m J a m e s t h a t h e w a s Mandel isn’t looking forward to mistreated while suffering from a what he calls “an all-out Loneconcussion earlier this month. Star showdown.” James, the son of ESPN analyst “In one corner, we have the Craig James, was allegedly revered and ever-controversial isolated twice in a closet during coach of a Big 12 program,” practice. Associated Press It’s Mandel writes. “In the other, a never good for recruiting when perturbed father who happens to people start drawing ties between be one of the most celebrated your program and Guantanamo college players in the state’s Bay. history and a highly visible Only a year ago Leach was television personality. It’s Mike being lauded for bringing an Leach’s word vs. Craig James’ uptempo offense and consistent w o r d , w i t h b o t h m e n ’ s winning to Lubbock as his Red considerable reputations on the Raiders nearly crashed the BCS line. Let the lawyers’ fees fly.” party. Now his future is uncertain ESPN’s Tim Griffin is surprised pending the outcome of the by the news about Leach and investigation. wonders whether he’ll be able to “By suspending Leach for a bowl coach Tech again. game, the administration has FanHouse’s Kevin Blackistone brought everything to a boil,” says Leach should be fired if the Chuck Carlton blogs in the allegations are true.* * * Dallas Morning News. “Leach’s Tracy McGrady and the Houston attorney, Ted Liggett, indicated Rockets appear done. McGrady, that he was strongly considering w h o s e p l a y i n g t i m e h a s legal action to have Leach diminished dramatically since his reinstated for the bowl. Phone return from left knee surgery, has calls to Lubbock all-sports radio requested a trade and the Rockets Submitted at 12/29/2009 7:33:27 AM
are trying to accommodate him. T-Mac is averaging a career-low 3.2 points and less than eight minutes per game on a team that’s also missing injured star Yao Ming, yet remains in the playoff race. Yahoo’s Adrian Wojnarowski calls McGrady’s comeback this season “a futile, pointless exercise.” The Examiner’s David Hartnett says McGrady’s time in Houston was marked by playoff failure.* ** The Chicago Bears surprised the football world with their 36-30 overtime victory over the Minnesota Vikings on Monday night. But it’s still too little, too late for a team that was expected to contend this season under new quarterback Jay Cutler. Instead, the Bears have only six wins, with Monday’s on Devin Aromashodu’s 39-yard TD from Cutler. In the Chicago Tribune, David Haugh says the Bears’ victory raises more questions than it answers about coach Lovie Smith and the team.* * * So long as cities entice
professional sports teams to move, team owners have plenty of leverage in extracting favorable leases or even new stadiums from their current homes. And in many cases, taxpayers are stuck paying the bills, even when their cities should be directing funds to more important issues such as infrastructure improvements and public-school funding. Economist Ed Lotterman, a Minnesotan who writes for the Idaho Statesman, sees spillover benefits to spending public money on stadiums. Lotterman is worried the Vikings might bolt for financially greener pastures if the city doesn’t build the owner a new stadium. Things don’t always turn out like Lotterman envisions, though: Many deals to finance stadium construction have backfired, especially in Cincinnati, placing a bigger burden on taxpayers, Ken Belson writes in the New York Times.* * * Beth and Lawrence Fong met a few years ago when she decided to train as a triathlete in a program Lawrence was teaching, eventually marrying in 2008. Their goal was to compete in the Ironman triathlon in Tempe, Ariz., last year. But their lives changed drastically when Lawrence suffered a series of strokes that left him comatose.
His recovery has exacted financial ruin on the couple, but it hasn’t hurt their commitment to each other. Eventually, Lawrence insisted that she resume her training for this year’s Ironman. In the Los Angeles Times, Molly Hennessy-Fiske weaves a fascinating story about this couple’s journey.* * * Much ink has been spilled in the weeks since Tiger Woods admitted to numerous extramarital affairs. The golfer’s life has been turned upside-down, and his marriage is in trouble. Some columnists have pontificated, others have offered advice to Tiger, but not the Washington Post’s Mike Wise, who admits to his own issues with infidelity. In the New York Times, former major-leaguer Doug Glanville writes how easy it was to get caught up in the maelstrom of bad relationships and end up in “Tiger Woods country.” Found a good column from the world of sports? Don’t keep it to yourself — write to us at dailyfix@wsj.com and we’ll consider your find for inclusion in the Daily Fix. You can email Garey at ris84rap@gmail.com.
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Indianapolis Colts' Jim Caldwell defends pulling starters vs. New York Jets By Associated Press (ESPN.com) Submitted at 12/28/2009 3:35:01 PM
INDIANAPOLIS -- Colts coach Jim Caldwell will not secondguess the decision to rest his starters Sunday. He'll let everybody else do it for him. One day after Indianapolis pulled the plug on its perfect season by sitting Peyton Manning and others with 5:36 left in the third quarter of a 15-10 game, the great debate raged in Indianapolis. Mike and Mike in the Morning Mike Ditka joins Erik Kuselias and Adam Schefter to react to the Colts' decision to rest their stars in the loss to the Jets. He says the players deserved the chance to play for a perfect season. More Podcasts Âť NFL purists expressed disappointment that the Colts sidestepped their shot at perfection. Other analysts suggested the Colts had an obligation to play it straight, and hometown fans expressed their anger with strong critiques on local radio shows. None of it fazed Caldwell. "I'm one of those guys, it's probably my greatest strength and my greatest weakness, I can
focus in, I can narrow my scope, and once you make a decision you have to live with it," he said. "Certainly you weigh all the options before. You take a look at all the things that could occur, but once that decision is done you just keep moving." Indy fans aren't ready to move on just yet. After celebrating record after record during an unprecedented 23-game winning streak and feeling like they had a personal stake in the pursuit of perfection, they showered Lucas Oil Stadium with boos over the final 20 minutes Sunday. Pro Bowl receiver Reggie Wayne joked to a local television station that Indy might be the first 14-1 team to get booed at home. AFC South blog ESPN.com's Paul Kuharsky writes about all things AFC South in his division blog. • Blog network: NFL Nation In time, fans will likely calm down, and if the Colts win the Super Bowl, all will be forgiven. "Ultimately, what matters the most is what happens in the postseason," Denver coach Josh McDaniels said. "So, I think their season is going to be determined by what they do once the playoffs start, not what happened yesterday."
The controversy has stoked passions among Indy sports fans and on the national stage unlike anything this community has seen since the firing of Bob Knight in 2000 or The Brawl in Detroit in 2004. Yes, everybody has an opinion, but the only ones that really matter are voiced in the locker room -- and they support Caldwell. "You get people who think you should have gone for it and people who think we did a disservice to the NFL by not playing our guys," said left tackle Charlie Johnson, who was deactivated for Sunday's game because of a foot injury. "But I think you have to look at the decisions coach Caldwell has made up to this point and trust him." The decision also could have ramifications on the playoff race. The Jets now have control, thanks to Sunday's victory, and teams such as Pittsburgh or Houston could end up missing the postseason because the Colts rested key players. "Obviously I would have loved to have seen them win that game," Houston coach Gary Kubiak said. "But for us it really doesn't matter. We have to worry about taking care of our business. ...
They've got to do what they think they got to do. But we've got to worry about ourselves." Caldwell and team president Bill Polian, the architect of the Colts, insist they did what was best for the team. Their goal, Polian and Caldwell continue to insist, is to win the Super Bowl -- not go 160. And the best way to accomplish that, they believe, is to be healthy. So they sat the starters for the final 20 minutes, allowing the Jets to rally for a 29-15 victory. They're likely to sit even longer this weekend in Buffalo. "The perfect season was never an issue with us," Polian said after the game. "We've said it time and time and time again. It's somebody else's issue, but not ours. That was of no concern. Football logic has to come into play, and that logic is it makes no sense to have guys out there with the potential for injuries." Fans didn't buy Polian's contention. Callers to radio shows repeatedly questioned Indy's tack. Some asked for refunds. Others described Polian as "arrogant" and one fan said the team "spit in our face." One talk show host read an e-mail on the air that said the Colts didn't lose Sunday's game, they forfeited it,
and many brought up the Colts' previous postseason failures. In three of the last four years, Indianapolis has not won a playoff game. The other time, the Colts won the Lombardi Trophy. It's a tricky question. Oakland defensive lineman Richard Seymour, who played on the perfect Patriots in 2007, and Titans coach Jeff Fisher, who had the last team to lose a game in 2008, believe organizations have to make the decision that is best for them, even though Fisher said he would play his starters if he were 14-0. So will Caldwell's decision be worth it? Maybe. "I think everybody really had the sense that if they played their players they would win the next two games. They didn't," Fisher said. "But I think we have to wait and see and then go back and ask yourself that question. Just wait and see what happens in the playoffs." Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Sports/ Media/
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FanHouse's 2010 Olympic Hockey Rosters By Tom Mantzouranis (Fanhouse Main)
Malone, Kyle Okposo, Zach Parise, Joe Pavelski, Bobby Ryan, Paul Stastny Submitted at 12/29/2009 4:00:00 AM Snubs: Scott Gomez, Bill Filed under: Team USA, Team Guerin, Jack Johnson, Jonathan Canada, Olympic Hockey The Quick 2010 Olympics will drop the Canada(in alphabetical order) puck on its men's ice hockey Goalies: Martin Brodeur*, Marccompetition on Feb. 16 and Andre Fleury, Roberto Luongo award medals on Feb. 28, and, Defensemen: Dan Boyle, Drew though there's a world's worth of Doughty, Mike Green, Duncan talent taking part, it's fairly safe Keith, Scott Niedermayer, Chris to say that the Canada and/or Pronger, Shea Weber USA teams will leave on that last Forwards: Mike Cammalleri, day with some new hardware. Sidney Crosby, Ryan Getzlaf, Neither country has announced Dany Heatley, Jarome Iginla, its roster (Canada will make its Patrick Marleau, Rick Nash announcement on Dec. 31, with Dustin Penner, Corey Perry, Brad USA following a day after), but Richards, Martin St. Louis, what would they look like if Steven Stamkos, Joe Thornton FanHouse was given the keys? Snubs: Vincent Lecavalier, Dion Below are our hand-picked Phaneuf, Mike Richards, Jordan rosters for both teams, along with Staal, Jonathan Toews some thoughts from Kevin Kevin Schultz: While our roster Schultz and Bruce Ciskie. selections were unanimous, there USA(in alphabetical order) were some interesting snubs, Goalies: Craig Anderson, Ryan which we'll get to in a moment. Miller*, Tim Thomas But first, in my opinion, the most Defensemen: Andy Greene, Erik noticeable thing about these two Johnson, Paul Martin, Brooks rosters is that three-headed Orpik, Brian Rafalski, Ryan monster in goal for Canada. Each Suter, Ryan Whitney player has a serious case for Forwards: David Backes, Dustin being the starter. Martin Brodeur Brown, Dustin Byfuglien, Patrick is the veteran with three rings, a Kane, Ryan Kesler, Phil Kessel, gold medal and countless NHL Jamie Langenbrunner, Ryan records. Marc-Andre Fleury has
two straight Finals appearances, one ring, and is the youngest of the trio by five years. Roberto Luongo is, well, Roberto Luongo. He doesn't have the awards of the other two but certainly has the reputation and statistics to match. We're starting Brodeur. Bruce Ciskie: He's won everything you can win. He's playing well this season. Not only that, but he's motivated because he was the one in net four years ago when Canada failed. "... it seems in this case we ended up with what happens when I do a fantasy draft on NHL 10 -draft the best available player for your all-star team because chemistry and role players don't factor in nearly as much in the virtual world." -- Kevin Schultz(Not blaming him, but facts are facts.) No disrespect to Fleury or Luongo, but I think Brodeur is the most experienced and the best fundamental goalie of the group. KS: He's still at the top of his game and won't be around for 2014 -- assuming NHLers play -while the other two should be. Now let's talk for a minute about who got left off our Team
Canada, most notably Vincent Lecavalier, Jonathan Toews and Dion Phaneuf. Are these snubs due to their performances of late or simply the team being so deep especially down the middle and on defense? BC: I don't have a defense for Toews or Jordan Staal being left off our team. Frankly, I believe strongly that you need role players, even on an all-star type of team like this. This team will still take penalties, face key defensive zone faceoffs, and will need to match a line up against top offensive threats like Kovalchuk, Malkin, and Ovechkin. Expecting guys who don't necessarily do much of this to suddenly do it on a huge stage is asking for trouble. (Maybe Iginla's this guy, but I'd much rather have Staal fill that role so Iginla can score goals, which is something I think he's much better at.) I think my point is only helped by the enormous pressure that is on the Canadians to win gold on their home soil. Coming off a nomedal Olympics four years ago, the magnifying glass is out for every decision Yzerman and Babcock make as it relates to who is on this team and what
roles they play. KS: I see what you're saying about role players and it seems in this case we ended up with what happens when I do a fantasy draft on NHL 10 -- draft the best available for your all-star team because chemistry and role players don't factor in nearly as much in the virtual world. But since Canada is so deep, it's hard to argue that those guys are being left out in favor of someone undeserving. It's a little bit different on the American side. For the Americans, we've snubbed veterans like Guerin and Gomez in favor of a much younger lineup. In the interest of full disclosure, I put the pair on my ballot to add a bit of a veteran presence. On our roster, Jamie Langenbrunner and Ryan Malone are the only forwards over the age of 25. How would this effect the team, especially in regards to leaning on younger kids to carry your scoring? Only some of these guys (Kessel, Okposo) are already used to that. We'll see if the two countries follow our line of thinking or not.
MediaDailyNews: USA, Most-Watched Cable Net (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:35:48 AM
USA the most-watched cable network this year, and the
channel grew its total prime time audience by 15% -- more than any of its top competitors, writes The Hollywood Reporter. BET was up 23%, the latter boosted by
its coverage of Michael Jackson's death. Food Network, up 26%, while the now-gone "Jon & Kate" helped TLC rise 18%. On the downside, CNN (-30%) fell
more than any other cable network, at 30%. Lifetime, despite getting "Project Runway," dropped sharply (20%), as did competitor
Hallmark (18%). Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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The Count: Golden Age of Punting May Be Short -Lived (WSJ.com: The Daily Fix)
the average has slipped to 44.1 yards per punt, and Lechler is averaging 51.1 yards per punt, The current state of NFL off the record pace. But the punting? It is the best of times, it general point (made earlier in the is the worst of times. Punters are season by Cold, Hard Football booming the ball farther than Facts and ESPN) still stands: ever, and serving a vital role on Punters are better than ever. bad teams. Yet the signature play Two sidebars to the SI article, of the season so far was a coach’s t h o u g h , p o i n t t o a m o r e decision not to punt in what c o m p l i c a t e d p i c t u r e . O n e seemed like an obvious punting introduced a punter rating akin to situation. Other coaches also are the quarterback rating the NFL thinking twice about punting. It uses to rank its passers. “Like the is the age of wisdom, it is the age quarterback rating, this isn’t a of foolishness. Teams are using perfect system — it doesn’t take and avoiding punting with more into account factors such as intelligence, yet too many of outkicking your coverage,” SI them won’t opt to keep the ball wrote. Still, it gives a general until desperation has set in and it picture of the spread of kicking is essentially too late. Associated success in the league. And the P r e s s S h a n e L e c h l e r i s spread is quite narrow. Of the 29 challenging the record for punters who met SI’s criteria of average punt yardage. at least 40 punts, the lowest-rated “Statistics suggest that this is the kicker came in at 25.98, and the golden age of NFL punting,” highest had a rating of 41.24, on Sports Illustrated reported earlier a scale between -68.1 and 100. this month. “During the first 12 By contrast, the difference weeks of the season, the average between the highest-rated passer punt went 44.3 yards, a half yard and the 29th-rated passer is about farther than the record set last three times as great, on an even year. Punters were on pace to tighter scale, from 0 to 158.3. drop 868 balls inside their Much of the spread in passer opponents’ 20-yard lines, 103 rating reflects variation in overall more than the league mark set in team offense, while punting is 2007. And the Raiders’ Shane more an accurate reflection of the Lechler was on course to equal or punter’s skills. Still, with so break the season record of 51.40 many punters producing such yards per punt set 69 years ago similar results, it’s hard for any by Sammy Baugh.” Since then, one punter to get the attention Submitted at 12/29/2009 10:17:13 AM
that Drew Brees or Brett Favre does. The other SI sidebar noted that teams are attempting more fourth -down conversions than ever before since the NFL began tracking the stat in 1991, most notably Bill Belichick’s decision to go for it on fourth down-andtwo with a six point lead late in the fourth quarter against the Indianapolis Colts. This merely reflects a slow assimilation of a growing body of research showing that teams punt too often. SI referred to one study that “noted 1,068 instances between 1998 and 2000 in which NFL teams facing fourth down had a better chance of making a first down than they did of
TEXAS continued from page 53
pages after linebacker Marlon Williams asked on his account why he was still in a meeting turning the ball over; still, 959 room when "the head coach can't times the team punted.” That’s even be on time." not quite right. The study found In February, Leach and Tech that in those instances, teams agreed to a five-year, $12.7 would have a higher probability million deal that could keep him of winning if they went for it at the school through 2013. than if they kicked, and it The contract includes a $250,000 covered field goals as well as bonus if Leach and Tech win the punts. But the general point national championship, a $75,000 stands: Teams punt too much. bonus if Tech participates in a Brian Burke, who has written BCS bowl and a $50,000 bonus if about this extensively on his blog Leach is picked as national coach Advanced NFL Stats, did find of the year that teams are going for it more If Tech terminates the contract, often. “The revolution is here — the school must pay Leach it’s just moving in slow motion,” $400,000 for each year remaining he wrote. As a sign of how slow, on the agreement. There is no he found that teams only eschew buyout amount. Joe Schad covers college the kick regularly when their chance of winning is 1% or football for ESPN. Information below. “That is way, way too from The Associated Press was late,” he wrote. He told me that used in this report. of 2,179 punts through the first Five Filters featured article: 15 weeks of the season, 892, or Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: 41%, shouldn’t have happened PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, because teams would have helped Term Extraction. their win probability more by going for it. NFL coaches and general managers inevitably will start to take heed of such analyses. Sure, some of them may want to adjust their win probability calculations to account for the high quality of their punting game and low quality of their offense, but it appears likely that the golden age of punting will be short-lived.
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The Count: Do the Lakers Need 40 From Kobe?
WiiWaa has the plushiest peripheral ever
(WSJ.com: The Daily Fix)
Submitted at 12/29/2009 5:00:00 AM
Submitted at 12/28/2009 11:26:03 AM
At first, this trailer for WiiWaa had us quite skeptical. Seeing a Wii Remote shoved down the throat of an adorable plush doll clued us in. Certainly this had to be another fake Wii game, a la Mass: We Pray! However, it didn't take long for this trailer to work its magic on our cold, Scrooge-like hearts. Translating playtime with a realworld doll for a video game is rather brilliant, transforming an inanimate toy into something much more engaging and interactive. We can already imagine parents fighting each other at Toys 'R' Us for a WiiWaa plush/game combo set at Christmas next year -- provided the game is, y'know, real. [Thanks Andrew C.] WiiWaa has the plushiest peripheral ever originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 05:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments
ESPN noticed the other day that the Lakers have been really good when Kobe Bryant has scored 40 or more points in his career. On “SportsCenter,” a graphic noted that LA has won 71 of 102 games, or nearly 70% of the time Bryant has reached that scoring level — most recently last week, when he went for 40 against the Oklahoma City Thunder. Getty Images Kobe Bryant scored 40 against the Thunder, but 30 might have sufficed. But it turns out the Lakers have been really good nearly throughout the Bryant era, regardless of whether he scored 40 points. In the other 961 games of his career, the Lakers won 66% of the time. Bryant played in 875 of those games, and the Lakers won 66% of those, too — including Saturday’s doubleovertime win over the Kings, in which he was held to a mere 38. Bryant has been held to under 10 points in 71 career games, and the Lakers won 65% of those. Even the 86 games he didn’t play ended up going the Lakers’ way
By Andrew Yoon (Joystiq)
Urban Meyer Audible Only Delays TV Courtship By Milton Kent (Fanhouse Main) 62% of the time. Certainly it can help to have a player erupt for 40 or more points. Of the 30 players to score 50 or more in a game in the last decade, 22 did so in a winning effort. But some context reveals that the ESPN stat says more about the overall quality of Bryant’s game and of his Lakers teams than it does about the value of his 40-point efforts. Basketball Reference’s game finder used extensively for this post.
50 -- five years from now -- does get off the sidelines in the next couple of years, he will find no Submitted at 12/29/2009 2:17:00 AM shortage of suitors. Filed under: Florida, Texas Of course, at the head of the line Tech, Sports Business and Media would be ESPN and ABC. The Urban Meyer's decision to take a Worldwide Leader could easily leave of absence from the Florida put Meyer in the booth for its head coaching slot and not retire Saturday night ABC regularkeeps in check, for now, what season series and for its exclusive threatened to be a bloody scrum c o v e r a g e o f t h e B o w l for his television analyst services. C h a m p i o n s h i p S e r i e s . Meyer, a dynamic, successful CBS could appeal to Meyer's and young coach, would certainly familiarity with the Southeastern have touched off a battle between Conference to offer him a post two and possibly three networks either in what would be an to have him in either a booth or intriguing booth with Verne in a New York studio. Lundquist and Gary Danielson or If Meyer, who has spoken even in New York with Tim Brando before this latest episode of being and Spencer Tillman. out of coaching by the time he is
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There's No Excuse for Abusive Coaches
Big Baby Taking Baby Steps in Return
By Kevin Blackistone (Fanhouse Main)
By Chris Tomasson (Fanhouse Main)
Submitted at 12/28/2009 6:00:00 PM
Submitted at 12/28/2009 4:44:00 PM
Filed under: NCAA Football At a meeting of the Texas Tech Faculty Senate in March 2001, a motion was made and approved to amend the agenda. The faculty was a little concerned about a possible new hire for the men's basketball team, an infamous fellow named Bob Knight. One professor asked of then Texas Tech president David Schmidly if the prospective new coach would be held to a different standard of conduct given his well-known history of being a hothead who verbally lashed out at those around him. Schmidly said the university would expect nothing from Knight that it wouldn't from other coaches and faculty. "There is a clause in every contract that calls for termination for behavior that is detrimental to
Filed under: Celtics, NBA Injuries Toss out the pacifier. Big Baby has grown up. Well, maybe. The Boston Celtics still want to see what happens in the future with Glen Davis, the burly power forward who suffered an embarrassing broken right thumb the university, to its employees or just before the start of the regular students," Schmidly stated. "That season after getting into a fight with a friend. includes physical abuse." So if it is true that Texas Tech But Davis has returned to the football coach Mike Leach-- who court, and has provided some I've known and enjoyed talking encouraging play in his first three to and watching coach for years - games back. He's determined to - stuck a player, ESPN football show his Big Baby moniker is analyst's Craig James' son Adam, not going to continue to define in a closet after suffering a his maturity. concussion, Leach, whom the "No matter how old you think school suspended Monday, you are, you're never as grown up as you think you are because you should be fired. Period. still make kid mistakes, childish
Around the Net In Media: More Fires Than Hires At Ad Agencies (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 12/28/2009 10:10:04 PM
Ad-agency jobs in October 2009 were down 14% from the recession's December 2007 start - a loss of 26,300 jobs, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Agency employment from January 2009 to October 2009 alone fell from 175,300 to 161,500, or nearly 8% That included WPP's Ogilvy & Mather laying off 4% of its North American head count this month. mistakes,'' Davis said in an While jobs have been shed and interview with FanHouse about agency doors shut, there is a what he has learned since the glimmer of hope indicating Oct. 25 incident. "When you go turnaround: stock performance. through a tough stretch like that, Shares in agency holding I think it's about character. I companies rebounded sharply in learned a lot about my character 2009, a sign that investors are and what kind of person I really betting on brighter prospects for truly am. How I feel. It's just a the agency business. life lesson that I had to go Five Filters featured article: through to be the great player that Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: I want to be one day.'' PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Rockets Agree to Seek Trade for Tracy McGrady By Matt Moore (Fanhouse Main)
following playoff droughts, and in the midst of a run by the team sans its two biggest stars, the Submitted at 12/28/2009 3:56:00 PM Houston Chronicle reports that Filed under: Rockets Ladies and the Rockets have agreed to gentlemen, start your trade pursue a trade for the former Allmachines. Star. The Tracy McGrady Houston McGrady has missed time over Saga is nearing a conclusion. the past three seasons due to After injury-plagued seasons injuries, including microfracture
informing the team. McGrady returned this season in very limited stints of no more than eight minutes. After initially accepting a reduced role, McGrady has since asked for more playing time, only to be told that the Rockets didn't want knee surgery last February, to rush him back to see him go which he announced before down again. You know, sort of
like the last two seasons. The Rockets have apparently hit their limit with dealing with McGrady, and now will look to deal him.
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Cutler Beats Favre at His Own Game
North Star Musou videos punch a hole in our heart
By Thomas George (Fanhouse Main)
By David Hinkle (Joystiq) Submitted at 12/29/2009 3:00:00 AM
Submitted at 12/28/2009 6:40:00 PM
Filed under: Chicago Bears, Vikings, NFL Quarterbacks, NFL Analysis CHICAGO -- Brett Favre and Jay Cutler share much more than strong arms and stubborn wills. They share the same agent (Bus Cook) and the same wow factor at quarterback that juices their teammates. After a brutal storm, both always bounce back for more. Favre weaved his way to the Minnesota Vikings in the offseason with a head-spinning yes-no-yes-no-yes flip-flop over exiting retirement. Cutler spun his way out of the Denver
Broncos franchise and, in many circles afterward, was deemed petulant. Both have shared insights on these things with each other. On Monday night here, they shared the same field.
Around the Net In Media: Animated 'Boondocks' Returns In 2010 (MediaPost | Media News)
Then in August, a short Adult Swim promo spot for the show began appearing on YouTube. The long-delayed third season of The ad promised new episodes in a n i m a t e d c o m e d y " T h e early 2010. McGruder confirmed Boondocks" is finally expected to on Twitter that an airdate is set hit the small screen next year. for the first quarter. Series creator Aaron McGruder Five Filters featured article: announced on his MySpace page Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: that the Sony Pictures TV- PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, produced show had been ordered Term Extraction. for a new season, sans date. Submitted at 12/28/2009 10:09:52 PM
If you're not excited by Fist of the North Star Musou, then maybe you should go watch that Gandhi movie or something. However, if the thought of punching stuff makes you want to punch stuff, then check out Musou's new internet digs. The official site for the game has received quite the substantial update, assaulting our eyeballs with a variety of new blockbuster, marketed games are screenshots, gameplay videos siphoning more sales from (past the break) and bios for everyone else. Then again, casual characters and stages. There's games like Farmville on even a flexing shirt rip that would Facebook had 65 million players. make Balrog pee his boxing A complication here is that retail shorts! sales may be declining (which is [Via Andriasang] tracked by organizations like Continue reading North Star NPD), but we don't really know Musou videos punch a hole in what goes on in closed digital our heart distribution systems. The actual North Star Musou videos punch industry sales figures may be a hole in our heart originally debatable, but we'll take the rise appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 29 of casual games as a sign of Dec 2009 03:00:00 EST. Please demographic diversity within the see our terms for use of feeds. industry. Read| Permalink| Email this| More games and players in Comments 2009, but fewer sales originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 11:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments
More games and players in 2009, but fewer sales By Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) Submitted at 12/29/2009 11:45:00 AM
The gaming industry wasn't immune to the economic turmoil around the globe in 2009, but it appears that more people are playing games -- even if they aren't necessarily buying " core" games. USA Today has a yearend piece noting that 2008's record $21.3 billion in US sales isn't in the cards this year, with NPD data revealing that, as of November, consumers bought 12.2 million consoles, compared to 14.2 million the year prior. An optimist could argue that'll be made up for in software sales, but we'll need to wait until January for that data. EEDAR's Jesse Divnich reiterated that " the big games are getting bigger," indicating that
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Search Warrants Sealed in Susan Powell Case (FOXNews.com) Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:24:40 AM
SALT LAKE CITY Search warrants in the case of a 28-yearold Utah woman missing for three weeks have been sealed. Susan Powell was last seen on Dec. 7, when husband Josh Powell says he left their suburban home in West Valley City about 12:30 a.m. to take their two boys camping in freezing conditions. She was reported missing the same day when she failed to show up for her stockbroker job and her kids weren't dropped off at day care. Josh Powell returned later that evening to find his wife missing. He has been named a person of interest in the case, but not a suspect. Police have searched the Powell home and van. The 3rd District Court clerk's office said Monday that the search warrants have been sealed by a judge. Click here for more on this story PC Jan. 5; PS3 'later in January' Dragon Age 'Return to Ostagar' from Fox13now.com. DLC on 360, PC Jan. 5; PS3 Five Filters featured article: 'later in January' originally Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 29 PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Dec 2009 13:15:00 EST. Please Term Extraction. see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments
Dragon Age 'Return to Ostagar' DLC on 360, PC Jan. 5; PS3 'later in January' By Christopher Grant (Joystiq)
Xbox 360 and PC. The PS3 release is slated for "later in January." Aaryn Flynn, General click for "Return to Ostagar" Manager and Vice President at gallery BioWare Edmonton, says of the While trailing behind what some DLC offering, "Return to Ostagar of us might call "this holiday r e p r e s e n t s B i o W a r e ' s season" (as originally pledged), commitment to providing a t h e l a t e s t e x p a n s i o n f o r steady stream of compelling post BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins, release content as we continue to dubbed " Return to Ostagar," has e x p a n d t h e D r a g o n A g e been given a more finite release u n i v e r s e . " date of January 5th for both For just $5, and the promise of Submitted at 12/29/2009 1:15:00 PM
"the mighty arms and armor of the once great King Cailan," we imagine we'll be returning to Ostagar next week ... and as long as we're there, it won't hurt to find out what "King Cailan's topsecret political agenda" is, right? Check out a video of DLC expansion after the break. Gallery: Dragon Age: Origins "Return to Ostagar" DLC Continue reading Dragon Age 'Return to Ostagar' DLC on 360,
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MediaDailyNews: Disney Considers Marvel Heroes For TV (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:54:02 AM
OnLive technology demonstrated at Columbia University By Griffin McElroy (Joystiq)
embedded after the jump. It's awfully long -- feel free to jump Submitted at 12/29/2009 12:45:00 PM to the 12-minute mark to check You might want to go ahead and out the OnLive user interface, put on your thickest, darkest and the 17-minute mark to see sunglasses, because you're about the iPhone's social networking to be blinded with science. functionality. OnLive founder and CEO Steve Continue reading OnLive Perlman recently showed off the technology demonstrated at game-streaming technology's Columbia University applications to a group of OnLive technology students at Columbia University d e m o n s t r a t e d a t C o l u m b i a in New York. Yeah, sure, you University originally appeared on can be jealous of their rare Joystiq on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 opportunity, but take solace in 12:45:00 EST. Please see our the fact that access to this terms for use of feeds. opportunity probably cost them Read| Permalink| Email this| $35,000 a year. Comments GamertagRadio snagged a video of the event, which we've
iPhone Secret of Monkey Island half off, soundboard app free By JC Fletcher (Joystiq) Submitted at 12/29/2009 9:45:00 AM
We're delighted to report that the iPhone version of The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition has been discounted 50% for the holidays. It's available for just $3.99 from now through January 4. If you didn't get it at half-price on Xbox(or even if you did), now you can enjoy savings on this version! Our delight comes only partially from being able to tell you about a great price for a wonderful portable adventure game, but mostly from what we learned
when we went to verify the price on the App Store: There's been a free, official Monkey Island soundboard app(iTunes link) available since September! We would never have known had the game not gone on sale. The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition ($3.99): iPhone Secret of Monkey Island half off, soundboard app free originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 09:45:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Read| Permalink| Email this| Comments
Disney, which bought Marvel Comics, may see huge potential to develop the comic book super heroes for the small screen. Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger said the company may initially develop new characters on television rather than in movies, using less-known figures, such as Iron Fist, reports The Sacramento Bee. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Ring In the New Year With Bold Color! By ELLE.com (ELLE News Blog) Submitted at 12/29/2009 5:00:00 AM
We paired up with M.A.C Cosmetics to bring you some holiday sparkle just in time for New Year's! Get inspired by these colorful party-ready looks now. —Emily Hebert "Holiday makeup and fashion don't have to be red and green," RING page 64
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RING continued from page 63
says M.A.C Pro senior artist Keri Blair. Instead, the makeup guru eschewed the traditional smokyeye-and-red-lip combo for a smoldering purple gaze (grape hues make green eyes "pop") and matching lip color. "The red lip is always in style, but if you want to do a twist on the classic a deep purple still reads as holiday," she says. To achieve the textured violet pucker above, Blair patted crystalline glitter over glossslicked lips. "Metallics are making a huge statement this season," says Blair, who achieved the above lip looks by pressing M.A.C glitter and/or pigment over clear—or, in some cases, colored—gloss. To adapt these trendy pouts for New Year's or everyday, Blair suggests going with a premixed formula for an equally fun (yet more natural) effect. "Shimmer suspended in gloss is a great way to add a metallic element to your makeup," she says. Her product pick: M.A.C Dazzleglass in Get Rich Quick, a rosy-hued balm with a hint of sparkle. "Amy Winehouse helped bring back the cat eye, and Dita Von Teese perfected it," says Blair,
who played-up the model's almond-shaped eyes by adding "a little bit of eyeliner at the tips." Photos: Kelly Stuart, Make-up: Keri Blair, Hair: DJ Quintero, Nails: Deana Blackwell, Reporting: Emily Hebert "Debbie Harry was my inspiration because she had that rock edge and wasn't afraid to use black around her eyes," says Blair, noting that whenever you add reflective shimmer to a black liner or shadow "it scatters light and makes the black appear more natural." In creating the look above, Blair used a black liner over the eye in a cream formula so that the glitter would stick; after brushing a warm brown shadow through the crease and underneath, she applied M.A.C Glitter in Gold onto the lid. According to Blair, gold flatters every skin tone and eye color. When wearing a bright lipstick, sweep a barely-there gold shadow over eyelids for a touch of sparkle—and brush gold lacquer on nails to add instant warmth to winter-weary skin. "Exploring pigmented eye liner is a playful way to bring new colors into your makeup wardrobe
without having to use it on your entire lid," says Blair, who layered powder shadow over pencil liner for greater longevity and intensity. As for blue eye makeup like in the photo above, Blair says there's a shade out there for everyone. "Unlike in the 1970s, we now have a better ability to jet-mill pigments to the finest possible grade—shadows and liners have smoother, more reflective textures so that blue looks beautiful no matter your age or eye color," she says. Still wary of the punchy hue? Blair recommends mixing turquoise with a touch of black: "If you're scared of looking like Mimi from The Drew Carey Show, apply a bit of black shadow first, then press the blue into it. The black will help to take out any unwanted brightness." If you feel prettier in pink, simply use turquoise on the inner corners of eyes: "Fuchsia and bright blue intensify each other when they sit side by side, so you'll get this incredible play of color—much more so than if you used each color by itself," says Blair. For the photos above, Blair used
M.A.C Pro Pigment in Pink Pearl on the eyelids. Though she notes that pink shadow complements green and hazel eyes best, she says there are plenty of pinktoned options for everyone. The only time to steer clear of pink? "If you have lots of pink around your eye or your lash line is slightly irritated, the shadow can enhance that," says Blair. "She's the ultimate party queen," Blair says of the look above. Taking multicolored metallic stars she found at a craft store, Blair used tweezers to drag each star through lip gloss before applying them to the face. You can also use Vaseline for a stickfix; Blair says both mediums are suitable adhesives and make for easy removal, though she admits they can be "a little nomadic" as the night goes on. For a longterm New Year's Eve sparkle solution, she recommends using eyelash glue.
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Pressure rises to stop antibiotics in agriculture (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 4:49:26 AM
FRANKENSTEIN, Mo. – The mystery started the day farmer Russ Kremer got between a jealous boar and a sow in heat. The boar gored Kremer in the knee with a razor-sharp tusk. The burly pig farmer shrugged it off, figuring: "You pour the blood out of your boot and go on." But Kremer's red-hot leg ballooned to double its size. A strep infection spread, threatening his life and baffling doctors. Two months of multiple antibiotics did virtually nothing. The answer was flowing in the veins of the boar. The animal had been fed low doses of penicillin, spawning a strain of strep that was resistant to other antibiotics. That drug-resistant germ passed to Kremer. Like Kremer, more and more Americans — many of them living far from barns and pastures — are at risk from the widespread practice of feeding livestock antibiotics. These animals grow faster, but they can also develop drug-resistant infections that are passed on to people. The issue is now gaining attention because of interest from a new White House administration and a flurry of new research tying antibiotic use in animals to drug resistance in people. Researchers say the overuse of antibiotics in humans and animals has led to a plague of
drug-resistant infections that killed more than 65,000 people in the U.S. last year — more than prostate and breast cancer combined. And in a nation that used about 35 million pounds of antibiotics last year, 70 percent of the drugs went to pigs, chickens and cows. Worldwide, it's 50 percent. "This is a living breathing problem, it's the big bad wolf and it's knocking at our door," said Dr. Vance Fowler, an infectious disease specialist at Duke University. "It's here. It's arrived." The rise in the use of antibiotics is part of a growing problem of soaring drug resistance worldwide, The Associated Press found in a six-month look at the issue. As a result, killer diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and staph are resurging in new and more deadly forms. In response, the pressure against the use of antibiotics in agriculture is rising. The World Health Organization concluded this year that surging antibiotic resistance is one of the leading threats to human health, and the White House last month said the problem is "urgent." "If we're not careful with antibiotics and the programs to administer them, we're going to be in a post antibiotic era," said Dr. Thomas Frieden, who was tapped to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this year. Also this year, the three federal
agencies tasked with protecting public health— the Food and Drug Administration, CDC and U.S. Department of Agriculture— declared drugresistant diseases stemming from antibiotic use in animals a "serious emerging concern." And FDA deputy commissioner Dr. Joshua Sharfstein told Congress this summer that farmers need to stop feeding antibiotics to healthy farm animals. Farm groups and pharmaceutical companies argue that drugs keep animals healthy and meat costs low, and have defeated a series of proposed limits on their use. _______ America's farmers give their pigs, cows and chickens about 8 percent more antibiotics each year, usually to heal lung, skin or blood infections. However, 13 percent of the antibiotics administered on farms last year were fed to healthy animals to make them grow faster. Antibiotics also save as much as 30 percent in feed costs among young swine, although the savings fade as pigs get older, according to a new USDA study. However, these animals can develop germs that are immune to the antibiotics. The germs then rub into scratches on farmworkers' arms, causing oozing infections. They blow into neighboring communities in dust clouds, run off into lakes and rivers during heavy rains, and are sliced into roasts, chops and hocks and sent to our dinner
tables. " Antibiotic-resistant microorganisms generated in the guts of pigs in the Iowa countryside don't stay on the farm," said Union of Concerned Scientists Food and Environment director Margaret Mellon. More than 20 percent of all human cases of a deadly drugresistant staph infection in the Netherlands could be traced to an animal strain, according to a study published online in a CDC journal. Federal food safety studies routinely find drug resistant bacteria in beef, chicken and pork sold in supermarkets, and 20 percent of people who get salmonella have a drug resistant strain, according to the CDC. Here's how it happens: In the early '90s, farmers in several countries, including the U.S., started feeding animals fluoroquinolones, a family of antibiotics that includes drugs such as ciprofloxacin. In the following years, the once powerful antibiotic Cipro stopped working 80 percent of the time on some of the deadliest human infections it used to wipe out. Twelve years later, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study linking people infected with a Cipro-resistant bacteria to pork they had eaten. Johns Hopkins University health sciences professor Ellen Silbergeld, who has reviewed every major study on this issue, said there's no doubt drug use in farm animals is a "major driver
of antimicrobial resistance worldwide." "We have data to show it's in wastewaters and it goes to aquaculture and it goes here and there," agreed Dr. Stuart Levy, an expert on antibiotic resistance at Tufts University in Boston. "Antibiotic use in animals impacts everything." _______ Farmer Craig Rowles remains unconvinced. It's afternoon in one of his many rural Iowa pig barns, roaring with snorting and squealing pigs. Some snooze in corners, while others hustle toward their troughs, their slop laced with a steady supply of antibiotics. "If there was some sort of crossover between the use of the antibiotics in animals and the antibiotics in humans, if there was in fact a real issue there, wouldn't you think we would have seen it?" said Rowles, also a veterinarian who sells 150,000 hogs a year. "That's what the science says to me." The modular modern barn, home to 1,000 pigs, is a hygienic place. Manure plops through slatted floorboards; an invisible funk steams back up. Rowles dons a sanitary white paper jumpsuit and slips plastic booties over his shoes; he's anxious that his 100pound pigs aren't exposed to outside germs. A few sick swine are isolated, corralled in a pen near the entrance. PRESSURE page 66
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Antibiotics are a crucial part of Rowles' business, speeding growth and warding off disease. "Now the public doesn't see that," he said. "They're only concerned about resistance, and they don't care about economics because, 'As long as I can buy a pork chop for a buck 69 a pound, I really don't care.' But we live in a world where you have to consider economics in the decisionmaking process of what we do." Rowles gives his pigs virginiamycin, which has been used in livestock for decades and is not absorbed by the gut. He withdraws the drug three weeks before his hogs are sent for slaughter. He also monitors his herd for signs of drug resistance to ensure they are getting the most effective doses. "The one thing that the American public wants to know is: Is the product that I'm getting, is it safe to eat?" said Rowles, whose home freezer is full of his pork. "I'm telling you that the product that we produce today is the safest, most wholesome product that you could possibly get." _______ Some U.S. lawmakers are fighting for a new law that would ban farmers like Rowles from feeding antibiotics to their animals unless they are sick. "If you mixed an antibiotic in your child's cereal, people would think you're crazy," said Rep.
Louise M. Slaughter, D-N.Y. Renewed pressure is on from Capitol Hill from Slaughter's bill and new rules discussed in regulatory agencies. There is also pressure from trade issues: The European Union and other developed countries have adopted strong limits against antibiotics. Russia recently banned pork imports from two U.S. plants after detecting levels of tetracycline that the USDA said met American standards. Farmers and drugmakers are battling back. Pharmaceutical companies have spent $135 million lobbying so far this year, and agribusiness companies another $70 million, on a handful of issues including fighting the proposed new limits. Opponents, many from farm states, say Slaughter's law is misguided. "Chaos will ensue," said Kansas Republican Congressman Jerry Moran. "The cultivation of crops and the production of food animals is an immensely complex endeavor involving a vast range of processes. We raise a multitude of crops and livestock in numerous regions, using various production methods. Imagine if the government is allowed to dictate how all of that is done." He's backed by an array of powerful interests, including the American Farm Bureau, the National Pork Producers Council,
Eli Lilly & Co., Bayer AG, Pfizer Inc., Schering-Plough Corp., Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto Company, who have repeatedly defeated similar legislation. The FDA says without new laws its options are limited. The agency approved antibiotic use in animals in 1951, before concerns about drug resistance were recognized. The only way to withdraw that approval is through a drug-by-drug process that can take years of study, review and comment. In 1977 the agency proposed a ban on penicillin and tetracycline in animal feed, but it was defeated after criticism from interest groups. There has been one ban: In 2000, for the first time, the FDA ordered the poultry medication Baytril off the market. Five years later, after a series of failed appeals, poultry farmers stopped using the drug. In 2008 the FDA issued its second limit on an antibiotic used in cows, pigs and chickens, citing "the importance of cephalosporin drugs for treating disease in humans." But the Bush Administration — in an FDA note in the federal register — reversed that decision five days before it was going to take effect after receiving several hundred letters from drug companies and farm animal trade groups.
Laura Rogers, who directs the Pew Charitable Trusts Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming in Washington D.C., says the federal government, from Congress to the administration, has failed to protect the public. "Because of poor regulations and oversight of drug use in industrial farm animals, consumers in the U.S. do not know what their food is treated with, or how often," she said. "Nor is there a system in place to test meat for dangerous antibiotic resistant bacteria." _______ Back in Missouri, farmer Kremer finally found an antibiotic that worked on his leg. After being released from the hospital, Kremer tested his pigs. The results showed they were resistant to all the same drugs he was. Kremer tossed his hypodermic needles, sacked his buckets of antibiotic-laced feed, slaughtered his herd and started anew. "I was wearing a syringe, like a holster, like a gun, because my pigs were all sick," he recalled. "I was really getting so sick and aggravated at what I was doing. I said, 'This isn't working.'" Today, when Kremer steps out of his dusty and dented pickup truck and walks toward the openair barn in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, the animals come running. They snort and
root at his knee-high gum boots. There are no gates corralling the 180 pigs in this barn. He points to a mound of composting manure. "There's no antibiotics in there," he says proudly. Kremer sells about 1,200 pigs annually. And a year after "kicking the habit," he says he saved about $16,000 in vet bills, vaccinations and antibiotics. "I don't know why it took me that long to wake up to the fact that what we were doing, it was not the right thing to do and that there were alternatives," says Kremer, stooping to scratch a pig behind the ear. "We were just basically killing ourselves and society by doing this." ____ Martha Mendoza is an AP national writer based in Mexico City. Margie Mason is an AP medical writer who reported from Missouri and Iowa while on a fellowship from The Nieman Foundation at Harvard University. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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Phone points illegal border crossers to water (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)
English professor at the University of Michigan— are undeterred as they criticize a U.S. SAN DIEGO – A group of policy they say embraces illegal California artists wants Mexicans immigrants for cheap labor while and Central Americans to have letting them die crossing the more than just a few cans of tuna border. and a jug of water for their illegal "It's about giving water to trek through the harsh desert into somebody who's dying in the the U.S. desert of dehydration," said F a c u l t y a t U n i v e r s i t y o f Micha Cardenas, 32, a UCSD C a l i f o r n i a , S a n D i e g o a r e lecturer. developing a GPS-enabled cell The effort is being done on the phone that tells dehydrated government's dime — an irony migrants where to find water and not lost on the designers whose pipes in poetry from phone salaries are paid by the state of speakers, regaling them on their California. j o u r n e y m u c h l i k e E m m a "There are many, many areas in Lazarus' words did a century ago which every American would say to the "huddled masses yearning I don't like the way my tax to breathe free" on Ellis Island. dollars are being spent. Our The Transborder Immigrant Tool answer to that is an in-your-face, is part technology endeavor, part so what?" says UCSD lecturer art project. It introduces a high- Brett Stalbaum, 33, a selftech twist to an old debate about described news junkie who likens how far activists can go to his role to chief technology prevent migrants from dying on officer. the border without breaking the Migrants walk for days in law. extreme heat, often eating tuna Immigration hardliners argue the and crackers handed out at activists are aiding illegal entry migrant shelters in Mexico. On to the United States, a felony. A r i z o n a r a n c h e s , t h e y s i p E v e n m i g r a n t s a n d t h e i r desperately from bins used by sympathizers question whether cows when their water runs out. t h e d e v i c e w i l l m a k e t h e Hundreds have perished each treacherous journeys easier. year since heightened U.S. border The designers — three visual enforcement pushed migrants out artists on UCSD's faculty and an of large cities like San Diego and Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:03:04 AM
El Paso, Texas, in the 1990s. In response, migrant sympathizers put jugs or even barrels of water in the desert. The designers want to load inexpensive phones with GPS software that takes signals from satellite, independent of phone networks. Pressing a menu button displays water stations, with the distance to each. A user selects one and follows an arrow on the screen. Some worry the software could lead migrants to damaged or abandoned water stations. Others wonder if it would lull them into a false sense of security or alert the Border Patrol and anti-illegal immigration activists to their whereabouts. John Hunter, who has planted water barrels in California's scorching Imperial Valley since the late 1990s, says vandals destroy about 40 of his 150 stations every year. "My concern is for people who arrive and find (the water) doesn't exist," he says. Luis Jimenez, 47, was abandoned by smugglers and rescued by the Border Patrol twice this year — once after hitting his head on a rock and again after being bit by a snake. The Salvadoran migrant, who hopes to reach family in Los
Angeles, would try the GPS device but can't afford one. "If it tells you where to find water, it's good," he said at a Tijuana, Mexico, migrant shelter. The phone designers say they are addressing the concerns, with an eye toward having the phone ready by midsummer. "We don't want to create a safety tool that actually puts people in more danger," Stalbaum says. The water locations beamed to the phones will be updated constantly to ensure accuracy. If the distance is too far, they won't appear on the screen. The designers, who have raised $15,000 from a UCSD grant and an art festival award, hope to hand out phones for free in Mexico. The phones sell used for about $30 apiece. It costs nothing to add the GPS software. Distribution would be tightly controlled by migrant shelters and advocacy groups to keep them away from anti-illegal immigration activists. The migrants would need passwords to use them. U.S. authorities are unfazed. The Border Patrol has begun a $6.7billion plan to drape the border with whiz-bang cameras, sensors and other technology. "It's nothing new," said Border Patrol spokesman Mark Endicott.
"We've seen handheld GPS devices used by smugglers. ... We're just going to have to learn to adapt to any challenges." Critics of illegal immigration say the device is misguided, at best. "If it's not a crime, it's very close to committing a crime," said Peter Nunez, a former U.S. attorney in San Diego. "Whether this constitutes aiding and abetting would depend on the details, but it certainly puts you in the discussion." The software is being designed to direct migrants to water stations but Cardenas said they may add other "safety markers," like roads, towns and Border Patrol lookouts. The group has published verses to be played on the phone's "Global Poetic System." One poem reads, "May your tracks cut the shortest distance between points A and B." ___ On the Net: Transborder I m m i g r a n t T o o l , http://bang.calit2.net/xborder Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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Key security agencies lack permanent leaders (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:37:54 AM
WASHINGTON – Two federal agencies charged with keeping potential terrorists off airplanes and out of the country have been without their top leaders for nearly a year. It took the Obama administration more than eight months to nominate anyone to lead the Transportation Security Administration and the Customs and Border Protection agency. President Barack Obama has ordered a review of U.S. security policies following the failed Christmas Day attack on a Detroit-bound flight from Amsterdam. He vowed Monday to "do everything that we can to keep America safe." The acting heads of the TSA and CBP — both created in response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — will be at the forefront of these efforts. Bogged down with health care reform, the Senate has yet to set a date to hold hearings for the Customs position. And Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., has placed a hold on the president's choice to head the TSA over the senator's concern that the new leader
would let TSA screeners join a labor union. This has some Democrats blaming politics for the vacancy. Former U.S. attorney Alan Bersin is nominated to run CBP, and former FBI agent and police detective Erroll Southers is the president's pick for TSA. On Christmas Day, alleged terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian who spent time in Yemen, was able to sneak an explosive device aboard his flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, only to be thwarted by the device's apparent failure to work as designed, and aggressive action by other passengers. Abdulmutallab was not on the government's terrorist watch list — though he was on a less sensitive and broader database. He was able to maintain a valid U.S. visa despite warnings about him to U.S. embassy officials in Nigeria from his father. Those facts are prompting a broad review of the government's terrorist detection efforts. "The United States will more than simply strengthen our defenses," Obama said Monday. "We will continue to use every element of our national power to disrupt, to dismantle and defeat
the violent extremists who threaten us." "The president is looking for answers on this," Denis McDonough, chief of staff of the White House National Security Council, told reporters Monday in Hawaii, where President Barack Obama is vacationing. McDonough said officials have begun to assemble information related to watch list procedures. As yet, no one has been named to oversee the watch list review, he said. McDonough downplayed the significance of not having the new TSA administrator confirmed, although he said "the president is eager to have his TSA head on the job." Acting TSA Administrator Gale Rossides is "very able" and "we have a very able team of career professionals at TSA," McDonough insisted. Some Republicans were more critical. "Running a security agency with a revolving door is a recipe for failure," said Rep. John Mica, RFla. Abdulmutallab, charged with trying to destroy an aircraft, is being held at the federal prison in Milan, Mich. A court hearing that
had been scheduled for Monday to determine whether the government can get DNA from him was postponed until Jan. 8. No reason was given. U.S. officials had warning signs that Abdulmutallab might be a threat. The embassy visit in which Abdulmutallab's father said he was concerned about his son's radicalization triggered a Nov. 20 State Department cable from Nigeria to all U.S. diplomatic missions and department headquarters in Washington. It was also shared with the interagency National Counter Terrorism Center, said State Department spokesman Ian Kelly. These concerns landed Abdulmutallab among the about 550,000 names in the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment database, known as TIDE, which is maintained by the NCTC. Other, smaller lists trigger additional airport screening or other restrictions, but intelligence officials said there wasn't enough information to move Abdulmutallab into those categories. The NCTC, which has responsibility if any visas are to
be pulled over terrorism concerns, then reviewed the information and found it was "insufficient to determine whether his visa should be revoked," Kelly said. Yemen's information minister said Tuesday that Abdulmutallab had spent a year in the country from 2004-2005. The student also was in Yemen from August until early December of this year. Yemen, the ancestral home of Osama bin Laden's family, has been an al-Qaida haven partly because of a weak central government and rugged terrain, affording al-Qaida fighters numerous places to hide. A Yemen-based group, Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, has claimed responsibility for Abdulmutallab's actions. ___ Associated Press writers Philip Elliott in Honolulu; Lolita Baldor in Washington; Jon Gambrell in Lagos, Nigeria; and Donna AbuNasr in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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Docs in Fatal Sweat Lodge Case Reveal Past Problems (FOXNews.com)
hotter than in years past, but Ray repeatedly told participants, "You are not going to die. You might PRESCOTT, Ariz. Documents think you are, but you're not released in the investigation of a going to die." fatal sweat lodge ceremony show Mercer's wife, Debra, told that people lost consciousness investigators that one man and others suffered broken bones emerged from the sweat lodge at past events led by self-help halfway through the October guru James Arthur Ray, but Ray ceremony believing he was largely ignored the medical having a heart attack and would problems that arose. die. She said that instead of Three people died after an Oct. 8 summoning medical aid, Ray sweat lodge ceremony that was said "It's a good day to die," the highlight of Ray's five-day according to a search warrant "Spiritual Warrior" event at a affidavit. retreat he rented near Sedona. When Ray was advised that two The Yavapai County sheriff's participants were unconscious office has focused a homicide near the end of the two-hour investigation on Ray, who has ceremony, Debra Mercer said made millions of dollars by Ray did not appear overly convincing people his words will concerned and said they would lead them to spiritual and be OK until the end. financial wealth. A message left Monday at a In documents released Monday, phone listing for the Mercers was a man Ray hired to build the not immediately returned. sweat lodge told investigators No charges have been filed. The that he was hesitant to assist with investigation, including hundreds the ceremony for a third year of interviews, is expected to be because participants previously turned over to prosecutors next had emerged in medical distress, month. Sheriff's officials said and emergency help wasn't they would have no further summoned. Theodore Mercer comment until then. said the latest ceremony was Ray has hired his own Submitted at 12/29/2009 5:00:29 AM
investigative team to determine what went wrong. Brad Brian, an attorney for Ray, said in a statement Monday that Ray's representatives have been working with Arizona authorities to determine the facts, and he urged people not to jump to conclusions. Brian said he believes the investigation will show "that the Sedona tragedy was a terrible accident that no one, including James Ray, could have seen coming." Authorities and participants have said no one was forced to remain in the sweat lodge, but they were highly encouraged to stay inside. Sheriff's officials said they found nothing to explain how the three people — Kirby Brown, 38, of Westtown, N.Y.; James Shore, 40, of Milwaukee; and Liz Neuman, 49, of Prior Lake, Minn. — died other than the extreme heat inside the pitchblack sweat lodge — a 415square-foot makeshift sauna covered with tarps and blankets and heated with hot rocks. Authorities have interviewed most of the more than 50 people who attended the event and
detailed about a dozen of the interviews in documents released Monday after a judge ruled last week that they be made public. Some of the people told investigators that Ray responded to cries for help from a man who was burned and warned other participants not to leave the sweat lodge during eight 15minute rounds so they wouldn't also be scorched by the hot rocks in the center. Others who were interviewed by investigators described suffering broken bones at other Ray-led events after being instructed to break bricks with their hands. Others said they vomited and slipped into altered states of consciousness. Mickey Reynolds, who attended Ray's 2005 "Spiritual Warrior" event said it was implied the sweat lodge was safe since Ray had done the ceremonies before. Reynolds told investigators there was no discussion of safety procedures or a plan if something went wrong. The owner of the Sedona retreat, Amayra Hamilton, said she told Ray in 2005 that he would have to change his ceremonies after a
man became severely ill and she saw improvements the following year. Richard Wright said he took part in the latest sweat lodge as a test of courage, enduring seven of eight 15-minute rounds. The Fort Lauderdale, Fla., resident told The Associated Press participants never were asked to provide emergency contacts or answer questions about their health, and they never were given a clear picture of the effects of a sweat lodge. Instead, they took Ray's word that vomiting and passing out were normal, he said. "We all chose what we did," Wright said. "But again, if you make a choice with only having half the story, have you really made a choice?" Click here for more from MyFoxPhoenix.com. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
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Docs in fatal sweat lodge case show past problems (AP) (Yahoo! News: U.S. News)
emerged from the sweat lodge halfway through the October ceremony believing he was PRESCOTT, Ariz. – Documents having a heart attack and would released in the investigation of a die. She said that instead of fatal sweat lodge ceremony show summoning medical aid, Ray that people lost consciousness said "It's a good day to die," and others suffered broken bones according to a search warrant at past events led by self-help affidavit. guru James Arthur Ray, but Ray When Ray was advised that two largely ignored the medical participants were unconscious problems that arose. near the end of the two-hour Three people died after an Oct. 8 ceremony, Debra Mercer said sweat lodge ceremony that was Ray did not appear overly the highlight of Ray's five-day concerned and said they would "Spiritual Warrior" event at a be OK until the end. retreat he rented near Sedona. A message left Monday at a The Yavapai County sheriff's phone listing for the Mercers was office has focused a homicide not immediately returned. investigation on Ray, who has No charges have been filed. The made millions of dollars by investigation, including hundreds convincing people his words will of interviews, is expected to be lead them to spiritual and turned over to prosecutors next financial wealth. month. Sheriff's officials said In documents released Monday, they would have no further a man Ray hired to build the comment until then. sweat lodge told investigators Ray has hired his own that he was hesitant to assist with investigative team to determine the ceremony for a third year what went wrong. Brad Brian, an because participants previously attorney for Ray, said in a had emerged in medical distress, statement Monday that Ray's and emergency help wasn't r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s h a v e b e e n summoned. Theodore Mercer working with Arizona authorities said the latest ceremony was to determine the facts, and he hotter than in years past, but Ray urged people not to jump to repeatedly told participants, "You conclusions. are not going to die. You might Brian said he believes the think you are, but you're not investigation will show "that the going to die." Sedona tragedy was a terrible Mercer's wife, Debra, told accident that no one, including investigators that one man James Ray, could have seen Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:21:15 AM
coming." Authorities and participants have said no one was forced to remain in the sweat lodge, but they were highly encouraged to stay inside. Sheriff's officials said they found nothing to explain how the three people — Kirby Brown, 38, of Westtown, N.Y.; James Shore, 40, of Milwaukee; and Liz Neuman, 49, of Prior Lake, Minn. — died other than the extreme heat inside the pitchblack sweat lodge — a 415square-foot makeshift sauna covered with tarps and blankets and heated with hot rocks. Authorities have interviewed most of the more than 50 people who attended the event and detailed about a dozen of the interviews in documents released Monday after a judge ruled last week that they be made public. Some of the people told investigators that Ray responded to cries for help from a man who was burned and warned other participants not to leave the sweat lodge during eight 15minute rounds so they wouldn't also be scorched by the hot rocks in the center. Others who were interviewed by investigators described suffering broken bones at other Ray-led events after being instructed to break bricks with their hands. Others said they vomited and slipped into altered states of consciousness.
Mickey Reynolds, who attended Ray's 2005 "Spiritual Warrior" event said it was implied the sweat lodge was safe since Ray had done the ceremonies before. Reynolds told investigators there was no discussion of safety procedures or a plan if something went wrong. The owner of the Sedona retreat, Amayra Hamilton, said she told Ray in 2005 that he would have to change his ceremonies after a man became severely ill and she saw improvements the following year. Richard Wright said he took part in the latest sweat lodge as a test of courage, enduring seven of eight 15-minute rounds. The Fort Lauderdale, Fla., resident told The Associated Press participants never were asked to provide emergency contacts or answer questions about their health, and they never were given a clear picture of the effects of a sweat lodge. Instead, they took Ray's word that vomiting and passing out were normal, he said. "We all chose what we did," Wright said. "But again, if you make a choice with only having half the story, have you really made a choice?" Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Yemen warns West on terror threat (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:54:00 AM
Yemen has said it is not getting enough support from the West to tackle al-Qaeda, as details emerge of the suspected US jet bomber's time there. Foreign Minister Abu Bakr alQirbi told the BBC that Yemen had the will and ability to deal with al-Qaeda, but was undermined by a lack of support. He estimated that several hundred al-Qaeda members were operating in Yemen and could be planning more attacks. A Yemen-based branch of the network has claimed it planned the failed attack. Yemeni officials said Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, the Nigerian man accused of trying to blow up the Detroit-bound jet on Christmas Day, was living in Yemen from August until the beginning of December, the official Saba news agency reported. US officials are said to be concerned there may be more alQaeda-trained young men in the country planning to bring down US planes. In recent weeks, Yemen has launched several major operations against al-Qaeda with YEMEN page 71
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US backing, amid fears the troubled country is becoming a major training centre for militants. 'Exaggerated' danger In an interview for BBC Radio 4's World at One programme, Mr al-Qirbi said the conflict with alQaeda was a priority for his government despite wars with Shia rebels in the north and with separatists in the south. Yemen was getting some support in this conflict but it was inadequate, he added. "We need more training. We have to expand our counter terrorism units and this means providing them with the necessary training, military equipment, ways of transportation - we are very short of helicopters. Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. "The United States can do a lot, Britain can do a lot, the European Union can do a lot in that regard," he said.
He said he thought that 200-300 al-Qaeda members were operating in Yemen, but that this was just a rough guess. "Of course there are a number in Yemen and they may actually plan for attacks as in Detroit," he said. But Mr al-Qirbi said warnings about the situation made by US officials like Gen David Petraeus, head of Central Command, were overstated and "exaggerated in some media". Guantanamo link Mr Abdulmutallab has been charged with attempting to blow up the Northwest Airlines Airbus A330 from Amsterdam, which had nearly 300 people on board, as it made its final descent into Detroit on Friday. The 23-year-old, who is being held at a federal prison in the US state of Michigan, was restrained by passengers and crew while allegedly trying to detonate a high-explosive device sewn inside his underwear.
He has reportedly told FBI investigators that al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen had supplied him with the bomb and that there were others like him who would strike soon. His family says it lost contact with him in October. On Monday a web posting by alQaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, including a photograph purportedly of Mr Abdulmutallab in front of its banner, said the attack had been a response to US attacks against its operatives. On Tuesday, an official at the Yemeni foreign ministry said that the Migration and Passport Authority had confirmed that Mr Abdulmutallab arrived in Yemen at the beginning of August to study at the Sanaa Institute for the Arabic Language (SIAL) and left for Ethiopia four months later. ABC News earlier reported that among the group who planned the alleged attack were two men who were released by the US
from its Guantanamo Bay detention centre in November 2007. Mohammed Atiq al-Harbi, also known as Mohammed al-Awfi, and Said Ali al-Shihri were sent home to Saudi Arabia, where they were admitted to an "art therapy rehabilitation program" and later set free, US and Saudi officials said. Both men appeared in a video in January along with the man described as the leader of alQaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Nasser Abdul Karim alWuhayshi. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Gay couple marries in Argentina (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 12/28/2009 9:12:29 PM
Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Alejandro Freyre and Jose Maria Di Bello tie the knot in a civil ceremony Two Argentine men have become the first same-sex couple to marry legally in Latin America. GAY page 72
Underwear Bomb Revealed as Terror Suspect Warns (FOXNews.com)
Photographs of the briefs were revealed Monday night. The bomb, seen for the first The underwear worn by terror t i m e , i s r e p o r t e d t o h a v e s u s p e c t U m a r F a r o u k contained a six-inch pack of Abdulmutallab on a Christmas highly-explosive powder called flight from the Netherlands to PETN, which weighed about 80 Detroit contained the charred grams (less than 3 ounces) and remains of the explosives he was sewn into the briefs. allegedly packed inside them in According to ABC News, a hopes of blowing up the airliner, government test with 50 grams of authorities said. PETN blew a hole in the side of Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:03:08 AM
an airliner — the same amount carried by so-called shoe bomber Richard Reid over Christmas in 2001. A global search for accomplices in the Detroit airliner plot is under way after an Al Qaeda group based in Yemen claimed responsibility for the operation and the would-be bomber was reported to have said that more attacks were being planned.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, a terrorist cell led by a former personal secretary to Usama bin Laden, issued a statement saying that the failed attack by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a response to American-backed airstrikes on the group in Yemen this month. Yemeni government forces, acting on U.S. intelligence and using what officials have
admitted was American military hardware, launched air raids on suspected militants in the east of the country on December 17 and again on December 24. At least 60 people were believed to have been killed. Abdulmutallab, the 23-year-old Nigerian who set himself alight in a packed Northwest jet UNDERWEAR page 72
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Alejandro Freyre, 39, and Jose Maria Di Bello, 41, tied the knot in a civil ceremony in the southern city of Ushuaia, in Tierra del Fuego province. Gay marriage is illegal in Argentina. However, the Tierra del Fuego governor issued a special decree allowing the couple to wed there. Roman Catholic leaders in the country expressed alarm at the move. A judge in the capital, Buenos Aires, prevented the couple from marrying there earlier this month. Church anger The men, who are both HIVpositive, had planned to get married on 1 December, World Aids day. They eventually travelled to Tierra del Fuego, where they received the support of provincial governor Fabiana Rios. Although Argentina's civil code bans gay marriage, the
constitution is silent on the matter. Correspondents say Ms Rios exploited this grey area and gave the two men a special dispensation. She said in a statement that gay marriage was "an important advance in human rights and social inclusion". After Monday's ceremony Mr di Bello said: "We're extremely excited and happy about what this means for all gays and lesbians in Argentina." However Bishop Juan Carlos, of the southern Argentine city of Rio Gallegos, called the marriage "an attack against the survival of the human species". Other Catholic leaders have argued that civil union, which is legal in four Argentine cities, should be sufficient. The Supreme Court is expected to rule on gay marriage next year. Are you in Latin America? What
is your reaction to the first gay marriage in the region? Do you think it should be legalised, or should the law remain as it is? Send us your comments using the form below. A selection of your comments may be published, displaying your name and location unless you state otherwise in the box below. The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
yesterday from hospital in Detroit to a federal prison in Milan, Michigan, where agents questioning him said he told them that he was one of many bombers being groomed by the Yemeni Al Qaeda affiliate to attack American-bound aircraft, according to ABC News. Yemeni authorities confirmed Monday that Abdulmutallab had been in the country since August.
The Times of London contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
UNDERWEAR continued from page 71
approaching Detroit on Christmas Day, bought his oneway ticket from a KLM office in Accra, the Ghanaian capital, on December 16, indicating that his attack was planned well before these latest air raids. A U.S. military effort to deny Al Qaeda a stronghold in Yemen has been under way for at least a year. The fresh-faced engineering graduate was transferred
$10,000 Reward for Suspects in Sal Army Major Shooting (FOXNews.com) Submitted at 12/29/2009 7:06:17 AM
North Little Rock, Arkansas police have increased the reward money to $10,000 for information leading to the arrests of the suspects who shot and killed a Salvation Army Major in front of his children on Christmas Eve. Philip Wise, 40, was gunned down in front of the organization’s community center in North Little Rock as his three young children looked on. Pulaski County Coroner Garland Camper said two men accosted Philip Wise and his children — ages, 4, 6 and 8 — as they approached the entrance to the facility at about 4 p.m. Thursday. He says one man pulled a gun, demanded money and then shot Wise. Wise's wife, Cindy, also a major in the Salvation Army, was inside the center and called 911. Police describe the suspects as two African-American males who are believed to be 'armed with handguns.' Philip Wise had worked for the Salvation Army for 16 years and had been at the Little Rock location for 3 years. His wife, Salvation Army Maj.
Cindy Wise, vowed to continue his work ministering to people in the neighborhood. Cindy Wise said during Sunday's service that she has peace because she knows the work in the North Little Rock neighborhood is not done yet. She says she plans to continue and that "together we will still provide salvation and grace to this neighborhood." "He was so important to that community," North Little Rock Police Department spokesman Sgt. Terry Kuykendall told FoxNews.com. "This has been a tremendous blow to (them)." One co-worker described Wise as a "big, old teddy bear" who had a passion for music, Kuykendall told FoxNews.com. Wise was well-known in the community for his work with disadvantaged children. As police follow up on leads, they are asking the public to help assist them by contacting police at (501) 758-1234 with any information they may have. The Associated Press contributed to this report. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Popular News/
E-reader News Edition
US home prices up for fifth month (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)
gains. On a yearly basis, prices were 7.3% lower. The index records the prices of Submitted at 12/29/2009 7:56:35 AM homes in 20 of the largest cities US house prices rose in October in the US. for the fifth month in a row, On a non-seasonally-adjusted according to a leading index. basis, prices were flat and the Prices were 0.4% higher than index committee was cautious they were in September on a about the possibility of a "second seasonally-adjusted basis, the dip" back into recession. Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller "All in all, this report should be Home Price index said. described as flat," said David And confidence among US Blitzer, chairman of the index consumers has shown a larger- committee at Standard & Poor's. than-expected rise. "Coming after a series of solid Improved optimism over the gains, these data are likely to jobs market saw consumer spark worries that home prices confidence hit a three-month high are about to take a second dip. in December, according the "Before jumping to conclusions, Confidence Board. recognise that the one time that Modest recovery happened at the beginning of the The recovery in the housing 1980s, Federal Reserve policy market continues to be uneven, saw dramatic reversals, which is with only 11 of the 20 cities very different from the stable and tracked showing house price consistent Fed policy we have
today." Confidence rise An unexpectedly sharp rise in US consumer confidence is likely to reassure investors. The Confidence Board's index of consumer attitudes rose to 52.9 in December - beating the analysts' average forecast of 52.5. Consumer confidence for November was also revised up, and index measuring consumers' expectations for the economy reached a two-year high. US stocks reacted positively to the news, with the Dow Jones Industrial average rising in early trading. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Sheen 'threatened to kill wife' (BBC News | Americas | World Edition)
Sheen said: "You better be in fear. If you tell anybody, I'll kill you. Submitted at 12/29/2009 1:19:45 AM "I have ex-police I can hire who Actor Charlie Sheen put a knife know how to get the job done to his wife's throat and threatened and they won't leave any trace." to kill her in a fight that began However, the star told officers over Christmas, she told police. they had slapped each other on T h e s t a r s p e n t m u c h o f the arms and he had snapped two Christmas Day in a cell after he pairs of her eyeglasses in front of apparently attacked Brooke her. Mueller Sheen when she asked He also told officers that he had him for a divorce. become "very upset with this Arrest papers quote Mrs Sheen threat [of divorce] because of saying the Two and Half Men prior experiences." star had straddled her on a bed He went through a bitter divorce and held her down. and custody battle with his T h e 4 4 - y e a r - o l d d e n i e d previous wife, actress Denise threatening his wife with a knife Richards. or choking her. An ambulance went to the According to the police SHEEN page 74 document, during the attack,
US man 'arrested' in North Korea (BBC News | Americas | World Edition) Submitted at 12/28/2009 8:05:14 PM
North Korean authorities have said they have arrested a US man who crossed into their territory. The North's official KCNA news agency said the man had entered the country from China on 24 December. There is no official word on the man's identity. However there have been reports that Robert Park, a US Christian
activist, recently crossed into North Korea. Colleagues say he wanted to highlight the country's human rights record and demand the release of prisoners. "On December 24, a US citizen illegally entered the country across the North Korea-China border and has been detained. The person is currently undergoing questioning by a related agency," KCNA news agency said.
Visions Associates of Mr Park reported that he had walked into North Korea from China across the frozen Tumen River on Christmas Day, 25 December. Mr Park, a US citizen of Korean ancestry from Tucson, Arizona, claimed he had seen a vision from God of North Korea's liberation and redemption, his colleagues said. They said he walked across the border shouting: "I am an
American citizen. I brought God's love. God loves you and God bless you." South Korean activists supporting Mr Park say he carried a letter urging the North's leader, Kim Jong-Il, to free political prisoners and improve human rights in the communist state. Earlier this year North Korea detained two US journalists on the border with China. Laura Ling and Euna Lee were
sentenced to 12 years' hard labour but were freed as part of a diplomatic mission spearheaded by former US President Bill Clinton in August after four months in captivity. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Picture/ Economy/
E-reader News Edition
continued from page 73
house, but no-one was taken to hospital. Police on Saturday said the star was suspected of assault, menacing and criminal mischief. He was released on $8,500 (£5,300) bail. Mr Sheen is the son of actor Martin Sheen and brother of actor-director Emilio Estevez. He married Brooke Mueller Sheen, a property investor, in 2008.
continued from page 74
She gave birth to the couple's first children, twin boys, in March. Print Sponsor Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
cases overcame squads of riot police. The rioters, mostly unmasked in contrast to previous protests, and chanting slogans against Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei more often than against Mr Ahmadinejad, set police vehicles on fire and torched at least one police station. Plainclothes government thugs fought back, bludgeoning isolated protesters and apparently
Going mobile By Cris Stoddard (Flickr Blog) Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:40:06 AM
Need to get your Flickr fix on the go? Then go mobile with a great number of applications that are growing in the App Garden. There are apps for specific mobile devices such as the iPhone and the Android, but some of your favorite Flickr apps have been optimized for mobile browsers, too. Here’s a small sample of what’s out there: For the Android, there’s Around Me, which displays the most interesting Flickr photos of places nearby your current location, giving you the walking or driving directions to reach each place. If you’re looking instead just to upload or browse your contact’s photos, try the Flickr Droid, instead. FlickIt, an iPhone and iPod
Touch application, is a sleek way to upload to Flickr, including posting to groups or Twitter! Or try MobileFotos for uploading and browsing groups, contacts, and favorites. For geo-fun, use Darkslide, which lets you see what’s nearby and notable. Check out Indicommons, a great
way to peruse the new uploads to The Commons on Flickr. No matter where you are, you can browse through the various [Commons'] institutions’ collections, or search the Commons for items of interest. If you have a Flickr account, you can also help enrich the
Iran protests: Still blazing
shooting several at close range. At least eight people died in Tehran alone, including a nephew of Mir Hosein Mousavi, a former prime minister and reformist runner-up in the June election who has become a (The Economist: News figurehead for the opposition. analysis) Opposition sources describe his Submitted at 12/29/2009 4:16:43 AM killing as an execution-style operation, implying it was Iran protests Dec 29th 2009 IRAN page 75 From The Economist print edition Iran's government responds violently to protests in the capital WHAT more can Iran’s rulers Commons by adding tags and do to squash their opponents? c o m m e n t s t o t h e v a r i o u s Since nationwide protests broke Commons items directly from the out in June over the disputed application. – David Wilkinson results of presidential elections, Are you a mobile developer the ostensible winner of that poll, using the Flickr API and don’t Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has see your app in the App Garden? pulled few punches. His security Get started here. Make sure your apparatus has beaten and arrested apps have relevant tags on their hundreds, subjected scores of pages so that folks searching for dissidents to show trials, chased something can easily find it. others into exile, throttled the Look here to find more great press and jammed the airwaves. apps for your mobile device. But as the massive, violent A p p l i c a t i o n s b y d o p i a z a , demonstrations that engulfed the andrea.lagala, mike.mosher, capital, Tehran, and other cities mike_bernardo_2000, avon11, on December 26th and 27th and fraserspeirs. showed, repression seems only to Five Filters featured article: d e e p e n a n d b r o a d e n t h e Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: o p p o s i t i o n . PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Footage of the protests, shot by Term Extraction. phones and spread online,revealed scenes of mayhem unseen since the 1979 revolution that toppled the shah. Mobs of youths, including many women, attacked and in some IRAN page 74
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IRAN continued from page 74
intended as a deliberate warning to Mr Mousavi. Kayhan, a newspaper that is a mouthpiece for regime hard-liners, countered with the charge that Mr Mousavi himself had orchestrated his nephew’s shooting. The violence was seen as particularly shocking because the protests coincided with Ashura, a solemn day in the Shia calendar that commemorates the martyrdom of Hosein, a grandson of the prophet Muhammad. Reflecting Iran’s stark polarisation, both government supporters and opponents accused each other of desecrating the memory of Hosein. Reflecting a fear of generating new martyrs to fuel further protests, security forces saturated Tehran’s cemeteries, and took possession of the bodies of those killed, preventing their immediate burial in accordance with Islamic rites. State news agencies say police arrested more than 1,000 protesters during the riots. Dozens more opposition activists have been jailed in the days since, in a dramatic widening of the purge against reformists that began in June. They include luminaries such as 78-year-old Ibrahim Yazdi, the Islamic Republic’s first foreign minister and current head of a banned liberal party, as well as numerous
close relatives of prominent dissidents, including a sister of Shireen Ebadi, a Nobel Prizewinning human-rights lawyer. This is a tactic that has often been used in Iran as a means of pressuring prominent people, without stoking more public anger by detaining them directly. So far, the authorities have refrained from arresting opposition figureheads such as Mr Mousavi himself, but waves of detentions have swept up many of their close associates. As in the past, conservatives have blamed foreign powers for supposedly stirring up the protests. Yet with the clashes continuing over six months despite Iran’s increasing isolation from the world, this charge appears to carry ever less weight with the public. On the contrary, the government’s tactics, accompanied by silence from Mr Khamenei and the increasingly ungloved intervention of the Revolutionary Guards, the elite military corps that commands the plainclothes baseej militia used for crowd control, seem to reflect a growing sense of desperation. Signs of the regime’s fading legitimacy are numerous. In December, for instance, the head of Iran’s central bank issued a stern warning that beginning on January 7th, it would no longer accept bank notes defaced by
“extra words”. In practice, this would mean taking millions of notes out of circulation, following a quiet campaign by oppositionists to mark them with anti-regime slogans. Enraged citizens in the provincial town of Rafsanjan recently took the law into their own hands, and rescued two condemned criminals from a scaffold in a city square, in a telling rebuke to Mr Ahmadinejad’s reintroduction of public executions, a punishment that has proliferated. More embarrassing still for a regime that describes itself as Islamic is the government’s treatment of dissident clerics, including senior ayatollahs. The most high-ranking of these was Grand Ayatollah Hosein Montazeri, a close associate of the Islamic Republic’s founding father, Ayatollah Khomeini, who fell out of favour shortly before Mr Khomeni’s death in 1989. Placed under house arrest for a decade, Mr Montazeri continued to critique the government, and sided openly with reformists following the June elections. Despite his isolation, Mr Montazeri remained popular, and his death provided yet another occasion for protest. Rather than risk demonstrations, the government saturated an official funeral ceremony with baseej agents, and banned funeral rites
elsewhere, sparking clashes in several cities. In recent days, baseej forces have surrounded the homes of two other dissident ayatollahs, in a blunt effort to block them from becoming focuses for protest. Perhaps worse yet for Iran’s government, its troubles at home have complicated its foreign policy, at a time when pressure is rising over its controversial nuclear programme. Western countries that had shied from too strong a condemnation of Iran’s human-rights record, for fear of empowering nationalists and threatening nuclear diplomacy, have lost patience. Even the harsher pragmatists among Iran’s friends, such as Russia and China, may come to fear that their longer term, potentially lucrative interests in Iran may be damaged by too close an embrace of the current regime. Back to top ^^ Readers' comments The Economist welcomes your views. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
Research Brief: Not A Good Decade, Say "The People" (MediaPost | Media News) Submitted at 12/29/2009 6:40:06 AM
According to The Pew Research Center For The People & the Press, as the current decade draws to a close, relatively few Americans have positive things to say about it. By roughly two-to -one, more say they have a generally negative rather than a generally positive impression of the past 10 years. This stands in stark contrast to the public's recollection of other decades in the past half-century. When asked to look back on the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, positive feelings outweigh negative in all cases. Happy to put the 2000s behind them, most Americans are optimistic that the 2010s will be better. Nearly six-in-ten say they think the next decade will be better than the last for the country as a whole, though roughly a third think things will be worse. Impressions Of The Decades(% of Respondents) Overall Impression of the: General Impression 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s EST Positive 34% RESEARCH page 76
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RESEARCH continued from page 75
40% 56% 57% 27% Negative 15 16 12 19 50 Neither 42 37 27 22 21 Don't know 8 7 5 3 2 Expectation For 2010s Better 59% Worse 32 Same 4 Don't know 5 Source: Pew Research Center, December 2009 By a wide margin, the 9/11 terrorist attacks are seen as the most important event of the decade, with Barack Obama's election as president a distant second - even among his political supporters. And the sour view of the decade is broad-based, with few in any political or demographic group offering positive evaluations. Clear majorities see cell phones,
the internet and e-mail as changes for the better, and most also view specific changes such as handheld internet devices and online shopping as beneficial trends. Most see increasing racial and ethnic diversity as a change for the better, as well as increased surveillance and security measures and the broader range of news and entertainment options. But the public is divided over whether wider acceptance of gays and lesbians, cable news talk and opinion shows, and the growing number of people with money in the stock market are good or bad trends. Reality TV shows are, by a wide margin, the least popular trend tested in the poll; 63% say these shows have been a change for the worse. Tattoos are also unpopular with many - 40% say more people getting tattoos is a change for the worse, though 45% say it makes no difference and 7% see it as a change for the better. Opinions of Tech and Social Changes(% of Respondents) Technology Change For The Better Hasn't Made Much Difference Don't Know Change For The Worse Cell phones 69% 11% 5% 14% Green products 68 22 3
7 Email 65 1 9 7 Internet 65 11 8 16 Increasing racial/ethnic diversity 61 25 5 9 Increased surveillance/security 58 21 3 17 Blackberry/iPhone 56 12 7 25 Online shopping 54 24 8 15 News & entertainment choices 54 27 3 16 Genetic testing 53 22 13 13 Accceptance of gays and lesbians 38 28
6 28 Social networking sites 35 31 12 21 Cable news talk and opinion shows 34 31 5 30 More people in stock market 31 26 9 34 Internet blogs 29 36 14 21 Reality TV shows 8 22 7 63 More people getting tattoos 7 45 8 40 Source: Pew Research Center, December 2009 The breadth and depth of discontent with the current decade is reflected in the words people use to describe it. The single most common word or phrase used to characterize the past 10 years is downhill, and other bleak terms such as poor, decline, chaotic, disaster, scary, and depressing are common.
Other, more neutral, words like change, fair and interesting also come up, and while the word good is near the top of the list, there are few other positive words mentioned with any frequency. There is no significant generational divide in impressions of the current decade: Roughly half in all age groups view the 2000s negatively, while less than a third rates the decade positively. This is in stark contrast to generational differences in views of previous decades. The biggest generational division of opinion is in retrospective evaluations of the 1970s. Baby Boomers - most of whom are between the ages of 50 and 64 today and were between 20 and 34 in 1979 - view this decade in an overwhelmingly favorable light, with positive impressions outnumbering negative views by 48 points (59% positive vs. 11% negative). By contrast, people who were younger than 20 at the end of the 1970s - who are currently in their 30s and 40s - offer a less positive assessment; just 28% view the decade positively, 20% negatively, and 52% say neither or offer no opinion. Most Americans (59%) think the next decade will be better than the current one for the country as a whole, and this perspective is widely shared across most political and demographic RESEARCH page 77
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groups. But a significant minority - 32% - is of the view that things will be worse in the 2010s than in the 2000s. Generationally, Americans between the ages of 50 and 64 are the most pessimistic about the 2010s. Expectations Of 2010s(% Respondents by Category) Next Decade Will Be Better Worse Same/DK Total 59% 32 9 Age 18-29 65 29 7 30-49 60 31 9 50-64 50 42 8 65+ 62 26 13 Family income $75+ 64 32 4 $32-75K 61 33 6
58 30 12 Source: Pew Research Center, December 2009 Along religious lines, white evangelical Protestants take a far more pessimistic view of the next decade than other major religious groups. Just over half (52%) of white evangelicals predict that the coming decade will be worse than the current one, far more than the number of white mainline Protestants (29%), white Catholics (24%) or unaffiliated (28%) Americans who take this view. The internet, perhaps the seminal technological development of recent decades, continues to be widely seen in a favorable light. About two-thirds (65%) say the internet has been a change for the better, while just 16% say it has been a change for the worse; 11% say it hasn't made much difference while 8% are unsure. This largely mirrors the balance of opinion at the close of the 1990s - the decade that saw the widespread adoption of the web. Email is viewed as favorably as the internet itself. By an overwhelming margin, more say email has been a change for the better (65%) than say it has been a change for the worse (7%), while 19% say it hasn't made a difference. Very few young people, just 1%, say email has been a change for the worse, but a quarter of those who came of
age in the current decade, with ever-increasing options for realtime, wireless communication, say email has not made much of a difference. Cell phones are broadly embraced by the public as a change for the better. Nearly seven-in-ten (69%) call cell phones a change for the better compared with just 14% who call them a change for the worse. Overall, the public's take on cell phones is slightly better than it was ten years ago. The public is ambivalent when it comes to evaluating social networking sites such as Facebook. About a third (35%) call them a change for the better, 21% say they have been a change for the worse, while 31% say social networking sites have not made much of a difference and 12% are unsure. In fact, even among young people, fewer than half say social networking sites have been a change for the better. And when it comes to internet blogs, the plurality opinion (36%) is that the emergence of blogs has not made much of a difference. Slightly fewer (29%) call them a change for the better, while 21% think they have been a change for the worse. The public is divided about the effect of cable news talk and opinion shows; 34% say they have been a change for the better, 31% think they have made no difference and 30% say they have been a change for the worse.
More young people think these shows have been a change for the worse than people 65 and older. Similarly, more college graduates say cable news talk and opinion shows have been a change for the worse than those with some college education or with a high school education or less. The public overwhelmingly thinks that reality television shows have been a change for the worse; A plurality in all age groups says these shows have been a change for the worse. Even though a majority in all education groups says reality television shows have been a change for the worse; college graduates or those with some college education are more likely than those with a high school education or less to say they have been a change for the worse. Reality TV: The Biggest Looser(% of Group Respondents) Attitude About RealityTV Group Change For The Better Change For The Worse No Difference Don't Know Total 8 63 22 7 Age 18-29 7 67 25 1
30-49 10 63 22 5 50-64 7 70 18 6 65+ 8 49 23 20 Education College grad+ 6 72 16 7 Some college 6 67 21 6 HS or less 11 56 25 7 Source: Pew Research Center, December 2009 To see more details and charts & graphs, please visit Pew here. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
E-reader News/
E-reader News Edition
CES preview: three e-readers to watch in 2010 (Ars Technica) (Yahoo! News Search Results for e-readers) Submitted at 12/28/2009 8:54:05 PM
All signs indicate that the ereader is to CES 2010 what the razor-thin LED-backlit TV was to CES 2009—a technology whose time in the commercial spotlight is now at hand, and which will make a huge, multivendor push into the market in the coming year. A whole raft of e-reader devices and technologies will be on display at next week's CES—were I to cover all of them, this article would run for many pages. This being the case, in this short preview I'll offer a quick look at three of the most promising e-reader efforts that we'll be watching closely for this year's CES coverage. The Plastic Logic QUE First on the list is the QUE, from Plastic Logic, a company with ereader technology that we've been covering since at least 2007. Like many of the others that will debut at CES, the QUE's display is E-Ink-based. But, unlike other E-Ink readers, the QUE's display is printed on a flexible, plastic backplane that will make the device lighter and more robust. QUE also sports a 8.5x11 inch screen, so that it can display printed business documents at their full size without scaling. Aside from its form factor and enormous screen size, the other
advantage the QUE has over its non-Sony competitors is a touchbased interface. Users will flick a finger across the display to change places, or tap to select items. Unlike the Nook, the action takes place on a single screen. There's no word yet on pricing or availability, but Plastic Logic has had a factory working away on producing their displays since September of 2008. The QUE will be sold at Barnes and Noble (where it will compete with the bookseller's own hardware), and the latter is actually a content partner for the device, as well. From the information released so far, it's clear that Plastic Logic's ultimate target isn't the Kindle, but the laser printer. The QUE aims to replace the stacks of print -outs in your briefcase, and not the paperback in your carry-on. In this respect, the Kindle DX, another device that's sold as a laser printer replacement, will compete with the QUE for business customers. As a DX user, it's already clear to me that the QUE will be the superior option, barring any showstopping technical glitches or reliability issues. The DX's screen just doesn't work well for 8.5x11 documents—because it can't render them at their native resolution, the DX forces you to either scale or scroll. The former is hard on the eyes, while the
latter is very awkward thanks to E-Ink's slow refresh rate. The Hearst/Sprint Skiff Next up is the Skiff, a full-color, large-format e-reading platform that's the work of multiple players. I say it's a "platform," and not just an e-reader, because Skiff includes a wireless e-reader attached to Sprint's network, plus a content store, and an advertising platform associated with the device. In this respect, Hearst, the magazine company (and Condé Nast competitor) that owns Skiff, LLC (a separate entity) is aiming to mimic the success of Apple's iPhone/iPod/iTunes ecosystem in the publishing realm. Little about the Skiff reader's hardware is known, beyond the fact that the device will attach to Sprint's 3G network and will use a custom SoC from Marvell Semiconductor to power its display. Marvell has some experience with e-reader display technology, having announced an ARM-based SoC with an onboard E-Ink display driver earlier this year. Given the claims for the Skiff reader's high resolution and color support, it's highly unlikely that E-Ink is used for the main display. That's consistent with Hearsts' own characterizations of the Marvell relationship, which indicates that the chip is custom-made for Skiff.
Skiff will launch at this coming CES, and will be available in Sprint stores sometime in February. Ars will be on-site for the device's unveiling, so we'll have more details on the hardware and service as they become available. Qualcomm Mirasol displays The third item in this short preview is not actually a reader, like the QUE, or a platform, like the Skiff, but a display technology. Qualcomm has been talking up its MEMS-based Mirasol display tech for some time, and the company claims that Mirasol-based e-readers will come to market later next year. But Qualcomm isn't just looking to take on E-Ink with Mirasol; rather, Mirasol can do color video, so it's after the full spectrum of display applications, from mobile phones to HDTVs. The way that Mirasol works is straightforward; once you understand it, you know why Qualcomm can claim that it uses about one third less power than a conventional LCD display of the same dimensions. Each Mirasol pixel is composed of three subpixels: red, green, and blue. Each subpixel is a simple structure made up of two films that are separated by an air gap. When the air gap is open, the subpixel reflects light at a specific wavelength; when current is applied to the two
films, they pinch together and the air gap closes, turning the pixel nonreflective (black). Like an E-Ink pixel, each Mirasol subpixel is bistable, meaning that it's stable in either the "open" or "closed" states, and it requires power only to switch states; this bistability gives it its low-power characteristics. State switching is fast, on the order of a few microseconds, which is why Mirasol can do video. Of course, just because the Mirasol can do video very power -efficiently doesn't mean that it should. Mirasol depends on an external light source to light its moving images, instead of a backlight like a normal LCD. If you're not in bright light, then the display will need some kind of light source, almost certainly LED-based, at which point its power advantages over an LEDbacked LCD aren't so clear. But, even if Mirasol can't compete with LED, LCD, or OLED for fixed and mobile video applications, it could still be a solid competitor to E-Ink. And, given that nearly the entire e-reader market seems dependent on a single display provider in one form or another, it's good to have options. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
E-reader News/
E-reader News Edition
E-readers may be newspapers' salvation (MalaysiaNews.net) (Yahoo! News Search Results for e-readers)
their content. The results have been optimistic. Many early adopters of the Submitted at 12/28/2009 7:43:54 PM Kindle are choosing to pay to get It is known as an e-reader now, their paper on the e-reader yet 10 years out, it may have instead of for free via the earned the title e-saviour for the I n t e r n e t . I f a l l g o e s w e l l , journalism profession. newspapers may have found a E i g h t y e a r s a g o , A p p l e life line to stem the loss of introduced the iPod, a portable readers and revenues. The device media player that helped curb could also allow publishers to mounting losses for record labels scale back the use of expensive by convincing music lovers to printing presses. once again pay for songs through However, the Kindle, and eits iTunes digital store. readers in general at the moment, Now, the Kindle, a device made are not without challenges. by U.S. online book retailer "The barriers to entry are still too Amazon, is showing early signs high for consumers as well as of having the same effect on the publishers," says Carmi Levy, a troubled newspaper industry. London, Ont.-based independent The device, which went on sale a technology analyst. Amazon has few months ago, is also portable lowered the price, but the Kindle and its matte screen offers a more still retails for about US$250. enjoyable reading experience Moreover for cash-strapped than laptops. Little wonder that newspapers, finding resources to newspapers (the National Post customize their content for a included) have rushed to sign technology that has not yet fully deals with Amazon to distribute proven itself is a gamble, Mr.
Levy says. The first iteration of the device is also a bit clumsy. Unlike the ultra-simple iPod, the Kindle is a challenge to navigate. "We haven't yet see the iPod of e -readers," Mr. Levy says. But we will - and as early as next year. Apple is rumoured to be on the brink of introducing its "tablet." Details are light, but the tablet is speculated to be a touchscreen device about the same dimensions as the Kindle and will connect to the Web wirelessly. If Apple has the same level of success it has had with iTunes, the tablet could once again convince readers that news is worth paying for. That would be music to the ears of publishers everywhere. jasturgeon@nationalpost.com Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.
E-readers may be newspapers' salvation (National Post) (Yahoo! News Search Results for e-readers)
scale back the use of expensive printing presses. However, the Kindle, and eSubmitted at 12/28/2009 3:25:35 PM readers in general at the moment, It is known as an e-reader now, are not without challenges. yet 10 years out, it may have "The barriers to entry are still too earned the title e-saviour for the high for consumers as well as journalism profession. publishers," says Carmi Levy, a E i g h t y e a r s a g o , A p p l e London, Ont.-based independent introduced the iPod, a portable technology analyst. Amazon has media player that helped curb lowered the price, but the Kindle mounting losses for record labels still retails for about US$250. by convincing music lovers to Moreover for cash-strapped once again pay for songs through newspapers, finding resources to its iTunes digital store. customize their content for a Now, the Kindle, a device made technology that has not yet fully by U.S. online book retailer proven itself is a gamble, Mr. Amazon, is showing early signs Levy says. of having the same effect on the The first iteration of the device troubled newspaper industry. is also a bit clumsy. Unlike the The device, which went on sale a ultra-simple iPod, the Kindle is a few months ago, is also portable challenge to navigate. and its matte screen offers a more "We haven't yet see the iPod of e enjoyable reading experience -readers," Mr. Levy says. But we than laptops. Little wonder that will - and as early as next year. newspapers (the National Post Apple is rumoured to be on the included) have rushed to sign brink of introducing its "tablet." deals with Amazon to distribute Details are light, but the tablet is their content. speculated to be a touchscreen The results have been optimistic. d e v i c e a b o u t t h e s a m e Many early adopters of the dimensions as the Kindle and Kindle are choosing to pay to get w i l l c o n n e c t t o t h e W e b their paper on the e-reader wirelessly. If Apple has the same instead of for free via the level of success it has had with I n t e r n e t . I f a l l g o e s w e l l , iTunes, the tablet could once newspapers may have found a again convince readers that news life line to stem the loss of is worth paying for. readers and revenues. The device E-READERS page 80 could also allow publishers to
E-reader News/
Paradigm Shift To Unveil Color EReaders At CES 2010 (I4U)
E-reader News Edition
E-READERS continued from page 79
That would be music to the ears of publishers everywhere. jasturgeon@nationalpost.com (Yahoo! News Search Results have 1 GB of memory in addition January 2010 and lasts until 10th. Five Filters featured article: for e-readers) to an SD card expansion slot. It Of course CES news are already Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: will support ANSI, Unicode pouring in. Read them in our PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Submitted at 12/29/2009 8:29:10 AM Term Extraction. TXT, DOC, PDF, HTML, FB2, CES 2010 section. Topic: CES 2010 News Posted PDB and unprotected EPUB Related Offers on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 10:18:17 among other formats. The next View the discussion thread. blog CST | by Robert Evans Paradigm Shift reader is the 7" comments powered by Disqus • Buy EER-071WF E-Reader on EER-071WF. This device will be Related Topics CES CES 2010 Amazon.com.(if available) closer to a tablet PC. It will run Reader Windows CE and have a full Latest News Sponsored Links Related Stories touchscreen interface, WiFi, and • Nexus One: Only Available CES 2010 News the ability to read e-books with F r o m G o o g l e ? 2 0 0 9 - 1 2 - 2 9 More E-Readers are coming! DRM. It will also be able to use 1 1 : 1 2 : 1 9 Amazon's Kindle still holds onto chat programs (E-Buddy) and • Seidio To Launch Nexus One the top of the reader market, but view YouTube videos, Word Accessories 2009-12-29 10:59:39 they're not likely to stay there documents, Excel and PDF files. • Pine Trail Samsung N220 very long after CES 2010. A It'll have Flash capability and Netbook Spotted 2009-12-29 whole bunch of new readers and pack 2GB of space, with a 10:44:42 tablets with reader capabilities microSD slot for more storage. will be shown off at the show The 5" reader will be available Actions next month. Paradigm Shift, a in white, pastel blue, pastel Posted on Tue, 29 Dec 2009 currently obscure manufacturer, periwinkle, pastel pink, black, 10:18:17 CST | by Robert Evans will even be bringing two new and silver. It is set to cost around Five Filters featured article: color E-Readers to the show. $150. The 7" tablet/reader will Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: Electronista reports that one of come in black or white and cost PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, these gadgets will be a 5" reader $200. Both devices should start Term Extraction. with a built-in MP3 player and shipping in late February. photo viewer. The EER-051 will CES 2010 will start on 7th of
Gallup Poll/
E-reader News Edition
Gallup Economic Weekly: Spending Barely Tops a Year Ago (All Gallup Headlines)
discretionary spending fell sharply during the week of Christmas, improved a little PRINCETON, NJ -- For the first during the week before New time in 2009, self-reported Year's, and then settled into what consumer spending topped last w a s t o b e c o m e a t l e a s t a year's weekly comparables, temporary spending new normal. although by a slim 3%. The Although December 2009's higher 2009 figure is largely the weekly spending levels are some result of a sharp decline in of the highest of the year, they spending during the same week a continue to significantly trail y e a r a g o t h a t m a r k e d t h e those of 2008 during the first beginning of the consumer three weeks of the month. spending slump that extended However, the immediate prethroughout most of the year. Christmas drop-off was slight in Gallup's Economic Confidence 2009 leaving spending levels this I n d e x s h o w e d a s l i g h t past week about the same as a i m p r o v e m e n t l a s t w e e k i n year ago. The question going Americas' evaluations of the forward is whether consumer national economy. Gallup's Job spending will be able to continue Creation Index shows job-market to exceed the 2009 new normal in conditions have deteriorated in 2010. the past several weeks and are In this regard, Gallup's now at roughly the same point Economic Confidence Index they were at this time last year. suggests consumer sentiment has What Happened (Week Ending improved slightly during the Dec. 27) holidays and remains much better • than it was a year ago. Still, • throughout 2009 it seems clear • that while economic confidence might be a necessary condition What to Watch For for consumers to increase their Last year, Gallup's behavior- s p e n d i n g , i t i s n o l o n g e r based self-reported consumer sufficient to do so as the two Submitted at 12/28/2009 8:00:00 PM
begins. The holiday season is a time of unusual circumstances with official holidays, work closures, and vacations. Additionally, that there is no interviewing on holidays and that Gallup has taken several end-ofyear days off from daily interviewing raises the possibility of some unusual patterns in the data at this time of year. Review and export the complete daily trends on these measures: Economic Indexes; Consumer Spending; Economic Outlook; Economic Conditions; Job Market Learn more about Gallup's economic measures. have become decoupled. More importantly, Gallup's Job Sign up for Gallup e-mail alerts Creation Index suggests the job or RSS feeds situation is deteriorating as 2009 Get Gallup news on Facebook comes to an end. Whether and Twitter Thursday's jobless claims will Survey Methods For Gallup Daily tracking, reflect these conditions is hard to know given the potential holiday Gallup interviews approximately distortions. Regardless, Gallup's 1,000 national adults, aged 18 job creation modeling suggests and older, each day. The Gallup the December unemployment consumer perceptions of the rate, reported on Jan. 8, 2010, economy and consumer spending will increase, moving up to the results are based on random halfsamples of approximately 500 10.1% to 10.3% range. It will be important to monitor national adults, aged 18 and these indices as the new year older, each day. The Gallup job
creation and job loss results are based on a random half sample of approximately 250 current fulland part-time employees each day. Results from the week of Dec. 21-27, 2009, are based on telephone interviews with 1,984 adults for the consumer perceptions and spending questions. For these results, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points. Results for the job creation and job loss questions are based on interviews with 1,071 employees, with a maximum margin of error of ±4 percentage points. Interviews are conducted with respondents on landline telephones and cellular phones. In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls. Five Filters featured article: Chilcot Inquiry. Available tools: PDF Newspaper, Full Text RSS, Term Extraction.