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Faculty News and Notes
NEW BOOK RELEASES Kellen, K. (2022). Book: Counseling Women: Biblical Wisdom for Life’s Battles. B&H Academic. Kelley, B. (2021). Book: Drug Abuse Across the Lifespan: A Biopsychosocial Approach. Kendall-Hunt. Knox, J. & Childress, J. (2022). Book: Deconverted: The Destruction of the Contemporary Church. Wipf and Stock.
FACULTY NEWS AND NOTES Barker, G., Volk, F., & Peters, C. (2021). Article: Cultural influences on burnout: A Swedish–American comparison. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 14(2), 181-200.
Barker, G., Volk, F., Hazel, J. S., & Reinhardt, R. A. (2021).
Article: Past is present: Pathways between childhood sexual abuse and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Boatner, J., Ford, K., & Davis, J. (2021). Presentation: Country as client: Promoting multicultural humility and self-awareness through study abroad. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Atlanta, Ga. Boatner, J., Johnson, H., & Shaler, L. (2021). Presentation: Embodying inner resources to prevent counselor burnout in the COVID-19 era. Christian Association for Psychological Studies. Boatner, J., Johnson, H., & Shaler, L. (2021). Presentation: Re-imagine wellness: Building resilience after a pandemic. Christian Association for Psychological Studies. Daniel, D., Deacon, M., & Kimball, P. (2022). Presentation: Lessons learned: Ethical challenges and strategies for teaching group online. Law and Ethics in Counseling Conference. New Orleans, La. Daniel, D., Deacon, M., & Kimball, P. (2021). Presentation: Using broaching to illuminate and examine counselors in training religious/spiritual values in counselor training. Law and Ethics in Counseling Conference. Deacon, M., Daniel, D., & Kimball, P. (2021). Presentation: Student or participant: Ethical considerations for conducting research in the classroom. Law and Ethics in Counseling Conference. Evans, C. (2022). Article: Adlerian play therapy during COVID-19: Practical considerations and examples. Journal of Individual Psychology, 78(2), 188–201. Guidry-Davis, R. (2022). Presentation: Insights to the strong black woman schema. Bridging the Cultural Awareness Gap. Lynchburg, Va. Guidry-Davis, R., Moffett, N., & Volk, F. (2021). Presentation: The strong black woman and increasing understanding of racial identity: A strengths-based approach. 65th Annual TCA Professional Growth Conference. Texas Counseling Association. Galveston, Texas.
Haroon, Z., Iftikhar, R., Kim, J. J., Volk, F., & Enright, R.
D. (2021). Article: A randomized controlled trial of a forgiveness intervention program with female acid attack survivors in Pakistan. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 1–12. Hull, K. (2022). Book: Neurodiverse older teens and young adults in teleplay. In J. Stone (Ed.), Play Therapy and Telehealth: Foundations, Populations, and Interventions (pp. 156–169). New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis. Johnson, H., & Boatner, J. (2021). Presentation: Collaborative care: Coordinating services with community partners to promote client wellness. All Ohio Counselors Conference (AOCC). Columbus, Ohio. Johnson, H., Boatner, J., & Warren, S. (2021). Presentation: Integrative psychotherapy to increase client resilience, manage stress, and create a healthy alliance between mind, body, and spirit. Christian Association for Psychological Studies. Kelley, B. (2021). Book: Substance Abuse Across the Lifespan: An Integrated Approach. Kendall-Hunt. Kim, J. J. (2021). Presentation: Forgiveness perceptions: Is forgiveness beautiful yet difficult? Christian Association for Psychological Studies International Conference. Kim, J. J. (2021). Presentation: The effects of a forgiveness bibliotherapy for nursing students with an interpersonal hurt. Forgiveness Symposium. Lynchburg, Va. Kim, J. J., Volk, F., & Enright, R. D. (2021). Article: The validation of the Enright Self-Forgiveness Inventory (ESFI). Current Psychology, 41, 7604–7617 Kimball, P. (2021). Article: Ethical decision making when values are involved: A case study. Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC): Fall 2021 Newsletter. Kimball, P. & Tyre, Y. (2021). Presentation: How we modified the Six Hats of Thinking to support the learning and application of basic skills: What our CITs thought. Association for Creativity in Counseling Conference.
Kimball, P., Ford, K., Kuba, S., Brooks, S.C., & Blackwell,
S. (2021). Presentation: The effect of mentorships on professional identity development for counselors in training: Initial impressions of the data. Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors Conference. Atlanta, Ga.
Kimball, P., Hauswirth, K., Davila, Z., & Phillips, L. (2021).
Presentation: The clash of professor and supervisor: Ethical dilemmas surrounding the various roles with counselors in training. Law and Ethic in Counseling Conference.