2 minute read

Helpful Departments During Your Transition

Registrar — Transfer Evaluations

Hours of Operation:

Aug. 16 | 8 A.M.-6 P.M.

Aug. 17 | 8 A.M.-6 P.M.

Aug. 18 | 8 A.M.-6 P.M.

Aug. 19 | NOON-4 P.M.

Aug. 20 | 2-6 P.M.

Transfer Evaluations assists students with transfer credit from previous institutions and reviews degree completion plans, showing what credit is awarded and how that credit fulfills various degree requirements. An on-site representative and on-call evaluator will be available during the following hours:

Student Services Center in Green Hall

Monday-Friday, 8 A.M.-5 P.M.

Contact Transfer Evaluations at undergradtransfer@liberty.edu or gradtransfer@liberty.edu.

LU Student Health Center & Wellness Initiatives

This office assists students in completing their Student Health Form.

• Please complete the Student Health Form prior to the end of the first week of classes (Add/Drop Week) to avoid receiving the $50 late fee.

A-Wing of Residential Commons III

Monday-Friday, 8:30 A.M.-5 P.M.

Contact the Student Health Center at studenthealthrecords@liberty.edu or (434) 592-7770.

IT HelpDesk Campus Support and Remote Support

This office assists students with connecting to technology on campus, resolving computer-related issues, and troubleshooting technology issues related to courses and classrooms.

The HelpDesk will be available for walk-in support from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. without an appointment at the following locations:


Additionally, call-in support will be available during the following hours:

Monday-Friday, 7 A.M.-MIDNIGHT

Saturday, 10 A.M.-6 P.M.

Sunday, 1 P.M.-MIDNIGHT

Check out Liberty.edu/Blitz for more information on HelpDesk Blitz, office hours, DIY videos, and other resources to get up and running. Students can also visit Liberty.edu/InformationServices to find helpful information, request assistance, and shop the IT Marketplace for computers ahead of classes starting.

Student Life

The Office of Student Life exists to create environments that foster the holistic development of all students and help them navigate college life, connect with others, and grow as an individual. The office consists of four specialized teams — Residence Life, Commuter Life, Graduate Life, and Online Life.

Residence Life

Residence Life handles room assignments and changes, facility needs, bed buyouts, and loft kits. They work closely with students on campus and serve as Resident Assistants to support students.

Professional Advising

This office assists new students with setting up their class schedules, understanding the Course Registration Tool, and resourcing/answering career and academic questions.

Monday-Friday, 8 A.M.-4:30 P.M.

Contact Professional Advising at CASAS@liberty.edu or (434) 592-4202. Learn more at Liberty.edu/CASAS/Advising.

Commuter Life

Commuter Life connects students living locally with other students on campus. They also provide events and development opportunities that help commuters grow their community. Stop by the Commuter Lounge to grab a free cup of coffee and learn how you can get involved with Commuter Life!

Monday-Friday, 8:30 A.M.-5 P.M.

Contact Commuter Life at commuters@liberty.edu or (434) 592-3067.

Graduate Life

Graduate Life encourages students in their academic journey and professional development. They work to connect graduate students to each other and campus. Graduate Life offers events and workshops that provide graduate students the opportunity to get to know each other and prepare for their careers.

Monday-Friday, 8:30 A.M.-5 P.M.

Contact Graduate Life at graduatestudentlife@liberty.edu or (434) 592-7698.

Office of Security & Public Safety

Liberty’s Office of Security & Public Safety consists of four departments:

• Liberty University Police Department (LUPD)

• Emergency Management & Community Engagement (EMCE)

• Environmental Health & Safety

• Access Control

LUPD is available 24/7 — in the event of an emergency, you can reach them at (434) 592-3911. If you need to speak with them about a nonemergency, call (434) 592-7641.

For information on parking and obtaining a parking pass, visit Liberty.edu/Police/Parking/

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