New Faculty Resource Guide - Fall 2024

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At Liberty University, we continue to stand in awe of what God has done and continues to do here. People everywhere marvel at our rapid growth and our ascendance to a position of leadership in Christian higher education. As a result of our entrepreneurial approach, we have been able to add value for those we serve by completing a comprehensive rebuilding and refreshment of our campus. We worked with vision and intention to construct state-of-the-art educational facilities, dorms, and recreational facilities. These assets provide students residentially and abroad with opportunities that surpass those found at the finest state universities and pair them with a world-class Christian education. Today, we have the privilege of serving on a beautiful campus that far exceeds the dreams of our founder and those of us who came alongside him.

While world-class facilities are important, the most important resource contributing to Liberty’s expanding reputation for excellence is our people. Our faculty tirelessly lead the charge to better serve our students. They come here from the top schools and industries across America and around the world to be part of a team that is united in the belief that God has called them to serve Him in this place. We believe that every student has been created by God, bears His image, and is gifted to serve a particular purpose in His world. Education at Liberty is a dynamic partnership in which students and faculty are joined together in the common resolve to acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, values, and skills required for serving with excellence in their callings.

Our mission of Training Champions for Christ is achievable because our staff, faculty, and administration are committed to the ongoing preservation of an environment where the Holy Spirit has the freedom to work in our classrooms and in our local community. We are united in the belief that through reliance upon the Spirit of God, obedience to the Scriptures, and the diligent pursuit of academic excellence, we are able to produce Champions for Christ to serve in and impact our contemporary culture. Thank you for being a part of our mission.


Liberty University is a Christian academic community. As such, Liberty continues the philosophy of education which first gave rise to the university and is summarized in the following propositions:

► God, the infinite source of all things, has shown us truth through Scripture, nature, history, and, above all, Christ.

► Persons are spiritual, rational, moral, social, and physical, created in the image of God. They are, therefore, able to know and to value themselves and other persons, the universe, and God.

► Education, as the process of teaching and learning, involves the whole person by developing the knowledge, values, and skills that enable each individual to change freely. Thus, it occurs most effectively when both instructor and student are properly related to God and each other through Christ.


Maintaining the vision of the founder, Dr. Jerry Falwell, Liberty University develops Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge, and skills essential to impact the world.

Through its residential and online programs, services, facilities, and collaborations, the university educates men and women who will:

► Make important contributions to their workplaces and communities

► Follow their chosen vocations as callings to glorify God

► Fulfill the Great Commission


⏹ Attend New Faculty Orientation

⏹ Read this Resource Guide

⏹ Register your vehicle at the LU Police Department


⏹ Complete all necessary paperwork at Human Resources


⏹ Pick up your laptop at the IT HelpDesk



⏹ Get a key to your office and move in

⏹ Visit your classroom(s) and familiarize yourself with the setup, technology, and podium

⏹ Engage in a meet-and-greet session with Liberty University students

⏹ Participate in a campus tour

⏹ Attend All-Faculty Orientation


All-Faculty Orientation

During orientation week, new and returning faculty will attend a series of events that focus on campuswide information, training, and conversation.

Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Services:

► All-Faculty Orientation

► Conference on Teaching Excellence

► Facilitation of Early Career Requirements

► Faculty Book Studies

► Faculty Peer Mentoring

► ILLUMINATE Grants for the Improvement of Teaching

► Instructional Technology Support

► Learning Management System Assistance

► New Faculty Orientation

► President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

► Teacher Appreciation Grams (TAGs)

► Teaching Academies

► Teaching Analysis Polls (TAPs)

► Teaching Consultations

► Teaching Observations

► Technology and Research Boot Camps

► Workshops (In-person and virtual)

► For more information about CTE services, visit

Testing Center

Liberty University’s Testing Services provides students, faculty, staff, and the local community with high-quality testing and instructional assessment services. Staff supports faculty by proctoring makeup tests and quizzes and by providing the Office of Disability Accommodation Support (ODAS) testing requirements for students. For more information, visit

The Jerry Falwell Library

The Jerry Falwell Library is a central training ground for the next generation of Champions for Christ Named in honor of Liberty University’s founder, the library symbolizes a commitment to academic excellence and spiritual strength for students, faculty, staff, and the community. Visit for more information.

Standard Class Times

Please note: Residential courses are offered in a variety of formats and times; you can use ASIST or the Course Registration Tool to determine the most up-to-date schedule. However, most courses are offered within the following standardized times:


8:15-9:05 a.m.


8:15-9:30 a.m.

9:20-10:10 a.m. 9:45-11 a.m.

Noon-12:50 p.m. 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

1:05-1:55 p.m. 12:45-2 p.m.

2:10-3 p.m. 2:15-3:30 p.m.

3:15-4:05 p.m. 3:45-5 p.m.

4:20-5:10 p.m.

To see the current year’s academic calendar, please visit

IT HelpDesk Support


DeMoss Hall, Room 2414 | Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Green Hall, Room 1539 | Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m.-11:50 p.m.

Liberty Transit Services

Liberty University offers a comprehensive transportation system — including bus routes, shuttle services, and OnDemand Rides. For more information, visit

Student Support Services

The College of Applied Studies & Academic Success (CASAS) is here to help make the student’s academic experience a successful one. With its Advising Services, students receive both peer and professional guidance for personal and academic success. The Academic Success Center also offers services from tutoring to writing help. Faculty are encouraged to promote these services to any student needing support in a particular area. For more information, visit

School and Department-Level Support

Your school and department will provide you with information about their specific expectations, policies, and protocols. More information can be obtained from the Faculty Handbook located at


► The purpose statement of your school/department

► Your school’s/department’s administrators and staff

► Travel policies

► Office hours expectations

► Faculty evaluation procedures

► Professional development opportunities

► Scholarship and research at Liberty

► Advising students

► Safety procedures/emergency response

► Grading policies

► Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) Law

► Course-related deadlines

► Syllabus expectations

► Course design

Ways to Improve the Learning Environment

Faculty have the opportunity to improve the student learning environment. The following are a few simple steps they can take when planning their courses:

► Learn students’ names and make it clear that their thoughts, feelings, and concerns are valuable

► Encourage students to participate

► Recognize student achievement

► Communicate with students and provide assistance as needed

► Relate course materials and assignments to real-world application

► Integrate discussion, group work, and peer teaching, as well as lecture-style teaching

► Communicate course expectations clearly

► Avoid giving students busy work

► Pray for your students, your teaching, faculty and staff, and Liberty’s administration

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