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Lynchburg Baptist Theological Seminary
Dr RobertHughes
Dear Friend,
I take great joy in telling you about Lynchburg Baptist Theological Seminary, one of the many ministries ofthe Thomas Road Baptist Church Oneof the great needs in America isagraduate school for young men who have graduated from college, who can be further prepared toserveJesusChrist ina local church. Lynchburg Baptist Theological Seminary was founded for that purpose. Thebasic aim of theSeminary is towin soulstoJesusChristwhich complements every other ministryofthe church.
A theological seminary isdifferent from acollege orinstitute Students whocome to the Seminary have been grounded in their discipline and broadened intheirworld outlook.They should have more maturity. Hence, the Seminary hasa more rigorous course and itsscholarship will be atthe highest graduate level possible.Dr.Robert L.Hughes,Seminary Dean, has an outstanding reputation forscholarshipand classroom performance Heis God's man tolead this seminary
Lynchburg Baptist Theological Seminary isunashamed in its commitment to thefundamentals of faith W e believe the Bible is the inspired Word ofGod and hold to its inerrancy It is the finalauthority for our faith andpractice.Students whograduate from our seminary are expected to master the Word of God, both in English and inthe original languages. TheSeminary's motto "Scriptural Scholarship Aflame for Christ andfor Souls" reflects the ultimate purpose for the school Ourstudents should be more than scholars. They should be soul-winners with hearts aflame. There are some seminariesin America which aredoctrinally sound—and wewant to be doctrinally pure—but they have no evangelisticzeal.At the same time,there are other educational institutionswith great evangelistic fervor butno commitment toacademic excellence. W e are combining doctrinally sound teaching and evangelistic zeal. Thiswillboth educate the mind and motivate theheart.
The Seminary iscommitted tothe local church. W e want ourgraduates tobe equipped topastor super-aggressive churches inthis modern world While students are at Lynchburg Baptist Theological Seminary, they become involved inall ofthe ministries ofthe Thomas Road Baptist Church actually learning evangelism bywinning souls,actually learning homiletics by preaching, andactually learning to minister for Jesus Christ byserving.The students are members ofour church andare expected to fulfull thesame obligations asall other members Ibelieve that faithfulness toa small responsibility qualifies a student for a greater sphere ofservice. Being faithful church members will prepare these young men tobe effectivepastors
Faithfully yours,
Knowledge is only Worth thegetting When used toteach others
Fornow we seethrough a glass darkly;butthen faceto face; now I know inpart;Butthen shallI know even as also I am known.
Lifeis not the wick or the candle, it is the burning
McCoy,Barry Murphy, Phillip Papandrea, Frank
Pratt, Norman McGee,Richard Reynolds,Donald
Smith, Nick Sprau, Gregory Wood, Marvin