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Reaching Today's Youth
G e t away fromit all..."
You may remember seeingthissloganhangingonbulletin boardsinDeMoss.It belonged to YouthQuest (YQ) Club, one ofthe largestclubs on campus.
YQ, an outreach of the Center for Youth Ministry, ministers tothe needs of the studentbody throughvarious meetings and activities throughoutthe year.Theclub providesLU studentswithopportunitiesin youthministry.
One ofYQ'sbiggest activitiesisScaremare,an annual haunted-house-type production which isdesigned to inform people ofthe reality of death and their need for a
Savior. Anotherspecial activity is ClearwaterBeachAlive.
The YQ Club took a group of 60 students to Clearwater Beach, Fla., during spring break.
In April, YQ sponsored Youth Emphasis Week. This week offered many chapels and seminarmeetingsfor the students' spiritual growth.
The club also organized the King's Dominion Super Rally. They invited local churchestobringtheiryouth groupsto adayfilledwithfun and excitement. After spendingthe dayatthe amusement park,theYQ singingandgymnasticteams performed.
YQ started two new programs thisyear. The Growth
Groups, small groups which met once aweek, helped students discusstheir problems. The Campaigners,who ministered to various churches, were students with an intended youth ministries major.
"What Iwant from YQ is what Iput intoit. Iwantto see itgrowandbelieveinallit stands for,"Jeff Smyth, the club's president, said.
YQ teams,headedbyMatt Wilmington, worked separatelyfromthe clubbut handin-hand forthe same goal.
"Ourgoalistoprovideand promote unique spiritual growthopportunitiesthrough the usesofspecialized skills," Willmington said, fa
By Steven Sandmaier
YouthQuestmembers perform askit. TheYQdrama team oftenperforms in chapeland DaveAdams' Sunday schoolclass