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Reaching The Outback
As soon asschoolwas outinMay 2001,agroup of24studentsand staffmembers packed theirbags and headed forthe Outback — no, nottherestaurant, buttheland down under.
A group from Light Ministries spent two weeks in Australia,performing conceits and incorporating drama into a presentation ofthe Gospel Fourteen concertswere presented inchurches and one schoolinthecityand suburbsofSydney, Australia.
While theirfocuswas directed toward churches, the group also held several evangelistic open-air concerts.They were able to pass out tractsand witness to peoplejustpassing by on the streetsof Sydney.
On their way back,the group stopped in Hawaii for two days of sightseeing and relaxation The Light Singers remained inHawaii for 10days, astherest ofthe groupheaded back LightMinistriesDirector, FituTafaoa, ledthegroup tohishome church inSamoa and the singersperformed five more concertsinlocalchurches on theisland.
As thegroup traveled through theOutback and theislands ofHawaii, theywere abletotakeinthesights ofdifferentcultures, taking an example ofChrist'slove with them.
Written by Carrie Dunbar
Students take in the sights of the land down under as they visitSydney Harbor while on a two-week mission triptoAustralia
A group of 24 students and staff members spent two weeks in the outback ministering in local churches and bringing an evangelistic message todowntown Sydney, Australia
In Sydney
The Light Singers pause briefly to pose before another concert ata local church in Sydney.