Process book

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The Process Libby Abbott Vanderschuit

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine in the tailbone area. It governs our foundation and feeling of being grounded. It helps with our basic needs such as food, water, shelter and financial independence. Colour: Red Healing Exercises: Bridge pose Healing Foods: Red foods (apples, beets), hot spices (red cayenne peppers, tabasco sauce), vegetables from the ground (potatoes, carrots), animal proteins (red meat and eggs)

Root Chakra

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. It governs our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. It helps with abundance, well-being, pleasure and sexuality. Colour: Orange Healing Exercises: Cobra pose Healing Foods: Orange foods (oranges, tangerines), nuts

The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. It governs our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives. It helps with selfworth, self-confidence and self-esteem. Colour: Yellow Healing Exercises: Boat Pose Healing Foods: Yellow foods (corn), grains and fiber (granola, whole wheat bread), teas (peppermint, chamomile)

Solar Plexus Chakra

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located at the centre of the chest just above the heart. It governs our ability to love. It helps with love, joy, and inner peace. Colour: Green Healing Exercises: Bikram Yoga Healing Foods: Green foods (leafy vegetables, spinach), green tea

The throat chakra is located in the throat. It governs our ability to communicate. It helps with self-expression of feelings and truth. Colour: Blue Healing Exercises: Shoulder stand, singing Healing Foods: Juices and teas, fruits of all kinds

Throat Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located on the forehead between the eyes. It governs our ability to focus on and see the big picture. It helps with intuition, imagination, wisdom and ability to think and make decisions. Colour: Indigo Healing Exercises: Child's pose, other forward bend yoga poses, eye exercise and herbal oil treatment Healing Foods: Purple foods (grapes, blueberries), chocolate and lavender flavoured spices or tea

The crown chakra is located at the very top of the head. It governs our ability to be fully connected spiritually. It helps with inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality and pure bliss. Colour: Violet Healing Exercises: Meditation, running or cardio Healing Foods: Not applicable but will benefit from breathing clean/fresh air and sunshine

Crown Chakra


How do crystals work? Crystals have a long tradition of being used for crystal healing. Each variety of crystal has a unique internal structure, which causes it to resonate at a certain frequency. It is this resonance that is said to give crystals their healing abilities. Applying this resonance in a coherent way can help to restore stability and balance to the bodies energy systems, stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Crystal therapy is a gentle non-invasive form of alternative healing that works holistically to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and spirit, helping to increase our feeling of well-being, neutralize negativity, lift depression and to help us to become integrated, whole beings. Using Crystals for Crystal Healing Crystals can be placed on specific points of the body to bring relief or can be swept over the body using, for example, a crystal pendulum healing technique or a crystal wand healing technique. Carrying or wearing a crystal that resonates with a physical condition can also gently ameliorate the condition. Specific colour crystals can be used for chakra healing. They can be placed on the body using the Seven Colour Chakra Layout. Below are some examples of conditions and the crystals that can be used to alleviate them. More conditions and their associated crystals can be found by using our Ailment Search. Headaches The crystal used to provide relief from a headache depends on the cause of the headache. A tension headache can be relieved by placing amethyst, amber or turquoise on or around the head. Lapis lazuli can also be used and has been employed for centuries to help treat migraines. Amethyst can be placed in a healing layout on and around the head to help relieve symptoms. Another common cause of headaches in an imbalance between head energy and the solar plexus chakra usually brought about by stress or unsuitable food. If you suspect stress to be the cause of your headache or if you have a headache with an upset stomach use a stone that helps to balance the solar plexus such as citrine or moonstone. Difficulty sleeping Again the crystal needed depends on the cause of the sleeplessness. You may need to experiment as a stone that works well for one person may not work for someone else. If you believe tension and worry are stopping you from sleeping use a crystal such a chrysoprase, rose quartz, citrine or amethyst placed by the bed or under the pillow to calm and sooth. If you believe your restlessness is a result of overeating, iron pyrite or moonstone can be used to calm the stomach. If nightmares are causing you problems, protective stones such as tourmaline or smoky quartz can promote peaceful sleep and should be placed at the foot of the bed. Labradorite may also help, as it is thought to chase away any unwelcome feelings and thoughts. Lack of energy Red, orange and yellow crystals can be used to promote an increase in energy. The most stimulating and dynamic crystals are those with bright strong colours such as such as deep red garnet, golden amber or golden-yellow topaz. For an increase in practical motivation use deeper tones like tiger’s eye, dark citrine and jasper. Holding a clear quartz crystal, point upwards, in each hand and placing a citrine on the solar plexus can achieve a quick boost of energy to the whole system. Lack of libido This can have an emotional cause. Emotional conditions blocking sexual energy can be gently released by fluorite and red garnet thus stimulating passion once again. Difficulty with study and concentration Concentration can be aided by quartz, which is believed to give mental clarity, and carnelian, which clears extraneous thought. Citrine and amber are thought to stimulate memory and lapis lazuli is a powerful amplifier of thoughts. Amethyst can promote mental clarity, helping to you focus on realistic goals and to visualise clearly. It is also believed to sooth the nervous system and to aid neural transmission. Fluorite is an excellent aid to study, as it is believed to balance the functioning of the brain hemispheres while deep blue stones such as sodalite can aid communication and give a better understanding of concepts and ideas. Healing the mind Crystals are believed to promote peace and tranquillity by dissolving blockages to emotional expression. The stones should be worn or kept about your person. They can also be placed in a healing layout. Green is a healing colour and many green crystals can be used to help reduce mental and nervous stress. In the East, green jade is prized for its ability to calm the nervous system and to focus the mind. Rose quartz and blue lace agate can both be used for cleansing and detoxifying the emotions. Opal promotes emotional balance and stability and amethyst works on hormone production, balancing emotional highs and lows and helping you to feel less ‘scattered’ and more in control. Amethyst can also relieve stress by reducing mental burdens and helping you to focus on realistic goals and amber can be used to neutralize a negative state of mind and to balance any underlying emotional and endocrine imbalance.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in massa erat, at pulvinar quam. Nullam magna ipsum, sodales a mattis sed, varius rhoncus est. Duis faucibus sodales quam, at pharetra leo fermentum tempor. Proin leo mi, pellentesque id suscipit et, eleifend non neque. Sed nec tortor ac nisl feugiat aliquet. Donec ac ante orci.Aenean id diam orci, sit amet viverra tellus. Maecenas in risus sed elit dictum malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in massa erat, at pulvinar quam. Nullam magna ipsum, sodales a mattis sed, varius rhoncus est. Duis faucibus sodales quam, at pharetra leo fermentum tempor. Proin leo mi, pellentesque id suscipit et, eleifend non neque. Sed nec tortor ac nisl feugiat aliquet. Donec ac ante orci.Aenean id diam orci, sit amet viverra tellus. Maecenas in risus sed elit dictum malesuada.

Vestibulum viverra adipiscing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellentesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et vehicula felis. Suspendisse sem erat, accumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra.

Vestibulum viverra adipiscing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellentesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et vehicula felis. Suspendisse sem erat, accumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. -


L o r em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in massa erat, at pulvinar quam. Nullam magna ipsum, sodales a mattis sed, varius rhoncus est. Duis faucibus sodales quam, at pharetra leo fermentum tempor. Proin leo mi, pellentesque id suscipit et, eleifend non neque. Sed nec tortor ac nisl feugiat aliquet. Donec ac ante orci. Aenean id diam orci, sit amet viverra tellus. Maecenas in -risus sed elit dictum malesuada. Ves tibulum viverra adipiscing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellentesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet- magna. Morbi et vehicula felis. Sus pendisse sem erat, accumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. Sed et justo felis, sit amet malesuada justo. Maecenas gravida, sapien eget mollis vehicula, turpis magna mollis ligula, a condimentum orci eros vitae velit. Nulla pellentesque consectetur molestie. Pellentesque sollicitudin porta volutpat. Praesent non lectus a nisi commodo condimentum feugiat sit amet velit. Ut vel nunc eu diam faucibus imperdiet. Quisque id vulputate dui. Sed a imperdiet nibh. Etiam ultrices, justo in sodales lacinia, dolor diam- cursus orci, in imum viverra adipisc ing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellen tesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et-vehicula felis. Suspendisse sem erat, ac cumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. Sed et justo felis, sit amet malesuada justo. Maecenas gravida, sapien eget mollis vehicula, turpis magna mollis ligula, a condimentum orci eros vitae velit. Nulla pellentesque



L o r em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in massa erat, at pulvinar quam. Nullam magna ipsum, sodales a mat tis sed, varius rhoncus est. Duis faucibus sodales quam, at pharetra leo fermentum tempor. Proin leo mi, pellentesque id suscipit et, eleifend non neque. Sed nec tortor ac nisl feugiat aliquet. Donec ac ante orci. Aenean id diam orci, sit amet viverra tellus. Maecenas in -risus sed elit dictum malesuada. Ves tibulum viverra adipiscing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellentesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et vehicula felis. Sus pendisse sem erat, accumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. Sed et justo felis, sit amet malesuada justo. Maecenas gravida, sapien eget mollis vehicula, turpis magna mollis ligula, a condimentum orci eros vitae velit. Nulla pellentesque consectetur molestie. Pellentesque sollicitudin porta volutpat. Praesent non lectus a nisi commodo condimentum feugiat sit amet velit. Ut vel nunc eu diam faucibus imperdiet. Quisque id vulputate dui. Sed a imperdiet nibh. Etiam ultrices, justo in sodales lacinia, dolor diam cursus orci, in imum viverra adipisc ing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellen tesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et-vehicula felis. Suspendisse sem erat, ac cumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. Sed et justo felis, sit amet malesuada justo. Maecenas gravida, sa pien eget mollis vehicula, turpis magna mollis ligula, a condimentum orci eros vitae velit. Nulla pellentesque


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in massa erat, at pulvinar quam. Nullam magna ipsum, sodales a mattis sed, varius rhoncus est. Duis faucibus sodales quam, at pharetra leo fermentum tempor. Proin leo mi, pellentesque id suscipit et, eleifend non neque. Sed nec tortor ac nisl feugiat aliquet. Donec ac ante orci.Aenean id diam orci, sit amet viverra tellus. Maecenas in risus sed elit dictum malesuada. placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. Vestibulum viverra adipiscing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellentesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et vehicula felis. Suspendisse sem erat, accumsan tincidunt dignissim at, -



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in massa erat, at pulvinar quam. Nullam magna ipsum, sodales a mattis sed, varius rhoncus est. Duis faucibus sodales quam, at pharetra leo fermentum tempor. Proin leo mi, pellentesque id suscipit et, eleifend non neque. Sed nec tortor ac nisl feugiat aliquet. Donec ac ante orci.Aenean id diam orci, sit amet viverra tellus. Maecenas in risus sed elit dictum malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in massa erat, at pulvinar quam. Nullam magna ipsum, sodales a mattis sed, varius rhoncus est. Duis faucibus sodales quam, at pharetra leo fermentum tempor. Proin leo mi, pellentesque id suscipit et, eleifend non neque. Sed nec tortor ac nisl feugiat aliquet. Donec ac ante orci.Aenean id diam orci, sit amet viverra tellus. Maecenas in risus sed elit dictum malesuada.

Vestibulum viverra adipiscing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellentesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et vehicula felis. Suspendisse sem erat, accumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra.

Vestibulum viverra adipiscing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellentesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et vehicula felis. Suspendisse sem erat, accumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. -


L o r em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in massa erat, at pulvinar quam. Nullam magna ipsum, sodales a mattis sed, varius rhoncus est. Duis faucibus sodales quam, at pharetra leo fermentum tempor. Proin leo mi, pellentesque id suscipit et, eleifend non neque. Sed nec tortor ac nisl feugiat aliquet. Donec ac ante orci. Aenean id diam orci, sit amet viverra tellus. Maecenas in -risus sed elit dictum malesuada. Ves tibulum viverra adipiscing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellentesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet- magna. Morbi et vehicula felis. Sus pendisse sem erat, accumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. Sed et justo felis, sit amet malesuada justo. Maecenas gravida, sapien eget mollis vehicula, turpis magna mollis ligula, a condimentum orci eros vitae velit. Nulla pellentesque consectetur molestie. Pellentesque sollicitudin porta volutpat. Praesent non lectus a nisi commodo condimentum feugiat sit amet velit. Ut vel nunc eu diam faucibus imperdiet. Quisque id vulputate dui. Sed a imperdiet nibh. Etiam ultrices, justo in sodales lacinia, dolor diam- cursus orci, in imum viverra adipisc ing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellen tesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et-vehicula felis. Suspendisse sem erat, ac cumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. Sed et justo felis, sit amet malesuada justo. Maecenas gravida, sapien eget mollis vehicula, turpis magna mollis ligula, a condimentum orci eros vitae velit. Nulla pellentesque



L o r em ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in massa erat, at pulvinar quam. Nullam magna ipsum, sodales a mat tis sed, varius rhoncus est. Duis faucibus sodales quam, at pharetra leo fermentum tempor. Proin leo mi, pellentesque id suscipit et, eleifend non neque. Sed nec tortor ac nisl feugiat aliquet. Donec ac ante orci. Aenean id diam orci, sit amet viverra tellus. Maecenas in -risus sed elit dictum malesuada. Ves tibulum viverra adipiscing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellentesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et vehicula felis. Sus pendisse sem erat, accumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. Sed et justo felis, sit amet malesuada justo. Maecenas gravida, sapien eget mollis vehicula, turpis magna mollis ligula, a condimentum orci eros vitae velit. Nulla pellentesque consectetur molestie. Pellentesque sollicitudin porta volutpat. Praesent non lectus a nisi commodo condimentum feugiat sit amet velit. Ut vel nunc eu diam faucibus imperdiet. Quisque id vulputate dui. Sed a imperdiet nibh. Etiam ultrices, justo in sodales lacinia, dolor diam cursus orci, in imum viverra adipisc ing erat, vel lobortis dui vestibulum sed. Vivamus bibendum quam eu velit aliquam pellen tesque. Fusce semper, felis sit amet cursus tempor, mauris justo pellentesque augue, nec gravida nibh dui sit amet magna. Morbi et-vehicula felis. Suspendisse sem erat, ac cumsan tincidunt dignissim at, placerat nec lacus. In volutpat iaculis viverra. Sed et justo felis, sit amet malesuada justo. Maecenas gravida, sa pien eget mollis vehicula, turpis magna mollis ligula, a condimentum orci eros vitae velit. Nulla pellentesque

Chakra Notes From Websites

In Hindu metaphysical tradition and other belief systems Chakra (also chakro) are points in the human body, i.e. major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves, that are centres of life force (prana), or vital energy. - Exploring the Chakra System of the Nile The Chakra System and Ancient Wisdom Traditions Worldwide - 1. Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. Location: Base of spine in tailbone area. Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food. Color: Red Healing Exercises: Stomping your bare feet on the ground. Remember, the Root Chakra is all about feeling "grounded." Practicing Kundalini Yoga can open up your lower spine. Bridge Pose is another good yoga pose to try out (see above image). Healing Foods: Red colored foods (apples and beets) Hot spices (Red cayenne peppers and Tabasco sauce) Vegetables from the ground (potatoes and carrots) Animal proteins (red meat and eggs) 2. Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in. Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality. Color: Orange Healing Exercises: Pelvic thrusts Cobra Yoga Pose Healing Foods: Orange colored foods (oranges, tangerines) Nuts (any kind) 3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives. Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area. Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem. Color: Yellow Healing Exercises: Kundalini Yoga, Boat Pose (image above) Dancing. Healing Foods: Yellow colored foods (corn) Grains and fiber (granola, whole wheat bread) Teas (peppermint, chamomile tea)

4. Heart Chakra - Our ability to love. Location: Center of chest just above heart. Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace. Color: Green Healing Exercises: Bikram Yoga Love, love, love. Simply opening up our hearts to others is the best healing exercise to open up the Heart Chakra. Healing Foods: Green colored foods (leafy vegetables, spinach) Green tea 5. Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate. Location: Throat. Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth. Color: Blue Healing Exercises: Shoulder stand Singing, chanting Healing Foods: Juices and teas Fruits (all kinds) 6. Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture. Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra) Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. Color: Indigo Healing Exercises: Child's Pose or other types of yoga poses with forward bends. Eye exercises. Herbal oil treatment (see above image). Healing Foods: Purple colored fruits (grapes, blueberries) Chocolate Lavender flavored spices or tea 7. Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. Location: The very top of the head. Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss. Emotional issues affecting our Crown Chakra: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss. Color: Violet Healing Exercises: Meditation Running or cardio Healing Foods: Since the Crown Chakra represents our spiritual connection to our surroundings, this Chakra does not benefit from healing foods. The Crown Chakra is more likely to benefit from breathing clean and fresh air and sunshine. THE FIRST, THE BASE CHAKRA, THE "MULADHARA" MEANING, "ROOT." LOCATION: Base of the tailbone ELEMENT: Earth COLOR: Red NUMBER OF "PETALS": 4 PLANET: Saturn DAY: Saturday METAL: Lead FUNCTION: Survival, grounding INNER STATE: Stability The base/root chakra known in Sanskrit as the "Muladhara" controls the bowels, the bladder, lower colon, legs, and adrenal glands. This chakra is red in color. Its element is earth, its metal is lead, and it is ruled by the planet Saturn. It is the first of the three knots, the others are located at the heart and at the sixth chakra behind the third eye. This chakra gives stability and grounding. It rules over survival and base instincts. The base chakra gives us the will to survive, our basic self-image, and sense of security. Anger and rage emanate from this chakra, thus the phrase "seeing red." The first three chakras are most influential in workings of black magick. THE SECOND THE SACRAL CHAKRA (SVADISTHANA) LOCATION: Halfway between the naval and pubic bone. ELEMENT: Water COLOR: Orange NUMBER OF PETALS: 6 PLANET: Mars DAY: Tuesday METAL: Iron FUNCTION: Sexuality, pleasure, procreation, creativity. The seat of sexual energy. INNER STATE: Creativity. The sacral chakra known in Sanskrit as the "Svadisthana" is also known as the sexual chakra. This chakra is orange in color and controls sexual lust, the sexual and reproductive organs, the lower abdomen, and kidneys. Its element is water and its metal is iron. It is ruled over by the planet Mars. It influences pleasure, indulgence, sexuality, and creativity. The sacral and solar chakras empower workings of sex magick. THE THIRD THE SOLAR CHAKRA (MANIPURA) LOCATION: Slightly above the naval near the solar plexus ELEMENT: Fire COLOR: Yellow NUMBER OF PETALS: 10 PLANET: Sun DAY: Sunday METAL: Gold FUNCTION: Will, power, manipulation INNER STATE: Willpower, timing The solar plexus chakra known in Sanskrit as the "Manipura" is the chakra of the will. This is where the fighting power emanates. It rules over the digestive system, the stomach, the pancreas, and the muscles. The solar chakra is yellow in color and ruled by the Sun. Its element is fire and its metal is gold. Here is the chakra one uses to impress one’s will upon another. THE FOURTH, THE CENTER THE HEART CHAKRA (ANAHATA) LOCATION: Center of the chest ELEMENT: Fire/Air COLOR: Green NUMBER OF PETALS: 12 PLANET: Venus DAY: Friday METAL: Copper FUNCTION: Emotions INNER STATE: Feelings

The heart chakra known in Sanskrit as the Anahata is the powerhouse of the soul. It is ruled over by the planet Venus, its metal is copper, and its element is air. Esoterically, it is ruled by the Sun, its element is fire, and its metal is gold. It controls the love emotion, the thymus gland, the lungs, and the heart. It controls the circulatory system of the soul. Now as we know as Satanists, the New Age movement is not only off base, but lacks a lot of knowledge. We hear this incessant message of "love" ad nauseum, of how the heart chakra is the "love" chakra, compassion, self-sacrifice, giving, etc. Truth be known, the throat chakra is the 'seat of emotions.' When we feel sad, like crying, we get the lump in the throat. The heart chakra does have power, but it is neuter. The other six chakras are three male and three females that work together in pairs. The heart chakra is different in that it is shaped like a yoni. THE FIFTH THE THROAT CHAKRA (VISHUDDI) LOCATION: Throat ELEMENT: Air COLOR: Sky Blue NUMBER OF PETALS: 16 PLANET: Mercury DAY: Wednesday METAL: Mercury FUNCTION: Communication, self-expression INNER STATE: Psychic hearing, intellect The throat chakra known as the Visudda in Sanskrit, rules over the neck, thyroid gland, throat, mouth, voice, ears, hearing, and trachea. This chakra is sky blue in color and rules over communication, intellect, and self-expression. Its planet is Mercury, its metal is liquid Mercury or quicksilver, and its element is air. This chakra also rules over clairaudience (psychic hearing). THE SIXTH CHAKRA (AJNA) LOCATION: Behind the third eye ELEMENT: ether COLOR: Indigo/bluish-violet NUMBER OF PETALS: 2 PLANET: Moon DAY: Monday METAL: Silver FUNCTION: Psychic vision INNER STATE: Intuition The sixth chakra known as the Ajna in Sanskrit is located directly behind the third eye. The third eye is an extension of this chakra and rules the psychic sight. This chakra is the psychic seat of the soul. When activated, it will often light up brilliantly. It rules over the eyes, both physical and astral vision and the pineal gland. It is violet-blue/indigo in color, its element is the ether, its metal is silver, its and its planet is the Moon. This chakra is where the ida and pingala meet and is the psychic seat of the soul. In some workings, energy is directed from the base chakra, up the spine to the sixth chakra and projected out the third eye, as seen in many Egyptian hieroglyphs. THE SEVENTH CROWN CHAKRA (SAHASRARA) LOCATION: Top of the head ELEMENT: Water COLOR: Violet NUMBER OF PETALS: 1,000 petal lotus PLANET: Jupiter DAY: Thursday METAL: Tin FUNCTION: Enlightenment INNER STATE: Bliss The crown chakra known as the Sahasrara in Sanskrit is at the top of the head, right on top. It is violet in color, it rules over the brain, the pituitary, the nervous system. In allegory, its symbol is the thousand-petalled lotus. This symbol goes back to Ancient Egypt. This chakra induces bliss states. Demons informed me it is ruled by the element of water. This chakra rules over all of the psychic senses. When it is opened and activated, one may hear astral voices.

Chakra Art and their Meanings. Chakras are spinning vortices of energy. They form the basis of the ancient Indian healing system which works on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. Chakra comes from the Sanskrit, meaning wheel or disk. Each chakra point governs certain areas of the body, you can also imagine each chakra to be a flower, they come in seven different coloUrs and resonate at different frequencies. There are many chakras in the body, but most healers look at the seven major ones. Here are the seven chakras below with their simple break downs. Root, Base (muladhara) 3 Meaning - Connection to mother earth - Root Location - Base of spine between the anus and genitals. Grounding, survival, health, fitness, stability and security. Incense - cedar wood, myrrh, patchouli, musk, lavender Ruling Planet - Saturn Element - earth Crystals - Red stones - bloodstone, garnet, ruby, onyx, tigers eye, hematite Sound Frequency - C Physical Dysfunction's - Osteoarthritis Associated Body Parts - bones, skeletal structure, colon and legs Glandular Connection - Adrenals, Kidneys Balanced Energy - Centered, grounded, healthy, fully alive, unlimited physical energy, can manifest abundance. Excessive Energy - Egoistic, domineering, greedy, sadistic, sexual energy entirely genital. Emotional Dysfunction's - Mental lethargy, "spaciness", unfocused mind, incapable of stillness, difficulty achieving goals, Lack of confidence, Physical Dysfunction's - Osteoarthritis Associated Body Parts - bones, skeletal structure, colon & legs Glandular Connection - Adrenals, Kidneys Egyptian chakra system - Hathor is the root chakra deity. Art Summary. The Base Chakra is our connection to the earth. This is where we connect to our survival instinct, here we can feel emotionally stable and physically fit and healthy , balance is the key part to this chakra and if we have that, we will be a grounded person. This chakra has four petals, around a square containing a down-ward-pointing triangle. In this image I used garnet crystal as this is associated with this chakra. Garnet also helps to purify and balance energy, its also a good protective stone and was used as a protective talisman. Other crystals used for the base chakra are Agate, Bloodstone, Tiger’s eye Ruby, Hematite, Onyx, Smokey quartz and Rose quartz. In this illustration I used a photo I took of the sun shinning through the branches of a Egyptian cedar wood tree. Cedar wood incense/oil can be used for meditating on the root chakra. Sacral (Swadhisthana) 2 Meaning - Sweetness allowing pleasure and creative expression. Location - Lower abdomen, between navel and genitals, sex organs, bladder, circulatory system, prostate, womb Incense - Jasmine, rose, sandalwood Ruling Planet - Pluto, Moon Element - Water Crystals - Orange stones, Citrine, carnelian, golden topaz. Open and Balanced - You have a lot of sexual energy and sexual power, and you are comfortable with sexuality. You are able to express your power easily you have a lot of physical energy, a strong sex drive, a lot of healing energy, and a joy of life. Sound Frequency - D Vowel - Oo-ooo Emotional Dysfunction's - unbalanced sex drive, instability, feelings of isolation Physical Dysfunction's - impotence, frigidity, bladder and prostate problems, lower back pain Associated Body Parts - sex organs, bladder, circulatory system, prostate, womb Glandular Connection - Ovaries and Testies Egyptian chakra system - Isis is the sacral chakra deity. Art Summary. The sacral chakra is connected to our sweetness, allowing pleasure and creative expression. A balanced chakra leaves you feeling comfortable with who you are sexually, you are able to express your inner power and beauty, you will have a lot of physical and healing energy and you will experience the joys of life. This chakra has six petals and a moon crescent, The element of this chakra is water and is associated to the moon our ‘goddess’, I have used citrine crystal embedded into the symbol and the petals, which associated with this chakra. Citrine is a lovely crystal and never needs cleaning, it absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy. It has the ability to cleanse the chakras. Other crystals associated with this chakra are carnelian and golden topaz. Inside the symbol I have embedded a photo of St Nectans Glen, which is situated near Tin Tagel in Cornwall, it is believed that in ancient Pagan times the glen was the opening of the Goddess.

Solar Plexus (Manipura) 1 Meaning - Lustrous gem - Purpose, effectiveness, endurance, self respect, self esteem, courage to take risks. Incense - vetvert, rose, bergamot, ylang ylang, cinnamon, carnation, frankincense, camomile, orange blossom, honeysuckle, marigold. Ruling Planet - Mars + sun Element - fire Crystals - Yellow stones, yellow citrine, topaz, aventurine, sun stone, malachite Sound Frequency - E Vowel - Oh Open and Balanced - You have a deeply fulfilling emotional life. You take an expansive, outgoing, and sociable attitude to the world . You are able to feel the sweetness of life and have a sense of belonging and fitting in perfectly in the universe. You feel daring and confident and able to take risks . Hence this is the chakra associated with the leader, the explorer, and the charismatic extroversive individual. Confident, Optimistic, Good humour. Emotional Dysfunction's - Need to be in control, oversensitive to criticism, addictive personality, aggressiveness, low self-esteem. Physical Dysfunction's - stomach ulcers, fatigue weight around stomach, allergies diabetes. Associated Body Parts - stomach, bladder, circulatory system, prostate, womb Glandular Connection - Ovaries and Testies Egyptian chakra system - Sekhmet is the solar plexus chakra deity. Art Summary. The solar Plexus chakra is connected in-between your navel and the base of your sternum. This is your lustrous gem. It is here where you get that feeling of flight or fight, butterflies in the stomach. This chakra is connected to the warm glowing sun, giving you vitality and energy and the confidence to live life to the full. I like to call it the energy centre. This chakra has ten petals and a down-ward-triangle with a T symbol which represents the fire element. In this picture I have embedded citrine crystal as this is also excellent for the power of the sun. It is energizing, and highly creative, citrine raises self esteem and self confidence. Essentially Citrine is a wonderful stone as it promotes joy in life, it can release you of those fear and negative traits. In the centre of the chakra I have used sun stone, this stone can help you restore yourself and it heightens intuition and is also linked with good luck and good fortune. This stone is connected to the power of light and is really good for those who suffer with depression, relieves stomach ulcers and harmonizes the organs. Other crystals connected to this chakra are aventurine quartz and topaz. Heart Chakra (Anahata) 4 Meaning - Balance, compassion and self acceptance, forgiveness, compassion of others. Beliefs about love and relationships. Location - Centre of chest. Incense - Rose. Bergamot, Melissa. Ruling Planet - Venus. Element - Air. Crystals - Pink and green stones: - Watermelon tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Green Calcite, Jade, Malachite, Moonstone. Sound Frequency - F Vowel - Ah Open and Balanced - You are a very compassionate, understanding, and generous person. The emotions of love, joy, happiness, honesty, and respect are very important to you. You are considerate and sensitive to the needs of others, and empathetic to their pain. You are able to feel love for all beings around you, in an ever-widening circle from yourself and family, your pets, friends, neighbours, countrymen, fellow human beings and all fellow living beings. on Earth. Ultimately, you can see the Divine in all beings, and you realize the same self in you is also the self in them as well. Emotional Dysfunction's - Co-dependency, melancholia, fears concerning loneliness, commitment or betrayal. Physical Dysfunction's - I shallow breathing, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer. Associated Body Parts - Centre of chest, heart, lungs and circulation. Glandular Connection - Thymus. Egyptian chakra system - Bastet is the heart chakra deity. Art Summary. The Heart Chakra is our central chakra, it is here that the physical body meets with spirit. This is depicted by the lotus flower with 12 petals, inside there are two triangles one pointing downwards and the other pointing upwards, this represents the union of the physical body and the spiritual body (air). The heart is very complex it not only gives us our beat for live, we also feel all kinds of emotions, love, compassion, truth, as well as confusion and frustration. Once we have ascended the first three chakras on relating to survival, the Root, self knowledge the sacral and personal power the solar plexus, we are now ready for the embodiment of enlightenment. Embodiment is about embracing all your qualities of the lower chakras to make them part of our lives. In this image I have used watermelon tourmaline and emerald. Watermelon tourmaline for its use with the heart chakra, the heart chakra colours are green and pink. All tourmalines are linked to the inner flute and are good for cleansing all chakras, it helps you to feel calm taking all the energy to the higher ones for understanding, while helping you except the need for transformation. It is said to be a crystal for the “New Age Consciousness” known as the Aquarian. Tourmaline is a wonderful stone for healing, and protection, it is a powerful mental healer and helps clear blockages and the aura. It comes in many colors and each is used for specific healing abilities. Emerald is the stone of successful love, it has a calming effect on the emotions.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) 6 Meaning - Harmony with others self knowledge and creativity. The power of choice and communication and self expression. Location - Centrally at base of neck, throat, ears, nose, teeth, mouth and neck. Incense - Chamomile, myrrh Ruling Planet - Mercury Element - Ether Crystals - Blue stones, turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, agate, celestite, sapphire & sodalite. Sound Frequency - G Vowel - Eye-eee Open and Balanced You are able to accept things as they are, and organize ways of working with many situations. You have the power to make changes and you are able to take responsibility for your personal needs Emotional Dysfunction's - Perfectionism, inability to express emotions, blocked creativity. Physical Dysfunction's - Sore throats, neck ache, thyroid problems, hearing problems tinnitus, asthma. Associated Body Parts - Throat, ears, nose, teeth, mouth neck. Glandular Connection: - Thyroid, parathyroid. Egyptian chakra system - Nut is the throat chakra deity. Art Summary. The throat chakra is connected to either spirit, it is all about communication, pure spirit to our inner selves and our spirit guides, angels and the gift of divinity, that lies within. This chakra allows you to deeply connect to your soul and allows you to listen to your soul speaks. It is here that we can use our voice to make sound, this chakra is also connected to creativity through speech, music & art. It is about expression of the self, when your mind is clear so much comes easily with little effort as we are not struggling against life itself. This lotus flower image contains 16 petals and a downwards pointing triangle and a circle representing the moon. In this picture I have a ghosted image of a woman which connects the Goddess and the power of spirit. In this image I have embedded Lapis Lazuli crystal for it properties in connecting with spirit guardians. It helps to balance the throat, and teaches power of the spoken word and harmonizes conflict, its also good for self expression, truth, it's a good thought amplifier of the higher mind creating objectivity and creativity. Other crystals associated with this fifth chakras are turquoise, aquamarine, agate, celestite, sodalite and sapphire. Brow Chakra. (Anja) 5 Meaning - To perceive to know Ability to "see" other than the eyes, emotional intelligence, intuition, wisdom (sixth sense). Location - Above and between the eyebrows. Incense - Velvet Hyacinth, violet, rose geranium. Ruling Planet - Neptune & jupiter. Element - Light telepathic energy. Crystals - Purple stones, amethyst, purple apatite, azurite, calcite, sapphire, fluorite and lapis lazuli. Sound frequency - A Vowel - Aye-eee Open and Balanced - You have a healthy sense of an ego or separate self, and may also have clairvoyant faculties. Emotional Dysfunction's - Nightmares, learning difficulties, hallucinations. Physical Dysfunction's - Headaches, poor vision, neurological disturbances, glaucoma. Associated Body Parts - Eyes, base of skull. Glandular Connection - Pituitary. Egyptian chakra system - Horus is the Brow chakra deity. Art Summary. This chakra has the ability to see other than the eyes, It is the centre of divine wisdom, intuition (sixth sense) the ancients believed this chakra to be the seat of the soul, it acts like a gateway to knowledge and expanded consciousness. It is here where the ida and pingal the spiraling life's currants meet. Everything has a positive and a negative, or the yin and the yang, or day verses night, it is here when we meet at that resting place between the two we find a stillness and bliss which is known as shushumna. It is here movement stops and the energy flows towards the sacred light of the divine, as we rest here in this inner space it is a time of great healing where we can clear our negative thoughts from past present and future. We can renew and arise from limitations and ascend towards liberation. This lotus flower has 2 petal which represent eyes of the meeting serpent of energy, which is around a circle containing a downward triangle. This chakra is situated slightly above and in-between the eyes. In the circle I have depicted a cosmic like energy, and I have embedded Amethyst and Azurite. Azurite guides psychic and intuitive development. It cleanses and stimulates the third eye, its great for meditation and channelling. I use Amethyst as it is a powerful healing stone and adds protection while meditating on the third eye, plus its great for spiritual vibration.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) 7 Meaning - Thousand fold - expanded consciousness, selflessness, spirituality. Location - Top of crown head, upper skull. Incense - Lavender, rosewood and frankincense. Ruling Planet - Uranus Element - Thought and cosmic energy. Crystals - White gold violet stones, clear quartz, amethyst, diamond, white jade, white tourmaline. Sound Frequency - B Vowel - EE-eee Emotional Dysfunction's - Depression, obsessional thinking, confusion. Physical Dysfunction's - sensitivity to pollution, chronic exhaustion, epilepsy, Alzheimer's. Associated Body Parts - Upper skull cerebral cortex, skin. Glandular Connection - Pineal. Egyptian chakra system - Nefertum is the crown chakra lotus god. Art Summary. The Crown chakra lies at the top of the head, it is home to our pure spirit, this is where we become one with the divine. As we go through our darkest times, and tragic things happens, and when we have been disillusioned by material gains, we search for something to answer our calls, this is when we start to look within for the answers we seek. When we find that inner peace we become whole again. ‘To simply be’ A feeling of oneness. The element for this chakra is thought to be cosmic energy, it's meaning is thousand fold, hence the lotus flower petals are a thousand. The crystals I have embedded into this picture are clear quartz and amethyst. Clear quartz as it is the most powerful of crystals and an energy amplifier on the planet. Quartz is a master healer and can be used for any condition. And amethyst for its powerful protection when working high spiritual vibration the its love energy.

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