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art cannot be defined
 by a few lines of words or a few strokes of a brush. art can be self-expression, art can be communication,

art can be an attempt to change the world.


this zine will dedicate itself to the art that the youth creates; the people whose inspirations shine a light on the darkness of the world, who are determined to change the world or themselves - both of which are hard tasks to conquer; this zine will dedicate itself to art with meaning made by people who create meaning through art. this zine is the product of what we, as a powerful force, create, no matter what our own definitions of art may be.

do not be afraid to take a step back from everything.

it has definitely been a while. working on this issue almost felt like meeting up with an old friend—a lot of things have changed since you last saw each other, but that doesn’t alter your feelings for each other. you’ll find comfort in knowing that there will always be someone to catch you when you’re overwhelmed with new, adventurous things.

—one thing before i leave: for this issue, some of our contributors (claire, corinne, nicole) have edited the literary submissions by contacting and working directly with the writers. what i’ve learned: spaces where artists interact with and help improve one another are precious, empowering, and something the world needs more of.

with love, ayna (founder and editor)

find me: instagram & tumblr: libraerie

issue THREE // may 2019

At last came the golden month of the wild folk-- honey-sweet May, when the birds come back, and the flowers come out, and the air is full of the sunrise scents and songs of the dawning year..— samuel scoville jr., wild folk

contact: libraerie@yahoo.com , libraerie.tumblr.com


addison (t: kibberswrites, twitter: addisonrizer),

alice (ig: rabbits_melancholy),

ally (ig: diregays & milkpockets),

amanda (t: wlwesque, ig: hearte.out),

claire (t: mattiboyd, ig: clairw.e)

corinne flannery (t: everylunebleu, ig: corinneclara),

élise (ig: wormange),

helena (t: softlyexisting),

kayla (t: frockhag),

kian (ig: mindspill),

nicole (t: sweetpotaro, ig: tangynic),

rani (t: amwordism),

sydney noelle (t: sapphena, ig: sydnova)


i. juxtaposition - page six to thirteen

photoset by helena

ii. colours - page eighteen to twenty-nine

artist interview - élise

journal entries by helena

iv. letters - page fifty-two to sixty-five

the libraerie magazine offers a platform for young artists to raise their voices about their identity, their thoughts and their hopes in their respective ways of creating. the simple format aims to enable the reader to fully engage with the work.

the libraerie magazine offers a platform for young artists to raise their voices about their identity, their thoughts and their hopes in their respective ways of creating. the simple format aims to enables the reader to fully engage with the work.

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