WAR Second Selection of MilitaryBooks
Librarium of The Hague
Librarium of The Hague Concordia
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Origination, design and typesetting by Libraium of The Hague Published in The Netherlands ! 2016 Librarium of The Hague
Octavo. Pp. 34, (2). Plus large folding engraved map 52x65 cm. printed in several colours on thick paper, with insets and legends. Original printed wrappers frayed, partly split, shelf ticket, old institutional stamps to cover and title-page. In good internal condition, excellent map. ¶ First edition. The handsome map is engraved by Perrin and printed by Dufrenoy, both of Paris. ! 120
4 Carte de la répartition et de l’emplacement des troupes de l’armée française pour l’année 1899. Avec index de tous les corps de troupes (armée active et armée territoriale) et une liste complète des officiers généraux ou supérieurs qui les commandent. Douzième année. Paris, Le Soudier, 1899. Octavo. Pp. 34, (2). Plus large folding engraved map 52x65 cm. printed in several colours on thick paper, with insets and legends. Original printed wrappers bit frayed, loose, shelf ticket, old institutional stamps to cover and title-page, short split to fold at edge of map. In a very good internal condition, very good map.
1 Aide-mémoire de l’officier d’état-major en campagne. PARIS, Chapelot, 1913. Small octavo. Pp. 527. Plus coloured folding plates. Text figures, tables. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s full cloth, cover and spine lettered in gilt, endpapers printed with publisher’s ads, old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to half-title and title. Bit shaken but in a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 80
¶ First edition. The handsome map is engraved by Perrin and printed by Dufrenoy, both of Paris. ! 120
5 Carte de la répartition et de l’emplacement des troupes de l’armée française pour l’année 1901. Avec index de tous les corps de troupes (armée active et armée territoriale) et une liste complète des officiers généraux ou supérieurs qui les commandent. douzième année. Paris, Le Soudier, 1901.
2 Carte de la répartition et de l’emplacement des troupes de l’armée française pour l’année 1892. Avec index de tous les corps de troupes (armée active et armée territoriale) et une liste complète des officiers généraux ou supérieurs qui les commandent. Cinquième année. Paris, Le Soudier, 1892.
Octavo. Pp. 32, (2). Plus large folding engraved map 52x65 cm. printed in several colours on thick paper, with insets and legends. Original printed wrappers bit frayed, partly split, shelf labels, old institutional stamps to cover and title-page, few leaves loose. In good internal condition, very good map.
Small octavo. Pp. 34, (2). Plus large folding engraved map 51x76 cm. printed in several colours, with insets and legends. Original printed wrappers, spine reinforced in the past with paper, shelf tickets, old institutional stamps to cover and title-page, foxing to verso of map along folds. In a very good internal condition, very good map.
¶ First edition. The handsome map is engraved by Perrin and printed by Dufrenoy, both of Paris. ! 120
¶ First edition. The handsome map is engraved by Perrin and printed by Dufrenoy, both of Paris. ! 120
3 Carte de la répartition et de l’emplacement des troupes de l’armée française pour l’année 1898. Avec index de tous les corps de troupes (armée active et armée territoriale) et une liste complète des officiers généraux ou supérieurs qui les commandent. Onzième année. Paris, Le Soudier, 1898.
6 Répartition et emplacement des troupes de l’armée française. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1889. Octavo. Pp. 71. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, old shelf tickets to spine, old military institutional stamp. Title-page foxed else in a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 60
7 Vergleichende Darstellung der Wehrverhältnisse in Europa zu Land und zur See. wien, Seidel, 1871.
range in Karlsborg. Multi coloured target analysis double-page plates. Photographs and technical
Quarto. Unpaginated. Comprises of 6 preliminary pages of text and one leaf which is printed on verso only (Errata) and a set of 18 double-page tables printed on recto only, numbered I-XI with several sub-numbered. Plus one leaf with additions. Hardcover, bound in contemporary brown cloth and matching marbled boards, cloth French corners, gilt morocco lettering-piece to spine; binding bit damaged with top of spine broken and gone; old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps to title. Some foxing and browning due to poor paper quality else in a very good internal condition. ¶ First edition. Very rare. A second edition appeared in 1874. Compares and analyses the military powers of several European countries’ armies and navies: their budgets, conscription and draft, organization, defence and attack capacities, manpower, total force, weaponry, and horse population. Only one institutional copy in Austria, that in Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. ! 520
illustrations. Tables. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s marbled boards, large lettering-piece printed in gilt on black within gilt frame mounted on cover, old shelf ticket, old small military institutional stamp to titlepage; paper over spine worn-off; minor marginal neat contemporary annotations in blue crayon to one page. In a very good condition, rather fine interior. ¶ First edition. Extremely rare report on the 3-days demonstrations and shooting tests of this Bofors antiaircraft gun. With excellent visual material. WorldCat OCLC locates a single institutional holding worldwide, that in the National Army Museum of the Nederlandse. KVK adds a second holding, that in Bayerisches Armeemuseum Ingolstadt . ! 620
9 ALTEN, (Georg Karl Friedrich Viktor) von. Neue Kanonen? Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1903. 8 AKTIEBOLAGET BOFORS. Bericht über Vorführungen und Schiessversuche in Bofors und Karlsborg mit Bofors 76,2 mm Feldluftabwehrkanone L/50, 6,5/750 und Feuerleitgerät Typ “Gamma” vom 9. bis 11. August 1932. Bofors, A.-B. Bofors, 1932.
Octavo. Pp. 41, (2) publisher’s ads. Attractive Head-piece incorporating the Imperial Eagle. Set in Gothic type. Original printed stiff wrapper, spine reinforced, shelf tickets. Not most attractive exterior but with fine interior.
Quarto. Pp. 56. Multi-coloured map of the shooting
¶ First edition. ! 60
10 ARLON, Arthur Van-Zel von. Applicatorische Uebungen aus der flüchtigen Befestigung. Ein Entwurf des Vorganges nebst 80 ausgearbeiteten Beispielen. Mit 4 Beilagen. Krakau, Selbstverlag, 1896.
12 BALDWIN, Terence. Deutsche MilitärKoppelschlösser. / German Military Waistbelts: A Collectors Handbook of Buckles & Belts. Hamburg, Militaria-Archiv Klaus D. Patzwall, 1984.
Royal octavo. Pp. (viii), 140. Plus 4 Appendices which include tables and illustrations. Hardcover, bound in cloth and marbled boards; shelf ticket, old military institutional stamp. In a very good condition.
Crown quarto. Pp. 152. Profusely illustrated throughout. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s green boards. In a very good condition, crisp interior. ¶ First edition. Bilingual, both in German and English. ! 60
¶ First edition. Very rare. Jordan 0102. ! 130
13 BARATIERI, Général O. (Oreste). Jules Claretie. Mémoires d’Afrique (1892-1896). Ornés d’un portrait de l’auteur, et accompagnés d’une carte générale de l’Érythrée, et de plan de batailles spécialement dessinés pour l’ouvrage. Paris, Charles Delagrave, CharlesLavauzelle, (1899). Octavo. Pp. xiv, 542. Plus engraved frontispiece portrait with facing tissue-guards. Plus 9 plans and maps, some folding, including large folding map in colour. Hardcover, bound in contemporary calf and matching marbled boards, spine with raised bands, gilt lettering bit faded; corner-tips and board edges chafed, some neat repairs to one map, other map with some colouration highlights in neat hand, old military institutional stamps to title. In good condition. ¶ First edition. Général Oreste Baratieri, (1841-1901). With a Preface by Jules Claretie. ! 220
11 (AUGUST BECK, Otto Fikentscher, E. Kirchhoff, C. Scheuren). Jubel-Kalender zur Erinnerung an die Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig vom 16.-19. Oktober a.d. 1813. Mit Illustrationen nach Originalzeichnungen von August Beck, Otto Fikentscher, E. Kirchhoff und C. Scheuren, und einer Karte der Umgegend von Leipzig. Achte, verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig, Weber, N.d. Octavo. Pp. xx, 59, (1). With 59 woodcut illustrations. With woodcut ornaments, initials and head- and tailpieces. With a full-page map. Set in Gothic type. Original publisher’s wrappers, both sides beautifully illustrated with allegorical scenes in woodcuts; spine-ends bit chipped, frayed. In about fine condition. ¶ Eighth, revised edition. Very rare in the original illustrated wrappers. ! 80 5
14 (BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY). Ordnance. Bethlehem Steel Company U. S. A., Ordnance Department, 1922. New York & London, Bethlehem Steel Co., 1922. Oblong royal octavo. 22x29 cm. Unpaginated. Album containing 28 original single-sheet gelatin silver photographic prints, each mounted on linen, and 28 leaves of text printed on verso only. Preceded by a blank prelim and a title-page. Cord tied, all is placed inside original black leatherette album, cover lettered in gilt. Old single military institutional stamp to title-page; very slight fading to few photographs. In fine condition. ¶ First edition. Extremely rare survivor out of a handful custom made copies comprising entirely of gelatin silver prints. This copy uniquely personalized for the use of Bethlehem Steel’s Dutch Representatives, with the cover bearing in gilt the inscription: “Representatives in The Netherlands: Holland Commercial Service Company Ltd., 27 Nieuwe Uitleg, The Hague.”
Each gelatin silver print is blind stamped at blank top corner after mounting so that the impression will appear also on the mount, with the legend “Bethlehem Steel Co. / Bethlehem PA.” After a brief description of the company, a Subsidiary of Bethlehem Steel Corporation (Capital of US$328 million), facing a magnificent panoramic view of the Bethlehem Plant, the catalogue describes in detail several ordnance material. Among the items are various models of the 75mm Mountain Gun Carriage, wheeled and horse carried; 3-Inch Navy Landing Carriage; 4.7-Inch Gun Carriage; 6-Inch Howitzer Carriage (length of howitzer 3187 mm; weight with carriage 4174 kg); 75mm and 155 Field Guns on Holt Tractor; 8-Inch Howitzer on Holt Tractor; Holt Cargo Carriers; Howitzer Mounts, and others. A visual testimony to one of the most powerful symbols of American industrial manufacturing leadership. ! 1600
15 BLEIBTREU, Karl. Vor 50 Jahren. Das Volksheer im Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg. Eine zeitgemässe Historie. Basel, Benno Schwabe, 1912. Royal octavo. Pp. xi, 221, (3). Plus folding map bound at end. Woodcut head- and tail-pieces. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s printed boards lettered and decorated in black, bit discoloured, remnants of old shelf ticket to spine, old perforated institutional stamp to titlepage. In a very good condition, crisp map.
19 BONIE, T. (Théophile). Fond & vitesse d’une troupe de Cavalerie en campagne. influence du Poids et de la Nourriture sur le fond et la vitesse. Équitation militaire. Entraînement. Paris, Amyot, 1872. Duodecimo. Pp. 168. Original printed wrapper, spine reinforced in the past with paper, shelf ticket, old institutional stamps, first and last leaves with dampmark at bottom half. Good, preserved in the original state. ¶ First edition.
¶ First edition.
! 120 ! 120
16 BLOCH, D.-P. Préface du Général Weygand. La guerre chimique. Avec 19 figures dans le texte. Nancy, Paris, Strasbourg, Berger Levrault, 1927. Octavo. Pp. xiv, 117. With 19 text figures. Appendix. Original printed wrappers, spine reinforced with cloth. Untrimmed copy, in good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 110
17 BOERNER, E. (Erich Hermann Richard). Der Einfluß der modernen Kriegsfeuerwaffen auf dem Sanitätsdienst bei der Feldarmee unter Berücksichtigung der Erfahrungen im Russisch-Japanischen krieg. Leipzig, Georg Thieme, 1909. Octavo. Pp. 62, (2) publishers catalogue. Bibliography. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards with the original printed front wrapper laid-down, old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to cover and title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Very rare. Dr. Boerner was Surgeon and battalion doctor with the Thüringen Infantry Regiment. In this work he examines the influence of modern firearms on field medical service, drawing on experiences from the Russo-Japanese War. ! 160
20 BONNAL, H. (Henri). Sadowa. Étude de strategie et de tactique générale. Avec 25 cartes et croquis. Paris, Chapelot, 1901. Crown quarto. Pp. vi, 192. Plus 21 folding sheets of battle maps printed in several colours, loosely inserted in rear pocket. With 5 additional sketch maps to the text, making the total 25, complete as called-for. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, spine gilt, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps to titlepage, some foxing. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. General Guillaume Auguste Balthazar Eugène Henri Bonnal, (1844-1917). ! 70
21 BORCKE, (Johann August Heinrich) Heros von. (Translated by Kaehler). Zwei Jahre im Sattel und am Feinde. Erinnerungen aus dem Unabhängigkeitskriege der Konföderirten. Mit einem Nachtrage “Zwanzig Jahre später”, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES]. Berlin, Mittler, 1886. Two volumes bound in one. Royal octavo. Pp. v, 281; v, 304. Plus 2 different frontispiece portraits printed in aquatint heliogravure, and one folding map. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, cloth French corners, spine gilt; old shelf tickets to cover and spine, old military institutional stamps to title; split lower joint neatly mended. In good condition. ¶ Second German edition, the first to include the Nachtrage. Translated from the English.
18 BOGUSLAWSKI, A. (Albrecht) von. Der kleine Krieg und seine Bedeutung für die Gegenwart. Nach zwei Vorträgen, gehalten in der militärischen Gesellschaft zu Posen. Mit 5 Skizzen. Berlin, Luckhardt, 1881. Octavo. Pp. 88. Plus 2 folding sketch maps bound at end. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps to title-page, first inner hinge slightly cracked, bit foxed. In about good condition. ¶ First edition. Von Boguslawski published in 1885-87 the 3-volume “Die Entwickelung der Taktik seit dem Kriege von 1870/71” which is also offered by Librarium. ! 75 8
! 100
22 BRIALMONT, A. Situation militaire de la Belgique. Travaux de défense de la Meuse. Bruxelles, Leipzig, Muquardt, 1882. Crown quarto. Pp. 265, (1). Plus large folding lithograph map printed in additional colours of red and blue to mark national borders. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and printed boards, old shelf tickets, old military institutional stamps. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 120
23 BRIALMONT, A. (Alexis Henri). La fortification a fossés secs, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES]. Bruxelles, Guyot, Muquardt, 1872. Two volumes. Crown quarto. Pp. lxxix, 324; 408. Both volumes in the original printed wrappers, these of first volume are gone, spines reinforced with paper, old military institutional stamps. In a very good internal condition, untrimmed and with ample margins. ¶ First edition. Text volumes only. Jordan 0453. ! 100
24 BRIALMONT, Général A. (Alexis Henri). La défense des états et les camps retranchés. Avec nombreuses figures dans le texte et deux planches hors texte. Paris, Germer Baillière, 1880. Octavo. Pp. 228, 32 publisher‘s catalogue. Plus 2 compound folding lithographic plates bound at end. With numerous woodcut illustrations to the text. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s full cloth, large gilt decoration to cover, blind lettering and decoration to spine, gilt publisher’s devise to back cover, spine-ends bumped, lower board discoloured; old shelf ticket to spine, small old institutional stamp to title. Foxed, else in good condition. ¶ First edition. Nicely illustrated. Jordan 0457. ! 80
25 BRIALMONT, Général A. (Alexis Henri). La défense des états et les camps retranchés. Deuxième Édition. Avec nombreuses figures dans le texte et deux planches hors texte. Paris, Germer Baillière, 1880. Octavo. Pp. 228, 32 publisher‘s catalogue. Plus 2 compound folding lithographic plates bound at end. With numerous woodcut illustrations to the text. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s full cloth, large gilt decoration to cover, gilt lettering and decoration to spine, gilt publisher’s devise to back cover; spine-ends worn and chipped, first inner hinge cracked, old shelf ticket to cover, several old institutional stamps to half-title and title-page, foxed. In good condition. ¶ Second edition. Jordan 0462. Nicely illustrated. This copy has been a silent witness to some chapters in military history. At one time or another it has been in the library of the Artillery Factory in Hemburg; the library of the Workshops for Small Arms, and the library of the Gun Foundry, and is adorned with old stamps to this effect as well as with some cancellations. ! 70
26 BRIALMONT, Lieutenant Général (Alexis Henri). Les régions fortifiées. Leur application à la défense de plusieurs états européens. Bruxelles, Guyot, 1890.
Crown quarto. Pp. xiv, 342. Original printed wrappers, loosening, spine reinforced with paper; old military institutional stamp to cover and title, foxed in places. In good condition, untrimmed and with ample margins. ¶ First edition. Text volume only. Jordan 0470. ! 60
27 BRIALMONT, Lieutenant Général (Alexis Henri). Tactique de combat des trois armes, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES]. Bruxelles, Guyot, 1881. Two volumes. Octavo. Pp. ix, 367; 322. Hardcover, uniformly bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, bit creased and chafed along edges, small old shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps to title-page. In a very good condition. Fine interiors, very clean, completely free of foxing. ¶ First edition. ! 150
28 BROCK, Capitaine. La topographie de l’Artilleur. Avec 41 figures dans le texte et 2 planches hors texte. Nancy, Paris, Strasbourg, Berger Levrault, 1926. Octavo. Pp. x, 142. Plus 2 folding plates and plus one folding table. with 41 text figures. Original stiff wrappers, bit sunned and edge frayed. In a very good condition and practically unused, still entirely unopened. ¶ First edition. ! 80
29 BRUNNER, Moriz Ritter von. Leitfaden für den Unterricht in der Feldbefestigung. Zum Gebrauche in den k. und k. Militär-Bildungs-Anstalten und CadettenSchulen. Siebente, neu bearbeitete Auflage, enthält die neuen Typen für flüchtige und verstärkte Feldbefestigungen. Mit 1 Tafel und 195 Figuren. Wien, Seidel, 1898. Royal octavo. Pp. x, 240. Plus large folding lithograph map (1:12500) with an inset (1:75000), bound at end. With 195 woodcut figures. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards with the original printed wrapper laid-down, rubbed, remnants of old shelf ticket to spine, old signature to title. Binding is restored with inner hinges and title-page neatly strengthened with cloth though last 2 leaves still fragile along gutter margin. In good condition. ¶ Seventh, revised edition. Last, best edition of this book, and the rarest. Describes the newest types of volatile and enhanced field fortifications of the time. The present copy has been made to a good use and obviously has been referred to extensively by a 19-Century Engineers cadet. The text is underlined practically throughout with coloured crayon accompanied by annotations in neat 9
contemporary hand. Moriz Ritter von Brunner (18391904). Jordan 0537. ! 180
30 CALLIES, Capitaine Jean. L’Art de faire des Prisonniers. Étude sur le coup de main et la patrouille. Avec 9 croquis dans le texte et 2 planches hors texte. Nancy, Paris, Strasbourg, Berger Levrault, 1923. Royal octavo. Pp. 154. Plus 2 folding maps, both printed in red and black, one with semitransparent overlay printed in black to show combat progress in time. With 10 text figures. Original printed wrappers, spine worn, old institutional stamp to title-page, pencil annotations, colour crayon underlining. In a very good internal condition, fine folding maps. ¶ First edition. Of this first edition only one copy in public collection in France, that in Bibliothèque interuniversitaire Sainte-Geneviève. The book went into a second edition at the same year and was reprinted in 1940. ! 220
31 CARDINAL VON WIDDERN, Georg. Der Kleine Krieg und Der Etappendienst. Teil I. Kriegserfahrungen und Grundstätze. Berlin, Eisenschmidt, 1906. Royal octavo. Pp. 190, (2) publisher’s ads. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers tipped-in into plain paper library jacket, worn, shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps to cover and title-page. In good condition. ¶ Third edition. ! 60
32 CARDINAL VON WIDDERN, Georg. Der Rhein und Rheinfeldzüge. Militair-geographische und Operations-Studien im Bereich des Rheins und der benachbarten deutschen und französischen Landschaften. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1869. Octavo. Pp. xvi, 465, (2). Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary calf and marbled boards, rubbed, cloth French corners, gilt morocco lettering piece, shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps to title-page; weak hinges, foxed. In fair condition. ¶ First edition. ! 120
33 CARDINAL VON WIDDERN, Georg. Heeresbewegungen und Märsche. Taktische und Kriegsgeschichtliche Studien. 2. Theil. Verfolgungen. Rückzüge. Kavalleristisches. Nach kriegsgeschichtlichen Vorgängen. Vierte völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage des I. Theils vom Handbuch für Truppenführung und Stabsdienst. Leipzig, Reisewitz, 1892.
Octavo. Pp. (ii), 188. Plus 7 sketch maps on 3 folding sheets loosely inserted in rear pocket. Sketch maps to the text. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps to title-page. In a very good condition, crisp maps. Practically fine copy. ¶ Fourth, completely revised edition. Originally published in Cardinal von Widdern’s “Handbuch für Truppenführung und Stabsdienst”, the work has been through several revisions, the present edition comprising of a total revision. In the same year the author published his 2-volume work “Der Kleine Krieg und Der Etappendienst” which is also offered by Librarium. ! 150
34 CARDINAL VON WIDDERN, Georg. Strategische Kavallerie-Manöver. Studien und Vorschläge, angeregt durch die großen strategischen Manöver der russischen Kavallerie an der Weichsel im Herbst 1876. Gera, Reisewitz, 1877. Royal octavo. Pp. 102, (2) publisher’s catalogue. Plus large folding sheet with 2 maps bound as frontispiece. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff wrappers bit finger-soiled, slightly frayed along spine; old military institutional stamps, shelf ticket; map foxed. In good condition, untrimmed, preserved entirely in the original state. ¶ First edition. ! 110
35 CARRION-NISAS, Colonel (Marie HenriFrançois Élisabeth, Marquis de). Essai sur l’histoire générale de l’art militaire, de son origine, de ses progrès et de ses révolutions, depuis la première formation des sociétés européennes jusqu’à nos jours, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES]. Bruxelles, Petit, 1838. Two volumes bound in one. Small octavo. Pp. xxxix, 461; xxiv, 477, ix. Hardcover, bound in contemporary green morocco and marbled boards, cloth corners, gilt lettering to spine, old shelf ticket; old military institutional stamps to prelims and title. In a very good condition. ¶ First Bruxelles edition. First published in Paris in 1824 with 14 plates. While the title-page still refers to these plates, the Bruxelles edition, being completely different from the Paris edition in pagination and size, was issued without any. In this respect see also WorldCat OCLC; KVK, and partcularly Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries. Marie Henri François Elisabeth, Marquis de Carrion-Nisas (1767-1841). ! 140
36 CASTENHOLZ, A. Die Belagerung von Belfort im Jahre 1870/71. II. Erste Periode der Belagerung. Die Cernirung 3. November - 3. December. Berlin, Voss, 1875. Royal octavo. Pp. (iv), 138. Plus large folding sketch map bound at end. Extended appendices. Two title-pages. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, manuscript lettering-piece to spine in neat contemporary hand, old shelf tickets, old military institutional stamps to title-page and verso of map; spine bit frayed, foxed in places. In good condition. ¶ First edition. Part II. ! 120
37 CASTENHOLZ, A. Die Belagerung von Belfort im Jahre 1870/71. III. Zweite Periode der Belagerung. Von der Eröffnung des artilleristischen Angriffs bis vor Eröffnung der I. Parallele. 3. December 1870 bis 20. Januar 1871. Berlin, Voss, 1876. Royal octavo. Pp. (ii), 243. Plus large overview map bound at end. Plus large folding sheet with numerous lithograph sketch maps, plans and illustrations, some printed in addtitional colours. Lacks one plan. Appendices. Two title-pages. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, manuscript lettering-piece to spine in neat contemporary hand, old shelf tickets, old military institutional stamps to title-page and verso of map; spine bit frayed, foxed in places Good. ¶ First edition. Part III. ! 120
38 CESENA, Amédée (Barthélémy Gayet) de. Campagne de Piémont et de Lombardie en 1859. Illustrée de gravures sur acier d’après Winterhalter, gravées par Ferdinand Delannoy et Wilmann. De types militaires des différents corps des armées française, sarde et autrichienne dessinés par Ch. Vernier. De plans de batailles, de places fortes, etc. Paris, Garnier Frères, 1860. Two parts in one volume. Crown quarto. Pp. xi, 312; 328. Plus 8 steel-engraved plates including 2 different frontispieces; 16 hand-coloured plates of uniformed military men; 4 folding hand-coloured maps. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half calf and marbled boards, large orange morocco lettering-piece lettered and decorated in gilt to spine, spine gilt tooled direct; boards rubbed and bit discoloured, corner-tips worn, fore edge of one plate bit frayed, old military institutional stamp to title. Some foxing here and there but withal an impressive tome in a very good condition, clean plates and crisp folding maps. ¶ First edition. Amédée Barthélémy Gayet de Cesena (1810-1889). Beautifully illustrated. ! 450 11
38 CESENA, Amédée (Barthélémy Gayet) de. Campagne de Piémont et de Lombardie en 1859.
39 CHARBONNIER, P. (Prosper). Traité de balistique extérieure, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES]. Paris, Gaston Doin, Gauthier-Villars, 1921-27. Two volumes. Crown quarto. Pp. ix, 637; 794. With numerous text figures and mathematical formulas. Both volumes in the original printed wrappers, bit shabby. these of first volume broken with bookblock loosening; old military institutional stamps, shelf ticket. In fair condition, clean interiors. ¶ First edition.
¶ First edition. Jordan 0702. Pierre Marie Théodore Choumara, (1787-1870). Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban, (1633-1707). François Nicolas Benoit Haxo, (1774-1838). Éléonor Zoa Dufriche de Valazé, (1780-1838). Choumara was a prolific writer who made many important contributions to the study of fortifications, especially those of Paris. His ideas and the principles of his works were of influence on many fortification architects and authors of specialized works. He became Officer of the Legion of Honour and retired in 1845 at the rank of Colonel. ! 680
! 80 41 CLAUSEWITZ, Carl von. W. von Scherff. G. v. Marées. Vom Kriege. Hinterlassenes Werk des Generals Carl von Clausewitz. (Militärische Klassiker des In- und Auslandes). Berlin, Richard Wilhelmi, 1880. Octavo. Pp. xiv, 610. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps. Upper board detached, else in a very good condition. ¶ Originally published posthumously in 1832, this edition is the first to appear with commentary. ! 120
40 CHOUMARA, T. (Pierre Marie Théodore). Mémoires sur les fortifications de Paris. Avec plans. Premier Mémoire. Comparaison du projet de Vauban avec celui des généraux Haxo et Valazé. Paris, Bureau du Journal des Sciences Militaires, 1833. Octavo. Pp. 60. Plus large folding engraved plate (ca. 42x52 cm) with handsome plan and profiles. Half-title present, with at verso “Imprimerie de Goetschy Fils et Compagnie”. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half marbled calf and matching and marbled boards, 2 lettering-pieces in gilt in contrasting colours; old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to title and prelims; spine rubbed, corner-tips chafed, some foxing. In a very good condition, fine folding plate.
42 CONRADY, E. v. Die Ausbildung der Infanterie auf dem Exerzirplatze. Eine Reglementarische Studie. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1886. Octavo. Pp. vii, 98. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff wrappers mounted on boards, cloth spine bit worn; old military institutional stamps, shelf ticket, first and last leaves brown. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 80
43 CREHORE, Albert Cushing; George Owen Squier. The Polarizing Photo-Chronograph. Being an Account of Experiments at the U.S. Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., in Developing This Instrument New York, John Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, 1897. Royal octavo. Pp. 150, 16 short-title publisher’s catalogue. Plus 69 plates bound at end, some double-page or folding. With 74 figures to the text. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s crimson full cloth, gilt lettering to spine, black lettering to cover, brown chalked endpapers; old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to title-page. In a very good condition. Fine copy. ¶ First edition, First thousand. In practice a first edition thus, originally appeared in the Journal of the United States Artillery. The book is dedicated to the Board of Ordnance and Fortification, United States Army. ! 250 13
47 DUHESME, (Guillaume Philibert) Comte. Essai sur l’infanterie légère, ou traité des petites opérations de la guerre, à l’usage des jeunes officiers, avec cartes et plans. Paris, Michaud, 1814.
154 PLESSIX, H. (Hippolyte Isidore), E. (Émile Edmond) Legrand-Girarde. Manuel complet de fortification. Rédigé conformément au programme du cours professé à l’école spéciale militaire et au programme d’admission à l’école supérieure de guerre. Paris, Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1900.
at end, including very large “Plan des attaques et défenses de Sébastopol” which is loosely inserted, a bit edge frayed and with some neat repairs to folds on verso. Hardcover, bound in contemporary brown calf and matching marbled boards, cloth corners, green morocco lettering-piece lettered and decorated in gilt (worn) to spine, gilt tooling direct, marbled endpapers; old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamp and marking to title; edge of lower free endpaper eaten by silverfish, some spotting. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Albert Du Casse, (1813-1893). ! 320
44 CRONEAU, A. (Alphonse-Louis). Canon, torpilles et cuirasse. Leur installation à bord des bâtiments de combat. (Encyclopédie scientifique des Aide-Mémoire). Paris, Gauthier-Villars; G. Masson, (1892). Small octavo. Pp. 202, (16) publisher’s catalogue. With 43 numbered woodcut illustrations, in practice considerably more. Bibliography. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s brown full cloth nicely decorated, spine lettered in black, endpapers printed with publisher’s ads, old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to first free endpaper, contemporary inscription in a very neat hand to serial-title. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 120
45 CROUSEE, Franz. Les luttes de l’Autriche en 1866. Rédigé d’après les documents officiels par l’ÉtatMajor Autrichien (Section Historique). Traduit de l’Allemand, annoté & publié avec approbation de son Exc. le Ministre de la Guerre de l’Empire. Tome premier. Avec le portrait de l’Empereur l’Autriche, deux cartes & dix-sept tableaux. Bruxelles, Leispzig, Gand, Muquardt, 1868. Royal octavo. Pp. xiii, 255. Plus handsome frontispiece portrait and two very large maps, one of which is printed in brown ink, bound at end. Hardcover, bound in contemporary brown calf and marbled boards, French cloth corners, marbled endpapers, spine lettered and decorated in gilt; inner hinges mended for cracks, old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamp to title. In a very good condition.
47 DUHESME, (Guillaume Philibert) Comte. Essai sur l’infanterie légère, ou traité des petites opérations de la guerre, à l’usage des jeunes officiers, avec cartes et plans. Paris, Michaud, 1814. Two parts in one volume. Paginated consecutively. Octavo. Pp. 16, 146; 147-421, (2). Plus large folding hand-coloured engraved map bound at end, and 3 folding engraved plates bound-in. Half-title present. Hardcover, bound in contemporary brown half calf and matching marbled boards, red morocco lettering-piece lettered and decorated in gilt, direct gilt tooling to spine; corner-tips worn, small chip at head of spine, some rubbing to extremities; old calligraphed signature and charming old ownership stamp in the shape of an elephant to title-page, map bit dust-soiled. In a very good condition, crisp plates. ¶ First edition. General Guillaume Philibert, Comte Duhesme, (1766-1815). Two variant editions were published by Michaud in 1814 with identical title-page and identical 16 preliminary pages of the Préface and Avant-propos. The rest of the text, however, is set differently. The present copy conforms the copy at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. It requires 421 pages for completion while the variant uses less compact type and needs 480 pages to complete the identical text. The typeset of the variant includes also some errors and misprints which had to be corrected in Errata note. A later edition appeared in 1864. The engraved maps and plates are particularly handsome. The large folding map has troop’s movements and progress coloured by hand. It is titled “Carte du Théâtre de la Guerre en Russie et en Allemagne pendant 1812 et 1813” and is apparently engraved in preparation for Sarrazin’s book “Histoire de la Guerre de la Restauración” (1815). No confirmation could be found for the presence of this map in the variant edition. ! 620
¶ First edition. First volume of three. ! 70
46 DU CASSE, A. (Albert). Précis historique des opérations militaires en Orient de mars 1854 a septembre 1855. Avec Cartes et Plans. Paris, Dentu, 1856. Octavo. Pp. 473. Plus 3 folding lithographic maps bound 16
48 EHRHARDT, Arthur. Kleinkrieg. Geschichtliche Erfahrungen und künftige Möglichkeiten. Potsdam, Ludwig Voggenreiter, N.d. Crown octavo. Pp. 112. Set in Gothic type. Original printed stiff wrappers with integrated dust-jacket printed in red and black; shelf ticket, old institutional stamps of
the Higher Military School. In a very good condition.
49 “EINEM PREUßISCHEN STABSOFFIZIER”. Frankreichs Kriegsbereitschaft. Eine Studie über die Entiwckelung des französischen Heeres seit 1871 und deren Heutigen Stand, illustrirt durch Bilder aus den diesjährigen Herbstmanövern. Dritte, verbesserte Auflage. Berlin, Richard Wilhelmi, 1884.
¶ First edition. The first part of the book comprises of an Introduction which includes the origin of the Red-Cross Societies, the conditions for neutral aid in war set in the Geneva Convention, and the history of the Red-Cross Societies at sea. The second part is a Dissertation, an essay which suggests practical measures for the accomplishment of the object of the Societies at Sea and which won the prize of the Central-Committee. The third part is an Appendix which brings a summary of the two essays on the prize subject and the Central-Committee’s judgment. ! 600
Octavo. Pp. 115, (1) publisher’s ad. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers nicely decorated with woodcut ornaments on cover, frayed and chipped; shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to cover and titlepage. Preserved in the original state in good condition.
52 FRIEDRICH KARL, Prinz von Preußen (“Einem höheren Offizier”). Ueber den Einfluß der Feuerwaffen auf die Taktik. Historisch-kritische Untersuchungen. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1873.
¶ First edition. ! 100
¶ Third, improved edition. Very rare. First published in 1883 the book was in much demand and has been through at least 4 editions. The 2nd edition appeared also in 1884 but was directly replaced by this, “best” edition, to be followed the same year by 4th, unchanged edition. ! 120
50 FEESER, Friedrichfranz. Artillerie im Feldkriege. Kriegsgeschichtliche Beispiele. Im Auftrage des Reichswehrministeriums. Mit 23 Skizzen und 2 Textskizzen. Berlin, Mittler, 1930.
Octavo. Pp. vi, 105, (1) appendix. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers partly attached to title-page and last leaf, frayed, bit soiled, spine reinforced with cloth, small shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps to cover and title-page. In fair condition. ¶ First edition. Most bibliographies attribute the book to Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (1828-1885). The book was translated in 1876 into English as “The influence of firearms upon tactics: Historical and critical investigations by an officer of superior rank.” ! 60
Royal octavo. Pp. 160. Plus 23 sketch maps on 4 large folding sheets in rear pocket. With 2 text illustrations. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s printed boards; rubbed at extremities, inner hinges cracked, old institutional stamp. In good general condition, very good interior, fine maps.
53 G. W. Die Heeres-Verpflegung im Krieg und Frieden. (Besonderer Abdruck aus der Allgemeinen Militär-Zeitung). Darmstadt & Leipzig, Eduard Zernin, 1879.
¶ First edition.
Octavo. Pp. 21. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamp to title-page. In a very good condition.
! 80
51 FERGUSON, J. H. (Jan Helenus). The Red-Cross Alliance at Sea. Crowned by the Central-Committee of the Prussian Society of the Red-Cross at Berlin and Edited for the Benefit of the Kindred Aid-Societies in France and Germany. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1871. Three parts in one volume. Paginated consecutively. Octavo. Pp. 30; (4), 35-71, (1); (2), 75-95, (1). Plus handsome frontispiece depicting a hospital ship in action, lithographed after a painting by P. Schiedges, with facing tissue-guard. Plus large folding lithographic plate giving a sectional view of a hospital ship, very well detailed. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s brown full cloth, different large gilt illustrations to front and back covers set within ornamental frame stamped in blind; old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamp to title-page, tissue-guard foxed due to paper quality affecting margins of plate. Mediocre copy but with good, clean text.
¶ First edition thus. Offprint from the Allgemeinen Militär-Zeitung. ! 60
54 GÉNÉRAL PRUSSIEN. La campagne de Metz. Avec une carte des environs de Metz. bruxelles, Leipzig, Gand, Muquardt, 1871. Octavo. Pp. 84. Plus folding map. Original printed wrappers, spine worn, reinforced with paper, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps to title-page. Shabby but in a very good internal condition, preserved entirely in the original state. ¶ First French edition. ! 120
55 (GENERAL STAFF, War Office). War Office Weekly Intelligence Review (W.O.W.I.R.). No. 100. 1 August 45. Secret. (General Staff, War Office). General Staff, War Office, 1945. Royal octavo. Pp. 26. Plates and maps, mostly coloured and folding. Original stiff wrappers. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Very rare. Photographs of Japanese island defence, Japanese 8 mm machine carbine, numerous illustrations of Japanese grenades; maps of theaters of operations. ! 60
56 (GENERAL STAFF, War Office). War Office Weekly Intelligence Review (W.O.W.I.R.). No. 61. 11 October 44. Secret. (General Staff, War Office). General Staff, War Office, 1944. Royal octavo. Pp. 28. Plates and maps, mostly coloured and folding. Original stiff wrappers. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Large colour plate with Japanese Army rank insignia; photographs of German Mountain Howitzer 10.5 cm, German one man human torpedo; maps of theaters of operations. Very rare. ! 60
57 (GENERAL STAFF, War Office). War Office Weekly Intelligence Review (W.O.W.I.R.). No. 90. 2 May 45. Secret. (General Staff, War Office). General Staff, War Office, 1945. Royal octavo. Pp. 26. Plates and maps, mostly coloured and folding. Original stiff wrappers. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Very rare. ! 60
58 GIZYCKI, H. v. (Hugo von). Strategisch-taktische Aufgaben nebst Lösungen. Heft 14. (Landungen). Mit neun Generalstabskarten. Leipzig, Zuckschwerdt, 1902. Octavo. Pp. 83. Plus 9 large folding lithograph maps in rear pocket. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers, bit edge frayed, small ticket to spine, old institutional stamp to title, some foxing. In a very good condition, still entirely unopened.
59 GOLTZ, Colmar Freiherr von der. Leon Gambetta und seine Armeen. Mit einer Karte. Berlin, Schneider, 1877. Octavo. Pp. viii, 296. Plus large folding map printed on heavy paper bound at end. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, minute shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps to title-page; foxed. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 80
60 GOLTZ-REPPOW, Hans Friedrich Freiherr von der. (H. Frhr. v. d. G.-R.). Bataillon, Regiment und Brigade auf dem Exercierplatz und ihre Ausbildung für das Gefecht. Berlin, Militär-Verlagsanstalt, 1896. Two parts in one volume. Duodecimo. Pp. 156; 80, (1) Errata. Plus large folding chart in rear pocket. Text figures, diagrams. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s blue limp cloth, cover and spine embossed with lettering, endpapers printed with Publisher’s catalogue; neat old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to prelim. In about fine condition. ¶ Third, enlarged edition. ! 80
61 HAESEN, Edm. (Edmond). Cours de balistique intérieure. Bruxelles, Alfred Castaigne, 1904. Royal octavo. Pp. 256, (1) Errata. With 43 text figures. Extended Appendix. Numerous tables and mathematical formulas. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s cloth and printed boards, old shelf tickets to spine, small old military institutional stamp to title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Signed by the Author on verso of titlepage. ! 110
62 HARDEGG, Julius von. (J. v. H.). Generalstabswissenschaft. Stuttgart, Karl Aue, 1865. Octavo. Pp. xxxii, 427. Hardcover, bound in contemporary calf and matching marbled boards, gilt lettering-piece to spine, spine-ends decorated in blind; broken joints mended, boards holding but weak; to old military institutional stamps to title, bit foxed here and there. In fair condition, very good interior.
¶ First edition. ! 60
¶ Third, revised and enlarged edition. Julius von Hardegg (1810-1875), Lieutenant General and military writer. ! 120
63 HENRY, R. (Raymond). Ponts et viaducs mobilisables, à éléments portatifs en acier pour chemins de fer et routes stratégiques. Nouvelle édition. Paris, Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1891.
shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamps to cover and title-page, some foxing. In good condition. Very good maps. ¶ Third, improved edition.
Royal octavo. Pp. (i), 110, (1). Plus 10 folding lithograph plates with multiple illustrations to each. Hardcover, bound in contemporary black half cloth and marbled boards, spine gilt, slight wear to extremities, old floral shape shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamp to half-title, some foxing, fore-edge of one plate bit frayed. Nice copy in a very good condition. ¶ New edition. The work was first published in 1888 as an extract from “Revue du génie militaire” in a very limited form which comprised of 27 pages only. ! 260
64 HILDEBRANDT, Dr., O. Schjerning (Editor). Die Verwundungen durch die modernen Kriegsfeuerwaffen, ihre Prognose und Therapie im Felde. I. Band. Allgemeiner Teil. Mit 2 Tafeln und 109 Abbildungen im Text. (Bibliothek v. Coler 21). Berlin, August Hirschwald, 1905. Octavo. Pp. x, 278. Plus 2 folding plates with multiple images to each. With 109 text illustrations. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s blue full cloth, decorated and lettered in blind; old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to title; foxed here and there. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. First volume only. The second volume was published in 1907. ! 120
! 80
67 HOENIG, Fritz (August). Die Gefechte von Ladon und Maizières am 24. November 1870. Mit einem Plan. (Gefechtsbilder aus dem Kriege 1870/71. Band III). Berlin, Felix, 1894. Octavo. Pp. viii, 128. Plus folding lithograph plan at end. Set in Gothic type. Half- title and serial-title present. Original printed wrappers, soiled and bit frayed, front wrapper partly attached to prelim for support, spine reinforced with paper, old military institutional stamps to half-title and title-page. In a very good internal condition. Untrimmed, preserved in the original state. ¶ First edition. Volume III in the Series “Gefechtsbilder aus dem Kriege 1870/71”. Complete in itself. ! 60
68 HOENIG, Fritz (August). Loigny-Poupry, 2. Dezember 1870. 2. Ergänzungsheft zum “Volkskrieg an der Loire”. Berlin, Richard Felix, 1896. Royal octavo. Pp. (ii), 99. Plus folded sheet with 6 sketch maps bound at end. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in cloth and marbled boards with the original printed wrapper laid-down; shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps. Foxed, else in a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 70
65 HOCHWAECHTER, G. von. Au feu avec les Turcs. Journal d’operations. Kirkilissé, Lule-Bourgas, Tchataldja. (Camapgnes de Thrace: 12 octobre-14 novembre 1912). Paris, Berger Levrault, 1913. Royal octavo. Pp. vi, 122. Plus 4 folding maps loosely inserted. Original pictorial wrappers printed in red, bit shabby and edge frayed, small remnants of clear tape at bottom, old signature and stamp to blank prelim. In moderate condition, very good maps. ¶ First French edition. Translated from the German by Minart. ! 60
66 HOENIG, Fritz (August). Beispiele zu Dispositionen für kleinere felddienstliche Uebungen. Mit 3 Plänen. Dritte, verbesserte Auflage. Berlin, Felix, 1894.
69 HOENIG, Fritz (August). Untersuchungen über die Taktik der Zukunft, entwickelt aus der neueren Kriegsgeschichte. Zweite vollständig umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage der “Zwei Brigaden”. Mit 1 Skizze im Text und 3 Planskizzen. Berlin, Friedrich Luckhardt, 1890. Royal octavo. Pp. xii, 273. Plus 3 folding sketch maps at end. One text figure. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, shelf ticket to spine, spine-ends very slightly rubbed, old institutional stamps and marking to title-page, small chip at bottom of title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ Third edition. The book has been through four editions. ! 100
Royal octavo. Pp. viii, 28, viii publisher’s catalogue. Plus 3 folding sketch maps bound at end. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers edge frayed, spine worn, old 19
70 HOENIG, Fritz (August). Untersuchungen über die Taktik der Zukunft, entwickelt aus der neueren Kriegsgeschichte. Vierte vollständig umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage der “Zwei Brigaden”. Mit 1 Skizze im Text und 3 Planskizzen. Berlin, Luckhardt, 1894. Royal octavo. Pp. xiv, (ii), 339, (1) publisher’s ads. Plus 3 folding sketch maps at end. One text figure. Hardcover, bound in contemporary quarter calf and marbled boards, cloth corners, gilt lettering, board bit chafed along fore edge, old institutional stamp to title-page. Very good. ¶ Fourth edition. Best and most complete edition, considerably enlarged in comparison with previous editions and consequently revised and updated. ! 140
71 HOFFBAUER, E. v. (Ernst von). Entwickelung [Entwicklung] des Waffengebrauchs der Feldartillerie und des Schießens in größeren Artillerieverbänden in Preußen. Für Offiziere aller Waffen. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1900. Royal octavo. Pp. vi, 301. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers frayed and detached, spine panel chipped, bookblock loosening, old shelf ticket. In mediocre condition. Good working- or binding copy. ¶ First edition. Ernst von Hoffbauer (1836-1905). ! 120
72 HOFFBAUER, Major (Ernst von). La Bataille de Borny (14 août 1870) au point de vue des trois armes et de l’artillerie en particulier. (Campagne de 1870-71). Anvers, Kockx & Ducaju, 1879. Royal octavo. Pp. 122. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards with the original printed wrapper laid-down, shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to cover title-page; bit foxed. In a very good condition. ¶ Second, sole authorized French edition. Translated from the German. Ernst von Hoffbauer (1836-1905). ! 90
73 HOPPENSTEDT, Julius. Das Volk in Waffen. I. Das Heer; II. Die Flotte. [TWO VOLUMES]. Dachau, Der Gelbe Verlag Mundt & Blumtritt, N.d. Two volumes. Quarto. Pp. 45, 88; 47, 88. Each volume divided into 2 parts, the photographic section of 88 pages contains some 150 photographs. Frontispiece to each volume. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, uniformly bound in the original publisher’s quarter imitation vellum and printed boards, black lettering to cover and spine; vague institutional stamp to one title-page. Foxed, else in a very good condition. ¶ First edition. With remarkable illustrations. ! 60
74 HOPPENSTEDT, Julius. Deutschlands Heer in der Entscheidungsschlacht. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1913. Octavo. Pp. viii, 164. Plus folding map bound at end. With 5 other sketch maps to the text. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s pictorial cloth, cover richly illustrated, spine and cover lettered in red, red ribbon marker. Foxed in places else in fine condition. ¶ Third edition. ! 80
75 HOPPENSTEDT, Julius. Deutschlands Heer in der Entscheidungsschlacht. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1913.
Octavo. Pp. viii, 164. Plus folding map bound at end. With 5 other sketch maps to the text. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s pictorial cloth, cover richly illustrated, spine and cover lettered in red, red ribbon marker; cloth bit soiled, old military
institutional stamps to cover, prelims and title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ Second edition. ! 60
76 JOMINI, Antoine Henri de; A. (Albrecht) von. G. v. Marées Boguslawski. Abriss der Kriegskunst von Jomini. Uebersetzt, erläutert und mit Anmerkungen versehen. (Militärische Klassiker des In- und Auslandes). Berlin, Richard Wilhelmi, 1881. Royal octavo. Pp. viii, 397. Plus folding sketch map bound at end. Text figure. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, gilt lettering to spine, spine bit worn; shelf ticket, old institutional stamps, bit foxed, map bit shabby. In good general condition. ¶ First edition. Rare. The second edition appeared a year later. Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini (1779-1869). Swiss military theorist and general. His “Précis de l’art de guerre” (1836) is one of the most influential books of military theory ever published. ! 220
77 JURIEN DE LA GRAVIÉRE, Vice-amiral. Le siège de la Rochelle. (Les origines de la Marine française et la tactique naturelle). Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1891. Octavo. Pp. 428. Plus folding lithograph map at end. Original printed wrappers edge frayed, detached, bookblock loosening; old military institutional stamp to verso of title. In a very good internal condition. Untrimmed copy preserved entirely in its original state though not very handsome. ¶ First edition. ! 60
78 KALKEN, Frans van. Histoire du Royaume des Pays-Bas et de la révolution belge de 1830. Avec treize reproductions d’après le cabinet des estampes de la Bibliothèque royale de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, Lebègue, (1910). Royal octavo. Pp. 254. Plus 13 photo plates. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards with the original printed wrapper laid-down, contemporary manuscript lettering-piece to spine, old military institutional stamps to cover, prelims and title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 120
79 KAMPTZ, W. (Wilhelm Adolf Ernst) von. Die Organisationen im Inneren einer kriegsbereiten Festung zur Erhaltung und Schonung der Vertheidiger. Für Officiere, Militair-Aerzte & Militairbeamte aller Grade. Potsdam, Riegel’sche Buch- und Musikalienhandlung (A. Stein), 1869. Octavo. Pp. (ii), 166, (2) Publisher’s catalogue. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary brown half calf and matching marbled boards, spine with dark green morocco lettering-piece and direct decoration in gilt, old shelf ticket, old institutional stamps to title-page, spine bit rubbed and chafed in places, corner-tips rubbed; some foxing throughout. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Very rare indeed. Some bibliographical spurces refer to a second part which appeared in 1877. There is no indication in the present volume to that effect and it is complete in itself. Jordan 1821, which erratically attributes the publisher to a certain “Kriegerische” Buchhandlung. ! 180
80 KESSELS, général-major (Gaspard Gérard Philippe). (Alexis Michel Eenens). Réponse du général-major Kessels a l’ouvrage les conspirations militaires de 1831. Bruxelles, Leipzig, Muquardt, 1875. Crown quarto. Pp. 67. Original printed wrappers detached, content loosening, wrapped in old plain paper jacket, old military institutional stamps to title-page. In a very good condition. Neat, clean interior in an untrimmed, wide margined copy. ¶ First edition. Gaspard Gérard Philippe Kessels (18161883). Alexis Michel Eenens (1805-1883). ! 120
81 KLAEBER, Hans. Die Preußische Artillerie in der Schlacht bei Spicheren am 6. August 1870. Berlin, Militär-Verlagsanstalt, 1898. Octavo. Pp. 37, (1); 11. Frontispiece portrait of Hans von Büllow. Plus large folding battle map, incorporating an overlay which indicates troops’ movement over time. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to title-page and verso of map. In a very good condition.
¶ First edition. One of 9 special parts which were added to Korzen and Kühn’s original 6-part “Waffenlehre”. Each part is complete in itself. The merit of this book lies predominantly in the 10 folding lithographic plates. Each comprised of multiple images in great detail of various canons and their parts with comprehensive nomenclatures. Very rare. ! 420
¶ First edition. ! 120
83 KÜHN, Rudolf. (Anton Korzen). Feldkanonen. Mit 14 Figurentafeln. (Waffenlehre, Heft X). Wien, Seidel, 1905. Royal octavo. Pp. (ii), (iv), 243, (5) tables. Plus 14 large folding sheets of plates with numerous technical illustrations to each. Original publisher’s printed limp boards; shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. With very detailed and well executed technical illustrations depicting nomenclature of all parts of various filed guns, their ammuniation and carriage. Shown are: Austrian-Hungarian 9cm; German 96; English field artillery, French M.77 and M.97; Italian M.80/98 and 75A; Russian light field artillery M. 92/95; Japanese M.98. Very rare. ! 320
84 KUNZ, (Hermann). Das Gefecht bei Nuits am 18. Dezember 1870. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1892. 82 KORZEN, Anton. (Rudolf Kühn). Korzen-Kühn, Waffenlehre. Heft XIIIb: Verteidigungsgeschütze und deren Panzerungen. Mit 10 Figurentafeln. Wien, Seidel, 1908. Royal octavo. Pp. (vi), 92, 9 (verso blank). Plus 10 folding lithograph plates bound at end. Text figures. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s printed cloth over limp boards, bit shabby, cloth on back cover bit wrinkled. In good general condition, very good plates.
Royal octavo. Pp. viii, 44. Plus lithographed map bound at end. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to title-page and map. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Hermann Kunz (1847-1905). ! 80
87 KUNZ, (Hermann). Taktische Beispiele aus den Kriegen der neuesten Zeit 1880-1900. I. Heft. Der serbisch-bulgarische Krieg 1885. Mit 3 Skizzen in Steindruck. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1891. Royal octavo. Pp. iv, (i), 140. Plus 3 folding lithograph sketch maps loosely inserted in rear pocket. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers edge frayed and bit soiled, front wrapper partly attached to title-page, spine reinforced with paper, old institutional stamps to titlepage, some foxing. In good condition. Very good maps. ¶ First edition. First part of three. Hermann Kunz (18471905). ! 220
88 LANDAUER, (Major). Merkpunkte für den Batteriechef nebst Anhang betreffend das französische Schiessverfahren und die französische Feuertaktik. (Sammlung militärwissenschaftlicher Handbücher, 9. Band). Berlin, Voss, 1908.
85 KUNZ, Hermann. Die Schlacht von Wörth am 6. August 1870. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1909. Crown quarto. Pp. vxii, 248; 64. Plus frontispiece portrait. Plus large overview map and 6 battle maps all folding and loosely inserted in rear pocket. Each map is captioned on a fold-out corner. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary three-quarters pebbled cloth and marbled boards, gilt ruled spine neatly lettered in gilt, old floral shaped shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps to title-page; some underlining and annotations in neat contemporary hand, minute splits at folding corners of maps. An attractive copy in a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Edited posthumously by Oberstleutnant Balck, Infantry Regiment Count Kirchbach. The overview map is at scale 1:200000; the battle plans are at 1:25000, showing the progress of battle along the day. Hermann Kunz (1847-1905). ! 220
86 KUNZ, (Hermann). Konnte Marschall Bazaine im Jahre 1870 Frankreich retten? Berlin, Eisenschmidt, 1896. Royal octavo. Pp. 168. Plus large folding lithograph map, printed in handsome sepia. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, shelf ticket to spine, old faded military institutional stamp to title-page; cloth bit rubbed at extremities, short splits at folding corners of map. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Achille Bazaine (1811-1888), Marshal of France. Hermann Kunz (1847-1905). ! 120
Royal octavo. Pp. 139. Plus 2 folding plates and one folding map bound at end. With 28 text figures. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers, spine worn, shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps to cover and titlepage, few leaves loose. In good condition, fine folding plates and map. ¶ First edition. ! 120
89 LANZ, H. (Hubert). Studien über Nachtangriffe im Bewegungskrieg. Berlin, Offene Worte, 1925. Octavo. Pp. 85. Plus folding map. With sketch maps to the text. Hardcover, bound in cloth and marbled boards with the original printed wrapper laid-down; shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps, some light annotations and marking. In about fine condition. ¶ First edition. ! 80
90 LAUTH, J. L’État militaire des principales puissances étrangères en 1900. Allemagne, AutricheHongrie, Belgique, Espagne, Grande-Bretagne, Italie, Roumanie, Russie, Suisse. Septieme edition, augmentée et mise à jour. Paris, Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1900. Royal octavo. Pp. xii, 749. plus folding tables bound-in. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamp to title-page, endpapers foxed. In a very good condition, very clean text. ¶ Seventh edition, expanded and updated. ! 70
91 LE JUGE. Das englische Heer einschließlich der Kolonialtruppen in seiner heutigen Gestaltung. Leipzig, Zuckschwerdt & Möschke, Royal octavo. Pp. 141. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in cloth and marbled boards with the original printed wrapper laid-down; shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 60
92 LE ROND, Capitaine. Preface by General Langlois. Le canon a tir rapide et l’instruction de l’Artillerie. Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, (1905). Octavo. Pp. 75. Original wrappers worn, back is gone; old military institutional stamps. Fair copy but in good internal condition. ¶ First edition. Rare. ! 60
93 LECOMTE, Ferdinand. Guerre de la Prusse et de l’Italie contre l’Autriche et la conféderation germanique en 1866. Relation historique et critique, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES]. Paris, Tanera, 1868.
Royal octavo. Pp. 206. Plus 3 folding lithograph plates. With text figure. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps, small blemished to binding. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. There should be 2 lithograph plates in this book, as called-for on title-page, but this copy has 3 such plates with a total of 59 beautiful illustrations. One plate is double-page, the other two are folding, one of which is loosely inserted and apparently added. Very rare. A single institutional copy worldwide, that in the British Library. ! 360
95 LEHÁR, (Hauptmann). Schiesswesen mit Handfeuerwaffen. Beiträge zum Unterrichte über den theoretischen Teil der Schiessinstruktionen. Mit 98 Textfiguren und 7 Tafeln. Als Entwurf gedruckt. Wien, Seidel, 1910. Royal octavo. Pp. 140. Plus 7 folding tables in rear pocket. With 98 text figures. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s half cloth and matching printed boards; old helf ticket, old military institutional stampto cover, prelims, title-page and tables; bit shabby, last blank bit soiled. In good condition. ¶ Second edition. ! 70
Two volumes. Royal octavo. Pp. 474, plus 7 folding lithograph maps tipped-in at end; 397, 73, plus 7 folding lithograph maps tipped-in at end. Hardcover, uniformly bound in contemporary half calf and marbled boards, green morocco lettering-piece lettered and decorated in gilt to each spine, gilt decoration to spine-ends; old shelf tickets on spine, old military institutional stamp to first free endpaper, boards bit rubbed at extremities. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 120
96 LEO, (Otto). Die deutsche Artillerie in den Schlachten und Treffen des deutsch-französischen Krieges 1870-71. Auf Grund des Generalstabswertes, der offiziellen Berichte und Tagebücher der deutschen Artillerie. Auf dienstliche Verantlassung zusammengestellt. Heft 7. Die Kümpfe am 29., 30. und 31 August 1870. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1876. Royal octavo. Pp. 215. Plus 4 folding lithograph maps comprising of an overview map and 3 battle maps, one of which is very large and printed in red & black. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers, edge frayed, bit shabby, spine reinforced with paper; shelf number in neat contemporary hand. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Part 7 of the work. ! 80
97 LEWAL, Général [Jules Louis]. Études de guerre. Tactique de stationnement. Avec planches et figures. Paris, Dumaine, 1879.
94 LEERBECH, John (Erik Vilhelm). Die InfanterieSchiessinstructionen Europa’s und ihr Verhältniss zur modernen Taktik. Eine vergleichende Reglementsstudie. Mit 2 lithographischen Tafeln. Berlin, Richard Wilhelmi, 1882.
Royal octavo. Pp. 514. Plus folding plans and charts. With full-page plans to the text, some in colour. Tables. Original printed wrappers; old military institutional stamp to title-page, to title, wrappers worn, bookblock loosening. Untrimmed, practically unused internally. Fine binding or working copy.
¶ First edition thus. Extrait du Journal des Sciences militaires. Jules Louis Lewal (1823 -1908). ! 100
98 LEWAL, Général [Jules Louis]. Études de guerre. Tactique des ravitaillements, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES]. Paris, Baudoin, 1889-90. Two volumes bound in one. Royal octavo. Pp. 286; 312. Plus large folding schematic plate, printed in several colours, bound at end. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, old military institutional stamp to title-page, bit foxed here and there. In good condition. ¶ First edition. Jules Louis Lewal (1823 -1908). ! 220
99 LEWAL, Général [Jules Louis]. La chimère du désarmement. Paris, Baudoin, 1897. Octavo. Pp. 134. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps to title-page, bit foxed. Very good. ¶ First edition. Jules Louis Lewal (1823 -1908). ! 80
100 LINAEÈS, Capitaine. Préface du Général Percin. La tyrannie de l’arme a feu. Paris, Chapelot, 1911.
102 LÜTGENDORF, Casimir (Kasimir) Freiherrn von. Über Befehlsgebung im Felde bei einem Detachement. Erläutert an einem Beispiele für Cantonierung, Marsch und Gefecht. Wien, Seidel, 1895. Royal octavo. Pp. 64. Plus 2 maps at end, one of which is folding. Original printed wrappers bit edge frayed, spine reinforced with paper, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps to cover and title-page. In good condition. ¶ Third edition. Kasimir Dominik Freiherrn von Lütgendorf (1862-1958). ! 80
103 MAC-MAHON, Maréchal (Marie Edmé Patrice Maurice MacMahon). L’Armée de Versailles depuis sa formation jusqu’a la compléte pacification de Paris. Rapport officiel avec une carte exécutée au dépôt de la guerre d’après les levés des officiers du corps d’étatmajor, pour servir à l’intelligence des opérations militaire. Paris, Ghio, 1872. Royal octavo. Pp. 45. Plus large folding battle map beautifully hand-coloured by contemporary hand. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ Second edition. Maréchal Marie Edmé Patrice Maurice MacMahon, duc de Magenta, Marshal of France and President (1808-1893). ! 220
Octavo. Pp. ix, (i), 71. Text figures. Bibliography. Original printed wrappers worn and detached, bookblock loosening; old military institutional stamp to title-page. Text in a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Captain Linarès, an infantry officer, working from his own standpoint, has reached the same conclusions as General Percin and other artillerists as to the cooperation of the two arms, artillery and infantry, in the attack. Very rare. ! 120
101 LITZMANN. Beiträge zur taktischen Ausbildung unserer Offiziere. Teil IV. Stellen und Lösen taktischer Aufgaben. Einführung in den Betrieb des Kriegsspiels. Mit 4 Karten und beilagen. Berlin, Eisenschmidt, 1905. Octavo. Pp. viii, 156. Plus 3 folding maps placed at end, two of which are very large, and a card printed on both sides with game tables and rules. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, shelf ticket to spine, small old institutional stamp to title-page; maps bit tender at folds with some minor short splits. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 125
104 MACH, Richard v. (von), Freiherrn Colmar v. d. Goltz, J. v. Pflugk-Harttung, C. von Zepelin. Die Heere und Flotten der Gegenwart. Die Wehrmacht der Türkei und Bulgariens. Berlin, Alfred Schall, 1905. 25
Crown quarto. Pp. viii, 99, (3) publisher’s ads. Plus 2 frontispiece portraits. With 2 maps to the text, one of which is double-page, the other full-page. Serial-title present. Numerous tables. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s richly decorated full cloth, cover with large gilt lettering and allegorical illustration, gilt spine, golden decorative endpapers; old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to half-title and title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition.
108 MIDDELDORF, Eike. Illustration, Bucheinband und Schutzumschlag Günther Helm. Taktik im Russlandfeldzug. Erfahrungen und Folgerungen. Darmstadt, Mittler, 1956. Crown quarto. Pp. 239, (5) publisher’s ads. With 13 fullpage illustrations, often printed in red and black. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s full cloth with illustrated dust-jacket; small stain at bookblock fore edge and first blank, dust-jacket bit edge frayed and soiled at back else in a very good condition.
! 320
105 MARBOT, Marcellin. Remarques critiques sur l’ouvrage de M. le lieutenant-général Rogniat, intitulé: Considérations sur l’art de la guerre. Paris, Anselin et Pochard, 1820. Octavo. Pp. xiv, 638. Plus 2 folding lithograph maps bound at end. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half calf and marbled boards, gilt morocco lettering-piece and gilt tooling direct to spine, old shelf-ticket; old military institutional stamps to title; spine bit worn at head, small stain to bottom of half-title. In a very good condition, fine interior, crisp maps.
¶ First edition. With the rare, typographically illustrated dust-jacket. ! 60
109 (MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SERVICE, War Department). Military Reports from the United Nations. Number 20. 15 July 1944. Confidential. (Military Intelligence Service, War Department). Washington, D.C., Military Intelligence Service, 1944. Royal octavo. Pp. 52. Photographs and text figures. Original stiff wrappers. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition.
¶ First edition.
! 60 ! 230
106 MECKEL, (Jakob). H. Perizonius. Lehrbuch der Taktik, nach der für die Königlich Preußischen Kriegsschulen vorgeschriebenen “genetischen Skizze”, zugleich als sechste Auflage der Taktik von Perizonius. Erster Theil: Einleitung und formelle Taktik. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1874. Royal octavo. Pp. xii, 284. With woodcut illustrations, plans. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, lettering-piece to spine in contemporary very neat hand, old institutional stamps to title-page which is also bit browned. Very good.
110 (MINISTÈRE DE LA DÉFENSE NATIONALE). Règlement provisoire sur le service en campagne. [AND:] Errata au titre iv. (Ministère de la Défense Nationale, Etat-Major de l’Armée, Ire Section). Bruxelles, Ministère de la Défense Nationale, 1922-25. Octavo. Pp. xvi, 185, (1) table. Original printed wrappers, old institutional stamps to cover and title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Lists 672 regulations. [Added:] “Errata au Titre IV” published in Bruxelles, February 1925. Octavo. Pp. 4. Folded sheet as issued. ! 120
! 60
107 MERCUR, James. Elements of the Art of War. Prepared for the Use of the Cadets of the United States Military Academy. London, Macmillan, 1889. Royal octavo. Pp. xii, 302. Plus 11 plates including large folding engraved maps. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s full cloth, gilt lettering to spine, black chalked endpapers, the first being cracked, old shelf ticket to cover, spine faded, cloth bit worn at extremities, old military institutional stamps to half-title and title-page. In good overall condition, very good interior, fine, crisp plates and maps. ¶ Second edition, revised and corrected. ! 220 26
111 MINISTÈRE DE LA GUERRE. Instruction général sur le tir de l’artillerie. Paris, Limoges, Nancy, Charles Lavauzelle, 1924. Crown quarto. Pp. xxiv, 302. Plus 8 plates, some folding, bound at end. With 54 text figures. Includes 14 appendices. Hardcover, bound in the original printed boards, spine gilt; shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 110
112 (MINISTÈRE DE LA GUERRE). Règlement de manoeuvre de l’artillerie de campagne. Deuxième partie. Paris, Berger Levrault, (1903). Crown octavo. Pp. 240. Plus colour plate of flags and guidons. With many, very detailed text figures, including equipment and weapon nomenclatures. Several pages of musical notes. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s cloth and printed boards, small old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to cover and half-title, boards bit finger soiled. In a very good condition, fine interior. ¶ Second part of this work, complete in itself. ! 60
113 (MINISTÈRE DE LA GUERRE). Règlement de manoeuvre de l’Artillerie. Deuxième partie. L’Artillerie au combat. Annexe relative au service des renseignements de l’Artillerie (s. r. a.). Paris, Charles Lavauzelle, 1931. Crown octavo. Pp. 94. Plus 3 folding plates printed in several colours. With 14 text figures. Original publisher’s stiff wrappers, old shelf ticket to spine. In a very good condition, fine interior. ¶ Second part of this work, complete in itself. ! 60
114 (MINISTÈRE DE LA GUERRE). Règlement provisoire de manoeuvre de l’Artillerie de campagne. Titre V. L’Artillerie dans le combat; Titre VI. Instruction des batteries attelées; Titre VII. Service de l’Artillerie en campagne. [THREE PARTS]. Paris, Nancy, BergerLevrault, (1910). Three parts in one volume. Paginated consecutively. Octavo. Pp. 37; 39-83; 85-153. Plus a plate of standards and flags printed in colour. Text figures. Tables. Original printed stiff wrappers, cloth spine, small shelf ticket, old institutional stamps to first blank. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 80
115 (MINISTÈRE DE LA GUERRE). Règlement sur le exercices et les manoeuvres de l’Infanterie. Bruxelles, Guyot, 1898. Small octavo. Pp. x, 355. Plus 11 lithographic plates, some of which are folding. Text figures. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s full cloth, old shelf ticket to cover, old military institutional stamp to first free endpaper. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 80
Antique Bronze Cannon and Mortars Original Single-Sheet Tinted Lithographs First edition. Printed on heavy paper with very wide margins. Several of the finest bronze cannon and mortar barrels which were captured in the East Indies by the soldiers of the First-, Second-, and Third Dutch Expedition Force (1846, 1847, and 1849 respectively) were brought to the Netherlands as a gift to the King. In 1880, the artists father and son Van Looy made an elaborately detailed and delicately executed set of lithographs, drawn on stone, of practically the entire booty. The prints were pulled by the famous stone-lithographers firm of S. Lankhout & Co., of The Hague, and published in 1881 by Publisher Gouda Quint, of Arnhem. Beautifully decorative. Arnhem, Gouda Quint, 1881. 24x30 cm
Priced at !45 each
4 29
7 30
116 MÜLLER, Hermann (von). Geschichte des Festungskrieges seit allgemeiner Einführung der Feuerwaffen bis zum Jahre 1880. Berlin, Robert Oppenheim, 1880. Royal octavo. Pp. vi, 222, (1) Errata. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers frayed and detached, spine worn, bookblock loosening; shelf ticket to spine, very old and vague institutional stamp to title-page. In a very good internal condition and entirely in the original state.
118 N., N. Die Ausbildung der Infanterie-Compagnie für die Schlacht nach den bestehenden Reglements und Instructionen. Hannover, Helwing, 1879. Octavo. Pp. 72, (2) appendix. Original printed wrappers chipped and frayed; shelf tickets, old military institutional stamps to cover and title. In acceptable condition. ¶ Fourth edition. ! 80
¶ First edition. Rare. Jordan 2643 which erratically attributes the publisher to E. S. Mittler. This, however, has no bibliographical support in any of the data we were able to consult - all attribute the publishing to Robert Oppenheim. ! 170
117 MÜLLER, Ladislaus. Die europäischen KriegsBrücken-Systeme nach den verläßlichsten Quellen. Mit 97 holzschnitten. Wien, Carl Gerold’s Sohn, 1874. Octavo. Pp. (iv), 229, (1) Errata. With 97 woodcut illustrations. Numerous tables. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, small old institutional stamp to title-page; some pencil annotations and calculations in pencil in neat contemporary hand. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. examines and describes systems and construction of various temporary bridges i.e. floating, roller, rafts, footbridge, truss bridge, etc., with emphasis on water crossing. It follows the systems, traditions, and practice of several European armies. With detailed, accurate, and at the same time handsome drawings of high quality. ! 160
119 NEHRING, Walther. Panzerabwehr. Eine untersuchung über ihre möglichkeiten auf Grund der Ansichten und Maßnahmen des Auslandes sowie kriegsgeschichtlicher Unterlagen. Berlin, Mittler, 1936. Royal octavo. Pp. viii, 63, (1) publisher’s catalogue. Plus 8 plates with a total of 14 photographic images. With 10 text figures. Set in Gothic type. Original pictorial stiff wrappers printed entirely in red, large attractive cover illustration, spine-ends bit chipped; old military institutional stamps. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 160
121 NOLAN, L.-E. (Lewis Edward). Bonneau du Martray. Histoire et tactique de la Cavalerie. Paris, Leneveu, 1854. Royal octavo. Pp. 339, (4) publisher’s ads. Plus 5 handcoloured plates of which 2 are of mounted officers, one as frontispiece, and 3 that show various equestrian equipment. Plus 3 plates of cavalry formation, 2 of which are folding. With large handsome engraved illustration to the text and other text figures. Original printed wrappers, spine worn; signatures loosening, old military institutional stamps. Rather foxed else in a very good internal condition with all the plates remarkably clean. ¶ First French edition. Translated from the English and annotated by Bonneau du Martray. ! 200
120 NEHRING, Walther. Panzerabwehr. Eine untersuchung über ihre möglichkeiten auf Grund der Ansichten und Maßnahmen des Auslandes sowie kriegsgeschichtlicher Unterlagen. Zweite, völlig neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Berlin, Mittler, 1937. Royal octavo. Pp. viii, 84, (4) publisher’s catalogue. Plus 16 plates with a total of 27 photographic images. With 13 text figures. Set in Gothic type. Original pictorial stiff wrappers printed entirely in red, large attractive cover illustration, spine bit chipped at bottom; old military institutional stamps, bit creased in places. In a very good condition. ¶ Second, completely revised and expanded edition. ! 160
122 OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; Generalstab des Heeres, General der Artillerie. (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Deutsches Reich). Merkblätter für Artillerie Nr. 20. Auszüge aus Bekanntgaben artilleristischer Art im H V Bl. u. A H M. seit 1.1.1940. Nr. 2900/40 Ib; H.Du., den 23.11.40. Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1940.
126 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Ausbildungsvorschrift für die nachrichtentruppe (A.V.N.). Heft 6c. Die Funkkompanie. Vom 30.9.1937. (H.Dv. 421/6c). Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1937. Octavo. Pp. 38. Text figures. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff wrappers, old institutional stamps. In a very good condition.
Small octavo. Pp. 8. Original self-wrappers, old institutional stamps. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition.
¶ First edition. ! 60
! 80
123 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Artillerie (A.V.A.). Heft 1b. Allgemeine Ausbildung zu Fuß. Vom 15.11.1936. (H.Dv.200/1b). Berlin, Mittler, 1936. Small octavo. Pp. 112. Numerous plates and illustrations. Original stiff wrappers, old institutional stamps on cover. In fine condition. ¶ First edition. ! 60
124 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Artillerie (A.V.A.). Heft 2c. Die Batterie 15 cm K. 16 (15cm K.16 mit vereinfachter U. L.). Vom 15.11.1936. (H.Dv.200/2c). Berlin, Mittler, 1939. Small octavo. Pp. viii, 206. Illustrations. Original stiff wrappers bit discoloured, old institutional stamps on cover and title-page. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 60
125 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Infanterie (A.V.I.). Heft 9b. Vorläufige Richtlinien für Einsatz und Führung des Infanterie-Bataillons (mot.). Vom 16.3.41. (H.Dv.130/9b). Berlin, Offene Worte, 1941. Small octavo. Pp. 79. Legend of cartography symbols. Original stiff wrappers, old institutional stamp. In a very good condition.
! 80
127 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Beispiele für das Koppeln von Flachund Steilfeuer im Rahmen des Infanterie-Bataillons. Vom 12.7.42. Unveränderter Nachdruck. 1944. (Merblatt 25a/18). Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1942. Small octavo. Pp. 47. with 19 plates printed in several colours. Plus folding table printed in several colours. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers. In a very good condition, excellent plates. ¶ Unchanged reprint. Very handsomely illustrated with views and maps of battle situations involving infantry in various shooting positions. One of the rarest Wehrmacht wartime manuals. ! 320
128 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Das Tragtier, Packpferd, Bergreitpferd, Ochsengespann. (H.Dv.375). Berlin, Offene Worte, 1939. Small octavo. Pp. 95. Divided into 5 sections with 5 divisional title-pages, including Appendix. Text figures. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers, old military institutional stamp to cover. In a very good condition.
131 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Entwurf Kriegssanitätsvorschrift (Heer). K.S.V.(H.). I. Teil. Vom 15.7.38. (H.Dv. 21/I). Nachdruck mit eingearbeitetem Deckblättern Nr. 1-22 (...). Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1944. Small octavo. Pp. vii, 158. Includes 3 folding charts. Original stiff wrappers, old institutional stamps. In a very good condition.
¶ First edition.
! 160 ! 140
129 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Das Truppenpferd. Heft I: Pferdepflege, Stallpflege, Füttern und Tränken. Vom 18.8.37. (H.Dv.11/1). [AND:] Heft II: Körperbau, Erkrankungen, Futtermittel. Vom 14.7.1938. (H.Dv.11/2). [TWO VOLUMES]. Berlin, Offene Worte, 1937-38. Two volumes. Small octavo. I. Four parts in one, paginated consecutively. Pp. 72, with 4 divisional titlepages; II. Six parts in one, paginated consecutively. Pp. 191, with 6 divisional title-pages. Plus folding chart outside the pagination. Includes 16 plates with full-length portraits of the various horse breeds, and 16 plates with detailed views and descriptions of herbs, plants and greens. With illustrated glossary of brand marks. With 32 text illustrations often with multiple images to each, some full-page including some printed in multiple colours. With 4 appendices. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff cloth wrappers bit discoloured, old institutional stamps to cover and title. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Rare Wehrmacht guide to military stable management. Extremely rare in its completeness. An interesting review of this publication, with photographs, can be found in “Pferde im Einsatz bei Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS” which is published online by the Bundesarchiv. ! 320
130 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Einführung und Stichwortverzeichnis zu Abschnitt I-XVII von “Führung und Gefecht der verbundenen Waffen” (F. u. G.). (H. Dv. 487). Berlin, Offene Worte, 1924.
132 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Erkennungstafel Landungsboote Feindmächte (ohne Sowjet-Union). (Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe, Oktober 1943). Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1943. Small octavo. Leporello of 10 panels with 19 plates with photographs and profiles of landing crafts. Captioned, measured and described in detail underneath. Printed in red and black. Old shelf ticket to cover covering small part of text; old red decorative stamp, unidentified, on cover and 2 panels. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Rare identification guide. Shows British and US landing crafts. ! 120
133 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Exerzir-Reglement für die Kaiserlich-Königlichen Fußtruppen, I-II. [TWO VOLUMES]. Wien, Hof- und Staatsdruckerei 1880. Two volumes. Octavo. Pp. xvi, 250; iv, 73. Plus folding chart. With many illustrations to the text, all in the first volume. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers, edge frayed and worn, lower wrapper of one volume is gone, bookblock loosening; shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps, chart loosely inserted. In fair condition, internally very good. ¶ Second edition. First printed 1874-75. ! 60
Two parts in one volume. Octavo. Pp. 84; 48. Lacks titlepage. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff wrappers, old signature to cover. In good condition.
134 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Feldbefestigungsvorschrift. Teil II. Ausführung. (H. Dv. 276.). Berlin, Reichsdruckerei, 1925.
¶ First edition. Introduction and Index to Section I-XVII of the leadership and combined arms combat manual, traditionally known as “Das Fug”. Rare. ! 120
Small octavo. Pp. 118. With 148 illustrations to the text. Set in Gothic type. Original printed stiff wrappers, faded; old signature on cover, some annotations in red crayon to 2 pages. In a very good condition. 35
¶ First edition. Very rare. Very richly illustrated manual on field fortification. Includes many aerial reconnaissance photographs. Extremely detailed technical illustrations of all aspects of the implementation of field fortification. Part III is also offered by Librarium. ! 220
135 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Feldbefestigungsvorschrift. Teil III. Planmäßiger Stellungsbau außerhalb der feindlichen Einwirkung. (H. Dv. 276.). Berlin, Reichsdruckerei, 1925. Small octavo. Pp. 120. With numerous illustrations to the text. Tables, appendices. Set in Gothic type. Original printed stiff wrappers, faded; old signature on cover. In a very good condition, excellent interior. ¶ First edition. Very rare. Very richly illustrated manual on field fortification. Extremely detailed technical illustrations of all aspects of the implementation of field fortification. Part II is also offered by Librarium. ! 220
136 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Gasschutzvorschrift. (G.S.V.) III. Teil. A. Organisation des Gasschutzdienstes, B. Ausrüstung des Reichsheeres mit Gasschutzmitteln. C. Lagerung, Verwaltung und Ersatz der Gasschutzmittel (Entwurf). (H.Dv.395). Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1926. Small octavo. Pp. 34. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers, old military institutional stamps to cover and title, old shelf ticket. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 110
glossary. With the Nazi emblem of eagle and swastika on cover and title-page. ! 600
138 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Merkblatt “Was muß der Grenadier vom Panzer wissen?” vom 25.9.43. (Merkblatt 18/14 (Anhang zur H.Dv.1a Seite 18, Ifd. Nr. 14). Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1943. Small octavo. Pp. 7. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers, front detached, old military institutional stamps and markings to cover. In good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 120
139 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Merkblätter für Artillerie Nr. 44. Der Vorgeschobene Beobachter. Vom 8.1.44. (Merkblatt 27b/58). Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1944. Small octavo. Pp. 23. Text figures of which one is fullpage. Original self wrappers, old institutional stamps. In good condition.
! 80
140 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Reitvorschrift (R.V.). Vom 18.8.1937. (H.Dv.12). Berlin, Mittler, 1937. Small octavo. Pp. vii, 204. With 62 text illustrations. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff wrappers, old institutional stamps, ticket and shelf marking to cover. In a very good condition.
137 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Heeressignaltafel vom 1. Februar 1941. (H.Dv. 425). [Deckblatt 1 bis 5]. Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1941.
¶ First edition. The masterful illustrations show in great clarity the various positions of the dressage, gaits, paces, movements, etc. Covers riding styles for various troops in different situations, training for light cavalry, gear, etc. ! 180
Octavo. Pp. 71. Original label “Deckblatt 1 bis 5 zur Heeressignaltafel” mounted inside cover. Divided into several sections, some printed on coloured paper. Printed tabs which are not cut yet. Illustrated legend. Addenda strip tipped-in. Some corrections in manuscript. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff wrappers, old institutional stamps. In a very good condition.
141 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Richtlinien für die Unterbringung und Verladung von Nachrichtengerät auf Schlitten und Kufen. Vom 1.9.42. D 707/4. Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1944.
¶ First edition. Extremely rare Wehrmacht Army Signal Table. Contains extensive trigrams lists (HST Codes) and their meaning. Includes Sign Language illustrated
Octavo. Pp. 87. Plus 19 folding plates with numerous technical illustrations. With 74 illustrations to the text comprising of photographs of troops and equipment. Tables. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers,
lower wrap bit edge frayed, old military institutional stamp to cover and title. In a very good condition. ¶ Nachdruck mit eingearb. Deckbl. 1-5. Nov. 1944. Extremely rare Wehrmacht guide for the transportation and installation of radio- and telecommunication under extreme weather conditions. Richly illustrated with very detailed photographs and technical drawings. ! 260
142 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Richtlinien für kurzfristige Ausbildung der Artillerie im Feldheer. Vom 10.8.42. Nachdruck mit eingearbeiteter Anlage 7 u. 8 (...) (Merkblatt 27b/45). Juli 44. Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1944.
145 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Schießvorschrift für Minenwerfer. (H. Dv. No. 111). Berlin, Bernard & Graefe, 1929. Crown octavo. Pp. 162. With numerous text figures. Tables. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s blue full cloth, lettering embossed in red on cover; old military institutional stamp to title and shelf number. In a very good condition. Nice copy. ¶ First edition. ! 160
Small octavo. Pp. 54. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers detached, large chip to blank corner of lower wrapper, old military institutional stamp to cover. In good condition. ¶ Reprinted July 1944. ! 60
143 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). (Der Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in den Niederlanden, Abt. OQu/Hmot.). Richtlinien für Wehrmacht-Kraftfahrzeuge, Betriebsstoff- u. Reifenversorgung in den Niederlanden. Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, Der Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in den Niederlanden Abt. OQu/Hmot., 1941. Octavo. Pp. 133. Colour plates and facsimiles of documents. With Subject tabs. Original printed wrappers bit discoloured and soiled. In good condition, very good interior. ¶ Rare Wehrmacht publication which sets traffic regulations for military vehicles in occupied Netherlands. ! 110
144 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Schießvorschrift für das Schwere Maschinengewehr (Schv. s. M.G.). H. Dv. 73. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1925. Duodecimo. Pp. viii, 194. Plus folding tables and graphs. Text figures. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s blue full cloth, lettering embossed in black on cover and spine. In a very good condition. Nice copy. ¶ First edition. ! 80
146 (OBERBEFEHLSHABER DES HEERES; OBERKOMMANDO DER WEHRMACHT, Deutsches Reich). Schußtafel für die 10 cm Kanone 17 und 10 cm Kanone 17/04 n/A mit der Feldhaubitzgranate rot. H.Dv.119/403. Berlin, Oberkommando des Heeres, 1936. Small octavo. Pp. 177. Plus fold-out plate “Tafel zur Berechnung d. Sichtdeckung”. Four parts with 4 divisional title-pages. First part divided into 13 sections with tabs. Tables printed in red and black. Some corrections in contemporary hand. Original limp cloth. On cover there’s an inscription in neat contemporary hand: “Nicht Feindeshand fallen lassen!” With the stamp “Hauptbüro” inside. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Extremely rare. NOTE: With ink stamp of the Nazi emblem of eagle and swastika to title-page. ! 310
147 OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE ARMY. CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR, the Distinguished Service Cross and the Distinguished Service Medal Issued by the War Department Since April 6, 1917 Up to and including General Orders, No. 126, War Department, November 11, 1919. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1920. Royal octavo. Pp. 1054. Plates. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s full cloth, gilt lettering and decoration to cover and spine, floral endpapers, cloth 37
inner hinges; minute old shelf tickets to spine ends, faded old military institutional stamp to title-page, ticket to last paste-down. In about fine condition. Attractive copy.
151 PETRE, A. Kriegsspiel. Jeu de la guerre. Guide des opérations tactiques exécutées sur la carte. Avec deux Planches. (Conférences Militaires Belges, 2e Série, No. 7). Bruxelles, Muquardt, 1872.
¶ First edition. ! 220
148 (ÖSTERREICHISCHEN BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR HEERWESEN). SCHIEßVORSCHRIFT FÜR DAS GEWEHR, das leichte Maschinengewehr, die Pistole und das schwere Maschinengewehr. (Sch. V. J.). Heft 1. Allgemeine Schießlehre; Der Schießbehelf; Das Richten. (Bundesministerium für Heereswesen. Zu Erlaß 10.000-2 von 1928). Wien, Österreichischen Bundesministerium für Heerwesen, Druck der Österreichischen Staatsdruckerei, 1928. Small octavo. Pp. 55. With 22 illustrations. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff cloth wrappers, contemporary signature to cover and title, institutional label inside back cover. In fine condition. Excellent copy. ¶ First edition. Extremely rare shooting guide. First part. Noteworthy, the very few citations for this book that appear in international data bases all erratically quote volume title as “Allgemeine Schießlehre; Der Schießbefehl; Das Richten”. ! 180
149 OTT, Adolf. Dienst bei den Bezirkskommandos der deutschen Armee. Ein Nachschlage- und Hülfsbuch für Offiziere und Unteroffiziere der Bezirkskommandos. Berlin, Felix, 1894. Crown octavo. Pp. vii, 227, (1) publisher’s catalogue. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in half cloth and marbled boards, spine gilt; shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 80
150 PERCIN, Général (Alexandre). L’Artillerie aux manoeuvres de Picardie en 1910. Avec une Carte et 21 Croquis en couleurs hors texte. Paris, Nancy, BergerLevrault, 1911. Crown quarto. Pp. xviii, (ii), 252. Plus very large folding lithographic map and 21 folding lithographic sketches printed in additional colours. Half-title present. Original printed wrappers, worn and detached, upper wrapper gone; old military institutional stamp to half-title, some gathering loosening. Untrimmed copy in a very good internal condition. An excellent binding copy. ¶ First edition. A copy that has been kept in military archives for decades and has been recently emerged. ! 320 38
Crown octavo. Pp. 52. Plus 2 folding plates at end. With 2 full-page tables to the text. Original printed wrappers, worn and detached, lower wrapper replaced with plain paper, shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps, gatherings loose. Interior foxed but very good, folding plates are fine. Rare survivor of a fragile publication. ¶ First edition. ! 120
152 PIROGOW, N. (Nicolai Iwanowitsch / Nikolaj Nikolay Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov). Translated by Wilhelm Roth, Anton Schmidt. Das Kriegs-SanitätsWesen und die Privat-Hülfe [Privathülfe] auf dem kriegsschauplatze in Bulgarien und im Rücken der operirenden Armee 1877-1878. Leipzig, Vogel, 1882. Two parts in one volume. paginated consecutively. Quarto. Pp. xviii, 292; (2), 295-582. Plus folding map bound at end. With a full-page schematic plate. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, spine gilt, old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamp to title-page, some wear to head of spine. Foxed, else in a very good condition. ¶ First German edition. Translated from the Russian by Wilhelm Roth and Anton Schmidt. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, (1810-1881), professor of hospital surgery at the Military Medical Academy at St. Petersburg. One of the most widely recognized Russian physicians, he is considered the founder of field surgery. ! 620
153 PLESSIX, H. (Hippolyte Isidore), E. (Émile Edmond) Legrand (Girarde). Manuel complet de fortification. Rédigé conformément au programme du cours professé à l’école spéciale militaire et au programme d’admission à l’école supérieure de guerre. Paris, Berger Levrault, 1883. Royal octavo. Pp. xiii, 688. Plus 22 leaves of lithographic plates and maps, some of which are folding. Includes some chromolithograph maps and a particularly handsome folding coloured panorama “Type de fort a fossés secs”. With 280 fine woodcut illustrations to the text. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s dark leaf green cloth, spine gilt; bit rubbed in places, spine slightly worn at extremities, old shelf tickets, old military institutional stamps to title, maps foxed due to paper quality. In good condition. ¶ First edition. Jordan 2936. The print quality of the plates and maps surpasses that of later editions. Particularly the large chromolithograph plates are of much higher quality. ! 600
154 PLESSIX, H. (Hippolyte Isidore), E. (Émile Edmond) Legrand-Girarde. Manuel complet de fortification. Rédigé conformément au programme du cours professé à l’école spéciale militaire et au programme d’admission à l’école supérieure de guerre. Paris, Nancy, Berger-Levrault, 1900.
lithographed illustrations, many of which are printed in additional colours of red and blue. Original printed wrappers, shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps; spine worn, wrappers frayed and soiled. In a very good internal condition, fine folding plates. ¶ Fourth, revised and enlarged edition.
Royal octavo. Pp. xiii, 730, (4) publisher’s catalogue. Plus 28 leaves of lithographic plates and maps, some of which are folding. Includes some chromolithograph maps and a handsome folding coloured panorama “Type de fort a fossés secs”. With 280 fine woodcut illustrations to the text. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s dark leaf green cloth, spine gilt, endpapers printed with publisher‘s ads; old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps to title, first inner hinge mended for crack, first free endpaper loosening. In a very good condition, all plates and maps in fine condition. ¶ Third edition. Jordan 2938. This edition is considerably enlarged and contains 6 additional plates compared with the first edition. ! 400
! 180
156 POUMET, Benjamin. Antoine-Marie Augoyat. Instruction sur la balistique, a l’usage des élèves du corps Royal d’État-major. Paris, Anselin et Pochard, Successeurs de Magimel; Bachelier, 1824. Octavo. Pp. 16. Plus engraved folding plate bound at end. Contemporary limp boards, old small shelf ticket to spine, old monogram to title. Bit foxed, vague dampmark at bottom margin of few leaves but in a very good condition, untrimmed, preserved entirely in the original state. ¶ First edition. The authorship of this book is attributed to two writers, Benjamin Poumet and Antoine-Marie Augoyat. For this matter see OCLC 635797782 and the OPAC entry for the Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg copy. ! 160
157 (REVUE DE CAVALERIE). ENCORE QUELQUES MOTS SUR LA CAVALERIE ALLEMANDE EN 1870. (EXTRAIT DE LA REVUE DE CAVALERIE, 1887). Paris, Berger Levrault, 1887. Crown quarto. Pp. 54. tables. Original printed wrappers shabby, edge-frayed and detached; old military institutional stamp to title. In a very good internal condition. ¶ First edition thus. Offprint from “Revue de Cavalerie”. ! 60
158 ROCHE-AYMON, (Antoine Charles Étienne Paul), Comte de la. Des troupes légères ou réflexions sur l’organisation, l’instruction et la tactique de l’infanterie et de la cavalerie légères. Paris, Magimel, Anselin et Pochard, 1817.
155 POPA GRAMA, Georg. Behelf für die praktische Schulung in der Feuerleitung. Mit einer Sammlung praktischer Schiessaufgaben. Vierte verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. Mit 10 Beilagen. Beneschau bei Prag, Haase, 1908. Royal octavo. Pp. 131. Plus 10 leaves of plates bound at end, comprising of 3 tables and 7 folding sheets with 50
Octavo. Pp. xx, 610. Plus 2 folding engraved plates with a total of 7 figures. Hardcover, bound in contemporary brown half calf and matching marbled boards, red morocco lettering-piece lettered and decorated in gilt, gilt tooling direct to spine, marbled edges; corner-tips bit rubbed, old shelf tickets to lower board and spine, partly covering lettering-piece, old military institutional stamps to half-title and title, fore margin of one plate frayed. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 620
159 ROHNE, H. Schießlehre für Infanterie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gewehrs 98 mit SMunition der Maschinengewehre und der Schießvorschrift für die Infanterie vom 2. November 1905. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1906. Royal octavo. Pp. 214. Plus 2 large folding charts bound at end. With 34 text figures. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff wrappers, bit edge frayed; old military institutional stamps. In a very good condition, crisp plates. Practically unused, still entirely unopened. ¶ Second edition. ! 120
161 SCHELIHA, (Viktor Ernst Rudolph) von. A Treatise on Coast-Defence: Based on the Experience Gained by Officers of the Corps of Engineers of the Army of the Confederated States, and Compiled from Official Reports of Officers of the Navy of the United States, Made during the Late North American War from 1861 to 1865. London, Spon, 1868. Two parts in one volume. Paginated consecutively. Crown quarto. Pp. xviii, (ii), 174; 177-326. Plus colour lithograph frontispiece and colour lithograph title. Plus 40
160 RÜSTOW, W. (Wilhelm Friedrich). Der Krieg in der Türkei. Zustände und Ereignisse auf der Balkanhalbinsel in den Jahren 1875 und 1876. Mit zwei Karten. Zürich, Schulthek, 1877. Royal octavo. Pp. 416. Plus 2 folding maps. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, gilt spine, very slight wear at head, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps to title-page; foxed. In good condition. ¶ First edition. The two maps show national borders and other demarcations neatly coloured by contemporary reader’s hand. ! 160
15 folding lithographic plates and maps, some coloured, numbered 1-12 including 6a and two extra unnumbered plates. With some woodcut illustrations to the text. Hardcover, bound in contemporary red cloth and marbled boards, cloth French corners, top edge gilt, old floral shape shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamp to title-page; small chip to lower corner of one leaf well away from text. Some foxing here and there else a sturdy volume in a very good condition, complete with all folding plates well preserved.
¶ First edition. Jordan 3382. Lieutenant Colonel Viktor Ernst Rudolph von Scheliha, a Prussian, served as Chief of Staff to General Buckner and acted also later as Chief Engineer of the Department of the Gulf, at Mobile. An English Officer, Captain Fitzgerald Ross, met him there in February 1864: “The Colonel is engaged in erecting a new line of forts round Mobile, which are perfect models of strength and judicious arrangements. They are built entirely of sand, with revetments of turf along. The turf on the embankments is fastened down to the sand by slips of the Cherokee rose,an exceedingly prickly shrub, which when grown will become a very disagreeable obstacle to a storming party. Mobile will soon be one of the mostly strongly fortified places in the world.” (See: Mahin: “The Blessed Place of Freedom: Europeans in Civil War America” 2002; Lonn: “Foreigners in the Confederacy” 1940, reprinted 2002; Tidwell: “Come Retribution: The Confederate Secret Service and the Assassination of Lincoln” 2001). In his heart, Scheliha remained a Prussian: “Treatise on Coast-Defence” is humbly dedicated to Prince Adelbert of Prussia. ! 860
162 SCHMIDT. Taktische Spatenarbeit. Praktische Beispiele zur Feldpionier-Vorschrift für die Infanterie. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1899. Octavo. Pp. vii, 131. Plus 3 folding sketch maps lithographed in red and black bound at end. With 27 figures to the text. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary cloth and marbled boards, shelf ticket to spine, old institutional stamp and marks to title-page, first inner hinge cracked. In a very good condition.
institutional stamps. In a very good internal condition. ¶ Second, enlarged edition. Very rare. Jordan 3588. ! 120
165 STEPHANI, W. v. (Wolfgang von). Taktische Grundlehren und Leitfaden für ein Kriegsspiel unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Genedienstes nach den Erfahrungen des grossen Krieges und mit einer Kriegsspielmässigen Beschreibung der Schlacht von Tannenberg mit zahlreichen Skizzen, Karten und Befehlen. Berlin, Höltgebaum & Heinicke, N.d. Octavo. Pp. (iv), 102. Plus an Appendix “Taktische Zeichen” folded quarto pp. 8; folding overview map printed in additional colours; folding large table “Kriegsspiel-Truppenzeichen”; Notebook “Notizheft für den Gehilfen”, octavo pp. 16; folding map of the Battle of Tannenberg printed in red, blue, and black; folding semitransparent overlay printed in red and blue giving troop position and movement over time; 4 tables, two of which are folding with Order of Battle, all loosely inserted in rear pocket. Text figures, sketch maps, diagrams. Numerous tables. Original printed stiff wrappers faded and bit shabby, spine chipped at head, shelf tickets, inner hinges and a gutter stained from old sellotape, old institutional stamps to title-page and verso of maps. In good condition. Fine maps and other visual material. ¶ First edition. 1st-10th Thousand. Undated, probably published in 1923. Stephani wrote earlier “Mit Hindenburg bei Tannenberg” (1919). ! 120
¶ First edition. ! 120
163 SCHROETER, (Johannes). Port Arthur. Mit zwei Karten in Steindruck. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1905. Octavo. Pp. (4) publisher’s catalogue, 61. Plus 2 large folding lithographic maps printed in colour on thick paper. Original stiff wrappers tipped-in into old library brown paper jacket on which there're manuscript title in contemporary hand and some old shelf tickets; old military institutional stamps to prelims, title, and verso of maps. In a good internal condition and with very good to fine folding maps. ¶ First edition.
166 TETTAU, [Eberhard] Freiherr von. Achtzehn Monate mit Rußlands Heeren in der Mandschurei. I. Von Beginn des Krieges bis zum Rückzug nach Mukden; II. Nach Lioyan bis zum Friedensschluß. [TWO VOLUMES]. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1907-08. Two volumes. Crown quarto. Pp. 400; 483. Plus 16 folding maps bound at end. Map no. 5 and 2 large folding tables bound in the text. With numerous photographs to each volume, many in the form of full-page plates. Decorative head-pieces, illustrated tail-pieces. Appendices. Hardcover, practically uniformly bound in black half cloth and marbled boards, lower edge bit rubbed, gilt lettering to spine, old shelf ticket, old military institutional stamp to title, small tears to some maps with no loss neatly repaired on verso. Very good.
! 130
164 STEFFEN, Adolf. Feldbefestigung. Mit 61 Bildern im Text. Olmütz, Selbstverlag, 1911. Crown octavo. Pp. 72. With 61 illustrations. Table. Includes bibliography. Original printed stiff wrappers; spine reinforced with paper, shelf ticket, old military
¶ First edition. First volume is of second edition. The handsome maps are in different sizes and printed in different techniques, many in additional colours. Some of the maps have geographical highlights hand-coloured in neat contemporary hand of a dedicated cadet or a military historian. ! 160
167 THE WAR OFFICE. Manual of Military Intelligence in the Field. Pamphlet No. 2. Battle Intelligence, 1943. London, The War Office, 1944.
172 THE WAR OFFICE. The Training of the Younger Cadet, 1942. London, The War Office, 1942. Octavo. Pp. 52. Folding plate, 20 photographs, text illustrations. Original stiff wrappers; old shelf ticket. In a very good condition.
Octavo. Pp. 74. Original stiff wrappers; old military institutional stamps and labels on cover. Very good. ¶ January 1st, 1944.
¶ April 9th, 1942. ! 60
168 THE WAR OFFICE. Range Table, Part II. 1943. London, The War Office, 1943. Octavo. Pp. 88. Plus folding chart. The first ca. 36 pages comprise of Sections I-XI and are explanatory and instructive; Section XII comprises entirely of mathematical tables. Original limp boards. Fine. ¶ This range table supersedes that bearing No. 26/Pubns./4916 notified in A.C.I. 1169 of 1940.
! 60
173 THEISS, Rudolf, Oskar Regele. Die Radfahrtruppe. Nach Kriegserfahrungen bearbeitet. Mit 10 Skizzen und 1 Kartentafel in Steindruck. Berlin, Eisenschmidt, 1925. Royal octavo. Pp. 92. Plus large folding sheet with 5 sketch maps in rear pocket. With 12 (and not 10) sketch maps to the text. Set in Gothic type. Original printed stiff wrappers, discoloured, shabby; shelf ticket, old military institutional stamps. In good condition.
! 80 ¶ First edition. ! 60 169 THE WAR OFFICE. Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet No. 23. The 29 mm Spigot Mortar, 1942. London, The War Office, 1942. Octavo. Pp. 39. Plus 8 plates of which one is in colour. With full-page illustrations to the text. Original stiff wrappers bit soiled. In a very good condition. ¶ November 7th, 1942. ! 80
170 THE WAR OFFICE. Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet No. 26. Mortar (4.2-inch), 1943. London, The War Office, 1943. Octavo. Pp. 95. Plus plates, nomenclatures, text figures, tables. Original stiff wrappers, shelf ticket, some underlining. In a very good condition. ¶ December 18th, 1943. ! 60
171 THE WAR OFFICE. The Tactical Handling of The Armoured Division and Its Components. Military Training Pamphlet No. 41. 1943. Part 1. The Tactical Handling of Armoured Divisions; Part Ii. The Armoured Regiment. [TWO VOLUMES]. London, 1943. Two volumes. Octavo. Pp. 56; 89. Numerous full-page maps of battle situations. Original stiff wrappers, each with a different illustration; old shelf labels, one of which is in centre of illustration, old military institutional stamps to one page; bit dog-eared. In good condition. ¶ February 1943. Very rare. ! 120 42
174 THELLUNG VON COURTLARY, V. E. (Victor Emanuel). Oberlieutenant in Königl. Niederländischen Diensten. Versuch über die Taktik und Strategie. Mit 17 Figuren. Leipzig, Friedr. Wilh. Vogel, 1819. Octavo. x, 258. Plus 17 engraved illustrations on 10 folding plates tipped-in at end. Plus 2 leaves of tables bound-in. Hardcover, bound in contemporary brown calf and matching marbled boards, gilt morocco letteringpiece, gilt decoration and ornamental fleurons to spine, old floral shape shelf-ticket to cover, old military institutional stamps to title, corner-tips worn, head of spine neatly mended, some foxing and browning in places. In a very good condition with fine folding plates. ¶ First edition. Colonel Victor Emmanuel Thellung von Courtelary (1760-1842). A Swiss maritime theorist, served during the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War (1780-1784) as a First Lieutenant at the Royal Dutch navy. He later dedicated himself to the study of military theory, became a professor at the Military School in Bern, and wrote extensively on military tactics and startegy. For elaborating notes on his biography see: Jean-Jacques Langendorf: “Victor Emmanuel Thellung de Courtelary: un théoricien maritime suisse du début du XIXe siècle”, in Hervé Coutau-Bégarie (Ed.): “L’Évolution de la pensée navale” vol. vii, (1999). See also: Beatrice Heuser: “The Evolution of Strategy: Thinking War from Antiquity to the Present” (2010). ! 650
175 THIERS, Édouard, S. (Sosthène de Fornel) de La Laurentie [Laurencie], Denfert-Rochereau. Histoire de la défense de Belfort. Écrite sous le contrôle de M. le colonel Denfert-Rochereau. Paris, Armand le Chevalier, 1871. Royal octavo. Pp. iii, 484. Plus large folding coloured lithograph map, 60x60 cm, tipped-in at end, bit finger soiled and slightly edge frayed. Lacks the additional two plans. Original printed wrappers, poor; spine reinforced with paper, first and last 3 leaves dampmarked, half-title attached to wrapper for support, old military institutional stamps to title-page. Untrimmed, ample margined, preserved in the original state overall in a very good internal condition.
¶ First edition. Extremely rare and with particularly handsome map of Belfort and its environs. The two other maps are provided herewith for reference in facsimile from the copy in BNF. The book was in much demand right after publication and has been through at least 5 editions of which 3 editions within a year of publication. The 5th edition was published in 1897 by the militaria publisher Charles Lavauzelle, with the correct spelling of Laurencie. Édouard Thiers (1843-1890). Sosthène de Fornel de La Laurencie (1843-1921). WorldCat OCLC locates a single copy worldide, that in the Bibliothèque National de France. Not in Jordan. ! 420
176 TIEDEMANN, B. (Benno) von. Der Festungskrieg im Feldzuge gegen Frankreich 1870-1871. Mit 19 lithographiretn Plänen. Berlin, Gustav Hempel, 1872. Crown quarto. Pp. vi, 271. Plus 19 fine lithograph maps, some of which are folding, bound at end. Hardcover, bound in contemporary quarter calf and marbled boards, green vellum French corners, spine with false raised bands between compartments, gilt lettering direct; boards were partly detached at one time and inner hinges were expertly strengthened and joints mended; old military institutional stamps to title-page and verso of maps, discreet magnetic strip at bottom of one page, even browning to some maps, some spotting. Withal a respectful tome in good condition.
¶ First edition. Very rare. Jordan 3768; Baldamus II, 52. See also: B. E. Palat: “Bibliographie générale de la guerre de 1870-1871” (Paris, 1896), p. 464. The charm of this book lies in the wonderful lithographic maps which clearly were not meant to serve as mere carriers of information but to provide charm and elegance due to their artistic merit. Six of the maps have a hole dug into them close to the blank margin, probably a rodent’s activity. They were all expertly restored by professional hand. One has the repair clearly in the blank margin and two others in practically blank areas of the image. Very minor loss in the remaining is compensated herewith with expert’s scans from the copy at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek which are provided for reference. ! 600
177 TROTHA, Thilo (Lebrecht Ernst Michael) von. Die Operationen im Etropol-Balkan. Ein Beitrag zu der Geschichte des russisch-türkischen Krieges 1877-78. Kriegsgeschichtliche Studie. Hannover, Helwing, 1887.
179 VERDY DU VERNOIS, J. (Julius Adrian Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig) von. Im Großen Hauptquartier 1870/71. Persönlische Erinnerungen. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1895.
Crown quarto. Pp. 264, vii, (i) errata. Plus 8 lithograph maps and battle plans of which 7 are folding and in colour, all bound at end. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, gilt lettering to spine, old institutional stamps to title and verso of maps. In a very good condition.
Octavo. Pp. 296. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in contemporary half cloth and marbled boards, lower board with rather large chafed patch, spine gilt, bit faded, shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to title-page. In a very good condition.
¶ First edition. Thilo Lebrecht Ernst Michael von Trotha, (1846-1919). ! 210
¶ First edition. The book was in much demand right after publication and has been through at least 4 editions, with a 2nd edition in the same year as the first. The 4th edition was published in 1896. Julius Adrian Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig von Verdy du Vernois (1832-1910). ! 60
180 (VOM VERFASSER DER SCHRIFT: “DIE COMPAGNIECOLONNE GEGENÜBER HALBBATAILLONEN UND NEUEN GEFECHTSFORMEN”). Die neue Taktik der Infanterie gegenüber der reglementarischen Taktik. Ein Beitrag zZur Beurtheilung der Abänderungsvorschläge des Exercirreglements für die Infanterie der Königlich Preußischen Armee. Leipzig, Cassel, Berlin, Buchhandlung für Militärwissenschaften (Fr. Luckhardt), 1874. Royal octavo. Pp. vi, 95. Set in Gothic type. Original stiff wrappers, bit edge frayed; old military institutional stamps, shelf tickets. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. ! 110 178 VALLIER, Commandant. L’Artillerie. Matériel, Organisation. France, Allemagne, Angleterre, AutricheHongrie, Italie, Espagne, Russie, Turquie, États-Unis, Japon, Etc. Paris, Georges Carre & C. Naud, 1899. Royal octavo. Pp. 272, 40 Publisher’s catalogue. With 45 woodcut illustrations to the text, some in the form of fullpage plates. Eleven full-page tables. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s mahogany limp boards, large lettering and ornament embossed in gilt on cover, spine gilt; shelf tickets, old military institutional stamps, spine faded. In a very good condition. Nice copy with fine interior. ¶ First edition. Though in a nutshell, Vallier’s work is a thorough and detailed examination of the artillery of many armies. It compares the arm, as a unique military discipline in the various armies; ordnance and its carriage; manufacture of guns, cannons, mortars and their ammunition; arsenal and artillery park. Handsomely illustrated. ! 220
181 VON EINEM PREUßISCHEN STAABSOFFICIERE. ENTWURF ZUR MÖGLICHST EINFACHEN UND MINDEST KOSTSPIELIGEN ORGANISATION EINES HEERES IN EINEM DEUTSCHEN STAATE, ganz besonders dem preußischen. Mit einer illuminirten Charte, einem lithographirten Schlachtplane und Tabellen. Halle, Friedrich Ruff, 1824. Octavo. Pp. xvi, 109. Plus contemporary hand coloured folding map; large folding plate with battle formation; folding table. Half-title present. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher‘s boards, printed spine; minute old shelf ticket to spine, old military institutional stamps to title-page, bit edge frayed, spine neatly mended, maps slightly misfolded, light foxing in places. In a very good condition. A practically unused copy, still entirely unopened. ¶ First edition. Very rare treatise on the simplest and least costly organization of an army, including manpower and personnel administration and management. The identity of the author, a Prussian Staff Officer, remains a mystery. ! 420 45
182 WERNIGK. Handbuch für die EinjährigFreiwilligen sowie für die Reserve- und LandwehrOffiziere der Feldartillerie, I-II. Siebente, neu bearbeitete Auflage. [TWO VOLUMES]. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler, 1901. Two volumes. Octavo. Pp. x, 208; viii, 220. Plus folding plate. With numerous woodcut illustrations and sketch maps. tables. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, uniformly bound in the original publisher’s full cloth, decorative lettering in red and black, bit soiled and stained in places; shelf tickets, old military institutional stamps. In a very good condition. ¶ Seventh, revised edition. ! 60
186 WOLFF, Paul. Geschichte des Bombardements von Schlettstadt und Neu-Breisach im Jahre 1870. Mit 3 Plänen, 4 Skizzen und 10 Beilagen. Berlin, Schneider, 1874. Royal octavo. Pp. iv, 91, (1) Errata. Plus 3 large folding lithograph maps loosely inserted. Plus 4 folding lithograph plans with multiple images to each, tipped-in at end. With 10 Appendices to the text. Hardcover, bound in contemporary quarter calf and marbled boards, cloth French corners, spine lettered and decorated in gilt, old shelf ticket, old institutional stamps to prelim and titlepage, bit rubbed, bit foxed. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. With a series of handsome battle plans. ! 220
183 WILLE, (Carl) R. (Richard.) Waffenlehre. Fünftes Ergänzungsheft. Literatur-Nachweis (1904/05 bis Ende 1908). Berlin, Eisenschmidt, 1909. Royal octavo. Pp. 116. Set in double columns. Set in Gothic type. Original printed wrappers, bit shabby. In a very good condition, still entirely unopened. ¶ Third edition. Carl Richard Wille (1841-1911). ! 120
184 WOLFF, J. Der theoretisch-praktische Patrouillen- und Meldedienst. Instructionsbuch für den Unterricht und die Ausbildung der Nachrichten-, Marschsicherungs-, Vorposten-, (Verbindungs-), Gefechts-Patrouillen, nebst Anweisung über das Orientieren und Melden. Wien, Seidel, 1898. Octavo. Pp. 294. Original printed wrappers worn and detached, old shelf tickets, old military institutional stamp to title. In a very good internal condition. ¶ Fourth edition, completely revised, improved and enlarged edition. ! 120
185 WOLFF, Paul. Geschichte der Belagerung von Belfort im jahre 1870/71. Berlin, Schneider, 1875. Crown quarto. Pp. 418, 63. Hardcover, bound in contemporary calf and marbled boards, French cloth corners, large red morocco lettering-piece in gilt to spine, spine-ends ruled in gilt, top bit chipped; old floral shape shelf tickets to spine and cover, old military institutional stamps to title-page, boards bit rubbed, top of lower joint neatly mended. In a very good condition. ¶ First edition. Text volume only without maps and plans. ! 100
187 ZIMMERMANN, (Arthur). Der Sicherheitsdienst beim Schießen im Reichsheer für alle Waffen. Berlin, Offene Worte, 1927. Duodecimo. Pp. 114. Plus large folding map printed in red, blue, and khaki, scale 1;25000, and 9 folding semitransparent printed overlays. Plus folding sheet with 2 tables bound-in. Text figures and illustrated appendices. Tables. Set in Gothic type. Hardcover, bound in the original publisher’s cloth and red boards, black lettering to cover and spine; shelf ticket, old small military institutional stamps. In a very good condition, fine cartographic material. ¶ First edition. ! 120
85 KUNZ, Hermann. Die Schlacht von Wรถrth am 6. August 1870. (Detail).
Cover illustrations from item 14, Ordnance, Bethlehem Steel Company. New York & London, 1922.
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