The Augmented Reality Animal Alphabet
by Hilltop Fourth Grade Students 2014
Note to Readers: You need a tablet such as an iPad to have the best experience with this book. Download the AR Flashcards App first. ( Then, scan each letter page using the App and watch the alphabet come to life!
A is for alligator. by Max They are reptiles that look like crocodiles. There are two kinds of alligators. The American lives in the southeastern united states. The Chinese alligator lives in the lower yangtze river valley in China. Alligators have thick bodies and tails. They weigh about 450-550 pounds. Alligators are awesome!!!! There is a very cool picture of an alligator.
, World Book, Chicago, viewed 18 November 2014, Sources: 'Alligator' 2014, W orld Book Kids <>.
B is for Beaver
By : Tal
Beavers are furry animals that build dams. They have large, strong front teeth so they can build them. Beavers don’t move fast on land but they are very good, strong, and graceful swimmers. Sources: Beaver. (2014). In World Book Kids.
C is for cat By:Eden Cats rank the most popular pets. Also, cats are very smart too! Cats have very sharp claws! Cats can’t even taste sweets! Also, cats can see six times better than a human at night, and cats have better senses of hearing and smelling than humans do. Finally, cats use their whiskers to move and feel in the dark.
Sources: Cat. (2014). In World Book Kids. Retrieved from
D is for dog
By: jack
Dogs are household pets. But they are more interesting than meets the eye!
Fun fact: Did you know that the first dog to go to the moon was Laika. Dogs are very interesting animals. there are a lot of cool things about them. here are some. Did you know that A female dog may give birth to 1 to 10 puppies at a time, but Small dogs usually have fewer puppies at once. Also did you know that Small dogs usually live longer than big dogs. These facts are amazing. 1 more fact about the dog is that Some dogs can follow scent trails that are days old.
Dog. (2014). In World Book Kids. My source is: I nfo ohio
is for
Elephant by: Emma Elephants are heavy gray animals. they are the heaviest land animal in the world! Elephant tusks are worth a lot of money! But what is varry sad is that people kill them for their tusks!:( Source: Moss, C. (2014). Elephant. In World Book Student. Retrieved from
is for frog by Lauren
Today you are going to be reading about poison dart frogs. Poison frogs are small and colorful. To be poisoned the animal has to touch the skin. The golden dart frog has enough poison to kill 10 people. That doesn't seem like a lot but really thats the same as 20,000 mice! Poison frogs can be red, orange, yellow, or blue. All of the frogs live in Central South America. Adult poison frogs range from ½ inch to 2 ½ inches. Those are some facts about Poison dart frogs!
Sources: Poison dart frog. (2014). In World Book Kids. Retrieved from
G IS FOR GORILLA BY: David Gorillas standing up can be about 6 feet tall. The female gorillas weigh up to half of a male. they are shy peaceful animals.
info from world book kids and students and
is for horses
There are more than 150 breeds of horses and ponies that live in the world.Horses are also used for racing a lot. Most males have 40 teeth and females have about 36 teeth.Spanish conquerors brought horses to America in 1519.Theses are some facts about horses. By, Ben Sources : . Retrieved from Duren, S. (2014). Horse. In W orld Book Student
I is for iguana By:Kaajal
An iguana is a type of bigger lizard. Most of them live in deserts and other dry lands. They eat fruit, flowers, leaves, insects and small animals. Iguanas sleep in the day, and wake up in the night. They can live till 30 years old. They can be up to 6 feet. They can be different colors. Wow!
Sources: 'Iguana' 2014, W orld Book Kids , World Book, Chicago, viewed 25 November 2014, <>.
J is for jellyfish
Jellyfish a re made o f this j elly like substance.
If you l ook closely y ou can see that t hey are an umgrella shape. Jellyfish are ocean animals.
By: Aashrita
k is for Kangaroo. By: Sarah Katz Kangaroos sleep in the day and find food in the night or early morning! A baby Kangaroo is called a Joey. A newborn baby Joey is only 1 inch ! A Kangaroo's enemies are an animal called the Dingo.
is for Lion
By: Megan Leizman
Do you like lions? Well I do!Lions are strong and big cats . Some people call them the “king of beast”. A female lion usually has 2-6 cubs. Lions live to be 20- 25 years old in the wild . You do not want to go face to face with a lion because they are big fierce animals. I got this information from:
is for monkey
by Maya Monkeys are some of the smartest animals. Monkeys use objects like stones to make simple tools. They can be small enough to hold in your hand or almost as tall as you! Many people think apes are monkeys, but they are not. Monkeys have tails but apes don’t. Monkeys can live small groups, like you, your parents, grandparents and your brothers and sisters or they could have over 100 monkeys in one group!
N is for NEWT Newts are mostly 10 inches long. They spend most of their life in water. Eastern Newts lay eggs one at a time. Newts are slender with short legs and a long tail. They are very active. Their diet is mosquito larvae and bugs.
Sources: Funk and Wagnall New World Encyclopedia
is for owl.
Owls are nocturnal. This means that they sleep in the day at night they hunt. There are many types of owls. Owls are known well for hooting. An owl has a broad head and very large eyes for seeing at night. Owls can’t move their eyes instead they can turn their heads a full 360 degrees. This is an OWL
by: E.L. Steckner
P i s for Penguin by N aomi Penguins spend most of their lives on land. Penguins waddle because they have short legs and a long body . Most of them live in the cold water by Antarctica. I hope you learned something n ew.
Source: Penguin. (2014). In World Book Kids. Retrieved from Penguin Palooza | Nat Geo Wild 610 × 406 Search by image About the Show
i s for Quail
● The quail is a bird related to turkeys, pheasants, and partridges. ● Quails live in every continent in the world except Antarctica. ● Most adult quails are about 8 to 12 inches (20 to 30 centimeters)
Sources: , World Book, Chicago, viewed 18 November 2014, 'Quail' 2014, W orld Book Kids <
R is for rabbit! By:Dhruv 1.Rabbits are closely related to hares. 2.Rabbits live all over the world. 3.There are more than 40 types of rabbits. 4.They can weigh up to 6 pounds. R abbits are awesome!
Sources: h ttp://
S is for snake.
A type of snake is the Anaconda.Anaconda’s live near water,mostly by rivers.They eat fish,small birds,small mammals,and small reptiles.The biggest Anacondas may even eat large mammals.Anacondas can grow up to 30 feet and can weigh 450 pounds.The Anaconda is the largest existing snake in the world
Bennett, A. F. (2014). Anaconda. In World Book Student. Retrieved from Sources:
T is for Turtle Did you know that a turtle is a reptile? A turtle like a lot of other reptiles is a cold blooded animal.That means that their body temperature stays about the same with what is around them. Turtles have no teeth.They use their hard beak to cut food.
i s f or U rc h i n By Lindsey
S ea urchin is a s ea animal with a r ounded body.The animals may be black, b rown ,g reen , purple , r ed , or w hite . . Retrieved from Prezant, R. S. (2014). Sea urchin. In W orld Book Student
V- V is for vulture. By James
Vultures are big birds. They feed on dead animal f lesh and skin. Doesn’t that seem gross? There are more than a d ozen k inds of vultures. A dozen is a term for twelve. An a verage vulture is about twenty-four inches long! Average means usual.
Balgooyen, T. G. (2014). Vulture. In World Book Student. Retrieved from
W i s f or W al r u s
A w al r u s i s an a ni m al t ha t li ve s i n t he f ar no r t h o c e an . A w al r u s i s ab o u t 12 f e e t l on g .
source: Walrus. (2014). In World Book Kids. Retrieved from
x is for O Xen oxen are domestic cattle trained to work for people. These powerful work animals serve as beasts of burden in some parts of the world. Oxen are generally male cattle that work in pairs to pull a cart or load. Oxen have horns yoke (harness) that that help hold in place the enables them to pull loads. Although the term o x refers to males, female cattle also can be used as working cattle.
Sources:Turner, W. C. (2014). Ox. In World Book Student. Retrieved from and
Y Yak is for
By Megan This is a picture of a yak.
Ay ak is a wild ox. Y aks live in high, flat areas. Usually y aks live in very cold dry places.There are 2 main types of y aks , the wild y ak and the domestic y ak . Wild yaks are bigger than domestic yaks . But, do not go up to them because they could hurt you so watch out! I got this information from : r832227&st=yak
Z is for zebra.
Zebras have black and white stripes.There are three kinds of zebras the common zebra,grevy’s zebra,and the mountain zebra.Zebras live in deserts and grasslands throughout eastern and southern africa.They spend most of their time eating.Zebras mostly eat grass. They can run up to 40 miles per hour.Zebras predators are lions,hyenas,leopards,and cheetahs.
Hoyt, R. A. (2014). Sources: Zebra. In World Book Student. Retrieved from