Library of Birmingham Discovery Season

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welcome to the library of birmingham


The opening of the new Library of Birmingham is rewriting the book on libraries and on Birmingham as a cultural destination. Designed by internationally-

Discovery Season is curated

the Gigglefest children’s comedy

renowned architects Mecanoo,

by arts producers Capsule and

festival, the Book Bash family fun

the Library has already made a

supported by the Arts Council.

day, Babar’s 80th Birthday Party

big impact on the Birmingham

There is much more

Season include ‘The Pavilion’,

most exciting, not just because

created by multi-award-winning

happening during the Discovery

of the stunning architectural

artist Morag Myerscough, a

Season, so please read on, visit

interiors, but more importantly

talk by Children’s Laureate

our website, sign up to receive

because of what happens

Malorie Blackman, a weekend of

our e-newsletter and follow us on

here. It is a ‘people’s palace’,

cabaret and cinema to celebrate

Facebook and Twitter.

housing Birmingham’s world-

Birmingham’s long and colourful

class collections of archives,

association with Early Cinema,

photography and rare books.

and a trail of artworks situated

With outstanding resources and

across the building, each making

Brian Gambles

access to expert help, the library

reference to the library’s rich

Director of the Library

will be a centre of excellence

collections and archives. High

of Birmingham

for literacy, research, study,

profile writers including Lionel

September 2013

skills development, health

Shriver and Carol Ann Duffy

information, creative expression

will appear at the Birmingham

and entrepreneurship. It will

Literature Festival (formerly

also be a great place simply to

the Birmingham Book Festival),

relax with friends and enjoy the

programmed by Writing West

atmosphere. The new Library

Midlands. Australian producers

will be bringing its extensive

Super Critical Mass have

collections to life in many ways,

created a large-scale dramatic

from events and exhibitions to

spectacle to mark the opening

performances and digital content.

of the new Library. Around

The Library of Birmingham looks forward to welcoming you!

two hundred brass players of

theme of Discovery, is a great

all ages, from professional to

way to get to know the Library

amateur musicians will fill the

of Birmingham. Bringing the

air with sound throughout the

library’s stunning new spaces

building. And if you miss it, the

to life, it takes its inspiration

performance will be captured on

from the library’s internationally

video and available online.

important archives and special


and the Wimpy Kid Show.

skyline. But it’s the inside that is

Our opening season, on the

Photos: Katja Ogrin

Highlights of the Discovery

October Half Term promises

collections, with events,

to be extra special for families

performances, photography,

this year with our first Young

workshops, music and dance

Reader’s Festival at the Library of

for every age and interest. The

Birmingham. Highlights include




Capsule is delighted to present the Library of Birmingham’s Discovery Season. It has been a real adventure to develop and commission work for this exciting and inspiring new space, and herald the arrival of a major new cultural venue for the city and the country. Through a dynamic mix of exhibitions, activities and performances, we aim to challenge perceptions of what a library can be and bring the library’s world-class collections to life.



Right from the start, we wanted our programme to celebrate the great cultural life of the city, giving a platform to our very best artists and creative practitioners and the organisations that support them, from the smallest independents to our big cultural institutions. This collaborative approach reflects the library’s ethos to be a place for us all to meet and exchange knowledge and ideas. As the doors open on 3rd September, we’re ready to surprise, inspire and excite visitors with unexpected performances and imaginative activities. We hope you can join us as we look forward to an exciting new future for culture and knowledge in the city.

Lisa meyer Director of Capsule




BIRMINGHAM 2022 We all frequently ponder about

Supported by

They spent four months at

PROVOCATIONS 2 – 4 DECEMBER STUDIO THEATRE Building on the activities of

of young people centre stage,

Project Birmingham 2022,

allowing them to voice their

young people will be encouraged

opinions on contentious creative

the future, silently asking

mac Birmingham preparing for

to participate in a short series of

issues. Birmingham 2022

ourselves “Where will I be in ten

their ten-day publication period

live provocations in the Library’s

creates a platform for young

years time?” Though perhaps we

in July, taking part in culture

shouldn’t be asking ourselves

sector focus groups, writing

studio theatre. Students

people to lead the future of

where we may be, but who we

sessions with an art critic and

from local further education

their city, shining a light on the

shall become. Birmingham 2022

trend forecasting. They were

institutions, including Joseph

thinkers that will shape the

set out to find young writers

then thrust into the world of

Chamberlain and Birmingham

culture of tomorrow.

and artists embarking on their

press releases, deadlines,

own ten-year journey, and

word counts and interviews to

encourage them to look at what

collectively produce the brochure

arts and culture might be like in

currently in your hands whilst

Birmingham a decade on.

also running an online blog. A

Led by Amy Martin, designer

team of creative young minds

Keith Dodds and Fused magazine

has officially started their artistic

editor, Kerry O’Coy, the group

careers with Birmingham 2022: a

were then given an official

scheme foreshadowing the period

starting point to their journey;

over which these young artists

establishing their name in the

shall create themselves.

creative arts scene by becoming the writers, illustrators and designers of the Discovery Season Brochure.

Metropolitan College, will explore themes relating to the future of arts and culture in Birmingham. This opportunity affords the young creative people of these colleges to engage with the issues that are affecting the cultural industry; such as the value of culture in the modern world, the impact that the Library will have on the consumption of culture and the future of creative education. A platform for these students to showcase their unique and original ideas, these events put the thoughts and feelings





7 & 8 September


3 SEPTEMBER its sights and delights.

performance! Whether you want

Library of Birmingham, the City’s

against the bricks of Broad Street.

to discover your urban dance skills

of Birmingham to present an

together the sonic, the spatial

will hear the deep throb of tuba,

innovative take on the traditional

and the social. Each of its works

the wash of trombone, and the

fanfare. Together We Breathe

feature one type of instrument,

sinewy swirl of trumpets, audiences

is a large-scale performance

played by local participants who

will be welcomed to the Library of

installation created by the

interpret the specific instructions

Birmingham by a forest of brass.

Australian sonic arts company to

given to them by the group’s

Following the mass, the entire

celebrate the opening. The free

Directors. Since 2008, SCM has

library will erupt into life through

event will bring together local

created over thirty of its masses

sound, leaving you to bask in its

brass players of all ages and

in iconic spaces throughout

acoustic and architectural glory.

backgrounds, to set the tone for

Australia, Europe and the United

The performance will have a lasting

Europe’s largest civic building.

States. It was even commissioned

legacy through photos, video and

The participants (drawn from

to create a saxophone mass at the

audio recordings, and it will all be

schools, colleges and professional

Sydney Opera House.

filmed for a special episode of the

On Tuesday 3rd September, the

a variety of workshops for you to

free celebration weekend on

Birmingham-based choir Ex

take part in. Rather than sit and

7 – 8 September of outdoor arts

Cathedra in various locations,

watch a play in a theatre, why not

featuring stunning artists from

see Natural Theatre’s The Reds

explore a disjointed production

across the UK and beyond, and

occupy the building with their

set within four scattered caravans

plenty of opportunities to join in

eye-catching red painted people,

across the squares? And you won’t

for the whole family. The events

and laugh along with Talking Birds

be short of energy: the city will be

will take place across Victoria,

Theatre Company as they explore

filled with the delicious aroma of

Centenary, Chamberlain and

the British love of queuing

exotic cuisines for your indulgence.

Centenary Square will be

4 Squares is an event which not

buildings, each day culminating

transformed into a Musical Picnic

only brings art to life, but allows

in the large scale, spectacular

– a village square with seating and

everyone to live art.

show ‘As the World Tipped’ by

performance spaces, where pop

Wired Aerial Theatre in Victoria

up music and dance performances

4 Squares has been produced


happen in an intimate garden

by Birmingham Hippodrome

setting. Bands march through,

on behalf of Birmingham Arts

outside the Ikon gallery into a

surprising performing acts appear

Partnership with support

fantastical city, step forth onto the

and dramatic events take place

from Arts Council England,

seventy-two foot ornate canal Slow

without warning!

Birmingham City Council

Oozells Squares and surrounding

Sculpt the mound of clay lying

art gallery, or flow to the beat of

moving through the space, they

BBC’s Culture Show, which will air

the library, filling the air with sound

new Library will open and visitors

on September 11.

as its first visitors wander through

will be treated to a truly unique

or circus talents, the event offers

witness the magical sounds of

Boat and experience a floating

Super Critical Mass fuse

In the Library itself, you can

are joining forces to create a

and memorable welcome. While

have been invited to Library

ensembles) will stand throughout

reggae music which shall bounce

arts and cultural organisations

together we breathe Sound artists Super Critical Mass

To mark the opening of the new

4 Squares isn’t a performance for the city, but a city scaled

and European Regional Development Fund.







Studio Myerscough have

but always engaging. For The

created a structure that will

Pavilion, Morag worked with

act as a billboard for the

fellow Supergroup member artist

entire Discovery Programme.

Luke Morgan to create an upbeat

Situated in the Library foyer, The

and stimulating surrounding for

Pavilion will house an 18-week

the residents.

rolling programme of creative

Entirely hand–crafted and

residencies focused around the

hand-painted The Pavilion is

theme of Discovery.

a bold and engaging structure

Morag Myerscough is an award

reflecting the diverse, and often

winning artist, founder of Studio

radical, offerings of the Discovery

Myerscough and member of the

Season. A neon crown of signs

creative collective Supergroup.

uses words that originated from

Often referred to as a ‘place-

discussions and workshops with

maker’ she has produced an

the Birmingham 2022 group.

eclectic — and sometimes

eccentric — body of work that is frequently unclassifiable

Thursday 5 December Morag Myerscough will be giving an exciting presentation about her design practice, accompanied by Luke Morgan’s band The Highliners, a punk rock

CREATIVE RESIDENCIES The Pavilion will host a rolling programme of Creative Residencies. Artists, film makers, book makers and a range of other creatives will set up home in The Pavilion for a week, making new work and offering a variety of free activities for Library visitors. Each week, visitors entering the space will be treated to a different experience, ranging from interactive pieces such as audience inspired theatre and film workshops to exhibitions of sci-fi sculptures made from junk and artefacts honouring lost mythical deities. The Library’s collections and literary resources inspired much of the programme, and each residency will encourage audiences to discover something new in the Library of Birmingham.

design performance! Part of VOLUME: Art, Book & Print Fair. Box Office: 0121 245 4455





the commentators STAN’S CAFE

Self Portrait Birmingham Brian Homer

6 – 8 September The life-blood of a community


involved in the Handsworth

this better than photographer

self portrait project in 1979,

Brian Homer. Brian is enthusiastic

Brian’s current version is a direct

about recording locality through

development of this project on

self-portraits, and is giving

a larger scale. The original

and Associate Director Craig

Birmingham the opportunity

images were stored in the city’s

you by theatrical provocateurs

Stephens went on to harness

to celebrate its homegrown

Central Library, so it only seems

and internationally renowned

their unquenchable enthusiasm

individuals. Brian developed

fitting that this modern day

performance company Stan’s

and keen observational skills to

the Birmingham Self Portrait

re- imagining will be introduced

Cafe, will be in residence to

create marathon commentaries

project, with the aim of capturing

upon the opening of the new

carefully document everything

on everyday life. Now, you

each Brummie’s personality,

Library. New photographs will

they see, from the vital, to the

could be a part of one of their

and creating a snapshot of

be taken during the Discovery

peculiar, or the mundane. Which

renowned shows. These two

contemporary life. The shutter

Festival, and uploaded to big

books are being borrowed? What

sheepskin fanatics will be happy

release cable (a remote controlled

screens so that they can be

is the weather like on the rooftop

to bring some audible colour to

camera switch) is designed to

viewed quickly after being shot.

terrace? Look at the queues

all that you see.

aid the subject in portraying

The photographs will be stored

themselves in the light they

in the archives of the new library,

be broadcasting from The

desire. His rationale is visible

for future generations to enjoy.

of the installations, you could

Pavilion for the first three

when he says ‘there is a clear

As well as representing and

even bump into them, but be

days of opening. To listen

difference to the portraits where

celebrating the cultural diversity

careful what you do as you could

to their webcast radio visit

the photographer remains

of modern Birmingham, these

provide them with some amusing

in control’, wishing for every

images hope to give an insight

unique personality to shine, he

into modern life.

allows people to be their own

you drop in and check out some

The Commentators will

material for their live show! After previously commentating


is its people, and no one knows

The Commentators, brought to

for the large print romances! If


As one of the crucial figures

Stan’s Cafe present The

on a mammoth twenty-four

Anatomy of Melancholy in the

hour Scalextric in 2009,

Studio Theatre. 7 – 9 November

Artistic Director James Yarker






17 – 22 September Not satisfied with publicly


10 – 15 September

Taking up residency in their own

people feel and react in a space.

pavilion, Studio Myerscough will

Central to her pieces is the act of

present a number of print based

handing the newly made places

workshops allowing audiences

over to their occupants; their

to interact with The Pavilion’s

meaning is located in how they

dynamic aesthetic.

evolve and change and belong to

Famous for integrating graphic design into architectural

at the library she states ‘What you

settings, Morag Myerscough

see at the beginning hopefully

has transformed the discipline

won’t be how it exists at the end’,

by going past the typical 2D

underlining that her work will

boundary. Her work, which is

continue to grow long after her

situated in a range of unique

residency has ended.

settings, from cafes to trains


the public. Speaking on her work

Drop in during this week for a

to warehouses, uses graphics

chance to make your own mark.

to encourage its inhabitants to


engage with their surroundings. Morag is conscious of how

Trevor and Steven clearly

showcasing their inventions at

DIY interpretations of the Martian

strive to re-awaken and instil

Birmingham’s own Star City and

War Machines from the War of the

the innocent feelings of joy and

St. Martin’s Church, 2arttoyguys

Worlds and an astonishing full-

happiness that are so prevalent

(otherwise known as Trevor and

size (but sadly non-functioning)

in childhood into their work.

Steven) are bringing their unique

replica of Wells’ Time Machine,

In addition to these nostalgic

mechanical vision to the Library

manufactured from scrap, junk

influences, they previously used

of Birmingham.

and all manner of unwanted debris

Central Library to explore and

– futuristic toys crafted from the

research ideas for their projects,

adventurous Science Fiction

relics of the past. As practising

but now it is their turn to inspire

novels of H.G Wells, Jules Verne

artists based in a studio at the

the artists of the future as they

and Edgar Rice Burroughs, they

Custard Factory, the duo have

invite you to bring your favourite

have created three models of

always utilised their creativity

book and film characters to life in

iconic literary machines and

and enthusiasm to produce toys

an interactive workshop housed

characters for the Discovery

and models spurred by their fond

in The Pavilion. Hurry, this is

Season using recycled material,

childhood memories of reading

taking place for one week only-

obsolete technology and a

pulp magazines entitled ‘Tales of

miss it and you’ll wish you had a

healthy dose of the imagination.

Tomorrow’ and watching classic

Time Machine!

Taking inspiration from the


Included in this exhibition are

television programmes such as Thunderbirds.


vintage sci-fi CREATIVE RESIDENCY 15



24 – 29 SEPTEMBER The Sound Trolley, a collaborative

playful vehicle of sonic delights,

effort between David Morton

waiting to be driven by you.

and Sam Underwood, a duo of

The best way to experience

innovative and experimental

The Sound Trolley is by having

musicians and instrument makers,

a go. Drop in and try it out, or

is a whimsical audio creature that

sign up for a workshop to explore

contains an array of electronic and

its full potential. Be treated to

acoustic sounds. It is controlled

an extremely fun installation

through an accessible interface

from a wildly unorthodox pair of

and features an optical sequencer

artists. Be enticed to play with

at its core; triggering sound as

the trolley, manipulate its sounds

the trolley is pushed around on

and, most importantly, just have

floor patterns made from vinyl.

fun with it. In the words of Sam

These designs will determine what

Underwood “It’s what humans do

sound the trolley emits when it

with it that really brings it alive.”

is manoeuvred over them. It’s a

Morton Underwood

The Sound Trolley


TRANSCRIBE 1 – 6 october

Transcribe is an interactive

interaction, and that the act of

installation presented by the

browsing and reading is not a

Book Apothecary, seeking to

passive activity. Multiple people

make its participants aware of

exploring the exhibit, triggering a

the interactions taking place in a

collection of talking books talking

library space. It is the product of

at the same time will create the

a collaboration between paper-

illusion of a conversation in a space

artist Yvette Hawkins, founder of

where speech is usually limited.

the Book Apothecary, and digital

This redefinition of how we think

media artist Benjamin Freeth.

about libraries is a fitting reflection

Artists Yvette Hawkins &

This installation adds another

of the multi- purpose nature of the

Ben Freeth have also created

dimension to the experience

new library as a whole.

Symphony of Atlas for the

of browsing the Apothecary by

During this residency, you will

placing sensors within the books,

also have the chance to create

so that the motion of visitors

your own books and enjoy work

passing by will trigger sounds

from the Book Apothecary’s

and snippets of speech.

archive of travelling suitcase

The installation is inspired by

Discovery Trail on the Lower Ground Floor.

books. Transcribe will bring

the idea that books and libraries

together digital ways of collecting

are physical spaces that require

and curating stories and the analogue craft of bookbinding, creating a vision for libraries of the future.






8 – 13 October Perfectly in keeping with the

Supersonic Festival 2012, The

now invite you to explore and

spirit of discovery, the Outcrowd

Outcrowd’s imagining of this

contribute to this lost story of

collective’s work on the lost

long lost piece of heritage has

Birmingham, to lose yourself

‘Festival of the Rea’ will celebrate

now evolved into a weeklong

in folklore as you celebrate the

Birmingham’s origins.

exhibit. Their work will draw on

city’s history, culture and people.

the Library’s Benjamin Stone

outcrowdcollective. libraryofbirmingham. com/benjaminstone customsandfestivals

According to glimpses and


in partnership with Vivid Projects

the way your average family slide show is viewed. The brainchild of contemporary artist Cathy Wade and VIVID (an organisation that is dedicated to exploring the convergence of film, video and performance), Carousel is a live tape and slideshow workshop that hopes to unite the separate spheres

impressions gleaned from a

Archive; a variety of photographs,

unique collection of archives,

mounted prints and glass

the Festival was once held at the

negatives which includes his work

crossing of the River Rea (now

on unusual customs and festivals.

known as Digbeth), the site of

Outcrowd’s exhibit will comprise

As humans we are shaped by

divide our personal life from our

Art Gallery Walsall, The Lapworth

the first recorded Anglo-Saxon

of displays and workshops,

personal experience, commonplace

professional life, and for some

collection, and the University of

settlement – the Beormingas

presenting archival material of

visuals and special relationships;

reason begin to see photographs

Birmingham, this is a show for

clan, from which Birmingham

the Festival as well as its modern

so why should everyday life not be

that are not taken by an expert as

those enthralled by nostalgic

gets its name. Traditions of the


considered ‘High Art’? Somewhere

less important and creative. This


along the timeline of our lives we

October Carousel will reinvent

festival included presenting

Described as a ‘shambolic

15 – 20 october

of the formal institution and amateur documentation. Inspired by the slide collections at the New

Over six days, Carousel will

offerings to a ‘House of Beorma’

band of visual tinkerers’, the

form a parallel between the

shrine and costumed deities

Outcrowd collective have been

development and legacy of the

dancing to ward off evil.

creating diverse and imaginative

slide as a personal memento, and

projects since 2004. They

the slide as an educational one

Originally recreated at

(museum and gallery archives,

House of Beorma

data, lectures), and explore the concepts of time and ownership. Using retro hand held projectors and their personal souvenirs, the audience will participate in the creation of up to eight unique art pieces that can be constantly developed by each individual. This continuous reworking will result in something exciting and unpredictable, as well as creating art that is owned and embodied

Outcrowd Collective

by a wide variety of characters. What better way to introduce Birmingham’s new library than to celebrate locality and to allow the modern Brummy to share the limelight that is usually reserved for artefacts.






22 – 27 October Inspired by the relationship

short story created each day.

film aesthetic, with techniques

between cinema and literature

Location backdrops for scenes

and imaging inspired by a

(specifically macabre short

will be inspired by the Library’s

practical, early cinema approach.

stories) and the aesthetics of the

collection of turn-of-the-century

cinematic past, Film Ficciones

glass photographic slides and

concept of utilizing a purpose-

presents an unusual and exciting

the films will be shot on black

made space, and a large amount

artistic challenge.

and white Super 8mm stock.

of creative control is being

After being edited and processed

handed over to participants. Like

complete with costumes and

over-night, the pieces will be

much of the Discovery Season,

props, will be assembled each

presented at a special screening

it is a new and immersive kind of

day in The Pavilion. Selected

the following day with an added

artistic experience.

participants and the public will

music score.

A series of ‘film-sets’,

be involved in all aspects of

‘The Haunted Screen’ takes

The project is based on the

Scott Johnston (aka Film Ficciones) is a filmmaker and

the filmmaking process, from

its name from Lotte Eisner’s

photographer whose work is

storyboarding to scripting to

celebrated book on German

often intricately related to music

designing sets, shooting and

Expressionist Cinema. Expect to

and sound.

performing. The result will be

be involved in the creation of a

a film adaptation of a different

potentially surreal and dreamlike filmficciones


The Museum of Mythical Creatures

The Haunted Screen

29 October – 3 November

Scott Johnston

The Museum of Mythical

printed, cut, collaged and even

Creatures is a place filled with

sewn. Using paper, fabric, wood,

magical characters and fabulous

ceramics and a little bit of magic

beasts that are inspired by myth,

they have conjured up an array

legend and folklore from around

of unusual artworks and objects

the world. It is the brainchild

to fill different parts of the space.

of Girls Who Draw, a team of

Exhibits range from mini comics

talented artists, who collaborate

to hand painted, hand-sewn

annually to produce a series of

characters and a large scale

exhibitions and limited edition

suspended installation.

postcard books. Each illustrator involved

The Museum will offer workshops for visitors of all ages

has created artwork in their

during the half term week. Join

unique style, making use of their

us and create your own colourful

individual skills and showcasing

creatures and mythical monsters.

the techniques they specialise


in. Coordinator of the collective, Karoline Rerrie said “Its a chance to really stretch our imaginations



and creativity.” Hidden away in attics, studios, print rooms and sheds they have drawn, painted,




6 – 24 November The Library of Lost Books is

typefaces and bindings that they

a salvaged collection of old,

might not otherwise have an

damaged books and music scores,

opportunity so to do. Two years later these

many over a century old, which have been discarded by libraries. The project – the brainchild of

THE LIBRARY OF LOST BOOKS Curated by Susan Kruse

lost books have returned to Birmingham and have been given

Birmingham based artist Susan

a new home in The Pavilion. The

Kruse – is a way to celebrate the

completed artworks will be on

move from the old Central Library

display to the public over 3 weeks.

to the new Library of Birmingham.

The exhibition will celebrate

In 2011 Susan assembled

the beauty and magic of books

a collection of the library’s

through the work of some of

unwanted, damaged books and

the UK’s leading visual artists,

sent them to more than 40 artists

printmakers and illustrators. It

and printmakers from around

will explore the pleasures of the

the UK to re-work, breathing

library and the history between

new life into them through their

the reader and the book.

interactions and interventions.

A number of book-making

Many of the books were old, or

workshops and artist’s talks will

obscure, and this was a unique

compliment the exhibition.

opportunity for artists to work


with books, manuscripts, papers,

Resurrecting the Book – conference 15 – 17 November To celebrate the opening of the


largest public library in Europe and

Professor Sir David Cannadine, Dodge

its outstanding special collections The

Professor of History, Princeton University

Library of Birmingham, The Library of

Dr David Pearson, Director of Culture,

Lost Books, Newman University and

Heritage & Libraries City of London

the Typographic Hub at Birmingham


City University have united to host a

Professor Johanna Drucker, Bernard

three-day conference on the theme of

and Martin Breslauer Professor of

Resurrecting the Book in the new Library

Bibliography, University of California, Los

of Birmingham, Birmingham UK.

Angeles Professor Nicholas Pickwoad, University of the Arts, London


For tickets and information




26 November – 1 December An exploration of migration to Birmingham in collaboration with

over 20 years. artist, jeweller and Professor

women’s craft collective and

at the School of Jewellery,

MA students from the School of

Birmingham City University. Shelanu is a social enterprise

For their creative residency

Shakespeare, Jane Austen and

Dr Jivan Astfalck is a visual

artist Jivan Astfalck, the Shelanu


3 – 8 December

of migrant and refugee women

Craftspace will invite visitors to

who produce high quality craft

contribute to an artwork which

objects inspired by their home

will evolve over the week and

city of Birmingham and their

capture diverse experiences of

experiences of migration.

migration to Birmingham. Drop

by for fun jewellery-making workshops and to explore the topic of migration through craft. Craftspace are known for pushing the boundaries and perceptions of crafts and have delivered exhibitions and participatory projects both nationally and internationally for

Charles Dickens created their

THE LIBRARY PROJECT Haworth and Hayhoe

masterpieces without a computer, and now you can follow in their footsteps by creating your own book entirely by hand. Be it a story, graphic novel or a recipe book, The Library Project gives you the chance to make your fantasy book a reality. These hands-on and interactive workshops will teach you the art of writing, drawing and bookbinding your very own work. Your book will then be shelved and catalogued into a local, miniature library before ultimately becoming part of The Library Project itself, which shall carry your creation all around the world to be read and admired by everyone. The Library Project, which was originally developed in 2012 at Japan’s Koganecho Bazaar by Lara Haworth and Lucy Hayhoe, has now been brought to the Library as a fantastic way for the people of Birmingham to share their own unique creations with the world.





17 – 22 December

10 – 15 December

Eastside Projects Extra extra special people

“We do not make art for the public.

cross-sectoral project led by

A suitcase and a sense of

of Xavier De Maistre, who was

that the reaction will be ‘wonder

We are the public that makes art”,

Eastside Projects to explore,

adventure go hand in hand

devoted to uncovering the

and awe’, as the contents is

is the mantra of artist development

commission and implement

so there is a reason that the

interesting in everyday life,

something you already know

group, Eastside Projects. Their

trading structures used by artists

suitcase features so prominently

MacLennan wishes to encourage

quite well, with a twist, and

Extra Special People scheme

within everyday life situations.

in film and fiction. Whether it

an audience to discover the

definitely not what you expect.

assigns up-and-coming artists the

Trade Show is not to confirm

is a box of memories, exploits,

exciting aspects in their own

space they need to exhibit their

trading places and shops as

danger or just the everyday, it

world. In his realm, you’ll learn

part in the Discovery Season was

work, the contacts and advice that

places to execute capitalism,

has the potential to be filled with

that the norm can become

so that he could create theatre in

they desire and the means to get

but to mess with both, and to

a sense of wonder. Playing on this

extraordinary and new.

a non-theatre setting. The aim is

themselves noticed.

reclaim their cultural and social

intriguing atmosphere, Scottish

importance. To think of trade not

theatre maker Eric MacLennan

Bureau of Lost Discoveries you

excitement felt when watching a

as for profit but for play.

has invented an installation that

are welcomed by the expectant

performance, but in the style of

is both performance and art.

‘Teller’ who will handpick the

a special encounter. MacLennan’s

suitcase that is meant for you,

set up allows the spectator to

For the Library of Birmingham Residency ESP will create its own branch of Trade Show, looking

ESP is Eastside Projects’


for the viewer to experience the

at themes of public space,

associate members scheme. It

learning, exchange and value.

supports a membership of 135

audience based works over

and invite you to follow him to a

instantly become involved in the

For the week ESP members will

artists, designers, curators and

the last twenty-eight years,

private area. It is in this hidden

story, and to become a character

use The Pavilion to exhibit new

art-writers through a range of

MacLennan uses entertainment

zone that you will finally solve

in their own personal adventure.

work, sell editions and multiples,

opportunities and commissions

to encourage his spectators to

the mystery of the suitcase and

organise trading events and

and the ESP programme provides

think. Inspired by the writing

its contents. MacLennan hopes

lead public discussions, reading

a range of public events at

groups and talks.

Eastside Projects.

Trade Show is an ambitious

trade show


The creator of many bold,

As soon as you walk in to the

MacLennan’s desire to take

Eric MacLennan

Bureau of Lost Discoveries CREATIVE RESIDENCY 27



Inspired by the Library’s most treasured works and collections, and their iconic new home, Capsule has curated a trail of art works which will lead visitors around the new building and encourage visitors to explore more of what the Library has to offer. The works encompass a wide range of media, including sound, digital media, and extraordinary objects. Some are new commissions, and others we have chosen for their ability to stimulate ideas and questions about what a library can be.

children’s library, Lower Ground floor The trail of discovery starts in the Children’s Library where the historic Parker Collection of Children’s Books and Games is brought to life by the illustrations of Laura Kate Chapman. One of the most magical of the Library of Birmingham’s collections, the Parker Collection is made up of around 2,000 books and educational games that date from 1538 right up to the present day. Taking inspiration from the moral stories and folk tales, Laura Kate’s work is packed full of charm, celebrating the tradition of hand drawn methods in a time when we often turn to technology. She reimagines characters including Henny Penny (1872),


Laura Kate Chapman

Mother Goose (1890) and The Little Girl Who Would Not Comb Her Hair (1860) as comfy companions for curling up with during story-time. parkercollection

Children’s Library Saturday 7 September,

Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October Saturday 9 November

Join Laura Kate Chapman for drop-in family workshops in the Children’s Library. Thursday 19 September 6.30-7.30pm – Room 104 Games and Play: The Parker Collection


Public talk, 6.30 – 7.30pm Box Office: 0121 245 4455





Youth Space, Lower Ground floor

Café Mezzanine

Symphony of Atlas is a new audio

Echoing the geometric forms

Sir Granville Bantock (1868

With an Elle Decoration British

and old, to use their hands and

Design Award nomination

minds to re-create the numerous

found in the new Library building,

work by The Book Apothecary,

– 1946) was a composer and

amongst their credentials, the

sets of twenty-five cubes into

these multi-functioning shapes

artists Yvette Hawkins and

academic who had considerable

Miller Goodman duo represent

an unlimited amount of design

also double up as super comfy

Ben Freeth. Presented inside

influence on musical life in

the changing face of children’s

permutations. The aim of this

seating that can be enjoyed by

an augmented suitcase this

Birmingham. He was appointed

toys (not to mention the changing

creation is both to mess with

all ages. So whether you’re in the

piece merges new and old

the first full-time principal of the

eyes, ears and noses) that make

familiar images (such as dogs,

mood to fashion your own creature

technologies into an interactive

Birmingham and Midland Institute

up a colourful medley of elegantly

snakes and boats) whilst returning

from the ShapeMaker’s infinite

sound sculpture. Inspired by an

School of Music (now Birmingham

designed interchangeable soft

to the simplicity of traditional

possibilities or just ready for a rest

enigmatic suitcase belonging to

Conservatoire) in 1900 and as

cube furnishings. As a defiantly

playtime where children physically

after a tiring day at the Library,

nineteenth century composer

a composer, continued to write

hand-crafted creation in a modern

interacted with their possessions

Miller Goodman’s innovation ticks

Granville Bantock currently held

throughout his life.

age, Miller Goodman’s ShapeMaker

instead of playing games in a

all of the right boxes!

in the archive at the Library

encourages Library visitors, young

virtual landscape.

of Birmingham, this work

houses the largest single

allows the listener to physically

collection of printed scores

interact with Bantock’s musical

composed by Bantock together

compositions and his

with some of his manuscripts.

extensive travels of musical article/songsheetsandsms/ bantock

Miller Goodman




The Library of Birmingham

Symphony of Atlas Supported by





Music Library, Lower ground floor

Lower Lending Terrace

Audio-visual artist Matthew J

band, Gorillaz. He has been

and precious artefacts in the

When you open a book you expect

in exchange for the words and

Watkins presents an animated

commissioned to translate this

library’s archive.

to find a story, but what you may

wisdom of their readers.

interpretation of The Birds of

rare and precious book for the

not expect to find is somebody’s

America, a large and valuable

public eye. An artist with unique

part of the Library’s Early and

style, Watkins will work from treasures

Fine Print collection. There are

digitised images from Birds of

thought to be less than 120 of

America bring them to life in

these books in the world, each

an inventive and one-of-a-kind

containing over 400 detailed and

installation for the Discovery

The Library of Treasures talk

intricate paintings by artist and


bookend the library, offering

lower lending terrace you will find

a secretive cubbyhole for the

The Library of Secrets, a library

visitors to transcribe their

Tuesday 10 September

carrying not only the words of

thoughts onto paper. These notes

12.30 – 1.30pm – FREE

famous authors but also those

can then be slotted between the

of strangers. Since 2007, The

pages of their favourite book for

Library of Secrets has roamed the

a literary soulmate to discover at

UK sharing literary works of the

a later date.

nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Brian Gambles, Director of

Tuesday 5 November

Its value is hard to estimate,

Library of Birmingham, hopes

12.30 – 1.30pm – FREE

but the fact that other copies

that these kinds of interactive

Early and Fine Print collection

have reached up to $8million at

exhibits and diverse ways of

show and tell

auction, seals its status as the

interpreting pieces will reflect the

library’s most valuable artefact.

Library’s emphasis on learning,

FREE but booking is

and contribute to its position as a


has worked extensively in

multi-functional cultural institution.

Box Office: 0121 245 4455

creative animations, notably

This exhibition will give visitors an

as part of animated concept

insight in to some of the valuable

naturalist John James Audubon.

Artist and animator, Matthew,

Matthew J Watkins

Birds of America DISCOVERY TRAIL 32

Two confessional booths

secret...Standing stoically on the


Serena Korda




Book Rotunda Artist Lucy McLauchlan’s site

Su Blackwell

A Midsummer Night’s Dream UPPER LENDING TERRACE Imagine your book coming to life,

interest in the Shakespeare

leaping out of the page at you

Memorial room, housed on

and telling a story with figures

the 9th floor of the Library.

as well as words. Su Blackwell is

The room was established in

an artist working predominantly

1882, designed to house every

within the realm of paper, and

edition in every translation

for the Discovery Season, has

of Shakespeare, along with

produced a sculpture adaptation

newspaper cuttings, illustrations,

of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.

play bills and even an extensive

As a self-confessed lover of


and transported from the

pages and a musty smell, Su uses

Central Library with its original

old books to create her pieces and

Elizabethan style woodwork and

‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’ is

carvings, this room is a hidden

her largest, most ambitious book

gem that is not to be missed.

sculpture to date. It features an libraryofbirmingham. com/article/ shakespearespecial


complete with branches sprouting books like leaves. Her work is aimed to spark

specific artwork sits within the

flow and movement of people

spectacular surrounds of the

using the library. Her imagery

Book Rotunda. Perhaps best

and symbols reflect both the

known locally for her unique

diversity of the visitors browsing

mural, ‘Anything is Possible’, a

the shelves and the breadth

bird’s nest design that adorned

of knowledge contained within

the exterior of Central Library,

them. A keen social observer,

Lucy often uses her art to

Lucy takes much inspiration from

comment, provoke and capture

her hometown of Birmingham,

the mood of the times. Fittingly

a city that possesses both

for the new library her piece is

industrial architecture and

entitled ‘Replacement’ and is

untouched, natural countryside.

made up of a serious of organic

and original paintings that sit in the bookshelves.

LUCY mclauchlan


collection of criticism. Restored

disregarded books with thick

over-sized book growing a tree,

Lucy’s designs capture the




Second Floor To mark the opening of a brand new library – new in attitude, resources and outlook as much as in building – Jennifer Collier’s Paper Typewriter makes a timely comment on the fragility of knowledge and ideas

Jennifer Collier

stored in the printed word. Situated directly next to the Encyclopedias and Dictionaries, most often overlooked in favour of internet research, the form of the typewriter – an extinct technology – feels all the more poignant. Artist Jennifer Collier re-imagines domestic objects from paper; bonding wrapping and stitching to create her sculptures. She often draws inspiration

Paper typewriter

from the narratives that reside on the paper that she re-uses: Paper Typewriter is made from pages of old typewriter manuals and discarded encyclopedias.

Saturday 30 November Join artist Jennifer Collier for paper-based art workshop

BOULTON AND WATT Leon Sparks Sparkes


Artist and illustrator Leon Sparks

The Archives of Soho collects

has created a new piece of work

documents from all elements of

using the collection of technical

Boulton and Watt’s business as

drawings by Boulton and Watt,

well as their individual endeavors

part of the Archive of Soho

and personal papers, such as

Innovation, as his inspiration.

diaries, letters and notebooks.

Matthew Boulton and James Watt are most well known for their development of the steam engine

libraryofbirmingham. com/archivesofsoho innovation

for use with industrial machinery in the Eighteenth centuary. Boulton’s intentional focus on quality improved Birmingham’s reputation for silverworks and

Supported by

led to the establishment of the



city’s Assay Office in 1773 and the coining of money for the Royal mint in 1797.





Third Floor For many decades, Birmingham

transform as the panels of their

Thursday 7 November

has used the arts to explore and

inhabited wooden case opens to

6pm – 8pm – £3

celebrate cultural diversity in

allow the plants to adapt to their

Join the artists and expert

our city, which has developed

environment and to each other.

gardeners from Winterbourne

The featured plants have

gardens in conversation about

through our history of migration

JUNEAU PROJECTS Third Floor Terrace Garden

and colonialism. In keeping

been chosen for their significance

with these themes, Adaptation,

to people who have shared

a concept by artists Katy and

stories of their migration to

Tuesday 24 September

Rebecca Beinart uses plants as a

the UK. Adaptation is a living

12.30pm – 1.30pm – FREE

colonial metaphor, commenting

exhibition where visitors can

Discover what the Library of

on how Birmingham’s migrants

observe how each plant will

Birmingham’s collections tell us

have adapted to the surroundings

develop and whether they will

about the history of gardening

of their new home. This work

fade, thrive or survive in their

and botany throughout the world.

simultaneously references

changing environment. This piece

the historical practices of the

their research for Adaptation.

conceptualises the experience of

Box Office: 0121 245 4455

Be prepared to find post-

artists, Philip Duckworth and Ben

Tuesday 3 and

Victorian era where plant

the people who move, migrate or

apocalyptic vegetable characters

Sadler, who often explore the

Saturday 28 September

collectors would bring back

change surroundings, planting

nestled amongst the flowers in the

contrasts between hand-made


strange and rare plants from

complex thoughts and ideas into

Library’s third floor terrace garden.

aesthetics and digital production

Join Juneau Projects for fun,

around the world and display

the viewer’s mind.

techniques in their creations.

Vegetable Families workshops.

them as treasures until they rebecca-beinart

The Artistic duo of Juneau Projects, love the idea of selfsufficiency and were inspired by the edible plants growing

slowly adapted to their new environments.

Supported by

Adaptation displays all manner

in the gardens. They will be

of exotic plants from across the

creating a series of vegetable

globe, which, over the course

families which characterise how

of the exhibition, will slowly

people and communities might survive following an imagined global disaster. The artists have devised a folklore that explores the diverse origins of each edible species and link this with the idea of settlement. The peculiar figures include an onion guitarist and a unique take on a totem pole featuring an owl and quince Nightjar. The ‘surviving community’ will be laser cut and hand painted by


ADAPTATION Katy and Rebecca Beinart DISCOVERY TRAIL 39



FOURTH FLOOR Imagine a Jukebox that plays

THROUGHOUT THE LIBRARY of travel, the Theatre Jukebox aboutthewingate bettcollection

Calling all aspiring urban bird

more interested in spending time

about conserving and supporting

watchers! Nestling around the

with the wildlife and creatures

urban wildlife in our cities.

Library of Birmingham are twelve

that surround them in their

This modern, alternative bird

bird sculptures by collaborative

daily lives. Visitors are invited

watching experience encourages

stories instead of records. Stand

will show the viewer a collection

and Stare’s Theatre Jukebox, a

of self-contained, two-minute

wooden, arcade-style cabinet, is an

multimedia experiences.

innovative and immersive way of

As you watch the images,

artists, Anna Francis and Andrew

to take part in an indoor urban

visitors to learn more about and

experiencing the Library’s Wingate

snippets of conversation and

Thursday 12 December

Branscombe, who have created a

bird watching event where they

engage with the natural wildlife

can explore the Library in search

around them. So, as winter

Bett Ticket Collection. So choose

ideas sparked by each chapter

6.30 – 7.30pm

collection inspired by birds which

your card, put on your headphones

create a fragmented narrative

Room 104 – £3

feature in the titles, characters

of the scattered sculptures and

settles in and birds fly south,

and, chapter by chapter, piece

of snapshots, built in whatever

The Social Aspect of

and content of library’s collection.

discover more about the books

birders can migrate to the library

together a bigger picture.

order you choose.

and collections available on their

where they can embrace their

doorstep in the process.

hobby with a new literary twist.

The Wingate Bett Collection

Much like the Library itself, the

Transport – Jim Ranahan

A Birder is different from a

Come along and find out

Twitcher. While Twitchers will

houses over one million tickets

Jukebox allows you to experience

more about the Wingate Bett

travel miles to see an exotic or

used on railways, buses,

a traditional concept in a very

Travel and Transport

rare bird type, Birders are much

ships, airlines, ski-lifts and

modern way. The archives are

Ticket collection.

trams worldwide, dating from

brought to life using the latest

Box Office: 0121 245 4455

1840 to 1977. Inspired by real

technology, all the while retaining

diaries, photos and accounts

a sense of warmth and nostalgia.


Stand & Stare

Anna and Andrew want to encourage and raise awareness

The Birder's Paradise Anna Francis and Andrew Branscombe Saturdays 14 September and 19 October FREE Join artists Anna Francis and Andrew Branscombe for a Birder’s tour of Library of Birmingham.





10 November, 7PM £35 Let us take you on a meandering

uplifted and moved by evocative

They delight in the absurd

journey through the senses

passages while consuming

and the naughty, weaving this

where you taste, see, touch and

exquisite and delectable morsels

into their work of bespoke and

hear the words.

inspired by the text.

humorous dining experiences

Companis asks that you trust

Companis invites you to

HARVESTING STORIES Public picnic day 8 September – Food & Play 20 October – Food & FILM 14 December – Food & STORIES Free To celebrate the cultural diversity of 21st century Birmingham,

and histories. For the Discovery Season

Thursday 14 November 6.30 – 7.30pm – £3 Room 104 Join Jen Bakewell and Dr Sian Roberts as they look to the Library of Birmingham’s collections and discover how Birmingham’s cuisine has

Harvesting Stories has been

Harvesting Stories presents

changed over the years.

developed to bring its people

three public picnic days, with

Box Office: 0121 245 4455

and their favourite food together.

each picnic representing stories,

Between July and August,

recipes and images from the

National Storytelling Laureate,

workshops and includes further

Katrice Horsley, led workshops

opportunities for sharing and

with groups in local settings and

engaging with food.

libraries to collect recipes, stories

Harvesting Stories affords

and images in order to showcase

a real opportunity to articulate

the city’s diverse range of multi-

Birmingham by its extensive

cultural communities. Dishes

palate and culinary heritage, and

were brought and shared to be

gives voice to the people about

used as a starting point to learn

something that unites us all – the

more about each other, our tastes

making and sharing of food.


which thoroughly chew and spit

dive into the world of books

them implicitly, and place your

out the norms associated with

and immerse yourself wholly

senses and yourselves at their

eating, immersing the diner in a

in the realms they create in

mercy. The Library is a place to

fusion of performance, food and

an elaborate 5 course sensory

gain knowledge, and they shall


mobile meal. Using the new

lead you to the path of wisdom

architecture of the Library of

via sensorial exultation! Companis, meaning to ‘break

Birmingham, you will be subject to readings, sensory deprivation

bread with someone’ is a very

and enlightenment. Feel

tongue-in-cheek creative trio.

Box Office: 0121 245 4455


Down the Rabbit Hole... and into the light





DISCOVER NEW MUSIC Our adventure with the role and function of the Library of Birmingham continues with a series of cutting edge live music performances. The breadth of performances on offer showcase some of the most exciting music around, from internationally renowned artists to young Birmingham bands making a real impact on the independent music scene.

6 September 8pm Studio theatre £15

A British soul singer, songwriter and musician, Omar learned his craft classically, playing the trumpet, piano and percussion. Making albums since the early 1990s, his work is often compared to Stevie Wonder’s work of the 1970s. He is described by some as the father of British neo soul. Leftfoot was founded back in 2000 by Adam Regan and Richard Whittingham, and has evolved into one of the most important left-of-centre, soulbased projects in the UK. Voted the best Club Night by Gilles Peterson in 2003, the intervening decade has witnessed Leftfoot’s pioneering progression, hosting guests across a vibrant palette covering house, hip-hop, disco, jazz, funk, soul, reggae, drum & bass, techno, Afrobeat, Latin and more.

hareandhoundskingsheath. Box Office: 0121 245 4455






FREE SCHOOL VICTORIES AT SEA VICTOR Free School YOUTH MAN 2 October 8pm – £5 Studio Theatre The city’s music scene has been making an impressive impact on the national indie scene in recent years. Last year, NME celebrated the ‘Rise of Birmingham’ and the diverse indie music scene here. This night will see some performances from some of the best emerging bands in the region.

Plus a DJ set from This is Tmrw

Supported by

up of genres, creating a new sound that has something for every alternative pallet. “Heavy grooves and dark noise give a beautiful backdrop to the reverb drenched power

Bringing the sunny Balearic sounds

vocals that melodically dance

of summer and the icy kosmische

around the room. Big choruses

sounds of winter, Free School are

and dangerously boisterous

maximalist and minimalist all

breakdowns make VICTOR a

at once. But in a good way. The

band to keep your eye on and

Birmingham duo signed to the

a band that definitely deserve

internationally renowned Tirk label

a breakthrough into the public

in 2011 and recently released their

eye.” – Counteract Magazine

critically acclaimed LP ‘Tender victortheverbose

Administration’, following two 12” EP releases and a string of remixes for the likes of Roots Manuva, Phil

Youth Man

Oakey and Maps.

They generate an infectious

energy during their intense live

victories at sea

show as three individuals grapple with their instruments to whip

Victories At Sea are an

up a reckless tornado of sound,

experimental three piece, citing

flailing limbs and musical angst

influences as wide and diverse

that is a feast for the senses.

as Slowdive, Boards of Canada,

“These riotous noise-makers

SHANGAAN ELECTRO Friday 25 October Workshop

DanceXchange, Thorp Street, Birmingham, B5 4TB

26 October Library of Birmingham Free

Shangaan Electro will lead dance workshops, giving people of all ages and abilities the chance to learn the wildest Shangaan

The high-speed dance

vocal samples from rave anthems.

dance moves step by step –

phenomenon from South Africa

Propelled by jacking four-to-the-

dazzling footwork, rubber-limbed

has risen from streets into clubs

floor beats and trademark drum-

body shakes and some crazy,

and venues all around the globe.

fills, the sound quickly became

colourful costumes all feature,

The creation of charismatic

a hit at weekly street parties

followed by a hyper accelerated

producer Nozinja, this is a very

in Soweto, with young and old


contemporary product of Africa.

competing to show off their moves

Please email dance@capsule.

Based in Soweto, Nozinja saw

to this dizzyingly fast music, for a registration form if

which can reach speeds of up to

you are interested in taking part. Supported by

and M83 through to more

bring a shambolic edge with their

unadulterated alternatives such

Pixies-influenced setup. This

as Echo and The Bunnymen,

young three-piece encapsulate

New Order and mid 80s Cure.

everything exciting about

By using various electronics and

Birmingham music right now with

drum loops live, their traditional

frontwoman Kaila Whyte sporting

set up is enveloped by resonating

a reputation for the raucous. “

layers of sound cast against the

Brum Notes

the chance to update Shangaan

Box Office: 0121 245 4455

music for the 21st Century;

188 beats per minute. The craze

replacing its traditional bass/

soon went viral in Europe and the

guitar instrumentation with midi-

US via a vast archive of youtube

keyboard sounds and repitched


backdrop of the city at night.


Noise quintet whose diverse influences blend to create a mash

“The future sound of Africa…[and] a curveball for UK dancers” – The Quietus



Bring to Light


25 – 27 October studio theatre and rainbow warehouse Capsule will curate a weekend of adventurous music, celebrating the very best in new music and performance. Producing extraordinary events for adventurous audiences, Capsule have a keen eye and ear for the most exciting music and performance around. Weekend tickets are available for £40 via Over the last 10 years Capsule’s Supersonic Festival has gained a reputation as one of the best experimental music festivals in the world, at its heart a passion for genre bending sound and performance. The festival will return in 2014 at a brand new city centre based location. A Supersonic Festival inspired weekend, Bring to Light’s varied programme will combine electronic music, folk, black metal, electro acoustic composition, hip hop and more. Friday’s programme will see performances in the industrial space of the Rainbow Warehouse in Digbeth, for the rest of the weekend dynamic new music will invade the Library of Birmingham.

This weekend of dynamic and innovative sound will include: Dinos Chapman The visual artist and former Turner Prize nominee will present his new horror soundtrack inspired music. The live show will marry sound and visuals to create an immersive unforgettable experience. “People are going to make comparisons with the art,” says Dinos. “Everyone’s going to expect thrash metal or some ear-bending dissonance from one of the Chapman brothers, but that’s too easy. That’s what I imagine artists would make. For me, it was always important to make music.”

a weekend of adventurous music 48




Shangaan Electro

Deafheaven and Hordes

Sarah Angliss

The high-speed dance phenomenon is a South

Both bands will showcase their unique, and very

Electronic musician and tech savant Sarah Angliss

and vocal samples.


Hyper prolific modern psychedelia, robedoor touch

lifelong obsessions with defunct technology, faded

We will also be delving into the archives of Delia Derbyshire, hearing rare footage from the Coventry born electronic music pioneer and new work inspired by her innovations.

African craze that has now gone viral. Shangaan

urban takes on a genre so often associated with

is known for her singularly embodied performance

Electro is a very contemporary product of Africa,

rural Scandinavia.

which mixes theremin, saw and electronics with

updated for the 21st century with midi keyboard

the ensemble of strange automata she’s created to

on drone, doom, krautrock and electronica.

variety acts and the darkest European folk tales.

opera singer plays the guitar, harp, ukulele and


piano and is known to interpret traditional German

The project of Lungfish guitarist Asa Osborne, he is

Percussionist with Birmingham “wrong pop”

and Spanish songs as well as creating new folk and

newly joined by Swedish vocalist Hanna Olivegren.

legends Pram and Modified Toy Orchestra,

psychedelic sounds.

Their lo-fi experimentations combine organ, piano

inspiration for this solo venture is a cross

and ethereal vocals.

pollination of early electronic soundscapes (think

the BBC’s Radiophonic Workshop) and free jazz

Josephine Foster A captivating performer and songwriter, the former

Masaki Batoh ‘Brain Pulse Music’, is experimentation with brain

High Wolf

waves and sound. Formerly of the band Ghost,

The French artist mixes cosmic loops, fuzzy guitars,

Batoh has dedicated years of research to this

drone synths, mystic vocals and tribal percussions,

project, investigating the bioelectric functions of

inspired by primitive and ritual music as well as

the human brain combined with the traumatic

adventurous modern music.

aftermath of Japan’s Great East Earthquake. Batoh

combines this work with traditional folk influences


to create and powerful and pure expression of the

The Nottingham band use primitive rhythms,

human condition.

patterns and riffs to create dense and mesmeric

song-cycles. The band’s live sound is manipulated

Richard Dawson

work with her on stage. Sarah’s music reflects her

Laurence Hunt



through dub delays and echoes, allowing what is

A one of a kind singer and storyteller, Richard

basically a heavy rock trio to expand and willingly

Dawson’s songs have been crafted from people’s

lose control of the sound they make as they make it.

histories, photographs, letters, newspapers and

illustrations from Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums

Sleaford Mods

collections. There’s no live performer quite like

Just when you thought punk had nowhere new to

Richard, from the serial between-song belly laughs

go. Sleaford Mods don’t sound like anything else,

he induces to his unique angular guitar style and

and are the realest band out there right now.

raw, soaring voice.

clipping Noise hip-hop trio are the next big thing in alternative rap. A return to the philosophy popularised by Public Enemy, on hearing their debut record the Guardian declared “Ladies and gentlemen, the first necessary album of 2013 is upon us.”





24 november 8pm – £15 Studio Theatre

2 November 8pm – £12 studio theatre

Rhys Chatham & Charlemagne Palestine Ex Easter Island Head – Large Guitar Ensemble

Adrian Utley’s Guitar Orchestra performs Terry Riley’s ‘In C’


this unique concert, Invada

Box Office: 0121 245 4455

Records will release a recorded live

version in the Autumn of 2013.

Adrian Utley is devoted to

Birmingham’s Pram craft

breaking new ground and

fairytales from concrete reality.

exploring the potential of the

The second city’s spin cycle of

Charlemagne Palestine is an

guitar, percussion and other

guitar. As a member of the

perpetual renovation, from the

American composer, performer,

instruments. Their music –

experimental electronic band,

slum clearances to its current

and visual artist. A contemporary

played on horizontally mounted

Portishead, Utley is jazz trained,

cosmetic upgrade, is etched

of Philip Glass, Terry Riley,

mallet-struck guitars alongside

with a passion for the minimalist

in Pram’s restless groove, an

Phill Niblock, and Steve Reich.

a battery of unusual percussion

approach to playing. To celebrate

endearing and gently refusenik

Rhys Chatham is a composer,

– has been compared to the likes

his love of experimental

mix encircling early Rough Trade

guitarist and trumpet player from

of Steve Reich, Balinese Gamelan

techniques, Utley’s task for the

innovators The Raincoats, astro

Manhattan, currently living in Paris,

and Claude Debussy.

Discovery Season is to spearhead

jazz, sci-fi soundtracks, creepy

a guitar orchestra that will be re-

Victoriana, tropical analogue and

commissioned for the inaugural

interpret Terry Riley’s ‘In C’, which

tumbledown funk.

met in the late 60s in New York,

World Event Young Artists (WEYA)

although written in 1964, is one of

at the end of 2012; they decided

festival, held in Nottingham

the most influential music pieces

to revisit their collaboration.

2012. Utilising an ensemble of

of the 20th century.

This will be the first live outing

experienced local musicians the

of this project and an incredible

piece sees an ensemble of 12

fifty three different ways of the

opportunity to see two giants

guitarists playing modified 'third

playing the C note which will form

in contemporary composition

bridge' guitars from a unique

perform together.

graphic score to create a unique

who altered the DNA of rock. Chatham and Palestine first

Ex-Easter Island Head are

Large Electric Ensemble was

shimmering soundworld, rich in

a Liverpool-based ensemble

heavenly drones, overtones and

composing and performing



The audience will witness charlemagne exeasterisland

an unforgettable performance, supported by organ music and percussionists. To commemorate

for solid body electric





Library of Birmingham and The REP 25 – 27 October 2013


Before the days of film, the magic lantern was an important source of entertainment, using glass slides to create moving images and visual tricks. Birmingham played a key role in this pre-cinema world, producing thousands of lanterns for export, leading to the birth of the flipbook, and eventually the cinema. The Library boasts a hefty archive of 60,000 lantern slides, and to coincide with the Magic Lantern Society’s annual conference in Birmingham, Flatpack Festival presents Box of Light, a weekend full of events, workshops and activities celebrating early cinema. Flatpack festival’s creative director; Ian Francis, explains why they chose Box of Light for the Discovery Season: “While digital technology has transformed our world, the simple magic of optical illusions can still surprise and delight, and it’s striking how many artists and filmmakers continue to be inspired by this period. Given the Library’s own extensive collection of lantern slides, it’s the perfect home for Box of Light.”



This exhibition will feature events such as: Box of Light Variety Show 25 October 7.30 – 9.30pm – £8 Studio Theatre

Projecteo 26 October 1.30pm – Free (bookable) Designer Benjamin Redford will be giving a talk about his ingenious miniature slide projector which has proved to be an online sensation and a big hit on Kickstarter. In response to modern technology

An evening of edification and entertainment

and the craze for Instagram, Benjamin has created

featuring acclaimed performer Professor Heard,

a tiny projector to share Instagram pictures called

who will provide a whistlestop history of lantern

the ‘Projecteo’. This analogue approach works by

shows and explain how they helped pave the way

creating wheels of slide film to hold up to 9 images,

for cinema. This is followed by the Physioscope,

which can be watched and enjoyed as a slideshow.

a Victorian experiment with light and mirrors


Box of Light, in collaboration with Birmingham REP have commissioned two artists to make brand new work. Both are FREE and will run on Friday 25 and Saturday 26 October. Professor Harry Hackett's Box of Treats

performance includes a live dissection of a video

Mirror Mirror Lantern Workshops 26 and 27 October – FREE – Drop in


Mirror Mirror will host an array of free family

carrying gifts of a candy-floss

workshops, where visitors will have the chance to

seller, and ending in an intimate

create their own lantern slides and experiment with

performance inside an enigmatic

colour projection. Established in 2009, Mirror Mirror

showman’s curious cabinet of

Education are an artistic duo united by their mutual


recreated for the first time in a century by Roderick MacLachlan, and the finale of the show is provided by French artist Julien Maire, whose Open Core

The Icebook 26 October Performances from 12 noon – £5

love of early cinema and a passion for theatre, the

Little Earthquake sends you off on a treasure hunt around the theatre foyer, guided by the clue-

pair work together to run workshops, events and

Ben Pacey

Collaborative duo Kristin and Davy Maguire will

learning activities for participants of all ages and

Ben Pacey is an artist, writer, and

share their beautiful and intimate theatrical


designer who often collaborates

performances using paper cut-outs and miniature

with other people. He works

projections. Their shows will delight small

Box of Light’s weekend is set to include more talks

across performance, dance, film

audiences using old pre-cinematic illusions and

and activities and a comprehensive walking tour of

and installation and will create

magic lanterns; to create shadows and silhouettes

key locations in Birmingham’s pre-cinema history.

a new piece of work for the REP

complemented with a film footage backdrop.

Box Office: 0121 245 4455


This personal cinema experience will mesmerise

audiences with its elegant execution of basic cinema techniques.





A fresh appraisal of an abandoned media

Sunday Film Club

Studio Theatre Tickets £5. Children under 12 FREE Sunday film club presented by Kino 10 sees a quirky mix of films for each month.

5 October – 16 November 13 16 Minerva Works, 158 Fazeley St, Birmingham B5 5RS See for exhibition schedule

22 September Children’s Horror Classic The Witches

20 July - 3 November 2013 Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery Images from books by Julia Donaldson © Axel Scheffler, Lydia Monks, Karen George, Emily Gravett & Nick Sharratt. Reproduced by permission of the publishers

(dir. Nicolas Roeg), 1990, 91min Feature film screening of this classic with live theatrical interactivity from Little

15 December Family friendly Christmas shorts The Snowman (dir. Dianne Jackson & Jimmy T. Murakami) 1982 – 26min

+ Peter and the Wolf


(dir. Suzie Templeton) 2006, 32min

20 October Birmingham and Beyond

Screening of the seasonal classic

80mins Archive travel compilation of shorts with a focus on Birmingham. Footage from BFI and MACE

10 November Silent Comedy shorts The Immigrant

short The Snowman with live musical accompaniment, Suzie Templeton’s Academy Award winning animation Peter and the Wolf, and more. Box Office: 0121 245 4455

(dir. Charlie Chaplin), 1917, 21min

+ One Week

(dir.Buster Keaton) 1920, 22min A programme of silent comedy shorts with live piano accompaniment.





Birmingham’s art, book & print fair 5 – 7 December A celebration of the very best in independent publishing, this event will include speakers, panel discussions, workshops and a fair. Volume is being produced in collaboration with a number of Birmingham arts organisations, showcasing the wealth and breadth of publishing expertise in the region. Each organisation will produce a panel, contributing to some of the debates currently critical in the fields of publishing, bookmaking and writing.



Box Office: 0121 245 4455

Bill Drummond – Keynote speech BOOKS (12 Years, 25 Paintings, 100 Questions, & The 17) Studio Theatre

Ished present Adventures in Book & Print Studio Theatre

Book & Print Sandbox

Panel discussion exploring

of publishing. Explore the results

experiments with digital

of the Book & Print Sandbox’s

Drummond has used various

technology and the possibilities

experiments with digital tech and

media in his practice including

they bring to publishing and

the future of books.

actions, music and words. His

writing. Clare Reddington, Director

actions too numerous to list,

of the Pervasive Media Studio in

beautiful interactive platform

some more infamous than

Bristol will chairs with Dave Addey,

that visualises the unexploited

others; his music from the multi

Managing Director of leading app

data of our public libraries and

million selling KLF to the choral

development studio Agant; Tom


music of The 17; the words have

Abba, lecturer in narrative theory

accumulated into a pile of books.

at UWE, Bristol and member of

outdated guidebook could talk.

artist collective Circumstance;

Turning the Page is an intimate

Charlotte Quickenden, Managing

installation in which you are

Director of digital agency Bow

invited to investigate a series of

Software; Laura Kriefman, Founder

clues hidden within a guidebook.

Morag Myerscough with The Highliners Studio Theatre

Collaborations between creative companies and academic researchers to explore the future

Secret Lives of Books is a

Imagine if your well-thumbed,

Digitising the Dollar Princess

Artist, placemaker and designer

and Choreographer with innovative

of the Discovery Season’s

dance company Guerilla Dance

is a book app that pushes the

flagship space The Pavilion –


boundaries of biography to create

Morag Myerscough will be

design practice, accompanied by

Writing for Digital: not losing the plot Workshop

fellow designer and collaborator

Aimed at writers interested in the

Luke Morgan and his band The

future of publishing, the workshop

Highliners (including Ginge

will address the role of the writer

former Meteors drummer)

for digital platforms. No experience

creating a punk rock design

of technology required; this won’t


be a technical session, rather an

presenting an instinctive journey through colours patterns and her

a compelling non-linear reading experience exploring the story of Lady Curzon of Kedleston.

exploration of form and content for digital platforms. Led by Tom Abba, lecturer in narrative theory at UWE, Bristol and member of artist collective Circumstance with James Attlee, author of Nocturne: A Journey in Search of Moonlight and Producer at Touch Press




Friday 6 and Saturday 7 December The Fair Studio Theatre Showcasing books, prints and

Panels Room 104

publishers, printworks,

Grand Union presents: Copy Rights

artists and organisations,

Artists, activists and legal

celebrating artist books, new

practitioners discuss the impact

writing, handmade zines and

that copyright law has on those

printmaking. Stall holders

for whom appropriation forms

include Werkplaats Typograhpie,

the basis of their work. The panel

Strange Attractor, the Chinese

includes Andrea Francke & Eva

Arts Centre, Exitstencil and

Weinmayr who jointly run The

Imprint Press.

Piracy Project, an international

FREE entry

publishing and exhibition project

artwork from an international selection of independent

around the concept of originality and the politics of copyright as part of AND Publishing’s research programme.

An Endless Supply presents: In Conversation with Peter Bilak

Birmingham Zine Festival presents: Make It Then Tell Everybody

Artist’s Book Surgeries

Czech born, Netherlands based

Dan Berry – an illustrator, designer,

makers at the Centre for Fine

typographer and editor Peter

cartoonist and lecturer will talk to

Print Research. They will be on

Bilak will discuss his new design

other makers about the tools and

hand to chat about any aspect

magazine ‘of unexpected

techniques of comic artists and how

of artists’ books concepts or

creativity’ Works that Work, and

emerging artists can promote and


models of social distribution.

distribute what they do. birminghamzinefestival

Writing West Midlands presents: Roads to Market – Examining The Publishing Economy. Publishing and bookselling experts examine trends in

booking is essential Box Office: 0121 245 4455

Workshops Free – just drop in

are researchers and artist’s book

Letterpressing printing with Leicester Print Workshop Introduction to Reduction Lino Printing with Birmingham Printmakers (booking essential)

book buying and publishing

Eastside Projects presents: The Paperless Stack

questions regarding the future

Roller Printing

of the industry’s economy. Panel

Join artist and printmaker

includes Sophie O’Neill, Managing

Stephen Fowler in his

Director of Inpress Books; Alan

collaborative experimental

Mahar freelance writer, editor

printing workshop, learn how

and former Publishing Director of

to adapt paint rollers to be

Hic Jacet or The Corpse in the Crescent. Radio play reading Book Rotunda

Tindal Street Press; Alessandro

utilised as a repeat patterned

Whilst there is a good body of

Gallenzi Founder and Managing

printing medium and contribute

poetry and prose, both fact and

Director of Alma Books, Jane

to a series of large relief printed

fiction that has been written

Commane is Co-Editor of Nine

patterned grid prints.

about the craft of printing, there

This discussion will focus on the context of the new library and open a debate about how new technologies used to translate and publish books in digital formats are affecting existing libraries and shaping the libraries of the future. The panel will be made up of representatives

over the years and address

Arches Press.

from within the library sector, including Lucie Burgess, Head of Content Strategy, Research and Operations at the British Library, the publishing industry and in the field of design.


Panels are FREE but advance

Sarah Bodman and Tom Snowden


Zine in a Day

is however, only one radio play. A macabre story about the death

Make an entire zine in just one

and post-mortem antics of the

day with Footprint Workers Coop.

Birmingham printer and type

The radical print collective invite

designer, John Baskerville, the

you to submit your artwork for a

play will be performed by the

limited edition zine exclusive to

Birmingham School of Acting and

this event.

is presented in association with The Baskerville Society.




outcomes which are all part of the largest

3.00pm – FREE

photography commission undertaken in the city

Reference Works Exhibition tour

In 2011 four leading artists were commissioned

and region. These include the four commissions and

with Andrew Lacon

to make personal creative responses to the

the resulting gallery exhibition at the new Library

The Gallery

construction of the new Library of Birmingham and

of Birmingham; an outdoor exhibition in Centenary

to the old Central Reference Library as it passed

Square of archive photographs documenting the

Saturday 12 October

out of use. The resulting work can be seen in the

history of three previous libraries in Birmingham;

11am – FREE

inaugural exhibition in The Gallery.

a mentoring programme resulting in a parallel

Reference Works Exhibition tour

exhibition by graduates from Birmingham City

with Stuart Whipps

orientation Michael Collins, Brian Griffin, Andrew

University culminating in an exhibition at Space 35,

The Gallery

Lacon and Stuart Whipps each made individual

Park Side Building, and a major publication.

series of photographs which do more than merely

For more information please visit

With an open brief and an explicitly artistic

document the old and new libraries.

Reference Works

Michael Collins



Brian Griffin

This exhibition is one of a number of related

Saturday 28 September

Wednesday 16 October 6.00 – 8.00pm Reference Works Curators Talk

The Library of Birmingham holds one of the UK’s

with Pete James

national collections of photography. The collection

For tickets contact

comprises some 3.5 million items ranging from the

dawn of the photographic era to new works made by contemporary photographers. The Library of

Wednesday 6 November

Birmingham, supported by Arts Council England

6.00 – 8.00pm

and working in collaboration with local, national

Reference Works Artist Talk

and international partners also hosts and manages

with Brian Griffin

GRAIN, the new photography hub and network.

For tickets contact

For more information please visit

Andrew Lacon

Stuart Whipps




28 October – 2 november Young Readers is Birmingham Libraries’ much loved festival for children, young people and

There will be activities for children of all ages. The festival opens with Mortal

their families. Jam-packed with

Engines and Goblins author Philip

authors, poets, storytellers and

Reeve on Monday 28 October

performers, there is something

and will feature familiar friends

for all ages from tots to teens.

and faces such as Bhangra Tots,

This year the Library of

Look out for this year’s Young Readers Birmingham 2013 during the autumn half term break.

Birmingham Repertory Theatre presents

Barrington Powell, Sealegs

Birmingham’s book festival for

Puppet Theatre, author Lynne

children, young people and their

Chapman and much more.

families runs from 28 October to

For under 5’s we will be

2 November and will showcase

hosting Babar’s 80th Birthday

some of Birmingham Libraries’

party and Yumm-a-Yukk-a-Boo

much loved events such as

sessions run by the Birmingham

Gigglefest, Family Fun and the

Repertory Theatre.

Book Bash.

For older children there will be a Tom’s Midnight Garden workshop and in the Studio Theatre the Wimpy Kid Show with


Alastair Watson. There will also be a programme of exciting half term events at some local Community Libraries.

For more information go to youngreaders

Birmingham Repertory Theatre company presents a Neighbourhood REP production


Tantalising Tasty Tales. Written and Directed by Vayu Naidu Touring Birmingham Community Libraries and Library of Birmingham’s Children’s Library 14 Oct – 02 Nov Ever travelled with your tongue? Embark on a taste odyssey though other countries’ foods. Different tempting tastes tell one universal story of parents introducing food to their children. From their first experience of solid food to tackling different tastes and textures. With the help of music and dance, we’ll bring this story to life! Storyteller Vayu Naidu, in collaboration

REP’s Children – Open House

Theatre made especially for babies Presented at The DOOR at The REP 22 – 30 October Ideal for ages 0-2 Welcome to our house! Our doors are open for you and your baby! Open House invites the very young to discover our house; the kitchen, the living room and the bathroom. Experience interactive performance, music, puppets and other surprises. Our Open House is very informal. You can wander around the house as quickly or as slowly as you like, and if you need to take time out for doing those things that babies need to do, you can.

with local people from Ward End, has created this exciting interactive show that is perfect for children and their parents or guardians. So bring along your little ones and watch as they are shown the delights of different diets. Perfect for all tastes and ages.





The Birmingham Literature Festival

3 – 12 October 2013. Library of Birmingham, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham Cathedral, Birmingham Museum & Art GallerY


Birmingham Literature Festival

Look out for writers in situ, international

is the new name for the

literature, film screenings and much more,

Birmingham Book Festival.

including a programme of creative writing

Curated by Writing West


Midlands, the region’s literature


development agency, the Festival

for more details or to book.

has a long history of working

with writers, broadcasters, academics, philosophers and social commentators. Celebrating our partnership with the Library of Birmingham and the opening of the new building, the Festival has enjoyed a rebrand and is presenting an even fuller programme in 2013. Headline events include UK Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, writers Lionel Shriver, Will Self, Catherine O’Flynn, Jonathan Coe, George Monbiot , Stuart Maconie and Germaine Greer. Shami Chakrabarti, Director of Liberty, delivers a specially commissioned lecture and Benjamin Zephaniah will give an ‘urban sermon’ on the subject of multiculturalism. In addition, BBC Radio’s With Great Pleasure and Poetry Please will be recorded at the Festival and we will enjoy a rehearsed reading of Alan Bennett’s play Denmark Hill.

The Festival is a project of Writing West Midlands. Writing West Midlands is a registered charity.




Box Office: 0121 245 4455 Booking is advised for all FREE events.

Malorie Blackman Wednesday 4 September 7pm – £5 Studio Theatre

Adam Nevill & Frank Tallis Thursday 24 October 7pm – FREE Meeting Room 101

Children’s Laureate Malorie Blackman will speak in

Horror novelists Adam Nevill and Frank Tallis share

the inaugural event in the Library of Birmingham’s

their knowledge about horror stories and talk about

Afternoon tea with Barbara Pym Saturday 9 November 2.30pm – 4.30pm £5 includes tea and scone. Meeting Room 101

new Studio Theatre. The award-winning author of

their latest novels: House of Small Shadows and The

The Barbara Pym Society celebrates the life and

more than fifty books, Malorie will talk about her

Sleep Room respectively.

work of novelist Barbara Pym in her centenary

work and about the joys of reading, in an event which will entertain young and old alike.

Lindsey Davis Sunday 29 September 2pm – 4pm – FREE Studio Theatre Best selling historical writer Lindsey Davis launches

Adam L. G. Nevill was born in Birmingham,

year with a dramatised reading of An Unsuitable

England, in 1969 and grew up in England and

Attachment. This was written in 1963 and published

New Zealand. He is the author of Banquet for the

posthumously in 1982.

Damned, Apartment 16 and The Ritual. Adam was

An Unsuitable Attachment was originally

the winner of The August Derleth Award as part

rejected by Cape, who had published Pym’s first six

of British Fantasy Award for Horror in 2012 for his

novels. Yvonne Cocking, archivist of the Barbara

novel The Ritual.

Pym Society, who was also a friend of Barbara’s will

Frank. R. Tallis is a huge reader of ghost stories

be leading this dramatisation.

a new series of crime novels with The Ides of April.

and incredibly knowledgeable about the genre. He

Lindsey’s books have been translated into many

is also a clinical psychologist and has held lecturing

languages, recorded for audio and serialised on BBC

posts at the Institute of Psychiatry and King’s

Radio 4. She has won the CWA Historical Dagger,

College, London. The Forbidden, his ninth novel, is a

the Dagger in the Library, and a Sherlock for Falco

horror story set in nineteenth-century Paris and this,

Dorothy Koomson Monday 11 November 7pm – FREE Studio Theatre

as Best Detective. A Radio 4 Woman’s Hour poll saw

The Sleep Room, is his tenth

Welcoming best selling writer Dorothy Koomson

Lindsey’s character; Marcus Didius Falco voted as the

Author and Literature Talks

second sexiest fictional character after Rhett Butler.



Killer Girls’ Night In Wednesday 30 October 7pm – FREE Studio Theatre

back to Birmingham to talk about her new – and ninth – novel The Flavours of Love. Dorothy Koomson’s previous novels include: The Rose Petal Beach, The Cupid Effect, The Chocolate Run, My Best Friend’s Girl, Marshmallows for Breakfast,

Writers Elly Griffiths, Samantha Hayes, Cath

Goodnight, Beautiful, The Ice Cream Girls and The

Staincliffe and Roberta Kray will be sharing their

Woman He Loved Before, all of them Sunday Times

tips on what makes a great crime book. These

bestsellers. She lives in Brighton.

writers share a wealth of experience and knowledge in researching and writing. As a result of this they have produced crime and thriller books that are not only cracking reads but are also the inspiration for TV drama with Blue Murder and the Ruth Galloway series that are currently being made by the BBC. Join us for a crime writer’s panel with a twist.



Free Talks programme Library of Birmingham present a short talks programme for the Discovery Season, including a series of FREE Tuesday lunchtime events. The talks will be presented by experts from the Library of Birmingham and partner organisations.


History of Gardening and Botany – Rachel MacGregor, Collection Curator Tuesday 24 September 12.30 – 1.30 – FREE Meeting Room 104

In the lead up to the Box of

The REP Archive 100 years ago: 1913 – Richard Dr Sian Roberts, Albutt Collection Curator Tuesday 12 November Tuesday 10 December 12.30 – 1.30 – FREE 12.30 – 1.30 – FREE Room 104 Room 104

Light weekend – celebrating

As The REP Theatre celebrates

A talk by Richard Albutt looking

Birmingham’s history of

100 years of performances this is

back at some of the major news

Building on the idea of plants

manufacturing magic lanterns – a

an opportunity to explore the REP

and social events of 1913.

and migration as addressed

rare chance to see some of the

archive, stored in the Library of

in the Discovery Trail artwork

Library’s extraordinary collection

Birmingham as one of its special

Adaptation by Rebecca & Katy

of glass lantern slides.


of the Library of Birmingham’s

As part of the Harvesting Stories

collection – including the Wingate

impressive collection of rare

programme Jen Bakewell and

Bett Travel and Transport Tickets

and valuable books dating back

Dr Sian Roberts look at how

– to explore the changes in

hundreds of years including

Birmingham’s cuisine has

social dynamics as a result of the

some beautiful examples of

changed over the years and draw

emerging transport system.

bookbinding to be found within

from Library of Birmingham’s

the collection.


Beinart, this talk will highlight the range of materials and items from the library’s collections on the history of gardening and botany from around the world.

The Library of Treasures – Rachel MacGregor, Collection Curator Tuesday 10 September 12.30 – 1.30 – FREE Meeting Room 104

Broadcast Media: Paul Long – Reader in Media and Cultural History, Birmingham City University Thursday 12 Sep 6.30 – 7.30 – £3 Meeting Room 104

This introductory talk and

Following Stan’s Cafe’s

Robots and technology: Nick Hoares – University of Birmingham Thursday 26 September 12.30 – 1.30 – FREE Meeting Room 104

display of materials will highlight

internet radio broadcast as The

To coincide with

the range of the Library of

Commentators during the opening

Morton:Underwood’s Creative

Birmingham’s special collections

week, Paul Long looks at the

Residency looking at home-

and rarest treasures. The talk will

history and future of Broadcasting.

made technology, Nick Hoares

feature some of the collections that have been the source of inspiration for the Discovery Trail artworks.

Games and Play: The Parker Collection Thursday 19 Sep 6.30 – 7.30 – £3 Meeting Room 104

from University of Birmingham presents a look at current Robotics.

Artists and Gardeners: in Conversation Thursday 7 November 6 – 8pm – £3 Meeting Room 104 Lee Hale, about the process of

Growing Medicine – Dr John S. Fossey Lecturer in Synthetic Chemistry,University of Birmingham. Tuesday 26 November 12.30 – 1.30 – FREE LEARNING SPACE, FOURTH FLOOR

selecting plants for the artwork

Dr Fossey looks at how plants

Chapman – which draws on the

Adaptation. The ‘In Conversation’

are being grown for chemical

stories and picture books from

The talk will focus on the

will be followed by a Gardener’s

extraction for medicine.

The Parker Collection – this is an

design and construction of the

Question-time style panel

opportunity to see some of the

award winning floral display

where audience members can

impressive collection first hand,

Enlightenment, which celebrates

put their queries to a panel of

which dates from 1538 to the

the opening of Birmingham’s new

Winterbourne’s expert gardeners.

present day.

Library in September 2013.

Library commission by Laura Kate

The Social Aspect of Transport – Jim Ranahan Early and Fine Print Harvesting Stories: Thursday 12 December Tuesday 5 November Birmingham Food 6.30 – 7.30 pm – £3 12.30 – 1.30 – FREE Stories Room 104 Meeting Room 104 Thursday 14 November Celebrating the Library of Lost A talk presenting some of 6.30 – 7.30 pm – £3 Books exhibition in The Pavilion, the Library of Birmingham’s this is an opportunity to see some Meeting Room 104 internationally renowned railway

Enlightenment – Mike Hinton BCC Parks Tuesday 1 October 12.30 – 1.30 – FREE Meeting Room 104

Following the new Children’s


Glass Lantern Slides Tuesday 22 Oct 12.30 – 1.30 – FREE Room 104

Discovery Trail artists Katie & Rebecca Beinart talk with

Tuesday lunchtime events are FREE but booking is recommended. Box Office: 0121 245 4455




Library of Birmingham: Community Heritage Open Days From 7 November

Global Entrepreneurship Week 18 – 23 November

The Community Heritage Day is an exciting

seminars, workshops and offering advice, to help

programme designed to bring together Local

you start your own business. If you are thinking


Libraries, local communities, the Library of

about starting a business, becoming self-employed,

Come along to a special handling session of

Birmingham (LoB), the Heritage Lottery Fund, and

or need advice on Intellectual Property, we can give

Birmingham Suffragette archive material.

other interest organisations, to share and discuss

you all the information, advice and guidance you

existing work, including projects, and to discuss

need. Visit the Business & Learning team on Floor 1

opportunities for working together in the future.

during Global Entrepreneurship Week.

There are 5 events as part of the programme;

The Business & Learning team will be running

xHumed: Dead Good Thinking. How The Industrial Age Forged Our Digital Future 5 November Performances: 2pm and 7pm Tickets: £9 – £35

Shard End (date to be announced)

Fight for the RighT: the Birmingham Suffragettes Film Screening 1 November 6 – 8pm

Library of Birmingham (16th November)

Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund in which

keynote speakers are long since dead. Part theatre,

female pupils from two local Birmingham schools,

part conference, part technology expo, xHumed quite

Kings Norton Girls’ School and Waverley School,

literally brings archive content back to life.

Springhill (7th November) Weoley Castle (21st November) Handsworth (date to be announced)

For further information please contact Izzy Mohammed on, or on 0121 303 6691

AnD also...



explored different methods of protest and activism

xHumed features the greatest minds focused on the world’s biggest problems, with one crucial twist … our

Elements of this event have an unsettling tone

used during the Birmingham suffrage campaign.

and may not be suitable for children.

The research was then used to create a short film

A limited number of collector’s edition tickets are available from Full details and ticket bookings at or call 0121 288 5730.

about the local women who played active roles during the campaign, focusing on specific incidents that took place in the city between 1909 and 1914, including an attack on the prime minister, a protest march, vandalised paintings and hunger strikes. Twitter: @Suffragettes12 Box Office: 0121 245 4455

Hidden stories from the lives of Birmingham women – 1900s to the present day Saturday 28 September – Sunday 15 December Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery Community Gallery



The Library of Birmingham, is a major new cultural destination, rewriting the book for 21st century public libraries. It opened in September 2013.

Join the Library today! You can enjoy the Library of Birmingham and the Discovery Season without being a Library Member, but there are lots of good reasons to join: • Borrow books, films and music – from bestsellers to cookery books, Hollywood to Bollywood, CD

The Library of Birmingham provides a showcase

recordings to printed scores. Plus, the Library of

for the city’s internationally important collections

Birmingham’s collection for children and young

of archives, photography and rare books. New

people is one of the largest in the UK

facilities including state-of-the-art gallery space and new website open up public access to the collections. It is also be home to a BFI Mediatheque, providing free access to the National Film Archive. Other facilities include a new flexible studio

• Borrow resources for learning and business – books, CD-roms and DVDs • Download fiction and non-fiction audio and e-books from the website • Get free access to more than thirty subscription-

theatre, an outdoor amphitheatre and other

only websites which might help you to learn a

informal performance spaces, a recording studio,

language, build your business or research your

and dedicated spaces for children and teenagers.

family history

By harnessing new technology, everyone from

• Use a computer for free

Birmingham to Beijing, Bangalore and beyond can

• Free wifi throughout the Library

access the Library of Birmingham’s world-class

• Get 25% discount on Library of Birmingham

resources. More than three million visitors are

specialist guided tours (booking essential)

expected each year, and millions more online.

• Joining includes membership of Community

Libraries across Birmingham too And finally – it’s free and saves you money! You can join at, at the Library of Birmingham or any Community Library.

Introducing the Library of Birmingham 76


Dozens & Trails Download the Library’s new mobile app Dozens & Trails. Explore and learn more about the Library’s

selections of personal favourites from the library’s

collections and get a taste of the new building and

staff, friends and partners.

what it has to offer. Available on iOS and Android for smartphones and tablets. With Dozens, browse through visual highlights of the Library of Birmingham’s extensive collections, events and activities. With Trails, choose one of our illustrated tours for a fresh perspective on Birmingham. From the extraordinary to the bizarre, Dozens and Trails are hand-picked

During the festival explore the ‘Discovery Trail’ Dozen and ‘Birder’s Paradise’ Dozen. High quality prints of complete dozens and individual images are also available, select ‘Buy prints’ within the app.

Find out more at 77




Celebrating a dramatic century REP100 showcases the theatre’s amazing archive collection. Join The REP as they re-open their newly refurbished theatre alongside the Library of Birmingham and explore the theatre’s colourful past.

A celebration of Birmingham Repertory Theatre’s centenary REP100 Exhibition Opening 3 September 2013

REP100 Open Day Sunday 13 October 11am – 4pm

An interactive exhibition telling the story of the last

The REP will open its doors so you can learn more

century through The REP’s archive. Free admission.

about the theatre through a variety of activities for

REP100 Behind The Scenes Tours Every Saturday morning at 11am from 7 September

all the family. Design a costume, make your own mask, put on your own puppet theatre play, enjoy a backstage tour, step on one of our stages, see wig and make-up demonstrations and get creative.

A guided tour of discovery exploring The REP’s

Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

fascinating history and what really goes on backstage.

Free admission.

Tickets must be booked in advance, £5 full price, £3 concessions.

REP100 Unscripted Page to Stage Saturday 12 October 11am – 12.30pm A talk on 100 years of theatre design told through the REP archive.

4.30pm – 6pm

REP100 Centenary Stroll A new city centre audio walk bringing 100 years of theatre in Birmingham back to life. This free guide takes listeners on a stroll through some of the city’s landmarks and features archive recordings from the past. The REP100 Centenary Stroll can be downloaded from or alternatively MP3 players can be borrowed for

Seminar on the process of creating theatre with guest

a refundable £10 deposit from The REP’s box

writers, directors and designers.

office, The BOX. The BOX is situated at The REP’s

Tickets for each talk are £3 and must be booked

Stage Door Entrance at the rear of the building

in advance.

on Cambridge Street (until 2 September) before

Why not plan a full day out with The REP and book

moving to the new Library of Birmingham foyer.

both REP100 Unscripted events with lunch at our restaurant and the matinee performance of Twelve Angry Men. Box Office: 0121 236 4455

Look out for news of additional REP100 Unscripted talks and discussions at



80 Supercritical Mass Together We Breathe Juneau Projects Vegetable Families Workshops Malorie Blackman Children’s Laureate Author talk. Omar. Leftfoot REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Laura Kate Chapman Children’s drawing workshops Harvesting Stories: Public picnic The Library of Treasures public talk Broadcast Media, Paul Long BCU Birders Paradise workshop REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Games & Play. The Parker Collection public talk REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Sunday Film Club: Children’s Horror Classics Gardening and Botany in the Collections public talk Robots and Technology, Nick Hoares UoB REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Juneau Projects Vegetable Families Workshops Reference Works Exhibition tour with Andrew Lacon Lindsey Davis Author Talk Enlightenment public talk Rise of Birmingham. Discover New Music REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Laura Kate Chapman Children’s drawing workshops Laura Kate Chapman Children’s drawing workshops REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour REP100 Unscripted: 100 years of Theatre Reference Works Exhibition tour with Stuart Whipps REP100 Unscripted: Creating Theatre REP100 Open Day Pete James Reference Works Curators Talk REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Birders Paradise workshop Harvesting Stories: Public picnic Sunday Film Club: Birmingham and Beyond Glass lantern slides in the Collections public talk Adam Nevill & Frank Tallis author talk

Bring to Light Bring to Light: Shangaan Electro – Workshop Box of Light: Variety Show REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Bring to Light Box of Light: Mirror Mirror Lantern Workshops Box of Light: Optical Toy Workshops Box of Light: Short film programme Box of Light: The Ice Book Box of Light: Projecto Bring to Light: Shangaan Electro.- Performance Bring to Light Box of Light: Mirror Mirror Lantern Workshops Killer Girls’ Night In Suffragette Archive Fight for the Right REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Rhys Chatham & Charlemagne Palestine Early & Fine Print Collection: Show and Tell xHumed: Dead Good Thinking Brian Griffin Reference Works Artist Talk Artists and Gardeners in conversation REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Laura Kate Chapman Children’s drawing workshops Afternoon Tea with Barbara Pym Sunday Film Club: Silent Comedy Shorts Down the Rabbit Hole Dorothy Koomson Author talk The REP Archive public talk Harvesting Stories: Birmingham Food stories REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Adrian Utley + support Growing Medicine, Dr John Fossey, UoB REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Jennifer Collier workshop Birmingham 2022 – Provocation Birmingham 2022 – Provocation Birmingham 2022 – Provocation VOLUME: Adventures in Book & Print VOLUME – The Fair REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour VOLUME – The Fair Baskerville Society – Radio Play performance 100 years ago: 1913 public talk The Social Aspect of Transport public talk REP100 Behind the Scenes Tour Harvesting Stories: Public picnic Sunday Film Club: Family Friendly Christmas Shorts

Tuesday 3 September 12.30pm Tuesday 3 September 2pm Wednesday 4 September 7pm Friday 6 September 8pm Saturday 7 September 11am Saturday 7 September 2pm Sunday 8 September 2-4pm Tuesday 10 September 12.30-1.30pm Thursday 12 September 6.30-7.30pm Saturday 14 September 11am Saturday 14 September 11am Thursday 19 September 6.30-7.30pm Saturday 21 September 11am Sunday 22 September Tuesday 24 September 12.30-1.30pm Thursday 26 September 12.30-1.30pm Saturday 28 September 11am Saturday 28 September 2pm Saturday 28 September 3pm Sunday 29 September 2pm – 4pm Tuesday 1 October 12.30-1.30pm Wednesday 2 October 8pm Saturday 5 October 11am Saturday 5 October 2pm Sunday 6 October 11am Saturday 12 October 11am Saturday 12 October 11am-12.30pm Saturday 12 October 11am Saturday 12 October 4.30-6pm Sunday 13 October 11am-4pm Wednesday16 October 6-8pm Saturday 19 October 11am Saturday 19 October 11am Sunday 20 October 2-4pm Sunday 20 October Tuesday 22 October 12.30-1.30pm Thursday 24 October 7pm

Friday 25 October Friday 25 October Friday 25 October 7.30-9.30pm Saturday 26 October 11am Saturday 26 October Saturday 26 October Saturday 26 October Saturday 26 October 12-4pm Saturday 26 October From 12 noon Saturday 26 October 1.30pm Saturday 26 October Sunday 27 October Sunday 27 October Wednesday 30 October 7pm Friday 1 November 2-5pm Friday 1 November 6-8pm Saturday 2 November 11am Saturday 2 November 8pm Tuesday 5 November 12.30-1.30pm Tuesday 5 November 2pm and 7pm Wednesday 6 November 6-8pm Thursday 7 November 6-8pm Saturday 9 November 11am Saturday 9 November 2pm Saturday 9 November 2.30-4.30pm Sunday 10 November Sunday 10 November 7pm Monday 11 November 7pm Tuesday 12 November 12.30-1.30pm Thursday 14 November 6.30 – 7.30pm Saturday 16 November 11am Saturday 23 November 11am Sunday 24 November 8pm Tuesday 26 November 12.30-1.30pm Saturday 30 November 11am Saturday 30 November 2pm Monday 2 December To be confirmed Tuesday 3 December To be confirmed Wednesday 4 December To be confirmed Thursday 5 December To be confirmed Friday 6 December Saturday 7 December 11am Saturday 7 December Saturday 7 December 2pm Tuesday 10 December 12.30-1.30pm Thursday 12 December 6.30-7.30pm Saturday 14 December 11am Saturday 14 December 2-4pm Sunday 15 December

REP Studio Theatre Room 104 Studio Theatre Gallery Room 104 REP Middle Earth Room 101 Studio Theatre Library of Birmingham Studio Theatre Room 104 Room 104 REP REP Studio Theatre Learning Space REP To be confirmed Studio Theatre Studio Theatre Studio Theatre Studio Theatre Studio Theatre REP Studio Theatre Book Rotunda Room 104 Room 104 REP Library of Birmingham Studio Theatre

Library of Birmingham DanceXchange Studio Theatre REP Library of Birmingham To be confirmed To be confirmed To be confirmed To be confirmed To be confirmed Library of Birmingham Library of Birmingham To be confirmed Studio Theatre Learning Space

Throughout Library Third floor Terrace Studio Theatre Discover New Music REP Middle Earth Third Floor Terrace Room 104 Room 104 Room 105 REP Room 104 REP Studio Theatre Room 104 Learning Space REP Third floor Terrace Gallery Studio Theatre Room 104 Studio Theatre REP Middle Earth Middle Earth REP REP Gallery REP REP Gallery REP Room 105 Free Studio Theatre Room 104 Room 104


£3 £5/£3 Free £5 £5 £35 Free Free £3 £5/£3 £5/£3 £15 Free £5/£3 To be confirmed To be confirmed To be confirmed To be confirmed £10/8 Free £5/£3 Free Free Free £3 £5/£3 Free £5

£5/£3 £12 Free £9 - £35

£8 £5/£3 £40 (weekend tickets) Free Free Free £5 Free Free £40 (weekend tickets) Free Free Free

£40 (weekend tickets)

£5/£3 Free Families £5 Free Free

Free Free £5 Studio Theatre £5/£3 Free Free Free £3 Free £5/£3 £3 £5/£3 £5 Free Free £5/£3 Free Free Free Free £5 £5/£3 Free Free £5/£3 £3 Free £3 Free

Families Families




Families Families Families Families



Families Families




Families Families

Families Families £15




THANKS Discovery Season Team

Hosted by

Curator Lisa Meyer Project manager Caitlin Griffiths Finance and Fundraising Anne Parry Install technician Joseph Weldon Design Keith Dodds

Curated & Produced by

Volume producer Sarah Lafford Super Critical Mass producer Laura Coult Harvesting Stories producer Kaye Winwood/Jen Bakewell Reference Works – Pete James/Nicola Shipley Box Of Light producer Ian Francis Sunday Film Club producer Sam Groves Birmingham 2022 producer


Amy Martin/Kerry O’Coy Birmingham 2022 team Louise Byng, Reiss Hesson, Sophie Lloyd, Anna Himali Howard, Daniel Blyden, Cinzia Ward, Abbey Duckett, Daniel Owens, Vanessa Ryan-Smith, Maddy Abrams, Siobhan Palmer, Alice Underhill, Nasir Ali and Craig Humpage Production Urban Audio Documentation HTF Media + Katja Ogrin With thanks to the Library of Birmingham and The Rep staff, partner organisations, volunteers and to all the artists performing and exhibiting within the Discovery Season.

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