Annual Report 2011-2012

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The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012 Part 1: The Senior School Library 1 Management .................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Excellence agenda ....................................................................................... 3 1.2 Independent Learning ................................................................................... 3 1.3 School Policies ............................................................................................. 4 1.4 Monitoring and evaluation ............................................................................. 4 1.5 Library departmental handbook .................................................................... 4 1.6 Financial management ................................................................................. 5 1.7 Meetings and professional development ...................................................... 6 1.7.1 Meetings ......................................................................................... 6 1.7.2 INSET and Professional development ............................................ 6 1.7.3 Visits ............................................................................................... 7 2 Curriculum ....................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Sharing good practice with ICT ..................................................................... 7 2.2 Extended Project .......................................................................................... 8 2.3 Inductions for students and staff ................................................................... 8 2.4 Cross-curricular use of the library ................................................................. 8 2.5 Reading development ................................................................................... 9 3 Pastoral .......................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Behaviour management .............................................................................. 10 3.2 Improving students’ self-esteem and confidence ........................................ 10 3.3 Gifted and Talented students ...................................................................... 10 3.4 Students with learning difficulties ................................................................ 10 4 Meeting the needs of the school community ............................................. 11 4.1 Extra-curricular activities ............................................................................. 11 4.2 Provision of resources ................................................................................ 11 4.2.1 Book stock .................................................................................... 11 4.2.2 Multi-media resources .................................................................. 11 4.3 Provision of services and facilities .............................................................. 12 4.3.1 Information services ..................................................................... 12 4.3.2 ICT facilities .................................................................................. 12 4.3.3 Furniture and equipment .............................................................. 12 4.4 Helpers ....................................................................................................... 12 4.5 Archive ........................................................................................................ 12 5 Community .................................................................................................... 12 Part 2: Junior School Library 6 Management .................................................................................................. 13 6.1 School Policies ........................................................................................... 13 6.2 Monitoring and evaluation ........................................................................... 13 6.3 Library departmental handbook .................................................................. 13 6.4 Management systems ................................................................................. 13 6.5 Junior Library Refurbishment ...................................................................... 14 6.6 Financial management ............................................................................... 14 6.7 Meetings and professional development .................................................... 15


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7 8 8.1 9 9.1 9.2


9.4 10 11 12 13

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Curriculum ..................................................................................................... 15 Pastoral .......................................................................................................... 15 Students with learning difficulties ................................................................ 15 Meeting the needs of the school community ............................................. 16 Extra-curricular activities ............................................................................. 16 Provision of resources ................................................................................ 16 9.2.1 Book stock .................................................................................... 16 9.2.2 Multi-media resources .................................................................. 16 Provision of services and facilities .............................................................. 16 9.3.1 Information services ..................................................................... 16 9.3.2 ICT facilities .................................................................................. 16 9.3.3 Furniture and equipment .............................................................. 16 Helpers ....................................................................................................... 16 Community .................................................................................................... 17 Recommendations for the Senior Leadership Team ................................. 17 Appendix 1: Senior Library Charts .............................................................. 18 Appendix 2: Junior Library Charts .............................................................. 20


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012 Introduction This report covers the use and development of the Library Services at The Dixie Grammar School during the Academic Year 2011-2012. Part 1 discusses the Michael Parker Library at the Senior School and Part 2 the Junior School Library. Charts and tables can be found in the Appendices on page 18 onwards.

Part 1: The Senior School Library 1 Management Development Plan targets: 1. To move the school to excellence in teaching and learning and in quality of relationships with all in the community → 1.1 2. Aim to lead to more creative lessons with teaching which fosters increased independent learning. Librarian to offer support to teachers in terms of information literacy skills teaching which promotes independent learning → 1.2 3. Continue reviews of School Policies → 1.3 4. Continue to develop systems to monitor and evaluate library’s and librarian’s effectiveness → 1.4 5. Continue to work on Departmental Handbook for libraries → 1.5 1.1 Excellence agenda Development Plan actions:  Librarian to align the goals of the Library Services clearly with the school vision and direction of the school.  Librarian to join Excellence Committee and attend meetings. The Librarian kept up to date with school policies and contributed to the Excellence Committee meetings during the year. 1.2 Independent Learning Development Plan actions:  HoDs to ensure that Librarian has up-to-date information about SoWs.  Librarian & departments to identify suitable areas where information literacy skills teaching can be embedded into curriculum.  Librarian to begin development of Information Literacy policy to ensure progression of skills teaching across all years. It is still proving difficult to get HoDs to include the Librarian in planning SOWs which would lend themselves to information literacy skills teaching, although this is beginning to develop – see Curriculum Section on page 8. Development of an Information Literacy Policy has been held over due to the pressure of work with two libraries.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

1.3 School Policies Development Plan actions:  Librarian to review Library Policy to take into account Junior School Library (writing separate policy if necessary). See Part 2: Junior School Library on page 13. 1.4 Monitoring and evaluation Development Plan actions:  Write Annual Report for 2010-2011 and present to SLT as appropriate.  Librarian to receive Performance Management.  Develop collection of statistical data.  Develop ways of assessing quality of use – surveys, questionnaires, feedback forms, responses on website.  Begin to develop similar systems for Junior School Library. See Part 2: Junior School Library. The Annual Report for 2010-2011 was written, and was discussed with the Headmaster. It is available to anyone who would like to see it. Mrs Robinson’s Performance Management was started but not totally completed towards the end of the academic year. The Library Management System, Eclipse2, enables a range of data to be collected showing issue figures and the development of the collection. Tables and charts may be found in Appendix 1 on page 18. The data collected by these methods are mainly quantitative; assessment of the type/quality of use and the impact on teaching and learning is more difficult. The Librarian continues to use and develop feedback forms, questionnaires and surveys which can be used to assess impact. We then take the results and improve the quality of lessons for future students. An example of this in action is that the Librarian surveyed students to ascertain their reaction to the Reading Challenge and it has been rewritten for 2012-13 using some of this feedback. Accountability for the investment the school has made in library services is a vital consideration for a librarian. 1.5 Library departmental handbook Development Plan actions:  Update Library Procedures Manual regularly.  Collate materials for Library Handbook.  Begin to develop similar Manual and Handbook for Junior School Library. See Part 2: Junior School Library.  Continue to update as necessary. The Library Handbook was created during the Autumn Term of 2009. It has not been updated since the last inspection but will be revisited during 2012-13. A separate Staff Procedures Manual is also available which focuses on the day-today procedures for running the library. This is kept up-to-date. Other aspects of the management of the Library not covered by the Library Development Plan follow: 4

The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

1.6 Financial management A proper system of financial management and accountability for the Library Service has now been running for several years. Copies of all invoices are kept on file in the Senior School library and all orders and running totals are entered into Excel to enable careful management of the library budget. The Junior Library finances are discussed in Part 2. During 2011-2012 the budget allocation for the Senior School Library was £7,400, including a carry forward of £1,150 from the previous financial year. It was divided up in the following way: £400 £700 £600

Admin ICT Hardware ICT Maintenance

£100 £4,600 £1000

Professional Support Stock Author Visits

The Library Development Budget was £12,840 in 2011-2012. A small amount was spent on a display board and the subscription cost for Leicestershire Services for Education for the whole school was £3,896.10. The sum of £4,500 was transferred to create a budget for the Junior School Library for 2012-2013. The remaining sum of £4,328.70 was carried forward to 2012-2013. Chart 1: Share of Budget Allocation by Cost Heading – 2011-2012 Library Accounts 2011-2012 Share of Budget Allocation by Cost Heading


ADMIN, £400.00, 5%

IT HARDWARE, £700.00, 10%

IT MAINTENANCE, £600.00, 8% PROF SUPPORT, £100.00, 1%

STOCK, £4,600.00, 62%

Chart 1 above shows the percentage of the library budget allocated under each cost heading by the Librarian at the beginning of the Financial Year. This excludes the Library Development Budget.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Chart 2: Share of Budget Allocation by Amount Spent – 2011-2012 Library Accounts 2011-2012 Share of Budget Allocation by Amount Spent VISITS, £690.00, 9%

ADMIN, £386.07, 5%

IT HARDWARE, £700.00, 10%

IT MAINTENANCE, £701.61, 10%

PROF SUPPORT, £98.00, 1%

STOCK, £4,745.85, 65%

Chart 2 above shows the actual amount spent by the end of the Financial Year under each cost heading. This excludes the Library Development Budget. Between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012, 581 new books were added to the Senior School stock – under the “Stock” heading. The “Admin” cost heading covers specialist library stationery and equipment, including materials to run the archive. The “ICT Hardware” shows the costs of replacing the Library Desk PC. “ICT Maintenance” paid for the support package for the Eclipse Library Management System and the hosting for Library Online plus other web-based services. “Prof Support” covers a small number of professional publications plus the subscription to the School Library Association. 1.7 Meetings and professional development 1.7.1 Meetings  Full Staff Meetings.  Heads of Department Meetings.  Excellence Committee Meetings.  Local area school librarians’ meetings, organised by the Schools Library Service. 1.7.2 INSET and Professional development  School INSET sessions as appropriate.  Google training day.  Wrote a chapter on “Professional Development using free web-based tools” for a School Library Association publication, “Twitterspace and Facecloud: Web 2.0 and Beyond for School Librarians”.  Contributed a chapter about the development of the Library Online website to a book published by the American Library Association, “Learning from


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Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Libraries that Use WordPress: Content-Management System Best Practices and Case Studies”. Attended a series of events about new ebook services being offered by a range of suppliers. Continued to develop a PLN (Personal Learning Network) using a range of tools, including mailing lists, wikis, blogs, social bookmarking (Diigo), Netvibes, Nings, Google+ and Twitter. This facilitates collaborative learning between librarians internationally and enables up-to-date thinking in school librarianship and technology to be fed back into work in school.

1.7.3 Visits  Peters Bookselling Services to choose new resources for both libraries.

2 Curriculum Development Plan targets: 1. Share good practice across all subjects in the use of ICT facilities and continue to develop the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.→ 2.1 2. Support development of Extended Project Level 3 for Sixth Form → 2.2 3. Introduce new students and staff to the library facilities in both schools → 2.3 4. Promote and develop cross-curricular use of the libraries → 2.4 5. Support reading development using the libraries → 2.5 2.1 Sharing good practice with ICT Development Plan actions:  Librarian to liaise with CCH and Head of ICT to share ideas on use of ICT and how library/librarian can support the school.  Librarian to integrate use of ICT into lessons in Library, where appropriate.  Librarian to continue to develop & to teach use of Library Online Services to staff and students. ICT was used in a range of ways in the Library to enhance teaching and learning:  Years 6 to 8 Reading Development during English lessons – we used a wiki to encourage students to track their reading and also to support each other with recommendations. One Year 8 class also used PowerPoint, Flickr and Animoto to create book trailer videos.  Mrs Robinson negotiated a reduced subscription to LibGuides, an online service used by school, college and university libraries around the world. During the year, she developed over twenty-five “research guides” incorporating evaluated websites, videos, downloadable resources, links to books and other materials. These were used by a range of departments both in the Library and the classroom, including English, RS, Physics, Biology, PE, and History. A very popular guide was created to support interest in the London 2012 Olympics, which was also enhanced with displays, new books and a competition. They can be found at:


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Mrs Robinson has continued to develop Library Online Services which consists of the main website, Library Online, with the use a range of other online tools including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, Flickr and many more. 2.2 Extended Project Development Plan actions:  Librarian to receive training.  Librarian to contact colleagues in other schools currently working with extended project.  Librarian to investigate and report on resource and service implications for library.  Librarian to develop teaching materials on research skills.  Librarian to work with teachers and students on these skills. This has been held over. 2.3 Inductions for students and staff Development Plan actions:  Year 6 Induction lessons.  Offer sessions for new students in other years.  Sixth Form Induction sessions.  Short induction offered to all new staff (teaching and support). Mrs Robinson had recurrent problems with her voice during the Autumn Term, but was able to teach the Year 6 Inductions later on in the academic year. Sixth Form sessions were taught by Mrs Banton and Mr Dixon using materials created by the Librarian. 2.4 Cross-curricular use of the library Development Plan actions:  Librarian to discuss with subject departments to determine needs.  Regular slots at HoDs Meetings to share good practice.  Departments to integrate use of Library into SoWs where appropriate.  Librarian to continue development of generic teaching materials.  Librarian to continue developing Library Online Services – web-based resources for teaching.  Librarian to begin development of Information Literacy policy to ensure progression of skills teaching across all years. Here are some examples of collaboratively planned sessions, using the skills of the Librarian:  Lower Sixth – two sessions “Working Independently – Part 1: Being Organised” and “Effective Research: Avoiding Plagiarism”. These were delivered by the Head of Sixth Form and the Head of English using materials written by the Librarian.  Year 8 Physics – a series of lessons on Energy Sources using books and websites to research and then present using PowerPoint. Mr Hamson taught and assessed subject content; Mrs Robinson taught and assessed research and presentation techniques. A research guide using the LibGuides platform was made by Mrs Robinson for this topic with weblinks and resources; also a 8

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Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

book collection was borrowed from LSE. Link to research guide: Sixth Form Biology – research guides were created by the Librarian and then used by teachers and students in the laboratory and at home to support ALevel research. PE GCSE – controlled assessments were started off in the Library using research guides and books and then continued in the classroom.

All teaching materials created by the Librarian are available for viewing and download from the Library Online website. The presentations have been made with PowerPoint or Prezi (an online tool) and can be adapted for use with a range of subjects and year groups. Teaching materials, such as booklets, are also uploaded to our website or the appropriate research guide. 2.5 Reading development Development Plan actions:  Reading Programme with Years 6-8 during English lessons to start in Autumn Term.  Evaluation of Reading Programme leads to continuous improvement for next year.  Importance and value of reading as a whole-school focus.  Librarian to continue developing Library Online Services – web-based resources for reading development.  Librarian to continue work with Reading Group with weekly meetings – beginning when vocal issues are resolved.  Librarian to develop other opportunities to encourage reading for pleasure throughout the year, such as author/illustrator visits, promotions, displays, competitions. During the year, Years 6 to 8 visited the Library for one English lesson each week to work on their reading development. Some key points from the programme were:  Reading Records were used with each student. They were kept in the library and were available to be used by staff at Parents’ Meetings.  To support keen and also more reluctant readers, a balance of silent reading sessions and more active lessons was planned.  In response to student questionnaires, more technology was used to engage students. Use of the wiki was extended to all Year 7 and 8 classes and proved very popular – students enjoyed sharing their book choices with each other and commenting helpfully on each other’s pages.  One Year 8 class undertook a special project on Book Trailers during the Summer Term (mentioned above on page 7).  The programme was evaluated at the end of the academic year. As Mrs Robinson continued to have vocal issues throughout the year, it was decided to focus on the curriculum. The Reading Group, therefore did not meet. A range of other events did take place, including quizzes and competitions and also a very successful author visit. Students from Year 5 up to Year 8 were able to meet and work with Alan Gibbons in the Summer Term. Mrs Robinson continued to publicise books and reading using school newsletters, the Library website and LibGuides, and also a new TV screen which was installed during the year. 9

The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

3 Pastoral Development Plan targets: 1. Librarian to support effective behaviour management in Library → 3.1 2. To improve opportunities for improving self-esteem and confidence for all pupils → 3.2 3. Develop Library support for Gifted and Talented students → 3.3 4. Develop Library support for students with learning difficulties → 3.4 3.1 Behaviour management Development Plan:  Librarian to implement positive discipline system during extra-curricular time in Library.  Librarian to support class teachers to ensure effective class management for classes booked in to the Library.  Librarian to support teaching staff with encouraging more independent learning and work. The Librarian has not had training in the positive discipline system, due to absence when the training took place, but strives to maintain an appropriate level of student behaviour both during lessons and extra-curricular time. A main part of the work of the Library and Librarian is encouraging independent learning and the examples given above under the Curriculum heading show evidence of this. 3.2 Improving students’ self-esteem and confidence Development Plan actions:  Library Helper Team development to continue with implementation of training scheme, written by students. New members of Library Helper Team were recruited and trained during the year, using a training package re-written with help from existing members. 3.3 Gifted and Talented students Development Plan actions:  Investigate ways in which Library and Librarian could offer support.  Attend committee meeting to discuss this.  Begin to plan activities, resources & services in Library. This target has been held over to 2012-2013. 3.4 Students with learning difficulties Development Plan actions:  Discuss with DH a range of strategies, resources and services that could be offered by Library and Librarian. This target has been held over to 2012-2013.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

4 Meeting the needs of the school community 4.1 Extra-curricular activities During the year, the Library was open every lunchtime and after school. A range of activities took place, such as the Christmas Quiz, Olympics Competition and also a visit from the author, Alan Gibbons. 4.2 Provision of resources 4.2.1 Book stock A stock-take was undertaken during the Summer Holidays in 2012. Quite a considerable amount of stock was missing – see the tables in Appendix 1 on page 18 and following. There are several possible reasons for stock losses. A number of students try to “borrow” stock without having this officially recorded on Eclipse2. Also some Sixth Formers remove books from the Library when it is not staffed. Some of these items are eventually found around the school or are returned later. The next stock-take will take place during the summer of 2014. The shelving holds around 4500 books at the most. The Librarian actively manages the stock by withdrawing damaged and out-of-date books and purchasing new or replacement items as necessary. The size limit, however, means that we will never be able to hold a comprehensive book stock that completely supports the curriculum. There are various ways that we can work around this. The Schools Library Service (LSE) subscription enables us to support the curriculum at the Senior School in a more flexible way. Since we started the subscription, we have borrowed book collections for a range of departments, which can be used in the classroom or the library and then returned when no longer needed. It is also possible to borrow artefact collections – this would be an excellent way to support the school’s international work. All teaching staff are encouraged to request resource collections from the Librarian, who will then select suitable stock during visits to LSE in the school holidays. Another way of resourcing the curriculum and reading development work is to use digital resources and e-books. With the LSE subscription, we are able to access a range of digital databases: Credo Reference, The Guardian and Observer Digital Archive, Science Reference Center, History Study Center and Phillip Allen Magazine Archives. Some of these have been used successfully with Sixth Form students. The Librarian hopes to be able to develop the use of these further and also plans to trial some e-book lending services during 2012-2013 to see how useful these could be to the school. 4.2.2 Multi-media resources A range of curriculum-based magazines is purchased for the library, with new titles being added at the request of subject staff. Many of these are not often used by students – work needs to be done by the Librarian and teachers to encourage Sixth Form students, in particular, to read these resources. More popular comics and magazines are purchased on an ad-hoc basis and these are read avidly by many students. Online subscription databases and e-books were discussed in the previous section.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

4.3 Provision of services and facilities 4.3.1 Information services The Librarian aims to support the school in terms of developing an information service, thinking and working beyond the physical space of the library and reaching out to staff, students and the community through Library Online Services. She plans to continue this work during 2012-2013. 4.3.2 ICT facilities The library has a range of ICT facilities, which were used during the year in and outside lessons for formal teaching, group work, private study and leisure interests. Unfortunately, some students have continued to damage the floor sockets and some of the laptop keys at regular intervals when the Librarian is not in the room. 4.3.3 Furniture and equipment Some of the furniture has suffered damage by students, although, for the most part, it remains in a good condition. 4.4 Helpers The Student Helper Team should be commended for their support for the Library, especially if the Librarian is absent. Helpers have had basic training in the Eclipse Library Management System, shelving and display work. The students have gained skills in teamwork and time management. 4.5 Archive The Librarian has started to organise the School Archive materials kept in the store room in Room 8. Archive boxes and other materials have been purchased and further cataloguing and arranging will take place when time allows.

5 Community The Librarian attended Open Morning and promoted the Library Service and the school to visitors. Prospective parents and other visitors coming throughout the year are regularly impressed by the school’s vision for the Library. Mrs Robinson is often contacted by librarians wanting to know about our services or asking for information about wider aspects of school librarianship. The Library has also hosted several events for the wider school community during the year.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Part 2: Junior School Library Introduction The Librarian became involved with the Junior School Library at the beginning of the Summer Holidays in 2011. The PTA and the school had purchased Junior Librarian – the “younger brother” of the Eclipse2 Library Management System currently being used at the Senior School Library. Mrs Robinson worked through the Summer Holidays and the Autumn Term of 2011 sorting out the book stock, discarding some and cataloguing the rest onto Junior Librarian. These books were also cleaned and re-labelled. It was then decided by the Senior Management that Mrs Robinson should continue to visit the Junior School on two mornings each week throughout the year, working with Mrs Enston, the Library Manager.

6 Management 6.1 School Policies A Library Policy for the Junior Library was not written during the year but has been held over to 2012-13. It should be written in consultation with teaching staff at the Junior School and agreed with the management of the whole school. 6.2 Monitoring and evaluation Mrs Robinson was able to use the full functions of Junior Librarian to report back to teaching staff on book borrowing by individuals, by gender and by class. This information can also be used to track borrowing as students move up to the Senior School in Year 6. Junior Librarian also allows us to monitor and manage the stock effectively, including the books borrowed from LSE. During the year, each class visited the Library once each week to borrow and read the books. As other kinds of use develop, for example visiting to work on research skills, these will be recorded for reporting back to Senior Management. The Librarian also gave regular updates to Senior Management as the Library developed. These were also posted on Library Online throughout the year. 6.3 Library departmental handbook The Librarian started to gather information and documents to put together a Library Handbook. A Procedures Manual, similar to the one developed at the Senior Library, was also created and this will be constantly updated to reflect best practice in school library management. 6.4 Management systems A proper system for the financial management of the Junior Library was put in place, working in a similar way to the method used for the Senior Library. Mrs Robinson will continue to develop use of Junior Librarian to manage library resources and collect statistical data for monitoring purposes. Other items of school library management were also created, including a Request Book, a Message Book and the noting of achievements and progress using Evernote.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

6.5 Junior Library Refurbishment During the year, Mrs Robinson consulted with Mrs Laird, Mrs Enston, teaching staff and other interested parties concerning a possible refurbishment of the Library. An outline plan for furniture and redecoration was created and bids from library furniture companies were invited. Two such companies did visit and submit quotes, but there were issues with the third company. We hope to be able to complete this stage and present a proposal to the SLT in 2013. 6.6 Financial management All the accounts are managed using an Excel spreadsheet and copies of invoices are held at the Senior School. Mrs Robinson used the sum of £6634.12, underspent from the Library Development Budget, to create a budget for the Junior School Library for 2011-2012. From April 2012, the Junior School was included in our subscription to Library Services for Education (LSE) and we were able to borrow considerable numbers of books to supplement our stock. These were used both in the Library and in the classroom and were very well-received by teaching staff. Chart 3: Share of Budget Allocation by Cost Heading – 2011-2012 Junior Library Accounts 2011-12 Share of Budget Allocation by Cost Heading

ADMIN, £500.00, 7%

IT MAINTENANCE, £368.40, 6%

STOCK, £5,765.72, 87%

Chart 3 above shows the percentage of the library budget allocated under each cost heading by the Librarian at the beginning of the Financial Year The “Admin” cost heading covers specialist library stationery and equipment. “ICT Maintenance” paid for the support package for the Junior Librarian Library Management System.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Chart 4: Share of Budget Allocation by Amount Spent – 2011-2012 Junior Library Accounts 2011-2012 Share of Budget Allocation by Amount Spent

ADMIN, £571.16, 9%

IT MAINTENANCE, £368.40, 5%

STOCK, £5,623.45, 86%

Chart 4 above shows the actual amount spent by the end of the Financial Year under each cost heading. 6.7 Meetings and professional development See this section in Part 1: The Senior School Library, page 6.

7 Curriculum Before the Library re-opened in the Autumn Term, Mrs Robinson demonstrated the new layout, procedures and the use of Junior Librarian to Mrs Enston, who then taught the teaching staff. They were then able to bring classes in to the Library and use Junior Librarian to issue and return books. Mrs Robinson made a range of displays, publications and posters to help staff and students with Junior Librarian, the new layout and the use of Dewey and colour coding. Stock has been improved with the purchase of new fiction and non-fiction to support the curriculum and reading development. Each class is brought in once a week to promote reading. We are hoping to be able to begin to work on research skills teaching in the future, using the Library and the ICT Room next door. Mrs Robinson could also extend the use of Library Online and LibGuides to support the curriculum at the Junior School.

8 Pastoral Mrs Enston trains and supports a team of Year 5 Library Helpers at the Junior School which helps build students’ self-esteem and confidence. 8.1 Students with learning difficulties The Librarian was able to support some students with dyslexia with suitable reading materials and hopes to be able to extend services like these as the Library stock and use of LSE develop.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

9 Meeting the needs of the school community 9.1 Extra-curricular activities Mrs Enston organised a range of activities in the Library including a book club and competitions. In June, the Librarian arranged for Year 5 students to join Years 6 and 7 at the Senior School to meet the award-winning author, Alan Gibbons. 9.2 Provision of resources 9.2.1 Book stock Full statistics for book stock can be found in Appendix 2: The Junior School Library on page 20. Around 2000 books are now in stock, after withdrawing a considerable number in the summer of 2011 and the purchase of £5600 worth of new books from Peters Bookselling Services in Birmingham. The initial focus was on improving the non-fiction stock as large numbers of out of date books had been withdrawn. More new fiction has also been purchased and is awaiting cataloguing and processing. We need to continue to actively manage and improve the stock so that it is able to meet the demands of the curriculum and reading for pleasure. All LSE books are catalogued on to Junior Librarian so that they can be managed properly and loaned out to staff or students. New signage and displays helped to make the layout of the shelving and books much clearer for staff and students. All of our own stock has been re-labelled:  Fiction: the first three letters of the author’s surname  Non-fiction: colour code plus a Dewey label 9.2.2 Multi-media resources The main focus is on improving the book stock at the moment, so we have not yet begun to ascertain the need for multimedia resources. 9.3 Provision of services and facilities 9.3.1 Information services The Librarian is happy to offer the school an information service, when needed. For example, a Research Guide using LibGuides was created to support work on the London Olympics 2012. Mrs Robinson also purchased a range of resources for this topic including a PowerPoint presentation and books. These were offered across both schools and were very well-received by staff and students. 9.3.2 ICT facilities As there is the ICT Room next door to the Library, there is no need for further provision, apart from the desk PC. 9.3.3 Furniture and equipment A new office chair was purchased for ergonomic reasons, plus a small amount of essential library equipment. 9.4 Helpers Mrs Enston recruited and managed a team of Year 5 Library Helpers.


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

10 Community The Library was prepared for Open Morning with new displays and signage and also a Guide for Visitors. Parents from the PTA have supported the initial re-organisation a great deal by weeding the non-fiction and helping to attach new labels to the books.

11 Recommendations for the Senior Leadership Team The whole school continues to embrace the importance of books and reading, in the light of international research showing the impact of reading for pleasure on student achievement:  Staff are seen to support reading for pleasure across all parts of the school and all subject departments.  The importance of reading is reinforced by all staff with all students and their parents.  The role of the Library Services and Librarian in developing reading for pleasure is assisted by the school management, pastoral teams and subject teams. SLT assists the Librarian in the development of Information Literacy Skills as a progression across the whole school. This supports our students’ independent learning and helps raise achievement:  By encouraging subject departments and pastoral teams to work collaboratively with the Librarian on suitable Schemes of Work.  By embedding these SOWs in the work of departments to ensure that all students are able to access these lessons. SLT ensures that the Librarian is fully informed about developments across both schools:  By ensuring that HODs give outlines of the curriculum and information about new developments and projects to the Librarian.  By considering the impact of new courses and projects on the provision of resources and services in both libraries. SLT recognises the role of the Library Services in relation to information services and resource provision beyond either library’s physical space:  By enabling the Librarian to assist in the planning, co-ordination, integration, development and delivery of ICT across the curriculum, where appropriate.  By ensuring that the Library Services’ budget allows for the continued development of Library Online Services, including subscription services such as LibGuides (for our Research Guides) and PB Works (for our Wiki). SLT supports the Librarian in the development of Library Services across the entire school from Nursery to Sixth Form:  By allowing the Librarian sufficient time to visit the Junior School.  By encouraging staff across the school to work collaboratively with the Librarian.  By enabling staff to have sufficient time to work with the Librarian. Anne M Robinson, MA, MA, SLYA 2005 Librarian December 2012 17

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Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

12 Appendix 1: Senior Library Charts Chart 5: Book Issue Figures – from 2006-2007 onwards

Book Issue Figures - from 2006-2007 onwards 3500 2006-2007 3000


2007-2008 2678

2008-2009 2009-2010

Number of issues






1929 1786







764 801

749 562










Total Books

Note: the figures below do not include books borrowed from LSE. Table 1: Book stock levels – comparisons Eclipse



Total items in stock: 3860 3787 4177 4029

Total missing:

11/09/08 1586 2274 796 21/07/10 1674 2113 1141 13/09/11 1801 2376 02 3 10/12/12 1888 2141 2544 1 At stock-take finalisation on 15 July 2010 2 No stock-take in the summer of 2011, so this figure is not available 3 Figures collected late due to absence of Librarian 4 At stock-take finalisation on 26 July 2012


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Table 2: Age of library book stock by publisher date – September 2008* Total on Eclipse LMS Less than 5 More than 10 More than 20 years old years old years old All items: 3860 295 – 8% 2742 – 71% 1311 – 34% Total fiction: 1586 158 – 10% 1078 – 68% 397 – 25% Total non-fiction: 2274 137 – 6% 1664 – 73% 914 – 40% * At the first stock-take undertaken after the appointment of the Librarian Table 3: Age of library book stock by publisher date – December 2012* Total on Eclipse LMS Less than 5 More than 10 More than 20 years old years old years old All items: 4029 1509 – 37% 1159 – 29% 310 – 8% Total fiction: 1888 949 – 50% 278 – 15% 54 – 3% Total non-fiction: 2141 560 – 26% 881 – 41% 256 – 12% * Figures for this report collected late due to absence of Librarian. Table 4: Age of library book stock by acquisition date – September 2012 Total on Eclipse LMS on 10/12/12 All items: 4029 Total fiction: 1888 Total nonfiction: 2141

Added to catalogue before 01/09/08 1055

Added to catalogue 01/09/0831/08/09 1220

Added to catalogue 01/09/0931/08/10 730

Added to catalogue 01/09/1031/08/11 460

Added to catalogue 01/09/1131/08/12 581











Table 5: Stock withdrawals/missing September 2011 – August 2012 Total on Eclipse LMS Number of items on 10/12/12* withdrawn/missing All items: 4029 765 Total fiction: 1888 528 Total non-fiction: 2421 237 *Figures collected late due to absence of Librarian Table 6: Stock borrowed from LSE September 2011 – August 2012 LSE stock on Eclipse LMS on 10/12/12 All items: 481 Total fiction: 145 Total non-fiction: 336

Number of items returned to LSE 308 71 237


The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

13 Appendix 2: Junior Library Charts The original book stock at the Junior School was catalogued on to Junior Librarian from the beginning of the Summer Holidays until the end of the Autumn Term in 2011. New purchases were also added during the year 2011-2012. Some of the tables contain figures which were collected in the next academic year, due to the absence of the Librarian. However, nothing new has been added to stock since July 2012. These figures are, therefore valid for the academic year 2011-2012. The charts and tables below, therefore, contain baseline figures which can be used as a comparison as the Library continues to develop. Chart 6: Book Issue Figures – 20011-2012 Book Issue Figures - from 2011-2012 onwards Includes Staff and Students





Number of issues

1200 1045 1000 2011-2012 800 655 600



0 Total Non-fiction

Total Fiction

Total All

Table 7: Book stock levels - comparisons Junior Fiction: Non-fiction: Total items in Total missing: Librarian stock: 13/12/121 1027 983 2010 02 1 Figures collected late due to absence of Librarian 2 The first stock-take will take place in the Summer Holidays 2013 Table 8: Age of library book stock by publisher date – December 20121 Total on Junior Less than 5 More than 10 Librarian LMS years old years old All items: 538 – 27% 665 – 33% 2010 Total fiction: 222 – 22% 395 – 38% 1027 Total non-fiction: 316 – 32% 270 – 27% 983 1 Figures collected late due to absence of Librarian


More than 20 years old 148 – 7% 102 – 10% 46 – 5%

The Dixie Grammar School

Library Services Annual Report 2011-2012

Table 9: Age of library book stock by acquisition date – December 2012 Total on Junior Librarian on 13/12/12 All items: 2010 Total fiction: 1027 Total non-fiction: 983

Added to catalogue 01/07/11 - 31/08/11 1251

Added to catalogue 01/09/11- 31/08/12 610





Table 10: Stock withdrawals/missing September 2011 – August 2012 Total on Eclipse LMS Number of items on 13/12/12 withdrawn/missing All items: 2010 143 Total fiction: 1027 140 Total non-fiction: 983 3 Items withdrawn or missing during the academic year. Table 11: Stock borrowed from LSE September 2011 – August 2012 LSE stock on Eclipse LMS on 13/12/12 All items: 207 Total fiction: 86 Total non-fiction: 121

Number of items returned to LSE 365 26 339


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