The Dixie Grammar School Library Services Development Plan 2012 - 2013
Library Services Development Plan: Review of 2011 - 2012 Management Target Evaluation School Target: To move the school to excellence in teaching and learning and in quality of relationships with all in the community. Library Target: Librarian to offer support to teachers in terms of information literacy skills teaching which promotes independent learning. School Target: Continue reviews of School Policies. Library Target: Continue to develop systems to monitor and evaluate library’s and librarian’s effectiveness.
Library Target: Continue to work on Departmental Handbook for libraries. Library Target: Implement similar management systems in the Junior School Library as are being used at Senior School. Library Target: Produce a proposal for refurbishing the Junior School Library.
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Librarian joined Excellence Committee and attended meetings.
Difficult to get feedback from many HODs re SOWs. Some departments identified suitable areas for information literacy skills teaching – e.g. Physics. Some collaborative work developing in Science, PE, RS. Development of Information Literacy policy to ensure progression of skills teaching across all years held over until 2012-13 at least. Review Library Policy to take into account Junior School Library (writing separate policy if necessary) held over until 2012-13. Annual Report for 2010-2011 written and discussed with Headmaster. Performance Management started but not completed. Continued collection of statistical data to inform reporting to SLT. Continued to develop ways of assessing quality of use. Similar systems being developed for Junior School Library. Library Procedures Manual updated regularly. Library Handbook update held over to 2012-13. Manual and Handbook for Junior School Library under development. Created financial management and other admin systems. Continued development of Junior Librarian. Collected statistical data and regularly disseminated this to staff. Monitored use. Regularly discussed use of library with all interested parties at Junior School, mainly informally. Made outline plan for furniture and redecoration. Requested bids from furniture companies – one of the three held over to January 2013. Present proposal to SLT/ Governors/ PTA - this held over until final bid received.
Library Services Development Plan: Review of 2011 - 2012 Curriculum Target Evaluation School Target Share good practice across all subjects in the use of ICT facilities and continue to develop the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.
Library Target: Support development of Extended Project Level 3 for Sixth Form. Library Target: Introduce new students and staff to the library facilities in both schools.
Regular informal discussions with Head of ICT to share ideas on use of ICT and how library/librarian can support the school. Examples of ICT integrated into lessons in Library – Yr8 Physics, Yr8 Book Trailer Project. Librarian continued to develop & to teach use of Library Online Services to staff and students. Library subscription to LibGuides enabled development of new range of research guides for departments. No progress on this in school. Senior School: Year 6 Induction lessons took place in Spring Term. Sixth Form Induction sessions taken by teaching staff using materials prepared by Librarian (due to Librarian’s vocal issues). Short induction offered to all new staff (teaching and support) – did not take place. Junior School: Librarian trained Mrs Enston in new procedures and use of Junior Librarian. Mrs Enston then disseminated this to staff and students.
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Library Services Development Plan: Review of 2011 - 2012 Curriculum Library Target: Promote and develop cross-curricular use of libraries.
Library Target: Support reading development using the libraries.
Senior School: Librarian regularly held informal discussions with subject departments to determine needs. Regular slots at HoDs Meetings to share good practice. Some Departments integrated use of Library into SoWs – e.g. Yr8 Physics. Librarian continued development of generic teaching materials. Librarian continued developing Library Online Services – web-based resources for teaching – including main website and LibGuides. Subscription to LSE enabled loan of wide range of books to support curriculum, plus online subscription databases. Development of Information Literacy policy to ensure progression of skills teaching across all years – this held over until 2012-13 at least. Junior School: Opened discussions with staff as to possible uses of library beyond reading development. Subscription to LSE enabled loan of wide range of books to support curriculum. Senior School: Reading Programme with Years 6-8 during English lessons started in Autumn Term. Evaluation of Reading Programme resulted in total rewrite for 2012-13. Librarian continued developing Library Online Services – web-based resources for reading development – including the Reading is Fun wiki. Reading Group did not meet during year. Competitions, displays and author visit. Junior School: Held discussions with staff as to possible uses of library for reading development.
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Library Services Development Plan: Review of 2011 - 2012 Pastoral Target Evaluation Library target: Librarian to support effective behaviour management in Library. School target: To improve opportunities for improving selfesteem and confidence for all pupils (Every Child Matters Agenda). Library target: Develop Library support for Gifted and Talented students. Library target: Develop Library support for students with learning difficulties.
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Librarian supported class teachers to ensure effective class management for classes booked in to the Library. Librarian supported teaching staff with encouraging more independent learning and work. Senior School: Library Helper Team training used scheme written with feedback from students. Junior School: Similar development of Helper Team by Mrs Enston. Held over to 2012-13 when new Pastoral Deputy in post. Held over to 2012-13 when new Pastoral Deputy in post.
Library Services Development Plan 2012-2013 Management Targets
Responsibility of
Actions to be taken to meet targets
Completion date
Resource implications
Date of review/ evaluation
School Target: To continue to improve the quality of Teaching and Learning.
DTL HoDs DH (Curriculum) Librarian
Librarian to meet with staff (e.g. DH, DTL) to support development of high quality lessons in the Library.
Staff time
July 2013
School Target: Fully implement new performance management system. School Target: Continue to develop and improve the marketing of the School.
DH (Curriculum) Librarian
Librarian to meet line manager to ensure PM completed.
July 2013
Staff time
July 2013
Librarian CJM
Staff time
June 2013
School Target: Ensure that all students (and staff and parents) are clear about the ethos, aims and values and vision of the School and that they sign up to them. School Target: Continue reviews of School Policies. Library Target: Continue to work on Departmental Handbook for libraries.
Librarian to continue to develop services, particularly online, bearing in mind school marketing potential. Librarian to give Library news items to CJM as appropriate. Librarian to be aware of these issues when developing Library Services across the school.
Staff time
June 2013
Librarian to review Library Policy to take into account Junior School Library (writing separate policy if necessary). Continue to update Procedures Manuals for both libraries regularly. Update Senior Library Handbook. Create Junior Library Handbook.
Staff time
June 2013
Staff time
July 2013
Librarian Debra Enston Librarian
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Library Services Development Plan 2012-2013 Management Targets
Responsibility of
Actions to be taken to meet targets
Completion date
Library Target: Produce a proposal for refurbishing the Junior School Library.
Librarian DE SLT AJM
Get final bid from furniture company in January 2013. Write proposal for refurb. Present proposal to SLT/ Governors/ PTA.
Easter 2013
Library Target: Develop online, digital and eresources for libraries.
Librarian Staff
Librarian to be aware of new services being offered by suppliers. Trial suitable ebook platforms and other online resources as appropriate. Ensure familiarity with subscription databases and then cascade this knowledge to teaching staff and students.
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Resource implications Staff time Cost of refurbishment (Library Development Budget) Staff time Library budgets
Date of review/ evaluation June 2013
July 2013
Library Services Development Plan 2012-2013 Curriculum Targets
Responsibility of
School Target: Review of Y6 Curriculum with participation of staff from the Junior School.
DH (Curriculum) SB Librarian
School Target: Incorporate specific provision for G&T and LDD into schemes of work. School Target: Revisit proposal to implement Extended Project Level 3 for Sixth Form. Library Target: Promote and develop cross-curricular use of libraries.
DH(Curriculum) Head of Sixth Form DTL Librarian Librarian HoDs Staff
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Actions to be taken to meet targets
Completion date
Staff to keep Librarian informed of developments. Librarian to develop appropriate resources and services across both libraries. Librarian to be aware of these issues when developing teaching resources and purchasing library stock and online subscriptions.
June 2013
June 2013
Librarian to be kept informed of developments as huge implications for library services and resource provision. Librarian to offer help with information literacy skills teaching. Senior School: Librarian to hold discussions with departments to determine needs. Regular slots at HoDs Meetings to share good practice. Purchase of suitable resources. Continue subscription to LSE. Librarian to continue development of generic teaching materials. Librarian to continue developing Library Online Services – web-based resources for teaching – including main website, LibGuides and other eresources.
Autumn term 2013.
Time Library budgets
After first assessment .
Staff time Library budgets
July 2013
Resource implications
Date of review/ evaluation
Library Target: Support reading development using the libraries.
Librarian HoDs Staff
Junior School: Continue discussions with staff as to possible uses of library beyond reading development. Continue subscription to LSE. Senior School: Continue development of Reading Programme with Years 6-8 during English lessons. Evaluate Reading Programme at end of year. Continue to purchase suitable resources. Continue subscription to LSE. Librarian to continue developing Library Online Services – web-based resources for reading development – including the Reading is Fun wiki and ebooks. Competitions, displays and author/illustrator visit. Junior School: Continue discussions with staff as to possible uses of library for reading development. Purchase of suitable resources. Continue subscription to LSE.
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Staff Time Library Budgets
July 2013
Library Services Development Plan 2012-2013 Pastoral Targets
Responsibility of
Actions to be taken to meet targets
Completion date
Resource implications
Date of review/ evaluation
School Target: To review and implement at whole school level a visible Gifted and Talented programme that includes workshops. School Target: Monitoring closely, evaluating and reviewing needs of LLD pupils.
DH (Pastoral) Librarian
Provide multi-media resources for G & T students. Support school initiatives for G & T students.
Time Library budgets
July 2013
DH (Pastoral) Librarian
Time Library budgets
July 2013
School Target: Continue to focus on classroom management to ensure consistency of behaviour across all subject areas.
All staff Librarian
Ensure all Library teaching materials are accessible by all students, rewriting as necessary. Develop large print fiction collection. Investigate use of digital resources for these students. Make use of LSE loan stock to support students. Librarian to support staff using Library in ensuring behaviour of students is consistent across subject areas.
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