Referencing & Bibliographies
This Guide shows how to write academic references in your work, setting out in-text citations and Reference Lists / Bibliographies to Harvard Standard.
Page 3
Page 4
Reference Lists & Bibliographies
Page 5
Referencing Specific Sources: Acts of Parliament Books
Page 7
Chapters of a book DVDs
Page 8
E-Books E-Journal articles
Page 9
Journal articles Newspaper articles
Page 10
Television Programmes Websites
Page 11
Quick Guide
Page 12
Introduction Referencing means outlining what research you have carried out for your assignment and acknowledging any pieces of information or ideas that you have included which are not your own. It is important for several reasons:
It adds authority to your work by revealing what background reading you have done,
It allows your reader to check your findings,
It avoids Plagiarism.
Plagiarism is the copying of someone else’s work or ideas without acknowledging them. It is cheating, whether done deliberately or unintentionally, and academic misconduct which could mean you have to resubmit your assignment, have marks deducted or may even result in your expulsion from College.
____________________________ This is a guide to the “Harvard” System that is used in most Universities and Colleges across the world. It outlines the correct format to use when producing the two key elements of referencing – Citations and Bibliographies / Reference Lists – for each kind of text, audio-visual material or website that you might include in an assignment.
Citations A citation is a word or phrase included in the body of your essay that you have quoted directly (and so enclosed in speech marks) or put in your own words (“paraphrasing”), though the original idea is not your own. Your lecturer will ask for a list of where you found these (called a Reference List) at the end of your assignment, in the format set out on pages 5-11 below.
How to write an in-text Citation entry All you need to do is mention the author’s surname, the year when the source material was published and (if relevant) the page number where you found the information in the text of your work (in brackets if necessary). Examples Jeremy Clarkson (2011, p.47) argued that… A recent study (Clarkson, 2011, p.47) argued that…
If there are more than three authors, the name of the first writer (from the title page) is followed by the words “et al.” Example McCartney et al. (1965) insist “all you need is love”.
If there is no author, write the title within brackets instead. Example 40kg of chocolate contains enough cyanide poison to kill you (Fascinating food facts, 2010).
For information you’ve seen referred to in another work, include the original source and where you actually read it. Example Wright (cited in Wong, 2009, p.10) disagrees…
Reference Lists & Bibliographies A Reference List is a list of the full details of all the sources used in your assignment. A Bibliography is a list of everything that you read in preparation for your assignment. This information should appear in a separate section at the very end of your piece of work and the entries should be sorted alphabetically by the authors’ surname.
How to write a Bibliography or Reference List entry There are specific rules about the sequence in which to put your information for each source, and the punctuation to apply. Use the following order, omitting only those categories not relevant to the text, audio-visual material or website you used. 1. Author’s Name Put the surname first, followed by any initial(s) or forenames. Where there are up to three authors, write their names, surname first, in the order that they appear on the title page. With four or more authors, write the first name then “et al”. For books compiled by an editor, write “ed.” after their name. Some publications are produced by organisations. Use the company name as author if no individual writer is noted. Where there is no author, or if the resource is a TV Programme or Film, write the title instead. 2. Year of Publication Put the year of publication (or last update for websites) in round brackets: ( ). If no date can be identified, write: (no date). 3. Title of the Journal / Newspaper Article Use a Capital letter for the first letter and proper nouns only. End with a Full Stop. 5
Reference Lists & Bibliographies 4. Main Title of the Publication Write the title given on the title page (and any sub-title) in Bold or Italics type. Use a Capital letter for the first letter and proper nouns only. End with a Full Stop. 5. Edition Number Only include the edition number if it is not the first edition. “Edition” can be shortened to “ed.” (eg. “4th ed.”) 6. Director’s Name For TV Programmes / Films, write “Directed by” then the director’s name, followed by a Full Stop. 7. Place of Publication and Publisher This information can be found on the back of the title page. Write the city where the work was published, then a colon then the name of the Publisher. For web resources, also put “Internet” or “Online”, in square brackets: eg “[Internet]” or “[Online]”. If a DVD, use “[DVD]”; for ebooks, put the ebook reader type eg “[Kindle]”. 8. Series With magazines / journals, include any series number, then (in round brackets) the individual volume or issue number. 9. Page Numbers for Specific Sections Use the abbreviation “p.” before the page number (“pp.” means more than one page). 10. Website Address Write “Available at:” then the URL (web address) in angled brackets: < >. In square brackets, write “Accessed” then the date you visited the website. 6
Referencing Specific Sources 1. Acts of Parliament In-Text Citation format: (title with year, page number) Reference List / Bibliography format: Title of Act with Year. Reigning Monarch, chapter. Place of publication: Publisher. Examples Within your work…: Legal requirements are made clear (Higher Education Act 2004, p.11) … In the Reference List / Bibliography…: Higher Education Act 1994. Elizabeth II, chapter 8. London: HMSO.
2. Books In-Text Citation format: (Author surname, year, page number) Reference List / Bibliography format: Author surname, Author forename/initials (year) Title. edition*. Place of publication: Publisher. (* Only include this information if the book is NOT a first edition) Examples Within your work…: One commentator (Motson, 1990, p.11) suggested ... In the Reference List / Bibliography…: Motson, John (1990). A funny old game. 2
ed. London: Heinemann.
Referencing Specific Sources 3. Chapters / Sections of a Book
In-Text Citation format: (Author surname, year, page number)
Reference List / Bibliography format:
Author surname, Author forename/initials (year) Chapter/Section title, in: Editor surname, Editor forename/initials (ed.). Main title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Examples Within your work…: The view proposed by Shaw (2014, p.26) was… In the Reference List / Bibliography…: Shaw, C. (2014). The North East cliffs, in Rhodes, Cliff (ed.) England’s coastline. Newcastle: Wavecrest Books.
4. DVDs
In-Text Citation format: (Title, year)
Reference List / Bibliography format:
Title. (year) Directed by Director’s Name [DVD]. Production company.
Examples Within your work…: The first “Lord of the Rings” (2001) film won many awards. In the Reference List / Bibliography…: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001). Directed by Peter Jackson [DVD]. New Line Cinema.
Referencing Specific Sources 5. E-Books
In-Text Citation format: (Author surname, year)
Reference List / Bibliography format:
Author surname, Author forename/initials (year) Title [e-book Reader type]. Place of publication: Publisher. Available at: < URL >.
Examples Within your work…: One legend proved particularly popular (Knight, 2014). In the Reference List / Bibliography…: Knight, Gladys (2014) Vampires [Kindle]. Whitby: Garlick Press. Available at: <>.
6. E-Journal Articles
In-Text Citation format: (Author surname, year).
Reference List / Bibliography format: Author surname, Author
forename/initials, (year) Article title. Journal Title [Internet]. Volume (number). Available at: <URL> [Accessed: Today’s date]. Examples Within your work…: Lifwith (2012) offers practical suggestions. In the Reference List / Bibliography…: Lifwith, Amanda (2012) Aisle altar hymn. Modern marriage planner [Internet] 9 (2). Available at: <> [Accessed: 01 May 2014].
Referencing Specific Sources 7. Journal Articles
In-Text Citation format: (Author surname, year)
Reference List / Bibliography format:
Author surname, Author forename/initials (year) Article title. Journal title. Volume (number), pages.
Examples Within your work…: The final report (Holmes, 2010) found that… In the Reference List / Bibliography…: Holmes, S. and Watson, J. (2010). Elementary detection. International journal of criminology. 22 (1b), pp.221-229.
8. Newspaper Articles
In-Text Citation format: (Author surname, year).
Reference List / Bibliography format:
Author surname, Author forename/initials (year) Article title. Newspaper Name. Day (th), month, page.
Examples Within your work…: MacKenzie’s Sun headline (1986) has become world-famous. In the Reference List / Bibliography…: rd
MacKenzie, K. (1986). Freddie Starr ate my hamster. The Sun. 3 March, p.1.
Referencing Specific Sources 9. Television Programmes
In-Text Citation format: (Title, year)
Reference List / Bibliography format:
Title (year of transmission). Television Channel, day/month of transmission.
Examples Within your work…: Bruce Forsyth (Strictly Come Dancing, 2009) is still a popular TV host. In the Reference List / Bibliography…: st
Strictly Come Dancing (2009). BBC1 television, 31 October.
10. Websites
Citation format: (Author/Company, year of last update)
Reference List / Bibliography format:
Author surname*, Author forename/initials (year of last update) Title. [Internet]. Available at: <URL> [Accessed: Today’s date]. (* State the company name, if no Author can be identified)
Examples Within your work…: The college’s library catalogue (Newcastle College, 2015) includes ... In the Reference List / Bibliography…: Newcastle College (2015). Newcastle College Library [Internet]. Available at: <> [Accessed: 29 February 2015].