New Twitter Marketing Introduces The Ultimate Power Of The Tweet Chances are good that the majority of people reading this use Twitter as the social site it was originally intended to be. You make plans for Saturday night, you get connected with friends and family, and you probably even sneak a peak into the lives of your favourite celebrities. Sound about right? Well, hang on a second: If those are the only ways you use Twitter, you're missing out on another side of Twitter. Twitter is not just a social site, it's also a phenomenal way to promote your business. But hang on a second. You're probably asking yourself what the catch is, right? And yes, there is one. Twitter marketing is really difficult. To make it work you're going to have to acquire a large number of Twitter followers and you're going to have to do it quickly. That can be very frustrating. Fortunately, though, it doesn't have to be that way. Thanks to web promotions experts, Twitter marketing just got a whole lot easier – pretty darn near effortless, actually. This new Twitter marketing service completely turns the process on its ear, by allowing customers to simply buy the Twitter followers they need. Don't waste any more time struggling to acquire Twitter followers yourself. Enlist the help of and let them do the work for you. According to the company's CEO, Leon Hill: “For some time we’ve know the power of Twitter, though it wasn’t until around a month ago that we ourselves decided to get on board. Within around three weeks we were up to around 20,000 followers on our company accounts so we knew we had cracked the secret to huge numbers and fast.” In under two weeks since launch, the company's new Twitter marketing has helped more than 100 clients!'s new service is fourth in the lineup of very successful social media marketing products. Using this service, customers can purchase packages of between 1,000 and 10,000 followers. Every day more and more businesses are getting on board with this service and have reaped the many incredible benefits. Don't be left behind! Get all the facts about this new service by clicking here: http:/ / /twitter_marketing or by contacting the company via the form on their website.