New Video Marketing Service Introduces An All-New Way To Be Popular When it comes to promoting your business, if you have, you may have given up, frustrated. There's no doubt about it: It's hard to get a significant number of viewers for your YouTube content, so it's no surprise that so many marketers give up before they can even enjoy any results. But you don't have to suffer the same fate, thanks to web promotions company has created a new service that will make video marketing easier, more effective, and faster than ever. They've added a new product to their lineup of social media marketing services, this one aimed at helping companies be successful in their video marketing campaigns. How do they do it? By allowing customers to simply purchase packages of up to 100,000 viewers at a time, at an affordable price. “After we launched our other social marketing services, we saw video as the next obvious means for expansion,” says's CEO Leon Hill. “Once we found a way to quickly generate loads of quality views to videos, we knew we were onto something that people would go crazy for.” USocial has essentially created a way to bring your business both general and targeted viewers for your content. They can drive those viewers to your content both from within video-sharing sites themselves and from outside sources like blogs and social sites. “What differs what we do from other services is that we can guarantee fast, targeted traffic to videos, instead of relying on traditional means like hoping for viral use, or pay-per-click advertising,” explains Hill. Learn more about this service today. Check out http:/ / /facebook_marketing or simply contact uSocial about their video marketing services via the form on their website.