Resurrect Your Business Through Unlimited Press Release Distribution Service Traditionally, press release distribution has earned a reputation for being a very effective way to promote a business. Why? It's simple. Press release distribution works. It's a great way to reach a large audience all at once. On the other side of the coin, however, is the fact that those advantages are tied to one significant downfall: price. It can often cost up to $400 to distribute a single release, making this method of promotion too expensive for many businesses. Luckily, there's an answer to this problem. Social media marketing company has created a new unlimited press release distribution service that creates a whole new marketing reality. The company's CEO, Leon Hill, explains: "There are other services which claim to do what we do, however all of those only distribute releases to online sources. Not only do we do the same, we also send all our releases to our massive media list of over 560,000 contacts. There is simply nothing else like what we offer in the world." Many of's customers have already begun to understand that some amazing outcomes as a result of this innovative new service. In only a month since the service was launched, many of them have already gotten millions of extra site visitors thanks to the added attention the service has brought to their videos. That can make a major difference when it comes to your sales numbers. The question on your mind is probably, how much does it cost? That's where more good news comes in. For online-only distribution, the cost is just $97. For online distribution plus media exposure, it will cost just $267. In both scenarios you'll get 30 days to distribute as many releases possible. Unlimited press release distribution can be yours for just a small investment. Check out the company's website to get more information about this unlimited press release distribution service here: http:/ / /press_release or you can contact the company through the contact form on your website.