True PressReleaseDistribution Introduces New Service If you’re one of Hollywood’s A-listers, it’s not hard to generate media attention. In fact, for the world’s glitterati it can be much harder to hide out from the media than it is to turn the spotlight toward oneself. But what about for the rest of us? If you own a business, you’ll need to figure out a way to catch a little media interest, too. But how do you go about doing that? For many businesses,one triedand true method of promotion is press releasedistribution. We know what you’re thinking: You’re thinking that press release distribution is too time consuming an expensive. And you’d be right, given that to distribute just one press releaseby traditional means can cost around $400. But what you may not realize is that one company has come up with a new way to distribute press releasesthat is anything but traditional. What it is is affordable, easy, fast and effective. Social media marketing company has launched their new unlimited press release distribution service. They say it’s by far the best way to distribute a press release. Here’s what the company’s CEO,Leon Hill, had to say: “There are other services which claim to do what we do, however all of those only distribute releases to online sources. Not only do we do the same, we also send all our releasesto our massive media list of over 560,000contacts. There is simply nothing else like what we offer in the world.” To illustrate just how powerful this new service is, some of’s clients have received several million extra visitors to their sites in just one month as a result of using the service. So, how much will this service cost? There’s more good news here: For online-only press release distribution, the cost is just $97. For online and media exposure combined the price is a still very affordable $267. For those prices, you you can send out as many releasesas possible within a 30-day time period. To get more information on this service, log on to you can contact the company through the contact form on their website.