Unlimited Press Release Distribution Service Will Forever Change Your Business

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Unlimited Press Release Distribution Service Will Forever Change Your Business Press release distribution has a reputation for being an amazing way to promote your company. The reason is, quite simply, because it works. With press release distribution, your marketing message can reach a lot of people fast. The flip side, however, is that those benefits come tethered to a pretty high price tag. It can often cost up to $400 to distribute just one release! That makes this marketing tool too rich for smaller or even mid-size businesses' blood. Fortunately, one company has developed a new unlimited press release distribution service that eliminates this problem. We promotions company uSocial.net have created a new unlimited press release distribution service that will make the process of promoting your business easier, more affordable, and better than you could have ever imagined. The benefits of unlimited press release distribution are many, and when you sign on with uSocial.net, you'll reap every little bit of benefit. The company's CEO, Leon Hill, explains: "There are other services which claim to do what we do, however all of those only distribute releases to online sources. Not only do we do the same, we also send all our releases to our massive media list of over 560,000 contacts. There is simply nothing else like what we offer in the world." Lots of uSocial.net's clients have already begun to experienc some impressive results from this new service. In just one month since the service's launch, many of them have already earned millions of additional site visitors because of the added exposure the service has brought to their videos. That can make a major impact on your sales numbers. We know what you're wondering. How much does it all cost? That's more good news. For online-only distribution, the cost is just $9. For online distribution plus media exposure, which will cost just $267. In both cases you'll get 30 days to distribute as many releases possible. Unlimited press release distribution can be yours for just a small investment. Check out the company's website for more information about this unlimited press release distribution service here: http:/ /usocial.net /press_release or you can contact the company through the contact form on your website.

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