Lichfield community safety partnership update summer 2017

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Prevent Prevent is part of the Government’s Counter-terrorism Strategy. The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on public sector bodies to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. This is known as the ‘Prevent Duty’. The Prevent Strategy has three elements: Ideology: Challenging the ideology that supports terrorism and the threat faced from those who promote it; Individual: Preventing people from being drawn into terrorism and ensuring they are given appropriate advice and support; Institution: Supporting sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation. The UK faces a continuing threat from both international and domestic terrorism and violent extremism, which can emerge from any community and be inspired by a wide range of causes. The current threat in the UK can include the exploitation of vulnerable people, including children of all ages, young people and adults and involve them in terrorism or activity in support of terrorism. People of all ages are being recruited into groups promoting hatred, discrimination and sometimes violence.    

Extremism is the vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism or forms of extremism leading to terrorism Radicalising Materials: Includes literature or videos that are used by radicalisers to encourage or reinforce individuals to adopt a violent ideology. Vulnerability: Within Prevent, the word describes factors and characteristics associated with being susceptible to radicalisation. This does not mean vulnerable people are automatically at risk of exploitation for the purposes of violent extremism.

What might make an individual vulnerable to radicalisation?  

Identity Crisis—Distance from cultural / religious heritage, uncomfortable with their place in the society around them; Personal Crisis—Family tensions; sense of isolation; adolescence; low self-esteem; disassociating from personal circumstances— migration; local community tensions; events affecting country or region of origin; tolerance of others, and accepting personal and social responsibilities; Criminality—Experiences of imprisonment; poor resettlement/reintegration; previous involvement with criminal groups

They may also display some Critical Risk Factors including:   

Being in contact with extremist recruiters; Articulating support for violent extremist causes or leaders or; Accessing violent extremist websites, especially those with a social networking element.

If you are concerned that someone is at risk of getting involved in extremism please contact Staffordshire Police Prevent Team at or phone 01785 232054. Or you can contact Jenni Coleman (Community Safety Manager), your local Prevent Lead for Lichfield District on 01543 308005 or


Summer 2017


Welcome to the Partnership Update, produced by Lichfield District Council on behalf of Lichfield District Safer Community Partnership.

In this issue we look at information on Prevent, staying safe during the school holidays, the Community Safety Information Events, SPACE Project, keeping your vehicle secure and an exciting summer event in the City. If you would like to contribute to the next issue of Partnership Update, due out in the Autumn, please contact Lucie Ferneyhough, Community Safety Officer on 01543 308777 or

Staying Safe during the School Holidays Deliberate Fires - In 2015 Staffordshire firefighters dealt with 382 deliberate bin and grass fires during the Easter and summer holidays. These fires can stop the Fire Service from attending other life threatening incidents. They put lives at danger, put a strain on limited resources and can cause damage costing millions. You can look out for your community and help the Fire Service to reduce deliberate grass and bin fire incidents by reporting any suspicious behaviour anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. However if you see a fire call 999. Make sure your children know the devastating consequences of fire setting—A fire can quickly get out of control, injuring them and other people; they could receive a prison sentence and criminal record which could affect their future job prospects and also be issued with a £5000 fine. Dying for a dip? Water is dangerous, only swim at properly supervised pools. The dangers of swimming in canals, rivers and lakes include:  The water is often a lot colder and can make your body ‘seize up’ and be unable to move. Just because you can swim well in a heated swimming pool doesn't mean you'll be able to swim well in cold water  There may be hidden currents  It can be deep and it's difficult to estimate how deep it is before you get in  You might not be able to get out because of steep slimy banks or sides  There is no way of knowing what lies under the surface of the water such as shopping trolleys or glass  If the water is polluted, it could make you seriously ill  Never drink alcohol during or just before swimming - or any other water-related activity Derelict Buildings—Don’t allow your children to play in derelict buildings. Disused buildings can be very dangerous so make sure you know where your children are if they are out playing. For more information about how to keep you and your children safe during the summer holidays please visit


Community Safety Information Events

SPACE Project

The Community Safety Team working with Burntwood Town Council and Lichfield District Council’s Parks Team, are holding two Community Safety Events this summer. The first event will be held in conjunction with the Burntwood Wakes which takes place on Saturday 1st July from 12pm—4pm; and the second event will be part of the Beacon Park Fun Day on Wednesday 2nd August, 11am—3pm. We have linked them to two established events so that we can reach a wider audience.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) is running the SPACE Programme again this year. Lucie Ferneyhough, working with the Police, Fun Club, LDC’s Sports Development Team, Liberty, Entrust , Local Support Team, and the Youth Offending Service has organised the project for Lichfield District.

The aim of the events is to offer local residents the opportunity to meet with organisations that can offer information, advice, guidance, activities and more that relate to community safety and other wider community issues. There will be a wide variety of organisations taking part including the Police, T3 (Drug & Alcohol service for young people), Lichfield District Council’s Environmental Health and Sports Development Teams, Talent Match, Support Staffordshire, Citizens Advice South East Staffordshire, Nova Training, Fun Club, SCVYS, Youth Offending Service, Victims Gateway, Victim Support, the Illegal Money Lending Team, Age UK and more. For more information about the events please contact Lucie Ferneyhough on 01543 308777 or

How to prevent Vehicle Crime Criminals now look to steal keys rather than force the ignition; often by accessing keys left in sight through letterboxes or by breaking in through insecure doors or windows (Car Key Burglary).

Again the project is split in to targeted and universal activities. The targeted aspect of the project is being run by the Fun Club, working with Entrust, the Sports Development Team and other agencies. They will be working with young people across the district that are involved or on the cusp of being involved in ASB. The young people will attend regular sessions at the youth club, organise 4 ‘Family Days’ and the project will culminate in a Residential at Standon Bowers Education Centre, run by Entrust. The universal part of the project will provide 150 young people aged 11-17 with a free summer holiday activity pass. This allows them access to leisure facilities, targeted sports sessions and physical activity sessions at the leisure centres and Beacon Park as well as receiving a Leisure Activity Passport (LAP) card which will be active for 12 months and give discounts to activities after the summer holidays. To be eligible for a free pass, which are given out on a first come, first served basis, a referral form must be completed which you can get from Tasmin Turner by contacting her at The passes can also be purchased for £20 by any young person aged 11—17 from Burntwood or Friary Grange Leisure Centres. Liberty will also be running summer activities at Saxon Hill School and Queens Croft High School. The funding will support two weeks of activities targeting young people aged 11-17 with physical disabilities and additional needs. Some of the activities at Queens Croft will include working with the Canal Trust at Fradley Junction, visiting Whittington Barracks, an Arts Day, Party Day, as well as football camp running all week. There will be 45 spaces available each day. There will also be 4 Family Days for young people with more physical and medical needs, including trips to the Seaside, Drayton Manor, Forest School and a Farm Day. However there will be less spaces available due to the young people’s extra needs. For more information please contact Maggi Huckfield at or 07772 749661.

Car key burglary has increased in recent years as high value cars have improved security systems. It is important to take extra care to reduce the risk of becoming a victim by:  Keeping all keys out of sight and away from doors and windows  Keeping doors and windows locked even if you are at home  Installing a home security system and setting the intruder alarm at night  Using European standard TS007 anti-snap locks on UPVC doors  Installing and activating a tracking device on your vehicle Below are some simple things that you can do to avoid becoming a victim of car theft  Don't leave your keys in the vehicle unattended  Keep your keys secure when out and about  Ensure that you close your windows before you leave your vehicle  Use your garage if you have one  On driveways, keep trees and shrubs maintained so you can see the vehicle from your property  Consider dusk till dawn lighting to illuminate the area  When parking on a street, pick a well-lit and populated area  When using remote locking key fobs check for visible or audible signals that your vehicle locked when you pressed the button.  Criminals exploit known weaknesses in manufacturer fitted standard security systems. A professionally installed aftermarket product protects the vehicle further and reduces the risk of being targeted  An alarm system that detects movement may prevent a more sustained attack  Use a steering lock in combination with a steering wheel security disk lock. It is a cheap and effective way to prevent anyone driving your vehicle away

If you would like more information about the SPACE project please contact Lucie Ferneyhough on 01543 308777 or

Lichfield Bid—Giant Screen TV Comes to Lichfield Are you ready for a weekend of film and sport on a giant TV screen in Lichfield’s Market Square? That’s just what Lichfield BID, in partnership with Lichfield City Council have organised for you all – and it’s all free! The BID have arranged for a giant 20 metre by 20 metre screen to be set up in Market Square on Saturday 15th July and Sunday 16th July. They will be showing a children’s film each morning with the major televised sports events each afternoon; these include the Wimbledon Ladies and Men’s Finals and the British Grand Prix from Silverstone. On Saturday evening they will be showing a fabulous family film.

They have 300 deck chairs that will be set up ready for you to make yourselves comfortable, but this will be on a first-come, first-served basis and will not be able to be reserved. To make you even more comfortable, they have a range of high quality food and drink suppliers that will surround Market Square enabling you to purchase some wonderful treats and to take full advantage of some time on front of the TV. Lichfield Market will relocate to Market Street, Breadmarket Street and Bore Street and will operate as usual. Lichfield’s shops, pub’s, restaurants and café’s will be happy to welcome you too.

For more information about how to keep your vehicle safe and secure please visit

Enquiries to event management: Lichfield BID 01543 251713.



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