Marketing tema 7

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A1 Segmentation bases – – – – – – –

Geographic segmentation. It means dividing the market into groups of customers who share the same geographic location. Demographic segmentation. It means dividing markets based on population statistics. Purpose- of-trip segmentation. It means dividing hospitality and travel markets according to the primary purpose of the customer's trip. Psychographic segmentation. It is the development of psychological profiles of customers and psychologically based measures of distinctive modes of living or lifestyles. Behavioral segmentation. It divides customers by their use occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, buyer-readiness stage, and attitudes toward the product of service. Product-related segmentaation. It uses some aspect of the service to classify customers. Channel-of-distribution segmentation. It is different from the six previous segmentation bases since it is a way to divide up travel trade intermediaries rather than customers.

A2. Steps to perform an effective segmentation. To perform an effective segmentation we have to take into account 4 variables which are the nacionality, the lifestyle, the age and the purpose of the trip. We can see here a graphic of each of them. Nacionality



Purpose of the trip

B1 Variables in the tourism segmentation. –


C1 Criteria for effective segmentation. 1.

Measurable. We are in need to set marketing objectives in numerical terms and to measure the results of marketing plans.

2. Substantial. A target market must be big enough to warrant a separate investment. It must produce more in added profits than the amount required to pursue it. 3. Accessible. The essence of market segmentation is being able to select and reach specific customer groups. 4. Defensible.The marketer must feel confident that the organization’s share of each target market can be defended from competitors. 5. Durable. Some market segments are short term or medium term, meaning that they exist for less than five years. In our industry we are not interested in fads. 6. Competitive. The more precisely the service fits the needs of a particular segment, the more likely it is to succeed. On the other hand, if a service does not match the needs well, there is little point in pursuing the segment. 7. Homogeneous. The organization should make sure that the segments are as different from each other, or as heterogeneous, as possible. At the same time, the people within each segment should be as similar, or as homogeneous, as possible. 8. Compatible. When an organization selects a target market it must be sure that the market does not conflict in any way with the markets it already serves.

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