Lovely Slovakia

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Slovakia ... destination not only for one workcamp

Welcome to Slovakia :) Dear volunteers, with this small publication we would like to motivate you to do not run away from Slovakia after end of your workcamp. Althrough we live in small country there is much to see and to do for quite cheap money. And the best - you won´t be crowded by thousands of tourists as most of them travel mostly to Bratislava :) So have fun in Slovakia and please do not run away from us and discover some from the nice parts of our country. INEX Slovakia

What can you find here? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

About Slovakia ........................................ 3 Nature and hiking.................................... 4 Natural caves........................................... 17 Castles and castle .................................. 23 Open air museums – „skanzeny“ ........... 31 UNESCO heritage in Slovakia .................. 36 Spa and mineral water ........................... 41 Bratislava – capital city of Slovakia ......... 43 Music and summer festivals ................... 47 Food that you should try ........................ 48 Drinks that you should try ...................... 49 How to travel to Slovakia......................... 50

13. 14. 15.

How to travel – tips and tricks ................ 51 How to travel in Bratislava....................... 55 Another useful information .................... 56

g... in d a e r y o j n So e page 2

About Slovakia Slovakia is located in Central Europe. It is a member of the European Union (since May 1, 2004). Slovakia is surrounded by Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Ukraine and Hungary. Capital: Bratislava Total area: 49,035 km2 Population: 5 430 000 inhabitants Language: Slovak. It is a Slavic language Time zone: Central European time (GMT +1 hour) Currency: Euro since 1.1.2009 Slovakia is part of the Schengen zone. Slovakia is mostly mountainous except for southern lowlands along the Danube—where the capital, Bratislava, is found. Almost 40% of its territory is covered by forest. The country offers rich opportunities for touring – from challenging hiking in the High Tatras mountains to a simple walk in the beautiful forest. Slovakia has more than 4,000 dramatic caves and caverns under its mountains, 12 of which are open to the public. More than 300 castles – many only evocative ruins – dot the landscape throughout whole country. According to some sources, the European geographical central point is considered to be near the roman-catholic church of St. John the Baptist above the village of Kremnické Bane. These are just few interesting reasons for visit of our small country :) page 3

Nature and hiking Slovakia offers rich opportunities for touring – from challenging hiking in the High Tatras mountains to a simple walk in the beautiful forest. You can choose from a wide range of options – High Tatras, Low Tatras, Roháèe, Greater and Lesser Fatra, Slovak Paradise, Pieniny, etc. Slovakia’s highest peak is a majestic Gerlachovský Peak (2655 m) in the High Tatras. The other attractive peaks in the High Tatras are the national symbol of Slovakia Kriváò or Lomnický peak. In the Low Tatras, hikers should not miss Ïumbier and Chopok peaks. In Lesser Fatra Rozsutce, in Greater Fatra Borišov, Ostredok or Krížna and so on. Slovakia is a mountainous country and the hiking tourists really have many opportunities to satisfy their needs. Practically, through the whole territory of Slovakia there is trail called Cesta hrdinov SNP (The trail of the Slovak National Uprising heroes), which begins in the Dukla Pass, and leads to Bratislava. The most remarkable is probably the ridge from the Krá¾ova Ho¾a in the Low Tatras through Èertovica, Ïumbier and Chopok, to Donovaly and then into Vysoké Tatry (High Tatras) the Great Fatra mountains to Krížna, Ostredok and then into Pieniny Malá Fatra. Ve¾ká Fatra Malá Fatra

Slovenský kras (Slovak Karst) Slovenský raj (Slovak paradise) Nízke Tatry (Low Tatras)

- Lakes

- National parks page 4

National parks - Vysoké Tatry (High Tatras) Tatra National Park is the oldest Slovak national park (since 1949). The national park is located approximately 600 km of hiking trails and 15 cycling routes. 7 marked trails are adapted for people with reduced mobility. The hiking trails in the alpine environment are seasonally closed in the period from 1.November to 15.June. Hiking Opportunities: - Easy 1 day trips – Less demanding hikes in the forest and alpine terrain require athletic shoes and clothing, jacket, raincoat, backpack, food and drink. - Moderate 1 day hikes – Such tours require footwear with vibram soles, backpack, sweater, jacket, raincoat, food and drink. - Difficult 1 day tours – Demanding hikes in the mountain terrain (Gerlachovský Peak, Lomnický Peak, Vysoká, Ice Peak) require hiking boots with vibram soles, spare clothes, sweater, jacket, hat, long pants, food and drink. The best hiking routes are describe here:

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Vysoké Tatry - some routes: Altitude 1355m

Jamské pleso


Total time 0:00h

Name of locality Štrbské pleso


Altitude 1355m


Popradské pleso




3:00h 4:15h




Ve¾ké Hincovo pleso

Rázcestie pri Jamskom plese



Popradské pleso


Rázcestie pri Bielom Váhu Štrbské pleso

1460m 1355m

6:45h 7:15h

Štrbské pleso


m.n.m 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000

Kriváò 2495m Malý Kriváò 2334m Malý Kriváò 2334m rázcestie pri Jamskom plese 1447m rázcestie pri Bielom Váhu 1460m





Altitude 1355m

Total time 0:00h

Popradské pleso



Chata pod Rysmi






Chata pod Rysmi Štrbské pleso

2250m 1355m

5:15h 8:30h




Mangusova dolina



Name of locality Tatranská Lomnica


Rysy 2500m Sedlo Váha 2340m Chata pod Rysmi 2250m Žabia nad Žabím potokom 1620m dolina Popradské pleso 1550m Mengusová dolina Symbolický cintorín 1525m


m.n.m 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200

Popradské pleso 1550m

Mangusova dolina



m.n.m 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200

Altitude 845m

Total time 0:00h




Skalnaté pleso



Po¾ana pod Malou Švistkovou



Štart Tatranská Lomnica

1150m 845m

5:00h 8:30h

0 0


20 km

Name of locality Štrbské pleso

Sedlo Váha 2340m Chata pod Rysmi 2250m Žabia nad Žabím potokom 1620m dolina Popradské pleso 1550m Mengusová dolina


Ve¾ké Hincovo pleso 1945m Popradské pleso 1550m

Tatranská Lomnica 845m

Jamské pleso 1447m

Total time 0:00h




Skalnaté pleso 1751m Sedlo pod Malou Sviš ovkou 1521m po¾ana pod Malou Sviš ovkou 1310m

Štart 1150m

Štart 1150m




Tatranská Lomnica 845m

Name of locality Štrbské pleso

m.n.m 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000


more at: page 6

National parks - Nízke Tatry (Low Tatras) From the view of hiking, the National Park Low Tatras is very popular place. The surrounding hills offer the opportunities for more demanding hiking, however, which you will be able also to manage without any special training. The highest and the most known tops of National Park Low Tatras – Ïumbier (2043 m), Chopok (2024 m) and Krá¾ová ho¾a (1948 m) are the unique objects by their magnificent view of the hills and valleys of Slovakia. The National Park Low Tatras provides with a number of opportunities for trips. A favourite is, for example, a hiking trail to the hill Ïumbier. The shortest hiking trail is a classic accessible trail from the Southern side of the Low Tatras mountains. Hiking in the National Park Low Tatras is characterized by its magnificent views especially of the majestic peaks of the High Tatras mountains.

page 7







Demäòovské sedlo Chopok Kosodrevina Trangoška

1756m 2024m 1500m 1120m

4:00h 5:15h 5:15h 6:45h 7:30h


m.n.m 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 km 1000


Name of locality Jasná

Altitude 1102m

Total time 0:00h

Pod Orlou skalou












Po¾ana Dereše

1890m 2003m

4:30h 7:45h

1460m 1102m

10:00h 10:30h

Chopok 2024m Dereše 2003m Dereše 2003m Chopok 2024m Po¾ana 1890m Krížske sedlo 1774m Luková 1676m Luková 1676m sedlo Príslop 1518m


Ïumbier 2043m Chopok 2024m Krúpovo sedlo 1922m Krúpovo sedlo 1922m Demäòovské sedlo 1758m Štefánikova chata 1728m Kosodrevina 1500m


Pod Orlou skalou Jasná

Jasná 1102m


Štefánikova chata

Trangoška 1120m

Halašova jama


8:30h 9:15h

Jasná 1102m

Total time 0:00h

2024m 1676m




Name of locality Mýto pod Ïumbierom



Altitude 1102m

Total time 0:00h

Pod Pošovou mlynou



Štefánikova chata






Štefánikova chata



Lašova jama






Mýto pod Ïumbierom 630m

Altitude 1120m

Trangoška 1120m

Name of locality Trangoška

Chopok Luková

Ïumbier 2043m Krúpovo sedlo 1922m Štefánikova chata 1728m

pod Pošovou Mlynnou 820m



Krúpovo sedlo 1922m Štefánikova chata 1728m

Mlynná dolina




m.n.m 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000


Nízke Tatry - some routes:

15 km

m.n.m 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600

more at: page 8

National parks - Slovenský raj (Slovak Paradise) The Slovenský raj (the Slovak paradise) mountain is considered to be one of the most beautiful natural regions of Slovakia. This mountain range in the Spiš region is characterized by the rugged terrain. The mountain areas thereof are protected by the National Park Slovenský raj, which is one of nine National Parks in Slovakia. There are many canyons, gulches, gorges and valleys, and cave, as well, situated in National Park Slovenský raj. The most known and beautiful is the Dobšinská Ice Cave, a decoration of which is solely formed by ice. As for its decoration, this cave belongs to the richest decorated caves in the world. The Slovenský raj mountain is the real paradise for tourists. Many passages of hiking trails can be gone through only by climbing ladders, which give a special character to this region.

page 9

Slovenský raj - some routes: Name of locality Podlesok

Altitude 545m

Total time 0:00h

Suchá Belá



Pod Vtáèim hrbom



Nad Podleskom






Name of locality Podlesok

Altitude 545m

Total time 0:00h

Kláštorská roklina






Hrdlo Hornádu






Name of locality Podlesok

Altitude 545m

Total time 0:00h




Ve¾ký vodopád



Suchá Belá



Pod vtáèim hrbom Podlesok

900m 545m

4:00h 5:15h




more at: page 10

National parks - Slovenský kras (Slovak Karst) The Slovak Karst is situated on the Slovak–Hungarian border, surrounded by the SouthSlovak, Rožòavská and Košická Basin and Volovské Hills. It is the largest karst area in Slovakia. A huge area (3490 km2) of its whole territory of 3610 km2 is declared protected. It is divided into 7 plains: Koniarska Plain, Plešivská Plain, Silická Plain, Horný Vrch (Upper Hill), Zádielska Plain, Jasovská Plain and Dolný vrch (Lower Hill). Jepšavský Karst is situated on the western corner of the Slovak Karst. The Slovak Karst consists of dolomites and limestone in the southern parts almost 400500 m thick and is divided by deep canyons created by the rivers Slaná and Štítnik as well as by the streams Zádielsky and Hájsky. The plains are full of numerous sinkholes, springs, caves and abysses. You can even find thermophilic flora with endemic features here which is more typical for steppe and forrest-steppe belts. The marked tourist paths are leading to the most wonderful karst phenomena and the most appealing valleys of the area. Domica Cave, Jasovská Cave, Gombasecká Cave, Silická ¾adnica are easily accessible. The most suitable starting points are: Rožòava, Jasov, Zádielske Dvorníky, Silica, Keèovo, Plešivec, Štítnik and Turnianske Podhradie.

page 11

Slovenský kras - some routes:

Name of locality Lubeník Chyžné Ostrý vrch Sedlo Kohúta Kohút Sedlo Kohúta Revúca

Altitude 275m 297m 870m 1108m 1409m 1108m 318m

Total time 0:00h 0:30h 2:45h 4:45h 5:15h 5:30h 8:00h



Sedlo Kohúta 1108m Malý Kohút 1192m





m.n.m 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200


Brdárka 528m Široké pole 665m sedlo Podježovec 608m


Predná hora 760m

Stolické vrchy

Total time 0:00h 1:15h 2:45h 4:00h

Kilhov-sedlo 826m


Name of locality Predná hora hrad Muráò - horáreò hrad Muráò hrad Muráò - horáreò Muráò

Chyžné 297m


Altitude 460m 528m 862m 582m

Revúcka vrchovina


Revúca 318m

Kohút 1409m Sedlo Kohúta 1108m Ostrý vrch 870m

Name of locality Kobeliarovo Brdárka Kilhov Rejdová

Rejdova 582m




Altitude 760m 843m 935m 843m 394m Muránska planina Hrad Muráò 935m

Muráò-horáreò 843m


Total time 0:00h 1:45h 2:00h 2:15h 3:15h

m.n.m 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400


m.n.m 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 km 300

Muráò 394m

Total time 0:00h 0:45h 1:45h 2:00h 2:45h 3:00h 4:45h 5:45h

Kobeliarovo 460m

Altitude 339m 354m 440m 429m 505m 549m 256m 241m

Lubeník 275m

Name of locality Domica Keèovo Pod Dlhým bralom Silická Brezová Silická ¾adnica - rázcestie Silica Silická Jablonica Hrušov


more at: page 12

National parks - Malá Fatra The crystalline complex mountain the Malá Fatra (Small Fatra) is situated in the Žilina region. It wanders off from the Faèkovské sedlo (col) in the South through the Martinské hole mountain into the valley of the river Váh and continued in the Krivánská Fatra mountain. This mountain is the fourth biggest mountain in Slovakia, and thanks to this fact it offers to its tourists the opportunities to various, mostly demanding hiking tours . A height range of this mountain indicates the terrain division, which you must overcome during your walks. From the view of hiking, however, the most attractive are just the highest part of Malá Fatra (Small Fatra). They are interesting to tourists by its panoramic views. Malá Fatra (Small Fatra) has got a close net of hiking footpaths and thanks to which it attracts many tourists for hiking in this region. In winter, the lovers of nature can enjoy a whole pleiad of winter sports, including ski-alpine.

page 13

Malá Fatra - some routes:

Podžiar 715m



Štefanová 625m

Name of locality Štefanová Horné diery Medzirozsutce Malý Rozsutec Terchová - Biely Potok


sedlo Medziholie 1185m

sedlo Zákres 1225m sedlo Medzirozsutce 1200m Tesná rizòa Horné diery

Altitude 625m 890m 1200m 1344m 575m

Total time 0:00h 1:15h 2:00h 2:15h 4:00h

Ve¾ký Rozsutec 1610 Podrozsutec 800m

Podžiar 715m 5

m.n.m 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 km 600


m.n.m 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 km 600

Name of locality Vrátna Chata Vrátna Snilovské sedlo Ve¾ký Kriváò Na koni Chrapáky Sedlo za Kraviarskym Vrátna Ve¾ký Kriváò 1709m Snilovské sedlo 1524m


Altitude 700m 750m 1524m 1709m 1170m 1410m 1230m 700m

Total time 0:00h 0:15h 2:30h 3:00h 4:15h 5:15h 5:30h 6:30h


Chrapáky1410m sedlo Bublen 1510m m Kraviarsky sedlo Na koni 1170m Sedlo za m 1230

Vrátna 700m

Štefanová 625m

Ve¾ký Rozsutec 1610 sedlo Medzirozsutce 1200m Tesná rizòa Horné diery


Vrátna 700m

Total time 0:00h 1:15h 2:00h 3:15h 5:30h Štefanová 625m

Altitude 625m 890m 1200m 1610m 625m

Chata Vrátna 750m



m.n.m 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600


Biely Potok 575m

Name of locality Štefanová Horné diery Medzirozsutce Ve¾ký Rozsutec Štefanová

more at: page 14

National parks - Ve¾ká Fatra Great Fatra is one of the most beautiful mountains in Slovakia, which is located in the area of Liptov, Orava, Turec and Horehronie. The area of NP Great Fatra is 40,371 ha. The highest peak of Great Fatra is Ostredok (1592 m). In this area, such beautiful valleys as ¼ubochnianska, Blatnická, Gaderská, Necpalská, Belianska and Žarnovická are located. Carpathian flora occurring mainly on the tops of large rock massifs is typical for Great Fatra.

page 15

Šiprúò 1461m Vyšné Šiprúnske sedlo 1360m



Podsuchá 540m

Name of locality Podsuchá Siprúò Malá Smrekovica Podsuchá


Tlstá hora 1208m

Vlkolínske lúky 860m



Altitude 540m 1461m 1460m 540m

Vyšné Šiprúnske sedlo 1360m

Šiprúò 1461m


Moèidlo 1320m Vyšné Matejkovo



m.n.m 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400


Total time 0:00h 3:00h 5:00h 7:15h

pod Malou Smrekovicou 1460m

Nižné Matejkovo



Èernová 491m

Vtáènik 1090m

Total time 0:00h 1:30h 2:45h 4:15h 6:00h 8:00h

m.n.m 1400 1200 1000 800 600

20 km


Altitude 525m 718m 900m 1209m 900m 494m

Total time 0:00h 0:45h 1:30h 2:30h 3:15h 4:15h

Malinné 1209m Hotel Malina 900m Hotel Malina 900m Vlkolínec 718m


Kalvária 600m




Ružomberok 494m

Altitude 494m 860m 1090m 1461m 1208m 491m

Podsuchá 540m

Ružomberok 494m

Name of locality Ružomberok Vlkolínske lúky Sedlo pod Vtáènikom Šiprúò Tlstá hora Ružomberok - Èernová

Name of locality Sklabinský Podzámok Kaplnka Košarisko K¾ak Pod K¾akom Podhradie Biely Potok 525m

Malá Fatra - some routes:

m.n.m 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400


Name of locality Hotel Krá¾ova studòa Krá¾ova studòa Smrekov Rakytovská dolina Juriašovo Blatnica

Altitude 1250m 1255m 1441m 733m 650m 500m

Total time 0:00h 0:15h 1:00h 2:45h 3:15h 4:15h


Name of locality Hotel Krá¾ova studòa Krá¾ova studòa Horáreò Drobkov Druhá Horáreò Prvá Horáreò Blatnica

Altitude 1250m 1255m 860m 700m 600m 500m

Total time 0:00h 0:15h 1:30h 2:45h 4:00h 4:45h


more at:

page 16

Natural caves Slovakia has more than 4,000 dramatic caves and caverns under its mountains, 12 of which are open to the public. The 12 show caves open for public are Belianska Cave, Bystrianska Cave, Demänovská Cave of Liberty, Demänovská Ice Cave, Dobšinská Ice Cave, Domica Cave, Driny Cave, Gombasecká Cave, Harmanecká Cave, Jasovská Cave, Ochtinská Aragonite Cave and Važecká Cave Within the UNESCO world natural heritage are since 1995 included Ochtinská Aragonite Cave, Domica Cave, Gombasecká Cave and Jasovská Cave, and since 2000 also Dobšinská Ice Cave. As invaluable and irreplaceable values of the world importance they require a special protection, care and presentation. Važecká cave

Belianska cave

Demäòovská ice cave Demäòovská cave of liberty Bystrianska cave Dobšinská ice cave

Harmanecká cave

Domica cave

Jasovská cave

Gombasecká cave Driny

Ochtinská Aragonite cave

More info at: page 17

Belianska Cave (entrance at 885 m) - in the High Tatras on the northern slope of the Kobylí Hill above the Tatranská Basin. It belongs among the most visited show caves in Slovakia. Except for bizarre rocky shapes, it is known by rich occurrence of calcite fills. Though the interest in natural attractions of the cave have been persisting for 125 years, the rules of its forming are not entirely clear by now.

Bystrianska Cave - in the ponor zone of the Bystrá-Valaská Karst in the Bystrá foothills of the Upper Hron River Valley, on the southern edge of Bystrá village. The Bystrianska Cave is the most important cave of the Upper Hron River Valley. It is known by remarkable rocky features and evolution of underground spaces, occurrence of flowstone fills as well as by favourable climatic conditions for speleotherapeutical treatment.

Demänovská Cave of Liberty - on the right hand side of the Demänovská Valley, on the northern side of the Low Tatras, in the Demänovská dolina national nature reserve within the territory of the Low Tatras National Park. The national nature monument of the Demänovské Caves on the northern side of the Low Tatras Mts. is the longest cave system in Slovakia. The Demänovská Cave of Liberty belongs among its dominating caves. It has been captivating the visitors by its rich flowstone fill of various colours, magical flow of underground Demänovka as well as the charming pools for many years. It is the most visited show cave in Slovakia.

More info at: page 18

Demänovská Ice Cave - on the right hand side of the Demänovská Valley, on the northern side of the Low Tatras, in the Demänovská dolina national nature reserve within the territory of the Low Tatras National Park. The Demänovská Ice Cave presents the northern part of world known Demänovské Caves. It stands out by occurrence of permanent ice fill, bizarre and mighty shapes of underground spaces, rare cave fauna as well as rich history.

Dobšinská Ice Cave - on the south-western edge of the Slovak Paradise National Park in Spiš-Gemer karst. Cave entrance is on the northern slope of the Duèa Hill at elevation of 969 m, 130 m above the Hnilec River valley. Dobšinská ice cave belongs among the most important ice caves in the world. Since 2000 it is inscribed on the world heritage list. As compared with known high-mountain ice caves Eisriesenwelt and Dachstein-Rieseneishöhle in Austrian Alps or with the Romanian Scãriºoara Cave in Bihor Mts., which has the glaciated part at elevations of 1,100 to 1,120 m n. m., the monumental glaciation of the Dobšinská Ice Cave persist for thousands of years at elevations only 920 to 950 m.

Domica Cave - on the south-western edge of the Silická plateau in the Slovak Karst National Park, close to the state border with Hungary. Domica Cave is the most known and longest cave of the Slovak Karst National Park. Except for important geomorphological features, it is interesting by precious archaeological findings, occurrence of flowstone shields and drums, as well as numerous bat species presence. The cave belongs in the world heritage site „The Caves of Slovak and Aggtelek Karst“.

More info at: page 19

Driny Cave The only show cave in the western Slovakia. Located in the Smolenice karst in Malé Karpaty, to the south-west from Smolenice town, close to the recreation centre Jahodník. The Driny Cave is the only show cave in the western Slovakia and one of the main tourist attractions of the Lesser Carpathians. As compared with other show caves in Slovakia, where usually larger underground spaces prevail, it represents a system of narrow fissure passages, however with beautiful dripstone decoration.

Gombasecká Cave - on the western foothill of the Silická Plateau in the Slovak Karst National Park, on the left side of the Slaná River canyon between Rožòava and Plešivec. Gombasecká Cave belongs among the most important caves of the Slovak Karst national park. It is known mostly by occurrence of thin straw stalactites. Within the „Caves of Slovak and Aggtelek Karst“ it was inscribed on the world heritage list.

Harmanecká Cave National nature monument Harmanecká Cave is the most known cave in the Great Fatra. It is located in the Harmanec karst where except for this cave there are other significant wild caves Horná and Dolná Túfna Cave with findings of ancient animal bones. The Harmanecká Cave ranks among the most important caves in Slovakia by remarkable origin of cave spaces, mighty breakdown domes, high abundance of moonmilk, as well as by the number of wintering bats. Harmanecká cave was discovered in 1932. The most dominant is the white soft sinter which will catch the eye of every visitor. The cave is one of the most eminent locations of bats occurence in Slovakia. There are about 11 different species here. Besides great pagoda like stalagmites, wall waterfalls and small lakes, you can also get familiar with these interesting mammals.

More info at: page 20

Jasovská Cave - in the Medzev Upland close to the eastern edge of the Jasovská Plateau of the Slovak Karst, on the western edge of the Jasov village. The Jasovská Cave belongs among the most important caves of the Slovak Karst National Park. It is known by occurrence of rich calcite flowstone fill, remarkable rocky shapes and development of underground spaces, with abundant bat occurrence, several archaeological findings and interesting history. Withing the „Caves of Slovak and Aggtelek Karst“ it was inscribed on the world heritage lists.

Ochtinská Aragonite Cave It is a specific formation also in the world perspective thanks to ist varied aragonite fill. It is located on the northern slope of the Hrádok Hill in the Slovenské Rudohorie Mts. near the road between Štítnik and Jelšava, 26 km from Rožòava. Ochtinská Aragonite Cave has been included into the UNESCO List of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The cave was discovered accidentally in 1954 while digging mining passages. The rooms of the cave were created by the activities of athmospheric waters in crystalline limestones and later on in these cavities rare and valuable aragonite ornamentation was formed. The rich and varied needle, spiral and kidney-shaped aragonite filling creates an unusually varied mixture of images and is unique of the kind in the world.

Važecká Cave - in the Važecký karst on the contact of the Kozie chrbty with the Liptovská Basin, on the western edge of the Važec village between Liptovský Mikuláš and Poprad. The Važecká Cave is one of the most known caves in the northern Slovakia. Though by length it belongs among the short show caves, it is known by occurrence of rich dripstone decoration, remarkable findings of cave bear bones, as well as by rare cave fauna.

More info at: page 21

Admission fee

Opening hours

page 22

Castles and castle :) More than 300 castles – many only evocative ruins – dot the landscape throughout Slovakia. These fortified places that often sheltered entire towns from rapacious invaders are poignant reminders of the perils of times past. It’s not surprising, then, that there are so many castles in Slovakia, which stands at the crossroads of cultures, religions and conquerors. In the 14th and 15th centuries, three Slovak castles were among the largest in all of Europe: Devín, Spiš and Trenèín. There are two words for castle in Slovak language: hrad, which connotes defensive, fortified structures, and zámok, signifying palaces, chateaux or manor houses, built in more peaceful times by nobles and royals as luxurious homes or hunting lodges in place of the cold, drafty castles of yore. Many of them were changed through the centuries to combine both types. Many castles and manor houses have interesting museums. Some host festivals and re-enactments of their glory days. Others are simply haunting remains, to be viewed with the respect that their mere survival, against all odds, deserves. More information: The map of the castles that you should visit page 23

A Gothic castle which is known from the 10th century, but the castle hill was inhabited also in the Celtic and the Great Moravian era. In the middle of the 16th century, Bratislava became the official coronation town for Hungarian Kings and at the castle there was a residence of the king. Later, the castle was rebuild in a Renaissance style. In 1811, the castle was burnt down and only ruins were left. It was reconstructed in 1956-68. Bratislava Castle is an important landmark and a National Cultural Monument. Bratislava Castle is now home to the Slovak National Museum. Enjoy also the perfect view.

Bratislava castle

Entrance: daily except Mondays from 10.00 to 18.00. Admission fees: full price 2,50 €, reduced 1,50 € More information:

Originally the fortress was made from wood and grew out of the older fortress. Gradually over the 13th century it was built up from stone. The caste was renovated several times. Nowdays it is one of the most magical and fairy tale castles in Slovakia. The castle organized is home to the Slovak National Museum. There are many collections exhibited in the castles interior collected primarly by the last noble owner - the count Ján František Pálfi. Entrance: daily except Mondays: OCT - APR 10:00 to 15:00; MAY - SEP 9:00 to17:00, (JUN-AUG - the castle is also on Mondays) Admission fees: 6,50 € for 75min. tour More information:

Bojnice castle

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The first mention of Red Stone Castle was in the first half of the 13th century. The castle was Èervený Kameò castle built at a request of Queen Konstancia Uhorska, the widow of the Czech king, on her own land Red Rock castle before 1240. At the same time the castle got the name – Red Stone (Cerveny Kamen in Slovak, Rothenstein in German, Vorosko in Hungarian) or Beaver Castle. The castle was originally held by the Crown and later passed into the ownership of Matus Cak Trenciansky and a number of families including Zapolski, Turzo and the counts of Svaty Jur and Pezinok. The castle organized is home to the Slovak National Museum. Entrance: daily except Mondays: OCT - APR 9:30 to 15:30; MAY - SEP 9:00 to17:00, (JUNAUG - the castle is also on Mondays) English tours: MAY-JUN - Sat and Sun at 11:30 and 15:30, JUL-SEP daily at 11:30 and 15:30 Admission fees: full price 6 €, reduced 3 €, English tour full price 7 €, reduced 3,50 € More information: The castle was originally situated outside this important medieval mining city, but now lies in the centre and is one of the dominant on the city skyline. Its oldest building is the original Late- Romanesque church from the 13th century. The castle organized is home to the Slovak National Museum. The castle area consists of several buildings, such as the so-called Mathew's House and the town hall built around 1500 and rebuilt in 1546. Cultural facilities are placed in the castle and the State Gallery in the townhall. Entrance to gallery: daily except Mondays: 10:00 - 16:00 Admission fees: full price 1,50 €, reduced 0,50 € More information:

Banská Bystrica castle page 25

Banská Štiavnica - Old castle and New castle Starý zámok A castle which was rebuilt in 1546-1559 from a Gothic church. There is the Slovak Mining Museum. The exhibitions of the Old Castle represent the history of Banská Štiavnica Old castle

region. The Old Castle is the text – book of architectural styles by itself (from the Romanesque Chapel of St. Michal to the Baroque Entrance Tower). The area of the castle is being opened step by step from 1990-ties

Entrance: daily except Mondays OCT - APR 8:00 to 16:00; daily MAY - SEP 9:00 to 18:00 Admission fees: small round full price 3 €, reduced 1,50 €; big tour 4 €, reduced 2€ The guided tour is realized in Slovak language, English text – guide is available! More information:

The Old Castle - a national cultural monument - whose origins reach back to the early 13th century, bears traces of practically all the building styles and houses a museum since 1900. The Old Castle being itself an exhibition of the architectural styles, houses the following exhibitions: The archaeological Exposition - "The miners are coming", The Sacral Art Exposition, The pipe producing manufakturies in Banska Stiavnica Exposition, The Art of Smithery Exposition, The Shooting Targets and Arms Exposition & The Marquette of the Altar by Master M.S. from 1506. Entrance: daily except Mondays OCT - APR 8:00 to 16:00; daily MAY - SEP 9:00 to 18:00 Admission fees: 2 €, reduced 1 € More information:

Nový zámok New castle

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Krásna Hôrka castle

The castle Krasna Horka is situated on a lonely hill and overlooks the surrounding countryside. The castle is directly linked to the Mansion house in Betliar. Behind the village there is an architecturally and artistically valuable mausoleum. The castle and mausoleum belong among the most visited historical sights in Slovakia. The castle is national cultural monument. Entrance: daily except Mondays OCT - APR 9:30 to 14:00; daily except Mondays MAY SEP 8:30 to 16:30 Admission fees: 4,32 €, reduced 2,32 € More information:

The museum specialises in documenting history of gentry. It sits in a past hunting palace of the Andrassy family (National Cultural Monument), which is situated in a large romantic park in Betliar. The mansion was one of many other gentry houses of the family till 1945. The first building dates back to the first half of 15th century. Soon the building was enlarged. The present shape of the mansion was formed during the last reconstruction at the end of the 19th century. Entrance: daily except Mondays OCT - APR 9:30 to 14:00; daily except Mondays MAY - SEP 8:30 to 16:30 Admission fees: 5 €

Kremnica castle

Betliar Mansion

The castle´s architectural design makes it an unusual monument of medieval settlement and fortification. It is a complex of buildings from the 13th to 15th centuries, protected by double fortifications. The Gothic church of St. Catharine, patron of the town, stands in the centre of the area. The castle is National Cultural Monument and has 6 expositions. Entrance: daily except Mondays OCT - MAY 9:00 to 16:30; daily except Mondays JUN SEP 8:30 to 17:30 Admission fees: full price 2,69 €, reduced 1,34 € More information: page 27

The first written record of the Orava Castle goes to the 13th century. It ranks among the most significant monuments of castle architecture and belongs to one of the most frequently visited monuments in Slovakia. The Orava Castle towers 112 metres over the sea level while the village of Oravsky Podzamok is dominated magnificently by it.

Orava castle

Entrance: daily OCT - MAR 10:00 to 15:00; daily MAY - SEP 8:30 to 17:00 Admission fees: 6 €, reduced 4 € More information:

The castle was built over a settlement site that had existed from the Bronze Age through times of Celts and Germanic tribes to the Slavic settlement. In the times of the origins of the Ugrian state a royal castle had developed out of the older Great Moravia hill-fort-roost. The castle is the National cultural monument. Entrance: daily OCT - MAR 9:00 to 16:00; daily MAY - SEP 9:00 to 18:00 Admission fees: mall round full price 3,05 €, reduced 1,70 €; big tour 4,35 €, reduced 2,35 € More information:

Zvolen castle

Trenèín castle

National cultural monument. Standing on a low hill, the castle has a rectangular shape with four wings surrounding the central courtyard. Constructed in 1370-1382 as a Gothic hunting chateau of the Italian type of a municipal palace, the castle was built for the Hungarian King Louis I (the Great) from the Anjou family. To prevent Turkish attacks, fortifications were built later. Reinstalled exhibitions of old and contemporary art, applied arts and design, and temporary exhibitions of naive art are displayed at the Zvolen Castle by the Slovak National Gallery. Entrance: OCT - APR (WED-SUN) 10:00 to 17:30; MAY - SEP (TUE-SUN) 10:00 to 17:30 Admission fees: full price 2,70 €, reduced 1 € More information: page 28

On the north of Spis Lubovna castle with its rich history and interesting architecture towers above the valley of the Poprad river. It is one of the most unique castles in Slovakia. Although it had originally guarded the northern Hungarian border, it was for 360 years the seat of power of the custodians of the Spis areas that were temporarily given to Poland as a guarantee. It became famous for its numerous visits by the King. The Polish coronating jewellery was also hidden there fore six years.

Stará ¼ubovòa castle

Entrance: daily except Mondays OCT-APR 10:00-15:00; daily MAY-SEP 9:00-17:00 Admission fees: full price 4 €, reduced 2 € More information:

In the 15th century the importance of Smolenice increased considerably, because a castle was built there which became the centre and seat of the Smolenice estate. Early in the 16th century, Smolenice had been gained by the Orszagh family. In 1777, Jan Palffy takes the Smolenice estate as pawn. The Palffy family did not live at the castle, which had decayed considerably during the life of Kristof III, the last of the Erdody family – they lacked money for maintenance. The decay was complete during the Napoleon Wars – the main castle building and the tower had burnt down. Smolenicky ZamokConstruction of the Smolenice Castle of today had been started early in the 20th century by Jozef Palffy Jr., the landlord of Smolenice and Dobra Voda estates.

Smolenica castle

Entrance: daily only in JULY - AUGUST 10:00-18:00 Admission fees: 1,50 € More information:

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The Spis castle is one of the most extasive Slovak castles. Spissky hradIt is a dominant feature of the Spis reagion. It is beautifully placed in the countryside on a travertine rock. It had been mentioned by the 12th century as a regional castle. It is the biggest ruins of the castle in the Middle Europe and it belongs to UNESCO heritage list. Entrance: daily OCT, NOV, MAR, APR 10:00-16:00; daily MAY-SEP 9:00-19:00 Admission fees: full price 5 €, reduced 3 € More information: or

Spiš castle The Devin Castle in one of the most significant archaeological localities in Slovakia. It is a National cultural monument. Because of the advantageous geographical position, the height over the confluence of the Danube and the Morava rivers was settled as far back as the 5th century B.C. and cultural monuments from the surrounding areas overlapped here. Entrance: daily OCT -APR (TUE-SUN) 10:00-17:00; MAY-SEP (TUE-SUN) 9:00-18:00 Admission fees: full price 3 €, reduced 1,50 € More information:

Streèno castle

Devín castle

The romantic ruins of Strecno Castle tower over the channel of the Vah like a symbol of feudal power in the Central Povazie. Even though it has been a ruin for three centuries, the architecture that remains is able to document the development of the medieval fortress from the gothic to the baroque. Although the castle was only established in the middle of the 14th century, the site has been inhabited for much longer – archaeological discoveries show that the castle hill was already inhabited in the early Bronze Age. Entrance: daily APR - SEP 9:00-18:00; daily OKT 9:00-16:00; NOV (SAT-SUN) 11:00 -16:00 Admission fees: full price 3 €, reduced 2 € More information: page 30

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