Erasmus Pocket Guide

Page 1

Something about

Polish flag


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The national emblem

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Administrative division of Poland since 1999

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Something about

Poland from A to Z Alcohol. Stereotypes Poles as heavy drunks is true but only partly. Alcohol consumption in public places is prohibited [fine is usually 100 zł]. There are plenty 24h open of licence where you can buy all types of alcoholic drinks. Poland is famous for its vodka and beer products, you can find quite few breweries. In smaller ones you can find lager, dark beer, non-pasteurized or flavoured beers. Polish vodka is known as one of the best in the world. You can choose from flavoured vodkas e.g. with juniper berries, grapefruit, lemon, hazelnut, cherry, quince or honey. In the past Poles used to drink mead [miód pitny] it’s not so popular nowadays, however you can find it in many shops and it is worth to try.

Climate. In Poland you can experience four seasons weather. Winter lasts from December to March, relatively cold with temperatures far below zero and sometimes heavy snowfalls. Spring starts in March initially cold and windy, later becoming warm and sunny. Summer begins in June usually warm or even hot, but often rainy. Autumn comes in September often warm and sunny at the beginning, turning cold, damp and foggy. Poland’s climate is influenced by continental climate from the east and maritime climate from the west. Temperature depends on region, average in the summer is 16,5°C–20°C, in the winter -6°C–0°C. The highest registered temperatures was +40,2°C and the lowest -41°C.

Area code for Poland is + 48. Cell numbers in Poland are composed of nine digits.

Currency in force is Złoty [1 Złoty = 100 Groszy]. Approximately 1 € = 4,20 zł.

Beautiful girls— just look around!

Customs. Poles by large are more conservative and



Something about

traditional than rest of the Europe. Religion and politics can be sensitive subject. Religion plays an important role in the Polish society and is deeply intertwined with Polish culture. However the way of life is changing, especially in large urban centres people are more easy-going and open minded. In Poland some old-fashioned customs are still alive. You may witness the traditional polite way of greetings when man kisses the hand of a woman. Poles are known for being direct communicators, so don’t be surprised when in respond of polite “how are you?” you will hear the long monolog of complains. But hey, not every thing is so negative, Poles also can be very friendly and hospitable the old saying: “a guest in the house is the God in the house” is still very much the way how we treat our friends. It may take some time get to know us better, but it’s totally worth it. I promise. Drugs. Possession, taking, buying and selling any drugs are not allowed in Poland.

Eat. Polish food is hearty and filling, with thick soups and sauces, rich in potatoes, dumplings and meat. Traditional polish cuisine depends on region the most popular and typical includes many soups: beef or chicken soup [rosół], beetroot soup [barszcz], żurek, tripe [flaki], pea-soup [grochówka], sorrel soup [szczawiowa], cold soup [chłodnik]; starters: herring in oil, pork jelly [nóżki], wegetables with butter and breadcrumbs, fried or grilled carp or trout, white sausage, blood pudding [kaszanka], lard and pickled cucumbers [smalec i ogórek kiszony], tartar [tatar]; main courses: dumplings [pierogi], bigos, kluski śląskie, kopytka, racuchy, chicken livers with onion [wątróbka], porkknuckle [golonka], pork chop [kotlet schabowy], zrazy, karkówka, duck in apples, meat-stuffed cabbage [gołąbki], ribs in honey [żeberka w miodzie], and many other kinds of meat dishes. Polish cakes and cookies you can find are: faworki, doughnuts [pączki- especially at Tłusty Czwartek]; cheese cake

Something about

[sernik], apple pie [szarlotka] also typical for Christmas gingerbread [piernik], poppy-seed cake [makowiec] and for Easter mazurek or baba wielkanocna. If you are curious about polish fast-food, try zapiekanki. When you will be in mountains—definitely try oscypek, it is type of cheese associated with this region. Figures. Poland has boarders with Germany in the west, Czech Republic and Slovakia in the south, Ukraine and Belarus in the east and Lithuania and Russia in the north. Country has more than 1000 years of very complicated and turbulent history. Between 1795 and 1918 Poland had disappeared from the map of the world. Country was subject of aggressive politic its neighbours and effectively annexed by enemies. Territory of Poland is 312,679 km² what makes it the 69th largest country in the world and the 9th largest in Europe. Poland has 440 km of coastline. More than 38 millions of inhabitats make it 34th most populous country in the world and the 6th most

populous member of the European Union. Poland’s current provinces [województwa] are largely based on the country’s historic or geographic regions; however there are 16 provinces and more than 50 geographical regions. Ethnicity: more than 98 % of Poles, with small minority of Ukrainians, Belorussians, Germans, Slovaks and Lithuanians, Jews, Vietnemese, Gypsies, and Turks. 60 % of population live in cities, more than 1,7 mln lives in capital city, Warsaw [Warszawa]. Capital city and it`s aglomeration has over 2 mln inhabitats. Other biggest cities are respectively: Cracow [Kraków], Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań and Gdańsk. Many people emigrated after joined the European Union in 2004 mainly to Great Britain, Ireland, Germany and Scandinavian countries. Since 1999 Poland is a member of NATO. Foreign languages. You may be able to communicate in English, especially in big cities and among younger people. Older people speaks more often German or Russian.



Something about

Gdańsk is the largest city in the northern Poland. Lies on the southern edge of Gdańsk Bay together with cities of Gdynia, Sopot and suburban communities, form a metropolitan area called the Tricity [Trójmiasto], with a population near 740,000. Gdańsk itself has a population of 455,830 [June 2010].The city is historical capital of Pomerania and the largest city of Kashubia region. Archaeological studies indicate a settlement in this place in the VIIth century. The city is close to the former late medieval/modern boundary between West Slavic and Germanic lands and it has Complex political history with periods of Polish and periods of German rule, and extensive self-rule, with two spells as a free city. Gdańsk is situated at the mouth of the Motława River connected to the Leniwka, a branch in the delta of the nearby Vistula River, whose waterway system supplies 60 % of the area of Poland and connects Gdańsk to the national capital in Warsaw. All this gave the city together with the nearby port of Gdynia

a unique advantage as the heart of Poland's sea trade. Together with the nearby port of Gdynia, Gdańsk is also an important industrial centre. Historically an important sea-port and shipbuilding centre, Gdańsk was a member of the Hanseatic League. The city was the birthplace of the Solidarity movement, which under the leadership of Lech Wałęsa, played a major role in bringing to the end Communist rule across Central Europe. Grumpy mood is distinctive quality of Polish nation. Complaining, whining is an illness of older Poles. The new generation is trying to break down this stereotype. History of this country is dated back to more than a thousand years ago. During this period, Poland gave birth to a unique culture and raised many people that changed the course of the world. The Kingdom of Poland was formed in 1025, and in 1569 it cemented a long association with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and formed the

Something about

Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was a gold period for the kingdom. The xviiith century saw the agony and ended the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Polish country has been divided among the Russian Empire, Kingdom of Prussia, and Habsburg Austria dividing up the Commonwealth lands among themselves. Three partitions took place in 1772, 1793 and 1795. Poland regained its independence as the Second Polish Republic in 1918. Two decades later, in September 1939, World War ii broke out. Over six million Polish citizens died in the war. The People's Republic was declared in 1952 although Poland was a satellite state of the Soviet Union from 1944. During the Revolutions of 1989 [which started in Gdańsk with Lech Wałęsa as a leader], the communism was overthrown and democratic rule was re-established in the form as we know it today. Hitchhiking in Poland is quite common comparing to west Europe. There is only

a few highways in Poland so there are no problem with finding a way out from cities to stop a car. Obviously some people are scared about hitchhikers, but others are friendly and helpful. So, go ahead! Learn some Polish phrases and get ready to take over polish roads! Holidays are mostly linked with religion. Often a lot of shops are closed at: 1st I—a New Year 6th I—the Epiphany March/April—Easter 1st V—Labour Day 3rd V—Constitution Day V/VI—Corpus Christi Day 15th VIII—Day of Polish Army /Assumption of Saint Maria 1st XI—All Soul`s Day 11th XI—Indepence Day 25th–26th XII—Christmas. Summer school holidays are between end of June and 1st September [for higher education institutions till 1st October]. Winter school holidays lasts two weeks and the term depends on the province; for university students it is up to university.



Something about

Kiosk is definitely a peculiarity of our country. There are plenty of ugly, 40 years old kiosks. They haunt foreigners and locals at every corner of the city. Language. Polish language [like Czech and Slovakian] belong to West Slavic group of languages. There are also South Slavic [e.g. Slovenian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian] and East Slavic [e.g. Russian and Ukrainian] groups of languages which all are more or less similar to Polish. Our language is not free from foreign influences e.g. French, German, Russian and Jewish words are commonly used in Polish, because many different ethnic groups lived in Poland before World War II or because of annexation of Poland to Germany or Russia in XIX century. Nowadays English has the biggest influence on Polish Language. Local time what we have is GMT+1 as are most of European countries. Winter time begins from the last Sunday in October, and summer starts on the

last Sunday in June. Summer time for Poland is GMT+2. Moustache. It is one thing that linking the most important people in our history. The first king of Poland Bolesław Chrobry had it. Józef Piłsudski, the man who gained independence after World War I had it. Lech Wałęsa , an electrician who overthrowed the communism has it; even our present president has it. All man are crazy about it, many of them grow it. Nature. More than 1 % of Poland’s territory is protected within 23 Polish National Parks. Variety of polish regions is truly amazing. You can find here sea with great sandy beaches or wonderful mountains, eg. Świętokrzyskie, Karpaty [with Tatry, Beskidy, Bieszczady], Sudety [with Karkonosze, Góry Stołowe, Sowie, and many, many others]. You can sail the boat on one of Mazury and Warmia lakes, Gdańska bay or Solińskie lake; with canoe in almost every region, mainly in the north of the country.

Something about

Pill morning after is available only with prescription from the doctor. Religion. More than 90 % Poles declare to being Catholics, in fact only about 40 % is actively involved with life of their church [attend to Sunday mass etc.] Orthodox and Protestant is less than 2 %. Around 2 % of the Polish population declare belonging to other religious community and 6 % declare to have no religion at all. Smoking is prohibited in public places, like bus stops, trains, pubs, clubs, night clubs except places designate for smokers. Threats. Risks of being robbed, raped or beaten up in Poland are pretty much the same as in the other European countries. Also polish thieves are more active abroad than in the country. Using your common sense is advised as well as adhere general safety rules. Take care of yourself and don`t argue with people wearing tracksuit clothing and chains!

Trying to get in to discussion with them is quite frankly pointless, and can be even dangerous. Best avoided! Tradition. Poles decreasingly but still celebrate some old traditions which origins can be traced back to Pagan times and our Slavic mythology. Night between 23rd and 24th June is St. John`s Night [in polish Noc Świętojańska] is Slavic version of Valentine`s Day. Girls used to weave wreaths and put them with the candle on the surface of the river. Whose wreath was taken by some boy, this girl was believed to get married. The girls, whose wreaths sunk, would never get married. Nowadays everything is more about party. It’s day to celebrate full of concerts and the folk festivals. Eve of 30th November is known as St. Andrew`s Day, when people make fortune-telling. There are plenty of games and omens to read our future. Traditional welcome in Old Polish way is with bread and salt, which are symbols of happiness, prosperity and



Something about

goodness. Apart from that Poles celebrate very much Name Day. Yes, Name Day isn’t that awesome? And it is much more popular than celebrating birthdays. Weddings are celebrating for two days usually. Christmas Eve, Easter, and other catholic holidays and events, like Baptism or The First Holy Communion are also highly celebrated. Ugliness. Unfortunately people, who are making decisions about how the city and public space looks like, often are failing to deliver. Enormous nasty adverts, disgusting colours of buildings makes artists and designers sick every day... Water. Before drinking tap water boil it. Tap water it’s not always safe to drink straight from the tap, however in some cities tap water is just fine. Zest for life we have to take up from more optimistic nations. Share with us!

N Gdańsk Hostel Targ Rybny Grodzka 21 + 48 (58) 301 56 27

Old Town Hostel Gdańsk Długa Grobla 7 + 48 (58) 351 31 31 Grand Hostel Kołodziejska 2 + 48 (58) 666 061 350 AAAle! Hostel Długie Ogrody 4 + 48 502 024 631 Hostel Zachariasza Zappio Świętojańska 49 + 48 (58) 322 01 74 Hostel Cycle On Spichrzowa 15 + 48 531 153 700



As Taxi + 48 (58) 302 23 03 + 48 660 619 660

Dajan Taxi + 48 (58) 196 28 + 48 (58) 306 00 00 Neptun Taxi + 48 (58) 196 86 + 48 585 111 555 + 48 800 170 700

Super Hallo Taxi + 48 (58) 191 91 + 48 602 31 91 91 + 48 800 11 91 91

Hallo Taxi Gold Taxi + 48 (58) 19 666 + 48 (58) 194 54 + 48 (58) 301 59 59


Necessary stuff

Tourist Information Długi Targ 28/29 80-830 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 301 43 55 Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk Targ Węglowy 6 80-836 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 301 28 01

Dormitory Chlebnicka 13/16 80-830 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 301 77 24

International Office Dorota Pieniążek Targ Węglowy 6 80-836 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 301 21 40

Student`s Medical Center Zwycięstwa 30 80-219 Gdańsk–Wrzeszcz + 48 (58) 347 27 71

Erasmus Student Network Politechnika Gdańska Siedlicka 4, room 213 80-222, Gdańsk–Wrzeszcz + 48 (58) 347 11 94

Hospital Nowe Ogrody 1–6 80-803 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 302 30 31

Necessary stuff polish railways 3-city public transport cheap bus lines how to get to destination search for connections official website of Gdańsk cheap flights also from Poland what`s going on in the 3-city find the place to hitchhike where to party in the 3-city hostel&car booking enojy Pomerania Gdańsk public transport explore Poland Embassies/Consulates in 3-city of countries we have an Erasmus exchange: Austria Podolska 21 81-382 Gdynia + 48 (58) 620 19 93 Finland Morska 59 81-323 Gdynia + 48 (58) 621 68 52



Necessary stuff

France Kościuszki 61 81-704 Sopot + 48 (58) 550 32 49

Turkey Podwale Staromiejskie 104/1 80-844 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 718 58 78

Germany Zwycięstwa 23 80-803 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 340 65 00

United Kingdom Grunwaldzka 102 80-803 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 341 43 65

Italy Chopina 6 81-382 Gdynia + 48 (58) 620 15 61

Belgium Senatorska 34 00-095 Warszawa + 48 (22) 551 28 00

Latvia 3-go Maja 19 80-802 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 629 12 63

Czech Republic Koszykowa 18 00-555 Warszawa + 48 (22) 525 18 50

Lithuania Heweliusza 11 80-803 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 764 84 84

Estonia Karwińska 1 02-639 Warszawa + 48 (22) 881 18 10

Netherlands Chmielna 101/102 80-748 Gdańsk + 48 (58) 346 98 78

Ireland Mysia 5 00-498 Warszawa + 48 (22) 849 66 33

Slovakia Grunwaldzka 12/16 81-704 Sopot + 48 (58) 551 10 02

Portugal Ateńska 37 03-978 Warszawa + 48 (22) 511 10 10

Spain Podleśna 27 80-255 Gdańsk + 48 [58] 341 48 33

Slovenia Starościńska 1/23–­­24 02-516 Warszawa + 48 (22) 849 82 82

Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk was founded in 1945 in Sopot as the National Institute of Fine Arts. Later renamed to Higher Education School of Fine Arts. In 1954 school moved from Sopot to Gdańsk, to building of the Great Armoury. Since 1996 school has the status of the Academy of Fine Arts. It offers in long-cycle programmes [ma]: Painting and Sculpture; Bologna System [ba]: Industrial Design, Interior Design, Graphics, Intermedia, [ma]: Industrial Design, Interior

Faculty of Sculpture

Faculty of Painting

Faculty of Interior & Industrial Design

Our Academy

Faculty of Graphics


Design, Graphics, Intermedia and Education in the field of Fine Arts. Courses are mainly practical with few lectures which are in Polish, but teachers usually speak English, some of them German, Portugese. At school you can find plenty of other activities. There is a drama group, scientific group poMorze Sztuki and Student`s Gallery Start, they both organize a lot of events and exhibitions. Check it out! It`s pretty nice to have an exhibition abroad, isn`t it?

Our Academy

Basics of Interior Architecture Design Interior Architecture Design Basics of Urban-architecture Design Interior Architecture Hand-drawing Ergonomics Applied art Basics of Furniture Design Art Workshops Furniture Design Drawing Furniture and Furnishings Sculpture Garden Design Photography Urban Interior Design Design in Cultural Space of the City Composition and Visual Structures Basics of scenography CAD Program Course Virtual Modelling



Our Academy

Basics of Graphic Design Visual Comunication CAD Program Course Managment of Projects Laboratory of Digital Technics Basics of Composition Technical Basics for Industrial Design Technics of Visualisation and Animation Metodology and Basics of Design Visualisations and Modeling Ergonomics Ergonomic Design Product design I Product design II Art Workshops Serial Furniture Design Drawing Furniture Design for Ships Sculpture Ship Architecture Design Architecture of Passengers Ships Photography Passenger Ship Interior Design Design of Small Forms and Jewellery

Basics of Printmaking Basics of Graphic Design Basics of Drawing and Painting Basics of Sculpture Drawing Linocut Litography Serigraphy Intaglio

Digital Print Illustration Photography Lettering & Typography Editorial Design Basics of Communication Design Computer Workshop Multimedial Graphics Graphic Design

Our Academy

Basics of Painting Basics of Drawing Painting Drawing Visual Structures Technology of Painting and Drawing Basics of Sculpture Elements of Descriptive Geometry and Perspective Informative Technologies Mural Painting and Stained Glass

Art of Fibre Art in Public Space Anatomy Scenography Intermedia Ceramics Linocut Litography Serigraphy Intaglio

Basics of Sculpture Basics of Drawing Basics of Design Drawing Sculpture Anatomy Architectural and Sculptural Design Design and Space Organisation Medallic Art and Small Sculptural Forms Mural Painting and Stained Glass

Intermedia Technology of Stone Technology of Wood Technology of Ceramics Audio and Video Transdisciplinary Activities Digital Techniques Art of Fibre Jewellery Design Linocut Serigraphy Intaglio

Multimedial Graphics Transdisciplinary Actions Audio and Video Actions Computer Science and Technology Design of Space

Sculpture Graphic Design Drawing Painting Photography



Our Academy

Rector`s office Faculty of Graphics office Faculty of Interior & Industrial Design Faculty of Painting Erasmus coordinator`s office Printmaking workshops Library

Faculty of Graphics Gallery of Academy Linocut workshop Dormitory

A Faculty of Sculpture Intermedia Multimedia Photography Stained glass & ceramics workshop Mural painting workshop

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Our Academy



Catch up the 3-city


What? Quite a lot of things! Get a map from Tourist Information [ul. Długi Targ 28/29—the main street in the Old Town] and start your tour across Gdańsk! Most of the monuments in this city are located near the heart of its Old Town district, around Długa Street, streets parallel to it, and the Long Quayside [Długie Pobrzeże]. The best place to start your trip would be the Upland Gate [Brama Wyżynna] and the King's Road stretching beyond it. Having crossed The Upland Gate, you'll find the Torture Chamber [Katownia], which is also a museum of amber—definitely worth to see . Next in line is the Golden Gate [Złota Brama] and, next to it The Court of the Society of St. George [Dwór Bractwa Świętego Jerzego]. From here you can see our Academy of Fine Arts located in the Great Armoury [Wielka Zbrojownia] from the

beggining of xvii century and tower [Baszta Słomiana] from xv century. Go down the Długa Street, the main track of the town, where you'll be enchanted by the beautiful renovated xvi-xvii century houses, one of them is Uphagen's House [Dom Uphagena]— which is the Museum of the History of Gdańsk. All these magnificent buildings are overshadowed by the beautiful and monumental Main Town Hall [Ratusz Głównego Miasta]. Walk inside, the splendid interior was renovated not so long ago. It’s real treat for all art interior enthusiasts. Nearby, on the Market Square [Długi Targ] you'll find the symbol of Gdańsk—Neptune fountain. Behind it is the beautiful Court of Artus [Dwór Artusa] and the New House of the Court with The Lady from the Window. At the end of Długi Targ, you'll find the Green Gate [Zielona Brama] with the picturesque quayside— mentioned Długie Pobrzeże, stretching beyond it and



EN Catch up the 3-city

Granary Island [Wyspa Spichrzów]—unfortunately not in intriguing ruins anymore. On this island, hidden on the other side is pub Zejman, very interesting and specific place, time to time also with some exhibitions of students artworks. The Central Maritime Museum [Centralne Muzeum Morskie] is located on the quay with Ołowianka island near Polish Baltic Philharmonic [Polska Filharmonia Bałtycka]. During walk along the quayside, you will pass Gdańsk Marina [Przystań]. You can come back here in a while when you feel like taking a boat trip to Sopot, Gdynia or Hel. But don't just look at the ships on your right, otherwise you will miss another great monument on your left—the Crane [Żuraw]. And of course— St. Mary's Gate [Brama Mariacka] which reveals a street of the same name, considered to be one of the most beautiful in Europe and leading to the biggest

in Europe built of bricks church, St. Mary's Church [Bazylika Mariacka]. Just 400 steps above, on the top of the church tower you can ejnoy view of the Old Town, hills, shipyard and sea. Next to this church there is baroque Royal Chapel [Kaplica Królewska] with tiny, lovely yard, where normally tourists do not enter, try then to be unnoticed if you want to see it. While you're around, you mustn't miss the Archeological Museum [Muzeum Archeologiczne], the most important archeological institution in northern Poland, with its composed of 27 thousand archaeological, ethnographical, numismatic and natural exhibits. About 900 m to the north there is an area of totally different from representative in center architecture—Sieroca street with old orphanage. It is an intriguing area to loiter. In the Main Town, not only in the Old Town you can strain your eyes to see plenty of unique nooks. Near St. John`s Church

N Catch up the 3-city

[Kościół Św. Jana], on Świętojańska street is a hostel and pub—Dom Zachariasza Zappio, worth to drop in for hot chocolate or beer in alley next to huge, amzing walls of the old church. Another place worth seeing is the Three Crosses Monument— a homage to the dockyard workers, who died in December 1970 in Gdańsk. Next to the monument there is an entrance to the shipyard— in this great area you can see post-industrial space, cranes, ruins, further there is a club Buffet and Wyspa Institute of Art. Over the main train and bus station there is a hill called Góra Gradowa, one of nicest view points in this area. It is only 46 m. high, you won`t regret hiking there, also at night. Other interesting hill is Biskupia Górka, over 60 m. high. Half-way from the Great Armoury to Small Armoury [look at page 25] there is a National Museum, located nearby to other Gothic buildings. There are about 10 Gothic churches

in total in the Old Town area. Close to The Small Armoury is a moat Opływ Motławy, perfect place for jogging [with riverside of Motława river, from the old town], with some hills with benches. Down the sidewalk you will get to district Lower City [Dolne Miasto], full of neglected, here and there abandoned but yet interesting buildings, e.g. Royal Factory of Weapon [Królewska Fabryka Karabinów], where time to time are organized exhibitions by scientific group of our academy called poMorze Sztuki. Besides this building is amazing Old Slaughterhouse [Stara Rzeźnia] located between streets Angielska Grobla and Na Stępce, at the back of Ołowianka island. Absolutely quirky place in this district is restaurant Kameralna on Łąkowa street. Further, on Jaskółcza street 1 there is Center of Contemporary Art Łaźnia [Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Łaźnia]. Further to the east, at the top of Elbląska




Catch up the 3-city

street there is an open market and flea market [open on Monday, Thursday and Saturday from 7.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.]. On Elbląska street 66 there is home to spacious Center of Art and Education e66, organizing many exhibitions. Also up here in their studios work artists who finished our Academy of Fine Arts. In the other part of the city you can visit by boat or by bus [line 106] Wisłoujscie Fortress [Twierdza Wisoujście] and Westerplatte. Westerplatte is a symbol of polish defence in the beggining of WW II where actually the war started. During the war here was a sub-camp of Nazi Concentration Camp Stutthof [Sztutowo], which was located 36 km. from Gdańsk; now there is a museum and monument. Half-way between Gdańsk and Sztutowo there is a Sobieszewo Island [Wyspa Sobieszewska], quite nice place to have a rest and enjoy the nature. Let`s get back to the city. Another of

Gdańsk districts also worth a visit is Wrzeszcz—with plenty of art nouveau villas, student`s pubs and parks, Przymorze—with the longest [860 m.] block of flats in Poland called Falowiec, Zaspa—with huge gallery of mural paintings, Nowy Port—with atmosphere similar to that in Dolne Miasto and Oliwa. Here you can admire The Oliwa Cathedral [Katedra Oliwska] there, and enjoy the music of its famous baroque organs. We recommend a walk through the lovely Oliwa Park [Park Oliwski], with its Bothanic Garden and Exotic Palm House and The Abbot's Palace [Pałac Opatów], the Ethnographical Museum [Muzeum Etnograficzne], or the largest in Poland ZOO. From here you can go for a small hiking across Natural Landscape Park to Upper Sopot—calm part of this town. The other route from Gdańsk to Sopot walk by the sea e.g. start from Jelitkowo beach and you can walk barefoot all the way

O Catch up the 3-city

to Sopot. This town in the past was famous as a calm, health resort centre, now is rather crowded, expensive party-place although full of fantastic things. Monte Casino Street [ul. Bohaterów Monte Cassino] is the centre of Sopot. It`s promenade with countless xiX-xXth-century houses. Some of them are pubs or restaurants today. To discover the real charm of the town, turn into one of Monte Casino's side streets, where you're bound to admire numerous art nouveau houses, parks and gardens. One such beautiful street shelters the splendid Sierakowscy Court [Dworek Sierakowskich]—today the seat of The Sopot Friends Society. At the end of Monte Casino you'll find National Gallery of Art [PGS], and further the Wooden Pier [Molo], the longest wooden pier in Europe. Sopot is a place with many clubs, pubs, cafes, theaters or open-air events [e.g. Summer Live Jazz Festival] and other places around with

many activities, like aqua park or small skiing slope. For more info about events, concerts etc always follow: Absolutely cute place is a tea-house Józef K. [Kościuszki street 4] and the weird one is club Sfinks 700 [Mamuszki street 1]. In Upper-Sopot is the Forest Opera [Opera Leśna], an interesting place, famous since 1961 for the International Song Festival [Międzynarodowy Festiwal Piosenki]. In other part of Sopot there is a horse racetrack [Sopot-Wyścigi], situated between Gdańsk and Sopot, built over a hundred years ago, and occupying a surface of 33 ha, which used to host international horseracing events famous throughout Europe. Sopot has really nice beaches. You can relax at Sopot-Kamienny Potok beach, which is clean, calm and amazingly located near forests and streams. As Gdańsk pose for a very old city with great history and Sopot for party-place, Gdynia



Y Catch up the 3-city

is a modern part of 3-city, though around the city centre there are also peaceful and rustic districts. One of the most beautiful places is Gdynia-Orłowo, where you can find cliff-coast, rocks, small pier and lovely cafes and restaurants, perfect place to visit all year round. Gdynia city is a young, but quickly expanding port situated right by the seashore. It has to offer many tourist attractions as well as splendid shopping opportunities and a lot of entertainment. The city was founded as a Polish harbor in 1926. Because of its unusual location, you will easily catch great views of the sea and beautiful scenery, and also find long promenades, beautiful waterfronts, marinas and yacht clubs. Gdynia is the only city in Poland and one of the few in Europe to pride itself on such a long and accessible seashore. Kościuszki square [Skwer Kościuszki] is the sightseeing centre of Gdynia. The ships moored in the dockyards, like the ORP Błyskawica destroyer

or the Pomeranian Gift [Dar Pomorza] for instance, are the tourist attractions. Scenes that you could otherwise admire only in the depths of the oceans offered by The Maritime Museum and Aquarium [Oceanarium] will leave you impressed. Now take a walk along the Seaside Promenade [Bulwar Nadmorski], or enjoy the beautiful panorama of the harbor and of the city from the top of Stone Hill [Kamienna Góra], easy to recognize by the large cross at its top. On your way to the little hill, you will pass the famous Musical Theatre [Teatr Muzyczny], which stages the world's most famed musicals. Another famous place is the the Municipal Theatre [Teatr Miejski], with its Summer Stage [Scena Letnia] on the beach in Orłowo, where all shows are accompanied by the gentle lapping of the waves.

Catch up the 3-city

The Uphagen`s House [Dom Uphagena] Gdańsk, Długa 12

1st May–30th September Tuesday–Wednesday 10:00–17:00 Thursday 12:00–19:00 Friday–Sunday 10:00–17:00

Monday 9:00–13:00 Tuesday–Thursday 9:00–16:00 Friday–Saturday 10:00–18:00 Sunday 10:00–16:00


The National Museum [Muzeum Narodowe] Gdańsk, Toruńska 1

1st October–30th April Tuesday–Friday 9:00–16:00 Saturday–Sunday 10:00–17:00 The Historical Museum of Gdańsk–Town Hall [Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Gdańska–Ratusz Głównego Miasta] Gdańsk, Długa 46/47

Monday 9:00–13:00 Tuesday–Thursday 9:00–16:00 Friday–Saturday 10:00–18:00 Sunday 10:00–16:00

The Central Maritime Museum [Centralne Muzeum Morskie] Gdańsk, Ołowianka 9/13 every day 10:00–18:00

The Granary Blue Lamb [Spichlerz Błękitny Baranek] Gdańsk, Chmielna 53 1st September– 30th June 9:00–17:00 1st July–31st August 9:00–18:00

The Hewelianum Centre [Centrum Hewelianum] Gdańsk, Gradowa 6 1st November–31st May Tuesday–Friday 9.00–16.00 Saturday–Sunday 9.00–16.00 1st June–31st October Tuesday–Friday 9.00–18.00 Saturday–Sunday 9.00–18.00



Catch up the 3-city

The Museum of tower clocks [Muzeum Zegarów Wieżowych] Gdańsk, Wielkie Młyny Tower of St. Catherine Church [Kościół Św. Katarzyny] Monday 9:00–13:00 Tuesday–Thursday 9:00–16:00 Friday–Saturday 10:00–18:00 Sunday 10:00–16:00 The Archaeological Museum [Muzeum Archeologiczne] Gdańsk, Mariacka 25/26 Tuesday 8:00–16:00 Wednesday 9:00–17.00 Thursday–Friday 8:00–16:00 Saturday–Sunday 10:00–16:00 The Artus Court [Dwór Artusa] Gdańsk, Długi Targ 43/44

The Abbot's Palace [Pałac Opatów] Gdańsk, Cystersów 18 www.muzeum.narodowe.gda. 1st May–30th September Tuesday–Wednesday 10:00–17:00 Thursday 12:00–19:00 Saturday–Sunday 10:00–17:00 1st October–30th April Tuesday–Friday 9:00–16:00 Saturday–Sunday 10:00–17:00 The Museum of Amber [Muzeum Bursztynu] Gdańsk, Targ Węglowy 26 Monday 9:00–13:00 Tuesday–Thursday 9:00–16:00 Friday–Saturday 10:00–18:00 Sunday 10:00–16:00

The Guardhouse No 1 on Westerplatte [Wartownia nr 1 na Westerplatte] Monday 9:00–13:00 Tuesday–Wednesday 9:00–16:00 Gdańsk, get by bus line 106 Friday–Saturday 10:00–18:00 Sunday 10:00–16:00 every day 9:00–18:00

Catch up the 3-city

The Wisłoujście Fortress [Twierdza Wisłoujście] Gdańsk, get by bus line 106 every day 10:00–18:00 Maritime Cultural Center [Ośrodek Kultury Morskiej] Gdańsk, Tokarska 21–25 every day 10:00–19:00 The Museum of Polish Post [Muzeum Poczty Polskiej] Gdańsk, Obrońców Poczty Polskiej 1/2 Monday 9:00–13:00 Tuesday–Thursday 9:00–16:00 Friday–Saturday 10:00–18:00 Sunday 10:00–16:00 Gallery of Old Toys [Galeria Starych Zabawek] Gdańsk, Piwna 19/21 Tuesday–Sunday 11:00–18:00

Solidarność European Centre [Europejskie Centrum Solidarności] Gdańsk, Wały Piastowskie 24 1st May–30th September Tuesday–Sunday 10:00–18:00 1st October–30th April Tuesday–Sunday 10:00–17:00 The Museum of Sopot– Villa of Ernst Claaszen [Muzeum Sopotu– Willa Ernsta Claaszena] Sopot, ks. Józefa Poniatowskiego 8 Tuesday–Wednesday 10:00–16:00 Thursday 12:00–18:00 Friday 10:00–16:00 Saturday–Sunday 11:00–18:00 The Museum of Gdynia [Muzeum Miasta Gdyni] Gdynia, Zawiszy Czarnego 1 Tuesday–Sunday 10:00–17:00



Catch up the 3-city

Gdynia Aquarium [Akwarium Gdyńskie] Gdynia, Jana Pawła II 1

Baltic Centre of Culture [Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury] Gdańsk, Korzenna 33/35

every day 1st April–31st May  09:00–19:00 The Center of Contemporary 1st–30th June   09:00–20:00 st st 1 July–31 August  09:00–21:00 Art Łaźnia I [Centrum Sztuki 1st–30th September  09:00–19:00 Współczesnej Łaźnia I] 1st October–31st March 10:00–17:00 Gdańsk, Jaskółcza 1 The Naval Musum in Gdynia [Muzeum Marynarki Wojennej w Gdyni] Gdynia, Zawiszy Czarnego 1B Tuesday–Sunday  10.00–17.00 The Museum of Motorization [Muzeum Motoryzacji] Gdynia, Żwirowa 2c Monday–Saturday 9:00–17:00

Tuesday–Wednesday 12:00–18:00 Thursday 12:00–20:00 Friday–Sunday 12:00–18:00 The Center of Contemporary Art Łaźnia II [Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Łaźnia II] Gdańsk, Strajku Dokerów 5 Tuesday–Wednesday 12:00–18:00 Thursday 12:00–20:00 Friday–Sunday 12:00–18:00 Wyspa Intitute of Art [Instytut Sztuki Wyspa] Gdańsk, Doki 1 [145/b] Tuesday–Sunday 12:00–18:00

Catch up the 3-city

Gdańsk Municipal Gallery GGM1 [Gdańska Galeria Miejska GGM1] Gdańsk, Piwna 27/29

Gdańsk Gallery of Photography [Gdańska Galeria Fotografii] Gdańsk, Grobla I [corner Św. Ducha] Tuesday–Wednesday 11:00–17:00 Thursday–Sunday 11:00–19:00 Tuesday–Wednesday 11:00–18:00 Thursday 12:00–19:00 Gdańsk Municipal Gallery Friday 11:00–18:00 GGM2 [Gdańska Galeria Saturday–Sunday 11:00–16:00 Miejska GGM2] Gdańsk, Powroźnicza 13/15 Gallery of Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk Tuesday–Wednesday 11:00–17:00 [Galeria ASP] Gdańsk, Chlebnicka 13/16 Thursday–Sunday 11:00–19:00 [English House] Günter Grass Gdańsk Gallery GGgg [Gdańska Galeria Güntera Grassa GGgg] Gdańsk, Szeroka 34/35

every day 10:00–18:00

Anti–Gallery Visual Voice [Anti–Galeria Visual Voice] Gdańsk, Chlebnicka 13/16 Tuesday–Wednesday 11:00–17:00 [English House, room 104] Thursday–Sunday 11:00–19:00 The National Gallery of Art [Państwowa Galeria Sztuki] Sopot, plac Zdrojowy 2 every day 10:00–20:00




Catch up the 3-city

Pierogarnia u Dzika Piwna 59/60 Naleśnikowo Ogarna 125 Bistro Kos Piwna 9/10 Bar Turystyczny Szeroka 8/10 Bar pod Rybą Piwna 61/63 Soprano`s Pizzeria & Fast Food Targ Drzewny 12/14

Restauracja Kresowa Ogarna 12 Bar Akademicki Grunwaldzka 35 Bar Mleczny Syrena Grunwaldzka 71/73

Pyra Bar Garbary 6/7

Asia Hung Grunwaldzka 141 [Galeria Bałtycka shopping centre]

Pizzeria Sicilia La Casa Della Mafia Pańska 7/8

BIOWAY Miszewskiego 17 Grunwaldzka 141

Pizzeria Da Grasso Szeroka 125/126 Jadalnia Zielony Smok Szeroka 125 Green Way Długa 11 Garncarska 4/6 BIOWAY Wały Jagiellońskie 34 Tekstylia Szeroka 121/122

Wielki Błękit Jantarowa 21 Bar Karmazyn Jantarowa 4 Zagroda Rybacka Miła 14 Manekin Grunwaldzka 270

Bar Przystań Wojska Polskiego 11 Tawerna Rybaki Wojska Polskiego 26 La Korniszon Kościuszki 12 Harnaś Moniuszki 9 Tawerna Orłowska Orłowska 3 Green Way Piłsudskiego 56 Bar u Senwickich Władysława IV 34 A Bistro Kwadrans skwer Kościuszki 20 Bar Mleczny Słoneczny Abrahama 58/60 Naleśnikarnia Cuda Wianki Abrahama 10

Pub u Szkota Chlebnicka 9/12 Flisak`76 Chlebnicka 9/10 Pijalnia wódki i piwa Długi Targ 35/38 No To Cyk! Chlebnicka 2 Red Light Pub Piwna 28/31 Browar Piwna Piwna 50/51 Pub Bruderschaft Długa 81/83 Rock Cafe Tkacka 7/8 Cafe Absinthe Św. Ducha 2 Cafe Szafa Podmurze 2

Pierogarnia Trajtek Świętojańska 23

Cafe Lamus Lawendowa 8

Naleśnikarnia Fanaberia Świętojańska 35

Pub Duszek Świętego Ducha 119/121



Catch up the 3-city


Catch up the 3-city


Degustatornia Grodzka 16

Koliba Powstańców Warszawy 90

Buffet Doki 1

Czarna Wołga Władysława Jagiełły 6/2

Irish Pub Korzenna 33/35

Sherlock Pub Podjazd 3

Zejman Chmielna 111/113 Pub Lord Jim Stanisława Moniuszki 10 Stacja de Luxe Grunwaldzka 22

Plaża Piratów Mamuszki, beach gate 14

Cafe Fikcja Grunwaldzka 99/101

Cafe Strych Kaszubski 7B

Cafe Alegoria Partyzantów 9/2

Cyganeria 3-go Maja 27

Loft Pub Młyńska 15

Ucho Św. Piotra 2

Scruffy O`Brien Grunwaldzka 76/78

Desdemona Abrahama 37

Napitki Zakąski Do Studzienki 24

Blues Club Portowa 9

Polufka Leczkowa 18

Śródmieście Mściwoja 9 Kawiarnia u Muzyk`uff Derdowskiego 9/11

SPATiF Bohaterów Monte Cassino 52

Kandelabry Premium Pub Jana Pawła II 9

Cafe Błękitny Pudel Bohaterów Monte Cassino 44

Pokład Jana Pawła II 11

Kwadratowa Siedlicka 4 Cafe Absinthe Św. Ducha 2 Cafe Szafa Podmurze 2 Red Light Pub Piwna 28/31 Rock Cafe Tkacka 7/8 Buffet Doki 1 B90 Doki 1 Wydział Remontowy plac Solidarności 7/8 Parlament Św. Ducha 2 Miasto Aniołów Chmielna 26 Fahrenheit Długi Targ 39/40 Bunkier Olejarna 3 Ogród Rozkoszy Ziemskich Długa 57

Infinium Wyspiańskiego 9 Autsajder Do Studzienki 34 A Mechanik Do Studzienki 61 V Club Jaśkowa Dolina 14 Medyk Dębowa 7 PRL Zwycięstwa 4 Dobry Wieczór Słowackiego 4 Xkwadrat Polanki 66 Metro Miszewskiego 12 Żak Grunwaldzka 195/197

Klub Sfinks 700 Mamuszki 1 SPATiF Bohaterów Monte Cassino 52



Catch up the 3-city



Catch up the 3-city

Scena Mamuszki 2 Atelier Mamuszki 2

Ucho Św. Piotra 2

Mewa Towarzyska Pułaskiego 15

Desdemona Abrahama 37

Klubo Galeria RetroMANIAK Blues Club Niepodległości 771 A Portowa 9 Dream Club Bohaterów Monte Cassino 53

Harem Club Waszyngtona 21

Ego Club Bohaterów Monte Cassino 53

Hormon Sędzickiego 19

Zła Kobieta Bohaterów Monte Cassino 53

Pokład Jana Pawła II 11

Kiss Ass Bohaterów Monte Cassino 60

Dwa Światy Jana Pawła II 9

Trefl Sport Pub Bohaterów Monte Cassino 60 Kongo Bar Bohaterów Monte Cassino 60 Soho Bohaterów Monte Cassino 61 Czekolada Bohaterów Monte Cassino 63 Versalka Bohaterów Monte Cassino 63 3 Siostry Powstańców Warszawy 6 Club sixty9 Kościuszki 68 A

Rozi Gdańsk, Słupska 28 New Orlean`s Gentlemen`s Club Gdańsk, Kaprów 19 D Kabaret Ewan Gdańsk, Tkacka 27/28 Show Gentlemen`s Club Sopot, Bohaterów Monte Cassino 17 Gentlemen`s Night Club Royal Sopot, Bohaterów Monte Cassino 5


Catch up the country

1 2



6 5



9 10 11


12 17



1. Hel Peninsula 2. Słowinski National Park 3. Kaszuby region 4. Poznań 5. Toruń 6. Mazury and Warmia region 7. Suwalszczyzna 8. Podlasie 9. Warszawa 10. Łódź



11. Kazimierz Dolny 12. Zamość 13. Bieszczady mountains 14. Pieniny mountains 15. Zakopane and Tatry mountains 16. Kraków and Oświęcim 17. Stołowe mountains 18. Wrocław

Catch up the country

Close to Gdańsk there is a Hel Peninsula [Półwysep Helski], where you can get by train or boat from 3-city. Mierzeja Helska is a 35 km. long sand bar separating the Bay of Puck from the open Baltic Sea. When you travel with train you can see the sea on your both sides, becouse here land is 300 up to 150 meters narrow. I recommend you to go there not exactly at the season, then villages here are mostly calm and not crowded and sometimes in the end of peninsula you can have the beach just for yourself. Go back to Gdańsk by a boat, it is faster than by train.

Słowiński National Park [Słowiński Park Narodowy] is situated on the Baltic coast, between Łeba and Rowy. The northern boundary of the Park consists of 32,5 kilometres of coastline. Since 1977 park is included in UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Thanks to unusual natural diversity you can find here sand dunes, marshes, bogs, lakes and forests. There are around 140 kilometers of walking tourist trails. Moving dunes here are one of the largest in Europe, some of them are quite high—up to 30 meters and they move



Catch up the country

at a speed of 3 to 10 meters per year. The Park is named after the Slavic [later Germanized] people known as the Slovincians [Słowińcy], who used to live here. In the village Kluki there is an open air museum presenting former day to day life those people and their culture.

Kashubia [Kaszuby] has a beautiful countryside, with added ornamentation of diverse historic pieces­­—castles, churches, monasteries. The dense forests and deep waters were avoided as the trade routes, so the Kashubes lived here effectively in isolation. Their culture, language, and customs are unique. Chmielno is unusual

town lies between Białe and Kłodno lakes, where still since end of XIX century is a pottery workshops preserves the same colours and motives as hundreds of years ago. Every year our Academy has there a pleinair workshop. Visit open-air museum and house in Szymbark—an upside-down house built on a roof, see the castle in Bytów, grave mounds and stone circles in Odry and hike on Wieżyca. A bit further up the South, there is Bory Tucholskie National Park with pure forests excellent for hiking, cycling or canoeing, for example on rivers Brda, Wda or Wierzyca.

Catch up the country

Poznań is a quite different city than Gdańsk or Warsaw. People from Poznań are famous of their avarice. Or maybe it is just a stereotype. However clubbing here is pretty nice, because all of clubs, pubs and restaurants are located in beautiful reneissance old town. It makes an absolutely unique atmosphere. From here you have moreover good connection to Berlin.

Toruń is a beautiful, medieval city in North-Western Poland, situated at the Vistula River bank. Its architecture has managed to avoid bombing. The city is the only example of true gothic architecture in Poland. Toruń's

medieval Old Town is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Toruń is a birthplace of world famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. The house where Copernicus was born and the chapel where he was christened are still standing in the city. From Middle Ages the town is known also for its perfect gingerbreads. You must try it!

Masuria and Warmia [Mazury i Warmia] means: sailing, swimming, cycling, hiking, wind-surfing, kitesurfing, canoeing, fishing, hacking, hunting, watching wild-life and evnings filled



Catch up the country

with singing around fire next to the lake. Try fried or smoked fish, delicious honey, aromatic mushrooms, sweet berries and wild strawberries. Then you can say you were in Masuria.

Suwałki Region [Suwalszczyzna] is one of the few most beautiful corners of Poland where nature is still

mostly intacted by human. Region was formed by the Scandinavian glacier which moved four times through the Polish land. The last Baltic glaciation left morainic hills, edges of vast valleys, rich hydrological network with deep river beds and basins of lakes of various shapes. Among this landscape are hidden villages, old little towns and three bigger ones: Suwałki, Augustów and Sejny. Visit Wigry National Park with the Post-Cameldolite monastery [built in a village with the same name as the lake —Wigry], enjoy sailing on Augustów Canal with many water gates, canoeing with Czarna Hańcza or Rospuda river, see the Biebrza Valley, and visit many lovely villages with small old churches. Try necessarily special cake called Sękacz. Keep in mind also that this region is a convenient place for trip to Lithuania, beautiful city Vilnius, what because of history is still a sticking point between some Poles and Lithuanians.

Catch up the country

If you want to experience authentic countryside you must go there. Old shabby houses with colourful shutters are surrounded by idyllic wild gardens. In this region you find small, sleepy towns where the time has stopped 50 years ago. People are kind and helpful known for their hospitality. Simple but tasty cuisine is influenced by different cultures [Lithuanians, Tartars, Jews, Belorussians, Russians, Ukrainians and the Gypsies]. See full of European bisons Białowieża National Park, town Tykocin, Supraśl, holy for Orthodox Church hill Grabarka and try to find beautiful Catholic, Orthodox or Muslim [Tartar] temples.

The capital of Poland is not one of most beautiful city in Europe as 84 % of left bank Warsaw was destroyed during World War II. In this city you can see on every corner places commemorating death of people fighting for freedom. If you want to understand history of this city­you should visit Warsaw Rising Museum [Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego]. To get to know Polish art­—go to National Museum [Muzeum Narodowe], Zachęta Gallery and Poster Museum [Muzeum Plakatu]. Apart from that worth to visit is also Copernicus



Catch up the country

Science Centre [Centrum Nauki Kopernik]. But first on must see list is obviously the Old Town [Stare Miasto] with Royal Castle [Zamek Królewski] and Warsaw Mermaid, Barbican, Stone Stairs and Gnojna hill [Gnojna Góra] with nice view for right bank Warsaw. See the Little Insurgent Monument and Warsaw [Pomnik Małego Powstańca], Warsaw Uprising Monument [Pomnik Powstania Warszawskiego] and the New Town [Nowe Miasto]. To the South from Castle Square [Plac Zamkowy] there is a Royal Route [Trakt Królewski], perfect for a walk, coffe or lunch break. Krakowskie Przedmieście, Nowy Świat, Belwederska Ujazdowski Park and Castle, Łazienki Park and Palace, Wilanów Palace. It’s all worth to see! The right bank of the Vistula [Wisła] river is less known for tourists attractions. However nowadays districts Praga or Powiśle are full of interesting small pubs, clubs, and artist`s workshops. As Warsaw is the biggest city in

Poland, clubbing also should be the best here. Or maybe in Cracow. Compare!

Łódź is one of the youngest cities in Poland and is a direct product of the Industrial Revolution. The outbreak of the textile industry saw Łódź The Promised Land. Now, in spite of massive unemployment, Łódź remains an important cog in the Polish wheel, and the Manufaktura project ranks as one of the most impressive urban regeneration projects in Europe. Surprisingly the city is also at the heart of Polish art and counter culture. The famous film school has nurtured the

Catch up the country

talent of Polański, Wajda and Kieślowski. Few times a year there are interesting events and festivals, like Łódź Fashion Week, Łódź Design Festival, Light Move Festival and many Film Festivals. In this city opposite to enchanting XIX-century buildings and lofts you have miserable, ugly blocks of flats or tenement houses covered with colorful, often critical-art mural painting. Some people hate Łódź, some people love Łódź, but certainly it has it`s own unique atmosphere.

Kazimierz Dolny is absolutely adorable place. Tiny reinessance town called Kazimierz after founder

[King Kazimierz the Just] located at the Vistula river and surrounded by forests, hills, ravines and quarries. It is a place for many joyful festivals or just time for a rest or hiking. On the other side of the river, in Janowiec are situated ruins of castle. You can go there with little ferry or watch it from one of hills on the opposite side of the river.

Zamość is known as the Pearl of the Renaissance in Poland and as an ideal town. Built at the turn of XVI and XVI century town was planned by Italian architect Bernardo Morando. For years town enjoyed a good reputation, prosperity and victories during wars.



Catch up the country

Nowadays is a quiet, touristic town forgotten part of Poland. After sighteeing in Zamość definitely make a trip around Roztocze region—lovely, peaceful and pure. Visit here is also good accasion to go more East and visit places like Lviv [in Polish—Lwów], which belonged to Poland before World War II.

Bieszczady is another totally wild corner of Poland where many cultures were crossing for ages. Mountains are the lowest part of Beskidy mountains, which belongs to Carpathian Mountains.

Make a few days trip for hiking across Połonina Wetlińska, Caryńska and on the highest peak on the polish side—Tarnica. Visit also the biggest in Poland open-air museum in Sanok.

Pieniny are made of limestone mountain chain among which is winding Dunajec river and under which are hidden many caves, unfortunately mainly not accesible for tourists. Enjoy raft trip on Dunajec river, hike on The Three Crowns peak [Trzy Korony] and Castle Hill [Zamkowa Góra], see the castle in Czorsztyn and Niedzica, a nature reserve Biała Woda or Wysokie Skałki and obviously amazing Homole ravine. You won`t regret!

Catch up the country

good care of yourself, couse Tatry are rather dangerous.

Tatry is the highest mountain chain in Poland and in Carpathian Mountains in general, with Gerlach [2655 m] as the highest peak [located on Slovak side] and Rysy [2503 m] as the highest peak of Poland. Besides many hiking trails leading across e.g. Hala Gąsienicowa, valley Dolina Pięciu Stawów and Kościeliska valley, Morskie Oko lake, there are many splendid caves, like Mroźna or Mylna. The tourist capital of this region is Zakopane, in the past quiet cultural centre, now crowded, expensive yet still interesting town. Walk down the Krupówki street, eat oscypek cheese, ride with funicular railway on Gubałówka hill and with cable car to peak Kasprowy Wierch, hike on Giewont and enjoy the folk mountain culture, music and cousine. Take

Probably the most famous abroad Polish city is Cracow [Kraków]. Besides great buildings and monuments, like Wawel Royal Castle, Sukiennice, St. Mary`s Church, Jewish district Kazimierz etc this city can be proud of one of best party atmosphere in Poland. Try to find on the suburbs of the city amazing, filled with water quarry Zakrzówek; go 13 km from Cracow South and see beautiful old salt mine Wieliczka, see 100 km from Cracow one of the most beautiful cave in Poland called Paradise [Raj]. Less than 70 km to the



Catch up the country

west is located sad but very important for European history place—Nazi Death Camp Auschwitz–Birkenau [Oświęcim–Brzezinka].

Góry Stołowe is a part of Sudety mountains and the principal attraction here is the wild landscape of rocky plateaux with sheer cliff drops, which have developed as a result of the specific tabular geological structure of these mountains. Nature has formed labyrinth-like passages among the rocks. The most interesting clusters of rock formations are Błędne Skały reserve and Szczeliniec Wielki [919 m].

All Lower Silesia [Dolny Śląsk] are full of charming castles and palaces, some of them are renovated, but much more are abandoned and forgotten. The trip along this buildings may be an alternative way to get to know this area. However a place must see is the capital of this region­— Wrocław­. The Old Town, Market Square, Ostrów Tumski—the oldest part of the city, Botanical Garden, Japanese Garden, National Museum and one of the biggest paintings in the world—Panorama Racławicka, are options during the day. At night try one of the best party life in Poland, full of concerts, festivals, clubs and pubs. All this with all the nice people you can meet there makes this place truly unforgettable.



Useful phrases

Hello!  Cześć! Good morning!  Dzień dobry! Good evening!  Dobry wieczór! Good night!  Dobranoc! Goodbye!  Do widzenia! Have a nice day!  Miłego dnia! See you!  Do zobaczenia! Bye!  Pa! Yes  Tak No  Nie Thank you  Dziękuję You`re welcome  Proszę I am sorry  Przepraszam How are you?  Jak się masz? I`m OK, thanks.  Dobrze, dzięki.

Merry Christmas! Wesołych Świąt! Happy New Year! Szczęśliwego nowego roku! Happy Easter!  Wesołych Świąt! Best wishes!  Najlepsze życzenia! Have fun!  Baw się dobrze! Good luck!  Powodzenia!

Academy of Fine Arts Akademia Sztuk Pięknych Faculty  Wydział Rector  Rektor Head of department  Dziekan Dormitory  Akademik Library  Biblioteka

I don`t understand Nie rozumiem

Painting  Malarstwo Sculpture  Rzeźba Graphics  Grafika Graphic Design Projektowanie Graficzne Interior Design Architektura Wnętrz Industrial Design Wzornictwo Przemysłowe

Help!  Pomocy! Caution!  Uwaga! No smoking  Zakaz palenia Where is ... ?  Gdzie jest ... ? I don`t know  Nie wiem I am looking for ...  Szukam ... Do you have ... ?  Czy masz ... ?

Anatomy  Anatomia Drawing  Rysunek Printmaking Grafika Warsztatowa Etching  Akwaforta Intaglio  Wklęsłodruk Lithography  Litografia

Do you speak English? Czy mówisz po angielsku? I don`t speak Polish Nie mówię po polsku

Useful phrases

Linocut  Linoryt Serigraphy  Sitodruk Digital print  Druk cyfrowy Illustration  Ilustracja Editorial design Grafika edytorska Photography  Fotografia Multimedia  Multimedia Communication design Komunikacja wizualna Lettering & typography Liternictwo i typografia Animation  Animacja Ceramics  Ceramika Stained glass  Witraż Stone  Kamień Wood  Drewno Metal  Metal Art design Projektowanie plastyczne

Mural painting Malarstwo ścienne Multimedial graphics Grafika multimedialna Visual structures Struktury wizualne Transdisciplinary actions Działania transdyscyplinarne Computer science  Informatyka Jewellery  Biżuteria Small forms  Małe formy Ergonomy  Ergonomia Ergonomic design Projektowanie ergonomiczne Hand-drawing Rysunek odręczny Design of space Zajmowanie przestrzeni

Serial furniture  Mebel seryjny Architectural and sculptural Furniture design design  Projektowanie architektoniczne i rzeźbiarskie Projektowanie mebla Art of fibre  Sztuka włókna Technology  Technologia Scenography  Scenografia Composition  Kompozycja Applied art  Sztuka użytkowa

Product design Projektowanie produktu Garden design Projektowanie ogrodów



Useful phrases

Laboratory of digital technics Laboratorium technik cyfrowych Metodology & basics of design  Metodologia i podstawy projektowania Managment of projects Zarządzanie projektami Urban-architecture design Projektowanie urbanistyczno architektoniczne Design in cultural space of the city  Projektowanie w krajobrazie kulturowym miasta

What time is it now? Która jest godzina? At what time is departure? O której godzinie jest odjazd? Where can I buy a ticket? Gdzie mogę kupić bilet? How to get to the beach? Jak się dostać na plażę?

Ship architecture design Projektowanie architektury okrętów

Bus stop Przystanek autobusowy Train station Dworzec kolejowy Train  Pociąg Platform  Peron Track  Tor Ticket office  Kasa Ticket  Bilet Timetable  Rozkład jazdy Arrivals  Przyjazdy Departures  Odjazdy

Architecture of passengers ships Architektura statków pasażerskich

Open  Otwarte Closed  Zamknięte No entry  Zakaz wstępu

Passenger ships interior design Projektowanie wnętrz okrętowych na statkach pasażerskich

Post  Poczta Postcard  Pocztówka Post stamp Znaczek pocztowy

Furniture design for passenger ships  Projektowanie mebli dla statków pasażerskich

Useful phrases

Greetings from Poland! Pozdrowienia z Polski! I am lost  Zgubiłem się I was robbed  Okradli mnie I lost my documents Zgubiłem dokumenty Hospital  Szpital Medical centre Przychodnia Pharmacy  Apteka I am ill  Jestem chory Medicines  Leki Pain, ache Ból Painkiller  Lek przeciwbólowy Pills Tabletki Syrup  Syrop Cough  Kaszel Sore throat  Ból gardła Cold Przeziębienie Flu Grypa Bless you!  Na zdrowie! Shop  Sklep Cafe  Kawiarnia Bakery  Piekarnia Grocery  Sklep spożywczy Water  Woda Beer  Piwo Wine  Wino Vodka  Wódka Juice  Sok Cigarettes  Papierosy Lighter  Zapalniczka Tobacco  Tytoń Coffe  Kawa

Tea  Herbata Bread  Chleb Bread and rolls  Pieczywo Roll  Bułka Butter  Masło Milk  Mleko Vegetables  Warzywa Fruits  Owoce Cheese  Ser Cottage cheese  Biały ser Ham  Szynka Meat  Mięso Pork  Wieprzowina Beef  Wołowina Chicken  Kurczak Sausage  Kiełbasa Fish  Ryba Potatoes  Ziemniaki Rice  Ryż Pasta  Makaron Soup  Zupa Salad  Sałatka Eggs  Jaja Mushrooms  Grzyby Spices  Przyprawy To take away  Na wynos Bon apetit! Smacznego! Cheers!  Na zdrowie! Delicious! Pyszne! How much is it? Ile to kosztuje? How much? Ile płacę?



Useful phrases

You look nice.  Ładnie wyglądasz. You have beautiful eyes. Masz piękne oczy. You are awesome! Jesteś wspaniała!

May I kiss you? Czy mogę Cię pocałować? Kiss me!  Pocałuj mnie! I miss you!  Tęsknię za Tobą! I love you!  Kocham Cię! Darling Kochanie

Piss off!  Spadaj! Fuck off!  Spierdalaj! Fuck you!  Pierdol się! Oh fuck!  O kurwa! To fuck  Jebać Son of a bith  Skurwysyn

Asshole  Dupek Bitch  Dziwka Fuckin` drunk  Najebany Fucked up  Popierdolony Fuckin` mad  Wkurwiony Fuckin` annoying  Wkurwiający

Useful phrases

do na od o po prze roz s u w wy


to fuck/to bullshit

pierdolić    pierdolić [się]  pierdolić [się] pierdolić pierdolić pierdolić pierdolić pierdolić pierdolić  pierdolić pierdolić [się]

to offend/to beat to get fuckin` drunk to make sth stupid/to overdress to upbraid/to chow down to mix up to splurge out to smash up to fuck up to fail to beat/to chow down to fall down



Useful phrases

a ą b c ć d e ę f g h i j k l ł m n ń o ó p

ah on b ts tsch [impossible for foreigners] d e en f g [like g in glad] h i y [like y in yeah] k l w [like w in woman] m n nj [forget about it] o [short] u p

r s ś t u w y z ź ż rz ch cz sz dź dż

hard r [typical for slavics] s shi t oo [like oo in mood] v eh [more or less] z zh zsh zsh [also] h ch [like ch in cheek] sh ć [almost] j [like j in joke]

































Concept & Design: Lidia Wnuk  Translation: Anna Matera  © Gdańsk 2013

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