Class Association News A LOOK BACK - A LOOK FORWARD President’s Report for the Bow Wave As summer comes to an end, there are still a lot of opportunities for fun sailing in lidos ahead of us. We should all get out and enjoy these next few months of nice weather ahead. Maybe we could each take out someone in our fun little boat who is new and who is interested in becoming a member! Looking back, we have had some really great regattas! The 2013 Lido Nationals week just finished up in Marina Del Rey with the Class Championship at beautiful Del Rey Yacht Club, the Women's Championship at the beautiful venue of SCCYC across the way, and the Junior Championships at the always fun SMWYC just down the road! How cool is it that we have crowned three new National Champions and Crews this year! It is was really great to see the mixed crowd of young, middle aged, and not so middle aged sailors hanging out and having a great time together. Steve Potter and I have talked about bringing the 20-30 group back into the class, and with the great, fantastic group we had at the Nationals, we are off to a good start. As you have heard me say, this is Family Sailing and Family Fun! We thank you so much, Fleet 2, our great sponsors, and all those who came together to make this work. Looking forward, as it is nice to be able to plan ahead, we are happy to announce where the NCCRs will be held for the next three years! Fleet 6 will be hosting the 2014 Nationals at Huntington Lake, July 14-17, piggy-backing off the High Sierra Regatta the weekend before. Then, in 2015 we will be going to San Diego and Fleet 7. Kathy Dryden said that they would love to show us a good time! As for 2016, Ron Runyan up in Oregon is trying to finalize a spot there. As I mentioned earlier in the year, it's not too late to let me know if your fleet would be interested for 2017 or beyond. Finally, I would like to thank you all for letting me represent you again this year, as your 2013-2014 Lido V/P. As always, I will give you 110%. I will be fair and honest. If there is something you would like me to bring before the board, or if you have any little problem, please contact me at KMM4RPM@YAHOO.COM or cell 209-480-1870. I'm here for you guys and to get your thoughts and words out to the class.
The flags and banners are folded up, the results are posted, the media reports are out and the 2013 Lido 14 National Class Championship Week is behind us. It really was a great week made that way by lots of effort by the volunteers and members of Fleet 2, Del Rey Yacht Club, South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club and Santa Monica Windjammers Yacht Club. It truly was a family, fun week. At the Annual Meeting the proposals and slate of Officers presented was unanimously approved but the highlight was a Letter of Interest from Lido Isle Yacht Club to provide a permanent home for our valuable collection of Perpetual Trophies. It is a generous offer that is worth pursuing. Each year brings an adventure in locating, arranging transport, repairing and updating the trophies. Please have a look at the Letter of Interest in the issue of the Bow Wave or on the Website and please give your feedback to your Fleet Captain or directly to the Class ( Some of the goals for this next year are to improve the use of technology to improve the administration of the class, continue to work with and support junior sailing programs and find new ways to make the dues you pay work harder. Examples: • A new database of Measurement Certificates has been started on the website. This can be used to facilitate registration, benefit future owners of boats and reduce demands on Fleet Measurers as well as the Chief Measurer. Approximately 40 certificates are now loaded and owners can upload their own certificates. • The Eastlake Sailing Club in Otay is prospering and growing offering kids the opportunity to learn to love sailing in a somewhat unlikely area. We hope to see them again in Mission Bay this fall. • The Class is doing its part to make our photos more colorful by making sure colored Honor Insignias are provided for Fleet Championships, District Championships and the Class Championships. The pole flags we purchased from Anacortes, have been displayed at the High Sierra Regatta, Del Rey Yacht Club, SCCYC and SMWYC and get great comments each time. Two simple ways to bring interest and novelty to our events.
Class VP
Ladies line up at South Coast Corinthian YC staircase Photo credit: John Richardson
One of the biggest projects for the year will be to carefully look at the by-laws and update the wording as may be needed so they are appropriate for the current environment. For instance, does anyone remember electing a Section President lately? My personal hope is that revisions that are proposed and presented to you next year will be clear in language so the need to interpret the “intent” of a by-law is not needed. Finally, we look forward to reactivating Fleet 20 in Santa Barbara thanks to the efforts of Brad and Sarah Schaupeter and the potential for a fleet in San Pedro. Steve 6284
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Class Association News Fleet 2 Reports
Editorial by Dave Carroll
Congratulations to everyone attending the Lido 14 Class Championship at Marina del Rey. And thanks to our Fleet Captain/Race Chair Tucker Strasser for the organizing, and to our Fleet 2 members that volunteered to assist. We could name names but probably run out of room, but, oh heck. Bruce Fleck was our PRO, while Paul Button was on the RC boat. Larry Hoskinson put his whaler in the water and with Tom Estlow, handled one of the mark-set boat duties. Fleet 2 members turned out to run the Women’s Class Championship over at South Coast Corinthian on Friday, and then they moved down the street to run the Juniors Class Championship at Santa Monica Windjammers Yacht Club on Saturday. With all this activity going on, we still had time to run our Thursday evening Sunstroke Series--even in the fog. Also, in July, 4 teams went to Lake Huntington for FYC's annual regatta. Later in July we held our annual Singlehanded regatta which is a change of pace in racing, but a whole lot of fun on the starting line Looks like we'll be ending the Sunstroke at the end of August, and those that want to continue racing will have to hit the road for the likes of the "Roy Woolsey" at Lido Island YC and maybe the "Fall Invitational" at Mission Bay YC. Until next time…. Tom Estlow
More than 10 years ago I took on the job as editor of the bow wave. Jonathan had joined the Navy and could not continue to do the publication 100% of the time or any at all. Since then, I have served as Class Secretary and Chief Measurer at the same time I was doing the publication. I find it difficult to put things together when I have to scrub the Web to get information. I am not a good gatherer/hunter because it consumes more time than I have available. Recently, other problems have occurred with my computer which I don't understand and many of the e-mails sent to me go into the junk e-mail box. This takes a lot of time to sort out and I'm not sure I should not change to a another server. In the meantime, I have everything backed up in Google but haven't really put it into files and categories without a monumental effort to sort out details. So, please excuse me if something you have sent has been left out because I couldn't find it. Thanks to all those who contributed with photos and stories—I couldn’t do it without you all. It appears to me that the website has more information on it that we can possibly present affordably in printed form. The website continues to grow; I wish we had more time to mess with it. John Richardson has taken hundreds of pictures of the Class Championships Senior, Women's, and Junior which are all available on links from the website. How this all happens is a mystery to me, but I believe that Steve Potter is doing a lot of extra work to make this happen. In the meantime, I continue to work on conventional problems with Lidos both Classic and 6000 series but am having trouble finding time to deal with all the issues at the home site as well as the class. I regret having to resign as Chief Measurer but realize that my ambitions exceeded my time and hopefully I can pass this job off to someone who is able to do a better and more thorough job. Tom Estlow has been enthusiastic member of the Lido class for many years and hope that the burden is not too great. I see where he has managed to get through the Class Championships and more power to him. In the meantime, I hope to finish up my delayed tax reports for the IRS and get this publication in the mail Dave
Below: Fleet 2 gives it a go in the fog on Thursday evening
(August 18, 2013) – Frankie Dair and Gavin Abraham won the 2013 Lido 14 Junior National Class Championship Week which wrapped up on Saturday at Santa Monica (Calif.) Windjammers Yacht Club where eight very talented young sailors competed in six races to determine the 2013 Lido 14 Junior Champion. As the day started, the PRO talked to the teams and decided to throw out the previously prepared Sailing Instructions and let the teams decide the format. The decision was, “Let’s do it right here off the club and go round and round. And so they did the event, sailing in sight of the host yacht club, Santa Monica Windjammers, to wrap up the final event in the National Class Championships Race Week. Frankie Dair/Gavin Abraham Win 2013 Lido 14 Junior Champs. Photo Credit: Potter’s camera-unknown shooter.
Nice work Fleet 2 !--Ed
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Miscellaneous Reports and Fleet Report 1 Missing in Action Report Report from Fleet 21, Oceanside CA Fleet 21 had a relaxed schedule for the summer months. A lot of the teams keep their skills sharp by racing in Oceanside Yacht Club's Thirsty Thursday Series. For 12 weeks, the 6PM evening start interrupts the work-week with delightful light-air contests. The entire fleet is definitely winners. A few new teams were observed; Jim Lackey and Peter Golen brought 3566 Water Board, a beautifully preserved classic. Phil and John Obrite challenged in Phil O Bologny. The novel inside courses provided severe challenges. Starting from OYC's Guest Dock, the fleet traversed daunting wind-shadows to leave the inner harbor. Intimate knowledge of the tides and resultant currents paid hefty dividends when choosing to short tack the mid-channel or suck the rip-rap at the edges. The summer was graced with a frequent south swell that imposed a busy chop on the cat's-paws left by the light breeze. Fleet Captain Dan, with Kathleen, planted a final lee mark in the deep vacant recesses of the Jolly Roger Dock, providing a vicious, place-swapping, low speed tack-fest right before the finish. Dave and Taylor Anderson in Taylor Renee parleyed very consistent results into 2nd Place Goodies, while Marc and LeAnn exchanged several bullets for the Overall Win. New Guys Jim and Pete claimed the 3rd place plunder. Last summer's winner PC Van Slyke with Brian made a few appearances...they won the final race in Red Tide . Fleet 21 will resume their monthly race schedule in September with a new reality...there will be alot more pressure at the front of the fleet.
We are missing the following perpetual trophies for the juniors : Winner of the first race: Fleet 23&28 trophy Winner of race 3: Fleet1 trophy Winner of race 4: Fleet7 trophy Thank you all, I hope we can find these or someone knows where they are or where they were last known? Butch ~~_/)_~~ Congratulations to the Lido 14 teams that made it nationals. It sounds like the racing was challenging and great experience. Every one of you should be proud. I suppose your racing was more exciting that America's Cup (Louis Vitton Cup) Sidney Lee
Submitted by Hugh Mast Boat handling tip. Notice how these two really fast skippers exit a tack focused intently forward!
Dan Avina ‘da Prez -
2013-14 Fleet21 Race Schedule FALL SERIES: > > Sunday - Sept 22 - 3 races > > Sunday - Oct 13 - 3 races > > Sunday - Nov 17 - 3 races> > (2 throwouts) > > DECEMBER: Seminar - Sunday Dec 15(Erik - Ullman) > > FROSTBITE REGATTA: > > Sunday - Jan. 6 - 5 races> > (no throwouts) > > MIDWINTERS (probably) > > Sat - Feb 15 - 4 races > > Sun- Feb 16 - 4 races (1 throwout) > > ST. PAT'S DAY RACE > > Sun - Mar 17 - 4 races > > (winner buys drinks!!) > > VAN SLYKE - FLEET 21 CHAMPIONSHIPS > > Fri (evening) Apr. 11 - 1 race > > Sat - Apr 12 - 4 races > >Sun - Apr 13 - 4 races (one throwout) Photo right: Evening Drifter in Oceanside Harbor
Annapolis Performance Sailing was an honored sponsor in the 2013 Class Championships. The
Class thanks you for your participation.
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Miscellaneous Reports and Another Fleet Report we saw the shorten-course flag on the committee boat. It was a bummer that, given another lap, we could have taken the bullet, but still we were so happy (and quite a bit stunned) that we were close enough to hear the shotgun go off, and after an hour of racing, we were both glad for the shortened course. Race 5 was again 3 sausages. Even though the wind was still fairly light, it was a bit gusty. Like Race 4, our starts were better, a bit late, but with speed and room to tack over to port. At the windward mark, we were second around (?), but in good company. We were able to hold 2nd to the leeward mark, but back to windward, we fell back to 4th which we were able to hold back to leeward, where again we were happy to see the shorten course flag. Overall, we were ecstatic with that day of racing. Clearly the light air favored us, but we think we also had improved our game in the conditions out there as well. Finally, we give a huge thanks to Steve Klotz for all his gofast tips. I remember in my head thinking through all the races: "sheet in the main, point higher, boat flat!" all good stuff Steve was telling us to do in practice.
Report on the Championships Silver Flight Whew, I'm finally getting a chance to recall the whirlwind that was this year's National Class Championship. We had two days of practice, and I'm really glad we made it out for them. Mental note for those coming to future NCCR's, go a few days early and get some tiller time on the venue. The first two days of practice, the swells and chop were definitely a challenge, even feeling a little queasy after day 1. But by the last day of racing on Thursday, we felt right at home (as you can see from the results!). Sailing at these various venues has definitely made us better sailors, I encourage you all in the fleet to try out the various regattas away from the pond, and definitely sign up for next year's NCCR's which will be held at Huntington Lake (somewhere around the week of July 13th after High Sierra's). On Qualifier's, we struggled both with keeping the boat flat and getting buried 3 deep in the start. Clearly figuring out time to the line is way different in swells and chop and traffic. We need that starting line clinic before next year's championship for sure! Still we were happy that we weren't last place in any of the races despite being last around a few of the marks. It seems like we had good boat speed going to leeward and were able to always pick up a boat or two. On Wednesday, the winds had dropped down a little and while we still had to hike hard, we could at least keep the boat flat in races 1 and 2. Thinking back, I probably should have loosened up the rig (outhaul / downhaul) and brought in the traveler some. Race 1 was a total shock, as we were expecting to be back of the pack again. Instead, we were three across heading for the leeward finish line with the beautiful boat, Lido Mosquito just ahead of us by a few inches, and Sarah Mackey just behind by about a boat length. Sarah went to cover Lido Mosquito, slowing them down just enough for us to eek by as we crossed ahead by a nose. In Race 2, we also got buried at the start and had trouble getting the layline to the windward mark correct... especially with a darned fishing vessel that decided to plant itself right on the layline by the mark--GRRR!.. Maria has some not-family-friendly words to tell that captain. But it was Race 3 where we really got caught... in irons. A beautifully executed slam dunk tack by "the kids", as we called them, in 2305 put us in dirty air. I decided to tack away onto port, but didn't see under the sail that there was another Lido coming up fast on port as well. He yelled "leeward" and forced us to tack back onto starboard, but we were going so slow that a wave just pushed us head to wind. By the time we backed the jib and got underway, we were dead last. We were really happy to pick up a few boats going to leeward and it was another nail-biter finish between us and Sarah again. On Thursday, the winds had dropped again... maybe to 7 kts? This time, before racing got underway, we did loosen up the sails and bring in the traveller and that helped with boat speed a lot. Instead of worrying about hiking the boat to keep it flat, I could instead concentrate on the shifts (thanks to Lake Liz practice!!!) to keeping the boat speed up (heading up in the puffs, falling off in the holes). And downwind, we tried to surf the waves and get the boat heeled to windward. At one point, visions of our glory at San Diego's nationals flashed by as we were ahead at the first of the 3 sausage course for Race 4. Dare I say it? We were even catching the back of the gold fleet! Back to windward, we chose the right side of the course, and 2803 chose left. He chose more wisely and got a few boat lengths lead around the windward mark. But back to leeward, we were closing ever so slowly to the point where we were overlapped by half a boat length near the leeward mark, when
Thanks Harold! ED
A Crowing Report from Fleet 6, Alamitos Bay, CA To: Sufferers of Post-Nationals Depression Subject: Suck it up already With our very own Kathy and Cindy as the proud owners of the 2013 Pink L there will be no opportunity to rehash how if you had only wet sanded your rudder smooth as Beyonce's bottom and extended your whisker pole 1/4" to the absolute maximum that you would have decisively won Nationals. Come and toast the Pink L after the finest evening of sailing available on the West Coast of North America. More later in this issue on the Women’s Championships Late breaking news: These gals are on FIRE! They just won the A fleet at the Roy Woolsey Regatta in Newport. ED
Smiling winners of the Women’s Championships Kathy Reed and Cindy Heavrin display the coveted pink
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Fleet Reports 2 But one thing is very sure, for the year 2013 KENT FOSTER AND PAM FAIRLEY are the Mission Bay Yacht Club Champions; where is the sign painter to identify that reserved parking spot for our new champs? Thanks go to those that loaned their boats: Grant Williams, Roger Hinton, Andy Colyer, Keith Nuthall, Kent Foster, Roger Patterson, Tom Larkin and “Alex”. Thanks go to Grant and Edna for coordinating the event and their R/C crew. And thanks go to those that stood at the shore to provide timely assistance to the competitors. But not to be overlooked is one quiet fellow who was in charge of coordinating the launching and beaching the boats, ROGER HINTON. Without him, it all would not have happened.
Fleet 7, Reports from Mission Bay, CA THE MISSION BAY YACHT CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP (The view from the shore) It was rather like sitting at the seashore on a bright sunny day. The waves come in; thereafter the waves recede into a gaggle of bright white spots in the distance, only to come ashore once again to the delight of the on-looker. Whoops, your scribe started in the middle of the story; let’s start again and get things in their proper order. Each year MBYC does its best to try to pinpoint the one best sailor actively participating in sail boat races at MBYC. Each fleet desiring to present an entry sets up its own system to select the one best person to represent its class. When the Labor Day weekend has past, these premier candidates gather at the front dock to participate in a series of short races to determine who the best is really. Well, o.k., having set the stage, the problem becomes what class of boat should be used. We have big strong folks and little tiny ones. Some weigh a lot so that when they sail they can keep their boat flat; some stay skinny so that their boat will fly down the reach. Some need only one sailor, while others need two or three or more. What class of boat should be used to determine the best of the best? It is a daunting task. In the past your scribe recalls the following were used at one time or another; Sabots, Snipes, Capri 22s, Solings, Skimmers, rental boats, and so on. Yes, one time we rented boats from the Vacation Village Resort across the channel. Last year each candidate sailed his own craft with the scoring being done on a handicap basis -– what a disaster that was!!! This year the Lido class was selected, recruited, or bamboozled into providing boats for the fray. A total of 9 boats were gathered together at the shoreline. Master coordinator Edna Johnson put up her white board and drew up a graph so, to provide to the extent possible, that each sailor would compete in each of several races with a different boat. And so, now the boats gather at the shore, and so now the boats recede to the briny and become white blurs in the distance like foam spots at the shoreline. Out there, Staff Commodore Grant Williams commanded our proud new Race Committee Boat, the Barca II. It took but a few minutes, and the wave of boats came back ashore where volunteers helped skippers and crew to their next assigned platform. Like all things good, it came to an end as the sun got near to the shore, and the party was on, So what did we learn? All the competitors are good Corinthian sailors. All the boats were good and while Grant tried to determine the best single boat, your scribe has concluded that such a determination is not possible.
Roger Patterson,
2420 & 6127
Top: Close racing at the weather mark. Below: Champs Kent and Pam on the run (My goodness it looks like they drew their own boat at least once in the contest? ED) Photo credits: Edna Johnson
Left: The Auld Mug: MBYC Club Championship looks as if it is ready for another tier after only being in service since 1928. Page 7
Fleet Reports 3 and the numbers are still firmly attached. If we are scoring you lower than you feel you deserve, try sailing higher, faster, and nearer to the rest of your fleet. You could also set a tremendous example for others and volunteer on the race committee barge, writing down the sail numbers legibly and in the order they finish. Rules Seminar at BCYC Um, yes, that would be the Racing Rules of Sailing. Remember those? Maybe? BCYC invites you to attend the last "Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing" seminar this year on Sunday, September 8. Although co-sponsored by the Harbor 20 Association, the discussion is not Harbor 20 specific. Everyone is welcome. For more information call Peter Haynes 949-631-8757 (office) or 949-446-3971 (cell). If you go try not to rub it in that you have 6-pack abs because Lido sailors hike out. Howlands Landing Trip Dana Bell would like you all to be reminded that the Fleet 6 cruise to Howland's Landing is September 20-22. Please see the attached advert. Beach games, blind skipper dingy races and ukulele playing all await you only 26 miles across the sea! Signals strongly counsel you to leave the Lido at home and sail a keelboat or 72 foot foiling catamaran to Catalina. While stories abound that Larry Ellison sailed a Lido across San Francisco Bay, out the Golden Gate, and back, you might not be so lucky. That is to say, in the unlikely event you do survive nobody will believe your story any more than they believe Ellison's story.
News from Fleet 6, Alamitos Bay, CA Sustained trofiness along the Sierra Nevada to the eastern Mojave combined with 1017 mbar high 750 nm SW of the southern California coast give us hope for a return to the consistent breeze of Alamitos Bay we know and love. NOAA forecasts 9 kts from the WNW at race time. Windy Scuppers, Fleet Six meteorologist, predicts a SW breeze at 4 - 6 kts and ice cold Bud Lite in the Fleet Six cooler. 6:00 PM Start Tide: Ebbing from 5.1' high at 1513 to 0.6' low at 2302. 72 F, Mostly sunny with a chance of linguica. Sunset: 1903 hrs Moon: Waxing crescent Boats available. Email Food - It's Our Favorite Dish Listen up - we hear Greshy is buying pizza for anyone who shows up to this week’s Twilites. Well, not quite anyone. You are expected to sail, work race committee or get a head start on dredging the basin. No free beer this time though. The snack bar should be open but is likely to be short-handed. This Week's Twilites Eric Chadwick and the Light Bulb Baron of Sixty-ninth Place smoked the A Fleet in race one. They won the start, picked the only lane with pressure up to the weather mark, and never let anyone in the game. Said Oracle Team USA helm Jimmy Spithill, "I just hate it when somebody does that to me." They were in the top half of the fleet for the rest of the night but Gresham-Wong claimed the last two bullets and won the night, leaving second for Eric, the Light Bulb Baron and the lovely yacht #4729. Unlike the America's Cup, Twilites most definitely has a second place. Currents ravaged the entire fleet on race 3, with several yachts being swept stern-first into the weather mark by the flooding tide. Videos of the slowmotion penalty turns were unavailable at press time. Consistency rewarded the Brothers Gronewold who won the night with three deuces. Signals have learned that Bounty will enter the Roy Woolsey regatta where the Brothers look to be ripe for promotion. Week ago Twilites Three races were enjoyed in the delightful but light zephyrs of Alamitos Bay. Protracted banter between AFleeters Chadwick, Spotskey, Dalleska and Mais provided practice reciting each other's sail numbers, but didn't seem to improve their overall standings. Eric and Spot did notch a second place and successful avoided more red streaks on their gelcoat. The B Fleet again has the Dad-and-Lad Conns at the top with the Brothers Gronewald close behind. Fate was unkind to Admiral Taugher and his lovely wife Chris. They led race three until nearly the end, falling to sixth when they sailed into a hole. Scott and Dale waved as they passed by... Fleet 6 Signals has again been receiving complaints that our published weekly results do not accurately reflect some people's "perception" of "reality." These complaints have addressed both finish order and names of sailors. There are several ways YOU can help. If we are consistently botching your name please chat up the Fleet Captain (you may call him "Greshy" only if your Fleet Six account is current)or the Fleet Scorer and tell them who you are and what your sail number is. You can email Amanda at If we are not listing your sail number correctly please verify that you are using your own sails
That is all! Oops!
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Class Championships Christophe Killian wins the Gold Flight!
Championship Week continued with the Women’s Championship being hosted by South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club and Saturday with the Junior Championship hosted by Santa Monica Windjammers Yacht Club. Photos of the Trophy and awards are posted on the Class Flickr page and more will be published soon view the Final and Team Results. Numerous posts are happening on the Lido 14 Class Association Facebook page.
The overriding story behind the 2013 National Class Championship has to be about the Killian family! While Porter had already won his regatta by making the Gold flight, Christophe emerged victorious from a very tight pack by racking up a first and second place for the day. Chris is the youngest member of the Class Association to ever capture the top award in the Gold Flight. The rough ocean conditions eliminated Kent and Pam Foster at the last race of the qualifying series when his vang termination (at the keel) dismembered the wood holding it together. Not having the means to repair it properly away from home they packed it in and headed back to San Diego. Sorry! (Ed note: Pam is a professional and keeps her maiden name (on her graduation certificate) for legal purposes. Kent and she are married. Both are attorneys. Don’t mess with Kent on the water if you have to go to the room afterwards.) It's hard to imagine how much more proud father Chris and mother Kathy could be. This is truly a great example of what makes Lido sailing Family Fun. Ten of the 24 teams were comprised of family members sailing together, fathers and kids, brothers and sisters and husbands and wives. Terry Johnson of Long Beach won the Silver Fleet getting past the tie-breaker over Steve Vincent of Marina del Rey's fleet 2. Team Elsharhawy, consisting of the 13 year old twins Adam and Nora finished third. Santa Monica Bay was pretty passive for the day's racing as the predicted clearing never really materialized and the wind never fully established itself creating a course that was generally favored on the right side but also created a few game changing shifts to the left. Winds stayed in the eight to nine knot range with some occasional puffs where both skipper and crew would sit on the high side. This created ideal conditions for the ultra light Teams Elsharhawy and Ho to post their best finishes of the regatta.
Kathy Reed and Cindy Heavrin win the Women's Championship
Kathy Reed and Cindy Heavrin have spent a lot of time on the water practicing, training and attending clinics to develop the boat speed and skills that are well known in Alamitos Bay. They do so at all times with big smiles on their faces. Friday afternoon at the host Club, South Coast Corinthian, in Marina del Rey, they showed off their skill and wonderful demeanor to a very talented group of competitors that hailed from San Diego to Port Townsend, Washington. Boat speed and clean air seemed to be the key as Team Nemo sailed to four first place finishes and one second. In race two, persistence paid off as they pushed until the very end, luffing perfectly at the finish line to edge Robin Townsend of Long Beach by approximately six inches! Close finishes were the order of the day as the fleet sailed in a tight pack in every race. The regatta was held in the outer channel of Marina del Rey which was surprisingly devoid of traffic for a mid-August Friday afternoon. This allowed the PRO, Bruce Fleck, to stretch out the marks and start each race with a beat to weather of just under a half mile. The winds were a relatively stable eight to ten knots and there was a flooding tide that played its hand favoring the south side of the channel downwind. The typical oscillations in direction provided opportunities for numerous position changes as the fleet tacked inside the "No Sail" lines toward the breakwater. A dinner of homemade Gazpacho and Grilled Chicken accompanied the Qu a lifyin g S e rie s sponsor's give away gifts R a n kS a ilN o H e lm N a m e Boat C lu b R1 R2 R3 To ta N e tt and the awards 1 s t 6 3 0 0 S te p h e n K lo tz Ma n C a ve R ich m o n d YC 2 1 1 4 4 2 n d 3 1 1 3 S tu a rt R o b e rts o n MB YC 1 4 3 8 8 ceremony. National 3 rd 3 8 8 3 K e vin Th o m a s S h o rt B u s AB YC 3 2 4 9 9 Class Championship 4 th 4 7 8 5 K im McR a e P h o e n ix CRA 4 5 2 11 11 Week wrapped up with 5 th 4 7 9 4 C h ris to p h e K illia n B ig R e d 1 B a lb o a Ya ch t C lu b 7 3 10 20 20 the Junior sailors 6 th 4 3 3 9 Jo h n Gre s h a m C lo s e S h a ve AB YC 6 7 8 21 21 competing. The event 7 th 6 2 6 2 S te ve S ch u p a k 1 4 K a ra t N e w p o rt H a rb o r Ya ch t C lu b 9 6 7 22 22 8 th 4 8 3 4 S u s a n Ta ylo r Tw e n d e C a lifo rn ia yc 6 9 11 25 26 was hosted by the Santa 9 th 6 2 8 4 S te ve P o tte r Is is S MW YC 10 11 6 27 27 Monica Windjammers 1 0 th 4 4 8 0 K e n t Fo s te r R u m lin e Mis s io n B a y Ya ch t C lu b 8 13 9 30 30 Yacht Club. 1 1 th 3 1 6 6 B u tch Mich e l flip = flo p ssc 18 14 5 37 37 1 2 th 1 3 th 1 4 th 1 5 th 1 6 th 1 7 th 1 8 th 1 9 th 2 0 th 21s t 22nd 2 3 rd
6297 2720 6195 2803 6136 4284 4484 4509 6337 3547 3650 2305
P o rte r K illia n Te rry Jo h n s o n To m B la n to n S te p h e n Vin ce n t D a n McGa n ty S a ra h Ma cke y Ju lia n S o to R o g e r H in to n C h a rle s S m ith H a ro ld H o Gre g B o u d re a u x Ad a m E ls h a rh a w y
W a s s a il N u i P ilikia C a t in th e H a t R a g tim e D a n McGa n ty -L id o Mo s q u ito B litz H om er
B a lb o a Ya ch t C lu b S a ilin g An a rch y C al S o u th C o a s t C o rin th ia n Ya ch D a n McGa n ty L a ke S a m m a m is h & S e a ttle D e l R e y YC Mis s io n B a y Ya ch t C lu b S C C YC Fre m o n t S a ilin g C lu b B YC AB YC
Page10 9 Page
12 14 13 11 16 15 21 19 17 20 22 23
8 17 12 14 15 13 10 D NF 18 12 16 15 17 16 19 18 22 19 20 20 21 21 23 22
37 40 41 45 46 46 54 56 58 60 64 68
37 40 41 45 46 46 54 56 58 60 64 68
Class Championships
Junior awards, top: Everybody gets a prize a gift certificate from APS Performance Sailing and a medallion for their efforts Middle row right:. Third-place finisher in the Junior championships with the actual perpetual award. Middle row left: Adam and Nora Elsharhawy finish 2nd in the Jr. Championships event. Bottom row: Frankie Dair and Gavin Abram captured top honors in the Junior Championships event with a total of 10 points in six races. Good going guys!
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Class Championships
Above Found, just in time to wine it back, the Pomeroy Award, The Winner of the First Championship Race in the Gold Flight. Stu Robertson and Adam Elsharhawy (Keep track of it this time Stu.) Stu and Adam also got the “Flying Goddess” as winners of race 3. Pres Steve (blue shirt) and VP Butch (white shirt) look on and shake hands.
Top Photo: Christophe Killian and Greg Dair score the first Senior Championship win ever as (eligible) juniors sailing in the Senior Division. Lower Photo: Kathy Reed and Cindy Heavrin get the top honors in the Pink
(Women’s) Championship division.
Right: Terry Johnson and Scott Munch, Winners of the Silver Flight
Left : Team trophy winners Stu Robertson, Crew Adam Elsharhawy, Team with Harold and Maria Ho to get the double boat award. (maybe there should be 2 trophies) Right:: Steve and Daughter Olivia Klotz get the Longest Trail Award as well as (not shown) the nd First Family Award as well as placing 2 in the regatta Page 11
Class Championships
2013 Lido 14 National Class Championships Del Rey Yacht Club Gold flight Fin 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th
Fleet 1 62 7 1 2 6 6 1 6 62 2 1 7
Skipper Christophe Killian Stephen Klotz Stuart Robertson Kim McRae Kevin Thomas John Gresham Jerry Thompson Steve Schupak Susan Taylor Butch Michel Steve Potter Porter Killian Kent Foster
Crew Greg Dair Olivia Klotz Sammy Elsharhaway Judy Gorski Amanda Wayne Melody Wong Mandi Smith Finn Dobkin Werner Horner Naz Solanki Kristina Potter Christopher Killian Pam Fairley
Fin 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
Fleet 6 2 6 2 6 62 7 2 2 71 1
Skipper Terry Johnson Stephen Vincent Adam Elsharhawy Tom Blanton Dan McGanty Harold Ho Roger Hinton Julian Soto Charles Smith Sarah Mackey Greg Boudreaux
Crew Scott Munch Gigi Barbes Nora Elsharhawy Nick Santos Greg Klar Maria Ho Anne Hinton Tucker Strasser Joanna Smith James Mackey Travis Vandenberg
Boat Big Red 1 ManCave Trailer Trash Phoenix Short Bus Close Shave The Curad Kid 14 Karat Twende flip=flop Isis Wassail Rum Line
Sail 4794 6300 3113 4785 3883 4339 4139 6262 4834 3166 6284 6297 4480
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total 3 1 7 1 2 14 4 2 5 2 3 16 1 5 1 5 5 17 5 4 3 8 4 24 2 3 6 4 12 27 10 9 2 10 1 32 7 10 4 6 7 34 6 8 10 3 8 35 11 7 8 9 6 41 8 12 9 7 11 47 12 6 12 12 9 51 9 11 11 11 10 52 dnc dnc dnc dnc dnc 70
Sail 2720 2803 2305 6195 6136 3547 4509 4484 6337 4284 3650
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Total 1 1 6 5 1 14 8 2 1 1 2 14 3 9 3 6 3 24 2 3 4 9 8 26 4 4 5 8 6 27 5 8 9 2 4 28 9 7 7 3 5 31 10 5 2 11 7 35 7 10 8 4 9 38 6 6 10 7 10 39 11 11 11 10 11 54
Silver Flight Boat Nui Pilikia Ragtime Cat in the Hat Blitz
LidoMosquito Homer
Lido 14 Womens Class Championship South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club Fin Fleet Skipper 1st 6 Kathryn Reed 2nd 2 Tracey Kenney 3rd 6 Robin Townsend 4th 6 Terry Johnson 5th UN Ellen Kaminski 6th 7 Kathy Dryden
Crew Cynthia Heavrin Phoebe Staff Melody Wong Olivia Klotz Lenore Collins Jenn Rohr
BoatName Nemo Shenanigans TBD Nui Pilikia Dolores Shout and Feel It!
Sail R1 4756 1 4430 2 4339 3 2720 4 6313 5 2420 -6
R2 1 3 2 4 5 6
R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett 1 -2 1 2 8 6 2 3 -5 1 16 11 3 1 3 -4 16 12 4 -6 4 3 25 19 5 4 -6 5 30 24 6 5 2 6 31 25
Lido 14 Junior Class Championship Santa Monica Windjammers Yacht Club Fin Fleet Skipper 1st 1 Frankie Dair 2nd 6 Adam Elsharhawy 3rd 1 Christophe Killian 4th 1 Porter Killian
Crew Gavin Abraham Nora Elsharwahy Dot Obel Christian Rosene
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Sail R1 4794 2 3113 1 6297 3 6284 4
R2 2 3 1 4
R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett 1 1 1 3 10 10 2 3 2 2 13 13 3 4 4 1 16 16 4 2 3 4 21 21
Regatta Reports, Junior Championships Race One got off quietly unless you were in boat 4794. Lido Intergalactic Champion Christophe Killian showed off his match racing skills chasing and pinning Frankie Dair outside the starting area. Adam and Nora Elsharhawy got off clean and sailed unfettered to a first place finish as the shifty moderate breeze favored the light teams. Frankie recovered to finish second ahead of Christophe while Porter Killian and Christian Rosene worked out some kinks to finish fourth. The mood seemed to change slightly in the short break between race one and two, this was a tight course, each team was strong and anything could happen in the shifty conditions. It was game on. Christophe and crew Dot Obel, won race two and then Frankie reeled off bullets in races 3, 4 and 5. Adam and Nora sailed very consistently and were in second place going into the last race still with #1 within reach. The breeze was stiff and puffy for the final race. Christophe and Dot got off the line cleanly, Frankie was OCS and in danger of losing his lead. It was a very tight pack as they approached the first leeward mark three boats overlapped as they rounded. It was amazing to watch, no contact, no protests and great boat handling! Casual folks enjoying a relaxing day on their kayaks, cruising boats, SUPs and even the Sheriff's Department stopped and watched in amazement. Oh, and by the way, the PRO had forgotten to pull the required Sheriff's Department permit so there was a nervous moment for him when the Sheriff's boat needed to quickly thrust backwards as the kids skillfully maneuvered in the narrow channel. When the dust settled, Gavin and Frankie had finished just behind Adam and Nora to hold onto their lead and win the Green "L". After the racing everyone gathered in the clubhouse as the televisions showed the America's Cup boats breaking down and flicking crew members. Ice cream sundaes were devoured and awards began with every competitor receiving a gift certificate from sponsor Annapolis Performance Sailing. It was a very impressive and enjoyable exhibition of sailing prowess to witness and a fitting end 7to a great week of racing.
Frankie Dair and Gavin Abraham win the Junior Championships National Class Championship Week wrapped up on Saturday at Santa Monica Windjammers Yacht Club where eight very talented young sailors competed in six races to determine who was going to be the 2013 Lido 14 Junior Champion. As the day started, the PRO talked to the teams and decided to throw out the previously prepared Sailing Instructions and let the teams decide the format. The decision was, "Let's do it right here off the club and go round and round. So a starting line was set in G Basin and a weather mark was set in C Basin creating a narrow area to start and tack out to the main channel where things would open up and then tighten up again at the top .
Another Valued Sponsor was Gill North America The Class thanks you! Photo right: One of the happy Gill Sailing Gear raffle winners.
Event sponsors and winners of raffle prizes: top left rudder cover from Custom Marine Design; huge (30% ) discount coupon from Quantum sails: A set of shrouds, amongst other things, from Sailing Supply in San Diego: Finally a number of gear bags from the Ullman Sail Loft in Newport. The your generosity
Class thanks you all for
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2013 Al Morris Regatta, Fleet 25, at Yale Lake, OR Fellow Lido Sailors, The 2013 NW District Championship for Lidos 14 was held at the Al Morris Regatta on Yale Lake this year. As usual the Yale Lake wind gods were smiling and we had a steady breeze for the first three races. The second half of the fourth race proved to be a bit of a drifter, but lack of wind is always the great equalizer and it definitely made for a close albeit slow motion finish. That night the camping and the food were great. We sat around the campfire and discussed rules, strategies late into the night. The next day the breeze filled in nicely and we got in another four races making a total of 8 for the regatta.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
Ron and Nicole Runyan (WSC) Mark and Kathy Sandifer (WSC) Toby Deming and Richard Peterson (WSC) John and Donna McCoy (WSC) Jim Clevenburg and his grandson (WSC) John Olsson and crew (WSC) Marco (EYC)
Lido 14 NW District Championship Congratulations to all. Kathy Sandifer Fleet 25 Below: A Gaggle of Lidos and Lasers work their way around the weather mark at Yale Lake Right: Unidentified (5126, is he on the roster?) Lido making a roll tack at the mark.
Yale, Yale the gang’s all here. Ron and Nicole Runyan, are in the center, holding the silver and lots of hardware. (Sorry I didn’t get the names of the others, ED)
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2013 Minton Regatta, Fleet 57, Columbus OH Ten Lidos took to the waters of Leatherlips Yacht Club on Saturday, August 24th, for the 22nd annual Minton Regatta. The regatta is sailed in memory of Dr. Minton, who was instrumental in rebuilding the Lido fleet in the Midwest. The weather was perfect, and the wind was fair—if a little shifty—coming usually out of the East between three and five mph. The sailing kicked off at 11 am, with a schedule of five quick races. Our resident Comet fleet provided a race officer and rescue boat crews. Five of the boats were skippered by regular Leatherlips Lido sailors: Mark Lawmon, Kathy Muenz, Pete Polites, Deb Obert, and Jackie Herkowitz. Nick McMahon and Mike Clowes, usually from the Day Sailors, and Janet Rupert, a Laser sailor, defected to Lidos for the day also. The other two boats were helmed by John Saldanha and Raymond Joyal who heard about the event thanks to Kathy Muenz. At the first start, all the boats were vying for position on the line as the horn sounded. The course was a windwardleeward from Mark 2 to Mark 1 (Figure 2 shows the course). It was close all the way round, but Mark Lawmon managed first place, with Nick McMahon and Mike Clowes coming in second and third, respectively. The second race was a little longer, adding in a reach from Mark 2 to the Club West mark. Mark Lawmon again took first place on the line. Racing continued after some light refreshments. The third race was the same course as the second, but this time around Jose and Nick secured a convincing first place finish. For the last two races the wind picked up slightly, and moved round to the North. For the fifth race, the start line was moved between Club East and West, and the sailors were sent up to Mark 3, across to Mark 4, down to Mark 1, and back across the finish line. Mark Lawmon, with his father John as crew and tactician, led the fleet across the line in Races 4 and 5 to win his first regatta. Jose Isern and his crew Nick McMahon finished in second place, and Mike Clowes with his daughter Molly took home the bronze. A delicious spread prepared by Carol Lawmon and Shari Smith provided an excellent end to a great day’s sailing, and accompanied a social hour and the prize presentations. The Regatta was a great success, and I look forward to next year; hopefully I can keep the Minton trophy in the Lawmon family for another year.
Fleet 57 Minton Regatta Fin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Above: Mark Lawmon being congratulated after helming and then winning his first regatta. Top right: Second placed Nick McMahon (crew Jose had to leave early as he was on night shift) Next Below: Third placed Mike Clowes and daughter Molly Course marks and start line for race 1 with O’Shaughnessy dam to the South and Columbus Zoo to the South East.
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Skipper Sail # Mark Lawmon 2520 Jose Isern 5022 Mike Clowes 4527 Janet Rupert 3139 (red) Kathy Muenz 4205 Jackie Herkowitz 3692 Peter Polites 3139 (Blue) John Saldanha 3139 Ray Joyal 3931 Deb Obert 2831 Note: *=discard
R1 1 4 3 2 6 7* 9* 10* 5 8
R2 1 2 5 8* 9* 6 4 3 10* 7
R3 R4 R5 total 1 2* 1 4 5* 1 2 9 7* 7 3 18 4 8 5 19 2 4 7 19 3 5 6 20 6 3 8 21 9 6 4 22 8 9 9 31 10* 10 10 35
Miscellaneous Stuff
2013 Minton Photo on front lawn of clubhouse looking toward the Scioto River and Columbus Zoo. Left to Right: Kathy Muenz, Constance Rivera, Nick McMahon, Mike Clowes with daughter Molly, John Saldanha, Carol Lawmon, Jackie Herkowitz, Debra Obert, Lucas (front )Christie Whitt, Ray Joyal, Peter Polites, Dan Abicht Top L-R: Michael Saldanha; Mark Lawmon; John Lawmon, Nathan Obert, Chris Obert, Janet Rupert. spinnakers on the reaching legs. We sailed back and forth south of the races so we could watch without getting in the way. It was pretty cool. We made a huge mistake when coming in. I sailed us just downwind of the marina entrance and set the anchor, then we unrigged the boat, with the jib not completely taken down. I sat to the oars, and Norene hauled the anchor. Immediately we were getting blown further down wind, and the oar locks were just not quite right so I was struggling to row against the wind. We realized the jib was still catching the wind, so dropped anchor again and completely lowered the jib. When we started up again, I was able to make headway, and we felt better, though it was still a struggle. At this point, one of the race committee boats from the yacht club came over and offered to help, but we said we'd be fine if he would just keep an eye on us. He said if we set our anchor again he'd come over and pull us in, then he went back to towing 110's into the hoist. By the time I'd rowed back to the marina entrance I was thinking longingly about that offer of a tow, but we finally made it into the marina. There we found that the oars were a problem in the narrow fairways, so I rowed us to the first open space and we used the lines and the boat hook to thread the needle to the open slip we'd been given. We took down, cleaned the anchor mud off, and went to Nick's Cove for a dinner that couldn't be beat. There is a public ramp there, and a dock that you can sail up to and have lunch. More about that later. Friday we went to Muir Woods in the morning, then launched again just as the racers were finishing up. Again we rowed out, set anchor and rigged the boat, and again a race committee boat came by to ask if we needed help. I need to write the Inverness Yacht Club a thank you note. This time we sailed farther north, about half way to Nick's cove in an hour. Then we had a wonderful broad reach back south, and snooped around the yacht club before heading in. This time we sailed into the marina on a beam reach with the jib flapping, the main depowered and the center board halfway up. This was much easier than rowing in! We had no problem docking, but there were several boats moored along the launching dock that led to the ramp. After taking down sails and fetching the trailer, I got out the oars and rowed over to the last dock by the ramp (earlier a Zodiac had occupied the ramp, so we couldn't sail all the way in). It was not pretty, with the oars popping out of the locks several times, but I avoided hard collisions and got the boat close enough for Norene to grab it with the hook. Whew!
Tomales Bay Adventure Cruising in a Lido On Sat, Aug 10, Norene and I just came back from Tomales Bay. We drove up Wednesday evening and checked into the Tomales Bay Resort in Inverness, which has a ramp and a marina. We launched the Lido on Thursday at about a +3 foot rising tide and sailed north to the Marshall area, we got to see a race of 110 class boats that was being run by the Inverness Yacht club. We came back and put into the marina overnight, then sailed again on Friday, again going out with a rising tide at +3 feet. This time we sailed further north, but still stayed near Marshall, then sailed a nice long broad reach down to the Inverness Yacht Club and checked out what they looked like from the water. Then we sailed into the marina and pulled out so we could get an early start for home on Saturday. Both days the wind was moderate, 10 knots or so I think with some gusts. It tended to swing a lot, with 90 degree shifts and sometimes we were back winded. The waves were pretty mild, temperature was cool but not bone chilling neither of us wore a windbreaker. We were very conservative, we stayed down in the boat and did not hike out, this helped when the wind shifted suddenly because we were not leaning way off centre. If a gust came up I sheeted out and then pulled back in to keep the heel under control. To prepare the boat I added oarlocks on the sides, but these did not work well. I first screwed them into the inner side of the gunwales, but the angle was wrong. I added wedge shaped spacers that angled the oars downward so the blades would hit the water, but even so the oars would rub on the rail. Also, while I was rowing, the gunwales would flex and creak. I think I know what is needed to fix all this, will provide details once I have it worked out. We also raked the mast back to take out all the slop in the shrouds, put a fender on the masthead as a float and bought an anchor kit and a collapsible boat hook. We launched with the sails down, I rowed us out of the marina, then we anchored and raised the sails. The anchor worked great, once I shortened the line to make it less likely to tangle. We ran the anchor line through the bow eye, then tied it off on the mast so we could pull on the line from the cockpit. The anchor sat in the cockpit; we dropped it over the side with the line under the jib sheets and let out about 30 feet. This worked great in the mud and weed outside the marina! After we rigged the sails, we used the boat hook to grab the line, then hauled it into the cockpit and raised the anchor. When we sailed towards Marshall we saw the 110s racing around marks, including setting asymmetric
Bruce Page 16
Fleet Reports 6 Fleet 62 Fremont, CA Report Fremont's Fleet 62 is having a busy sailing season. We've already wrapped up 9 races for Spring Series, and 9 races for Summer Series. At our home pond, Lake Elizabeth, the water is drained over the winter and pumped back in for the Spring. Only this year, the pump was out of commission early in the year. So the first races were centerboard draggers, and into summer we couldn't even sail there anymore. Hans Wolff and the South Bay Model Boat Club came to the rescue by allowing us to borrow their safety boat and marks out at Lake Cunningham. The fleet had a great time sailing this new venue and we hope it encourages more of the fleet to sail outside our local pond. We've also had some fun racing Lido-FJ challenges which gave us good practice on the starting line, and also a lot of pride in being able to beat an FJ!... well when the winds were light anyway! We've also had good turnout at races this year including new Lido sailors, Earl Warren and Joe Darden, as well as regulars, ourselves, Joe Davis, Bruce Prickett, Jim Lechner, Sidney Lee, and we were even able to drag back Jack Navarra back to the pond for a race! We also had a great time at Clear Lake for District II regatta, where we tried desperately to keep up with Steve Klotz, but really ended up trading spots with Bruce McDevitt and crew, Butch Michel, and finally ended up with a stilltrophy-winning 3rd place And lastly, we just got back from representing Fleet 62 at the National Class Championship Regatta at Marina Del Rey. This was our first ever sailing / racing in the open water, and we learned a lot about how to sail and be fast in those conditions. We're proud of our 6th place finish in the Silver flight amongst a bunch of top-notch competitors, and we'd like to thank all the locals for their helpfulness and hospitality. We had a blast! Harold Ho Fleet 62 Captain
Photo, Left: Joe and Janet Davis rigging at Lake Liz Right, Above: Jack Navarra hikes as to ride out an infrequent puff on Lake Liz. Bottom Right: Steve and Olivia Klotz show how to do it upwind at the District II regatta at Clear Lake, CA
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Fleet Reports 6 Fleet 25, Portland OR, Reports
Thoughts on Rebuilding an Old Lido
Portland's Lido Fleet 25 has had spectacular sailing this summer. The season started off with the Turtle Regatta in the early May followed by a boat handling clinic for our club's many new Lido sailors. Wednesday night racing has seen an increase in Lido participation so that it is common to have 5-7 boats out on the start line. We have added an after-race-pot-luck which is also well attended. Since there has not been as many regattas in the NW this summer, Fleet 25 has introduced to new fun sails into our summer schedule: the Bridge to Bridge Sail and just recently the Poker Run. The Poker Run involved sailing from point to point, sometimes swimming or scrambling to pick up a playing card at each point and competing to see who could get the best poker hand. It was good fun and a great way to really mix things up and get non-racers out sailing together. This coming weekend. Fleet 25 has 6 Lidos going to the Al Morris Regatta for our NW District Championship at Yale Lake. And the odds are that the sailing will be spectacular!
Nik Wrote: Thank you all for helping guide me through bringing my lido back to life. And thank you Steve (Potter). I made it back from the Yarnell Hill Fire. I unfortunately have the funerals of some friends/brothers to attend now. It was a very sad, sad day for us last Sunday. To see how the fire fighting community is coming together is very heart warming. An engine from FDNY left New York yesterday to attend the services in Prescott this coming Tuesday. We are expecting over 400 fire engines in the precession bringing our boys back home and estimating 30,000 people attend the memorial services. I took some pictures of the boat to show its condition. My boat is pink (gelcoat??) for the most part, and there is some sort of black paint that was seemingly brushed on over the pink on the bottom of the hull. However, even though it is pink, there are areas that have been sanded completely through, down to the fiberglass. I believe that the transom has been replaced due to how it doesn't quite line up with the rest of the hull on the stern. Here is a link to a photobucket album with some pictures of what I am starting with.
Kathy Sandifer, Captain, Fleet 25 Current officers of Fleet 25 Captain Kathy Sandifer Treasurer/Secretary Fred Jensen Historian Breah Pike Measurer Lorin Moentenich
I was considering sanding and painting the hull with urethane automotive paint. Though, from what I read below, maybe needs to be new gel coat? Perhaps some other type of paint? Maybe some sort of epoxy or urethane paint over an epoxy primer? Maybe just something simple like Rustoleum Marine topside paint and thinned with acetone to spray with say, a 1.3 tip in my DeVilbis gun? Alexander wrote "Stop him from painting the boat - a WD Schock boat should never ever be painted" Nik: Why is this? Preserving originality? Or blistering/cracking? Any recommendations on a gel coating that I can spray at home? I have compressor, dryer, automotive spray guns, etc. Dave wrote: ” Alexander is correct. Don’t paint the boat unless there’s no other choice. Especially with LP. I had a Lido that was repainted with LP and it had thousands of microcracks in the finish. It looked fine in 1976, but I had to wet sand it back to the original gelcoat but since the Gel had been roughened to prepare it for the urethane it was pretty thin. In fact you could see through it in several places. The boat was very fast but light by about 15 lbs. When DuPont Imron paint came out a bunch of folks thought this was an answer, smooth, hard, chip resistant, and shiny (great for aircraft). It showed up in the (76?) Olympics on a lot of keel boats but after a couple of days in the water it blistered and there was a lot of wet sanding going on. There are polyester or epoxy coatings that will work well on fiberglass. Since you live in AZ you have a choice—LA AQMD eliminated the epoxy I used for centerboards and the water based substitute only had half the adhesion of the original. I wasn’t going this route on a custom part especially when the buyers expected the best. Either way, the epoxy or polyester will need to be wet sanded and polished once hardened. Neither will flow well when sprayed....” Wet sanding and polishing was tedious but there was sufficient material to be a good racing finish. Color sanding is the best way to remove the minimum material to get it smooth. Nik: Also, I would REALLY love to identify the hull number. To be Continued ED
Above: This must be the bridge to bridge cruise on the Willamette—just guessing. Below: Take a card and build a hand—The Poker Run— no doubt here. ED
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