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REAL ANIMALS FROM THE HUNDRED ACRE WOOD ……............................................. 28


Blue Morpho Butterfly

Like frogs, Butterflies go through metamorphosis. They start as an egg, hatch into a caterpillar, form into a chrysalis, and come out as a butterfly. Butterflies may look like they have just two wings, but they actually have four! (Two top, two bottom). Butterflies also need heat to be able to move. When you see a butterfly resting, it’s getting heat from the sun so it can start flying again! Butterflies like to drink nectar from flowers and are pollinators. To learn more about pollination, read our section on Honey Bees.

Do you know the difference between a butterfly and a moth? Butterflies tend to be larger and more colorful than moths and their wings fold vertically behind their backs. Moths tend to be smaller with more neutral colors and their wings fold more like tents.


Along with Butterflies there are many different kinds of dragonflies that you can find in GB. Like Butterflies, Dragonflies go through metamorphosis, however, their metamorphosis is called incomplete. That’s because dragonflies skip one of the steps, the pupal step (the pupal step for a butterfly is the chrysalis). They are excellent fliers, and are able to hover like helicopters. They even fly when catching and eating food! Dragonflies heads are mostly their eyes! They can look almost everywhere except right behind them.

Do you know the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfly? Damselflies have the same sized and shaped wings, whereas dragonflies’ wings are differently shaped. Dragonfly

Damselfly 32

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