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8/31/13 Cashing In On Your Great Ideas™ Series: World Responsible Industries -- Creating Responsible Enterprises Workshop Series. This workshop explores new and unique options for inventors and investors to help create responsible industries. Experts present the new opportunities for commercialization pathways beyond traditional entrepreneurship and licensing for people with great ideas. A definition of Co-Ventures and the promise and benefit of those structures and comparison to traditional pathways. Showcase of real world examples of CoVentures that cover sustainability, renewable energy, consumer products, transportation, etc. Handout resources and Q & A, and a Matchmaking Session follows workshop.

11/2/13 Cashing In On Your Great Ideas™ Series: Idea To Marketplace Resources Work-

shop. Experts present the myriad of resources available to creative individuals in all industries from the private sector, non profits, government and education. Examples of programs ranging from incubation to funding, intellectual property, marketing, licensing, strategic alliances, and global markets penetration are highlighted. Handout resources and Q & A, and a Matchmaking Session follows workshop.


SANTA BARBARA REGIONAL CHAPTER MEETINGS At The Ramada Inn at Turnpike and 101 Ventura Frwy in Santa Barbara. (note Summer schedule) THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5th THURSDAY OCTOBER 3rd THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7th Join us for one on one member counselings starting at 5PM. Official meeting starting at 6PM.

ONE ON ONE COUNSELING at UCSB AVAILABLE EVERY FRIDAY. Contact: Alan Tratner (805) 735-7261



Opportunity for Green2Gold, VSEC and IWI/EWI members: BOOTH BUDDIES: Opportunities for shared expense to obtain markets research and validation at trade show/consumer show and conference events. Upcoming Events: Where’s The Money Events September 21, 2013 Odyssey Restaurant Granada Hills, CA Oct 19, 2013 Hyatt Regency Embarcadero Center San Francisco

SPACE 2013

Sept. 10-12, 2013 San Diego Convention Center

SPACEVISION 2013 November 7-10, 2013 Arizona State University

Contact (805) 735-7261 for full arrangements and procedures. 5

Dear Members: You may not want to miss our innovative new cooperative shared opportunity for research, discovery, application and securing GRANTS/Grant Sponsorships for non profits and R&D/Technology Inventors/ Innovators via the 41 year Environmental Education Group 501 c 3 Non profit foundation. These are non debt and non equity sources of funding. After months of investigation, discussions at chapter meetings and workshops, aligning needed resources and investigating a win win program to benefit our members. The following are the elements and conditions for your participation in this novel program to benefit selected participating members of Green2Gold, SBEC, VSEC and IWI: 1 - Initial Program is for one entire year from start in August (one year period) 2 - Participants (members) share the cost of EEG Grants Cooperative Program (Program), thus making it exceptionally affordable. You may team up with other members on projects, but each member has equal share of costs as if independent. 3 - There is no limit to the discovery of grantor targets (philanthropic and corporate foundations) related to your specific project/technology, or non profit public benefit mission 4 - NO limit to number of grants secured for your project, so long as grantors requirements or limitations are met , and no conflicts between grantors exist. 5 - Participants can elect to renew and share for longer period after initial one year participation. 6 - Of course, there are no warranties of winning/securing a grant, but this is a great international grant search opportunity in this cooperative program. 7 - A contractual agreement (acceptance of this program outline) must be signed between member participant and EEG foundation for the administrative, legal, fiduciary, accounting, reporting, advisory aspects of any grants secured via this program. A % will be assessed of grant secured for these purposes. Also individually negotiated, additional EEG and/or it’s designated vendors, can be helpful to the elements of the grants, will become budget/ grant line items. EEG is solely responsible for all financial aspects of administrating the grant that is secured through EEG, including payments to Grantee(s)- which are members and EEG - and external contractors, resources, and thus assuring grantor the project funded is carried out fully and completely, with checks and balances needed to verify that performance. Follow up grant opportunities and applications may result to original grantor, upon a successfully completed grant project.



8 - Any grants secured through this program, or received after the 12 month period, or any renewed period, from this program activities are covered by the #7-agreements. 9 - Member participant will provide a list of targets to research for grants, such as key words or type of project, that will help locate the funding sources that may be available to you. If any extraordinary additional expense is required to carry out applications, etc, those costs will be individually negotiated and mutually approved by both EEG and Member, and member will cover those costs. 10 - Member participant will provide a quality Executive Summary for Grant Letters of Inquiry, or any additional information, documents, etc. required for grant applications, responses to grantors info requests, etc. 11- Participants must do everything possible to fulfill the requirements of any grant secured, communicate as needed, respond in timely manner, and make all efforts to assist in the writing of grant applications for your projects, identifying any external resources, potential contractors to carry out the elements to fulfill the grants, and have them approved by EEG. 12 - Since EEG’s 41 year history of receiving and administering grants and sponsorships, and it’s accomplishments reputation is at the forefront-- and assists the participant in this program--EEG retains the rights to reject a given Grant opportunity if it feels the grant requirements, timetable or other issues cannot be successfully met by member and EEG Grantees. 13 - The relationship of the member to the grants may take the form of one or more of these options, depending on grantor requirements: A-Program Manager B-Consultant C-Employee D-Volunteer E-Researcher 14 - The member is free to pursue any grant opportunities externally to this EEG Grants Cooperative Program that is not using EEG foundation as recipient or applicant (unless PreApproved by EEG) or, unless a pre-existing relationship was in place, with ample proof of that relationship provided to EEG in advance, but in any case, grants identified and applied for within this program are covered by all the conditions of this program above. 15 - If no grants are obtained in this round, the program ends. A renewal or new program may be offered to members/participants. 16 - In all cases, if a grant results from this program during or after program concludes, and via participation from the grants identified and applied for, the agreements and conditions in this program outlined in foregoing are in effect for a period of 5 Years. CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY IF YOU WISH TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS INNOVATIVE OPPORTUNITY TO FUND YOUR PROJECTS FROM POTENTIAL GRANTS DERIVED FROM QUALIFIED FOUNDATIONS WORLDWIDE.

Good Luck! Sincerely, Prof. Alan Tratner EEG Chairman 7

Come visit us at SPACE 2013 and SPACEVISION 2013



10–12 September 2013 San Diego Convention Center San Diego, California

Event Preview









Green2Gold Club at UCSB by Rachel Frazin Green2Gold is a responsible business student club at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The club is dedicated to developing market solutions for global environmental issues such as climate change, water supply, and alternative energy resources. The club is headed by Chairman of the Board, Alan Tratner, and Global Director of Public Affairs, Lielle Arad, and comprised of students from the university. Green2Gold has a global network of entrepreneurs and business partners, all with the united goal of solving problems through sustainable innovation and invention. There are internships and business opportunities available, as well as the opportunity to be a club member and head independent projects. Interns and club members attend and plan events such as the Isla Vista Earth Day and the SpaceTech Expo. Club members are instilled with a passion for the environment and a drive to better the planet. Green2Gold meetings are Fridays 10-12pm in the Career Services Center on the University of California, Santa Barbara campus.

California Systems Statewide Congress by Alan Tratner Green2Gold and the California Space Enterprise Center were invited to present a formal workshop at the University of California Systems Statewide Congress for over 500 students attending in Irvine, CA on August 9, 2013. We are excited to be expanding the opportunities of establishing Green2Gold Responsible Business student clubs for sustainable entrepreneurship, and making formal presentations, as well as events at UC campuses across California, and at selected High Schools.



Know Your Numbers Thanks to a Green2Gold member for this advice and insight.

Inventing something is one thing; inventing something profitable is another. This is a problem that one should think about sooner rather than later. A lot of talent and energy, as well as money, will be expended to develop a new commercial product or process. If it can’t be brought to the marketplace profitably, all is for naught. What should we be thinking about as we consider the problem? The following elements make up the problem: • What is the product or process to be delivered to the customer? • What are the costs involved in manufacturing or developing a product ready for delivery to the customer? • What will the product sell for? • How are you going to reach your market, what is it going to cost to enter the market and how are you going to do it? • What will it cost to sustain the market on a continuing basis? • What are you going to need in the way of administrative expenses? Will you need an office, accounting help, insurance, business licenses, employees, incur travel expenses? • Will you patent your invention? How much will this cost? These are all elements that should be considered early in the process. Once having gathered this information, time becomes an important factor. The critical issue is “How long before you reach a positive cash flow?” What resources will be needed to reach that point, with emphasis on cash? Are the resources available to do this? If not, where are they coming from? Once you can see your way to a positive cash flow, you can ask yourself the question, “Will the sales of the invention produce a sufficient return to make the time and effort expended worthwhile? If the answer is positive, you’re off and running.







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