Public Management and Governance

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Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA) School of Postgraduate Studies (SPS) Master of Public Management (MPM) 2011-2013 (Weekday and Weekend)

Semester 1


Module on Public Management and Governance Module conveners: Dr. I.H.K. Mahanama and Drs. Lieve Lodewyckx, mpa

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance


Semester 1

Session Plan Session Objective

The public sector is an important part of the state. It is important for public officers to understand the specific position of the state and its difference from the private sector.

Resource person

The origin and the specific role of the state and its institutions - Origins and nature of the State - States and nations -The meaning of Governance - State Institutions and their tasks - Public Administration and Public Management compared to other social sciences -Different roles of politicians and administrative officers. -Similarities and differences between Public Administration and Business Administration.

Session 2


The origins and principles of Democracy (1)

Sri Lanka officially is a democracy. Therefore the importance for public officers to understand the meaning of democracy and its consequences for their functioning.

- History and sources of modern Democracy - The Principles of democracy - Majority Rule and the Democratic Process - Democracy in developing and transitional countries. - Consequences for the public sector.

Session 3

The principles of Good Governance: efficiency and effectivity

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance



Semester 1


Session 1


Internationally some principles for a good functioning state are recognized. What are they and what do they mean for the way we should operate as public officers? Is the public sector in SL efficient and effective?

The principles of Good Governance : accountability and transparency

Internationally some principles for a good functioning state are recognized. What are they and what do they mean for the way we should operate as public officers? Is the public sector in SL accountable and transparent? What about media freedom in SL?

Session 5

The principles of Good Governance: the Rule of Law

Internationally some principles for a good functioning state are recognized. What are they and what do they mean for the way we should operate as public officers? Is the Rule of Law respected in SL?

Session 6

-Accountability as a principle of Good Governance -Transparency as a principle of Good Governance -Communicational instruments for transparency. -The role of the Media and the importance of Media freedom and investigation. - Consequences for the public sector

-The importance of the Rule of Law for development - Nature and scope of the Rule of Law. - Current development of Rule of law in Sri Lanka. - Consequences for the public sector

Someone from the Faculty of LAW in Colombo?

The principles of Good Governance: the combat against corruption

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance


Semester 1


Session 4

- Good Governance: principles, characteristics, trends, progress and problems. -The importance of Good Government for Development - Efficiency as a principle of Good Governance - Effectivity as a principle of Good Governance - Consequences for the public sector.

Is corruption something we should accept as ‘normal”? Does it exist everywhere in the world in the same way? Or are there differences between countries? Why do public officers involve in corrupt practices? Why should we combat it?

History, organization, reforms and the functioning of the Public Sector in Sri Lanka (1)

As public officers we need to know and - History of Public Sector reforms in Sri understand the history and the Lanka characteristics of the public sector in order to be able to cooperate in the improvement of it.

Session 8



History, organization, reforms and functioning of the Public Sector in Sri Lanka (2)

As public officers we need to know and understand the history and the characteristics of the public sector in order to be able to cooperate in the improvement of it.

Session 9 The public office is a typical example of ‘a bureaucracy’. In order to avoid its negative characteristics and improve it for the betterment of our development we need to


Actual characteristics and influence of the public sector in SL on the development of the country. Proposals for sustainable improvement.


Origins, strengths and weaknesses of bureaucracies - The principles of bureaucracy - Max Weber, his theories on bureaucracy and his influence on the development of the public sector. - Positive and negative characteristics of

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance


TW or RK or SR Page8

Session 7

- The meaning and complex nature of corruption. - Existing laws in SL on combating Corruption. - The causes, costs and effects of corruption. - How to combat corruption - The work of Transparency International - Consequences for the public sector.

Semester 1

bureaucracies. - Specific characteristics of bureaucracies in developing countries and in Sri Lanka - Challenges in the public service in Sri Lanka for a better performance. - Characteristics and dilemmas of ‘Street Level Bureaucracies’.

Session 10 What is the impact of globalization on independent countries? Sri Lanka is a member of the United Nations. What are the consequences? What is the impact of the work of the UN in Sri Lanka on the development of the country?

Globalization and International Cooperation - Globalization and its influence on independent states. - Types and purposes of Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO’s) - Examples of well known IGO’s - Examples of South Asian IGO’s - The United Nations as an important IGO. - The UN and its work in Sri Lanka - Consequences for the public sector.

Session 11 Sri Lanka is a developing country, wanting to become ‘the Wonder of Asia’. But, what precisely do we mean by ‘development’? Are there different views on it? And what is then the specific ‘Sri Lankan’ view? Has the public sector a role to play?

LL + someone of the UN in Colombo

Development theory and policies - Theories on development and the relation between developed and developing countries. -Evolution in international thinking on development assistance -Development in a market economy and macro economic state interventions. -The role of the state in development. - Consequences for the public sector

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance




understand specific nature of bureaucracies.

Semester 1

Session 12

Sustainable development NJ - Sustainable Infrastructure for development: roads, public and private transport, waterways, irrigation systems, post and communication systems. - Sustainable agricultural and Industrial policies. - Sustainable tourism - Consequences for the public sector

Session 13 Is development only infrastructural or is there also a need for social development? How do we use and improve our human resources? Is development only for the rich?

Redistributional Social Policies for development -

Session 14 Between the state and the private sector something exists that we call ‘Civil Society’. What is it, why does it exists and

The concept/theories/philosophies on social policy and ‘redistribution of wealth’. The importance of ‘social policy’ for development. Financial instruments: the use of taxes and subsidies for redistributional/social policies. Sustainable Educational and Health policies Consequences for the public sector

SS or LL

Civil Society : roles, rights and responsibilities of citizens - Definitions of Civil Society. - The role of Civil Society and NGO’s in a democracy

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance



The world nowadays sees more and more the consequences of unsustainable growth. We discover that the resources we use (oil, timber, water, air, soil, human beings, etc) are precious, vulnerable and exhaustible. How can we develop without spoiling our environment and our resources?

Semester 1

what is its function for development? As the public sector something to do with Civil Society?

- The relation between Civil Society and the state - Characteristics of Civil Society in Sri Lanka - The public sector and civil Society.

Session 15 - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its justification. - Power and the different ways it can be used. - The nature of discrimination - The abuse of discretionary powers and the need for ethics, values and standards in the public sector. - Sri Lankan organizations working on the issues of protection of rights. - The role of the public officer in the protection of Human Rights.



Nowadays everybody talks about ‘Human Rights’ and the concept is used for different purposes and politics. But, what do we really mean by human rights? Where does the concept come from? What is the philosophy behind it? How is the Human Rights situation in Sri Lanka and who defines that?

Human Rights

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance


Semester 1

Take home assignment: Subject: Assessment criteria: 1. Arguments and synthesis: logic, originality and relevance to set questions - 5 marks 2. Reading/references: sufficiency of factual evidence in support of arguments. Evidence of wide reading (as appropriate) – 5 marks 3. Structure of presentation: writing style leads to clarity of argument, maximum of 1000 words – 5 marks.

Submission date: ……………. 2012 Group Assignment: information will be given on a later date. Examination: Assessment and Weightings:

Marks 15 10 65 10

% % % %


Take home assignment: Group Assignment: organizational study report One three hour written examination: Attendance and active participation:

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance


Semester 1

Page8 Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance


Semester 1

Resource Persons: Sessions: I.M.


Dr. I.H.K. Mahanama Senior Consultant SLIDA Dr. Sepali Sudasinghe Ph.D. Development Administration Sep. Public Policy Mgt. Consultant SLIDA


Tel. 0112591265

Tel. 011 2591204

Sessions: LL

Drs. (Mrs) Lieve) Lodewyckx, mpa Consultant SLIDA,

Tel 0771851269

Sessions: RK

Dr. (Mrs) Ranjanee Kusumsiri De Alwis Ph.D. in Public Policy Additional Secretary Ministry of Technology and Research

Tel. 0112372289



Dr. Tharangani Wickramasinghe former Consultant SLIDA Ministry of Disaster Management Dr. Ranugge former Secretary of the Ministry of Export development & International Trade

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance

Tel 0714484264 Sessions:

Tel. 0718349100


Semester 1




Dr. Neranjala J. Jayasundara MSC Environment Economics BSC Agriculture Environment Management Disaster Risk Reduction

Sessions: Tel. 0112506054

Oversight of the sessions Weekday Date


Module convener

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Semester 1

Weekend Date


Module convener


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Module on Public Management/Administration and Governance


Semester 1

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