The Zeolite-Humic-Fulvic Connection

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The Zeolite-Humic-Fulvic Connection The community of alternative medicine practitioners is dedicated to pursuing all avenues of improved health. Among the most exciting new developments are probiotics and other powerful dietary supplements containing zeolite, humic and fulvic acids to help detoxify the body of heavy metals and enhance absorption of vital nutrients. The human body requires both major and trace minerals to achieve optimum health. Trace minerals are required in very small amounts—generally less than 100 milligrams per day—but they are vital micronutrients essential to good health. The key trace elements include iron, iodine, zinc and others. These trace elements are nature’s catalysts, enabling the work of enzymes, which generate all metabolic processes necessary for life. Fulvic acid bridges the gap between inert trace minerals like iron or zinc and essential dietary bulk minerals (those with recommended daily allowance greater than 200 mg per day). Scientists have long known the advantages of these elements for use in agriculture and industry. Now, they have been refined and adapted to be easily digested and used to aid in overcoming the nutritional gaps in today’s food supply. Throughout the developed and developing world, soils have become deficient in important trace elements, leading to nutritional shortfalls in many key foods. A complete, balanced diet is essential for good nutrition, but supplements play an important role in replacing those missing trace elements that are the key to healthy living. The Humic-Fulvic Acid Connection Fulvic acid is a component of humic acid, a major building block in the process of organic metabolism. It has the unique ability to chelate (break down) toxins and reduce them to a harmless state. Fulvic acid has a higher oxygen content than other humic acids and acts as an antioxidant, helping to remove excess free radicals. It consists of 100% organically complexed molecules which easily penetrate human tissues and cells. Scientists believe fulvic acid bridges the gap between inert trace minerals like iodine, and living, 100% organically complexed (carbon-based) trace minerals and enzymes. It is able to dissolve minerals and trace elements, transport nutrients into cells, catalyze enzyme reactions and stimulate metabolism. Fulvic acid helps detoxify the system of pollutants by binding and dissolving toxic, inorganic elements. Liquid Zeolite is recommended by alternative medicine practitioners as an effective way to detoxify the body of heavy metals. It is believed to work by absorbing positively charged toxic elements, allowing them to be excreted from the body. The clear, tasteless liquid can be administered daily in drops for an easy-to-use aid in improving health. Why Trace Minerals Matter Inadequate trace minerals in the diet can have serious consequences. One of the most important of the trace minerals is iodine. It is required for bio-synthesis of thyroxine, an essential thyroid hormone, and for the health of other organs including the stomach, breast, salivary glands,

thymus and more. As a result, we need larger quantities of it than many other trace minerals. Iodine supplements are recommended to avoid a deficiency in the diet, which can lead to significant health issues, including enlarged thyroid or goiter. The same cellular process works to transport 100% organically micro-complexed trace minerals into the system more effectively, through the small intestine, where most nutrition is absorbed. Through this process, vital trace minerals are linked to a protein or other organic carrier, assuring that the mineral has the best chance of being absorbed via digestive pathways. It’s less likely to get tied up (complexed) with other substances that pass through undigested. If the goal is to achieve optimum health with the aid of dietary supplements, it is important to choose organic trace minerals, meaning they are made from materials that contain living carbon (not synthetic carbonate). It’s best to counteract the effects of free radicals by eating foods rich in antioxidants, while supplementing the diet with an antioxidant like fulvic acid, or liquid zeolite. With the right combination of healthy foods and powerful supplements, each cell is able to perform at its maximum potential, leading to renewed health and vigor. About Life Enthusiast Life Enthusiast recommends a choice of several effective multi-vitamins and supplements that offer a complete blend of trace minerals. They offer a complete selection on their web site, along with extensive educational materials. They specialize in natural health solutions to reverse chronic degenerative conditions, and the sources of aging and pain. Summary With the right combination of healthy foods and powerful supplements, each cell is able to perform at its maximum potential, leading to renewed health and vigor. The human body requires both major and trace minerals to achieve optimum health. Fulvic acid, a component of humic acid, bridges the gap between inert trace minerals like iron or zinc and essential dietary bulk minerals. Liquid Zeolite is recommended by alternative medicine practitioners as an effective way to detoxify the body of heavy metals. Sources: 1.

McNeil, Donald G. Jr (2006-12-16), "In Raising the World’s I.Q., the Secret’s in the Salt". New York Times.

Keywords: probiotics, serrapeptase, iodine supplements, ormus, ellagic acid, magnesium supplement, cellerciser

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