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Off to a Bad Start

The Long Way Home Female Book 1

About this Shellbook This Shellbook Life Story is based on true events in the lives of current and former offenders. It was developed for use in Peer Education Programs of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. After a thorough discussion about the story and its meaning, each peer group will have an opportunity to rewrite it in their own words. Then they'll be able to publish their version for their own use, and to share with family, friends, and others.

You can download a print-ready version of this Shellbook, or an adaptable version with complete Facilitator's Guide at: www.lifestories.shellbook.net To learn how your organization can partner with the Life Access Technology Trust to help offenders and their families adapt and print this and other Shellbooks please visit: www.ourcommunitylibrary.org

Off to a Bad Start

By Kelly, Angie, Nicole & Sharon Crain Unit September 2010

Jane is out of prison on flat release. Her mother welcomes her home. But she worries about Jane. Will she go back to drugs and her abusive ex?

“Honey, I know you’ll do good this time.”


Jane starts a waitress job. She does really well and makes great tips.

“And what will you have, sir?�


Jane’s mother is happy and hopeful. She tells Jane's sister.

“Jane is heading the right way. She even helps with the groceries and bills!"


One day Jane has to work late. Her only ride home is with her ex. Her mom sees Jane getting out of his truck and runs out of the house screaming …

“Why are you with him?”


In her anger, her mom says a lot of hurtful things. She doesn't even let Jane explain. Finally Jane has had it. She shouts …

“I’m a grown woman now. But you still treat me like a child!”


Jane jumps back into her ex- husband’s truck. They drive away.

“I have to get away from her!”


Jane and her ex go to the motel where he lives … and deals drugs.

“Baby! Don’t worry! Don’t I always take care of you?”


Jane starts using again. So she loses her job. She has no place to stay but with her ex.

“How did I end up here again?�


Soon Jane sees she has sores down there. So she walks to a clinic nearby.

“I’m sorry to tell you, but you have herpes.”


Jane goes back to the motel. She sees a young girl getting in her ex’s truck.

“What are you looking at?”


A few months later, Jane feels really sick. And the glands in her neck are swollen.

“I can’t seem to get over this flu!”


Jane goes back to the clinic for more tests. The nurse has bad news.

“I'm sorry, Jane. Your test came back positive for HIV.�


"Jane's" story is based on true life events. It was written and acted out by a group of offenders and public health experts after discussions in the Crain Unit, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, in September 2010. After discussing "Off to a Bad Start", your peer education group may rewrite and publish its own version of the story to share with family, friends, or others who may need to think about the same kind of things "Jane" did... Pass it on!

"... the truth will set you free!"




About The Long Way Home Series These Shellbook Life Stories were developed for use in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Health Services Peer Education Program. They are a collaborative effort by: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Current and formerly incarcerated offenders in TDCJ Life Access Technology Trust TDCJ Health Services Division Texas Department of State Health Services HIV/STD Prevention and Care Branch University of Texas Medical Branch Correctional Managed Health Care TDCJ Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairment TDCJ Correctional Institutions Division unit staff TDCJ Parole Division TDCJ Chaplaincy Department Wardens, Chaplains, staff, and peer educators at the Huntsville and Crain Units Restorative Justice Planning Council AIDS Foundation Houston Ryan White Planning Council Center for AIDS Information and Advocacy Houston Regional HIV/AIDS Resource Group Carrell Word Wranglers The Shellbook Group GypsyCat Photography

The Long Way Home Series includes four illustrated Shellbook Life Story prototypes, two each for male and female prereleases. Book 1: Bad Decisions! (men's) Off to a Bad Start (women's) Book 2: Joe Gets Help (men's) Finding the Way (women's)


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