1 minute read
Moses’ and Aaron’s Clans
Sons of Aaron the high priest 3:2 See genealogical table at 3:2 above. Camp Location: East of the tabernacle, toward the sunrise, in front of the meeting tent 3:38 Serving Responsibilities 3:38
Guard the sanctuary on behalf of the Israelites.
Note: Others approaching the sanctuary are to be put to death.
Eleazar son of Aaron the priest is to take care of the 4:16
Oil for the light
Fragrant incense
Regular grain offering
Anointing oil
Entire tabernacle (everything in it, including its holy furnishings and articles) Traveling Responsibilities
When the camp is preparing to set out, Aaron and his sons shall come and do the following: 4:5
Ark of the covenant Take down the screening veil Cover the ark of the covenant with the veil Cover the veil with leather 4:6 Spread a solid blue cloth over the leather Insert its carrying poles into the rings on the sides
Table of the bread of the Presence 7 Spread a blue cloth over the table Put on the blue cloth the Plates Dishes and bowls Drink offering jars Bread of the Presence (which must be continually there) Spread a scarlet cloth over these 8 Cover them all with leather Insert the table’s carrying poles into its rings
Lampstand that gives light 9 Cover the lampstand with a blue cloth: the lamps, wick trimmers, trays, and jars used to supply the oil Wrap all the utensils in a covering of leather 10 Put it all on a carrying frame
Gold incense altar 11 Spread a blue cloth over the altar Cover that with leather Insert its carrying poles into its rings
Sanctuary service utensils 12 Wrap them in a blue cloth Cover the blue cloth with leather Put them on a carrying frame