Jesus the I AM

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Day 2 I AM the God of Your Fathers God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The L , the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all genera ons.” —Exodus 3:15


have a heritage of faith that goes back through both sides of my family tree. Every year, one side of the family gets together for a reunion. We camp in the North Georgia mountains, and we plan a worship service for the Sunday we are together. That me of worship brings together those in the past who taught us, guided us, and brought us to faith. Our worship also focuses on what God is doing in our extended family. We’ve prayed over those whom God has called into ministry, and we’ve celebrated decisions children have made in bap sm. Read Exodus 3:15–20. God con nued to tell Moses how to iden fy Him to the Israelites. In these verses, God responded with a history lesson. Note the word “also” in verse 15. God the I AM was also the God of the Israelites’ past. He was the God who had been with their fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was the God who had been with them since the beginning. He was their God. And He would exist with them forever. The phrase I AM can also be understood with the verb “to be.” It shows the essence of who God is. And it points to God’s promise: “I will be with you.” Quite simply, God was and is the I AM. His purpose is to be with His people. Think about what you know about God––His characteris cs of mercy and forgiveness, His desire for a just and righteous world, His ability to love beyond measure. Think about who God is––He is the Creator and Designer of heaven and earth. He is the beginning and the end of everything. He is everything. He is the I AM.


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