Christ Student Devotional Book Preview

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INTRO HOW TO USE THIS BOOK To grow as a Christian, you have to know the One you’ve chosen to follow. Because Jesus is gracious, he doesn’t ask that we know everything about him in order to be saved (thank goodness). But as we continue to mature in our faith, we need to fully grasp who Jesus is. This journal is designed to help you travel through virtually every aspect of Jesus’ life in 48 weeks. To assist you on this journey, each week includes a few different sections. Here’s how to use them:

Introduction: These are short sections that introduce each week of devotionals. Read the Introduction section to get a picture of what the week’s devotions will center on. Daily Devotions: Now we’re getting to the good stuff. This journal is designed to walk you through five days of devotions each week. And each devotion contains a Scripture passage and a paragraph of text. Always start by reading the Scripture passage in your Bible, and then read the text. Look for ways that the text unlocks some truths of Scripture you may not have noticed before. Daily Questions: After each devotional paragraph, you’ll find questions designed to get you thinking. When you read these questions, take a moment to really consider what they’re asking. Listen to the Holy Spirit as he teaches you through Scripture. Then record your thoughts in the Journal Space.




Journal Spaces: You’ll notice this book is different from many books you’ve read before because it’s designed to be filled with your thoughts. Use the space provided to record your reactions to each devotional passage. Or use it to write a prayer request or praise to God. Use it any way you please. It’s your journal. There are no rules, just guidelines. The important thing is to listen to God and open your heart in response to his leading.

If you take the time to read the devotionals prayerfully and with the anticipation that God will reveal new things to you, then you’ll be amazed at what will flow through your pen or pencil and onto the pages.

DO YOU KNOW JESUS? This is a familiar question, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s asked with an add-on phrase, “Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior?” Your salvation is important, but that’s not what the question really means here. This question asks whether you really know Jesus. Do you know about his life? His teachings? His innermost thoughts? How he related to other people? Do you know about the miracles he performed? Do you know about the events surrounding his death and resurrection? Do you know him? Now, you may know a little about Jesus. You should, since he’s the best-known figure in all of history. It’s safe to say no other person has been the subject of so much discussion, literature, art, music, and even conflict. He never wrote a book, led an army, or held a public office. He wasn’t a gifted athlete or chart-topping musician, nor did he appear on television or in film. Yet for centuries before his birth, people waited for his arrival and longed for the impact


he’d make one day. In the centuries since, countless people have responded to his love and have been transformed by the Spirit he left behind. And though he was extremely popular while he lived on this earth, many who heard of him during that time wondered, Who is this man? You know what? Not much has changed since then. For 2,000 years people have wrestled with the question of his identity. Don’t believe it? Try this little experiment sometime: Just mention the name “Jesus” during a conversation and watch the person’s reaction. Whether people react positively or negatively toward Jesus, they all react. No one is ambivalent. Jesus’ claims about who he is are too powerful. Through your work in this journal, you’ll encounter history’s central figure. Beginning with Old Testament prophecy about Jesus’ coming and continuing all the way to Jesus’ own prophecy about his return, you’ll take an in-depth look at Jesus Christ. As you witness his miracles, listen to his teachings, and contemplate his lifestyle during the threeyear period of his ministry, you’ll begin to answer the question: How well do I really know Jesus? Each week introduces a new moment in Jesus’ life on earth and reveals more about his life and work. But this is much more than a series of history lessons. These devotions will also point to the impact that Jesus Christ can have on your life. And by responding to each day’s devotional passage with your own thoughts, you’ll gradually grow and mature in your walk with Jesus. Above all, the goal of this journal is to help you discover the peace, joy, hope, love, strength, and life that are offered to you as a result of what Jesus did so long ago and continues to do today.




The journey to a fuller knowledge of Christ begins here. Are you ready? Are you ready to answer the question: How well do I really know Jesus?


THE BIBLE ON JESUS: JESUS AS THE FOCUS OF THE BIBLE MEMORY VERSE “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14)

INTRODUCTION Get ready! You’re about to embark on the greatest adventure of your life. For the next year, you’ll get to know—in a very personal way— the most amazing man who ever walked the face of the earth: Jesus Christ. He’s amazing because of who he actually is—the God of the universe who created all things with just a spoken word. He became man so humankind could know him. He designed you specifically for an exciting purpose. He wired you with a deep craving to know him. Why is it so vital that you take time to look at Jesus Christ? That’s easy. The more you know him, what he’s like, and why he does and says what he does and says, the more you’ll fall in love with him and trust him. You’ll be ready to do what he calls you to do. You’ll be able to live the adventures for which he created you. The adventure begins in the following pages. Once you take an indepth look at this amazing God, you’ll never be the same. Over the next year, you’ll have the opportunity to get alone with the God of the universe—just you and him—as he speaks to you personally through his Word and his Spirit. I encourage you to write down your thoughts in the Journal Space to help you remember everything God reveals to you. Now grab your Bible and get ready to take an up-close and personal look at the God who created you, designed you, loves you, and gave his all for you as we get intimate with Jesus Christ. 11



DAILY DEVOTIONS Day 1 John 5:39-40

Scripture testifies about Jesus. The word testify means to “make a statement based on evidence or proof” or “to give evidence.” Jesus was saying that as you read Scripture, it will show evidence or proof of who he is. Why? So you’ll come to know him and to experience life the way you were designed to live it—to the fullest! Our main purpose in reading the Bible is to see the evidence of who Jesus is, to know him, and to experience real life by coming to him. As you get to know Jesus better by reading God’s Word, you’ll trust him more with your life and learn to obey him. Then real life begins. The challenge is whether or not you believe Jesus is who he says he is. If you do, then what will you do with this knowledge? As you begin this very personal journey to “diligently study the Scriptures” in order to know Jesus better, what’s one question you’d like answered about Jesus or one thing you’d like to discover? Why doesn’t everybody turn to Jesus?

Day 2 John 1:1-5, 14

This is some pretty heavy stuff. John tells us that Jesus is “the Word.” He rules all things. He made all things. He is life itself. In fact, life doesn’t exist without him.


Jesus is light to all people. He is God. He actually became flesh so we could know what God is like. This is the One you’re choosing to spend a few minutes with each day. Is it worth the sacrifice? Take a moment and ask Jesus to help you know him deeper as you study his life. Read John 1:1-5, 14 again. What one aspect of who Jesus is speaks to you the most now? Why? Would anything in your life cause you to choose to stay in darkness, as described in verse 5? How would you explain that excuse? Write down the name of one person with whom you’d like to share Jesus. Pray for an opportunity to show Jesus to that person.

Day 3 Colossians 1:15-18

Write what Colossians 1:15-18 says Jesus has done. Now you’re beginning to understand who this Jesus really is. Read the verses again. Be silent and let the truth of those verses sink into your mind. Jesus leaves no other option as to who he says he is. He doesn’t claim to be a great teacher or a great man. He claims to be God, the Maker and Sustainer of all things—including you. Think about what this means. This truly magnificent God loves you. You’re important to him. As verse 18 clearly states, he wants supremacy in your life so he can guide you to become what he created you to be.




Take a moment and praise (i.e., give value to) God. Write down one thought based on what you just read.

Day 4 Colossians 1:13-14, 19-23

Isn’t it amazing to realize that our awesome God reconciled with us through Jesus? This means God restored our friendship with him. In spite of whatever you’ve done wrong, Jesus has paid the price to rescue you. You cannot do one bad thing that he hasn’t already paid for with his death and resurrection. And he did this so you can come to really know him. Thus, your challenge is to accept the adventure of spending a few moments each day getting to know Jesus better. How does it make you feel to know what Jesus did for you? Take a few moments and thank God for what he’s done for you in spite of the circumstances that may be occurring in your life.


Day 5 Philippians 2:5-11

Talk about a challenge. This Scripture passage encourages us to develop the same attitude that Jesus possessed. Now how does one do that? Obviously, by your choices and through the power of God in your life (assuming you’ve made the choice to become a Christian). Servanthood and humility are two words that come to mind as we read about Jesus’ attitude. Since he’s all-powerful (as we’ve already read in Scripture these last four days), he chose to set aside his nature as God to be obedient and die for our sins. Why? So God’s name would be honored as people like you and me yield our lives to him and allow him to live through us. Write down at least five different aspects of Jesus’ character or five of his actions that show us his humility and obedience to God the Father. What part of your attitude is the most difficult to yield to God, yet the most necessary if you’re to begin developing Jesus’ attitude in your life?


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