DAY 1 YOU BE THE INFLUENCE Case Keenum Quarterback Cleveland Browns By Del Duduit
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. —Proverbs 13:20
During Case Keenum’s time playing in the NFL, he’s had the opportunity to build solid friendships with his teammates on different squads, and he enjoys the potential to have a positive influence in the locker room. Case learned the significance of letting his light shine to others when he was a young man involved with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. The FCA challenges coaches and athletes at all levels to use their platforms to share the power of Jesus Christ with everyone. The organization serves local communities around the globe and inspires others to change the world with the gospel. “It’s been a big part of my life,” Case said. “I grew up in the FCA family—it’s in my blood so to speak.”