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DAY 15: Worth It

rarely do we have the privilege of seeing the whole picture beforehand, so don’t waste time waiting until you do.

If you think God is calling you to adopt, but you’re not quite sure, here’s what you do: First, immerse yourself daily in His Word. Romans 12:2 says that if we want to know God’s will, our minds need to be renewed. God’s Word renews our minds. And then? Do the next thing. Take the next step. Trust that God will always bless a heart that wants to obey and that He will direct your steps, either way.

Father, My heart’s desire is to obey You. I know that there is no better or safer place to be than the center of Your will, but sometimes it’s hard to know exactly where that is. Help me to faithfully saturate my life with Your Word so that my mind can be sharp to discern Your “good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2). Help me to listen to You; help me to surrender to Your dreams for me. Give me courage to take the next step even when I’m not completely sure of what You want me to do. It’s so comforting to know that You are bigger than my human understanding and misinterpretations. "ank You for always honoring a heart that desires to know and walk with You.

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