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Day 1

The steadfast love of the Lordnever ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.—Lamentations 3:22–23 Here, let me show you a picture. I took it yesterday. I was making the corner, going to get milk, when I saw this wobbly-legged newborn staggering around his mother. She had just delivered him. My shepherd brother-in-law said, “Now you’re a sheep farmer—the "rst lamb born on your property.” Jesus told the story of the lost sheep. #e shepherd le* the ninety-nine sheep in the fold and went searching for the one that was lost. When he found it, he put it on his shoulders and carried it home. He was so happy that he called all his friends for a party.

I struggled a little bit each time I read that parable, wondering why a grown man would be so happy to "nd a sheep that he would sling it on his shoulders for the long walk home from the "eld. But when I saw this little lamb I realized how precious and amazing these creatures are. I picked her up, the mother watching, and carried her to the stable. #e steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies are new every morning.

God is doing something new in you and for you. Receive this truth as you move through your day. Keep your eyes open for the mercies that God extends to you—moments of grace, beauty, and goodness that reveal His presence in your life.

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