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1. Afghan Hound

1. Afghan Hound

Afghan Hound

Doggie Stats


25 to 27 inches; 50 to 60 pounds

The Afghan Hound is recognized as one of the oldest breeds of purebred dogs. Despite being bred in remote parts of Afghanistan as a hunting dog, the Afghan Hound became a favorite of the royals and the upper class. It was introduced to the Western world in the 1800s.1

The Afghan Hound won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1957 and 1983.


How Do You Handle Correction?

Originally used for hunting large prey in both the deserts and the mountains of Afghanistan, the Afghan's long fur coat was needed for warmth. The fact that its coat is lovely is just an added bonus. The Afghan is fast and can run great distances, which made it a great hunting companion. Also, it was able to hold off dangerous animals such as leopards, protecting its owners at all costs. Today, not too many Afghans are hunting or defending against leopards. Instead, they are most likely lounging on the family couch. But, make no mistake, this breed may not want to share the couch with you. The Afghan acts a little bit like a cat, only wanting affection on its terms.

Honestly, if the dog world had a supermodel, it would be the Afghan Hound. With its flowing, silky coat, distinct narrow features, and dignified (sometimes standoffish) attitude, the Afghan Hound is a beautiful, sophisticated dog. But this breed has more than beauty going for it. The Afghan

hound is also quite intelligent and a great problem solver. But it's a very stubborn breed, which makes it difficult to train. Here's what else—Afghans are very sensitive animals. They do not respond well to harsh correction, so when you train them, you have to be gentle.

Let's face it. Nobody likes correction—especially harsh correction. But, like the Afghan, we have to be corrected in order to become better. And, the way we receive God's correction and training is by reading the Bible and following His commandments. Without discipline, we can't become the people God has created us to be. Proverbs 12:1 says, “To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction” (NLT). That's pretty clear, isn't it? The best part about God's correction? It's always gentle, and it's always in your best interest. You can trust Him.

Unleash the Truth: “No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it's painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.” (Hebrews 12:11 NLT)

Digging Deeper: How do you feel when someone corrects you? Do you respond with a good attitude, knowing that correction will help you grow into a better person?

Fido 411: Did you know that famed artist Pablo Picasso often featured his Afghan “Kabul” in his paintings? It's true!2

Weekly Tail-Waggers: The next time your parents or your teacher or someone else close to you corrects you, take notice of how you respond. Are you too sensitive to receive correction? Do you react with a good attitude? Ask God to help you grow in this area.


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