4 minute read

Lesson 4: Matthew 4: Satan’s Temptations

How to Use this Bible Study Series

e Complete Portrait of the Messiah Bible study series contains multiple components for each lesson. ese components work together to provide an in-depth study of how Jesus is revealed throughout the whole of Scripture. Below is a description of each component and how you can use each one to maximize your study experience.

Teaching Notes & Video Lessons e teaching notes summarize the main points of each video lesson and include a QR code to access the video teaching. If you have access to the internet via your phone or tablet, you can scan the QR code to watch the video lesson.*

e Daily Word Devotional Dig deeper into personal application for each lesson through “ e Daily Word” devotion. is day-by-day devotion encourages you with thoughts for application and further Scripture readings.

Reading Guide Questions ese questions will guide you into a more detailed exploration of each lesson’s content. Examine the concepts of the daily Scripture readings in more detail.

e Bible Art Collection is Bible study series is augmented by a one-of-a-kind, especially inspired series of original artwork created by artist Mindi Oaten. ese 66 acrylic paintings creatively depict the revelation of Christ in each book of the Bible. Viewing each of these original art pieces will inspire and further enrich your understanding of Jesus throughout all of the Scriptures. ese can be found at https://www.mindioaten.com/pages/mindi-oaten-art-bible-art-collection or https://www.reviveschool.org/

About the Cover

Matthew “Messiah the King: Promise Fulfilled”

Artist Notes: Mindi Oaten

As the book of Matthew begins the New Testament, I felt it was important to connect the garden in Genesis, the very beginning, to the arrival of Jesus on earth. e promised Seed is now represented as a full-grown tree. e manger on top of this tree represents the birth of the promised Messiah. He was born under the humblest of circumstances, in a stable, but would grow up to reign as King. Many Old Testament prophecies pointed to this moment, the arrival of the longawaited Messiah, the Deliverer, who came as the Atonement for our sins and to set up the kingdom of God on earth.

The Tree

e historical record of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of

Abraham. —Matthew 1:1

e tree represents the generational line of Jesus recorded in chapter 1. Jesus, the promised Seed, was born of the virgin Mary, who was a descendant in the line of David, and traces back to Abraham. Jesus came to save the world and bring God’s kingdom to earth where He will reign as eternal King. is painting is like part two of Genesis. e seed is now the tree fully grown. Jesus has come!

The Manger

rough the manger, I wanted to symbolize the birth of Jesus, His entrance as Savior on earth, as well as the promised Seed fulfilled. I realize the manger detail is not mentioned in Matthew like it is in Luke 2:7, but it seemed the best way to portray His birth in this painting.

The Crown

is took place so that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled:

Tell Daughter Zion, “Look, your King is coming to you,

gentle, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.” —Matthew 21:4–5

ey twisted together a crown of thorns, put it on His head, and placed a reed in His right hand. And they knelt down before Him and mocked Him: “Hail, King of the Jews!” —Matthew 27:29

Jesus is Messiah the King. erefore, I painted half the crown as twisted thorns (born to die) and half as a king’s crown (eternal kingship). e dual crown shows his purpose as an eternal King who was to suffer and die—being the ultimate sacrifice to redeem us back to the Father and eventually reigning over the kingdom of heaven set up on earth.

The Starry Sky and the Star

After hearing the king, they went on their way. And there it was—the star they had seen in the east! It led them until it came and stopped above the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed beyond measure. —Matthew 2:9–10

e background, emphasized by the star of Bethlehem guiding the wise men to the stable and declaring His arrival, represents the sky on the night Jesus was born. While painting the sky, I had an incredible experience of feeling the presence of God and seeing His hand in creation. It was overwhelming.

Flowers—Garden Flowers from Genesis

On the ground, under the tree, are garden flowers that reference back to Genesis. I painted twelve species of flowers to represent the twelve tribes, including Judah, the lineage of Jesus Christ. is speaks to the chosen generational line until the arrival of the Messiah who was Jewish. God chose Jesus to come through His elect people, the Israelites, and He is the fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy that the Messiah would be a descendant of David. In this composition, I included the yellow Star of Bethlehem flowers as they seemed an appropriate witness to the star that guided the wise men.

*In reviveSCHOOL, the theme name for Jesus in Matthew is King.

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